Campus Events Thursday,
CC Pub features Daudlin. 7pm, others pay $1.75.
Feds pay $1 after
Jewish Student Association group, 11:30 am in CC 113
CC Pub reverts to taped muzak. Non-feds pay $0.75 after 7 pm. Fed flicks
Wednesday, Tae Kwon-Do
continue; see Friday.
FASS continues; tonight is the last night! Showtime is 8 pm in the Humanities Theatre.
CC Pub rolls onward with the usual: see Tuesday. Gay Lib coffeehouse;
Eckankar -The Path of Total Awareness. An introductory talk at 7:30 pm in CC 135.
Waterloo Christain Fellowship discussion on Christ’s Relationship to His Disciples, HH 280 at 4:3O pm. FASS ‘79 will amaze you; 8 pm in the Theatre of the Arts. Admission $1.75. Economics Club 336 at 3:30 pm. Panel discussion Christian Faith, Christian
on Social Justice 8 pm in CC 113.
HH and
talk, 7 pm in NH 3002.
Ernie Smith and the Roots Revival play at the South Campus Hall Pub. Doors open at 8 pm. Admission $3 for feds, $3.50 for others. A Mennonite Approach to the Baha’i Faith, a talk by Myron Gingerich at 8 pm in the CC World Room.
Fed Flicks feature The Cheap Detective, pm in AL 116. Feds pay $1, others $2.
continue; see Friday.
Jackie Washington plays ln Concert at the CC Pub, 8 pm. Munchies available. UW community pay $2, others $2.50.
GIVE BLOOD at the Red Cross clinic, 2 - 4:30 pm and 6 - 8:30 pm at the Grace Lutheran Church (136 Margaret in Kitchener).
Worship service Chapel, 10 am.
Wen-do class in the PAC combatives room, 7:30 pm.
Fed Flicks
in the Conrad
KW Chamber Music Society performs at Emmanuel United Church; same show as Friday. CKMS-FM Chinese pm. Tune in!
7: 15 pm -
Synchro-Swim meet in the PAC pool. Routines begin at 3 pm.
CC Free Movie: Fellini’s Casanova. time 9 pm in-the Great Hall.
Tae Kwon-Do (Self-Defence) class in the PAC dance studio, 9 pm.
Christian 3002.
Disposal and Handling of Nuclear Wastes, a presentation by Atomic Energy of Canada. 8 pm in E4 1327.
D evelopment in the West Indies, a talk in the C onrad Grebel Great Hall, 1:30 pm.
_ 930
pmin CC
Dutch Language and Literature 7:30 pm and 8:30 pm in NH 3002.
Malcolm Muggeridge’s film on the Theologian of the Second World War, 10 pm at St. Paul’s United College.
Christian 3002.
Theatre beyond words, a mime group, performs in the Humanities Theatre at 8 pm. Admission $6 (students $4.50).
The Romeros play in the Humanities Theatre, 8 pm. Admission $7 (students $5.50).
Prayer Every weekday .
FASS continues; shows at 7 pm and 10 pm.
CC 110 at 8 pm.
Prayer and Worship at mid-week; 4:30 pm in the Conrad Grebel Chapel. ,
CC Pub continues; see Thursday.
KW Chamber Music Society presents Baroque Masterpieces (Bach - Handel - Vivaldi) at St. Andrews Church in Kitchener, 8 pm. Admission $5 (students $3.50).
class; see Monday.
Black course,
CC Pub has beer and taped music. Non-feds pay $0.75 after 7 pm.
Waterloo Christain Christ’s Ministry,
CC Pub continues; see Monday. Chess Club meeting, 9 pm in CC 110. Beginners to world champions welcome. Midterms loom on the horizon; students are observed around campus studying (egad! ).
course, 8 pm in NH course,
Fellowship discussion on 4:30 pm in HH 280.
Forest coffeehouse Admission $1.
lege,8 pm.
Coming Danny Grossman ruary’ 10. Comedy 11.
7 pm in NH
at St. Paul’s Col-
Events Dance Company,
with Second City, February
Nowadays, most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one’s mistakes . . . 0. Wilde.
Page 2
1, 1979.
2 -
*. 1
Imprint is an editorially independent student newspaper published by the Journaisim Club, a club within the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. It is solely dependent on advertising revenue for its finan,cing. Imprint publishes every Thursday; mail should be addressed to “The Journalism Club, CC 140”. We are typeset by Dumont Press Graphix; paste-up is done on campus.
Friday night, I visited my childhood best friend, who recently returned from two years in England. Because we hadn’t seen each other for so long, weforgot all about the time. It was three-thirty in the morning when I left her house. My friend lives about three blocks from me, and it’s a very quiet residential neighbourhood. I wasn’t at all afraid to walk home alone. It never occurred to me that I should be afraid. A block or so from my house, a man who had been standing on the opposite side of the street started to follow me. Walking quickly, he caught up to me. I was afraid to run, because it was icy and I didn’t want to fall. First the man offered to walk me home. When I refused, he kept following me. Then he asked if I wanted to “get it on” with him.
I kept walking without saying anything or looking at him. He repeated his question several times. Finally, I said, “No, leave me alone. ” Then he came closer to me and tried to put his arm around me. At this point I panicked and started to scream as loudly as I could. The man hit me two or three times across the face and then ran off, calling me a “dyke” and swearing at me. Later, I called the police. They were sympathetic, but there was nothing they could do. My first reaction to this incident was fear, which later gave way to anger. What makes this story worth telling is not that it happened once, but that wbmen are subjected to similar situations all the time. A recent report in the Globe and Mail on a pro-
Staff Meeting Today, 4:00 CC 113 All Students
are invited
to participate
Let all 4ood men. those pure of heart, rejoice and let the cry ring forth from the bel&ies, “M&ire is President!” iv& this wonderful&s - especially the parties we missed - couldn’t keep Imprint off the stands however, and helping with that not-insignificant event were Jon Shaw, Lori Farnham, (who asks that Oscar Wilde be mentioned here cause she mentioned him in Campus Events) Shaun Belding, Dave Trahair, Mary Campbell, Jack Spence, Doug Harrison, Jacob Arseneault, Leonard Darwen, Jason Mitchell, H.D.L. Night, Dave Anjo, Cover photographer Chris Dobbin (Fifteen gin salute for Fass - Damned decent, folks!) Carole Marks, Peter Gatis, Ron Reeder, (and a Salute! to the good Alayne Macgregor, distinguished CUPpie, who checked out our paper last weekend and found us worthy. . .) Fran Helpet, and the young woman who helped with paste-up and if Barkman had deigned to introduce us I could have put your name here. . . sorry. . . A tremendous thrust of energy blasted from the starship, smashing the defenses of the alien cruiser, and clearing space of all signs of hostile craft within scanning distance. . . our heroes relax, and with quick and relieved smiles, begin their voyage again - Nick Redding at the helm, (thank God for computer assistance!) Ciaran O’Donnell as jetman, Randy Barkman at the Fire Control Panel, Sylvia Hannigan (the Anarrean ambassadress) in her acceleration couch, and me checking the scanners, JWB.
vincial police survey of sex crimes claims that, as the headline says, “Victims invited assault.” The survey states that rape victims have shown “a great lack of discretion”. Some hitch-hiked, consumed alcohol or drugs outside of their homes, or were “promiscuous.” It’s quite possible that many rape victims actually did do some or all of these things. But that isn’t the point. The point is that men feel free to hitch-hike, to drink, to use drugs, to be “promiscuous, ” or, as I did, to walk alone late at night. But if women do the same things, we are said to be “asking for it,” which means that we deserve what we get. If there is some logic behind this attitude, it is too subtle for me. I can’t speak for other women, but I know that the idea of getting picked up
was very far from my mind as I walked home Friday night. There are easier, safer, and more convenient ways of meeting men. I refuse to believe that in walking alone I was “asking for it,” and I’m sure the same is true in many, if not all, actual rape cases. Women don’t want to be “discreet.” Nor do we want to “invite assualt.” We only want to live without being intimidated. Fear is one of the most effective methods of oppression, because it is so subtle. We are afraid of being raped, and if we are raped, we are often afraid to go to police with the story. Often women who have been sexually assaulted decide not to report it because they fear being blamed for the rape, as though they had brought it on in some way. A common argument men use to justify rape (as if
etc. Reasonable rates. Close to campus. Phone Nancy 886-3122.
