- ,
-Wo,rker unrests at Waterloo
University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 15, number 5 friday, june7, 1974
Joe Sheridan left his work with the university janitorial ’ department one day before he was to be accepted as a fuUtime member of the staff. He &ought accusations * against the union and the work conditions. In the following interview Sheridan explains his reasoning and his actions. Why did you leave your position in the janitorial staff of the gym of this university? Sheridan: I didn’t think I could stand by any longer and watch what was being done to my fellow workers in the shop, and.1 was a person who could do something about it. All my fellow workers were very dependent upon their jobs, I needed mine less than they. The situation needed to be brought to the attention of the union here, and the ‘other workers in the university . When the building first opened, there -were ‘ten or eleven people working there and when I left they had cut that down to five or six. The workload was just ridiculous, and especially on top of the new shift that we were being made to work. Chevron: How did the shift change come about? Sheridan :’ Apparently, from what I understand, the lead-hands wanted the shift changed from the ten-tosix to the six-to-two shift, because it was easier to sleep if you worked that shift. When the union officials explained the shift change to the workers, they neglected to point out that we would be losing eight dollars -a month in pay by the change. That was not known until , the change came. They held a ballot or election for people to make a choice between the two shifts. It was not a secret ballot and what happened was that the lead-hands who really wanted this change looked over peoples’ shoulders when they were filling out their ballots. I was watched by my lead-hand, Mike Ballan, when I filled out the card. I haven’t talked to anyone since the change who likes it. Some of us have to walk home at night, and that takes at least one hour. The buses don’t run after midnight and, unless you have a car, that means you have to, walk--since with the wages being paid here, you can’t afford a taxi. I’ve seen lots of workers walking home. But the worst of it is the way it affects the workplace. Especially in the gym the new shift is just not workable. The building is open for use until eleven at night, which means that any cleaning we do before that time is useless-it is just dirtied up again. So we wind up having to do the most cleaning in the last three hours-and that leads to poor results. Add that to the fact that there are less people to do all that work’ and you have a pretty messy situation. Chevron : Couldn’t your com‘plaints have been. taken through the usual channels, your shopsteward to the union and settled, perhaps-, in that way rather than you having to leave? Sheridan: In a* normal situation that would have been the case, but there are some peculiarities to this case. In my shop the shop-steward turned out to be the lead-hand as well. The lead-hand gets twentyfive cents an hour more than the ‘other workers, tells the other workers what to dEs, and when to do it-he is well on his way to \becoming a management, foreman. Chevron:
I have never heard of such a thing happening, where the leadhand who is to all intents -and purposes, management, is also your union representative. Of course, that is ~ handy for management because then the. workers have little hope for representation or any way to complain about anything. Also, I was still within the university’s ‘probation’ period-a time when the worker has little or. no rights. I was not told about anything-and did not find out about the shop-steward until I had been working there for a couple-of months. No one showed me the contract between CUPE (Canadian Union of Public Employees) and the university until I had been there a long time. It seems to be university policy and union negligence keeping the workers in the dark about as much as possible. ’ Also, a problem in this particular case was that a large number of my complaints were directed towards Mike Ballan the lead-hand and shop-steward, So I obviously could not bring the complaint through him to the higher union officials. Chevron : What did you have against your lead-hand? Sheridan: He never did much work; the hardest thing I ever saw. him do was refill the soap dispenser in a washroom-and that is usually only a once-weekly job. On many occasions he used outright intimidation and sexist cruelty, always entertaining the shop with his higher position and “freedom of speech”. It was simple to see we needed rank and file control to deal with all the problems all the time, but &he guidelines of the set-up were just like those of the management studies programme on campus, so -only the few in the union could represent you and in that way they could corrupt them with their false concern. They are only interested in working us harder, cheaper and keeping us ignorant. Chevron: What did you do on your last day of work, that made you think they would fire you? Sheridan : Thelead-hand put me on a job that I had only done. once before and told me to get it done in this really short length of time, but I started on it. Before I checked into the gym I circulated a letter I had typed-up to some of my fellow workers. I did not reach everyone but tried to get the most that I could. It was a letter of complaints and a demand for an investigation. But nothing was said to me by the lead-hand. Some time after I started to work that night, I got really angry at the lead-hand for what he was doing. He was manageme,nt in the shop, stooling on all of us. c . I went into one of the’ offices, called the union president I,arry McGlone and told him what had been going on down here. He seemed pretty excited on the phone and said he would be right over. He showed up an hour later in a totally diffe,rent frame of mind. He seemed to have lost most of the spirit he had had, he asked me a few questions, then asked the
F&e increase -fi,nal
The Federation of Students *finally got its three dollar increase which will raise * the compulsory student activity fee to twenty-five , dollars, after a lengthy debate at last Tuesday’s board of governors meeting. Bruce McKay and Steve Eady, . both acclaimed student representatives on the board of governors, voted against the fee increase on the grounds that not enough warning had been given to the student body. According to McKay, the ‘vast majority of . students did not know about this ’ I fee increase.’ Andy Telegdi, Federation ’ president, countered McKay’s argument by saying that all student faculty societies knew about the increase and that the request was unanimously passed at the last students council meeting. He further added, when asked for the reason .for such an increase, that the federation’s activities had greatly expanded since 1967, time of the last fee raise. McKay also wanted to know why the federation fee was compulsory . instead of voluntary as in the case of the student faculty societies. His . question was answered by Burt Matthews, university -president, who pointed out that students two years ago had overwhelmingly endorsed the federation’s compulsory fee in a campus wide referendum.
Ice cream UP
lead-hand whether or not the acposition I was in, he had left me cusations were true. The leadhand alone. The whole affair showed me denied some things but admitted to what a useless union the CUPE thmgs that he knew he couldn’t was and how it was not going to be deny-since there were lots of. of any help at all. I was in a people around when they happosition of being unable to pened. c representmyself when I was In the end McGlone said, “I getting the screws. The whole know Mike Ballan and I know he thing just drove the idea that the wouldn’t say things like this,” and only action to take is rank and file dismissed the charges in that way. action at the boss. After all we He also then said he was going to keep that place going, without us go to the foreman, management, to they would,be out ‘of luck. So by settle the matter. c working without any “officials” An hour later I was told by the we could tell the boss what to do lead-hand that the president hadn’t and when, proving that the boss is expendable and we can take been able to find,the foreman, and as a result he had decided to go charge and do a better job when we home. At that point I got so god- jl want to. ’ I am sorry that I quit, I should dam mad that I just up and left. I . went over to the campus centre have waited for them to fire meand got the foreman within five then I might have had some sort of defense. Now management has no minutes and told him that I was trouble at all, hiring some students quitting-t-he didn’t care. I had been left by the only person / at minimum wage to fill the vacancy. that could represent me in the
Campus gourmets who have learned to their dismay of the recent price hikes at the Federation of Students.’ campus centre ice-cream stand, may be comforted to learn that the increase is not the result of -the federation’s corporate profiteering. In fact, the new prices have come despite an increased subsidy for this vital service. Ice-cream cones, which for- ’ merly cost 15, 20 and 25 cents for the one, two and three scoop’sizes respectively, will be sold for 20, 30 and 40 cents. In addition, several of the more expensive flavours (Neilson’s ‘Supreme’ line > will no longer be available.Some observers believe that the size of each scoop provided at the stand are now smaller than they were previously. According’ to a well-placed source within the federation, the increases result from both an increase in price from the supplier, and a raise in pay last for the stand’s operator, Sharon Walker. At the old prices, the chevron’s source said,.the stand last year lost about $3000 more than its budgeted $500 deficit. This year, with the increased prices, and the subsidy doubled to $1000, it is hoped that the operation will be able to stay within its budgetary bounds. If this is not feasible, it will probably be terminated, and ,Food Services’ plastic ice-cream monopoly will reign once more.
