Counci/lors Mike Devillaer and Stephen CoateS congratulate each other while arts rep Do& Hamilton leaps across the tab/e to join in the celebrations immediate/y fo//owing the chevron’s reiytatement at the june 26 council meet-
photo by peter thom‘pson
incorporated in November. Smylie argued . t&active to May 1, 1977 and the cheiron Amidst loud cheering from ‘about fifty tion top notch, that the reinstatement should only apply to While the struggle‘ continued regular life editor, produdtion manager and ad manager chevron staffand supporters, the federation a will be paid from that date. In-addition, the the peribd up to incorporation. on campus was punctuated with twb general council voted Sunday, June 26 to accept the However, chevron editor Neil Docherty chevron staff will be reimbursed $1800 for meetings, court orders, a referendum, sevchevron staffs demand of “Reinstate! Intold council that the free chevron never in-- era1 petitions, and several physical scuffles. legal costs incurred during the struggle. vestigate!” corporated. The idea of incorporation *as a The dispute’ also had iTs impact nationA full public investigation into the legality Thus ended the chevron conflict, which cohtingency plan which was never used. and propriety of the chevron is also part of ally. It was an issue at almost every conferstarted nine months ago when the federaMath councillor J.J. Long claimed that ence of the Canadian University Press, the the agreement. The investigation commistion closed the paper and fired two staff the January referendum showed students to sion may also propose changes to the Natie.52.’ Union of Students, and the Onmembers. During the-closure,. the chevron bylaws governing the operation of the chevbe opposed to reinstatement. Long also tario 1 Lderatiofi of Students. All three orstaff published the free chevron and mainclaimed that he had polled his constituents gtinisations called for the of ron. tained a 24-hour occ;pation’of the chevron _- reinstatement in Math, and saidthey Li are opposed to reinsThe cotimissioh will consist of two stu, the paper. offices in the campus centre. c . ’ tatement. ‘detits nominated by the federation council The pressure from the struggle combined . The council voted 13-7-2 to ratify an agDocherty told council that the referenwith Engineering Society demanding a re- and-two nominated by the chevron staff. A reement be-tween the federation executive dum was biased, and this, with the boycott chairperson will b:- selected by the four ferendum on volu.ntary fees left the federaand the che?%i-SrafP;“Ftl~~$tb~~t p-radvocated by the free chevron, makes the &n-&a desperatestate. i members. vides for full reinstatement of the paper, SO that the final setf’Iiiment ofthe chevron The council agreed to hold a s\election results invalid. with a $13,500 cash settlepent based oti . He also noted that one of the people who conflict was, “a move of desperation” acmeeting on Wednesday, July 6, to consider back-pay and publishing debts incurred from drafted the referendum - Don Orth, chaircording -to federation -vice-president Ron candidates for the commission. Representa’ September 28, 1976 to April 30, 1977. person of the Board of Co-operative SerHipfner. * tives of the chevron staff will also be presThe motion accepting the agreemknt in a: letter ‘to the free ent to select their nominees. I ’ ,vices - admitted, The -Board‘ of Directors tried to resolve brought to an end a turbulent nine-month chevron April 1, 1977, that it w’as biased. the dispute two weeks ago with a “Final Both parties have the right to veto each episode which has left the federation sorely o\ther’s nominees. Some councillors claimed that_ the results Offer”. It fell short of the chevron staffs shaken. of the referendum are legally binding on the Students interested in serving on the demands, but. gave birth to negotiations However, Docherty reported The periad saw campus veteran Shane which ended in an agreement being signed commission should submit applications to federation. when Roberts recalled from the presidency between representatives of both sides in the the Board of Publications, Federation of that the Supreme Court of Ontario, ’ presence of their lawyers. quashing the federation eviction order Students before 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, largely as a result of the chevron conflict. r against the chevron staff, had said that reIt was that agreement, slightly amJuly 6. . That precedent has been followed with Duiing the debate in council on the agferendums cannot be binding on a corporaanother r&all petition which is currently metided, and published in last week’s ’ reement, Renison councillor Larry Smylie tion. being circulated on campus in an effort to paper, which was approved by council. Continued on page.10 claimed that the free chevron had become The agreeinent releases the budget reremove Doug Thompson from the federa-
’ Centre Hall, 9:3Opin.
Campus Centre’Pub.Sopens 12 noon. Taped Music. No Cover Charge. International Folk Dancing. To Learn and Dance World Famous Tuesday * dances. 8-llpm. $1 per person. 310 Campus C_entre Pub opens 12 noon. Charles Street Eagt. Info: Mary Taped Music. No Cover Charge. 744-4983. -Gay Lib Coffeehouse, Rm. 110 CamDance.Films and biscussion: Pas de pus Centre. 8:30pm. Deux (Norman McLareq, N.F.B., 13 C ampus Centre Board Free Films:. min.) -aind The Wh-ite-haired Girl* b as de Deux (Norman‘ McLaren’s, (Shanghpi Ballet, Feature length) In- N.F.B.,‘13 min.) and,the Shanghai’ tegrated Studies .Lounge, psych .,\ Ballet production of The White3:,45pm. / haired Girl (Feqture length) Canipus w
hee,Jukebcix ’ Il&educed ITrices’on drinks
Cam$iis Centre Pub operis 12 noon. Taped MuSic. No’Cover Charge. ’
Thurscigy Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Disco from g-lam. No Cover Charge. South Cakpus Hall Pub with Sweet Blindness. 8pm. $1.50 UW, WLU undergrads,‘$2’otpers.
Cqmpus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Disco from g-lam. No, Cover Charge. Federation Flicks - Inserts with -Richard Dnzyfus. 8pm. Physics 145. Feds $1, others $1.50.
\ -
: /’
’ . SWEET ‘BLIN)NESS\ ,_ _0 i
THiJ#WDA~Y, iJULY 73977 ,
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Doors operi UW, lA& undergrads$~l.60; all-btheis$2:00 Age and schoo) ID must de presented.
by the Board
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pregnant & Distressed? The,Birth Control Centre is an information an! referral centre for birth control, V.D., unplanned pregnancy and sexuality. For all the alternatives phone 885-1211, ext. 3446 (Rm. 206, Campus Centre) or for emergency numbers 884-8770. Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre, Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-l Opm., some afternoons. Counselling _ and information. Phone 885-l 211, ext. 2372. - The Path‘ of Total Eckankar Awarenitss. Introductory Film and talk. All welcome. PLACE: Waiper Hotel,,Oak Room; TIME: ?:30 P.M.; DATE: Friday, July 8. Cures for Curious George. Sutim_er adventures for children ages-6-8. Program includes communi@ excursions, nature appreciation, large and small group experien@s, human relationships. 1 staff to 4 children. July and August, full or half day. Contact:. Klemmer Farm House Daycare,
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Best food
air conditioned
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July i6
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Hugh Alley chief Returning Off ider
9AM to 11 PM
in the Fall.
“ sicpport making the entire Federation of Students activity fqes, as collected by the University of,Waterloo on behalf of the Federation of Students, refUndable upon-demand? (These refunds are to be returned within a three-week period at the staj of each academic te;m as defined by the University of WaterI& calendar.)” 4 ( ) I sipport the above motion. \ ) ’ Ido
1.d. CARDS MU-ST BE PRESENTED TO VOTE. Voting will I%’ by faculties, with polling stations located in,the ma6 foyers -. of the following buildings: ML Arts: ENG. II . ‘- . . Engineering: . ’ Environmental Studies: ’ ENV. MATH & COMP (3rd’floor) d_ Mathematics: ” \ H.K.L.S.: ’ PHYS. ACT. (red north) %HEM-BIOL LINK ~ Science (& Opt.):
loam-2am loam-3am
to 4:30-p.m.
Graduate students will vote in the Referendum The ballot will read as follows:
Sun. - Thurs. Fri. - Sat.
- The polls will be open from 9:30.-a.m,
Th urs-Sat
K-W locations-
., ’
J 977
-.In -September
In a bid to “once the student body
’ 1 Engr’neiws
again involve in: their own
struggles” the federation executive will resign en masse this September. According to a statement on the refundable fee referendum written by Vice-president Ron Hipfner, President Doug Thompson will resign on September lOth, forcing a ‘fall presidential election. The executive will resign when a successor to Thompson is elected
and will reapply for their after the-new president
positions takes of-.
tice. Hipfner said that he has contacteb all the executive members except Bruce Rorrison (Creative Arts. Board) and Bruce Leavens (Board of Entertainment). All of those he has contacte-d have agreed to tender their resignations and many have done so already. This move to gain a ‘3&w mandate’.’ from the students has left
some executive-members baffled. Don Orth, co-op Services chairperson, said that Thompson and Hipfner’s move would cause a lireak in the continuity of each succeeding executive if there were no past executive members to show the new ones ‘the ropes.” Orth also said that Thompson and H$fner seemed unable to realize that the problem lay not with the whole executive but with themselves. -, -doug hamilton
Declaration season”on Doug Thompson is how an Enginews editorial Tuesday described Engineering Society’s endorsment of the recall petition against the federation president. Engineering Society ‘A‘ -president, Peter King, said in an interview that each engineering class had a petition form. and that four others were ‘floating around the society office. King didn’t know how many-signatures they had collected to date, m if Eng Sot could complete the recall on their own. “It all depends on how mad people are with the current federation. “We already have four petitions filled without any pushing. The rush should&t till after the editorial.:’ The editorial in question was written by King, and concerned_a number of current issues, including the recall arid refundable federation fees. -’ _ 1
A Canada Week Rally organized at W&U’s Theatre Auditorium by the K-W branch of “Commitment Canada”drewi a crowd of about 400 local residents last Monday evening. The message of the meeting - that -the people of Canada must work for a unified country L was met by another message ‘from the Anti-Imperialist Alliance -and supporters from UW. They denounced the “unity ” issue as a “fraud being used to divert people’s attention from the ecoriomic crisis.” Outside, the A/A demonstrators raised slogans of ‘Make the Rich Pay!‘, while inside the “Commitment Canada” supporters opened their rally with two renditioiis of “0 Canada”.
grads .reioin federation I
_ .
OF p.m.
