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Campus Events Note: Imprint publishes every Friday. The deadline for campus events is 4pm the preceding Tuesday.




From .3 to 8 pm. in Conrad Grebel College’s Great Hall the UW Peace Society is sponsoring the documentary film “Paul Jacobs and the Nuclear Gang,” a powerful movie recently televised by the CRC. The final days of the UW Fine Arts Department Art Show and Sale are at hand: today from 10 to 8 and Saturday from 12 to 6 in cc113. FED Flicks: “Why Shoot the Teacher” will be shown in the Arts Lecture Hall at 8 pm. until Sunday. Feds: $1; others $2. The Spring Choral Concert with the UW Chamber Choir will take place at 8 pm. tonight and tomorrow in the Theatre of the Arts. Tickets are $3; $2 for students. The programme includes “Jephta” by Carissimi and the music of Dvorak and Bruckner; sponsored by Conrad Grebel College and the Creative Arts Board.



presents “Minimol” Lam) at 2 pm. in AL105. Indian









The eighth impromptu meeting of the BMOC will take place upstairs at the Grad Club. Bring your beards! The Waterloo Christian Fellowship sponsors a time of conversational prayer every weekday in the World Room (CC207) at lo:30 am. Library and drop-in hours follow between 11:30 am. and 2 pm. Imagine that! Imagination is one of the mind’s most powerful tools; learn how to use imagination to give new force and coherence to daily activities. This workshop takes place at 8 pm. in CC113. Le Cercle Francais presents the last film of their series, Eric Rohmer’s film “Le Genou de Claire” (with English subtitles) at 8pm in PAS2083. Thanks to all those who helped to make the Cine Club such a great success!

lounge. There will be munchies, a cash bar and dancing; a good time for all. At 6 pm. in the Great Hall of the Campus Centre, the Turnkeys will hold a Risk Tournament. Please bring a board if you have one. The Legal Resource Office will be open from 12:30 to 4:30 pm. Free legal counselling will be available in CC217A.




“Alice’s Restaurant” will be screened in the CC Great Hall at 9:30 pm. Admission is free. The Environmental Film Series presents “Unit Ten: Work Spaces”, “The Nuclear Reactor” and “The Rise and Fall of the Great Lakes” between 12:30 and 1:30 in Env350. Cinema


The Waterloo




lowship with Chaplain Remkes Kooistra for fellowship in HH280 (supper at 6 CampusClub invitesyouto a “Fireside”meets pm.; discussion from 7:30). deiscussion of faith in CC110 at 7:3Opm. “The Sounds of Spring,” a UW Concert Band A Discussion on Christian Perspectives Concert will take place at 8 pm. in the dealing with the relationship between the Humanities Theatre. Tickets are $3; students/ study >f mathematics and sociology will be seniors $2. held at 7 pm. in Ira Needles Hall room 3002.







Film Series continues with “Bonaparte and the Revolution” at 8 pm. in the Theatre of the Arts. Tickets are $1 for students with a 5OC membership fee. The International




information on the Birth Centre, see Monday’s entry.



The Legal Resource Office will be open from lo:30 to 4:30 pm. Free legal counselling is available in CC217A. sponsored by the A campus worship service sponsored by the> A Pancake Breakfast Waterloo Christian Reformed Church will Waterloo Christian Fellowship will be held At 8 pm. in the Humanities Theatre, Paul from 8 am. to 9:15 am. in CC207 (the World Clark plays acoustical guitar. Advance be held at lo:30 am. in HH280. Room). Join us for a time of singing, fellowship tickets are $5, $6 at the door. From 3 to 5 pm. in CC113 the Islamic and prayer . Note: Imprint publishes every Friday. The Students Association holds an Islamic session including Tajweed, recitation of the From 8 pm. to 1 am. there will be a Political deache for Campus Events is 4 pm. the Science End-of-Term Party in the Psych preceding Tuesday. HOLY Qur’an and Asa prayer. The Outers

Club sponsors

PAC pool from 4 to 6 pm.

kayaking in the


Mar&h 25-




int March 21, 1980; Wolume 2, Number

25; University

of Waterloo,



mPm u m 8lkd0& FPapP at the University of Waterloo. 5 ‘It is an -tQw i@%Wbti n-ape? published by Imprint ~P@blicationS Waterloo, a corporat;ion without shaze - capital,‘TJn+&i4g 9f Wal%l0o, Waterloo, Ontario. Phone 885 , lee0 o? eztx&io&%331 or 233%; Iljbprint. is a member of the Camad+.lJ~brsi~ Press f-cup), a student press organization of 63 pa@rs acro& Canada. Imprint is also- a megber of the O&ario Weelrly N&sp@per Association (OWNA‘). Imprint publishesevergFridaJrd~t.hetemn.daiisho~d~aiddressed to “Imprint, Campus Cen. Room 140.” We are types& on , c&mpus with a Comp&3t 610, p+ste-tip is lik0wise cone on crtmpus. Imprint: ISSN 07057380. , I

@&I L ;k fk.: ;‘; / E?fmduaon 3l&nager Bustness Mar Adve~ingManager L News Editors Science Editor Arts Editors Photo Editm

‘L. 0

IdzwQd’ Jamb Arsenemlt @mziaHalnnigaln Diane Ritza IvWkD’WbrM, Iv&g Sanderson Bernie Roehl ~ Lori FaJrmham,Jason Mitchell

TomMc&ml~ ra Naymaa

Prose &+Poetry





and Lawson

are the two most visible con&ellations ti the night sky. closebywreretheP”n’P’s,aEp7oupof~ensta;rsknownas . Kozlinski, Stratford, Schmidt, Wahking, Murrw, LAT 2COC and IaN 000. McFa,rland, the red planet, wa&t out tonight, and, of Caurse, mobody could see the black hole of : - ’ S&m8 X-l. Melville, Mitchell, Treseder and Tripp were the stars which made up Mike, the Bertr, a brilliant constellation, ’ ;wrhile Mitchell (of the trinazy staz inclu~~eand~~)~masinrrscendarnce.McAnulty (commonly called the ‘elbow and foot’ staz) w&8 being 1 ’ eclipsedby Suboch,althoughAngoldwasbigenoughtobe seen. Well, the North Star just passed 100, so all is write ; with the universe. Thanks to Ipm (cha&fer), Hoyles. Cover Photoby Alan-old.

. \


over 120 fatuity members, staff members and Teaching Assistants were layed off at Waterloo alone. Although most fees are only increasing by 7.5%, Waterloo students will be paying 105% of the formula fee. OSAP is not adequate to meet the needs of today’s students. ‘And nobody in the education b%reaucracy is going to do anything about it. On March 27, OFS is sponsoring a rally at Queen’s Park. Waterloo students should plan on attending because: 1) it will be one more method of making the public aware of student issues; 2) it will show the politicians that students are serious in their demands (which is very important in a potential election year: 3)it will show solidarity with students on campuses across Oritario, and; 4) it will show that students at the University of Waterloo are concerned about the funding of post-secondary education. This mass action by no means stands albne. OFS is planning on holding a press conference< before the rally in order to make the commercial media more aware of the issues. If little comes of the confrontation, plans for a province-wide fee hike strike will be discussed at the next OFS conference. The organization is beginning to prov_e that it is worthy of student support(a question which has, at times, been in doubt), SO let’s support it. Sign up sheets are in the Federation office (CC235).

At ‘the mee’tcng with Bette Stephenson held on Monday, March 19, t’he Minister of Education/ and Colleg& and Universities was directly asked whsther the 7.5% increase in tuitibn feeswould be rolled back pending an acessability study, autonomous fees would be removed and the Ontario Student Assi@ance.Programme would be.changed. The first two request,s wetie rejected out of hand by the Minister, who, while stating that the third would -occur, pointed out that OS‘AP changes would not be as great as the Ontario Federation of , Students; had requested. I’t must be obvious to students that neither the Minister nor the Ministry are willing to listen to their concerns over the funding of ppst-secondary education. A petition which was sighed by over four thousand students ‘at the University of Waterloo was calmly accepted by the Minister and fbrgotten. Other petitions have similarly failed, Neither are we able to go to our Administration for aid. Although the Senate, e body made up of people intimately conpeLted with the university, recommended that Waterloo not take . advantage of the autonbmous fee, the Board of Governors, a body made up largely of people not a part of the university, decided to. President Burt Matthews, although quite in favour of the concept of universal accessability, nonetheless voted in favour of using the/ autonomous fed at a meeting .- of Council - of- Ontario Universities (COU) _-- the _ --__ It se&s a-little trite and cliched, Iknow,but the students must begin to act. Last year,



Ira Nayman



Letters Arts student union considers strike The Editor, The accompanying letter is a copy of a letter sent to both Burt Matthews and Dr; Bette Stephenson in support of the petition that was circulated by the Federation of Students. We, - of the Arts Student Union, feel that it is to - voice our support for the necessary Federation on a matter that is important to all students. We should not take the proposed fee increases sitting down. , Arts Students

Richard Union

Helliwell President

circulated by the Faeration of Students and signed by 4000 students on this campus. We support the rollback of the 7.5% tuition increase pending an accessibility study; the removal of the autonomous ‘fee-increasing ’ power held by the university this year and in future years: and finally, immediate improvements to and a review of the C%AP programme. Should the Minister of Colleges and Universities not give immediate consideration to this petition, we will support any consideration of a Federation fee hike strike. Finally, the Arts Student Union will support ’ any appropriate action taken by the FederaJion on this matter.

Dear Dr. Matthkws; , We, in the Arts Student Union, are in full support of the petition which was recently


Yours truly, Richard Helliweli Student Union President

)1Friday,.March. 21, 1980 i CampuS Centre 140 :4 :4:00 II * t6 &ct PM bheposi6on.safeditbr, production mbnager I i 1,.


