Another. build-p,
another letdown
The downtown core of Kitchener is in a state of constant flux. There have been numerous redevelopment projects over the past few years. The enlightened student will recall some of these changes: engineers, the reconstructiqn of sewer and water pipes; historians, the merits of the o/d farmers’ market; and political-scientists, the relocation ‘of city hall. So you don’t have to be an architecture student to , perceive the changes in building sty/es. An apt example of this trend is the building above. The o/d structure is being removed to provide space for the new. A/though the older structure doesn’t reflect what is touted as ‘Tmodern design” it does offer character and sty/e. Most modern buildings lack these aesthetic fkatures. She sterile wa//s of brick and concrete lack . imagination. Some believe that newness is better, but a greater appreciation of the o/d could give insight to the design of modern architecture.
Won’t remgnize
Vote in the ._
elections, Wed. Feb. 5, ’ ’ it’s -democracy I
Carleton threatens Renimn. Collegei (
Carleton University’s School of that, until such time as academic unchecked, could provide a grim’ Social Work will consider degrees freedom is restored, the qualificaprecedent for the- future.” issued by Renison College as questions issued’ by Renison must be Meanwhile on campus there are tionable. held in question.” some signs that the Renison Board - The dismissals at the college . The degrees offered at Renison, of Governors will make--a significhave’been described as the “worst are done so via UW’s university ant decision soon. ProfStevens, of charter. The college has no authorGuelph University, who is in cases of politically motivated ity to issue its own. academic firings since the scandalcharge of the Canadian Association The chevron showed Matthews of University Teachers investigaat Simon Fraser.” the motion on Tuesday; “that’s up tion, said on Wednesday that the UW president Burt Matthews, John to them,” he said, but I consider it a board now have letters outlining and Renison principal the’ CAUT proposals for binding Towler both expect some action threat. “He also felt that it prevery soon. judged the issue. arbitration. The proposals, he said, Towler was also given a copy of deal separately with the cases of -‘These have been the developthe motion, but has chosen to make ments in the Renison affair so far Profs. Hugh Miller and Jeffrey no comment. Forest. Miller was dismissed on this week. The charge of the “worst politiA motion passed by the faculty of Dec. 20, 1974. Forest has been Carleton’s Social Work School on cally motivated\ academic firings...” was made by the commitJan. 21 expresses concern that the Renison firings were political. It tee on socialist studies (COSS). calls for academic freedom to be This committee is affiliated to the restored and until that happens it Learned Society of Canada, which states that Renison degrees will is a national association of scho“be held in question.” The motion lars. The charge is contained in a reads: letter distributed by COSS to all of “The Faculty of Carleton Uniits members informing them of the versity School of Social Work note situation at Renison. The letter with concern the firing of Profespoints out that proper procedure Is the Ontario Federation of Stusors Miller and J. Forest by Renidents (OFS) worth three beers to was not followed (Towler has con, son College and the banning of Proceded this point) and “that legitiyou? fessor M. Forest from Renison ColIf so, then you should vote mate reasons have not been prolege. It is apparent from the inforvided for the firings or the “ban“yes” in the upcoming OFS- remation that we have, that these firning” of Marsha Forest, which is , ferendum. OFS is the provincial ings and the banning were politione of the mqst curious and bizarre student union in Ontario which repcally motivated and constitute a attacks yet seen in Canada. Equally resents over 100,000 students. serious from the ,point of view of The referendum, slated for flagrant denial of free speech and academic freedom are the threats Wednesday, Feb. 5, will ask UW the principles of academic freeand innuendoes directed against students to support OFS to the tune dom. “This Faculty declares its supMarlene Webber by the principal.” ,of $1.50 per year. Presently, the The letter also states that an exUW Federation of Students pays port for the efforts of students and faculty at Renison College and ecutive member of COSS, Prof Reg OFS $4,000 in membership fees. Whitaker of Carleton,. has investiAccording to OFS campaign, Waterloo University to restore material, the organization is comacademic freedom. In particular we gated the situation and that he “has urge the immediate establishment no doubt whatsoever that this is a mitted to defend “students’ incase of right-wing repression of a terests” I against the government, of binding arbitration procedures trend at the univerunder CAUT auspices to settle the progressive but to increase its effectiveness sity.” OFS needs more money. Meandispute. “The Carleton -University It ends by issueing a stern warnwhile; Ontario university administSchool of Social Work receives a ing to its members “. . .in an era of rations are organized provincially financial austerity and faculty “renumber of applications from Reniin the Council of Ontario Universon students, and the faculty note dundancies’ ’ , the Renison case, if sities (COU) and the Ontario Con-
given notice that his contract willbe terminated on April 30, 1975. The next >Roard of Gove-rnors meeting is scheduled for Feb. 5 and it seems-likely that they will decide on the CAUT proposals then. Matthews told the chevron on Tuesday that he expected some decision on the Renison affair ‘ ‘within the next week or so.” And Prof Towler, Principle of Renison Colsome action by the lege, “expects end of the week.” However, many of those involved in the Renison affair are being cautious. They point out that
this is not the first offer of binding arbitration to be put to the Renison Board of Governors. The profs suggested it at the outset and have ‘maintained that offer. The UW Faculty Association called upon Renison to follow CAUT procedures and accept binding arbitration. Also both the Art’s Faculty Council and the Senate have passed similar motions. Carleton University and COSS have now added their weight. Finally CAUT have made an official offer. What remains to be seen is whether the Renison Administration will accept it.
’ ’
neil docherty
UW- students to- decide I ’ tin OFS membership federation of University Faculty university-college system, for Associations (OCUFA) coordi1975-76, would be increased by nates-the interests of the profesabout 16 per cent, has prompted a soriate. ’ ^ collection of signatures protesting5 “To be heard, students must the cutbacks among students at maintain a strong provincial federaBrock University, University of tion in order to influence the deciGuelph and UW. sions affecting their education”, an . The petitions also gained support OFS press release states. with Ontario university presidents “Already students at the Uniwho argued that on a per student versity of Toronto, Guelph, Westbasis the government grants inem, Ryerson, Glendon, St. Pat’s, creased by only 7.4 per cent. graduate students at U. of T. and - OFS also calls for increased fiLakehead have voted to strengthen nancial aid for needy students and OFS through a fee increase.” , advocates “free tuition and living OFS has called for a* “united stipends funded by a progressive fr6nt” on Ontario campuses comtaxation system.” prising of students, faculty, staff Today, OFS is meeting with the and administration to counter reminister of colleges and univerduced government spending in sities James Auld to see whether post-secondary education. the government will contemplate a The action, triggered by a gov- _softening of its :position with regard ernment -announcement -Nov. 18 to education. saying that over-all grants to the -john morris
the chevron
In talla C hha ifa u.esl Last Friday over 150 people heard prof Paul Lin speak on “Values in Contemporary China”. L& a guest speaker of the UW Chinese Society, gave a lively, entertaining, at times even witty a&ount of the subject. Paul Lin was born in Vancouver and received his education in Canada and the U.S. In 1949 he went to China where he stayed for 15 years. In 1965 he was invited to become the first chairman cif the Institute of East Asian Studies: at ‘McGill University, which post he still holds. He has written a book, The History of the People’s Republic of China, and has done research into c&temporary values and institutional changes in China.’ He started the lecture by sketching the areas of mutual learning in our two countries. We could, for example, learn from. their success in mobilizing all resources, human and material, towards self-sufficiency; the Chinese could th’emselves benefit from our science and technology, as well as the organization of-the Canadian industrial and economic structure. However he called for a critical approach: we must each learn from the failures and from the successes. At any rate, wha_tever happens in China, he said, has “profound implications for the rest of humanity”, and cannot be ignored. , In conjunction with this, Lin warned against two dangerous approaches to Chinese affairs. On one hand, there are those, who refuse to acknowledge that anything worthwhile is happening in China. But we must not go to the other extreme: that the Chinese have found the “perfect answer”. Even today, China remains a synthesis of the new and the old, /I the ideal and the backward. Serving the people “is the highest ethic in China today”, said prof Paul Lin One of the aims of the Cultural Revolution was, he said, to become during his speech on values in contemporary China. aware of these imperfections. It was directed (among other things) against the complacency of certain leaders and intellectuals, who- had either thought that the revolution had gone far enough, or clung to the Confucian concept of the superiority of intellectual labour, and behaved in a condescending manner towards the people. Lin pointed out that even in the early stages of the revolution, dipendence on the people was an essential principle. The function of the leaders was, and still is, not tutelage btit merging with the masses. It was impor-- i tant’that this attitude continue even after the means of production had passed into the hands of the people. Instead of being told what to do, the people must have a say in their own affairs, and the leaders must have faith in the masses. Therefore, decision-making in China comprises of an The president of Canada’s $30 I realization of the fipite limit of matalmost endlesi-dialdgue between the leaders and the masses. erials on the globe. As he put it, million crystal ball spoke to an auThe purpose of the dialogue is related to another principle: serving the “the enormous consumption of dience of UW dignitaries, faculty, people. “This”, said Lin, “is the highest ethic in China today”. The goal is students, -non-recurring resources for and tape recorders last to make natural in every citizen the idea of “the other person first”, arid to Thprsday economically dysfunctional puras a guest of the enrecognize. the necessity of this is “the major parameter of freedom”. poses put the limited nature of the virdnmental studies faculty. The Freedom cannot bi expressed until the largest segment of the population world’s resources into public conevenings participants which inis emancipated, until the people themselves are served. sciousness and into the arena of cluded UW president Burt MatthThe implications of this in the economy are far-re_aching: the ecbnomy is ews listened to A.W.R. Carroth&, public policy.” not based upon the profit motive and personal gain, but upon serving the a labour relations expert, explain This ,was re-enforced in 1952 by common good. In addition, Lin feels there is a third important principle: the historical and methodological the release in the United States of the principle of self-reliance. This is apparent on both the personal and the foundations of\a three-yar old nathe report of the Pregident’s Comnational level. It is more an attitude than a fact, for the Chinese do not tional think-tank, the Institute for mission of Materials’ Policy. claim to be totally self-sufficient (although China is today the only country Research on Public Policy (IRPP). Accompanying the realization of without any internal or external debt). Self-reliance, rather, is shown by Carrothers, whose specialized finite resources, there has been a the dignity of the working person, who relies on, andis proud of, his own background brought some sideprogression of techniques, deducstrength. This accounts for much of the dynamism a’nd vigouFof Chinese long glances from the nation’s tive and inductive, for modelling / society today. futurists, left his position as presipresent and projecting future global Besides technOlogicd1 advances, said Prof. Lin, one of the most no&edent of the University of Calgary conditions. Out of the wartime able changes is “the acquisiti@n of a philosophy by the common people”. mid-way through last year to as- “operations research” grew sysToday’s worker has become a philosopher-seeking to learn,__ besides a ~- _ surpe his post at IRI?l? He has a -terns analysis which provided *for - thorough acquaintance with reality, the essence beneath reality. He also well-established reputation in law simulation models. Consensus cited examples of villagers solving complex agricultural problems by and industrial relations having techniques for images of the future analyzing the factors and “contradictions” involved. taught at several universities, He followed paqing the way for Lin finished his lkcture by pointing out some of the shortcotiings that sat as a director.of the Institute of and ‘ ‘futurology ’ ’ . The “scenario” still exist: certain autocrats still’ in poiver, some of the old attitudes, Industrial Rilations (-1960-62)) was the foimulation of social indicators especially towards women. still prevail. These are recognized, however, chairman of the advisory commistools. and the current campaign, agtinst Lin Piao and Confucius, shows this. .became forecasting sion that set up the constitutional I -michael hollosy Among the more dramatic events framework of the Northwest Terof the world ritories (196566), and was a were the development simulation models at the Masmember of the prime minister’s sachusetts Institute of Technology. task force on labovr relations These were popularized with the (1966-68). of Forrester’s World Incorporated i; 1972, IRPP is ‘to ptiblication Dynamics in 1971 and Meadow’s OTTAWA (CUP)-Joe Morris, president of the Canadian Labour serve as an organized brain trust to Limits to Growth in 1972,and since’ “look at major public issues over Congress has sent a letter to prime minister Trudeau protestigg a riot become classics albeit disputed medium and long term projeccontrol exercise in December which portrayed imaginary rioters as ones. trade unionists. tions”. Using a problem-oriented, interdisciplinary approach, it will The exercise tias conducted at Damp Debert, Nova Scotia and Within a world context IRPP will involved militia members from three Maritime military units. Two field assess various social influences focus on the challenges facing squadrons from/Camp Gagetown, N.B. were depicted as “striking or and government policy options Canada. Carrothers indicated that beyond the normal time-lines of dissident workers against the fictitious Andrewville Aviation Cornthe think-tank will lead into its task pany.” government planning. The analysis with studies on population-based The letter from Morris stated there is no excuse for riot control of alternative policies will be acritissues (age structure, emigration, exercises to select workers as their targets. ical aspect of fhe institute’s internal migration, im.migration, “The congress finds this type of behaviour repugnant and disgust‘mission-oriented’ role. and income distribution). ing. It is offensive in the extreme and does a gravendisservice to the Carrothers noted developments Early emphasis will also be paid over the last three decades pointing working people, not only in the Maritimes, but throughout the rest of to social attitudes and conflict to “the need for choice” about the Canada.” ’ among Canadian political units’future and techniques to facilitate Morris said the exercise was planned with the full knowledge of area <which touches upon issues of regthis. Strategic planning in WWII .officials, the RCMP and the provincial government. ional disparity, along with a nawas pre-occupied with the assess“Not only does the congress formally protest this disgusting d&play tional resources strategy. ment of the availability of rebut it wishes to know if this is now your governmentts policy and if this continued on page, 11 sources and subsequently led to the type of behaviour is to be expected in the future,” the letter asserted.
Crystd ball hed hits UW cam BUS
Morris blasts riot squad
31, 1975
Piof it% banned! Waterloo regional employees can no longer,u’se “information obtained in the course’ of carrying out their duties” which may result in benefits for themselves oti close associates. ’ Staffers who violate the conflict-of-interest rules, passed unanimpusly Jan. 23 by regional council, will be fired or suspended by a review Committee comprised of the regional chairman, solicitor and chief administrator. ,The rules also forbid employees from accepting any gifts from business contacts “that could be construed as given in anticipation, of special consideration by the regional municipality”, -stated the conflict-of-interest pohcy drafted by regional chairman Jack Young. The conflict-of-interest question erupted last June when the Kitchen&-Waterloo Record reported that two regional public health inspectors had h $13 1,000 mark-up on the resale of +a Doon property they purchased for $30,000. The property owned by two elderly sisters had been declared earlier unsanitary by one of the inspectors. Hdwever, Young didn’t refer to the scandal in his report nor did he mention the resulting regional health board recommendation urging immediate enactment of conflict-of-interest guidelines. The passing of the new guidelines is no-t an indication that there is any existirig problems, Young said. “I sincerely’hope that these recommendations are not construed as indicating problems that I have knowledge of.” According to a letter from former attorney-general Robert Welch, this is the first time conflict-ofinterest rules have been enacted at the regional level in Ontario. Welch was asked in the provincial legislature, last autumn, to investigate the health inspectors’ case. ’ The adopted rules now place employees on the same level as elected officials, who must steer clear of any council matter in which they hav,e a financial interest. ‘Howe&r, the details of the rules differ slightly for employees. Provincial civil servants can also be fired if they abuse their positions for private gain in any qutside business. Young added thai--“there is no legislation by which charges could be laid” against a profiteering staffer, as there’s no law preventing‘an employee from usilig inside information for private gain. The only penalty would be disciplinary action by-regional council, Young said. .If a profiteering complaint arises, the matter is first examihed by a committee comprised of the regional chairman, the regional solicitor Elmer Moore and the chief administrator Whitney Bradley. The ,qommittee’s recommendation is later voted on by council. Young was instructed by council to seek adoption of similar guidelines at the municipal level and also to urge other regions to enact a similar policy. In other business, councillors ;oted to hire two additional welfare workers to take care of increased applications caused by rising unemployment. According to welfare director Arthur Pope, family applications increased 25 per cent in December. Welfare applicants climbed to as many as 140 a day in December, compared with the voveniber average of 40 to 50 a month, he said. ’
’ _
the chevron
31, 1975
-.Think’of~-aTProblem,: * and keep thinking of more. Now how many other students that you know, or don’t know, might have l some of -the-same problems? There are over 150,000 university and college students in this pro- 4 vince.. Our problems are-n’t going to decrease very ‘much in the near future, and things will likely get 7
-- ’
_ 7
Sowhatarewetodo? *‘‘. I For one thing, let’s consider an-organization
. -
the ONTARIO! FEDERATION OF STUDENTS. Over one hundred thousand students belong to it . through their student councils Representatives from membercampuses, periodid ’ . tally meet ,to discuss their situation, and to define the problems. They ch’oose seven persons from around the *province to act as an Executive. This \ executive works with a full-time staff to combat . 1 problems we face as students and citizens. ’ The staff of O.F.S.. presently numbers six , and plans ’ ’ to expand to ten to include- three-researchers, four . fieldworkers, one secretary, a lobbyist, and an execzutive db-o-rdinator. I _On Weghesday,‘Fbbruary 5, we will vote (at thb polling stations-._ for the presidential election) on whether or not to have the university- collect (with our other fees) $1.50 per year from each-of l us 0P;EN FORU<Ni ON O.F.S. REFEREN-DU-M FEE & MEMBERSHIP -On’ Tuesday, February 4, at i :00 p.m. in the Cam: ’ ,pus Centre Great Hall,. Shane Roberts of the _ ’ Federation of Students and a member of the0.F.S. executive for,two years, will be available to answer any questions-you may. have.
‘, . I
-. -’
Winter, “A new spirit-a new people”. 7:30pm Celebration: a service of music & words with a folk-rock group-Qne Way .Sound.
Friday Basia lrland and Shirley
copy deadline for Clastij’fied: noon Tues/ days. ~~~_~_. -~
Raphael to
share exhibition at the art gallery Theatre of the Arts. 9-4pm.
Free coffee, speech and kipfels. 9-12 midnight. CC coffee shop.
Campus Centre Pub opens at 12 nogn. MacLean and MacLean Admission 74 cents’after
frog g-lam. 7pm.
Federation Flicks: “Parralax View” with Warren Beattie and Paula Prentice. 8 pm. AL1 16. Fed members $1, nonfeds $1.50. I
Saturday Campus 1
Pub with MacLean
and MacLean,from g-lam. 74 cents admission.
Opens 8pm.
Federation Flicks: “Parralax View” with Warren Beattie and Paula Prentice. 8pm..AL1‘16. Fed members $1. Nonfeds $1.50
10:30am at Qnrad
Grebel College Vic
in Theatre of the Arts. 2-5pm. Final day of exhibition.
fo; Transcendental only. 8pm in Eng. 3, 1 l,ol.
Federation Flicks: “Parralax Vie&’ with Warren Beattie.and Paula Prentice. 8pm in AL1 16.
Chess Club meeting. 7:30pm. CC1 35.
venue a tout le monde.
Campus Centre Pub opens at 12 noon-
Michael Lewis from g-lam’. 50 cents after 7pm. .-
Wednesday FASS 1975. An annual show 01 music drama and humour in which Faculty, Administration, Sta’ff and Students laugh together at the vulnerable pdints of Waterloo life. This year “the peasants’ rev&t”. 8pm in Theatre of the Arts, ML: $1.25 admission.
Michael Lewis from g-lam. $0 cents &er 7pti.
Admission \
Thursday ’ Baha’i Firesides (informal
discussions). All students, faculty, staff welcome: Interested? Just curious? Come on to HH 334 from 7:30-9:30pm or phbne Aerial at 884-0202.
Assistance. Providing free, non-professional legal advice for students. 7-10pm. CC 106. Call 885-0840 or ext. 3846.\ ( \fDr. Maxine Sheets-Johnstone will speak on “Women and their Bodies”. YWCA in Cambridge (Galt) 40 Thorne St. 2-4pm with babysitting provided. $1.50
Para-legal Assistance. Providing free non-professional legal advice for students. 2-5pm. CC 106. Call 885-0840 or ext. 3846.
