UniverPity of Waterloo . Watkrloo, Ontario ‘volunle 78, number’ 70 ’ jdy 8, 7977
._f.ngineering students /in; up to v&e in the reierendum on reiundable fees on Wednesday. Turnout seemed heavy and, iiccording to a poll conducted by the chevron, engineers were voting en Masse against compulsory fees as was , promoted by Engineering Society. \ _r photo by randy barkman
liwesti~gatio~n: iS ’ . ._ ’ forging onward I J
Faculty Arts ,-Engineering Environmental Studied Math H.KfL.S. \ Science
No. Surveyed .
. 59 _,
+: ia
Progress has been made in selectThe chevron staff has accepted 5 3 3 -’ ing members for a five-person the two nominees from the federa66 52 ’ 118 tion. At press time the staff was still commission to investigate the clos. \0 dehberating overwho they would 3 f -*. 1 1 .’ ure of the chevron !ast Septembe.r, and the operation of the paper in put forward. Don Martin, a post\ , 6 ’ ‘3 . 9 1 relation to the Federation’of Stu- degree Arts student, has been dents. nominated but the coyncillors had Student councillors and chevron not reached a decision on him by Above are the results of a chevron survey done on Wednesday during the referendum on . staffers began the selection process Wednesday evening. refundable fees. All figures were gathered from students who had already voted, so as not to Bot’h 8sides had meetings Wednesday, and at press time that interfere with the voting procedures, nor influence anyone’s vote. evening two’ vmbers had been scheduled for Thursday to conThe poll was conducted since results of the referendum will’ not’be revealed until next chosen. tinue- the selectipn process. November when there will be another referendum of on-campus students then. There was no Seven students responded to adIf both sides can’t agree on four mailout for this poll as a result of a decision made by the Board of Directors. persons by the deadline then a convertisements run in the chevron Wednesday afternoon the Chief Returning Officer, Hugh Alley, helped scoop the ballots and postered on campus and voluntingency plan in the agreement alfrom the ballot boxes into envelopes marked by faculty. A,,Notary Public then took the teered to sit on the commission. In lows for a three personcommisI envelopes for safekeeping. sion, whereby each side would ap_ separate rooms in the Cainpus The results published here give an indication of how the initial baliotting went -on -the Centre representatives for the point one person, there would be . refundable fee referendum. They,show that those who oppose refundable fees had better get council and the paper interviewed no veto power, and the two comon the campaign trail if they wish-to win the referendum, and that those who support missioners would select a chairperthe candidates. refundable fees for the Federation of Students aren’t home free yet. son. According to the agreement -jules grajower ,which reinstated the chevron June. keil docherty 26, four people have to be selected by midnight tonight and then they are to choose a fifth person to chair the commission. The agreement orders the chevand payment of personal loans and vidual councillors who voted for ron staff and the council to choose ,Renison councillor Larry Smylie Mafcolmson, however, said he legal debts up till July’: two persons each. It also gives the claims the reinstatement I of the reinstatement at the June 26 counwas “leaning towards” rescindThe proposal suggests that the ment since a survey two parties a veto over each other’s cil meeting. Since then he has of his conchevron constitutes a “criminal Council of Society Presidents act stituents indicated they were choices. drafted one motion to, rescind the breach of trust” carrying penalties as interim “Board of Publications” against reinstatement. The student councillors have of up to 14 years imprisonment, He reopening, and another to reopen s until the elections in the fall. This chosen Brian Jones, a part-time has prepared a motion for Sunday’s the paper on different terms. appears to be a reference to the Smylie has also brought charges ’ Smylie’s new proposal recogPsychology graduate student, and council meeting to rescind the reineditorial board passed in the of assault and wilful mischief Greg Merrick, a Math underBtatement. nizes that the closure may have January referendum on the chevagainst Doug Thompson, Ron graduate, to sit on the commission. When the chevron contacted been improper but proposes that Hipfner and others. The charges ron. lawyer, he when staff began to act as an inde1 I Brian Iler, a Toronto Smylie has contacted councillors .- arise from the forceful eviction of pendent entity, as indicated by said that Smylie’ s threats of c harges Brian Stevens and Herb Malcolmchevron staff on February 27 and were “crap”. He said council is preparation for incorporation, the reinstatetwo incidents between Thompson empowered to make decisions in the federation was no longer responsi- A son, who both voted’for Defence organisation 93 ‘merit. They say Smylie urged them and Smylie in the federation offices best interests of members and there ble for the paper. Though the staff to vote for rescindement. Both March 30 and April 4. Hipfner said In trasport Report . . . .p.\4 a is no problem as long as there is no never incorporated, Smylie propthought that he was trying to in- Wednesday he had not yet been , oses paying back-pay from the time Kent State again . . . .p.7 -fraud. _r Smylie first brought up the posof closure to mid-November (the . timidate them with the possibility served with a summons:) Cuelph co/laps6 . . . .p.7 of criminal c barges. --ciaran a’donell sibility of charges against inditime of supposed incorporation) I
. - -
Sthylie‘k /egd .
Inside w
2 the chevron \
- Personal
- K-W International Freig.ht Forwarding Limited P ..
- Tourist
iulv 8. 1977
L k76-8226-
’ Tap&! .Music from g-lam. NOcover and the CC Board. - charge. Wednesday Vocal Masterpieces. Selections from Mendelssohn-Bart holdy, Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Schubert, Mahler, Strauss and Faure Taped Music from g-lam. No Cover on record, Room 1303A, Engineering charge. 2; 8:00 sharp. ’ Gay Lib Coffeehouse, R&. 110 CamBridge- - pus Centre;‘8:30pm. Friendly Contract Saturday. Tdurnament. .Entry Fee 50 cents. lntern@ional Folk Dancing. To Learn Campus Centre Pub opens 7pm. CC 110. Sponsored by the and Dance World Famous dances. DiSCOfrom g-lam. No’cover charge. 8-1.lpm. $1 per Derson. 310 Charles Federation Fticks - Inserts with St re& East, ‘Info: Mary 744-4983: . Richard Dr.eyfus.-%pm.-Physics 145. ‘- Tuesday \ Feds $1, Others $t.50 ,_ Thursday Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Taped Music from g-lam. No cover Campus Centre Pub opens i 2 noon. Sunday charge. -_ - Disco from g-lam. No cover charae. . Campus Centre C$ffee House. Joe Pinball TouinS)m&nt. Sign up sheets Federation Flicks - Double iill Hall and Continental Qrift. 8pm doors at the Ttirnkby Desk and Games Streetcar Named Desire and Last open. Adhission $1.50.x ’ Ro,om. 11 am-4pm. Entry Fee 50 Tango In Paris. 8pm. Physics 145. Federation Flicks-Inserts ‘with cents. Sponsored by the Turnkeys Feds $1, Others $1.50. Richard Dreyfus. 8pm. Physics 145. Feds $1, Others $1.50. _
Campus Cent& Pub’opens 12 noon.,’ Disco from g-lam. No cover charge. Federation *licks - inserts with Richard Dreyfus. ‘8bm.’ Physics 145. Feds $1, Others $1.50. 1,~,
Free Jukebox Reduced Prices ; DOWNSTAIRS - EXOTIC DANCERS / 1 . Daily ;2 til 6 pni. ’ ;
Pizza special every Tuesday 59 King St. N. --
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Monday Pinball Tournament. Sign up Sheets at the Turnkey Desk and Games Room. llam+pm.-Entry Fee 50 cents. Sponsored by the Turnkeys and the CC Board. Campus Centre Pub opens j2 noon.
