1977-78_v01,n28_Free Chevron

Page 1

ces no-growth A new Ontario government policy to encourage universities to reduce enrollments has received mild

criticism from UW president Burt Matthews. UW doesn’t want to increase the

number of students enrolled, and so accepts the new government policy of reducing grants to univer-

University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume I, number 28 friday, may I3




m An attempt to delay the planned iuly 6 referendum on voluntary ‘ees failed Suritiay when council id not get quorum. The federation flay now take the matter to the jard of directors. The aborted meeting was atqded by five voting council mem-c: president Doug Thompson, .Ce-piesident Ron Hipfner (Math op), Randall McDougal (Math -op), Stephen Coates (Science ,,Y-op), and Michael Shoupe (En--‘neering) along with EngSoc A esident Peter King and federaon treasurer Martha Coutts. Quorum is 13. The decision on whether to reccind council’s original 1 1-2 motion supporting the summer referendum will now go to the board of directors, according to a ‘letter Thompson sent to councillors. Thompson and Hipfner were unavailable for comment at press time. They were

It gets busy about 8: 15 a.m. and stays busy all day, is how one of the staffers described the traffic at the Kitchener Student Manpower Centre. The harsh reality for students in search of work through the office early last week was: 2 156 had registered with the centre which had a total of 202 jobs on its books. Of the 2156, 135 1 were university students and 805 were from High Schools, which aren’t even out for the summer yet. Karen Taylor, a staff worker, said in an interview that jobs are available but the situation is tight this summer, and there has been a decrease in industrial placements. She also noted that the office is busier than last year. Taylor was unsure about how the job scheme announced by the provincial government in last month’s, budget, would affect the situation. (The government’s plans are to spend $10 million to provide employers with a grant of $1 an hour toward wages of over 20,000 summer employees over 16 weeks, and te %-nulate the construction industry J The subsidized jobs have to be approved and don’t start until May 30. Taylor also expects there to be more industrial hiring in June and July. In the meantime she recommends students take casual jobs. -minnie pathria -neil docherty

attending a National Union of Students (NUS) conference in Charlottetown. The board of directors consists of Thompson, Hipfner and board of entertainment chairperson Bruce Leavens - all Campus Reform Group (CRG) members, and Coutts and board of external affairs chairperson Brian Burke - both appointed by Thompson. The board has supreme power over federation matters but has rarely been used in past years, when most decisions were made by council. Leavens and Burke were acclaimed to the board and were announced, but never ratified at the March 1 annual general meeting. King, who is adamant in his stand against the use of the board of directors, claims “that one way or another, there is going to be a referendum . . . in engineering this

summer”, according to his May 9 editorial in ENGINEWS. The engineering referendum, if one is needed, will ask engineering students if they favour total secession from the federation or voluntary fees. Hipfner has said that if the board of directors acts it will use the opinions of the individual council members to help in making the decision. Councillors were asked informally for their verbal opinions at the council meeting. Also on the agenda was the ratification of the three recently hired fieldworkers, the student handbook editor, and two motions by Stephen Coates one to expel on-campus councillors who miss too man:: meetings and another to adopt a policy of showing non-violent movies in preference to violent ones. -randy -stephen

barkman coates


sities as they grow larger, Matthews said Tuesday. But UW is unhappy that its burgeoning correspondence course will also be cramped by the new funding method. Matthews’ announcement is part of a UW brief to the Ontario Council on University Affairs, which will be presented June 3. He previewed the brief this week for local media. The new funding formula, announced in February, will base government grants on the average enrolment at each university between 1974 and 1977. Each student enrolled up to that figure (about 14,600 for UW) will earn the usual Basic Income Unit values for the university. But for every student enrolled about that base number, the government will provide only 50 per cent of the normal BIU value. In addition, the government will offer 50 per cent of the normal BIU grant for any reduction of growth from the base level. Matthews calls the policy “a disencentive to growth.” Under such funding arrangements, “it’s obvious that a university is better off holding the line or even cutting back on enrolments,” he says.

substantiated with the use of a CBC-TV documentary about the group. This program centred around Benzie’s experience with PSI. Since the program was aired on national TV, six other cases like hers have come to light. The program shows a reenactment of part of the course calIn it a participant led the “arena”. is accused of wanting to make love to her father. When she denies this she is pushed, forced to the floor and dragged about by her hair. The PSI workers are shown abusing her verbally until she breaks down and “confesses”. She is then forced to apologize profusely for having “wasted everyone’s time” denying the charge. Having done this the employees hug her, saying “We love ok” and “everyone you” ) “It’s feels better after this”. According to Ben!zie, when she took the course an employee, Terry Degler, found out that she had a child with a congenital deformity. She claims that Degler used this against her saying she had kept the child alive because she hated it. She cited this as one

