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University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 13; number 31 friday, february 2,1973

The salary steering committee turers averaging $11,978, assistant averaging $14,478, and presented its report on pay in- professors creases for 1973-1974 to the faculty associate professors averaging association meeting held tuesday. $18,757. The 195 full professors at U The committee, composed of of W earned on the average, $25,737 representatives of the faculty for the present academic year. An attempt to compare a section association and presidential appointees, had addressed itself to of the ‘work force’ with salaries as listed above with either the the question of the scale increase to be given to faculty in light of province’s organized labour or faculty requests and the economic civil service does not elicit much sympathy, except perhaps on the situation of the university. Within the committee, there was part of the faculty themselves. agreement as far as the con- However, another justif ication was tinuation of the career progress put forward by the faculty was concerned. The association for a scale increase in plan the area of 7 per cent. “They suggested salary floor for assistant professor was $12,260; for pointed out that the 5 per cent in the consumer price associate professor, $15,938; and at increase the top of the ladder a full index exceeds the 3.41 per cent, professor would start at $20,842 3.51 per cent and 3.75 per cent increases in average salaries of with a ceiling of $26,972. However, this appeared to be the assistant, associate and full only point upon which the faculty professors over the past year, and association representatives and argued that even gross salary the presidential appointees increases which follow the conagreed. The major bone of con- sumer price index result in tention was the issue of the basic reduced net purchasing power.” scale increase to be granted all Thus it is argued that the high faculty. The initial position of the scale increase is necessary to faculty association included a recoup the loss in purchasing request for a 7 per cent scale in- power over the past years, as well crease. as account for this year’s increase The rationale behind such a in the cost of living. request was provided by J.L. Ord, The presidential appointees one of the faculty association’s opposed the 7 per cent scale inrepresentatives on the salary crease on the grounds that with an steering committee. Assisted by a increase in the Basic Income Unit graphical representation of scale (BIU), the fundamental method of increases throughout the labour funding the university, of only 3.4 force, Ord explained how the per cent, the administration was faculty at U of W had been getting not willing to give more than this to a raw deal over the past number of the faculty as an increase. This removes the debate years, as Ord put it, “we’ve been position losing ground ever since we somewhat from the individual campus, and places it in a started.” In comparison with the scale provincial context, with the increases that organized labour provincial government holding the has received over the past ten purse strings, instead of the adyears, faculty seems to be far ministration. A fear was expressed behind; organized labour has during the meeting that if such an recieved about a 27 per cent in- increase policy is adopted, namely crease, compared with a 10 per that of salary increases in the cent increase for the faculty at U of same proportion as increases in W. In Ord’s eyes, a more ap- the BIU, a precedent would be set propriate barometer for comand as such would be difficult to parison with faculty increases is deviate from. the policy of the provincial President Burt Matthews supt government towards increases ported the position of his apthat he given to the provincial civil ser- pointees in maintaining vice. Consequently, it was felt that would not be willing to present a the faculty request for a 7 per cent recommendation of a scale inscale increase was justified by the crease in excess of 3.4 per cent. provincial civil service increase of The final position of the faculty association representatives was 7.3 per cent. In principle, this was the view of the committee as a that the increases should be no less whole : “the committee generally than the 5 rper cent which the price index has inagreed that the request of the consumer Faculty Association for a 7 per creased. In view of the position cent scale increase had merit, in taken by Matthews, two motions view of the scale changes in the were passed by the faculty provincial civil service. ” association before adjourning , This comparison is somewhat with few dissenting voices. The less convincing when the figures on first motion, one expressing apsalary, included as an appendix to proval of the action taken by the the report of the committee, are representatives on the salary examined. According to the faculty steering committee, was passed unanimously. The second motion association, the average salary for all faculty including lecturers, for rejected the stand that Matthews no 1972-1973, was $19,505, with lec- had taken in recommending

more than a 3.4 per cent scale increase, and proposed instead that the increase be 5 per cent. The question will be brought up at the Board of Governors meeting next tuesday, and as of yet there does not appear to be any agreement as to a settlement. One of the suggestions which was raised at the meeting was that of organizing through the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations, a move which would potentially improve the bargaining power of the faculty when dealing with the province, through the administration for future salary increases. If such an organization evolves, the first order of business will no doubt be an endeavour to find the means of providing a strike fund adequate to cover faculty in such a way as not to threaten their “purchasing by a statement power” -followed of solidarity with the workers of the world. -john


Partial win at Brock ST. CATHARINES (CUP&After a ten-day occupation of areas surrounding the administrative offices on the ’ 13th floor of the Brock University tower, students have won a victory of sorts. As a result of special meetings of the university board of trustees and senate january 24, all five fulltime faculty who were to be fired as a result of the university’s financial problems, have been rehired and their termination notices officially recalled. However, the eleven part-time faculty members who were dismissed will not be rehired and the $91,066 of the budget that it will take to rehire the full-time professors has yet to be found. “We’ve really won nothing,” one student leader commented. The students have called off their occupation with little more than confirmations of good faith from the board and the senate. Both those bodies pledged january 24 to avoid faculty cuts whenever possible. Although a committee of the board is considering various approaches to fund-raising in an effort to cover the remaining deficit, there is no guarantee that other part-time staff will not be fired. Some students are unsure even as to whether it was their pressure that forced the board to the rehiring: at least one representative of the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) has visited the Brock campus within the last week and sceptical observers feel that CAUT’s power to blacklist any university for its hiring practices could have been the actual force that brought the matter to its tentative close at Brock.

Freelance journalist June WLU tuesday that, “The reinforce the potency of position in society, he can

Callwood told an audience of over 500 at whole grand design of society may be fo the male. And, because he has the superior maintain this in bed.”

Do the games ever end? Ever faked an orgasm? Why? June Callwood says that this is just another area in which women have been forced indirectly to maintain the superiority of the male. Perhaps at the time you thought there was something else behind your actions but it is all just part of the whole male-female role game that most of us have played at one time or another. The question now becomes whether or not you are going to continue to play that game once you have seen the light-so to speak. Callwood- spoke tuesday evening in the ballroom of the student building of Waterloo lutheran as part of the Conference on Canadian Women series. Although the message was often obscured by miscellaneous facts and the divergent interests of the speaker, a step was made toward conceptualization of the real problems in the relationships of men and women. Callwood appeared much more aware of the basic conflicts of the situation as it stands than did Joanne Turner, the speaker at last

week’s meeting. The discussion was billed as “Women and the Law” and while Callwood did enlighten a great number of the audience about the blatant inequalities and idiocies of our judicial system, the evening was much more than just that. The ethos of the law in Canada includes the idea that women need to be protected and cared for by the male. For this unique security the woman has paid heavily in terms of her rights as a human being. The woman can not follow her job to another area if the husband does not wish to go because she can legally be labeled a deserter, and she has no choice but to follow her husband wherever he may care to travel for the same reason. Marriage, too, came under attack. The male buys the sexual organs of the woman when he marries her. If his dominion over these organs is violated at any time, even after a separation or divorce, he can refuse to support -continued

on page 2

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Games 1 the woman. In the eyes of the law the man has to be paying for it if he is getting it. However the woman has no such right. A woman on welfare or mothers’ allowance can not at the same time be living with a man. After all, he must be supporting her if they are living together ! Moving on to the question of divorce, Callwood criticized the practice of awarding the custody of children to the woman instead of the man. “I know a great many mothers that aren’t mothers and a great many men who are. Apparently the judges can tell by the genitalia whether or not someone is a loving person.” She also spoke about the role of women in the work force. Women make up 80 per cent of workers in Canada with the majority of them holding servant-type jobs. Women are raised to be responsive, sensitive, and sympathetic-the perfect little hand-maidens. It all fits together very nicely. Of the elementary school teachers, 80 per cent are women while only 80 per cent of the principals are female. A woman might make it as principal of a small rural school, but once the institution takes on any semblance of importance, a male has to be found to fill the position of heavy responsibility. After all, a woman just isn’t capable of handling something like that. continued



This same division of power is apparent in most of the large firms operating in Canada. Although the organization may employ a majority of women in its lower ranks and serve a majority of women as consumers, the board of directors never has a woman member. Two sample companies named by Callwood were Sara-Lee Foods and Simpsons. Other topics covered by the group tuesday evening were a woman’s right to abortion on demand, a men’s lib movement, salaries for homemakers, daycare and birth control centres availability to anyone old enough to need it. It was in the midst of this myriad of topics that I sensed a (possibly) common element in the complaints and confusion. Everything boiled down to the fact that society is built around a xgiant and complicated game that does all it can to turn out nice little virginal women and not: so-nice stud men. In the middle of this happy circle came a few people that refused to play by the rules, Now the male feels threatened and the female isn’t quite sure yet of what she has gotten herself into. Callwood recognizes, a need for men’s liberation, but did not go far enough to suggest a people’s liberation movement. She realizes that men will have an increasingly difficult job of relating to the ‘new’ woman and will have trouble sorting out the role they are to play in the new game. The tone of discussion was that men have a> certain position and that women in their search for equality with the male need to attain that position. However, perhaps nobody should be in that position and nobody should want to be there. All they are going to do is change the rules of the game-instead of cancelling it. The point was clearly made when Callwood described a woman’s delegation meeting with a group of prominent businessmen. She said, “We got all dressed up with skirts and the whole shmear, to impress them.” To impress them with what-the fact that you still know the rules of the game?

photo by brian cere

The ethos’ of the law in Canada is that the protected by the male. The discussion at WLU centred on this concept.



woman needs to be on tuesday night was


2, 1973


Ontario-wide Engsoc to form A major proposal for the formation of a province-wide engineering student society put forward by U of W delegates was adopted by a conference for undergraduate engineering societies in Toronto. The conference, with a topic of ‘The Engineering Undergraduate Society’, was hosted by U of T and sponsored by the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario (APEO). It was held at Hart House january 19 and 20. J. Gordon Parr, deputy minister of colleges and universities and former dean of- engineering at Windsor, opened the conference with a keynote address encouraging delegates to use their societies to enhance the “educational process”. The conference had representatives from all universities in Ontario except the universities of Carleton and Western Ontario. The absence of Western was especially disappointing since the theme of the conference was chosen because a number of engineering societies had experienced problems of apa thy amongst their members, with Western the school having the most trouble. With this in mind, the conference broke down into seminars which discussed ways and means of making engineering societies productive organizations. Much of the discussion concerned the image of the engineering student and its pros and cons. Despite arguments from the Queens delegation, most delegates felt that the image should not be changed but expanded. The gung-ho boozing fraternal organization of engineers should also be associated with productive community activities but the fraternal image should be maintained since it provides a basis for unity amongst the engineering students. As U of W delegate and engsoc B first vicepresident, Tom Duffy commented, “Now that we’ve got a base, let’s do something with it.” “The main problem nowadays, is the importance to expose to members that we are concerned with things such as the role of engineers and education as well as just having fun,” he explained. In the education seminar, great stress was put on developing a social awareness and ways of developing a view of society. Taking a suggestion from Parr in his address the seminar went to propose informal resource centres for students with literature and resource people from various sectors such as plant managers and or labour representatives, for example. It was also suggested that informal tours be used to familiarize students with their environment. A wander around a low-cost housing project is much more revealing than a large formal tour through some plant. As engsoc B’s co-director of education Warren Turnbull put it, “We have to be aware of our environment to be able to respond as engineers in a productive way.“, Delegates also talked a lot about Waterloo’s co-op program and said Turnbull-; “a lot of interest was generated” for what was seen as a very practical approach to university education, In the final plenary, the delegations accepted in theory a U of W proposal calling for the formation of an Ontario-wide engineering student organization.

The organization would be built on the basis of information collection and dissemination and later expanded into other issues. The various societies called for a feasibility study and are waiting for practical proposals from the U of W engineering societies in may. Waterloo representative Duffy was optimistic about the possibilities, saying “the problems are very vast but methods are available to deal with them.” -ron


UofS tuition REGINA (CUP&The board of governors of the University of Saskatchewan and the NDP provincial council have decided that the daughters and sons of the people of Saskatchewan will pay more to attend university next year. The fee increase is relatively small ($50) compared to fee increases taking place in other parts of the country. It is still,‘however, in direct contradiction to the NDP’S long-standing policy of free tuition. The increase will push tuition fees up to $550 per year. The present government was vocal in condemning the previous administration when student fees were raised, but now they are using the old tactic of raising fees in small amounts to avoid unrest. A bursary scheme has been extended so some students will avoid increased costs, but the high price which prevents many from going to university will still be there. The government has refused to supply the university with enough funds to enable it to continue existing programs. The result of this has been serious and severe cutbacks. The half-million dollars not coming from the government means many teachers and some whole programs will have to be dropped. As usual, when these cuts are made, students are not consulted. In the past two years, there has been no increase in the university caretaking staff. In that time, many of the staff have left and a new building has been added to their responsibilities. The cleaning staff is working twice as hard as it used to, but needless to say, the salaries have not doubled. More money is needed and the department of education sees the opportunity to take a hard line with students who they say must pay more for their education. Yet students, in most cases, can pay for nothing, as Statistics Canada figures show a high percentage of unemployment among university graduates. The NDP policy of free access to university has been subverted by those who appear to believe the university must remain a preserve of the privileged few.

Parity at

U of T TORONTO (CUP)-Students in the University of Toronto’s sociology department scored a major breakthrough january 15 when they won parity representation on the department’s staffing committee. The change came when the assembly, the department’s final decision-making body, decided by one vote to give students an equal say on the committee that hires, fires, and promotes staff. Students already have parity with faculty on all other departmental commi ttees, including the executive and those that set curriculum, as well as on the policy-making assembly. Students have long regarded a say in staffing decisions as crucial for long range planning and for meaningful, control over course content. The sociology assembly approved the student staffing decision in principle last february, but implementation was held up by opposition from the department chairman and the retiring dean of arts and science. Since then, both posts have new occupants who seem willing to accept students in this area of decision-making. The sociology department becomes the only U of T department in which students are allowed a formal say in staffing, although some others have unofficial student committees that state their preferences to all faculty staffing committees. The former arts and science dean claimed that university rules prohibited student involvement in staff decisions. Now that his ruling has apparently been discarded, previously rejected demands for a similar role in other U of T departments will likely resurface. Students at the University of Saskatchewan Regina campus have parity representation with faculty on staffing committees in some social science departmentsmost notably psychology. The concept has also been accepted to some extent at York University’s Glendon College in Willowdale. Meanwhile on the west coast, students at the University of British Columbia won the first step towards their eventual target of parity. The university senate passed a motion requiring student participation on all levels of UBC’s 12 faculties-with the glaring exceptions of hiring, firing, promotion, tenure and scholarships. Faculty retains a certain majority on all decision-making bodies, however. Students have been demanding representation since invading a faculty-only arts department meeting november 23. The meeting was immediately called to a halt, and faculty-student warfare has continued since. Student leaders at UBC have agreed to work to implement the new rules, though they fall far below the students’ original goals.





