
Page 1

- Monday


Birth Control Pelrine called ’

in a panel



by the

Centre .of the Waterloo campus Eleanor for the repeal of the present legislation on


on Demand”

the abortion





of the pane/,

question and the universal accessibility of She did not throw ,about ‘the slogan . operation.




she does

not be-tieve

that any doctor should be forced to performoperation--the choice should be one between

University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 14, number 28 friday, february 15, 1974





the representative


the the a/so

for Waterloo’s


HeaIth3ervices and a doctor himself. He explained the present structure in Kitchen&r Waterloo for any woman that wants to get an abortion. HeaIth Services refers their patients to either Toronto or Buffalo because the KW hospital is so unreliable; The photographer wk -Randy Hannigan. -

Stating --‘they-,case all deragain .a

Eleanor -Pelrine called for the a method of birth control”. But repeal of the abortion laws in they are willing to act as the Canada, and named the present family doctor in the woman’s case legislation a “violation of the ,and take the -matter to Toronto Canadian Bill of Rights” last General Hospital for conMonday night in a panel discussion sideration. There, “it usually goes through”. The woman has to travel of the question of abortion. Pelrine is the author. of Abortion in to Toronto for a preliminary or visit with a Canada, a frank account of the examination present situation for Canadian physician and a counsellor; and women. In her _opening remarks, then within a. week she is asked to Pelrine gave a brief history of-the .return for the operation. In this abortion issue in Canada-the law case, the regular health insurance reform of 1969, and then described takes care of the costs. the case,of Henry Morgentaler the -_ If the woman prefers, she c% Montreal phflician who has also arrange to travel to Buffalo, publicly stated that he performed New-York, for a legal -abortion. It over five thousand abortions.’ can all be arranged through Health Presently, in order to obtain a Services-the cost in. this case is legal abortion a woman must first $150. In both instances the woman go to her o&n doctor and-ask him is guaranteed a medically safe or her to present the case to the . abortion and the best in medical abortion committee of the area care. hospital. All hospitals do not have. The KW hospital does have an abortion committees-in fact, abortion committee but it is very today, 7 five years after the unstable-its policy is not fixed legislation was passed by and their- feelings change day-toparliament, only one third of - day. The KW hospital does not Canadian hospitals have any have an established policy on the abortion committees. abortion issue because, apA woman seeking an abortion parently, they have not been able does not personally present her to determine the feeling of the case to the abortion ‘committee, it community. The hospital tries to is all done for her by the doctor follow community wishes, and involved. does not want to do something that Dan Andrew, the medical will raise the hackles of the condirector of Waterloo’s Health cerned citizens in this area. Services, was also a member of the The majority of the panel agreed panel and he described the that abortion should be availablesituation for women on this but there was some disagreement campus. Officially, Health Seron the circumstances and the, vices does not “support abortion-as requirements for a legal-2% abortion.

John Nash believes that the man involved in the conception of the child should also have a right to say whether or not the woman will carry the baby to.term, or whether. she will have an abortion. Mailene Webber made a more valid claim when she said that men should have a say in the decision, but their weight in the decision should be proportional to the responsibility they are willing to assume during the entire life of that potential human being. Webber also brought out the point that not all pregnancies can be avoided-the assumption seemed to have been made by-most of the panel that it was the woman’s fault if she got pregnant because she had obviously not taken the proper precautions. Pregnancies can not always be avoided-not everyone can take the pill, or use the IUD, or any other method. For these people pregnancy is often-not a choice, unless they .are total abstainers. However, D.T. DeMarco had a different approach to the whole matter. He sees abortion as just .


on page 2 b

for complete results of ekction see page 23



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continued from page 1 another indication that our society is disintegrating around us. “No society can call itself civilized if it allows the judicial condemnation of its helpless infants” He also warned the listening group that no woman should ever have an abortion if she ever intends to have any more children. His claim was soundly refuted by other members of the panel-Pelrine quoted some opposing research and. several members of the audience scoffed 111 at his claim.


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15, 1974

DeMarco also admitted to being The major thrus’t of Bezner’s the president of the board of talk lay-in the biological material directors of Birthright-an that he used. A series of slides organization that operates in most showed the development of a of the English speaking world, and foetus in its mother’s womb, noting that tries to. help women “in all its unmistakably human form. A those ways that are possible”. preserved foetus in a jar was Pelrine informed. the group that passed around the audience according to the Birthright code to emphasize further its any volunteer must “refrain from “humaness”. He stated that there-‘\ speaking about or referring‘ to is no scientific evidence to indicate anyone who will aid the woman in that life doesn’t begin at conlearning about contraception”. ception, and pointed out that with Most of these ‘issues and most of _ the current advances in medical the issues raised Monday evening technology, children born at less have been thought out over and than half term (28 weeks), in some over again-everyone has their cases have survived as viable. view on abortion and very few human beings. It people are remaining who have not Then there were. the standard formed some opinion on the slides of aborted foetuses:’ sliced abortion issue. Unfortunately the up from the Dilatation and panel and the audience seemed Curettage method; in a garbage , content to go over this safe ground bag after Hysterotomy ; skin red again and again. Webber called for and peeling after Saline Poisoning. action from those who support the ‘All accompanied by graphic abortion law repeal -and Pelrine descriptions of the techniques used informed the audience about the in each. method; the emotional upcoming tribunal in Ottawa. The hard-sell that is so effective in its . tribunal will take place in early us~e of shock, effect rather than March and women from all over reason to gain followers::. Canada will\ be present to state Overall, however, Bezner’s was -their, case and name the real a reasonable approach. He said criminals in, the abortion conthat he felt abortion to be troversy . justifiable only in cases of tubular “Few men are aroused by inpregnancy, where the mother’s life jUstike when they are SUW Of not is endangered. The 1969, amendbeing its victim themselves”ment to the Criminal Code was an Pierre Elliot Trudeau. “enlightened and honourable -Susan johnson law”, > but has been abused’ by . unethical doctors who are interpreting and exploiting it to their own monetary advantage. There is nothing so dangerous, he‘said, as the combination of a distraught, pregnant woman and an un- . scrupulbus doctor ready to cash in on her predicament. ‘\. As for the psychological effects on a woman being forced to have 5 * an unwanted child compared tothat on a woman having an Bezner was of the’ The case against abortion on abortion; demand was put forth last Tuesday-‘opinion that no satisfactory study had been done to indicate which of night by Hart Bezner of WLU. His talk was sponsored by UW Prothe two was the more traumatic. Life, a recently formed campus - He did not delve very deeply into the psychological aspects of ‘the organization operating out of St. issue, and the questions such as Jerome’s. being available to Bezner prefaced his remarks I that of’abortion with the statement of his belief rape victims, for example were not discussed. , that most of the people he talked to The basic view he took was that were instinctively opposed to the pro-abortion attitude prevalent abort ion, and only needed exposure to the facts to be confirmed today is due to ignorance on the part of individuals as to what is in this view. His presentation was actually * involved in abortions. centred on the precept that it is Laws can be enacted which are morally indefensible to set up unjust, Bezner observed, but social guidelines that allow an which please the majority. The individual to determine whether danger lies ingoing too far too fast another human being is to live or die. .-The information presented without pausing to consider exactly where the direction in pertained to the abortion issue, but which we are going will take us. covering the topics of euthanasia or mercy-killing as well. -Paul mamelka j




15, 1974



-. Fees Experts, both local and. provincial, predict major increases in tuition fees,‘ textbooks,’ food services and{ on campus parking. These additional student taxes will be implemented by next fall. Jack McNie, the minister of Colleges and Universities, has yet to deny the rumoured $100 tuition increase for the undergraduate session of 1974-5. He refused to commit himself when questioned _ by Paul Axelrod, the OFS research co-ordina tar, a bout the possibility of fee increases similar in amount tp those of 1973. McNie’s final pronouncement, either for or against the fee in-. creases, will only occur’ in late March or early April, a time when students are concentrating on theses and finals. When contacted, Burt Matthews claimed ignorance of any major tuition overhaul. He furthered his claims b-y stating that ‘COU (Council of Ontario Universities, a provincial wide administration body) has also received no indication of any fee changes. But whatever Matthews and COU might want to believe or say, -the final word belongs to the Ontario government. It should be noted that since Bill Davies will have to fare an election next year, the possibility of university fee increases should be respected. _ The campus price increments, were announced by Bruce Gellatly in the last Board of Governors meeting. The university bookstore will have to increase its ‘16 percent markup by one percent. The markup will occur in the prescribed lists, i.e. the compulsory- texts that students need to attend classes. The average student pays $100 a session for. course te$. No doubt the bookstore feels that this average potential revenue is inadeguate “to break even”. The next predicted increase is the Food Services operation; . prices for meals at the various campus outlets will come under review. by next September. Finally, Gellatly mentioned that the parking rates would have to be adjusted to offset the “accumulated debt and pay maintenance and operating costs”. He was quoting from the report released February 4th, which’ madg a series of recommendations to Burt Matthews regarding the traffic and parking situation on campus. The report was drafted. by a committee which included among others Thomas Duffy, treasurer of the Federation of Students. Duffy is a graduating engineer Student. The report calls for a $1.50 increment in the flat rate thus \ - bringing the rate up to $4.50 per month. It recommends a $.15 increase for the student lots in front of South Campus Hall (lots A and 0. The new entry rate would be a quarter instead of ten cents, and it would be left to the discretion of the President when this increase would occur. Burt says that the rate in lots A and C will remain at ten cents until May 1976, at which time it will be a quarter ‘per entry. The advisory committee states that of all’the campus parking lots, the student ones (A and C> are the most costly, together they bring in. a revenue of only $44,732.00 while their costs amount to over $64,000.00. -john


Last Monday the campus centre great hall was a hive of‘activityfirst there was a discussion and film about the Artistic Woodworking Strike in Toronto and then when the air had c/eared the great ha// saw “Christians Under Attack”. On the kft is Da_yid Monies a speaker during the first discussion who spent some time -

noted such activities as grabbing someone’s hair from behind or the practice of reaching for a woman’s breasts and twisting-not simply questionable use of force. All- this and more: infrared cameras, video tape vans, tow trucks and parabolic microphonesfar more than what you might expect a police force might need’ even if they’ were on duty as escorts for there were supposed to be about strikebreakers. six people speaking, only two And then it is interesting to note’ actually showed up, but neverthe type of fines;that people have1 theless gave very good account of received for such convictions as themselves. Madeleine Parent, an “mischief” or “obstruction”. official of the union (CTCU) dealt These have been the typical mainly with an explanation of the charges. Monie noted that senissues involved in the strike. She tences of $200 to $400 fines or even also brought a film with her shot prison terms,* are being handed by National Film Board people down to immigrant workers, when which depicted general strike similar charges would ordinarily activity somewhat hazily, though draw’” mild fines of .$25 or simple there were a few interesting chastisement. And of course, scenes of some of Metro’s finest in people have been automatically action- (a particularly noteworthy fired upon conviction. On the other shot of a few people knocking a hand, the few police and company ‘I man’s h,ead against a wall). foremen who - were charged and David Monie from the United have gone through trial have had a Electrical Workers spent time on perfect record of acquitals. But the lines and was subsequently then, it was likely difficult for ‘arrested. He talked about the _ many people to-identify policemen‘ activity on the Iine and about the to charge more of them, since it trials which are still going on. was common practice for them to Monie was himself dragged onto remove their badges. the ground and beaten up after he At the moment, the Artistic tried to go through police lines to workers have won the strike acinform the inspector,on duty that cording to the CTCU. The contract he wished to lay a charge againsta of December 3, 1973 compelled the policeman who had kicked himmanagement to withdraw their thisby the way is a practice which management-rights clause and - while escaping the attention of the workers have received 65 cents an movie camera is an effective way hour increase over two years. The both to move as well as to provoke eight people dismissed because of people. Monie was provoked and the convictions rising from their charged with attacking a involvement in the picket lines will policeman who it turns out later, have their case decided upon by an was not near the accused at the arbitration board. Still, the trials time. are still going‘ on and money is Monie’s was not an isolated case needed. So if you are interested _--in _ and he (described tactics used by learning more about the strike or the policemen to provoke peoplewould like to contribute something restraints which went far beyond to the defense fund you can see the necessary, which seemed to David Robertson in the Federation draw a person out just enough to Office. enable charges to be laid. Monie -dudley paul

Artistic homes ._ .td ~qter-loLo .For three and.a half months last ‘fall, the strikers at the Artistic Woodworking plant in Toronto fought with both management and the Toronto police Emergency Task Force, a group of gentlemen . with a reputation for being among Metro’s toughest. As can be expetted, arrests were voluminous-108 people in all were charged and to date there have been convictions with 23 acquit: tals. _ The workers, ,-mainly im, migrants, had w,aited for a w.age agreement during negotiations which lasted some six months. When finally, a suitable proposal ~ was made, the Artistic management wanted to introduce a clause into the agreement which would give them the, right to change any rule in the plant at any - time-the workers would have no recourse to a grievance committee. So, in effect, what the management wanted to bring I about and what the workers feared was a useful union. busting tool. The company could reserve -the right to fire anybody-at any time since the rules were subject to arbitrary change and without any notice. Predictably, the workers, members of the Canadian Textile and Chemical Union, went out on strike. Though the I strike was legal, the Art istic management brought in scabs and the Metro Police to protect the scabs. The ensuing battle and the trials of the aftermath were the subject of discussion at the Artistic Woodworking Strike forum which was held here last Tuesday. While

on the Artistic picke_t lines and was consequently chaqed with attacking a pokeperson. After the initial presentation the pane/ y invited questions from the floor at which time Waterloo student joe e _ Sheridan added his own comments to those already made. The photographer was Chris Hughes. -

I-ncome tax agam -m

There are a lot of things that we have to contend with every year, without fail. One of these is filling out income tax forms and counting on ,money back from the government that we have paid when working. Most of us, however, even though required to do this every year, do not fully understand the process nor the best way to claim all of the deductions. There are lots of secrets to income tax. In last week’s chevron four math students examined some areas that might be of interest to most students trying to do their income tax within the next couple of months. These students are also making available an income tax service for anyone who does not want to bother with the trouble of figuring it all out. The ‘four students are Keith Farlinger, Glenn Soares, Doug Brooks and Dieter Gaubatz. They are willing to do forms for faculty, staff and students, and ares charging $4 for the job. Legality of the return is guaranteed as long as all the information they receive is the truth, and as long as they receive all the information. For an appointment or information you may write to k. ITS MC 5104 Math and Computer Building or you can call either Farlinger at 884-5177 or Soares at 884-6719, after seven. -Susan



_ .

