
Page 1


low turnout

Smit-re-electedprgs The dust settled on this year’s presidential race to show the incumbent, Rick Smit, re-elected by a comfortable majority. Total turn-out was the lowest in federation history, with only 2,202 people voting ( 15 per cent of the electorate). Smit took 63.3 percent of the vote with 1,393 ballots cast in his favour. Janet Rokosova finished well behind with 655 votes for a 29.7 percent share of the vote. The number of spoiled ballots (154) accounted for 7 percent of the vote, up from 5.7 percent in last fall’s by-election and 2.4 percent in last year’s running. ’ Smit told the chevron that he was confident that he ‘would win and

said the low turn-out could be explained by the fact that he didn’t campaign. The re-elected president added that there were “no real issues”, that the opposition created them. Smit finished by saying that “They wanted me last time,_ they wanted me again this time.” “If really serious candidates had shown up, I’d really have campaigned.” Smit’s total tally was down by 45 votes on his election last November. Most significantly his support in Engineering and Math faculties was well below the Nov. poll. In Engineering it was down to 191 from 354 and in Math to 286 from 361. In Arts, however, he almost

Married students plan demonstkation


Late News. . . . “Married Students Tenants Association informed the chevron at press time Wednesday evening that they plan to stage a demonstration at the Board meeting this Tuesday \ of Governors (Feb. 7). \ It is scheduled to start at 10:00 a.m. and the association hopes that others from campus will join them. \ They- are opposing the proposed 13.2 percent rent increase which the university is taking to the board for ratification on that day. The association says its members cannot afford to pay anymore than 6 percent. Editorial page 19.

doubled the 79 votes cast in his favour last Nov. by mustering 144 on Wednesday. The low turnout of voters this year (15 percent) compares with 18.9 percent in the Nov. poll, and 16.4 percent in last year’s election when Doug Thompson scraped in in a four-man race. 4oug -neil


hamilton docherty

University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario 7 ‘8

Poor survey gets big splash A first-year sociology project of a group of WLU students made a big splash in the KitchenerWaterloo Record Monday despite its limited scope and other admitted weaknesses. The project, a survey on students’ attitudes to the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), suffered mainly from a shortage of time, said group spokesperson Krister Ulmanis The survey only reached 100 students and although it asked eight questions it could only make two statements in conclusion. It said 63 of the 100 students were not satisfied with amount of assistance they received and ten of the 100 had used the funds they received from OSAP for expenses “other than school or school supplies”. Ulmanis stated in his report that the latter conclusion showed that students were abusing OSAP. He told the chevron the group based this on a student’s comment on the form that he had spent the money on a stereo, an overheard remark by another student that he had. placed his OSAP money in the bank to collect the interest, and “our feelings, personal feelings”. This conclusion made the head and lead paragraph of the top story on third page of Monday’s Record. Record reporter Joe O’Donnell told the chevron he was also surprised at the play the story was given but said, “I guess at that particular time, with the storm and on the weekend there wasn’t a hell of a lot of hard news going.” He said he had considered the story interesting ‘ ‘to the extent that it’s not very often that students would say that other students are ripping off the student aid system.” The survey question on which the conclusion was based asked whether stude.nts used their OSAP money on anything other than school ex.penses. It did not make clear whether living expenses were c

to be included in school expenses. O’Donnell was unable to obtain a copy of the question&e because of last week’s storm and had only discussed the survey by phone with Ulmanis. Ulmanis told the chevron “We’re only first-year students, that’s why our methodology is not so hot.” Part of the project was to make a press statement, which is how the Record and the chevron learned of the story. Ulmanis said he thought the Record “blew it up” and added “I didn’t do it to hit students, I did it for marks. It’s worth 15 per cent.” Another of the attractions of the story said O’Donnell was that “I haven’t seen that kind of study done before, certainly not by s tudents, and I can’t remember ever seeing or hearing of a study on stun dent attitudes towards OSAP being done.” When he was reminded of the chevron’s fall registration week survey on students’ assistance needs he said he hadn’t seen it and that “we don’t always get the chevron here, sometimes it’s sent in and sometimes it isn’t.” A check of the chevron’ mailing list showed that the Record is sent every issue of the paper. The chevron surveyed about 1500 students and found that 89.3 percent of second year and upregular studeuts and 60 percent of second year and up co-op students found their savings insufficient to cover their estimated expenses for the year. Of the regular students 27 percent and of the co-ops 15.5 percent could not make the amounts prescribed in the arbitrary summer savings table in effect at the time. The majority of students needed to supplement their savings by between $1000 and $3000. On OSAP 80.5 percent of the respondents said they considered the scheme , unfair. -jonathon






Storm hits page 3 ................ .p. 3 Airport protest ..... \ ............. .p. 7 .p. 9 Nuclear dangers .................. Hartt commission .......... .p. 10 & 11 FASS ......................... ..p.13 Feedback starts ................. .p. 17

There weren’t too many ballots to count ia Wednesday’s presidentid election which attracted a record low turnout. Looking on in this composite picture, as the ballots are counted in the foreground, are loser janet Rokosova (far left), campaign manager Larry Smylie, and winner Rick Smit (on right). photos by john w. bast



Presidential candidates addres; sed poorly attended forums last Friday and on Monday and Tuesday. Incumbent Rick Smit said the biggest problems on campus were entertainment and the poor quality of the campus centre pub. He criticised Janet Rokosova for saying she wanted to half the Board of Entertainment budget and declared he would double it if elected. Smit said that he would deal with refundable fees by budgetting for 10 percent refund rate and simply cutting budgets appropriately if the rate was \ higher. Asked about education cutbacks, he said, “no, I haven’t been dealing with cutbacks to the extent I should have” and promised “I’ll try and work a little more actively and be a little more visible.” He said- he was confident “we can play our case” through the Ontario Federation of Students. . On differential fees he said that foreign students with “large incomes” or from ‘ ‘ affluent countries” should pay the increased fees and the others should receive foreign aid from the federal govemment .

in forums try to urge BOG member Shane Roberts (recalled federation president, 1976) to vote against the in-: crease. Janet Rokosova expounded on her plans for a manpower centre on campus and better local and outof-town transit for students. In the Math forum Monday she met with some scattered heckling and some disinterest. At this point she became upset and berated the students for not paying attention to her and not being interested in the issues. Her campaign manager. Continued on page 5

Smit also defended the English Language Proficiency program, saying that he did not consider it a means to discriminate against students coming to‘ the university. He disagreed too with the idea that the program was a step towards admissions exams. The only position to change was his stand on the Married Students Apartments. On Friday he said he agreed in ‘principle with increase but felt it should have been introduced in smaller increments during earlier years. Monday he said he would go to the Feb. 7 Board of Governors meeting and would also

Poll rejects


fee change

A referendum on the UW Athletic fee conducted during the presidential vote Wednesday shows, contrary to the recent trend, that students want to retain the fee as compulsory. However, they also noted they do not approve of a proposal to increase it from $11 per term to $13 per term. The referendum was called when UW President Burt-Matthews asked the federation to endorse the increase proposed by the Athletic

Advisory Board late last year. Federation council decided to question not only the increase but the compulsory nature of the fee. The referendum is only an opinion poll and does not bind the Board of Governors to whom Matthews has said he will recommend the increase Feb. 7. Matthews also approached the Grad Club, who rejected the increase as unwarranted.

Results Candidates Smit, Rick Rokosova, Jan Spoiled

off Term


314 109

4 IO

Arts G 1 7

St. J.









.24 25

44 6

. 3 6

4 IO

132 95

144 95

64 56

2 1

191 80

REN ,I2 8

MATH 286 99


‘SC1 MATH G 155 41 6

13 7

Total 1393 655 45

. -

. 2093



the chevron Campus


Taped Music mission.

Pub opens 12 noon. from

Legal Resource



Free ad-

- See Mon-


Auditions, Actors/Actresses, Technical Personnel. U of W Drama

Friday If It’s A Lie, Why Have So Many Believed It? a workshop on racist ideologies, both scientific and popular. 9 am. Portable 12, WLU Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Enterprise from g-lam. $1.25 after 7pm. The Other Side of the Ledger - a remarkable film portraying the history of the Hudson Bay Company from the point of view of the Native Canadian. Also: People Might Laugh at Us and Circle of the Sun. 12:30pm. Central Teaching Building, WLU, Room 4-201. The Politics of Reproduction by Dr. Mario Bryant. I.S. Lounge. PAS. Afternoon. Workshop:The Position of Native Canadians in Ontario with Ms. Heather Ross, representing Treaty Nine, Mr. Roger Obonsawin, Executive Director, Native Canadian Centre, Toronto, Professor Sally Weaver, Chairwoman Dept. of Anthropology, U of W. 2:3Opm. Central Teaching Building, WLU Rm. 4-201. Ski Club - Georgian Peaks. Members $10, Non-members $13. Bus leaves 6:45pm. PAC Blue South. Table Tennis Club- Regular playing session. Players of all calibre welcome. 7-IOpm. Upper Blue Activity Area, PAC. A Lecture

by Mr. Harold


Mr. Cardinal is author of the Unjust Society and other works describing the oppression of Native Canadians. 7:30pm. Arts Building, WLU Room IEI.

K-W Chinese



Speaker Meeting. Topic: Jesus Christ is The Only Way with Dr. Richard Longnecker. 7:30pm. Graduate School of Social Studies, WLU. Federation Flicks -Women in Love with Glenda Jackson and Alan Bates. Sunday, Bloody Sunday with Glenda Jackson & Peter Finch. 8pm. AL 116. Feds $1, Others $1.50. Agora Tea House. Herbal teas and home-baked munchies are available.

A time for discussion and conversation. Everyone is welcome. 8-12pm. cc 110.

Saturday The Travellers, Canada’s Am bassadors of Song sing for the kids. 10:30am. Humanities Theatre. Tickets $1.50 for children 12 and under, $2 others. Available at Main Box Office, ML 254. The Travellers - See 10:30am. 1:30pm.


Centre Pub opens 7pm. En-

terprise sion.





Maury Kaye’s

Klique, Contemporary Jazz, with John Forrest, Buff Allen, Carlos Lopez, Erin Heineman, and Barbara Reney. 8pm. Humanities Theatre. Tickets $2 students, $3, others. Available at Fed Office CC 235, and-Box Office ML 254. Upstairs at the Grad Club featuring Bruce Tomlinson, Susan Murphy and Liz cocuzzo. 8pm. Grad Club. Admission $.50, students, $1 others. Cash Bar. Winter Carnival Pub featuring Mariner. 8-lam. Village 1 Red & Green Dining Halls. Admission $1.25 for villagers, $1.75 for non-villagers. Federation Flicks - See Friday

Sunday Table


Club -

See Friday



Opening at UW Arts Centre Gallery. Wool and Clay. Also lecture by artists Thoma Ewen (Gobelin and Rya Tapestries) and Ann Roberts (Landscape and Female Armour) Free admission. 3pm. Theatre of the Arts. Lutheran Student Movement Co-op Dinner. 5pm. NH 2050. Enter from Library entrance of N.H. Kosher Chinese Supper. Sponsored by WJSA Hillel. 6pm. CC 113. $2.50. Alfred Kunz Singers. An evening of entertaining music including original works by composer-conductor Alfred

Kunz. 8pm. Humanities Theatre. Tickets are $3.50 and $2.50. Available at Main Box Office, ML 254. Campus Centre Coffee House with Richard Knechtel. 8pm. CC Pub area. Cider, Coffee, Tea and baked goods. Students and Staff $1.49, Others $1.99. Transcendental Meditation, Advanced lecture for meditators. 8pm. E3-1101. Worship. Lutheran Campus Ministry. MC 3010. 9:30pm.

Snow Shoe and Winter

Camp Out:

Organizational meeting for upcoming trip. (Feb 24,25,&26) All welcome. Sponsored by the Outers Club. 5:30pm. CC 135. Info: Cress 886-0009. Ukrainian Students Club General Meeting. CC 1 IO. 7-9:30pm. Table Tennis Club - See Friday 7-l Opm. Chess Club Meeting. All Welcome. 7pm. CC 113.


Monday Campus

Group. J.G. .Hagey Hall of the Humanities, Rehearsal Room 180. 3:30-6:30pm. I


Taped Music mission.

Pub opens 12 noon. from

Legal Resource


Free ad-


provides free legal information to students. 885-0840. CC 106. 1:30-3:30pm.


seminar to learn about government publications and how to find them. 2:30pm. Meet at the Government Publications Info Desk, 5th Floor Arts Library.


Organizational Meeting. All interested persons are invited to participate. 7pm. CC 113. International Folk Dancing. To learn and dance world famous dances. $1 person evening per Per 7:30-l 0:30pm. Senior Citizen’s Centre, 310 Charles Street East, Kitchener. Info: Mary Bish 744-4983 Forum - Supplying Repression U.S. Arms trade to the world, exposed. Speaker: Michael T. Klare, Director Project on Militarism and Disarmament, Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, D.C. Conrad Grebel College Auditorium. 8pm.

Campus Centre

Centre Great

Crafts Fair. Campus



Alliance literature table. Literature of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tsetung and Enver Hoxha plus revolutionary materials from Canada, Albania and other countries. 1 O-2pm. Arts Lecture. WJSA-Hillel. Discussion on Modern Jewish problems with Rabbi Rosenweig. New time. 11:30-l 2:30 CC 113. Campus


Taped music mission.

Pub opens 12 noon. from

Legal Resource day


Office -

Free ad-

See Mon-


The Age of Space Transportation and Apollo 17. Free film. WLU 2:30 pm. Arts Building 1El. - See Tuesday.

Auditions Lutheran


temporary Issues 3:30pm. NH 2050.

Movement. Study


Protection against harrassment and physical attack. 7:30-9:30pm. Combatives Room, PAC. $18 886-3170.

Women and The Music Hall in Interwar Britain by Martha Vicinus, In-


diana University. 8pm. WLU Dining Hall Mezzanine Free admission and refreshments.

7:30-930pm. St. Michael’s Church Library resource room, 64 University Avenue West, Waterloo. $3/evening.


The Age of Space Transportation and Apollo 17 - See 2:30 pm. Space Show presented by Mike



Day. 11:30-2pm.

CC 113. $1.25. Study group 1:30pm.

meets at


of WEN-DO.

Mandel, Canada’s foremost mental& (ESP & power of suggestion) 8-l 1pm.

3; 1978

Thursday Campus



Great Hall.

Craft Fair. Campus


seminar to learn about Government Publications and how to find them. 10:30am. Meet at the Government Publications Info Desk, 5th Floor, Arts Library. Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Cheryl Lescom and Terra Plane Blues Band, from g-lam. $1.25 after 7pm. Film Series ‘78. Pioneers of Modern Painting. Georges Seurat (1859-1891). 12 noon. K-W Art Gallery, 43 Benton Street Kitchener. Admission Free. City Limits, Best Move We Ever Made. Planning Films Series in the Faculty of Environmental Studies. 12:30pm. El-3516. Legal Resource

Office -

See Mon-


Auditions Professor


See Tuesday.

Daniel Sahas of the Religious Studies Dept is giving a colloquim titled “The Theology of a Peace Initiative: an Analysis of President Sadat’s Speeches to the Knesset and the Peoples Assembly. 320pm. HH 373. Waterloo



Village 1 Red and Green Dining Halls. Admission at door $2 for villagers, $2.25 for non-villagers. Coffeehouse. CC 1 IO. 8:30pm. Sponsored by Gay Lib. Campus Centre Free Movie - Man of La Manche a musical starring Sophia Loren and Peter O’Toole. 9:30pm. Campus Centre Great Hall.



Supper Meeting. Worship service. Everyone welcome. 4:30-6:45pm. HH Undergrad Lounge. Table Tennis Club - See Friday 7-l Opm. Film Series ‘78 - See noon. 7pm. Circle K Roller Skating with party to follow. Free bus leaving Campus Centre 7pm. $1 per person. South Campus Hall Pub with Hot Roxx. Admission at the door. $2. Doors open 8pm. Black Forest VII. Come and join us for a relaxing evening of light entertainment at St. Paul’s annual Coffee House. 8pm. Admission $1.


and Blues Record Sessions A preview of the new jazz records purchased by the Library. Come and hear the new records before they get damaged. 8pm. Kitchener Public Library. Free Lectures and practice in prayer and meditation. Sponsored by the Universal Peace Mission. 8-10pm. 50 Peter Street, Kitchener. 578-2584.

Friday Campus Centre

Centre Crafts Fair. Campus Great

Dr. Norman



presents a series of talks on “committing intellectual suicide?” “God, evil, miracles, Naturalism.” etc. MC 5158. 10:30-i 1:30am. Sponsored by KWCF, LCF, WCF. Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Cheryl Lescom and Terra Plane Blues Band from g-lam. $1.25 after 7pm.

Dr. Norman



See 10:30.


Auditions - See Tuesday Table Tennis Club - See Friday Ski Club - Caloden. Members $8, Non-members $10. Bus 7:15pm PAC Blue South.


Come and Hear Dr. Norman

Geisler speak on “The Relevance of Christianity” EL 101 7:30 pm. Sponsored by KWCF, LCK, WCF. Black Forest VII - See Thursday


Herman and His Thundering Herd. Legendary big band leader with a dynamic young band. 8pm. Humanities Theatre. Students/ seniors $4. Others $6. Available at the Box Office, ML 254.


