vents Note: Imprint publishes The deadline for Campus the preceding Tuesday. -Friday,
every Friday. Events is 4pm
Sept. Zl-
An Agora Tea House sponsored by the Waterloo Christian Fellowship will take place from 9 pm to 1 am in CC 110. Fed Flicks: Coming Home begins a three day showing at 8 am in AL 116. Feds: $1; others: $2. The Finishing Touch, presented by the Sumwat Theatre, ends its run tonight and tomorrow night at 8 pm in the Theatre of the Arts. Tickets are $2.50, $2 for Feds.
Group will have its first general meeting. This group will provide a forum for concerns facing women in society today.
will be held in CC 113 between 5 and 7:30 pm. For further information, call Paul at 884-2428.
At 7 pm there will be an introductory Ski Club Meeting in MC 2065. Membe,r-
There will be a Gay Coffee House at 8:30 in CC 110. Everyone is welcome. For further information, phone 885-1211, ext. 2372.
ships and shirts wi1l be so1d. Anybody interested in curling or learning to curl is invited to attend the UW Curling Club organizational meeting at 4:30 pm in room 1083 of the PAC.
A meeting of the ,Chess Club will take place in CC World Room at 7 pm. D Everyone is welcome.
There will be a UW Stage Band rehearsal at 7 pm in Al-6. For further information, call Hans at 884-8133.
“Happy JewishNew%‘ear(number5,740) from the UW Jewish Students Association.” .
The UW Library presents Research Shortcuts in Psychology at 2:30 pm today and tomorrow. Those students of psychology who are interested are asked to meet at the information desk in the Arts Library.
Burton Cummings performs live in the PAC at 8:30 pm. Advance tickets: $7 and $8; at the door: $9. Doors open at 7:30.
Outers club Rock climbing Ropes course. Let’s all come out and learn how to do it right. Call 885-5938.
Sept. 22-
Outers club Hiking trip to Tobermory meeting. Call Kevin 743-8680 for more information. Trip leaves Saturday morning. IS I -Sunday,
Sept. 23-
Varuvan Vadivelan (Tamil), an Indian movie, will be shown at 2:30 pm in AL 113.
. -Tuesday,
Sept. 25-
Environmental takes place with Geography(NH at 10:30), Urban
Studies Career Day the following subjects: 1020at2:30andNH3001 Regional ‘Planning (NH lo20 at 10’30 and NH 3o01 at 12:30) and Man and Environment (NH 3003 at iO:3O and NH 1020 at 12:30).
At 8 pm in the Humanities Hall a Fashion Show by Jacqueline’s Fashion Boutique . Outers clubPot Supper. Come eat and be merry. Don’t forget to bring your good will take place. Tickets for $3.50 are things available at the store,‘24 King Street East, , to eat and your ID. Kitchener. Outers club. Rock climbing/instruction for beginners. Trip will go to Rattlesnake point for the day. Call Paul 885-5938. Outers club Instructional Don’t forget your PAC token.
.-Monday, 7 pm in CC
Sept 24-
135, Women’s
1 Interest
Sept. 26-
Claire Gallant, an American social worker with special interest in techniques for solving problems of children and their ’ families within the school system, will speak at a free, one hour lecture beginning at 4:30 pm in room 201 of the at WLU. Seminary Building The first get-together of the UW Jewish Students Association, a Games Nite;
Classical Indian dance will be performed and discussed with Menaka Thakkar. This World of Dance presentation occurs from 4 to 5:30 pm in the Theatre of the Arts. Admission is $1.50 at the door. The UW Library presents Research Shortcuts in English Literature today at 2:30 pm and tomorrow at lo:30 pm. Interested students taking an English Literature course are asked to meet at the Information Desk in the Arts Library. All are welcome to attend a free Lecture on J. Krishnamurti, perhaps the greatest and most famous philosopher from India. The lecture, by Dr. H. Parekh, will take place at 7:30 in room 207 of the cc. -Thursday,
Sept. 27-
The International Film Series, held in the Humanities Hall at 8 pm, continues with the Ingmar Bergman film Smiles of a Summer Night. Membership is $2, film fee per night $1.50 (Stu/Sen $1) at UW Arts Centre box office, 885-4280, or at the door. A supper meeting t of the Waterloo Christian Fell&wship will be held in the undergraduate lounge of the Humanities Building (room 280) between 4:30 pm and 7 pm. There will” be a small group discussion on the “Foundation of Lordship”. 8 The Federation of Students presents Teenage Head at the Waterloo Motor inn at 8 pm. Tickets are $1.50 for Man Env, Geog, and Planning students, $2 for Feds and $3 for all others. r ’
Editor Advertising Manager Business Manager Production Manager Science sports Photography
Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by the Journalism Club, a club within the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Phone 885- 1660 or extensions 2331 or 2332. Imprint is a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a student press organization of 63 papers across Canada. Imprint is also a member of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association (OWNA). The paper will begin a regular Friday publication on September 14; mail should be addressed to, “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140”. -We are typeset on car-npus with a Camp/Set 510; paste-up is likewise done on campus. Imprint: ISSN 0706-7380.
refunds for the various services (the Federation, Public Interest Research (WPIRG), Imprint and CKMS, the student radio station) offered at UW allow students to withdraw their financial support for services of which they don’t intend to take advantage, and do not . wish to support.
discounts to its members at the Campus Shop, Thee Record Store and the CC pub, the Federation fights for the rights of all students on campus, and off campus through the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) and the National Union of Students (NUS).
And yet what student on campus ’ will not benefit, even if only indirectly, from these services? Free para-legal services offered by the Federation to its members may become necessary at any time. As well as offering substantial
The Imprint, which makes every effort to give full objective campus ’ coverage, is undoubtedly picked up regularly and read by participating and non-participating students one student may , alike. And although not wish to 1l”sten to CKMS or become involved with the Imprint or WPIRG, he/she may wish to get
Paid Position -Aikvertirs~
The Advertising Manager for Imprint (paid on a commission basis, where income is likely to rise beyond $ZOO/week) will be expected to supply the paper with a sufficient amount of commercial and student advertising on a weekly basis. The applicant should have som.e knowledge of layout and paste-up skills in f advertisements. as well as the reauisite
Liz Wood John W. Bast Sylvia Hannigan Jacob Arsenault Bernie RoehI Lori Farnham B. Roothan Tom McAnulty
/ ,, Editor
student ‘Waterloo Group
\ Awonderful thing happened on the way to Dumont this week..we all got some sleep on Wednesday night, and we even had time for it. Bast, however, suffered a ‘core meltdown Thursday am and radiation to surrounding miracle workers was heavy. Ross Brown and Simon @ Garfunkel were their usual wonderful selves; Bernadette Beaupre Ekewise. Robert Mah knows that it’s better late than never. Marg Sanderson is maybe from Oz and somehow manages to perform her wiza&ry in retiity. Frank Morrison, Jane Harding, Helmut Braun, Tom and Ed, and Tammy Horne aLl made the best of a tough job. Tori did some layout (there’s magic in the air), George V., Diane Aubin, Brian Dorion, Barb Campbell, Mario Milosevic (sorry about last week!), Jason Mitchell, Peter Scheffel, David Trahair, Rich Parent and Glenn St-Germain, Michael Shupe, Barry Tripp-thanks. And cheers to the nimble fingers of Libby Savage, Celia Geiger, Nickie B., Marg Mitchell, Lisa Tripp, Leslie Treseder, Sue Melville and Chris Farrugia. D’Gabriel can throw parabolas, which is more than Dorion can do. Oh hey, Joyce, thank God your xnind is your mind. Special thanks to the Marx Brothers’, Dumont, Red Zinger tea and Iyon. Cover photo by Chris Dobbin.
involved in some other group or service offered .on campus. All organizations on campus together provide the opportunity for a richover-all experience during university. The withdrawing of fees from a particular group funded’ through fees lessens its ability to ‘offer the experience and service to all who may want to take advantage of it. WPIRG’s uncompromis’ing research into environmental matters clearly is of benefit to us all. Research not funded by private industry will almost certainly be more objective. The opportunity to refund fees is
unique to students at UW in all of Canada. It should not be a measure to be taken lightly. ’ No student should withdraw his fees because of direct non-use of or involvement in a-_-particular---~ student group. This would be self-defeating, for example, if a student who belonged to one group funded through the Federation wished to advertise through “a group (CKMS, Imprint) from which he/she had withdrawn fees. Fees should only be withdrawn after a ‘well-considered decision of non-support has been reached for a justifiable reason
open on Imprint Manager-
dealing with businesspeople and student organizations. Knowledge of typesetting is a definite asset. Knowledge of accounting practices is an asset. A car is a must. . The successful,applicant will be passed by staK at a meeting held Frida.y, E lber 28th. after being
interviewed. Applications beyond noon, September application to:
Old Masters,
DATE October 15-19
of Seven,
rl M E
Campus Centre
Escher, MOST
$3 m75 ’ $2.”
EA or 3
FOR $9.”
EA or 3
FOR $s.oo
The Group
Australian, Oriental
ModernArt9 British
Mkeum Wyeth, Cultis
Posters, Danby, and others.
-WEEKENDREVI SEMINARS, We offer for each of the LSAT and GMAT: o o 200 page copyrighted curriculum (I e 70 page Math Brim*r (sent to ’ each registrant) -. e seminar-sized classes l specialized instructors o Guarantee: repeat the course for no extra charge if your score is unsatisfactory Why not give us a call and find out how you can really do the preparation you keep thinking you’ll get around to on your own? National Testing Centre, Inc 330 - 1152 Mainland St., Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2T9 (604)689-9000 or call us toll free at
w-ill not be accepted 27th. Address yoti Sylvia Siannigan, Business Manager, Campus Centre Boom 140, University of Waterloo.
ISA to regain Federationdub The International Students’ Association (ISA) was. reinstated into the Federation of Students by a joint action of Fed president Mark McGuire and Board of Entertainment chairperson Sue (BENT) Rosenberg last Monday. The group was suspended last July 18 by a ruling of the BENT committee for several counts of fiscal irresponsibility, falsification of submitted documents and severe internal problems. McGuire, claiming responsibility for both the suspension and reinstatement, referred back to the committee’s original decision which included a clause for the future reinstatement of the group at such time as they “can sort out their internal problems.” He calls the recent “sorting out” the only reason for his decision, and hopes that the action taken last summer will not be necessary in the future. He also stated that he was pleased with the apparent new course of the ISA. The ISA was last year removed from its affiliation with the Federation for several reasons. At that time, bills amounting to over $400 were submitted Rick then-president t0 Smit, from the organizdebts not covered ation; under the ISA budget nor as
21, 1979.
p-art of Fed policy. Suspect lists of membership, a required part of budget applications, were also with small submitted, numbers of actual members included in a larger group of international students. The Federation alleged that only,six of 183 names submitted were actually budgetable ISA members. The Federation grants funds on a per capita basis, according to the number of Fed members within the group, and the needs of each club. The last budget of $700 was designed to allow for the outstanding debts. On Jply 26, the ISA held a general meeting for elections of a n’ew executive. President members, now numbering approximately 70, who. were interviewed seem happy with their new leadership and sense of direction. A number of activities have been although there planned, h’as been no comment from any member of the executiveat thistimeontheplans of the ISA or the recent actions of the Federation. . The move by McGuire and Rosenberg will have to be ratified by the BENT committee at their next for. meeting, scheduled Monday, September 24. It is not expected that ratification will be denied.
