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University of Waterloo Waterloo; Ontario volume 15, number 6 friday, june 14, 1974


--. “Profiteering” is often treated in a defferential way, or even as a responsibilitv. But it’s no joke when’some gigantic retail chain is making millions of d@lars : * a year off of other people’ s labour. Because that’ s what free enterprise isSTEALIfiG. But anyone who openly

, profiteers is considered both ksponsible So what? Ask the \ and intelligent working person who has received maybe a 5qlaraise in pay in a year that has seen thfs ad has not hen


inflation, anii profits, jump by at feast l@$. And then the turn around and ’ tell you that shopli x ing is stealin . . Youn ters should know better anP so shoulr adults. If you’ re a “children”, mlake sure y& parents understand that to “proffieer”- - even to the extent of a 100% mark-up on a candy bar--is a criminal aa Shoplift--it’ s cheap, conven-

ient and just. tit don’t,hit the little guy-odds are that he’s been hit just as hard ahd is therefore just aS poorly off’as you.

sponsored, by the buisr&sme~n’of

greater Edmonton,


s. Studentpaper Five members, of the staff of Poundmaker, an alternative bi-weekly in Edmonton, Alberta have been charged with counselling theft through the pages ,of their paper. The charge stems from a parody Poundmaker ran of anti-shoplifting ads which have appeared in other Edmonton papers. The Poundmaker used the large picture of open handcuffs and the headline-“One size fits all”-from the original ad. However, while the ‘official ad counselled that shoplifting was “no joke” and predicted ruined lives for those caught in the act, the Poundmaker ad emphasized the role of major retail chains in driving up prices. Below the copy; instead of the official “Shoplifting is stealing“,- the Poundmaker ran “Property is theft“. The offending portion of the ad was apparently only the one line that read : “Shoplift-it’s cheap, convenient and just.” The charges’



against the staff of the naner came as a result of a formal complaint fried by Ralph Watzke, i third ye@ law student at the University of Alberta, and founder of the right-wing organization called the ‘AntiBolshevik Youth -League’. Under Canadian law, inciting someone to commit a crime is the same thing, and carries the-same penalty, as committing the crime itself. The summonses, issued to the five members of the Poundmaker’s collective listed as the officers of the corporation, and to the paper itself, charge that the defendents “did unlawfully counsel another person, to wit: Ralph Watzke to commit an indictable offense that was not committed, to wit: to commit theft.” Edmonton’s government prosecutor has taken up the case against them and the preliminary hearing will begin on August?&




the chevron k






1. ,


decide . \

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, With reference to the article in chevron .entitled this week’s “Everybody3st get cloned”, it is . extremely naive to think that the guideimposition of “stringent . lines, even controls” on scientific research will matter’one iota in the ‘- - <final analysis. Besides, hoti do you - J




-. 4 _aI‘I .,


is or Xn’t

ethical? ‘:I:

I c

Certainly, innocuous


--- _-.


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frid=ay, r-

a_-conclusion that, _this ,article is employee ‘had. Upon request, I based * on a -more personal , - arrived on campus at about eight situation. Reasons for my connm. I found the employee working

* prok@ure’ and in no way can this ’ be changed by 6 lead haixl. The loss an of five cents pershifthour was, for the aid- working ‘evening

supervisor; finding out story. that ifUponIT

the most seeminglyresearch can be per-

and mih.md--with

jun,e 14, ‘1974

* -


with the intentionof the other side of the leaving him, I told him viras ’ un~uccessfule ‘in

of scientists, in particular those predetermined by the bargaining - locating’ the previously who may not be as concerned and mentioned , ‘$k”“z: humanistic ~see~g~ne~n~u~~ people. However, even 4 humanistic ‘as most - of their I unit’s contract. However, the loss people, I would talk with the of shift premium is a natural result - brethren.We would agree, too, superintendant of the custodial T, research can be perverted and that how research is used i,s a . of shift change: ’ . services on @onday, June 3, 1974, ‘, \misused. As David Suzuki aptly\ __function of-thesort of society using _ A lead hand. is a person ap- . for the simple reason there was no pointed by management, who, pointed out,, science is a double it, adding only that in this society, way to consult with management while he is expected to perform his edged s-tiord. How it is used is very at that time-on Friday evening. the potential for misuse is great, as f much’ a function of’ the sort of ‘regular ‘duties win also direct the -- Upon his statement of finding his history attests.: These . points work of other workers. He has the,- foreman within five minutes at the society that is using it. .conceded, it is still true that ( Cloning and guidelines and ‘controls are our responsibilit$ <and accountability -Campus Centre, I do not dispute --. biological warfare and quantity of - this. because I myself spoke with are the. results. of a brave new only recourse at the present time . for- the quality work performed. He is responsible World, and not, vice versa, for ‘preventing such misuse, this foreman, but this foreman had . - nothing to do- with this man as he to,hisSupervisor . Bernard-R. Click however ineffective they may be in the face of the combined might of Being a lead hand as a paying Grad Biokhemistry was designated to another area. member of the union, he has every ,defenke - departments -and In ’ the I manner of attitude this 2 \ right to be a union steward. multinational corporations. This man has taken concerning the . . applies not only in biochemistry, of . C’ -A person in any pOSitiOtiL persituation, it shows the irrespon’ d” tainihg to, the union must work a ’ sibility of. his actions. Being this course, but to all areas of research ’r



. probationary


of -seventy-6

solution, and were it-not born ‘of union ‘due de&ions is for the necessity i$would indeed be naive. simple reason he is getting _union What is ultimately required is wages for the job being performed. nothing less than the dismantling In regard to the possibility of this and subsequent restructuring of . mari being fired or r’eadily society on inteiligent, concerned dismissed, it- is quite -remote. .I and humanistic lines; and in-the ’ Basically, as in the past, end this must be seen as the,only. management woul_d usually

man was still on probation;1


sulting with a, the union r before scandalizing the CUPE union on this campus. “-

Larry McGlone President of Local 793 Canadian Union ’ of Public Employees I

- consult with executive of- the union regarding _ the dismissal of any employee regardless of whether ‘he -or she is on probation or a regular 1 full time staff member. In the ’ n _ a event of a probationary employee having-problems with -his or her supervisor;even though he or she _ has no call on the grievance -procedures, the union, upon being ’ informed of such problems would _ As chairperson of the Board of ’ consult with:’ management -with Publications, I have more, than a intentions of a satisfactory result, passing interest in the ability of the I would like now to acquaint the student press to work without _ readers of ..the chevron -v&h- the Lencumbrance. _ I wholeheartedly circumstances surrounding the reject the idea, that any ‘individual actions of the employee on.May.31, or group has either the authority or 1974, regarding What took place the right to legislate the’content of / before his-abrupt resignation from any publication that- falls within his employment. my board’s jurisdiction. Therefore At approximately seven pm. on even Professor Davis’ asinine May 31, 1974,. I, received a. attempts at censorship I must be ~ telephone call at my. home concondemned. cerning various complaints this . c __ Terence V. Harding

., . .



I On\ Friday,


7, 1974 issue,

, iember: canadian university press (CUP>: The chevron is typeset by dumont -press graphix and published by the federationof students incorporate& uni&-sity .of wate’rloo. Cohtent .-is th<e s,ole responsibility of the chevron editorial . staff. Off ices-are located in the- campus centre; ‘( 516) 885 166O;or university local 2331.” - _ I. ?. This week’s exciting masthead commences with a humble retraction: the chevron in geheral and cousin nick negligence in particular .w.ouid like to apologise for an error which appeared inlastweek’s story on the campus centre ice-cream stand, towit, the spurious implication that Sharon Walker, . the stand’s operator, was the only ice-cream person to receive a raise in ’ pay last year. In fact, of course, that raise was sharedLby,,the other personnel. Other business-the chevron- staff is undergoIng_ a cultural revolutjon this week,next week, and for the forseeable future.-If you want to be a part of a movement, form a vanguard, lead a-faction, or just sow the seeds-of dissent, do come down and join us in the trenches. Would-be journalists are also *welcome. The would-be journalists who brought you this issue-of the chevron were: john-morris-darling of rio,Ipreston gurd, Susan johnson;plagued with suffering, nick savage, ditto, Chris bechtel and randy hannigan and dqn Iballanger, unholy trib, dri, betty ann bagley, margaret murray, kati middleton, meg douglas, nancy greaves, darnel cootes, john breeze, susanscott in lamented‘ absentia, charlotte buc_hani jose, huertas-jourda, ron colpitts, mel rotman, vince chetcuti and -winnie pietriykowski, Cecilia hogan and rebel employee joe sheridan, dennis welygan, and margie Wolfe, queen of scrabble. Brave souls all. njs.


