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OFS demo

’ Where were


brought a strong round of applause from the gathering and after a few more morale-building comments, the group moved out to the street. Led by the loudspeakers and megaphones in the chant: “Two, four, six, eight; Stop the cutback; Fight the state!“, the mass descended on Queen’s Park. Several short speeches were given by OFS representatives, a high school student and the Toronto mayoralty candidate of the Young Socialists. Several rounds of “fight the state” later, the man of the hour appearedJack McNie, minister of colleges and universities. After thanking the students for inviting him out to speak, McNie said the fee problem was indeed high on his list of priorities, -but that he had many other issues to consider at the same time. He noted that students are now questioning the worth of a higher education and said he did not believe that free access to university would increase the ‘number of students from working class families. His views were not appreciated by the crowd, and during the uproar he slipped back into the building. The NDP, recognizing a situation ripe for campaigning, voiced their support for the students’ sentiments echoed by representatives from the Ontario Federation of Labour. Shane Roberts, president-elect of the UW federation, was the last speaker heard at Queen’s Park. Roberts spoke out against what he termed, “the government’s conspiracy” to keep the power in the

A province-wide demonstration called by the Ontario Federation of Students for the opening day of the provincial legislature’s current session sputtered its way into history tuesday afternoon in Toronto. Attendance at the ‘mass’ demonstration was poor with participation of only 500 of 100,100 post-secondary students across Ontario. UW dug up 22 students and a crazed bus driver for the trip to Queen’s Park. Cold weather, long distances for some campuses, and the scheduling of the demonstration on a class day, can -hands of the wealthy by making all be used as excuses for the poor higher education an improbable turnout. Most observers and ideal of the working class. participants, however, agreed that The group then wandered back the hands-off policy of student to Convocation Hall for more administration at Toronto, Queen’s speeches and analysis of the day’s and Western, three of the largest events and non-events. A hassle campuses, was the major factor. -continued on page 7 Hoped-for negotiations between OFS executive and the provincial government collapsed on november 16, when premier Bill Davis refused to guarantee that Ontario Student Loan Program loan ceilings would not be raised next year. Davis promised no fee increases for the fall, but refused to commit himself on anything beyond that. The OFS demonstration of strength was called for 2 pm, following an information period at U of T’s Convocation Hall. The high point of the hour was the Monday night’s federation reading of a letter of support from the first enstudents in Regina. The letter was meeting _ marked between president-elect, written from the dean’s office at counter Shane Roberts, and the council, the University of Saskatchewan but even this failed to evoke inwhich the students were occupying terest in a great number of council in protest of faculty cutbacks and members. It was 45 minutes before action against staff-student parity a quorum was ‘obtained and on departmental committees. This business could be considered.

‘new’ exec

The elusive Ontario student masses band together policy on student financing of their post-secondary


photo bv brian cere

jeff Beckner and Doug Criesbach were appointed co-chairmen of the federation’s board of student tivities at monday night’s council meeting which approved the appointment of executive members serve under newly-elected president, Shane Roberts.



The Kraft boycott, which the evidence of company harassment federation supports, was the first . of the union and its supporters in issue that faced council. Since an attempt to remain union-free. Kraft products, primarily cheese, Since last year, Zehrs has openly are used by, the kitchens on this supported the formation and campus, Bob Moodie, head of Food growth of a number of staff Services was approached by the associations in attempts to precouncil about the problem. The empt the union. Carl Zinkan, Zehrs director of food services refused to vice-president, sent letters to all cooperate with the students’ staff members recognizing one of suggestion of honouring the‘ -the staff associations last summer. boycott, claiming that- the conThese associations, however, have tract, in effect until next april, yet to be recognized by the labor must be upheld. Moodie stated relations board because of further that he was in no position to irregularities in the signing up of make a political decision. In view members. of this, council decided to take the The latest staff organization the administration, matter to Diamond Z association, was forpresident Matthews, the student med with the help of Kitchener senators, and the board of lawyer and alderman Merv governors, hoping supportive Villemaire (who voted against the action will be taken. Zehrs stores in Waterloo -have anti-strikebreaking motion in What could have been the most been the scene of a hard-fought Kitchener council this summer.) interesting point of the eveningstruggle between the company The new associationpresident, Ted the appointment of the new management and the Retail Clerks Dale has been employed at Zehrs executive-wasn’t. Roberts chose Union. The RCU local 206 from less than a year and has been to stick, for the most part, with the Guelph has been attempting to allowed to campaign for memold executive. This is the line-up organize the part-time employees bership on company property -continued on page 4 at Zehrs for the past eight months while the employees are on duty. and has seen a family split and Union reps on the other hand, have supporters fired over the issue. been harassed by management The family in question is that of and threatened with trespassing Herb Artman Sr., assistant per- charges. sonnel manager for Zehrs stores in Management has also cut the Waterloo. He is also a member and working time of a number of staff former business manage? of the who have openly supported the local projectionists’ union. His son union-from 20 hours or more a Herb Hartman Jr. was a part-time week to 5 and 6 hours a week. Antiemployee at Zehrs and an ap- union propaganda has been inprentice projectionist last may. cluded in pay envelopes. Late in may after Artman Jr. had John Shaw, manager of the been seen associating with a proZehrs’ Lexington store has been union employee, Artman Sr. threw pressuring staff to tell him him out of the house. whether they have signed with the “I was kicked out because I was union or not-another apparent hanging out with a union supporter intimidation of union supporters, from the Bridgeport store” Artespecially in light of the exman junior said. “I wasn’t even a perience of one of the store’s partunion member at the time!” Arttime employees. man Jr. was informed soon after Alan Hicks was fired on by his father that he had been fired november 10. “They told me my as an apprentice projectionist. A sideburns were too long” he said. move was made to fire him from “After work one day Ted Dale Zehrs as well. RCU represenwas arguing with me that the tatives are very upset over the association was better than the Artman Sr. actions, which they union,” Hicks commented. “He feel are extremely severe for even said once he was going to show me a personnel manager let alone a how the union was lying, but he member of a fraternal union. They on the steps of Queen’s Park to protest government never -did come up with any inlook upon his actions as just one education during tuesday’s OFS demonstration. -continued on page 4


photo by randy hannigan


University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 13, number 25 friday, november 24,1972

Zehrs f ig-hts union

2 the


siderable social changes were produced by a number of economic incidents. The sudden and steep rise in the prices of grain and other produce resulted in an appreciable influx of capital. Along with the large scale Irish immigration, the closure of free land brought about the gradual growth of a working class. During this stage there was also the rearrangement of craft commodity production and the development of an international network ofunions. This era, which included the depression of 1874 resulting in widespread , unemployment, left an enormous labor surplus and preceded the “take off” period in Canada. From the 1880’s and 1890’s to approximately 1921 was the third stage of social development, largely affected by this economic “take off”. During and after the 1880’s, the first large-scale importation of capital occured, mostly from the United States. Accompanying this event was the setting up of high tariff barriers. Moreover, the introduction of mass production techniques, attended by specialization and the division of labour, _led to multiplied produc’ tivity. With the developing cartelization and economic transformations came “industrial ‘unrest” and /social criticism of working conditions. Displaced workers became morally critical conditions of of “sweatshop” employed women and children, while the corruption and collusion Last thursday in the humanities that flowed from the cartelization building, Maria Arguelles-Canive, aggravated ,the public disquiet. chairwoman of the academic ac- And the small-scale production tivities committee, introduced U of units that had become comW history professor Leo Johnson to monplace prior to the 1890’s went discuss the subject of “The by the wayside as large-scale Development of Social Class in pyramidal organizations and the Professor Johnson Canada.” emergence of a managerial class began by stating that his marxist came to the fore. As Johnson analysis would include four levels described them, these social of interpretation, a “broad changes seemed sweeping in periodization of the development of nature. social class in the marxist sense,” From 1921 to the present, and an assessment of current economic conditions and. changes tendencies in the development of produced certain changes in the social class. labor force. Although there was The first of the four levels of capital influx during this period, interpretation includes that which the influx was not continual. Inhas occured along with what is deed, from 1931 to 1951 there was occuring to the people in terms of almost none of it. Between 1951 and conditions and changes in the 1965 there was some importation of mode of production. The second of capital into the country. these levels is the ideological Nonetheless, large-scale foreign’ reaction of the people to the con- control of manufacturing, mining, ditions and changes effected by the and smelting remains a fact, he mode of production. The third level went on. consists of the inter-relations These economic developments between changes at the level of the were said to have had numerous means of production and the level social effects. Among the effects of ideological reaction. Johnson’s was the incorporation of masses of final level pertains to an analysis, manpower from the agricultural based on the above levels, of the (small farmers) into the circumstances and possibilities for capitalistic sector of the economy. producing desired change. Another effect was the According to Johnson, the first stereotyping of men at the top of level deals with the basis of social the manufacturing industries. class formation. Because it is “the Furthermore, with the reduction of necessity of living and creating”, the size of the professional and the inter-relation between social managerial classes mentioned, class and the means of production there has allegedly come about a are the determining factors in the loss of status on the part of the development of social cohesion. white collar worker, the conGiving this economic frame of sequence having been a reference, Johnson set forth a four“proletarianization .of. the part periodization of Canadian pyramidal organization of the social class formation. He dated white collar workers.” the first (colonial) stage of such An enormous input of women development from the time of into the work force filled the conquest to the 1850’s and 1860’s. middle sector, consisting mostly of Possessed of little capital during clerical and machine work. As a that period, Canadian society result, few women were left in underwent a transformation from either the upper or lower levels of an aristocratic-peasant, comwork. Men, of course, constituted modity-producing milieu to one in the lower level labor pool. To , which independent ownership of support the idea of the increased leveling of the social class craft commodity production became the dominant economic pyramid, Johnson noted that 83 per force. That change was the cent of the population now works predominant character of the first for wages and salaries-60 per cent stage and a condition that lasted of them being blue collar workers until the 1870’s. and their families. Johnson described the era from In the ensuing question and the late 1860’s to the 1880's as a answer period, Johnson admitted period iAl which gradual yet conthat his discussion emphasized the

Growth’ Qf class


UW history professor Leo johnson spoke to students last thursday the historica/ development of social class in Canada.

first level of interpretation almost to the exclusion of the other three that he said were necessary for a complete analysis. Because of the time limit, he concentrated on the ec’onomic basis of social development. He explained that he considered that basis the primary determinant in the dynamics of political and social change; in his opinion the economic substructure of the system is the main force of change, and not the other way around. For this reason he did not analyze social class from many of its other ’ indicators-among others, these include occupation, social status, social opportunity, social mobility, kinds and amounts of power, training and education, and the factors which form class consciousness. cobert


Nfld occupation

11 -day wo’nder


that strongly-worded resolution would havq criticized the board of regents and thrown faculty support behind the occupation. MUNFA represents only 65 per -cent of the university’s faculty members. On tuesday, Richard Cashin, president of the ,province-wide Fish Food and Allied Workers Union (FFAWU) threw the support of his union behind the students. Cashin accused *administration president, Lord Stephen Taylor of using “outlandish rhetoric and McCarthyite tactics” in defence of his stand against negotiations. Cashin pointed out similarities between the situation at Memorial now and that in Burgeo-a small Newfoundland community-last year. The FFAWU fought a bitter battle there with fish baron Spencer Lake, resulting in a strike which immobilized Lake’s plant for months. Cashin compared Lake’s patronizing attitude toward the workers, his arrogance and domination over the people of Burgeo with Taylor’s “paternalistic and colonial attitude” to students. He called upon members of the Newfoundland house of assembly to take action, commenting, “Now is the time for a re-affirmation of the principles upon which they were elected.”

ST. JOHN’S (CUP)-Students at Memorial University are continuing their llday-old occupation of the administration building here in an attempt to force the administration to reconsider it’s unilateral move to cease centralized collection of ‘student union fees. It is feared that, left to its own devices to collect its monies, the union would die of financial insolvency. A general meeting of 600 residence students recently voted In a gesture of equality with the 90 per cent support to a proposal of proletariat, Jack Ord, head of the a two-day strike by students. A faculty salaries committee Wednesday general meeting was to rationalized a proposed increase in make the final decision on strike salaries for ‘73-‘74. At a faculty action for yesterday and today. meeting on monday, he explained So far in the conflict, only the that the across-the-board rise of 7 students have shown per cent would be commensurate any willingness to negotiate. The ad-- with the annual labour increase. ministration has refused all That group of people represents overtures unless the occupying the largest number of employees in students vacate the building firstthe province and is, thus, a valid a demand’ the students are not rule of comparison-or so the logic prepared to meet. goes. Ord added that he could have Faculty members monday night rated salary increases to refused to take a stand on the those of physicians, which situation, but offered to serve as amounts to 8 per cent per year. mediators. The Wednesday According to this line of thinking, meeting of students was to vpte on the faculty increase rate has fallen the proposal, although there has behind the labour rate by IO per been no word from the administracent over three years. Thus the 7 tion on their response to such per cent is meant to halt ‘rany mediation. decline”. Members of. the further “relative Memorial University of Looking into the background of Newfoundland Faculty Association this, one finds that, according to a (MUNFA) voted 70-50 against a faculty newsletter, in the past few



UP and up


24, 1972

years raises have been as follows: 70:7X, 7.25 per cent; 71-72, 3.8 per cent; 72-73, 2.4 per cent. This means that, during the period between 1970 and 1973, the associate professors’ salaries will have risen from $11,100 to $11,900 while the assistant professors will have realized a raise from $14,400 to $15,400. A full professor’s salary will have risen to $20,200 from $18,700. These are only floor rates. On campus there are 39 faculty making $30,000 and over. Fifty-seven per cent of the faculty here are making over $16,000 and these people represent the top 3 per cent of wage earners in Canada. Ord compares this group to the “average employee”. His idealism is unbounded. These wage scales, of course, don’t include fringe benefits. Like wages, these are proportionately greater than those of our “average employee”. The loan program for faculty housing has just had $1.5 million pumped into it for this year, while the taxpayer also helps to pay the $36,000 rent to keep the faculty club open and entertaining. U.S. faculty are eligible for a two year tax write-off. Beyond this, a professor can receive merit pay, an extra goody that isn’t hinged on any particular criteria, but exists all the same. And, there is money from publishing and speaking and teaching summer courses. And, there is this need for a 7 per cent increase to keep the elite in their proper place. The intra-faculty class structure is interesting. The scale upon which salary schedules are based works in such a way that an associate professor rises 30 per cent from his $11,900 to $15,400 until he becomes an assistant professor when he can rise another 30 per cent through the -pay scale until he becomes a full professor--onward and upward mobility. The scale reportedly favours the lower echelon teachers because one can rise in the lower ranks faster than in the higher. The associate professor’s wages rise faster than the assistant’s %hap the full professor’s. But the full professor still makes about 60 per cent more than the associate professor. And the proposed wage increase will necessarily make the gap wider. All of this goes without even considering the position of the teaching assistant. Unlike the minimum limits placed on salaries of those who have already arrived, their assistants receive a maximum rate of $2,000 per year. This is in view of the fact that, according to a recent study by a graduate student, the TA spends as much time in front of students as the professor. Five per cent of the faculty budget allocation is spent on teaching assistants. Political science prof, John Wilson, suggested at the monday meeting that faculty should be pushing to have a budget allocation that would enable departments to hire more faculty rather than rising the pay of those already existing. Apparently, there is “little room for negotiation” (with the administration) about such matters. Which is to say that the winners stay that way. -dudley





24, 1972

Entry into -sightI


and derailment with which we are faced. The questions addressed to Grant were mostly from a radical point of view. Marx’s name and analysis was often mentioned and Grant was implicitly asked to define his relationship to Marxism. It is most interesting that, from both sides of the liberalswamp, conservatives and radicals are capable of speaking to one another, and to a large degree concurring in their analysis of the present situation. This, in fact, was the theme of the _ discussion. Questioners wanted to know whether the new critique of modern society that may emerge from the mud of the present could encompass both these points of view. What difference would Grant’s analysis make in political practice? Again, the silence of the liberal point of view is significant, They had nothing to say to this most profound attack on their ideology. Perhaps this is why the overwhelming ,ma jority were not present-liberals generally hold sway by dint of power rather than argument or sense. The end of an enlightening lecture by George Grant brings us to the beginning. It is a struggle in this day and age to raise oneself above the sludge of popular prejudices taught in schools and reinforced by power. Once we have got to this point the real tasks loom large and unobscured at last. We are no longer confronted by abstract academic questions or content to wallow in the unthinking bog. The connection between one’s own life and the social whole is clear, and there is but one task-to attempt to live honestly as a man in a world of lice and deception. Thought and life, action and life, conflict and life. There can no longer be disengagement, or anything but rage at the selling of the roots of life. At points in the lecture and discussion, topics were touched upon that will be decisive for the ongoing critique of the present world. Madness, technology, history, science, and values have all become crucial to our understanding. Beyond this point we will perhaps concur less, but that is both the price and the promise of the “education against one’s culture” that is birth in this desolate land. This was one of the first privileged entries into sight.