the chevron
june 7, $174
v \
Deadhe for applications for Treasurer, Federahon must be in by June 14. Contact C. H‘arris, ext 2357.
of Students, 1
. 2- TERROaR ‘. sI-N . LATIN AMERICA. /.
Whitesports _
c-GABRIELd-PARRADA’ . CHILEAN TRADE-UN~IONIST * ’ * \. wed:June’ 19 8pm /
- Bd. ofJE><ternal kations Federation ofI Stude-nts
- People
June ActivikS .
I cannot help but be amused by the Intramural department’s Daniel Andrew suggestion that tennis court users Medical Director dress themselves in white attire Health Services (the chevron May’ 31, p.8!. ApIn the interview from which the parently sport’s Victorian legacy article was taken, Dan Andrew is still alive at Uniwat. “Proper” explained that ‘he had, several attire, of course, has always been times, ma-de house calls to associated with the Victorian students. Perhaps the service is sporting ethos, since it serves as not ‘required: but we were given one mechanism for keeping the the impression that it was lumpen-leisure class out of the available-noW we ‘are not sure. elite sports such as cricket, crew As to the other ‘misleading’ and racquets. Argot and apwe do not know what propriate garments along with . statements, Andrew is referring to, and cannot humanism, the gentlemanly correct them until we do-if they tradition, manliness, and ‘sport-do, in fact, need correctingsmanship” .were the main conlettitor. stituents of the Victorian sporting creed. Sport clothes were (and still are) status symbols used to indicate the prestige associated with one’s social role as a spectator and participant. Since cut-offs and a tank top are just as effective as whites for playing the game, these dress-regulations are nothing more than instruments of social control which serve to -screen out “un’ desirables’y who may not have the sufficient funds to purchase an official Rod Laver tennis outfit. The prevalence of these rules can Something about the great hall hardly be termed “cricket”. in the campus centre has always J.P. McKay irked me. Dept of Kinesiology I wouldn’t call myself paranoid, but walking across the hall (especially diagonally >usually 1 gives me a hint of stage fright, a perception not too compatible with the ideal, relaxed atmosphere a ‘campus centre’ should have. Perhaps the social space could be improved through the use of some portable barriers (curtains, boards, artwork.. . ) which would I am writing in response to an lessen the ‘zoo’ effect without article in the chevron of May 17, hindering mobility. If others feel 1974 on Health Services. The arsimilarly perhaps we could try _ ticle contains many statements dividing the hall up into four or five which are totally misleading. For semi-segregated spaces ,.(not exam-ple, I hasten to point out that necessarily all the same size) for a doctors are - not “required” to test period and get some feedback. * make house calls. Health Services David Marmorek
stop the
‘, , ’
doctors are “required” to practise good medicine. How they do that is up to them. If accurate information is desired about Health Services, I 1 would suggest reading our booklet “The People Place”. If further information is needed after reading the booklet, inquiry would be welcomed at Health Services.
. place,
June 13-16THE ABOM-INABLE- DR. . Price. ’ . PHIBES. with Yincent JUNE 20 - .23 The Anderson Tapes 8 :-OOprn . ALL IN ARTS-LECTURE116 FED MEMBERS $75 _ NON-MEMB-iRS $1.25 -C.C
PUB ,~ \
a. sur-prke band . June open
6-7 _I’ SALT -
12 noon-lam
504 admission -after 7 pm c
member: Canadian university press (COP). The chevron is typeset by dumont press graphix and published by the federation of students incorporated, university-of Waterloo. Content is the sole responsibility of the chevron editorial staff. Offices are located in the campus centre; (519) 8851660, or university local 2331. through the smog and the bog and the fog we are beginning to see the end of the tunnel and its darker and blacker and colder than we thought it ever wowld be. struggling to the surface to gasp for air this w.eek are Charlotte -buch%n, mel rotman, Chris bechtal, don ballanger, dri, Preston gurd, john morris, john broeze, vince chetcuti, randy hannigan, kati middleton, margaret murray, betty ann bagley, lucy marr, darnel cootes. drowning and , giving up on the struggle were Susan johnson and nick savage. csi s
‘/ Bog: raps paper. federation, told Davies that he believed in editorial freedom for the press and also that the federation -would not 1 ‘issue diredtives to the paper as such an action would constitute cen’ sorship’. Davies felt that the chevron was not independent because it received money from the federation and studgnts were not -being asked whether they wanted their money to finance ‘such a - paper’. To this attack, Telegdi patiently informed, Davies that students had a say in the paper’s policies: they could work on it. Telegdi’s point tias echoed by other board members who also agreed that if students were dissatisfied with the paper they could work to change it. TERMPAPERS SERVICE Although Davies wanted \ to (Reg’d) persist in his point of asking the federation to dictate policy to the papers on file chevron, the rest of the board of $2.00 per page governors considered that such a (Catalogues $2.00 each) matter was irrelevant to the OR board’s terms of reference. -~ CUSTOM MADE Ira Needles, chancellor of the at reasonable cost university, voiced his objection to 416-783-0505 even discussing the Davies after hours 416-638-3559 questi.on for he did not see any wgy the board could. take action Suite 206,3.199 Bathurst St., on the content of the chevron’s Toronto, Ontario. advertising. In sum, Needles did According to . Davies the not see id-fit for the board to chevron was being ‘highly discuss student affairs. irresponsible’ to print such ads After the chancellor’s conand he wanted to know whether elusive remark, th’e board agreed the federation had any control that the Davies.’ suggestion was over ‘its’ paper. indeed inappropriate for it to Andy Telegdi, president .of the consider. _ --john morris Ke-n - Davies, a history professor, asked the university to express ‘it’s disapproval’ to the Federation of Students bver the content of the chevron’3 advertising at last Tuesday’s board of governors meeting. Davies, a recently elected university senator and board of governors membw, introduced his motion when the board was considering a request made by the Federation of Students to increase its activity fee from twenty iwi> to twenty five dollars. He strongly objected to the chevron carrying an ad of a termpaper service company which sells custom-made essays to students because it promoted ‘illegal’ academic practices.