. -

, friday:‘june

14, 1974

’ the chevron



Dire&or Wes Graham, \;ho said he has had experience with similar plans, described chargeotit as “an exercise in futility”. As an instructor for Math 132, he said he was unable as yet to determine “how to prevent students from running out of units or what would be done if this happe’ned. Although he’criticized the ability of the new system to prevent unauthorized use of account numbers, he added of sources. Non-course computing With the advent of the Comthat “I understand and sympathize funds can be obtained from faculty with the aim, of finding some puting Centre’s new chargeout thesis supervisors, but some resist method of controlling, the use of the policy, users, in theory at least, must pay for their computing. As it the idea of actually having to use computer.” their grant money to cover both More specific criticism has turns out, however, it is faculty salaries and computer time for come from G.B. Faulkner and budgets which are really feeling grad students. other members of the Math the pinch. However, as departmental faculty, who objected that Math When chargeout came into effect chairpersons, faculty deans and was being penalized unfairly for iight on schedule OIL May 1, canthe University Grants Committee the wide variations in the actual cellati’on of all the old account all have a discretionary supply of cost of the services provided by the numbers left scores of unwary units, it appears that any grad Computing Centre. faculty and grad students running student who can justify his needs’ Faulkner did a series of comarqund wondering where their and wade through the newly-piled parative studies which revealed, units went. By now, at least some mounds of red tapezwill be able to he said in a memo, that, “Comof the dust has settled and virtually obtain resources. puting Centre unit rates for service all have either found or are in the The real catch to the new system are not, in general, related. . . . to process of finding some way to live is that, while a faculty gets ten the quality of with the new system. service provided. . . . to the Chargeout is the brainchild of cents per unit to spend, it is computing charged 50 cents fir unit in the resources consumed. . . . (or) to the the Executive Council of the budget ca.$ulation. In the new costs incurred. . . . for producing university, which is hoping the university budget, each faculty is these services.” scheme will place controls on the allotted funds according to a Figures developed by - the rapidly escalating demands dn the Computing Centre at the rpquest of available facilities. According to magical formula. Once this done, the university budget, use of the the faculty’s estimate of comthe Math faculty show that the Computing Centre’s services has pu ting resource requirements, “apparent” costs (although pro-rated at 50 cents per unit, is computers are extremely precise, more than doubled in the past two it is often difficult to figure out years. taken right off the top, before other Instead of allowing user groups expenditures (like salaries) are what they aye actually doing, let taken into account. alorie how much it costs) varied virtually unlimited, but proporPart of the cream thus skimmed tionate, access to the computers, from 15 cents for APL, to about 50 chargeout places certain funds in off reappears in the faculty budget cents for Batch, to $1 for VM to later in the calculation, while the $2.41 for Experimental Control. faculty budgets with which to buy to the Many of the questions posed by compute? time. But the $500,000 lion’s share goes directly distributed in this fashion Computing Centre. Faulkner and the Computing represents only ‘about one-fifth of Math Faculty Dean Bill Forbes Centre study remain to be solved, \ told the chevron that the net effect but the real bone of contention was the Computing Centre’s actual of the chargeout policy is “to place APL, which Faulkner said really budget. The rest goes to the on us to use less comcost only 8.8 cents per unit. The Computing Centre in order to pressures definition of an APL unit has since -provide a cushion in case the puting”. He said that Math, which is the .predominant user of combeen re-evaluated so that about 40 faculties decide to spend their Regional Planner Mark Stagg was one of three panelists to show up puting on campus, has budgeted per cent more work is done per at a public forum on “whether money on other_ things. or not a bridge shou,/d be built across $188,000 in allocated funds and unit charged. The idea here is that if a faculty Elora Gorge ‘I. Most of th_e audience was opposed to the bridge being $4,000 in other funds for computing Although Faulkner maintains spends less than its allotment, the bilk and most -of the discussion centered around why it shouldn’t be this year. that the Computing Centre must “This represents a loss to the Computing Centre will built and who would stop it. -photos by r. hannigan decrease of lo-15 per cent comset up a cost accounting -system be only 20 per ‘cent of the actual f pared to last year’s use,” ‘he said. which relates charges directly to East. Some advantage is to be iained the service provided, he said that In return, the users can pay a “chargeout is a useful tool for discounted “normal” rate of 10 by spending other money (which is planning and prevention of cents per unit, instead of the 50 not charged back>, but such funds are necessarily limited. Faced waste.” cents which the unit actually costs. with having to lose 50 cents for The reorganization of all comWhile great savings can be made eyery dime desired to be allocated puter account numbers has forced by using the “slow” service at five for computing, most user groups, the Math faculty in particular to cents per unit, the user is also carefully scrutinize the things they The Elora Gorge bridge issue with the exception of Data is happening. However, at a recent ’ enticed to overspend on “fast:: have cut back their have simply lived with for a was rehashed again last Tuesday meeting council voted to not servi’ce at 20 cents per *unit or on Processing, estimates for the coming year. number of years, such as mainevening during a forum sljonsored discuss a brief submitted to the “express” service at the full cost taining expensive on-line disk by a group called Audio Mirror. Math in particular is in a difcouncil by Wellington County. of 50 cents per unit. Sensibly, some storage in the name of persons Audio Mirror is a group of Radio The main part of the forum faculties have already placed an ficult position because it already pays so much for various other long since gone. Waterloo personnel who are consisted of dialogue between the outright ban on the more costly Chargeout took “about 16 manoperating under an Opportunities pieces of computer hardware, categories. audience and members of the including assorted terminals, months” to implement, according for Youth grant. The group is panel. The audience was conAs most of the available money some to project leader Paul Snyder, and attempting to bring issues to the’ minicomputers and the cerned _ has been allocated for courses, the about who had the despite its evident failings, it is- public by holding Honeywell 6050, that its forums and student using the computer for authority or should have the ratio is much apparently here to stay. Most encouragini feedback from the course work is scarcely aware of faculty student authority to stop the bridge, since observers hasten to point out that a public. All of the forums are taped higher (21.8) than either most of the audience was opposed - chargeout except as yet another decision on the overall efengifieering (16..4)) Science(l4.7) and will be aired over Radio new set of procedures. Faculty to the bridge being built. Alterand Arts (11.4). ?he Math faculty fectiveness of chargeout must wait Waterloo, possibly during the fall. members, on the other hand, must natives were discussed, but no “until fall”, but, as Computing The panel for Tuesday evening’s pay for computing, usually out of received a $150,000 supplementary concrete inf orma tiori on any grant to pay for the Honeywell 6050 Centre Director Paul Dirksen said, discussion was somewhat inresearch grants. alternative routes was offered. partly to compensate for the im“users in the past really didn’t look complete, since members from Grad students, who are worth One ofihe main points that came pact of chargeout. to see how much a job cost, but Wellington County refused _ to almost $10,000 each in government out of the meeting was that th& Chargeout is not without its now they are”. accept the invitations issued to grants to the university, must issues involved tire very vague and critics. Former Computing Centre scramble for units from a variety -Preston gurd them, and there were no therefore hard to attack. representatives dram the Grand To the people of Elora the bridgeRiver Conservation Authority. The is the only alternative to the uninvited members from Wellington bearable traffic problem that county refused the invitations on exists there now,.However, it has the grounds that the issue had been not been shown that the bridge will discussed enough and that there solve the traffic problem. This is w&s no more to talk about. due to two points, one that people The ‘members of the panel that like to drive through Elora ,and did show up included two members second that in seven years the of pollution probe and Mark Stagg, traffic will increase to the point a planner from the Regional where the bridge could not handle Municipality of Waterloo. . the increase. Thus the bridge is, in Walter Raephal spoke about effect only offering a short term Pollution Probe’s view point of the solution. ,issue, , stating mainly that any Although most of the people whp alternatives to the bridge had not favour the bridge don’t see it as an been fully explored. ideal solution, they db see it as an Stagg explained why and how inevitable conclusion to (he traffic the Regional Counci! is involved in problem. The way most people see this issue. Although Wellington the issue as whether or not the County is .outside the territorial plants or the gorge are more jurisdiction of the . Regional important than the people of Council, Stagg stated that the Elora. i “Our company, er . . . I mean, the University isn’t doing ‘too well.” -randy hannigm council is very interested in what

Chargeout: i who really. pays I

Elora ’ -/ . i rehashed _






14, I$74




What-is the wotibz’s movement in Canada? What is the role of women’s centres, within it? ’ y - What is governmerit doing to or for this movement? ,

How can women’s , co-operate -growth



and dbvelopment



to further together?