Cegeps on strike

On tuesday, november 21 George Grant spoke on the topic of “Ideology” in a public lecture MONTREAL KUPI)-CEGEP sponsored by the department of (community college) students in religion. It is surprising that there Quebec will go on strike this month were only about a hundred people against new government student present, given Grant’s reputation regulations. The decision to strike as an extremely interesting and came at a general meeting of more informed political philosopher and than 200 delegates to the Front des thinker. One would have thought Etudiants du Quebec (FEQ) held that any student or faculty the weekend of november 17. member even remotely concerned Already, students at Stwith political or social thought Hyacinthe and Alma CEGEPS in would have been there. Is it Lac St-Jean are out on strike. possible that they are not conThere, students have gained cerned with a Canadian thinker? control of the administration ofOr perhaps not with thinking? fices and brought the operation of Grant began with a few general the colleges to a halt. distinctions between ancient and Meanwhile, students at Dawson modern political thought, noting and John Abbott CEGEPS in that stress upon the importance of Montreal have voted unanimously history is a peculiarly modern to stage a one-day strike between phenomenon. The end of modern now and december 1. Dawson endeavour is political students voted 900 to 0 in favour of unquestioningly (by those of strike action, while 700 John Abalmost all political persuasions > bott students approved the action, taken to be the “universal also with none opposed. Both of homogenous state”. However, these are primarily Englisheven if we are in perfect accord speaking. with respect to our ends, the The decision by the FEQ general political refers to matters of assembly was taken by delegates potential -conflict in which one representing approximately party cannot be simply declared 175,000 Quebec university and irrational. The question of what is college students. As well, the a good state or more generally organization is affiliated to the “what is good?” must arise. Confederation of National Trade At this point, professor Grant Unions (CNTU). The Front embarked on a short historical executive was designated to cosurvey of political thought in North ordinate individual strike action America. The basic theme was the authorized by the student bodies of rise’ and general acceptance of the schools concerned. “value-free” social science which The strikes and a mass is based upon the behaviourist (or demonstration for which a date is empiricist > distinction between yet to be set, were called to protest matters of fact and matters of the Quebec government’s value. This positivist conception “nouveau regime pedagogique” was unmasked as the slave of a which would limit CEGEP very particular (imperialist) enrolment to students who can American interest, which belies its afford the education without own value-free rhetoric. We are outside employment. The new forced to conclude that questions of regulations’ would increase value are entailed by work in the compulsory class time to 45 hours social sciences and it is better that per week. The resultant decrease they be explicit rather than im-ian angus in working class students would plicit. In other words, what is being demanded is an honest conphoto by gord moore sideration of the relationship of one’s thought to one’s action. This may seem like a simple point, however, as a quick look at most academics will show, the connection between liberal ideas and large salaries has been obscured for too long. The fate of C. Wright Mills (who championed an “evaluative” social science in the fifties) was to be scorned by his contemporaries as “unscientific” and “biased”. Perhaps he is less a scientist and more a man. Thus, when we come to Grant’s discussion of ideology, we are not treated to a disinterested commentary but a lively ‘handling of a very live problem. Communism, liberalism, and fascism are all described as ideologies resulting from the failure of religion and philosophy to provide direction in the modern world. It is a quasireligious, quasi-scientific phenomenon which provides no rational direction and no real solution to political problems. In connecting this description to North American society Grant sees no political alternative to the present society at this time since all present politics is ideological and thus moves within the scope of interested politics inside this society. North American society is thus not pluralist (as the liberal George Grant’s lively political philosophical handling of ideology, ideologues would have it) but in the North American context, provided some privileged monist. There is no alternative to particularly insights to a small audience last tuesda y. the all-pervasiveness of the decay

contradict the original concept of the CEGEPS, which was to move toward universal accessibility to higher education. Because there are now no tuition fees, these community colleges attract a solidly working class student population. Another government proposal would give CEGEP administrators the right to exclude students\ they dislike. CEGEP students have a fairly extensive history of militant activism. Students would also be required to take several science and physical, education courses along with their arts options, a move interpreted by many professors to be the initial step in a government attempt to phase out the humanities all together. Students from both French and English CEGEPS are united in opposition to the regulations and have called for mass support for the strike and demonstration. Members of the anglophone delegations to the FEQ conference were in the forefront of the demand for a general- strike as soon as possible. In response to the FEQ call for action and to those already initiated, Quebec minister of education, Francois Cloutier , has sent a telegram to the directors general of all CEGEPS. He has requested their attendance at a meeting held Wednesday to clarify what he called “misunderstandings and abusive interpretations” on the part of both students and faculties. Study sessions held monday and tuesday of this week on the situation, in most cases, saw full approval for strike action from faculty as well as students. The Montreal region of the FEQ will hold a meeting this weekend to discuss a date for a strike in this city, and the formulation of a province-wide petition on the nouveau regime.


Sit-in at Regina

REGINA (CUP&-Community support for a group of students at the Regina campus of the University of Saskatchewan appears to be growing as they continue their eight-day-old occupation of the offices of the deans of arts and sciences and graduate studies. About 200 students occupied the dean of arts’ office november 16 to protest upcoming faculty cutbacks and actions against staff-student parity on departmental committees. The group took over the office when dean Edgar Vaughn refused to allow a committee to rule on the constitutionality of a motion which would have guaranteed students equal representation with faculty in the eight departments belonging to the sot ial sciences - division. Recently, the annual convention of the Saskatchewan New Democratic Party passed a motion calling for the autonomy of the two U of S campuses (Regina and Saskatoon) and equal representation of students, faculty and the community on all levels of the university’s governing committees. Messages of support have been received from the Regina Allied Printing Trades Council, the National Farmers Union, the Regina New Democratic Youth,



the Saskatchewan Waffle, the Saskatoon student council and the Memorial University student union. _ Regina campus principal, John Archer, announced monday that the university administration will not support students in their struggle to obtain parity on department committees. The board of governors, he said, has decided that only department chairmen have the right to change the composition of committees. Prior to Archer’s statement, students had decided upon the tactic of disruption of administrative functions rather than academic functions, such as would be involved in the calling of a strike. They decided to continue the occupation to pressure the arts dean into withdrawing his veto; and the administration into affirming the right of students to parity if they are willing to accept that responsibility. Neither has yet been accomplished. Although refusing to comment on steps the university might take to end the occupation, Archer’s opinion is that the occupation does not seriously interfere with the functions of the university. “I believe that students have the right to be involved in decisions made‘ relating to their academic careers and welfare,” he said nonspecifically. “But I do not think that students pay their fees and come to Regina campus in order to be given the task of running the university. They come to acquire knowledge and to learn the methods and techniques whereby they may continue to learn.” Archer denied any knowledge of why the university bookstore, registrar’s office, bursar’s office, a cafeteria and his own office were closed november 20. A memo circulated among the registrar’s staff at the. time had claimed the university could no longer guarantee their safety because-of the student occupation., The social sciences motion which touched off the conflict was passed October 27 with three abstentions and none opposed. Some 79 faculty and 59 students sit on the divisional board. It would have required that “each department shall provide for a number of student members equal to the number of (faculty) members. Six of the eight departments in fact already have student parity with history and economics the conservative holdouts. In vetoing the motion, dean Vaughn commented that “the ultimate legal authority in the carrying out of the responsibilities of a department resides in the members of faculty appointed by the Board of Governors.. .Divisions do not have the right to-change, the existing provisions for membership without their consent. ” The students are strongly declaiming the administration belief that only faculty members should govern the department’s decision-making composition. They also argue that divisions have changed the membership of departments in the past on the Regina campus. A general student meeting was held Wednesday to decide the next step in the struggle. Student president, Don Anderson commented at the principal’s press conference that he would support a move to close down the entire university.


4 the chevron






0-Pirg pushing. ahead The Ontario Public Interest Research Group (O-PIRG) is pushing ahead with its second major attempt to signup 9,000 students at the University of Waterloo. “We now have approximately 3,000 signatures on our petitions and we have to fulfil1 the full quota in the next two weeks, if we hope to get our interest groups going for next term,” said Barbara Lamb an 0-PIRG representative. The history of 0-PIRG and its petition campaign began nearly five weeks ago. Following a visit by Ralph Nader and one of his lieutenants Don Ross, a gathering of U of W students decided to form themselves into a research-action group. Based on the american models sketched out in a book called Action for a Change, the group decided to form a local on campus and push for other locals to be formed on university campuses across the province. With the establishment of a broad base, they hope to have research done on such community concerns as consumer rights, natural resources, technology and ecology. After the research is done, the group would hire a lawyer to present well-documented briefs to the appropriate legal body. When concern was expressed at the meeting, that the organization might become dominated by the hired professionals, Lamb replied, “hopefully the lawyers would be young, idealistic types who have no preconceived ideas or party affiliations. Because we couldn’t pay them very much, the lawyers would have the same interests as we do.” Nick Lerullo one of the two cochairman of 0-PIRG, reported on activity at other Ontario- univer“We have visited other sities. campuses but right now there isn’t much organization happening. Once we get our group formed here, I’m pretty sure 0-PIRG will catch on at the other universities.” The meeting then turned to reorganizing the petition campaign. Students are being asked to sign up if they are interested in having a compulsory dues check-off of $3. With nine thousands signatures, the group will go to the board of governors to ask for the extra $3 to be included in all student fees. If it passes, students will be allowed to claim a refund at the beginning of term if they don’t want to support the organization. In trying to explain the difficulty of getting the target number of signatures, “Bruce, the other cochairman, felt that “we delayed too long and students got into midterm assignments. We usually

have no trouble getting people to sign. It’s just that we don’t have enough people to go around ,with the petition.” However there did seem to be some resistance from engineering. The leadership felt that the problem could be overcome if would go over to women engineering with the petitions. Just prior to breaking into small groups, a suggestion was brought before the 59 people who had come out to the meeting. Perhaps, it was put forward, the organization might get off the ground faster if programs of research were planned now for the winter term. Members of the core group replied that anything more than petitioning would drain off energy from‘ the priority of getting 9,000 signatures. However it was agreed that after they had finished with small group discussions on reorganization, . the people would reassemble to discuss the proposal. The meeting was not reconvened and people drifted away to carry out the tasks assigned. After the meeting, Barbara Lamb discussed her dissatisfaction with the chevron coverage is a group of the group. “0-PIRG and ideas that should appeal to everyone and the chevron should give it the appropriate coverage. When I was at Notre Dame, within three weeks of the start of the signature campaign 15,666 signed up. Right now 0-PIRG exists in 12 states in the U.S., with branches in Australia, Japan and London, England. The 0-PIRG programme is transferable and it can be molded to our own situation.” When asked when the next meeting will be held, Barbara Lamb said, “0-PIRG is an action group so we only get together when there is something to do. In between time, the two co-chairmen and coresgroup of active members handle the day to day events.‘: -brian

Executive continued




* 1

till next february-vice-president, Dave Robertson; treasurer, Doug Austrom ; creative arts board, Mike Izma ; external relations, Fred Bunting ; education, Dave Peltz ; cbmmunica tions, Dave Stirling ; Assman and Al Dave Green (Barb grievances, Lowe is filling in for the time being while Green is, on work term) ; critic-at-large, Ron Wardell ; student activities, Geoff Beckner and Doug Griesbach. Board of publications will be chaired by Dave Villenneuve until he leaves in january at which time Terry Harding will take the position. There was no decision on the co-op services position, and there were no applications for speaker. Hopefully these will be settled by the next council meeting december 4.

A new development, not yet an absolutely definite decision is the initiation of co-chairmanships on the board of communications and student activities. Qriginally, it was suggested that one person take the chairmanship while the second take an assistant position. However, the people involved expressed a desire to have equal authority on the boards, so council

tentatively approved the cochairmanships. The legality of this new”situation still has to be confirmed. As it stands now there is provision for only one vote on the executive for each position and only one person can hold signing powers. K-W Probe approached the council for a grant of $356 to hire one person one day a week to coordinate the organization on the student level. The money would also handle the bureaucratic costs of,the operation. K-W Probe failed to get their request for funds in by The initial meeting of the newly the specified date and therefore constituted senate was primarily faced a difficult situation. Council devoted to laying the ground rules however granted their request, for its future operation. Decisions marking the first time K-W Probe made at this time will have a great - has received federation money. influence on the future conduct of Still on the question of money, the senate and are, therefore, of the council discussed the problem considerable significance. of the now-defunct arts society and First on the agenda, was the esits finances. Wardell, as chairman tablishment of the executive comof the committee of presidents, mittee. This body, most powerful devised a scheme whereby each of the three standing committees, club ordinarily granted money by is responsible for, among other the arts society, would receive a things, the preparation of an percentage of the funds left in that agenda, nomination for committee society’s account. The amount membership, and the making of each club will receive is in direct recommendations on reports from proportion to its enrollment. This all committees. The only issue sytem was found acceptable by generating discussion was that of council and so they moved on. membership. Some faculty Barry Baker and Ed Labe asked members felt that all the deans council for ratification of their should sit as non-voting members. appointments as co-ordinators of This motion was defeated for a Camp Columbia for the coming variety’ of reasons. Dean Pearson year. Their request was agreed to of Science felt that non-voting and since they are presently hiring members were “dead ducks”; for the new season, council granted others felt the size of the executive them a nominal amount to pay for would render it unwieldy; still advertising. others believed that deans should Radio Waterloo presented not have the power associated with council with a compl,ete report on this office. their new structure since the No provision was made for resignation of manager John Dale, alumni representation on any of as well as a brief on their in- the 3 standing committees so John tentions for the future. Their March, one of the 3 alumni acbudget re-allocations and their claimed, moved that the Senate present attempt for a Local alter this discriminatory principle Initiatives L Program loan were by appointing an alumni to each. approved by council. This motion carried with wide With all the inner problems that support. OFS seems to be having right now, The second item on the agenda council felt it necessary to discuss was a proposal that the length of Waterloo’s relationship to that terms of the senate members be body. It was agreed that at the next chosen by \ randomly drawing conference, Waterloo would put names from a hat. The student the following motion on the floor: ‘that all member institutions be caucus, in a prior meeting, had drafted an alternative procedure urged to attend the OFS conwhereby each group, such as the ferences and that the delegates professors from each faculty, the remain until official adjournment.’ undergrads, etc. would decide This measure was felt necessary internally. In this way only those after the actions of the larger who wished longer terms would universities at the last conference have them. This method was held here. Delegates from Toronto, at the Queens and Western left the printed up and distributed meeting without the mover’s name conference when they had finished their business, making it im- attached. Before any students had opportunity to make the motion, a possible to carry on any revelant faculty member did so and the discussion without the quorum issue was carried. constitutionally necessary to make Students and alumni made a decisions. Fred Bunting, as chairman of external relations was strong case in favour of changing afternoon meeting designated to make a study of the the present those constitution of OFS. He hopes to time to better accomodate discover why that body does not who were not normally on campus, ie. community-at-large members, function as it should. on work Village II great hall was the. alumni, and undergrads scene of last months OFS con- term. Ralph Kruger of Geography violently opposed any alteration in ference and out of that developed time slot as his strained relationships between the the traditional thursday evenings were booked up federation and the village council. a year in advance and most other Since the conference was deemed filled. On by the federation to be in the in- evenings were similarly 18-19 margin, the terest of a large number of a slender students, they believed that a ‘amendment was defeated. This left special rate for the rental of the the senate in-a quandry as almost opposed the hall would be forthcoming from the half its members present time. Thus, with nowhere village council. However, the bill was $266, a special rate but not left to turn, the matter was tabled of the quite what the federation had in for the consideration committee. mind. Negotiations between the executive In a similar vein, the alumni two parties this week resulted in proposed that notice of meetings the village council retracting their be advertised in the public media. .bill after which the federation This could be done at no cost agreed that the village council has through public service anthe right to bill groups for the‘use nouncements on the radio and in of the great hall. The federation the press. This motion was voted found these conditions quite down though no cogent reasons for satisfactory and approved the so doing were presented. action. In a move to impede attendance With all these problems solved “at meetings of the senate and its and with numbers growing smaller committees the agenda proposed by the minute, council ajourned. -Susan johnson -continued on page 11

