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continues to use scab labour to produce its “goods”‘. =-An application for de-certification of the local as bargaining agent ,of , the workers was submitted to‘l the . Department of Labour by, a scab worker. This application was challenged by 1 the Dare management andlater withdrawn. Gill explained that the co,mpany wanted to show the public that “its responsibility students must have hands are ‘clean and we know at their,disposal a fullitime staff todamn well they,‘re not clean.” ’ guide the day-today running ~the This ( strike; has -made it exr organization. Minnesota PIRGifor ceedingly clear .on whose side the example, is composed of 20 parlaw courts, the ‘police and Kitticipating universities and has an chener city council stand. It is the annual budget of over $266,666.66, Dare ’ management, more There are over 16 PIRGs today in precisely those administrators the United States, Australia, and who rejected the workers’ England. PIRGs ’ are‘ financed -demands and employed CDP %d internationally by students alone, the police against the strikers, for they are student-organized and ‘who bear the fundamental student-controlled and will remain . / responsibility for the violence ‘*so. which erupted on the picket line. It The PIRG started in- Waterloo / is those same management people when interested students Picket lines were first formed by administration which was atwho stand accountable for all the presented the Board of Governors the striking workers of Local 173 of tempting to induce strikers to economicwith a petition for OPIRG signed and psychological the International Brewery and return to work, many of members hardships endured by many of the by over 4666 students. On this of local 173 fought back, ,by inCereal Workers, against the Dare striking workers. evidence of support, the Board of ._I biscuit factory on May 29, 19_72. stitutinga boycott of Dare ” -mike roha.&sky Governors set up the $3.66 fee that At first, it re-mained a The strike has been long and bitter -products. is refundable to students that do but with the and has been marked by periods of local phenomenon, not want to be involved. Since then, support of the Ontario Federation I physical violence. Pitted against those originally interested conof Labour and the Canadian - 350 workers, of which 96 percent tinued to work on the structure of Labour Congress and above all, were women, were the Kitchener the organizationto get it ready for police, a strikebreaking company, because of the relentless work action this fall. performed by the strikers, the .I the courts, Kitchener city council / ~ There is nowJan Ontario PIRG on I boycott has taken on national and the Dare management. All ’ campus. An executive director is proportions. -’ being hired by the Board of these organizations bear Of the 250 union members-who responsibility for the inj’ustices Directors. When the organization: iscomplete, the Board of Directors and the inhumanity done to the remained on strike, 56 to 66 have been unable to secure other emwill be elected by the student body striking workers, but primarily _This yetarstudents‘will see a new ployment. This latter group was responsibility lies with the Dare organization on campus called the and .will appoint or .-elect the ofcollecting strike pay up until two ficers of the’ corporationadministration which utilized Ontario- Public Interest *Research weeks ago. Albert Gill, president professionals who, because of their . moral, economic _ and. physical Group (OPIRG). _ The basic of local 173, stated that during the weaponry to break a strike and a philosophy behind OPIRG is the special abilities will provide \ summer months it has been difdirection and staying power to the union. idea that students working ficult to obtain funds through gate/ together with professional group, But. that is in \the future. In-reply to the company’s offer people collections because of- seasonal can provide a practical and efAt, present, a director is being of pay raises of 45 cents to women and a lapse in local - ficient way of making inhired and two projects have been and 55 cents to men over, two , shutdowns years, the union demanded equal * -unions’ activities. The investigations into areas of public proposed-some have been started pay increases for both women and ternational union had provided concern. t and more are’ being researched. until the end of One of the major problems with Ontario PIRG hopes to expand and men of 40 cents for each year of the strike payments May and has yet . to reach a student activity of other contract. Another important in the past was its . invite the involvement further strike ‘sporadic nature and its in- Ontario universities and so demand of the workers was an 8- decision regarding A Tcording to one consistencies because of the become.a powerful tool for change. hour day shift to replace an 81/2- ~remuneration. Orientation this fall will give hour shift. Due to the fact that union official, the international has limitations that going to school Dare remained intransigent, the agreed to financially support a tenenforced on the time and energy’ students a chance to talk to OPIRG person boycott committee in order that students could donate to people and. ask questions,or begin union members made the decision work on projects. To be as sucto strike. to provide employment for some of issues ,of public concern. OPIRG feels that to be effective in such cessful as its potential suggests, . During the first few days of the older workers who are finding picketing, the lines were quiet and it difficult obtaining jobs. areas as consumer -protection, OPIRG needs the real support of orderly. The .appearance -of At present, local 173 legally environmental controls, or the students here on campus-its exists at the Dare factory which governm.ent and corporate foundation. . Canadian Driver Pool, a strikebreaking outfit hired by Dare to move products in and out of the plant, initiated a violent phase, of -the strike. With the active support of the Kitchener police, the CDP hirelings driving tractor.-trailer rigs busted, through the picket lines. pne union official describing the action- of the police stated: “They got paid for every damn thing they did to everyone else. It was extra money in their pockets. If that was justice, then I don’t know how to spell it.” Although the Dare management publicly stated that it had decided to rescind the services of CDP, it got further support in moves to break the strike from the Supreme Court of Ontario. Two injunctions were handed down on June 12 and 14 which limited the number of pickets and picket lines. During the next few weeks a number of strikers were arrested for violating the court orders and “obstructing police” who again gave active assistance to Dare by acting as bodyguards. for. scab The Dare strike has all but simmered into history, but things weie not always thus. Over a-year of strike workers entering the plant. /in&, strike breaking and its inherent violence, arrests and lingering court action have left the Dare union Confronted with court in: -workers still out dn strike and still officially a uriion local. But the strike-breaking and the scab labour have junctions, a, refusal -by Kitchener rendered it all but impotent in its <fight for survival. agaihst the company. But union spokesmen urge city council to ban strikebreakers suppdrters of the strike to continue boycotting Dare products. from the city’ and the company’s -_ . ’.







U.niver$y of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario ‘- volume 1’4, number 8 friday, august 17, 197%

What conflict of i-Merest


After a five-week rest the Campus Centre Board finally managed to meet .and accomplish a few things. Thursday, August 2, Chairman Fred Bunting called to order a meeting of four ’ voting members of the CCB and they attempted to clear away the debris of the last board .meeting. ’ The first- problem was the conflict of interest issue. At the ’ last meeting every member of the board was challenged with a conflict of interest and so there . was no-way for anyone to decide who, in fact, did have a conflict of , interest. Bunting presented his idea of what might have been the solution-giving the chairman power to strike a committee . to decide any conflict of interest issues. At first look this seemed quite reasonable but then Dennis Perkins of security put forth. the idea that there was no need for any conflict of interest policy at all. Perkins said “I cannot see any need for it here”,%ince everyone on the‘ board as well as everyone connected with the board has their own biases and therefore has a conflict of interest. Following his lead, the board voted unanimously to rescind the conflict of interest . policy. Next CCB heard the Activities Co-ordina tor ‘s report. Susan Phillips explained some of her ideas with the space allocations committee and then with the hiring of new turnkeys for the fall term; The SAC meeting was scheduled for Tuesday August 8. Hiring of new-turnkeys will begin the last week of August and continue into the first two weeks of September. Another method for solving the CCB problem of stacked meetings was -sought in the attendance requirements for representatives. There is a policy in the CCB policy book that states that no member miss two consecutive may meetings without written excuse. A bye-election would be called in thiscase. However, this policy has never been enforced and CCB hopes that in future thay can use thispolicy to -keep the meetings balanced against any sparticular faction that may want to control the meetings. Plans are underway for a reg’ ular schedule of meetings rather than the, haphazard calling of meetings at the chairman’s discretion. Beginning in the fall, meetings will be called every. two weeks and an attempt will be made to schedule them around the reps’ work schedules. -. -Susan








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/ friday,

the chevron


77, 1973

HOUSING The . Federation of Students runs a housing service. on weekends and weekday evenings. -0 Off campus housing lists @City maps aTransit information aYour rights as tenant @Things you should know before you rent @Free phones








1973, ”


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- thechevron



Tell 1 your , -

A new direction

fQlkS In these times of liberalism and love and peace whateverness, the majority of people like to belikve , that they are liberated‘ ‘and accepting, They scoff and scorn at organized groups aiming at’ liberation. Well people, liberated types are concerned about the discrimination and ignorance happening, in the rest of the world _ and, let’s-face it, the majority of people prefer to be liberal in thought and reactionary in practice. So there’s a gay liberation movement on campus. Faggots, freaks, and dykes getting together, right? Scratch that hallucination and enter reality. First off, gay liberation deals with hassles that gay people may have but it also does edudationals, raps, and social type things. Straight (heterosexual ) people come to the meetings as well. It is not assumed that everyone’ that comes through the door is a ‘raging queen’. A lot of things are going on in the campus centre at 8pmj Monday nights, so no one bothers sitting down and taking inventory of every person who’ walks through the building to rm. 118. People who are uptight about attending a meeting -have a number of options open to them. (1) Bring. a friend. Although protection is far from necessary, it is sometimes easier to cope with situations with the help of someone youknow. (2) Phone the office (ext 2372) or drop in and visit (campus centre 217~). Meeting a few people beforehand could put you at ease and also give you a chance to see our library which has a number of informative and interesting books. If you want counselling help, we The day care centre is now can arrange an appointment for comfortably settled in an al-most perfect location but physical you right away or if you prefer. just to rap with some gay people, we facilities still do not make up for - can easily come up with some. (8) the human- element that the coWrite to, us (GLM, Fed. .of operative centre still needs-many willing volunteers. Students, CampusCentre, U of W). Klemmer Farmhouse Co-op Day If you are unable to get it together located just off enough to phone or visit, then it is Care Centre, Columbia Street north of the quite easy for us to answer your has ample space in,question or send information. We university, ‘will need your address and name doors and out, but to remain for this ; everything is confidentiial both co-operative and inexpensive of course, and comes in a plain it needs people who are willing to donate time to working at the envelope.. (4) .Pick up a newsletter centre. . beside the turnkeys’ desk in the ‘-‘-We would like to operate *with C.C. Gemini II comes out on a two children per adult so we need monthly basis and lists the’coming events and has other pertinent data that could be useful. We will gladly send.it to-anyone who asks. the population is living a’ (5) If all else fails, then hope that a homosexual life style, education is panel of gays appears in one of necessary and human liberation is a must. Trying to hide and keeping your classes. We have been doing * educationals for almost t.hree a lot of important things. supyears now and are getting good -pressed is very difficult and leads response from them. to neurosis. People should be able A lot of people wonder why there to live as they want to; fears and if . is a gay lib movement .at all. It is myths can only- be obliterated now legal to be a homosexual if you there is wide-spread knowledge. are over 21- “What more do they What would your reaction be if want?“‘ Since over 50 percent of your best friend or one of your the population has at one time had family told you that he or she was a at one homosexual exhomosexual? ,Paranoia, an upset stomach, revulsion, toleration if he perience; and since 18 per cent of

Renison College Social Science Applied is goingto be the scene of an interesting experiment this fall. Itis ail the result of tlie -work of four young -professors that want t0 involve their students in the things that are happening around them. Renison College is. a church college that is affiliated with the University of Waterloo, in that courses can be taken at either institution and the credits canbe transfered to either degree. Three of the professors involved-Jeffrey Forest and Marlene Webber afi filiated with Renison Social Science, and Marsha Forest from Human Relations’ at Waterloo-are new to the area. Hugh Miller-has been here for a few years and works out of. the Renison Social Science department. -The experiment involves the introductory courses in psychology, sociology and social administrative position. work, now known as Renison’s Klemmer has no rigid Integrated 120’s. Normally the philosophy under which it operates three different courses would be because, as Harding explained, time policy and ideas of how it should be scheduled for three different with three different run fluctuate with whoever is periods The Integrated 129’s involved. Klemmer is not nearly as professors. will put these three courses into rigid or structured as other day one package for which the student care centres, but it is not totally will still receive three credits. permissive either, she said. The advantage of this system is The staff includes a fully acthat periods of time will be able to credited child care worker, a full be blocked out in order for students time person who is a university graduate and a cook who is a to involved in the get projects that they will be handling university student. lots -of volunteers,” said Jane Klemmer has been located in the under this course. Hopefully whole Harding, a parent at the centre. afternoons, evenings or days will renovated farmhouse ’ since The co-operative nature of the February. The federation of be arranged for the group rather centre-besides than the one hour spots three times allowing a students leases the house from cheaper fee schedule than .,other a week. university administration and has places-also permits parents to also agreed to bear all legal and These people are interested in make decisions in running the financial responsibilities for the breaking down the barriers betschool which is usually not the case ween faculty and students and centre. In exchange, those running in day care.,Klemmer is governed Over the centre agreed that it would be faculty and administration. the parents who such a period of time the people bY operated - co,-operatively and ass.ume administrative responinvolved should be able to -get to democratically’ and that it would sibilities and decide policy and provide know each other really well and in reduced rates for unmost day-to-day aspects of the dergraduate turn get to know their’ subject parehts. centre at open meetings. The day care centre began in matter that much better. This will A parent who decides to enter June 1972 and first operated at St. be a unique - experience the child under the co-op aspect of Jerome’s College. It then moved to for everyone involved to combine the centre must work four hours a the campus centre and lost some relevant scholarship. and research week at the centre or spend the’ enrollment because with meaningful action and inof ,the cramped conditions. volvement?+ People will have the Fully licenced under the Day time to see how the classroom or she never mentions it again? If Nurseries Act, it can take a relates to the world around them it is any of these, then come out to maximum of 25 children and will and maybe even. do something accept both full-time and part-time about the things they find ina meeting or pick up -a booklet at our booth in the campus centre enrollment . tolerable. It will be a good’ opduring orientation. If you happen Although KlemmeFFarmhouse portunity for students to bring the to be gay- or think you are, is not ‘eligible for financial university closer to the community remember you’re not the only one; ’ assistance under the current act that surrounds it. regarding day care centres (that we’re here and- we understand. If you want more information or Gay can be good. Think about it. act applies only to municipalities), just are interested in the ideas; you To be liberated as a person is to people at the centre hope they will can call 884-4460. During the first be liberated as a humansexual and receive aid under’ a new act week .of September the professors to be. secure in oneself and accovering campus co-operatives, . involved will be. available for cepting of others despite their and are submitting a brief to the discussion onThursday the 6th and differences. , government. Friday the 7th, from ten in. the -&anna kaufman--inarga+et murray morning till four at night. _-