2, 1973

the Photo by





Watt’s version of the truth Graduate students, at least those at the doctoral level, can now enjoy freedom from concern over employment opportunities. According to the latest figures, unemployment among recent doctoral graduates is a mere four per cent. These, and other statistics, were the topic of conversation at Burt Matthews’ recent press conference, held friday, january 26. Lynn Watt, dean of Graduate Studies, did most of the talking, relieving Matthews of the burdensome task of holding court. The picture presented by Dean Watt was much more optimistic than current media reports would justify. Watt had the figures to reinforce his position, and was at a loss to explain the . discrepancy between his stance, and more prevalent media conjecture. He did, however, comment sarcastically upon what he called the “conventional wisdom” which produced media reports. Matthews later commented upon the “illinformed sources” who victimized the media, and thus extricated himself from the position of seeming to cast aspersions on the reliability of the press. Matthews was coyly diplomatic, and the press representatives were suitably grateful. Watt went on to discuss current Canadian graduates of American schools. Of these, 290, or 55 per cent, who earned degrees in 197172, returned to Canada, said Watt. The remaining 45 per cent could safely be assumed to have accepted posts in the United States, or to have pursued postdoctoral opportunities. Itis not unusual that nearly half did not return, since that is also the percentage of foreign students in Canada who do not return to their native lands. For those interested specifically _1 in the university of Waterloo, this I institution produced 118 Phd’s in the last year, seven of whom are unemployed. However, Watt added that of those seven, three were women who “went back to being housewives .” Is one to suppose, therefore, that they can be disregarded? Watt did qualify his remark by adding that he did not mean to imply that housewives did not work. Disposing of the seemingly settled issue of graduate employment, Watt invited questions. These led to a brief discussion of current and projected graduate enrolment, and the relationship which the Ontario government would have with graduate students. Future government policies are shrouded in mystery, and Watt remarked that the shroud will soon have to lift, so that new applicants can be dealt with, and I fees assessed. Though the recent fee increase has not affected provincial or local graduate enrolment, Watt conceded that the reason for this non-effect may be the bursary system, which has absorbed the increase. That absorption is only a one-year policy, and if fees remain at their present level, enrolment could well d&line. Watt mentioned that the university favours a fee of $660, but based on previous government ,. reaction to university I desires, there is little reason to be optimistic about a fee reduction. The majority of questions avoided the issue of graduate ,-

employment, perhaps because most of Watt’s remarks were noncontroversial. There was no mention of the opportunities for graduates below the PhD level. because perhaps, that picture is far to bleak and depressing for a 9 am press conference. Watt doesn’t seem to have noticed a short article which appeared in the november issue of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada’s University Affairs Magazine. The opening sentence read: “Canadian employers continue to require fewer university graduates in 1972. according -to- the department of manpower and immigration.” The article underlined this point with the observation that the demand for graduates with a doctorate was down by 37 per cent over last year. Also, one graduate student pointed out, Watt includes in his assessment of grad employment those PhDs with postdoctoral fellowships, which, by some stretch of the imagination, might at most be termed underemployment. Having dealt with a wellpublicized issue in such optimistic terms, Watt and Matthews may suppose the issue will dissolve. Yet there remains the question of conflicting versions of the truth, as well as the untouched issue of Canadian opportunities for Canadians. Statistics do not tell the whole truth, and perhaps that unspoken section of the truth holds the key to the more pessimistic visions of most graduate students. So, before you skip gaily to the Grad Club for your cocktails, with Watt’s figures in hand, you would be well-advised to seek other sides of the story. Presidents’ Dress donferences -notwithstanding: you have not yet been promised a rosegarden




II to attend eng. congress


Eleven undergrad engineers will be going to Vancouver late this month representing U of W at the 1973 Canadian Congress of Engineering Students (CCES) . The congress which will be running from february 27 to march 3 is to provide a forum for engineering students across the country. The theme of the conference will be “The Engineer: his social responsibility, his education, his future”, with seminars covering such topics as education, sociology, the environment, history, unionism and engineering as a profession or a trade. The delegation, to be headed by co-ordinator Gary Kalanj (codirector of education for engsoc B) will be made up of five delegates appointed by the office of the dean of engineering with six others chosen on the basis of written reports of workshops held over the past two week-ends. The workshops concerned themselves with the engineer’s social responsibility, the engineer’s education, and the engineer’s future.

the dean ot Graduate At Burt Matthews’ recent press conference, Studies released the latest figures on unemployment among recent doctoral graduates. The picture presented by Dean Watt was much more optimistic than current media reports would justify.

/Picture Show

Movie-goers alternative The present movie dilemma in Kitchener-Waterloo will hopefully soon be eased when the Picture Show opens in Waterloo. The 16-mm film theatre located on Princess street is scheduled to next week, al though open presently the owner-managers are still busy knocking out walls for exits, installing another wall to block sound from the Kent Hotel, putting together seats and polishing brass fixtures. The Picture Show is supposed to be much more than just another movie house, although even that is sorely needed in this community. The three young directors of the company describe the venture as a community arts centre and theatre. Murray Black, president, sees the Picture Show as going a lot further than a seemingly similar theatre, Cinema Lumiere in Toronto. “I’d like to see the cinema progress beyond where it is now to such things as multi-media shows”, Black said. He would like to combine film on several screens, live drama and music in various ways to convey ideas and experiences which are not possible with just one medium. A showing to some future stockholders in the company a few weeks ago illustrated not so much the multi-media concept, but the possibilities for use the theatre offers the community. To illustrate the potential of the old converted Masonic Lodge, Black and the other directors-Dennis Green and Tom Foster-presented two films, invited a drama group to give a comedy sketch and University of Waterloo student John Constant to play classical guitar. Even faulty speakers and the pounding of the rock band from the next-door hotel

failed to discourage investors. Tiod (Waterloo) Ltd. is now 55 per cent financed from investors from the local community. The directors hold the remaining 45 per cent. The original company Tiod Limited, was started by Black and Green and a third partner no longer with them. It still exists, although a second company-Tiod (Waterloo) Ltd.-had to be formed to run the Picture Show. Tiod Limited is still alive but in abeyance, Foster explained. Former film librarian for the University of Waterloo audiovisual department, Foster is the company’s secretary-treasurer. Although opening a theatre was a possibility, the original company was formed to produce films, experiment in multi-media concepts and give those involved the opportunity to make original films without starting as assistant grip on someone else’s production. Green, vice president, after helping with the opening of the Picture Show, will retreat to the script writing and film production fields. The profits from Tiod Limited’s share of the Picture Show will be put back into the company for film production, according to the company’s prospectus. “But we’re not totally interested in the money aspect,” Foster explained, “We are interested in making Lmore films available to the community.” “One of the purposes of the Picture Show,” Black continued, “is to produce money to help develop other arts. At the moment no real money or place is available for these to develop. Except for government grants, the arts receive little. And grants run out. Eventually we would-like to see the whole building here used. The

main floor could be a play house with a resident company. The basement has a potential for art work shops and a restaurant.” The foyer will be used to display artworks. The film theatre is located on the third floor. The old ball room, now painted black and white, has a seating capacity of 266. Four original paintings by Michel Manson of Waterloo Lutheran University “celebrating film” will be framed and hung in the theatre. The predominantly blue and red paintings entangle gunfighters, dancers and famous actors from ’ old films. The Picture Show will not feature the average films likely to be seen at a Kitchener-Waterloo theatre. The restriction is partly out of necessity and partly out of choice. Because the Picture Show is limited to 16mm films, they will not show recently released 35mm features but will have to wait until the films are converted to 16mm about a year after the original release. As Foster pointed out, 35mm theatres here that are members of large Toronto-based chains, often do not bring in first-run features so that in many cases a Picture Show presentation may well be first run for the community. Although limited in one sense by 16mm, they don’t see it as a handicap, since in any cast they want to choose carefully the kinds -of films to be shown. Their outline of types of films that will be presented states that films will have some moral responsibility to the public and will not use sex and violence to exploit the audience. r’ums that may eventually be seen at the Picture Show range from silent classics, some of the first sound movies and documentaries to modern films and art films. Film festivals by directors, actors or countries are also possibilities. Black said the company has had fantastic response from the Kitchener-Waterloo community and from the university, both in financial support and interest. One of the concepts, he said, is that the theatre can provide a place for the university and the community to come together. The community feels uncomfortable in university surroundings, Black added, and some university groups are in‘terested in bringing plays from the university to downtown Waterloo. The directors also want to bring film directors to the theatre perhaps on opening night to talk to the audience and to hear what people have to say about their films. That conjures up an image of Hollywood spotlights, but should be quite possible with many recent Canadian works. The theatre could also be a place where young film makers can show their products and talk to other people who are interested in getting away from just being consumers of Hollywood massproduced movies. If the Picture Show’s successful, going to the movies in this community may become more than a night’s entertainment . -deanna



4 the






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2, 1973

Fees .strike hits U of. Quebec MONTREAL (CUPD-Students at the University of Quebec at Montreal began a general strike january 26 following the break-up by riot squad police of a brief occupation of their administrative offices two days before. The occupation and strike are in protest against the expulsion of about 600 students effective january 26 because they owe the university more than $500 in tuition fees. The occupation followed a general UQAM student meeting in which the university was given until noon of the 25th to nullify the expulsions. About 150 students occupied the administrative areas to back up their demands, but were distracted by the presence of four policemen into a debate on While they were strategy. discussing the strategy, 50 members of the Montreal riot squad arrived and evicted the students. There were no arrests. A general student meeting the next day voted to call a student strike after the administration failed to respond to their demands.

Student leaders predicted the active support of about 1,000 of UQAM’s 13,000 students. In addition, the union representing the student employees of university pledged its support and said its members would not cross picket lines. Several Ontario universities, locked in struggle with their own provincial government over tuition fee increases and cuts in student aid, sent messages of support to the UQAM students. Meanwhile, students at a general meeting at the University of Montreal january 25 considered launching a solidarity strike because they face similar administration harassment. They sent a similar ultimatum to the U of M administration. A strike vote if the administration fails to reply was derailed by procedural wrangling, but another meeting was scheduled for monday to consider the question. At the U of M meeting UQAM student Gilbert Rousseau pointed out that opposition to the growing Quebec labour movement, as well considerations, as economic

motivated the Quebec government’s 25 per cent cut in the education budget this year. The financial pressure is especially acute at the so-called “popular” U of Q, where 20 per cent of the students come from working class families. CEGEP-CEQ student Nicole Fortin said administrative control and the CEGEP’s Nouveau Regime Pedagogique are other means to continue a policy of producing well-trained graduates capable of upholding the capitalist system. After CEGEP students across Quebec _threatened a. general strike in December, the Nouveau Regime was shelved temporarily by the Quebec government. The proposal would have increased compulsory class time, cut arts options, and allowed will mean a defeat for the whole student movement.” Bernard Cote, a member of the Comite d’organization Provisoire des Etudiants (COPE), which organized dissent against the ’ expulsion orders at UQAM last fall, told the U of M meeting “a failure of (the january 26) strike will mean a defeat for the whole student movement.”

“Equal -


Radio Waterloo friday , february

2nd king

2 : 00 barb, sue & gail 4 :oO country music with 6 : 30 Waterloo at friday 7:00 bbc news 7 :09 artist feature 8 : 30 hockey-western vs wa terloo 11: 15 Scott gray 2 :00 Steve edmonds Saturday,



7 :3O hare krishna show 8 : 00 ccr-grand central-yipin 8 : 30 bbc world theatre-police 9 : 15 illusions 9 : 30 federation candidates meet on radio Waterloo 1l:OO art parsons 11:30 lawrence till two tuesday,




8: 00 john robertson Stewart 12:00 john broeze 2 :00 david colledge 4 : 00 angela stecewicz 6:00 sherm & neil 7:00 bbc news 8 :00 drugs & society symposium part I 9 :00 paul green-the greater hartford progress 10 :00 blues with paul dube 12 :00 jazz with baruch zone 10: 00 david

12 :00 derwyn lea 2 :00 ron macdonald

4 : 00 enter bukhariland sitar music with enam 6:00 tim neeb 7 :00 bbc news 7 :09 bbc radio news reel 7 : 30 children’s show 8: 00 words on music 8 :30 bbc theatre of the air ‘such quantities of sand’ 9 :30 music & satire-rick & bob 10 : 30 roman charabaruk 12 : 00 james macdougald 2 :00 manfred ullman sunday,




TORONTO (CUP )-University of Toronto (U of T) female teachers may soon receive the same pay as their male counterparts. Equal pay for equal work is a “top priority” in this year’s budget, president John Evans said january 23.

A special fund of-about $150,000 has been established to start eliminating salary discrepancies between fulltime male and female teachers holding the same qualifications and workload. $150,000 is only an estimate of the amount needed to start equalizing salaries at the university Evans said. A committee has been set up to review individual complaints of all full-time women teaching staff at U of T. It will search for cases where women receive less pay than men with equal qualifications and workloads. The method of selection for the committee has not

~~trn~~~sand iili?&t was $24,272, while women received

sugg’ested discrimination in promotion was a reality pointing out the lower the rank, the greater the concentration of female teaching staff. Paul Cadario, a student member of the university budget comtmittee, said “salary differences in some departments (for teaching staff salaries) are startling, while in others there are none.” The budget committee was “surprised how much would be needed” to eliminate salary discrimination, he added. Evans said the university is also concerned about salaries and working conditions of nonacademic employees because U of T is “a little behind” the community in pay and working conditions. There is “a moderately high turnover of staff” he said, and the categories with the lowest pay need the most change. Only a very small percentage of the university’s, non-academic staff are unionized. They include support staff and library workers, but not clerical workers.

the insoluble Once again, problem of parking twists on-this time with night parking and a closed gate policy. If you’ve been wondering why you can’t gain access to parking lots after five pm at the university, it’s because “gates are to remain down whenever classes are being held”. That statement comes from Burt Matthews who, with security chief, Al Romenco, is final arbiter in these matters. Although the gates were open at night during the summer, complaints from the faculty caused their closing in the fall. And so, faculty and staff, who are paid by the university, have access, whereas students, who only pay tuition, are locked out. The Board of Student Grievances of the Federation of Students has been trying to get some action on the parking situation for some time. Their attempts to organize a meeting with Romenco have resulted in two weeks of frustration. One minimal proposal is to leave coin lot ‘C’ open at night, and although Matthews has promised to “look into the situation”, hopes are not high for a solution. Students simply do not have the political weight to score more than a token hearing. The economics of the -parking system in fact, are entirely antistudent. Before the advent of gates in parking lots, students paid $7.50 a term for parking rights. Now they pay the $7.50 plus a dime each time they come to campus by car. For $12.00 a term, faculty gain access to keyed lots: Matthews claims that undergraduates can obtain keys for $12.00 a term too, a fact not universally known. But if everyone were to exercise this “right”, parking spaces would surely be depleted quickly. The interim solution to the parking situation seems to be supporting the PUC or getting a paying job at the university, which gives one the right to park, unhassled, on campus. The other alternative\might be to stage an all out park-in where everyone parks in anything other than the designated lots. Good luck drivers.


12 :00 brian o’neil 4 :00 bill ferris 5 :00 alan bevan


for the

news 7 : 09 feedback-the environment 7 :3O last week on wired world 8 : 30 federation election fin al 9 :00 masque-jack or the submission 10:00 eleanor pelrine on . abortion 11: 00 subterranean circus




12 :oO bbc dateline london 12:30 msb 4 :00 british rock with Steve 6:00 Waterloo at dusk 6:45 bbc world report 7:00 bbc news 7 : 09 people’s music-creamcheeze good-time band 8 :00 the hustler in the hayseed 9 :00 dial in for miscellaneous 1l:OO bill wharie

10: 15 bbc concerto 11: 00 classical music



Gates remain down



3 :00 bbc world theatre ‘police’ 3 :45 illusions 4 :00 Portuguese music 6:00 bob ennis 7:00 bbc news 7 :30 medical science . layman-part I 8 :00 bbc international 8 : 30 surindipidy 9:00 masque-jack submission 10 : 00 ccr-grand central lo:30 bill & renzo Vietnam 12%) phi1 edelmyer




7 :00 bbc news

11: 15 people’s music-bill 12 :00 Chris lowe


been outlined yet, although university vice-provost Peter Meincke has been appointed chairman. The salary review is supposed to finish before the beginning of the, new academic year on july 1. The committee will then recommend to vice-president and provost Don Forster persons to whom compensation should be made, Meincke said. Meincke said Wednesday he has no figures on individual cases yet. The only indicator is a report produced last year which showed an average difference of $3,600 between men and women in the same categories. Discrimination against female teachers was publicized a year ago when the Commission on Post Secondary Education in Ontario produced its draft report. It included recommendations to eliminate sex discrimination in Ontario universities. Three U of T female teachers, including Jill Conway, recently appointed U of T’s first female vice-president, presented a study to the Commission showing a large salary and promotion discrimination against women. Their report cited, for instance, a marked difference between the average salary paid to men and women of equal academic rank!$4,000 in the case of a full professor. The average salary for



yip-in discuss


12:00 gary & john 2 :00 jazz with don beange 4 :00 Ukrainian culture show



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2, 1973

d friday,



2, 1973

Classified ads are accepted between 9 and 5 in the chevron oflice. See. Charlotte. Rates are 50 cents for the first fifteen words and five cents each per extra word. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 pp. All classitieds must be prepaid.


classiled FOR SALE


Realistic AM FM FM-stereo tuner amp. with 8-track. 2 air suspension speakers. Walnut grained. 6 tapes included asking $120or best offer. Call Barrie, 884-7586, in the Village.

2-3 persons to help with OFY proposal. Person with car required. Call Dave, 884-6851 after 6:30 pm.

1 Pioneer TX-500 AM-FM stereo tuner. Excellent condition. Price $110. Call Klaus at 885-0268.



Girl to share furnished double 58 Cardill Crescent, 884-3416.

LOST AND FOUND Lost: Women’s ring. Blue sapphire in front of Arnies restaurant at University and Phillip. Phone 745-5143. , Reward: for white wool toque lost at Queensmount Arena. Call Doug ext. 3847 or 578-1342 after midnight. Found: umbrella in food services lobby last tuesday. Call 743-1011, ask for Melody and identify colour and kind.