280 Phillip Street (Waterloo) call 884-3670.
Rea1 beauty design* Chi1dren's
that were possible) is to call the victim “promiscuous,” implying that she will have sex with anyone and therefore a man can’t be blamed for forcing her into it. This is a ridiculous and ugly fallacy. No matter how many lovers a woman has had, she still retains the right ta choose whether she wants to have sex with a particular man or not. “Promiscuity” and rape are two very different things. In our society, the hostility which some men feel toward women takes the form of physical assault and also of more subtle mental oppression. If women can be made to believe, as some men claim to, that anything as harmless as walking alone at night or having a few drinks with a man is a sexual invitation, then we can be made to accept the responsibility for everything
that happens to us, even rape. The double standard which still exists today cannot be eradicated by law. The ERA cannot help women here. The burden is on us. Right now, I am torn between fear and anger. I want to be free to act as I please. It makes me furious that I can’t walk three blocks alone at night without being harassed. At the same time, I want to avoid incidents like Friday night’s, I’m sure many women feel torn by the same conflict. For me, this is a battle worth fighting. I would like very much to hear how other women feel about this problem. There are no easy answers, but I feel it’s important not to be intimidated. We should be angry, all of us. We should not have to live in fear. Lori
-Classified Imprint
ads cost for up to 20 words, $.05 each extra word. Come to our offices in the Campus Centre room 140, or mail us your ad with money enclosed. Use the following headings or make up your own: Found, LOS& Personal, For Sale, Wanted, Services, Ride Wanted, Ride Available, Typing, Housing Available, HOUSing Wanted and Bison Needed.
$1.00 minimum
Typing. Fast, accurate, professional. 5Oc/sheet. 743-3782
Accurate and experienced typist will type essays, resumes The Imprint encourages letters to the paper. Letters should be typed, double-spaced, on a 64 character line, addressed to “The Journalism Club, CC 140." Please include your telel phone number, name and faculfy. Letters should not exteed 700 words. Letters for the next Thursday’s Imprint should be submitted by noon Monday. They may be brought to the federation office to be placed in the Imprint mailbox.
I am equally offended by the but words “fuck” and “cunt”, for very different reasons than those put forth by Paul Amuller. The two offensive words were used in the context of an anecdote, and one which many women are frighteningly familiar with sexual/verbal harassment. I could quite easily have subs& tuted the words “fornicate” and “vagina”, but thOSe weren’t the words used by the man on the
etc. 15 years experience. Electric typewriter. Quality work. Competitive rates. 742-1822 or 576-5619 (Sandy Sanders) Typing
service -fast, efficient, accurate. Phone Marie Louise 578-4806. Essays, theses, et.c., typed in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German (with appropriate accents). Smith-Corona Electric. Drop and pick up on
Call Lorij 576-4g78*
SerViCeS Light student moving, local or long distance. $lo/hr (I can move a lot in an hour). David 744-1685.
sizes too. $5.00 Get free whale poster. ENV. ST. 214.
Waterloo Co-operative Residence Inc. is now accepting applications for the Spring 1979 Term (May-Aug.). We offer Single, Double and Large Single (double room with single occupant) accommodc tion at reasonable rates. Room and Board or Room Only available. Apply Admissions Office, *
,h I have been lost. All of us involved in “Gay News &Views” are disarmingly open and unashamed of our participation. The suggestion that we hide behind pseudonymes is absurd. I wonder if you “heard” any other part of the show than that which offended you. I’ve never been grateful for the tolerance you speak of, preferring acceptance to pity. Cindy Butcher / Bertha Bumchuckles l
at straws
I am replying to the letter from “Paul Amuller”, et al (25 Jan
I daresay that Mr. Amuller is grasping at straws in his titing various remarks- made on CKMS’ “Gay News and Views” to condemn the show.
his logic, we should have Imprint banned for publishing these same remarks which he explicitly restated! Besides having pleasant announcers and Playing gay music seldom heard elsewhere, Gay News and Views has many serious and important features. Lo&l announcements are made; these allow gay people to meet other gays and find a sense of community. A recent exclusive interview with the noted British gay author Quentin Crisp was recently aired. The excellent book “With Downcast Gays” is currently being read on air, dealing with the important issue of homosexual self-oppression. There have been intervie-ws about the gay community in
Church of Pleasure. Is school getting you down? Do you lack the experience to handle the ins and outs of university life? A sincerely uplifting religious experience awaits you. Come and see the light. Join our growing membership of loos. Write: Church of Pleasure, 57 Bridgeport, No. D36, Waterloo, Ont. ation Movement, feminism; there have been poetry readings and many news features. The list goes on and on. But why is Mr. Amuller complaining about the scant few hours of radio time that we gay people can call our own? The answer is homophobia. As stated in “Understanding Homophobia” (available in the Gay Lib Office), “Homophobia is a pervasive, irrational fear of homosexuality. includes the fear heterosexuals have of any homosexual feelings within themselves, any overt mannerisms or actions that would suggest homosexuality.” As it is, homosexuality is a valid lifestyle. The question is not what makes h omosexuals, or what to do with them, but rather, what makes society persecute them? Why, Mr. Amuller, are you so eager to eradicate the Gay Liberation Movement on campus? What are you so afraid
28. Dissect the adjacent figure into three pieces which may be rearranged to form a square. Note that the dotted lines form two squares and serve only to indicate the proportions of the figure. 29. “Those are three fine bellringers you have there,” said the Bishop to his Vicar. “What are their ages?” “Well, the product of their ages is 2450, and the sum of their ages is twice your age, Bishop,” replied the Vicar. “You haven’t given me enough information yet,” protested the Bishop. “If I tell you that I am older than any of the three, then that will solve the problem,” said the Vicar. What are the ages of all five persons?
To Last
25. Label the legs A, B, C and D, clockwise around the chair. Place the chair anywhere on the floor with legs A, B and C touching the floor and D above the floor. Now rotate the chair clockwise, keeping A, B and C on the floor. If we are able to rotate it 90 degrees without leg D touching the floor, we have a contradiction. For if D were still above the floor at this point, then C would also have to be above the floor, since D, A, B, C now occupy the positions originally held by A, B, C, D respectively. Hence D touches the floor somewhere between zero and nifiety degrees; at this point, all four legs touch the floor. 26. No. Colour the 6 by 6 by 6 cube as in the figure, with ihe central 2 by 2 by 2 cube black. Then there will be 112 small white cubes and 104 black ones. But a 1 by 2 by 4 brick placed anywhere in the cube occupies 4 white and 4 black cubes. Hence after 26 bricks have been put into place, 8 small white cubes remain, uncoverable by a brick. 27. 2. H.D.L. Night
New Fed x)rez
strike\ still on
Clerical, technical, and library staff, members of Ontario Public Service Employees’ Union, went on strike at Ontario’s community colleges last week, after management refused to offer their union more than six per cent in wage increases. The union wants a 10 per cent increase. Support staff are presently paid between $3.79 and $10.28 per hour, with an average rate of $5.85. Conestoga college campuses in the KitchenerWaterloo area continue to operate despite the strike and picket lines. Mary Hoffstetter, director of college and community relations at Conestoga, told Imprint that the college had enough warning of the strike to
make contingency plans. “Although the strike has slowed down administrative functions such as the process of applications, the teaching and learning process has not been affected,” Hoffstetter said. Conestoga has managed to avoid many problems other campuses in Ontario Services I are experiencing. in critical areas such as cleaning, cafeteria work and campus security have been contracted out to private firms. As a result, faculty and management staff have not been forced to assume these roles in addition to their regular duties. Hoffstetter said that if the strike lasts several months problems may arise. Currently, truck drivers belong-
ing to unions such as Teamsters refuse to cross the picket lines. This may cause shortages of materials in many essential areas such as food services. “The meat butchering course at Conestoga’s Waterloo campus is dependent on a regular supply of beef. If the strike lasts long we may be forced to rent trucks to ensure our stocks,” Hoffstetter said. Gerry Daly, president of the Conestoga student union, told Imprint that although students and faculty sympathize with the striking workers, they are not hesitant to cross the picket lines. ‘<We spend a lot of money to come here for an education,” said Daly, “and we won’t jeopardize our stand-
Beattie Math
Eng Sci
P Five students had been nominated to run for the Federation of Students Council as of-yesterday afternoon. Council has twenty-six positions to be filled in the election February 15, and nominations are due to close this afternoon. There are two nominees from the e -. Arts and,one . w each tram Engineering, lntegrated Studies and HKLS. A spokesperson for the federation said tha-& nominations will be extended if necessary. In the past two years, nominations have been closed for positions where there were candidates, and left open to fill the remaining-seats.