1. ’
UW psychology professor Doug Wahlstkngoes j to trial Friday at County Court in Kitchener, to face a charge of aiding and abetting an “illegal alien”. Wahlsten; the spokesperson for the Anti-Imperialist Alliance on campus, was arrested during an RCMP raid on the Norman Bethune Institute in Waterloo last February. The institute is a research centre for the Communist Party of Canada (MarxistLeninist),
phrased without reference to T/he bylaw passed fast ‘March by graduate students and if it is interthe federation council, which was preted strictly, the off-campus stuintended to disenfranchise graduate students from the federadents (and their council representation, was rescinded Sunday .’ June tives) were disenfranchised. 26. Smylie Remains Grad _councillors Dave Carter Hipfner told council that despite and Mike Devilfaer were permitted the fact that Larry Smylie’s resigto vote at the council meeting, and nation last term has been accepted grad students will again be able to by council, he ’ remains a voting participate in federation elections, member. . . referendums and recalls. Smylie resigned last term “ in The bylaw had created a great disgust” with the federation coundeal of confusion, because it apcil and executive. Smylie was upset peared t0 disenfranchise not only with Doug Thompson’s administgrad students, but also off-campus ration, and’ in particular with undergraduates who do not pay Thompson’s handling of the chevfees while they are away. s ---ran conflict. ’ The bylaw stipulated that only Shortly before his resignation fee-paying members of the federa‘was accepted last term, Smylie intion can vote in referendums and troduce‘ri a ‘motion ,of . nonelections, or hold voting positions confidence in Thompson, which on the council or board of direc-’ was/defeated-. tors. - Hipfner said that Smylie‘s letter Federation vice$resident Ron %-of resignation stipulates’ that the resignation becomes effective Hipfner told council that Morley Rosenberg, a federation lawyer, when a by-election for his constihas judged the bylaw to be invalid. tuency (Renison College) isRosenberg advised that only the scheduled. board of directors can introduce This technicality allows Smylie bylaws, but this bylaw was introto remain on council even though , due_ed by. the council. his resignation has been accepted. In addition, Rosenberg said that The by;election has yet to be calthe bylaw violates the charter of the led. federation, .which states that the --At the time of his resignation, purpose of the federation is “to act Smylie was adamant that he did not as a representative of the students, w&h to continue as a councillor. both undergraduate and graduate However, Smylie did not comment of the University of Waterloo.‘: on Hipfner’s announcement4 and -Another federation lawyer; Gary he participated in the council meetFlaxbard, had previously’ judged ing. the bylaw to be legal. Flaxbard based his argument on thefact that student’s council represents a The Frisbee-Golf Open scheduled meeting of the members of the fedfor last Wednesday was postponed However, the corporaeration. due to bad weath& and will be held tions Act specifies that bylaws can on July 6 from loam to 6pm. introduced by the board of Waterloo Regional Police -are directors. A general meeting can distributing bicycle ownership cards either accept, reject or weaken a on which bicycle owners .may bylaw enacted in this way: \ retain *vital information, such as Flaxbard had also argued that the make, model and serial number. ‘bylaw only, disenfranchises the Starting next issue the sports will grad students, because this was the be back with a round-up of current intent. However, the bylaw is and past events in the wild and \ ,
The editorial contained several barbs aimed at the Thompson ad; ministration. - * . . Doug Thompson. is the absolute worst Federation President l
to emerge yet! --“As long’as Thompson remains in the Fed Presidency, the Engineering students will continue to receive the worst treatment of any group on campus.” Federation vice-president Ron Hipfner, to the editorial_ _ . a ., .inI response -
sata tne tone “is not as reasonable
as engineering be.“’
When asked what he wanted to see after Thompson was recalled King said he hadn’t really thought about it, but that perhaps a candidate could be found, not necessarily from engineering, who could go into the federation and “clean it up”. -doug hamilton
As a result of the raid on the institute and private homes, 17 people were arrested. One of them was declared to be an “illegal alien” and was deported to the US before he cot&d stand trial for the alleged offence. Since then all but four persons have had the charges against them dropped. Charges of aiding and abetting an “illegal alien” still stand, however, against Hardial Bains the chairman of CPC(M-L), Ric‘hard Rathwell, and Wahlsten. Marsha Fine, who was arrested in her apartment the day of the raid, is charged with assaulting the police. Wahlsten is the first to-come to, trial and he intends to defend himself. The raid, which has been widely criticised as an act of blatant political persecution (see free chevron editorial May 6 1977), has become something of an international affairIt was covered in the national press and was also reported in the New York Times. Also, an organisation formed after the raid-, The Canadian People’s (Citizens and , Residents’) Defence Committee, which intends to oppose political persecution, received messages of ’ congratulations from around the world. More recently, the raid _proved to be an embarassment to’ Prime Minister Trudeau during his visit to Britain for the Commonwealth Conference. The June 18 issue of People’s Canada Daily News, the newspaper of CPC(M-L), carried a picture and story on a demonstration in London -held to denounce the Canadian state for its political persecution of CPC( M-L) and Hardial Bains. PCDN reports that the demonstration was held June 6 by revolutionary forces in England. It began with-a meeting at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park and marched through cent’i;al London to Canada House in Trafalgar Square where a speech was delivered.- neil doch&ty
wonderful world known as intramurals. If-you should see moons rising around the Arts Quadrangle this afternoon don’t be alarmed, it’s only Engineering Week. Other events include: slide rule/calculator contests, prof trike race, caps tourney, chariot race, wrist-wrestling, tugoE--wa+-guts frisbee, scavengerhunt, ten-speed rally, home-brew contest and pub rally. _‘. .
the chevron
4, 1977
Report urges more emphasis on writing skills The following is a UW Information Services bulletin on a report on “Writing Skills and the University Student”. Below is a criticism of this report by chevron staffer Don Martin.
More emphasis on writing skills, from public school through university was recommended in a report just released by Ken Ledbetter, associate dean of arts at the University of Waterloo. The report summarized conclusions reached at a two-day workshop on “Writing Skills and the University Student” held on the UW campus earlier this month. The workshop was attended by almost 100 interested persons including university English professors, writing tutors, ministry of education officers, consultants, guidance counsellors, elementary school teachers and - the largest - high school English group
teachers and department heads. The workshop itself was stimulated by current concern over the inability of Canadian students to use English as well as they should. The Ledbetter report states clearly there are “large numbers of students whose writing skills are deficient” and gives five reasons for this: (1) Society has become less interested in literacy; (2) the numbers of students at high school and university have increased substantially; (3) many teachers have not been adequately prepared to teach writing skills effectively; (4) too little time is being spent on it (by too few teachers who have too many students), and (5) not enough emphasis is being placed on the development of language and writing skills . . .even by the English teachers. Ledbetter offers a comprehensive series of recommendations to
the universities and to Queen’s Park (the ministry of education and the ministry of colleges and universities). These recommendations, unanimously approved by those attending the Waterloo workshop, indicate “educators at all levels and in all disciplines must assist in bringing student writing skills to an acceptable level,” says Ledbetter. “No single group - for instance, English teachers alone - can do it.” To the Universities (1) Require seven English credits, including grade 13, for admission to university; (2) require continued instruction in writing skills at the university level; (3)stress writing competency in all courses and in all programs; (4) take a more active part in the preparation of elementary and secondary school teachers (by
emphasizing the importance of good writing in their university courses) ; (5) help teachers in the system improve by offering workshops and short courses and by helping to develop more effective and workable curriculum guidelines.
(4) require more training in the teaching of language skills for all elementary school teat hers; (5) require more training in the teaching of writing skills of all secondary school teachers; (6) initiate more effective liaison programs among teachers at all levels - elementary, secondary and post-secondary, and (7) continue to fund a “writing skills” workshop such as was held on the Waterloo campus this month, on an annual basis. Ledbetter said educators at all levels - public school, high school and university - indicated a willingness to work together on the problem. Their goal would be students who could write clearly, develop ideas coherently and who could avoid grammatical crudities. The UW workshop was structured around an examination by participants of several papers written by first year Waterloo students during the last school year.
To Queen’s Park (1) Require six’credits in English for the secondary school graduation diploma and one additional credit at the grade 13 level for the honors diploma (many nowadays acquire only four such cred&s) ; (2) limit the number of students each English teacher is expected to teach to a maximum of 120 (so teachers will have more time to work with students on writing assignments); (3) increase the time allowed for mandatory English classes to 10 periods per week (a considerable increase over the usual situation today) ;
But how would that have helped Hem Hitler? Ken Ledbetter’s report on the conference on “Writing Skills and the University Student” should be examined by all students. It contains assumptions, both sta%ed and unstated, with which perhaps not everyone will agree. Is it true, for instance, as is stated in the foreword, that people achieve humanity to the degree that they can bring form and order to their experiences through the use of language? Would an articulate Hitler be human to a greater degree than an illiterate midwife? Or is it true, as the next sentence implies, that all those people in Canada who do not read or write very well also do not think well enough for a free and complex society? (emphasis in the original) In the second paragraph of the report the supposition that students are worse writers now than they used to be is placed deceptively close to the statement that universities have claimed nearly half their students are deficient in language skills. The implication is that the findings of the universities confirm the supposition that students don’t write as well as they used to. In fact, of course, the university proficiency tests confirm no such thing. They merely indicate that many students, for whatever reasons, don’t write very well now, and the truth is that the very few comparisons which have been made between student writing now and student writing earlier seem to indicate that there has been no significant change. -Besides the report itself, the very structure of the conference must be questioned. Since the conference was funded as a research project it is certainly appropriate to examine the research methods. Basically, an assembly of about one hundred teachers and other interested people discussed ques-
tions and informally proposed answers. The questions were: 1. How well should an entering university student be able to write? 2. Are there really large numbers of university students with inadequate writing skills? If so, what are the causes? 3. What should universities do to help those students who are considered inadequately prepared? 4. What kinds of writing should an entering university student be able to do? 5. What aid can universities give the secondary schools? 6. How can universities and secondary schools jointly develop a programme to assure competence in basic writing skills of entering university students? First of all, are these questions genuine? Are they reasonable and fair? The second question, at least, seems spurious since both the fifth and the sixth questions assume that the answer to it is already known and that the answer is “yes”. The answer to question number two would seem to be very, very important. It, above all, should not be passed over lightly, nor should the answer to it be taken for granted. A gathering of concerned people ought to have discussed in detail just how the answer to that question might be found. The conference ought to have looked thoroughly over the exams which were administered last year to see how appropriate those exams were; it ought carefully to have gone over the grading guides, discovering the strengths, suggesting improvements; it ought seriously to have considered the effects of the examination conditions on new students. When reading the report it is necessary to keep in mind that
none of these things were done. When the question came up for discussion at the conference the moderator began by saying that he had no doubt everyone agreed the answer was “yes”, and he moved right along to the causes. That question two was not genuine is also suggested by the fact that “people who had expressed special concern with the writing skills of their students” were the people invited to participate in the conference. Had the question been real, special effort would have been made to search for people who felt that students wrote adequately. The answer to question two, of course, is dependent on the answer to question one. It would seem therefore that a clear answer ought to have been given to question one, but the answer to question one is distressingly vague. The answer given in the report is that “students should be able to write at the level illustrated by Papers 1 and 5” (the papers are included in the report). Now, without going into the papers, surely it is obvious that answering such a general question by providing two specific samples, each of only a single paragraph, is less than adequate. The report does give the general catagories under which a paper might be graded, but it fails to give any indication of the standards applicable within each catagory. There is no doubt that arriving at such standards is difficult - so difficult that one hundred teachers ought to have taken the opportunity of arriving together at some agreement. The report suggests that papers be judged under grammar and mechanics, style and organization, word choice and arrangement, persuasiveness and clarity of ideas, and finally, depth and preci-
sion of analysis. Grammar and mechanics? How many grammar errors per page or per hundred words or whatever other unit might seem appropriate? Style and organization? What different sorts of style and organization are there? Which style and organization is appropriate for a given topic? For each one of these catagories the conference ought to have proposed some definition and some means of measurement. What is the value of listing these catagories without exploring them? The list might have been posted on any bulletin board with: out the weekend conference. As for the causes of the (unproved) student deficiency in English, the first one given, that society has become less interested in literacy, is certainly not borne out by the amazing brouhaha of recent years. If society is less interested in literacy, then what has given rise to this plethora of English tests? The second reason, that there are more students these days, does not in it-
071 Victoria Every
Activities start at noon. Music starts at 2:00 pm. Spbnsored by the Board of Entertainment in co-operation with EngSoc and MathSoc.