,, p,,,
Federation president Mark McG&-e feels that the ISA has “sorted out” the problems which caused its suspension last
July. Bboto
rt Helmut
The University of Waterloo Senate approved a report submitted by its Long Range Planning Committee at its first meeting of the fall term last Monday. Entitled Planning for the Third Decade, the report outlines U.W.‘s goals and objectives and their applications over the next ten years. The meeting was devoted mainly to discussion of the report. Debate about a clause concerning international students was brief. Federation President, Mark MCGuire, raised a question about the higher tuition fees charged foreign stvdents in light of Senate policy “to encourage for’ eign students to study here and to continue to offer them all the benefits routinely offered to Canadian Planning Comstudents.” Chairman T.A. mittee academic Brzustowski, vice-principal, replied that Senate had decided at a previous meeting not ‘to erase the fee differential. A charge that two recommendations in the report were sexist was discussed at greater length. Professor Rowe of the mathematics
faculty suggested that recommendations 63 and 64 were somewhat discriminatory against male applicants for faculty and staff vacancies as well as for
academic programs. He felt that the wording should be changed from “the University of Waterloo should continue in its efforts to attract qualified women...”
to II... should continue in its efforts to attract qualified people... ” Brzust0wsk.i responded that such a change would significantly weaken the intent to emphasize the need to give women opportunity on equal campus. A concern about audiovisual library resources was expressed by Professor Smucker of Conrad Grebel College. He pointed to the first recommendatibn which suggests that support services be maintained at the highest level possible. While the collection pf printed resources is nearing the one million item mark, Smucker felt that budget restrictions had kept the audio-visual collection at the level of the I<itchener Public Library. It was decided to defer the question to a Senate subcommittee for study. In other business, the senate approved an award to the Honourable Justice T.R. Berger. He will receive an Honourary Doctorate of Environmental Studies (DES) at UW’s fall convocation for his efforts in investigating a proposal to build a pipeline through the Mackenzie Valley.
this ye
Marg Sanderson Even though the statistics for full-time students have not been finalized as yet, it appears that about 100 fewer students will attend the University of Waterloo this year. . According to Gary But kley of the Registrar’s Office, there will be approximately 11,000 students here for the fall term. Faculty by faculty, the student totals compare with those of November 1978 and with this date last year Although, from the statistics quoted above, it may seem that enrollment has increased since last year at this time, this is not necessarily true. According to Buckley, last year at this time there were 1,415 pre-
registered students who were not registered. This year, there are only 946. “Allowing for approximately the same number of students who do not register, we could be dealing with about 500 less possible registrations,” said Buckley. Along with a decrease in the number of students attending classes, a decline in the number of students applying for loans and grants through OSAP (the Ontario Student Assistance Program) has been noted. According to the Student Awards Office, there were 4,097 applications at this time last year. This year, the number of students requesting’ OSAP assistance has reached only 3,671 to date. up to Sept.14/79
Arts Engineering Environmental Studies Integrated Studies I II< R 1,s h/l,+1tlematics S(:ic:n(:~~ University Total: Renison St. Jeromes
1,772 1,950 1,165 66 974 2,452 1,669 10,047 118 341
1,293 1,920 1,228 64 1,040 2,450 1,760 10,550 103 427
1,752 1,882 1,093 34 979 2,390 1,670 9,800 79 336
21, 1979.
41 1
an Aardvark’s
The week one The start of the school year, any school year, brings withit certain all-important questions. What teachers (orprofessors, for those of you who have thoroughly rid yourselves of the high school mentality) will I be, getting. 3 Are they any good? How large will my classes be? Will I know anybody in them? Each of us, I am sure, has his own. In the first year of university, with a multitude of other problems to worry about, these considerations take on an added importance. I have found this to be, for the most part, needless. After a week of classes, indeed, after the butterflies have, vacated yourt stomach, you will find that this year really isn’t any more difficult than any other. The faces may have changed, but the roles are still the sameThat is, you:re still going to school to learn, and they are still here to teach. (Unfortunately, what all too often occurs is that we enter University with the idea that it is a radical change from the system of teaching which we have grown accustomed to. Granted, there are some differences-there are no high school classes with three hundred people, for instance-but. the essential purpose remains the same.)
Why The Precision Haircut Might Be Right For You. ’ If you hate the way your haircut disappears the day after, come to Command Performance where we specialize in the precision haircut. Precision haircutting is our technique for cutting the hair in harmony with the way it grows. So, as it grows, it doesn’t lose its shape. And because the hair is cut to fall naturally, you don’t have to keep fussing with it. Usually a shake of the head does it. The precision haircut with shampoo and blowdry costs just fourteen dollars for guys and gals. We also offer permanent waves, coloring, frosting and conditioning. No appointment is needed, just come in. And you’ll see that precision is right for you. a
Command t .”
Campus mestion
a Y-
“The sun was shining on the sea, Shining with all h.iS might: , . He did his very best to make The billows smooth and brightAnd this was odd, because it was The middle of the night. The moon was shining sulkily, Because she thought the sun Had got no business to be there After the day was done‘It’s very rude of him,’ she said, ‘To come and spoil the fun!’ ”
asked grad students,
The Walrus and the Carpenter from Through the Looking Glass Lewis Carroll Have you ever had reason to stay awake for an entire night? Have you ever awakened one fine morning, worked through the day, through the evening and, without sleeping at all, through the next day as well? Recently, I had the dubious pleasure of having such a forty hour day thrust upon me, and the experience reminded me that such action has curious effects. l Most of us have a built-in clock which registers the passage of time. We know “today” as the period of time between waking and sleeping. “Yesterday” is, of course, the period of time -between the last waking and sleeping. When you have stayed up for more than thirty-six hours, though, concepts such as “yesterday” and “today” lose their relevance. During the second half ofi this period of. time (the second day), your perceptions of time will be changed. It really is wild. (A word of advice for those of you who might wish to expand your consciousnesses in this way: make sure that you have something to do. There will be a _* . rempra I g;l’ear ’ tion to sleep during the nf thp PxnPrimPnt latter stages -_ ____ __.=----” v -‘-, atemptation which can only be beaten if the mind is occupied with other things.) Thought for the day: Why are there no Sam Peckinpah bubble gum cards?
and staff: How have cutbacks affected you?
I ,
Civil Engineering Professor Things are going to get more difficult and we’re going to have to become more innovative.
Dr. J.W. Leech Physics Professor-12 years I can see the way things aregoing...and I don’t like it.
Dr. J.E. Thompson Biology11 years We are most certainly feeling the pinch! Further cutbacks will seriously harm the quality of teaching in this institution.
Norm Scott Biology Dept. Senior Lab Demonstrator-5 years Students have to put up with outdated and unreliable equipment due to reduced budgets. Work has to be spread around due to restrictive hiring policy.
Chemistry Technician-8 years Cutbacks have increased the amount of undergrad equipment coming in for repair, but they have not really affected the research
Cam MacInnes Civil Engineering Grad. difference in operations.
CKMS, Federation Your
of Students
Free mini-bus service provided from the CC 7:30 PM to 2:30 AM. (Please have I.D. handy!)
$1.50-Man. Env. Geog & Planning Students $2.00-Fed members $X00-all others
SEPT. 3d,1979 1 MOTOR INN
Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Dinner at 5:30p.m. Fee-paying
Feds, $11.50
a ful
“Everyone presented
m Federation
Conestoga All
Welcome” of
say refunds Marg Sanderson Students who were lining up for registration and orientation activities last week may have noticed other lineups in various areas of the campus center. As a result of a student referendum in 1978, certain student fees have been made refundable upon request. Some students stood in line yet another time to ask for Federation, Imprint and CKMS-FM refunds. For the first part of last week, CKMS-FM refunds were -available upon the completion of a form in the campus center. Now, students who wish to withdraw their fees will have to make the trek to the Bauer warehouse. According to CKMSFM’s Dave Assmann, the demand for refunds is down from 1978. As of this date last year, 357 students had asked for a. refund, compared with 280 this year. “It’s nice to see that the refund rate is down”, says Assmann. “It’s encouraging for us.” The number of students
in decline
asking for Federation Fee refunds is down slightly as .well, according to Helga Petz of the Federation of Students Office. As of this date last year, 15 more students had filled out refund forms. The main reason for refund requests seems to be financial need. “Most students simply say on the form that they need the money”, says Petz. Some students, however, maintain that they won’t be needing or using the services offered by the Federation or its affiliates, NUS (National Union of Students) to which 50 cents of the $19-per-term fee goes, and OFS (Ontario Federation of Students), which receives 75 cents. Ms. Petz noted that many students did not realize what services were provided by the Federation of Students, and when it came time to fill in the refund form, they made the decision not to ask for their money back. Refund requests from students in the faculty of
Mathematics are higher this year, but according to the Federation Office the Engineering students, whose refund demands were low last year, are this year even lower. In what could be seen as rather the reverse side of fee withdrawals, some students are actually paying to join the Federation. Graduate students, who are not automatically Federation members, may avail themselves of the services offered by the Federation upon payment of a$lO-perterm fee. To date, about a dozen students havesigned up, says Ms. Petz. Since this is to be the first year of Imprint refunds, it is impossible to say whether the refund requests are greater or fewer than last year. To date, 62 co-op and 350 full-year students have asked to withdraw their Imprint fees. “Two or three of the students said that they only read the Gazette,“said Imprint’s Sylvia Hannegan. “Most of them though” she noted, “said that they needed the money.”
BEER announces all nig It games
Frank Morrison An International Play Fair, to be held in the PAC for 24 hours, and featuring a marathon games playing session will be one of the Board of Education’s most exciting activities this term. At the first meeting of the combined Boards of Education and External Relations (BEER) last Tuesday, the new members heard about this year’s planned activities and about the activities of last summer. One of the major purposes of the meeting was to appoint board members. Members of BEEI; include the education directors from each society executive, as well as delegates from KW Probe, Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG), the Global Community Center, and interested students at large. Attending the meeting on Tuesday were representatives from Engineering, Math, Environmental Studies, KW Probe, and some other interested students. Board of Education (BED) chairperson, Diana Clarke gave the members an outline of the board’s responsibilities and then described some planned activities for the year. The two boards have between them responsibility for political action on affairs (e.g. university cutbacks, landlord-tenant matters), educational matters (the board of education has ties with the teaching resource centre and with the academic vice presi-
Diana Clarke,
Board of Education
dent), and they sponsor educational seminars and different week long programs. An International Play Fair, planned for the week of November 5-10, will feature displays on games new and old, and tournaments for both athletic and board games. As well, an energy week is planned, and for winter term, a celebration of life week. A large display on cutbacks, originally planned for orientation, will be exhibited ‘in the Campus Centre later that the budget for orienClarke outlined some of the board’s activites over the summer. Discussions held with Kitchener Transit and the University administration were ina strumental in getting the new shuttle bus system started. Representations made at Queen’s Park led to the partial control of university residences under
jurisdiction of the new Residential Tenancies Act. Discussions held with food services led to the formation of a food committee. Clarke is currently seeking people to serve on this committee. The board looked over the budget they have to work with. The total allocation for the two boards is over $19,000. It was noted that the budget for Orientation was not fully spent. At the meeting Sarah Metcalfe was unanimously elected Board of External Relations (BER) chairperson. Metcalfe is a 3B Math student and previously has been active with the Math society. Her election now goes to Federation Council for approval. As well Clarke announced that Diane Marks had been. appointed vice chairperson of BED and Jeff Page would be vice-chairperson of BER,
Julius Schmid ’wouldlike@giveyousomestraig httalk rubbers,sheaths, aboutcondoms, safes, Finchleters, storkstoppers All of the above are ! other names for prophylactics. One of the oldest &d most effective ,means of birth control known and the most popular form used by males; Apart from birth control, use of the prophylactic is the only m officially recognized and accepted as an aid in the prevention of transmission of venereal disease.
Skin Prophylactics. Skin prophylactics made from the men%-... branes of lambs were introduced in England as early as the eighteenth century Colloquiallyknown as “armour”; used by Cassanova,and men-tioned in classicliterature by JamesBoswell in his “London Journal” (where we read of his misfortune from not using one),they continue to ^“,-# -- be used and increase in popularity to this very day. m *:5!.he Becausethey are made from natural membranes, “skins” are just about the best conductors of body ,;’warmth money can ’ buy and therefore their effect on sensation and feeling is almost insignificant. ’
I measure upon the wav in which it is used and disposed of. Here are a few simple suggestionsthat you may
9 plasticizedpaper pouches or aluminum foil. AI All of these prophylactics, at least those marketed by reputable firms, are tested electronically 1 and by other methods to make Prophylacticsare handled very carefully during the packaging operation to make sure they are not damaged in any way Prophylactic
Lubrication ’ And thanks to modern chemistry,severalnew nonreactive lubricants have been b developed so that prophylactics are available in either non-lubricated or lubricated forms. The lubricated form is generally regarded as providing improved sensitivity,as is, incidentally,the NuForm(@ Sensi-Shape.For your added convenience,all prophylactics are pre-rolled and ready-to-use. Some Helpful Hints The effectiveness of a prophylactic, whether for birth control or to help prevent venereal disease,is dependent in large
And now for a commercial. As you’veread this far you’re probably asking yourself who makes the most popular brands of prophylactics in Canada? The answer to that is Julius Schmid.And we’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to six of the best brands of prophylactics I that money can buy They’re all made by Julius Schmid.They’re all electronicallytested to assure dependability and quality And you can only buy them in drug stores.
RAMSES Regular (Non-Lubricated) & SensitoZ (Lubricated)TA tissue thin rubber
’ sheath of amazing strength. Smooth as silk, light as gossamer, almost imperceptible in use. Rolled, ready-to-use.
