
Page 1

Campus Events At 9:00 the KSA gives a tour for all Kin Warrior Football. Check i t the PAC for students Watch for your 1 own faculty time and place. soc~ety'stours In the Orientation Guide Moderation is for Monks, the saying goes, Arts and EMS Library T o u r s begm at 9 30 and this is tested at the Monk's Meal at and run also at 1130, 1 30, 2 30, and 3 30 ReniSon College at 5 0 0 today. Determmed, aren't they? If you mlss ~ttoday, Fed Flicks still has Lord of the Rings. Follow don't worry, they'Hbe on for all of Or~entat~onFrodo through his quest for manhood; be weeks careful of this movie; it's hobbit forming. Eng S o c Party and Picnic Come and meet -Sunday, Sept. 8the RIDGID TOOL at Columb~aF~eldPr~zes Renison Outdoor Chapel Service with are prov~dedby Labatts communion. 10:00. KSA Wine a n d Cheese In the Math faculty Fed Flicks still playing for $1.00 for Feds, lounge, MC 5136 Check wth KSA for the $2.00 for trolls and orcs. Lord of the Rings' tune on that final night tonight; note: elves will not be Campus Centre Free Mowe at 9 30, ton~ght admitted free. featurmg T h e Bad News Bears Why I found -Monday, Sept. 10t h ~ smovle funny when I saw ~ t I, don't know Orientation Tent begins full operation. and I'm embarrassed to adm~t~t Much useful information and shade is free. Willie P. Bennet plays in the Tent fromnoon -Thursday, Sept. 6Free Food at the Waterloo Chr~st~anto 2 PM. Don't take the propaganda you read Fellowsh~pCook~ecounter, outs~deSouth in the Orientation Guide too seriously; the I Campus wall from 10.30 to 12.30 A bless~ngin authors are prejudiced. UW Historical T o u r in the tent. A steaming d~sgu~se King-Rec pub crawl to all the local watermg hotdog for the folks who complete it. "People holdes Check w~ththe soc~etyoffice for tune who don't know their history don't know why things are like they are today".-(Who said and place Br~ngmoney that? The typesetter?) Engineering/Nurses P u b at the Pol~sh Legon Hall, 601 Wellmgton St North $1 00 Orientation Tent Free Concert featuring cover Remember, ~f you can't get a grl, get a Mike Ethelstone. A folksinger from London, with all that that implies. Take that either way, nurse depending upon the state of your liver. G a y Pub I ~ Ithe Human~t~es Bu~ldmgFaculty -Tuesday, Sept. 11Lounge Any members of the Gay Organtzat~onor club wll be adm~ttedat Free cider, munchies, and information at reduced rates NO jokes here or I'll need a the Campus Centre because the Turnkeys want to say hello. nurse T h e .Stingers give a 'free ~ o n c e r tin the -Friday, Sept. 7From noon to Saturday noon, the RSA Orientation Tent at noon today. A Toronto Overnight Campdut a n d Rowdy at Elora bar band. A good place to stop off and have Gorge IS happenmg Meet at 415 Phdhp St at your lunch at. 11 AM to begm meetmg new fr~endsm a Waterloo Christian Fellowship dl1 be on the stage at the Orientation Tent at 4:00 for relaxed (and probably well lubricated) way A Foot Rally at the Carl Pollock Lounge for something that's s o far secret between God Eng Soc, KW, and the campus In general I am and themselves. If you ate their SCH cookies, defeated at guesslng what's afoot here, but you're probably morally obligated to attend. someone IS sure out to sock ~tto 'em1 Downchild at the first pub of the year, at Fed Flicks at AL 116 w~thThe Lord of the Waterloo Motor Inn. The promo pic shows Rtngs Federat~on members, $1 00 Allens, the female lead as cute: so it dould be a good show. Doors open at 8:00, Feds: $2.00. Bring $2 00

money-the beer is not as reasonable a s it could be. Tough decision! Tonight's campus centre free movie is The Boys from Brazil. You can count on the place being packed, so arrive early. Movie time: 9:30 PM

-Wednesday, Sept. 12In the 0rientation.Tent: ~ o n g s h i i f agroup about which I know hpthing. You Q end find i ~t~nthe guide. , ,' . q

-Thursday, Sept. @-

n Tent H o t Off t h e Pressjs in tkje at nwfi today until 2:pO.' A . ~ollowin$them at 4:30 is'Cowboy'Mi and J. R. Pryde. From 10 to 4 PM today is the Campus Centre Flea Market. It71 be h@din the PAC courtyard if-the weather is gqod;if bad; in the CC great W.


lmprinh needs students who are accurate typists to operate our typesetter on a part-time basis. We will teach you! Pay win be $4.00 per hour. Apphcations (in person) will be received until September 14th. Come to the Imprint q c e in the Campus Centre (rm.140) and ask for Jacob Arsenault, John W. Bast or Liz Wood.



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mprint(I i


Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by the Journalism Club, a club within the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Phone 885-1660 or extensions 2331 or 2332. Imprint is a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a student press organization of 63 papers across Canada. Imprint is also a member of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association (OWNA). The paper will begin a regular Friday publication on September 14; mail should be addressed to, “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140”. We are typeset on campus with a Camp/Set 510; paste-up is likewise done on, campus. Imprint: ISSN 0706-7380.

Departing Editor Advertising Manager Entertainment Editor

Randy Barkman John W. Bast Lori Farnham



isolationism. Engineering stays Engineering; Math stays Math. Streams stick together but rarely interact with other students. One stream never meets over 3,000 students on the other stream and meets the regular students sporadically. We tend to think co-op. Our student union is the only one with a mailout for referenda and elections. The Engineering Society (either one) is a much more powerful campus organization than the student union. It was this society’s mistrust of the ability of the Federation that lead to UW being the sole University with refundable fees, not only for the student government, but for the radio station and the student newspaper as well. Further to this, the University is subdivided into an assortment of church colleges (symbolically and physically

3, 1979. Imprint


removed from UW by a creek), and specialized departments, i.e., Optometry and Architecture. Church college students mix courses freely with the University but their identity remains with the college. Optometry and Architecture students don’t even know where the University proper is. Strangely enough for a city as (comparatively) small as Waterloo, we’ aren’t even the only University in town! Hundreds of students take courses at both UW and Wilfrid Laurier University, which is just down the street from us, It’s no wonder UW is labled the ‘suitcaseuniversity’. There are fewer ties to bind. Student events many times are planned for Thursdays before the University packs up for the weekend. ~ UW’s identity is rooted in a segregated co-op mentality. It makes us the largest University in Canada for the summer

months. Students wishing to pursue their studies during the summer are able to. It’ leads to a high quality of education, most notably in Math, Engineering, and Optometry. And our Campus Centre ’ remains open every day and night while other student centres close their doors. Our identity somewhat hinders participation in student organizations but the organizations continue to survive and thrive. The student union, radio station, newspaper, the annual theatre farce FASS, international student groups, and the various clubs all add an extra dimension to the University. I It’s easy to find the faults inherent in a system. The nature of our University somewhat divides us. but it also gives us tougher skins. There are problems at UW but it is always realistic to delineate that which is good. Randy Barkman

Want to work on

Returning This Thursday

Staff .



Sept. 6, 1:OO P&l

We’re glad to see you back! It’s been a busy summer-one of the things we did was elect a new Editor and Production Manager. And it’s going to be a busier fall, and they ‘need your input and help. See you soon! w


The little vessel screamed in protest as I thed to force her into too tight a turn-but at last she acquiesced, and I threw in all the acceler@ion the tubes could take. One shot-just one-and we were runined; and I was setting a course straight into the maw of that gigantic cruiser. He held fire-waiting, for an all annihilating shot. I thought I would. My hand tripped the energize button, and my three atomic cannon flamed. In the first second, his fusion turrets were destroyed; in another second, I was through his hull, tearing at the vitals of the-hold! He’s vectoring! I must compensate or--the viewscreen is filling with figures and letters! I can’t scan him! And I woke up in a cold sweat, nodding in my seat. The viewscreen metamorphised into the Imprint typesetter, and...well, you’d hallucinate too if you’d been putting together this monster of a first issue. I’m not the only one,though, who worked hard to prepare this welcome back edition; all of us would like to welcome you back (or to) UW and wish you a decent year; and those wellwishers include Karen Baily, Frank Morison, Diana Clarke (who performed well beyond the call of duty), Verna Keller, Doug Harrison, Ciaran O’Donnell, Jacob Arsenault, who will soon take the post of Imprint Production Manager (welcome!), Prabhakar Ragde,Charles Martens, Sue Coulter, Tim Little, Leonard Buckles, Oscar Nierstrasz, John Heimbecker, JohnVan Mossel, Steve Hull, Lori Farnham, and of course Randy Barkman and Sylvia Hannigan.Thus do we embark on a new year. Volume Ii begins.Welcome to my nightmare. Care to join us? We’d love some company. You can watch the typesetter develop selfawareness. And who’s the nut typing this? Just your mad photographer JWB.

Editorial, The University of Waterloo has a strange type of identity. It lacks a semblance of unity. Just as hockey is to Canada, basketball is the only thing that can bring people together at UW. Because we are a relatively new University, we lack tradition. UW started as an Engineering university and is vaguely remembered as having a radical past, mostly during the late 1960’s-that is our history. But, unlike other Universities, UW lacks the snobbery of ‘name’ professors, fraternities and _sororities and lacks emphasis on alumni and Homecomings, Mostly for the good. But what really sets us apart is the co-operative structure of the University, Over half of UW students are on a co-op program. We even have co-op English! The co-op program leads to


New Staff This Thursday,

1 Sept. 6, 2:OO PM

Imprint has been on the scene for a year and we’ve done some really good. worknewswriting, photography, layout, entertainment, sports, graphics-and we aim to keep it up. That’s where you come in. We don’t know you-yet-but if you’re good at some of the things we do, or if you want to learn about newspapering, Imprint is the place to be. We’re you’re student paper and we want to get to know you. See you onThursday!

- News




3, 197% Imprint


Still- not enough- but.‘..


to &et new campus

Environmental Studies is to have a new building built on campus. The building will house ‘Architecture and will provide needed space on campus. Construction could begin next spring. UW President Burt Matthews has accepted plans for the building and

has limited million. The probably be current ES University of process architect.

costs to $1.7 building will attached to the building.The is in the finding an

The new building will not alleviate the University’s on-campus space shortage.


It will, however, eliminate< UW’s need to rent office space off campus. Dean J. G. Nelson said the University rents 46,000 square feet of space in 3 buildings on Philip Street. The University spends $300,000 yearly for space rental according to Director

New i-ights given to studentsA new piece of legislation in Ontario promises to make the lives of students living away from home a little easier. The Residential Tenancies Act, which comes into effect on October 1, 1979, replaces both the controversial and much abused Landlord Tenant Act, and the often ineffectual Rent Review Act. The new Act is significant on three counts. First, it should speed up the of disputes processing between landlords and their tenants. The Residential Tenancies Act .will use a tribunal instead of a court appearance before a magistrate to reach its


decisions. The tribunal will be made up of lawyers, retired judges and notaries public. The new provincial legislation will also be of importance to the one-third of off-campus students who are boarders and who were not covered under the old Landlord Tenant Act. Under the legislation, a copy of the Act must be posted in a common area of the residence. Thirdly, the Residential Tenancy Act will enable those students living in residence to particiapate -through their residence associationsin formulating changes to the budget of the particular residence. The administra-

by Christmas

W-PIRG told to\ vacate their office It looks like the space crisis on campus is going to The Waterloo Interest claim another victim. Research Group (WPIRG) is being told to vacate its space in the Physics building and so far no other space is being found for them. The request stems from a.decision to move a part of Kinesiology into space in the Science buildings, as part of efforts to reduce the amount of off campus space which the university rents on Philip Street. In order to accommodate Kinesiology, the Dean of Science, R. N. Farvolden has decided that he needs the 490 sq. ft. WPIRG is occupying in Physics 226. Science expects to use the space for grad student offices. WPIRG is a student funded organization which investigates issues of social importance. In past years they have released reports on nuclear power, mercury poisoning in the English-Wabigoon rivers, and on other environmental issues. Physical Planning boss Ernie Lappin has been trying to find space for WPIRG elsewhere on campus but with no luck. Lappin wrote the Campus Centre Board asking whether space was available there, asking specifically about space in the ‘old Chevron’ offices. The CCB discussed that proposal and as well discussed putting WPIRG in the World Room in the Campus Centre. It was decided however that both areas are fully utilized now. The ‘old Chevron’ space is currently occupied by Imprint, CKMS, and the Federation of Students Board of Communications. As well, Imprint allows some other campus organizations (such as the Ret Students Association) to use some of its space to publish newspapers. The Room-i-s used by _--- World international students organizations. This move continues a trend which seems to be developing in the Science faculty. A few years ago WPIRG (then OPIRG) was forced from larger offices in the Chem-Biology link to their current office. Expandi-ng Science requirements forced the move of the Science society from a large office in the link to smaller quarters last fall. WPIRG has received a request from the administration to move by September 1 but Zappin says that it is now unlikely that they will have to move before Christmas. Frank Morisonx

tion must, in good faith, try to consult with the residence association or be subject to tribunal arbitration. The Federation of Students will be publishing a pamphlet explaining the new enactment, and it will be available to students by October 1st. Until that time, Diana Clarke, Federation spokesperson, cautions students i0 read carefully all agreements signed - with landlords, go through a -checklist (one is available in the Student Handbook) to assess the condition of the house or apartment, and be sure it is clear [in writing) who is to be responsible for repairs.

of Physical Planning Ernie Lappin. Vice-President Financial Operations Bruce Gellatly has done a financial plan for the payment of the buildings based on diverting rental fees, and estimates it will be paid for within 25 years. Under this plan the University would infuse approximately $500,000 into the project and borrow the remainder. ’ UW currently has $600,006 remaining in its Tenth Anniversary Capital Fund and also is about to start a fund raising drive as soon as it can find a chairman. The Ontario Government has cut off all funding for buildings until 11983 when it will re-assess campus needs for space based on enrollment. Lappin estimates UW’s space needs at 100,000 square feet. The ES building, along with an HKLS bulding had been planned in 1927. The buildings were about to go to tender when the government freeze was imposed. Since that time, building requirements and student enrolment have changed as must the plans for the buildings. Randy Barkman

Construction is moving ahead with the Elora Gorge bridge. Opposition to the bridge started six years ago. UW students might have bought apples from UW’s Pollution Probe to ‘support the fight to retain the natural beauty of the gorge (10 miles west of Waterloo). The bridge’s opponents lost at every turn from the Supreme Court of Canada to the Ontario Cabinet. The bridge will cost $2.5 million to construct and is slated for completion in the spring of 1981. Photo by Randy Barkxnan

Citizens oppose dam building A steering committee of the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) is eyeing a large portion of farmland located on the Grand River between West Montrose and Elora. Meanwhile, the Valley Research Foundation is determined to stop the Committee from having a, permanent view. The commit-tee has recommended that acquisition of between 2,868 and 4,366 acres of land begin immediately for the purpose of constructing the Montrose Dam and Reservoir. Of this land, between 1,573 and 2,492 acres are classified as Class I and II agricultural land. .The origin of the assessment can be traced to a Royal Commission Inquirity into the May 1974 flood of the Grand River. Judge Leach, who chaired the Inquiry, recommended that the GRCA “embark immediately upon the construction of the Montrose Reservoir.” He stated that had the reservoir “been in existence in May, it would have substantially decreased the flood damage in Cambridge-Galt.” The steering committee looked at 18 structural and 14 non-structural alternatives as solutions to water management problems. Major concerns were water quality, water supply, and flood control. The alternatives were evaluated for social, economic and environmental impact and for ability to d meet consumptive, non-con-

sumptive, and social demands on land use. Consumptive demands are agricultural and residential; non-consumptive demands include recreation, wetlands, woodlots, sensitive and/or natural areas, and game animals. Preservation of rare species, and amenity values associated with an aesthetically pleasing landscape and/or clean environment, were included as social demands. Only four alternatives survived the primary and secondary screening processes. The first three alternatives included the construction of the West Montrose Dam and Reservoir with dates of completion being 1984, 1996, and 2013. The fourth alternative included channel and sewage treatment improvements. After evaluating these alternatives for negative impacts, the steering committee recommended the Montrose Dam be completed by 1984. Measures to mitigate the negative impact were also recommended. _

-the resulting negative impact is not justified. The Foundation was incorporated two years when it became ago obvious to -certain people that the Montrose Dam constituted a serious threat. Membership of the Foundation is comprised of Pilkington. Township residents, the Group to Preserve River Valleys, and a Stop the Dam committee. Pilkington township will be most affected by the dam. The Group to Preserve River Valleys was a research team qualified to meet the GRCA on its own ground. A water resources engineer, an environmental planner, a general community planner, and several student researchers comprised the research team. Regarding the assessment, Duncan Bury, Foundation co-ordinator, said, “There are several grounds for opposition.” Among numerous criti-

In spite of the depth of research found in the one group is assessment, having no trouble finding ‘faults. The Valley Research Foundation believes the construction of the dam with

cisms, Bury discussed several basic issues in the study, including water supply, water quality, and flood control. He disagrees with the conclusions drawn by the steering

committee. Of greater concern to the Foundation are the negative impacts of the damn, including: the displacement of 40 families, the inundation of the Estonian summer camp, the loss of wildlife habitat, the destruction of river invertebrates, the loss of agricultural land and productivity, and a breakdown of community ties in Pilkington Township because of a physical division. ’ In September, the GRCA will review the assessment and decide whether to officially accept it. The next step would be to submit the assessment to the province for an Environmental Assessment hearing. At that time, the Valley Research Foundation will express their concerns to the ministry. Duncan Bury said he doubts that the hearing will take place before the end of 1980. He said two studies having a bearing on the issues will not be completed before then. These studiessare the Waterloo Region’s artici-cial recharge study and a study on the Grand River watershed called the Grand River Implementation Study. ,’ ‘Whenever the hearing is * held, there can be no doubt that reams of GRCA evidence will be con’ fronted with reams of research compiled by the Valley Research Foundation. It just shows that the cure depends on the doctor. ’ Karen Bailey

News University Wilfrid Laurier and Waterloo Universities will have a new bus service for .a six week trial period this fall. The bus shuttle will run between the two Universities and also make stops at the Bauer Warehouse (for students from the Sunnydale area) and the UW villages. Director of Administration Services Bill Deeks is moving ahead with his plan to serve the “more than 2,500 students” per week who attend classes at their neighboring University. Deeks says the project is a result from pressure from the provincial government for the two Universities to “coordinate and complement each other’s classrooms rather than to compete.” The bus will begin operations on September 10. The trial period will be over on October 19. The route is as follows: From the Bauer Warehouse at UW’s north campus, the bus will run west on Columbia then circle back past Village I and II making two stops. It will . then follow the ring road stopping at Needles Hall, then on to WLU’s Library. The bus will then double back to the Bauer Warehouse by-passing the Villages except in the evenings. One full circle will take 30 minutes.


bus syste

The busses will run from 7:30 AM to 12:30 PM Monday, Wednesday and Friday and from 7:3O AM to 1:30 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The evening service will run from 6:00 to l&45 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Fares will exact change

be 25 cents per trip.

proposal was Deeks’ accepted by the City of Waterloo under three conditions. The pick up or of riders is discharge limited to the properties of the Universities. Ridership is restricted to students, staff and faculty of the Unversities. Also, the

Universities are committed to co-operate with transit authorities with respect to the results ofthe trial period. The City of Waterloo, which uses the Kitchener Transit system, has the exclusive right to furnish local public transportation within the city, according to a written agreement between the two. It is, however, unclear whether this is legally valid as the City of Waterloo has not passed any by-law to enforce it. Deeks’ conclusions after the trial period is over will, be based on ridership and and subsidy. He admits thathis subsidy figure will

You don’t have to ask our permission to write news , + stories, features and I comments. Drop us an article,‘or drop in yourself. We are always in need of your talents.



be given


3, 1979. imprint

4 -

trial run

be misleading as his bus rental costs are unusually low and most likely will not remain so. Kitchener Transit quoted a $28/hr figure for use of their buses, while United Trails was quoted at $lO/hr. This figure includes gas and driver. United Trails was just awarded the current year’s

contract to supply UW with buses. Deeks says the two occurrences are unrelated. The Federation of Students operated a shuttle bus service between the Bauer Warehouse and the campus in the winter of 1978. The cost of the bus was $15/hr and the cost per trip was 15


Fed action

cents. The Federation lost $1,600 over a 6 week period. The trial shuttle service is a joint project between UW and WLU. Operating costs are set at a maximum of $3,500 less ticket sales income. A deficit would be shared between the Universities. Randy Barkman