I _ 1

and adsrwtising manager for 1980-81

II I ’

BET’HEREi . Vofing staf!emembers: Id.8 Abraham AliazUdamson UuiaeAdamson Alan Angold . Diane A&in vlnceca~o M Drew Cook Mark DGabriel brim Celia Gteiger Pullen Hanson John Heimbecker

IG9l.y Hewson SteWHUll

Ed Kpk Tom McAnulty Mumqy McCormick John MC-land \ Dan McGinty <x John McMullen Sue Melville Jason Mitchell Mary Mitchell Frank Morison Lawrence A Moore Malcolm Murray Ira


Wilf Noordermeer Sean Sloan

Prabakhar Ragde Bernie Roehl- Brenda Rooth+m Brigid Rowe Marg Sanderson Peter saw& _ nake @UP Glenn St-Germain Katherine Suboch Daxid Tra;haJr Leslie Treseder UsaTripp 4 George VasiladIs Ed Zurawski




Episode with pie rude and unfortunate The Editor,. In regard to the visit df Dr. Bette Stephenson to our campus on March 17, I would like to express sdme thoughts which will, I hope, reflect the majorit-y of students at this university. While it seems that most students disagree with Dr. Stephenson and her views concerning university education, it was good to see that Monday’s audience almost unanimously disagreed with the actions of one person in the audience. The person who threw the pie in Dr. Stephenson’s face showed an amazing lack of responsi.bility and/or maturity. If he had comments to make, he should have done so in an appropriate fashion. Apart from any personal satisfaction he received, he accomplished little else but to embarrass Dr. Stephenson and the university. It is clear many other students -have this opinion, as it was expressed in strong applause supportingthe apology of the moderator, our Federation vice-president. There were many opinions expressed during the question period:It is unfortunate many of them Fepeated the same arguments, and it is also unfortunate that many people were very rude in expressing their opinions to the minister. She is after all, a person, and though she seemed used to receiving it, the verbal abuse was certainly unnecessary. I do not feel that a fee hike strike is the best way to oppose the increases which have been imposed, and I hope students will think carefully before supporting this venture. Rob Skirving 2nd year Math

II 1,

The principle of representation

The Editor, A very grave situation arose at the Federation meeting of March 17, one which leads me to wonder about the ethics of some Councillors‘. At that meeting, I was representing my consitutents from Math Co-op as usual. During the course of discussion on the motion concerning the Fee Hike Strike, I raised the point that I would have to abstain for a very important reason: the voice of niy constituency. In the past t&o weeks, I have made an attempt to talk to as many Math Co-op students as I could concerning the matter. I do realize that the small number I did converse with pales beside the questionnaire carried out

in the Engineering faculty,#something I would not mind seeing in the Math faculty. However, when I did talk to the people that I represent, they gave mk an obvious mandate. They were split 50-50. When the point was raisdd in Council, I was attacked by several other Representatives on the matter. I thank the Couticillors from Engineering and anyone else at that meeting that still stood up for the principle of represbntative democratic government, which is what the Federation of Students should be an example of. I The fact that more than one member agreed that I should vote my principles as opposed to those of my constituents- is appalling. I am shocked by this revelation atid wonder just who these people do represent. They should be representing their faculties and the students within them, not their own opinion$. I resent any implication that I do not support the Fee Hike Strike. I have proven in print just wheref stand on the issue. I realize that many students agree with the idea and that many don’t. But, as a representative of my constituents to the,Federation, I must accede to the wishes of the majority of them, while protecting the minority of theti.. Thig is why I vofed the way I did. Mark D’Gabriel Math Co-op Representative P.S. If any of my constituents me, I am at their disposal.



, ’

to reach

Turnkeys: terrific - group of people The Editor, since the beginning of my attendance at the University of Waterloo, (last September), I have had several encounters with a terrific group of people, who haunt the Campus Centre. I am referring, of course, to the turnkeys. These selfless individuals are always available to all students who require any kind of assistance. I do not propose that they are fountains of wisdom, but if they don’t know the ‘answer to your question, they can generally refer you to someone that does. Never, in any of my brief encounters with these people, have I ever felt snubbecl, or been rudely treated.‘They are always pleasant and helpful. The point of this letter is to thank the turnkeys for a tremendous job, an@all the help they have afforded &e in the past, and wiil continue to afford me, and my fellow students, in the future. Patricia McColm Arts I


News -


Stephenson On Monday, March 17, Bette Stephenson, Minister of Education and Colleges and Universities, spoke to approximately 500 students in the Theatre of the Arts. Her visit to Waterloo was accompanied by demonstrations by both those in favour of a fee hike strike and those against. Before Stephenson arrived, many members of the Ad Hoc Committee for a Fee Hike Strike picketed the Theatre of the Arts, carrying signs and shouting: “No way, we won’t pay!” The Engineering Society played in the same hall in which the Ad Hoc Committee protested, occasionally drowning its members out. Prior to Stephenson’s introduction, Neil Freeman, President of the Federation of Students, spoke to the incoming crowd, which responded enthusiastically. When he mentioned the possibility of a fee hike strike, the audience cheered; when he mentioned underfunding, it loudly booed. The only exception was a small group in the back shouting slogans which supported Stephenson, such as: “Bette, Bette, she’s our man! If she can’t do it, no one can!” Freeman also denounced the Ad Hoc Committee, stating that it was not sanctioned by the Federation of Students. He left the podium accompanied by loud cheering. Karen Dubinski, Vice Chairperson of the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS), also spoke briefly. Her mainconcern was the fee increase; pointing out that student wages had not kept up with inflation, Dubinski exhorted UW students to \ take action. After a short period of uncertainty as to the whereabouts of the Minister, Wim Simonis, Vice-President of the Federation and chairperson of the proceedings, ushered her onto the stage. She hadn’t been on for more than a minute, giving the brief talk which she gave at the University of Western Ontario, the University of Toronto and other universities and colleges _’ which she has attended, before a student ran onto the stage, pushed apieinherface and ran off again. The student! Sam Wagar, ’ was taken into custody by Campus Security, who handed him over to the Waterloo Regional Police. Stephenson did not wish to press charges, and Wagar was subsequently released. Shortly after the incident, a pamphlet was distributed throughout the audience. It depicted a tombstone on which the words “Fee Hikes” had been engraved and on which a pie, with a great splat, had been thrown. The text read: “The Central Committee of the Anarchist Party of Canada (Grouch-Marxist) - Waterloo Branch hereby declairs Bette Stevenson and the Government of Ontario null and void.” Underneath the tombstone were the words: “Rest in Pie”. Stephenson, calmly wiping the pie from her face, continued speaking. Sh.e justified the tuition increase by stating that $839.5 million had been allocated to education in Ontario and that



-gets a pie from tune

much of that figure went to post-secondary education; that students nbw only paid 15% of the cost of their education, whereas, at the beginning of the decade, they paid close to 20%; that the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) insisted on fee autonomy, and that the Ontario Student Assistance Programme (OSAP) would cover the increase. Before opening discussion, Simonis apologized to the Minister for having had a pie thrown at her. The first questioner asked Stephenson whether the three points on the recent Federation referendum would be adopted by the Ministry. She stated that, while rolling back the fee increases pending an accessibility study and ending autonomous fees were out of the question, changes in OSAP were forthcoming. Stephenson said that an announcement on the OSAP changes would be made within two weeks, and that the living allowance was definitely rising from the present rate of $65 per week, although it wasn’t likely that it would rise to $90 per week, the amount which OFS felt was‘ necessary to bring students above the poverty line. She once again insisted that the increase in the amount of funding to OSAP would cover the increase in tuition fees, pointing out that the $3.3 million allocation only covered the 7.5% increase and

as Carleton,




of Colleges

that the Ministry could not know how much money would be needed to cover the autonomous fee until it was actually levied by each university. When it was pointed out that, last year at the university, 124 positions had been laid off, including 12 profs and many Teaching Assistants and support staff, Stephenson remained quiet. Upon being accused of evading the issue, Stephenson told students: “I am simply trying to tell you

increases would insure that Waterloo’s fees remain above the formula fee. Wim Simonis had little to add, except that representatives should not be personally voting in favour of the fee hike strike, but should consider the fact that students should be given the chance to participate. Peter Sawras, one of three representatives from the faculty of Engineering, informed Councillors of a survey taken in his faculty on the subject of a fee hike strike. Of approximately 1200 first, second and third year engineering undergraduates, 589 (roughly 50%) answered the seven question survey, giving direction to the engineering representatives for the vote. The result showed that only 14.94% of those who responded to the survey stated that’tliey would participate in a Federation organized fee hike strike while 79.63% stated that they would not. However, 35.48% voted in favour of holding the fee hike strike. Coupled with a vote of 57.05% against holding the strike, the engineering representatives announced that they felt that two of them had to vote against the strike while one had to vote for it. Peter Hoy, who was ratified at the meeting as Chairman of the Board of External Relations, stated that the Minister has no intention of changing the fees, and that, whereas Waterloo did not use the full extent of fee autonomy this year, they could use it fully (18%) next year, justifying the drastic increase of next year by this year’s lack of such an increase. He insisted





- s

UW stud&t....

Bette Stephenson

what the economic facts of life are.? When it was pointedout that a study printed in the Toronto Star showed that Ontario was tenth in Canada in provincial funding of post-secondary edStephenson stated ycation, that: “If you believe everything that’s in the Toronto Star, then God help you.” When pressed on the point, she said that, “It would be nice to be first, but we don’t have oil.” She later apologized for the statement. One woman, who identified

. ..and a Fee Hike The Federation of Students’ Council met in Humanities Room 334 on March 17 at 6pm. There was some doubt as to whether this meeting, at which the fate of the fee hike strike wa’s to be decided, would get staTted because, as usual, quorum was difficult to achieve (the meeting was to have started at 7pm, but was changed when it was learned that the Senate planned on meeting that same night at 7:30). After a half hour of waiting, the meeting was finally able te begin. The major order of business was the motion to holdafeehike strike in September of 1980. Neil Freeman, President, and Wim Simonis, Vice President of the Federation of Students, were mover and seconder of the motion which, in part, read: “Whereas the Ministry of Colleges and Universities and our University President have rejected the petition signed by 4,000 students at theuniversity of Waterloo...BE IT RESOLVED that the Federation of Students at the University of Waterloo engage in a fee-hike strike in September 1980.” In introducing the measure, Freeman stated that it was definitely a “confrontation act” and an “expression of dissatisfaction” with the Ministry, the Minister, and the Administration of the University. He pointed out that the fee hike strike was not compulsory, but that those who wanted to take part in it should be given the opportunity to do so. Freeman stated that students at Waterloo already paid 105% of the formula fee, and that the fee

and Universities




that action must be taken bothat that meeting and in the future. ViceKaren Dubinski, Chairperson of the Ontario Federation of Students, told Councillors that it was unlikely that other shcobls would take fee hike strike action because students at some universities have to pay their fees at the beginning of the summer, and because they aren’t well enough organized. She suggested that universities could split their fees, paying only half during the first term and deciding for the second Mark D’Gabriel, representing the faculty of mathematics, stated that he had taken an informal survey which touched about two hundred of his constituents and that the opinion was split as to whether to hold the strike. He announced that, in keeping with these facts, he would be forced to abstain, even though he had, in print, supported the fee hike strike. ’ A number of Councillors expressed the opinion that D’Gabriel should vote in favour despite the fact that he had no clear mandate from his constituents. After the meeting, D’Gabriel expressed extreme anger at the Councillors who suggested this, stating that it was dangerously not in keeping with democratic principles. It was pointed out during the discussion that there was the possibility of the Administration withholding OSAP cheques from those who participated in the strike. Hoy stated that he had spoken to a lawyer on the subject, and that

jokes around


herself as a visa student, said that there were not enough foreign students to displace Canadians and that foreign students could bring money into the economy. She went on to ask why they should have to pay double what Canadian students pay. Stephenson replied that the taxpayers of this province were paying a lot of money for education, and that Ontario students should be a priority; that students from other areas are partially supported by the

a TV cameraman Monday... photo by Jacob Arseneault

taxpayers of those areas. She stated that, rather than deterring foreign students from learning in Canada, the number of foreign undergraduate students had increased. After the session, Stephenson freshened up a little and left without giving the media the opportunity of questioning her. UW President Burt Matthews, commenting on her visit, . stated that she was “telling it like it is.” Ira Nayman

from Fl eds1 the Administration could not legally hold the money back. Bernie Roehl, representing the faculty of science, stated that he did not believe that the fee hike strike would necessarily get wide support froni the students, but that the action itself would draw at-

. ..as Fed President

tention to the problems students faced. He also suggested that a fee hike strike might not be effective by itself, but that a series of actions might. The vote was 12 for, 2 against and 2 abstentions. Ira Nayman

Neil Freeman


on in shock. photo by TBM

/ I

, Through



.Thiesound and the Fury I’



“What do you think of Bbtte Stephenson getting a pie in the face at the rally last Monday?” by T.B. McAnulty

Larry Knight. Arts I It is too bad that the ambience of the meeting was turned around from aggressive to regressive. The reason being is that important issues were played down by Bette and accepted at face value. The result was a severe blackballing from the media.