.D ayr - nestled intci fqrtihouse





x’C6uncil. split The federation council now is in council and this time they decided indeed, nearly the same situation that the that, they - needed Campus Centre Board was a few somebody to fill that seat weeks ago with its Oktoberfest Telegdi - refused to answer during the _ crisis. The motions passed or -Roberts’ questioning, defeated depend upon how many of question period, about the uneach of the warring sides turns out signed contract between the federation and Dumont Press to the meeting. Council clearly showed its indecisiveness - at the Graphix-the people that typeset 1 I meeting of August 7 where it the Chevron. According to Telegdi had been waiting * reversed a decision made at the _ the contract previous meeting of July 31. The three months to be approved by the only difference being the majority Board of Directors-however, at of the board vote had changed from one side to. least two members the other. ’ had no knowledge of it, and Telegdj It all began with the exec-- !has finally signed it. * ‘utive assistant, ’ Doug Dobney’s Telegdi also’ reported that : resignation. Andy Telegdi asked Dobney’s resignation was i-mcouncil for assistance in the hiring minent because of harassment offa new person to fill the vacncy. “by certain individuals”. _ , After some discussion it became We were also informed that the decision to defer the clear that the term of office was Senate . only until- the end of September Sabbatical leave issue to comand that the majority of council did mittee was a’ result of Telegdi addressing them and asking for a not feel that the position really needed to be filled. Council voted reconsideration. Perhaps they should start selling on July 31 to leave the place open, and rather than hire more fulltime tickets. / staff council voted to do the work -Susan johnson , ~ themselves along with the people , they had already hired.. ’ The next day Telegdi called possible. restructuring in the , <another council meeting to discuss future. This came up when he was \ the hiring of a new Executive asked to explain a short article Assistant. He wrote on the agenda termed) under what is f‘background - information”-“As the Chevron. Neither council nor Doug Robney has resigned as the Chevron had any knowledge administrative assistant, it is that such a thing was being con.proposed that. we hire someone sidered and demanded some else’ for what remains of the adHowever, the anqualification. -ministrative assistant’s term of swer was. ‘mostly “speak to’ the office (i.e. until September 30, editor of Enginews”. Telegdi and 1973). Some members of the the Engineering reps would notexecutive feel that it is urgent that clarify the, article. we hire someone for this ‘critical . Radio Waterloo made an appeal period, from now until the end of In one of the longer meetings of the problem. The housing lists are for permission to seek a 15 orientation.” He then went on to this council’s his tory, held available from- the -administration thousand dollar loan from the ‘list areas that this person would be Tuesday July 31, the split in ‘the only during. office hours after university that. would be paid back involved in. , which students must approach in ten years. The matter had been federation grew -even wider. -The In reaction to this surprise some security for the lists. Also,none of considered‘ at the executive meeting ran until one in the other members-’ bf the executive. the houses have been checked at meeting and went through council morning and still did not finish called for ..,an ‘anti-council’ all ,as to- living standards or the with little trouble. what it was meant to do. -.meeting. External relations _ Things began smoothly enough relation between rent and the The causes of the lengthy council chairman Shane Roberts and ‘with council granting “People in quality of housing. So the meeting were the Ontario communications chairman David f’ederation has set. up a student Federation of Students resolutions Legal Difficulty” 666 dollars. This Assman, alongwith,environmental is to help pay their rent in the 2 housing centre in the old rap room that, needed ratification by the studies rep El~za Moore called of the campus, centre where phones council. The federation first house they maintain for people Telegdi’s move an *action “that are available for students to use_ disccussed, that are attempting to stay out-of how the resolutions makes a sham of legitimate the courts. There was little when the, administration offices should be dealt with and then they council proceedings”. eventually discussion on the matter that was are closed. Also they are ataround to got They urged everyone that voted first considered and approved in tempting to run some sort of check ‘discussing them. With a ten minute against the ?original motion-attend .on the various house and apart-l ’ break in the middle and a lot more the executive meeting last week. the ‘anti-council’ meeting that was Council did not offer more money ments so students will know:what discussion- as to the best way to scheduled one hour earlier than or question the- amount recomto expect.. The BSG has hired two handle all these resolutions they the ‘regular’ council meeting. . mended. .The only queries came people to carry on the work: only settled thirteen out of thirtyAnd so it rested until the evening Another-project of the BSti was a from Science rep Anne Valliant four. They plan to do it all by in-of August 7 when the whole thing who wanted some background on study of traffic and parking on stallments at the next four council \ fell apart or came togethercampus. The person hired to do the what the group is involved with. meetings. depending upon which side you’re Summer employee David The first resolution was a constudy quit when he found a regular on. Telegdi got the motion to hire Robertson gained the spotlight *job and since that time tie I demnation of the government’s :an Executive Assistant passed federation has found a student that with his report on the Education education cutbacks and their use through council. Conference held on Waterloo is int ested in continuing this of the COPSE report. It was the Telegdi read off a president’s campus-late in July.-‘He called the work in=il t e way-of a class project. second- resolution that brought the address that amounted to no- more This student will be paid just as the most trouble, the OFS budget. It conference “financially a disaster than a report of what he had done- but in every other way a success”. original student was for compiling calls for a fee hike from 25 cents a and what he wanted to do. Then he He supported this report with and sorting the data that comes out student to 40 cents a student. This concluded with, twelve points he examples of worthwhile things of this study. would mean that Waterloo would wanted to see worked on through that grew out of the conference, The resignation of summer em: be paying 4666 dollars annually for his term of office. He asked council such as the speakers bureau, the ployee Doug Dobney, was read to its membership in the to endorse these twelve projects closer ties between the university council by ‘Telegdi. Dobney gave organization. and council was more than happy and the college, and the no reason in his letter for the External Affairs chairman to-at least some of council. Shane Roberts had already discussions of com_mon problems j move. Telegdi provided us with his This all led very nicely into the in programming educational interpretation of the matter budgeted for this increase and was hiring of the person to finish off periods in the school year. The real “Doug fully prepared to handle it. He’ saying, found the ; Dobney’s term. Obviously certain informed council of its ability to financial situation is not known yet psychological climate of the office members of the executive, namely since the bills for the three-day less than pleasant”. This was a absorb ‘the costs. In fact he Telgdi, Treadwell and RammY weekend have not yet come in. reference to the ever-widening repeated this information several named by Telegdi-need some In the absence of board of split that has developed in the times when council members that chairman Fred Bunfederation. were not paying attention asked assistance: to carry out these, _ grievances dreams and ‘so they need to fill ting, President Andy Telegdi again and again. Then to top off the During the questioning Telegdi Dobney’s empty spot. presented areport on the student revealed that he had struck a evening, Telegdi asked the same Ap arently that argument was housing situation and what the committee to look into the present question, only he bypassed Eon $ incing enough <for most of federation is trying to do to correct structure of the boards and ‘their Roberts - -_ and instead asked

through the summ-e’r

Federation Treasurer David Chapley. Before Chapley could respond, Roberts flared at Telegdi and informed him again that the money was there. Duly chastised, Telegdi silenced himself. Council-ent on to approve the , budget .as recommended. They also recommended that OFS recognize the, equal abilities of men and women when they are hiring staff. Day care centres will be available atconferences in the future, at least, so moved the , ~Waterloocouncil~ A motion urging the government to aid. co-op housing was also, , passed, along with another motion urging that community colleges be permitted to build student housing on their campuses. The last two motions passed by council ran ’ from the right of students to run ‘course evaluations to the legality of pin-ball machines. Both were endorsed by our council. After ail that council moved to go into retreat. September @/to 36 they. plan to get asway for the weekend in much the same way that they did .early in the summer. At least this time around they agreed they would schedule the inactivity. . The old photo equipment in the ’ photo co-op will be sold in September either-in *a public auction or by private tender. That decision has not yet been made. - The federation is also writing to their various, members of parliament to urge them to have the human rights code ammended. ,The federation wants students included as a minority group. Students are discriminated . against with regards - & housing : and there is no legal recourse open to them at this time. -The Board of Education budget proposal’ regarding the cosponsorship of programs was accepted. Following that move the I Engineering society request -for 1,766 *dollars for their handbook passed. The Math society got 1,096 dollars for their anti-calendar out.. of the deal too.. . Thankfully the meeting soon thereafter adjourned-at twelve forty-five on August 1, 1973. - _. j--Susan


\ soMENw!!--JI# __-


empathy... jI .peace.@. ,’ . brotherhood... love... do yoti get bored : _and - bothered by such catch-phsiiq. as thm, orwaste . j ybur p;recious, 1. ,

29 1



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spitimzl stt;en& ’ / .jF24&ss~y s&irc&Bg L ’ / jib thbir . ~ ., cowesponding reality? . .then‘ _- mtiybe you should come down and work on the’ I chevron. you ‘II ‘&ear no more about them-’




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University & -Philip Streets &inch J. W. Argue, Manager ’

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the chevron .




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photos by savage




in the






Allow me to tell you a story. about which _ I had rio control but which happened / anyway-Radio Waterloo. Years ago it was the duty of ihe alumni , Canadian of most ’ established universities to fund a. radio station in campus. At Queen’s, campus radio was .an engineering project and has been- used as a pr,ot@ype --for many other Q-ansmitters. Unfortunately, the yankeeCtimmunicatioris FCC (Federal Cgmmiss’ioir) and the DOC (Dept.’ of Communications) of the canucks’ gradual.ly cbnstricted usage bf the facilities to sporadic broadcasts much. like that of a cit.izen’s broadcaster *who> ii a garage mechanic the rest cjf the ‘time’. The programming doesn’t go ’ much farther. r- -


sched’uling, pansive am stations (from Baden Hill to. technical planning, and maintenance, Dartmouth) to perform hypnotic audib co-ordinating *and producurng : news programmes,a rites on caTpus; ’ special feature, a drama or an hi&view. M,.ust ha& -<-‘been quite hypnotic You deal with the public and things as because RadWai is now broadcasting difficult, or as simple, as voiding a on Grand River Cable Ltd. at 94.1 on the smooth jransition bftween two pieces listener’s fm dial. Shortly,they,will even be reaching people “on Wired World of music; Radio Waterloo presents an ‘(6.03.7 CKW.R-FM)-an off-campus entirely new perspective on mass media radio .station. and how it works. Radio Water!oo Radio Waterloo was established in is gradually becoming much like an exotic oriental ’ November 1966 by the- University of for=a long time Waterloo Broadcasting Association. At , tea. It has been steeping in an ‘oftimes palatable state, but it- is , \that time it. was a student-operated time to brew additional ingcedien-ts. It is ’ . closed-circuit broadcast outlet housed dif-ficult to look inwardly,while ai the in the Engineering 2 buildirlg. It was fed same titie keeping your eyes on t\e to lounges and common rooms at. both ‘community,.and then convertihg all of it the University of Waterloo and Waterloo I ,I Lutheran University. -’ Radio< Waterloo expanded slowly ‘(with till the equipment being designed and- built by students),_ jrom a small room in- Engiqeering 2, to temporary qua,rters in the Campus Centre, until ‘it finally found its way; to the Bauer Warehouse in October 1969. Since then there has been an GVerwhelming demand for the- use of the facilities at Radib Waterloo. It appears that the number-of people -who have become involved with the stationhas into useful and stimulating audid increased exponentially -in rel#?n communiques. to the growth of the ‘Q’niversity coti+ At\Radi,o Waterloo, there is more k munity. involved ihan just one’s -personal This--fall Radio Wateiloo is to untransition from space to space but dergo yet another expansion. An extra rather’ the co-operative and voluntary - -- . .-__ 500 square feet of the warehouse. have efforts of every individual. They also try been’alloi=ated and its present space is to carry some o-f the finer aspects of the being renovated. , c station’s traditon of complete freedom’ in broadcasting through into even broader and possibly --technically compl’ex audio definition%So ai we evolve, Radio Waterloo may escape its present masterful state fo progress to newer and hopefully more effective experimentation. Radio Wate’rloo iS in constant need of fresh faces and enthusiasm, and the congenial stationstaff will, welcome I volunteers in any of the- following j -Part of the reas-on fqr the increasing areas: demand is ,related f-p the fact that radio l music features-live music, *-studio . provides. a different outlet-an inrecorded featu.r;es ‘such as words on teresting and often fascinating outlet music and people’s music; j for peopl,e’s creative ,energies. People l spoken word features-pr&uced use radio simultaheously aS a tool for programs of iaried ,theinat& nature ‘-e== self-expression and .as a means of such as seminars, conferen-ces, and’ / communicating their ideas to the -lectures; community. l sports-direct coverage of events; 1 Another% reason for the increasing sports news, events and commentary * -demand for studio time is that ‘people interviews; have shown an.overwhelming interest in l external piogramming&b@ning producing, taped material that serves material’ from other radio sources (eg simultaneously as an- educational aid BBC, Radi? Moscow, Noumedia, ZBS , and as broadcast material. Already, etc); edu_cationaltapes produced at Radio l technic@, dedartmbnt-daFto&day Water%o have ’ been., t&ed :’ both I ‘, f0-q maintainance,,lof--equipmerit, I cbn-broad@ and for c’&s%room ,aa- .struc’iiqn of ‘new facilities afid design . plic,ation at the secondary and postwork; I . secondary levels o.f educatib:n. l ,swhiplasti-promotion .Of ‘*an d Radio-Waterloo is &uriEque learoing operation bf radio tiaterloq’s :ni@bile --_ experience within th’e scope ‘*of‘ :the dance service; ’ At Saskatcheian, there w-as more university in that radio is a widespbad l const’ituti2,n alumni’s money, and the engine’ers -development of ‘a didn’t have anything to do with- ,i+ and influential me2n.s of co&written -constitution; CJUS-FM is still an @is. in the dry munication; which, @th . t,he proper l ne,ws d,@pariment -,Co’verag-e -and 1 prairieeees. know-ledge and application> can & an productibn of current new& production At -Lava1 Gniversjty the people invafuable tool in the teaching lprdcess. -- :of feature hews and backgrounding; symbolically and often in reality joined’ Outside the, tiiveisity’s realm it is a _ -0 Canadian Gam,pus _radio-,research, non-structured with the community (can you dig it?) in learning process %oliciting and writing articles -for the demanding @rsDnal effort and exsprt of an ih-media fellowship. monthly production of a magazine to‘be . At the University of Toronto it didn’t ’ exp&rimenta!ion -actually seeing your s*nt to aI!-Canadi+n campus stations; take any form _at all. o<wn id&a take f&m, and making it come ?-radio drama-writing and obtaining But bright-fights-often glimmer in th/e alive throggh trial and errar. You feel -scripts for a weekly drama producitdn; -canyons of our mindsand at one of the out technique+. that tiill,enable y& ‘to T.--on-air coniiiittee-responsible for all young /upstart tiniversities (with no illustrate an idea by means. of a planning of ‘programming, selection of benevolent alumni to be seen), there mechanic@ apparatuslimitedby a announcers and programmes; came a bunch of art farts and. slack strict1.y audio presentation. l musid libraryweekly library checks, -t&hs (and other forms of f,reaky ticks) There is obviously-much ‘more to ordering of a,lbu,msj filing systems-.and -to establish Radio Waterlo_o.-They radio’- than the DJ’s jive. and those liaison with record. comp.anies. r_ strung a few wires from this -and that catchy tunes ground out -of Ihe- ]iJkeT -bill culp, dave assmari, al ‘&da, building i_rusing equipment from ex.box..Theie is !he administrative angle_. ’ ‘_ _ ~ renzo’ bernardini‘

