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(%mxpti Note: Imprint publishes every otner Friday during the summer. The deadline for Campus Events is 4pm the Tuesday preceding publication.


-Friday, -. May- 2 At 9pm in PAS 3095 (third floor psychology lounge), the Gay Liberation of Waterloo (GLOW) sponsors “The Party”. Free munchies, cash bar. Great music, dancing. Men and women welcome. Bring a friend or leave with one. Admission: $2.50; members $2: $1 off before 10pm. .

, I

The CC Pub will be open from 12 noon to

lam Monday to Friday and 8pm to lam Saturday with a DJ after 9pm. Fee paying ‘Fed: no cover charge; others: $1 after 9pm. Keith Barrie plays in the Humanities Theatre at 8pm.Tickets are $7-8 ($5 for students/seniors).

- Saturday,

May 3 -

is sponsoring a bicycle trip to the Elora Gorge. Pack your lunch and meet Out in front Of the cc at gpm- For information, call Kevin at 743-8080. The Outer’s


The Outer’s Club’s first meeting of the new season will take place at 5:30 in the CC World Room. All ‘new members are welcome. Bring ideas for trips. There will be elections for the executive. For information, call Paul at 885-5938.

- Wednesday,

May 7 -

“And Justice for All” will be shown at 9:30 in the Great Hall of the Campus Centre. Cinema


A Coffeehouse sponsored by the Gay Liberation of Waterloo (GLOW) will be held at 8:30pm in CCllO. Come out for an evening of conversation and meet some new friends. Music, coffee, donuts. All welcome. A free introductory


take place from 2 to 4:30 in the afternoon and 6 to 830 in the evening at the Grace Lutheran Church (136 Margaret). Quota: 300 donors.

on Transcend-

May 9 -


“The Party” is sponsored Liberation of Waterloo (GLOW)

by Gay at 9pm in details, see last

HH 373/378. For further c,;A,., I iway. Fed Flicks: “Emmanuelle” will be screened, today and tomorrow at 8pm in Physics 145. Admission: $1 for fee-paying Fed members with ID; $2 all others.

- Saturday,

May 10 -

Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital’s Health Care Clinics will be sponsoring a workshop entitled “Diabetes and YOU - a Workshop for Diabetics and their Families” at the Waterloo Motor Inn from 9am to 3:30pm. Advanced registration is required. For further information, contact Colleen Geier at 742-3611~ ext. 2491. Elsie V. Ewald Academy of Dancing holds a Recital in the Humanities hall at 7:30 today and 2:15 tomorrow. Tickets are $3.50.

- Monday, The Outer’s

May 12 -

Club holds a general meeting

at 5:30 in the CC World Room. If you missed the first meeting, come to this one and find out what’s happening this semester. Bring ideas.

- ’Wednesday,

May 14 -

“Father of the Bride” will be shown Centre at 9:30 in the Great Hall of the Campus Cinema



A Coffeehouse sponsored by Gay Liberation of Waterloo (GLOW) will be held at 8:30 in CCllO. Music, coffee, donuts. All a welcome.

is looking for writers, editors photographers layout artists and especially people who are interested in learning these skills. Come down to CC 140 and help put out ’ the Imprint.

entai Meditation will be held at 8pm in Environmental Studies 347. For further - Thursdav, -s Mavw 15 information, contact. David or Shannon -The Minglewood Band performs at the Bourke at 576-2546. Waterloo Motor Inn. Doors open at 8pm. For further information, call Denise Donlon A Red Cross Blood Donor’s Clinic will at 8850370.


.-_-_ AND OPERATEi3-@iy





--_._ __-. . FOR STUDENTS--JOIN



Waterloo Co-op Residence I nc, 280 Phillip St., Waterlod, Ont: N2L 3X1 ’ / (519)884-3670


mini utes walk to UW a’nd WiU


2, 1980;


3, Number

1; University

of Waterloo,





\ Friday,

committing an offence which could lead to deportation and that the Federation, by encouraging, visa students to participate, could be liable to prosecu‘tion. Simonis, in presenting the motion, stated that, to get an extension in their visa, students would have to supply immigration officials with proof of registration, and the administration would not give such proof unless fees were paid in full. He stated that the Federation lawyer, Gary Flaxbard, had written a letter to the Federation asking that visa students not be encouraged to participate, and that he had spoken to a representative of the immigration department in Kitchener, ‘who said that visa students could come under a board of’ enquiry and would risk being deported. Mary Gillis said that, if recriminaadministration tions included resorting to immigration and that if visa students were looking at Brigid Rowe, deportation, President of the International Students’ Association .wouldn’t ask them to participate. She also quest__-ioned how participation in the fee hike strike contral

Fee hike strike ’ not to~include visa students I

Planning for the fee hike ,have paid their Federation fee, claiming that the motion strike continued at the final was badly worded. An Students’ Council meeting of last term, held on an . attempt to replace it with, emergency basis on April 9, another motion which th.ey less than a week after the felt was properly worded meeting. The was ruled out of order by the previous meeting’ was called to give Speaker. Federation Councillors the Wim Simonis then asked opportunity to meet with a that the motion which he immigration and Neil Freeman had lawyer or presented at the previous official before deciding upon whether to support the visa meeting,’ a motion which students in the fee hike excluded visa students from participating in the fee hike strike. strike, be amended to Mark D’Gabriel, math representative, and Stephen include references to Bill C-’ Yip, representing engineer,24, the Immigration Act. ing, withdrew their motion - The motion stated that the to, protect all students who students could be visa

Anti-nuclenr protesters marching up University Avenue on their way to Toronto’s City Hall. About 1500 people were involved in the demonstration. The

“Conference clause" for CC budget You won’t be shut out of the Campus Centre this year, you might even get to watch some first-run movies, but you may have to be a little more patient at the turnkey’s desk. This is approximately the situation, after the budget committee of the Campus Centre Board met with UW President Burt Matthews two weeks ago to discuss the nature of the CC budget cuts, and came to an agreement which will allow salary subsidies of up to 49 per cent of the games room fund profit. Earlier this year the . CC Board had been told by Matthews to cut $5,000 from

its salary budget for the second year in a row (see Imprint Nov. 16, 1979). Last year, the Board was able to use money from the games room enrichment fund to subsidize salaries and thus avoid having to drop turnkey shifts. This year, however, Matthews specifically asked that more than half of the $5,999 come from salary cuts, even though money from other sources was available to subsidize salaries. According to Board member Joyce Pickard, these cuts would have meant the dropping of some 80 turnkey shifts, necessitating a radical drop in services, or possibly a

vened the Immigration Act. It was the contention of Simonis that the Act was so vague -. -. that it could. Rowe herself suggested the possibility of putting the money not paid to the Federation into a trust fund to show that visa students are able and willing to pay, This would counter the argument that visa. students - .I could be deport!&3 it was shown that they could not support themselves in this country. Rowe pointed out that students could obtain their ‘visas having paid the first half of their fees, and that the 7.5% tuition fee increase would either be rolled back by the second term, or the students would pay the second half. By discouraging visa students from participating, Rowe charged, the Federation was “doing the dirty work for the Immigration.” Visa students currently pay $1,500, Rowe continued, and many of their families are having a hard time supporting them; rolling back the 7.5% is an important step in rolling back differential fees for visa students. If an inquiry was launched, she insisted, all visa students had to do

were pro-nuke counter-demon. ’ only people arrested strators who ran over some of their opponents. photo by JWB

period of CC closing. A study undertaken by the Board, outlining the effects in loss of shifts and services and the “least distasteful ways” of making salary cuts, was presented to Matthews. Much discussion of the report with the-President resulted in the present one year agreement. The budget committee is still awaiting the actual figures. “A final reckoning of money will show exactly which of our ,services or shifts will have to be re-organized or -cut,” Pickard stated. T3e new budget arrangement also includes a “conference clause.” Pickard explained that conferences taking place at UW sometimes put a strain on the CC facilities,, because people tend to drop) ‘into the building looking for information, directions, something to eat, or just a place to sit. Large numbers of visitors call for extra desk staff, says Pickard, and “up until now, the cost of these additional shifts was simply absorbed by the turnkey salary budget.”

“Now that we’re faced with salary cutbacks, we can’t afford to do this,” Pickard maintained. Conference organizers are being asked to assess their situation as to size -and proximity of the conferences they plan. A small conference at one of the Church colleges would not put much demand on the CC, she says, whereas a major symposium at a nearby building would call for some compensation from the organizers for the extra staff needed, especially if these were scheduled at a time when the CC would most likely be cutting shifts, such as the period between terms. In spite of tight budgets and service cutbacks, the outlook for the CC this summer is not totally discouraging. Turnkey Tom Swiston has been able to reserve an impressive summer movie package that includes titles such as And Justice for AlI, Kramer vs Kramer, The Electric Horseman, Cabaret, Romeo and Juliet and Last Tango in Paris. Marg Sanderson

was pay the money. “The thing that says you must pay :your tuition to get your visa ‘is ridiculous,” she told Councillors. Science representative Bernie Roehl did not think that it was right for the -Federation to actively discourage students from participating in the fee hike strike, and suggested that visa students be informed of the possible consequences and allowed to decide for themselves whether or not to participate. He felt that


2, 1980.


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‘releasing the information would discourage most visa ‘students from participating. Roehl also felt that the Federation should be responsible for visa students if the administration takes petty actions against them. The motion was changed to exclude visa students from legal aid, but not from any other aid which the Federation can give, and ‘passed.

Ira Nayman

Irregularities marr Handbook hiring At the Federation Council meeting of Wednesday, April 9, Mary O’Donoghue was brought forth as Larry Knight’s candidate for handbook editor. Knight, who is chairperson of the ,Board of Communications submitted a motion, seconded by Neil Freeman, Federation President, that O’Donoghue be ratified for the position. In presenting the motion, Knight stated that both O’Donoghue and the other candidates (Liz Wood and Jane Harding, running together) were qualified, although, to his knowledge, neither Liz nor Jane were students. The policy of the Federation is to hire students over non-students, -~although it was pointed out that Council had to decide ,whether qualifications outweighed Federation membership status. It was pointed out that a [hiring committee usually interviews the candidates and makes a recommendation to Council, and that, in this case, there had not been such a committee or a screening. Wood stated that she had not been formally ‘interviewed. Mark D’Gabriel, math representative, suggested that a screening session be held at that

meeting, but it was lost in a flurry of arguments. Larry Knight apologized ,for the lack of procedure, stating that “somebody led jme down an alley as to the lproper procedure,” but insisted that O’Donogh’ue had been recommended and that the Council should either accept or reject her. Questions on both candidates’ qualifications were objected to by Freeman and Vice President Wim Simonis, who did not wish to see the meeting turned into a “bear-pit” session. After O’Donoghue gave her qualifications, and, with many Coun”cilIors calling for Wood to speak on behalf of herself and Harding, Freeman called quorum, ending the meeting. A hiring committee made up of Larry Knight, Eric Boehm, a graphicist for the Board of Communications, Mike Nazarec, Chairman of the Board of Entertainment, Krys Galetin, E.S. representative and Kent Lewis, Treasurer, was subsequently struck and interviewed the candidates. At the next meeting, they will ask that O’Donoghue be - ratified as editor; in the meantime, she will be acting in that capacity. Ira Nayman


Ste’pnenson may end degree by mail business OTTAWA (CUP) - Tired of rising university tuition fees ‘and exhausting course loads? Well a “legitimate” university degree cou,Jd be only 48 hours away, according to Derek Sim, owner of Career Councilling Incorporated. The company, operating ‘from a Scarborough, Ontario post office box, says in its advertising that for $30 it will supply the names and addresses of American ,universities providing mail ‘order degrees. According to Sim, one California institution will send you a degree with gold seal affixed for only $45 (major credit cards accepted). Another business, University Novelty and Engraving Company of Florida, will provide a

degree from the university of your choice for only $75. Career Councilling’s brochure points out‘ however, that applicants are required to sign a statement promising not. to use certificates to obtain employment or for any other fraudulent pur‘pose. Prospective students who want to cash in on this deal of a lifetime had better move $quic kly. If a bill introduced in-the Ontario legislature on /March 13 by education minister Bette Stephenson is passed, Career Councilling could be out of business. The ‘bill prohibits the advertising of courses leading to a degree from a foreign institution without the consent of the minister.






