University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 16, number 5 friday june 6, 1975
hide The great weather featured for th6 past several weeks helped to bring out the athletes on campus. A/though the intramural programme offered this summer is larger than ever before there is stjlj room for an impromptu scrimmage photo by henry hess on the grassy common between the PAC, administratjon and Math/computer buildings. F
Defense committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p.3 Prison feature ................... .pp.4-5 Pesticides 1.. .. ;-. .................... .p.7 Intramurah ............ .I. .......... .p.B
brief charges
>-ided on The Federation of Students charges in a brief that the Ontario government is misinforming the public about the issue of university accessibility for students. The brief, prepared by former federation president Andy Telegdi, says that the government is confusing the public when it calls for tighter admission standards on the one hand, and;on the other, states that students from high school are better qualified than they were 10 years ago .’ “Various sources seem to indicate that government is going to be thinking about taking a more restrictive meaning to the phrase ‘ac-
cessibility for all qualified applicants’,” the brief warns. Many university and provincial officials have blamed the present high school system for not providing a consistent standard of measurement on which to base admission to university, the brief states. These same officials have urged the implementation of admission tests to better judge the capability of prospective university students, the brief says. However, such assertions “should be balanced with statements expressed by Thomas Wells, the minister of education, when he spoke about the alleged illiteracy and ignorance of high school students:
tive party as it’s presently implementing the program of cutbacks in post secondary education. Students also shouldn’t back the Liberal party as it has stated that Ontario universities will have to economize, eliminate inefficiencies and assume a more modest pdsition in the province’s spending priorities, he added _ OFS plans to stage a mass rally in Toronto sometime in October, if _.there’s a fall election, and in the meantime will work on enumerating students, Shortall said. Shortall said he failed to convince OFS to support the NDP at the Hamilton conference as the majority of the membership felt that individual campuses should be allowed to make their own decisions regarding endorsements of candidates. The final resolution passed at the conference encourages the membership to “circulate unambiguous
Compared tc when most of to the public regarding the qualifications of high school students as us were in school, they’re more arthey are wde by the ministry of ticulate, more aware, and just plain colleges and universities and the smarter. They have more depth, ministry of education are not con: more backgrbund and more hard sistent,” the brief charges. “When knowledge. They can think better, the government is trying to get inmake decisions better and learn telligent public discussion going in better. They are more selfthe public sector regarding afi imconfident and more adaptable. portant question such a$ accessibilThey are more aware of their counity, then government should ensure try, their relationships with others that it does not confuse the public and their place in the world.” by giving out misinformation. ’’ The brief contrasts Wells’ remarks with those of the minister of The brief, to be presented to Oncolleges and universities James tario cabinet ministers when they Auld, who has complained about - come to Kitchener June 11, under“warm bodies” occupying universcores several student concerns sity space. such as accessibility, tuition, levels “Clearly, the information going of -operating support for universities, the adoption of a trisemester system, housijng, foreign students and day care. “
, Federation will ask students to vote NDP UW students will be asked to vote NDP in the anticipated provincial election this fall, Federation of Students president John Shortall said Monday. Shortall, also an executive ofthe Ontario Federation of Students (OFS), said -as far as he’s concerned the NDP is the party that currently offers students the “best deal” in post-secondary educationHe was interviewed following an OFS meeting held last weekend in Hamilton to discuss strategy for the upcoming Ontario election. “The education policy of the NDP is very similar to OFS’s,” Shortall stated. The NDP has endorsed OFS’s demands that tuition fees at Ontario3 15 universities and 22 commtinity colleges be abolished and that students be provided with living stipends, Shortall said. He said that students shouldn’t support the Progressive Conserva-
Education must be more than a “mere economic investment”, the brief says, and it has a responsibility “to improve the quality of life and to rel&te our lives to a worldquestionnaires which would isolate wide civilization. “The freedom of the specific positions of parties and the individual, his capacity to live a candidates on educational policy. ’ ’ worthwhile happy life and to parThe result of the questionnaires ticipate responsibly in a democratic would be published through the system all depend on the educacamp,us and daily media: tional opportunities provided by In addition, OFS would “estab- * this community.” Therefore, “the Federation of -1ish links with community and labor Students suggests that accessibility groups which support OFS policy to universities should be based on and whose policies OFS can supadmitting all those students who port during the election.” meet the present admission reElection posters would be distriquirements. buted outlining OFS’s stance with “To do otherwise would be to regard to political parties, the re- I penalize students graduating from solution says. Moreover, OFS the present high school system bewould “attend and organize alllieving that they. are qualified to be candidates’ meeting to raise educaadmitted to university,” the brief tional issues.” states. Sin& the attendance at univerOFS was created three years ago sities does not reflect the general in response to decreased governpopulation, the “government ment funding to the university sysshould investigate ways to promote tem. Now, OFS represents 120,000 accessibility to all programs for students, each paying $1.50 per students from the less Advantaged year to the organization’s coffers. -john morris sectors of society.”
The federation brief also expressed its concern over “statements coming from government officials whereby the students should pay a greater cost of their education than the taxpayer.” ’ If such a situation were to occur, I.< then tuition fees would have to cover more than 50 per cent of the cost of education, “which would mean a range in tuition fees of $1,055.50 to $6,333 depending upon the course of study.” Moreover, “increasing tuition fees would have to mean a corresponding increase in the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OS.AP),” the brief points out. “Since the universities don’t get OSAP it could create a cumbersome situation whereby tuition would go up and the set level of OSAP would be inadequate.” The brief warns against “allowing universities to set their own tuition fees” as a pniversity could conceivably increase tuition for its strongest programs while leaving its weakest programs at ‘a lower rate. “It would seem reasonable to assume that universities would increase tuition only for strong programs since the program in all probability would be oversubscribed and universities that are weak in similar programs would not increase their tuition and thereby, would be offering a financial incentive versus a quality incentive to prospective applicants. ” The end result of such a development would be a “two university system” with one level being of high quality and the other of lower. “There is also the prospect that students will have their accessibility to good programs determined not by their academic skills but rather by their ability to pay higher tuition fees ,” the brief concludes. -joh<morris
the chevron
This week on campus is a free column for the announcements of meetings, special seminars or speakers, social events and happenings on campus -student, faculty or staff. See the chevron secretary. Deadline is noon Tuesdays.
