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University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume l-6, number 2 friday, may 16, 1975

Over 7000 women joined in a march and provincial government inaction


to city ha// held last weekend idToronto. in respondirig to their grievands.

of academic

Women More than 1,000 women gathered in Toronto on Saturday, May 10, to join in a march on city hall protesting federal and provincial inaction on demands made by the women’s movement. Representatives of almost eighty different groups from Peterborough, Hamilton, Kitchener, London, Samia and other Ontario communities met at Queen’s Park to take part in the march. The march was originally planned to proceed down Yonge Street, but the women were not allowed to use the street by order of the Toronto city police commissioner.’ A spokesperson for the women charged police with making them feel “harassed” and “unwelcome” on the streets of Toronto. As the marchers proceeded down University Avenue and Bay Street, bystanders lining the streets cheered them on and many joined in the march. Upon reaching Nathan Phillips Square, spokespersons for the groups again stated their demands. International Women’s Year was criticized as a government campaign which failed to accomplish any of the real changes wanted by -women. It was felt that the government was merely paying “lip

were protesting federal photo- by middleton


UniWsiti6s University engineering education in Canada took some hard knocks from engineer H. W. Jackson, director of college affairs in the provincial ministry of colleges and universities. However this time a government official was clearly on the side of the students. The university was referred to by Jackson as “a permanent oasis of academic leisure”. He hinted the teachers’ main concern was not his students but instead his own individual research. Furthermore, Jackson said teachers were the “bell curve heros” of the educational institution whose biggest feat is the aligning of student’s marks to fit a bell curve distribution. Jackson was the keynote speaker in the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario (APEO) Engineers-inEducation Division annual meet-ing. “University educators must have a death wish as university education is perceived by the pub- lit as being teacher oriented and not student oriented”, Jackson told the group of engineering directors. “Colleges and universities have simply become too big and too in-

The women


stitutionalized. Education stops the day a student cannot approach a university administrator or teacher who is unwilling to bend the rules to take care of the student’s problem”, Jackson added. Apparently, the whole three billion dollar business of education in Ontario is bankrupt. Jackson said within the university education bureaucracy there is hardly a mention of students and their welfare. Instead. students only appear in the enrollment totals of ministry reports and as the innocuous, but delectable BIU (Basic Income Unit). There is never any consideration of what the optimal level of enrollment for a university is, instead education bureaucrats appear to have an insatiable thirst for as many BIU’s as they can lay their hands on. Jackson went on to list-what he thought were the four major problems the university has to combat. First, he sympathized with the low standard of high school students the universities had to contend with. “The cafeteria system of today’s high school with its greater selec-

protest service” to women’s liberation with their “Why not” slogan. As one person exclaimed, the campaign is “a put-on; an empty phrase to keep women quiet.” The women also protested the $2.5 million cut in daycare budgets across the province and the fact that women employed in the work force continue to be paid less for equal work. Sandy Stanecker, a spokesperson for the marchers, told of the urgent need, women have for quality child-care centres and better job opportunities. “There are still too few outstanding jobs available for women. Most of us are degraded to doing underpaid factory work”, Stanecker pointed out. Other issues raised by the marchers were equal rights in family~ and property laws, the removal of abortion from the criminal code and the demand for the immediate release of Dr. Morganthaler. The jailing of Morganthaler was depicted by Stanecker as “a slap in the face of women. ’ ’ Stanecker‘ concluded that: “In the history of the women’s movement, or any movement, liberation has not been given so we women have to liberate ourselves.”

tion of courses looks great in theory”, Jackson noted. However, educators must to a certain extent listen to the recent negative public reaction and the apparent negative results of this experiment. Secondly, students are still turned off by the lack of relevance found in their university education. Many students in engineering schools across the country find what they learn in school is of little use to themselves when they are on an engineering job. Thirdly, educators and administrators must be aware of the voter’s concern over the inflated costs of educating their children. Some schools have had open houses and invited the surrounding community to see the engineering schools they have built with their tax dollars. However, many open houses backfired when people in their forties’ saw the elaborate equipment that in their day could never be available. ’ His fourth criticism laid the blame for some problems on the incorrect notion that _a university education is a guarantee of a job. “There are just too few students in the courses where jobs are easily available, ’ ’ Jackson commented. The emphasis ineducation is on a piece -of paper, the degree, and this is “so wrong”. Education is a life-time experience and yet degrees are almost all you can hear educators talking about these days. The teaching methods of today’s university professor are sometimes quite incompatible with the aim “to educate”. When it comes to teaching methods, the professor is like Columbus “who did not know where he was going, but when he did discover America he did not know where he was and it was on someone else’s money”. A member of Waterloo’s engineering programme politely informed Jackson, he felt most of his criticism could not be levelled at UW’s school. “We have students on almost every damn committee that exists. Many times in the past two or three years teachers have had their contracts terminated due to the student’s course evaluation results” ) the professor insisted. “If this ‘place is an oasis of academic leisure, I’d like you to trade jobs with me. It just is not that way here”, he continued. Jackson replied “Well I’m afraid in the public’s eye you are tarred with the same brush”. The educators then retired for lunch. aike


Inside Engineering jobs

P3 Books . . . . . . . . . . :::::::::::::::::::p: 4 lntramurals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . .p. 5 Women at work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 6

Profs to bargain with ‘paymaster’ Unionization may be the only option facing UW’s faculty association if a proposal to establish a province-wide salary negotiating body to deal directly with the government fails. But “at the moment the faculty association is not in favour of unionizing since there’s still hope that the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) two-tier proposal will be accepted by the government,” said association president Jim Stone, in an interview Monday. having Stone, attended OCUFA’s annual meeting last week where the proposal was accepted by 14 of the 15 member associations, said he would like to see the two-tier system “given a chance” before holding certification discussions. The proposal calls for direct negotiation with the province on salary issues and leaves the remaining issues to local associations so that no trade-offs would be permitted between salary levels and faculty strength. Also contained in the proposals are cost of living increases, merit increases and fringe benefits. “If the salary component is separated from the universities’ budgets and negotiated with the govemment, it so follows we’ll have to be accountable to the government,” Stone said. He also added that in reality the government is the “boss” as it is telling universities what to do and profs might as well bargain, with the ‘ ‘paymaster’ ’ . Meanwhile, the minister of colleges and universities, James Auld, in an interview with the Kitchener-Waterloo Record May 8, feared that the provincially negotiated salary contracts, the concept of which must be approved by government and universities, will defeat the government’s plan to decentralize authority.