- 744-3511
is Singles
True Reflection Tuesday
self mean a damn thing unless someone has rigorously demonstrated that English skills decline with increasing numbers of students. A university research project ought to do more than make unproved statements and vague generalities. The unanimously supported recommendations to the universities and to Queen’s Park may or may not be good ones. It is impossible to say whether they are good or bad since the investigation which produced them is inadequate. It must, though, be seriously considered whether an increased emphasis on English studies will not be discouraging to many prospective students. A good question for another conference is: Does increasing English requirements for university discourage some students from applying for admittance? If so, which ones? In this time of decreasing support for universities it is all too easy to become callous; it is all too easy to let slip, without thinking, the ideal of universal access.
Dublin - Corporation / Coming
Hot Roxx Jackson Hawke Wireless Amateur
I. .
july 4, 7977
the chevron
\. .’
give vietis t
on ~eferericlthn :, * .z
but they mustkeep in touch oES dent union is more important than He also raised the objection that the individuals in it. If there are , those who don’t pay fees under a tiith the students. ’ ’ Gary Wells, Ontario Federation problems with the individuals and “TO my mind this bureaucratic of Students executive and Presirefundable fee system get a free the structure these are the proborganization has not kept in touch dent of the Students’ Administraride. with the students.” lems to address. $Ie said the instituHe suggested that perhaps some tive Council at University of Windtion is important, was something aspect of the fee could be refunda- sor, was against refundable fees.. had fought for, and it Kimmobs (Science coble and a few years, when ’ Gerald He said there was a place for a students would be a shame to give it up. He the federation is in a better position studerit3mion on campus and it op): pointed to the settlement of the the fee could be completely v&m’ “On principle no-one should be I needed funds to survive. He said federation/ chevron dispute as a forced to pay fees into an organizatary. there was. much a student union tion which works again&their in-, could do and it could take a le’ader- , sign of hope for the student moveterests .’ ’ ship role. Refundable fees would be merit. Jamie Midwinter (ES): .-“ Implementation of refundable interpreted as .a vote of nonNo opinion. Neutral. UW president Burt -Matthews, fees is a step towards destroying confidence in the institution. The . the current bureaucracy of the fed- ‘\ ‘institution is right but the people in * contacted early last week, declined Doug McDougall (Math CQ-op): eration and the establishment of an it may not be. . to comment, saying “it’s the busiIn a comment to the chevron organization which can effectively ness of the federation and the stuAbdool Gafur, OFS executive McDougall outlined four reasons defend the basic interests of the assistant, said the concept of a stu- dents.” _ why he is opposed to refundable 1 students. ’ ’ \ I k fees. 1) If .peopledon’t pay, why should Doug Hamilton (Arts): they benefit? All services, such as “I believe that this fee referen’ Record Shop, Barber Shop, dum is symptomatic of a sickness . the Post Office, -and Campus Shop that has been crippling the federaLarry Smylie (Renison): be threatened if the federation for the last year. This sickness _ In favour of the voluntary fee and would tion fell through. will speak to classes on it. He goes 2) Part-time student jobs, such as is not the fault of the chevron con- , flict, but rather the result of a long as far as to say he will recommend the ice cream stand, poster dissuccession of bureaucrats. These to Renison, his constituency, and tribution, pubs, education and en- bureaucrats have over the last to St. Jeromes, its sister college, tertainment workers would be de- l seven years served only”-fo gradu/ I that they secede. stroyed. “Quite frankly the federation has 3) The chance for change would be ally isolate the federation from students and pervert its primary func-, done nothing but get involved with lost,,We should try to change what - tion from that of a political organi/a clique in the chevron. ” we ‘have now,instead of “throwing iation to a service one: He also suggested that the clique all away.” We should strive to “The question is how do we best in’ the chevron has taken‘ over the itimprove our-services to the student return the federation to the stufederation. community by using more volundents. Do we try to change this teers . monster with internal reforms? Or 4) Clubs and associations would be do we hit its pocketbook, where it Eric &Es (Integrated Studies); unable to secure funds from the hurts, and-organize outside this exNot infavour of voluntary fee at isting structure (if it still exists)? this time. “I feel council is in a federation and would subsequently “Recent events with council shaky enough position trying to get fall through. have lead me to believe (perhaps back on its feetthat a voluntary fee mistakenly) that there is still hope . would be quite destructive.” (HKLS): for the federation to be reformed He suggests changes in the - Phil Marquis In a statement to council he said. into a favourable organization that bylaws and he would like to see would defend and serve all stucouncil examine what it should be UW used to be in the forefront of NUS and OFS and he wants to see dents. doing‘on. campus. s it return to that position. Students “A democratic student‘arganizahave to have some way of going tion can be achieved by working after the provincial government. !’ Bruce Mills (Math): within the federation as easily as He is against a voluntary fee but Against voluntary fee because; working outside of it-This organihas to change . “You have to have money to be said the federation zation can be built by reforming internally and find out what is this current federation, which now , able to do things.‘: If the federation wrong. went voluntary ‘ ‘everyone would on the anniversary of ten years of . run ‘over and- take their money existence, is at its lowest ebb. back:” The people on the executive now Johv Crncich (Engineering -A): will not do the reforming, they must ’ Steve Ri$o (Math -qo-op).:- e’ “Engineers are sick and tired of be replaced, but until such time as I “I am against unions that have the Federation of Students and the am sh,own that this internal reforforseeable or required membership ’ way t.hey handle things ., , , , , mation r’s impossible I will reluci fees”. . He wouldn’t comment on what tantly support compulsory fees. ’ ’ / ’ The federation will die if refundwill happen if refundable fees wins able fees go through. The federain the referendum, but said “I Randy i3arkman (C’o-chairLate in the six-hour students’ council meeting )une 2‘6 councillors voted by tion is “in so many pieces” now won’t withdraw my‘fees but I want person, Board of Publications): a large majority to support compulsory fees for, the federation. Here the repthat voluntary fees would destroy I The federation is, or should be, a resentatives are seen voting on another matter. the.option.” it. So compulsory fees are necesAt present, he said, the engineers politic-al force, and while services sary for the short term. feel they have no control over the are important, they are not the im- Y federation He feels torn, SO he will probably portant point. . not vote’. “It is a union, let’s not try to, Dave Duffus (Engineering B): further divide the students”, he said. Bruce Leavens (Arts): Duffus is in favour of compul“If you are fed up with the sys“I am against refundable -fees, I. sory fees. He says he would like to see a fee thatis partly compulsory fern, then change it!” just don’t think that the federation i: , and partly refundable “so you can run on refundable fees”Organizations and societies at tion exists-’ to foster co-operation could show your objection to the Martha ’ Students won’t think ahead, Coutts (Federation between industry and the univerW can be viable with a refundable lack of ability of the federation to Treasurer): wont think of the services offered feP structure, a chevron survey has sities in the area of,,engineering Against refundable fees. She said by the federation and will regret it meet the needs of the students”,\ education. revealed. I later. The federation offers I a lot of but will. allow the federation to op- the defeat of refundable fees would’ A newsletter of the Foundation The largest such organiiation (in erate. services, he says. contribute to the financial stability r last March reported that no refunds terms of membership) is the On: If refundable fees come in, the of the federation. have been requested since the fee tario Public Interest Research federation will struggle for a few “It will be a step to functioning Mark M&Guire (ES co-op): ‘Group (OPIRG). The $4.OPIRG fee was started in the Fall of 1976. Right now people may be in, years and if students are still un- more smoothly.” Prof. Don Scott, chairman of the ‘is levied on all undergraduate stufavour, but in the long run it’s not in satisfied, it will collapse, but not board of directors, dents at registration, but it can be Foundation’s the best interest of students. right away. Students might be more NUS recovered. ‘In fact a student can would not talk to the chevron, so satisfied if they got rid of some of Dan 0’ Connor, national secretthe chevron obtained information even refuse to pay it at registration. their fieldworkers and cut fees ap- ary of the National, Union of StuStephen Coates (Science): the Foundation from the Enpropriately . It’s very good. It keeps the feddents (NUS), said the question of OPIRG’told the chevron that it about gineering Society. _ He will vote for compulsory fees eration responsible; on its toes. A refundable fees is a serious one, of budgets for a 5% rate of refunds, Both the faculty and staff associq a fundamental-nature. He said the lot of students probably won’t ask on the referendum. but the actual rate of refunds is 1 ations at UW have a voluntary fee 1~ for their money back. call for refundable fees indicates a about 3-4%. structure. Members- agree to have Brian Stevi%s (Engineering A): lack of confidencein the concept of * The next largest such organizatheir dues deducted from their Mas not made up his mind yet Mike Shupe (Engineering B): student government. He cited the tions are the faculty undergraduate salaries. E Definitely for refundable fees. needs more time to think about it. case of the University of societies. The Mathematics society The faculty association has Lethbridge, ,where he says- volunI There is a danger of causing the reported that it refunds the-fees of about 71% of faculty as members. Dave Carter (Graduate): I_ federation to collapse, but it’s just tary fees have resulted in “a circle about 10-20 students per term. This The staff association has about “It’s about time that students as well. If students don’t care, let it of more and more turmoil’ ’ . Differterm, only two refunds have been 60% membership, and both organishould have the chance to withent parts of the student union camrequested. be refundable. \ zations report little fluctuation. ’ draw their support from an organi- . paign separately for their fees -, The Engineering society has ,a The staff association performs zation which they might’not see any the newspaper wonthe referendum John Long (Math)i similarly low rate. of refunds, only essentially the same functions- for ’ Long said he was not opposed in benefit in.” on its fees but the radio station lost. three have been requested this staff as the federation does for stu, ‘ ‘ Voluntary organizations , run “Students, in order to get someterm principle to refundable fees, but felt dents. They provide various ser--A on the basis of voluntary / refundwhere, must pull together”, he ’ “they would not work right now.” The Sanford Fleming Foundavices, and represent their memable fees have proven that they said. He stressed the seriousness of tion takes a refundable fee of $2.50 He thought a lot of people would bers on various university commitask for their refunds and said “the , can survive.” the question of refundable fees, term from each undergraduate tees that affect them. He cited the examples of saying that it put the existence of . per federation needs a lot of money to I engineering student. This organizaAavid carter OPIRG, EngSoc, and the Chevron. the federation on the line: run.” / -
With the debate on refundable fees igrowing,. the chevron conducted a poll of council!ors at the ? lune 26 council meeting. Late in that meeting a motion passed 9-3-7 to conduct a campaign to’ encourage students to vote against the refundable fee., In our poll, however, six said they were in favour of refundable fees, 70 said they were against and 2 had not decided. . What they agree on, though, is that the federation is in-bad shape and that something has to be donek We also talked to representatives from the National Union of Students and the Ontario feteration -of Students, who were at the meeting, and later contacted UW president Burt Matthews, who is maintaining a neutral stance.