’ The development of the latex rubber
rubber prophylactics of exquisite thinness, with an elasticring at the open end to keep the prophylactic from slipping off the erect penis.Now these latex rubber prophylactics are available in a variety of shapesand colours,either plain-ended, or tipped with a “teat” or “reservoir end” to receive and hold ejaculated semen.
there’s the matter aged premoistened in sealed aluminum,foilpouches to keepthem
Rubber Prophylactics ibl
TUirigThem Off When sexual relations are completed, withdraw the penis while the erection is still present, holding the rim of the ,prophylacticuntil withdrawal is complete, so as to stop any escapeof semen from the prophylactic as well as to stop it from slipping off. Remove the prophylactic and, as an added precaution, use soap and water to wash the hands, penis and surrounding area and also the vaginal area to help destroy any traces of sperm or germs.
‘Non-slip ” Shins-distinctlv different from rubber, these natural membranes from the lamb are specially processed to retain their fine natural texture, softness and durability Lubricated and rolled for added convenience.
PuttingThem On The condom, or prophylactic, should be put on before there is any contact between the penis and the vaginal area.This is important, as it is possiblexor sman amounts 01 semen to escapefrom the penis even before orgasm. Unroll the prophylactic gently onto the erect penis, leaving about a half of an inch projetting beyond the tip of the penis to receive ~ the male fluid (semen).This is more easily judged with those prophylactics that have a reservoir end. The spaceleft at the end or the reservoir,should be squeezedwhile unrolling, so that air is not trapped -- in the closedend. As mentioned earlier,you may wish to apply a suitable lubricant either to the vaginal entrance or to the outside surface of the J prophylactic, or both, to make entry easierand to lessenany risk of the prophylactic tearing. -1
l 1
Sensi-Shape (Non-Lubricated).
The popular priced, high quality reservoir end rubber prophylactic. Rolled, ready-to-use. &Regular
Storage and Handling It is equally important that you store and handle them carefully after you buy them, if you expect best results and dependability For example, don’t carry them around in your wallet in your back pocket and sit on them from time to time.This can damage them and make them worthless. Next is the matter of opening the package. It’s best to tear the \ paper or foil along one edge sothat the simple act of tearing doesn’t causea pinhole. And of course,one should be particularly careful of sharp fingernails whenever handling the prophylactic.
& Sensi-Shape (Non-Lubricated). The “better for both” new, scientifically developed shape that provides greater sensitivity and more feeling for both partners. Comes in “passionate pinkI’ Rolled, ready-to-use.
to provide “extra pleasure for both partners: Sensitol Lubricated for added sensitivity Also in “passionate pink:’ Rolled, ready-to-use. ’
Reservoir end prophylactics in an _ assortment of colours. Sensitol lubricated for Aadded sensitivity. Rolled, ready-to-use. r-e ‘A I-
wrote the book on prophylactics. I IfWeyou would like to read it and get some 1 free samples ofwhatwe’vebeen talking about, fill in the coupon below and
1 I
we’ll send you everything in “a genuine plain brown envelope:
I I I.
I I Address I, city I 1 I I 1 I i I
_ Prov.
I JULIUSSCHMID OFCANADALIMITED -I 32 Bermondsey Road Toronto, Ontario M4B lZ6
. Justice Berger to receive UW degree At its fall convocation Friday, October 19, the University of Waterloo will award an honorary doctor of environmental studies (D.E.S.) degree to the Hon. Mr. Justice T.R. Berger of the supreme court of British Columbia. The award was aDDroved bv the Universitv’ Senate last Monday. iSee senate article page 4. Mr. Justice Berger is widely known as the principal author of the Berger report which followed his inquiry into the proposal to build a pipeline through the Mackenzie Valley. The son. of an RCMP sergeant, he was born in Victoria in 1933. After studying law at the University of British Columbia he was called to the B.C. bar in 1957 and shortly thereafter began participating in a number of precedentsetting cases. One of these included the case of a silicosis victim who had been refused compensation by the Workmen’s Compensation Board; he was the first to win redress against the Board’s decision. . Throughout his legal career Mr. Justice Berger was counsel in commercial, corY
porate and criminal cases the necessity of ensuring and frequently represented ” that law enforcement auththe B.C labour movement. orities and government In 1967 he represented the agencies obey the law. He town of Campbell River, has also written the leading .B.C., in its successful actjudgment in Canadian ion against a mining corncbrporate law with regard pany, the first enforcement to directors’ powers. Mr. Justice Berger was of the B.C. Pollution Conappointed chairman of the trol Act. B.C. Royal Commission on n--:--i-D,eglIlHl lg in the early family and children’s law sixties, Mr. Justice Berger in 1973 and in March, 1974, repres-ented the Indians in he was appointed commisindividual court actions; sioner of the Mackenzie later, he represented Indian Valley pipeline inquiry. bands in cases concerning That summer he and his their hunting and f.ishing family travelled throughrights and reserve rights to out the Valley and Delta, B.C. timber. His eight years experiencing first hand the of experience as legal replifestyles of northerners resentative for the native and observing the oil and People of B*C* culminated gas in the 1971 Nishga Indian From March, 1975 to Noaborigina1 rights decision vember 1976, he held hearin the Supreme Court of ings throughout the MatCanada; his argument that kenzie Valley and ’ Delta the B.C. Indians had aborand also across Southern iginal title to their land Canada. when the Europeans first His commission revealed arrived, and still retain this many problems with the was upheld. This title, various pipeline proposals judgment is the main legal and was of great assistance basis, for the current as- to the native people and ‘sertions of native rights other groups interested in in Cana.da. the nineline decision. His In December, 1971, he gene;‘& approach to, the was named to the B.C. definition of terms and supreme court where his conditions for the pipeline major judgments have been has set standards that will ‘concerned with the pro-’ be aspired to for years to tection ef civil liberty and come. industry’s
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CUP Briefs - 33SAP
our presence, but we do think that this is a step towards positive changes,” said Taylor. “Our inclusion at the meetings is the result of persistent lobbying efforts by NUS and the provincial student organizations across the country,” says Morna Ballantyne, the NUS executive secretary.
OTTAWA (CUP)-After a summer of slow responses, the number of Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) applications has risen drastically, andis now only marginally below the rate of last year. According to Jan Grisdale, liaison officer of the student awards branch of the ministry of education, the application rate is now only 1.5 per cent behind the level of a year ago. OSAP applications were down 3.5 per cent as of August 31 and down a whopping 15-20 per cent at the end of July, According to Alan Golombek, information officer for the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS), the slow initial response was due primarily to inadequate information distribution by the ministry, and the fact that pre-printed forms were not sent out to applicants from the previous year. In the past, all students who applied for OSAP in the previous year automatically received a pre-printed application form early in the summer. University of Toronto student awards officer Patrick Philips also attributes the slow initial response to mistakes in the first printing of 350,000 application forms that consequently had to be reprinted. Golombek noted that as promised last January the ministry of colleges and universities (MCU) did not increase the plan’s cost of living allowance for students because such a change would create administrative problems. The lack of anincrease has enabled the ministry to process applications more quickly, but means that students will suffer financially. Possible administrative problemsdid not stop the ministry reducing the amount of loan assistance that single parent students who receive family benefits will be eligible to receive under this year’s plan.
TORONTO-The University of Toronto’s student union has voiced its opposition to a proposed merger of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to Ontario Legislators. “We fear that a merger of the ministries will not adequately confront these (student) issues:indeed swamped in a larger ministry, the problems of universities may well be obscured and not overcome,” said David Jones, U of T Administrative Council Students’ (SAC) president.
. IUI-JS calls for changes in Canadastudent loan plan OTTAWA-The current Canada Student Loan Plan fails to live up to its stated objective of providing all qualified Canadians with the oppurtunity of reaching their educational potential. That is the major conclusion of a National Union of Students (NUS) brief drafted for presentation at the Canada Student Loan Plenary Group (CSLPG) meeting held this week in Quebec City. The CSLPG is .made up of provincial government administrators and is the body responsible for the development of the Canada Student Loan Plan. The fourteen page NUS brief suggests that a new plan be instituted providing for: - The participation of part-time students in the plan - A NUS nominated member on the Plenary Group - Provisions which recognize the extra costs of handicapped students - The inclusion of a mechanism that addresses the particular financial problems of women I- Applicants with permanent residence ‘status receiving the same treatment as any other applicant - The age of majority being the only criteria for independent status - The required student contribution being the actual amount that the applicant is able to save applicant is able to save - Educational expenses being based on actual costs - The repayment schedule starting six months after employment is found Copies of the brief were sent to the CSLPG so that the group would have time to assess the proposals. According to Len Taylor, NUS staffperson, an NUS delegation was permitted to make the official presentation of the brief. This will be the first time that students have been allowed to attend and speak at the Plenary Group sessions. “We do not expect any immediate major changes to come abvut becacrse of
U of T Graduate Students’ Union president Lee, Walker charged at the hearing that the government had‘already decided to merge the ministries and that the hearings were meaningless. The hearings, which have been on for three weeks, will continue for another month. The committee will then report back to Bette Stephenson, who is currently both education and colleges and universities minister, and the bill merging the ministries will be presented for third and final reading. “The fact that the merger is already in effect, yet there are still hearings, is a reflection on the government’s treatment of education,” she said. “The problems that we face today are all related to money-that’s the only reason for the merger.” Women
students hardest unemployment
hit by summer
OTTAWA-Students and young people have been hit hardest again by unem-
21, 1979.
ployment this summer, with‘ Statistics Canada reporting more than one in 10 people between 15 and 24 years of age out of work in August. Women students not returning to school are the worst off of all1 student school are the worst off of all student categories, with 20.2 per cent unemployed in August, while men in the same category have a 13.1 per cent unemployment rate. Women students returning to school had a 9.6 per cent unemployment rate, 1.6 per cent higher than men in the same category. Among students returning to school, 8.7 per cent were unemployed in August, compared to 11.9 per cent in July. But for students not returning to school Statistics Canada says a large 16.6 per cent were without jobs in August. The students not returning to school category consists of those who attended school in March are ‘who are not planning to return or are uncertain of returning. Continued on page 10
Campus Briefs
Friday, Studies
Commowealth-Scholarship Two of this year’s 30 Commonwealth Scholarship winners from Canada are graduates of the University of Waterloo. Gary Rubinstein * of Willowdale will be leaving shortly to begin doctoral studies at Cambridge University, England. The scholarship will continue through 1981. Rubinstein has been in Waterloo’s integrated studies program for the past three years. This program has been in operation for about 16 years; it permits’students to work out their own study programs according to their interests. Often they pursue special subjects on th&r own, without attending classes as regular students do. In addition to Rubinstein, Judith Adams of Kitchener, who graduated this year with an Environmental Studies degree in honours urban and regional planning, leaves September ,chool of Economics and Political Science, University of London, Science, University of London, where she will take a Master of Science program in social planning. Believe
it or Not
It’s no wonder that University of Waterloo students complain that their money disappears so quickly. The Engineering Society proved why this is so during one of their orientation activities. Engsoc purchased a package of ordinary toothpicks for 18 cents and distributed one to every participating frosh engineer. Each student was then told to-go out onto campus and sell his or her toothpick. At the end of the day, the frosh had received a number of unusual items in exchange for their toothpicks. These included C:qsdiPF T:=y money, bus tokens, and two Frencn francs. To everyone’s amazement, some students on campus were willing to pay up to two dollars for a single toothpick! In the true style of a university student, one person even made out a cheque to “One Engineering Frosh” for 50 cents. (Incidentally, this was cashed by the bank.) Total proceeds of the venture? Thirty four dollars! (for Big Sisters.] Photographic
Photographs taken through scanning electron microscopes will be on display in the Biology-Earth Sciences Museum on the University of Waterloo campus, starting Monday, September 17 and continuing until Wednesday, October 17. This unusual photographic exhibit is on loan from the Royal Museum. It includes pictures of such things as a part of a mosquito’s eye, and the pollen of a pine tree. The display includes an explanation as to how scanning electron microscopes work. These instruments will magnify up to 50,000 times, enabling us to see things that are simply not visible through the most powerful optical microscopes. They also have great depth of field at high magnifications, so one can get a three-dimensional look at tiny objects; The museum is open to the public from 9:66 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. There is no charge. The museum is located in room 370, on the third floor of the biology complex. Automotive
looking into the type of lubricant that would be used in the “new” automatic transmissions. He simply calls these “continuously variable speed” transmissions. They would function on a principle quite different from those used to connect engines to wheels in present day cars. Whereas present day automatic transmissions relay power from the engine to the driveshaft through fast-moving fluid, the continuously variable speed transmissions would-as Dr. Tevaarwerk sees it-transmit the power through a very thin film of lubricant which would be between the two steeldiscs, under very high pressure. The pressure would be so high, in fact, that the lubricant would act much like a solid-like a high density polymer. “Thus a very different principle is involved in the continuously variable speed transmission,” he says. “Our research indicates, however, that it would be a far more efficient device in terms of fuel savings. In fact we have seen estimates of savings in the area of 30 per cent . , . which would be fantastic when you think of what it could mean to our energy picture.” With the kind of transmission Dr. Tevaarwerk has in mind, moving an automobile from a standing start to high speed wouldn’t involve those distinct surges one experiences with a standard transmission or even a conventional automatic one. There would simply be a smooth acceleration throughout. Dr. Tevaarwerk’s research is funded by the National Science and Council Engineering Research (NSERC) and also by the U.S. government’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The funding has enabled him to construct his own “toroidal traction” machine on campus, including instrumentation that enables him to analyse what is happening when he runs an experiment on it. The machine consists of two discs, the lower of which operates at high speed, the upper being driven through afluidfilm. By skewing the axes of the two discs in relation to each other Dr. Tevaarwerk can measure fluid performance including the amount of slippage. Dr. Tevaarwerk’s .mathematical model will tell him what’s happening using less data than has hitherto been required. For these efforts he was re’cently honoured by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. In the society’s judgment he produced the best research paper in the field of lubricants during the past year.
