University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, volume 13, number 30, friday, january 26,1973
With help from Romenco
RW’IP always get their man _
-Though an official silence prevails, strong indications are that the RCMP and Kitchener ,police department used a willing campus security force to trap a suspected drug traffiker on the Waterloo campus. The inspired plot, more and more reminiscent of a “Mission Impossible” episode as it unveils, began with the removal of the suspect’s car from a campus parking lot-evidently at the request of the Mounties and not because of an infraction of the parking regualtions-and ended comic-dramatically when the student went to the campus security offices to find out where his car was only to have a burly Mountie and a Kitchener policeman emerge to arrest him. Taken to the Kitchener police building and booked on a charge of trafficking in drugs, the student allegedly was hassled about his right to a lawyer and a phone call, and wound up spending the night in the Kitchener jail. He is one of the dozen or so suspects referred to in a front-page story tuesday in the KW Record, in which police claim to have broken a ring of area dealers of drugs. Local citizens will undoubtedly take great solace in this, but suspicions are that, as usual, the narcs have hit a bunch of loosely-connected soft-drug con-
tacts rather than having ferreted out the real pushers of hard stuff around here. But it makes headlines and seems to justify the tremendous amount of police and Mountie manpower dedicated to drugs around ‘Kitchener-no matter that a great majority of the busts are petty harassments of soft-drug users in their own homes. According to the student arrested here, he came to campus monday morning and parked his car in Lot C, after having paid his dime. The lot was full, despite the fact that his dime had been taken already by the machine, and he parked along the edge of the lot, along with scores of other cars for which there were no spaces. Upon returning several hours later, his car was gone. He found a security guard and said he wanted to report his car stolen, and was told how to find the security office, *andto enter through the rear door (which is normally off-bounds to non-security personnel). While trying to come through the back door, he was accosted by a secretary and asked who he was. He told her. “Oh, you,” she replied, knowingly. Then she told him to go around to the front door and report to the desk. Perhaps she notified those waiting within while he went around the building. When
‘David Robertson looks into the future as members of the’Federation of apathy. population caught in the muddy quagmire
he gave them his name, a Mounty and a Kitchener cop came out from another room, showed him their badges, and told him he was under arrest. According to the student, he was not told where his car was and was not allowed to call a lawyer. Instead, he was taken directly to the police building and wound up staying the night. When he returned to the security office the next morning after being released, he was finally told by a security officer that his car was in the towing pound many miles away across Waterloo and Kitchener, and that it had been towed away at the request of the mounties. The student then wound up paying the normal l&dollar towing fee before his car was released, in photo by’dick
- &t the munchies? Too bad. liberation lunch will close down today forever. Which is until some misguided remnant from the campus centre board decides to endure rustling up another few days of mouth watering delights. If you are lucky enough to read this before “liberation” desists, roll on over and grab your buns while you still can.
try to find a spark to ignite the U of W
essence paying $12 to the mounties for trapping him. He objected to the security office for having to pay for a towing _job ordered by mounties, but was told he would have to pay it. He then contacted’ student federation president Shane Roberts, who attempted to clarify the situation by contacting security head Al Romenco. But Romenco put Shane off all day, and Shane and the student were finally-after unsuccessful atThe Federation of Students is tempts to see Romenco-funneled concerned with changes being to parking supervisor S.T. Turner. initiated in the educational system Turner proved to be about as full and its inability (to date) to help of information as the Gazette. students to respond to them in any When asked why . the car was effective manner. This was the towed, Turner admitted he didn’t tenor of an informal m-eeting held know and went to get the book of monday afternoon in the campus security activities to find out. centre as student representatives “All I can tell you,” he told and other interested students got Shane after returning with the together to talk about the fees book, “is what is in the book, it was increase. illegally parked .” The self-evaluation of federation “Is that all it says?” activities and of the state of “That’s all.” student activity on campus was . Turner suggested an apseen as a necessary step to pointment with Romenco “to developing new (and hopefully straighten things out”, which is no more successful) tactics for more than that-a good -dealing with changes in the suggestion. The student was also educational system. As federation advised, if he wants his $12 backpresident Shane Roberts put it “If to appeal to the parking appeals student strategies remain the board. The student and Shane -same, we won’t be able to respond, protested the value of appealing ’ to government legislation on the when the only reason they could Wright’ report, as we haven’t been get for the car having been towed able to respond to the fees raise. In was that it was “illegally parked.” that light, what- should we do Turner said either he or Romenco now?” would call the student the next day. Federation vice president Dave When Turner phoned Shane Robertson said that talking merely Wednesday, he advised him again about the fees raise could not be to file an appeal. very successful, but some Romenco was busy twice when discussion and activity on the state the chevron tried to contact him of post-secondary education in and failed to return a later call. general (of which the fees raise is a The student’s claim that the car symptom) would be more&feasible. was not towed because of being Adopting this approach the illegally parked is further meeting discussed and eventually strengthened by a message decided upon methods which they scrawled on the receipt he got after felt would help‘prepare students to paying to release the car: “Not to understand future government be released till you hear from KPD actions and therefore be better or security .” prepared to deal with them.
Riding out the doldrums
on page 2
, the chevron
family group. - This interaction would be primarily between husband and wife presumably until the ‘offspring were of age..The emphasis’ would . shift from quantity to quality.’ After this lecture of sorts the group present moved into a question period. Turner was questioned on her definition of what in fact determines a family. ‘I’he entire tone of her thinking suggested the two-parent-onemale-one-female family situation ; apparently a silent comment on the status of single parent or many-parent situations. When questioned on neglect she answered that given the time factor, these subjects were best handled in the smaller discussion groups planned for after the lecture. She did, however, acknowledge the reality and value of the one-parent that play on the family, Turner1 went on to explain her theory on situation. Another criticism of Turner’s the future of the family in Canada. This new family will revolve more position was an obvious middlearound the .emotional ties of the class point of view expressed in her view on the future family. Not husband and wife than the raising of their chihlren. The family will everyone is going to make it into, be more concerned with the quality or want to make it into the ‘uppereducation’ institutions and get the of the marital relationship. This innovative concept of standard jobs in the standard places. Others will simply be marriage makes honest communication before marriage a unable to reach these heights. -The necessity and the continuation of factory worker appeared to have that communication a prerequisite been left out of her picture of the future. It is doubtful that Turner’s for the ‘successful’ marriage. cleaning lady will have the Hopefully this honesty would carry through to the relationship of freedom to lead the kind of life parent and child, increasing the tie outlined. Turner replied that because of between the young adolescent and and increased mobilization the parent. She found an ally in the person of education this change would Dr. Weis author of the book Man permeate the whole of society. The z&d His Future. Drawing her change may not be as great or as fast in the non-middle class secdescription of the future nuclear tions of the community but their family from his text, Turner painted the following picture : effects will be notable. Social worker Turner gave us a there are to be no strong emotional glimpse of her own socialization ties with relatives and neighbours; the major emotional interaction when she fondly remembered would happentim the smaller assessing every male in her unphoto by brian cere dergraduate years as possible husband material. “I don’t know if you still do it. It’s too bad if YOU don’t. It’s a lot of fun.” I’ll bet it’s a lot of fun-assuming shopping for a male is like test driving used cars.
on Canadian
Prospectus on marriage “A lot of marriages have endured several years and may even be termed successful; yet the two people involved know that the relationship is really very poor.” Thus Joanne Turner acknowledged a simple fact that many of us have lived with all our lives. Turner was addressing . a Conference on held Canadian Woman seminar tuesday night in the women’s residence of Waterloo Lutheran University. She began her reflections ,with basic and somewhat the questionable hypothesis that the essential structure of the family will endure and that children will continue to be born into the ‘normal’ two-parent family. After one has accepted this rather debatable assumption Turner goes on to say that “we must accept that we will be working only two or three days a week andmust learn new ways to spend the leisure time.” Citing the very different values of the generations and the apparent mcrease of violence in society as two major stress factors
Doldrums from page 1 The major -decision was to approach those whose courses as listed in the university calendar would appear to relate to a critical discussion of education. These people would be talked to about the importance of government policies (such as shifts in university funding). Resource personnel, documentation, and if necessary, money would be offered to classes to work on these problems so close to the lives of students. The federation is also going to approach the long-range planning committee of the senate and ask them to take a coherent stand on the’ direction of government financing. The rest of the campaign will centre around getting information out to students on educational financing. This will include a series of posters, newspaper articles, leaflets ‘and speakers. As federation executive assistant Brian Switzman explained, “This is only laying the groundwork for the time when the issue again becomes immediate; for example, further government action or as hashappened on other campuses, spontaneous student response.” continued
---ran colpitts
Status of women \
What is the, position of women in the university? Does discrimination exist, and if so to what extent? At the University of British Columbia, I the Women’s Action Group-women students, staff and faculty who have been working for a year to improve working and learning for womenanswered ‘yes’ to have discrimination and ‘lots’ to the extent. What follows is their press release on the highlights of their “Report on the Status of Women at the University of British Columbia”, released this week. Their findings document the discrimination women experience as employees and students at UBC and verify the subjective feelings of many campus women across the country. It would be surprising if UW’s presidential advisory committee on equal rights for women and men (set up last term) found things substantially different on our own campus. (For anyone interested, a statistical summary of the UBC report is available for perusal at the chevron office.) The report shows that: @women are a small proportion of the faculty of the University of British Columbia. l women are paid less than men in every academic rank. l with the same qualifications as men, women are in lower ranks. l the work of women staff members is paid less than the work of men staff members. 6 women do not occupy superand administrative visory positions on the staff in the same proportions as men. 0 the University educates fewer women than men, and educates them less. At the moment, the university punishes women for not being men. Like its medieval forebears, the university is structured for the benefit of the young male who can afford an uninterrupted four to eight years between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six. The model of success in the academic world is a lock-step march through the stages of education, followed by another lock-step march up through the academic ranks. Anything less is considered a lack of scholarly seriousness, or personal ineptitude. Women’s life rhythms-are different from men%. Women who want to have children usually want to have them during the years that are designated for undergraduate or graduate study, or for the first years of settling into a career. Since in our culture women are still chiefly responsible for childraising, women with small children are forced to interrupt their education and career patterns. That all education and career patterns are stereotyped by age and continuous progression penalizes every woman with children.
.janu& ---
26, lgj3
The timing of women’s educational needs, and the timing of their intellectual and working contributions is different from men’s. To be equally accessible and rewarding to women, the university must account in its structure and policies for this difference. That UBC is guilty of discrimination against women in these ways does not make it out of the ordinary. In fact, in every sense UBC follows the larger Canadian pattern, since each one of these kinds of discrimination is documented on a national scale in The Report ,of the Royal Commission-on the Status oi Women.
With the publication of its report, however, the Women’s Action Group states that the university can no longer be naive or complacent about its role in shaping the experiences of its women students and employees. The Women’s Action Group has called upon the university community to undertake a serious reexamination in order to root out attitudes and policies which militate against the full use of women’s potential. The Women’s Action Group recommends restructuring the powers and the facilities of the Dean of Women’s office so that it can develop and oversee a new plan for the equal education and employment of women at UBC. The Group has asked the university for a budget of $74,500 for september, 1973 to continue its research into women’s status and to develop policies which will improve their status.
Art of -sex An informal “forum on sexuality” took place at Renison college tuesday. Prompted by a strong gut concern for student morality (due to the infamous Homecoming midnight skin flicks), a number of individuals met to discuss the general campus mentality with emphasis on individual awareness and develop-men t . With a near unanimous opinion that something was wrong on this campus, the alternatives were, 1) Students arefucking too much, or 2) students aren’t fucking enough. Obviously not too many of us are getting it right. Unfortunately, for most of the night, the discussion centred around one individual and his past loves. At the start, a good attempt was made at introducing an air of openness: the result however, was that both women present for the meeting promptly left; and for the next hour stories were exchanged. At the close of the meeting, it was decided that the problem was real and that future forums are necessary. Hope was expressed that more people would attend, especially female. The difficulty once again: students are 1) fucking too much, or 2) not fucking enough. Said one student, “Aren’t we the creators of the difficulty?” The reply was “No. We inherited it.”
the chevron
Not that there was any need to restrain anyone at Wednesday’s session of the program. At no time . was there exhibited any response that warranted censure, though at least one person was reported to have removed his boots to sleep a little more comfortably as the show progressed. The first attackee was Sam Cummings, the president of a corporation known as Interarms, which, as its name indicates, sells arms under the authority of the U.S. and British governments to pretty well anyone it can, depending on permits and which side of the U.S. government the buyer stands. Cummings attitude towards his work can be illuminated somewhat by the
1973 3
Meaiwhile, the tape runs on and people ask themselves why all this taking place at the humanities theatre should matter. After more bland conversation the show was over and Cummings left the stage. The audience left with the memory that “A bazooka is the perfect weapon to get rid of those charging woodchucks.” But there was more. The next guest was Lyman Kirkpatrick, fortier executive director of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) who claims that the CIA has been a good influence for the conduct of foreign diplomacy-which is ultimately necessary for freedom. He didn’t say whose freedom. quote : “Selling arms is as moral Responding to a charge that the as selling Coca-Cola”. Such a CIA had tried to overthrow the statement can be left alone in its Castro government in the early elegance. sixties, Kirkpatrick admitted this And in true pawn fashion, and though it was contrary to the Cummings opened up the CIA’s role, supposedly restricted discussion with the remark that “I to the gathering of information, he have no control over the pointed out that such aggressive material”. In other words he only makes everything from pistols to action was a thing of the past. Also, a thing of the past were similar light artillery-to be used for dealings in Iran and the Philipwhatever purpose ; he doesn’t pines, according to Kirkpatrick. control the use of them. MeanThe claim seemed to run contrary while, in its innocence and to his admisSion that the CIA respectability, Interarm’s volume operates an airline called Air of business runs into eight figures. The president of Interarms took a few moments out of Wednesday’s America in Laos which delivers And of course, “If I didn’t sell them Under Attack stage show to display the types of arms and ‘sport supplies to anti-Communist that wouldn’t prevent weapons resistance forces operating there. weapons’ his corporation sells. from being used.” So, there’s good Questioned about CIA operations university has engaged in inbusiness in man’s tragic folly. in Canada, he wasn’t able to reply tellectual and cultural production Cummings handled himself very too specifically since, having and the provincial government has well. Establishing the discussion decided it no longer wants to on a basic of ethics, it was of retired in 1965, he was no longer in any deep contact with the agency. finance intellectual production,” course, futile to try to refute the This set the tone for that part of the he said. “Therefore the university well established logic of his evening’s discussion. What Kirkwill have to lay off faculty.” thinking. He claimed to obey the patrick knew about was history. Wernick proposed that all faculty laws of America. Asked how he felt As for any other information that members take a cut in pay to about control legislation, Cumone might hope to pick up on and go ensure no teachers will lose their mings replied that he was opposed into more deeply, that has taken jobs. to it because a criminal can get his One found Nind said his proposal was not to weapons regardless of law if he place since he retired. oneself in the position of looking at be considered an edict. The board wants them. Asked if it was true of governors and senate have both that his company sold arms it the stage director and the camera men hoping the discussion for the discussed it and he met with bought from the U.S. military for evening would draw to a merciful student representatives tuesday. 50 cents a unit, to Guatemala for close. After all, it’s only a show. “I am looking for suggestions four dollars a unit, he replied that And as all shows do, Under and guidance,” he said. “I anthe arms were actually bought Attack came to an end. The inticipate some modifications will be from Britain. And for the same tensity of heated debate gone, the PETERBOROUGH (CUP)-Stumade. The budget review and reason that he sells pistols Cumaudience left the theatre. dents and some faculty at Trent priorities committee participated mings would trade in nuclear -dudley paul University have reacted angrily to very little in the preparation of the arms. a proposal calling for massive proposals. The committee wanted photo by brian cere faculty cuts to accommodate releadership. The problems were too difficult for them.” strictive government educational policies. Nind denied the Trent situation paralleled Brock’s, pointing out Trent president Thomas Nind proposed january 19 the release of that Brock’s faculty firings take between 30 and 40 faculty memeffect in September, while his bers in the next 15 months, to cut a proposal has the faculty leaving in projected university deficit of 15 months. “We have forseen these $5,0OO,oOO. He agreed to cancel difficulties for some time and are classes monday to allow students, attempting to reduce our costs to faculty and staff to discuss the within striking distance of our proposal in a income. We hope the Ontario day-long moratorium. government will respond by MONTREAL (CUPI)-The UniThe official moratorium meeting halfway. To date there versity of Montreal gets its day in parallels one at Brock University has been no response from the court beginning january 17, in its last week where students are still provincial government ,” Nind continuing campaign against occupying an administrative area said. student militance. protesting proposed firings. The The faculty cuts would most Brock administration also canSome 35 students and campus severely affect Trent’s science workers are charged celled classes for the day. Both with departments, according to Nind’s “mischief to private property”, campuses are small universities plan. The president presented two arising from alleged incidents penalized by the loss of governalternatives: 1) amalgamating during the bitter strike by U of M ment grants with the withdrawal of biology, chemistry and physics maintenance workers in October special status in recent Queen’s departments stressing ecological 1971. Park educational cutbacks. and enviromental studiesAbout 900 maintenance workers, The Trent moratorium follows a thereby reducing faculty by eight members of the Canadian Union of call by the Ontario Federation of to twelve; 2) combining chemistry Public Employees stayed on strike Students january 21 for its member with the physics departments and for about six weeks before student councils to organize biology with geography to acreaching a settlement with the moratoria and mass meetings complish the same staff reduction. university. Classes were shut down against the province’s cuts in Nind’s plan would also for most of that time. educational spending, during a amalgamate the French and Not unlike the Dare strike in K- three-day period beginning Spanish departments and close the W, the trouble began when the january 29. German department to release university hired professional Nind’s announcement of his between two and four faculty strikebreakers at $96 a day. The proposal last friday prompted a members. action hardened attitudes in what demonstration by more than 250 “I hope the students and the to that point had been a peaceful Trent students. Student council university as a whole will react strike. While performing night chairwoman Sue Genge charged positively after the initial shock,” patrol duty, the strikers who are on Nind was capitulating to Ontario Nind said. “There may be some trial were attacked by 50 government pressure, and she students who will seek a conhelmetted, club-wielding thugs. urged the administration to join frontation situation, but I hope not. The revelation about the hiring of students in fighting Queen’s Park. The proposals will, I hope, lend “goons” was provided by the Sociology professor Andrew financial stability and flexibility to United Steelworkers of America Wernick compared the situation in the university.” district director Jean Gerinthe universities to a production Indications are Trent students Lajoie, who is also a member of the slowdown in factories when will look suspiciously on his adU of M administration. workers are laid off. “The vice.