alternative to the Debug service. Because this latest acquisition which should arrive sometime in July, has extra features- which make it better for APL, it will go
Centre. s spending -
, -
For the last month or so, theComputing Centre has been moving pieces of computer hardware around the room like they were little squares in one of those grid puzzles with only one free slot. The only problem was that, when they started, they didn’t have a free square. According to _Computer CentreDirector Paul Dirksen, the aim of all the pushing and shoving is put all the tape drives and mountable disk drives together and to prepare for the arrival of a rented IBM 370158 in August. ,Until this week; there were some ’ fears, at least on the part of management sf the computing Centre, that delivery of the new machine might be delayed up to a year by the university adI ministration. Burt Matthews told that he had called for a “review” of the scheme because projections showed there would be less usage, owing to the fact that users now have to pay for the Computing Centre’s services, and because ‘costs have gone up. He said that IBM rental increase had added ‘fabout $135,000” to the fiy? year cost of the new machine and that the Data ‘Processing Centre required an additional $250,000, again over fiti years for addition peripheral equipment, including a printer, tape drives and disk
because “it takes three days to move.” The only major piece of equipment ,which has not y&been pushed around the circle is the 36044, which provides APL service. When it does, he said, it will keep right on going out the door, probably to end up on the second floor alongside the terminals used for Math 132 tutorials. The reason for this maneuver, he s_aid, is that the Computer Systems Group, which develops language translators and programs sold Jby the university to other organizations, has bought a used 360-44 from the University of Toronto, for use in hardware testing connected with the development of a better
But, Dirksen said, neither machine has enough memol’y to handle recent improvements made in APL, so the Computing Centre is consider adding the service to one of the other machines. Dirksen said he was confident that thft Computing Centre would be able to handle the load.imposed upon it in the fall term, a load which will be added to by g new Debug terminal in the Arts building, (a Xerox 1. -Preston
the cheiron
. Sherbourne - ends reign drives.
One of the most popular deans on campus is about to resign from his post and return to his favorite job of teachingArchie Sherbourne of the engineering department. His resignation will take effect on June 30 at which time he intends to go away for ,a *year or so and then return to Waterloo to teach civil engineering. Sherbourne has spent, in many ways, a very sudcessful eight years in his administrative position-seeing Waterloo engineering grow to be one of the largest .in Canada and to be the most innovative with its cooperative program. Of course, Sherbourne humbly states that%0 one is ever satisfied” and that his greatest disappointmeht has b%eri the problem of limiting the size of the engineering department. The university. has had a problem deciding at what pointthey would operate at the optimum, with the most return-for the least investment. “You get the financial efficiency but ‘not educational efficiency”. The university has still not managed to solve that -problem, In the atmosphere bf the university the engineering students have taken to identifying themselves with “forty beeri” and playing up the differences between themselves and the other students. Sherbourne declares the rivalry to be entirely superficial and says, “at base both groups are equal-ly insecure”. Although the rivalry has been played up to monstrous proportions at different times in
Executive Council decided at meeting last’ WedWaterloo’s history, Sherbourne . their regular nesday to’ go ahead with the thinks there is some real difscheme bn the basis that the ference between the two groupsComputing Centre would save “as there should be, they are of ~ “about $lOO;OOO" by buying instead different temperments”. of renting certain items of Another problem that has peripheral equipment. plagued the engineering department, perhaps even without them Dirksen said he was “very knowing it, is the near total lack of happy” with the decision and women in the ‘engineering faculty added preparations for the 158 and students. Sherbourne agrees were advancing well ahead of that there should be more women schedule i The 360-75 Central in the student body, but is at a loss Processing. Unit, which dominates as to advise how to go about the red-walled pit, will remain bringing women in. Sherbourne exactly where it is, he said, partly innocently suggested that women could do “wonderful things in the design areas”. coupon offer A product of the University of Cambridge in England, Sherbourne finds the going&on of this university peculiar and not to his Iliking. He voted against the raise in sabbatical pay -for professors last year, and this year declared ~ the issue to be no longer worth the argument, but still disagrees. (almost a foot long) CT-3 He also has some disagreement with the entire system that runs the University of Waterloo-the so-called bi-camera1 ,system. This includes the senate and the board of governors, the latter group being one Sherbourne feels is useless. He does not understan+why expires-June 13, 1974 businesspeople _ from the community should have any say in the running of the university when the university has no say in the running of their businesses. “I’ve Westmount Place always been mystified by the Actions of our board. . .” he commented..
is officially calling position of ,
applications .
to’ be submitted
1ad manager the position runs from august 1, 1974 to april 30, i975; the salary is $115 per week and the hours are outrageous; applications must besubmitted to Charlotte buchan at ext. 2330 in the chevron office, by june 21; the decision
will be made by the . chevron
ae I0
ra Iler+
a “Scrumpdil y~shus”
R ’
Live ente.rtainment
June 7-8 ’
the chevron
The coup in Portugal brought that country into world news, and has kept it there, with eueryone exclaiming the greatness of the change in the country and the, soon-to-come, changes in that countries\ “colonies. The established press, came out strongly in favour of the new government, and has plajed -down all accounts of regression, on their part.’ That government has announced it will escalate the wars in Africa zf the liberation mouements do not compromise and come to the bargaining table. Jn the following article Abraham Fofana discusses the coup in this light, and talks of the alternatives open to that newgovernment.