Survey concludes bus ,system should exist A report prepared by 3 engineering students last winter term concluded that the Federation of Students could serve students by providing an alternate bus system for areas not served well by city transit. FederMark ation President McGuire, however, says the Federation is staying out of the bus business. The report, submitted to the Federation, analyzed various modes of transportation: pedestrian facilities, taxi and car pools, an improved Kitchener Transit service, and the implementation of a University operated bus service. A 3 kilomenter radius of UW was studied. 4,800 students lived in the study areas: Lakeshore Village, Parkdale Plaza, apartments east of Weber St. by University Ave., downtown, Westmount Road area, Westmount and University, Erb street, east of Westmount and the Lester street area. Improvement of pathways proved costly, and, in some areas, restricted access was a problem. Scheduling problems with other students restricted the use of taxi pools. Taxis would only be economical with an average of three people riding to school. 1,700 students within the study areas used a car to get to campus. Private car pools would be practical in cost, but besides the scheduling difficulties, there were problems concerning liability. The Insurance Act (Ontario) exempts the insurer from liability for carrying passengers for compensation or hire. The study concluded that the problem with the existing bus service for students was that it was “designed to span radially from the central business disfrict ” and was not centred around the University. The results are transfers and a lack of direct routes. The study recommended of two proposed one changes in the existing bus routes for increased student service: that suggested The.y other Lakeshore every number 9 bus be rerouted through UW during the students peak periods

come and leave .------- campusfrom 8-10 -a.m. and from 3:30-5:30 p.m. This route change would have the ‘advantage of serving Lakeshore and Parkdale area students as well as serving the existing demand. It was estimated that 70 extra students would use the service. Transfers would no longer be needed. The other proposed route proved less advantageous. The route 8 bus was to extend west of Westmount on Erb Streelt and circle around to University Avenue. An 18% decrease in regular service was projected as riders south of Erb on Westmount would use the service less. The study resolved that the most feasible solution was a private bus system. It would include all studied areas except the Lester, and the University/Westmount zones which are within easy walking distance. The routes would cover only those areas improperly served by public transit. Operation would be similar to the Western Wheels system at Western University in London, Ontario. At Western, the student government operates student bus routes throughout London with the co-operation of the local transit system. It has been in operation since 1971; its subsidy for 197879 was $4,500. Fares in the UW study are set for break-even; 600: maximum. Buses would be leased and would run six hours per day. Stops would be minimized and the buses scheduled to correspond with classes. Besides providing students with cheap, efficient and convenient service, it would allow students to rent housing in areas poorly serviced by city transit. The disadvantages woul’d be probable opposition from the City of Waterloo and the possibility of rising fares since the system would be ‘-dependent solely upon actual ridership. A pilot study is recommended. The Federation would subsidize a trial period at $90 per day. The system would become financially self-sustaining

later, according to the study. The Federation of Students i,s wary of starting a large-scale system as proposed and has met with transit authorities to talk of their / concerns. McGuire said transit officals felt the engineer’s study did not take advantage of the resources city transit could supply. One official suggested that improved walkways was a more advantageous route to follow. He said the report’s cost estimates were too high. Kitchener Transit is reviewing changes in the transit system and will implement them in the fall of 1980. Last year the main line bus route serving the University had its service cut as the city re-routed every second bus to the new Conestoga Mall, which is north of Weber, on’ King St. Bus fares have risen from 354: to 50c in the last two years. McGuire said that the Federation was interested in a trial bus service to the Lakeshore area that could have started next winter term. Since then, however, the UW administration has proposed its own bus routes to be run close to “Village III”. (See article above). The Federation has not budgeted for a bus study in the current year and believes that a study would require a . large subsidy. A bus system started at the University of Guelph last byear lost the Guelph Student Union $20,000. Losses were scheduled at a maximum of $10,000. Guelph’s system included only late night service between, 11:30 and 1:30. Guelph transit did not run during these hours. The union owned three buses and operated three routes throughout the city. Unlike Western’s example, city transit was not involved in the project. Guelph’s student union has recently prepared ,a study for the Ontario government on its bus system. They are seeking financial support from the government, arguing that their bus routes provide a service to U of G students. Randy Barkman

News Liberals


in fed


While you were awav, the Liberals under ex-president of Conrad Grebel College Frank Epp lost in the federal election by a wide margin to conservative Walter McLean. In what was considered to be a liberal riding, McLean won with 48% of the vote. McLean is the minister the Knox Presbyterian Church and was long standing member of the Waterloo City Council.





If you were wondering why there are no more pubs in the South Campus Hall, I’ it’s because it is being boycotted by the Federation and the societies. The disagreement is over a $150 fee groups are charged-as rent at SCH. Groups are also charged for all operating costs. Pubs are now slated at the Waterloo Motor Inn on King Street north of Weber.





Applications for student aid dropped This year 20 per cent last year. applications are still down-at 5 per cent ‘across the province and down 12 per cent at the University of Waterloo. The program is working smoother than last year when a new student award program was introduced. The computer problems experienced have not reoccured.



or not

to ISA’?

There has been ‘a International Students for the past couple of international groups

battle within the Association(ISA) years as different have tried to do


battle with the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) bloc within the group. First it was members of the African Students Association and then it was members of the Indian Students Association. Th battles are such that many of the International student clubs, the Chinese Students such as Association, do not take part in the ISA. The International Student Office is also considering changing its name due to the controversy. During the summer at a meeting attended by ISA president Harinder Sohal, the executive decided not to hold elections in the summer term since less students were on campus. After the meeting, Vice President Brigid Rowe who had wanted the summer elections declared herself acting president and called for elections. At the meeting, member Sohal and another ex told the twenty people attending that this was an invalid election. The meeting went on and Rowe was elected president. Before the elections, however, the Federation of Students ceased recognition of the ISA due to a falsified members’hip list and the planned overspending of the ISA budget. The ISA ceased to be a recognized club soon after the majority of the ISA had concluded that it had betrayed the international students by disregarding the purposes of the association,

Developments Campus


to speak

Bus stops

---UWtoWLU ---WLU to uw



More than 2,600 students take courses at both the University of Waterloo and Wilfred Laurier University. ‘To make it easier for these students to get from one campus to the other, (and also to facilitate the movement of staff and faculty members who make use of the facilities at both institutions) the two Universities are initiating an Inter-Campus Shuttle. During a 6-week trial period beginning Monday September 10, a bus will connect the Maintenance and Grounds Building (near Sunnydale) with the WLU library. Intermediate stops will pick up passengers at Village II, Village I, and Ira Needles Hall. The fare will be a competitive 25@.



Evening Mondav-Thursdav J

leaves WLU Library 7:30 1l:OO 6:00 9:30 8:00 11:30 8% 11:45 6:30 lo:00 8:30 12:00 8:45 12:15 7:oo 10:30 9:00 12:30 9% 12:45+ 7:30 9:30 1:00* 9:45. 1:15* 8:00 8:30 lo:oo 10:15 9:oo lOr30 10:45 S Tuesdays

leaves WLU Library

and Thursdays


leaves Maintenance and Grounds Building

6:15 9:45 6:45 10:X 7:15 7:45 8:15 8:45 9:15



Plan costs skyrocket

You might have noticed on your fee schedule that your are paying a lot more for your University supplementary health insurance plan. Students council accepted a tripling of the cost with some reductions ‘in service while you were gone. The insurer, Confederation Life, said that within the first seven months of the plan they incurred claims totaling $189,037, while premiums came only to, $59,916. The vision benefit allowing $40 off on a pair of glasses every two years was lessened by making it a four year period for the reduction. The charge was made in the hopes of reducing premium increases.

Shuttle Rbute I


Maintenance and Grounds Building

wins EngSoc



Morning Mondav-Friday


at LJW

- Inter-Campus


Jennifer Hilt on was elected President of. Engineering Society A by a convincing margin last July. This marks the first time that a woman has been elected President of, the predominantly male society. Hilton is in 3A chemical engineering which makes her the first chemical engineer to be elected president since the early sixties. The margin of her victory surprised all observers. Bill Thomson polled only 30% of the vote compared to Hilton’s 58%. Pete Savich trailed with 12% of the voters supporting him.

With the help of group booking, UW is scheduled to hear Jane Fonda speak next March 27. Fonda, will be speaking on ‘nuclear power concerns. She will also speak at Western, Windsor and Toronto universities and will cost between $3,200

Trial Bu



came of these negotiations, and the developer is still planning to house a tavern in Stage 2 of the development. The first stage may be finished as early as November. There will be a Chinese restaurant, and international.food store, fast food outlets, a pharmacy, and possibly stores selling photo supplies and sporting goods.


3, 1979. Imprint

and $4000 per university. The Federation has only to* book the PAC and hope Fonda doesnt sign a movie commitment for March.

around *

Just as fast as fires can destroy downtown Waterloo, construction is sprouting near the University. Townhouses are being built next to the Philip street co-op. The development will be built in two stages and will eventually have 120 odd units servicing university faculty and staff as well as people working in the ‘industrial complex at the corner of Philip and Columbia. The other project is a unique group of shops catering for all campus needs. It is to be built on University Ave. just west of engineering. It is being financed by UW architecture student Sara Wintermeyer who had negotiated with past federation president Rick Smit to build a federation pub in the Building basement. Nothing




Letters Imprint encourages students to write letters to the paper. Since we are a student newspaper, we ’ are interested in student opinion. Write us to correct any failures of the paper. Write if our coverage is lacking in


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In the measurements which we made on the Onkyo TX-4500 we found that the specifications were consistently exceeded. The TX-4500 is an excellent value. Its FM tuner and amplifier are well above the norm for most receivers on the market in its price range, and this unit may indeed rival many separates on the market at much higher prices. Quartz Lock takes all of the uncertainty out of tuning and should be a boon to apartment dwellers and those who do not have an external antenna. All of the essential features one would look for are in the-TX-4500, plus a good many exciting extras. It is a receiver that we could live with quite happily, it is a receiver that, frankly, caused our technical editors many joyful hours of testing, and it is a receiver we would whbleheartedly recommd’nd without a moment’s hesitation. Hats off to Onkyo on this product. ,

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to Thorens






C 0 M P A R E



The name of the author(s) will normally be printed with that of t-heir organization. Letters will not be printed if they are printed in or submitted to another campus publication. Letters are a service provided to the students of the University of Waterloo and may be rejected by staff for good reas.on. If a letter is rejected, a note as to why shall be printed in the letter section. Dominance” of t,he letter section

3, 1979. Imprint


by person(s) and “dumping” in the letter section should be avoided. Letters will be printed on a first-come-first-served basis except when accommodating letters for “fair reply” and timeliness.

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Our headings for classified are: Found, Lost, Personal, For Sale, Wanted, Ride Wanted, Ride Available, Typing, Housing Available, and Housing Wanted. Or choose another heading. Like: Bison Available.

Typing Experienced typist, essays, reports, thesesietc. No math papers. Westmount area. Reasonable rates. Call 743-3342.








Time isn’t running out for least as important is a fundamental Ontario’s beleagured university switch in the government’s intentions for them. system. Timeis running backwards. In the 1960's, the government In the 1960's heyday of University education, more and more people proposed the doctrine of “universal were going to University every year. accessibility”, which stated that a University education in Ontario was Government funding increased every available to anyone year, and a province-wide student who could aid plan was introduced which for qualify (benefit from it), regardless the first time gave financial of their financial situation. No one assistance based solely on need. would be refused admission to an Ontario University because he Entrance exams were abolished by then Education minister Bill Davis, couldn’t afford it. k and responsibility for postThe government’s new position on secondary education was split off University. is two-fold. From the and given to a student’s point of view, it is a service from Education, newly-created Ministry available to those who can pay. From .of Colleges and Universities. the government’s point of view, it is a spearhead for the implimentation of In the early seventies, a freeze was an “industrial strategy” for Ontario imposed on capital funding, which, and Canada. although formally lifted a few years ago, has in effect been retained everThe P. S. Ross report on University tuition, released last year, sums up since. Although there are more young the government’s implementation people available to go to University now than any time in Ontario’s plans. It proposes the universities history, the number of enrolments be allowed to set their own fees, that fees be proportional to academic has been dropping for the past two years. Government funding stopped program costs, and that fees make up rising in 1972 and has been a minimum percentage of the decreasing in real terms ever since. In University’s income. 1979, it’s at about the level it was in Allowing fee-setting autonomy is aimed at devolving the responsibility 1966. The student-aid program was for high tuition away from the changed to restrict * eligibility for government. Making higher cost mid.dle-income and graduate programs cost more for the student establishes the principle that students, with the effect’ that grants dropped 20 percent in the first year. education is a service: “What you pay Applications for this year are down is what you get.” The cleverest recommendation is another 20 percent. the one setting fees at a fixed The Ministry of Colleges and Universities was re-merged with the minimum percentage._ of grant Education ministry ’ last year. income. By doing this, anyone who Minister Bette Stephenson has calls for a fee freeze is automatically announced a pilot project for - asking that grants not be raised-in computerized admission exams. effect eroded by inflation. Anyone Part of the reason for the change is who asks that more money go to Universities is asking that his fees be no doubt a shift in the public raised. perception of Universities. But at



The P.S. Ross report has the goal of defusing student and public opposition to funding cutbacks by moving the abhorent responsibility for fees away from the government, by “privatizing” education, and by fixing fees at <a percentage of government subsidy. But is has an equally important dual purpose. As Charles Hanly points out in his book, “Who Pays” on University financing, the Universities here could never develop like in the U.S.A., where there are both very prestigious, very expensive Universities, and unknown state colleges. The reason is that Universities cannotset their own fees without penalty. As a result, no Ontario University can be either that much better or worse than the others. Fee autonomy as expressed in the P.S. Ross report was endorsed by the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) this summer. UW president Burt Matthews, who made the motion, extended it by recommending that any excess tuition over a “formula” amount not be eligible for - financial assistance under OSAP. Thus, if COU and P.S. Ross have their way, not only will Universities like U of T be able to charge MIT-like fees, but student aid will not be available to cover the excess. The government sees the development of elitist, low enrolment high cost institutions as essential for its “industrial strategy”. These Universities will not be more autonomous from the government, but will be in fact more dependent on it. Regardless of what tuition is charged, industrial research cannot be funded on student fees alone. , The Federal, government has


D oucette!

D +




3, 1979. Imprint





Thursday, Sept. 13,‘8 PM a Humadies Theatre . +

Advance: $5.50 (Feds) : $7.00 all’others 4 $1.00 more.at the%door . available at: Fed office, CC 235; f Forwells; Records on Wheels. ’ Presented

by your Federation

of Students


already made a heavy commitment to goal-oriented research at universities. .-Two multi-million dollar centres will be built at UW in the next few years. A Centre for Process development will move newlydeveloped methods from the chemical engineering labs here to full scale plant operation. And Industrial Research Innovation Centre will combine student and faculty expertise with industrial objectives. The government will have to invest billions of dollars over the next few years to reach their goal of more than doubling R&D expenditures, as a percentage of the Gross National Product. Even if that goal proves unrealistic, a large fraction of whatever money is spent will go to the Universities-to some of the Universities. Co-op programs will become more common as the direction of the Universties shifts from education to industry. The University of Ottawa, for instance, is starting a pilot co-op program this year. Even Wilfrid Laurier considered it for their English students. Instead of University being aimed at educating the individual, the individual will be aimed at fitting a slot in the industrial machine. And if Bette Stephenson has her way, everything will be computerized, from the multiple-choice admission exams to job placement at graduation. On the surface, the temple of technology that will be the UW of the 90s will differ greatly from the ’ religious seminary at Waterloo Lutheran half a century earlier. But there will be one similarity: the students will still be studying on their knees. ’ Ciaran O’Donnell

The Deuce is loose!



7:00 PM to D LOOAM

K-Wk original Disco! -




in Vietnam

Let us look at some of the ‘pressures’ inside Vietnam. Three important factors are floods, starvation and the ever-present effects of the 30 years of colonial war which ended in 1975. According to the Red Cross, floods in September 1978 from the highest rainfall in recent history affected 4 million people in the Mekong delta and the Central provinces. Destruction included cattle, pigs, ‘poultry, classrooms, clinics, factories and houses plus winter crops (up to l/5 the national production). Earlier in the year bug infestation and fungus affected the crops and a lack of fertilizer and spare parts for spray machines aggravated the situation. Since 1975 Vietnam has experienced severe food shortages. Up to 1.6 million tons were needed in 1977-78. It is the urban areas which are most affected by these shortages, Rationing is in place to prevent starvation, and to distribute available food equally. There are other problems in the big cities with the distribution of food, one of which is the persistance of the black market in rice. The government has reduced urban unemployment but the food situation became so critical in late 1978 that the government threatened to reduce rations to the unemployed. For those who agreed to work in the rural areas there are additional rations. People are desperately needed in the agricultural sector. The population suffered terribly during the war. One million, seven hundred thousand people were killed and two million were injured. The war created 10

million internal refugees in south Vietnamalmost 50% of the population. There is a swollen population in the citie_s due to the continuousAmerican bombing in the countryside. There are also those people whose jobs were tied up in the artificial war economy before 1975 and the black market. These people are hard to rehabilitate. The’re left innumerable physical scars. Villages were ruined and dykes damaged, often seriously. Today, ‘the soils are poisoned’. Defoliants used by the US forces in the rice paddies, forests and jungles are proving to be an environmental time bomb. Reports from Vietnam carried in several magazines speak of unusually high incidents miscarriage and birth of liver cancer, defects. Four million tons of bombs were dropped during the war. Many are still in the fields - undetonated. People who work in the fields are often acting unknowlingly as minesweepers. Many people to not wish to move to the New Economic Zones since many of these zones are in the defoliated and bomb riddled areas. Conditions in the zones are said to be primitive, especially compared to urban life, and few ‘make good’. There are few reports on life in the new economic zones. The conditions are not well documented. The stories of the boat people pertain to the negative aspects of the zones. But few have actually gone there. What, comments there are suggest also that some people have died. The farming life is arduous. Provisions promised to settlers don’t always arrive. And the proximity of the zones to Cambodia (and to the fighting there) made many fearful. Even in the cities, as the process of reconstruction evolves, it becomes clear that the war had its toll on the older generation of skilled people. There are shortages of good managers in both the north and south of the country. Sources for the aboUe ‘include ‘In These Times’, (Chicago), Jan. ‘17/79 and March 21/79; ‘Far Eastern Economic Review’, (Hong Kong), Nov. 20/7% Mennonite Reporter, Jan. 22/79 and ‘Vietnam -A Time to Rebuild’ (pamphlet) by the M_ennonite Central Committee.

Chinese Minorities East Asia

in South-

Charges that the exodus of refugees-is racially based deserve to be examined in light of the situation of Chinese minorities in all of S-E Asia. This is a complex. question and much has been written about this. The least that can be said is that tensions between ethnic groups in Vietnam are not new and have existed there, as well as in neighbouring countries for a long time. The example of Malaysia is important. This country is the location of many refugees from Vietnam. It has its own (history of) tensions between minority groups. Internal politics and economic development in Malaysia are determined by the policies of the government toward the minority groups. These tensions are dealt with primarily by guarantees of rights for the Malay people, the largest minority in Malaysia (Malays comprise 44%, Chinese 36% and Tamils 10%). Even today, Malaysian authorities fear that an influx of refugees will affect the delicate balance which has been created there.



3, 1979.

9 -

long and tragic

66Boat People” background Of all the international news items carried in the media this summer none aroused as much controversy or sympathetic public response than the plight of the boat people. The Canadian Government drastically revised its refugee quota in order to accommodate up to 50,000 refugees over three years on a public-private sponsorship agreement. The Government has gone further. At the Geneva Conference of the United Nations ‘High Committee for Refugees in July, External Affairs Minister, Flora MacDonald, called for solutions to the problem of the refugees ‘at source’. She charged Vietnam with gross violations of human rights, claiming that there is a deliberate Vietnamese policy to rid the country of certain elements of its population. Canadians deserve to know a good deal more about the internal -conditions in Vietnam before accepting our Government’s charges as valid. Yet the present level of documentation and public information on Vietnam is low. This raises suspicion. For example, press coverage has been notably poor on the question of Vietnam’s internal situation and policies. Is there a conspiracy of silence? What follows is a compilation of data which might assist in the public debate about the causes behind the refugee phenomena. Perhaps the broadest statement on the ‘causes’ of the refugee flow came from Helen Steves, a Quaker, writing in the Manchester Guardian (July 8/79): ‘Intolerable economic, social, psychological and racial pressures are causing the mass exodus.’ ‘Most of the boat people, however, do not give directly political reasons for fleeing, and could be classed as economic refugees.’


Violence occured in Malaysia in the late ’60s. Indonesia has also experienced severe violence. The racial composition of the S-E Asian countries, the history of tensions, and the inter-ethnic arrangements of various coun :ries are important to know. To some extent we have to use this information to better understand the perceptions by, and of, the Chinese minorities in the region. The racial factor is one among several in the present refugee situation and is a factor in the response of various Governments to the boat people on their doorsteps. (See the Manchester Guardiao, July l/79).

The question of reparation payments by the United States and international aid to Vietnam since 1975 in no small way, have influenced the conditions within the country. It should be noted that in 1973 President Nixon, pledged post-war assistance of $3.25 billion. This was for food and agriculture, building and general construction, clothing and energy, ’ port rebuilding and water transportation, roads and railroads, industrial commodities and engineering studies. But none of this assistance has been forthcoming. (See Los Angeles Times, Aug. 16/76.) There is currently a US embargo on trade, aid, loans and credit to Vietnam, and the US has used its influence to hold back further World Bank loans (Far Eastern Economic Review, July 6/79). This is said by

The U. S. and Post-Liberation Vietnam Apart from the internal problems which have given rise to the boat people, the external factors should also be considered.