A tasteful touch of irrelevancy With a tasteful touch of the dramatic, the drums roll as a voice of doom announces that Under Attack is being staged, reaching the concerned viewer in front of his TV set once again. The weekly probe into vital aspects of world affairs iS at Waterloo for the second time this year. The viewer can expect another “Forum” carried out with impeccable smoothness. And it’s polite, always providing a sense of taste in discussions about matters of, naturally, great import. If nothing else a tone of respectability can be maintained ; distance from the reality of a situation notwithstanding.
Faculty cuts at Trent
UofM versus militants
the chevron
26, 1973
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King --~ W., Kitchener
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the chevron
The Hartford
Business interests enter planning Big business marches on and becomes an’agent of positive social change. This was the message in the latest School of Regional Planning guest lecture series. Last thursday’s topic-“The Greater Hartford Process-A Prototype for Metropolitan Redevelopment and Revitalization”-was laid out and played out by Jack Green. The original speaker, Peter Libossi, president of Greater Hartford Process Inc (GHPI), was unavoidably detained ‘by a directors’ meeting and was replaced by Green, educational planning and development director of the same organization. Greater Hartford, the metropolitan area centred on Hartford, Connecticut, contains a population of 700,000 within 765 square miles. Hartford, like K-W, is a major centre of the insurance industry. The area, with 29 cities, is fragmented racially, economically, and politically. Deteriorating medical, welfare, educational and transportation systems ; growing unemployment ; an increasing proportion of substandard housing in decaying city cores-these and other problems contributed to the 1967 urban
unrest that sparked the concern of the area’s good corporate citizens. This concern resulted in the eventual formation of GHPI. Its function was to study the area’s problems and to derive an integrated plan that would involve the entire community in the restructuring and redevelopment of the human environment. The results of this study are of definite interest to the people of Ontarioone of the major restraints upon Greater Hartford’s planning process was the almost complete impossibility of re-organization on a regional level, such as we are presently experiencing. I In order to be representative, GHPI was composed equally of labour and business, politicians and residents. In order that the planning be effective, the nonprofit Greater Hartford Development Corporation was set up to implement the approved parts of the physical plan. Both work with the Chamber of Commerce, which acts in its traditional role of attracting industry and creating jobs. In order to be consistent, the operation of GHPI was to be guided by a set of principles :
l community leadership must be diverse, recognizing the limitation and dispersion of power, l the proclaimed goals of the community must be credible and involve as many people as possible, l planning and development must be united, l the new community should foster social change and force positive decision making, ti the life-support systems of the urban environment-social and physical-are interdependent and require a systems engineering approach, l the impact must be significant, implying large-scale redevelopment, l redevelopment must create and capture value. Throughout the let ture, Green stressed the point that the operation of GHPI was a process, that the proposals set forth in its report were intentionally farranging to stimulate community discussion. He stressed that the interested people giving feedback on the report were paid $15 per night as consultants. He stressed that redevelopment was and is carried out by existing agencies and institutions, though possibly re-organized, that the GHPI was only acting in the background as an advisor. Green stressed that GHPI was not coercive, nor a zoning arbitrator, nor exclusively concerned with inner cities. He stressed that GHPI wanted to demonstrate that municipal regions can work-that public, private, and corporate interests are identical. Are they? -norm
1973 5
jack Green of Greater Hartford Process Inc. was this week’s Regional Planning guest lecturer. He told his U of W audience that public, private and corporate interests are identical. Wowsies!
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More cutbacks l
Brock ” hardm hit The nature of the Ontario Conservative government’s cutbacks in educational spending should be familiar to anyone by now. As part of a program to reduce the number of students in the province’s colleges and universities last spring, the government announced effectively a fee hike of $100 for undergraduate and $400 for graduate students. And one can look at the $500,000 reduction in the Ontario Graduate Fellowships and retrogressive changes in the OSAP program for other instances of rollback. And, of course, no one is sure of what future ‘changes’ the Davis government has in store to decrease the participation of the people in their province’s education system. One aspect of the cutback program that has not been generally evident is the fact that, coupled with everything else, the ‘emerging’ universities smaller have lost their special status with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. With this comes the loss of grants, part of that special status. Thus the problems of the cutback situation are intensified in the smaller universities, though administrations on the whole, have reconciled themselves to their fate and have performed the necessary surgery on their programs to cope with economic considerations. The Brock University administration’s answer to its economic problems has simply been to inform sixteen professors that their jobs may not exist as of next year. Of this group, five have been told that they are definitely going to be cut from the faculty. The eleven remaining will have to wait and see-their jobs next year depending on the upcoming ministry budget allocation to the university. Whatever the case, the Brock student population will have to face an increase in the studentprofessor ratio and consequent cuts in courses. The problem is heightened when one adds to the total of professors cut, others who will be on sabbatical or leave of qbsence. The reduction in ranks could amount to as many as twenty.
According to Brock Provost A.E. Earp, the cutbacks are being made only in overstaffed departments. Contrary to this claim is part of an editorial in a recent Brock Press: 66 .we can ill afford a cutback on the number of courses offered. Indeed the overcrowding of seminars and labs would verify the fact that more teaching staff is necessary rather than less.” Though students at Brock are being forced, like others in Ontario, to pay more for the opportunity to enter the visionary utopia of the middle class, they receive less in return. Needless to say, feelings of anger are not- quelled by the fact that the university has recently opened up a lavishly appointed new building upon which about’ $85,000 a year could be saved if left unopened. However, such action is not to take place, the administration’s idea being that such a complex will attract more students. In the words of the provost: “It’s a matter of image a bit.” So corporatism has infiltrated inevitably and according to plan, it being only natural in view of the governmental forces the small university is facing. In response to this, the Brock student’s union called a moratorium on classes for thursday january 18, during which time the thirteenth floor of the Brock tower was occupied, to remain that way until cutbacks are repealed. Interestingly, provost Earp declared the administration’s sympathy and then officially called for class cancellation. During the occupation, a study session was held to discuss the causes of the financial cutbacks and organize for future action. Also, a write-in campaign was urged, for the general public to express their discontent to the Davis government. As for the present, there is still little activity at Brock as far as classes are concerned, though the fervor of last week’s activities has abated somewhat. The student union continues to organize an information campaign and has urged that other universities Ontario show their across solidarity by staging their own moratoriums to mobilize the student population against the Davis government’s “Big Business balanced budget” which can at one time draw money away from education and rechannel it, in the form of ‘forgiveable’ loans, to business. The OFS, as the only central representative for the Ontario students is faced with massive organization, though stifled only last fall by the dead lack of interest over the orginal fee strike drive. Still, the events at Brock and other campuses across the province may be enough to raise the enthusiasm for future action. Jack MacNie sends his sympathy to Brock in view of its problems. 4udley
photo by dick mcgill
’ 26, 1973
VD for the layman One of the most infectious ailments around, second only to the common cold, is venereal disease. For this reason, it was included in the list of topics for the ‘Medical Science for the Layman’ series at UW to be shown on television in the spring. In a series of talks monday by three experts in the field, VD was kicked about in the manner an army training film would have used. Doctors may be able to cure VD, but with all their facts and figures and clinical terms, their lectures leave much to be desired. With dazzling facts, figures and percentages, the first doctor talked for twenty-odd minutes-to say that yes, there is a VD problem in the world and even in our own Ontario. He mentioned that of 13,077 cases of gonorrhea reported in the province last year, only 123 of these were in the K-W area. Dr. J.H. Watson did, however, throw out a few morsels of mindboggling information-such as the fact that there now appear to be some new strains of venereal disease on the market. These appear to be resistant to good old penicillin. But don’t worry folks, the other antibiotics like tetracycline still seem to clear it up nicely. The other lecturers seemed to be teaching medical students how to diagnose VD in the laboratorywhat techniques to use and how to use them. Who’cares? The talks were supposed to be designed for the laymen, remember? At any rate, the lectures did at least stress the one great truism of venereal diseases-their nature is medical not social. Far too often, VD is seen as a social enigma, and thus treated as one. VD cannot be treated with home remedies or by hiding it. It is a disease and if left untreated, it can kill you...So, if you suspect that you have it, well then, get your ass on down to a doctor. -dick
? As you like it. From the ultra avant-garde. terms.
What you humanities
do with VD once theatre.
it was discussed
by a panel
of medical
in the
\ the cheyron‘
26, 1973 7
ohoto bv eord moor-e
of confusion
Ea-yrs beh\ind . the arras
The Impermanence of Power is a good drawing card for any lecture. And when ,the speaker is James Eayrs, professor of international relations at U of T, the attraction grows stronger. For who should know more about the impermanence of power than a Liberal-supporting contributor to the editorial pages of the Toronto Daily Star who continues to write even after the Star switched its allegiance to the Conservative party? But James Eayrs chose to speak of power in an enigmatic _ and abstracted fashion typical ok prominent liberal historians. The lesson he delivered to the second year history class last tuesday was one in the diplomacy of confusion. , I was somewhat late for the lecture and while I busied myself finding pen and paper Eayrs _ entertained his audience with quotations from Malcolm Muggeridge and Henry Kissinger. Muggeridge, he said, spoke of all power as an evil, a position which Eayrs maintained was at least silly if not totally misinformed. Kissinger provided a position more agreeable to Eayrs. What interested both of them was what could be achieved ,. with power. It was in this vein, and withmany loving and familial witty criticisms directed at Kissinger, that Eayrs proceeded. Brandishing his unsheathed wit and threatening to undermine notions of power from all sides he leveled his criticism toward what he called the ‘geo-political fallacy’ which stated that power was a function of accumulated might. The fallacy, of course, lay in the fact that a single airplane hijacker has the power to threaten and defy all this might. He then raised the question of when what would happen hijackers began to carry atomic weapons, and paused to allow his . speculation to seize hold of the senses of the assembled class. Eayrs posed the situation that, although power has never been greater; neither- has it ever been less useful. “The atomic bomb reduces the power of threat. During the period that the U.S. had the greatest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world, the Soviet Union -experienced its greatest expansion and China moved to revolution. The recent history of power has been the great powers his tory of humiliated by small nations.” Korea was an example of where the “odds were on David over Goliath”. Power depends on the purpose to which it is deployed. ‘With its / relative nature in mind, Eayrs . presented 7 three possible groupings of its purpose: the power to build versus the power to destroy ; the power to defend versus the power to attack; and
the power to compel versus the Qower to deter. To illustrate the first two groups, Eayrs used such unlikely homilies as ‘Rome wasn’t built, in a day’ but a in a fireworks ‘pyromaniac factory can wreak destruction in seconds’ and Switzerland has never suffered attacks during the great wars. He did spend more time on the third group. It is easier to deter than to compel because the power to deter requires no act. It is a negative threat which implies ‘don’t do this or I will retaliate’. Absolute might is not required either to compel or deter. Only the belief that the threat exists is required. Of prime importance in the power relations of countries was the use of propaganda. Eayrs saw “waning importance of the persuading the leaders of foreign countries and the growing need to persuade the followers. Call your own propaganda honest information; and call honest information from an enemy, propaganda. ” This astute view of propaganda was followed, unfortunately, by Eayrs’ puzzlement over “what is just policy, what is honest policy...what is truth?” Perhaps a question he should ask himself more often before he pens his Star editorials. Radio and television are the major perpetrators of this propaganda. McLuhans ‘global village’, Packards : hidden persuaders’ et al gives rise to Eayrs’ equally obvious and inane label of ‘global’mobe’ where mass opinion is mobilized behind established authority-or against it. It did not occur to Eayrs to discuss where the control of this media lies. Emphatically he questioned this power to dissuade, this psychic aggression - where does it draw its power and, what defences does man have against it. With the same type of blind faith required to state that the best defence against a vampire is to hold a silver cross before it, Eayrs said* that the defences come from within ourselves and although they may seem meagre, they just might be strong enough. To illustrate this strength from within, Eayrs related a tale pitting the frail fortifications of the spirit against the powers of persuasion. The tale concerned a young Ger man man who would ‘not bend to, the force of Nazi -pressure because he believed that Germany was waging an unjust war. Neither the local priest, his friends, nor ‘a Nazi tribunal could dissuade him from renouncing the Nazi’s war and he was ’ subsequently put to death. The tale told, Eayrs concluded that “men like this seem to be born not made and that is why we are in trouble. ” Enigma after enigma in his polished, if not perfected oration, left me wondering whether Eayrs
In piecemeal fashion Jambs Eayrs deiivered a lecture on the impermanence of power in international relations, but chose to neglect the implications of power. actually knew little of is subject matter or was concerned merely with the eloquence and manner of his presentation. Is it possible that one who is seemingly wellversed in the affairs of the world can so easily choose to neglect the implications of power by presenting its manifestation in so piecemeal a fashion? When questioned on his own political position, and his seeming vacillation from left to right, Eayrs smiled and stated that he was glad someone had noticed it. The time for extremes had passed-in fact, for Eayrs, the time for ostensible conhas passed. - With victions convictions that meet the occasion; Professor Eayrs might be reminded that a position displaying the diplomacy of a Polonius combined with as little an understanding of power is a very dangerous position. *ltony
Accident Three students were injured monday evening when a westbound car passed the signal lights and was hit by a train. The car, al green mustang, was totally demolished when it was struck on the back right corner by the train. It spun onto the sidewalk and hit two students who were returning from classes. Passing students comforted the injured as others ran to phone for the police and ambulances. One student was released from hospital that evening with abrasions and lacerations while the other remained to be treated for a broken leg. The driver is suffering from internal injuries and has not been released from hospital. From witnesses’ reports it is suspected that he will be charged with passing an operating signal light.
Sudbury students protest SUDBURY (CUP)-Students at Laurentian University joined province-wide actions against the Ontario government’s educational policies january 18, when they occupied the only operating elevator in the’ administration building. The occupation took place just before a scheduled Laurentian senate meeting and the approximately ” 40 students succeeded in discouraging about half the senators from attending. Senate meetings. are held on the 1 lth floor. _... Students left the elevator after four hours, not quite preventing /the senate from mustering its quorum. They wanted to drama&e to senate members their opposition to governmentordered fee increases and hikes in the student awards loan ceiling. With a continuing strike by elevator maintenance employees, the administration had only one workable elevator. The action followed a general meeting at which student council decided to call a moratorium on classes january 24 to discuss the issues in.volved in the provincewide fees strike, organized to protest government policy. More than 50 percent of Laurentian students have not paid their second-term fees, providing the strike with its strongest campus support in the province. .
The occupation was also a symbol of support for students in an occupation at Brock University in St. Catherines to protest firings of faculty forced by cuts in government aid to the university. At Laurentian, january 24 the planned -moratorium is to bring students up to date on the government’s moves and student actions across the province. A local labor leader will speak on the class aspect of the struggle. New Democratic Party provincial MLA Floyd Laughren from Nickel Belt will also speak at the meeting. As well, students intended to bring their case to the Laurentian board of governors when it meets ’ today. They want the board to discuss ‘the- government policies because its members were all appointed by the Conservative governemnt and have since reappointed themselves. Student leaders believe the government policies will prevent students from working class families receiving higher education. They consider the action part of a plan’ to ensure that only upper class children have access to university. Laurentian is the sixth Ontario campus where students have taken militant action against government policy. Students at York University’s main campus, . York’s *Glendon College and the University of Western Ontario occupied their fees offices the week of january 9 to 12 and convinced their administrations to release student award money to students before they paid their ’ fees. A similar occupation at the University of Windsor that week failed. The Brock action began january 16. \’ Meanwhile, however, in a memorandum dated- tuesday, january 23, OFS general coordinator Craig Heron called off plans for a proposed provincewide moratorium january 29-3 1. The executive committee of OFS, the note said, reached the conclusion that “Solid support for such an action was--- lacking among member associations at this time. The province-wide moratorium will, therefore, be postponed indefinitely pending further discussion. ” Where this will leave student councils like that at Laurentian with plans already made for the action, is unknown at this time. Apparently a delegation from Brock university had been one of the strong- voices in urging the, OFS executive to go beyond merely protesting the $100 tuition fee increase and stress the effects of restrictive educational policies. The Brock student council, however, is one of those member organizations which, like the Waterloo Federation of Students, has not endorsed the fees strike. At the time, Heron had expressed doubt that the provincial federation could take an effective leadership role, given the limited success reported from participating campuses. But -* executive members disagreed, deciding that OFS could still act as a corordinator: of student action if it adopted the right approach. Apparently they’ve now decided, at a rather late date, that the moratorium was not the correct tactic. Confusion reigns.
\ h
the chevron
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the chevron
This column has taken root in the chevron and will week by week, grow to maturity. In last week’s column it was promised that, if the column survived, it would next deal with growing your own garden indoors. Get your pots and seeds ready and learn the fine art of indoor gardening. The first thing that every capable indoor gardener needs is a pot to place his plant in. These can range in price from practically nothing for clay pots to infinity for gold and silver, if your interests lie there. The most practical pots are those made of clay, plastic, styrofoam, or cans. Clay pots are the best since if they are broken you can use the chips as filler in the bottom of the other pots. Also the clay is porous and allows the soil to breathe. It should be mentioned too, that clay breaks down much faster than metals or plastics so it is less likely to become an ecological eyesore-and clay pots are relatively inexpensive. A pot with a diameter of four inches costs about a quarter and you can buy saucers for the pots for under twenty cents. Perhaps the easiest way to obtain pots is to look around for javex bottles and remove the tops, or punch three or four holes with a bottle open& in the bottom of an empty tin can. Yougourt cups, jars and cut bottles are also quite good. For a little variety you can cut the neck off your favourite wine bottle to make a planter. If non-porous containers are being used a few holes should be punched in the bottom sides. Try to keep the holes under half an inch in diameter or else you will lose most of your soil when you water. If you are using containers like glass or hard plastic, that can not be punched then place about half an inch of gravel, charcoal pieces and clay chips in the bottom of the pot and then fill it with earth. Containers without drainage holes should be watered less frequently than those that have them or else the soil will become raricid. Pot size in relation to the plants will be discussed later. Finding the proper soil for the plants and maintaining it in good condition is critical for a good garden. If the soil is weak or unbalanced, the plants can suffer directly from poor nutrition or indirectly from being attacked by
the variety of pests that frequent poorly-tended earth. Pests thrive if the soil is poor since they can easily kill weaker plants, breed, and attack more plants in greater numbers. A plant growing in proper soil can accept some parasitic attacks but a plant grown in improper soil will weaken and possibly die. It is quite easy to buy garden soil from a local hardware or gardening centre. Unfortunately this soil is overpriced. It is much less expensive, although not necessarily easier, to mix your own soil. A good mixture of soil for both seeds and mature plants is two parts garden loam, one part sharp sand, and one part compost, leaf mold, manure (rotted) or peat moss. It is advisable to sterilize this mixture in the oven for about an hour at 350 degrees or pour boiling water through it in order to kill off harmful bacteria, insect eggs and viruses. The soil should then, be left for a week in order to air (heating causes ammonia fumes which can harm plants). The soil can now be sifted and used. If you are planting seeds in the soil do not fertilize or add extra nitrogen to the soil since it will cause the plants to grow spindly. If you use pre-packaged soil the best types to get are african violet and tropical plant packages. The chief advantage of these packages is that the soil they contain is not extremely acidic or basic and therefore there will be less chance of mis-matching plant and soil. Most plants grow well in soil that has a ph of 6.5 to 6.8, or just slightly acid. To test the soil try the litmus test. If the paper goes blue then the soil is too basic and needs compost added to it. Water, wait a day or two, and then give the test again. If you are careful your plants will grow at their best. If not, well, that’s‘ the way the watermelon wilts. When plants are mentioned in the column it will be noted whether they require a slightly acidic soil or a basic one. Watering the soil properly is also important for the growth of a plant. Water should be gently sprinkled or sprayed on seedlings or see$, flats. Most mature plants requir&a liberal soaking, but care should be taken not to intoxicate them as it will cause wilting, leaf droppage and possibly death. The
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plantingof the seed.If you have
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questions or contributions for the column feel free to drop a line to nature’s table in ye olde chevron office. Tell ‘em you want to have momma nature see it.