Flicks - Love & Death with Woody Allen and Bananas with Woody Allen. 8pm. AL 116. Feds $1, Others $1.50.






Festival,Harbourfront, Toronto, April 14-16. Open to all S8 filmmakers. Workshops, screenings, Trade Exhibit, Photographic Exhibition. Final shipping date March 15. Information: Sheila Hill, PO Box 7109, Station A, Toronto M5W 1X8. (416) 367-0590.




the chevron

3, 7978


didn’t close in spite of reat storm A battered UW dug itself out of the snowdrifts last weekend after being surprised by Thursday’s intense blizzard. Winds of 113 km/hr. and a snowfall of 15.6 cm. hit the campus starting about 11: 30 am. Those people trapped on c‘ampus by the storm rushed to leave school before 3 pm in order to beat K-W transits early closure. Brain O’Riley of grounds management estimated that between 25 and 30 cars were towed away as his men cleared the ring road and others had to be left since they were parked in gear. Windows in the humanities building were blown out due to the imbalance between the artificially high air pressure inside and the storm-induced abnormally low air pressure outside the builiding. A one-hour power blackout struck the campus Thursday night and the fence beside the security building was blown over by the high winds. One major casualty of the storm was a sapling recently planted on the path between Minota Hagey residence and University Avenue which was decapitated by snowshovels clearing the path over the weekend. Wilfrid Laurier University closed down Friday, after the Thursday storm. When asked why, Dick Taylor, director of information services said “it was a safety measure. . . we didn’t want anybody killed just for one lecture.” He said that one major factor was that public transit was still closed Friday and the parking lots had not yet been cleared of snow. Taylor added that the police were telling everyone to keep off the roads except in emergencies. Although the situation at UW was identical with WLU, the university remained open. President

Burt Matthews explained this by saying that the 4,000 people living adjacent to the campus had a right to expect the university to be open and that “nobody was expected to come if there was any risk involved. ” M&hews said he had gotten a lot of gripes from professors after he closed the university during a storm last year. The chevron pointed out that keeping the university open would leave off-campus students uncertain as to whether their classes were still scheduled and hence many might come despite the danger. Matthews replied that “I’m preadmit that’s a pared to perhaps problem. . . . in retrospect, I should have closed it (on Friday)’ ’ . Matthews did say that if the weather Friday had been as bad as Thursday afternoon, he would have closed the university. Asked why he hadn’t used storm warnings as basis for closing the university early Thursday morning, before the storm struck, Matthews said that he couldn’t trust weather reports and that he would look “stupid” if he closed the university and the storm failed to show. But according to Jim Miller, a meteorologist at the WaterlooWellington weather office, TV forecasts had very accurately predicted the storm and its intensity two days before. He said that as early as 7:30 am on Thursday, when the temperature was a mild 2 degrees Celsius, he was telling anyone calling the weather office not to go into work since the storm was sure to strike. Nobody from UW had called him for a forecast, he added. -ciaran

lJW professor John Moore, a professor in the MGMT sciences department, is seeking the liberal nomination for the new Waterloo federal riding. The riding includes the northern part of Max Saltsman’s riding and the southern part of what was the Northern riding. Moore has always lived in Southern Ontario. He has taught one year at a highschool, worked three years at IBM and came to UW to do his grad work. He owns and operates three companies outside UW. Within the


The aftermath

of Thursday’s


A car-to-car


was attempted


seeks no Frank Epp, president of Conrad Grebel College is seeking the Liberal nomination in the new federal riding of Waterloo in the next election. Born in Manitoba, the 42-year old Epp has also lived in BC and in the US. His educational background includes studies in education, theology, social sciences, journalism and history. Asked when he decided to run for the Liberal nomination, Epp told the chevron “ . . . I did not expect to ever have the opportunity because I have been moving around too much. But when a new constituency was formed here, Waterloo riding. . . I decided if I am ever going to run, this could be it!” Epp said he was also influenced by his experience last spring in Israel and the changed political situation in Waterloo “at that point I became very interested and when I contacted the Liberal party, they encouraged me and one thing led to another. .”

When asked if he was always a Liberal, Epp replied “yes and no. I have in one sense not been terribly active in any party. I have voted Conservative . . .Liberal . . .New Democrat. I have been a member of the New Democratic Party but not a very active member. I have never been a committee member, never attended a convention . . .the answer is that I have always been a small “L” liberal. When I decided really to go into federal politics then I became a Liberal with a capital “L”. Why the Liberal Party? “I looked at some of the main issues facing Canada and in my opinion there are three. They have to do with economy . . .an international role . . .the overworked question of unity.” He explained r‘on the economy it seems to me that we need a party that can bring business, labour, and government together in a tri-partite consultation and co-operation to resolve the economic problems in

also after liberal seat

university he is active in a joint research experiment with IBM. The experiment started three years ago and is investigating the use of a very sophisticated computer system for teaching purposes at UW. According to Moore, this is a solid liberal area and thus “there is a great deal of competition for this nomination because whoever gets it is likely to become the member of parliament for this area.” His particular interest in securing the nomination is “a strong interest in politics. . .and the feeling

if elected, I can do a great deal to way of life in improve our Canada’ ’ . Moore considers himself a small “L” liberal because he “believes in freedom to act responsibly” and “the free enterprise”.. He also said that there was a philosophical and a practical aspect to the “Quebec separation issue”. The philosophical aspect is “to what extent do people within a country have a right to selfdetermination . e.would a smaller English group . . . (for example)

Canadians . . .have a right to secede from Quebec”. He said the practical aspect was that the Parti Quebecois demonstrated its ability to lead the people in a cultural sense and to manage the day to day affairs of the government but “it is not clear, at the present time, that they have the economic skills or know-how to maintain and provide the people of Quebec with good government. ” During the interview, Moore said that Frank Epp and Doreen Thomas have an advantage due to their earlier start and their initial organization support. -nash





to last week,?. snow-p&/em.


F_._ _ :i

to the car on the right but it failed

to revive.


by tony pan


by tony pan

ination Canada. ” “If it’s going to happen,” he said, “I think its going to happen through the Liberals. I can’t see the Conservative Party, so tied to business, bringing it about and I can’t see the New Democratic Party, so tied to labour, bringing it about.” On the question of unity, Epp said that only the Liberal party is multicultural and bilingual and these are essential characteristics as we work out a new constitution.” On the international scene he sees Canada’s role as developmental and peacekeeping. Since 1968, Epp has been a member of the Federal Advisory Board on Immigration under ministers Andras, Cullen, Lang, MacEachen and Mackasey. However he denied having played “a direct role in the shaping of the green paper (on immigration)’ ’ He also elaborated “I have had great difficulty understanding those people who saw in the Green Paper very little more than blatant racism. I have a quarrel with those people who use the Green Paper as a basis for social and political agitation.” “I would not deny that there is a streak of racism in Canadian society historically speaking people are being admitted to Canada in such measures as the Canadian economy and society can most profitably absorb them.” He expects the nomination to be hotly contested. At the moment his opponents include Doreen Thomas, member of the Waterloo Board of Education; Barry Goth, professor at Wilfrid Laurier University and John Moore, professor at the University of Waterloo. -nash


The University of Waterloo EnSaturday features a talk by Ms gineering Society ‘A’ will host the Janet Yale, a representative of the Ontario Law Reform Commis1978 Association of Professional sion’s Professional Organizations Engineers of Ontario (APEO) StuCommittee, and a presentation on dent Conference in Waterloo, the topic of Malpractice and Liabiltoday and tomorrow. Delegates ity by Mr. Chris Hart, Deputy Diwill attend from all Engineering Undergraduate Societies in Onrector of Professional and Legal tario. Affairs of the APEO. Dinner The opening luncheon today will speaker will be former APE0 presbe followed by talks by APE0 repident Dr. Richard Quittenton, on resentatives and a panel of speakthe Social Responsibility of the Eners on the topic of Unionism of Progineer . fessional Engineers. Speakers on the panel will be Mr. A.R. Bennett, Due to space limitations, lunof Atomic Energy of Canada cheon and dinner sessions are liLimited’s Society of Professional mited to delegates only, however Engineers and Associates, Mr. other sessions are open to anyone Nick Monsour, of APEO’s Salaried on campus. Details are available Engineers Division, and Mr. Daniel Mucci, EDP Systems Division of from the EngSoc office. -k. woodcock AI?EQ+ - . _,... 1.._

4 the chevron



3, 7978

Join the chevron A newspaper with GUTS! Personal

BIRTHRIGHT offers an alternative to abortion for women. with a problem pregnancy. Free pregnancy tests are available. Help with housing, legal assistance, medical aid, maternity and baby clothing are offered. Completely confidential. Call 579-3990 for non-judgemental unpressured assistance.

Pregnant 81 Distressed? The Birth Control Centre is an information and referral centre for birth control, V.D., unplanned ‘pregnancy and sexuality. For all the alternatives phone 8851211, ext 3446 (Rm. 206, Campus Centre) or for emergency numbers 884-8770.

Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre, Rm. 217C. Open Monday - Thursday 7-10 pm, some afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-l 211, ext 2372. Interested in involvement with CUSO? See us in Ropm 234A South Campus Hall, Monday to Thursday 12:20-3:30 pm. PAST MASTERS CLUB (mailing address 447 Ontario Street, Toronto, Ontario M5A 2V9) We’re a Think Tank, an Egg Holder, a Brains Trust, an Ego Club and copy righted individuals. Student membership $5/year and companies $30/year. Penpals welcome. Klemmer Farmhouse Co-op Daycare has full and part-time openings. For further information call 825-l 211, ext 2369.

For Sale



Big Band and it’s legendary


His Thundering







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Nikon Camera Lenses 28/2.8, $250. 43-86 200m/3.5, $175. 2OO/F4, $225. Cal I 893-0241. Akai dolbyrzed reel to reel tape deck. Under guarantee. Rarely used. $350 or best offer. Call John at 884-5809.

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Sony amplifier. 22 watts/channel. $100 or best offer. Call John at 884-5809. $7 beds, single boxsprings, excellent condition, also chairs, kitchen table, chest of drawers, shelves and fridge $50. 130 University Avenue West. Call 884-9032 between 5:15-7 pm. for appointment.



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the chevron

3, 1978

5 1

Legal Resource _ Non-Professional


Legal Advice



Experience an Asset But Not Required 8850840 (24 HRS.) CC RM 106 $

CONTINUOUS DANCING Nightly from r 8 p.m.

THE GATHERINPLACE t for lJpWL Mr. hit, enjoying

according to rumour, began his celebration in the midafternoon of Wednesday; life’s subtle pleasures, after the sweet taste of victory. We elected-him folks!

here he is still


by ron reeder


77 KING ST. N. (at Bridgeport

Rokosova’s campaign manager, will invite advance tenders weekly Continued from p&e 1. from Gray Coach, United Trails, twice. She said that Waterloo had Larry Smylie called them “assetc. and that hence “no recurring no control over the term passes and holes’ ’ and escorted her away. system is in effect.” denied outright Rokosova’s claim Later, in *-the engineering forum, that a committee would be struck to But when the chevron read federation vice president Don present a joint report on transit-to platform to Brian Salichuk challenged major points in Rokosova’s Kitchener City Council. her platform, calling some of them Stewart, superintendent of market“outright lies.” ing for Gray Coach, he said it -The chevron then contacted In her posters Rokosova claims sounded like “a, subterfuge to cirRoss Stoner, assistant manager of “On CAMPUS MANPOWER cumvent (the law)” and that if it K-W Transit. He said that K-W Manpower has now was then Gray Coach would have . CENTRE”: Transit had no intention of offering agreed they will list jobs from ac- no part of it. reduced-fare term passes at any ross Ontario. I WILL INITIATE In a prepared statement on this time in the future and are in fact IT.” issue to the chevron, Pokosova contemplating increasing their fare The chevron contacted Andy states that the provincial legislation by 5 cents since “the costs of evBoravilis, manager of the K-W restricting competition is superseerything, gas, tires, . . .has gone up Manpower Centre-. Boravilis said ded by the Federal Combines Act. by leaps and bounds.” that in order for the university to She argues that the federation Rokosova agreed to an interobtain a manpower centre a formal should challenge the provincial view, but twice failed to show. request, in writing, supporting in government in the courts. When the chevron called her Wedevidence the need must be received Rokosova’ s campaign platform nesday morning at home after she calls for term passes as at Queens from the university president. had failed to appear for the second He said that he had not received for city transit and establishment of time Smylie said she would not give unless the chevron such a request and that if he had it new bus routes as dictated by stu- an interview gave legal assurances that her enwould have been submitted to the dent need. She said she had already contacted the mayor. tire written answers were printed deputy minister of the Canada EmWhen the chevron contacted verbatim. When it was pointed out ployment and Immigration ComMarjorie Carrol, mayor of Watermission, who would decide. He that no other interviewee was given such special treatment Smylie said doubted the need for such a centre, j loo, she prefixed her remarks with saying that the present Career “I don’t like‘ being used . . .in an he “wouldn’t debate it any She said that further. ’ ’ Planning and Placement Office was election campaign.” --ciaran o’donnell she had never talked to Rokosova “one of the best in the-eountrv.” -jonathan coles On transit Rokosova claims *she but she had seen Larry Smylie,


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the chevron





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At MeMaster







Studmtjarour, - --------_ u-


Last week a leaflet was distributed at McMaster University in Hamilton condemning the administration for their proposed implementation of a differential fee for visa students and their attempts to blame the students for “forcing” the university to charge this fee. At a senate meeting on Jan. 11 McMaster president Arthur Bourns accused the Canadian students of “forcing the university to begin charging the fee” (McMaster was one of two Ontario universities which did not implement the diffe: rential fee which almost tripled tuition fees for visa students at other Ontario universities last year. 1 Bourns based the charges- on what the administration has dubbed a “spectacular failure” of a “fund raising” drive launched last April to raise $170,000 from the ,students, staff and faculty of McMaster to offset the “loss” incurred last year.

The leaflet, issued by the organising committee to found the Hamilton Joint Committee, has been the first public opposition to the administration’s stand. (The student newspaper of McMaster, the Silhouette, actually “applauded” the senate for voting to implement the differential fee.) According to of __._ the distributors the leaflet, the student response was enthusiastic. “ Everyone receiving leaflets knew about this issue and realised they were being called racist by the university. Many thanked us for opposing the administration and standing up for the students.” The leaflet pointed out that the administration’s implication that the Canadian students are racist, because they didn’t contribute substantially to the “Visa Student Bursary Fund-raising Campaign” is “only the latest in a series of such slanders against the Canadian


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students . . . This entire vile campaign is being carried out in order to shift the blame for the visa students’ fee increases onto the backs of the Canadians students and in order to obscure who is actually responsible for this racist attack. . . the Canadian state. . . the Ontario Government. .. along with McMaster University.” Furthermore the leaflet designated the differential fee as an organised attempt “to split the Canadian and visa students in order to weaken their ability to resist the attacks,” which are being ledelled against all students in the form of the differential fee but also “a $100 fee increase, a $150 residence price increase, .reduced financial assistance to graduate students and the current proposed changes to the so-called ‘student awards. progr=lm

In response to the enthusiastic reception the first leaflet received, another leaflet was issued on Tuesday, annoucing a public meeting to deal further with this issue. In further opposition to the differential fees, the South Asian Students Organization (SASO) at McMaster drafted a resolution denouncing differential fees and all attempts to claim “that foreign students are taking away opportunities from Canadian students.” The SAS0 resolution refuted,the claim made by Harry Parrott. Minister of Colleges and Universities, and other government officials, that foreign students are a heavy burden on the Canadian economy. SAS0 pointed out that differential fees will result in a reduction of only .6% of the provincial education budget. Also that it is almost impossible for visa students to get jobs or to stay in the country after graduation and further each university has a quota on foreign students. SAS0 declared that it will unite with all students and organizations that “will support or participate in the defence of basic interests of foreign students” and “will support and unite with all students fighting against the higher cost of education, cutbacks and other attacks.” -gerard -sala

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3, 7978

the chevron

re groups The Japanese government has been having trouble finishing and operating an airport which it started building in 1970. The Narita airport, built to serve the Tokyo area, was basically finished in 1973, despite much opposition from farmers, student and environmental groups. Last year, however, police had to tear down steel towers erected at 1 the end of the runway to prevent the use of the airport. The government then planned to open the airport belatedly in March of this year, but they had not considered these pressure groups. Concrete fortresses with walls six feet thick are now rising at the end of the main runway in an effort to interfere with the approach and take-off of the planes. The government has no legal basis for removing these obstacles, save condemning the land on which they stand. The airport is expected to be in operation by March, but with the other end of the runway being used extensively-. But there are other problems. International transportation officials are reported to be concerned about the landing charges being considered by the government, and to be assessed against the users of this facility. Also the location of the airport does not afford easy access to domestic airports and to down town Tokyo. It will take over two hours to go to either during rush hour. A high-speed train link was considered, but citizens along the line are opposed to the noise such a service would entail.

stall airport

Finally, the airport’s air corridors infringe on those of a nearby military airstation and the airport

SHIPPING Household


.Join the chevron!

which the new facility is supposed to replace. -w. reid glenn


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. the chevron


DisobedienceMorris llyniak, Federation Fieldworker and Environmental Studies student, submitted this feature article for publication. This article was originally titled, “Will Civil Disobedience be the Only Way?”

