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UQS Feb.
1~5 -
In Room 2030, Psychology Building, Janice Boddy of Erindale College will talk on “Genital Manipulation: Female Circumcision and Sexual symbolism in the Sudan” (an anthropology lecture) 12:30 pm. Iran’s Destiny in Scripture. A free bible lecture presented by the Christidelphians, 8 pm, cc 135. New Democratic Party club meeting, room 113, Campus Centre, at 7:30 pm. Discussion of constitution and the election of Executives. Slide presentation. Coffee and donuts. A short talk on a surprise topic and an informal discussion presented by the Baha’i Campus Group. CC 110, 8 pm. Computer Science Club Meeting, featuring Professor Ron Baecker, U of T, speaking on “Recent Advances in Interactive Graphics: some Film and Video examples”. 8 pm, MC 5158. Coffee and Donuts; everyone welcome. Drawing cartoons is what multi-million buck computers is for! Advanced lectures tional Meditation pm, CC 110.
for Student’s InternaSociety people. 12:30
CC Pub features Deaconblue (one word). Feds: $1.00 after 7 pm, others, $1.57. ($1.57? That’s the price in the release, folks!) Waterloo Christian Fellowship welcomes all to a time of friendship and learning (and supper). 4:30-7:00, HH 280. You’ll learn about Christ’s Methodology tonight. Shere Hite lecture, Humanities at 8 pm. $6.50 for non-Feds, $3.75 for Federation members. Hite authored a national survey of female sexuality.
Events Fed Flicks features Lina Wertmuller’s Away. (Have you heard of that?)
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Mike Maser basketball game sees the Warriors meet York, 8: 15 pm in the PAC. Followed by a pub in Village 1 with Crawford. Ukrainian Student’s Club Dance, 8:30 pm. A semi-formal dance with a light snack later. Tickets: $5 for students, $6 for others. For information on this good time, call Donna, 742-7329 or ask a club member.
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Worship Service with coffee and discussion later. Conrad Grebel Chapel. 4 pm. CKMS-FM Chinese Hour at 7: 15 pm. Listen to them talk about everyone who can’t speak Chinese. Fed Flicks; last night before Swept swept away.
Away is
Monday-Friday, including today: Prayer Meetings, 8:30-9:30, CC 113. Everyone welcome. Maureen Forrester is still at Humanities Theatre. See Saturday.
CC Pub features taped music. Big deal. They have beer and pinball - what more do
by David
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The Pub always is there. Bear it in mind after classes - to kill the pain. Taped music, standard prices. Chess Club meeting, at 8 pm in CC 113.
GIVE BLOOD - First United Church, corner of King and William Streets, 2:00-4:00 pm, and 6:00-8:30 pm. Red Cross Blood Donor Clinics deserve your support - someday you might need theirs.
CC Pub has Deaconblue (one word). See Thursday. If they aren’t good, there’s always pinball.
CC Pub taped music. No covercharge for Feds (you get what you pay for); $.75 for aliens (you didn’t pay then, you gonna pay now, man!) Not classy.
Waterloo Christian Fellowship sponsores the Agora Teahouse, 8:00 to 12:00 pm, CC 110. AI1 welcome to an evening of homebaked munchies, music, and Christian fellowship.
Chaplain Remkes Kooistra welcomes you to a programme of Bible-Study, contemporary issues, films, etc. 7:00-8:00 pm,, Room 280 or 373 in Humanities Hall.
In Concert Cavaliers. Forrester, Galactica? sion making Granola.
My lady, I love you. I paid Imprint to put this in. Look for me in Thee Record Store near the Valdy albums.
KW Symphony Concert with guest artist Maureen For-rester, Metropolitan Opera Star. Programme includes works by Debussy, Mahler, Brahms, Haydn and R. Strauss. $4 to $8.50. Humanities Theatre, 8 pm. Classy.
Fed Flicks: Swept Away continues. Surely you know the prices by now.
presents the Deep Dish Would you rather see Maureen In Concert or Battlestar The modern media makes deciso difficult. CC Pub area, $2.00.
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you need? Feds, nothing; aliens, $.75 Tae Kwon-Do self-defense class in the PAC Dancing Studio, g-10:30 pm.
At 8:00 pm, in E4, room 1327 - The Most Energy Efficient Building In The World “Hydro Place”, a talk by Dale Struthers, P. Eng. of Canada Square. Everyone is welcome. Sponsored by the CSME student chapter. Gay Lib Coffeeklatsch. new friends!!
8:30, CC 110. Meet
Campus Worship with Remkes Kooistra. 11 am, Rm. 180, Hum. Hall. “Cinema Gratis” - really the CC Free Movie - features The Bible. Don’t wait for the book to come out! To snort cocaine is to make a statement. It is like flying to Paris for breakfast.
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Student’s International Meditation Society advanced lecture. 1230 pm, CC 110. For those who have to yet learn to relax. CC Pub - for those who have learned to relax, with considerably lesser effort involved. Epic begins. Bring money - even Feds. Don’t call yourself a secret, unless you mean to keep it. . . Leonard Cohen.
/ 3I474
15, 1979; Volume
1, Number
22; University
of Waterloo,
Page 8
Editor News Editor Advertising Manager Production Manager Entertainment Editor Photography Editor Sports Editor Graphics Editor Prose and Poetry Editor Science Editor 4
Nick Redding Ciaran O’Donnell John W. Bast Randy Barkman Carole Marks Ron Reeder George Vasiladis Harry Warr Peter Gatis. Stephen Coates
Imprint is an editorially independent student newspaper published by the Journalism Club, a club within the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. It is solely dependent on advertising revenue for its financing. Imprint publishes every Thursday; mail should be addressed to “The Journalism Club, CC 140”. We are typeset by Dumont Press Graphix; paste-up is done on campus.
The Imprint encourages letters to the paper. Letters should be _ typed, double-spaced, on a 64 character line, addressed to “The Journalism Club, CC 140.” Please include your telephone number, name and faculty. Letters should not exceed 700 words. Letters for the next Thursday’s Imprint should be submitted by noon Monday.