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15, 1974,











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The university’s Executive cost of computer time with funds Council stuck to a conservative allocated for that purpose. On the line Wednesday in deciding to go basis of other institutions’ exahead with an existing order for an perience, expert observers such as IBM 370-158 computer rather than Computing Centre Director Paul take the plunge on more powerful Dirksen expect computer usage to machines proposed by Control decline in the new system’s first Data, Honeywell and Univac. year of operation. Following the regular, Wed.The lone dissenter against the nesday meeting of Executive decision to go ahead on the 158, Council, university president Burt Engineering Dean Sherbourne, Matthews told the chevron that the said he did not think there was decision was based on the results enough information to make a of a cost study prepared within the decision and criticized council for past two weeks by a small com“taking a blanket decision that we mittee chaired by Finance and needed more computing power”. Operations Vice-President Bruce -He felt that the university shouldGella tly . “live without a new machine untilMatthews said all proposals the effect of chargeout is known”. came out to be fairly even in dollar - As it stands, Computing Centre terms, within a spread of “2-3 Director Paul Dirksen told the million”. The IBM proposal came chevron he expects delivery of a out the cheapest, he said. model 158 central processing unit and an unspecified amount of 3330 A clear majority of Executi-ve disk storage units “sometime in Council members favoured the August” of this year. He said the * IBM machine. Mathematics Dean Bill Forbes and Acting Dean of new system should fit into the -existing setup with almost no Arts Pat Rowe abstained, while trouble at all. Engineering Dean Archie SherThe Data Processing Departbourne was against any new ment, previously one of the most machine. vocal critics of the service they The cost study, Matthews said, took into account such factors as were getting from the Computing Centre, will have- their . own rental, lease terms, installation,“virtual machine” on the new site renovation, air conditioning, system. Data Processing Manager transp.ortation and training’costs. The total costs over 44 months, he Bud Walker says his operation will appear to have its own computer, ‘said, were “not very much difcomplete with console. The virtual ferent from one another.” machine will guarantee data Explicitly excluded from the security, he says, and he expects analysis was the conversion cost that his department will get its for the department of Data long-cherished wish of having their Prodessing . However, the study own tape drives in the departnoted that Data Processing, whose ment’s machine room on the first position is such that it is firmly floor of the math building. locked into (IBM equipment, would In order to cover the‘ difference need between $500,000 and -between the $51,000, per month $1 ,OOO,OOOto convert: allocated in the Computing Centre e Also excluded *from discussion budgetand theactual rental cost of was an evaluation on the basis $58,000, the Computing Centre may that, as noted in the report ap,be sending back some equipment proved ’ by the Computer . now connected to the 360-75, which Resources Advisory Committee the university owns. The equip(CRAC) which recommended ment involved may include the consideration for other vendors, trouble-prone datacell and some any of the other proposals “would 2314 disk storage. provide roughly twice the capacity Matthews said that the of an IBM 370 model 158”, and university will not be “locked in” -possibly result “in very great long to IBM equipment “any more than run savings. ” it is now”. He added that “after the Matthews said that Executive 158 has been here for a year, it can Council was aware of CRAC’s be removed on 90 days notice”. estimate, but added that “we were Mathematics Dean Bill Forbes not at all sure we needed .it, said he ‘hoped Wednesday’s because with the new chargeout decision would be part of “a policy we are not sure of demand”. continuous study in the light of ’ -The proposed chargeout policy information that becomes aims at forcing user departments to control their use of the computer available.” By going with IBM and lease, he said, “we by making them pay for part of the a- short-term

Last Tuesday night while giving a legture on “women in revolt” oppressed, but then asserted that she did not think they deserved photographer.

can proceed in small steps and try to keep our own steps reversible.” While he believes that the majority of the math faculty.feel that “the needs of- timesharing would not be met by the 158”, he said the decision was a good one in that it followed the recommendation of the Computing Centre, which was faced with the responsiblity. of dealing with the university’s new computer. But, he. added, “it is now up to the Computing Centre to deliver.” -Preston -._



FoIloh/ that dreati

Some day after the revolution, there will be a society in which people will be never oppressed. A woman will not be forced to have children or toget married. She will be able to live on her own, with other women, men, with or without her children. She will not have to ‘worry about working to feed her family, there will be enough food for everyone, but if she wants to work-she can. And everyone will live happily ever after. Kathleen Dalton, the women’s liberation director of the Young Socialists painted a vivid picture of the goals of the Young Socialists when she’spoke to a small group in the campus centre last Tuesday night. She claimed that the reason for sexual oppression is the capitalistic society. She supported her beliefs by telling of primitive societies which existed with no sexism or oppression (as long as they knew their correct %places) until they were introduced to the capitalistic society. * She explained that the capitalist society oppressed everyone by its very nature-that it could not possibly exist without some kind of oppression. On the same note, it would be-impossible for anyone to escape this oppression as long as Canada was a capitalist society. To change one thing, (the society),

Kathleen Dalton agreed that men were consideration. Linda Lounsberry was the,

would immediately mean others groups on campus, worked out a would be changed. set of formal proposals last fall, A man who was concerned about proposals which were approved in the women’s movement, asked principle by the Executive Council ‘what he could do to help the’ of the university in December. The Computing Centre will be puttingfeminist movement: He was told to support the women’s movement the scheme into effect during the and help to change society when next few months. t the time came. The need for-men’s Not included in- the chargeout liberation was brought up and then scheme is the Math Faculty Computing Facility’s Honeywell dismissed by Dalton. Apparently the theory that women were born 6050, because, university . said, “it as whole human beings then /- President Burt Matthews transformed into little‘-’ girls _ is a machine for experimental use dressed in pink, does not apply to by the math-faculty.” little boys dressed in blue. If the new scheme takes effect The society Dalton described May 1 as proposed, the Computing wasan appealing one, but in order Centre will receive 80 percent of its to achieve such an ideal, more budget directly, with the must be changed than the remaining 20 percent being economic -control. People’s undivided in still-to-be-negotiated derstanding of themselves, their proportions among the various friends, and the society they. live in user groups. must be developed before any A Computing Centre ?.mit” change c-an be made. To changecosts an average of 50 cents to the economic state’and develop the produce. When a user runs a consciousness of just women would normal job, 40 cents towards that not create a livable non-sexist unit comes out of the Computing society. Centre Budget, while the -linda lounsberry remaining comes out of allocated funds. A sliding scale is provided, so that the user will pay up to 50 cents per unit for top-priority work, or only 5 cents per unit for “I-don’t-care-when-I-get-theoutput” work. The new system would replace the _ present Proportional Allocation Scheme, in which user - \ groups receive a fixed proportion of the Computing Centre’s resources, but can run as much as the system will take. With the advent of chargeout; the Computing Centre has a large protective cushion. In the event that users do not spend all or most New patterns in computer usage develop’ in May when the of their allocated funds on computing, however,-which Paul university changes over to a new method of accounting for comDirksen says is often the case when such a scheme first goes into pu ter resources. According to the new policyeffect-the Computing Centre called chargeout-the university might conceivably have to either will give each faculty, the Data lay off staff or send back equipProcessing department, and ment. ‘certain ,other user groups may On the other -!hand, if a user . group runs out of allocated have a _ special budgetary resources, they may be either allocation which is intended to be forced to accept super-slow serspent on computing but which can vice, or to find money for combe spent on other things. The issue has existed since 1969, puting from somewhere else in the budget. With the advent of the new when management -consultants first recommended it. The Corn-- machine, the possibility exists that puter Resources Advisory Corna large user such as the math _ mittee, w@ch is advisory to the faculty might run out of resources vice-president (academic) and while there is still excess capacity which represents the major user on , the machine. -Preston gurd

Changes for comr>irters






6, the chevron


15, 1974


photos by grahame aitken



the ,U of W touch6 team -





15, 1974

During half-time of the Brock-Wqterloo game last Monday night Warrior fans were entertained by a group of Orzmgeville public school boys known as the Mini-Bears. The eight boys, coached by Ed Boates, a senio‘r basketball coach at Orangevile District Secondary School, gave demonstrations of ball control, and basketball gymnastics, a// to the music of “sweet georgia brown”. Coach Boates is hoping to encourage a broader base for basketbaIL He feels that the on/y way the high school basketball program is going to be successful is if basketball becomes more prevalent in the public schools.. photo bj/ grahame aitken.



_ ‘. AcjgrbsSive warriors -on tbp


I b

It is extremely difficult to attain Waterloo played excellent consistency when each club one defence when they defeated the plays performs in a heterogeneous Hawks last Saturday 70-55. During the opening moments of the game, manner. Rather than requiring confidence with each game played, WLU attempted to use the stall so as to draw the Warriors into foul a -basketball team is put in the Five minutes ‘into the awkward position -of having to trouble. gafie the score was 7-O and WLU adapt to new concepts each time. had not attempted a shot. Possibly Prior to last Saturday’s game, the Hawks couldn’t adopt to the the Warriors had played 23 games -Waterloo tempo, but when you’re against teams whose game behind, the stall isn’t the best strategies were as diversified as snowflakes. Warrior success %had strategy. The slow tempo enabled the Warriors to conserve their been inconsistent. But with one energy, and preserve a 10 point game to go in the OUAA regular lead for most of the game. season, the Warriors appear to have finally put it together, as they . On Monday, Waterloo welcomed the, Brock University Badgers to occupy the number one position.


the PAC. Though the Badgers have won only two games thus far in the season, they have a very good offensive team. Tom Murray is still. the leading scorer in the OUAA. The Warriors encountered difficulties adapting to the Brock offense and at the end of the first half, Brock led 43-36. Coach McCrae had a few words of encouragement during half time and in the opening 50 seconds of the second half, Waterloo forced Brock to commit seven turnovers, and took the lead 45-43.: To win ball games a great amount of desire and hustle is needed. E’d Dragan displayed these attributes exceptionally well as he led the Warriors to an 81-78 , victory. * Several members must have taken notice of Dragan’s guidance. During Wednesday night’s game against the Windsor /Lancers the Warriors played their most aggressive game of the season. The Lancers are noted for utilizing various types of presses -with unusual success. They’ are an aggressive team and offensively, they attempt approximately 100 shots a game. Yet against the Warriors they have been able to attempt only 126 shots in two games. In their 88-68 victory Wednesday night, the Warriors handled the Lancers pressure very well. The Warriors are ‘not noted for aggressiveness. Following the game,’ Lancer’s Coach Thomas attributed Windsqr’s loss to the Warrior’s aggressiveness. “The excellent Warriors played defence ; their aggressiveness certainly contributed to our poor shooting”. Fans were fortunate to see some excellent and exciting basketball when Jeff Scott made four straight steals in the Warrior end of the court, and raced to the Lancer hoop for six points. 1 Tomorrow night the Warriors meet the Gryphons in Guelph for the last scheduled regular season ga-me. The Gryphons are very physical, and they lost to the Warriors by only two points in-the first OUAA game of the season. To retain their hold on first ,place, Waterloo must win tomorrow night. \\ -mihail murgoci i

Rbgby Warriors B-ball

at Guelph Saturday playoffs here tuesday at Guelph

february february

16 8: 15 pm, 19 if we win



+ Toronto




OUAA finals am .

Fencing Swimming Wrestling


sunday february 20 7 pm friday february 22 here


16 9

at mat february 16-17 here february 22-23 at Western february 15-16

Athenas Curling B-ball


at Laurier


Swimming V-bat1

at Guelph tuesday

OWfAA 15-16

championship .


at Ottawa

~_ february february

15-16 19

at Ottawa . february



Saturday, February’ 23, the Warriors are playing the Porcupine Rugby Football Club of the Northern Ontario Rugby Football Union in Timmins: This invitational snow bowl game is expected to help condition the players against pain and cold, provide experience for the coming fall season and also happens to coincide with the Timmins winter carnival. Most cities in Ontario have *Rugby Uriion teams which are placed in various districts and divisions according to their caliber of .play . These Union teams start playing in the spring and exhibition games with these more experienced players help prepare the Warriors for the fall OUAA schedule. York University has teams playing both in the OUAA and the Ontario Rugby Union. This added experience ha’s obviously .payed off as they are the defending OUAA champions. Additional trips -are planned for this term and the club will be entering 7-ASide tournaments in the summer. Anyone interested in going along should call Ken Brown, ext. 2304 or attend one of our meetings which are-held the first Monday of each month at the Grad Club.

the - / chevron

7 8




L I -_




Last weekend the Warriors continued to be undefeated at home by beating Sir George Williams and Wilfred Laurier 7-2 and 11-3 respectively. In their first encounter against Sir George, Doug Snoddy played a tremendous game between the pipes by stopping 27 out of 29 shots. His quick reflexes and his fast glove hand proved to- be Sir . George’s downfall. Although this was only an exhibition game the encounter was quite rough with Russ Elliott, Dan Partland and three Georgians being sent to early showers. The action remained close with the score at the end of the second being 3-2, but the Warriors returned in the third period to collect four additional goals to assure them a victory. The Warriors scoring was led by Ron Hawkshaw with 3, Russ Elliott with 2 and singles going to Dave McCosh and Rob Madeley. The Laurier game turned out to be a complete reverse ‘of the January encounter which resulted in a 3-3 tie. It seemed as if the Warriors were out for revenge as they fired 60 shots on Laurier’s Phil MeColeman. / Credit m,ust be given to McColeman who stopped. 49 of these 60 shots. Jack Dupuis played an outstanding game in net for the Warriors: The Warriors collected 3 goals in both the first and second period and 5 in the third with Laurier collecting ! in the second and 2 in the third. The Waterloo scoring pace was led ‘by Mike Guimond with . 3, Randy Stubel with 2, and singles going to Lee Barnes, Dave McCosh, Bill Stinson, Dan Partland, Rob Madeley, and Ron Hawkshaw. - Last Tuesday night the-warriors travelled to Guelph to play the Gryphons in what seemed to be a tough match for both teams. Both were determined to win but-had to settle for a 4-4 tie. The Warriors did not play their usual strong game giving the puck away on too many occassions. Waterloo had a 2-1 advantage at the end of the first period on goals by Lee Barnes and R%ss Elliott. The Gryphons,scored twice in the second period to take the lead but Warriors’ Mike Guimond tied it up before the end of the frame. The Warriors regained the lead early in the third period on a two on one break with Jim Nickleson scoring on a pass from. *Barnes. They seemed to have the victory in hand until the last minute of play when the Gryphons scored after pulling their goaltender in favour of an extra attacker. This was a tense game and as the final siren went benches cleared, and the numerous brawls erupted instead of the usual handshake. Last night the Warriors played McMaster in Hamilton but the results of this game were not available at press time. This coming Sunday the Warriors will host the University of Toronto Blues in the biggest game of the season, with Toronto being undefeated in their season’s encounters and the Warriors being unbeaten on home ice. Game time is slated’for 7 p.m. at the Waterloo *Memorial Arena, and it is suggested that you should arrive early in order to get a seat. -1iskris

Athena sq,uas h


The Athena Squash team was also active this weekend. The girls 1travelled to McMaster on Saturday to compete in the McMaster In vitational Squash Tournament. Those universities who competed were McMaster, Queen’s, Toronto, and Waterloo. The final,standings were McMaster 14, Waterloo 12, Queen’s 9 and Toronto no points. Waterloo played without their number one player Rosemary Roberts, however they made a good showing with Barb Wilson and Wendy McNabb winning all their matches ‘and Jo-Ann Price and Carol Bertuzzi winning two out of three of their matches. Beverly Olivei* and Di Hossie, newcomers to the team this term, made a good attempt but were not as successful as the other players. * Coach Neil Richardson is enthusiastically training the team for the Ontario Team Championshipat the Hamilton Thistle Club at the end of March. The team will also be playing the Skyline- Club in Toronto on February 18.