First, it revokes the Ontario government’s commitment to universal accessibility to universities for all qualified students. With this new funding scheme, the total number of students can be reduced, using methods which have sprung up during the past two years, like proficiency exams in English and Mathematics. While UW is prepared to hold the line on regular enrolment, it is not happy with the cutback in its correspondence program which will result from this new government funding scheme. UW- has the largest number of correspondence students at any Ontario university, 4500. That number is rapidly expanding. Matthews wants the government to grant the correspondence programme an exemption from the new funding formula, in order to permit unrestricted growth.

raises issu but no banne The Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) has decided not to back any political party in the upcoming provincial election. Instead, a special plenary of the organisation voted Saturday to raise issues with posters, brochures, and press releases.

reason for her nervous breakdown during the course. Adair said PSI uses group pressure, sleep deprivation, humiliation hypnosis, and brainwashing in their courses. His arguments were supported Benzie’s bY psychologist, who says that PSI used hypnotic, confrontation, and regressive techniques on her. The psychologist stated that these techniques should never be used without medical supervision. There is no psychologist present at the courses. The audience’s attitude after this was very much against PSI. One man asked for names of government officials he could write letters to. Another wanted to do more than write letters and asked if he could help. Norman Deer, a graduate chemistry student was present taping the proceedings. He said nothing until Adair claimed that PSI holds that “the world’s going to end within 20 years”. At this point he spoke out, saying it was a lie. Adair threatened him, eliciting laughs from the audience.


on page

Delegates from 18 member campuses decided on this strategy after hearing a report from the organization’s Election Preparedness Committee which was established at the last OFS conference in anticipation of a provincial election. OFS spokesperson Allan Golumbek told the chevron in a telephone interview Monday that the organization will be particularly critical of the ruling Conservative Party which he said has to betir the main responsibility since it has been in power for three decades. Golumbek said QFS has never sponsored a political party, although there was a move in 1975 by a large number of members to back the NDP. The organization, he said, is not convinced that it should come out in favour of one party, and some members such as Queens University, are prohibited from doing so by their constitutions.

gets another roasting , PSI Mind Development encountered severe criticism on campus this week. A panel of five former members explained their opposition to the group and documented the need for investigation and legislation to control organizations like PSI. Ian Adair, main speaker, explained how he had been an avid supporter of PSI until his sister-inlaw, Aileen Benzie, was taken to hospital as a result of PSI’s sevenday $1,000 course, called Inward Bound VII, which PSI advertises as a “beautiful experience”. Since then, Adair and Benzie have worked to publicize the dangerous content of PSI’s courses. PSI has not taken such opposition sitting down, however. Adair has been served with cease-anddesist orders from PSI’s lawyers. PSI requires people taking any of its courses to sign a contract in which they agree not to utter “malicious or defamatory” state.ments against PSI and not to reveal any of the course content “either directly or indirectly” to anyone else.,,., The argua-ent against PSI was

The new funding formula takes effect in 1978, and if UW cuts its enrolment by 1,000 students, to 13,600 in total, it will receive funding for 14,100 students. Matthews’ complaints with the new funding formula are based on two points.


The federation, clearly disgruntled with the government’s postsecondary education policies, is also “... not convinced that the other two parties ( Liberal and NDP) are that much better”, he said. The main issues which OFS hopes to raise in the election are: “Jobs, and the fact that there aren’t any, planning, (post-secondary education) and the fact that there isn’t any”, tuition increases and problems with student aid. In order to have informed discussion with the politicians, Golumbek said, fact sheets are being sent to all nominated candidates of the three main parties, and will be sent to any other interested parties. He complained that most politicians are ignorant about student issues. _ The results of a mass lobby OFS conducted at Queen’s Park show that the NDP has the position closest to the federation, said Golumbek. It is not known, however, if they will put it into practice should they win the election, he cautioned. -neil




the free chevron


13, 7977

We ‘re still recruiting Come on down CC 140




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Fed Flicks - “Lipstick” - starring Margaux Hemmingway, Anne Bancroft. AL 116 at 8 pm. Campus centre coffeehouse, campus centre U. of W., with David Essig. Doors open 8 pm. Admission $1.