At a recent On&o Fed&ation of Students (OFS) conference (in Waterloo), I was embarrassed and appalled at the behaviour of my fellow student leaders. For women students, the conference proved to be a sham and hardly representative of women in postsecondary education. Let me explain why. Of its ’ themes Women’s Iss~~‘~as intended to be the central one. To this end, we hosted a Women’s Issues workshop and subsequently invited Dorothy Smith (a well-known defender of women’s rights) to speak at a banquet dinner later that evening. The dynamics that followed prior to and during the course of the question period were extremely offensive to a number of student leaders as well as to the speaker herself. At the beginning of Ms. Smith’s speech, some council representatives were discourteous enough to leave, while some others remained only to laugh at the speaker’s appearance. Because she had simply worn a pants suit for the event, one U of T leader jokingly questioned if in fact a the speaker “was actually From the same woman.” corner of the room came sarcastic statements like “I feel sorry for women such as Bette Stephenson and Pauline Macliberal statements Gibbon,” implying that women were not oppressed! It doesn’t take an overly intelligent person to note that very few women (i.e. a minimal percelltage) are in positions of influence in any sector of society, least of all in politics. Yet such defensive remarks persisted until finally they were booed down by a number of the women and by the more aware men in the au- . dience. What disturbed me here were not onlv the assinine
comments of a few males, but more importantly, the ease with which these comments were made. This leads me to believe that these student leaders will in no way be sympathetic to women’s issues and will probably not defend the female half of their respective constituencies against discrimination based on sex. Although I am a firm believer in women entering the political arena, it is no longer possible to excuse men for this type of behaviour. Women must be represented whether they are on student councils or not. Also, election times and later during the course of the school year, council leaders should be scrutinized as to their positions on women’s issues! Do you know how your council feels about women in positions of authority? In addition, just what is the extent of their knowledge of women’s issues in post-secondary education or in the society at large? Finally, during the OFS conference, I was surprised to hear that some campuses did not have a women’s organization or any pressure group at all. Though women do not require token representation, there is a definite need for special attention to be given to such women’s concerns as sexual harassment, rape, discrimination, single parenthood, daycare facilities, etc; after all, these should not be the concerns of women alone. It is the business of every student council to be aware of these widespread ‘problems, however, this aim can only be met if the leaders are willing to both listen to and act upon the complaints of their female constituents. Ruth Scher Trent Student Union
An up-to-the-minute sumof Schroeder’s mary Evolution-Thermodynamics debate: Following Richard Leakey’s anthropology lecture, Dr. Schroeder wrote a carefully rigged and paralogical argument that Leakey’s work was based on a *‘simple-minded and fraudulent” assumption of evolution and that evolution violates the second law of thermodynamics. He also claimed that no ancient skull has ever been found both intact and in its original shape and
composition. He also unwittingly displayed the obvious limitations of his knowledge of radiochemistry with a claim that all archeological dating techniques beyond a few hundred years are misleading and false. Mr. M. Rennie replied that the second law was taken out of context, since it applies only to closed systems. The Earth and living species are open systems, constantly absorbing energy from the sun either directly through radiation and plant photo-synthesis or indirectly through food consumption. Schroeder replied to this (Imprint, Nov. 30) that “Another interpretation of the. . . law. . . is that the universe moves from a state of higher order to a more random state. The hypothesis of evolution requires the reverse. The universe is considered to be a closed system. So I cannot see how I have used the second law out of context. . . . (It) makes an evolution of the cosmos from total randomness or chaos to the orderly movement of stars and planets impossible. So the existence of the non-closed, orderly system earth cannot be explained by an evolutionary process, as the universe is subjected everywhere to the law of decay described by thermodynamics.” This is an exact quote and Dr. Schroeder made his view and line of argument quite clear and unambiguous. Unambiguous, that is, until I refuted his claim and reiterated Mr. Rennie’s refutation in more detail. He wrote, “If one associates an increase in order with a decrease in entropy, I don’t think it is reasonable to conclude from my writing that I deny a decrease in entropy in any system.” Outside Orwellian’ 1984 doublethink, how can anyone hold both convictions at once? He claimed the law of decay applies everywhere in the universe, I countered that if increased order is disallowed everywhere then no organism can grow, nothing can freeze in winter, and crystals cannot form; so he responds that he doesn’t deny increased order in every system, which means that evolution is not impossible if given a mechanism (general statistical law) of survival of the fittest. He won’t admit this, of course. The skeletal structure of Dr. Schroeder’s “logic” is as follows: he insists on proposition Rennie proposes “B” “A”, which refutes A, Schroeder dances between Al and A2 (al-
Confused graffiti after a stormy week. . . BENT made money for a change (honest!) . . . Steve-Izma won the $800 stereo in the CKMS Valentine Raffle. . . Shere Hite is on campus today. . . and Imprint devotees are scurrying aroung collecting signatures for the petition for a newspaper referendum (oh no, not again) . . . remember what Jean Cocteau said about the printed word . . . “The greatest masterpiece of literature is always only a disordered alphabet” . . . but even so, think about signing the petition . . . Contributors to our disorderly paper this week were: Ian MacKenzie, Leonard Darwen, Hugo Morris, Randy Barkman, Barb Campbell, Maria Catalfo, Jon Shaw, Peter Bain, David Anjo, Vince Catalfo, Jordan Klapman, Dianne Mark, Coleen Hawington, J.W. Bast, Stephen Coates, Peter Gatis, Nick Redding, Ciaran O’Donnell, George Vasiladis, Jason Mitchell, Jack Spence, Neil Campbell, Art Owen, Dennis Jackson, Mozo, Jacob Arsenault, Sylvia Hannigan, Kevin Welch, Leanne McIntyre, Harry Wahr, Mark McGuire, Mike Moran, Karen Stewart, Carole Marks, Ron Reeder, Steve Valeriote, H.D.L. Night, Mary Campbell, Tim Tiessen, and me (queen of disorder) . . . Lori Farn ham.
ternate interpretations of system, order, and context), hopping to the other when one gets too hot for him, claims that B only refutes C, not A. I refute A with D, and Dr. Schroeder leaps over to E and denies ever asserting A. A mind capable of learning much civil engineering would never be taken in by an argument like that, unless it strongly wanted to believe in such an interesting and entertaining story as the creation myth is. All through evangelism, fundamentalism, occult doctrines, and transcripts from the Inquisition one finds an intense desire to believe in the awesome and fantastic. Why else would anyone believe that Adam and Eve produced offspring at the age of 120, that they lived up to 900 years, that the whole human race descended from inbreeding among their children, that Noah at the age of 600 built an ark the size of a modern dreadnought in a few years with only the help of three sons, and that a hurricane drained out the Red Sea the precise, instant Moses raised his arms; and then deny scientific dating techniques, fossil evidence, biology, and astronomy? Schroeder writes “the probability of random formation of a molecule of protein complicated enough to bear life is neglible”, completely ignoring the fact that, however random molecular motion is, molecular formation is not random. Each type of molecule will only react with specific positions or atoms on another molecule. The same applies to ions, radicals, and branches of macromolecules. That is why macromolecules and even proteins can be synthesized in a lab by control of conditions and proportions. It is also true that the mussel shell Dr. Schroeder referred to couldn’t possibly be formed by random slopping together of particles, but by slow secretion and growth from a living animal. In short, granting the existance of a divine creator, any thinking person would interpret the Creation story as a legend telling what happened in a symbolic and figurative way, and evolution theory as an explanation of how we were created. John E. Leeson Sci. 2 This letter was edited tions.
due to space restric-
After some dissati sfaction last term, I have come to enjoy
your paper. While it may not be excellent, it is certainly acceptable. However I was somewhat alarmed when I read Mr. Redding’s editorial last week. Liking the paper in its present form, I fear that the changes suggested by Mr. Redding will isolate the paper more from the students. With a secure student fee to fall back on the paper may become more like another paper that once received a guaranteed student fee. When your paper started there was a desire expressed by some to operate a paper solely dependent on advertising revenue, that would not only be free from the AIA, but also from the Federation. Despite unfair competition from the once “official” Chevron, you have survived. Now you want to give up the fight. Mr. Redding wants your paper to have the same unfair competitive advantage that you (and I) used to decry The Chevron for having. However, I do realize that you are having financial difficulties. (I suggest better financial management). While I oppose an official status for your paper I do not adamantly oppose you getting fees sometime in the future. I do think that this term would be a bid time politically, because of your close relationship with the Federation, and because there was a newspaper referendum held just last term. There should be a cooling off period. You may feel that a fee is necessary for your paper to survive. If you get one your paper may survive, but your dream will die. J.J. Long
During a recent election campaign my platform stressed, among other things, the need for our Federation to represent the interests of students at local levels of government. I often cited the demise of the Waterloo Rape Distress Centre
as a recent example of how our student union could have addressed the problem of municipal cutbacks in community services. When city council rejected the centre’s bid for a grant of five thousand dollars (thereby forcing the organization out of existence), the Federation should have impressed upon our city fathers the need for such a service to continue, especially given the frequent incidence of sexual attacks on and around campus. I was surprised to find that many students at this university do not perceive this issue as one of any real consequence. One has only to read Lori Farnham’s ‘comment’ in Imprint (Feb.1) to realize the exasperation which many women on this campus feel when confronted by such widespread indifference to their needs. The Federation of Students certainly cannot eradicate the problem of violence against women. It can, however, take some very positive steps toward ameliorating the situation here in Waterloo. I hope that President-elect McGuire will see fit to represent the needs of women students by lobbying for the re-establishment of the Rape Distress Centre. If this fails, perhaps certain oncampus services could be expanded to meet these needs. The university administration must also be approached with regard to lighting the Optometry pathway and other areas on campus where sexual attacks have repeatedly taken place. Of the many issues facing society today, this is one of paramount importance because personal security and the dignity of the individual are both at stake. Steve Beattie
30. “x of x is y” See last week’s colunin or the answers 30a-c below for an explanation of this perplexion. Find x such that x of x is d) esrever e) dd f) time 33. Find a common English word which ends -mt.