Brenda Rootham Ret 4A It wps a rather stupid thing to unfortunately misinterpreted by media as the reaction of all students at Waterloo, whereas reality it was an action taken by individual student.

do,, the the in an

Phil Roberts, the recently elected The implications of the statement President of the Student Union of threw the room into turbulent silence. “It Phil finally put forth, Lindstadi Col!ege (SULC);slumped over was so easy,” his desk, darkly muttering. “I’m doing “They continue to cut back funds to the the best I can...” he said, “So much I’ve library, causing a serious problem to the students, so the students take a condone...so much to do...what do they certed effort, organpd. by the student tihnt?” Pete Segarini, his second in command, union. Simple.” 1 “They argue that the -library will -, was there, but didtilt know what to say simply close down until the students so kept quiet. Pat Watson, Kathy Ballinger and Jonathan Quintas, all of want to use it again,” Sam pointed out; whom worked on the Student Union, “That the only ones students are going to . .were. in at&dance,. as well as Sam hurt are...students.” “Look,” Phil exploded,’ “I never said Simon, who Lworked on The Voice, . Lindstadt College’s student newspaper. that there wouldn’t b’ti risks L you’ve Phil raised liis .head. “‘This has -gotten _ gotta expect some. But if we don’t take some sort of action NOW, we never will, out of hand:” he’ told them. . ~ , The statement passed by general and students won’t - get anything from . con$ent: “What are-wb going to do about . that. . , it, ttiough?‘: Jonathan 6’sked. , ” “Do \you havk any idea about what the .“j?br one thing,!‘: Phil replied, looking Action Conimittee is do@$‘! ,: directly ‘at Sam, “When your story,on.the __ “Didn’t Burt leave I camp&?” 1 Kathy,’ i Hot DogCommittee comes out, you’ll say r’eferring to Burt Diehard, head of the SAC ” th’a2 it’sa’group of people not yanctioned I (Students Action coattee]. /by th’e Uniori, iight?” ’ “NO," Phil, with. a s,egbt groan, told her, . Sam agreed: “That’s the line you’re, ‘.‘He’s stillaround., I hear he’? start&g a new taking:The way I see it, though, you’re group, Nobody , hotis its. acronym yet going to :have an bqually large problem , ,though,v with the two. grbups which oppose the “YOU may be interest&to k&w,” Sam told ’ library boycott...” them, “That, the last we heard, he had been “Two groups ?” Kathy interjected, “I arrested for assault. It seems that he threw a thought that there was only one.” pie in some politician or others face..,” “No,” Sam responded, “There’s ORCA, Everybody in the room laughed. the Organization of Respectably Cogi“Phil,” Sam, in a rriore serious tone of tating Activists and BURP, the Bunch of voice, told him, “You’ve essentially Unusu?lly Realistic Persons. Both are taken the correct approach to the -against the boycott.” situation and you’ve surrounded your“What about AORTA?” Phil asked. self with good people. I don’t think, in the “As far as we’ve been able to find out,” end, that you’ll have any problems.” Sam explained, “AORTA, which stands “I hope you’re right,” Phil darkly for American Organization of Respectstated. ably Thinking Activists, is the national “I’m certain,” Sam insisted. “Now, how organization of which ORCA is a abbut going to the pub!” regional branch. You may remember the recent headlines ‘AORTA goes for the jugular’...” M .a “There is also Buieaucratically Entangled Losers Come Hither, BELCH for ’ t%!!m / short. I believe BURP and BELCH are 4 \


I Wayne I iau&tian

Q’Hanley H.S. Ottawa

I feel -it was a crude thing to do, especially since she was an invited guest-. It is hardly the be& way to deal with the tuition increase issue.

Les Lowcock I felt bad when it first happened but after I listened to that bureaucratic shit for about an hour I wished th$t I . had brought my own pie (cowpies!)

Chris Bauman Dance 3 That’s one authority.



’ question

Fezz Well, as we say in the BMOC, “Post propter hoc, ergo propter hoc.” And besides that, it was really silly.

Discover Dimitri...






On Saturday, March 15, the UW Engineers held their fourth annual Bus Push for Big Sisters. Over one hundred engineers, nurses, celebrities, and Big & Little Sisters helped pull KW Transit Bus no. 765 from the Engineering 1 cul-de-sac, along University Ave. and King St., to Market Square. Plummers were pledged on a per-kilometre basis; and donations were collected aiong the route. With one-third of the pledge sheets in, the sponsorship tally was $2300.00, along with $250 collected along the route from bystanders, and $309 over the past few weeks from donations received downtown and at shopping .malls. Brad McKay, in 4B Systems Design, was the coordinator of the bus push, and estimated this year’s Bus Push will riase about $5,000. The bus started moving at lo:36 a.m. A 2% inch thick rope, about 259feet long, was attached to the front of the bus. Although the bus hadits motor running, the driver’s was to provide purpose brakes and steering only; the bus moved under sheer muscle power alone. Leading the procession was a police escort, followed by the black-robed bearers of the Engineering mascot The Rigid Tool, a five-foot wrench. The Plummers Hardhat Band was next, providing music for the parade: trumpet, trombone, tuba, french horn, clarinet, bass drum, snare drum, chimes...and bagpipes. (UW by the way has the only



21,198O. -_


5 LI




Engineering band with bagpipes). The bus had the next place in the ‘*parade” with 102 people, about 65 of which were plummers pulling it. Others helping out were nurses from Conestoga College, Big and Little Sisters, Waterloo Mayor Marjorie Carroll, Waterloo MP Walter McLean, and Kitchener MP Peter Lang. The mood of the bus push, (a misnomer, as the bus was pulled) was festive, with the ha_nd playing and onlookers watching what was going on. Eyebrows were raised in downtown Kitchener by the spectacle of one hundred people pulling a bus and “The Plummer’s singing Hymn.” --~ -The bus arrived at Market Square at approximately 12:15. The Push was followed by lunch at the YWCA and a tour of Labbatts. Mayor Carroll. stated that she has “been there every year for the. Bus Push. It’s always lots of fun, and the Engineers do a great job. It’s great that students are doing somefhing for the community.” 1’ Waterloo MP Walter McLean echoed her sentiment, saying that “The Engineers are to be complimented. When I was in University, the Engineers were visible and vocal, but not as constructive in energy. Having the Engineers here doing this for Big Sisters shows heart.” Peter Lang, MP for Kitchener, said that he enjoyed himself on the Bus Push. “It’s for a.good cause, and it’s a great idea. People on the

street were looking at us with their jaws dropped. It was fun.” Big Sisters have been in Kitchener-Waterloo since 1971. The ExecutiveDirector of Big Sisters, Marilyn Markow, thinks that the Engineers are a great help to the organization. “They helped us relocate when wechanged offices,*’ she said. “The Bus Push is a great idea to raise money, and it increases public awareness of us.” Big Sisters take a training course, and make a commitment for one year to see their Little Sister a few hours a week. There are presently 126 pairs of Big and Little Sisters in the area, but there’s always a need for more Big Sisters.

Ever heard of New Aberdeen, Ontario? Today it’s empty land southwest of the Budd Automotive plant...though it is due for industrial development overthe next few years. At the moment it is a keen concern of a University of Waterloo archaeologist, Dr. Matthew Hill. “New Aberdeen is part of the history of Waterloo County,” he says. “It was a village of perhaps 200 people and it flourished between 1850 and 1870, rapidly disappearing after the coming of the railway and steam power to Kitchener. The latter rendered its two water power mills obsolete. The houses that had been there were simply towed away and set up elsewhere.” More recently much of the land was acquired by Major Holdings and Developments Ltd., Waterloo. The company was aware of the land’s history and its archaeological and historic potential and contacted Jack Redmond, an official at the Ministry of Culture and Recreation. Mr. Redmond in turn got in touch-with Dr. Hill. At the moment, Hill is trying to raise--money to support some archeological work at the New Aberdeen site. He has applied to the university for research support: he has also applied to the Ontario Heritage Foundation. Further, he hopes money can be raised within the community.

I And how do the engineers feel? Peter Roseneck, 1B electrical, said that he’d “never seen a Bus Push before.” Pete Seville, 3B Chemical, added that “i hope word doesn’t get out that Engineers are helping people.” McKay thought that this year’s Bus Push was a success. “I think that next year we’ll again use a Kitchener Transit bus. That way, we can advertize on the busses,” he said. Joe Brown, off-term Electrical between 2B and 3A, got to be lead man of the rope, having the end looped over his shoulder. “I came down so that I can watch myself on TV,” he said. “I’m glad I did it. I’ll be back next year.” Glenn St-Germain

If he can, Hill would from UW work on the summer. He promises there and dig around

like to haTe a team Aberdeen site this to “at least get out by myself.?

In preparation for the summer’s work, Dr. Hill has been studying old maps and sketches of the community, as well as municipal records. He would welcome additional information from Waterloo County residents. Dr. Hill may be contacted through UW’s department of anthropology; telephone 885-1211, extension 2603 or 2520.

New Engineering


A new engineering program, geological engineering, was approved by the University of Waterloo senate at its March 17 meeting. Although this course of study has never before been offered at UW, key courses are all currently being -offered either by the civil engineering or earth sciences departments; no new individual courses are involved. Senate approval means the. university plans to offer the new program if it is approved by the Ontario Council on University Affairs and by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. The new program will offer a specialized form of education much in demand today, “Graduates will have some of the geologist’s understanding of earth structures and geological change: they will also have the problem solving skills of the engineer,” says Dr. W. E. Lennox, chairman of UW’s department of civil engineering and one of the proponents of the new program. “Geological engineers are involved with virtually every large engineering project...the James Bay hydro development for example where special understanding of the relationship between soil and huge dam structures is required. UW faculty members stress there is an excellent job market for graduates. “There are nine geological engineering programs in Canada at the moment, graduating a total of 150-160 people a year,” Dr. Lennox says, “and this doesn’t seem to be nearly enough.” The starting salaries of some of these people have lately been “truly phenomenal,” he added. It is intended that graduates of the new be able to qualify for program accredation as Professional Engineers in Canada. The UW program is not ex, prected to become a large one; it would seek to graduate about 20 persons per year. It would be the only program of its type run on the cooperative plan in Ontario.