These were the recurring themes of the first regional gathering of women’s centre activists held in Kitchener the May 24th weekend. Women travelled from Toronto, Cambridge, Guelph, Hamilton,’ K-W and Windsor. The site was a farm near the Chicopee Ski Hill redolent with the scent of lilac and apple blossom. Cows stared and roosters crowed reveille to the ring of tents in the yard. For many of the women who came, it was the first opportunity to meet and exchange notes with others doing similar work. Sharing was the keynote. How does - your centre handle this problem? Can you give us some ideas on that? You already have an experienced theatre troupe; maybe you can help us get ours off the ground. From the outset, the idea of a regional get-together was met with excitement and enthusiasm-. Individually, the centres are involved in a host of women-related areas in their communities. Some services are common to all 2 (community information and referral, _birth control counselling, open discussions and seminars); others are a response to local needs and resources (theatre troupes, health and legal clinics, research projects and lesbian _ groups). Many offer ongoing courses ranging in content from self-defense and yoga to auto mechanics and home repair to women’s history and politics. Regional co-ordination and communication, it is hoped, will help in avoiding repetition of mistakes made by others. Expansion of the scope of discussion and criticism beyond the local isolated group will help to - speed and direct the growth of all, theoretically ,,and practically. In addition to beginning discussion on a variety of theoretical questions and the introduction of local centres to one another, several decisions were made. Regular meetings with representatives from each centre will be held; the first was organized by the Gaelph Women’s Centre June 8. Several personnel exchanges involving specific project interests were also set up. Another decision involved possible usage of an $8,000 Women’s ‘Programs budget for the Hamilton region -(under the federal secretary of state department). Although various possibilities were suggested throughout the weekend, the, most excitement and _ enthusiasm was generated for regionally co-ordinated research. The specifics and parameters for such a program have yet to be clearly defined, but there was . general agreement on the following principles: l Centres and the women most active in them can tend to become secluded from the community of women they hope to serve. As part of the women’s movement in Canada,, it is important that centres be constantly investigating the changing conditions, needs and hopes of w.omen in their local area. l Research should be a basic part of the setting of goals, priorities and programs. Although from city ‘to city, there are variations in women’s life and work situations, there is much that is common to all. In some co-operative areas, research could avoid needless repetition (for example, women and Ontario law). In others, the exchange of -techniques, resource material and personnel, results and analysis could strengthen and expand each centre’s efforts, and provide a broader context in which to situate local experience. l Local autonomy would be assured in setting priorities and choosing methods. Discussion of technique, analysis, criticism and praise would be shared. l Funding would be sought to subsidize printing and mailing expenses, telephone communication, travel to regional meetings, and’ possibly for equipment such as electric typewriters and tape recorders. There would be no request for salaries. Throughout the conference, the question of funding and permanent staff provoked constant debate. Most centres seemed to feel that _ government funding generally, and paid staff in particular, had more negative I? than positive aspects. Staff people, often the most experienced and committed are frequently absorbed by bureacracy and maintenance details. The amount of volunteer involvement drops off. Conflicts between staff

who run the centre and policy groups who make decisions are not uncommon. . One woman from K-W suggested that government funding has tended to make centres grow at an artificially accelerated pace. When the grants end, funding is often cut off; paid staff, tired and disillusioned, disappear at a time when volunteer participation is low (after all, many women seem to feel, if someone is being paid to be at the centre, why should I volunteer to do the shit-work?). Federal money in the coffers tends to mean too that funding activity and donations drop off. Once gone, this source of revenue takes time to re-establish. The hours scent in discussing and preparing- project applications, reports for funding agencies and agonizing over what to do when grants end is often out of all proportion to the priorities and functions of the centre. Strings attached to some grants may have negative effects on direction, scope and program. The K-W Women’s Place (at 25 DuPont St. in Waterloo) was the only centre represented which has not had and does not want paid staff. It is run entirely on the energy and commitment of the women involved. In fact, the K-W women recently revised a funding application, rejecting almost $10,000 of available federal money in favour of remaining autonomous and avoiding some of the paralyzing difficulties caused at other centres by the cessation of federal salary assistance. Instead they accepted $4,000 to cover rent and phone expenses for one year. Locally-raised funds will be channeled directly into program and equipment. The Hamilton centre on the other hand has received $23,000 in federal money in the past year and has had as many as six paid staff. -The question of funding and the problem of paid versus volunteer staff led into the question of internal structure. The majority of the centres are run by an open “collective”. Any woman can come to business and’ policy meetings and have a say in decision-making. Some centres have an attendance requirement for voting powers, other not. But in each centre, the vast majority of decisions are made by consensus. Formal votes are rare. Individuals or groups with specific areas of responsibility (finance, education,. newsletter, etc) report back to the business meetings or collectives for guidance, support, criticism, feedback. For many of the groups (whether they call themselves collectives or not), this remains an ideal formulation. Reports are’ simply accepted as given; meetings tend to get bogged down in detail; power is unevenly distributed according to friendship ties, political self-definition or confidence; much of the necessary theoretical and overview discussions take place in limited social groupings of two or three. Yet women’s centres are a relatively recent phenomenon without precedent or models to emulate. Women are learning, slowly, by trial and error, what works and what does not. ’ A tendency to deliberate ‘structurelessness and, antipathy to obvious leadership which have marked the modem women’s movement also came under fire. More than in any other area of the movement, it becomes clear within women’s centres that structures, formal or in-

formal, recognized or not, are inevitable. Many centre women now feel that they must define and understand these not-so-visible structures in order to make them as open and egalitarian as p-ossible while avoiding anarchy and lowest-common-denominator politics. This too has been and will remain for some time to come a slow and difficult learning process. The Windsor Women’s Place is an example of one alternative to ‘structurelessness’ and undefined politics. The women who initiated the centre in 1972 recognized some of the organizational pitfalls of previous movement groups and wanted to establish a centre which would attract all types of women, not just the relatively privileged few. So six Windsor women set up a closed administrative collective to set policy and oversee the running of the centre. A year later, feeling they were losing touch as a .. group, they opened the collective to new women by invitation and based on participation in the centre. T,hey now have a (still closed) group of ten within which most theoretical debate and policy formation occurs. Open monthly ‘review and plan’ meetings of all interested women make program decisions and evaluations. The work priority for the central group is investigative research into the lives of Windsor women; the method is listening to the women ‘themselves. Education and support come primarily from the conscious articulation of life and work situations with women in similar positions. The unexpected arrival Saturday afternoon of four lesbian radical-feminists sparked the longest and most tension-filled debate of the weekend. Centres were criticized for sexism and discrimin&ion against lesbians. These radical feminists argued that both left and right wing ideologies are male dominated; the only valid politics for the women’s movement must be based only -on considerations of lesbianism and male supremacy. Despite a general willingness to talk about the roots of female oppressionsex versus the economic and social system-the four feminists dominated the small group meetings and the evening plenary. Many women felt patronized, guilted and baited by the four. Tensions rose and a major confrontation and polarization had been created by a small group over an issue which most women did not perceive as a priority problem for their centres. It was a long time before the search for common ‘ground for rational discussion was abandoned as fruitless, and the evening’s planned party . began. The Hamilton Feminist Theatre Troupe performed “Martha Versus the Glorious Patriarchy”, a bitter-funny court drama about’ a woman accused of the crimes of being a person and seeking first class citizenship in spite of her sex. If you ever have a chance to see them play, take advantage of it. Departures Saturday night and Sunday morning left a dozen women to hammer out some basic ideas for the cooperative research project, organize the clean-up and take down the tents. The last group from Guelph squeezed into an elderly and overloaded Volkswagon late in the afternoon and the conference was over. / - lix willick