..in ,the





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the chevron



The lesus Revolutioo by Michael Mcfadden, Harrow &oks, Harper and Row ’ Publish&s, 1972. ’ “Jesus, will, return”’ . ’ ‘!‘One Way” /’ “Honk if .Iyou love Jesgs” . Even ear bumpershave &ecome evangelists. The word is spreading again, ‘the end is near’. Incessant shouts for refuse heaps for food‘aha an ‘internal fear repentance’ once again echo on busy city \ of group rejection-in ,the case of.Tony and streets, but the tidings’ bearers have ’ Susan Alamo’s Southern California changed immelnsely. Today’s dowptowr! Foundation-prompts an unI prophets are energetic, fervid youths with a, Christian . but undeniable parallel. Less message they consider unparalleled in its , fortunate immediacy. The world. has to be told of, its t than five years have passed since the hills ultimate demise arid“ their lives a.re Bnd valleys of the Christian Foundation’s dedicated to the task. enviroment were trod by a-grqup of sandalIts called ‘The Jesus Rev61 tion’, -and footed youth with a very similar approach Michael McFadden< has put 2: 12 pages to physical survival. Ttie message was tog&her, describing the’ phenbmenon. The slightly different, a group hype was evident author’s efforts at unbiased reportage falls and hypnotic, and Charles Manson did a lot flat often enough to nullify his supposed , of talking about God and the ,Devil. position a,s a detached observer, climaxing lr~-_ the specific case of the Alamo with his-final sentence, “a whole riew world Christian Foundation, new converts are not allowed to converse with anyone outside . is coming; and thd young Christians-The the group and are constantly in the Jesus People-are among the vanguard. presence df 8an -older member. ‘Reading 9 Halleujah!” His viewpoint notwithstanding, material i$ screened scrupulously and very McFadden chose a topic which, more ttian little is known of outside acjivity. All the , ‘i) any other today, is worth ten cons&utive members voted f,or the same politician and ‘1 hoursof debate in any pub or coffee shop. The Jesus People have’found an avenue their speeches ‘sound suspiciously confor serving td the world an ultimate answer. sistent regardless of which member The world of politics,-social unrest, physical, ’ mouths the syllablas. degradatidn, spiritual turmoil and others’, ’ The ,never:ending battle each group can be soothed by the Jesus pr scription. wages against the forces of the Devil dims Indeed, this ‘ultimate answer’ to$ ches all the McCGrthy communist pllrge to,a candle flicker. (‘&tan, uses -women to blind the the bases; and the zeal ;of the ‘Jesus eyes of what wauld be God-fearing men’). People’ to’shai-e their find- with the ,rest, of These not-so-posy aspects of the “Jesus society h&s resulted in the: ‘button-holing’ Revolution,‘, with its regimented .miIitary of #anyone \ival king within ten feet of a lattercontrol, is never alluded to by McFadden. day prophet. Nor did the author speak of downtown . The soldiers involved in the “revolution’ residents who ‘on their pilgrimage to’ work (and ,most accept the milittiry ‘analogy are daily confronted’with the zest of five readily), like so many of us alive today, find different groups. within an’eight-block walk. it diff/&ilt to accept with*glee our Sentence McFadden applauds ?he $uccessfuI to greyne?s a’nd dull oblivion. We would ‘kickiug’ of/dope addiction once Jesus is .mirch‘rather ‘build the ‘world a home. and injected, ‘but ihe continually refers .too furnish it with love’ oi- lift our hands in some earth-shaking manner causing th& . ‘J&us People’ who io inany different.ways globe to ‘.‘come allve’. We’re in that i =Y, “I u’&ed to turn on to drugs, now I turn on ‘to Jesus,‘. A transition very ‘similar to _ generation. The ‘Jesus People have the the re@nt change from’, “Boy was I drunk - escape roirte mapp;ed and are more thanwilling td $hoG’oth&s the hay out’ (thky are l&f night” to today’s - “Man, Wfs I ever \ quick to>point oui thtit there is oaly ‘One stbned last night”, Way’). ~ ‘,I. ’ .’ The Jesus Peopid are very well vei-sed’ after endleis study on KingLJames-Versioo ’ Mc’Fadden qovers most of_ the’ groups scripture quotation. . . to a point where ‘it which &m@rise a ‘section ‘of youth culture som,etimes makes it iTpossible for them to tie now know as’ the ‘Jesus Freaks’. relate coherently. (I visited a ‘Children of Although each tra;/els under a s)l&htly God’ house and during a four hour session,, different philosophy, a few aspects oi .the at least half ‘the “members were buSi& organizations are consistent. The divinity of studying Bible verses from. recipe cards. All Christ (as the Saviour of the world) ; -a very they were in the presence of a literal translation Of the Bible and a this‘while necessity tb convert the world, permeate ‘fertile soul’.) the groups: religious philosophies. McFadden’s book is not very well wiitten In a more practical vein, members are but offers some light on the background ask6d to donate‘ all their worldly and extent ,of the many st’reet people so possessions ,e(money, automobiles, etc) -to deeply involved in the .‘Jesus Revoultion’, the ‘team’ itimediately upon joining. There and for that purpose only is’worth reading isno &educational cohabitation in any of (there are however, more than a dozen , the groups and street ministry is an inpaperbacks on the subject). Unfoitunately, trii=ate part ‘of each. , j ‘The Jesus Revolutior?presents the” _ Ati unswerving dedication to the grpups’ ’ movement in a light so syrupy that it almost I leaders, ‘the over, population of small induces a physica! cloyi& ’ domiciles, the ‘giving UQ’ of personal ef-‘ ‘No Hallelujtihs for McFadden. I 4ennis mcgann fects, the scrounginif; through supermarket



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czipttire _I, ,




Peter Bogdan&ich can create, capture and impart experiences. His latest effort, the production. of ‘Pap& Moon’, is n@ visible at the Capitol Theatre, Kitchener. Ryan O‘NeaI and his nine year old daughter ,star in the film, set in the, depression era of the 1900’s. Tatum O’NeaI , , is literally stunning in’ her porfrayaJ,of Addie, an illegitimate orphaned child who teams up woth a small-time con artist, / Moses Pray. ’ Addie is-unique in every respect. She; at the age nf. nine, manifests .a wisdom which * surpasses that ‘of her partner, Moses, whose main gig is conning widows into buying bibles. Addie is unusually per‘, ceptive, unusually strong-Yet she is SO real and powerful that one realizes Tatum O’Neal cannont be submerged or eclipsed by the demands of a’ny rqle. The roles ,and scenes bend in accordanFe with Tatumls will. \ u Her father, Ryan O’NeaI (as Mpses) gives his best performance and d.isplays depth, .w.ithoiJt - pretention. Madeline Kanh, another favoyrite df Bogdanovich’s, is nothing but excellint as Moses’ love. In *fact I all the performances, fight. down the line to the bti. parts are uniformly good. Mgriy similaritie’s b&ween Th,e Lastqidure Show and -Paper Moon are evident. The , black ‘an&white (or perhaps hue-on-Due) p ‘fikning is uncannily effective for conveyjng. mood. Yet while the--lighting and camera work in The Last Picture Show conveyed the staleriess and sterility of s.mall-town life, a surrealistic, haunting quality is imparted in ‘Paper Moon’. The story’s strength Iies’in its &pl&ity. It is, however, probably one of the most subtle films to appea> in iears. Bogdanovich must understand the positive correlation between the two qualities, or his - picture would have failed. He displays, as ‘well, a talent for drawing out-the .ultimate capabilities of his performers. Nonetheless, his efforts at directing Taturn O’Neal must have been supremely frustrating and difficult. Her presence dominates the film, n6t in the guise of and actress, but rather iri- the honesty of her totally individualistic self. --- ---. _A- -Susan gable _,



by doug sample

_: ‘-quotes - scripture ‘_\ ‘ ~



/ graphic -




august - 17, 1973 , . .


The Stratford Festival Company is offering Nikolai Gogol’s The Marriage Brokers at The Avon- Theatre through Sept. 1. The selection of Gogol and Ivan Turyenev, two nineteenth century Russian playwrights is in part a tribute to the Russians who were. hosts of the Canadian company in. Moscow- last winter. While Gogol is perhaps Russia’s greatest comic writer, his claim to fame does not rest on his !work for the theatre. Of that, The Inspector General i,s better known and -’ certainly of more substance. Director William Mutt was faced with a distinct challengti. Here he had a play which ‘, Gogol himself described as a highly incredible ingident. There was no plot and little tction. The playwright had a penchant for caricature and his language was so inventive that even some Rtissians aredriven to distract@ over him. None of this comes over in translation. Since the play aimed at great fun itvhen it was wl’itten, this is what Hutt settled for-a couple of hours of ‘light, entertaining diversion. The production comes off as a fast-paced ‘farce with all stops out and a free hand to the cast to do what they could with it. What it lacked‘on the whole was a s&se ’ of style. It’s a coarse play about &arse people on a coarse theme, Much of. the ’ natural coarseness was missing, replaced by what often bordere\d on vulgarity. The tot+ effect was supei’ficial. To make things more difficult for himself j Hutt chose a ‘cast with a variety of accents. This worked against creating a sense of style. Only Lila Kaye as th6 professional .matchmaker gave us a feeling that tie were watching something that, if not uniquely Russian, was recognizable as being neither English nor French; The Russian names helped as did Murray Laufer’s fine’ design work. Leonard Frey, a very fine actor, who was an academy award nominee for his work in Fiddl& on the Roof; dominates the first act as the hero who can’t come to terms with his need to take a wife. prey expresses Gogol’s sexial neurosis in physical ternis, reminiscent of the “characters of The Boys in the Band. Frey played in both the film I and the stage play, and his ambivaf&t elegance was somewhat confusing when carried over intoltf% role. He rises however to the demands of the second act and it is perhaps only here’ that the suprarbal \character emerges out of Gogol’s Caricature. He takes a dive out ‘of the window rather thsn face the alter. Gogol’s women are ’ either idealized alabaster types at= threatening and dest’ructive. There were good / performances from Roberta’ Maxwell and Sheila Haney a;; the alabaster niece and her aunt. Why it was necessary to paint thl! heroine’s nose a distr?cting, chalk white remains a mysteiy. . Jadk Creley fanswill be plea&with him. Eric Donkin with more derformances may fight through the grotesque character into the incarnate caricature, Even if he doesn’t his wbrk is a delight to watch: Jos&h Shaw, Ronald Bishop, Kenneth cast. - Ppgue a,nd Sara ‘Botsford complete4he ’



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august 17, 1973




the chevron

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Live rm& jarLdover rock,deadrock .-

Jazz; musiti to be

Those ’ who view Leon fiussell’s contributionsto Mad Dogs & Englishmen and The Concert. for Bangladesh with an approving eye will find some grounds for interest in Leon- Live (Capitol STCO-8917), a 3-Lp album which again demonstrates that the Oklahoma Kid is a masterful showman. A masterful singer he isn’t, however, and Live’s rather poor recorded quality also makes it difficult to enjoy such exce,llent supporting musicians as- Don Preston and Carl Radle. The test case will probably be your reaction to the 16 minute “Jumping Jack Flash/Youngblood Medley”, where Russell delivers a . seemingly interminable monologue on ‘his relationship with his old lady; the music is fine, once it happens but ‘getting there requires a high tolerance *for the most banal sort of ego-tripping. Even ___more __disappointing is Carole --Km Fantasy (Ode SPO18), -which is the first of her albums to give me more pain than pleasure. The culprit is partially the arrangements, much more saccharine and overblown than those of her previous releases, but the generally abysmal quality of the all-original songs is also disturbing. Ms. King is still .a fine vocalist, and manages to rescue two or three of the songs with excellent performing efforts; but no amount of eff~ort could put over crap such as “Believe in Humanity:“, _, I know it’s often true- sad to say We have been unkind to one another Tell me how many times has the golden rule Been applied by man to his brother I believe if I really looked at what’s going 0.n ( I’would lose faith I never could recover

This brand of touchy-feely pablum needs no encouragement from Carole King, and ‘one can only hope that Fantasy is merely a temporary aberration stemming from the onset of a degree of social consciousness. After wading through the above, the unpretentious cha,rms of Fairport Convention’s Rosie (A&M SP 4386) are thoroughly refreshing.’ The Fairporters distinctive blendt ,of electric folk and “Olde Englishe” sensibilities never offends the ear, and their good humour and unabashedly melodic music make for good listening with a pint of bitter or two; and their first reasonably stable personnel line-up in many a moon is also paying dividends. . ’ Old groups never say die, they just get anthologized to death by I‘Greatest, Hits” albums. Quicksi&?r/Antho/ogy (Capitol SVBB-I 1165) is a double album of some ofi the highlights of the Messenger Service’s stormy career (“The Fool”,. , :‘Mona”, “Fresh Air”), during which they changed from West Coast Psychedelic band to Nicky Hopkins and Friends, and then unfortunately fell under the spell of Dino Valenti, one of the few vocalists who could make Nick Gravenites sound good. Their one ,masterpiece, the “Who IJo You Love” variations on Happy Trails, is not here, however, and this makes the.album of more musicological interest than muxical interest, recommended’ only if you’ have an allconsuming curiousity about the development of an at best second-rank group. - -Old groups never die, they just have ancient live performances resurrected and released, by greedy record companies. History .of .the Grateful Dead, Vol. I (Warner Brothers BS 2721) is from ,a 1970 concert, and includes one side of I


short“acoustic doodads as well as a side featuring an-hold your Wm” breaths18 ‘minute version of “Smokestack ‘Lightning”. This is is basically a pleasant, but in no sense cosmic, album on a par with Live Dead, one to be considered after you have acquired such real gems as American Beauty and Workingman’s Dead. The award for neat-o title of the month goes to Spooky, Tooths’ you Broke My Heart Sp I Busted Your Jaw (A&M SP 4385), although it’s music won’t be’ causihg any stampedes at the Record Co-op. Slicked-over Led Zeppelin on some tracks, mature Guess Who on -others, but never achieving, that spark of pizzazz which* might . raise them above the level of all the other perfectlycapable-but-not-terribly-exciting grou-’ ps abounding pr,esently. On the ,evidence of two cuts (“Wildfire” and “This Time Around”), however, this is a ,potenti.ally great boogie band, so perhaps a live albumshould be their next venture.

Soul sotmds to lism \ to Radio Watt&o


Arettia Franklin’s genius ~should be no news to anyone, and about all I have to do ‘with Hey Now Hey [The Other Side of the Sky (Atlantic SD 7265) is recommend it. Quincy Jones’ production is superlative, the .material is somewhat more wideranging than is usual on her albums, and if you don’t like this brie there’s something wrong with your mosquiter’s tweeter. The growing popularityof The Temptations among White- audiences should be assisted by both,;of their most recent releases, A/l+ Dvections (TamlalMotown G962L) and Masterpiece (Tamla,/ Motown G965L). The Temps have developed a very successful formula for their albums, consisting of standard, AM-oriented Motown material (although much better sung and more imaginatively produced than most’ of it) played off against extended works such as “Papa Was a Rolling Stone”, miniature soul symphonies which combinenarrative . drama



with jazz improvisation. “Papa.. .” is a favourite of such certified’ members of the.youth cultu.re as Chevron graphfreak artist .Tom McDonald, which should be enough to drive even honkey blues aficionados to try it; and I suspect that they’ll like it. Another, Motown group, Smokey Robinson and The Miracles, have parted’ company. ’ recently, but are commemmorated by 7957/7972 (Tamla 3200). .This is a live double album from a farewell concert at which they performed excellent versions of several of their past successes (“The Tears of a Clown”, “Bad Girl”, “Going to a GoGo”). and - will be a necessary acquisition for those who enjoyed the work of this incredibly sweet-voiced quartet. 1 The Miracles, minus Smokey Robinson, have attempted to ‘keep it going with Renaissance (Talma T325L), but this .Lp seems more of a requiem than anything else. New Lead singer William Griffin’s falsetto vocals approximate Smokey’s reasonably well, but the material and arrangements here are so relentlesslylame’that it may be unfair to judge The Miracles’ continuing viability from this album alone. The vocal harmonizing is still fine, but,, ’ something besides the harps.ichord and strings backing, typical of a -.Motown “class production” will be ‘required if there are to do more than provide soul music for Holiday Inn types. Last j but definitely not least -is an album of reggae music from the soundtrack.of the film The Harder They Come (Mango SMAS-7400). Reggae is a simple but emotionally powerful music which .directly expresses the #aspirations of the Jamaican working class, and comes as a breath of fresh air in a climate .where popular music, soul or otherwise, is often either selfconsciously militaht or unconsciously mindless.And featured singer Jimmy Cliff is very fine, certainly deserving a ( solo album in the near future. Again, reggae is a simple’, almost folkish music, perhaps too much so for putatively sophisticated university students, ‘but well worth the attention of those with more catholic tastes.