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~Have you had any difficulty getting _Aewanted for spring term? ’ , . * I_ _ I’ I’

’ ‘.l#;Math gble to fbd


the courses


the courses you . by .Cari Fries&

No problems,. complaint .:&.,qo$k courses.


L coursesand a great many courses {;<,Lt.ha.&@quire :,prereqLui:sites.: Some. “. d&&&p&,s&h as Biology and chemistry, it is hard to find courses which can be taken by ’ people who are not in those majors.

’ I%e g&t! just‘ one’ . the organizatik of Sqme, departmw&s;,

. other departments spread a ’ course, :okt:,.,o,y~.fi.~ @qq$ &y?, jclasses bei.& -&f*, z-hnurL’;‘.&&@( j Therefore, for part time& sumVmez’i. students such asp myself; it. ,%a’& really screw up ;a timetable::! especially if a person is working. ..



I. i:

Sandy WoW ’ Part -Gme student ’ .- I,haven’t had any problems, really. . -/Undergrads;: especially in Arts -’ and Humanities have it hard. The Administrtition doesn’t seem to ’ really consider it a term; more of a sub;sidiary or supplementary. :’ -





’ -*


.. L . . , _ . _’ :

J patty Holmes 3B Political Science .. i couldn’t get exactly what‘ 1, are -minimal I wanted; options compared to bther terms. But, I’Ge decided to take it all in stride, , * ,fr .. \ a , * :




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’ -Scott 3A:ActuarW .

&iacken& Sdbnce


c&lath)% t ..

No problems myself. I have noticed a lot of other people trying to get into classes that were already full. ’ :

Helpout on this flr& isme of’volunw5 three l&lie ~~n,Irrr,Nsyman,~g;sandemson,~l~~n,Liz Wood, Chris Mault, JWl3,Celi.a G8igf3r, &Ma HahQg3q 8ean8loan,~~~elpert,andaspecialthanxfo~~elarnd -Dennis Maann for their h&lptkl. aq$geatto~. Cover pb&o Py l3EK. we would l&e -to console t&se &oBa&manites dxnohg us who& conbepts of l@ou& have been violated in the nake bf progresh Yours, the ast

.’ ,

Hans Siemens’ :, ! :1B Math ri ..:“’ . I haven’t had any difficulty; there’ seem to be enough courses offered. s ‘Arts may have more difficulty, than other disciplines. .\ :‘

At “the,April 3 meeting of the .Fedoration Council, the.details of a feti hike,strike were being hammered out. The, question of who the Federation would, to the best-of .its ability, defend in the case of recriminations ‘came up; - in particular , .Councillors ,-discussed the feasibility of defending visa studentsd -Some Councillors felt that the integrity of. Council’s decision to hold a fee , hike strike for all-full time, undergraduate Federation fee paying members could be questioned if visa students were excluded; the Executive, on the other hand, contended that the Federation couldn’t . possibly undertake a ,>battle with the immigration. officials.. . -Indeed,. *the Federation couldn’t: afford. one. At the meeting of April 9, a special meeting called just sixdays after the first to deal with the #abled fee-hikestrike moti;ons,‘ a motion~excluding~ &$~a &u&e&s i&o@ -parWpating passed after a fairry lengthy debate, Y, i _ , . . .- ,, :. -,: YAL ._ $‘hi ide&,of .a mass-action’(sush as thefee hike strike) is that the more people who participate, the more likely is a satisfactory outcome to OCCUP. It is unfortunate that the _ Federation chose not to’ protecta visa -students, for, by excluding a group, any groupof students under its jurisdiction, the Federation can’t .help but weaken its own I cause. , ’ Unfortunately, the debate on the handling of the fee hi.ke strike does not end there. Mark D’Gabriel, math representative, has stated that, on the same day,, he resieved three, different answers* from -three Executive members ,on how fees were to bei *withheld.. Many Councillors questioned. how much money was to be spenton the fee hike strike, something which has yet to be resolved, to their satisfaction. These are. concepts which should have ,been well-researched before the- matter J -4’ \ 1

came up in Council; indeed, logic dictates *hat details as important as how the fee hike strike “.should be implemented or who should be protected by ‘the Federation should have been sorted out before the decisions to .hold it was made. At this meeting, however, the question of what *action the Federation would take if there wa’s a poor turnout recieved two different answers, Peter Hoy, Chairman of the Board of External Relations suggested that ,the. fee hike strike could be follo’wed bp .with ti takeover of President Matthew’s office. Neil Freeman;; ‘Federation president, qpi&ly ,disagreed; stating that the Administration would be.asked not to charge participating students late fees or take an.y other action - while the students w,ould be asked to pay the full tuition,. . _ Again, it- must be pointed o&that the .’ ~~~:rpbs~~of:,the::e;nergehey'.~eejin~ was to give Councillo& and Executive members the opp&rtunity $0 consglt withlawy7ers and (- imtiigr&& okffcials aboutvisa students, a subject which- had been‘ brought up at the . previo.us meeting, but which hadn't been researched thoroughly-enough. ’ ‘_ At that. meeting, it was suggested that visa students put the- money the would withhold into a trust fund, thereby proving. to the immigration authorities that they were willing and able to pay the money. Whether the idea was feasible or not is not in question: it was rejected by the Executive as not being acceptable. The point is thatthe Federation Executive 1 has not planned the fee hike strike in’any great depth, and that, without such planning; it could turn out to be disastrous for those few:students who’d0 participate in it. If the Federation is dedicated toholding a fee hike strike (which it appears to definitely be), it had better be done -well. Ira Nayman 1, *


__ Spend the- su&neriwiih us!‘;Weire Woith looking intb. _. ~ , ?: ~’ . 1 _’ . . _ < : ,. .I

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Imprint. .

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“Canada’s position is, an ’ trenchment of human rights, active one in the field of within the constitution. One human rights,“‘ asserted /such exampIP! cited by of SaskatcheUniversity Schmeiser was the tendency wan’s Douglas Schmeiser, - of entrenched rights ,to during the April 19 session ,inhibit future reform. In the of’ the w.eeke,nd Conference United States, for example, on :Human Rights. _-- ^. I the right to a jury trial in Schmeiser noted in his cases involving amounts in presentati.on “Human Rights excess of $20.00, although and the Constitution,” that once perhaps quite reasonin Ontario we are protected able, is no-w outdated but by both Canadian and . still a part of t-he Provincial bills of rights, constitution. Excessive ,and frivolous and as well .have an ombudsman whose duty it is litigation, and the dependence upon judicial, review investigate alleged ’ “to rather than political legislaviolations of rights deemed .tion as the major instrument to have occurred between the and private of social reform, said government individuals.” However, he Schmeiser, are two more disadvantageous by-proadded, it is important to note ducts- when judicial pro; that our rights in Canada are legislated rather than contection is substituted for the ‘effective stitutional documents. We I more Political have in these. areas, “no . safeguards. Replying to Schmeiser *entrenchment, in the American sense.” _ _ __ was John D. Whyte of Schmeiser explained to Queen’s University. Whyte’s “On Constitutionalpaper, a. small but responsive ‘izing Human Rights,“, drew, audience .the distinctions between the different but the attention of -the confer.to the overlapping classifications ence * delegates of fundamental, legal,- cultdifferences between majori-. tarianism and entrenched ural and linguistic, egaliOne is concerned, tarian, and contractural ,rights. He proceecjled to with “the right to participate !equal basis suggest-that there may be a on. a formally, with _other participants,” number of very specific to the en- .says his paper. The. other .‘. .

&ghts, disadvantages





deals with the right of the Natural Duties”, and “The Coleman, and Edward MC--’ views of‘ ‘property rights individual “to act as he Utilitarian ‘Foundation ‘of Clennen of Washington with the papers “Life, LibUniversity presented varierty, , and Libertarianism” wants in matters central to9 Rights?’ aspects of ’ “The and “Is, Property Theft?” human existence.” Contrasting papers ‘, “Aous Xialysis After examining the ‘Case for Ethical- Socialism”, EconGic of Specified commentator was relative ’ merits of the .by UW’s Michael McDonald, ‘Rights” during ‘the second Calvin. Noremore of Princeton University. protection offered by judi- . and ‘fRights an&Autonomy”, ‘half of the-day. The Saturday morning The conference was jointly ciary and legislative bodies, -“by David Richards of New portion of the conference .sponsored by the philosophy Whyte’s presentation stated York University were prescheduled the. departments of UW andUniT that the basic goal to ,be sented as part of the Friday _ __ University _.- - ..--- of-London’s Gerald Cohen and- versity of Western Ontario.? attained in the democratic morning programme. Unistate as we view it is.a “nonversity of Wisconsin’s Jules Jan Narveson of UW gave two’ Marg , Sanderson / tyranical state,” which he ’ defines as .freedom fr0.m “radical himinuation of rights” by the . state; and “freedom, from encroachment” of political values i recognized in a constitution. Whyte concluded with the OTTAWA (&l _ Two Chinese Canadians in Ontsays it is unintentional-,” Lee statement that the protecChinese-Canadian ario (CCIO) said CTV did said in ‘an official response &on of entrenched rights by have register&d they:: not address the objections to to the statement. the court was “not a deviant the program and wants an Lee said the committee satisfaction with the recent institutional arrangement,” CTV W5 apology, &lthough-. apology “more directed *to and .__other groups: in but that such protection hadthe producer says the ‘the issue.“, . , ‘. , . Canadian citias will cona very necessary role to play ’ statement ‘;, Both groups were reacting tinue to press the Canadian was - issued in in “reaching the goals which Radio, Televi&n and Telgood faith., _ , to a statement, of’ *regret, the democratic state setsfor aired by WS on March 16,_ _ ecommunications .,Commis“We,’ do/not consider the itself.” of CTV which said th$ program sion (CRTC); for a public token .gesture . Other conference topics inquiry into the. show and‘ anywhere near a.sincere and “sincerelY regrets any of,-’ examined. different facets of -honest response’ to the fense that may have been will continue ‘libal, and -the human rights question. public condemnation a- unintentionally’ given to the defamation’ suits, .Thursday’s opening ,session gainst. W$s ‘campusGivei$ese-Canadian communCTV. explored the fundamental ,-away* show.“‘, _ . But Lionel Lumb. W5 .concepts of a human right. Siukeong Lee, Montreal producer, said the statement With those words the Peter Danielson of York co-ordinatoc of the ad hoc, was “put out in‘ ood faith.“. Montreal branch of the. Ad and . Wayne University He explainer f that the Hoc Committee AgainstW5., committee, said the WS -sumner of theUniversity of served &ice that it would statement was not a real statement was made during submitted, papers : contin,ue its a.ttack on the i Toronto the first segment -off--the apology and did not satisfy entitled “Natural Rights and television network for airing the group at all. ,program, “the equivalbtif of :pu\tting* ti retraction on the “After t having clearly a program -on international insulted all Chinese-Canifront page of a newspaper.” students that has been ._.. .--.