For comments
1 ,I
’ ’ I
aon referendum
seti pages 6 & 7 /
. Sonte
orgaiiishtions .
hkve them- already
the chevron
.’ c
J!Z!hgSoC iOafltsmi8miinagenient t0 end . --
For years the students-of this campus have Basically, it comes down to Teddy Roosevelt’s philosophy of “talk softly,.but carry been expressing their dissatisfaction with the Federation of Students. This dissatisfaction has __ a big stick !” If the Feds won’t listen to reason, - stemmed from the feeling that no one was getthen maybe they will listen to dollars! Refundating a decent’retum for their Fed dollars. The ble fees are the biggest stick that the student spending ‘of the Federation has always been exbpdy can carry in dealing with the Federation. If horbitant in the area of salaried positions. This is the Federation-won’t respond to talk, then the truer today than ever before, with 53% of this students should beat the Feds over the head with fiscal year’s Fed fees going to salaries. . refundable fees -to death, if necessary! Engiueering Societies A and B did not make There is more to the dissatisfaction though, the decision to pursue refundable fees lightly. than just the Feds’ prolific spending rate., The _ There is and always has been a large sector of Federation has exhibited a great ineptitude in all the engineering student body that would prefer of their day-to-day activities. It seems that evto pull out of the Federation altogether. Howerything the Federation touches turns sour on ever, it is the feeling of the Executive of both the students - witness the Chevron Affair. Societies that the Federation of Students can Small wonder that large groups of students feel serve a useful purpose for all students. Therethe Federation no longer represents the stufore, the Engineering Societies, instead of trying dents’ interests., P to torpedo the Federation by pulling out alThe Chevron Affair was no more than a symptogether, decided to try to make the Federation tom of the disease within the Federation - not work for all students by pushing for refundable the disease itself, as the Feds would have us be- . fees. ’ lieve! Even though the cost of the recent settleConcern has been expressed that the Federament seems exhorbitant to some, it is perhaps tion will fold if refundable fees are instituted. fortunate that the whole mess occurred! TheThese “concerns” have come mainly from the Executive of the Fedesation of Students, present Federation Executive and workers. through the actions-of the Federation President What the Federation Executive chooses to overand -Board of Directors, has publicly exhibited look is the fact thatlall Societies on campus have its contempt of student opinion-l&.. manipula__always operated on a refundable fee basis. tion and misinterpretation of the bylaws and These Societies continue to survive, despite the policies governing Federation operations. . fact that they have no/guaranteed income as do the Feds. How then do the Societies survive? These bylaws and policies were established to ensure that the students maintained control of Very’simply, they are providing good service to their Federation, and yet the past nine months their members and are responsible to their members! The Societies have another problem have seen bylaw after‘bylaw twisted and/or in that they operate entirely on a volunteer amended, within Students Council and without, basis, since they lack the funds to hire a new a to suit the whim of the Board of Directors. When every two weeks. the wind blows against them, the BOD attempts _ fieldworker The Feds cry that they can’t operate without to change the weather! This short-circuiting of the system of student government does nothing _. the paid po&ions. Of course they can’t! Nobody gives a damn about the Federation because of its - for the Federation’s credibility. What little creslip-shod operations! Students have to care dibility the Federation had left was thrown away enough to want a Federation or Society in order ’ with the Feds’ recent attempts to sabotage the for such ,organizations to survive! A Federation referendum on refundable fees. cannot be made to work with bucks ! Therefore, The Executive and Council of Engineering refundable fees or compulsory fees, the FederaSocieties A and B, in response, to the feelings of tion will not survive unle5s we students decide discontent expressed by- the engineering stu--. we want it to survive. dents with respect to the Federation, have been The way the Feds are going, there will beao pushing for a referendum on the subject of volFederation in a year or two if the present trend untary refundable Federation fees since January of mismanagement is continued. We the stuof this year. The reasoning behind the refundable fees is simple. If the Federation will not lisdents of this campus must bring the Feds out of ten to. the mass rumblings of discontent within their catatonic dreams and back to reality! This the student body,- then they must be made to lisis damn near impossible to do within the present structure of-- the Federation. Anyone who has atten and to respond properly to the problem.
tempted to work through the Council or Executive of the Federation on any action knows that the whole outfit is better-suited as‘ a circus sideshow than as a tool of change in student government! Add to this the bending of bylaws to suit the occasion, and it is no wonder that the Engineering Societies and others feel like we are butting our heads against a (rotten) brick wall. All of this is not to say that the Feds do not provide any useful services. There are some services that the students do enjoy. Unfortunately, most of these useful services are of a user-pay/break even nature. Therefore, the students that are paying are the ones who are benefiting, which is terrific! But what happens to these students’ $13:75/term Fe,d fees if they are paying .again (to a great extent) for the services they use! Why should a. student have to waste his time _ and energies fighting for small-concessions from a Federation which he is supporting (voluntary or involuntary)? There are more important is- . sues and concerns which require prompt action than whether the *Fed Vice-president. should get _ a half year’s salary, or whether Doug Thompson should get a six month leave- of absence at half PaYi - 1 Unfortunately, changes to the Federation will never-originate from within the Federation executive or Board of Directors. The students who are the Federation must bring pressure to bear upon the entrenched politicians in the CC in -order to force change. Again, unfortunately, the only pressure that the Feds understand is bucks! By instituting voluntary refundable fees, the students of this campus can bring responsibility back to the Federation. But we must want a Federation first! If we want a Federation that will work for us, notagainst us, we-must have voluntary refundable fees! Other means of change have been tried’ and all have failed miserably. By next Wednes-‘ day (July 6) the on-campus students must decide whether things will remain just as they have for years around-here, or whether we are going to have a strong healthy Federation. We are asking you to make a decision and VOTE! Let’s stop giving the other campuses across this country 1 something to laugh at! It’s time we cleaned our own house ! So give a damn - get out next Wednesday and VOTE FOR REFUNDABLE FEES! __ Peter King . President Engineering Society A
This is the regular into federation
s&e eat of students’ c
Anti-Imperialist Alliance supports:‘Vohntary fees , interests to oppose the rich. The Anti-Imperialist Alliance believes that the Hence they-support education cutbacks and wage jasic interests of the majority of students at UW would be served by building a student defence_orz class struggle against the masses of students who ‘. want to resist state attacks. For example, when the r,anization based on-voluntary fees. %” The immediate question - compulsory or volun- ’ $100 tuition fee increase was announced late last ary fee - cannot be addressed outside of the issue year, certain UW student society presidents de)f what kind of organization students need to deal clared their support for the increase, even though it vith their problems. will add to the economic burden borne by the majorThe capitalist and revisiqnist world is gripped by - ity of students, ur economic crisis, part of the overall crisis of im-It is not possible for a student defence organiza~erialism. In an attempt to save itself, the reactio‘&on to adopt a policy that will serve all of the stulary Canadian bourgeoisie, through the state, is atdents or the “common interests”, of all students. acking students and workers in order to-shift the Such C’common interests” simply do not exist. burden of the imperialist crisis onto their backs. The line that students’ “common interests” are These state attacks take the form of cutbacks in : met by a “service” organization is actually a trick to cover up serving the bourgeoisie through class ducation spending, tuition fee increases, restricstruggle against the basic interests of students. . ions on the right of students to an education through Students do not have “common interests.” A sturoficiency exams and propaganda about students’ ‘academic inadequacies,” among other methods. dent organization is not like a trade union, to which ali workers belong. Workers in a trade union are of To resist these state attacks students require a one class only. They have the common interests of nass defence organization which implements the opposing wage cuts, unsafe working conditions; arLogan Serve the-Basic Interests of the Students, and bitrary dismissal, etc., imposed by the capitalists. rhich mobilizes students to resist these state atA mass defence organization of. students must scks. * work to unite the majority of students in action But it is important to recognize that stutits are against their enemy, the rich and the state ofthe rich. art of a society divided into distinct classes. They This can best be done under the slogan, “Serve the ome to university from these different classes and Basic Interests of the Students.” . rey have different aspirations. At university they _. To accomplish this, it is necessary for students to t-e-not neutral in class struggle. rely on their own strength and not to turn their For the large majority of students, their basic instruggle over to a handful of careerists and corrupt + :rests are the same as those of the working class and officials. an be-defended only by opposing the rich and the Otherwise bureaucratism sets in, as at UW and at .ate. of the rich. most other student unions and federations throughout the country. At UW, co&rpt federation officials But for a minority of students it is not in their