“Getting into jazz” seems to be one of ‘those things that people are ‘always promising themselves they”lk do. Not too many accomplish this, apparently, since most jazz artists are, still starving in comparison to their rock counterparts, and I don’t find this too surprising: as is the case with classical music, jazz requires a certain amount of dedicated{ listening before it can be comprehended, and it is probably unrealistic to expect this of a generation largely illiterate in its native language. F,or the more adventurous, however, there is lots of good ‘jazz about, as follows. The Jazz Years (Atlantic ,SD2-316) is not a bad survey of the more com.mercially successful developments in jazz from 1948-I-973, with the qualification required because of Atlantic’s failure to support the avantgarde artists of this period. The earlier material is quite excellent, and includes fine examples of the work of such neglected talents as Lennie Tristano, Jimmy Giuffre; aned Mose Allison; the later stuff is more variable, with too much attention paid to such musical pipsqueaks as Herbie Mann and the Mitchell-Ruff Trio, but the album is still recommended to those who are totally at sea as to where to begin to listen to 1’ jazz. The work of Duke Ellington should be equally accessible, not least. because much of it has been assimilated into popular music, and- his The Great Pairis Concert (Atlantic SD2-364) is also a nice way to ease into some different musical experiences. Ellington is a cblorist, whose orchestra has been an organic unity for so long that he has been able, to experiment with a range of instrumental voicings well beyond that of “bands” which exist only for recording_ sessions, and to hear his music on decent stereo equipment is equivalent to attend&g an exhibition .,of French Impressionist painters: colors sharp in one area flow softly together in another, all unified by an encompassing haze which illuminates but does not spotlight. There’s still plenty, of fire andfunk, mind you, but the emphasis is on whole cloths rather than brilliant individual efforts. . A similarly talented, if musically somewhat more avant-garde, composer and performer is presented on Char/es Mingus and F-Fiends in Concert (Columbia KG 31614). This is a tribute to Mingus organized by his jazz ’ colleagues, many of whom play on the album, and the music (all Mingus tunes) is appropriately jam session-ish an spontaneous: several excel lent so f OS, a good,time had by all, but probably a bit too t‘inside” ‘for the novice jazz fan.. Mingus is somewhere close to being a genius, however, and just about anything.wit.h his name on it is worth checking into. Rahsaan Rol,and Kirk is a blind saxophonist who kn.ocks me out live and)does very little<for me on record, for reasons which Prepare Thyself to Deal With a Miracle (Atlantic SD 1640) seems to exemplify. Kirk has pretensions to become some sort of ultimate synthesis of all that is valid in contemporary music, jazz or otherwise, -and he simply does not possess the compositional or orchestrational skills, to make even a reasonable stab at such a lofty aim. He., has been a very tasty jazz improvisor in the past, however, and one can only hope that he will eventually return to that which. he does best. ’ -pad





the chevron









17, 1973




TORONTO SERVICE Express via Hwy. 401 LEAVE UNIVERSITY Mon. to Fri. - 3:05 p.m. & 4:50 p.m. Fridays - 12:25 pm. & 3:35p.m. RETURN BUSES FROM TORONTO TO CAMPUS Mon. to Fri. - 7.OOa.m: ’ Sundays -8.30p.m. & 10.50p.m. Additional 9.50p.m.Sunday Trip from -Toronto runs focally via Guelph. All Sunday Evening Trips from Toronto run via lslington Subway Station -

1973 -74 lith ANNUAL



Gray Coach University Service Direct from Campus Entrances To Toronto and Woodstock-London ‘, Express via-Hwy. 401




BLACK LIGHT THEATRE SUN. JAN. 20th - 8 p.m. Humanities Theatre



and London buses loop via University, Westmount, Columbia and Phillip, serving designated stops. Buses will stop on signal at intermediate points en route and along University Ave. -


ANNA RUSSELL “Woman Extraordinaire” THURS. FEB. 7th - 8th Humanities Theatre BACH’S UNCLE SUN. MAR. 24th - 8 p.m. Theatre of the Arts

WOODSTOCK-LONDON SE’RVICE Express via Hwy. 401 Read Down Read Up Fridays Sundays South Campus Entrance Ar. 6.45 p,m. 6.05p.m. Lv. 6.35p.m. Lv. .Ar. 7.10 p.m. Kitchener Terminal 7.25p.m. Ar. Woodstock Lv. 5.55 p.m. London Lv. 5.15 p.m. 8.05p.m. Ar.

SEASON TICKETS 8 programmes for the price of 6 Student Series $ 9.00 (Value $12.00) General Series $18.00 (Value $24.00) Single tickets for individual events will be on sale at the Central Box Office approximately 3 weeks prior to each perfomance. SINGLE TICKET PRICES Student - $1.50 General - $3.00 TONY VAN BRIDGE “The Wit and Wisdom of G.K. Chesterton FRI. SEPT. 28th - 8 p.m. Theatre of the Arts FEAU-FOLLETS “Canada’s National Dance Ensemble” THURS. OCT. 11th - 8 p.m. Humanities Theatre THE ORFORD STRING QUARTET i Fpl. NOV. 9th - 8 p.m. _ Tfieatre of the Arts CANADIAN OPERA COMPANY “COSI FAN TUTTE” FRI. DEC. 7th - 8 p.m. Humanities Theatre CANADIAN BRASS ^ FRI. JAN. 11th - 8 p.m. . Theatre of the Arts




10 Rides WATERLOO-TORONTO $24.65 Tickets have no expiry date; they do not have to be used by the purchaser.; they may be used from the Kitchener Terminal or from Waterloo.


. friday,


17, 1973


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’ N,

’ France’



beAea 1 ‘..

- The /-/istory of France in worth America, William l&l&, Toron-




seeks to make our history interesting, as if to have an interesting history is reason enough tq, Fitzhenry and Whiteside. to be proud of ourselves, a trap I - the English died in. j History, especially-, Canadian history, seems to be very popular A valid point brought up by these days, in a relative sort of “MacLeans” ’ is __that Canada’s is very, much witnessing way. It seems ‘to be one of those -history things riding on the back-ass of the the results of actions elsewhere. Trudeaumanial wave which, as . Never having made it out of the colonial period of our life we have you remember, brought us to new been subject to the historical and deeper awareness of ourselves, our heritage. Emotions whims of our parent country. The effect of this is to fragment- our blossom forth- ‘Canada, we love history into a series of legislated you.’ Indeed, becoming interested in the homeland’s history is a acts which would change *the natural _ thing if w-e need to course of the land quite suddenly and apparently without ca-use rationalize our growing self-love, and we do need to for M. Trudeau’s unless the concurrent history were it often fully wasn’t. wave turned out to have little of known-which William Eccles’ history is not a substance to it beyond an imhistory of Canada, as such, but one mediate infatuation. of,France in America until shortly However, unlike’ the wave that after the fall of Quebec. The difgenerated the interest in it, history is a subtle thing not dealing con- ference may seem slight but it is Eccles ties in cretely with realities, though‘ the not unimportant. of Canada realities are there. .The wave, on well the development the other hand, deals with ab- and the other colonies with the and m_ilitary imstracts on a concrete level (i.e. the _ economic peratives of its motherland. At the just society becomes M. Trudeau simply because he promised it and same time he achieves a fine insight into the growth of the French we love him> and thereby threatens to boost us into an ab- Canadian culture, as one vastly different from the mother and in surd smugness. The realities that many ways better; this he does history must deal with are those without becoming mesmerized by which the reader already knows, the romance of it all. but this is not necessarily where The colony in *many ways the value of history lies. It lies independently from more! in *the words that span the developed France in or& to survive points of reality which, in effect,, and climactic dif. strengthen or weaken the geographical ferepces; however, it remained too credibility of those points. subject to the economic whims of It is ironic for many of-those who France to move very far abroad. It look to history to foster their 1 was not until two hundred years patriotism that,much of the history after France’s initial entry onto being written now is not terribly the continent that Canada came sympathetic with their dream of ’ close to being self-sufficient. the unblemished homeland. Some During that time, and for a hunof it, in fact, is embarassing to the dred and twenty years afterwards, reader. Bergeron’s “Petit Histoire France was continually at war du Quebec”, for, example, with England. represents the details of a series of. Wars then, unlike today, had the ugly incidents $depicting the ac- effect of crippling an economy,‘ tivities of several groups of people making it necessary to interrupt performing countless the conflict with a series of truces dehumanizing things to a pitiable in order to build up the sagging race who could never quite decide treasuries. The colonies prospered how to stop these tyrants and so during the rebuilding stages and never did. The reader comes ,away stagnated during the .wars. * feeling guilty for the ;attempted Though they may have been genocide of the Quebecois and going through economic hardship, *feeling also the foolishness of their the colonies were developing inability to,,act effectively. It is an autonomously. Canada, in parincredibly strong book that Ideals tic’ular, developed a sane society with reality explosively. with only small class differences and a ’ very _ efficient legislative Even “MacLeans”, which tends It was with some,horror to define Canada/s goodness in structure. of the terms of everyone else’s evil (in that I read of the arrival particular the U.S.‘s) recently English and the subsequent establishment of ‘democracy’ brought up several points which upon the ‘uncivilized habitants’. were always dashed over in high school “history-incidents such as The explanation for the limited vertical structure *of the colony the Winnipeg General Strike, was an economic one. While people like Louis Rielrecalcitrant events in the otherFrench imperialism was reaping. vast profits from the fur trade and wise smooth road to freedom. “MacLeans” questions these the fishing industry it was only in France that these were being points , but in the end apotheosizes the Canadian them as courageous interludes on realized. Generally, the path to glory. “MacLeans” economy was one of subsistence

11 -I

the chevron



under ,a ‘benign’ and stable ‘. the next spring. The English had military regime. stumbled into a conquest. .Geographical factors and a Eccles deals with this. history small flexible population from five viewpoints, the French, prevented the establishment of the English, American, Canadian and seigneural system which was rife the Indian. By doing so he presents in Europe at the time and was to a comprehensive overview of the foster many revolutions which events and their repercussions served to change its name but did - within each community v and the not substantially alter the system. subsequent effects on the _ Canada, however,’ had little of relationships between the groups. that. It seemed, in fact, to be a I It’s certainly the best and most * vastly superior system ‘to even plausible history of that era that I’ve, read and no doubt will become The mam threat to the autonomy one of the great un-read books on zrQzz. came from the am - , Canadian history. As I’ve said, bitious thirteen colonies who,. history is a subfle thing and it’s too despite their aggressiveness and+ easy to assume that the relatively large population monuments that were our text seemed-most inept in dealing with books shouldn’t go into the parks the Indians of the area and hence To say history is popular is one were not able to expand. -The j thing, but to get people interested Quebecois, on the other hand, had in it is another. People like spent two hundred years living building monuments, but history is with and travelling with the In- not concrete. ’ . +iavid arsenault’ dians and they’ co-existed very ~

’ I


.’ ’



. -, /_






well. After the’ fall of Quebec, however, the ‘habitants’ were restricted in their movements by the English, leaving the Mississippi valley open to the waves of Americans who crossed the Appalachians driving out, the!‘% French, Spanish and Indians. The fall of Quebec seemed to be The English .weren’t ’ a mistake. really capable of taking the for- tress but profited from the Anatomy oL Big \Business, Libbie guidance of General Montcalm. and Frank Park, Tor?nto, James, Montcalm who had recently lewi: and Samuel,. 1973. arrived from France wasn’t at all fond of the casualness of the Originally published in 1962, Anatomy of Big Business remains military heirarchy , in particular, the ,-dependency ‘. the French a significant and authoritative in Canada. It is garrison seemed to have upon the study of capitalism habitants. Unlike t,he French not so much the proposed strategy as the initial soldiers who had:a fondness for a of nationalization ‘dignified warfare’ characterized tactic to halt “the sale of Canada” by advancing columns of ex- which is the ~book’s underlying It is the amount of pendible pawns, the habitants had strength.. adopted the Indian guerilla tactics: research ‘into the intricacies of capitalism in Canada worked into Montcalm miscalculated the English tactics and sent half his a cogent argument which makes troops (the habitants ). twenty this study profoundly important. the problem of miles down river. Wolfe landed . Central-to and met the French regulars on economic, development in Canada is _ the fact that this country’s the Plains of Abraham. The English were defeated and Wolfe’ means of production are was killed. Montcalm, too, was I dominated by US corporate interes ts. American capital has ’ killed, but before he died, in the,. middle.of the battle, he mistakenly. come to control the economy group of big ’ assessed the battle as lost .and had because a “small surrender papers drawn ‘up. He shots” (read Canadian capitalists) , then instructed them to be have’ placed the interests of delivered and died. The papers Canada second’to their interests as were presented to the retreating “junior partners” in the exploitaEnglish army, who subsequently tion of resources, therefore, of its turned around $and took the city. working people. . The habitants returned to. find Because of the enormous. the city lost. Knowing the English! financial benefits reaped from had no supplies for the winter, they’ ’ being lesser allies, Canadian left for the woods to wait for spring capitalists have accepted the The desirability and the inevitability of , and French reinforcements. French boats never came. French Canada’s integration with the US. officials, thinking it lost, conceded As an immediate solution to this the land to England. The end of country’s economic ills, the< another long war. Hope was ex- writers propose that Americanpressed that perhaps the French controlled industries be would fare better in the next one. nationalized. The Parks have The Quebecois, on seeing that indicated through wellFrance had given up, gave up also documented research that the ,

Les allies

from nyr

strategy of nationalization is both economically feasible and correct at this point in time. Unquestionably the most significant -aspects of the Parks’ research are one, it explains how Canadian financial groups maintain control of economic enterprises through their domination of financial institutions and two, it clearly points out how Canadian capital is dependent and subordinate “to, the drive of US groups for their own profit.” The key to comprehending the very~ nature of capitalism in Canada is to- understand the interlocking directorates between the. central banks and large enterprises, investment trusts and insurance companies, _ both foreign and national. It is by means of interlocking directorates that a small I group of. Canadian “tycoons”, subordinate to the more powerful American capitalists, dominate Canada’s economic base. Although tangential to the main thrust of the book, the section on the role of Canadian capital abroad brings to the fore an easily overlooked feature of this. country’s development. The authors make the reader aware of the exploitative role that the Canadian government, banks and individual capitalists have played or continue to perform in the Caribbean, Latin America, and various African and Asian slates. Anatomy’




presents the reader with ,a, clear and well-documented insight into the corporate structure , of the Canadian economy. The book goes far to unveil the mysteries which. surround those who possess economic power and wield the political club. The Parks’ contribution to the study of capitalism in Canada will no doubt continue to weather the rigorous test of time. I -mike




I’ i







the chevron




14-JAN. 11 13-FEB. 3 6-MAR. 3 6-MAR. 24

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17, 1973 ,

Universal Vision Presents 6 nights of Canad’ian Fih



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PRESENTS SERVICES ‘73 tickets sold by CREATIVE ARTS BOARD $1.95-one way coach 3.5~return ‘1.25-school bus 2.5~return for information, contact Craig Edwards Fed.

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17, 1973









the chevron

, /




/ I



’ ._.


.FILMS-4August 20;21, 24, 25 ” j St&tsat.2:30pm.., t . . ,. Kitchener Public Library *_ ,’ ’ 85 Queen St. N.,* Kitchener , . L i // . With the adoption of the new’ policy -A I 1 \ for finaricing athletic\ activities on the campus of the University of W&loo, m Grand Valley Astronomers Display all full-time students are entitled to August-- 27 --31,. . 1 1. : , I.. . _. free a&&ion to’home intercoMgiate, , Fairview: .Ptirk .Shopping.. PI& Q’a..c\ events> < ’/ -. / a Students may pick up their / . seasons*I,~ .


‘tickets by presenting their studeLM -identification card in the red north lobby of the physical activities L building: ’ ’

1Film Making Workshop ’ ‘_ August 21 and. 28 K-W (Art Gallery 43. Benton St., Kitchener.



August 19 Adiance lectures on Transcendental Meditation and the science of creative intelligence. El1 ,Room, 1101. Meditators only please.


