
Page 1

Univers’ity of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 15, number 36 friday, march 21, 1975

*’ Inside


Feedback.....p.P ’ Mackenzie @‘peline.....p.12 Sports.....p.15 ~Women’s year.....p.lP Student aid.....p.22. I l

Radio Waterloo’s new recording studio is almost completed and the station is already booking bands for recording sessions from as far away as Sasalita, California. The recording studio is somewhat less sophisticated than the Mercey Brothers Studio in Elmira, but then U of . W doesn’t have a map/e Syrup festival, does it?

Rhison -1 A--


academic freedom and tenure case thsit anyone can appear before The dispute between Renison it. college and the Canadian Associacommittee and the executive -on its next move. What will happen after the comtidn of University Teachers The talks broke down because mittee makes its report neither Ste(CAUT) over the firing of professor Hugh Miller has been solved. But the board did not accept the terms vens ! nor McDonald could say. negotiations in the c?se of profesoffered by CAUT for binding arbitMcDonald did say- that there was sor Jeffery Forest’s firings have ration, professor Jim Stevens said, no possibility of Renis’on being broken down. who is in charge of the negotiations censured at the annual meeting in These were the results of a meetfor CAUT. He said that the board’s May because “it could not be done ing between the Renison board of decision centered on the reinstatethat quickly.” * governors and the CAUT ment issue and added that “it McDonald said that the real thing wouldn’t accept Forest being reinsnow is what will happen on cam* negotiators Wednesday night. After that meeting the college, tated.” Meanwhile, professor pus. “This could be very embarMiller and CAUT issued the fol- ‘Mike McDonald, UW Faculty Asrassing to the university,” he said. President, stressed this “It must put its house in order and lowing statement: “We are pleased ,_sociation to announce that a settlement of the point on Thursday. “What they dispute between Renison college _ (the board) would not accept,” he and professorHugh Miller, which said “was any possibility that is acceptable to all parties, has been Forest would be continued a’t Reniarrived at. ’ ’ son. They wanted to prevent any Millerhas got his job back but he arbitration on that question:” will not teach at the college again. But Renison principal John On March 12, professor Marlene *He explained the settlement in a Towler said that the college was in Webber warned the Arts faculty council that the firings at Renison press release yesterday: agreement with binding arbitration “Renison has withdrawn its with no preconditions and no excCollege might not stop with profesand Jeffrey notice of dismissal and I will be lusions and that he felt the offers ‘1 sors Hugh Miller Fbrest. A statement which Renison continuing at the college in my posmade by the college met with these principal John Towler was quick to itions as assistant professor of standards. psychology and academic dean. When contacted, Renison board deny. The present situation is unWilliam Townshend certain in a very confused state of My request to-be given leave of ab- chairman affairs at the college, but some desence with pay so that I can devote *aid: “‘We have agreed to go to more time to research and further binding arbitration on- the Forest finite-indications have emerged case.” He also said that the board that at least two part-time profs study has been agreed to by Reni-may have lost their posts. son. AS1 feel that my philosophy had submitted what he considered and practice of education are to be highly acceptable terms of re>, Renison’s 1975-76 calendar Lame out on Tuesday minus four courses clearly incompatible with the direcference. taught by professor Sami Gupta. tion which Renison is currently takCAUT will be issuing a stateGupta is employed by the univering, I have submitted my resignament within the next few days statsity but for the last year also taught tion effective at the end of my leave ing what,progress had been made in some courses at the college. of absence, Aug. 3 1,1976. My-famthe negotiations and explaining Another ommission from the new ily and I wish to thank all the maw why they have ceased. people at Renison and the other calendar is an introductory Depending on the content of thecourse previously church colleges, at the University statement the board may call a philosophy of Waterloo, in the Kitchenerpress conference Townshend said. taught by professor Sandra Sachs. And the name of Sachs has mysWaterloo community, and across The committee of inquiry will the country for the warmth and comprise of three academics and teriously disappeared from beneath support they hate given so genershould be formed within six to eight other courses which she has beeli teaching. ously in the last five months. weeks, said McDonald. He also In the Forest case, negotiations said that the membe?s will have Both these professors have supfor a binding arbitration agreement read most of theinformation by the ported the Renison Academic Assembly (R-4A) demands for binding hatre ceased a5d CAUT is setting time it arrives on campus so that it up a committee of inqtiiry to find should only be here for a few days. arbitration in the dispute over the Stevens said that it is nprmally the original firings at the college, and the facts and. advise CAUT’s



break ** - down

it must &z done quickly. All Canada will be looking over its shoulder and if we are found wanting we will be judged very harshly.” Technically, negotiations for binding arbitration agreement could reopen but McDonald said yesterday: “I see no hope right now-maybe with enough pressure they might be brought to their senses .’ ’ -He said that he would counsel senate to withdraw its support of the Renison programmes. -“It is the students who are now


bound to suffer.” McDonald said after the Wednesday night meeting. Some members of the arts faculty are already planning to introduce motions at the next council meeting (April 8) whcih would establish an alternative programme for-Renison students if it seems certain that the college is going to be censured. UW president Burt Matthews said yesterday that he would rather not comment until he has read the CAUT statement. -neil

fire moie

expressed open contiern about their colleagues’ dismissals. Gupta told the chevron Tuesday that he had no doubt that the dropping of his courses was a i-eprisal by Towler becau.se of his protest against the Miller and Forest firings and his support of the RAA. / ’ Sachs said Tuesday that she didn’t know anything ’ about the calendar. Last summer term Gupta taught two courses in the Renison interdisciplinary social science programmgmedia and culture plus the making and unmaking of the counterculture. In the fall term he had a fine arts course called “Film in Canada” and in the winter term he taught “Film and Culture in India’ ’ . Gupta’s courses -are well attended and many of his students have nominated him for an outstanding teacher award. He was specifically asked to teach these subjects by seven faculty members at the college, but it now seems @at Towler has scrapped the courses without even consulting the Renison curriculum committee which is responsible for the review acd



planning of all course? offered at the cogege. Towler told the chevron that the courses were dropped because they were special topics which can only be run for one year apd after they would have to go through certain procedures at the university. These procedures, however, are very simple,says Gupta, in a matter of minutes the course outlines could be passed. through UGAG, and then p.ut-on the college curriculum. The omission of Sach’s’ name from beneath the three Chinese thought and culture courses which she has been teaching in the Renison arts department appears inexplicable. Everyone contacted about this said that it was not normal to insert part-time profs. But the only other course listed under the Renison Arts department bears the name of T. Kobayashi. Kobayashi is a part-time professor. And there are others listed. The chevron has been told by faculty who wished their names withheld that Towler said some time ago that Profs Gupta and Sachs would have to go continued on page 7




t the chevron






21, 1975



I -

of meetings, announciments special seminars or speakers, social events and happenings on dampus -student, faculty or staff. See the chevron secretary. Qeadline is noon Tues-

Friday Mike Holden, pop piano. 1230 Th&atre of the Arts. Free.




coffee, speech, and kipfels. Music by local musician. 9-12 pm. CC coffeeshop.

7th annual Renison Basketball Tournament at PAC Teams from various universities, Ever)ione welcome to view the best1 of basketball. 1 pm starting time. For more information -- III 004-0 nn* O-An cal I 45. .


of Rita Joe. 8 pm. Humanities


$1.50, students


1’ Sumnier



Federation Flicks-“The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz” with Richard Dreyfus. 8 pm. ALil.6. Feds $1. Non-feds $1.50. . A benefit concert for K-W Women’s Place with Montreal’s travelling min-



of Rita Joe. 8 pm. $1.50, stu$1.





Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz” with Richard Dreyfus. 8 pm. ALl16. Feds $1, Non-feds $1.50.



Final d&e for application:



For additional information: Woodsworth


5 open& 12 noon. Kenny Hollis & Granslam. 9-l am. 74 cents after 6 pm.



Para-leg&l assistance. Providing free npn-professional legal advice for students. 7-10 pm. C,C 106. Call 885-0840 or ext. 3846.

strels Urikq Ruebsaat & Jack Nissenson. Rita MacNeil, aToronto Feminist night. A potpourri of Singer & composer will be there also. \I International Crafts fair in CC Great Hall. IO am-4 fblk music and cultural displays. 8 Minimum donation of $1.50 reem l-LA-+“-$ +LIAC+cq , p5111.1 itsaiie VI LIIC; ~113. gc,piu~ ^+lldents pm. Sponsored by CC Board. quested at the door. , $1.. All man‘-environment students and mA..mA++ Arm.nrr”~+rr+:~~ ir. -, ,*-fir+ rr* uuyburr uc;IIwI13uacw11 II I auppu~ LVI friends are invited to a year end bash Tuesday United Farm Workers to protest at ‘the married students apt. day care Chess Club meeting. 7130 pm. CC non-UFW lettuce in Hospital. St. centre. 8 pm. $1.50 at the/ door. 135. Mary’s Hospital. 11 am. Museum of Games & Archives. l-4 \ om. MC 6032.

Woodsworth College, University of Toronto, offers degree courses in Italian language, litkrature, civilization and fine art in Siena, Italy, and degree courses in French language at Nice,$rance. in the Summer Session 1975. I ._ Dates: Siena July 14th to August 26th Nice Jky 2nd to August15th I






University of Toronto 119 St George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S lA9

(416) 928-2415 ’


Palm Sunday ,



theatre. Christ in the city. 12:30 pm. Theatre of Free admission.

Celebration at Conrad Frebel College Chapel. IO am. Homilies by John Rempe and Rel mkes Kooistra. Coffee will be served after the service.

concrete the Arts.


this time, 3:30 pm. HH 336:


lecture for Transcendenta!



only. 8 pm. ENG 3-1101.



pm. Theatre

of the Arts. Free.



ticeship Richard cl


Apprenof Duddy Kravitz” ._ with _ _ Dreyfus. 8 pm. ALI16. Feds



General meeting of the Undergraduate - --. _ Philosophy -- -a . .. .Association. . . . . Officers for 75-76 will be elected at I

Crafts fair in CC great Hail. IO am-4 .pm. Sponsored



Kenny Hollis after -. --. 6 pm.

by CC Board.

pub opens & Granslam. 1

12 noon. 74 cents


Tom Kneeborie

& Dinah Christie present “A Salute to Coward & Porter”. $4, students $2. 8 pm. Humanities Theatre. !


concert. 12:30 pm/Theatre the Arts. Free.

Once upon a time there was a student who selected herself out of a summer job. (Oh no, we’re not just picking on girls. We’ve seen guys do it, too.) She wanted to be an architect, this kid. So’she held out for a job that had something to do with architecture. None came along that yeav, and by the time she decided to settle for something else, it was too late. All the jobs were gone. So was her first yeav’s tuition. Moral: Don’t hold out fbr the impossible dream. Who knoys.Your Canada Manpbwer Centre might introduce you to a whole new field. Maybe you’ll l&e<your sum-mer job <so-much you’ll want to, make a career out of it someday,

HAVEAYOUNG SUMMER; I* Manpower and Immigration

Main-d’aeuvre et Immigra>ion

Robert Minister

Robert Minirtre






Andras /’


Free introductory

lecture on Transcendental m.editation and the &ience of creative intelligence. 8 pm. MC 2065. coffee house. 8:30 pm.

CC 135. Everyone



Free movie “What’s Up Tiger Lily” a woody Allen film. IO:15 pm. CC great hall. Sponsored by CCB. ‘Christ in the concrete city. Readers’ theatre sponsored by Mackirdy-UW ctiaplains. 8 pm. Conrad Grebel ChaneI. .Admission _- .. .._ - ._.. free. __ ----I---‘CamDus

Centre Dub ooens 12 noon. Keniy Hollis & kranslim 9-l am. 74 cents after 6 pm_Crafts Fair in CC Great Hall. 10 am-4 pm. Sponsored by CC Board. & mm Museum of- u;ai - mes & Archive;. l-4 pm and 6-9 pm . MC 6032.

Th lursday Thee Navigators invite you to a short me meting of Christian fellowship & enCOI - - uragement. ‘7 pm. CC 1 IO. Baha’i firesides informal discussions. All are welcome. Come on to HH 334 from 7:30-9:30 pm.




mechanics 4362.

in for women.

basic auto 8 pin. ENG4


lecture on the practice and orincioals of Transcendental &lediiation.‘8 pm. MC 2065.


Gay liberation





K-W red cross

2-4:30 pm & 6-8:30 pm. First United Church. King & William Streets. Waterloo, Ontario.



of Games-&



pm’ MC 6032’

Campus Ce’ntre pub opens 12 noon. -Kenny Hollis & Granslam. 9-l am. 74 cents\ after 6 pm. Waterloo

Christian Fellowship Supper meeting. This is the last meeting of the term. 5:30 pm. CQll3.




No Federation Flicks this weekend. Campus Centre pub closed today.


fri,day, i


21, 1975


the chevron


*ass.atilt 1 ,-

Students’ council decided Sunday to pay legal fees of three executive members who claimed they were assaulted Saturday afternoon while investigating alleged violence --* at an Anti-Imperialist Alljance (AIA) conference. Federation of Students president John Shortall, education chairman Shane Roberts and publications chairman (and departing chevron editor) Randy Hannigan, will be backed by council if they press assault charges against several security personnel of the AIA Political Economy of Canada conference. Council will -also provide legal aid, if necessary, to Radio Waterloo reporter Bill Culp who claimed his glasses were broken while being evicted from the conference, moments after the federation officials. Culp told councillors that he had pre-registered by mail as a delegate to the I conference. In addition, council set up committee to examine the incident and suspended all funding to AIA pending an inquiry report. Meanwhile-, an AIA spokeswoman-admitted there were incidents at the .conference but stated thatthey were caused by people bent on disrupting the event. In a report to council, Shortall said he was approached early ‘Saturday afternoon by two people (members of the Young Socialists) who claimed they were assaulted and ejected from the conference, and as the federation co-sponsored the programme he decided to investigate the matter. So accompaniedI$Roberts, Hannigan, the two complainants and two others, Shortall argued that he tried to discuss the incid>nt with the conference co-ordinator as he “felt it important to know who had hit 1 -them.” I , * But before the co-ordinatorcould convene a steering committee-meeting, a scuffle erupted involving Roberts, who had just identified one of the assailants pointed out to him by one of the Young Socialists, Hannigan and himself, Shortall said. “I was. pushed into a wall and was ‘punched and kicked,” Shortall asserted. He said he appealed for “reasonable people to stop this sort of activity’.’ but to no avail. After the federation officials and companions were flushed bu -i , they called the campus security to give reports of the assaults, Shortall averred. Shortall was countered by councillor Barb Innes (also AIA chairwoman) who in a press release, stated federation officials “swaggered into the registration-area, disrupting small group discussions . : . .Tlie president of the Federation of Students demanded to speak with one of the conference co-ordinators . . .This co-ordinator suggested that a meeting be held. . .in an area where it would not disrupt the proceedings of the conference.” But “Shane Roberts. . refused to co-operate. . .and began rudely shovregistered ing a tape recorder into the faces of several delegates .I .Roberts began’collecting the names of people pointed out arbit,rarily by the Young Socialists (the two complainants) fir arrest and ellected information for charges.” When the “intruders refused to comply” with a request to-stop disrupting the conference, they “were lead towards the door by persons %responI sible for security,” Innes said. Innes then went on to -explain that the two Young Socialists were ejected when’they “announced their intention to ‘expose’ the AntiImperialist Alliance and have>t banned from campus by the Federation of Students”. Earlier, she said they “stated that they had come to ‘observe’the proceedings, not to participate in the conference.” 1 Moreover, Innes said, that: “Because the -executive members of the federation did not attempt to investigate the reasons for the ejection of the Young Socialists prior to organizing their own disruption of the conference, they fell into the trap laid by the Young Socialists.” “The Young Socialists are a Trotskyist group. . .Trotskyist groups have attempted to disrGptAIA meetings in the past, and the AIA has passed a motion to oppose and expose Trotskyism,” Innes said. of the federation execu. Therefore, according to Innes, the: “members tive tried to accomplish what the Young Socialists could not, the hisruption of a legitimate conference on a topic of great importance to the Canadian people. The members of the federation executive served as willing dupes who objectively assisted the Y&oung Socialists in the execu” tion of a crude plot? .a z However, “the sinister and diabolical motives of the .Young Socialists and their dupes, the unity and seriousness of the-Political Economy of Canada conference were preserved by correct and legal action,” Innes said. When queried by councillor Robbie Mock as to why violence was justified in the ejection, Innes stated: “Any acti-on that is necessary I to make them leave ‘-is necessary. ”_ She pointed out that none of the evieted : people were re’gistered delegates. Former federation president Andy Telegdi said he was concerned about the political tactics going on at the conference.“ ‘Are we going to allow goon squads to threaten federation people.aridvisitors?” he asked. Giving some background on the incident, Roberts said the federation paid for the conference’s publicity on the stipulation that the event would be “open”. So when he heard about the expulsion of the Young Socialists, he “went there to clarify the matter”. * . “We went there as federation officials 20 inquire about the incident,” Roberts said. And to avoid further violence the federation “intends to press charges,” hesaid. . B

Women need to become more familiar with the female body and its functions to overcome professional and sexism on the part 07 doctors, was the main point made by the Women’s Place health collective Tuesday. prom left to right, Sheila Dobie, Marg Telegdi and Phyllis Waugh.

