Campus Eventsi\
Note: Imprint publishes every other Friday during the summer. The deadline for Campus Events is 4pm the Tuesday preceding publication. .
May 16-
8th annual exhibition of stud nt work from the Waterloo Region willb %displayed from 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday and 2 to 5pm Sunday (except for May 18 and 19, when it will be closed) in the UW Arts CentreGallery, Modern Languages Building. Rome 1979, an exhibition of original drawings from the Rome programme for fourth year UW students continues at Ballenford Books, 98 Scollard Street, Toronto. For further information, contact Rick-Haldenby of the school of architecture (ext. 2420). I Because of the long weekend there will be 4 no Fed Flicks. The Outers Club sponsors kayaking in the “PAC .,poijl every Friday at around 3:30. :C,$&&tdy Desrosiers (886-1449).
T$ ‘&j&&&i]] beopenfrom12noOnto lam M&&y &Friday and 8pm, to lam Saturday (exbept for tomorl’owand Monday, when*it will be closed) with a DJ after 9pm.
May 17-
‘ne Out&‘s Club holds d Bruce Trail hiking trip’ over- the long weekend. For more f information, Contact Kevin Gibb (884-3275) @r Paul Servos (885-5938).
May 19-
The March issue of Career ,News containeb ssveral errors in the locations given-for three otthe educational tests. Thecorrect location for the APICS iS MC3005 from 9am to 5pm. At ‘.8pm in CC113, learn techniques of I directed imagination for gqeater inter&l -awareness and control in a fre,e workshop.
Your imagination can set you free.
May Zl-
Cinema Gratis: “Night Wings” will be shownat9:30in the Great Hallof the Campus : Centre. Teenaqe Head appears with special guests The Shakers in - the Marshall Hall of Bingeman Park. Doors dpen at 8pm; for tickets and information, contact ,Denise Donlon ‘at (519) 885-0370. Th&e will be a Red Cross blood donor clinic from 2:00 to 4:30in theafternoonand6 to 8:30 in the evening at the First United Church, King and William Streets. Quota: 300 donors. The final Jazz and Blues session of the season will be h,eld at 7pm in the Kitchener ’ Publ@cLibrary. The topic will be “Chicago Blues”. Patricia Pascoe, Mezzo-soprano, appqars at St. Andrew’sChurch at 12:15. Admission is free. , ’
‘May 22--
You are invited to the Waterldo Christian Fellowship’s weekly supper meeting, which takes place from 4:30 to 7 in the-Laurel Lake BBQ pit. If there is rain, meet in the second floor undergraduate lounge of Hagey Hall. At8pminCC113,therehil;beaBaha’iopen discussion and informal presentation: “Individual salvation 6r world salvation: is one possible without the other?” i
May 23-
Fed Flicks: 45. Admission: $1 for feepaying Fed members with ID; $2 for all others. “The Party is sponsored b,y Gay Libera’tion of Waterloo (GLOW) a’t 9pm in PAS3005 (third floor psychology lounge). Free munchies, cash bar. Great music, dan’cing. Men and women welcome. Bring a frien? or
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leave with one. Admission: $2.50; members $2; $1 off before 10pm. , \-: For information on the Outer’s kayaking see last week’s entry.
Bach’s Art of the Fugue is presented bp the Stratford Ensemble at 12:15 in St. Andrew’s Church. Admission is free. * Hello, Mr. Anderson will be performed in the Humanities Theatre at 8pm. Tickets are $2.50 ($1.50 for students/seniqrs). h
May 25-
Max Webster performs in the PAC beginning at 8pm: Specitil guests ,will be announced; for tickets or information contact Denise Donlon at 885-0370. Bach’s Art df the Fuge’is presented by the Stratford Ensemble at the First United Church at 12:15. AdmissionisJree. The Inter-Mennonite Children’s ,\ehoir performs in the Theatre.of ,the-Arts at 3pm. Tidkets
bIa;y 28:
Cinema Gratis: “Romeo and Juliet will be shown at 9:30 in the Great Hall of the Campus Centre. Admission is free. Trumpeteer John Tickner performs at St. _Andrews Church at 12:15. Admission is free. Qfra Ijarnoy, a cellist, plays the Theatre of the Arts at. 8pm. Tickets are $5. ($3 for . st dents/s&niors). Y
May 29-
For information on the weekly supper meeting of the , Waterloo Christian Fellowship, see last Thursday’s entry. ’ At 8pm in CC 113,lthere will be a Baha’i open discussion and informal presentation: “Equaljty of men and women.” ,
Fri ,day, May 16, 1980; Vohme
3, Number
01 Itarid
_This week’s campus quesZion looks at: opLinicjI-6, .,on the up-coming Quebec referendyti. We asked people which side would win arid what that will mean. See page 4.-,
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In ihe news recently was-the story of bovng students in the US suspected of btirrowing in‘to computer systems ‘in ,Canqda. Imprint looks at computers, theft and sedurity. See page 5. ‘- ,’
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*. Accokk@ Accordirig to a recent bW LW . de;Signed designed- to &rry c?rry 30 30=tQns; tons. I* It is a prototyoe pr&‘totype’ mode] . bbr&$ ne&Sletter, students, ’ &&!&Q and staff of . the, involvin’g some, . highly - . _-Un&$s&y of Guelph, Wilfrid innovative design fea’tures aimed at’ reducing costs and E+aurier and UW are noti al$e io ., ’ obtain ..Fbr&y &cess from all tieight. A lighter trailer , r per _ ’ ‘. &r&i c&i@uses, efftictive Api% . -@&ans more, .payload galJon qf fuel, ati important . , ,28 sf &is year. .Those f$&~ wish to take f_act considering present fuel CA,’ ‘- _ advar@age of the reciprocal costs. \ ~* “The cost rdductions boti&ving of librafy matkrials _would come. through re‘rn?y present 8 theio home . */ the j amount of. uiiiversity identification ‘cards . dqcing material and also ihrough at ,the circulation desk before tep . \ ’ reducing the number of man ./ pm. Students 6f @V and UG hours required to build the ’ must fill ‘out / a b&rower’s Itrailer,” - commented Dr. ’ registration card at WLLApart . : from I this all- G.M. {Greg) McNe’ice, a UJV, ,;isibility- has resulted in ,the stipulation, cons&u,&on, now under .way, ciyil engineering professor students of UW, UC, and WLU .of ‘a new SciSoc office,, , in ‘charge of the testing. /‘ can borrow books frop- each accdrdjtig to the organA-t Uv, the trailer was put i others’ libraries in exactly the .I vice-president, - same manner as home students . -thr&gh two’basic tests: (1) a ization’s Bernie Roehl. heavy forklift truck was , do. > The new tionst-ruction, The length of loan at all,tl-@ee - moved back and forfh insid.e at ’ libra&s is two- weeks, and it; (2) it was‘ ‘fully l.oaded ’ -under away, is “located ground level, just behind a with 30 tons of condrete . * .