‘ ‘ Twelve members and friends of the Greenpeace organization were found guilty of trespassing at the Darlington nuclear power plant” near Bowmanville, Ontario, reported one recent Chevron article. The Darlington reactor will be the largest in the world when completed by 1985, but the Ontario government and Ontario Hydro officials not only skirted most regular channels of public consultation, they also ignored substantial evidence against nuclear power. Due to the “high priority” given to nuclear energy, the Darlington site was exempted from requiring any environmental impact assessment to be made. “There was no other avenue of protest, no other avenue of appeal,” said John Bennett, whose group, Greenpeace, advocates civil disobedience. In North America the antinuclear crusade is still in its neophyte stage as compared to Europe. Over there as many as 60,000 marchers have converged on reactor sites.


The situation is alarming. If the government is so shielded from the people that they have to commit illegal acts simply to express their dissatisfaction, then something is wrong with our ‘ ‘democratic’ ’ institutions. Too often crucial longrange decisions are made which will commit a significant portion of the public purse into one or two priority areas without adequate public interaction with the planning and political establishment. It is not “feedback” - the fashionable cybernetic term adopted by planbut a ners - which is desirable, direct intervening role by the public ~ in the design and decision-making process. The problem of “public insulation” is with us now and will probably become more severe in the future. One West German study, for example, found significant discrepancies between the priorities for research and development held by the government and those generally held by the public. The study suggested that the difference was due to the influences of special

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interest groups, bureaucracy, and “big science. ’ ’ A survey conducted ‘by the Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) found that only 56 per cent of the Canadian public realize that nuclear energy can be used to generate electric power. The percentage of those who do not realize that nuclear power is the main thrust of federal and provincial energy policy is probably much higher. Despite this void of awareness, the federal and provincial governments will invest in excess of $125 billion over the next twenty-five years into capitalintensive nuclear power in a period of time when high unemployment and inflation are perceived as among the top priorities facing the nation. Canada continues to market CANDU reactors despite the critical drop in demand on the international market, even to the extent of having to bribe foreign customers. The Canadian scene is remarkably mirrored in the findings of the same West German study. By vigorously advancing the “benefits” of nuclear power, powerful special interest groups, such as Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) and the CNA, equate their interest with the public good. Despite appearances, there is also a strong hint of collusion between the federal regulating agency (AFCB) and private industry, because the government is a major investor. Grants for nuclear development take up the largest proportion of all monies spent on research. But the research has been focalized on technological assessment (in terms of feasibility and safety) and forecasting with little attention being diverted to social accountability. Bureaucracy has also done everything it possibily could to make the position unchallengeable. Much of the data on nuclear power, for example, is hidden or suppressed from public view in the filing cabinets of regulatory agencies. Even the Porter Commission on Electric Power Planning has reverted to in-camera sessions. With such a blatant disregard for public scrutiny can we not expect that civil disobedience, such as that of the Greenpeace type, will increase with frequency in the future?

Pk~ne Cmnpkx.

the only way to able to the user if our ideal of participatory democracy is to remain soluble. The only effective route which a citizen today has in influencing planning decisions is through opposition politicians and by organizing ad-hoc groups. Even this represents onljl a reaction towards a decision rather than participation in making it. So we have various commissions and inquiries established for “public input”. The Porter Commission is one such example. .The guise of this rather cosmetic body is similar to the one used to study the location of the belated Pickering Airport. In a likewise vain, I submit that the Porter Commission was created in help justify the order to government’s prior decision to commit huge expenditures on nuclear power based on Ontario Hydro’s projections. These projections and. recommendations, incidently, were not only challenged by some public and private groups but also by a tri-party “Select Committee on Ontario Hydro.” The art of forecasting is not democratized to the extent of which it should and has to be. There has never been a public debate on energy launched in Canada. Certainly, at the last Ontario election, the topic received superficial treatment. Our politicians should take a lesson from the Carter administration, which has actually challenged the mandarins of the energy industry in formulating a cohesive policy. So far, President Carter and Advisor Schlesinger have not been very successful, but their effort at least marks an optimistic step forward. It is especially encouraging since Carter is a nuclear engineer by training. The nuclear energy programme, both in Canada and the U.S., however, has not invested enough time into studying the social and ecological implications of nuclear power development. Based on what evidence we already have, the impact is indeed likely to be detrimental. Nuclear power generation will become extremely centralized, capital rather than labour intensive, and hazardous to workers, not to speak of ecosystem and other unforseen social disruptions. Almost everything about this strategy runs counter to the philosophy of a future conserver society. For technological assessment and forecasting to be of value to society as a whole, rather than just to a colloquium of technocrats, it must in-

elude engendered social change as a prime factor. And if it is true that we do not know enough about our complex social system to make such predictions, then it seems obvious where more future “R and D” dollars should be spent. Multidisciplinary teams in urban planning is only one minor encouraging sign of a current trend to integrate social and environmental along with technological assessment. Environmental assessment alone is not enough; technological teams will be expected to assess social consequences of technological-intensive projects as well. Most “attempts” which we have seen so far, however, have been a sham although the Berger Commission on the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline certainly set an important precedent in social impact assessment. Instead of careful investigation, government and business have resorted to slick public relations campaigns to “convince” the public that adverse social impact will be minimized. Once again the Pickering Airport fiasco comes to mind, where storefront offices were set up in Toronto as a cover for pro-airport propaganda. One common diatribe heard is that it is only “outsiders” which are anti-nuclear rather than the locals who welcome it as a boost to the local economy and as a generator of employment. In fact, little employment can be expected for local residents since reactors are both capital-intensive and require the import of highly-trained specialists. Efforts were actually made to neutralize local dissent. In one leaflet distributed by Greenpeace it was revealed that: “In the spring of 1977 in secret meetings with the newly elected council (Ontario) Hyrdo officials secured an agreement, in which the township gave up all rights to oppose Hydro’s application to exempt the Darlington Station from the Environmental Assessment process in return for a possible $7 million. The money was to cover any negative “impacts on the community as a result of the construction and operation of the Station.” In the agreement, the council (of Newcastle) also agree to rescind the 1974 resolution.” The 1974 resolution included a proposal to stage a public referendum on the Darlington reactor. Since there is little “negative feedback” on the proposal’, it is rationalized that the local community must “want” it. But who is it that really wants it?

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SERVICE D’ances -



K-W SYMPHONY CROSS-COUNTRY SKIATHON The K-W Symphony is holding a fund-raising Skiathon Saturday, Feb. 11 in Waterloo Park. The course is 6 k.m. and you may ski a maximum of 3 times around (18 k.m.) Sponsorship forms are available at the registrar’s office and registration will be at Seagram Stadium from 1Oa.m. to 1p.m. on Feb. 11. Sponsor someone or ski yourself, Burt Matthews is!








DO YOU WISH T6 ESCAPE FROM REASON? IS TRUTH REASONABLE? Thursday, Feb. 9 at 7:30 p.m. in EL 103 You are invited to refreshments discussion afterward,



3, 7978


The forecasting of energy demand and use is relative to the values of the modern-day consumer society. Thereby, concentrated cilpital investment is flaunted as a panacea (“we need it now”) by the energy industry in order to safeguard our present lifestyl.es. Very little emphasis is placed on development of alternative technologies and renewable resources as well as incentives to conserve energy use. (A $100 million programme by the Ontario government offered as aid to homeowners to insulate their shelters was recently discontinued). Artificial “technological lag” is induced as the energy industry becomes entrenched in its struggle to protect the large investment. Technological forecasting, the newest dimension in engineering sciences, thus becomes a rigid tool wielded to protect a dominant big business power structure. A “consultant mentality’ ’ pattern emerges, whereby statistics can be bought and traded on a commodity market as justification for any future enterprise. Does this reflect a “crisis of the monopoly capitalist system” or some other liberal notion of societal dilemmas? I’m not certain whether I can be permitted to be as so profound in making such a statement. However, if technological assessment and forecasting fails to go hand-in-hand with political self-assessment then acts of civil disobedience will likely become a commonplace feature in the near future. The anti-war movement of the 60s may very well have its counterpart in an anti-nuclear movement near the close of this decade and the beginning of the next one. The nuclear controversy however, is only a symptom of the inflexibility of social and political institutions to respond with change. Nigel Calder advocates that we need a quiet revolution where control over technological change becomes democratized. He suggests that many innovations exist already, and that if properly and sincerely implemented, they would be instrumental to that end. Is a political revolution - quiet or otherwise - really all that’s necessary? It seems that we also need a concommitant “revolution in consciousness”, as Reich puts it, to replace the .dominant technocratic thinking permeating society today,’ The public must not only be able to participate more fully in the political system, it must have access to the design process as well. This increased interaction can only lead to a much greater designer-user congruency. The past radical alternatives to the “techno-fix” mentality should not be seen as the only approaches in preparing for the future. Certainly our old-style ideologies must either be revised or discarded as they have narrowed our vision of tomorrow. In discussing the future we must shed our ideological baggage, so-to-speak, if we want to remain flexible. We have many sages today, such as Robert Goodman who is advocating a highly decentralized society with a diffused power base - very similar to the concepts of a peoplefocussed conserver society. At times, I fear, that his good intentions are lost in a shroud of polemical rhetoric. The gauntlet has been thrown at the public’s feet many times in the past, but too often it has failed to take up the challenge. We blindly follow an edict which proclaims that a handful of university-trained specialists are the only people qualified to manoeuver the rudder of society. And so we choose to be apathetic. I foresee that in the future we will no longer be able to afford to make this kind of choice.



the chevron

3, 7978

Nuclear hazards are proliferating The nuclear industry has always founded the expansion of nuclear generating capacity in Canada and throughout the world upon their unblemished safety record. They claim that nuclear accidents have never harmed anyone and that their reactor designs make the likelihood of * such incidents very small if not impossible. The following article by chevron science and technology reporter W. Reid Glenn explodes the above myths with a discussion of recent/y revealed atomic disasters in Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and most recently the nuclear satellite which Canada was privileged to receive on her territory from our neighbours in the USSR.

Nuclear waste volcano The end of the Second World War saw the real initiation of the ‘atomic age; both in the western world and in communist Russia. The Soviets concentrated most of the research into nuclear bomb production and atomic power generation in an area around Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk in the Ural region of European Russia. Along with any experiments into this form of materials come the hazards of radioactivity and the problem of what to do with the wastes generated during such a program. The Soviets decided not to use a secure method of waste disposal such as steel containers ‘in mine shafts or burial at sea but chose the cheap method of pumping all wastes into the ground where hopefully nothing would happen to them until they eventually decayed. The Americans also experimented with such techniques but developed better methods of long term storage which ensured that the wastes were still available for future processing. In 1958 the inevitable caught up with the Russians and the underground pools of radioactive wastes either overheated or began a chain reaction. In any case the result was a volcanic explosion which showered the nearby populated areas with the wastes previously buried beneath the earth. In an area, which could have encompassed 1000 square miles, the earth and all vegetation, and animal lifeforms were contaminated. The Russians never admitted this occurance, so the death toll is not known. The CIA with its sophisticated sensing apparatus was well aware of this tragedy but the American government did not publicize it because nuclear technology in the west was experiencing similar if not as large problems. Recent emigres from this area of Russia tell stories of residents checking locally grown produce with radiation detectors, and of areas of fenced in topsoil with mutant plants growing on top. Recent Soviet publications dealing with radioactive contamination of the environment and residual radioactivity in the bones qf birds originating from this area are conclusive proof that such a calamity did indeed occur. The Windscale incident Britain has always been in the forefront of nuclear technology, opening the first commercial power reactor in 1957. It has also lead other civilized countries in the reprocessing of nuclear fuels to produce weapons grade plutonium. The main site of this activity is in the Lake District of England, on the coast at a community known as Windscale. In October 1957 the first reactor at this installation (a military device operated to produce plutonium) ran into abnormal operating conditions. This reactor is moderated by graphite and in order to recondition the ‘mo’derator the temperature in the ~‘core of the reactor was , .\I.

routinely raised. However, a problem occured in a fuel bundle which contained uranium oxide (the fuel), because of this temperature increase - the canning split exposing the fuel and it burst into flames. It wasn’t terribly serious until this uranium oxidation caused the graphite to start burning. At this point, the reactor with its moderator (which controls the rate of the nuclear reactions) on fire was nearly out of control. The operators of this device quickly began to douse the conflagration with immense amounts of water and eventually the fire was extinquished. Substantial amounts (about 50,000 curies) of radioactive fission products were released to the environment through the ventilation stack of the complex. Most of this radioactivity was deposited on nearby Cumberland and Lancashire but amounts were detected on the European continent. All the locally produced milk was bought by the atomic energy agency, because of its unacceptable levels of radioactive poisons, and subsequently disposed of. A Medical Research Council committee reported on this incident and concluded that no real harm was

done to either the workers at the plant or any member of the public at large. Recent research, however, indicates that any amount of such carcinogens are harmful to living beings. The American experiende The United States had a jump on most other countries because it developed the first nuclear devices and so has considerable experience in the field. Many military reactors were constructed but have subsequently been shut down because of operating problems and their records have been shrouded in secrecy. The first commercial fast breeder reactor, the Enrico Fermi installation near Detroit, Michigan went critical in 1963. This plant was to show other power utilities in the USA the great advantages of breeding more nuclear fuels in the reactor but after two years of operating difficulties the regulating agency in the US refused to grant the station a certificate enabling operation and it has been permanently decommissioned since 1965. --- The c Detroit Edison company has decided to stick to conventional coal-fried generating stations to increase its power output rather than exploit this dubious form of technology. Up until the Test Ban Treaty on nuclear devices was signed by the major powers, all nuclear bomb testing was done in the atmosphere and raised radiation levels around the world. In the USA, military personnel


The problems associated with atomic power are not lost on the business community. They believe, however, that all the difficulties are in arranging for the construction and financing of these expensive behemoths. The following are a series of advertisements run in the Globe and Mail Business section in order to influence its readers that an atomic future is our best future.

Key Lake Uranium find important development for Canada’s future.

Carrada fortunate to Iham good reserves of essential Uranium fuel.

Uranium a reliable resource for future Electrical generating.

U.S. now has 62 Uranium generators and others being built.

Capitaliaing CANDU plants cross-Canada major financial. feat.

Financial planning essential to provide generators in time

ILCOAL, only alternative r ITV

II 1

I’ wer What power aIL13l 1marIvehave w‘e alternative we for ELECTRICAL generation in Canada?