WANT TO BE ON THE INSIDE? We want you, especially 1st and 2nd year students. Introduce yourself to a campaign. Bring your enthusiasm, ideas and friends. Do a little or do a lot. Be a part of the coming Federation.
Andrew P. Telegdi for Federation
Join us! Call Doug
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26, 1973 9
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soil of most plants should be damp to the touch but not too wet. You must also be careful not to overwater plants in non-porous containers since it will cause root rot. Lots of. interesting little creatures can live and grow in stagnant pots, so watch the water! Unfortunately unlimited space is not available; so here the saga of the home garden must end for this week. Next time, the climax-the
10 the
Address letters to feedback, the chevron, U of W. Be concise. The chevron reserves the right to shorten lettea Letters must be typed on a 32 character line. f of legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason
FRI. & SAT. JAN. 26 & 27 - 8 pm The University Players present THE
Bunch of , kids or something?
SUBJECT WAS ROS\ES by Frank D. Gilroy
Directed by Maurice Evans Theatre of the Arts Admission $1.25, students 75 cents. Central Box Office ext. 2126
the university yes, the big think the place ya meet all that learned material and the beer and sex and intellectual stuff yes we grip with reality here no more babysitting environment where ya sign more petitions than bobby err signs autographs cause it’s great to be realizers of the fucked up, ripped off ignorant majority no one can say we don’t care about the cookie guy in kitchener someplace who got ripped off or something yes comrades
WED. JAN. 31 - 11:30 am Concert - MADRIGALS &\ DIVERSE DITTIES The University Madrigal Singers Directed by David Walker Appearing with David Walker, who &II also be singing tenor, are sopranos Margaret Ellingson and Joan Venn, John Capindale, Counter-Tenor and Ernie Lappin, Bass. The Madrigal Singers began to sing together in the Fall of 1971. They took part in “Elizabethan Revels” and“‘Festino” at the university during 1972. This is their first full concert of their own. Included in the programme are works by Thomas Morley, P.D.Q. Bach, Purcell, and others. Theatre of the Arts Free Admission
the cigarette blistered furniture and overcrowded meetings that don’t give anything free tell everything and man, when i get time i’m gonna sit down and read a poster or something and really get involved or something after all a movement is necessary to let everyone know that if we don’t get together the heavies will run 11s down who the hell they think we are anyways bunch a kids? justin
Steele skimmed surface I am delighted to see the call for further research and writing on the topic of regional government in the Waterloo area. It is an overstatement to say that the article by Bruce Steele, “It’s Bill Davis and the Regional Goliath” (Jan. 12) skimmed the surface. He doesn’t even seem to know what this regional government business is all about. Even worse, he has misinformed the readers gbout many things that have already been written up. and are available to anyone interested. See, for example, several papers in A.G. McLellan (ed.) - The Waterloo County Geographical
WeTe offering you a career that makes the most of what you know. As an Officer in the Canadian Forces you’ll I+ikely put your special skills to good use. And, you’ll be expected to combine your university education with an essential ability to relate to people. You’ll develop your leadership. You’ll be exposed to new learning situations, and day-to-day experience that needs your intelligence. In training, managing, and decision-making. We start you off with $7,200 a year; you get a month’s paid vacation each year, and you enjoy fringe benefits that are second to none. So, we offer a lot, but we ask a lot of you, too. If you’re willing to go through the tough, basic officer training, if you’re able to adapt to and understand different people and places, then we want to talk with you. Call your nearest recruiter (in any major city), or send us the coupon below.
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which is available in the University Bookstore and the Arts Library. A couple of examples of misinformation from Bruce Steele’s article : “The Planning Boards of the region are now under one roof also.” False. The new Act creating the Regional Municipality of Waterloo abolished all advisory Planning Boards and made planning a responsibility of elected councils.
“The whole process (of regional government) is. . .a forced abeyance (sic.) of the Tory Machine of Big Bill Davis and an attempt to make the best of a questionable thing.” This is a deliberately misleading statement that is contrary to the facts of the case. The initiative, first for regional planning, then for regional government, came from the Waterloo Region. In fact, it took a great deal of persistence on the part of local government officials and interested citizens to get the provincial government to give us regional government. Never in the history of local government in Ontario was there as much public involvement and local input as there was in the move towards regional government in Waterloo County. I could go on for pages, but I think the above examples make my point. I look forward to seeing further articles on the excellent questions raised at the end of Bruce Steele’s article. ralph r. krueger, professor, geography
Polisci fascists beware! In response to the demands made upon the Executive of the Political Science Union by the irresponsible faction of second year students, we would like it to be known that a negative reply has been decided upon. Furthermore, let it be-known that the Executive is aware of the planned coup to replace tFe President of the PSU, and we will take all and any measures which we deem necessary to halt these fascist tactics. david atkinson, 4 poli sci terry kelly, 4 poli sci geoff atkinson, 4 poli sci
the chevron
Uncle Bill ! (?) is sacked:
dianne baba janice corbyn gerard sinnott robert bilchen
In this day of freedom, why is it that a man is judged by his appearance rather than by his ability? Bill Wadge, our favourite computer prof, has been canned because of his unconventional teaching methods and his refusal to conform to the standards of the Big Brass. What a rip-off. If his teaching methods were that bad, why did all his 240B kids pass? Uncle Bill is not only a great prof, but a friend who’s there when you need him-he’d’ help any student no matter how insignificant the problem-not like a lot of profs. Why should we, the students, be penalized for the medieval attitudes of the administration ? Uncle Bill, we’re with you.
Committee not commissioned Regarding the article jan 19 covering the Senate meeting, I wish to clarify some of the remarks made by John Keyes the reporter. First, he states that the finance committee is “commissioned by the Senate.” Although it may be nothing more than semantics, I think it more clear to say that the committee is drawn from the Senate, i.e. is composed of senators. Second, although there was considerable confusion as to the role of the committee, it is
responsible to the Senate. None of its recommendations are independent of Senate ratification, however cursory that might be. It should be noted, however, that neither have the power to implement their proposals. They can act .only to recommend to the Board of Governors. Perhaps the matter can be cleared up by pointing out that the finance committee does not draft budget proposals. In theory, it studies the proposals made by Bruce Gellatly, vice-president of finance and operations. It then asks the Senate to recommend that the Board amend certain aspects of the budget. The force of these recommendations remains to be seen as this year, there was too little time to intelligently evaluate it. john o’grady student senator
Classified ads are accepted between 9 and 5 in the chevron office. See Charlotte. Rates are 50 cents for the first fifteen words and five cents each per extra word. All classifieds must be paid in advance. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m. FOR SALE FM stereo. FM-AM tuner. Solid state Sony model ST-80F. Price: $105. Call John 884-2537. Ski equipment for sale. Like new Yamaha fibreglas skis, step-in bindings and Lange buckled boots (size 10). Also jumping skis and laced, leather boots. Phone 742-7 168. Ski equipment: Yama ha fibreglas skis; marker bindings, leather ski boots (size 9), and 8-foot jumping skis. Phone 742-7168. FREE Free! Take it away and it’s yours-a large stove. Two burners and the oven work. Other two burners need work. 68. Free to first caller. 742-7 Free cat. All white longhair female 4 months old. Housebroken. Free cat. Multicolor female 4 months old. Housebroken. Phone 579-5245 after 5 pm. LOST AND FOUND Found: a pair of mittens in food services john. (Lost jan. 17.) Call 7431011. Ask for Melody and identify color and kind. Lost: A man’s gold ring: Tiger-Eye.
Reward. Phone 884-0041, Rm 310. Lost: Greatly needed pair of wire-, framed glasses in grey case. Lost thursday, jan 18 on campus. Please phone 884-8715. Lost: Broomballers: Reward for white wool toque lost last friday at Queensmount Arena. Doug, ext 3847.
PERSONAL Bahai’s on campus. Greetings. at 884-4520 around 6 pm.
Graduation Portrait Special Each package .offer includes the sitting fee and the retouching of one negative of your choice from a selection of proofs. Retouching extra negatives $3.00 each..
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. HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION University of ‘Guelph Art Gallery to Jan 31
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TYPING Typing done ; also experienced in technical statistical work; , IBM Selectric. Call anytime 576-7901. Will do typing in my home. Experienced. Phone 742-3305 6-9 pm. Essay Services, a complete essay service company. Mon-fri 3-10 pm; sat-sun 10 am-10 pm. 300 Avenue Road, Toronto 7, Ont. (416) 961-6150. We also do typing.
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HOUSING AVAILABLE Terrific! Sublet two-bedroom apartment for fun summer months! Fantastic for guys and or dolls! Great for 8:30’s-only two minutes to your campus activities. Phone 884-8715. Furnished one-bedroom apartment: sublet may l-sept 1. Negotiable, near campus. Chris or Suzanne 885-0586.
26, 1973 1 1
Call Bill
the chevron
friday, This week on campus is a free column fir the announcement of meetings, special semjnafs or speakers, social events and other happenings on campus-student, faculty or staff. See the chevron secretary or call extension 233 1. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.
FRIDAY University Players present “The Subject was Roses” by Frank D. Gilroy. Directed by Maurice Evans. Theatre of arts. 8 pm. Students $75; others $1.25. Free afternoon pub. Sponsored mathsoc. 2 pm. CC210. . Chess tournament by mathsoc. 8:30
finals. Sponsored pm. Food services.
Pub dance with Kodiak. Sponsored by mathsoc. South campus hall. Math students $50; feds $1; others $1.50. Federation Flicks-“Boys in the than Amber”. UW Band”, “Darker undergrads !$.75; others $1.25. Sponsored by Federation of Students.
University Players present “The Subject was Roses” by Frank D. Gilroy, Directed by Maurice Evans. Theatre of arts. 8 pm. Students $.75; others Ql 3c PI.LJ. SATURDAY Have you ever gotten lost on a car rally or never entered for fear of getting lost? Then come to the math weekend snow rally. At lo:45 there will be a brief rally school presented by a noted international rallyist. Registration at 10:00 am in 3rd floor math lounge.
Federation Flicks-“Boys in the Band”, “Darker than Amber”. UW undergrads $.75 ; others $1.25. Sponsored by Federation of Students. Pub
Yukon). students
South campus hall. Math $50; feds $1; others $1.50.
SUNDAY Stage Band rehearsal. Everyone welcome.
Toboggan races (equipment supplied). from math bldg Transportation parking lot from l-2 pm and return. Sponsored by mathsoc. Federation Flicks-“Boys in the Band”, “Darker than Amber”. UW undergrads $.75; others $1.25. Sponsored by Federation of Students. MONDAY “Vonnegut Turn Deserves Anot her”. Free. Humanities theatre, 11:30 am. Creative Arts Board.
OPIRG-general meeting. Open to all interested students and faculty. 9 pm 5th fl. MC faculty lounge.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Weekend Special-From $4.00/Day Overnight Special-From $7.00 Movers Special-From $8.00 Rentals On Motor Homes And Travel Trailers Representative for W.L.U. John Hull 742-4463
26, ‘1973
EMS library offers informal introductions to library use. Meet at the reference desk. 9:30 am, lo:30 am, 2:30 pm, 3:30 pm.
TUESDAY Public lecture. Prof. Warren Cohen, hist. dept. Michigan State; “Asia: Back door to war”. 8 pm Al 124. Sponsored by history department.
Chamber Choir rehearsal (audition only). Al 6 7:30-9 pm. All welcome.
Kinder Gym and Swim-registration 9:30-11 pm PAC red north. For ages l5. ice $3 for 6 wks. Classes start feb. 1. Instructors needed.
Concert-Madrigals and Diverse Ditties. Theatre of Arts. 11:30 am. Free. Creative Arts Board.
AL 6 7 pm.
OPIRG-Steve Atlas, director NY-PIRG (New York) will talk to all interested people. 11 am SS 221. .
Gay Liberation Movement general meeting. Everyone welcome. 8 pm CC 113. Kinder Gym and Swim-registration 2: 30-4: 30 pm PAC Red North. For age 1 to 5. Fee $3. Classes start feb. 1. Instructors needed. Monday through Thursday. Morning, afternoon, evening services for Jewish students. Minyan required for students saying Kaddish. Phone Alex Amigo 884-6129.
CUSO meeting. Recruiter from Ottawa, Margaret Patterson will show a film. 7:30 pm El 103.
Concert Choir rehearsal. Singers needed for a new work by director Alfred Kunz, “International Collage”especially tenors and basses. Al 113,79 pm. All welcome.
Afternoon conversation pub. 12-6 pm. Admission $.25. Sponsored by Campus Centre Board.
Para-Legal Assistance:free legal info dealing with any aspect of the law. New hours: 7-lo:30 pm. tuesday, wednesday and thursday nights. Call 8844400 or drop into our office at Renison College.
Free yoga classes: some meditation and physical postures. Sponsored by Ananda Marga Yoga Society. Everyone welcome. Pub with Atticus. 8:30 pm, food services festival room. Sponsored by International Students Assoc. ISA members $.50; Feds $1; Others $1.50.
Chess Club meeting and conclusion of CFC-rated tournament. Anyone interested in joining club or playing in new rating tournament please attend. 7:30 pm CC 135.
Little Symphony Orchestra rehearsal. 5:30 pm Al 6. Everyone welcome.
Computer Science Club meeting. 7 pm MC 3006.
THURSDAY Weekly meeting, UW Christian Science informal group. Discussion and experiences related to the practical value of an understanding of God. 3:30 pm MI’ 216.
WEDNESDAY Public lecture-Clyde Sanger, Canadian -journalist, author & international development expert on “The Role of Foreign Assistance in Third World Development”. 8 pm Al 113. Sponsored by history dept.
Federation Flicks: “Junior Bonner”, “The Grissom Gang”. Al 116. UW undergrads $.75; others $1.25. Sponsored by federation of students.
Birth planning again: open discussion at health services each Wednesday at 7:30 pm. A counsellor, birth control centre rep and a medical person will be present to discuss contraception. Come alone or bring your mate, but bring your questions. Everyone welcome.
Do you need legal information? Immigration, landlord & lease, drugs. All these areas relate to the law. If you need paralegal information, visit Renison College, main building. PAL, Call 884-4400 7-lo:30 pm tuesdays and thursdays.
Bonanza hive-In Lincoln Plaza (across from Zehr’s) OPEN TILL 3 AM 1 Charcoal Broiled Hamburgs Fish ‘n’ Chips We Serve theBiggest Order, of French Fries in K-W
SHAFTED ? . A group of U. of W. students and faculty is starting the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) here on campus.
deal with
Environmental Protection Consumer Protection Corporate & Government Human Rights
set up to uphold
the chevron
by Walter
spaces for city core.”
another international civil servant, the multinationals “Encircle the globe. The sun never sets on their empires. Of the 100 biggest economic units no* in existence, at least 50 are not sovereign states. They are multinational corporations.”
developing countries together, almost as much as in the whole of Europe. Over 29 per cent of total U.S. foreign direct investment is in Canada.” “The report showed that U.S. corporations sell two-and-a-half times as much from their foreign plants as is exported .jn manufactured goods from the United States.”
Canada has reason to be confused about its allegiances. There are now 298 U.S. multinationals which control 5,200 foreign subsidiaries; expanding their In its December 1971 summary acquisitions at a mighty rate, of exports and imports Statistics these firms had total sales of close Canada noted: to $100 billion last year and are / “Canadian exports to the U.S.A. increasing their volume at about totalled. $11.8 billions. imoorts 12.5 per cent per armurn. were $10.9 billion. Our exports However, while acquisitions are consisted of 49 per cent end growing quickly, the interest of the products, our imports were 73 per U.S. multinationals in the cent end products.” Canadian market is definitely on the wane and its focus is shifting to other areas of the world-it may Farm equipment manufacjust be therein that the major turer’s faces are beaming from ear source of Turner’s discomfort is to to ear now that agriculture be found (see chart). minister Whelan has called upon Western farmers to sow as much wheat as they possibly can this U.S. companies’ net acyear. This policy, in essence till quisitions of foreign .enterattempt to quickly capitalize on prises. massive crop failures throughout 1970 1971 the rest of the world, will amplify Canada 158 45 Europe 511 300 what the industry already feels are Other areas 29 117 boom circumstances and will push Total 698 462 it over the $500 million in sales. \ Source: U.S. Dept. of Commerce Also considered positive are the year end results on farming only Speaking of foreign investment just caICulated-‘farm cash inlevels a recent UE bulletin noted come’ jumped to about $5 billion the following: this year and is expected to lift to “U.S. direct investment a broad, $5.4 billion next year; the jump according to the U.S. National represents an increase of 20 per Foreign Trade Council, reached cent. 78.1 billion at the end of 1970. The Naturally we’ll do well to total investment in Canada was remember that the ihcreases $22.8 billion, more than in all accrue more and more to the everefficient rationalization of the Canadian farming ‘industry’, a process oft referred to as agribusiness. As a result of this process giant steps have been made towards the weeding out of inefficient producing units in Canadian farmland; as of now fewer than 1.5 million Canadians, live on farms, a staggering decline of 24 per cent over the last fLve years. Now a mere 7 per cent of the population is involved in farming, as opposed to 10 per cent in 1966 and 12 per cent in 1961. Another wonder of agribusiness is its talent for sponsoring the accumulation of huge ‘blocks’ of farmland, areas which because of their massive size are susceptible we make anything we can sell to to higher productivity and moreuniform and efficient ad-
ministration. In actual fact the decline in farm residents coincides sharply with the decline in numbers of operative farms430,522 in 1966 as opposed to 366,128 in 1971.