Administrative and at the

Office inside


inside-the the South





North Entrance Eniran&






LEAVE CAMPUS Monday Monday

to Friday to Friday

Fridays Fridays RETURN





. s0uTl-l BUS STOP

3.45 5.05


3.48 5.08


12.01 3.05


12.04 3.08



- Monday



PM - Sundays

or Monday


c 8.30

PM - Sundays

or Monday


11 .OO








- Sundays




or Monday Subway

via 8.46


Holidays Station


11 16 PM l



of the


Information Federation


EATON’S TRAVEL South Campus Hall 200 University Ave. West Telephone 8859 12 1 1 Extensions 3 3 62 or 3 7 6 0


Only: Students,








(Feature “People


in the fields

. ..Continued


some such as Daniel Berrigan,,former antiwar activist, to have forced Vietnam to seek massive aid from the USSR. Ending the embargoes would help alleviate tensions and pressures that have contributed to the human rights violations that do exist. The aid, by way of bulldozers, trucks and graders with bomb screens are badly needed to deal with the 150,000 to 300,000 tons of undetonated bombs, mines and grenades left in the ground by the Americans. Vietnam feels that the US boycott is contributing to the exodus of refugees. Many S-E As ian nations fee 1the same way, that the US is not doing enough to help Vietnam or to help the refugees. Malaysia feels that the ‘boat people’ are ‘a hang over. from the US involvement in Vietnam’. The US has gone so far as to refuse food aid to Vietnam even though requests for food have come from several sources. These include the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), American national church groups and even US Senators including the late Hubert Humphrey who viewed the situation in Vietnam in 1977. Bilateral aid to Vietnam has so far been small considering the difficult reconstruction tasks. But the pressure is on to cut existing international aid. Noncommunist countries and banks have promised $1.7 billion (US) to Vietnam for its current five year development plan. These commitments are now under US pressure to be reviewed. Sweden and West Germany have continued aid to Vietnam. Malaysia has cut off all aid, as have Denmark and Belgium. However, the USSR has promised $2.5 billion (US) in aid, including 250,000 tons of wheat and maize. (See Far Eastern

Economic Review, and Nov. 20/78)

act unknowingly

Aid to Vietnam

While we can point with just criticism to the U.S., we must not fail to look at Canada’s record and our relationship with Vietnam. Canadians, through nongovernment organizations (NGQ) have been assisting the Vietnamese people. These include the Mennonite Central Committee, Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers), the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace, CUSO/SUCO, Unitarian Service Committee and the Committee to Aid the Vietnam Flood Victims (a Quebec based coalition). The total NGO aid has amounted to approximately two million dollars since 1975. A trickle of government aid to Vietnam came through CIDA (-Canadian International Development Agency) by way of matching grants to the NGOs. This money, approximately three-quarters of a million dollars, came between 1975 and 1977 but was stopped pending a ‘review of Canadian policy to Vietnam’ by‘ External Affairs. It appears as if CIDA was quite willing to support any NGO project in Vietnam from 1974-76. In 1977, CIDA limited aid to material shipments whereby materials had to be purchased outside Vietnam. No transfer of funds was allowed. In 1978, CIDA simply put a stop to all assistance to NGO projects in Vietnam. In addition, Canada has given $7.55 million in bilateral aid to Vietnam from 1975 up to late 1977 as well as bilateral food aid. All this stopped in 1978. In April, 1979, then Secretary of External Affairs, Don Jamieson wrote: ‘In view of the recent Vietnavmese aggression in Cambodia, I have decided that consideration to Vietnam should be

June 15 and July 6/79,

WATERLOO (formerly OPIRG Waterloo)




more valuable?


Attend WPIRG’s sponsored forums, or brownbag seminars. Attend Board meetings or become a member {of the Board. Stop by WPIRG’s informationbooth in the Orientation tent or stop by the office.


PhySics 226, Extension 2578 Hours: 9:00 AM-12:OO PM.daily


Refunds are available at the WPIRG office until the end of September. . WATERLOO PUBLIC INTEREST RESEARCH GROUP

suspended...(Vietnam appears) to have’no difficulty in mustering its own resources for military purposes’. (The above data is based on docutienfsfr-om the

without having to endure the high seas and the refugee camps.) (See also Manchester Guardian, March 18/79)

Canadian operation,

Charges of systematic of Human Rights and systematic Racism

Council Ottawa.)





Canada would probably defend its decision to cut off aid to Vietnam by arguing “that until human rights are respected no aid is deserved.” Local MP, John Reimer has claimed that genocide is practised by Vietnam in a July 12/79 letter to Ron Atkey, Immigration Minister. However these charges need to be/examined. According to the UN High Commission for Refugees, to be recognized a bona fide refugee one must be outside one’s own country and unable to return due to fear or persecution. The following question merits consideration:‘With20 yearsof war in Vietnam and $150 billion spent by the US, what is cruelty, oppression, violence, genocide?’ It is important to know about the many refugees to Canada from South Vietnam before 1975 and to know that they fled the repressions (well documented) carried out by the Thieu regime. Amnesty International Reports for 1977 and 1978 do not list a single verified incident of torture in Vietnam. This is also stated by Jerry Tinker, a staff member of Senator Ted Kennedy attched to the US Senate Judiciary Committee, Sub-committee on Refugees (The Real Paper, Boston, July ?/79). Recent charges of torture and imprisonment are coming from one or two sources (notable a Mr. Doan van Toai) who are closely associated with the former Tieu regime. These charges have been countered by several sources, in particular the S-E Aisa Resourse Centre.

Renison College St.. Bede’s Chapel

Talk to WPIRG staff about connecting with a community special interest or labour group. Work on an educational pamphlet or issue kit instead of an essay. Join a small student research team. Want to get involved?


The Anglican Church on the Campus .

Try the WPIRG Resource Centre for alternative holdings of books, pamphlets and newsclippings. Extensive files on food; occupational health and safety, development of Canada’s north and of the third world, freedom of information, energy, corporate data and environmental issues. Want to make your research

3, 1979. Imprint

as mine sweepers.”

Several Canadian groups are very eager to send more aid to Vietnam and to utilize the CIDA ‘matching dollars’. Why has Flora MacDonald advocated cutting-off all aid to Vietnam in chorus with Margaret Thatcher and others? why does Canada not aid Vietnam and put diplomatic pressure on the US to make the reparation payments? Why is the following advice of the UN High Commission for Refugees not observed: ‘International assistance could help redress the devastation caused by the war and successive natural calamities and influence the decisions both of those who might wish to repatriate voluntarily and of those who might otherwise consider leaving for economic reasons’. The Canadian record is poor in another area as well. The organization Canadian Aid to Vietnam Civilians, (of Vancouver) in a July 18/79 press release notes that, in regard to the orderly flow of refugees from Vietnam, Canada has taken few steps to implement the March/79 seven point program worked out by Vietnam and the UN High Commission for Refugees. “Although Canada officially recognizes Vietnam, it has no embassy in Hanoi and has not sent a single Canadian official (until July 13) to Vietnam to screen applicants.” (A government newsletter of July 16 says that 25 visas for family reunification have been issued-after four years of negotiations ’ with Vietnam. But it is clear that a program of active co-operation with the emigration program has not begun. Yet such action would enable people to leave Vietnam


Can’t find that aeport?




Services: 1l:OO AM, alternating traditional and contemporary Masses1 . 4:00 PM Evensong, 1st and 3rd Sundays Eucharistic rites other Sundays

Special service by notice.

Chaplain: Father David I . Hartry Renison College 884-4400/8$3:3465

eatwre “The


. ..continued Amnesty does not say that there are reeducation camps. They cite reports of 50,000 to 200,000 people still in the camps (while well over 1 million people have spent time in the campus since 1975). Those still under detention include intelligence officers of the former regime and the US and officers of the former Armed Forces. The 1978 Report notes there are also “mercantile capitalists”, people who have worked with the US, and intellectuals in the camps. Vietnam had set a three year limit on re-education, but this has not been fulfilled completely.” Recently, some Buddhist monks were arrested. Some people who have led armed resistance to the Government (so-called ‘Third Force’ and supporters of Thieu) have also been arrested. In 1978, arrests were made in Ho Chi Minh Ville (Choloh District) after disturbances which followed the nationalization of businesses. The extent of the disturbance and the arrests has not been documented. However, this incident is seen by many as key to the exodus of the Vietnamese. On the ‘human rights’ question it is important to come to the point where we can evalfiate charges of violation, a context which, in the case of Vietnam, should include the idea of ‘freedom from the -horrors of war’ and ‘the provision of food, housing, personal security, basic health care and education to a unified Vietnam as basic elements of human rights’. It is important to ask, ‘What is good for the people of Vietnam in the post-war period?’ Charges of ‘holocaust’ inside Vietnam have yet to be documented. Many Canadians see the ‘holocaust’ as the experience endured by the Vietnamese on the high seas. A July 12 private ad in the Globe and Mail claimed ‘The execution chambers are leaky boats and barges. The killers are disease, starvation and drowning.’ This relates to the situation outside Vietnam.

How is it that people find themselves out on the high seas? .


It’s a push-pull situation...where the push is a dispossessed economic class or a sanction by the government. I think you can argue both sides. There’s no question that the boats are arranged by overseas Chinese syndicates. The pull factor is the relatives . living overseas.’ That’s how Jerry Tinker put it. (Quoted in The Real Paper, Boston). Then there are charges of racketeering (Far Eastern Economic Review, Dec. 22/78, Jan 12 and June 15/79). The charges laid by the boat people implicate local level police and customs officials, provincial authorities and even members of the Politburo in Hanoi (though these upper level peple are said to be seldom directly involved). Charges claim that Vietnam is ‘overseeing’ the departure by the boat people where such departures have gone through ‘official’ channels involving ‘quasi-legal organizations’. Most refugees claim to have paid out hundreds of dollars to get aboard boats. They say that part of the money is a departure tax, or a bribe, or simply a fee. It is-their conclusion that Vietnam is making huge profits from this collection procedure. Is Vietnam simply being pragmatic by charging the taxes and coordinating people who can’t wait for exist visas and orderly departure proceedures? Are the charges that Vietnam is ‘profiting from the trade in human cargo’ true ? It is too early to tell exactly if minor officials act alone or as part of a government policy towards the ‘undesirables’. Given the role that the overseas Chinese syndicates play plus the impact of the Chinese policy of viewing the Hoa (Chinese) inside Vietnam as citizens of China (New Statesman, July 20/79) and the mounting pressures inside Vietnam stemming from the effects of the war, excerbated by international attempts to isolate the country, it is hard to condemn the Vietnamese government alone for the high seas tragedy. Clearly, the complexities and the unknowns suggest that ‘reasonable response’ to the refugee situation does not include the premature outright condemnation of Vietnam and the extreme charges of ‘genocide’ or ‘holocaust’.





The Refugees: Who are thev? If racial, economic and political pressures are behind the refugee exodus, it is impcrrtant to know just who is affected. The refugees, primarily Chinese (Hoa) people, are from north and south Vietnam. (20%35% of the refugees are Vietnamese-nonChinese). Between 55% and 75% of the refugees in Hong Kong are from the north. Many of the northern people were mine workers, truck drivers, factory workers, and others’ were teachers, doctors and other skilled people. Refugees from the south include people involved in trade. Among these are merchants and bankers and their families. Several owned their own factories and managed plants of large transnational corporations prior to 1975. Others had a history of involvement with the US military and with the US Agency for International Development (AID). Some, if not many, disagree politically with the new government, many cannot adjust to the present austere living conditions, some are resistors of the draft in Vietnam. Others have been victims directly or indirectly of racial pressure. Many non-complimentary -words have been used to describe the refugees. These are being used by Canadians opposed to recent government increases in refugee quotas (often those opposed to Asian immigration). Sirnilar language is being used by Vietnamese authorities on occasion, by other countries in Southeast Asia and by the press and commentators in the media, such as Gordon Sinclair. It is important when discussing the IndoChinese refugees to be aware of the attitude which “blames the victim’, i.e., ‘they’ are responsible,. heap the criticism on the refugees.’ This is a very pervasive attitude in Canada. We must be aware that there is an unresolved debate about the conditions in Vietnam which motivated the refugees to leave, and about human rights violations. Because of the allegations and denials, we cannot easily make any final conclusions about the charges. We must be aware that there are various and diverse interpretations as to-the causes of the mass exodus. The question is still not answered satisfactorily: why have 750,000 people fled their homes in Vietnam in boats, or why have up to one million fled from the country (including the more than 250,000 harboured ,inside China)?


The host countries see the refugees as ‘destabilizing their’own countries’ and as ‘people forced from Vietnam to destabilize the ASEAN Nations (ASEAN: sAssociation of South East Asian Nations, a trade organization). These countries also see the ,‘illegal immigrants’ as the responsibility of the country of origin, i.e., Vietnam. (Fur East Economic Review, .,July 13/79) The “West’s sympathy” for the refugees is perceived by Malaysia authorities as ‘irresponsible’, saying “The Americans gave the Vietnamese boat people hope. So they come with the expectation of stopping here overnight and going to a new life in the US.” (Far Eastern Economic Review, Dec. 15/78) There is a question as to whether Canada’s acceptance of South East Asian refugees relates to our ties with US policy. Malaysia has put pressure on the US to get space for the refugees and has cited Canada as a possible location (Fur Eastern Review, July 6/79). John Weiler of the Mennonite Central Committee says, -“The public has been misled. It isn’t just a case of an evil communist government in Vietnam forcing people out and making them pay for leaving. That may happen, but many are ‘leaving simply because the economic rug was pulled out when the Vietnam war ended in 1975. The West has done little to help these people reconstruct”. (MacLeans July 18/79) One commentator, John Pilger, writing in the New Statesman (July 20/79) goes all out and charges that the present US and Western policy towards Vietnam is revenge. “Revenge based on the need to punish the Vietnamese for daring to evict the greatest military force in history...the cover is the outrage in the name of the boat people...Their aim is to justify the war ,and give credence to similar adventures.’

Political Implications of the Refugees, or What do the Super Powers have to do with the Situation? Some of the ‘various and diverse interpretations’ are detailed below: Vietnam has claimed, among other things, that the refugees are ‘victims of Chinese propaganda’ and people who cannot fit the new system. The Vietnamese Premier, Mr. Pham Van Dong says, ‘The refugeeiproblem is a common one for any nation which experiences a revolution. It’s clear that the exodus of people following our spring 1975 victory was a continuation of the evacuation of peple who could not live under the new regime in South Vietnam. The evacuation was started by the Americans. The reasons for the American failure and the continued exodus have been made clear in Mr. Frank Snepp’s book, Decent Interval). Mr. Snepp is a former CIA agent. (Quoted in Far Eastern Economic Review, May 18/79) The Vietnamese also see the Chinese in the country as a ‘fifth column’ in the contest of the present Sino-Vietnam conflict., (See the Guardian, June 4/79) The US and other Western countries, notably Britain, see the refugees as ‘fleeing communism’. Many Americans are using the refugee situation to justify the war retroactively and call for a renewed draft. The Chinese see the USSR friendship with Vietnam as the source of all the troubles, in particular the pressures on the Chinese community. The signing of the USSR-Vietnamese Friendship Treaty was an important event-November, 1978, as was Vietnam’s joining COMECON, the Eastern European trade association.



3, 1979. Imprint



There are continuing “warlike” conditions in South East Asia. In recent months massive armament purchases have been underway. War is expected by many to occur next in Thailand, possibly involving several countries’ forces. The boat people are seen as an element in the evolving international tensions. What is clear is that the situation in South East Asia is far from stable. It is also clear that the issues involved are very complex and are rrfe with polemics. The humanitarian and generous support of Canadians to the refugees is to be lauded. But we must refrain from uttering undocumented charges. We all need to confront‘and consider the conditions which led to the exodus. Doing this enables us to move beyond the immediate response to the faces of desperate people. It is time for those involved in refugee sponsorship to become more familiar with the background of the crisis. It is time for people to challenge the’ new Canadian government to impliment a policy based on a full and fair assessment of all the facts behind the Indo Chinese refugees. Perhaps the last word comes from Helen Stevens who was quoted in the introduction. She says, “It is worth remembering those who elected to stay.” The question for us, then, is whether we should support and aid the people who remain in Vietnam, who struggle through hard times facing poverty, unemployment and total change in their way of life. It is time to come to enlighiened conclusions about Vietnam which consider the long term needs of that country. - John van Mossel and the staff of the Global Community Centre

If you wish to donate monegr for the plight of the “boat people”, the following organizations will see . that your money is properly directed:

Send money r



Reverend IV. L. Choate St. Jerome’s College University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario Chinese Students association c/o Federation of Students University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario Operation Lifeline 94 Queen St. S. Kitchener, Ontario







3, 1979: Imprint

12, 1

Many show charity-

Donations to “boat people" brisk in The following is an account of what is being done on campus and in the KitchenerWa terloo a rea for-the refugees: Operation Lifeline Operation Lifeline was initiated by Howard Ade lman, a philosophy professor at York University at a meeting in St. Paul’s riding on June 24, 1979. About one week after the initial meeting of

Operation Lifeline, over 40 ridings and towns in Ontario were in the process of imita<$ing the St. Paul’s mode 1. In KitchenerWaterloo, three University o-f Waterloo students worked with variousethnocultural communities in Kincluding the IndoW Chinese community. An article ,about Operation Lifeline *(K-W) appeared on the fro+t page, of a local newspaper, publishing the telephone


number, and in two days they had five pages of donations and offers of clothing, furniture, money, dishes, accommodation, employment and even a farm! A steering committee, consisting of volunteers, was later formed. ,The public meeting, which took place on July 12, attracted some 300 members of the community and by the end of the evening there were approximately 30 groups of



including church who had assemcv-ows, bled in order to work towards the sponsorship of Indo-Chinese refugees. During the following weeks, offers of material goods and employment continued and the number of sponsoring groups kept increasing. Small commun ities outside K-W became involved. Until now, the K-W branch has been in contact with approximately ,55 sponsoring groups. There are


about 65 refugee families being sponsored, as well as a few single persons. These people are expected to arrive sometime in the fall. The business community in K-W has also been responding to the plight of the IndoChinese. Various businesses have donated men’s clothing, vacuum cleaners, transportation, and a depot. In addition to this, various businesses have offered jobs to the refugees. On campus, students


Lowe1 Aronoff and Mark Seltzer have started a fund raising campaign in an attempt to sponsor one Vietnamese family. They can be contacted at the Integrated Studies Office in the Psychology building, ext. 2345.

St. J@rom?9s Two organizations at St. Jerome’s College are collecting money for sponsorship. They are the St. Jerome’s University Parish and the Religious House which is separate from the college. College president Father Siegfried, says that sponsorship costs depend on various factors including the size of the family, and how soon the family can become selfsupporting. Sponsorship requires‘ a commitment by at least 5 individuals with combined earnings of $100,000 per year and with not less than $2,500 in cash. The Immigration Department estimates yearly sponsorships costs to be $8,000 to $10,000 or the equivalent dollar value in services. Besides sponsorship, St. Jerome’s is also collecting money to spend for the refugee’s various needs when in Canada. Friends at the college have been donating items such as used furniture, kitchen utensils, clothing and carpets.


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SANSUI SP-X7780 SPEAKERS with 160 Watts 16” Woofer Sansui High Resolution 4-Way Speaker System with Jumbo 160 Watts Power Handling Capability.

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Association A committee of Chinese students has formed in an effort to help the “boat people”. (The committee is waiting until the Fall term, when it will include a greater number of students, in order to decide just how the money will be spent. One member, Hung Ma, feels that the money should be used to directly supply refugees in their camps where they are in need. A party held in the Summer term raised $600. The committee also attended a summer meeting of various groups in the area united in organizing help. Another meeting is being scheduled by the Federation of Students in . September. The Chinese Students Committee will not directly sponsor people but will forward their money to other organizations. They hope to include other campus groups in their committee in the Fall term. Some have already expressed interest.


to do?