Many intelligent students perform at less than their true potential because they encounter problems in organizing their time, in reading quickly and efficiently, concentrating when studying, or preparing for examinations and tests. The University of Waterloo Study Skills programme helps students tocope with difficulties of this sort, and will be offering a number services during the coming term. Two workshop formats are offered to respond to differing student schedules. In each case the meetings take place once a week and involve students working in small groups of no more than 20 people to focus on the following skills: Time management and organization for study; - Effective listening and note-taking; - Better reading skills; - Preparing for exams. I run for five Series “A” workshops weeks, beginning the week of September 24, and each sessionlasts two hours. The Continued from page 9e In the larger age 15 to 24 years old category 12.3 per cent of male and 12.8 per cent of female job seekers were unemployed. The August figures for students show a slight improvement this year compared to last. In 1978, 9.7 per cent of returning students and 20.2 per cent of not returning students were unemployed in August. Broken down provincially, Newfoundland students returning to school were hardest hit by unemployment compared to other provinces’ students in the same category, while Alberta
21, 1979.
to students
series ends just before the mid-term examinations. A second set of workshops in this series will begin in the week following mid-terms and end before final exams. Series “B” workshops run for eight weeks, beginning the weekof September 24, with each session lasting one hour. Thus the series will end in midNovember. The Study Skills Advisor is available by appointment to help diagnose learning problems and give asistance on an individual basis. Self help manuals and a small library of books on study skills are available for students in the resource centre, Needles Hall Room 2068. A study room is also available for students who lack a quiet atmosphere to study. Further information on any of these services may be obtained from the Study Skills Advisor, Laurel Thorn, at extension 2464 or from the reception desk in Needles Hall Room 2070.
students again came out on top, In July 23.4 per cent of returning Newfoundland students were unemployed, but in Alberta 7.9 per cent were out of work. In other provinces the unemployment rate for returning students in July was: British Columbia-12.6, Manitoba.8.8, Ontario-12.0, Quebec-12.5, New Brunswick-15.8, Nova Scotia-16.1. Figures for other provinces were not available immediately. Compared to the national unemployment rate students fared badly. In July the unemployment rate was 7.2 per cent and in August it remained the same. I
Notice to all clubs recognized the Federation of Students (Excluding
1.) All clubs must submit a list of their executives (names, titles, addresses, phone numbers and indication if grad, undergrad or ‘other’ member) in order to retain recognition status for the academic year of 1979-1980. 2) In addition, those recodnized clubs wishing financial assistance must submit detailed budgets and a membership list showing names in cz/phabetical order, I.D. numbers and indication if grad, undergrad or ‘other’ member. I All pertinent information should be submitted Helga Petz in the Federation Office, Campus Centre room 235, and is required NOW.
Board of Entertainment Federation of Students
Research currently under way at the University of Waterloo may contribute to the development of a of automatic transmission type which wastes much less gasoline. The research is a special interst of Dr. Joseph Tevaarwerk, a tribologist in UW’s department of mechanical engineering. Tribologists are concerned with such things as friction, lubrication and wear. Thus part of Dr. Tevaarwerk’s research involves
* (Special
Waterloo Square Stanley Park Mall
L In the past few years, scientists have learned more about the other planets in our solar system than had been discovered in almost 370 years of observation through earthbound telescopes. This newly-acquired knowledge, to a large extent, comes from a number of highly successful unmanned space probes, launched by the United States and the Soviet Union. These tiny craft have flown past five of the nine planets in our solar system, in some cases orbiting and even landing upon the planets themselves. In December of 1973, the probe, Pioneer 10, became the first man-made object to reach the planet Jupiter. It sent back thousands of instrument readings and several excellent color photographs 0.f the giant planet. It is currently on its way out-of the solar system altogether, thus becoming the first interstellar spacecraft.
and Russian
21, 1979.
s exban’d sol r syst
1974 ias -even more eventful, In February of that year, the Makiner 10 spacecraft sent back the first closerup photographs of the planet Venus, taken in ultraviolet light through a temporary gap in that planet’s almost continuous cloud cover. One month later, Mariner 10 became the first probe ever to visit the planet Mercury. It sent back numerous .pictures of the heavily-qratered surface, and returned to that planet twice during the following year. In December of T974, Pioneer 11 (twin of Pioneer 10) flewpast Jupiter, providing additional information about that world. But its mission did not stop there. By using Jupiter’s enormous gravity, Pioneer 11 was able to change its trajectory and continue on into the outer solar sy’stem, passing Saturn just this month and giving us our ‘first detailed look at the ringed world. In early 1976, two Viking spacecraft arrived at Mars. This was not our first look at the Red Planet; a number of earlier American and Soviet probes had flown past the planet, and several had actually gone into orbit. However, this spacecraft was a little different.
After‘ orbiting the planet for a while, scouting out suitable landing sites, the first of the two spacecraft separated into two parts. The larger of the two, known as the Orbiter, remained where it was. Its task wasto circle the planet and take readings from above. The smaller vehicle, known as the Lander, fired it.s engines and descended from orbit, coming to rest on the surface a short time later. Although earlier Russian probes had attempted to land, all but one failed to survive down to the surfade; the one that did make it transmitted for a scant 20 seconds before dying. The laboratories analyzed the atmosphere, determining its density and composition. They took photographs of the surface through all the seasons of the Martian year. They looked for life, and found no conclusive evidence of its presence or its absence. Above all, they told us things about that world that could never have been learned from Earth. By contrast, 1977 was a relatively dull year. Though the Vikings were still in full operation, the main excitement was over. The first of a trio of sophisticated mini-telescopes was put into orbit around the earth, scanning the skies using x-rays and gamma rays instead of ordinary light. They also looked for black holes by searching for the powerful energy emmissions -given off when matter falls inwards towards them. Nothing, however, was new on the planetary front. In this respect, 1978 was somewhat better. A virtual armada of sophisticated probes, both American and Soviet, were arriving at the planet Venus. The American fleet consisted of an orbiter, designed to circle the planet for a full Venusian year while monitoring it from the van,tage point of a planetary orbit, and a cluster of five atmospheric probes. Upon arrival at the planet, the probecluster separated into its component elements. One large probe with a heat shield to protect it during passage through the atmosphere of Venus was released. Three smaller probes, also equipped with heat shields, were similar,ly sent off. Finally, the drum-
drawing shaped platform which held the cluster together (and which was also equipped with instrument ation) plunge-d into the planet’s atmosphere. The probes descended down to the surface, floating down on parachutes to give them as much useful time as possible. They produced a detailed “map” of the planet’s atmosphere, determining its pressure, temperature, and composition. They studied the winds of Venus, and the variation in brightness on the way down, One hardy probe even survived the landing and sent back considerable information about conditions at ground level. All in all, the mission was a success. The Soviets fared equally well. T*heir two orbiters, though apparently not as heavily loaded with instruments as the American orbiter, went into orbit and released their landers. The landers descended to the surface and collected data for some time. before finally succumbing to the heat and pressure of the Venusian surface. This year has been an eventful one as well. The arrival of Pioneer 11 at Saturn just three weeks ago has given scientists a new wealth of data about that world. In addition the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 probes that provided so much information about Jupiter and its moons
by Ludek
earlier this year are already on their way to visit Saturn during the next two years. The future, however, seems bleak. The only space probe currently planned is Project Galileo, designed to orbit Jupiter and send a probe into its atmosphere. Other missions are possible, but funding cutbacks make major new starts unlikely, at least for the time being. Most observers attribute space program cutbacks to the apparent high cost of such missions. Compared to other government programs, however, the cost of space exploration is not high. The entire Pioneer lo-11 mission, which gave us our first glimpses of the two largest planets in our solar system, cost each American only a few dollars, which were spread out over a period of’ years. To put this in perspective, the total cost of Project Voyager to each adult American is about the same as a six-pack of beer, again spread out over a period of years. It remains to be seen whether these statistics influence the decision-makers who determine how resources are allocated. But there can be little doubt that the return on the investment will, in the long term, be enormous.
Bleak fut-ure for post-secondary ,
Bill Tieleman (CUP) The writing was on the wall for years but \ only now are the full effects of continuous education funding cutbacks being felt. And as students return to classes once again, a look across the country indicates a bleak future for post-secondary education in the 1980’s. Among the most alarming developments: In Ontario public universities and colleges could be lining up-at private banks, hoping to borrow money to cover anticipated million-dollar deficits in their operating budgets. The Ontario government replies that it has no money and no objections to its universities following the lead of Ontario students and borrowing from banks for education financing. Ontario students also got a five per cent tuition hike this year. - In Quebec some university administrators are cheered at the prospect of incurring budget deficits of “only” $2 million. That’s because deficits in previous years have topped $6 milliqn. - In the Atlantic provinces students who survived the highest summer unemployment rates in Canada are scraping money together ’ to pay ever-rising tuition fees. - In B.C. tuition fees go up again as of May, 1980 while education services go down because of low government grants. - In Alberta, despite a $5 billion Heritage Fund rich in petrodollars, universities face deficits approaching $500,000. And a report on post-secondary education funding opens the possibility of putting tuition fees on an arbitrary scale, a recommendation both university administrations and student unions oppose. - In Manitoba, students looking for relief , after a 20 per cent tuition hike last year are instead facing another jump of six per cent in this-fall’s fees. And once again the tuition increase signals another decrease, not increase in the university services. After getting a meagre six per cent increase in funding, one university president said fatalistically, “It’s only half what we asked for but it’s twice what they gave us last year.” - In Saskatchewan, students who thought they had a slightly more liberally-spending government than the rest of Canada found out how wrong they were. After tuition jumped 30 per cent in three years without any increase in the services, the government hit them with yet another . fee hike. At nearly) every post-secondary institution in Canada administrations looking to cut costs withoutfiringstaff tookaimat libraries.
- Many universities are being forced to cut both support staff and teaching faculty to make ends *meet. Positions are left unfilled when faculty members leave, retire or die and temporary instructors and teaching assistants find it harder to work. - Foreign students are becoming an endangered species at Canadian universities as all but three provinces implement differential tuition fees. Starting this year, in the Maritime provinces, ’ universities will receive $750 less in provincial grants for every foreign student registered at their institution. -. Clearly, education cutbacks are national, not provincial in scope, and governments, rather than responding with alarm to the deteriorating post-secondary education situation, are continuing the underfunding policies begun in the mid-1970’s. Why?
There are two basic problems, either one of which would cause serious difficulties for universities and colleges. Togethertheyspell 1 potential disaster for the education system. The first is declining enrolment. Basically the children of the 1950s’ baby boom have grown up, received their education and moved into the labour force. This demographic bulge, combined with society’s desire to make education more accessible, forced post-secondary institutions to rapidly expand in the mid and late 1960s. (This same demographic bulge is also one part of an explanation for the current high unemployment level - just as universities and colleges were forced to expand to take in the baby boom so now is the labour market being asked to provide more jobs, with relatively unsuccessful results.) But now the baby boor-n children are lea>ing or are already out of the educati!on system, and universities and colleges which scrambled wildly to increase their services and hire faculty (often from the U.S.) are left with large campuses, large -numbers of faculty and support staff and increasingly fewer students. To complicate matters further for education planners they know another “mini” baby boom, the sons and daughters of the first boom, will hit the education system in the 1990s. The second problem is the economy itself. During the economic boom of the 1960s when money was relatively more plentiful,- a society fascinated with accessible education and under pressure from the ranks of its young found it easy to spend money for education.