Oddities of the

Zehrs from page 1 formation or answers.” “I disagreed with him in front of our store manager, John Shaw,” Hicks went on to say, “I asked him once; if the union didn’t win the vote, would I get fired? Shaw said no. He was right, I was fired before a vote was even set!” “Whenever I went to the union they always were able to give straight answers and show me what I wanted to know in the labor code,” Hicks said. The RCU has lodged a charge against Zehrs with the labor relations board on his behalf. The RCU has made a number of inroads into the Zehrs organization in the past year despite company harassment. In October they were certified as bargaining agents for the employees in the Waterloo warehouse. They had signed up 17 of the 21 staff by may of this year in spite of warehouse supervisor Jim Campbell who advised job applicants that anyone with union sympathies would not be hired. The present focus of union activity (and the one the company is fighting the %hardest) is the organizing of the part-time help at Zehrs. Part-time staff make up over 70 per cent of the Zehrs staff and have the worst working conditions with virtually no company benefits. Starting wages for part-time varied between $1.45 and 1.80 with no security, no seniority and no fringe benefits. Understandably the turnover is high. Since the union activity began, Zehrs, in a rearguard move, initiated a 15cent raise and extended breaks from 10 to 15 minutes--corporate generosity personified. _ In comparison, the RCU has just signed a contract with Dominion stores for part-time help which guarantees basic rights to the employees. , Wages are $2.30 an hour after one year, $2.65 an hour with two years experience and $3.25 an hour with three years experience. The contract also has a leave-of-absence clause and a guaranteed Christmas bonus for any employee working six months or more. The major clauses are for guaranteed overtime. They include time-and-a-half for time worked over eight hours a day; time-and-a-half for all hours worked on holidays and doubletime for Sundays. A vote has been set for december 14 and 15 when Zehrs part-time staff in Waterloo will decide whether or not to accept the RCU as their bargaining agent. Representative for the 650,000 member Retail Clerks International Association, Pierre Boivin, feels that, despite company harassment of the union organizers and intimidation of supporters amongst the staff, the vote will probably show support for the union. Zehrs’ workers can only gain by unionizing. As Boivin noted, “In all the campaigns I have been involved with, I’ve never seen such an antiunion management as the Zehrs people. But that won’t stop us or the faith of the employees.” continued





november -


24, 1972



photo by brian cerc


Spirit of 37

Dope and the stool/maker It was not so long ago that excitement and fervor overtook a multitude of cannabis consumers hoping that the new findings of the LeDain commission would lead to the legalization of marijuana. Interestingly enough, these new findings were not substantially different from the findings of the British Hemp Commission study in 1897. Nor were they much different from the results of many subsequent studies. So why the furor. Perhaps- they believed that with a ‘legitimate’ federal government study the policitians would realize their mistaken notions concerning marijuana and legalize it on the basis of the empirical evidence presented. Needless to say this did not occur. Even though the laws concerning consumption have been slightly eased, marijuana is yet, in the eyes of the law, an illegal drug. What then is the purpose of the continuing studies on -cannabis? Dr. C. G. Miles, a psychologist with the Alcohol and Drug Addiction Research Foundation (ADARF), told a first year psychology class tuesday night that they are done in the interest of science. He described a pilot study conducted by ADARF last year to determine : l if there are long term effects of consuming cannabis 0 the dependance on cannabistolerance levels l the psychological and physical effects of daily consumption of cannabis l the relationship between canna bis and productivity. In his view the fact that such a study was even allowed and funded ! by the provincial government was a progressive breakthrough. The experiment lasted ten weeks and involved six males confined to a controlled environment-a small hospital ward. The subjects were hired to build wooden stools and were paid by the unit of -production. Everything except bed, light, heat and a room had to be purchased out of their wages. The ten week period was broken into five sections : l 2 weeks of no cannabis consumption l 1 week of free-purchase of cannabis l 4 weeks of mandatory consumption ( 16 mg. of THC per day) plus free-purchase l 1 week free-purchase l 2 weeks of no consumption. An analysis of the data collected

Smith of the Perth County Conspiracy . Our present-day educational system portrays the revolutions of 1837 as little more than a joke, and ihides their true significance. Revolutionary armies under MacKenzie in Upper Canada and under Papineau in Lower Canada fought as equals against a common enemy, British Imperialism. It was a popular revolutionary movement, 90 per cent of the patriots being workers and farmers such as Lieutenant Samuel Lount, a blacksmith, and Lieutenant Peter Matthews, a Pickering farmer. In the aftermath 885 people were imprisoned, 20 were hanged and many were exiled to Tasmania for armed insurrection. In 1837, Canada fought British imperialism ; in 1972, we are confronted with U.S. imperialism. Control of Canada by U.S. imperialism is all-pervasive as seen in the outright ownership of our industry, the exploitation of our “innatural resources, the ternational” unions, American oriented media, universities and cultural institutions, U.S. agribusiness control of farming, and sell-out politicians who act as apologists for U.S. foreign policy. It is in this light that the Antiimperialist Day Committee has adopted the slogan “Revive the Spirit of ‘37”. For details and travel arrangements. call Larry Gifford at 884-6253.


On december 2nd Canadians will celebrate the 135th anniversary of the Canadian and Quebec Revolutions of 1837-39 to emphasize the need to repatriate Canadian history and to carry on the struggle against U.S. imperialism today. The 2nd annual anti-imperialist day parade will begin at 2:00 p.m. when Canadians will march from Nathan Phillips Square to the ‘Toronto Necropolis to lay wreaths at the graves of the revolutionary martyrs, Lount and Matthews. A social gathering will follow at Don Vale community centre with feature speaker Leandre Bergeron, people’s poet Milton Acorn, and folksinger Cedric

over the ten week period again confirmed the 1897 British study. It is highly improbable that consumption would have dropped after five weeks of heavy smoking, as it did, if cannabis was addicting. The number of stools produced per hour did not significantly change over the entire period although the actual number produced and the hours spent working were reduced under the highest period of consumption. During the heaviest smoking period there was more time spent in passive recreation and entertainment. There is some correlation between the consumption of cannabis and alcohol. Personal hygiene was not affected nor did eating habits change. When asked to comment -on the similarities between this study and that of the British Hemp Commission, Miles answered that the BHC study was full of anecdotal information and was, in his

opinion, not experimentally sound. “I’ll put my faith in the experimental method.” Regardless of methodology the laws concerning cannabis remain virtually untouched. Miles maintained that science and politics were quite separate, and if the politicians used the research of science it was out of the hands of science. With respect to the possible uses of his particular experiment he confided: “If I wanted to put down the blacks, the radicals, the dissidents in neighbourhood groups, I would legalize dope and make sure that people smoked it. Besides, everyone knows that tranquillizers serve that purpose now.” Further questions directed to Miles on the validity of the experiment in operational terms, confirmed that the myth of ‘valuefree objective science’ lives on. ’ -tony


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24, 1972

the chevron FEDERATION University Notice

IiMszaros ordered deported Hungarian professor, Istvan Meszaros has been ordered deported by the Immigration Appeal Board after several weeks of closed hearings investigating his alleged illegal entry into Canada. Lawyer Paul Copeland said after the verdict was announced a week ago,, that Meszaros will appeal the decision. Such procedures he said, could take several years. “At present, there is a backlog of 8,000 such appeals and the .department processes a bout 1,000 applications a year.” Meszaros, hired by York University to’ teach political philosophy, applied in England for Canadian entry and landed immigrafit status last july. Refused for “security reasons”, the immigration department contends he then entered the country illegally in September when he arrived on a visitor’s permit to re-apply for landed immigrant status. Meszaros may still be given immigrant status on humanitarian

OFS demo continued




developed as to why David Slater, administration president of York University was refused permission to speak at the demonstration. Apparently, it was thought that Slater was part of “the enemy” and should not b.e permitted to speak. An observer questioned this judgement of demonstration’s marshalls that McNie spoke and if he was not the enemy then Slater could not possibly be: On the broader underlying moral issue, the ideals of OFS were considered questionable if they would refuse the right to freedom of speech for those people with whom they did not agree. The matter was settled by a decision to write a letter of apology to Slater. Discussion turned to what action students should take given the general consensus that the day’s efforts had made little impression on McNie and friends. It was decided to call a one-day provincewide moratorium early in january, with students boycotting classes to attend teach-ins and rallies in support of the OFS position. Students would also elect representatives to attend an OFS conference later. that month. The conference would be open, to any interested parties. As soon as it was announced that the buses which brought the majority of students a to the demonstration were leaving, the hall cleared-the meeting over. An OFS conference is to be held in Toronto this Saturday at Ryerson to further debate issues and action. Anyone interested in attending should inquire at the federation office.

grounds unless the government issues a security certificate. “And if they do that,” Copeland commented, “There’s going to be a whole can of worms opened at the appeal”. But if they don’t issue the certificate, Copeland pointed out, this would prove the governement didn’t really consider Meszaros the security risk they claim he is. There has been widespread debate in academic circles on the case with considerable support for Meszaros’ cause coming from students and faculty across the country. Meanwhile, in England, a recently formed Ad Hoc Committee for the Defense of Academic and Political Freedom in Canada has been formed in response to the Canadian government’s actions. Canadian students at London, Oxford, Cambridge and Sussex Universities are petitioning the Canadian government to allow Meszaros an open hearing at which he can publicly defend himself. On november 1, these students demonstrated at Canada house in London. They met there with the Deputy Canadian High Commissioner to outline their grievances . and present a statement of protest, later forwarded to Pierre Trudeau. CAFAD’s. statement in part reads ; “There are certain clear inconsistencies in the government’s treatment of Dr. Meszaros. If he is a security risk, why was the department of manpower and immigration prepared to allow him to stay in the country for a year? If the evidence against him, as the government by its secrecy would like us to suppose, is so conclusive, why can it not be reviewed in public and why are the deportation proceedings not subject to the principles of due process of law? .Why have government officials, found it useful to make public the evidence to support them? The arbitrary and contemptuous treatment of Dr. Meszaros and the principles of justice are themselves enough to convince us of the justice of his demands.. . “The Canadian people have a right t6 hear dissenting political views. Therefore, the exclusion of Dr. Meszarbs from Canada constitutes a form of arbitrary administrative censorship and consequently is an infiingement of the fund&mental political rights of Canadians...” -

is Hereby



of a


of the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, a corporation under the laws of the Province of Ontario, to be held Monday, December 4, 1972, at 8: 00 p.m. in Room 113 of the Arts Lecture Building. The directors of the Federation will be appointed at this meeting, in accordance with section 3 of by-law no.1.

It ain’t pennyante It’s budget time around the university. The hustle and bussle of administrators and the conspicuous unavailability of anyone who can do anything for you has to do with the annual departmental hustle. The get-a-buck race is a full time affair but, particularly at this time, the contestants give a spurt of energy and the pack moves with lips tight and chests heaving. What’s up for grabs this year? The usual $40,000,000 it takes to run this place minus a bit of leeway that most had been accustomed to. This year, with the cutbacks and added administrative costs in handling the cutbacks, even the untouchables are feeling the pinch. Friendships wear thin and unpaid debts become thorns in the side. This is the time of year for dealing, for the sharing of equipment between department and even faculties.. .the time of year equivalent to the NHL draft when resources are shuffled on paper throughout the league as everyone tries to squeeze the buck. Some predictions. This year’s winners will include Environmental Studies, Math (indirectly) and any department that might promise to be a money maker. Science will probably hedge forward or remain static after the figures are juggled...but not by much. Engineering, Arts and Physed will feel the brunt of the cutbacks. This, of course, assumes that some money (set aside for spending in expansion of Env. Studies and Math, now out of the question) will remain in the faculties. It also assumes that the university will continue to regard innovation as the only hope for the future.

The Paulists are helping to build the earth. downtown on the campus in the parish in the office building bridges working with the young and old spreading the Christian spirit, praying celebrating counseling

OF STUDENTS of Waterloo

North American priests on the move throughout Canada and the United States. For more information write: Father Donald C. Campbell, Room 1OlCA


647 Markham Street Toronto 174, Ontario

The agenda of business,

for this meeting is restricted to this item for which proper notice has been given. Shane Roberts, President-Elect, Federation of Students

Workshops on Technological & Social Problems Inter-Faculty Studies 201 l l l l

a winter term credit course open to all faculties and departments student-initiated and directed invblves work on urgent problems

Some Possible Topics? Ways of Life & Livelihood of Artists Decision-Making in Urban Renewal Feasibility & Usage of New Athletic Facilities on Campus as well, as issues suggest~ed by students

HOW Can I Find Out More? Come to a Meeting: Mon. Nov. 27 12:30 CC135 Wed. Nov. 29 2:30 SSc221 and/or telephone Jim Ro‘binson, 8854211, ext. 2706 or 2520 ,

Santa Arrives

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8 the chevron


24, 1972

Classified ads are accepted between 9 and 5 in the chevron office. See Charlotte. Rates are 50 cents for the first fifteen words and five cents each per e&b word. AlI clussifieds must be paid in advance. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.

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career opportunities representatives,


plays one management. problems. man

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WANTED Wrecked or unroadworthy Vokswagen for parts. Phone 884-0577 before 4 pm.

Summer housing available. Townhouse, ideal for four students. Pool for hot summer days plus liquor and beer store next door. Near UW $200 monthly. May-august 73. Phone 8840687.

with the French language


Appointments should be made through Stu-dent Placement Office. If ‘this time is not convenient, please contact

the us directly

Phone: 744-1171


Wanted readers for blind ret student. Glad to pay for their service. Call Lorne 745-4022. Wan&d skiers to share chalet at Collingwood-Tyrolean Village at Blue Mt. Sauna, fireplace,’ bar, rides available also. $155 per person for december 1-april 15. Call 884-4857 after 6 pm.


Girl’s winter midi-length 10. Excellent condition. Phone 884-5748.

coat size 9Half price.

Adorable, cuddly german shepherd pups. Pure bred, the perfect Christmas gift. $40 without papers; $60 with papers. 885- 1259.

Nov; 28

Brown midi sheepskin, white trim, size 10-12. Excellent condition. New $250. Must sell. 884-5095 5-7 pm.



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Guitar Gibson SG standard 19701 model, perfect condition. Hum bucking pick-ups. Asking $275. Phone Steve 884-3468.

Girls room available for winter term at Renison College. Call Betti at 8848109.

Co-op work term 1 or 2 persons to share apartment in Toronto. Available immediately. Call Al days 416-7437240 or write P.O. Box 503 Rexdale. Attention co-op students three bedroom townhouse for rent. May to august 73. Cheaper than residence, close to university. 884-7922.

TYPlNG All typing done efficiently and promptly. Call Mrs. Marion Wright 745-1111 9-4; 885-1664 evenings. c Typing, fast efficient, reasonable. Mrs. Joyce Mason. 576-6387.


Two double rooms with kitchen and bathroom facilities for male students. January to april. Separate entrance, parking. Apply 91 Blythwood Road or phone 885-0914. HOUSING



One guy townhoise 884-2629.

needed to share room in jan 1 tb may 1,1973. Phone



to sublet may


60 gallon aquarium fully equipped, including stand, light, fish, etc. Best offer. Ext. 2665 or send phone number to Jim Ross biology.



Problemes avec des tours de francais? For assistance based on considerable

Stolen: 3-speed yellow bicycle from Radio Waterloo sunday, november 12. Its whereabouts/return appreciated. Reward. 884-3852.

Today, the Chartered Accountant of the m&t exciting roles in business He tackles complex and fascinating For the professionally-trained the scope is limitless.

Two bedrmm

to august. $150 per month, swimming pool, sauna, 2 miles from university, excellent hitch-hiking. 884-8303.

Part-time job. Earn” $100 and over per month. Work 4-5 hours a week. If interested call 885-0048 after five weeki days.


Two girls wanted for two rooms in a house near the Waterloo Post Office. Very reasonable, available now, Call 745-0919.

Best offer. Call 884-2332.

call Ruth 884-3148.


1968 VOIVO 142S, 4 new Radial tires, radio, certified excellent condition.



old black

chest, feet at Village 2. Call 884-5909 after 6.

Bauer C2A Super 8, good condition. Cal\ 884-6013 or 2330 leave message for Scott.

for 2 students at 101 Albert Street in double room. All facilities including parking. $12. Phone 742-6165 or contact Mr. Hudson Aot . 4., 101 Albert Street.


Two girls or couple wanted to share townhouse. Call 884-7854 after 4 pm. 3-5 bedroom apartment/townhouse wanted by co-op students for january to april term, perferably furnished. Call 885-0082 anytime. Prefer to share 2 bedroom furnished apartment, close to unilersity. January to april 73. Phone 416-533-3601.