I twoc ,
f&y;:: +;:5(.:<. %‘..,..1, :;,;.:c :.:?;$; :.:.:.:,y.: :;:$::p;.
WHAT’S UPSTAIRS? ..:.:.:.:.;: , .;:z:<::;: >.:;zy: 0 Projection Room .::;:::j; ..:. j:.::;. .:::y:.;.: Ill
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Complete Darkroom Equipment Lighting and .-Sound - -Room :_ “‘,.. .,
In Colour-An exhibition of drawings, paintings and prints. Optometry Building. Exhibition hours: Mon-Fri 9-6, Sat 2-5 till June 26th. Eight From Town Exhibition. UW art gallery. Hours: Mon-Fri 9-4, Sun 2-5 till Aug. 22. Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. ~;e~$ssloan from g-lam. 74 cents .
Used Book Sale Woman’s Place, 25 DuPont St., Waterloo. I-6pm daily, Wed. till 8 pm. Donations of books wel\ come. Till June 15. Conrad Grebel College presents “In ’ Search of a Country”. 8pm. Theatre of the Arts. Admission 83.00. Federation Flicks-O Lucky Man with’ Malcolm McDowell. AL1 16 8pm. Feds $1. Non-feds $1.50.
Having problems Classes in colour on the premises.
with colour? photography on request.
Il Ul
I 11
Saturday Campus Centre Pub opens 7pm. Nicholas Sloan from g-lam. 74 cents admission. Federation Flicks-O Lucky Man with Malcolm McDowell. AL1 1 6. 8pm. Feds $1. Non-feds $1.50.
Conrad Grebel College presents “In Search of a Country”. 8pin. Theatre of the Arts. Admission $3.00
Monday Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Freelance from g-lam. 74 cents after 6pm. . Immigration: What Kind of a Canada? Kitchener Public Library; 7:30pm. Introduction to the Green Paper-moderator: Dr. Frank Epp. The Immigrant in Our Community. Sponsored by Kitchener Public Library, Global Community Centre, MultiCultural Centre, and Human Rights Caucus. Grand River Car Club welcomes you to our next meeting. 8pm. W\aterloo County Fish and Game Protective Assocjation, Pioneer Tower Rd., off Hwy 8 between Kitchener and Hwy 401.
Federation Flicks4 Lucky Man with Malcolm McDowell. AL1 16. 8pm. Feds $1. Non-feds $1.50.
Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Freelance from g-lam. 74 cents after 6Dm. Introductory Lecture on the principles and practice of transcendental meditation. Everyone welcome, free. 7:3Opm. MC 2065. 744-9297. Introductory Lecture on Transcendental meditation. Admission free. Everyone welcome! 8pm. Psych 2084. 884-l 125.
Thursday Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Freelance from 9-l am. 74 cents after 6 Pm. Meeting of the Orientation Commitee to discuss, and plan the orientation program in September. All interested persons urged to attend. Campus Centre Room 113. 7-IOpm. Conrad Grebel College presents “In Search of a Country”. 8pm. Theatre of the Arts. Admission $3.00.
Tuesday Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Freelance from g-lam. 74 cents after 6 Pm. Rehearsals with University of Waterloo Summer Choir. AL1 13. 7pm. Chess Club Meeting. pus Centre Rm. 113.
4 Duke-E., Kit Corner of Queen & Duke
Conrad Grebel College Chapel. 8pm. A Look at Trends in Our Culture: The Dust of Death. -, Students’ International Meditation Society. Advanced lecture & group meditation. All meditators welcome. 8pm E-3-1 ,O, ’ ’
iune 6, 1975
7:3Opm. Cam-
Introductory Lecture on transcendental meditation. -Admission free. Everyone welcome! 8pm. Hum 322. 884-l 125.
Friday Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Freelance from g-lam. 74 cents after 6pm. ‘Federation Flicks-Man With the Golden Gun with Roger Moore. AL 116. 8pm. Feds $1. Non-feds $1.50. Conrad Grebel College presents “In Search of a Country”. 8pm. Theatre of the Arts. Admission $3.00.
classif ----_ _ ied ’
1966 Ford Comet for sale. Good run- ’ Housing Available ’ ning condition. Sell as is, $300 or best Male-gradiate student wanted to share offer. Please phone after 5:30 pm a two bedroom basement apartment. 578-2138 Completely furnished. All utilities paid. 1 Carpet throughout. Private entrance. Available immediately. Erb and Westmount area. $80 month. Call 579-0671 Typing Fast accurate typing. 40 cents a page. anytime. IBM selectric. Located in Lakeshore Village. Call 884-6913 anytime. Duplex for rent. Close to downtown. Fridge and stove included. Heat, water Typing at home: 743-3342; Westmount For Sale and cable TV included: 578-2607. Raleigh Record-10 speed. 1 year old. area: theses, essays; reasonaGood condition. Asking $85.884-8465. Sublet: immediate possession. Two ble rates, excellent service; no math papers. bedroom luxury apartment. Make a Noresco Receiver, 20 W; Toshiba reasonable offer. Phone 8844013. 8-track tape deck, 2 Noresco speakers. Experienced, speedy typist for essays, Call Rick at 884-6923, or come to 137 term papers and theses. 50 cents per Room in student house, corner of University Avenue W. (Waterloo Topage including paper. Call 884-6705 Strange and Victoria. $50month. Phone wers) Apt. 404. anytime. 7452174.
My name is John Bush (24 years old) and I am presently confined in London Correctional Institute. I am lonely and would appreciate any correspondence. Please write, my address is: John Bush, 140425 P.O. Box 69, London, Ohio. 43140.
BY-ELECTION The by-election is being extended to fill the following Student’s Council for the year 1975-76: >
vacancies , on
Engineering: Mathematics (co-op): H.K.L.S. (co-op): . Environmental St. (co-op): Graduate St.: Nominations
westmount pharmacy
place 578-8800
MON-SAT 9 am - 10 pm SUN and HOLIDAYS 11 am - 9 pm
2 seats
1 1 1 1
close Wednesday June l&1975 ,
seat seat seat seat
at 4:30pm.
