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The stone house on the hill above lake Columbia was built in 1850 by the Brubacher family. Now a committee of local Mennonites and university officials including Conrad Grebel College professor Win field Fretz, are seeking a $40,000 grant to restore the house to resemble somewhat its better years. The house was used by the university as a storage area until a fire gutted the inside, destroying most of the interior woodwork. However, the house is still structurally sound according to an architect. i photo by Randy Hannigan


local difficulty’

says chairman

WaSlrus manifesto-viewed historichllv Departmental machinations have conspired to force the walrus collective of graduate students in political science into a work-in protest. Concerned with developing an “alternative approach” to our learning environment here, the collective wants you to know ‘our history-and mostly our future. The Political Science Department at U. of W. has traditionally been an explosive one. Almost every year there has been some agitation for educational reform and on each occasion there has ensued some long and arduous struggle between the-students and officials of the department. Students in 197 l-72 agitated for Foncrete structural reforms and a greater degree of educational flexibility. The de: partment created the KaufmanSurich commission to review all aspects of departmental functions. Our present chairman, John Wilson, provided much of the impetus of that commission after it was made clear to him that the students wanted fundamental changes in the department’s direction and purpose. The walrus collective of 1974 wants more reforms consistent with the objectives and principles of the K-S commission. Thus far we have met with typically passive and polite resistence, just as have all our activist predecessors. We would like to reaffirm our belief in the following: “We doubt if any student or faculty member would disagree with the proposition that the university should be a place of free and critical enquiry, that there should be no ar-


.’ m

tificial barriers to learning of any entirely consistent to those the walkind, and that the Department’s rus collective has articulated earlier. procedures should encourage the For the past 20 days nine memexistence of these conditions. In bers of the graduate department our judgement they are the minimum conditions for disting- 1 have been involved in the walrus collective. The collective has ariuishing between what is called sen out of a sense of frustration higher education and the crude with our education and intellectual socialization of young people into development while here. We stated the status quo which so often passes for-education at the elementary and in our first ‘manifesto that none of our needs in these areas are being secondary school levels: “The allegedly, sterile format of adequately fulfilled in the existing lectures without discussion, writstructures of the department. ten examinations which appear to We are dissatisfied with the preserve no purpose, and the rule of an sent graduate programme. Until essay a term has become the norm, solutions are generated we propose and no room is left for experimentato: tion with other forms of learning 1. Boycott classes which, in the context of an educa2. Boycott representation on all tion in palitics, may.well be desiraongoing committees and departmental functions; ble. “We recommend that the 3. and in their place pursue independent group study sessions. Undergraduate Affairs Committee . . .conduct a major reSome sources of frustration are: l the formal structure of grad view of the content, direction and seminars which deny individual inpurpose of the undergraduate curriculum. . .including itiative. an invesl the rapid decline of our morale. tigation of the feasibility of introducing a system of instruction more l the seeming indifference to akin to that found in British what we as individuals are trying to universities-such as the possibil-pursue. Ideally we are here to learn and ity that all Political Science majors expand our knowledge instead of might be able to proceed to their having it limited, channelled and degree by a programme of tutoring by individual faculty members, otherwise obstructed. We are conwith lectures ceasing to be courses fident that these problems can be resolved. which must be completed but merely resources to be utilized A subsequent position paper along the way, and with much less tried to verbalize some of our destress laid on formal examinamands and goals for the year: tions.” Our aim in this group is to The above was abstracted from achieve a more involved educathe Kaufman-Surich report 1972. tional experience and environThe principles stated therein are ment. *The current situation de-

mands initially at least that solutions be found which are tailored to the demands of each individual or group of individuals. A strict, tightly structured course system may well be most suited to the things some people want to do, and this should be their option. An alternative approach in which structure is allowed to evoh out of the interests and demands of a group of people also ought to be available and equally non-compulsory. The current malaise among a large proportion of graduate stu; dents appears to arise out of a sense

of non-involvement and distance from other people in the department, notably faculty. This can change and the structure can accommodate our needs. We suggest as initial steps the following: a) the immediate development for a graduate seminar; b) the adoption in existing courses of.the principle of student-centred content and procedure; c) investigation of student participation in grievance and appeal committees ; d) abolition of the 50 per cent rule; e) the initiation of a process of mutual consultation between graduates and faculty with regard to future development of alternative interest* and study groups; f) the option of credit/non-credit marking schemes; g) and investigation of the abolition of courses. The collective began to hold open study sessions twice a week: on the role of the social sciences; its continued

on page 9

University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 15, number 19 friday, november 1, 1974



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night, variety. programme. speaker plus formation of K-W boycott Name . Somerset Maugham’s “The Circle” di- ^ 5pm Theatre of the Arts. committee. Sponsored by ‘K-W labour rected by Maurice Evans and starrin Students’ international meditation counci’* Address Dawn Greenlagh fromtthe Stratford fessociety group, meditation and advanced . Play “Christy in Love” directed by Ian tival company. 8pm theatre of the arts. lecture for members. Campbell: Free admission. 12:30pm. Admission $1.50, students $1 .OO. CenI Theatre of,the arts, Film in East Indian (Tamil) to be m tral box office ext. .2126 _ Chaplain Remkes Kooistra’s discus- _ y screened in AL i24 titled “Ranga RatSouthern bntario jewish student’s tinam,, ._ sion, fellowship meeting. 8pm faculty Conference in Campus Centre Fridav to . lounge, room 1101, Eng 3. You wili be MONDAY Sunday. Registration begins 3pm ‘Friwelcome to drop in. . day-in CC 135. ‘I Jazz and blues club, Kitchener public Free’ movie: “Zachariah”. CC great Federation flicks: “The Last Detail” library. An outline of. the history of hall. Sponsored by CCB. . with Jack Nicholson and Otis Young. jazz-from its origins to the present day, I. Amateur radio club meeting 4:30pm 8pm, AL 116.’ 1 by Jeff Weller. 8 pm, story room. E2-2355. New members & visitors welChess tourhament (open to pub@). -.SATURDAV ‘. ’ ’ come. United Farm Workers, grape ‘and let- ,MC, 3rd floor lounge. Crafts Fair: CC great hall. lb:30-4. tuce. boycott. Demonstration and rally, Crafts fair; Many types of crafts and Arts society ’ coffee & donuts 11 am at Dominion stores head office, , works till .be displayed and sold. CC I r 8am-2:30pm. Keele St. &.Rogers Road, Toronto. Great Hall. 10:30-4om, Undergrad lounge We’ve got a program for you th&could dhange the * HH280. Speaker: Richard Chavez. * ‘Arts society coffee & donuts tours/e of you:, whole future-successfully.’ \ UW sailing club will end out the season 8am-2:30pm. Undergrad lounge HH, TlilJRSDAV with a frostbite regatta to be held from 280. It’s called our Sales & Marketing Management Waterloo Christian fellowship dessert noon on at Columbia Lake. The races ‘meeting 530~7:30pm.’ NH 3006. Program, and #it??for graduates who want-the most will be on an obstacle course so experiRichard Longenecker “Exposition on TUES6AY out of th&ir career and have the.driv& to earn it. \ ence is not necessarily a factor. ‘-. Concert Choir Rehearsal. All inthe Parabies”. Ajl welco*me. - Chess tournament (open ‘to public) terested persons are invited to join. 7-9 1 To find out more fill ‘in the coupon below or talk to . All inMC, 3rdl Floor Lounge. pm, .-AL1 13. . \ \. Chamber ‘choir’ rehearsal. terested- persons should contact Mr. A. y& C?mpus Recruitment Officer about an interview. -. lxthus coffee house. 9-12 pm CC 113. -Family property law public meeting. Kunz ext 2439. 7pm AL6 , Speaker: Robert Welch. Humanities I Federation flicks: “The Last Detail” Baha’i Firesides informal meeting theatre 8pm. with Jack Nicholson and Otis Young. _ HUM345.. All students, faculty and staff _The Canada Life Assum-nce‘CoFpany . 8pm, AL 116. I Mrs. Dixie Guldner -will speak on Sex who are interested, curious or just in1 r 1-----1-1--111-1-111----9~9--------------* education at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian qu/sitive drop in between 7:30-9:30pm, Southern Ontario jewish students coni The Cay&a ,Life-Assurance Cbmpany -. church in the Elizabeth Room at 8pm. or call Ariel 884-0202. ! ference in campus centre. , 330 Unlverslty Avenue, Toronto, Ontario \ M5G 1 R8 I . iI Crafts-Fair. CC great hall. 10:30-4. ‘Play “Christy in Love” directed by Ian j Somerset 9Ulauq ham’s “The Circle” i Send me more information about your Sales & Markef/ng Manage- i Campbell.of,the FreeartsAdmission. 12:36pm. ’ 8pm.theatre of the arts. Arts ’ society coffee & donuts Theatre ,- ment Program. I Conrad Grebel community orchestra 8am-2:30pm. Undergrad I I - lounge HH r * Arts society coffee & donuts directed by. William Janzen Jr. 8pm 280. . , 8am-2:30pm. ‘Undergrad lounge HH ,’ Conrad Grebel College. \ SUNDAY ’ ’ 1 Chapel Senhe at Conrad Grebel lo:30 am. Speaker’: Rodney Swatsky, academic dean. Also bible study at 9 pm on Luke. Chess tournament (opn to publih)mc, .3rd floor lounge. Federation flicks: “The Last ,Detail” ,w@ Jack Nicholson and Otis Young. 8 - pm, AL 116.





Social and ethnic dance club. New _ members welcome. 8 pm CC1 13.

Dr. H. Gwyn of the Ontario divisicjn of mines will speak onStudies of Champlain sea deposits, Eastern Ontario”, at 7:30pm’in room 350, Bio2. / Dr. P.L. Silveston of the department of ohemical engineering will speak on “Simultaneous solution of the farm waste and fuel shortage problem”- in Bio-1 room 271 i\at 8:30pm,

Concert band rehearsal. All interested musicians are invited to join. Instru ments are now avaitable. 5:30-7pm, AL6. Grape and lettuce boycott organiza-, tional meeting, Labour centre 8pm 141 King St;-<%., Kitchener. Agenda UFW



the chevron

I,’ 1974

Endicdt \ extolIs C,hina part in an unsuccessful scheme to “When I was a student, we read dump them into the harbour that Reader’s Digest and Time magazine. That’s a good way to they were waiting at. His aquaintance, prime minister know nothing about a revolution,” Lester‘ Pearson went to said reverend James Endicott who Washington in the early fifties to was on campus this week to tell see if the United States would aphow he came to accept the revoluprove of Canada recognizing the tion of the Chinese People’s Repubof- communist China. lic. Endicott is touring on behalf of government Eisenhower was furious so Pearson the Canadian student Christian backed down. In 1958 Diefenmovement. bather went again and got the same Endicott was born in China and reception. lived there until 1910 when he came The position of the U.S. was that to Canada to further his education. was being In 1925 he went back to China to the Chinese revolution Their work as a missionary. Until 1939 he -run by puppets of Moscow. policy until the present has been to was associated with, and worked surround China with american ’ for anti-communist nationalist armed forces in such places as Vietleader Chiang Rai-shek. He nam, Korea and the Philippines. realized while working for the At the forum there was also a military commander that the commovie shown that Endicott had munist forces in China were far brought from China. This movie superior morally and technically to was not originally intended for exthe nationalists so he left the latter port. in 1944 to join the communists. It was so good that Endicott had He also did work for the secret friends in China put english subservice of the United States. He his titles on the movie so he could now feels that he had been duped \ show it in Canada. The content of into believing that communists the movie was a mixture of propwere evil. He was asked by the aganda that.extolled the virtues of american secret service to do a self-reliance and the importance of study of the communist movement revolutionary thought in everyday in China. After contacting the Red life. Chinese he realized that the whiteThe film was made in Linshien foreign leaders in China knew nocounty. This was an area that sufthing at all and that the reds were fered from periodic droughts and very wise. floods. Without any modern The turning point in Endicott’s machinery the residents of the thinking came when he learned county built a canal over, around about the T’ai Ping rebellion.- It ocand through mountains to irrigate curred in 1860. Until then he had the area. To make a long story been taught that this rebellion was short, Linshien county had one of led by fanatics on a mission of the largest surplus crops in Chinese greed. In China he saw inscriptions history this year. on rocks dating from the rebellion In the movie the role of the comthat read “He who tills the soil shall mon peasant was emphasized. Enthe land own it” and “equalize dicott felt by following the reholdings”. Endicott feels that this volutionary thought of chairman was the true beginning of the modMao these people were triumphant ern Chinese Revolutionary moveagainst almost impossible odds. ment . The film also portrayed women In 1947 Endicott left China beworking alongside of men on even cause he was warned that he might the most dangerous and physically be assassinated for sympathizing exhausting tasks. with the communists. The evening closed with a very It took little effort for Endicott to important question from one realize that the sympathy of member of the audience. Endicott Canada and the United States was was asked how he could relate the with the nationalist forces of fact that he is an ordained minister . Chiang Kai-shek. of the.christian faith, with his supIn Canada he saw’mosquito port and love for, the Chinese re. bombers that were in crates bound volution. His rejoinder was that for the Nationalist armies. (He took “god exalts the poor” whereas many so-called Christians have exalted the rich and powerful. As far as he is concerned China has the most truly Christian movement in L the world in that the poor are helping themselves and growing stronger while retaining high moral standards in all their actions. Endicott’s mission is to warn the rich and mighty people of the world that their day has passed and that they should step aside in favour of a world-wide liberation movement. -neil