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the chevron

24, 1972

for the unThis week on campus is a free cblumn nouncement of meetings, special seminars or speakers, social events and other happenings on campus-student, faculty or staff. See the chevron secretary or-call extension 233 1. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.


FRIDAY Ed Jewinski plays folk and old blues. Others may show up. lxthus coffee house. Free coffee, speech, light. Priceless. 9 pm CC coffee shop. Quest for Life and Meaning. A program of dance, music, color, light and talk from Greece. Admission 50 cents students: $1 others. 8 pm theatre of arts. Tickets available at box office. Sponsored by Greek Students Association.


Auction Sale and Flea Market. 7 : 30 pm theatre auditorium Waterloo Lutheran University. Preview at 6:30 pm. Open lecture with Dr. Ron Johnston, University of Canterbury, New the InterZealand. Topic “Housing mediate Classes: South American, Australian and North American examples.” 9: 30 am AL1 13. Sponsored by geography department.


Free yoga class. 8: 30-9: 30 am combatives room, Physed. Sponsored by Ananda Marga Yoga Society. Free Yoga Class. 8 Sponsored by Ananda Society.

pm CCllO. Marga Yoga

SATURDAY Pub with Gaslight. 8:30 p,m food services. 50 cents ISA members; $1 federation members; $1.50 others. Sponsored by International Students Association.

Gay Liberation movement general meeting. Everyone welcome. 8 pm cc113 Free yoga class. 8:30-g: 30 am combatives room, Physed. Sponsored by Ananda Marga Yoga Society. Women’s Liberation movement meeting. All welcome. 8 pm CC217. Free yoga class. 8 pm CCllO. Sponsored by Ananda Marga Yoga Society.

%TUESDAY Sailing club general meeting and social evening. 7 pm CC135. Free film ‘The Australian 18 Footers’. Discussion of winter program. Refreshments. Free yoga class 8:30-9:30 am corn batives room, Physed. Sponsored by Ananda Marga Yoga Society. University of Waterloo Progressive Conservative campus association discussion of format for 72-73 election of officers and future club provincial and federal activities. 7 pm AL213. La Societe Fraicaise is presenting the film “Le Corniaud” a comedy .in French. 7:30 pm EL113. Admission 50 cents. Refreshments will be served. Everyone welcome. Meeting of the U of W ski club. 7 pm MC2065. WEDNESDAY J


Eng SOC ‘A’ semi-formal with hot buffet. Music by Opus II. 9 pm Valhalla Inn. $? per couple. Tickets at Eng SOC off ice.

Senator Eugene Forsey will speak on minority government. Lecture and. discussion. 8 pm B\O I 271. All welcome. Sponsored by political science department.

Pub Rally Further Sot ‘A’.

Concert band. Conductor Alfred Kuntz. 11: 30 am theatre of a‘rts. Free admission.

details contact



Applications now accepted for Turnkeys for - winter term ‘73

Thank-God-It’s-Friday wine and cheese pub with Kodiak. 8:30 pm food services. 50 cents engineers and chicks; $1 federation members; $1.50 others. ,


Nov. 27-Dec. 6 9:30-12 Pub Area CC 12 -4 Room 202 CC Apply Now-Avoid Rush

Free yoga class. 8:30-g: 30 am combatives room, Physed. Sponsored by Ananda Marga Yoga Society.

THURSDAY Waterloo Jewish Students organization-Hillel presents a Chanuka party and talent night. Refreshments. 9 pm Minota Hagey lounge. Admission in advance 75 cents; at door $1. Free yoga class. 8: 30-9: 30 am combatives room, physed. Sponsored by Ananda Marga Yoga Society.


259 KING


(Across BaHai’s on campus-fireside. SSc355. All are welcome. formation call 745-8097.

Each package offer includes the sitting fee and the retouching of one negative of your choice from a selection of Black and White proofs. Retouching extra negatives $3.00 each.

Waterloo Christian fellowship supper meeting. We offer food for stomach and thought and good fellowship besides. All are welcome. 5:45 pm CC113.


Canadian studies lecture series. Panel discussion. 7-9 pm BIO I Room 271.


Sir Kenneth Clark’s civilization series. Subject ‘The Workshop of Nature and The Fallacies of Hope.’ 7: 15-9 pm AL105. Everyone welcome. No admlssion charge. Sponsored by english dept.


Graduation Portrait Special

7-l 1 pm More in-

Weekly meeting of the U of W Christian Science informal group. Discussion and experiences related to the practical value of an understanding of God. 3:30 pm HUM 151.


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Free yoga class. 8 pm CCllO. Sponsored by Ananda Marga Yoga Society.

Last meeting of Ukrainian Club. 8 pm Humanities lounge. Party afterwards.

Students’, undergrad

Campus Centre movie. moon Killers” 8 pm.






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24, 1972


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f riday,


the chevron

24, 1972



photo by brian cere

Inter fat folliek \

Interfaculty Studies is in the process of promoting one of its more experimental programs for the coming winter term. In the typically verbose and ostentatious of bureaucracies, the style program is called ‘workshops on and sot i al technological problems’. Also usual with such institutional non-thinking, the program has become known as WOTASP. * Yet this experiment in univerhas sity-level education possibilities for turning on some students. As the WOTASP director, Jim Robinson states, “the interfaculty studies board has created one of the few places at U of W where students have an opportunity to put their studies into action.” The history of this experiment can to some degree be traced to Jim Robinson’s involvement in its creation. Back in 1970, sociology professor David Kirk and Dr. Howard Petch, vice-president academic came across an article about student-directed research projects at the California Institute of Technology. Funded by a National Science Foundation grant of $40,000, about 40 students spent their summers working on research-action projects in environmental and educational / issues. Kirk’s and Petch’s curiosities were further aroused when they came across a parallel program at Stanford. There, students were

also involved in self-initiated research-action projects. The differences at Stanford were that there the issues were of a political and social nature and students were given credit for their work. Jim Robinson who was working with Kirk was sent down to spend a summer working and stbdying the Cal Tech program. He returned that fall with a positive evaluation; the dean of engineering at Cal Tech who was in charge of the OFY type project was brought up to speak to students and faculty. A number of people at U of W became excited about the project, but faced difficulties with establishing such a program at our continued from page 4 conservative, alma % red-tape that all observers be required to mater. As a result, it was suggested that the interfaculty obtain “duly authorized passes” in advance, the number of passes studies board set up projects of a technical, social or political nature being “commensurate with the physical space available”. for credit. It was hoped that under the IFS Students launched an attack based on the premise that the artificial umbrella, many of the problems of establishing new programs could limitation of space contravened the spirit of the university of be avoided. Usually there is a strong tendency for departments Waterloo Act, section 27. They reasoned that if any issue was (the feudal basis of our university) controversial enough to draw more to approach any problem from observers than the physical space only one narrow discipline and to discourage anything that might allowed, the meeting should be moved to a larger room. The blur the territorial boundaries of senate, perhaps fearing. a noisy the well established feuds. student uprising at some future Even in such programs as sytems designs and integrated date refused to delete the offending clause. In a move to make access studies where crossing lines is encouraged, there exists the to meetings freer in normal times Fay Beattie, a graduate student, problems that such generalized programs are restricted to the moved that pass rights be waived at the commencement of each students who are enrolled in these meeting if space was available, departments. Reading programs leaving senate with the privilege of were thought of as a possible niche restricting the numbers present. in the armour of our nrelim Robinson, director of workshops on technological and social renaissance educational order,-but This motion, clearly not change. there the problem was that faculty threatening the decorum of senate frown upon more than one student working on research projects to be of: director Robbie Kieth who was meetings was passed, allowing the instrumental in setting up the IFS doing this because of grading distributed to concerned commaintainance of the liberal facade. problems. (What came first the munity groups who might even act communications program ; dean At this point, John Wilson of New from arts; professor A.K. political science, moved that the telephone or the Bell curve?) on this research. Then of course, there was the However, by the fall of 1971, the Watt from engineering; professor entire issue be tabled for further interfaculty board was granted the Wilfred from science; dean Forbes consideration. This motion passed, basic problem of all true academics. Steeped or blinkered in WOTASP program under its from math; dean Kenyon from leaving the entire issue in limbo kinetics and leisure until the december meeting. the myths of the ivory tower, there jurisdiction. Officially titled in- human was some opposition to the mere terfaculty studies 201, the program studies ; professors Smucker and In an apparent bungling in the McLaughlin from the bible belt thought that students should be was put under a board composed drafting of the membership in the and professor George Francis long-range planning committee, from environmental studies. provision was made for one As an indication of the variety co,mmunity at large member, and range of the programs un- without specifying he/she be a dertaken in the past, the following member of the board of governors. could be cited: recreation on Burt Matthews interpreted this to campus, family planning, the role include the alumni. This would of women, and methane production effectively eliminate alumni from anaerobic digestion of animal representation on this committee. wastes (chicken shit 1. In a moment of unintentional This term, however, there have humor, a member of the former been difficulties in getting many Act committee admitted that he more students into self-initiated could not recall having made that workshops. As Robinson states, “It interpretation. The appropriate seems that faculty members who revisions were then enacted. have been involved w.ere very A debate on the status of deans provoked Peter enthusiastic. But one of the on the committee, problems has been_ that few Nash, Dean of Environmental Studies to comment that if some students know about it. WOTASP 201 was mentioned in the calendar members of the senate felt deans in the faculty section but not in the could not be trusted to vote he more important course selection would rather not sit at all. Sursection. I also made the mistake of prisingly enough, he didn’t not making time to be at the threaten to take his baseball and registration advisory desk in go home. September to tell people about the A more significant revision was existence of this program.” that of increasing the faculty To correct this lack of publicity, membership on both the finance IFS is going to hold two in- and long-range planning comformational and organizational mittees by one, thus further sessions next week. The first will reducing the proportionate student be held in campus centre room 135 representation. at 12: 3;O on monday. This will be The final piece of business followed by a meeting in social concerned the vacancy in unsciences room 221 at 2: 30 on dergraduate human kinetics and Wednesday. leisure studies. John O’Grady Besides answering questions suggested an immediate election from students about WOTASP, it be held to fill the post. In a will probably be an opportunity for delaying action, Burt Matthews people to meet. Often a student has suggested the matter be referred a great idea about something he or to the executive committee. John she would like to study and do Wilson countered by moving that something about. However senate approve an election be held because it is difficult to find to fill the post before the next someone else to share your ideas meeting. This motion was enand enthusiasm with, inspiration dorsed by senate. gets chucked into the waste bin. Despite incompletion of the Perhaps at the two sessions next agenda, a motion to adjourn was week this problem can be put at five. And so, with great eliminated. gastronomic fervour, the meeting closed. -brian switzman



ARE YOU INTERESTED In Putting Your Thoughts Into Action?

The Federation of Students is interested in supporting, students in working on technical and social problems for, the benefit of students and the’ community. Some financial and secretarial assistance available. Your work will be eligible for course accreditation in the winter term under Interfaculty Studies 201. a

Some Suggested Topics Are:


.o Housing and Development l

Employment & Underdevelopment in Ontario


Problems of Senior Citizens



Physical Fitness on Campus Grass Roots Involvement in the Media

Information Meetings Will\ be Held: Monday Nov. 27 Campus Centre 135 at .12:30 3% pm Wednesday Nov. 29 Social Sciences 221 at2:30pm’ -


the chevron



Good company One of the great and traditional themes of any art form, including motion pictures, is and probably always has been, the problem of the ultimate relationship -between negative social circumstances and human frailties; society leads individuals, despite upbringing and moral codes, to decisions about breaking the law and violence in order that they might survive. An overwhelming sense of destiny, of predetermination, exists in such tales-the hopes and dreams of the characters become peripheral to the new roles they are forced into. ‘IBad Company” is such a story. (This is in itself not very surprising in that the writers of Bad Company are David Newman and Robert Benton who- - wrote Bonny and Clyde; the adaptation of the script is noteworthy here because Benton is the director of Bad Company.) Basically, it is a two-dimensional movie. On one hand, we watch the development of the relationship between the two main characters, Drew, and Jake. On the other, we seem to be viewing a series of vignettes, circumstantial events, that elaborate the story and supply -elements of violence, human interest, and folkiness. The heroes revolve around people and situations, and then move on towards fulfillment of their destinies. And with the combination of

these tv\io elements, we are left with a simple, precise story that , becomes a masterpeice in its telling. Drew Dixon (played by Barry Brown), is a moral, conservative and somewhat overlyself-righteous young man who flees his Ohio home in 1863 to avoid conscription into the Union Army. He travels to St. Joseph, Missouri, where he falls in with a gang of young hooligans, led by a ne’er-dowell thief and petty larcenist named Jake Rumsey( Jeff Bridges). The gang is made up of young criminals aged 10 to 18 or 19, whose fortes are purse-snatching and mugging juveniles (hence, bad company.) As the movie progresses we find the group incapable of any higher forms of lawbreaking. In fact, they are victimized more often than they are able to victimize. The group travels west to seek fortune and escape the war; as their misadventures mount up, their numbers dwindle until, by the final scene, only Drew and Sake are left to culminate the net effect of their physical and moral experiences to produce their ultimate lot in life. The personal relationship between Jake and Drew is an interesting one.and creates the real impetus for the film. They are distinct opposites but many elements of their personalities blend together to create not only antagonism but mutual aid and

friendship as well. But the antagonisms that do occur are the most valuable to watch; they provide counterpoints of personality that in essence create the problems they must understand and resolve. Drew, for all his moral uprightness, fails to -distinguish between opportunism and loyalty and Jake, all in all a brigand, seeped in the mythology of his time, displays a joy for living that is infectious and compelling. In the end, Drew either descends to Jake’s level or rises up to the necessity of it; I’m not sure which. Part of our heroes’ problem is not being able to see the forest for the trees. In their microcosm of dreams and failures, they somehow realize yet essentially ignore that they are youth motivated by myth, by fantasy. (And, understandably, their myths are the same myths that we have been iriundated with since we saw our first duster on the boob-tube.) The analogy that arises and in most ways tragically so, is that the myths of the (Or any) era were prime formulative elements in the story of Amerika. Youth was told or forced to go west to seek fame and fortune; period literature kept alive a glimmer which proyised that should failure present a roadblock (as it would), the answer was indeed the way of Billy the Kid, Jesse James‘ and countless other folk heroes. The disruptive elements to a disrupting society were not really the tragedy-the sadness lay in the aggressive endeavours and pointless evil for innocents that society promoted (and still promotes) and then squashed in its own name. (This frustration is well brought out by the bandit, Big Joe, who wkhes he could bump into the guy who advised him to go west so he could wring his goddam neck). This attempt to search for a line of continuity between myth and reality in depictions of the Old West, the screen historian as revisionist, succeeds in Bad Company, if not in truth then at least in spirit. Benton has added immeasurably to the effect of his film by his attention to realism. The movie seems to have been shot through a brown filter-the hues dull and drab in interior scenes and bright prairiebrown outdoors. Many of the scehes seem reminiscent of old tintypes or the stills used so well in “Butch Cassidj?“Also, violence is depicted as being violent-short spasms of pain and cruelty. A hanging scene, done with straight-forward explicitness, is deliberate and, unnerving. The only flaw in this context is the showdown in the woods between the two heroes and Big Joe’s cutthroats. It’s serio-comic elements give the episode a surreal flavour, not in keeping with its violence. In this, the sequence fails (because the film is not a comedy), just as Custer’s last stand in Little Big Man failed. But this can also be excused because the comic, as Benton sees it, is part of a whole which does not attempt to moralize but rather tell, extremely well, a fine story. Bad Company succeeds on many levels. The overall production, especially the uniformly excellent acting and sensitive photography, is of an admirably high quality. Benton’s eye for detail, on streets land wilderness (in terms of the expanse of visual perception), is effective. Even more effective is the dialogue which is precise and minimally preconceived in effect. A masterful1 sequence is that of 10 year old Boog relating the tale of the demise of-his father at the hand of a slave fed-up with a life of,degradation. All in all, Bad Company is a difficult movie to interpret. For example, in considering the range of interpretations available of, the, film, one major tine that comes to mind is the parallel to modern Amerikan life-escaping to a neti and free land, attempting to survive in a life of contradiciory values and laws, making one’s own by adherence.to a set of morals more in tune with individuality than societa I pressures. But to me, perhaps naively, it is mostly a fine tale, told with affection for people, the past, and the beauty the camera is capable of capturing. And, in a very important way, affection for the viewer of the film. In the worth of experiencing it, Bad Company is very good corn pa ny. -bryan