Campus Centre Pub opens at 12 noon. Michael Lewis from g-lam. 50 cents after 7pm. -
Tuesday Paralegal
Providing free non-professional legal advice for stu’ dents. 7-10pm. CC 106. Call 885-0840 , or ext. 3846.
/ Museum of Games & Archives. 114pm. MC 6032.
Social and ethnic dance Club features the foxtrot.
8pm in CC1 10.
Museum 6f Games & Archives. MC 6032.
coffee house. 8:30pm. CC 110.
La Societe francaise vous invite a sa prdchaine reunion, une soiree “Winterfest” qui aura lieu a 20 H. au sous-sol (Carpathan Room) du Transylvania Club, 16 rue Andrew, a Kitchener, Bien-
FASS 1975: “The Peasants’ Theatre 8Pm. ,
Cross Country formation
Chriitian Fellowship desset-t meeting. The topic for’discussion’ Remkes Kooistra discussion group * is “Problem of the Trinity”. 5:30pm. cc1 13. 8pm in Eng. 3, 1101. Topic: “Church, kingdom and World II”. Filmstrip-on Is; Para-legal assistance. Providing free rael. non-professional legal advice for students. 1:30-4:30pm. CC 106. Call Museum of Games & Archives. I-4pm 885-0840 or ext. 3846. and 6-9pm in MC 6032.
Mondav Para-legal
depts. of sociology counselling studies.
Centre Pub opens at 12 noon.
Revolt”. of the Arts. $1.25 admission.
Pub opens 12 noon.
Michael Lewis from g-lam. 50 cents admission after 7pm. ’ I
Friday Steve
Levine, (social science, York Univ.) to speak on “the festival & the critique of everyday life” 2pm. HUM 373 ..(Faculty Lounge) jointly sponsored. by
Ski Day. For more in-
dall ext. 3533.
Free coffee speech and kipfels. 9-12pm. CC coffee shop.
Federation Flicks: “Chinatown” with Faye Dun_away and Jack Nicholson. AL 116 at 8pm. Fed members $1. Non-feds $1.50.
FASS 1975: “The
Peasants’ Revolt” Show at 7 & 1Opm in Theatre of the Arts. $1.25 admission.
Centre Pub opens at 12 noon. Michael Lewis from 9-iam. 50 cents admission after 7pm.
,Classified copy deadline for TWOC: days.
Lost Centre
,and hum. rel. &
noon Tues-
One left-hand black leather glove. In vicinity of Arts Lecture.,Name monogramed on inside. Phone Ridk 578-4368. $10 reward. Lost, a grey Sheafer Fountain Pen with gold coloured nib. Anyone finding this pen please contact Alan Kessel at 576-5377. Black Wallet in area of Arts Library. Identification desperately’ needed! If ifound please return to Security or to Gwen Penner, Conrad Grebel College room 211 or call 884-5560.
Found Gold-rimmed prescription glasses found in Arts Lecture Hall on Thursday, Jan. 23. Pick up at the chevron Office in cc.
Personal Very interested tS> meet with tiny member of Ananda Marga Meditation Society. Please phone 578-6888 anytime. Pregpant and distressed? Birth Control Cen’fre 885-l 211, ext. 3446. Doctor referrals: unplanned and follow’-up birth control information. Complete confidence. Are you pregnant? If you need confidential, concerned personal assistance call \BIRTHRIGHT 579-3990. Pregnancy tests. Man in prison with no family or friends who care. Would like to correspond with anyone to keep from losing himself in loneliness. Those who care please write to James Lawson 138-025, Box 787, Lucasville, Ohio, USA, 45648. Gay Lib office CC 217C open Mon Thurs. 7 - 10 pm and most afternoons for counselling and information. Call 885-l 211, ext. $372.
I A Student-Railoass aives vou two month&of unlimited Second through 13 Eurobean c”ountr&s. - -. --Buy-one, we’ll hive you a map, and where you go next is your own busipess. All we’ll sav is that- Eurooean trains are a sensational --. .--__.- .._. wav .‘-‘, to_get there: be ‘it Austria, Bel&m, D&ma&,France. Germanv. Rolland, Italy, Luxembourg, lV&wa), Portugal, Spain, ‘Sweden dr’ Switzerland. 100,000 miles of track link cities, towns and historic, scenic and social attractions. Our trains are fast, modern, convenient, clean and cotifortable. ; And you’ll discover the&s very little second class about I Second Class: You can sleep in a couchette for onlv $6.00 a niaht. And if you want to eat on a budget, inexpensive snacks & often av%lable.Youcan even take a cruise on the Rhine, if you like. Eurailpass i& valid on many European ferries, rive’r and lake steamers and hvdrofoils. It also offers . I.ydu substantially reduced fares on many sfde . . _a . excursions you might want to take by motor coach. And-how’s-this for travel cdnveni ience? Manv rail stations offer bikes for rental, and it’s’ possible to pick up’s bike at one station and drop it off at another. All you need to qualify is to be a full-time student , under 26. There’s just one catch: You must buy your Student-Railpass here before you take off. Thev’re . r)ot for sale in Europe. If you have less time to travel, or want to travel First Class, consider Eurailpass. A two-week pass costs $130. Three-week pass costs $160. One month, $200. Two months, $270.’ Three months, $330. Don’t wait. It trip of your life. See your Travel Agenfi,or clip the coupon and we’ll send you allthe facts: , ’ travel
‘es subject to
For Sale
< -IT-”
Wanted Warm, concerned people to care for children in your pwnhome. Some training or experience plus real interest in chiltin required. Urgent need in Lincoln Hts. School area and in Univer$y housing. @II regional Home Day Care at 742-2531. Male stutterers as subjects in Kiriesiology Senior Research Study. Two half hour hour sessions $5. Contact Donna at ext. 2156. ’
I The
_I “-__-
price of tm
Ride Wanted On weekends, to Windsor will share gas expenses. Dave at 884-3949.
and return, Please call
i Street I I 1 city
Kitten to give away. Female, 5 months, grey-has had distemper shot. Phone 576-75091 Met’s diamond Ring-14K gold -sunburst setting-7 diamonds making full karat-sells $600, asking $300. Phone 885-0015. j
P.C .-
L+p could pay for all of Europe. I
Need typing done? Experienced typist using ~electric typewriter. Phone 578-3587. Will type thesis in my home, Phone Pat Kritz 742-I 289. Student is experienced in cleaning and repairing typewriters. Also rents type- , ,writers. Reasonable. Call Bill at 634-5592 after 5 pm. Experienced typist will do typing in own home, residence within walking distan& of university. Please call ’ 884-6351. Fast accurate typing 40 cents a page. IBM Selectric. Located in Lakeshore Village. Call 884-6913 anytime. Will do typing in my home. Contact: Mrs. Weick, phone 745-9569.
on page
the chevron
31, 1975
Ca pita I- I’s woes.
Ice cream blues Looks like the ice cream stand may be locked up forever if the regional health inspector has his way. For the past year he has been covert/y testing the water in which the ice cream scoopers are washed. The inspector insists the water is too contaminateaand must be refreshed more oft&. He has warned, if there is not a sink and runping water beh@d the stand “he’ll close the p/ace down”. Gone will be the days of gluttonous ruin I and sO# Swiss Mochas.
Last week,~‘as one of a continuing series of lectures being sponsored this term by the economics department, professor Makato Itoh of -Tokyo University and currently a visiting professor at Harvard spoke on “the Marxian jheory of economic crisis”. . Student interest sparked by the topic was evidently of a high level and exceeded expectations since the original location selected for the lecture fumed out to be too small and the gathering had to be shifted to another room in the Arts Lecture Hall. Professor Itoh who introduced- himself as one of Japan’s “one thousand professional Marxist academic economists” presented the restilts of his original research into MarxQnalysis of cyclical crisis which is characteristic of capitalist society. Itoh’s presentation of the subject, based upon research of Marx’s writings revealed a somprehensive and detailed model of the chain of events involved in what Jesse Schwartz of the economics dept., who introduced the speaker; termed the “periodic industrial storms which sweep capitalist society. ’ : The essence of Itoh’s exposition of the capitalist system stressed the primary triggering factor of industrial crisis as being the exhaustion of the pool of unemployed workers which enables wages to rise in the “prosperity period” thus putting pressure on profits. The sharpness and suddenness of the crisis Itoh indicated was the breakdown of the chain of credit which builds up in the boom period of the cycle to finance speculation in commodities. The result of Itoh’s lecture was the presentation of a picture of Marx as not being just a r&volutionary, philosopher,,or historian but also as being an analytical economist whose theory is of striking topical relevance. However, Itoh illustrated the role of Marx’s economics in relation to his revolutionary - obiectives when’he \ stressed that economic crisis in itself did -‘not bring about the breakdown of capitalism-that could only occur as a result -of political factors. Today, the economics faculty was to bring well-known economist Anwar Shaik tb Arts Lecture Hall Room 124 at 2:30. However due to Shaik’s recent bad health he will be unable to give the lecture. Shaik expressed his disappointment over his absence, but has confirmed that he will give a lecture on “The Transformation Problem” at UW on the earliest possible date. -ken o’brien
CAB loses money
Attendance figures at the Federation of Students’ Creative Arts Board (CAB)‘ music events have dropped significtintly. Dave Kallay CAB chairman told the chevron he is concerned that either next year the federation subsidy for these events will be increased or they will have to be dropped altogether. Recent board events included the annual Carol Fantasy and last wkekend’s Mozart Concerto in the Theatre of the Arts. This concert of Mozart’s work failed to even take in half the revenue from ticket sales needed to break even. Usually ticket sales would pay for 40 percent of the _concert’s costs. . Kallay fears this decrease in ticket sales may represent a long-run decrease in the campus interest in classical music concerts. ’ - The Mozart cohcerto’s attendance figures have decreased from 289 last year to 219 this year. The annual Carol Fantasy attracted only two thirds of 1973’sattendance -. figures. j Kallay identified Alfred kunz, the Creative Arts Board programme director as perhaps chasing concerts in which the campus are not interested. b However Kallay is still enthusiastic about the prospects for the bdard ’ next year. “ The -board is sponsoring the University of Waterloo Symphony Orchestra and hopefully it will do more concerts next year.” The orchestra consists of a core group of Kitchener-Waterloo residknts and an everchanging group of students. Kallay would like to see the orchestra divide up into a chamber group for evening concerts. For the remainder of this term CAB is presenting Maurike Evans’ production of Pinter’s “the Birthday Part?“, Feb. 25 to March r. The CAB Band will play at the March CIAU basketball finals in the - phys. ed. complex. In the past attendance for these ev_ents has been good and Kallay is hopeful the good crowds for drama events will carry over to the board’s music series. -michael
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send me more information Canadian \ Forces of--Maritime
_._ -’
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Next weekend the Caribbean Students Association*nd the African Students Association will host the annual “Sympositim of African Peoples.” Featured speaker is Dick Gregory; the Affb-American comedian reknown for his actiiities against the Vietnam W& in the sixties. Gregory’s topic will be “Pan Africanism” and will be given next Saturday at 3 :30 in I Arts Lecture 116. Seminars will also be held on such diverse topics as “niodernization: a hinderance to Pan Africanism”, “do blacks need an ideology”, “the black experience in Kitchener-Waterloo”, “blacks and immigration”, “black women and women’s liberation’?, and “black countries and non- allignment” . Friday night two films will be shown in Arts Lecture 113: “Mark of the Hawk” starring Sidney Poiter and “A Nation is Born”. The first film is about an Afro-American caught up in the liberation struggle in southern Africa and the second film documents the birth of Guinea-Bissau. The symposium should be an interesting event for those students interested in the thoughts and desires of the young elites af some independent African nations and of the West Indies. Up to now the political thought among the new elites of the Black-ruled countries has remained just that-elitist. Leaders such as -Nyererg, Manley, and. the liberation movements in Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau,, Eritrea, and Zimbabwe are noteworthy exceptions to the rule and show that the replace, .ment of the white elites by black- elites need not occur. -dOug
Dick Gregory rap
about o’pportunities Engineers.
the chevron 6:00
Saturday Feb. 1 Noon Scope 12:15 Music with Reid Robertson Music with Ian Allen 3:00 6:00 BBC afriCan theatre 6:30 Music with Jim Waldram 8:00 Federation candidates interview & phone-in 10:00 Music with Bill Culp Mid. Music with Don Cruikshank Sunday 9:OO Noon 12:15 / 3:00 6:00 630 $00 Mid.
, *
Monday Noon 12:15 3:00 3:1,5 ’ 6:00 6:30 9:00 Mid.
-6:30 9:oo 9:30 Mid.
Feb.,2 _ ’ Music with Vijay White Belgian Press Review Classical Music with I David Villeneuve Classical Music with Ian MacMillan Rest Of The News Music with Steve Favell ’ and Gord Wood Music with Phil La Rocque 1 Music with Vic Decker
Feb. 3 Soviet P.ress Review Music with Paul Bennett Rest Of The News Music with Mark Perron Community services Music with Donna Rogers Mellow muSic with Tim Paulin The Mike devillaer midnight ,music sh,ow
Tuesday Feb. 4 9:00 Morning music with Doug Maynes Noon Perspectives 12:15 Music with Jim Oswald and Ian Wismey 3:00 Music with Roger Gartland
Agency for International Development Music with Al Wilson This Week at the pub *Michael Lewis* Music with Dave Preston and Jack Langer Music with Bill Chaiton
Wednesday Feb. 5 9:00 Music with Rick Armstrong 12:oo Thinking out loud 12:15~ Music with Ewen Brocklehurst 3:do / Rest Of The News 3:15x Music with Pam Newman 6:00 The-world around usHorace Campbell On Racism 6:30 Music with Dave Horn and Steve LaGear Music with Brian O’Neil 9:oo Mid. Music with Ian Layfield Thursday Feb. 6 Noon Rest Of The News 12:15 Music with Neil Green and Joe Bellivead 3:00 Music with David BuckingI--nam i 6:00 ’ Regional governmentThis Week-Jack Young, regional chairman 6:30 Mtisic with Hans Zschach and Bob Valiant 9:00 Music with Ivan Zendel Mus$ with Larry Stare&y Mid. Friday 9:oo Noon 12:15 3:oo 6’100
Feb. 7 Music with Dean Purves BBC World Report Music with Tim Bowland Music with Phil Rogers The world around usSouth West Africa 6:30 Music with Peter Chant 8:00 Hockey: Warriors vs. McMastei JO:30 The Mutant hour with Bill Wharrie ’ Mid. Music with Gord Swatters
31, 1975
Classif i,ed
Well, folks, it’s semiformal time again? No doubt about it; time to dig out those suits & dresses,from the bottom of those trunks, grab your man or woman and step out for a night of eating, drinking-and dancing to-LIGHTHOUSE. Since the beginning of time (it seems) Opus II have been the standard entertaininent at semiformals at this university. For the past couple of years, however, some people
\ from page 4 Typing of essays efficiently done by Mrs. McLean. 885-4314. Housing Available 2 bedroom apartment available May 1 to. Aug. .31. 5 min. walk to campus. Call 885-2653. ’ Large three bedroom apirtment to sublet May-September. Mostly furnished. 15 minute stroll to campus. Close to‘- r <shopping areas. Phone 578-4368. Townhouse to sublet, May to September. Furnished, 3 bedrooms, swimming pool, dryer, 15 minutes from Cam- ._ pus $225.00. 865-2644. Three bedroom apartment to sublet ‘75 summer, furnished, 812 King St. West no.- 718, $240/month, after 6 pm. ’ 576-4231. Double room for rent. Exellent kitchen & laundry facilities. Close to univet%ity. Male only call 884-l 381.
M aster of I,’ Beusiness Ad ministration Queen’s University at Kingston offers a modern, discipline-based ‘approach to the study of management in _ the complex organizations of today and tomorrow. The learning atmosphere in the School of Business is lively, informal,-intimate and flexible. Persons from almost all academic programs will find MBA studies rewarding. Financial assistance is available. I . I i Professor W. E. Miklas, Chairman, MBA Program, School of Business, Queen’s Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6
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Now the glorious beer of Copenhagen is brewed right here in Canada. It comes to you fresh from the -brewery. So it tastes even better than ever. . > ’ dnd Carlsberg is sold at regular prices. ., So let’s hear it-, Carlsberg lovers. “Qne, two, three . . . Cheers!”
* _ University
Queen’s Graduating
- --
have been asking why. The usual answer has always been-because they’re cheap atid they’ve always played at semiformals: This, year promises to be different, though. Math Society’s exec was sitting in the office, mulling over the plans for a semi-formal when someone jokingly suggested Lighthouse. Gales of laughter fol, lowed, then a moment of silent glance’s ricocheting around the room-why not? Pencils flashed, figures were feverishly computed. The results indicated that ‘it. wasn’t such an outrageous idea after all. With lo&s of publicity, more planning thati had formerly gone into a semiformal-they could do it, Consequently, Math Society is proud to present a Lighthause semiformal Feb. 15 (the day after Valentine’s). In the hope of starting a trend ‘toward larger campus semiformals rather than small events aiied at certain groups, tickets are available at several points on campus (Village I, St. Jerome’s, Central Box office, Federati-on, Eng Sot, Math Sot, and after Feb. 8, ESS office). -The semiformal will take place at Bingeman Park’s brand new lodge. (If transportation is a problem, call Math Society at ext 2324 and they will &range buses). Tickets are $20.00 per couple and include a buffet dinner and, of course Lighthouse will be there. A larger-than-usual response is ’ # expected, so you are advised tp get your tickets early. More information is available from Math Society, M&C 3038, ext. 2324.