Sorry Due to production difficulties, failed to run last week a follow-up story on the so very exciting students’ council meeting. However, to make amends, we will tell you just what happened at the all important meeting. Andy Telegdi, the 28year-old student president was not booted out of office. Instead he received a triumphant vote of confidence. the chevron

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Frosh aided


- -

With the mounting pressure. of final exams, first year engineering students might find some solace in the new counselling service offered by their faculty society. The service, sponsored bv the Engineering Society (EngSocj, depends on 25 fourth year student volunteers, who are willing to share their greater experience with those who might find the academic pressures somewhat overwhelming. , But, according to EngSoc vicepresident Dave Rowat in a report to council Tuesday, the service was not used much during orientation. However, he felt this was perhaps due to poor advertising rather than indifference on the part of freshmen. In addition, Rowat said the counsellors are willing to stage a series of seminars, mid-November, on how to: prepare technical reports; study for exams; and choose a department. The thrust of the seminars will be to “help all frosh who have problems” he said. In other business, council discussed the upcoming Canadian Congress of Engineering Students Extolling the many virtues of the Chine< (CCES) to be held this winter in reverend James Endicott entertained an ecstatic UW audience TuesCalgary. day. Endicott, born in China, spent many years there as a missionary EngSoc president Kim Etheringand for a period served as personal advisor to Chiang Kai-shek. .In ton said- the theme for the CCES 1944, at the request of the U.S. government he contacted the comwill be the “social impact of enmunist leaders and became a firm supporter of their cause. gineering projects” and he listed the criteria for choosing UW representatives. One such criterion would be “past involvement in both EngSoc ‘A’ and ‘B’ (the engineering society has two councils which alternate with the co-op terms). Other criteria include participation in the orientation workshops - _ for the conference (scheduled for The 1980’s are likely to bring minutes of its meetings and make Nov. 10 and Nov. 17) and a willingabout a radical change in university annual reports to the legislature, enrolment patterns said’ Stefan regarding eligibility of programs for ness “to continue on with the reDupre, chairman of the Ontario funding, total funding requirements solutions” emanating from the conCouncil on University Affairs of Ontario universities and allocaference. (OCUA). tions of the funds. Both EngSoc ‘A’ and ‘B’ will At a meeting on Tuesday with Unlike the old CUA, the council send six delegates each, with all executive members of the Ontario will have some staff of its own, thus expenses paid by the engineering Federation of Students (OFS), enabling it to carry out research indean. Dupre outlined this and many other dependently of the ministry. Council also listened to a brief concerns of the newly-appointed, In the spring hearings to be held presentation on the Ontario Feder19-member OCUA which* advises by the OCUA two matters will be ation of Students given by OFS exthe Ministry of Colleges and Unidiscussed. First, the so-called ecutive member Shane Roberts. versities on matters concerning the ACAP process and second, the Roberts said OFS will conduct a Ontario post-secondary educagraduate student finances, which is referendum, late January. in COOPtional system. the only area of. student assistance eration with the Federation of SmDupre said that “the demand that OCUA is involved with. dents to increase its levy on stuconfiguration of the 80’s will be as With regard to ACAP ( a progdents from 40 cents to $1.50. different from the 70’s as the 60’s ramme of province-wide comparaThe rationale given for such an were from the 50’s”. He suggested tive assessment of academic deincrease was that OFS needs to hire that the universities will have to, partments) Dupre remarked that more full-time staffers to cope with look for alternative “clientele” as “the extent to which government is research and province-wide fieldthe 18-24 year age bracket declines involved and who enforces the reworking on its 20 member camin number. . commendations is going to be up puses. Currently OFS has six staffor grabs this spring. We’re going to, fers: one researcher, three fieldAs the traditional univeriitythrow the whole thing open”. workers, one office co-ordinator going segment of society decreases With some concern for- the role and one informations officer. its proportional make-up of the population, Chairman Dupre sees and purpose of the Council, OFS Also, according to Roberts, executive members discussed the OFS’ efficacy in dealing with stuthree possible ways of holding up concept of OCUA as a “buffer” enrolment levels to prevent the dent concerns such as the Ontario and the membership of OCUA. gradual extinction of many univerStudents Awards Programme Dupre agreed with OFS that the @SAP) would be greatly ausities. One way is to foster enrolcouncil seems designed to take diment beyond the 18-24 year old gmented with a larger staff. rect pressure off the provincial Apart from the referendum, OFS bracket. A second would be to engovernment ‘_ wants to encourage students to courage more women to attend, As regards to membership of particularly those whose education vent their dissatisfaction with\ the OCUA, OFS was upset that while loans and grants doled out yearly was interrupted by the childthere are eleven people from the bearing years. by OSAP. milieu, only two are stuA third means of bolstering en- university By combining information with dents, neither recommended by grassroots rolment would be to increase the organizing among stuOFS and both without significant percentage of 18-24 year-olds in dents, OFS would “hit” the proin university affairs. higher education. This would be a experience vincial “bureaucrats” with a greaAlso noted was the fact that matter of increasing the accessibilter impact, said Roberts. among the eight members from the ity to university education by de- public-at-large, Finally councillors examined the only one was from creasing the costs borne by the stulabour and of the four holding posiupcoming engineering week, dent. tions in the corporate sector, three scheduled from Nov. 4 to Nov. 9. When asked by OFS how OCUA were from the resource industry. The week will include such highdiffered from CUA (Committee on These were two vice presidents, lights as a slide rule contest called University Affairs) which was disone from Canadian Arctic Gas and the “slick slipstickers” and the anbanded in April, Dupre replied the other from Noranda Mines, and nual engineering semi-formal enti“it’s the old CUA warmed over”. the former Senior vice-president of tled “a fall affair” (tickets cost $10 Like its predecessor, the OCUA Imperial Oil, * Ronald Ritchie. per couple). will hold public hearings, publish --shane roberts -john morris

OFS questions OCUA

4 the chevron



1, 1974


raps sports



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LETHBRIDGE (CUP)-“Sports may be good for people, but they are considered a lot better for males than for females.” Jane Schwindt, a third year physical education student at the University of Lethbridge, outlined . women’s roles in sports from ancient Greece to the present day at a public forum in the Lethbridge Public Library. Her talk on “women in sports” was part of a continuing series of in society” lectures on “women presented by the women’s place in Lethbridge. Schwindt said women created their own programme of sports, the Heraea games in honor of Hera, wife of Zeus, because women were barred from participating in or even observing the Olympic games. But only in the last 50 years, with the emancipation of women from some home responsiblities, have women begun to take a prominent role in sports, she said. Despite a woman’s interest in sports, and “no matter what her age, race, education, talent, residence or riches, the female in sport is discriminated against. The funds; facilities, coaching, rewards, and honours allotted to women are grossly inferior to those granted to men,” Schwindt said. The process. of discouragement begins when young girls are taught to be ladylike and play with dolls and continues in high school when “girls are expected to be cheerleaders-sitting back and idolizing the boys as they become more physically fit while they re-

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tain their feminine inactivity. ” At the college and university level, women get poor practice hours, equipment and coaching, she said. At the University of British Columbia $5 of the student fee is allotted to sports of which 80 cents goes to women’s athletics and $4.20 to male athletics. At the University of Lethbridge, $10,000 was put into starting a men’s hockey team but a new women’s sport programme was not even considered, “A steam room for men at the University of Lethbridge was naturally included in the building plans. The women had to complain and refuse to quit using the steam . room before a sauna was built for them,” she said. One argument used against female athletes is that they do not play well enough to deserve athletic equality, and there is no point in wasting money, gyms, fields and coaching on them. But, Schwindt said, “it’s hard to say how good female athletes might be if they were offered athletic facilities, support and encouragement even roughly comparable to what men receive.” A double standard is apparent, she said, in that administrators argue sport is essentially educational to develop character, attitude, and good citizenship. “It’s not important whether you win or lose but how you play the game”, so the saying goes, but female athletes are discriminated against because they do not draw the gate receipts and therefore do not deserve the time and training males receive. A final argument is that girls are just not interested in sports. The answer, Schwindt said, is that “in many cases there‘isnever any opportunity for a girl to play a team sport-in grade school, junior high or public recreation league, the girls’ coach is usally a teacher who never was involved in sports and girls’ participation in sportreceives little if any publicity.” ’ Desp+ite all these facts, Schwindt said, women still participate in sports, and some encouragement is forthcoming-from places like Iowa where innovative programmes for female athletes are meeting with great success. Schwindt said discrimination against women in sports could be alleviated if: young girls are encouraged in home and school to become physically active; if communities demand that sports money and facilities are equally allotted to male and female sports; if local media encourage women’s sport by fair and adequate coverage despite its current low level of spectator attraction; and if female coaches get the same training male coaches receive. She said more athletic heroines will be discovered when women’s sports are better covered by the press. Young girls would then have more “role models” and not see the female athletes as freaks. Sports media representatives in the audience said the public only wants to hear about well-attended spectator sports and it was not the media’s role to push what the public did not want to hear. Audience members disagreed, saying the media should be innovative in changing the image of sportswomen, and by giving adequate coverage to an area of sport largely neglected or treated unfairly.




the chevron

1, 1974

News .shorti societies


meet OFS

Steve Schildroth “The Ontario Scholarship Award Programme (OSAP) offices across Ontario are given directives to keep down student grants”, said Marilyn Burt-net, Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) staffer to a student faculty society conference Saturday. Shane Roberts, OFS executive member said there is a “shortage of manpower for student financial aid” which makes it even more difficult for students to get sufficient funds from the programme. Roberts also complained that funds are still given on the basis of the cost of living of several years ago. Meanwhile inflation has bitten deeply into the value of a student’s loan or grant. Andy Telegdi, UW Federation of students president, added that the “amount of money for spcial services and education has always been consistently small”. Roberts said that since this is an election year in this province and for fear of losing the student vote the government may respond to some demands. The major means of getting the aid will be to “attract some attention from the media and Queens Park”. Telegdi thought the biggest problem facing the attempts may be the apathy of students, since the federation is “having a hell of a tirrie getting students even involved in municipal affairs”. Roberts also announced that the OFS fee raise referendum has been postponed until January. The rest of the meeting dealt with the student housing shortage. Roberts noted there is a student housing problem across the country but it is very difficult to decide where to put the pressure for help. Telegdi noted the housing issue could possibly be cleared up locally since students make up 40 per cent of the local voting population and could elect a council more favourable towards low-cost housing projects. On the provincial scene, the only hope seems to lie in getting OSAP to increase the student funds for increased housing costs.