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. ,.



nd? ,pr. Qonald .Chu, prea ri&ht. pf thq Cou.ncil of . . “.,

T-ORONTO (cp) i- Sexual . manipulate female powerharassment is a very real lessness e - especially in problem which - threatens student-teacher relations. ‘tPrqfes,sors should not use women in the academic-en. their classrooms andlabs as virdnment, s&id Norma, Bogrounds for. we&‘ a’. panel memb& .at a recruitmeiit recent York University for-. their bedroom - practices,” um on sexual harassment. she said. Panelists agreed --Bowen, a professor. at the that University of Guelph,who is sexual harassment on camconducting a survey -into pus is still’largely a secret sexual ‘harassment on Ontdue. to’the fact that women are repeatedly ’ ridiculed, ario campuses, was -one of ignored. or accused several professors, authors of provocation in those cases ,and students to/take part .in which are brought to-light. the symposium. Any female student who is a According to Leah Cohen, victim .of sexually-oriented author of a book on the subject; “sexual harassmentabuse by her professor, includes verbal innuendo, a suffers from feelings of brush, a pat, the pursuit of psychological defeat be-. cause of the threat which dates, to attempted . and un.dermines her academic actual rape.” Most-imporstudies, she said. Those who tantly, it is an expression of to submit to their - male ‘power,, and not of refuse professor’s sexual advances desire, she claimed. risk the reality .of receiving It is not an attack on one’s lower. grades ,because ofsexuality, but an attempt to ,