MBA to Year
31, 1975
agribusiness OTTAWA (CUP)-Beryl Plumtre defended farmers and Eugene -Whelan warned agribusiness “don’t be greedy”, at an agricultural conference held here Jan. 20 to 21. --The defense of farmers by the chairman of the Food Prices Review Board (FPRB) was received right after the commencement of the government’s annual-Canadian Agricultural Outlook Conference. “It is not easy to make friends in times of inflation” Plumtre told the audience. “Clearly inflation is devisive. All groups get thrown into a struggle to maintain their -living standards. Some groups with power succeed; others do not.” “It is in the best interest of all Canadians that we succeed in the fight against inflation. Agricultural producers, I believe, generally share this view.” Minister of agriculture, Eugene Whelan, in his closing remarks of the conference, showed that he was . not so confident. ’ “To the agribusiness people here today, I warn you. Don’t be greedy. You will be paying morefor labour and more for inputs. Farmers know your prices will go up. Farmers don’t begrudge you a fair profit. But take it easy. Without a healthy farm industry you can’t survive,” he said. The Outlook Conference is an ’ annual event sponsored by Agriculture Canada, and attended by delegations from each provincial government, agribusiness representa-, tives, and representatives of farming groups across the country. At the conference, papers. were prepared by Agriculture Canada staff providing economic and general forecasts of agricultural activity and prospects for the upcoming year. This year’s conference was characterized in the press as being ’ a “doom and gloom” session, culminating in -a doomsday report from Statistics Canada on the final day. The report, which forecasted farm income and expenses for 1975, concluded that “there is no doubt but that the 1975 projections of realized net income denote a dej terioration in the relative income position of the farming industry.” According to the projections, the total net income of the farming community-reached a peak in 1974 and is likely to decline in 1975. Although prices are not expected to decline for agricultural products, net farm income will decline as a result I of continuing increases in farm operating expenses. The report says that the rate of increase of operating costs is likely to exceed any increase farmers cash receipts. ceipts. Plumtre told the conference that .although wholesale farm product prices went up 60 per cent in 1973, the levelling off to-a constant 5per cent increase by late 1974 was noninflationary. The Consumer Price Index’: she
the chevron
said, was showing the highest increase rate in 26 years, 12.4 per cent annually, with consumer food at 17 per cent. But she stressed that, “a large proportion of what consumers finally pay for food is accounted for by transportation, processing, wholesaling and retailing.” It is this proportion, rather than .I the farmers share of the food dollar, which Plumtre says has been rising. She cited shifting consumer preference for more convenience foods, and hence higher processing costs as one factor in this increase. She did commit the FPRB, however, to an examination of that sector of the food industry to uncover any waste. But while the board undertook to “examine, analyze, report, and recommend” on food price and cost developments in the coming year, she predicted that the cost of food for the consumer would increase at an annual rate of 15\ per cent, at least until mid-year. ” She also predicted that pressures on food producer costs would con“And though in 1973, your compat?y had again to contend with spiralling labour costs, meddling tinue in the coming year, and urged restraint from all groups “in both government regulations, ‘and ecological do-gooders, management was able once more, through a spending and income demands.” combination of deceptive billing and fake advertising, and the ;cjrioper use of plant shut-downs, to , She conceded that the FPRB had show a profit which in all modesty can only be called excessive.” no information as to where the two year, 140 per cent income increase right out of business-and that the “Is it co-ops? Joint ventures? Long will have to “get their money’s to farm prodcuers went, but she did grain growers and grain feeders term contracts with producers?” worth from every dollar they say that it was “apparent from our “would be at each others throats He said that it was up to the leaders spend” and “do some hard thinkproduct line research that they again this year.” He said that farin the farming community present ing and a lot of careful planning.“. were not distributed evenly across mers should “put an end to one to come up with the answer. all producing areas. ” farmer living out of the pocket of -His. conclusion was that farm In Whelan’s opinion, “It’s going While the FPRB starts, “looking another.” prices are not going to keep pace to be a rough year” for Canadian at the food price issue in a longer “What’s the answer?” he asked. with rising costs, and that farmers agriculture. term perspective and from a broader perspective” in the coming year, she underscored the Turner budget speech in calling for a “national concensus as to what the various groups can safely take from the economy over the next few years. ’ ’ Plumtre said that this concensus would give the FPRB a “coherent overall decision framework based OTTAWA(CUP)-Liberal woCampagnolo said the ‘button and sexist in innuendo. It’s absoon common objectives and genermen MP’s are angrily campaigning could be taken as having a “sexual lutely bad. I’m not a wild eyed ally accepted goals .” against the button and advertising connotation. ” feminist and I fought my battles in After being absent for the entire campaign which health minister the journalism industry, ,which is Holt suggested that the health conferences since his opening re- Marc Lalonde is peddling to help minister may have been misled enthe most chauvinist ‘of all, but I’m marks the first morning, Agriculliberate Canadian women. still against it.” dorsing the button because of the ture Minister Eugene Whalen reShe said she complained to Simma Holt (Vancouvernumber of women in his office. turned late in the final afternoon. “He’s got an office full of surroKingsway) and Iona Campagnblo ’ Lalonde along with several other He explained that he had been tied gate wives and I guess he thinks women MP’s and had made it quite (Skeena) won’t wear theirs and for the two UP “in party caucus” that’s being liberated,” she said.’ clear to the men in the caucus why they are not afraid to say “Why days. Not”. . Lalonde has been visiting the they Object to the ‘logan Following two days of presentaShe said however, that Lalonde North.West Territories distributing ‘+ It’s bloody degrading” ( said tions and discussions, culminating told her he is committed to the ad buttons and was unavailable for Holt. . 1 in the Statistics Canada doomsday agency ana 1 cant ,* cnange now. comment. She charged Lalonde has been report, the delegates were told by When she reached her office in misled into endorsing the button by When contacted back in her Whelan: “After two days of putting Vancouver yesterday she found a his “Office full of surrogate Vancouver constituency office your heads together over these outlarge cardboard blow-up of the wives. ” Jan. 27 Holt said she was opposed look papers, one thing is plain. It’s slogan which was meant to hang in slogan and was “I consider it to be sexist in to the advertising going to cost one heck of a lot more her office. She promptly sent it totally against continuing with the to produce food this year, than it tone,” said Campagnolo. back to Lalonde. advertising agency which is runThey said that none of the did last. ” “It’s absolutely stupid, how ning the campaign. women in the House of Commons The-major thrust of his remarks negative can you get,” she said. are wearing the buttons bearing the “.An agency that is as insensitive was that rising operating costs and When questioned about her slogan and they apas they are by putting out‘ the butdecreases in netfarm income were : “,Why Not” comments concerning .Lalonde’s their male in the offing for %1975, and that a pear to be intimidating ton and not even paying attention office staff she said that she meant to women picketers wh-o demonnational concensus based on greed ‘. colleagues to dump theirs. no disrespect to the women b.ut said would result in chaos in the farming strated in front of their offices Detractors of the button ciaim they were very protective of community. against the campaign shouldn’t be ,Lalonde ‘and didn’t have a deep that the “Why Not” could be taken He-expressed fears that agribus- - as an invitaion to something other - kept on,” she said. enough understanding of the iness would gouge many farmers +‘I think the slogan‘& degrading than equality of status. women’s movement.
‘Why not’
Slogan kks /women I
the chevron
US in Oman %i’soc
Elections Notice,
- ’
Elections Feb. 17
Nominations open Feb. 1O-l 9 for the positions of:
2nd, 3rd, and 4th ye~ar reps , / fbr Bid., Chem., E. SC. and Phys.; alsO Co-op reps for Chem and Phys. Elections Feb. 24 '
Forms -
. _
available P .
, ’
style operation to keep the oil rich BEIRUT, Leb,anon (ZNSCUP)-The Arab Press Service, a Arabian peninsula out of rebel conspecialized oil and political trol. .magazine published in Beirut forthe Arab world, is charging that the United States is becoming involved in a Vietnam-like military venture on the Arabian peninsula. According to*the press service . report, the U.S. earlier this month stepped up its military commitments to the small nation of Oman DISNEYLAND (CUP/ZNS)-Are by agreeing to supply sophisticated you ready for the Amalgamated 1military equipment to Omani Mice of America? troops. Sultan Quabas, the leader of \ Those costumed hosts at Disneyland, the Donald Ducks, Peter Pans Oman, returned from Washington and big bad wolves who greet patthis month reportedly with Amerirons, have petitioned the National can agreements to supply his counLabour Relations Board to allow try with sophisticated U.S. radio them to form a special union of and electronic equipment, antitheir own. tank tissiles and helicopters. The creatures, which inculude Oman lies on one side of a about 60 different Disney characstrategic 26 mile wide strait which overlooks and controls access to ters, complain that they have special working conditions and need the oil rich Persian Gulf. According their own union. T to the Arab Press Service, the deciFor instance, the big bad. wolf sion for direct aid to Oman was says that kids, thinking he’s a bad made after f&t hand visits to the guy, keep pulling his ears which are country by CIA director William attached to his 15 lb. mask. The Colby and former CIA director wolf states he has many first aid Richard Helms. Helms is now the problems because of this. U.S.‘ambassador in neighbouring Another common complaint Iran. from the more infamdus Disney Recently Iranian tro;ps, armed characters such as Captain Hook, with American weapons, have, is that kids are always kicking shins been fighting in Oman against Marand pulling noses. xist liberation for&s. However, Thus far, the Labour Board has the new agreements announced in. denied the Disney creatures petiWashington signify the first time tion, insisting they join the same that the U.S. has supplied direct union as hot dog barkers at Disney. military aid to Oman. ’ The Disney characters have apThe Arab Press Service, further They say the charged that the U.S. already has pealed, however. board could not possibiy underadvisors on the ground in Oman stand the special problems a Micand that the latest U.S. move has key Mouse must go through. the markings of another Vietnam
Mice, union
Nominations open -Feb. 3 - IO i for the positions of: ’
.Pre&Je;lt . - Vice-Presiderit Treasurer
31, 1975
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31, 1975
loans & bursary flare-up
., I ,-
The first struggle of,, national tional Association of Queb& Students (ANEQ), uniting the students scope was against the university studies aptitude tests, imposed on on the basis of defending their imwould corresthe CEGEP students with the aim mediate interests, pond to the needs of the students at of further restricting university admissions. With fewer students the present time. -Only three CEGEP’s expressed disagreement. eligible for university, budget cutThese individuals eventually backs are more easily imposed. split from the Quebec student Therefore, in October, CEGEP movement. Why? They opposed students throughout the province the economic demandsof the stuIn the autumn term of 1974-75, , walked out and held study sessions dents and were against real defence the Quebec CEGEP students (the ,to protest the measure which wouldfurther restrict university access to organizations. Ontario system of Community Colleges is roughly equivalent to the the sons and daughters of the working class’ since most CEGEP stuFor the majority of CEGEP’s, CEGEP) waged a strenuous strugdents come from the same class unity was essential against the atgle against the policies of the background; the working class or tempts of the capitalist class to shift Quebec department of education, whose the brunt of the economic burden particularly on the question of the lower petite bourgeoisie loans and bursaries system. This members are increasingly- _ becoming onto the backs of students. In struggle was solidified by an unprepart of the working class. November, many students were 29 put in untenable positions by decedented wave1 of strikes, course Representativesfrom boycotts, occupations and deGEGEP’s attended a congress on lays and refusals in the granting of NOV. 7 during’which the delegates loans and bursaries by the dept. of monstrations. In the course of this struggle, the students took a big became aware of the necessity to education, and by the reduction of step forward by beginning to set up organise on a national scale to be the average amount of these allocaable to effectively counter govern- - tions. Literally hundreds of stua national organization of Quebec ment attacks. They decided that students for the defence of their dents had been forced to abandon immediate interests. * nothing less than a genuine Natheir studies. / / The following article written by Marlene Webber proffers a brief account of the recent Quebec community college student protest against provTncia/ handling of thh loan and bursary system. Webber fee/s the Quebec struggle is relevant for University of Waterloo students trying fo counter the recent provincial cutbacks
LARGE PIZZA for the pr,ice of a medium pizza
103 King St. North 685-6060
Mtl!! Caea*Mbt mm
Federatidn of Students Presidential ,Candidates Forum . come’ listen to,’ and I speak with-
and John Shortall Monday, February 3 11:30-12:30: Environmental Studies \ Coffee Shop Monday, February 3 1 :OO-2:30 - -Math Bldg. 3rd Floor LoungeTuesday, February 4 1 :OO-2:30 -Campus Centre Great Hall (this i _ forum will take place L following the question 7~ . period ‘on the 0.F.S.: I Referendum which begins at 1:00 p.m.) Tuesday, February 4, 11:30-l 2:30 Engineering E4 Lounge.
, ‘L ._.
Sparked on Nov. 18 by the such a way as to take account of regional disparities, and that the . CEGEP students of Rimouski (where more than 300 students had present system be decentralized (accepted with minimal condileft school for financial reasons), a tions). walk-out quickly spread through eastern Quebec. Meeting in a ConAmong all the demands put forand gress in Trois-Rivieres on Nov. 20, ward,. the most important, the delegates of 20 CEGEP’s voted the one which the congress was by an overwhelming majority to most set on, was the abolition of the give a call for a generalized walkparental contribution. The stuout beginning Nov. 25. dents refused to stop their walk- ’ On Nov. 26, 36 CEGEP’s, of outs and occupations as long as this which 33 had walked out, met in a demand was unmet. Finally, faced Congress in Quebec city and forwith the threat of severe intensifimulated demands for the dept. of cation of walk-outs, the governeducation. These demands were of ment capitulated. two types: 1) immediate improveThis demand was extremely imment of the untenable position portant and it was for this reason which then prevailed and which that the dept. of education was so was forcing more students to aban- . resistant. Those who need loans don their studies everyday; 2) inand bursaries are the) sons and depth changes in the loans and burdaughters of the working class and 1 saries system (especially the abolithe poorest sections of the petite tion of the parents’ contribution bourgeoisie, that is, the sections of and the reduction of the students’ the people who are most -fiercely contribution). A democratic and attacked by the attempts of the representative negotiating commitcapitalist class to make them bear tee was established. the burden of the economic crisis. For three weeks this powerful In fact, one of the means used by resistance movement grew to inthe capitalists to attackthese secvolve more than 100,000 students. tions was the increasing of the parDuring this periodnegotiations ents’ contibution in 1974, which went on with the government. The forced workers to pay even more 2 . students advanced nine demands: dearly for the education of their l Demand for the reopening of children. The abolition of this the loans application period bemeasure is a significant victory not ginning Dec. 1, for those stuonly for the student movement but dents who had made no applicaalso for the whole of the working tion knowing they would be class in its struggle against the shiftturned down (accepted by the ing of the economic burden onto its ,’ c government). back. l Demand for automatic grantThis struggle mobilized over ing of a loan of $500 to any stu100,000 students and included a dent who asked for one before demonstration in which more than Nov. 26,1974 (accepted in part). 3,000 students expressed their \ l Demand for the speeding up basic sentiments against the of the process of issuing loan government’s anti-student arbitcertificates (accepted with conrary and discriminatory measures. ditions). The students maintained that the l Demand .for automatic key issue facing them was and is the readmission without fees for task of breaking down the isolation / students who had abandoned from one another and centralizing their studies during the term for their efforts into one organization. financial reasons (accepted with This organization, to take up, as a conditions). first-step, the task of uniting all l Demand for complete paythose students who could be united ment of bursaries before Jan. 30, through their respective associa19,75 (government agreed to pay tions in local areas and in building half in January and the remainassociations wherever there are der in February). . none in order to wage an overall ’ struggle against the government. In addition the students made The struggles that the students long-term demands: are waging at this time and their l loan reimbursement only be desire to organize themselves into a required 6 months after the stubroad defence organization are in dent has found a permanent job themselves a unique event. Not (categorically refused) i since 1969 has such a movement l i Demand for abolition of the taken place in Quebec, nor on such parental contribution inthe Cal-. a large scale against the main culation of loans and bursaries enemy; that is, the government of for 1974-75 (eventually accepted Quebec and its anti-student meas, and extended to include 1976). ures. But what is more significant is l Demand for the reduction of that the students posed a crucial students’ contribution (agreed question: the building of their own to account for real student in:, defence organization in order to come in calculations). successfully wage struggles against l Demand that the allocation of their main enemy. loans and bursaries be made in 7marlene webber
’Chilean ‘exiles ’ ’ ’ seek assistance+ .-.
Barb ‘Innes
Students defeat $‘Qu,ebecgoiemm.ent ~
the chevron
Chilean exiles in the Toronto area have called upon Canadians to participate in a world-wide campaign to save the lives of Chilean sailors who refused to partake in the coup d’etat which overthrew the government of Chile’s president Salvador Allende. Over 100 sailors and civilians formerly employed by the navy have been ’ detained since August, 1973, one month before the Sept. 11’ coup. They were arrested when manifesting their opposition to the coup which was being openly discussed in the-Armed Forces weeks. before it occurred. Press reports at the time of their detention indicated that the detainees were subject to brutal tortures. No news was heard of them for over a year. However, in November, reports were received that the prisoners had been sent to trial and that prosecution was demanding the death penalty in * fifteen of the ca%es. All information pertaining to \the trials and their outcome has been kept - strictly secret. . Exiled, Chilean leaders speculate this is the case because of adverseworld public opinion which followed the death sentences handed out in similar Air Force trials last July. The campaign co-ordinators ask public organizations and concerned ’ individuals to send cables and letters to General August0 Pinochet,‘president of Chile, Edificio Niego Portales, Santiago,. Chile, calling for the release of sailors and civilians who have been tried for opposing the coup. For further information contact the Campaign in Solidarity with Chjilean Marines and Civilian Patriots, Box 6300, Station A, Toronto.
the chevron
friday, /
31, 1975
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Cinema. Solidarity
I ,
Guinea’s Freedom . 1 ‘.
Last Sunday a documentary film When General Antonio de was shown outlining the history Spinola signed in ‘as President of and day to /day activities of the the new republic of Portugal last PAIGC. Shot by a Swedish film April, removing the fascist regime crew right in the sub-tropical which had prevailed over that the film, country for the last four decades, _ forests of Guinea-Bissau called “Free The People of he might have reminisced a bit over focused on the the “good old days” back in Guinea-Bissau”, revolutionary activities of the, Guinea-Bissau. movement and showed the cereSuch a memory must be bitter. mony in the bush which last SepSpinola for years led the Portember proclaimed the nation’s in_ * tuguese in their frustrating colonial dependence. . war with the PAIGC-a guerrilaReactions by the western govbased liberation movement which ernments towards the republicjs has been active since 1960. Spmola’ beginning were of non-recognition after fouryears left Guinea-Bissau and from the western press-a few and returned with the realization raised eye,brow s. that Portugal’s colonial wars could “To Free The People of never be resolved militarily. Guinea-Bissau,” with dead PorPAIGC put Spinola and his colleagues through-the school of hard tuguese and downed enemy aircraft 1 knocks and they learned the lesson (courtesy of NATO) providing a revealing backdrop, showed in no r . well. That lesson, last April, transuncertain terms that this was no formed the Portuguese scene. Sort of the hand that turned the hand. mere operetta war.
the- chevron
The revolutionary struggle in looked for while certain parallels reflected the two variables essen- . Portugese Guinea began in earnest tial to making a revolutionary: con‘can be drawn with other resistance in September 1956, when six Afrisciousness of being oppressed and action such as in Vietnam and in cans fromed the African Indepena conviction that change is possiCuba, the PAIGC are confronted, dence Party of Guinea and the Cape ble. The Portuguese supplied the with a very different situation. Verde Islands (PAIGC). It sharformer and the PAIGC the latter. Compared with Guine, Vietnam pened after the Pidgigniti massacre and Cuba are industrially and techof August 1959, when fifty lives societies. In an independent Africa plagued nically advanced were lost as dockworkers were Moreover, the population of Cuba by neo-colonialist governments in- , forced back to work at gun point by capable of uniting and channeling is ten times, *and that of Vietnam police. By 1963 the PAIGC had fithe potential of the rural masses twenty times, the size of the popunally taken to armed resistance and lation of Guine. into productive aqtivity, the five years later it had liberated two Marxist ideology based ’ With these disadvantages at. PAIGC’s thirds of the country. When PAIGC hand the cadres back in the early on indigenous realities offers a declared its independence last Sep- ’ sixties established a framework good example of what is needed. in tember it had control of most of the X which political objectives, social country save the coastal towns and “To Save A Nation” was the objectives, remain always in comof the capital-Bissau. < mand of strategy. second. of a series of films put out / The film demonstrates well the by the Cinema of Solidarity. The This was captured well in the various strategies implemented by the People film with scenes shown of PAIGC , next film is “When the PAIGC to effectively challenge involvement in education, health Awake” ; an historical analysis into a colonial power far superior in the of Chilean services and economic matters in the political dynamics number of its, troops and in the the liberated zones. society, during the period of calibre of their equipment. Interviews taken with the variAllende’s government. The significance is often overous PAIGC members effectively doug ward .