This reflects a continuing decline of student interest in federation council. The proportion of students who vote in elections is insignificant, which shows how little they care about their representation. In 1978-79, there were three seats which remained vacant for the ent%e year, all from HKLS ’ Council’s attendance record at the meetings is far from impressive. Of twelve meetings scheduled in the past year, only eight of them obtained quorum and could take place. Quorum is thirteen councillors out of the 26 seats. Barb Campbell
to Demonstrations are out and lobbying and organization is in, according to the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) conference held in Waterloo last weekend. Delegates de-
tided that more cooperation is needed between student groups and other sectors of the post-secondary institutions, such as faculty and staff, before further “mass actions” can be ef-
OFS Briefs WLU
To Hold
A referendum on OFS membership will be held at Wilfrid Laurier University next week. The WLU student union presently pays OFS $0.40 per student as a trial membership fee. If the referendum is successful, the fee will be increased to $1.50 per student. OFS presently has 24 member institutions, each collecting $1.50 from each of their students with the exception of associations of part-time students which levy 13 cents per student. OFS frequently holds conferences at prospective member institutions, and encourages students to observe the proceedings. However, few WLU students, apart from the delegates were in evidence last weekend.
Inflation and “exponential increases” in the level of activity of OFS were blamed for an impending financial crisis for the organization. Treasurer Chris McKillop projects a deficit for the current year of about $2,000, and the situation will not improve without a fee increase from the members.
Community Colleges in Ontario formed the Ontario College Commission (OCC) at a conference in Belleville January 20-21. The move was called a break from previous “reluctance on the part of college students to have anything to do with the ‘university-dominated’ OFS.” The effect of cutbacks in the college sector was cited as a reason for affiliating with OFS to present a united front against them.
Arts ES HKLS Renison St. Jer. IS Mailout Totals
unanimously last week not to support the strike. “The strike has been very low-key at Conestoga,” added Hoffstetter. Nick Redding Leonard Darwen
Pub dream Fed president Rick Smit’s plans for a new pub seem to have fallen through for the third time, but Smit isn’t willing to discuss it. Smit had been working since November on a basement pub as part of a proposed complex on University Ave., near the railway tracks.
ms fective. The OFS executive expressed disappointment at the low turnout to the “mass picket” at Queen’s park last November, and criticized the members for approving the plan and then failing to carry it out effectively.. The main thrust of OFS this term will be to organize a conference of students, faculty and staff to pressure the government into relenting on its program of cutbacks in education. In addition, OFS will increase its lobbying activity at Queen’s Park. A “Student Lobby Bureau” will be organized at the OFS offices in Toronto to assist student unions in lobbying their MPP’s on a regular basis. Files on MPP’s will be maintained, and the bureau will be an information base for unions. to work from. The OFS executive hopes that the lobbying plan with strengthen the organization internally by increasing the participation of the membership, and demonstrate to the government that a strong student movement exists in Ontario which must be taken into consideration when policy decisions are made. Nick Redding
In a four horse race strikingly cent of the 1977 presidential
50 23 63 6 60 36 25
37 27 36
185 133 69 12 53 70 22 4 22 8 222 800
39 52
5 4 160 433
vice-president Mark McGuire squeaked past dark horse Peter Wigglesworth to win the federation’s top spot. McGuire won the presidency with 800 votes, only 68 more than Wigglesworth’s 732. Second year science student Steve Beattie and geography student Ian McNeil trailed with 433 and 267 votes, respectively. Overall turnout for grads and undergrads combined was 15.9 per cent, a percentage similar to the 1977 election that Doug Thompson won by only 35 votes. However, only 40 grads voted and the undergrad turnout was 16.7 per cent. Mcguire, a third year architecture student, told Imprint that he was “relieved” but “compared to the’ next year, that was the easy part.” He said that because of the low turnout, the federation would have to keep a “higher profile” to regain student support. Ciaran O’Donnell
1 46 267
Wigglesworth -.
117 107 105 10 106 81 42 7 85 6 66 732
0 0 0 2 0 24
fails once
1 -._. 1 1 - . -.- 7 . Sarah W intermeyer, who proached Smit Wednesday, owns the land the complex he said “I won’t talk about would be built on, met with it right now”, because he federation representatives didn’t want apMonday afternoon. pear in the press. He said he According to vice. had been approached by president Mark McGuire, the K-W Record and CHYM the meeting concluded that raidio, and said “I won’t the pub was “not feasible talk to them either.” financially.” Smit told fed council last McGuire said that the exNovember that he was isting pub, under a “quite going to form a pub expanreasonable” rental agreesion committee to evaluate ment, required a $13,000 proposals like Wintersubsidy last year. meyerer ‘s. He said a new pub would Asked about the commitmean off campus rent of tee, McGuire said it was $50-$60,000 plus an initial, outlay for furnishings and a “never formed.” bar. The drinking age hike Asked why the federation and a beer price boost spent two months on forced by these extra costs Wintermeyer?s proposal, would dampen consumpMcGuire said the financial tion, he said. details “were not brought When Imprint apto our (collective) attention
Westerner Chris McKillop, treasurer of the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS), was moved up to full time chair-person at OFS’s winter plenary held in Waterloo last weekend. The appointment takes effect this June, McKillop, a former vicepresident at Western, had been influential in that university’s return to the organization after it left last year. Running against McKillop was this year’s OFS vice-president Colin D’Eca. OFS will not release the ballot count, but unconfirmed reports indicate that McKillop got more than two thirds of the vote. The plenary also elected Dianne Wintermute, a third vear U of T student. to the position of executive member-at-large. Wintermute is a member
Rick was doi ng most on his own.”
of it
McGuire said he wasn’t against Smit researching the pub, but he f,elt Smit should have involved more people. In the summer, Smi\ proposed that the federation take over Arnies, but that plan fell through after the seating capacitywas found to be inadequate. Smit next proposed1 building an extension to the campus centre, but a referendum on that was called off after UW president Burt Matthews told Smit that only the university could conduct referendums on issues involving capital expenditure on campus. Ciaran O’Donnell
of the U of T student council, and was involved in the occupation of president &an’s office last year. Political issues received scant attention during the candidate “grill session” Saturday night. The audience seemed bored and inattentive, and the chair three times asked people to be quiet during questioning. All candidates, including Wintermute’s competition Clayton Bond, professed opposition to cutbacks. Bond felt OFS should be a tool for “progressive social change” and said he was committed to co-operation with other groups in postsecondary education, including faculty and support staff unions.
Asked what issues she was committed to pursuing, Wintermute said “Com-
munication is my major interest in OFS.” UW external affairs chairperson Asad Mohammed told Imprint that the elections reflected a “not surprising conservatism” on the part of the delegates. He said that both D’Eca and Bond have been known to take “vocal and active stands” on issues, and that “a lot of people in the federation don’t like it.” Mohammed said that if delegates had .voted based on what had happened in the grill session, he would have been “extremely surprised” at Wintemute’s election. Mohammed qualified his remarks by saying that people should respect the-plenary decision and give the new executive support. Ciaran O’Donnell
News Brink lunch-pails Next week will be “Food on campus. PreWeek” sented by the Federation of Students and K-W Probe in co-,operation with OPIRG and Ten Days for World Development, the week will
feature movies, workshops and lectures. Greenleaf Wh’ole Foods, a health food store in Kitchener, will present a Natural Foods Workshop on Monday. The workshop will
FZGSCedrop The refund period for the 3650 returning co-op students has ended. Most refunding terminated by January 23rd, while Chevron refunds for regular students was extended to January 26th. Most refund rates were substantially lower this term than last.
deal with the various natural foods available and how to prepare them. It will take place from 1:30 to 3;30 in Room 113 of the Campus Centre. Monday evening, Perce
Campus - Question
James Garham, Elec 1B The Engineering attitude towards _ them is uncalled for. They start putting down artsies when you first get here, before you really get to meet any.