Auld warned that if faculty associations were to go ahead and advance the proposal, they should realize they are heading for a state university system. “I would not be enthusiastic about this kind of step,” Auld said. “It could get rid of the diversity in the university system which exists now.” He said he wanted to examine the proposal closely because “it could create more problems than it would solve, perhaps new problems ..’’ But Auld’s warnings were dismissed as .“ mere hogwash” by Stone who felt universities currently don’t have any autonomy and one might as well do away with the “farce”. He noted that the deadline for the proposal to be fmalized would be at the fall OCUFA conference, at which time it would be known whether the faculty associations and the universities would have a consensus position -on the matter before approaching government. If the outcome of the meeting is that the proposal is unacceptable to both parties then the UW faculty association might proceed with the unionization option, Stone said. He said he was cautious about the success of a certification bid as a similar one failed four years ago. However, Stone said there “might be a snowballing effect on the rest of the province with the Carleton University faculty association gaining recognition as a bargaining unit. ” At present the faculty association has 560 duespaying members which works out to 80 per cent of UW’s professoriate, he said. The UW senate will discuss the OCUFA proposal at its meeting May 19 to determine whether it wishes to examine the question further. -john

morris .



.-the chevron

fridqy ,



This week on campus is a free column for the announcements of meetings, special -seminars of speakers, so&/ events and happenings on campus -student, faculty or staff. See the.cheyran secretary. Deadline is noon Tues-

,:. ART’S

RECR@ALi’IONCENTRE 60 King‘St. S. ~aterloik (across > ’ I from Waterloo Sqiuwe)

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Wednesday, ,

In c&oti-An exhibttiin of drawings, paintings, and prints by John Barrett>Lennard, John Cox, John Hofstetter, Don McKav and lrvine Nichols. Optometry Buiding. UW-Exhibition hours: Sat. 2-5. 3 -I Campus Centre Puti-closed ’

@udetit Special Cavity

In colour---An_ exhibition of drawings, exhibition ~of drawings, paintings and prints by John Barrettpaintings and dprints by John BarrettLenn.ard, John Cox, John Hofstetter, Lennard,‘John Cox, John Hofs@tter,Don Don MadKay \and I&ne Nichols. Op- ( MacKay and kvine Nichols. Optometry tometry Building. UW Exhibition hours: Building; UW Exhibition hours: Mon-Fri Mon-Fri 9-6. 9-6. Planned Parenthood MWtfng Eight From Town exhibitiin Bev Bald, -Topic: Expanding Choii for Older Andrew Drummond, Karen Fletcher, Women. I:39 pm. Lounge, Kk&ener Lib Peter McLay, In&e Nichols, William \ Reynolds, Ed Schneider, Carol Wainio. wf*

pus Centre Rm. 113.Conrad Grebei College presents “In Searchof a Country”, Admission $3.00. Saturday . - 1, Story Book Hour-&7 year olds three ^ Central Box Office ext. 2126. 8 pm. films. 1036 am. Kiiche,ner Public Lib- -Theatre Of the prts*

’ -


In colour-An exhibition of drawings; paintings and prints &John BarrettLennard,. John Cox, John Hofstetter, Don MacKav and lrvine Nichols. Gptometry Building. UW Exhibition hours: Mon-Fri 9-6. \ Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon r Garfield of The Garfield Band. from 9-6 am. 50 cents after 6 pm. : -Co&d G&l College presents “in Search Of A Country’!. (See Tues.)









mmpus centre Pub opens 12 noon. ,, ThUrsdai . Garfield of The Garfield Band from 9 - 1 ’ Conrad Grebel College presents - “In \ am. 50~ after 6pm. Search Of A Country?. (See Tues.) ’



, In colour-An

In Colour-An exliibiiion of drawings, paintings and prints by John BarrettLennard, John Gox, John Hofstetter, Don MacKay and Irvine, Nichols. Cptometry Building. UW Exhibition hours: Mon-Fri 9-6. Camp& Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Ray Williams from 9-l am. 50 cents i after 6 om. r dhbmber Music cdncert. KitchenerPublic Library auditorium. 739 pm. free admission. . . \ ’


may 16, i975

campus Centre. Pub opens 12 noon. Garfield of The Garfield Band 9-l am. 50 cents after 6 pm. I


. .

Jn colour-An exhibition of drawings, paintings and prints by John BarrettLennard, John Cox, John Hofstetter, Don McKay and lrvine Nichols. Optometry Building. UW Exhibition hours: . ’ Man-Fn96. Eight From Town exhibition UW a&&llery. Hours: 9-4, ‘- Campus ” CentrePub opens 12 noon. Garfield of The, Garfield Band--g-l am. 50 cents after 6 pm. j Federetion Flicks-The GreatGatsby with Mia Farrow and Robert Redford. AL 116.8 pm. Feds $I-. Non-feds $1.50. Conrad Grebel Cpllege .presents “ln ’ Search Of A Country”. (See Tues.)


. I




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Bank of Montreal





Experienced babysitter. wanted: To come in preferrably. References. Call 885-1857 after 5 pm. f


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‘. , Experienced speedy typist for Essays, Term papers and Theses. 50 cents per page includes paper. Call 884-6705 , anytime. I Experienced, speedy typist for Essays, Term papers, Theses, etch 50 cents per page, paper inctuded. PBne 578-9189. Typing at home: 743-3342; Westmount 1 area; theses, ‘essays; reasonable rates, excellent service; no math papers. ’

-Lost. A plump small brown dog. William West area: Answers to name Tammy. Please . / call 576-1%769. I L Pet’SORal Klemmer Farmhouse Co-op Daycare centre has openings for the summer. Parents must be able to spend four hoursa week on co-op time plus attend parent meetings. For more information contact Klemmer. at ext. 2369.

Large double room_ available now. Full use of home and all facilities;including outdoor pool. 885-1664 Mrs. Wright., __ Sublet June 1st. Two bedroom luxurious. apartment with many extrafeatures. Phone 884-4013;


Thanks Graduates:. ’ We have enjoyed serving and assisting youthrough your University years. For many of -you its Good Bye and Bon Voyage as you move, to a new location and begin your new horizons. :.._ But the banking relationship you have established here need not end now-In fact it should simply . , ’ be a newbeginning to a continued and prosperous future. With over 1,000 Bank of Montreal branches across Canada, there is sure to be one convenient and P ready to serve you at your new location. -Why notlet us help YOU get established at your new location by transferring your accounts ’ arranging a loan to get-there. . .buy some new clothes. . .get a car. . .or whatever. . . Prompt efficient and courteous service is a matter of pride with us. And we appreciate the opportunity to continue to serve and assist you. ’ I / . - I k I --_ ‘3 i Slncbrely, ’ ,

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Made ior each other, that’s what our matching diamond wedding bands’reflect. O/ur d‘dzzling selection has earned us the fine reputation of “MATCHMAKER”. .. for lovers who think alike. ’ . ’