ineptitude at a lecture

Wqmenrap health. a . \

Wo.men need to become more Those present indicated that ods cities across Canada and the familiar with the female body and they would like to see more women U . S., and a clinic in Montreal was -it.s functions in order to overcome in the medical field because it is recently.granted $90,000. professional ineptitude and sexism important for them to relate more Women- attending the clinic on the part of Doctors, it was de- closely to their doctors.. The preswould find the support and educatided at the -third in a series of lecence of sexism in -the profession tion which are not available at the tures about international women’s . eliminates this possibility for most hospital, and the emphasis would year. The proposal that a self-help women. i be on discovery and self-help. health clinic be established in the Hopefully it would become a centre It was pointed out that although area to effectively deal with the wzen for treatment as well, with free sermake-25 per cent more visproblems which women are likely vice by.a doctor at certain times. its to the doctor than men and use to encounter was met with en- 50 per cent more prescription The collective acknowledges the thusiastic response by those in at- drugs, men account for 90 per cent fact that not allof a doctor’s educa\ tendance. tion can be made available to ..of all doctors. Those present also The meetings are sponsored by resented the fact that current birth women through the clinic, but it is Planned Parenthood and the Kitchsure that womenwill gain sufficient control research is done by men ener Public Library. Phyllis understanding of their bodies’ and is directed at women. They felt I Waugh, Marg Telegdi and Sheila functions to eliminate the fear and it would. remain this way until Dobie from the Women’s Place women decided it should be -ignorance which are now apparent. health collect”ive spoke this week They must be encouraged to . changed. a&--Health: Our on “Women think‘ for themselves, to discover dne woman voiced her dislike of Bodies-Are They Ours?” alternatives and gain the confithe emphasis which the collective “They are our bodies. We have dence to be outspoken against a put on the vagina in relation to to live with them. The doctor only doctor who ihey feel is inadequate. j women’s health. Women’s biggest sees them when we come in,” was Women are equal to men in every health problem is the reproductive the sentiment of the day. “If you way and social conditioning is a organs, was the response to her knew more about your body you query. It should be examined regu- - control which can be overcome, could maybe do more, than your larly as a preventative measure be- . said the collective. doctor.” Every woman present particicause vaginal infections are very It was generally agreed that most pated in the lively discussion, common, and can be spotted early doctors do not pay enough attenif one is familiar with the signs. It which was followed by “exciting tion to women’s health problems, slides” and a self-examination seswas also pointed out that the use of and consequently women must sion. the pill increases the possibility of take the initiative to gain the knowThe next programme will be held contracting an infection. >. ledge necessary for them to, diagin the Kitchener Public Library The Food and Drug Directory nose problems themselves. At the Gallery on Tuesday 8 April at 1:30 very least, they should be aware of which carries out research and app.m. The speaker will be Magaret proves the use-of various drugs is to their bodies so that abnormal funcEichler from the University of a large extent. controlled by the tioning could be easily rccognized. W-aterloo, and the topic will be drug companies theaudience was The first step women must take “should mothers be paid?” told. As a result many unsafe and t-o become familiar with their improperly researched products bodies is to overcome the feelings are gi.ven to. the doctor which he of inferiority and uptightness in the assumes are safe, but turn out to be cc presence of a doctor which are pub -. harmful. A case in point was the caused-by socialization: The selfdalconshield, which was put on the help clinic would hopefully lead to personal growth and confidence, as market after only four months -of well as increased awareness, -research. Some of the women present through a sharing experience. wondered whether the< term The. clinic wpuld free women , The campus centre pub should “feminist” ought not be applied to be back to business as usual on from depending upon professionals. “All this information should be the’ future clinic because it could Monday. The operation of the pub ’ of some laid at our feet, we shouldn’t have _ result in the alienation will be closely monitored in order women, who are not ready for the to ask for it,” commented one to determine whether the week’s militancy which they feel the term women. closure had any effect on raising implies. It was agreed that the main . The members of the health colthe conscience of the patrons in relective have found doctors to be role of-the clinic was to attract. gards to abiding by the regulations. women, and hopefully they could PSF stages campaign impressed with the women’s unIf the situation does not improve ,’ In other-business, students’ council heard -a report from chemistry studerstanding of their bodies, and in be encouraged to change, but the there are several steps that could be clinic should. not “hit them with dent Phil Brown regarding the recent Brock University conference on most cases communication bettaken to help alleviate the current militancy at the door.” - f cutbacks in post-secondary education. ween patient and doctor was abuses. One is to eliminate the draft Brown told council thatUW’s Popular Student Front (PSF) was singled greatly improved. The “aura of inThe collective is currently petibeer, initiate a coat check system, out as the core organization charged with arranging a provincial campaign fallibility” which surrounds the fioning the government and reor close the pub for one or two to combat reduced government spending in the university system. medical profession is to a large ex- searching a. grant for the clinic. A hours over the supper time. “The whole idea is to get the student body involved first in the camtent dispelled when one has a better questionaire was made available in If worse comes to worse the campaign, ’ ’ Brown said. Ways to accomplish this would be by encouraging knowledge of her-own body, since order that the women-present could pus center pub will be closed students to write letters to their MPP’s, to the media and encourage their the woman is in a position to underindicate their needX and .depermanently if it is judged to be __ parents to do likewise, he\ said. _ stand and question a docto z?s diagsires. Clinics -of this sort have. been jeopardizing the other licenced out. I continued on page 5 ‘nosis. operating for several years in varilets. --\L’. “1%;” -“. , .-.---. ? -‘, .- * ., Y .,‘i~r‘ -L , L1. . :I %r I* 1 F 1 *;‘.-; t-f T’e-g J b r

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Phone Tuesday Ma&h 25 to March 29 . 6-l 1 pm. Would the person who submitted this ad please leave their telephoi)e number in the Chevron office.

Waiters, waitresses, doormen and kitchen people wanted for summer at Hotel Imperial in Grand Bend. Per hour wages plus good tips. I,nterviews on campus Tuesday March 25. Contact Placement Office for further details. /

Typing Typing at home. 743-3342. Westmount area. Thesis, essays; reasonable rates. Excellent service; no math papers. Fast, accurate typing. 4gcents a page. IBM Selectric. Located in Lakeshore Village. Call 884-6913 anytime. Experienced typist will do typing .in own home, residence within walking: distance of campus. Please call 884-6351. Student is experienced and repairing typewriters. typewriters. Reasonable. 634-5592 after 5 pm.

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For rent: from May till Sept. 2 bedroom apt. On Main bus line. Utilities paid. Swimming pool &sauna. Phone 745-8735. Townhouse for rent may to Sept. 4 bedrooms, pool, near Parkdale Plaza, $170 plus utilities, 885-0837. Single rooms, two, male, for summer term. Fluorescent lighting, insulated, ? fully panelled. Private entrance & bath. Frig, toaster, tea kettle, but no cooking allowed. 5 minute walk to either University $13.50 weekly. 884-3629. Apartment available April to Sept. 2 bedrooms, ideal for 4 people fully furnished, 5 minute walk to campus, behind Westmount .Plaza. Call 742-5014, anytime. Spacious 2 bedroom apt. for sublet May 1 to Sept. 1, parking, cable, carpets. King & University. $180 monthly, negotiable. Call Judy 884-3206.


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1 or 2 bedroom house’ in K-W area appliances included, from Period Aug-May ‘76. Reply to 3-697 Anderson Ave., Wpg. Manitoba.





the chevron


_ n . vrsig



Due to the limitations placed by the federal government on students carrying visas, many international students on this campus find themselves having financial troubles. Tp help with these and other problems, the International StudentOffice which is part of Counselling Services employs two part-time people. . Ruth Rempel and Mayling Stubbs each work pi&time with the Intemational Student Office while carrying on their regularjobs as counsellor and -. secretary within Counselling Services. Both have expressed their concern for.the problems that face the international students on campus. According to Stubbs, international students who carry student visas .must meet certain immigration requ@-ements during the course of their studies in Canada. In order to obtain a student visa, the individual must . meet certain requirements. The student must show proof of acceptance in an approved course of studies in Canada, evidence of financial support, good health, and moral character. ’ *Generally, these visas must&be renewed yearly and students must be prepared to show evidence of good standing in the University. Also, they * must show proof of sufficient funds to finance the coming year-a -. minimum of $2,500. Canadians and immigrants have the privilege of Trade unions. and vanguard parorganizer on the Lower East Side “The unions have all but *abangetting student loans and the advantageeof having summer and part-time ties received strong criticism in a of New York and as a Director of doned the fight for decent working jobs. The student visa carriers, however, are more limited in their options lecture given here last Friday by the Joint Planning Committee of conditions and, insofar as they are for alternate sources of funding. American social scientist Stanley Park East, a public experimental perceived as staunch defenders of Rempel said that last January, the department of manpower and immigAronowitz. high school. Heiiow teaches at the the status guo in terms of the orration regulations state that non-immigrants may be issued employment “Unions,” Aronowitz stressed, N&w School for Social Research ganization of work, they are iri-visas only in cases where it can be certified that there are no landed “as an institution have institutedcreasingly and in the experimental college of looked upon as immigrants or Canadian citizens available(,to fill these positions. This the gains of a generation of working Staten Island Community College, enemies,” Aronowitk stated. . lumps together students who are here completing an educational program class advances but have stopped CUNY. c‘_ For Aronbwitz trade unions have of approximately two to six years with visitors and tourists. Although the instituting and have been effecAronowitz remarked that the become by their very structure one regulations appear to allow the possibility of employment, the effect has tively co-opted by capital.” hierarchical structures found in of the stumbling blocks in the way been a virtual ban on such employment visas. “To talk of trade union advance most large scale work places are of developing the consciousness of When work permits, are given, they are usually for the more poorly paid /- and of working class advance as the working class to see itself as a reinforced by the seniority and bid, and undesirable jobs, unless the student has special qualifications which being one and the same is to make a ding systems within unionclass. The wo&ing class, as deI enable an employer to specify that he wants the particular student to fill misreading of that organized industries. Arguing that fined by Aronowitz, is composed of the particular job. -Due to the time element involved I’n processing such an substantial movement of social change .” the present generation of workers those engaged in the production application, few employers are willing to become involved in the “red Aronowitz holds no advanced is qualitatively different from any and distribution ‘of material goods tape” just to hire a non-immigrant. The extreme difficulty students face degrees and was a factory worker in the history of American and services who do not own or when attempting to work legally often places them in a ‘double bind’. in the steel, auto, and electrical incapitalism, Aronowitz feels that control the object of their labour or Sometimes, for totally unforeseen reasons, a student’s source of funds dustries from 1951 to 1960 and up young wor,kers are now taking for its uses. Taking a cue from Reich, is cut off. A changed political situation can suddenly make it’impossible granted the past achievemnts of the Aronowitz said that “the working for a student’s family to continue sending him support, as in the case of until 1971 was a union organizer for the Amalgamated Clothing Workunions and are now beginning to class as a class for itself does not Ethopian and Rhodesian students; currency devaluations can also create ers of America and an international question the structures of dominaexist.” difficulties. representative for the Oil, Chemition itself-particularly in work The inability of the working class In such circumstances, a student will sometimes risk the threat of being cal, and Atomic Workers. He subplaces where there is a minute divito transcend the social divisions be1 deported and work illegally. If his decision is to work illegally he not only sequently worked as a community sion of labour. tween skilled and unskilled labour, has the threat of being charged by immigration authorities but is vulneramental and physical work, men and ble to exploitation by an employer. + women, blacks and whites and var-’ Stufients are also expected- to keep the Immigration Department inious et_hnic groups aids in the obsformed of certain changes in their whereabouts. For example,.at the port curation of this sense of class. of entry a student’s visa is inscribed with the name of the institution to Aronowitz talked a great deal another or from one address to another, the Immigration Department wish about these divisive elements. tb be notified of such movements. Students who fail to do so “risk the “Hierarchy,” he said, “tends to displeasure” of the Immigration officers who supervise their stay in e obscure the fundamental relations Canada. between members of the same class Serious-infractions of federal law put a student at the risk of deportation. because of differences between These include workingillegally, being convicted of a criminal offence, and It took almost 16 months to acBy having the student president them. At each step of any occupachanging one’s status without Immigration Department authorisation. complish but it was worth it. on senate there’ll be “greater tional heirarchy, there are differenIf student’visa carriers wish to undertake part-time work, they must cooperation between the university ’ Or sd feels student senator Andy’ tial economic rewards, degrees of obtain a work permit from a Manpower Centre representative. -Any stuTelegdi as one of his ~pet projects and the federation. . . . . .and thii social powerlessness and variadent on a student visa who accepts a job and wages for that job without a will be needed as because of the for the past year was overwhelmtions of conciousness.” work permit is violating the law and risks being called to a hearing for cutbacks the students and the adBecause of this view on the naingly endorsed Monday by senate: __. possible deportation. Most students are merely warned that they. have mini3?ation will have to stand toture of working class conciousness that tlie Federation of Students violated the law but some have been deported-within a two-week period. gether,” Telsdi averred. in North America, Aronowitz feels president be granted ex o.fficio Offences such as shoplifting also re,nder the stude’nt liable for deportation. But Telegdi found considerable the role of, the radical movement status on the university’s academic Rempel and Stubbs feel there is “a large educational task” to be done to opposition in graduate dean Lyn should be to suggest and to provide governing body. inform Canadians that student-visa carriers are not welfare cases, ripping forms of analysis and strategy but off the Canadian public. Before coming to Canada as students they are (It was more than a year ago Watt ,who said that as far as he’s not to lead. “The party which exrequired to show proof of sufficient funding to carry out their school year. when Telegdi first approached se- concerned theye’s little need for the student president to be on senate. ists to lead,” he said, “also exists In other words, most have made a considerable financial contribution both nate with his proposal but at the C‘ “I’m not persuaded by the argu- - to dominate.” to the University and to society in which they live. , time members felt the federation Vanguard parties-that is strucRempel pointed out UW is heavily oriented towards science. There is a head could only be on the body if ments presented for.the Federation of Students president to be on se- tured groups which view themlarge overseas population=approximately 2200 students out of a total of he/she ran for one of the undernate,” he Zd. selves as being the true voice and 14,000. These students have particular needs for information, assistance graduate .seats. Senators were also Watt went on to say that the fedvehicle for fundamental social and adjustme’nt counselling. Because the International Student Office is hesitant about adding 10 additional eration presiaent, unlike the stu- -change-must be avoided, located within the Counselling Services, budget cutbacks to that office members as specified in the univerdent senators, is not “a creature of Aronowitz reiterated. Primarily, could affect the services available to International Students as well. sity act if it accepted another ex senate.” The student president can because the working class in North -fady barsoum officio representative). * come to. senate meetings and presAmerica “has the objective possiTelegdi told senate that the fedent his views just as any other bility of comprehending its own eration president .has far more resenator but in final analysis he experience and leading itself.” sources at his disposal which, apart doesn’t have a vote, he stated. Secondly, because it is not the job from lightening the workload of However, one senator said that o‘f ‘the left to “reprodvce aucontinued frotq page 3 other student reps, could enable as the stu&nt president has the thoritarian social relations in the In addition, study sessions would be staged so that students can learn better decision making. “feel of the pulse of, the student workers movement .” what’s going on with their education, Brown added. Thestudents strategy “The federation president body” he could be the most repThe flaw in the approach of many -would be geared so that its peak would be reached when there’s a provincial knows the feelings of students on resentative student senator. Leninist groups is that they “seek election in autumn, @e said. this campus as he attends the meetIn other business, senate elected clarity without ambiguity”. and so PSF was formed this February by the education cutback committee of ings of the various student Carl Pollock as the new chancellor tend to take on social theories as the Anti-Imperialist Alliance as means tti organize all students against socieites,” Telegdi said. The Fedof the university. Pollock, current articles of faith. reduced government spending in higher learning. eration head can therefore be board of governors, chairman, will Unfortunately one doesn’t have -’ Council also endorsed Michael Gordon as the new editor-in-chief of rthe termed an “expert” on student aftake over from present chancellor to lean to far to the left to hear the chevron for 1975-76. fairs, the former Students’ leader Ira Needles on May 1, 1975. incantations. -john morris added. -john morris -doug ward


On/ uhions 8n.d vanguards


Fed eration- h-edon UW senate

Feds claim asspult






the chevron



21 p 1975


. ,


Summer Language Programmes



Concert Canad ienDoug Riley 9:30 Music with Phil LaRocque Midn. Music with Vic Decker

3:00 5:30


offered in Toronto: English Lahguage offered in Toronto Summer Language French, Spanish . Ancient Greek offered in Saint-Pierre French language

6:30 . Monday, Mar. 24 9:00 Music with Sandy Moroz Noon Perspectives-U.N. 12:15 Music with Paul Bennett 3:00 Music with Mark Perrin 6:00 Community Servic’esGASP 6:30 Music with Donna Rogers 9:00 Music with Tim Paulin Midn. Music with Mike DeVillaer

courses at the Scarborough ‘College Institute: and German language courses and drama courses et Miquelon: courses

offered in Mexico City: Spanish language and





Bursarles, awarded by the provincial an’d federal governments of Canada, are available in connec-’ tion with the French and English language courses.

enquiries: Uniirersity of’ Toronto School of Continuing Stu,dies 119 St. George Street,Toronto (416) 928-2400


Saturday, Mar. 22 ’ ’ 9:OO Music with Jim McFadden Noon Scope-U.N. 12:15 Music with Reid Robertson I 3:00 Music with Ian Allen 6:00 BBC African Theatre 6:30 Music with Jim Waldram . 9:00 The Nine To Twelve Show Midn. Music with D& Cruikshank

Sunday, Mar. 23 I Noon Belgian Press Review lr2:15 Classical Music with David Villeneuve 3:00 Classical Gas with Ian MacMillan & Terry Devlin 5:30 Music and MusiciansDmitri Kabalevsky 6:30 Music with Steve Favell and Gord Wood

Tuesday, Mar. 25 9:00 Music with Doug Maynes Noon Thinking Out LoudRadio Moscow 12:15 Music with Reinhart Christiansen 2:45 BBC Science Magazine 3:15 Music with Roger Gartland 5:30 ProfileGene Sharp on “A World Without War” 6:30 Music with Al Wilson 9:00 Guitar Player Magazine 9:30 Music with Dave Preston and Jack Langer Midn. Music with Bill Chaiton

$00 Midn.

\ y,Thursday, Mar. 27 9:00 Music with Mike Arnold Noon Soviet Press Review 12:15 Music with Neil Green and Joe Belliveau 3:00 Music with David Buckingham 6:00 Regional GovernmentBillThompson, Regional Planner (pt.2) d 6:30 Music with Bob Valiant and Hans Zschach 9:00 Music with Lorne Goldblum Midn. Music with Larry Starecky and Andy Bite

Wednesday, Mar. 26 9:00 Music with Rick Armstrong -Noon Rest Of The News 12:15 Music with Ewen Brocklehurst

It was my original intention to otitline the mechanics of developing a film and making a black and / white print in this and future columns. These are, however, covered very thoroughly and simply in my Mr Darkroom wall chart. Photographs and copy take you through the 6 easy steps to the neaative and 9 sta’aes to a finished p&t. These are” yours for the _ asking, and mqny persons have already done so. Along with these requests came many queries, “Why should I do my own developing and printing? “. This column will qive you many reaG’ns.