. 1,

their non-cooperation. - Panelists ‘agreed. - thaT _ students who--would otherwise relate their. experiences, don’t doso because of ’ the absence of a formal, channel of complaint. Professor Ann Shteir, to York presi-,’ advisor dent Ian\ Macdonald on the status of women, agr,eed. “We - need ,channels of complaint,” she said; “There has to be some place\ for a student to go and discuss the matter confidentially, and a channel ‘,tbrough which. to lodge a- formal complaint.” Shortly after .the investigation of a recent rape case at York, involving a student and her professor university set up a cdmm? tee which will study specific means of handling female students’ complaints of sexual harassment .by their professors.

~~~~s~~~~no~~wa~~f;t~~ regretting the ,offense y!)‘-:h-ave -b.?i- giye”?



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s ‘

Richard Gallant will be appealing a county court decision regarding his WaTowers’ terloo tenancy agreement. . ’ ’ LW November, several members .of the Waterloo Towers Tenants Associa. tion retained a portion of their’ pro-rated, rent (12 .months’ rent paid over eight months’- time) inan effort to . ~1make their payments closer to the cu&omary 12 month rental scheme; ,a -!lOih'e of - ’ In addition, ’ u” motion has been served by : Richard Gallant (a member . ,y.,Ff the executive) acting as an ~n&vidual,_aga5nst Veltrusy 1. I Enterprises, owner of the . Towers building. (see’ Im1 ‘print, Nov. 9, 1979) . ’ application to 11,. an , ..determine the rights of the ; tenant and * the landlord, , Judge ’ E.‘A: Robson deter“mined .three thingsi +T&“t *the: prorated rent / - _that lease required ._. I; Gallant’s 5 * ‘:- .c -;.y: ; i t .* , E! :.?Z” ,:’) ’


listen to the OFS calls for Waterloo team were Michael. Albert, Bradd -Hart, and increased living ailowances Geoffrey Mess. Albert and for the province’s students Mess were members of the - but the seven dollars a team that finished third in week simply doesn't meet the co.mpetitibn a year ago. the real costs that students they individually Wed have to face each week since among thetop 50 studentsl the last increase was made Nineteen’other UW math- ;in 1978.: *maintains OFS

peop1e in the 12-15 age ,overpayment and’ key bracket, deposit. ’ ’ This is Mrs. Smucker’s Judge Robson did not second published novel. An him to pay is legitimate and agree with Flax b a,r d, earlier one 66Unde.rground to should be continued to be however, stating that the Canada”, tbld of the flight of amounts charged were paid; black slaves from the United, actually ‘prepaid rent’ and 21 That the last month’s rent States to -Canada in the : lzEzsthe ~‘,~$o\,~his yeer: . ~ch~~~~~~~u~~~~~n~K~~~~ j not a deposit. It is this point .deposit set at the pro-rated nineteenth‘century. iThree of them (not members touch .on any of the other level is not legitimate and which will be the basis of the of the team) finished among changes in the student aid appeal. . ’ .must be reduced to the the top 100; WilliamrHughes, program that OFS and other University of Waterloo’s actual rental amount for one . * waterloo \ Guy Hulbert and Duncan groups have been asking for. month, The landlord must. Legal Resource Office “For example,” McKillop refund the excess deposit (LRO), which has been I_ was said “there has- been no assisting Waterloo Towers paid with interest at’ the For the second conseccoached by Dr. Bruno Forte‘ change -in the parental tenants, supports, the move prime rate; table. A family .who has professional a-p- contribution to appeal the county court,, utive year a team of student 3. *The $20 key .deposit’ with a net income of $7,100 pointments in applied mathdecision, .“By, her decisiqn, mathematicians from%, the n required to be ‘paid can not . University of Waterloo has ‘ematics as well as in is still expec+ to help legitimized .be ‘charged and shall be .Judge Robson computer science and pure finished in the top fivein the ‘finance their children’s post‘student plan leases -with refundF& with interest, .pro-rated. rents; zeffectively annual < William ( Lowell mathematics departments. secondary education. r .. This .d&isi$n ‘applies as allowing landlords to ask Putnam Mathematical ComMeanwhile, the Ontario -well to student I tenants . petition. The UW team was any aamount of a +tudont,” St&tent ‘Aid: ;~;;;~~oti$o;;~$$ -across the city who, have the top Canadian grouping, I stated Joe Wener; Coordintheir twelve months’ rent atorof theLR0. “This would finishing ahead of - teams has endorsed the Hon. Dr. *calculated into eight mont.hs such. well-know& . 8’ set out students. asa group to / .from Bette Stephenson’s anmnouncof payments. with%Tories ’ ‘ment of an increase of 10.9 per be taken advantage of and ’ universities as Berkeley, , ._ ’ Case ’ Western Reserve, b cent in OSAP living allowIn arguing Gallant’s case, discriminated against.!.’ ., The increase in personal ances. the Tenant ’ Association’s ti _ Students with questions, Harvard; Maryland, ‘Michiand living allowance from s OFS, however, is far from regarding their own tenancy _I gan State; yisconsin’ and ’ counsel Gary Flaxbard put Yale from theUnited.States. pleased with the situation, $65 ‘to $72 per week for forward the opinion that any agreements, said Wener, maTked*& the sixth - :students studying away , “A,dolhu a day--just doesn’t the Legal .- ._This ,a,mount’ exceeding one’ may sontact from .home was. the . only, make up for twq yeais of month’s rent is in fact a I Resource Office at 885-0840. time in the past seven years” significant part of the inflation” said Mc’Killop. .a UW team has finished in Leslie Robinson deposit and should not be - , j i / \ _ , . 1 * ‘i . . , - ,. : :

‘Math&s win

M7tchbW team

OFS disagrees


U+lD, ‘1 SOME ON DOWN- i-





10x10-10x 15-10x20 OTHER SIZES’ AVAILABLE

%me in and get lost &non6 the 200,OOC Comic books, Science Fiction bobks ant *ecords. 1 ’ 103


St. South,KlTWiENER,Ontario {51.9) 744-5571. ._ ‘i’


Councillors express dissatisfaction with Fed meeting Criticism of the Federation Executive arising from actions during and before a recent Federation Council meeting was voiced in a on Thursday, statement April 10. Four Federation councillors, two from Engineering, one from co-op Math, and one from Science, as well as the president of Eng. Sot. A, expressed their dissatisfaction on three main issues: nroblems with consultation. communications, and procedural propriety. Engineering representative Peter Sawras said he felt that the executive did not keep the councillors informed of council affairs. “The only time we get answ,ers is when we demand he said. Andrew them,” Piggott, also of Engineering, stated that councillors “only get information about motions, budgets, agenda and such a few hours before Then council meetings. we’re told we have to make decisions on it at that meeting.” Piggott went on to say that when this happened, there was no time to consult with the people these decisions affect, namely the students, and that he personally felt this pressure to be unfair. Piggott further stated his distrust of some of the information given out at the meetings. “We were told, for example, that. $3000 could be taken out of the ‘General Operating Fund for a stage,” he says “and then we were told later that we couldn’t.” Jennifer Hilton, Engineering Society A president added that “she was shocked at what she had seen at the Federation meeting,” citing lack of procedure and planning over such issues as the fee hike strike and the handbook editor among her specific complaints. She stated that the “planning was apalling, considering the amounts -of money


involved and the repercussions possible.” Co-op Mathematics councillor Mark D’Gabriel also took issue with the way in which issues at the meeting were debated. “The way the council is being run is closed-minded. I was at-. tacked, not through proper procedure, but .personally and within hearing of a lot of said. He people,” he that there maintained seemed to be no room in council, because of certain members of the executive, for divergence of opinion. “That’s dangerous,” said D’Gabriel, “we need to have it for healthydebate.” Science representative, John McMullen stated that he was dissatisfied with the executive’s apparent disregard for procedure. “The issue of the handbook editor, where no committee was struck and where only one person was able to state her qualifications before quorum. was called, is an example of all the faults this council is faced with: lack of communication, lack of contact with the councillors.” Piggott reiterated his concern with what he saw as “proper and open discussion of the matter” being “not allowed,” in the case of the handbook editor. Sawras added that he would “certainly urge any of his constituents who were interested in the issues” to attend a council meeting to see “what goes on there.” “After . all,” concluded “we’re all here McMullen, because we feel that if this is done right it will work well.” When asked for his reactions to the councillors’ statements, Board of Communications chairperson Larry Knight said that on the issue of handbook editor he had been “misinformed as to the procedure” and was told that no hiring committee was necessary. He said the reason that the council

meeting broke up as it did was that some of the councillors “were creating a bear-pit session” and “trying to form a hiring committee then and there.” Both candidates were not prepared for this, he said, and maintained that “the situation would have been very ugly for them.” “I will take full responsibility for what happened regarding procedure,” Knight added, and said that he would “take recommendations and input from anyone interested “to try to get a proper procedure on the books “so it won’t happen again.” Tony Waterman, Board of Education chairperson, said that the usual procedure is to place advertisements, take submissions, interview applicants in front of a hiring committee and, choose a candidate to be ratified or rejected by council. He felt the situation was created “by human error more than anything else” and that it was “very unfortunate that such a complication did happen.” He said that he’felt the executive should “try harder to talk to councillors,” and that the last Federation m,eeting had “lacked political etiquette.” “It is tactless on the part of all parties to allow personalities to interfere with political decisions,” he stated. Federation of Students president Neil Freeman maintained that the council was not against debate. “Maybe it looks that way,” he said “but its wide open and anyone can put in ideas.” The last council had 10. meetings all year and we’ve already had 5 with quorum, said Freeman. Freeman said ’ he agreed that Knight was misinformed regarding the handbook- editor procedure, but believed that Knight had the power to make a recommendation to council. “It was clear to council -either accept or reject the motion to ratify the editor. If we reject, the procedure was to strike a hiring committee,” said Freeman. The problem was, he said, that council wanted to turn the meeting into a hiring committee “when it should

Put Your Head Into -. AGiiodPlace


When asked about figures have been a closed-doors for, money to be spent on the type of thing where, fee hike strike, Freeman everyone but voting memstated that the strike was all bers were asked to leave.” part of an anti-cutbacks Concerning the comcampai n, and that without plaints regarding lack of the stri a e they would still be information released to the fighting cutbacks. The council before meetings, Freeman noted that the most : $3000 used for the mail out and other related things is recent meeting had been an “cut and dried” but other emergency meeting on three items such as the Board of days’ notice. In the future, Communications money used added Freeman, he did plan for community awareness are to get things out earlier.

t UW st.resse.s

unique features The Ontario Council on University Affairs,’ a fifteen person commission of the Ontario Government met with delegations from five area universities including the University of Waterloo. As well as UW, the universities of Guelph, Windsor, Western and Laurier presented briefs to the government’s ‘advisory body and answered their questions. Burt Matthews, President and ViceChancellor of UWand members of the Senate Board fielded questions and exaspects of the plained university’s policies. The OCUA meets with university representatives annually. Headed by Dr. William Winegard, a former president of the University ‘of Guelph who also acted as-chairperson for the meeting with UW members, the commission has a mandate to %e an advisory body to the provincial Minister of Colleges and Universities, Bette Stephenson. The cornalso deals with mission and has student affairs accepted a brief from the

Ontario Federation of Students (OFS). The ‘commission’s meeting with UW representatives served primarily as an information-gathering session. Dr. Matthews opened the meeting by referring to the university’s previously published brief .which cited the goals and .objectives of universities in general and of UW in particular. Stressed throughout the entire meeting were the unique features which UW offers. In particular, the advantages of the cooperative education program were repeatedly emphasized. When questioned about UWs attitude to universities which might copy the co-op program Matthews said “We don’t have a patent on co-op. Others should develop it especially in programs we don’t have.” He said that he did to pass any want not legislation which would stop emulation. Although he welcorned competition he expressed a concern that doubling the CO-op.job market might Present a Problem.