Nomination forms are available from Helga Petz in the Federation office, Campus Centre Room 235, and must be returned to that office by 4:30 June eleventh.
Federation of Students
the c hevror
june 6, 1975
East -- Ind ians form
defense committtee
Vern Harper, a member of the Toronto Warriors Society was the featured speaker of the programme he/d on june 3 at the Kjtchener library. photo by marg murray
leader speaks
7974 called~ ‘historic “1974 was an historic year in which the native peoples said to the Canadian people that enough is enough. In Kenora they picked up arms and in Cache Creek too.” So said Vem Harper, a Metis leader and member of the Toronto Warriors Society, in a meeting held at the Kitchener Public Library last Tuesday evening. Speaking of the numerous confrontations which took place last year and of the final clash on Parliament Hill, Harper saw among na-
tive people the growth of a consciousness of “belonging to a single nation rather than to different tribes. ’ ’ A participant in the riot in Ottawa, Harper said: “I find it ironic that the government said that they wouldn’t negotiate out of the barrel of a gun yet it was us who was under the barrel of the gun in Ottawa.” Harper said that the government preferred to deal only with the traditional and established Indian
ro POsa adoDted i
of colleges and Though the UW senate has re- with the ministry jected a draft proposal to establish universities regarding financing of a province-wide salary negotiating post-secondary education. body to deal directly with the OnUW faculty association presitario government over faculty pay dent Jim Stone said that if the propissues, the board of governors deosal is acceptable to all concerned cided Tuesday to go along with it. when it is finalized in October, it The proposal made by a joint could prevent the association from committee of the Ontario Confedunionizing . “This is the last chance eration of University Faculty Asfor co-operation between adminissociations and presidents of the trators and faculty when approachuniversities calls for a separation of ing government about matters of profs’ wages from the university university financing. ’ ’ system’s operating budget. PresIf the current trend in university ently, faculty salaries account for a financing persists, then university large slice of a university’s exprofs will soon be “displaced” by community college and secondary pense. school teachers in wage settleInstead of negotiating with each merits, Stone added. university over pay issues, profs -john morris would parley directly with the province for salary increases, fringe benefits, merit increases and an average student/faculty ratio across ,’ the system. The proposal was accepted by board members as most felt it might open “new ways of discussion”
If you are attacked you have a right to defend yourself. It is this right which at least two East Indian communities are prepared to exercise in the face of escalating racist attacks. That was the decision made last Sunday by the Toronto East Indian community when the East Indian Defense Committee (EIDC), originally founded in Vancouver in 1973, established its Toronto chapter. About 600 people including representatives of thirty organizations turned up at the Harbord Collegiate to express their support. President of the EIDC, Sardar Bela Singh Thandi, said that the committee was established to “defend the homes, houses and lives of members of the East Indian community.” He also expressed confidence that the youths will defend their neonle against racist attack. The EIDC giew out of an ad hoc committee set up in 1968, explained
year’ groups because they were for the most part dependent on the federal government for financial support and so were easily co-opted. Some of the new groups which have emerged in the past few years, however, are making...,demands -especially, those over land use and control-which are threating Ottawa technocrats. Referring in this context specifically to the different “warrior societies”, Harper noted that within Indian traditions, “warrior societies always emerge in times of oppression.” Also shown at the meeting was “‘The Other Side of the Ledger”, a film tracing the historical relationship between the Hudsons Bay Company and native peoples -particularily in the three prairie provinces. The ill effects of the relationship upon the economic and cultural base of the native peoples was shown to still exist w-ith the “bay’s” v,,irtual monopoly of food and ,other commodity distribution and over the general exchange of com_ _ in many northern munities. ( Harper warned the group that the prediction made by one bureaucrat in the Indian Affairs department of a long, hot summer ahead was accurate. “We’re .going to try and make it as hot as possible for them,” he said. -doug ward
the secretary Harbhajan Singh Cheema, but he said it was officially founded on Nov. 24, 1973; following large scale racist attacks on East Indian children. Having organized themselves, Cheema said, the attacks stopped. But a second wave began during late 1974 and early 1975, said Cheema, and he pointed out that this wave coincided with the economic crisis. What became increasingly apparent from the speeches of the East Indians and their supporters is that they believe the government is trying to whip up racist hysteria in the country in an effort to divert the Canadian people from the problems of inflations and increasing s lay-offs. It was also pointed out that the government singles out the ‘East Indian, Pakistani, and Caribbean immigrants in its Green Paper on Immigration and Population and blames this tiny percentage of the Canadian population for such problems as shortages in housing, lack of jobs and even pollution. Almost all the speakers made it quite clear that they believe that these problems to be the result of Canada’s monopoly capitalist system and US imperialism. One speaker from the Pakistani community said the government’s Green Paper was only the Western Guard ‘s fascist propaganda formalized. The case against the government continued with East Indian speakers emphasizing that the police. have refused to defend them. There were many accusations that victims of racist attacks have been told by the police that “it was their own fault” and that “it was only the beginning’ ’. Louis Cameron, leader of the Ojibway Warrior Society, said that the national minorities and the working class must unite and fight the ruling class in Canada and the United States. The native Indians+ like the East Indians, have been subjecte.d to propaganda campaigns from the ruling class, he said “they talk of the alcoholism problem-and that we can’t get our people together-but our people \ are beginning to see that the federal government is our problem.” Cameron said to the EIDC that if they (the racists) kick, kick them back; if they shoot, shoot them too.” Another Indian leader, Wayne Stonechild, a band counsellor from Saskatchewan, suggested that just as the racist attacks on the East
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A panel discussion on “Women and the Novel” he/d May 3 7 at Ryerson featured Cermaine Creer. The program was part-of a special series of woien’s events to be presented at Ryerson’s jorgenson /-/a//. The discussion centred \ around the social and economic problems of female writers and the image of women usually portrayed in novels. It was noted that women are common/y portraykd as weak and insignifigant and that female authors are discriminated against. Creer commented that events are rarely presented from a female point of view and even more rarely by a female writer. The session was taped and will be presented as a special feature on Radio Waterloo in the near future. Left to right are Marianne /-/owe, an author and teacher, Germaine Creer, Lynda Hearst, moderator of the program, and fat O’Brien, an lrish novelist and playwright. photo by flora conroy