. and careerists, who actually serve the rich and opapproval and active support o pose the basic interests of the students, have a long their basic interests. This me; and active history. be able to withdraw from tl For example, it was the, Federation of Students time. which initiated the attack on the Anti-Imperialist This general line should hc Alliance, and which continues to withhold federaganization on a single campu tion recognition. In this attack the federation has cial* organizations like the ( worked hand in hand with the UW administration. Students and national organ And of course, it was the federation executive tional Union of Students. who launched the campaign against the democratic _ All of-these organizations ! chevron using every weapon at its ,disposal., volunteers to carry out their Students must defend themselves through mass The contrary line on & studs struggles, and student leaders must work to mobilize some “officials” should be ( the masses of students to participate in these strugonce ea$h year, that these ofG gles. Officials of student organizations should be “experts” (hacks) to do the closely integrated with the masses of students, and students themselves, but that sho,uld actually be students. taxed in the form of a compu Membership in a democratic student organization elected officials and their car which defends the basic interests of the students, the In practice, these officials a interests of the majority, should be voluntary. Those their own careers, and they fi students who do not want to join the struggle against out the basic interests of stuc state attacks should not be compelled to belong to favour with the state: They h such an organization. Those students who are reac, to their cronies as political pa tionary and who actively attack students and assist corps of professional hacks \ the state should not be allowed to join the organizadents. Then they attack the m tion. - tic and backward. ’ - Membership should be voluntary and fees should When democratic student*s be low so as not to place‘s burden on the members. initiative in the fight for their 1 The organization should rely on recruiting large ’ hacks themselves who offer numbers of students to become active on their own such efforts. behalf, in mass struggle. The AIA calls on UW stuc . Membership in a mass student defence organiza-democratic organization of stl tion should be voluntary in order to insure that the basic interests, an organizatic organization does indeed serve the basic interests of membership and fees and on the students. It should regularly be forced to win the the rich and the state of the I
the chevron
Federation aims to revitalise but stressesstudent union
n as students line up to pay their registration fees, $73.75 of which goes ., This Wednesday they vote on whether they want that part refundable. photo by gervas io
nasses by serving iat members must ganization at any 3t only for an ort also for provinio Federation of ms, like the NaId rely on student <. rganization is that =d by the masses , should hire some k in place of the tudents should be J fee to pay these jllowers. ainly interested in : expedient to sell_ in order to curry aut paid positions sge and build up a leech off the stus as being apatheise up to seize the : interests it is the first resistance to s to build a mass its to defend their Ised on voluntary s struggle against
This Wednesday on-campus students vote on whether or not they want refundable federation fees. Each term the university administration collects $13.75 from every full-time student in the form of a Student Activity Fee which is handed over to the federation. But Engineering Society would rather see students have the chance to withdraw their money if they are not pleased with the federation and so a disenchanted EngSoc last term demanded a referendum on the subject. In an effort to promote wide debate on the issue the chevron solicited commentsfrom organisations which have taken an active interest on the subject. On this page EngSoc and the Federation Executive square-off as the two mtin contestants~ Mathematics Sot explains the posittin it to& in a recent society meeting. And the AntiImperialist Alliance outlines its stand. In this recent debate the AIA was the first ctrmpus OFganisation to suggest refundable fees for the federation. Its presidential candidate in the last election, Salah Bachir, c&led for refundable fees in his early campaign literature, before he withdrew from the race. Arts Society, whose president Joe MacDonald backed the demand for the referendum., could not be contacted. However, the debate will not end Wednesday. It is likely to continue and grow in the following months until November when the students then on campus will vote on the same question along with graduate students. Nor will the results of Wednesday’s be known until then, since the ballot boxes are to be sealed until after the November vote. The chevron invites its readers to add to the debate by writing to Feedback.
Last Sunday Federation of Students’ Council voted to support the concept of compulsory student- activity fees. The Executive would therefore like to make its views known. The Federation has been locked in an unwinnable fight with the chevron since September 1976, up until Sunday June 26. We admit the folly of the fight. Because of the ongoing conflict a minimum of new recruits were attracted - the result being the dwindling of our ranks and’the exhaustion of those who remained. We believe in student unionism. The concept is not new, the students of the sixties created student federations across Canada to deal with their oppression at the hands of university administrations and governments. A number of important victories were won at that time, most importantly student-controlled buildings and representation on university (Senate and Board of Governors) and faculty committees. In recent years the problems that students face have become much more subtle and require ,prodigous research in order to react properly to any change in policies. It is easier, for instance, to organize a mass rally in favour of more library funding than to protest the new structure for federal funding of provincial education (whose ramifications could easily destroy the entire university system in short order). We now belong to the Ontario Federation of Students and the National Union of Students, who are able to co-ordinate research and action on the more difficult problems we face - escalating tuition fees, crippling changes to OSAP, graduate and summer unemployment, and decreases in the quality of education. It is time that our campus organization got back in step with these major problems - we can no longer turn a blind eye. The reinstatement of the chevron was the first step in the recovery of the Federation. We are committing ourselves to a program of action. Certainly all the usual campus services (see below) will be maintained and expanded, but that should not be the only thrust of the organization. For this, we the executive, are asking students to vote for the future, for compulsory fees. We are convinced that refundable fees will cripple, if not destroy, the Federation and the student movement on campus. It should be realized that it is easier to change an organization than to create a new union from the dust. The intake of the Federation in student fees is $310,000 per year. This money is collected by the university and turned over to us in several installments over the school year - 6% coming five days after registration, the balance forty days after registration. Thus we are without-money until well into the school year. Every summer our business manager borrows the needed money on the collateral of our guaranteed fees. It will be impossible to
borrow any money on the basis of refundable _ fees. The Federation budget is put together in March and April to be in effect May first. Each Board’s plans are finalized at that time, and plan- _ ning proceeds d’tuing the summer months. By the time September rolls around the vast majority of the funds have been committed for Federation activities. Without knowing how much income we have it is impossible to budget. Obviously such events as require space on campus (South Campus Hall, Physical Activities Complex, Theatre of the Arts, Campus Centre, etc.) cannot be scheduled at all - there is such a demand for that space that bookings are made four to six months in advance. The operations of the Federation cannot proceed as usual, even if no one refunds their fees. The Executive feel strongly about the future of our union - over and above our own personal interests. Therefore we are tendering our resignations effective the date a successor to Doug Thompson is elected in late September. He is resigning effective September 10th in order to permit an election when the majority of students are on campus. Most of the Executive intend to run again for their offices. We are not dishonest, we require a new mandate. By this action we hope to once again involve the student body in their own struggles. The leadership of the union will now be open for a new group of people. The Federation has lately become too inbred and the Societies too isolated. Once again we should be calling for action and ’ information on the plight of students and, for the future, graduates in society. Students are not an isolated interest group. We suffer unemployment and inflation, more so than wage earners at this time. It is necessary for us to renew our collective identity. Our predecessors worked long and hard to create this and other student unions for united response. Let us not destroy this work out of distain for a few individuals. The players can be changed, but the struggle remains the same. As a sequel I present a semi-complete list of the hard-core services the Federation runs: day care centre, birth control centre, used book store, Federation Flicks, ‘ ‘ engineering” garage, post office, ice cream stand, C.C. Pub, paralegal assistance, off-campus housing, record store, campus centre variety shop, Flying Training, Toronto weekend buses, the chevron, radio Waterloo, concert tickets, orientation, classical record collection, Society subsidies, South Campus Hall pubs, concerts and other entertainment eyents, clubs and organization subsidies, issuance of international student cards (for foreign travel). All of the above services will be jeopardized by the institution of refundable student activity fees. Ron Hipfner Vice President
Socially desirable services in jeopardy says MathSoc On Monday June 27, 1977, MathSoc council passed a motion supporting compulsory federation fees. Rationale for the compulsory fee was discussed and the following are some of the points which council members felt were important in the decision that was made. Past precedents indicate that where voluntary fees were adopted for student councils at other universities in Canada (most strikingly at the University of Guelph) the student organization would quickly disintegrate. This would leave the students without any effective representatives to lobby the university administration. The orientation events, early in the fall term, operated and entirely funded by the federation, require a large sum of money. The federation does not obtain its funds from compulsory fee levies until mid-October. Thus, to fund the orientation mentioned above, loans must be obtained from private lending institutions. The loans are given on the basis of the compulsory fees collected for the federation by the university administration (i.e. the compulsory fees are a collateral).
- Other union or professional organizations, though not requiring membership or participation, have compulsory fees that are usually built into licensing practises of the jurisdiction concerned. Such organizations have socially desirable. services, and are used to represent the wishes of the membership to governments, etc. Without such compulsory fees, the budgets of such organizations would be too small to ensure effective operation. Math Sot council feels that services provided by the federation, such as the housing office, supplementary manpower office, bus service to Toronto, para-legal assistance, Radio Waterloo (CKMS), and others are important to many students. As well, federation funds are disbursed to many student organizations on campus such as the various student societies (e.g. for activities, Math-Arts-ESS Week) and many student clubs (e.g. the Computer Science club, the Amateur Radio club). For the above reasons and others, council feels that the federation fee should remain compulsory, and urges students on campus this term to vote for compulsory fees in the upcoming referendum.
the +zwron’
7. Federation executive member, Franz Klkgender threw a rock chevron office window Nov. 2 7 sometime+fter a council meeting . day. He was immediately caught.