She&t revenge I In a rematch last Saturday the Waterloo Athf;nas were reacquainted with the sweet taste of victory on the basketball ceurt. The Athenas seemed to put everything in the 53-46 win, with McKenzie leading the scoring with‘ 14 points, followed by Tatham with 10. The Basketball Athenas were in fine form as they ran away with a 59-29 triumph over McMaster on Tuesday night in the Athletic Complex. A decisive win ! The defense was loose and the offense showed for only part of the encounter, but the shots were going up and the Athenas were scoring. Half time brought harsh words from Coach Kemp and in the last seven minutes of the contest we saw sensational, high pressure, hard running basketball. Leading the’ scoring was Parker with l-3 points, followed by Morris and Tatham, each with 10 points. The Athenas’ next encounter will be Tuesday evening when they meet Sir Wilfred Laurier, and a will here will almost assure them of a play-off birth. -phi1


-. * .





8 the chevron 0

\ _c




15, 1974

_ :


m\ Earthworks -IS CLOSING- OUT! DISCOUNTSUP TO Id,> I -,-‘. J.-- ,,50%’ LOST


Copper medallion and chain; afford small reward. Call David 3193 i PERSONAL

can 745-

Double or single furnished room $45 and $55 monthly, parking available. Near Waterloo Sauare. 579-4496. Apartment to sublet may to septem bet-, furnished, -3 bedroom, 1% baths. sauna. Phone 579-5048 after five.

Looking for part time work? Try Go Go dancing. No experience necessary. Call Laurie 579J8085. .

Room available for student in private home, Lakeshore Village. $12 weekly, colour TV, all laundry done, cooking facilities available, dishes done, private phone in_\ room, home privileges, oarking. Phone 884-0235. .

Contact Holiday Ranch for skidoing and horse drawn sleigh riding. Call 664-2616. FOR SALE

Combination) hi-fi stereo radio, record player, television ;. Fleetwood. $100. 105 GuiJdner, Kitchener. -WANTED


Summer ‘work. Qualified swimming instructor and life guards needed for Atwood Community Swimming Pool. Please forward qualifications and wages desired to Ralph Bowman, RR 4 Atwood.

May to septem ber furnished townhouse with pool, 2 minutes from UW (143 Columbia at Phillip) will rent individually ($46 monthly): or group . ($186 monthlyr. 884-3741. Sublet townhouse May to September (at most three persons), television, furniture and pool. 511H Weber street north, Waterloo. Call 884-7443. HOUSING




” -

A couple looking to share an apartment or house now. Call vvonne 745-2932 or leave a message.

Will do typing of essays and thesis in my home. Please calf Mrs. McKee at 578-2243. Will do typing (Lakeshore 3466.

, /.

One person wanted immediately to share three bedroom townhouse. Furnished and television.-51 1H Weber street north, Waterloo. Call 884-7443.

Village) 884-



---GRAND, --& . -rr - ‘OPENING FEB. 15 & 16 C&JO

- 380-KING N. WLOO. 884-1210, 1211 - _

. -



The National Design Council and the Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce offer scholarships for advanced studies in the field of design to: Applicants who are employed in the field of design and hold a recognized degree or qiploma in design or a related field.


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Outstanding students who have completed a secondary design program in a recognized institute wish to continue and amplify their design studies.


Midcareer designers or to professionals in other related fields, who wish to pursue specialized studies or research with -a view to teaching design or undertake other design related activities. ’




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post and


is April 30, 1974. write


Registrar ‘Design Canada’ Scholarship< Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce Ottawa, Ontario KIA OH5

HONDA-SALES & SERVICE 10 % discount for students with cards ’ on opening days free coffee and donuts



- I Concert at the Nightingale Teashop


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in Elorb the University

of Waterloo

Madrigal .Singers on Fri, Feb. 22, at 8 & 10 pm I


Double or single room for rent, kitchen and washing facilities. close to university, ma?e only. Phone 884-1381.

TYPING Typing done in my home/Phone 7778.


Townhouse to sublet May to September 1974, swimming pool, partially, furnished, 4 bedroom, beside Parkdale Plaza. 885-0936.

Professional draftsman, low rate, will do )diagrams, chart of graphics for thesis, reports or journals. Lettering with-_ Leroy and Letraset. Ro 884-7503.



$2.25 per person refreshments for reservation call 846-5772;

included 846-0195

. ’










15, 1974




the chevron


r po&ible’l62,-the



galled no- ’ Easton. Second place, went to Renison, while third went to another optometry entry and championship with the closest contenders being University of fourth went t$ recreation. Western Ontario with 129 points The Athena Badminton Team and University of Toronto in third finished the season on Friday, UPCOMING EVENTS position. ’ Wrestling Tournament February 8 at WLU hosts of the fourth and final tournament of the Much credit must go to the% entry date-Wed. Feb. 20 \ tournie date-Thurs. Feb. 21 73-74 competition, by placing no superb coaching of Judy Moore, as both team and coach were well to be hel-d in gym 3 PAC 7: 30-11 :OO lower than runner-up in any of the IO championships being contested. rewarded by making the best Pm showing ever for any one round robin by weight class In the singles division, the top four University in an OWIAA badprevious champion-Renison rankings were won by Athenas a minton competition (the previous Ellen * Hunter, .Maggie Acheson, Men’s Broomball Na%cee McDonald and Sue ’ best earned by Queen’s last year in entry date-Fri. Feb. 22) winning 6 championships and Hamilton respectively. The fifth organizational meeting-Tues. coming out on to,p of their age-old and sixth singles championships Feb. 26 rivals at McMaster). were both closely contested by tournie week of March l-11 Waterloo team members Wendy Congratulations to all members of single elimination with consolation tjhe teams. _ MacKeigan and Mary Kiviste. previous champion-St. Paul’s 1 Both players hold respectable Table Tennis records of l-6 wins and 2 losses to entry date-Mon. March 4 claim their, runner-up ,titles for tournie-Tues. March 5 their rank championships which ’ to be held in main gym at 7: 30 pm were lost in three game matches to single elimination, with consolation University of Western Ontario previous champion-K.Culik of I players Donna Seaman and Wendy Faculty Childerhose. Mixed Volleyball ’ With such a great showing in the entry date-Fri. March 8 singles events, the girlsproceeded draw posted-Mon. Mari3h 11 to make an even more impressive tournament-Tues. March 12 7 :3OThe University of Waterloo showing in the doubles events. The 11:00 pm Underwater Club is hosting an teams of Ellen Hunter and Maggie single elimination with consolation hockey tournament! ‘Acheson, Wendy MacKeigan and Underwater previous champion-St. Jerome’s of Waterlob Nancee McDonald, and Sue here at the University V-Ball Changes on Saturday, Feb. 16 starting at 12 Hamilton paired with Mary The games scheduled for Wed. noon. Kiviste lost only one match Feb. 27 have now been changed to This first annual event will be throughout the season to win all Tues. Feb. .26 due to the CIAU ’ pla-yed in the, 25 yard constant three doubles titles for Waterloo. basketball championships. The depth pool by six players per team With the impressive season games will be played at the same fins and a record of 152 match wins of 7a with masks, snorkels, stated. small pusher stick. The object of, times as originally



c,ontestfor the OwIM ‘tleam

Under water h.ockey?

It is unfortunate that there is no ‘Canadian championship for the Athena bird women to win. Competition in badminton is limited to the / provincia/ /eve/. Photo by tully d’alleva.




j lnyourown way ’ : In youfa @wn’titie.

the game is to push the puck (a small round brass weight) into the opponents goal. There wll be five referees to call penalties and all -games will consist of two 10 minute periods. So why not qome out and cheer your favourite team on. COED


157 people turned out for’ yet another beautiful ski day. As is the custom of the intramural office fine weather fell on the day chosen for the event. Of the 157 skiers, a total of 41 entered into the competitive novice and expert giant slalom. In the experienced men’s race Peter Armstrong had a win@ng the of 28.9, second was Bob Fydell and third was Drew Robertson. In the novice men’s race Craig Eggleston -placed first with a time of 33.9, with Ian- Robertson and Paul English placing second and third. There were a total of 32 ski rentals, no injuries reported and a good&me had by all. I

taste, ofHayed @YIliiitet: / BOWLING

Twenty-four teams competed in this years tournie,which was split into two draws. In this co-ed event, with teams consisting of two girls and two guys, each team was required to bowl three games and the championship team was determined by the teams three game total. Last years champions Co-op Residence bowed out to a close fourth place finish. This years winning team came from Kin, B. Stark. (928 total) A. Walker (4133, B. Dumencu (632) and B .\ Oliver ( 552) for a three game total of 2525. In his third and final5 game, B. Stark bowled an amazing 411. Apparently he is now in the process of considering a long term contract ,with the bowling club. The second place team- was Regular Math 1 with a game total of 2352. Third was Kin II with 2171 . and fourth was ‘Co-op Res. with 2170. From the Co-op team came the top female bowler, Brenda Henderson who had a three game total of 605. , CURLING


The Department of Natiotial Health and Welfare advises that danger to health increases with imount smoked.



This tournament held’ Sun. Feb. 10 had fourteen rinks entered. Each game consisted of eight ends with a total of three’games played per team. The winning rink with a grand total of 46.5 points came from optometry. The members being Dave Myrfield, Dave Passmore, Dave Dixon and Len --_



Senior AR is being offered by the Intramural Department. It is going to be a crash course starting on Feb. 26at 7:00 pm in PAC Room 1089. ,The course will run on March 1, 7 : 30-9: 30 in the. pool and the exam will take place on March 5 at 6:Oi) pm in the pool area. Anyone wishing to-sign up please come to the Intramural Department or call 885-0723 and ask for Debi Young. FRYER


1. Kin 2. St. Jeromes * 3. S$cience 4. Regular Math 4. Optometry TOWNSON

90 81


57 29 29


1. St. Jeromes 2. Kin 3. Regular Math 4. Science 5. Co-op Math

124 49 25 24 / 16


Games ;rt

Renison St. Paul’s Vl South League

-5 4

B .

4 4 4

8 6 4

4 4 4


4 4 3

8 6 4

4 3 3

8 4 4


8 64


3A Mech E.S.S. Vl North League




Pentagon Clinicians St. Jeromes





Losers St. Jeromes Attilla’s Raiders

3 3 3 3


6 4 .3 3


Grads Ret V2 South A League

4 4







V2 East West D Lower Eng League



.T.O. Trotters St. Jeromes A Co-op Math League

v Points 8 y8 6


St. Jeromes Science Indep League


4 4 4

8 8 4

4 4 4

8 5 3


Renison Kin \ Rugger’ Buggers





10 the \


chevron /\


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Delicious, fruity, full-bodied Manischewitz Blackberry \C\!II~. Make something of it. Like: Manischewiiz Stinger Pour 3 parts M‘anischewitz Blackberry Wine and 1 part brandy over ice. Stir well. 7 Manischewitz lemon Fizz Fill a tall glass with cricked ice. Add juice of l/2 lemon and fill half-way with Manischewitz Blackberry Wine..Top up,with club ;sod& St‘ir. Serve with straws. Manischewitz Fruit Wine Aperitif Rub rim_ of glass with lemon c peel. Add dash of bitters, fill with cracked ice, add twist of lemon $el and pour on Manischewitz Blackberry Wine. Stir lightly. _Foj other interesting - _ Manischewitz recipes, write Suite -800,234 Eglinton East, >4 Toronto. n



/ _.-


lxthus loffe& house in its second season of free admission, coffee, soeach and live. 9-12 ML coffee shoe. SUNDAY Waterloo Jewl%h students-Hillel. Israeli folk dancing in the 3rd floor math lounge. 8pm. Phone 744-5798 for more information. Students International Meditation Society advanced lecture and group meditation. E3-1101, All 8pm meditators welcome. :.


‘Circle K metting. Everyone welcome.





Paralegal assistance offers professional legal advice. CC106 or phone 885-1840.

free non7-10 pm

Free meditation class 7-8:30 pm STS3064. Presented by Ananda Marga <lJ of W Pro-Li?e group organizational meeting 7:30pm HUM161. All those interested are welcome.

Contract bridge Partnerships can .-I

7 : 30pm CC 135. be arranged. Free


Documentary film on Sri Chinmoy 8pm \ CC135. The experience of meditation in the daily life on an Indian Master



help them take the garbage and re-cycle it into -som.cthing useful, > rewarding and, Christian. We’re helped by a decent education. By intelligence, empathy. and a sense-of humour. By developing a tofigh and gentle spirit. By having as a well-spring a rock-like faith in Christ. Come help us help others to help themselves. I t’san extraordinarv life for the right kind of man. ti Think about it. Then, if you’d like to hear more, write or call us.

C.S.S.R., Avenue, -

Students International Meditation .Society 7 : 30pm MC2065. Introductory lecture on principles and practice of Transcendental Meditation. . Free movie “Rock, Pretty Baby” 1956 Sal Mineo 9pm CC great hall. One of first and best 50’s rock films. THURSDAY Waterloo Christian fe’llowship informal supper and get together 5:30pm CC113. Mary Stewart, a. psychology professor at York U will speak on Sexualitv. Paralegal Assistance-offers professional legal advice CC106 or phone-885-1840.

Life drawing class. 7.-9pm HUM386. Everyone w’elcome. 25 cents. Sponsored bv* Fine Arts Guild. -

SUNDAY Paul Morrison, a U of W Biologist, will lecture on “New -Problems in the Encounter Between Science and Religion” at the Conrad Grebel1. -chapel at lo:30 am.


Christian3 BrdherS -:;;r;ss (De La Salle Brothers)




free non7-10pm ’


A life of prayer and-service in community.

j ’

WEDNESDAY c Amateur Radio club meeting. New members always welcome. 4:30 pm E2-2355.

Please send me a copy of your16:page photo .essay describing the life of the Christian-Brothers.

Toronto *



THE REDEMPTORIST PRIESTS Gerry Pettipas,426 ,St. Germqin M5M lW7. (416); 466-9265


Students Internaiional Meditation Chess Club Meeting. 7 :30pm CC135 Society 7: 30pm MC2065. Lecture on Rated tournaments, instruction or just princ;ples and practice of Tranplay. scendental. Meditation. Gay Liberation movement has s&cial ’ A whole new outlook on .vou and the monday events. 8pm CC1 13. For< m&-e universe. Come and discover how you information call ext 2372 or just drop fit into God’s perfect plan. Christian into. our office. CC217C. Science informal group testi<ony meeting. 7:30pm SSc301. Kitchener Public Library jazz club8pm. Topic Trends in Popular Jazz by Al Celebratibn of the Holy Eucharist Collins., 7:45am St Bede’s- Chapel, RenisonCollege. . TUESDAY __

Mar&hetitz. -lheslarbf somethiig great.

Some job description, eh? Forty bucks walking around money.. Spending your working hours . listening to the-wretched pour -- out their misery. Our customers-cut through everystratum of society. Our territory is all over: prisons, tough bars, squalid rooms jammed with families of five, broadloomed surburban living rooms jammed with everything but”hope. All those folk standing in their own gdrbage. _ Those ‘are our people. We try to


- living in Aqerica. Sri Shinmoy has been’l a nominee for the Nobel prize in English Literature.~


Baha’i fireside. 7: 30pm Everyone welcome.





Mail to:

Brother George Morgan, F.S.C. 5 Avoirwick Gate’ Don Mills, Ontario M3A 2M5





















1’ Spain: Comebdc 1 . for’the-. -,: ,’ * s e/ :’ */ * moveknt? / / fl. In the foll,owing article reprinted from the MancheFter ‘Guardian, garcel Niedergang examines the murder of Carrero Blanc0 in the light of other recent political events in- Spain. He gives a full account of the inurder on December 21, 1973 and the implications and reactions for the people of Spain.