24, 1972

Long I J . 1ive f orever “The Solar System and Back” by lssac Asimov, Avon Books, New York, 1972. This is a collection of 17 short essays which originally appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, where Asimov each month tackles a scientific topic of some complexity and attempts to discuss it in terms comprehensible to- the “lay reader”. While his range of interests is probably wider than most of the potential purchasers of this volume, his enthusiasm and lucid prose style encourage browsing in areas which one might ordinarily avoid like jhe plague. ProbJems of planetary rotation, for example, are fairly low on my list of priorities, but become at least intellectually interesting in Asimov’s capable hands. Using an historical approach, he outlines the successive approximations and solutions in a manner analogous to that of the classic detective story, revealing answers only after a thorough examination of the various alternatives. Might even be a sensible way to teach science: .Who did it, the proton or the electron? Come to the next class and find out. Except that some smart kid would blurt out the answer and ruin the story.. . Asimov has also included a very witty explanation of the “Square-Cube Law”, which seems to drastically reduce the likelihood that giant ants will ever overrun the world (listening, GSK?), as well as a useful summary of “Who killed the dinosaurs?” theories and a thoughtful piece on the causes of chromosome abnormalities (yes, his interests are rather wide). Even a basically anthropological essay on the future of women’s liberation appears to be quite sound in emphasiting the diminishing cultural value of physical strength and large numbers of children, two bastions of the eroding male chauvinist position. So: a real hodge-podge, subject-wise, dut probably a nice change of pace for we artsycraftsy types who periddically regret our scientific ignorance. In his boggling range of literary activity, which includes works on science (professional as well as popularizing), The Bible, *and several excellent science-fiction novels, Asimov is one of the few men working to redqce the gap between C.P.Snow’s “Two Cultures,” and reminds -us of somebody’s (Malcolm Muggeridge’s?) remark in response to Snow: ‘There are not two cultures, there are merely half-educated individuals.’ -pad




. friday,







Playing, l


sd% In 1967, Procul Harum produced what, to my mind, was one of contemporary music’s finest singles works, “A Whiter Shade of Pale”‘. That recording shot the group to instant commercial success, yet at the. same time was to be an obstacle to their future efforts. Procul Harum was faced with the task of duplicating chart success, and since thier next few releases suffered in comparison with “Pale”, they became one record wonders in the eyes of singles fans. I$ was five years before Procul were able to dent the singles chart again, with “Conquistador”, a number f’rom their latest album, Procul Harum Live. Strangely enough, “Conquistador”is a throwback to the early years, since it was originally included on the first album Procul released, in 1967. During the absence from the singles charts, Procul Harum were in the vanguard of the shift from singles to albums as criteria for success.’ The group produced, and sold, several fine albums, the latest of which is their first live effort. Procul Harum Live in Conbert with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra (A&M, SP4335) is not their best, but a collection of the best, and in one instance, their worst. Procul fans will recognize such numbers as “Salty Dog”, and “Whaling Stories”, tunes which lend themselves well to symphonic arrangements. For those who prefer Procol at their hardest, “Conquistador”, and “All This and More” will satisfy your ears. The high point of the album is side two which consists of “In Held Twas In I”, and its several subsections. The lyrical nuances of “In Held” are numerous, and if you are prone to interpreting lyrics, you will have a ball with this track. It shifts almost endlessly, ’ sometimes startingly, but never predictably. The track is on another Procul album, Shine On Brightly, but the live rendition justifies the repitition. The concept of live albums has built-in problems, and these problems make the concept seldom worth indulging. Yet, Procol Harum have come up with a well-produced, tight album, with none of the between-song banter, the “far-out man” chit-chat so prevalent on albums of this t-ype. Similarly, the applause is neither deafening nor’ obnoxious, and at the end of the album, the listener might be tempted, to joir;l in that applause. The members of Procol have been in constant flux, and it has taken much ex_ perimentation before a standard -line-up has emerged. Gary Brooker, co-founder, pianist, and vocal leader, is never better than on this album. His voice has gained surprisingly in range and power, and he seems right at home with the orchestra. B.J. Wilson is still one of rock’s finest drummers, and’ David Ball ha,s replaced Robin Trower as well as anyone could replace that fine guitarist. Chris Copping, on the organ, suffers in comparison to Matthew Fisher, but who wouldn’t? If Procol Harum repeat the format of “Live”, it is to be hoped that they will be more adventurous in the selection _ of material. They play it safe with familar tunes on Procol Harum Live, and the album works, but lacks the element of surprise that fresh material would provide. Until that next effort, I for one, will be content to dwell on the melancholy and the gloom that Procol present better than anyone else. -jon



Moriey the primary --. illusion “The Avon




Presently playing to capacity crowds at the Towne Cinema in Toronto, The Ruling Class is indeed one of the few exceptional movies in this area. The complexities of the movie, as well as the multitude of levels upon which the actors are involved, make it not only an interesting movie but also an intellectually stimulating one. The movie is basically an attack on the ‘upper’ class or rather the aristocracy of England. Their pretensions to grandeur, their megalomania, and their snobbish traditions are shown in the absurd light which they deserve. But always present, even in the most hilarious of s&es is the recogn it ion that these absurd, effete neurotics still have some power over peoples’ lives and for that reason even the funniest of scenes have a degree of pathos in them. A sustained-attack is made upon the church and religion. The Church of England bishop played by Alistair Sim is a doddering Gurney uncle who was probably pushed into the church as a result of a-n old tradition of th,e English aristocracy of placing a foolish son in the clergy, where, only a, spiritual leader, he could do little harm: The old Earl of Gurney, played by Harry Andrews, hung himself while ritually expiating his guilt by wearing a hangman’s noose around his neck, a pair of longjohns, ballet skirt, army tunic, cocked hat, and brandishing a sword. All this ,after

delivering a formal speech to his fellow peers on the perversion seeping into the country with the influx of foreigners. Peter O’Toole plays the new 14th Earl of Gurney, an insane young man who has the illusion that he is god. He preaches such lunatic things as: love, happiness, spontaneity and, of course, sex. At another time his disjointed, though cutting and insightful, remarks might have made him into a politically dangerous, religious prophetmuch akin to J.C., whom he is supposed to be emulating. But these are different times, and as any man can tell you, now there is no need for such preachings Next to fall under the skillful scalpel of the satirist is psychiatry. The evil of psychiatry shdwn here is that it tries to bring people back to sanity-to make them normal. The underlying question is: what is the normalcy people are to be brought back to; what if that normalcy is more insane than the insanity of the patient? And what of the tortuous, and psychically destructive methods used on patients to bully them back to this mythical state of normalcy? We are then treated to a quick slap at the bumbling antics of the police. Next in line are the asinine, obsolete workings of parliament, specifically the ‘House of Lor‘ds’. It is shown as the mausoleum it truly is with the members existing somewhere in the nineteenth century, and the entire body about as relevant. The brilliance of this film is the interweaving of all the satirical thrusts throughout. The attacks exist in virtually every scene, yet the multi-dimensionality of tt% movie allows a coherent plot despite the complexity of the themes. Although satire is the author’s vehicle for communication, and indeed the film has exfunny ceptionally witty and hilariously scenes-there is also the highest degree of pathos throughout the entire production. The major problem with the movie is that it is not really a-description of the ruling class. Rather it is a vivid analysis of a moribund group of has-beens who were once the ruling class, and now, like dinosaurs, are begenerative and disintegrating. They are empty, devoid of either humanity or value (in human terms). Thus it would be of greater service if Peter Barnes, who wrote the screen play, turned his pen towards a cutting and astute analysis of those who actuaily do rule. ’ -mel


world is Round” by Gertrude Books, (New York: 1972).


Gertrude Stein occupies a rather unique niche in the history of twentieth-century literature. Although her prose is superficially similar to that of Joyce, Eliot, Pound, et al, who experimented with the formal land verbal rejuvenation of the English language, it is a flatter and more controlled idiom which refle_cts h$r belief, predicatedon Cubist theories of art, that words are infinitely malleable objects which are aesthetic rather than meaningful: “A rose is a rose is a rose.” Her theories, however, were compromised by a strong drive towards financial success, most sharply portrahd in Hemingway’s A Moveable Feast. In works such as Three Lives and The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas she combined her distinctive writing style with concrete subject matter, and gained a wider audience as well as a concomitant degree of recognition. This last she was not well prepared for-“Money is funny” was one of her few remarks on economics-and in her later years she appeared to’labor under the delusion that whatever sprang from her pen merited publication. Which brings us to The World is Round, a 1939 children’s book of dubious virtue. Although I haven’t tested it on any of the ju^venile set, not least because I try to efrain from sadism, you can perhaps magine the ‘effect of 95 pages of the ollowing: So Rose left early so no one saw her and her chairs she held*before --her and the mountain was high and so was the sky and the world was round and was all ground and she began to go, even so it was a very long way to go even-if a mountain does not grow even so, climb a mountain and you will know even if there is no snow. Oh no. “All ground,” indeed: automatic writing grounded in the shallowest sort of intellectual febrility, about as interesting as the Smith section of the telephone directory or last year’s grocery lists. As another atrocity committed in the name of “Children’s Literature,” or as the temporaryaberration of an often brilliant mind, The World is Round may be of interest to psychopathologists and grads desperately in need of a thesis; but the rest of us can safely ignore it, firm in the-conviction that good writing is good writing-irrespective of genre. If Ms. Stein’s work is, as Kenneth Burke has said, characterized by “Art by subtract ion,” The W6rld is Round represents this art carried to the Nth degree. -Paul








MOVIE ,. FOR __--



24, 19






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A DIN0DEUUREMIISpresenlrtion,A TERENCE YOUNGFilm FromCohmnble Pklwa $wg;Stri$son, Lino Ventura in a Terence Young film “THE VALACHI - Joseph Wlseman, Jill Ireland, Walter Chiari, Gerald S. O’Loughlin, Amedeo Nazzari. Screenplay by Stephen Geller, based on the book “The Valachi Papers” by .Peter Maas. Music b/ Riz Ortolani, from’ Columbia Pictures. 2 Shows Nightly, 7 (I 9:20. FIW list 8

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f riday,



the chevron

24, 1972

The return of


son Arlo Guthrie visited Toronto last Thursday long enough to give a concert at the O’Keefe Centre and, like his music itself, it was a gentle relief from the usual frenetic theatre-of-the-absurd happenings which rock concerts have become. First, O’Keefe itself is a much for more comfortable environ music than the echoing halls of the Gardens or our own Rock Palacecum-field house here at Waterloo, and even more favorable to musicians and listeners alike than crusty old Massey, where you have to worry about sitting behind a pillar. Arlo himself, while much more assured and mature than when he first came to attention by appearing staring out at you from an album cover, bib tucked onto otherwise nude chest and seated whimsically at a set but empty table. The album was called Alice’s Restaurant. and nobody knew what the hell it was, maybe a new rock album (psychedelics were pretty’ big then, yeah, it was probably another of those far-out coast groups!). I remember looking quizzically at the cover-l was a quizzical undergraduate then. and tended to take the whole thing In by means of quizzical looks-and then passing it up as another shuck for my Youth Movement money. A week later, at a party. a friend said we just had to hear something, and proceeded to

pull out the album with the seminude half-smiling, hairy kid on the cover. I groaned, exp,ectinganother Ina-Goda-da-Vida-which was all my generation needed at that point-but everyone quieted down while he put it on the stereo. For the next half hour, the workings of the party came to a complete halt, as we sat, spellbound and often literally rolling on the floor doubled up in laughter, as the now-famous story of the Al ice’s Restaurant Massacree unfolded in its own absurdly rational manner. Absurdly rational in terms of American society at that-and this-point. Arlo, we concluded, was a genius; he had succeeded in unraveling the ugly quirks and half-hidden inconsistencies of American society without writing a boring, loo-page thesis on the subject; he had personalized it to his own absurdly logical case and projected it into a half-real, halffiction talking blues piece which captured the imagination of a large part of an entire generation. It became, within months, the national anthem of the anti-war youth of America. It was only an extra bonus to discover that he was actually the real son of the real Woody Guthrie, a man we all held in reverence, but at a distance; Arlo was an extension of that legend we could feel and rndentify ourselves with. The story of how Arlo escaped being drafted Into the U.S. Army because of a littering- charge became a minor classic, and finally translated onto the screen by Arthur Penn, with the real Arlo playing the real ArIo- the first film about our generation that many of us could actually identify with, and actually seemed to present our viewpoints on anything instead of just stealing -our headlines. While I personally know of several people to whom Arlo’s “Alice’s Restaurant” means the beginning date of their eventual decision to fight the draft and the war In the U.S., it soon also became clear that Arlo personally was no militant radical. He was, like his father in many ways, a chronicleer of his times and a personalist-he had made his decision on whether to fight or not, and simply presented that story to others to make of it what they

would. ‘This disillusioned many of his early admirers-that he would choose to live quietly on his ranch writing music and visiting with his friends instead of actively joining the anti-war movement-but he went on to prove to others that he was not just a flash in the pan musically. On the mostly- neglected “other” side of the Alice’s Restaurant album is a fine‘ballad called “Goin Home,” which shows the other, introspective side of Arlo. In his own way, he is quite religious and quietly pacifistic. Since then, he has produced three more LP’s-“Runnin’ Down the Road”, “Washington County” and “Hobo’s Lullabye”-which is an unassuming output for an artist who has a market wjhich could be glutted for maximum profit (he quickly sold out O’Keefe when the concert was announced). But, he has chosen evidently not to exploit his audience in that manner, and even voiced some reservations Thursday about his last willingness to attempt a concert tour. He intimated pointedly that the purpose of the present tour was to please and profit his agent, not for his own ambition. His onstage mood is unhurried and his backup band was competent, but it was obvious he is a studio musician basically, since his albums are so much more precise and each instrument is more carefully woven into the He sang a wide arrangement. range of songs, from his earliest to his latest albums, and even included an extended modernized talking blues spin-off of “Alice’s which was Restaurant.” necessarily less compelling than the original, but entertaining. He drew polite and sincere applause for each number, especially “one of my old man’s” called “The 1913 relating a dark inMassacre”, cident in the American labour movement ‘(and included in his latest album, the first time he has taken on one of his father’s pieces). He returned for one encore, then thanked everyone for comIngrand it-was much easier to believe he meant it than at most concerts-and left the stage. All I can say is-and I admit the sentimentality of it all-it was good to check in with an old friend. -george



Earnest< was a



smoothie I The prime attraction in the Blackfriars’ production of The Importance of Being Earnest is the characters in the play. All of the major characters are marked by a self-assurance which is comical either because of its absurdity or furniture in the nineteenth cenbecause of its cynicism. tury. The list of characters includes Costumes, too, are attractive as two bachelors, one serious and a concrete pieces of history, and bit dull and the other superficial they match the characters the and bright. Also there is an elderly actors portray. I admired the way high-society lady whose the tulle in Lady Bracknell’s hat philosophy of life is a conquivered when she was outraged catenation of second-hand thus exaggerating the absurdity of opinions, and two nubile girls her reactions. whose experience of life seems to Earnest is a smooth production. extend little beyond that of books Most of the’audience I was with (pulp novels) and private seemed to appreciate the tutoring. characters as presented. For my Some minor roles are marked by part, they were not too interesting this same self-assurance. For and so not enjoyable. example, there is a governess to --lynn bowers one of the young ladies whose grave concern for her _charge’s calm manifests itself in sometimes ridiculous advice. For instance, she warns her pupil of a chapter In a textbook on political economy about the stability of the rupee, that such an article would be too exciting for the young girl. Absurd as many of the opinions * * * *Sunday, Bloody Sundayseem to be, the characters who don’t let the title of this film put you off; it is probably the bestpresent them must be convincing years and as individuals rather than types if acted film of recent certainly the most humane and Earnest is to succeed as highsensitive motion picture to explore comedy. Otherwise, the human and sexual relationships sophistication expressed through the characters will become just a we have seen. John Schlesinger’s tight but feeling direction has a parody of worldly wisdom and few weaknesses, but are erased by manners and the attempt of the characters to find some working the totality of the film he relationships with, despite the produces; Glenda Jackson and Peter Finch turn in the pereccentricities of, their fellows (as of their careers. is done in high-comedy) it will be formances Laughter in the Dark-none of our just an empty exercise of wit. erstwhile critics confess to have It seems to me that the Blackseen this one, but even if it’s a friars’ production substituted easily recognizable types of loser, “Sunday, Bloody Sunday” is worth the price of admission characters for convincing characters. Algernon, as played by a lone. 8 Russ Scott was a cynical jester; although his cynicism did not make him invulnerable to the (* ok * *a beautifully exceptional attractions of young girls, even film.) this side of his character was a stock response, i.e. a momentary speechlessness at the sight of Cecily. The worth of Mr. Scott’s representation of the character was in the skill with which he manages to reproduce the stock character, rocking on his feet and smiling like the character he is, at the brilliance of his wit. Trip no.1 Dec. 26-Jan. 1 All of the major roles have been (only a few places left) played in this stock manner. All Trip no.2 Dec. 31-Jan.6 are admirable as reproductions. $134 For this reason Earnest is a 0 All Accomodation comedy without the social bite 0 All Transportation that Wilde intended. If Mita Scott 0 All Lifts and Tows recognized Wilde’s black humor, 0 Two Meals per day she has not been successful in 0 New Year’s Eve Party getting it presented. 0 Complimentary Bar Sets, as is usual in Blackfriars’ 0 Nig_ht Out in Quebec City productions, are well-made. The 0 Over 50 miles of slopes garden scene is a marvel of light Three Boarding Points and air around and on ordered Call : Toronto 225-0151 plantings of flowers. The furniture London 45312381 for the indoor settings of the two K-W 745-3761 other scenes are attractive as For Information examples of the heaviness and ornateness that characterized and Reservations