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50 Ontario St. S; Kitchener, Ont. N2G 1X4 Phone 579-4480 108 King St. N. Waterloo, Ont. N2J 2X6 Phone 885-5190
Activities start at noon. Music starts at 2:00 pm. * Food Available , Sponsored by the Board of Entertainment in co-oper&ion>with EngSoc and MathSoc. ’ -_ - z_
\ 1
‘. rnf :;*: - _ ‘-1, -_ fl: :.‘ ..‘j ,
8, 7977
the chevron
- Research gmm; ’ where tie imney with the bulk of the money from the Research grants and contracts for the 1976-77 year at UW arep private sector coming in the form of ‘*. contracts. down one per cent from last year, In an interview Holmes said Naaccording to the office of research . tional Research Council grants are administration. up quite significantly from -last Research fu,nding has droppedby about $50,000 on a total of more year, but pointed out that there has than $6.6 million. According to re- been a swing in recent years to from the private search director Ernie Holmes, the more contracting sector and away from government. one per cent’drop is not significant, He said this indicates that the uniand he feels confident that research money will be up again next year versity has gained credibility. Holmes also told the chevron ( !977-78). . that a change in granting is likely to A’ year-end statement released start either ne&t year or the year / this week shows monies awarded after for research at UW for the term * “Legislation establishing-three April 1, 1976 to March 3 1, 1977. By new granting bodies has been pasfar, the bulk of the money came sed in thecommons which when from the federa! government which implemented will mean that the gave over $4.6 million in grants and G NRC granting function will be split * -$600,000 in COntraCtS. About among three councils-Medical, from the provincial Science and Engineering,’ and > $5oo,o~COtTleS government, with the rest from the H umanities and Social Sciences,” . private sector (mainly IBM Canada he said. and Imperial Oil), the US and variThe government has also ‘anous foundations and associations. nounced that it will be increasing its -r The private sector and the US contracting to social sciences. -peter blunden account for about $300,000 each,
As part of Hgineering Week, f ngineering clas’ses raced chariots on a course through the campus. The buggies were third. designed and pulled by c/ass members. The victois. -- 2B vech, first; 3~ Mech, second; and 3A Electronic, Over one hundred students watched the spectacle which made the chariot scene in Ben Hur pale by comparison.
photo by paul frigon
The hmm
are different
The boss is still the same The most notable effect so far from U W’s “flex-time” experiment with staff is that employees no longer suffer guilt when arriving late or leaving early, whatever the
I,...> _. ..__ ...* - .. ‘...
flex-time experiment, in the personnel and financial services departments. Staff may arrive between 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. and leave between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. (In i financial services, staff may stay ,. I - until 6 Ip.m.) .% A record -is kept of how many .. hours each employee works, and each staff member must work for 140 hours per month. The experiment will end in _ November, and personnel director E&e Lucy says it is too early to ‘~judge its success. But he’s pleased with the results so far; and a sample survey of employees in’ personnel and financial services showed that they prefer flex-time to the normal 8:30 to’4r30 day. The main-reason cited by staff was the freedom from guilt that flex-time allows. Florence Thomlison, a receptionist in personnel, credits flex-time with improving her outlook towards her job for this reason. Jack Robb, a manager in, financial services, agreed that flex-time is being utiliz.ed to a fair degree’. Robb said that employees may also
In the words of Sally Seager, a secretary in the personnel depar+ ment, “I never feeI that I’m late.“Two months ago, UW initiated a
under a system such as flex-time, ’ because their hours at work are monitored. -. In personnel, records of hours , worked are -maintained manually. In financial services, machines arein use. Time is recorded in sixths of an hour. *
Led by EngSoc A president Peter,King, engirieers were out on their traditional Engineering Week parade wreaking_h_avoc across campus, tearing tip papers and disturbing classes. As the marauders were entering the-Math buifding they were attacked by some math students wielding heavily perfumed water -bornI%. Undaunted, they stormed through the campus centre (and the. federation- offices), then on to the villages an&then back to “mass mgon” Math. The parade on monday kicked off the week of activities ranging from a floor
. hock&y sh6wdowti K. Calvert, B. Womens’). There race,.a$ug of wa< on campus (today (today&and Pub
(I;/ayOffS next Monday )to wrist tirest/ing (winners were: Guy, ,D. ‘W;iIker, j. Stothers, and c. DalgitY for were also paper Airplane flying contests, a profeisor’s tr&e a “guts” frisbee contest,> ten speed rally through-buildings at I 2 :30&-and its a// topped off with a home brew contest Rally Saturday (one driver, one’frinker for 700 miles). Photo bY randy b&man
_ Sid Turner,
of the uw
Staff Association, said that the association will wait until the end of _ the experiment before adopting an official attitude. However, Turner said that the response from< staff SO yar has been favourable. -nick
redding ”
1 Fl@ki poitit *
The. four-point program of the Canadian People’s Defence Committee, with the aim of defending the basic interests of the Canadian people, was made public at a news conference in &he new,,povi&al court house-in Kitchener June 30. All the Kitchener-Waterloo media was invited to the confer,.ence, but only representatives from the chevron and CHYM radio and several plainclothes policemen showed up. UW. psychology professor Doug Wahlsten read a statement which outlined the aims of the CPDC. According to the statement the CPDC:
& be implemented ..
pro#mmmti *-
form of the CPDC you can still (iii) will oppose the subjugation (Marxist-Leninist), in a raid on the unite with them and fight on certain of Quebec, will work for total naWaterloo branch of the Norman issues.” tional and social emancipation of Bethune Institute, a progressive _ “CPDC is not just an orgakzathe people of Quebec and restoraresearch centre. Most ’ of the artion to fight court cases. Courts option of the hereditary rights of the rested were ‘charged with “aiding press broad the masses of the peoNative people and w’ill vigourously: and abetting an illegal alien” found , ple, and take away their rights, but support all people subjected to disthere. Wahlsten faces this charge the key is to rely on the people. crimination because of race or regtoday in provincial court in KitchPeople must stand up; the real ion of residence: ener. The charges against all but power.is the people relying on their (iv) will work for the establishtwo< of the others have been dropown strength.” ment of a genuine democracy in ‘j ped.“It is not a question of a few Canada, as opposed to the current “democracy of the rich’: where a Wahlsten said,-“The CPDC is court cases, there are many forms tiny minority controls all the means presenting its four-point prog- 1 of struggle. Tactics are determined of production of wealth and uses its ramme under the general slogal of by the way you are attacked by reactionaries. You must work to state to suppress the-people. “defend. the basic interests of the unite the majority of the Canadian In response to questions posed Canadian people’, to further conpeople against the reactionary after he read the statement, W.ahlsolidate its work.” . a forces.” I sten explained that the CPDC OrWahlsten again reiterated that ganizing Committee was formed in “The CPDC is not a Marxistbut the peoany democratic and progressive late February, in response to an Leninist organization, person could work with CPDC, RCMP raid/February 23. p!e who, join must be against the “there is no precondition on doing The RCMP arrested 46 people, ‘bourgeoisie. But doesn’t mean that including Hardial Bains, chairman you can’t work with CPDC. Even if something progressive.” you don’tagree with the total plat4oug hamilton -of the Communist Party of Canada l
(i) will resolutely work to defend the broad masses of the peopleagainst attacks by the Canadian state;
(ii) will work for the genuine dependence of Canada from foreign. domination; .