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may 16, 1975


the chevron


cut threatened

Daycare.~ Day coming The increasing need for quality day care centers across Ontario has led conce,med persons in Ontario to proclaim May 21, 1975 as Daycare Day. The day has a particular urgency in the Waterloo region since the regional council is talking about cutting daycare subsidies which are currently allotted to mothers who cannot afford to pay for daycare costs. The focus of attention for the day will be the quality of daycare centers available to parents and the responsibility that the co,mmunity

has towards providing quality daycare centers. Toward this end local daycare centers are having open houses between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.; this includes the two university connected centers, Klemmer Co-op and the daycare at Married Students residence. These two centers are examples of the types of daycare available to parents. The center at Married Students is typical in structure to most other daycare centers in that it is run by paid staff and parents have little involvement with the

Grads lack skills



“We are not looking for the engineering student with the high marks, but instead want those with leadership-ability and interpersonal skills”, was the point of P.J. Kyselka, the personnel manager of Canadian General Electric Company Limited. Kyselka said he found those with the highest marks were usually hard working loners who are unable to communicate with people. “More and more the engineer is required to do administrative work and engineering technologists trained at technical schools do the fundamental engineering work”, Kyselka added. Engineering schools are not training engineers with the skills we need; those the manufacturing engineer is required to know These include the ability to judge the economic feasibility of a project, the value to society of the products he is producing, and the aesthetic quality of something they are working on. Kyselka insisted “these are the qualities we are looking for”, during last Saturday’s Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario’s (APEO) Engineers-inEducation Division. The conference was organized to answer the questions ‘ ‘Education: What, How and By Whom”. Apparently manufacturing industries are finding the engineers graduating from Canada’s schools “are not familiar with basic factory processes, such as the operation of a lathe.” “ We had to give one engineer a whole week,.just to figure out the lathe operation”, Kyselka said. Employers complain engineers have a shortage of communication skills, cannot draw, organize a team of technologists and do not have the ability to make verbal presentations. “Sure their marks may be good, but that’s not what we’re looking for and I d.on’t think that is what you are teaching” Kyselka added. He then added “although engineers are much better educated than they were twenty years ago, \

we are finding the majority of graduates lack these skills.” An engineer must be ~a “generalist”, not a specialist. He or she must have a little knowledge on a broad range of topics. The audience of educators, mostly taken aback by this criticism, were at times quite critical of his points. One commented “You come from General Electric which has damn little social consciousness. Kyselka admitted when hiring summer students we always consider our “profit oriented interest” first and foremost. When questioned on how ‘many engineers the company was willing to hire and train in the summer, he admitted they hired very few. The discussion then turned to the problem of encouraging businesses to hire student engineers in the summer. One of the only two women present suggested the government should be offering these companies tax concessions to hire students since industry lacks a social conscience. H. W. Jackson, director of college affairs in the provincial ministry of colleges and universities, when asked what he thought of this proposal said “I do not think the provincial government should be subsidizing industry”. The government does have a lever on industry to hire students but they only do it to improve the unemployment statistic, not to improve education. After things had cooled between the university people and Kyselka, most put the problem as being one of a lack of communication between industry and universities. One university professor insisted “in my thirty years as an engineer the manufacturing industry in this country has never been satisfied with our training of engineers because this gap of communication has always existed and willlikely continue’.‘. -mike

running of the center. The Klemmer co-op on the other hand is run by the parents, although there are three full-time staff hired as teachers. The operation and administration of the center is carried out from policies and procedures which are discussed and formulated at monthly parents meetings. Each family has one vote in any decisions requiring a vote. Parents are also involved with various committees, such as maintenance and grounds, food, educational and admissions committees. Parents are also required to spend four hours a week working with the children during the day. In this way there are always three staff and at least one parent at the center. The one drawback to this structure is that at least one of the parents or the only parent must be in a position to work four hours during one day each week. This obligation to the co-op is fundamental to it’s existence and is thus,adhered to very strictly. Public information booths will also be set up in the Fairview, Market Square and Westmount Place shopping centers in order to inform interested persons about the state of daycare quality in this region.



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at 7:30 p.m. at Iona Hall, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. For further information either about Daycare Day or admission to Klemmer co-op phone extension 2369.

with regard to subsidization of the societies” and asked whether the federation would be prepared to cover any losses incurred by food services on a society function. He agreed with Campus Centre pub manager Art Ram that “the societies don’t want to take,a loss while food services makes money” but questioned “Why should we take a risk on these functions?” Deeks asked what plans the federation had for using the anticipated surplus from the operation of the Campus Centre pub. Ram responded that any surplus would be directed toward repaying the university the cost of installation and renovations for the pub and toward future expansion of the facility. Kim Etherington, president of the Engineering Society, feels that there is a need for a facility such as South Campus Hall. He said that most engineering students disliked the Campus Centre pub--as “the music is too loud” and “there is no dance floor. ’ ’ Under present arrangements, however, “it seems more convenient to go off campus” since “we can get Jason’s for nothing and the drinks are the same or a competitive price. ” Etherington said that the optimum arrangement from the point of view of the societies would be “no waiters and a self-service bar. ” He played down the administration’s claim that such an arrangement is prohibited under the terms of the permanent licence and suggested that it could be arranged if sufficient effort were applied. “I have the feeling that somebody is against students around here ,” Etherington stated, but he declined to elaborate. He suggested as a compromise solution that the bar should cover all expenses other than entertainment, feeling that: “If we only had to pay for entertainment we could run it.” ’ However, with good bands priced at around $500, ‘some societies might find such a compromise unattractive as it would require attracting over 300 persons at $1.50 a head to break even. Shortall hopes to be able to negotiate a satisfactory settlement by the end of June.

amc.xxs TAVERN Downtown

$2.00 each)

at reasonable cost 416-783-0505 after hours 416-638-3559 3199 Bathurst St. Suite 206 Toronto, Ontario

they hoped to recover this money through increased use of the facility. There was a $47,000 deficit on operation of the hall during the past year. I Federation president John Shor-tall suggested that the university should regard the societies’ functions as encouraging use of the hall since: ‘ ‘Each time a special event is put on it will attract a number of people who would be unfamiliar with the facility otherwise.” He felt that the university should not try to write off its investment at the expense of the societies but should regard their use of the hall as publicizing the existence of a pub there. Deeks expressed a willingness to negotiate toward a mutually satisfactory arrangement, saying “we want to provide a service.. .but we can’t do it for nothing.” He suggested that “the federation has to reconsider their position