To Last
a) the length of length is 6 b) the spelling of spelling is spelling c) the antonym of antonym is synonym 31. diagram r 32. “The nine other persons must have shook 0, 1, 2, * * -9 8 hands. The spouse of the person who shook 8 hands must have shook 8 hands, for everyone else shook hands with the 8-shaker. Similarly, the
7-shaker is married to the >J l-shaker, the 6-shaker to the Z-shaker, and the 5-shaker to the 3-shaker. My wife therefore shook 4 hands.” H. D.L. Night
15, 1979.
House ‘not up to pi?
Students flee from Eight UW students have each lost-from $1000 to $3000 when a fire gutted their house on 117 Albert St. in about thirty minutes Monday morning. Peter Toffler, a 2B Math student, discovered the fire burning two different walls in an occupied basement room about 8:55 am. Toffler alerted two roommates, Bruce Harding, a first year
business student WLU and Jim Furnt. Harding and Furnt were able to use the front exit but Furn was forced to leave clad only in pajamas while Toffler had to use the fire exit. First year students Dave Bray, Larry Stewart, Kevin Maynard, Martin Saeger and Gerry Daley, had already left the house for 8:30
Gov’t favors freer toking Some students are breathing a sigh of relief after recent statements by leaders of the three major parties favouring speedy passage of a bill to decriminalize marijuana. Justice Minister Marc Lalonde told the Commons Feb. 7 “we will be very happy to consult and see how fast we can proceed.” Joe Clark said the Conservatives would like to spend more time on the bill but with an election in the offing “our backs are to the wall.” The bill will virtually eliminate penalties for possession of marijuana for personal use. However, Lalonde restated the Liberal Government’s policy that possession of marijuana should remain an offence, but not one that leads to a criminal conviction and a criminal record. Lalonde said that if the government brings in the bill it will be similar to the bill passed by the Senate a few years ago. The Senate bill died on the order paper before the Commons had a chance to study its proposal that cannabis be placed under the Food and Drug Act, which presently covers hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD-and amphetamines. Marijuana is included in the Narcotic Control Act and the maximum jail term, though seldom enforced, is seven years. Frank Epp, President of Conrad Grebel College and the Liberal candidate for Waterloo, said “I favour decriminalization but also some other process that would decrease the use.” When the fact that decriminalization would almost certainly increase the use of marijuana was mentioned to Epp, he said, “that aspect of decriminalization bothers me.” NDP candidate Michael Makarchuk could not be contacted for comment and the Conservative candidate has resigned. Hugo Morris
Imprint The Canadian University Press (CUP) has decided that Imprint meets the criteria for prospective membership in the 63 member paper organization.
classes. Only one of the eight students is partially covered by insurance. Waterloo Fire Prevention Officer Chuck Devison told Imprint that the cause of the fire is not yet known. The Fire Marshall and police are investigating and expect a report next week. The house was equipped with a wooden fire escape, and two smoke detectors, but no fire extinguishers. Owner Murray Matthews had come in the Saturday before the fire to replace the batteries in the smoke detectors and to remove the lock from Toffler’s door because his room was an avenue to the only fire escape, Toffler said. The Albert St. students feel the fire was “a good way ,for the house to go.” All of them felt that the conditions in which they lived in were deplorable. Toffler’s room had a door leading to the fire escape with a two inch gap letting in cold air. The walls of the house were hollow and made of fibrewood. The floor was very old and breaking off in pieces. Shingles were peeling and a hole in the roof let in water which seeped into the floors. The students say they had several unusable stoves before they were given one that worked. They claim they were without heating until the end of November. Matthews was very slow when it came to fixing things, Toffler said. It was impossible, according to Stewart. Matthews promised things but never came through with them. Bray told Imprint that Matthews said a cleaning lady would come in regu-
up to scrach A report in the latest CUP House Organ says of the Imprint: “There are areas in the paper that should be cleared up, but it is open, democratic, and not a puppet of the Fe,deration.”
Wigglesworth ‘party’ running for Council A number of Peter Wigglesworth’s supporters -are running for federation council in the elections today. Wigglesworth lost to Mark McGuire in the presidential race last month. Wigglesworth was acclaimed to council last week as representative from St. Jeromes College. Arts candidates John Pearse, Tony Waterman and Chris McIntosh know Wigglesworth and stand for the same ideas. Is this a campaign by the group to monopolize the federation? Not at all, according to Wigglesworth. He told Imprint that last term, when he was considering running for president,
The decision was made by the CUP executive based on an investigation January 25-29 by CUP vicepresident Alayne McGregor. McGregor states in the renort that Imorint’s “news ~--..-
Two students barely escaped from a fire which gutted this residence last Monday. Five others had eight-thirty classes, and were fortunate not to be in when fire broke out. The fire apparently completely destroyed the interior of the house and caused the roof to fall in. The wooden fire escape (top left corner) appears to open onto nothingness; one student escaped this way before his floor fell from under him. Photo bv John W. Bast lariy but this happened only fusal to list Matthews’ ac- porarily in 128 Albert St., once. comodations was based on another house owned by The students said MatthBeckett’s recommendation him, and asked for the five ews was unreasonable in and on their own personal months rent still owing. demanding twelve months visit to Matthews’ housing. Bray said this was used as rent in advance. All refused According to the Landa defence tactic by Matthto pay this far in advance lord and Tenant Act, all the ews to get out of paying the but did pay until the end of Albert St. students are entitwo months rent that each March. tled to a return of any rent student is owed. Matthews was scheduled they have paid past the date The students have deto meet with Imprint but of the fire. cided to follow Matthews failed to show up at an apToffler told the Imprint into court if neccesary. pointed meeting. that when he approached Some said Matthews had Devison told Imprint that Matthews, he was told suggested using underthe house was visited by the something to the effect that handed tactics aimed at incity often last year because Matthews would see him in surance companies for it “was not up to par.” Last court about it. reimbursment of their belsummer the house was Matthews visited five of ingings. closed down because it the students housed temMaria Catalfo failed to meet safety regulations set out by fire prevention standards. Devison opened the house in October after Matthews had done some renovations but Fire Marshall Bob Beckett told the A “radical” image may to wonder if the issue and students the house still did have contributed to the Onthe vote yes campaign was a not meet with standards. tario Federation of Students snow job.” Housing offices at UW OFS spokesperson Allan and WLU have refused to (OFS) defeat in a membership referendum held at Golombek said WLU stulist Matthews advertiseWLU, according to student dents’ rejection was disapments for the approximate president Mike Sutherland. pointing, but not surprisfifty rooms he has available. WLU students voted 822 ing. Al Woodcock at UW to 348 against becoming full “WLU has had very little Housing said there have members of OFS last Thurscontact with OFS over the been many complaints day, Feb 8. past five or six years, alagainst Matthews concernSutherland said that the though I’m hoping they will ing overcrowding, high rent students feel they can do still come to our conferand poor living conditions. more on their own. ences, ” Golombek said. The Albert St. house held About a week before the He denied that OFS had a up to 13 students and referendum, the WLU sturadical image. Matthews charged $85 for a mounted a Golombek said that OFS double room and $110 for a dent executive “vote yes” might try to get WLU to join single. campaignSutherland feels WLU dean Fred Nichols at a future date. students began Leonard Darwen told Imprint that their re- that “many
OFS 1osesWLU
~~~yis~~~~~~~n~~~~~p~~ inaccurate..
. .” Also.