\- Somethitgg b“izhe.ers”aboti: w the glorious beer df Copenhagen is brewed right here in CIanaczIa. les to you fresh from the brewery. So it tastes even-better t shan ev ‘er. And Carlsberg is sold at regular prices. - So let’s hear it, Carlsberg lovers. “One, two, three . . . Cheel


Music with Pam Newman Political Realities-e Questions and Answers at . the Waffle Energy Conference Discussion on the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Music with Dave Horn and Steve Lagear Music with Dave Assman Music with Ian Layfield

Friday, Mar. 28 Noon BBC World Report 12:15 Mu+ with Tim Bowland 2:45 Agency for International Development 3:15 Music with Phil Rogers 5:30 The World Around Us’ Rosie Douglas on “Racism & Immigration” 6:30 Music with Peter Chant 9:00 The Mutant Hour with Bi’ll Wharrie Midn. Music wifh Gord Swathers

interested in helping you get the r’nost from your purchases. second, find a camera club that majors in darkroom work and with a membership eager to assist beginners. Third, make use of the seEvices that we as Durst and Paterson representatives offer you in the form of help by phone or letter. When establishing a darkroom, remember that the price tag is a reflection of what is built into the equipment you choose,. and that a good enlarger can be a lifetime’ purchase. Dependability of alignment is of paramount importance to producing a pririt that has overall sharpness. Quality of components in the illumination system determine how even the lighting will be from side’io side on the . print. That’s why I am so keen on the Durst reflex system. Light

Darkroom work is’ exciting and creative. It allows you to put the finishing touch (no pun intended) started with the / on the creativity exposure made in your camera. The imagination shown in printing puts your personal stamp on the work. Your darkroom technique gradually becomes an extension of your ability with a camera. For example this originality can &be shown in the form of picture composition of other than the customary square or oblong format. Many examples come to mind - a sunset, cropped to full horizon widthbut , only two or three inches high, or ’ a slender tree printed in\a vertical format no wider than is necessary . to include the actual tree. l”m sure you can &ink of many more, and looking at the prints you have from previous shooting you will see many different cropping possibilities. Selective cropping gives impact to the subject matter by does not go straight from lamp to removing unnecessary detail from negative, but is deflected downthe finished print. This cropping wards by a mirror. Heat escapes is done by raising and lowering the not only through lamphouse vents enlarger head to obtain proper size but also from back of mirror. Lamp and using the variable arms of the may be raised and lowered, as well easel to mask the image to exactly as rotated to ensure precise cenwhat you want to show. ’ tering with mirror. Illumination is , The adage ‘He walks best, who first even, ‘yet retains the crisp- e tot& learns to creep’ was never more ness of a condenser enlarger. true than when applied to d&-kQueries and problems should be room work. The basics that deaddressed to Mr Darkroom, Braun termine a successful print are not Electric Canada Ltd, 3269 Amerias glamorous as many. techniques can Drive, Mississauga, L4V 1 B9. to produce special print effects, When sending in a problem print, yet without these fundamentals, please enclose negative and as much no print is really successful. There detail as. to exposure and equipare many things you can do to ment used as possible. gather this knowledsp. First, make your source of supply a deal& knowledgeable in darkroom and


, friday,


21, i 975





the chevron




from page 1 October. Since January students have submitted agenda items but because of their support for RAA no meeting has been called. and its demands. Student representative Janet But there are not only some mysSteele has a written memo from terious omissions from the new Towi’er in reply to an agenda subcalendar, there is also at least one puzzling addition. It is a footnote in mission. It reads “Thanks for your suggestion for,an agenda, however the psychology section which says that Renison expects to offer an no meeting has been scheduled for the 27th (Jan) and in any event, educational psychology course. a enda suggestions are to be in by The Chevron also has a copy of an l@hursday noon. I’ll keep yours for from advertisement issued Towler’s office on Dec. 9, 1974’ the next meeting nevertheless.” which states that there may be an That seems to suggest that the principle ‘is aware of some rules opening in educational psychology governing council meetings. in the 1975-76 academic year. Yet The confusion at Renison is atthe curriculum committee has not been consulted on this addition to tributed by Towler to the lack of procedures. But a committee set up courses offered at Renison. by the board in November 1974 to And though all these decisions recommend procedures has barely are. being made which affect both got off the ground. The committee, the students and faculty at the college the student-faculty council has which consists of representatives from students faculty and the not met since Dec. 2. board, first met Feb. 13 at the reWhen asked why it hadn’t met, quest .of the students. It was then Towler, at first, said-that RAA had 8 agreed that it should reconvene on disbanded the council. But did this” Feb. 24 but that meeting was canmean that RAA was recognized by celled byfhe chairman Peter Gifthe college and thus had the authorfen, it isthought; Giffen was not ity to disband the council? No, available for comment. It seems . Towler said, and he then suggested that a third meeting was set for the council hadn’t met because the March 17 but it too was cancelled board of governors hadn’t recogbecause not enough members nized it. could make it according to Donald But when told- of a November Timkulu, one of the faculty repI974 circular sent out from the colresentatives on the committee. But lege to the students stating that at least two of the student represensince there was some confusion as tatives, Caroline Sawyer and Janet to the status of the council, the Steele, had not been contacted board resolved that “a faculty‘about the proposed meeting. student council pro tern be created The committee hasn’t been able immediately ,” Towler said “you to ‘meet more regularly because seem to know more about it than I Giffen is a very busy lawyer says do.” the principal. Yet unless it does Towler stated Tuesday that / start meeting Renison will remain a since there were no procedures at- college with no procedures, and Renison he didn’t know when to among the procedures which this call a meeting. The circular, howcommittee will recommend are ever states that “the council shall those for the hiring and firing of be chaired by the principal who professors. How contracts can be shall be responsible for calling reviewed in the meantime nb one meetings and setting agendas.” knows. And as long as the college Also there has been a tradition at lacks proper procedures it seems the college for holding council that the principal has a free hand in meetings every second Monday as dropping some courses and adoptlong as items for the agenda had ing others, while committees and been submitted. Prior to the last councils lie redundant, and names disappear from the calendar. meeting of Dec. 2 the council met -neil docherty twice in September and twice in




Eskimo Prints and Sculpture / 25 Young St. E. Waterloo



Daily 11 - 6

Christian Science Campus Cohellors Prof. and Mrs. Franklin H. Branin, Jr. . , We .are available to ail students who desire counselling or help through prayer. Please feel free to contact us either at the Chaplain’s Office, Room 1023, Needles Hall, any Tuesday afternoon from 1: 30 to 4: 30 or at the following locations: Room 3332, Engr.‘2 (oppositeihe Dept. of Systems Design Office); phone 2850 OR 464 Lee Ave., Waterloo; phone 8854255






‘Let me guess . . . you’re either inflation or recession, or illness or privation, or suffering, or the dire and horrible peril of galloping %xialism’

Rosie Douglas

at JJW

Green pa.per bkste Intent on getting right to the heart of the issue, Rosie Douglas flatly states that as far as he’s co& cerned the green paper on immigration is nothing more than -an attempt on the part of the beneficiaries of Canadian monopoly capitalism to hinder growth of working class solidarity by blaming “them foreigners” instead of monopoly capitalism for Canada’s problems. Speaking on “Racism and Canadian Immigration” Douglas offers a compelling analysis of the events that have led to his impending deportation as a “risk to national security. ’ ’ It started six years ago when, as an activist pressing for an inquiry into faculty racial prejudice, he was one of 97 students arrested at a confrontation at Sir George Williams University held in response to administration inaction. Though .a11 charges and evidence was against all the participants, bail for black students averaged about $5,000 Iagainst an average of $1,000 for white students. Bail,. for Douglas was set at $14,000 and included confiscation of his passport though he had no previous convictions. No one was charged with anything more than participating in an illegal sit-in. !Only five students were imprisoned and sentences ranged from, six months to two years for Rosie. All of the 26 Caribbean students convicted were served deportation orders which w.ere later dropped. In addition to the highest bail and the two year sentence Rosie was, served’ with a special certificate signed by soliciter-s general Warren Allmand and im-’ migration minister Robert Andras branding his as a “risk to national security”. This document, unsub,stantiated with proper evidence, arbitrarily prevents Douglas from appealing his deportation on humanitarian grounds. He has also been charged with moral turpitude. Since serving his sentence Rosie has involved himself in building a mass campaign to fight racist immigration policy and ‘particularly the deportation of 1500 Haitians. Douglas Corelyn tivist who struck in by police struction equipment.

dedicated the meeting to Hutchison, a fellow acDouglas witnessed being the head with a rifle butt during the infamous deof Royal Bank computer Her face was also used

to snub out a cigar as she lay on the floor. She later died of the resultant brain tumour. Though the computer incident has been erroneously associated with the Sir George Williams sit-in by the Canadian press., to Douglas these distinct incidents are part of a struggle in which Douglas feels race and class oppression are complexly interrelated. This is a vital consideration in an assessment of the Green Paper on Immigration which concludes that pollution, social problems, urban congestion, housing and arable land shortages are all related to lax immigration policy. Consequently, since ~an excess of immigrants and not monoQoly capitalism are at the root of Canada’s problems, the solution is simple; restrict immigration ,,partitularly from Asia, Africa and Latin America. However, to Douglas, this type of racism is basic to the Canadian monopoly capitalistic structure. He observes that the fundamental contradiction of the capitalistic structure is the control of the means of production, arid to this end workers must unite to. form a solid organization to assert their rightful control. But by blaming incoming foreign workers for its problems, the government is playing on prejudices of Canadian workers against workers of other nationalities-the very people that should be uniting to address the main probiem. For, indeed, Canadian imperialism oppresses the foreign worker as much, if not more, than it oppresses Canadian workers: A very personal concern, Douglas points out that Canadian business has heavily infiltrated the, Caribbean economies. Also, Canadian mining companies such as Falconbridge exploit black workers in South ,Africa. The Royal Bank annually collects $200 million inprofits from one billion dollars worth of investments in the Caribbean. Even tourist trade investment takes back 93 cents on every dollar spent, Parasitic Canadian exploitation in Haiti is heavily responsible for the average life span of only 29 years. Consistently, then, do Canadian capitaiists regard native workers as so much wealth to be exploited at attractively inexpensively inexpensive rates. In effect \ .

what Canadian economic policy does is reap enormous profits from workers who struggle with poverty, then blames them’for troubles at home when they try toescape the poverty by emigrating to Canada. Historically as well, previous immigration policy has only allowed any significant influx of third world workers when the indigenous labour supply will not fill the low paying, manual labour jobs. From the Chinese labourers recruited to construct the rail system that spans this country, to the Caribbean natives employed in fruit picking, Canadian imperialism has seen fit to use the races services of “distasteful” when convenient. And when recession hits, they become the scapegoats of a corrupt system. Government and business have represented the interests and prejudices of one select group even to the point of introducing a bill in Parliament to prohibit. black emigration. This bill only fell because the Laurier government lost power. In short, Rosie Douglas feels he is another victim of a system that uses racism as a tool to further its own ends. And with legislation like the Green Paper it effectively can disrupt any potential opposition. Rosie urges all black students studying here at UW to join forces with workers here and in their native countries instead of becoming the well educated accomplices of the oppressors of their people. -ralph

ISA night


The International Students Association (ISA) of the University of Waterloo invites you to their “INTERNATIONAL NIGHT”. It. will be a potpourri of folk music and cultural displays. Groups representing Canada, Turkey, Rumania, Greece, Germany and China have already agreed, but more groups are expected. The ISA firmly believes, that the success of last years International Night can be repeated. The event will take place at the Theatre of the Arts, University of Waterloo on March 22, 8 p.m. Tickets ($2, $1 for students) are available at the Central Box Office of the University (8851211 Ext. 2126)





I the chevron

Applications , . ‘.- are- requested for -the, position of chevron ’ \ . 1production mhager. The j pay is- $128 per week and the hours are outrage&s. Deadline for apph’ca tions: April 11, 1.975. .

Auld- _ _ plans tour -, OTTAWA (CUP)-James Auld’s planned tour of Ontario colleges and universities, announced here March 6, will take place, but not as originally planned. At the time of the first announcement it was said the -Minister of Colleges and Universities would visit each campus this spring. \ But Auld’s executive assistant, Clair Hoy , said in an interview Friday (March 14) that Auld has decided to visit as many campuses as possible over the next few weeks,

but the major portion of the tour will have to await the fall. , Reporting on his discussion with Auld that same morning, Hoy said: “The general conclusion we came to is that visiting campuses after early April would be a waste of time as far as meeting students are concerned.” He cited student examination and essay due dates as the primary concern. The major thrust of the campus visits by -the minister is to participate in “bear-pit” sessions with students and faculty, but semester-end pressures -would make it difficult for students to attend, he said. He estimated that Auld will be able to visit about seven or eight campuses over the next few weeks, but the specific campuses will not be decided until the institutions have been consulted. According to Hoy, Auld will


21, 1975


spend a few hours on each campus. He will probably meet with the university presidents and Boards of Governors, attend -bear-pit sessions and meet with the student and outside press. Hoy stressed that “the bear-pit sessions are the main purpose of..the visit.” He also emphasized that the visit provided .an opportunity for members of the student press to question Auld directly about provincial education and financing policies. Auld has received criticism in the student press not only for hjs policies but also for allegedly avoiding meetings with students and answering questions from the press. In the last two weeks Auld has sent letters to the editors of the Excalibur at York University and the Charlatan at Carleton University denying he has been “elusive.”

introduces , -_



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I friday,


21, 1975

the chevron


Address all letters to the Editor, The Chevron,

name of the writer.

YS vs L ;\ CPC(ML) ’ A:On Saturday, March 15, two members of the Young Socialists (YS) tried to attend an afternoon- session of (a conference sponsored by the Anti-Imperialist Alliance (AIA) and the Federation but ended up being physically removed from the building. The YS had received a brochure in ’ their postal box announcing-the conference on political economy and had seen a notice * which proclaimed: “Everyone interested in Political Economy of Canada Welcome”. c .The press release of the AIA on the incident implies that the YS members refused to cooperate in the registration procedure and that their “attitude” led them to be ejected from the meeting. The “attitude” referred to may have consisted of the fact that the YS members didn’t conceal their political affiliation on the registration forms It is a well-known fact that the AIA and the CPC(ML) have already proclaimed that--all “Trotskyists” should be banned from campus. The YS members did not think that this would be a problem at a Federation-supported conference. Obviously we were wrong. The two YS members had just registered and were looking at some of the literature on display (even buying a copy of the AI A’ s paper, “UNITY”) when they were approached by a conference functionary on the pretext that he had something to+ discuss with them. The person led them down a hall where several “security” personnel of the conference awaited them. 8 They were then told that they were not wanted at the conference. After a brief protest onthe part of the YS members, they were forcibly -dected. One of our members had visible bruises about the head as a result of the handling of the AIA or CPC(ML) security personnel. The response,of the YS members was to inform Federation members of the incident and to ask them to find out why the YS was excluded from the conference. Three Federation members, a Chevron staffer, the two original YS members plus myself went back to the meeting in order to find out the reasons for the forcible evictions. The Federation members voiced their opposition to the exclusions and wanted to determine who the indviduals involved were. At that time we had no idea of involving campus security, otherwise we would not have consented to go back over to the engineering complex. .The inquiries on the part of Federation people and the attempt to come face-to-face with the people who had thrown out the Young Socialists, were met with another forcible ejection, this time of a total of seven people. - Exclusions and ejections also occurred in the case of Radio Waterloo personnel. Again the methods of the “security” people became evident: one radio reporter was punched to the head, sustaining visible bruises, and had his glasses broken. In the aftermath of all these incidents, some Federation people are considering laying charges against AIA members involved. At official meetings of Students Council, particularly at the executive meeting on Sunday afternoon, the-Young Qcialists argued against the laying of charges. They , further argued against the notion of banning the AIA or cutting off their funds. The AIA allegations, that it was the YS who screamed about “banning” the AIA, calling the police, etc. is patently false. This should be clear to anyone who has any inkling about our politics and who has read our columns.. We feel that “banning” left groups on campus and taking court action is a mistake on the grounds that it ‘will further divide the left on campus and- that it will not help the cause of clarifying the real political issues. We, the Young Socialists, protest the use of force on the’part of the AIA and the


CPC(ML) in a meeting which was supposedly open. Such actions harm the entire left. They confuse students and divert their attention away from thereal enemy, the rulers of this country and their political system. They bolster the illusions and the mistrust fostered by the ruling class about the left-that radical groups are simply warring factions, dogmatic, an’tidemocratic organizations seeking to impose their views on people. They turn the left inward on itself, isolating it from the students and leaving it helpless in the face of the-state. By substituting blows for political discussion the CPC(ML) and the AIA is injuring the student and workers movement. The CPC(ML) does not need to censor whose views will be heard. Anyone can judge for him or herself the merits of the Trotskyist ideas of the Young Socialists. We call on the AIA and the CPC(ML) to publicly repudiate the actions by their members last weekend and to pledge that in the future it will usediscussions anddebate as a way of resolving political differences. We point-by way of contrast and example-to the recent Rosie. Douglas meeting, where several student organizations and Federation co-operated to build a successful meeting. The last minute withdrawal of the AIA sponsorship was unfortunate; we would have hoped they would not take such a sectarian stance. -The reasons the AIA gave for not cosponsoring the meeting (“because the YS is not a legitimate left organization”) is consistent with their slander of the Young Socialists. It is not sufficient to merely read a proclamation -denouncing your opponents or to use force to evict them from meetings; we call on all groups, on the left to condemn these tactics and we challenge the AIA and the CPC(ML) to public debate ’ on their views. Helmuth Fischer Young Socialists