In the 1980s that will not be.the case. With hundreds of thousands of unemployed in Canada and inflation eating up 10 per cent of every Canadian’s pay cheque each year, education becomes a low spending priority. And with a recession, business turns to government to stimulate the economy, asking for tax cuts and financial assistance to increase profits and a decrease in public spending to lower inflation. With a lower tax base because of both the high cost of maintaining a large sector of the work force on unemployment insurance and the lower corporate taxes because of tax cuts, the government is looking to the public sector to cut spending to make ends meet. During the past few years, that has happened not only- in education funding but in hospitals and other areas of. social services. While institutions as-large as universities can survive a few lean, years, continued funding cuts are devastating. Ontario universities and colleges are perhaps the best indicator of things to come. In 1972 Ontario was the second-ranked of all provinces in per-capita spending on postsecondary education. This year it has dropped to eighth. “The education system is on the verge of eroding now, as it becomes increasingly more difficult to sustain the library collection and keep university’ salaries relative to salaries in other sectors of society.” of That opinion, voiced by University Toronto president James Ham, is echoed by all of Ontario’s post-secondary educators: McMaster University president Arthur Bourns warns that education cutbacks will become even more severe for students if the government does not increase its funding. And he is concerned about the government’s reluctance to‘do so. Bourns is rightly concerned. After a Sept. 7 meeting between the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) and Ontario Premier Bill - Davis, Treasurer Frank Miller, Margaret Birch, Provincial Secretary for Social Development and Education Minister Bette Stephenson, Stephenson said there is no money available to help,out universities in financial trouble this year. I On Sept. 10 the COU, representing all the universities, announced that two universities, Carleton and Laurentian, might be forced to borrow money from private banks to cover budget deficits incurred this year. Stephenson replied that she had no objections to a public university in trouble borrowing from a bank. “Why should I object to them going to the bank? They are autonomous financial
21, 19.79. -Imprint
-, .
education institutions and -can make whatever financial decisions they think necessary,” she said. Meanwhile Carleton, with- an expected deficit of more than $1 million, and Laurentian, currently more than $500 000 in debt and anticipating a deficit of close to $1 million by the end of the school year, are in serious trouble. “I don’t want to go to the bank” says Laurentian University president Henry Best. “I don’t like deficit financing. It doesn’t make much sense if it is going to be an endless process.” Best says Laurentian is in the process of reducing staff in arts and sciences courses but does not want to allow the quality of services to suffer. At Carleton,administrative vice-president Albert Larose blames the problem on insufficient government funding and a decline in enrolment, especially in the arts. and science faculty. He said the university has tried to save money by cutting back in various areas but had gone as far as it could. Larose says it is impossible to make further cuts without looking at staff firings because 80 per cent of Carleton’s budget goes for salaries and benefits. “I don’t know what the answer is,” he said. “Something’s got -to give. It can’t go on the way it .,is.” At Trent University, which is currently $272,000 in debt,, president Thomas Nind said his university needs money but will not borrow from a bank. McMaster Universiiy is also expecting a budget deficit of $745,000 but the shortfall will be offset for this year by an accumulated $1.9 million surplus from better years. But McMaster is already cuts to make ends meet.
In a brief McMaster presented to the Ontario Council on University Affairs (OCUA) president Bourns said the university will be eliminating 65 faculty positions by 1982 to forestall an expected deficit of nearly $10 million. He added that positions vacated by retirement, resignation or death would be left unfilled and that temporary teaching appointments are being ended. Bourns said spending reductions could mean the elimination of entire programs. John Panabaker, McMaster board of governors chairman, says there is a possibility of “the education system gradually eroding into inconsequential mediocrity.” Education Minister Stephenson denies that the Ontario government has reduced funding to the universities but admits that government grants have not allowed the universities to keep pace with inflation. And when one realizesthat salaries make up the largest section of university budgetsand that every employee hopes to get at least an inflationary wage increase each year the funding problems are seen clearly. If Ontario’s education system is leading the way into the 1980s the universities and colleges of Canada face the gravest crisis in their history. University of Toronto President Ham, whose university this year had the dubious honour of being the first campus to offer a single class to 700 students at a time, says the survival of the post-secondary education system depends on three conditions being fulfilled: - A public reaffirmation education. Clarification of universities in society.
of the value of the
-Willingness of governments to provide reasonably adequate levels of funding to the universities. Whether those conditions can be met is anyone’s guess. But if they are not it’s a sure bet that a post-secondary education degree -in Canada will be worth little more than thepaper it’s printed on.
x, Public
i demands
21, 1979.
Bureaucracies hedgeon providing information As we move towards the end of this decade - a visible trend isdevelopingamong the North American electorate to question the right of government bureaucracies to make important policy decisions in complete isolation of the voting populus. As governments become larger and more distant, the electorate is beginning to demand more day to day involvement in, and information about, decisions that greatly effect their lives. In California, this disenchantment resul. ted in the initiation of Proposition 13, which questioned the right of a seemingly self. perpetuating bureaucracy to set tax levels without consulting the voters. In Canada this mistrust ismanifesting itself on two distinct levels. As in California, citizens groups -demanding income and property tax reforms have surfaced from coast to coast and provincial governments have embarked on budget balancing plans partially in response to this trend. The remote nature of federal government and federal agency decision making has also prompted reaction from concerned groups, . primarily those questioning government involvement in the nuclear industry and our financial support of third world dictatorships. This public dissatisfaction with governmental collection of information and the secrecy with which they handle it has not been totally lost on our elected representatives. Before the May federalelection the Liberal Party was working on a very mild form of freedom of information legislation but it never reached the floor of the house of commons. In that May election, one of the major planks in the successful Conservative Party election platform was a promise of strong freedom of information legislation earlyin the ’ fall term aimed at opening up the sprawling-federal bureaucracy. All three major political parties now agree that some sort of legislation is necessary. Federal government agencies such as the Atomic Energy Control Board, the National Energy Board, the Unemployment Insurance Commission, and the Canadian RadioTelevision and Telecommunications Commission, have no consistent rules governing what types of information must be released
to involved organizations and members of . the general public are effectively excluded from access to background information.’ Within government ministries there are poorly defined channels by which the public can gain access to printed material and in the past this lack of definition has been used to cut the flow of information to the press and. the public at large. According to Tim Ralfe, the Privy Council specialist on freedom of information currently on loan to the Conservative Party, the specifics of the proposed legislation have not been ironed out, but it will be based on the principle that all government information should be made available to the public with - -the exception of material in a few protected I areas. The effectiveness of the legislation will of course depend on the types of information ’ that will fall into these protected areas, and there is concern, even among sitting Conservative members, that the legislation being drafted will include too many protected areas by the time it reaches the House of Commons. The most vocal pessimist within the Conservative Party is Gerald Baldwin, a veteran P.C. member who is generally recognized as an expert. in the area of freedom of information. Baldwin has publically voiced his fear that Ottawa’s powerful bureaucracy and some overly protective politicians‘ will render Canada’s first freedom of information legislation, something that he has worked towards for fifteen years, too weak to have any real eff ect on secrecy in the federal government. During, the summer Baldwin drafted his own freedom of information bill in the hope that it would be adopted by or at least influence, his party’s final decision.In Baldwin’s proposed legislation there are only six general areas where exemptions to complete disclosure could be,made: --Cabinet and agency documents which contain opinions and advice (as opposed to factual information) submitted before the formulation of a policy. Such an exemption would only be in effect until the final policy decision is made. --Personal files on individual citizens “including but not limited to medical history, personnel, criminal and employment files,
education records, financial transactions and the indentifying number, symbol or other particular assigned to the individual.” --Commercial and financial information which, if made public would disadvantage a financial enterprise in the. competitive economy, i.e. proposed acquisitions of land and property or in the governmental sphere, changes in zoning laws, etc. --Records, which, if exposed, would have an adverse effect on the enforcement of the law, i.e. disclosing the identity of confidential sources, interfering with an enforcement proceeding or revealing investigative techniques or procedures proposed or currently in use. --Records which, if made public, could be shown would create unacceptable damage to theabilityof thegovernment toconduct its legitimate foreign policy. --Any record relating to present and future tactical military operations by- the armed forces of Canada but not including documents or other records relating to the policies on which those procedures are based. Also information prohibited from disclosure in the national Defense Act and intelligence operations specifically authorized by an appropriate minister.
Within these exemption areas Baldwin is calling for time limits to the confidentiality of information to ensure that all possible information will be accessible. Baldwin also emphasized the need for judicial recourse as a last resort if unclassified-material is being withheld. In general terms he is calling for legislation that will provide access for the public, not loopholes for denying the public’s right to information; a concern shared by other experts in this area. Professor Robert T. Franson, who was engaged by the Law Reform Commission of Canada to do a study into freedom of information at the government agency level, also emphasizes the undesirable effects of extending secrecy into areas where confidentiality is not absolutely essential. In his study paper, entitled “Access to Information - Independent Administrative Agencies”, Franson states that he would recommend “legislation giving any member of the public a right to access to information in agency files...Under such an approach agencies would be required to disclose any information in _their files that could be released without causing harm even though the requester might have no particular interest in the subject matter or inany matter before the agency.” A major factor in the debate about what constitutes beneficial -freedom of information legislation for this-country has been the effect of the United States’ thirteen year-old freedom of information legislation.
For instance, the likelihood of the pending Canadian legislation including pervasive exemptions for information relating to the competitive economy is quite high due to the
problems that the U.S. has had in this area. The prime users of government information made public by the American bill have been large corporations trying to gain insights into the internal operations of their competitors.
But, just as the shortcomings of the American legislation must be avoided, proponents of strong freedom of information legislation in Canada point out that the American legislation left relatively few areas of protected secrecy. Consequently public pressure groups have been able to- force important changes in the marketplace and in government bureaucracy with their new sources of information. The removal of red dye number 2 from supermarket shelves, the exposure and eventual correction’ of dangerous automobile defects, and the exposure and correction of mismanagement in the Federal Housing Administration in the United States might never have taken place if strong freedom of infor’mation laws did not exist. According to Baldwin, the- Conservative government now has an opportunity to institute strong freedom of information !egislation that hasn’t existed for the past decade and might not be here in a few years. Baldwin feels that because the Conservative government made freedom of information one of the cornerstones of their election campaign, and ,because they are new to power, there is a real possibility the pending legislation will affect government-secrecy. “There ‘isn’t the great need to hide potentially embarrassing dislcosures because we are such a new government” says Baldwin and he and other supporters of strong legislation are hoping that will make it possible for the Conservative cabinet and then the House of Commons to support strong legislation as well. The costs of expanding access to government information is of course a factor. Federal ministries and the larger administrative agencies .will likely have to hire extra personnel to handle the paper work involved, but according to Franson’s two year study, cost is no longer thought to be as much of a factor as it was when the Liberal government drew up estimates for their proposed legislation. According to Franson, the smaller ’ government agencies in the United States have been able to absorb the increasedcosts into already existing budget categories and a cost-benefit analysis of the legislation’s effect on the larger agencies has, to his mind, reaffirmed its worth. “The disclosure provisions that we are suggesting” he says “can be expected to add little cost. I believe the benefits to be gained by disclosure-greater understanding of the administrative process and more democratic control of it-far outweigh the cost that will result.”
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The Arts
Bob Segarini
. The
the crowd
last Thursday
at the Humanities
by Rich
Deuce charms the crowd
Martin MacPhee There was an event on campus last Thursday, one the likes of which this university is not likely to see for a long time. That event,was the Doucette concert in the Humanities Theatre.
taping of the live section of Doucette’s last album, called “Coming Up Roses”. The crowd stayed in rapturous silence till the last echo died out, a response which Doucette said impressed him very much in a postconcert interview.
I do not usually like concerts. The quality of the music and performance is never as good as an album, which costs the same but, of course, can be enjoyed over and over. Despite this jaundiced view I can clearly say that the performance Doucette gave us was utterly incredible, and no album could ever do it justice.
The show continued with songs from both albums, plus new material destined to be on the third. At one point, Doucette broke to do an interpretation, on guitar, of the various tones of voice that “girlfriends” use. Laughing and joking with the audience, inflaming them comments like “you sound like a thousand people out there”, he raised the audience to a fever pitch, and the sound they produced rivaled the volume of both his amps.