As a very aware section of the K-W community, there are many courses of action that students can take. As members of a privileged country and society, we have a duty to those in a perilous situation. We must throw these people a lifeline and bring them on board our more fortunate boat. Sue Coulter Tim Little Leonard Buckles Randy Barkman


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SpecialTemporawfacilities will be openAug.27-Sept.14 830 am-5 pm. *



Lasers in the




are .finding pla-ce nuclear industry

IrC addition to their with science popularity fiction writers, lasers have found an ever-increasing role in scientific and technical applications. Although there are restrictions, notably clouds, lasers are also being developed as military weapons, as envision’ed by science fiction writers of the past. First built in 1960, lasers (Light Amplified by Simulqted ,Emission of Radiation) are, as the name sugge’sts, powerful beams of coherent light produced, by the emission of electromagnetic radiation

expensive and tedious from excited atoms or molecules. The particles operatiou, especially in the become excited as the nuclear energy field, where large quantities of result of radiation, pure materials electricity, or a chemical . isotopically are needed. Isotopes of an reaction. element, are identical in all Upon changing from the respects, with the excephigh energy to low energy tion of the number of (ground) state, a photon - a particle of light radiation - neutrons, which differ by an atomic mass unit each. is emitted. By carefully Two elements which choosing the conditions, currently undergo largethis can .. cause a chain scale industrial isotopic reaction which gives the separation - hydrogen and laser light its incredible uranium - are used heavily intensity and coherence. by the nuclearindustry, Of all the latest any improvements applications of lasers, one .+ence in their separation that looks especially is in isotope techniques are especially promising an otherwise important, although these separation,

techniques will b e. beneficial to any separation process. Heavy water is used as a moderator in and CANDU reactors, enriched uranium being the required fuel of all reactor designs except CANDU and the British Magqox. The difference between heavy water .and “normal” light water is the presence of deuterium (hydrogen with a neutron) atoms instead of the more common neutronless hydrogens. Although the 100% difference in their masses enables exchange reactions and distiHation to be used for isotopic relative separation, _ the scarcity of deuterium (0.015% of all hydrogen) necessitates the use- of large volumes of hydrogen (usually in the form of


5 cu. ft. Danby1lgnls


We also rent microwave portable







3, 1979: Imprint

being expecially prominent. Using an infra-red laser beam to excite the elemental or compunded element, it may be chemically or physically reacted to achieve complete separation. Alternatively, an ultra-violet laser beam may facilitate the dissociation of molecules excited- b!,he -a IR laser At the present time, the IR (carbon dioxide) laser is about 20 times as efficient as the UV per mole processed, costing a few cents, compared with several dollars per mole for an argon UV laser. These methods are presently being tested on several different elements, with varying degrees of success. The largest amounts of money are being spent on uranium enrichment and hydrogen/ deuterium separation, because of the high quantities used. The USA alone is presently spending $40 million on its isotopic separation programs, geared primarily towards uranium enrichment, which they expect to produce a $100 billion savings between now and the year 2000 due to an estimated 20 fold reduction in uranium enrichment costs. Conversely, Canada has been concentrating . its research efforts on deuterium separation for the CANDU reactors. With the present heavy water production costs are in the billions in Ontario alone. However, it should be noted, that the nuclear industry would not be the sole beneficiary of this research, because this technology can also be economically applied to isotope separation of less abundant elements, including the transuranium elements found in nuclear wastes. Such isotopes, some of which are radioactive, are important in biochemical and medical research, as isotopic tracers and in cancer and tumor therapy. They also find applications in such far-ranging fields as batteries for This selective excitation satellites, wristwatches can be exploited in a and lighthouses. number of ways, with two Charles Marten

-water) as a feedstock, making the operation very expensive. Uranium ore, on the other hand, .requires enrichment of its U235 content only from 0.7 per cent to 2.4 per cent, but the weight difference between U235and U238 of only 0.85 cent makes their Per far more separation difficult. With nothing else to use, present separation methmake use of this ods minute weight difference. !n’ one process, gaseous uranium hexaflouride (UF6) is diffused through a very fine grid, with the U235 compound diffusing just a little faster. Another centrifuges the process U235/U238 hexafluoride mixture, causing the lighter U235 component to migrate to the centre. These processes may have to be repeated over one thousand times to achieve the desired composition of U235. . The high technology, and resource energy demands of these processes uqderline the importance of alternate technological development. Several ,recent developments in laser technology, notably more precise monochromaticity (single wavelength light), tunability (waveleqgth selectability) and a wider bandwidth, make it especially feasible for isotope separation. The basis of the separation is the selective excitation of an elemental isotope without affecting other isotopes of the same element. Because their spectral lines may be very the monochromaclose,, ticity of the laser is very important. The tunability and bandwidth selectability of the laser beam allow an increasing number of isotopes to be separated in this manner, and because greater flexibility is -afforded in selecting the vibrational or atomic spectral line to be used, more efficient separations may be obtained.


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Good Only until Sept. 30, 1979 Limit One Per Customer


of\‘ 1 eration -

rien -a b

tertainment . I_Highlights . ,


Free Concerts

in ‘the Orientation


to to to to to to to to

10 noon 4 pm September 11 noon 4 pm September 12 noon 4 pm September 14 noon 3 pm

Pubs (at Waterloo


2 pm Willie P. Bennett b 5 pm Mike Ethelston 2 pm The Stingers 5 pm WCF 2 pm Songship 5 pm Mike1 “Cowboy”Miller & J. R. Pryde 2 pm Nip ‘n Tuck Ttubrag 5 pm Max Mouse and the Gorillas: Rock . Against Restraint

Motor Inn)

September 12 8 pm Downchild Feds: September 14 8 pm Segarini Feds: (cosponsored with ASU: 8 pm David Wilcox Feds: September 20

$2.00; $2.00; free to $2.50;

Others: $3.00 Others: $3.00 Arts students). Others: $3.50


. Stratford September



19 8 pm Love’s Labour’s


8:30 pm

Sept. 22 P.A.C.

. 8 pm

Sept. 1.3 Humanities



September September September September


Lost $7, $10 and $14’incl. fare. Bus leaves campusat 7:00 / pm sharp.)


(AL 116)

7-9 14-16

21-23 28-30


Burton Cummings

8 pm 8 pm

8 pm 8 pm

are available

$7 and $8 advance tickets $9 at door for everyone Doors open at 7:30 $5.50 & $7.00 advance $6.50 & $8.00 at,door


Feds: $l.OO(Others: $2.00 Lord of the Rings Invasion of the Body Snatchers Coming Home Heaven Can Wait

in the Federation






The University of Waterloo has one of the best and one of the most extensive intramural programs in Canada. Take advantage of it by getting a group of people together to play in ihe various competitive or recreational sports-provided. Or,stay fit-by joining an athletic club or by using the recreational facilities the university offers, Don’t miss out- it’s fun! Use the guide below 10 find the sport, program and facilities that you would like best. Be careful to watch for times of organisational meetings, and if you have any questions, contact the people - below. It’s best to call Peter Hopkins and Sally Kemp.

Fail Intramural Program

Instructional Program


Fitness (Exercise

Exercise and running program for flexibility, strength and cardio-vascular fitness. Classes to be held Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12:OO - 1:OO pm or Tuesday and Thursday 12:00 - 1.~0 pm. Classes start the week of September 16 Meet in Main Gvm.



Aqua Fitness $2.00

Dance $10.00



Instruction in Chito Ryu style of Karate. Classes for beginners and advanced. Classes start Monday, September 17; Advanced at 7:00 pm, Beginners at 8:OO pm. Meet in Red Activitv Area.





in PAC) Call 885-1211 and ask for Extention.

Carl Totzke, Director of Athletics, Ext.2474, Room 2054. Peter Hopkins, Men’s Mamural Director, Ext. 3532, Room 2040. .. Sally Kemp, Women’s intramural Director, Ext. 3533, , Room 2050. Lynn Montag, Intramural Secretary, Ext. 3531, Room 2039. Val Mason, Receptionist PAC, Ext. 3302, Room 2039. John Kocemba, Overall intramural Coordinator, Ext. 3532, Room 2040.

Kevin, Duguay, Aquatics Coordinator, Ext. 3532, Room 2040. Terry McLachlan, Coordinator of cxficials, Ext. 3532, Room 2040. Daryl Johnson, Tournament Coordinator, Ext. 3532, Room 2040. Sharlyn Perrera, Toumamqrft Coordinator, Ext. 3532, Room 2040. Steve Gilmour, Pubkity Coordinator, Ext. 3532, Room 2040. Marilyn Jones, Co-Ret Team Sports Coordinator, Ext. 3532, Room 2040.

Racquetball $20.00 i

University City Time:

Time: Mon.-Fri. Remainder of hours

Book through IM Office 2040 PAC Ext. 3532. Rio Caron/Joyce Fortais 886-1550 Ext. 248/210,

Physical Activity -PAC: gym, weightroom, squash courts, pool, combatives, activity area (red and blue), sauna

Mon.-Fri. 8:W irn - 11 :W pm Saturday 9:00 am - 5:W pm Sunday 1 :W pm - 1l:OO pm

Special Closing Dates: PAC and Seagrams

PAC will open Monday, September 10 and will be in operation until Sa!urday, December Seagrams will open from Monday, September 10 to Friday, November 30th. All facilities closed Thanksgiving ‘Monday ONLY, October 8th, 1979.


To book other than prescribed programs, university Booking Office Ext. 2207. Pool charges can be expected for guards. All special Gym bookings contact Pat Davis, Ext. 3146.

Leagues Final

Flag Football**






l *





._ I



Diving Session I: Sept. 18&t,

Shooting $25.00

Candidate should be able to do a front dive off the 1 metre board. Course is an introduction to springboard diving and exercises associated with it.

Session II: Oct. 23-Nov.


Class Times: Tuesday and Thursday Tuesday, September 18. Registration 22 room 2010 PAC.

Y-a $10.00

7:30 p.m. starting Sept. 12 and 13

Beginners basic course in Trap and Skeet shooting. Course is held at the Pioneer Sportsman Club using club instructors. Guns provided. Buy your shells at club session ($5.00 - 25 targets) course fee $25.00. Class Time - Saturday 9:W am t2:W noon. Provide your own transportation. Classes start September 22, course length 3 weeks. Class size - limit 15 people. Registration September 12 and 13,201O PAC. Meeting for those registered September 18 - 5:30 p.m. room 1083 PAC. No class Thanksgiving Saturday. *





Jogging Weight


Explanation A and B levels, ( 15 players)

Fri. Sept. 14 4:30 pm, Room 2040 PAC

Mon. Sept. : 7 4:30 pm Room 1083 PAC

Start Tues. Sept. 18 Tues. and Thurs. 4:00 - 7:00 pm

Fri. Sept. 14 4:30 pm 1 Room 2040 PAC

Mon. Sept. 17 7:00 pm Room 1083 PAC

Start Wed. Sept. 19 Mon. Thurs. 4-7 pm Sunday 1:30 - 5:30 pm

Mon. Sept. 17 4:30 pm doom 2040 PAC

Wed. Sept. 19 7:00 pm Roop 1083 PAC

Start Sun. Sept. 23 Sun. 3:45 - 9:45 pm Mon. 7:30 - lo:30 pm

Mon. Sept. 17 4:30 pm Room 2040 PAC

Tues. Room

Sept. 18 4:30 pm 1083 PAC

Starts Wed. Sept. 19 Tues. and Wed. 3:45-lo:45 pm at Seagrams

Wed. Oct. 10 4:30 pm Room 2040 PAC

Thurs. Room

Oct. 11 4:30 pm 1083 PAC

Starts Sun. Oct. 14. Sun. Thurs. late evenings. Fri. afternoons at Moses


Beginner - for’those persons with little or no tennis experiena?, to teach basic strokes and game fundamentals. Improver Refresher - for those who have had some tennis experience but need to work on skills. Intermediats Advanced - for the olaver who has been playing on a regular bsis but wants to*improve strokes or learn more advanced strokes. Class Times: Beginner: T&s. 7:30-8:30 pm 8:30-9:30 pm Wed. 7:30-8:30 pm 8:30-9:30 pm Improver Refresher: Tues. 7:30:8:30 pm 9:30-lo:30 pm Wed. 8:30 pm 9:30-lo:30 pm Intermediate Advanced: Tues. 8:30-9:30 pm 9:30-l 0:30 pm Wed. 7:30-8:30 pm 9:30-lo:30 pm All classes held at the Waterloo Tennis Club, qourts 9, 10, 11, 12. Tennis balls supplied. Bring your own/racquet or rent from PAC racquet rental system. Flat soled shoes. No change facilities available. All courts indoors. Classes start Tuesdav, Seotember 25. Registration Sept. 12, 13 room 2010 Pde 1 OiOO am - 4:00 pm

The following programs have special registration,‘procedures for each program. PIeape note them carefully. Level 1 - Beginners Class - 10 hours of instruction in various steps including Waltz, Jive, Polka, Cha Cha, Samba. Last clqss will be a dance party. Class time - Monday: Beginners 7:Oo - 8:00 pm or 8:00 9:00 pm. Advanced 9 - 10:00 pm. Class Starts - Monday, September 17th. Location - Village I Great Hall. Registration will take place Wednesday, September 12 Gym 3,6:00-7:00 pm. Doors open at 530 p.m. ONLY. Class limit 25 men and 25 women per class. ’

\ 5-6 games




You May Not Register in’ Both Disco and Ballroom.10 hour course in various styles of Disco, Double Hustle, New York Hustle, Spanish Hustle, Latin Hustle, Disco, Jive, Tango Hustle, Disco Samba, Bus Stop variations. Class Times - Wednesday 6:00 - 700 pm, 7:00 - 8:OO pm, 8:00 - 9:W pm, 9:00 - 1O:OO pm Classes Start - Wednesday, September 19th. _ Location - Village I Great Hall. Registration will take place Thursday, September 13,6:00 pm in the Small Gym - PAC. Class Limit - 20 men and 20 women per class. You may register for 1 other person but you must have their ID card. Door opens at 5:30 pm ONLY.

Scuba $75.00

Certification N&l Scuba Course Wednesday 6:30 - 9:30 pm. You must have medical, own fins, snorkle mask and&about average swimming ability. Register at l st class September 12 room 1083 PAC at 6:30 pm. Bring suit to first class. Cost $75.00 upon acceptance into course.

from the IM

-, Basic

Activities Kit contams mileage routes helpful hints. If the weather

for outdoor jogging foul, jog Indoors.



and other


Pick up kit from room 2040 PAC 8:30 - 4:30 pm and shape up thts term by jogging. Stmply go. Weight traimng kits available and women In room 2040 PAC

PAC Weight Room - 2 Universal gyms plus assorted portable weights. Seagrams Olympic weight set and assorted weights.

Available on free time bas1.s during open hours in PAC Check Seagram facility schedule for Seagram times.

Recreational skating, no sticks and pucks lnquines call 886-l 550 Ext. 210.

Rink In the park beside Seagrams. Free adult noon hour Skating. Tues -Frl 11:30-2.00 pm Other times. Sundays 3:30-5 30 pm, Saturdays 8.0010.00 pm 2

Noon hours - simply AdmIssIon Students - 754

Course IS located lmmedtately Fields behind Century House


for men

A-Microbiology B-VI South 8

and playoffs.

A-St. Jeromes B-Conrad Grebel

‘A and B levels, 5-7 games with playoffs. Played on COI. Fields #1 and #4.

A-Advanced; B-Intermediate C-Beginners 5-6 games and playoffs 10 players/team


A free time jogging ktt IS available off ice room 2040 PAC



Disco Dance $10.00

Exercise lessons in which we will work with the body and the mind to bring about greater physical and mental health. Class times 2 Wednesday 8:00 pm. Intermediate and 7:00 pm. Beginner. Classes start -Wednesday, September 19th. Registration Sept. 12 and 13, 1O:OO - 4:00 pm room 2010.

22. will be

Draw Msetings: All team captains and tournament players must attend Organizational Meeting in order to obtain schedules and rules to be included in the league or tournament. Awards: All eligible members of every championship team or event will receive a Winit Award. Please complete and submit the appropriate forms to the Intramural Office / , and pick the awards up a week later. Entry Fee: * $20 refundable fee per team - wllected at organizational meeting.


Tennis Begin#er $4.00 Refresher $6.00 Advanced $8.00


Starts: Week of &tober lst, 1979. Registration 12 and 13,lO:OO am - 4:00 pm Room 2010.

Thurs. ,

Ballroom Dance $10.00

Basic instruction in squash for beginners. 1 lecture, 4 court lessons, mini tournament at the end of the course. Class times: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday evenings 7:30,8:10, , 8:50,9:30 pm pick one of these times. 1 st class - Tuesday September 25 - Lecture session held in room 1083 PAC at 8%) pm. Second class on court at assigned time. Registration I* Sept. 12and 13,10:00-4:OOpmroom2010PAC.

Leagues and Tournaments ,

Explanation:, This level is the most structured part of the Intramural program. There are leagues, playoffs, points, awards, officials and stringent rules and regulations. How To Enter: 1) Contact your Int/amural Rep, 2) register through the Intramural office, 3) form an Independent team and enter (these teams are accepted only after the unit teams are accepted), 4) attend the appropriate organizational meeting, 5) please make sure your entry form is fully completed, 6) forms can be obtained in’the Intramural Office or from the PAC receptionist.

Men’s Competitive


Level 1A -for persons not familiar with the water. Introductory course for water orientation, buoyancy and movement skills - introduction to strokes on the front zind back. Level 1 B - for beginners who are able to do some movement (front or back glide) in the water. Course will teach front crawl, element&y back, self-rescue skills and introduce I breast stroke and artificial respiration. Level 2A - swimmers should be able to swim front crawl, elementary back and surface survival. Course will improve skills of level 16 and teach breast stroke, side stroke, front dive, travel stroke and reaching assists. Level 28 - swimmers should be able to swim elementary back, front crawl, breast stroke and side stroke, and do a front dive. Course will include practice in these skills and teach eggbeater, all entries, sculling, back crawl and rescue recognition and treatment. L&l 3 - swimmers should have a good working knowledge of all strokes and an ability to swim 1 O-l 2 lengths. Course will deal with perfection of strokes, surface dives and other skills in rescue situations. Bronze - need good skills level all strokes, knowltige of rescue techniques, ability to swim lo-12 lengths. Award of Merit - must have bronze and Senior AR - only if enouah interest.


Class Times: Tuesday 9:40 - lo:20 am or Wednesday 2:20 - 300 pm or Thurs. 9:00 - 9:40 am




Class Sept. Squash $2.00


. -

Instruction for beginners in racquetball. Course will be con‘ducted at Columbia Racquet Club. Racquets and balls provided. Participants have use of club lodter room and sauna. No towels provided. Dress non-marking white soled shoes, eyeguards strongly recommended. Six-40 minute lessons over 6 week period.

l Facilities Seagram

Registration for these courses will take place in Room 2010 PAC Blue South Wed. Sept. Sept. 13 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. Registration may also be completed with the receptionist PAC if space still available. For more information on instructional programs please 3 contact Sally Kemp 8851211 Ext. 3533.

Swimming $2.00 Levels 1 A, lB,2A, 28&3. Session 1: Sept. 18 -Oct. 18 Session II: Oct. 23 - Nov. 22


Karate p.00

For Further Information


The following in!&uctional programs are open to students and those who have an Intramural membership. There is a $2.00 registration fee for all courses,whe,re a course fee is not charged. We resew8 the right to cancel classes or limit class size.





’ Like road hockey. A and B levels, 5-6 games and playoffs. (10 players) A-Advanced; B-Beginner 5-6 league games and playoffs. (15 players) CSA approved helmts 8 face shields


A-Over-the-Hill B-St. Pauls C-Devils


A-VI /V2 West B-V2 West A


A-Math B-Coop

Skating Rink tn the Park


Golf Practice Area




A golf practice area has been set up for you to Improve your game. 9 holes ranging 100-l 60 yards

Explanation: Courts available at Waterloo available. until after Mon. Oct. 22 Smooth

North of Columbia on Columbia Field.

Tennis Club next to Seagram Stadium Change facllltles soled shoes are necessary Racquet Rental In PAC

go - no charge. Other times 1 S-q1 years - 50$; Adults I

out anytime

Own equipment




are not











I. Here Waterloo. building,

I begin my exciting term at the University of Now, if i can just find the Students’ Union I could go and get my Fed fee refunded.


. 2. I will never again put a $450 deposit on a place to live without first seeing it. It sounded so nice when my landlord (who was unavailable for comment) described it on the phone, Gee whiz! Talk about “spacious and airy!”

4. I figure that buying a meal-plan at-Phillip St. would be cheaper (and easier!) than making my own meals. Sure hope they pave this path before the end of the term!

I ’ 3. The Registration lineup this year isn’t too bad according to some of the ‘older kids. I don’t think I wanna go through it just yet. I wonder if my QSAP has come in yet?


5, Boy you wouldn’i believe what just went on at the Arts Library. There was a blond and a big monkey-oh forget it... Anyway there was a hanmy ending.

9. The weekend finally came and I went out to Columbia Lake to watch Woodstockfest (a Federation-sponsored event). They said that Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin and Lynyrd Skynyrd and the Alice Cooper Brothers and SM and Cowboy Lemmie Feldstein and Teenage Fed and Dixie the Wonder Dog and Second43ate City Comedy Revue and the Bluegrass Undershirts would be playing, but I was the only one who showed up. I sure hope next week’s CC Pub with The Beatles turns out to be less of a bad trip!

II anything!

?. The next day I went out to %a little gettogether at the Campus centre in order to make Jriends and before I know it I’m on a bus to to protest Toronto policies Of education :. I the gave rnment wasn’t keen to go but it was kind of fun protesting and rioting and ‘knocking the heads off statues. Then we had tea and munchies and came home.

8. Thenext should start for Political I went out Engineering fish out in kinda...


day was the third day of cla s (so 0thought I going-ha ha ha).1 went to Psych buIldinga Welding I%01 but nobody had shown up. Then in the hall and found that some fun-loving students had dumped three tons of rotting the hall. Yukk! I must ad it it was exciting, c 7






Hockey l

Women% -.






and Thurs. 3:<5 1 lo:45 at Seagrams

can enter:






Ext. 2323. 10 players.








Flag Football

Fri. Sept. 14 4:30 pm Room 2050 PAC

Mon. Sept. 17 4:30 pm Room 1001 PAC

Wed. Sept. 19 Mon. and Wed. 4:00 - 7:00 pm

League games 15 players.