Sc~Eldthbee &$trZZan~~Z$ the anti-Chevron camhe learned a great deal about paign.” the federation through its The report, however, lists 7 recommendations for Imhistory. He says he discussed his print to follow for it to join plans with these people, CUP. The recommendations and they became interested in working on the federaare: to seek permanent office space, student funding tion council. According to Wigglesand recognition; establish a and time limit for worth, his supporters are quorum staff meetings; establish a enthused and have positive ideas for developing a procedure to expel1 a staff member; incorporate; and student-oriented council. conflicts of inHe says this could be a re- discourage terests between the paper freshing change for council. of StuWigglesworth says he and the Federation plans to talk to McGuire to dents. Imprint staff are considercompare ideas before he considers running for the ing the recommendations and, if accepted, the paper federation’s number two spot, vice-president ap- could become a member of CUP by March 31, 1979. pointed by council. Randy Barkman Barb Campbell
Cutback The University of Waterloo library will continue to receive federal government documents, despite a $2 million budget cut in government publications. Federal Minister of Supply and Services Pierre de Bane announced Feb 8 that 217 university and colleges and 396 public libraries will not have their full depository status changed by the cut. Before his announcement, it had been expected that a large number of libraries would no longer receive free government publications. A library
that has full de-
doesn’t pository status receives all government documents free of charge, without having to order them. Currently there are 28 university and college libraries who have this status. Another 189 university and college libraries have a selective status, meaning they can receive federal documents free of charge, but must order them from a checklist. The University of Waterloo has full depository status. UW’s chief librarian Murray Shepherd told Imprint that strong lobbying by libraries across the country
hurt persuaded de Bane to make the cuts elsewhere. Shepherd speculated that UW’s status wouldn’t have changed if the cutbacks had been instituted. However, he said that rumour had it only one library would maintain it’s full depository status, most likely University of Toronto’s Shepherd guarded his remarks saying, “Although they have cancelled the plan for cutbacks, I’m not going to believe anything until I see it on paper.” Leonard Barwen
For leadership
ISA favours Iran is a country of many contradictions. Although it is one of the world’s wealthiest countries, the ordinary people are impoverished and most of the country is illiterate. News from Iran has blazoned front pages all week, in the wake of the downfall of the Shahappointed government. The Iranian student’s association held a meeting Saturday afternoon to discuss the present situation in Iran and indicate what they expect for the country’s future. The meeting began with a slide show which used Western media such as the New York Times to document the history of a regime Amnesty International once called “the most brutal on the face of the earth.” In Iran, according to Harper’s magazine, over two-thirds of the city workers make less than $800 yearly, and there is only one doctor for every 3,000 people. _ The oil revenues, which amounted to $22 billion a few years ago, are largely spent on Iran’s massive military machine. Responsibility for the economic inequity was, according to the Iranian students, the joint responsibility of the Shah, brought to power in 1953 by a CIA coup, and the US multinationals who dominate the country’s economy. However, massive popular unrest, strikes of oil workers, and some armed confrontations,combined to force the Shah to leave the country a few weeks ago for a “vacation.” Bl:t the caretaker gov-
ernment he appointed, led by former opposition leader Shapour Bhaktiar, was overthrown Sunday, by the broad-based opposition to the Shah, led by Muslim religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini. Khomeini and his millions of supporters want to turn Iran into an Islamic republic, where the letter of the Koran, the Muslim holy book, is law. In the discussion after the
slide show, one student said he felt that because of 25 years of suppression, the Iranian people didn’t really know what they wanted. They don’t want to rule out an Islamic republic entirely, partly because of solidarity with Khomeini, and partly because of Islam is “to some extent” a “socialist” system. What’s important, they and say, is “independence” “social emancipation” for
You can escape from It is bound by karma and karma, reincarnation, and reincarnation until it reaches an advanced level the laws of cause and effect! That’s part of the message of awareness. Eckankar, a spiritual cult, The soul’s journey brought to campus January through the levels of awareness is inevitable. Eckankar 31. Unfortuanately, only -just provides a more direct three people, including this path to the higher planes. Followers of Eckankar bereporter, were there to li.sten, lieve in the immortality of According to Eckankar, the soul, and in God whom there are eleven planes of they call “the Spirit” or “it”. Members are not asked to reality, each with its own colour, sound, and name, believe anything; they are to arranged in ascending order find “it” themselves, based of godliness. on their own experience. Eckankar provides The purpose of Eckankar to help you folis to provide a path for the guidelines individual to reach “selflow the teachings, however. realization” and then First, there is an introduc“God-realization” by rising tory book, on sale at the to higher levels of reality. early lectures. This is referred to as “reachThe next step is the “dising a higher rate of vibracourses”, writings which lead through two years of tion” or “unfolding”. Eckankar defines the soul group or individual study. as a “unit of awareness” The cost is $30 for students. There are no fees after which increases in awareness by ascending. that. Typically, the soul starts Later, if you want to “get the ability to take the next off as a mineral entity, step” you must be initiated. which may go through several plant and animal stages The initiation rites are secbefore arriving as a human. ret, of course. Art Owen
religion Iran. Unlike Khomeini, however, they feel that this cannot be accomplished without further “armed struggle.” They’ve thrown their support behind the Organization of Iranian Peoples Fedyaee Guerillas, a guerilla group they say has a “Marxist-Leninist” ideolOgYIn the slide show, the Fedayeen were portrayed in association with the slogan “One struggle, Many fronts.” This slogan links nationalist guerilla movements in the underdeveloped countrieds with terrorist groups in the West. Movements shown as part of the “one struggle” include the Red Brigades in Italy, the Red Army Faction (Baader-Meinhof in Germany and the provisional wing of the Irish Republican Army. Ciaran O’Donnell Dianne Mark Fed -
15, 1979.
200 pages to view. Fast service, Call Heidi Jacob 884-4444. Typing: Essays, theses, reports, etc. 15 years experience. Elec- For Sale tric typewriter. Quality work. Competitive rates. 742-1822 or SAVE THE WHALE T-shirts. Real beauty design. Children’s 576-5619 (Sandy Sanders) sizes too. $5.00. Get free whale Neat, accurate typist (6 years poster, ENV. ST. 214, experience) with IBM typewriter available to type essays, 1972 1600~~ VW engine in a theses, reports, resumes, letters. mobile 1967 body. $100 or best offer. Maryanne: ext 3803, afPhone 743-2293 evenings. ternoons 886-1936. Typing service-fast, efficient, accurate. Phone Maria Louise Wanted 578-4806. A mature flutist looking for Essays, theses, etc., typed in another musician to play with. I English, French, Spanish, play classical and other stuff Italian, German (with approp- Call Lowell 579-8148. riate accents). Smith-Corona Electric. Drop and pick up on Bison Needed campus. Call Lori, 576-4978. Bison needed quickly. Just lost Experienced typist will type es- one. Phone Vince, ext. 2331. says, resumes, etc. Reasonable rates. Close to campus. Phone Imprintclassifiedads cost Nancy 886-3122. $1.00 minimum for up to 20
words; Come
$.05 each extra word. to our offices in the
15% discount on invitations or Campus Centre room 140, or free cake knife. We deliver our mail to us your ad with money catalogues to your home. Over enclosed. lecture
$ZOOwodhof 4700 dollars for a lesson in sex education? That’s how much the Federation of Students has budgeted for the appearance tonight of Shere Hite, author of the Hite Report. Denise Donlon, entertaintient programmer, told Imprint that from that sum, Hite receives 2700 dollars plus travel and expenses. Robin Tyler, a feminist comic, receives 500 dollars. Donlon has also budgeted 1000 dollars for advertising, which includes ads on K-W transit buses.
sex talk
Dohlon does not feel Hite is worth the money she is being paid. However, Donlon added that all speakers today are expensive. She booked Hite because she feels it has been too long since UW featured a female speaker of any calibre. j In fact, it has been a number of years since the federation sponsored any notable appearance. Ralph Nader spoke in 1972 to 4100 people in the PAC, and the feds paid him 3500 dollars. Hite is making two apparantes in Canada, the other at
the University of Western Ontario. Western is paying 3000 dollars to have “Hit; speak as part of a lecture series. Donlon has widely publicized the talk by Hite, and she expects to draw people from other schools and communities. Major Toronto media sources have indicated an interest in attending. Hite is expected to focus her talk on the survey she is now conducting on male sexuality. Jon Shaw
Question .By Peter
sports events? Bain
and Vince
Paul Eakins Mech “Well . . . C.C. Pub.”