Back in 1969 the Library initiated a pickup-service. It was hoped that such a service would save borrowers from having to come to the Library just to return borrowed materials. The Library placed large metal bins in all teaching buildings as well as Villages I and II which are emptied daily by a driver. In addition to emptying these bins, the driver goes daily to the circulation department at WLU; Monday and Thursday he picks up from St. Jerome’s library and when called, will pick up at the other church colleges and the optometry reading room. Depending on where the books are picked up, in the case of the daily trips all material is back-dated one day and no fine is assessed. Books picked up at St. Jerome’s are back-dated four days with no fine being levied. Similarly with the remaining possible pickup locations, it de-” pends on the date they were dropped off to determine whether a fine is applicable or not. However there are three exceptions as to what the delivery service does not handle and that is reserve books, phonodiscs, phonotapes, micro materials and any inter-library loans. All of these must be returned to the location from where they were issued. Fines are levied on all such materials that have been left for pickup. The following is a list of Library book delivery pickup stations: biolo”gy main lobby, 1st floor 1st floor chemistry II engineering I * in link hall between El and E4,lst floor engineering II main stairwell, 1st floor humanities near history dept. ,across from room 134 modem languages base of stairwell, ground floor 1st floor physics psychology base of main stairwell environmental studies base of main stairwell village I near dining hall village II near dining hall circulation department WLU ‘Library


even rkher

(CUP)America’s “super-rich” are getting even richer, according to a recent study by the Urban Institute. The study sets the number of super-rich at 4.4 per cent of the total population and reports that this group owns: -27 per cent of all privately held real estate -33 per cent of all cash holdings -40 per cent of non-corporate business assets -63 per cent of privately-held corporate stock -74 per cent of federal bonds and securities other than savings bonds -78 per cent of all state and local bonds -Virtually all corporate and foreign bonds and securities notes. If the 3 5 trillion dollars that makes up America’s wealth were evenly distributed, the study theorized, every American over age 21 would have $25,000 a year. As it is, the super-rich average $200,000 a year while half the population averages no more than $3,000 a year in net assets.

Social, work careers. “If you haven’t got your masters, the senior administrative positions are closed to you,” said Prof. Wickham, admissions officer at Wilfrid Laurier University about graduate social work. Social work still has opportunities for three year B.A. graduates with a background in psychology or sociology. He said, “A masters will have a good chance for a job with a BSW (Bachelor of Social Work) having a fair to good chance.” Wickham was on campus to give a discussion on social work as well as recruit undergraduates for WLU’s master’s of social work programme next fall. “ The financial opportunities begin at $11,700 for. newly graduated masters and approximately $9,500 for BSW’s,” said Wickham. “Those with BSW’s will stay at that position for quite a long time, unless you obtain a masters,” he said. Currently social workers are employed by the provincial government, schools for the mentally retarded, homes for the emotionally disturbed, psychiatric hospitals, general hospitals, family courts, community and social services, family counselling and in university counselling services. Although the field still has opportunities, the competition is now quite stiff. Wickham said, “Our school has positions for 65 full-time students and five part-time student positions out of an application list of 500 last .year. Three hundred and fifty students should have been accepted. It makes my job difficult. I’m placed in the position of playing god.” Those intending to apply should have a half course in research-in either psychology or sociology and a statistics in mathematics to meet the research requirement. The reasoning for the onus in this direction is to gain awareness of the subject matter, because social work is an academic study although it is professional training. The masters programme at WLU wants people with some idea of which direction that they want to take in social work. The first term is on campus with four courses either one major one minor and two electives or three majors and one elective. The areas of concentration include counselling for individuals, families and gfoups, social administration, social policy and research. The second term is a field-practice from January to May. During the first field work practice, a student is responsible for four courses on campus. After a summer break, the student begins a field practice from September to December. The final semester is on campus for a 14 hour concentration. The University of Toronto, Carleton and WLU offer entrance after a three year B.A. WLU will accept anyone with a “B” average in their final and a cumulative “B” in their last two years. Upgrading is possible for those who show an interest in social work but have borderline grades. Wickham said that “it is not dif-

ficult. You merely have to be able to budget your time well. We are looking for people who can master the literature and give of their own feelings and impressions”. The programme accepts people with related experience although it is not essential for admittance. He said “there is no requirement for volunteer work- but an applicant will be given credit for having an interest in the field, in which they are about to enter.” WLU’s programme is noted for its co-op system which includes work placements under professional supervision. The unpaid placements are primarily in Toronto and Kitchener with additional placements within a 50 mile radius. Wickham said, “We try to find the ideal placement but we don’t promise that you will get what you want”. Social work attempts to maximize an individual’s capacity in social relationships. Other profes-


sions d’o not get at the whole person. Social work tries to get at the whole group, family and community. Wickham said that “we have taken the theoretical concepts from other disciplines and tried to apply it”. Social work is having to move out of direct service into more political solutions than in the past. He said that “in community development, you can’t put problems into one sphere, certain problems need political solutions’ ’ . Students in their second and third years may apply. Those interested should contaM Wickham at the WLU school of social work. The application deadline is Feb. 15, 1975 for the autumn term. “We are looking for people who show an interest in people, a background with being able to form relationships, have empathy, caring and the ability to perform academically’ ’ , said Wickham. -jay


“Who am I and where am f going?”

Senate looks at term tests A motion regarding the scheduled times of term tests was deferred by the senate undergraduate council in order that further discussion be pursued by the faculty councils. The motion, put forward by associate math dean C. F. A. Beaumont stated “that all term tests in, term, quarter any course -mid term, final term, etc.-not to be confused with examinations which occur at the end of term-be restricted to the scheduled lecture hours for that course.” The math faculty, and in particular Beaumont, received several complaints by students claiming professors were scheduling tests at inconvenient, non-lecture hours. The students were expected to attend these tests, in some instances, regardless of whether they had class conflicts. “Some of our professors are greedy about the amount of time they have for lectures’ ’ , said Beaumont, and therefore schedule term tests at irregular hours. The size of classes -using facilities and the lack of space available for lectures seems to be a


major reason why tests “have been moved around and run at different times”. Beaumont agreed, stating that “this is kind of necessary, but like all things, gets carried to excesg.” It was noted by several of the Council members that if every student attended all of his/her classes, some would be forced to sit in the aisles. More emphasis in evaluating students’ work is being puton term tests and the like. Therefore, as english professor J.D. Weller said, “in regard to phy>sical resources, this is putting a heavy load on us.” The council seemed to be of the general opinion that efficiency experts in Waterloo do not realize the intangibles of lack of classroom space because they do not deal with students. This prompts some teachers to book larger classrooms at different times to run their tests. Although most professors use their discretion when dealing with a situation such as this, “some instructors’ ’ , according to Weller, “seem to have no feeling for their students and although this may be in the minority it creates a bad impression.” =-dave



6 the chevron




1, 1974

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spaced. A pseudonym may be run if we are prdvided with-the real name of the J

’ I

Grad/ message

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To meet its requirements for professionals, our Department has developed a one yeartraining program for universitygraduates. Through appropriate courses given at our training centre in Ottawa, alternating with on-the-job training sessions in our district offices throughout Canada, we intend to t graduate qualified taxation officers, espe. cially in the Audit, Verification and Collections areas. We invite you to come and meet’ our ‘. recruiting teams for interviews Nov. 7. For more’ information, contact -your- university . placement office,


‘Statistics According to Canada’, the total income of 25 per cent of. all Canadian families is below $5,000 per year. Welfare recipients or not, they have to live and support themselves. You will find most graduate student and undergrad student families in that income-bracket, although they only constitute a very minute part of that particular income sector of Canadian society: So, we are not alone; unless of course, we choose to view ourselves in a different light. We might . say: we are exploited, but they deserve it. That would be outrageous and most of us,don’t think that way. Some Canadians have to “survive” on $10,000 per year or more,. some others just “scrape through” with $20,000 per year. The Canadian living standard is a result- of manual and mental labour of all Canadians. Those, who- take 20 times the share of others must be contributing 20 times as much to the well-being of our society. This’, of course, is not true and the argus ment can only be applied in first place if-equal opportunity to contribute is established. This, of course, is not the case either. To struggle with the university administration for better economic conditionsand to compete with faculty is an important struggle, if it serves to bring the concerned individuals closer together. However, we can ‘only loose if we are short’ sighted and do not study the underc lying principles of our social’structure., of which theuniversity com,munity is part of. That is, we have to think in political terms. . There is only one thing that we all have in common: we have to live with each other. Therefore, independently of what your personal inA terests are, the study of human society is of importance and a responsibility of each individual This is --politics; the study of how to live and hopefully grow together. ‘It is too important to leave up to others, and too dangerous. NO+, we as students find it not very hard to feel and sense other individuals aspirations and emor tions. Our spirit of togetherness, however, has not successfully been l

practiced within the’rules and the petted, but would be very, very structure created by those on who welcome. It takes the khoie of the we depend. Canadian people to’progress to a But, for administration and -fa-. just and fair society, including adculty members it is different. They ministration and faculty, or better, find it hard to adopt to the new the people who make. it up. spirit as long as the old one seemThusas well educated, not naringly-provides them with an advanrow minded, and ‘together’ comtagous condition compared to half munity.of students, we struggle for the Canadian population., They are more than misleading, stupidifying, in the same boat as we are,‘but still and degrading abstract numbers of too proud and spoiled. They, in z dollars. However, it is a start. general, don’t see the writing on the Juleg‘ Gervais Il. wall. Let’s ignore them as much as we can in the struggle. They are poor souls; we understand them, and how they got to be how and where they are. If they try to stop us to get Mike Gordon is not the only one to the roots and toga&upon our to make errors in his article, so findings, then we have to deal with - does D’Leggett (Feedback Oct. 25) those who still want to hang on to CFPL is 980 KH3 London, Ontheir images and to their outdated tario. CBL is 740KH3 Toronto. Newton Mitne value-system. In the meantime, not Chem Eng too much cooperation. can be ex-.



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Toronto 2-3 bedroom- apartment or townhouse with parking wanted to sub. let Jan-Apr :75. Phone 884-5031 (519) Collect evenings.

Wanted to sublet your 2 or more bedroom apartment or townhouse for the period January till May 1975. ,Responsi: Low rates for accurate typing. Electric. ble fourth year engineering students. ’ Call Jo Harris 578-7231. : Please phone collect, John Kerr (416) Experienced typist wij! do typing in own ’ 48si2693 after 5pm_ , %F-




1 5 1974

the chevron

Wrestlers police - . .I_, , stud’ents -I Professional wrestlers are hired by the University of Montreal as “special security agents” to control student demonstrations, said university information director Louis-Martin Tard Thursday. 5 “Whenever there’s trouble on campus, the university authorizes the hiring of special agents-that is to say, very muscular men”, he said. “We don’t want another Sir George Williams affair”, he said, referring to the 1969 riot which resulted in $2 million damage to the SGWU computer centre. “We have very expensive machinery and valauble research papers here and don’t want to lose them.” Tard’s statement followed a press conference during which Ecole Polytechnique students identified five professional wrestlers among security guards who battled them in a parking fee protest two weeks ago. Tard said university administrators have not decided whether the hiring practice will be continued. Student president Michel Lauzon identified “‘Bull” Gregory, “Butch Morgan”, Tony Angelo, Neil Guay and Marc Bourgeouis as the special agents. “Sure, they may do a little wrestling in the evenings,” said Tard .