Nuclear Energy or Renewable Energy - a public forum with Sean Casey of Energy Probe, challenging the politicians of Ontario to debate the issue of nuclear power in Ontario. Kitchener Public Library at 7:30 pm.




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the free chevron

13, 7977


Rad Watl’s future [s up in the air

How do you become a Chairman of the UW Board of Governors? It seems you need a long list of credentials. Take the new chairman, for example, J. Page R. Wadsworth, chosen at a closed board meeting, to start a three-year term on May 1. He’s about the biggest fish the board has ever netted. Wadsworth, recently retired as chairman and chief executive officer of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce is the chairman of the Confederation Life Insurance Company. He also holds directorships in the California Canadian Bank, Holt Renfrew and Co. Ltd., MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., and Pilot Insurance Co. His previous experience with post-secondary education includes a stint with the UW board from 1961 to 1975, membership on the Board of Governors for Pearson College of the Pacific and the International Council of United World Colleges. Ira G. Needles, the chairman from 1955 to 1966 and chancellor from 1966 to 1975, is a past president and chairman of B.F. Goodrich Canada Ltd., and has served with such organizations as the Canadian Manufacturers’ Association, YMCA, National Safety Council, Rubber Association of Canada, and others. Carl A. Pollock, chairman from 1966 to 1975 and the present chancellor, is chairman of Electrohome, and director for Burns Foods, Central Ontario Television and Dominion Life Insurance Co. He is also governor of the Ontario Research Foundation. Wallace M. Rankin, chairman from 1975 to 1977, was vicepresident of Bell Canada’s Western Region until 1969. He has also served as president of the Ontario

By September UW students may be able to pick up Radio Waterloo from an FM transmitter atop of the Arts library. They may however be faced with-an increase of $3.00 per student per year. The station has applied for a non-commercial broadcast licence and expects a CRTC hearing in either June or September. But the federation intends to hold a referendum on a separate, but compulsory, fee for the campus station after it goes on air. Station Manager Dave Assmann told the chevron that the station wants autonomy. He added, however, that unless the Federation drops it’s own fees by the amount Radio Waterloo now takes from the budget the separate fee would actually represent a veiled increase in the Federation Fees. Assmann also stated that turning down a separate fee in the referendum would be interpreted by the federation as a lack of student support and would bode ill for the station. He added, however, that he


An associate professor at UW, John Cherry, has been receiving funds from Atomic Energy of Canada Limited for the past seven years to research the problems involved with the ultimate disposal of “low level” radioactive wastes. These wastes consist of fission products, created within a nuclear reactor’s cooling system, which decay, within several centuries, to their stable isotopes. These radionuclides, such as the radioactive isotopes of cesium and strontium, are packaged in steel or concrete containers prior to being interred relatively close to the surface of the earth: Cherry, working in the Earth Safety League and continues to serve as vice-chairman of the Central Hospital, Toronto. History has taught us that even a Ph. D. in engineering won’t put you in running for chairmanship of the Board of Governors. You need business experience and plenty of high level contacts. david

The station has already started a drive to upgrade its programming for the license. In order to accomplish this John Davis, a station staff member. is looking for people to provide input on “How we become Kitchener-Waterloo’s most popular radio station”. People interested in joining the “new Radio Waterloo committee” can contact him at the station. / \ 0



Sciences Department, has been dealing with the problem of these materials being carried from their initial burial point by the action of groundwater. He has analyzed this migration process by the application of differential equations, and through this has developed geographical criteria for selecting the best sites for nuclear burial. He has also established an objective means of analyzing an area for the best location. His research has enabled the Canadian nuclear community to safely and efficiently dispose of radioactive wastes. Although Cherry has effectively developed a solution to this short-term problem, there are two other major disposal and storage problems within the present CANDU operating system.




The mining industry in Canada operates several conventional underground mines in northern Ontario and in Saskatchewan. Miners are exposed to dangerous conditions within the mine because of poor ventilation, but even outside the mine there are health hazards. The uranium ore is initially refined at the mine site, prior to being sent to Port Hope, Ontario, for final separation. The tailings from both these operations are a problem since this material fissions slowly, releasing radioactive gases.

small eh? n


The station will be broadcasting stereo FM at 94.5 Megahertz. The effective-radiated-power of 50 watts will be enough to cover Kitchener-Waterloo. Since an onair station must have identifying call letters the official name has


In the following article WV engineering student Reid Glenn concludes a four-part series on nuclear power which was initiated by meetings on the UN campus in March. The original articles were published in the March 78, March 25 and April I editions of the free chevron.


expects the separate fee will be passed and that in any case the federation will allow Radio Waterloo at least one month on the air before holding the referendum.