MADRID-At 9:30 am on December 20, General France’s ministers waited in the premier’s palace in the Paseo de la, Castellana for Admiral Luis Carrero Blanc0 to open the regular Thursday meeting of what was known as the “little cabinet”. Since taking over the effective day-today running of the government the previous June, the Admiral had introduced new working methods. During the week he would confer privately with a number of ministers, especially . Lopez Rodo (foreign affairs), Carlo Arias Navarro (interior), Fernando Linan (information), and Torcuato Fernandez Miranda, who combined the functions of Vice-Premier and Secretary General ’ of the National Movement. ’ Since Carrero Blanc0 instituted the meetings of the so-called little cabinet, which was attended by all members of the government, the customary Friday cabinet session held in General France’s presence had tended to become a routine chore, with the Caudillo sitting at the end of the long oval table, silently, or with a nod, approving decisions taken the previous day. The new procedure freed the 81:year-old Franc0 of a duty which he had performed personally until he appointed Admiral Carrero - Blanco, his favourite confidante of 30 year’s standing, to ‘the premiership. It also illustrated the Admiral’s new and expanding authority, He held the effective; reins of government, and was in consequence increasingly respected, admired, feared and hated. The admiral’s uniform,-sat oddly on this naval officer who for many’ years enjoyed his role,



‘. -


no less faithful to the regime, but excluded from . power”. The force of- this darguement was seriously weakened, however, by the government changes *of June, 1973, which were in fact engineered by Admiral Carrero Blanco. Since . then outsiders believe that the influence of Opus Dei within the Spanish government has been , drastically-reduced. On Thursday, December 20, ‘the Admiral’s . daughter was ill and for once did not accompany her father to mass. At j 9:30, as his car was ,, passing. 104 Calle Claudio . Coello, 1OOlb of dynamite exploded, hurling the vehicle’over the five-storey Jesuit building. The police escort car ) was crushed against the church wall. The smoke . cleared to reveal a hole in the road nine feet deep and 45 feet wide. Gas and water mains were fractured. A score of other vehicles, including a taxi which had just dropped off a passenger, were destroyed. Cracks appeared in buildings all along the street. There was complete confusion. The Dodge had disappeared, and for a moment the police thought it had managed to escape. In fact it had jacknifed I in the explosion, grazed a cornice of the Jesuits’ roof and landed on a narrow gallery which runs around the building’s inner courtyard. The ’ premier and bodyguard were dead. The chauffeur died three hours later. There was equal confusion when the ministers 1 waiting at the Palacio de. la Castellana were told what had happened. The first explanation put c forward was that the explosion was caused by a gas leak. On the *face of it there was nothing absurd in this. During the summer a residential area near Generalissimo Avenue had been extensively damaged by just such an explosion, and curiously enough a gas explosion killed four people in Barcelona two days after the assassination. But although the coincidencewa$ - scarcely credible, this explanation was accepted and publicly announced by General Diaz Alegria, Chief of the General Staff, and until 7 that - I evening no’ alternative account of what had happened came from official sources. Meanwhile .the General left his office at! the general staff and I went to the presidency building to join the . ’ bewildered ministers. . Intelligent, open minded, and avowedly apolitical, General Diez Alegria has a wellearned reputation as a liberal. ,One j of his brothers is attached to General France’s military household -. and is generally believed to-have some influence . in the Prado Palace, France’s official residence on the outskirts of Madrid. Another, Father Diez Alegria, supports the position of the postconciliar Church and works with’ Father Jose Maria de i as a. behind-the-scenes operator in the small Llanos, a formerly fashionable priest who now rococo Palacio de la Castellana. Then, late in life, lives in a working-class slum in the _Madrid he conceived a passion for politics. suburbs. ! When vice-premier, he gave a sensational The author of a successful theological work, interview to Emilio Romero, director of the union Father Diez Alegria has had several brushes with newspaper Pueblo-although the sensation was the police and on one occasion was even arrested. more due to the fact that the interview had taken The General is obviously more orthodox than his place at all than to any originality .of thought brother, but his “liberalism” does. him little good expressed in it. As premier, he turned more and in the midst of hardline Falangists who readily more to his past, took notes for his Memoirs, and assert that he has no prestige in the army. honed up his political ideas. “One of my greatest Whatever the truth of this, Diez Alegria is cer1 _ pleasures”, he once told a close friend, “is to put tainly not the ind of man to organize a putsch. down my thoughts in black and white.” ’ In the confusi $ n following the assassination he He was a man of regular habits. Each morning acted efficiently and with moderation, apparently _ he and his daughter attended 9 .o’clock mass, at .already aware that some of the regime’s military the Jesuit church of San Francisco Borja in the and civilian hardliners might be tempted to use posh Calle Serrano, about 300 yards from his the situation “‘to bring something off”. home. He invariably took the same route in his There was good reason to think that this might I car, a Dodge Dart. After Mass and a long spell of be so. As soon as he heard of the assassination, meditation at Father Rubio’s tomb he was driven General Iniesta Cano, Director General of the to his office in the Paseo Catellana, turning left Guardia Civil (police), also hurried to the along Calle Maldonado and then left again along premier’s palace, where he was given a cool Calle Claudio Coello, which runs beside the reception. General Iniesta Cano was. the real massive five-story Jesuit house separated from leader of the \ anti-government demonstration the church by an inner courtyard. A single police sparked off when left-wing extremists murdered a bodyguard sat beside the Admiral’s chauffeur, b policeman on May 1 last year. Outraged rightand the Dodge was followed by an escorting wing ultras accused the government of softness, vehicle. ’ ’ just as they had at the time of the Burgos trial in In spite of his morning routine and the fact December, 1970, vowing to string up the- “Red that he was a benefactor of the San Francisco priests”. A few days after the murder, the Borja church, the Admiral’s attachment to the General and a few prominent Falangist. leaders Jesuits was known to few people in Spanish headed a demonstration of several thousand political life. He was widely considered to be a protesters. The General’s protest bordered on pillar of support for the Opus Dei movement-an insubordination and it resulted in a cabinet assumption that prominent figures in the regime . reshuffle in June which somewhat modified the had, on occasion publicly, upheld with some malcontents, chafing against their exclusion from feeling. For evidence they would point to the slow power or their limited responsibilites. The ’ but sure rise of the -Admiral’s close aide, principle casualty of the reshuffle was the Laureano Lopez Rodo, culminating in his apbrilliant-perhaps too brilliantforeign minister, pointment as Foreign Minister in July, 1973. Gregorio Lopez Bravo, felt by the right-wingers Opus Dei’s enemies complained ’ bitterly to be too close to the technocrats and business , against what they saw . as the>’ Admiral’s community and envied as the main benficiary of favouritism for a “certain group” and his con- ~ continued on page 12 sequent indifference to the claims of “other men, ,




the chevron








continued from page 14 the October, 1969, reshuffle, which had embittered all the-other groups which supported the regime. His replacement was Lopez Rodo, a courtly and distinguished Catalan who is a member of Opus Dei. At the time some of Lopez Rodo’s friends’ ’ murmured that his promotion was. a poisoned chalice, and they have turned out to be right. Today he is a victim of the second offensive bye the regime’s right-wingers in less than a year., After his cool reception at the presidency, General Iniestg Cano went on to the Prado, hoping to see’ General France. However, the Caudillo, who had asked to be left alone for two hours when he was told of Admiral Carrero TBlanco’s death, sent word to the hot-headed Guardia Civil boss to “communicate his views through the proper channels”. But by this time Iniesta had already done a curious thing. He had sent his provincial commanders a two-page telegram containing an order to occupy the provincial capitals, although the duty of the disciplined and well-armed Guardia Civil is confined to policing the Spanish countryside., not the towns. That same Thursday morning, a Colonel of the Guardia Civil accordingly presented himself to the governor of Barcelona - with his orders. Surprised and mystified, the governor alerted Madrid, where the iovernment reacted promptly and vigorously. General Iniesta was ordered to cancel his telegram. Other equally curious things happened in the‘ immediate wake of the assassination. There was for example the case of the “Alfereces Provisionales .” This militant organization ,, represents the provisional officersstudents, university, teachers, and professional soldiers promoted from the ranks-who fought on General France’s side during the Civil War, and today their survivors are the shock troops of resistance whenever the regime which they helped put in the saddle seems to be trying to dilute or_ abandon the principles enunciated in July, 1936. Last May they demonstrated in the streets. Now they issued what amounted to an ultimatum to thegovernment and an appeal to the army to seize power. However, they were firmly ordered to withdraw this proclamation. Here, too, General Diez Alegria played a ’ decisive role. December 20 was also the day when the trial of *Imembers of the Workers’ Commissions was due to open in Madrid, and after the assassination, rumours spread that right-wing extremists were making for the court. In a significant gesture, the police offered protection to two of the defence lawyers, Jose Maria Gil Robles and Ruiz Gimenez, although their offer was turned down. Meanwhile, the ministry of information announced the news of the Admiral’s death at 12:30 but gave no details. The following day, a member of General France’s family launched a violent public attack on Information Minister Fernando Llinan for his circumspection. This uncertainty at government level surely were taken to . explains why-no special precautions stop the culprits from getting away. There were no controls at Madrid’s Marajas airport, &rd until evening roads leading out of the city were’ virtually free from surveillance. The people of Madrid were casting their minds back to the 1936 - assassination of Calvo Sotelo in reprisal for the murder of the communist CastilloTincidents - which ushered in the Civil War. Why did they jump so readily to the conclusion that the Basque separatist movement ETA had struck for the first time in Madrid, where their activities usually attract little attention? News of clashes between ETA and police loses its impact by the time it reaches the capital, where few .’ people are aware that while Carlos Arias Navarro, the hatchetman of the Carrero Blanc0 government , -was minister of the interior, nine leading ETA members were killed in the Basque country. The Bilbao police rushed to the-aid of their By F.riday they were conMadrid colleagues. vinced that the\ assassination was. the work of ETA, and sent a report to this effect to the government, which kept it quiet for the ttie -. being. The situation was still delicate. General Diez Alegria learned that the Captains-General, some of whom have the same political leanings as

General Iniesta Cano, had also issued orders without referring them to the general staff, and in another move designed to check pressure from hardliners and the right he put the Madrid Garrison under his direct control. J, , Most Spaniards felt reassured when the ETA was officially accused of the- assassination on Saturday. It seemed less and less likely that the crime would have any immediate repercussions. People were still impressed by the incredibly meticulous way in which the crime had been prepared‘and by the coolness of the assassins. Government leaders were taking a straight forward view of the case. Nevertheless, many Spaniards still felt a lingering doubt. “The ETA Basques? Why, of course,” said a taxi-driver: But he added significantly: “ Pero, no habra algun gordo por detras . : .? Might there not be ’ [January 51 somebody big behind it all?,”

gesture towards a church that is accused bv hardliners of “betraying the regime”. The strains of the Falangist song, “Cara al sol”, could be heard rising from the throng, which now filled the whole breadth of the avenue. People waved placards demanding an “end to leniency” in the courts; urging that “red priests,” besent to the gallows, and calling for a “strong government”‘, capable of “barring the way to communism”. But is the government really as weak as all that? Certainly not in the opinion-of those who have, been pressing for years for a genuine’ liberalisation: nor, more particularly, in the opinion of the lawyers representing the members of the workers’ committees-whose trial had begun the previous day, and who feared their clients would be the first victims of any hardening of the regime after the death of the admiral. They tried in vain to get the trial postponed, and their

The members of the $ Party (PENS) still spo on their battle jack{ Action has not managc the student populatic commandos of Anti-R1 titularly fond of attacl and especially in Bare The Spanish Circle Association of Voluntc its allusions to the ~104 Division that fought ale Russian front during Association .for the De are little-known groaI other hand, carries mo Pinar’s talents as an the true representativ groups is probably th -

MADRID-By 4 o’clock on the afternoon of Friday, December 21,1973, Madrid’s Paseo de’ la Castellana was already. packed with people watching the .funeral procession of Admiral Carrero Blanco. It was a motley crowd: as well as the usual rubbernecks, there were soldiers wearing black armbands, civil servants ordered to take the day off, and fashionable women in fur coats. But there were also working-class women in black scarves, groups of students, professional men and women, craft workers, and people from the lower middle class. It was above -all a quiet crowd patiently braving the cold gusts of wind and waiting for the procession to pass.

In front of the Premier’s official residence, where the mortuary chapel had been set up, various Ministers and prominent figures of the regime prepared to follow. the coffin; which was placed on a gun-carriage drawn by six horses. Their faces were drawn, showing signs of grief and deep-felt emotion, as’well as anger and ‘impatience. Among those present -’ were former important colleagues of General Franc0 from the time when Spain was still flirting with Nazi Germany, such as de Arrese or Serrano Suner; flanking them were members of present rightwing pressure groups such as Blas Pinar, smoothfaced with black hair slicked over his skull. Professor Jesus Fueyo Alvares, national adviser of the National Movement,. wearing thick dark glasses, raised his arm in salute as foreign VIP’s and members of the government came out of the building. In the front ranks of the crowd, which was just be&inning to chant “France! France!” I could see Jos@ntonio Giron, with his white hair and orator’s face, leaning against his neighbour, General Iniesta Cano, the head of the Guardia Civil. This-array of solemn, tense men, some of whom had virtually disappeared from public life, but who as a group represented the 35 years of the Franc0 regime, were witnessing what one of them called “the most important event since July 18, i936. The comparison-may seem a little farfetched. But the fact remains that there was something strangely awkward and impromptu -about the funeral. The assassination of the previous day had shown up the weaknesses of- a regime apparently unable to protect the Head of Government, who for several ,weeks previously had received a series of increasingly specific threats. And yet no security measures seem to have been taken in the Paseo de la Castellana, where the crowd was held back by a slender cordon of troops. Anyone could have joined the official cortege and walked alongside -ministers-or at least have got within three yards of the Portuguese Prime Minister, Marcel0 Caetano, or the American Vice-President, Gerald Ford, _ The upright figure of Prince Juan Carlos, in naval uniform, could be seen walking a. few yards behind the gun-carraige. But the cortege was led by mitred prelates, with Cardinal Tarancon in the first rank. The presence of the cardinal .archbishop of Madrid, surrounded by auxiliary bishops and his closest collaborators, unleashed hostile reactions from the crowd. The now almost forgotten Fascist salute was given as a contemptuous7



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On the morning the trial opened, commandos of the “Guerrilleros of Christ the King”, who during the previous months had specialised in attacks on working ‘class areas, roughed up a number of Spanish lawyers and foreign observers. For years now, every s@tback suffered by the regime has been exploited by extremists in order to put pressure on those leaders who are suspected of being prepared to yield to the “temptations of liberalisation” to “pave the way for comor “to come to terms with capitalism”. ,munism”, Ever. since the Burgos trials and the mass demonstrations on Orient Square .in 1970, the - extremists, with the- support; of Falangist hardliners, have come to realise how strong they are. A union leader told me that in December, 1970 several high-ranking figures repeatedly /had to plead with a reluctant General Francoxefore he finally decided to say a few words on the balcony of the royal palace to a crowd that was even then “To the, stake, with the red priests!” chanting: The Caudillo’s cryptic reply - “I .understand you” - has not been forgotten. The demonstrations have become more frequent more - agressive, and more openly challenging. . The militant extreme Right as such is made up of a-number of small groups-whose profusion is not so much dangerous as confusing. The “Guer&lleros of Christ the King”, although not very numero’us , are boisterous, active and entirely capable of committing physical violence

movementsin France for them would be: “W done, but we’ll do it .’ In any case the signi not so much its exten catalyst or a trigger. I caricatures, but they parable -reflexes, feeli siderable sector of a *h: public opinion, The extreme Right is only of disturbances or riot: panic current during judged from events ( perfectly ordinary crc extremists, and screar an insult to the church of scapegoat for the December 1970, tens strators called for the priests:‘. Now for the has spread to the who with people calling for Within the ranks 0’ which has been .barred Civil War, there has bc split’ between -the revolutionary Basque2 favour of armed resists secret political groups ( the Communist Party) favour of non-violent legality.