In spite of what we’ve often been asked to believe about the Davis government and its allegiance to the development of a truly ‘public’ transportation ,system-at the expense of those expressway systems which service only car owners-recent information suggests a vile con-
it, Foliinsbee,
in the
During all that protracted debate over the necessity for more and more highrise office space in the downtown core of Toronto, a battle in which the developers carried the day, no one seemed to be paying any attention to the facts in the matter. A recent study published by A.E. LePage Ltd., a large real estate firm, indicates an enormous reservoir of vacant office space. The oversupply, a boggling 4.1 million square feet, equals half of all the new office space developed in Metro during 1971 and 1972. With a boo m year expected, economists are hopeful that the excess can. be reduced to 3.i million square feet by the years end. Observers expect only 2.1 million more to be built this year.
We deliver Canada. Contact the helpful bank for your copy of “Businessman’s Canada:’
the goddam
-Ad of the week
P. Hinkle
Recently some concern has been expressed by segments of the Canadian industrial community over the future, role of multinational corporations in our Canadian domestic affairs. businessmen seem to be trapped, along with the government, between an overwhelming desire to encourage the increased economic development heralded by the presence of multinationals, and a nascent worry about the threat to Cana.da’s sovereign status and the role of indigenous entrepreneurs constituted by the multinationals. The Organization for Economic / Co-operation and, Development (OECD), a grouping of ’ 23 indtistrialized nations of which Canada is a member, has stated firmly that the multinationals do “contribute to improved efficiency and economic growth throughout the world.” More recently, however, OECD has come to fear that the massive powers of multinationals require some more ,formal type of regulation. Cautious support for this fear comes from some of the more advanced multinational liminaries themselves; David Rockefeller of Chase Manhattan Bank, who believes that ‘more multinationals are needed in order to supply the expanding capital needs of the growing world economy’, feels strongly that ‘they must set out delibe’rately to. try to create more, and better, jobs’ and that ‘they may- be- in serious trouble unless they take steps to make themselves liked.’ ’ Rockefeller also counsels that multin&fionals must implant technological and managerial skills in the country of oppration, place ‘foreign nationals’ on their boards of djrectors and create profit sharing and pension schemes for their foreign workers. Back in Canada the federal government’s policy on foreign the ill-fated proposals , ownership, on‘ foreign accrual property in’ come (FAPI) which had been delayed yntil 1975 before implementation, have been placed under review once again by finance minister Turner. Perhaps Turner and company are now aware that, in the words of
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tradiction amidst the ranks of government itself. The Toronto Star has it that: “The largest single car-user in downtown Toronto is the Ontario Government. “Premier William Davis, who is screaming loudest about the destruction of the city by cars has over 2.200 public-paid parking
The comparison of jobless rates in industrialized countries as presented in the U.S. Dept. of Labour Review, June, 1972, is interesting: Canada ~ 6.4 per cent USA 5.9 per cent Britain 5.3 per cent Japan 1.3 per cent West Germany 0.7 per cent
-14 the
I friday,
26, 1973
. . L
by George
he diScussion (problem? question? ) of violence in film is dangerously clbse now to becoming a cliche-which is to say, a crashing bore-but this will be my first and hopefully last extended dutburst on the subject, and is both directly and indirectly prompted at this time by Paul Stuewe’s article in last week’s Chevron (“Offing the Audience”). Just such an article has been running around in my head for some time now, but I decided-to wait for his to see if mine was even necessary. And, to possibly incorporate some of his ideas into my viewpoint, being something of an intellectual amoeba. Unfortunately, although I found much oft interest and much to be seriously discussed in Paul’s finished article, I was disappointed to discover that very little of what he wrote had anything to do with “film violenceI’. He did not seem to define-or try, informally, to set certain standards-what he means by “the gratuitous and excessive character of violence” in recent films, once having introduced the phrase into his essay. “Excessive”, I fear, is a word which demands parameters and cannot be left to a presumed concensus of opinion. “Excessive film violence” means no more than does “pornography” unless it is accompanied by an attempt at fixing it in an understandable context. This attempt, in fact, is the one major statement I wish to incorporate into this evaluation, and the one sticky point which has kept me from putting these thoughts into form until now; the problem of definition still makes me somewhat uneasy about being understood. (Admittedly, at first glance we seem to be caught up, as far as definition goes, on an almost classically liberal j escalator of permissiveness and personal freedom, but this is a discussion of pepsonal views and consumer choice, not of law-making and “protection of society from itself”-and, ultimately, we will be concerned here with the quality ofviolence rather than qua$ity.) About as far as Paul gets in drawing a line at “excessive violence” is to name a few films which have upset him in 1 this regard personally, and that is probably as good a starting point as any. The Godfather, A Clockwork Orange, ’ Straw Dogs and Dirty Harry upset me, too; but if physical violence was what put you off these films, I think you miss’ed the real impact of their message. “Violence”, as we all know in these days of enlightened mass awareness of psychology, can take on many forms, and the physical violence presented iri the abovementioned films were, to me, certainly secondary to the “mental violence” aimed at the audiences. At some I wanted to vomit, but mostly simply to walk out and demand my money back. These movies, plus The Getaway, The New Centurians, The French Connection and others of recent vintage have put me off or angered me, not for their _ portrayal of physical violence, but for their mindless and uncritical reinforcement of society’s roles, their intellectual and literary banality and often-as with Clockwork Orange-simply for their lack of sufficient technical competence’ to interest me for the hour-$&. Perhaps - some of these require individual comment about content to demonstrate the roots of r;ny objections, before stating the object&s themselves. . The Godfather, for instance, turned into-after only 15 minutes-simply a series of exhibitions on how to kill . people. Soon, I was not interested in the characters, the plot, the acting...only guessing who would be done away -with next and what glorious new way the mafiosi would uncover to carry out the murder. Even if you were able to brush aside this distraction and pay attention to the
characters, what was presented? Two rival gangs of kilLers and exploiters, killing each other off for the right to get the biggest cut off the dope, gambling, prostitution, show business and various other ventures they were involved in. Except that that was not the way they were presented at all. What you saw was a script dwelling almo’st lovingly on a “good” gang of killers, and a “bad” gang came on screen occassionally to supplemen! the sense of competition. The camera took us inside the one family and we suffered with them the trials of big-time crime through the murders, death and “persecutions.” We got to know them; many viewers were even brought to like them. Since the other gang was just a bunch of faces behind guns, what was there to like about them? So we were “told” (cinematically) to like the only .people presented in any depth, however shallow. I was appalled when many people I saw the show with and talked with later actually felt sorry when Sonny got machine-gunned by “the others” at the evd. They had been manipulated into identifying and empathizing with this gunman because the presentation had been so one-sided, and we all know a movie-goer will pick someone to identify with or lose interest, and The Godfather was too cleverly and slickly produced to lose most people’s interest. And the presentation of women in The Godfather: Either mindless receptacles for a penis and a raiser of children or passive, accepting ornaments with shoulders on which to cry between he-man gun battles. Strays Dogs at least started off with an acceptable enough premise: pacifistic professor-type and wife try to get away from it all in the smotheringly-closed-in socie’ty of a small English village. Fine. Except that the wife turns out to be a flirtatious nymphomaniac who has had an affair before with the village’s most menacing young workman. And then the whole village (men only, since that’s all we see) turvs into a gang of murderous idiots and the wife gets willingly raped and the husband finally unpacifistically kills a handful of the idiots in order to protect his house (a man must choose a place to make a stand). The view of men is that they are aggressive and possessive by nature-even the ones who try to hide it or repress it, like the professor-and the view of women is that they are constant prey to their overpowering sexual needs and give themselves (sexually and loyally) in the end to the man who will fight hardest for them.
irector Sam Peckinpah-who classjfies females as either “women” or “pussies’‘-has denied the universality of Straw Dog’s characters in several interviews, but the Peckinpah stamp on a movie has become easily recognizable and almost undeniably representative of the stereotypes of Straw Dogs. Take his most recent “adventure”, The Getaway. Other than the fact that it is badly made and poorly paced-in a word, boring-the’film presents Steve McQueen as a man who loses his sense of manhood when he learns his wife has had sex with another man in order to get him out of prison; not only that, but the “other man” has-as she put it“gotten to her” in some cryptic, dark, sexual way. In the same picture, the (previously content?) wife of a vetrinarian immediately becomes the willing sexual plaything of a sadistic gunman when he abducts the-couple and eventually drives the vet-who has, natch, lost all sense of worth upon losing the sexual loyalty of his wife-to suicide. It would be hard for even Peckinpath to deny the ’ message of the simple-minded-wife lingeringly fondling the villain’s upraised phallic gunbarrel in unmistakeable masturbatory fashion. Again the statement is there: men are for dominating and fighting, women are for fighting over and fucking. In Dirty Harry, as I said a year ago while reviewing it,‘the “criminal” was presented as a slavering sadist, a cra.ven coward of’s sex maniac and he dressed funny. The herioc policeman, on the other long hand of the law, was beset by liberal legal restrictions and effete permissive politicians. The only women were peripheral, but again : a prostitute, a murdered nude girl and a passive policeman’s wife whose weight on the copsfinally drove him to denounce his manly job and, by inference, his manhood. He was ,“goi,ng back into law”, which from the cop’s point of view is going from the side of the law to the side of crime. French Connection, basically the same story. The only female in this movie was a promiscuous girl with whom the cop spends one night before discarding her and going back “to the job”, which has no place forwomen. If this has not formed Into some kind of identifiable and almost conspiratorial pattern by now, try tuning in some of the TV cop shows some night; \they are, if anything, even more explicit in their portrayal of men and women, crime and society. In the only episode of Streets of San Fransisco I have seen the other night, the story centered on a young woman who had gone to police college and wanted, of course, to work alongside the men in the apprehendingdangerous-criminals work. Now, all thoughts of the desirability of female cops over male cops aside, the issue to be resolved in this episode was clear: either-she would
make it and prove herself, of she would learn once and fo all the superiority of men. Of course, in our present Nor tt American liberal atmosphere, I was sure the outcome would not be as clear-cut as the situation seemed. Sadly, was right. After a vicious sadist had raped and killed thl girl’s roomate-also a woman cop-she wanted natural11 to be a part of the hunt for the killer. The wise, old head co! said no-you know how emotional women can get abou these things-and she kept disobeying orders and messinl things up trying to get him anyway (women aren’t a! disciplihed as men, and are ruled by emotion, not men tality). In the end scene, the murderer returns to her roon while the men cops are out looking for him and confront: her. She is a cop trained in karate and othe skills, but fall! apart and screams when she sees him (have you ever seei a male cop in film or on TV scream when confronted wit1 his quarry?). He knocks her around, karate evidentl: forgotten in the emotion of the moment, and the killer ic finally shot from outside a window by a male cop who hat returned to the scene to rescue the woman. Without letting this become a one-issue,essay on malt and female role-playing, I simply want to make it cleai through these examples that it is this form of medi; violence, carried over in popular, classical and rock music art and books, which disturbs and worries me much mart than the re;!listic and even “excessive” portrayal o physical violence.
hat being said, I will try to return to the tdpic o physical violence which I left off at the front of the piece. I believe, first of all, that there is an im portant difference between ‘fantasy” or “illusory” violence and “ficitve”or “non-fictive” violence. I will try to define these terms as I see and use them. “Fictive” and “non-fictive” violence is that which occur
/26, 1973 15
To make my point here clearer perhaps than I need, a heritage of overwhelmingly approving and patriotic war films provided an almost-perfect atmosphere for which men growing up in the United States between -1940 and 1965 were prepared to go to Vietnam and carry out there all the atrocities &d “normal” carnages of war. There were, of course, wars before there were war films, but my point here is that patriotic films took the place, during that period of American history, of folk tales and heroic stories which had before been passed on to young men by spoken or written word; these films were an extension of that reinforcement agency of society and gave those men something to emulate, even often be proud of. The same can be said of Westerns. They serve, with only the handfull of recent exceptions Pail ndted, to reinforce the “rugged h&man individual-frontier” mentality and the male macho image which America still tries desperately to hold dear. While few men it is true, are tempted to strap on their guns and shoot it out, it is the portrayal of frontier justice, which is nearly the anithesis of modern liberal interpretations of social and legal justice,‘which emerges as the lasting and cumulative effect of these sagas. Matt Dillon is the perfect attorney-general for the U.S.: cold, dedicated unmovingly (and unmoved) to the Law, he places the- unbending execution of the Law above any human or humane considerations; it is the Law which must be preserved, not the human beings caught up in it.
een in this light, Straw Dogs is almost the perfect Western updated. The hero, deserted by “civilization” during his hour of crisis, ostensibly does not wish to use his guns (he has “hung them up”, dislikes bloodshed, etc.) but in the end is “forced” tobecause of an arbitrary tolerance line he has drawn (protection of his house, the citizens,‘Law, etc.)-and when he does kill, it is completely “justified”; the killings are and now, under seen, in retrospect, as “inevitable” Peckinpah, even as enjoyabl&a necessary release. “Fantasy” violence-and here I should add that I include the highly sensual sense of fear which many so-called terror movies employ instead of actual blood-and-guts violence-conversely gives the viewer-reader-listener no role to emulate, no heritage to uphold, no background of which to have great pride; the person or persons you identify with in order to experience the “fright” have no carry-over outside the walls of the theatre. It is ephemeral, non-particularized, too difficult to bring down to the level of our own lives and, on top of that, too much fun. If a quote-horror-unquote movie is done badly or is too much of a cliche, I laugh through it; indeed many are done with just this purpose in mind... they are intended to be paradies of the genre. If a war movie or western is done badly I do not laugh, and neither do those who take them to heart.
nd si, my conclusion, I think, is this--talk of “excessive” violence in films is a red herring; is, in fact, totally undefinable and misleading, like “redeeming social value” in the arguement over literature. It draws you away from the real issues, the “gut” questions, the aspects which we must live with, day by day. The graphic portrayal of physical violence was paramount to films like Catch-22, Deliverance or The Wild Bunch. It was central to the film’s-and book’+--theme and without it the power of the movie would hav’e been lost. But that is a moot point: it is my personal evaluation; it is telling you where my “squeemishness line” is drawn. It is important only after a first consideration is applied: what type of violence was portrayed and how was it presented (approval or disapproval). The gore in Catch-22 sickened Yossarian, and it sickened me and it should have shocked and sickened everyone who saw it; that was its purpose. It was not meant to make a hero or martyr of the man who was killed, but to show him as a victim, in the full and absurd sense of the Catch-22 mentality. Was it “eicess” to show the kid‘s guts hanging out? The question is unanswerable. But ask this question: What was the intent of the film, how did it portray people? Or, perhaps better,’ what sort of people did it give us to portray? Those are questions that can, and should, be answered before questions of technical skill in presenting death and dismemberment are argued. Catch-22 presents a view which runs counter to?he prevailing patriotic and military heritage in North America and the Western World; The Green Berets is just another attempt to present that heritage. The question of which, or even whether both, presents, “excessive” violence in its physical form does not interest me. Enough. #Now, having come to that, there is still-as Paul statedthe question of alternatives. The first, of course, is critics. This is admittedly a weak alternative, but one worth mentioning. After comparing a few reviews to the movies, you can draw sope definite conclusions as to which critics you can trust as far as fairly articulating the thrust of the
in either a general or a particularized or has occured c;ontext, such as gunfights, sword duels, wars of ancient or modern type, murder, rape, etc. These appear in our newspapers and on our TV sets and around us everyday and, while generally over-dramatized by the media, are not creations of it. An example of “non-fictive” violence would be a pseudo-documentary of a real event, like In Cold t4ood or Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. “Fictive” violence would be films like Straw Dogs or Clockwork Orange. These types are films which emulate, or even project beyond its present scope, the violence of the society; emulating it, they are also liable to be emulated in turn by those who see it, and are turned on by it (Bremer being macho sexually turned on by Clockwork Orange before gunning Nixon and finally settling for Wallace; his own real-life experience with “the old ultra-violence”). violence, on the other hand, “Fantasy” or “illusory” portrays (“projects, in the best sense of the word) types of fantansies or \liolence which come from the folk-tales, violence-repressive stories and themes of society, such as werewolves, vampires, witches, invasions from Mars and horrible mutant creatures. These stories rarely emulate any form of real violence around us and, hence, do not leave themselves so open to emulation. It is an enjoyed and shared illusion through which one can absorb and repress; or, as Paul’s article quoted someone, “It made me feel.” twoBut to break this statement down into a simplisitc on by sided categorization of “those who are turned violence” and “those who are upset by it” is both unfair I am “turned on” in a and shallow. Speaking personally, semi-sexual way by some forms of “fantasy” violence, but extremely upset by either real violence or most portrayals of real violence, especially war films. So which category shall I cotidemn myself to? Obviously, the question is much deeper than the treatment Paul gave it.
film, and which cannot or do not. I have seen enough previews and read enough reviews by people I trust and respect to avoid The Green Berets and even comment on it without having seen it. I knew I did not want to pay the people who made it, nor subject myself to the forms of violence and role-portrayal it presented. While that particular decision was fairly straight-forward, I must confess that other movies present less precise distinctions. I still don’t know, for instance, whether I should have avoided Patton as I did, since some reviewers indicated it approvingly portrayed the general and others saw it as having an almost anti-war tenor. But, I stayed away from it. There are other, and probably better, forms of action. Walk out, demand your money back. There are few movies I have felt that strongly about, but the alternative exists; even if you don’t get a refund, the manager is aware of your objection and you have removed yourself from an unpleasant situation. Write letters to editors, talk to your friends. When you disapprove of a popular movie, ask-your friends why they enjoyed it. Perhaps they honestly haven’t thought it out; at any rate, it is better to talk it out than just nod and say, “Well, I didn’t like it.” And, I believe, some of Paul’s remarks about “making our own” (music, art, -films, etc.) apply alternatives. But they are weak and fairly unrealistic alternatives at this point. In the first place, until you are working at it full time, few of us can manage financially or time-wise, to produce any form of art but the most basic, the most amateur and so, the least appealing and -powerful. This is not “mystifying” the process of making films, music, etc.; it is recognizing the realities of the hard work, time and experience demanded in doing them in ways that contain .’ potential to affect people’s lives in ways other than making them laugh at incompetence. In the end, I suppose, it comes right down to you; your judgement, your choice of critics and friends to trust, your own method. I don’t mean that facetiously, because I take the subject very seriously, pr I wouldn’t have bothered to write this piece at all. This article was not really meant as a presentation of cures, but my ideas of the “definitions” of the problem. Perhaps from there, we can have some discussion, in -.the pages of this paper, of the “solutions.”