7, 1974 (
American Gulf Oil uses the rich oil beds of Angola for oil to export to Canada. In Angola alone, there‘are at least twenty-five companies . from the United States of Americathree of which are diamond speculators. And besides Gulf, there are several other oil companies. In 1969 Gulf had invested $130 million dollars in its work in Angola. ‘Production from its offshore field in Angola reached 150,000 barrels per day by the end of 1970. West Germany also has some vested interest in the outcome of the new government and its policies. Krupp industries have invested _a total of $190 million for various projects And of course, there are British and Canadian firms established in the colonies as well. During a period from 1965 to 1967, loans to the ‘public’ of Angola hit the $4,120 million mark. These included $984 million for a bridge over the Tagus, $135 million for the postal service, $851 million for shipbuilding. The Cabora Bassa Dam in Mozambique-to be the largest in Africa, flooding an area of 1,000 square miles - will produce 17 billion kilowatt hours of hydroelectric power. All planned to be cheap power for the RSA. Since the coup, Spinola has either refused to comment on the fate of colonies or has taken to commenting negatively. At one point, Spinola said that “the African countries are not yet ready for independence.” In response, the guerrillas have said the fight will continue until they are approached on an equal basis; representatives of the junta have said that the war with the guerrillas will continue as long as they refuse to seek a political settlement. The junta has been coming up with the usual . piecemeal granting of ‘independence’hence the recent proposal by general Costa Gomez of a loose federal system under which the territories “would enjoy virtually equal statug with metropolitan Portugal.” As for an end to the hostility in the colonies on the principle usual, Lisbon would retain control of defense foreign that they would never win agyway. He also advocated policy and finance; and there is little ‘independence’ left the establishment of a ‘federation’ of countries presently when those are taken. This is much the same idea that making up the Portuguese group. Ian Smith proposed to the Africans of Rhodesia-only to Spinola is now being named as the leader of the coup qualify for the equality an African must be earning $1800 that overthrew the Portugal government last month, he a year, and that automatically disqualifies mostw ‘\ has been placed at the head of the provisionary governAfricans. ment and given the task of straightening out Portugal’s From this, Spinola’s plan may be deduced. Ever since .. affairs. the junta, there has been jubilations everywhere in For fifty years there has been no organized political Portugal; political reforms and no talk about inparties in Portugalall outspoken politicians including dependence for the African countries. And yet it was due 9 some-members of the clergy have been either exiled or to the African wars,. started by colonization, that the put behind bars. Immediately after the coup, the regime fell. , organizing started. There did exist some clandestine Spinola is no enemy of the business class. His interests organizations like the socialist or communist parties are clearly the same. He was at one time on the board of which can now come into the open. It is likely that they Portugal’s privately-owned steel monopoly, Metalurgia will play a part in the new government of the country. National, which belongs to the Champalimaud group, The leader of Portugal’s socialist party, Mario Soares the third. largest group in Portugal. Like this group, returned to Portugal immediately after the coup and nearly all Portugal’s largest conglomerates have interest announced to the public that “any future Portuguese both at home and in the overseas territories. government would have to negotiateto settle the <In this sense there is no split between the Spinola immediate discussions on colonial wars” . -He favoured group-and the business community, worried about their self-determination with the nationalist movements. interest abroad. After taking power, however, Spinola started revising Some of Spinola’s hopes may be pinned on finding the position put forth in his book. He is now suggesting Africans willing to sell the rest of their country. It may thatrather than give the Africans their freedom through happen that he will find some African leaders willing to _ the federation, they should be content with only a minor sell to capitalism, keeping the companies in the country part in another sort of ‘federation’. . and continue to subjugate the masses. In this way he can seem to give freedom to the African colonies while still / 1 holding onto all that is dear to him and the rest of the waiting western world. Here, he can find Africans that will act like any other governing class. But as far as the liberation movements of Africa are concerned the coup in Portugal has little or-nothing to do with their struggle for freedom. The liberation groups,’ after fighting for fifteen years are not coming out of the jungle to come and sit on a conference table for piecemeal independence. They‘will not accept anything less than what Fidel Castro and his group accepted in Cuba or Ben Bella and his group in Algeria. They want to come out, marching in the streets singing the songs of victory.
lie- to the ’ ‘ p.eopl,e
Portugal’s colonial history and policies, like those of all imperialist countries, has never ‘been in favour of the colonizced. Worse still, while other imperialists have given .up overt control of their colonies, Portugal has managed to hang onto its “possessions” for five hundred years, with no upward social mobility in the metropole-’ let alone the colonies. Portugal colonialists occupied Morocco and established the first colony of the world in 1415. They travelled southward, setting up colonies along the western coast. While most colonial countries through colonization grew rich, Portugal remained the poorest nation of the western hemisphere. In 1967 the gross national product of the country was a mere $457 million compared to that of Canada-$68 billion. Living conditions of the budding colonialists were grim. As late as i969, out of 2.2-million dwellings in Portugal 12 percent had no kitchen, 72 percent had no running water, 60 percent had no electricity and 62 percent had no sewers. As a result of their colonialization, and the strong resistance of the indigenous people of the areas, Portugal has been fighting wars in its colonies for the past fifteen years. These wars have kept Portugal in constant poverty, as a country and it has only managed to continue the wars through, the aid of other capitalist countries. As a result of the poverty many of the workers have had to leave the country and join Europe’s travelling workforce - hence most of Portugal’s young menare absent,, either through the war or through the voluntary exile. / The strong determination of the African peoples-the liberation movements-with the aid of sympathetic nations and organizations have been able to free large portions of the colonized territories. Despite the sophisticated weapons of the Portuguese, the African people have slowly been winning that war. General Antonio Spinola is the’ latest Portuguese hero-the man that they say has freed them from the yoke of fascism. His career started in the colonial wars and ended a few months ago when he published a controversial book entitled Portugal and its Sk,t~re. Until that time he was a wellrespected product of his military ._country. However, in the book Spinola repeatedly called
’ Undoubtedly, Spinbla has come under pressure--from the Republic of South Africa (RSA) and Rhodesia. The RSA and Rhodesia will not favour a liberal government - their governments are dependant upon apartheid and their close proximity to the Portuguese colonies means they are also counting on those colonies maintaining their apartheid policies. For once there is political freedom for Africans in these colonies,, the guerrilla j warfare of RSA and,Rhodesia would be stepped up-to an intolerable rate- for the Europeans. It is also of utmost importance to- the rest of the , capitalist world that the Portuguese colonies remain open and do not have an opportunity to turn to the ‘left’.