Blair Bowen Biology 3 “I go to a lot of basketball games. I’ve been to one football game, and I play intramural basketball and soccer.”
Karon 1B “I play been to games.”
Whelpdale Ret . waterpoio and I’ve a couple of football
Campus Do you attend intercollegiate
Pam Stellini Arts 2 “I go to some basketball and football events and to swim meets whenever my friends participate.”
Michael Longre 4B “None. I play varsity hockey and that takes up most of my, time, we practice every day Monday to Thursday.” Brenda Brouwer Kin 3B “I go to basketball and football whenever I can. I like to swim whenever time permits.”
Bob Rea Chem 3B “None, but I’m on the track team.”
Science k
Old stvle power svstemrxiay have advantages
d alternating Although current has been the method of choice for electrical power transmission almost as long as power generating stations have been in existence, the use of direct current for this purpose is beginning to make a comeback. Both methods have their advantages; AC is more easily and efficiently distrid buted, while DC, on the other hand, is superior for. running electric motors. This shortcoming, however, was alleviated by Nicolai Tesla’s invention of the AC motor, and AC has been the preferred method of transmission ever since. Nonetheless, DC has reappeared, when Sweden installed a 20 megawatt DC underwater cable in 1954, and today, DC transmission lines are used all over the world. Although DC- will never completely replace AC, it has certain advantages for carrying power long distances, such as Imprint needs science writers, and you could be one of them. But first, let’s kill some misconceptions. You don’t have to be in science (or any technical field), you don’t have to be a senior undergraduate or a graduate student, and you don’t even have to know about the field about which you will write. This is made possible using the extensive articles, magazines, pamphlets, etc. which are in the science files in the Imprint office. You don’t need to have a lot of time either; you can get a topic and spend a half an hour here and there, and finish the article in a month or so. If you’d like to know more about it all, please drop into the office in CC140 and see what it’s all about. Stephen Coates
J AC is transmitted in three phase. Each phase, requiring its own conductor, completes the circuit of the other tw,o and if one phase is lost, so are the other two, making extra conductors necessary. DC, on the other hand, needs only 2 conductors since if one is lost, the earth itself can be used to complete the circuit. DC, however, has costs which can make it unprofitable, for lines shorter than 1,000 km. The most significant cost is that of the installation which converts the high voltage AC to DC and vice versa. These installations use networks of thousands of “thyristors”, or solid state electronic switches, controlling thousands of volts each. By turning these thyristors on in the right sequence AC can be rectified into DC, being made to flow in one direction only. Likewise DC can be “ininto AC, then verted” smoothed by “harmonic filters” into alternating current. While with short lines these costs can exceed the savings, there are other, intangible benefits, such as greater reliability - a DC line will still operate, even if one conductor is lost and better control of the
lower “line losses” (power wasted in overcoming the resistance of the cable), savings in materials, greater reliability, and better control of the power system. The primary advantage of AC is that its voltage can be changed easily by a transformer. Since line losses, which can account for 10% of power produced, are reduced by using high voltages (as high as 765,000 volts), this is a very useful property. DC, however, has a lower line loss than AC transmitted at the same voltage, which results in nontrivial energy savings. Lower line losses can allow remote hydro and thermal generating stations to become economically viable, where they might otherwise not have been. Localized thermal generation eliminates the need for expensive transportation of the coal. Further savings can result from the fact that DC transmission power lines require only 2 conductors (wires) compared to AC facilities which require a minimum of three conductors and often six or more. The reduced transmission line and tower requirements can give rise to considerable savings. The reason for this is that
power system. Since the thyristors control the power flow directly, they can be used to isolate and limit faults, such as short circuits, in the system. Another advantage of DC is that it can improve the AC system to which it is connected. A typical power generating system consists of several stations, each with several individuallycontrolled generators, all interacting. Careful1 engineering is necessary to avoid “dynamic instability”, which can be dis,asterous. By using DC links to isolate different AC systems, the individual systems become more stable than they would be if they were directly connected. An example of this is the Eel River Project, connecting New Brunswick and Quebec Hydro. This is a “back to back” system, meaning that the power is rectified and inverted in the same building. The technology acquired in developing DC transmission systems, such as high power semiconductors (e.g. thyristors), can also be of with new power use sources such as solar cells or fuel cells, which produce DC. _ _ DC has already demon-
strated its usefullness in power systems across Canada, such as the underwater DC line from the mainland to Vancouver Island, and in many other
placesaround the world, for in as in
example several systems the USA and the USSR, well as planned systems Brazil and India. Peter Bain
“The Only Greek Restaurant in Town” ...Arni
Psito, Pastitso, Moussaka...
Also, Canadian
menu available
Mon-Sat Sunday
7%) am-10 pm pm
SHERE .HlTEauthor of THE HITE REPORT (a nationwide
study of female
with special
Rob-inTyler (feminist
Humanities Theatre U of W $3.75 fee paying students $6.00 all others produced by the Federation of Students University of Waterloo ’
Tickets avai1abi.e at the Federation Office and the Theatre of the Arts (Free child supervision provided)
Feb. 16, 1979 Waterloo Motor Inn 800 P.M. Fee Paying Feds: Others: Presented Federation
by KSA, EngSoc of Students
and your
College Chapel
Students Apartments
Applications for the Married Students Apartments are now being accepted for occupancy commencing May 1, and September 1, 1979. Application2 may be obtained at the Housing Office, located in Ira G. Needles Hall, or the Manager’s Office, Married Students Apartments, 159 University Avenue West. Although U. of W. married graduate and undergraduate students will be given priority, applications from married Faculty or staff, and from single students, particularly on a 4 month lease, will be considered. Direct inquiries to extension 3391.
Sundays Services: 1 LOO AM
Alternating Traditional and Contemporary Masses 4:00 PM Evensong 1st and 3rd Sundays Eucharistic rites other Sundays Special service by notice
David Hartry Renison College ’ 88404400/893-3465
Special 15% food discount for Students and Faculty of UW, WLU, and CONESTOGA College.