Approval & financing necessary if CANDU program start IN TIME


dangem am mn-existent.

were subjected to nuclear fallout conditions as guinea pigs to determine the effect of radiation on people. In an atomic blast known as Smoky, conducted in 1957, 3500 people were involved. A recent study by the Centre for Disease Control in the US has found that one percent of the sample contacted subsequently had contracted leukemia. Almost eighty thousand people were involved in such tests before they were discontinued in 1958. Gifts from -orbit The application of nuclear technology to the rigours of the outer space environment is natural. Relatively simple power reactors with high reliability, high cost and sufficient power/weight density have been developed and the Americans were the fast to put an atomic powered satellite into orbit in the mid-1960’s. ! The Russians are not to be outdone and also began to apply their expertise to satellite operations. Cosmos 954, which dropped from the sky last week, was a Soviet surveillance satellite designed to detect shipping movements at sea by the use of radar beams from orbit. Apparently, the power source for this device was a nuclear reactor which contained a massive amount of enriched uranium fuel. The 100 pounds of highly ,enriched fuel is a sufficient quantity offissile material \to run a Pickering type reactor for several days and so there was considerable discussion, when this satellite’s orbit deteriorated over the North West Territories, whether the satellite had other capabilities, for instance the ability to destroy other orbiting devices. The remains of the satellite are now being discovered over a large area of the NWT from the east end of Great Slave Lake halfway to Hudsons Bay. It is highly unlikely that all the material which showered down to earth will ever be recovered because of the inaccessibility of the terrain and because of the. large area over which it is scattered. The first piece discovered by campers was determined to be “slightly” radioactive by officials of the AECB. Subsequent pieces located recently near Fort Reliance have been classified as Highly radioactive, probably representing material which if not part of the reactor core was closely situated to it. A nuclear engineer told to me that these classifications are highly arbitrary. He said radioactivity is like pregnancy; it is impossible to be slightly pregnant. The effect of this radioactive material on the wildlife of this area and the human inhabitants who eat this game for survival is difficult to “Q1,



predict. It is indeed fortunate, however, that the satellite decayed from orbit over this relatively uninhabited area rather than over southern Ontario or the eastern seaboard of the USA. Nuclear disasters whose responsibility? The nuklear incidents, of which those related here are only a fraction, pose the question who is responsible for these disasters? The Russian satellite clean-up is presently being co-ordinated by the armed forces under the direction of Canadian and American atomic officials. An agreement signed by the USSR, the USA and Canada in 1973, through the auspices of the United Nations, stipulates that when a satellite falls onto a country the country ‘who launched it is totally responsible for the deleterious effects that may have been caused by its negligence. This treaty has never been enforced and it is likely that this incident will prove whether the provisions of this agreement can be applied. In the United States, a govemment agreement passed in 1957 and subsequently renewed a decade later stipulates that any nuclear power plant need only provide for the first $700 million dollars of insurance if the plant causes any damage to the surrounding area. The government agreed to assume the rest of the damages which is a major difference between any other form of commercial liability. In a conventional power station if an accident injured workers, the engineers in charge of the plant’s operation could be found criminally liable. This change of responsibility from the individuals who designed and operated a nuclear facility to the all-powerful government is drastically changing the scope of work. Now a designer, cognizant that if his station blows up he will not be criminally liable, need not be as confident of his work as if his life was on the line in the event of an error being traced back to him. Such a lack of responsibility could lead to the unsafe operation of these plants. In Canada provincial electric corporations and the federal government are the only ones to operate nuclear devices (except several small reactors at some universities, eg. McMaster). The liability for the unsafe operation of such plants will undoubtably be borne by the government involved, so all of us would be paying the costs of an accident. In the future when :ke reprocessing of nuclear wastes inevitably comes to Canada and, Ontario in particular, any resulting accidents can be laid against the society which permitted such a dangerous technology to proliferate without adequate safeguards or public control. - ,


the chevron



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GREATRUFUS ROAD MACHINE COMING SOON DUTCH MASON BLUES BAND ROCKY REMEMBER: Our disco provides continuous music throughout the nite Every Monday nite: GONG SHOW Every Tuesday nite: AMATEUR SHOW Every Wednesday nite is UNlUERSlT~ NIGHT. Show your I.D. for free admission. Eveninas - no ieans Dlease -

idge S%ket




- 744

OPIRG anavlses



UW students


This past year has seen the appointment of several provincial Royal Commissions. None is granted more importance by politicians and media alike than the Royal Commission on the Northern Environment. Justice Patrick Hartt leads this commission, the mandate of which is to examine the pattern and effects of development on the physical, social, cultural and economic environment north of the 50th parallel in Ontario. The Commission is expected to make recommendations towards a definitive northem development policy. In light of the recent economic problems plagueing northern communities, the Commission’s task is extremely important. The Hartt Commission is the government’s response to concern and outrage expressed throughout the province towards the much publicized Reed Paper Ltd. development scheme. Reed signed a “memorandum of understanding” with the Ontario government granting Reed exclusive timber rights to an area in Northwestern Ontario as large as Nova Scotia. This “agreement” infuriated native communities, many of which, along with tourist camp . operators had been the primary victims of mercury pollution from a Reed Paper mill in Dryden. The Ontario Public Interest Research Group documented this devastating environmental and social impact of mercury pollution in a publication entitled Quick Silver and Slow Death. Reed Paper’ s role was analysed in Reed: Profile of Transnational, the story of a British owned firm’s growth from a small family business to a powerful transnational corporation. The Royal Commission on the Northern Environment is presently concluding a series of informal “information gathering” meetings in northern communities. The meetings are designed to clarify the terms of reference of the commission’s mandate. Pickle Lake, one of the few accessible towns actually north of 50 degrees, was the site of one of these meetings. This community has witnessed the full cycle of the traditionally northern boom and bust economy. A small stable portion of the population of Pickle Lake provides services for the Native communities to the north. The rest of the town’s population has fluctuated in response to the prosperity of nearby mining developments. An abandoned mining platform in nearby Central Patricia is a gloomy reminder of a once booming gold town. In August, 1976, a much heralded copper mine was opened by UMEX, a subsidiary of the Belgium owned mining multinational, Union Miniere. After swelling the local population from near 300 to 1,500, UMEX drastically reduced its workforce, citing that the recent decline in demand on the intemational copper market is threatening to make the mine’s life short-lived. Pickle Lake is being examined as a case study of traditional northern development by a local student research team working with OPRIG. Phil Weller and Ted Cheskey of the project team recently travelled to Pickle Lake to present a brief to Justice Hartt and collect research data. Their brief, presented before the Commission and the townspeople of Pickle Lake, challenged the ability of transnational corporations to promote or maintain socially and economically stable communities. The brief stated that “much of Canada’s north is plagued by economic dependency on primary resource extraction industry dominated by transnational corporations. ” It further stated that “the dependence of our northern communities on the erratic fluctuations of the international market makes them particularly vulnerable . . .when the market goes soft layoffs are never far behind.” The most recent example of this is the shift in emphasis of production by Into from Canada to Guatemala and Indonesia and the resulting loss of jobs for Canadian workers. The brief also discussed ‘corporate blackmail’ used by corporations to receive concessions from the government by the threat of plant closures. “A transnational’s power to close an entire operation, as well as to transfer everything but the workers out of the country is an overpowering weapon in labour negotiations.” The knowledge of this

This abandoned gold mining platform mining community.

is a gloomy

power affects northern communities in many ways, as can be seen in this quote from Mayor George Rowatt of Dryden: “We’re not cosy with them (Reed) just dependent, locked in. . . . If somebody would tell me that this is the time to tell Reed to clean up, then I’d do it. But how do you push your town’s own industry?”


of a 0,

as “pretty despc vances concerning and safety standar topic at many of 1 General Superintc

The Commission heard briefs from groups including public school students, local entrepreneurs, and corporate executives from the south. Townspeople spoke of the incredible lack of understanding and sensitivity in the south about northern concerns. The theme of northern people tired of being told how to run their affairs by the south has been prevalent throughout the hearings. The townsfolk placed the brunt of their criticism on the government for its inability to provide promised basic services to the community. For example, the building in which the hearings were held was an old boarded up hall, which served as the “community centre” and the school gymnasium. It was located three miles from the school and totally lacked any facilities. The absence of recreation facilities in Pickle Lake obviously contributes to an unstable social climate. Other local concerns were expressed for environmental clean-up and financial compensation to the community by industries which close down, and “industrial development which all can share.” The UMEX representative from the firm’s head office in Toronto presented the company’s brief. He too was very critical of government bureaucracy. “Everyone”, he said “is strangled by regulations.” He described the future of UMEX in Pickle Lake

The “old’


the chevron




Hartt commission

. '


rate grie*egulations i recurring J Ludwig, pbell Red

Lake Mines, told the Commission at Red Lake that regulations limiting the amount of arsenic gold mill workers may breathe will kill the mines. All too often, jobs and even lives are sacrificed in a corporation’s drive for profit. An important area of concern to the Commission is undoubtedly the future of the native people. Native cultures are being threatened by massive industrial development and assimilation by the white society. After the meetings at Pickle Lake, the Commission spent two days at the Native community of Osnaburgh, 25 miles south of Pickle Lake. The importance bestowed on the Commission by the natives of Treaty Nine, was obvious from the preparation in Osnaburgh. The guests and Commission members were treated to delicious meals of moose meat, wild rice and bannock. The importance was also reflected in the style of presentations. Natives, from up to 120 miles away from Osnaburgh addressed Hartt in Cree and Ojibway, translated into English by other band members. Elders were the first to speak to Hartt. Contrary to our society in which the “aged” are often isolated from the rest of society, Native Elders play an integral role in the function of a native community. They give wisdom and guidance to the Chiefs and younger tribe members, providing stability to the Native way of life. Emphatic in both Cree and English, the Natives told Hartt with almost forgiving reproach, that the large scale uncontrolled resource developments such as the Reed scheme, were destroying their culture and economy. Frank Beardly, a member of the Muskrat Dam community, told Hartt the tale of how 72 years ago, .the first government commission to come to Osnaburgh was welcomed by the native community. That first commission brought with it twine, potatoes and seeds as compensation for the signing of Treaty No. 9 The natives knew nothing about farming and the goods went to waste. Beardly called Treaty Nine “a mockery of justice”,, “a sham” and “a morally corrupt legal instrument.” He said that the govemment created “a vast complex of bureaucracy and red tape” that interfered with native rights as granted in Treaty Nine. Treaty Nine, the James Bay Treaty, was signed between the Crown, the Provincial Government and the Cree-Ojibway Nation in 1906. It covers an area of 210,000 square miles. There are 40 native communities within this area, of which the total population of band members exceeds 20,000. Treaty Nine reads in part, that “His Majesty the King hereby agrees with the said Indians that they shall have the right to pursue their usual

vocations of hunting, trapping and fishing throughout the land.” However, the legalistic jargon of the treaty has frequently been used as the basis for government and corporate encroachment on Native rights. Several Indians spoke of five major issues that are threatening to alter the lifestyles of the Indians in Northwestern Ontario. These are: 1) the Polar Gas pipeline that would dissect Northwestern Ontario, 2) the Onakawana lignite coal project, 3) the Reed Paper expansion, 4)i water diversions and hydro electric dams along the Albany, Severn, Winisk and Missinaibi rivers by Ontario Hydro, and 5) the government policy to make the harvest of wild rice open to all. One band member stated that “Toronto chiefs” (the Davis government in conjunction with corporate heads) make the policy decisions affecting northern reserves without consulting the north. The native philosophy towards development was most aptly articulated in the statement “the land and the people are one.” Separating the two leads only to the destruction of both. Judge Hartt promised some of the bands attending the Osnaburgh meetings that he would visit their communities not accessible by road, in the new year (1978). Based on the initial meetings, Hartt will be submitting an interim report which will clearly define the Commission’ s mandate and goals. Following release of the report, Hartt will commence at least two years of formal hearings. Out of these hearings, will come recommendations towards a policy that will shape. an area ‘ ‘as large as France. ” The Commission is seen by many native and white groups, as an opprotunity to build a link between natives and whites, north and south. At the same time, these groups (aware of the impact of past Royal Commissions) fear that the Commission may absorb the energies of citizens groups in a possibly ineffective process. FURTHER


Canadian Association in Support of Native People, Bulletin Vol 18, No. 2, a study/action kit prepared for Ontario North Today, 1977. Ontario Public Interest Research Group, Quicksilver and Slow Death, October, 1976. OPIRG, Reed: Profile of a Transnational, June 1977. ’ OPIRG, Brief to the Royal Commission on the Northern Environment, presented December 5, 1977. Swift, Jamie and the Development Education Centre, The Big Nickel: Into at home and abroad, Between the Lines, 1977. Treaty 9, The Land and the People are One, and various other short publications.

1G~ests~~“~yinY Repression U.S



to the World




Director of the project on Militarism & Disarmament institute for Policy Studies, Washington D.C., Author Of War Without End: American Planning for the next Vietnams


55 ERES ST. EAST, (across

















Sun and Holidays

e Lake.




- 9pm



the chevron

Plus four performs we 11 New Works ‘78, was the title given to Dance Plus Four’s performance of last Saturday and Sunday. It was their second evening of performance at the Humanities Theatre as I sat waiting for relaxing entertainment after a hectic weekend. Other people in the comunity could not have had the same -interest since many of the seats around me were empty. Unfortunately they missed a good performance. This young, new talent from Kitchener, Waterloo is a modern dance company. Their main two choreographers are Gabby Micelli and Nancy Roberts Forbes. Both of these girls along with another dancer, Elizabeth Dewey, are former graduates of the U. of W. Honours Dance Programme. The program started with Micelli’s choreography, then Forbes’ and ended with a few individual selections from other choreographers. Solitudes, Micelli’s first piece of the evening was a primitive, expressionistic, three part dance. I say it was primitive because of the chanting quality of the music and the speckled skin-look of the costumes. There were a lot of twirling and sninnine movements interspersed with 6ody jerking. The emphasis was heavily based in the pelvis and a lot of the action centred around the floor.

Life Movements, also choreographed by Micelli, again contained three’ parts. They were all very separate in their ideas, however the style of choreography was much the same. There were many types of jazz movements found in the pieces and a continuous flow in the action gave you a change of pace from Solitvdes. Tenants, Imaginings and Street Walk, the titles of the three sections were all based on natural, everyday movements. These were walking, running and falling with a little bit of gestural humor. The costumes were bright, flashy and full of colour. Participaction, Micelli’s final choreography in this section’ was a spoof on Jogging and running. They were dressed in gym shorts and tee shirts and presented an element of fun after the emotional content of the other works. Nancy Roberts Forbes’ first selection was a piece called, A Question of Balance. It was an improvised piece based on insanity and contained mime and mimic gestures. The music was eerie and the costumes complimented this by being white and ghost like. It started out with strong intentions but fell con.- short of_ choreographic tent In the end* White Raven and Party, Forbes’ next twb pieces were both well done and interesting. White Raven

Middle of the Road - to the left Music by Burt Bacharach, Gordon Lightfoot, Rogers’ and Hammerstein and Galt McDermot’s “Aquarius”, combined with original choral works by composer-conductor Alfred Kunz will form part of the programme for the spring concert of the Alfred Kunz show choir. Called “Middle of the Road - to the left”, the concert is planned as an evening of entertaining music, and covers a wide range of styles from the lighter listening mentioned above to the more thought-provoking, avant-garde sounds of Kunz originals. The concert will take place on Sunday, February 5 at 8 p.m. in the Humanities Theatre, University of Waterloo. Tickets at $3.50 (Stu./Sen. $2.50) are on sale now at the UW Arts Centre Main Box Office, 254 Modern Languages Building, UW or from choir members. Accompanying the choir will be a Rhythm Combo, an interesting new concept for choral activity in this area. Soloists will include Cherry Fraser, contralto, Deena Dolan, soprano, Lucille Ferras, soprano and Mary Jane Bowman, mezzo-soprano.

suggested bird-like movements and has a mechanical look. The movement consisted of-large arm extensions and falls to the floor. Party was a spoof on characters at a party and their movement sequences. It contained an element of drama and could have developed into more dancing.

Schnitzler plays hit The UW Drama Group is presenting two pkiys by Arthur Schnitzler, an’ exciting Austrian playwright - also a journalist in World War I, and a renowned novelist. His greatest work, ‘La Ronde’, was done at University of Waterloo just 2 years ago. The plays are being directed by Robert Fried, a young director who has trained extensively in Israel and in the Drama Centre, London, England. The plays are both set in Vienna at the turn of the century - a time when the Hapsburg empire was stagnant and dissatisfaction was growing in the form of constant upheavals by minority groups and general national restlessness. Schnitzler wrote his plays for the enjoyment of a bourgeoise audience and in several of his comedies they saw a gentle but chiding portrayal of themselves. The structure of the plays and the action and characters in the plays reflected the lives of these restless people, who having no real goals or objectives chose to wile away life in the ‘salons’ ; in flirtation and dalliance; and in the pleasures of the senses. Superficially we see gay frivolity but’ beneath the surface exist more serious issues of the heart, of love, of life. . “The Big Scene”: Deals with Art and the world of the Artist; his realities, his values, his lifestyle, his truths. “The Feast of Dionysus”: The plot revolves around a couple


The next three pieces contained choreography from each of the other two dancers, Elizabeth Dewey and Oonagh Fitzgerald, and one piece by Terrill Maguire. This was a refreshing change from the other two choreographer’s styles, however they did not fit in well with the repetoire so far explained. The choreography was very amateurish and left much to be desired in content. The last selection, again by


with JohnForrest - Buff Allen - Ckxkcc,


Gin Heinemnn- Barbara Reney

whose marriage is crumbling, and the fate of this marriage comes to be determined in a crowded railway station. But this is no soap opera! it deals allegorically with the subconscious urge for a “feast day”, a day when all desires could be satisfied, without provoking guilt. These plays and the production approac’h are a good example of the work being done by the Drama Group at the University of Waterloo. The performances are part of a structured learning process and


‘None of the musicians in Woody Herman’s big band, appearing at the Humanities Theatre, University of Waterloo on Friday, February 10 had been born when Herman first started to thrill young people with his big band sound. The Band, called Woody Herman and His Thundering Herd, is dynamic and young. Herman is a creative musician who does not deal in nostalgia. He has kept himself and his band contemporary, and continued over the years to be an important part of the music scene. Many renowned jazz players have graduated from the “Herd” and Herman has kept top-notch musicians coming along. As the Los Agneles Herald put it, “Woody Herman has the unique distinction of being able to please the kids of the kids he pleased 20 years ago”. The programme at Waterloo on February 10 will of course include a few of.the Herman “immortals” his old theme song “Blue Flame”, “Wood Chopper’s Ball”, “Caldonia’ ‘, and the lovely ballad ‘ ‘ Laura’ ’ . Tickets for the onenight-only concert are $6.00 (stu./sen. $4.00), available at the UW Arts Centre Main Box Office, 254 Modem Languages building, or at Bishop’s Style Shop, Stanley Park Mall, Kitchener and the KW Symphony Office, 56 King St. N., Waterloo. Woodrow Charles Herman was born in Milwaukee and entered