‘y 35, 1974

anish National Socialist, portraits of Adolf Hitler s. National University to have .much effect on as a whole. And the rxist Struggle are parlg bookshops in Madrid \ ona. ’ %iends of Europe, the 0s for the Crusade, with ns of t8e notorious Azul gside Nazi troops on the the last war, and the rice of Spanish Thought Fuerza Nueva, on the weight because of Blas ganiser and orator. But significant of all such same as that of similar


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One clear sign of this is the difference of opinion that has manifested itslef between Communists and Leftists in both France and Spain since the bomb attack of December 20. The Spanish Communists,, with more than a semblance of justification, felt that the attack considerably prejudiced the cause of the “workers’ committees, where their influence is considerable, on the very day that the trial of Marcelino Camacho and his comrades was due to open in Madrid. Although the coincidence. is strange, it is likely that those responsible for the attack werechiefly concerned with striking a blow during US Secretary of< State Henry Kissinger’s visit to Madrid (which was brought forward at the last moment by 48 hours). What is surprising is that the police did not take a greater interest in Claudio Coello Street, which is very close to the


r Italy. A fitting slogan don’t know what’s to be

cance of such agitation is as its power to act as a l slogans may often seem evertheless set off comgs, and fears- in a conh’ly depoliticised Spanish umbustiousness of the le tip of the iceberg. Fear :an quickly revive the old le Civil War, as can be a month ago when a rd went along with the ?d “France! France!” as which has become a kind regime’s difficulties. In If thousands of demo,narraignment of the “red rst time, the opprobrium hierarchy of the church, ardinal Tarancon’s head. the left-wing opposition, uorn political life since the n an increasingly marked anarchist groups and on one side, w$o,are in ce and terrorism, and the Lthe other side (including who are unequivocally in sction and a return to

United States Embassy, and which, for much of its length, is flanked by the Jesuit college that the Prime Minister visited every day at the same time. It ..is now thought in Madrid that the then Minister of the Interior, Carlos Arias Navarro,, personally warned Admiral Carrero Blanc0 _ against the dangers inherent in an unchanging and regular itinerary. The Admiral apparently ignored these warnings, even though he had been receiving frequent and specific threats over the last few months. , The Spanish Communists have publicly stated that they believe the assassination was “the work of professionals.” They suggest accordingly that the people responsible for it are not necessarily those named in Madrid on December 22, and the whole truth about this spectacular and politically significant act has yet to come out. .. It’ now seems virtually certain that the six young Basques who have been accused of the crime by the Spanish authorities are not the guilty men. Following the press conference organised by ETA militants in a Bordeaux suburb, the Spanish press yet again criticised the “unwarranted negligence and weakness’ of the French police, _ and stated that the Spanish government was on the point of demanding the , extradition of the- guilty men. But many Spaniards have noticed that the details of the operation given during ,the press conference had already been revealed in Spain itself, if not entirely in the press, at least in informed circles. And they have noticed -a slight

contradiction: in Bordeaux, the ETA spokesmen stated that there was no red paint mark on the - wall of the Jesuit college. ,But the thousands of people who went to Claudio Coello Street after the attack were able to see the celebrated red line for themselves. __The contradiction is probably the resultof an oversight or a misunderstanding: but, the controversy which is extremely important from the political point of view, is ,far from closed. In Madrid, those in favour of genuine liberalisation cannot pretend they believe that the parties of the traditional Left (Communists and Socialists) (‘aim to overthrow the present regime by violence.” According to one member of the Franc0 regime, “It is almost 30 years since the Spanish Communist Party turned its back on >iolence.” Such controversies and divergences are not apparent in the regime even between the hotheads of the extreme Right and&he more outand-out elements of what one must call, for convenience’s sake, Falangism (even though the term has lost much. of its meaning). In fact, Falangism covers such a wide range of differing tendencies that its “hawks” are the fellowtravellers of the neo-Nazi groups, while its “doves” have a great affinity with neo-Socialist ideas. According to well-informed sources, there have been at least two occasions when serious and widespread disturbances fomented by “circles close to the Falangists” have been nipped in the bud. In 1956, when a Falangist student was killed by Left-wing demonstrators in Madrid, Rightwing commandos vowed to Y‘to stick at nothing.” And in 1970, during the Burgos trials, when public opinion was outraged by criticism from abroad, “a real St. Bartholomew’s Day-style massacre” apparently almost took place. The Spanish Church, which was the bulwark of the Franc0 regiine during the civil war and afterwards, is certainly racked by fears, doubts, and problems of conscience. But one should be aware of simplifications. In 1936, the whole of the Church did not come out on the side of the * “crusade.” During the Civil War, many members of the clergy in the Basqueeountry remained unshaken in their support for the Republic, and many paid for their courage and their beliefs with their lives. It is no su.rprise‘ then that the most uncompromising stand is still being made by Basque bishops. Two of-them at least, recently appealed to General -France to reconsider the situation of the priests imprisoned in Zamora. But it would be a mistake to imagine that the whole of the Spanish clergy is lukewarm, let alone openly hostile; to- the regime. Reservations and reproofs have been voiced: Msgr Tarancon, for instance, went last month to the extent of calling for basic liberties. But many Bishops still have strong ties with the Govern-merit. Although they are careful to encourage the application of the Vatican II resolutions, they have no intention of being “lumped with the Reds.” They were deeply shocked by the hostility shown by some of the population of Madrid during Admiral Carrero ‘Blanco’s funeral. On December 22, there was a sharp, clash between Cardinal Tarancon and one of the leaders of the “Guerrilleros of ’ Christ the King,” who abused the archbishop during the service held in the Church of San Francsico the Great in honour of the late admiral. General France, Prince Juan Carlos, and all the members of the Government were present. ‘A- scandal was prevented by the intervention of a minister.Cardinal Tarancon caused a- sensation by readingto the congregation an extract of a letterwritten to him by Admiral Carrero Blanco: “I want you to know, your Eminence, that it is more important for me to be a son of the Church than to be the vice-president of the Government.” Cardinal Tarancon went on as follows: “In our episcopal- college, we are bishops who love theChurch passionately. -And we are prepared to serve it at the cost of immense sacrifice. But we are also Spaniards. We love- our country passionately and are ready, to sacrifice ourselves for it.” ’ . A well-informed source told me that the Archbishop of Madrid left the city under special

guard the very same evening to take a few days’ rest in the country. The real purpose of his departure was apparently to protect him against possible attack from Right-wing elements while “feelings were still running high. During the funeral, when the cortege halted for a moment at the Castalar traffic intersection, several hundred arms were raised in salute to the Jesuit church on the right, where the admiral was killed. The’. atmosphere was electric. In the evening, Blas Pinar, accompanied by a thousand supporters, went to -Claudia Coello Street and 1 addressed the crowd as they gaped, wide-eyed, at the college’s lofty facade and the cornice damaged by Admiral Carrero Blanco’s hurtling Dodge. The ’ integrists’ demonstration was swiftly broken up by the police, who on this occasion were determined to take no risks. Their orders-had come from high up: According . to those close to him, General Franc0 displayed great sangfroid when he learnt of the death of his closest collaborator. “Todo es atado, y bien attado,“: he said (“Everything in its place, and firmly in its place”). He insisted that “nothing must change.” Although suffering from flu and worrying about the health of his wife, Dona, Carmen, who is said to be very ill, the Caudillo rose from his bed on Friday December 22 in order to welcome Vice-President Ford, and Premier Marcello Caetano, on their arrival at the Prado. When Mr. Nixon’s envoy went into polite raptures about the tapestries in the reception room, General Franc0 even cracked a joke in reply. And the man who read his end-of-the-year presidential message on television was certainly far from , decrepit. But he has nevertheless slackened his di-ect grip on governmental affairs. In June 1973, it was Admiral Carrero Blanc0 himself who chose his ministers, with the exception of Arias Navarro, whose appointment was requested by has clearly adopted %ranco . Senor Navarro the same procedure. He has surrounded himself with men who resemble him and who are devoted to him; they are loyal to the Caudillo, they are Falangists because they have to be; but they are strikingly uninvolved in the traditional struggles between the various clans. Technicians rather than goliticgns, they are in favour of a firm, but, ‘if possible, just regime. The new government well and truly compensates for the reshuffle of October 1969 carried out by Admiral Carrero Blanc0 and Lopez Rodo, and which caused such bitterness ,at widely different levels of the regime. It also confirms the clampdown of June 1973. The -way in which the Government was reshuffled in June ~-1973 indirectly took. into account the violent protest movement of May 7. In January 1974 just as in June 1973, no known representative of the extremists was appointed a minister. And the ostensible military leader of the Right-wing hardliners, General Iniesta Cano, will theoretically retire in three months. But in January 1974 as in June 1973, the pressure of the extremists has helped to reinforce the authoritarian and “personalised” nature of the 1 Government. : After the meeting of the Council of the Realm, which had the task of drawing up a short list ofthree candidates for the presidency, the man with the broadest smile was the former leader Giron. Jose Antonio Giron now has difficulty in walking as a result of a serious car accident. B_ut of all the numerous colloaborators that General Franc0 has dismissed over the last 30 years, he is certainly one of the least “forgotten” former ministers. He ’ has ties with certain “blue” army officers . (a reference to the Azul Division) still on active service or retirement, and -is representative% of a popular Falangist tendency which se_es no need for the Monarchy to be restored in order for the regime to win over the working c1asses.J By dismissing both the technocrats of the Lopez Rodo school and the opportunist Falangists grouped around Fernandez Miranda, the new Premier has raised the hopes-without inspiring complete certainty-of those who are in favour of a new order that has more in common with the Movement,‘s “original ideals” than with the evolutionist dreams” of- the men progressively given office since 1959 by Admiral Carrero Blanco.













15, 1974




Lost his head

Headless inane says,.)sorry to- Andrevv


Friday February 15 1: 30 Music-Bruce Armstrong 4:30 Ford Hall Forum Dr. Thomas Harris author of I’m O.K. You’re O.K. 6: 30 Music-Linda Lounsberry 9:30 Big Band and Dixieland with Steve Ham’mill 11:00 Music Ian Layfield Saturday, February 16 1: 30 Music-Doug McCann’ 4:30 Festival of Religion Part One 5:30 John Hess ’ ) 6:30 The Bod and the Bard 9:30 ‘Da Blues’ with Curtis Brown and

1l:OO ,

Reg Harvey Music-Bill


Sunday, February 17 10 :00 Port ugese Music 12 :00 Quebec Love with Sillon Gardait 1: 30 Music-Jack Walton 4: 30 Soviet Press Review4:45 Belgium Press Review 6:00 Inferview with Folk Artist Ron Coden by Allan Cohen 7:00 Hockey Waterloo vs. Toronto Live from Waterloo Arena with Gary Fick and Brian Roblin 9: 30 Women’s Prisons



Wednesd.ay, February 20 1:30 Music-Dean Purves 4:30 Soviet. Press Review ,4:45 Belgium Press Review 5:00 Aldous Huxley Part Four 6:00 Canada and Brazil 6: 30 Music-Gerry Forwell Album .Review _ 9:30 The Phantom Announcer Do you know who he is? 1l:OO Music-Al Anderson

_I live discussion with phone-in ’ question and answer period lo:30 Peoples Music 1l:OO Music-Greg Bewsh Monday, February 18 1: 30 Music-Brian Chadwick 4:30 Ford Hall Forum see Friday 6: 30 Funky-soul with John Williams 9:30 Varsity Sports Report 9:45 Struggle: The Portugese Colonies .in Africa . 1l:OO Music-John Dale


Tuesday, February l9 1: 30 Music-Lorne Goldbum 4:30 Astrology Times . 5: 00 Program on Waffle 6:00 World Report 6:15 The Rest of the News 6:30 Music-Ivan Zendel 9:30 Music and Musicians Soviet Violinist Victor Tretya kov . lo:30 Radio Waterloo Interview With Shef Franken of Canadian Radio Television Communications -Baruch Zone


Thursday, February 21 1: 30 Music -John Sharpe 4: 30 Opera-R. Straus ‘Arabella’ Act I to Act II Part O.ne 6:00 W&Id Report 615 The Rest of the News 6: 30 Music-Ted Szepielewicz 9:30 R. Strauss ‘Arabella’ Act II Part Two to Act III, conclusion. 1l:OO Music-Brian O’Neil

* .


How a doin’, Doll,- ryat!e?