The reason we are able to publish only four pages this week is because on Sept. 30 the Students’ Council, acting on rumour and allegations, decided to cut-off the chevron’s funds. Since then the chevron staff has continued to put out the paper. For our revenue we rely on advertising and contributions, and by the end of last term publishing 26 issues of the free chevron had put us about $4,500 in the hole. So for the summer we resolved to publish only as many pages as our revenue will sustain. At present, advertising is tight so we are a four-page paper this week. We are takmg measures to rectify the situation and there are a thousand ways you can help: come into the office and lend a hand in putting the paper together, we’ll teach you all you need to know; talk to retailers about advertising (the number for them to call is 742~5502), make a contribution. We want our budget back and then a full investigation into the affair. Until that is achieved, and under our present circumstances, we are only able to publish about a third of the material we would like to see in the paper. Reinstate! Investioate!

Clarification The final paragraph of last week’s editorial needs some clarification in order to properly reflect staff’s position. Our position would have been better stated: “We condemn this recent attack. On the basis of its opposition to political persecution of this kind, we firmly support the founding of the Canadian People’s (Citizens and Residents) Defence Committee.

said when forty for a recruitment

been changed to CKMS. So far recruitment has been excellent for the summer, Assman





At this point an audience member charged Adair with using group pressure and emotional techniques in much the same way as PSI. He said Adair had presented only one side of the issue and asked why people take PSI. Adair told him to go to an introductory lecture. The man told Adair he didn’t want “another sell-job like yours”. Benzie offered to explain to the man why she had taken the courses. She said she found Inward Bound IV, PSI’s four-day $200 course, (a prerequisite for the seven-day course), the “most incredible high in my life”. She said that she got a great deal out of PSI before taking Inward Bound VII





There is-no real danger to the population as long as provision is made for these gases to be vented to the atmosphere. The disposal area must not be subject to transport by surface and atmospheric processes such as wind, erosion and leaching. Radon, one of these gases, is so light that it passes easily out of the earth’s atmosphere. In Port Hope and in Uranium City, Saskatchewan, the waste rock from the processing plants was utilized to stabilize the foundations of many homes and schools. Since no provision was made to release the accumulating radioactive gases, these structures, over the past twenty years, have become radioactive and thus dangerous to the inhabitants. Covering present and future tailings dumps with suitable ground cover (trees, grass, etc .) can solve this problem.

OUR FUTURE RESPONSIBILITY The major problem with any nuclear system is the storage of High Level Waste (HLW). HLW is comprised mainly of the spent fuel rods after they have been removed from the reactor. This waste contains all sorts of exotic radioactive materials which have half-lives ranging between a few days and several million years. A material’s half-life is the period of time required for its level of



and some of her friends still did. After the meeting, the free chevron talked to Deer. He is a graduate of Inward Bound IV and VII and enjoyed both immensely. He said the re-enactment was completely inaccurate. The free chevron contacted Slavko Stemberger, a PSI graduate who took Inward Bound VII with Benzie. He said Benzie was lying when she said Terry had told her she hated her child. He said Terry had only described the child’s deformity for the benefit of the others who didn’t know what it was. This is the second forum on campus attacking PSI. The first (see free chevron: April I) dealt with the same basic charges. Since then, however, features have appeared attacking the group in the Globe and Mail, Toronto Star and Kitchener- Waterloo Record.

PSI Continued

people showed up meeting Tuesday.

radioactivity to decay to one-half of its initial value. Although the longest-lived isotopes are produced in the smallest quantities it is imperative that all these are prevented from ever entering our biosphere. One American experience in storage of this type of waste did not manage to contain the wastes for even ftiteen years. A complicating factor in HLW storage is that the fuel rods could be reprocessed and then returned to the reactor for increased levels of power generation. Such technology does not presently exist in Canada, but if we decide to repro-. cess in the future, any storage facility will also have to be able to give up its radioactive content safely. The production of such HLW must be put into historical context. Today our society is reaping the benefit (cheap nuclear power) of producing of these wastes, and leaving them for the future generations to deal with. Our moral responsibility is to minimize the impact of these wastes in the future by forcing the nuclear industry to spend money to research and develop, now, the means by which we can eliminate this technological scourge forever from our living space on this planet.