Hours Upstairs-12 noon- 1 am The Extension-12 noon-4 pm Build your own sandwich with soup - $2.95 “EXTENSION DISCO” *Newest
sound system Re-decorated
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ova Winter Term ‘79
For your convenience Canteen of Canada Provides Hot and Cold Drinks - Snacks Food - Milk and Cigarettes on Campus at the following locations:
1st Floor Room 106 Modem Languages Isaiah Bowman. 1st Floor Room 138 2nd Floor Room 281 Hagey Hall Athletic Complex 2nd Floor Room 2015 Great Hall Campus Centre Engineering No. 4 Block 1 1st Floor Room 1531 Downstairs Faculty Club Libray Building Staff Lounge 130 1st Floor Room 1202A Student Services Student Village 1 -1st Floor East & West Student Village 2 1st Floor Admin. 1st Floor Room 1039 Administration Building Central Stores Main Floor 1st Floor Stairwell Chemistry Math & Computer 3rd Floor Room 3001 1st Floor Room 1355 Engineering No. 2 Engineering No. 4 Block 2 1st Floor Room 1323 & 1337 Up & Down Stairs Food Services 3rd Floor Room 3005 Optometry Foyer to Room 145 Physics Building Psychology Building 1st Floor Room 1052 Phillip St. Architecture 1st Floor Environmental Studies \
Canteen of Canada Limited
The Arts
’ -
Dance displays variety, \
Danny Grossman was funny, serious, and somewhat disappointing, Saturday, February 10 at the Humanities Theatre. He presented seven works of his choreography, some of which were new to me, some of which I had seen before. The only real disappointment was the first dance, called Fratelli (Italian for brothers). The first time I saw this work I found it interesting; however, on Saturday evening I was bored. Two men in yellow tights, bowler hats, and moustaches played in and around screens that represented a house and later a stage. It seemed to me that their play was more for themselves than the audience. They were at once extroverted and introverted; that is, they wanted to get out there and perform but they were too shy to do it. The second work, called Couples Suite, was in two parts. It depicted the automation and insensitivity of relationships compared to the honesty and innocent playfulness they could potentially contain. Part one was called Couples and consisted of three couples: two men, two women, and a man and a woman, although their gender was unimportant. They were neither male nor female; rather they were androgynes dressed in neutral grey body tights. Their movements were stiff and automated as they
changed partners in a disinterested fashion. The second part, called Inching, was a witty piece danced by Judith Hendin and Eric Bobrow. As the title implies, the two dancers’ movements consisted mainly of inching along the floor like an inch-worm. The relationship between them is in direct contrast to the relationships in the first part. You see between them an innocence and honesty that makes them unaware of any troubles around them. They are in their own little world. The third work calledCurious Schools of Theatrical Dancing; Part I was a solo danced by Danny Grossman. This was a very serious work and somewhat disturbing: disturbing, because as the program notes said, “In his solo the clown figure reveals a very personal world.” It is a personal world of pain and paradox. The clown figure is encircled by a circus-like ring out of which he never steps. He performs acrobatic stunts in a rather grotesque manner. The image of the futility of circus life was painfully brought to light in this dance. So too were hours of training to the point of cruelty (perhaps he was thinking of dancers, not clowns), the way their life continues on and on, the way he is trapped in it. Triptych was another
-Boo+ks In Gallant Alexander
Company Kent
This isa story of the men and ships of the Royal Navy in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Alexander Kent brings this exciting era to life in the novel In Gallant Company, the latest book in his Richard Bolitho series. This series, which now consists of ten books, chronicles the rise of Bolitho from midshipman to admiral and spans the time from the American Revolution to the War of 1812. The story begins in 1777. Bolitho is the fourth lieutenant of the eighty gun ship of the line, HMS Trojan. The American Revolution has just begun and the British are still trying to suppress it. Bolitho sees much action as the Trojan ranges from New York to the Caribbean on its missions against the Americans. Kent has succeeded in writing a fast-paced, straightforward story. He evokes realism in his characters, showing the variety of men who volunteered or were forced into the king’s service. He also details the harsh discipline and terrible conditions under which they lived. This is an interesting novel, showing the glory
and hardships of the British Navy in this age of fighting sail. Neil Campbell
serious and disturbing work. Three dancers dressed in salvation army suits and one shoe seemed to be constantly trying to escape, or to hide, or to strip away something that annoyed or bewildered them. Two of the figures strained to get up, to movd with tremendous difficulty towards something. The other figure remained in a prone position of the floor. Images of poor and starving people and the hopelessness of their struggle were brought to life in this work. The last two works, the best of the night, provided an excellent way to conclude this performance. Both were superior examples of the wit and humour for which Danny Grossman is making himself known. National Spirit is a satire done to marches and anthems. The company of six, which included Judith Hendin, Eric Bobrow, Greg Parks, Judith Miller, Randy Glynn, and Danny Grossman, was dressed in an array of red, white and blue shorts, sneakers, tee-shirts, and hockey socks. Acrobatics and sports activities served as a thematic point of reference for the dance which was funny to watch and seemingly fun to perform. Last was a dance called Higher that could only be performed by Judith Hendin and Danny Grossman. As I watched them sliding in, around, on and through a ladder and two chairs one question came to mind. I asked myself if it was possible to make love on the back of a chair because if it was possible these two dancers could do it. I enjoyed this work a great deal the first time I saw it and even more this time because it
The second city touring company played to a capacity crowd last Sunday evening, and it was a more than successful evening for all those concerned (or misdirected.) And now some words from a viewer: “the opening act of the opening act. . . . . . was the paranoid players, a loose collection of FASS players. Special attention is reserved for James Garner, for his rendition of a medley of love songs dedicated to his hunchback Frank.” The opening act was a Jonimitchellesque folksinger. She was really very good, but was put on at the wrong time . . . one can’t place soft-folk to a crowd of 500 who are hyped up for comedy. After a break, Second City opened. They did three sets of comedy skits and improvisations, poking fun at a number of topical issues and everyday situations. Much of Second City’s work is based on a distinct and projective style of vocal and facial expression, a technique that is particularly appropriate for this type of humour. However, the audience’s response to the weaker segments of their programme would suggest a craving for something that even a Bingeman special can’t fill. . . . Second City was funny, and more importantly, made large sums of money in easy to carry bags. . . it was well organized and made creative use of the audience inPut. Carole Marks Photo by John W. Bast aIFseemed as though the dancers had grown into the dance to make it uniquely their own. Not only are they all over the chairs and ladder but Luncheon 11:30 to 2 p.m. HOMEMADE SOUP also each other. With so Ltcensed under L.L.B.O. AND COFFEE much close contact for a You must be 18 or over to with purchase of long period of time and in enter the Pickle Cellar entrsnce on north ride any sandwich such a context there’s of buiMinQ bound to be some special feeling between the dancers. Mansite Corned This distinctive aura they Beef, Roast Beef or Ham on a Bun, Cole seem to have was daw . . . . . . . . . . . . epitomized during the curtain call when Grossman Sandwich Platter with cob daw, toastwas kissed on the cheek by ed potatoes, vegetaHendin. bh . . . . . ._-. . . . . Although this performance started out slowly, it AI/ the Pickles gained momentum and can eat. . ended on a very positive note. Leanne McIntyre
The Kitchener Auditorium was the scene for the filming of sequences for a Canadian film called ‘Title Shot’. The crew arrived Wednesday and Thursday to shoot crowd scenes and parts of a boxing match. Roughly 2000 Kitchener and Waterloo residents arrived to provide background for the auditorium shots. They were paid off in hot dogs and T-shirts (somewhat below union scale). Most spent the day being shuffled around like cattle and yelled at by directors. The movie is about two fighters named Rufus Taylor and Niki Romano. It stars Tony Curtis and Richard Gabourie, and is directed by Les Rose. The budget was quoted as between one and two million. The movie will take f&e weeks to film - most sequences will be shot in Toronto studios. Members of Satan’s Choice were invited down to Wednesday by the producer. The K-W Record printed that they came down of their own accord, and implied that they were troublesome. As a result, the crew was reluctant to discuss the film, citing ‘bad press’. Waterloo region seems to be in deniand as a film site these days, with Elora being considered as a possible site for a remake of ‘A Christmas Carol’ later this year. Photo by Vince Catalfo
’ Thurs.
Feb. 22 to Sat. Feb. 24 Ticket Prices: 18 Pm Adult: $2.50 Student: $2.00 Children: $1 SO Tickets available from any Student or by calling the school office (884-9590)
(112 mile from
UW on Hazel
15, 1979.