Open Mon - Sat

in the K/emmer

seek use of hall

Negotiations are proceeding between the Federation of Students and administrative services regarding the use of South Campus Hall by student societies. At the present time, although the hall is licenced, most societies cannot afford to use it. At issue is the use to be made of the bar receipts from functions held there by the societies. The problem from the societies’ point of view is that without a share of the bar receipts they are forced to cover their expenses-from the admission charge. This forces them to raise admission charges, resulting in a drop in attendance. The position of administrative services, as represented by director Bill Deeks, is that: “We’ve got to make money off of these special events.” The university, spent $50,000 on South Campus Hall last year to install a permanent pub there and

papers on file $2.50 per page OR CUSTOM

at play

There will be a workshop in the evening of the 21 st in which the topics of Professionalism, Quality Daycare-Is It a Right? and the Male’s Role in Daycare will be discussed. This workshop will be held




One of the children


Wat.-Philip w-






the chevron

Bringing Hi Peter Fitzenery


Outside and inside

Up: How to preserve the foods you

grow naturally The Staff of Organic



Edited by Carol S_toner Rodale


Stocking Up is a completecollection of traditional methods of home preservation combined with safe and efficient modern developments. In this book you’ll find step by step instructions on preserving anything from fruit to nuts-without chemicals or sugar. The book begins with learning how to choose the right seeds to grow these vegetables. It outlines vitamin content and tells the best harvest time for each vegetable. Freezing, drying and canning are three methods outlined as preservation methods. These chapters contain many charts and tables to assist the preserver. There is also an extensive chapter on building un-’ derground storage. Recipes for various pickles, relishes, jams and jellies are also given, along with proper methods to prepare each. The dairy products section is of particular interest. It outlines the making of butter, cottage cheese and yoghurt. A meat section is also included in this book, which shows general butchering techniques and cuts as well as smoking and curing methods. The last ‘section is on grains which begins with the harvesting and leads to bread recipes. “All in all, Stocking Up will help you find the ‘satisfaction-and security-that comes from knowing that you have control over the food you eat every step of the way, from garden to pantry.”


7:00 & 9:15 pm MAT.

124KingSt. W.


& SUN.


2 PM

warren beatty jdie Christie. goldiehawn


Sun. May 18 12:00




Sharon Spall and Norm McKenzie -


! a


-7 & 9 PM

Classics Unlimited Ian McMillan



the Outdoors Loewer & Whiteside

Blend it Splendid: a blender natural eati’ng Stan & Floss Dworkin Rodale Press

Music Donna Rogers Fred Bunting and Rick Worsnop


FrL-May 23



AMERICAN GRAFFITI Richard Dreyfus May 16-I 8 Fri.-Sun. 7&9Pm








:~~~~~~~:.:~~~~~~... . ._




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STARTS FRIDAY . Continuous SAT. SUN. MON. From 2 pm - Children $1 .OO

12:OO Renzo Bemardini - 3:00 Gord Cowan 6:00 Mad Frog Part 1; Phil Rogers 9:00 The Mutant Hour; * Bill Whariie 12:OO Mad Frog Part 11; Peter Goodwin 3:00 The Walrus Hour; Villem Teder -

Sat. May 24 -Tues. May- 20

,g.:.:.: ::.>:.> x$.y .$:


Al Wilson with Animal Hours More Dazzling Than Diamonds, Carol Pierce Dennis Ruskin

6:00 9:00



3:00 6:00


Donald Pleasence

May 23-24 Fri.-Sun. 8 Pm

Thurs. 3:00 6:00 9:00 12:OO


Rick Redman The Phantom and Fitzgerald with Michael Kerr and Craig Forgrave Reinhardt Christiansen, Visions



The blender is probably the least used kitchen ap-pliance. Blend it Splendld turns it into an indispensible tool, especially to people who care about their diet. The cookbook begins with a few very helpful, healthy hints on blender care and eating habits in general. It warns strongly against any saturated fats, white sugar or flour and also a group of foods under a law the author calls the ‘Standard of Identity’. Under this law, makers of certain foods do not have to list their ingredients. These include ketchup, ice cream, cheese, soda pop and many others. The cookbook itself is an extensive collection of recipes. .These range from breakfasts in a glass to glorious supper desserts, with large selections of main courses and soups. All recipes are concise and most take very little effort or time. The authors, Stan & Floss Dworkin, live in an apartment in the middle of Manhatten where they grow their own herbs and some vegetables in a small greenhouse. “Though healthy eating isn’t everything, an aware- ness of where it fits into ,your life is a good start in creating a happy, productive existence.” -diane ritza

Mon. May 19 3:00 6:00 .9:00


Over the past few years a surge of interest has developed in indoor gardening. Bringing the Outdoors In is a book devoted to those who want to have more greenery in their houses year round. The book deals with vines, wildflowers, ferns, mosses, bulbs, cacti and dozens of other plants. ’ It starts by covering the basics of plant physiology and biology, the various types of soils in which plants grow best, how to choose the proper pots and when and how to repot plants and how to start the plants from seeds and cuttings. One chapter of interest is entitled “constructing window greenhouses” which explains how to construct indoor greenhouses using existing windows. The book explains that the materials are relatively cheap and that only the basics of carpentry need be known. The book covers some of the more unique plants with chapters dealing with exotic- and insectivorous , _.plants. The exotic chapter covers the various types of orchids and bromeliads which are relatively easy to grow. The chapter on insectivorous plants covers eight species of pitcher plants, three species of butterworts, five species of sundews and the most popular incesti-vore, the Venus flytrap. Throughout the book there are excellent graphic illustrations done by the author, with each illustration being exactly scaled and the scale factor shown for each drawing. Many illustrations are either full size or scaled down to three quarters life size. In the last chapter there is a list of suppliers of plants and seeds as well as a list of plant societies and plant publications. An excellent bibliography is included for anyone interested in further reading. For the person who is just beginning indoor gardening or for someone who wants to acquire more knowledge, Bringing the Outdoors In is a helpful reference book. -syhria hauck

Classics with Marilyn Turner Audio Mirror Presents Phil LaRocque Jim Currie

9:00 9:30 12:00

may 16, 1975


David Clark Terry Brent Lorne Goldlum David Scorgie

12:00 3:00 6:00 9:00

Brian McManos Dianne Russel Pete Campbell Dave Assman Bill Culp




the chevron

16, 1975




Recreational Gymnastics group is working out Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00-9:OOp.m., in the Blue Activities area, PAC starting Monday, May 12. If interested contact Mr. Jim Doherty at 884-7987. Racquet Rental System in effect as of Wednesday, April 30,1975. Rental Cards may be obtained from the Rental machine outside the Women’s locker room, PAC for a -nominal charge of 25 cents per usage. Simply bring your card to the toteroom and give it with your ID card to the attendant. The PAC hours are 9:00-5:00 p.m. on Saturday and not 9:00-l 1:OO p.m. as reported and Seagrams is open until 5:00 p.m. Friday.