I, no. 28 (the



reid glenn


18, no.2)

A member of the Canadian University Press, the free chevron is produced and published by the chevron staff and is typeset by Dumont Press Graphix. The free chevron is produced from Room 140, Campus Centre, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Mail should be sent to P.O. Box 802, Waterloo. Telephone (519) 742-5562. Last week’s issue was mistakenly listed as volume 2, number 1. It should have been listed as volume 1, number 27. This week’s issue of the free chevron, volume 1, number 28, corresponds to volume 18, number 2 of the chevron. The free chevron is the chevron under emergency conditions imposed by the UW Federation of Students’ official closure of the chevron September 30, 1976. Well howdy-doody there folks. Here it is the second week of classes and yet another free chevron has slipped its slim form into your hands. The door’s always open, so if you need some place to get in out of the heat during these “lazy, hazy” days of summer, just sprint on down to campus center 140. We need people to write, type, take pictures, lay-out copy, hustle ads, out-wit federation lawyers, and run munitions to underdeveloped countries (just joking about the last one folks). The troops this week were: iarry hannant, neii docherty, randy barkman, mark mcguire, tom cody, peter biunden, iorne gershuny, dave carter, nick redding, karen moore, mary faught, vai moghadam, shih k’ang-ti, marina taitt, jonathan coles, heather robertson, salah bachir, yves peyrard, gerard kimmons, juies grajower, peter thompson, mini pathria, ciaran o’donnefi, mart shafroth, and any others I have forgot. And who am “I” you ask? Just call me “‘the Masked Avenger.” hamilton.


the free chevron





13, 7977


The Late Show


Sad endin The Late Show is a complex story of private eyes, thieves, adulterers, blackmailers, killers and a lost cat. A high level of intrigue is sustained throughout the film so that the plot gets more intense as the mystery unfolds.

A Franklin 1. khaffner


“Islands in the Stream” A Dart/Palevsky


Dosed UpOn TheNovel DyErnest Hemingway


LlyDenne Dart Petitclerc


The action skips quickly through a torrent of bloody scenes till it reaches the classic showdown with guts spewed all over the place. It gets a bit morbid as each of the villains is found shot to pieces with gallons of blood creatively smeared all over the scenery. Art Carney is the experienced, aging detective who agrees to find a missing cat for a friend of a friend. He stumbles onto a ring of unscrupulous people who were involved in the killing of his associate, among others. Carney has the iron features necessary to appear fearless as he braves the perils of the cloak-and-dagger business.

seriously during moments of passion and mystery in the film. The obvious drawback is her renown as one of the foremost comediennes of stage and television. In fact, one of the highlights of her part is a beautiful example of her wandering monologues where she pours out everything that comes into her head, the kind she made famous on “Laugh-In”. Yet, despite the stereotype she carries, she manages to bring real character to her role. The movie is billed as a comedy and there are a couple of laughs. A van smashes through fences and hedges, a mean character is forced to tread water to the point of ex-

No Appointment

238 King N. Corner King and University Waterloo



K-W dance

Wash, Cut, Dry Wash, Cut, Set Men Shampoo/Set Colour Perm (Cut/Set include

The premier performance of K-W’s first modern dance company takes place tonight and tomorrow at the Humanities Theatre. “Dance Plus Four”, formed two years ago in Kite hener- Waterloo, offer a wide range of choreography, ‘dance and teaching, and have appeared as a group at various southem Ontario high schools. Three of the company, Nancy Forbes, Deardra King, and Gabby Miceli, are former UW dance students. The other, Diana Theodores, has choreographed and taught modern dance in New York, Latin America and England. She has also written about dance in various international publications.


haustion, and other humourous notes. They are really unnecessary. The movie has a high enough quality of suspense all the way through to make it worthwhile as a mystery story. The most masterful piece of direction by Robert Altman occurs when Tomlin opens the fridge to reveal a ghastly, pale corpse. Lily doesn’t realize the body is there. The audience just squirms. Altman, with “The Late Show”, shows he is still capable of directing a successful film after “Buffalo Bill and the Indians”, a financial and artistic disaster. But can anyone tell me why the film was called “The Late Show?”


The cat he was originally seeking belongs to Lily Tomlin, who plays a spirited and very determined actress-manager-dress-designer. She performs admirably, although it is sometimes hard to take her



Streaks(Cut/Set incl



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