Lord of the Rings innovative, difficult Legolas and Aragorn, where Saruman reveals to perched atop the stone forGandalf his intentions to tress, survey the empty field fight for control of the Ring. before them with nervous The film’s strength lies in expectation. “There!” one its technical innovations. calls, pointing to the army However, the mixture of of Ores approaching over styles caused a few probthe rise. lems. A hazy mass of green and The hobbits were porblack figures rushes tostandard trayed in wards the foot of the castle. animated-cartoon style. Moments later, the air is Their facial expressions alive with arrows. The batwere limited to large foolish tering rams pounds, swords grins, wide-eyed terror, and slash and spears fall like exaggerated sorrow. Often hailstones as the battle their gestures did not fit the reaches a violent pitch. words they were speaking. Without warning, the sky Especially in comparison takes on a bright hue as with the live-action footage, fireballs light the air and the cartoon animation, with turn walls to ruin. the exception of a few The victory of the forces characters such as Gollum of light over darkness at was and Wormtongue, Helm’s Deep which occurs overly simplistic and unin the second part of the professional. Lord of the Rings marks the One has the sensation of end of Part 1 of Ralph watching two films at once, Bakshi’s film. a cartoon and a live advenSuch an unusual and ture. Sometimes the transioriginal book demands equally innovative filming. tions between the real actors Bakshi further explores the and the animated figures he used in not accomplished technique was smoothly, distracting the Wizards, mixing live actors viewer’s attention. with animated figures. Since the Lord of the To portray most of the Rings is such a massive, monsters and the battle dense work, Bakshi has had scenes, it appears that Bakto leave a lot out, while still shi shot live action footage following the original story onto high-contrast film. The line. background was then reAs a result, the action is moved and the figures coltoo rushed in spots, moving oured before transferring this initial layer onto the quickly from battle to battle animated sequence. without relating the events that led up to them. Instead of keeping with conventional backgrounds For those who have not read the book, the large at all times, nearly half the and number of names film was made in this way. events referred to in passing Bakshi sometimes substitutes kaleidoscopic lighting is confusing and tends to discourage close attention effeots, as in the scene
to the story line. However, most of the explanations are simple, eliminating the richness of past history which is so important to the book. Those who have read it will probably find the conversations supplying background information quite boring. In filming a classic, it’s impossible to please everyone since every reader pictures the characters and events in a different way. This is especially difficuit in the case of the Lord of the Rings, because of its length and complexity. Even the Walt Disney studios turned it down. It took an innovator like Bakshi to create a film that could even approach viewers’ high expectations. Lori Farnham Mark McGuire
If the film ‘The Warriors’ is any indication of the quality of films we will be seeing throughout 1979, we might be better off staying at home. ‘The Warriors’ is one of seven films dealing with gang wars to be relased this year. The story is based on a novel by Sol Yurick, and is directed by Lawrence Gordon. The film has a very simple plot about the fantasy of uniting all the gangs in the city of New York.
When Cyrus, (a top gang-leader) is shot, there is a wild chase for the supposed killers. There is a lot of running and a few good fights, but basically the film is a flop. There is no real excitement at any point, and even the more brutal scenes show a rather idealistic -. view of gang wars. The main characters are stereotypes of gang members, and the acting is uniformly mediocre which doesn’t help the audience to beome involved with the
Students who wish to apply for the position of Don in the Villages for the academic year 1979/80 should obtain an application form from the Housing Office in Needles Hall, or from either Village office, and must submit it to the Warden of Residences prior to the end of February 1979. Applications received after February 28th cannot be considered for appointment for the Fall term 1979.
a flop
action. The music, by Barry De What is good about the Vorzon, was also excellent film? Only the cinematot and added much to the raphy and the music make otherwise bland action. it worth seeing. ‘The Warriors’ is not reThe cinematography is commended. The topic is done by Andrew Lazlo, run down despite the powho creates a genuine tential for an exciting, image of the dark and eerie dynamic film. backstreets of New York. Dennis Jackson .
- Correction Agenda items for the Annual General Meeting must be in by Feb 15, not 16 as printed in the last Imprint.
FUN ‘N’ GAMES NIGHT in a relaxing
250 Weber St. N.
Your weekend entertainment:
brake and Shock inspection Free
. Tune-ups
10% off all parts for Students and staff at UW subject
to change
in the
Thurs., Fri., Bridgeport
Sat. Lounge:
“McCurrie/Olsen” ‘McCurrie/Olsen’
Records album that has to be listened to drscreetly. Pay attention to it! Leonard Darwen
Kate Bush chorus, throwing in guitars Lionheart and svnthesizers in at the If ,you remember the times. Lionheart is the type of cowardly lion from The Wizard of Oz, the word should mean “lionheart” something special to you. Likewise for Kate Bush’s goes by new album which the name of Lionhe :art. Her high-pitched voice is uniquely strange in today’s music scene, where those with raunchy voices, like me, do better financially than those who can truly hold a note. Unfortunately, her sweet voice gets lost in the mix, at the most crucial times. The producer of Lionheart, Andrew Powell (Remember him folks? He gave us the Rolling Stones back in ‘64) has emphasized the music a little too much. Under normal circumstances this would be unspeakable. However, Bush’s piano-playing abilities are phenomenal. All of the songs on Lionheart feature a piano-vocal harmony which touches the heart. Unlike many female vocalists, Bush sings soft rock as opposed to folk. The softness of her voice carries the same impact as those of her counterparts. She avoids being melancholy by picking up the tempo of her songs in the
TCS Electronics
for the following positions for the academic year 1979230: l
. . . . . . . .
Open Daily 9 a.m. to 530
Mark McGuire, President-Elect Federation of Students Note: These positions are open to any fee-paying the Federation of Students.
p.m. - Thurs.
and Fri. to 9 p.m.
Vice President (must be a voting member of Council) Treasurer Chairperson, Creative Arts Board Chairperson, Board of Communications & E3d.of Publications Chairperson, Board of Education Chairperson, Board of External Relations Chairperson, Board of Entertainment Chairperson, Committee of Co-operative Services Speaker of Council
Written applications stating qualifications, basis of interest and personal background should be submitted to the undersigned no later than 430 p.m. Friday, February 23 / 79.
Downtown Kitchener 30 King St. W.
Calculator, Dictation machine service Repairs to all makes Rentals, sales, supplies All battery replacements
Graduate A ttire Supplied
259 King St. W. Kitchener
member of
15, 1979.
Isn’t it thebestbeeryou’veevertasted?
10 ,-
Warriors fail
For the second year in a row the hockey team failed to make the playoffs in the tough Western Division of the OUAA. On Friday night, the scrappy Warriors played inspired hockey in the opening period and outskated their Western opponents. Numerous scoring opportunities presented themselves, but the Warriors failed to capitalize and the period ended scoreless. The second period seemed to be a replay of the first as the Warriors were frustrated by Western’s goalie. The Mustangs finally broke the silence. Rick Nic-
kelchok was mysteriously lifted in the 3rd period for back up goalie Butch Laporte. Waterloo tried for a comeback in the final period but couldn’t make good of some goal-mouth scrambles. The Warriors were unable to buy a goal in the third period, but managed to sell a couple as a result of a couple of defensive lapses. A knee injury to Waterloo standout-rearguard John Campbell a few weeks ago seems to be a definite factor, as the Warriors lost some tough games by narrow margins and subsequently missed a playoff berth. Steve Valeriote
Athenas played their last regular season game Friday. They defeated the strong Ottawa G-Gees 70-64. The game itself was a close, well-fought battle. The Athenas’ shooting was well over its average with the high scoring power of Liz Silcott. She tucked away 30 points for the Athenas and Barb Nugent was second with 11 points. The first half of the game was very close with only two points separating the teams. The Athenas closed the half with only a 35-33 lead. It wasn’t till the last quarter that the Athenas broke the game apart to their favourite. Now the Athenas will go over to Sudbury for the Ontario finals. The top two teams will go to the nationals.