The concert began a little late, with a smallish crowd of about 340 in attendance. The opening act was a Toronto group called The Backbeats. This lively group - aided by excellent guitar solos by Rico Jameson, and a pianist who seemed to be a cross between Buddy Holly and Elvis Costello - had the audience ’ clapping along by their second number. The rather amateurish lighting, including a spot light that served to distract rather than to illuminate the solos (no I’m not sorry about that) didn’t seem to bother the crowd, but the band overstayed their welcome. The audience was hungry for Doucette, but they had. to wait through the intermission to get him. And get him they did! Opening with “Down the Road” from his first album, he sent the audience into a frenzy. Technical difficulties, and a short conversation with the audience led him to use two amps instead of the one he usually uses. As the walls shook to the sounds of “Back Off” the crowd tuned in with a kind of wild rapport. The crowd was rowdy, they wanted it loud and loose, yet they were very responsive to the emotions in the music. This was clearly the case when the Deuce played a song from his upcoming album, dedicated to his friend Shelly Siegal, head of Mushroom Records, who died of cerebral hemorage during the
a smash
Jason Mitchell Bob Segarini, veteran rock’n’roller, leg man, 34year-old juvenile delinquent, old-movie freak and all-round nice guy played to a packed house at the Waterloo Motor Inn on Friday, September 14th. Co-sponsored by the Arts Society and the Federation, the pub drew about 750 people, making it one of the best attended events of its kind in recent years. The audience was almost as interesting as the band; some people came in suits and ties or dresses, some in everyday clothes, some in new wave outfits complete with punk band buttons (God save The Clash!) and glasses. Despitethe many individual differences between members of the audience, as a whole, they were fairly receptive to Segarini and his band. In return Segarini complimented the audience - both on and offstage -for being the best audience the band has had on their recent mini-tour of Ontario universities. He described the band as “kinetic”; they took the energy from the audience and gave it back to them in the form of a better performance. Their three-set, twenty-three song performance seemed to prove him right. Besides playing his entire Gotta Have Pop album, he previewed several songs from his forthcoming Goodbye L.A. L.P., of which “Please, Please, Please” an old Ducks Deluxe tune, was the best. Other songs included two Beatles numbers, a Stones song, “People Are Strange” by The Doors, and a tune from Segarini’s old group, The Wackers, called “Hey Lawdy Lawdy”. During the third set, Segarini’s sense of humour nearly got out of hand. After doing three songs, the band began to play some fairly malicious - but funny - imitations of other groups. These included Elvis Costello,
The Assyciation
of Student
The Cars (“We steal other people’s riffs/ And sell them back to you” to the tune of “My Best Friend’s Steen
Led Zeppelin,
owowowow/New Jersey”) and Peter Tosh. What was incredible about it was the fact that a lot of people didn’t seem to realize it was just in fun; the openings of “Stairway to Heaven” and “Watching the Detectives” got as much applause as they would if they were being done by the original artists, and people flocked to the dance floor. Excuse me if 1 sound a bit stuffy (I was warned ahead of time), but 1 found this as funny as the songs themselves. After finishing this set of parodies, he launched into a ramble on a variety of topics, including drugs (“The band is all out of drugs. Would anyone who has any spare drugs pleasegive them to the fat gentleman with the sweater beside the stage.“), and humour (When 1 was a little boy, my father said to me, he said, ‘Bob, if you don’t have a sense of humour . ...thenfuckoff!‘“)Someof it was funny, some of it was outrageous, and some of it was just plain gross, but as a whole, this partof the set was fairly amusing. All in all, the evening was fairly successful and fun for all of those involved.
While it may be pointless to bring this up again, it would certainly be helpful to rearrange the seating at the Waterloo Motor Inn so that the dance floor is at the back, not in front of the stage. For those people who couldn’t dance because the floor was full, or didn’t want to, it was impossible to see the band when the dance floor was full. As the dance floor was full from about two-thirds of the way through the first set to the end of the show, a lot of people didn’t get to see much; that was unfortunate. Hopefully this will be rectified before the next pub.
of Students
Vancouv& Christmas Flights $22Q00ec,eparture& Pick your own dates! any round trip combination selected from the dates listed below:
The climax of the show came where it should, at the end, with an earth-shattering rendition of his fantastic Single “Mama Let Him Play”, paying tribute to some of hisearly influences. He merged it into a rendition of “Hey Jude”, driving the audience wild, earning him a ten minute standing ovation, with theaudience shouring“Doo-cette, Doocette!” Returning and throwing a bouquet of flowers into the audience, he gave another single from The Deuce Is Loose, “Run Buddy Run” (The Bud was his first manager) and finished up with “Long Tall Sally”. After the concert, Doucette had nothing but praise for the audience and their responsiveness. The Deuce is just winding up a long road tour through the States and Canada and said this was the best concert he’s played. He also liked playing again on his home turf. When he was eleven, he played at Bingeman of all places, in a group called the Reefers, where he remembers “watching the bikers beating each other !” and “getting stoned on the fumes”; well times haven’t changed, only the participants. Some more Doucette trivia gleaned from the interview: his next album isdue inonlyfour months,and the boy on his album coversis his son J.D. Jr.
21, 1979.
in top form
December 22 December 23
January 5 January 6
Arts Book
21, I979.
book released
laughter or bewilderment. But Varley is not writing satire. The character referred to does not have to breathe because she has
The Persistence of Vision, John Varley. Sturgeon’s law tells us that 90% of everything is crud. That means that 90% of the movies we watch, the courses we take, the people we meet, and the books we read are -so bad that they don’t merit our attention. If this is true then one may watching rqasonably ask, why bother movies, taking courses, meeting people or reading books. The answer comes quickly and clearly: because the meritous 10% of everything contains items like this book, John Varley’s first collection of short stories.
an implanted device which forces directly into her bloodstream. describes in detail how it is done, believe in it completely.
oxygen Varley and we
I haven’t talked about all the good things in this book. “Air Raid” is a brutal tale about a group of people who use a time portal to save victims of airplane crashes before they crash. In its realistic use of future idioms, it is, again, thoroughly convincing. “In the Hall of the Martian Kings” shows us some positive aspects of that much maligned planet, Mars. “Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance” presents a new kind of symbiotic art form.
If you are not in the habit of reading science fiction magazines, you probably did not notice Varley’s debut four years ago, or the truly satisfying stories that he has been producing since then. The Persistence of Vision contains nine of these magazine pieces, and affords you the opportunity to experience some of the riches you’ve missed out on.
There is more, nine stories in all. If you’ve seen Star Wars, and suffered through an episode of Battlestar Galactica, and been left wondering, “Is that science fiction?” you could do no better than read this book and discover what sci-fi, in the hands of a capable practitioner, can really do.
What makes Varley good? His material is not new. His themes and ideas are characteristic of the seventies: cloning, memory“ recording, sex“changes, societies in upheaval. Significantly, you will find few robots or spaceships in these stories. But like Heinlein before him, Varley has taken the stock features of current science fiction, and shown us the wonders inherent wonders which have been in them, inadequately revealed or overlooked altogether. Heinlein used slidewalks to show us labour unrest in “The Roads Must ‘Roll.” Varley uses memory recording to show us a new kind of murder in “The Phantom of Kansas.” Heinlein took spaceships and showed us the society occupying one of them in “Orphans of the Sky.” Varley takes cloning and shows a society build around it in “Overdrawn at the Memory Bank.”
“May I suggest that in today’s group-therapy session all work on our contact with reality”
The comparison with Heinlein is apt, because Varley, while clearly working within the sci fi idiom, has emerged with a voice and viewpoint all his own. His style,w bile not breezy or slick, will have you rapidly turning pages and moving on to the next story with scarcely a pause to catch your breath. His viewpoint is optimistic. To Varley the universe is a friendly place, not a harsh adversary. Even when his characters run into life-threatening problems on Mercury (“Retrograde Summer”) or Venus (“In the Bowl”) there is a society and an environment which is helpful and benign and which will get them out of their troubles. They are never alone. There is no room for defeatism or despair in Varley’s stories. Perhaps nowhere is this more evident than in the title story of this book. It is about a wanderer in a near future earth who stumbles upon a colony of adults who have been blind and deaf since birth. Varley shows us how they build and run their colony and how they admit the wanderer, teaching him their ways and their viewpoint. It is an incredible technical achievement to have the reader believing that the sighted protagonist is the only handicapped character in the story, but Varley does it, and at the same time shows us that, though isolated, he will never be alone. This one story is well worth the price of admission for ) its affirmation of humanity and its convincing detail. Which brings me to a basic point. How does Varley convince us of his visions? Like any good writer he uses detail. When he describes the process of memory recording, there is scarcely a word of double-talk, and you are convinced he knows exactly how the process works. When we are treated to a weather symphony in “The Phantom of Kansas,” we feel he has captured the very essence of this (so far) non-existent art form, because he tells us how it is done. This strict adherence to getting the details right allows us to read this sentence on page 63 without even blinking: “The main trouble you’ll have is adjusting to not breathing.” In lesser hands those words would elicit
en it comes to hoi id a good smooth Golden eople think anything
he Arts Robert
The house on opening night was surprisingly empty for a comedy which has something to please everyone. The play has good plot development and lots of laughs especially in t+ second act. It is a well produced, fun, and well worth seeing. The small cast of eight provides some excellent characterizations. Unfortunately some weaker portrayals emerge to spoil some of the funny lines which demand precise execution. The first act introduces a convuled interplay of plots. Several characters independently engage the services of a hit man with the intention of killing one another. Only the hit man and the local funeral director--much to their delight--are aware of theextent of the nefarious plottings. In the second act, carefully executed jokes and visual pranks had everyone in the audience roaring. The plot thickens as more persons hire the hitman to kill more people. Part of the farce is that the play is taking place in a hospital for the terminally ill. After all who would want to kill someone who’s dying anyway? In addition, illicit romances, drugs,a crosswalk sign and a vast array of murder devices create hilarious situations. Steve Hull as the hitman characterized his role exceptionally well and continually had the audience in stitches. Jim Gardner drew laughs with his outrageous actions as a conceited lady’s man who is the only one who suspects that a hitman is after him. Bernie
Roehl also shines as an obnoxious, insensitive slob who manages to irritate many of the others in the play, especially his brother-in-law, an embezzler. The male nurse, who is also a bookie, seems to be let in on all the schemes to murder persons and keeps referring them to his “‘friend” the hitman. In the third act, the schemes.are all revealed and romances untangled. At one point, though, it looks as if most of the characters are going to die, but remember this is a comedy; everyone must survive! Overall the play seems to be a far more serious theatrical production than FASS’ zany plays. The play tends towards professionalism with a believable plot, as opposed to the typical impossible situations created by ridiculous characters. This creates a good comedy but the necessary plot development interferes with the continuity of hilarious situations, expecially in the first and last acts. The first act in particular, lacks the flow and timing that is present in the rest of the play. Ironically, it was this act which had been re-written since the June production with the intention of spicing it up. Whether or not the ’ fault lies with the job of re-writing or with the over-acting on the part of the financier or hospital directer, the production does not really get into gear until act two. I would still recommend that “The Finishing Touch” be ‘seen. It plays in the Theatre of the Arts at 8 pmeach evening until _ September 22.