7, 1974
the chevron
the more it ‘became possible, and necessary, to ’ apply Ejhysical and chemical methods, and the interdisciplinary nature of biology came to the fore. The first triumph of this shift in emphasis was the publication in 19,53 by Francis Crick and likely to be performed: Would such inpossible with humans relatively soon. Large vestigations be condoned by the scientific numbers of people could be manufactured in this community ? If not, would they take ’ place I fashion, physically identical to the finest detail. anyway? At-‘birth<‘,, assuming the embryos had been reared Several things can be considered in this regard. in ’ like conditions, each clone would be a One, of course, is that most scientists, geneticists chemically and morphologically accurate j ‘. included, are not so naive as to be unaware of the duplicate of every other. possible consequences of their work, and will shy Some of the more bizarre and terrifying away from research that could too 1readily be ramifications of this concept are obvious and. need Another consideration is that this is a not be detailed. More importantly it should be -misused. rule. ’ asked whether experiments of this nature are far from universal In the heat of exciting and challenging James Watson of the discovery of research, or in a situation of conflicting loyalties, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the famous double the scientific conscience has on occasion proved helix which is the physical site oft the genetic frail indeed. The danger is heightened by the fact code. The study of that remarkable molecule and that the ability to clone humans would provide its _ close relative RNA has since then many tempting avenues of research, some .of revolutionised biology ,‘ and especially genetics, to great potential value to society. the extent that such classic science fiction Much research on human problems is comconcepts of genetic engineering, and the artificial plicated by the fact that experiments with people creation and prolongation of life now loom as real are essentially non-repeateble, a ‘difficulty which probabilities. statistical methods are only partially .able to Earlier this year, the Soviet geneticist Nikolai circumvent. Were there a large stock of duplicate Dubinin was able to .predict that, “in the near this barrier would future, we will be able to do anything with a people to draw from, however, ‘no longer exist. The numerous possibilities in man-aprospect which he considered such fields as medicine, developmental and more frightening than hopeful. Indeed, current behavioural psychology, biology and education, genetic research is laden with ethical and could bring enormous social benefits. Will these philosophical problems whose scope is -only be ignored? beginning to be understood, problems which we possibilities Right now it seems unlikely that they will. are monumentally unprepared to face. Even if the obvious military applications of An example: late last year three German cloning aren’t applied-in itself far from cerscientists announced the discovery of a technique for concentrating viable sperm cells. Such a tain-the scientific attractions will be, to some, overwhelming. If this prognosis is justified, it technique could be of value for subfertile males whose sperm could be concentrated in quantities would seem desirable that we be prepared well in sufficient for artificial insemination, .’ something advance to face the incredible ethical and legal . problems involved. not previously possible. However, there’s a catch: In a Hagey Lecture at this university in 1972, the same technique may also be used to pr’ovide a the University of British Columbia geneticist disproportionate quantity of male-producing David Suzuki described how he had given up sperm in the final product. some of his own researchinto fruitflies Given the widespread and traditional cultural predilection for male offspring, it’s easy to see because he feared that it might be applied to the genetic manipulation of human beings. Suzuki’s that this clever invention, coupled with the of his work highlights the growing recognition of the right of women to renunciation in which scientists find themselves abortion on demand, could concievably have far-’ predicament the barbarities of which gov’ern’ reaching social consequences. The prospect of an on witnessing ments are capable when employing science and entire society in which the balanc’e of the sexes technology to provide instruments of warfare and would be totally lopsided is daunting, but not preposterous. And that’s just a taste of things to social control. At the same time, itmust be r?cognized that come. individual acts of conscience a la Suzuki are Genetic engineering, in the’sense of the actual insufficient, that academic freedom cannot be manipulation of genetic material, is still some held to be sacrosanct if it means the freedom of time away. DNA is very small, and very complex, scientists to choose, on their own criteria, and the tools needed to interfere with it directly whether or not they will aid in the hevelopment of precise. Other will be correspondingly tools of repression. Stringent ethical guidelines, developments for meddling with genes are nearer even controls, are clearly called for, however at hand, with frightful results already reported. scientists and sponsors of their Some of them have actually been tested in distasteful may find them. medical applications; these will be discussed in an research ‘Formulating ethical rules to govern questions article next week. All techniques, however, also of biology and human life is a formidable task. have potential applications which are less The abortion issue is still a matter of hot debate, beneficient. and many of the problems of advanced medical It seems hackneyed to refer to Brave New techniques, particularly those relating , to World here, but it’s also practically obligatory. psychosurgery and transplant surgery, have Huxley’s nightmare of a future society which scarcely begun to be addressed. maintains rigid order, and thus its own perThe far more complex and biologically intimate manence, through the use of psychological questions which genetic research will soon force and production-line genetic conditioning upon us will be still harder to deal with, yet it manipulation t is a clearly visible possibility given seems unlikely that many people are even aware the rapid strides of modern biology. That sounds that the problem exists: Expressions of concern alarmist, to be sure, but there are many examples from within the scientific community have’ been closer to home than Stalin to illustrate the few, and in general isolated. lengths to which governments will go Co ensure Meanwhile the research continues. In germ social stability. warfare laboratories, biochemists earn their In Brave New World, batches of identical and weaving the delicate coils of human beings were ‘manufactured’ by a salaries cutting or viral technique called cloning. Cloning makes use of DNA in search of the perfect .bacterial soldier. It is . reprehensible enough that such ’ the fact that all the genetic information contained The in an organism is contained simultaneously and weapons would ever be used even in wartime. independently in its every cell. Under the right threat, possibly remote but not unrealistic, that conditions, a cell can be induced to divide, difthese agents could be accidentally released in should also be cause for concern. ferentiate and develop to form a carbon copy of peacetime Furthermore, no one knows what other avenues the organism from which it was taken. such research might open In practice, of course, it’s not exactly easy to toward lethal efficiency up, and that is perhaps the most frightening do. Nonetheless, frogs have already been successfully cloned, and /it will -almost certainly be aspect of all.
-< Everybodymust. e / r* get*/clokd . Problems with the new bidlogy a
Biology is, by its very nature, a meetingground of many sciences. ‘An understanding of the incredibly intricate mechanisms of life is necessarily dependent on and limited by one’s understanding of the’ physical and chemical laws according to which such mechanisms behave. Thus, twentieth-century biology has spawned a seemingly endless list of branches and subdisciplines: biochemistry, biophysics and bio engineering are all well-known and respectable specialties. Even astrobiologynecessarily a somewhat speculative field- is gradually coming into its own. This generalization holds increasingly true the further one delves into living systems. The broad investigations of Galen and Aristotle did quite well without a refined knowledge of chemistry and physics, and William Harvey was able to describe the circulation of the blood without invoking any but the simplest mechanical principles. - Darwinian evolutionary theory and Mendelian genetics also got on pretty well without- too much help from the physical. sciences, their primarily descriptive approach being at the time sufficient to the task. instrumentation and When improved developed theory finally made it possible to study life in smaller and smaller chunks, however, it soon became’ .apparent that descriptive techniques were no longer enough. The more one probed the .microscopic systems of an organism,
the chevron
Theoiroctorscompany 1
as a pr_qgr&sion into the world of plants. - 300 of the’ most-asked questions about organic gaidening .(rodale press) is a collection of usual and relevant questions that editors of Organic Gardening -and Farming have been asked for years. These questions generally fall into patterns and, asa result, this book is divided into* definite sections. Soil, quite naturally is the first - topic discussed. It is stressed that fertile soil is not haphazardly formed: The proper conditions and
I The
/ clColor A Paramount
TECHNICb~OR~ Pictures
Recomthended as ADULT ENfERTAlNMENT
would normally take care of plant predators and enrich, the soil. Humus is virtually non-existent in chemical fertilizers causing the soil to crack more easily and have a greater run-off. This is outlined in the chapter on Ehemical vs: ’ Organic fertilizers and helpful. hints on organic fertilizers are given. An important chapter for anyone interested i’n plants is the control’ of unwanted pests. Some plants attract .insect pests who feed on them .and then die. Japanese beetles will go right to geraniums (if you have any in your garden) and gorge thems’elves unwittedly on jts poisonous juices. African marigold also diverts
MORDECAI-RICHLER’S paat mowi bmwrmovie
-A88demyAw8rd88min88MNoY~ 1 HELD OVER 3rd WEEK 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY 7 819: 30 PM MATINEE SAT &SUN 2 PM
7, 1974
arm-chair gardeners it
“A MODERN HORROR FILM!‘~~~:~h’~~.. “I WASFASCINATED BYTHEFILM!” The’re’s a wealth of information at your fingertips, &specially on plants, at the moyent. The “A CHlLl.lNG TO~lCALTHRIllER!” following books have been chosen -Pauline
ingredients, albng with the proper beetles from other more valuable care are all required to produce plants. -Other useful garden and maintain good soil. Hard-pan, protectors are chives, garlic, and extremely acid, alkaline, sandy thyme, tansy, rue, .onions, mint or clay-like soils are discussed and zinnias, mint, basil, asters, cosmos remedies are stated. Hard-pan, for and petunias. Who says you can’t .-instance, can be - removed, by have a healthy garden that’s “subsoiling”, that is, cutting the ’ beautiful too? soil with a disc &c. to a depth of 300 of the most-asked . i!5-30 iriches. Placing composted questions about oragnic garor vegetable matter in the soil will dening is an excellent handbook hasten the formation of humus for the beginning gardener. Two and missing soil ingredients. In the off-season ground-covers such as vetch or clover can be pianted to further increase the fertility of the soil. Simple, but not insignificant terms such as crop rotation, aeration and soil acidity are explained. ‘All of these variables affect each other. For instance, an Pregnant and Distressed? Birth -‘over-watered soil can go “sour” c Control Centre 885-1211, ext. 3446. Doctor referrals, unplanned and and become too acid or alkaline unwanted pregnancy counselling and for the plants. follow-up birth control i,nformGon. . One argument between the Complete confidence. organic a’nd chemical farmers is Pregnant and Distresse.d? Birthright _ that of the use-of fertilizers. The 579-3990. Pregnancy .tests, medical organic farmers ma’intain that if and legal aid, housing, clothing, you add chkmicaIs”to the soil you complete confidence. are, more or less, putting it on a FOR SALE soeed trio. The - materials -_--Pair 15 x 6” slotted wheels Ford or nkc&sary for bountiful harvests Chrysler. Make offer. Terry 884-2497. are evident in chemical fertilizers * but they are very short-termed rVPlNG s . and otten cause more harm than Low rates for accurate typing. Speedy electric typewriter. Call Jo Harris good. The chemicals kill natural ?nsect and animal controls that - anytime 578-7231.