WANTED Furnished two bedroom apartment for visiting faculty member from September 1 to April 30. Contact Department of Classics and Romance Languages ext 2249

August 20 Film ‘Festival. It Happens to us FranTYPING cois. Discussion groups to follow film. Expert, typing ,done at reasonable rates; Corittict Louise at 744-2556 Silver collection.. All women’ welcome. Presented by K;W Women’s\ Place after 6pm. Collective introducing K-W Women’s ’ HOUSING WANTED Place. 8pm. YWCA, 84 Frederick Wanted .-three bedroom townhoiise to. . Street, Kitchener. sublet ‘Jaiiuary to May 1974. Lakeshore Village preferred. C.hris August 27 884-9558. Film Festival. Three Guesses Pandora. Discussion groups to follow film. Silver collection. All women welcome. Presented by K-W Women’s ,,Place Collective introducing K-W Women’s Place. 8pm. YWCA, 84 . Frederick Street, Kitchener. August 29 Free introductory .public lecture Transcendental Meditation and science of Sreative intelligence. 2065, 8pm. Everyone is welcome. August30. i:-s ’ . Free introductory public lecture Transcendental Meditation and science of creative intelligence. 2065, 8pm. Everyone is welcome.

on the MC ‘i on the MC

September 6 Board of External Relations (Federation of Studentsj meeting, Everyone. welcome. Bring your mind, body, and food for a picnic lunch. Noon ga’thering at the federation office, campus centre.

CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE 1969 MGB green, radio, summer driven only. 664-3341 after 5pm 7438913. ’ t 1970 Pontiac Le Mans, in excellent condition. Call 576-8947 after 5pm. f 1968 Volkswagon camper van. $800 or best offer. Phbne 743-5282 .or 7451181 ask for Frank Hansma. I .

. ,*


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_ - ’

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:.-;. -

R&p IO WA’TE+R LOO’ I 8- I ’y0U.R CAMPUS\ STAT,,;ON; :icd -‘r <is ’ >a 4: ., ; .”c BROADCASTING Ok CABLE :F’M, -. -.I_,.a_ -MlJilC-NEWs&DRAMA+ATURkS -SPO,RTSWHAT.YOU MAKE it . ,) .~\nlE WANT YOUR HELP, z

1 \








the chevron




, ,

\ ‘, \ - RobotS don r ke \

abour in the motor industry is an increasingly happy hunting ground for agitators. InBritain output in the last quarter was 60,000. -cars below last years. But it is not just Britain. Fiat lost’270,OOO cars through strikes in. Italy in 1969, and 100,000 last year. Where strikes are banned,as ~they are in Russia, the workers merely go sick; absenteeism in the plant built by Fiat for the Russians hasgone to 30 per cent, and reaches its peak, as one might have expected, on Mondays and Fridays. Managements in the motor industry , have been told by politicians and sociologists that it is their duty to make life in the factories merry and diverting, in order to relieve the monotony of the job and so make their workers sweeter-tempered, and to do them credit, many have tried to follow this advice. The schemes they have thought up range from a factory, radio >station (at Dagenham) to full air, conditioning (at Fiat’s Cassino plant). But more and more managements see these only as - palliatives and one lasting cure‘ as managing without so many men. The Japanese are going for the ultimate solution:. a factory of robots where the only men would -be maintenance engineers. The government is backing studies for an eight year development programmeto see w-hether at not this can be done. The speclficatipn is for an assembly line to ,J make gear-boxes on a scale that would normally employ 200-300 workers, but operated entirely by robots. The Ministry of International Trade and Industry is directing the initial design studies, which should be finished early next year. The electronics and machine . tool industries and the universities are .involved: Assuming that the plan looks feasible, the- fight will then begin to get the.government to put up, the 50 million or so poundsstirling, plus a contribution from industry, that the robot line is expected to cost. Even a snort while ago, large , segments of the motor industry would have said this was a wholly impractical * project. But F(at is now already half-. way there, and so is part of-the General Motors factory at Lordstown, in Ohio. - Fiat’s moment of decision-came when it was crippled by strikes in 1969, and the speed with which it has moved has ’ taken-even the unions by surprise. It is n.ow op.erating two separate production lines -with robots imported from America. In one plant, 18 robots, replacing 20 men, weld more than 500 points. Each has a,n automatic arm with two claws on the end. The claws hiss and splutter, and every few seconds a weld is, made. The claws pull back’ a few inches and the hand that

l mm

holds them changes its angre rather clumsily, ready for the next weld. The ’ robot’s actions are jerky, compared with a human arm, but the reject rate is only-l-2 per cent. The cost of the 18 robots was 500,000 pounds, and they will take nearly 10 years to pay for themselves., but cost is not really the issue. The robots work in a section of the plant that was most afflicted by strikes and absenteeism and Fiat could forsee-a time when it would simply not be able to attract men to this type of work at all. The other Fiat automatic line uses a single robot to carry out 430 welds a minute. Here the car shell moves into a big steel box where it is attacked by hundreds-of robot fists, like the tentacles of an octopus. This is a mor.e expensive installation; it costs 7$IO,OOO pounds but is expected to pay for itself in 5-6 years. The factory in -which it has been installed is a new one, at Cassino, where .most of the 4,000 men working there are having their first experience of factory life and are not likely to object to half the welding is done automatically, and the few men around theplant earn nearly 3 pounds Stirling an hour. General Motors has had strikes at Lordstown, but they had little to do with c automation. Fiat has given a try to the Volvo-Saab solution for labour relations. It has tackled working conditions, substituting paints in powder form for solvents, allowing more work breaks, and introducing an element of variety into jobs, but absenteeism is still around 12 per cent. What has gone down is the number of strikes-only 10,000 cars-lost -in the first quarter of thds year, compared with an average of 25,000 a quarter last year. Renault is now trying the same cure. In another effort to buy-peace, Fiat is getting rid of the assembly line altogether in some places and substituting island work sites instead. These cost twice as <much as an assembly line and put up plant investment costs by one-fifth. It is a characteristic of all these attempts to improvethe industry’s labour record that they are. expensive. A perfectly sound financial argument can be made for saying that, it is cheaper simply-to pay the workers that little bit more each time they cut up rough, Certainly the profit record of British Leyl,and, which has. followed this policy more from . force of circumstance than deliberate choice, is better than -Fiat’s. Its investment record- is much worse. Fiat’s planned investment in southern ’ Italy alone is twothirds of the 500 million pounds that British Leyland plans to spend’ throughout its who!e group. And the reason why British

Leyland is not spending more is that it cannot see an adequate return to shareholders from any large sum. Fiat, in a lesssophisticatedcapital market, operates under a different set of constraints: return on capital is one of the lesser of them. But this cannot be said of the --Japanese, and if there is one common characteristc of Japanese industry it is , the steady move towards greater reliance on robots. One of the ba.lI- . bearing factories is evaluating a new machine, that will assemble, test and pack a complete bearing all on its own, and requires just one worker to remove packages. A manufacturer developing control systems for J

machine tools has a line of eight lathes already linked jnto a computer and has nearly completed a robot that will shift the work from one machine to another. Another manufacturer, with an agreement with Tube Investments, has a group of machines which automatically produce a range of’ ground shafts. In the motor industry itself Toyota has a section where 24 men operate a group of linked li.nes that. machine the cylinder block, crankshaft, con-rods and -pistons and assemble them into a complete engine in just under a mi,nute. Special carpeted walkways have been built for the visitors who want to go and gape at _ this. ’

< B

the chevron




-...bUt neithe,r Will the UAW ike the negotiations of the the 1973 union past, negotiations with the Big 3 auto companies are more of a show than negotiations. The guidelines have already been set in rubber, trucking and the electrical industries. The Big 3 have held their secret meetings and have made a decision as to how much they are going to grant the United Auto Workers (UAW) in fringe benefits and wage increases. UAW president Leonard Woodcock and vice presidents Irving Bluestone, Ken Bannon and Douglas Fraser may already have had secret meetings -with top management and agreed on a package. Their discussions now are largely devoted to what they refer to as “non economic” demands. Shall a worker be judged guilty before the grievance procedure is exhausted? What will happen around the questions of compulsory overtime, joint unionmanagement health and safety committees and the value to be placed on each fringe benefit? With the important decisions having been made behind the backs of the workers, there is still need for a show. Important negotiations seemingly continue at the General Motors building in Detroit, at the Ford Glass building in Dearborn and at Chrysler’s main offices in Highland Park. These “TV” shows are held mainly to let Woodcock demonstrate his labour statesmanship and for Bluestone, Bannon and Fraser to exhibit their bargaining -skills. Woodcock has assured the auto barons they don’t have to fear a strike, thus disarming the workers. At the UAW Collective Bargaining Convention in March 1973 the tone for the negotiations was set. The Collective Bargaining Resolution said, “Because we are not wedded to one-or another narrow approach but are willing to consider a wide range of alternate solutions, it is not necessary for us to present our proposals in the form of rigid inflexible demands...We will not-go to the bargaining table in 1973 looking for a fight but for a fair share of that increased abundance...We ask no more than our fair share and because we seek only our equity our approach to negotiations is non-inflationary...” This is the same script that has been used time and again. The unions’ demands being flexible, the employers will make the most of that flexibility. By the use of generalities, the UAW leadership avoids -the danger of committing itself too firmly to a set of demands. They can compromise without fearing a revolt in the ranks. The reference to their demands being non-inflationary is backhanded support to the idea that it is high wages that cause inflation. In 1973 the economic facts are heavily weighted in favour of the union. Big 3 profits in 1972 and the first six months of 1973 have been the highest


If the visitors hang about long ough where any of these robots are Irking, they will see maintainance gineers descend in swarms on the rchines the moment the line stops ‘a meal break. The labour content of robot factory shifts behind the ?nes, to the repair shops, on a scale It it is difficult to estimate at this lge. But if Japan thinks it wise to go such lengths now, before any of the iditional pressures from labour have it, for how long can British instry-or for that matter any ropean manufacturer with ;embly-line problems-stand out jinst the trend? -from

the economist

in their history. There is a runaway inflation in the cost of living and the companies have already asked for a price increase. Ford and GM have granted their white collar workers more in wage increases than their UAW members have been receiving. General Motors, the pace setter in the industry and the one who calls the tune in negotiations, has opened with a powerful publicity campaign in support of its position of a 55 percent first-year wage package.It has mailed to all its employees a pamphlet stating that it pays an average wage of $5 per hour, with an additional $3 in fringe benefits. This; they say, adds up to $241.60 per week or $12,000 per year. If we are to accept these figures at face value (disputed by the UAW), we must remember that upwards of $1,500 is taken by the city, state and federal income taxes; over $600 is taken for Social Security and $120 a year in union dues. This leaves the worker with less than the amount the government says is needed for a medium standard of living. Without overtime the worker’s income would be further reduced. A revised cost-of-living allowance (COLA) is unquestionably the most important demand the union is making. In 1964 the UAW stated, “Correction of the faulty arithmetic and technical defects in the cost-ofliving formula is essential if GM workersand their families are to enjoy the high and steady rising living standards which reflects the full productivity of our national economy and are necessary if the economy is to achieve its full potential...” This “faulty arithmetic” has continued to the present day. In the COLA formula, the UAW says during the 1970 contract the workers should have recived 44 cents per hour rather than the 35 cents they did receive. The union is not demanding’ that this shortage be made up. A compromise on this issue might give the worker the increased COLA in 1974 or 1975. There should be little dispute over granting dental care. This has already been won in some UAW contracts. Here too a compromise will cost the companies little in the first year of the con tract.

PENSION PLAN In 1949 when the UAW negotiated its first pension plan, the late UAW -president Walter Reuther emphasized the necessity of having pension funds “actuarially sound”, meaning that a pension plan should be fully funded so that a company going out of business would be able to pay every employee his share in the fund. This is sound reasoning for the small companies who might be forced out of business but for the Big 3 this was just an excuse to pay small pensions during the first 15 years of the pension plan. It was not until 1965 that pensions went above $100 per month for those with 25 years or more of service.

During these years huge reserves were being built up in the Big 3 pern$ion funds. The GM pension fund is approaching $4 billion and is increasing at the rate of $400 million per year. The Big 3 can increase their payments to pensioners by 50 per cent without increasing their payments into these funds. There would be no immediate increase in cost to the Big 3. Voluntary overtime is in effect at an American Motors plant in Kenosha, Wise. and in the farm equipment industry which is unionized by the UAW. Most workers take all the overtime they can get; they need it to meet the ever increasing cost of living. Too much overtime has brought early death to many workers; many grow old before their time. It disrupts family life causing neglect of the wife and family. This demand might be compromised with an increase in the premium paid for overtime. The employers will use the argument of foreign competition to limit the union’s economic demands. With the deflation of U.S. currency abroad this argument carries little weight. Much of the foreign competition comes from foreign subsidiaries of Chrysler, Ford and General Motors. It is ironic that in recent years foreign competition has been able to gain as much as 18 per cent of the U.S. market because of the refusal of the Big 3 to begin producing the small car 10 years earlier than they did. It is also a fact that while Japan and Germany were spending large amounts on research and development of peace-time commodities, America .was spending even larger amounts on military hardware. Japan has a car that meets our emission control standards while the American product lags behind its import rivals. Being well aware of the compromising character of the UAW leadership the Big 3 are making their usual demands on the union. They want the union to help discipline the workers and they are proposing to trim fringe benefits the union won in the past. They say union demands are “astr0n0micaI”. They not only treat union demands lightly but they show little respect for union officials at the bargaining table. This too is part of the script. The employers are serving notice on the UAW negotiators that they are prepared to use their huge resources to curb union demands. While the UAW negotiators meet separately with the companies, behind-the-scenes representatives of the Big 3 meet to plan strategy, thus preventing any divisions among the Big 3 negotiators. Neither the UAW leadership nor the companies can prevent strikes on local demands but once the national contract is agreed on they will use their combined forces to get, the men to. return to work with or without their grievances being settled. Spokesmen for both sides will say the agreement was a victory for sanity and peace in the’industry for another three years. The workers in the plants will soon learn they are still in the rat race to keep up on the production line and to meet the weekly grocery bill. If there is a cut in auto production in the next period, the workers will find themselves in a worse position than before the 1973 contract negotiations. -john w. anderson from guardian






_ 16- the




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I \

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l \


august i7,19f3

the chevron

- .

Things were not always thus. Until recently, the ,main line was serviced by a trolley fleet, which-was wired just for King street. This campus, at one end, and, Fairview Park Mall, at- the other,. were therefore served by shuttle buses, and the connections were- not always convetiient at all, especially\ in winter. For a while, the University-. _ avenue bus did not even enter the campus. And the trolley-to-Fairview shuttles were notoriously in.convenient. -’ Under the new arra@$nent; you& now?8 a bus on campus and travel directly to all of K-W’s movie houses and most ..of ‘its- -decent .drinking spots, not to mention the major shopping centres. Waterloo Square, downtown* Kitchener and the _ Fairview Mall are the major shopping centres. The Waterloo and the Picture Show iii Waterloo; the Capitol, Odeon, Hyland, Lyric and Fox in Kitchener; and the Fairview Cinema at Fairview Plaza are all on the ma@ .line. The fare is 25 cents and transfers can get you ’ just about anyplace-off the main line fairly quickly / now. The first bus arrives on campus-at around 6 a.m., and last bus leaves’ for Kitchener at 1240 a.m.,. with, about 15-‘minute between-buses. _ . intervals ..