J. Janzen, Elec 3A You can take them or leave them, preferably take them and leave them someplace else.
McKinley of the Health Protection will give a lecture safety and the role ernment plays in forcement. He will ing about some
Canada by the U.S. torpor rations operating subsidiaries or branch plants in Canada. As well, resources, the lifeblood of industry, flow south to feed the industrial capacity of the United States. With this flow of resources south go Canadian jobs, because of the non labour intensive nature of resource extractidn. Clement also suggested that the branch plant economy lends to fewer jobs for Canadian scientists and engineers. Pointing to the tendency of the U.S. corporations to their locate research facilities in the’ U.S. and not in Canada, he stated “The demand for engineers
and scientists is in the U.S. and not in Canada.” Clement argued that. Canadian financial capitalists (i.e. Banks, TrLst Companies, etc.) have aligned themselves with U. S. Industrial Capitalists to form the “Continental Economy.” This continental economy is not however, in the best interests of all Canadians, by underdeveloping our industrial capacity and forcing reliance on resource experts. This he stated makes “Canada particularly vulnerable to the international economic woes,” as evidenced by the recession of the seventies. Phil Weller
Grahaz- Vincent, Civil 3B They should have a campus of their own.
1, 1979.
4 -
Federal Branch on food the gov-
dangerous food additives on the market. The lecture will be given in EngineeJing Lecture Hall 103 aX’7:30 its enp.m. be talkOn Tuesday at 1:3O Carol of the Farkas, a ‘certified nutritionist and a professor at Waterloo, will give a workshop on “your eating habits: beneficial or harmful”. She will talk about some of the bad eating habits people weeks of September. develop and how they affect The unrefunded money behaviour and general atslated for the Chevron will titudes. be held in trust by the fedDavid Wednesday, eration until council deRobertson from OPIRG (Oncides what to do with it. tario Public Interest ReImprint has applied to research Group) will’ talk ceive the unrefunded fee about “Food and the Transfrom winter co-op. nationals.” Transnational The federation returned corporations have come to $10 each to 181 ( 5 per cent) dominate the world’s food co-op students. The federaeconomy over the last 20 tion budgeted for a 15 per . years. cent withdrawal rate, acRobertson feels that the cording to federation adpower Of the tranSnatiOnalS ministrative assistant Helga is the major obstacle to the.Petz. The refunds ran to 7 realization of a new internaper cent last term. tional economic order. He 134 (3.7 per cent) co-op students collected the $2 OPIRG fee this term, as opposed to the 9.5% refund rate last terry. The CKMS refund rate A $21,000 surplus from dropped from 7.7% last pinball machine profits is term to 2%, or 75 students, causing problems for the this term. Campus Centre Board, disThe societies report a few cussion at their meeting last students asking for refunds, Thursday revealed. from a low of none in EnThe surplus, $11,000 of gSoc and ESS to a high of which was made last year, 15 in MathSoc. SciSoc had comes from the gamesroom 3 refunds this term. in the upper Campus Both ESS and SciSoc Centre. Some of the money gave out 20 refunds last has been funnelled into a term. scholarship fund, but board ASU, KSA, and RSA figmembers are now considerures were unavailable at ing other alternatives, such press time. as re-upholstering furniture
will talk about these ideas from 11:30 to l:30 in Hagey Hall room 33 6. The National Farmer’s Union will make a presentation from 3:30 to 5:30 Wednesday concerning the problems Canadian farmers face today. This will take place in the Campus Centre room 113. Thursday there will be a Vegetarian Dinner Benefit for the People’s Food Commission at St. Paul’s College from 6:15 to 8:30. As w&l1 as special events there will be displays in the Campus
There will also be a “Food Week” booth where complete schedules of events can be obtained as well as tickets for the benefit dinner, Signing up for the
“SupermarketTours” and the Dairy Farm Tour can also be done at the booth. Ian Mackenzie
CCB makes
in the CC. CC co-ordinator Carol Hincks is investigating Waterloo’s new smoking bylaw
as it relates
to the
may in the future be restricted to the alcoves of the Great Hall, or to another room. A ‘Peace Workshop’, dealing with nuclear arms issues, is being planned, but no date has been fixed.
Ruth McKay, O’Donnell
week we asked
Scott Hoffman, Elec 3A Artsies in general are the Dead Circle of Life. When they graduate they can’t get a job, so they get a teaching degree and raise a new crop of Artsies.
to Food
Though the Chevron nb Because of the changed longer receives student status of the Chevron, the opened these funding, only 669 (18?h) of federation the returning co-op sturefunds to regular students. dents took back their Chev89 regular students were reron fees. funded the $2 fee they paid The Chevron refund rate rfor the Chevron this term. last term, when the ChevRegular students are usuron was still the official ally restricted to collecting student newspaper, was 35 federation and Chevron reper cent. funds during the first three
‘Continental In the first of a four part OPIRG speaker series on the economy, Wallace Clement, author and Professor of Sociolqgy of McMaster criticised University, Canada’s involvement in what he termed a “Continental Economy.” Clement, whose talk was titled, “The Underdevelopment of the Canadian Economy,” pointed to the lack of Canadian owned manufacturing sector and our heavy reliance on resource exports to the United States as evidence of Canadian underdevelopment. He stated that the repercussions of this underedevelopment are enormous. Capital, he suggested, is annually drained from
do you think
Toeknee-Ill, Editor of Enginews ’ I think, uh, every University ’ should uh, have some. UGGG! We need their BIU (government subsidy calculatiop units) to pay for our lab equipment. Oh! My brain hurts.
Rena Bozak, Mech 4B I don’t know any, not any as close friends that I would c+re to discuss.
, by Ron Reeder
Fraser Cutten, EngSoc President They’re fine, but I wouldn’t want my sister to marry one. With the high price of beef, food services could always find a suitable use for them.
John Sokolowski, Civil 3A They don’t bother me so I don’t bother them
I object to guys on radio and TV who have PhD’s who complain that they cannot find a job. They should realize before going into some of their esoteric fields that they are going to have a rough time ,getting a job.
Steve Poredos, Civil 3B There’s nothing much to say about them. Where do they come from? Ork?
italism Capitalism is as much a cause of discord in Canada as any person or party, Stephen according to Lewis, former leader of the Ontario New Democratic Party. Speaking at a symposium on national unity at Conrad Crebel. College last Wednesday, Lewis added that he does not advocate a totally socialist system as the solution to the injustice of capitalism. Lewis defined capitalism as both a system and an ideology which, by its very nature, breeds economic inequality. He stated that economic inequality is the major contributor to regional tensions and discontent. Using the example of INCO in Sudbury, Lewis outlined how capitalist companies display no moral responsibility and use their power and position to exploit both individuals and communities. Under the capitalist system, a once rich city like Sudbury now faces massive unemployment. Lewis sees the need to alter and subdue capitalism such that it will serve Canadians instead of controlling them. Doug Wahlsten, psychology professor and AIA
muses regimal
spokesperson, criticized Lewis for not advocating complete removal of the capitalist system, in favour of socialism. Lewis responded by stating that he does not feel an adequate class consciousness exists in Canada to foster a socialist system. He also said that, although in theory, socialism leads to a st and equal society, in reity, socialism often reolds society in such a way Lat the end product shows
no major improvement. Lewis also dealt with the roles of Trudeau and Levesque, stating that each man represents an extreme. Trudeau is too rigid in his view of federalism, whereas Levesque goes too far in advocating total separation for Quebec. The answer, said Lewis, lies in finding the middle ground. Far from placing all the blame on any individuals, Lewis was quick to con-
demn all Canadians for being too intolerant and insensitive of the problems facing Quebec’s citizens. Lewis said it is imperative that all Canadians come to understand the motives and attitudes behind the demands of FrenchCanadians. Lewis continued by emphasizing that Quebec can
no longer be regarded as the sole villain of discontent in Canada. He stated that the feelings of displeasure evident in Quebec can be experienced with the same level of intensity in many regions across Canada. With this national.discontent, Lewis feels that Trudeau will have to be more flexible. Lewis added
Jon Shaw
Family of the Guitar”
THE Each a solo virtuoso
of distinction
classical guitarists - hailed everywhere on the international concert scene: “winning combination” - New York,“standing ovation” - Los Angeles, “Flawless teamwork” - Pasadena,“A remarkable foursome - Washington, “Only superlatives for the Romeros” - Vancouver
with Chaplain Remkes Kooistra sponsored by the Christian Reform Church
Every Sunday Morning 11 a.m. Room 280 Humanities Hall You will be Welcomed . ..