the chevron ,*. /,





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of: Third . &on&my ‘-upon the natural -res&rces World countries and much less the implidatidns &f. this ttend%o these countri&,‘The &tention of the &hors was concentrated on ,one point: what will ’ _ happen if 9 n&ions persist ti economic gro*b? The result would be such a- Xgh demed for resources tacdompanied @y @evitabl& pbllution) ’ , . that inexc@bly the syqtey would c&ipse soon -fi ant ?r the t&m of this centtiry . ‘, \ I: n addition; given the structure df &pita&m, a , @e&t part df what will, happen in the future has already been decided on in the p&t, or ‘ti un: ,derstobd h deesions made today. In other voids, , _/ ?Th&e cr&ics $ave generally bypa&d other which eve&@lly will. have to be ~ nrt&Gms bv subtler and more 1 the p&&ion ------* the - &dv, -37’r- ------ rakkd contended with, has its roots in decisidns mide in se~@~s, which concern the ~~&aLmotives of its-‘the past. 1( I . , ~sponsore 1i an A ’ the nmm~n~ ‘ta which ‘its c&a1 ,,m-:a-# production . &.l the aspects of :the $tuqy -he. ;w@ know?,. Ctysllub might be -pui. Some‘ of these The novelty resides. in the usagei for the\ first ’ ’ possibilities aris&@m the7 unique scope _-_ / offered. / t&e, of the advantages of -computerizatioF to by the, rnddel; I , allow an universal’ ‘oveTiew &of, &pitaJism. The ~;+h ‘VVryu this study, for the first time, the% is apparochial thesis of the u@imited world, imp&d @ system in attempt tb examine the worl4 econotic preirious models, has now &en abandoned.:.The e&xxnnists had t its t3ntiL, et,vm, whereas .. ------.- rmeviouslv A-. ’ Anfind ),hamd.ven tn’ al&se of the sub- ; seQue1 of this gtep is quite dramatic; man is for&d to cont‘empl.at& &-obyious fact, ‘Qne which zvnt.Qmd, “J ““I-Y-’ i.e. the liational or regional ‘&qhornies. he assiduously strived to ignorp: .every economic ‘ . ?hu$, in: .the last twenty years, A’merican process catises’ q imbalance, in the physical eCono@ .sts have always prqffered studies of their w&d. Hence, all human pr?ductive a&ivy of foreign. resources. country ‘s fu$Ge &&and &esupposes a - wastage of I energy, or in 1&he:* . Whit. . . ____ iis congistent with their valysesis the tiords the tra&forn@on of djsp&able energy notion that- the world outside the. -udtec! signifies the aipavation’ df, &is pr&ess. hith. The problem therefore was to uu,cIvPV &mlimited. respect to t-b met&. the ’ situatidn is not %myFh calculate up to what extent vould the US d&&d different: the costs !Gf exploration and recycling. upon external resources rather’thati t6 determine CL an+*lal scarcity &f these resources. tend tb inci=ease. -* _ ,’ _ A The coh’ The qitestion which ~eadiJy comes ,to mind f-l&&in yAI-y---ieachtid has always been the samb3’ &he about thb,study is @media@: what WY happen if the high lev&l bf-consumption now achievd, in the. itself hnivers&y? The ’ the piojectio& made by the (IJ .Si ’ We&&xi world’ geherali& -In this v Ir \’ , answer ‘given by- the model is; to say tli? lea&,. ’ I ind&ate that aut of the *‘oP %teri& I, :&&try tilous: the systerr) will collapse. The memprised 1 ’ enera resources . d&tied , thirtekn . - major from’ the pe&nialqptimiqts df’ this - &nc?nt,iisl to the d&no&. all but oine (phosphate) ’ . rejoinder progressive age.,. would- ,be that -such -predictions willJ by the turn of the bntury %be (‘&pod; in <have dwqys been made and morei’oftex~than~not,. l” I Q7ncnnlv We were.’ .a”._ ‘c’--d ---._----- CoDDer. --A* , inwhich- the US was ,because they dd not t-&e I _ ‘self-sufficient in I .197Q, will - by the ye&two - completely. discr&lited; . ‘I , .t I’ \ . / b/ I f‘ org&&ation lretiain unclear despite ‘iti inflated i ,,pres$ige. ’ ’ ‘The computer model claimed’ to, ‘prove the!, given the world-wide .c&i@uuance of cutient . ‘\. L econc)mic @ends, ati tipocalypse would~occur by -the year 2190. This &aster was to ‘result from dipl$ion of, kesources,’ and ’ o\ie;Popula&on, I :It am is 11.1 ,dn’ these ,most -. famine. e-s t. .*‘claims , , n,that A,xl-,- of t,,,,tbe . criticisni 01 The Lix+ts to tiromn nas ,ueen and have. pointed tQ, directeck ------I - ~- nmnv obsen&& I: &rious inridequaciis in the computer &nulation’ _/ ’ “used. ,I %.
















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& _19.72‘ of a MIT




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,The same is coqI?uter I ~thousaind, be 56 pe?wnt imp@ed. . tnie of phosphate. I , at.dG kiitih ‘mu&i b d&t ‘the unchecked offek a simi&r picturb, .for ihe ; -of. thti. world’s ’ econ&ny ragainet a” ’ ThL &nb~$ibles . US will be&m& primariJy dtipeqdent on ‘in@ort@ la o’f dwindling / materials, ener& and dil. The <alue of these oil imp&ts will rise froti $8 _ aroused tionsiderable furofe, in -----_/ o&es, , : billion -in 1970 to $31 billion b 1985, and”‘$64 atid general communities. both the scientific The ‘ptibtkat’ion


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I. - , L( ‘/ . * . , of .the Third-World attern] post-industiial society), ’ F&herine this or&lc?m~ is , / ’ \\










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se: explicitly, perhaps - it_on ToraL . grounds. But4 their’ dismissal _of the al prevents it. from being :tl yea:, a%d to copditionpthe organiiat;io& and -.poC R? w&h all ‘key. ideas’, it ; o&right, but would - ra bropriate ima$e for &cl ord& $0 face- the existinl ~dEven’more imp@ta&? i in sy’ch a conch&ion (i.e., accept their lot -g life) -

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1 quickest manner to achie tin -u@erdeveloped cou Int -.. .. . . , J_ _ multinational , corporation . _ ~_ i *

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ihe chevron

.hnological advance. orget is that never rstem been viewedadvance will unt it cannot avert is loductive process to )bviously man &n necessary fertilizers will consume even ralue is irrefutable. with, the intent of ;, and these were 3r way. One cannot se questions lies the present demand of ;, and if the masses o imitate us (of the i will all be lost. 3minimal relief that , for the current age rld can only alter at the age when the it its highest will’ time, and in many rise. This being so, I in fertility will not Ides, i.e., during the lefore the peoples of e current standards system will have le to prevent this D resign themselves If the study do not ause they dismissed tever the reason for : solution, nothing formed into a ‘key tics of international governments. As s not reveal itself . assume the aplecific occasion, in l cumstances . underlying message ersuade the poor to 31~ cloud the latent. this time already in ’ uld play essentially g*‘.vocates that the economic growth in :onsists in allowing nrestricted freedom

of action - i.e., allowing them to produce similar types of commodities as they would in rich countries, and in the way that enables them to gain a high profit margin and growth in the rich countries -one is hinting that it is indeed possible for poor countries to adopt a similarkind of consumerism as is now prevalent in rich ones. The people who support this viewpoint hardly ever deign themselves to consider that such a thesis will definitively exclude the majority of the population from deriving any of the benefits of the alleged economic growth. The contradiction of the viewpoint .is evident: how can one expect that the consumerism predominant in rich countries could be easily transplanted in toto to a country with an average income that is five to ten times lower? Such a transplant is only possible if there is a coherent programme of income concentration, thus leaving the fruits of economic growth in the hands of a minority. The ideology of development as an end in itself manages to mystify these aspects of-the problem and also to tranquilize the minds of its apologists. Acknowledging that their thesis stands for the elevation of the living standards of the Third World masses to the current ones in the West, the MIT ‘experts’ formulated an imaginary problem and subsequently reached unrealistic conclusions. For to work solely. on the basis of national averages (i.e., the GNP’s of nations) is to completely ignore the social structures and not to know the basic nature of economica growth in underdeveloped countries.. How can one overlook, for instance, the fact that in most underdeveloped countries a part of the population now has a life style which is equal to or superior to the average in the developed world? In order to reproduce, in two generations, the standard of living now existent in Western Europe, it would be necessary that this favoured portion of the population in the poor countries (generally around five to ten per cent of the total population, of the country) have its income frozen for several decades, and that the ayailable resources for capital investment be geared to ameliorating the standard of living of the bulk of the country’s population. The correct formulation of the problem should be: in order for the quotidian industrial system under the control of multinational corporations not to fall apart in two or three generations, it is indispensable that economic growth continue to .