.the chevron I needs you



He did not say how large the “special I agent” contingent was, but student estimates ranged as high as 22. “We haven’t been able to identify all of them,” said Lauzon, “but _ we know Johnny Rougeau, another wrestler, was paid $25 a- day for each bouncer. ” He said the bouncers were paid $75 a day, but declined to identify the sources of his information. A report on the events is expected Marc Lalonde, federal minister of soon. on une!kployment insrrsance were The students, angered by $90 a year in parking fees-up from $45-threw rocks, paint and eggs in protests which resulted in a student being hurled through a plate glass window. Luc Turgeon, responsible for university parking security, was identified by student Robert Content as the man who hurled him through the window. Content said 40 stitches were required to close Last week Richard Irving met face and arm cuts. with a group of concerned Content said he has pressed as- graduates to discuss the report of sault charges against Turgeon and the committee on teaching and learning., As a graduate student has eight witnesses willing to testify that the man attacked him from member of the university senate, behind. he must comment on this at that Lauzon said a student body’s November meeting. To act committee-with approval from as a valid spokesman of student teachers, office and service opinion, his purpose at the meeting personnel-has been formed to was two-fold-to get opinions of demand the university stop the those present and to propose a practice of hiring musclemen. method of gleaning those of the ab“We have more than 2,300 signasent majority. tures demanding the resignation of Irving himself was critical of the Fernand Gouin, the campus secreport, calling it “vague”, and urity chief, and Luc Turgeon”, “full of innuendoes”. Though he Lauzon said. felt that it contains some good Both men were unavailable for ideas, it never made clear how they comment. might be implemented. He also “This isn’t the first time the unicriticized the existence of assump\ versity administration has used repression tactics”, said Lauzon. “They even have security men disquised as students spying on us.”


health and welfare, said at a press conference getting more than a fair share of the “good


recently life”.

that the people


Grads. debate t Et I report 3


tions whose universal applicability is open to question, for instance, that graduates are viewed in terms of the B.I.U.‘s which they bring to the university. The group was told that there is an unrealized potential for constructive change in the field of graduate studies. In order to formulate long-term goals, however, ‘graduates must be properly represented on policy-making bodies. This, Irving said, wasimpossible at present, owing to a lack of data on student desires and experiences. He proposed the development of a questionnaire to supply the needed information. : Evaluations of the studentprofessor relation, of encouragement for intellectual development

and of the graduate involvement in running departments would be sought. Much of the meeting was given over to finding and phrasing acceptable and legitimate criteria on which to base such appraisals. Several of those present expressed their satisfaction with things as they now are and questioned the necessity of such a poll. Irving responded that his interest was not in finding faults, but rather in gaining a realistic purview of both satisfactory and unsatisfactory situations in all faculties. On the basis of this, he could make recommendations which will eventually be of\ benefit to all concerned. Those interested in the report of the committee on teaching and learning can obtain a copy from University secretary Jack Brown, at ext. 2734. Ideas and assistance on promulgation of the questionaire would be appreciated. The person to contact about this is Richard Irving, at ext. 3820. I -julie Schneider

Rasdio Waterloo

Friday Nov. 1 Midnight Ivan Zendai 2:00 Phil Larocque 4:00 recorded music 7:00 Dave Ferrier 9:30 Al Anderspn 11:30 Gord Cowan Noon this is it, their last day. The engineers go all out. * 3:00 Flora Conroy 6:00 Peter Campbell & Roger Gartland 8:45 guitar player magazine 9:15 Bill Wharrie Saturday

Nov. 2

Midnight Frank Callingham 3:00 Villen Teder 6:00 recorded music 9:00 Bill Worsnop Noon Mike Spaziani. & Peter Ferguson 2:oo Ian Allen 4:oo Sandy Yates 6:00 The Bad and the Bard 8:00 Jim Waldram Mark Perrin ; IO:00 Sunday

Nov.’ 3



Midnight Don Cruikshank 2:OO Stu Kemp, always enjoyable to listen to. 9:OO more music 11:30 classical music Noon music with Dave Villeneuve 2:00 Paul McDermott 4:00 Frank Bitonti 6:00 rest of the news


6:15 Donna Rogers 8:30 TBA 9:00 Gord Woody, Steve Favell, Ted Fort Monday Nov. 4 j Midnight Rick Armstrong 2:00 Vic Decker 9:00 more good music Noon this ‘week during this time period, the engineers take over. who knows what we’re in for. 2:00 Ken Turner 4:00 classical & pseudo-classical music with Toni Basinski & Herman D.L. Night 6:30 Radio Waterloo sports ” 7:00 community services 7:30 feature 8:00 Brian, Reid, Ralaph & Lewis


Thursday Tuesday

Nov. 5

Midnight Mike Devillaer, the midnight man 2:00 Tim Paulin 4:00 this week we’re unable to’fill this shift. IO:00 Dean Purves will include the Belgian press review at 11 iO0 on his show Noon the engineers, again 2:00 Tom Smith this week ’ 4:00 Jack Langer 6:00 Steve Cox 7:30 c Radio Waterloo news . 8:00 Rick Ullyot crams his show this week, with lotsa good stuff IO:00 music with Paul Bennett, this week, a feature on the Moody Blues

Nov. 6

,Midnight Bill Chaiton with an easy pace at-a soft hour T 2:00 Tom Bird and Bruce Wenstom with good ole rock n’ roll 4:00 recorded music 7:00 Douglas Dumka 9:00 music Noon the engineering society presents. . .. . . .? 2:00 Agency for International Development 4:00 Phil Rogers and Peter Goodwin 6:00 Steve Lagear & Dave Horn 7:30 Radio Waterloo news : 8:00 Mike Kerr & Rick Green 1O:OO Doug Maynes Nov. 7

Midniaht Ian Lavfield 2-O; Steven ’ Fletcher, Grey McCallum 5:00 maybe nothing or maybe a surprise 9:00 Greg Farrar 1l:OO Ken Turner engineering presentation Noon of. . . . .? I Well anyway Part 4 Music with Rob Brown 2:oo Dave Clark 3:oo 6:00 News 6:15 BBC world report 6:30 Ken Turner 7:30 Ian Gollan 1o:oo David Scorgie ’

. \


I ‘.











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SP&~ED --I

BY THE ._--1 ,



Canadian Union ’ &-Jewish Stbdbnk and’.the Waterlob Jew&h &den’& Organization-kiillei. : ._ : . , . “:’ s \’






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the chevron

Walt%46 continued




application in Europe, North America, and Latin America; on the nature of social “scientific” enquiry; and on the efficacy of canvassing in the last election. Significantly; only three faculty members on three <separate occasions have seen fit to attend. On the administrative front, our first step was to speak to John Fraser, graduate officer, about the Manifesto. Shortly after, the collective *met with members of the faculty who teach the graduate level courses in both autumn and winter terms. They suggested that we follow established departmental procedure for securing some of our demands. On Oct. 22 a meeting of the graduate affairs committee suggested that we write out a course outline, specifying a “titular” instructor-one who would assume the instructor function loosely and in name only, relying on the group for content and method determination. The only professor at this time willing to formally ally himself with the collective’s aims was Jo Surich. On Oct. 25 we again met with the graduate affairs committee -to discuss our suggested outline for a course. The course was to examine the relationship between inequality and political change. . .discussing questions of development, consciousness and organization in several areas strategic of our interests. It was the “sense of the meeting” that while the committee approved the course in principle, there were solid reservations with the content. Fraser then refused to place the second course proposal (se%minar discussions of the “theoretical problems in social science” intended to “move beyond traditional frameworks of theory and method in human study”) formally on the agenda. His alleged reason was that we could not find a professor to formally guide the course. Also agreed upon was that the first course “merited further consideration and necessitated evaluations of the graduate programme as a whole”. Until this stage we had operated within the established departmental structures and had been willing to compromise on every one of our demands. 0 The next step was to put forward the proposal, by now so general in its outline as to be virtually emasculated, before a departmental meeting. It is one of the comic ironies of the department’s policy that its open-mindedness and liberal ethic manifests itself in practice by informal in-camera meetings. Now, more than three weeks since the demands of the collective were released, it is more than understandable that we’re anxious about the outcome of our initial prop0 sals . The consensus of the faculty came to us in the form of a memorandum directed to all the graduate students referringto “our little local diffkulty”. It is our belief that the paternalism of tone is portrayed far better by the memorandums themselves than in anything we could describe: “On the whole, when it comes to slogans, I think that I prefer Ecclesiastes to Lewis Carroll. See chapter 3, verses 1 to 8. . “It is now nearly three weeks since the appearance of the documents which were produced by some of your number. As far as I have been able to determine, no adequate settlement of outstanding problems has been achieved in the intervening period. “I would therefore like. to meet with all of you this Thursday, October 3 lst, at 12.30 p.m. in HH 345. At that time I will be able to report

The walrus collective gathers together in comfortable surroundings to discuss tactics and strategy to counter the--political science department’s appare$ stubbornness. Mass leafletting of demands, posters, meetings with undergraduate politicalscience students;open study sessions and media projects are all in photo by Neil Dunning the offing as possible weapons. ..

to you on the response of the Department to proposals recently made to it by the Graduate Affairs Committee. “I am sorry that the meeting cannot be held before then, but between now and then either some of you or I have other obligations which interfere with our freedom of action. “I doubt if the meeting will need to last very long, and you therefore need not be concerned that holding it on Thursday at 12.30 p.m. will interfere with other plans you may I have for the balance of the day.” Rather than subside quietly as we were intended to do until the sermon from the mount intended for Thursday, we proposed a meeting for late Tuesday, but later compromised with the chairman, who made reference to his “busy” schedule, in arranging a meeting early Wednesday morning. The chairman then released his second memorandum to us, stating’the decisions reached by the faculty: “The attached statement represents the decisions which were made by the Department at a regular meeting held yesterday afternoon, regarding the continuation of the Political Science graduate programme for the balance of this academic year. 1. Regular graduate courses for the fall term-Political Science 621* , 651*, 661*, and 681*-will continue to the end of the fall term for those students who wish to have credit for them. Those who do not wish to have credit for them will withdraw from them prior ,to the end of the term. Particular arrangements in each course will be made between the students and the instructor in the course. 2., No other graduate courses in Political Science are recognized by the Department as existing in the fall term. 3. The rule which requires that half of the required coursework for the M.A. degree be done in the regular courses offered by the Department will be interpreted flexibly by the Graduate Affairs Committee for the balance of the year, pending a full review of the structure of the graduate programme in future years ,to be begun immediately by the Graduate Affairs Committee. 4. Political Science 698 (Special Topics in Political Science: Inequality and Political Change), to be taught by J.E. Surich, is accepted for addition to the programme for this year only in the winter term as a half course. It is suggested that it be considered for permanent addition to the prog- . ramme and this question will be taken up by the review which the B

Graduate Affairs Committee will shortly be beginning. 5. Students who wish to propose other special courses for the winter term to the Graduate Affairs Committee and the Department for approval are asked to do so, as far as is possible, prior to the end of the fall term. Such proposals will be accompanied by a full statement from the instructor and the student(s) involved as to the content of the proposed course, the expected meeting times, and the method of evaluation, and will not be considered unless supported in this way. 6. In.line with Department policy the Graduate Affairs Officer will be initiating, towards the end of November, a review of all aspects of the work of graduate students,’ including teaching and/or research assistantship work.“, The Faculty decisions can only be interpreted as tantamount to a rejection of the proposition that the work of the walrus collective has been academically valid, We reject the faculty’s statement of mandatory procedure. It represents a distaste for our desire to learn as we ‘would like to and failure to take our search for knowledge at all seriously. The members of the walrus collective do not feel we have breached our academic responsibilities in any way-rather, that we have assumed it more directly in our ongoing study sessions. There are curious discrepancies in the faculty’s relegation of the collective to dubious status. While we were” admitted into the graduate programme on the alleged basis of demonstrated ability we appear to have to work under the strict confines and directions of the faculty decision about what and how we must learn. Our interaction and initiative is thereby. discredited; and student-centred activity in learning denied. The walrus collective <has begun the work-in since Wilson’s hasty departure at 7.40 a.m. Wednesday. The work-in involves leafletting, signs, meetings with the undergraduate students in political science who have indicated informal support; open study sessions, and media projects. We will not back down from the first and paramount demand of the immediate establishment of our own graduate seminars as proposed for credit. The department’s response to our infinitely reasonable proposals has been typically bureaucratic and heavy-handed. We shall continue to struggle for the acceptance of those ideals which we consider essential. -walrus


H.ousing SASKATOON (CUP)-%he National Union of Students has begun efforts to provide students with better housing. The NUS standing committee on housing, met on Oct. 12 in Saskatoon, and mapped out a campaign to obtain federal government housing funds for students and other low income groups. -A meeting was set for January with the Ontario Federation of Students to consolidate students’ positions on housing. Participants will contribute specific data and points of view from their campuses and communities. Much of the data will be sent to a team of students at Dalhousie University during the next few weeks. This information, including numbers of students living off campus, percentage of out-of-town students, and vacancy rates, will appear in a report written by the Dalhousie students. Meanwhile NUS members will make contact with other low income groups in their area with the intention of setting up a joint housing conference. The housing committee’s long term plan is for these combined interest groups to make a joint appeal to government agencies for housing funds. “Housing is not a problem for students alone,” said Sidney Shugarman, Alberta NUS representative. “ It is a problem for native people, unemployed people, single parent families, nearly all young people, an,d nearly everyone in the vast areas of this country that are economically depressed,” he ‘said. “All of these people are unable to get adequate housing. If we work together in demanding that a share of corporate profits be used to provide adequate housing we can win.”