Main Box Office, Room 254, Modern Languages Building, UW Campus (8854280). Bishop’s Style Shop, Stanley Park Kitchener and KW Symphony Office, 56 King St. N., Waterloo
Doors open at 5:OO p.m. Dinner at 6:00 p.m. %8.00
Fee-paying Tic
a ful
Ia presented
that under our present system, “confederation distributes inequality.” Despite a somewhat pessimistic view of Canada’s situation, Lewis asserted his strong faith in Canadians and their ability to arrive at a peaceful and satisfactory solution.
Mall, A
The Hero a hundred girls sigh to touch. . . . for his touch. The angular face steel blue eyes rippled muscles strong, calloused hands what price?
Graduate A ttire Supplied
v I
All tied up inside: Don’t know what makes me tick. Feelings that I can’t hide Torment me until I’m sick. The longing inside That I try to hide Is crying to Get out. Tina Basciano
FOODS MEAT - Ground Beef, Roasts, Beef, Bacon (All Chemical Free) ICE CREAM - 100% Pure (Sweetened with Honey) FLOURS, NUTS, RAISINS, SPICES, DRIED FRUITS, GRANOLAS, ETC. Help yourself - Scoop as Jittleorasmuchasyou wish. PROPOSE FOR
her diamond
importance. largest,
It doesn’t it should
can afford.
an exquisite
be the We’ll
to dazzle
1 ’ 1 1 1 1
. and one
91 Bridgeport Rd. (Across From Towers Plaza) Waterloo - 804 - 1811 Mon.-Thurs. 1 O:OO-8:OO p.m. Friday 1 O:OO-6:00 p.m. Sunday Noon-530 p.m. Closed Saturdays
select forever.
Deserted girl, child, fool what price? The Hero open his book read his soul only headlines no content What Price?
A vital part of nature. Green, leafy, cooling in its shade. Growing tall, stately and majestic. Silently stretching. . . Reaching toward the unknown vastness Of space. Sending out tender young Greenlings to explore the beyond Infinity of blue - black inkiness. Searching Probing, reaching out and devouring Every infinitesimal piece of nothingness In its thirst for the retention of life. A tree. Patricia
be the
Something to drink? No, but he’ll drink of your vulnerability. What price? Steaming passion smouldering flesh sone cold heart.
You don’t get engaged every day.. . therefore
Perfectly coiffed unbuttoned, gold chained nakedness gymnasium sweat stripped away he asks you to dance. “Love to. . . .” ‘ ‘Love too?” Yes, later, alone.
v I
259 King St. W. Kitchener
No charge. He’s free.
A sycophant never forgets E plurubs nul. Lysergic acid diethylayde in your coffee as the rain falls gently outside. a lovesick
do you know
Phone 886-6410
YOGA, ASTROLOGY, MEDITATION Courses at the New Aid Centre, 14 Charles St. W., Kitchener
Registration: 744-5451
the food you buy? Find out about dangerous food additives, corporate supermarket psychologyguided “Supermarket Tours”: Feb. 6, Rm 214 Env-Studies, ext 3780, or Feb 6-8 Campus Centre Booth. Campus Centre displays all day
I:30 1:30
to 3130
Sign up-
Feb 5
Think Little
Movies Before Acres
Movies Three Farmers Waterloo Farmers Niagara for Sale AL 211
AL 217 Natural Foods Workshop Greenleaf Whole
Foods cc
Feb 6
Your Eating Habits: Beneficial or Harmful Prof. Carol Farkas 113
Feb 7
Feb 8
Food and the Transnationals David Robertson from OPIRG HH 336
Health Food Pot Luck Luncheon Everyone Welcome ENV STUDIES Foyer
Changing Food Habits in Third World Countries Prof. Sami Gupta CC 113
Food & Development, In Canada and the Caribbean Rev. Claude Cadogan Great Hall, Conrad
Feb 9
~$‘,‘,atr,m,,\~“r~, booth or Env 214)
Canada’s food Trade By Bread Alone Dennis Howlett from GATT-fly cc 113
The Urbanization of Farmland in Canada Prof. Ralph Krueger cc 113
The Problems Farmers Face in Today’s Society National Farmer’s Union cc 113
Food Safety - the Government & Food Protection Service W. Perce McKinlev Health Protection Branch 7 :30 EL 103
Who Pays Who Profits John Van Mossel from Global Community Center cc113 Vegetarian Dinner Benefit for Peoples Food Commission 6:15 - 8:30 Advanced Tickets Sold at Env 214 or Campus Center
Food Commission
presented by Pollution Probe and the Federation of Students in co-operation OPIRG and 10 Days for World Development Vow much
M. Anderson
Fascinating plants. . . flowers, from a single sweetheart to any conceivable ’ special requirement!
-ood W
Feb. 16, 17, 18.
The Arts
1, 1979.
7 -
4nti4mpotence dfe en baser interests 1
The noun ‘institution’, according to Fowler’s Modern English Usage, “has seized, as abstract words will, on so many concrete senses that neatness is past praying for.” Such is a fitting description of FASS, which coincidentally is an institution at UW. Sailing into 1979 on the ESS Uniwat, FASS is remarkable in its diversity and unique in its consanguinity with our lunatic campus, and you have until Saturday to catch it.
Powered by 94.5 co-op engineers on work term (105.7 on cable), ESS Uniwat is controlled by a bisexual computer and fought over by Dr. Whom (Jim Gardner), the Anti-
I hate country music. I regard country music as the lowest possible form of musical entertainment; or, at least I used to regard it as such. Hank Williams: The Show He Never Gave played at the Humanities theatre last week. It was good. It was probably the best show put on in the Humanities Theatre all year. In fact, it was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen in my life. Two simple banners with the words “Happy New Year 1953,” a pedal steel guitar, an electric guitar, a bass and a fiddle were all the sets and props there were for the show. The rest of the show rested on a few well written words and a lot of sheer talent. The performance was tight. Not tight in the sense we would think of a well rehearsed Shakespearean play, but in the sense that, after the first ten minutes, the audience had forgotten that this was a fantasy, an impersonation.
Impotence Alliance (AIA) led by Comrade Gerbil (Preston Gurd), Mean Peace, an organization dedicated to punching out seal hunters and sinking whaling ships, and a band of pirates, one of whom (Carolyn Doll) sent photographers into fits of mad clicking at the dress rehearsal Tuesday. Sound complicated? Well, it is, but strung. together with satirical references to real-life folly at UW, and a few subplots, “Ships that FASS in the night” turns out as a slick production.