benefit only a minority of the-Third World popu-’ lation-in other words, that the status quo be maintained. Or; to put the problem in another way: the American way of life cannot be general&d extensively to humanity, not even with levels much, lowe> than those reached today by Americansthe cost of this lifestyle in terms of non-recyclable resources is of such magnitude that all efforts to generalize it on a world wide scale would lead to the ultimate downfall of industrially based civilization. Empirically, to obligate the rich classes of the poor countries to freeze their incomes and thus increase the gap between the Western world and the Third World, would mean’ a radical modifi-, cation of the social structure of these nations. And with this hypothesis the likely result would’ be a decline in the living standards of the rich in the poor countries, and not a freezing of their present high living standards. In sum, the projections of the study do not delineate trends but an unreal situation. ) The irrelevance of the study is further corn& pounded by the fact that whatever the growth rate of the developed countries is, their reliance (as shown in the case of the United States) on the natural resources of the Third World ,countries will escalate. And it is common knowledge that in most cases these natural resources are under the control of multinationals (with bases in the rich countries). This being,- the case, a considerable increase in the consumption of these resources in the Third World would cause a simultaneous rise in prices, consequently increasing the margin of profit for the multinationals, and finally signifying a flight of capital from the poor countries to the rich ones: To imagine the above situation in reverse-the effective control of natural resources by Third World countries and the resulting increase in prices for the rich countries-would be to postulate a fundamental change in the existing system, a change which would have to contend with the financial resources, the advanced technical expertise, and the- global market control of the multinational corporations. Such a social alteration is inconceivable without a transposing of the development on an amplified scale. To recapitulate: the contemporary tendencies do not point to a collapse of the system controlled by multinationals. Rather ’ they forecast an aggravation of the inequalities between rich


nations and poor ones, and in the poor nations a growing gap between the privileged minorities, who subscribe to the same consumerism of the rich countries, and the impoverished bulk of the population, _ Unaware of what they discovered, the MIT researchers stumbled on a fact of the greatest importance: granted that the life style of rich countries cannot be universally extended, economic development, such as is being practised in most Third World countries; i.e., as an effort to become like the countries which. lead the industrial revolution, is a myth. If by some miracle, economic development were’ not a myth, or better stated, if by magic the Third World masses were suddenly to appear one day indulging in the consumerism prevalent today in the rich countries: the world economy would crumble. . ,, One could easily assert that today’s system will not collapse in the time period prescribed by the MIT scientists, while at the same time recognizing that the system’s costs (in unrecyclable resources) will continue to rise. There is no visible or viable reason for both rich nations and the economic elite of poor nations to interrupt their struggle to obtain even higher levels of consumerism. The destruction of natural resources - soil, water, forests , minerals, combustibles, etc-will tend to move to the Third World, but the dislocation of the process will not in any way impede its ferocity. As for the masses who live in the Third World, this , dislocation ‘of the productive-destructive process curtails the possibility of encountering another way, in which mankind can live with itself and the physical world, in a less destructive manner. The only way for the masses of the Third World to counter the chaotic industrial&ion spearheaded by the multinational corporations is by a socialist revolution, one that will alter from top to bottom the .existing structures of the so called ‘underdeveloped’ world. Of course, a socialist revolution’will not come about by decree or by the wishful thinking of parliamentary democracy. It will come about by ‘the committed desire of socialist militants to ,engage in guerrilla warfare against the dominant elites of the Third World. The struggle will be arduous for it is not inevitable that socialism will ultimately triumph in the world.



the chevron


chevron staff meeting.

Fri. Sat. SUMMER

\ 7:30

& Sun night THEATRE

special training


june 21 3 pm’

by Eugene





$2.00 each) OR CUSTOM MADE at reasonable cost

~ after -Suite



St., 1


Moore II




John HUD


by Jason


an evening


Have by the



by Mynna committee

Newman ’

for Me LWately”

Lamb for the




High school students, University students, Male or Female, j Beginners are welcome


of Dr.


*Physical Fitness *Self Defence *Self Confidence *Boys’ Sportsmanship


*Start: June 17, 1974 (to Aug. 30, 1974) *Numbers are limited to: Noon Class . . .20 Students /Afternoon Class . . .20 Students **Because of a-limited number of students required it is a first come, first serve basis. . *rice: 50 percent deduction off regular price.

“If you want me, . _ just * whistle.” / \




& Sat.


206,3199 pathurst Toronto, Ontario.


Ryan’s by \David Lean Robert Mitchurn,

your summer


416-783-0505 hours 416-638x3559


Drabber” Black & Tom & “The Chairs” directed


directed starring

y $2.00 per page




“It’s \




by Murray

june. 14, 1974

This method of cotimunication may have worked for Humphrey -Bogart and Laurer Bacaii but it’s not going to work for you ,* Tr) using your telephone and The StudenI Directory instead. Spring Direct&ies may be picked up ai your society office. If your office-is closet for the summer copies may be picked UF e-ither at the turnkeys’ desk or- the Federation offices in the Campus Centre.

PHONE: 742-8651 LOCATION: 107 King St. w. downtown Kitchener







Terence V. Harding Chairperson Board of Publications

June 20, 1974









Wed. June 19. -

>8pm AL124

__ VlTAMlhb frqn:- 1x l

~westtiount pha,rm=y

Bd. of External Relations ,Federation of Students .




MON-SAT 9 am - 10 pm SilN and HOLIDAYS 11 ai - 9 pm 1 b


the chevron

ju_ne 14, 1974


I the sound of one



Recently a #wave of material and cling to youth, idolizing its centred on religion, philosophy, beauty and strength like some and meditation has been ’ contemporary-golden calf. Altered unleashed on the general public, states of consciousness, drug thus reflecting the renewed induced -or otherwise, offer the commerciality of spiritualism, . chance to work out some of the mysticism, and certain eastern karmatic cycle and to purify some doctrines. Most of these are of those thoughts which, define a merely trendy and or sensational person as separate and distinct garbage. The Only Dance There Is from the whole. Drugs “allow by Ram Dass is not one of these; people to die psychologically prior in fact, its fashionable merit is to ‘physical death-, which gives rather poor, the book being ’ them a chance to experience the composed of the transcriptions of dissolution of the ego, up to a the taped lectures of two groups point. The thing is that with adrug of health sciences professionals. you are overriding desire. Those The author is probably most desires stay with you in subtle well known for his work with forms. You are merely optimizing Timothy Leary during the 60’s. As the- use of this life.” Dr. Richard Alpert he conducted The book offers guidelines for research concerning altered living but no easy answers. One states of consciousness brought thing that Ram Dass frequently about by psychedelics such as Isd states as an important rule is that and psilocybin. He is also widely everyone’s trip is valid; no one is recognized as the chief organizer better or higher since good and of the energies which produced evil are ultimately the same. “The the book Be Here Now and the game is just to remain’ in totally records Love Serve Remember. free fall and do whatever you do. Giving up the attachment to who The Only Dance There Is acts as you think you are and what you a useful handbook for an unthink you’re doing is a really scary derstanding of the nature of thing. I do not have any model of consciousness and answers many why I’m doing this or anything else of the questions posed by in my life. I’m not collecting beginners on the path. From a anything:1 don’t have a goal. I’m literary standpoint the format is just a pure instrument in the quite gauche since it rambles with game.“:. -margaret murray little or no direction from item to item and is often repetitive. However, this was no attempt at polished journalism and Ram Dass Between speaks colloquially and easily in Nothingness and Eternity, Mahavishnu Orchestra terms which westerners can easily Live (Columbia) digest and which attempts to deStarting out like a mystical mystify certain aspects of Buddhism. His tone remains \ quite voyage this album generates into relaxed throughout and never a light charge. of moog, piano, becomes overly pedantic or violin, bass, guitar and drums called “The Sunlit Path”. From the flowery. start the music presents itself as a A fair amount of time is spent on collection of sounds which are ego attachment, and dissolution meant to instill attention in the thereof, and an in depth listener. discussion of those areas which It would be wrong to say that western ’ minds have difficulty one must meditate on this music rationalizing. Because a person is in the traditional sense. The-hung up on who he or she is (i.e.listeners must let themselves be what has been experienced and carried along but somehow keep how that has affected the inbetween nothingness and eterdividual’s sense of self), death is nity. It is an almost paradoxical feared and worried over. This situation but not impossible. The dualistic state of mind keeps wild and woolly cuts La Mere de la human beings from relaxing into Mer and Tomorrow’s Story Not the the present and forces many to be Same are sandwiched between totally pre-occupied with dreams The Sunlit Path and Sister Andrea. and longed-for tomorrows. People The relationship is much like a need to know that “the only rule of relationship. The yin Yaw ~ the game is to put your conselections complement each other sciousness in a place where you but not in an ordinary sense. are no longer attached to a The Sunlit Path and Sister polarized posit ion ; to the extent Andrea are the relaxed, areas that you see somebody in the where the listener slows down and universe as ‘them’, .you create relaxes. The middle cuts draw the increasing paranoia because audience into an almost vortexyou’re stuck on your world of like flow of musical energies that ‘them’, thus increasing the subis a-strain to listen to. ject-object or psychic distance However, after several attentive between people. hours of listening, this album can When a fully conscious being become almost a being in itself. dies, he or she leaves the body The music seems to become the with no melodrama or struggle; it sounds of a spirit that moves out is as automatic as breathing. of the speakers into the presence People who continually fight to of the room. I maintain their separateness and This album will not obe compared belief in their own particular to past ones. It stands alone ints uniqueness will also fight aging singularity of performance.