Indians have coincided with the Greenpaper, so in 1969, when the government released a White Paper “designed to exterminate the Indian problem within 25 years”, racist attacks against the Indians esI calated. Martin Bracey, a black Canadian communist gaoled in 1969 for his part in the Sir George Williams University sit in; said that there is a lesson “that lies in the experience of the EIDC for other national minority communities. ” He said “we must prepare to defend ourselves ,” but warned that “without organization and training, all talk of defending ourselves is just hot wind.” For those with any doubt that the Canadian government is capable of ’ racism, a review of Canadian immigration history,was given citing a’ long list of government policies which discriminated ‘against the Chinese, the East Indians and others. If the East Indians are again being subjected to racism-and there is little doubt that they are, as why else would the average East Indian join a defense committee?-then there are plenty of people willing to support them in their defense. They include native Indians, communists, socialists, Christians and the many people from a host of nationalities represented at the meeting on Sunday. Paul Copeland, a Toronto . lawyer, was also present to congratulate the EIDC Toronto Chapter on its founding. Many other iawyers sent messages of suppO.rt. The main speaker of the evening was Dr. Marimbe of the Zimbabwe Africans National Union (,ZANU) who spoke of their struggle to liberate their land from the Ian Smith regime. He pledged ZANU’s sup- ’ port of the EIDC and said; “by helping people in struggle anywhere, we are in fact helping ourse,, lves .” Marimbe talked of international solidarity against international capitalism and racism. He said that he was particularly pleased to speak before such a cosmopolitan gathering, in particular he expressed empathy with the native In: dians. He said Zimbabwe people and the native Indians have suffered from the same violation of their human rights. Thus Marimbe said he was “pleased to be part of this international gathering involved in the struggle against international racism.” -neil
Dispute goes to arbitrtition The seven month dispute between Renison College and social science prof Jeff Forest will be arbitrated by David Johnston, dean of the University of Western Ontario law faculty. The arbitration procedures begin June 8 at Renison and according to the lawyer-for the college, the hearing could last up to 10 days. Renison may call 30 witnesses in support of its dismissal of Forest, fired Oct. 3 1, 1974, along with academic dean Hugh Miller. Miller has since negotiated his own settlement with the college. Renison argues that it was within its legal right to dismiss Forest, while he contends he was ‘improperly dismissed. The arbitration hearing will also cover what severance allowance will be made should Forest not be allowed to return to teach.
the chevron
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any ot her complai
David Robertson: Showing us the inadequacy of appeal procedure, we received a letter from an mate relayed to us through a lawyer. The letter talked about an actual condition t was ju’st taking place in the jail. It seemed-that inmate requested more spaghetti sauce and this P refused by a guard who was always refusing prism ers requests. After the request’was refused several times threw his plate at the wall. The jail administrate responded by locking yp all the prisoners in the cei Meanwhile a prisoner is being dragged downsta to the hole, solitary confinement, and the guards 2 overheard as saying: “I had to punch this guy in t head to get him out of his cell.” This just fills you on background as to what was happening in the jz The guy was put on a restricted diet as punishmer The prisoners were asking for a glass of water a so the guards turned the fire hoses on them. T prison&-s were yelling and screaming from the pa of the spouting water under pressure. The inma said they left the fire hose on for fifteen to twen minutes. The prisoners were given a mattress ani blanket and were then supposed to stay in their cell
Could you detail the objections-?
Robertson: For the last twenty years every grand jury condemned the jail on one ground or another. We have to understand the grand jury system. It’s not a really effective public watchdog- over lockups. For instance the grand jury will be instructed in its duties by the county sheriff and then within two weeks they must submit a report on the lockups in the Kitchener area. Whether or not a jury of lay people just picked from the jury rolls can adequately document the conditions of the jail facilities is highly questionable. But what they did rescond to was the bad physical plant of the Kitchener jail. Comments usually ranged from the poor plumbing facilities to inadequate space to the loud level of noise, poor sanitary facilities in the kitchen, lack of recreation facilities, and the lack of library facilities. So these complaints about the physical plant were a starting point for OPIRG. The grand jury commented that the place was a’black hole of Calcutta. But most of the complaints are just on the physical plant because they have never had any time to examine records or documents, or to receive statements from inmates.
Chevron: What is the capacity the average daily population?
of the jail and what is
Robertson: The jail is usually filled to one hundred per cent over the capacity of the jail. There are usually thirty people over the capacity of the jail.
was the jail built?
It was built over 120 years ago. Renovations have taken place over the years, but never renovations that are adequate. But again all that is just focusing on the physical plant. That is only a starting point. R&e&on:
Chevron: Recently the provincial Ministry of Correctional Services answered your complaints. What were the complaints you made and what was the , reply?
Et Saturday
Chevron: Did OPIRG from inmates?
And so you have an action like this taking Glac and we’re receiving a letter from Potter whitewasi ing the whole system, everything is fine ! Again ths hints at need for much more public accountability c jails as public institutions and of course that’ OPIRG’s interest in the local jail. How do we make the jail more accountable? Ifit’ an institution removed from the community t&n will take on a life of its own. It will set up its ow rules and regulations. Prisoners’ rights are COI stantly being violated there since it is so isolate from the public ‘eye. Then atrocities do happen. DQes OPIRG have any suggestions how the problem could be alleviated?
to Thursday
/ Music of the 40’s & 50’s‘
Chevron: How did OPIRG first become involved - with the provincial jail issue? _ David Robertson: The way we get involved in a lot of projects is by first recognizing it as a public issue that needs investigating. Then we’ll consider picking it up and doing some &search into it and deciding if it warrants further action. Specifically with the Kitchener jail, one student who had stayed in the prison came to us and told us about the conditions he had experienced; So OPIRG undertook some research into conditions at the Kitchenerjail and we decided, yes, it was becoming much more of a public issue. We found grand jury reports were consistently noting intolerable conditions in the jail.