More intramurals

PAC will be closed Monday, May 19th due to a university holiday. Fitness classes are being held Mon. Wed. Fridays from 12:00-1:00 p.m.-the Blue Activities area for Men and Women. Activities Exercises and jogging are geared to increase ones personal fitness. Simply make an effort and come at noon: Special swimming times have been added this summer, Tues, Wed. and Thurs. 4:30-5:30 p.m. Instructional Swimming classes have now been ar.,I ranged. Squash Instructors urgently needed. Swimming Levels: 733018:30 pm ievel 2 -starting Wed. Level 1 May 14th 7:45 7:0&8:30 pm Bronze -starting Mon. Senior Awards May 26th Level 1 ,




CLUB Orienteering --

Thurs.May a:00

8 1083PAC p.m.

Mon.May 5 8:OO pm Grad Club Thurs.May l-7 p.m. MC 2065 Thurs.May 8 7 p.m. 1 I083 PAC

Rugby , Sailing Whi tewater Canoeing Underwater

.Wed. May 7 7 p.m. 1083 PAC

Athletic- Clubs 1 REGULAR



There are meets summer for the

If you like nature, running learning your way through, the terrain, th% “0”club is for you. Anyone can do i t. Learn the game of Rugby,7 Aside matches to be arranged. Cost:$5 until Dec. 1st Instruct. ,, Recreational, sai I ing, Regattas touring & anything Instruction, 1 you want in a kayak or whitewater canoe. Pool sessions, underwater hockey open d i ves.


Men’s B-Ball Condon Cup





Tuesday Starting


DATE 14 7:30



Hay 12 1083 4:30 p.m.






May 14 1083 4:30 p;m.



Men’s Soccer (Mackay Bowl )






Women’s SlowPi tch(Green Bat)


Men’s Softball (Eng.Memorial)


4:30 9

Mon.May Lounge

13 1083 p.m.

12 Student 4:30 PAC




every weekend beginner&advanced.-



7:00-8:30 19.75



Go1 f







Swimming Kinder



& Gym


Roge r D.owne r Ext. 3226 Mike Ruwald 884-9042 Terry Bak&r885IPete; Shubert 742-4190



Norm Reed Chem. 2 Rm 383


A&B levels.Games played. 7:30-lo:30 Wed. Gym PAC A&B divisions.Games played TuestThurs 4:45-8:OO p.m. A&B divisions.Games played 4:45-8:OO Mon.-Thurs. Round Robin league with playoffs



A-E.S.S. B-V2 North

NO OF PLAYERS ~- 10 players --.

A-Recreation B-Lunch Pai 1 s

15 players

A-Greek B-CCCP

15 players



15 players

4A I




I Athletic

Dayle Vraets 884-4071






_ -

Wed.May 14 4:45 p.m.




lnstructlionat CO-ED


instructional Meeting the Membership.

evenings May 13,




To be determined Meeting. Every day, exact at Organizational To be d’ecided by

\ Competitive



ORGANIZATIONAL & 1 EXPLANAT I ON REGISTRATION MEETING I All eleven Intramural Athletic Clubs offer some degree of basic instruction See Club programs for more information. , p rog rams. Tues. May 13 8 Thurs. May 15 12:OO’Free lessons for the beginner golfer to 1 :DO p.m. Red North PAC eauipment supplied.Starts Wed.May 21 Tues. May 13 8:00 pm 1083 PAC Beginners level-introd. instruction ‘basics & etiquette of tennis. Tues.May I3 7pm 1083 PAC _ 1 genera1 session & 3 individual lessons.Starts Tues. May 20 Mon.May 12 7:00 p.m.Pool Gallary Beginners level & possibly 1 class -_ of Senior Awards if enouqh interest. Mon. May 12 Fri.Jung Ages 1-5, ea‘ch child with an adult Receptionist PAC gan:-4:30 p.m. Cost $5/8 weeks 4 Gym + $ Pool. Mon. May 12 8pm 1083 PAC An exercise, activity & jogging

1 REGULAR sEss 10~s I as an integral




4 one hour lessons for beginners Wed.&Thurs l2:OO noon - 1:OO 4 one hour lessons,Tues.Wed.Thurs. 5-7pm Waterloo Tennis Court Tues.&Wed. 7:30-9:OO p.m. Courts 1070-1074 Mondays t Wednesdays 7-8 p.m. Pool PAC.Startinq Wed.May 14. Thurs. 9:30-Ilam Blue Act. Area & Pool PAC.Start Thurs. May 22. Noon hours Hon.Wed. Fri. Blue


Recreational MEN’S ENTRY



Archery Club will be shooting indoors Mondays from 7-10 p.m. Outdoor range shooting will be an -added highlight this summer. Contact Alex Smith 57843416. Weightlifting will continue this summer at Seagratis. Anyone wishing to Power Lift is asked to contact :

8852015 884-5639

Brent Walterhouse Dave White

Sloti I



Teams are stii needed for this league: The entry day has been extended until May 20, 1975. Entry forms available at Receptionist, PAC Building. Scheduling meeting to be held at 7:00 p.m., May 22 in Room 2050 PAC office wing. Games played Monday evenings starting May 29, 1975.



Co-ed Pitch




Thurs.May Room





Thurs.May 15, 7pm Tues.May Room 1083 Tues.May 20 8pm Wed.‘Hay PAC Room 1083 _



7Aside Football




\ I

Thurs. June


Tues.May Room

20 7pm 1083


Thurs.Ju!y Room

3 7Pm 1081


If you happened to miss the Kinde? Swim and @rn registration on Monday, contact Sally Kemp in PAC ext. 3533. Classes will begin May 22 at 9:30’a.m. and continue on thursdays for 8 weeks.



15 8pm Wed.Hay 1083





PAC 7:00-lo:30

Every Mon.for 4 wks.Round g/team. 3 women min Robin 5th wk open tourney 2 women on crt/time 2 matches/night. Every Wed. for 8 wks Round 15/team. 5 women min Robin.Wrap-up tourn. for 3 women on field/time teams interested. Every Tues.for 8 wks.Tourn.lO/team 2 women in for interested-teams. pool. Bring own sticks.Open IO/side. 5 on floor Tourn.at end. no offsides at one time(kl) No body contact. Unl imi ted forward passes Min IO/team 7on field No body contact,defensive team-makes call.lhand touch2-3 wks-Ret play/no men in 12/team. 4 wpmen min key )Always 2 women on crt.