Fri. Sept.



3 night tournament, 2 divisions necessary. 10 players.

Room Basketball



2050 PAC 15 4:30 pm

2050 PAC


and Men’s Tournaments





21 4:30 pm

Mon. Oct.


Time: September 12 - October 31 - 4 Indoor (#7.8,9,101 + 2 outdoor Monday - Saturday 9.00 am - 11 00 pm, Sunday 1 .OO pm - 11 .OO pm After October 21 - 4 Indoor courts. Contact Intramural Offlce for times



25 7:00 pm


1083 PAC




1083 PAC





25 Tues.

lo:45 pm gym 2 PAC




Tues. lo:45


1 and

Oct. 23 Tues. 7:30pm Main Gym PTC


Round teams,



Robin league Maximum 6 games. (10 players)





Shear Force

Golf (Mens)

Mon. Sept. 17 4:30 pm Room 2040 PAC

Thurs. Room

Sept. 20 4:30 pm 1083 PAC

Fri. Sept. 21 12-2 starting TIMES. Sept. 28 - Rain Date. at Foxwood Golf Club

Team event - 18 hole championship. Best 3 scores from each team are counted. Cost: green fee (!l refunded by IM Department.)

Vl East

Tennis (Singles) (Women’s and Men’s) i

Mon. Sept. 17 4:30 pm Room 204? PAC

Thurs. Room

Sept. 20 5:30 pm 1083 PAC

Sat. Sept. 22 9-6 pm; Sun. Sept. 23 l-1 1 pm; Sat. Sept. 29 9-6 pm; Sun. Sept. 30 l-1 1 pm at Waterloo Tennis Club

A-Advanced; B-Beginner - each person guaranteed

Women’s Champs: A-Caroline Poy B-Kum Weerasoonya Men ‘3 Champs: A-Karl Culik B-Bob Yamamoto ---

Village Co-Ed

Mon. Sept. 24 4:30 pm Room 2040 PAC

Wed. Sept. 26 4:30 pm Room 1083 PAC

Fri. Sept. 28 4-8 pm; Sat. Sept. 29 9-6 pm; Sun. Sept. 30 9-6 pm

Pitch to your own team. Everyone hits epch inning. Guaranteed two games.

two games.

Mon. Oct. 15 4:30 pm Room 2040 PAC

Wed. Oct. 17 4:30 pm Room 2040 PAC

Sat. Oct. 20 9 am - 1 pm Columbia Fields

Double Participation “Highfield Award”

Wed. Oct. 16 4:30 pm Room 2040 PAC

Fri. Oct. 19 5:00 pm at Seagrams

Fri.Oct. 195:15pm at Seagrams

“Eng Sot Award” 5 man te’am- 3 mile course through Waterloo Park.

Mon. Oct. 22 4:30 pm Room 2040 PAC

Mon. Oct. 29 4:30 pm Room 2040 PAC


Bowling (Women’s


- 2 games


Mon. Oct. 29 4:30 pm Room 2040 PAC

Mon. Oct. 22 4:30 Room 2040, PAC




Tues. Oct. 23 7:00 pm Room 1083 PAC

Wed. Oct. 24, Wed. Oct. 31, 7:30-l 0:45 pm Gym 1 and 2



Co-Ed Athletic Clubs Explanation: Open to all members Hoi to Become Involved: Either

of the Unlverstty Community hddlng a validated I.D. card or an Intramural Membership. 1) attend a club orgqmzatlonal meeting, 2) attend one of their regular sessions or 3) contact




Curling (60 members)

Mon. Sept. 24 4:30 pm Room 1083 PAC ,

Basic Instruction. Men’s, Women’s and off campus tournaments Membership cost. $20/term.

Equestrian (35 members)

Wed. Sept. 12 6:00 pm Campus Center. Check with Turnkeys for room

For those interested In the equestrian and films. No experience necessary. $3.OO/term.

Fencing (30 members)

Mon. Sept. Red Activity

Beginners Instruction


the Intramural


2040 PAC.




Women’s Champs New Event Men’s Champs Faculty Joggers

A and B divisions, two games

Women’s Champs Alice Roddy Men’s Champs A-John Kingston B-Wayne Wasyluk -

Thurs. Nov. 1 4:30pm Room 1083 PAC 1:OO om - 9:00 om

Sun. Sun.

Wed. Oct. 31 4:30 pm Room 1083 PAC

Sat.Nov.39am-7pm Ayr Curling Club

Guaranteed 3 six-ended games. First teams for male and female accepted.

Thurs. Room

Sat. Oct. 27 1 pm - 5 pm Waterloo Bowling Lanes

Men’s 8 Women’s, team - total points

Oct. 25 4:30 pm 1083 PAC

Nov. 4 - Preliminary Nov. 1 l’- Finals

Women’s Champs Nancy Mason Men’s Champs A-Leong Goh B-Peter Scheffel



4 people/team



3 games,

Women’s Champs East A Animals



Granite Club. Mon. 4.30 - 6.30 pm - 4 sheets ’ Tues. lo:30 - 12:30 pm - 8 sheets Thurs. 10:30-l 2:30 pm - 4 sheets. Starting Mon. Oct. 15

Dave Smith Darryn Boyd Rich Letkman I

17 5:00 pm Area PAC



and advanced sessions In fencing. and competltlon. Membership costs

Introduction riding times Black Rod Stables.

Times and Locatlon’to meeting


be arranged through

be announced

at the

Jane Colwell 579-4345 or Ext. 3865 Kim McMaster John Beatty 743-2938






Starting Date Time/Location



Tues. Sdpt. 11 7:30 pm Campus Centre Check with Turnkeys for Room

Ski (Downhill) (300 members)

Mon. Sept. MC 2065

(50 members)


Thurs. Sept. 20 Main Gym 7:30 - lo:45 pm

Co-Ed innertube Waterpolo -_____.

Mon. Sept. 17 4:30 pm Room 2040 PAC ,

Tues. Sept. 18 5:30 pm Room 1001 PAC

Sun. Sept. 23, Sundays 6-l 0 pm Mondays 7:30 - 9:30 pm

Co-Ed Broombali

Wed. Oct.‘10 4:30 pm Room 2040 PAC

Thur. Oct. 11 7:30 pm Room 1083 PAC

Starts week of Oct. 14. Sun. to Thurs. late evenings Fri. afternoons

Hockey (Men’s)

Wed. Oct. 10 4:30 pm Room 2040 PAC

Mon. Oct. 15 4:30 pm Room 1083 PAC

Starts week of Oct. 14. Games Fri. afternoons at Queensmount

Hockey (Women’s)

Wed. Rqrn

Mon. Oct. 15 5:30 pm Room 1083 PACi

Starts week at McCormick

Oct. 10 4:30 pm 2050 PAC


and mtxed


Tues. Sept. 18 4:30 pm Room 1001 PAC


A and B divisions. Double Participation tournament. 2 games guaranteed.

Mon. Sept. 17 4:30 pm Room 2040 PAC

Co-Ed Volleyball

Vl East586


Explanation: Low skill, no officials,no standings, no playoffs, few rules. PLAY FOR THE FUN OF IT! How To Enter: Either - 1) form a team from a group of friends and return the completed entry form, or 2) attend the organizational meeting or 3) come to the Intramural Office room 2040 PAC. Organizationai Meeting: All team captains must attend Organizational Meeting in order to obtain schedules and rules and to be included in the league. Activity



Squash (Singles) (Women’s and




Badminton (Singles) (Women’s and Men’s)





Curling (Women’s Men’s)

contact 29,30


Fri. Sept. 14 4-8 pm Sat. Sept. 15 l-8 pm Sun. Sept.‘16 9-6 pm

Engineering Chailenoe Run (Men’s) ” Cross Counts Run (Women’s)

Bookings: For tournaments, classes, practices and the IIke, please Ext. 3532. Courts booked for Intramural Tournaments Sept. 22,23,

No Champs

Wed. Sept. 12 4:30 pm Room 1083 PAC


Special DIrector,

A-Short and Sassy B-Conrad Grebel

Tues. Sept. 11 4:30 pm Room 2040 PAC

7 Aside IMens\



St. Jeromes Softball (Mens)


(a 11 and # 12) one cou ‘t hour

A-V2 South B-Conrad Grebel

and playoffs.

Double participation tournament guaranteed 2 games.

Ii Slow








of act. 14. Games Arena.

6-7 league games, few rules, low skill. Play tournament, Lots of fun. lo/team

played Arena) played

Finishes with Fun with 5 ladies.

6-7 league games, played by sitting in innertubes, with a fun tournament. lo/team with 5 ladies. *


24 7:00 pm

Social sessions, cllnlcs, movies, fashion trips to Blue Mountain & Jay Peaks. Membership $5/ten.



Rink In, the Park. meeting.

5-6 league games, 35 teams only. No broomball shoe league. Games at McCormick Arena and Queensmount Arena. l‘5/team with 5 ladies. 5-6 games, checking.

12- 16 teams

League play. Little 1 O/team.

only. Shinny





of coming

Table Tennis (35 members)

Tues. Sept. Blue Activity

11 7:00 pm Area PAC

League, ladder, tourname?ts tunities. Membership costs:

and recreational oppor$5/year; $2.50/term.


to be announced

Boats are available every day. times decided at meeting.

no body

Try it and have fun.

Look for advertisements


Nancy Smith Sue Goldenberg

at the


Blue Activity Area PAC. Tues. 7:00 - 10:00 pm; Thurs. 4:OO - 7:00 pm; Sun. 2:00 - 5:00 pm

Kim Wallace Karen Wylie

Paul Barron

Don Liscombe Al Turner


r 0 S e

Still Life

by Prabhakar


The great grey pit seems calmer now; everyone here has gone through interviews at least once, and all that is left are the residues of years of nervous vibrations echbing hollowly from the halls, residues that nd amount of clean antiseptic scrubbing will remove. The enemy now i$ the heat outside, transitions from airconditioning to muggy sunshine to aircbnditioning again, wreaking havoc with already tense metabolism. I sit frozen on the nearly-deserted stop-benches, knees primly together, as a group of laughing . interviewers traverse the periphery of the pit. There are 300 of them competing for 120 of us, and yet they have not lost their inherent cockiness,, remnants of the giggling, smirking secrecy of childhood. Day before yesterday I had an interview

with an incredibly stereotyped.man, exuding machismo from every pore; why he wanted a CW I’ll never know, unless from some perverse urge to tame the untameable, as if an HW wasn’t a big enough challenge. He sat there stroking his mustache and ,asking piercingly personal questions with that oh-so-smug tone, while I repressed my urge to brain him with a , chair by keeping my eyes fixed on his throat, remembering William Machester’s description of John F. Kenne,dy’s non-fatal bullet: “ . ..exited through his wind-pipe, nicking the knot of hi? tie.” The narrowness of the cubicle made a similar punishment impossible; there just wasn’t enough room behind him, even if I were to brace my back against the wall and my feet on his shoulders. On the other hand, the fatal head wound . . . My morbid reverie is interrupted with Stephanie sits down beside me. She is carrying the Career Woman image almost to the extreme; but she looks very smart in the dark slimly-tailored three-piece suit. “How brazen can you get, Steph?” “Look, if they want Someone who dresses in chiffon, and other such impracticalities, they can advertise for a House Wife* that doesn’t take brains. Besides, some interviewers find it very . sexy. What’: with you?” “Oh, damn, Steph, sometimes I wonder, why I’m in the co-hab program.” “Don’t be silly”, she says, taking me gently by the shoulders. “It’s a taste of reality, it’s good experience, and there’s so much a better chance that you’ll find someone to spend the rest of your life with.” . “But it seems to immoral.” “Nonsense! It gives you exposure to a wider range of people. You wouldn’t prefer that it happen by chance, that you fall for the first guy that comes along, eh? Besides, if you th&h it was immoral,_ you wouldn’t have joined the program. What happenedI.B-. Masters turn down an interview request?” “I wouldn’t dream of applying there-the whole Masters family is so absurdly pompous, the living environment is great but they treat their women like shit.

Nothing’s happened; I’ll just be glad when it’s all over.” “The interviews or the program?” Before I can reply, the roof speaker erupts, “Barber, S.J. to the paging desk.” “C’est moi--toodle-oo”, says Stephanie, and strolls confidently away. The doubts will abate soon--one more inter\jiew .and I must hand my rankings in. I’ve been fairly lucky this time, most of them *were pretty nice; there were only a couple of duds and one absolute asshole who I’ll definitely drop. This last one seems’quite interesting-damn, every time that speaker blares something I lose my train of thought--he advertised for Career Women, Socialite and Independent Homemaker candidates, either he’s very flexible or he doesn’t know what he wants-“Zylvain, DW , to the paging desk”. I am up and moving before my mind registers the fact that I’ve been called; conditioned reflex, I suppose. The secretary smiles encouragingly as she directs me to Room 1075. She can afford to smile, she’s already married. Watch it, Daphne, don’t get paranoid, don’t divide the world into classes to suit youf- whim. She’s probably a graduate of .the program. Something goes off in my mind as I enter the cubicle and shake hands with the interviewer--not the proverbial bells at first sight, something else altogether. “Good morning, Miss Zylvain”. “Good morning, Mr. Ross”. Always the absurdly formal pose, even though we can’t be more than five years apart in age. Old lechers are always applying to the program, but the Department of Co-Habitation ar$ Placement screens them out. Most of the employers are young executives who can’t support a full-time wife; this one seems t?o exception. He frowns at my resume for a moment, and clears his throat. “Miss Zylvain, did you ever live in a town called Clairmont?” r It hits me. “Kenny!” “Daphne”. He is smiling now. “I thought it might be you--Marlene said you had gone into co-hab and then she lost touch with you”. “Hciw’s she doing these days?” “Just fine--married to a guy working for

the family firm, expecting in August. Geez, it’s good to see you--no longer the little brat ‘Daft-Knees’ I used to yell at. How’re the interviews going?” “Well--you know”. We chat for a while, in a progressively more trivial manner, about old Clairmont friends and acquaintances. Finally, I bring up the question. “Ken--about the position.” “Oh. Yeah”. “Uh--it’s nothi& personal, but--S;ou don’t mind if I drop you, do you?” “No”, he says, looking relieved. “I think I’ll feel easier about it.” He is silent for a moment, then says cheerfully, “So maybe we can get together and have lunch ,‘sometime!” “Sure--you and your new co-wife and me and my new co-hubby”. He flashes me a brief smile, whether wry or bitter I cannot tell, and turns to flick the switch telling the paging desk he’s ready for the next applicant. Walking past the rows of cubicles, the whole interview microcosm starts to fade like a cheap print dress, and the university world comes back, like ghosts haunting in shifts: the soon-due Consumer Science assignment, midterms, take-homes my Biology minor to worry about. Brief hops into parallel worlds, four months apart; I wonder how many co-hab ’ graduates have learned to settle down, hou many careen madly along in pathetic nostalgia until they crash into the &rushing wall of death. Out in the pit there is a small knot of people gabbling excitedly. Curious, I head that way,. “What’s up?” “It’s Karen--she’s going ‘On Own’ status!” Karen is at the nucleus. Her eyes are shining and her hands waving excitedly as she explains. “But there’s no need! I’ve found a boy who suits me, and we’re going to live together, it’s all arranged!” “Isn’t that dangerous? Co-hab can’t figkt \ for you!” ‘\ “Don’t you want a choice?” “What if it doesn’t work out?” She whirls. “Of course it’ll work out! We love each other!” “Love . . .” says someone, bemused.


Vvrong stereo for YOU at the right price isn’t any bargain. *.


153 King St. W., downtown Kitchener-576-7640 Open daily 9:30-6 - 7‘3urs.8 Fri. 9:30-g

Buying a Stereo systeni by price alone is just about the biggest mistake you can make. It may not look like it at the time, because you may be blinded by the low price, but it is. And that goes for “markeddown” expensive equipment as well as “bargain baseient” equipment. For example, you may see a system that costs well into four figures that is marked down many hundreds of dollars. Looks tempting, but if it’s more stereo than you need, where’s the saving ? You could get the same enjoyment from a system costing half as much. Conversely. a less expensive system at a bargain price may not deliver the sound.you want, so you’ve blown that bargain too. At Schneider Sound we not only match all the components of a stereo system, we match thesystem toyour requirements and budget. That way you don’t spend any more than you should, or worse, spend less ‘than you should. Mind you, we have “sales” too, but if we think that any item is not what you should buy, we’ll tell you so. Like we say, “you’ll hear more from us.” But it won’t be a Jot of fast talk about “bargain”


The Arts

- -


1KW entertainment In case you haven? complex like Toronto’s yet, ‘Kitchenerno t iced Cinepl-ex was planned at one Waterloo is not exactly u time for downtown KitchenculturoI copitoIof the world; ” er, but city council vetoed it it’s .more like a wasteland. on the grounds that they The University is the main feared porno films would be ten tre for entertainment, shown there. That’s outside of hockey, OktoberKitchener-Waterloo for you.) fest, and similar disasters. There used to be an alternate-film theatre in The much-discussed Waterloo, but that Building is Centre in the Square, an arts now the home of the Majestic centre slated ‘for completion famed for its in 1980, may someday be able theatre, to draw more high-quality pathetic miniscule-budget porno flicks (with all the little dance, music and theatre euents to the community. In men sitting huddled with their hands in the pockets of their the meantime, though, short of heading off to Toronto or oversized raincoats.. .) _ The Gorge Cinema in Montreal, there. are some Elora (20 possibilities, euen here, for lovely commercial miles northeast of here) enthusiasts of the performing features older and specialarts... interest films, along with Theatre From May to October, the some newer films to help pay the rent. Among the Stratford Festival Theatre company offers the finest September shows: A Streetcar Named Desire drama productions in the September 5,1984September area, mainly from Shakes6, Julia September 21-2, and peare and other “classic” Rocky Horror September 28 authors-Chekhov, Ibsen, 30. Garcia Lorca. Technical On campus, there is the standards are high, as are weekly Cinema Gratis (free ticket prices (be& seats $12.50 and $14.50, $5 for films in the CC great hall, sometimes very good ones) some general-admission and the Fed Flicks in AL 116 shows in the small experimenevery weekend. September tal Third Stage). Closer to home, there’s not features Lord of the Rings (Sept. 7-9), Invasion of the much. There is no permanent theatre in the area (except at Body Snatchers (Sept. 14-16) Coming Home (Sept. 21-23) the University) with the result that plays are always being and Heaven Can Wait (Sept. 28-30). Go early if you want a performed in ridiculous seat. places like Victoria Park The Arts Centre also Pavillion, which has horrendous, acoustics and a sponsors an international film series, now in its third year. tawdry abandoned-building Among the films to be shown feeling to it. K-W Little are The Maltese Falcon, Theatre puts on its Bergman’s Smiles of a productions here-mostly Night, Throne of sex comedies,farces and Summer Blood (a Japanese Macbeth), musicals, with the occasional attempt at a “serious” play It Came from Outer Space in Was my like Hedda Gabler thrown in. 3-D, How Tasty a Brazillian The Arts Centre offers a Little Frenchman, film about cannibalism, and four-play theatre series this of the Revolution, year. The works are: Noel Bonaparte one of the world’s great silent Coward’s Blithe Spirit, a films. Also shown with each spoof of spiritualism, from the feature-length film is a short Shaw Festival, Billy Bishop subject, some of which are Goes to War, about the really dreadful. Canadian World War II’flying Prices are reasonable: a $2 ace, from Toronto’s Tarragon initial membership fee plus Theatre, Phoenix Theatre’s $1.50 per night, or the whole sex-filled restoration comedy, eleven-film series for $12 ($10 The Relapse, and William for students). Windom in a one-man show based on the works of James Classical Musii: Thurber. Fans of ‘classical music are Series tickets for these lucky: they have a fair range plays can be purchased for and number of events to $28 (students $22) but the choose from; series is expected to sell out The K-W Chamber Music very soon. A fifth production, Society offers a major series, Paper Wheat, from the 25th including the Stratford Street House Theatre in Ensemble (the resident Saskatoon, is also scheduled. chamber group), the Alban There are a few other plays Berg String Quartet from produced by high schools Austria, the Dalart trio (you know what those are (pianists) and Anton Kuerti, like), the Drama Group at the whose Beethoven concerts _University and other groups. were -a big success last year. Usually, though, the best bet Tickets for all ten of the is Toronto, if you’re looking events offered cost $39 ($28 for high-quality, year-round for students). Tickets can theatre. also be bought in a variety of Film combinations (5 piano All the movie theatres in concerts’ for $25, students Kitchener-Waterloo, except $19, for example) and there are also four music/dinner for the Odeon and OdeonHyland, are owned by events and three baroque Premier Theatres, with the concerts planned. result that when one film The K-W Symphony changes, they all change at, features pianist Ronald once. Also, the same shows Turini, violinist Gerard tend to hang around forever, Kantarjian, cellists Ifan while certain types-foreign Williams and Vladimir Orloff, and art films particularlyviolist Tom Wermuth, oboist run for three days -or never Richard Dorsey, clarinetist come at all. J. A. Martin Victor Sawa, Narciso Yepes has not yet played here. _ playing the lo-string guitar he (Incidentally, - a cinema invented, the National Arts