2. Hundreds the chevron
it was invited.
of students gather in the Arts Quadrangle.Sept. which was called by the ch.evron staff.
30 to listen to and partake ?
4, 1977
through a that same
in’s debate on
the speaker’s
I --
the chevron
4, 1977
Roberts is recalled, and on june 26 Docherty editor of the chevron by council. -
is ratified
Nine_-Imonths 9,. A recall petition Roberts,
IJ. chevron.
pn then-federation
was started
president, Shane manoeuverby late December with
76 aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;nd after much
ing ;tiy Roberts, .it was successful thehelpof over 2,000 students.
from the chevron
14. Two
ten others.
-were physically
by Thompson and
and abou{
on the coup. Staff soon regained
70. The 24 hour occupation of the chevron officks bv the chevron staff continued, tlirtiugh
the office.
I 3. Federation president, Dave McLellan ferves the chevron staff injuncâ&#x20AC;&#x153;tion notices Feb. 7 order& staff omf their offices. The injunction is . quashed by the Supreme Co&t of*Ontario three days later. w
tion. Chevron staff considered it one-sided and urged doing so, a scuffle broke out in the Math buildipg.
to boycott
it. While
72. Dpug Thompson, Mark Wills, /oe McDonald and john presidency. On Feb. 2 Thompson wins with 805 votes.
Tromp.campaign ,
for the
e f 0,
the che~nm
C~~impulsory fee Su The majority csi cheGon std.iil. support i-eiundahle iees and their position is presented in the editorial. (P. 7 1I However, the minority were oiiered space ior their view hnd below staiier Tom Cody gives his opinion why the iederation needs a compulsory iee.
Appfiiant Complains In the June 17 Chevron, it was reported that Morris Ilyniak was hired as “EDUCATIONAL FIELDWORKER” at 160 dollars. This plus the Et- that <Diana. - Clarke is presently receiving 160 dollars a week as . “EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHER PLANNER”. : In the middle of February, I applied forthe Chairperson of the Board of Education on the programme of organising students against attacks by the state of the rich, such as cutbacks: etc. The board would be reorganized to mobilize students and -not j&t hire some functionaries who do fuck all, or only attempt to crush the Chevron. My application was submitted in the middle of February, Doug Thompson stated that I was highly qualified and a good public speaker=, however, he disagreed with my-political views, therefore-1 - wouldn’t be considered. The deadline for a_pplications passed and I was the only-one (Thompson stated to council that there were no applications for the position). I stated in the application that I would work for the elimination of any paid positions with the board and would not accept the salary normally paid to the board chairperson. My application has nevercome up before council, (who by bylaw 15 must appoint the Chairperson.) and furthermore the federation ringmasters, the board of directors, met privately in Toronto and appointed someone, who is a good friend of Mister Hipfner and who is away on co-op for half the-‘ year; without ever interviewing me. It‘ seems the federation executive is *-more interested in giving jobs to its friends (surprise of surprises huh?) than organizing students to defend their basic interests by opposing the cutbacks and demanding jobs. One more point is that the board of education has-not met since the beginning of February and its last public meeting (that was discussed by the board) was February 21, where a person by the. name of Patsy McAllister was supposed to speak but not too many students were disappointed as only two of the-m showed up. Add this blunder to the many and its not hard to figure out why we should have a Ivoluntary fe’deration.
Tha&s ch-eyrics
This is a small note of thanks to let vou know how much we appreciated your-efforts. For the past nine months we .have been morally behind your just claim - to be innocent unti1 proven guilty. You have shown that democracy can be a working system - a way of life, if you will and not -simply some ideological rhetoric. It sometimes amused; but always irritated us that those-people criticizing the paper as a commie-hangoutcentre%nd propag5nda organ, were advocating methods, similar to those used in Nazi Germany, in order to try to close it. We could never understand where their heads were, even though we had many a discussion over the turnkey desk concerning the morality and legality of the closure. After the council meeting - where various federation members finally admitted that they were wrong in their actions, and when the chevron was finally reinstated T we kept ‘saying to ourselves how we couldn’t believe-it was finally won. We were so pleased that the whole issue had been seen through and not simply dropped and forgotten. At least some (but not all) of our faith in the system has been restored. You people, on the other hand, must be ecstatic with joy. To have ‘worked under the pressure and harassment being applied by the federation, as well as occupying the offices, putting out a paper and.attempting to inform and unite the students of this university was a herculean task. You have-every right to be proud of yourselves (-corny as that sounds!). We hope it will be a long time before your efforts are forgotten. Lest you rest on your laurels however, we leave you with a final request to always seek the truth. Every matter has at least two sides and it is your responsibility to investigate and present those sides so that individuals can make up their-own minds. We think that this is the direction you’re coming from, but we mention it as a reminder and as a thought, which we believe all people (and especially students) s,hould be aware of. -We wish all of you’(federation and chevron supporters alike) happiness and.peace throughout your lives. -
What -ha-ppened
Laurie Go&l&y Jackie Moad
in ‘72 -._
The question of voluntary fees, which hasrecently becomean issue on campus was anissue in a very similar way in 1972. In that referendum compulsory fees wonwith 82 per cent of the vote. Just as today, it was caused by the dissatisfaction of the Engineering Society with its relationship to the federation. An Eng.Soc report in March 1971 recommended replacing the federation of students .with a federation of societies and replacing the compulsory fee ‘with a voluntary one. Although Eng Sot tabled the report, Engineering Dean Archie Sherbourne took the question of refundable fees to the UW Senate. The Senate passed a motion asking the Board of Governors to act in getting a referendum on the matter. Eng Sot B president Peter Davidson explained, in’s Radio Waterloo broadcast that the senate move was prompted by the imposition of academic sanctions such as withholding of degrees, against . students who refused to pay their fees. In its June meeting the Board of Governors decided to refer the question to the federation. Soon afterwards president Rick Page annou&ed a referendum for February 23, 1972. And so the debate was on. At this point, however, it become&difficult to follow the debate fully because the six comments that the chevron printed on this issue am supported voluntary fees: Even when it sought student opinion the chevron asked the question . “What would the loss of the federation of students mean to you?” instead of asking for comment-on the principle of voluntary fees. The argument for the voluntary fee gleaned from-letters to the chevron was much the same as that given today, that the federation would be forced to actively seek student support in order to survive, giving students more control. I The argument for compulsory fees also shows similarities to that given today. Proponents of compulsory fees said students needed a’ strong body to represent-them and * provide services and voluntary fees would mean the collapse of the federation. However, one major difference shows up in the stated relationship with the administration to be safeguarded by the compulsory fees. In 1972 vice-president Carl Sull.iman said “There must be student voting members on both board and senate to indicate a trne partnership”, whereas this year Doug Thompson expressedthe need for thefederation to act as a watchdog on the administration. c -jonathon coles _
The opponents of compulsory -fees have made a big case about the top-heavy federation bureaucracy that costs- a fortune but does little in return to help students who foot the bill.. Refundable fees are suggested as a quick solution to this problem. In other words, merely pull the rug out and the problem disappears. I question this line of appreach. I suggest that voluntary fees co&l kill the federation of students completely. Granted this would demolish the- bureaucracy but this would also kill all of the good that could come from the organization. I believe that the most appropriate manner of wiping out the bureaucracy is to elect students to the .federation who would do just that. Bureaucracy in the federation is not an automatic product of compulsory fees. Rather, it is a result of the type of people we tend to elect to-the institution. Change the type of people we’re electing to the federation, people who will clean up the damn mess, and your problems are solved. Many people suggest that voluntary fees would allow students. to have the final say over the federation not atthe ballot box, but at the bank. If you feel the feds are doing’a rotten job you don’t even have to attempt to reform it. You merely yank your fees out. But lets face facts. The federation is essentially a government of and for students. Imagine, if everyone who didn’t feel that their government was doing agood job did not pay their income tax for th.e year. The result would be a hopeless mess that would undermine virtually all forms ‘of public endeavour. Some critics have suggested that with a system of compulsory fees those studentswho wanted to pay would do so, and those who didn’t want to pay wouldn’t. But lets look at the simplemechanics of this to see if it works. First of all, how do you plan the budgets of the federation for th’e upcoming year when you haven’t the slightest idea what size of funds you’ll be able to draw from? The answer is you can’t plan ahead. Next, how do you separate those who haven’t paid from those who have when it comes to the dispersal of federation ser-- vices . I would guess that people who have paid their fees would get a special stamp on their I.D.- cards so they could receive fed services- free of charge or at a reduced (subsidized?) rate. But this I believe would lead _ to a massive amount of card swapping and lending between those ‘who have the stamped I.D. and those who haven’t.’ This would ultimately undermine thesystem. -And how in God’s name do you hand out
commission is preferable to the threemember alternative, which is a contingency plan. The commission is to commence its investigation no later than July 18. The procedures to be followed when calling witnessess and hearing evidence will be” decided by the commission, save that the hearings will be conducted in public.
NUS/OFS liaison officer Gord ‘Swaters ‘disputed Lortg’s claim that Math students are opposed to reinstatement. Swaters reminded council that the Math society council had endorsed the agreement: Engineering councillors Bri& Stevens and Joe‘ Crncich said that. EngSoc wanted the dispute settled.