Foreign .

- March -

WPIRG concluded their successful series of lunchtime seminars on Tuesday, March 11, with a discussion of Canada’s Foreign Aid policy led by John Van Mitchell. The focal point of the meeting was a slide-andtape presentation depicting the plight of the T’boli tribe on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines, whose ancestral homeland is threatened by the building of a large foreign-aid funded dam. With the completion of the project, the T’boli land will be flooded and they will be among the growing number of displaced peoples of the world. This situation is only too



common in developing countries where the current system of bilateral aid encourages large corporations to invest capital in the form of industry, according to Van Mitchell. Their profits return directly to the multinationals. Capital loans to third-world countries are rarely to high risk projects such as improved agriculture and more often to hydroelectric projects, dams, etc. The consequences of such bilateral aid, says Van Mitchell, is to have plunged developing nations far into debt without having affected the vast majority of their populations in the day-today game of survival. Quoting an issue of “The New

Internationalist,” Van Mitchell sees three strategies to narrow the gap between rich and poor nations. They are: 1) lower tariffs on processed goods from the Third World, 2) stabilize the price of exported commodities to poorer nations, and 3) an increase in debt write-offs to lessen the financial burden of developing nations. The sad reality is, however, that future trends will likely serve to increase “tied aid” and people such as the T’boli will continue to be the unfortunate victims of an aid programme which does little to improve their everyday lives. Laurie




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SdidzLi~y~a The answer to the poverty which besets third world nations lies in increased industrialization and a better structure for the world’s economy, claimed Mr. Oladele Akadiri, the Nigerian Commissioner to High Canada and the final speaker on the agenda of the Africa Weekend. Trade, not aid, and the “transfer of technology” are the key demands which have been repeated in “NorthSouth dialogue.” Thus far, Akadiri felt, the results of that dialogue have


In his review of Rhodesian history Hokororo described how first the Boers and then the British moved into the area and set up agovernment structure ignoring the native people in the, area. He re-* viewed the key instances of this *“$n tl@&hi@ory:~. :: the j formation 0yFa’crown colony ; .in 1.9~23,which gave respon. isibli?-* government to“tthe whites in-- the’-country, but ignored t he’black- people, the 1953 attempt to federate Rhodesia, Malawi, and Zambia which ended in failure and the eventual independence of Malawi and Zambia, and in 1965 the unilateral declaration of independence of Rhodesia by Ian Smith. ’ Hokororo charged that the declaration of independence by Smith wasdone with the blessing of the British government. Attempts by the Labour government between 1966 and 1968 to remove ‘independence were A settlement ineffectual. was tried in 1970 which would have installed a white <government. supremacist Thus, even ten years ago the ’ blacks werg ignored. The guerilla war began in 1972. ‘In 1975 a peace Confer-

Zimbabwe The ‘-session of the Africa Weekend programme on -the problems and prospects - of Zimbabwe after the guerrilla war was held Friday afternoon in room 113 of the Campus Centre before an audience of some seventy people. Two representatives of the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU), Mr. P. Taruvinga and Mr. R. Zhuwarara spoke to the gathering about what ZANU, which won the national elections held in February, will do now that it has gained power. Zhuwarara and J Taruvinga both stressed that ZANU, the major resistance group during the war/mtends togovernin the name of all the people of Zimbabwe without favouritism and does not hold any


’ ’

laziness, corruption and political instability, while on the other, Africa views itself as the result of exploitations during its colonial past. This has established an historical pattern of underdevelopment. The major question remains, the high commissioner emphasized, concerning how to end underdevelopment in Africa. One major response to underdevelopment, according to Akadiri is the “collective approach” of which the Economic Commission of West African States is an example. fhis approach is

preach for all-third world nations the Nigerian diplo-’ mat stressed, is to increase solidarity between other ence was held in Geneva Third World nations. He with Henry Kissinger preunderscored the importance siding but it ended in failure. of this approach by explainAccording to Hokororo, the ing that many UN conferences only good thing to come out of have\ been “sterile and aborthe conference was that tive exercies for Africa and Joshua Nkomo and Robert the Third World.” He claimed Mugabe got together for the the conference failed to see first time. basic economic facts of life. In such a world economy as One of the main noints 1 we have today, said Akadiri, emphasized by Hokororo the poorer countries who throughouthis talk conprocerned the fact that the war ~must buy manufactured ducts with their primary was not conducted against products become less and less the white man but against capable of buying those goods. the system. This misunderWorsening trade terms are a standing is why the whites way of life for countries which cannot understand the magmust live by the sale of namity of Mugabe, the , primary products. ‘speaker maintained. He is Akadiri stressed that the committed to involving all of. industrializathe peoplein Zimb&i& in acquisition tion and western technology is the government. essential for Africa. In response to questions this, the To achieve from those attending the Nigerian ~commissioner felt, event, Hokororo said that the Front Line states do not . that African countries must collectively work together, anticipate war against South minimize political differences Africa. He expressed the and work for the good of hope that. the example of Zimbabwe will . affect the Africa. After the Africa weekend policies of ‘South Africa . was over, Mr. Rino Zhuwithout having to resort to secretary for the warara, war. He also said that he ’ African Students Association believed “something” will happenin Namibia(South- assessed the impact of the programme. West Africa, which is conHe felt that this had been the trolled by South Africa) most successful weekend within a few months . f p thus far. (‘The ASA has been Finally, Hokororo’ stated organizing these’ events for a number of years.) Zhuwarara an opinion which was to be repeated often during the felt that in “terms of scope, weekend. The differing of the number of speakers and African countries, he said, audience participation, the weekend was a major would eventually be overcome by the forces of African success.” Hilary Lawson unity. racob Ars‘enerrult Frank Morison


One of the highiights ofthe Africa Weekend 80 program was the address of the Tanzanian High Commission representative at the opening of the event’s sem5inar sessions. Mr. A. N. Hokororo spoke on the liberatioh of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia. .


been anything but encouraging. Akadiri spoke of a “paradox” surrounding the world’s perception of Africa. Although most of the world considers Africa to be poverty stricken, it is, rather, a land of great potential. ^ Underdevelopment is certainly a fact of life in Africa, but the reasons for this underdevelopment are in question, the high commissioner stated. On the one hand, Akadiri suggested, the rich nations see the poverty in Africa as the result of a lack of imagination,



to seek


grudges against its former ity, they said. ZANU must have opponents. They stress that peace, order and cooperation to while there would be changes, do this. ZANU is committed to making , The speakers made it clear Zimbabwe a black-ruled socialthat, while grateful to the Soviet ist state. These changes would Union for its aid to the guerrilla be gradual and democratically cause during the war, they do produced. They pointed out not intend to come under its that radical action is unlikely control, for many reasons. Their position on the possible It is not generally known in expropriation of land from large Canada, they said, that the civil landowners was that land is the war in Zimbabwe was bitter major source of wealth in and ruinous. Many hundreds of Zimbabwe, and must be redisthousands of people were tributed if the vast majority of forced to flee their homes during the population is ever to have the fighting and took refuge in economic opportunity. They other parts of the country or did say that land would be Mozam,bique, Botswana and taken only after‘ compensation Zambia. To bring these people was made, with the possible back to Zimbabweand restore - exceptioa of long undeveloped the economy to its former state properties held by absentee is the government’s first priorlandlords.


B r ef


UBC Studeqts Coundil Demands Hearing on W5 VANCOUVER-The University of British Columbia student council voted overwhelmingly March 12to demand that the Canadian Radio, Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) hold a hearing to investigate charges of racism levelled against the CTV network. The W5 program “The Campus Giveaway,” aired on CTV last September, claimed one student in 10 in B.C. was a foreign student and persistently portrayed Chinese-Canadians as foreign students. But statistics compiled for the show say 4.4 per cent of B.C. students are foreign, the speaker for a UIC group protesting the show told the council. The speaker, Phil Calvert of the UBC subcommittee of the ad hoc Chinese Benevolent Association . committee against W5 also showed council a videotape of the program, stopping the tape several times to identify Canadians who were portrayed as foreign students. In every case the students were ChineseCanadian., t‘There are 85~ medical students studying on visa in Canada, not 400 as W5 claimed. Sixty-six per cent of those are American,” Calvert told the council. . W5 also said 10 to 30 per cent of a University of Toronto pharmacology class consisted of foreign students, yet U of T has no visa students in the class whatsoever, Calvert said. He added W5 had claimed there are 100,000 foreign students in Canada, but a letter to CTV from the president of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada stated there were only 50,066 foreignstudents in 1979. Only 18,000 were at the post-secondary level, ,the letter stated. _ _

200 March ,*.: to11’ z-Take Back the Wight

’ ,I”

WINNi@EG-“We want streets without creeps ,” and “Yes means yes and no and means no however we dress wherever we go” were two of the refrains chanted by two hundred people who ma.rched against violence‘ towards women here on March 8. .Public reaction to the march was mixed-from the good-natured to malicious questions about the na.ture of the march to the cheers and taunts from passing cars. The march to take back the night was sponsored by the Winnipeg, Committee Against Violence Towards Women, who will host a weekend seminar on the topic here next month.

A “Hands Off” Situation

Eric McKee said there have only been six cases of sexual harassment reported in the last two years and of those only one student aut orized an investigation. The charge in q% estion was never substantiated, said McKee.

OFS: Tenure may Lower , Quality of Education / TORONTO - Tenure for post-secondary professors may lower the quality of teaching at universities, says Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) Chairperson Chris McKillop. Speaking at the Universit of Toronto on March 6, McKillop sai cr the tenure system which grants job security to professors may be a detriment to universities-because tenured professors are seldom dismissed. “There is little incentive to ibprove teaching once tenure is granted”, he said. Michael Finlayson, president of the_ _ University of Toronto Faculty Association, said U of T faculty members must undergo a rigourous review to become tenured. He said the criteria for the J gpanting of tenure includes achievement in research, effectiveness in all aspects of teaching, assessment of possible future development and university participation. While Finlayson did say that tenured professors can be dismissed for extreme delinquency, he added that they are seldom fired. He also defende’d the tenured system for guaranteein\g academic freedom during research. “In the course of their research [a professor) will not be dismissed for propagating controversial views,” he stated. Although he noted that administrations should not have the right to dismiss faculty memb,ers without justification, McKillop thought incompetent professors should not be allowed to ‘I?j, ,g&iitin*ie:to, te$&; .,‘$.. . .,. *- t:.:.i‘, _j The OFS is- calling for’ mandatory every five reviews of tenured professors years and stronger instructional programs to aid professors in maintaining their teaching abilities. University professors do not undergo formal training. However, Finlayson does not believe tenure affects the quality of teaching. “If you abolish tenure, you’ll still have bad teaching,” he said. Meanwhile, De,an John Ricke,r of the Faculty of Education, agreeing with OFS, said tenure is “outworn, almost medieval in its function at the university” .and is no guarantee that a professor can communicate .well. Professor Charles .Pascal, director of the Ontario University Program of Instructional Development, said tenure may be misused to protect poor teaching and research. He-said universities have not made good use of the system. ?