12 noon to 4pm.
The Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) after receiving a complaint from_ a -Waterloo student undertook a thorough investigation into conditions at the Kitchener provinci@ jail. The jail is locqted behind the county courthouse at the corner of Weber and Frederick streets and was built in 1852. The jail is consistently overcrowded and few major renovations have been made to the structure since nineteenth century. The jail stands as a reminder to us just how much misery our society inflicts on so &lled criminals. The following is an interview with David Robertson, the OPIRG research co-ordinator who cohducted much of OPIRG’s research into the Kitchener Jail \ issue.
12 noon to Midnight
Behind bars: _ the K-itdle-ii&r ja i I
David Robertson: As a case example for us to see how the review procedure works, we approached the ministry with our complaints and they sent in one of their inspectors and in a lengthy two hour session he took a statement from the student, who then had to sign the statement. _~ -. At the time we asked if we could havea copy of it and the inspector said we had to put in a request to the ministry. We received the statement after-much hassle with the miniStry. We wanted to document some of the conditions. We listed some of the criticisims of the physical - -plant: the poor plumbing, the toilets that do not work, and then we got into the interactibnal and the , situational dynamics of prison life, that is the harrassment of the inmates by the guards and their deliberate head games; frustrating the inmates by refusing all their requests. -
as tl
It gets us to the problem of, wha level do we operate? It leads us into the whole prok lem as to what is crime? That raises a lot of issues of unemployment, c inadequate working conditions and that gets yo into a whole macroscopic understanding of the SC cial order. We must understand where crime de velops from. Who are the people who are in prison By and large they are not from the upper middll classes. They are usually low& class people.So yol can begin to analyse and that gets you into thinkin, of revamping the whole penal system. However that’s much more-long term. The immediate needs are those of the prisoners i! the Kitchener jail who will be there tommorow an must be somehow protected. Originally the way WI saw that sort of protection was to liire a full-timI ombudsman who wotild work in the jail, but not bt responsible to jail officials; that is to have a publit watchdog there. That way it wouldn’t be a matter of redressin, grievances, but with a watchdog there the situation would change. Hopefully there would no-longer bL any grievances. It’d be less likely that the guard would no longer play their little games. But, I think it is somewhat of an idealistic notiol that we can get an ombudsman in the jail, especiall:
David Robertson:
the. chevron
:n the province has turned around and hired a vincial ombudsman who will in no way meet the ds of Kitchener inmates. Somehow it puts a :k in the possibility of getting a jail ombudsman. o the way we have begun to rethink this is by lg through the legislation and try to advocate a .onal ombudsman. Then there would be a reg31 ombudsman to handle functions of govemIt, including the local institutions. somehow make that person a much more ve investigator, not someone who sits in the ce waiting for letters to come to that person. For ante the government has just passed a new act, public investigation of public institutions act, ch replaces our whole grand jury system of intigation. It is totally inadequate for the purpose Jublic watchdogging. 1 won: Why is it inadequate? Twice a year a panel of lay people instructed in open court by a judge of their es. Then they have to investigate conditions in jail within a period of two weeks. Most impor?the jail officials are going to know when they’re --iing. ne inmate said: “You know when the grand jury Iming, everything is being cleaned so it will look : because the grand jury is coming in.” The on officials will know when they are coming and welcome them and will talk to them. That shows I it would be an advantage having an ombudsman -e all the time. is a possibility if we move to a regional omsman system we make part of the ombudsman’s )onsibility to travel with the lay panel through the So you get the ombudsman out of the office and \ the lockups to investigate. lsewhere in Canada where there has been an Judsman that person has also had to announce :never he plans to inspect. Well again that is crous, it’s like the meat inspectors. So therefore ; person must be able to go in unannounced. id Robertson:
What will be in OPIRG’s inet next month?
to the
In the brief is documentation that r since the jail was built it was’under the county ncil and the council totally neglected the jail and egged on its responsibilities to the jail. Whenever -e was an item to be cut it was always the jail that cut first. ‘he council haggled for years over minor renovas. They really wanted nothing to do with the jail, they let it deteriorate, physically and psychologly and of course socially. Then in 1968 the pro:ial government took it over and I don’t think it’s n that much better. o what we’re trying to do is although we do talk ut the physical plant and we want to focus in on :r issues. 1e are focusing on documenting the grievances prisoners have. We want to focus on the guard ning system which is-totally inadequate. It seems le a system where you learn from the guards who e been around. They call them the old bulls. The rds have set up a relationship with the guards ch is totally unproductive. think its important to mention that sixty to sety per cent of the inmates in Kitchener jail have been convicted. Most of them are pending sen:e and have not been convicted. nd yet in our letter form Potter this is a high /
id Robertson:
UNIVERSITY g PhARMACY’ Open 7 .Days A Week
. .I signed a form for my tobacco when I was nitted but I never received it for two days and only !n because I kept bugging them.. .
3 even get toilet paper ? guard. The toilets aned. . .”
you had to keep bugging were rotten and never
security prison and has to remain so, in the public interest and be maintained as such. Well how is it high security when you have the majority of the people legally still innocent and although they are still innocent they have to go through the Kitchener jail. One prisoner who was on tranquillizers prior to going into the jail was given tranquillizers right up until the day of trial. Then they took hi-moff tranquillizers and into court, all nervous and jittery. Then when he was taken out of court he was put on tranquillizers . What were the guards and medical doctor trying to do? Psyche this guy out for court? So there are a lot of grievances about the medical treatment where regulation are not being followed. We want to talk to the provincial cabinet about these grievances and document them. We’ll talk about the inadequacy of the grand jury system as it presently stands for public investigation. We will point to the inadequacy of the new Public Investigations Act because it fails in alot of important areas. % The major issue we will raise is public accessability to institutions like the jail. They are publicly financed but it seems that correction authorities have forgotten they are public employees and they are insisting on operating under a cloak of secrecy. We know -prisons are in no way rehabilitative units. Eighty per cent of prisoners return to jail again. One way we can understand that is by understanding how people operate, not in the flowery ideology of ministry statements. But in the day-to-day practice of jail officials. The way we do that is by conducting these specific/investigations. Violations ap- pear to be the rule, not the exception. Even if they are only minor violations or infringements of human rights. But it is the ethic of the environment of custody to create that. We wish to make a proposal to affect this ombudsman that the province has just appointed. The legislation we have analyzed from across Canada is r again totally inadequate. Again the ombudsman has ,a housekeeping function, not house cleaning. If its going to be kept as an in-house function then it will not redress any grievances. We want to affect the Ontario legislation and make it more relevant, more substantial. Whether or not we can do that is totally up in the air. Our whole issue is we want to work at a number of levels to make jail officials more accountable. This will involve community groups already interested in prison reform. OPIRG will work with them to make I the jail more accountable.