Crystal Ba,ll con?.
page 2
From these areas IRPP’s researchers-social political scientists-will go onto both broader topics and specific problems, such as northern development, constitutional matters,> native peoples, and the administration of justice. Carrothers has previously suggested ‘that the role of organized labour and the concept of unionism in the future could be a focus of attention. There is also the issues surrounding public access to governmentheld information and “the question of just how much information on what subjects should or should not be provided”. Cart-others initial list of topics includes 22 items upon which, even when pared down; he does not expect IRPP to report upon until the end of the decade. --__ ~__~_ Prior, though, to launching into a meditation of extrapolated future . societies, IRPP has been conducting studies aimed at formulating its own modus operandi which has resulted in a now-published fourth generation research plan. Cari rothers expressed an underlying concern of the plan as being a need “for short-term relevance to decision-makers of long-term re, search questions selected by the institute.” While interested in maintaining “relevance”, IRPP does not see itself as an adjunct to government but as an independent entity both in L its operations and direction. Hoping to gain a position of influence within the nation from the calibre of its researchers, Carrothers sees IBPP as being able to look into subjects “politically inappropriate to handle” or too time-consuming. IRPP is to be financed from the income of a $30 million endowment being sought from the federal and . provincial governments and the private sector. Each of the three is being approached to contribute $10 million. The hope is that with an independent income IRPP will be , free from many constraints both’in . the selection of topics for research and in its proposed policy options. Critical questions remain to be answered if only by time about the . viability of IRPP. How much will the institute feel constrained to suggest policy options on a basis of what they think will be listened to and instead of what is necessarily needed? And given that IRPP’srole is to counsel those who for better or worse hold power within the society, ultimately for whose benefit are the options to be designed? \ l
the L;levron
31, 1975
, The following artic.le, reprinted from the December issue of Old Mole, by )on Rothschild explains how the combination of the economic and political crisis is a deadly _one for the lsraeli ruling c/ass. /-/e argues that the intensity of the economic disaster is obvious/y rooted in Isreal’s, character as a Zionist state-the enormous military budget and the economic isolation of the country from the neighbouring nations being the two clearest Zionist-determined causes of the crisis.
by Jon Rothschild The danger of a fifth Arab-Israeli war derives fundamentally from the political and -economic crisis npw racking Israeli society. Tel Aviv’s international isolation is virtually complete. This was demonstrated graphically by the recent United Nations vote (105 to 4, 20 abstentians) favouring recognition of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) followed by Arafat’s triumphant UN appearance. The political crisis of the Zionist state provoked by the “earthquake” of the October War (1973) and its aftermath have steadily deepened. Now, the economic crisis has provoked government measures whose effects on the Isi-aeli masses will be nothing short of catastrophic. On the morning of Nov. 10 the Israeli pound was devalued 42- per cent, one of the largest single currency devaluations‘in the recent history of capitalism. In addition, a series of measures were taken that the government deemed “necessary to the success of the devaluation”. The pgce of bread was doubled, the price of sugar @pled; th& price of cooking oil went from 1.05 to 2.60 Israeli pounds; the prices of water, gas, and electricity for home consumption increased by nearly 100 per cent. According to the government’s own statistics, the cost of living went up by 17 per cent in one day! And this in a country in which retail prices have already risen 34 per cent since January 1974 and in which the inflation rate could reach 50 per cent next year! A: if to leave .no doubt about where the government’s priorities lay, Prime Minister ‘Y’itzhak Rabin, also announced that the “defense” budget: which accounted for 17 per cent of the gross na-tional product before the October War, would increase to 33 ,per cent. Minister of finance Yehoshua Rabinovitz explained that the measures of “austerity” were essential for stopping the “hemorrhage” of currency. Israel’s balance of payments deficit for 1974 is expected to be more *an-$3.5 thousand million, three times what it was in 1972. Currency reserves have bee9 halved during the past”ten months (to $900 million) and the country is already $6 thousand million in debt. “If this hemorrhage had continued “, Rabinovitz said, “in’ six months our econo’mp would have suffered terrible upheavals, and we would have had 100,000 immediate aim”, unemployed. ” “The commented the Nov. 16 issue of the Btitish -weekly The Economist, “is to improve . Israel’s balance of payments by $700 million a year, by a sharp cut in private consumption of some $1 billion (milliard) a year. Although special taxes have been
-Crisi.sin Israel
Visions of sugarplums
slapped on banks and insurance companies, and capital gains tax is -being increased to 50 per cent, it is the wage-earner and housewife who will feel the new austerity most.” Under tliese circumstances, the declaiation of the devaluation and the austerity measures were so universally detested that even the Hititadrut, the so-called tradeunion that is actual1y.a pillar of the s_tate apparatus, ‘felt obliged to issue a protest. Workers from the Hatikvah quarter-the worst slum in Tell Aviv, inhabited mostly by Sephardic Jewsacted more directly. They took to the streets, stoning buses and stopping traffic. Later, about 300 workers from the same neighboul’hood attacked I police guarding stores and broke into several stores, carrying off whatever they could get. A battle with the riot police took place: about thirty people were reported arrested. The Nov. 12 Le Mode report?d that strikes took place in several factoees to protest the austerity measures. /
Isreal: no normal bourgeois state XThe combination of the economic and . political crisis is a deadly one for the Israeli ruling class.. The intensity of the econon$c disaster is obviously rooted in Israel’s character as a Zionist state-the enormous military budget and the economic isolation
from the neighbouring countries being the two clearest Zionist-determined causes of the crisis. It is becoming increasingly difficult for the ru$ing class to stifle opposition to the government’s’ various economi‘c measures on the grounds that national unity against the Arab aggressors must be preserved. , The most obvious solution to the crisis would be for the United States to bail Israel out of its economic difficulties. In exchange, Washington would require political co’ncessions from the Isreali regime, possibly including recognition of the PLO as a negotiating pafiner in one form or another, due regard being given to Tel Aviv’s need for a. face-saving formula. (Negotiations between Israel and a “united” Arab delegation including members of the PLO might be such a formula). Ove? the long term, Washington could point out to Tel Aviv, a general settlement of the conflict in the region with the establishment of a Palestinian mini-state could allow Isreal to reduce its defence budget vastly.. This could go. a long way toward easing both the political and economic ,_ crisis. This sort of solution .is clearly the one desired by US imperialism which still has to rely on Israe\ as its most reliable ‘gendarme in the Atab East and has no desire to see its junior partner suffer economic collapse. It is also a solution that could look very attractive to wide sectors of the Israeli
ruling class. In fact, if Israel were a normal bourgeois state,-it would be safe to predict with certainty that this solution would be adopted. The problem is that Israel is not a normal bourgeois state. It is a bourgeois state, but . it is also a Zionist state. That is, it is a.state devoted to the project of “ingathering” all the world’s Jews, a state that has ingathered in its current population on the basis of dislocation of the-Palestinian Arabs and can preserve its existence as ari exclusively Jewish state solely on the basis of maintaining hegemony over the Arab , East. Fey seven years the Isfaeli govemment has insisted on the inalienable right of Jews to keep control of the West Bank; it has defended Jewish colonization of the West Bank bn the-grounds that the entire country was established through colonization (which is true). .It has always been a cardinal point of official Zionist policy and ideology that there was no such thing as aPalestinian people (only “Arab refugees”) and that the entire Palestinian movement (in whatever form and under whatever program and leaqership) was nothing but a oand of bloodthirsty gangsters impervidus to human reason. . The Zionists have created such a chauvinist hysteria against the PLO in particular and the Palestinians in general that the government itself is now a prisoner of this. Additionally, a substantial sector of the Israeli ruling class, including a,good number of leading generals, is prepared to take any measure necessary to block the developing negotiation process. These settors personified by the maniacal General Ariel Sharon and-supported by leading I party figures such as Moshe Dayan, dream of returning to the swaggering arrogance of 1967-1973 by unleashing yet another blitzkrieg against the Arab states. They reason that if such a war were launched, US imperialism would h;tve rio choice but to accept the fait accompli and b&k up Israel with ati the weapons it would need. ._ And they are probably right. -The immediate danger derives from this: The peculiarities of the Zionist state are such that the combination of economic and political crisis, international diplomatic isolation, and the conjunctu,rally favorable military relationship of forces could lead a decisive sector of the Isreali ruling class to reject Yassir-.Arafat’%s olive branch and Henry Kissinger’s charm and opt instead for yet another lightning war of aggression. It is hardly necessary to dwell on the threats involved in such anaction. The Arab East today stands not merely at a cross-roads but on a razor’s edge. The alternative to a new conflagration appears to be a historic attempt to impose the “peaceful solution”, which means American imperialist hegemony and the crushing of the vanguard of the Arab revolution. On ’ the other hand,.the bankruptcy of Zionism , and the Arab ruling classes was neve?more crying. The attempts to impose the “peaceful solution” willbe met by increasing opposition among the Arab masses as the real dharacter of that solution becomes more clear. The choice facing the Israeli- _ Jewish workers-economic catastrophe and perpetual warfare or a break with’ . Zionism and integration into the revolutionary struggle of the Arab world-is being posed ever mo,re sharply.
_ by Jim Harding Sinke the initial impact of the women’s movement in the late 60’s I have noticed a new imbalance in my and other men’s lives. Whereas more women seem to be maintaining and extending their intimacies with both men and women, men are mostly being left without such continuity. ’ It is instructive to look at this new’imbalante, to see the new sexual contradictions that can’ surface as we try to undo our - socialization within the bourgeois culture. Part of this imbalance can be explained by surveying the relative advantages and disadvaritages for men arid women, as the patriarchsll perceptions of the nuclear family \ within state capitalism begin to break down. These advantages and disadvantages, as we shall see, are hkavily laden with ideological remnants of bourgeois socialrelations. The single male, ,-for 1example, faced with the shrinking prospect -of stabilizing his existence in the roles of the nuclear family, and without a cultural alternative, can look despairingly upon the new freedoms of the women. (Married men, who imagine or fantasize their little kingdom crashing dhwn, obviously also look anxiously upon the new freedoms of women). This has partly to do with the loss of the paterr& role and the chance to be the defin& and provider, but it also has to do with the more fundamental loss of the chance to hav9 children-given that no alternative sQcia1 form to fulfil1 this need has yet been developed. But it also has to do with the relative sexual advantages that many single women have over most single men. Women do not centre in on a single man the way that men centre in upon single women. As such, the single male not only faces the loss of his socialized identity within the nuclear’family; if he can not or does not tiant to ac‘tively “compete” for a woman’s companionship he faces the chance of being utterly alone. Many worned. also face this predicament, but there is usually an imbalance in the way it is described in the women’s liberatio& literature.
,SextA ’ . coiWadictiolw,e 70’s . -._-
have and still do look to women for emotional confidence. This is so deeply rooted
Demystifying the Oedipal complex
This same imbalance brought about by the ending .of the monopoly of patriarchal sex roles without the disappearance of many of the complementary habits and stereotypes, can also be explained by looking at our sexual identifications as children. This has something to do with the so-called Oedipal complex, though the neo, Freudians in the American empire have successfully obscured the issue with their dogmas. The woman, as mother, does not cmpose the diffe‘rentiation of “male” and “female” with anything like the intensity that the .father (in the nuclear family under state capitalism) does. Both of us, male_and female, come from the female body (and the male body, but in a less obvious way ahd on a far different timescale). So, in a sense, we are more children than males or ~ females to our mothers. Under the present cultural and economic system, whether-we are a-boy or a girl, we learn our dominant sexual modes in relation to our fathers. But this sexual differentiation has different implicatiotis for the male and female. The little girl, for example, does not have to suppress her erotic relationship with her father nearly as.much or so early as the little boy does with his mother. ‘The little girl can imitate her _ mother and even flirt with her father, oz other older men, whereas the little boy will imitate his father in many non-erotic ways but usually doesn’t dare compete. with him for, or interfere with, the affection of the mother. -a This starts the small girl off in a different
or female, whose experience is being, evaluated, can ultimately get Very confusing. For example, a man (or woman) who is relatively popular and attractive, acco’rding to existing norms, may not be able to identify with the large number of men (or women) who are npt in the centre of the, “sexual marketplace.” The very fact that men still rely upon women Ifor emotional qonfidence and the added fact that a relatively small number of men try to monopolize the “sexual marketplace” means that a large number of men are left to each other, or Alone, in either case without deep communication. This structural relationship goes a ,long way in explaining the tendency of me’n in groups towards infantile and chauvinistic behaviour. If deprived of the chance for emotionally satisfying relationship& we are prone to sublimate our energy into Superficial roles, at home and work, and then to “let go” every once and a while. Also, the latent hostility many men feel for women, who they do not know how to get close to, or to other men who may undercut‘ their chances of doing this, is the source of a great amount of the male’s drive for power and control. What I am saying can, perhaps, be clarified by making an analogy betwe?n women and men. It is common to hear women complain that they have relied , more upon men than other women for intdllectual stimulation, though this has definitely changed with the growth of the women’s movement. This imbalance has obviously been Gery costly for women. An opposing tendency, also linked to our childhood identifications with our parents, has been very costly for men. In much the same way that women have looked to men for intellectual stimulation in the past, men
relation, with some definite advantages to both the mother and father. She can, potentially be affectionate with both pare-nts whereas the boy not only greatly suppresses his earlier intimacy with his mother buit ends up relating to his father in a guarded, distant manner. This socializatign, highly dependent upon the division of labour under: capitalism (home, work; manual, mental; biology, technology, etc.) establishes the emotional foundation for many of our later social roIes and relationships.\ As such, it is far more resistant to change than are the actual roles themselves. This emoc tional basis of sex roles is actually what cements the social relations around sexuality and therefore an affront on the roles can easily turn into a purely id$ological and rhetotical critique, vyithout leading to a basic change of behaviour. This partly explains why, with the breakdown of some of the sexual stereotypes of this soqiety, we find new sexual contradictions appearing. Because these are B new basis for new polarizations between male and female, and becausethese contradictions should never be allowed to become antagonistic to the point of ‘shifting. attention away from the more fundamental contradictions of power and weajth between classes, we need-to both quickly come to grips with this problem. The fact that we both have learned to differentiate our sex main&in r&&on toour fathers makes-it harder for males to estab-
lish non;sexist relationships with botl women and men. We are more atuned to the cues of sexual pifferentiation, and,- as such, are less able to see the potential for mutuality with’both other men and women. To the extent that we remain competitive, we will relate superficially and likely aggressively ‘and defensively to other men! and women. Through our positive identifi‘cation with our father we may even have come to non-identify-with our mothers and the female in us. Through our father’s eye5 we may even see women mostly, even il ulteriorly,as wives and mothers of OUI children, and other men as threats to thi! system of personal control. Because of the over-riding presence o4 the male ego (competitive, aggressive, in, tellectualized) we will find it easier to relate to other women at an emotional leGe1 (if wt .’ even express this aspect of ourselves) thar. to other men. Hence the basis for women maintaining and extending their friendships with both men and women, while men have difficulty being mutual with both but are .more, prone to be intimate with women,
The emotional intellectual split Ariy attempt to make sense of the rela, tive effects of sexuaj relations, depending upon ‘the family from and the per&n, mali
in the social relations of the society t!at there is even a grand mythology about it (e.g. the woman who the man confides in becomes the “other woman” in a sexual triangle). ’ c Men don’t confide in each other very much or very often, and there has been little change in this regards since the 60’s. Women are therefore becoming conversant, both emotionally and intellectually, with men while men are still deprived of such a balanced relationship with men themselves. Now that sisterhood has given I more women an independence from men regarding intellectual (though not yet technological) activities, they are potentially conversag,. both emotionally and intellectually, with both men and women. Men are not conversant, both eniotionally and intellectually , with either. This imbalance seems to create the conditions for its continuance’, unless, that is, men consciously act to overcome it: With men not being socialized to be intimate with tpeir fathers or their sons, or other men, we are often left to ourselves, especially when the going gets rough. B-ecause to be “male” in this culture is to be selfreliant we are further encapsulated in the individual confusion that can result from the new sexual cbntradictions we will f&e through the 70’s. This preliminary analysis shows why many of the leadership initiatives on the cultural front cati and have been taken by women. It also shows that men have a need and the collective basis to form an emotional and political brotherhobd in sharp contrast to the superficial and chauvinistic solidarities of men in groups. I hope thk chevron is wiling to carry a discussioth of male sexuality in future issues. Any takers? If the great bulk of responses are from women, this will regrett.atily, tend to coMirm my analysis even further.
- ASday,
tant,bn this campui. We see right now that s&dents for the most p&t are apathetic. Their concern with issues is almost no&existerit: I think the majority of ? sttidents don’t know what these are and thev-aren’t able to find-out about the& Thky don’t h&e any idea what the provincial government’s priorities are as far as educati.on is concerned. They don’t feel that there &any great need to involve th&hselves in anything that is going on outside thkir-own community. I think this is ‘basically a.problem. They don’t .I kriow anything about the& problems * So I certainly What made you de&de-to ruh for the presix,e-r Zrnrrrrd consjder entertainment -very ~11~~1 tant. We ‘now . . dent of ttie Federati’on of Qtudents? ’ have a permanent pub g+lg, ..-xv. .w1- “-**c concerts that -I-.’ have always been successftil in the past i-we have $@n Sho+all-Will, as ‘you know I‘am currently federation flicks. We hayr-VC Q ,’ l-v,MQG Ilumber -n* of tintervice-president of the Federation of Students, and ‘tainme& activities and these- should certainly be ’ pr&tous to that I wgs involved in St. Jeromes stucontinued and promoted . At the same time, I think dent politics.. Ever‘since I have beer! on campus I that thlre is going to be aLslight shift from entertainhave been getting more and more involvedin student _ ment to education, as far as the budget is concerned. politics, gettirig to meet mdrti and more people,and This will I hope free up a-little m*dr& money within getting to look at more &nd more issues, so I decided, the budget once it gets l% ictioning, to run ti ‘few more oh about NoveFber, that &I was going 6c’ontinue educGtiona1 -endeavours. A science and technology to be involved in stude&politics, th&t I would have ;series f6t instance dr a :speaker for the Recreation to go-for a full-time position. I believe that I have an hssLld ‘Am.4 n ,F+h,:,,, -e-A .L.. T Association. l G3G hllU3 u1 r11111e;a a1c LllC understanding of what is going on on- campus aqd. ,Stud;ents’ areas I @ink where education should. beconFr ned can provide a valuable input but I can’t afford to let in and I would certainly put al- priority on the’m . my academic work slip*any’further, without goitig _ for a full-time position. . A/ I&e&It is very im&rtant that the educatiori of ‘the students-and the federat ion develop &se ties, ‘be- ,Barb-bee,I think the main reason for me running cause both of these area s are the main concerns in ’ for_the pr&i&nt Gf the federati6n ‘Is the cutbacks the students’ li%s. The federation-can help in the made by the government on students and univereducation process by all loting money to education j sities, agd I think that it is ve@ important-that stuaspects such as forums, speeches and -other things dents take a very strong stand’to fight’ the, govemthat can be brought onto campus which will Qelp in ment against the cutbacks imposed otithe univertheir educatioiial p/recess i. The students have a fedsities, and on their OSAP grants., I feel -that my /’ -. \ pos_ition in helping to organise the students to stand --have to spend on food. It,is going to affect the uni*up and fight for their rights is very important. Right versity campus in the areas-of its education in such now this is my main objective for running for presi’ as equipment, class size will increase and professors T dent of the federation. who have had wage cutbacks will either,leave to go to’another universjty or good professors won’t come How would you deseribe your own political ,into university. There is going to be a cutback ori position-not in ttje setlee -of partyteachers so that better teachers that may be coming .&ffil.iation-butxather your day to day oriend , out of university will not have a chance to find a‘job. , ‘+/ .t&n? ~’ Also studCnts who are attending university n& will :I s 1 . have a hard tinie getting a job in the teachiniprof<Sbe-s-Sin& I haire entered uriive&ity I have been sion in universities if this is what -they have beeIrl an aCtivist in the student movement. I pl_ayed a leadstriying for. At this time it is- very important that ,ing role in the I&A (Renison Acade-mic Assembly) studetits completely understand what has been hap- ste&ing committee, as well as being on the Federa-- pening with the provincial cutbacks and hoti it is tic% of Students douncil and an activ’e member in the affecting their e-veryday life, and in’ what inanner AIA (Anti-Imperialist Alliince). Politics enters they should do something about it. _ everybody’s life every day, and persqnally I feel that it-is very important< for ,myself to be involved, in Shor@-%er the past four years the provincial a\student life and politics around me; stiggles that government has been slowly letting inflation erode arise out of university and everyday life, a@ the the university budget. There have been increases ‘working class. I affiliate myself in” this manner so but they‘ have always been behind the rate of that I cah help and swgle towards a better univerinflation. I think &is is a very serious problem ind is sity atid a better society. starting td dribble dowp through the sys’tem. I think that next year will be the first year that we+ will feel Short&H-I suppose I would describe myself as an the effects of these-cutbacks, but the year after that evolutionary, rather thah a revolutionary. I believe is even-more im_portant than that. What is happening _ that the system FTists,snd especially in this cduntry_ is that th& provincial ,govemment is putting a lesser the system is impossible to destroy for the present priority on post-secondary education. They are findtime. I takeih&titude that t&C5 are a lot of things that the lobby groups, at the provincial level are to be -changed: but, the.y must be changed through - forcing them to spetid the@ money in other areas. negotiation and through education of the individual. ,Whereas the education sector, -for the n&t p-art, We won’t‘ achieve anything by taking ari extreme doesn’t have a chance to express es views. It-is easy - position, especially when you tie dealing with a ’ -for,the av’erage guy in society to say “look at these bureaudratic-admiiiistration. Extremes don’t fit into beautiful palaces; look at what the students get, they their general scheme of things. l&y attitude towards get everything paid-for”. I think “that is the general a political- pi-o&s is ,ope of a mitigated evolution. I public idea of what 3 student is. What has to happen will make every&tempt to educate’those peoi>le I isthZtt stu-dents have ta get together through the have to deal -with and the general phblic whether ,eration which has been formed for their in?erests and OntaridFederation of S&dents in co-opera&n with they are students or the.public in the butside comwhich should be uskd for this. Any concerns they the administration -at different universities and .the, munity, so they ,are aware and can make’ up their have should be brought to this b.ody. Y. own--mind abo,ut -issues. -1 have certaii ideas and faculty and staff associations, and describe to the _public exactly the way things *are at universities. whys that I wofild like to see things change, but at the what are your-fe&ings, if any; &ward the Describe the problems that students have with, the same time I attempt to let people take their Qwn -provincial go-veinments’ cutback in educaOntario Student Assistance Programme (OSAP). Inpolitical%ientation, and decide for themselves with flation-has really destroyedthe buybg power of the ’ the proper amount of input what their specific position over the last f&v years? -’ . money they are allotting us. We-should describe to tion\ will be on any specific issue. , I Innes-At this-moment, the government is shifting the public that thisisn’t ;I palace where everythihg is the burden of the economic crisis onto the back%of provided for us. It costs a lot of money to-maintain -Where do your priorities lie vis-a-vi& edutithe studetits. It 1%v&-y important that the students’ - and it will continue to cost that money. It is a matter r tion and student activities in thefederation? uniti and organize- to do something against these where we have to speak up ‘&d make ourselves cutbacks. It is affect& their everyday life iti areas . known, and unless we-can do this wewill continue to ShortaIl-B6th these areas are imp&ant, but I besuch as where they 1ive;and how\mu$ mo&y they decrease in provincial priority. i lieve education is becoming more and more impor, .. L_
31, 1975
’ Th js years ‘contest for federation president, has thus far ‘been rather ladkluster. The follbwing interview with the card’ II . ciates,‘Barb inix 2s ancl ’ johff ’ ’ Shortall, “’ ” WI// -I’ berhaps add so me insight into the can_ people make , $iciates, and perhaps,help a Choice as to the tj$e of leadership that =’ they vant in the coming year. II-~ J \ ; -. .