Cbntestii Frisbee Golf Open - . To be held Tuesday, July 12 (if raining, July 13). Entry fee of 25 cents. Cash prizes. ’ Dare to ,be GREAT??!! For further details contact the Turnkey desk, Campus Centre. . ,
Photography Contest-Display Entry deadline is Monday, July 25 at the Turnkey desk, Campus Centre. Entry fee is 25 cents per pit. Categories include: Pictorial, Nature, and “(Dark Room) Special Effects” for colour prints, slides and black & white. Open to students, staff and faculty. For more information contact the Turnkey desk. -
the chevron
Ifs (playoff, time in v,htraniur~
A record high. of over 130 teams’ have enjoyed a summer of good weather and excellent participation. League play in the Competitive side is gearing up for the playoffs which Start next’week.
, I
;1. BasketbaIt “ BT’ league playoffs begin on Monday, July 11 while A league start Wednesday, .July 13. Only one team is undefeated in B league, EngiGeering (5-O). Coop is 4-l as is East 5. Fourteams are tied with 3-2 records, .Pheasants, Psychos, Bisketballers and’ Brown Baggers. Going into , playoffs, an upset could be in the making. . In A league, the Summer Rats have squeaked by their competii tion in several games. The Tiny Toddlers have prdved giant killers as they sport a 4-l record. Firehouse needs an extension ladder if they hope to catch the other two. However, there could be sev-
\ I
.K-W set. for athletic ‘invasion I
’ services
232 King RI. Waterloo, . Opposite Athletic
4 Week
The Hot Rocks and Black Star are closing in. It should be exciting in the final. In B league, what a race. Seven teams are within 4 points of one another. System’s Ufiited and the 4A Ballers halve 4-0,4-l records respectively with Dirty Feet 3-2-l. Chem Eng, 2B Mech Mats are 2-3-2 and 2-l-2 with 6 points. It’s a toss up for the championships. Probably be an overtime game.
2. All 39 Co-ed Slow Pitch Teams. 2. Softball ’ - A special fun weekend is planThe 26 @am league is in its final, I -4 ned for all-interested teams on Ju$ stages. The A league has been ex- 3. Soc’cer , Except for’one week of play, the 22-24. Please contact John McIver cellent with a majotity of games soccer league has been best ever. at 886-0718 to confirm your entry being decided by 2 runs or less. The , \ by Friday, July 15, 1977. Championship Games: The Big Sticks from Kin, relied on There have been few rain-outs, and forfeits and it appears as if the maB Final Wed. July 20 5:00 p.m. 3.. PAC Pool closes Friday, July superior pitching to amass a 7-O re\ jority of teams are there to enjoy > Columbia -No. I. 29th for repairs. cord. 2B Civil and Team Tuna A Fi,nal -3- Thurs. July 21 5:OO 4. The Sailing Club has over 125 should end up in 2nd and 3rd re- the game. However several players I members this summer. spectively. have been ejected for discipline p.m. \ 5. Outers Club equipment rkntal reasons., Since two B teams are moving*to \ hours. It should be correct&l that it was Special Notices qnd Short the A aayoffs, the A league should Monday 11:OO - 12:00 noon, not A. Nathanikl who has been Notes be aware. A league is anyone’s Thurs. 10:00 - 11,:OO a.m. Red suspended. Due to a mistaken iden1. All Competitive team captains guess. Prediction: The BunhumSouth storage area Lower level are asked to pick up th&r playoff mers will not make $-to the finals. ‘tity, he was wrongly punished. schedules in the Intramural OffIce PAC or contact Blake (884-7599): In to the playoffs, the Math team B league features several ejtcel. Ray (Ext. 2362 or 886-0594) room 2040 PAC. . lent teams. Chem Kongs, the Big have maintained their 5-O record.
~NIVE~Y ~PHARMACY (3pen 7 Days
Sports I
Nine, Somf s, Nurses Delight and Activated Sludge. With namks like those, who cares vho wins. The flyers from A league will be joining the B Playoffs. Prediction: It should be a good final. Championship Games: Thursday, July 215:OO p.m. Columbia 5A and 5B..
era1 surprises in the A league playoffs. Turbos and Twine Teasers have .added some high powered fuel. A league prediction - old Intramural proverb - “You may be No. 1 in league play but watch out ‘in the playoffs”. Finals: Wednesday, July 20, 7:00 p.m. .
Phone 885-2530 Complex. to i_
On Friday, August 26th, an ath9 -AM letic invasion will hit Kitchener11 PM Waterloo, for this opening day of A the 1977 Ontario Summer Games. Over 3200 athletes, coaches and . managers, along with an estimated< two thousand parents and friends will be hosted by the twin cities for ’
the next three days. Headquarters for the “games” is the University of Waterloo, where athletes will be housed and fed, press Qsilities maintained, and all the administration activities for the games,co-ordinated. The Ontario summer games is a
? DeJicatessen Fresh and Smoked Meats 1Imported’Foods i 14 King N. Wloo I
july 8, 7977 I
College Square 150 University
Ave. W., Waterloo
multi-sport competition; sponsored bi-annually by the ministry of. culture & recreation, through its ) sports & fitness division. Sponsorship of the g?mes is but one of the methods by which the Provincial Government has committed itself to the promotion of amateur sport in Ontario. Most of the events will take place right in the Kitchener-Watecloo area, offering spectators an excel- * lent opportunity to visit several ldcations during the weekend and also view many different sporting _ activities. All events offer admisI sion at no charge. Many non-athletic &ents are planned as well, not only for the visiting athletes, but for the communities at large. For further information phone 579-3500, or w&e to Victoria Park Pavilion, Box 1118, Kitchener, Ontar-lo.
WCRI Waterloo Ccmpedive ---)nc.. 28OPhillip St I F Watertoo 884-3670
Free tests. 3 hour
pregnancy clinic
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books p * cassette tapes \ . . .price .
Sale ends’Jtily i5, IL.977 Prices apply to in-store $ck only - -Visit us upstairs at g St. N. Waterloo
SALE OFFER expires 14 Westmow+ Plaza or King & John locations
Meeting plannedl Some news im cutbacks on Albanian ‘youth The four hundred thousand rouths unemployed today are’ a ymptom of Canada in an economic risis. In sharp contrast with this ituation a speaker is scheduled to lppear on campus Thursday to talk tbout youth who live in a country vhere there is no unemployment, 10 inflation, and which is the first mountry in the world to abolish axes. The country is the People’s socialist Republic of Albania. The iny Balkan state was visited re:ently be a delegation of the Comnunist Party of Canada (Marxist,eninist) which has launched a ampaign to inform the Canadian beople about Albania. Youth in Albania will be the paricular subject of the program at JW, which will be presented by Jardial Bains, chairman of IPC(M-L). The program, to be reld 7:30 p.m. in the Conrad Grebel Academic Hall, is one of sixteen in Lnational tour, each program dealng with a different aspect of life in Albania. Bains led the CPC(M-L) delegaion which visited Albania from viarc h 24 to May 2 and w hit h estabished fraternal ties with the Party If Labour of Albania, led by Enver -Ioxha. In an initial report on the visit, 3ains explained that: “Before lib:ration Albania was a very backvard country. There was virtually 10 industry. There was no large;cale education and no university n the whole of Albania. There was ittle arable land. Since liberation lver thirty years ago, the Albanian >eople have opened up the Albania Tlains and mountains and coastline ‘or agriculture and industry, etc. What has motivated them to do ;o‘? Freedom, independence and social liberation. ... “The progress made by Socialist 41bania from the time of liberation :o date is altogether unprecedented In the history of mankind. But the tey to all this social progress is the spirit to be free and independent oeo:ple, the spirit that Albanians will remain scientific socialists.” The country of 2.3 million people surrounded by hostile countries is itaunchly independent. It denounces the Soviet Union as an imperialist power and is opposed to countries under its influence like Czechoslovakia and the other WarSW Pact countries.