. .I couldn’t wait to be released so I could 3wer. I knew I smelled terrible . . .”
Our cups which we used to drink everything were never washed. It made me sick to drink it . . .” “
from from
We had one towel which we used to wipe the table and our hands and everything else which needed wiping . . .” ‘I
“ ... I had a cyst on my hand which I wanted removed because it was really painful. I constantly complained to the doctor but it took five months before it P was finally removed . . .” .
. .I was never given a towel and there wasonlyone vel for six men . . .” get a
9AM to 11 PM I
. .It’s the old showers at the end of the cell blocks it don’t work and can’t be fixed without tearing up ! stone floor. . .”
Phone 885-2530 Complex.
Clothes were really filthy. They had no buttons except on the sleeves. Then the guards would come around and tell you to keep your shirt buttoned. . .”
. .The floor was filthy so we used to put our blank; on the floor to sit on but the guard would come ng and kick us to get up. . .” -
The prisoners speak . .A cell mate of mine filled out a request form to I his new boss and explain that he’d be out on turday. The guard said the call was made but ien I’ saw my friend later he said my boss was ver called . . .
232 King IV. Waterloo, , Opposite Athletic
Another inmate in the next cell block was 16 years old. The guards deliberately tried to scare him just for fun. They kept telling him that he’d better watch out for the other two inmates who were in his cell. The guard got the other two guys to go along. This went on for a couple of days, during which time the 16 year old wouldn’t go to sleep until he was sure his cell mates were sleeping . . .” “
after the guy in taken to the hospital suggested someone hospital with us and “
the next cell was cut down and the guards were laughing and else try it so they could go to the watch all the pretty nurses. . .” \
ENTERTAINMENTNIGHTLY TUES.-SAT. _ Fully licensed under the LLA Open Mon - Sat 11 a.m. - 1 a;m.
-. Peugeot &CM Sekine
Repairs to all makes of bicycles We sell Mopeds
-- McPhaik
Cycle and Sports Ltd. 98 King-St. N., Waterloo
.ORIENTATION COMMllTEE MEETiNG To discuss and plan the Orientation Program in September. All interested persons are urged to attend. --_ Thursday June 12,1975 740 pm Campus Centre room1 13 Douglas Maynes Chairperson Orientation
the chevron
june 6, 1975
At ’ long last-
4f-b qi.//jb;i
NIGHTLY 7 & 9:15 SAT & SUN 2PM
If you would have liked to see Burt Reynolds tap-dance along with Cybill Shepherd, or heard them sing a duet, you would have had a good laugh. Just imagine it-Burt, .the sex-symbol of Hollywood and Cybill, the newly born star, (ha-ha) tapping and singing the tunes of Cole Porter in the musical, At Long Last Love, which played at the Odeon Hyland. With the appropriate personalities, this film would probably have carried through, but with the detriments of inadept casting and with the deficiency in the theme and plot, only Peter Bogdonovich, the three-in-one creator of this picture, could fully appreciate this production. Everybody knows that Bogdonavitch is trying to show the world that ‘a new star is born’ in his wife Cybili Shepherd. His attempts at proving this are just -a little too obvious. Just as in his last picture featuring Cybill, The Heartbreak Kid, he gives her the lead role and centres all the chicanery around her. Her incapacity as an actress permeates through the sensually
satin attire that she displays throughout the film. Most ,of the supporting cast can’t act-out or sing their roles either; this slightly alleviates the burden of inadequacy off Cybill Shepherd’s back. Good character portrayals came from John Hillerman and Eileen Brennan who play as the servants of the aristocratic millionaires of the 1930’s, played by Shepherd and Reynolds. Sun.
Sat. June
’ 9:00 12:OO 3:00 6:00 830
Music with Dianne Russell Music with Brian j\ncManus Music with Peter Campbell Explorations-David Assmann People’s Music. This week features Steve McGillem j 930 The 9 to 12. 12:OO Uncle Gordy’s Midnight Minutes
-helen 930
1O:OO Music with Tim Jansen 12:OO Classical Music with Sharon Spall and Norm McKenzie 3:00 Classics Unlimited with Ian McMillan 530 “A World Without War”- Gene Sharp, one of the world’s leading investigators into the nature of non-violent struggle. -6630 Classics with Marilyn Turner 9:00 Audio Mirror Presents, a programme of issues of concern to the community. 930 Music with Phil LaRocque 12:OO Music with Jim Currie , SUSANSMUNDONAND MARGOTKIDDER WILLIAMGOLDMAN. STORV BVGEORGE ROYHILL* 0#6otuMusicPIHENRYMANCINI *~‘~“““e TooD-M) 35 DIRECTED)Y GEORGE ROYHILL AuN.EoNu-AT~s~
The slightly black and white costurning and decor was intriguing along with some of the photography when a white rolls-royce got demolished in its frequent mishaps. Other than the meagre moments of entertainment, At Long Last Love was dull and misclassified: if that was a musical, then ‘Cole Porter eat your heart out!