albums, Essence to Essence, is another production .put out by another mystical arranger and musician. Donovan is synonomous with gentleness and an almostchildlike i,nnocence. His innocence is an illusion broken by the performances of Carol King, Tom Scott (Court and Spark), Steve Mar-riot and Peter Frampton. Evidently, he is not too innocent or childish in his selection of the musicians and technicians for his

Magician’s Hat, 60 Hansson (WEA) ’ The master of fantasy-music, Bo Hansson, has pulled another trick from his infinite magician’s hat. Similar to his former album Lord . . . I $lo$ t!!g~her!~g’?~f$!$ However, as Lord of the Rmgs has an evident theme (being the of chronological interpretation Lord of the Rings by Tolkien) this album seems at first loose and . .



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A complement

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rambling. This illusion disappears with time. The cover aptly portrays the album contained. It is a collection, not merely of songs from a Tolkien world but also pertaining to our world too. An old _ magician quizzically holds his h,at from .which mystical beings are projecting. In the proximity of his hut fairies and spirits exist. imaginary, Strange, animals congregate in the middle ground. In the distance, far away, loom the the tower of man’s world, strange and frightening. This picture .and the album are one man’s view of our world. Whether it is real or an illusion is not important. What should be stressed is the floating, magical feeling one gets from listening to Hansson’s interpretat ion. Hansson, like John McLaughlin Mahavishnu Orchestra, uses sound to create an aura of strong mood in the. listener. Some use drugs, meditation or lack ofstimulation to reach a state of deeper consciousness. These men seem to be doing it with music. By letting the music carry you, you too can catch a glimpse of other worlds and levels of perception. The key is in your interest and honesty. The music will only become this key when you allow yourself to be opened to it. Technically this is an excellent album, but suitable only for special occasions. Essence



You are never diode o;force that guides the st$;s guides you too.. . .



to the above



albums. They work very homogeneously with his music. The words may seem strangely innocent, when sung, but the background machinations of his production staff are not. Donovan’s lyrics are simple but direct. What appears on the surface as childish nonsense becomes practical thought, once heard again. For instance, the first Operating Manuel for sow, Spaceship Earth, says: Be kind to your animal friends You are the keeper of Earth -Zoo Do be kind to your- vegetable friends You are the Gard’ner of Earth Green _ Juvenile-words but they’re true. The mystic in Donovan comes through in many cuts but most especially in Boy for Every Girl. Take off your clothes they’re strangling you Let out your human song Take off your clothes they’re suffocating me And my body wants to sing along. If you read this week’s Weekend magazine you will have some idea of the’mystical p.o&,!ers of dance and song from their first article on spirit dances. > These three albums, together with books such as The Only Dance There KS, by Ram Dass and books on mystical experience by the above and Timothy O’Leary form perfect complements-but only if you’d like to get an understanding of those powers that are. -kati



local y plays bomJbSw It’s Drabber begins with a black set with two dark black and w’hite televisions. A shadowy man ‘enters, turns on the TV’S and sits, and sits and sits. Music flashes on and a willowy blonde dances in to “Georgia on My Mind”. She dances and he sits. A man enters with a book -of poetry: The man reads, the girl listens, and Drabber sits. The only reprieve came when the lower TV set advertised blood and guts showing rape and murder and all sorts of goodies, “The Pussy Club” for do it to yourself fantasies and Mr. Media pandering to us all. A flute player .* arrives and plays to a collage of slides showing starving Ethiopians. Through it all old Drabber _sits’ and smokes; and eats and sits (as did the reviewer). The ending , came, mercifully and quickly. So quickly, in fact, that no one realized it had passed. Drabber swears to be true, to hisTV, and the lights black . out. “It’s Drab” might have been a better tit le. The second play, The Chairs, was quite different from It’s Drabber. Having ‘never been overly fond of Eugene lonesco, the play only served to remind and reinforce my feelings. The acting of Russel Scott and Betty- Trott was very good but unfortunately the vehicle for their ability was ‘not good enough to’carry them. We are given two old people’ who have found life’s meaning but not being eloquent have hired an orator to convey this jewel to the people of the world. The door bell rings and no one is there. Oddly enough, it keeps ringing and no one keeps coming in. Finally, the orator, in a resplendant (if slightly overdone) robe strides in and begins to signautographs. The old man and woman begin to speak, each one shadowing the other. Their dreams and sorrows and _, joys assault us. They finally have the words they need to tell their own story. Then, pre-arranged they kill themselves, leaving the orator to tell the message to the people of the world. One drawback-he can’t speak. An orator who can’t talk, how quaint-a truly gossamer touch. From the, program: Please note; a sousaphone player has been commissioned to entertain you -during the intermission. However, he is very unreliable and not to be expected. And like the plays, not to be believed. -margaret




the chevron II*

\ T&e







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\ ’ - mimg...