The history of Albania is marked by countless invasions by foreign powers of the Albanian people’s territory, invasions which have been met by the determined resistance of the people. The last invasion was by 75,pOO crack Nazi troops in 1943, after 700,000 Italian fascist troops had been defeated militarily by partisan units organized by the Communist Party of Albania (now the Party of Labour of Albania). The Nazi troops were also defeated, despite widespread terrorism against the people of Albania. Tirana, the capital of Albania, was the first occupied capital city i’n Europe to be freed of German fascist occupation. Si.nce then the Albanians have withstood threats by the British and Americans, who schemed to take over the country during the final days of the Second World War, as well as threats by the Tito regime in Yugoslavia, the Greek fascists and by Krushchov, who claimed he would crush Albania if it did not submit to his will. “The most important feature of Socialist Albania is the iron will to remain socialist and free and vanzuish any invader;no matter who,” reported Bains. The program at UW includes an exhibition of photos from Albania, a feature fib-n on the theme of the national liberation struggle of the Albanian people, a speech by Bains, a brief documentary film on the recently-held Seventh Congress‘of the Party of Labour of Albania, and a half-hour cultural program. -larry hannant - neil docherty
A kick in the fed bucket UW will host the 10th Annual China Cup soccer tournament, to be held October 21-23 this year. The tournament will involve teams from Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. The tournament is being organized by the UW Chinese Students Association, and Sunday June 26 the federation council granted-them $662 to help cover the costs. The council also granted the Waterloo Hang Gliding Association $70 to help cover the costs of their formation.
I 1
says stay away
ELORA(CUP)-According to Ontario Minister of Education Harry Parrott high school students should take a long look at the alternatives before deciding on a university education. “If you wish education for the sake of becoming a more rounded
WINNIPEG (CUP)-The University of Manitoba’s planning cominittee has warned that the 10 percent funding increase proposed by the province for the upcoming year will “barely maintain the university at its present level.” The committee had estimated that the university would require a funding increase of 14.6 percent to
(CUP) - The Nova Scotia government has announced that tuition fees for all postsecondary institutions in the province will be held in the coming year to a six per cent increase. Students in the province had feared a larger hike following government’s decision during the winter to increase the allocation of funds to the universities to only seven per cent. This move was a rejection of a recommendation by the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission, a govern-
cover its 1977-78 costs. The money is controlled by the University Grant Commission, the provincial governments funding agency. The university committee said that this increase would be needed to meet an expected 11 percent increase in the operating budget of the university and to bring some faculties up to accreditation standards.
Nova Scotia HALIFAX
person, then J wish you ah the is gone, it is because those in my best,” he said. Parrott was speakgeneration oversold the imporing to a group of high school stutance of post-secondary education dents in Elora, Ontario on June 17 at the university level,” he said. - his first public speech since the . “I, along with an awful lot of Ontario election June 9, in which he other people; fully believed that was re-elected in his riding. going to university was a sure ticket “If the glamour of the university to a better income,” he confessed.
In the past few years ,several faculties at the university have had trouble with accreditation and they are in need of large injections of capital grants to bring them up to acceptable standards. Other faculties, including medicine, have curtailed enrollment because of their funding problems.
mental body, to increase postsecondary education allotments to 12.5 per cent for the 12 institutions in the province. Student leaders spent the past several months lobbying the provincial government and the various administrations in a fight against the tuition hike. Over 1600 students from across the province marched on the provincial legislature in March protesting the government’s rejection of the MPHEC proposal. Don Saucy, secretary coordinator of the Atlantic Federa-
tion of Students called the announcement “a definite win for Nova Scotia students: their willingness to confront the government with just demands has proven to be worthwhile.” He noted that the announcement was a political move by the government amidst speculation of an upcoming election. “Ttie government should have been financially responsible to universities in the first place, rather than waiting for such an opportune time with the election pending.”
And Aights are going dutzit This month of a program and cut back campus. According rector of UW
sees the completion to conserve energy. lighting levels on to Karl Dietrich, plant operations,
first half of the program was carried out in 1973-74 when selected pairs of fluorescent tubes were removed from their fixtures. However, the ballast, the part which energizes the tube, was left, consuming about
eight watts of power. The second half of the program, now almost completed, involves detaching the ballasts. -ciaran
OFS helps feds At the June 26 council meeting, which reinstated the chevron, councillors voted 9-3-l to conduct a campaign to encourage students to vote against refundable fees. Tuesday, two Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) executive members arrived on campus to “lend a hand.” Miriam Edelson, recently-elected chairperson of OFS, said she and Steve Shelhorn, another executive member, and two people from the University of Guelph would be speaking to classes. But, she emphasised, “We don’t want to be seen as outside agitators.” “We are supporting the principle of student unionism, students need representation,” she said. She described the reinstatement of the chevron as “a positive thing” and thought that the federation should build up from there. “When you abstract yourself from this particular situation (the present state of the federation). . . you begin to see the need for it (compulsory fees).” Edelson told the chevron the executive had learned of the referendum about three weeks ago and decided to visit the campus.
TIME STUDENTS REGISTERED IN SPRING TERMS 1970-77(Co=op and Reg.) Spring 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977
On Wednesday june 29, a group oi four HKLS students organized a ball game between the Recovery Home fo/ A/coho/ics and the K-W Regional Police Force. The police won 76- 74 and both teams enjoyed the barbeque which was held later. photo by Cathy muldoon
79 5 1094
53 6 974
336 151 94
1759 1745
348 146 109
99 13 978 2 351 167 94
73 58 1075 4 468' 137 79
99 117 985 7 575 148 117
1636 1551
1704 1659
1894 1797
2048 1857
143 174 1166 22 724 195' 150
110 280 1078 43 912 195 179
38 196 1192 29 1072 173 188
2574 2011
2797 2176
2938 2444
the chevron
Below is an open letter addressed
to Ste-
ven Lewis, leader 0-f the NDP in Ontario. The free .chevron received it June 7, 7977 but due to space constraints we were unable to run it until now.