Don’t just be another number; be part of a society. Join in the sunshine at Coop in summer ‘73. WCRI, 280 Phillip Street, 884-3670.


Girl’s room in town house. Full use of home and all equipment. No restrictions. Mrs. Marion Wright. 745-1111 from1 9 to 4, 885-1664 evenings. Live together with your chosen friends, while still gaining the benefits of residence. Group plans are available from co-op (up to a whole floor) for summer ‘73. Further information available from the office of WCRI, 280 Phillip Street, 884-3670.

Professor’s furnished home for rent. March l-August 1 (adjustable) Westmount area. 576-9143.


The Walper Hotel is being refurnished. Present bedroom furniture, mattresses, draperies and other pieces are being sold on the 4th floor of the hotel at bargain prices. This will be the first of a series of sales. Sale hours: friday 9 a.m to 9 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

$1.00 membership for eight film series. $1.00 regular admission. EL 201. 8 p.m. Sponsored by the Federation of Students. Waterloo Jewish Students Organization. Hillel presents Mr. Bar El, Director of Aliya for Ontario. Topic: “Will peace in Viet Nam bring peace to the Middle East ?” MC 5158.8:30 p.m. TUESDAY

Gay Lib Dance-Jayson’s W. Music by “J.W.“; mission 50 cents. 8:30 welcome.

417 King St. licensed adp.m. Everyone

Pub Dance featuring “Gas Light”. Festival Room (Food Services) ; Federation members $1.00, others $1.50. 8:30 p.m. sponsored by the Optometric Students Association. lxthus coffee-house. Rainer and John. Bring classical guittir and folk music. Free coffee, free speech. 9:00 p.m. CC Coffee shop. Auditions-Anton Chekhov’s “Three Sisters” to be performed in the theatre of the arts, march 26-30. Play is to be produced by the newly appointed Peter O’Shaughnessy. Women’s lounge in Modern Languages. 5:30-8:30 p.m. Federation -Flicks-“Junior Bonnet-” and “The Grissom Gang”. U of W undergrads $75, others $1.25. 8 p.m. AL 116. Sponsored by the Federation of Students. SATURDAY Federation Flicks-“ Jun ior Bonner” and the Grissom Gang”. U of W undergrads $75, others $1.25. 8 p.m. AL 116. Sponsored by the Federation of Students. Walper Hotel furniture sale. 4th floor, corner of King and Queen streets. Sale hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. SUNDAY -

56orship Service-A regular sunday morning worship service at Conrad Grebel College. Grad student Jim Reimer will speak on “Unmasking what is hidden”. Discussion to follow. Everyone welcbme. lo:30 a.m. Arab Students Association presents the Egyptian movie “Miramar” with English subtitles. MC 2065. 2 p.m. Federation Flicks--“Junior Banner” and “The Grissom Gang”. U of W undergrads $75, others $1.25. 8 p.m. AL 116. Sponsored by the Federation of Stydents. MONDAY Circle K Club meeting. 6 p.m. in CC 135. Everyone welcome. Film Society-“The Music Lovers’:* by Ken Russell and “Putney Swope”. Admission $50 upon purchase of

Religious studies open lecture. “Religion and Secularism in Modern India”, with Sayyed Asaf Ali, director Indian Institute of Islamic Studies (New Delhi). Social Sciences 330. 3: 30 p.m. Chess Club meeting. Plans for the eastern Canadian Intercollegiate to be held at U of W in Iate february will be discussed. All interested in preparations please attend. CC 135. 7: 30 p.m. Monte Carlo night sponsored by La Societe francaise. Hum 280. undergrad lounge. 8 p.m. Refreshments served. Everyone welcome. Public lecture sponsored by the history department. Professor John Cairns, history department U of T. “The origins of World War II-The Anglo-French Case.” AL 124. 8 p.m.


Need a hog-caller? Experienced as Huron County’s champion. Call Ray McClure at 884-4499. Renison College.


Drummer with years of experience now available for thursday and friday nights. Play all styles. Best equipment. Phone Barry: 745-1534.

This week on campus is a free column for the announcement of meetings, special seminars or speakers, social events and other happenings on campus-student, faculty or staff. See the chevron secretary or call extension 3443. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 pm.



In this main campus residence complex?

Room available for girl in house with four ofhers. Quiet and clean. Call 7442184.

Will do typing in my home. For further information call 579-4023. HOUSING


WEDNESDAY Rap Room training session. Lunch provided, new volunteers welcome. Counselling services. 5: 30 p.m. Free yoga classes. Some meditation and physical postures. Sponsored by Ananda Marga Yoga Society. Everyone welcome. 8: 30 a.m.--%30 a.m. Combatitives Room PAC building.

Birks Diamonds have the Look of Love. $y :.: i’I’:....

Public lecture sponsored by the history dept. Ralph Dent, U of T, “Strategies for international development.” AL 113. 8 p.m. Fass ‘73. Theatre of the Arts. 8 p.m. Tickets on sale at Central Box Office. Tickets: Wed.-!$.96; Thurs.-$99; Fri. (7:00 and 10:00 p.m.)-$1.03; Sat. (8:00 p.m.)-$1.24. THURSDAY Student Wives Club. Dr. Hilde Ross of the psychology dept., will speak on small children’s growth-development. All student’s wives are welcome. Eng IV 4362. 8 p.m. Federation Flicks--“Carnal Knowledge” and “Vanishing Point”. U of W undergrads !§.75, others $1.25. AL 116. 8 p.m. Sponsored by the Federation of Students.

Tuesday at Ponderosa night

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2, 1973

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12:30 .






VOTE Wednesday,






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CONCERT-“A FESTIVAL OF SONG” THE GUELPH OPERA AND CONCERT SINGERS _ Tuesday, Feb. 6, at 8pm. c John F. Ross Hall University of Guelph

FREE MUSIC CONCERT-ALFRED CAMPOLI, VIOLIN, WITH PIANIST VALERIE TRYON Thursday, Feb. 8, at 12:00 noon Music Lecture Room, Arts Building University of Guelph


aJAZZ DISCUSSION GROUP-THE SAXOPHONE Monday, Feb. 5, at 8:00 p.m. Staff Room, Kitchener Public Library 85 Queen St. North, Kitchener


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’ feedback WCF gather at U of W Delegates from universities across Canada gathered at Conrad Grebel College over the Christmas holidays to discuss the impact of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship on the nation’s campuses. IVCF, founded in Canada in 1929, serves in universities, community colleges, nursing schools and high working to provide schools, avenues for students to live their faith. Today, it is the only national student organization still meeting on a regular basis. One of the main issues discussed was striking the balance between personal Christian faith and the Christian’s mission in the world. Christianity’s concern for justice and righteousness means it must become involved in its surroundings. “The church will fall on its face if it doesn’t have its feet strongly planted in the world,” said Rev. Don Buteyn of Seattle, Washington, theme speakef for the conference. During the street riots of 1968 in Berkeley , California, Mr. Buteyn led 250 volunteers from local churches in restoring order, providing first-aid and protecting property. Armed only with identifying arm-band; showing a cross,

Why did the federation subsidize this candidate? Is he the chosen son?

Address letters to feedback, the chevron, U of W. Be concise. The chevron reserves the right to shorten letters, Letters must be typed on a 32 char& ctef line. F of legal reasons, let tefs must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.

glen herriot ZB sys des lettitor: The letter that was not printed may be picked up from the chevron office, or may be signed and run next week.

Justin they succeeded in restoring sanity to the city where the police failed. Tom Goodson addressed the conference on the situation of the Canadian Indian and called on the delegates to influence the public toward a better understanding of Indian problems. 8 Most of these problems stem from the total control of Indian affairs by whites, lack of understanding of Indians and the paternalistic attitude of those who are acting. Specifically, he denounced the system in Manitoba of boarding Indian children with white families during school terms. Too often, families take a child to get the government allowance and use as little of it as possible to keep him alive. Ramez Attalah, IVCF director for Quebec reported on separation. Inter-Varsity in Quebec is too often associated with Protestant, antiseparatist business and is just overcoming this image with “Christian Direction” in the sermons from Science Pavilion in Montreal. Perhaps more relevent to the individual campuses will be the effect of the seminar on “Loving the University” by Gary Colwell, staff worker for Fredericton, and Harry Klassen, K-W staff worker and director for Ontario. Love for campus must be based on un-

derstanding, knowing how the admi@tration, student government, the newspaper etc. work. From there the Christian is to act as the camptis conscience and as agent to get things done. So it was that Canadian universities’ Christians were told to get involved with the work of their campuses. Could this mean a blow against Demon Student Apathy? Yet’ for the Christians, all that comes of this conference won’t be their doing, but a gift of God. jim Schaefer

Steve sneaks it in

revisited look who’s in town the man with insight the man with truth (THE ONE WHO ONLY STANDS NAKED IN A TELEPHONE BOOTH) how is it way up there? ‘the highs make one wise what? it’s good to have poets n prophets n all who invariably know best by virtue of being tall and get the most applause when insulting us all F

As I am a co-op student on a work term, I recently received the customary winter term ballot for the federation presidential elections. The manila envelope contained three items: a ballot, a business reply envelope, and a gestetnered letter from one of the candidates : Steve Silirersteen. Nothing more. In other terms, I have received similar propoganda, but always in separate letters, apparently mailed at the candidate’s expense.

Lewis will. meet with Dare workers Since may 29, 1972, Dare Foods of Kitchener has been on strike. The primary issue involved is the increasing wage disparity between male and female wdrkers. Dare

FEDERATl.ON OF STUDENTS NOTICE OF STUDENTS‘ COUNCIL ELECTION for the academic year 1973-74 Nominations for the positions’of representatives to Students’ Council for the academic year 197374 open on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7 and close on Wednesday, FEBRUARY 14 at 4: 30 p.m. The distribution of council seats will be as follows: Arts : 5 seats Engineering: winter term 3 seats spring term 2 seats Environmental Studies: regular 2 seats co-op 1 seat Integrated Studies: 1 seat Mathematics: regular 3 seats co-op winter term 1 seat co-op spring term F 1 seat I Phys. Ed. regular 1 seat co-op 1 seat Science : regular 3 seats co-op 1 seat I_ St. Jerome’s : 1 seat Renison : 1 seat Graduate Studies: 2 seats Engineering and Mathematics spring term cooperative students will elect their representatives in June. Nomination forms are available from Helga Petz in the Federation office located in the’campus Centre Room’235 and must be returned to that office by 4:30 p.m. February 14. Chief Returning Officer Federation of Students




offered a wage increase over a two year period of 45 cents an hour for female workers and 55 cents an hour for male workers. Other issues include: female workers are required to wear a dress type uniform which leaves their legs exposed. Since they have no time to swat flies, a supervisor occasionally sprays their legs with chemicals. Women are required to stand at all times, even during breaks. Women must ask for permission to go to the washroom. The Kitchener-Waterloo Human Rights Caucus, in support of the Dare strikers, is sponsoring an informal meeting on february 6 at 8: 30 pm. Stephen Lewis, leader of the NDP, Ontario will be the guest speaker at the Brewery Workers Hall, 65 Lodge St., Waterloo. Representatives of the Dare strikers will be present also. All are invited to attend the meeting in support of the Dare strikers. The dope course (Psychology 363) is presenting several drugrelated programs this semester, to which everyone is invited. They will be held in AL-116 at i’ pm on the following dates. Feb. 5 Kitchener Morality Squad. Feb. 12 - Dr. Doug Wahlsten, UW psych dept., on “The politics of science”. Feb. 27 - Lawyer Morley Rosenberg on dope laws. (NOTE: This is a TUESDAY night. ) March 5 - Alan Watts videotape, “The way of wisdom, the way of power. ’ ’ Other programs will be announced in this paper as they are organized. Also, anyone wishing to participate in a debate-drugs : good or bad for us?-should drop a note to Fred Kemp, psych dept.

The Birth Control Centre ASKS FOR YOUR HELP To provide a complete service we must caii zz c a number of organizations and persons. One of our greatest allies in helping you is Counselling . Services. At the present time the administration is conducting a study concerning the need for Counselling Services. If you feel you’ve been helped by this service and wish to see it continued, please tear out th;e square below and send it by FREE inter-campus mail. WeThank You

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I have been helped by Counselling Services I wish to see this service provided intact in the future




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2, 1973


Frontiers in education

Last week you were left with the planting a seed. Some excellent knowledge of how to choose pots herbs to grow indoors are parsley, and soil fo,r your seeds or plants. chives, lemon balm, mints, Unfortunately, you were left lavender, rosemary, sage, basil holding the pot with nothing to put and dill. Once you have started in it. This week the skills involved your herb garden you will probably want to add other plants to it such in planting and maintaining your indoor garden will carefully be as the scented geraniums and related. various medicinal plants. Herbs prefer a soil that has a pH of 7 or A successful indoor garden requires’ a good source of light, higher, so add a covering of lime to the soil. Group your plants adequate ventilation and humidity (30 to 50 per cent) and a range of together in thematic settings. Try temperature from 50 to 70 degrees. potting the scented plants in areas that they can be readily sensed. These requirements plus proper Culinary herbs such as parsley, attention are necessary for most dill, basil and sage can be grown on * herbs. It is wise to install fluorescent lights above your the kitchen window, if it receives plants if they do not receive at enough sunlight. least six hours of direct sunlight a Now, the great moment arrives. day. Two 40 watt lights in a reflector placed from 12 to 18 in- Take your seeds in hand, carefully ches above the plants will provide scatter them over the soil and cover them thoroughly. That’s it! enough light for the plants to grow well. The lights should be left on Wasn’t it worth waiting one week for? The seeds should be buried to for 14 to 16 hours a day. Give them this light in periods’of 5 to 8 hours a depth of twice their width and so that the plants are not strained then sprayed with water. Generally they germinate best in a by the light. Remember, under mother nature’s sun they only warm atmosphere, although some seeds like lavender and conifers receive about eight hours of direct sun. It should also be mentioned like to be placed in the freezer a that herbs generally do well month or two before they hit the without excessive heat and sun as ground. Keep the soil moist, and in both tend to reduce oil production anywhere from a couple of days to in them. a month, your seeds will gerBefore an intensive look is taken minate. The heart leaves are the first to appear. After these leaves, at the conception and growth of the frail herb, we shall pause for a the first set of true leaves appear. short intermission concerning The plants should now be thinned fertilizer. The best fertilizer, as all by cutting out plants with scissors of nature’s children must know, is until there is a distance of one half inch between them. When the that provided from excrement, organic wastes and decayed plants start to crowd each other matter. However, at this time of again dig them out with a ball of the year it is very difficult to start soil attached . to the roots and a compost pile that will quickly transplant them into a pot not smaller than five inches in provide fine compost for your plants. I have experimented with diameter. The pot should contain indoor cornposting using egg obvious amounts of compost, wellshells, coffee grinds, tea leaves rotted manure and earth. Press the and mashed peelings but untop soil down, around the plant to hold it up straight. If you are in fortunately they do not decompose as readily as anoutdoors summer doubt about plant identification be sure to label all pots of seedlings pile. They can also provide a breeding ground for all sorts of and one or two mature plants per species. little surprises. However, with some care and an isolated area you Those are the basic steps to be in preparing an indoor can make a good indoor supply of taken compost. For more information on garden. Your parsley plants will this, search your September very useful for the pot and they can chevron’s for the article on also be chewed to prevent halitosis compost. and anemia. Lemon balm can be used as a lemon flavouring in icings and jellies. The It is -good to give your plants a candies, shot of fertilizer every now and dried leaves can also make a delicious tea by allocating one or then. The best inorganic fertilizer two teaspoons per cup. Red pepthat I have used is a 5-10-5 mixture that comes in a dropper bottle. It pers can also be grown indoors in the same manner as herbs. Keep can be obtained at florists, garcutting chives, dening centres, and grocery parsley and rosemary to promote new growth. stores. The numbers on the fertilizer signify the ratio of Add the trimmings to the pot. phosphorous and Flowers on basil should also be cut nitrogen, to encourage growth. potassium. You can buy fertilizer One last note on indoor garto custom-fit the growth stage of dening. Keep a constant daily the plant. Nitrogen is most acutely needed when the plant is in its check on your plants to see if they is are receiving enough light, water adolescence ; phosphorus and heat. It is also wise to check required during maturity (after for bugs and exterminate them as virginity is lost) ; and the roots quickly as possible. If a plant always require potassium. Certain plants also require more of one becomes overly infected with pests a virus or strange element than another. Root crops or develops growth, throw it out to avoid need more potassium; leafy further contamination. plants, nitrogen; and fruit crops Good luck in your green thumb require phosphorous. Plants can Keep those questions be given a stock solution of fer- expedition. and letters coming in. Pay a tilizer once a month or a dilution personal visit. Tell ‘em momma every two weeks. nature wants to see you. Finally we arrive at the climax of gardening, the organic joy of -kati middleton