While my article did not spend much time in dealing strictly with film violence, this was because I got into some things which seemed both more interesting and more important. George’s response does much to fill the gaps, although some of his remarks call for specific clarifications and/or rebuttals, namely: 1. “Gratuitous and ex’cessive” was defined, in a preceding paragraph, in terms-of being contextually unjustified-i.e. ai being excessive in relation to the internal logic of the film. George does provide a much more detailed explication of this, although his comments here do not seem to invalidate anything in “Offing the Audience.“’ 2. The effects of “mental violence” were dealt with at some length, particularly in the 7 paragraphs following the one which begins with “Indict a society.” Again,, George provides a more detailed explication with regard to certain films. 3. George’s attempted distinction between “Fictive and non-fictive” and “fantasy” violence strikes me as an intellectualization which does not relate to the cumulative experience of the film-going public, particularly children. 4. To ‘fixate’ on excessive violence is indeed a “red her&g,” but I frankly cannot comprehend how anyone could miss the articles’ attempt to connect excessive violence with larger social issues. Readers’ opinions invited. 5. I violently [so to speak] disagree with George’s opinion that “making our own” culture is either “weak” or “unrealistic” -unless one thinks in terms of epic films, massive printed volumes, etc., a criticism which I would at least provisionally apply to George’s -remarks. His comments on “audience power” are, however, right on. Finally, I would like to say that “Offing the Audience” was intended as a “probe” rather than a definitive work on film violence per se, as the beginning of a discussion rather than an end to one. In that it has provoked an extensive and often illuminating response from George, I consider it at least a partial success. -pauI steuwe
16 the chevron
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Here Are the Ladies
.Theatre explores Irish woman=myth The first Irish january McKema’s
professional season of Arts Theatre opened with Siobhan 16 inimitable Here Are
from last
the audience’s performance
judging at its Zlst, ripens with exposure. ‘@s is the second year the Irish Arts Theatre has introduced their season with it. McKenna has travelled extensively with her one-woman show in the United States and Ireland, where the proceeds from her runs in Belfast were devoted to families who had lost their homes. In the spring, McKenna takes her play to western Canada. Here Are The Ladies, directed and produced by Sean Kenny, is a potpourri of the mythic woman as seen through the eyes of Irish men. Selections from O’Casey, Yeats, Shaw, Synge, Beckett and. Joyce skillfully counterbalance mood, pleasure on the
tension and myth. Siobhan McKenna is at her best when she has, in the words of Winnie from Beckett’s Happy Days, the “airth __ _tight”, the flesh
warm around her so the mystery
woman is a mystery no longek The majority of the @ctions are salty and ribald: in them, McKenna allows her husky voice and laugh
full play. The lady
beautiful, plain, saint, sinner, maiden, grandmother with only a
zidelbeg BtivyidfrompUrespffng
few tools’ pulled from a washerwoman’s pail of tricks behind her on the stage. McKenna’s first selection, A Woman is a Branchy Tree, establishes the theme from a stock myth: A woman is a branchy tree, man takes whatever fruit he can from the tree, the tree dies, man goes on to the next branchy tree. Yeat’s character Crazy Jane especially seems to engage her. Jane talks of God and Jack, “what lively lad most . pleasured me” indiscriminately. The four Crazy Jane selections end equivocally with Jane swirling her red shawl to spite the Bishop as she scolds “Love has pitched his mansion in./ The place of excrement”. Notably absent are any of Yeats’ more esoteric poems. Winnie from Beckett’s Happy Days could prove valuable in filling out the symmetry of the Every-woman developed in the other selections but fails. For those in the audience unfamiliar with Beckett, the implications of the set which consists only of the sun with Winnie confined in sand up to her neck are lost as director Sean Kenny stages it. Soliloquies by Mrs. Tancred from O’Casey’s “Juno and the Paycock” and Maurya from Synge’s “Riders to the Sea” very briefly touch tragic experience. McKenna handles such intense moments with a characteristic
And thatb the tfith!
26, 1973
delicacy, more compelling by contrast to her technique in the lighter selections . Oddly enough, director-designer Kenny nearly overwhelms such moments with the ‘three stylized stone triangles he provides behind her Kenny has confessed an a appreciation for the motif of stone in Q‘Casey’s lines “take from Juno, take away our hearts of stone” and too obviously intends to exploit it. But when McKenna “0 Blessed Mother, whispers where were you when my darlin’ son was riddled with bullets? Take away this moiderin’ hate and give us thine own eternal love”, the audience concentrates only on her. The highlight unquestionably is “Caoine Mhuire”, McKenna’s where Mary discovers her son on the cross. The’Gaelic bewitches the music ear. Where humour and pain are separate and contrasted in the first half of the programme, they become contrapuntal in the last selection from Joyce’s Molly Bloom in Ulysses. Molly’s speech is presumably prepared for by another of Joyce’s characters, Anna Livia Plurabelle in Finnegan’s Wake. Why this is included is a puzzle, for even in print the efforts of explication demanded by Finnegan’s Wake are arduous. McKenna seems least at ease delivering esoteric lines : though the rhythm has some potential for music, it was lost on both McKenna and the audience to our mutual discomfort. I Molly Bloom however restores and surpasses McKenna’s command: Molly in her brass bed dominates the audience’s attention for thirty minutes. Molly embodies the “Branchy Tree” woman-myth; complaining, reminiscing, preening, hating, loving. The tension builds until she draws Bloom down “to feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes”. This final acquiescence brought the audience to its feet with warm applause and the first on his feet wasa man... Here are the Ladies is exceptional theatre by a master actress presenting master writers, all comfortably reinforcing familiar myths. After the curtain call, McKenna personally solicited support for the coming Irish Arts Theatre Season. Siobhan McKenna* is either acting or directing in all but one of the plays. The Irish Arts Theatre was created in 1967 by Robert O’Driscoll, a professor at St. Michael’s College U. of T., as an amateur venture. It enlists the support of several notables, including Premier William Davis, but more important, the support of Tom Patterson as Executive Producer. Patterson was the prime organizer of the Stratford .Festival. The intention of the Irish Arts Board is to establish a permanent Canadian repertory company housed eventually in U. of T.‘s Brennan Hall. The Student Union at St. Michael’s is lending the venture its financial support. O’Driscoll and Kenny stress that the company will avoid any “big theatre flourish” and “create an artistic family, and so carry on the concept of brotherhood beyond the bond of blood, politics, nation, religion or race.” For those interested in watching the only such Irish Literary Revival in North America, McKenna is emerging as the second Lady Gregory. And Lady Gregory, after all, was- the owner of the branchy tree at Coole Park in which the writers carved their initials (G.B.S.; W.B.Y.) for posterity. +atharine
1973 1 7
Not even good porno There’s been a lot of talk in recent years 3 about the accelerating decline in morals afflicting our once universally upright society, and one of the prime causes of concern among those who are against this decline has been the cinema. Now, while I’ve always followed this debate with the interest which it is most certainly due, I’ve never been able to contribute any more than the usual vapid ‘I dunno’ and ‘shit, beats me’ that make up the bulk of my penetrating conversational technique, principally because of my lack of experience with commercial obscenity. It was in order to rectify this appalling deficiency in my general knowledge that I went, last friday night, to the Fox Theatre, ‘ a cinema devoted to exploring new areas of intellectual and emotional stimulation’ where the double-bill attraction was Sex Life in a Convent (little girls with BIG ideas), and Girls at the Gynecologist, two German documentaries which had been described to me as prime examples of the kind of film with which I was trying to acquaint myself. Sex Life in a Convent began, promisingly enough, by getting directly down to its subject. We were shown a chapel-full of typically voluptuous young female scholars, each one seemingly intent on the service taking place, each one displaying the expressions and attitudes of religious solemnity proper to such a proceeding. However, a dubbed-in voice informed us that behind their masks of youthful reverence these girls were literally seething with thwarted, and often twisted, sexuality. Shockingly, even the beautiful Frenchmistress was not proof from the taint of misdirected lust. From a close-up of her face (I could have sworn she was listening to Brother John’s fascinating sermon) we cut to the infirmary, where she was busy raping one of her students, a beautiful young thing named Helga , who was all the less responsive for having been drugged into unfeeling oblivion. From this point on the action hardly after technicolour slowed down : breast breast filled the screen, sweating bodies in poses of passion assailed my quailing consciousness, and at one point, even a champagne bottle got a hard-on (please, I can’t explain, you’ve gotta see the flick) Needless to say, it was not what I’d expetted: every lecher, lesbian and teenage loose woman this side of the Rhine seemed to have gathered in that innocent-looking nunnery expressly for the titillation of amateur sexologists in movie theatres everywhere. One nagging point, however, was bothering me all through the show, and it was only during the intermission that I realized what it was. Not one of those women, despite the usually pleasurable nature of their avocation, seemed to be enjoying themselves in the least. Their approach to sex was rigid and mechanical, they were victims rather than participants, and, in all those sordid copulations, it was only the men (animals every one> who seemed to be having a good time. If this is sex life in a convent, I thought, you can keep it. And furthermore, far from
by don ballanger
wrong with his son, why he can’t see him, subverting the morals of an impressionable (he’s been moved to another part of the generation, I fail to see how this kind of . hospital where he won’t be disturbed, guess entertainment could do other than where? ), and what exactly is going on. discourage its audience from the kind of Our protagonist is, paradoxically, the thankless promiscuity it records. Having man that America is continually boasting thus come to ascribe to canned erotica a she is built on, a man involved with his land, social importance and impact rather less his livestock, and his son, who believes than I had been led to believe, I might easily basically that you have to do things for have left the theatre at this point had it not yourself, you have to do what has to be done been for the intriguing title of the second if you’re going to live right. He doesn’t feature, Girls at the Gynecologist. rationalize or intellectualize, or look at “all I guess it’s kind of hard to think of a sides of the problem”; he recognizes an evil subject less intrinsically stimulating than and acts to confront it. His revenge, perhaps s that suggested by the title of this movie; in inevitably, turns out to be in the long run an my mind I pictured a treatise on exercise in futility. He finally discovers hysterectomies, perhaps a discussion of what’s going on, blows up the research cancer of the cervix, the nature of mencompany that invented the gas, scares the ~ struation and the reproductive cycle, with shit out of a Public Health official, and possibly a warning on the importance of a makes it out to the army base before dying regular pap test. I guess that goes to show from latent effects of the gas poisoning. how little the average North American male The futility lies in the fact that what Logan knows about what goes on at the is fighting is not something or someone gynecologist’s. concrete that can be destroyed by a gun, it is To begin with, this man must surely have rather the mentality that lies behind the been unique in that all his patients were uniforms and behind the men who wield tender, nubile and invariably beautiful, and decision-making powers over other human most had indulged in wide-ranging sexual beings. A mentality which understands the activities in almost every instance (exmeaning of responsibility only in terms of ception : a deceitful, fifteen-year-old not rocking the boat, and which has nymphet named Inge) they abhorred. detached itself from the people with whom it In many cases the woman was the victim at the Fairview, Rage, now playing is allegedly concerned, focusing its energies starring George C. Scott, the actor, and again (one was gang-raped by bikers, instead on the perpetration of an image another’s boyfriend persuaded her to have George C. Scott, the director, is a movie which no longer has any basis in reality. The which represents one of the better efforts an illegal abortion with predictably the American film industry has put out army exists to protect the people, the Public disastrous results), in a few she was the Health Service is here to heal, the research lately. It is concerned with the familiar femme fatale; either way, this movie too scientist is expanding the boundaries of was conspicuously free from any kind of revenge plot, good vs. evil, in this case one man’s knowledge, or so we are supposed to depiction of wholesome relationships, and it man against the organization ; the army, the believe. Rage is not only an illustration of research company, the Public Health is in this, I suppose, that the moralists sense the stranglehold that institutions have on danger. Service. our lives, but of the trust the American The plot unfolds as a chain reaction, the However, while these movies are lacking invent a gas to use against “the people have in their institutions; they can’t in any redeeming social, intellectual or scientists believe they’re being sc,rewed until it is enemy”, the army makes a mistake and artistic merit, it is worth noting that they shoved down their throats, and by then it is inadvertently tests the gas on its own are also totally lacking in pornographic merit, since the bloodless nature of the people, (to the scientist of course this is a usually too late. Rage is also an example of some fine golden opportunity to study the effects of the whole exercise renders them completely gas on human subjects), the Public Health acting and directing by Scott, who has unarousing and ultimately tiresome (even Service tries to sweep everything under the stepped out of the stereotype he has been the sex-mad ogre in the second row left the The theatre during the second feature.) Conrug. The people, in this case Dan Logan, a placed in since Patton, i.e. Hospital, New Centurions, etc. He knows how to use midwestern rancher who is camping out versely, I can’t help but feel that really with his son in the area where the heaviest actors such as Richard Basehart, who plays decent, honest and above all sincere pora supporting role in the film, cinematic nography would per se have to be more concentration of gas is sprayed, becomes the ironic, unwilling enemy, and decides effects, and photography to create the human in its sexuality, and pointless or no, impression he wants, and with a plot where I’m sure that would make some people necessarily to fight back. the use of violence could easily have been No one of course knows what happened, happy. therefore no one is responsible, but capitalized on, Scott has used it to enhance Next week : Sex Life in a Superrather than distort the meaning of the film. market.Don’t miss it. everyone is willing to do anything to help -nicky sullivan out, anything but explain to Logan what’s -chris birnie
Raging against power
18 the
“As tough as anything
by Paul Stuewe
Blues, blacks and whites
truly powerful, poetic advetiture.”
KNEL MAN, Globe and Marl
NIGHTLY ROBERT SHAWar Lttrd Randolph AT8:15PM fiNNEBANCROFTos~ady~cnnir Churchil
26, 1973
has ever done!” -N.Y.
Adults $2.5~Children and Senior Citizens $l.OO---Free list suspended for this program.
tremely somber and brooding A mark of relative sophistication pieces by Floyd Jones (“Dark among the new %breed of pop Road” and “You Can’t Live connoisseurs is the acknowledgement of the immense influence Long”) with superb harmonica accompaniment by Little Walter ; which the blues have had on three strong efforts by John Brim contemporary music. As a con(“Tough Times,” “Be Careful,” sequence, such previously and “Rattlesnake”), very neglected figures as Robert reminiscent of the early Muddy Johnson have been elevated to cult Waters; and a fine and mellow status, and invoked as musical gurus by everyone from Ry Cooder “Anna Lee” by Robert Nighthawk. An excellent sample of the work of to Jimmy Page; John Lee Hooker, Jimmy Rogers, J. B. Lenoir, and Muddy Waters, and Howlin’ Wolf Elmore James (including “Dust have been “rediscovered,” dusted My Broom”) is a further attractive off, and hustled into recording aspect of Chicago Blues Anthology, studios with young white rock although four cuts by Otis Rush musicians, with predictable and and Buddy Guy carry smoothness not very interesting results; and and polish to an extreme which when one, of these elder statesmen minimizes affective expression, passes away, you can safely look forward to a full-page spread in and are that much less involving. Rolling Stone, complete with mea But its an excellent album, all things considered, of value as both culpa breast-beating about their neglect by the music industry and an historical document and as a collection of very enjoyable, and the ripping-off of their art by more often moving, blues music. enterprising rock groups. As far as mass acceptance is Hi-de-ho-hum. The ’ concerned, however, the slicker discriminate admiration of blaf,l, urban bluesmen do seem to have bluesmen (whether pre- or postcarried the day : B.B. King’s humous), and the assumption that album sales have risen as their they constitute some sort of percentage of blues content has musical proletariat, are simply declined, and the proliferating barriers to understanding the “London Sessions” are as clean in development of the blues, in terms of musicianship as they are particular the sequence of convapid in terms of musical interest. cessions to popular taste currently Chess has tried a couple of gimexemplified by B. B. King’s Guess micks with Howlin’ Wolf, including Who. Being no more saintly than a London venture and The Howlin’ the rest of us, blues artists have item often yielded to the temptation of Wolf Album, a rock-blues which the Wolf described as mass popularity ; and although this “dogshit”, but they may be now means acceptance by the to their senses with the young white audience, it not so returning long ago meant popularity in the release of Live and Cookin’ at Alice’s Revisited (Chess 9033urban black market. Thus the “urban blues” came about as a 50015). This is a rough, no-nonsense, and response to the musical needs of a not terribly well recorded Lp predominately ghettoized black which nevertheless captures much community, for whom the older of the spirit of the South Side country blues were (and largely Chicago blues. Wolf’s gravelly still aye) an unpleasant reminder vocals are supported by his of life in the post-bellum American regular band, a rather untight but South, and do not simply represent always energetic bunch held the modernization of a traditional together by Hubert Sumlin’s lead form. guitar, and the result is some Chicago Blues Anthology (Chess lowdown music which should be 9033-60012) documents this tranperfect for dancing-drinkingsition from a rough and rural carrying on. If you’re a blues music to the highly structured however, (i.e. unelectric blues of the 50’s and 60’s. purist, with Rythm & Blues The period covered is 1949-64, the comfortable music) I doubt that you’ll enjoy it; performers range from the but that will be your loss, because familiar (Elmore James, Buddy just abaut everyone else should. Guy) to the recognizable (Jimmy Taj Mahal is rather unique Rogers, J. B. Lenoir) to the fairly among younger bluesmen in that obscure (John Brim, Willie Mabon) , and despite Chess’s in- he has moved from an electric towards a comprehensible failure to small band format quieter and more relaxed style chronologically order the selec“folk tions on its four sides, the album is which might be described,as blues,” given his avoidance of the definitely worth having. starker aspects of traditional I derived the most pleasure from those performers with whom I was country blues. Recycling the Blues not well acquainted: two ex- (& Other Related Stuff) (Columbia
KC 31605), his latest album, exemplifies this on its second side with three easygoing, down home, and absolutely delightful rendering of “Cakewalk into Town,” “Sweet Home Chicago,” and “Texas Woman Blues,” the latter two featuring excellent background vocals by The Pointer Sisters, and can be recommended for these songs alone. Which is a good thing, because the remainder of the album is quite disappointing. The second side closes with an extended <and very dull instrumental (“Gitano Negro”), and the first sicle, taken from a live concert, includes just about as much clowning and showboating as it does music. Taj plays a number of different instruments, whips off some fast banjo on “Ricochet,” and gets y’all handclappin’ on “A Free Sorig,” but succeeds only in providing some rather shallow entertainment of the “You had to be there to dig it” variety. This may well be Columbia’s fault rather than Taj’s, but in any case it makes Recycling the Blues an only partially satisfying album : very very good when it’s good, pretty horrid when it’s bad. A little more time in the studio please, Mr. Mahal, and while you’re in there another “Six Days on the Road” wouldn’t be out of order.