Gl. Field 4:1+5-8:30





Pool -PAC




Cal. field Mon.&Wed. 4:45-8:oo PAC 7-10



INDIVIDUAL RECREATIONAL INTRAHUIIAL ACTIVITIES: FREE TIME: This means that certain athletic serve bas is. The Gymnasium at the PAC a* Seagrams are most free during the day and Friday Activities such as swimming, badminton, jogging, volleyball and weight training, or others, are not booked. Please check the weekly gym.schedufe posted in the PAC for available free Kinesiologyclasses and intercollegiate games take precedence. Your own persona1 equipment -1 Pool PAC-Begins Mon.April 28 Mon - Fri. 11:30 - I:20 p.m. 8:30-l0:OOp.m. Tues.Wed.&Thurs. 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Saturday !I:00 a.m. - l:OO p.m. , Sun. I-j:&pm-fami ly swim-&i ldren only with adults.

I-4 Tues. Free

Facilities NOT available. Waterloo Tennis Club/Staits May 1 May - June 29: Mon-Fri 3 courts 9:00em-5:OOpm 2 courts’ 5:00pm-I1 pm Sat.&Sun. 2 courts 9:00am-11 June 30-Aug I-All Days 2 courts 9am.11 pm No Courts-Aug. 2,3,4,&7 Aug. -Sept. 7 2 courts 9am -I 1:00 am Booking a court-1 court/hr/person, 48 hours in advance at 885-3920. Must present I.D. card, whites preferred, bnly smooth soled shoes.


ISQUASH & RACQUETBALL1 10 crts. (PAc)8sgl. 2 dbl. To Book - 1 court session 24 houri in advance in Toterooms.No phone reservations. Racquet rentals-25C in machine Red North-lower floor. A friendly English/American squash ladder -starts May l.Pick up your tag from tcteroom. NOTE-:





Carl Totzke, Director of Athletics Peter Hopkins, Director of Men’s IM Sally Kemp, Director of Women’s IM Frank Bsychuck, Aquatics Coordinator

Main Time.




Swim and Gvm




Due to stud&t demanq three (3) additional programs will be included in the Summer Intramural Program. Recreational Gymnastics will be held Mondays and Wednesdays from 7-9 p.m. in Blue Activities area starting Monday, May 12. Contact Jim Doherty




Co-ed Innertube Waterpolo Ba 11 Hockey

New programs


Beginning May 6 Gym 7-10:30/Thurs. Racquet rental


PAC Gym Area Jogging kits



in any available


Small 25~


facilities are open on a first evenings for free Gym space. . . may be played when the facilities gym time,. *Scheduled events like is advised.

Gym 7-lo:30

“The Sooner the Better” Free time in the IM Office 2040.

b-1 Free Time-Avai lable in Men’s 2 horseshoe .pits - Vi llpge Green. Behind hardball diamond Columbia Field.

2 Universal Gyms are available hours in the PAC. Weight training are available in the Intramural Red North - PAC.



during open programs Office -



Afternoons until 4:30 p.m. Fri. evenings Sat.& Sun. afternoons.. SEAGRAM Ext. 3356 lam Afternoons




bEDI CAL AND HOSPITAL COVERAGE] The Department does NOT have medical coverage for participants in its program. Each student is personal ly responsible for their own medical and hospi ta1 coverage.

~RAINLNG (INJURY CENTER 1 BUILDING HOURS\ Injury procedure: All injuries must be reporte d PAC Mon-Fri. 8am-llpm to the Intramural Office or Training Center PAC Sat. 9am-5pm/Sun lpm-4pm Blue North regardless of sever i ty, Ext. 3532. SEAGRAMS Mon & Wed. 9am-9pm or 3533. TlntS: To be determined. Tues. Thusr.,&Fr: .9am-5pm PAC

INFORMATION Ext. 2474 Ext. 3532 Ext. 3533 884-4967

Gym only - May 20 - 26 (for convocation - Seagra& MondayMay 19, Monday--June 30, Tues. - July Auqust 11 - September 2 : Pool closed



Rm 2054 Rm 2040 Rm 2050

Lynn-Montag, Intramural Secretary Sharon Langdon, PAC Receptionist Men’s Tote Room ixt.3535/Women’s Seagrams Gym



will I: for

be open) all facilities maintence.


PAC) Tote


Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext.

3531 3302 3536 3356

Rm 2039 Rm 2039



the chevron


mav 16. 1975

VVomen at wOr

a review by gail mitchell Through all the commercial hype and too often token attention given to International Women’s Year, Women 1850-1930,




emerges as a clean and achievement, relevant to and Canadian society as a

honest women whole. The collection of nine essays, written by a small group within the Canadian Women’s Education Press, examines various facets of women’s work in an historical perspective-the first to be published in North America. Until recently, women’s history consisted mainly of biographies, memoirs of well-known literary or political women and of course, a few discussions on the suffragette movement. But the women’s movement has encouraged women to go ahead and rediscover their own history. The authors of Women at Work knew their mothers and grandmothers had worked-as mothers, domestic servants, teachers, etc.-but it seemed the history books had overlooked the significance of their , work and implied in fact, that women had played no part in Canadian history at all. The authors decided to stimulate ‘research in the area themselves. The result is a well-documented, informative study of female labour in a given period that is a landmark in, women’s literature. Based on extensive primary research the book discusses the working conditions and activities of nurses, teachers, domestic servants, prostitutes and industrial workers between 1850 and 1930. Illustrations, photographs and anecdotes provide a fresh historical approach to the subject. The women of the past are allowed to speak for themselves whenever possible. The authors focus on the single,, waged, female worker and the exploitation of these women in the context of a rapidly industrializing society. The book reveals the conditions under which women ‘worked, and the responses of women to these conditions. Between 1850 and 1930 Canadian

women found new occupations in social service agencies and offices in addition to their traditional work as farm wives, domestics, and prostitutes. But the increased participation in an industrial economy did not bring about a substantial improvement in women’s status. The woman worker has generally had her work defined as an extension of her female role. In a key chapter, The Political Economy of Ontario Women in the Nineteenth Century, Leo Johnson pinpoints the origins of employment discrimination against women as a result of technological innovations in industrial capitalism. When the factory system enabled muscle power to be replaced by machine power and high-cost skilled labour by low-paid, unskilled labour, women became direct economic competitors of men. Within the factory and office a system was developed which designated certain tasks as “women’s work” and paid for with low wages. That way the capitalists were still provided with a source of cheap industrial labour, and working-class men were no longer threatened by direct job competition from cheap female labour. But the most moving essay, because it represents the ultimate in exploitation of women, deals with prostitution in Toronto at the turn of the century and its strong connection with the domestic service. The roots of prostitution were believed to lay in the individual deviant-the “fallen women” not with society. The prostitute was not seen as a worker who sells her body or her labour for a fee, and as a result is the most exploited and alienated woman worker in a capitalist society. Few,Torontonians attributed the entry of women into prostitution to economic causes. Faced with poverty, no skills, and low wages, many women turned to prostitution to supplement their income. The Social Service Commission, established in 1913 to investigate “the problem of the white slave traffic’ ’ , found that of 37 prostitutes interviewed 19 stated they entered the profession because they could not live on the wages they were earning. Of these 19, four were full-time prostitutes and 15 were part-time currently working at other jobs.