TORON,TO University of Toronto professors have been told they should not enter into compromising’situations Farmers Find with their students. Pollution Salption In a memo fo arts and science professors, faculty dean Arthur Kruger (ZNS)-When pollution from a governsaid, “Members of the academic staff ment-owned chemical plant threatened should think : very carefully before the crops and drinking water of farmers taking any action or entering into any on the Indonesian island of Java, t.hey did relationship which might possibly be not wait around while the ,government seen to compromise their objectivity in did nothing about it. . ’ dealing with students. It would be wise After three years of unsuccessful to remain at arms length (plus at least protest to the government, two hundred one inch) in such dealings.” farmers dealt with the problem themKruger’s remarks were prompted by a selves-they burnt the offending plant to recent arbitration ruling which upheld the ground. the dismissal of professor Rudi Strickler Protest Called on Account from the University df Ottawa for sexually harassing a student. Faculty of Apathy reaction to the memo has been mixed. Student Association of “I don’t think there is a problem (of , WINNIPEG-The Manitoba (SAM) has cancelled plans for sexual harassment) - it’s a bit of a protest rally because of lack of interest overkill,” said history professor William universities. Callaghan. He added there have .never . on the part of provincial The protest rally had been considered been any cases of sexual harassment as a means of protesting the amount of reported to him. the government grant increase for the However, Nancy Howell, chairperson coming year. The provincial university of the sociology department, said “it was grant rose by only eight per cent, which wise- of the dean to bring this to will force a tuition increase of roughly everyone’s attention. Potentially it can eight per cent as well. be: a serious problem.” She added that The student union at the University of when she read the memo to a faculty Manitoba, the major university in the meeting it was dmet with “good-natured province, has ruled out protest action laughter”. terming in inappropriate. University of Toronto ombudsman

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press’Bus To Toronto: Fridays at 1:30 and 4:30 pm. Return Sunday 9:OO pm. Fed-paying Feds only. $3.00 each way. Tickets on sale Thursday 9:00 am. Last run for term: March 21 weekend.


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The fee hike strike issue is becoming more complicated. In the last two weeks, several new groups have been formed to either oppose or support the idea of a fee hike strike on the UW campus. Many students ha.ve found the differences , between these various factions unclear. In order to remove some of the confusion the following is a summarization of the four groups currently active on campus and their respective positions regarding the tuition increases and the fee hike strike. The Federationof




~ The Federation of,Students was the first group toorganize protests over the proposed 7.5% raise in tuition fees. In conjunction with the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) this group has’ organized a petition protesting the fee hike. This petition has been signed by over 4000 students at UW. The Federation wants tuition increases frozen pending an accessibility study to determine if a raise in fees would prevent people from attending university. It also demands an end to the policy ,of fee autonomy and immediate improvements to OSAP such as an increase in living allowance and greater accessibility for grad students.

Because of the.existence of a as well as putting up their rival group on campus, the own posters in favour of the fee hike strike. Reid said, . Committee to Support the Fee Hike Strike, President Neil “Our emphasis was to tell Freeman made clear at the rally people what the strike is, to meet Bette Stephenson, which the Feds weren’t doing Ontario’s Minister for Colleges because they hadn’t officially and Universities, that “only the endorsed it.” Naw that the OFS has a mandate to organize strike has been officially passed by a vote Monday of a fee-hike strike.” (Monday night the UW Federation ‘of the Federation of Students, Students voted to go ahead this group, says Reid, “will support the Feds as much as with the strike.) .I-& claimed that the rival possible in any positive acgroup is not supported by the tion they might take regardFederation and that any posing__the strike.” ters on campus without Waterloo Organization of “Federation of Students” on it Reosonoble People (WORP] was not sponsored by the This group opposes the fee Federation. He also claimed hike strike and feels that the that many members of the rival fee increase of 7.5%is reasongroup had not signed the able. Spokesman Steve Haypetition. I man said that his group was Committee to Support - not big and started with just the Fee Hike Strike four people. Although just This formerly starting up, this group inknown asz?kd-Hoc Comtends to collect, its own peti: mittee to support the Fee tion opposing the strike to Hike Strike, was formed last give the silent majority an week to support the strike. opportunity to voice its According to spokesman opinion. He noted that “a lot. Chris Reid, the committee of people didn’t sign the Fed was formed because mempetition even though they bers felt that the Federation had the opportunity to. We of Students was not moving want to give people a chance fast enough. to disagree.” Representatives Reid and He does not think a strike Mary Gillis said they were will work because apathy “shocked” and “appalled” at will set in and students will Freeman’s statements con“pay their fees to be safe and cerning the group. let the other guy do it. Face it, Originally, they helped if you don’t pay your fees, put out Fed leaflets, but then you won’t get your degree.” began putting out their 0w.n He added that the group feels


to\the fee ihike


embarrassed by the way the promote responsible activpublic looks at students. “We ism.” Ingram is trying to are reasonable people.” approach different faculties at’ UW and wants them to Organization for adopt his idea of creating Responsible Student student research groups Activism (ORSA) * which would study accessRichard Ingram started this group and, at the moment, is the sole member although he is getting spontaneous support. He feels . that the 7.5% fee raise is “reasonable” and said, “I Armed with a lemon meringue pie, Minister of Coldisagree with the idea of a fee leges and Universities Bette hike strike totally.” He believes that the 101 autonoStephenson was ready for mous fee “shouldn’t be imbattle as she faced the howling masses in Curtis plemented unless OSAP Hall at York University on covers it. If the university puts it on we should deal Tuesday afternoon. with the university.” If-_ the television cameraIngram) believes that the men, reporters and photofee hike is justified because graphers there expected a university costs are greater rational discussion of tui‘and -without an increase tion increases, they were services would be cut or disappointed. Throughout Steeliminated. In refusing to phenson’s half-hour speech, pay higher fees students groups of students hurled would cause a “self-induced _insults at her, hardly giving compromise in our education her a chance to be heard. In her and livelihood while at presentation, Stephenson tried school.” He would rather to “correct some misunderwork cooperatively and constandings.” For example, she argued that despite some structively with the system than oppose it antagonisticclaims, a federal-provincial ally. task force is studying the Ingram’s ORSA group has t subject of. student assistance. Students were p-ybasically the same ideas about the tuition raise and angered by the Conservative the i strike as WORP. His government’s decision to give group is, however, -using a universities the option of raising fees up to 10% above the more activist methodology than the petition sponsored compulsory increase of 7.5%. by.WORP. ORSA wants “to Some charged that this was an attempt to deflect criticism from Queen’s Park to individual administrations. Others , -.,_ - complained that OSAP grants are insufficient to allow mem,bers of low-income families to enter university. One student brought to light the special problem of single parents who are unable to receive aid.



ibility and the uses. abuses and dangers of OSAP and fee increases. He suggeSted that faculties could sponsorthese research groups as credit courses. Celia Geiger

Minister? Perhaps the most serious charge came from the students who echoed the Ontario Federation of Students’ (OFS) system of education. According to the organization, some universities are using. their autonomous fee-setting power to increase fees in faculties where the demand for entrance is high. Stephenson denied most of the charges, arguing that there isn’t enough evidence to support the two-tier claim. She stated that universities should be allowed some fee-setting power because they were responsible for their own programs of study. Then,“amid heckling, the minister listed a number of institutions that have not raised their tuition the full 18%. She added that occupying the President’s office would not guarantee a lowering of the fee hikes. also defended Stephenson OSAP’s ability to help low‘income families. Summarizing her position, she stated “As you all know there are economic facts of life which we are all subject to, and to which we must accustom ourselves.” This provided the mob with a last chance to boo. ’ Michael Monastyrskyj of the Excalibur --

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Patientaging. Smoothlaste,

Ihat’s what makesit Special Old. _

stability. Peters said there will Over one hundred people be no hope of recovery until late came to room 5158 of the in the year when the U.S. Math and Computer Buildshould begin to ing Tuesday night for a economy bounce back. symposium on the performMr. Kilimnik echoed Peters’ ance of the Canadian economy in 1980. Forecasts about ’ predictions. His own observations lead him to believe 1980 is the pattern of business actia crucial year. Decisions made vity in the short term were now will determine the economade by three knowledgemy’s course for a -decade. able observers. Restraint and high interest The speakers were Dougrates are necessary, he says, if las Peters, chief economist double digit inflation is to be and vice president of the avoided and money is to be Toro.nto Dominipn Bank and prevented from draining out of author of the book “The Canada to countries like the Monetarist Counterrevolution, Robert Kilimnik an U.S. which have interest rates that,’ allow better return on executive of the Department investments. of Investment Research and Two encouraging thoughts Administration ’ of Mutual on Kilimnik’s part are first of all, Life of Canada -and, Prothat interest rates are close to fessor James Brox of the Department of Economics at their peak and may fall some-, what toward the end of the year, UW, The symposium was and secondly that the prices of sp’onsored by the Society of Management Accountants of common stock are undervalued now and may rise in price in a Ontario. short while. Mr. Peters began. He preProfessor Brox made his dicted that high interest predictions using a computer rates and a recession in the forecasting model he helped United States would work to develop while employed by produce the worst yearly Statistics Canada. The assumprate of real growth that tions the model uses were Canada has had in twenty supplied by Professor Brox. five years. He believes that According to the model a the federal government will recession is to be expectedin the not increase spending to second and third quarters ofthe counteract the economic downyear with possible recovery turn because of the risk of very toward the end of the year. The high rates of inflation. model predicts real growth in the Gross National Product of One bright spot in the only .9 per cent, and an average forecast is that business inunemployment rate of 7.9 per vestment for plant and machinery is expected to be; cent. Brox noted that the forecast may beoveroptimistic. substantial, providing some


thousands of students who attend them. .Therefore, meaningful solutions cannot dbe achieved through individual attempts at negotiation. Mass-based political action is required. To this end, attempts by student organizers to rally the support of the people on campus behind a unified protest,. are to be commended. They are further to be congratulated in succeeding to bring Dr. Bette Stephenson to this university to hear our grievances and proposals, especially after she had earlier declared reluctance in having to be repeatedly held accountable for her party’s policies. Hearing our terms in our territory is a psychological coup which should not be underestimated. However, even careful strategy can be undermined by a single, misplaced act. For the individual, or group of individuals responsible for the throwing of a cream pie in Bette, Stephenson’s face, I feel anger and disappointment. In my view, their action has served to divide, if not destroy sympathy for student claims. Now some will cry, “Oh, how shocking: How impolite to treat a guest in such a way.” And in the meantime they ,will forget how much more inconvenienced students must -be as they try’to scrape through the school year on a limited budget, attending universities where the quality of education suffers because of .government cutbacks. But even worse, despite whatever symbolic meaning that the pie throwing might have held, the gesture will be 1 seen as a joke. “Ha, ha; ha. Those crazy college kids are acting up again!” <Either way, we have been made to look irresponsible, and our legitimate worries trivialized into, a joke, not to be taken seriously. Mat Whaley Psychology