Mi. Joan Cm&s Birth Date:




l-F-5-l ”

A. Yes.









15, 1974

-makes _waves ,

Last Saturday ‘night Joni Mitchell established the fact that she is a viable poet reacting to a changing environment. Her, past folk image is in transition with the emergence of a new blend of jazz, blues and rock and roll. This was ilhistrated foremost by the appearance of her back-up group, L. A. Express, in the first set. The band, though not warmly received -by all, acted- -as a vehicle by which the new M-i&hell image was conveyed. ’ , Poetry is a fairly braid idiom open to manipulation. Joni used it in the concert on two level-s. The fir& most obvious level were her songs themselves. They are reflections of her lifes-which she wrote in hopes that others might be able t& empathize with her and their-own similar experiences-r By doing this some ftim of ,introspective might be obtained. The most, ‘-obvious example of this concept was her

open descript.ion of how “For the Roses”, came into being. The explanation involved a biographica+ illustration of her trying to get back to basics by moving to a secluded area near Vancouver and her reactions to her environment there. Oneanight -she was lured outside by what suunded like clapping. It proved to be the-nqise caused by the frozen leaves of a tree blowing together. From this point she moved into the hypocracies that became apparent to her while livirig’ in her cabin and doing “cabin crafts” . -The song captured the audience into its soul by the story of its conception and the n&Ural way that Joni flowed into it from her monologue. The second level of Joni’s poetic n-ianipulation delt with the manneti that the concert, as a whole, was planned. The first set tiae focused primarily ?n the L.A. ,Express as an introdu&ion to the new Joni. +She appeared, and joined in



with them by singing some of her new “The so?gs such as “Free Man in Paris”, Same Situation” and “Just Like This Town”. Technically, the songs were done quite well. However, _the arrangement seemed artificial, and at the ‘worst, a commgrcialized version of the old Joni Mitchell. The audience was further &tiated intotliG image af the changed Joni by her new treatments of old songs such as “Cactus Tree” and “You Turn Me On, I’m a Radio”. It was no longer a solo rendition for both songs. They were presented with the obvious accompaniment of the band. This, and the change in the style by which the old songs were presented caused a great deal of scepticism and cynicism from the audience by the end of the first set. : It appears that Joni realized that this would happen since she appeared for the second set alone. ‘The want that the audience had, the want for the old Joni, she attempted to compromise upon. The second set emphasized the concept that most Qf the audience had of the former Joni. She sang old songs completely @r the first part of the set and spoke to the audience in slow, warm, ton&s. Accompaniment from the band blended in unobt-rusively . Then, gradually they became a stionger force and ssumed their &ace on stage to finish “For Free”. The return of the band was greeted with vocalized reactions from the audience such as “We don’t want &he band, we want you”, and “How about Melanie!‘. Apparently the first half of the set wasn’t


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strong enough ti, prevent a reactionary .outburst bf this kind. The remaining portion of the concert ran somewhat mo’re smoothly than the firstpart. Both theband and Joni seemed to be blending tdgether musically. However, there was an unsettling tug of war with some of the audiences perception of Joni and the band. Certain members of the .band tended to upstage Joni during the songs by appearing a little too cool to be credible. One example of this was the wild theatrics performed by the pianist. He seemed to- be attempting to become another Elton John. Generally ,- his movements had nothing to do with the ,mood of the song that Joni was singing. -. This style of upstaging seemed to be the cau$e of some of the discontent about the. band. The discontent about the band. seemed to disappear for the act received an encore and reappeared to present probably the flashiest encore Joni Mitchell fans have ever s&n. At one point a couple danced wildly at the side of the stage as Joni “rocked on” . The image that Joni left with the crowd at the end of the performance was not a simplified one. She fulfilled many images - folksinger, blues woman and rock and roll star..Perhaps this was the conclusion she, wished us to see. Joni!. Mitchell is ‘no longer ,the all-Canadian folksinger. She is a poet, and being so, is ‘capable of presenting herself to us in many vari’ous ways, ‘all of them consistently well-done. kati middle&


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‘15, 1974









more of ,an album than that. It 1s becoming a-fetish among pop music reviewers -and I a,dmit to being guiltyGladys Knight and the Pips are quite to speak of the “good old-‘music” and unique among soul-Motown groups; t-he same Gladys Knight and the same. Pipsdecrythe present dearth of originality and are singing today as when they started in spirit. As with all such things, part of’this 1 , the early sixties. : feeling is pure nostalgia and part is: real. Most of the other successful (and notOne of the good products of the plethora so-successful) “Somebody’ and ‘the of comebacks, anthologies and re-issues which has resulted from this “revival” bt Somethings” groups have seen either the craze is a two-record set from ATCO called Somebody go-off on a solo trip, or the simply Buffalo Springfield (2SA-806). A Somethings are constantly changing, and lot of hyped-up legend surrounds this ~ you can’t keep up .with, the back-up*,groupgroup, but it is also true that an inorwithout a program; . dinant amount of fine music and inThis fluctuation naturally has ,aneffect fluential musicians emerged from the on the sound of the group, almost always Buffalos. I bad,-or, at best, uneven. Gladys andthe Pips, have grown into. one of -the most - Neil -Young, of course, went on to constantly satisfying recording groups to ’ Crosby, Stills, Nash,-and Young,,and now come out of Matown,-and I am happy to solo; Steve Stills aIso to CSNY, Mannasas report that their first album since jumping -..and now solo; Ritch Furay to Poco; Jim. from the Tamla-Motown labelis as good Messina to-Lbggins and Messina; etc., etc. * as ever. The number of -“classic’-’ rock songs Imagination (Buddah 5141) is a tight included in- this. anthology, is also impressive: “For What It’s Worth”, “Go album, ’ perhaps -more tightly-arranged Train” ,a comment of sorts on Amtrak, than the Motown LPs, but it’s obviously I the American passenger rail service, and Say Goodbye”, “Mr. Soul”, P. w / _ _ the happy work of a .group still enjoying “Bluebird“ (a- previously unveiled9which Phillips dismisses as “half-aesed recordingtogether. ’ minute version), “Kind Woman”, etc.,, etc. socialism”. ’ ’ , ‘\ Buddah has provided competent Other lesser-known songs are included, His- roots are deep in the .American , Motownish backing, and-Gladys’ “little:’ such -as . Young’s haunting “I Am A West but his spirit travels wide. He ran in brother (one of the Pips) is allowed more I Child”. Altogether, it is a surprisingly Utah for the United States Senate on a undated remembrance of one of - rock’s * - up?front vocal wor& than ever .before and Peace’, and .Freedom I ticket in- 1968. -.shorter-livedbut pleasantly. prol.ific acquits himself admirably, especially on Subsequent continued harassment drove such numbers as Johnny Nash’s AM -hit, groups. him from that state,,where his family still 8 “I Can See Clearly Now.” A good case for the ‘viability’of furrent lives. In material from Woody Guthrie?s music, however, is Linda Ronstadt’s new The LP also contains the group’s ‘own Dust Bowl -Ballads-and such classics as - .‘-. Phil@s hit, Jim Weatherly’s “Midnight -Train to LP, Don’t Cry Now - (Asylum. SD 5064). “Hallelujah,I’m a Bum”, ‘Phillips shows Linda started off with‘ ill-fated StoneGeorgia”, which is such a ,blatant corn-s % his concern and sympathyfor the vast, Poneys *and then went solo. Her first bination of the Motown formula tricks faceless --majority of people convenientlyL album was unabashedly country-western, that it has no right being as enjoyable a .- ignored by Hollywood and Madison _ Aeenue. - , and her fine, s6aring voice fit the material .. song as it is. Credit that to the touch of a _beautifully: group that’s been together for a long time Currently. living in ~ruralVerm&t , he is Looking,‘into the past to see-the future: Since then, she has mellowed a bit ahd and knows their -stuff. working o what he calls his “personal 3 . Brian ‘Utah” Phillips gives us a vision of - branched .out musically and, while Don’t Most of- the other cuts here are writtenstatement’ , a series of four recordings a simpler life, .far from plastic cities,Cry Now ‘is every bit as openly _sen’ by Weatherly, and’it looks as if he and the -presenting the overall 1 message -of his Pips can have a lucrative and pleasurable _ plastic schools and plastic folks+Tuesday timental and &metimes weepy as-one of ) , music. The first, ’ a ‘set of railroading Roberta Flack’s albums, Linda gets away relationship’, if he can keep writing songs night in the Campus Centre -Pub, Phillips _ songs, has already been released. Next with it for the same reasons-Roberta does: to the level of ,material here. presented this vision to a large and en: weekend, he is recording a ’ group of . she’s got a- fantastically beautiful. voice . . Highly recommended to all Motown thusiastic audience. . Western songs. To follow are albums and knows .-how to handle an infiends, all threecsf you. . Utah Phillips is a many-faceted person. devoted to labour music and love songs. -. L terpretation; - Thirty-eight years _old, he has roamed jthe - All of the recordings ’ are, or will be Al Wilson’s Show and Tell (Rocky Road Just as RobertaZid so much more than - z continent for most of his life, living the available on the Philo label, the products’ 3601-) unfortunately ydoesn’t - ‘win _ experiences just “cover” Dylan’s fine ballad “Just he incorporates into his songs .’ of a small cooperative enterprise. Some, -Like A Woman”, Linda does a lot m-ore such an endorsement: He covers a lot of Singing professionally for only the last worth:while digging’ by the interested than- simply ‘.‘cover”-- Rick Robert’s sad goo@ Jerry Fuller songs, ’ including the 2 four years, he plays a loose2 ‘talking would likely- turn up copies of his recor-b .“Colorado” oE Randy Newman’s : title cut, which is-the bestof the lot by far. blues” which make his sets Seem like a dings in a well-stocked record store. . evocative “Sail Away.” _a _ -The rest of the music, however, tends group of friends sharing good times over a Those who saw Utah Phillips on . -l.Linda a1s.o leans into a few rockers here, to be - terribly over-produced, leaning“ _ few beers. Tuesday will remember his loose, F&m his songs emerges a strong love of -like -“The Past One”, but it is with the towards Isaac Hayes-style arrangements. irreverent humour aswell as his --music. - His six-minute cover OT Leon Russell’s railroads, those dying links of other days. . meticulously:arranged ballads, like the His wit is that of the story-teller: his tales abovementioned songs-and Neil Young’s ‘-LA Song For You:’ fails to justify its He rode, he tells us, on the lastscheduledmay be lies but the audience loved them. ’ i “I Believe in You” that Linda will enpresence, since it is so close -to Russell’srun of the Wabash Cannonball, between One ch-a.nce remains to see Phillips before ’ I , I trance you. ~ own version. _ ‘St. Louis -and, Detroit. He -has a fine sense I he returns-to Vermont. He plays a final set. : , This is an album-youcan huddle up to , It’s a mixed-.bag, full of/funky Motown of- time and-place, tenderly> reflected in I tonight (Friday) at the %Fiddler’s Green on a ,nicely melancholy evening, and you - . .and over-arranged dreck, so-give it a listen - songs such as “Queen of the Rails”, about Coffeehouse in Toronto. What better a** ? can gaze into Linda’s hypnotic eyes on the first if you’re interested. a stray dog-in the freight yards of-Grand - way to start the slack- week. ~, / -george kaufman River, Colorado end “Daddy,, What’s a l. cover while you listen. You can’t ask much 9 --john bAkbe&ugh :I t \ \ -c c *,






. ’ ’


1 ’ - ’








15, 1974


’ i



Fri thru Sun -



1939 colour Directed by Victor Fleming Starring Judy Garland, Bert\ Lahr, Margaret Hamilton, Billie Burke. On THE PICTURE SHOW’s FIRST ANNIVERSARY, we are ‘Off to.see the Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz’, in glorious colour. Children under twelve, fifty cents.

King of Mahi& ruei



The. wizard of ~02




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Feb. 15 & 16



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The -klanchuriailGandidate 7 1962 B&W Directed by J. Frankenheimer. Starring Frank’ Sinatra, Laurence Harvey, Angela Harvey, Angela * Lansbury, Janet Leigh. 1 Involves a very complicated plot to brainwash a man into assassinating the President of the U.S. It nearly works. Beautifully done.




18 Feb.




and Cultural AND’


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ar wonT start

funny films exquisitely

Show + LACKEY”


open 7 days a week . 7amto2am

’ \

David Antscherl, Hubert Haisoch, Leslie Johnston, beth Krupp., Don MacKay, Nancy-Lou Patterson, Murray Weber., Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-4 pm. Sundays 2-5 pm. Closed Saturdays Free Admission

FEB.,15 & 16 - 8 pm. WAITING FOR GODOT by Samuel Beckett directed by Peter O’Shaughnessy *“ .one of -the most noble and generation,”


’ ,

Film Theatre

18 Feb THE ITALIAN STRAW HAT France, 1927. dir. ‘Rene Clair. s/Lent, English titles. This is still one of the most genuinely and intelligently ever made. It is a pyramid of situations, a’pile-up outlined characters in absurd juxtaposition.

art of Self Defence

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’ 1972 colour Directed by-Bob Rafelson. Starring Jack, Nicholson, Bruce Dern The title makes a reference to Monopoly, the great American game where the accumulation of wealth is the only objective. The film of the Miss America page&t, the female side of includes a charade the American Dream: beauty, as opposed to wealth and power. It concerns two brothers attempting to realize their dream of living on an island and turning it into a resort.



The Korean



-~ moving







Humanities Theatre Admission $1.25, students 75 cents Central Box Office ext. 2126




FEB. .26 - MAR. 2- 8, pm. \ri/HAi THE BUTLER SAW

by Joe Orton \ Directed by Maurice Evans . An adult comedy that will keep you laughing and from beginning to end. laughing. . . hilarious Theatre of the Arts s I , Admission $1.25, students 75 cents Arts Board, Central Box Office ext._. 2126 [Creative Federation of Students)

FEB. 27 - -MAR. 1 - II:30 am. GESTURE OF CONCERN - drama’ BY DAVID KING directed by Tigger Humanities Theatre Free Admission



MIDNl,GHT SHOW ” . ’ . \ ~ATURDW FEB. 16 12:05 AM

I f

. ,





15, 1974

the chevron

Simple humour

/n an ingenious attempt exposure they would

to give have

local band otherwise

- Local\ boys . ’ mak)e / ,,gobd The number of really promising bands D 1to come out of this area in the last several years could probably be counted quite comfortably on one hand. If you are ever attempting such an exercise, however, be sure to reserve one finger for Kit Carson, an innovative and versatile folk-rock band * of localorigin, whose engagement at the campus centre pub will come to an end tomorrow night. Though the group has been in official existence forsome three years now., it has only recently begun making public appearances again after an eighteen month hiatus during which its four membersPaul 1 Woolner , David Papazian, Phil e Elsworthy and Steve Naylor-busied themselves in various rural occupations in widely separated parts of Canada. The musical maturity which has come to them over this period, singly and as a group, has been much in evidence in their recent performances. Bassist/violinist El’sworthy describes the outcome of their reunion as something “more positive than even we had really expected-a synergy, almost, of the different musical directions which we’ve .a11 been following.” Audiences seem to agree, and Kit Carson has so far had no trouble in drawing a large and enthusiastic crowd. Guitarist ana vocalist -Paul Woolner writes most of the band’s material, much of it in a quiet, lilting style which he laconically describes as “sleepy-rock”, a label which is belied by the steady un-

Kit Carson obtained,

double the chevron ’

photographer Randy three times at once, dercurrent of energy implicit in the music itself. With his roots firmly in the folk tradition, Wool&r writes about simple, everyday things with an assurance beyond his years; this is an important factor in the band’s ability to relate to audiences, Despite his contribution as a composer, however, Woolner is the first to emphasize that the creative process which makes each song what it is does not end with him. “As far as I’m concerned”, he says, “the arrangements that we put onto each song are just as important as the song itself. And arranging is something that we all do together.” Steve Naylor, whose piano, and guitarwork are integral to Kit Carson’s often complex stylings, is cautious about assessing the group’s future. “I know we’ve all learned a lot from playing together”, he notes, “but we also, know that in some ways we’ve only just begun progressing towards a goal that we can’t even define yet- there’s a lot more still, to learn.” Cellist/harpist Dave Papazian is more specific: “We’ve been talking a lot about going out east this summer to work on our material, then maybe cut a record in the fall. But it’s too early to say just when we’ll be ready.” Papazian and Elsworthy will be sitting in with’another band-Running Dog and his Electric Lackeysnext *Monday evening at an Alive Varity performance at the Picture Show. Running Dog is composed of local musicians Rosco Bell and Mike Thunder; and also features wellknown bassist John Koop. Both of these bands are highly ‘recommended. -brad


Poetic ambiguity The description in the program ‘of the setting for the first act of Waiting for Godot...‘ A country road. A tree. Evening.‘... prepares the viewer for the loneliness of the scene, but. the total bleakness which has been achieved could not have been anticipated. The play can,