good complements to it, The Rirth Stout No-Work Garden Book, and the organic way to mulching are also by Rodale Press, a leader in thiS area. Ruth Stout is an eighty-year did person who has’ been mulching her garden for approximately forty years. Her whole philosophy to life seems to be that one must enjoy the fruits of the earth but not kill themselves doing it. H&r shortcuts at growing are amazing but quite successful. She shuns scientists and authorities for, to her, there is only so much one can predict. When, one year,’ a whole crop of one vegetable was wiped out she passed it off as an act of nature. No matter how much man tries he can never know all of mother nature’s secrets. Ruth Stout realizes this and reacts accordingly. Her garden. has been visited by m&y experts who were amazed.-- and sometimes perturbed by her success.. She uses the mulches at hand, anything from straw to rocks and succeeds . beautifully. One “trick of the trade” that \ Ruth Stout uses is leaving her turnips and other roots in the garden,‘under a layer of mulch, during the winter, and going out to pull them when they’re -needed. This saves the bother- of having to maintain a large root cellar. Once again she wins by keeping things in accurd with nature .in the earth’s root cellar.. Practicality is a byword of Ruth Stout. She relates her experiences to the reader and hopefully quotes other experienced gardeners in areas where she lacks technical knowledge or experience. This is truly a book for the armchair gardener. In fact, once you put its iuggestions into reality in your garden, you will probably be spending more time in your armchair than you imagined: . The Organic Way to Mulching is much like Ruth Stout’s book, in. essence. It lists a little ‘more technically the different effects that mulch has on soil and crops and the proper way to mulch. A quotation from the book lists /the benefits of mulching as follows: -ripens fruit earlier -keeps garden cool and moist through droughts -rejuvenates tired, old trees -saves you work \-improves the appearance of your garden -keeps weeds down With these three rbooks‘ from Rodale Press it almost seems like child’s play to start and maintain a successful garden. -kati
,40 cents per page. Call 884-6913. ’ _ Experienced secretary will do typing in French or English (gothic, elite, prestige elite types). Please phone Violet 579-8098. HOUSING
Single and double rooms for rent, ’ excellent kitchen and laundry facilities, Close to university. Male only. Call 884-1381. HOUSING
. ’
September 1 professor wants to rent or sublet a large 2-3 bedroom flat in old house. Walking distance to University. Marlene Webber 8844400; 578-7941.
7, 1974
5;;. lJ~;~;;~;e~~;p;~~ does not stand up to the Intricate,
i . I
atid the, WIY
doesn’t quite .nfake the grade,. - Steeleye Span IS an obviously talented and interesting group earlier albums such as Parcel of. with all the right ingredients but Rogues and Please To See The they blew it on this one. ’ King. Steeleye Span’s earlier albums, Now We Are Six is much m&e especially Parcel of Rogues, is commercially produced than worth listening to. About ’ all .their earlier albums but is still there , is left to say is that quite different from standard Steeleye Span is an obviously rock albums. Their style is talented and interesting group comparable to Fairport Conwith all the right ingredients but vention, both groups featuring a they blew it on this one. ’ lead- female vocalist and a traditional folk rock adaptation. / , Unborn ChildLSeals and CroftHowever ’ Fairport Convention Warner Bros. (W2761) seem to do a much better ,iob There isn’t much tp say about than Steeleye Span, at least with Unborn Child by Seals and Croft regard to Now We Are Six. In the other than it is an incredibly poor first place, Sandy Denny of album for a couple of musicians Fairport has a much -stronger who have proven themselves at and smoother voice than Maddy least somewhat capable in the Prior of Steeleye Span and the past. Unfortunately SealIs and instrumental arrangements are Crofts have produced a very much fuller, more cohesive atid commercial and uninteresting bettet- produced. album. The music is extremely Apart from Steeleye Span’s . simple almost to the point of lack of vitality they also make the non-existence, a cross between mistake of throwing in twb Perky Faith and light Simon and nursery rhymers, Twinkle Garfunkel. Periodically however Twinkle Little Star and Now We c the music does pick up a little Are Six which, although inwith the assistance of Byddy teresting, detract severely from Emmon’s steel guitar pieces but the flow and mood of their initial ’ even in these parts the sound is presentations. A third track, Phil . pool’ly mixed and jumbled. The Spector’s To Know H~im Is To Jyrics which are printed qn the Love Him-is well done but again inside sleeve are equally boring inconsistent and out of pl”ace. By and at times their mediocrity and the Way,- David Bowie offers- a metlowness prove to quite terrible saxophone solo to irfitating. complete this song and end the The title track, Unborn Child, album. which is printed on the cover is The only track that really grabs an anti-abortion message that hold of you is the first cut of the album, Thomas The Rhymer. After- that your attentiveness wanders from traditional jigs to folk rock adaptations to riusery rhymes and you end up feeling not altogether sure about what you have just heard. Although e Now we 0Are Six
Selling. England -by the PdundGenesis (WEA FC6060) ’ Genesis is a fairly well established British group that have recorded several albums before Selling England by the Pound. Although I’ve heard only bits and pieces of their former albums I .was under the impression that their music was for the most’ part, somewhat pallid. Either I was totally mistaken or Selling England by the Pound is that one great album that many competent groups are capable of producing but .somehow fail torepeat in their following or previous attempts. Regardless of my initial disinterest of Genesis their latest album, recorded late in 1973, is probably the most innovative album I’ve heard this year. My musicalprefer_ence lies ” and its hard not to feel satisfied with the overall effect this album with English groups that comcarries with it. If you want an .