. _
How w&Id you descr car;npus at present? 1 should it be changed-i suppose that b! are trying to convey is the c “student apathy”‘. I would students on this campus wo apathetic. I’m not saying t apathetic but at the same t not interested in’ the nu& within the fedemtion, or the loo might be very interestec in the federation pfflce then fpe studerits are very apal ever, that the majority df s for one reason and one reasc a degree’. To get -a chance yocatibnal aspirations are. ShortalkT
be*n able to gr
people are-doing
what thev
ing if -they want it, and in c hoti to do it.
31, 1975
the chevron
photos by jim carter
Studen t&it8-
enemy-: drastically affected by the cutbacks, we won’t have an infirmary next year for instance. So I think that we are going to have to involve ourselves through senate and faculty councils and through the departmental groups to let the administration know what we feeI is important. I
Would vou like to see more influence, ex> I tendedto the, various student faculty . societies and church colleges in the federation so as to allow a grassroots-student input? think that the student faculties and the federation have a number of areas of common interest. AlI the faculty societies run social events. They run a number of educational endeavours and in this area I think the federation can be very helpful to them and they can be very heipful to the federation. We’re able to operate on a much larger budget base and we are able to fund them by co-sponsoring certain events that they wouldn’t be able to fund themselves and they havean input into that through the board of entertainment. They can get a piece of the co-sponsorship budget if they let their plans be known to the board chairperson. The same kind of situation although not as direct exists in education where the faculty society, if they \want to bring in a speaker or sponsor a forum or some kind of informational publication, can get money from the board of education. I don’t think that the federation could exist without the societies or that the societies could Shortall&
#he mood of the i it please you, TOW?
What’s your attitude toward administration and what would you like to advance?
lent mood-what we ntioned problem of :hat the majority of : described as being ajority of them are think that they are issues that people non or Radio Water’ we are sitting back asy tQ say yes, that . I do think, howts are at university ly , and that is to get )ecome what their hink that the mood mged for the past
ties-Again I am going to talk about the government cutbacks. At the present time,‘1 think that it is very important that the administration and the students together fight the cutbacks because they are both being affected, the administration. in the cutbacks of BIU’s and the students with the cutbacks of the OSAP grants, and at this time it is very important that the two get together and deal with this matter in every possible way that will help the students acquire the education that they have come here for. The administration can be very helpful in that aspect by fighting government cutbacks and uniting with the students so that all areas of the university are not affected. ,
mood is probably ted in their educa:ct their everyday s and social issues Id that all over. If is most important. is most important k that anyone can t to be changed, if he proper attitude how things should Id be changed to e to do the changso they-will know
the present UW student interest
$&or&The ’ present administratiori is similar to any other administration in an institution, they are a conservative group, they are concerned with maintaining the status quo, they have their own situation to be concerned about as well as the student situation. I do think we have a number of areas that we can work with the administration, the cutbacks as Barb mentioned is a big one, with their assistance,we can have a much stronger voice against the government but the second aspect of the cutbacks which is extremely important is how the university is distributing the load on various administrative services, the co-ordination department, counselling services, health services; these are all areas that are important and relate directly- to the student other than his academic situation, his classroom-situation. I think that unfortunately the budget cutbacks are being dispersed on a historical bas’is, that the budget :xist without the federation. I do believe that there is notbeing re-evaluated, but rather setting a priority are a number of areas that the federation must work that is. faculty and staff salaries and then everyone on its own and a-number of areas that the societies else gets the same amount of increase right across must work on their own. I wouldn’t classify it as a the board. This to me cannot be continued if we are . matter of extending influence from one to the other, going to maintain an acceptable level of service to but rather a co-operation, we’re all here for basically the student. Somewhere along the line the deans and -the same 1thing _..~ and-PIif we co-operate and work together -*:--vice’ president Bcademic are going to have to get we can oe more enecrive. together and set some academic priorities for this Innes-I think that at the present time the involveuniversity, and that is going to require some student input through senate and its boards. Somewhere ment of the various faculty societies andchurch colleges could be extended a little bit. By possibly along the line we are going to have todecide-the forming course unions in that they would bring university is going to have to decide-what priority areas such as health services and counselling ser-% another area into the federation so that students vices have. Right now those two areas are. being would have another body or place to go so that their 1*
interest in any particular area can be brought to the federation. Thefaculty societies as a whole has concerns over main faculties such as engineering, ‘by breaking it down ) into course unions the main interest of that course can be brought to faculty societies or to the federation, through the faculty societies, so that all areas are encompassed. The church colleges at this time tend to have the same position in the federation as the fact&y societies and are also very important in bringing things to the, federation since a large number of students do-attend courses atthe church colleges, not all courses but a lot of courses, and possibly this could be broken down so that an input can be put/in that area. At the present time the federation, or actually the faculty societies or all students for that’ matter know the resources they have with the federation and know they can go to the federation and ask for money in areas of education and entertainment. But to get to the main interest of each course there should be another body which deals mainly with that course so that it can move in their interest and bring that to the federation so that all areas are encompassed, not just / general areas. __ What tional loyed
are your feelings towards the educaprocesses at UW, the methods empand the end result?
hes-Under the current capitalist system, I don’t think that the educational process can be changed in any manner, the only way it can be changed is to have good professors, and sufficient time for students to be in contact with the professors. By tighting the cutbacks put out by the government the education here will not diminish, but by fighting and gaining the things thatstudents need that the educational process will raise up and the education at the present time will be on a higher standard. But I don’t think that at the present time we can change the educational process. ShortaMthink that for the-most part; we don’t have on this campus a consistent system of education, the different faculties, and even among differ_ent professors have a whole different attitude towards their own particular educational - process. n They may put on seminars and put the main emphasis on seminars, they may put the emphasis on essay work, on merely a passive lecture system, I think that what has to happen is that we make known to the students how the courses are taught and how the teachers teach them so that they can judge for themselves which is the most successful educational process for them. I think that if you pick any group of students certain students will like a particular -a-ppreach to education, so I think that if we want to talk about the methods employed and the resulting product of the educational process, we are trying to tell the students too much. I think that what we should do is get a campus wide course evaluation, in cooperation with the administration to draw out the kind of techniques being used by different professors and different departments to give them some kind of feedback on how the students feel they are doing and how the students feel they are putting their subjects across. What are your ing referendum?
on OFS and the upcom-
think that OFS is the most important student orgainzation tocome along and I would urge all students to vote to support the OFS. Remember it was the OFS that was primarily and almost totally responsible for the federation of students gaining control of the pubs. Short&-I
agree with John. A united front of all student bodies through OFS will provide the students, with a strong -voice against the government. Re-member, in unity there is strength. I would also strongly urge all students to support the referendum.
, 16
SF fhday,
the chevron
31, 1975
ecords Miles of Aisles Joni Mitchell Asylum Her latest double album.“Miles of Aisles” clearly defines why Joni Mitchell has already risen to being a superb musician performer and above all lyricist. This album will surely warm the hearts of all her fans since ‘it is her best album to date. Along with Joni’s spectacular voice, guitar and piano she is backed by Tom Scott and the L.A. Express who add their own special ,talents to the already terrific album. They add the native rhythms to “Carey” and provide the driving background for “Woodstock”. Tom Scott’s excellent performance with horns and woodwinds also tells us that Joni has changed somewhat. This change is for the better as far as this album is concerned. This is a live album along the lines of “Court and Spark” her previous album. However unlike some live albums “Miles of Aisles” remains in its proper perspective no frills only Joni at her best. This album sparkles with the class and excellence that only Joni can give it. Even in these days of rising prices “Miles of _ Aisles” is a terrific buy, as any Joni Mitchell fan will tell you. Listen to it yourself and see if you don’t agree that this is Joni at her best.
Sheer Queen. , Electra
\ ,
the Mothers, as on this album. Rising above his earlier madness, Zappa demonstrates his exclusive musical genius in guitar playing and makes this album into what prom- _ ises to be the best Mothers album of the 70’s. This is a double album set taken from a series of off the wall concerts. Roxy gives us Zappa and the Mothers at their best. Both musical and lyrical. Even at their best Zabpa and the Mothers are still themselves. The humor, dynamic instrumentals, tightness and overall What was probably the best concert tb come to the K-W area this season experienced a disapp6iintjng turnout on ’ craziness are still present. The ’ Saturday night. Those who were there, however, enjoyed a tight, coordinated performance, from both?the warmup album is mostly new decomposigroup, Myles and Lennie, and the headliners. tions, such as “Be-Bop Tango, ‘Perhaps the highlight of the evenipg was the violin solo by Gentle Giant’s Ray Shulman, who mixed technica/ Cheepniz and Village of the Sun”, excellence with a flair for the dramatic. with some rederanged oldies like Songs were performed from all of their albums, including one which was not released in Canada (In a G./ass “More Trouble Every Day”. Well House); Included were:funny ways; Mr./C/ass and Quality; Experience; So Sincere; Cogs in Cogs; and Valedictory. friends Zapped again..-A_ This was a concert which all the performers involved seemed fp enjoy dojng, and this feeling rubbed off on the -rick agmstrong audience, who went away satisfied. tim paulin
Books ;;ir. The
Themselves with
by Isaac
by Arthur
Isaac Asimov and Arthur’ d. The title of this album is a little Clarke have ‘for several decades misleading as far as fans of been among the most popular and “Queen” and “Queen II” are conconsistently readable writers in the cerned. The only Heart Attack you field of science fiction. Their two reget from this album is that you spent cent novels have probably reinyour money on something unlike forced the already large following Queens first two albums. This is a which they have gained over the new Queen with only slight resembyears. Lately Asimov and Clarke lance to the first two. It’s a mixed have not dominated the sf field with nearly so much as album, with the gutsy Queen style \ new writings rock of “Queen II” slipped in with they formerly did, mainly because ballads and even an Andrews Sisthey have been busily engaged ters style tune. There are no mamelsewhere. moth cuts like “March of the Black ’ Asimov is familiar to most readQueen” on “Queen II” all these cuts ers as the author of Fantastic Voyare short and immediate getting age. He has produced books on right to the point. Freddie Mercury is many other subjects; recently he back with his fantastic piano and completed his hundredth book, apwierd vocals adding that which only propriately entitled OPUS 100. The L he can give. Rodger Taylor subject of that book, of course, was screams his way through this album his previous ninety-nine- books. also but does it with his own special Clarke has spent much of his talent that makes Queen unique. time occupied with the- production Brian May after being ill for quite a of the movie ‘20@12:A Space Odyswhile comes back better than ever sey’ and the accompanying bestseland makes “DearFriend” a beautiling book. Both The Gods Thqmselves ful number. John Deacon also and Rendezvous with Rama are makes a great showing in his cut more or less heavily salted with sci“Misfire”, his first number ever on a entific theory. This is to be expected . Queen album. Queen is trying when one considers the backsomething new on this album and grounds of the two authors. Asimov its good, but lets hope they still keep is a former professor of biochemissome of their old style. This is a try. Clarke is a scientist and a very fantastic album, a must for all who knowledgeable amateur aslike Queen, even though nobody \ tronomer. Clarke’s novel, although played synthesizer. less original in its concepts than is Asimov’s, gives a strong display of ‘Racy and Elsewlwe Clarke’s abitivto make a pfawsibie Zq?paIMothers science fiction story interesting even t&those readers who have DiscReet only a vague understanding of the Upon hearing “R’oxy and Elsescientific framework upon which the where” I,realised I have never been exp0sed to ti’ musicaf expertise story is med. 6&&e puts &&h a new treatment of the ‘space ark’ as portrayed by Frank Zappa and
C. Clarke
actually due to some malevolent aliens who have found a way to destroy the earth via an obscure application of some of the laws ,of physics. Asimov gives’ a simple but fascinating description of the aliens’ cultural system which should be a delight to sociologists. Much of Asimov’s novel is set on the moon in the near future, after it has been colonized by -man. Asimov examines this setting from many perspectives, including those of environmental and biological engineering, economics and sociolWYHaving written books as diverse as physics texts and religious, guides>Asimov is as well qualified as is Clarke to provide the necessary detail to add realism to his story. -glen dewq I
idea in his story. Howevei, in this instance the treatment is not weighted down by details as it is with some other writers, and it is not as disastrously routine as the recently cancelled television series ‘Starlost’ was. A ‘space ark’ is the complex, self-c0ntaine.d type ’ of spaceship which would be required to carry life on interstellar journeys. In this book Clarke has envisioned the situation, which many scientists believe is extremely unlikely for one reason or another, in which such a vessel of unknown origin has entered the solar system. Man’s natural, but conflicting, reactions of scientific curiosity and hostility towards the unknown make the story which fol“Hello, my name. is Wanda June. lows completely possible and fully I am dead.” So begins the second act of Happy Birthday, Wanda entertaining. Rendezvous with Rama is an June a KurtVonnegut Jr. play to be impressive example of a story that presented February 12th - 15th at 8 flows smoothly and consistently p.m. in the Humanities Theatre. from beginning to end, as is charac- ’ This -Drama Group production is teristic of Clarke’s writings. being directed by Ian Campbell, a In contrast, The Gods Themfourth year Drama and Theatre Arts selves attempts to execute several student. Another fourth year stuinterconnected -plots simultanedent, J. Mark Kelman is designing ously, and it loses something in the the set and the lighting. process. The plot, which is rather Kelman and Campbell consiinvolved, rests upon certain natural l dered many other plays before delaws concerning nuclear decay, en- . tiding on Wanda June. The original tropy and conservation of momen-, concept was for a noon hour proturn. This makes the book very induction requiring a one act play. triguing to those who are students They looked at Under Milkwood, of the pure sciences, but not too After %lcGrit and The Lbver enlightening to others. among, others. When the evening A&now’s The Gods Theme s-l& was made avaitabk to them sehms is a three-part novel. It bethey expanded their thoughts to a gins with the accidental discovery full length play. After deciding on a of a process which closely resemmodern comedy, Tom Stoppard’s bles the long-sought perpetual moJumpers was a candidate for proti~machineAsthebo& proce&sduct+unt. Campbell sugmed Wanda June, Kelman read it, the it comes to light that the discovery is
Wanda June I
academic advisors accepted it arid the wheels were set in motion. -’ _ Conceptual meetings were held. Here Campbell and Kelman discussed philosophies of the play. Both said that this meeting was a place to air their primary reactions to the play. “The first time you read the piay,” stated Kelman, “is the most important. ” “That’s where all your ideas start.” This meeting also gives the director a chance to tell ’ the designer certain critical things he would like in the design; for example, the size of the acting area, how many levels. he would like-and other highly special techniques, that might be used.‘-The designer brings his preliminary sketches to this meeting and they are discussed. Now comes the most interesting ‘and perhaps the most difficult part-assembling a company. While Campbell holds auditions -for this nine character play there were fifty applicants-Kelman as technical director amasses a technical crew. This includes everyone from the stage manager (with direct0 r approval) to the master electrician, publicity crew, property builders and collectors, costume people, carpenters and a host of others. Both. people must take into consideration who is available \,and at what times, and how to use this time effectively. “What you have to remember” ,explained Campbell “is that despite the heavy work load, the production is a learning experience to be enjoyed by all involved .” While sets and props are being built and costumes gathered, the actors and the director rehearse. Here Campbell can express his views on Vonnegut and the play. 8 The actors discuss this with him and different interpretations are brought out. It% thesdirector’s job to keep all of these views concentrated into a unified goal. What. eventually happens is a coming together of all of this to what you see from the audience. And, if what has been done so far .ts any indication you’re in for a super show. The admission is only $1 .OO for students / and $1.50 for adults. So dig in to your wallets and be sure-you don’t miss x the production!! -I. waddin&a /
i friday,
31, 1975
17 -
the chevron
_ - - RCMP always gets its. unibn.~leader i -,’ An Unathorized History of the *RCMP ’ Lo&e and Caroline Brown James Lewis and Samuel, Toronto 1973 _Very little information has been revealed to the Canadian public regarding the super-secret activities of their federal vigilante, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). The impression that the force projects, or rather actively cultivates t through extensive public relations campaigns, creates an image of the Mounties as really just grownup boy scouts. To level criticism at the RCMP is to attack a Canadian institution, a symbol of Canadian democracy throughout the world; in fact, it is downright unpatriotic. ’ The RCMP is famous for its record for “giving every man of whatever race or colour a square deal.” (Just ask Louis Riel)
government’s pression.
The authors make it clear that in reality the force proved to-be just the opposite: “The NWMP were established as a semimilitary force designed to keep order on the prairies and to facilitate the transfer of most of the territory of the region from the Indian tribes to the federal government with a minimum of expense and bloodshed.”
’ Deserters
We find that discipline within the early force was a blot on the record as well. By the. end of the first two years over half of the original members had deserted. Abuse of office, internal mismanagement and the dissatisfaction oftheenlisted men resulted in virtual mutiny. Alcoholism, venereal disease and the sexual exploitation of Indian women were prevalent.
during the de.