For a large majority of university students getting a degree is a major aim in their lives. The selfinterest that keepts students tied to their carrels or passively viewing demonstrating radicals is vehemently defended with the old cliche, “You’ll never get anywhere without an education these days.” Seldom do students raise their heads to look over the university walls to consider the implications of that cliche for any one but themselves. For a nation which ranks fourth in the world economically, Canada possesses an embarassingly high rate of functional illiteracy. In 1965,43 per cent of adult Canadians couldn’t claim to have attained a grade eight elementary education. Most of these people can hardly function at the present grade four level. They are functionally illiterate. Juxtapose these facts with the effects of technological changes on the resource industry and it becomes evident that a lot of people in Canada don’t stand a chance. These are precisely the people that Frontier College helps. TERMPAPERS SERVICE (R&d) A Canadian


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Frontier College has no campus, build a relationship with them and grants no degrees and charges no motivate them, then it just won’t tuition. Its labourer-teachers are work.” volunteers who survive financially It’s that simple; it’s that tough. by working along side the people Frontier College will be looking for they teach. If they ,teach railway prospective labourer-teachers who workers in Alberta, they swing a will seriously commit themselves sledge like anyone else, they eat for the summer or longer. We’ll be the same food and live in the same meeting in Room 1020, Student rail car. When there is time and Services Building on friday when the workers want it, they february 9 at 10 am. teach. No set curriculum exists; the program is tailored to each individual and every location. It can vary from English as a second language to geology; from how to detect VD to red tape removal in order to get government retraining. Classes may be held in No nominations were received in a group or individually-in the recent graduate student whatever space can be found. They election to Senate, therefore there can be in the bunkhouse or in the will be no election. library the labourer-teacher sets In the grad by-elections, two up, or where he battles with a film nominations were received, but projector on Sundays. It’s since there were also two whatever the men want-although vacancies, again there will be no it sometimes means shooing the election. Stephen Clodman and poker players away from the ‘David Kane were elected to senate solitary table. by acclamation, with their term of The job isn’t easy, as any office extending to april 30, 1974. labourer-teacher will tell you. At end-of-april-end-of-term time, Here’s a job that’s 24 hours a day, 7 undergraduates too will be given days a week. “To qualify”, says another opportunity to vote. president Ian Morrision, “the main Nominations are now open for one requirement is the ability to work senate cnadidate to be elected with people, to establish rapport from each of engineering, human with the men and women you’re kinetics and leisure studies and teaching. You may be a certified mathematics. Rules, regulations teacher but, if you can’t do the and nomination forms may be had work (for example in a mine) that from the university secretariat, your students do, and if you can’t STS RaDm 3062.

Word from the senate






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Andy Telegdi Fellow

This Wednesday, february 7, is the date of the 1973 version of the annual federation presidential sweepstakes. Here the four hopefuls describe their worthiness for that most illustrious position: President of the Federation of Students.

Steve SI V erstei n




hat should the student body as a whole expect >from their president ? What should the president expect from the student body? These two questions seem to sum up our political situation. I would like to put things in their proper perspective. For those students new at the political game, federation president is a fulI time job, demanding full time attention. So, in other words the student body has the right to expect someone who will at the very least donate their full time to leadership, and not go handshaking and baby kissing (see Chevron’s front page jan. 12 ‘73). These American vote-getting techniques are not only improper but unethical. What else has the Robert’s Regime brought upon us, you ask? Have you wondered why our Record Co-op recently raised its prices? Do you know that this Co-op is a money making organization? Like most other money making ideas that the federation has come up with in the past, this too is badly in debt. Employees originally were making 1 record album in return for three hours work. You may say this is slave labour, but yet the employees were happy, and is not the whole idea for the organization to be run on a co-operative basis. I suggest we return to the old setup with some minor revisions in policy or find a new way to run the co-op for as it presently stands, it lacks in both finances and stock and is thus, completely unacceptable. While on the topic of providing services for students I would like to mention briefly here a proposal. for a federation-run gas station. Many of our students have cars and a return to the oldfashioned prices for gas would be most welcomed. There are a variety of ways this could be organized, all of them quite practical. In regard to cars again, I intend to make an intensive study into the parking and towing procedures. While some places on campus charge nothing to park others just around the corner are charging as high as 25 cents an hour: Tow truck drivers are sloppy and quite often damage your car. I dare you the way things stand now to try and collect for damages. They make you sign a damage release before you’ve even had an opportunity to examine your ca?. If you insist on examining your car first, an additional $3.00 charge is levied. The university’s parking procedures are in a sad state. You people as students are here for two major reasons in most cases, 1) to receive an education and 2) to enjoy yourself in the atmosphere of “campus” life. Just what does this entail? Well part of it is concerts. This word in the /- around campus has become taboo. The federation past year has lost their shirts in ill managed, ill fated concerts. Shane has managed to stay away from them completely in the past few months. But this is not the solution. BSA has deteriorated into a glee club and has not brought forth anything of great value. Have you ever been to a campus pub? Have you ever been to a pub when you could have found something else to do? I suggest, more varied pubs, dances, and concerts with a variety of atmospheres. The other half of this question is what the president can expect from you. In the past, need I say, apathy has been the big word. If this is what will be given to me by the students of the University of Waterloo, I say screw off, and I don’t want to be president, for what good is there in fighting on a losing side? I will do my best in summoning up enthusiasm, and I do realize that part of the reason you’re here is for an education and that comes with a lot of hard work after hours. But if you’re going to be a drain on our system then you’re going to have to put that much back into it. You can bitch about fee hikes all day, but when it comes to concrete action where the hell are you? The key behind the whole issue of apathy is not what your federation can do for you, but what you can do for YQURSELF.


or some years now I have hoped to see someone run for federation president who was interested A in the things I am. Things like parking,.towing, vending machines, student housing, a permanent campus centre pub and cheaper and better entertainment. But instead I’ve seen candidates who either wanted to change the world (at my expense) or who just wanted to put on concerts and not worry about these other problems. Agreed that we all want to improve our world but let’s realize that the federation is limited in what it can do. Instead of trying to deal with issues we know we can’t affect let’s turn all of our attention to matters right here on campus that we can do something about. If we can’t change these things we have no business going elsewhere. My strong feeling is that an elected representative, like the president of the student federation, should represent the interests of the majority of the students and not just a small group of them. This is why I have decided to run. I intend to create a federation that is in touch with the students’ interests and to do so I need your support. Make no mistake, the federation requires a great deal of hard work. I sometimes think that the reason we have had an ineffective federation in the past was because the individuals involved did not treat their responsibilities professionally. Remember the federation has a budget of close to a quarter of a miIlion dollars. We should expect, not just expect but demand that the money be handled competently. This I intend to do. The federation isn’t little league anymore. The presidency is a full-time job and I would treat it as such. PLATFORM I don’t profess to tell the student body what they ought to be concerned with. I don’t see this as my business. Instead I start from the point of view of the studentswhat do they want and then try to get it. Since I have this opportunity, let me tell you specifically what I stand for since I believe that all candidates have an obligation to do so. ~Entertainment: The federation is in the business of supplying entertainment for the student body. This includes concerts, pubs, films, etc. A few years ago concerts were in the $1.50 range. Lately there has been a trend towards higher prices. However, partly because of these higher prices and partly because of poor management these concerts have been poorly attended and lost considerable amounts. I intend to return to the $1.50 concerts with a sell-out policy and cut down these subsidies. In addition I intend to increase the subsidies to the various societies to expand their activities. The societies




2, 1973

always seem to have a knack for knowing what their members want and for running their affairs completely. The federation could co-ordinate the societies so that, for example, three pubs wouldn’t be run on the same nighk and all lose money (as has sometimes happened). I believe that I can improve the quality and quantity of entertainment since I have had experience as a professional rock promoter and owner of my own coffee house. Campus issues (or “You’ll Never Change That”): Wha; are some of the issues that really affect us the students at Waterloo? If I’m not mistaken, parking, towing, vending machines, housing and a permanent pub are a few of these. Oh, I can hear them now saying “You’ll never be able to change that”. I can only say that have we ever really tried? Have we ever gone to the administration with a complete analysis of the parking and towing problem listing the various alternatives and sat down and talked seriously? I doubt it. A formal protest is the extent of the current federation’s activity. The vending machines on campus are not always well serviced and the food is not always the best. Let’s take a’ look at what the different vending operators have to offer and make our presence felt in the granting of the franchise. The issue of inadequate student housing is one of particular interest to me since I’ve had to live in very poor accomodations. First year students are especially hard’hit. I intend to assign a few individuals to work with Housing Services during the summer months to check each accomodation before it is listed. They would rate the lodgings and ensure that no inadequate dwelling was included. Pretty soon the quality of student housing would go up. The campus centre needs a permanent pub. The faculty club has one as does the grad club-we need one too. And why not put up a University Avenue bus timetable at the south campus hall-sure its’ a small thing but small things make a difference (especially on a cold day). Unfortunately I haven’t much space left. I’m going to try to get in touch with as many students as I can during the campaign. If I don’t see you and you want to talk tc me just give me a call at 744-5612 (or at 743-7514 if I’m not in.) If you want a positive federation working for you, you’ve got to come out and support me. at the polls else we’ll have the same kind of ineffective federation again.

At the i





2, 1973

Jeff Beckner


GENTLEMEN!! I ADIES AAANND PREEESENTING FOR THE FIRST TIME ANYWHERF: ON THIS EARTH!!I****THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE FOR T?zE FARCERATION OF STUDENTS! I! **JEFF BECKNERI! . ..as the lights dim to a total black out the spot light gently falls on a solitary figure in the centre ring...and quietly, very gently...hi how are you...i come before you ,\pday to tell you that i am concerned with the lack of’ communication in the federation of students...and because i think the lack of it farcifies the federation...the federation is you...and because you don’t have the time to get caught in the political bullshit..time to organize entertainment.. time to meet with administration.. time to do this and this and this and this (heck, i heard about one guy who is on a solid diet because he didn’t have the time to pee). . that is why you (we) have council representatives %om your faculty.. that’s why you (we) have a federation president, executive, board of education, student acti: ities, grievances, publications, communication, creative arts... they exist to work for you and to look out for your best interests..... but..but..but that’s also why communication is so fucking important! how the hell can anyone expect things to work out right if half the people on this “ampus don’t even know who their rep is..one quarter vote..not too many people even know what the boards do...what the federation is or does...council ‘can’t even get a quorum at most of its meetings...(into the centre ring comes boopy the dog...& man and the dog walk slowly around the perimeter of the bleachers 1. . ..over the past few months i have fed ideas to the board of communications and they are beginning to take form along with some of theirs... there will be a direct feedback mechanism from federation members into the federation steering group (boards, reps; president etc. )..an artist postermaking co-op is in the process of being set up which will be open to all to make use of..a better dial-a-dance is being done produced at radio Waterloo no less, give a listen this week...a regular, direct information system


from boards to federation members (you)..etc..etc..wl+h will happen whether i’m in or out of office and which-i will help with whether i’m in or out of office,,because i think a good viable federation is dependent on a good communication system...and i don’t think a lot of people realize how &al it is..it is time for us to start communica ting.. me writing. .you voting. .my trying to get changes. .you voicing.. you knowing, bugging suggesting to, getting represented by, your council rep...you voting is one of the most basic chances to communicate..and the most vital..that is why i‘ am here..speaking..now.. .. . (the calm returns the man sits down, boopy on his lap)...i was apalled at the way the board of student activities was run, and when shane got into office last november i applied for and received the job of co-chairman of the board..i inherited a deficit budget, a by-law against big concerts, two theatres that were booked solid, flack from the societies, a ton of shit, a preposterous bar services set up and worst of all no board...well after a number of meetings with the societies a new board is forming to get a better base in the students.. the first step being..to make the social directors from the societies members of the board..which means h direct information route and a good co-ordination, body..although budgeting for next year hasn’t come up yet i will suggest that some form of quota per term spending, intermediate ceilings, a contingency fund..again i will do this whatever the outcome of the elections...bookings policies are being arranged and will be set before the end of the term..the pub situation is clearing up.. and 5,000,OOO lady Scott’s scotts took care of lord load’s loads..by the way, to have a permanent pub you need to own your own building, the federation doesn’t..therefore there is going to be a meeting of the committee of presidents to arrange getting together with the administration to work out cleaning up this issue once and for all...big concert losses?..my opinion is that if the students on this campus wanted something in the first place it wouldn’t lose..shane started putting responsible, logical, innovative people into office and since it is illogical for this trend not to continue i don’t see any way any more lunatical decisions can be made in bsa. . . .. .i also wouldn’t suggest that it be made into a major political issue...personally i think shane started a good thing happening last november. i can hardly wait to see the progression of the federation next term when it’s got, a new clean year to work with and not a hand me down gunkpot..andy and Steve have some good talents and ideas that shouldn’t be wasted and i think they should be part of the next government, but i don’t think they have %he right qualities to lead it.. anyway i hope you see fit to vote and voice. . . this isn’t all i have to say but right now i have to go...if you want any educational platforms talk to shane...any wooden ones talk to kaufman lumber (sorry)..anyway vote voice vote voice (the man and his dog slowly exit into the dark)...bye for now.


Jeff Beckner





Shane Roberts m

here are over 10,000 of us here at the university of Waterloo, representing a wide divergence in background and experience. U of W students come not only from Canada but from some 80countries; some are married and have children while others are just discovering intimate personal and academic relationships. Mixed with people who are away from home for the first indefinite period are students who have already travelled to several continents. But we are all students with student problems, and from this common background we can share in finding answers to both the broader social and economic questions engendered by the university, as well as the short-term needs of our daily lives on campus and in the community of Kitchener-Waterloo. As a medium for studying and co-ordinating student interests, the Federation of Students should be able to draw upon students’ experiences in order to seek answers to problems inherent in our education. What aspects of the learning process do you see as focal points for common student concerns? Certainly class size, the availability of your lecturers outside the classroom, and the intellectual nature of textbooks are important. What about the conduciveness of the lecture setting in providing for necessarily important discussion? Over the years some students, along with a handful of faculty members, have attempted to formulate fresh alternative approaches to educationboth in content and in form. These attempts are gradually bearing fruit within the traditional departments and more noticeably with such innovations as Inter-Faculty Studies and ManEnvironment courses. But too often the scholars, in whom the wisdom of our era is supposed to be reposited, fail to relate our education to those challenges which beset society and concern all students. Do you feel it is valuable to ask questions of professors? Are you satisfied with the studying expected of you through your textbooks? Where the textbooks have fallen short bf your desires and expectations, has the lecturer provided an ample alternative reading list or reference material? And + turn, has the library had such material? Both to compensate for the poverty of intellectual exercise at university and to complement the work of those concerned faculty, the Federation in more solid connection with students should support educational programs which can draw people together in more casual discussion groups -on such topics as our cultural identity, urban and regiomil politics and continental energy problems. These can aid us in developing perspectives beyond the intellectual parochialism of the typical lecture hall. As for the daily problems in living in KitchenerWaterloo, has transportation, housing or part-time work been perplexing for you? And food? I continue to hear derogatory comments about Village meals, and that Village houses don’t even have ovens in their kitchens. Students definitely need alternative, low cost places for eating and discussion other than the places presently provided by the administration. It is certainly a big question whether university students learn to think about directing their own lives or the university adds to our confusion. How many times has each of us wondered about our experiences at university, and how they have given us personal direction? Considering the time you have spent here so far, how much more have your personal values and goals been concretized by what you have learned? From your ‘education’ have you learned to cope any better with your day-to-day frustrations, or alienation stemming from encountering your fundamental and ordinary needs? Provided that students understand the sharing of these common characteristics, then it is simply another step to understand the Federation of Students’ ability to serve as a co-ordinator in voicing, analyzing and dealing with student concerns. If you are keen to see something done for students by students, chances are others at this university are too, And although nearly all students do not have the time nor interest to play an active role in student government, by voting for Shane Roberts February 7 you can support those who do.