Parking. hassle- This term has seen campus security begin a determined effort to make everyone using the school of architecture parking lot buy a permit. The architecture building is, of course, the former paint factory on Philip Street about 20 minutes walk from campus; it is the use of the dirt lot which surrounds the building


and has served unchanged as its parking facility since factory days which is currently in question. The school of architecture has evolved into a unique place in university terms -one ,of its purposes is to provide studio space for working at architectural problems, which form the basis of the architecture course. This often involves work with large drawings, models, woodworking and- photography as well as regular discussion of individual work with professors. Provision for these facilities has been incorporated into the building. An architecture student ‘often has as much as 24 scheduled hours a week at this studio, and often spends many more, including many hours through the night, several times a term. The result is that for many students, the studio becomes a second home, where we go anytime of the day or week to work, study, meet professors and’friends, have lectures, and even parties. The building as it is is well suited to this kind of use_it is so rough and so open that nothing can be hurt by any rearranging, or building and painting that goes on in it. There are a-number of disadvantages to the building. Besides the dirt, ugliness and lack of windows, the architecture building is very inconvenient to many facilities we have to use-any visit to campus for the bookstore, library computer terminal, phys-ed building, scheduled classes, pubs or whatever, becomes an effort. In general, however, the uses we are able to make of our space make the building as it is, valuable to us. The policy makers on campus, however, do not seem to be able to understand this. Unnecessarily restricting parking facilities is just one symptom of their attitude towards the use of our building-this terrn has also seen unsuccessful efforts to keep certain doors locked which would effectively prohibit night and weekend use of the building. In keeping the discussion centred on parking, however, we do not see why the university should feel the necessity to charge fees for an unserviced dirt lot, which it has never improved and for which maintenance-consists of an annual grading and the sending over of a snowplow a few times*a winter when none of the operators is busy. Also, there is only one lot which has ample room for everyone and therefore there is no need to restrict who can park in which lot, .as there is on campus. ’ We are not proposing paving, lights, better maintenance or any other improvements to the architecture parking lot after which’ we would gladly pay fees: that would be ridiculous, particularly in a rented property with what may be temporary use. We are demanding instead that thelot be left alone, and that the regulation restricting parking be either not enforced or rescinded, as we stated in our petition to university president Burt Matthews, security chief Al Romenko and environmental studies dean Peter Nash. Finally, here is a word to the set- , urity officer who had such trouble finding a car to tag for towing on Tuesday. As he stood in the parking lot, a crowd of people ran from the building, jumped into their cars and pulled away from the lot in a cloud of dust, forewarned thanks to our efficient tow truck watch. This officer was heard to mutter sometoo thing about “cheap bastards, stingy to buy parking stickers.” To him we say: do not take it personally-we know you were just doing your job-it’s the arbitrary, petty rules you are supposed to enforce that we do not like. The parking issue at the school of architecture is more than just a case of our having to pay money for nothing, althougfr it’s definitely that aswell. ,’ -bill




the chevron


. c--Wikt,d00 regiond ‘plannir Policies tecomtiendtid for the next 25 year by Michael

The regional municipality of Waterloo is now ready to present its draft “official policies plan”. The document’s objectives and policies will guide the region’s municipalities of Cambridge, Ayr, New Hamburg, Waterloo and Kitchener in their decisions regarding all public and private planning and development . In this way, the-regional government is another level of government which can over-rule smaller member municipalities’ decisions and dictate policies that conform to “the broader concerns of the region” .’ The official policies plan was distributed to every resident of the region in the “Conestoga Wagon”, an infrequent publication of the regional municipality. The policies have been pieced together by regional planners headed up by the Region’s planning commissioner Bill Thompson and were formulated by’policy papers and drafts first aired in regional planning committee meetings and at several public gatherings conducted throughout the region. The completed draft will be presented for comments to’ Waterloo residents on Nov. 14 at the McGregor public school and to Kitchener residents on Nov. 4 at the Kitchener Collegiate institute. Both meetings will start at 7:30 pm. Kitchener Alderman Morley Rosenberg, a member of the reg/ ional planning and development committee felt that the planners were in a rush to get the policies draft plan completed before the next municipal elections. He said the provincial government gave the region until Dec. 3 1,197s to have an offical plan completed. Therefore, depending on the outcome of the upcorning municipal elections the new council could very well have a different attitude towards the plan, he said. The draft policy plan is of great importance to the region’s municipalities and its citizens because it will outline the developent of the region for the next 25 to 30 years.

Social and econbmic concerns The policies of the region fall into two broad categories, economic and social. Economically the regional government and its planners are responsible for determining the region’s economic growth, the zoning of land-uses, the location where people can settle, the regulations of the region’s population and the preservation of agricultural land. Also in the economic sphere the region determines where and when utilities will be provided, the region’s transportation policy and the regulation of the sand and gravel industry. Almost all planning considerations are determined by pure economics: what is the cheapest and _ most efficient? Meanwhile the region’s social concerns include open space and recreation policy, the preservation of environmentally sensitive areas and health, social and community services. Social desisions are justified by the region’s objectives “to maintain and improve the social, physical and cultural well-being of the people of the regional municipality ‘of Waterloo”. This dichotomy of separating the reasoning for the two types of concerns poses a problem for the citizen. For example the decision whether or not to widen a road is made on the basis of providing a “safe, convenient and efficient road network”. The region’s policy states clearly that in order to

placate displaced and unhappy citizens we will have “to purchase land well in advance or by real estate needed for the road. At no turnover properties” point in the transportation policy does it mention people are the final decision makers on whether or not a road will be widened. Instead “big brother”, the regional municipality will widen the road for “wider regional concerns”. The region does promise an annual public review of the plan and its staff will “discuss problems and ideas with people”. But it fails to promise a public forum, or a participation programme to make the day-to-day decisions region planners make that most effect us all. This is an important failure of the official policies plan. It talks grandly of all the decisions and actions that will be made to benefit the region but these decisions are still being made almost exclusively by civil servants occasionally checked by politicans. Granted decisions are made within the defined criteria of creating an efficient city, but do the people of this community really want efficiency? One would imagine that people like you and myself value most a healthy community and society for ourselves and our children to grow up in. But a healthy society is not always created by widening roads and increasing the efficiency of the city system.

More growth and less water Even the region’s economic reasoning is sketchy and superficial. The regional planners promise they will encourage a slowly decreasing population policy. However they admit this shortfall is only due to

the natural decreases in growth. Most startling is within 15 years, planners predict that the regions population will double, despite “the promised reduced growth rate”. But even more confusing and disconcerting for the local resident is when one turns a page and finds the planners are now telling us there will be a severe water shortage within six years. Projections of growth indicate that about 35.5 million gallons per day will be required by 1980 and that presently available water resources will yield only 28.5 million gallons. Still regional planners are an optimistic lot, they believe new water sources will be found to ease the situation until 1980 but then even they admit this will not be enough. The region poses three solutions to the upcoming water shortage. The first is a grandiose provincial initiated scheme to build-a $100 million pipeline to Kitchener from Lake Erie to carry water from the lake. But the cost of this piped water would be more than triple present rates and pipeline construction would be quite a capital expenditure for the region. (It would cost each resident of the region about $400) Also the province has not firmly promised financing the pipeline. For these reasons the proposal is not recommended by the regional planners. ’ Another proposed solution is an “artifical ground water recharge” system. It would involve the daming of the Nith River just west of Cambridge and North of the 401 and the flooding of 8,500 acres of land, half of which is prime agricultural land. Wells would be drilled adjacent to the man-made lake and would pump up lake water filtering through the soil. The water rates would be half of those of the pipeline but the effectiveness of the system is questioned. ThirtyIthree township and town councils,


groups and individuals re objections to the propos Waterloo regional c hairm; only major official to have dam because it was cheape osal. Because of prohibitive c surrounding the two prop shelved the two schemes 1 stead wells will be drilled small scale recharge systen the region. Earlier this n clearly that it will not be di recharge proposal near Ble and Jack Young says that t scheme as “highly feasible But what if the experts a in the past, just look at the how empty the Conestog: these various projects fail t water the region will face inconveniencing the region Without more water ther industry or jobs. Howeve ledge the region refuses tl growth. But why?

This brings one to the cr The region has clearly op planners predict, the regior 2.2 per cent per annum, or present increases. Most perceive growth a means more people, more more material goods. Howt more space, more people, r and more of everything on Such cliches as “more i true. Growth can only be weigh the costs, although occasion it would be silly t is. A critical question when is: Who benefits and who I new development, both ind several reasons. First it i rising costs of providing a like the new regional gov ment brings new assessmer revenue, hopefully witho costs. Municipal politician and development to keep electors happy. But tax r sixties despite the rapid gr Secondly, opting for grc traditionally unquestioned 1 Growth is also an attempt growth increases the size, i , of a municipality and consc elected representatives am Thirdly, some charge thz in power have an interest i either business people 01 la mess. These are the apparent what are the costs of growt .aware of the social costs of c region readily admit that cr greater city size. Statist: cs correlation between city si delinquency, violent crime general. Also lost in the rapid gro


the chevron

red complaints and lam and reservoir. ack Young was the iced support for the m the pipeline propand the controversy s, regional planners le next 15 years. InJilmot township and 11be built throughout h the region stated :d from this artificial m if it proves feasible c experts viewed the rong, they have been adina expressway or rkway always is. If :ld significantly more rious water shortage itizens. n be no more people, zspite all this knowen consider curbing