RNWP Sent to Siberia
New‘ Perspectives
In this book, the Browns have offered Canadians a new perspective on a-revered Canadian organization, and have shattered the myth that so many hold to be true. “It has been written to put on record exactly those aspe’cts of the RCMP’s history that the official books have neglected”. It is probably the first book to do so, since almost all literature describing the force was-written by retired officers .or was subjected to the censorship of the commissioner prior to publication. The release of information is greatly inhibited by the harsh penalties imposed on members who make disclosures without first checking with the commissioner. Any problems of discipline or abuse of office are dealt with internally, effectively isolating the force from other branches of the government and -_ from the public as well. The force was officially established in 1873 as the North West Mounted Police (NWMP). It was militaristic in nature and was to be based on the Irish Constabulary used by Great Britain in controlling the - dissident Irish. Its alleged duties were to give the Indians and Metis a ‘ square deal’, and to maintain an impartially enforced . system of law guaranteeing equal rights to , all.
relief policies
The NWMP first made a big name for itself during the-construction of the CPR, when workers struck to protest wage cuts or the lack of promised wages altogether. The force was skillful in its role as strikebreaker and as a scab labour supply. It even operated the trains while thestrike was in effect. The government was obviously very pleased with these activities; in recognition of service to the empire, the name North West Mounted Police was changed to the Royal North West Mounted Police in 1904. The RCMP allied itself with businessmen against labour. This excellent book cites countless incidents of the RCMP provoking violence during numerous encounters with labour, including the Winnipeg General Strike in 1919 and the Bienfair Estavan strike in 1931. The smashing, of the Mine Workers Union of Canada is a particularly colourful event for the Mounties: “The miners and their wives, 250 in all, paraded to the mine where they were met by a large detachment of police and strike-breakers on a narrow ledge from which there was no escape. When the women formed themselves into a picket line, the police drove a. bulldozer into the 1 ._ gathering, breaking the limbs of several women. ’ ’ The RCMP was very important during the wars and in policing the depression as well. It kept a close eye on “socialists, pacifists and trade union activists who were actively opposed to the war”, or who were expressing dissatisfaction with the
During World War I the need for the RNWMP was thought to be diminishing, and there was talk of disbanding the force after the war. Policing would be left to the provinces and to the Dominion Police. A special squadron of RNWMP were sent to, Siberia in 1918 to fight against the communists during the Russian Civil War, and hundreds served in-the war as regulars. “What saved the RNWMP from abolition as a force was intense industrial and social unrest at the end of world war I. Events during this period caused great anxiety in business and governmental circles, and the Mounted Police assured their own future by making themselves invaluable to the economic and political elite of the day.” By 1920, the force had been built up to such a size that it absorbed the Dominion Police and became. the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, thereby enabling the force to extend its activities into the east as well. Previous to this union the RCMP operated chiefly in the west and the Dominion Police operated in the east. The authors point out that because it is the job of policemen in societies such as ours to “defend the status quo against its detractors, the leadersof the police forces usually develop apolitical psychology considerably to the right of society as a whole.” This analysis holds true in the case of the leaders of the RCMP. The following appeared in the RCMP Quarterly, written by Colonel C. E. Edgett in 1936 under the title “Peace, War and Communism’ ’ : “But there is this one essential dif. ference. Communists are out to destroy nationhood and patriotism by ’ ruthless violence-Fascists, or Nationalists, are out to preserve nationhood and patriotism by ruthless violence. There would be no Fascism had there not first come Communism.” “The time has come in Canada for every person to stand forth and be . counted as either for or against Communism. Tear the camouflage from the Red Beast-whether it be a religious camouflage or a tradeunion camouflage or a proletarian camouflage. Once the hideous form of the Beast is revealed for what it is, then I am confident that the great majority of Canadians will join in thenational cause against it, and will declare for , peace among themselves, instead of “’ - class - consciousness and class struggles and class - hatreds on , which the Beast thrives.” And if that is not enough to convince you, the Commissioner of the force, S.T. Wood, wrote “Tools for Treachery” in 1941: ?‘-Many may be surprised to hear that
it is not the Nazi nor the Fascist but the radical who constitutes our more troublesome problem.”
Jehovah’s Activists
“For instance it was largely due to lack of facts that some papers severely arraigned the Government for ’ interning ‘labour leaders’ when these were in reality Communist leaders; for persecuting religion in the guise of Jehovah’s -Witnesses when, in truth, these are active enemies of ; Christianity and democracy; for employing Gestapo methods through the police in investigating and seizing “harmless citizens”, when the . police had ample evidence that these citizens were plotting against the state.” During the sixties the Security and Intelligence (S&I) branch of the force began extending its activities as the peace movement gained strength and the grip of the Cold War slackened. Prime Minister Trudeau announced these intentions before the House of Commons-in 1969: “‘It is therefore the government’s in- b tention, with the full understanding of the RCMP, to insure that the Dir&torate of Security and Intelligence will grow and develop as a distinct and identifiable force . . . The security service, under the Commissioner of the RCMP, will be increas- ingly separate in structure and I civilian in nature. ’ ’ The attitude of the force regardikg students is evident in this,speech by C.W. Harvison in 1963: “University students are naturally - curious. At this age one finds% great deal of idealism and a strong sense of social morality. There are’ certain abuses in our system which the stur dent may think communism will cure, if he gets only one side of the picture . . .It is only those who have made a careful study of this problem, such as the various security services, that can differentiate between the radical or dissenter and the conspirator.” An Unauthorized History of the RCMP is a well-written, easy reading, concise and accurate history of the force. It is well researched and contains extensive footnotes listing the documents consulted. There can be little doubt as to the authenticity of the material presented in the book.
Real History It is an important -work for anyone interested in the real nistory of Canada and should be included m any suggested reading list for all Canadian history courses. In , the words of the force itself: “-The history -of the RCMP . . .wm also provide a unique opportunity for the-development of student-attitudes of respect for law and’order in our society.” -brian
P \
Scenes from a marriage -
Bergman’s latest film, Scenes now showing at the Varsity in .Toronto will probably make it to Kitchener-Waterlop within the next couple of years. So that you will be prepared for it, and in keeping a with. mour. policy of.. being . too many steps ahead 01 the game, the chevron hitch-hiked me to Toronto to review it. Scenes from a Marriage is a 3 hour Claus: trophobic film witkonly a few redeeming features. A compact dialogue; only two actors, Liv Ullmann and Erland Josephson; very few outside scenes and.much use of close-ups in small rooms; its not a film for those who fear confinement. The film- begins with the superficially happy marriage of a professional middle&ss couple. Johan, 42, appears confident and witty ; Marrienne ,3 5, reserved and un-sure of herself. Their life fit’s into a series of time slots. The alarm sends Marrienne off to her lawFrom A Marriage,
office<nd Johan to lecture at the polytechnit; there is always a social event to be attended, and weekends mu& be spent with their parents. Throughout this regulated ritual of life they {are evasive, never dealing with any real issues between themselves, such as their sex life, which is best not talked about according to Marrienne. - For Johan this life is not enough. He appears at the country cottage and over beer and cheese informs his wife that he is leaving for Paris in the morn’ with the 23 year old woman he’ loves. The couple part and the audience go for their popcorn. What little action there is in this film resumes1 with the two meeting after some .time apart. Marrienne is beginning to show a strength and consciousness which she lacked when they were together. Johan’s assurance is less strong. They
still have a love for each other, but though the time apart has been-painful for Marrienne, it has allowed her new freedoms. She now has lovers and has had time to think of herself. .-_I 5 She reads her diary to-Johan, who has fallen asleep and in a few minutes Bergman amply outlines the conditioning of woman. Marrienne now realises that from her earliest years so many of, her thoughts and feelings have been suppressed because they did not conform to predetermined standards . Hitherto she had only seen her life through Johan and now she is on the threshold of some freedom. Johan becomes weaker. Life without the . younger woman is not a success and many of the opinions and aspirations he had for himself have been dashed. The secure mar: ried life had meant more to him than he had realized. He is now not keen on divorce, but MarGenne has become too strong for any return to their-old relationship. -The end for them. and Beraman’s conelusion on love and ‘marriage,% that they
each marry again and settle for the excitement of occasional 24 hour elopements. Marienne’s husband has too much work and Johan’s wife is recovering’ in a rest home in Italy. The film deals with many issues: the conditioning of people into set roles; individual developments within a marriage; what part does sex play in a successful relationship. It takes a very cynical view of marriage and certainly portrays these two people as unable to find happiness in a nuptial bond. Marrienne is stronger. Johan has mellowed. Human relations are complex indeed. So -what’s new? The strength of this film is that it will hit - many of the middle minded middle class where they are most -vulnerable and perhaps ,force them to reappraise their life-style. But essentially it is a three hour film which ‘says nothing new. It was originally six hours when it was first shown on Swedish television. My advice is wait until they make a book of it and spare yourself _-the subtitles. -5aeH docherty
I [ I/ j ’ 7 ~ ’ ._ -
“Revolutionary Women” is a smkf./ pamphlet produced and published by “Children of Cod”, a Christian religious sect. The ap/ parent leader of this group uses the name Moses David. He is also the author of this pamphlet. “Revolutionary Women” shows women how ‘to act to please a man (in fact, one man-Moses David). Everything from clipped nails, black_ net stockings, sheer _ drapes, and clean, long hair are discussed. The art of seduction is explained-how to undress in front of one’s husband, langourlous poses, tit-bits (his word) of flesh exposed are sbme of the methods a “natural” woman uses to please men. When the woman reaches middle age, it is explained that her husband will go astray because he -needs new territory and has to express his curiosity. Women are to be used ,as tools for men’s needs and should expect to be be discarded when the man wishes it. References from the Bible are given t6 explain and justify this situation. The point of view expressed is hardly revolutionary; in fact, it is the antithesis of h uman liberation today. It presents wo^man as a plaything and t/oaks it in the “respectability” of a religion. To attack the article point by point would- occupy too much space. Below is an’ alteration of the pamphlet u’sing many of the phrases it presents. If you see this pamphlet, maybe you should read it for yourself before giving a donation to propagate this philosophy. L
-. --equipment as much as possible m order to accentuate its size, and actually make it look bigger. For the “larger” man, if you’ve got it, flaunt it. 4) Don’t show her everything all at once, boys, or all the time, or go, running around stark naked all the time as familiarity breeds contempt, and she may tire of the same monotonous sight of an unlimited expanse of bare flesh and knitty-gritty. This is the whole principle of the timehonoured profession of -strip teasing (please see “How To Undress In Front Of. Your Wife”). 7) You don’t have to let it all hang out to be handsome, just wrap it in an artful fashion so she’ll know it’s there. May we sugIn these days of increased awareness gest a florescent , multi-coloured codpiece, about <women and their roles and needs, it or the ever-popular woolly sock. is refreshing to see such a straightforward 8) Incidentally, even if you have a physiexample of how today’s “revolutionary affliction, you’re still at your most prowomen” can find, happiness. Unfortu- cal vocative “a la naturel” (foreskin intact). nately, there,‘is very little advice for those 9) If you’re one of those poor little potential ‘ ‘revolutionary men” among us. “stick” men like Mardian the eunuch, you _ Herewith, a brief selection of those things certainly don’t need such equipment to try guaranteed to help the male “children of to pad your existing assets with a false r , God”,/’ front. Most of us women would rather see 1) Those net sweatshirts accentuate the real thing no matter how small you are. every little curve of your chest. Any type of And part of being revolutionary’ is just to be net or mesh makes a man’s body you and nothing more or less. more provocative. 2) From a real woman’s point of view, 10) But this doesn’t mean you don’t have to wash your face and hair, and clean and the ideal man should wear clothes that entice her. The “smaller” man should wear stretch your foreskin once in a while. I’d tight knit pants ‘to reveal as much of his I rather see that sensuous stubble of a crew. ---r-
cut rather than that long straight hair down your back. You were born a la nature1 without, so why grow it no-w? There’s something about shaving your hair that really “does it” and turns us on,. 11) Swim in the altogether and really be natural. However, beware of crabs and snapping turtles. 14) Just remember in all these things the natural and normal ways are always the best, the happiest and most healthful-just I the way God made you!-and that’s really revolutionary. 15) Don’t forget, though, that total nud-’ ity is total crudity like those crotch shots. They’re just plain disgusting. But you, men, just have to have more than mere nudity. There must be something spiritual about you. Because women can get their belly full of full frontal shots everywhere today. _ __ _-- -- --19) I don’t see anything beautiful about those crotch shots with the men shoving it right up your nose. It’s nice to know it’s there when we need it, but I don’t think it’s the most beautiful part and I don’t like to be slapped in the face with it. 22) A little bit of clothing enhances a man’s physique and helps cover any part of his body that isn’t p&ticularly virile. Some parts of the body are more beautiful if they . pretend to be hidden, and you can only ‘occasionally catch a supposedly forbidden glimpse. Like a fly “accidentally” left open, or a hairy navel inadvertently bared.
24) It’s woman’s nature to explore virgin territory and thus to satisfy her inborn quest for fresh adventure. As the Bible says- “theyseek strange flesh”. About 50, percent of desire is just plain childish curiosity, wondering what his looks like, what his acts like, and what his response would be. 26) Real love is not merely physical, but is a spiritual thing. Clothes are of no par-. titular importance to me, simply *for the reason that I have always had contempt for people who put great stress on outward appearance. 27) Of course, I do examine the bodies of men, because I’m a woman and a man’s attributes are naturally appealing to me, *which is why God-made them that way and we would want to have them. Otherwise, sex for procreation would seem quite a chore, and just plain hard work. 31) Some couples have been known to enjoy sex nearly every month clean up into their 30’s and 40’s. 32) But with most men, the desire tapers off in middle age, causing many wives to go astray. There are obviously many womenwho desire it,because the Bible calls it the desire of women.
35) As Paul once said,* “they (people) seek a new thing.” Why should women put a constant strain on their old models when they could create an entirely new line with a new model, fresh and young, and with greater variety. 38) So He said “set not your affection on things below, but on things above.” z 44) So maybe that’s whats wrong with you. -You believe everything you read. I love you ! Love. - . by Brad Keeler, & Rica Handke
, /
31, 1975
Murray McLauchlan Sweeping The Spotlight s=m ‘$5.05
Columbia Away TN-18
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Goose Creek Symphony “Do Your Thing But Don’t Touch Mine”
Columbia KC-3291 8
Leonard Cohen New Skin for the Old Ceremony
Columbia KC-331 67
the chevron
Mick Ronson Play Don’t Worry -$x29-$5.05
R.C.A. l-0681
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. Van Morrison Veedon Fleece -$a9 $5.05
Genesis The Lamb lies Down On Broadway --$wM3$7.29
Moody Blues This is The
Ring0 Starr Goodnight Vienna lix??s$5;05
YES Relayer
W.E.A. SD-I 8122
Tues - Fri 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. Federation of Students Elections Feb 5 To Vote or -Not to Vote - Is the Name of the Song! Who is the Artist? First Correct Answer Wins a “Thee Record St&e” T-Shirt
W.E.A. 2SDS-401
London 12113
Apple SW-341 7
George Harrison Dark Horse $zd-a-$5.05
- BDS 5620
Apple SMAS-3418
It’ll Shine It Shines --!$?a-
Elton John Greatest Hits $x23$5.05
George Toledo -+?a-
M.C.A. -.. 21,28
Eldorado Eldorado
~ #$?a---
Valdy family $3%29-
Carlin Window
Little David LD 3003
Light -
Orchestra UA LA-339-G
A&M SP 9013
the’ chevron
31, 1975
We’re proud b announce our referrals for early pregnancy are now being sent to Metropolitan Detroit’s finest birth control center. It is a brand new facility designed specifically for the complete medical and emotional needs of women undertaking a pregnancy termination. Constructed according to the standards and guidetihes set fortti by the Michigan Department of Public Health, over 4000 square feet is devoted to patient comfort. Operating physicians are certified surgeons and OB hYN’s. With over 15 years in private practice. therare specialists in all phases of pregnancy interruption; Patients are welcomed in an atmosphere of music and sheer ‘elegance by a carefully selected, skilled and sympathetic staff. All information IS confidential There are no building signs. We’re especially proud of the sit-up recovery room. Being a patient’s last stop. she will be served soft drinks and a snack at cafe-style tables She’ll have a large mirrored vanity area with a marble make-up counter for last minute touch-up. feminrne toiletries. telephone service for a call home, and a private exit foyer to meet her escort. Procedure fees are low Pregnancy tests are free We invite you to call
AlostWon the Trail i Cariboo T his Week-End FELLOWSHIP (Rhytllm Funky
Feb. 3-9
& Blues Soul) -
,. .I
Roast beef dinner or rib dinner $2.00-anytime -. casual clothes, but no jeans please! at the Grand Hotel
Arts Lecture Bldg. Social Sciences Bldg. Eng.lV Math & Comp. (3rd floor) Phys. Act. (red north) ’ Chem;-Biol. Link Renison College _’ ’ St. Jerome’s College I only: Optometry Bldg.
12 Noon to Midnight
Dancing 9 to 1, Thursday - “HUNGRY FOUR” (Swing) ’ , l Friday - “GEIGERS COMBO” 6 Saturday - “BRASS ‘N’ BLUE” (Big Band Sound) Fully Licensed Monday to Saturday l
Admission .
( ) That the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, shall remain a member of the Ontario Federation of Students and that the Board .of Gover, nors of the University be requested to establish a compulsoryfee of $0.75 per term or $1 .50-per annum to be collected from each full-time undergraduate student by the University of-Waterloo, and that the fee be administered by the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo. If OFS ceases to exist; this fee shall be immediately deleted from the University incidental fees. ( ) That the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, cease to be a- member of the Ontario Federation of Students. /
Election Committee Federation of Students
Anyone i&rested in working at polling stations on Feb. 5 or Feb. 26 for $2.00 per hour please contact Helga Petz in the Federation of Students Office by 4:30 p.m. Mon. Feb. 3.
Sat. Nite Only
PHONE 66492223
and you will be
Monday to T-twrsdiy \/
NOTE: -Graduate Students will vote Kayfaculty at locations as listed above, tind’will vote for PRESIDENT ONLY. The wording of the referendum will be as follows asked to indicate your preference: /
Th&pol’ls will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. I.D. cards m’ust be presented to vote. Voting will be by faculti,es, with polling stations located in the main foyers of the following buildings: Arts 81 Integrated Studies: Environmental Studies: Engineering: Mathematics: ’ H.K.LS.: Science: (for Opt., see below) ’ i ’ Renison: St. Jerome’s: ,Optometry: special poll from , II:30 a.m. to I:30 p.m.
In beautiful Downtown Conestoga (Est. 1830)
will take place on
Graduation _Portwit Special 259 KING
’ ’ .
No. 1
2 - 8 x 10 mounted
Package $36.50
2 15 x 7 mounted 6 wallets
1 - 11 x 14 mounted $24.50. Each additional 11 x 14 mounted
No. 2
5 - 5 x 7 mounted
l- 8 x 10 mounted $14.50 Each additional 8 x 10 mounted
Package $32.50
$18.50 $9.50
1 - 5 ;; mounted $13.56 ’ ’ Each additional 5 x 7 mounted $8.50
No. 3
1 - 8 x 10 mounted
Pack@e $29.50
2 - 5 x 7 mounted 3 wallets ,
1 - 4 x 5 mounted $10.50 ’ Each additional 4 x 5 mounted $5.00 0 6 Wallets - $ 8.00 12 Wallets
31, 1975
the chevron
Pudigs iti:’ ’ first( _berth’
-photo by helen witruk The Spartans, University of Waterloo’s junior varsity basketball team are’ again playing p’relude games to the Warriors basketball games this year. Last Friday they defeated the Intramural All-stars 96-43. Tomorrow night they will be playing the Guelph junior varsity team just before the main WarriorGryphons game, at 8:15 pee eem.
team. At first half, Waterloo was down 10, and then made a speedy recovery to defeat the Guelph team by 7 points.‘ \ Assistant-coach Slowikowski believes that his teamlis very enthusiastic and thus progressive. “The boys all have a very edger attitude and are very willing to learn’ ’ . To have an excellent team you recquire the simultaneotis interactions of skill and qttitude. The Spartans do. If you come early again this Saturday for the Warrior‘ game against the Guelph Gryphons, you may catch the end of the Spartan ga?e as they battle the Guelph junior varsity team. The competition promises to be excellent, so why not take the extra time to support the Spartans: the team with poise, skill and potential for futur& Wgrri0r.s.