Federation flicks






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24, 1972

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FRI. & SAT. DEC. 1 & 2 - 8 p.m. CAROL FAN,TASY with the U. of W. CONCERT CHOIR, CONCERT BAND, CHAMBER CHOIR & LITTLE SYMPHONY ORCH. Conductor - Alfred Kunz Performing: Haydn - THIRD MASS “IMPERIAL” Suzanne Berg - Soprano Carol Treitz - Alto Donald Klassen - Tenor Robert Mang - Bass Theatre of the Arts Free Admission Ticket (Creative Arts Board, Federation of Students)


Sun. DEC. 3 - 8 p.m. CBC - CELEBRITY RECITAL JUDY LOMAN - Harpist Her repertoire includes works by Bach, Handel, Corelli, Rameau, Scarlatti, Mozart, Beethoven, Faure, Pierne, Ravel, Debussy, Salzedo, Hovhannes, Casella, Hindemith, Jolivet, Ibert, Roussel and Weinzweig. Theatre of the Arts Free Admission Ticket I

ART GALLERY SUN. NOV. 26 - 2:15 p.m. BAND ‘n BOXES iony Urquhart BOXES AND DRAWINGS EXHIBITION OPENING Special Guest - Dorothy Cameron, freelance art consultant, writer & lecturer Also - The University of Waterloo STAGE BAND: programme includes: In the Mood, Goin’ Out of my Head, etc. Meet the-artist, and refreshments served. ART GALLERY Free Admission ON SALE NOW TICKETS FOR ARTHUR OZOLINS (pianist) SUN. YAN 14 - 8 p.m. Theatre of the Arts Admission $2.50, students $1.50 Central Box Office, ext. 2126

WED. NOV. 29 - 11:30 a.m. University of Waterloo - CONCERT BAND Cor$uctor - Alfred Kunz Programme includes: I - Merry Wives of Windsor-Overture-Otto Caucasian Sketches-Suite in four

,A diamond ring may be part of your discovery. If so, BBrks can help you get the same value in a diamond that you expect from life. Because we buy and sell a lot of them, our prices in each of our many qualities are lower than you’ll find elsewhere. Lower than what many catalogues call wholesale prices.

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24, 1972


Hawks and Bears in

Maida Murray and Sue Alderson lead the powerful Athena swimming team in their romp over the rest of the OWIAA league this weekend at the McMaster invitational. This was their second victory in as many starts this season. The squad won five of fourteen events, the most by any single club, and had finishers within the top three places of every race. Although no official score was kept by the host, it was calculated




by the Chevron that the Athenas ended up nearly 150 points ahead of the second place school, Toronto. There were eight teams at the Saturday meet. Maida won three individual events, the 100 yard butterfly, 200 yard individual medley, and 406





Murray continued to break records in Hamilton last weekend. Winning three individual events, Maida set a new team mark in the 400 individual medley, and overall, the team turned back the best in the league. Maida

Toward science in spoti Nine members of the university of Waterloo’s kinesiology department recently went to Vancouver, British Columbia for the sixth annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Sport Sciences (CASS). The group was deeply involved in the many sessions held, and presented three papers; all dealt with the physiological aspect of sport. Although the three presentations were more than any other one university’s representation, it is unfortunate that they supported the physiological-bio-chemical focus of the conference. (What happened to bio-mechanics, sport psychology, sociology of sport and motor learning to-mention a few of the other related fields?) Another problem of disparity ivas evident when representation was examined. As one moved across Canada toward the west, the list of committee chairmen and submitted papers took on a more western glow. Upon reaching Vancouver, a sharp increase in these numbers became most apparent. This regional participation is another stumbling-block to the progress of Canadian sport sciences and should be overcome, especially when there is no representation from the Atlantic provinces and little or none from Quebec. It was also interesting to note that Waterloo was the strongest

% best

Just add water a.nd stand back

college Two weeks ago, the golden hawks from Waterloo Lutheran upset the university of western Ontario mustangs at seagram stadium to take the OUAA football crown. Frank Cosentino’s Canadian college champions of the season past were humbled 38-27 by a hyped lutheran squad. On a slippery field, soaked from two days rain, a wishbone T offence gained momentum and rolled through the mustang defence with little opposition to ’ gain 464 yards on the ground. Lutheran’s Wayne Allison attempted only five passes, with little success and kept his runners, Fred McLean, Gerry Blacker and Ted Passmore busy. The latter carried nineteen times to gain 269 yards for the hawks, also adding two touchdowns. Last season’s power runners for Western, Dave Kerr and Peter Quigley never could get their feet rolling for more than ten strides without the interference of lutheran’s defenders. Three touchdowns in the third quarter kicked the last bit of enthusiasm out of the defending champions and they limped back to London a very surprised group. The win was against the odds. No one-would have predicted a close game-western was touted as the team again this year, but the late season momentum the hawks gained continued to roll. Their whitewashing of the warriors may have aided this college-bowl drive immensely, so some thanks should go to Wally Delahey and the Waterloo team. Halifax was the next stop for the team ‘down-the-road’ to meet the huskies from St. -Mary’s university. Again, Passmore was agile, this time he took the ball across the goal-line three times also adding vital yards on the ground. The final score was 50-17, and now the hawks are making their third trip to the college bowl. - Their opponents will be the Alberta Golden bears, fresh from a’ 58-6 triumph over the Loyola college warriors. Last season, the -‘bears’ tromped on the Bishop’s university team 52-3 to take the western title before bowing to the mustangs from western. So, their victory over Loyola cannot be too heavily regarded nor can their history of championship football teams. .A perennial championship record goes with Alberta into varsity arena to meet the late-forming momentum of the Waterloo lutheran golden hawks. Tomorrow will decide which are more golden-hawks or bears.

17 '

the chevron

representative in the field of hockey research. What happened to the Hockey Research Institute at the University of Ottawa and all its federal grants.? CASS seems to be getting a little away from its original objective to bring together the physical education and medical people in a single unity. The facts are that although there is a large medical representation, there is a remarkably low input of pure medical research. Perhaps this is owing to the recently formed Canadian ‘Association of Sport Medicine, but it seems logical that these associations must work together if they are to foster co-operation and prevent duplication . After several suggestions by representatives on the topic of physiologically testing athletes, university of Waterloo professor suggested that one can’t administer tests until ‘one knows what to test for’. This comment was made when Edward Bannister of Simon Fraser suggested that the Ottawa technical director for each sport should formalize a test manual. It seems, Ottawa requires a test manual before it will advance funds to support the universities who would administer the tests. Once, again, the best sport testing facilities and knowledgeable people are stifled by a backward set of federal priorities, and who loses? The athletes, who desperately need these evaluations. A serious look at the possibilities CASS has within its grasp is needed before next year’s meeting if a coordinated effort is to be made toward Montreal and the Olympics in 1972. -Glen


yard IM. She set a new team record of 5: 16.9 for the longer IM race. Sue Alderson won the 50 yard freestyle very handily, some three tenths of a second ahead of Queen’s swimmer Cathy Brace. Sue came second in the 100 freestyle to Merrily Stratten of Toronto, setting a new team record over thk distance going a very fast 59.1 seconds. This was the first time an Athena has broken the one minute barrier. Margaret Murray came home with two second place finishes in the 100 and 200 yard backstroke events. The 2 :31.6 for the 200 back broke the old team mark she established a week ago Wednesday by over 5 seconds. The most exciting Athena win and the closest race of the day was the final 400 freestyle relay. This race pitted Waterloo and Toronto side by side. Joy Stratten led off for the Athenas and built up a slight lead, followed by Cathy Adams who maintained the spread over Toronto. Sue Alderson then swam the third Waterloo leg and again went under a minute for her 100 yards. When Margaret Murray dove in the Athenas had a commanding lead however Merrily Stratten, a member of the c

Cfkiin ‘price/

l l

Canadian Olympic squad, was anchoring Toronto’s foursome and she was capable of anything. As it turned out Marg swimming one of the fastest hundreds in her career out touched Merrily by half a second for the Athena victory. Other standouts for the university of Waterloo were Joy Stratten coming second in three races, the 100 yard butterfly, and the 260 and 466 yard freestyle events. Cathy Adams in her first season with the team placed fourth in the 266 IM, sixth in the 200 breaststroke and also did a good 100 breastroke and 50 butterfly. At one point in the meet Cathy was in three of four consecutive events. Waterloo’s other two breaststrokers at the meet were Maryann Schuett and Liz Saunders. The-pair ended up 3rd and 4th in the 100 yard race and then reversed order in the 200 breaststroke. Both did personal best times for the shorter race. The next big meet for the Athenas will be in Buffalo on December 4th, their last before the holiday. This should prove to be another good meet for the team and they’ll be going all out to make it three in a row. Last year the Athenas were upset 64-40 by the americans.

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24; 1972



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24, 1972

Warriors nudge Saints...


Friday night the Saints came marchipg into the phys ed complex. The Shaw College Saints that is, and when they started their warmup every pair of eyes in the gym was glued on Slim, Hollywood, Lonie and the rest of the Detroit team as they demonstrated their ability to stuff, ram, and drop basketballs through the hoop, leaping high above the rim in a manner foreign to Southern Ontario basketball. Throughout the stands murmurs went up to the heavens “Oh Lord have mercy on our warriors.” Within five minutes of the opening tipoff, however, it was evident that you had to be able to do more than fancy layups to put that same ball through the hoop during a game. The Saints were not playing together as a team, and the Warriors were. In this same five minutes they had outplayed the Shaw team completely and jumped into a lo-point lead. The Warriors’ lead w.as rarely less than five points during the first half and when it ended, they seemed to deserve the 43-38 lead. They had played well for this early in the season with good discipline on planned plays and precise passing. Whenever they snat-


ched a defensive rebound or were scored on they didn’t hesitate to go to the attack quickly, with their fast break. Most of the heavy work on the inside was done by Mike Moser who shoved and pushed his way to 15 points. Paul Bilewicz was very hot on medium-length jumpers and picked up 12 points. Floyd, who was the leading scorer for the saints in the first half with eight points, wasn’t able., to use his three-inch height advantage over Moser (6-10 to 6-7) to any degree. The Saints’ flashy ball-handler Pearsall accumulated six points’but was a little too flashy with his passes, most of which were well off the mark and usually out of bounds. The home team started the Second half as they had the first and stretched out a l2point lead in the first four minutes. At this point they seemed to relax and Detroit scored 10 unanswered points. With 11 minutes remainirig, the Saints took the lead for. the first time and from then on neither team could get more than a four-point advantage as the lead changed hands 11 times. With only nine seconds left the Warriors took the lead 82-81. On the throw-in the Saints tried to take the lead with 3 long bomb pass to Floyd, but the ball sailed over , his outstretched hands. The Warriors could only manage to stall for four seconds before Pat Woodburn was fouled and allowed to shoot one and a bonus. Pat managed to get one insurance point but ,missed on the second try. In the remaining four seconds the Saints tried vainly to tie the game but the time was too short. Final score, 83-81. It’s too bad that this was not the triumph that it appears to be. The referees definitely had an influence on the outcome of the game. They didn’t seem to know the dif-

ference between goaltending and a good blocked shot, and on at least three different occasions two points were awarded to the Warriors on goaltending violations where the shot had been clearly blocked. The game still could have gone either way without their interference, but the referees did a poor job and let the game get out of hand. Unpenalized rough play almost lead to fisticuffs several times, and flagrant blocking and tripping infractions were ignored near the end of the game. The warriors did play very steady ball and seemed to be able to outrun the Shaw squad, especially in the early going. Standouts were Mike Moser who, if this first game is any indication, will be a great asset in the Warriors’ campaign, and Paul Bilewicz who always seemed to be in the right place at the right time to get off one of his soft, accurate jump shots. They scored 29 and 20 points respectively. Tom Kieswetter led the guards in scoring with 10 points. Moltmore lead the Saints in the second half charge where he scored the majority of his 23 points. Pearsall and Floyd both finished with 12.

Shaw Stafford Johnson A Ware Johnson R Dickey Pearsall Williams Leavelle Pratt Lewis Mol tmore Floyd

2 0 9 6 7 12 2 2 6 0 23

Water16 Ignatavicius Kieswetter Woodburn Bilewicz Wilson McLean Dragan _ Tala j Schlote Ross Moser Zuwerkalow

4 10 3 20 2 0 9 0 0 2 29 4 83 -wheels

i n BB


Naismith starts today The fifth annual Naismith Classic should be just like the four previous ones, two days packed with great basketball. Eight strong teams will battle for the championship in what could be the best Naismith ever. The tournament opens today with four openinground games. 1) 1 pm Eckerd

vs U. of Western

2) :I pm U. of Alberta


watkin, the chevron

//IV Saints from Detroit had a big height edge over the Warriors last Friday night, so \\,~terloo’s lam Kieswetter got out coach Don McCrae’s special pair of clear plastic stilts 2nd went in for this rebound. Unfortunate/y, the Warrior’s first-half shooting was so hot it n)clltecl the plastic stilts, and Tommy had to play the rest of the game down on the floor.

:I) 7 pm Loyola vs Waterloo Lutheran: Loyola usually has a strong team and over

the past few years has often represented the QUAA at the CIAU nationals. When they appeared in the first Naismith (then the TipOff Tournament) they made it as far as the final game before being eliminated. Loyola should not be an easy team to knock out of the competition this time. The Hawks of Lutheran will be led by their all-Canadian guard Rod Dean who, this season (so far anyway), has not been bothered by the hand injury that he incurred early last season. Tom Thompson, a 6’4” forward from Ohio, is a hopeful starter but is recovering from knee surgery. Other returnees who should help out are Neil Hagman and Dave Lockhart.

vs U. of Wiridsor:

This season the Golden Bears are coached by Bob Bain, who is a former Lutheran great. Another former Hawk, Leigh Goldie who was a good outside shooter for WLU for the past two seasons, will also be with the Alberta team. The Bears are expected to try to tire out their opponents with a fast break. The Windsor Lancers have improved a great deal since last season, even though they are the reigning OUAA champs. Besides Jerry Sovran, Pete Mingay, Ward Conway and other returnees, the Lancers have added much new talent. Bruce and Chris Cot&hard are now both working out with the Windsor squad. Chris was a former

U. vs U. of Waterloo:

Led by OUAA all star Lorne Bowles the Ravens are coached by Bob O’Billovich, a former football player with the Ottawa Roughriders. Jon Lefebure, a third year student from Burlington Nelson collegiate is another very good player on the Carleton squad. Our own Warriors will be out to retain the championship which they captured one year ago. They will have their hands full, but with solid play from the guards, led by Tommy Kieswetter and more good work up front like Mike Moser, Paul Bilewicz and Eddy Dragan displayed in the Shaw game, and they will have a good shot at it. Consolation play on v Saturday will be semifinals at 9 am ( losers of 1 and 2) and at 3 pm ( losers of 3 and 4) with the consolation final at 6:30. The championship semifinals will be played at 11 am (winners of 1 and 2) and at 1 pm (winners of 3 and 4). The championship game itself is scheduled for 8:30 Saturday evening. -wheels

/This week


sports... TODAY 1: OOpm Naismith (Eckerd

Classic college vs Western)

3 :OOpm Naismith .( Alberta

Classic vs Windsor)

7 :OOpm Naismith Classic (Loyola vs WLU) 8: 30pm

Hockey (Queens vs Waterloo) -at Waterloo arena

9 :OOpm

Naismith (Carleton


The Eckerd squad, from St. Petersburg, Florida, is currently on a tour of exhibition games in the northern states and has consented to participate in the classic. Although they are not an extremely tall club (tallest is centre Dave Willis, 6’4”), they are expected to be very quick and competition for anyone in the tournament. Western will be led by 6’5” Raoul Creek, who was the fifth leading scorer in the western OUAA last season. Gary Ghent, who wtis the big factor that beat the Warriors the last time they played in London, will be back along with Tino Lenti who was wearing a Windsor Lancer uniform at this time last year.


all-Canadian while he played for Lutheran and Bruce played last season at Canisius College in Buffalo and was a member of’the Canadian national team that toured China this summer. Paul Mazza, former outstanding guard at McMaster, and Walt Losynsky who was at~one time a Warrior are now also helping the Lancer cause.