-\ .friday,
july 8, 7%
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Klingender, a student councillor at the time of the closing of the chevron, was also recalled from office, in the same way and for the same reason.‘ We asked Mewhinney if she was aware of these past circumstances of two of ‘her (apparently) influential campaign workers. She replied: “Well, 1 am now”, a completely noncommittal response which didn’t convey any feeling of interest. We told Mewhinney that the free chevron is supported (both verbally, and with _funds) by students and other campusnewsPapers all across Canada. In addition, the Canadian University-Press officiaily endorses the free chevron’s fight for a just resolution to-the conflict that Roberts started. We suggested that the.NDP reconsider their attitude toward the’free chevron for these reasons. ’ Mewhinney’s reply to this was “W.ell, thank-you for your opinions: good bye now:” She then hung up without waiting
Dear Mr. Lewis, We are writing this letter to inform you. of our extreme dissatisfaction with the provincial NDP candidate running in .Waterloo North - Mary Jane Mewhinney. On Friday, May 27th the studebnt newspaper at the University of Waterloo (,UW); the free chevron, published a story explaining that the NDP in Wtiterloo have declined to advertise their candidate (Mewhinney) in the paperThe tiee chevron is the only medium at UW which accepts commercial advertisfor a response. ’ ing. With a summer circulation of 7000, We ,were flabbergasted ‘at this bethe free chevron is published weekly at haviour. We were neither aggressive nor offensive, and we were simply explaining UW and is available free to all students, staff and>aculty. The Liberal party in our concern for the NDP image in WaterWaterloo obviously recogniies the value loo (a seat presently held by the Liberals). of the free chevron as a medium for comMewhinney said virtually nothing through-municating with the UW community, since .out. they have no qualms about advertising in The prefunctory manner. of Me’i;lhinney prompted us to tele,phone her again in the paper. As supporters of the ,NDP more than case there had been a,misunderstanding. any other party inthe running for the June When we phoned.back and explained elections, we were quite surprised to learn that we were trying-6 tell her about the that the NDP does not wish to communidamage that her managerial staff might be doing to the NDP image, she replied cate w,ith the large student vote at UW, which is a year-ro,und campus. Statistics “Yes, you have done and I think you’ve show that few students read a daily newssaid enough, so.. .” At this point, we cut in thinking that she was-about to hang up paper regularly, whereas most read their campus publication. Considering the low again. We explained that we were not tryturnout of students at the polls, and the ing to persuade her to fire any of her staff fact that there are enough students at UW to (such as Roberts), but to remedy the situation ifi any way possible for the sake of single-handedly elect a representative if they the NDP. By her own admissions, Hhe was chose to do so, one would think that the NDP (whose policies are more symunaware of the bad-publicity about her at pathetic to students than those of any UW. Unfortunately, she didn’t seem very other major party) would go allout to win interested. However, Mewhinney stayed on the line student votes. and we told her about the problems that a So perturbed were #we about this restudent chapter of the NDP is having at markable boycotting of campus publicity, we telephoned Mewhinney on May 27th in UW in becoming a recognized student group. Without recognition by the Federasearch of a logical reason. tion of Students, this group is’ denied the Mewhinney stated to us (as she did to the services on campus normally accorded to free chevron) that the decision to not advertise in thefree chevroh was “manastudent-societies and clubs. This non-recognition might have some gerial” and she does not involve herself in that part of the campaign. Surprising as it thing to do with the public support that the group gives to.the free chevron. But is to find a candidate who does not take whatever the reason, the free chevron partin the planning and execution of her owri publicity campaign, we didn’t press supports the NDP chapter because nonher on that point but- described to her recognitioii amounts to p,olitic-;d- censorwhat might be happening to the NDP’s ship. It is surprising that the NDP in Waterloo iLunaware of this conflict, as image at UW as a result. Mewhinney claimed. It is even more supWe told Mewhinney that her assistant rising that the NDP refuses to patronize a campaign manager;-Shane Roberts-is a paper that is trying to help a chapter of former president of the Federation. of Stuthe NDP in becoming recognized. dents at UW. Robertswas ousted from office in December, 1976 by the signatures of 220 Mewhinney’s reply to this was “they’ students on a recall petition, the main reason can’t be pi-d-carrying members of the being his NDP, though”. closing of , the stuEvery one of the few statements t-hat Mewhinney‘ made showed dent newspaper (known then as the chevron) and firing the paid staff without a _ her abysmal ignorance of what is going on within her own party in Waterloo.‘When we fair hearing. told her that OF COURSE the stuRoberts alleged that the paper was condents in this group are card-carrying trolled by communists, and the closure members of the NDP, she had nothing to’ was theresult of rumours and unsubstan-. tiated “evidence” of this. As a result of say. his rhetoric and deceit, 2200 students litWhen we asked her what she would do about this and about the alienation from erally threw him out. Now he’s weorking the NDP that might be occurring at UW, for the NDP, and it seems using his influshe replied that she would “talk to Shane ence in that capacity to work against the free chevron by denyingthe paper adverabout it”. She then terminated the call in tising. the same abrupt fashion as before. ’ It was clear at that point that Mewhin3 -This paper, free chevron, is the result of an ongoing dispute between the chevron ney didn’t take us very seriously, or even‘ staff (both volunteer, and those who used worse, she didn’t care what studetits think of her atiitudes. For ‘herto suggest that to be paid but are no longer) and the Fedof the erati_on of Students. Although Roberts is Roberts might solve the problems NDP that he himself has created is outgone, the trouble he started remains. Of rageous. course, we wouldn”t be writing to you, or For a long time we thought that a vote talking to Mewhinney , if it weren’t for the for the NDP is a vote for the people, a fact that Roberts appears to be harrassing chance to be listened to an-d a chance for the free chevron at the expense of the a candidate who, would be responsive to local image of the NDP. our concerns. This is not to say that we Roberts’ isn’t ,the only unpopular characexpect a candidate to agree with us, but ter on Mewhinney’s campaign staff. Franz
we do expect our views (especially on the POINT TWO: The CPDC will worl image that the NDP projects) to be consi- *tirelessly for the genuine independence o dered seriously. Mewhinney did not do Canada and-will oppose all foreign domina this. Based on the conversation (or lack of tion of our country, especially the domina it), we will not vote for,Mewhinney. It tion by U.S. imperialism which is the mail appears that she is npt concerned with foreign imperialist power dominating thl student opinion. As a result, we will not economic, political, social andcultural life 0 vote for her. Canada. We have talked to other students since It will ‘oppose the two superpowers ant this conversation-with Mewhinney , and the aggressive military alliance of NORAD urged them not to vote for her for the - NATO and the Warsaw Pact. It will oppost above reasons. Many people have argued the traitorous Canadian state for participat that one should vote*for the party and not w ing in war preparations or using the youth o the candidate. If there’s one person like Canada as cannon fodder in imperialist wa Mewhinney in the party, why shouldn’? on behalf of either superpower. Further there be more? more, the CPDC will vigorously support tht If Mewhinney is nat elected, we hope struggle for’ genuine independence, democ that the NDP will see fit to replace her next racy, peace and progress on a world scale. time, around. It is our belief that if - POINT THREE: The CPDC will oppo& sh-e is ever in a position of power, she will the subjugation of the nation of Quebec ant do more harm than good to both the NDP will work vigorously for the total nationa: and the province. and social emancipation of the people 01 We have written this letter to you to Quebec. It will firmly support the struggle 01 convey- our concern about the lack ,of in-- the Native people for the restoration of their terest Mewhinney shows in her conhereditary rights and will oppose any form oi stituents’ views, and about her ignorance intrusion in the land and life of the Native about the political problems of the NDP in people. It will resolutely support all people Waterloo. We hope that you will re-assess who are subjected to discrimination because what your party+- concerns for the people of their race or region of residence. really are, and realize that-along with POINT FOUR: The CPDC will work for policies covering. vast numbers of people the establishment of genuine democracy in and involving huge sums of’money there is Canada. Today, the so-called “democracy” also a need to talk to< and be responsive in Canada is the democracy of the rich. It is to, the individual constituent. the democracy of a tiny minority which conThe only way to-take power from the trols all the means of production and disPC’s is to‘distinguish your party from tribution and which uses its state to oppress theirs in a very concrete way. At the mothe nation of Quebec, deprive the Native ment, in Waterloo, we see only marginal people o,f their hereditary rights, immiserate differences between’the meaning of PC the youth, discriminate against women and and NDP. ticiously exploit and suppress the broad masLaurie Gourlay ses of the people. Genuine democracy means the democral$ck Redding P.S. Copies of this letter have been sent \ tic right of the Quebec nation for selfto the Toronto and Kitchener-Waterloo determination and secession.