Web&e& definition Undoubtedly this issue of the Chevron will contain discussion of the recent symposium on the political economy of Canada which was sponsored by the AntiImperialist Alliance. At this “symposium” people were denied admission because of their political beliefs and others were forcibly evicted from the proceedings. We have seen and heard a great deal ’ from thisAnti-Imperialist Alliance on campus this term. Many students, including myself I must confess, are still in the embryonic stages of developing political consciousness. To us, the words and deeds of this AntiImperialist Alliance are sometimes bewil\ dering and confusing. I study physics I am too unsophisticated in my.. political philosophy to be able to judge exactly what ‘is the hature of this so-called “Anti-Imperialist Alliance”. I hear them and I see them and I remain confused. So rather than attempt to contribute to the discussion of the nature of this, AntiImperialist Alliance, I would just like to end this letter by quoting from page 825 of The Unabridged-Edition of Webster’s Third New International Dictionary. The emphasis, I should note, is mine. “Fascism (It. fascismo, fr. fascia; bundle, political group --ismo-ism). 1: the principles of the Fascisti; also: the movement or governmental regime embodying their principles 2a: any program for setting up a centralized autocratic national regime with severely nationalistic policies, exercising regimentation of industry, commerce and finance, rigid censorship, and forcible suppression -of opposition b: any tendency toward or actual exercise of severe autocratic or dictatorial control (as over others within‘ an organiza- ’

Deadline for feedback


tion) (the nascent fascism of a detective who is not content merely to do his duty-George Nobbe) (a kind of personal fascism, a dictatorship of the ego over the more-generous elements of the soul -Edmond Taylor)” We have heard who this Anti-Imperialist Alliance say they are. But l/et us judge themby their actions. . ,

tension in the Village? Judging by the high demand on Village accommodations (boy, have they got alot to learn) it certainly would be feasible?or is it too expensive to replace a few urinals with toilets? Then there is food (I use the term loosely). There is little that I can say to praise Village food. It stinks. Yes, I know that they’re doing their best, but isn’t there a better way? I have to ask myself, must meals be obligatory? How about an optional meal plan, and for those who wish to cook for themselves, the kitchenettes in the lounges could easily be equipped with sufficient facilities (oven, dishes, cutlery, toaster, kettle, pots & pans-stove and fridge already there) to enable this to come about. For those who wish to have the Village cook for them, well, there would be considerably lower volume, with a proportional increase in the quality. This would definitely be a gross improvement over the present situation. I feel that one should be able’ to walk from any one point to any oTherpoint in the Village without having to go outside. It riles ,me that when I go to pick up a pizza from the Palace, it gets quick-frozen before I can get it back to my room. There should be covered and heated corridors leading from Green dining hall to Blue, from West 6 to West I, and from South 4 to South 7 & 8. There should also be covered and heated access from all four quads to tge central roof complex (administration, tuck shop, Pizza Palace, and Great Hall). It wouldn’t hurt either to-connect up the “girl’s sid& and the “guy’s side” in each quad. Is there any wonder that the incidence of colds, flu, and mono is so high in the Village? How about Village pubs? (for you, Vil, lage Council) I feel like a sardine-every time I go to one, and I don’t think that I’m alone on this either. There is no way that so many people should be allowed into a Village I pub (the ones held in Red & Green dining halls). The maximum number of maple allowed in by the LiL.B.0. is based on full occupancy of both dining halls-but without, exception, 80 per cent of the people congregate in the room where the band is playing. This makes the pub alot less enjoyable than it might be, not to mention the fire danger caused by this cramming. I definitely fee-l that the pubs should have fewer people indhem; if it means charging more, well then, charge more. It’ll still be the cheapest entertainment around. Starting this fall, it will cost the student $760.00 to live in a single room in Village I. This amounts to almost $48.00 per week, of which almost half goes to food. Villagers, do you feel that the food you are getting is worth $24.00 a week? I dare say that you could do a hell of a lot better than that if you bought and cooked it yourself. To the Administration of the Villages: It is my prophecy that you will be nowhere near full occupancy this fall if you don’t get off your asses and do something about\ the present situation. Considerably more flexibility in meal plans and cleaning service is required (I sure didn’t need a maid once a week to vacuum my room and change my bed). Students: Isn’t it about time you started screaming for some changes? The Village has its points, and is potentially a very desirable place to live, but not the way it presently stands. It is about time that the Villagers got what they need.

RalGh Torrie

Liberirte who?


Ip answer to the Waterloo-Wellington Student Movement, I ask them what reason is there for practising revolution? Is it not supposed to be for people, to free them from, violence, exploitation, dehumanization and subservience? Free who from whom, to do what? To know how people are to be freed, we must understand the mechanisms of their bondage. The picture of one group holding - a whip over the heads of another group is a rather simplistic -depiction of society. Surely it is important to understand the features of all human beings and the imperatives of our culture that are reproduced in everyone. In the western world, the politics of accumulation create people who find identity and purpose in accumulating materials. Many must seek fulfillment from doing boring jobs, in some cases to provide minimum living stand_ards to their families. They feel their human worth only by degrading other groups, races, or sexes. The important pointis that this culture is‘ in every person. People act the way they do because they’see no choice, and few have resources to create an alternative. . Those who urge an end to privilege and wealth hoarding by a few at the expense of many are right in seeing this as a very necessary step to liberation. But is not the real reason for counter-revolution; the inability ‘of peoples in the past to take their lives into their-own hands, coupled with those reactionary elements who sought to “guide or lead”- the revolutionary forces towards the end product that the elitists_see as liberation? In a revolution where people don’t liberate their own minds, souls,‘and bodies, the people will end up following the new leaders, and what will be accomplished? To deny the human element of change that must take place in every individual is ‘Ito dehumanize a change that is for people, ‘1and so dehumanize the human race. How can we ever become human, if influential groups such as WWSM assert continually that humans are to be guided and led by the benevolent protectors WWSM and CPC(ML)? .

Keith Wallace The Fairview Collective

Village (blues

*i ’

I came down to Waterloo the other weekend to see, the CIAU basketball Champion-ships. I stayed with some friends in Village I, where I had been in residence for my three most recent school terms. It wqs at this point that I finally realized why I hated the Village so much. There will have to be considerable changes before I’ ever’ consider staying- there again. In the first place, the male-female ratio is all wrong (about 3:l) and makes for some very unhealthy attitudes as far as malefemale relationships go. There is a general feeling among the men that “Village chicks are either 1) fat; 2) ugly; 3) snotty; or 4). already taken. The women don’t complain too- much about the ratio, of course; they’ve got theirpick. Would not a 1: 1 ratio be alot healthier, and help relieve some’

3A Chemical

Howard Katz Engineering

Thanks to OPT)


I am just sending these few lines of mine to say a word of thanks ‘to you for the spectacles’that was provided by you to me. I am very grateful for it. I cannot find a word suitable enough to express thank to you all. Whenever I wants to read it is of good use., Again I say thanks very much. .





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.FederaI .loan ceiling increase to $400.





Applications for loans must be OTTAWA (CUP)The Miscel: Passy added there was no way to laneous Estimates Committee of authorized by the government of force the provinces to’-raise their the student’s home province, and a support levels by $100 but he feels Parliament voted on Tuesday province can set’a lower loan ceil(March 11) to increase the maxthey are also concerned about stuimum amount of federal student ing than is stipulated in federal regdent living standards and can be expected to act accordingly. loans from $1400 to $1800 per stuulations. dent per year. So a province could wipe out any Although the federal maximum a The new loan ceiling will take benefit from the federal change in’ student may borrow in an academic maximum loans by refusing to auyear fs being increased, the total effect on July 1 this year, providing that Parliament approves the thorize the increase, as Ontario anamount of loan which a student nounced recently. may accumulate under the plan rechange, as is expected. Or, by allowing students to apply mains unchanged at $9,800. -Also The increase comes in response to a recommendation made by fedfor the $400 increase while raising unchanged is the nine and a half eral and provincial student aid offituition fees or reducing the grant _year maximum repayment period. portion of the aid package, a proAccording to figures released by cials at a meeting last fall. Minister of finance John Turner, vince could use the federal change the finance department, a total of who is responsible for implementto the detriment of students. 153,993 students received loans in . F.C. Passy, director of the fithe past year, or 35 per cent of the ing the Canada Student Loans Act, announced in late February that he nance department’s Guaranteed total student population. recommend the Loans Administration, said in an The proportion has been steadily would decreasing since 1970 when 38 per $400-per-year increase to Parliainterview he thought it unlikely that ment. any province would pass on the cent of the total student population A He said the boost in the annual federal increase to decrease proreceived loans. -. The total value of the loans aumaximum was proposed “in recvincial support. ognition of higher living costs and He said federal and provincial thorized last year was $128.7 milleducational costs facing students .” aid officials had originally consiion. The actual federal expenditure _ The last increase in the annual limit dered raising the loan ceiling by on the loan program isestimated at was made July l-, 1972. . $500 to keep pace with cost of living ’ between $40-44 million. The major increases. It was finally decided part of this cost is paid to banks to But whether students will actuthat the federal loans would be in- cover interest charges on loans for ally receive an increased living income as a result of the change in creased by $400 while the pro-, student borrowers who ‘are still in at college or federal loan policy depends on the . vinces were expected to make up full-time attendance university. response of the provinces. the additional $100.

With Y0lJr




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21, 1975


the chevron

Cariadian political !econohy\ forum

From March 13-16, over 350 people from across Canada met at the University of Waterloo for a symposium on important questions relating to the political economy of Canada. The main speakers during the symposium, sponsbred by the . Anti-Imperialist Alliance, were UW history professor Leo Johnson and-Hardial Bains, chairman of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). From the+outset, conference participants were encourage to make generous donations for the fbod, literature and documents available. , All money donated wentto the national liberation struggle of the Cambodian people. This symposium was the first of four conferences to be held over the next eight montlis. The next conference will be held in Montreal on the weekend sf April 25. The AIA has resolved to sponsor the three upcoming conferences, in _conjunction with other progressive student organizations. A handbook or journal to summarize the most important conclusions will be produced by the end of this period. While the speeches and discussions which occurred over the four day period cannot be easily farsummarized-they were reaching and very detailed-three main. areas were under intensive examination: the development of monopjbly capitalism i,n Canada, U.S. imperialist domination of Canada and an initial class analysis of this country.

of the Canadian bureaucratic state position. Thus a bourgeoisie which monopoly capitalist class and the was comprador in the 1820’s found state monopoly capitalist system in itself transformed more and more Canada leads to national into a Canadian’ capitalist class by chauvinism; and the view that‘the the 1850’s. In the evening the role of Qvebec Canadian monopoly capitalists are in the political economy of,Canada not an enemy of the Canadian peowas discussed. Bains explained _ ple. ; how a capitalist class singles out Those who see Canada as an incertain sections of the people for dependent imperialist power do not superexploitation, and develops by take into account U.S. imperialist keeping certain areas such as domination of Canada. Key sectors Quebec depressed as a source of o-f the Canadian economy are -. cheap labour. In the view of the dominated by U.S. imperialists. CPC (M-L) the contradictions in Canada is not imperialist in the Canada during the whole perio.d of sense of contesting for markets British colonization were concenwith U.S. imperialism for its own trated in Quebec where a low revel specific interests and use. of prbductive capacity was enLed Johnson’s opening remarks forced to ensure proletarianization concentrated on specific developof the masses of French people. ments in \he growth of Canada from The’CPC (M-L) considers the sub1600 to the 1850’s. He talked about his view that the motivating force in jugation of Quebec as the origin of change, development ‘and motion the development of Canada ps the in the political economy of the economic aspirations of the Eurocountry. Leo Johnson e?phasized i pean imperialist countries. the great importance of the west Under the French the primary economic relationship was the ex-‘ after 1850. traction of wealth via the fur trade while under the British, each of the colonies supplied one or two commodities for the- Blritish- Empire. Several provisional ‘documents From 1760 to 1840 the ruling class detailing the big bourgeoisie, the had its roots in England, and acted sixty largest corporations in primarily as middlemen in the extraction of colonial wealth. JohnCanada and a chart on the domination of the Canadian economy by son point&d out the ruling class was foreign interests-mainly U.S. a comprador bourgeoisie in \this imperialists-were provided by the period. Workers’ College Committee of the He went on to say that the primCPC(M-L). A staggering amount of ary form of production which deevidence was presented by all veloped among the people (outside speakers to show the strangehold the externally motivated fur trade of U.S. imperialists finance capital and timber trade) was labourover the Canadian ecqnomy. It beintensive agricultural prodtiction, came very clear in these discusprimarily intended for consumpsions that lhe major coptradiction tion, with only secondary involvein Cactida right now is that between ment in commodity production. As U.S. imperialists and the Canadian such, these farmers should not be In his opening remarks, Hardial monopoly capitalist class against characterized as “capitalist farBains pointed out that to underthe vast majority of the Canadian mers”. Since they were also clearly stand the political economy of people. not peasants in the European Canada it is necessary to examine, .. sense, he designated this period as. How does the bureaucratic state the concrete conditions in Canada monopoly capitalist class accomc one of primitive accumulation and analyze the economic system; modate itself and the interests of based upon “toiler” production. that is, how various classes, groups U.S. imperialism? In the first inContyadictims developed betand individuals ‘make their living. stance, it uses the state to take ween the comprador class and thk Secondly, he pointed to the necesmuch of the risk out of foreign intoiler pi-oducers. This contradicsity to investigate the book-keeping vestment in Canada, pays for-the matured to of this system or how accounts are tion had not, however, infrastructure, and gives tax grants the-point of open struggle before kept. How is surplus-value expropand direct subsidies, particularly the British Conquest. Under riated and divided among the varithrough military budgets and the British rule, particularly after 1791, ous monopoly capitalists? Bains undertaking of certain scientific recontradi’ctions developed into a . went on to explain that the cultural search. legis!;ltive deadlock over takation, superstr,+ture reflects the In exaniining the charts provided economic base, that the ideology of land and economic policy, and the at the symposium, it becomes clear rise of “Reform Parties” in the‘ Atvarious classes mirrors how people that in the decisive sectors @ prolantic Provinces, Quebec and make their living, duction, Canada exercises no conUppe-r Canada. He emphasized that capital is not trol over its own economy. In the a -thing but a social relationship. Johnson said that for both the machine tool industry,‘for example Any MP for example can use his Quebec and Upper Canadian fuling (without control over which Canada position’ to acquire capital. Even classes, the state provided the main relifiquishes control over its source of capital. In order to innational sovereignty ig converted economy since the machine tool into capital by the Canadian crease the value of their land holdindustry is decisive in the producings and .mercantile interests, the monopoly capitalists. ’ tion of the means of producti&)Capitalism has reached the stage Quebec and Upper Canadian ruling foreign owner&hip and control by . of monopoly which gives rise to an classes were anxious to increase percentage of total capital, investextreme intensification of all the immigration, and to end free land ments is 71.9 percent. Moreover fundamental contradictions inhergrants. Moreover, the scarcity of Canada has net imports of over ent in the capitalist system. In cheap, plentiful. labour made it dif$130 million worth. of machine Canada, monopoly capitalism is ficult to find profitable opportools. parasitical, interwoven with the tunities to invest profits ‘in Canada. state. Bains described capitalism in These policies also served the inCanada as state monopoly terests of the British ruling class. . e. capitalism. By the 1830’s and 40’s these ’ - I!ie also opposed the misconceppolicies had shad some success. tion that the Canadian bourgeoisie His view was that with the exIn the final session of the symis comprador in nature, that it is pansion of commodity production 2 ‘posium, Hardial Bainb dealt with an merely an agent of U.S. imperialism e$pecially in Upper Canada, the initial analysis of social class in with no social base of its own. On ruling class in Canada became Canada virhich necessarily involves the contrary, the Canadian deeply involved in investments in the study of+the social system. bourgeoisie is mondpoly capitalist banks, road coinpatiies, etc., and There are two main classes in and as such has both harmony and began to develop economic inCanada, the owners-of capital and antagonism of interests with U.S. terests separate from those which the owners of labour power. The imperialism. To deny the existence... .\. #are stric@y,&m their middle-man owners of capital that is the :

U.S. Domination bf Canada

Development of Mbnopoly _ Capitalism

Social Class in Canada

bourgeosie which actually owns people are’ recruited to carry out and/or manages the means of prothe criminal wor$ of , the big duction and the state apparatus, is bourgeoisie. by far the smallest class comprising Amongst the petite bourgoisie at most 3 per cent of the population. I are the crestfallen intellectuals and petty producers who serve as the Amongst them no morethat 0.6 per cent-or apprbximately 45 social prop of riiht opportunism. These people have no economic families-form the upper crust of base for their existence. When the this class. rise of monopoly cap(italism imThe workers j having nothing but pdverishes them, many become their labour power to sell make up very vocal-and give rise to all kinds 75-80 pe.r cent of the population. At of opportunist positions within th the heart of this class is the urban & working class movement. proletariat, the most revolutionary Bains put forward two questiois section of the working class. at the end of the sessibn to serve as An intermediary petty boura starting point for the next confergeoise, which owns its own means ence. What is the nature of the.soof production for its own use is very cial system in Canada at this time small, and is being still further dri(and its historical rise) and what is ven into one camp or the other. In the nature of social cJasses in this middle strata (at best 18-25 per Canada at this time (and their hiscent) are further substrata of upper, torical rise)? middle and lower petite Before the enthusiastic crowd bourgeoisie. began boarding buses for the lqng Alongside the big bourgeoisie, rides home, the week-end closed the most important group to underwith a qally insupport of the strugstand is the upper petite bourgoisie gles of the people of Cambodia. who are aligned with the big Many comrades representing difbourgeoisie, SD closely in fact that ferent groups within the conference it is often difficult to screen them came forward and offered words of from the big bourgeoisie. They solidarity and support for national make their living, as lawyers, docliberation struggles and against tars, engineeSs , professors, labour U.S. imperialism and Soviet social aristocrats, etc., and are highly re- r imperialism. As well, an inspiring warded by the monopoly capitalist film of Prince Samdech NorOdom class. While this group has the preSihanouk, rightful head of State tensions of the ruling class, in acand leader of the National United tual. fact they are only sycophants Front of Cambodia was shown of of the ruling class. The bourgeoisie Sihanouk’s visit to the liberated rely on them td do all the dirty work areas in Cambodia. The conference for their class such as propaganda. ended with a rousing round of The middle petite bourgeoisie: is songs, including the Internationale , quickly shrinking, comprising and a final collection of money for about 5 per cent of the population at the Cambodia Fund that brought this time. Amongst the ranks of this the weekend’s’ Fund contribution strata are the most reactionary to over $1500. elements such as racist social -john Stafford, neil docherty and chauvinists and from this strata rick degrasse