4) !) pm Carleton Scoring:


Classic vs U. of W.) SATURDAY

9 : OOa m Naismith Classic (consolation round) 6: 30pm

Naismith Classic (Consolatiop final)

8: 30pm

Naismith Classic (Championship final) SUNDAY

9 : 30am

Men’s Volleyball U of W Tournament

8 : OOpm Hockey (Brock vs Waterloo) at Waterloo arena THURSDAY 8:OOpm

Women’s (Western

Basketball vs Waterloo)

Womens’s (western

Volleyball vs Waterloo)




the chevron photo by randy

following schedules the tote Seagram’s

Play Of%

and xon As of November 14, two leagues have shown themselves to be definite contenders for the competive hockey league titles while the other three leagues are comple te tossups. In League I, St. Paul’s and Renison are tied for the lead, but Renison has a game in hand on St. Paul’s and could take second place because of two ties. In League II Village 1 North and the Trojans remain undefeated; Village 1 South should be a shoe-in for third spot. League III has three undefeated teams in Team Waterloo, Village II North and Village II West. All three teams should make the has playoffs. League IV powerhouse Co-op Residence leading the league with 8 points on 4 wins. Upper Engineering holds a 1 point lead in second with 5 points over Kin and Ret and Optometry. Optometry should take third with Kin and Ret having a good chance to take best fourth team. League II has two strong teams who will finish 1 - 2 with equal records. Regular Math and Environmental Studies each have 5 points, and tied in their regular scheduled game 2 - 2. Floor


The floor Hockey League is reaching its climax as two sessions are left to play before the playoffs start. Mucket Farmers have undisputed possession of first place with 7 wins. Grads hold second with 9 points on 6 games. Village 1 West is third, one point behind grads, with the Raiders, Co-op and Village 1 South


12 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.in. fi::W p.m. i p.m. i:30 p.m. 8 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 8:d5 p.m. !I p.m. 10 p.m.



the classical show the portugese hour Waterloo at dusk community BBC international call an evening with . . . hare krishna illusions god knows what the masque “waiting for godot” part II the mary mcleod show

Hockey win, 1 hockey loss

Tuesday, November 28 Sailing Club - General Meeting

and Social Evening. Free film - The Australian 18 footers, discussion of winter program, and refreshments. All Welcome. CC 135 7:00 p.m. Club

Third Annual Invitational Intercollegiate Mixed Bonspeil : Sunday, November 19th saw 5 University of Waterloo Curling rinks make a sweep of the top 5 scoring positions and receiving 3 out of the 4 prizes in the University of Waterloo Bonspeil. The President’s Trophy, donated by Administration president Burt Matthews, was won by the Ron French rink, curling out of the University of Waterloo Athletic Curling Club. Others on Ron’s rink were Dayle Bower, David Roepke and Allana Chipps. Second prize went to the other 3 game-winning rink skipped by Ed Bridson. John Pearson’s ‘Golden Guzzlers’ of Waterloo took third prize as high 2-game winner while the other two Waterloo rinks skipped by Terry Olaskey and Keith Barratt placed fourth and fifth respectfully . St. Clair College of Windsor, skipped by Jim Mernicke, received fourth prize as the high one game winner in the Bonspeil. Other outside teams competing were from Seneca College, University of Guelph, Trent University, Erindale College of the University of Toronto, and Glendon College of York University. -

Radio Waterloo Sunday,


With one game remaining in the schedule, playoff positions are still up for grabs. Erb Street-Ballers hold undisputed possession of first place in League A with 11 points, 4 points ahead of second place Roadrunners and T-Nuts. Fourth place Team ten is one point ahead of Mike’s Muggers for the last playoff spot. Sons of Nabob is undefeated and in first place with 12 points, 2 ahead of the Eager Dycks. St. Jeromes: NADS are two points behind them with 4th place held by the remaining teams in League B. League C boasts the undefeated Adam’s Apples as 1st place winners Rush-ins hold second with 8 points, 1 point ahead of the Grand Balls. Fourth spot is a fight between Co-op and Harry’s Hackers. Final league standings and playoffs will be given out at the tote room at Seagram’s Stadium.




12 p.m.

thoughts & music by MSCB wired world people’s music Waterloo at dusk BBC world report drugs & society symposium part IV BBC dateline london words on music george kaufman & paul stuewe showrecord review subterranean circus

-l p.m. 5 p.m. 6 p.m. (i:d5 p.m. i


X p.m. X:30 p.m !I p.m.



24, 1972

in that order. Playoff will be available from room attendants at Stadium.

Ball Hockey




Birds perch for holidays The first half of the- women’s badminton series ended last Saturday in Hamilton with the university of Waterloo occupying fourth position in league standings. Coach Judy Moore took her six players, two alternates, an assortment of racquets and birds, in a ‘Rent-a-van’ to McMaster. The white-clad athenas emerged to do battle with girls from Lutheran, Guelph and the hosts. At the end of the evening, after hours of involvement in what must be ranked as the quietest game in sport, the athenas and the gals from ‘Mat’ both had twenty-nine points. The Waterloo girls counted wins in the first-doubles division as well as in first and second singles. Responsible for the victory in the first-singles category was Maggie Cunningham, a life-time local resident, who spent many of her high-school evenings playing the game at the Granite club. Later Miss Cunningham, who -played second-singles last year for the athenas, teamed with Wendy Mckeigan to capture the firstdoubles victory. Nancee Mcdonald and .Freda Suchasky teamed for the seconddoubles victory. Nancee, who played most of her pre-university badminton in Toronto has moved into second-singles spot from the fourth ranking she earned last year. Freda, a freshman in kinesiology , is burning up the courts with an extremely fast brand of badminton she learned somewhere in Waterloo during her high-school years. The team of Nancee and Freda are ranked fourth in the league in

their second-doubles division while Maggie and Wendy in their firstdoubles are second, having lost two matches. At this “point, half-way through the schedule, Queen’s university leads the league with 42 points followed by Western with 38, Toronto 37, and Waterloo 25. Judy Moore sees the second, third and fourth ranks as the important ones in which to gain vital points; but in those positions, the Waterloo team is lacking in experience although enthusiasm is more than adequate. Last season, the team finished four points behind Toronto in second place, but lost their first ranked player Ellen Hunter because of a scheduling error. Miss Hunter also plays junior badminton in the Ontario league, and this year both the provincial and intercollegiate tournaments are planned for the same date. Understandably, Ellen opted for the junior provincial championships and in so doing must forego college competition. To date, the athenas can only be expected to finish in third spot behind Toronto and Western who have yet to play their r tough matches. Waterloo however, have their hard competitions behind them and with a bit more experience should rise rapidly toward the top. “Any jump up the ladder is a victory for me,“’ Judy Moore said, but added that the athena badminton sauad has not yet ruled out first 1 place as a possibility . -dermis mcgann

Winnin I v’ballers The Waterloo v-ballers did it again tuesday night. They outplayed the McMaster team three games straight with impressive final game scores of 15-1, 15-2 and 15-9.

The Athenas seem to be more orientated to the court and more importantly to their team-mates. Sue McTavish a second year setter, emerged as the outstanding player of the night. She exhibited fantastic spikes down the ten foot -continued

on page 21

The first hockey game of the league schedule came and went last week with little fanfare. MacMaster helped the Warriors to an easy 7-2 victory by affording themselves too many penalties and too little hockey skill. Barrages of solid body-checks and four short-handed goals typifies the extent of Warrior supremacy over this team. Scoring for Waterloo were: Roger Kropf (two), Russ Elliot (two), with singles to Cam Crosby, Peter Paleczny and Jim Nickleson. Prior to this game, the Warriors spent a very eventful weekend in the United States, but the Michigan Tech team was much too powerful for Waterloo and took the two games handily. Details of these games are hard to come by, but suffice to say a six goal spread was about average. Monday night, the hockey crew bussed to Toronto to meet the Yeomen of York. Waterloo seemed to take the exhibition game too lightly in the early going and found themselves down O-4. Efforts to salvage some respectability from the game were temporarily thwarted when goaltender Murray Child re-injured a bothersome knee. Replacement netminder Bob Delaney took over for the limping Child and the skirmish continued. Delaney held the Yeomen shots at bay until the Warriors warmed up sufficiently to-score five goals within four minutes. York promptly tied the score and evened the play, extending the 5-5 score into the third period. Many things happened in this third period, lots of skating, shots, penalities, etc, but most unfortunate was a collision between a skate and goaltender Delaney’s head. The injury forced Delaney out-of the game and brought up an interesting hockey question, what happens when both goalies are injured in a single game? In this case, exhibition as thegame was, the answer was simple. The York “shell-shocked” goaltender skated to the warrior end to set up housekeeping in the Waterloo goal and was replaced by his second at the other end. The game continued and in the final minute of play, the York forwards skated down the ice and scored. A few seconds later the game ended, the Yeomen skated down, collected their goalie and went to the dressing room. Final score, 6-5?




24, 1972

the chevron

jockshorts The Warrior volleyball squad opened their OUAA season last weekend and, ’ considering they were without their best setters did, rather well. The squad went 6-4 in games, losing two to the Mustangs, but split with McMaster and Guelph and had no trouble with either Brock or Lutheran. This weekend the court action swings into the Uniwat gym as the team play host to a Sunday tournament. The matches which everyone should get out and see, especially if you haven’t really given the sport a look, start at around 9 am and go till 3 or 4 pm. The games will be well worth watching.

Men’s swimming At York University Saturday evening, the third annual Ontario University Association swimming and diving Relay Championships were held. The Warriors came home third with 200 points, while Toronto was on top with 260 points. Western came second with a close 240 points. A large following of Waterloo fans were on hand in York for the evening meet which saw the Warriors score three second place finishes in the 400 metre crescendo, 800 metre crescendo, and one metre diving. Newcomers to the team in these events were Ian Taylor, Dave Wilson and veterans George Roy, Doug Munn and Rolfe McEwan. The divers Lester Newby and Ken Hill, impressed the crowd and their team mates when they took

V’ballers continued


page 20

line, and .tips out of reach to the Mat girls. On Saturday, Waterloo hosted the Ontario Volleyball Association tournament. Although the Athenas played well they lost out in the semi-finals. Teams other than those from universities were represented at the contest. A team from Toronto -calling themselves “the AAE” undoubtedly being more prominent, won the days events over Western in the finals. Play began at nine in the morning and lasted throughout the day until late afternoon. With all their playing time on the court Saturday the volleyball team stored away more and more experience. Hopefully the result of the experience will be shown at its utmost in future league games. Anticipation of the plays and increasing aggressiveness are always boosters to a team. Well, the girls are out to win, and with these traits, along with “energy transfer” the possibility to end up on top of the league is growing stronger. The v-ballers take to the court again this Friday (November 24) in Windsor for their first away game. On Thursday November 30 a change to watch the Athenas in action against Western is available. Western gained the national championship last year, so for those who want to experience real finesse and fighting spirit in’volleyball, the opportunity is there ; attend the game. -kwaz

en' fuzz

second place on the one metre board showing they are going to be a threat in league competitions this season. The 800 freestyle relay of Bruce Murray, Richard Knaggs, Pat Cullen and Dave Robinson were nipped by one tenth of a second for third place. Another third was produced by Dave Wilson, Jim Low, and Eric Robinson in the 300 metre backstroke relay. Warriors have a week off then travel to Windsor, returning home on December 8th for their first dual meeting with Notre Dame of South Bend, Indiana.

Athletic vote Has everyone got their ballot from the Athletic Advisory Board? They were supposed to be sent out on November 3 but word has it around campus there are many who didn’t receive them. If you haven’t and think enough about the questions being raised about the university’s intercollegiate programme, then bitch. Those who want to bitch or cast a ballot have to hand them into the chief returning officer, room 3062 of the Student Services building by 4 :30 this afternoon. There are four questions being posed to the student body and it is hoped that when the loaded questions have been answered some clear direction can be given to the president’s advisory council to decide whether or not the programme should continue, and how much should we the students be paying. 3 It is interesting that other schools which have held similar referendums have given full support to their intercollegiate programme and in fact have gone out on the limb to suggest additional student monies be spent in support of the teams. The University of Saskatchewan, and Lava1 are two examples. In this recent polling we too have the choice of raising the compulsory fee from $17.50 to $20.00. With this higher fee one would also be admitted to all sports activities, free. While at the outset one may see a savings in not having to buy a season ticket, look at that ticket and see what you get into. Most of. the intercollegiate sports are free


2 1

by dennis

mcgann ron smith wheels

already! And what about those awaited co-cd fun night. Keep who don’t want to go to any athletic informed. now they event. Right Wrapping it up this week, our have a choice of paying or not Brownie points find the fgollowing paying. If we opt for the higher fee, four teams as present leaders. their choice is limited to attend or 1st St. Jeromes -.. 198 points lose some of that cash. And don’t 2nd Kin & Ret 170 points forget there are only so many seats 3rd Village 2 East 158 points in the gym, in the arena or the 4th St. Paul’s 153 points stadium; and no single structure Keep in mind these points are will house all the student body at before the volleyball scores have once. been totalled. So everybody still Even though the vote may be in has a chance. favor of keeping the intercollegiate athletic programme on campus, there are still many unanswered questions that were raised by the Wednesday night the b-ball student federation last spring. warriors had their last warmup to At that time it was suggested the the Naismith Classic action (which student monies go through a starts today). They travelled to business manager and not directly Toronto for an exhibition match into the hands of Carl Totzki for against the York Yoemen. Compared to their last ophim to distribute as he sees fit. Also, the federation wanted a position, Shaw College the York review board for athletes and team was an easy victim. Shaw, by coaches, so any problems can be the way took out their vengeance on the Lutheran Golden Hawks on brought to light. These two points proved to radical for the athletic Monday night as they blew the department’s liking and nothing hawks out of their own gym to the tune of a 104 to 61 win. was done; however, the federeations did suggest the Athletic In Wednesday’s game the Advisory Board by made up of all warriors came out running and dominated the first half. They students and just recently this shoot very well on the long stuff board has voted in favor of having the majority of members students. and Coach McRae did not hesitate We still believe in these points to give all the boys dressed a including having the advisory chance to play. Half score was 61 to board made up of students. After 37. all, who is this programme to The third quarter jinx hit the serve-the students of this school warriors however, and in the first 7 who want to compete in interminutes they only managed to collegiate athletics or certain accumulate 6 more points. After a coaches or administrators out on a few spurts of spotty play, the power trip at the athletes expense. Waterloo team finished like they We are sorry for the instarted, with a strong assault on convenience last Sunday morning the York defence. Final score read as the saunas were unavailable to 109 to 80. the girls. As it turns out, they were The referees again played a broken. Hopefully the saunas will large role in the game. In this case, be ready for this Sunday so check they worked overtime calling a the Physical Education Office on total of 74 fouls which ground the Friday for confirmation. game to a snail’s pace. Don’t forget recreational ice hockey on Fridays at noon. Today will see the girls sporting brand new gold helmets. If you show up A very quiet home crowd watyou get the honour of being one of ched the basketball athenas outthe first. Skates and sticks are all score the McMaster women you need. Rides provided at Blue Mauraders 67-39 last Tuesday. North at 11:45. From the game-opening jump, the Big things are planned for athenas proved superior. -Their women’s intramurals next term. first scoring play came within five Some of the hopefuls are badseconds and for the remainder of minton, tennis, bordenball, the contest, were never behind. volleyball, basketball, floor The home team built up a seven hockey, ice hockey and the long point lead before McMaster scored their first point. Rebounding was almost all controlled by the Waterloo girls who were led in this department by five-foot-seven Yonna Luypaert. The third year kinesiology student who sews, knits and crochets in her spare time ended the game with 14 points. Almost as a contrast, the top scorer in the game was little Loretta McKenzie who hooped 16 points. Miss McKenzie, who was last years ‘MVP’, led the athenas’ half court man-to-man press which left the mat-gals flustered. The mauraders tried both manto-man and a zone defense, but both were ineffective against the fired-up home squad, who journey today to Windsor for their next league game. Western will be in town next Thursday night for a match against the athenas. The purpleclad girls from London are unbeaten so far this season and promise a tough contest. Turning now to the athlete; two Athena field hockey players have made it past the first round cut and stand an excellent chance of being on the Ontario team for the Canada Summer Games. Brenda Eckhardt and Diana Hossie both looked very im-