FEB 3-5

FRI-SUN 7&9:40PM Doooooooooooooooo.o~

A Man For All Seasons FEB


$‘2 .oo

Available at



(4; 3.00

Off ice (CC - 235




uw come at the end of a period of inter sive rehearsal exercises. For th Drama students involved they hav two main purposes - to provide methodological way of approacl -ing a play text; an& to emphasis the actor/director relationship an the work of the actors with the director in preparatory exercise and improvisations as being the ke for good theatre. See these in Theatre of the Art: February 14-18, 8:OO p.m. -susanna dobso drama grou


to stampede at UW

2001 u onv

3, 197t

Gabby Micelli, took you back tl expressionist exploration of space It was aptly called, Throughspace and the three dancers move1 through an aerial design that con tained arm and leg extensions There was a definite connection be tween the dancers and the move ments and it was an enjoyable end ing to this company’s upstandin efforts in choreography, dance anI entertainment. -t



Humanities Thci?tre



MON-WED oooooooooooooooo..oQ

8:00 PM


9-12 7 al 9P.hr

show business at the age of eight a a child prodigy clarinet player an tap dancer - derby hat and al During his University years he wa a member of a number of nam bands as a saxophone player clarinetist and singer. Two’ of th bands were Tom Gruen (wher Tony Martin sat next to him in th sax section) and the famous Ishal Jones band. When Jones di: banded, Herman took over the nut leus of the group and formed tf famous “Band that plays th blues”. (It was only thirty ye;u ago that Woody and Jack Teaga den were the only two whites a( cepted as true blues singers alor with such black artists as Big B. Bronzy, Jimmy Rushing, T-Bor Walker and Leadbelly.) A couple of years of struggli1 passed. . . one-nighters, playir theatres and jazz clubs. The bar had many national radio hookup and started to receive acclaim fro the big jazz critics. It was about th time that Herman and the band rl corded a “head” arrangement of blues number based on a brass ri for Decca Records. It was call< “Woodchopper’s Ball” and bl came an instant hit. It has sold OVI five million copies. From then o: Woody went on to win every jai poll in existence. In the mid, 40 Woody left Decca and signed w? Columbia where he was to recol some of his most important musi The war, along with Woody’s d sire to go in new directions, cause a great turnover in personnel. A dl ferent sound came out of that fir “Herd”, a credit to Woody’s ab ity to attract and develop some jazzdom’s finest players. Sue players as Dave Touch, Chub1 Jackson, Flip Phillips, Bill Han and Conrad Gozzo, the fabulo virtuoso trumpet player becan stars in their own right. Among the other distinguishc musicians to come out of the Ht man Herd in the last several yea are pianist Nat Pierce whose 2 rangements for the band both dt ing the time he was a member, al since then, have become an integl part of the band’s library; Sal Ne tico, the explosive tenor sa ophonist whose stature as a sectic member and soloist is highly I garded; Bill Chase, who le Woody’s trumpet section after number of years as lead man form the popular rock grol “Chase”; and Alan Broadber who continues in the tradition ! first by Ralph Burns in contributi modem and dynamic contempt ary arrangements‘ and cbmpo tions.



the chevron

3, 7978


Wake the rich pie!

SScism and class On Wednesday night a delighted udience revelled in a brilliant exjosure of the nature of the ongoing truggle between the rich and the beople. We two reviewers had been deieved by the bourgeouisie’s bromotion of FASS as a private eke organized by a group of drun.en buffoons. But we immediately ecognized the revolutionary naure of the production, from the ruly revolutionary entrance price bf $1.50/ticket. Our hopes were :onfirmed at the three-hour Wedlesday night performance. On the surface the play depicts he struggle between a group of emocratic newspaper workers nd the state, and its lackeys in oranized crime. The workers have omposed an article exposing the angs and their cooperation with he police. They are attacked by he gangs and arrested when they esort to the police for help. A vicious internicine struggle reaks out between the two terwrist gangs and the police for con-01 of the journalist’s story. But le workers are rescued from the ands of the police by the Acme rterrogation Agency. The AIA, ith the help of the Casino Perfor-

mers and Dancers Club exposes the reactionary nature of the state itself to the workers via revolutionary songs and ballet. Although the workers are viciously murdered by the rich in the last scene, they rise anew like the phoenix in FASS 1979, a symbol of ongoing struggle. But on a deeper level the play is a philosophical essay on the nature of contradictions. The vicious struggle in the camp of the bourgeouisie is exposed, along with the major contradiction between the rich and the people. There are conflicts, as well, within the workers themselves. On one side are Jimmy Molson and Charles U. Farley. Molson, played brilliantly by Rick Cameron, is a cub reporter who tirelessly presses the line of exposing the real criminals. Farley , played by Wayne Sprung, is a true scientist whose research is opposed by the bourgeouisie as he has invented an electric sundial which stays stuck at ten to two. Farley explains that time cannot go forward until real democracy is established by the overthrow of the rich. The other line in the ranks of the people is exemplified by Lotus Lane, Shirley T. Goodness, and


lor gives ersonal IXCH performance 1

Orson Buggy. Lane, played seductively by Samm Ristrich, and Goodness, played by an inflamed Gay Fouliss, have been deceived by the promotion of sexual decadence by the rich. This is shown as an attempt to weaken the revolutionary resolve of the people. Preston Gurdy plays Orson Buggy, a revolutionary editor who wrote the original expose but is now unable to read it because of brainwashing by the English Language Proficiency Exam. Another bad line put forward among the workers concerns the nature of comedy. While Molson recognizes that every class has its own humour, the rich promote a line of classless humour. The resulting tasteless puns met with groans from the audience. One thing this play shows is how the rich use words to control the people. The democrats are killed in the end by a bad joke from the heavens. The play puts forward the line of “fighting words with words” as the way to deal with this. It of course follows from this that fascists have no right to speak, since what they might say could be fatal. Frances Graham and Kevin Flannagan, dancers in CPDC, must be complimented for a dazzling choreographic display. The overacting, despite opening-night jitters, was more than acceptable. Everyone who worked on this production should be commended for a remarkable effort. A surprise bonus for the Wednesday audience was provided by chevron production manager, John Wallace Bast, whose continuous chortling and choreographic direction from the front row made at least one member of the audience ask if he was part of the cast. There are two performances on Friday night, and one on Saturday. We understand that the Friday night late performance is already sold out. -ciaran -peter

Professor Charles U. Farley, the mad physics inventor, demonstrates his electric sundial as Seconds tick inexorably by, and everyone joins in a frantic search for an expos6 on gangland activity and police corruption in this year’s FASS. farley’s sundial is as accurate as any timex - it always reads 70 to 2. You can still see FASS ‘78 tonight at 7 and 70 pm and Saturday night at 8 pm in the Theatre of the Arts. -photo by Christopher dobbin


o‘donnell thompson

Postblurb The above review is pretty queer - in fact its damn crazy - and comes from the reviewer’s warped idea of out Fassing FASS, I suppose, and as productron manager and (after tonight) loyal FASSite I must point this out. To the bimbo in the audience - have you never seen a fellow enjoy ultimate humour? Reader, if the above review leads you to believe anything less than good about FASS, write an antichevron letter and see the play. It’s great ! -jwb

YOU can set up the furniture, make the coffee and hire the performer, t the success of a coffeehouse depends on the rapport between the dience and the performer, and last Sunday night something special ppened. Vicky Taylor gave a very personal as well as entertaining performance. ie openess that Pyx (as she is known to-family and friends) felt and which wed from her, both in comments and in songs touched the audience and turn Pyx got high on their responsiveness. The performance was broadst on CKMS-FM. Many of Vicky’s songs dealt directly with personal periences of her own which required an explanation of the tune’s ac kground’ , which was given in a humourous and entertaining mologue, albeit incoherent at times. Her best numbers were ‘Amazing ace’ and ‘I’ll Fix Your Flat Tire, Merle’, and old Big Brother and the jlding Company tune (after Janis Joplin left the group) recently rejuveted by the Pure Prairie League. Pyx’s last number ‘Superhawk’ was itten for her brother, and though Pyx does not often sing this original, it 1s both touching and illustrative of her style and material. Mark Curtis, a U of W student who opened Sunday’s coffeehouse, was pressive in his ability to emulate “popular Canadian artists”. His :hnical perfection was most noticable during his renditions of ckbum’s ‘Lord of the Starfields’, and Dan Hill’s ‘Hold On’. We can ly hope to see Mark develop his own style. -murphy and beattie

FEBRUARY 5 ARBKNECHTE (Campus Centre Pub) Coffee, Tea, Cider and Goodies $1.49







A Typical 8: loam- 10:30pm 8: 15am- 9: 15am 9: OOam- 1I : OOpm 11:45am- 1: 15pm 1:OOpm-4: OOpm 1:45pm- 4: 15pm


the chevron

3, 7978

Thursday of lntramurals

in the

Squash, Racquetball & Handball Recreation & Fitness Swim Tennis Activities

Recreation & Fitness Swim Drop-In Badminton Instructional Cross-Country Skiing (2 classes) 3:45pm- 11 :OOpm Men’s Competitive Floor Hockey 4: 30pm-7: OOpm Gymnastics Club 5: OOpm-7: OOpm Fencing Club 6: OOpm-8: OOpm Instructional Swimming (level 1, 2, 3) 7: OOpm-9: OOpm Instructional Judo 7:OOpm-1O:OOpm Table Tennis Club 7: 30pm- 10:30pm Men’s Competitixe Basketball 7:30pm-10:30pm Instructional Squash Sessions 8: OOpm-9:‘30pm Co-Recreational Innertube Waterpolo 8:OOpm-1O:OOpm Instruc. Downhill Skiing 9:OOpm- 10:30pm Ar’chery Club Instructional Karate 9:00pm- 10: 30pm 9:30pm-10:30pm Recreation & Fitness Swim 10: 30pm- 12: 30pm Curling Club (Mixed) 1 l:OOpm-l:OOam Co-Ret Broomball 1 l:OOpm-l:OOam Men’s Competitive Hockey

Life Squash Courts Pool PAC Waterloo Tennis Club Pool PAC Gym 3 PAC Bl - 167 Seagram Stadium Upper Blue Act. Upper Red Act. Pool PAC Combatives Rm. Upper Blue Act:PAC PAC Pool PAC Chicopee Ski Area Upper Red Act. Red Act. Area Pool PAC Granite Club Wilson Arena Moser Springer

Intra-Play Re-Play As of Friday, January 27, 1978, the University of Victoria had 810 registrants to 587 for the University of Waterloo while Victoria enjoyed balmy and 81 degree Celsius weather, Waterloo was, shall we say, out in the cold. The breakdown for U of Waterloo is as follows: 5 19 students, 43 staff and 25 faculty. Both Peter Sprung (staff) and Ian Williams of HKLS Faculty have already completed their 24 miles. As to the three internal challenges, the following has occurred. 1. Engineering leads Society Challenge Engineering 117 83 Math HKLS 68 Arts 64 Science 45 E.S.S. 40 2. St. Jeromes leads Church College Challenge. St. Jeromes 45 Notre Dame 27 24 Renison

Conrad Grebel 10 St. Pauls 5 3. Village I leads Village.Challenge Village I 84 Village II 70 6 Minota Hagey “To date, 4.1% ofour population has registered for the Jogger’s Challenge” says IM Director Peter Hopkins. This is excellent for the first week. However, out- objective is 10% of the University of Water100’ campus, or 142 1 joggers. There are still 5 weeks to register, as long as you run 24 miles before March 19, 1978. To register: Phone in, Run in, Ski in, Walk in to the Intramural office room 2040 PAC and register. Let’s show Victoria that weather cannot defeat Participaction.

room 2040. Who will be the ones to accept this challenge’?

Participaction Week


of the

If you’re going to start gitting into shape, maybe the first thing you should do is lift yourself up from that chair.




The competitive hockey has a new twist to it this term. The B league has gone non-contact. This is only an experiment for one term and a decision will be made after the term,, whether or not to keep the non-contact league. From the players I’ve talked to so far, I’ve got the impression that a lot of them are enioying the non-contact hockey. Most of them are surprised at the type of game that non-contact is. There is more emphasis on skating and stick handling and the fear of being put through the boards has disappeared. The A-league hockey has deJogger’s Challenge Chalteriorated some this term as a result lenge: A Village I West challenges anv.a of B league going non-contact. few teams jumped to A league so other quad in the village to better their number of joggers involved in they could play contact hockey but their ability doesn’t match up with the U of Victoria - U of Waterloo that of past A league teams. Jogger’s Challenge. Registration Last Thursday and Friday, the forms are available in the PAC scheduled games had to be cancelled due to the storm. They wijl be rescheduled for a future date and captains should check in the IM office (2040 PAC) to find out when their games are. This past Tuesday, St. Jeromes B and the Blazing Blades battled to a 2-2 tie. Systems beat 4B Civil 5-4. The Nags edged Arts 3-2 while Coop beat Alufawhore 2-l in another.close game.

Men’s Competitive Basketball

The Men’s Competitive basketball league is in it’s third week, most teams have played at least two-games, but due to weather cancellations and mechanical difficulties, other teams have yet to play. There are 56 teams involved this term, 10 teams in A league, and the biggest entry ever in B league of 46 teams. The A league has two divisions, one on Sunday and the other on Thursday, each ,-division having five teams. Top tdams at this point in the schedule are the Breakers and Tiny Toddlers, the Twine Teasers although losing their first game, won their second game handily, look for them to win the rest of their games. These three teams will get strong competition from the Outsiders and the Civies. The B League with it’s 46 teams is broken up into 9 divisions, 3 playing on Thursday night and the other 6 on Sunday. It is very hard to pick favourites with this many teams, plus with the expanded playoff schedule, anything could happen. Some of the better teams to watch are the Offenders, made up of Warrior football players, and the South 8 Selects, last term’s champions. A team that could be the darkhorse is Engineering 5 & 5, look for them in the finals. Good compefition can be expected from the Ball Hogs, Psychos, South A, Oddballs and Resurrection B. For those teams that have games to be rescheduled, please check the standings as of January 29th posted in the Men’s Toteroom, the re-play schedule is attached to it. Replay dates are February 12th, 19th and 20th.

Ski Club


Memberships for you and yout friends are still available at the PAC Red North office for the price of $5.00. The membership allows you to take advantage of reduced rates on all trips as well as our numerous parties. Don’t forget that presentation of your card offers you a 10% discount at Riordan’s Ski and Sport Shop.

‘Mt. Se.



We’ve filled up one bus already, but we are offering a second one. For those of you who would like to go but don’t know what the trip


on page




the chevron


friday, february

I would like to comment on Lkurie Gourlay’s letter (Not working for students) in the January 27 chevron. I find such an attitude constructive and intelligent in contrast to the normal calibre and concern of the letters in “feedback” : It is cheering to read a letter with a positive outlook and reasonable criticisms as opposed to the usual harrassment of individuals one week with a reciprocal reply the next, that seems so common. I was, dismayed by Rick Smit’s letter of January 20 (Smit smites the staff), being surprised that he would stoop as low as to utilize the rhetoric so prevalent in the usual chevron descriptions of federation matters and people as well as much other “feedback” fare. I am, however, prepared to forgive him this as it seems that in the midst of all the petty bickering that pervades most chevron and other coverage of chevron-federation matters, Smit is the one making the most sense most often. (In regard to this matter it is interesting to that in Gourlay’s letter chevron action is given as the cause, the federation’s, effect. A small point perhaps, but telling .) I won’t withdraw my federation fee when the time comes that I can, because I think refundable fees are wrong. I think that student involvement is the only legitimate way to persuade the federation-into action; refundable fees are only so much cop-out. I can well sympathize with\ those who will, though, when I see the deteriorating situation of attitudes of a campus newspaper and the representative union of the students who support it, and the juvenile quarreling between them. For my $25 or whatever that I pay to the federation, I would like to see more utilization of the common sense that seems to infiltrate the ranks of “feedback” letter-writers so infrequently, as it did in Laurie Gourlay’s letter of last week. I don’t suppose there’s a way to ensure that everyone involved with either the chevron or the federation is working with the basic rights and interests of students at mind. There’s sure a lot of stuff in the chevron that has nothing to do with me, and the prez of my federation is making a whole lot of noise about it, but he’s going overboard, and I’m not really sure that there’s- any good reason for the whole mess. Hopefully common sense will lead to compromise, and compromise to constructive action, and in this way the chevron issue will soon be settled for good, and we can all live happily ever after. Thank you for the opportunity to write. Keith



es n rkman

In a January 20 letter to the chevron, Randy Barkman wrote: “The editorial (chevron editorial, January 13) makes great mileage (Kilometerage) out of linking Smit’s distaste for chevron editorials slantto an assumed distaste for chevron editorials .-Had staff asked Smit he probably would have agreed with the listed editorials.” In its editorial the chevron listed as its principle “To defend the basic interests of students” and listed the following editorials that appeared last semester: -in opposition to the compulsory English Languages Proficiency Program and its false premeises. -in favour of a federation that defends the basic interests of students (unlike the present one) -against the increased criteria for passing courses -against Burt Matthews acquiesense to the “new reality” of even greater cutbacks and the increased workload it carries for staff students and faculty. -in support of the struggle of the tenants of Married students Apartments against an outrageous rent increase Well Barkman, I decided to ask Rick Smit

about all the listed editorials. He opposes all the,editorials! He has no idea what cutbacks are. (he claimed the only cutback is a rise in the price of beer). He supports the rent increase for Married students apartments, the so called English Language “Proficiency” exam under the claim that he supports “higher standards” in education. He reiterated this stands at several all candidates meetings last week. One suggestion to this executive member, is that before you jump to lick your boss’s boots you should do some investigation, otherwise keep your assertions to yourself. Salah


n I attended the lecture on contemporary China by Felix Greene during China Week and I was disgusted by his apologies for British imperialism. In leading up to his analysis of the international situation he discussed what changes had taken place in the world during his time. He remarked that Britain had changed completely in nature over the past 30 years. This is very misleading and only serves to mask over the heinous crimes being committed to this day by British imperialism, despite the fact that it is not the Number 1 big power in the world. t Aside from the rnilitary occupation and subjugation of northern Ireland and the violent suppression of the people there, by 20,000 troops the British imperialists maintain extensive economic, political and military interests all around the world. Britain is one of the leading countries as far as the export of capital is concerned, with a total of more than $20 billion, a good part of which is invested in the countries of the Middle East and the Indian sub-continent. Thousands of British colonialist soldiers have been stationed throughout different British bases in this region. In Jordan, British imperialist forces have suppressed through fire and sword the struggle of the people of this country for freedom. Recently an agreement was signed with India, according to which Britain will accord India economic aid worth 144 million pounds during the next two years. This ‘aid’ is to penetrate the markets of India and other countries to ensure further profits. British imperialism in one of the main arms suppliers to such reactionary regimes in the Middle East as Israel and the Jordanian regime . Felix Greene not only prettified Britain but did the same thing with the United States. According to Greene it seems that the Western imperialist powers are no longer slave-owners and exploiters but only the Soviet Union. Following this logic it would be natural to “defend the Western way of life” against the Soviet Union. Personally I do not see anything to choose from between the Western imperialist alliance led by the United States or Soviet social-imperialism. Both are big exploiters and warmongers. The U.S. and U.S.S.R. are fighting among themselves for a more ‘just’ distribution of slaves and resources and Felix Greene is taking sides. I think that the students should reject this ‘choice’ and fight against all the exploiters and their apologists like Felix Greene. SD.