Incoming freshmen at Waterloo this year have a‘x-eak _over all previaus - cfasses-the cities of: (itchener and Waterloo have revamped the& xansit system this past year, and the result is a much more accessible and convenient bus system * than before. Under the present system, buses which travel ~ the “main Ii&‘-King Street, which isthe main business street .for both citieemake the U of W campus ring roak their turn-around point at the ’ Waterloo end. And, since Fairview Park in the far , end of Kitchener is the other turn-around-point, virtually every- point in -between is now highly accessible. .-P’










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all items



and Monev colours, wedding then happiness thing.

music bursts I >

and into

a diamond a real-meaning


Your diamond wil! be part of all the wonderful years ahead. You will never want to doubt its value or question its true worth. And if it came from Birks you will have the comforting guarantee that you received full and honest diamond value for the moneyspent..‘.no matter how much or how little it was.






of love.

:. ,

1 .:3







17, 1973




the chevron





For a lot of pear de hitting the Waterloo campus this fall it will be the first time-they are living on“their own. It will be the first chance they will have to decide what sort of accomodation they’ are going to be ljving i n4 Inrtiat sort of community.’ Again, a lot of these poeple will not have given this subject much thought. The majority of first yeat students find their way into the, university-controhed residences that ‘are situated on campus. Now ‘known are Village One-and Village Two, these mazes of corridors and cubicles serve as home for students that ~have not looked into the alternatives. That is not to say that no one living there enjoys it-on the contrary, feedback from the students would lead anybody to be1iev.e that the village was just great. The social life is ready made:floor parties.; village pubs and particularly in Village Two, the double rooms make it difficult to be lonelyapparently the greatest fear of every freshman. And as well. as this, there is ab‘solutely nothing to -worry about. All food is prepared and served for you, all cleaning is done by the staff even down to the bedlinen. The student has to eat the food and dirty the rooms, and that’s about jt. It might sound tempting to some but there are many other students who after one term or one year or even after only considering the place simply decide it’s not for them. There has to be some reason for this. Sure, the social lifeIs ready made but it is also limited in variety. The nature of the entertainment-the-pubs and the movies-just does not suit everyone. tt is difficult to-be lonely but at the riskof sounding sloopy let me‘mention that it’s also easy to be very lonely in a crowd,and it does happen. -On the other hand, suppose you do want to be alone, then the whoje place might just begin to get on your nerves. Thevillages put you in contact with a lot of people, then the rest is up to you. Most students seem to feel that, it is the best place for any first year student to start off. For many it may well bemany students with heavy course loadsjust do not have the time for cooking

and cleaning. And after all it’s so much easier. As for those who find the village conceptugly there are quite a few other choices. One is ‘the Waterloo Cooperative Residence. At first glance it might look very. similar to the villages. That is not the case. It looks like an office building but the spirit-is not the same. This residence is run by students for students in a-co-operative nature. That -means anyone living there is a member of the ’ organization that runs the building and in turn has to do their part in running the place. Actually there are two apartment-style groups and two houses’ run by the organization. The co-operative is cheaper thanfhe administration run villages, which is strange considering the administration does not need to pay taxes on th_eir building ,or property-while the cooperative..does. The food in .co-op is different from the village which tends towards a lot of carbohydrates to keep the tummies full. Co-op tries a greater variety of foods that stem from the different’culturali groups that fihd their way into the lifestyle. The co-op claims to be free-spirited but there are a few contradictions in the way they approach things.’ It may be that. some things have to be done in order to keep everything legal and to attempt to keep the whole thing running. For example, on the application’ for residence they ask your marita! status,, which really should not matter at all: The person answering the phone for the co-op could not explain why the question was on the form but assured me-that nobody there cared about the v. answer. ,-.Li to ,, fiind the aG That - brings L \ ministration’s Married Students Residence. These are one or two bedroom apartments that they rent out * to married couples. You cook your own food and clean your own sheets and pay your own rent to the administration. Common-law couples used to be able to live in these apartments if one of the v couple agreed ,to sign the other person’s last name. This way it can look like you’re married. (Now this practice . has stopped and manager WL Pigden says they will, be-renting to oniy legally, F




,. <I

in this building .-



that is trying ,-


to look like an off$e ”


by Susan iohnson

wa 11


(1 ‘A u

You could


a house like this-if

you can find one.


married couples.) So then the question is-what if the married couple has different last names? Pigden had ldifficulty understanding this idea’ but it ‘was explained to him that neither person is required by law to change their name. Therefore, a legally married couple could have different last names. It is done. Pigden then reported that he did .have the authority to ask for the marriage certificate. Be

. .

Philip Street co-op’hides that scare you.


/, I



building-but I‘

don’t ,,



/et _ 9 ,. , I, /=c..





Housing services, administration run, provides, during office hours, a list of such places available in the Kit-chener-Waterloo area. The situations vary as many times as-the rooms do. Some’ ares w-ith meals and others are .. not-it goes on and ‘on. _ This can be the best solution for the person who wants to’%&ontheir own and needs a lot of-time for work. You may have trouble getting down to work . in _ eitherthe, village -or the co-op situation. But the ,main’ drawback of these single rooms is the other side’of the advantage. You are likely to be alone, often. First year is rough enough without the problem of having no friends. It is d#ficult to meet new. people and make fiiends if you only see them-one hour a day for three days a week and then you all go your own very different ways. ‘-The last two possibilities for students are renting ‘an ‘aprtment or renting a house from so’meone or some‘ com.pany in the communi&;: Although it ‘is becoming:more and more difficult to find.jlandlords thatwil&r&$ to students, there are some around’ and it is a possibility well worth looking into. You also have to beprepared to cook your own food and clean ‘your own sheets. But this style of living is usua4y~ the cheapest and youcannot beat the quality of life. You are living- with people you want to live with as opposed to a whole floor of people you have never seen before. It is a place you can really call home and you are running-the. place. You eat the food you want to.eat and you decorate how you want to ‘decorate. Every style. has its advantages and its disadvantages. Think it out and Best of lu-ck with the year to come. ^

.~,’ j .L

. ,I’ -


6 ‘. -,



-I )


. .:

3 -:. - , ,- L


-Susan ~

johnson .‘


/ iw



_ the chewy











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watts RMS \

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Branches .

in London













I off Lay the , hot dogs /

I I or


Nature Lady sounds /


Most are high in carever tried to change your food to -cereals. and. sugars; The suit your body?..That’s right, it bohydrates, can be done, ,You might be* same goes for most “pushed” foods. These are foods that are amazed at the #difference that or on more vegetables or fruit or sold, I on television billboards. grains might make to your diet. .A second problem that keepsHow do you fit in? the- consumer from buying Many of you will be starting. your first year. at university, healthful foods. is the use of others will, be repeating yourpesticides, hormones, and other present lifestyles. Food will most chemicals to treat food. More

IoFer in vitamins and most ’ probably-was chemically treated. At this time of the year you should be canning as much as possible. Examples of cannable fruits and vegees are: tomatoes, cucumbers, 1 beets, cabbage, onions, beans, corn, etc. Freezing is also another very ’ viable alternative. ’ Once apples come into season they can be’ dried. If. you’re going to do this write away to the federal government and ask for their , - -.>> * book on canning. G~o to the -libraries too:; One: good (or’ better) thing to do is get a hold of as many books by Adelle Davis as possible. She knows a great deal about nutrition and can shed some light on how to keep the goodness in food. Sprouts are the next step in good eating. You can have the * best of fresh vegetables all year * ‘round by starting to sprout your ‘own seeds. it’s quite easy. The only things to look out for are _ is turning up mold and light. possibly pass’ you by as an in- and more research Mung beans are the easiest, terest-unfortunately. We are bad reports for ‘the use of these Take a tablespoon of -4%ans, now at the pointwhere it is very controls in the food industry. cover the bowl, put. them in the, ahard to get food fresh from the Luckily more people are “growing their own,” or going to cupboard, rinse the next day and producer. It most certa,inly goes , for the next two days and voile through the illustrious middlereputabie organic gardeners they’re ready! . Use them in _ man who changes its corn- ’ (those people who do not use salads, sandwiches, other pone!nts so that the product may‘ man-made controls or chemicals more bounteously fill his for their plants). YOU can too. ’ vegetable dishes or just plain: are packed with How? Let me leave you with a Sprouts pocketbook. The food industry is vitamins and really taste good few suggestions. First of all, take just that. It is an industry and its (to me at least). ‘ objective is to make money and advantage of the market. This There are some suggestions.. can be either the Kitchener present a saleable product. This Get Canada’s food guide and saleable, product that we will market or the new Weber’ compare it to your diet. Start most certainly eat, is judged by a market. Look at the produce, eating responsibly and believe it crew of salesmen and then the where it comes from, how it was or not, you’ll like it. nutritionists labelit according to grown. Make sure it is not im-

perience was so traumatic that it has not left my mind andis still . haunting me; Which brings us to thequestion: what does this this have. to-do! with nature’s table? Plenty... ’ I_ First of all, unrecognized to nest of us, we are caught. in the grip of.consumerism. This entails our .eating patterns established not primarily out of health, but of habit. Normally we go from our mother’s cooking to an erratic stage where we, vary between our own, our mate’s or someone else’s cooking. What is important . here is that normally we do not cook adequately for ourselves and if we are fed at mass-feeding outlets they do not, cook well enough for our own nutrition. Take acloser look. What do you buy when you shop? What do you eat during the day? Probably a lot of unnecessary carbohydratesand. fats. Most likely :you are lacking in vegetables and fruits. It’s an easy thing to fall into. It takes a long time or a lot of planning to get into good eating habits once you’ve left your home for university. If you eat at a food service outlet or residence you could also be trapped into an eating lifestyle that you may never get out of. What is it? This is the non-caring attitude that many people accept when dealing with food. The “I’m at. hungry and it looks edible” titude iIs becoming quite prevalent. How many .times have you sat down to a .meal and asked yourself “What will this do to ‘my body?” “ Is it really good for me?“. How often have you



One night, not too long ago, I was sitting in a localpub and‘felt a craving for a hot -dog. Now, mind you, hot dog cravings are a rarity for me but they are a force to reckon with. So, mindlessly (or drunkenly) I ordered “one. Never. again! “Nature Lady. You bought a hot dog!” I was at a p,oint of starvation but I must admit, my i accusers had a point. ‘The ex-




Take a look at brea.kfast


or green


as it is



middleton ‘,







SEPT 17-18-N’ .I _


To help orient you to econofiic, social- and political in- = 1 ’ . stit.ution:s and issues of -the Kitchener-Waterloo community, we. invite you to join us for three days -of provotiative speakers,.,-public debate .and discussion .on t.he comtiunity . ’.’.;, y -, ,-I .. i you Gve ‘in. _, _ -


1 pm-4pm : Whatls this conference all about...Why discuss these issues...Why get involved?...Our first session will set the’framew.ork ‘for the panels to follow. We’ll invite your corn- I ments & questions. /’ 4pm-5pm



on the



7pm-9p,m: - Two Panels: (i) Big Business--d lively debate - between big business 1interests and those who oppose them. (2) Work, Labour, Management-will you ‘get a job w‘hen you graduate? 9pm on: An informal time to get acquainted and continue discussions. There wilt be entertainment: Michael Bird on the piano: bring an instrument if you play.


Four Panels: Government,. Education, Health. ,!



’ II


a 12noon-1: available.






.2pm4pm: and the

e .

8pm on: Chicano’s and win!!




1: 30pm&pm: Film: “Up Against the System”. L A first-hand report on poverty. A social worker’s advice : “We need better we.lfare”. A grand“We need a revolution”. mother’s advice:




the chevron

17, h73

Welfare, Women, Housing, Poverty of Student Life. *. Film: “Salt workers-ho *

ted ,


from .


: . Social arrd organized

actiovprogrammes by students. -

7pm-9pm_: Meeting resource agencies and organizations.. . /,

Media .

of the Earth”. A strike by stand up to ‘the man’ L


Meeting resource and organiiations.





. -

WE.‘HOPE-that this will be-the start of many pr6grampes’bf th,is nature &I this tim~us WE URGE YOU, ALL STUDENTS AND FACULTY, TO* JOIN. CHECK US O-UT.WE HOPE YOU’LL STAY. ‘_ /1 , PLANNING COMMITTEE (a student-faculty group) --_ For RENISON’COLLEGE: Jeri Wine, Marilyn Holtzhauer, Jeffrey Forest’: 8844406 ~ . ’ I’ For HUMAN RELATIONS:‘ Marsha Forest, Maria- Arguelles-Canive: 8851211, extension 3303 . ,Forthe FEDERATION OF STUDENTS: ‘Dave Rober&on,Shane Roberts: 8654370 .



17, 1973


! i



TheFestivalTheatre_ The Stratford Festival Company Shakespeare’s

c +


pi. The Taming of The Shrew + fi r; * B

Pat Galloway as Katherine Alan Scarfe as Petruchio Edward Atienza as Grumio Powys Thomas as Baptista William Needles as Gremio







Directed by Jean Gascon Designed by Desmond Heeley Music by Gabriel Charpentier Lighting by Gil Wechsler

* + c


+ See the afternoon performance on Thursday, E September 20. 2:OOpm. Advance tickets only. E Available at the Federation of Students office. * PRICE $4.50 (1st CLASSSEAT) APPEARING LIVE IN THE CAMPUS CENTRE : $2.50 (2nd CLASSSEAT) B PUB 12 NOON TO 6 PM. 9r NOTE: PRICE INCLUDES BUS FARE OF THE CAMPUS CENTRE AT * TO AND FROM THEATRE. B~USES 12:30PM. SEPT.12 WEDNESDAY + r WILL BE LEAVING FROM IN FRONT SEPT.13 THURSDAY * SEPT.14 FRIDAY + *









* *




FREE CO NCE RT +i ~!;;;fO&E~OL;;;‘cE’ wLu(SW, . THE


B L-u






* !.



Live in the Campus Centre Pub, 12 noon to 6 i - pm., Wed. Sept. 12 thru Sept. 14.