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s --








dation ofthe Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Two weeks ago, several students I”n Development. Justice Berger was to oversee the Man-Environmeut ‘Studies $made a week public hearings, where arguments for and against the , . long trip to Yellowknife in the North-West ‘pipeline will be ‘brought forth. He ‘was to specifically Territories to observe-fust hand the Berger examine the economic, social and environmental ‘implications of a northern gas pipeline. Though not-_ Commission Hearings regarding the proposed Mackenzie Valley Pipeline. This article a --technically in the terms of reference of the Commission,sJustice Berger will look at several major issues is a result ofthe! studies and the trip. The involved in any northern development. These instudy group inehrded Jane Saunders, Helen clude native’land claims, discussion of the corridor /Habgood, Tom Munson, Lorne Milnes, concept, and impacts of feeder lines. Bergerwill look at the possibility of a Mackenzie . Lucy Falconer, Sheila Dobie, Mark GamValley,,, Transportation Corridor, conble, Bob Picard, Louise Roblin, Denny Tof,*a 1 * sucnthe * tnmgs .“corridor . . . * cepr- , wnicn couia1,. incmae as tere-e folo, Rudy Peters., Steve Warner-, and last communications, a highway-, a railway, and so on. but not least good old Diane Beckett, These things -can all-be expected to -follow a gas ./




On Monday, March 3, lawyers, executives, scientists, economists and many others with an interest in northern petroleum development braved the cold in Yhwknife, Northwest Territories’ (NWT), as the Berger Commission Inquii;y into the Mackenzie Valley Gas Pipeline got underway. The Inquiry will probably continue for at least nine months and will examine,the environmental, social and economic implications of’building a natural gas pipeline in the Mackenzie Valley. 1 * In 1968, large oil and gas reserves were discovered on the North Slope of Alaska at Prudhoe Bay. A small quantity of gas has been found-in the Mackenzie Delta in the NWT, but not enough to fqcilitate exploitation‘at this time. There is an American market for the Alaska oil and gas. Theproblem is how to transport it to market .,The Alaskan oil will be brought to market by the means of a-. Trans-Alaska Pipeline, and then byocean tanker down the west coast. However,there is still the problem of transporting the gas. One possibility is for it to follow the same route as the oil, but gas must be liquified before this can be done. It has been suggested that the most economical way of moving the gas would be through a Canadian pipeline from Prudhoe Bay, down the Mackenzie Valley to Alberta, and then to the U.S. midwest, prime marl& for natural gas. ’ This proposed pipeline would likely piggyback the s all amount of Canadian gas that has already been fo3l . d in the Mackenzie Delta. Proven reserves of Delta gas thus far wou_ld not justify a pipeline for only Canadian gas. Therefore the proposed pipeline would be built primarily for transportation of American gas. A, group of American andCanadian companies have combined to form a consortium called Canadian Arctic Gas Pipeline Ltd. and have applied to the Canadian government for \permission to build the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline. It is primarily anAme& can venture, but because it will cross Canadian soil, , the consortiuin must apply to the Canadian government for a right-of-way permit. They ‘must also apply to the National Energy Board (NEB) for a certificate of public convenience and an-export liI. cence, The NEB is concerned primarily with financial and economic aspects of the pipe&e. It is to decide whether or not Canadian reserves &i the Mackenzie Delta are large enough to warrant exploitition at this time. Prove,n reserves in the area now total seven trillion cubic feet and estimates as to economic. feasibility indicate that 5 minimum of fifteen trillion .m cubic feet is necessary.’ ’ The pipeline, which will be’about 2,Oa miles long,‘ is 4.8 inches in diameter, and will be buried throughout much of its length. Compressor stations will be required to chill’the gas and pump it through the line. The costs of construction have been estimated from seven to ten billion dollars. Oneof the positive benefits from the project so far has been the accumulation of a vast amount of data concerning the Canadian North. Canadian Gas Arctic Study limited has produced over thirty volumes of material on -the environmental, social and economic implications of the project. The Canadian government through its Environmental-Social Program-has conducted parallel studies which have been published through Infor-mation Canada. All of- this‘ material, plus all matter relevant to the project has been made public by Justice Berger. The Berger Commission was created on March .21, 1974 by an Order-in-Council on the recommenr

pipeline, as development moves northward. Gas feeder lines, also outside Berger’s terms of reference, are an important part of pipeline development, and under no-stretch< of the imagination can be divorced from it. These smaller gas lines will lead from individual drilling sites to the main trunk line, and can be expected to have many of the same effects as the main pipeline. Inpursuing a fair and open inquiry, it appears that E%rger recognized these terms of reference as only rough guidelines. He will listen to anyand all-arguments and-then make his recommendations to the I Cabinet. *




Preliminary hearings were held in late- April and early May of- 1974 in : Yellowknife, Inuvik,-Whitehorse and Ottawa. The main purpose of these hearings was to decideupon the time, procedure and scope of the formal hearings. Overview hearings were held in Yellowkiife from March 3 - 7,1975. They resembled a unrversity crash course in-the human; physical and biological environments of the north, as well as geotechnical-aspects of northern construction and a.history of the, natural.gas industry-I-Some of the topics discussed included geology, hydrology, permafrost, flora and L -_ fauna. The purpose of the overview was to provide everyone with a general knowledge of the M-a&ken-, zie Valley as it exists today, and existed in the past: Instead of going right into Overview Evidence on March 3, it-was decided to devote the‘ first day to position-statements from the various participants in order to make their concerns clear. Each group was well represented by its legal counsel. =The first person to speak was Mr. Genest, Coun- ’ se1 for Arctic Gas Pipeline Ltd He began by giving a brief description of the identity of Arctic Gas, the project description and cost of the pipeline, (tiich he cited to be $7 billion, not $10 billion, as rumour had,it); He then w&t on to say that “It is a project which we sub&is clearly in the national interest of Canada and which we also submit will bring substantial benefits to the people of the north. . .,y‘. He substantiated the position of Arctic Gas, that this project is the most economically feasible way to bring “badly needed Canadian- gas to Canadians”. . Foothills Pipeline’Ltdi canother consortium made up of solely Canadian companies wishing to submit a proposal in the near future, was’ represented by IX& ginald, Gibbs. He dwelt on the issue of Canadian control, and. the necessity of a smaller pipeline at lesscost proposed by .Foothills “. . .let us first recognizethat the Canadian Arctic-Gas project is no< designed to meet Canadian needs.” Canadian Arctic Resources Committee (CARC), the principal environmental intervenor was represented by counsel Russel Anthony. CARC takes the position that northern development generally proceeds on chopelessly -inadequate information”. CARC’s theme of participation is the “open-a window on the north” an&they hope to do this through the BergerCommission. They feel it is impo,rtant to unravel the process of bureaucracyin decision making, and explain alternatives and new review procedures to the public. CARC mistrusts the government’rrole in the hearings and feel that, “ . . . the Government is not interested in cooperating with a full and public inquiry”. CARC plans to examine the corridor concept of northern development and identify environments effects,

and what Arctic Gas proposes to do about them. Glen Bell appeared as counsel for the Indian Brotherhood and. Metis Association of the-Northwest Territories; He spoke of the enormity of this project and how it would be likely to effect northern people. Bell stressed the necessity and worth of the community hearings in identifying the views of the effected by the 6 people who would be directly pipelin&-He was skeptical of Arctic Gas’ premise ‘that Delta gas will soon be. needed by southern Canada and that the pipeline is inevitable: Bell expressed the view that this inquiry will bethe best way to tell Canada of the native position on land claims, and said that “we give priority to the issue relating to land claims”. The thesis of the groupswhich he represented is?& pipeline befvre a-land] claims settlement”. COPE (the Committee for Original,I%oples E&i-tlement) and ITC (Inuit Tapir%+ of Canada) were, represented ‘by John Bayley. Their preliminary stand is’that “: . .there must be no major development before the question of land claims has .been settled.” He also made a point of the fact COPE and ITC are not ‘prepared to bargain for cash, but the land claims issue rests with the control of lands and waters. The Council-. for Yukon Indians,. counsel Ron Veale, was formed to negotiate the land claims set’ tlement with the Government of Canada, and is opposed to a pipeline untilsuch settlement is reached. M Murray Sigler, counsel for the N.W.T. Association of municipalities, spoke of the concern over ongoing socialand economic impacts. The Association feels that “. . . the .municipal councils will be the ones, as a level of government+ who will bedealing with the socialandeconomic aftermath on a community level. . .” .=--%The land claims issues, which are of such great importance to a number of interveninggroups, can-

not be settled by the Inc Berger’s terms of referee base their claims to the 1; have lived off that land-f01 erations. The aboriginal ri erty rights retained as are! pancyof lands) can be con in the west. Up until now, been, recognized by Eng Treaties 8 and 11 whichw pies in 1917 and 1921 a&o be only peace treaties, mt the Government.

The formal hearings%&& will continue for many m01 into &ur phases: 1) Engineering and COI --this phase will dea size and location of 1 - construction; the .bU tions, etc.’ 2) The Impact. on the I - -this phase include the air and the wate mafrost, river cross 3) The Impact on the I -this includes tl:: animal life, includin 4) The Impact on the I -this deals with s pacts. In addition to.the.Form; small informal hearings iltt Mackenzie River. Justice the Commission-Staff will 7 few days listening to local It is Berger’s intention, ; .


-/ I


the chevron

ture infiltration, there is a lot of surface water in the’ north. Much of the land is dotted with small lakes created by poor runoff. There are often floods at the time of spring break&p. These cause huge ice jams in the rivers, scouring river beds:A sunken pipeline could be ripped to pieces by this spring ice. Another major concern about the pipeline at the river crossings is river bank stability. Some rivers have constantly shifting, eroding channelsautting a pipeline in a precarious position.

Northern ecosystems In the north there is less variety of species; populations are smaller and thus more easily wiped out. The fight for survival is a real battle. Short summers, long winters, extremes of temperature, unpredictable food sources and low precipitation make the north a very harsh environment. Special species adaptations such as migration or hybemation are required for survival. An animal unique to the north, upon which many native people depend for meat and hides, is the barren ground caribou. Each year caribou have spectacular. migrations from their wintering grounds to the spring calving grounds, and then back to their summer ranges. Pipeline construction could disrupt the migrations or calving, and this in turn would affect the native people. The caribou herd over which -most concern isexpressed is the Porcupine herd of the-Yukon and Alaska, which numbers about 115,000. The settlement of OldCrow depends heavily on the Porcupine herd for its livelihood. Large amounts of gravel would be required forconstruction of the pipeline. The major source of gravel is from the river beds. Disturbance of riverbeds causes excessive siltation which can clog the gills of fish, suffocating them. Fish- also use the gravel in river beds for spawning, and its removal could be disastrous for some species. Water pollution from fuel oils, domestic wastes and pesticides would be injurious to aquatic life. Very little is known about northern ecology, it has only been in the past few years that any research has been done. Scientists who spoke at the overview hearings continually emphasized the lack of information available, and the need for more research.

- Socio-economic implications

r-this is not within The native people In the fact that they r threehundred genof the natives (prop)f their use and occutd to squatter’s rights ;e rights have always and Canadian law. igned by native peoered by the natives to rquishing any land to

ings n March 11,1975 and They will be divided ction h matters such as the ipeline, the timing of g of compressor sfa: cal Environment impacts on the land, e effects on the perslope stability, etc. p Environment .zt on the plant and dlife and fishes. u-r Environment and economic imarings, there will be Immunities along the tr and one or two of ach community for a lit reaction. quoted from a judge

If the native people are to be active participants in the development of the north, a settlement of the land claims issue is imperative. Though not-in terms of reference of the Berger Commission, the land _. claims are being stressed by the natives as their chief of the Northwest Territories, in his opening remarks weapon. Aboriginal rights to the land have always at the overview hearings, “to bring j,ustice to eTery ~ been recognized. A just settlement would give man’s door,” Berger believes that it is vital that the northern natives some sense of identity, and a lever local native people, who will be most -directly affor political bargaining power. fected, have an opportunity to voice their concerns. Social and cultural change in the north has been In order for the northern public to -know what extremely rapid in the last decade. The proposed happens at the formal hearings, a daily summary of pipeline will only intensify the expanding pressure the proceedings will be broadcast by the CBC in on the natives. Though there will be short-term beEnglish and seven native 1anguage.s. nefits to the economy, the costs of a gas pipeline The effects of construction’and operations of a gas seem to completely over-shadow any temporary pipeline in the Mackenzie Valley could prove harmgains. ful to the physical and biological environment. The Proponents bf the pipeline point to thenumerous proposed route crosses several types of vegetation jobs and resulting stimulation of the northern zones, ranging from boreal forest of dense spruce, to economy. However, the majority of jobs available to barren Alpine and low.Arctic tundra. Any activity natives will only be for the construction phase. that disrupts the vegetation or soil may result in When construction is complete, the natives will damage to the underlying permafrost. have to search for other jobs, or return to the traditional lifestyle. Adjustment to a wage economy will An understanding of permafrost is essential. This make that return a resentful one. permanently frozen ground, present in much of the The male’s quest for pipeline jobs will result in area to be crossedby the pipeline, is the bedrock of family breakdown. The traditional activities are a the Arctic. Permafrost varies in thickness from a few family effort, and without family members, hunting, feet to more than 2,000 feet, and consists of gravel, trapping and fishing will decline. Native culture is sand, silt and other soils. It is covered by an active already declining, and family break-up will hasten layer of ground that ranges in depth from about a this demise. If the young people have no knowledge foot to several hundred feet. All vegetation grows in of native skills to fall back on, welfare is their only the active layer. alternative. In permafrost of a high ice_ content, thawing Alcoholism is a major problem with native peocauses problems, such as soil slumping and erosion. ples. It has many cguses_worry and anxiety caused Recovery of vegetation on slopes is very slow.-Vegby unemployment or under-employment, loneliness etative studies are presently being carried out to because the children are away at hostel schools, learn how to reseed_exposed soil as quickly. as possi.dissatisfaction with housing, racial tension, loss of ble with various species of plants. pride and self esteem- in short, alcohol temporarily Fire is a natural part of the northern environment, but increased human activity means -increased fire drowns the people’s many sorrows. It is likely that hazard. Fires could cause extensive damage to vege- _ more rapid development, and an increase in the tatio , thus exposing permafrost. Fire,could destroy number of whites, especially transient workers, will the i”ichens that grow inthe north, which are a major worsen the existing situation. The present native education system needs imsource of food for caribou. Because of the permafrost, which prevents moisprovement. The children are taken away to hostel-


schools, thus increasing family break-up and alienation. When the children return after exposure to a larger town, and white culture, they become dissatisfied with their small community. These feelings climax when the children leave home to look for a better way of life. Improved transportation and communications networks will probably coincide with the pipeline. But do the natives want this? Southern technology is already being forced onto the natives at an alarming rate. Can their society withstand these pressures? The poor attempt to assimilate the northern natives into a white way of life has ‘left the native peoples-with-a lack of identity as a culture, a loss of pride, and a loss of control over their destiny. Will not a pipeline only increase their woes? Government officials and scientists ignore the vast store of knowledge that the Native people have, because that knowledge is intuitive and based on-years of experience, rather than on scientific quantitative data. -Scientists are happy when they can talk. in terms of numbers, but one cannot quantify a peoples’ culture.- How does one measure happiness, well being, pride and self esteem? . The exact magnitude of social and economic impacts is impossible to predict. As one expert pointed out, “the most important effects of the pipeline will be invisible. ’ ’ Seven Man-Environment students, part of a group that had been studying the pipeline proposal all year, made a trip to Yellowknife for the week of the overview hearings. The atmosphere in Yellowknife was full of excitement; Yellowknife has probably never seen so many lawyers before! One of the questions in everybody’s mind was: Will the government really take the Inquiry seriously, or does it already have its mind made up? Many people expressed scepticism and distrust. This feeling was amplified when, on the second day of the hearings, Mitchell Sharp announced that the government would, if necessary, make a #.decisjon about the pipeline before the hearings are completed. . Do the hearings have validity? It is inevitable that the pipeline will be built. There is a market for the gas; the Mackenzie Highway (which will be very helpful to pipeline construction) is nearing completion; vast sums of money have already been invested by Arctic Gas in research and promotion. . . The amount of damage resulting from pipeline construction can be lessened by building it carefully. Berger can make recommendations about how to build it, but it is beyond his power to enforce any regulations. Will the government enforce them? Yet the hearings do have value. The environmental and socio-economic studies which followed the proposal have yielded much information about the North. Previously very little was known about such subjects as perma-frost, caribou migrations, or Native land use. The Berger Commission Hearings are making all of this information public; and-hopefully the public will-develop an awareness ofthese issues. Most important, the Inquiry is a place for the Native People to have their say. They are demanding a settlement of their land claims before any pipeline construction begins. Berger cannot make a ruling on the land claims, but he intends to listen to the Native people, and to make their land claims a major consideration in his recommendations. In addition to the formal hearings, Berger will de holding the informal hearings in the MacKenzie River Communities. These hearings will, give local residents a chance to express their opinions. The Inquiry is-the best chance the Native people have to make their concerns known and they intend to take advantage of that chance. Theyknow what they have in their homeland in the North, and they want to keep it. After having spent a week in Yellowknife at the Hearings, it was clear to us that the Land Claims issue is a unifying force among the Native people. They are rekindling their pride in their culture; they want to preserve their languages and traditions. They want to determine their own future, the way they want it to be, not the way we want them to make it. The Native People have expressed that they are very glad to have this opportunity to talk about their concerns. They take the Hearings seriously, and want them to maintain validity. There have been whisperings that if the Land Claims .are not settled before pipeline construction begins, the pipeline might be sabotaged. The government would be wise not to take those rumours too lightly . . . .