Hannigah captured most of the group on film with help from Mamiya. . . of course, be effectively produced in various ways, but ‘the set design, in this case by Virgil Burnett, complements very well the interpretation which director O’Shaughnessy has projected of the theme and meaning of . ..Godot. A difficult play at best, it does require a definite style and polish to be successful. Due to the. high level of talent employed, (including two members of Actor’s Equity, who are also on staff at the university) this goal was reached. One surprising feature of the- evening was the ‘audience reaction; this tragicomedy by Samuel Beckett has often been misinterpreted by audiences and the genuine humor overlooked. But Tuesday night’s audience, though smaller than for an opening night, seemed a, expected ’ aware of the comic element so forcefully underiined by almost vaudevillean movements of the actors. The loving embraces of Gogo and Didi, the comically .over-acted boot incident, and the \hat exchange illustrate ’ this aspect; the spoken humor, though usually succ&ul, @ was not always quite ’ as well-timed: perhaps this will improve as the actors to the become more ’ accustomed \\ audiences 6 Rod Conway, a student of drama, was remarkable as Lucky, the slave who is all things to his master, including provider of his entertainment \by dancing and ‘thinking’. Conway does justice to the role, maintaining his ferocity whether treated as slave, pig, or phenomenon. Although the intensity which he brings to the character of Lucky may be a deviation from the usual interpretation of him as an introvert, afraid of his master and of the’ strangers, I feel that the * change is a positive one, adding the interest of a fourth strong characterization to the play. To attempt to abstract a final meaning from “Waiting for Godot” would be an impossible task; there are so many unexplainable elements which Beck&t himself could not define aside from saying that the message is the medium, the play means what it says, and should not be interpreted as ‘teaching’ anything in particular. A statement which Martin Esslin made could be applied to this production of . ..Godot : *‘The dialogue and the characters are” real, but the over-all effect is one of mystery, of uncertainty, and of poetic ambiguity.” r





Fass ‘74 opened last week with its comedy,‘It’s About Time for Fass ‘74 or How to Miss the Same Train T(wice. The play consisted of two, acts which portrayed student and’ university related \ topics of past, present, and future. Several ’ unrelated scenes were thrown in to spice up the play. ’ The- Fass, ‘74 writers managed to tie many unrelated scenes to the theme of time travel. _ The story opens with Newtonstein (a university professor of the future) inventing a time machine with funds that are about to be expropriated. A traveller from the future tries to convince the Newtonstein not to abandon his project. As the traveller. leaves, Newtonstein is accidently caught in the time waves and is taken on a trip through time. Each new scene, while representing a different place and time, pokes fun at topics related to life at university. One scene was set in ancient Rome -with Mathias Burt, the emperor trying to build an ice coliseum in his name. He is looking desperately for funds but the senators will not contribute anything for his project. He then goes t,o the slaves led by Telegdus the Short and Artus Ram to help fund this project but ‘is unsuccessful. Then there is a series of his experiences including a portrayal of Columbus’ trip across the ocean which lands in Scotland and an in’vestigation by Holmes and Watson; students on -essay dead-line night during the twenties and attending lectures in the future are also shown. A short visit with God about creating the universe adds a religious note to the play. Fass ‘74, from end to end is guaranteed to keep everyone laughing. The humour,: although it is of a nature that an elementary school child could understand, was effective. 3 -chester


Corning soon February 14-17 Federation Flicks 8: 00 pm GangbustersChapter 6 8: 30 pm ChinaAllan Ladd, Loretta A Young Sensational bullet-ridden drama with ravages of war 9: 30 pm Satyricon - Fellini February 21-24 Federation Flicks 8: 00 pm Gangbusterschapter 7 8:30 pm All Quiet on the Western Front Based on the novel by Erich Marie Remarque. February 19-21 Picture Show King of Marvin GardensConcerns two brothers attempting to realize their dream of living on an island and turning it into a resort. February 18 Alive Variety Running Dog and his Electric Lackies February 26 Theatre of the Arts What the Butler Saw_directed by Maurice Evans.








15, 1974

Letters to feedback -should be addressed to Editor, Chkion, Campus Centre, University of Waterloo, Ontario. Please type on 32-or 64-character lines and doublespace. Untyped letters cannot be guaranteed to run. Pseudonyms will be run if we’are also ^grovided with the real name of the writer. .’ -.__

vote; vote Vote


’ It is now around the time that we have the opportunity to choose bY the democratic institution of the electoral process, our federation president for 1974 1975.

doors of thecampus pubs, I am damn, sure we can get people to sit a couple hours at a referendum table, and a couple hours to count votes, or the referendum may be printed on the page in the Chevron, whichthe student could then hand in at the C. C. And apathy? First if we continue with the ’ presenisystem it will only foster apathy that we have developed in our socialization process in this none too healthy culture of ours, and second I find that 100 votes on a referendum is much more democratic a decision that one made by the number of people who have the power to decide in the fed exec. Still I find this “apathy” more democratic than the

I_nlight of this process 1 fed 1 must say. present system. The fed exec would

The chevron, I admit, has had better daysthe advertising content has in-, creased dramaticallyhowever some of us have always preferred the days of Stewart Saxe, Brian Iler , and student participation, to AMERICAN GRAFFITTI. I Rick Kraft L- Computer Science \ -

Bookstore hassles

that the electoral process is one of the function merely as an administrative Recently I read a letter concerning the least most * democratic processes that body, that would only have the power to operation of the Book Store. I, too, have exists. It is merely an efficient tool that is decide on matters of small business. used by the existing governmental waited for course books that arrive weeks The university should by the focus of system, that sacrifices the...significance of after classes have started. This I can so&al change for the-better in our society, the individual and his needs, at the same understand-increased class enrollment, not the servants who help maintain the time. , difficulty with publishers, etc. However, status quo of this unhealthy society of To see how undemocratic this process is, an incident occured today that completelywhich the electoral process, and the farce I shall first define a somewhat idealistic -baffles, me. of it, helps maintain our unhealthy < \. democratic society, in which the After having picked up a course in the condition. satisfaction of the needs, and the freedom middle of January I -went to the Book Rob Simpson of expression of the individual is the most Store to purchase the text. It wasn’t in. I.S. imp.ortant goal. The goal of \ . leadership in this society is that of helping the individual, or groups of in.dividuals to _ define their needs and goals, and to help them towards the attainment of these. But this model is very different from what the demodratic system is, as it exists today, which is that we get a chance to elect the bosses who-will tell us what to do, and every year we ’ get a chance. to change these bosses who tell us what to do. This is a far cry from democracy, as I see it. To further this, i.e., you have a choice to choose from candidates A, B, or C. The results show that A receives 40% of the votes, B gets 35 %, and C gets 25 %. Here only 40% of the people have had their needs satisfied. It is also likely that A was chosen by some because there was nothing else better, To further elaborate, we do have a freedom to choose, but choose what? To use an analogy, we have the freedom to choose whether we starve or _ eat. If we choose to eat, we have the choice of A (dog food), B (bread and water), and C (TV dinners infected with salmenella) . An example of this sort of situation is the ‘68 Nixon/Humphrey election in which you-had the choice between cowshit and So, I returned on February 1,1974 to see if horseshit. ff the book had arrived. It had and-1 bought To me then the Electoral process, as a it. A few days later (the 5th) a friend * 0 democratic tool, which gives the people % Q informed methat she had the same book control over-their own lives is an illusion. (having taken the course the previous What you are doing when you vote in the year) and said I could have it. Terrificelectoral process is abdicating your own I can save myself $11.75. I again went to power and responsibility to decide things, the Book Store to return the book. After and giving it to someone else, that is the having spoken to the persons in the Text power to decide what is good for you. I just received and read a copy-of the ,Book Department and waiting over half These people you elect may be very an hour to see the manager, I was told “Coryphaeus” and I’d like to comment concerned and good people, benevolent “the deadline for returning course books isthat it is one of the better high-school dictator types so to put, but what they January 25, 1974. This is our policy.” newspapers I’ve read over the years. The decide for you is based on‘ their own This, of course, means that the book I had catty comments from Math Hilites (“who beliefs, attitudes and values which are bought on February the first had to be says the engineers are the only ones on inflicted on you in the legislation. Again if -returned by January 25, if I wanted a this campus who can organize a semithe -choice you have is not good, some refund. An amazing trick. r formal”) kept alive a senseless inpeople must still, be chosen to run the I then phoned’ the bank -and stopped terfaculty rivalry which I had hoped went government, even though these people the way of dis*graceful “hazing” at ‘payment on the cheque I issued to buy the may have principles which are rigid, “initiation” years ago. The challenge book. I phoned the Book Store to tell them inflexible and condemning (i.e. Dicky relating to the pink tie also indicated a so and that I would return the book. After Nixon). being accused of blackmail, I was told’ I search for the days when, games, would have to pay ‘$5.00 when the cheque fraternities, and “we’re better than you And what are the alternatives to this was returned. If I did not pay the $5 .OO, nyah, nyah” were important to university system, lets say that could be used here on my final grades would by withheld. The which , is not life. campus. This system, The ;chevron has always taken a lesser of two evils? completely democratic, but is much more viewpoint on off-campus issues which was c So now I am stuck with an $11.75 book so than the electoral process is the method an effective counterpomt to a steady diet that I don’t need and one question-is the of using referendum to decid,e on major Book Store for my use, or am I being used Record. It has been campus issues, such as control of the C.” ’ of Kitchener-Waterloo by the Book Store? to read two points of view on C . , senate reprensentation, octoberfest.. . enlightening Suggestion: -why cot have a term many topics. I realize ‘the chevron . ..If I guess right, some people should refund policy on )a11 books: ie. one would sometimes gets carried away with offreact to this saying the method is too be able to return a book up until ‘two campus issues, but if this “Coryphaeus” inefficient, and the students are too weeks after the date of sale.) idicates what’s been missingfrom the apathetic for it too work. As far as being chevron, then I’m not convin_ced I’ve s Janet Siltanen inefficent, I disagree, because I feel if you _missed anything! . 4th yr. Sociology can get people to volunteer to sit at the -

Back in ’ 2highschool


Chevron not ; Before another le.tter is allowed to appear in Feedback, I feel compelled to . voice my protest(s) against the letter headed “Chevron Immoral” in last week’s paper. I am more than pleased with the Chevron and am pleased that at least I can see one concrete’ benefit from that portion of my hard-earned tuition fees which goes toward the publication of this journal. I am not shocked by the chevron and the illustrations are usually effective ,and interesting. I especially enjyed the fine illustration on page’ 3 of the January 25 issue. I hope that if I know nothing about leftwing -politics, drug use, . lesbianism, abortion, sex operations or the historical oppression of women, that articles in thee Chevron could help me come to a greater understanding of these facets of the world around me. I am. happy to have this-d of representation. These articles are of interest to me and some of them can not be found in any other publication. It might interest the editorial. staff of the Chevron to know that there ar,e students on-this campus who have morals and, yes, standards for their lives that do not include censorship or closing one’s eyes to issues which affect a large portion of the /people. You’ve had your chance, chevron, and as far as I ‘m concerned, I will continue to make sure I get my copy,every Friday and will count on the Chevron-to keep me informed on a variety of issues on and off campus. J. McMullan Co-op ‘Math 2A

Many xthanks


.The Caribbean Students Association of . The Universtiy of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, was aware of the great destruction and sufferings that the recent hurricane had caused in Jamaica. Our immediate reaction as a group of people who are. more than conscious of the traditional problem hurricanes have always caused in this region, was what could we do to alleviate the sufferings of the recent experience. _ The Jamaica Flood Relief Fund that was launched by the Prime Minister afforded us a practical means by which to contribute ,our help. So, in following the example set by the Prime aMinister we launched a similar Jamaican Flood Relief Fund here on this campus. Students from this campus and members of the Waterloo community gave willingly to our appeals, and gladly attended a party made for this purpose. Now the Caribbean X Students Association would like to thank publicly the students of the University of Waterloo and the members of the Waterloo corn’ munity who have kindly contributed financially or otherwise to this amount, $144.00; our small expression of concern _ to the victims of the recent hurricane in Jamaica.

Public Caribbean

Clive Bernard Relations Officer Students Assoc.


* i



15, W4



the chevron


2 1


Letters -to feedback should be addressed to Editor. Chevron. Campus Centre, University of Waterloo, Ontario. Please type on’ 32- or 64-character lines and doublespace. Untyped letters cannot be guaranteed to run. Pseud,onyms will be run 11 we are also provided with the real name of the writer. ’

. ‘.

1 .

I ‘r&kited This letter is in answer to last week’s article “Canada Not A Colony”, supposedly written as a report of the public meeting held by the Canadian Liberation Movement on February 5. The writers seemed more interested in using the report as a sounding board for their own political affiliations, whatever they might be. It is wrong to call CLM a Marxist organization; for, being a Marxist is not a _ membership requirement, one must simply support the anti-imperialist programme of the CLM, which is to build an independent, SOCIALIST Canada, not a capitalist Canada as the articLe tries to The primary problem facing imply. / Canada today is U.S. imperialism. To deny this is to ignore the concrete reality j of U.S. control of Canada. To deny this is to deny what the progressive elements of the working class are facing up to, .and in the end this mystification will only serve as a reactionary force in the struggle for an independent ,’ socialist Canada. The article didn’t bother tom report the reason Gary Perly was unable to attend the meeting. The explanation concerns two lead smelters in eastern Toronto, - Canada Metal and Toronto Refiners and Smelters, which have been the centre of a lead poisoning controversy since last fall. Canada Metal was ordered by the government to close last fall due to medical reports that many area residents had lead poisoning but the order was overturned within a week by the courts. CLM has had an active role since the beginning of- the fight, in working with area residents and workers at Canada Metal to force the company to install ‘proper lead pollution equipment. On January 29 an injunction was granted to Canada Metal and Toronto and Smelters prohibiting the \ Refiners ,CBC Radio “As It Happens” ‘show from ’ broadcasting certain parts of “Dying of Lead”. On February 2 Gary Perly was served with a Notice of Motion asking the Suprem,e Court of Ontario to jaile him because of a leaflet printed ,by the CLM which allegedly violated. the injunction served on the CBC. The leaflet revealed to the residents of the area around the plants and to the plant workers some of the parts cut from the show, including information \ which showed that the lead comp.anies had‘ bought misleadingly favourable medical evidence and concealed material evidence from medical experts involved in a investigation ‘of lead government I pollution. Gary Perly could not speak in Waterloo because he is having to devoteall his time to this case to turn the court’s attention to *he real culprits, the lead poisoners. He ~ has stated to the supreme court that he. wishes to have the lead companies considered in contempt_ of court charges themselves and he has won the right to cross examine the company officials to gain enough- evidence for these charges. Gary Perly’s speech, taped on February 3 at a meeting of workers from.the plant and area residents, explained the serious threat to freedom of speech which this case is posing. If’a permanent ‘injunction of public discussion of the lead poisoning done by the two companies is granted such companies will no longer have to installing lead pollution worry about some dent in equipment and “suffering”

their profits. Canada- Metal is owned by Cominco and ‘National ‘Lead Company of New York, which-would love to see such a precedent set since they are involved in other lead pollution disputes. Ja,iling Gary Perly or granting further injunctions will not stop the people’s ‘struggle for a decent environment to live and work in. .This. struggle is bound to succeed. The companies know CLM is a threat to them because it is organizing the people in this fight. The court case has already cost hundreds of dollars and is likely to cost much more. enyone who wishes to support this struggle can send donations for the legal defence fund to CLM Box 41, S&ion ‘E’ Toronto 4, Ontario. Howard Macintosh, bLM