(if the people of Quebec so desire), the restoration of the newspapers, and the CBC. , hereditary rights of the Native people, and an end to attacks by the state on the youth, women workers and the broad masses of the people. It means an end to all social and political persecution of people because of their ethnic or cultural background. The CPDC will work tirelessly for the establishment of a genuine democratic state, a state of The following is a statement issuedlune 30 by the vast majority of the people. That state UW psychology professor Doug Wahlsten on will expropriate the tiny minority that today behalf of the Canadian People’s (Citizens and owns the means of production and distribuResidents) Defence Committee-and submitted tion, and it will suppress all national traitors to Feedback. and t.hose who.persist in exploiting the broad The Organising Committee to found the masses ‘of the people. Canadian People’s (Citizens and Residents) The Canadian People’s (Citizens and Residents) Defence Committee calls upon all DefenceCommittee was established on February 27,1977, in response to the state attack genuinely democratic, progressive and- paton the Communist Party of Canada riotic people to unite in action in order to implement the FOUR POINT PROG(Marxist-Leninist) and its leader Comrade Hardial Bains which-took place on FebruaryRAMME OF THE CPDC. 23,1977. The February 23 RCMP raid is only DEFEND THE BASIC INTERESTS GF THE CANADIAN PEOPLE! one of the many attacks which have taken place against the genuinely democratic and For further imformation, write to: CPDC, ’ Ontario. progressive people and against the broad ’ P.O. Box 45.1, Waterloo, masses of the Cqn;tdianj people. The establish’ment of the Organising Committee to found theCPDC was received with\&eat enthusiasm from coast to coast, and the. Organising Committee received many letters and financial donations in support of its work. The -Canadian People’s (Citizens and Residents) Defence CommitI am glad to hear that the chevron has tee was founded on May 4, 1977, in finally been reinstated. It seems to me that Kitchener-Waterloo, and since then the this was the only ‘sensible move the Federasupport for its work has further deepened tion could make. To some, it must seem like and broadened. ’ -. - Today the CPDC is presenting the follow- wc an admission of defeat. I. see it as admitting that they made a mistake in the’way, they ing FOUR POINT PROGRAMME under handled the affair from’ the start. If there the general slogan DEFEND THE BASIC were complaints about the Chevron, they INTERESTS OF THE CANADIAN PEOshduld have been stated and backed up, PLE! in order to further consolidate its rather than being expressed through force, in work. locking the chevron staff out of the offices. POINT ONE: The CPDC will work resolMathnews says “we .are now back in the utely to defend the broad masses of the peoexact same position as before the closing”, ple. against any and all attacks by the reactionT,lis is true - but hopefully the Federation ary Canadian state. It will fight all kinds of has learned something, and a properinvespolitical and social persecution as well ‘as tigation will now take place. If there are jusstate-organized racistattacks. This fight will tified objections to the chevron, let’s air be waged by relying on the strength of the them and change things in a reasonable and people themselves, creating no illusions that democratic way. there are other means to make the state stop Grange Williams its political and social persecution and racist s attacks. ’ Continued on page 7
CPDC program
fricfay, july
the chevron
8, 7977
: _i \ .T
y . ‘
K U cof G union collapse - \ . The University of Guelph S@dents Union collapse his been-cited in the refundable fee debate. Ernst von Bezokf, a former University .of Guelph student who describes himself as having been a “student hack bureaucrat”, gives background infbrmation. 0
The collapse,of the University of Guelph St-udents’ Union,,Inc, was due not to refundable fees but to no fees being collected. I In 1968 a University of Guelph student challenged compulsory membership in the stu-dents’ union by claiming that the by-laws allowed for voluntary members’hip. Students’ union council members overreacted. A general meeting in spring, 1%9 at which , they led the voting, chose a new, strongly worded compuIsory membership by-law. When a provincial government solicitor rejected thy by-law as ultra vires (“beyond the powers” of the corporation), the University of Guelph Board of Governors stopped collecting fees for the association. They apparently were not prepared to kppear to be the student union’s agent beyond the student union’s powers. Neither,would the board collect the fees on their own authority (without being directed). The students’ union collapsed and another “representative” student organization was I later produced. The Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, has (successfully, so *far) gotten around the administrative “problem” of ensuring compulsory “representation” and fees revenue from a voluntary- membership; they claim to make aH students members automati-tally upon registration, and then allow resignation from the Federation (without a fee refund). While one is a “member,” the university acts as the federation’s agent to collect the Student Activity Fee from the undergraduate member. It is ass’umed they are allowed to collect fees from members without the members’ consent. But payment of the fee is treated , as a condition for academic registration; sothe university appars to act in fact as aprincipal as well. It is not a simple agency, it is partnership that the university has entered into with the ,. federation in this matter. ‘Both are responsible. Ernst von Bezold . formerly member, Union Council, chairman, constitutions committee (1968-9) and legal assistant to the business manager (spring I%9), University of Guelph Students’ Union, Inc. T
New York (LNS-CUP) - Protesters. are One person who has not changed his mind is trustee Robert Blakemore, one of the _ occupying the site of the infamous 1970 Kent staunchest defenders of the construction State Massacre because of administration plans to cover over the area. with a gym- project. Blakemore is also legal counsel for Robert White, President of Kent State Uninasium annex. k versity at the time of the killings, and a deThe protest began on May 4, the anniverfendant in the $40 million lawsuit brought by sary of the killings of four studentanti-war the student survivors of the massacre and demonstrators by National Guardsmen, the families of those killed. with a sit-in at the administration building. The May 4th Coalition hopes’ to negotiate A tent city on the site, now known as and trus“ Freedom Hill” , was established May 12. with the Kent State administration ’ On June 4 over 600 people attended a spe- tees for relocation of the proposed gym, to cial protest rally. Peter Davies, author of The protect the integrity of the site as an historiTruth about Kent State, told the rally the cal landmark and as evidence in the lawsuit the trustees passed a choice of the particular site seems quite in- still pending. However, resolution, submitted by -Blakemore, that no tentional. would take place until protesHe pointed out that all previous juries had negotiations Hill”. visited the scene of the. shooting, and that ters leave “Freedom As of June 14, about 50 people were still erection of the gym would definitely make it harder for the plaintiffs to illustrate their encamped, and said that they would remain contentions. there at least until June 2 1, the date selected I He adds that of 52 sites considered and for the oral arguments in the civil suit @ill pending, unless the university takes action three selected as appropriate, the location chosen was deemed leastsuitable by the en- to remove them. “I’m ready to sit down with these people gineers and architects in-chai-ge of the project. in front of the bulldozers,“. said Sheuer,. The extended protest appears to, have whose son was killed by National Guards on Hill’ seven years ago. helped change community and trustee- at- “Freedom . titudes toward the project. Sixty-seven per-“We are not going to let what happened at Kent State be forgotten.” ,’ .. cent of the area’s residents are now opposed to building the gym at the proposed location, according to a poll conducted by the Kent kecord-Courier, a- local newspaper. In last week’s article “What Moreover; at least one trustee, RecordCourier publisher David Dicks, reversed his happened in ‘72” the line “ . . . the position on the issue and voted against the six comments that the chevron printed on this issue all supported ’ site at a recent trustee meeting. The student voluntary -fees” should have. read community is also firmly against the site,‘ LL. . . . . . all supported compulsory with a survey by the Inter-Hall Council -showing 79 percent opposed to the building. fees”.