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‘;narch 21, '1975





This year’s top female athll ete is no stranger to the Athena progrtirn. She has played in three different varsity t earns and achieved excelling levels in t#wo of the three sports. This year’+ i top‘female is-Sue Hamilton. Hamilton played basketball one y ear 1:Itit saw her height to be a disadvantage. Being an excellent badminton player, Sue has played two seasons and won her individual rank while the team won the OWIAA title. This year Hamilton was the co-captain and MVP of the field hockey team. Along with this track record, Hamilton has always shown a willingness to compete to her fullest capacity. She has dedicated long and strenuous hours to becoming a good athlete. Hamilton has also taken time to be greatly involved with the Women% Intercollegiate Council. Cofigratulations, Hamilton;


THE TOTZKE TROPHY. Mike Maser-In nine tournaments Xn si?r was selected either M.V.P. MO III rYr * or Au-srar m eacn4 one. He was all-Canadian in 1973 and 31974, was cq-captain of the Univi ersity of Waterloo Warriors for tl wo years an(j a mejd--s n--, rrmx 01 tanada’s National “b” team-for one year and ths ,‘A” tt


Robert Allan McCormick Tiophy Awarded annually to the student active in intramurals who has made the most significant contribution to the‘ programme as a competitor and/or administrator determined by the vote of the members of the Intramural Council. Mr. Mike Brooks ,a.-Dr. K. D. Fryer Trophy Awarded annually to the Intramural‘Unit which has amassed the greatest number-of points in scheduled competition. ’ ST. JEROME’S COLLEGE ’ Presented to Mr. Matt Wever and Mr. Mike Mulvihill. Mulvi v Father Bill Totinson Award Awarded annually to the Intramural Unit,which has bmassed?he greatest number of participation points. ST. JEROME’S COLLEGE Presented to Mr. Matt Wever and Mr. Mike Mulvi Mulvihill.


Judson Whiteside Awa;d . ’ .-I \*I~” - ’ . Awarded annually to the male student who exemplifies the highest degree of excellence in skill and participationin the Men’s Intramural Programme. Mr. Matt Wever, of St. Jerome’s









Basketball-Barb Benson Volleyball-Maria DaCo’sta Field Hockey-Sue Hamilton Swimming & -Diving-Valerie








ROOKIE AWARDS: Basketball-Ted Darcie Football-Bob Kendall Hockey-To be announced Track-Scott Margison.

Graduate Plaque: Ken Brown, Dave Headdon. Hqnour Letter-Sean Casey, Marcus ‘Klein. Medallion-Jan Arp, Colin Betty. I Honour Letter-Steve Hisey . Grac iuale Plaque-John Freherick. I Non our ietter-tick Drummond. Met lallion-Rick Adamson ,, Louis Krawczyk, Rick rard Knaggs, Ian Taylor, Dave Wilson, Tim , Wilson. Graduate Plaque-Doug Munn. Honour Letter-R.B. Burton, Peter Give, Al t Church, Mike Kaine, Ted McKeigan. Graduate Plaque-Gary Bennett, Dave Grant. Honour Letter-Tom Jarv, Bruce MacDonald, Dave Mdnteith, Kevin Munhall. Medallion-Duncan Colquhoun, Paul Dekking. Honour Letter-Tony Beiler, John Doyle. Mgdallion-Tim Wenzel. Graduate Plaque_Al Kalbfleisch. .4


Honour Letter-Steve Cole (Basketball, Rugby), Gus McMillan key). Medallion-Terry Ellin& (Football), Bruce Hyslop (@ootball).


’ (Hoc-



Hontiur Letter-Anna Pollock (Track & Field), Caraflyn Bowes (SkiF ing) Plaque-Joanna Reavill (Field Hockey, Soccer), Janet Theme (VolIeyball).


MVP AWARDS: Football-“Dick Aldridge Trophy”-Doug Crossman’ Basketball-“Hagey-Siegfried Trophy’” won by Mike Moser Hockey-“Robert F. -Rafferty Trophy”-To be announced Football-“Doug Shuh Trophy”-Dieter Plaumann Swimming-Dave Wilson p< . y ir Volleyball-Mark Lackey ,: se ., j ~ s ; Wrestling-Tim Wenzel Cross-Country-2 ‘Bob Findlay Tro$hp”‘-To be announced Soccer-’ ‘Henry Cooper Memorial Trophy’ ‘-Pa@. Stevenato. I . ;‘I + *, /-~-1-


Volleyball-OUAA CHAMPIONS-Grant Browning, Les Coles, Duncan Colquhoun, Paul Dekking, Roger Gillespie, Mike Hamilton, Toni Jarv, Mark Lackey, Bruce MacDonald, Dave Monteith, Ken Munhall, Jim Roberts, Juris Steprans, Ed Twardus, Bob Willis. Basketball-OUAA & CIAU CHAMPIONS-Trevor Briggs, Charles Chambers, Ted Darcie, Phil Goggins, Don Larman, Bill -Robinson, Phil Schlote, Jeff Scott, Ed Talaj, Art White, Mike Moser, Fred Dimson, Court Heinbuch, Rich Slowikowski, Steve Cole. Swimming-OWIAA CHAMPIONS-Maida Murray, Jackie Luty, Daphne McCulloch, Marg Murray, Pat Goraidowska, Elaine Keith, Cathy Adams, Valerie Quirk, Lee Fraser, Sydney Bennet, Peggy Graham, Marianne O’Neill. . s


Ina Van Spronsen-Volleyball Liz Damman-Track & Field Sandy Cook-Skiing Athena Crested



Sue Hamilton-Field Hockey &-Badminton Cathy Adanis-Swimming Maida Murray-Swimming -^ Marg Murray-Swimming Joan Wenzel-T?ack & Field \. Anna Pollock-Track & Field “Rika -yeddiag-Skiing &.Xetis, y *.a

DIRECTOR’S‘ AWARD The Director’s Award is given “In appreciation of an outstanding contribution t’o- t&e administration and develoDment of the wo&en’s Intercollegiate Athletic program”. The recipients are: - _ ~ Carallyn Bowes and Janet Thome Bowes’ contribution has been the organization of the women’s ski team for the past couple bf years, The ski team does not have a staff coach and 3owes has shouldered the administrative work. She has been statistician, organizer, liaison person, travel agent, team representat,ive, etc., as well as -participant. A job well done-Bowes.. Jan Thorne’s contribution to this program has been as-an athletic trainee, player, and WIG!-council member. Thorne is one of those people ‘wh6 are always ready to help whether it be with a mature organizational assistance or a roll of tape. When she is trainer for a team she. is a part of thaf team, maintaining the confidence of the athlete, and giving every assistance pqs,sible to the coach. For this, and all the many ways you have helped WIC, the athlete, and the administration, thank you, -\ Thome. i. J.O. Hamphill Award . This years-recipient is the Warrior ,:




The Brownie trophy is awarded to the Intramural unit which accumulates the-most p&icipation and championship poihts in a year. ’



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_ Swim team:


Lack of funds .~ *rde participation Despite the absence of three of its eligible male swimmers, the University of Waterloo swim team, coached by Mr. Brian Cartlidge, managed a respectable third place finish at this years’ C.I.A.U. swi&-ning championships, held at Thunder Bay’s Lakehead Univer= sity. The reason for the swimmers’ absence was, not surprisingly, a lack of funds. For a swimmer to be qualified to compete in the C.I.A.U. championships, he must be one of the top one hundred collegiate swimmers in the nation as ranked by the national time standards of the C.I.A.U. This ensures that the best athletes from across Canada compete in the championships. This year,- -the Ontario Universities qualified over fifty swimmers by this C.I.A.U. ranking. At meetings held in December of last year, though, the Athletic Directot-s of the Ontario Universities voted to cover the expenses of only the first twenty-five eligible swimmers from this conference. The coaches of the Universities’ swim teams, in an effort to get more of the eligible swimmers to th’e championship meet, found financial assistance in the form of a one thdusand dollar grant donated by - the Canadian Amateur Swimming Association. The coaches then conferred with their individual Athletic Directors about the possibility of using the grant to help defray ,travel costs to Thunder Bay. At meetings held by mail and telephone, one week before our own conference championships, the Athletic Directors voted on a motion allowing this grant to be used to fund an additional ten swimmers to the Nationals. At the same time another motion proposing that a further ten b-6 funded by each individual swimmer’s school, at the discretion of its Athletic Directa?, was passed. Waterloo’s Athletic Director, Mr. Carl Totzke, did not seem to think that these twenty additional swimmers should be allowed to. compete. When asked how he voted, Mr. Totzke said he went against both motions because he felt that the telephone meetings were unconstitutional, if illegal. “When they came to me.. .I said no. It’s not a league decision: I disagree with the way it was handled. First of all, I don’t think that more tha‘n twenty-five swimmers .should go from Ontario. Second of all, I don’t think that you can pass a motion like that,. by phone, one on one, the night before a meet. And thirdly, we don’t have the funds.” It seems that Mr. TotEke is more concerned with the tidyness of the minutes of business than with the effects his decisions have on interc collegiate swimming.

Seagram CUP

Although he,may object to allowing more than twenty-five swimmers from Ontario to compete in the Nationals, the C.I.A.U., by its national ranking, certainly doesn’t see anything wrong with that prospect. ,A total of forty-five C.I.A.U. ranked swimmers seems only to be an appropriate representation from Canada’s largest and most competitive conference. Moreover, it is mystifying how Mr. Totzke can object to the cQnference’s use of the C.A.S.A. grant as a lo& of funds from the University. The University had three swimmers in the second group of ten, hence three swimmers to be funded by UW, at a total cost of two hundred dollars; that is, approximately one one-hundredth of fl one per cent of the total Intercol1nrr;rItn


Elaborating on the lack of funds ’ available for swimming, Mr. Totzke said, “We did not budget for those extra swimmers so then we’d have to take it from some-. place else . . .We far overspent our budget. Almost every travel budget ’ was overspent (partly) because of what happened to inflation.” If there was no money available to cover the expenses of these three swimmers then it seems only fair to let them fund themselves to the Nationals. Unfortunately this is not the way Mr. Totike sees it. “I don’t agre.e that players ought While everyone was exuberantly to fund themselves to go to the nzcheering our men’s basketball team.. tional championship. We should in the CiAU’s, March 7, 8, 9, our pay their way. A national champwomen’s squash team was competionship is something we schedule ing in the -Third Annual Ontario (and) we undertake to pay the cost Ladies Team Squash Tournament of these events.” held at McMaster University. Sixteen teams from across Ontario enIt seems that the UW swimmers tered. are caught in Catch-22. Although The Waterloo team consists of qualified 6y the C.I.A.U. to comJo-Ann Price, Linda Kempf, Judy pete in the collegiate Nationals, Maynard, Kathy Lucas, and Colthese three were not given the leen Mannion. In the first round of necessary financial support from UW, nor yet were they allowed by ’ play, they lost a very close match to the Toronto Squash Club. To win a the school to fund themselves; match, 3 of the 5 players must win Granted, Mr. Totzke has a very their individual matches (which tire tough job allocating money for the 3 of 5 games). Two of the womens’ many, active intercollegiate sports. matches against the Toronto The decisions he makes are not easSquash Club were lost in overily come by. Yet the situation repoints in the fifth games. mains: three swimmers eligible to This loss did not dampen their ‘compete in the C.I.A.U. champspirits. Saturday morning they met. ionships were not aJlowed to atand defeated the Skyline Racquet tend. Club (Toronto) by a Score of 5-O. “I have to make decisions that That afternoon, the Fitness Instihave some relationship to other tute (Toronto) met a similar fate programs and, basically that are, when the Waterloo team won- 4 of fair. And I think that the decisions I their 5 matches. The Consolation have made on swimming are fair-not good for swimming-but fair.” One supposes that only the Athletic Director knows whether or not his decisions are fair, but it is evident that those decisions are not by Loser (1) any measure good for swimming. Winner (5) 9:OOam

Women’s Varsity . Squash



Although the phantom did not &me back to haunt Last Chance, the reality of the Raiders did. The “upstart Raiders”, as quoted in _ previous Chevron issues, completed their first undefeated season in three years, with a record of 10 and 0. These victories included tpree post-season wins; 8-l to V2 West E., 7-3 to a much improved Co-op Math team, and the final, ironically, 3-2 to Last Chance. *The championship game was a rough affair with the accent being placed on defensive play including some superb goaltending on both sides. The Raiders opened the scoring with about five minutes remaining in the first half, but Last Chance evened the count at one apiece before the intermission. The second half was superlatively played, demonstrating floor hockey at its best. Last Chance jumped ahead on a converted goal mouth pass and the future looked _ bleak for the “green and gold”. The deficit did not discourage the persistent Raiders and they rallied to tie the score five minutes later. With the next goal being all impor\ tant towards victory, strategy dominated the offensive plav, climaxed with the eventual iam& winner by Raiders’ defenceman, Wayne Kennedy. The closing minutes were characterized by a rash of penalties, goal-mouth scrambles and break-aways that tested the coolness and capability of the goaltending for both teams. The final whistle sounded and the din of the battle ended. Screams of joy and exuberance filled the air while Capta%E?mie MacMillan accepted the prestigous Seagram Cup, emblematic of the Men’s Intramural Floor Hockey Champions.



the IM office and returned MON., MARCH 17/75





may be picked


Dentistry (UofT) (4) 9:OOpm 21st Kinesiology (UW)

22nd Loser (2)

Loser (3) (8) 1:OOpm 22nd

Wilfrid Laurier (3) 7:OOpm 21st Western Renison UW (2) 3:OOpm 21st McMaster

St. Jeromes (UW) Loser (4)

’ z-e-’ by


Student Assistants-Fall ‘75 $200jterm Areas of: a) Aquatics Director; b) Pthletic Trainer c) Fitness Co-ordinator d) One of Publicity, Rec. Team Sports Co-ordinator or Tournament Director up in

(1) 1 :OOpm Mar. 21 Bethune York

I ~


Summer ‘75 and Fall ‘75 Student Help 1) Lifeguards: $2.251/hr. 2) Instructors: $3 .OO/hr. 3) Officials: $2.25-$3.OO/hrI 4) Conveners/Referee-in-Chiefs: Honorari6ms Contact the Intramu’ral Office immediately

Renison b-ball (this weekimd)

Consolation . Champion 7:oo pm 22nd Winner


Final was on Sunday where Waterloo played the Toronto Lawn Tennis Club. Our 3-2 win made us the Consolation Wintiers. In past years Molson’s has supported Varsity Sports and Ladies squash is no exception. An award is given each year for the University team consisting of students which advances the furthest in the team tournament. By accomplishing this feat, the Waterloo women won bridge sets which were presented at a cocktail patiy on Saturday evening. Thank you Molson’s for your ; support. Squash is not yet a recognized Varsity sport but I hope it,will be soon. The women would like to thank ‘Neil Richardson, their coai=h, who spent four nights a week practising with them and who spent many weekends and weeknights travelling to their various matches. Thank you Neil! Good playing Athenas! _


Winner (1) (6) 3:OOpm 22nd Winner (2)

Winner (6) . Champion 9:OOpm 22nd

Winner (3) ’ (7) 11:OOam / 2nd - Winner (4)

, Winner (7)



requirements: .‘hW’ 1 . _: h Q~o6d -reCeptioiiist skills,~ ‘ -secretarMskiil~; typii@ etc. . ‘-b&ok-keeping knowledge,’ ‘L ’ Gtech,n’icaI >>abilitywith Lregards -. to ljrdd.uctiori of varhus board pubI-i&ions inchding the &vron. -. ‘. F j. Appiicatio& due .by *April 4,. 1975, pds,itian Marts May -I’, 1975. ISubmit &pplicatio,ns to. Dianne Ritza, bpard’of publica-: / >. \ .a tions.



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21, 1975




Selling Tshort



. .

the chevron

^. L.





by Gionildk Stolee Janet McNaughton


Every day, Canadians are treated to radio advertisements sponsored by the federal government telling us that women can reach as far as they want in our society if only they’re given the chance. These stirring messages from the Secretary of State’s office are a government gesture in recognition of International Women’s Year. More important than gestures, though, is the record of governments as employers of women. The federal and provincial governments are by far the largest employers of women in Ontario. Since the publication of the report of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in 1971 both levels of government have claimed that they are setting an example to the rest of the country as enlightened employers of women. They’ve done some showy things. Ontario’s top public servant, the Lieutenant Governor, is a woman, the first vice-regal appointment of a female in the British Commonwealth. And Ottawa has a woman,’ Beryl Plumptre, as’ head of the Food Prices Re/ view Board. The federal government boasts that it has gone far to implement the recommendations of the Royal Commission with,respect to-its own employess. Their record includes: putting Marc Lalonde in charge of women’s programs in the federal service, appointing a Status of Women Coordinator to the Privy Council, establishing a Public Service Equal Opportunities for Women Office and setting up an inter-departmental committee on women in the public service that meets four times a year.

New Programmes Two


velopment secretaries-“

programmes are: Self Deand Career Growth for . . . . . .to help the secretary

become a more integral part of the management team. . . . . .open to secretaries at senior levels’ ’ . - Special Offkers Deuelopment Programs-“ . . . . . .open to all senior level’ support staff. . . . . .technical

employees.. show interest

. . . .with in officer’s

good records career.”

.Womeds by Joan


Canadian women are again getting shoddy, treatment by a federal government that has an excellent history of selling women short. The latest and greatest snow ‘jobis the government’s plans for International Women’s Year (IWY). The United Nations declared 1975 to be International Women’s Year, hoping that this gesture would satisfy the increasing number of women who were objecting to the exploitation and discrimination they faced. in virtually all, sectors of life, employment, education, sexual double standards, childcare, the list is endless. ‘All member countries in the UN were obliged to set aside money for projects that would attempt to tackle women’s oppression. On the surface, it seems like an admirable idea, but looking a little deeper, International Women’s Year is ridden with flaws. The federal government established two departments, the IWY Secrelariat of the Privy Council and the Women’s Programme in the Secretary of State’s Department, to take charge of the programme. - The people appointed to these departments are mostly well-paid civil servants who have be-en shielded to a large degree from the hardships that working women face, and aren’t really prepared to deal with . these problems.