not so specific he said. Freeman noted that the recent. television commercial had been aired at a time when Bette Stephenson and the OFS rally were getting coverage in the media. The commercial, he said, did not mention the fee hike strike, but was meant to increase community awareness. “We wanted to put in our say too,” he stated.



Most of the inquiry was directed along the issues of research resources. Matthews made a strong request for more government funding for research and innovation apart from the, present system of allocating monies. -He did not want this research money to come from a grant, He felt that government grants would limit innovation or create “innovation for innovation’s sake” without the commitment of the university institution. A member of the commission, Ms. Miller, requested input regarding the allocation of scholarships and awards for grad students. The UW position on Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS) is that the value of the awards must be maintained and even increased even if the number of awards had to be decreased. It was felt by members of the Senate that this was necessary in order to keep the awards attractive and useful to grad students. The Senate rejected the idea that awards should be made on a differential basis according to faculty. Also rejected was the idea of institutional awards; open competition is prefered so that student . awards go to the best students and are not allotted by a quota system. ’ Celia Geiger .

Federationof Students -

Campus ‘Shop ’ t~~-~-~I)I)I)-~~IC~.-

.lB ,



’ Wateqxocif ( Downstairs in the Squall Jackets Campus Centre. .j \ across from thebank Z$ $17095Hours:

Mcin-Fri - 9:30-530 The Apple Hairstylist-Apple

Ext. 3700’ II Hairstylists

In the basementof the Campus Centre \

Ext.. 21’88


Contact PwpIe (everyone I-ted CarlTotzke Peter Hopkins Sally Kemp , Lynn Montag Viviafl Magi Dave Gildings Paul Crane


in PAC) - call 885-l 211 and ask for extension.

Director of Athletics Men% fhtr@rnuralDirector Women’s Intramural Director . Intramural Se&etary -/> Overall Coordinator ‘Overall Coordina& I Aqubtics Coordinator Central Toteroom PAC . Waterloo Tentiis Club Seagram StadiGm

Room 2054 Room2040 Room 2050 Room2039 Room 2040 Room2040 Room2040


; ’

Ext. 2474 Ext.3532 Ext.3533 Ext.3531 Ext. 3532 Ext. 3532 Ext.3532 Ext.3535

, ,

’ ,




I?% hard to say Iiitrtimurals without,smiling. - I’. This:summer why not have fufi, e@y ydurself, be active and Intramural Program. ’ Learn a skill. Join a cllub.iRecreate; Play in a league - Involve And smile because you are 2 !n Intra’murals. Over 650 faculty, staff and 7,000 students can’t be wrong. Try i , f,

I get involved Yourself.’ it -‘You’ll

.”. in your !


II k ,,

Like It.


M&. May 12 4:30 p.m. 1 Room2040

Men’sSoccer $2O/teain Refundable


Tues. May 13 5:30 p.m. Rpom 135 -CC .


Starts Thurs. M&y 15 A & B Leagues, Round Robin Monday to Thyrsday, 48 p.m. playoffs, 15 play&s/team Columbi*elds 1 and 4


C&t Ed sdc idrSta& Tues: May 20 date, time, and Mon., Tu&., Thurs. d &cation. Ext. 2323 5:45-IO:45 p.m. ’ \ Seagram Stadium


Mob. June4 . 5:30 p.m. WorldRodm-CC

Mon. June2 I 4:3C/p.m,, .Room2040 . PAC


Waterloo!f&nis Club Sat. June 7, Sun. June 6 . l:OOp.m.-31:OOp.m.

Engineering league>but other teams may ehter. ’ ’ Call Eng Sot Ext. 2323 A&B levels Guaranteed2games.



Fitness *st!p.oo

&et&e and running program fdr flexibiljty, strength and cardio-vascular fitness Mon., Wed., Fri., 12:00-l :00 p.m. Tues. & Ttiurs. 12:00-l :00 p.m. Man,, Wed., Fri. 4:30-5:30 p.m. All Classes held in Gym 3 - lstclassison‘Mon.May12orTues.May13. 10 week program. Class min. 10 1. ’



3 Complex)

Special Closing Dates - Mon. May 19, Mon. June 30, Tues. July 1, Aug. 8 - Sept. 8,198O :. Faciibs - gym, activity aiqas,,weightroom, squash . courts, pool,sauna and toteroom services. * 8:00 a.m.-l 1:00 p.m. 9:OOa.m.- 5:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m.

T&ens -. Every user must obtain a to&. Available for st+ents Monday - Friday,-8:30-4:30 p.m. from PAC re&ptionist with ID card. Faculty and staff will receive ,:t#&r token when they pay their users fee. Tokens are exchanged a! the toteroom for a towel 1 and identifying wrist band. When leayg both items are tobe returned to receive your token. Lost tokens “n be * ieplacedtor $5.00 from Financial Services% the * Administration Building, 2nd floor. Gwst Users - Guests may use the facilities with an eligible member by purchasing four 2.5#voy$m ,&or? thqrawuet rental mar;hine. The tptar~~attend~t~wi&-

Explanation: There will be no playoffs, no offiii@s, no standings, &d few rules. Play for the fun of it.






\ Activities ,



a *.


% Free Time Gym (PAC aqd Seagrams) ’ Free time open gym set aside for pick-up games or individual use. Check tieekly schedules thiotighout .PAC. 1st come basis. Scheduled even& take precedence. Jogging and Weight Training A free joggitig and weight training kit contaiiing mileage routes and other helpful hints is available in the intramural Office room 2040 PAC. If weather is foul, jog indoors. PAC Weight Room - 2 universal gyms and assorted pottable weights. ’ . Squash and Racquetball ’ Eight singles and 2 doubles courts available during open building times. Court bookings will be taken,24 hours inadvance with ID card from the PAC Recep- ’ tionist, Red North, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. No bookings after 4:00 p.m. - 1st come basis for open courts. .’ ; ! D-in &@jingon c .:> 5: -l-’ : ,_n KP mk.& q lad*‘rIILnri*r\n&-p- In* n;de.I,n namne nn .-I

/ 1 1. Contact your intramural represefitative, or, ‘i 2: ‘Foim a team from a group of friends and return a completed entry form. 3, Attend the orga@tat&al’meeting. Oiganizatlbnai Meeting:’ AlI team wtainsm@ attend the Org@nizatiohalMeeting to be’included in the league. Howtoenter:




Entry IDate


. Women’s

y3asketbail . co-Ret Volleyball

Co-R& pitchi _I


Men’s Ball Hockey . 7 Aside Touch Football . -..

” _Orga’nizatiorial , Meeting






$tarti&at* Time/l&at&n


Mon. May 5 Thurs. May 8 Starts Thurs. May 6 '4:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Thurs.,?OO-10:00 p.m. Room 2040 PAC ,Maih Gym ’ No Playoffs. . Come prepared ~.‘, to play.

Teamsmade up from registration. Round Robin, . . .

Fri.,May 9 4:30 p.m, Room 2040 PAC

Low skill, equal # of games. Round Robin, No playoffs.

Mon. May 12 630 p.m. Room 135 -Cc

Fri. May 9 Mon. May 12 4:30 p;m. -5:30 p.m. Room 2040 PAC Room 1’35CC , Ii . i 1 MOL.Ma; 1?, Wed. May 14 4:30 p.rri ’ 4130p.m. Room 2040 PAC World Room -CC Mon. May 12 4:30 p.%m. - Rbom 2040 PAC

Starts &s. May ; 3 Tues. $&O-i&00 p.m. Main dim - PAC

Wed. May 14 Starts Tues. May 20 Round Robin _ No ‘Playoffs 5:30 p:m. Mon. to Thurs. Columbia WQr@Rbom -CC Fields $,$nd 4.5 p.m.-7 p.m. . .: ’ ’ _ !. ’ ‘.I.‘. I j c




Golf Cost$lo.Oo


Squash cost $2.00 Shooting ,$25.00


. / ,

^ A’&urse for beginners to introduce the basic stroke and use of&e following 3,5,7 and 9 irons 11,3 woods. If’time and weather permit - the class will be giveri a lesson on a golf course setting. Classtime 4:45 p.m. Mon. Class will meet in the Red Actiiity Area. Classes start Mon., May 26. In the event of rain, class will be held inside (6 week course). - Class min. 7.> .

a I’

. .‘, c

, i.

:., 7

Beginners basic cotirse in Trap Shooting. Cou~&&ill be a one weekend clinic ’ y held at the Pioneer Sportsman Club.IGuns are prbirided. Buy your own shells at -/ club ($5.00 per round - approximately 6 rounds). Course fee is $25.00 which will include instnrctor fee$ and range and target fees. Course to be held Sat., May .. 31,9zOO-2100p,m., Sun.; June*1 Q:OO-2%KI p.m. Class min. 5. e


Advanced oourae - anyone interested in an advanced &urse should attend an interest meeting on Wed., May 21 at 5m p.m: in Room 1001 PAC. If enough lnterestsd - a course will be arranged. Tonnls Beginner $4.00 Refresher $6.00 Advanced $8.00 /



A series of water exercises f6r swimmers&d nop+mmers alike. Emphasis is . on increased muscle tone, flexibility and ‘endurance through movement in,the, water. Mon., Wed., Fri. 8:30-9:00 a.m. Pool, PAC 1st class Mbn., May 12 - 10 week program’- Class Min. 10: L. X

Basic instruction in squash for beginners.‘5 weel$on the court instruction. Class times Tues., Wed., Thurs. evening 7:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m. Pick one of those times. Classes start week of May 20th. Class min. 4.



. A program of fitness which inco@or& simple dance movement $0popular music and provides a fun way to participate in an exercise ‘program. Glass time, . Tues. and Thut%. 12:00-l :00 p.m. Dance Studio Il. PAC. ; 1s?class Tues. May 13 - 10 tieek program - cla&s min. 20

Dance Fit cost $10.00


$tarts&kd. May 14 Round Robin, no playoffs Mon. & ked,,on Columbia Pitch to your own team, Fields.#nd Villa@ Green , everyone bats ea?h inning. 4-8p.p. ~ ’ \ .r< Starts ties. May 20 ~N%contadt, provide your Man;; Tues., Thurs. 5:45 - . own stick, Round robin 1Ofi ~.I?I.,Seagraqs Stadium


\‘ :


j ’


The following programs are open to full time students ahd to those pertins who Pave an Intramural Membership. ‘ There is a $2.00 Registration Fee for all courses where a course fee is not chaPged.We res&ve the right to cancel I classes or iimit class size. The Registratiqn will take place on Wednesday, May 7 and %wsd~y, May 8 in the Blue South Wing ’ - -. t &ran* flodr level of the PAC from 1O:OOa.m. to 350 p.m. Following these,dates, registration maybe completed with the recepdonist in the PAC Red North Offip Wingb:OO’ &.m.-1130 a.m.,-l-:30 p.m.3:30 p.m. All registration is conducted on a 1st come basis. I 1 You must present your studetit ID card or Intramural card at the time of registration. All fees are payable at ’ . * L , registration. All cheques shoul payable to the University of Waterloo. For’more information on the Instructional program, pleasecontact Peter Hopkins, Ext. 3532, SallyKemp, Ext. 3.533 - or Vivian Magi, Ext.3532/33. . / I \ *r , ’ P&am Explanation

‘Aqua Fitness cost $2.00

.Gerieral. ,. lnf~hynation

j HwrsMonday to Frid\ay Saturday Sunday

. ‘I ’

Engineering l%o&lon. May 1? 4:30 p.m. Hockey eng. sot. E4-1388


PAC (Physical A&&ties


Explanation: This level is the,@st structured paA of the Ihtramural Program. There are leagues;playoffs, points, awards, ‘official: qd stringent ,Irule?. , How to Enter: 1. Each competitive team!must fill out an entry form&d submit it to ihe Intramural Office before the final entry,date. i 2. Get a group of people t&thdr and form an independ&nt.team,or! 3. *Asan individual, attend the ;&&anizatio@l meeting of that activity:, Organizat&$naCMeeting: Schedules and ru!es will be distributed. I$lJRY FEES will be collected. Teams qr individual I play& *wooafe not repres&d will run the risk,of being excluded from the schedule. Awards: Evet$league m tpwn&nent champion will be recognizijd with an award. Entry @! ‘$20&O refur&& &&y fee for all cpmpetitive.leagues must be Paid at the Organizational Meeting. Officials &hi&: Clinics fc$$td&dual sports‘will be t@d after the,organizational meetings. . I Men’s S@tb@ - Monday, f@& 12 at 5:30 p.ni. in World Roan, - CC Menls Bask&b&l - Tuesday,%@y 13 at 5;30 p.m. in World Room - CC Men’s So&r+;~uesday,#ay*l3 at 6:30 p.m. in World Room - CC ’ ’.. Activity ;e;; tijtry D% <._ Or)ra;tiona, Starting Gate, be/ . Explanatiorv _ l&&ion Mon. May 12 Starts Tu$. May i 3,4-8 p.m. A & B leagues, Round Robin, Men’s Sof&i ‘1, Fh. Mai 9. playoffs, 13 playersit;eam. $2O/team 4:30 p.mi 4:30 p.m. a Tues. & Thurs. Columbia . Refundable Room TO40 World Room -CC Fields’and’Village Green PAC ----a 1,I .I Open league - $3/player ” Mev’s Basketball Fri. May 9 j’ Tues. May ‘13 Starts Wed. May 14 . 4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 6:00 - 1O:!O p.m. B league - $20 team $2O/team World Room - CC I Refundable Room 2040 PAC

Beginner - for those persons with little or no tennis experience to teach bask’ ’ I strokes and game fundamentals. Beginner Refresher 1 for those who have had some tennis experience but need to work on skills. Intermeidiate,Advanced -, for the*pFayerwho,has bee&playing on a @g&r Lis but&h% ib imrove strokes or learn more advanced strokes. , ,-



Y -value must be leftwith the attendant to assure the return of the towel and wrist band. Lockers - Lockers and baskets will be assigned for the summer term at 8:00 a.m. in the PAC. For men and women - Wed. April 30,198O. Racquet Rental - Squash, tennis, racquetball and badminton racquets can be rented from the PAC toteroom by purchasing a 25# voucher from the machine located Red North lower level. Exchange the voucher with a valid ID card for aracquet. Equipment Loans - Volleyballs and Basketballs token and ID card. Soccer balls, footballs, frisbees - ID card only. Racquets - 254 voucher and ID card. Equipment for special events - special equipment card obtained from Peter Hopkins room 2040 PAC. Golf Clubs - ID card - one day loan only. Injury Canter - Report all injuries to the Intramural Office Ext. 3532. Athletic injury center is located in BLUE NORTH (lower level) Ext. 3855. Hours are posted on the centers door. All treatment of injuries conducted by Head Trainer, Brian Farrance and his _ qualified staff.



and Stadium’

Facilities - Track, gym, weightroom and limited toteroom services.

tfours a) Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 5:45 p.m. to lo:45 p.m. Fulltoteroom service. ID card needed for equipment exchange. To book phone 885-1211 Ext. 3356 (Intramural leagues take precedence). b) To book other times, phone Joyce Fortais at City Hall at 886-l 550 Ext. 210. Charges may be involved. No toteroom services available.