*. ‘knewal &ill be possible if there glass wall in the foyer on the blocks. L is no pending request. ’ - c chegpistry side of the under-. I .i Projections from the data The 1,.x+ciprocal borrpwingpas9 under the bio-them link. &oqedure, .applies to cata&h.ich Dr. McNeice and his Roehl said’ he beheved the , _ ldgaed ~m@~gr;tphs @@ok@ ‘assistants gathered, were building would be complet’ed .I OX& , All. ot$e& ma&i& tised to determine what sometime within the ne,xt two (periodicals, 1 .gpv&rnment w@ld happen tihen the webks. \ _ p.ublications, rare -hooks, . fully, loaded trailer was The gr’oup plans to se] up an -phodisc’s, audio-visual and moving $long a highway at information board j&t o‘\lt, , micro materials) are to\ be high speed. \ side the office, in the fall term\ ‘used in the libr-ariey only. ’ “‘life were very hafipy to do ._ . showing news of tipcoming this work on the campus,” -/ / \I sponsored by the said McNeice. He viewe’d the 3 events society. ID cards inay also be project as an opportunity to I‘ ., issued at that time, says’ show Canadian industry / Roehl. Students will be that Waterloo can helu with’ obtain reduced. rates on’t,heir . -- ‘t hesekkinds of proble&; and . . organizations’ events -with as a chance to ‘find out first these cards, he said. j ’ U~ag3t ’ ” -. hand what some of, the ., >l i f&earch needs of Canadian ’ , ’ industry are. ‘Iri addition, the tests ‘, ’ ‘, _ - . .I;Cjc) ‘&n -trU(Ik ~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~ pnssipp l
one of the kinds of things they might expect to become ilivolved in after graduation. I ,
‘.What do -you do ,when yoti /: ’ . highly design a new, inn&atiVe truck trailer? ‘/ _ ’ /Take it out for a test on a -piiblic highway 8 where it tiight constitute a. serious j ‘i_ traffic hazard or stress it in a I I la\b. and measure cyhat 1’ ft&p$ehs? 1 ’ ’ sci, SW’ A&or&rig tq’a recent UW research ’ .riews’ release, gPt-s ruyM , of Canada ‘L. - EJighway.T’railers ( Ltd., ‘Mississauga, oyi’ted to ’ _ have- their testing done on 1omti~Dri \ ,. the Wniversity of Wat;erloo . . .- .I campus., A rr?c:t?~l Sr:inn,c;e ,Sof:lt!l y -The ,traile‘l: tested was a IIIOVB tp incm:;~sct Ihe gff~pg . huge, 45-foot-lon&trudt’ure _.’ \, 1. :, A I . I \
solw ~gds
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solar heating. The& policy goals,’ *an; nounced by the Ministry,of ‘Energy, aye as follows! l By ‘1995, Ontario will I supply at a m.inimum thirty’-five percent of its as 1 primaSy energy from sources within the pro. yince (a fifty-five perdent ‘_ incre’ase over’ the next fifteen years); l By 2995, a-t least fifteen _ percent of &Ontario’s energy will. be from renewable and recovyrable . resources: ’ . ’ l , By 1985, ,the growth r%te’,‘ for all forms af energy will Lbe no more than two . percent; c l By 1985, the-growth rate for’ pe t roleum will be zero percent; :; l By 'i985, the growth rgte for all forms 6f~ energy will be no more than t’wo ’ percent; ’ . l By 1985,,the growth rate’ for.petmleum Gill be zero -
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However, following ii t1”~i(:t7itl::.iissis(ilIiIs. lengihy’ rt+tlw , , . ’ a,1 the IS;IX~L h;lcl co-nsi(lcrc(l ohjtiq1 iges and structure of the suhmj I I in:! it l,ri vii It: n1otnconsorlium, and in- 1.ight of hf!,rS’ Bill. l)ti1 I tit! i‘ssuc! . 4:iisi-en t dt~vt~lopnienIs .in \ inv2tlvt:s nior~t!~. ;1nt1 only .lilrrary au’tomatiorr, it .WRS th!e tmn~lwrs 01: t tic) ~o\-cI~II~.I~~ . Conimi14ee’s judgement Ibat piid y nii~~: it711~0~111~:o “111011c~~ _the prment consol*jium was no Bills”. long;!r appropriate to the OFS strpport -St il I cvl . I l (! needs of its members.. inli!rniition;il SI.d~!ll s ‘A sub-committee, appoint - “Ililk~? II \~illllill~l~! (:oll r-i-. ed to ,wind-tip the activities of ‘I)u1ion in Oiitili~io \\.ti(1ii I Ilrl)f” t & . constrrit ium, will be it I’(! _sI . u(lcnts ;~iitl l(b;l(:tiing considering the di‘spi,si t ion of iissisl;ints tl(?l’O iltl iISl\S 1tl(: assets, Iht? union file (cur,go~~c~*nt11~:nI to tllitk(l //I(: rently containing. more than rttcluiro(l c:h;~ti!~(! IO !<f~.(1I h(!1i1 ,800,OQO cat doguing ~t:co,rds) f;i.ii- ilIlt Q?ijtlil t 17~iIf1111’II t.” and future responsibilities in 1 % the areq of, s!;mdards and. -z coding. manuals. “, b . .d I
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.wjlfridLaurier LJniversity believes Ontario should
i;e;;;;; .,;rzeg 4 ” ,, the leadership the ptovince trix &dits seems to have lost*.ip recent ’ I-,, * years. p The su,&qesticn Catie in A rLsolul’ion cvhich ci~ll~l the univer’sit y’s amitial brief 1’01*inl~~rn;~liolli1l slkr(l(!nls 10 l)econic c!ligif)lc? 1’01: OuI ;irio to the Ontario council on‘ t:,rx f:rfxlils t1.i~~ fff!f’mlf!if in j university affairs (OFUA), p presented to the council t hc l,cgisl;lt III+ on Montl;ly. * C01in ISit;l(:S. NW Mmin Waterloo, April 25. lwr l:ftr Wcn.l wart h. introThe university , believes. tlucc~l t hi! * resol n t ion with establishing the‘ institutes ’ (hc support of the Onfario with fresh funding would be more productive than simply F&(lr!r;il ion 01’ ’ St ~dt!~~is taking money frc;hl present . (OFS}‘..~;tn(l rht! (:‘r;~~tual~! ’ an d ’ St utlci5 1ltiion. EIcc:;~tis~i i)f it universit:y support t*~!c:r!nt intf!rl)rct;rli(rn (:hi,ngrit! e!arm;lrking it’for’ research. WLIJ *ptrinls tiut Ihat in 0nl;irio IiJX l;lLV. inkriii11icm;il Sl ~I~lt~llfiS ilTi’ 1101 university fund-iqg in c?ntlibtv c!ligil)lt! for Illr* ()nl iIl*iCl’ ilrio is already l)ei<)w Iht! I’,l’Ol t!~‘L~ ‘l’i\ iltl Si.l l!S ‘I’;11 ii d/rage foi4 GlrJatla -as a /
‘, Passive s’ola~ hea!ing:has-become more popblar reA I ii ‘l*ec:enI Toronto cently as i relativdly lownm.:ling of I he k’JNICA’l’/ cost means of making :new bl;inagtm~en! TI’I,H:A’I bu!dings more energy ef-, ’ (JomIni It!c, 1Lc tIecisiOn w;lS ficient. ’ _ Iake’n iht! lo (lissolvtt Ontario has sei four.lti*aji)r (;(~~sr)‘r~iuln 41-s of junt; ;j(), policy goals with pcovi@e .a l980. ‘..“’ . ’ a range of aclivit ies .,;tp,p&-[ J~~trA’l’/‘l’~I,Kc:A’l~~, ;I co priilte for tht! “n&rr .fe-rtlr” ;ISOl’l im rtf -’ lil~riiric~s in and leading to greater dt% ()ntarjo’:~‘antl Queh: hils pc:ndqiLe on,, $#reni! waf& _ -woi-ked/:, ~o,/de,iteIop ’ ,a such 5s passi V,f.?z .mwt:hine-re;ic~~~le c:;~talog$ ~nfww ‘s. i _r‘.t .> I . 1..~,.a,.Q. _ _--, * ***I.