The older Program _-. Career Assignment ., . . . to help middle management personnel . . . . . .having high potential . . . . . .develop and achieve potential” was. revamped with the recommendations that 10 per cent of the candidates for CAP be women. These implemented Royal Commission recommendations are all under the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission. While the absence. of women in senior posts is undeniable, these programmes touch the lives of only a tiny fraction of the women in the public.service-those who are already near the top. ‘. Whatever the rhetoric concerning International Women’s Year may be, the reality of the second class status of women in the public service stands out in cold, hard -.. facts. In 1971, sixty-five percent of female federal public servants were found in the Administrative Support category (clerks, typists, stenos); by 1974 the percentage of women in these categories was up to seventy percent. From 1971 to 1974 the average woman’s income in the federal public service rose one thousand dollars per year, while that of the average man rose fifteen hundred dollars a year. In 1974, women in the federal public service averaged incomes in the range of $6000 to $6500, while men average $9000 to $9500. Only, eight percent of all female federal public employees make over eight thousand dollars a year. Despite this, entrance to CAP is restricted to.employees earning between $15,000 and $24,000. Even middle management areas do not employ many women in the federal public service. Only 13.5 percent of women are found at this level and these are mostly in the lower paying positions in this field. Sylvia Lauzon, acting director of Equal Opportunities -*For Women stressed, “ . ...*. there isn’t a large middle management ‘resource pool’ . . . . . .from which to draw female candidates for senior executive positions.” (CAP)-“.


,The Ontario Women’s Bureau was es.> tablished in 1963, primarily for the purpose ’ of researching w.orking conditions of women in the labour force. In 1972, a committee to study the report of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women was r set up by the Ontario government. The results of this study, released in 1973 by the Secretariat for Social Development, revel the extent of discrimination toward female civil servants in Ontario. On salary the report states: “In certain , female-dominated professions and occupations, the work performed appears to be undervalued in relation to male dominated professions and occupations requiring similar degrees of skill and training.” It further states that in June 1970 only 8.8 percent of the public service employees earning over $10,000 a year were women. For those earning over $25,000 per year the percentage of women was only 4.9 percent. These figures,, it was added, have not changed significantly since that time. Lack of upward mobility for women is also demonstrated. From 1963 to 1973,7 of the 49 civil servants chosen for the administrative. trainee programme were women. In management training courses


This record of showy programmes with few results is also true of the efforts of the provincial government to improve the position of women in its employ.

the main participation of women has been at the lowest levels with 3 11 women out of a total of 1,475 in the supervisors’ course from 1964 to 1972, and 36 women out of 698 in the middle management course for the same period. Recommendations to change this situation were made and early in 1974 the Women Crown Employees Office was established under the Ministry of Labour to deal specifically with the problems of .women civil servants and to make relevant recommendations to the legislature. Although many of the suggestions of the Women Crown Employees Office have been good, they have yet to be implemented. Late in 1974 the Ontario government launched its “Affirmative’ Action” programme which is supposed to make equal opportunity for women a realistic possibility., Although’ many enthusiastic noises were made’ by senior government officials about what should be done for women in the civil service the only concrete directive was to establish a women’s coordinator in each department of the civil service, and no funds were allocated to make the possibility any more “realistic”.

Year--: a farce, The planning for IWY started off on the wrong note. Rather than consulting those who are most aware of women’s needs, like a woman in a lineup at the welfare office or’ a young mother who doesn’t have enough money to feed herself or her children properly, the IWY officials drew up programmes and budget allocations without these considerations. Of a five million dollar budget, $750,000 was allocated to a male-staffed advertising company that came up with the “Why Not?” campaign. The main thrust of this campaign was to’take out full page ads in newspapers like the. Star and ask mindboggling questions like “Why can’t -your daughter grow up to be a doctor o,r a lawyer?’ ’ Rather than assume that women rarely go into these fields because their parents didn’t stop to ask “Why Not?” a more useful tactic would be to ban Su_sie Homemaker advertisements on television and offer children’s books that depict little girls as something else than squeamish princesses or fragile creatures that hold tea parties. For an incentive to adult women, IWY could put its money towards scholarship funds in law and medicine faculties. A half-million dollars was initially intended for a series of four conferences to be held in various Canadian cities to discuss the needs and wants of women. The IWY \


officials are still bent on “discovering women’s problems” %.forgetting the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in 1968 that tabled more than 160 recommendations for immediate action, only half of which have been dealt with. The idea of further discussion is a joke. The needs are clear: subsidized day care, abortion on request, maternity benefits, open access to all jobs-what’s needed now is action both in the law books and in practice. - A fifth national conference shows the worst gall on the part of the IWY officials. They called on big business executives and high-ranking civil servants to review their treatment of women in the office, and suggested, the promotion of token women to the managing boards of big corporations and top government ranks. When women’s groups across the country protqsted this waste of expense and energy, saying that the programme would be of no benefit whatsoever to the majority of working women in Canada, IWY directors modified their plans somewhat to allow for smaller “information meetings.” The intention remains the same, though. The discrimination most women face is not earning $20,000 rather than $60,000, unfbrtunately . In another major programme, a million _dollars is proposed to go directly to d

. women’s groups in the form of grants to be spent over two years. For Quebec, $75,000 was allocated from March 1974 to March 1975, and the same amount is to be allocated from April 1975 to March 1976. When divided up among all the women’s centres, the grants will be so small that no group ~21 * receive enough money to plan any effective projects for women. In a national caucus of feminist groups in Thunder Bay this spring, International Women’s Year is expected to come under ire and the groups might decide to offi‘cially boycott the IWY grants in protest of the govemmentls half-hearted recognition of women’s centres. Some people are even saying that International Women’s Year might be used against the women’s m~ovements in future years. Feminists disillusioned w.ith the government predict that in 1976 MP’s will slough off reforms by saying women are now equal: “All that sexist business was solved last year, you realize.” The government’s campaign is too glossy and superficial to really attack sexism at its roots. IWY is pushing ineffective. and unnecessary programmes in order to ~ pacify women who are growing discontented with their position in society. The government has shown that it doesn’t take women seriously: it’s up to women to take action now.



the chevron


21, 1975

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Crackers & Woman Under’

Address all letters to Chevron, Campus Centre. on a 32 or a 64 character spaced. A pseudonym may are provided with the real writer.



the Editor, Please type lin.e, doublebe run if we name of the

by Bart Gerrard



Resp-onse to Marty Although I‘ can appreciate Mr. Mathewson’ S sentiments (in his articles in last week’s Chevron on the attitudes of Engineers), I feel there are ‘several points worth considering, which seemed to be overlooked. There is a need not only to integrate the engineering society but all the within the university other “societies” community. On a social basis, though Eng Sot may have tended to magnify the segregation, that is no excuse for personal integration to be stifled. If at this pointin time you are expecting to be treated as an adult, then you should have the gumption to act like one, present yourself as a person, and expect to be accepted like one. I can agree, though, that a class image is often difficult to dispel. From an academic standpoint, I cannot agree that the “same approaches but .different language” are being used. By their very nature, members of&a different faculty have a biased outlook to a certain. course. It is your responsibility to take from that what you can, and mesh that knowledge and discipline with your own. The “illusion of is a self-created dream. learning” Your mind is open to learn as much as your determination permits; if you feel so secure in your acquired education, then it is sad that your mind has become so closed. This is also reflected in the electives, selected by engineers. Though I can ap; preciate the lack of desire to add three or four hours on top of the thirty-five to forty hours of work already encountered by engineers in a week of class time, taking a “bird” course as opposed to one which may give insight into the engineer’s awareness of himself/herself and the role he/she is to play in society, is not a valid excuse. To have the concern shown by Mr. Mathewson is commendable; however to expect a group of preconditioned academics define “the potential social and political role of an engineering graduate” is defeating the purpose. Ideally, each student must define his/her part on an individual basis. The class conscience which inevitably results, will do more to further an amenable solution to the “labelled” at’ titudes and identities of engineering students, and the student population as a whole. It merely requires some critical thought and concerted action. . . . . .Anyone game? Lois

More Marty;.. I believe Nathanson’s ticle require that his article

tion and in some cases, a total lack of knowledge. His viewpoint does contain valid points of note. His initial discussion of “traditional stereotypes is good and merits student attention. However, the article quickly degenerates when the comments of one student or undefined numbers such as ’ “many” are used to determine the feelings of a faculty numbering in excess of 2,900. I must strongly ‘object to his statement that the Engineering Society imp&es an i age of any kind on their own students. ?I?he Engineering Society is made up of students, elected by the students themselves and acts in accordance with that electorate’s opinions. To refer to Engineering Week as a “carnival” and cite the Thigh-High pub as just cause or ‘>need to integrate the engineering society with the rest of the.university” is ludicrous at best. Engineering Week included tours of all departments which were open to any in-. terested parties; educational films are run, throughout the terms and guest ‘lecturers are also sponsored by Engineering Society. Oh yes, the Engineering Society was responsible for the Ice Races and a Pub Rally and, heaven forbid, a Boat Racing Pub -tsk.; tsk. If you ignore all the educational aspects of the Engineering Society, you are, of necessity, limiting yourself to the entertainment side-which, by its very nature, generates more publicity than do educational endeavours. Interesting to find that, according to Marty, the increase in the number of women in engineering, the very trend the Engineering Society has been promoting along with faculty, is representing “a new ‘form of opposition to the ludicrous ‘behaviour of Eng Sot and its sense of priorities .” Education ranks highly among the priorities of Engineering Society. This encompasses course and class clubs,. as well as representation to the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario, to the Ontario Association of Undergraduate Engineering Societies and to the Canadian Congress of Engineering Students. Through this representation, we have been lobbying for a more integrated course system, a fact of which Marty Nathanson appears unaware. Furthermore, the themes of our conferences tend more and more towards political and environmental iss’ues. It is truly unfortunate tha a student in fourth year has survived alone with his reasoning, wanting to see these goals acCORRECT


that a few points in Marty Campus Forum (March 14) arclarification. It is unfortunate was tainted with misinforma-

An engineering student Randy Jones

Nlarty’s right on With reference to the article printed in “the Campus Forum” of the Chevron last week entitled “Engineers: their conditioned attitudes”, I can only say -Marty, you’re right on, but dead wrong. To explain this paradox, let me state that I agree with the statement of the problem that plagues the engineering student, and yet 1,disagree with the placement of the origin of the problem. Being a student of Systems Design Engineering at UW, I can agree with Marty’s statement that the students of this programme tend to reject the engineering stereotype more so than those of other disciplines,-but this rejection isby no means a universal one. This problem, stems directly from the fact that; -as engineers, we all go through the. Dept. of Co-ordination in an effort to find jobs related to our field. Thus, in the process, we are conditioned by- the Coordination Dept. to cater to the artificiality and irresponsibility of business; to accept, rather than attempt to change, the hidden responsibility of the engineer to society. I say “hidden” <when “buried” would possibly be a more accurate term. For exampie,- in the automobile industry, lately the

Paul Chotin 2A~Systems Design 2nd V.P. Eng.Soc by Mike Smith



complished, rather t/ban going a little bit out of his way and helping to get the job done! The faculty is in a state of constant self\ examination’ and expansion. Engineering students across the; country are consistently focusing upon their own political and academic evaluation. Engineering students are aware of world problems. Perhaps, at tim’es, they are too wrapped up in technology, but we’re really not all that bad. The Engineering Society attempts to clear the way in educational and social fields, and if we-err in our work, we are truly sorry-we can only attack problem areas whichadmit viable solutions. The Engineering Society produces a Handbook every year. I would suggest that any other lonely theoreticians pick up a copy and read it-for therein lies a wealth of information.

push is on well-engineered cars rather than , bn large, wasteful, typically North American vehicles of yesteryear. It took some time but business management finally decided to let the engineers do their job, and then and only then, does society receive the true benefits of its ‘science’ students. The situation with Co-ordination will not ratify itself. It requires the effort of the students to produce positive results. Marty also attacked-in a delicate way-the faculty. This attack is not justified. The plethora of courses with those messy titles is necessary in order to (after four years) provide the student with a reasonably firm background in the science of engineering. With these tools (and they are as useful as the-student makes them), he can then,/ if he wishes, attend to the social and economic problems of the day. Students are not held,to their faculty in 2nd., 3rd., and 4th. years and if they ,wish to expand their sctipe in areas of social and economic importance then they are free to do so. That leaves us with the problem-and the student. Personally through exposure to the kind of person completing Grade 13 presently, I can only say I feel it’s going to get w&-se. Each year, the students that roll into this University (on the average) are less educated (free schooling), less knowledgeableabout what they intend to;do with themselves (don’t want to work) and more apathetic towards any and all goings-on around them. It is these students that are the problem. If they as a group attack a course then it can and will be modified. This is the case in my engineering discipline’and, although: due process is slower because of larger enrolment in the other disciplines, it is still the case. So where does that leave us?-with a lot of lazy students who “don’t give a shit”. Who or what body is present to attempt to remedy this problem? Eng. Sot. Thus, it is here that I must again disagree with. your views, Marty, on Eng Sot’s activities. Eng % Sot does not push the stereotyped image upon engineering students, in fact recently,. in a survey taken to see what first year students thought Eng Sot was or did many had little or no idea. This would tend to discount the theory that Eng Sot prescribes any sort of image for them. And again, “Engineering Week” involved a few more activities than just a thi-hi pub. The problem with the Engineer- ’ ing social functions is that they are usually ’ L a success and thus are the only portion of Eng Sot’s activities receiving public notice. Education in Eng Sot is sufficiently -important to require its own director. ’ So, in summation it must be made clear that the problem. as outlined by Marty Nathanson in the Chevron last week, and many other people does not lie with the faculty or the activities of Eng Sot. It lies \_ with the student. Hopefully in the advancing presidential regime of John Corman this problem will be given the attention itdeserves. -



age in the ea;ly ’60s. * -+ ’ - While it wa’s one thing to make spe’eche’s There is a growing ineasiness and’ frust-; about “universal accessabiljty”, it was quite another to get the governmerit to firation in student groups these days concerning expected* changes in government nance the proposition. Providing s@dents student aid policy. _ with bursaries, s_cholarships tind other Student organizations fear the increasing forms . of financial ‘grants was consistent cost of post-secondary education Will be with the idea of education as a social right. placed upon the student.- Tuition fees will But pimply riiaking it easier for students to be raised ttiey tirgue,. loans Will be. in- , borrow money to pay for Iheir education csased and grants decreased or cut off . ‘was a cheap alternative. altogether. As a result ,.the Act to Facilitate’ the MakThe more optimistic predict that stuing of Student Loans was+ enacted. The dents !will end, up owing $5,000 to $6,000 federal government agreed to guarantee upon graduation. But others7 perhaps more loans for education purposes up to a stipu~ realistic, suggest a resultl’ng debt somelated amount, and to cover the interest -where between $,ll,OOO and $15,000, depayments until six months after the student pending on the length and type of d?gree had finished school. Students had to be “in / program. need” and agr?e to pay the money back out Understandably,. student leaders’ and of future earnings. representatives are demanding a nv palThe provinces weie to administer’ the icy that promises a better deal. But the very loan applications atid authorize payments structur,e and machinery operating behind - under .the plan in aicordance with regulathe federal-provincial stud&t aid program tions pas\sed by the‘federal cabinet. These deems effective oppdsition a difficult task. regulations concern the definition of a stuFirst of all, most Canadiqn students have dent, ierms, of rcpgment ,- default procelittle understafiding$f how important the dures and banking transactions. role-of the federal govertiinent is iq studept‘ Under, the Act, overall responsibility for aid. implementation of the .plan rests ?njith the Because the loan scheme is ad,ministered Minister of Finance.- Until a change in by the provinces- for the federal govern1970, the total amount of federal loans to be ment, most studetit groups go after provin- authoczed under t@.Act and the loan ceilcial bureaucrats and politicians when they ins per student per academic year, was seek cl-range. sti‘pulated in the Act itself. Sbce then the But it is. the federal government, alMinister of Finance has been given a forthough usually ie conjunction with the proniula to allow for automatic annual fincreases in the total budget.. The ldan ceilvinces, that formulates the basic ‘stude’nt qid policy and is’ responsible for-, future i’ng, though st’ill contained in the Act, -is ,’ raised periodically through a “Supplemtinamendments to the program. tary , Estimates” vote of the Hope of Therg is no- doubt that pressure on the ,-provincial level is vital to the 6nancia.l im- r Commons. Frbm a political perspectiv.e, and ffom provement of students. But carrying dethe viewpoint of those interested in improvmands to the federal level could provide ing Fmancing available for students, oae long-Xrm penefits. . ( of the mostsignificant aspects of the Act is ’ With thqt in mind it is necessary, to take a -its silence on what constitutes “need” and closer lodk at the role of the federal government .in the past and xspeculate on -its \ Jl,w it is determined. Consequently, the major&questions.of how much “aid” is to be future position on student aid, __ received, whether parental -tioniributions -THE EVOLUTIbN OF’THE CANADA should be i fact&, and all bther matters STUDE-NT LOAw$ ACT relating to Lwhom the CSLP wouIppenefit ’ were taken, out of the,public forum which Though many sfudents may understand the general substance of the Canada StuParliament, td ti limited exte@, provides. d&t Loans-Act (CSLP) through their own -. This decision-making vacuum was’ intransactions, -not much see.ms’to be know0 ’ ,e+itably filled by a cd&prtiam of fideralof the specific provision’s of this statute of provincial. bureducracies: They, rather Parliament or how it came about; than the pciliticians have ended up quietly Passed ih 1964, the Act marked the decimaking vital’social policy decisions about sion of the federal government to get instudent Jaid. volved firiancially inassisting-students who otherwise would not be able to attend col-. THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND lege or univkrsity . ’ , . THE CAN(&DA STUDENT. LOAN PLENARY The government was probably influDeep in’the boivels .of ehe fedeial .kienced by much of the writing and publicity at the time regarding the elitist nature nance Department is the GuaranteeLh of “higher education” in Canada’. Loans Adr&niitration,‘3vhich deals with Academics, politicians, journalists, and student loans. r especially parents, called for a change in According t”b GLkChief F.C. Passyithe public policy in post-seconqary education. interest-of his unit in the CSLP extends to They wanted a system of financing student the admiqistrative areas of “the repayment education which recognized that schooling ’ p.hasd of the plan” and matters related to beyond the sedondary level was ‘not a “lenders, repayment or collecti-on.” ‘ ‘p_rivilege” for those whose families could Larger, student ai+- policy concerns, he afford it, but a social “fight” for those who says, are dealt with elsewhere. coyld prove the ability to .attain a degree. Froin this it could be gssuined that’passy and the members of his department are Increased accessability . to postreshondsecondary education became a major polit- r simply program administrators, ical issue as the post-war “babies” came of ing to policy -directives formulated by the By .P&er O’Mall:y-(CUP)