Unbiased reporting I wish to comment on the garbage written by two c,hevron reporters about a, meeting on Tuesday, February 5th which was sponsored by the Canadian Liberation Movement and the Math Society. I am not a member of the CLM but nonetheless feel that the article written by the two individuals did not ‘report’ on the meeting but rather, was expression of their own biased views. I did not attend the ‘first CLM meeting this year’ b$ rather went to hear a talk by Gary Perly on U.S. Control in the Computer Industry.’ Gary Perly, however, was unable to attend the meeting as he has been charged with violating an injunction against the CBC which was granted ‘to the Canada Metal Company and Toronto Refiners and Smelters. -Instead of merely cancelling the talk, the CLM felt that those who attended might be interested in the Canada-Metal issue and CLM’s involvement in it. CLM’s fight is a critical one and raises the question as to whether Canadians can retain their ‘freedom of speech’ to the, extent that it is now enjoyed. The chevron reporters did not seemi too interested in what was revealed at the meeting but ‘chose instead to argue about‘the merits of the CLM. To me, the members of the CLM are concerned about the democratic rights ” of the Canadian people. This includes whether or not the owners of the, corporations such as Canada Metal should have the power. to prevent us from discussing matters which might prove harmful to their capitalistic enterprises, such as installing pollution control devices _so that our environment would be clean enough to live and work in. ,The reporters stated that ‘Canada is in fact an imperialist country with its own internal colony of Quebec.’ The speaker at the meeting expressed concern about all oppressed minorities in Canada, and particularly, the separatist struggles , within Quebec borders. American control is greatest in Quebec and the CLM believes that Quebec should unite with the rest of Canada in a common struggle against this imperialism. Certainly, some of Canada’s banks .have significant investments in the Caribbean. It would be interesting to see just how much of these investments is ‘truly’ . Canadian. Is not a good portion of this money American? _ Colleen Adams

The .,’ official word. I


\ on

‘l‘he contents of Mr. P. Gurd’s article the recent campus computer .aquisition activity have been brought to my at’ tention from several sources. I guess that this. is a &polite way of’telling you that I haven’t had the pleasure of actually ireading the article myself. It is my understanding that the article states that the Control Data CYBER 79 series “apparently has comparatively little to offer commercial users .” I can understand completely how such a conclusion could be reached. It is: however, an incorrect one. It was our initial understanding that what the University c’omputing centre required was a time-sharing system supporting a large number of terminals while concurrently sustaining a batch of “debug” type service. The Control Data offerings have indeed fbeen presented from this perspective.

A‘t the same time, it is important to i.r note&hat next to your present vendor, ’ Control Data systems are the ones by far the most frequently found in academic institutions. These large scale systems, which number in the hundreds, are admittedly used primarily because of their excellence as research and teaching tools. They also support compilers. and applications packages of a more commercial nature. For example, I just returned from visiting a site which supports all of the commercial and academic processing for an academic community of 500,000 students. The configuration is smaller than that proposed to the University of Waterloo. and runs for less than two shifts a -day. Similarly, the Canadian Department of Agriculture in .G;elph does nothing else but commercial processing on its CYBER 72. In short, I suspect that your writer’s impression of our commercial processing capabilities arose from our emphasis on thesolution of the stated problem. These Canadian manufactured processors do indeed compete well in the domain of. commercial data processing. j Yours very truly, Control Data Canada Limited T. J. Boyle, P. Eng. _ 0 ,


, ,










15, 1974 .


1is stacked%gainst --

In the following article, Tom Gunton reviews a book called “A Citizens Guide to City Politics” by Lorimer. Gunton talks about what Lorimer reveals of city politics and the housing industry, as well as the relationship between the industry and government. Also, Gunton-takes a look at the sometimes successful citizens grouns ‘which are joften termed the answer to the ills of the housing . -problem. v


Lorimer’s book, A Citizen’s guide to _ City Politics, has added a new and , essential dimension to Canadian planning literature. His thesis is simply that in order to understand city hall, one must go beyond the superficial realm of c formal politics .4Underlying this glossy veneer is a sophisticated network of business connections, informal political controls and development pressure that determine the nature of city planning and development. Lorimer’s analysis begins with a penetrating insight into the nature of what he terms the property industry. The industry is responsible for -about 20% of Canada’s GNP and is treated to such goodies as rates of return in the vicintiy of 65 % compared to average rates of 12 to 15%. (Although reported rates of profit are 12 to 15 %, Lorimer calculated real profits, excluding, depreciation allowances and, including ‘income tax deferrals, _ to be 65 %) Through large’ scale vertical and horizontal integration and co-operation between. the few development companies that do exist (eg., Quebec-Gothic development controlled by Cadillac and Greenwin) the development industry is !a virtual monopoly. The fact that the development industry is highly oligarchial is further substantiated . by CMHC research that reveals that in every city in Canada, (except for Montreal and Victoria-) 2 to 4 development firms wntrol 100% of the land required for development during the next decade. The lack of competition according to Lorimer, allows the property industry to. closely regulate the supply of housing, always ensuring that the supply is well below demand. This unmet demand increases the cost of new- housing and existing housing, thus providing lucrative returns to property owners. One of the more sinister aspects of this process is that the price of existing housing directly follows the increasing price of -new housing even though the costs of maintaining existing housing remains the same. The opportunities for, excessive profiteering at the expense of the public are further enhanced by tax <policies which can only be described as ludicrous.

Income taxes are deferred ($2,342,000 worth _ in 1970 for Cadillac) and -depreciation allowances are permitted for land that is actually appreciating.

The ways and means of a determined . * . industrialist _ The nature has direct Canadian.



of t le property industry implications for‘ every Lorimer identifies

maximization of profit as the prime moving force behind the industry. This is achieved through the maximization of property values and the support of redevelopment, growth and expansion. These interests of the property industry are in direct conflict with the consumer. For the developer, the higher the housing prices, ‘the better; for the consumer, the lower, the better. Of course, this conflict characterizes virtually.all components of the Canadian economy.-However, due to the lack of a competitive market, the necessity of housing and supportive government measures, the process is very ‘much weighted in favour of the development c industry. While government studies reveal that 41% of Canadians cannot afford to purchase or rent new housing and that 33% are currently paying more than they can afford, development companies gouge out excessive profits, 4 to 5 times higher than other kinds of companies. It is obvious that the whole process is as irrational as it is exploitative. In addition, it is to the advantage of the development industry to replace stable neighbourhoods with large scale developments instead of rehabilitating neighbourhoods, and to build expressways or high volume transit corridors instead of well balance transit system. Both approaches lead to massivecommunity dislocation and instability.

.. Rehabilitation of existing neighbourhood housing would virtually exclude the large scale development industry. Searching for profits, developers opt for high density large scale redevelopment. Lorimer illustrates that with a 250% increase in density,, developers can make 400 % more profit. Developers prefer movfig into single residential neighbourhoods and then changing-zoning bylaws to allow higher densities. They are then able to purchase the land at low costs due to the low development potential indicated by the existing zoning. With a change.in the zoning bylaw, the development potential and consequently the property value increases by 3 to 4 times overnight: Unwillingneighbourhood residents are “snuffed out” by Gestapo-like block busting techniques. The developer purchases a few houses, at high costs, lets them run down. rents them out to transients, .and gradually house by house, transforms a stable neighbourhood into a slum. Residents, fearful o’f the decay of the neighbourhood andthreats of expropriation by the d&elopers eventually sell out at deflated prices. The support of expressways and high volume transit corridors is a similar phenomenon. Developers buy up certain locations and then attempt to’ initiate the construction of an expressway in the vicinty.of their holding. Or, hearing from political allies about the possiblity of





\ 9

‘I friday,








the chevron





Several people have voiced concern about election. -There have beeii innumerok violations

the legitimacy of the ‘74 presidential of the federation election bylaws. council appointed an election committee-a.


This year, for the first time, federation supposedly unbiased group that was to supervise

the large expressway construction, begin purchasing land developers nearby. Lorimer validates this contention by producing maps that --show the direct relationship between theproperty locations of large scale influential-developers such as Cadillac and proposed or existing expressways. ; In either’ case, the large scale. development industry vehemently supports 1the construction of the expressway because it increases the value of its property and makes it suitable for high density development and high profi ts. Dislocation of comm unity residents is significant. .

Press, and the Calgary Albertan) and indirect control through advertising revenue (70% of newspaper revenue) relationships maintain supportive ‘between the property industry and the media. \ “Newspaper employees often argue that there is little interference with news by th,e advertisers but at the same time, they are aware of the freedom with which local businessmen and advertisers contact ‘1 newspaper publishers to complain about things they object to.“* Lorimer argues that the newspapers do not consciously alter the facts but just conveniently leave out certain aspects of the news.

And with their fingers in the pie.6.

Fighting city hall: and friends

How could the political community let alone tolerate such encourage, flagrant abuses of the public by developers ? Lorimer responds by revealing the intricate web of connections tying the politicians, civil servants and media to the property industry. The spinning of this web is undertaken by a number of different techniques. Firstly, there is outright involvement whereby members of the property industry actually get themselves elected. as champions of the people’s interests. Examples vary from big-time federal politicians such as James ,Gillies (director of Markborough Propertie: and Fidenham Corporation and economics genius of the Conservative shadow cabinet) to bush leaguers like Ben Grys. In fact, as of 1971, 64% of Vancouver’s, 47 % of Winnipeg’s and 52 % of Toronto’s politicians were directly involved in the \ property industry. Secondly, developers are actively involved in municipal politics through campaign donations to sympathetic politicians. ‘Co’mbined with the possibility of future property industry careers (eg . William Allen, from Metrochairman to President of Kinvors Mortgage Co.) peer group pressure and a growth mentality, the property industry is able to manipulate city politics to their P own advantage. Through an exhaustive examination of municipal voting records, Lorimer proves beyond doubt that the political allies of the property industry vote in blocks always in support of measures having direct benefits to the most influential members of the industry. Property control even extends down through through the civil service, controls on firing, hiring, promotions and budgets, the property oriented politicians have direct control over civic departments such as planning. The civil service also has direct interests in promoting growth for a prolific rate of development maintains and expands civil service jobs. As pointed out by former head of the City of Toronto Development Department, Walter Manthope, who left. his government job to become a vice-president of Meridian ‘development company; “the possibility of this kind of job opportunity-and the fact that moves of this kind are more and more common, is another way that the interests of city bureaucrats and those of the property industry are linked together”. Property industry connections with the medig are also well developed. Direct control through interlocking directorships (such as that between Monarch Life, Imperial Trust, Canadian Pacific and Bank of Nova Scotia with F-P: Publications, owner of the Globe and Mail. Vancouver Sun, Winnipeg Free

But what can be done? Lorimer wrote the book at the time that” citizens’ groups were, really becoming actively involved in city politics.’ He describes their development and -involvement in elections as a concrete challenge to the tyrannical power of the development industry. But Lorimer suggests caution for those who believe that recent political developments usher in a new era of responsible and accountable city government. , One only has to look at William Dennison, notes Lorimer, who entered municipal politics on a platform characterized by-the Globe and Mail in the following manner: “Here is shown in plain language how this Socialist body hopes to destroy the freedom. of the voters and place the city in the grip of party bosses. Every elector should make his duty to round up his neighbours and scotch this bold attempt to grab control of the city.” Dennison left city politics as a firm supporter of development interests. The failure and ultimate bankruptcy of previous attempts to challenge the control of the property industry should be a portent to those who think the community is firmly in control. TO consolidate their gains, citizen groups must have direct involvement in politics at all~levels of government, have broader bases and propose alternative projects. In their objections to developers activities, citizen groups must go beyond their initial development \ companies down through the corporate ladder to the insurance companies and banks that really control development. _ To conclude, Lorimer provides a list of programs required to make the development industry satisfy public needs; public control of investment capital, \low interest rates, non-profit’cooperative housing, public ownership of large rental projects, rent, controls, government land assemble, increased capital gains tax, profit control and new political institutions that maximize the opportunities and effectiveness of / participatory democracy. With these measures, housing prices and rents could be cut up to 50 per cent. For anyone who lives in ‘some form of housing and will consequently pay up to, 33 % of their total life income over and ‘above the real cost of housing to the developer’s, super profits, Lorimer’s analysis should encourage rage. To those few receiving, the super profits, Lorimer’s book will be viewed as a petulant denigration of good corporate citizens. Independent of which category one finds oneself in, Lorimer provides a highly sophisticated and meticulously substantiated examination of how city politics really functions; who bears the costs and who receives the benefit.


Engineering this unbiased engineers. ..


the electioneering.

Paul Dobrocky then proceeded

president committee and


,was named by council as amember of to issue this memo to his fellow


M E M 0 R A N D U-M ----A---__




February All Paul












To supplement Students‘elections following:


my articles and-the


and verbal respective

on Feb.

presentations candidates,


& 14th

about I feel

the Federation I must point

of out


\ (a)

F+ur Engineers are (zero on the other)





Within the past year, a strong input to the Boards. I


If Engineering representation in the Federation executive is eliminated, I can foresee many difficulties arising (e.g. elimination of financing for the Eng. Sot. Handbook (refer to the "Dave Robertson issue" of Summer '73) , elimination of subsidy for the "Semi-Formal", restrictions upon financing of Enginews and Eng. Sot. Athletics due to necessary reallocations of our budget if the previous two occur).

through our-efforts, Federation, both

on one of



Engineering Society has through its Council and its

executive attained various

-\ P


It is time that.,something was done with the CHEVRON, a so-called student newspaper, subsidized by our monies to the tune of $40,000 per year. It is highly improbable that a candidate who is wholly supported by this "paper" will take any action in directing the CHEVRON editor and staff to represent the students' interests on this campus. \ (e) The Engineering students have always had the greatest turnout at every election in the history of this campus. With this in mind, along with the fact that Federation election turnouts are 20X at the most (that's approx. 2,000), it is obvious*that the 1,6UO Engineering vote&will be a very decisive factor in the upcoming elections. I In closing, I ask for a few minutes of your time on Wednesday or Thursday in the E-4 Lounge for casting your vote in supi)ort of the candidate most suited for the position of President of the Federation of Students. ..


Please read I University of Waterloo, Ph. 8851211 Ext. 2323

this memo to vour resnertiv~ Waterloo, Ontario ’ N2L 3Gl








2 15


member: association published Content is Offices are university






Canadian university press (CUP) and Ontario weekly newspaper (OWNA). The chevron is typeset by dumont press graphix and by the federation of students, incorporated, university of waterloo.’ the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation. located in the campus centre; phone (519) 885-1660,885~1661 or local 2331. ,

by now you will know who won the funtime election although i don’t while i’m writing this. we had lots of complaints about last weeks masthead and apologize to those who were associated with it I through no choice of their own. the chevron staff has elected its first womaneditor,this is not quite as sexist as it seems-no woman ever wanted the job before. anyway Susan johnson is the staff’s j choice for editor for the next year, and speaking of staff this week’s gang of idiots were tom gutton, john morris, Preston gurd, brad fenton, dudley Paul, joe Sheridan, don ballanger, mel rotman, paul mamelka, doris Wilson, Chester buczek, tully d’alleva, linda lounsberry, randy hannigan, jo-anne price, ken brown, liskris, mihail murgoci, phi1 tatham, paul sharpe, grahame aitken, Susan johnson, nick savage, rod hay and some more but both the entertainment and photo departments went home without leaving a list of names. jpb:



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