(Village Green and Columbia) All playing fields must be booked through the Intramural Office Room 2040 PAC Ext. 3532 ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE.

firstcome basis-Monday and Friday nights 6:30 p.m. lo:30 p.m. Check weekly schedules.




aqd Membership

The following persons are entitled to full use of facilities .and Intramural Programs. Full time students with valid ID cards. Faculty, staff, alumni and pa&time students and their spouses with an Intramural membership (obtained from the Cashiers Off ice in Administration Building. , Annual Membership: a) $60.00 with locker b) $40 without Term Membership: a) $30.00 with locker b) $20 without Children of members can use PAC facilities on Sundays from 1:OQ-5:00p.m. with a member.



The Sports Shop, owned by the University BookStore, operates on a break-even basis. It is located in Red North PAC and offers a variety of goods and services. 1. T-shirts and sweatshirts, plain or crested can be ordered. One week delivery for in-stock items; 3-4 weeks for new designs. Contact May Van Ext, 3194. 2. Footwear, squash racquets, squash balls, swim wear, shorts,.sweatsuits, head bands and other items are available. 3. Squash racquets can be left at the shop for restringing. Shop hours: May -June Monday - Friday 12:00-2:00 p.m. Shop Operator: Nancy Campbell



I. way


I I I”1

Room 2040 PAC





I I lyl


I. wlcry





I?- “I


Class Times: Beginner Tues., 5:OO-6:00 p.m., Wed. 6:00-700 p.m., Thurs. 6:00-700 p.m. j Refresher Tues. 6:00-700 p.m., Wed. 5:00-6:00 p.m., Thurs. 7:00-8:00 p.m., 8:00-9:00 p.m. Advanced Tues. 7:00-8:00 p.m., 8:06-9:00 p.m., Wed. 8:00-9:00 p.m., Thurs. 5:00-680 p.m. All classes are held at the WaterlooTennis Club courts 11 and 12. Tennis balls are supplied. Bring your own racqruet or rent from PAC racquet rental system. Flat , soled shoes. No change facilities available. Classes start: Tues. May 13, Wed. May 14, Thurs. May 15 - and (runfor six weeks. One rain date provided. * Beginner Class min. 8 Class min. 5 Refresher Class min. 4 Advanced

Players sit in innertube no playoffs. ~

World Room -CC Mon. 6130- 9:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

Golf Course Nine hole practice course set up to improve your game. Located north of Columbia Fields behind Century House. Come out anytime - own equipment required. Partners Board There’s a “Looking for a Partner” Board set up’in the entrance to the toteroom to help people find partners for squash, racquetball, tennis or badminton. Simply sign up and play.

Racquetball cost $20.00

Flexi Circuit A Flexi Circuit with 12 stations is set up in the Red \ Activity Area for free time use.

courtTimes (May - June) Monday - Friday 9:00a.m.-5 p.m. (3 courts) 5:00 p.m.-l 1:OOp.m. (2 courts) Saturday 9:00 a.m.-l 1:OOp.m. (2 courts) Sunday 1:OOp.m.-l 1100p.m. (2 courts) (+/y - August): same days and time - 2 courts only Swimming Over 28 hours of free recreational and fitness swim- ming are available in the PAC pool. Fitness lanes have been set up to facilitate maximum utilization of space. Please follow circuits as outlined in pqj. Monday - Friday 8:15a.m.-9:15a.m.; 11:45a.m.-1:15p.m.; 4:30p.m.-5:30p.m.;9:00p.m.-10:30p.m.; Note: Wednesday evening time 9:30 - lo:30 p.m. Saturday 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sunday 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Co-Ed Athletic


Organizational Meeting

Archery (75q%erm)

Tues., May 6 9:oo p.m. Red Activity Area PAC

Session II June17-July17 Levels 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B,3 $2.00 registration fee

Student Job


Involvement in Intramurals:

Each year the Intramural Department employs over 600 students in various capacities. It is a fundamental objective of Intramurals, that the more students you involve in the organization and administration, of the program, the better the program. If you want an enjoyable learning experience and at the same time earn some pocket money, please contact us immediately. Pay ranges from $3.25/hour to $5.00/hour with special honorariums for administrative positions. Lifeguards: ($3.25 /hour) Updated bronze minimum qualifications. Application forms &areavailable from PAC receptionist. Application deadline ISMay 2, 1980. Staff selection made on May 5, 1980. Meeting Tues., May 6,5 p.m.. 1001 PAC.



Bronze - $10.00 Award - $15.00 plus test fee

Conveners/Referee-in-Chief: ($30.00 honorarium) Basketball, softball - apply immediately through Peter Hopkins, Room 2040 PAC Ext. 3532.

Instructors ($5.00 /hour) ’ Swimming, squash, fitness, tennis, contact Sally Kemp at Ext. 3533 Room 2040 PAC. Student Assistants: . ($25O.OO/tenn) Application forms are available for Winter 1981. . Appliction deadline is Fri. June 27, 7980. Contact Peter Hopkins Room 2040 PAC for more information.

Regular Sessions


Instruction is info*al and done by club members on \ Tues. 9:00-l 0:30 p.m. an individual basis. Some equipment available for beginners. Thurs. 9:00-10:30”p.m. Sun. 3:00&30 p.m. . Red Activitv Area PAC

Contact ’

Instructional lessons, team competitions, guest speakers and film nights. No experience necessary. *

Instructional times arranged through Black Rod Stables.

Jane Colwell 886-0165

Fencing W/term)

Thurs. May8 6~30p.m. Studio’2 Room 2022 PAC

Beginner and advanced sessions. Instruction and competition. Some equipment supplied.

Mon. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Red North PAC Thurs. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Studio 2 - PAC

John Beatty 743-2938

Martial Arts (Judo) ($S/term)

Tues. May 6 7:00 p.m. ’ Red Activitv Area PAC

Club for beginners and experienced instruction and competition.

Tues. & Thurs. 700 - 9:00 p.m. Red Activity Area

Outers (Wtm)

Mon. May 5 5:30 p.m. World Room CC

Trips arranged through club as Paul Servos determined by interest and-availability ,885-5938 of leaders. Benoii’Mallette

Rugby ($1O/term)

Mon. May 5 7:OOp.m. World Room CC

For all outdoor types; back packs, tents, bags available on a rental basis. Trips organtzed. -__ -Established membership with ORU clubs in area. Weekly practices. Games with*KW Pirates and Brantford .

Mon. May 5 _ 4:30 p.m. World Room CC

7 boats available for instructlon, recreation and regattas. , Boat House on Columbia Lakes. /

Table Tennis (S2.5Oitern-r)

Tues. May 6 7.90 p.m. Blue Activitv Area PAC

League, ladder tournament and recreational opportunities Blue Activitv Area PAC


1A For parsons not familiar with the water. Introductory course of water orientation, buoyancy and movement skills - introduction to strokes on front and back. 1B For beginners who are able to do some movement (front or back glide) in the water. Course wifj teach the front crawl, elementary b&k. Self-rescueskills and introduce breast stroke and artificial respiration. 2A Swimmers should be able to swim front crawl, elementary back and surface survival. Course will improve skills to level 1B and teach breast stroke, side stroke, front crawl, travel stroke and reaching assists. 28 Swimmers should be able to swim elementary back, front crawl, breast stroke and side stroke and do a front dive. Course will include practice in these skills and teach all entries, back crawl and rescue recognition and treatment. 3 Swimmers should have a good working knowledge of all strokes and an ability to swim 1O-l 2 lengths. Course will deal with perfection of strokes, surface dives and other skills in rescue situations.

Class Times: (Session 1) Level lA,l B,2B 730-830 p.m., Tues. and Thurs. - 1st 5 weeks. May 13June 12. Level 1B,2A,3 8:30-9:30 p.m., Tues. and Thurs. - 1st 5 weeks. May 13June 12. Bronze-(40 weeks) 5:30-7:30 p.m., Wed. nights - Idweeks, May 14July 16. Award of Merit 5:30-8:30 .m., Thurs. nights- 10 weeks, May 15July 17. Session II) P Level 1A,1 B,2B 730-830 p.m., Tues. and Thurs. - 2nd 5 weeks. June 17&rly 17. Level 1B,2A,3 7:30-8:30 p.m., Tues. and Thurs. - 2nd 5 weeks. June 17July 17. Diving cost $2.00

Beginner class. Candidate should be able to do a front dive off the 1 meter board. Course is an introduction to spring board diving and exercise associated with it. CADA tests for dive 1 and 2 available. Class Time: Tues. and Thurs. 7:00-8:00 p.m. Class Starts: Tues. May 13 - for 5 weeks - Session II starts Tues. June 17 Class min. 8.

Synchronized Swim cost $5.00

The course will provide an introduction to the basic skills and figurespreat course for those interested in Award of Merit or Distinction. CASSA tests for all star levels available open to males and females - 10 weeks. Class Times - Start May 13, Tues. 5:30-7:00 o.m. DIUSother oractice time to be arranged. Class min. 8.

Women’s SeiPDefense cost $10.00

An interest meeting will be held to determine if there ‘s an interest in this course. ’ On Tues. May 13 4:45 p,m. RedActivity Area. If tour Je runs it will be held on Tues, and Thurs. 4:30-6:00 p.m. Cost will be $10.00. We need a minimum of 10 people in order to conduct course.

Yoga cost $10.00

Exercise lessons in which we will work with the body and the mind to bring about greater physical and mental health. Class times - Wed. 7:00-8:00 p.m. Beginner level - class starts Wed. May 14. Dance Studio II - 19 weeks. Class min. 15..,

Neil Kennedy 885-2165

Wed. May 7 4:30 p.m. World Room - CC


Instruction for beginners in racquetball. Course will be conducted at Columbia Racquet Club. Racquets and balls provided. Participants have use of-club locker * room and sauna. No towels provided. Dress non-marking white soled shoes. Eye guards are mandatory. Six 40 minute lessons over 6 week period. Class times: Tues. 8:00-8:40 p.m. Starts - May 20 - min. 5 people, max. 15 people. \

Award of Merit: must have bronze and Senior AR - only if enough interest:

Officials ($3.50 /game) Basketball, soccer, softball, floor hockey - apply immediately through the Intramural Office room 2040 PAC. Must attend appropriate meetings - see information under Competitive leagues and Tournaments

Equestrian ($3/term)

Sailing ($5/term)



Swimming Session 1 Mayl3-June12

Tennis Courts available at Waterloo Tennis club next to Seagrams Stadium. Change facilities are not available. Racquet Rental in PAC. To prevent damage to the courts, all players must wear proper tennis shoes which include; flat soles, no heels; no lugs; no course treads; no dark rubber. Call Waterloo Tennis Club (885-3920) after 9:00 ’ a.m. Must book 48 hours in advance naming both players and your ID#. One court available per person.


If your group wants to run a tournament, a field day or any event, get in touch with the Intramural Department. We might have the equipment, facilities or know-how which will make it easier for you. For example, if a campus group wants to challenge their faculty or another class to a game of slow pitch, they may do sd by booking a playing field at the Intramural Office Ext. 3532 Room 2040 PAC. Be sure to book well in advance.


Waterpolo ” - --____

Horseshoes Two pits located on Village Green behind softball diamonds and 2 pits on North Campus behind baseball diamond. Horseshoes available from Toteroom with ID card.




The following programs have a special registration procedure. Please note carefully.

. Allan Evans 653-0504

Tues. and Thurs. evenings Columbia Fields /

Pete Muirhead 884-7343

As-determined by club. Usually daily for club members.

Paul Barran 884-6435

Tues., Thurs., Fri., 7:00-l 0:OOp.rh. Sun. 2:00-4:30 p.m.

Rajiv Dutt 884-8294

Ballroom Dance cost $10.00

Beginners class in various steps including waltz, jive, polka, cha cha, samba. Class time: Tues. 7:3&9:00 p.m. - 10 hours of classes. Location: village I Great Hall 1st class Tues May 13 Registration will take place on Thurs., May 8at 6:00 p.m. Blue South Hall by room 2010 PAC. Class min. 32.

Scuba - Basic cost $85.00 (

Certification Naui Scuba course Wed. 6:30-9:30 p.m. You must have medical own fins, snorkle mask and above average swimming ability. Register at 1st class May 7th Room 1001,PAC, 6:30 p.m. Bring suit to first class. > Cost $85.00 upon acceptance into course.

Fitness Instructor Training Course

This course is jointly sponsored by the Campus Health Promotion and fntramurals. The course is designed to provide instruction in theskill of exercise class leadership focusing on the-mechanics and organization of fitness programming. Selected topics include exercise physiology as it relates to group classes, fitness class planning and organization, components of a fitness c&s (i.e. warmup, flex.ibility,muscular strength, cardiovascular fitness, cool down). Safety exercise and music, novelty exercise programmes, participant assessment. 8 week course - starts Thurs., May 29 - 7:00-9:30 p.m. in gym 3. PAC Registration at Campus Health Promotions in Health Services Building on Tues., May 13 9:30 a.m. Class limit - 30. Course fee $35.00 includes manual .andcertification endorsed by Campus Health Promotion.

cost $33.00




I j \’ ;_


Will do light rn&ing with. a c :: .s I~, small truck. /Reasonable rat&. i : ‘Call deff 884-2831. f I‘ .



Need ‘Temporary Storage? *Low month!y rates, 24 hour, saccess, c@urtesy : traiJer available. Trojan Self-Storm . , kge: 893-2222. I.

Fish In Town”

Steak-O&A-Bun Deluxe