I’m Still in Love With You (Hi XSHL 32074) by Al Green : some very weak material, but typically mellow production by Willie Mitchell and Green’s tremendous vocal chops combine for another fine album by a major Black artist. Despite some uneveness, Al’s rendition of “Oh, Pretty Woman” and the title song suggest that he may be destined to join Sam Cooke and Otis Redding as seminal interpreters of the soul idiom (and should consider recording an album of their songs>. Clear Spot (Reprise MS 2115) by Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band: the mad Cap has really gotten the old excrement together this time with his rockinest album since Trout Mask Replica, minus the latter’s lyrical impenetrability. The Memphis-style arrangement on “Too Much Time ” has already provoked accusations about “selling out”, but this is so much dinosaur dreck: it’s a fine soul tune in its own right, and the balance of Clear Spot is just as jagged-rhythm funky as Beefheart’s best work in the past (and you can’t tell. me that anyone who writes songs titled “My Head Is My Only House Unless It Rains” or “Big Eyed Beans From Venus” is out for the big money). The Magic Band, a working unit for several years now, plays tightass avant-garde rock of an indescribable but delightful uniqueness, and the Captain delivers his.. .highly original?. . .anyway, perfectly appropriate lyrics in characteristically impassioned dirty-oldman style. A great record from another under-appreciated artist, who might have been talking about rock critics when he tossed off the following: ‘There are only forty real people in the world, and five of them are hamburgers.’ Last Autumn’s Dream (Vertigo VEL 1012) by Jade Warrior: less varied and more commercial than their first album, but a success nonetheless. About half very misterioso flute and vocals over delicate rhythms, the remainder unusually well crafted rock’n’roll. Although Jade Warrior is capable of bigger things, the music on Last
the chevron
Autumn’s Dream is markedly superior, in terms of both conception and actual performance, to 95 percent of the new releases coming my way, and is particularly recommended to anyone fed up with the baubles, bangles, and beads nonsense currently infesting rockdom. Freedom
is More
a Word
(Vertigo 6360-072) by Freedom : a competent but unexceptional rock band (medium-hard) whom you might want to listen to when you don’t feel like listening to anything else. “Together” features some nice violin and “Going Down” isn’t too far removed from Led Zep;but the absence of any personal style or stellar musicianship places the Freedom squarely in “mediocre” category. St. Louie
to Frisco
Fo Memphis
(Mercury SRM 2-6501) by Chuck Berry: a very depressing album (double) in terms of both perand formance (uninspired) material *(bottom of the barrel). One LP of live numbers with The Steve Miller Band strikes the odd spark, but is well below the level of his not-so-hot London Sessions album, and on the whole you’d do much better to check out the “Greatest Hits” set on Chess. Very high surface noise, to add insult to injury. Birthday The Magician’s (Mercury 0598) by Uriah Heep: more Anglo-psychedelic garbage from a band whose music is as hideous as their namesake. Pink Floyd, Yes, and about fifty other bands do it better, assuming that it has to be done at all... Seventh Sojourn (Threshhold THS 7) by the Moody Blues: words ‘fail me, but.. .if you can imagine a third-string edition of The Beach Boys performing second-rate Simon & Garfunkel songs, with guitar work and production by Duane Eddy, you will have some idea of the rebarbative flatulence of this album.
by David
26, 19731
a’ little blues I picked up’from arn n
Nowadays its fashionable for people to be into the blues; everybody does the blues now, everybody from Jeff Beck right on down to James Taylor. Everyone who does a concert has at least one blues, a little item that gets slipped in when the crowd is already titillated-“ah, dis is a little blues,1 picked up from. . . ” while the rest is lost somewhere between the mumble and the crowd salivation. In a musical genre like rock which is, metaphorically speaking, less than five minutes old, blues and its traditions seem to have been selected as the historic body prime for grafting onto the rock limb. It does no good to berate rock and roll for its excesses-once noted that it is parasitic on other modes of music, we risk descent into pop musicology if we don’t attempt to carry the analysis further. Facing it straight on, Perhaps we are moved to admit that it was and is rock’s ability to play the pirate to other forms that fed its meteoric rise, enabling it to mesmerize both audience and musician with the boundless experimental possibilities it offered as common fare. A sign of rock’s vitality is its enduring ability to avoid dependence on any other musical form, to avoid merging or being absorbed by any of the tendencies with which it interacts. From this, if rock has compliments to offer any other musical form, the giving
is tacit and lies within its continued association with that form. High on the compliment list is blues. Rock really came into its own, according to my chronology, in the sixties; in order to transcend its prolonged adolescence much more was required than the Buddy Holly’s or Elvis Presley’s could give it. Essential to this maturing was a casting aside of certain shibboleths and dependenciesdecline of the importance of AM ratings; death of the early stereotyped singer-backup group relationships; legitimation of instruments other than the guitar. In the search for new materials, outside of certain exceptions like Chuck Berry’s music, rock had need of new reserves and one of the closest of these was blues. The sheer diversity of blues styles and motifs militates against any exhaustive delimitation of its relation to rock-in effect all we can say is that it forms a reservoir which is still being tapped today. This is evidenced by the good use made of the work of one Chester Burnett, recently chronicled for us by the Chess people as Chester
evident in the selection of materials is warranted, since Chess was the first and perhaps, until much more recently, the only company to pay special attention to the recording needs of a blues artist. While it may upset the categories of some of our purists, Wolf began as a Delta blues musician in the early 20’s under the influence of Charlie Patton and playing around the plantations in order to scrape a meagre living. Later on he took. to the cities where, having learned harp from Sonny Boy Williamson (Rice Miller), he spent some time touring with Sonny and Robert Johnson. By the late forties, Wolf had matured musically and the styles represented on this album came into being-the belting, rasping, visceral wolf voice, hard back harp and the beginnings of a stylized electric blues guitar. That said, the album is best left for the listening ear. What is more interesting, with regard to the blues-rock encounter, is the fertile ground that the Wolf’s work became for the development I am Burnett AKA Howlin’ Wolf (9033- of sixties hybrid rock-what to is the arresting 60016). It would be senseless to pointing strength and diversity of this highlight with vapid descriptions music, a calibre-which allowed it to the “Best” cuts on the album-all heavily influence the development the materials form a healthy consample of his work from 1951-65 of new styles on several tinents. If we include with this Will and were selected because of their Dixon’s ready-mades (Dixon was excellence. Speaking purely Chess studio regular and wrote technically, the Chess chauvinism good music for a lot of black artists over the years), the Dixon-Burnett axis of influence spans several major and some minor rock trends. “Killing Floor”, the classic theme song of the now-defunct but once colourful Electric Flag, found ‘its way, along with numerous other stylizations, into the early Led Zeppelin endeavour ; the Cream started out on tunes like “Spoonfull” and “Sittin’ on Top of the World”, Jeff Beck reworked “I ain’t superstitious” to include Wolf’s licks, the Doors picked up Door Man”, while on “Back everyone , including the Stones, tried “Red Rooster”. While this type of transposition of styles, riffs and basic melodies has had a regenerative effect on rock, one wonders if the opposite holds true. Purists will almost certainly rant about the dilution of the basic blues melody, the nosing out of black originality by poor quality white imitation, the creation of a class of musical uncle toms, etc. Certainly there can be no doubt that the evolution of “Chicago-style” blues represents healthy progress along the blues continuum. However, there may be more doubt about the increasing presence of a new category of musician, one deriving his-her style from a combination of the saleability of rock’s presentation and the magnetic qualities of certain ‘highlight’ features of an emergent electric blues style. Painfully close at times to this category is Freddie King, as portrayed on his latest effort Texas Cannonball (Capitol SW-8913). As those who attended the Waterloo blues fest will remember, King’s style features voice and guitar work, the other instruments forgraphic by tom mcdonalc ming a necessary but unobtrusive
backdrop. King’s technique, a type of blues-rock kitsch, demands what seems like virtuoso guitar work, but in effect is a repetitive blending of the same notes, a reoccurring musical cameo which succeeds only because of the muzzled qualities of the supporting cast. To be fair, the studio permits a more precise, delicate and certainly more adventurous guitar offering than in-person, while the vocal is clearer,creamier and more resonant. The ‘feel’ of the album is that of a well-executed, low key, light blues concoction which makes it due to the fine production and piano work by Leon Russell. Guitar and voice still dominate, however, and the best that can be said is that Freddie pulls off some nice B.B. King-style runs. The best cut on the album is a very listenable version of Bill Withers’ “Ain’t No Sunshine”. In the end the ‘power’ of any music, its value, is never properly assessed in terms of its immediate impact and the sheer number of people it touches (read:who buy it) ; rather it should be judged by its staying power, its ability to live on in the musical social fabric. Lasting power. is doubly determined: in part by the degree to which it retains its capacity to express, capture and represelri feelings which are vital in our own and other people’s lives; secondly by its richness-that is, by its capacity to offer and suggest and trigger adaptations and take-offs which are of use to other developing styles and musicians. In this regard the kingdom of blues is limitlessly rich, while rock remains, unfortunately, most fragile. Much, far too much of rock is music “for the moment”, music which Arnold Wesker characterized “insipid little tunes” violating the small amount of psychic -peace left us. This is the profound malady of a good deal of Savoy Brown’s music, including their most recent endeavour Lion’s Share (London XPAS 71057). Replete with numbers like “Shot in the Head”, “Second Try” and “The Saddest Feeling”, tunes which on first hearing affix themselves to your musical memory, only to fade several weeks later-for good. These songs thrive on an ability to imprint a couple of catchy lines and a sequence of notes in our minds, causing them to tumble endlessly over themselves in heads to the disadvantage of whatever else it is we are trying to concentrate on. In the end what we get is AM music with a flare (for big teenyboppers >, stuff which hides the poverty of its origins under an increasingly resilient veneer-but its still not “the real thing”. Listen to this one before you buy it.
20 the
26, 1973
Chronicle lends perspective c I
(Quebec: A Chronicle, 1968-1972, published by James Lewis and Samuel, Toronto, 1972. $1.95)
We are led to believe that the history of the world is unfolding before our eyes. But is this necessarily true? The events themselves happen, that much for sure is known, however, it is the means by which events are related to one another which determines history. History, therefore, is the application of a philosophy to current or past events. The point I’m trying to make is that quite often the history of the world unfolds behind our backs rather than
before our eyes. Nothing could illustrate the point better than an examination of the history of Quebec, in particular, its recent history. In the last few years Quebec has been the millstone around the neck of this land of opportunity and prosperity. Incident after incident serve to reinforce the view that Quebec is the pampered and undisciplined recalcitrant who is spoiling it for the rest of Canada. Bombings and kidnappings, all this commotion over language, it begins to tire one out. Whatever annoyance there was
about Quebec, the seperatists, the radicals and troublemakers, it was just an annoyance until October, 1970 when James Cross, British trade commissioner in Montreal, was kidnapped. A national crisis ensued which at times threatened to topple the government, to split the country. No one, it seemed understood exactly what was happening. There were tremendous security measures undertaken and great confusion in the media. Not until the federal government adopted its hard line did anything concrete seem to take place. At that point the country figuratively held its breath. What happened is now history; that is, no one knows for sure. The views from outside Quebec seemed to be refreshing ; the crises was over, the’ government had won. The views, however, from inside Quebec were different for several reasons. \ To begin with, there was a lot of sympathy for the aims of the F.L.Q.. Many disagreed with their methods but their objectives were felt to be philanthropic. The October Crisis served to draw attention to the “feliquists” as a group, not concerned with indiscriminate terror but with the
attainment of humanitarian goals. The average Quebecois doesn’t feel threatened by the FLQ, but rather looks upon them as a partisan group whose goals are sympathetic with the people of Quebec. After the crisis, views from inside Quebec were impossible to gauge because the War Measures Act, and the subsequent Temporary Measures Act-which was to drag on until April of the next year-severely reprimanded the exercise of free speech unless that speech was a pat on the government’s back. Hence, speech was a subdued hush, an angry subdued hush. What happened, what is happening in Quebec was and is a mystery. There is still a lot of anger in Quebec and there is still a lot of talk about separatism, but it’s being voiced in different circles, wider circles. In “Quebec: A Chronicle, 196% 1972,” edited by Robert Chodos, there is an attempt to explain what has happened in Quebec leading up to the October Crisis and what has happened since. This small book is a collage of articles which have appeared in the “Last Post” magazine, an English-language journal. It l Iresents the October Crisis as a ssignificant, but not major episode
in the long struggle of Quebec labour groups to achieve what they feel to be a just society. It seems to bear no resemblance to M. Trudeau’s Just Society, however. The book is more of an interim report than the long-awaited reflective examination that is needed to bring about some understanding of the problems and issues in Quebec. However, it serves to offer the balance against the majority of media reports from and ,about Quebec and to give a more complete picture by filling in much of the history which no one else thinks relevant. It centers mainly on the labour movements of Quebec and more particularly on four major incidents in their recent history, incidents which have pulled together rival unions from across the province and united them into a strong militant voice and a viable political opponent to the incumbent order. Chronicle provides an excellent follow-up for those who have read Bergeron’s Manual Petit d’Histoire du Quebec and feel inclined to gather more information about la belle province, and for those who believe that what happens in Quebec will ultimately determine what will happen to Canada. -david
at . . . . .
x9 westmount pharmacy we’re
place S78-8800
9 til
10 daily
11 til 9 on
open and
at no
the chevron
. Two sqUeakers
ttily.-.They had been able to get the marauders running and thus had loosened up their defence. The Waterloo fast break started to work a -little better-with all this increased pressure they were able to extend their lead to 10 points at three quarter time. Paul Bilewicz was without a doubt the best player for the warriors that day. He made some great moves from in close on offefice and on defence he was the
Guelph Allen Krawchuck Morgan Graham Smith Sharpe Smith
-4 2 23 10 19 12 3
Waterloo Igna tavicious Kieswetter Bilewicz Dragan Schlo te Talaj Moser Zuwerkalow
The b-ball warriors upped their record to five wins and no losses since last edition, with close wins over both macmaster and guelph. This preserved their position as the only team in the western section of the OUAAwith an unblemished recordtied for first spot with the windsor lancers who have as many wins but also one 10s.~. In the Wednesday night game at Guelph, ‘the warriors knew they would have their hands full but were stunned in the early play as’they found themselves on the very short end of a 10-l score with only three ,minutes gone. The Waterloo squad took the lead for the first time half way through the first period at 14-15, and managed to pull -away slightly to the end of the half which finished 39-33 in Waterloo’s favour. In the i second period warriors -played well at times, but not always’ They extended their lead early in the half, then went a littlti cold. Guelph fought back_ gallantly and at one point led by as much as four points. With less than a minute to go the score was knotted at 70 apiece. Paul Bilewicz came up with the balI under guelph’s basket and put it in the hoop through a maze of arms, drawing a foul as well. He converted the lfree throw, Waterloo led by three. After Morgan missed two free throws and mu1 tious timeouts, the gryphon’s morgan got anothek chance, this time he also made the most of a three point play and tied the game at 73-73. Warriors moved the ball down court and got Mike Zuwerkalow, i&o a shooting opportunity when he was fouled. The guelph fans did everything they could, in the way of making noise to ruin his two shots. Mike bounced the first one wide, but didn’t miss on the second, the warriors were up by one with only two seconds to go. Guelph failed to score making it the second successive year that Mike has sunk the final foul shot to defeat the gryphons at home by one point. Morgan was the guelph mainstay as he scored 23 points and picked off 17 rebounds. Smith also contributed 19 points mostly on jump shots from the side. Paul Bilewicz played a strong -game for the warriors as he came up with a lot of key baskets and rebounds. Mike Zuw&kalow did a lot of digging and had a very tough game, contributing 13 points. Mike Moser got out of his slump of the previous game, popping in 15 points. Although Phil Schlote got only six points he played very well in the second half and got four of those points -on two great tip ins -right over
Wayne Morgan. This was a very crucial game in the warriors season, as it could have set a trend if they had been knocked off. However the win really picked the boys up and definitely pleased the warrior fans present for the game. The macmaster game was also a close one, however Waterloo was able to defeat the determined marauders by a 77-71 score. The game was played in HamilFon on sunday before a fairly large crowd which was liberally interlaced with Waterloo SUPporters. It was very close in the early going as the quarter score of 1918 for mat would indicate. The warriors were unable to get many good shots and the play was very tight defensively. \. / Coach McCrae didn’t seem too worried about the score at this point but by the time the half ended with a six point mat lead, 38-32 it was obvious that there would be new strategies discussed in the Waterloo dressing room at half time. In that first peribd the marauder defence really had Mike Moser’s number, they gave him special attention with a box and one defence. He was allowed only a couple of poor percentage shots. With only four minutes elapsed in the second half the visitors were finally on top of a 41-40
missed shots. TomQrrow night those same warriors will be at home to face brock university in a league game. In a preliminary game the Cameron Heights High school bball squad will be matched against an out of town school which is yet to be announced. The preliminary game is scheduled for 6: 15 while the warriors ’ go at 8: 15. Next Wednesday the dribblers will driddle down university ave to make a surprise raid on the wlu chicken coop, where it is rumoured they will attempt to pluck the prized golden chickens. I don’t know what time the action starts but yo,u had better go early. ‘The game definitely wasn’t’ wrapped up yet, the marauder squad fought back doggedly as the warriors floundered. With two mi nutes to play they crept to within one point of the leaders, but the victory was ensured with a couple of unanswered buckets. water100 mat master Ignatavicious 10 BaIdauf 7 Kieswetter 15 Nelson 8 Woodburn 3 Martin0 8 Bilewicz 17 Lavelle 3 Smeenk 4 Kaknevicious 18 Wilson 2 Mintenburg 5 Dragan 11 Simpson 5 Schlo te 2 Waugh 4 Moser 5 Nagy 13 Zuwerkalow 8
warriors are at home against the guelph will take on the lancers in Windsor.