BW? I question of growth. for growth. In 1991 1 continue to grow at .2 per cent less than od. After all growth ey, more leisure and growth also requires : houses, more roads ids in a city. ;ter” are not always 1 if the benefits outIre may be good on oppose that it always ;ing at a growth issue ? The region attracts ial and residential for response to rapidly le range of services, nent. New developtd therefore more tax ncurring even more :adily accept growth rates low and their I skyrocketed in the h of the same era. 1 is a reflection of :a zf that more is better, mpire-building since lrtance and influence :ntly the power of its i civil servants. ten those politicians -owth since they are : s who work for busrefits of growth, but Almost everybody is growth. Police in this has increased due to N there is a definite _ and the incidence of .nd mental illness in I of a city is the sense




of community

found in smaller communities where or can recognize everyone else. Waterloo has grown in population 35 per cent since 1966. This growth could not but help manifesting itself in people growing alienated to the Waterloo that is no longer the small town they used to know. But at the public meetings held by the region to feel out public opinion, people complaining of the rapid growth were dismissed as standing in the way of progress. One can conclude that the costs of growth do outweigh the benefits that accrue to the fewwho are politicians or those who own factories that are expanding. However if the official policies plan is accepted, the region will double in size in just 15 years. The policies plan has a firm outline of where all these newcomers will settle and how the region will channel them into these areas. The majority of newcomers will be settled in and around the three cities of Cambridge, Waterloo and Kitchener. Greater intensities of people, which means high rise apartments will be located along heavily traveled transportation routes. Those who have homes close to major streets can. rightfully feel nervous about high-rises. In the region’s words it is best to build high-rises along “to achieve a better urban form”. One major roads can easily agree to attempting to improve the urban form by just looking at the present mess our cities are in. However, are the costs of displacing families and destroying neighbourhoods worth the goal of achieving a more efficient and aesethic urban form? Smaller settlements (villages and towns) can grow but their growth will be limited to maintain the small town life of the communities. It appears that city-life . is the sacrificial lamb for keeping small communities small. everybody


How planriers do their thing Regional planners have several tools at their disposal to implement their proposals. First, by zoning by-laws they can restrict the land-use of a piece of land. Zoning by-laws are listed in a municipalities’ official plan. Each municipality in the region will determine their official plan which then must be approved by the regional municipality to insure it does not conflict with its official plan. ’ Secondly, the region can determine where people will live by deciding in which areas they will provide sewer and water facilities. After all subdivisions and industrial parks cannot be built without water or sewage disposal systems. The use of septic beds and wells are expensive to have in the city because extremely large lots are needed to operate them withI ’ out threat of pollution. A serious flaw of the policy plan is revealed by this question of the provision of serviced land. The region recommends that an oversupply of industrial_. land be created to give industry a wide choice of sites and to keep land costs low. However no oversupply of residential serviced land is recommended. Two years ago the economic council of Canada


to the planners

clearly stated that one of the most important factors for the sixties rapidly increasing residential lot prices was the undersupply of serviced land, but regional planners take no heed of this prestigious body and its recommendations. Finally the region can also determine the location of development by building roads, expressways and extending public transit to the desired area.

paper recommends

that the airport not be enlarged. But the policy does confirm some of the resident’s fears as planners still plan to increase the use of the airport, should ongoing studies see it as feasible. Downtown merchants have also been given a reprieve by regional planners because they have recognized that large regional shopping centres lead to disastrously less business in downtown areas. Shopping centres will still be built, but only if they will not significantly decrease downtownbusiness.

The end of free-enterprise All in all the policy plan is a barometer of the times. One can say farewell to the days of unregulated free-enterprise system and the free market economy. This policy document seeks to control and regulate all regional development.

.‘Rapid\ transit and highrises The region plans’to initiate studies. to determine the feasibility, route location, staging and cost of a rapid transit line from Cambridge to KitchenerWaterloo. The route would most likely follow the highway 8 corridor from Cambridge to Kitchener and then follow Kings Street to Waterloo. The installation of this system would initiate an increased dens,ity of development along the corridor. The high-rise building clusters around subway 1 stops in Toronto appear along the system proposed for this area. This is what the policy plan recommends. Regional planners are quite paranoid of the economic might of Toronto beginning to control the development of this region. The planners firmly oppose the extension of GO rail and bus rapid transit between Toronto and this region. They believe the introduction of this facility would readily turn Kitchener into a bedroom community of Toronto, for Toronto workers. One can speculate that with the increasing speed and efficiency of rail transit, Toronto will soon be at the regions doorstep. Waterloo regional planners may be hard pressed to resist almost total Toronto domination. These inevitable concerns are given only fleeting consideration by Waterloo regional planners. Local residents in East Kitchener and Breslau close to the Waterloo-Wellington Airporr can _ breathe a sigh of relief because the regional policy

It signifies the beginnings of the bureaucratic state where a strong, centralized bureaucracy has the power to control local politicians, the financial affairs of business people and the lives of the region’s citizens. This policy plan effectively takes decision making powers away from politicians and gives them to the planners. Certainly those who made money in the past will likely continue to make money in the future. They just will nothave as free a hand as they used to have. The policies plan lacks any innovation for planning in Canada. All the regional planners have done is impose the big city planning methods of cities like

Toronto. Elsewhere in Canada, planners are setting up new public participation programmes that actively involve citizens in the planning of their comnu.mities.The Vancouver region, in British Columbia, has made great headway in setting up citizens advisory committees in their TIPS programme. These committees advise and involve any interested citizens in

the decision making processes of the region. However, here in Kitchener the regional planners promises for citizen participation are both vague and brief. Provincial legislation forces the regions hand to make some attempt at citizen participation but the result has been mere tokenisms. The push to develop a rapid transit corridor and let growth continue uncontrolled in the region is a reflection of the planners’ schemes. Give these boys 10 years and the region will resemble any other big city found

in north


The sad point is that all their preparations proud announcements are passing right over heads. and concerns of the region’s apathetic zens. Public meetings are poorly attended and zens come ill-prepared to face the line-up of perts”


the region.



and the


are sure

they know what is good for the people of this region and that is what they are going to get. The crucial question that should be posed at next Monday’s public meeting to review this draft is: Do you want


those bleak concrete nent?

to become

cities rising

just another one of across this conti-

’ _



the chevron \



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1, 1974

The -circle

This year marks the hundredth anniversary of one of the greatest storytellers of our time. W. Somerset Maugham is noted for his novels and short stories. His work has a finish and a neatness that is almost unsurpassed in this century. Many of his novels have been translated into film, and only recently thirteen famous Maugham stories were chosen by the B.B.C., w\ T.V., for a series which attempted to show the many facets of Maugham’s. writing. Few now-a-days remember him as a .playwright. Yet in 1908 Maugham set a record: four plays performed concurrently in London! The University Players have decided to honour his hundredth anniversary by producing one of his plays that has been described as “an almost . perfect ‘serious’ comedy.” It successfully combines the epigrammatic lightness of his earlier plays with the topicality that characterized his later ones. The story involves two young people ready to give up the world (a daring , venture in Maugham’s day) for love. They are warned against this rash course by the horrible example of an older couple who‘ have lived as outcasts since going that route years before. Champion-Cheney, the boy’s father, advises his son how to avoid this unhappy fate. But love will out, to the consternation of all and the satisfaction of a sympathetic audience. Maugham peopled The Circle with characters more believably motivated than those who appear in some of his farces. For all its humour, Maugham’s concern with the basis of these domestic distresses is radically serious. His interest in the economic plight of women, first seen in The Land of Promise (1913) is manifest in Lady Kitty’s statement:- “They can make what laws they like, they can give us the suffrage, but when you come down to bedrock it’s the man who pays the piper who calls the tune.” “The Circle” was first produced in 1921 and had two further productions in 1931 and 1945. The part of LadyCatherine Champion-Cheney is a gem for any actress. Lady Kitty (as she is called) has been played by Lottie Venne, Athene Seyler and Yvonne Arnaud. Thus came the need of a very special performer for this part and are pleased to announce that Miss Dawn Greenhalgh of the Stratford Festival Company has consented to play Lady Kitty in the university production. Perhaps this will mark the beginning of a continuing relationship between the university and the players of the Stratford Festival Company, and that we will be welcoming many more in the future. Having the opportunity to work side by side with good professionals can only help the players to stretch beyond the limits they have set upon themselves. The remaining players represent a good mixture, student and nonstudent. The cast is composed of five students (three drama and two others), one professor (Dr. William Chadwick, Chairman of the Drama Group), two people from the community and Miss Greenhalgh. All in all this production will be well worth the privilege of being the first in this year’s PLAYBILL Series. The circle will be performed tonight and Saturday night starting at 8:00 p.m. in the Theatre of the Arts. Admission is one dollar for students and a dollar and a-half for non-students.

the chevron




the chevron




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1, 1974


the chevron

lntramurals Soccer Playoffs A few upsets occurred in the first two rounds of this year’s soccer finals. The Degenerates upset Bermuda Bombers 1-O on a penalty kick ip the first half, then took Systems United by the same score in the second round. The Greek team looks strong with a 4-O win over VI South and a 3-O win over Co-op Math. The Chinese Students team, after sidelining the Glory Seekers 2-0, were overwhelmed by the Canadian Connection _ 6-O. Ft. Jeromes also advanced with a 3-2 victory over the Good Guys. The Good Guys earlier eliminated Renison by a 1-O score. The semis put the Degenerates against the Greeks, and Canadian Connection against St. Jeromes. These games take place on Monday. Look for the Degenerates and the Canadian Connection in the finals with the Canadian Connection taking the title on.Wednesday. In league B, C.C.C.P. got by E.S.S. 1-O and Lower Eng edged out St. Pauls on overtime penalty kicks 3-2. C.C.C.P. won the B league championship by defeating Lower Eng 1-O in a well played game. In the consolation finals, St. Paul’s lost their second consecutive overtime game by a 2-l score to .E.S.S. to place fourth overall.


Flag Football

The first playoff game on the Village Green saw VI South take St. Pauls by an,&2 score. The other semifinal game was getween Kin and V2 North. The Championship game will be played on Monday on the Village Green.

Men’s Flag Playoffs


League A action saw St. Jeromes defeat 3B Mech by a 1-O scgre, the Poontangs took VI South 21-7, and the Grapplers defeated VI North 13-8. Defending champion Kin,. kept its repeating hopes alive with a convincing 22-8 victory over Conrad Grebel College. Two defaults moved the consolation semifinals as Conrad Grebel and VI South failed to show up for their games. 3B Mech Eng defeated VI North 15-6 to take the consolation championship. League B action showed Optometry to be a Strong contender with a 25-6 win over C.C.F.U. V2 South defeated Reg Math 1 I-7, Lower Eng took 3B Chem 16-7, and VI East defeated the Glory Seekers 14-O. One default in the consolation round by 3B Chem advanced the Glory SFekers to the finals while Reg Math topped the C.C.F.U. 41-1. We are gding to stick our necks out and predict Kin to retain the title by defeating first the Grapplers, and then the Poontangs, who should take St. Jeromes in the other semi-finals. League B should see Optometry‘ take the title by defeating V2 South and then VI East.




Kin A holds onto sole possession of first place with a 42-19 win over Optometry in League Al. The retired ramblers did not poop out, but held on for a 38-35 v&tory over the Rimmers A. League A2 is led by Eng 1 and the Alufahons, each with 2 victories. The Engineers defeated Math A 50-24 virhile Alufahons won by default over 90 Proof.. LeagueBlisledby2AMechEngandE.S.S. Both had to play tough opponents as Mech \Eng defeated Co-op Math 35-30 and the Jocks, who seem to be not in their cups, lost again to E.S.S. 31-25. In the other game, Science walloped St. Jerome’s C 46-6. B2 is led by St. Jeromes A, Pheasants, and Vl North, each with 2-O marks. The only close game saw Vl North edge Conrad Grebel 26-24. In B3, ‘another default occurred as North Quad decided not to show up for their scheduled game. V2 North and Vl East hold , the lead in this league, V2 North having to ebb out a close 34-31 win over Vl South. In B4, Helens Popcorn fizzled to a 70-18 shellacking at the hands of the Rimmers B, who lead the league alang with the Pentagon.