Experienced typik with IBM wpewriter will type es+, Housing Available - theses, resumes, etc. Prompt, S/ngle room* summer terrq I accuiate service and reafor males in basement of L. _ sonable rates, Phone 743- 7 clean, private home. F’ull?/ -?933 evenitigs. insulated a;nd panelled. Tea< -z . 1 kettle, toaster and frig ‘available; no cooking. 5 minute Perkqnal walk to &her university. $21 ! weekly: -Apply .Mrs. Dorticht, 204 Lester St., Waterloo. I. Phone 8843629. Social’concerns proirams&in&tone Island Centre in I In comfortable home, one lthe Big Rideau Lake, halfway ‘\ ’ Single and one double rQQma between Ottawa and ‘, . ton. Summer 1980 schedule use Of home and all appllantes. Outdoor pool. Near includes: Music .and ,Social ’ change (Ju‘ne 27-July 1); ~r~e~!$~; _‘~~5~~‘~~ng* _’ . * Alternative Children’s Camps I (July 6-18); ‘Genetic &giv-


The. 6eU

HaHbut’Mnner I.. . . . i.. . k&e Smelt Dinner . . . . . . . ’ Butterfly Shrimp Dinner . . . . Hamburger Deluxe wlthfds&cdedaw,88cdfm ’



SELF STORAGE Mik WAREHOUSE 555 Fairway Road, .Kitchener

sewd with doll& fries and Cole slaw the kids

EXTRA SPECIAC: Dally 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. HAM OR‘BACK BACON, 2 EGGS ‘TOAST, JAM, COFFEE or JUICE . 1.75 Special Prices in Effect Until May 11.1980. : Mon.-Sat. B-B, Sundays 12-B




St. N. - Next

Par&dale-Plaza .


1.8s chease WC extra

friendly Fbh ‘n Chips . . . ..

SIZES AVAILABLE: 5’ x 5’, 5’ x lo’, 10’ x 10’ 10’~ 15’, lO’x20’, lO’x25’, tO’x3tY _


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(JVIY .18-

>21); Futures Dialogue (July ‘ =-;Aug.V; Media ahd Workibg People- (A& V-4)‘: Arms vs. Devel’Fpment (Aug. 8- 10); Canad@-U.S. Safe Ebnerw Confer@c.e(Aug. 14-17); Cpop Studies (Aug. 17-22); ’ - Changing Sex Roles (Aug. more For’ 29-Sept. 1). 1inforn&iqn: Grindstone Xo.: op,.Box 5@,$, &a “R”, Toronto +;M5S 2Ti (416)923-4215 pr locally, Jeff at 886-6572. .~ .\ . . ~ 1


the lease

on a modern,

furnished .4 bedroom ‘house area . 1 would in Jakeshore Iike to find 2 or.3 students or faculty? who would like to Share this accomodation with tie pho+ 886-6684 *eve..~ . . ‘lngs’ Sunnydale townhouse ,to ’ sitblet May- l -Sept. 1. Has dryer and some furniture,r8yi’;k$le p.laza - phone .


L.-J \







apple. cider

products, butter,






thompsori rennetless


raisins -


crafts: glass,


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1.70 2:44 1.10





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of Mexican






and ha&


blous&, dresses






flannel, Unique handmade aW . . _;’ designed cotton and silk




and medici




and dried



. King St. N. Waterloo

\ lb.


and jewellery.

Mon. - Thurs. 11 -k Fri. 11 - 7 Sat. lo- 5





naiural pe;inut butt&r natural honey '


in case lots from wholesale -

1.35 Itr.





‘bring your own cdntainer


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%lowers for -Weddings








Old Hwy. 85 adross from .KW stockyards Tues. - Fri. 11 i 5 Sat. 9 - 5 ‘s



/ _


skirts, -and n$g;azines+tti. -. . i 17 Weber St. W.

Kit&ener _. Tue!: -Thurs, 10.0 6 Fri. 10-7. , “-sat,9 -‘5,- ,.. ]’ “,

’‘ _ , r ., _-


. .~3tud&nt Rates l Free Fast D&livery ,‘Ii..(a 14” & 20” s&s available l Free Service .-

Tickets , .


at the dopr’only e.

’. -


“Mingletiood displayedsomeof the finestSouthern-styledfock and roll I havee&r heard-ad I haveSeenjust abouteverymajor b&d (MarshallTucker, CharlieDaniels ad a host in the genre.”L Globe and Mail ’ __ tof others) 7 ,__’


.’ has been a long-term policy of the Davis government. While I disagree with the Federation on some tactics, I do agree that something must. be done and soon, I do get upset with people who are more interested with creating splits in the student body, than with getting involved with the Federation so that different and perhaps more effective strategies than the fee hike strike can be implemented for fighting the government on this issue. The Groucho-Marxists and WORP should realize that this is no laughing matter. It is time that students took a stand.

Opposed but not opposed to fee hike strike Dear Imprint: The Federation of Students has decided to support a fee hike strike in order to protest educational cutbacks. I have my doubts whether such an action can succeed. Despite the CKMS poll claiming 40% of the students would participate, I feel it is unlikely that even 10% will take part. It will be so much easier for the students (most co-op ones are fairly well-off anyways] to simply pay what they are assessed. In fact if 2000 students -(20%) took part that in itself would be a victory. If I were to be a student next term, I would not likely take part in such an action, because I probably would be able to afford ~ the extra $60, and I couldn’t be bothered with la11 the calculations. However I would not oppose others taking part. Whatever happens in the fee hike strike the 7.5% won’t be rolled back. You’ll have to pay eventually. We may get a repeat of what happened after the %372 fee strikes. Davis decided to hold of further tuition increases until 1977. However the strike won’t work unless Waterloo is joined by many other Ontario universities. While I personally don’t support the fee hike strike, I am even more opposed to groups like the Groucho-Marxist Anarchists and the Waterloo,Organization of Reactionary (my name) People. From the actions of the these groups and from what I know of some of the people leading them, I would have to conclude that they are a bunch of silly people who are just in this to get their names in print. I am especially concerned with WORP (the name is appropriate), as there are some people who still take them seriously since they have not resorted to throwing pies and totally ruining their credibility. They oppose the fee hike strike yet offer no other alternatives in which to fight the cutbacks, other than telling people to pay their fees, a rather null action, that basically reinforces the status quo. They were going to urge people to OVER-PAY their fees, until even they found that ridiculous. . I’ll agree that 7.5% in itself is not unreasonable, but autonomous increases at other universities and increases in future years may be. I don’t think students should be expected to pay an increas\e EVERY year as they need some time ,to plan. Also, excepting for co-op students, I doubt students wages can keep up with inflation as it is, let alone have tuition increases on top of that. I believe that we cannot be shortsighted to only this university and the hear and now, but must concern ourselves with the future of uiniversities across the whole province. This is a province-wide issue that

J*J* Long

Fine sentiments but what brought this on? The Editor: There is an unwarranted sense of fear in the back of immature parents’ minds, that, should mandatory public education for their offspring be abolished, this civilization could very well go into reverse and we would end up back in the jungles and caves of our distant ancestors. Bare feet, mud pies and everything - just great for kids. But for adolescent, over-educated adults, hooked on technological goodies, ownership prestige, nationalistic prides and self-esteem I no civilization ever equaled - banish the chilling thought. With everybody and their cousins fighting . ’ for or demanding their exclusive rights, everybody, that is, except those “under age” who, to become certified citizens, must first be taught the three R’s - reading, ‘riting and rivalry; how to break the golden rule and get .away with it: how to become virtual slaves to a crop of governing idiots in the developed world where the onus is on automation, expansion, exploitation of fellow man and nature, ideological warfare, perpetuation of greed and other forms of suicidal practices. Unfortunately Canada is richly endowed and overstocked with fortune hunters ready to sell their citizenship (again) if the price is right. This is the kind of lifestyle the young are academically and religiously forced to adapt to. And who in their right mind would blame them (the young) for objecting. Don’t deny them that right! They are Canada’s only hope! With a general election just past, it may be well to remember that opposing political parties were not struggling for the good of the people, but for the position of having dominance over them. Much like teachers have over pupils. j_ W. Stephen Education

Analyst Listowel






Notice of Students’Council By-Election for the year 1980-81 1

Nominations for spring co-operative representatives to Students’ Council open on Wednesday April 30 and close on Wednesday, May 7,X980,to fill the following vacancies: Engineering .........L.............. 2 seats , Environmental Studies.. .... .I seat 1 seat 1 seat Mathematics .*..*......~~***~*~~4~ Science .... ....a....................&.. ’ 2 seat H.K.L.S.

. . .

. . . . . .

. . . . .

. . ..*.....e.***e

Nomination forms are available from Helga Petz in the Federation office locatedin CC 235 and must beareturned to t.hat office no later than 4:X) PM May 7,198& Federation of Students


Off ice Specialty Ltd.


We are THE stationery store in Westmount Place, with a complete line of:


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from Hewlett Packard, Texas

Instruments and Sharp; Staedtler-Mlars Drafting and Drawing Instruments;, Grumbather Art Supplies; Shaeffer, Parker tind Cross pens; Engineering forms and office furniture.


AT THIS MEMBERSHIP FEE: Intermediate$150 (ages 18-25 as of May 1, 1980) Includes-unlimited golf -partici,pation in all club events -use of excellent licensed facilitie :wrYrYrrrrrrrrrrrrrYrvvvrrvrrvrrr t Bring this ad and we will give you 3 3 t ’ $1.00 off our regular green fees (only one ad per green fee) 3 t.~rrrrvrrvvuurrvvu~u~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~,~


west of stoplights


in downtown


Mon., Tues., Sat., 9:30-6:00 Wed., Thurs., Fri., 9:30-9:30

Westmount -Place Waterloo 8854691


AfeAivires.~inapped tfieir c&se *arkis

=flew around,‘began

to chase


: - Truhti





bIew at the base eat machine race ” syntheslzer lost in space


- .,_ I, .: ‘4? CA ;


. :





- _ z’: _ t-~


Thefreaky music played onand on Coming. from somebody’s lawn As the sparks turned night to dawn

. . _.


&I it spun round and round ‘PACosmib nightmare did abound


Energies mat the , And the ‘~.($rin.& ‘.. *.. \

\ , :* ’ ,. \’‘* TJ$ insides imploded, began k yak The thing broke up, and then, anon, A semiconductor then was drawn .Ablind&@lash,anditwasgone. 1 I f . SK &rker *




5.. Atree ow$:. . : ’ And tirn itsbranches sprad New Greenery. . Life: .; ; * ’

’ . --, J


. .. ,


/ . ~ ’


. _ ^







Every Fifiite Aljehan Group is a Product.of Cyelie Groups



Angels msy smooth the infin&?. Any might map the ta.ngled.abyss. Our hall stands on the ground.‘, Our arches and courts are seen;



L&e-the nian who,@me, spreadjoy II 3P~aPY Sothatwemsy







came and they-found > wires indeed had lost their ground Conductors burned and drowned and coilshad unwound .’



-, . .


. .



‘&d it p&r& somefE& b&d ’

St& away from the centre of your mind. )I!hat’s where it is. It’s dark, cold and colourless, and you’re lost, tiny,* Curled .like a foetus, like a penny on a railroad track close ’ . ” _ to an approaching train. r Rings encircle you, getting smaller \ ’ and smaller, and sirens scream, ..-, . 07 is-it you, in your head; I in the womb before experience, senseless existence, before it all, screaming+ why,%rea$ninghow, screaming and YOU” soti1 expands and eontra@s without time a,nd memorium I Across theuniverse, across every- iota of space, until you yourself * . contract to a size smaller than the iota itself, and you cry :: * like a motherless child, awaken ’ ’ ’ and cling your bedsheets tight . to your chin and hope never to return again. Morning gives. birth. to day and the struggle continues. Peter R EXratiord ,

\ Q

o-u-py&&,AChfld . .Thexye vh3 a time when inntience, as if a child,. -’ ~ could be.depended upon. Oh, -in the days of our youth T when life was clear L aa ifdaisies and soft hair blown q ,‘r I= - were the very pic&um of our existence. : I It is different --in the wilderness and fire r *_ ‘that is now my time. To remerriberonce e -. a child. LA.T-. .. .: .



, . ‘ I

. . 1


. . .
















. The child is, lost in the alleys, . The dear one, seeing no way, Safe to the falls is projected; So&hed by the gate-man is sheltered. ’ . . Steven Schmidt



, ’






Two hours until tie train. She is dead. I shouldn’t have left he house so late: I may have ckugk the 2:30. She is dead. Why are all thesma&town train ._. _ 7tfi~o The walls need repainting. stations +o negletited?

falls \ I

at the -sWdaou, where the Acadian . and- the Micmac saw the scholar-birds whose insomnia is natwal; pryobably .a mtilloti’rhoons ago at the Sissiboo river, where it kisses . ’* wet.& St. Mary’s ‘Bay and fans on out 1‘ho brown Fundy tides shimmering like a new-world -Nile; ’ they iswhere the world as we know it begins all blue and beguiling ’ kll bevhwibe of her who homes with the l&es I .so.elega.n& evergreen, egalitarian:’ richly female. .at the homeless highway where it waits amd wails asphalt antahems of hit-and&n , before plunging wildly into the .woods whispering. ,. kejimkujik songs-of she I love in blossom notes. :’ of the most crimson and pleasant apples and.the fattest calvesof the land; there is built Weylnouth Falls and itsAfrican ’ . Btigkist Church and .the lumberyards quaint and the. dwelling of her. I take time i3 ina@ ti”me 7 \: delirious delight is mine! the’careless debauchery of stars bearing only good-luck/ . _ glad-tidings; the sweet desolation . of’dista;nce, ebbing and flowing, imen - joy of violent youth; violently in lovq’ %s she .moves at the apex of my cosmos; and the old, troubled earth wheels around her; song purs itself through my flesh; ,drives me to her gravity field\of beauty 1 even to the edge of the Sissiboo - - .. : hand-in-hand with her.’ _ .I 1 Naf,< Moziah Siaka


- __


.’ r&gardhg‘&eykouth