3, 1979. Imprint



Centre Orchestra,‘ and a number of guest conductors. Canadian Brass will also appear, and an evening with Monica Gaylord, a. pianist, will “evoke the supernatural,” whatever that means. The Symphony is also responsible’ for three Oktoberfest pops concerts, a Viennese ball, and appearances by the K-W Youth Orchestra directed by Jacqueline Richard. Prices vary but are quite reasonable, The Arts Centre offers a music series including Andre Gagnon, 18 Wheels, a musical about truckers, guitarist Liona Boyd and a Canadian folk band,Stringband, all for $24 (students $18). An odd mixture... There’s also a jazz ,series for $17.50 (students $13) and an English version of Rossini’s opera Cinderella for $10.50 (students $9). Last year, the Univer~ popular music program under Alfred Kunz was swept away amid much publicity, petitioning, and criticism from fans and participants. That’s cutbacks for you.. .Conrad Grebel, *one of the church colleges, has taken over the program and feels it will be able to offer just as much this year. We’ll see. Conrad Grebel is to organize- three choirs, all with members accepted by audition. The first meeting is tentatively scheduled for September 6. Call Conrad Grebel for more details. The University choir, with 60 or more voices, will perform Vivaldi’s Gloria under the direction of Leonard Enns. Wilbur Maust will be organizing a chamber choir of about 20 voices to do early music-madrigals, cantatas, etc. A chapel choir made up of people associated with Conrad Grebel sings in the chapel and in other churches’ at Sunday services. The music directors hope students will join to form small special-interest groups through the music department. There will be a concert band under the direction of George Holmes. As in the past, there will be a free noonhour recital series every second Wednesday at 12:30 p.m., in the Theatre of the Arts or at Conrad Grebel. The music department also plans at least two- major concerts, as-well as choir performances in co-operation with the K-W Symphony. Rock Music/Concerts Kitchener-Waterloo is notorious as the place where bands say they will come but never do, as Queen didn’t a few years back and Bob Seger more recently. The Memorial Auditorium (a blot in the landscape) is only one of the reasons why; it’s pretty lowclass, even as hockey arenas go. Kiss comes here, as does Supertramp; Genesis and Emerson, Lake and Palmer showed their faces a couple of years ago, but that’s about it. Fortunately, Toronto is not too far away... * Sometimes there are fairly decent bands like Chilliwack or Hott Roxx at some of the local hotels. Not often, though-mostly it’s pure

schlock. The Feds offer pubs at the overly-formal, hard-to-reach Waterloo Motor Inn: Downchild Sept. 12, Crawford Sept. 13, Segarini Sept. 14, David Wilcox Sept. 20, Teenage Head Sept. 27. Attendance varies widely at these pubs and’. you never know what to expect. Entrance prices are often much too high. During Orientation, there will be a number of free concerts at noon in the Orientation tent, beginning Sept. 10. Two major Fed-sponsored concerts are scheduled for the PAC-Max Webster and FM September 13 and Burton Cummings Sept. 20. Seating and acoustics in the PAC If you want high class entertainment you might have to go to Toronto. leave something to be desired Here Steve Martin plays a full house at Maple Leave Gardens late and you never know when July. “Come on, let’s get out of here..:iet’s go to K-Mart!” you’ll be kept waiting outside for an hour (as when The Arts Centre’s dance. September to May. AdmissHarmonium’ appeared last series is not as outstanding as ion is free. year) but the concerts There is an art gallery on last year’s, but about halfthe sometimes go over well, have already been Benton Street near King in tickets though they seldom make downtown Kitchener, but it’s sold. Toronto dance theatre, money. offshoot of the not always up to much. Fall a touring Bolshoi ballet, the ContemArt exhibits include Inuit art, porary. Dancers from There are quite a few shops Germanic art, and eastern Winnipeg, and Montreal’s Les in this area where you can buy / Canadian folk art, as well as Ballets Jazz will be featured. shows by individual artists. art, but very few galleries Series tickets are $26 ($20,for where you can simply look at ;+ Dance , students). IL. The community has its own The Dance department is The ubiquitous Arts Plus sponsoring a 12-week series Centre has a tiny gallery in the dance gr,oup, Dance which performs of hour-long discussions and foyer of the Theatre of fhe Four, dance performances, Arts with exhibits changing ‘sporadically but often quite including Indian dance, every month. A highlight of well. There’s also a repertory within the Renaissance dance, child: this year is an exhibit of 140 dance company dance department (which ren’s dance, and a showing of paintings and prints by Polish the film of the ballet of Romeo children, now on display in does an annual showcase) and JZet. Theseries-costs Toronto. the Renaissance dancers, and $12 in advance or $1.50 for Gallery hours ’ are’ 9-4 a delightful group called individual performances. Carousel, which performs for Monday to Friday all year, I---



come ifi and get lost among the 200,OOC Comic books, Science Fiction books ant records. __ joTQueen St: South, KITCHENEF,6kari6 Telephone: (519) 744-5571


The Arts


Part 1: The Question A war is a very conservatively run venture. Despite the implications of unrestrained agression and the supposed suspension of all rules of conduct, the advent of war brings with it a raft of accepted forms of behaviour covering such areas as What We think of Us, What We think of Them, Acceptable Ways to Kill People, Acceptable Ways to Be Killed, etc., etc. As a result of this predictability, it is possible to develop a. simple “war movie formula” which, with the proper names and locations added, consitutes a consistent, if somewhat ludicrous, picture of some aspect of life during any given conflict. Now suppose you’ve got a war where all of this predigested etiquette got chucked out the window. Nothing obeys the familiar patterns; the actions of Us, the actions of Them, the actions of the Folks Back Home, all combine to confuse rather than support in the *single-minded manner of the Traditional War. You have a conflict which illustrates old questions in such a way that the old answers just won’t do anymore. , So you come up with new answers, right? Not so fast, this isn’t a true or false quiz; answers are a lot harder to find than that. More than anything else, they need time, lots of time to be found. So how are you going to make a movie of this war? The formula movie? John Wayne tried that in 1968 and the result was the Green Berets. It accurately ‘reflected the war...as seen by Time magazine, perhaps. But it had nothing to do with Viet Nam. (By the way, did you know that Time named Adolf Hitler their Man of the Year in 1938? Another milestone in the history of group journalism...) Francis Ford Coppola has had lots of time to figure out how to make a movie of it. He and George Lucas first discussed the idea while both were in film school. Around 1971, Lucas took the idea and began work on a project, tentatively titled, “Apocalypse Now”. Coppola was busy with other things, most notably setting up a production company and directing a motion picture for Paraabout a Mafia mount chieftain. By 1975, Lucas dropped the project in order to work on a science fictionadventure epic of his own devising, and Coppola took over. It took on many shapes until Coppola decided to model it on the Joseph Conrad short novel, Heart of Darkness. Though set in of the late the Congo 1800's, and dealing with the ivory trade, its concern with humanity’s blacker side perfectly fit the film Coppola decided to make.

Marlon Brando as Kurtz who has been hired

tells of the horror of war to the man to murder him (Martin Sheen).

throw up, or set fire to the theatre, or hide in a corner and whimper, you should see it. First of all, if you don’t see it, one of the world’s best filmmakers wilI either go bankrupt, or be reduced to directing horror flicks for Roger Corman, or both. Secondly, regardless of whether you agree with Coppola or not, regardless of whether you think he’s a genius or a moron, you owe it to yourself to be exposed to a venture this vast. The nerve to make sheer something this colossal, this daring, dangerous, complex, intense, this bloody enormous is something to be impressed with andto be thankful for. The cinematography is always superb, from the dislocating and unsettling opening shot (wonderfully supported by the Doors song, “The End”) to the last scene, as a stoic stone head impassively observes the story’s inevitable conclusion. But at times it is more than superb, it is staggering for the menace and the insanity it presents. The battle scenes are superbly choreographed and executed, simultaneously revolting and .

enthralling atrocities

0 f:a

with the r. It i s an

performances are just what they should be. Martin Sheen, as an assasin sent into Cambodia to “terminate with extreme prejudice” a rogue Green Beret who has, ‘according to the reports, set, up his own kingdom, precisely conveys the thoughts of a highly perceptive and sensitive young man who has spent all of his adult life persuing such concepts “conviction”, all as “duty”, the things that break down in this type of war. Robert Duvall lends a psychotic edge to his of the Air portrayal Cavalry commander who aids Sheen en route to his destination, in a performance which would be almost laughable were we not made


amazing film that can instil1 both disgust at the slaughter taking place and thrill at the - dramatic actions of the men in combat; as if Star Wars and Auschwitz were combined and moved to Southeast Asia. Perhaps this is the film’s most admirable principle: to subordinate its own views in order to present all aspects of the-conflict; to realize that it is more important to fi nd reasons than to judge. The acting is so consistently excellent that there is little one can say about it. All of the



3, 1979. hprint


f could be anything but a it i s a comforting letdown. And yet it is not alternative to fear. His Quite the contrary, it is dreams show what he quietly shattering, even expects from reality, but more so than one could the reality he sees is too have h.oped. Brando bizarre for anything but a probably doesn’t say more dream. than forty lines in the The more he sees, the entire film, but those forty less any of it makes sense, lines are so intense, so .’ except for one thing. The concentrated that they man up the river, Kurtz, carry within them the key the man the insane ones are to and the explanation for calling insane. He’s the entire odyssey which intelligent, he’s effective, has,gone before. Which he’s-successful in the leads us 20 midst of failure, and yet he’s supposed to die. ‘He’s Part 3: The Answer the only man who seems to So how do you make a understand what’s going movie of this war? Simply on and he’s supposed to be put, you present the eliminated. His death must questions, then you give occur, and yet he may be the answers. the only man who You send a man up the understands why. river, ostensibly on a ; So the man reaches \ Kurtz, reaches the answers. But the answers are so simple, so horrible that ’ they are more intolerable than the questions were: they can’t be lived with. And so Kurtz wants to die. ‘And the answers are so clear, so bare-Kurtz refers to a “diamond bullet: piercing his brain-that they don’t just apply to this war, they apply to all wars. And we see that the Traditional War whose rules - this insane war ignores-the traditional war is no different from the insane one. The insane one’s insanity is simply more visible, because it is mission to kill, but also on closer to the answers, close a mission to learn, to enough that they can be understand. You show him seen by an intelligent man : all the dichotomies, all the in their midst. insanity: you show him All wars are insane. The bravery without courage rules of war are insane, the [for without fear there is etiquette of,war is insane; no courage), you show him but when this etiquette is sexual desire without the removed, and we see the desire for sex (perhaps elemental war-p’ure, more pleasure is to be had uncolored war, the war of from -thinking about it), Kurtz-we show -him men see for an YOU following - orders when no instant, blindingly black and fathomless, the depths orders are given. He sees to which mankind will laughter simply because reach. there are not enough tears. Kurtz saw the depths; He sees madnesssimply and Kurtz could not live because there is no chance of survival for the sane. He after seeing them. sees death simply because Steve Hull


to realize that people like this really exist, people who thrive in the midst of destruction. But however excellent the other performers, none can equal the devastating intensity of Marlon Brando as Colonel Kurtz, the reason for Sheen’s journey. For almost the first two hours of the film, we are bombarded with images of this man: photographs, tapes, documents; without ever meeting him. The anticipation of his appearance reached such an intolerable level that one can’t comprehend how his eventual appearance

Part 2: The Film Let’s straight should Even if even if

get one thing right off: yes, you go see the film. you don’t like it, you fall asleep, or

Deep in Cambodia, the walls is: “OUR

far up the river, is Kurtz’s hell. Spray-painted MOTTO: APOCALYPSE NOW”. The publicity

onto photo


is not a still

from the movie,

as this scene neveroccurs in the film.Photos supplied by United Artikts’


Audio Reflex AM/FM stereo receiver (delivers 20 ,watts power output--RMS) Audio Reflex turntable (auto return and belt drive) and twin Superscope speakers. We’ll match this 4-piece combination with anything you can find on the market at less than , $400 and beat it hands down.

receiver and came up with a sensational< pat kage deal by adding a smooth action A.G.S. turntable (its’ semi-automatic and

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Sen tine1 By: Richard Swift (The Development Education Centre) and Ernie Regehr n (Project Ploughshares) For those who view the ColdWararmamentsboom as a fading phenomena, Dubious Sentinel is must reading. This important prepared by The Kit, Edu’cation Development Centre and Project should Ploughshares, convince us we are far fr6m living in a world, where military expenditure$ and arms buildup&e a thing of the past. Throughout the world each minute of each day, one million dollars is spent on military forces and In addition, the weapons. frightening reality that the United States can destroy the U.S.S.R. 50 times over,





States 25 times, leaves wondering about sincerity and success the arms limitations agreements

one the of

The perpetuation and proliferation of armaments is a situation fhat understandably is somewhat overwhelming. Nonetheless, it is a reality which must be dealt with. Dubious Sentinel is an important work in this regard. It gathers subject matter from many areas to trace the connections between the buildup of arms with the inevitable consequences of unfulfilled human need, and increased world military aggression. As a 1977 United Nations report suggests, “Many of the problems faced by the world community, probleps of

relations and technology and so forth, are enhanced arxns


education, housing and many more, is delayed due to lack of resources.” Throughout the Kit the authors point out the enormous consequences of misplaced government priorities, which place the acquisition of armaments above badly needed social services. As the Kit suggest, “Many people of the Third World are mass experiencing * the de v a s t at i o n o f w a r without a shot ever being fired. For it is their needs for food, decen! housing, clean water, edtication and basic necessities of life itself that are being

neglected. In this sense the arms trade, the arms race and the whole military way of doing things are luxuries which we can no longer afford.” I. longer afford.” This concerns not only the Third World. Canadians themselves have little to be smug about. Recent government cutbacks in social services have coincided neatly with increased military spendDubious Sentinel ing.

documents both increased Canadian military spend; ing and the sale of Canadian military equipmerit throughout the world. Section III “Canadian And Military Spending Waste” provides a quick look at Canada’s present shopping list for military a list that hardware, should convince us that armaments are a priority -item for a country which often boasts, of its peacekeeping efforts. The

have a direct role in provoking*conflicts.” The likelihood of accidents with nuclear weapons constitutes an enormous danger. Commenting on the danger, a recent Stockholm Peace Research Institute Report says “accidents involving nuclear weapons are frequently occurring, on a worldwide average of once every few months. When one of these accidents wi:l actually iesult in the detonation of a nuclear

:he total is well over $6 3illion.” Paralleling the misuse of resources as cause for :oncern is the increased .ncidence and severity of :onflicts as weapons 3ecome more sophisticated Jnd abundant. Dubious Sentinel ,establishes clearly that increased armaments provide little in the way of international security, stating that ‘*Weapons themselves

designed ai an educational kit for schools, churches and community groups, Dubious Sentinel has enormous value for anyone concerned by the issue of armament-! and mi1itar.y buildup. -Anyone interoctal i111 n nhtcai ninrr 3U onnxr -+. vULUIAILl15 ti’vpI-‘y can do so at the WPIRG office in Physics 226 or through Ernie Regehr at Conrad Grebel Colleg .s. Phil Weller WPIRG

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\ Who Do You You Are? Alice Munro

Books’ Think





in Lives of Girls and Women. It happens, but too rarely for a writer of Munro’s talent. She could have done more. Lori Farnham

Attraction Blaise

A line from Alice Munro’s newest book, Who Do You Think You Are?, jumps to mind ai the perfect summary of Lunar “Treachery is Attractions: the other side of dailyness.” As Blaise puts it: “Two worlds exist. The one we create; it is ours alone‘, private and untranslatable. The other is always there; we do not control it. It has never changed; we can only discover it. There are gates to it everywhere‘, and sometimes the two worlds slide together.” This novel is about the inner worlds created by David Greenwood, an intelligent, but physically repellent boy growing up in the Everglades and later in Palestrti, an “almostnorthern city”-and the outer worlds of what seems an unusually treacherous existance. According to the author, Lunar Attractions is fiction in the mode of autobiography, but life was never lived.” Perhaps for that reasod, the whining, self-glorifying tone which mars so many autobiographical works is almost totally absent. David is conscious from the beginning of being “different.” He is fat and lethargic and weak, alienated from his classand his brash, mates brawny father, a furniture salesman. A solitary child, in love



myself clutching the same David moves toward,the door frame for support woman, expecting her to until the spasms passed pull a gun. “But of course and then I ran far from the that wasn’t it. The parked cars to lie in the favourite pastimes is bracelets tinkled violently grass under the sun and%to even before I could move’, reading his mother’s 1920 wait for the god to invade and in an instant I was British Atlas (the actual my blood.” confronting a lady with her year at that time is 19491, Lunar Attractions charts “a detailed evocation of a skirt held high and nothing and accuracy vanished world, precisely on underneath, and as in a with insight the violence’, the sex, the the thing to move me dream I was advancing, strangeness of the world, my hands open and ice deeply.” as seen by a growing boy. cold, advancing not for the As he gets older, David As David says, “I had becomes involved with throat but on that vision: spent most of my ten years fraudulent mind-reading, oh, I knew so suddenly between life-the sweaty, archeology (which he says everything, how the parts experience that I is like “being backstage”), and passions fitted and I sunshiny imagined ,most of my exposing the incompetence / swear it was a moment of classmates knew-and a of his high-school’s love-unashamed and long lunar night that I teacher/coach (and the inviolate and heedless of alone inhabited, and that consequence. Then my corruption of the whole anyone else, I was sure’, own small pistol went off system) and impersonating would call death.” Seen through the mail such in a loud report, doubling through Blaise’s eyes‘, persona as “the Great me over as she drspped her David’s vision makes White Hunter... the skirt the moment my Lunar Attraction a novel fingers touched her there religious zealot, and Kloop that vibrates with a secret, Gleep, Ultimate Alien.” an”PI she was gone and the inner life. Nothmg in tfiis novel is music came back louder Lori Farnham as it first appears to be. than ever and I found David’s first sexual encounter‘, with the alluring Laura Zywotko, turns into a nightmare when he realizes that SALES SERVICE PARTS LEASING Laura never existed, and New And Used Cars that “she” is being impersonated by her brother, Larry. Larry is later found murdered and David is the prime suspect; he is never charged, as ‘conflicting evidence keeps and the case is arising, G.L.C. 2 door basic never solved, though everyone has a favourite theory. Clark Blaise is ail expert in stripping away pretty polished surfaces and RX7S revealing something more 4 speed primitive‘, more threaten$9,995 ing underneath. The bizarre last scene of the 6! IMPORT CAR SPECIALISTS novel, for example, begins # :.. Just a 5 minute drive from the University as a triumph, as David’s on Westmount Road father has outlasted his a WESTGAGE MOTORS competition in the furni% WESTMOUNT ROAD BETWEEN ture business and is GLASGOW AND VICTORIA .,f holding a public celebrat744-2228 ion. Then one of the klw .?q#t?#m.m:,m employees;, whom David describes as like a “showgirl”, announces her inteniion to take over. She tells David she has the right to give orders to everyone now, even his mother‘, presumably because she is his father’s mistress.

ownmind.oneof his


Lunar Clark

3, 1979. Imprint

with mystery and tlie unknown, David learns to travel within worlds in his

If you are qinterested’in doing book, record, theatre or dance reviews, contact the Imprint in Ca’mpus Centre room 140, or call

Perhaps it is anly toward the end of a life that one is able to judge it, to look back over its course and pick out the outstanding moments, the kernel of truth, its living essence. That’s what Alice Munro tries to do in her latest book, Who Do You Think strangely bland, strangely You Are? It’s a collection of itrivial. There are a few ten short stories, charting of hilarious, moments in chronological order the cutting satire, as, for life of dreamy, rebellious example, when town Rose. dwe’llers are referred to as The stories carry the “those waffle-eating reader from Rose’s coffee-drinking aloof and childhood in Hanratty, knowledgeable possessors Ontario, a poor, ugly of breakfast nooks.” country town (with a All in all, though, several marvellous array of odd of these stories sound like characters), to high school, Mary to college, to marriage to a watered-down McCarthy in their cool, dry department store heir, to tone, which cancels out the an, affair with a friend’s passion, the pain, the anger husband, to a divorce, to Rose may really bd feeling living alone with her little and makes it difficult to daughter Anna, to a career believe in her emotions and of sorts in acting and their depth. teaching, , to various “Who Do You Think You attempts at happiness Are”, the last story, seems with other loves, and like an afterthought to finally full circle, back to justify the book’s title. It’s Hanratty to put her senile weak and rambling, stepmother in an old-age overly-ambitious in its home. attempt to tie everything In a collection withsuch together, nowhere near a wide range of time and being vintage Munro. place and characters, it’s natural that some of the There’s nothing here like pieces would come out Lives of Girls and Women, better than others. Here, little of its passion, its universality. Compared to it’s the stories dealing with that novel, Munro’s latest Rose’s childhood in Hanratty that seem the seems to show a diminmost real, credible in their ished talent, or ,less care very oddity, touching on in the writing. Or maybe, the fears and loves and like Erica Jong in Fear of Munro said preoccupations of a Flying, everything she had to say sensitive, qcqbstioning in her early books so well little girl. “Royal Beatings”, the that she left herself first story, deals with nothing for an encore but a reworking of old themes. Rose’s troubled relationYou get the feeling in ship wifh her stepmother, Flo, and her father’s Who’ Do You Think You intervention when Flo can Are that she has the skill no longer manage the girl. and articulateness to Munro captures perfectly say almost anything, and the sudden transformation yet she says so little. It’s in a way to read of the kitchen into a frustrating a book: you always have strange, hostile place, the feeling that in a Rose’s hysteria as her moment the surface of the father beats her, her subsequent fury, her tale will crack and you will resolve never, never to see some sort of illumination, of central truth as speak to them again, and her weakness when faced with a peace offering from Flo, a tray of sandwiches and tarts and cookies and chocolate milk. The delight and torment of first love is given beautifully sensitive treatment in “Privilege”, which tells the story of Rose’s crush on Cora, an older girl at her school. Munro dwells on Cora’s elegant dresses, her heavy hair, her scent, her painted nails, all sbjects of fascination for Rose. “When she (Rose] thought of Cora, she had the sense of a glowing dark spot, a melting centre, a smell and taste of burnt chocolate, that she could never get at.” “The strange coppery taste of longing and despair” which is so often a part of a young girl’s admiration tor an older idol is warmly portrayed here, intact in all its passion, like Rose’s later loves “the high tide; the indelible folly; the flash flood.” At least by comparison, Licensed under the stories dealing with Rose’s adult life seem













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The Arts




Z$ 1979. Imprint


- -.