14 the




2, 1973

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2, 1973





companied by my own rating of their overall quality based on! l noise found in recorded passages but not in spirals. 0 distortion in loud passages. l each part having proper volume with respect to others. 0 noisiness of surfaces. l ability to hear loud passages in neighbouring grooves. 0 frequency with which warped or defective discs occur. Deutsche Grammophon, Ar:hive, Musique Royale-smooth,

clean, distant widely

natural surfaces, rather pick-up, huge catalogue, available. Philips-same quality as above but limited catalogue and distribution and a higher price. Telefunken,

Water shopping rn Canada Backing in the water films on 1969. His





Angel-from Capitol, recorded 100 per cent in Europe, strong catalogue of Romantic and Modern

music. Melodiya Angel-recorded by Soviet concern Melodiya,

toward national suicide doesn’t end there: the Liard is discussed, the salmon-rich Fraser, the Peace and the ecological damage on the Athabaska delta, the diversion project from the Churchill to Nelson River and the probable destruction of the community of South Indian Lake. All this so Canada can sell either water or hydro power to the U.S. The economics of development are probably the most important aspect of the entire book-in almost every case dam-building is uneconomical for Canadian needs. While we are often fed extensive figures in acre-feet, kilowatthours; or billions of dollars, little attention is given to the social or environmental destruction that will occur.

first became question of export when the subject for book Canada’s Water-For Sale? is a further extension of his concern about the water sell out that has already occurred as well as those on the drawing boards. Two myths about American needs, largely fed to Canadians by such people as Dr. Arleigh Laycock of the University of Alberta, and U.S. Senator Frank Moss of Utah, were shot full of holes by Backing. He points out that the United States has no water shortage and that Canada has no The elimination of a way of real ‘surplus’ of water. life for a group of people is a In New York for example, 300 common result of water million gallons a day is lost development, for instance, yet through leaks in the city network because it is difficult to place a while no water can be drawn from dollar value on it, such factors the Hudson because of pollution. are normally just dropped from As far as the western states are the calculations of costs and concerned he states that 90 per benefits. cent of the water is used for This was amply shown as irrigation-and transported at a assigned to study the subsidized rate. It is in some cases scientists environmental impact of the putting other farmers in the southChurchill-Nelson diversion and eastern states out of a job. even the very controversial James As for Canada’s needs, we still have no water policy but it is Bay Project were told in advance known that Canada has ap- that the projects would go ahead no proximately one third of the matter what the findings. Besides is nilworld’s fresh water, mostly in our this, public involvement large lakes, but only about six per secrecy surrounds all such major until the final plans cent of the world’s runoff. There is developments and construction dates are set. probably more runoff in the United Backing’s book is extremely well States than in Canada. researched and documented. It Many of the grandiose schemes (North puts in front of the reader the tru? such as NAWAPA picture of probably the biggest American Water and Power problem which will face Canadians Alliance), and the proposed James Bay Development are discussed in in within the next ten years-the sellout of our natural resources. some detail. The present water In february 1970 President diversions on the Ogoki river in Northern Ontario and the Richard Nixon instructed the State ecological effects are mentioned. Department to work out a continental energy deal with Canada. There is also considerable mention were given to the biggest sellout to While oil, gas and electricity the resources in mind, water is a date-the Columbia River Treaty of 1964. Backing shows that today it natural to follow. Professor Cass Booy, former is actually costing Canada around $200 million to construct dams in Chairman of the Manitoba Water Resources Commission said “We Canada to flood Canadian farmland so that new farmland may throw in the natural resources, the water resources of our province, be created in the U.S. and that power was sold for use in the and we give up our wild rivers, our rapids and our beautiful falls, we United States for a lump sum of money. He says that there is ab- allow the spoiling of our beaches solutely no way we can turn off the and our lake fronts, we change and upset the ecological balance over tap for at least fifty years. The story of our proposed run vast areas and in that way we

actually impoverish our people for the purpose of this demand.” America is a hungry, demanding country and without a national water policy future generations of Canadians may find themselves sitting in a canoe in a dried up river bed dreaming of how it used to be. -ron


Classics for the neophyte As rock’s record output comes increasingly to consist of gimmickry and hype and less of talent, a revival is developing in alternate musical forms-jazz, blues, classical music. The neophyte classical listener suffers a disadvantage in that little classical material is aired to day, and even that consists mostly of pieces so familiar as to be either a bore or an embarrassment. The only way of exploring the field is to stumble through each section of music blindly until you either find the styles and artists you like, or give up. The purpose of this column is to help beginning listeners through the initial and (hopefully) further stages of this exploration with a minimum of wasted time and money. An intelligent choice of classical records depefids on a basic knowledge of three general factors which affect the likeability of the final product. These are: the quality of the performance, the recording and the pressing of the record. It is fairly safe to say that any label mentioned here will have an acceptable performance of the material on it, due to record companies’ practice of issuing new records with talented artists initially at premium price, then, when sales decline, reissuing the same recording on a different label at a budget price. Whether these performances appeal to you or not is a matter of individual taste. Based on the other two criteria, below is a listing of most of the labels on which classical music can be found in Canada, ac-

distributed Argo,

by Angel in N.A. Oiseau-Lyre,


lated English imports, good for the limited range of music offered. Argo features Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, a string chamber group, and the Choir of King’s College, Cambridge, both exemplary groups. O.L. and Oryx have light baroque and classic music and Oryx features a low price. Audio



opera line.

surfaces but dynamic range limited, highs are weak and lows unclear. London Phase 4-not a 4-channel disc. Has wide dynamic range and advanced recording techniques but a very restricted catalogue. London-immaculate

RCA Victrola Classics-are



reissues, so recording techniques are dated, though surfaces are clean. Columbia-feature first rank artists but factory seems incapable of producing a disc that is not noisy, warped or scratched. Nonesuch-Warner Brothers’ only classical effort, European sources, notable Erato, are badly served by poor pressing resulting in noisy surfaces. VOX and Candide-very noisy surfaces, feature <some really obscure artists. Seraphim-Angel’s reissue line, with a good catalogue of past artists. RCA Red Seal-RCA’s budget line is ranked higher than this, its premium priced line, due to a drop in recording standards so great that none of their product is worth the money. Decca




very good surfaces but features one of the best pre-baraque music groups around, the New York Pro Musica. Musical



surfaces but catalogue contains music not available anywhere else, so it can be considered worthwhile. Odyssey-Columbia’s reissue line, has great artists and performances but the surfaces are a torture. Societe Francais du Son-an obscure french label featuring mostly baroque. Westminster-ABC’s reissue line-dismal. London

London’s poor. Everest,

ably awful:







at all times. -pete

Tearjerker wms ’ I

sound at lower prices due to use of lesser known, but-certainly competent artists. Turnabout-budget line of VOX, reissues of material from Europe. Some is sonically exceptional.


Richard interested Canadian producing the CBC in


same as for Philips above except deals in baroque music entirely. Erato-new to N. America recently, mostly French composers.


Last Players

weekend The University presented The Subject Was Roses, a Frank D. Gilroy play. It is a realistic play about the problems that would face a young man returning from war to the home he left as a boy. Tim’s return. is the spark for a series of events that the family must face. The Clearry’s attempt to mend their nearly shattered marriage because their common bondTim-has come home. Tim returns home seeking independence, and acceptance by his parents of his ability and right to run his own life. The climax of the play is the realization that they can f-unction as a family as well as three individuals. The technical end of the play is generally good. The set and the costumes were appropriate to the time, but I did feel sorry for that one poor piece of toast which seemed to get used over and over again. The lighting lit up the stage and that was about all. The audience could have been helped to follow the action a bit more if the area of action on the set was more brilliantly lit than the rest of the set. The acting was convincing in six out of seven scenes. In those six scenes there was good interaction between the actors and the audience. The audience felt as though they were involved and back in 1946 with the action. Robert Oulette played the returned veteran. He developed more into the character as the play progressed. I particularly enjoyed his drunk scene which was done in a realistic and convincing manner. Nettie, played by Shirley Shearer, would have been a good performance except for one scene. In her early morning reminiscing scene Nettie was unbelievable. Her voice and actions were not polished, with the whole scene seeming cardboard, more like a first run through than a final performance. This scene’s calibre was far below the others, and unfortunately detracted from what had been a fine performance. Mike McGrath played the part of the father and husband. His performance throughout was fine, with his voice being the strongest point. In the first act his hand movements were a bit plastic, and slightly exaggerated, but as the play progressed this was overcome. All in all the players did present a good production. The material they worked with was nearexcellent and they certainly did not discredit it. -heather





chevron w

Same old lover-man,‘baby 1


f you’re talking about Canadian I music, a frighteningly short list of standbys always come immediately into the conversation-Anne Murray, Leonard Cohen, Neil Young, Bruce Cockburn, Joni Mitchell. But always, at or near the top of that list, you must place Gordon Lightfoot, Canada’s one true folk balladeer. While Neil Young and Joni Mitchell can quite realistically be called more American than Canadian as far as their music is concerned, and Anne Murray called a performer rather than a musician, no such charge can be levelled at Lightfoot. His music is his own, and it is distinctly Canadian. More importantly, it is not-like Stompin’ Tom Conners and other “Canadian” musicians-limited severely in Its appeal nor is it Canadian in any embarassing way. Lightfoot’s music, in fact, preceded his own fame into the U.S. and other countries. Several of his songs were popularized there by Peter, Paul and Mary and other stars of the folk idiom during its mass explosion during the late 50’s and ea rly 60’s. Lightfoot was even late to be known in his own country, with artists like Ian and Sylvia recording many of his songs before he himself became popular. Born and raised in Orillia, Lightfoot had to go to LOS Angeles before getting seriously interested in attending Westlake performIng music, College music courses. He returned to Ontario, and kicked around performing in small noisy bars in places like Peterborough and Lindsay, very much the image of the sixties folkie. Then, almost 10 years ago, a single called “Remember Me” becamea hit on Canadian AM radio, and he started to become known for all his songs -previously done by other artists. Even today, Lightfoot makes no effort to conceal the early and important influences on his

music, country and folk artists like Pete Seeger, Bob Gibson and Jim Reeves. In the 10 years since that first hit single, Lightfoot has put out an average of more than an album per year, and is under contract with Warner-Reprise for quite a few more. Whether those heavy contract obligations-his 5-year Reprise contract calls for 10 albums, a rate even Lightfoot terms “suicidal’‘-will help his exposure or dilute his music is still a question mark. Going by his last two albums, which seemed to’ be carrying more “fillers” than before, the latter may be coming true. Lightfoot’s music grew in depth, sophistication, complexity-and appealnaturally to a pleasurable peak with the release two years ago of his second album under the Warner Bros. contract, Summer Side of Life. His first udder that contract, Sit Down Young Stranger, was clearly superior and more diverse than any leading up to it, and set the stage for Summer Side. In that album, Lightfoot added pi no,. electric guitar, drums, strings and a char us of voices behind him in a full, rich bl?nd never he&-d before in his music. Songs like “Nous Vivons Ensemble”, “Miguel” and “Cabaret” display a richness and variety of material and musical complexity which blossomed dramatically out of Lightfoot’s early, more sparse and unaccompanied music. This is music which-happily or unhappily, depending on how much of a purist you happen to be-is able to appeal to a much wider audience than he had ever reached. Most of the material on Summer Side can be (and is) played on Top-40 shows, CHUM-FM or the night-time local FM family-audience show; this reveals in Lightfoot either a mush-like banality or a richness of variety extremely rare in musicians who have come out of the

shadows of old-style country-folk. This, I think, is the point on which you either fall for his music- and accept that ambiguousness-or dislike it greatly. Personally, I have been able to reconcile this side of Lightfoot because of the spirit in the man and the music, and because of the musicianship behind the music-especially the cdnsistently excellent guitar work Llghtfoot and Red Shea have laid down behind Lightfoot’s seemingly simple tunes, giving the music an added impression of depth. Red Shea has to be one of the most pleasurable and under-rated sidemen in the music business, along with men like Tom Rush, guitarist Trevor Veitch and a few others. Music fans who consider themselves purists tend to generally badmouth Lightfoot, and point to the pretentiousness of his lyrics; this IS admittedly a weak point In Lightfoot’s music, but one I think he has created deliberately, not a rea I deficiency. Lightfoot seems consciously to have retreated from “relevant” content in his lyrics; to have avoided thepolitical side of music, to hold the po‘wer of such music in a’we. HIS one “political” song, “Black Day in July,” stands out dramatically from the non-political feelings expressed in the rest of his recorded music. Lightfoot wrote at least one other “political” song, but the vast majority of music listeners have never heard of it, or heard of it. It was called “Doomsday Song”, and was written at the same time he composed the music for Sit Down Young Stranger. But it did not appear on that album, nor has it shown up on any of the four albums since. It was performed in a few concerts during the U.S.-Canada tour just preceding the release of that album. In an Interview in the middle of that concert tour, Lightfoot explained to me the reason “Doomsday Song” might never appear on an .aIbum-the audience reaction to the song surprised him, terrified him. The song Itself was a powerful extended satirical gangbuster all about pollution, the draft, Vlet Nam, Marijuana, the Mafia, poverty, political corruption, hijacking and all the other things which make life worth living in North America-and audiences loved it. i-hat is, Canadian audiences loved It....American audiences went crazy over it, and Lightfoot-who had meant it as light comedy-didn’t know how to handle the American college reaction. “They were enthusiastic about it here tonight.” he said following a concert in Ontario, “but there are places in the U.S. where they jump up and down, and %gowild all through the song. They went crazy in Berkeley. I tried to stop the applause in the middle of the song, but you couldn’t stop them.” He stopped and simply shook his head doubtfully, looking off in the distance, obviously still puzzled by that Berkeley crowd, and the others. But It didn’t occur to me even then that “Doomsday Song”, such an obvious hit with his listeners, would never be recorded. I believe that’s an Important clue to understanding Lightfoot. Standing on top of’chairs, with clenched fists and shouts are not his idea of a sane response to music; he didn’t know how toor didn’t want to-respond to that reaction to his music, and he retreated from “relevancy” In his music. It’s almost easy to sympathize with that decision, watching the effect that it has had on people like Mick Jagger, who keeps feeding his crowds more and more powerful-and more and more facile and ,banaI-lyrics about revolt and street action, and the crowd in return feeds his insatiable ego as a perforiiier and star...and his music becomes increasingly more meaningless. As Joe Cocker once put it, wondering also . about the audience respo,nse to music: “What happens to all that energy they -absorb from the stage?” So, here we have essentially the same Lightfoot actually, as first started out writing music, writing about love and frontier, emotions and growing up-all that Irrelevant stuff. “Just the same old loverma n, baby...” Unfortunately, after turning the corner musically with Summer Side, Lightfoot failed-for me, at least-to fulfil1 the glimmerinJg promise of that album. Don Quixote and Old Dan’s Records, while both very listenable and interesting, are almost a return to the spare, blatantly folk-inspired

music he began with, and something of a~ dlsappolntment to those following his growth as a composer and performer. They seem less than Summer Side, at times even repetitious. But even If Lightfoot never records another album. he will have left a legacy of unabashedly Canadian music, and a personal statement virtually unmatched in Canadian music. The few songs he has done which were not his own have been vast improvements over the originals. His version of Kristofferson’s “Me and Bobby McGhee” IS still the best of the proliferation of that song, and was recorded when only Roger Miller’s pale rendition existed. It is a prime example of how his Interpretive powers and Red Shea’s guitar brilliance could combine to bring the most out of a musical statement. Miller’s version had been blatantly commercial as a Top-40 hit; Jams Joplin’s was interesting but took it out of Its original-and meaningfulcontext Into the medium of rock music; Jack ElIlot’s version was fine, but too esoteric to appeal to anyone but his hardcore fans ; but Lightfoot’s rendering of the song returned it to its roots and drew just the right feeling from it. That is his talent and that IS his power. It sometimes seems unjust that a composer and performer of Lightfoot’s stature has not gained the international fame he deserves; but I also find myself often glad that he hasn’t made the necessary compromises to gain that fame. Each year, Lightfoot returns to Toronto for a series of “welcome home’ concerts, and each year they are sold out. That in Itself seems the prqper Canadian tribute to Gordon Lightfoot. --george

ka uf man

Something completely different It Isn’t an easy task to communicate a whole set of events and feelings in a way which expresses the personal and collective experience of living. The mutual exchange of emotion, time, and space weaves In and out of shared encounters with the world around us. Naturally...J.J. Cale (Capitol 5W-8908) shares through the medium of music and song mood and emotion at its soothing best. Gale’s relaxed and easy manner reveals an Intensity paced with comfortable distance. Such cuts as “Crazy Mama” and “After Midnight” become exemplary associations with a particular time and place, particular faces and friends, a particular space of experience. J.J.‘s simplicity and directness is accompamed with the same ease by such a combination of sound as the piano, drums, bass, steel guitar, fiddle, dobro, harmonica, slide guitar-all of which become the total listening enjoyment of Naturally...J.J. Cale. -Winnie





* * * Junior Bonner-Sam Peckinpah directs a bloodless film, novelty enough to see this, but it also has Steve McQueen as the star, which is good enough In the worst of times, and this is the worst of times, in case you haven? tried to see a new movie in this town during the past month. It’s about an aging rodeo star who...well, it’s just good fun. that’s what it is. + * Grissom Gang-mediocre at best, but It can be fun if not taken seriously. Kim Darby in a strange role.

thk *hErzo*ny’: *Ofju:!h$-ot;rdt corner; * it’s going to bite you!)