Part of the problem was that wages were set on the assumption that the woman was living at home, either with herparents or husband. The Commission recommended the passage of a minimum wage law to reduce the economic pressure which often drive women to the streets. The Commission also reported that in a sample of 75 prostitutes 48’ per cent said they had worked as domestic servants before their entry into the trade. Domestic service was poorly regarded by other working women. While the factory worker was forced to sell her labour power for a specified number of hours per week in order to survive, at least the remaining time was her own. The domestic, on the other hand, usually had to work very long hours with no fixed time off each week. Forced to live under the same roof as her employer, she was constantly at his or her disposal. Because of this, she had very little privacy or opportunity to socialize. Thus domestic service was regarded. by most working people as a degrading, and therefore, low prestige occupation. Since domestic service was closest to prostitution in the social scale of female occupations, it was likely that an unemployed domestic, unable to find a job would move one notch down by accepting work as a prostitute. Plus the insecurity, isolation, and loneliness which characterized domestic service made unemployed domestics particularly vulnerable to the recruitment efforts of madames and pimps. Two other occupations labelled as “women’s work”-teaching and nursing-are also discussed revealing an attempt in both areas to socialize passiveness in women. The struggle of women in both professions for registration and recognition and equality in wages should be studied not only by women in those fields but by every high school student before they choose their profession. In fact the entire book should be *on the reading list as a textbook or reference book for social science courses on secondary and postsecondary levels of education. Through exploring the reality of Canadian women’s experience it proposes the framework in which to begin to answer why double .exploitation of women as mothers and, workers haa persisted to the present day. It is important to learn how women in the past were manipulated and how they fought to overcome discrimination. The authors of this book feel that by gaining a


guide for other women to follow in other parts of the country who are looking for their past and their future. Women at Work has achieved an almost impossible task. It has reversed the meaning of a very old and degrading label. ’ ‘Women’ s work” has a new sense of pride.

before we forget... a problem conference An interdisciplinary conference on problem analysis in science and engineering will convene in village two, May 26-28. Conference delegates and speakers will consider the formulation and solution of problems in the fields of engineering, science and economics. Michigan State University professor Herman Koenig will give the keynote address, ‘the thermodynamics of production and consumption’ at nine a.m. on Monday, May 26 in the village. Two European speakers, Enzo Tonti, speaking on the formal structure of Physical Theories and Ole Franksen, speaking on electrical and economic network approaches will present papers outlining their recent research. The conference is being sponsored by a UW research grant, the engineering faculty’s solid mechanics division and the national research council.

Students are welcome to register for a fee of five dollars. For UW faculty the charge is ten dollars and others must pay thirty dollars. For information contact professor F. Branin at extension 2850. Conference registration is 8:30-9:00 a.m. on May 26.



Tickets are available for a trip to Stratford to see “Two Gentlemen of Verona” on May 31, at 8:30p.m. Tickets are $2.50 and $3.50, and will be sold between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday May 20 and Wednesday May 21 at the Eng Sot Office in the E4 Lounge. Tickets for reserved round trip bus seats will also be available at $1.25 each. All tickets will be sold on a first come - first served basis. Don’t miss this excellent opportunity to see this professional theatrical presentation.


Applications are invitbd for the position of Chairperson, Board of Entertainment for 197576.

_(Ontario Public Interest Research Group) requires 2 summer researchers ’ Responsibilities-working implementing research Requirements-demonstrable

Written applications stating qualifica: tions must be submitted to the under’ signed no later than 4:30 p.m. Thursday, May 22, 1975. (This position is open to any.member of the Federation Of Students.) John Shortall, President Federation of Students Campus Centre Room 235

perspective on the experience of these women and by examining structures which have oppressed women, they can clearly understand the position of women today and develop strategies for change. In this respect the book is more than a dignified, unsentimental tribute to women workers-it is a

with full-time staff developing and projects on issues of public concern. research and writing abilities.

Salary: $130/wk plus benefits Starting Date: June 2/75 - Aug 29/75 Deadline for Applications: May 23, 1975 Apply to: OPIRG 1 University of Waterloo CHEM I, Room 351 Expires May 22 Good at Westmount Place or King & John locations

For further



call 884-9020

or ext.




the chevron

16, 1975


manipulation for political gain The present provincial government has been waging an all-out campaign to deliberately mislead and misinform the general public on the state of affairs of the universities. James Auld, minister of colleges and universities, when announcing the levels of financial support to universities and colleges in 197576 claimed that the total sum involved would be “sufficient to offset inflationary trends, to maintain or improve the existing level of service and to accommodate predicted enrolment increases.” The Ontario Council on University Affairs, a group appointed by the present government, claims that if the government were to maintain the present, level of service a conservative estimate of 16.2 million additional funds would be required. Less than a month after his announcement on funding to universities, Auld told the legislature that the universities have $80 million unencumbered funds sitting in banks accumulating interest (K-W Record Dee 14). The government certainly tried to paint a picture of universities drowning in their own fat. B. C. Matthews, not known for %making rash statements, criticized Auld for giving the public a dishonest figure. Auld used an April 1974, audit when a large chunk of UW’s so-called surplus was paid out for a mortgage on the residences in May.’ Matthews further stated (K-W Record Dee 18) that it could be the government is trying to improve its election chances by making cuts to universities an issue. In the winter term White, the former treasurer for the province, misrepresented the student faculty ratios by stating that the average class size in universities is 24.