- . bine elements of classical, jazz album that excites and relaxes and rock orchestration (Traffic, simultaneously Selling‘ England Strawbs, King Crimson, Procol by the Pound is a trip worth Harum, to mention a few) and exploring. Genesis seems to have mastered Now We Are Six-Steeleye this technique in this album. The Span-Chrylalis (WEA)-CHR music is involving and complex‘ 1053 yet simple and soothing. The’ As is’the case with so many wide. variety of instruments newand interesting groups, they used, including flute, oboe, ,are seldom discovered by a large electric sitar and multiple audience until they produce a keyboards interchange commercial album. Steeleye. beautifully, flowing sounds into Span is well known in their each other ‘without losihg the homeland of Britain but we have unique distinctness of each been ignored by North American seperate instrument enabling audiences until the release of the listener to tune into the their latest album, Now We Are ’ singular individual pieces or the synthesizing total effect. The most interesting aspect of this album is the solid progression of musical emphasis which constantly builds and . builds but never explodes. June 7-9 Musical arrangements -that Diary of a Mad- Housewife reach their peaks patiently without undue abruptness leads you on a journey of gentle and Monday June 10 - sensitive ha’rmony. For this Norfolk a folk and blues band reason the album seems to go through multivarious changes June 11-16 yet wheri the music finally comes “It’s Drabber” two plays: to an end you cealize that all the with Jeanneke Fry as the dancer. M’usic by Glen Soulis, Carrol John Constant. changes fit toget her perfectly
7 84 9:15
at 8:00
should discourage even avid Seals and Crofts admirers: Oh‘ little baby, .you’ll never cry Nor will you hear a sweet lulla by. Oh Unborn Child, if you only knew Just what your. momma is plannin’ to do You’re still a-clingin’ to the tree of. life But soon you’ll be cut off before you’ get ripe. Oh, Unborn Child, beginning to grow Inside your momma, but you’ll never know Oh, tiny bud that grows in the womb Only to Ge crushed before you can blooy. Momma Stop. Turn around, go back, think it over Stop. Turn around, go back; think it over. And it goes on’and on. Sounds like a Right to Life commercial. Anyway, if you do happen to like this album, you have two , choices open to you. If you can’t afford to buy it just tune in to your local AM station, you hear it often enough.-But if you do buy the album.-then by all means write for Fan Club Information, c/o Miss Toni Bodnar, 2224 Vinewood Drive, Parma, -Ohio, 44134. . Hate-to change the mood of this review but there is one redeeming factor, it has a nice cover. -vince
Alive Variety
by Jason
8 pm a play
Federation flicks. “Pete ‘n Tillie” 8pm AL1.16. U of W undergrads 75 cents; general admission $1.25.
by Betty
at7pm Wainio
by Mynna committee
Lamb with Kathy, for the defense
Sandy of Dr.
and Cherie Morgentaler.
Lately2 L
MacDonald. I
at 9:15
Federation flicks. “Pete ‘n Tillie” 8pm AL1 16. U of W undergrads 75 cents; general admission $1.25. ’ SUNDAY
Ecumenical Chapel ‘service. 8m Conrad Grebel Chapel. Everyone welcome. . \ TUESDAY Chinese Students’ Association Ii brary now in basement of campus centre next to barbershop. Open 2-3pm. Everyone welcome to use this facility. UW Sailing Club seminar on ,racing rules and tactics. MC1052 7pm. Discussion to centre on the basics of competition. THURSDA?
Federation flicks. “Abominable Dr Phibes” 8pm AL146. U of W undergrads 75 cents; general admission $1.25.
Federation flicks. “Pete ‘n Tillie” 8pm AL116. U of W undergrads 75 cents; general admission $!,25.
Chinese Students’ Association library now -in basement of campus centre next to barbershop. Open 2-3pm. Everyone welcome to use this facility.
IfJ you tire interested _ . i. in drama, music, $ books; crafts, food, television, eating, sleeping, living, yoga, I meditation , and good company in a tolerable- location come t to: the entertainment meeting on i June 1lth at 7:00 pm _Tuesday, in the chevron office. bring. your ideas, beefs and talents. I ***nrrnnn-rrn -
. .webt’mount place pharmacy 578-,880
_ MON-SAT 9’am - 10 pm SUN an-d HOLIDAYS 11 am - 9.pm 4
_ - . -
8 the chevron
will be on hand. Due to Regatta, recreational sailing. be suspend&d at 1:OO and . recomience at the end of- the of the last race. _
7. 1974
the will will end
Men’s Competitive Basketball Standings as of Tuesday, June 4, 1974 - -
J -
Mosport is a unique experieice. The racing circuit lies just north of Bowmanville “in the middle of nowhere. As you approach the area there is not the slightest hint given that here among the rolling wooded countryside lies one of North America’s major autoracing circuits. Mile after mile of serene rural surroundings slip by as you drive along. Further onward you begin to distinguish a faintly -a_udible droning and. sputtering in the distance. As you drive on the intensity of the sound increases dramatically. It is the sound of a racing engine violently straining to * reach the limit of its performance. Passing the first signs of the track, the air around your ,$ar becomes electrified by the deafening roar of a Can-Am machine making a qualifying run. Arriving at the entrance gate you now catch a glimpse of the bright screaming machines as they _ streak by just a’ few feet away. Standing up close to the spectator fences you feel a sensation that is hard to describe. . The action on the track provides a mas&e assault on your senses ; ’ your eyes strain to follow the glistening flashes of colour passing by, you’: ears ring with the loud sputtering of the engines, you smell the pungent odor of tires and oil burning away, and your whole body vibrates from the tremendous horsepower being unleashed dn the track. This is what Mosport is all about. On the weekend of- June 14 NIpsport will be staging two major races: the Labatt’s Blue Can-Am and the Labatt’s Formula 5000. Both of these are‘ very ‘prominent among North American races. The Can-Am series involves fullbodies,- racing cars of unlimited engine size. These cars are , monsters with hpwards of 750 horsepower enabling them to reach speeds in”excess of 200 miles per hour. The CanlAm machine is an extraordinary example of engineering sophistication and its popularity /with racing fans rivals that of top-level Formula 1 cars. Unfortunately this will be’ the last year of the unlimited engines. Next year restrjctions on engifle size will result in a tamer level of performance. Nonetheless the. Can-Am series will continue to provide a spectacular display of man and machine working in unison. The Formula 5000 series in.volves open-wheeled racing cars having an engine displac’ement of 5 litres. These cars are very similar in concept to the thoroughbred Formtila 1 cars, and serve as a magnificent examples of the art bf racing car design. The Formula 5000series does not as yet possess all the glamour and polish. of the Can-Am, but the level of competition is intense and the series is rising tremendously in popularity. With the participation of some of auto racing’s international superstar teams and drivers it is expected that Formula 5000 will achieve the status of being the -most - promintint and prestigious racing series in No&h America. Many of you that have never. .attended a race at Mosport may find it hard to relate to what it’s all ,about. Go there next weekend and discover the excitement.. .it’s a spectacular experience that you’ll never forget ! --La.