Councillors with-tegal
threatened charges
Smylie said the agreement abrogated the results of thereferendum and was a misappropriation of student funds. He announced that he would sue councillors who voted to accept it, and threatened&o initiate recall petitions on them. He has since changed his charge to violation of student trust. J The investigation agreed to begin without delay. The federation and the chevron must agree upon the members of the commission by July 8, unless there is mutual consent to extend the-selection period. The committee then has until July 12 to select a chairperson. In the event that the federation and chevron cannot agree on the membership of the commission, the commission will consist of one representative from the federation, one from- the chevron and a chairperson to be selected by these two members. Neither party will have the right of veto in this case. The agreement states that a five-member
Chevrons or provide Radio Waterloo broadcasts and separate the consumers so that only those who have paid their federation fee get them. Answer:. you can’t! And what happens to services like, Legal-Aid and the Birth Control Centre which receive federation funding to help them survive ? Do they go user-pay? Do they get by with less? Do they try their luck with various charity events to make both ends meet? Voluntary -fees introduce all of these severe problems. Thus, all in all, I believe that a certain. minimum amount of fees should be compulsory in order that the federation can go about its duty, planning and implementing basic services which we all need. - -That -doesn’t necessarily mean that the amount of the compulsory fee should be as large as it is now. Some big federation services such as the newspaper and the radio station should be subjected to yearly compulsory fee referendum whereby if the decision is yes, then all must pay. And, if the decision is no then they’re on their own. Introducing such referendums for certain large and specific federation services would considerably reduce the amount of compulsory federation fees collected from students. In addition, the size of the compulsory fee could be reduced by reducing the number of services that are subsidized and placing them in a user-pay status. The field of entertainment is notorious on. this campus for being subsidized. Why in hell should I ‘subsidize a semi-formal, a concert, or someone knocking down a beer at a southcampus hall pub? No wonder people question the size and nature of the compulsory fee when they see what should be user-pay activities such as these being subsidized. Thus, I see a compulsory federation fee, but a reduced one at that, as a reasonable solution to the situation athand. I also see a number of “winner-take-all” referendums. at%the same time as the presir dential election, held on a yearly basis for major services such as the newspaper and radio system where if the majority goes with compulsory all must pay, there is no means of refund. I also see more user-pay services being just that. And I see this present mess leading to a greater propensity for federation people elected who are not hacks but people who genuinely want to serve students. This assumes that we will learn from our past mistakes. The alternative to thisis a refundable fee which would in my opinion be unworkable, undermine the federation and dispose of many of the good services that a federation could do, along with the bad “services” it has been providing. _ Lets change the people in the federation and improve both the funding of it and the manner in which itspends its (our) money. I believe that my method is superior to the drastic move towards refundable fees. L \ -tom cod; /” --
(After accepting the agreement, council ratified Neil Docherty as editor of the chevron, retroactive to May 1, 1977, by a vote of 13-7-o. Docherty was production manager of the chevron at the time of the closure. After his firing, he continued to work for the free chevron, and was elected-editor by the chevron staff last April. His term as editor runs to April 30, 1978. There was little debate on Docherty’s ratification. Though at one point Renison councillor Smlyie became confused: thinking that former editor Larry Hannant ‘(a grad History student) was the candidate. He objected on the grounds that government regulations do not allow a grad student to hold a full-time job. . The chevron .staff also Lelected Peter Blunden to the position of ad manager and Randy Barkman as production manager. Barkman and Blunden did not need to be ratified, since according to the bylaws and :past proceedure, ratification is only necessary if the positions are held by nonstudents. -nick
july 4, 7977
i \
\ 1
’ --
Vote , . _ refundable It’s about time the Federation faced the students, but not just through elections to bodies in which the students have little or t no faith. The upcoming referendum on refundable fees will give thestudents a chance to vote for a new mechmkm through which they can control their student government. Refundable fees provide the students with the guarantee that they can withdraw their support from an organization which fails to serve their interests. The’supporters of compulsory fees say that a student government must have the backing of all the students if it is going to defend their common interests. Yet, do all students have these common interests? Compulsory fees have only served to bring together into one organization both the majority of students whose interests are harmed by increasingly exclusive educational policies and the privileged minority whose interests are served by the -v=&+=nedcompetitio-n of elitist and more exclusive edii&t&-.-__._ / We must build a student organization on the basis of refundable fees to ensure that it will work in the interest of the majority of students. Those who are serious about working together will be able to unite around a strong programme to fight unemployment and the cutbacks, while those who do not suPPort such attempts can withdraw their fees ,rather than obstructing this effort. The existence of compulsory fees has slowly transformed our Federation into a little bureaucracy with a guaranteed source - of income which has attracted into its ranks , those looking for safe sinecures, or stepping stones for future careers. These people, representing a minority of students, would be unacceptable deadweight ,in an . organization fighting to defend the basic interests of students. A Federation of Students should, and can be more than a business providing social services for the students. The,experience of the past year has taught ‘us this lesson well. We have a government on campus which provides every service the students could ask for, yet our ‘leaders’ have lost the faith of their. constituents. We need a student government which will give the students active leadership and a programme to help them confront the problems of increasing unemployment, inflation, and the cutbacks in education. Only a strong voluntary organization, which leaves no room for leeches, will ensure this. Those who say that the Federation will . collapse if refundable fees go through have not gone unnoticed, but their argument is bankrupt. There are many already at work on campus to transform the federation into an organization that will defend the basic interests of the students - if they are successful then the Federation will be able to continue without a devastating loss in membership, and with continuing financial security.
Shane Roberts called-a half dozen of his appointed exegutive into a room on September 24, 1976, fed them some of his fabrications, some rumours, and a lot of allegations. Based on this, they decided to close UW’s student newspaper. Yet, even without the present finances, Roberts exgected a little protest, but was sure it would all-be over in a week, or tho=who truly wish to work in the stuperhaps four& the most. Instead it raged onfor nine months - the biggest struggleever dents’ interests. will be able to do so by to be fought on this campus; he lost his joband was forced to leave campus in disgrace; a trimming the fat. corrupt and anti-democratic federation has )beeti brought to its knees;-and the UW student newspaper has emerged stronger than ever. To say that the Federation would fall if When the fight broke out, the chevron staff initially took the position that they had we rid ourselves of such bureaucracy is to done nothing wrong and that the paper should be reinstated. As the struggle develo@ed; h&l the initiative and drive of the students 4: however, we realized that to simply reinstate-the chevron would not be enough to>or-, in contempt. rect the situation, Hasn’t the last nine months of struggle On the principle of due process, not only should the paper be reinstated’as it was Septaught us anything? There are many people tember 24,’ since it had never been given a fair trial, but an investigation should follow on campus who have volunteered to defend into the entire affair so that all the allegations made against-the paper could be put to the the basic interests of students. While the test, and so that the federation could be made to.answer for its actions. I , Federation, with all its ’ money and That position, Reinstate! Investigate .,1 was taken to council on October 17 and rebureaucrats, has lost the support of the jected. The staff, however, upheld that this was the only-just solution, and fought on students; the free chevron, cut off from any that basis. We have never compromised on the principle of due process! guaranteed source ,of income, has been On June 26, after nine months of firm resolve on the part of’the chevron staff? Stuable to build up a large base of active student , dents’ Council reinstated the chevron, with a 13-7-2 vote,,’ and agreed to an investigation ( support. into the affair. It is too early for a full analysis of how and why we won. There are many factors Students are willing to volunteer-their which contributed to the victory, but a few basic points have become clear. support to causes which they believe in. We won‘because we refused to cower to all the might, money and bellowing of the ’ They do not want to become adjuncts to a federation. Its use of cops, lawyers, the courts, and agreements with the admin&tration business organization. were all for naught because from day one we fought back. Cord Swaters, the NUS/OFS liaison ofOn September25, the day after the locks on-the chevron offices had been/changed, we ficer, has stated that the Federadefied Shane Roberts and his three campus cops who tried to stop us occupying. At a tion is like a union and must be able to kangaroo court on September 30 Students’ Council decided to close the paper, but there was never any question that we would coritinue publishing, even though we had no idea T speak for all students. He claims that stu-dents calling back their fees would under.e where the money would come from. mine this “representation.” That resolute spirit persisted throughout the nine months despite lock changes, phone and mail service being cut off, and all kinds of legal and physical harassment. Yet, how can a man like Doug ThompWe won because we took ,our fight to the people. We didn’t run to the police or theson legitimately present himself as someadministration, and we only went. to the courts when legal action was first taken against one who is representative of 611 students, us. Nor did we write our M.PPs, which was Shane Roberts’ tactic for “student &rugV simply because-he holdstheir money in his gle”. Instead, we held mass rallies and forums, we handed out the paper every week, we hands. Such pretensions have& placein i . I ’ went door-to-door mobilizing for general meetings . . . student movement. \ m We placed our faith in the democrats on campus and across Canada, and they re-‘ Doug Thompson has pleaded with the sponded - some .with money, donations from $5.00 to $200, some with just encouragestudents for time to clean up a Federation ment or news tips, others let us use their phones, and a lot came-out at crucial times. that ‘has never been in worse shape in its Roberts’ bold eviction notice, reprinted on the front page of the free chevron, brought history.’ ( over 100 supporters streaming .defiantly into the office within a couple of hours, while Ithe president decided not to venture from his house. The point, however, is not that anyone is All the mass contact enabled us to explain our case, and dispel the slanders against the trying to take advantage of the Federation paper, but it also led to the isolation of the federation, who planned one blunder after by kicking it when it’s down: Indeed, stuanother behind closed doors. . dents are struggling now to put new vigour Werwon because we have put out a paper which has showed itself to be interested in into the Federation. Hopefully the Federadealing with the real issues facing students, and which exposed a corrupt and antition can be salvaged, but if it continues to democratic federation. work against the students, then it deserves As the struggle developed the pressure mounted on the. federation to the point where to be kicked. Refundable fees guarantee with little student the students this chance. I its leaders now admit that it is on its knees; a monstrous bureaucracy support to back it up, and, as a result of a battle that began last’september, it,now seems”’ It is claimed that refundable fees will destined to be cleaned up, one way or another. make it impossible for the Federation’to For the chevron the struggle has brought forward a battalion of new students, and a keep up all its social services: Yet there is paper that for some years did not do its job has been revitalized into a force on campus -no reason why this should occur. ’ I which is determined to take on the basic issues facing students, such as unemployment, education cutbacks and proficiency exams. *Most of the services, the ice cream This is a great victory; a victory for all the democratic people who fought for and supst.and, the pub, the Record Shop, the Bus ported the chevron. service, _etc., operate on a break-even \ ahe chevron staff basis. If they are financially solvent they will survive. _ I cahadian university press (CUP). The chevrbn is typeset by members The administration of these services can 1 Member; be handled, for the most part, by voluntary of the wor(ier$’ union of dumont press graphix and published by the federation staff. Some of the societies, the Campus of students incorporated, univqrsity of Waterloo. Content is the sole responsiCentre Coffee Shop, the drama producI bility of the cheyron editorial staff. Offices are located in the campus centre; ‘tions, etc., have demonstrated how well 1 (519) 885-l 660, or university I&al 2331. volunteers can produce social events. A student organization can survive on refundable fees if it rises above bureaucracy and begins to .fight for the basic interests of students-and mounts ,an ,active campaign against student unemployment, the increasing cost of education, and’the lowering of the quality of education. The students at the University of ‘Waterloo have proven that they have the ability to do this. -the