“Waterloo.inna Dark” Fred Bunting and Rick Worsnop
12:OO Music with James Higginson 3:00 Music with Dave Hunsberger 530 “Northern Development and the MacKenzie Valley Pipeline”, Wed. a discussion on the physical 3:00 and sociological effects of the 530 MacKenzie Valley Pipeline and northern development in general. 6:30 6:30 Music with Donna Rogers 900 Student Issues “The Student Movement in Ontario-Part ,, 9:00 Two” 930 1O:OO
Friday June 6Thursday-June 12
GRADUATE A Columbia Pictures and Robert StigwoodOrganisation Presentation
Dustin Hoffman June IO-1 2 Tues-Thurs
What’s Up - 7 pm Jeremiah - 8:40 pm NOW
12:OO Music with Mike Kurtz 3:00 Al Wilson with Animal Hours 530 “Workers’ Issues” “Lotta Continua” Marcello Galeotti and *’ Peppino Orviepa of Lotta Continua talk about their work in Italy and the implications for workers around the world. 6:30 <“More Dazzling than Diamonds” with Carol Pierce, Karen Woolridge and Niki Klien. 9:00 Foreign’ Aid and Canada’s Role-Tim Draimin of the Latin American Working Group. 9:30 Jazz with Dennis Ruskin June
Music with Rick Redman “Native Issues” “Through Arawak Eyes” David Campbell The Phantom and Fitzgerald with Michael Kerr and Craig Forgrave Bill Culp Tom Krol with Labour News Visions-Reinhardt Christiansen
3:00 Music with David Clark 5:30 Peop,le and Issues “What’s Happening in America Today” Dick Gregory 630 Music with Terry Brent 9:00 “The Food Crisis what Does it Mean?” 9:30 Jazz with David Scorgie 12:OO Music with Doug Maynes
Fri. June
9:00 Jazz with Peter Gove 12:OO Friday Variety with Renzo Bernardin i 3:00 Music with Pat Wallace 5:15 China “New Development in China” William Hinton. 6:45 Mad Frog Part One with Phil Rogers 9:15 The Mutant Hour with Bill Wharrie 12:OO Mad Frog Part Two with Peter Goodwin 3:00 The Walrus Hour with Villem Teder.
No-pest *do-people If Canada were faced bv a serious epidemic of malaria or yellow fever or even sleeping sickness, even a dispassionate balancing of the risks of Shell Oil’s vapona no-pest strip would not come-down in , favour of blanketing our homes with its twenty-four hour secretion of nerve gas. According to recent scientific reports it may well be causing mutations, altering our body chemistry and reducing breathing ability of people with severe lung disorders . Shell first marketed thq no-pest strip in Canada ten years ago claiming it was a clean, effective way to kill flies. The no-pest strip works on the ptinciple of continuously saturating the environment with a deadly nerve gas vapour which kills any creature that flies. Thanks to its deadly attributes the no-pest strip has suickly become the most popular fly killer ,on the market. It’s used in one in three Canadian households and in one quarter of all canadian hospitals. In the,United States a petition from the Health Research Group, .a non-profit public health body working in association with US Co,nsumer Union has sparked a full scale investigation by fhe Enviromental Protection Agency to deiermine the safety of the product. The petition alleges that no-pest strips cause cancer, and mutations, damage human breathing and nervous functions and cause nausea and malaise in sensitive persons. The cdncentrations of nerve gas the strip s
fairview* correction In your last edition, an advertisement for the Toronto Warriors Society ca.tied the legend: ‘ ‘organized by Fairview Colleclive”. That legend was in error and was ‘placed there only as- the result of poor . communication. The Toronto Warrior’s Society visit to Kitchener was organized by a collection of , groups and individuals including people from the Global Community Centre, the KW Metis and Non-Status Indian Association, and several other individuals, some of whom are associated with the some-what mythical “Fairview Collective”. Thus that legend slighted several groups and individuals. For that, we apologize. Secondly, the name “Fairview Collectivk” only has meaning within the context of a satire published in installments in the chevron earlier this year, co-authored by one of our local sectarian organizations. Thus, the use of that credit line ‘was inappropriate in the advertising of a serious political event. For that, we apologize to
spreads through the air is lethal to insects; however wheiher a human breathing the same concentration of nerve gas for hours on end is also harmful to human health has been a matter of some debate since the strips were first marketed. The concentration of vapour thk strip. releases has been declared-safe by Shell under certain conditions. However a World Health Organization report deter’minyd that the safe level of nerve gas was .a fifth of what Shell insisted it was. Shell argues ‘ ‘the vapona non-pest strip affects no physiological variables other than those which it affects, and that any affected parameters don’t matter”. However, the Health Research Group’s submission to the EPA draws different conclusions. The groups found that at ‘acceptable’ levels the bronchioles of the lung are narrowed by the contraction of their muscles or by mucous secretion, breathing becomes more difficult especially in cases of users having emphysema, asthma or are heavy smokers. A British research team reported “the likelihood must be extremely high that Vapona nerve gas is mutagenic in mammals’ ’ . However, Dr. Ian Walker, a chemist and an employee of Shell Oil insisted, “if we belieied that Vapona was a mutagen in mammalian systems we should have-had to think very- seriously about withdrawing it”. These and other reports are forcing the EPA to evaluate the safety of no-pest
the Toronto readers.