the easy life

wanted to be like their hero.kfafiy Spikes


14, 1974

The aesthetics of the book are also indicative of its general th,eme. It is a book that exposes the beauty and joy in plants. They are spoken of as being part of an environment and having a great deal to do with this environment’s mood. The conventional idea of putting a plant in a pot and placing Last week ~ the seeds were . the fertilizer will react to the it in a corner is replaced by planted for anyone who wished to almost infinite n’umber of different descr;ipt ions of creative and soil conditions. pursue the topic of “Armchair pleasing ways of displaying the Gardening”. This . week inFive acres and Independence by . beauty of the plants. For example, formation is provided for those M.G. Kains yill probably be hard ‘many,pages are devoted to simple, who wish, to become a bit more to find in your local bookstore eye pleasing ways of potting interested in plants and the care (probably the Book Barn can plants in flue tiles, goblets, order it for you) but the search for of them. barrels, on wire statues, etc. The For the more intensive gar- . it is well worth it. ideas are quite definitely food for dener, someone who wishes to live Another pocket book that is a thought and, because of the exin the country off the land, there is uveful reference book is How to citing way in which they are a reissue of an old book out called Grow Almost Anything, by S. presented, you feel a definite urge Five Acres and Independence. Schuler. In short, it tetls you to go out and buy or grow more During the depression there was a almost all the primary thingsyou plants and place them in wild and need to know in order to grow, movenient of people from the exotic containers. This book cities to the country, ,for a betteipropagate and care for over l’,OOO definitely should be seen and life. This book, written in 1935, different kinds of plants. It is not experienced if you have even an provided the information for the very best resourse but it inkling of interest in plants. is comprehensive people who wanted to live in a certainly X Exotic plants are coming back It has enough for an amateur gardener. self-sufficient setting. into vogue. Perhaps they are just a recently been rebound and Perhaps the most beautiful and carry-over from the ftustrated published again by, in all probability, its original publisher, Pocket Books. - As far as back-to-the-land books go, this one is a classic. Contained in its 425 pages is all the basii= ’ information anyone needs to start ’ and run a successful farm,, grow great crops, care for your small livestock and provide enough food for yourself with so?e left over to profit on. The chapters are th9rough and provide enough information and resourses so that ypu can carry out your own projects by yourself. The chapter on greenhouses is particularly useful in that plans for standard greenhouse sections are given along with a description of the basic types of green houses. Resou-rses for greenhouse information are given at the end of the chapter. There is a chapter on commercial fertilizers whic,h is fairly well done. Commercial fertilizers, much to our amazement,. actually fall into two classifications (a& cording to the book). There are organic fertilizers from plant and animal origins and inorganic ferti Iizers which come from mineral origins. It is explained that the former-are better in that they provide plant food and also imhelpful book around on indoor gardenei who has nothing to grow prove the condition of the soil plants. is House Plants for the in the winter. T-heir unusual where the latter at-s important Purple Thumb. Some searching just for their plant foods. It is foliage and habits makes them was needed to find it, but at mentioned that inorganic ferworthwhile house plants. Some, present it can be ordered from the tilizers have’ negative physical like the dwarf citrus trees or Provident bookstore. hybrid cacti have bbnuses in fruits roles and, because of this, organic Maggie Baylis wrote’it and it is published and flowers. Two useful books, for fertilizers are delved into more 101 Productions and introducing you to exotic plants deeply. Methods of indexing the by distributed by Van Nostrand are Gardening for Adventure, by nitrogen, phosphoruS and Rinehold Ltd. in Canada. Each R.H. Menage potassium in the soil are given. and Growing plant is beautifully presented in Unusual Fruit, by A.E. Simmons. Lush green soil indicates that line drawings that emphasize the Gardening) for Adventure is there is sufficient or even tdo plants characteristics more clearly precisely what the title says. The much nitrogen in the soil. Weak than photographs usually do. The book is adequate’ly filled with stems and branches ‘on plants plants are arranged under such pictures of the plants discussed. indicates a potassium deficiency. classifications as “Anyone Can Indoor gardening is described and Slow, or non-maturing crops are Grow Them”, “ Apartment Plants”, ideas for special plant windows, probably lacking in phosphorous. “Experimentals”, “Bulbs”, etc. houses and light arrangements M.G. Kains spends ti good The plant descriptions and care amount of time explaining the are given. The secret of making involved’ are written in a very problems and, hazards of and planting a bottle garden is other precis style. Just enough inclearly explained. Suggestions for superphosphate _ and formation is given to grow them plants suitable for bottles are inorganic fertilizers. He stresses and, if wierd things starT--hapthat a good deal of exgiven in the section on bottle pening to the plant, you can loqk perimentation is needed to gardening and also in the next up the symptoms in the “sick, ’ chapter which deals with dwar? determine if the fertilizer strength sick” section at the back of the , or the fertilizer‘in general is good plants. for the soil. He Irecommends book. One chapter especially ‘individing part of the garden into The outstazdihg feature of this teresting to the avid gardener is book is its excellent layout. The strips of ten feet width at right the section dealing with unusual shape of the, book, 8’,’ x 8”, is very fruits and vegetables. The fruit of angles to its length. The-different sections are then fertilized with comfortable. The page numbers some species of the beautiful the different mixtures of fertilizers are in the place where your thumb passion flower are edible and can to determine which creates the naturally falls tihen you’re fl[pping bring the taste of the tropics into your own living room. Alpine best environment for the plants. thi-ough and the section headings strawberries are dwarf plants that Unfortunately, very few peopleare boldly placed in the upper who use inorganic fertilizers take right hand corner. It is a book produce delicious strawberries thg time out to do this. They rely designed properly as a handbook. indoors or out. They are quite easy on the judgement of “experts” Everything is easy to find and to keep down to a conservative who are usually not experienced almost leaps off the page into your size in a, cramped apartment. enough to be able to judge how eyes.’






* -


. june

the chevron-


14, 1974

1 1

, working toward. He has also learned that the way to become a somebody. is to own land. He succumbs to the pressures of his environment and his socialization, leaping into the world of fast and exmoney, gangsters Kravitz runs the ploitat ion. gammut of marks-from gambling, to bar mitzvah and wedding films, to pinball machines, to delivering heroin across the border for the man,‘s com‘ing of age in the local underworld. In a mere nine Montreal streets of the working months Duddy has hustled class. This is no ordinary young enough funds to buy half a lake. man-Duddy is Jewish, and a But to be a good hustler, one hustler. Richler makes it clear that must cheat and destroy the people these two are not always co- - being hustled. Kravitz attains his habiters of a single individualgoal-the buys the entire lake and there are many other. Jews, but the surrounding property--$ut in only one other true hustler. In terms of personal growth and Kravitz, this combination of skill happiness for himself and his (he is a good hustler) and culture family, he fails to gain anything. He moves our young hero closer and betrays his family by overstepping closer to his goal of becoming 3 the limits of their values, and he somebody. Independence, respect loses two of the people he seems and notability are embodied in to genuinely care for. Kravitz does being a somebody, and Kravitz’ not seem to learn from this grandfather has taught him well though--he has become so deeply that this is something worth entrenched in putting himself in a

/ ‘Duddy Kravitz’ .gpprenticeship The Apprenticeship of Duddyl‘ Kravitz is now a movie, but it is not “distinctly Canadian”. Mordecai Richler is an internationalist, and this approach is consequently reflected in the film presentation of his work. The Apprenticeship... is designed to reach -beyond the - boundaries of Canadiana, to root itself in the experiences of mankind rather than a particular nationality of people. It is a funny, tragic movie that searches for an understanding of motives that transport individuals through a kaleidoscope of inhuman actions .and experiences. The Apprenticeship... is a youn’g

Glasses wire rim, one lens taped in, around or near co-op. Reward 7424736.


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Pregnant and distressed? Birth Control Centre 8851211, ext. 3446. Doctor referrals, unplanned and 2 unwanted pregnancy counselling and follow-up birth control information. Complete confidence.

Large dog, three years old. Half collie and- half german shepherd. Really nice dog. Phone 699-5958, anytime. r

TYPING Typist will type your paper technical otherwise. to date equipment. Pregnant and distressed?- Birthright - and Phone Fran 57gUp4057 . 579-3990. Pregnancy tests, medical and legal aid, housing, clothing, Low rates for accurate typing. Speedy complete confidence. electric typewriter. Call Jo Harris anytime. 578-7231. ( FOR SALE Typing done at home, Lakeshore area. 40 cents per page. Call 884-6913. 1968 Cortina GT 2 door hardtop, silver grey with black interior, radio. $700 _ Experienced secretary will do typing in or best offer. Call ext 3001 or 579French or English (gothic, elite, ,.-6918. prestige elite types). Please phone Violet 579-8098. WANTED Used small or mid-size car with Iqw HOUStNG A;AILABLE Single and double rooms for rent exfrom page 10 cellent kitchen and laundry facilities. Close to university, male only. Call There’ is also a variety of small 884-1381. tomatoes‘ that can be grown indoors quite easily. The information SUNDAY given on them is very good and Ecumenical Chapel Service. Everyone easily understood. welcome. 8pm ConradGrebel Chapel. Growing Unusual Fruit is merely an extenuation of the chapter on . .. unusual fr’uits in Gardening for Adventure. Line drawings of most of the fruits provide and easy way of describing the important cha rcterist its. For some reason photographs rarely capture the These Are My Sisters true essence of the plant. by Lara Jefferson The culture and origins of each Doubleday Press, Toronto 1974 plant are given, but more prac$925 tically, they-also provide methods

Chinese Students’ Association library now in basement of campus centre next to barbershop. Open 2-3pm. Everyone welcome to use the facility. Audio Mirror presents “The Issues of The Election”. 8pm Picture Show. A public forum with the federal can&dates of Waterloo-Cambridge riding. E&ryone welcome. WEDNESDAY K-W Red Cross blood donor clinic 24:30pm- and 6-8:JOpm Knights of Columbus, 110 Manitou Drive, Kitchener. Circle K Club meeting. 6pm CC 113. Everyone welcome. ‘Terror in Latin Ameriw’ with Gabriel Parrada, Chilean Trade Unionist. 8pm AL124. Sponsored by Board of External Relations, Federation of Students. Baha’i firesides. World unity, world peace. Interested? Drop in at 159 University Ave No. 1307 at 7:30pm. All welcome. THURSDAY Chinese Students’ Association library in basement of campus centrenext to barbershop. Open 2-3pm. Everyone welcome to use this facility.