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IO \vr,rh I r~Il/ll,rrdl’o;.l ;“?- TaI> a ‘~ ..,..-A-LA-i’-.-..-aLr-+r+.-.-s+(^r.,~~V*n~,-~~,,.d.~’ .- : x-*--l*.- < .
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There--is an advantaie td the reldcation of the bar, Freeman stated, in that lines to the kegs of driught would be With less, air in
for the first
and such. At Dresent.
new murals, a new sound before council for consider-. sy$em and’ booth, and the ation ant! ? but is‘ “best collection of records of expectfd ta) cJ)meup tiithin any pub in .Waterloo,” Mike the month. If it is approved’ (FGzz) Nazarec, Board of renovations will ‘mos.1 like,ly 1%._ ” Entertainment Chairperson, stated. c In justifying the present, renovations, Fezz said that, “we are trying to bui’ld up the image’ of a pub which doesn’t have, an ,iniage.” The place, however, has been quit\e popular this .las t while, Fezz stated, and,,w%ith these reno- \ vations, it ,is his hope @at more students’ w’X1 iden.tify with the pub and recognize itas the place to -m-go for good _ ‘t:vA,,” Lll4tZ3.
worki ,’ :for.,. pub f!i4ji$;;;;~;;;;
New murals will be painted ,md signs will be put up When asked,to comment on *. _ abound the entrance to the pub, if. the renovations are the proposed renovations, serve the’ students. As‘ well, i3ill Deeks of Administration agreed upon. he hoped that a new ‘image Services s-aid that he had . would be created. The approximate cost will The proposed renovations be around the $50,000 to discussed the changes a call for removing the %walls $-~O,OOO figure Freeman <number of times with that prssently exist at the stated. At present, however, a Freeman and Robert MuPie entrance of the p,ub, thus Services. “Our cost study is being carried out . of Food creatingmorespace.Thebar, - to det,FFmine the exact position,” said Deeks, “is one which notisis located to the interest in the, amount. Other renovations to of positive riiht of the entrance; would ’ the pub took place last y’ear, at project.” J be moved to the back of the The p~l)p(ts;~i for these a cost of $20,000 (see Imprint , ptib. renovations hah ye1 to come - Sdpt. 14, 1979). This included ,
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Attention beer drinkers! An iinprov’ed; better looking Campus Centre pub may be in the books for the upcoming, year, says Neil Freeman, President of the Fed&ration of Students. ’ I Freema’n stated that his main pur,pos& in proposing renovations for the pub is to more efficiently utilize the pub’s space so ai to better
- bekih .in August atid will v f-inis‘h iti -time for rrturning V -\ - Septemb,e!‘r-students. \ I.I - ’ , ,;Kar.& ‘* “; ,.,,,_Manning _ -.,.‘ 2 ‘_,” i _I
Removal of walls (dotted area for pub.
lines,] wdulJd result1. , in exp.anded -. __ :
yBne* o;f t.he, Zt.hin@ that noted that- the’ group was .. -.1 Step,hen Mgdigan‘afid Vincen’t . rookipg _ for Pe(~P:y;dlF !i ’ Lowcock of PEE& _.will,tell interviewed in _. v’. ii; that tj,e.,y “don’t give bF:rne VOlUtltt?t?l%'. -\ '1 thtee-stage, _ tra$ng I j , advice.” “ ’ f,+.- ppp,. program ‘has_ been set ~9 for . PEERS. ctnridc: nllactino f nn vof,,r-lYLcul ,llclU ~lallrcuICl~llU3 tu . TL, Encounter and Essential ’ PEERS wprkers to ensure that - &-r&s stude-nt input IEZ!!G$~!~~i~~~ ~~~~-$i~~~~~~~. Referral- Service, and is the they can meet the. nee& of . siudents, Pqience and’ were ilncluded on students’ / new listenin,g, information, dipJomacy will- be emphaas the Imprint did noi and st,uden’t ‘governments to ’ fee sta tements. As the May \ and referral group on campus. jOTTAWA (CUP) i Students r, acquire‘ its statuq as official The steering committee sized. 16 dctadline approaches, put togethe r comprehensive will have a very diffirlllt -, The weekend training IJW newspapep u‘ntil the fall studen ts choosing to withwhich ultimately‘realizpd the submissions., providing input to I.he federal. ()f- PEERS- was programme will include -draw their money&om these of 1979, so comparisons are formation provincial task fort :e studying . Problemxs will occur belistening and empathy skills groupi have been visiting the -diffi-&t to make. _, struck last October by cause most- student unions student aid unless c:hanges are campus offices. referral t rainimd, interested, students. As a sessions, ~: appropriate I About -!j”h qf the co\:op mad& soon, accord lingto the have just completed-electidns‘ on. such CKMS, UW’s FI’$ radio result of-a survey, of 500 as w\ell as speak& and new people coming into students oncarnpus for the Natibnal Union 01F Students ‘station, had given out 38% subjects as nulrilion, birlh students which was in favour _ of&e’ will be hard pressed TV winter term of 1?38b&cbived (NUS). refun& as of May 14. A total : con t rol, legal resources, of PEERS, the new group will Imprint refunds. According research and write, subNUS ex&utive of fice Morna 0f97V given ’ ’4asI’ spring ’ st?rvir:es, -sexuai tb -Sylvia Hanfiigan; _ bus- . _ , provide a wide yariety of pasIor;11 missions 1 while Ballanlyncl said tl ne Liberal they get ovep tt le three week refund drug thJSC?. add . r iness “manager‘for th_e ’ services to students. (See issues, oriented ‘in ’ their gove,rnmebt has s 0 far,not new period. A sign -po&d over Ixnprint, the students who* .- Imprint Feb. 35, 1980) :, * enlertainment. positions, she said. kept- ah el_ection/- camp@@. the-en trance to the CKMS The group also plans to visited. (the .campus centre; s protntstl lo includ le student The-fact tha’t most stu&ents’ ’ o‘f f-i% (e in .the ’ The group sees 11sel1 as ii have fort nightly meetings . ._a L _ _I .jB.auer , ~. office to retrieire the$1.75 f& on the ‘task will be away from ca&&s and Warehouse enrrearea sru“link” between t hr s!udrClb with speakersfrom other represenrarlon were p‘redotiitiantly math& force. ‘.) working at summer jobs will dents to think twice before on’ campus and the other councilling-- services. matics studepts and those also . hurt inpnj, said demanding their $2.50 fee. \ couselling reso’urces availOther organ1zations on - Anb, the t&k force’plans on students who were short .of Ballantyne. I ./ Those who were not so easily have g’i”ven their able ‘on a,-pore formal basis. campus ‘deliberating on the stude-nt aid funds. / NUS is nckino that the illnp disshaded had vari6us \ support to the new “organ’ system’ during the summer The service would provide a reasons’ for wanting Iheir \_I. .. I . I I . mr-nn*n Only about- 7 of the r deadline be zxtended, ;hat monrns, errecrively nmirmg “sounditig board” for @e - izatton, ne s,aiu, nut Yb:CKb estimated 1300 Math students qA the t&k force be allowed to-” money back. Most people has , been a the inbut students -can have sorting out of ‘feelings that big ,problem elaitied they had no money on campus this tecmaskedfqr trabel-in; Canada and receive .’ seardh for space. I’n the.end, into th’e study, she added. . accompany other -problems of Fh4 receiver. society refunds from MATH,’ submissions &rectIy from been given the often + experienced by the group-h& admitted to SOC. The $2.50 f6e is uskd, students ‘in different r&ions _ One student The task force now plans on, use of the wo:?ld room. students,. especially . those Figbeing a “dheapskate among other things, to help, and that& student represasking for yrif-ten, sub: Their room has been gardly bastard”, while sponsor ‘the- Computer * living away from home for the -missions on the- stude-iit aid .! entation on the task force be first titie. another said that he refused Science Club, = WATSFIC , . arranged to provide several implemented. I. system from students, faculty, to p&‘for something which (Waterloo L Science FictionWith someone , whb is comfortable meeting areas I Member institutions of ad&ni‘strators and - awards benefits (him) irrany way.” qrying degrees of Clubh and so&al events. = arrested on a dSug,chaqge, for , wifh bfficers.’ But BaIlantyne says’ NUS are! ‘co’hsidering t WPIRG, Waterloo Public screened Etigineering Society refunds : vis?bility. ?O\ne instance, PEERS would be .-~that ,a June l.deadli-ne set ,by launching I a campaign f.o’r Int:erest ReseaZnroup, are- a rare’, cjc;currence; *, there to deal with such @de sectibn will provide privscy the task force will seriously ., chang&i as well, BIallantyne , gave out 50 refunds during . according to Gina Lamping, issues-as the way-in .,which , for those who have’ quessaid. limit --the% ability of ‘students, the first two weeks of the I secret&y for’ ENGSO‘C. This .tions or problems of a parent’s and friends could-be term, ?&z’engineer out of 1364 term, cpmpared to 76 over the informed. of the“situa‘tion, Qr confident ial na-t ure. corres@mding time. period asked to have his $4.00 fee The . service will alsb‘I the student’s’feelings related last year, aIt’houghpart of.. back. Why? He doesn’t drink, board to going -to court.. PEERS-. provide an informatiqn this decline may reflect nor -does he t‘wish to .be * for people who are interested would then refer the student ‘students’ difficulty l”ti -associat,ed with the repu‘to the proper group, in- this .in getting togethecwith others, fitiding the WPIRG office at tation protioted by ENGSOC case perhaps the. Legal ! f-07 sume _ .purpos‘e such as its new location in South * for IJXV engineers.” jams, or , other Reso&e Office, co deal-with musica’ 1Campris Hall. One hundied and twenty ,, i’ informal everits. . the legalities,‘said Madigan. Ruth Songhurst, secretary five- refunds , were claimed , PETERS will be opening its .-for WPIRG, . hope‘s _ that during the first-two .weeks of . “In addit@,” said Lowcock, to> all interested _ “we want’to provide a room on * doors WPIR,G’s new image ha_s lectures from ‘the Fe’deratiori students this terni between -\ of ‘Students. A total “of 168 - strengthkned s&dent ihtWeSt 1 campus where we can help, two and six o’clbck, in CC 207 and support. Several people were given, out last sDrin2. but where there is np stigma I also G know-n as the World r seeking refunds decided to According to Helga Petz of ’ attached. We can also help to ,/ ( leave the Wf)IRG ’ office the Federation,, the most’ put peoplein the frameof Room)*No appointment will be’‘necessary, and coffee, without the $Z.QO fee-after the ‘common reason given by ’ mind where they feel they can fiformationcand a “listening .. .obiectives and activities of student’s tar requesting fhe . go to other services for 1. 1wPIRG ‘were described to $10 refund wai a la& .of ear” counselling,‘, hp Said. ., are free. ,/ them. Dthek>students who money. h Both Mad&ah and ‘\ Ma’& Sanc@.son said that .. Lowcock 1’ Laurie Co[e ” .reQuested refunds I . L ’ _ ;
‘. Iinp+int‘ Publi?%@x3 Waterloo, b corporation without shaze capita& Uiiiversity of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontazio. Phone 885+. l&O or e&nsion 2331 or 3332. I-mprint .is a -mempei- of the . ‘C&nadia;n Uqversity Press (cuf), a student press drganiza$ion of 63 papers aqss Canada. Imprint is a&o a member of the Ontario Weelily ‘@ewspaper &s+iation (OWNA). -Imprint ~ - 1\ -publishes every Fridayduringthetirm.Mailshouldbeaddressed ’ ‘to “Impr$nt, Campus Cen@3 Room 140.” We are typeset. on )’ * campus~wit;h a Camp/Set 5x0; paste-up -is likewise d&$8 on -campus. Imprint: ISSN 0706-7380. If
Business Manager Production N&nage? Nevis Editor\ brts Editor
Qylvia Hanni@in ’ Jacdb Argeneault ’ stu D;bllzw 4 Celia Geiger
The~‘covernment df Quebec has made it known that it wishes to seek a new arrnngement wiih Cartada on an equal to equcil basis; under this new arrangement
Quebec wi-II have the right to mtike aJJ its otin Jaws and tocollect and Jevy’taxes. This: , housld be dune in the conrext of economic association with Cangda. No changes in the I political stauct;ure will be made without a second referendum. Under these terms do you, *-give of.Qu$bec the mandate to negotiate sovereignty-association. .-*.-~ t&6 @+r$;w&tt *. ..* I
Six mo,nths ago it appeared that the hostages in Iran had,been taken to force the ‘American government to send the deposed Shah back‘ to Iran. This ‘s@med almost credible-then. The Shah was jn, the United -’ tales uhdergoIng’sur&ry at the time and if et qr there was a tfine to pressure the United Stdtes <nt6 giving Iratithe Shah that tias‘it. ‘But the American government was not about,to ,give in to terrorism. Alrhough the &ah is not a guilt&s man, ha&ding him otier to a .group of kidnappers through extortion +eemed, at . best, morally questionable. . Now, over six months after the storming of, the ,Arnerican embassy in Tehran, fh6 students’ demands that the United States retu?n the Shahsjo I.ranzseem rather hollow. For ane thing,‘the $htih:is tie longer in the United Stdt’ele; b,tit’: i.n Egypt. Pre‘ss,uring - Egypt .is useless 4 %hBy havq@cea_dy been 1bostracized by the A++b-worl’dftir t!h&r‘beace - tieaty with Isr,ael. Pressuring the? United ~~~t’es’inio’pr~~~li’~i;i~, Egypt is useless also?“ Ttie United-Stat&s has too few$riends;in ,the Middle East to risk losing Egypt by trying,to prevail upon them to do,something thaait >does not ‘wish”to. do. l?inall,~, it is,) also probable that the Sha’h will die‘ before he be forced, by any/means, to,return 40 Iran. This i! d’ufrently appears unlikely that the militznt- students can use the hostabes to get I the Shah ba,ck.