The sunis slowly sinking on the people upstairs, and the first chevron since last September is in your hands. Forthose 6f you who read the masthead before the rest of the @aper, the reason is simple. We’ve been reinstated and soon there will be an investigation. We may be out of most of the woods but there is still a ways to go before the whole issue is settled. To thank all the people who have helped us during the past nine months would require most of a full page, so for now I’ll,just name the people who worked this week. So here they aie folks. . ;. iorne gershuny, gerard kimmons, tom igood-bye sweet bimbo parting is sweet sorrow?) cody, jonathan coles, nell docherty, nina tymoszewlcz, joanne munroe, ernst von bezold, Charlotte von bezold;larry hannant, salah bachir, dave carter, nick redding, randy barkman, heather robertson, peter blunden, peter tompson, karen moore, ciaran o’donell, Wendell fields, jules grajower, don martin, marina taitt, doug wahlsten, the councillors, jackie and laurie for the victory signs, and a quick double take for val moghadam who missed last weeks’ masthead .for some-strange reason. This has all been good news and fortunately for us, it too has been reality. This is doug hamiiton for the chevron saying “good-night and good news” ; . . . . . . . . . hamilton ’
the chevron
july 4, 197;
- - ‘. H&rt;
Second albums are probably the major determining factor in the survival and growth of a group. While many artists have sufficient talent and ingenuity (or inaccuracy and idiosyncrasy, as the case may be) to make an initial impression, in. the overcrowded’world of rock r music, very few can sustain the -difficult search for that distinction -- between style and repetition which defines the elusive art of creativity. (Granted-that art is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for commercial success, as witness that multi-million~doliar assembly line fondly referred to as “Disco” compared to, say, the relatively small initial sales of the first Genesis albums). Consider now the OregonVancouver-Seattle-etc. based group -Heart. The first album, Dreamboat Annie, was an unqualified commercial and artistic sucy cess (even if it,was a trifle overplayed on the radio). Since Annie, Heart has gone through some major changes. ’ The American band (voted Best New Canadian Band +ast year in the oh-what-a-joke JUNO awards) has broken its contract with small, Vancouver-based Mushroom records and signed with Portrait
-a bforgettable _. (CBS) for their newest effort, one whose release was .apparently postponed for a few months before hitting the racks earlier this month. As a result, it was with great expectations of truly Dickensian dimensions that I recently sought out Heart’s second contact with the vinyl muse. I was overcome by a slight apprehension when ! finalIy sawTrue the long-awaited record the cover photojacket
graphs’ of the’ Wilson sisters (& Co.) aroused my carnal appetities with an immediacy comparable to that provoked bY Dreamboat Annie, voted by me most appetizing album cover of 1976. (1975? It’s been a long time . . . . ) -. However, was amiss’ All advance accounts of the new . OPUS gave it the title Magazine and a concept similar in vein to that of ’ the -Leon Russell song “Superstar”. But here before my eyes were a band of,gypsies (definitely not of the Hendrix variety) pt+ sented in a manner which failed to satisfy my impression (secondhand, I will admit) of what gro.upies should look. like - or do, for that matter. But no worry, 1 said, quickly bolstering my slightly deflated enthusiasm. Ann and Nancy- promised- that their second something
\&fort -album would-far surpass the first in content, quality, form,, style, production and perhaps suggestive photography - well, 5 out of.6 anyway’ So I bought it. And Listened. -Nothing hit me, so I listened again. Still no impressions had gelled. (By- this time I was feeling uneasy; $5.79 is a big investment on my budget.) So I listened again. And again. And still nothing has , hit me, because there’s nothin& particularly memorable about this album. It opens with the mandatory-AM quickie, a hate song presumahly directed at one of the _ - gentlemen from Mushroom Re. -cords with whom they became disillusioned - after Annie became a hit’ A This is followed in rapid succession by “Love Alive”, “Sylvan of the Song” and “Dream Archer? One hearing of the first feels like ten,.leading me to suggest that perhaps two quite unoriginal riffs do not a song make. Though the second is called a I Song, it is little.more than an introduction which demonstrates the most wonderful characteristic of the mandolin: one can play any damn thing on it and sound pleasantly beautiful, in a vacuous sort
of way. “‘Archer”, the third song, is the one winner on the album; The album Despite some clumsy lyrics, it requests to ,,gocloses on cry”with. I repeated felt very shows how good Heart can be much like doing that: Could this be . when they put a little effort into it. the same group of people that “Kick-It Out”, this year’s winmade “How Deep It Goes”? 1s ner in the “White Lightning and that all there is to a Heart album? I Wine” imitation contest, should was left with the impression that be singled out for its incredible de- they took the album we were votion to musical mediocrity. promised and dropped it on the That’s no crime in itself, but you new disc, embedding it with occaknow Heart can do better. At least 8sional fragments of musical genius you hopetheycan. ’ :’ . but leaving it for the most part bar‘_ Side 2 opens with “Little ren’ Queen”, the title track. It’s _ Well, Heart may have dropped the expected album, but apparschmaltz tempered with blather, and could be subtitled (ugf!) ently Mushroom Records hasn’t. At least that’s the story now cir“Disco Heart”. Following it we have “Treat Me Well”. There’s a culating’ Heart did finish taping an album lovely, feedback-like, touch right at called Magazine, -before they left the beginning, but- the song then M,ushroom Records. However, proceeds to show why Nancy WilMushroom still has the album and son isn’t the lead-singer of the Heart does not. So, to cash in on group (or the lead songwriter).. their popularity before Dreamboat The last three songs, “Say Annie sails into oldage, they cut a Hello”, “Cry to Me” and “Go On quickie third album for CBS. This Cry” (Do we detect a pattern here?) consist respectively of a is Little Queen. What a relief! There’s still a chance for Heart to simple, pleasant, Big Yellow prove that they are talented as well Taxi-type tune, a musical abomias underhanded . nation which epitomizes the word 7 And Magazine? Look for it, this “hollow”, and, last but not least, what could best be described as fall. If you’ve waited this long, another four or five months,won’t the musical equivalent of a test kill you. pattern. ’ --steve hull
’ “The .Deep”
.+A watery esctipe adventure ‘ “The Deep” is here, and far mysterious French flag ship on the from being a pale “Jaws II” it is an - bottom of a bay. Of course they don’t want the morphine, just the excellent little adventure flit. It treasure, but guess who does-: should make lots of money. It’s about a couple vacatibning that’s right, your friendly neighin Bermuda, who discover a horde bourhood drug dealer! of pure morphine in glass phials To make the plot muchsimpler and a sunken. treasure on board a to the average viewer, the heavies are in black while the good-guys are white. There’s a lot of intrigue, voo: doo, narrow escapes and underwater footage, but little of anyone’s jaws. (The sharks that do appear in the film are scared away with a bump on the nose). It. may not be as terrifying as “Jaws” was (at least to me), but “The Deep” was made with the same old-fashioned care that makes two-hour movies seem like they’re over before you’ve even seen the cartoon. The author of “The Deep”, Peter Benchley, also co-authored the screenplay. The fi,lm is dir rected by Peter Yates, whose/past films have included “Bullitt” and “The Friends of Eddie Coyle’.‘. Another carry-over from “Jaws” is actor Robert Shaw. (Shaw appears to be in great demand nowadays: he seems to have
Moie delirrhtful war iceties
Here we go again! Another bigbudget, star-studded war pit, Gee! With all that money and all those big, famous stars they shore musta turned out a reaJ..winner, huh. Wrong again. For the price of Richard Attenborough’s “A Bridge Too Far” you could have produced any number of the world’s classic films without any stars at all. But to criticize the movie on those grounds is to fall victim to the second lowliest form of life (after the critic): the publicity agent. I’m not going to bother listing all the stars turned bit-actors in “A Bridge”. Be wary though that-whatever you like most about your favourite actor will be co.mpletely lacking in his performance die to the over-abundance of characters and the sparsity of character.
Worst of all is poor Liv Ullmann who must speak Dutch in the most grotesuqe, unrecognizable accent ever devised on this earth (but 1 forgive her). Oh yes! The movie. it’s all about a massive parachute drop in Holland near the end of WWI-I, designed to bring th3 war to a quicker close, but stupidity on both sides turns things sour when the British discover they’ve gone “A Bridge Too Far” ! - Seriously! That’s all there is to it. Greater war movies have been built on weaker premises. The problem with “A Bridge” lies in its unwiedly, sprawling nature. Attenborough tackles too much, and resultingly achieves too litte. Despite some admirable support from the more perseverant members of the cast and some very pretty camera work and staging through-
eaten. up the city of Guelph (where 1 saw “The Deep” (----r.b.) - the only other theatre in town is playing .“Black Sunday”, -also starring Shaw). Shaw again plays the stern and distant individual with all the answers. Jacqueline Bisset appears as mere drapery in the film. (Ever wonder why there are only a few women amidst _ahorde of males in every Hollywood movie‘?) Bisset plays the woman who stays with her man (played by Nick Nolte) who is propelled to do something that will endanger his life. . The film’s underwater photography is crystal clear. If not for the bodies suspended and floating in space, and the bubbles, it would seem as if it were filmed on land. If you’re interested in seeing a suspenseful and gripping movie that will not bring you to the outer limits of revulsion (as many films now try to do) then see “The Deep’ ’ . “The Deep” has to be a real winner, even if it doesn’t have, the snob appeal of “Moby Dick” or “Mutiny on the Bounty”. ( ***Hyland) -0scar m nierstrasz’ -randy barkman
out the film, the whole thing tends
to fall flat. The first hour of the. mowie could easily have been trimmed, and the whole film could have been presented in a more coherent manner, disallowing the pieces to - hang all over the place as they did. Attenborough avoids audience identification with a single protagonist, perhaps in order to emphasize the coldness of war. He succeeds instead in gaining our disinterest. Perhaps, instead, this is merely - a_ reflection of the _ _ director’s ineptitude. “A Bridge Too Far” is nonetheless vastly entertaining in most parts, but Attenborough has failed to present the “serious” film he was evidently attempting. (:“*:l/2 I Lyric) -0scar
m nierstrasz
“The other backers and I feel that you’re - attempting to incorporate too many unrelated themes into one movie.‘;’