If you came early last Friday in order to get better seats for the ’ WaI’rior-Brock game, you probably saw a strange team wearing “Waterloo” shirts. These are the Spartaris and they are a junior varsity basketball team. The Spartans are coached by Court, Heinbuck, and assistant-coach, Richard Slowikowski. Their opponents on F&day were the Intramural All-stars. The result of the game was 96-43, in favour of the Spartans. The junior varsity teap is composed of first year students, who excelled in basketball in highschool. Rich Heemskerk from -helen witruk Kitchener Collegiate and Jeff Sampson and Randy Bauslaugh from Waterloo Collegaite, a/re examples of highly talented players, who last year competed in the Twin-City basketball finals and are all on the first string this year. Other starters are Dave Luethy, who can be acknowledged for-his The Athena curlers are certainly’ fine sense of the game, and Scott providing an impressive record. -Halpenny, a reak hustler on court. If you watch Rick Heemskerk in The Athenas have not lost a game in ‘the last three weekends. The action, you will undoubtedly witCurling Club in Waterness his tremendous ability to Glenbriar loo, Friday, Jan. 24th, Saw the ‘jump. Rick, an Ontario high-jump Athenas, skipped by Pat Munroe record-holder, can jump a height emerge’as the only three game winwhich exceeds his own height by nine inches. Jeff Sampson is a ner. The Athenas now advance to the Championship’ round Feb. smart player and Randy Baus15-,16th at the Ivanhoe Club in laugh, one of the tqllest on the London. The solid team effort over team, is very quick. Ted Darcie, the fullday proved to be better than who *also plays for the Warriors, the other teams could challenge. readily displays his excellent skills (vice-Gayle Bower, second-Dayle when playing with the Spartans. Bower, lead-Sheila Wile). Other members are Steve Hutton, Games scores: Jim Barclay, Ray Dyck and Bruce Waterloo over Guelph 5-4 Van Staalduinen. \ Last Wednesday the Spartans Waterloo over Guelph 12-2 Waterloo over Windsor 14-3 . played the Guelph junior varsity
The Warriors tdok over soletpossession of the first place in the Western Division last week with commanding victories over the Western Mustangs and the,Wilfrid ‘ Laurier Golden Hawks. The Warriors travelled to London last Thursday night to defeat the Mustangs on their own home territory by a 7-4 score. Western opened the scoring shortly after the first face off, netting a goal at the 16 second mark. Waterloo responded two minutes later on a marker by Harry Robock. The- Warriors had some difficulty organizini their play in this period and were unsuccessful in their powerplay attempts. Western took the lead halfway through the second period when one Mustang player profited from a broken stick to Warrior Mike Zettel to give him a clear shot on net. Warrior Ron Hawkshaw scored his first of two goals, when he stationed himself iff front of the Mustang net and made good a side pass from Mike Guimond, With 40 seconds remaining in the period, Western regained the lead on a g&al by Dave Edwards. The third period related a new story as the Warriors came on strong netting the’first of fo.ur consecutive goals at the 56 second mark, when Guimond tipped in Randy Stubel’s shot from the point. Stubel then netted one of his own on a slapshot from the point. Hawkshaw scored his second goal when he’ regained control of the puck he had intended for Guimond and fired it by Mustang goalie Chris Cathcart. Guimond accounted for the fourth Waterloo goal when he scored on Zettel’s rebound. Western managed one more before Warrior Lee Barnes ended the game with an unassisted goal when he skated through two Western defencemen with less than a minute remaining. Bob Hnatyk played a strong game for the Warriors, coming up with key saves where it counted, stopping 37 of 41 attempts. The Warriors second big win was over the Gqlden Hawks. This game was a necessary win for the Warriors who had lost two previous games this season to their in-town opponents. . /
Seven of the seventeen goals scored in this game were netted in the last ten minutes of the first period, four by the Golden Hawks and three by the Warriors. Connecting for the Warriors were Jeff Fielding, Mike Zettel and Bill Daub. Waterloo marksmen hetted the only three goals scored in the second period. Lee Barnes and Ron Hawkshaw each scored goals on an out of position Laurier goaltender while Bill Stinson’s goal was on a hard shot from the blue line, giving the Warriors a two goal lead going into the final period. An additional seven goals were scored in this frame with the Warriors rallying for five. Mike Guimond paced the Warriors with three and singles went to Eric Brubacher and Jeff Fielding (his second of the game). ’ With less than three minutes left, many brawls erupted leading to the eventual clearing of the benches. The ice surface was a maze of gloves and sticks as referees tried to regain contr’ol of the game, finally evicting several players from each team to their respective dressing rooms. ’ _-. The Warriors played the Blues-in Toronto Wednesday night, however results were unavailable at press time. Their only scheduled game for. this week will be played tonight when they host the Brock Badgers at 8 p.m. at the Barn. -4iskris
Athena biballers Last Saturday, the Basketball Athenas travelled- to Windsor to play the Lancerettes in what was an important game in the struggle for a play-off .position. The Athenas came off a five hour bus ride psychedsup and shooting well enough to run Windsor off the court and yet came out on the losing end of a 54-38 contest. Although disappointing, the game highlighted Waterloo’s aggressive play and showed a balance in scoring shared by Barb Bensonwith 9 points, Carla Organ with 8
points, and Kris Ashbury and Debbie Sadler each with 6 points. Debbie Sadler, newly acquired after Christmas, was a leader on the court as she pulled down 9 rebounds to provide a double threat on the boards with Barb, Benson who had 13 rebounds. The Athenas played Saturday’s game without veteran guard Vicki Szoke who had other commitments. This left the three rookie guards with an opportunity to gain’ experience and the result was promising. Coach Sally Kemc’s comments after the game were optimistic as she pointed out that techniques learned in practice began to work in a game situatuon. The Athena:s shooting percentage was a dismal 26 and will have to improve over the last four games of the regular sc_hedule for %terloo to gain that play-off position.
ski meet The University bf Waterloo hkld the Waterloo Invitational Ski Meet at Georgian Peaks on January 24. About 80 men and 45 women from Ontario Universities competed as teams and individuals in the race consisting of two giant slalom run& Many people hoped Waterloo’s Carolyne Oughten would steal the show by taking first place. Instead, she stole the show by blasting out of the starting gate and one of her ski bindings. Rike Wedding’s two good runs won h,er fourth place in the womens individual competition. Virginia Medley also finished both runs, leaving Waterloo with only two of the three fihishers necessary to place well in the women’s team-standings. Waterloo’s top seeded male, Eric Schneider, turned in the best . performance for .the men’s team. John Todd and Jeff Pearson both had respectable times in the first run and fell in the afternoon run. In spite of the four good results in the first run, binding problems and spills prevented a high team standing: Western won the women’s team competition. A strong men’s team from Queens narrowly beat their opponents from Carleton. Gatekeepers and racers collected in the bar after the race, apparently celebrating a well managed and enjoyable meet. -brute
Athena curlers
by rob burbank
The Warrior hockey team plays the Brock badgers tonight at the barn at 8.00 pee eern. Last Friday evening the warrior puckers defeated the WLU Golden Hawks by a score of 7 7-6. Last weeks hockey photo was also taken by Rob Burbank and not Helen Witruk. I
the chevron
’ . Ontario-Quebec, -Exchange IFdlowships.
Ontario-Quebec Exchange Fellowship Program -’ ’ Student Awards Branch Ministry of Colleges and Universities , Mowat Block, 8th Floor , Queen’s Park -Tordtito, Ontario M7A lC6 Telephone (416) 965-5241 ’ FOR APPLlCATlbNS I8 FEBRUARY .\ APPLY NOW! a
31, 1975
’ I
Seven fellowships, each with a vaiue of $7,500, are available to Ontario graduate students who wish to und-ertake full-time doctoral or post-doctoral studies at a unbersity in Quebec. ’ Students should be permanent residents of Ontario and must be entering their FIRST year of a program _-leading to a F!h.D.or the FIRST year of a program \in post-doctoral studies. * Applications and detailed- information are available from the Office of Graduate Studies of your university or from:-
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15,1975 .
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. Programme
Symposium of Afr@an- Peoples Pan-Africanism -, *\ -f ’
Symposium of African Peoples 1O:OO-l-O:30 Registration ’ 10:30-lo:35 Welcome Address L 10:35-l I:20 Negritude and the Aesthetics of Liberation ’ Prof. AT-O-York -I , University. -‘In AL I& _i - 116 /-. _ . CO.FFEE 1 \ 12:15-l :I 5 Seminars . (1) Womens Liberation-Is it necessary for the black woman? In -MLRm.311. ‘; (2) Modernisation-a hindrance to Pan Africanism. In ML Rm. 315. (3) Do Blacks need an ideology? In ML Rm. 334. ‘r(4) Black countries and’ ’ --snnnsnmd -r-m ‘--. --
. \--,
African Students Association Carihbean Students Associa#ion Federation of Students of the . ’ Universitv of Waierloo
- ’
non-Alignment. In ML Rm. 338 --(5) %racks and Immigration. In ML \ I Rm. 349. - ’ _ (6). Black Experience in K-W.- In \ 1-ML Rm. 345. ., . I ~ -LUlalC(-l 2:00-2:lO Introduction of Forum _ Panel 2:10-310 Forum Rm. 116 AL. Pan ’ Africanism ,is it a reality? ‘311 O-3145 Open discussion I COFFEE . 4:00-5:00- Pan-Africanism’ Rm. 116 I AL 5:OO-5:3O, Question period 5:30-5:35 Closing Remarks 8:OO-9:00 Cultural Show 9:00-2:00 Dinner and, Dance
Participants international Students Association African Liberation Support Movement Global Community Centre York University
Wilfrid Laurier Universrty ’, Guelph University Sir George Wi‘l liams University Univerqity of Windsor *
n-may, January
me cnevron
3 I, I Y 15
La /
Intramural interest increased
Ski day
Enter now for our intramural-ski day to be held Thursday, Feb. 6 at Chicopee. Entry forms are available at the receptionist’s desk in the PAC for $3.00 and must be picked up no, later than Friday, January 31. A bus will leave the Campus Centre at 12:2)0 p.m. and return at 590 p.m. Cost is 25 cents one way. There will be novice and experi: enced slalom races as well as recreational skiing.
Mixed badminton
A very successful mixed doubles badminton tourney was brought to a close last Wednesday evening as Judy Grant and Al McLelland defeated L. Vanderbent and Marc Davidson 5 - 1515 - 7 and 15 - 7 in the first match and 16 -‘14,15 - 12 in the second. Grant and McLelland were beset with Davidson’s as they had to struggle to beat Yvan and his partner Miss Reniers before facing Marc. Seed and Mundt are now champions of the “B” flight as they downed Martinson and Tarvainen 15 - 4, 10 - 15 and 15 - 8.
Fitness facts
To Be Held At ’ The University Of Waterloo Sponsored By I’
Caribbean Students Association I African Students Association
Saturday February 8th, 1975
IO a.m. - 6 p.m.
In Arts Lecture Hall
bra#ier h!7 $15
West Indian Club
Music By “W’ ’ AFRICA”
. ,
’ \
8:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. / expires
Feb. 7175
any Waterloo
: ,
6. No?th, Waterloo
$3.50 - single $6.00 - couple
Nautical news
The instructional swim program is underway and there are still some ‘openings: . Level 1 8:00-9:00 Mon. Level 2 7:00-800 Thurs. Level 2 8:00-9:00 Thurs. Level 3 7:00-8:00 Thurs. Come to the class and sign up or call Debi Young, Ext. 3532 or 885-1586. Senior AR will be .offered as a two night course. Sign up in the Intramural Office, Room 2040. It will be offered in February sometime. There are still a couple of open-. ings in the Kinder Swim-Gym on Thursday mornings also. Keep in shape-Swim!
Friday, Feb. 7th, l-975 - 7:30 p.m., A.L. 115 “Mark of the Hawk” Starring - Sidney Poitier “A Nation is Born” Story of Guinea Bissau *
there is a “B” league as well, divided into five divisions with the top two teams from each division plus the next two best records making the play-offs. The leagues got underway with a few of the old rivals meeting in battle. The first game of the season featured St. Paul’s College against St. Jerome’s “B” team with St. Paul’s coming out on top 3 to 2. The second game showed why Conrad Grebel are defending “B” Champions. They defeated Renison Rats 7 to 3. In other games of the premier night, Science defeated Optometry 4 to 0 and Lower Eng. tied the Iron Ringers two-all. This season could turn out to be one of the best that Intramurals has had.
1. Intramural Instructional fitness class: ‘Held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12~00 - 1:00 p.m., in Gym 3, PAC. Everyone is welcome. Come on out and start getting in shape! 2. Intramural weight training program: Now available in the Intramurals office, 2040, PAC. An Women’s Intramurals orientation session for 1men and In volleyball action V2 South women will be held Monday, Feb. the Renison “Rat-ettes” ant 3. An orientation session for ’ “Kin-Kuties” are all tied for the women only will be held at 1:00 lead in “A” league while poor olc p.m. in the Weight I Training and Vl South 5 is in the cellar with nc Exercise room, 2021, PAC. wins. My predictions have “KinKuties” and the Renison “Rat, Intramural puckers ettes” as the teams to beat. The Men’s Competitive Ice V2South leads league B and Vi Hockey leagues got underway on -East 1 leads league B2. Tuesday, Jan. 14, at Queensmount Arena. This term promises&o provide some very exciting hockey Ice Hockey with 35 teams involved (the largest Ice time is available for recrea. number of teams ever in Intramural tional womens’ hockey teams or Hockey) and the largest number of Friday afternoons at McCormick students in any of the intramural Arena. For further informatior sports. A new idea for the “A” contact Sally Kemp at Ext. 3533 ot league was devised where all ten Room 2050 in the PAC. teams involved would play in one league only with the top six making Ground hog ring road relay the play-of&Once again this term
The race itself has been moved ahead to Saturday, Feb, 1 from Sunday. Entry date is today and teams will assemble at 12:00 noon on Saturday in front of the Campus Centre.
Competitive Entry Dates Men’s Volleyball-Fri., Feb. 7 Men’s Curling-Wed., Feb. 5 Mixed Bowling-Wed., Feb. 5 English Squash-Fri., Feb-c-7 For further information cn eck the blue intramural news sheet or phone the intramural office at Ext. 3532, Room 2040, PAC. The II of W bowling club is span soring a mixed bowling toumamen at Waterloo lanes on February 8 a” 1:OO p.m. Teams consist of twc men and two women. Each tears! will bowl three games and there i:l no cost. The’team with the highesr total-pins will win the bowling club trophy. Entry date is February 5. Enter your team through the intramural office in the PAC. , I
Mathematics -
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Athena lv-ballers I victory /
Although Waterloo skiers didn’t fair too well, apparently a few of them got their hairpins didn’t finish the race, at /east they managed to get their boards on snow.
Warrior b,-bdlers undefe ated ,
in the flushes,
stubborn Mustang team. Western’s The Waterlob Warriors after them. The Warriors continued playing a heavy schedule the past their fast style of play and executed Wally Kurnew led all scorers with two weeks have still managed to many fast breaks. Art White was 32 points including 15 for 25 from remain undefeated in Canadian instrumental in setting up the fast the field. He had little support from his teammates and thus the Musplay and hold a 5-O record in league break in many instances. In the -games. The Warriors have played 4 next game watch for White when he tangs fell prey to the balanced scorpresented by the games in 9 days and have beaten leaps high in the air to haul down a ing attack Warrior’s offense. Robinson. some top contenders. After whipdefensive rebound and imping 5th ranked McMaster mediately fires a mid-air pass to the finished with 25 points and White outlet man who relays the pass to hit for 21. Other starters, ChamMarauders in Hamilton the Warriors travelled to Guelph a week either Robinson or Chambers bers, Briggs, and Schlote scored speeding down the court for the 15, 14 and 13 points respectively. ago Wednesday. The Warriors defeated the 1973-74 C.I.A.U. lay-up. Brock collapsed under the. The Warriors have two top conchampions in their home court by a tough Warrior defense indicated by tenders coming here this week. The Guelph Gryphons will engage in a score of 81-72 although the outtheir extremely low shooting percontest with Waterloo Saturday centage of 20 per cent in the first come of the game was always in half. McCrae freely substituted night and McMaster is coming to doubt. There was a total of 58 fouls town on Wednesday night. Both called in the game, forcing Art during the game and their lead kept increasing. Charlie Chambers playgame times are 815. White, Bill Robinson, Charlie ing his best game as a Warrior The Junior Varsity Warriors are Chambers and Phil Schlote out of the contest. Trevor -Briggs was the scored 23 points to lead all scorers. following in the Senior -Warrior His fired up aggressive style of play footsteps and also picked up 3 wins only starter who was around at the game’s end. When asked what the is a delight for any fan. Bill Robinover the past week. They defeated reason for so many fouls was, son again dazzled the hometown the Junior Varsity Guelph fans with 20 points and some fine Gryphons and an Intramural all star Coach Don McCrae refused to accuse the players or the referees but assists. Briggs and White contriteam. On Sunday they came up buted to the balanced scoring at- with a 73-66 victory over the Musnoted that he had “some strong tack scoring 16 and 15 points re- tangs Junior Varsity squad. They suspicions” as to the cause. The Warriors were up by 12 spectively. Ken Murray -and Jim will be preceding all Warrior games Nelligan scored 16 and 12 points for and will begin their contests at 6: 15. points at the half but this leadsoon the inferior Brock squad. Near the dwindled to 4. Strong bench -ky dick strength provided by Don Larman, end there were some comments of Phil Goggins and Jeff Scott spurred how boring the game had been. the Warriors on. Some consistent How anyone could have been free, throw shooting was also enbored is hard to understand. Alcouraging to Don McCrae. The though the score was a rout in . Warriors sank 29 for 35 from the Waterloo’s favour much good bascharity stripe accounting for some ketball was played. A more excitkey points throughout the game. ing backcourt combination than The Indoor Track & Field SeaRobinson hit for 22 to lead the WarChambers and Robinson will not be son for Ontario’s Universities riors and Trevor Briggs came on found in Canada. This coupled w&h commenced last Saturday at the strong with 16. Art White chipped Briggs’ hook shots, White’s re- York University Invitational held in with 15. Henry Vandenburg was bounding skills and Schlote’s fine at the South Industrial building at impressive for Guelph with 19 defensive work enables the fans to the CNE in Toronto. Five women - points and 15 rebounds. Allbe treated to some of the best basrepresented UW at the meet. Canadian Bob Sharpe sank 18 ketball in all aspects of the game. Joan Eddy Wenzel placed secpoints. ’ Last Sunday the Warriors travelond (55.9) in the 400 metres to led to London to tangle with the , On Friday the Brock University Brock’s Marg McGowen (55.2). Badgers invaded-the Warrior gym lowly Western Ontario Mustangs. They were in separate timed secand were blown off the court 96-60;. The Mustangs came up with a surtions. Liz Damman placed third The game was preceded by a’moprisingly strong effort but found (58.0) and Sandra Ford placed with ment of,silence in respect for Mike themselves on the short end of a a time of 68.0 seconds”. Moser. ‘For the remainder of the 100-78 score. The Warriors were Damman came a close second season only four starting members tired from their tough schedule and behind McGowen in the 50 metres. on the Warrior team will be introcame up “a little flat” as McCrae Although McGowen received a 6.2, duced before each game and plans put it but improved on themselves Damman received a much slower were announced about setting up in the second half. Don Larman time of 6.5. an annual Mike Moser benefit came up with some strong first half The last race of the day was the 4 game. This year’s benefit game will plays and Bill Robinson’s 19 points x 1 lap (4 x 200 metres) relay. Liz be against Mercey College from kept the team in the game. The Damman, .Joan ’ Wenzel, Jill Detroit on February 13. Mustangs were only down by 5, Richardson, and Sandra Ford The Warriors started fast and 43-38 at the ‘half. The Warriors handily won their timed section opened a 13-2 lead before the Bad- turned in a good second-half shootover Queen’s and came second gers had a chance to challenge ing 51% and put away with the overall to Western.