Stratford’s Lori
Moor overdoes
Othello is a strange, wild, stormy play, full of passion, fury, sudden changes in mood. It can easily degenerate to melodrama if overplayed. Unfortunately, that’s just what does happen with the Stratford Festival’s production of Ofhello-only at times, but often enough to destroy most of the tragedy and pathos for the audience. ’ The production haseverythinggoingforit, marvellous -text, beautiful costumes, and three of Stratford’s best actors, Domini Blythe, Nicholas Pennell and Alan Scarfe, in the starring roles. But there’safalse note that throws everything off. Alan Scarfe as Othello the Moor, painted and dressed to kill, sports a strange accent which sounds more Italian than Moorish. Othello is referred to as “a noble moor of Venice”, but still...Scarfe’s performance has some convincing moments, such as the scene where Iago first sows doubt in Othello’s mind about Desdemona’s fidelity and the bedroom scene where he murders her, but in other spots is too full of blustering and arm-waving to win sympathy or even pity. Scarfe is constantly upstaged by Nicholas Pennell as Iago, a bit of surprise casting that works spectacularly well. There’s a tendency to imagine Iago as dark, ugly, perhaps misshapen. Pennell, blond and extremely good-looking, suggests that Iago’s misshapeness is all inward, an ugliness of soul rather than of body, even more sinister since it cannot be seen. People of Shakespeare’s time believed tbaf the beautiful were good and the ugly were evil-Pennell’s Iago is more subtle and more modern, showing that beauty, too, can be a disguise. The role of Iago is a choice one, allowing the actor to play several roles at once as Iago
himself does--the loyal friend, the good husband, the amusing companion, the unwilling bearer of evil tidings. Pennell seems to be having the time of his life slipping chameleon-like in and out of all these disguises. His Iago is a master con man, by turns bawdy and delicate; his ruse todeceive Othello, ruin the Moor’s life and that of Cassio, whom he imagines to be his rival, is a work of art, although a warped, twisted one. Scarfe seems to flounder along behind Pennell, never quite matching his control and self-assurance. Frances Hyland’s direction, like Scarfe’s performance, lacks restraint: there is a lot of arm-waving, too much wailing, and an irritating emphasis on the word “honest” when used to describe Iago. That particular bit of irony wears thin very quickly but is often repeated, always heavily stressed. Othello is one of Shakespeare’s greatest plays, and one of the most popular. It’s a shame that it hasn’t been done justice to in this procution, when the Festival has the money, the actors, and the technicians to make it possible. Only the vision was lacking here, but you can’t have a work of art without that vision. Domini Blythe is a lovely Desdemona, although at times more passive than the text suggests; there is little sign of the charm and wit with which Othello, Iago and Cassio credit her. The “willow” scene with Emilia, her maid, just before her death, is one of the few really touching moments of the play. . Stephen Russell (looking a lot like Michael York) as Cassio, whom Othello imagines to be his wife’s lover, Barbara Budd as Emilia, Iago’s wife and unwitting accomplice, and Barbara Maczka as Bianca, a courtesan, are particularly strong in secondary and minor roles.
21, 1979.
“The Finishing Touch” was more than just Sumwat funny. When you have lines from the hitman such as, “Does he (the victim) use bubblebath?” When answered yes, he sighsand says, “Then that won’t work-it kills the piranha” and the audience roars (and not necessarily at just that line-it’s the cumulation of humour which does it) you know you havea winner. Above: (1. to r.) in background: Chris Dobbin, Gillian Teichert, Jim Gardner, Caroline Doll, Bernie Rohel. Foreground: Steve Hull, Ron Dragushan, and Preston Gurd. Photo
by Chris
M ax Peter
I had heard a lot about Max Mou’se and the Gorillas, but had never seen them before, so I had a lot of questions for Joe, who has seen them 10 or 12 times. He told me that if Joe Jackson had come from the hills near Peterborough, he would be Max Mouse. I didn’t have any idea what he meant by that, but it did sound interesting. Even after the show was over I couldn’t understand what Joe had meant. Max Mouse and the Gorillas reminded me (in appearance) more of a bluegrass band-on acid. That’s an unusual impression to get, but then MMTG is not too usual. Even the names of the members reflect this strangeness: Art Nouveau on Hammond organ and mellotron, J. P. and-a-half Hovercraft on outerspace bass, Bobo Lewis, who was announcedasbeingfromthe Congo,ondrums, Ezra Kilo on Hawaiian guitar, and of course Max Mouse on guitar and most lead vocals. The music they played was no easier to figure out’. Right in the middle of “There’s a Riot Goin’ On” Ezra played the kind of pedal
steel run that you would expect to hear on a Conway Twitty album. Another tune, “Do The Poodle” was written as a eulogy to one Fifi, who met an untimely end under a truck in front of the Ontario f\/Iotor League in Oshawa. The chorus consisted of Art, J. P. and Max howling, yelping and making other assorted canine noises. Pretty absurd, but all very entertaining, which is the name of the game. There was one aspect of the performance that has to be seen to be believed - the way that Ezra pjayed that pedal steel. Ihave never seen anyone play the instrument like that. He had all of the guitar solos, and he produced more sounds than most guitarists can get on the six-string variety. He played blues, country, rock-a-billy and every type of rock guitar. What really amazed me was the Hendrix-influenced bits, complete with controlled overtones and distortion. If you ever get a chance to see this band. don’t turn it down. It was pne of the more entertaining shows, overall, that I have seen in a while.
Kathrp Moses ’ Mi&ael Quatro
October 3-8 PM Theatre of the Arts
Students: $6.00 Others: $7.50 (in advance) $1.00 more on the day of the show Tickets c
available Federation
at: Forwells Super Variety Records on Wheels Sam’s of Students Office, CC 235
21, 1979.
a hit
for instance, was played as it should be: with Ira Nayman brash loudness. This is in keeping with the There are songs which have gone out of proud, somewhat haughty character of the vogue, which are not often heard any more, man whose banner it is. but which are still easily recognized (and “Sunrise, Sunset”, from Fidd1,er on the easily enjoyed). On the program of the Roof, also comes to n-rind; the K-W Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra’s rendition, lead by which played to a near-capacity crowd in the the brilliant violin solo of concertmaster Humanities Theatre Saturday, were many Ilmer, was, as it should be, soft and poignant. suc,h songs, a major contribution to their Dr. Snyder, present director of the Iowa excellent all-round performance. State Center and director of the Ames The orchestra, led by guest conductor International Orchestra Festival, conducted Richard Snyder, played an inspired evening Through his the Orchestra quite ably. of the promised ‘Broadway, Bacharach and conversations between medleys, short ‘as the Beatles.’ Not listed on the program, they were, one got the impression that he however; were such diverse elements as a enjoyed his work very much. country and western medley, a set of songs Some of the actual selections were, from Saturday Night Fever and a medley of perhaps, ill-conceived. Of the three Beatles songs entitled The Young Person’s Guide to songs represented, “Something”, “My the T.V. Truly, something for everyone. Sweet Lord”, and “Yesteyday”, only the last The musical arrangements, so important one reflected any of the strengths of the in a pops concert, were uniformly interesting . original. They were immediately followed, and well done. There is a tendency to allow however, by The Young Person’s Guide to the brass section of the orchestra, particuthe T.V., a delightful series of excerpts from larly the trumpets, to dominate pop music, Saturday afternoon television shows and but this was not the case. In fact, a very good commercials. In this way, the program string section headed by Irving Ilmer, the appealed to almost every taste. concertmaster, led for most of the evening. By the time the final selection, “MacArthur Park”, was played, the audience-mostly Above this, the arrangements were wellolder people-had a chance to hear what a suited to their particular songs. The theme really good pop concert is. from the Broadway hit Man of La Mancha,
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From left to right, George Vasiladis (Defensive end, 6’3”, 230, 3rd year, rookie of the year in 77), Bob Kryluak(Nose guard, 6’4”, 230, rookie from Windsor, aggressive, good potential), Peter Ruben&u (Noseguard, 6’1”, 230, 2nd year), Rob Logan (Defensive end, 6'3', 225,2nd year, transfer from Simon Fraser), Mike Payne (Defensive end, 6’3’, 225, rookie).
“We sputtered and spun but in the main we played 1 well both offensively and defensively,“. said Wally Delahey, the Head Coach of the University of Waterloo Warriors. “We got good production out of both our running and passing It was nice to see that balance. However, we’ll have to become more consistent in our future games if we expect to do well this season. “We controlled the ball very well at times but at other times we became sloppy and had to give up the ball. We’ll work to correct that part of our game,” said Delahey. In Saturday’s game against McMaster, the Warriors came out on top by a score of 40-6. As coach Delahey mentioned, the * offense was spread fairly evenly between running and passing. The Warriors gained 260 yards on the ground and 222 yards through the air. “Wayne Robinson rushed for 146 yards and Joe Alves had 96 yards. Both players had runs of 56 yards for touchdowns. “Our passing percentage wasn’t that great (the Warriors hit on 7 for 17) but when we needed the big play, we got it with our passe-s. We had a 68 yard completion to Bill Boug and a 77 yard completion to Gord Grace. “Three of our passes were good for touchdowns. Larry D’Andrea, Gord Grace and Mike Smeltzer scored on pass receptions.
21, 1979.
Steve Valorite (Deepback, 5’10’, 180, 4th year, most experience and best on the team), Nick Benkovich (Deepback, 5’10”, 190, 2nd year, very perceptive), Rich Adamson (Deepback, 5’10’, 180,2nd year, one of the hardest hitters on the team), Rob Sommerville (Deepback, 5’11”, 190, 3rd year, co-captain, one of the motivating forces on defence).
Mike Karpow (Kicker, 6’3”, 200, 4th year, 4th in nation as a punter), Joe Alves (Halfback, 5’8”, 175, 4th year, excellent back), Bob Pronik (6’, 190, Quarterback 4th year, has full control this year at quarterback), Wayne Robinson (Fullback, 6’1’, 230, team leading rusher), Dave Goodwin rookie, (Fullback, 6’, 230, 3rd year, hard hitting and hard runner).
Phil Fletcher (Outside linebacker, 6’, 200, 3rd yr. rookie of the year in 76, mad man of the team), John Creed (Inside linebacker, 5’1 l”, 200 rookie from Toronto), Dave Young (Inside-linebacker, 5’11”, 200, 3rd yr., team leader), Frank Kosak (Outside linebacker, 6’1”, 200, 2nd year, rookie of the year in 78, one of the best in the league).
Mike Smeltzer (Flanker, 6’, 200, 3rd year, has the most TD caught on the team), Bill Boug (Tight End, 6’3”, 210, 4th year, team leading receiver, probably the best in the league), Mike Grace (Flanker rookie, 6’, 200, shows a lot of grace, good hands), Jim Jordan (Tight End, 6’2’, 210, rookie, has good hands, needs experience).
Scott Startup (Tackle, 6’3”, 265,3rd year, one of the best in the league), Mike Macdonald (Guard, 5’11”, 220, 3rd year, very aggresive). Mike Kodas (Center, 6’, 220, rookie from Hamilton), Mark Beckam (Guard, S’, 225, 2nd year, offensive captain, team leader), Shane Gormely (Tackle, 6’2”, 225, rookie from Guelph, good future with the team).
trounce Mat (Sept. 22) in “Our defense played * Saturday well. We had three interSeagram Stadium. ceptions (by Rich AdamThe Waterloo Warriors son, Dave Young and Rob and the Western Mustangs both go into the game with Sommerville) which stopped McMaster drives when records of one win and one it appeared that they were loss. The Mustangs defeated York University in ready to threaten. their first game of the “Our defense stopped season and then lost to their run very effectively. Wilfrid Laurier University McMaster gained 116 last Saturday. yards on the ground with The Warriors lost their most of it coming in the opening game to a very mid-field area.” strong %team. from the University of Windsor while The half time score of the taking their first win of the game against McMaster season last Saturday awas 21-O for Waterloo. gainst McMaster UniverCoach Delahey elaborated, sity in Hamilton. “As so often happens when “Both teams will go into you go into the third Saturday’s game knowing quarter with a substantial that another loss will hurt lead, the team has a tentheir playoff chances for dancy to let up slightly. We the current season,” said messed around for most of the Head Coach of the the third quarter against University of Waterloo McMaster before getting Warriors, Wally Delahey. things together again in the “If we can get that fourth quarter. consistency going for us and not hurt ourselves by losing our concentration “In the fourth quarter, w,e for even one play, then it ran into some penalties should be a very good game. which set us back again. “We won’t be able to get However, we finished on a away with some of the positive note and we hope mistakes that we made that we’ll be able to take our against McMaster in our momentum into this Saturgame with Western and day’s game against Wesstill expect to be in the tern.” game,” said Delahey. “We’ve got to put td-Co-Captain Rob Somsixty minutes of merville was shaken up in gether football. Our inconsistency the game but is expected to hurt us against Windsor. It be ready for Western. was still there but to a The University of Waterlesser degree against Mcloo Warriors. will host the Master but in that game it University of Western Ondidn’t cost us. tario Mustangs in the third “Consistency, control league game of the season and confidence should’ be for,both teams, this coming our key for the Western
From left to right: Wally Delahay, Bill Koski John Rothwell, George
game. We’re working out our game to cut down the small mistakes that cost you the ball on a march: we’d like to be able to control our marches. That part of our game was improving against McMaster but we still have a little way to go. And with that win and those points a-
bnprint waJnts
Bob McKillop, Hunsburger.
Cam Prange,
gainst McMaster our confidence got a boost. That will help us heading into the Western game,” said Delahey.
nel 11, Hamilton, Ontario and plans are close to being finalized to air the game on CKKW radio in Kitchener.
Saturday’s game will start at 2:OO p.m. For those that are unable to attend the game, it will be televised on CHCH-TV, Chan-
Admission to the Warrior’s home games is included in the UW,Season Ticket Plan. General Admission is $2.00, Students $1.50.