Tying fe&to inflation limits access

The Editor, At the Bet’te Stephenson-rally (Mon. March 17), a small group of people posted a banner stating that one should “Pay Your, Fees!!“. Also, they supplemented this with jeers that tuition fees should be linked to the rate of inflation. What they have failed to realize is, that if tuition fees were linked to inflationary rates, then, more than half the student body of this campus, and most likely other campuses across this province, could not possibly afford to return next year. If this group of parsimonious persons fully believe in increasing tuition. fees, then, may I suggest they review the increases of the academic year 1977-78. This was a $100 tuition increase, by the Ontario government, in hopes of generating an extra revenuein excess of $20 million. As a result 12,000 students could not enter (or even return to) university. I ask this group to seriously think over the possible repercussions of a tuition fee increase; and furthermore, to consider the possible effect this increase would have if linked to the rate of inflation. A.J. Waterman Chairperson, Board of Education

Pie “in the face trivializes issue The Editor, Being a student is not a joke. Not when we are faced with rising costs of tuition & living expenses; decreased availability of real funds through government grants; and an education impoverished by deteriorating facilities and services. Nor is the problem each individual’s fault. Inflation affects every university and the ~-~--~~I)-~~~Ic~~~~~~~~I\*



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It was Su@ay and Dyb’was i,n very good spirits. ke had the whole day to himself. The whole’dayb&nd th&[&$Gr wag good, too. r . I_ \I Amaziiig coincidence,. that: free ti.&e-and good wealher. Dgesh’t h.@peq’too often, no sir! He decided that this Ma’s the petfect time to have his little’adventu~e. A whit6 ago,, perhaps as much as a year, it occurred to ,Dub that it ’ would be nice to -go for” a train .excursiop into the country. He would get on a train, any train, and get out at some, small country station. ’ Not any pi&ulai,$ace. No, that wa$ the whole point of th? adveniuie: he would look out th’rough the window, see the’static?n, fancy it <n&g& out. He returned to that id&a often; it-cever bored hi?. And today, of all days, he could, would do it. --k i --_ -*



’ The huge, filthy gray bqilding of the City Terminal normally exerted a depressing influence on any one who entered it. People with faces expressionless and as gray as the walls around them drifted here and there without any visible aim - not even that of waiting for a train. Only Dub’s face was’different. It shone. Far from depressing him, the building reassured Dub that his excursion would be excellent. What a contrast the fields and forest would be to the squalor of thecity. The first few stops were still within he city. AlPDub could see out if his window were smoke stacks, body shops and warehouses. Then, an occasional cabbage patch appeared between the junk-yards; then an occasional warehouse between the vegetable patches. The City gradual19 “fizzled out ” , the train was moving through the country. A station approached. Too close to the city, Dub thought, I’11 wait a little longer. -_ . The’nbxt station was a small building of red brick, a cheerful-place with white flowerboxes under windows. Dub was almost ready to get off, but hesitated. The station was nicer than /r the pne before, perhaps the n;ext one would be even nicer than this one. The train jerked and the building slowly moved out of sight. He was right: the next one was prettier. Dub gathered his things and made up his mind to get off, only the train went right through. It wasn’t scheduled to stop there. A time to rise He was f&ious. The station they were coming to now didnrt suit him at all. It didn’t even A time to fall. compare with the one he Ii.ked. Sure, it was nice, but so what? He wanted the other one. A world of peace, An occasional junkyyard came into view amidst th! fields. Soon, the train was entering A crown of glory. another filthy metropolis. It was quite late, as Dub discovered when ho looked at his watch. He watches over us The return train left in fifteen minutes. And, since it was Sunday, this was the last train Red-eyed back tonight. And in deep sorrow, On the way home, Dub saw all the stations again. Yes, they were all very nice. He would ‘To see our troubles have liked to walk through the fields, to dip his feet in the water of the lakes and creeks. To touch our hearts. t’ The train-was just entering the City Terminal. Again, there were people with gray, So. many lives e>pression!ess faces wandering about, bnly All to sacrifice nok 6& ---L&n&d in perfectly with them. For hate, for revenge. L. Brushing his teeth back at his apartment, Human weakness, Dub wondered if the memo from And greed. * Management was on his desk with the other Lust for power and fame papers or in the left drawer. Will Lotta stick a All a war of anger. ‘d’ into privelege again! Will the coffee be ,hot? His boss has b.o. This was one hell of 3 New life springs Life is there to be enjoyed shitty week-end. See the children, Beauty makes it worthwhile Watch them grpw. The glorious splendour of a sunrise, or x _ Teach them to love. Simple joy in a smile. Y&t, how can they? Glenn St-Fermaln When all around them, We find reasons to hate. Tomorrow awaits us, ‘ Silently. We win today But still we lose.


A hole in a dqughnut, Lying on a cloud, Being on a desert island with your love, Being alone when you need to be A smile \hihich is permanent .A sigh which is everlasting .A kiss that is contentment Dreams, fulfilledEmptiness filled Lives complete


A bubble that will never break because you can never escape you need go nowhere else.




Through all the pain We must learn to give, To set free And to believe.


Judy Wahking


Lonely Win d


Disco: bodies moving in all directions, contortinghohibly to the beat of, excruciatiqgjy loud music. -and so I Beautiful young r6en $ii&women.stand ground, When the great is swollen with his hear,t’s last sullen flame, ’ ’ lie supine naked driirks in their h&Is,+&t&di6@ not io4.18 alone and Broken negligent gestures, his undeveloped tcjys, Ion@. Loud libhts iiluminate garish costumes the plain upon Taken fast in reaspned, articuCate design paesing for trendy dress: the ‘uniform’ of thq army of of .wheat the, chic. Every so often, somebody laughs Quickly by the questioning of a small, less ashen mind, whose delicate strands un6ontrollably and loudly. Through the fluttered amnion must seep and course and vault. each speak swaying slowly Plastic people living in 9 plastic world. confessing my thoughts beneath Joe, serving the drinks, had been with Greased Weighty, swaying more than the surface now, the dwarf Lightning since its creation (a scant three years ago). the steadfast of a calm September Pulls off dizzy ribbons, discovers rosy deeps; Like all the customers, his hair was slick and his \II tiishing me day dress was smooth; if he didn’t sljeak with a Bronx Shattered blood’s thick jaundice, the anemic caustic abyss; . harmony with nature the universe accent, he probably would have stood on the other Shallows now, favoured counselors in’ genius’ brilliant court. and God who is omnipresent side of the bar. Strange how things worked out: here and evident in the serene presence _ he was, in the midst of some of the most eligible Steven Schmidt of the loving clouds and I am _ young people of his time (and he was not the2 much older than they ‘were), and the nat!J!e Of his job born again. , Drohibited him from giving in f0 temptation. d . Joe wiped the bar with a_well-deserved sigh, I Peter R. Stratford ignQring a small commotion-taking pItice at the door. , . Alf could handle it. Joe felt that life tias passing’ him %y, but, io@ng 6uton the dance floor, realited that he For I have seen the people when before wasn’t alone. Mot-at all alone. who knelt by the water’s edge, i stepped outside into a revolution “A beer f6i; *friend,” a tacky voice insisted. _--looking onward and forever into of whirling leaves Joe kne@t#@v exp&t fr&&th&r&n, and, raising his head to take a look, wasn’t disappointed (or that unyielding fog. was, depe##‘@‘Mn your point of view). Th’e man was wearifig a shirt open to the navel (exposing veri colour confusions Waiting for the murmur of voices, well grodm&&st hairs), tight pants (exposing the slightest bu!ge) and shiny black shoes (exposing a yet vast distortions of climate a light almost gjimpsed. ynplumbed &&th of, tackiness). l&s friend, on the-othar hand stood out like a sore thumb. Immaculate in a b&iness suit (which, * The winter’s seeping in nonetheless showcas& a very muscular body - like Clark Kgnt: everybody &,nows he ‘is Superman), the But God does not come soon, soon. The winter’s seeping in, man exuded warmth ~4 charm. His blbnde hair topped a head which didn’t smile, but B/EAMed. The past has not been gentle. not hiding all the fallen leaves “B...b..:beer?” Joe, s&&en, stammered. He stood behind the bar, staring at the stranger and giving no It has only traced footsteps . but burying them. indication that he waiwjct,f&fill his task. in the sand. ‘The drink,” he had t+ be qeminded. \ Until finally we stand at the edge. While he was gone, a crowd began to gather around this strange, otherworldly being (a person this Soon low fields of constant white Gazing. grand couldn’t be less than an angel). They pestered him with meaningful questions: “What is your will line horizons, Now let us kneel and pray. name?“: j“Where are you fro(n?‘!, ‘What is your.sign?” To no avail: he merely stood at the bar and make simple prairies BEAMed. \ gut of abstract mountans. LA.1. Joe returned and placedJhe best beer’in ihe house before him. “Th...this one’s on me,” he heard -.. Malco‘lm Murray ’ J himself savina. _ The man picked up the mug, swished its contents around a little, smelled them and put the mug back down on the table with a dull, almost inaudible thud: The message, however, was crystal clear: it wasn’t -_-. what -.-- he_-was looking forl “Just a mT&jte,!“Joe, his pride in his establishment l&g threatened, said. “I’ll be,back in a moment with something I know you’re going to appreciate.” Joe left, ieturning seconds later with a small glass of Sum. He ndticed the blonde nuzzling the man’s ear, but, since the man didn’t appear to be taking any notice of if, decide not to bring attention to thII fact. “Try.this,” he boldly stated. Without hesitation, the ma.n took the glass in his hand, swished it around a touch, smelled it and stirred it around with his little finger. Shaking the finger off (rather than, say, lickihg it),‘the man put the glass down. The average person beamed (merely beamed, mind ydu, not BEAMed) at’the furiously gathering crowd. “My friend won’t drink just any old slop,” he proudly told them. Joe, fortunately, was out of earshot. ’ . He returned with a perfect martini, which was similarly rejected, a gin fizz (which invoked the same response) and a whisky sour, which also didn’t work. I Joe placed many other glasses before the stranger, who went through the same routine before, ultimately, rejecting them. As the minutes passed, the crowd grew larger, the girls grew friendlier and the whispered, story filtering to the back of the room grew stranger {admittedly, morre interesting). “There’s always this, ” Joe, withput much hope, said of his latest offering, a mug of some thick alcoholic beverage which, by all rights, should have been thrown out.long ago. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you threw it back in my... ” smelling the tioxious liquid and indicating the general direction of tackiness, ‘That is to say, I wouldn’t mind if you threw back in his face.” Naturally, as only the logic of so-called reality could make it happen, the man accepted the mug after he had gone through his of all present, he opened his mouth for the last time. Then, without warning and with the mug firmly in hand, he left the disco. “Oh!” one of the women present exclaimed, “He smiled at me! I feel...fulfilledl” ‘What a man!” the men agreed. Even Joe felt his life changed for the better. Strangely enough, (or perhaps not so stranfiely at all), although all of the people present-went their different ways (some rather radically), none ever felt the need to return to the disco ever again Back at the spaceship, Darvan thankfully melted out of his human form (which, truth to tell, he found somewhat repu&ve) and somewhat reptilian form. It was,.after, all, the only way he could successfully manipulate the covtrol panell r He wonderedbriefly at the gloriousness of the universe, which, by the merest chance, had flung him’down on a’ pjanet with just the proper fuel foq his ship. How embarrassing it would have been to have had to communicate over the subspace frequency-to the Impervious .Leader that he had run out of gas! The lizard$-if the Fifth Squadron would n@ver have let him live it down. i,. - KS the lmpervidus Starcruiser majestically lifted off the ground (for, i~de’&,~~&%e~%%%~~y for an Impervious‘Stqrcruiser to lift off ihsg6und) Darvan wondered idly if he Should go to the trouble of destroying the world. No, he decided, the natives’had been frie’ndly enough!