ELP degenerated into silliness not long after their first album, and as a result there’s a great big gap left right in the middle (at least from my point of view) and as the kiddies ride up the escalator and reach the second floor, the majority of them are stepping to the right into that warm red a&a labelled Styx-Kansas-

Ultravox! Ha-Ha-Ha of Romance

A critic’s critic ripped my standard AM attack to shreds the other day when he sneeringly asked me to name a progressive rock band. I couldn’t. Yes and Genesis have, gone the way of all flesh;






7 nightsa



Dinner ’

Smorgasbord Dinner: $5.00 Dinner, served from 6:00 - 8:00 PM Features Bingemad’s Bavarian Chicken and Roast Pork and dressing









Foreigner-Supertramp. So here we are at the edge of the ‘80’s, creeping rot is taking over the FM band and (hell, let’s pull out all the stops here) the Sex Pistols have broken UP. So, with a view to not insult your intelligence unnecessariry, may I suggest a teeny step to the left. where one of the first things you’ll come across that looks at all interesting is Ultravox. There are so many interesting new acts around today it seems *incredible that people are saving money to buy the next Eagles album. But then, one often doesn’t like to pick up’ discs unheard, unrecommended by Endling partners or good jawfriends. Nevertheless, nothing is safe: as witness’ the second albums by The, Cars, Boston, and Gerry Rafferty. (If you disagree at this point, you might as well go off and look at the, nice graphics. I’ve given up trying to convert the great unwashed and am concen-

Last year over

trating on that small on their latest, Systems of percentage who may fee! Romance (available on one vaguely unsatisfied with a‘ of Antilles’ budget labels, record collection growing so none of this silly $9.98 nonsense) are in size but shrinking in , list. price number of albums they very reminiscent of midactually feel like hearing period Roxy Music, about again.) the time of Country Life. I considered writing this But again, I’ve lost review from the usual everyone. Okay, it’s good intellistandpoint of assuming gent *music - lots of nice your audience knows all about the group by their hooks, interesting counterpoint with a lead violin, third album, but of the hundred or so people I and good sblid rhythms.’ know at university, only Ultravox is the first-band t,wo have Ultravoxm I’ve heard that uses albums, and the fact that synthesized percussion to its fullest without they both rave about the sounding sterile and group doesn’t help, for to others they still look like mechanical. Like most one of those cult groups it’s groups tending towards better to stay away from. the avant-garde, they can’t avoid elements of decay So how do I sell these guys and rigidity creeping into to you? their visions of latter-day Well, they’re . a sight society, but it’s done in a more accessible than much convincing and thoroughly of the Lou Reed/Brian Eno eerie manner. It doesn’t intellectual art-rock being make you sit back in put out these days. If you disgust or boredom, but put Eno and, say, The Cars holds your attention. It has on a spectrum, Ultravox great lyrics, melodies (I’ll would land about midway stack up “The Wild, the between the two, exactly and the Damned” where Roxy Music used to Beautiful against anything contembe. In fact, the opening cuts porary) and just enough unusual techniques to make it interesting. Their first album (Ultrgvox!) was produced by Brian Eno, and is the first album I’ve heard produced by that erstwhile gentleman (Devo and Bowie notwithstanding). It came out in early 1977. The second, Ha!Ha!Ha! was for some reason not released in this country and is available only on import. This is a shame, as

it dontains some of their best material, including possibly the most haunting an_d evocative cut that New Wave has produced. The ultimate post-atomic trip would be to read J. G. Ballard’s Terminal Beach in an empty concrete room lit by a single fluorescent bulb while listening to “Hiroshima, mon Amour” (last song, second side.) I haven’t dared try it yet, though a reasonable substitute is to turn out the lights and watch the amplifier LED dance, around. (Vow to myself: never use the term New Wave again. It doesn’t mean anything. Use “fringe music”, which has the, advantage of including material like Kate Bush or George Thoroughgood and The Destroyers.) If you want to test the ‘water before jumping in, I believe two of the best cuts from Systems (Slow Motion/Dislocation) have been released as a single. This group is recommended to all, especially those with tastes in the Fripp-Eno-ManzarieraCale range. But if you think fringe music stops at Elvis Costello .and Joe Jackson, hell, maybe you can’t take it. What a legacy for Homo hydrogensis: meet beneath the/autumn lake where only echoes penetrate walk through Polaroids of the past features fused like shattered glass the sun so low turns our silhouettes to gold hiroshima mon amour

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The Ajcts Joni

Mitchell Mingus

interest: no great insight, no vision of life, not even the. brittle word games of ?The result of the collaboration of two Ladies of the Canyon break artists, even great artists, the monotony of simple isn’t always great art, words and forced-rhymes. especially if their work is One example, from “The as Joni Dry Cleaner from Des as disparate and Charles Moines,” about playing the Mitchell’s Mingus’. slot machines: “He got Mingus, a well-known ,three oranges/Three American jazz musician, a lemons/Three cherries/ “musical mystic” in Three plums/I’m losing my Mitchell’s words, died taste for fruit/Watching the dry- cleaner do it/Like January 5 after a long Midas in a polyester illness. During the last Mitchell worked suit/It’s all luck!/It’s just year, frantically to finish the luck!/You get a little lucky project-putting words to a and you make a little number of Mingus’ money!” melodies and recor’diig Mitchell has great them-before his death. difficulty singing these “I was trying to please songs. Her loire for the Charlie and still be/true to music is obvious, but her myself,” Mitchell says in voice just doesn’t &ake it the liner notes. The album here. It always sounds is a monument to the forced, twisted out of difficulty of welding two shape, constrained so that .highly idiosnycratic the natural ease and flow it styles. It’s like putting on has on her other albums is badly-fitting clothes: too gone: She sounds like much here, not enough someone trying to twist there, too loose, too tight. her mouth to the strange of a foreign The strain really shows. shapes Mingus wrote the music language. for four of the six songs, There’s a sameness while Mitchell provided about all the songs, even the lyrics. This may the two written by account for the forced Mitchell. These two-“God rhythms of the words, Must Be a Boogie Man” and which don’t fit the music as ‘*The Wolf that Lives in they do in Mitchell’s own Lindsey”-push the directcompositions. They -seem ion she took on “Donjuan’s almost an afterthought Reckless Daughter” to the here, ’ Mitchell’s raison extreme, so that she sounds like a parody of d’etre in this project, her justification. I herself. -And they’re so inane. In her espousal of Mitchell’s words have justice, Mitchell unknowalways been as good an her ingly conveys the impresssometimes ion that she feels guilty for . melodies, better, printed for not being black, for not examination as if they having been “oppressed” were poems. And they enough, for not having have the. qualities of a good suffered enough: ‘A bright poem: terseness, economy, star/In a dark age/When clarity, vividness. She, the bandstands had a could make you see, not thousand ways/Of refusonly -landscapes and ing a black man admisspeople, but feelings, ion/Black musician/in mindscapes, impressions, those days they put him in lifestyles, attitudes, pain, an underdog position/ experience-anything she Cellars and chittlins’.” wanted to write about. She There are some triumphs had a tremendous strengh on the album: the wry, and honesty, a visionary gentle good humour of lucidity. Her words were’ some of the songs, the poems. “raps” taken from studio That’s all changed on tapes of Mingus talking about luck, God, moneyMingus. The words are and particularly the of minimal often silly,



stuck in the sun like four paintings, Mitchell’s< own, which illustrate the dinosaurs in shrines/Then album. it11 know the time has come The paintings are. rich to give what’s mine.” “PcahontaS” is kind of a n d varied, full of disappointing until one allusions and symbols, the to Boft vibrant colours of a realizes that a reference Chagall, the starkness of Marlon Brando is a wry Georgia O’Keeffe, and the quip and not an incident of personal vision of Mitchell name-dropping. painting -Mingus, herself, All in all a beautiful her songs. She calls the series of songs with some haunting melodies-I album a collection of “audio paintings” and in especially liked the her pictures manages to t ‘ahhing’ in “Ride My paint music-a rich crossLama”, which is reminisfertilization, as it has cent of a similarily delicate always been for her. Her moment in the Beatles, “A Day in the Life”. . , ” paintings get richer, Side Tw.0 is amore stronger and better all the driving set, recorded live time. Too bad the same (if memory serves correctly) isn’t always true of her with Crazy Horse. “Welfare albums. ’ Mot hers” is a very hadI suspect this album isn’t (almost ‘punkish’) rock song vintage Mingus. I know it with the outrageous isn’t vintage Mitchell. comment that “Welfare What it risks becoming is mothers make better one of those strange lovers.” mythological beasts, part Perhaps the most impreshuman, part animal, sive tune on the side is something less than either which of its creators. And that’s a “‘Powderfinger”, brings together the hard feel terrible waste of the -of some of the songs, and the energy of a dying man and deft lyricism of the others. a woman of heart and mind. Lori Farnham


Neil Never


3, 1979.


A rather oblique image of a young man being shot by armed men from a “white boat ‘cornin’ up the river”, it seems to reveal more with every listening, which 1 think is the mark of a really great song. Indeed, the entire album embodies Young’s unique ability to* create a stong pricture with is words, his music, and the strength of emotion in his singing. The closing and opening album tracks, “My My, Hey Hey (Out of the Blue)” and “Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)” are mirror images of each other, reflecting the two sides of Neil Young’s songwriting. Since, as indicated earlier, he is eiminetly capable of writing in either a rock or folk style, both tracks are tremendously powerful pieces of music. In particular, the phrase, “It’s better to burn out hat it is to rust”, illustrates not only Young’s brilliance as a writer, but his strength as an artist, since he’s not likely to do either. lohn Meimbecker

Young Sleeps

In a world of disco and one-hit wonders; artists of Neil Young’s longevity are really exceptional. Ty, add that this kind of career was , built by an appparently epiliptic-diabetic fragile makes on appreciate his endurace all the more. Perhaps feeling that Young is the only m successfully-adapted remnant of the Woodstock era-Crosby, Stills and Nash are themselves good examples of old groovers gone to seed-biases this review, but I cannot escape the conclusion, that Neil Young has presently got to be the best songwriter in rock music, and that this position is consolidated by this album. Side One is a basically acoustic set high-lighted a little bY “Thrasher”, nature epic science vs. with some neat apocalyptic touches. “When the ,trahsers come and I’m





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Canada’s harsh import duty for Classical music has a long uneven, with pops and crackles American label to contend with is tradition of intimidating recordclassical records. As a result, such being the main problem. Angel’s RCA. At unappealing prices, one buyers and potential concert-goers fine labels as Telefunken, Decca budget label, Seraphim, has a few may wonder why these records from lavishing great gobs of and Argo (all London imports) are nice things that are worthwhile at stay on the market, plagued as money on recordings and live F now almost impossible to find at $3.00 or $4.00 a disc. the,y are by. warps, crackles, dirty performances made available to less than $10.00 a disc. When they surfaces, and thin, harsh American Columbia or CBS the public at. large. If the notion are on sale, however, they’re recordings. (It would be fair to discs are also of uneven quality. usually worth snatching up. that such music be too academic Sometimes their releases are quite mention, however, that RCA’s or “long-haired” for consumption French Erato is quite reliably Angel records are American good, but it is not unusual to get by the average music-listener good, though fairly expensive.) pressings of English EMI records with warps, swishes, actually were justified, then what recordings. These are quite annoying background noise, or Any record buyer willing to go better reason could one find for acceptable at about $5.00 per strange milky substances that to a bit of trouble will find it amassing an impressive collection disc, but hard to justify at higher adhere to the record surface. unnecessary to ever pay the full of works, thus instantly prices. EMI imports are closer to Fortunately the most interesting list-price for any record simply by indentifying oneself as a member $10.00 a disc, and lately the CBS releases are few in number. paying careful attention to record of the illuminati, the cognoscenti, pressing quality has been very Without a doubt, the worst sales. Similarly someone who is the intellectual elite... On the flip side of the argument, if the notion were false, then there would be no excuse for depriving oneself of a great wealth and variety of classical music dating anywhere from several centuries ago up to the present. The hardest problem for the classical record-buyer is to decide (who has since moved to New Boom, Crash Orchestral Stuff what he (or she, etc) is interested York). Once a bit of familiarity with Once the somewhat artificial in, and what is to be classfied as The next most popular music genres has been distinction of “symphonic dross. What causes further established, then we are ready to blockbuster” is discarded, we can SYW?hOnieS are Probably complications is the inevitable Tchaikovsky’s Fourth, Fifth, investigate works of a similar or consider symphonic works in altering and broadening of one’s and Sixth. Any one of these can complementary nature. general. this includes music from taste. One of the most popular genres Wolfgang Mozart’s period-the , be had conducted’bY either If we assume an ideal novice-a labelled late eighteenth century-up to the Karajan or Claudio Abbado, potential classical enthusiast with .is unaffectionately another important conductor “symphonic blockbusters”. Such present. Music preceding this a bit of money burning in his delving into the recorded medium. works are, in theory, period, that is, Baroque and eager hands, a prejudice-free ’ Abbado uses the London by great ‘. Renaissance music, is almost _ musical taste, and little or no idea characterized Symphony Orchestra (LSO) and successions of crescendos, brass exclusively chamber music of where to start spending his the Vienna Philharmonic (VPO) fanfares, kettle drums and lots of requiring a small number of money-then we are posed with for these symphoniesboth firstloud noises designed solely to heat performers. the curious and challenging task rate orchestras. Karajan uses the your blood and wet your collar. At the centre of symphonic of advising him where to place his BPO, which he inherited in the That is, only in some cases, a music, and indeed a the centre of first step. 1950’s upon the death of its all classical music is Ludwig van Exposure to a variety of musical gross distortion. former conductor, Wilhelm One case in point is Beethoven (1770-1827), whose forms can be obtained from Furtwangler. Karajan has since Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture. effect on Romantic music (that of radio, concerts, and “festival of built the BP0 into the finest Peter,- Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) the nineteenth century) is hits” or compilation albums, which ’ orchestra around today, and he is, was a famous homosexual who immeasurable. An excellent are generally available at bargain with rare exception, the only . committed suicide by drinking the introduction is the most popular rates. Friends with classical conductor who records with it. water in St. Petersburg. The symphony of” all: the Fifth. records, trustworthy record Naturally the ensemble, overly-popular and much-recorded Unfortunatly the work does suffer clerks, stereo magazines, such as precision and senstivity of an from over-exposure, so perhaps overture was considered a Gramophone and “Basic Record are not the only potboiler even by Tchaikovsky the superior Ninth Symphony is orchestra Library” lists, such- as the one that determine the a better choice. A number of good considerations advertised by the Schwann . * himself. Despite this, and the strength of a performance: the problems caused by his music recordings are available: either Record & Tape Guide, are good interpretation of a work (as a being the source of nearly.every Karajan’s older 1962 account due sources of suggestions. function of tempi, dynamics, and Snap, Crack,e, pop romantic musical cliche in to be re-released soon, or his so on) isthe responsibility of the -_ _ existence, there is much of his newer 1977 account (2DG 2707 Before the wary consumer conductor, who ultimately colours rushes out to fill his wheelbarrow a performance exciting, with attractively-packaged bundles melancholy, anxious, noble, of pressed vinyl, he should decide romantic, or whatever. As a what his needs are, and what his consequence, the finest orchestra budget will permit. may, under the “wrong” For anyone with a “good” conductor, not provide the most stereo-that is, one with pleasing performance. Similarly, a reasonably honest reproduction, conductor may have his “off” days regardless of its so-called wattage, so one cannot always expect, say, or power output-one of the best Karajan and the BP0 to give the record bargains available is the best results, no matter how good Deutsche Grammophon (DG) they often be. series: their catalogue is . In the case of these enormous; the performers on symphonies, and of other contract are many of the best frequently recorded works, it is available in the world; their impossible to definitively offer a recording technique is of a high “best” choice when there are standard; their pressings are obviously so many with their own impeccable; and, with luck, one valid and appealing character. can often find them on sale for no Continuing with popular more than $6.00 per disc. symphonies, we come to Antonin Philips records, imported from Dvorak’s New World Symphony ,Holland rather than Germany, are (his Ninth Symphony). Again, in the same‘class, though their Giulini has an excellent version catalogue is not nearly as available (DG 2530 881), as do impressive. Both record labels, several other conductors. No less incidentally, are owned by Polydor important are his Eighth and International. work worth investigating (and 109) are recommendable, and so Seventh Symphonies, the latter For the beginning record-buyer mentioned below). is the considerably cheaper 1958 available in a very dramatic in Canada, an even better deal is Other famous blockbusters recording by Ferenc Fricsay on account by Colin Davis DG’s Resonance series. These are include Modest Mussorgsky’s Resonance (2535 203), which has conducting the Amsterdam older DG recordings, generally of Night on Bald Mountain and the advantage of being squeezed Concertgebouw Orchestra on high quality, which are being reNikolas Rimsky-Korssakoff’s onto a single disc. All three Philips 9500 132. espagnol and his versions use the BPO, and differ released and pressed in Canada at Capriccio The symphonies of Johannes Russian Easter Overture. these more in recording quality than the new Columbia plant, under Brahms, Robert Schumann and last three, together with the supervision of DG engineers. in strength of performance. Franz Schubert are also worth Alexander Borodin’s Polovtsian The pressing quality of these The two other important oddconsideration, and, in the early surrogate Canadian DGs very Dances, are available on an numbered symphonies are Seven pre-Romantic or Classicist period, closely approaches that of the excellent disc by the Chicago and Three-the Third especially there are the later symphonies of Symphony Orchestra (CSO) because of a staggering new regular DG imports, and, so long Mozart and Haydn. under Daniel Barenboim: DG 2536 release by Carlo Maria Giulini as their introductory price of Among the late romantics, one conducting the Los Angeles under $4.00 is maintained, these 379. finds Anton Bruckner (1824-1896), discs will remain highly Philharmonic (DG 2531 123). a profoundly religious man whose recommendable. Finally, there is Ottorino Giulini, well-known and respected symphonies, beautiful and At the sa,me time, a Canadian Respighi’s Pines of Rome, a as a conductor, has only in the impressive though they may be, fascinating and exciting work past few years begun to make a surrogate Philips label called are often labelled excessive and available in a fine performance with number of recordings for DG, Festiuo is being pressed at the over-indulgent-though in contrast Herbert von Karajan conducting the same plant. nearly all great successes. Lately to some Russian composers like The reason for these new series Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra he has taken over the LA Tchaikovsky and Sergei is, no doubt, partly an effect of (BPO) on DG 2531 055. Philharmonic from Zubin Mehta Rachmanioff, he is positively



3, 1979. Imprint


building a collection, has a poor stereo, or wants to get good classical exposure at a low cost, may find budget labels such as Turnabout and Nonesuch worth investigation. These labels may also often offer recordings of more obscure works not available on the bigger labels. Disclaimer-: the albums recommended in this article are by no means intended as ultimate choices for recording? of the works listed, but are merely provided as good, reliable suggestions fog the inexperienced classical record buyer.

musk ascetic. At any rate, his Eighth and Ninth Symphonies under Karajan (ZDG 2707.085 and DG 2530 828) are recommendable. The epithet “indulgent” is morefrequently applied to Gustav Mahler ( 1860- 191 l), whose nine symphonies close the Romantic period as Beethoven’s opened it. Mahler’s extravagances will not appeal to everyone, but to those he does, his works are irresistable. Das Lied von der Erde, his unnumbered symphony, is likely his most accessible work, and an unbeatable version of it is on Resonance (2535 184) with Eugen Jochum conducting the Concertgebouw, and Nan Merriman and Ernst Haeflinger singing the accompanvins text. As impressive in a different vein is his “Resurrection” Symphony, the Symphony Number 2, with Abbado conducing the Chicago Symphony and Chorus, and with Marilyn Horne as Mezzo-soprano (2DG 2707 094). Finally, and.most important, though it requires some getting used to, is the Ninth Symphony, which Giulini has recorded with the Chicago Symphony (2DG 2707 097). As we move more into the twentieth century, we encounter Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel, Igor Stravinsky, Bela Bartok, Arnold Schoenberg, Alban Berg, Serge Prokofiev, Dimitri Shostakovich, Richard Strauss and altogether too many others. Certainly Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring (Abbado, DG 2530 635) must be heard, as must Debussy’s La Mer (Bernard Haitink, Philips 9500 359). We can sample Karajan’s recordings of the Prokofiev Symphony Number 5 (DG 139 040) or the Shostakovich Tenth (DG 139 020),) or Andre Previn’s recordings of various Shostakovich symphonies. On Columbia we have several superlative performances conducted by Pierre Boulez, . works by Bartok (The Wooden Prince, Bluebeard’s Castle), Schoenberg (Gurrelieder, Moses and Aaron), Stravinsky and others. .