frequently challenged by -various groups. politiqians in consultation with other parties. seeking a better student aid deal. It is’not But Passy is also chairman of an almost contained in the Act or in the Regulations clandestine group df federal and pr.&vincial passed by the politicians. It is an examnle ’ bureaucratscalled -the Canada Student of sfi&ial policy formulation masquerading Loan’PlenXry Group. Passy says this as mere administrative problem solving, group’s, function is to develop a ‘-‘standard undertaken by the ciyii service with the administrative criteria” to ensure that stupassive approval of the-elected legislators. dents in each provi‘tie r’eceive “the same Other than that one published document treatment .” we know nothing of other policy decisions .As chairman, he says his job cor&ts of% the Plenary might make., Btit a document “obtaining a concensus among provincialrecently ‘leaked from another.govemme.nt ’ views in order to arrive at ‘recommendabqd$dealing &li the sttident aid-question ’ tions (for the Minister WFinance) and to provides us with a report of what was decided in. the L974 meetin the Plenary. ensure the intent of federal legiskition is maintained. ” Included ,in the report were references to &d fb? -part-time students, raising of the It is difficult to discdver whether Passy’s plenary group does deal only with procestudent loan ceiling to $1900 per year dure and administrative matters, or _(likely to happen in 1976-77) i calculation of whether it actually makes decisions of a the pare_nt$l c6ntributiQn tables, and hence substantive poiicy nature. This informa-’ a *w&king definition of what constitutes tion isunobtainable because the body “need.:’ meets ifi- closed sessions 5nd releases no Although there is no expected increase minute-r records except for -o*ne-the in the number of students enmlling in the Canada Student ‘Loans Plan Administraupcoming years, the report states that ‘-‘the tive Criteria. -actual outlay by the federal government in The first section, entitled “B>sic Princiterms of CSL would increase sharply in “The responsibility for the ’ ples” tiegifis_: 1975-76 and even more so in.succeeding cost of post-secondary educationto the inyars.” This can only mean a greater debt dividual student remains primarily with the upon graduation for students if the loans ’ -parent (guardian or immediate family) ’ are increased. _ . &d/& the student.” As chairman df the plenary, Passy takes . This ‘basic principle” is clearly not a the “provincial concensus” back to John mere administrative criterion. Rather, it is Turner; for consideration and approval. a statement of social policy-which has been The critical point isn’t that Turier &keS



21, 1975


fees. Faulkner again declined comment on another aspect of this tenet of his theory of social justice -that increased tuition fees mean> the government can pass on a greater proportion of the cost of education to the individual student, thereby reducing the need for government operating assistance to institutions. The recent discovery that a secret federal-provincial Task Force on Student Aid has been operating since last fall proves Faulkner to be a man of his word when he says his department is studying cess. the “more broadly based concerns on the area of student loans.” Co-chairman of the THE SECRkTARY OF STATE AND THE body is none other than R.J. Lachappelle, FEDERAL-PROVINCIAL TASK FORCE the director-general of Faulkner’s EducaON STUDENT AID tion Support Branch. -The other federal department playing a The terms of reference for the task force, role in student aid, is the Educational Supas agreed to by the federal government and port Branch of the Secretary of State. the Council of Education Ministers of the According to Passy, it concerns itself Provinces, are expansive: with “matters of broader student aid sig“To give immediate consideration to As far as the CSLP itself is nificance”. those changes necessary in existing federal concerned, this -branch keeps a watchful plans for student assistance in order to eye on whether the plan is meeting its inbring them into line with existing needs and tended objectives. educational patterns.” And Secretary of State Hugh Faulkner, They will also examine and recommend claims it isn’t. “possibilities of coordinating and/or He told an audience of university adrationalizing” the CSLP with manpower ministrators last Nove”mber that the plan training allowances, the occupational trainwas ing program and other related income _-~_ created to provide “a mechanism capable of correcting some of the intermaintenance manpower training schemes. regional and inter-personal inequities in The minutes of theNovember meeting of educational opportulkities which would this group show that one of the first items otherwise prevail.” In other words the was the presentation of Faulkner’s speech. CSLP was to provide poor people and “There was some indication that the those in poorer regions an opportunity for federal thinking regarding support for education similar to those whogere rich, post-secondary education, including student aid, might take a new direction, as or from a rich region. But because there are still pockets of mentioned in the Secretary of State’s addisadvantaged individuals who don’t make dress.” The membership of this federal~ it to university, Faulkner feels the CSLP . has’not worked. provincial task force consists exclusively “It is not enough to compare the socioof student aid bureaucrats. They are to economic and regional composition of the continue to meet in closed session, releasstudent body with the composition of the ing no information, until August 1975. Total population when we know full well At that time they will deliver a report in there re.main disadvantaged individuals closed session to the Council of Education who belong to groups which tend to receive Ministers. It is safe to presume that the report will likely be the outline of a coordithe least amounts of education,” he said. According to the Secretary of State, the nated federal-provincial master plan for continued existence of social inequality in student aid policy changes. --It is also safe to presume the final results post-secondary educational opportunities must-cause us to take a “sober” look at the of the long months of discussions will be a i ‘whole CSLP. It isn’t enough that the ‘sturecommendation to move toward the eventual elimination of student grants except dent aid system has a proven ability to make progress in lessening class and regfor those who can qualify for welfare; increasing tuition fees to reduce operating ional barriers in Canadian society; it has failed to eliminate such inequality and this deficits and the need.for government funding; and increasing the amount of money a is not good enough for Faulkner and the “Just Society” envisaged, by his govemstudent will be able to borrow to pay for a ment. college aor university education. For this reason Faulkner would have us We know that massive changes in think“begin to examine the financial needs of ing on the funding of post-secondary edustudents in light of whatis, being done for cation are taking place. But because of the secretiveness that surrounds all the federal other groups in terms of income maintenance, and treat this question. :. as a decision-making bodies involved in stugenuine social security &e-employment dent aid, we are left to draw ourconclusions from innuendo, hints, leaked docuissue .” ments, and analysis of patterns of past mR’ In other words, if a student and/or his/her parents--qualify for welfare assisthinking. tance thenso be it. But for the vast majority But most student groups conclude that of middle income students social justice things are going to get worse for the indidictates loan rather than grant assistance. vidual student in the immediate future. The He omitted reference to the other advanfrustration lies in the fact that even an organized opposition will have a difficult time tage of loans over grants-that loans are a cheap form of government aid compared pressing for a reformed student aid progwith grants. ram when no government body will admit Faulkner did make reference to the curits powers and real involvement in the rent direction of federal thinking as far as program. setting tuition fees is concerned. “To the Since ‘there are no legitimate channels extent that federal support enables instituopen to interested groups to add their input tions to hold down tuition fees” he said 1 into decision making, political action has to “many relatively well-off students might be broadened to include a greater public be unjustifiably subsidized. ’ ’ support group. This should especially inSo social justice as defined not only volve parents, high school students and means loans instead of grants for the vast anyone who will be affected by the changes majority, it also means increased tuition in the future.


the chevron


advice from federal and provincial bureaucrats on how to run the CSLP, but that there are no other groups which share in this mandate. There exists no vehicle by which concerned parties can learn of let alone comment on, proposed policy a. changes. And even when the whole plan is being “modified” through administrative declaration into a scheme resulting in graduates having their income drained for years, there is no way to inform or accommodate public opinion in the decision-making pro-

Member: Canadian university press (CUP). The chevron is typeset by members of the workers union of dumont press graphix (CNTU) and published by the _ federation of students incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the sole responsibitity of the chevron editorial staff. Offices are located in the campus centre; (519) 885-1660, or university local 2331. ” and now for the continuing story of “why not?” it was reported early today that the reformed streaking movement was using the button to promote their cause. the-buttons, according to an unreliable naked source, were being used as camouflage for streakers in women’s lib meetings. stay tuned next week for another up-to-date report on how I learned to love the button or doctor strange. . . . . . . . . . . and moving on to more important things what ever did happen to streaking? we are given to understand that the women from the village who cameand got all those why not? buttons were going to try and stage a comeback but so far we haven’t heard anything. after all when the pressure at the end of term gets too great what else can you do except run around naked screaming your head.off. ask iner, he knows. which brings us to the point about racist and ethnic jokes. at the expense of ethnic groups, many new hilariously.funny jokes are making the rounds. let it be known that we support the return of the elephant joke. our sincere thanks to our centrefold writers this week who were jane Saunders, helen habgood, tom munson9 lorne milnes, lucy falconer, sheila dobie, mark gamble, bob picard, louise roblin, denny toffolo, rudy peters, Steve warner, and diane beckett. the rest of the chevrics this’tieek include such’ celebrities as roaring randy hannigan, jumping john morris, nix neil docherty, terrific terry harding, dangerous diane ritza, miraculous michael gordon, debonair doug ward, fady barsoum, raiph kofler, typing rick degrasse, stan grusxka (a real good sport) and his faithful sidekick haw, and last and least all of those who came in to pick up a why not? button. the sequel to the why not? button IS going to be so what? so when we get our supply in we’ll let you know. pfj reilly.



the chevron

I march

21, 1975


. r -_ r -e e- e S -d/ m-

by Paul Hoch

In the past few years newspapers have been full of story after story of revolutionary-students infringing the so-called rights of free speech of establishment politicians and%.generals. Ironically the publishers and commentators screaming loudest about these heinous crimes arc precisely the people who ensure these abused politicians have roughly a thousand times as much access to the official organs of public opinion as the people abusing them! In practice,-freedom of speech and the press would seem to be somewhat stacked. Of course, anyone is ‘free’ to start a’ newspaper-just as anyone is ‘free’ to start a chain of luxury hotels. All you need is a few millions and the sort of opinions that won’t antagonize any large block of _distributors or advertisers. Similarly, anyone is ‘free’ to write a book, but how much impact does one book or one student rally have compared to the daily dose of millions of copies of the establishment press, radio and TV? , The call for freedom of the press originated as partof the apparatus by which the developing industrial bourgeoisie of the 18th and 19th centuries (which controlled the press) wrested control of society from the landed aristocracy. * This freedom never was intended very much for the use-or ‘abuse’-of common men. In-fact, in most cases where radical ptiblicatiotis appeared, they were quite quickly dealt with by bribery and intimida- tion of editors, stamp taxes, or even smashings of presses -and jailings . It is only comparatively recently that the centralization and costliness of the press, and of corporate activity generally, has . reached the point where radicals could be more or less excluded fi-om .the mainstream publicity organs by the high costs of operating them alone. So now there is much less need for direct suppression. Nevertheless in otir own time, we have seen the publisher of the American National Guardian deported, the editors of the British magazine Oz jailed, the International Times, fined, the’ Canadian newspapers Georgia Straight and Prairie Fu-e stripped of funds, as well as a whole sel;ies ‘~ of raids on the underground press generally. __ Most of these facts remain more or less unknown to readers of the establishment press, most of whom have been taught that freedom of the press gives them the power to start a big city newspaper. _Of course, in most countries of the neocolonial world, the development and centralization of a native media system has not the. point where press reached monopoly may be automatically achieved by the sheer costliness of run”ning a competitive paper.


policy-making decisions-including over the future sale of the paper-as a 40% share in the profits. ’

t Even more important, since so much of the wealth there is being shipped off to the metropolitan capitalist countries, it is not possible to use imperial-derived profits to buy off workers’ organizations. So these proletarian organizations-and the radical elements of the press that would support their interests against the international corporate plunderers-have often to be physically smashed by fascist repression. Fascism in the neo-colonial countries is the prop which permits monopoly capitalism to wear the cloak of welfare liber&sm at home. Our so-called freedom of ‘the press is intimately d_ependent on their un-freedom of the press. For better or woi-se, though, as the neocoloniaLpeoples in places like Cuba, Vietnam and Chile begin to claim the wealth of their cou+-ies for themselves and begin to interrupt the flow of wealth to the monopoly capitalist metropolises, the guise of liberalism here will get thinner and thinner and authoritarian repression will begin to rain down heavier and heavier at home. As in Vietnam, only on a far larger scale, we shall then have; the choice of fighting against the people 8f the world for the interests of our bosses, or fighting together with the peoples of the world to smash bosses everywhere. In the last analysis, it will be socialism or fascism. Much the same is true in the newspaper industry. In the days of the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, during which reporters and photographers were repeatedly clubbed by police along with demonstrators, seridus friction boiled up between working journalists and their publishers. As one reporter put it: “Our own editors told us *hat we didri’t see what we re’ally saw under those blue helmets.” He added that the publishers had made them take it “like slaves”. But even slaves can rebel. Shortly thereafter, an Association of Working Press was formed in Chicago, without any connections to that dld CIA favourite the American Newspaper Guild, and the monthly Chicago Journalism Review began appearing regularly. Month in and month out, the review carried stories (under some of the best-known bylines in the city) about the sexist and racist treatment of news, suppression of stories, censqrship and authoritarian treatment of working journalists, -kid-gloves treatment of big business and the cosy relationship between the newspapers and Mayor Daley’s city machine. Similar reviews have sprung up in many other Americ& cities. “It is time,” wrote newsman Nathan Blumberg in the Montana Journalism Review in 1969, “for recognition of the stark,

naked but almost never spoken truth that hundreds-perhaps thousands-of reporter’s and even copy editors who draw their pay from the orthodox press are disgusted with the policies of their employers.” Meanwhile, associations of black journalists have been started in Chicago, New York, San -Francisco, Washington and a score of other American cities in or-0 sensitize newspaper publishers to the role of their papers in fostering racism and excluding black journalists from jobs. In 1970, when black New York Times repbrter Earl Caldwell was ordered to bring all his tapes a,nd interviews with Black Panther- leaders before a federal grand jury, 70 of Am&a’s leading black journalists ran a full page advertisement throughout the black press declaring that: The role of every black news man and woman has been put into question-Are we government agents. 3 Will we reveal confidential sources if supoenaed? Can our employers turn over our files, notes, or tapes if we object? We do’not intend to be used as spies, informers,br undercover agents by anybody-period! We will protect our confidential sources, using every means at our atdisposal . . .We are black journalists tempting to’interpret, with as great understanding -and tru!h as is possible, the nation’s social re+olutions.

The October 15, 1969 Vietnam Moratorium initiated a new thrust of American journalists toward taking antiestablishment positions on vi&l political issues and seeking to have those positions implemented in their papers. More than 30Q New York Times employees demanded (and were refused) the use of an auditorium for an anti-war meet.ing. Outside the Times building another 150 Times staff held a silent vigil and marched to a rally of writers and reporters nearby. Petitions demanding observance of Moratorium Day were also turned in by staff members at Time, Newsweek and the Wall Street. Journal. At -Newsweek, more than two hundred employees boycotted work that day. An,article in the Wall Street Journal coyly noted that journalists at various publications had insisted on discussions with management on “the role of employees in editorial policy”. -The same process was going forward in Europe, with journalists and printworkers participating in a series of strikes and collective action to win greater cogtrol of editorial policy-making. Major disputes flared up at Der Stem (often called West Germany’s version of Life) and at France’s Le Figaro, L’Express and Le Monde. On paper at least, Le Monde’s staff has achieved a substantial degreq of contrql oyeF editorial and

a veto well as

There h&s also been a tremendous amount of organizing activity by women writers and researchers bent on opening up more editorial and managerial positions for womm. There was a women’s liberationist inspired sit-in at McCall’s magazine, confrontations at the New York Post and Newsweek, and even at many of the glossier orga’ns of the underground press (with The Rat, for examtile, being taken over entirely by wqmen). The cultural-political revolution in the news media has even spread to the American Newspaper Guild, which for the first time in many years had begun to deal with questions that go beyond salaries and fringe benefits for its members, such as the contents of newspapers, control over editorial policy-making and the rights of journalists in their off-the-job activities. The struggle for staff control over editorial policy-making reached &most intense points during the spring 1968 upheaval in France and the Autumg-1970 crisis in Quebec. In April, 1970, the London branch of the British National Union of Journalists, representing the 15,000 people who actually write Britain’s national papers, voted not to report the South Africa v. Britain cricket matches. Immediately, the Top Brass of the London Times, Daily Mirror aand other official organs started screaming about this intolerable infringement of freedom of the press. They meant of course THEIR freedom of the press, the freedom of a handful of publishers and senior editors to dictate the contents of our newspapers. An NUJ official had to point out to them ihat the people who write and produce the papers are the press, and that to talk of these people violating press freedom is simply nonsense. Two months later the whole issue was once again back in the headlines-certain London printworkers had refused to prigt newspaper stories attacking them and their union and giving lopsided accounts of the developments that ultimately lead to a national strike. Once again the handful of men who think of freedom of the press as their personal property claimed that the thousands of peopl’e who put oui papers were violating press freedom. 1 In fact, the printworkers, journalists and the public today generally are only beginning to take press freedom back into their own hands and out of the hands of that> small oligarchy of millionaires who have treated the newspapers as more or less their private baronial estates. It will be a difficult struggle, -but Fhe road ahead is clear.


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