Standings as of October 21 show E.S.S. veti strong in league Al, defeating the Band 10-2 and the Nags 5-O. Eng 1 also holds a 2-O mark with wins over the Sunnydale Sabres and the Band. In A2, the lone leader is Co-op with a 1-O mark with a convincing 4-O win over Kin. Bl is led by V2 South, V2 East,


and VI West as all three edged out their opponents by a 1 goal difference. B2 leaders are Science, Medicine, and Recreation. B3 is led by Conrad Grebel, and the Rockers, each with 1-O record.


play goal early in the first period. Waterloo responded with goals by Biamonte and Guimond, The second period ended in a 3-3 tie. York acquired two markers while Waterloo’s only goal went to Peter .Asheral. In the third period York took a two goal lead, their second marker coming @ter Waterloo had successfully killed off a five minute penalty to Bill Stinson. This penalty resulted from a brawl which also’ saw Warrior Dan Shea taking an early shower for being the third man in on a fight. In the last minute of play the Warriors, using six attackers narrowed the margin on a goal by Mike Guimond. Unable to gain the tie in the last seconds of the game, the War2 riors went down to a 5-4 loss. In this game the Warriors played a strong first period but lost steam in the second and third frames, misjudging passes, giving away the puck, and suffering from occassional defensive errors. Jake Dupuis played a good game in net for the Warriors. This weekend the Warriors will be travelling to Montreal to * play Sir Georges Williams and Loyola in exhibition games.

Test Dates


course in swimming instruction-level-Senior AR. Wednesday, November 6-7:30 - 9:30 p.ti. Room 1083 PAC. Thursday, November 7-7:30 - 9130 p.m.-Pool-PAC. Friday, November 8-7:30 - 9:3O-Pool PAC Exam. Royal Life Saving Society Exams. Bronze, Bronze -Cross etc. Saturday, November 23-12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Award of Merit-Monday, -November 25-7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Pool. Distinction-Monday, November 25-6:00 7:30 p.m. Room’ 1083 PAC 7:30 - 9:30 Pool



No interest was evidenced in holding a Lacrosse League this fall, so none was started. But Kinesiology put forth a challenge to attempt to secure the Vinnicombe Cup from defending champion St. JeroIl;les. The game was played last Friday at 4: 30 p.m. on Columbia field. At the half-time, St. Jeromes led 3-2. With two minutes left the game was tied 7-7. St. Jeromes then pulled ahead 9-7 and with twenty seconds left Kin brought the score up to 9-8. But St. Jeromees then I;agged the ball to preserve the victory. Mike O’Donoghue led St. Jeromes with five goals with Mike Rutlidge netting two. For the losers, Pat Fallon, Roger Boyd and Ted McGegian netted two each for the losers.

Upcoming The Intramural Mixed Bonspiel will be held at the Glenbriar Curling Club starting tomorrow morning. Competition involved 3-8 end games for the Goveted Fischer’s Loving Cup. The squash singles tournament starts next Monday. Entry in A,B, or C level of competition should be completed by today in the Ihtramural Office.



It’s wonderful to see that the list of defaulting teams in intramural sports is steadily grocl/ing. So far we have had three defaults in the Flag Championships, four defaults in the Basketball League in the first two weeks, and one default in hockey. When a team enters to play in a league, they make a verbal commitment to the league, the officials, and the other team to play their games as scheduled. On the entry forms, space is provided for stating time preferences to enable the conveners to schedule teams while honoring restricted times. There should be no excuse for defaults -but they do occur, and something should be done. The league sends officials to the game who must be paid, and the other team takes the time to show up. Perhaps the defaulting team should pay the officials fees, or perhaps a fee paid at the beginning of the league by each team and a fine deducted from that entry fee for missing a scheduled game. The money would then be refunded at the end of the league. What do you think?




Sunday, 8:30 p.m. Waterloo Bowling Lanes, 14 Princess Street Cost: $1.25 for 3 games every week. This fee includes your shoe rental. Experience: This is not necessary as the league is set up with a handicap system in order to try to equalize , the scores between the bowlers. The league is divided into teams Structure: which then-compete as a team towards trophies at the end of” each . term. But the competitiveness is not the only reason for ‘bowling every week, it is just a nice place to relax and socialize with fellow,,students from other fa&lties who you would probably never meet. Contact: Bob Sleep 885-2687 Larry Hazel1 578-5019 Time: Place:






The Ontario Open Tae Kwon-Do championships were held at uniwat this past weekend. The light weight and grand champion in the black be/t sparring divi-’ sion was Kong Yuong Bo of the Rochester Tae Kwon-lie Club. The team championship was taken by the Buffalo Tae KwonDo Club.

Warrior /v-ball invite


This weekend in the P.A.C. the W”aterloo Warriors Volleyball team hosts their third Invitational volleyball tournament. For the last two years the defending O.U.A.A. champions, the York Yeomen, have won this tournament in convincing style. Other teams that will be competing in this year’s tourney include McMaster, R.M. C., Wirfrid Laurier University, Laurentian, Ottawa and Guelph. The defending champions bf this tournament, the Yeomen, faced Waterloo in the finals of the O.U.A.-A. last-year in this same gym with the result that the York team was sent as the representative to the national The UW Warriors came out with a l-2 championships. An easy win? Not on your record in three exhibition games played durlife! The Warriors gave them the toughest ing the last week. In their first encounter, games that they hBd all year. So, here we Waterloo travelled to Oakville to meet have the makings of a grudge match, with the Sheridan College. This game ended in a 4-3 Warriors hot to win their own tournament edge for the Warriors, who at the end of the and then go on to McMaster next week to second half held a 3-l lead. defend their title- at the McMaster InvitaAfter a scoreless fir_st period,’ Waterloo tional tournament. put on the pressure with three goals’in re-% The matches commenc% at 9 a.m. on sponse to a Sheridan marker. Warrior goals Saturday morning with the semi finals went to Bill Daub, Ron Hawkshaw, and Lee scheduled for 3 p.m. and the finals set to go Barnes. Sheridan came back with two quick at 4:30. markers at the start of the third period. The With some returneeis from last year and Warriors then regained and kept the lead on previous years adding their seasoning to th? a goal by Mike Guimond. Jake Dupuis came play and some exciting rookies, this year up with some key saves in this game while promises well for the team, Predicting volthe warriors were burdened by iany penalleyball results seldom works no matter how ties. good the team looks on paper, so any predic. In the second game the Warriors met, the tions have to be made after the games in Wilfrid Laurier University golden hawks on order to he any good. their home ice surface. Waterloo put on At any rate, come out to see this exciting, pressbre in the first few minutes of this fast-paced game that is growing very quickly game, but both teams remained scoreless in both quantity and quality all across until the 19: 16 mark of the first period when Canada. Warrior Ron Hawkshaw fired one into the -duncan colquhoun lower right hand corner on a pass from Guimond and Zettle. In the second period seven goals were scored. The golden hawks accounted for five WATERLOO WARRIORS of these which were scored on newcomer VOLLEYBALL Terry Cole who filled the warrior net during the second frame. Waterloo’s two goals 3RD ANNUAL came on powerplay efforts, with markers INVITATIONAL going to Frank Staubitz and Peter Asheral. Jake Dupuis returned to the cage in the TOURNAMENT third period allowing only one more- Laurier goal; Waterloo scored their third powerplay, goal of the game on a rebound shot taken by SAT. NOV. 2 Mike Zettle. Waterloo put on some pressure later in this period but were unable to change P.A.C. the 6-4 score. Key saves by Laurier goaltender Phil. McColeman stopped Waterloo STARTS 9 A.M. qarksmen oq numerous occasions. A short brawl in the dying seconds of the game saw SEli/ilS 3 P.M. the eviction of two players from each team. Waterloo’s second loss of the week went FINALS 4:30 P.M. to the York yeomen in Toronto on Tuesday night. York started the scoring on a power-

Puckers lose WV0

. 16


the chevron

from the Stratford Festival Company directed by Maurice Evans Humanities Room 180 Admission $1.50, students $1 .OOCentral Box Office Ext. 2126 Creative Arts Board, Federation of Students

“One of the finest troupes of professional dancers in North America.” “This vibrant troupe of top notch entertainers is an experience that will long remain with you.” Humanities Theatre Admission $4.00, students $2.00 Central Box Office ext. 2126




Even if you can’t keep all the other promises you made. . . there’s one you can. Give her a diamond! One fiery jewel to express the love that is yours. I Symbol of love and devotion . . . and all that is yet to be. . . a brilliance to be cherished forever.

SOON 19, 21, & 22 - 12:30


CONCERT by the U. of W. Repertory




Arts Board,

Unitarian fellowships offer an opportunity for people to get together and talk freely about the human condition and the meaning of ethics. A Unitarian fellowship has existed in this community for/many years. It meets Sunday mornings at 1l:OO a.m., at 136 Allen St., East, Waterloo (at the corner of Allen and Moore not far from the centre of the city). Subject for this Sunday:

The Vedanta Society Special starting time thi”s week I 5 only: IO:00 a.m.



presented Theatre of the Arts Free Admission


Like to rap?



1, 1974

’ chevron staff meeting Nov. 5 8 p.m.





Company Federation


of Students



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the chevron

1, 1974



The four day figure skating competition that was recently completed in Kitchener last weekend, referred to as Skate Canada, was the only major international competition which will be held in North America. Skate Canada was instituted after the disbanding of the annual North American Figure Skating championships. More than twenty thousand people turned out to watch some portion of the program, which has to be some indication of the popularity of the Spot-t.

The highlight Toller Cranston

of the four days was the free skating exhjbition put on by of Toronto, who has been classed as the best free skater

in the world. Two *Canadians won gold metals, including Ron Shaver of Cambridge. Ron Shaver also excelled in his free skating routine. Another outstanding Canadian performer was Lynn Nightingale who achieved a sixth place standing in the Munich 1974 world championships. Most of the Canadian skaters appear to be stronger in their free form skating than in the compulsory figures and programs. The 1975 World Skating championships will be held in Colorado Springs, Colorado and Canada is placing high hopes on people like Cranston, Shaver and Nightingale.




the chevron


1, 1974

NO -M-ONEY? . Wasgour Ontario Student Award too loti? ‘. lkying to appeal.your loah or grant? . : The ONTARIO FEDERATION OF STUDENTS, in co-operation with our Federation of Students and Societies, is trying-to help students who need financial aid.

If you have money worries while tryin%g to stay in school or have ideas about how to improve the 0% ’ tario Student Assistance Programme,

CONTACT ’ Federation of Students, ’ Campus Centre ., * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mummum . . . .885-0370 Arts Society ............... Ext.1’ 2322 Engineering Society . .Ext. 2323 Envirorimental Studies Society . . . . . .Ext. 2321 Kinesiology Society . . . ...‘....\ . . . . ..Exfl 2476 Math. Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..i . . . . . Ext.2324 2325 Science Society . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . .‘.....Ext. . . . . . .Ext. 3530 Recreation Society ’ wmmmmmmm



























‘,We believe EDUCATION ---’ is a RIGHT ’ Let’s fight for it.