Dhoto bv dick mwill
gryphons. c Febrary
10 warriors
6 10 16 6 (6 2 15 13
Trackstem to Star Games
26, 1973 2
Munich Olympics, but failed to make the final. Abigail, whom many thought to be washed-up, broke the Canadian record and almost broke the two niinute mark for 800-meters while placing eighth in Munich. Grant McLaren had been burning up the boards all winter and will probably do the same in the Star Maple Leaf Game february second. The Waterloo track team will be warming up for the College Section of the Star Games tomorrow at the York Invitatioval held at the CNE in Toronto. Waterloo won this particular meet last year, but things don’t look too good at p:esent. Numerous injuries to key athletes and the lack of female competitors have lessened the teams chances this year. -gorgie
Five University of Waterloo athletes, plus one almost-uwathlete, will be competing in the Star Maple Leaf Games february second. They qualified for the competition in a meet held an,nually for the purpose of letting Ontario track and field athletes intq the big international meet. Marlene Peters qualified for the 50-yard dash but not her sr>ecialtv. the 50-vard hurdles. In t&e hurdle depirtment will be uw’s George Neeland who will be against numero uno, UP American Rod Milburn. The three plusone remaining The warrior volleyballers athletes, Mike Lanigan, Dave wrapped up their regular season Grant, Phil Pyatt and Bruntz of play january 20. They did it Walker, will take part in the twowith a convincing nine wins and mile relay. one loss in the tournament at Lanigan, Grant and Bruntz are Brock. 0 members of the present warrior Waterloo finished the season in track team. Bruntz has competed ’ front of the other five universities in this event before-as a of the western OUAA division. member of the warrior team, that ‘They were three games in front of was named the furry freaks, western and seven abead of which won the Maple Leaf twoguelph. &mile relay event a couple of years The first game of ‘last ago. Phil Pyatt, the ‘plus bne’, is weekends -tournament the a track scholarship graduate warriors met their traditionally from the University of Michigan. tough rivals, the mustangs. The ease with which Waterloo won the Phil hopes to do some post graduate work at the U of W next second game against the year. This year’s relay team mustangs served to indicate that stands an excellent chance of the first game had simply been a winning the event ‘for a second warm-up. time. The only team to’ defeat the warriors was guelph. For some The Star Maple Leaf Games is one of, if not, the best indoor unexplainable reason the Waterloo team drooped. There is track and field meets in North no other description that fits. America. This event attracts the best athletes from around the Nearly every time the ball passed world. over the net to the Waterloo side One of the main events &ill be guelph received a point. the pole vault. There will be two The. call went out for reserves: eighteen foot vaulters. One of Coach Baycroft’s strategy paid these will be Isaksson, from off, the reserves took over and Sweden, the pe;son who started won the second game with off the assault on the eighteen guelph. Amazing? Not really, the foot mark last may. sport is volleyball and things like Competing against Isaksson this happen all the time. will be countryman Lagerqvist The next competition for the and Steve Smith from the U.S. volleyballers will be the OUAA Smith set a world indoor record championships at Queen’s Saturday, january 27. The in the pole vault last week. Two Canadi,ans, Bruce Simpchampionship will have the top son and Bob Raftis, will be out to two teams from the eastern and show that Canadians are world western divisions competing in a class vaulters. Bob Raftis is the tw 0 section tournament. former Canadian record holder Theo first section is ,a round for both indoors and outdoors. robin series. The second section Simpson, who is the present will have the two top teams from holder, of the records, placed the round robin playing in a three fou’rth in the Munich Olympics. out of five series to decide the Amorig the other top Canadian OUAA champions. athletes to be competing in the The+OUAA will be an exciting tournament with the eventual games will be Glenda Reiser, Abigail Hoffman and Grant winner not known until the last whistle blows. The warriors have McLaren. Glenda surprised many people when she surpassed the the desire and training world record for 1500-meters in background; they could win it. the preliminary heat in the -dunker
: ’ i i i
22 the
/A chevron
26, 1973
The first campus-wide photographjc exhibition in more than a year will be held in the Theatre of the Arts Gallery March l-18. Photo Infinity i-s being held to give everyone on campus an opportunity to display their work and learn what others are doing photographically. Interested photographers are invited to submit ‘a maximum of 10 prints (up to 16x20) to the Cultural Program Centre Office, Room 254, Modern Languages Building (Ext. 2493). On the back of each print, please include your name, ad-dress and order of preference in the event of gallery space limitations. All prints have to be submitted by February 20.
Please call John questions.
if you
any (
Team Waterloo 3 and Village 1 West 2. Village 2 North their brothers 3-l. Village 2 West 7Aimless Ads 4. The secret society Alufahons washed out Village 2 South East 5-2 and probably will again tonight in the halls-buckets away!
Ground hog relay
SWingem prefer Golden. -Try it ‘anyhow. J
On February 2, the second annual Ring Road Race will take place around the 1.7 mile road. This will be the competitive race but also will be the new event-the HOG JOG. A recreational, physical fitness activity leaving from the campus centre at 12 :66 p.m. to jog and try to complete the jog. Come on, get off your chair- and jog on Ground Hog Day. On January 15, seventy eight players attended our annual hooker tourney at the Brunswick Lanes, Waterloo Square. After 6 long hours Richard Colli triumphed over Fred Churchman in the final round at a score of 14-0. Recreational
Scores are not being reported. If they are not reported we will regard it as a default, and the team will be removed from the schedule. Sorewize, the Grizzly Guzzlers gobbled up the Village 1 West Wonders 4-l while St. Paul’s totaled _ the Wreckers 4-3. Marrauders and Plungers went 1 alI and the Mixed Bag sacked St. Jeromes 1-O.
Competitive hockey \
Molson Golden A good stiooth ale Do you know what you’re
In competitive hockey the season started off at Queensmount Arena with the NAGS over Renison 4-2. Conrad Grebel squeezed Team Cracker 3-2 and St. Paul’s beat St. Jeromes 2-l. The big space in scores is league four with Upper Engineering tromping the Grads 60. Another 2-l score for Village 1 South over Village 1 East. Geology rocked on with 0 and Village 1 North dug ‘em in good with a 7. I
Mucket Farmers, defending champs really got mucked up when Renison unexpectedly tied 3-3. St. J&on& 3 Arts 2 Upper Eng 3 Skinners 6 Vl West 1 Village 2 West ‘0 2 Untouchables 5 E.S. CCFU’s 4 Village 2 South 1 coop 3 Grads 10 Village 2 North 9 Village 1 North 2 Rugger j Buggers were really bugged when Kelloggs Crowsnest looked down On them lo-l* Recreational
Lookin’ kind of Mickey Mouse isn’t it reps and captains alike? Lets try to get down to the office or phone in the scores. We want to know what is going on at the Intramural Office EXT 3532. Also, players are on their honour so show a little respect and fair play on the ice. This of course only applies to those who don’t know any better. If you want to play withy pads phone up the other captain and ask him. Wearing pads is alright for protection but are not to be used as aggression devices.
Wrist wrestling A new event on campus, entry February 2 and date Friday, tournament on Saturday, February 3, l-5 pm in the Red Activities Area, PAC. It will be run as a single elimination with consolation type match. Watch for more information. ’ Competitive
Entry Date-January Organizational-February Starting Date-February
’ 1 6
on Radio Waterloo 94.1 on Grand River Cable with’ Paul and George, Thursday, Feb. 1 9-10 pm The Hustler and the Hayseed, P&G review new albums lo-12 pm: Dial M for Miscellaneous, P&G carry on with: Jirni Hendrix songs by Stewart, McIlwaine, Derek and the Dominoes’ “I Know I’m Losing You” x 3; Johnny and Edgar Winter Live; The best of Pentangle, plus : Tune In For Free Album
the chevron
by john
26, 1973 23
teams went under the old record time of 2: 14.6, the B team winning in 2:07.9.
The athenas also took four second place finishes (blue ribbons). These were picked up, as mentioned above in the 200 medley relay, the 400 medley relay, the 400 freestyle and the 200 yard free relay. Members of these teams were Laura Foley, Sue Gillespie and Brigette Zerger along with others already mentioned. The university of toronto, the closest to finish behind the athenas won the other three swimming events, two in record times, as well as both the one and three metre’ diving. The Waterloo divers Sue Repath, and newcomer Jane Williams diving in her first meet, entered the one metre competition and finished a very good sixth.
The Warriors
Swimmers win one lose two
While the women were winning in guelph things were not quite the same at home for the men. The warriors started out on the right track friday night as they dumped queen’s for the third year in a row, 67-46. Saturday was a different story, however, as they lost 76-36 to highly ranked kent state and a squeaker 57-56 to buffalo state in a double dual meet. The uniwat splashers were led by David (Rookie) Wilson who swam the 500 and 100 yard against queen’s. Other key performances were by Ian Taylor who won the 200 and 500 yard freestyle and teamed up with captain George Roy, Bruce Henry and Wilson to win the 400 yard freestyle relay. Eric Robinson, even though under the weather with the local swim team flu bug, won his tenth 200 yard backstroke and going on one of his best times of the current season. An injury to freshman butterflyer Bo Jacyszn and two judges decisions cost the warriors a vie tory over buffalo Saturday. George Roy won the 1,000 freestyle and the 200 butterfly and was also on the winning freestyle relay with Taylor, Bruce Murray’ and Wilson. Lester Newby who had an off night against queen’s was at his best against buffalo and kent, coming second on the one metre board and first on the three. Robinson again took the 200 backstroke with Jim Low swimming his best this year. Taylor and Rolfe McEwan proved the necessary one-two punch in the 500 yard freestyle. In the shorter 50 freestyle the uniwats Wilson lost a judges decision and dropped from a second place finish to fourth as the referee had to revert to the timers splits. This decision along with a false start by Bruce Murray in the 200 yard freestyle cost the warriors the victory over buffalo:
but Saturday
lost to kent state and buffalo
Kent state was definitely in a class of their own. Even though they only dropped one outstanding individual in each event the ohio squad easily won every event on the programme. The night before kent swam toronto, the current OUAA champions and easily knocked them off 79-36. This weekend the warriors compete against two american schools, Wayne state and oakland university. If- all get over the flu the men could come back with two victories; if not the warriors will be in trouble.
Birds place second The athenas made the long trek to the far sudbury north country last weekend to compete in their OWIAA Part II badminton tournament. Maggie Cunningham, Waterloo’s first ranked singles player, had a perfect record defeating the mcmaster , laurentian, and guelph girls. Teaming up with Wendy MacKeigan in the number one doubles seed, Cunningham and MacKeigan scored perfectly again. The strongest opposition came from mcmaster who scored a total of two more points than the athenas. Waterloo had good performances from the rookies on the team. Mimi Kennedy played well throughout and teamed with Mary Kivite to take two of the three doubles matches. Anne Russwurm filled in the fourth singles slot and teamed with Nancee MacDonald for our second doubles team. Both played well throughout the tourinament, Nancee missing her perfect singles match by losing a close match to mcmaster. Going into the final tournament on february 9-10th at western, the athenas have 73 points for a fourth place behind queen’s, toronto and western. A total of nine universities are participating.
Athenas set six records Athena swimmers set six league records last weekend at Guelph in the second annual Ontario Women’s Intercollegiate Athletic Association relays. Judy Abbotts and Maida Murray each swam on four winning teams, while teammates Sue Alderson and Cathy Adams were on three. Judy, Cathy, Sue along with Joy Stratten knocked six seconds off the old 400 yard freestyle relay time going the distance in 4:13.5. The next event on the card was the 300 yard individual medley and Judy came right back to team up with sisters Maida and Margaret Murray to establish another record. Again they took six seconds off the old time swimming in 3:32.2. By this time, almost exhausted, Judy and Maida teamed up with Debbie Farquhar and Cathy for the 200 yard butterfly relay. The four swimmerscovered the distance in 2 :08.6 eclipsing the old mark of 2:11.7 by 3.1 seconds. The uniwat breaststroke specialists of Maryann Schuett, Liz Saunders, and Cathy Adams won the 300 yard breaststroke relay in k03.1, beating last years’ record by six seconds. If this wasn’t enough records for one team the women decided to try for a few more. It was anticipated that the 300 yard backstroke relay team of Margaret Murray, Sue Alderson, and Maida Murray would be hard pressed to win, however, with both a strong first and second leg, Maida Murray had almost a half pool lead on her nearest rival, Ann Walton of Guelph at the start of the final hundred yards. Again the athenas set another league record going 3:28.7. They smashed the old record of 3 : 39.9 by over eleven seconds. The sixth first place finish for the women was in the 200 yard medley relay. Sue, Maryann, Judy and Maida finished four seconds ahead of the Waterloo-A team of Marg, Liz, Debbie and Joy. Both
This weekend the women travel down to michigan and face some heavy competition in oakland university on friday then michigan state and the university of michigan in a double dual meet on Saturday. Michigan state won the international meet held at Waterloo two weeks ago and were fourth in the american nationals last year while the university of michigan was seventh in the nationals.
Hang up them guns Everyone has heard Howard run at the mouth while discussing the american football heroes but the trash that gushed from Mark Vincer in this week’s Gazoo has to be the worst sports dribbledrabble read so far this year. Grab this flowery little opening: “It was like a scene from High Noon. But instead of the dusty, narrow street in tombstone or dodge, the setting was the modern brilliantly lit UW gymnasium. And rather than packing pearl-handled colts, the two opponents utilized the final product of Naismithian evolution-the basketball. ” Or how does this gem from Mark’s mind strike you, “the UW Warriors dressed in the classic hero tradition-white, and the WLU Golden Hawks, clad in dark villain purple.” Now Mark, let’s cut out this kind of trash, for it’s doing nothing to enhance the Canadian literary scene, or the university sports scene. Get your head out of the gutter of tombstone and report about the sports, and that means all the sports, that occur on campus. Tell the fans it was a good game, had some outstanding players, and the final score. Give the fans some background colour but for the love of god spare us from pearl-handled, dark villain purple, town-folk, meat-hooked, Billy the Kid, pistolero, bandito, best in the west rubbish. As for the Gazoo: Where did you get this yo-yo? Is he a reject from the cheerleading squad?
Squash tourney tonight With the university squash scene in full swing, the next big tournament takes place this weekend at the PAC with the Waterloo invitational squash tournament. Featured in this fourth annual meet are two singles tournaments, an ‘A’ and ‘B’ division, and a doubles tournament. Players from five universities mcmaster, York, queen’s, western and Waterloo are entered in the squash singles, and will be teaming up for the doubles. In, the ‘A’ singles, Paul Frost along with teammate Saul Ticktin of york are seeded one and two. Western’s Kim Vaughan who won the western Ontario ‘C’ tournament two weeks ago is seeded third and Ron Fenn of queen’s fourth. In the ‘B’ draw, it is expected that players from queen’s and Waterloo will battle it out for top honours. The tournament begins tonight at 7 :OO pm with the singles. Starting at 1O:OO am Saturday will be the semi-finals of the singles and the beginning of the doubles matches. The finals of both tournaments will be played in the afternoon at about 1:30 pm. Because this is an individual rather than a team tournament, it is expected that the squash matches, especially the ones being played on Saturday, will be close * and evenly matched and will feature an exciting calibre -of squash. ’ If the team tournament played at york last weekend is any indication of future results of the OUAA’s next month, the Waterloo squad will need to improve their squash games to make a respectful showing against the other teams. They got thrashed by a muchimproved team from queen’s 5-O in matches in the first round. Although queen’s lost to the eventual winner of the invitational, western, they played very well against a better team from toronto only to lose 3-2 in matches, one match won by the toronto fourth seed 54 in overpoints in the fifth game. All was not lost for the Waterloo players as they defeated the weaker teams from trent and mcmaster with similar scores, 5-O in matches, to emerge as the winner of the consolation. However, it certainly was not a good tournament for the warriors and among the seven university teams playing squash in Ontario, Waterloo now ranks fifth, behind western, toronto, york . and queen’s. -John
24 the
-First or ‘Second The puck warriors spent the week-end in the nation’s capital. They split their two game series with Ottawa u. and Carleton u. On the friday evening encounter against Ottawa, the warriors came away on the short end of a 7-5 score. They took their revenge out on Carleton Saturday and hammered them 8-2.
Ottawa wins In the Ottawa contest, warrior XI scorers were led by a ,perb goal by kaptain Kropf. de skated through the complete Ottawa squad and dented the twine with goal number league nine in only seven games. Other goal scorers were Randy Stubel, Russ Elliott, Dickie Smith and yes, Jim Nickleson.
Carleton downed On the Saturday the warriors faced Carleton and started off where they left off against Ottawa, in the doghouse! In the The warriors never got unsecond period the warriors tracked against Ottawa. The started to gel and in the third eight hour bus ride the day of they were overwhelming, the game didn’t help. On the ice was crushed. the warriors just couldn’t put it Carleton Coach McKillop started together. They didn’t appear to Murray Child in goal. Child be able to adjust to the larger made the most of the opThe defensive ice surface. portunity to show what he parp,ortion of the game, could do. He played exticularly the forwards back ceptionally well in the first checking, disintegrated. the period and kept The Waterloo attack was unorganized warriors in the further stalled by two fluke game. Waterloo was outshot in Ottawa goals. One was scored badly by the first period from behind the net, the other Carleton, but made amends by from the corner, when a shot outshooting Carleton in the was bounced in off a warrior second and third periods by 15 defenseman in front of the net 7 and 16-6. and behind a frustrated Jake Saturday’s offensive attack Dupuis. Dupuis played will in was lead by the Brampton ace spite of the final score. One particular warrior line . Jim Morris who fired a hat trick. Single goals went to Russ was on the ice when four of the Elliot, Mike Guimond, Ron six goals were scored against Hawkshaw (who also had three Waterloo. Needless to say, assists), Peter Paleczny and Coach McKillop shook them up Frank Staubitz. a bit in an attempt to get them Paleczny’s goal was a superb to shape up! Ottawa led 4-2 piece of workmanship. Kaptain after the first period; 5-4 after Kropf had three assists, in: two and scored into an empty excellent comeluding an net to round out the final 7-5 bination with Staubitz which score.