17, 1973


the chevron




, get involved at the provincial level, “‘Mat” is another case. McMaster has frequently bragged that among its neighborsare one or two big names from the provincial ministry . of colleges and universities therefore they have no need for OFS. That is, until Mat needs some information on what is happening on other campuses at which time OFS can usually expect a phone call. Right from its inception the Ontario Federation of Students had the unenviable problem of dealing .with the increases in . tuition and cutbacks in student aid brought down by the provincial government as part of its cutbacks in secondary and postsecondary educational financing. . The impact of the cutbacks vary from campus to campus as did the tenor of student reaction. Augmenting the awkwardness of formulating a provincial strategy for its membership was the broadness of the political spectrum in OFS as reflected by the delegates at its general meetings. -While some delegates were clamouring for the organization to take to the streets last year the two-person full-time staff of fifteen universities, Ryerson, four colleges, and set parliament straight (and claiming 1OFS was unable to react to situations fast that the mass of students in Ontario would enough from being overburdened. The and student groups-~ a couple part-time follow) others wanted to forget the whole organization also suffered from insufficient totaling seventeen student unions. Membership later swelled to 21 but has matter. The latter felt that most students communications. The new budget has were content to have to pay a hundred allowed for increasing the staff to three fullsinced dropped by three-Ottawa withdrew dollars more for tuition while at the same for lack of funds to pay the membership time and one part-time plus periodic time losing two hundred in grant dollars. publishing of a newspaper. This is all, fees, Laurentian stomped out in a huff (their Considering the fact that some circles in the though, predicated on an increase in president leaving behind a list of congovernment had talked about this membership fees. tradictory and nebulous grumblings) , and provincial Victoria found that her associate memonly being the beginning of tuition increases OFS dues are based upon a per capita bership was not a practical status but they and grant money decreases, the federation rate. Last year Waterloo paid $2,500 based went ahead with a public campaign to upon twenty-five cents per undergrad at our remain interested observers. campus. The new fee brings our ,dues to McMaster and Sir Wilfred ‘Laurier challenge the cutbacks. The struggle that ensued shook the $4,000 per year. So far the higher fee is (formerly Waterloo Lutheran) are the only to its core. For the delegates meeting with approval across the province. universities that have not been members at organization uninitiated in student politics ’ it was a The Ontario Federation is serving four some point. While WLU seems to be too prebasic functions. It carries out research into occupied with affairs on its own campus to baptism in fire working within OFS to unify particular areas, collects information from the campuses across the province into common action. For the veterans, the exeach campus and centralizes it into a library, facilitating direct exchange betperience didn’t remove any of the crust of cynicism. ween campuses, and lastly,, acts as a coordinator for task-oriented groups comThe whole affair left many questions unanswered and many doubts, but two prised of people from different campuses. things seem to have been learned. The first OFS is now working on a group of new problems. In the way of academic affairs thing being-the faculty of the province are for the most part no ally. They seem more there are course evaluations and course unions, faculty tenure policy, and the willing to take the chance of their own ranks problems of student participation in being cut in number rather than collectively standing together to,protect their colleagues university governing bodies. At the level of services and the more mundane concerns, never mind coming out in support of the students. Secondly, the one public ally the OFS is doing research on off-campus Ontario students did find was in the trade housing, the hassles of students as members of the working force, entertainment counion movement, notably the Ontario Federation of Labour. ordination, and the orientation of new Throughout the ordeal with the fee strike, students. many were concerned about the. need for Student politics of the past as embodieYd in OFS to get involved with other interests of such groups as OUS (Ontario Union of Students) and CUS (Canadian Union of students and the problems encountered by their campus unions. While the organization Students) have left a legacy of cynicism and frustration. But they have also left a is still devoting energy to what’s going on in Queen’s Park, OFS is now getting into areas treasury of writings and documents along with various members of the “old guard’ encountered by students daily. In the early summer a week-long conthat have helped guide a host of student ference was held in Toronto to thrash out councillors since. Probably the greatest programs for the provincial body. Out of the single monument left by these organizations battery of workshops and plenaries atare the student loan programs which we tended by student bureaucrats and have been able to take fairly ’ much for politicians came eleven pages of granted. f resolutions. These resolutions before The challenge is for OFS and its national becoming official policy have to be ratified counterpart (NUS-National Union of by a majority of the member campuses. Students) to pertenaciously follow through Probably the touchiest of resolutions and carry things further. deals with the new budget. Throughout the --shane robeits

And they keep on trying... The Ontario Federation of Students is a wee bit over a year old now. It has gone through various growing pains, weathered a tortuous battle with the provincial government, and withstood a list of resignations among its ‘leadership’ to come out with a stronger internal structure and an audacious set of tasks for the coming year. But O.F.S. is far from maturity as it enters a period of.adolescence that will be marked as a time of ‘sturm und drang’. The founding conference for the organization was held in March, 1972, and was followed in June with the first “members” meeting. By. the time of its second general meeting in July, its membership including ten of the province’s





Applications for Turnkeys will be available from turnkey desk Campus Centre from . August 27 to Sept. 12



the cheypn

,friday, _._’



. IntramimWfall-197%






Fri Sept 21

Tues, Sept 25 7: 30pm Rm 1076 PAC


Frr Sept 21

Mon Sept 24 7:30pm Rm 1083 PAC

Wed Sept 26

COI l&4

Fri Sept 21

Tues Sept 25 8:30pm Rm 1076 PAC \

Mon Ott

COI 1 Mon-Thurs


Mon Ott

Wed Ott 17 Rm 1083 7;15 pm

Sun Ott 21

7:30-10:30pm Mot-r’s 5 : 30-9: 30pm Sun’s


Mon Ott 15 CUP)

Wed Ott 8: 15pm

Tues Ott 22 9pm Queensmount

Sun-Thurs Arena










CUP) 15

17 Rm 1083



Sept 27

Village Green, Columbia Thurs 4:45-6:45pm


5&6 Tues&

Km &Rec

Mot-r-Thurs 4:45-6:45pm

V2 North



Reg Math

St. Jeromes



Reg Math






Qualifying Rounds-81 or better to qualify

All day, any day Foxwood Golf Course

Play as many rounds as possible 81 & under qualify, Champ-36 hole Sat&Sun Sept 22 and 23

Dave Passmore Optometry

Fri Sept 28

Mon-Thurs Ott 2-4

7-11 pm Waterloo Tennis Cts RQS. 7-12

Must be at Draw at 6:30 Mon Ott 2 at Club-Sgl Elim with Consol.

Karl Kulek Fact&y


Frr Nov 2

Tues Nov 6 Thurs

7-llpm courts

Draw posted on Tues-check Sgl Elim wrth Consolation

N. Richardson Vl East


Frr Nov 9

Mon Nov 12 Qualifying Round-Wed Nov 14 Final


’ Frr Nov 16



Nov 8

- 8squash PAC

Red Actrvrties 7-10 pm

Several rounds from varying tances-Top 20 to qualify


Draw 6:30 Wed-Tourn 7-llpm Main Gym PAC

Wed Nov 22


Single Elimination Consolation



Dennis Yool Coop Res


Km & Ret - Auld










Frr Sept 21

Sat Sept 22 9:36am N Kiosk COI entrance

Sat Sept 22 loam


Frr Sept 28

Sun Sept 30 12:30pm’ Seagram Stadium


Mon Ott 1

Wed Ott Draw

Frr Ott







Frr Qct 26


EXPLANATION 4 man team each member does 1 lap of Ring Rd. 2 bicycles per team

U Eng-16:31 sec. Record

Sun Sept 30 l-4 pm Seagrams-Ram Date, Mon Ott l-7:15 pm

6 entries per unit Top 6 per event score 9 track and 7 field events

St. Jeromes

Wed Qct 3 7.30.9:30pm Pool PAC

Various events from mdrv to relay. co-ed novelty events

Sat Ott 13 10 am Seagram Stadium

Sat Ott 13 10:3@12am Seagram Stadium

5 man teams, each man running prescribed 2.5 mile course

Day of event 8145 am GlenbrIar Curling Rink

1st wk In Nov Glenbrrar Curlrng Rink 9am-5pm I


3 7pm


- Optometry


St Jeromes (Camart15:3. St. Pauls)

3 6-8 ends Games

John Pearson (Skip)












Frl Sept 21

Mon Sept 24 8:30pm Rm 1083 PAC

Wk of Sept 24

COI Fields Mon-Thurs 4.45.6:45pm

10 per team 5-6 games Playoffs If desired


Frr Sept 28

Wed Ott 3 8:30pm Seagrams

Mon Ott


Mon & Wed 4-llpm Seagrams

6.7 games 10 per team Playoffs If desired


Frr Sept 28

Thurs Ott 4 7pm Seagrams

Tues Ott 9

Tues 4-7pm Thurs 4-l lpm Seagrams

6-7 games 10 per team Playoffs 11 desrred

Frr Sept 28

‘Tues Ott 2 8pm Seagrams

Tues Ott 9

Tues 7-llpm Seagrams

2 matches per evening 3 women team Playoffs tf desired


Frl Sept 28

Wed Ott 3 7 :30pm Rm 1083 PAC

Wed Ott 10 PAC Pool 7 : 30pm

Wed 7:309:30pm Sun 7-8pm Pool PAC

7-8 games 3-5 women per team 12 per team Playoffs 11 desired

CO-ED SQUALIBALL (Indiv in Dbl Squash Crt.)

Frl Qct 5

Tues Ott 9 7:3Opm Rm 1076 PAC

Thurs Ott

Thurs 7-10:30pm Dbls Squash Court PAC

Same no. as co-ed VB a new actlvlty with all walls of squash court In play.


Mon Ott 22

Wed Ott 24 7ph Rm 1083 PAC

Frl Ott 26


5-6 games 10 per team No Playoffs

Mon Ott 22

Wed Ott 24 8pm Rm 1083 PAC

Frl Ott 26

Mostly Frl afternoons Some night games -



_ ,



Approx 5 games-Max 35 teams 15 per team (5 women) No Playoffs



All Athletrc Clubs offer some degree of lnstructlon as an essential part of their program. The NAUI Program an exception. For further mformatron see Athletic Clubs Activities. IS




Sun Sept 16 7pm Combatives Room PAC

Mon & Wed Beginners 8:30-10pm Combatives


Sun Sept 16 8pm Blue Upper Actrvrty Area PAC

Tues &Thurs evenings 7-9pm Combatives Rm and upper Red Area PAC

Learn the art of U of W style Karate self defense to compehtron

Sun Sept 16 Red Entrance

Wed 9:30-llam Pool PAC Classes start Wed Sept 26

Children ages 1-5 $5 per chrld 8 wks Class A (3-5 yr) 9:30-10: 15 am Class B (l-3 yr) 10:15-llam Learn various methods with expert Instructron





l-4pm PAC




7-8:30pm. Rm PAC


U of W style of Judo by John Hatashrta and expert Black Belt staff


Sun Sept 16 9pm Combatives Rm PAC

Tues & Thurs evenings Combatives Rm PAC


Tues Sept 18 7: 30pm Pool Gallery PAC

Tues evenings 6:30-9:30pm Rm 1089 PAC Cost $30 plus own mask, fins & snorkel

Bring to meeting: (a) medical form available at PAC office (b) Bronze. Medallion Card Cc) Swim suit for swim test.


Tues Ott 23 1:30pm McCormick Arena

Tues 1:30-3pm, McCormick,, Lakeshore VII-Thurs 1:30-3:.3Opm Waterloo Arena-Wks of Ott 21&28

Offers beginner instruction per week for 2 wks In Ott

Sun Sept 16 8:30pm Rm LO83 PAC

To be determmed \

Basic mstr for beginners In fundamentals of play for a 3 week session.




Sun Sept 16 7pm Pool Gallery PAC


Sun Sept 16 7: 30pm Rm 1083 PAC


at meeting

Mon. Thurs. Frr 7:3&93Gpm Class time to be determined Class times

to be determined

Pool PAC at meeting.

of self-defense

for 4 hrs

lnstr from beginner to Sr LIfesavIng _ Emphasis IS on ImprovIng swrm ability _

Learn the basics of tennis weeks of Sept 17 and 24

;n 2


per \





. I



thci chevron T1



One point in ‘favour of an arena with large seating capacity is that more people could see varsity hockey games. Another point is J that the Waterloo Arena is not ’ expected to last much more. than five years so, why not build a facility with a relatively large seating capacity now than later? The reason. for not building a facility with a large seating capacity is related to the cost of maintaining the complex. Another reason is that the larger the compIex the longer the time taken to erect the complex. There is the matter of capital cost; the larger the complex the longer it takes to pay for the complex. ’ surface, which is used as a running Last month the Athletic Advisory A committee has been setup to Board formally decided to look at area during the winter months. study the cost of various alterThe .Arena facilities, both hockey the building of a student-financed natives. The best of t,he alterand curling, could be rented to natives will be presented athletic complex. The major to the institutions and facility to be incorporated into the other educational students for the final decision. other outside groups in this area to YOU THE proposed’complex will be a hockey STUDENT will ‘be help maintain the complex., This arena& Other possible facilities asked, ‘in the form of. a referenmentioned at last month’s AAB point brings up another concern dum, if you are willing to pay so meeting were a curling rink and expressed by federation president, many-dollars a year, for the next x Andy Telegdi. He voiced concern some form of running track. number of years, toward building There was no general decision as about- who would have control ‘of the complex of your choice. It to which facilities, other than a the complex and how much time should be mentioned at this point for varsity hockey facility, should be in- would be- reserved that the complex, what ever form teams. The hockey warriors would corporated into the complex when itis to take, will not be constructed use the facilities for about two to the meeting had adjourned. unless the students are willing to President Burt Matthews ap- two and a half hours each day at,a pay for it. time when the demand by other peared to be in favour of just a If the students decide to finance groups would be lowest. hockey arena with a seating the project -donations will be Telegdi was under the impression capacity of about 800. His major collected the same manner as the concern was not the cost of con- that the usage time should be tenth, anniversary fund--with unstructured, but this type of setup struction but the cost of. maintuition fees. If the idea is approved usage taining the complex. Seagrams 1 would not bring maximum the university will borrow the Stadium was his example of a by UW students. The intramural needed funds, to ,be repaid by the demands will most likely have facility with a large seating student donations, and begin capacity which was used to its priority in the schedule of usage. construction as soon as possible. It Included in the intramural capacity about four times a year is hoped that the-construction will and also required large sums of program will be free skating time. be completed in the fall of 74.. The kinesiology department will money to maintain. The proposed facility would be a An arena with a seating capacity also have use of the facilities for its gift from the present students to skills program. of 2666 would be more functional themselves and to future The-track facility, which could be than an arena with only three University of Waterloo students. easily incorporated into the design hundred seats. There are more Since this project involves you, the of the hockey arena, would be open than four varsity hockey games student, you should express your played on home ice each year. The for use by the entire campus as opinions on the proposal, so feel ice ,surface could be covered in long as the hockey facilities were free to send your opinions and order to. hold concerts, other en- open. The track could be used by ideas to the chevron or bring them terainment activities, and local track clubs and joggers into the chevron in person or give clubs, The winter in the Waterloo numerous other functions. Holding your opinions to one of the comconcerts and other related funcarea is not very conducive to mittee members (Paul Condon, running outdoors and the PAC tions in the arena would eliminate Carl Totzke,: Peter Hopkins, Bill some of the repair costs for the building is not the best place to run Lobban, Ernie Lappin, George PAC building gymnasium floor. At as many of you know; having had Neeland, Cliff Wilson). This present no concerts or related the experience of playing dodge proposed complex involves you, so functions’ will be held in the PAC ball with people playing baskettry to get involved. ball.. . until a suitable protective covering is purchased for the gym floor. , There are many questions to be. It was suggested at the AAB answered before the project gets ,,meeting that the seating should be underway; will the ice surface be No decision has been made at of a portable nature so that the available during the summer, will time about Seagram’s space is ‘not left unused. The the facilities be large enough to this University of Montreal has per-. hold concerts and functions of the ‘Stadium. The ‘stadium stands will same magnitude, will the facilities have to be taken down and manent seating with curling replaced. The playing field and facilities (four sheets) underneath. be, rented to groups. qutside the track will be used .by the football will Laurier be inNorth York Centennial Arena has university. team and the track and field team dressing rooms and store rooms on volved in financing, what type and for; practices. The annual two levels beneath permanent what size of facilities will be in the of Waterloo track and seating and a walkway on the complex, and will the project be University field competition will be held at thei a~ second level, encircling the ice accepted by the students? \ i . . . . . .*-graphIC by don ballanger

Proposal athletic

. newt for comfdegc I




- stadium as it is not. necessary for - while you are at the University of those who will be watching the Waterloo just drop down to competition to sit in the stands,. Seagrams Stadium during the first The playing field will also be week of classes or later (but the used for some of the intramural earlier the better) take to ,any of activities. rBoth the warrior the tracksters betwen the hours of footballers and Laurier will be four and six. playing their home games ‘at Kitchener Centennial Stadium this year. , l‘he stadium is accessible from ’ both Ottawa Street and by East f& K-W . Avenue. The. audience ’ participation activities will most likely be supervised by the ’ regional police force.

No games


-- ’ -


The warrior track and field team is going into what is classified as the old rebuilding trick. After dominating the OUAA track and field scene for four straight years the team slipped “into a fourth place finish in the OUAA championships last year. In the OUAA championships it’s the points that count at the end of the competition, other words, placing in the top ’ in six is just as good as winning. The last time the warrior, tracksters won the OUAA championship they won only four of nineteen events. If you have had any experience

’ WelI it seems that most of the Italian! representatives on the international university athletic federation share the same opinion. Eugenio Scarpiello, a member of the delegation which came to the Kitchener-Waterloo area last month to inspect the facilities and accommodations to be used for the area’s proposal for the World Student Games, stated that the seating capacity for the track and field stadium was too small. Primo Nebioli of Italy, who was ,elected to his sixth two-year term, states that the Kitchener-Wa terloo area was

’ I _.