? \ .
i :. 2‘5 <“.
. _ .
‘-“*Dave Easton. p&th Graduate Student
, -Phil Qylekuyw .KinGradwate_l.,
’ - , -.,,: ;
. .’ i _,,.:,:
‘$<;;: .~o; The ~~~~~~ign;aeemSWask that the -. ,::? ‘Yes. TKe- rtifetiendti& will gd. t h&&h, enabling ther)n to di&uss BovereiQnty ” J$&ebec c avernmept hai th& right to -- j .A mask.for political independence. Most. associa_ion -but/ it (sovereigntyA associtiion) will be turned dovn. If the , peoljle,, wquld see it as a question of question of Quebec status is ekisting a ,. staying OF leaving Canada. solution s,hould be attempted. , .>II . . iv.;
Lorrie O’Brien HKL$
No, The majority of people in QuebeC will realize .‘the advan,t,agFs of belongitig to Cana.da. HoTever I think. the referendum is a good idea as it will / tiake the people of Canada and Quebec ‘;’ annreciate one anot her. -rr
Yes. The way it is worded and the . propoganda behind it give6 the question added force. The yau&g prench Canadians seem strongly’ influencled by the propaganda. ,The$ also- seee to see the question as. a matt’er bf independence. - ’ /’
\ .’
.&ad Adams Matb
_ c.
.j ’’ Lynn McMahon c- Kec4B.
Yes. I think
that they will be votini
wi,t h their erqotions rat her Jhati using their reason. I don’t think th‘e cjuestitin ,will be read properly. The young’ i people especially will be h,e’ ‘eas$ir;iiate appeal @r-indepeti+nce. ’ I, . . .- -
Laurie ‘Leader . ‘,. I Kin
‘,- .,d‘*-’
Yes; . Th‘e
djspleasure has b&t:time‘more vocal. It’ is a snowball effect and now Quebec; ‘g ._
wants’some ,,‘-, 1 I ’ , . (-
,: 1
, .c*
I )
This theory states that if the Iranians taunt *>the United States sufficiently they willbrihg that country’s full wrath down upon them in one cataclysmic orgy of_destruct-ion and prove to the world what those sympathizing with Iran already believe, that the United States -is an imperialistic power. In the unlikely event that this policy is carried through to its Iogical end Iran will be destroyed and_ nothing will be resolved. In’ f,act, the Unit&d States may be prepared td assert itself more iri w,orld affairs after s’uch an affair. 1 So why do the Iranians keep the hostages” when retiilly they now have nothing to gain fro? holdidg them? One reasdn could be to take the Iranian people’s -minds -off the problems of their failing economy, but a *more important re*on cbu.\d. be:-simply piide - both on’ -the ‘Ita’?&ds’- ,and the Americxns’ parts. Both countries have work+,d themselves into, a L&er wi tkli t t le ’ chance of gettfng rfui’; ‘Th6 &6ricatis:have imposed sanctions on Iran, have persuaded their allies to do‘ the sal>le, have frozen Iranian ass’ets in ihe United Slates, have sent part o’f,theii navy th’thti Persian Gulf, and launched a military operation tc! rescue the hos.tages. The Iranians, for their part, .,have conducted mass demonstrat icmhs .against the Uni-ted SIa I @s, havtt har;lng,uf:(l -the p*bnple over the past wrc?ngs 01‘ the ,American government, have Pl’c~l,;l~-i;ln(.liz(?(l t,heir people about t hc Amcric:;~ns. ;~ntl h;~\,o
,F\ Because,‘they shown a re4istanc:e to co-opct;;~t~! \\rit h those! cannot get the Shah back whe-would seek it (:(,rnI,t,o”‘isn~. through the hbstages the militant students,--“ Ti’tne i s ‘1’LI n n i n g out’ for il solution: the Revolutionary qoun,cil and the Iranian President C;ir(er wants dttsperafely to 1)~ government ‘must ius’tify their holding of txelected and his lateqt rescue atftempf is ;~n rhese fifty people sbme other way; Son&f indication ol’ this desperation. The prol,lt!~6 their re&&ns - wou_ld ,appear huhiou~us is that neither country waits to give in ;II were not the crisis so serious. ! all. ,Thus a solution ‘is needed which. Icts Some people sa_y ,thLt the/students are both’sides cI.aim a vicLory fey themst?l\,t!s justified in holding the hostages because and still save face. they are -all spieg.’ If the charge is t.rue then th‘e IraDians could. put t hc the .“spies” should have been expelledfrom ; Perhaps Ameri!:ari hostages on trial as t%ey have Iran in accordance tiith international law. threatened to do before. They could open t ho But the Iranians claim that this’ interproceedings to the press and drag out ail the national law only serves the Unjted.States * testimcjny of the. United States’, the Shah’s, 1 ahd’that~Iran,should not feel bound tiy it.;‘In -and the CIA’s past wcongsrfor the world to the c&text 01 fl?&e cl-aims, the unorthodox see. While the Iranians are having these ’ procedure .of internal justice for. those trials the United States wtiuld, of-course, be sus ected of ‘espionage whould be #set in vigorotisly denying the chai>es. The mot-on. f The> charges should be laid. Iranians could find some of the hostagqs not Hearings should be set, legal counsel should ‘guilty, free t-he.m, convict others’with the be appointed forthem, triq,l dates should b6 intention of punishing them. Then, at the set, and inteknational authorities should. be height of mountingunfavourable world. invited to sit in dn the proceedingsto opinion Iran would pardin those remaining eliminate fears that the trials will be unfair. None of thiS has bekn don-e though, and ’ hostages and exp&l them‘; ridding itse!f of its burdensome hostages and showing its’elf to because of this the charge that these people nation, are “spies” seems lessless believable 1 be-a. truly generous ynd’ forgivipg i - and / / ’ .Eontrary to, what some people would have every day.’ ’ previously thought. Other people claim that the hostages are St’u iWlar . t;‘ein’g held to expose \ Americanimperialism. ’ . 1 T I