cts Randy Barkman’s frantic letter, January 27, in reference to Felix Greene, China Week’s main speaker and attraction, states that Greene’s big mistake, in the eyes of the AIA, “is that his love of China has not diminished after the demise of ‘the gang of four” ’ . What Barkman fails to explain is what has happened in China since the death of Chairman Mao. Those who are presently in power took this power by instigating a reactionary coup. They. are attempting to restore capitalism in China. Gne of the blatant examples of this was illustrated clearly in a leaflet on education which was distributed

by AIA before the meeting. In short, the leaflet explained how education in China has now reverted to the bourgeoise method of competition among students and the separation of book learning from practical experience. Greene’s response to the AIA leaflet was that some people are needlessly “worried” about what is going on in China today. He later referred to the leaflet’s charge that changes made during the cultural revolution as nonsense. What else does capitalist restoration in China entail? It includes, under the antiLeninist thesis of three worlds (division of the world’s countries into three distinct categories: the superpowers, the developed and the underdeveloped countries, thereby discounting who is oppressed and who is the oppressor) support for the most reactionary and fascist regimes in the world,’ such as Pinochet in Chile and the Shah of Iran. Greene, in his presentation, claimed ignorance of the reasons why such anti-people reactionaries such as Lui Shao Chi, Lin Piao and Teng Hsaio Ping were overthrown by the Chinese People. He said “they are in and out and in again ’ . Yet in his film on China’s educational system, he praises the new methods of education in socialist China since the Cultural Revolution and the overthrow of Lin Piao. Since the set up of the meeting encouraged anything but open discussion (acceptance of written questions only, the presence of two campus securtiy officers, censored questions) many members of the audience vigorously opposed this fascist method and called for open and free discussion on questions of international significance. Barkman claims that “freedom to disrupt and dominate meetings is not what I believe in”. What does he believe in? The freedom to suppress. discussion; the freedom to have security threaten vigorous discussion at open, public meetings; the freedom to ban individuals from demanding answers to pertinent questions ? !- And Barkman calls himself a democrat! Hitler called himself a socialist. The real big mistake that Greene made was coming to this campus where there are people who want to get to the bottom of things and who oppose fascist methods such as suppression of progressive views. Dianne


As Ann Landers would and smell the coffee!“.

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say: “Wake Mark


Lettitor: It is normal for a staffer attacked in a letterto respond, including when the p&per in general is attacked, as was the case with Barkmara’s letter. The items raised in his letter, and to which Neil Docherty responded were all items permitted in the chevron by an assenting vote of a majority of chevron staff, though Barkman’s theory suggests that they were passed by a block which judges ori some other system of criteria than suitability for the chevron. As it seems you voted for all these items, are you parrt of the block? --NeilI Docherty (rewritten to save space by John W. Bast.)

Now I have seen everything! Last week in feedback (Jan. 27) Stanislav Reinis referred to himselfas a “teacher” and an “educated” person with a duty to expose the AIA and especially me. However, recent letters to feedback have shown Reinis to be someone 1. who thinks Lysenko’s theories were “mixtures of cheapest slogans, unsupported statements and ignorance” but who does not even know what Lysenko’s theories were; 2. whose theory about “brain workers” and wealth can be refuted simply by the law of supply and demand; 3. who thinks the proletariat of the 19th century used only “hands and simple tools” and that modern industry appeared in the 20th century; 4. who thinks that workers in Canada are getting richer under capitalism; 5. who thinks that the Queen of England and the Prime Minister must work part-time for a wage in order to subsist; 6. who writes down a theory but then refuses to defend it on the grounds that someone else thought it up first: 7. whose knowledge of Marxism could not fill a teacup; 8. who deliberately distorts Marxism in order to discredit it; 9. who responds to an accusation that he lied (Jan. 20) by denouncing this exposure as a “distasteful discussion’ and his accuser as “an ill-mannered child caught picking his nose” ; What is it that this man is trying to teach? According to his despicable example, a student should 1. ramble on in an essay giving one univestigated, unsubstantiated idea after another; 2. “refute” the views of an opponent by first falsifying what he said, and then ridiculing this concoction; 3. if necessary, tell a lie to extract himself from a difficult situation, or deny that he said some stupid thing himself; 4. never admit error; always behave as though he is absolutely correct and unblemished, and his opponent is without a . single merit, totally out of touch with reality; dismiss critics with a flick of the pen. If a student handed in an essay with these qualities, I would throw it back at him and demand that it be rewritten. No investigation, no right to speak. If someone wants to spout whatever nonsense pops into his head, he should get out of science and start a religion. Under the protection of so-called ‘ ‘ academic freedom’ ’ f we now see that a full professor paid over $30,000 per year can commit all sorts of academic offences in front of 10,000 readers of the chevron, yet have no worry about threats to his job’or immigration status. During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China, it was precisely scholardespots like Reinis who were overthrown and sent to do physical labour to transform their outlook. It is no wonder that he is so afraid of the socialist revoiution. I’ll bet he has nightmares about being sent to labour in a salt mine after the working class achieves political power in Canada. This, in my spinim, would be a fitting punishment for someone who has so little regard for truth. Doug ahilstm l

I read with interest the letter written by Randy Barkman in last weeks chevron as well as the response (read “editorial”) which followed. It is obvious that the editor of our student newspaper has taken advantage of his position so that he could have a “letter” of his own printed without having to go through the usual procedure. Perhaps it is because of this type of activity that Mr. Barkman says that he does not see “any credibility left in the leadership of the chevron’ ’ . Mr. Docherty begins his reply with the line: “On Mr. Barkman’s comments against the chevron (my emphasis). In fact, Mr. Barkman is not criticizing the chevron as a whole, but rather “this block (that) puts the best interests of their party ahead of the best interests of the paper”, And although Randy makes it clear that his complaints. have nothing to do with “their investigative articles on rent increases, english proficiency exams etc.” Neil finishes by saying he fully expects “that this situation will bring lame’nts evermore from Randy Barkman.” I don’t know who you think you’re fooling, Neil, when you say that “the problem with Barkman is that he is in a minority position on the chevron staff ‘. An increasing number of chevron staff members are beginning to realize that this is not the paper we fought nine months to save. One only has to read the letters in the chevron of January 20 to get some idea of how some of the other staff members feel (Stephen Coates: “Chevron poor’ ’ , Oscar M. Nierstrasz: “Staffer sees the enigma”, Christopher Dufault: “Chevron at new low”). ,



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Favorable reports For the past two years, the credibility of the chevron and its editorial staff has been the cause of great dispute. In the past, we were never in the position to judge the accusations levied against the chevron, nor were we ever in a position to believe the praise that was heaped upon the chevron at other times. However, the chevron’s recent coverage of the rent increase at MSA has provided us with a favorable view of the chevron journalism. The article that appeared on Jan. 20, 1978 was indeed honest, factual, and represented the mood of the tenants. Two weeks earlier, the chevron printed an editorial on the MSA. For this, Docherty should be congratulated. The editorial staff had the courage to expose the administration’s mismanagement of the MSA (mismanagement which hurt and will hurt the students). The chevron took it upon itself to investigate and report the situation as it is. It does appear that the university is profiteering at the expense of the studenttenants, and the chevron reported that quite effectively. As members of the Married Students Tenants Association, we have discovered that no agency is or was available to intervene on behalf of our tenants - in fact, no agency will listen. But it is sure wonder-full when the chevron - REPRESENTING THE STUDENT VOICE - stands up on your behalf! On behalf of ourselves and the many married students who feel as we do about the above, we thank the chevron for proving to be a real student newspaper. Clary Klieb

Star Roars Until your last issue, I had thought (as many still do) that the chevron was totally devoid of humour. But the piece on the deep political meanings of Star Wars must be the funniest thing I have read since the Sunday Chevron made its appearance. Val Moghadam is a comic genius. Let’s continue the trend: how about an on-the-spot report of Farrah Fawcett-Majors’ doctoral exams in astrophysics? Prabhakar Ragde

RCMP ads, yes or no? It was with regret that we read in the January 13, 1978 issue of the chevron that you will no longer print advertisements for the RCMP nor Canadian Armed Forces. This regret arises from the fact that we presumed that the chevron were sincere in their desire to operate the newspaper in a free and democratic fashion subsequent to its reinstatement. However, this editorial decision, as well as others, appears to support the contention that the chevron does not represent the beliefs or opinions of the majority of students on campus, and hence is Naturally, it may be being undemocratic. argued that the majority of students are apolitical and by implication remain uninjured by this move. In response to such an argument, we offer the counterargument that the majority on campus are political in the properly defined sense. That is, in general they do support the present Canadian state, its agencies, institutions, and their representatives. Of course, it is assumed that the Canadaian state has some political definition, be it monopolycapitalist or otherwise. Now, since the majority support the state, and the state has some political definition, it is concluded that the majority are political. It is thus trivial to conclude that the majority have been injured by your decision not to print RCMP and Canadian Armed Forces advertisements. However, we do not presume to represent anybody except ourselves but if others

the chevron

cleave to our arguments, so be it. We do believe that it is in our best interests for RCMP and Canadian Armed Forces advertisements to appear in the chevron. This belief is based upon our concern that the armed forces and RCMP should have an open opportunity to recruit from amongst the U of W student population, since it is these fellow members of the student population who will best understand our fear (both personal and social) of the megalomaniacs who take up political residence in such counter-Canadian organizations as the FLQ and the AIA. Thus, it is our hope that fellow students be recruited by the Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP in that they will be resolute in protecting us from political fringe elements. . Chris MacLellan Jeff Stern Vince Veness Thomas Wilson Roger Correia P.J. Steele Tony Cheng Boaz Samuel All of Systems Design

The A/A disrupters Last Thursday evening, I experienced once more a disappointing and despicable moment. I believe that whoever was present at Mr. Felix Greene’s talk on contemporary China would have been infuriated by the behaviour of several disrupters who were obviously advocates of the Anti-Imperialist Alliance. I always attempted to understand some of these people’s objectives on campus, now I would but only hold in contempt. I feel pitiful in view of the fact that such an act occurred in the China Week’s event which was basically culturally oriented for the promotion of friendship and knowledge. I would have tried to listen to what they were saying if they had well-behaved in their manner of raising questions in front of the speaker that evening. They purposely interrupted, shouted at and enforced their viewpoints on to the audience. This irritated me. But what have they accomplished? Only aggravation, contempt and rage from us. They got what they deserved. Perhaps others who were present that evening feel like ignoring the disturbance created by these impervious members, but I would really want this kind of ridiculous plot be stopped in order that speeches of academic relevance can be carried out for students in this university without disturbance. Sally Fung

No more trumpeting


It is with deepest regret that I must announce my withdrawal from the presidential race. The campaign trail has been long, tiring, but very interesting. Having been around the campus for eleven years, I thought I was ready to do battle and face the challenge of the presidency. I have found that the student’s concerns and demands are complex, and there is no simple solution, in which all sides can be satisfied. Many good student leaders have come and gone. Their weaknesses thoroughly criticized and their strengths usually ignored. The office of Federation President is not the big joke that many people make it out to be. Student participation in campus events is deteriorating, because of many undermining forces. It is time we all pull together to get U of W (Ontario’s third largest university) back on its feet. At this time I cannot publicly give my support to any one candidate, but rather urge the student body to aid and support ail the candidates. The student apathy which has ruled this campus for the past few years is as responsible as the loud-mouthed extremists for our present problems. I would like to thank all those people who have given support to my campaign, and to all those who have encouraged me. I, the Warrior’s Band, shall continue to bring en-

thusiasm and entertainment to the student body at various school events, and hope that they will join in with that good old raz-ma-taz spirit. Mr. W. Band Prince ‘of the PAC

Chevron to good



I am writing to tell you that since I recently discovered the chevron, my life has changed completely. I am now able to sleep peacefully at night, and as a result am living a happier, more worry-free life. Yes, I recently discovered that a single issue of the chevron can be used to cover up those little slits on the shutters in my room, through which disturbing rays of light formerly intruded upon my-resting place after beddybye time. By taping up the chevron, page by page (I had to trim off about 2” from the bottom of each), I have found that my room is now devoid of such visual disturbances at night, and as a result I am able to sleep much more soundly and peacefully than ever before. Thank you, chevrics, for your work towards improving. my life. I remain forever indebted to you. John Gross Former Insomniac

We are to comprehend In my letter I am reacting to the discussion amongst ‘Reinis’, ‘Wahlsten’ and ‘a worker’. I can tolerate the orthodox rigidity of ‘a worker’ who is citing the exact quotations of Marx but does not grasp at all that Marx would be the first one to react in accordance with the changing conditions in the world. not take anything for Marx said: “Do granted, doubt everything!” Our ‘worker’ belongs to the group about which Marx said: “I am Marx, I am not a Marxist” and he meant and was annoyed by those people who took his system as an eternal, unchanging doctrine. Reading Reinis’ article, I can understand why he instead of analysis or comparison of socialism and capitalism offers an emotional pledge about the situation in Czechoslovakia - after all, he was not only ‘a witness’, he was living there. What truly bothers me is the tone, the whole atmosphere of the discussion. Do we listen to the three academically educated people who care about the truth, science and conditions of life, or do we watch a bunch of guys who want to score a point using as a tactic degradation of the other fellow? Cannot we install a little decency into our discussions? Does ‘a worker’ want to know more about Marx and in which points Marx was mistaken, or does he already make up his mind that everything what Marx said about the society as it was 100 years ago is the eternal truth? Why S. Reinis does not admit that he overlooked his own inaccurate expression? It would not change the fact that the democratic political system in the Western world is better than the socialist model in the Eastern block, and this fact was the essence of his article, not if Lysenko said “and chromosomes” or “in chromosomes”. I cannot judge the scientific value of Lysenko’s theories, but the truth is that when Lysenko and Zdanov were the “popes” of the Soviet art and science, everybody outside the Russian border including Mendel, Morgan, Freud, and Emstein was called ‘the pseudoscientist’, ‘servant of the imperialism’ and ‘war-monger’. Go on with your debates, but listen to each other and take time to think about the things the other fellow is saying; after all we are here to learn, and if we listen, maybe we will learn something even outside the classroom. Vit Kratochvil Engineering