Dinner Specials Tuesdays and Thursdays: 2 item, 4 slice Pizza: $1.25 Wednesdays and Saturdays: Hamburger and French Fries: $1.25
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Intercollegiate Volleyball Tryouts for Athena volleyball are very competitive this year, says co.ach Pat Davis. The team will be chosen this week. Davis sees a minimum of seven returning players on this year’s team. The returnees have a lot of confidence, and with skilled freshmen coming in, it should be an exciting team. Jan Ostrom, 3rd year Kin student, will be changing positions from power-hitter to setter. She also piayed for the Provincial Winter Games team which represented Ontario at the Canada Games. Also moving to setter from corner hitter, is Lorie Freeman at 5’9”. Last year she pla yed as a freshman. Deanie LaChance 5'8" and Maria Kasch 5'11", are both returning for their second year as centre blockers. Kasch has greatly improved her skills over the summer, largely due to her teaching experience at a volleyball camp. Other returnees trying out include Paula Purdon 5’9”, Carolyn Aldwinckle (a provincial player last year), Denise Schnider 5'8", and Val WilBolenback is a liams 5’9”. Brenda transfer student from Lakehead U. She originates from the Kenora area. Davis anticipates two new sixfooters will join her squad - Marnie McMahan? a sophomore and Karen McAlister a freshman. Carolyn Collins of Oshawa, andPattiGowerfrom fairly skilled Trenton are both freshmen who are also expected to i oin. I
As Davis sees it, the big opposition will be York University and the University of Ottawa. Ottawa has augmented their team with two national players and two junior national players. York, who won the OWIAA championships last year, are still as strong or stronger this season. Davis isn’t making any predictions as to how her team will perform. Waterloo is playing in Tier 1 of a two tier system. There are six teams in the top, including UW, and 9 in the second tier. Of these 15 teams, only one representative is sent to the CIAU championships. As the Athenas are playing in a strong and competitive league, it is very difficult for them to get out of the OWIAA into the Nationals. The first home contest is to be held in October or early November, and will be announced well in advance. November 13 at 8:00 pm, the Athenas meet Western for their first home league game.
Waterpolo The UW waterpolo team began tryouts last week, and are looking good already. Despite the loss of a senior player, the team should perform even better than last season. They have added four offensive players and an impressive rookie goalie to their roster. The final team will be announced prior to October 13. In his second year as coach, Lou Wagner is hoping for a successful season. He has experience as a member of the championchip provincial team in Hungary, and also of the McGill University team. Hungary is very strong at the international level, and many national teains are led by Hungarian coaches. The league structure involves a series of tournaments played every Saturday. The top three. teams from the East, and_ from the West meet in the playoffs Nov. 24 at the University of Toronto. Ontario has the only official intercollegiate league in Can-
Briefs Waterloo will challenge McMaster, U of T, and Western for a playoff position. Mat has won the .OUAA championships for nine consecutive years. UW will open their season playing against McMaster in thePAC pool on October 13 at 11:30 am. The Warribrs will also play in the Annual Oktoberfest Tourney at Laurier, Oct. 13 &14.
Administrative and at the sheHer
Office inside
inside the
the South
North Entrance Entrance TABLE
The Rugby Warriors suffered their first loss of the season against Forest City of London on Sunday. In this exhibition game, the side showed.a strong running game but were still on the losing end of the 15-14 score. Wally Urbanski scored the first try after an exciting 80 yard run. Mike Lasage, rookie scrumhalf touched the ball down after picking it up from a five yard strum. The final try was scored by Mike Peevers, a fine young back from Barrie. Steve Diebert, a Warrior alumni, scored for Forest City on a number eight take from a five yard strum. The Warriors open the regular season against Queens on Saturday at Columbia fields. Last year Queens were undefeated on their way to the league championships. The battle for first place could be between Waterloo and Queens. This is an important game for the Warriors as it will show where they stand against the other sides. Come out and support your Warriors on Saturday. Soccer
The University of Waterloo Warriors came as close as they could to winning the Laurentian Invitational last weekend. The Warriors started out with a 3-1 win over their OUAA rivals, the University of Toronto. In the championship game of the four-team tournament, the Warriors met the very strong Laurentian team. The score of the final game was O-O. It was still scoreless after two overtime periods. The penalty kicks came next. In the penalty kick session, the Warriors lost by one goal, 5-4. “We fel that we played very well,” said Ron Cooper, the Head Coach of the UW Soccer Warriors. “Laurentian has a very strong team and for all intents and purposes, weplayedthem to a stand-still. It was an exciting game.” In refering to the strength of the Laurentian team Cooper said, “They have gour members of Canada’s National Junior Team, one of whomis Lois Nagy. Nagy was the leading scorer for Canada in the World Junior Championship which was recently held in Japan. We held Nagy to one shot on goal. Laurentian also has some out-of-country . players who were members of their national junior teams.-They have a very powerful team.” Scorers for the Warriors in the game against the University of Toronto were Mike Mohan, Mike Wigmore and Roland Mueller. Local soccer fans will have an opportunity -to see the Lauqe.ntian Voyageurs when they pay a visit to UW to play their first league game of the OUAA season. Actually it will be Laurentian’s second league game but the first for the Warriors. The rematch will take place this coming Sunday, September 23,1979. The game will be played in Kitchener’s Woodside park. Starting time will be 1:OO pm.
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Friday, _-
21, 1979.
5$lOO participants
B DO you participate? Chances are that you do. The Intramural Program at Waterloo has one of the highest rates of participation of any university in this country, if not the highest. That’s not the only thing UW has to boast about. Waterloo is an innovator in the field. Where was innertube waterpolo first tried? What about ball hockey? Other institutions in Canada and the U.S. look to UW for help and advice in starting their own intramural programmes. Pete Hopkins, men’s Intramural Director, says this programme is successful here, but it may not be at another university. Each community has their own need and facilities. The key is not to copy, but to innovate. The goal of a programme must be to play for fun, to participate, and to have a good time. Hopkins himself has converted fro,m a competitive jock to a participation and enjoyment freak. Student participation and involvement are essential to the success of any IM programme.
At Waterloo the IM pro. gramme was initiated in’68 and has taken off since then. Over 7,000 students per week are involved at some level. This figure can be broken down into instructional (l,OOO/week), recreational (1,500), clubs (900) and competitive (1820% of the student population). The numbers involved individually in jogging, swimming, etc., are unmeasurable. The programme . employs over 600 students in various capacities. These include referees, league conveners, lifeguards, instructors, and officials. One of the truly unique features of the IM program,
according to Sally Kemp, women’s Intramural Director, is that by far the majority of IM participants are involved in co-ed activities (clubs, instructional activities and some recreational programs). Students are also involved in rule and policy decisions. The Men’s and Women’s Intramural Athletic Councils (MIAC and WIAC) are a controlling factor in the IM program. They ensure that the goals and philosophy of intramurals ‘are being met. MIAC and WIAC operate separately, but have joint meetings from time to time to discuss mutual concerns. Hopkins and Kemp act as resource people, but do not have a vote on council. One example of their actions is the mandatory use of face masks for men’s ice hockey. This decision was based on the results of a study conducted by a UW student. The study concluded that a very high percentage of the facial injuries that occurred last season could have been avoided if the players had been wearing face masks. Looking for a playing partner? The IM department has set up a partners board in the PAC. If you need a partner for squash, tennis or racquet-ball, just check the Partners Board. Hopkins sees the IM programme as a part of the educational process. Students learn to play for fun and enjoyment, rather than to win. Intramurals offer a much greater opportunity for participation than competitive teams and sports on the intercollegiate level. Hopkins’ major obstacle these days is to accommodate all students and teams that want to participate so who was talking about lack of student involvement on campus?
Action between Thomases and Minota Hagey during St. Jerome’s Invitational Softball Tournament last weekend. The tourney was won by Big Sticks in a 5-4 victory over Ultimate Strength. . Photo by Ed Zurowski
Intramural Upcoming
On Monday Sept. 24 at 4:30 p.m. the curling club will be’ holding their first meeting of the year in room 1083 of the P.A.C. The Ski Club will be holding the organizational meeting on Monday Sept. 24 at 7:00 p.m. in MC 2065. Monday Sept. 24 at 4:30 p.m. is the entry deadline for the Village II Co-Ed Slow Pitch Tournament. Friday Sept. 214:30 p.m. is the entry deadline for Women’s Competitive Volleyball teams.
The I.M. program is still in need of officials (football, soccer, ball hockey,basket-
ball, and ice hockey) to keep the competitive aspect of the program sunpect of the program running smoothly.
Ultimate. S,trength came up with an outstanding performance for their fourth consecutive game of the day.
For further details contact Matt Weaver at 884-8069, or just drop by the I.M. office Rm. 2040 in the P.A.C.
Big Sticks had a fairly easy road to the championship game playing only one game earlier in the day. The top half of the first Ultimate inning saw Strength bats bring Procunier and Furnival across the plate, to take an early 20 lead. The Big Sticks were not to be outdone as they responded with two runs, one by Grainger and one by Bags. The second inning saw a scoreless inning. The top half of the third inning saw a home run by Propunier to give Ultimate Strength a 3-2 lead. The bottom half of the inning
Softball The first tournament o.f the fall term got off to a somewhat sluggish start but finished with a very tense thrilling championship game. The final game of the weekend saw ULTIMATE STRENGTH come up the loser side of the tournament ladder to match off’ against a strong alumni team in BIG STICKS.
cross the plate once again to give the Big Sticks the edge. The fourth inning remained scoreless. The top of the final innings saw Harrison of Ultimate Strength start the inning off with a home run to tie the score once The Big Sticks again. bounced back to win the Bernie was contest as brought home off a single by Grainger. The co-ordinators from St. Jerome’s College would like to extend their appreciation to the umpires and hope that the members of the 20 teamsinvolvedinthe weekend activities enjoyed themselves. Looking forward to seeing you all next year.
I Are you fit?
St. Paul’s and Conrad
in Intramural
by Ed Zurowski
B Personal fitness testing is now available on campus to all students, staff, and faculty. Campus Health Promotion operates out of Health Services under the direction of Bruce Moran, a graduate of Kinesiology. The program’s major purpose is to promote fitness and health awareness on campus. Although there is a fee of $10 for the service, and this may seem a little high, Moran assures us that many places charge much more for the same type of evaluation. This summer the testing was run as a pilot project. Moran rated it as being a .highly successful venture. He evaluated the fitness levels of 170 individuals. The program now operates on a full-time basis. The evaluation itself consists of a series of tests which determine blood
cholesterol and triglyceride levels (this part is optional), flexibility, body fat composition, muscular strength, lung capacity and efficiency and cardiovascular fitness. A computer analysis of present lifestyle habits is also available. The testee is presented with a fitness profile manual, detailing his or her present level of fitness. It includes a personal exercise prescription designed on the basis of the performance in the evaluation. The manual can also be used to compare fitness improvement in future testing. Campus Health Promotion will be expanding into the areas of injury prevention at some future date. They hope to introduce jogging clinic; and pre-ski season fitness clinics. For more information, call Bruce Moran, in Health Services at ext. 3541.
Women’s teams organize Tammy Horne Another year of women’s varsity sports has begun. UW’s Athena teams are now holding organizational meetings and/or tryouts. A list of coaches and meeting times is posted on the bulletin board in the women’s locker room. If you are considering trying out for a varsity team, and would like to meet the coach and have a chat with him/her, ask the PAC receptionist in the Athletic Department Office (in Red North) where to find the coach. Many of our female athletes say that it is a good idea to start training now for your sport. Practices for most teams are two hours a day, fiire days a week, and coaches expect the athletes to work hard for the full length of each practice. Even though playing a varsity sport requires a time commitment and hard work, many positive experiences can be gained The from participating. Varsity program, offers the ~>~‘~~:‘~‘~,~~~~~.~~~~ Q b,t,,
&i !.’ 1 & 6l 4 A,
opportunity to compete at a high level in your sport, otherwise not available. As well, YOU will have opportunities to travel and to meet people outside classes. Many athletes ’ .have made some very good friends through participation
If you are considering trying out for a team, our female athletes at University of Waterloo encourage you to do so. For those not interested in playing a sport, the Women’s Intercollegiate Council welcomes help in fund raising activities. The money the Council raises will gotoward the women’s varsity program. Right now the Council is selling T-shirts and baseball caps. If you would like to help with this activity or any future activities, sign your name and phone number on the Women’s Intercollegiate Council poster in the Women’s Locker Room, and somebody will contact you.
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