Now we want to. get on with the-production of a-fighting, dynami@Student newspaper with your .help. . Kick the Summer doldrums Join th&chevron staff . -.If you -can write, d-raw, take photos, Or’ Go‘nv.incb. advertisers, and enjoy the odd match of co-ed socce; .I joiniup! SU The- %&eti9n - *-> ’
_ Erratum
is I . ! . -,,,
I me5 -a &iyr9n --retis&@
I ,/’ Wexiever ’
Re “Students suffer from drama group disorder”, June 24, 1977. I assume, that your headline writer is unaware ‘that ‘the official title of our department is the Drama Group, and that therefore his headline might suggest to the casual reader that our students are suffering and that we are in disorder. I’m sure that he did not intend this suggestion, and of course nothing could be further from the truth. In fact the article was not about the Drama Group anyway, although our recent decisionnot to give credit for CAB productions was mentioned in the second paragraph. The reasons for this decision were also accurately stated in the article: last season our students tried to cover both our own productions and CAB productions and the results were not satisfactory - in that there were too many missed.classes, late assignments, eq zcsc ;I _? ,- >:”
nWromer all night work sessions and-exhausted students. Next year we will be increasing our production and class schedules, and in the interests of efficiency and quality (not to mention student sanity), it seemed that the time. had come to limit our extra-departmental in. volvements. - Incidentally, I’m not sure what lies behind the remark that drama students get a “poor grounding” in technical production. The number of UW alumni working at Stratford would seem to give the lie to that Assertion. . W. R. Chadwick Chairman,
P.S. As to why we are called the Drama Group rather than the Drama Department, I understand that it has something to do with a rite of passage. For further clarification’ apply to the Delphic Oracle. -
Member: Canadian university press (CUP). The chevron is typeset by members of the workers’ union of dumont press graphix and publ,ished bythefederation of students incorporated, university ‘of waterloo. Content is the sole responsibility of the chevron editorial staff. Offices ire located in the campus centre; c (519). 885-l 660, or university local 2331. . . ’ 1 i.
A-’ /
thed+levrm I+ it really 8:30 in the morning? And are we really only putting out 8 pages? is Larry Smylie really as sane as he appears to be? And will heever be put away? A&2 chevron cameras missing? Is the entire executive really resigning in September? is Thompson on leave of absence at half pay or no pay?- Will that be the fourth or. fifth president come the elections? Has Maimy Brickman’s master plan to rid us of the use of our phones been thwarted aftertheshort per&d of nine months? Have I missed any one ?: Sylvia hannigan, nick redding, peter blunden, emst von bezoid, neii dochetty, the great dave carter who is @bout to speak fluent French, jules grajour, ‘don martin, Wendell fields, iarry hannant, ciaran o’doneii, karen moore, peter thompson,‘nick redding, saiah bachir, doug hamilton,-marina taitt, heather rob&son, joanne munroe, jonathan coies, ger(r)ard kim-mons, iorne gershuny, Steve hull and the ail time best of the b&t Tom Cody (SCM&)-(I’ll never get over this)-randy
, 8
the chevron
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just Stills and Young but the long It’s been almost two years since , Neil Young ‘has put but a solo - awaited reunion album of Crosby, album. Two years of frustration, Stills, Nash and Young. rumours. and anticipation. But as suddenly as the album Young hit the record stands in -changed to the new concept, it was November of ‘75 with the critically changed back. While Crosby and and comtiercially successful Nash were in Los Angles finishing Zuma, an album that reached back a solo album of their own, their to his pre-C, S, N, & Y days ,by vocals werewiped off the tape and combining rock, country, and blues replaced. with extra guitar playing.influences into his best album in No real reason for the reversal was three years. given but the action made it seem Zuma, coupled with the aceven more unlikely that the old claimed Tonight’s the Night, placed supergroup would ever put out a Young back in the musical spotfull album again. light, a place Ke had vacated since Erom then till the present Young the release of Harvest. has stayed mostly on his own. A .But then things fell apart. Throat solo album called Chrome Dreams surgery put Young on the sidelines had its/release da‘te repeatedly set for the winter, and though he did back. He also had the release of a play at a few Steve Stills concerts in triple-album best-of collection, the San Fransisco area, he couldn’t Decade, cancelled. When Chrome ye% sing. Dreams was due for ‘delivery in Playing with Stills planted in mid-March, Young again pulled it Young’s mind an idea for .a joint back. album, which, after a spring tour of This time though, Young perEurope, he and Stills started to refo,rmed major surgery on the cord. 1 album. The first side was removed, , /During the course of the recordand Young recorded, mixed, and mastered Eve new songs. He also ings, Graham Nash and David Crosby dropped into the studio. brought out a new group for this album side, by augmenting his Suddenly the-album was no longer ,r
Hilarity to despair How could Woody Allen ever top Play h Again, Sam? What made Sam,great was that it had more than boffers; it had structure, it had pacing and it had Humphrey Bogart. W,hat more could you want? Sure, Everything’ You Ever Wanted to Know . . . and Sleeper were funny, but once you knew the jokes, what was left? With Sam you wanted to see it again just to enjoy the plot unfolding the wayyou knew it would unfold. The Front was (well, serious. It was nostalgia laced with bitterness. Sam was nostalgic too, but affectionately so. Yes, there was’no way Woody could ever top Sam, until Annie Q_ Hall came along. Wtiody’s newest film, now playing at the Waterloo>s just about everything one could want in a movie (with the poss”lble,exception of Mr..Bogart). It reaches extremes of both hilarity and despair. It has insanely funny situationstreated in insanely funny ways, as w.ell as the mandatory barrage of one-liners. It is poignant at the same time, and the protagonist’s situation is one familiar to us all, one that must surely evoke painful and pleasant memories in all who see it. On top of all this Allen i able to make some simple but significant yet keep the film entertaining comments on how peo d e survive, enough forjust about anyone. As if that weren’t enough, the movie is rumoured to be semi-autobiographical. Allen uses just about every cinematic technique known’to man during the film’s two hours. He employs subtitles, cartoons, splitscreen, on-the-street interviews (which prompt hilariously unlikely responses) and very screwy flashbacks which have a tendency to , leak into the present. ! Woody Allen has always employed his neuroses to great effect in his films, and this one’s no exception. .He insists on making Groucho-like asides to the camera, as if to keep us aware that he knows we’ve been watching him all this time. But best of all, he proceeds to do all the impossible things you’ve ever wanted to do. He talks as an adult to his childhood classmates; inviting very unchildlike responses. He asks outrageous questions to total strangers. He demolishes autos. And, in the film’s gutsplittingest scene, he does the most wonderful put-down of a loudmouth in a movie line-up you could ever hope to imagine. Only one problem remains. How can he ever hope to top Annie Hall? ‘. c -************************~*~****,~******~**~*** ,--Monty Python fans disappointed by the Terry Gilliam creation called Jabberwocky can at-least take: heart. The Pythons have not deserted you. Plans are currently underway for a THIRD (not fourth) Monty Python film. Its title? The Gospel According To St. Bryan. --steve hull.