Complaint AS the President of ISA, I feel duty-bound to the student body to correct and put to rest distortions and blatant lies written by one David Carter under the title: “ISA and Federation Deep in Conflict”, which appeared in the Chevron of January 6, 1978. Theso-called conflict arose when acertain Salah Bachir, masquerading as a student, was elected President of ISA. At the same meeting I was elected to be his deputy. When it was discovered that Bachir was not a student, he was ordered to quit his post and stop interfering in student affairs. I then assumed the presidency, in accordance with the Constitution. But, Bachir, who seems to have no respect for constitutions and propriety, felt that one illegality was not enough. So he embarked on another one, viz. the election of his puppet, one Abera Mahannen, who owed his position to the executive, as an appointee of Salah Bachir. Those of you who have read the ISA Constitution and those of you who will take the trouble to read it will find that there is no provision in the Constitution for the appointment of a president by the executive when the elected vice-president is there. Only the likes of Salah Bachir and his clique are capable of that absurdity and outright illegality. Therefore, the only action taken by the Federation is its refusal to sanction Bachir’s illegal acts. It is alleged in David Carter’s article that Bridgid Rowe, the Treasurer, claimed that I attended only the first two meetings. There is an element of truth in that allegation, but she omits to point out that those of us who were not in Bachir’s cabal, were deliberately left out because we refused to rubber stamp his actions. Whenever Bachir called a meeting, it was clandestinely convened, with only members of his clique summoned to attend. So, I plead not guilty to Rowe’s charge. I am also accused of not attending a meeting at Rowe’s apartment called and arranged by Bachir on the day of his resignation. I refused to attend this meeting for the following reasons: (a) According to the Constitution, Bachir was not competent to preside over the meeting; therefore, the meeting was null and void. (b) The meeting was convened outside University premises, so that Bachir could continue to exercise authority illegally. I could not be a party to that. So, I promptly telephoned the executive members to cancel the meeting, and at the same time called an executive meeting on Campus premises for Monday, December 19, 1977. Owing to this confusion, I decided to postpone the Christmas party until early in the new year, after the dust settled down. There will be one before this month is out. Finally, there is no element of truth in the allegation by Peter Tsonis that I ran on a platform of social events and not politics. I ran on a platform of both student politics and social problems. I am acutely aware, as a foreign student, that there are numerous problems which afflict the foreign student. Anybody who is not impervious to reason knows that Bill C-24 is iniquitous and that the introduction of differential fees is discriminatory. My opposition to these and other such measurers is unwavering. I will join forces with any person or group of persons who wish to oppose these measures. It is my avowed wish that before my term of office is over, I will set machinery in motion to work for the repeal of these acts. I am also equally aware that a foreign student in Canada is in a totally different culture, hence the need for social get-togethers with Canadian students and professors, for the purpose of becoming acquainted with each other’s cultures. If the likes of Peter Tsonis find this unacceptable, I have no apology to offer. I also wish to inform you that I am open to your suggestions at all times; so feel free to drop your suggestions off at the Federation Office and I will promptly get in touch with you. Thank you. Yahaya A. Chindaya President, International Student Association




the chevron


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Correctioi7 Neil Docherty has pointed out an historical inaccuracy in my previous letter to the chevron, for which I wish to apologize. I erroneously stated that Mao Tse-tung and his supporters fought against Chiang Kai-shek during the Second World War. In fact, although they were never really friendly, they fought together against the Japanese invaders. All of this does not affect the point of my letter; to wit: the ISA’s response to the K.F.G.F. poster was immature and stank of Pavlovian hero worship. This criticism has nothing to do with the political stance of either side. In terms of propaganda, the ISA did an excellent job of convincing the students that they are a group of religious fanatics,‘whose primary concern is that, regardless of what they may think, people should not do or say anything which makes their chosen deity appear less than perfect. Maybe this is not what the ISA is really all about. If so, I hope they will take this criticism to heart, and, learning by experience (and self-criticism), they will become a respected group on campus. Yours sincerely, David W. Gillett




Neil Docherty, your thinking is illogical as is your wife’s, Nina Tymoszewicz. She believes that because I said there are good points in Canada’s immigration pal’ ‘y, I must be a supporter of Bill C-24. I vocally opposed Bill C-24 in council urging council to expose its bad points. Had I had a vote, I would have voted against the bill. I will not play your games of absolutes and “defend Bill C-24”. If you are interested in its good points contact Toronto lawyer Paul Copeland who opposes the bill yet claims there are good aspects of the country’s immigration policy. He is also a person the CPC-ML has united with in opposition to Bill C-24. Neil, with the control of the lettitor, suggests that since I am opposed to the slogan, “Defend the basic interests of the students”, then I am against the paper taking on “basic questions facing students”. Why does he say this when it is not true, he knows this, my practice shows otherwise, and when I reaffirmed that this is not the case in the letter he was referring to? Because he will use anything to discredit a person who opposes him. My letter(s) to the Gazette was not a lament over not being able to achieve a majority on staff as you state. When you tried to omit a letter critical of the AIA, staff opposed this 12-5. My letter on the meeting has stood the test of time. I was proudly in the minority in opposition to the editorial on Smit since it lacked anything of substance to back up its case. Docherty has not dealt with any of the criticisms I wrote about virtually every aspect of the editorial. Nor has he dealt with the other six letters claiming the editorial to be nonsense. Having to answer to no one, his response is: majorities are right! I wonder if Neil’s distaste for minorities extends to the chevron supporters on council in 1976/77? Docherty in his lettitor to my letter, further does not respond to any of my at least 13 criticisms concerning the chevron and himself. He ignores this and instead belittles myself. What a tactic. There was a time when I felt Neil was concerned with facts and what was right. I realize now that by law of averages, political line and truth coincide at times. That the leadership of the chevron is in most cases in the hands of the ‘AIA’ is unquestionable. That this is taken advantage of is convincingly shown in Docherty’s lettitor attacking myself in areas totally unrelated to my letter. Not exactly what this privilege is used for. (As a staff member can I have a lettitor toyour _,_. lettitor ifattacke,ct?pre_there Ls.3 _> _.s,.-:._I

any standards on the chevron anymore?) leaflet handed out at the Sept. 30, 1976 rally to support the free chevron. After discusWhen Smit attacked the AIA in a letter, Docherty claimed he attacked the chevron. sions in staff during the summer, staff acDoes he not link the two? But the chevron is cepted the slogan as the paper’s direction. not the AIA and staff members, though conSo, what’s the problem? If a communist demned for being in the minority, and conpresents an idea to staff and can convince demned for criticizing what is happening in them that it is correct why shouldn’t they the paper, are now realizing this. support it? But Barkman demands that anything At the Excalibur (York’s student newspaper) the editor is a Trotskyite. But since he communists support, staff must reject. does not push his politics on staff, staff is Hence, he raises that the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) supports very united. ZANU, the major liberation force in ZimOn the chevron, Dennis Rekuta resigned, babwe. Presto! ZANU news releases are I resigned as Production Manager and Nick Redding and Jayne Pollock withdrew their verboten. CPC(ML) supports and in fact led la services. Why? A prominent staff member Presse Etudiante Nationale, a militant orwas always afraid of voting on controversial ganization of Quebec student newspapers. subjects. I know of at least four ex-staff So Barkman says staff should have nothing members who try to stay as far away from the paper as possible because of what is hap- to do with PEN. Communists and other “subversives” pening in the chevron. Add three staff mem(people who want genuine democracy in bers who wrote to the chevron two weeks Canada) are the main target of the RCMP’s ago who felt the paper was going down the surveillance activities. So when staff resoldrain. In the summer and early fall of 76 a ves not to accept RCMP ads because of the force’s acts of repression against the Cananumber of people left the staff because they dian people Barkman votes against it, saying could not cope with the way the AIA operSince that ates. (See Steve Izma’s submission to the “the police protect the people”. time the Canadian University Press has banchevron investigation committee). It hapned RCMP advertising, so they must be pened again. overrun by tommies too. I did not say that editor Adrian Rodway On all these questions Barkman was in the was forced off staff as Neil states. I said it minority. On Defend the Basic Interests of was obvious why he resigned. And it is. the Students his was the only opposing vote. As each week passes, there are more exBarkman claims to support staff democamples. Last week Salah Bachir tried to ban racy. However, should anyone agree with fed prez Rick Smit from ever joining the the communists on any issue they become chevron, by excluding his articles. Docherty and his News Editoi abstained, but staff part of the “AIA block”, or at the very least voted against Bachir. a puppet or a “yes-man”. If they agree with him, though, they’re ok. Staff has to continually be on its toes when its leadership is from time-to-time working Although Barkman singles me out for against them. What a waste of effort. condemnation he implies that the whole staff are yes-people because they supported an Randy Barkman editorial against Smit, a humourous comment on Reinis and a ZANU press statement, all of which Barkman identifies with the dreaded “block”. Also, staff supports the leadership, including an editor to whom “staff members do not give much credibility” and a news editor he has been “propping up” since September. In last week’s feedback section, Docherty Barkman slanderously charges that the wrote a curious lettitor responding to Randy ‘ ‘AIA block” “puts the best interests of B-arkman’s letter headed “China Week detheir party ahead of the best interests of the stroyed’ ’ . paper”, yet is forced to admit that it is these Docherty said of Barkman, “He has depeople who lead in the researching and writgenerated to the same level as our worst ing of articles on rent increases, English Proenemies during the free chevron days. He ficiency exams, cutbacks, etc. offers the logic - AIA believes this - the So what’s the problem? It must be these chevron does this - so we can only conarticles. But he does not give his views on clude AIA controls the chevron.” them and is once again forced to admit he is If indeed this is Barkman’s thinking, then in the minority. it is correct. My Chinese friends were very The difference between the majority of upset by the AIA disrupting Felix Greene’s staff and Barkman is that they are democrats talk - they came to hear Greene the and he is a raving anti-communist. speaker, not an AIA shouting match with If he were a democrat he would argue the him. Jonathan Coles’ report failed to point and explain out this audience displeasure. Instead, it merits of the paper’s direction why he considers it wrong. Instead, he seeks concentrated on the audience questions to isolate the section of staff that leads the (primarily AIA) and spent a lot of time dispaper in that direction and discredit anyone cussing the AIA pamphlet circulated bewho supports them. This is the method of forehand. The heading “Greene lecture Shane Roberts, Andrew Telegdi, Doug sparks vigorous dialogue” would have read Thompson, and more recently Rick Smit. in an unbiased newspaper, “AIA disrupts One staff member who tried this, Phil China talk - meeting ends hastily. ’ ’ Cramer, was widely denounced and nearly To paraphrase what Docherty said, “The ousted from staff for this sort of activity. AIA believes it can be disruptive - the The chevron prides itself on defending the chevron carries articles condoning their basic interests of the students. This includes rudeness - so we can only conclude AIA opposing the scum in our midst. controls the chevron.” Jonathan Coles Christopher Dufault

re A/A disruptions

Ba an reactionary

Conclusions - -~~_ on Reinis

In recent weeks feedback has been peppered with letters from inside and outside staff sounding the alarm that the chevron is controlled by AIA. The most vicious of these, written last week by Randy Barkman, a chevron staffer, tries to make some mileage by raising that the slogan “Defend the Basic Interests of the Students” originated with the communists on staff. Well Barkman, you’re right. The first mention of “Defend the Basic Interests of the-Students” on this campus was in an AIA

I wrote a letter two weeks ago to the chevron, wanting to know the source of Reinis’ essence of Marxism which he elaborated in a letter to the chevron on December 2. On the question of what is the “fundamental proposition” of Marxism, an “admirer of Karl Marx” pointed out that Reinis’ claim that Marxism asserts that “the material base i.e. the production of goods, is the primary factor in the, development of society” is bullshit. This person quoted extensively from the Communist Manifesto to disprove

Reinis and put, forward that Marxism regards class struggle as the basis for the development of society. The letter of a proletarian quoted extensively from the Communist Manifesto to disprove Reinis’ assertions. The letter pointed out that Engels summed up the period of modern industry, “where the product is produced by machinery driven by power, and where the work of the labourer is limited to superintending and correcting the performances of the mechanical agent.” (Socialism, Scientific and Utopian, Introduction to English Edition) A third letter pointed out that Reinis’ claim that in Marxism the activity of manual workers are the “source of wealth in our society” was a total lie. Marx actually said: “Labour is not the source of all wealth. Nature is just as much the source of all wealth. Nature is just as much the source of use values, which itself is only a manifestation of a force of nature, human labour power. ” (Karl Marx, Critique of the Gotha Programme, Foreign Languages Press , Pe king, 1972, page 8) Now, Mr. Reinis, I ask again, can you please provide me with examples of where you got your “essence of Marxism”, from which book by Marx and Engels? I repeat, if you don’t .,the only conclusion I can draw sir IS a constant liar on what Marx said can only be a constant liar on everything else. Peter Murray

I It seems that the Chevron editorial on Rick Smit created quite a stir. No less than four chevron staffers have attacked it in last week’s feedback. It is interesting to note, that of the twenty-five staffers who voted on the editorial only these four plus three others voted against it. It’s pretty clear that there is a split in the chevron staff and that the minority has decided to carry their position to the readers through feedback. But what is this position? Is there anything of substance in it? I’m only going to respond to one of the letters, and I pick this one because the writer, Oscar M. Nierstrasz (OMN), has labelled one of my articles on Smit as “complete nonsense.” OMN claims that the January 6 cover story, ISA and Federation deep in conflict, “illustrates another attack on Smit with a phony issue.” He states that the “only evidence of conflict” might be that of Smit tearing down a number of ISA posters “ though the extent of this is suspect, given the minimal credibility the article deserves.” It seems OMN didn’t read the article very well. Both sides of the conflict between the federation and ISA are presented, and it comes out pretty clearly that Smit was interfering in the internal affairs of ISA. Salah Bachir, the president of ISA, stepped down from his position in mid December after Smit made a fuss about him not being a student. Aberra Makannen was then appointed interim president by the ISA executive until elections could be held at a general meeting scheduled for early January. According to the constitution of ISA the vice-president, Yahaya Chindaya, should have taken over the position of president, but he was passed over by the executive because he hadn’t been coming to meetings and hadn’t been doing any work for the organization. Not did Chindaya uphold the same political position on which Bachir had been elected. Makannen did support Bachir’s’ political platform and had been doing a great deal of work for the ISA. Chindaya wanted to follow a strictly legal course while the rest of the executive opted for a course of action which, while being practical, was not constitutional. In any case, a general meeting of the members had been called and if the executive’s action was


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Continued from page 18 to be censured it should have been done at that time. There was no more need for the federation to interfere in the internal affairs of ISA than there would have been reason for the administration to interfere in the chevron/federation conflict last year. But Smit did interfere. He ripped down posters of ISA. He had the campus bookings office informed not to accept any room reservations for ISA unless Chindaya was doing the booking. And he refused to hand over money for ISA sponsored events to anyone but Chindaya. Since Chindaya was not co-operating with the executive the effect was the attempted obstruction of ISA activities. Because of Smit’s actions, the ISA wasn’t able to book a room in Psychology for their Holiday Party, and it received money for the event only the day before it took place. Money for other ISA sponsored events has not been forthcoming. If Smit was so concerned about the unconstitutionality of Makannen’s appointment to the presidential position then why did he recognize that only Chindaya could book rooms and spend money when the constitution gives these powers to the executive as a whole, not to the president. It was pretty clear that Smit was using the

the chevron

issue of Makannen’s appointment as an opportunity to attack Bachir, a member of AIA, the executive which supported Bachir, and the international students who elected the executive. OMN further states that my article finishes with the “thinly disguised implication that Smit be a racist. ” The point made in the article was that Smit had opened himself up to that charge, made by members of ISA, when he interfered with the actions of a democratically elected executive and by his decision in council to vote against a motion censuring the new immigration act, Bill C-24. At the very least Smit can be charged with being an incompetent. He said he voted against the motion because he didn’t like “what was going on in council, and protested.” What kind of principled position is that, to vote against something you might originally support simply because you are upset with council. Or perhaps he does support the racist bill and was simply trying to cover up. I would also like to take issue with OMN’s contention that the slogan ‘defend the basic interests of the students’ is a “gimmick” of some sort, supposedly used by certain staff members to influence the ‘editorial stance’ of the paper. OMN states: “Defend? In what way?