Chief scriptwriters Oscar Nierstrasz, Bernie Roehl and John Heimbecker had a lot of help from sub-writers, generating jokes on life at
The man with the almost more than coincidental resemblance to Hank Williams is The Great Sneezy Waters: Ottawa born Peter Hodgson. His mannerisms
as Hank
UW. A fair degree of originality is evident, with the exception of an adaptation of Monty Python’s ‘Dead Parrot’. They should have known better than to try pulling that off. Student politics, being what it is at UW (insane), is a good source of humour. The AIA, which “defends baser interests” and wants to “get the rich laid” is always good for a laugh, even when they’re serious. Rick Smit, who somehow managed to survive as federation president for over a year, will probably be remembered for his 500,000 matches. And the engineers’ referendums, and subsequent cries of “bias! ” from a certain publication
the audience and held them for the entire show. As anyone with acting
experiencewill concede, Playing a drunk the most difficult
is one of things to
were uncannily like those of Hank, and it was the fine vocal control in the songs such as “Lovesick Blues,” and “My Bucket’s Got a Hole in It,” that captured
do. Sneezy achieves this flawlessly. When “Hank” comes back for the second act after refreshing himself with a little too much ‘milk’, his music shifts
Dave (Oscar Nierstrasz), Dr. Whom (Jim Gardner) nate the audience tonight thru Saturday. currently campus, several
distributed are the objects well-executed
on of
from the light-hearted songs like, “Mind Your and Business” Own “Rootie Tootie,” to the haunting lyrics of “I’m so Lonesome, I Could Cry” and “The Angel of Death.” The progression of songs reflected the slow devastation that the alcohol was creating, as did the tone of his between-song anecdotes, changing from light humour in the first half to a moody introspectiveness in the second. Other things, such as the subtle loss of tempo in his songs, the dancing, the falling down, the forgetting of verses, the ever-growing coarseness of the voice all combined to create the aura of the gradual decay of a great man. It was touching. It was also, to say the least, powerful. One time, when “Hank” was leaning on the mike, trying to wade through the haze in his mind and finish the show, I heard. a woman behind me tensely whisper, “Come on Hank, you can do it.. .” That is the kind of show it was. Shaun Belding
farces. Several of the actors deserve special mention for outstanding performances that lend a sense of profes. 1. T . .-
Martin Hunt as the hnchback Pseudomoto, assistant to Dr. Whom, may well be destined for Notre Dame. Oscar Nierstrasz, the Uniwat’s mate, puts on a dazzling performance in his white suit. Henry Morgan Light, played by Steve Hull, renders the song “Mexican Evangelic Optometry Pirate Blues” in a cabaret style, and it’s not because of a hangover that his knee hurts. The Cub-Scouts (they’re so cute!), played by Marney Heatley, Alex McGovern, Bernie Roehl and Jeanette
Schleck, provide hilarious and well-played diversions from the plot. The only serious criticism to be levelled at “Shins that FASS in the night” iithat it is too long. Act II, set on Togo-Togo Island, is overextended. Perhaps some shortening will take place between the dress rehearsal and performance nights. FASS is written and produced mainly by students, and is evidence of the diversity of talent amongst’ the passengers of the Uniwat. It is also extremely funny, and getting tickets (they sell fass) should become second nature, like studying for the midterms looming on the horizon. FASS runs until Saturday in the Theatre of the Arts. Showtime is 8 pm except on Friday, when there are two shows, at 7 pm and 10 pm. Nick Redding
in a relaxing
7 ft. TV
Pinball Backgammon
in the
nasal sounding, violin-like instrument which is held upright. A graceful silk ribbon dance was performed by “Vicky and Lina,” two angels dancing in the heavens. Or at least so says one legend. The silk was twirled as one moves a sparkler in the night on firecracker’s day. To round off the program, the CSA drama group presented a play entitled, “Happy New Year.” Without his Cantonese-English dictionary, this reviewer wondered why the audience was laughing at various points in the play. It was, however, enjoyed by most. The finale was the sing-
ing of “Friendship is Everywhere” by all the performers. The cast came out into the audience to shake people’s hands. May Wu and Alfred Lee narrated the show in both Chinese and English. Phyllis Choi and Matilda Yeung, presidents of the UW and WLU CSA respectively, and many other people, worked hard to organize the events. Yeung said the aim of the affair was to cultivate Chinese culture, understanding, and friendship. There were very few English Canadians present to receive the message, though I’m sure that for those of us who were, the message was clear. Randv Barkman
by John W. Bast
Out went the horse and in ety of entertainment. A martial arts group percame the ram as Chinese formed a flashy traditional students celebrated the coming of the Chinese new lion dance such as one might experience in a year last Saturday. China The year of the ram, or parade in Toronto’s sheep, was ushered in by Town. One Kung-Fu expert approximately 300 people heightened the audience’s enjoying a Chinese dinner, a enjoyment of the demonstcultural show at the ration by feigning pain from Humanities Theatre and a a teammate’s fake blows. dance at the South Campus There was song from the Hall. CSA choir and from two Other events included male solo tenors: Mr. David displays and workshops Lai, and Mr. Wen-Cheong the Campus Centre. Satya. Eleven year old The program was orShaun Chieh played three ganized by the Chinese Stu- traditional songs on the dents Associations of piano. Waterloo and Wilfrid The show was enhanced Laurier Universities, by beautiful Juliana Wong The cultural festival was playing an ancient Chinese the highlight of the celebrainstrument, the E-Wu. The tion providing a wide variE-Wu is a two-stringed,
(Martin Photo
and Pseudomoto
Thurs.-Sat. Bridgeport
in the Lounge
“Aspen” Thurs. 3azz Sessions 9-l a.m. in the Ocean Queen “Airline Jazz Quartet”
ASPEN in the Bridgeport Lounge
Fri. in the Ocean Queen
“Dennis McLachlan” SAT. AFiERNOON “JAZZ SESSION” 3-6 P.M.
The Arts.
m MO -Dead? “Some will believe, others will not. Decide for yourself,” the advertisement suggests. In spite of this pretense to Beyond and objectivity, Back tries to overwhelm the viewer with evidence of afterlife. The film is an unstructured portrayal of those who were pronounced clinically dead and subsequently recovered to relate their experience of the no man’s land between life and death. Director James Conway seems to believe that a series of similar incidents will provide conclusive evidence that life after death exists. However, the subjects’ become restori es quickly petitive and boring.
Ltd. Kitchener to Waterloo Waterloo to Kitchener and inside Waterloo
Many of the subjects described a dazzling white light and a iournev I through a‘iong tunnel. The director may have felt that using the same image several times would lend credibility and consistency to the film, or I
The material, which would be more suitable for a television half-hour than a documentary feature-length film, is padded toward the end with additional “evidence” in the form of seances and stories about reincarnation.
U of W Federation
of Students
Valdv in concert w
hc? ---
illst I----
wanted _. -----
save money. reAt any rate, constant peti. tion of the same two spec ial effects did little to retai n audience interest. In an attempt to muster support for his thesis, Con-
tes tnctimnnioc nf LuoLIIIL”I*I”U “I .. -= ci----I Plato, Edison, and The short Hemingway. scenes attempting to recreate several different eras of history were superficial and unconvincing. Acting ranged from mediocre to ludicrous, which may explain why none of the actors are billed in the advertisements. Narrator Brad Crandall’s attempt to recreate a ‘Night Gallery’ type of atmosphere fails because of his stiffness and general lack of acting
Joc tLlllU hic kiL.LLAU nd VA nf u”lllLy. RnciUb,illu&kJLJ) eerie feeling would not have been appropriate to the purported objectivity of the film, The question of life after death is a fascinating one. But Beyond and Back, playine at the Canitol in Kitchem&, has nothing new to
If you haven’t your mind about this film won’t Give it a miss. Lori Nick
Farnham Redding
CRAWFORD Feb. 16, 1979
Waterloo Motor Inn 8:OO ‘P.M. Fee Paying Feds: Others: Presented Federation
by KSA, EngSoc of Students
$2.50 $3.50 and
SHEREHITE _ author of THE HITE REPORT (a nationwide
of female
with special
RobinTyler (feminist comic) Thursday, Feb. 15, 8:00 Lyric Theatre, Kitchener Thursday March 1 At door: Advance tickets: $7.50 $6.00 Non-Students: $6.50 Show time is 7:00 PM Tickets are available in the Federation office.
made up ‘afterlife’, help you.