position of respect and envy that he sees his family as having betrayed him. Kravitz wins his batt (e for recognition-he becomes his father’s pride, a ,topic of converstation for the light lunch counter crowd. A high standard of acting characterizes The Apprenticeship..; Richard ‘Dreyfuss-who played the boy who makes it to university in American Graffitti-takes easily to the of Duddy Kravitz. character He maintains a balanced performance through the humourous scenes of the movie, and seems to #have greatly improved his acting, abilities since American Graf,fitti. The Apprenticeship... is a powerful statement of values and priorities. Kravitz cannot be reduced to simply “good boy goes bad” -his intentions and the actions that follow from them are corn plex and twisted. He desperately believes that what he is doing is right, and when his plans falter, and someone is hurt, he feels the tremendous weight of guilt that accompanies failure. The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz is opening in New York city later this summer. I\ has received good- responses across Canada, and those involved with its production look forward to further successes in the stateswhich it stems has always ‘been the test for a good Canadian anything. -fdy ray -king kong The ’ Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz By Mordecai Richler ‘McClelland and Stewart Limited paperback, $2.95 “This,special edition includes 69 stills, cast list and production details from the new feature film”t produced in Canada with the cooperation of the Canadian Film Development Corporation, Weldo United Canada Limited, Famous Players Limited, and AstralBellevue Pathe Limited. * On page 154 you will find the beginning of the 69 stills, introducing Richard Dreyfuss as Duddy Kravitz, along with Linda, Irwin, Max, the Zeyda, the Fletcher Field High Cadets, Rubin’s, Yvette, and Peter John Friar. And if the reading of Duddy Kravitz doesn”t pick up by page 218 you have yet 38 more stills introducing The Boy Wonder, Shub, Bernie’s - Bar

Mitzvah, _ Lennie, Uncle Benjy, Calder, Virgil, and others to arouse your curiosity and prod you on to the final “You see” in Mordecai Richler’s “Canadian Classic”. “Canadian ClassiC” it isn’t. To begin -with, Duddy Kravitz’ apprenticeship occurs for the most part in Montreal and St. Agathe, both having their location in Quebec where the culture of the people is predominantly French and where ‘Canadian’ political and social identity is open to question1 None of which’is mentioned in the _ book. But then, that is not what “The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz” is all about. Duddy Kravitz is,a Jewish boy growing up in a Jewish community that happens to be located on the wrong-side of Cote de Neige, namely the east side-the poor side. The more “successful” -and wealthier Jewish community inhabits Uncle Ben jy’s surroundings in the West End of Montreal on Mount Royal. . Furthermore, what is labelled ’ “Canadian” seems more the conflict between’ rich and poor, happiness and money, and in . Duddy Kravitz’ situation a conflict that also -includes his Jewish heritage. If, however, this struggle for happiness and money is classic-and I’ll accept that it isthen how does “The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz” secure significant “Canadian” historical *endurance? Because Mordecai Richler is Canadian and, a writer? Who decides then on the> ‘Canadian Classic’? McClelland and Stewart? The Canadian Film Development Corporation? Welco United Canada Corporation? Famous Players Limited? AstralBellevue Pathe Limited? Or did all six oj these outfits together decide that in the interest of better box office <ales and book sales that “The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz” be -labelled the “Canadian Classic” of our time. It’s a shame that ‘so much publicity has advertised the popularity of this book. It’s a,good book (not great), funny in parts and in some parts hilario;sly funny. “The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz” is easy to rgadalthough somewhat tedious and long-winded in parts-and now with the help of stills, easy to visuaIize.-winnifred pietrykowski

. these are ‘my,sisters - *

by which you can consume the fruit. Recipes for jellies and jams are given for some of the fruit. How does cloudberry jam sound? -There are also soil and compost recipes given at the end of the book for the different plants described. This book is also a w,ell laid out production. The layout is clear-and keeps things simple so that the reader does not get confused. mis is important for it is quite hard to expltiin -a strange fruit to someone who has never heard of it before and an ambiguous layout can greatly add to the confusion. ’ ’ Hopefully, these books will give the resider the incentive to becohe more active in growing plant% It’s well worth it. ’ -kati middleton

nurse questions her writings. Her stroke of genius in attaining this personality enables her to strive for sanity without close +Iveillance that the other patients receive. j, Ldra’s perceptions of herself and - those around*,her are reality seen through the eyes There are few “books available today which of an apparently sane woman: She sums her exhibit _such a clarity of vision on insanity as own situation up as a result of two unfortunate These Are My Sisters. The author, -a woman in traits, “an odd piece of Egoism”, and the fact a state-run insane asylum during the post-war that, “There is nothing wrong with me except period of WWI clearly illustrates that “insanity that I was born at least 2,000 years too late. is in the eye of the beholder”. Ladies of Amazovian proportions and BerLara (a pseudonym), a woman of Amazonian serker probensities have passed quite out of proportions, was committed for attempting to - vogue and have no place in this too damned throw a hammer at her husband. The htisband, civilized world.” ’ ‘apparently quite worried about. this incident Her “problem” is not hers alone. She writes and th;! possibility of it occurring again, had that her doctor has the same- problems‘- of his wife tried by a judge who recommended egoism himself. However, in a woman this is, that she be sent away for psychiatric care. --undoubtedly, a negative trait and one that The book is a journal in whjch Lara strives to bears watching. If this is the case, then the pick up t_he threads of sanity. She writes it whole institution needs watching. The nurses living in constant dread of being transferred to are overly egotisticat and tower over the “Three Building” from which there is little patients in a sadistic position of power. They hoqe of returning. Shakespeare ’ ‘(her are above admitting to their mistakes. Lara technique of, writing when she feels- relates how nurses hauled sheets off beds ,threatened by madness) is invented when a with patients still on top of them and pulled

the clean ones on underneath (without bothering”?0 use the usual “nurses corner”). These . incompetent manoevers included a dying -patient being given Apomorphine (si‘ck hypo) instead of strichnine (to stimulate a fluttering heart), and a seriously ill woman being kept in the qsylum when she was not insane but delirious from fever. The “mistakes” made are disgusting but quite real in a system where the patients are treated more like animal& than humans. Lara’s words range from torrents of nearmadness to prophetic, analytical observations. She works out her madness with a pen. Little hope is placed in the doctors or nurses of the institutidn, except when they perform hearhumanitarian feats like smiling or giving a pati-ent needed help. Instead, Lara delves into herself for the answer to her madness. For as she states, “If we who are entangled in madness are to be delivered, we must deliver ourselves”. ‘- This is a powerful, gripping book, filled with the mad humour of a sane woman. Read it, )iou won’t be the same afterwards. -kati




- ” ,









,f “Lady, you can’t and fbr a ten dollar-


’ -1

, make: a steiv without bill this pot is yours.

the pot, ”

etc, at the ’ ti.ost Teas&h ble- prices. If ‘&.e weather is ~~001, OT it is raining, the prices drop; zfon thR other hand the weather &, warm and all freaks” are out from the city, ‘ / the “oldfurniture the prices can b-e driven sky high. This generally happens more at,- weekend auctipns than at -weekday auctions. \ ,

’ T&e- auctioneer $/one of the lfew true entertainers that. fieople. &an go and listen, to and be ab.le to decide for themse_lv&ow much they are wiiling to pay. For one dollar, one can get six or ‘seven +.4rs entertainment #.4s two /enam/elled pots and an egg grading scble, or for . two hundred dollars one can get the same amount ‘of entertainment with a dry sink t&own 26” I-


+4Ithough.the aura of the /auction affects * persons in many dgyfeerent ways, there i.s a common_ bond; everyone ~5 looking, fof a bargain.’ _ . .The houses generally $icking


yeikday auctions held at f&mor in &e nearby smhll villages give one the best opportunity for up antique items,, old household effects, -.


Ij brie, is<just; beginning to attend au&ons, it ‘is ad&sable to attend several in order‘ to have a sense of value, befqre taking’ any large amounts of money. Get ~jo the auction early and-look hver the articles and establish whi’ch items you want and set a maximum pmoutit -of money -you are willing to pay for it. Then,. when the bidding starts, keep to your. litiit. Biddin; is the /life of ;he quction and the L auctioneer. Since most‘ auctionee& work on a percentage,basis, the more$ou pay, the &re he t makes. I





Algays observe the pattern of the bidding, ty and figtire out who is bidding against who and,’ . how far they are willing20 go. The prices at any auction are direct4 proportional to th#e amOunt of’ bidding. If you azen ‘t particularly, inte;ested I in an item, do- the o(her person a favour and stop bidding. Then perhaps, the’favour will ‘be returned later on in the auction. One of the mYore interesting patie& to notice is where the bidding starts in relationship to _. ,“’ where the auctioneer tried to st’art it. Most ~ * @?sons don’t bid?at -the opening bid set by the auctio6e&waiting instea,d until it is l&we.red by the ?zuctibneer, or another person who makes a 1 offer. .starting . Places to avoid for ,the ‘starting bargain hunter are indoor auctions where the items have - been brought to the- city and are ‘then atictioned I qff. Prices at these can run three to four tzjnes aj: \ high, as the country a’uctions..8 ,

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