Double Star.

meditation is winter

Leeward ~~dn~~,ft~~~a~~e Offormer days

FOR,’ >





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To say that a play is strictly the work of the playwright is misleading. A good script, badly presented, fails as surely as a badly scripted play does. It is into the latter category that The Komczgata Mum Incident falls. The production itself was impressive. The cast had the energy and intensity needed to make the play effective, and it was clear that director Susan Forrest put a lot of time, energy, blood, sweat and tears into making the show happen. Yet all of this could not completely triumph over the basic weaknesses of the script, weaknesses for which the author must accept responsibility. The play was an ,attempt to make an important statement about a dark time in Canadian history, when several hundred Asian immigrants aboard the ship called the Komagata Maru were refused entry into Canada in 1914. Historical evidence indicates that there was no sound basis for this refusal, and yet it happened; this incident is at once the backdrop for the play and the force which drives it forward. The cast was good; surprisingly so, considering that few if any had had previous theatrical experience. Particularly noteworthy was Wojtek Kozlinski as “TS,” whose sheer venom gave his character more substance than even the playwright might have expected. Indeed, the cast had to be good; otherwise the play would have failed completely. It is not clear why author Sharon Pollock felt the need to over-simplify a complex situation. Indeed, her point would have come across all the stronger if she had shown us some shades of gray. Instead, she portrayed the representative of the government as the very personification of evil and corruption, and everyone else in the play as a victim of circumstance. Clearly, she was trying to make the audience aware of the existence of corruption, and of the failure of the judicial system to prevent major abuses of “the system.” Yet by reducing the characters to stereotypical “good guys” and “bad guys,” she has stolen away a large measure of credibility. Perhaps even more jarring than this was her sometimes quite stilted dialogue. Much of it seemed artificial and contrived, as if her characters were simply there to communicate their positions to others. Many sequences seemed incongruous and out of place, as if Pollock were enjoying some private observation that very few others would appreciate. There is no denying that Pollock is capable of doing good work; indeed, this reviewer in convinced that she is capable of producing things far better and far richer than The Komagata Maru Incident. Despite all of this, the cast, crew and







13 -

1914 -

of Overly




director managed to give the play the emotional impact that it ought to have. The presentation was affecting even on a purely visual level. The combination of staging and technical production was very effective. Particularly noteworthy were the sets by Michael Quinn and Steve Morton, costumes by Roberta Carter, and lighting by Ken Lynch. The combination of these three aspects of the production made it possible for the audience to accept the validity of the situation of the play in a way which the dialogue alone could not. Further credit must go to Susan Forrest, whose effective direction helped her cast overcome many of the difficulties imposed by an awkward and unwieldy script. Bernie Roehl

Scenes from the Creative Arts Board’s production of Sharon Pollock’s The Komagata Incident: Wojtek Kozlinski as the uenemous TS (at left); Hopkinson (Rick Bawman) and (Gregory Hertel) entertain a couple offriends (Bonnie Burnet and Liz Anne Madigan), (top); Rodgerson as “the woman” (above). photos by

Maru Braun. Gillian ASA


At least halfr’ Two is worth (The reviewer sits in the theatre, aghast at what is going on on the screen in the name of entertainment. This movie, this thing called Chapter Two; it couldn’t have been written by Neil Simon, the man who gave the world The Fortune Cookie (an underrated film) and The Odd Couple. It’s dull! With a sigh, the reviewer ends his parenthesis and begins the review.) Chapter Two, Neil Simon’s latest movie based on his play of the same name, isn’t as funny as some of his earlier efforts, something which his fans aren’t likely to welcome with open arms. There are, particularly in the beginning, some very funny scenes, and some very funny single lines. Simon appears to want to do something more dramatic, however, and, at least in Chapter Two, fails. The story centres around a writer who has lost his wife, of whom he was very fond, and his attempts to adjust to living without her. The man (James Caan) meets and falls in love with a woman (Marsha Mason), but their relationship is stormy because he finds it difficult to cope with his loss. (The story is said to be based on the events in the life of Simon, who did remarry after his first wife died. It may certainly be possible for the basic plot to have been so written, but I would doubt that the movie accurately reflects the events in his life. As I remarked to one of the people I saw the film with: “Nobody lives like that!“) One of the problems with the story is that, in a conventional sense, it is resolved around the middle, when the man remarries, and the rest is anticlimactic. The story runs something like this: Boy Loses Girl - Boy Finds Another Girl - Boy Gets Other Girl and the two argue for

.._::._‘. $.,m$?ARDI




14 r.I

of Chapter watching the remainder of the film. While this may be valid, it isn’t very interesting to watch. The major disappointment is, of course, that, to make room for the element of drama which Simon wants to portray, the element of comedy is played down. It is there, to be sure (particularly in the first half of the film); the first meeting of the two people destined to become lovers is hilarious. Overall, however, the film isn’t really a comedy, and comedy is what Neil Simon does best. On the other hand, a pleasant surprise is the acting of James Caan. In Chapter Two, he shows an ability to handle dramatic material to an extent which he never has before (certainly not in movies such as, say, Rollerball). Given some good dramatic material.. . Marsha Mason is good as the woman he falls in love with. I don’t know that she should have won an Oscar nomination, but, with the exception of a little overacting towards the end, Mason is quite acceptable. (Acceptable... adequate...words that look nice but mean nothing. Let’s face it - the movie sucked the big one, it wasn’t what it should have been, it was dull!) If you are willing to sit through a...quiet second half of film, the first half of Chapter Two is worth watching. The location shooting of their honeymoon is delightful. (The reviewer sadly shakes his head, wondering why he can’t write a really earthshaking negative review. Probably psychological - he was rejected as a young kid and can’t reject anybody now that he’s partially grown up. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t drink Aargh! Power down.. .) Ira Nayman

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Gray Vgch.Ready / ._...... 6 “is, “;jj“‘.;:,” ,. _,, .’...i .,. :.. :... :i. .,. * .\.. iv ‘+ . ‘..V .a ‘L. ii. /i. ..,*.i’. li. .Y. .‘.. ,.,, ,~ .._: .+ :+ \... U ..: Y. V: L’.’ <.> :y 4% ...? _’+ . x+.h’. _, ...... ._.,..___........ __ ,_._.__.....

Singerjsongwriiei stony Bird will be appearing in Hagey Hall Room 280 (Arts Undergraduate Lounge) on M&tiday, Mcirch 24,198O. Bird’s,music is’h result of his eqtperiences in:both &&and. ~nd.~aIa~i (in Africa), a$ h.is l$vics are rich in social compentar$ as well as befeng.beabtiftilly.. ;imple: The performance is being billed as “An eotking of ,supp+ for Afridan *Liberation.” . , * _1 I ’ c’ i’ ! ‘i

: A charity benefit to-aid research into what has been dubbed “rock deafness” - the 10s~ of hearing due toam&figd ‘modernmusic, will be’ held next .Tuesday ‘in Woodstock’s Coho Hall *) at 8:OOpm.iThe main act on the bill will be a group .from the Kitchener-Waterloo region, the NFG 0rchestra;in a new and rejuvehated form. ‘ Little has been heard from . the NFG ~ f -Orchestra since their former label, Pinto Records, dropped them immediately after the . i release of the infamous Goridwanaland EP. The ensuing barrage of lawsuits forced many of the band members to abandon music, for a while, expjains the band’s Spokesman and musical consultant, John Anderson. ‘&One of the most creative forces within NFGO left the industry entirely to become a computer consultant ‘in Ottawa,” he laments. The band


(. \

reformed only when New’ Wave became a paying concern. In a schizophrenic manner si-milar to that of .Parliament/Funkadelic, several band members spend alternate evenings playing in The Laurel Creek Boys, a folkblues group rapidly becoming a cult favourite at the Carden Street Cafe in Guelph. An proceeds from the benefit will go to the Johnson Clinic in, Sarnia, where Dr. Calvin , Ostr,um and his colleagues are working on l&s-of-hearing arising from performing and listening to lotld rock music. “The band felt that since they were part of the problem, they should be. part of the solution,‘? explains, Anderson. The NFGO’s, reputation for- eccentric , behaviour and erratic instrumentation should ’ make for an interesting evening. -

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Athenas Waterloo’s women’s alpine ski team won the overall team title at the annual CanAms held last week on Whiteface Mountain in Lake Placid, The CanAms are a series of races between schools which have won regional championships in eastern Canada and the eastern US. Skiing this year were Queen’s, McMaster and Waterloo (Ontario), McGill (Quebec), Dalhousie (the Maritimes), Johnson State (Vermont) and Plymouth State (New Hampshire). This is the fourth ye& in a row that the Athenas have represented Ontario in the CanAms and the first time they have been -..victorious. Last year they finished in second place. The members of the Athenas were: Lee~Gardner, Cheryl Leviten, Jenny Graves, Sylvia Ounpuu, Cary First-’ brook and Donna Mattershead.