B’ball over York

Athena b’ball




pressive at the initial tryouts held in Toronto a week ago. As it stands the team size is now down to 29 with further cuts to ‘15 in the spring. These fifteen will be going to Burnaby for the Games. Turning to diving for a moment, Lester Newby has been doing lots of travelling these days bouncing boards not only in this country but also in the U.S. Lester was eighth on both boards two weeks ago in Ohio and last week came second in a southern Ontario championship meet in Toronto. This weekend he is in Sudbury at the winter National Championships and is expected to do very well. ’ ’ Another diver, Athena Laurie Martin was also at the Toronto meet and placed second as well, then went to Richmond Hill last Sunday and finished first on both boards. Chris Radigan, a new diver with the Warriors, also placed first at the eet in the men’s division. Frisbee-ing may be just a way to pass away a few minutes to many people, but with world championships being held and professionals being paid, the ‘sport’ is growing into somethin’ else. The united states navy has picked up on the fad, and as,could be prediceted, they are trying to adapt frisbee throwing to warfare. In a period of four years, the navy spent 375,000 dollars in a scientific study to see if the flight characteristics of these plastic toys could somehow be adapted for warfare. It was no go. From atop a 1,000 foot cliff in Utah, scientists sent frisbees and clay pigeons spinning into the air. Tracking cameras monitored the flights. The experiments were preceeded by extensive wind-tunnel tests. The whole idea was not to kill people with the frisbees, but to find a new inexpensive way of delivering flares. There’s lots to be said about the U.S. military machine, but we can’t find the appropriate words.





the chevron

by George

LiberaLtion the art -of becoming There, have been published, over the past five years, a growing number of books-and a growing number of effective and important books-on women and women’s liberation. Since the oppression of women by society is observably more economic to-more people than the specific oppression of ien as men by societywhich is more emotional and psychological, and so more subtle-it is probably inevitable that the awareness of that oppression on any sizeable scale should first come to women. It is easier to see the decadence and cruelty of power when others possess it than when YGU hold it yourself. “Power”, of course, is a term which must be used carefully in a sexist confinement. “Men” hold power over women. “Whites” also hold power over blacks in North America. The fact remains that a small number of people who are both “white” and “men” economically control the majority of the rest of us. Of course, the fact that we hold a common enemy’does not, regrettably, erase the fact that I, as a white-male, do not also hold “power” - in a looser, but still very opto each black pEessive sense- in relation (non-white) person and most women insociety. A few voices for men’s liberation were raised meekly at the beginning of the modern feminist movement a few years ago, but were for the most part effectively hooted down by the women and, just as understandably, by other men. For the


women, it seemed time for their day, to have their say; many were no longer afraid of ndr stood in awe of, men and w.anted to wake other women to the situation. Just when they were finding television time, newspaper space and publishers, along came men again wanting to jump on the bandwagon. It was natural that these women should look upon this as an attempt to co-opt their movement in a typically male fashion, no matter how genuine and innocent the men may have felt their own motives were. Just as few. women were willing to ‘listen to feminists at that point, even fewer men were ready to listen to other men and women telling them how bankrupt their precious American Dream is- especially since so mtiny men seemed capable of attaining that dream. So, the men either {aded out entirely or withdrew into “consciousness-raising groups” which sought little publicity and while the women’s even less, got movement - being more ripe - grew from that small base of only a few. years ago to the almost-institutionalized status it frustratingly occupies today. the feminists’ “acMany of -i.e., getting women complishments” jobs where before only men held them-of the past several years have brought them painfully to the objections the men raised at the beginning: What is the use of trying to equalize women with men in a society where the ultimate assumption of man’s power and prestige is total capitalistic oppression of others? This is, to my mind, the central question of liberation, and one the feminists have not answered to any real satisfaction. Their answers, which usually suggest cryptically that women will somehow use power more sanely than recalls the mystification of men, femininity which is so hated when manifested in men. At any rate, the feminists have gained over those years in numbers if not in substantial progress toward liberation, while men have mostly stood by to see what would come of it, or else tried to give non-directive (passive) support, reminiscent of the white liberal reaction to the first rumblings of the black liberation movement 10 years ago in the United States. But some men’s groups did manaie to


24, 1972

form, re-form and somehow last out the intervening period. One of these, identified only as !‘a men’s consciousness-raising group” evidently centered in New York City, has published, a pamphlet/book outlining its, form, progress and frustrations, called UnBecoming Men, published by Times Change press of New Jersey. The group does not even pretend to call this a book, much less a primer on “men’s liberation”, “human liberation”, “liberation” or whatever you will have it; it is, instead, a series of mostly unrelated essays by four of the their group’s members, probing childhoods-how they “became men” and outlining briefly how they slowly became aware of the doubleoppressiveness if their maleness a@, less, how they have begun to try to “unbecome” men. Probably because women’s liberation (naturally) preceded men’s liberation, the men writing this book seem to present a more humane and analytic approach to the universal problem of “liberation” from roles of any type. There is no concept here of woman as the “enemy”, such as is the corresponding case of many of the leading women’s spokesmen and, indeed, with many of the women with whom I’ve personally discussed the problem., In fact these men have, if anything, leaned too far in the other direction, often mystifying “women” to the point of worship, much as left-leaning whites did to blacks early in the stages of the - black liberation movement. This is unfair”.to both sexes, and raises impossible expectations. Because these. men are trying to find ways of vacating roles and positions of power to which many feminists, in their powerless frustration, aspire (in the name of sexual equality) they tend to focus on the more important of the two questions of role liberation. The first, and easiest, question (and the one most women are attempting to deal with) is: Liberation from what? That women are more caught up in this aspect is not only natural but structurally unavoidable. The second question, which men mainly discuss, is: Liberation to what? Regrettably (and this is the major weakness of the booklet), due to the tendency here to mystify “liberated” women as some sort of nearsaintly ideal, most of the articles deduce that men, in order to become more human, must become more “feminine”. As one of the writers puts it: “...there’s that women

no doubt are more

in my mind at all in touch with their





the chevron

24, 1972



humanity than men. After all, women’s to others, qualities - re,sponsiveness sensitivity, compassion, patience, sub\ tlety, intuitive conceptualizing, etc. -are exactly the ones our future utopian society will foster and flourish on; while the male competitiveness, qualities -: self-interest, rigid thinking, aggressiveness, force, our enemies, and what etc. -are precisely we are struggling to eliminate.” The writer, as with many men today struggling with the concept of role liberation, does a disservice to both men and women with this sort of almostbreathless idealization of stereotyped “women’s” qualities. At the end of that same article, he accurately voices the underlying, unspoken threat of women’s liberation which, nearly panic-like, most men feel most, strongly from the feminist movement: Are we needed? Many feminists even strive to irritate that threat, ultimately against their own ends. The author speaks of his “liberated” wife: “Anne’s demands of me have increased as she increasingly experiences the confines of heterosexual monogamy ‘and her growing fulfillment with women. Unless I can relate as a positively meaningful person in her life, our , relationship will be irrelevant. What can I do?” This “us versus them” attitude can only be destructive; the notion that women have it together while men are hopelessly caught up in the “male qualities” (almost all negative) is, again, the same sort of white liberal over-reaction to the black movement. Women are burdened with the same sort of role-education and blurred stereotypes of men as men are conversely. Women’s liberation and men’s liberation are not two distinct problems. Anne Roiphe writes of this in the October 30 issue of New York magazine: “Minorities automatically feel superior to the oppressor because, after all, they are not hurting anybody. In fact, they feel they are morally better. The old canard that women need love, men need sexbelieved for too long by both sexesattributes moral and spiritual, superiority to women and makes of men beasts whose urges send them prowling into the night. This false division of good and bad, placing deforming pressures on everyone, doesn’t have to contaminate the future. We know that the assumptions we make about each other become a part of the cultural air we breathe and, in fact, become social truths. Women who want equality must be prepared to give it and to believe in it, and in order to do that it is not enough to state that you are as good as any man, but it must also be stated that he is as good as you and both will be humans together. If we want men to share in the care of the family, in a new way, we must assume them as capable of consistent loving tenderness as we.” Men are no less oppressed by the pressures of a production/consumption . society because they mostly do the producing than are women because they mostly consume. For every women on the verge of suicide and insanity because of the morbidity of her role as wife and mother, there exists a harried executive who offers a smile and all the trappings of capitalist success as an exterior but is on the edge. of self-destruction, or a ‘ ‘m an” who feels the absurd weight of failure in the marketplace upon him for a lifetimehe has failed in his headlong chase after the male ideal. For these two groups of role-players to simply trade places, or to hope for some sort of magical meeting in the middle or, even more unrealistic (as in , this booklet), to look upon “liberated woman” alone to evolve the new utopia i without, and in spite of, men, is not enough. There must be some sort of struggling together, some form of larger analysis-black and white, male and female. As “liberal” and goody-goody as that may sound even to me, the reliance on any other method of positively changing seems hopeless and utterly society without historical support. Books like UnBecoming Men are, and the authors frankly admit it, only vague beginnings; but, for the bulk of males they can be positive beginnings. The danger, however,







that comes with awareness of oppression, whether received or perpetuated is The men say, of their complacency. meetings: “We’ve whined a lot, too. We often exposed our feelings only in the hope of having them reinforced by the groupnot for understanding or the strength to face them, but just reinforcement.” Another major obstacle they found was the male’s seemingly automatic distrust of other males: “We were usually either shit on or shitting, and a person trusts neither his master nor his slave. For some of US, the most untrustworthy people in our lives were males of our own age. We’ve learned, therefore, to be most guarded about ourselves when we’re with men our age.” The articles and reminiscences in this booklet are poignant without being sentimental, frank without resorting to selfpity, making it a good place to start for any male-just for the reassurance that a lot of people are feeling the same limitations if for nothing else-and since the literature of male liberation is less than a slow leak to the stream of women’s literature. (This and other related books can be obtained from Times Change Press, Penwell Rd., Washington, N.J. 07882, as can a free catalgue of publications. The Book Barn in Waterloo also carries some of their titles.) As one of the authors points out, the New Left is no further removed from sexism than were our parents, despite the political “radicalism” professed by its members. This is the frustrating irony of the awareness-complacency chain-it is a broken dialectic; from awareness should emerge (after testing of alternatives) a new way of acting toward and viewing others. Instead, only the words seem to change while the form remains the . same., But to assert-as do many feminists and the authors of this book-that women, placed in the same capitalist structures as men, will react to the pressures of those structures differently because of certain innate “female qualities” is not qualitatively removed from the hope of American liberals that if humane, intelligent Democrats are ,elected to power, the structure of the United States empire would overcome its oppressiveness. It is akin to the idea that blacks are naturally easy-going and lazy, rather than that the social structure has forced them to adapt in this way to its demands. It is not the personalities-or the sex-of the oppressers which,makes our society sexist; it will not be changed b,y personnel substitutions. And it is the lack of an all-pervasive analysis which makes this pamphlet only a beginning (and perhaps a dangerous beginning at that) and which makes radical feminism frightening in its ultimate assumptions about society. Political administration of peoples’ needs, and how that administration forces interpersonal relationships and family forms into functional, selfdestructive models - capitalism-is the root of sexism, just as it is the cause of other seemingly independent problems. Straightening out our relationships, with each other is a necessary prerequisite to other changes but, alone, it will not help our neighbors, or our children after us...books like this should perhaps bear a warning such as is required on cigarette packages in the U.S.: “Caution-this pamphlet may be hazardous to your will to change any more than is absolutely necessary.”

member: Canadian university press (cup) and Ontario weekly newspaper association (OWNA). The chevron is typeset by dumont press graphix and published fifty-two times a year (1971-1972) by the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation. Offices are located in the campus centre; phone (519) 885-1660, 885-1661 or university local 2331; telex 069-5248.




\ This week the impressive list of titles runs as‘follows: dribbles, wheels, kwaz, fuzz, george neeland, dennis mcgann, pat reid, peter hopkins, sally kemp, smitty who wouldn’t let us use a head for the swim story so here it is: smitty goes down in hamilton....with a busload of swimchicks, melvin rotman (merle), bryan grupp, jon mcgill, george kaufman, paul stuewe, lynn bowers, deanna kaufman, newsies bob yaffee, dudley Paul, Susan johnson, kimmel moritsugu, a. difranco, ron colpitts, liz willick, gord moore, ian angus, brian switzman, doug epps, d.on ballanger whose late night art work we muchly appreciate, tom macdonald avec coffee, david cubberley, dick mcgill,- brian cere, randy hannigan, paul bamford, paul watkin (whose pits were appreciated, if unused), david villen.euve, john keyes and thasaboutid fer tonite; as they say at the mcgill daily, now you’ve had ample time to see what we can do, so why not come in and show us what you can do a-nd if that thought strikes home to anyone at all you’d better hurry cause there’s only two more chevrons till Xmas, thank god.


the chevron




What do you like or disltke about your living experience in Waterloo?

It’s impossible to get to campus from downtown with the transit system here. The buses don’t come past University Avenue on Sundays. l?arking on campus is bad too, especially for visitors. I’d like to live here, though. I’m_ really impressed with this area. But there’s no good place to get a good meal, a drink and some quiet entertainment.

Kent Cochrane Math 4 I’m living in a townhouse which I like very much. I lived in the village for three years but you get tired of it after a while. I’ve lived in both Toronto and Sarnia, but I like this as well kas anyplace else.

I like living away from home. As a matter of fact, I don’t plan on going back to where my parents live. I like the idea ‘of people around with similar ideas, people to talk to. The disadvantage is that the university becomes so separated from the local community that you become unaware of -real life problems because you’re so involved. I like Waterloo, but then my parents live in Windsorand anything’s better than Windsor.

Patricia Brady Geog 1

Judy Pope Eng dept.


I come from Toronto where the pace is an awful lot faster than here. I like Toronto better, there’s a lot more to do there. I went to the engineers’ pub once. I didn’t quite fit in with the engineers all around us singing their little songs. I also don’t like beer and that kind of ruins a pub for me when everyone is running around with their’ beer bottles.

Jim Galway Elec Eng 2B I like living here. I live and work here almost all year round. The community resources are great, like television and the libraries. I like the U of W atmosphere better than any other university I’ve been to. I like living off campus. I didn’t like residence because those people in the village are not all involved in.the community. I dislike Waterloo because it’s still a small town. Monday and Tuesday nights they roll up the sidewalks at seven o’clock. ‘The people in Waterloo are really friendly. It’s a hassle getting an apartment because a lot of housing places charge extra for stuqents.

I live in Kitchener so that I can get away from the student atmosphere. I lived in it for six years at UBC. I appreciate this university’s small size and the attempts to integrate arts with the rest of the campus. But the university is so separated from the rest of the world, ‘it’s an artificial life. It’s fine if you’re going to spend the rest of your life in that atmosphere, but if you’re going to be relating to other people you’ve got to know -them. One thing I like is the Humanities building because the professors’ offices and the class rooms are integrated leading to better communication.

Unnamed Nancy Boyd ’ Fine Arts Grad

r Kas Trejgo Math 3 There’s a real lack of entertainment exceptfor on campus where it’s okay: In Waterloo there’s just the Kent and the ‘loo and they’re not very good. The roadways here are terrible-they criss-cross and are badly planned. The weather’s been good up until this year but it’s been horrible lately.

Steven Younker Earth Sciences


You meet a lot of peob-le here of all types. It’s a good life because you don’t have many cares except for studies. I like it for that. There’s movies every week though they’re not first class and pubs every night if you look hard enough. Campus life is fine.

24, 1972

by dick &gill and kim moritsugu

Bill Semple Env Stud 3 Ron Sutton Eco and Poli Sci 3


I like the university community because of the cultural activities on campus. It’s a stimulating environment. I live in Kitchener-I like the downtown atmosphere. There’s a vitality and an excitement of an urban core. I dislike the separation between the university community and the community at large. There could be a greater Integration between them. The rents here are too high, exorbitant. Married Stude,nts ‘apartments especially are trying to shaft the students.



Put it this way: there’s a sense of “do what -you want to do.” The whole mode of life around the university makes you want to grow up. But it separates you from the outside world\; you stop reading newspapers. I like the people at Lutheran. I find the streets in Kitchener-Waterloo terrible. When I was first driving around, I got lost all the time. I find that entertainment off campus is usually better than on campus. I can’t say the movies here are all that stimulating. Some of the outside pubs are nice. I’m not talking about the Kent but something with a little more class like the Valhalla Inn.

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