1, 1974

the chevron


The children’s aid: a need-for change It seems week in the furthering the ganization, agency.


that almost every year is devoted to cause of some ordisease or social

This week is Childrens Aid Society week and according to at least one social worker who works with the Children’s Aid, the’ public should be taking a closer and more critical look at the Society, One of the factors that leads to this conclusion is the outdated structure or bureaucracy that governs the Childrens Aid. When the first Childrens Aid was established in Toronto in 1891, it, as well as many of the fifty that followed, relied heavily on public financing in order to operate. Thus, it was to their benefit to have leading members of the business and professional community on the boards of directors. However, these people were at thesame time very removed .,from the situations with which the Children’s Aid dealt with. A task force on Community and Social Services published a report in January of 1974 which dealt with Selected Issues and Relationships. H.R. Hanson was the chairman of the Task force which reports in it that “we are told that the boards of directors of the Societies are of dubious value. Often they draw from a segment of the society community that has Iiitle real appreciation of the problems facing those who become clients of ;- the Society. The boards are not representative of the community as a whole, seldom include

clients, tend to be self perpetuating, and in too many instances are prone to manjpulation by a skillful and persuasive local director. It is suggested that boards of directors comprised of community leaders are no longer relevant since private fund raising to meet the Socieities’ operating costs has been replaced by public financ: ing.” The mechanism for change is available, however, but is seldom used to initiate change. The board of directors is elected by the members of the Society -upon payment of one dollar to the society. This then entitles them to be a voting member and to be eligible to be nominated for a directorship. However, since this policy is not generally known to the public, this avenue of change is stagnant. p The public image of the chil: drens aid also has to be changed. It is still largely regarded as an institution which takes children out of their hom,es and handles adoptions. Although these are still two of the largest areas of responsibility for the Childrens Aid, child care and adoptions, the agency is moving into other areas. The Childrens Aid offers a large range of services to the , unmarried parent, both mother and father, adhering to the policy that each of the mother, father and child have legal and social rights and privileges.. The Society treats all cases confidentially and will only release information by the consent of the unmarried parent or by court order. . Unlike some other agencies

which deal with unmarried parents, the Childrens Aid does not stop giving assistance to the parents upon birth of the child. In the area of child care, under the Child Welfare act the Childrens Aid has the power to remove children from -their homes in cases such as child. beating or neglect. If the Childrens Aid is acting on a complaint, which they are obliged to check out all complaints, the social worker has to make an immediate decision on whether or not the situation is severe enough to remove the child from the home. If the child is removed, it often is only temporary, since it requires a family court order to remove thechild permanently from the home. This often ends up as a battle between lawyers and the welfare of the child does not always receive the proper priority. Thus parents always have second and third chances at battering their children. -However often, upon intervention by the Childrens Aid, the parents will receive counselling as will the children and the situation sometimes rectifies itself. In cases where this does not happen, the child may be put in a foster home until the parents are deemed fit to have the child re. turned. The emphasis, though, according to,several social workers should be one of prevention rather than trying tp patch up existing situations. However, with the lack of manpower and lack of budget this change in emphasis may be slow in coming.

There are, and have been, and probably forever, will be people who question the type of advertising the chevron carries. Ads most frequently corn-. *plained about are the “research paper” companies, abortion or anti-abortion ads and ads that fall into the “sexist ads” category . The chevron does not in any way condone the advertising or what the advertisers are trying to sell. However, there are severa1 other factors that must be taken into account. First of all, the advertising revenue is vital for the existence of the paper. In the last three years the federation subsidy to the paper-has been cut in half, with the most drastic cuts coming last year. Therefore, the chevron has been forced to carry more advertising to make up the deficit created by cutting the federation subsidy. At the same time, the advertising market is becoming tighter because of the shortage of money available t0 most COmpanieS for advertising. This applies especially to the local smaller cornpanies or businesses which the chevron relies heavily on. Businesses that may have advertised every week in the past are now advertising only once or twice a month. Even if the chevron had the opportunity to be selective in its advertising content, how would we go about that selective process? One place we could start at is with those ads which are receiving the most complaints; sexist ads. Sexist ads are generally considered to be ads which in some way objectify women as sex objects in order to sell a product. Ads which demean women to a lower status than men or promote the “barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen” image of women can and should be considered as sexist. With this in mind look at the ads

a which appear in the paper. The ads which promote the “sex flicks” would certainly have to be classified as sexist. The ads which imply that women regard diamonds as a symbol of love are sexist, and the more expensive the diamond she gets the’ more a person loves her, also have to be regarded as sexist but perhaps these are more subtle and even more harmful than the sex flick ads. Ads which use sexist language such as those referring to women as “chicks” and imply that it helps to #have an expensive stereo in order to seduce them are also sexist in the worst way. How about the ads which are recruiting employees and yet picture a clean cut male image in the center of the ad. This is also sexist and the point is that most of the advertising in some way or another is sexist, so where should the chevron draw the line? Is one form of sexist advertising any better or worse than-any other kind and if so which is which’, . is to run all \ The alternative the advertising and let the students or readers decide whether or not they will patronize the advertisers. If people are really upset about the sexist advertising, then write to the advertisers stating that you were going to buy their product but after reading their advertising material you decided against it because of the offensive nature of the ads. The same sort of reasoning is also applicable to the rest of the questionable ads, the chevron simply runs the ad and it is up to the reader to decide whether or not to patronize the advertiser. It would be an almost impossible task to weed out all the advertising that might be offensive to someone. Perhaps the attitude is “take their. money but not their ideology.”

member: Canadian university press (CUP). The chevron is typeset by dumont press graph,ix and published by the federation of students incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the sole responsibility of the chevron editorial istaff. Offices are located in the campus centre; (519) 8851660, or university local 2331. Circultation:



it ain’t easy putting a weekly paper out with an ever dwindling staff. at present there’s only about a core staff of eight people who battle faithfully away Tuesdays and Wednesdays trying to splice together something which suppose-dly is a students’ paper. helping out this week: michael gordon, neil dunning, ron colpi$ts, doug ward, ann brakeboer, marilyn vavasour, rob burbank, randy hannigan, julie Schneider, diane ritza, ray imai, shane roberts, Catherine murray, joe fraser, renzo bernadini, jay robetts, duncan, and everyone else whose name slips our collective mind. jm. ~





boycott /

Renison college students decided today to boycott all classes until new,ly app,ointed Renison principal John Towler reinstate,s two professors fired at, a board of governors,’ executive meeting Thursday. The two professors (social sci-, . ence Prof. ‘Jeffrey Forest and psychology Prof. Hugh Miller) were given a six month notice and another professor (UW Human Re_ lations prof, Marsha Forest) was banned from Renison College’s premisses. ’ When surrounded by 60 students after the executive committee’s decisions on the ‘firings, Towler said “whether you agree or not it is the decision of the board of govera nors”. Also, Towler said that given a prror agreement reached between the board and the professors he could not’discuss the causes for the _.- 1 firings. “We do not wish to’ say anything detrimental” about the professors he said. Finally, Towler said the board of - governors would not retaliate

against those involved.



Towler was challenged on the latter point by several students who said he had already retaliated by firing the two professors. One student said he “thought the McCarthy era was dead”, while another said the whole proceedings were “disgusting”. The students then called a general meeting and decided to boycott all classes until Towler reversed the board’s decision. 1

Historic&l View: A closed meeting of the executive committee of the board of gov-


I ’



I, 1974



* ’k

. ~



emors was held yesterday at Renison college. I At the end of the-meeting, after ’ most board members had left, three of our teachers, Jeff Forest, Marsha Forest and Hugh Miller were called before Renison princi-

rage at the firings. In the. heated confrontation which ensued, students expressed their intention to take resolute action to have their teachers fully reinstated and voiced their. anger at having been kept in the dark about the intentions of

pal JohnTowler, rev: Conyard Bill Townsend.

their principal



and board.

with Tow&r .. At the confrontation several faculty ’ and Conyard; Full-time Prof. Jeff Forest and members were present. They spoke out in support of their disacademic dean <-Hugh Miller were missed colleagues and one faculty advisedthat their terms at Renison college would be over., effective q member, Marlene Webber, voiced her resolution to discontinue all her April 30, 1975. Marsha Forest, Assistant Pro- I classes until the’three teachers in question are reinstated. ’ fessor at the dept.. of human relaFaculty has not as of yet had a. tions, and cross-appointed to Renichance to meet as a group and deson was advised not to show her cide upon their course of action1 It face at Renison after Dec. 20,1974. is the hope -of students that the faThe board and the principal apculty will unite-‘with them, in solparently were refusing to recognize’ idarity in the struggle for-common that Marsha Forest’s cross apdemands: pointment had ever been ratified. It In a meeting convenedby is important to note that Jeff and Towler on the previous afternoon, Marsha joined the Renison faculty he reassured students that he with explicit understanding would not take any action affecting amongst all parties that they would the direction of the college indework as a team. pendent of the knowledge and apOn Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 30,1974, the three faculty members proval .of students. In this same meeting, students were disturbed involved received memos Qemandby the principal’s statements iming their presence at a meeting for : plicitly undermining faculty meman undisclosed purpose on Thursday. No indication was offered> as bers, course contents and the qualto the composition or nature of the ity of student representation in Renison student-faculty council. ’ -meeting. The three faculty memFollowing the confrontation,, bers were called to the meeting one ?JGffrey For&t, a social science professor at Renison col/&ge will soon by one. masses of students gathered .in yet have to lookfora newjob as he wasgiven a sixmonth notice Thursday another meeting room to discuss After the word got out that Jeff , by Renison principal John Towler. , .a was fired( the students began what action they” would take next and out of this meeting came a petim,obilizing themselves in the hall demand the imfrom this date until April -30, -1975 the undersigned, ,below;- They expressed outrage at tion, demands and plans for further mediate- r-e-instatement of Jeff shall be confined to teaching only the fiig of faculty members valaction: I the courses and classes assigned to Forest, ‘Marsha Forest and Hugh ued very highly by all students. Miller to their respective Renison you. You are expressly instructed The students then moved to the not to sit on any committees of this faculty positions. We also support meeting room to express ,their outa general strike of all classes at Recollege, nor to take part in facultynison College until these demands student council meetings, nor to Durizg-a meeting following the are met. advise students on any college matdismissal of Jeff Forest, Marsha ters other than those directly conNina Tymoszewicz Forest and Hugh Miller, a large cerned with the academic content Andre Bemier group of students proposed that all of your courses. Subsequent action Don Beogerman Renison classes be boycotted imon your part in violation of these Janet Steel . mediately. instructions will be viewed as Louise Fowler This proposal will be carried grounds for immediate dismissal Anne Richardson forth to all Renison and supportive Dr. Marsha ‘Forest: Debbie Rice students that we might unite in efOn behalf of the board of goverWalt Remoel fective action to realize our denors of this college, I wishto clarify Gerry Bill mands. your relationship with Renison Col\ Debbie M&Arthur At this point only Renison stulege. You are not employed by this Juan LittwiIler dents ‘and faculty are affected- by College nor do you hold any form of Debbie Sims , the conflict which is going on. a joint,. cross or courtesy appointAlexander Au However, the issue is one which is ment. Consequently, we wish to inDeb White of concem‘to all students who want struct you that after December 20, Saue Elopusiser . . to- have _a say .‘about the direction 1974 you-are not to involve yourself Carol Kenny their lives are taking while at this in any course offered through this Christopher Jones university. The struggle Bt Renison College, nor are you to occupy ofPetra Taylor i is a struggle which we all have in fice space at this College, nor are Barb Innes / common, and when the fight is you to attend faculty or student Judy Falbnur ’ won, a precedent will have been set meetings unless expressly invited Cathy Lees for success in all arbitrary firings on to do so by the Principal. Ian Layfield this campus. We sincerely regret the necessity Brenda Bowes We invite declarations .and peti: of this action and wish you success Kathy Wightman tions of support from all student in your professional career. Judy Fallnu associations, faculty, university (These letters were both signed by Beth Stormond staff, and concerned groups and inthe present principal of Renison Margaret Welches dividuals. We welcome and need College, John Towler who .asJane Hinschberger your support in Renison’s strugsumed offrce July 1, 1974). ’ Maria Miller gles. * ‘, . Professor Hugh Miller was not avLaura Chan Bring your declarations -to Reniailable for comment after being adLinda Chin Sin Min son and join us. vised of his dismissal, nor was he Sharon Muldieu prepared to disclose the contents of w Phylis Vanderllug . the letter he received. However, it Margaret Moffat ._ / _ was the general speculation at the Dr. Jeff Forest: Richard Huke j student meeting th’at At the recommendation‘ and re- ” subsequent Donna Halley Miller’s silence probably rellected quest ofthe board of governors of Terry Moore direct threats by Towler which this college I wish. to give you Einar Carlsen would further jeopardise his posiPhil Fernandez notice that pursuant to your probtion if he spoke out in explanation ationary contract dated June 6, Carolyn Harris of his firing. , Pat G$bert 1973, your association with this colSharon Muldieu lege is being terminated by Renison College effective April 30, 1975. Roger Kelly We also wish to communicate to Marg Tidswell Applied Social Science you our decision that your duties Students-Renison college. We; I Jay Roberts. and vice-chairman.

Boycott: struggle




Text of the firings:

Our demands: I


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