bestxpizza ever and-Vi& Sander&on who ordered it, plus %mmy Horne, Sh&ry Knight, Beti $0, Laurie Cole, and the midnight slashw &y%.n Verbeek ‘No str&ngers to N-a\ were l?an slasher Qmn Verbeek. No strangers to Nirvana were Fran Pe, Heipert, l%ren Mann&@, Isa Nayman) Mary Mitcheh, Leslie Robinson (who wrestled fearlessly with the Dreaded Calculus), and t,he myseriop E.K. Jason Mitchell, who has yet to see my pearl tie, and M. Drew Coo?: ‘w& ,m$ss you. To m Hoyles, who told us tie truth about knee jerks, and Liz Wood (who pld me the truth abOuti the other kind) THAXK YOU. &d who can forget old J.W. “nine fingers” Bast, or Jake-the-An& whose perfectly picturesqtie pica pole is perhaps more polished than profound. . Specia;i thanks to T?ny Jenkins who’s not, doQe agraphic in this . office in- many a ye&, and to Randy (gone-but-not-forgot&en) ~. Barkman for ‘the ppoto. Cover graphic by Julie De Vos. E&S. L’
~ ,. ,.. -,.“:.% ,;*I
US .% computer vandal ‘draws a b-h&at / UW On Wednesday, May 7, the Toronto .GIobe and Mail reported that computer vandals from a New York private school had destroyed computer files of at Ieast one Canadian firm and had gained access td UW’s computer. It is unlikely though that ‘little Einsteins’ at work were able to gain access to ; any actual computer accounts at the University of Waterloo. It is not known who violated the computer systems of a number of Canadian companies and universities, but the FBI and New York Telephone Company did trace computer tampering to Dalton School, an exclusive private school in Manhattan.
Higher without P
“Someone at the school in the States had access to a terminal, similar to ‘manyterminals that we have on explained Paul campus,” Dirksen, U of ,W’s head of Computing Services. “Using a telephone, he or she dialed into the network and from there was able to get into the Canadian Network, called Datapak. Once into Datapak he or she gained-.access to the University of Waterloo computer system.” < Getting into the system, however, does not give one access to files, programs or computer time. To obtain this, an account must be entered into, which requires entering .the proper account ID number with a matching password. Without entering
margin and have raised their fees the full 10%. The University of Wate~rloo, however, was already asking students to pay fees above the formula fee previously set by the Ontario Government. Therefor Waterloo students will feel According to Ontario relatively little of the autonomous fee’s impact. They will Federation of Students however feel a 7.5%. increase treasurer Diana Clarke, the (with the ’ possibility . of an Ontario Government has additional 34% raise). basically allowed (the uniWith a 7.5% increase, fees in versities to raise their Arts will rise from $761 to $818 tuition fees (within a limit of per year and Engineering fees 10%) in order for the will riSe from $797 to $856 per universities to devqlop some year. Clarke feels the implety’pe of across-the-board - mentation of autonomous fees “average” fee. was a rash and irresponsible move on the part of the Ontario Most universities have Government. The major objectaken advantage of this 10% In case you are one of the students who has yet to realize that your tuition fee statement will soon be higher, the concept of autonomous fees may need some explaining.
the required coding, the Datapak situation can be compared to sitting down at a U of W terminal. The front door has been opened, but doors to the accounts remain locked. .’ In the past the university has had computer time stolen by its own students, however the abuse was traced and charges were laid. Had the university’s accounts been entered, Dirksen could not name anything other than somputer time that would be of any value to anyone off . campus. Computer sedurity is an ongoing topic of discussion a-st computer experts. It seems that there is more risk in information being stolen or leaked by the’ people directly involved, than losing it through, electronic channels. Computer facilities at Waterloo are rapidly expanding to keep up with the ‘technological boom taking place in the electronic data processing industry. Aside from being used for instructional purposes, the school’s facilities are used for its own administration, computeI; research, aqd as support to research taking place in all faculties in. the school. In addition, members of the’ private ,industry may
purchase the usea of the facilities on campus, but this is estimated to use less than I/Z of one percent of total time on the sch6ol’s computers. Althou the university is. attempting to cover a broad spectrum of the industry, recent initiatives have delved into micro computers, small portable units which do not need< to be hooked up to larger terminals, and which can be purchased for amounts in the area of $5,000. Micro computers are very rapidly , being adapted for use by many facets of society. Potential use is growing daily. “There is a hifficulty in that by the time., you see a system you like, and have it implemented, there’s something better on the market,” claims Dirksen. What happens to old machines that are being replaced? “Most of the facilities are being used one way or another, the older ones not as much anymore. There is one computer not being used. We’re just waiting to decide what to do with it;” And what does the future hold? Disposable computers. “If one doesn’t work, you’d throw it away and buy anbther one.”
BIG- 10% OFF Corsages To Students with cards
16, 1980.