The Athenas will play Guelph in their first game. They need to win this game to go to the nationals. It will be the first time in Athena history that the basketball team will go to Ontario finals and maybe the national championships. George Vasiladis
TROPHY University of The Waterloo’s name will go alongside the traditional Western, McGill and Toronto names on the OUAA Badminton Trophy named after Colonel D.M. Jemmett and first presented for competition in 1948. The Warriors won all of their singles and doubles matches against the Eastern Division Champions, the Queen’s University Golden Gaels.
ey Students! Last Chance! All fall and winter OUTERWEAR, SWEATERS, and TIES
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Briwk The Warrior basketball team won a pair of games awgtii;ndBrock this nast . Qn Saturday
trounced night, in St. Catharines, they won 77-48; the following day they beat the Badgers 80-64 here in Water-
The University of Waterevents (100 and 200 freesloo Swimming and Diving tyle and the 800 freestyle relay) and was second in the Athenas qualified twelve competitors.for the CWIAU fifty freestyle and Lynn Swimming and Diving Marshall who had seconds Championship. The in the 200 and 400 freestyle, Athenas finished second to a third in the 100 freestyle their rivals from the Univerand a fourth in the 400 Medsity of Toronto in last lay Relay. week’s Ontario ChampionOther qualifiers for the ship. Canadian Championship Toronto finished in first which will be hosted by place with 464 points while McGill University in Waterloo had 413. McMasMontreal on March 1,2, and ter took third spot with 261. 3 will be: Chris Treleaven, It was a two team meet. _ 100, 200 back; Norma The Athenas would have Wilke, sprint freestyle; had a better chance at the Karen Stewart, 50 fs, 100, crown if Leslie Patterson 200 breast; Kirsten Feldhad been able to compete for man, distance fs, 100, 200; the team. Leslie was forced Cathie Coulson, 400 IM, 200 out of the pool after she suffly, 200; Dani Forsyth, evfered some ligament damerything except fly; Lunn age in a skiing accident. McVey, 100, 200 back, 400 Leslie qualifies for the fs; Divers: Laura Hecker, Jill CWIAU Championship on Ellis. the basis of her recorded Laura Hecker finished times posted during the seafifth in the 1 meter board son. and 6th in the 3 meter board Outstanding performers competition in the Ontario for the Athenas in the OnChampionship. tario Championship were Avril Peaker who won three Karen Stewart
Squashed The Waterloo men’s squash team fought their way to a third place at the OUAA finals held at York. Western won the championships with Queens in second place. Waterloo’s team members Frank Welsman and Rob Bertram made it to the semi-finals of the A and the C draws respectively, and Phil Mantynen was the consolation winner in the B draw. . Other team members
injhk Mike Moran, Pete Oxland and De1 Pohlman put in good performances against a strong opposition. The Western Team is last year’s North American InSquash tercollegiate champions and swept all three finals for a convincing win. The Waterloo team is losing a lot of players, ‘so if anyone is interested in joining, they should attend the team tryouts next fall. Mike Moran
The Fifth Annual Mike Moser Memorial Basketball game will be played at UW this weekend (Saturday, Feb. 17, 1979). Competing in the game will be the York Yeomen and the Waterloo Warriors. Saturday’s game will be held in the main gymnasium. The starting time will be 5 pm, and this game is excluded from the season ticket plan. All spectators will pay general admission of $2. There will be no advance sales but tickets will go on sale at 6:30 or at the start of the game.
Swimming Championship
Diving Warriors in OUAA This Friday and Saturday
The University of Waterloo Swimming and Diving Warriors will be at York University this weekend to compete in the OUAA Swimming and Diving Champions hip. The Warriors have a definite shot at the title with, as was the case in the women’s competition, their toughest tests coming from Toronto. X-C Ski News Results from the Queen’s Invitational Race: Men’s 15 km. top honours went to Pete Piercy who finished 7th; other respectable finishes are: Bruce Mohr 1:02:18; Pehha Laurich 1:03:25; Keven Jones 1:03:34; Toni Schier l:O4; Doug Warren 1:05:12; Ian Bingham 1:07: 12. Women’s 71/2 km. Race Peggy Baleshta 38:18 Elane McCrea 38:36. Now the Waterloo team will now go to the OUAA finals at Carleton Feb. 24th and 25th. George Vasiladis
in dou
loo. On Saturday, Seymour Hadwen led the way for the Warriors with 27 points. Doug Vance had 18 on Sunday before a sparse crowd at the PAC.
15, 1979.
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game. York is currently the top-ranked team in the country. They are sporting a 9 and 0 league record and have been beaten only once this year - St. Mary’s by 1 point in Montreal. Included in their recent victories are a 20 point win over Toronto Estonia - probably the best senior team in the country - and a 123-63 win over the University of Ottawa Gee Gees.
In other league action Western dropped McMaster 59-48 while Windsor defeated Laurier 72-64 and Guelph 92-80. Windsor, in first place, remains unbeaten with an 8 and 0 record. Waterloo is in York offers its opponents second with a record of 7 a balanced scoring threat and 2. Western and Guelph ,with great depth. Lonnie remain in contention with 6 Ramati, the country’s top and 3, 5 and 4 records re- centre, is an impressive respectively. bounder and a prolific scorer. In addition Bo Elsewhere in the nation, Pelech and David CoultSt. Mary’s is cruising along hard are perhaps the most atop the Atlantic conferexciting players in college ence with a 12 and 1 record. Coulthard’s St. Francis and UPEI with 9 basketball. shooting ability is astoundand 4 records are fighting ing at times while Pelech’s for second spot. In the I’ve West, Victoria is 6 miles in hands are the quickest seen and his defensive front of everyone else, while Brandon continues to skills are superb. lead the weak Great Plains Saturday’s game should conference. be a great one. Game time is This Saturday the York 8:00 pm; the location is the PAC. Come early to get a Yeomen are in town to play the annual Mike Moser good seat.
The Waterloo Women’s Ice Hockey Team lost their first playoff game on Sunday against Tavistock 4-1. The series is the best two out of three games, so Waterloo will have their backs to the wall when they play again on Feb. 18 in Waterloo. Tavistock opened the
scoring at the first minute mark. This seems to be what Waterloo does a lot these days - get behind in the first part of the game. (Perhaps it is more challenging this way). Tavistock outchecked the Wanderers and forced them deep in their own zone to make errant passes.
Then Tavistock capitalized on their opportunities close to the net. Their second goal came about because Waterloo did not clear their checks out from in front of the net. The Wanderers came ,within one goal in the first period on an alert play by Ruth Johnston from in
Fourth inr Slalom
The Wanderers did have some chances, from sizzling shots by Jane Larkworthy and good set-ups by Helen Mackey.
Last Friday at the University of Western Ontario Invitational Slalom at Beaver Valley, the Warriors placed 4th in the race. They were led by Malcolm Murray who finished 2nd and Gord Reese in 10th. The race was hampered by a breakdown in the electronic clocks and was thus cut to one run instead of two. This really hurt the team since they usually come on strong in the second run. As it stands now, in order for them to be invited to the Can-Am series they must beat either U of T or Western in both races of the championships. The Athenas had their share of trouble in this race as well. The top two finishers were Linda Leistner and Pasty Chalmers in 9th and 10th spot. In team competition, the Atenas managed a 6th place but they were looking towards better things at the championships. The next -race for the skiers is the Ontario Championships which is being hosted by U of T at the Georgian Peaks. Jack Spence
close. She was assisted by the good playmaking of Bev McKeown and Jan Card. This was about the only bright spot in the game, as Tavistock scored two more goals in the second and third periods, one from a shot from the point on their power play, and another from good passing in front of the net.
Waterloo could not contain Tavistock’s fast breakout, as there were many three on two’s and two on one’s. The Wanderers need to concentrate more on short passes, because their long ones are being intercepted quite frequently. However, Waterloo will attempt to outskate and out-hustle Tavistock next Sunday Feb. 18 from i’pm to 8 pm at Moses Springer Arena. All you fans that could not get out to Wellesley can now come to watch the Wanderers fight hard to remain in the play-offs. We desperately need hometown fans so our home ice advantage means something. So come and cheer long and loud for the Wanderers. We would appreciate your coming.
Warrior athlete Norman Nyre competing in the Maple Leaf Invitational Track and Field Games Feb. 3. The results will be published in next week’s Imprint. Photo by Mozo
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