2, 1973



the chevron

Closing the circle The recent emergence of “jazz-rock” as a popular musical genre has been accompanied, predictably enough, by outbursts from those who see this as miscegenation rather than integration. Jazz f&s, for example, have withdrawn critical favor from such artists as Charles Lloyd, Miles Davis, and Herbie Hancock, each of whom has experimented with this new synthesis; rockers appear to be much less concerned, perhaps because the proportion of jazz to rock in this music is usually about the same as that of vermouth to gin in a dry martiniminimal. But while the jazz purist has a point with regard to the low quality of much so-called “jazz-rock”, his objections to the synthesizing effort itself ignore a long history of mutually beneficial contacts between jazz and popular music. This is mc;; c. J>~--, ;n the tradition of using popular songs as a basis for jazz improvisation. Although this has become rather uncommon lately, not least because of the simple and unchallenging chord changes of most currently fashionable music, such jazz innovators as Charlie Parker and Eric Dolphy found ample inspiration in an “Embraceable You” or a “Stormy Weather”, probing beneath their surface banality to discover that core of valid sentiment which separates the enduring from the ephemeral. Clifford Brown in Paris (Prestige PR 24020) documents a similar achievement by a prodigiously gifted trumpeter who passed away in 1956, when only 26 years old. Side 1 of this double album contains six interpretations of such hardy perennials as “Come Rain or Come Shine” and “The Song is You”, given beautifully crisp and lyrical readings which are textbook examples of the art of creating silk purses from sows’ ears. Brown’s supple tone and well thought out solos demonstrated his relative superiority to Miles at the time of these recordings (1953) and are a poignant reminder of how much we have lost through his premature death. The rest of the album is of much more variable quality, being evenly divided between a sextet including Gigi Gryce, an alto saxophonist of no great ability, and “The Clifford Brown Big Band”, which was in fact the Lionel Hampton. Band’s 1953 edition. The latter featured such jazz worthies as James Cleveland and Art Farmer playing excellent Quincy Jones arrangements, although saddled with a French rhythm section of only minimal competence, was one of the better versions of Hampton’s numerous orchestras. With a soloist of Brown’s calibre, they were not all that inferior to the Ellington and Basie bands of this period; and since these sides are essentially mini-concertoes for Brown, they should be enjoyed even by those for whom big band jazz usually equals elephantine boredom. Turning to two different areas of jazz-pop cross-fertilization, Afro Roots (Prestige PR 24018) by Mango Santamaria and Crusaders 1 (Blue Thumb BTS 6001-2) by The Jazz Crusaders represent this process in Latin and Black popular music, respectively. The Mongo Santamaria double set dates from 1958-9, and features the percussion of Mongo, Armando Peraza, and Willie Bobo, who would have to be considered the musical predecessors of the current crop of Latin-rock phenoms. Th.ese men weren’t electric and they sure didn’t sell a lot of records; but they did create some very vital and energetic music, its lasting qualities attested to by the numerous covers of their one “hit”, “Afro Blue”. Basically, Santamaria took the traditional rhythms and instrumentation of Afro-

17 _,‘.

A touch of banality

graphic Cuban music and wedded them with some of the conventions of the American popular song, eventually achieving a degree of commercial success with “Watermelon Man”. Afro Roots is much more ethnic, however, a product of the barrio rather than the studio, a “folk music” still identifying with the joys and tribulations of a specific culture. Although this album isn’t as immediately accessible as Santana’s or Malo’s latest, its extraordinary rhythmic vitality more than compensates for the absence of surface flash, and anyone with an interest in Latin music should check it out. The Jazz Crusaders spent many years scuffling around on the West Coast jazz scene along with such as Les McCann, Gerald Wilson, and Bud Shank, too far in for the New York critics and too far out for the mass market. Their music hasn’t changed much, but time has brought it closer to the tastes of White audiences initiated into Black music through Otis Redding and Jimi Hendrix: even my folky-rocky housemates like Crusaders 1, and they’re as stereotypical a couple of honkies as you could ever hope to find. lhrs album does feature a more prominent role for the electric guitar, but their primary assets are still the playing of tenor saxophonist W.ilton Felder and keyboard man Joe Sample, whose strong solos raise the group well above the level of their “chittlin’ music” competitors. The mostly original compositons are never less than adequate and sometimes quite inspired, notably the strutting “Georgia Cottonfield”; and they also perform a dine extended version of Carole King’s ‘So Far Away”, which again makes the point that raiding the pop realm is a legitimate and fruitful thing for jazz musicians to do. The Crusaders are supposed to have another album out shortly, and I’ll definitely be looking forward to it. The various kinds of jazz-pop fusions discussed above are all to some extent included in Keith Jarrett’s new album, Expectations (Columbia KG 31580). Formerly the pianist of the Charles Lloyd Quartet, Jarrett has since produced several records which, while very uneven, showed immense musical promise, and Expectations is its largely successful fulfillment. Considered as a whole, the album integrates Jarrett’s basically “funky”

by don ballanger

musical experience with an exploring sensibility not yet committed to specific forms of expression. Expectations includes performances ranging from the polite souljazz of his album with Gary Burton to less structured avant-garde pieces, unified by the prescence of some exceptional sidemen (Charlie Haden,, Sam Brown, Dewey Redman) and Jarrett’s unique piano style, an unlikely but effective marriage of Bill Evans and Mose Allison. The many long tracks provide ample space for everyone to demonstrate their abilities, with an injudicious (but only occasional) use of brass and string arrangements the lone indication that Columbia may have been a trifle freaked out at issuing a double album of unadulterated modern jazz. Highlights include “The Magician in You”, featuring the blues-rooted quitar of Sam Brown, two excellent vehicles for the unjustly neglected tenor sax of Dewey Redman (“Roussillon” and “The Circular Letter”), and “Take Me Back”, a funk-to-far out piece spotiighting Jarrett’s prowess on soprano sax. The only disappointment is “Bring Back the Time When (If)“, which, sounds like a long introduction to a more substantial composition-unfortunately, the latter never becomes manifest. But Expectations is still a super album, one which transcends the categories of “jazz” or “rock” or anything else I can think of, and closes the circle on the artificial separation of what is adventurous from what is popular. Finally, I would also like to recommend Sundance (Groove Merchant 2202)’ by a sextet led by Chick Corea. It’s something of an all-star group (Jack De Johnette, Hubert Laws, and Dave Holland are included), blowing their collective asses off on four long cuts characterized by a constantly changing flow of voicings and rhythms. “Converge” is extra special, a jazz equivalent of Stravinsky’s Le Sacre du Printemps which chronicles the birth, maturation, and death of the world in about ten minutes of. music. (Sounds heavy, but it’s absolutely delightful). Sundance, although very complex, is never formless or disorganized, and is an album wherein I discover something new every time I listen to it. For once I can’t even think of any’ handy-dandy labels to give it, so “damn fine music” will have to do; but it is certainly the finest jazz release since Pharaoh Sanders’ Black Unity. -Paul


Why do entrenched regional theatres like the St. Lawrence Centre ‘for the Arts continue to overcharge for indifferent theatre that undercuts Canadian talent? Eugene O’Neill’s “A Touch of the Poet” at the Centre, january 23-27, was a mediocre production which can only inspire similar frustrated questions. Why resurrect a play like “A Touch of the Poet” anyway? Probably the only reason for O’Neill’s current revival, first in New York and belatedly in Toronto, is the topicality of the Irish anti-hero. Beyond that even the commercial success of O’Neill’s better bourgeois tragedies like “Desire Under the Elms” cannot justify Artistic Director Leon Major’s choice. In a “Touch of the Poet”, O’Neill presents man as p’oet, synonymous with dreamer and deceiver, and woman as anti-poet. He explores the necessity of illusion to the psyche: man must believe in his success image and woman in the “honour” of her love, the “pride a woman can take in giving her all”. To further simplify things, lest the audience miss the point, O’Neill stylizes the poet as Byron reciting bad couplets. This sort of Byronic ennui has possibilities for humour but O’Neill allows his characters neither of Byron’s outlets-genius or adultery. O’Neill’s major character, Con Melody, is most obviously “teched” by this poet-fool streak. Melody’s red cavalry uniform is the only colour on the stage: his mirror image in full mufti is his alter-ego. O’Neill establishes a wall mirror in his stage directions. Potentially the mirror could assume a pseudo-character importance as the unifying symbol of interplay between illusion and id. For some reason director Leon Major chooses to ignore this and relegates the mirror to a minor significance too far upstage to figure in the audience’s attention. With this touchstone of the theme undercut there is not much left to redeem the play. Tension oscillates between slack exposition and melodrama with little inner logic. But this is characteristic of O’Neill’s tendency for a sort of melodramadness in his late plays. Probably to compensate for the weakness of the script, the Arts Foundation imports a big name, Edward Binns of Patton fame, to take the dominating role. The logic of Binns’ choice for the role is hardly justified by any extraordinary acting ability on his part,’ for in the play he prefers dealing in stereotypes, rather than in unique characterization. But the pallid choice of American Vivian Reis to play the strong sensible colleen, when the role itself cries for say, a Gayle Garnett, shows the least logic of all. . Unhappily the supporting ensemble, only half of whom are Canadians, spoke with uneven brogue betrayed by a Yorkshire flavour. It proffered no relief. The sluggish tempo left the small audience free to notice technical faults; in make-up where “ugly hands” were not ugly, and lighting where light and night were confused. But in the short Irish bag-pipe interludes, the audience rediscovered the original meaning of “pipe-dream”. The best part of the evening in fact was watching a Toronto critic wearing a Sherlock Holmes hat and pipe. He appeared as much “teched” by his own illusion as the poet in the play he was reviewing. ---xatherine




the chevron



2, 1973


NOTICE OF PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Election of the President, Federation of Students, for the academic year 1973-1974 will take place on

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7,1973 The polls will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Voting will be by faculty, with polling stations located in the main foyers of the following buildings:

Arts & Integrated Studies: Enviromental Studies: Engineering: Mathematics: Phys. Ed. & Rec.: Science (& Opt.): Renison : St. Jerome’s: Graduate Studies:

Modern Languages * Socia I Sciendes Engineering II Math & Comp. (3rd floor) Phys. Act. (red north) Chem.-Biology Link Ren ison College St. Jerome’s College By faculty, as above You must present your Bert Rutledge Chief Returning Officer

i.d. card

And “Betty and “Captain

to vote.

Boop” with Cab CaIloWaY Video” Chapter Twelve





I I:35


WINNER 1972 CANNES FILM FESTIVAL JURYPRIZE AWARD Only American Film to be so Honored







2, 1973

Intramural action


event but to make it a new tradition where everyone meets on the field and perhaps after at the country pub tour to quench a well earned thirst. See you at noon, good luck. Wrist Wrestling Yes, wrist wrestling is one and the same with arm wrestling for all you block heads that didn’t enter because you didn’t know what it was. Get your residence out and capture the glorious title of Strong Arm of the campus, it counts for points.

5 Pin Mixed Bowling Bowling is rolling our way on friday, february 10, with the entry date the day before on the Hopefully all of uniwat’s ski ninth. Happening at Waterloo enthusiasts will set aside Feb 7. lanes, this new event promises to It’s ski day at Chicopee. If you be exciting and colourful. Four are a pro or a nervous novice, member mixed teams, sports,do you’re sure to enjoy the day. it. There will be pleasure skiing as Men’s Curling well as such races as the novice Optometry was the fast slalom event. Posters wilI be up champion but who will be the new and around to fill you in on the victors for men’s Curling. Entry details such as where and when date, organizational and tournathe departure of the buses will be ment all happen the same day, and the cost of the trip. Sunday, february 11 at 9:00 a.m. Appropriately, the co-ed over at the glenbriar club. At 16 doubles badminton tournament teams, 3 games based on win loss will be on Valentine’s Day, feb it’ll be a full and exhausting 14, at 7:30. Find yourself a night of curling. partner and get your entries in by Recreational Hockey feb 12. A close game between the planoramas and them- eng 3A Squalleyball came out in favor of the planoramas, 3-2. The saints went As an outcome of the fundown against woolners warriors night, “squalleyball” will now be 5-4 and the animals lost 14-1 to initiated as a small co-ed league. bio buggers. Other scores were It’s a weird but fun form of not reported but the main item is volleyball played on a doubles RETURN THE DAMN goalie squash court. Another pleasant equipment. We haven’t lost note is that every tuesday at 8 anything for several years and pm there will now be two courts now in two weeks we have lost? a available for recreational volley goalie set, 2 sticks and a glove. ball. Come on nowIf you’d like a little enSunday night’s action saw last tertainment some Wednesday or term’s champions, the mathies, sunday night at 7:30 pm, there outnumber environmental are co-ed innertube waterpolo studies 5-2 in a hard fought, fast games that you are welcome to skating game. Other scores in attend. Below are the scores of league V included a 6-1 romp by a last Thursday’s games. Leading revitalized science squad over the league are St. Jeromes, Kin arts. Science failed to score on a Ret and V2 South, all as yet vacant arts net during the first undefeated. five minutes of the game. Lower and the street. urchins eng VI South 5 managed a 3-3 tie in a game that 21 Off Campus no. 2 matched versatility against 18 V2 North C brawn. 31 V2 North B League III witnessed the 19 St. Jeromes A awesome power of co-op as they Kin/Ret 12 dumped a helpless grad team 9-l. Perhaps the best match of the St. Jeromes B 4 year saw kin and ret upset a Conrad 8 favored upper eng. team 3-l. 4 V2 West Village II west demolished the 3 V2 West fantastic alufahons 6-O to remain no. 1 2 Off Campus undefeated in League III. Village 6 Renison 2 south east is not as yet in the point standings as they went down to defeat 3-2 at the merPS Watch for new “in-residence ciless hands of village 2 east. The event” coming. aimless ads axed village 2 north Rumor has it around campus 3-O in the final game of the that the one and only Waterevening. The north squad must babies may be coming out of have been asleep for the entire retirement for a single end-of-theevening. year match when all the foreign Village 1 south surprised the travellers arrive back from such hapless geology team with an places as California, Florida, avalanche of goals and managed England and Elora. to bury the puck 9 times before the rock squad retaliated. Village Ground hog relay 1 east squeaked past village 1 west 3-2 to leave the west squad Notices and invitations to with a goose egg in the point * students and staff alike have standings. The final game last gone out asking for a good week was a draw between team showing at the Hogger’s jog and Waterloo and village 1 north. the ring-road relay race on friday, These two teams could be the february 2. future contenders for top spot in We hope to not only hold the league 2.