5 d
Leslie Robinson
tion to this tvne of increase lies however most students will in what SK thinks is the probably never hear about the Government’s neglecting to inpoliticking and will seeQnly the vestigate the real implications higher numbers on their fee statement. Clarke emphasized of such action, Clarke stated, and that the Ontario Federation of students’ A‘the importance of Students has found financial being aware of this government problems to be the second most shift in attitude away from the important reason why students importance of education. quit university. Clarke said that Clarke stressed, “Students “the Government is the only should pressure the goyernbody who will pvmp money ment to freeze tuition fees until into the social services” and we know what long term therefore have a responsibility damage is occurring..” to these students facing finanFran Helped cs cial hardship. The Goverqment is showing a “lack of long range planning” by saying that OSAP (the Ontario Student Assistance Program) will adequately solve the problems a tuition increase would cause said Clarke. She explained that those people with loans will only have topay more when they graduate and those not borrowing will have to rely greatly on other sources 98 KING N WATERLOO 8864340 (jobs, parents) for tuition pay(Just N Of ments. Bridgeport Rd) Inevitably Clarke feels that the students will suffer. Their education is something which should not be considered a . luxury but Clarke feels the government is moving towards this attitude. “It is a question of priori.ty,” Clarke concluded, and “the Ontario Government has clearly shown, in their most recent budget, that they are not including education in their priority area.” In the 1980 Ontario budget, education was the only social service not to ,receive additional funding. There is a lot of politics involved in the tuftion increase,
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Members - of t\he, International ’ Students Association met on ll’fiursday ‘day 8 to’ discuss the -curient situafioe in Iran. Thpse,tiho spoke did not be i&ntified. O’ne - Iranian student traced ,a brief history of Irari fro& the ehd of the Second World War to the 1978 revolutioti. -‘. At the ebd :qf ,;he’ Second /’ World War the U$tedS,tat‘es and England installed the,, -Shah’s _ father’ >(in power) against th%,‘wishe,s .of the Iranian -people., he said. When the now dqpos<‘dShah .&me to pt$wer, stated the $&en t ,.-unrest” gv-y, culminiiting with ti revoluti<)n ;R’ 1955. The’Shah- left and - t ht3 CIA staged a coup which returned him to his throne. I Accijrding-to the studeat a short li’st of Iran’s,prob’iems cwsed by the Shah included his atte-mpts t!) modernizti Iran qutikly, hiti attempts 10 destroy the Islamic fait fi in Iran, and his selling off- of Ikan’s regources. Ibder the Shah, (he student- claimed, -4 ,Iran Had ti culturally and economically loti stii-ndard c;F living with’sor@ 75 per cent of , th? population I- i+hteratT.; A ‘rebellion .ien 1961, in:
- Mo’st of the people at th,e‘ valving the Ayatollah meetjng,+thoughi, that the Khomaini, .and other rel- igious leaders was put down , taking of innocent people as hostag& ‘was wrong. But with Khomaini being’exiled. some felt that ,theihbstagks and otherk jailed. + at the American Embassb According to the it&lent’ we rcj “sphe$’ aand. sh&ld the Shah’s downfall r&ulted thus- be: ‘detained. ’ Others from an ecbnomic cri,ais of thought ‘that those hostages -197?-78, contradictions in who were qot spies should. imperialism, and factioning -be ‘freed. -AS for the Amer-among ,irqperiali’st ‘powers. icans blaim ‘that-t he hostage The 1,ranian people, he taking has :v.iolated inter_ claimed, were able ‘to.. &d ria$onal !ati-; the sttidents themseives of the shah by reporte’d.,that th&la\;v was comb‘inibg forces. @-fbr.fhe cyrren,t.hosfage ‘med- onlv ’ b$ ‘t-he Ufiited 1 States whait setiyed their crisis ’ in’ iran, the ‘student interests30 use it.. ’ claitied, lhat the United Recently, several courij Staies E’mbassy ~8s not. triGs,-$e Soviet Un.ion and’ actually an embassy beforeCanada.sncluded, have expelcthe 1tak”eover, but rather a ’ centre ’ for espionage, not . led embassy personnel for .espionage and unacceptable only for Uhe* United States conduct in accordance with but other countries as well. international law. He: cla’imed that si*nce the Another stu&nt argued siezure..of t he,emba$sy there secretljr are , have been fewer acts $16 + thattthe’hostages, sp&, are criminals, and that terrorist-type ’ viqlence in they should, thus be used in .Tehran. exch&ge for the Shah. , -According tti the studen;, One student wondered why the militants in Tehran too-k irrt ernat ional criminals like the eebassy to demand .the Somoza and the Shah are not 4’keturn of the Shah and “to ’ cu’t. the hand of imperp-uksue,d and brought to justice the same way people ialisnl? He emphasiied, t hat he thou”ght that *Iran? quar+,. still p3rsue and bring Nazi s criminals to-@tice, nowsome,, rel was with Ihe -&glerican thi:ty-,fiv& year5 after the government and not with the. Ame&can people. ’ -\war. ’ Sfu Dollar -‘Anot her student “claimed -
i -of $3.00 yth this 4 2, : --Cut along here end savemoney-1 \ , I-~-~~>-~----II-&~~~-
‘$5 Web&r Stfeet Nod-i Watei-loo, Ontario h2J 332 1 - ’
j ’ Dealer-for
a The LRO I . is presently . ombudsman for stud,ents’ ‘* complaitits: I ’ opefating short of staff, and is ‘. _ ,“‘There is ~0 such office on looking for/.v.olvnteers (whom ’ campus at present, and after they will train) to spend two dealing directlv .with man; , hours of their time between 1 cwmplgints .andy problems o>- Monday and Friday;eounsel’ this nature, I feel that such A- ’ ling studr$nts in a very relaxed .,/ service is needed on this atmosphere. . Wener said that anyone Icampus,” said Wener. “Many other uriiversities interested can call LRO ;at .‘that I-have visited ‘do have 885-0840 tind lqave a message’ or le.ave fl name and ‘pho’ne, such an’ office to deal with nuqber on the LRO sign-up internal complaints on academic and other matters list at Room 217 ~in the Ca’ Cent‘re. such a tix.ual harassment; . Anyone having probl,ems ,UW* has ~10 ,established - procedure in’this area.” he or she wishes to discuss . The Federation, of.Studer&’ can irisii t.he’LRO at CC 217A ’ are posted on the Legal Resuurce Qffice will be :’ (ho& do&), or call 885-0840 an! open this summer to pI;ovide UW studen*& with *?orcost ’ leave a rfleksage. _ _ _a., -3
I i
’ *.