strips. The container says “d-o not use in completely unnecessary. While Shell’s advertising stresses the health hazards of kitchens, restaurants or areas where food is prepared or served”. One recent marketdomestic flies, public health officials in ing survey revealed few users of their strip Canada doubt that insects are a significant were following directions. Most often the cause of disease in this country. Household strip is hung up in areas where meals are flies are an aesthetic rather than a medical served or prepared because people are problem in Canad’a and Vapona no-pest fearful the flies will contaminate their food. strips should be evaluated on that basis. Ironical!y it’s the no-pest strip that is most Flies can be killed without any risk to dangerous. Furthermore the strip is usually ’ health bv flyscreens, sticky flypapers or hung near heat producing light fixtures . rolled up newspapers. In our part of the which speeds the release of the gas above world where flies are no more than a nuisthe safe levels,. ance overdramatised by Shell Oil and its Shell only added the warnings to the * admen and numerous safe alternative package at the insistence of government methods of killing flies are available there bodies in the US and Canada. There are no is no need (in our society to use products warnings on no-pest containers in Britain potentially very dangerous to our health. Shell Oil is concerned about one thing, probecause authorities have not insisted on it. fit, and not our health. The most powerful argument against michael got-don Vapona strips is that in Canada they are
and to your
Eugene Beuthien Fairview Collective The line “organized by the Fairview Collective” was ulaced in the ad at the direction of Shane Rob&s, Federation of Students, who sponsored the ad. He wishes to apologise for not credikng the’ others who contributed. ’ -1ettitor \
’ _
This letter is ofcered in response to Andy Telegdi’s reported reference to the dominance of academics in the Waterloo North N.D.P. Riding Assoc. Of the fifteen members of the riding executive only three are “academics”, as opposed to four working members of the community and eight students here at the University. In the light of this information Andrew’s defeat would appear more a consequence of his failure to appeal “to a significant cross section of the party” than upon any efforts of a so-called *academic dominated executive to defeat him. ,Mike Jordan Bob Wilson Catherine Murray
- .; , d,
Member: Canadian university press (CUP). The chevron is typeset by members of the workers union of dumont press graphix (CNTU) and published by the federation of students incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the sole responsibility of the chevron editorial staff. Offices are located in the campus nnntra*
This is a big week for Kitchener-Waterloo. On Saturday our PET the PM is flying in via his own special helicopter to get a feeling for the grass roots or who knows what. Anyways the guy who called me from Ottawa mumbled something about grass roots. And then, how lucky can we be in one week, Billy Davis and the cabinet are coming to Kitchener Public Library (behind the Kitchener Jail) to listen to our problems and then leave. Well aint that nice of PET and Billy. You know, sitting in an office on Ottawa or Toronto you need to be reminded of all the problems we ,-
I Ini\rnrcrihr
. grass roots have. Last time PET was’in town, Waterloo studenis put the event on the front page of the Globe-and Mail by protesting and pidketjng at his hotel. The grass roots were restless then but PET knows its safe to come now. Wanna a beer. I almost forgot to credit t@ewho gave us a hand with the Chevy this week:iTulips to helen witruk, michael gordon, neil docherty, doug ward, henry hess, john morris, marg murray, robert maklan, randy hannigan, Sylvia hauck, diane ritza, carol pierce, flora conroy, and so gudafteFnOOn and how about that beer.
Baker Lpke 1975 Prints a and
Whalebone Sculpture 25 Young St. E. Waterloo
the chevron
The opening game in the Women’s Slow Pitch league took place on Monday evening and resulted in a 19-2 victory for the Kin Staff Team (The Elderberries) over , the 4th year Kin students. Fans were delighted to see the Elderberries hit the field in top form after their lengthy spring training. ‘Stretch’ Davis, noted for her long reach off first base seemed to - be able to cover even more distance
than usual, no doubt a result of her winter long dog training sessions. Another El.derberry , Fran Allard was at her best after having spent many hours on road work over the past year. The staffers had obviously been on the recruitment trail and picked up some’ younger elders to help them through some of the tough patches. The 4th year Kin students (Un Loaded Buses) were more than
ready for their first match but just couldn’t seem to find the openings in the Elderberry outfield. They do have a potentially strong team, however they may have to refrain from using Debbie Sitts as pitcher. Colleen Mannion may win the award as their most agile player after her Monday night performance. The second year Kin-team may be-the dark horses in the league this year. They were seen practicing Monday evening and it would appear they have enlisted the services of a certain male co-op student to coach. They still make their playing debute on Monday evening at 5:45 p.m. If there are any other women on campus who would like to play in this league please call Sally Kemp at 8851211, Ext. 3533.
ings. Classes are held Wednesdays and Thursdays from 12-1 p.m. To register contact Sally Kemp at ext. 3533.. Kinder
Gym and Swim is being held on Thursday from 9:30 to 1l:OO a.m. Each child is to be accompanied by an adult. Cost is $5.00 for 8 lessons. To register, see the receptionist in the PAC. Fitness classes continue to be held Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at noon in the PAC. There is still lots ofroom. Come out and get fit. Swimming classes are into --their second week. Class times ,are: Mondays
7 :00 pm - level 1 -Bronze Senior Awards Wednesday 7 pm - Level 2 & 3 -. , 7:45 pm - Level 1 Judo workouts are being held
Tennis beginners: due to the vast number of people interested in learning tennis, a second series of classes will be held starting .in 4 weeks. Anyone still wishing lessons is to contact Sally Kemp at 3533 to register. Lessons are held on Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays from 5-6, 6-7 p.m. Beginner ‘s golf lessons began this week-but there are still some open-
Mondays and Wednesday 7-9 pm, in the combatives room PAC, starting\Monday , May 26. Contact Mike Celik, 578-6584. Gymnastics, recreational type, is being held Monday and- Wednes-
The value of a diamond is based on quality, not quantity. Expert cutting brings out the fire and radiance of even the smallest diamond. Colorand clarity is a major factor too. Let us show you what determines the quality deep in the heart of your diamond.
It At
(Waterloo) Daily Luncheon Specials in our Dining Rooms, ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY IN The Bavarian Rooms with CARL VOSATKA RED
Castle For your
to Sat., June
Bay & Dancing
Dancing to Shangra-la Tom & Rick For Reservation
Us at
Hand-Crafted Leather Goods -
june 6, 1975
day from 7 p.m. in the Blue activities area PAC. Contact Jim Doherty, 884-7987.
IM golf Match play Organisational meeting will be _ held on Wednesday, June 11, at 4:30 pm in PAC 1083. Rules and tournament prizes will be discusScotch foursome All interested couples who want an afternoon of fun and frolic are invited to sign the sheet in the PAC office. The two-ball tournament will be held at Foxwood Golf-Club on Thursday, June 12. . Everyone will meet at the golf course at 2 :30 pm and prizes will be awarded afterward at the Prince of Wales.
A co-ed contract bicycle rally will be held on July 3rd at 6:00 pm. Students, faculty and staff are invited to participate by submitting a team of two men and two women. There is an entry fee of $2.00 per team. Entry forms will be available in the PAC or teams can sign up on posted sheets. The route is approximately 9-10 miles, starting at the administration building and finishing at 55 1-B Sunnydale Place for presentations and barbecue, Each team contracts to complete the rally in a specified amount of time and the team that most closely approximates its contracted time wins the rally. For more information check the entry forms or sign-up sheet postings.