queen’s and mcmaster and Cushing had successive victories over two western players. In the final, Armstrong took the second game by a decisive score of 15-2 after losing the first. But Cushing came back to win the third in overpoints. In the fourth and fifth games, conditioning enough of a moral boost to get was a factor as Armstrong kept the athena squad rolling along so his teammate to the back of the that they perform as they are court, forcing him to make errors capable of doing. Game time is or making shots out of his reach. 8:OO p.m. -they could use your After taking the fourth game, support, too. Armstrong built up an inIf you want to be sure to get a surmountable 14-9 lead, and good seat for the guelph warrior Cushing fought back in vain as game on Saturday, come out at Armstrong won the fifth game 7:00 p.m. and watch the athenas 15-12 to take the ‘B’ Singles. in an exhibition match with a In the ‘B’ Consolation, Ken strong squad fron tonawanda, Murray from mcmaster put it all new York. together in defeating two Waterloo players to win it. He won over John MacDonald in the semis 3-1 and in the final over Al Marshall by a similar score. Marshall had an excellent tournament as he won twice to get to the finals of the consolation. He then teamed up with Doug MacLean in the doubles tournament and played impressively in his first time at squash doubles. This team lost a close 3-2 match in the semi-finals to the eventual winners. Watt and Barker from queen’s. The Waterloo Invitational This weekend, Waterloo will be Squash Tournament held last playing squash in the Queen’s weekend provided some excellent Invitational. It is hoped that squash matches especially in the they will overcome their setback ‘A’ singles. Saul Ticktin from by queen’s two weeks ago. After york university defeated this tournament, the players will teammate Paul Frost in the final be setting their eyes towards the of the ‘A’ in a super match. In the OTJAA’s in two weeks and will be first game it seemed that Frost pkying in a couple of exhibitions would run away with the matcL Barnes against the K-W racquet as he won 15-5. However, Tickti? club. came back to win the second -john cushing game 15-6. From then on, it was a seesaw battle. Both players were hitting the ball hard down the walls and the third game went to Ticktin in over-points, 16-13. In the fourth game, Frost changed his strategy by placing side-front shots at the front of the court, however, he found himself down 13-10. Mike Lanigan won the 800 He came back to tie the game metres and placed second in the at I4 apiece with a perfect hard1500 metres at the York Inserved nick at the back wall and vitational track meet. The second three other winners. In the annual york invitational team following set of 3 points, Frost championship was won by the u edged Ticktin 3-2 to take the of t with york second and queen’s , game 17-16. In the final, 5th third. game, Frost opened a wide 9-3 The only other Waterloo athlete lead, but Ticktin got 7 straight to enter the top three categories points to take the lead keeping was Al Schwieger (nice pit). Al’s the spectators in anxiety. The performance in the high jump rest of the game went back and equalled that of first and second forth and into overpoints for the place but he took more jumps to third time. Again, it was 2-2 in achieve that height than the this set and the final match point others. for both players resulted in a shot Coach Arthur Taylor took part into the tin by Frost to give in the 5,000 metres-he was the Ticktin, winner of the provincial first water100 athlete to complete ‘C’ and ‘B’ tournaments already the race. The lone female comthis year, another title. petitor from Waterloo, Marg On the way to the finals, Cummings switched from her Ticktin defeated the top players usual 1500 metres to the shorter from queen’s, Ron Fenn and Stu 400 metres. Marg was unable to Watt, 3-O and 3-2 respectively. handle the faster pace but, did Frost won both matches by manage to perform better than similar scores, 3-0, over John half the field. Frederick and Doug Maclean, The meet was set up last year both of Waterloo before he met by two athletes, Ken Hamilton Ticktin. In the ‘A’ Consolations, and Dave Smith, from York. They Stu Watt defeated Mike Biggs were concerned with the lack of from western 3-2 in games. competition for university track Two Waterloo players, Peter athletes during the winter Armstrong and John Cushing, months. Interest in the meet is were victorious in each of their growing; even to the extent that three matches in reaching the female athletes from the u of t final of the ‘B’ Singles. Armcompeted for the first time ever strong had little trouble in in a university track meet. downing his opponents from -georgie

Talents return for vibailers The athena volleyballers rediscovered many of their lost talents at Guelph last friday. The win over guelph secured them a second place finish in the league behind western and also awarded them a slot in the league’s final tournament. A little sparkle has returned to their eyes and ‘the will to win’ is obvious in their play. Backcourt movement, spike coverage and offside blocker tactics seem more natural to’them now. The concept of these techniques is beginning to be implanted in their little minds. Hopefully, they will soon perform these movements unconsciously. Although the level of skill displayed in Guelph was higher than usual their potential has yet to be realized. A brighter future could be theirs. Tonight at 6:00 pm the athenas host Windsor in their second last league game of the Immediately following season. the match a bus will be waiting to whisk them off to Hull to play in an Ottawa Valley tournament. Carleton, u. of Ottawa, scarboro, a montreal team and a k.w. team will be a few of the teams taking part in the competition. With the league finals approaching quickly, this weeke+ tournament will give t’l+,rfl tne experience of a long volleyball day, the ingredient which every winning team needs. The athenas last league game will be against mcmaster in Hamilton. The contest at mat next week should be. closely contested until the final whistle. Come out and see Waterloo’s second place athena’s play Windsor this friday at 6:00 pm. -kwas

& fuzz

Need win tonight The Athenas play at home this weekend against their age old rivals, the Windsor lancerettes. Windsor is expected to come in fired-up to avenge the one point loss they suffered at the hands of wa terloo last November. The athenas have played 5 games since Christmas but have only managed to pick up two wins in the 5 starts. Two of the losses were costly having been league games with western and guelp h. The game with guelph last friday night had to be the athena’s worst offensive effort of the season. Fast break opportunities turned into turnovers, good percentage shots came out as defensive rebounds for guelph and offensive pattern-forget it! That loss 39-29 left Waterloo with a record of 3 wins and 4 losses. Now they must win everything from here on in to have a crack at a play off spot. A point in favor for the athenas tonight will be the fact that they expect to have everyone back healthy after being plagued with a series of maladies that affected over half the squad at various points over the last two and a half weeks. This should be


York takes squash tourney

Lanigan leads track warriors


by george


Gals finished

Athena, warrior curlers throw \ rocks through house

Warriors on top the west The hockey warriors picked up four big points in the past week to further tighten the Western division race in OUAA hockey. Last thursday they clobbered the almost-a-university-team from brock 13-2. The game wasn’t much of a contest, as warriors led 5-O at the 9:48 mark of the opening period, but it did allow numerous players to fatten their scoring records. Russ Elliott, who has no trouble scoring goals against the weaker teams in the league, potted 2 in this game and added 2 assists. MikeGuimond scored a goal and 4 assists. According to coach Mckillop, these two players were the most impressive, along with a very steady performance in goal by veteran Murray Child. In a home encounter Saturday evening, the warriors found that they are indeed competing for the sports’ limelight on this campus, with a certain number one nationally ranked gang of hoopsters (called moser’s marauders or some such thing..), as only a meagre crowd of staunch hockey supporters turned out for the home game against Windsor. At the arena, the warriors were their own worst enemy as they finally downed windsor 5-3 in a game that went in fits and starts. Mike Guimond continues to be the offensive sparkplug with 2 goals and 2 assists in this windsor ‘encounter. Guimond now has 29 points in 11 league games! Russ Elliott picked up 3 assists to give him 24 points in 11 league games. Ron Hawkshaw, who fired a goal and 2 assists, is playing outstanding varsity hockey considering he is a first year player with only high school experience. He should prove to be a big asset in his future hockey career as a warrior..... Other goal scorers were Roger Kropf and Lee Barnes. Both players should have scored more, but goal posts and an occasionally stalwart windsor goaltender, erased that. Besides the trio of Guimond, Hawkshaw and Elliott, Frank Staubitz was extremely impressive, especially early in the

game when he alertly intercepted a sure goal as the puck was about to cross the warrior’s goal Ime. Staubitz was also very steady at his point position until mysteriously benched in the latter stages of the game. The flu bug has added to both player and coach frustrations. Jake Dupuis, Bill Stinson, Jim Nickleson and Russ Elliott all have had it this past week. Hopefully everyone will be recovered in time for the most crucial game in the warriors battle for first place-the game against western to-night at the local Waterloo arena at 8:30. The warriors are in first place, one point ahead of western. Waterloo defeated western 6-4 in their only encounter earlier in the season. This four point game is a MUST for both teams, hopefully player motivation will be built in. It appears as though the warriors have to overcome some temporary bouts of mental fatigue, which had caused some minor confrontations in the past week. Constant pressure from the “media”, always expecting more from an already successful warrior squad, has added to the home stretch pressures of a first place team. This is causing problems for both coach and players. Hopefully the warriors can channel their energies as a team, towards busting western, and maintaining their hold on first place. Game time for this first place battle is 8:30 TO-NIGHT, at the Waterloo ice palace. -gordy


’ Win one lose one in michigan The athena swimmers started out on the winning track friday but like the men, ran up against two powerful squads Saturday morning.

Oakland university proved no match for the superior athenas as our women gave the american club a few swimming and diving lessons dumping them 94-14. The athenas came first and second in all except one event. In that one, the 50 yard breaststroke they came first and third. One team and OWIAA league record was broken, this by Sue Alderson in the 50 yard freestyle. The new time is 26.8 seconds, two tenths of a second faster than the old record held by Lee Fraser who was also a member of the athenas .two years ago. Numerous other good times were posted including Judy Abbotts and Laura Foley in the 200 freestyle both going their personal best times, Margaret Murray in the 100 backstroke and breaststrokers Liz Saunders and Maryanne Schuett. Divers Laurie Martin and Sue Repath came one-two on the one metre board, the only competition, whi!e newcomer Jane Williams dove exhibition and also got high marks from the judges. Saturday morning saw the womens squad in East Lansing facing two very powerful rivals, michigan state and the university of michigan who will both be highly ranked in the american nationals this spring. Nearly all the uniwat swimmers were far off their best for the meet and managed to only take one win-this against michigan state in the 400 free relay going 4:04.5. One team record was set, however, this in the 200 freestyle with Maida Murray going 2:07.6. Joy Stratten who previously held the record also went under the old mark of 2: 10.0 with an excellent 2 : 09.2. The final outcome was michigan state 82, Waterloo 40; and the university of michigan 91, Waterloo 31. The university of michigan also took state by about 25 points. More strong competition is facing the athenas this weekend as they travel to ithica college. This dmerican school hasn’t been defeated at home in five years and the athenas could just break their winnning streak. The final dual meet this season will be against niagara university on Saturday and then in two weeks the OWIAA championships at mcmaster.

The athena curlers will not be competing in the OWIAA finals this year. They were eliminated from the finals in a total point playdown last week-end at the glenbriar curling club. However, they will participate in the consolation round with mat, guelph, western, ca rleton and queens. The Waterloo team of Pat Monroe, Anne Mallon, Allana Chipps and Brenda Grant finished with a record of two wins and _t hree losses. The athenas defeated guelph eight to four and mcmaster ten to two last friday. Their only loss on friday was to windsor in one of those “last rock could win it” situations. Waterloo had last rock coming home but was unable to take advantage of the situation. Waterloo could not come up with a win on Saturday. They were defeated by western eight to four and by lutheran seven to six. The game against lutheran was critical; the athenas had to win in order to make the final playdowns. The athenas blew it in the first three ends, letting lutheran get a four-nothing lead. But never fear, there was always the come from behind trick. The Waterloo chicks (no relation to the chickens down the street) came back, winning the next four ends and leading five to four at the end of seven ends. Lutheran had the “olde last rock play”. As pat, the athena skip, stepped into the hack for her last rock Iutheran was sitting two. Pat’s plan was to take out the shot rock, she was too narrow and missed, lutheran scored two and won the game.

Men lose Guelph university won the 3rd annual university of toronto invitational bonspiel on January 20th at the Terrace Club. As in St. Catherines the previous week, brock university and queen’s proved to be the teams to beat. But guelph found itself playing laurentian while brock and queen’s plugged it out in the final. The result was guelph with first place, followed by queen’s and then brock as high 2 game winner. Two and one-halt points behind brock was the university of Waterloo fall varsity rink skipped by Terry Olaskey. Waterloo A, after losing to the university of guelph in the opening round, defeated toronto and mcmaster. Curling with Terry Olaskey were Jim Coyle, Bill Squirrel1 and Ian McLennan. A second Waterloo rink .failed to win a game; losing to r.m.c., laurentian and toronto. At home at the K-W Granite Club, Winter term varsity competition ended with a 5-4 win for the Gary Cousins’rink over Terry Olaskey in the final.

Another chance In order to decide upon a team to go to the OUAA (West) finals in guelph, a best 2 out of 3 competition began between the fall and winter term winners. Gary Cousins (skip) Terry Norman, John Craig, and Shane Savage won two straight games, thereby winning the right to represent the university of Waterloo this weekend. The Intramural Department and the university of Waterloo Curling Club are sponsoring a Men’s Intramural Bonspiel on Sunday, February llth, at the Glenbriar Curling Cub. There is no entry fee and 3 eight end games will be played starting at 9:00 a.m. Please enter teams by friday february 9th at the receptionist desk in the athletic office in red north. Information from T. Olaskey at 884-2277 or 885-1211 Ext. 3532.

Heavy swimmin’ The warriors swim team ran into rough american water last weekend and came out on the short end of the score in two dual meets. On friday night the uniwat splashers met Wayne state and took it on the chin 85-28. Freshman Ian Taylor set two club records in the 1000 vard freestyle and the 500 yard freestyle. His times were 11: 10.355 (with the electric timing taking it to the 1000 of a second), and 5: 17.0 respectively. Other good performances were by Dave Wilson and Eric Robinson in the 200 back. Their times were 2: 14.987 and 2: 14.462 respectively. Diver Ken Hill was second on the three meter board and third on the one. It was a similar story on Saturday afternoon at oakland university near Pontiac. The men were again out gunned by the american club 76-35. Good times were posted by Rolfe McEwan in the 1000 going 11: 19.0, Eric Robinson and Jim Low in the 200 backstroke, Dave Wilson in the 200 IM, 2:14.1 and the 100 yard freestyle, 53.0, while Doug Munn just recovering from a broken finger is starting to bring the breaststroke time down. Munn went 2:34.6 over the 200 yard distance. With just three weeks to go to the provincial championships slated for the uniwat natatorium the warriors will be travelling to the U.S. again this weekend to face oswego state and the university of buffalo. On Wednesday they face niagara university at home at 4 pm.

d friddy,


2, 1973

the chevron

half way throught it, but only ahead by 5, B-34, when it ended. Bob Smeenk came up with a good half against his former teammates, popping in 8 points. Paul Bilewicz also had 8. Hegeman led the hawks with 8 while Tom Thompson added 7. In the second half the hawks came out very strong in the early going and managed to shave. the warrior margin to 1. Then they relapsed however, letting Waterloo years for a stack of notes and a accumulate a 5-7 point lead before degree at the end or is it something they took another charge. This else? Should it not be some sort of cycle repeated several times as the self-initiated discovery in spite of hawks came close but never took the structure of the system. the lead. Similarly sboul~ _sr Jrt not also The warrior depth on the bench be an exp%ration through parstarted to pay off in the latter ticipation as opposed to a timestages as their free substituting filling placebo? Varsity sport and once again wore down another ‘professional sport should be an opponent. With 5 minutes opportunity to learn the skills remaining the lutheran team was involved and not merely an at the low ebb of their cycle, down alternative to shoddy prime-time 61-56, but they never came up a game if they have no loyalty for television. again. jakob either team. A vacuum is created Waterloo was ahead by 10 with 1 by the absence of other factors. minute to play, ‘after which they Signs advertising a “We’re finished the hawks off by tacking number 1” pub at the village six more points onto their lead. served as a ridiculous reminder of Another ex-hawk, Gord Wilson how the team had failed. Hence, scored 6 of his 7 points in that last resentment filled the vacuum. A minute. people feel somehow betrayed Rod Dean scored 14 points in the when they learn of the shallowness second half and was the top scorer of their existence. T ife’s little in the game with 19. Paul Bilewicz miseries search for expression as led the warriors with 16 points, much as life’s little joys. marking the fourth consecutive Fortunately for the pub at the Wednesday night at wlu game that he has equaled that village and the “never say die” auditorium the b-ball warriors tally. I extended their unbeaten streak to 7 The weakest link in the warriors Warrior thumpers and trumpet tooters, the hometeam wins with a 79-63 decision over the attack was their foul shooting. miraculously regained their ability golden hawks. Actually the game They managed to sink only 5 of to play in the second half. Little was much closer than the 16 point their 19 attempts from the line. needs to be said about that. The margin would indicate. It was only A very good point though was Warriors looked like the best team in the dying minutes that the Steve Ignatavicious’ shooting in the nation, Brock the poorest. warriors really took control of the which definitely took a turn for the I Tim Kieswetter grabbed most of contest. better. I G went from one extreme the points by doing what he does Within 2 minutes of the opening to the other, shooting 0 for 8 best, that is, running the team and jump Mike Zuwerkalow was in hot against Brock and then 5 for 5 at the fast break. Mike Moser got the water as he collected the first 3 wlu. The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde strong man award and Mike fouls handed out in the game. theme was portrayed by the Zuwerkalow had a wonderful time Subsequently he saw little action warriors last Saturday night when running over hapless opponents. for the rest of the first period. Magically, the crowd’s resentIt was a fairly even first half they, who are ranked at the top of the ciau teams took on the brock ment turned to a we-knew-youwith Waterloo on top all the way, badgers who stand a very good were-just-farting-around attitude, leading by as much as 10 points loyalty blossomed, school songs photo by brian cere were sung, blood was called for, all sorts of clapping and cheering and back slapping were witnessed and no doubt, a good time was had by all, in accordance with our timehonoured traditions. All this leads me to suspect that much of the controversy over sport, (professional and amateur), monopolies in sport, the adverse effects of competition, the increasing resentment of a large section of the populace and many athletes themselves toward sport is due to the growing conception of sport as a leisure time filler: a conception which is capitalized upon by sports promoters and entrepreneurs. The demand that sport become the object through which the spectator may masturbate his passions is indicative of the culture which man is creating, or more correct, allowing to be created for his benefit through the utter disregard for the consequences of his actions. The student who finds his lectures boring and consequently learns nothing from his course has no one to blame but himself, but he blames his Prof. There are obvious deficiencies in the educational system, however, by the very fact that it offers the facilities for use and a certain amount of freedom outside the structure it has some merit. If the student, once presented with the facilities available to him, fails to use them, then he must be liable to his own criticism. Is the definition of education exchanging seven hundred dollars in each of four