iuly 8, 1977
usual backing group, Crazy Horse, on the first side causes them to lose popular as it is. Intertwining rock with two female vocalists, Linda some of their- appeal. Neil isn’t and blues phrasings, sparse pointed Ronstadt and Nicolette Larson, singing songs about experiences vocals, sharp snarling- lead guitar, and female violinist Carole hard bass back-beat, drumming that could and have happened to Mayedo. anyone but is singing about l?imthat punctuates the song, and as a The new album came out in-late self. Perhaps this is a new stage that new wrinkle, Frank Sampedro, June under the title, American Stars Young is in, but fortunately the rhythym guitarist, playing a string ‘n’ Bars. The cover artwork lyrics of The Star Of Bethlehem synthesizer that gives the song the showedia picture of Young passed aren’t suffering from these probdepth it needs. ~ ’ out on a barroom floor, next to a’ lems. The song is classic- Neil Young, “bar-hall <queen” holding a iiearly The next song Will,‘To Love is every bit as good as Mr Soul, Cowempty bottle of Canadian Club. interesting in that it has Young girl In The Sand, Southern Man, Like the title and artwork sugdoing something he gave up after Ohio, and Cortez The Killer. gest, Neil’s been down to the bar his first solo album ten .years ago. Young does on this song what he for these two sides, a fact evident_.. did so well on Zuma and Everyfrom the start of the album. body-Knows This Is Nowhere. He The Old Country Waltz, which is plays guitar with abandon, taking a just that, has Young sittingtin the much-abused tool like a wa-wa local southern bar when his friend pedal and using it as it was meant to comes and tells him his true love be, bending the notes to make a has left. So Young does the sensithick,! sensual, multi-layered ble thing, and proceeds to get sound. blasted. The final song, Homegrown, is a short tune that combines rock and Saddle up the Palomino, features country into something that sounds the same pounding beat typical of / like Jimi Hendrix goes to Albuqerl Zuma coupled with the off-tempo ’ que, but again it works. style of Harvest. Lyrics bog this The beat is the same up-tempo song down, with Young’s peculiar heavy back-beat sound’of the Zuma ’ phrasing becoming a distraction. album% with good guitar phrasing Accoustic guitars take over for and the same raw edge that typifies the next two songs, Hey Babe, and all of Young’s work. Hold Back The Tears. The first is Young plays every instrumeut , To c elude, American Stars ‘n’ probably the best song on that side *guitars, bass, drums, and percuss IS a go d album. The Crazy A of the album, featuring Young with sion. The lyrics are hokey, but Horse and The Bullets concept ‘his slow drawling vocals and laid some how they work. Young comYoung uses on the album’s first back guitar. Hold Back The Tears pares his life to a salmonswimming side does have a lot of positive asgoes too close to country for comupstream. Even though so many pects to it, particularly if Young fort at times and Carole Mayedo’s women have let him down, old would bring the female harmony violin also seems to be about three Neil’s going to keep right on vocals more to the fore-front. octaves out of tuge. searching till he finds the right one, The album is not the best work Rounding out the side is Bite The ‘or dies. that Young has done, but it does Bullet, a pounding country-rock Even though he uses such a lame stand head and shoulders above song which has the best work that lyric’(who else could write seven anything by his current contemhis new band has done. minutes about a salmonj he works poraries. The Eagles, America, The second side opens with Star it into a hard put-down of the Crosby, Stills, and Nash, .Loggins of Bethlehem, a song from the dou-‘ California life-style, and if you *and Messina, plus a host of pretenble album Homegrowh that Young think about it, Young himself. The ders to the country-rock throne recorded in ‘74 but never released. Eagles can’t even do as well if they may have their moments, but A soft ‘accoustic ballad with Emare blatantly open about it. Young and Crazy Horse have’al’ mvlou Harris singing .a v v accomnanvI a Like A Hurricane is without a most continuously been the bright ing vocals. doubt the-best song on the album, , lights of “L.A. rock” for the last Here, in songs like these, Young the best I’ve heard in ‘quite ten years. And that is not so surhas his’ best success. H(s lyrics j and awhile . I prising considering that Young was / \ seem too harsh on most of the first one of the people who pioneered side. Not cruel, $but the directness The song has all of the ingrethat genre of music. and individualization of the songs idients that make Young’s music as 4oug hamilton
Niceness-triumphs! Excellent special effects and ultra-inodern techniques made “The Exorcist II - The Heretic” an above average horror movie. “Linda Blair uses a “syn‘chronized hypnosis” machine to - transport her mind to the time and place of the exorcism. Using the special headgear, she can bring.a partner to the scene she is experiencing. Richard Burton, a priest, uses the apparatus with Blair to find out more about the exorcist who was killed by then demon in the original movie. \ His idea is confirmed when it is discovered that Blair had begun a conversation’ in the waiting room with a little girl who had never spoken before. Her good spirit had moved the child to begin speaking. This scene produced, the most amazing dialogue exchange of the entire script: 1 “Hi! Why are you here?” “I’m autistic* Why are you here?” I . “Oh, I was possessed by a demon.” _ In the trance, Burton receives .a vision of the demon. The same demon had possessed a boy in Africa, a boy who had been known to have a spirit of good. ’ Burton had witnessed a similar type of scene before. A woman healer allowed herself to be burned to death in a blazing fire while possessed. Those events led Burton to the inevitable conclusion: people with the spirit o.f good attract evil.
Then,the little_autistic girl gods her skeptical psychiatrist. Her acting is head, as if. this were a perfectly dull, ‘boring and lifeless. Almost a natural response. ’ catatonic. She is so bad that you begin to dread her speaking parts. Against the orders %of his boss, Hopefully she can redeem herself Burton sets out for Africa to find the man who was possessed as a in some future effort. flaw is an child. His quest for this special man _ The other outstanding unexplained sub-plot that arises is, depicted using sharp aerial when Burton goes, to confront the photography. There are daring man he is seeking in Africa. The climbs up precarious precipices, holy man asks Burton to show his throngs of angry natives and, espefaith by walking ,across a sea of cially , ugly scenes of mass destrucspikes. Burton steps out and puts I tion by,locust. his foot down.’ Those viewers keen The plot thickens and expands. on regurgitation will thrill as the It gets so intricate in parts that spike goes quickly and smoothly you’re not sure who is possessed through his bare foot. Fountains of by-what. One thing that’s certain is - juicy flood spurt across the screen, that everyone is headed for the cI;eating a colourful panorama of human effluence house in Washington where Burton . plans to fight the demon. The exciting aura of revulsion - The race to Washington brings t urns to one of mystery. Burto; k ee 1s over in agony, but as he hits the film hurtling to a climax. The plane -is struck by lightning. The the ground the scene shifts. He is taxi crashes in a colossal wreck. being helped up from the floor of a Billions of locust come flying out of 1,ocust control research centre. the woodwork. The demon This sudden transmigration is changes from revolting to voluptunever ex!$ained (or even menous. The girlfriend Sizzles to death ‘tioned),during the remainder of the in an inferno of gasoline. The priest film. The weird, creepy atmosliterally tears the heart out of the phere that it intends to create possessed body with his bare merely becomes confusing and anhands. As a grand finale, the entire noying . house is torn apart and collapses in Actually, there only is as much * a heap of rubble. nauseating horror as you would ex. The film is not without its drawpect in a feature-length movie, so it backs. The most notable is the _ is not really that special. The abysmal performance by Miss photography.and special effects are Fletcher. After an outstanding porimpressive, but worth waiting to trayal of Nurse Ratchid in “One see on television in a couple of . Flew Over the Cuckod”s Nest”, years. she is a huge disappointment as the -low pr@huny /
\./ I