_ ‘_ 1


chevronsportswriters ...footbaII ....sodcer ’

’ ’


...hockey ...&d the many other . athletic enbeavors of water1ooian.s.

Contact the .chevron sports{ department .


. (oi even faster)

‘, too small to host the games. In this time of great copcern ’ over the magnitude of indrop into Seagrams Stadium ternational competition, such- as b e t ween . the hours of four to six the Olympics and the World and talk to anybody on the team. If Student Games, one would think you cannot find - the time to go to that the persons responsible for the ’ -‘Seagrams Stadium to make selection of hosts for such events inquiries phone Python or Murry would look to countriei who are at 884-8462. attempting scale down the All of the events are wide open so magnitude of competition. This is don’t be shy or think that you (are not the concern of Mr. Nebioli; it not good enough, most tracksters ’ would appear as though he wishes ~ are friendly animals and rarely the World Student Games to match bite; YOU might even find it en- the size of the Olympics. joyable. As for Mr. Nebioli’s comment on Both the men% and women’s - the size of the K-W area he is teams work out and compete at the probably too narrow-minded to same, time and in the same places. look beyond the populationof an This type of relationship makes for area; if he 1ooked.a little farther he more pleasant workouts and, would see a population and an , competitions. interest that would meet <his apThe women’s ‘track and field proval. It is too bad that so many team is also heading into- a people in the K-W area put so much rebuilding ,year. Although the work into the proposal only to have number one spot in some events Mr. Nebioli come out with his will be, difficult for newcomers to comment when he did. He\ should acquire the majority of events are have told the K-W group last L open. Let us not forget that it is not winter when they first approached the number of first places that , the international body, that the ’ wins the championship, it is the area would be too small to meet number of points at the end of the their criterion. competition that wins the chamBecause of Mr. Nebioli’s pionship. But winning is not the statement and the fact- that main criterion, enjoying oneself is decision as to who is to host the - the main priority-all else is 1875 games has been delayed for secondary. three months the KitcheneiSO if YOU feel that YOU would like Waterloo bid has been withdrawn. to try track and field as an activity george neeland in track and field or just wish to do a little training or just want to find out a little more about the sport









17, 1973

by george kaufman

Out of town A ’ quieter * kind of life Kitchener-Waterloo in many ways is a large city trapped in a small town mentality. Since 1941 the population of the two cities - which nestle at times affectionately next to each other-has quadrupled. And if one includes the Cambridge area in what could be loosely called the Waterloo region the population reaches well over 200,000. The influx of students each fall at the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University and the community college adds roughly 20,000 more people. Despite a fairly large population and the not-too-other desirous manifestations of urban life like shopping plazas and franchise operations, K-W in many ways hasn’t realized it has grown up. Entertainment is mostly confined to pubs and movies which change with infrequency and whose managers’ selections are at the mercy of head offices in Toronto. Some live theatre does make itself available during the winter and the Picture Show, a 16-millimeter cinema in downtown Waterloo, tries to bring some balance by showing good, though somewhat older movies. Places to hear jazz and blues with any frequency are nonexistant here which ineans either trips to Toronto on the weekend or waiting for the Federation to sring in someone good for the next coffee house or concert. Folk music suffers much Jf the same neglect so fans have to stay at lome with their own stereos, become lroficient on banjo or hope for folk :oncerts at either of the two universities. t is doubtful that any kind of swinging light life exists here more than in “eterborough or Orillia. But it is possible to take advantage-of lvhat is left of the small town atmosphere although that too is becoming in:reasingly more difficult. The famous Xitchener Market with its Mennonite Jendors is now located in a parking garage; the old site the victim of urban senewal. Twice a week throughout the ummer until after Oktoberfest it is lossible to slide a basket over your arm ind buy eggs, fruit, cheese, vegetables, smoked salmon, pastries and hundred of Ither tasty staples and delicacies. The Mennonite farmers manning the rooths however are becoming fewer and *heir places are being taken by fruit Towers from the Niagara Peninsula and om*mercial bakeries. Some of the Menlonites have retreated to two new farmers

markets which opened in reaction to the tearing down of the old market building and city hall. One market is held every Saturday in Elmira, a small town on Highway 85 north of Waterloo, and Waterloo now has its own market north of the city. Elmira’s has been open since last summer and the Waterloo market since the first part of August. Both are smaller and with a more limited variety of products than at the older one in Kitchener. The small towns which surround K-W have other attractions and give a clearer -indication of the German influence which was predominant from the 19th century until the 1950’s. In 1941, for example, the population of Kitchener broken down by mother tongue was 47.9 per cent German and only 34.7 per cent British. By 1961 the German percentage had declined to 18.1 per cent. Elmira besides having the market offers trotting races every week and the Homestead Restaurant with homemade liverwurst and soups. And a restaurant in

Stores places

along the river street in Elora include to buy yarn, ice cream, tea and scones.

St. Jacobs next to a service station which looks like any version of Joe’s Diner has smoked pork chops, wienerschnitzel and homemade bread and_ pies. Food is often the main attraction of the small towns _which are within driving distance. Most hotels have their own versions of pig tails, spare ribs and pork hocks which range from edible to good. If you get tired of eating your way through St. Agatha, Petersburg,

Florence Nightingale sent a silver communion service to the Anglican Church in Elora where her first cousin was rector. Forbidden to marry the cousins separated with florence Nightingale dedicating hers/f to nursing and the rector becoming a missionary in Canada.

a high


of antique



Heidelburg and Breslau, there is still a trip to Elora, which is northeast of Elmira. More English than German, Elora has been discovered by people from Toronto as a good place to live while painting or doing pottery or making good furniture. Through a quirk of fate, Elora missed the influx of industry and neon signs which destroyed the beauty of many small Ontario towns in the fifties. Shady streets and gracious brick houses are home for retired area farmers and the “outsiders” from Toronto, KitchenerWaterloo and Guelph. Both groups seemed to be concerned with preserving Elora’s and its twin Salem’s quietness. But there is also the chamber of commerce group who like to advertise the possibility. of industrial sites and natural gas rates. A visit is a good way to spend an afternoon, going through the two pottery workshops (one of which is located in an old church), poking through the shops and having teaaand scones in the Nightingale Tea Shop and Antique Store. St. John’s Anglican church has a communion service on display which was given to the first rector of the church by Florence Nightingale, his first cousin and the woman whom he was forbidden to marry. Instead of marrying her, he came to Canada, first to the Red River settlement as a missionary and then to Elora. While in Elora, Florence Nightingale sent him the communion service. The church also has a choir and organist good enough to- have produced an album of anthems. The town is also only a few miles from the Elora Gorge, a conservation area with some spectacular scenery by the Grand River, pleasant meadows and a small lake for swimming. It’s a good way to forget streets and concrete buildings for a while and drop into a quieter, less demanding existance. Stratford is also within easy driving distance of Kitchener-Waterloo. Aside from the obvious attraction of the Shakespeare festival, Stratford itself is an often lovely- town with the Avon River banks offering a pleasant grassy place for meditation and looking at the swans. The Black Swan Coffee House at last hearing was still operating with music by Perth County Conspiracy and friends. Tea, coffee, cider and homemade yogurt are among its attractions. The disadvantage is having to listen to members of the Conspiracy complain about the festival crowd but waiting until that crowd has filled the coffee house befor performing. So with a car or a good friend with a car, Kitchener-Waterloo can become a bit more than movies and pubs and a trip to Toronto. -deanna



I l




17, 1973‘

the’ c hetiron



-, 1







committee. In the first place; alkhough the - , K-W area has only 150,000 inhabitants there are in the city the complete facilities : I _ of two universities, the University of ’ Waterloo and Waterloo ’ Lutheran , University. These facilites are largely unused during the summer when the games would be hel.d, and coul$. easily I ’ provide most of the facilities needed for the -games as well as top quality accotimodation for the appro%ately 3600 to -3800 competitors and officails wh% are . ‘- expected to attend. I There also seemed to be a great deal of concern as td the size of crowds which / would be attracted to the ‘games in a Please print this in’ you letters to the smaller community. Is it too unreasonable editor column and see to’it (I’ll pay for the to expect that the K-W area could draw postage) that Mr. R. Bell Alumnus,_gets a large crowds from Toronto, Guelph, copy and reads it. Cambridge, Stratford; London, and) Monsieur Bell you have what I call a Hamilton, all-of which are within 50 miles bad \case of diarrhea of the mouth! A of R!itchener-Waterloo? graduate student too! Don’t bother . We might also be abh to avoid the shitting on Telegdi with your asshole and commercialism and professionalism which save you’re (sic) toilet paper. I can’t stand se’ems to plague events df this type people who drool. (notably% the Olympics). Being held in Christ that was easy to write. Come Canada and in a smaller city would serve nob Bell surely 4 years at Waterloo hasn’t this purpose and also increase the made you iliterate( sic), or can’t you afford popularity of this type of evknt which has the ink? -never before been held in North America. In addition to this, holding the event in Canada would provide valuable training for officials and for the athletes since many will be Olympic contenders in 1976’ in Montreal. All in all it doesn’t look like the World Student Games. committee had sufficient . reason to turn down the K-W bid for the games other ‘than it hadn’t been done before,. Disappointment I’m sure is felt by many3 people not only in K-W but throughout the rest of Canada. Fred I&ding EMIC-

-. - Student g




. scbtchkd

Take that, ,Bell!

Early last year Carl Totzke, tlhe director of the physical activities complex at the University of Waterloo approached people with theidea of hosting the-~:975 World Student Games in the Kitchen&-Waterloo area. Following a sekies of public meetings at which this ’ topic was discussed, ,enough support was gathered to warrant taking t’he proposal ,before the municipal government; of both Kitchener and Waterloo. Both cities agreed to support the project and between them pledged $9OO,OOO%o help financd this undertaking. The rest of the approximately three million dollars needed was to come from the federal and provincial governments. In July of this year an inspeCtion committee from the World Student Games organization visited the KitchenerWaterloo are to look over the facilities and plans available should the games be held . here. After being held in suspense for the last month, the World’ Student Games committee this week informed us that they were turning down the bid of Kit-’ ’ chewer-Waterloo for the 1975 World Student Games. ThG main reason for the rejection seems to be that the K-W area is considered too small to host and event of this size an$ nature. I don’t feel that this is’ a fair judgement on the pa& df World Student Games



To open, sorry that this letter is written in this form (i.e. printed but(ocks)), being camped out in .the middle of the NWT bush as we are, we couldn’t find a plug-in, for the electric typewriter. Although there are only‘three of us U of * W students in outi party, we thank you seven times for s&ding the summer editions of the Chevron, with its blow by blow accounts of the various on-campus hassle sessions (i.e. Federation $nd Senate l meetings), its reports on campus social life-bring on the cheap broads! -andsports events, and its book .and music reviews. We have been particularly impressed by the centre features of each issue, although the same could be said for Penthouse. The information in the Chevron has a timelessness which- is a j, particularly good thing on the summer with Pierre’s third class mail delaying deliv’ery until at least 17 days after publication. our second All ’ seriousnes; aside, purpose in writing, other than to laud the Ch&ron, was to ,relate some impressions of the nortih for the benefit of those U of W students down &-Canada’s banana belt. The north is where a lot is presently happening and is going to happen affecting all concerned Canadians (hopefully U of W students!). The north has often been referred to. as virgin, pure as the driven snow but(ocaks) , as we all know-, even dyiven snow gets 6 , ,little on it sometime& (as d-o virgins, _’

C’est tout, M .A.P. Diening 2A Mech

particul&ly at summer pubs). Despite all’ the envirohmental protection talk, t’he north is being a little raped on the edges. The north is an amazingt place with its

Frbm with

I wrote to put in a word of r&ognition for Renison College. I stayed there for 8 months, bitched about losing my caution fee, spent some enjoyable moments-&ere and express praise to both the admini&ration/cooking staff. It has, what turns some students off, a sense of comx,nunity . A healthy, attiosphere and a crew of netily elected dons/senior resident that will undoubtedly make the 73/74 stay on campus a good one. So to all Renison Addicts who like myself bitched and ‘griped about the food and groups within groups I say only one thing; see ydu in the fall because its obvious that this community I spoke of is recognized since a great number of senior s&dents are taking up residence there iti the fall. To those who won’t be returning, well c’est la vie. To Al Shopland and-Di@na who are to b,e married August 18173 in B.C. and who are returhing to, U. of W. I wish the best of luck. I ktiow all the people you met at Renison wish you the. same.





and cool, not pollute_d *by undesirable elements as wall-to-wall people or ripple muscled pussheads who thick sand at your Molson’s (to give equal time3 muscleand the campfires, which you sit around at night. thinking, watching the midnight sunsets, and waiting for the knives to heat-aqd the earth, which supports the’ natives in their traditional way of life but als’o supports the welfare ‘office and the new, expanded liquor store. In Canada’s north we have found a #urple, w;“mdowless high school, churches’ in the ‘form of teepees and igloos, a beer garden on the tennis court .for Canada Day, a town planner restricting a town’s commercial developmhnt (he owns the only h&l-ie. BAR! -in $he town). The, list could go on and on. Its all amazing-that is the word - amazing. The notih iS a land of sociaI,ecofiomic, and ecological problems; magnificent, tincouched landscapes; amd tremendous -potential. We wish that more people, W&erloo students in particular, could experience the north so that they would be aware as the -north changes. The change has. begun and the time is now to ‘become aware. Thank you for letting us air these tipressions and continue the fin& work. Severely, Bozo Troll Bob Cruiser Y ‘.Rabbitskin Resort, NWT PS Fiom our detached viewpoint we concluded that the solution to the summer pubs p?oblem is an on-campus whore .house. \


member: Canadian university press (CUP) a$ (OWNA). The chevron is typeset by dumont federation of studehts, incorporated, university sibility of the chevron staff, independent of the campus centre; phone (519) 885-1660,885-1661 Summer circulation

Ontario weekly newspaper association press graphix and published by the of wa_terloo. Cont,ent is/ the responfederation. Offices are located in .the or uni:versity local 2331’. ‘: 9,000

If the summer mail-out chevron is here, can fall be far behind? Answer: No, of course not. Those of us involved in the chevron are mostly taking off for a few weeks away irom the bedlam of infantil’e politics and petty ego-tripping. And it will be nice, it will be. See you in a few weeks, when the fun ,starts in earnest, and probably the boys upstairs have a few unused tricks up their short sleeves incoming and upcoming freshies, hope with which to make our year more interesting. you found this issue illum’inating, informative, hi g, with-it., out front and etc. Have several . ‘new features ready to go in the fall, including a weekly feature on experimental work being done on _ campus and a surprise weekly syndicated cartoon series, so if you dig it. come to the campus centre and visit us. See you-all in Sept. Thanks to the following for contributions large and small-george neeland and the all-new ms: jaguette strappe-for fall deanna kaufman, mel rotman, bill culp, al vigoda, bob enni$ renzo bernardini, shane roberts, david cubberley, Susan gable, mr and mrs Scott, Susan johnson, KATI, don (the artist) ballanger, phil dchs, two old friends dropped in in the person of flash? mcdonald, and dudley--the Paul, david arsenault, irene price, dennis mcgann (a former jaques strappe), paul stue,we, peter hopkins, jane gail and linda, mike rohatyn’sky, Charlotte of course, fred bunting; and some ljeople I probably forgot sorry and myself george kaufman: Hi to all Fthe new .and old ducks at’the pond. I



the chevro‘n

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l -Co~FRoNf




17, 1973

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