Not Quite So Orchestral Stuff Also orchestral in nature are concerti, that is, works for orchestra and solo instrument. Traditionally the role of the orchestra is reduced here to that of accompaniment, as they were generally written by the soloist for the purpose of demonstrating his virtuosity. In the case of Beethoven’s Third, and Fifth Concerti Fourth however one isPiano scarcely a’ware of this (in striking contrast to Paganini’s Violin Concerti). Several good performances of these concerti are available with such notable pianists as Vladimir Ashkenazy (continued overleaf...)

Records Feature\




were no large orchestras; the works are his various “lieder”. for (on London or Decca), Alfred Not Orchestral . piano and voice. Baritone Dietrich Brendel (on Philips) and Stephen symphony, as developed by Stuff At All Fischer-Dieskau and the late Rishm \---(also- on Philips). Haydn, did not truly exist, and ------r pianist Gerald Moore had made ignoring vocal music, the only If we slide ever so discreetly A word of warning to would-be other m&Cal form to speak of into the topic of chamber music in’ something of a career of recording Karaj’an enthusiast>: Karajan’s was the sonata. general, then we encounter Bach’s these for DG. At least a sampling, concerto recordings are often The four major figures of the Sonatas for Violin and such as the Schone Mullerin lacklustre or worse because he tail end of the Harpsichord, of which a dazzling cycle (DG 253_0 544) should be may seek out a spineless soloist in period-the seventeenth century and the first performance by Eduard Melkus considered. order to transfer the task of The String Quartets - of interpreter to himself. Not so, Johann and Huguette Dreyfuss exists on , half of the eighteenth-are Debussy, Ravel, Bartok, Sebastian Bach, George Frederick Archiv @ARC 2708 032). however, in the case of the Schoenberg and Berg will be of Handel, Antonio Vivaldi, and A little harder to classify as Tchaikovsky First Piano varying degrees of interest to Georg Philipp Telemann. Bach chamber music are Bach’s Organ Concerto he recorded in 1962 corresponding tastes. The and Handel, both born in 1685, Concerti for solo organ. An with the Viennd -Sy&mphony were organists, whereas Vivaldi excellent account by Karl Richter Debussy and Ravel quartets, both Orchestra and pianist Sviatoslav was a violinist, and they is on ARC 2533 170. The violin important works, can be had Richter (DG 138 822). The two composed primarily for their own s partitas and countless keyboard together on a superlative record are almost at odds with one by the Quartetto Italian0 on another, and the results are most instruments. Bach and Handel works should also be of interest. Philips 853 361. w&e also largely responsible for Handel was not nearly as interesting. Also recommendable The Bartok quartets are the elevation of the keyboard from careful in writipg his music down, is his 1976 version with Lazar ‘ihe minor role of continua (an and very little of it survives except available on an excellent but Berman, another famous Russian impossibly expensive Telefunken pianist (DG’2530 677). egrandized metronome’) to that of in sketches-this in contrast to Both Brahtis’ Diana concerti are worthwhile, but the Second is especially so. On Angel there is Barenboim’s accou$ (as pianist) with Sir John Barbirolli conducting the New Philharmonia Orchestra (S-36526). B arenboim’s versatility as both a pianist and a conductor is quite astonishing, and apparently unequaled in this age of virtuosity. The late Sir John Barbirolli was a very fine English conductor, and many of his old recordings on EMI and Angel are a good investment. On DG there is Abbado’s VP0 rendition with Maurizio Pollini at the keyboard (2530 790). Abbado and Pollini are old chums, and they play well together, but it is apparent that Pollini is most comfortable with music that is less ’ unabashedly romantic-even _“. Chopin or Schubert. There is also ~ ;&g. an excellent 2 LP set containing ip,“~“‘” ,I _ both concerti, with Emil Gilels at t3xq Frictdrich Ekdel . the piano, accompanied by the BP0 under Jochum (2DG 2707 , 064). ?& Chopin’s First Piano * Concerto is a good bet with the 1960 recording of the eighteen year-old Pollini accompanied by Paul Kletzki and the Philharmonia Orchestra on Seraphim (S-60066), d or with the 1979 recording of + Krystian Zimerman with the LA Philharmonic under Giulini (DG 2531 125). Rachmanioff’s Third Piano Concerto is completely +s exuberant and romantic. A the meticulous Bach. What are of set, but the Tokyo string quartet thrilling performance by Berman is a recognized solo instrument. interest are the various flute is in the process Of releasing these on Cqlumbia (M34540), with the Bach’s concerti for violin, sq;atas, and the eight ., works for DG, of which the first LSO conducted by Abbado. harpsichord, organ and various Harpsichord Suites. The latter album, containing the second and Pianists Ashkenazy and Tamas other sundry instruments and sixth quartets, is already available Vasary are also responsible for are available on two separate combinations of them are all of laudable recordings (on London discs of four- suites performed by* (DG 2530 658). = interest. Groups that have done For the wise and the brave, Colin Tilney on 2ARC 2533 168/g. and DG, respectively) of all four highly acclaimed performances of there is a purportedly soon-to-be Another important figure, Rachmaninoff piano concerti. these works include: The deleted-5 LP set of string quartets Telemann is possibly best An important disc with both-the Academy of St. Martin-in-theby Schoenberg, Berg, and Anton Prokofiev Third Piano Fields (on Argo), the Vienna represented by a collection of his Webern-commonly known as the Concerto and Ravel’s Piano Concentus Musicus (on various Musiques de Table.Concerto performed by Martha Harpsichord enthusiasts should “Second Viennese School”Telefunken), and thd Munich-Bach Domenico Scarlatti’s performed by the LaSalle Quartet Argerich with Abbado and the Orchestra (on Archiv-a DG subinvestigate massive output of sonatas, a good (5DG 2720 029). For anyone who BP0 is on DG 139 349. label). Performances of Baroque sampling of which is performed by learns to enjoy the atonal Finally, with a plug for Bartok, music done by large orchestras like the BP0 are available, but the his cataloguer, Ralph Kirkpatrick, romaticism of this group, this set there is a disc on Philips with is a must. Steph_en Bishop and the LSO on ARC 2533 072. effect is often ludicrous or A final recommendation is a under Colin Davis performing the Inevitably we return to uncomplimentary to the writing, collection of Stravinsky chamber very exciting and representative Beethoven and his piano sonatas. and so they are not generally Many compilation albums are music on DG 2530 551 performed First and Third Piano Concerti. recommended. For enthusiasts of the violin, the The same notes hold for the available by artists like Barenboim, by the Boston Symphony Chamber Players. concertos worth considering are keyboard concerti of Handel and Wilhelm Kempff, Ashkenazy, Brendel, Bishop, Gilels, Anton those of Beethoven, Brahms, Jean the .400-odd concerti of Vivaldi. stuff with siwm! Kuerti, and so on, and so forth. Sibelius, Berg, Stravinsky, The Academy (ASMF) is *noted and Stuff Some are brilliant; most are Tchaikovsky, Schoenberg, Edward for its characteristic light, sensitive competent. Naturally, of the 32 Elgar, Felix Mendelssohn, and touch-though it is by no means -’1ne worla’ ’ orr‘ vocal ’ music. Bartok among others. For the undramatic or airy-fairy. The sonatas, the last several are the cdeserves more space, but a few cello, there are Elgar’s Cello Concentus Musicus generally ’ most important, but they are rjointers will suffice in this Concerto with Jaqueline DuPre nearly all enjoyable. The rest of instance. works with a smaller group of n 3, and conductor Barbirolli on Angel instrumentalists, and.it is known Beetnoven ‘s’ cnamPer ’ music The most importaht and bestoutput IS, ot course, also of loved large scale vocal works are (S-36338), Ernst Bloch’s for its use of so-called “original? interest. prdbably: Handel’s Messiah, Schelomo, a “Hebrew Rhapsody instruments and techniques, thus for Cello and Orchestra”, with giving it a unique, rich and often Chopin’s piano music has Bach’s Mass in b Minor, cellist Mstislav Rostropovich and fiery sound. Most other chamber been well-served on record by Mozart’s Requiem, and conductor Leohard Bernstein and orchestras fall in between these many pianists. Two exceptional Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis, the Orchestre National de France two extremes. discs by Maurizio Pollini should Hector Berlioz’ Requiem, on Angel (S-37?56), and the cello receive particular attention: that of Giuseppe Verdi’s Requiem, and One particularly good disc with concerti of Dvorak and Camille the ASMF under Neville Marriner the 24 Preludes Opus 28 on DG Brahms’ German Requiem. Saint-Saens. is a recording of Vivaldi’s Four 2530 550, and that if the Etudes In the case of the Handel and At last we must skip back to Seasons on Argo (ZRG 654) that Opera 10 and 25 on DG 2530 the Bach, the most the Baroque period, for here a 291 (Yes, believe it or not, the recommendable versions .are by has at least a slight edge over the ASMF under Marriner, on large portion of music is in the every other good performance of plural of “opus” is “opera”). Argo (D18D 3 3LP) and Philips form of chamber concerto. There these famous violin concerti. Schubert’s most representative 1


3, 1979. Imprint


(6769 002 3LP) versions are by the ASMF under Marriner, on Argo and Philips, respectively. The ASMF also offers a version of Mozart’s Requiem, but it has a rough time comparing with Karajan’s (DG 2530 705). Many awesome performances of the Missa Solemnis exist-it is a major work on the scale of the Ninth Symphony. Two of the best are Jochum’s (Philips 6799 001 2LP) and Giulini’s (Angel S-3836 ‘2LP). Colin Davis is the great Berlioz interpreter, and his version of the Requiem (Phillips 6700 019 2LP) is justifiably a standard. The classic Verdi Requiem performance is by Giulini, and dates from 1964. Abbado, however, has recorded it, and, when it is finally released, it may prove to be the champion. At last, Barenboim’s debut DG recording of the German Requiem (2DG 2707 066) is probably the best around. Other vocal works of major importance are Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem, Bruckner’s Te Deum, Vivaldi’s Gloria, and

Claudio Monteverdi’s ‘Vespers. For those with a taste for opera, there are to consider Gioacchino R ossini’s Barber of Seville, Beethoven’s Fidelio, Georges Bizet’s Carmen, Giacomo Puccini’s La Boheme, Jacques Offenbach’s La Vie Parisienne, and, for the strong of heart, Richard Wagner’s Gotterdammerung, Richard Strauss’ Salome, Bartok’s Bluebeard’s Castle, Schoenberg’s Moses and Aaron, and, the major opera of the twentieth century, Berg’s Wozzeck.


Illiterate Ramblings

Naturally the best place to be purchasing classical records is not Waterloo. In Toronto the best places to get records cheap are A&A and Sam the Record Man, both on Yonge street, just north of Dundas. = Mail order records are available from Andre Perrault, 1700 rue des Cascades, Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec, J2S 351, and, in England, The Long Playing Record Ltd., Squires Gate Station, Approach Blackpool, FY8 2SP. The latter is a resource only in emergencies, for import rates are quite high In K-W, the cheapest way to get classical discs is by orde,ring them through Thee Record Store in the Campus Centre. The Flip Side record shop in Westmount Plaza used to have a good selection of recor-ds at reasonable prices, but their stock has since deteriorated. George Kadwell Records in _ Waterloo Square has a good selection of discs, but their prices are unjustifiably high. At last count, the same note held true fol’ Music World in Fairview Plaza. Visits to the Sam’s outlet in Kitchener are invariably disappointing, and the A&A franchise in Market Square is almost as bad. There is a decent record store in Conestoga Mall, but it is so inaccessible as to be

At Last! For the classical neophyte, several accessories may be useful: a musical dictionary, a musical encyclopedia, a S-chwann-I Record and Tane Guide. a Gramophone Clas’sical Ca talbgue for special European import listings, the occasional purchase of a variety of stereo magazines( Gramophone, Fugue, Stereo Review, Records and Recording, High Fidelity etc ad nauseam), and the Penguin Stereo D-,--J ne:LuIu



All this with the predictable warning against critical opinion: don’t trust anyone-not even your own mother. f Oscar Nierstrasz



3, 1979. Imprint

K-W area willhave goodsports In terms of spectator sports, one doesn’t have to look far for exciting action in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. Believe me, some of the best games you’ll see this year will probably take place in the PAC, at Seagram’s Stadium, at the Kitc’hener Memorial Auditorium, and on your TV set. For the amount of excitement the University of Waterloo Warriors or the Kitchener Rangers can provide you with, the price of the ticket is a real bargain. The Warriors football team, while not strong contenders for the College Bowl, are definitely worth taking a look at. Their home games are played at Seagram’s Stadium on Saturday afternoons. For those living on or near campus, the Stadium is only a short walk -away, one block west of Albert on Seagram Drive. Admission last year was free if you were smart enough to pick up a complimentary season ticket (good for free Warriors admission to basketball as well!). It’s about a dollar otherwise. The Warriors Band, is always on hand to stir up the crowd and provide entertainment at halftime (sometimes). All in all, taking a Saturday afternoon off to watch the Warriors go head to head against Laurier, Guelph, or other Ontario University teams _ can be a most enjoyable experience. Even if you have no interest in basketball (It’s just, a dumb sport for pituitary cases, right?),

you can’t help but enjoy yourself at a Warriors basketball game. You can boast about this team because its known across Canada as one of the best in the country. I’d even go as far as to say their games are exciting as any American university basketball game. Last year one of the games played at the PAC was televised across Canada on the CBC, so it you’re . lucky you might even get yourself on national television by going to one of the games. It’s not unusual to have a crowd of 4 or 5 thousand show up so it’s a good idea to arrive early for a good seat. Games are usually Friday night or Saturday afternoon. One only has to look at the list of ex-Kitchener Rangers to realize that there’s some pretty good hockey being played at the OHA Junior A level. Some of the more noteable former members of the Rangers include Rick Chartran, Don Edwards, Don Lute, Dave Maloney, Doug Visebrough, Larry Robinson and Walt Thaezuk, a pretty formidable collection of talent. The guys playing for them now may well be the future stars of the NHL. The Rangers play all their home games Septemtheir home games (September to April) at the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium, located at 400 East Avenue, in Kitchener. The phone number of the box office is 885-7125. If its professional sports you truly crave, I’m-afraid you’ll have to travel a few

__-playing ball until October. I might as well add a note about armchair spectator sports as I’m sure that more than just a few of you will spend many hours staring at the tube. Once the NFL season gets rolling there will probably be the usual four or five games on every Sunday plus the occasionaly Saturday and of course game, Monday Night Football with Howward and Don. There will also be an assortment of US college games on Saturday, and a’ few CPL games every week ending with the Grey Cup at the end of November. Hockey Night in Canada should begin in October and will probably have a bit more to offer us this year with the addition of

miles out of the town. For Canadian football fans, the Hamilton Ticats and the Toronto Argonaughts are nearby and tickets are always easy to get. To American football fans, the Detroit Lions and the Buffalo Bills are the closest. For hockey fans, Maple Leaf Gardens is only about an hour away, Buffalo Memorial Auditorium two and the Detroit hours, Olympia, three hours. The Blue Jays don’t finish their season until the beginning of October, but I personally fell that but I .personally feel that you’ll have to be a glutton for punishment to watch an inept team like the Jays try to play baseball. The Detroit Tigers will also be


’ Canadian Grand Prix on September 3Oth-will Gilles Villeneuve repeat his sensational victory of last year on the Notre Dame circuit in Montreal? Happy spectating! Doug Harrison

While vie.wing your favorite games, you can also- be reviewing them for your student news paper. Contact us.. ,We need you.

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three Canadian teams to the league. The baseball playoffs will also begin in October and if we’re lucky it’ll be the Expos battling for the National League crown and the World Series. Also watch for the





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. ,Sports


UW footballlooking Of the 85 players reporting to Warrior football camp this fall, 37 of them will be veterans. Leading the veterans will be the Co-captains of the ‘79 .Warriors, Mark Beckham and Rob Sommerville. Beckham is starting his fourth season with the Warriors. He is enrolled in Kinesiology. Sommerville is entering his third season with the UW team and is enrolled in Political Science. Beckham plays at the offensive guard position while Sommerville is a cornerback. Bill Boug who has played quarterback and *offensive end while at Waterloo will return for his fourth year of inter-university play. Boug was out of school last from a year, suffering broken leg. He has made a full recovery. Bob Pronyk, starting his third year with the Warriors would appear ready to step into the important positionof quarterback.

Other returnees on the offensive team who will be expected to assist the team will be: Dom Ruggieri a second-year running back from Downsview; Dave Goodwin, a third-year running back who suffered a broken bone in his foot last season; Joe Alves, the exciting running back who set the Warrior record for the longest run from scrimmage. Last season against the University of Guelph, Alves ran for 75 yards. Another record setter from last year’s team who will be back with the Warriors will be Steve Valeriote. Last season, Valeriote returned a punt for 130 yards and a touchdown in a game against York University. The 130 yard return is also an 0-QIFC league record. Other returnees will be: Phil Fletcher, who was out of school last year and who will- try for one of the linebacker spots with this year’s team; Steve Keating, who is another player returning after a year out



3, 1979. Imprint


good of school, and who will try for a defensive halfback spot ; Rob Logan, a defensive end; Paul Goemans, an offensive end; DanHagen, atight end who was drafted by Calgary ‘this past year. He will be tried at a linebacker position this season on the recommendation’ of the Calgary team and with the approval ofCoach Delahey Some of the newcomers who come with outstanding recommendations are: Mike Bebe from Sudbury. Mike stands at 6 i and weighs 212 lbs. He plays defensive half (“It’s been a long time since we’ve had a defensive halfback with Mike’s size,” said Coach Delahey); Harry Bezruchko a running back from Hamilton Central; Ed Kodis, a g 3 centre from Hamilton Cathedral; John Creed, from Toronto Western who played for the Etobicoke Argonauts last year; Steve Parkhill, al linebacker from Eastwood Collegiate in Kitchener. The Warriors underwent their first cuts Aug. 26.

Athletics wants involvement athletic Deinter-university an disciplines. However, athletic things can get a little hectic inter-university program consisting of over during those first few_ thirty-five activities. All, weeks on campus,%-d full-time UW students are sometimes students invited to participate in postpone their enquiries. When they do follow up on this program, either as their intention to become participants or spectators. students often Enrollment at UW entitles . involved, find that they are too far all full-time students to try behind to be actively out for any of the interengaged in that particular university teams. For year. If you are interested those students who chose in trying out for one of the not to be active particiinter-university teams, UW enrollment pants, carries with it the right to’- don’t hesitate - become obtain a season ticket to’ involved right now. attend those interInformation on all of the university athletic events inter-university athletic for which an admission fee activities is available from is charged. the Athletic Department In order to obtain your Office. Drop into the PAC Season Ticket to Athletic Buildingor call, 885-1211, Events, present your Ext. 2474 for assistance. Student Identificatiqn Above all, if you feel that Card to the Special Desk you’d like to give one of the which will be set up in the activities a try, act now! Ph.ysical Activities Building during registry- ; For those students who I decide not to be actively tion. Following registration, students may pick up involved in interthe their Season Ticket from UniVerSity activities, the Receptionist in the UW Athletic Department encourages you to become PAC Building. Once again, you must present your one of the “Appreciators”. The “Appreciators” are the Student Identification Card in order to obtain l:y:?Idts who regu1ar1y the UW interyour Season Ticket. university activities in BECOME INVOLVED - order to *have fun by first-year offering encouragement to Each year, the their fellow students in students come to their competition against campus with an intention other university teams. of pursuing their ,active For regular followers of participation in one of the The



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the UW inter-university scene, an appreciation of the high level of competition is nothing new. Many UW athletes have represented Canada in International competitions where they have measured up very well to the best that the world has to offer. These athletes are on view throughout the year. And the price is certainly right. UW Staff and ,Faculty can obtain a Season Ticket which will provide admission to all interuniversity athletic events for which a charge is made. For the sum of $7.00 an individual staff member can gain admission to four football games, thirteen hockey games and seventeen basketball bgames. Admission to the Naismith Basketball Classic, a tournament involving eight of the best university teams in the country in November of each year, makes the purchase of a Season Ticket a bargain in itself. Staff and Faculty Season Tickets allow admission of elementary school children free of charge, if they accompany their parent to a game. Staff and Faculty Season Tickets are available in the Athletic Department Office. Call Ext. 3152 for more information.

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