B-ball and more

Polished. tarnished For those of us with not much to do on Saturday night there were two shows going on simultaneously in the people’s gym. One concerned the playing of two short basketball games between brock and Waterloo. Brock won the first game, 44-43, thanks in part Hometown’s press and a strong performance by Phil Lewis for brock. Our heros came back in the second game with a 64-22 one-sided match which proved my contention that Tom Kieswetter ain’t bad. He put on a one-man show for the first five minutes and whenever else he was on the court. The Warriors responded well to his stimulus and came up with a beautiful team effort. I mentioned there were two shows going on. The other had to do with the exercise of a perverse kind of nationalism on a small scale. I laughingly call this display the seeds of loyal patronage bearing fruit. I wonder why the three thousand odd (in every sense of the word) fans bothered to come out. For every fan there is a reason, I suppose. For many of the fans, I venture to presume, the motive was pure passive entertainment. Since Brock had not won a game and the Warriors were ranked first in the _nation, there would have been little reason to suspect a close exciting game. Be that as it may, it was a close game for twenty minutes. Brock wasn’t impressive but showed a lot of hustle and a tight defence when they had time to set up. They had two fine guards who didn’t seem bothered by the Warrior press, managing quite well in initiating and carrying through their offensive patterns and controlling the Warrior fast break. The fans were somewhat upset by this. It presented a conflict with their expectations. There is a crucial factor in the relationship between a team and its fans and that is simply that the onus of the relationship lies with the team. If the team, for some reason or other, fails this crucial aspect it stands liable to the loss of its support. This factor is intensified by the height of the pedestal to which the team has ascended in the minds of the fans. In short, for the football team little matters, but for the basketball team, the privilege of worship, if that’s what it is, must be repaid by acceptable performance. One does not exist without the other. In the first ball game, one did not exist, namely the performance, the entertainment. Consequently the fans were under no obligation to show any loyalty to the team who could not achieve the expectations. A problem ensues, however. What do three thousand fans do at

heroes and saints

Warriors clean up


chance of being ranked at the very bottom. Fortunately Dr. Jekyll prevailed as the warriors swamped the visitors 107-68. During the first half the Waterloo squad was lacklustre in their play. They didn’t play good defence at all and although they shot 46 per cent from the floor “ they had trouble getting inside the badgers zone defence. Late in the period brock pulled up from a 5 point deficit to take a 43-42 lead at the break. Tom Kieswetter topped Waterloo scorers with 13 points but he was outdone by Phil Lewis of brock who netted 26. From the outset of the second half it was clear that coach McRae had inspired his team somehow because they looked like a completely different team. They caught fire quickly and before 5 minutes had elapsed they led by 15, 6045. The warrior defence was much improved in the second period, allowing the badgers only 25 points. Waterloo shooting was exceptional as they made 65 per cent of their field goal attempts. Their 65 point output in that half was a result of 32 field goals and only l’ foul shot. Warriors had only 5 free throws throughout the game and made 3. Lewis and Murray were the only badgers in double figures with 29 and 22 respectively . Tom Kieswetter was deadly for Waterloo, bombing in 23 points. Paul Bilewicz and Mike Zuwerkalow both did a lot of hustling for the 16 and 15 points that they got respectively. Warriors’ next 2 games are at home. Saturday night the guelph gryphons will be here to try to end the Waterloo perfect record. A 6: 15 preliminary game will feature 2 high school teams in an exhibition game. Playing will be JF Ross of guelph and De La Salle - from toronto. Next Wednesday the mat master marauders will be hosted. Another High School game is scheduled but unfortunately (sorry coach) we can’t remember the names of the schools. However coach McRae assured us it would be a superior game. One of the schools has a 7 foot centre who has received much attention from american pro scouts and the other team features 6’8” and 6’6” forwards.



Zuwerkalow Moser Schlote Tala j MacLean Smeenk Bilewicz Dragan tieswetter


15 13 6 8 8 12

5 4 4



29 22

16 4 23 2 107


Ignatavicious Kieswetter Bilewicz Smeenk Wilson Dragan Schlote Talaj Maser Zuwerkalow

Banting Larman Godden Davis Lewis Murray



10 12 16 10 7 2 2

Van Cook Dean T Thompson Hegeman Lockhart R Thompson Demarchi

8 19 11 10 5 8 2

4 14

2 79

63 -wheels \




the chevron


2, 1973

Wkither the women s mO.vement


by Liz Willick The effects of the PLC~‘~?s.~ and outgrowths of the Women’s Liberation Movement of the late sixties can be felt at almost every cultural and economic level of North American society. Yet, many women-those who have watched from the sidelines as well as those who shared in and struggled with-the birth pangs of the new feminism-regard the current state of the movement with mixed feelings. Perhaps the greatest of these sometimes contradictory mixed blessings is to be found in the successful popularization of the movement over the last few years. Some of the positive aspects of this popularization evolved in part from the progressive tendencies of youth, student, black and assorted other radical movements of the last decade. Working within and alongside them, many women developed for the first time, the theoretical and conceptual tools-and, to some extent, the confidence-with which to understand their own position in society. And, of course, the real revolutionary potential in the rising consciousness of women of their cultural and economic oppression-and its role in the social and economic organization of capitalism-provided the greatest positive impetus to the movement as a whole. On the other hand, were the less progressive roles played in the popularization of the movement by the male-dominated bourgeois media, which selectively and paternalistically played up the least offensive (to them) aspects of ‘women’s lib’ and laughed at the others. The male liberalism which evolved particularly within young radical movements (and had its parallel in the white liberalism which uncritically elevated black militancy to the position of revolutionary vanguard) deprived activist women of the only possible external source of constructive criticism. But perhaps the most inhibitive input into the fledgling radical movement was that of professional and academic middle class women who adapted the principles of the movement to their own respectability; and saw in it the chance to gain equal privileges with the men in their own already privileged economic class. Today in North America, the women’s movement is more diffuse and diverseand less cohesive-than it has ever been. The volumes of printed material, radio and TV time devoted to women recently have made many of the demands and-positions of the women’s movement (superficially at least) household catchwords from one end of the continent to the other. Women from all races, religions, age-groups, educational backgrounds and social classes have become involved in one form or another. From the Radicalesbians to the Voice of Women, from consciousness-raising groups to the women’s caucuses of left movements, from the Women Teachers’ Federation to women’s collectives organizing around specific issues or programs-women, and women’s groups, are demanding (and sometimes, taking)

more and more freedom from their traditional roles in the home and work force. The more consciously nolitical decry the type of consciousness which seeks, through legislation and ‘proper channels’ to merely cut women in on the power of control in a society that remains based on capitalist exploitation and oppression of one class of people by another. Yet even that type of action has its progressive -effects, (primarily as educational value for women isolated from movement action per se), however limited those effects may be in the long run. But as long as the ideology of the Women’s Movement remains ill-defi.ned, there will be no more coherent and effective formulation of strategy and tactics for the years of struggle ahead. The rift among the theory-generators of the women’s movement over the primacy of the feminist struggle versus the primacy of the struggle for socialism must also be resolved. But for the present, the diffusion and diversity of the women’s movement remains one of its primary characteristics. Last Saturday and sunday, the Ontario Federation of Students and the Victoria College students’ society at U of T sponsored an Ontario Conference on Women. It was an interesting study in the types of thought of the women who link themselves, however peripherally, to the women’s struggle. The conference’s chief organizer, Susan Geason, OFS secretary, commented at the final plenary that, “It was not my idea to get a horde of the converted together to reinforce each other positively. It was time we tried to work in some people who didn’t know.” Certainly not a bad idea, yet for Geason, the conference became “fouled up in technicaliti& and politics...Next time, let’s have an educational experience that doesn’t turn into politics.” It is perhaps understandable that in drawing up the agenda for the meeting, she should wish to avoid the factional ideological arguments between established left parties or ‘vanguard’ groLips: It is too often an argument in which only the initiated and articulate can participate and one which perpetuates the splits in the movement without even providing a vehicle for raising the consciousness ot the interested women on the sidelines. But the women’s movement is nothing if it is not political, and the recognition of this basic fact is essential to the formulation of effect ive act ion. Over 200 women from as far away as Ottawa registered for the Saturday sessions on women in the arts, athletics, politics, and health education; and on day women’s studies, and academic care, discrimination. A quick survey of the crowd around the registration’ tables Saturday indipted a predominance of well-dressed professional looking *’ women in-theirtwenties and thirties. The many carefully coiffed heads and equally carefully made-

Feminist Aline Gregory commented at last week’s Conference on Ontario Women at U of T that “men control the mechanisms for role oppression of both sexes. . .[and] power structures are political structures.” up taces are common at liberal-issues women’s conferences in cosmopolitan areas across the continent. Similarly unsurprising was the number of grey heads, the young students and the not-quite-freak women. The old ‘heavies“were conspicuous only by their absence, and the teachers and secretaries and professionals and professors were much in evidence. If there were representatives of lotier-income women from working class homes, they were remarkably quiet. Each of the seminars was conducted by a chairwoman armed with a speakers’ list and flanked by three or four resource people. Federa I elect ion candidate Kay MacPherson from the Voice of Women was there. So was NDP veteran, Fiona Nelson, ‘vice-chairperson’ of the Toronto board of education. There was Aline Gregory, a passionate and articulate feminist and founding member of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women; Myra Kates, middle-aged and primly dressed from the Association of Early Childhood Education; sculptor Maryon Kantaroff of the New Feminists, a grad student in American Ethnology; journalist and author, June Callwood; Donna Cherniak, medical student and one of the original authors of the McGill Birth Control Handbook;Dr. Heather Morris representing the antiabortion Right to Life organization. These and many others were presented as the resource ‘experts’ in their particular fields of women’s endeavours. The effectiveness of the seminar-format teaching/learning experience was limited by overcrowded classrooms, speakers’ lists which generally prohibited dialogue and kept the topic of conversation changing as frequently as did the speakers. Discussion seemed unable to develop beyond the narrow parameters set by the few women at the front of the room, or in the odd case, by the most vocal of the ‘audience’. Although the word ‘class’ and even ‘socialist’ were far from unmentioned, the thrust of the sessions was primarily directed toward getting women a greater slice of the professional and academic pie. The majority of the resolutions which were

approved by the seminars and later the sunday plenary session were directives to government agencies regarding university accessibility, hiring, scholarships, student loans and day care facilities. There was no examination of the role and development of the women’s liberation movement-its past, its present, or its future. There was little discussion of the roots of the oppression of women-or the means of eliminating those root causes and building a truly egalitarian alternative. Instead, there was a necessarily superficial and limited look at the symptoms of a sick society primarily as they affect middle class women-coupled with an attempt to find the appropriate band-aid that would mask the symptoms, and keep the increasingly conscious pain of women within the range of the tolerable, Such measures may be necessary to provide the breathing space for further growth and development of women’s con,sciousness. But at the same time, it must not be forgotten as it seemed to be at the conference on Ontario Women, that a band-aid measure may screen an offensive ‘sore from view but cannot correct the systemic disorder that caused it. What follows is a list of the major legislation passed by the final plenary session attended by well under half the number of women who registered for the preceding day’s seminars. Most of these resolutions will come before the decisionmaking body of the Ontario Federation of Students for possible approval as OFS policy. @Day Care: a call for adequate 24-hour day care facil-ities be they commercial, nonprofit or community-controlled; for free public day care to be established as a right of all parents, not-contingent on a means, test; for the establishment of provincial and federal child care departments. 0 Women’s Studies; a call for government to support women’s studies courses at all levels of education and open to all, regardless of academic qualification; every educational institution was urged to mount and fully support such programs. l Health Education: Becau-se of the



the chevron

2, 1973



Ottawa street clinic worker, Ellen Manchee, tapes study of the Conference on Ontario Women. presence in force at this seminar of the unregistered ‘Right to Life’ group and the Young Socialists’ ‘Coalition for the Repeal of Abortion Laws’, three hours were spent! in heated debate on the abortion issue. Planned discussion of health education, birth control, clinics, women and the medical profession, etc. were simply not allowed to materialize. As one woman commented at the plenary, “The abortion coalition acted unforgiveably-and so did the ‘for life’ group.” As a result, no resolutions were formulated and approved by this group. It was agreed under the circumstances to allow resolutions from this seminar to be introduced to the plenary floor as new business. The new resolutions were: for sex education for young people at all levels in order that they not enter unprotected into a sexual relationship; further that birth control devices be available to the young people involved ; the conference also went on record as supporting abortion law repeal; and finally, despite the abortive seminar, the women voted support for the Coalition to Repeal the Abortion Laws and its u ocom i ng conference. l Politics: The only resolution arising from this session was one which would have demanded that only women photographers and reporters be assigned to cover comparable future conferences of women. The motion was withdrawn by feminist Aline Gregory when it became apparent that the women present were split fairly evenly over the strength of the word ‘demand’. The X suggestion was incorporated into the plenary minutes that in future women be encouraged to cover such gatherings. 0 Athletics: This session produced no resolutions at all. l Academic Discrimination: A message is to be sent to the Ontario government requesting changes in the Ontario Student Awards Program to make monetary allowance for summer funds for women whose earnings are depleted’by the cost of babysitting, with a further allowance for mothers who wish to stay home with their children at any time during the summer months; recognizing such scholarships as




for later

the Rhodes which accepts only men, there should be set up graduate scholarships. specifically for women until such time as the imbalance between women and men in the professions is corrected ; that all educational institutions adopt a policy of preferential admissions and hiring for equally qualified women until the ratio of male and female students and staff becomes equal in each discipline; a demand that the Ontario government pass legislation to end discrimination in scholarships on the basis of sex, race, religion, age or nationality, and further, that all universities refuse to administer, advertize, or support the awarding of any scholarship which so discriminates. A motion was carried which called for the repeal of laws requiring a woman to move with her husband when his profession takes him elsewhere. As one woman commented, “if a woman refuses to move with her husband, or if she so much as splits from home for twenty-four hours, it can be called desertion-whereas for the woman, the man can be gone for three years before she is considered deserted.” There was a time when I could leave a women’s conference with a feeling of intellectual and emotional excitement-a feeling of sisterhood. Not this conference. Perhaps it was because the one-time activist leadership has become a less visible minority. Or perhaps it was because so many of the conference-goers visually epitomized the current societal stereotype of women so that the element of trust was lacking. It is clear that the access of respectability to the women’s movement has allowed it to reach women not attracted by its exuberant, frenetic beginnings. But it is also clear that if the women’s movement is to effectively fight for the elimination of all that is repressive, limiting and inhuman in the present role of women; the movement must not be held back by women who would retain the privileges of middle class position. Only in the elimination of class stratification in society itself lies the possibility for full development of the potential of all people.

‘thechc member: Canadian university press (CUP) and Ontario weekly newspaper association (OWNA). The chevron is typeset by dumont press graphix and published fifty-two times a year (19724973) by the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation. Offices are located in the campus centre; phone (519) 8854660, 885-1661 or university local 2331; telex 069-5248. Circulation

: 13,000

deep from the coal cellars of chevronville comes this issue brought to you with all the sweat, tears and bitten fingernails our small weird staff gave. amidst the flying darts and pizza breaks this week’s paper was born to bring the truth to the masses and to vent our frustrations. this week’s ingredients include: l/2 cup graphics, don ballanger, tome mcdonald, tony perkins, and cup stowaway jan johnson. with a little entertainment: ron smith, pete smith, heather kitchen, marvin rotman, paul stuewe and to anyone else we apologize but melvin left town without naming his cohorts in crime. on news: Susan johnson, jon mcgill, grod moore, john keyes, liz willick, kati middleton, brute Steele, ron colpitts, deanna kaufman, nick sullivan, george kaufman, tony difranco, dudley “veggy” Paul, glen herriot, george greene. 40 ounces of sports: george neeland, Susan murphy, jon cushing, jakob, brute draper, peter hopkins, sally kemp, pat reid, judy moore, kwas & fuzz, dude wheels, ran_smith, and rand Stevenson. stir vigorously and add the essence of photography: dick mcgill, brian cere, gord moore, alain pratte, al werenko, godfrey lee, and obie. last of course is the cubberley catalyst to complete the process.........nite all .........

0 , I


the chevron


=‘i february

2, 1973

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