lptra. I. mura update - Winning at any cost is an often maligned cliche. In Intramurals, participation is more important than winning. An active pa,rticipant is the real winner in. intramurals, -because he is participating for the intrinsic value of activity for the most part and not the extrinsic value of the activity. Whether you cycle, jog, play squash, co-ed slow pitch, you are a winner because you are physically active in sport. Athletic
Club Activity
Five clubs a;re in full .&ing this summer engaging over 150 people in special interest programs. For more infiormation contac’t the following persons : Rugby :’ Ken Brown Ext. '2304 has arranged several matches this summer plus play witht the Kitcheher Pirates. Orienteering: Dayle Vraets - 8844071 has already had several “0”ers at meets. Whether you are a novice or expert, if you love to learn to enjoy nature; join the “0” Club. Sailing: Mike Ruwald - 884-9042 alr&ady has over 50 members enjoying the. wind and water on Columbia Lake. Cost $5.00 ( until Christmas. Ins true tion is provided. Mini Regatta coming up. Underwater: Mark Yunker - 8840705 had 10 divers out last Thurrsday from 5 :30-8:00 in the pool P.A.C. Special Underwater hockey games. Open water dives will be arranged for those interested. The club is open to all carbed divers. Archefy : Don Statham - 743-7796 has a dozen shooters on Monday evenings 7:OO p.m., P.A.C. for those that are interested. Instruction is provided. Outdoor shooting on Columbia fields is a reality. , Special not to Golfers : Wednesday, June 5 - Golf Day - Foxwood. Simply go to Foxwood (Past St. Agatha > pay yodr’ green fees, play golf and get $1 back. Special note to Horseshoe Pitchers: Yes, we have two pitches on
the Village Green. Yes, we have horseshoe& for your use. No, we haven’t used them. Simply go to the Tote Room and tlse them. ’ Special
note to Cyswogensteiners
Pit Stop no.3 Thursday June 13 at 8:00 p.m. - Prince of- Wales - St.e, Agatha . The Sailing Ckib will hold its first event, the Midsummer Regatta next Saturday, June 15 on Columbia Lake. There will be a skipper’s meeting at 1:OO with the first race at 2 :OO. All members are welcome to enter by signing the, sheet in the PAC reception area. Entries are limited so enter soon ! The Regatta will feature a ‘knockout’ series of single-handed match races (limited to 32 entrants ), an obstacle course race (2 per boat, maximum 8 boats), and a novice race designed for the person new to sailing (2 per boat, maximum 16 boats). Prizes will be awarded and food
Team St. Jerome’s Tiny Toddlers Village Dons Renison Grads Math Maniacs
League A WLT 300 300
Pt 6 6 4 4 2 0
210 210 120 030
League B Slackers 300 28 Civil 2 1.0 Math Manaics B -1 2 0 St. Pauls 120 ,o 3 0 Co-op Science System Sneakers 0 3 0
6 4 2 2 0 . 0’
Men’s Competitive Softball Standings as- of Monday, ,June e 3, i974
Team Co-op Math Socks & Jocks 4A Chem Eng Ret * 4A Civil 3A Mech Eng St. Jerome’s Diggers Vl North
League A WLT 301,: 310 226
1 1 OX 110 0’1 1
;@ 2 2
League B 2B Mech Eng 310 Optometry ‘!3 0 0 6 Lunch Pails 210 AA14 210 Dumont Ducks 120 2B Civil llO/ Hard Rocks 110. Northmen 100 Phils 030
Men’s Standings 4, 1974
Pt 7 6 4
Competitive Soccer as of Tuesday, June ’
Team Good Guys 2B Geology Eng. Grads Village 1 St. Jerison ’ Snoopy 2B Mech Eng 4A Civil C.C.C. P. Team X
WLT 400 102 220. 210 121 . w a 111 ,_
Tp 8 4 4 4 3
131 012 120
3 2 2
IQ order to be a top check the baii-before baii indeed wants to the cruciai serve, the gently to the baii also
Although Table Tennis is not Canada’s, most noted national sport, we tare, by the favourable showing and turn out here last Tuesday night, improving rapidly at the game and creating a definite interest in it, competitive or otherwise. Over 250 were in attendance to see Canada’s national team hold their own against their Indian rivals. India’s National Team opened up their Canadian tour by defeating Canada four matches to three, -and showed in their matches their superb mast&y of this sport which is India’s most popular and- well attended sport event. In talking to their number one men’s player Niraj Bajaj, the ‘Chevron discovered that in India at any one competition, one may easily see 5000 in attendance and
$/ways not the when at Talking
all the standing room occupied; educationa& authorities. We would these players and team members like to see table tennis added to the are well recognized and praistid in physical education programmes in their country. the highschoo$ and then hopefully In Canada howevpr, ai ‘opposed the senior elementary schools”. to the Bobby Orr’s -and Karen If this decision were to be imMagnussenys our table tenniS team plemented Canada could dekelop is unknown and unnoticed, both by even better players than is the the news med’ia and by the case at the present time. government in its sports funding. Results of the Fompetition: As -in aqy low priority sport in No. 1 Women’s Singles Violetta Canada, it not only lacks sufficient Nesukaitis (Canada 1, def. Shailaj , _*funds but the expert coaching as Salokhe 21-6, 19-21, 21-19 well, to help develop the players to No. 2 Women’s Singles Birute . a level where they \can compete Plucas 1Canada ) def. Kittane with certpin ability against the , Sartiwathi 23-21 21-19 world’s best in international No. 1 Men’s Singles Errol Caetano competition. (Canada ) def . Niraj Bajaj 21-1’5 21Ken Kerr, the executive and 18 technical director of the Ontario No. -3 Men’s Singles Manjit Dua Table Tennis Association 7 said (India > def. -Peter Gonda 21-18 2l“Canada is making its strongest 13 -b.a. bagley bid at the present to the
Adarigc grii-p ,gnoper’s
Canadian table tennis player, one must serving in order to ascertain whether or be served. Many a match has been lost, bail has jumped out of the player’s hand. helps a great deal. .
High school studer University students, Male or Female, ne
*.Physical Fitness *Self Defence *Self Confidence *Bpys’ Sportsm&sh *Course: 11 week Course\ *Start: June 17, 1974 .(to Aug. 30, 1974) *Numbers are limited to: Noon>Class .20 Students . Afternoon Class 20 Students **Because of a limited number of students required it is a first come, first serve basis. *rice: 50 p&r-ce‘nt deduction off regular price.
PHONE : 742-8651 LOCATION: 107 King St. w. downtown Kitchener