Basic? That word belongs in some garbage can with ‘essential’. An ‘interest’ is a nebulous entity somehow associated with you does it have to belong to just some students, or all1 students, or no one else? You can use it any way you want.” No, OMN, it can only be twisted out of shape by people like you. As students we are ‘interested’ in an education which teaches us something about the real world, in finding a job after graduation, in having the financial resources to complete our education, in not being overburdened with useless work, and even in entertainment and ice cream stands. But what are the ‘basic interests’ of students? That is to say, what are those interests which if denied to students threaten the very existence or utility of their education. On that count I wouldn’t include ice cream, beer, and movies. But they aren’t even threatened. They will continue with or without Rick Smit, or even with or without a federation. I would include in a defense of the basic interests of students, and these have been the major points of emphasis in the paper, editorially and otherwise, a fight against exorbitant increases in rent and tuition, or decreases in government assistance. If a student can not afford an education, he/she will


cease to be a student. To this list can be added increases in the stJdent/teacher ratios, the decreasing quality of such student resources as lab equipment and library services, the lack of jobs, etc., all of which threaten the utility of education. What can be more basic to students than these things? Using the English rescued from the garbage can, that makes a lot of sense. A defense of the basic interests of the students does belong to more than “some students” but it does not belong to “all students”. If you were hoping to build a’future career on your reputation in student politics you might be afraid that an association with people who militantly fought to defend student interests would tarnish your record. However, these people are in the smallest minority on campus, although they can be very vocal. It was a good thing that OMN combined his defense of Smit with his attack on the ‘nebulous’ slogan ‘defense of the basic interests of the students’. It demonstrates that his real purpose was not to defend Smit against attacks, but rather to join with Smit in attacking the position held by the large majority of staffers - a group which is better than three times the size of Smit’s ‘gang of five’. David


editorial Another round in the Married Students Tenants Association’s fight against an unjust rent hike opens Tuesday, when the administration takes a proposed 13.2 percent increase to the Board of Governors. It is important that the students continue their fight, and that they get support from the rest of us, because any victory will be a blow to the cutbacks policy of the Cntario government and the UW administration. The essence of this policy is that as the government cuts back in education spending, students, staff and faculty have to bear the burden. So wages and salaries don’t keep pace with inflation, but workers and faculty do more work. Tuition increases, aid becomes more restrictive, while the quality of the education declines at the hands of increased student-faculty ratios, decreased services, and inferior equipment. This cutbacks policy, according to the government and Matthews, is going to hit even harder in the next three years. Thus it is all the more imperative that any resistance to it be supported. The tenants association sought help from a variety of agencies, including the Ontario Ombudsman, and in every case were rebuffed. So it has learned that the only way it can win is to rely on its own strength and on the support that can be mobilized on campus. There can be no doubt that their case deserves support. In brief the main injustices they are fighting are: n The complex was poorly constructed by Cadillac-Fairview. University officials have attributed this to lax supervision by the Ontario government, who awarded the contract through its Ontario Student Housing Corporation (OSHC). The upshot of this has been enormous maintenance costs, which the students have had to pay for through their rents. By the end of this year the tenants will have paid $561,000 since the buildings were constructed in 1970. And that sum must have barely kept them standing since the university’s Physical Resource Group estimates that the complex requires $611,000 next year to maintain it, and to do catch-up work left from previous years. Unable to come up with that amount the tenants are being hit for $261,000 for maintenance in the proposed budget, from which it can only be presumed that the buildings will deteriorate further in the years ahead. m The tenants have to pay through the

nose for this dubious construction. The university has a 50-year mortgage with OSHC at 6.9 percent, which means that generations of students will pay $26 million for a building which originally cost $7.5 million so that the university can own it by 2021. This debt retirement is the largest single item in the budget, and last year it accounted for about 40 percent of the rent. n The MSA tenants, unlike the other university residences, Minota Hagey and the Villages, have to pay municipal taxes in their rent. The reason given for this is that the MSA is not considered on campus and so not exempt from city assessment. But a strong case can be made that they are on campus. They are built on university land; the university calendar states that they are an on-campus residence; and they receive the normal university services assigned to other campus buildings (see last week’s chevron page 1). =The MSA tenants, like the rest of us, are also victims of the government policy which has allowed energy prices to soar. These are all the major costs to the tenants, and because the university has adopted a self-financing policy for residences they have to be fully absorbed by the students. This even includes costs which can be directly attributed to poor university management. For example, last year the rents were increased by 9 percent, and as the rents went up so too did the vacancy rate from 2 to almost 4 percent. The income lost from empty apa,rtments, has of course contributed to the deficit in this year’s budget, with the result that rents have to be raised. The amount of money lost through vacancies between 1976-79 (based on latest draft figures) will be $114,415. This is greater than the cumulative deficit for the complex at the end of this budget year, which is estimated to be $74,367. But again students are expected to pay for this, even though there is no possibility that their incomes will increase by 13 percent, if at all next year. So far in their fight the tenants association has applied to an assortment of agencies for help, but all in vain. An assistant to the Ontario Ombudsman replied outlining the limitations of the office. The 1975 Ombudsman Act, the letter stated, empowers the Ombudsman “to investigate any decision or recommendation or any act done or omitted in the course of the administration of a govern-

mental organisaton and affecting any person, or body of persons, .in his or its personal capacity.” The letter went on to make it clear, however, that the university of Waterloo is not a “governmental organisation” under the terms of the act. So no help. The same with the Anti-inflation Board, from whence the response came that it does not deal with either accomodation, c or universities.’ Legal aid was not possible, the tenants were told, because it does not fund groups. And it is old news that the Rent Review Board was of no help because it views the university’s residences as “non-profit” housing, and as such not subject to the 6 percent ceiling on rent hikes. Even the CBC Ombudsman would not take the case because he said it doesn’t come within the guidelines CBC set itself. The last appeal went to Burt Matthews and met with the response “If you can’t afford it move out”. Well that’s not good enough, and we can’t afford to accept this philosophy of the government and Matthews that the students, staff and faculty should pay, and if they can’t then they should get out. This is the attitude which imposed a 9

percent rent increase last year, and which placed a charge on the once free laundry dryers. Now another 13 percent is demanded, and that won’t even cover the legacy of Cadillac’s cheap construction practices. The complex which was originally built to provide married students with cheap accomodation, to help them through university, is on its way to being a highlypriced slum. The students there are among the poorest sections of society. They live on very limited incomes. Yet they are being forced to pay so that Cadillac, the Ontario government, the oil monopolies and the university can gain. Simply put it is an outrageous rip-off and has to be opposed. The tenants should march en masse, children and all, to the board meeting and let them know that they are sticking to their demand of no increase above 6 percent. And their ranks should be bolstered by everyone on campus who is opposed to the cutbacks and the govt.‘s make the people pay campaign. A firm stand on Tuesday and a show of support will put the tenants association in a good position to continue the fight. -the chevron staff

Member: Canadian university press (CUP). The chevron is typeset by members of the workers’ union of dumont press graphix and published by the federation of students incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the sole responsibility of the chevron editorial staff. Offices are located in the campus centre; (519) 885-l 660, or university local 2331. . . . at this very moment a victorious rick smit may be thinking of tomorrow’s hangover; people in married students apartments may be anticipating their march next tuesday, and FASS folks (you know ‘em - the ones who defend the baser interests of the students) are probably congratulating themselves on an eminently successful fassacre. (wotta show! anything which can ask the question, “what’s the name of the jail with only one cell” and answer “ameoba”! has my vote.) see the rather FASSeacious review this issue, by ciaran o’donnell and peter thompson. not to be outdone (though he is) salah bachir wants this in: “a line heard around the office when francis ‘rcmp’ fox resigned: ‘the bourgeoisie is a decadent, degenerate class’.” i don’t know what that means and after hearing, “d’you want to make a light (low cal)cake? - no, i want to make the rich pie” i really don’t care. which may go for some of these giants of journalism: david carter, richard devitt, jayn pollock, nash dhanani, doug hamilton, gerard kimmons, w.r. glenn, jules grajower, tony pan, ron reeder, Oscar “sergeant” nierstrasz, Chris “lance pincushion” dobbin, mark mcguire, maria catalfo, brute beacock, andrew vanwyck, brenda rootham, and those total idiots writing the fass review about me.. . lies, all lies.. . up theirs, man.. . but to continue.. . murphy and beattie the turnkeys; and the regulars (wanna be regular? take exlax. yepper, that’s fass-ish too): neil docherty, jonathan coles, and then there’s Sylvia “lighter than air” hannigan (she visited our homey pub after fass), laurie (vanless) lawson, and (oh gott in der himmel, the fass reviewers added another ruddy paragraph, ach du liebet zeit!) your mad photographer jwb.




the chevron


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UW B-ball women defeated The UW Women’s Basketball team was in London last Tuesday to play the University of Western Ontario. The teams were very evenly matched as shown by the half-time score of 35 points apiece. Score was again tied 57-57 with


just over one minute to play. Western put themselves ahead by three points with a steal for a basket and a free throw. UW retaliated with a steal themselves and Norie Spence pumped in a rebound off the shot. She went to the foul line for the


The 3rd annual Awards Banquet of the Warriors Rugby Football Club was held Saturday, January 28th, at the Faculty Club. The guest speaker, David Roberts, Technical Director of Rugby for Canada, congratulated the club on their performance during the past season when they won both the OUAA Senior and Club Championships. Award winners were: Most Valuable Player - Raipfi Jarchow, Most Improved Player - Todd Girdwood, Most Valuable Contribution to the Club - Brian Tyrell, Rookie of the Year - Derek McIlveny. Special presentations were made to John Gross, John Weatherseed, Susan Humphreys and Jean Downer. -linda

Last Saturday Waterloo defeated Guelph 62 to 50 in a very defensive men’s basketball game. Coach McCrae noted that Guelph had scouted the Warriors well and held the Warriors to only 27 points in the first half by playing a tight defence around the key. This was effective in stopping the Warriors since they were also reluctant to take perimeter shots. In the second half the Warriors played a ‘zone offence against Guelph’s defence and pressed Guelph the full length of the court. This was led by Tom Fugedi who put in 14 pts and Pat B-Edwards who played a tireless floor game. The third bright spot were the fans who also helped rally the team in the second half. The Warriors Band started the second half with the National Anthem as if to tell the team ‘Let’s start the game now’. On Jan 25 the Warriors eventually downed Brock 73 to 64. At times it appeared that the Warriors were going to lose. Twice the team went cold for 4-5 min and Brock took advantage of it. In themGueiph ‘game the Warriors went cold for a 5 min period. Coach McCraebei believes this may be due to reckless substitutions and because the team is young. This week the Warriors play Windsor in the PAC at 8:00 on Saturday Feb 4th. They travel to


-McMaster on Wed and Brock next Sat Feb 1 lth. Before ail of the remaining home games there will be a preliminary game at 6: 15. On Saturday, two time Ontario High School Champions, Lowe secondarv school from Windsor vs. St. Johns High School from Brantford. St. Johns was the winner of Waterloo’s Tournament last December. -andrew

third point but missed! .The Athenas were defeated 60-59. Shelley Fiiion was high scorer for the game. Lucy Patterson played a strong game. Also playing well was Norie Spence. Defensively, Sue Porter and Sue Lindiey were very tough, frustrating the Western offense. The individual players on this team are very good, but they often fail to combine their talents in a team effort. Their play tends to be somewhat indonsistent and they aren’t able to sustain forty minutes of continuous play. Their foul shooting has been the key factor in the point difference of the last few games. The UW average from the foul line has unfortunately decreased since the beginning of the season. Due to the storm last week, the match in Windsor has been rescheduled to this Monday. The Athenas should be fairly confident of their ability to beat this team. Wednesday night’s game versus McMaster will determine the hoider of third place in our division. UW has a league record of four wins and six losses, and McMaster is at four and five. McMaster has three games left to play, against York U, Western, and Gueiph. Western will be here next Wednesday February 8 at 8:OO pm. The Athenas will be playing their final league game against Gueiph here on Saturday, February 11 at 2: 00 pm. Waterloo is hungry for victories over both of these teams. Come on out and support your Women’s Basketball Team! -‘6’


UW wins 1 gold The Women’ s International Invitationai Swim Meet showed some fine performances in the pool this past weekend. Clarion State women repeated their championship performance of past years by compiling an impressive 417 points to second place Oakland’s 277. Aiberta placed a strong third with 250 points, and Waterloo emerged as the number one team in Ontario, placing fourth. Top performer for Waterloo was Leslie Patterson, winning their solo gold medal in the 50 free and piacing fifth in the 100. Laura Hecker was another top performer winning bronze medals in both I and 3M diving events- Karen Murphy also claimed a bronze in the 4001.M. and gained points in the 2001.M. and 100 breaststroke. Patti Gorazdowska placed sixth in the 200 free

and placed in the 100 and 400 freestyleevents. Rookie Cathie Coulson joined the growing number of Waterloo women qualifying for the Canadian Championships to be held in March with an excellent swim in the 2001-M. Other point getters were Karen Stewart (100 breaststroke, 50 free) and Stacy Forsyth (4001.M.). The relay teams ail placed well, adding to the Athena’s point total: the 200 freestyle relay team (Jane Goodyear, Sue Webster, Jane Orr, Stacy Forsyth) placed fifth, while the 200 medley relay and 400 free relays both placed fourth. The Swimmin’ Women are lookingforward to some fine performances at the Ontarios in Toront,o, Feb. 10th and I Ith.

11 th, 14th, and -17th:

rloo ski On January 28, in a quiet little town of Udora, 50 miles north of Markham, an event of much larger size was happening. It was the Udora Annual Ski Race. The race drew 4 national ski team members and teams from Thunder Bay and Quebec. Even with competition as great as this, the X-C ski team of Waterloo University gave a good showing.

On Saturday irh the Men’s 16 km. race, Greg Derbyshire placed 24th (too bad he only skied 12 km.), Greg Kay 3 1st and Stuart Stark 41st. In the Junior Men’s 8 km. race, Rich Pettit placed 1 lth, Toni Scheier 14th, Peter Laurich 17th and Matthew Parliament 27th. On Sunday in the Men’s 8 km. race, Stuart Stark placed 43rd, Joe Lunn 56th, Greg Derbyshire 60th

restlers c eke GuehhaHead Coach Kurt Boese and ,4ssistant Coach Gary Gardiner will have their charges in Windsor this Saturday, February 4, 1978 to meet the University of Windsor Laacers in a dual meet. In wrestling action last week, the Warriors defeated York University and lost to the University of Guelph in dual meets. scored an upset ‘ ‘ Don Marrin when he defeated Gueiph’s Bob

Pronk,” said Assistant Coach Gary Gardiner. “Marrin has been working very hard lately and his hard work is paying off. He will have an excellent chance at the 142 lb. title in the OUAA Championship Meet.” “Andre Riopeile and Maidwyn Cooper have also looked good lately. Cooper will drop to 109 lbs. leaving us with an opening at 118 Ibs.” said Gary Gardiner,

ar top

Leon Passmore takes an outside shot in action at the PAC last Saturday. The Warriors defeated Cuelph 62-50. Waterloo continued their winning ways with a solid victory over highly-ranked WLU last Wednesday. The final score was 88-76. The game against WLU was perhaps the Warriors’fjnest of the year as rookies and veterans alike penetrated the Hawk zone. At the same . time they were able to shut off the Hawk scorers becoming the first team to keep WLU hot shot Lorne Killion under 30 points. Seymour Hadwen led the way for UW with 30 points; Tom Fugedi and lohn Freund added 14 and 13 points respectively. Next action for the Warriors is tomorrow evening at the PAC against Windsor, the only team to defeat Waterloo in regular season play this year.



The York University Invitational Squash Championship, held January 27th and 28th saw five teams competing for the title. Our own 6 man Warrior squad dominated the tournament winning 20 of the 24 matches they played, to capture the overall team championship. The always strong University of Toronto finished second to the Warriors with a total of 17 victories. The host York University took 3rd place with 15 wins. McMaster and Gueiph brought up the rear. The tournament was run in a round robin format. Each team consisted of 6 players, seeded one through six. Ail of the corresponding seeds from each team met; thus each player had 4 matches. This format produced six individual champions. UW’s number 1 man Don Bunker won two important

(he did ski 8 km. this time) and Greg Kay 62nd. Following the Men’s 8 km. was the 4x4 km. relay. About continued’ from page 15’ 25 teams were involved. ?The race involves, let me summarize it for began with 25 skiers battling for the you. 2 prepared tracks 75 metres from Saturday, February 18th to Frithe start. The UW team consisted day, February 24th: excellent skiof Toni Scheier, Peter Laurich, ing and apres ski; transportation to Stuart Stark and Rich Pettit. A and from Quebec by Voyageur; 5 good team effort placed the UW davs and 6 nights accommodation team in 1 lth spot. This was right at Auberge des Governeurs in the behind Laurentian U 10th and U of heart of Quebec City (comparable Guelph 9th. Joe Lunn, Greg Kay to Hilton); 5 days of excellent skiand Greg Derbyshire also were on a ing - unlimited tows (Mon-Fri) ; team placing 18th. daily transfers to and from slopes; On the 10th and 11 th of February use of swimming pools a,nd sauna; the UW varsity X-C ski team and a welcome get acquainted travels to Sudbury for the party. NOTE: everything included exO.U.A.A. championships. By the looks of results at Udora, they cept meals and refreshments but we will be close to grocery stores should do very well. and inexpensive meals can be arThankyou everybody who came ranged. Price: members $138.00 our to our Ski Nights. The money and non-members $145.00 raised helps us get to places such as Whistler Trip: Udora and Sudbury. Thank you for your support! How about spring skiing at Whistier Mountain, B.C.? The trip ---rich pettit

vic$ory matches to help the squad win the overall team championship. Don lost the number 1 seed championship by losing to Scott Abernathy from U of T. Al Mason and Bob Murphy, the other two Warriors in the tournament both won 3 out of their 4 matches to help secure the team championship. The UW team sealed their victory by defeating the powerful U of T squad 4 matches to 2 in the final round of the tournament. Congratulations to the entire Warrior team for their fine efforts. The team should be given added credit for fighting through the severe snow storm on Firday Jan 27th to reach the tournament, On February 4th the squashers travel to Hamilton, for the McMaster Invitational Tournament. Good luck to the team. -coach

leaves April 22nd (right after exams) for the fabulous price of $436.00 which includes: return airfare Toronto-Vancouver: airport departure and hotel taxes; first class condominium accomodation at the mountain - 4 per unit, 2 bedrooms, dishwasher, fireplace etc. : 7 days tow tickets/accnmodation: and transfers from Vancouver tc! Whistler and to the hill everyday and some apres ski pubs. The price of $436.00 is based on 2 low charter flight price of $220.00 The regular fare is $390.00 to gel the lower rate we have to stay I( days exactly. In the package- wt: have built in some flexibility as tc where you can go for the extr; three days. We can arrange the same accommodation at Whistle1 or something in Vancouver or you can visit so~ne friends or whatever For more information contact: JinKissick 742-2977,

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