Their birthswe awaited. . . Their baptisms we,ordered. We mati4 thelr_weddWZ,, We enjoytheir strength:




From a block or from a fountain every shadow is cast. ’ F&m slow-molded chambers, trzle shtioy@ a~ cast off. . The shade that looks not .indoors,_ The darkness hung over the lintel eddy acIu3s lanes. I ’ - The faithful abmrbingtheir dance, Th6 chamber d&wived in a- pavane ‘perceive , 1 their birth.

. :




don’t they take the notice down? You alwsys find notices of things which have already happened,






the train. Her mother .brought her here and left. I’m supbosed to put ‘her on the train. Her

drsgon? ghe is

’ ’

I .


I don’t, and tell. her so. silent for a while. onlv

I%eihe? She doesn’t knm, her. mother hasn’t read her that chapter vetJVh.atdoIthink?Idon%lmowwhy,butI . &eliher that the prince will pr&ablybeleft . to forever wander from place to place very sad and lonely: ‘rearsin the little’ girl% eyes. Now I wish I didn’t have a tongue. But, she asks me !, won’t the Fairies come and bring the princess back a;nd hemWul horse a;nd build a bigpalace ant 1. . . Yes, yes, my litAle one, they9

of course


The Arts ___ -_.-

--__--- --



This summer on campus

May 23 Hello, Mr. Anderson Humanities, 8:00 $2.50 ($1.50) ---

May 25



CLASSICAL May 4 Tsuyoshi piano KWCMS Waterloo


MUSIC cello. and Ronald Turini,




May 6 Canadian Chamber Ensemble Ensemble Brass Quintet) First United Church, 12:15 free


The following take place at 57 Young St. Waterloo, the K WCMS headquarters, at 8.40.

May 11 A Celebration of Song Mary Ruth Halsall, soprano; piano Theatre of the Arts, 3:00 free




May 21 * Patricia Pascoe, mezzo-soprano St. Andrew’sChurch, 12:15 free

June 25 Stratford Ensemble Woodwind Sydney Bulman-Fleming, piano July 2 KWSO’s


and Choir




July 19 Lieder recital Margaret Elligsen, soprano, Lilian Killanski, contralto and Kenneth Hull, piano July 23 Stratford Ensemble Woodwind Sydney Bulman-Fleming, piano

ART UW Arts Centre 9-4 Mon.-Fri. 2-5 Sun. free

Minglewood Band to play WMI dn th,e 15th When the rains of last fall were forecasting a dreary winter, and the inevitable doldrums that accompany the onslaught of exams hit full force, Waterloo students were invited to “rock their blues away” (and they did!) with those East Coast hell raisers, the Minglewood Band. Blowing in from Cape Breton;Matt Minglewood and company brandished their own style of Southern rock (cum “East Coast Rockin’ Blues”) that kept patrons who happened out to the Motor Inn Pub last November on their feet, clapping their hands I and yahooing to their heart’s content! Many claim that this six man boogie band was the highlight of last fall’s entertainment schedule - after 3% searing hours (with only one breath-catching break) and with Matt Minglewood jumping from table to table in an extended encore, chugging beer and not missing one wailing note, could they be wrong? I mean, it’s not often you see an entire pub get up and dance all night long! These guys have obviously got what it takes. With one L.P. to their credit, another on the way (which promises to capture more effectively the raw energy of the live Minglewood sound) and sparked by the success of their live simul-cast at the El Mocombo a few months back, the boys are on the road again, this time enjoying a wider and more enthusiastic following here in the ‘west’, not only from ‘down easters’ who recall Minglewood’s obscure beginnings, but from everyone who likes beer drinking, hell raising and boogieing the night away! The Minglewood Band are only two weeks away from their return engagement here; so, for those of you who can’t make it to T.O. this weekend, drop on up to the Waterloo Motor Inn on the 15th!



May 14 Roger Whittaker Kitchener Auditorium,


May 15 Swing into Music ‘80 Separate School Choir ‘Harmony’ Theatre of the Arts, 8:00 CI)

June 3 Spring Thaw Ha! Ha! Humanities, 8:00 $7.50 ($6) June 11-14 Yeoman of the Guard by Gilbert and Sullivan Humanities, 8:00 $6 ($4.50) June 15 Gemini School Graduation and Fashion Show Humanities, 8:00 $3 June 20-21 Crockett, a ‘one man play Theatre of the Arts, 8:00

May 1 The Imps Waterloo Motor $2-3

May 21 Schneider Male Chorus Theatre of the Arts, 8:00 $4 May 22 Music Time ‘80 Separate School Instrumentalists Humanities, 7:30 $2 -r-

Inn ’

May 8 Nurse/Eng Pub - Bingeman Park May 15 Minglewood Band Waterloo Motor Inn $3-4


May 25 Max Webster PAC, 8:00 $7-8

annual sale


June 5 David Wilcox Waterloo Motor Inn $3-4 * June 13-15 Canadian Conference


May 2-3 Waterloo Potters Workshop First United Church

May 28-June 1 Them Was the Good Old Days Barbershop Quartets Humanities, 8:00 $5

May 21 Teenage Head Bingeman Park $5-6

Austin String Quartet

July 12 Monica Gaylord,



June 18 Paul MacNaughton, violin, Faith Levene, oboe and Sydney Bulman-Fleming, piano

May 14 Eastwood Collegiate Orchestra St. Andrew’s Church, 12:15 free’

May 25 Bach’s Art of the Fugue Stratford Ensemble First United Church, 12:15 free

II June 7 Schubert’s Die Schoene Mueller-in Alvin Reimer, baritone, and Peter piano June 11 Walter De La Hunt, piano

May 13 Nixon McMillan, organist First United Church, 12:15 free

May 23 Bach’s Art of the Fugue Stratford Ensemble St. Andrew’s Church, 12:15 free

May 28 Ofra Harnoy, cellist Theatre of the Arts, 8:00 $5 ($3) June 1 Rockway Mennonite Choirs Humanities, 3:00


May 7 Patricia Snyder, organist St. Andrew’s Church, 12:15 free

May 12-13 L’Enfance du Christ KWSO and Bach Choir St. Mary’s Church $8-10 (students and seniors



May 2 Keat h Barrie Humanities, 8:00 $7-8 ($5) May lo-11 Elsie V. Ewald Academy of Dancing Recital Humanities, 7:30 on lOth, 2:15 on 11th $3.50


May 28 John Tickner, trumpet St. Andrew’s Church, 12:15 free

2, 1980.


Inter-Mennonite Children’s Theatre of the Arts, 3:00

Just to prove that summer isn’t a dead time entertainment-wise the following is a list of things to do and see during these long hot summer days and nights. The list is incomplete and prices were not always available. Use your imagination to fill in the gaps!





June 21 CANO, outdoor “Summer Solstice ion” Village Green

i concert, Celebrat-





to Friday



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stage! The ovation was intense ‘2 asifithad I ;.i.. * , I .’ e. 1’-vi’/,. -_* ‘?7 been at a, fantastic rock concert. k&i ‘fans, -,: ,e., . I’ /\,~ ’ *, / ~ , . . were out to see ther in legion and were :1 i ’ -: I .. ’ ;.~ . determined to express ,their”appr&aL _ .. .I ,. ! ‘I .:,,’._ The ovation“utas fun to ‘watch and it didhave , ‘, _. > i its intended result&f extending the concert by :. _.’ i ,I... . *. ,_’ a further five songs but tias, in my opinion, not I,*.. - I . ’_ >4 _ I.3 justified. ’, j> :. ’ +;_ Mouskouri has a lovely ‘voice. lt isclear and j_ .I -’ _:/ .1 ,I ‘+’,I& . , , ‘_ / <pure with a very wide range of notes. It is most I 5 :.;I * : famous and most thrilling in itscrystal high -.,.‘* I ..I, j I /, _ ’ notes. Technically her voice is great, even _. brilliant; no one in her field equals the purity of ;:_(t I ,. ,a\_ ,z ’ her voice. :-J . -.-,,/““ I Yet\{ find that as a performer she lacks an ..I L; ,” ““ ’ ~~~~,~~ouri’s ’ emotional intensity most of the time. The ; - ,‘T i. I ;, emotion in her songs seems contrived and <, J ... . ,?;“’I’,* .‘.._ artificial 5and her renditions seem .only to ‘CS( 1 ., scratch the surface of the songs rather than *.’ i.. *; , -becoming fully engage-d within them. i’--’ . I;, ~~?y&& ~~,e folk; ). Although this was the first Mouskouri’ concert that I -have attended, I’ve listened to . ’ \ ‘her records many,, many times and seen her / d perform on the telly. I think that I prefer her records. The concert had several very nice ,/’ moments; especially during the second half of .i her act and in-her encores where she finally Pandemonium broke loose at the end of loosened up a bit anddid some truly beautiful &@&Mouskoliri’s concert last week. All night work. &,the dudience, which packed the ‘Kitchener had been .attentive and ‘. AL iditorium. en

’ .


i .. . i




’ ’ Amazing Grace, was’; tour Her ifinal encore, fair to compare her to Maria Callas. de force and the highlight of the evening. She Although she has a wide range and can sing’ sang this song without Bccompaniament and in many languages (she only sang in five on without a. microphone. Kitchener Auditorium .Thursday) her selections don’t -seem to is pretty darn big and ,has horrid accoustics; challenge her., They, are too &milarly arranged yet her voice filled,it through sheer power and and she uses the same vocal tricks too often. rang as clearly as a silver bell. Mouskouri has an excellent voice but she Perhaps it was the accoustical,problem, but could put i{ to better use. It would be nice to most of the time $1was disappointed that her hear her try something different and to voice was sometimes fuzzy and sometimeslost experiment and take a few risks. in her backup band which interfered too much. . As for the .body of the concert, I enjoyed Most of the time she could have done without most of it but was not overly impressed The them: first set was too sporadic, alternating f&t and Perhaps, also, I,am too familiar with her slow songs. No mood was set. The second set voice and- the type of song+ which she sings. -was much better and more consistent, Most of her songs are popular, easy listening emphasizing’ the slower, rqmantic songs at songs. They are nice songs, inclined towards which she excels. In this set her best work was romance and nostalgia. As she sings them one a subtle and beautifuloffering of Schubert’s can’t help but notice that they often sound very - “Serenade” in.German. Very nice stuff. much alike. They are popularized into her own _ She reserved her best until last and the particular up-tempo and, have the same encores: She sang a haunting version of “I rhythms. Know How Lonely Life Can Be” and a I’noticed this most forcefully whenshe sang sustained, -jazzy version of “Curcurucucu Paloma”. As well, she sang a beautiful “CastaDiva”, a fantastic aria from Bellini’s “Autumn Leaves” which was likely the best greatest opera, Norma: she gave it an ‘upbeat which really weakened it. It sounded little performance of that song I have heard. Still, far different from her .other bongs. I was also and-away the most impressive song was her surprised to find her -voice &e&y and weak acapella “Amazing Grace.” on her high notes and trills, but maybe it isn’t . CeliaGeiger

SO th


.) .

12 Koon,: 1 a.m. _ .I j- / 1. /.’ I*-Motiday-Friday:* c r_ : ‘.Saturday:. 8 p.m. - 1,a.m. . I ./ I.






‘/ .

















\ .

students, finished second at 64.03. ThiTd men’s open finishers were Ray Costello, _ Gary Hutchinson, Tom Boone and Mark lnman with a


_, f-







vale- team finished in set cond place. with a time of ‘\ . ‘41 minutes, 38 seconds. The _ ,_ a one-lap-per-member ‘raceorganized to e.ncouragethosB ~ was open to any women’s ’ ’ Participants, in the 7th who’ :weren’t i p&t of any’ ; .tea$$ :... -’ . -j ’ ‘air&al ::,@ruce walker’ .Rbkay team’ t& enjf~$,. thk _-_.:‘lh‘irhe hiqh:;scho~~,~~elay;:. race on Satu,rday!- Apri.1’ 19 -y’defni& event. ‘Times for the e:&nQl&~ . .Pr&on _ M@h &hool. s’ team had wtifm d$ v+@her and ._ also set a. @cord-witl$ts time; sunny skies for their .;ru’n . lap run (a second lap was of 31 .16 ten seconds faster, ‘opfional for .runners who around UW’s Ring Road: ‘wi&ed to cohtiriim) toan any Wm, in the event to According-, to Nigei‘ date. Bishop’. Ryar) ofi' Strotha.rd,, one of the I from just dyer 8 minutes for Hamiiton, 8rantford Collegi-: the 1.7 mileY’2.64 kilometer I organizerqthe’ event began ate and Laurel Collegiate of circuit. severi - ye&m ago when a scheduled’ Waterloo. placed ; second,’ The second number of Waterloo runners third and fourth respectively.: organized the race as a way of ’ event, the men‘s open relay, called for a run of 2 laps (or In the - men’s’ master’s remembering fellow runner relay, a run open to men 4-O. Toronto Olym$c Club defended 3.4 miles/528 kirometers) Bruce Walker, whqwas killed performance of Jqh .Craig.‘ \ . for each member of thefour years of age and over, two in an ~OrTltja, c,ar -accident c VVaterloo .( County teams *--ma,n team. This run is open to .’ ’ shortly af@r:,his graduation finished first -and _ second withschool ‘men% 1“from UW in la73.’ Under the any non-high: the extremely cjose times of: nbrella organization of the. team. ,-: 83.44 and 83.55. The> Taronto Ofympie laterloo County. Amateur e’ I a_ tIdetic &o&tion (W~AAA),. , T4am’s Paul Craig j set a. H&son (who ran 2 legso!!::!. race), Bruce ’ Wallace i and record time, for the race lese, friends of Walker’s Sheppard are all chopping 8 seconds off the ‘Merv’ IW present the race each ‘of. the winning,‘rar with the help . of former record .with a time, of members ream. 15 minutes; ‘15 secdnds’ for )me ,UW personnel, such Strothard. ’ when &u+d; Professor Mike’ Houston of %-his two laps. Craig’s- team - -:--I: about the run’s future, s&d. from the Toronto Oy’mpic inesi,ology. zel+,Whittington : &&&ings, said Strothard,., ’ . Club also had the best run of y W ‘as ‘also very helpftji this . :the;da.y, coming first with a .62’ minute, 18 second 8 lap zar in reiouting the-busses . ye , ai Id informing the” prblic of Y time. 1 - -- Ken Inglis; Nigel Strotliard,‘ th be race. Guelph, the relay has always ’ Murry Hale and Dave Northey Beginning the day’s of the WCAAA, all former UW pogramme was a “fun run”, . . .,,. >, _ r ’ b ,,:.,‘..,.1 0: ,,, . _








its title


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the record b$oking photo by Marg Sanderson . ,’

in the men’s race behind

-. , _. I



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