On Wednesday, the Athenas played the hosts of this weekends Challenge Cup II tournament-the team from Laurier. The Athenas swept the team right off the floor by’ defeating them 1510, 15-5 and 15- 1. The Waterloo team had ample time to think about placement of the ball in this match. Not only were the opponents slow in defensive play, but also offensive tactics -were so predictable, that the Athenas almost fell asleep while waiting for the ball.. -The Laurier team held a’ threatening lead at the beginning of the third game, ‘l-6 over the Athenas. That was probably the ’ most exciting event in that match. Later, a match against the team from Guelph was featured. Athenas once again controlled the ball and played a “smart” game. The first two games both resulted in a score of 15-5, for the Athenas. One would probably anticipate a third game with similar results, but on the contrary, the team from Guelph pulled their socks up and ’ lead with a score of 6-2 early in the game. The Athenas then got it together to make for a 8-7 lead. They held on to their lead steadfast, and finally killed the Guelph team with two of Sindy ,MacOvik’S super
diagonal spikes, another by Judy Rash, four knock-out serves by Roberta Awde and the winning point by Sir&y MacOvik, to conclude the game at 15-7. Last weekend the women travelled to Windsor. In the match against the Windsor University, the Athenas won three ‘games to one. In the match against Western, the women lost three games. Honourable mention must be given to the Athenas, for their efforts against Western. The competition was good and close. In one game, the Athenas had to succumb to the Western team by a score of 17-15.,-At a time like this, when that one serve didn’t make it over the net, the team can either make or break the game, and for the Athenas it was the latter. Good competition is predicted %,I for the Challenge Cup II tourna‘merit at Laurier University this afternoon and Saturday. Twelve Ontario teams will be participating. At the Challenge Cup I tournament in Guelph, last term, the Athenas defeated Queen’s in the finals after smashing York in the semi-finals. Queen’s defeated Western in the semis to face the Waterloo Athenas in the finals. -helen
Athena swim meet Last weekend the Athena’s hosted the most successful International Invitational Swim Meet ever. Three meet and pool records were broken, all by -Huddie Walsh of Cornell. Miss Walsh swam a 4: 14.8 to break the 400 freestyle record; 2: 13.8 to break the 200 Individual Medley record and 1:01.2 to break the 100 butterfly record. Team placings were Bowling Green University 43 1, Clarion State 289, Cornell 183, Ithica College 181, and University of Waterloo 125. The Waterloo team was the highest placed Canadian competitor. Waterloo swimmers placed in both the relay and individual events. The 200 yard medley relay consisting of Lee Frazer, Daphne McCulloch, Pat Gorazdowska and Cathy ,Adams placed 8th with a time of 2:10X Lee Fraser, Maida Murray, Elaine\ Keith/ and Marg
Murray combined to place 4th at‘ a time of 4:03.4 in the 400 freestyle ~ relay. Individual placings were as follows: Elaine Keith-3rd in 400 freestyle, 4:31.4, 5th in 200% yard freestyle ,’ 2:11.2; Marg Murray-5th in 100 yard backstroke, l:lO.O, 4th in 200 yard backstroke, 2:30.3,lOth in 400 yard freestyle, 4:44.5; Cathy Adams-8th in 400 Individual Medley, 5:34.5; Maida Murray-lth in 200 yard freestyle, 2:09.4, 4th in 100 yard butterfly, 1:05.8 and 2nd in the 400 yard, Individual Medley, 5:07.0; Lee Fraser-9th 50 freestyle, 27.5, and 10th in 100 freestyle ’ lLO1.5. The Athena’s have no swim meets until Feb. 7 when they face U of’T in a co-ed meet in Toronto. ‘The Warriors hosted Guelph here Wednesday night and are travelling south to compete against Oswego State and Alfred Tech this weekend.
Indoor track a TI
The International Womens swimming meet held last Friday-and Saturday provided a lot of good diving a’nd swimming competition, but due to the poor publicity about the event the spectator turnout was disappointingly low.
, Early in February 1973, University of Waterloo-(UW) president Burt Matthews mtiblished a special study committee on ,&unselling Services. The task of the committee was to review the counselling. operation, and make recommendations r to _ ‘the president. - -_ ,After eight weeks of receiving and re. viewing solicited and unsolicited reports, 4 . ..mterviewing various members of faculty and staff, and after many internal discus_ sions, the committee filed itsreport. ‘At the time of the report the student representa\ ’ tive on the committee wrote that “attempting-to separate fact <from fiction, personal -\ opinion from,.‘professional statement and I ’ tx$tig to ascertainexactly what was going; on made the committee’s task extremely“ a. - difficult. The- members ’ ‘limited background in the area and our method-of oper-. ation by no means allowed us to adequately _ deal-withal1 the considerations. One of the .questions th& the committee did not deal with was why we were-reviewing Counsel( ling. Services in the first place.” IIe .goes --on to say: -“‘The -report was short and ._ _ vague, representing as it did, the- diverse opinions held by the committeemembers. I-The poor quality of the report was a func-: -_ tion of a number of variables: G --The amount of time the committee -’ 1 ’ r had to investig$te: _ a JThe lack of funds re., for primary s;earch. / , -0 The lack of funds fortravel expenses -\ &t would have allowed the committee to visit, other campus operations. I’ i’ ‘O The limited knowledge of the- co<:. a . , n&tee. members.I l -_The quality’of the-submissions. i~ “a The sheer complexity and -enormity \_ ofthetask. _ ,. _ All of the above point to the fact that -UW \ , was not really ,interestedinthe.. committee . .- . report. An adequate review of the nids of students -and. the nature and -function of counselling oncampus was not within the intended sco& of the committee.” Although the report was inadequate in ’ many-respects anumber of valid recom‘~mendatiohs , based on recurrent themes, T ’ were brought. forward. The committeere_ -commended that - ._ ; I<Xx a) counselling be’continued; , ‘b),.at present, it not be increased; --, : 5) inter-liaison with other groups oncampus be developed; - cl) faculty members’ sense of the @erson al ‘dimension - in _teaching-be. i.I . T somehow enlarged; and -’ ’ e).that a bookletdescribing all the; - counselling agencies\ on campus , 5 . - be made available< to all students at a_ , I A&er the committee submitted its final rep@; Mat$hewq decided to unilatersfty . b-i
1 W?
personnel already-employed in the ‘Counselling Services, make arrangements to handle the- functions p’revi- ously in the?Foreign Students Offices -. (FSO) and -to outline those arrange-. I ments to-me by June 30, 1973. r(4) That thel Director of Counselling prepare a brief outlining the specific goals of central Counselling Services, programme by programme, over the next three years and clearly spell out the criteria by which the success or failure I of the central- Counselling Services sh-ould be judged. The above directives are included ip the present report because they express three interrelated and recurrent themes in the administration’s relationship to Counselling Services over the past few years. ,These are: ’ 1 a) Arbitrary and unilateral decisions on the part of the university administrad ,. tionf b) Indirect and direct budget cuts, and the ‘l$actice of Social LDarwinism. c) A low-profile organization caught in the mesh of university power politics having no channels of recourse and, in times of financial crisis, subject to drastic cutbacks.
The followirig article by Dave Rofiertspn: former Federation , of -Students vicepresi&t, presents a detailed historical account of the’ recent budget s/aS_hes in Counst$ling Services. /f the University of Wateiloo governors approves the uni- <L&V-board-of - versity d 975-76 budget, the culback in , Counselling Services will be $25,OO@ The , cutback prompted ‘by reduced provincial government spending will, ‘according- tb RobeftsorQ “set&e/y affect many students”. / _ - UW-senate endoisedJafi. 20 a,motion noting its “regret” over the drop in Counselling Ser4 vi& budget, aft& reading Robertson’s report. . -_ *: -8 _
- \ :by David Robertson’
Y“Free hand”-
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issue his own. In a three-page memo to the Director of ComsellingServices on May 14, 1973, Matthews states that, “because the report lacks detailed recommendations . . ;I believe it might be more pro-. ductive if-1 set out my current position and . . made certain‘requests~of you.‘.’ Y
The requests made by Matthew-s were quite substantial and-amounted to the reorganization- of Counselling, Services: They were: * . -_ 1* 31) ‘That no ft.&time appointments‘ or re- ’ , ‘placements other than short-term (4-6 months) be made in the Couhseldi~g $ervips*during the current fiscaLyear.
\ This will retain maximum flexibility to achieve new arrangements. (2) That the Director of Counselling Ser,vices and the deans of each faculty and theDirector of Health Services work together towardthe establishment of a counsellor as an integrai part ofthe faculty of Health Services and to select such a counsellor(s) from existing staff or elsewhere for such purpose, It must be clearly understood that these counsellors in each faculty in,Health /i Services are %n& to be in-add&ion to those already in the CounsellingSer*ices, , $3) That the Directorof Counsel.&;, p8G
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Since 1965 when the Counselling Services operation was established with a good deal of university support, tothe‘time that the Special Review Committee was struck, Counselling Services was given a “free hand” within the lim$s of its budget. -. Why all of a-sudden in 1973 did the univer- sity’administration begin to question it? It appears. that no matter how-we deal with 1the question lwe arrive back at the Giver/ sity modus operandi-money and its allo- cation. . In 1972-73 VW experienced for the-first time inits history budget freezes and cutbacks. A dictate from the government put a freeze on capital expenditures and furnish- j ings and at the same time_students tuition was increased by $100. The-university in responding to a possible crisis (a crisis that two yearslater is real) was looking around for ‘targets. A potential bull’s &ye was ’ found in the low- profile offered by Counsel-’ ling Services. -- Unfortunately, the university in times of budget restrictions does not review all of its operations with equal vigour. Certain allo- ’ cations remain committed and unquestioned.- Most notably that of salaries’ for administrators andtenured faculty. It is not , the intent of this report to question such ’ allocations; it is mentioned only to iliustrate that inasmuch as salaries comprise approximately 65 percent of the university c budget, then areas of possiblecutbacksare I limited. I -r Needless to say, one of these areas is Counselling Services. Budget cutbacks can take place in two ways-They can take the form of direct financial reduction andror they can take the ,form of static finances ’ over time coupled with increased service. The former method- means, that for less money equivalent or reduced services are expected. The-latter method, in times of, high inflation,- implies, that for less money more services -are expected. Counselling , services has been the target for both direct ’ and indirect budget1 cutbacks. ’ ’ ,’ L Matthews’memo of May 14,1973 states that, “the -total amount ‘of- money made available. to. support c~ounse1ing. services on campus will not increase during 197475.5’ The 1973/74 budget-of $laS,-OOO was to remain the saine for 1974/75.. \ Es-,/‘ -
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31, 1975
the chevron
timating inflation at that time to be about 12 percent, this means that Counselling Services budget was actually decreased by, $22,200. The next stage in Counselling Services budget cutbacks occurred in ‘December of . last year. On December 3, Bill Dick, Director of Counselling Services, received a telephone call from Pat Robetison, Director of Academic Services, informing.him to ex_pect bad news concerning his budget at the upcoming meeting of Academic Services heads on Dec.4. Bill Dick had a oneday warning that Counselling Services was in for more trouble. Not much time to prepare a defence. At the Dec.4 meeting, Counsellifig Services’ budget was cut by another $25,000, the third such cutback in two years, amounting to a/total and outrageous reduction (not including itiflation) of 30.5 percent. At t?le Counselling Sei-vices staff meeting of Dec. 17, Pat Robertson accounted for his decision by stating that in his opinion, Counselling Services was not high on the priorities rn terms of iniportant student services offered to the University. If future - university cutbacks are necessary, Counselling Services (they were told) could expect more of the same. ,
No defer&
What recourse does Counselling Services have to defend itself? The administrator responsible for the organization, the person who should represent Counselling Services budgetary interests to the University is the same person who is reduzing their budget. The facvlty on this campus has the faculty association to safeguard its interests; the staff has a staff association and the students have the Federation of Students. Counselling Services, however, is a low-profile organization whose sole purpose is to assist members of the univer, sity community in times of trouble. Its existence seems to depend on the good will of some university administrators. What does it mean not to be a priority’in terms of important, student services? What research has been conducted to back up such a claim? What criterion is employed in deciding which is the most important Co-ordination and Placement, servicethe Library or Counselling Services? ’ In 1966, the Committee of Presidents of Universities of Ontario wrote that “Experience has shown that academic problems cannot be separated from emotional problems. . .It is now widely recognized that the university must take responsibility for helping the student keep fit mentally as well as physically, so that he/she makes the _-most of his/her academic opportunities.” In 1968, the UW Ad Hoc Committee on Counselling Services chaired, by Provost W.G. Scott, wrote that “counselling-and advising functions must of necessity be carried on at all levels and in all branches of the university in order to meet the special problems which university students confront, a@ in order that the student’s university experience in his/her development as a person be complete.” In 1972, University Affairs carried an article in which a faculty committee in recommending the establishment of a Counselling Service w?ote that: “A counselling service in th& university is concerned with enabling the student to realize his/her full potelitial within the academic environment.” The article goes on to suggest that Counselling Services is therefore an integral part of the educational process. And in 1973, the Special Review Committee on Counselling Services at the Uni-
versity of Waterloo Counselling Services
recommended be continued.
Not a Luxury The Federation of Students agrees with the above statements from faculty, student and university administrators. We ;do not consider counselling to be a luxury service that can be disregarded in times of financial crisis. We do not conGder education-to be defined by classroom walls. Universities are places where people come to learn and therefore to change. For students it is a time for growth and development in more respects tHan what can be recorded on our transcripts. Many ofas don’t only learn here, we live here, we love here -and for some of us it is a time for.immenSe emotional, social and intellectual. problems. Unfortunately counselling for some students is.a matter of life and death. Compare, for example, UW’s low rate of suicide with the increasingly prevalent rate of suicide among Canada’s youth. The university’s contribution to these problems cannot be ignored, and its responsibility for attempting td solve these problems cannot be denied. Nor is counselling services a service that exists, to serve a small group of “sick” students. Research evidence indicates othenvise. Campbell (1965), for instance, has estimated that 49 percent of all students working towards a bachelor’s degree in the sciences, arts or literature, seek and receive counselling during their university careers. It has also been demonstrated that students who seek counselling are quite similar to those who do not. When differences are seen, they tend to indicate that seekers score higher on measures .of abilities, intelligence and imagination. A look at the UW Counselling Statistics for fhe year 1973/74 can only confirm the above point. a) Approximately 970 people (preddminantly students) obtained individual counselling. b) Approximately 125 students participated in the 15 grqups led by counselling staff. c) A total of 533 vocational interest tests were administered. d) Five hundred and fifty students participated \in the reading and academic skills classes. These figures do not include those students who were assisted through the International Students Office, nor those who made use of the career information centre. They do not include those students who were helped by Counselling Services assisted organizations such as Hi-Line or the Birth Control Service. Hi-Line, for example, between September 14, 1972 and January 3 1, 1973 \ had1 made 366 contacts and Birth Control within the same period had 1,406 contacts. The above figures also do not include those students seen by’ counsellors within faculty units and at health services. There can be no doubt that a high percentage of university students seek out the services offered by the Counselling Centre.
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Are students helped? The question can be’ raised: “Are students helped by counselli&g-does it make a difference?” The available research in regard to these questions, leads us to believe that there are definite positive , academic and vocational gtiins with counselling. Campbell (1965), for example, cites 21 positive outcome studies, out of a total.of 24. At the time of Counselling Services’ submission to the Special Study Commit-
tee it was demonstrated that out of the 54 studies conducted on the effectiveness of counselling in the university setting, 48 supcorted the notion ythat counselling facilitates academic development. Many studies have indicated that many students withdraw from university for psycho-social as opposed to strictly academic reasons; Miller (1968) at Oxford found that over half the undergraduates who missed a term or more did so because of some type of psychdlogical disturbance. Hirsch and Keniston’s (1970) study of talented Yale dropouts indicated that those students who withdrew did so for other than academic, disciplinary, or medical reasons. Other studies, investigating the interrelationship of academic problems and emotional :factor,s indicate that when emotional probletns exist they are of more importance than academic ability in affecting performance. (Farnsworth, 1966; Kohn and Levinson, 1965; Ryle and Lungh, . 1968). Counselling appears to aid these students who would leave university out of psychological distress. Volsky et al (1965) found that counselled students did much better academically as cOrnpared to students who had requested counselling but had not received it. Campbell (1965) found that the graduation rate for counselled students was 25 percent higher than for noncounselled students. He further indicated that the higher the degree, the greater the likelihood that counselling had been received along <the way. Faries (1955) reported 77 percent of counselled students graduated, compared with 51 percent for a matched sample of non-counselled. Shephard (1965) found 5 1 percent of counT selled and 37 percent of non-counselled graduated. Numerous other investigators report similar findings.
Likely to graduate Not only is the counselled student more likely #to graduate, she/he is also likely to improve academically (grade point average) and to receive more honours at gradu- -(
ationand in later life (i.e., academic awards’ and scholarships, athletic awards, patents, publications; etc.). Many studies have documented and demonstrated that counselling in general does facilitate scholarship (Abel, 1967; Chestnut, 1965; Ewing and Gilbert, 1967; Glofka et al, 1969; Heaps, 1970;. . .). It should be noted: th& the above findings only relate to academic’ matters; they do not mention the imprpvements in the student’s experience tif his/her everyday life at university and ‘in later years. Iti deciding whether or not a service should be maintained or curtailed it is first necessary to ascertain whether or not-if is useful and whether or not it is necessary. Considering the number of students who use Counselling Services, considering the _ scope and quality of Counselling Services programmes, and considering the above research findings, the Federation of Students can only conclude that Counselling Services is a necessary and vital service and that the budget cutback of 30.5 percent cannot be justified. What is the contrary evidence that would lead the Director of Academic Services to conclude that Counselling Services is not high on the priorities of important student services? The Federation of Students is only too well aware of the financial crisis that the university is in. It is our intention and our . hope that we can work together with the. university faculty, staff and administration in the search f& solutions and compromises. ‘However, we are also well ’ aware that in times of financial crisis the student is often the first to suffer the consequences. It is our fear that with the curtailment of student services and the in. creased student-teacher ratios, that the university will become more of a dehumanized institution and. that the,student in a time of crisis will have nowhere to.*go. The Federaion of Students considers Counselling Services to be a necessary and useful university student service. The resulting reduction in staff and programmes that will result from the budget cutback will severely affect many stiidents.
Member: Canadian university-press (CUP). The chevron is typeset by members of the workers union of dumont press grqphix (CNT,U) and published by the federation of students incorporated, university of waterloo. Content is the sole responsibility of the chevron editorial Staff. Offices are located in the campus centre; (519) 885-l 660, or university local 2331. / elections. . . incarcerations ... and robbie burns.. . that’s what’s new this week. . the elections are in full.. . whatever and next w&nesday is the day that most of the eligible voters on this campus will.. . . . fill in the blank. . on the ballot hopefully. . . if we use past elections as an indicator more than half of the voters will not vote and this is likely to happen again (we hope we’re wrong!). i. it just seems that students in the prime bf their social and academic life, who are supposed to be the leaders of tomorrow couldn’t really give a damn .about who or what governs them.. . if you think that’s sad you’re right! this may sound pretty cliche. . . but only you poor and lowly peons, yes ybu! cari do something about it.. . . . . and moving into less serious business. . . we are sorry that we missed robbie burns day- last Saturday. but gch man! we’tl try to remember ode-to a hoggis . . . .gnd if you think that’s a dramatio question arts should be encouraged you l
won’t want to miss FASS.. . live and on stage. . . a band of hopeless thespians will entertain and cajole you. and if that’s not funny enough you could come down to the chevron office and yatch us.. . ha! ha!. . .we would like to express our salutations, greetings, appreciations and also thanks to john morris (who?), number two this week michael gordon, our spiritual and moral _mainstay diane ritza, our one-and-only doug “psycho” . ward, luckless, poor, paranoid, and we got fhe right picture in this week bob burbank, shane roberts, neil docherty, randy hannigan ,, (who?), mike hollosy, ken o’brien, jim carter, liskris, stan guszka, helen witruk, ken dick, gedrge neeland dropped in to tell us that dennis mcgann is back into journalism in lovely b.c., lynn wadington (sorry about last week), brad keeler, helen sencza, rica handke, marlene webber, special thanks and gratitude to all you faithful readers especially you iner and to finish let me say this about that! so there. pr . . . . . .