was the top UW skier

All members of the team credit depth and overail consistency as the main reasons for their success. “Although some of the schools had more outstanding individuals, it was the depth of the Waterloo team that was crucial,” stated Warren Wilkinson, one of the team’s coaches. According to Lee Gardner, “the main thing is to have consistency.” This was a sentiment *echoed by Patsy Chalmers, another coach, in explaining the consistent success of the alpine skiers. “Over the past four years... we’ve done well. We’ve won the Ontarios three times and come in second once.” Evidence of that depth and consistency can be found in the results of the final slalom where four UW skiers finished in the top ten. Competition began Tuesday, March 11 with the slalom. The slalom was made up of two runs over the same course which was used for the Olympics. One moment of jitters preceeded the race when the UW skiers realized that the gates were drilled into the ground. “We all freaked out,” said I Sylvia who went on to Ounpuu, explain that they were used to gates which, when hit by a came out of their skier, placements. The UW team was in third place after the first day’s racing. Jenny Graves led the

of the year



17 ~-





way with a fourth place finish. The giant slalom was run on the following day in conditions which could only be described as terrible. An eighty below wind chill factor greeted the skiers at the top of the run, while sheer ice accompanied them on their way down. The course was approximately 90 seconds long. “It was the longest any of us had ever skied,” said Ounpuu. She continued, it was a “psych out, because it was sheer ice.” Gardner ignored the obvious fatigue factor (they usually ski 45-50 second courses) and said it “felt really good when you finished the s-ame course as the Olympics. We were so hyped ‘up.” ’ Waterloo won the first Grand slaloin run and came iri second in the final run. Ounpuu led both runs with





in the giant


respective fourth and fifth place finishes. The grand slalom results pushed the Athenas into a tie for first place with Queen’s in the race for the overall title. The final race was another slalom. UW, with Graves in fourth place, Gardner in eighth Cheryl Leviten in ninth and Ounpuu in tenth, was victorious in that race, a victory which also gave them the overall title.







The Athenas ski team is the only team at UW to win a competition beyond the provincial level this year. (In fact, the odly other team to win a provincial title - the men’s table tennis team - is not a team but a club and has no athletic department affiliation). For the skiers, the CanAms are the equivalent of a national competition and yet under budgetary procedures within the athletic department, there is no formal way to provide monies for this competition. Members of the ski team felt that the budgetary procedures should be altered so that money which would be directed towards a national championship could be directed towards the CanAms instead. This reasonable suggestion is not the final word on skiing. The team members have their own final message, obscure though it may be ‘Thanks for dropping by, Dan.” Jacob Arsenault



in the


Athletic elitism would threaten academic ‘standards savs Matthews d

“Sport should be a part of life, not a way of life” according to Dr. Burt Matthews. Matthews was speaking at the annual athletic banquet last Tuesday at Bingeman Lodge. Matthews’ comment was part of a criticism directed towards government and those who would make of universities a breeding ground for athletic elitism. The federal government and third party scholarships are “putting a lot of pressure on universities to produce elite athletes.” However, according to Matthews, “our programs are not geared to that goal.” Matthews claimed that in order to orient university programs to produce more elite athletes considerable adjustment would be required. It would entail the expenditure of a great deal of money and a lowering of academic standards. comments Matthews’ were made following a year when multi-fronted effort was begun to get the university system involved to a greater extent in the international athletic scene. The recent Olympics at Lake Placid certainly pointed out to some the inadequacy of our current programs, while the success of the US Olympic hockey team has dovetailed nicely with tbe plans of some ta form a super hockey league within Canada, the goal of which would be to improve the calibre of college hockey and to provide a feeder system for the Olympic team. Meanwhile, the government of British Columbia, in

a recent move, has committed itself to provide scholarships for all intercollegiate athletes who are residents of BC and are competing for BC schools. Matthews, however, feels the proponents of such schemes ignore certain facts. To those who feel Canadian scholarships will stem the flow of southbound athletes, he warns that this will not happen unless universities lower their academic standards. To those who support the super league concept, he cautions them to examine the fate of those athletic programs (the majority of those in the country) that will not be part of the tier one structure, and asks if this can be good for Canadian College hockey. While Matthews was declaring that athletic programs at universities “should be for students” he also suggested an alternative proposal, which,

Burt Matthews




while not compromising the academic standards of universities would provide some assistance for athletic programs. The essence of the proposal was the establishment of amateur leagues in various sports. If the franchises in the leagues were situated near existing universities, the teams could draw on those excellent college athletes as well as drawing non-university players to fill their ranks. The teams could also benefit from the close proximity of universities in that they could’ draw on the skills being developed there in the fields of coaching and training. Matthews reiterated his belief that new mechanisms were needed in Canadian amateur sports and that universities could work in conjunction with the new mechanisms but they should not be the prime object of those mechanisms. Jacob


to athletic


scholarships. photo by TBM


htramtim~ Men’s Volleyball Singles


and Tennis

’ On Thursday,’ .-March 13, 1980, the Men’s Volleyball Tournament took dlace. We had a tremendous turnout, (better than in past years), so congratulations to all. Special congratulations go to the “Kin Kids” for becoming the A Flight Champions, “Dynamech A” for beco’ming the B Flight Champions, and “East 2” for-becoming the C Flight champions. The winners of the Singles Table Tennis tournament were Da\iid Wiifiams in the A division and David Wong in the B division. A very special thanks go out ’ to all of the volunteers who have. helped us run the tournaments this winter.




Two in a Row for Co-op Canadians: The Co-op Canadians won their second A league Ice Hockey Championship in two terms as they defeated St.


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Jerome’s A 4-O. St. Jerome’s Triple Crown Attempt was never rea!ly in contenThwarted by Planners: tion during the game as Coop came out skating faster . West D Alumni couldn’t and hitting harder. Glen Ross scored his first of two for Co-, quite make the triple crown of Intramural sports this year as op in’ the first period with a team of Planners defeated solid defense and excellent them 4-l in the B league Ice goaltending from Rick Kean the Canadians continued to Hockey finals. West D had previously won the Flag Footfrustrate St. Jerome’s. This and comfrustration began to show in ball championship the second peridd as St. petit ive Ball Hockey. Planning is a relatively new Jerome’s took many needles team in B hockey. As this is and cheap penalties which did- not help their cause. At only their second term, the game itself was much closer one point they were shortthan the score indicated. The handed for seven consecuteam captain Neil Prashad tive mihutes and althbugh said after the game that most Co-op did not score during to thib time, they certainly had of the credit belonged goalie Jeremy Grant as West control of the game. The D momentum could easily other scorers for Co-op were have swung over to West D Ross with his second, James Alumni. Orr and Fred Worm. Scoring for the Planners For winning this champwere Jim Wilson with 2 ionshio. the Co-op Canadians goals, Pete Doyle and Warren receivi’ the Father Bullock Philip each with one. Brett Memorial Trophy and it was well deserved as they put on a Proud got the one West D goal. I would like to constunning performance of ho-’ gratulate both teams on their ckey skills. I wish to congratfine play and I hope to see ulate the, captain, Frank Planning as a .permanent Schreiner, and all his team entity in Intramurtils. members. -

Comp’etitive Broomball Tournament I Last Thursday at McCormick Arena, the 1980 competitive broomball tournament came to a dramatic climax. The first game of was the Consolation Final, in which the Ret Ramblers (space cadets) outclassed a highly amusing bunch of Engineers, known collectively as “The Boys”. The final score was 8-O in which Mike Mueller (Bobby Orr) was voted MVP .by his entusiastic teammates. The Black Knights and the Old Bastards engaged in a hard fought battle in which the pseudo “old men” on the ice ran away with a 3-l victory. It was a close, tense match right down to the last minute, and the few fans that were present really go,t “involved”, cheering their frietis on to victory. It is assumed that all patticipants (fans and players) enjoyed the tournament and that it will hopefully continue next year with a few minor changes. Larry








Malgadejr \ and Langlois


sham top, hondurs

Following is the text of the introductions given’ prior to the presentations made to Sylvia Malgade y (left) and Don Langlois (above), the-top U W athletes of the year. The presentations were made Tuesday night at the anniral athletic awards banquet at -8ingeman Lodge. Dean .

of Women recipient Sylvia Malgade y Track and field

Tonight we are honouring a member of the Athena Track

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81 Field Team-Sylvia Malgedy. It is because Sylvia is such an outstanding performer that she. is not with us this evening, as she is in the south preparing for her hopeful Olympic berth., As.the pre-, Olympic qualifying meets become closer, the athletes must continue to prepare diligently. Sylvia is a K-W native and a graduate of Cameron Heights Collegiate. In high school, she was an all round athlete while participating in the OFSSA track competitions in the 1OOm. hurdles and the long jump. In her first year of university competition, she won-2 gold medals in these events. Then what looked like was’going to be an exceptional career took a temporary turn as Sylvia was plagued with 2 major knee operations. Once recovered, Sylvia, somewhat dubious, began again. In 1978-79, she challenged both indoor and outdoor, finishing in the top 5 in each event she entered. In this 1979-80 season, she won 1 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals. She is currently ranked 5th in Canada in her events. This Canadian ranking will make Sylvia’s next few months of preparation critical as she attempts to make the team that will represent her country this summer. Totzke Winner Don Langlois Hockey Don Langlois ‘is in his graduating year from Kinesiology at the University of Waterloo. He comes to US from Kirkland Lake, Ontario where he played Juvenile Hockey in the Northern Ontario Hockey league while attending Kirkland Lake District Collegiate. During his four years with the Warriors, Don has established himself as one of the premier hockey players in the Ontario University Athletic Association Hockey league. He has been named to the

league’s 1st All-Star team the past two seasons and, tothe 2nd team on one other occassion. Last Wednesday night in Regina, Don was named to the. C.I.A.U. All-Canadian Hockey team, only the third Warrior player to attain this honour, an honour well deserved as he lead the Warriors to a very successful season in 1979-80. Don has been the top Warrior scorer for the last -2 years. This year he was fourth in league scoring with 54 points in 22 league games. He scored a team record six short-handed goals during the year, and averaged more than 30 minutes. ice time per game. In addition to his on-ice accomplishment, Don has been very involved off the ice as well. As the team captain, he is responsible for the formation of an extremely positive attitude among the hockey team, he represented the team at many clinics as well as on the Intercollegiate Council. Earlier this term, Don was presented with one of the Mike Moser Scholarships representing outstanding athletic and academic achievement. His extremely consistent play attracted many N.H.L. scouts to Warrior games, resulting in a try-out with the Toronto Maple Leafs last September. He hopes after graduation to pursue a hockey career either with the pros or in Europe.

BetteSte~hetisonardour Univer$y ,. Pkesidenthatie rgjectedtheFeckrat&zS -- . petiti~nof4NXJsignatures,atidrefisqto. I actonfhesecomems._‘,. . ,,


-m - The rollback of tuition increases.

-’ U.niversities. , u Improving the inadequate Cktario’ Student ‘Assistance Program. m Increased government. commitment to university \ftinding and \ Research and Development.



\ \’ We rnust,ke&p-



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