26, 1973
by dennis
accounted for another -impressive scoring play. Once again, the conditioning of the locals appeared to be a big factor in their favor in their 8-2 mauling of Carleton. Outstanding week-end players included Jim Morris, kaptain Roger Kropf, Mike Guimond and Murray Child. Following 8 league games, the top three warrior scorers are: Mike Guimond with 5 goals, 13 assists for 18 points; Russ Elliott with 11 goals, 5 assists for 16 points; and Roger Kropf with 9 goals, 4 assists for 13 points. The warriors are again in action this week-end. It’s a home game, against the Windsor lancers on Saturday evening at 8:30 pm at the local arena. After their tough game against toronto on, Wednesday the’ and brock last night, warriors will have the momentum going for them tomorrow night. The warriors will attempt to crush Windsor and retain sole possession of first place. gordy
ClassicSolitaireDiamonds ’ l/10
Instant Credit to Students
151 King W. Kltchener -
Studenl Discoun on All Purchase
the chevron
Dhotos by dick mcgill
Ever tried to ski in the rain? Well, that’s what our ski team had to face january 19th at Blue Mtn. along with competitors from the universities involved in the ski series. Now we know what is meant by “fair to poor” conditions-no snow. Actually there was one slope with snow, so despite the mud and rain the skiers tackled the slopes. McMasters Carol Eastmure placed first in the women’s individual event with Carleton’s Jabe Reid placing second and Trent’s Nina Sparks taking third. Waterloo’s Rika Wedding and Lynn Webster managed to take eighth and tenth places respectively. The team standings were calculated according to the lowest total time ’ of the top three members of the womens team. Therefore Carleton took first place mainly as a result of the strong showing of Reid. Second position went to Queens and Waterloo pulled off the third. Queen’s Jamie Neilson held on to his first run lead to take top position in the mens competition, edging out Doug Carter of Toronto. Carter, however, had the fastest time of the day at 40.0 seconds and led Toronto to a team victory. Steve Becker of Western grabbed thrid place, with only 1.8 seconds separating the top five racers. In team standings, Carleton anf McMaster teams placed second and third. The next race in the ski series is the University of Toronto Open at Blue Mountain on February 2nd. --susan johnson
in fair to poor conditions
26, 1973 25
the chevron
The CIA and counterrevolu.tion i This is ,the text of a talk given at a symposium on imperialism at Stanford University in February 1972. Andreas Papandreou was a Minister in the Greek parliamentary government overthrown by the military coup of April 1967, which he analyzes in this talk. Me is now a professor of economics at York University in Toron to.
The Cold War, American intervention on a global scale, America as a large, militaryimperialist power begins with Greece and, less importantly, with Turkey, the two immediate objects of the Truman Doctrine. The Truman administration intervened in Greece in 1947 when Britain, tired of fighting all kinds of colonial peoples, asked the United States to take its place as the protector power of Greece. The intervention of the United States in 1947 can only be described as counterrevolutionary in character. And the economic factor here must not be overlooked. When the administration argued in the Senate that about $300 million should be invested in this operation, it had to persuade Senator Vandenberg that this would be good primarily for American investment in Greece. Moreover, the intervention was not intended to keep the Soviet Union from taking over Greece. Stalin had already signed Greece away, on December 10, 1944, to Churchill in the famous exchange recorded by Churchill in his war memoirs.
merican intervention in Greece coincided with a more general confrontation w’ith the Soviet Union-a cohfrontation which in Stalin’s mind violated the spirit of the Moscow agreement. As a result the Soviet line hardened a great deal, and the various Eastern European regimes, mixtures of Social Democrats and Communists, were toppled and were replaced by hard-core Stalinist regimes. Basically, the Soviet Union was a conservative power and, while today it plays as hard a game as the United States, it did not then and does not now have its own expansionist dynamic. Instead, over the past 25 years the Soviet Union has been adapting itself to the ways of its major opponent, the United States. And in the process of adapting itself to this game, it is itself undergoing very substantial internal changes. Counterinsurgency in Greece, the United States’ first experiment in this type of global intervention, also provided something terribly important for the future. Greece became the training ground for America’s counterinsurgency services. In fact, Greece was where the OSS was transformed in substance into the CIA. The period that stat?s with Greece is a period of confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union-a confrontation which is based initially on the U.S. nuclear monopoly. This period comes to its climax in 1962 with the Cuban crisis. It comes to its conclusion when the Kennedy-Khrushchsev agreement of 1963 opens a new era-the era of “peaceful coexistence”. In this new period-which, as I shall note later, may be coming to an end-the two superpowers learn to, play a very complex game. The substance of this game is that their confrontation must be kept within limits short of a nuclear
showdown, that areas of equilibrium should, be found and established (as is now the case in Europe), that there are areas where there can be probing for shifts of power, and that, wherever possible, the “rule of Vietnamization” should be followed-that is,’ that others should do your fighting, not your own troops. The major and serious violation of this rule has been, of course, Vietnam itself, where direct U.S. involvement in Indochina has resulted in the most massive ma&acre of modern times, except for the experience of the Europeans and Jews under Hitler. In this period of peaceful coexistence, which has cost many thousands of dead, even in the United States, the main motif of American foreign expansionism has been counter-revolutionary in character. And it was the Kennedy administration that really laid the groundwork for what they call conventional warfare. ,This seemed a sensible route to many at the time, since the threat of nuclear confrontation seemed too obvious. Nevertheless, it is exactly this tactical shift which has involved the United States, directly or indirectly, in military coups and counter-revolutionary wars almost everywhere on the globe.
hat was the fate of Greece in the course of the Cold War? The Greek Left lost the civil war. The Greek government, with massive American aid, won in 1949. The civil war ended in the establishment of a government of the extreme Right. The Americans were represented by General Van Fleet, who was trained in Greece before he went to Korea, and by Paul Porter, an economist. Greece was run by these two men. It was then and in the decade that followed that the American services put together a state and infiltrated it to its very core. There is a very widespread confusion, we must note here, between a government and a state. Governmerits come and go. A state is a system of power. It was the state which the Americans, following the civil war, effectively took over. The Greek Army was
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really made a part of the U.S. army. The Pentagon exercised its control through a military mission and through the “Military House” of the King. The Palace was the main instrumentality through which influence over both the political process and the military machine was exercised by the United States. It was then that the Greek intelligence services were built by the American CIA. When I myself became Minister, it was my bad luck that I dlso had the responsibility of supervising the intelligence services of Greece. I remember asking the General whom we had appointed to head this operation to stop tapping our phones. I thought at least this could be achieved. After a while, he came back to tell me it could not be done, and explained to me that the Greek CIA, as it is also called in Greece, was both administered and financed directly, not via the Greek budget but by the American CIA. By the end of the fifties, the Greek state was nothing more than a fully controlled American satellite state. By that time, there was no longer need for economic aid. The state was secure. So it was time for American investment to come. And, indeed, it came. It came in the person of Tom Pappas, who at the time represented Esso. He got a deal from the right-wing government of the time that was as exploitative and colonial as any you have seen.
appas is a person Americans should know more about than I’ should as a Greek. Pappas was finance manager of the Eisenhower campaign in 1956, and founder of the Pappas Foundation, a front for penetration of Latin American educational institutions. In 1968, he announced in an interview with the Greek press that he was proud to be a member of the American CIA, and that every good American should join him. Also in 1968, he flew to Miami to nominate Agnew as a Vice-Presidential candidate, in return for substantial financial contributions to the Nixon campaign.
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Tom Pappas was not’ the only arrival. There were aiso OnasSis, Niarchos, Pechiney. All kinds of companies, or fronts ‘for companies or investment groups or multinational corporations, invaded Greece. And one did not have to look far for official American involvement in this process of economic colonialization. As government, we renegotiated the EssoPappas contract over a period of six months, improving the terms for Greece. American pressures were heavy. We received, almost daily, telephone calls, from the economic office of the American embassy in Greece to “go easy” on Pappas. He later moved on to better things: He is now with Standard Oil. Pappas today is much bigger than he was then. Tom Pappas today holds exclusive rights in Greece over a very large collection of products, all the way from petrochetiicals to steel and food. He also brought to Greece an American symbol, Coca-Cola. The sixties is a time when American capital expands, in its various forms, in all parts of the world at an accelerating pace. At the same time America involves itself in a truly massive counter-revolutionary operation. The cases are too many to mention here, covering the continents or subcontinents of Latin Arherica, Southeast Asia, Africa, and Europe, and including the cases of Greece and Turkey. There was, indeed, a blueprint for a military takeover, in an operation somewhat different from counterinsurgency, in Greece as early as 1947. In fact, one has to find a new term. And the military technocrats have provided it for us. It is called “preventive counter insurgency.”
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As I noted before, the Greek CIA, is really an American outfit. Thus the whole question of yhether the coup was American or Greek is a perfunctory exercise. But we have (earned something since then: in the Greek black-and-green berets who carried out the coup, the leadership was provided by a group *of American CIA officers in Greek uniforms. This we have learned just now from an officer who has defected from the Greek junta. graphic do five men take over a country overnight? They did SO on the basis of a NATO plan with the code named Prometheus. The plan was on computer tape, prepared in Washington and revised there in February 1967. The tapes contained all the names of the people who would be arrested, as well as the names of the officers who would be arresting them. It was programmed by an MIT graduate computer scientist who now lives abroad. As reliably reported by Marquis Childs in his syndicated column, the decision to carry out the coup was made by a subcommittee .of the U.S. National Security Council in February 1967 under the chairmanship of an economist, W. W. Rostow. The record of this regime in Greece is a record of oppression and brutality. ‘When one talks about oppression and brutality in our age, one finds it difficult to make a case against minor oppression and brutality when its major forms are the defoliation and genocide that takes place in Indochina. One cannot argue that the cost to the people of American imperialism has been anywhere near the cost to the peoples of Indochina. Nonetheless, when the Council of Europe took the unique step, in April of 1970, of ousting the Greek junta from its ranks, it did so on the simple grounds that the regime ruled by systematic torture. It based this decision on the evidence of over two hundred cases of torture, which is but a small sample of the total population subjected to torture in Greece. The tortures are inflicted by modern methods, including genital electric shock--methods identical, in every technical detail, incidentally, to those used in Brazil. During this period, the Greek people have been ariything but apathetic. Five years after the coup, the Colonels do not feel -safe enough to lift martial law from Athens, Piraeus, and Salonika. They do not feel safe enough to let even professional groups like lawyers elect their own leaders, let alone labour unions. But quite apart from that, there have been innumerable acts of active resistance in Greece. When we sat down simply to make a partial list of reported acts, we filled nine, pages. This is quite a substantial record, and we are proud of our youth who lead the way in this very difficult and uneven struggle. /
hat is the character of this Ipreventive counterinsurgency of which Greece, in 1967, was also a victim? Fundamentally, it is contained in the concept of Vietnamization, though the term, of course, came very much later in connection with the very special problem of getting American soldiers back home. This Vietnamization really means that you will get Greeks to take over Greece for you, Turks to take over Turkey, Guatemalans to take over Guatemala. And- it is understood, though it can hafdly be proved, that at least fifteen such operations, of which Greece is but one, were launched in the sixties, and that all were successful. Because of the nature of these operations, the Pentagon is/able to present these incidents,to the American people as internal incidents of instability and conflict, in which America is forced to take a stand ‘merely in order to serve its- security interests. If military aid is given to the Greek junta, it is not because it is approved, we are told. But, the line continues, given the ,conflict in that part of the world between the United States and the Soviet Union, it is essential for the security interests of the United States that NATO aid to Greece not be cut off. Such operations also make it possible for the issue to become politically dormant. For, indeed, how many Americans think of Greece as a signal case of American inttirvention? Americans think of Vietnam, and rightly so, for blood has been spilled on a massive scale. But Indochina; represents a failure of American imperialism. What of the success stories that bring about. the suffocating oppression and blunt exploitation of peoples who have no means of getting their voices’heard? InGreece, the coup of April 21,1967, was carried out .by five junior officers, assisted by another 150 or so junior officers. Of the tive, three had been in-the intelligence services of Greece. Papadopoulos was the ow did the world react to Greece’s liason man betweeh the Greek CIA and the ill fate? The Western Europeans American CIA. In fact, he is the first CIA were at first shocked. agent, to our‘ knowledge, to be Prime They had not expected this sudden reapMinister of a European country. The other pearance of fascism in Europe. And even two men, Roufogalis and Makarezos, were people in high offices did not believe that top officers of the Greek CIA. A fourth, the Americans had anything to do with the Hadjipetrou, was the Greek officer in coup. Europeans sti!l held the image of charge of the U.S.-NATO missile firing base America as a benign democracy. in Crete. -continued on back page L
by tony
membewanadian university press (CUP) and Ontario weekly newspaper association (OWNA). The chevron is typeset by &mont press graphix and published fifty-two times a year (1972-1973) by the federation of students, incorporated; university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation. Offices are located in the campus centre; phone (519) 885~1660,885~1661 or university local 2331; ,telex 069-5248. Circulation
: P3,ooO
As a result of the responses to our back page ads, here is the revised list of this week’s producers and amtributors: Susan johnson, d~cdley paul, alain platte, j&n keyes, kati middfeton, kim moritsugu, john o”grady, george kaufman, gord moor%, deanna karrfraran, iiz wilfick, norman tayior, brian cere, tony difranco, ron colpitts, o-b. schwa-. dick mcgilf, john robertson, godfrey fee, cathy meyer, Chris bernie, nick sullivan, david arsenault, wes darou, paul stuewe, katherine murray, wheels (shirt and tie?), ron smith (the slave driver who uses wet noodles), sue murphy, john cushing, pat reid, peter hopkins, sally kemp, rand steverson, judy moore, duncan cotequenam, george neeland (sane once again), ;and our graphists-don ballanger, tom mcdonald and tony jenkirqglus the one and only david cubberley
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26, 1973
7 a lot of thinking lately? Come down the chevron and learn how to put your thoughts
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The Europeans were sfiocked, and mobilized to aid our cause. But, as they proceeded to the ouster of the Greek regime from the Council of Europe, they began to see the determination’ of the American administration to maintain the junta in power. Secretary of State Rogers flew to Europe in December of 1969 to persuade governments through all possible means not to vote for the ouster. It was’ then that Europeans understood that the coup was a Pentagon coup, imposed to serve American strategic and economic interests. But, instead of then rising up in memory of the 25 million dead of the war against fascism and saying “No, we do not want a return of fascism in Western Europe,” they found the challenge too big and gave up. As one very friendly and progressive Prime Minister told me in June of 1971: “We can do no more. For we d,epend on the United States for at least three major issues: approval of Brandt’s Ostpolitik, the devaluation of the dollar, and the entrance of a number of countries into the Common Market. The outcome on all of these issues will be dominated by the decision of the United States. We cannot, therefore, produce additional irritants to it.” Aside from being bitter news for the Greeks, this honest statement provides an important warning against an optimistic interpretation of recent economic developments in Europe. It is wrong, I believe, to read these developments as an indication that Europe is becoming a serious bargaining party visa-vis the United States.
o Greece was taken over, but to what end? There is a liberal interpretation, advocated by men like Arthur Schlesinger, based on strictly military-strategic thinking. It argues that, in the context of Cold War conflict, the Pentagon’s military technocrats must create a long-term, global strategy with ever-new weapon3 systems designed on a geopolitical basis Greece is essential as a staging area for U.S. military actions in the Middle East. Such investments in weapons systems should not be subjected to the risks of political change, of popular sovereignty and democratic processes. Since it is risky to allow the Greek people to decide if they want twelve American bases on their soil, democracy must die in Greece. This ‘interpretation, however, does not go far enough. For there is a very simple question: Why should the United States be involved in the Middle East, which is not so close to its shores? If you ask that question and then ask what is so valuable about the Middle East, youget the answer: oil. There is another important factor. Greece itself is being colonized at a fantastic pace. There-is only one word to express what is happening in Greece today. That word is rape. Greece is free territory. A small handful of firms control nearly everything worth controlling. Income distribution, despite continuing growth in national income, is clearly worsening. Greeks are leaving their country en masse. One hundred and ten thousand leave each year to become cheap labour in countries like Germany. And as former Secretary of Commerce Maurice Stans told the junta last year in Athens, in a touching afterdinner speech, in no country is American investment protected so well, and in no country are better terms being offered than in Greece.
ut Greece has become more than just another strategic base, more than just another colony. Greece has become a training center for counterinsurgency in the world. The Cambodian. officers who overthrew Prince Sihanouk were trained in Greece by the expert Colonels. The Ugandans who overthrew their government were trained in Greece. And, as a member of the Italian government told me last year, the CIA is no longer guiding the neofascist paramilitary groups of the Movimento Sociale Italiano. The Greeks have now taken over. Western Europe’s passivity on Greece points to more general developmehts. Europe is rapidly being polarized into North and South. The North prospers and also enjoys-parliamentary institutions and basic political freedoms. The South-Spain,, Portugal, Greece, and Turkey-is now fascist, or, to be more precise, militaristically neocolonialist. Spain and Portugal are relics from a different era, but have been resurrected and incorporated into the defense system of the West. There is, in fact, a pyramid of power evolving with at least three layers: first, the United States, then Northern Europe, and then Southern Europe. There is a fourth layer if you wish, constituted by the Middle Eastern and African states.
few remarks must be made about the Soviet bloc. The initial Soviet reaction to the Greek coup was one of complete\ acquiescence and acceptance of the American military takeover. In the context of “peaceful coexistence,” after all, the books had been closed in Europe. However, there is just now a change in Soviet attitude, and possibly a very serious one, with respect to the
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Balkans. Very recently, the Soviet Union is said to have informed the United States indirectly that, because of the Pentagon’s decision to establjsh a naval base for the Sixth Fleet in Piraous, the KennedyKrushchev agreement is no longer valid with respect to Cuba, and that it may anchor submarines there. This Soviet challenge. to ’ American prerogatives in Greece is the result of certain important developments. First, Yugoslavia has slipped into the em brace of NATO. It received $200 million in intelligence funds from the United States in 1968 to purchase small arms to organize a guerrilla army for confronting a possible Soviet invasion. It recently received additional money from the United States via the Greek Colonels, whom it has agreed to live with in the Balkans. Yugoslavia, incidentally, also arrested two freedom fighters very recently who were running resistance material into Greece. Further, Rumania has begun overtures towards the People’s Republic of China. Thus the balance of power in the Balkans has been shaken. There is finally Cyprus, which may providea new Cuba for the United States and the Soviet Union and may also provide for the Greeks the great opening for the confrontation that may liberate US. Papandreou spoke as leader of the Panhellenic Liberation Movement (PAK) and ended his address with this statement: “We are committed to a liberation war until freedom comes to Greece, until Greece is independent. We shall not, when free, participate either in NATO or the Warsaw Pact. Our vision is to build a socialist society in which human rights are respected and in which the citizen has the possibility of participating directly in the key decisions that affect his fate.”