On his April 27th visit to UW Auld was more interested in side-stepping issues raised than responding to legitimate questions. When Auld was questioned about remarks made by Ian MacDonald, the president of York University and,the former deputy treasurer of Ontario, that the government increase grants to the university system for the 197576 academic year similar to increases granted to elementary and secondary schools, he denied that a grant increase has occurred. The fact that education minister Thomas Wells increased the provincial education budget ceiling by $20 million on March 20th contradicted Auld’s claims. Auld failed to elicit any sympathy from the UW audience when he claimed that the 5% salary cut he took from his $40,500 salary would force him “to seek handouts and free meals”. The University of Toronto student administrative council, reacting to continuous statements from. the government whereby the students should pay agreater cost of their education than the taxpayers, made the reasonable interpretation that the tuition fees would have to be increased. The cost of education for a first year arts student is 1 BIU or $2,111, an undergraduate engineering student is 2 BlUs or 84,222, an optometry student is 3 BlUs or $6,333 and a PhD student is 6 BlUs or $12,666. If the students are required to pay more than the taxpayer then the tuition fee would have to cover more than 50% of the cost, which would mean a range in tuition fees of $1,055.50 to $6,333 depending upon the course of study. SAC, in a bold ‘advertising campaign, confronted the government on what they were saying. Davis and Auld were quick to respond that SAC was wrong, but failed to explain what the government meant by making students pay more for the cost of their education than the taxpayer. While the government claimed that accessibility to universities is to be maintained Auld refers to high school graduates as “warm bodies who may not be qualified.” Auld’s statements are contradictory to those voiced by fellow cabinet minister Wells, who praised high school graduates: “Compared to when most of us were in school, they’re more articulate, moresaware, and just plain smarter. They have more depth, more background and more hard knowledge. They can think better, reason better, make decisions better and learn better”. H. W. Jackson, director of college affairs in the ministry of colleges and universities, delivered a further blistering attack on universities to the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario this past weekend. (The story is documented on page 1.) No one would argue that the university system in the province could not be improved upon, but the misinformation and slander propagated by thepresent government, serves only to increase rather than to alleviate the problem. A very frustrating aspect of the present situation is that the ministry of colleges and universities, instead of serving and defending its portfolio, is instead attacking the system for which they are responsible. 1 The job of government is to offer leadership and try to alleviate misunderstanding among the various sectors of society. ,Not only does the present Tory government of Bill Davis fail to pursue this objective, j but the government willfully misinforms the public about the true state of affairs of the,universities to create greater tensions for their- political gain.


I was slightly disturbed when I read the criticisms levelled at the Chevron for it being a leftist paper. Since my views lean “a gauche” I, obviously, prefer to read news that is written with a viewpoint harmonious with my own. However, the essential point is that we need some nonstatus-&o-minded media channels. We can get all the straight news, with the slant that is dominant in our society, from money eating, metal boxes on many a street corner, While we are trying to live solutions and alternatives to technocracy, that world does continue to have a staggering effect on every facet of our lives. The chevron provides very readable accounts of a lot of old rope which is holding up this


institution and which pulls our lives this way and that. But the paper is too restricted in its scope, too university oriented. This little world of the U. of W. is a very small part of a much larger one. A leftist newspaper should help people learn what other-alternatives are being tried out there; what new, exciting doorways are being stepped through, how luxuriant the footpaths are beyond. Please don’t let leftism die at that graduation ceremony or down at the Manpower office. Nurture it. How comfortable, predictable and subdued our world will get without it; even more so than life is now! Could we bear that? Chris







Member: Canadian university press (CUP). The chevron is typeset by members of the workers union of dumont press graphix (CNTU) and published by the federation of students incorporated, university of water-loo. Content is the sole responsibility of the chevron editorial staff. Offices are located in the campus centre; (519) 8851660, or university local 2331. We are only-able to fit a short masthead in the paper this week, so we’ll keep it short and sweet. Down in the chevron this week were Chris hughes, diane (the one with the black pants), Sylvia hauck, randy hannigan, michael gordon, henry hess, andy telegdi, thanks to doug ward for coming home, peter kade, kati middleton, peter hopkins, bill mccrea, and to those who came down on Monday forthe first time, jan kellar, andy scherman, bill mclellan, brenda’mccarron, elizabeth eggins, and to all a good night, mg. I



the chevron

Peugeot CCM




LARGEST SERVICE per page Send now for latest catalog. Enclose $2.00 to cover return post$2.75

Sekine Raleigh

age* ESSAY


57 Spadina Toronto, (416)

Repairs -to all makes of bicycles

Our reSearch for research

We sell Mopeds ._ *

Suite -08 Canada

McPhail’s Cycle and Sports Ltd.

service assistance

I is sold only.

MAY 22 - AUG. 22 ART GALLERY, University of Waterloo *I

EIGHT FROM TOWN Exhibition Bev Bald, Andrew Drummond, Karen Fletcher, Peter McLay, Irvine Nichols, William Reynolds, Ed Schneider, Carol Wainio Gallery Hours: -Mon. - Fri. 9-4’p.m. ’ Sundays 2 - 5 p.m. . Closed Saturdays Free Admission


Radio Waterloo Al Wilson Renzo Bernardini


884-4390 8852515 884-5513



98 King St. N., Waterloo



“Campus Representatives quid. Please Write.”


disc jockey dance service

SERVICES Ave., Ontario,

may 16, 1975

NOMINATIONi ARE OPEN UNTIL 4:30PM MAY i6, 1975 FOti I-* - ONE FIRST YR B TERM COyOP REP TWO SECOND YR B TERM CO=OP REPS ONE FOURTH YR A TERM CO-‘OP REP Nomination forms and more information are available from the Math Sot Office M&C 3038 Ext. 2324. Robert A. G. White Chief Returning Officer ,__ Math Sot


SUN. MAY 25, 2 - 5 p.m-.



Free Admission For furtQer information contact Marlene Bryan, Art Gallery Director, ext. 2493

SAT. MAY 24, I:30 & 3:30 p.m. ’



presented by the Canadian Puppet Festivals Humanities Theatre Admission $1 .OO Central Box Office 8851211, Performance is approximately

ext. 2126 one hour long







20 .CC Pub, Garfield of the Garfield Band 50~; cover charge after 6p.m.





21 22 ” CC Pub, Garfield .CC Pub, Garfield of the Garfield of the Garfield Band Band 50~; 5oc .CC Movie, 10:15p.m. \

25 Students’ Council Mtg. .Fed.* Flicks: The Great Gatsby, 8p.m., AL116’

26 .CC Pub, Michael Lewis, 50~; cover charge after 6p.m.


27 .CC Pub, Michael Lewis 50~

28 CC Pub, Michael Lewis -5oc; .CC Movie, 10:15p.m. .


29 .CC Pub, .Michael Lewis, .5oc

F. of S.

MAY FRtDAY 23 Chinese S.A. Sports 8pm, PAC . Film “Jackel of Nahueltoro 7:30p.m., AL105 .CC Pub, Garfield, 50~; .Fed. Flicks: Great Gatsby


24 .Students’ Council Mtg. .CC Pub, Garfield of the Garfield Band 5oc; .Fed. Flicks: The GreatGatsby, 8p.m., AL1 16 . 30 31 .Chinese S.A. .CC Pub, Sports8pm, PAC Michael Lewis, CC Pub, . 5oc; Michael Lewis, .Fed. Flicks: 5oc; Don’t Look NOW, #Fed. Flicks: 8p.m., AL1 16. Don’t Look Now, 8p.m., AL1 16 -

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