Humanities Theatre U of W $3.75 fee paying students $6.00 all others produced by the Federation of Students University of Waterloo Tickets available at the Federation Office and the Theatre of the Arts (Free child supervision provided)
The Arts Rod Stewart Blondes Have More Fun The bad news about Rod Stewart’s new album is that there’s a great deal you could complain about; the good news is that most of it’s based on principles, and Blondes Have More Fun is actually quite a good album, Bad News No. 1: As I’m sure you’ve all found out by now, Rod’s gone disco. You’ve probably heard “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy”; besides it, there’s another quasidisco song, “Standing In the Shadows of Love.” I’m kind of annoyed at this because it seems to me Rod Stewart is a guy who should be making trends, not following them. And it’s irritating the way he emphasizes the words of “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy” to the beat of the music; it’s more than a bit overdone. Bad News No. 2: On “Dirty Weekend,” Rod says, “I’m gonna rock ya till your pussy’s sore,” and on “Standing In the Shadows of Love” he asks, “Didn’t I screw ya right now baby?” While these aren’t exactly offensive, I think he’s gotten the same sort of message across before in a bit more poetic and discreet way. I mean, even your ten year-old sister knew what was going on when Rod crooned, “Spread your wings and let me come inside,” in “Tonight’s the Night,” but somehow it was a lot better. Bad News No. 3: Ever since I read an article on Mr. Stewart in Rolling Stone last April in which he said
in what he’s trying to conhero at a resort, where he vey (it’s the old narrator vs. makes several unsuccessful author question). attempts to get a tourist in Secondly, whether he’s the sack. He finally gets it on interpreting another artist’s with the hotel chambermaterial or writing his own, maid, who kisses him goodRod Stewart seems to un- bye in the morning and derstand the human condileaves with another guy. It’s tion perfectly; he might be set to a harmless‘ little singing about getting melody. Good News No. 4: An burned, being in love, the joys of a one-nighter, being adequate amount of out with the mates or any of rock’n’roll here, particuthe ‘heavier’ subjects he’s larly on “Blondes Have More Fun,” with its primiundertaken in recent years, tive beat and honky-tonk but no matter what the subpiano, and the aforemenject, you feel he’s been there. tioned “Dirty Weekend,” Good News No. 2: I am, in which is reminicent of “Hot a way, grateful that Rod’s Legs. ” Good News No. 5: Varidone a-couple of disco ety. “The Best Days of My numbers. I’ve come to acLife” is a tender ‘thank vou’, cept disco as a fact of life, in the same category as the Towhich is followed by the bitronto Argos, mosquitoes ter and powerful “Is That and eating your vegetables.. the Thanks I Get?’ (more Britt stories from this one). So now I’ve got a couple “Scarred and Scared” is this of disco songs without having to strainmy credibility album’s lyrical ‘heavy’, and by buying a real-live disco features nice album. All kidding aside, guitar/harmonica interplay, and “Attractive Female there’s no denying that “Do Wanted,” a mechanical, Ya Think I’m Sexy” is a very infectious and plodding song, is memorasong, perhaps because the story ble if only because the rhymes are so bad. Of the begins in a disco and is ten songs, no two are even about an essentially emotionless situation - a close to being alike. one-nighter - it’s only apGood News No. 6: propriate that the song is set Blondes Have More Fun has everything you, could ask to disco music. for from an album: good Good News No. 3: This album’s lyrics are full of lyrics, good music (even the disco stuff), variety, towonderful stories. The blantant sexual references in gether with a touch of controversy. Verdict: Good “Dirty Weekend” fit the tone of the song well, and Album. Not his best, but cernot his worst, and it’s an enjoyable song if tainly easily the equal of his last taken in the right way. effort. Jason Mitchell “Last Summer” finds our
he’s never been burned by a woman, I’ve found it a lot more difficult to be convinced by his songs. Hearing Rod sing “Ain’t Love ‘a Bitch” or “Is That the Thanks I Get?” on this album makes me laugh poor baby! Having just slogged -- the old boy-unmercifully, we turn now to the good news,
you to pitch most of the criticism out the window. Good News No. 1: Rod Stewart is a guy who could please his fans (myself included) by farting with the slightest bit of sincerity. The reasons for this are twofold: first, he’s got an expressive, urgent voice that convinces you that at least the voice, if not the person behind it, is sincere
up on
Brought to you by your Psych Sot. Date: Feb. 14/79 8:00 PM PAC 3005 ’
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1, 1979.
Hem&es win o~ensive skknish Women’s
After 2 weeks of league play, we find the Enzymes and Kentuckey Wildcats leading A league, B league has East Bombers and N.C. Sensations leading division I, with division 2 topped by Co-op. Last week’s action saw a terrific offensive battle in the A league, with Hogan’s Heroes outscoring Notre Dame 25-24. Defense was the game between the Enzymes and the Stompers with the Enzymes, featuring Jocelyn Brown, pulling off a 7-6 win. In B league action, Fubar’s Finest were handily beaten by Co-op, with a final score of
for B league, have both folded (due to undisclosed circumstances) and we are looking forward to new Monday Night Basketball Champs.
The Co-Ret Vollyball league is off to a tremendous start as we have had maximum outings by all teams in the first 2 weeks of play. Team captains are using variations of 6 to 9 players per team. All Ret-sport teams are urged to find alternate opponents if there is a cancellation or to contact the IM office as we have alternate teams in most RecTeam Sports.
Last year’s playoff champs, Renison for A an,d,VII South B
Defitiing the desired level of competition in many in-
tramural activities is a difficult task. Experienced teams most notably tend to exemplify an aggressive, win at all cost characteristic. Nowhere is this more evident than in the competitive game of floor hockey played Tuesday and Thursday evenings at Seagram’s Stadium.
Roy’s Raiders, 4B Electrical, and the Arrows, all with a 1-O record.
Preliminary action saw three teams default their first games. As-well, two players were assessed game misconducts. Let’s hope the ideals of the players will change over the course of the schedule!
Captains are advised to pick up revised schedules in 2040 PAC as well as to check their league standings at either Seagram’s Stadium or the IM office PAC.
Renison Rats continue to dominate B league action with a 2-O record. A multitude of other teams hold 1-O records and it looks like the level of competition will be extremely high.
In the A league, only Crimson Tide has held onto a perfect 2-O record. Close behind this powerhouse are: The Oldtimers,
Men’s Competitive Doubles Squash Monday Feb. 5 at 4:3O, PAC 2040.
the league. Waterloo found out why Osweken is in the top spot. They were blown out by a score of 7-l. Osweken started the geme off with a goal in the first minute of play, ended the match with a goal in the
minute and did an lot of scoring in between! Waterloo’s only goal came nearing the end of the second period. Cathie Hanna scored with a shot that zipped in just inside the post. Defenceman Beth Kewley made the assist with her strong rush up the ice from inside her blue line.
Waterloo just did not skate hard or fast enough to keep up with this team. The Wanderers were caught time and time again not covering their checks in front of the net and the wingers did not backcheck at all. A lot more effort and desire are going to be needed when Waterloo meets Osweken in the play-offs. On Saturday, Waterloo
Occult New
to 2 p.m.
Lvzensed under L.L.B 0 You must be 18 or over to enter the Ptckle Cellar .
HOMEMADE SoldP AND COFFEE with purchase of anv sandwich
\ Corned Beef, Roast Beef or Ham on a Bun, Cole 1 islaw.....-..-...
Platter cole slaw, roast99 - potatoes, vegete- 1 1 bks . . . . . . . . . . . . Sandwich
All tne
7ckles YOU t eat . . .
Bookstore Aid Centre for lease Challenging opportunity for service to humanity ,and the hierarchy, Ipreferably a disciple1 on the path or spiritually-minded person. Apply at the New Humanity l3ookstore 14 Charles St. W., Kitchener. 744-545 1 I
the Warriors
U of T came back with
four unanswered goals to tie it up. Late in the third period, Dave Langlois intercepted a pass from the Blues to put Warriors
didn’t remain for long. Late in the third period, Shan Pearsall tied it for the last time. Even though Waterloo applied pressure, U of T
tied Ayr 2-2. The Wanderers
2-O going
on for the tie.
to 4-O.
the third period - a result of no skating hustle. A‘yr scored both their goals in the second period. Waterloo came back with their
goals in the third,
both by star left winger Cathie Hanna. Her first goal came off thk face-off in Ayr’s Mary Camphell
end, as won the
draw and Barbara Campbell sent across the quick pass to the well-positioned Hanna. Her second goal was on a 2 on 1 break. Mary Campbell took the initial shot and Hanna was very alert in putting in the rebound. Coach Ted Tarrant was pleased
In one of their best efforts of the year, the hockey Warriors pulled off a 5-5 tie agianst the powerful U of T Blues last Sunday. In an inspired first period,
Blues with a 3-O score. Goals were scored by Archic Chase, Al McKee and Dave Jutzi. Continuing in the second
Osmeken cruspteS Wanderers The Waterloo Wanderers travelled to Osweken on Friday to play the team that is currently in first place in
Hockey holds to tie Toron
back, but the team wouldn’t mind winning once again! Next game is this Friday; Fel8. 2 against the second place team, Tavistock in Wellesley at 7 pm. This game is very important as it will decide who Waterloo will play first in the playoffs. If you have been thinking about taking in a Wanderers’ game, this one will prove to be very exciting. Mary (Sport) Campbell
Don Langlois
faces off for the Warriors. Photo by David
With the
Odds and Ends Shoppe
Used articles for students PAT KENNEDY, Phone
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Basketball 97
Top Scorers: Ron Graham 26 Seymour Hadwen 24 Doug Vance 21
Sports Warriors The Warrior basketball team, after a 10 day lay-off, outplayed a quick and determined team from Guelph, winning 91-78. The game was played last Saturday in the Physical Activities Centre before a national audience on CBC and a home crowd of 3500. Waterloo is now 3 and 1 on the season, one game behind front running Windsor. Doug Vance, who led the Warriors with 22 points showed a fine touch in his outside shooting and, in addition, used his speed and agility to advantage to exploit the inside. Ron Graham had 18 points and Seymour Hadwen 16. Rick Dundas and
a 27-12 lead into the game.
10 minutes
,But the momentum changed. The Gryphons, aided by Warrior turn overs, shut down the Waterloo offence. Relying mainly on the excellent work of centre Rick Dundas under both boards, they fought back to within two points shortly before the half. The score at half time was 37-33 for the Warriors. The second half looked to be a close one but Dundas’ fourth personal foul early on removed the Gryphon dominance of the boards and virtually sealed the fate of the game. Still, some good work by the
missing two swimmers as a result of illness as well as a top sprinter, Leslie Patterson, who suffered a ski injury. Several of the rookies displayed their talent at the meet. Kirsten Feldman placed second in both the 100 and 200 yard backstroke, third in the 200 fly and fourth in the 100 fly. Chris Treleaven won a gold medal in the 100 back, placed third in the 200 back and fourth in the 50 fly. Rookie Avril Peaker won the 50 free in a three-way tie with Lori Scott of Windsor and Rosemary Trahan of Central Michigan, all with a time of 25.52 seconds (the
On January 12,1975, Mike Moser died. Maike was an outstanding student, a member of Canada’s basketball team, and most of all a wonderful individual who had many friends on and off campus. In order to preserve the memory of Mike, the University of Waterloo Mike Moser Memorial Fund was established. The fund is used to provide a bursary for a third or fourth year University of Waterloo student who has financial need, who has an exemplary academic record and who has achieved a high level of accomplishment in extra-curricular activities. Last year’s recipients of amounts ranging from $150.00 to $300.00 were Barb Chitovas, Kathy Howard, Jack Birch and Ted Darcie. Applications for this bursary should be made in writing to W.N. Widmeyer, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs, Faculty of Human Kinetics and Leisure Studies, prior to February 2, 1979.
accuracy of electronic timing was a real asset at the meet). __ _ Avril also placed second inthelOOfreewithatimeof 55.4 and third in the 200 free. Cathie Coulson swam an excellent 400 individual medley qualifying her for the CWIAU championships. Norma Wilkie placed fifth in the 50 free and made consolation finals in the 50 fly. Other fine performances were made by Danielle Forsythe in the 400 free and 100 and 200 backstroke events, Jane Goodyear and Carolyn Doll in the sprint freestyle events and Daphne McCullough in the breaststroke events. The relays gained a great number of points for the team. The 200 freestyle relay team of Karen Stewart, Avril Peaker, Danielle Forsythe and Norma Wilkie broke the existing team record and placed third in the event. The 400 free relay of Jane Orr, Norma Wilkie, Danielle Forsythe and Avril Peaker placed fourth in a close race to finish the meet.
In other league action, Windsor remained unbeaten in league play by dumping McMaster 94-84 in Hamilton. Laurier won its first game of the season dropping Brock 86-76. York continued to dominate the East with a 93-28 victory over Ryerson. In their next home action, Waterloo is home to Windsor this Saturday. Game time is 8:15 in the PAC. Jacob Arsenault
The medley relay of Chris Treleaven, Karen Stewart, Kirsten Feldman - -. .. and Lynn Marshall won a rne go” lo meaal, - ’ ’ ’oreaking ‘* ” tea km record and defeating the powerful Clarion State squad by .6 seconds. New pool records were madeinthe2OOfreerelaYbY Clarion State, in the 400 free by Nan Farrar of Clarion and in the 1 metre diving by Stephanie Jaremko of Toronto. Waterloo’s divers performed team’s Hecker
we11y adding to the point total. Laura placed third in the 3
metre event the 1 metre.
Teammate Jill Ellis placed fifth in the 1 metre event. The Athenas are now training hard for the Ontario Championships at Wilfrid Laurier February 10th and 11th. The team has nine girls qualified for the National Championships in Montreal in March and the coaches are optimistic about their performances.
Doug Vance (44) was voted the game’s top player in last Saturday’s match against Guelph. Vance scored 22 points and led the Warriors to a 91-78 victory. He is seen here grabbing a rebound
awaw from
Rick Rusk.
V-ball women win Last Friday at Waterloo, the Athenas met Queen’s in waterloo’s first match after
td ‘Ork
Although Queen’s played an improved game from the beginning of league cornpetition, the Athenas defeated them (15-11, 2-15, 15-8, 15-13). Waterloo will play Guelph Tuesday, Jan. 31,
here in the PAC in Gym 3. Sunday, the Waterloo team will be in an Interlock Tournament to be held in Scarborough. In the first match the Athenas defeated the Kilkenny Kats from Ottawa (5-15, 15-11, 7-15, 15-12). However, during the remaining matches the Athenas were defeated by the Ottawa Gee Gee’s and the Soarites.
Disappointing Last Friday the Trent Invitational Giant Slalom was held at Georgian Peaks. Both Warriors and Athenas failed to do as well as expetted. The men’s race was v van by Western Rob Safrata. rIhe top Waterloo f’inish- 1 was hk',l,,llvldlt,ullll hK......-. ~vlully who came
10th. li/f,lrI,l-
Since Canada’s best showings in international sports have been in winter-related activities, I felt that it wo;ld be appropriate to have a quiz dealing with winter sports. 1. At the 1976 Innsbruck Olympics, Kathy Kreiner won one of the three gold medals for women’s alpine skiing. Who
Leistner with 7th and 9th. The team championship was won by Western with McMaster 2nd ,and Athenas 3rd. The next race is the Uni.. P w.v . - ._ versity or Western lnvitational at Beaver Valley on Friday, Feb. 9th. The Waterloo Nordic Ski Team competed in the Fisher Cup races and these are the results. Peter Laurich,- 8th, 58:52, 16 km. Toni Sehier, 2Oth, 64:06 16 km. Bruce Mohar, 21st, 65:04, 16 km. Relay results Waterloo placed 2nd. 18th R. Wanger 31:24 29th D. Wanger 34:04 32nd K. Jones 35:OO On Sunday Men’s Open, Pekka Laurich placed 3rd, and was 3rd best skier overall. Jack Spence Lisa Johnson
and second The UW
I i ,#”
’ A,! %, I ‘,,A: 6pyTP,<z’$4
9; 2% Lwnne Rouaeau
’ Photo
bv David
.I J , Trahair
of Manitoba
all around,
at the nationals. team had good
from Lynne support Rougeau (2nd floor, 3rd bars, 4th vault), Roseann Herrmann 5th all around and Laurie Leader, 7th over all. The Athenas will host an invitational this weekend,
of UW was
Feb. 3. The comDetitors
Manitoba, one of the top teams in the country, won the overall champion with a score of 33.85. Ann also
11 -
The final margin of 13 points was a fair indication of the play.
_- - _- __
won the other two? 2. Who was the last Canadian to win a World Figure Skating Title? 3. What country has won the Air Canada Silver Broom (World Curling Championship) most often? 4. What rink won the World Junior Curling Championship for Canada in 1978? 5. True or False: The World Speed Skiing record is over 200 km/h. 6. Who is the only Canadian to ever win the World Cup (skiing) overall championship? 7. When did Canada last win the World Hockey Championship and what was the team that represented us? 8. Where is the Izvestia Hockey Tournament held annually? 9. Where were the 1972 Winter Olympics held?
Guelph guards Mike Sesto and Tom Heslip kept them within striking distance.
Rookies do u&l in swim meet
The Waterloo Swimmin’ Women displayed their talent in the pool this past weekend in the Annual International Swimming and Diving Competition. Sixteen universities participated in the meet, including Clarion State, Central Michigan, University of. Calgary, Niagara, Oneonta, and most Ontario schools. The meet provided tough competition for the Athenas who displayed their depth by placing second with 281 points behind the strong Clarion State team who finished with 474 points. Coach Claudia Cronin was pleased with the team’s performance as they were
1, 1979:
ok national
Heslip led the Tom Gryphons with 16 each. Clay Ninham, starting in place of Pat Brill-Edwards - who suffered a broken bone in his right hand last week - proved an excellent replacement and counted 11 points, including 7 for 7 from the free throw line. The game, while exciting in the holiday atmosphere of the PAC, was sloppy with both teams turning over the ball to excess. The Warriors started quickly with Vance, Leon Passmore, Hadwen and Graham all showing hot shooting hands. Working their methodical offensive style to near perfection and combining their disciplined defence they built up
the overall champion with a score of 33.85. Ann also placed 1st on vaults, bars, beam, and floor exercise.
be using this as H qualifying meet for the national championship March 2 and
3 at
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