iedbce * the quality ‘-i,f teaching below a&-$pt;idl’e- : levels, , , - .- . I , _ ‘.. Funding’ fof th& iiikt’itti&s ’ _could-cpme dlre&tly”froa the p&v&ted sect or,throuah _ ’ additional taxation, -tjr through lotteries ,_ say3 -+e ~ brief, or another ministry itf ’ the provincial gaver.nrqen t , _ such as industry and ‘I ’ tourism, might ,incotpo/?ate . s ~,these expenditures: into its
Among Ontario gkade 13 - high school stuaetits plarrning to come to unive’rsity next fall, .the University of/.,,- ? Wqterlito is the secoIid,mos:t, populay in Ontario. ‘t , _ . Figures recently released’ * by H.W. Petfipi,ere;-direFt6r, Ontario Univqsitik+’ Ap’ li plication’ Centre (OUAC), Guelp.h, show ‘that ‘bf 366821 '-_, grade 13 applicants ’ fr@m v _ across, the province, 4,872’ I list .Waterloo as their -ffist ,. choice. Last -y-ear, 4i32-1 Ilisted Irma as their.. tiun;ly -1, - her on-e choice. L. ,‘? _.v:~ _ of q&s mushqoomed this ’ year, frcitn 390 to 524, a 34.4 \ , per cent increase and-;,the ,first time in the univerqity’s has ‘- ‘/ histdry that arts rei=orded more than 500 first , choices.’ _ . Applications from,outside the province and .from;‘ ’ ’ people wh,o have been’out i-,f. -’ school from some years are also u$ substaritially at VW, - from 803 first choices last ‘L. year to 1,04l’this year, a 17.9 per cent increase‘. iI Engineering: and vat ht ematics’ increa-ses were 15.6 and 18.5 per cent respec.. I 1.’a pvely. .ji
s Mre guarantee you can Windsurf in two tRree hour leskns.. . ’ - I I ,
peoples would IlOt parI .tiCipate iq the rsferendum,, ’ MONTRE.AL (CUP) 7 The’ Two Rivers said, “what the _ Parti Quebecois government has no right to negotiate . hell you de;ci-de to do tiith soveieignty-tis,sociation bethis lapd you st&e*from I us is cause i-t is denying native ; ‘. .up,to you.” . people in the province their During -the ‘. question rig,h,t to self$etermination, h1 period, Twd Rivers charge according to a &tive that the-- pr0vintiia.l iovernmerit was not livin-g up to the spoke’sperson, r Billy Two Rivers ;old a commitment it made with McGill University’ ,audience “the Cree Indians in the James , ihat “it was ridicu’lous-for a Ejiy agreement.. When asked government -_ to ask Etir’ __ if native ,peoples tiowld sovereignty - assoc@tion tihen it denies some people in the, - province the very thing it is askiing for.“’ “If Quebec has,the rightto separate,” add.tid Inbit David Nalakti,, “then we should* start considering separating frdm Quebec.“\, Nalakti also explai@edthe orikntation of native peoples non:status Indians;” towards the federa! govern- He w&ed th’at. unity was ment. - . .* not gossible since “divide and rule processes have ( . “Now &a\ we have lost some-of our culture we have been used , to assimilate . to rely on oqt-si,de help. We natives.” receive grants frqm the ,,, ,f‘Indians would like to federal government . to, fo?m a unitkd ‘polit’ical front like /*the National Indian survive,” h,e added. Twd Ricers, a, Mohawk, ‘brdt herhoold for c political complaxned that -the Quebec bargaining onli.” Overall, Two Rivers was ljessimistic “very ’ ,government - was de’ceitful in moaning th&t it, in describing the I‘tidian’s ,. d&,sn’t get equal trkatment situation, saying “w&e. a from the English majority :, brown spot in a gallon of when at the same t&e it can &ilk.” ’
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J/l&-are THE-stationery store in WestmQun-t Place, with a complete .line’ of: ‘.\ zcaldulators from kewlett Packard, -Texas Instruments. and Sharp; Stae&,l&-M&s. Drafting and Drawing.Instrum&ts; Gyqrn: bather Art Supplies’; ghaeffei,Parker and’ ; forms and i$riiss ,pens; Etigineering . ,’ / , office furniture. ’ (
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1 “Four L&t Songs”, choreographed bi.Rudi ’ , . vaq’ Dantzig (an inter_nationaIIy renowned “. dan’cemaker). w+s the first work. to be , 1 _ .. ‘. L., * presented that cont&nsd inspired &Oreo5 _- -. ’ graphy. This work df fIbwing dresses and flowing movements within a structur?e so, ’ inttiicat& as to delight a crocheting masteriwas ’ ’ a piehsure to watch. A suppbrte’d-ar$besque 1would flqw into a ‘high lift. The .twirIing of his _ -~ .*, b ’ lover by the.male, skimmed along the floor, the two, enjoying themseIle$. , and, each other ,_ ;’
I k,“S
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Dotun the, Seine and Up the Potomac is the. ’ latest collection of”c&mns by Art Buchwald, whb has beeti rpporting for every twenty-five . - i’ ’ years: ‘it is’ often ,hiIariotis, never- less thin ’ ’ furiny, and, a& work uihich spans thi,author’s entire career, well-worth reading for-a number . . of re&ns. ,. \ : -3! ’ / I., , _ dzr8 -*ix pirouettes i,\I ’ ’ /Good poiiticai aid-‘ -social satire. are consititently, albeit r’dught-at times)-and $6 jump. -!. r. Th$‘~~&-tiotiai Ballet bf- Canada is extremely difficult to .write; fbr ‘one:thing,, it is ~ri&spuSediy , the most’ ’ reputable ballet. . His landings w&e noiseless and polished. His “K’ easy to treat your‘subject matteF;,unfairIy. . ’ company in‘ Canada, and after viewing ‘a t partnering was: r&tire. I Some figures make tdi ets for’a nasty, name - * c perforti&e of theNation Ballet Schyol last “Soleda ” cIosed\ihe show. In more-ways _* calling type of htirribur; % uchwald avqids this, _ +.: _. . %Friday night; one can s&e &at .Rti+ standaids than on& The curtain lifted-on six coyples, , c _- are maintained within the school ds hell.1 k-. . for the mdst p&, by being creative. It is not dressed in pseudo-Renaissance costumes. /_ . -’~\“The ieclmique o@he graduating class wds Huge collared jackets and tights for’themen (in , - -=uncommon tp find a take-off on Shakespeare , to contain charact?rs .from W++rgate or, a, / I. ’ soii;l; thjs.weI~~f~uti+d technique is impressive> ‘ - ‘blues and silver):. and. women in, wide- fiat ’ cornparis& of what 9 lo&r of ‘.a’\.political , dkses of, a like colsur’lookedy like too inuch ’ ;’---v~. :‘>,. dggngst- the your&& students ,zi@o. In :A. ’ ’ *. ?“# I *i ~l~~t’~ l3~m&&tr&ti&“;~~ .campaign. thinks ti he makes his spetih. $-&se foGt+en- ‘ ‘, cs>k@ir@ tin-foiP’$&‘& “spide’rman design.’ The congratulating the &her candidate.-.‘-’ y&a*alds+e*hibited the ptekision of a fine Swiss e.ffect pi-educed &as a negative one. / .:.A8 , ^:%&ch. Moveme?$s were like a daggeysliciqg The dancers mqved around-each other, Then, too, many -aspects-of modern lif& do k( j* a ‘.+.. jl’ *rough ihe air 7,quie‘t, clean and deadly. Feet to’ humourous inter- ,-. bowed, curtsied . and ’ in6ved ‘again. With ’ not lend themselves i:v +,>~._,,-: f?&.&&t .(j& -tn#@q$&p*&mg.p& p&g@?&;, c Sk,,~-~~o&yp&$jf&.f& s&q&&.-&&&@:f@&fj&s~~ :;-.-I:‘-:p$&&&p~$~ in&&: *jqg&rr,of tf&q+. 1; -- . .‘/ -, 8 ;-4;‘ ~: ‘yere. exact; armslmoved without hesitation. ,. music and well-hidden movement, one had the 1wou!c! think, was the Americah .: * 5!::.“, ‘t . Vietnam:.the subject is simply not funny.:Ye$ ” 1% Tlie *aim. of the wor:k was to‘,ilIustrate the impiession of. parlout Game tedium. ’ \ . /..> exactitude c bf the ballet &chnique, nothiqg F_inalIy, a change. Gypsies arrived bn the &story after story, Buchwai&findss:fticets of - ’ xquarter ’ of- a centul-y as se&n through \ _ tias &ene,‘hooting $nd flashing legs ta‘s bt3sterous the’ctiflict which are fynny to read: more, nothing less. This -objective __Buchwald’s eyes. This statement may not have athieved, although it,may hme been too dry beat. The choreography’was mundane btit the- I Surprisingly, although Do_wq rh& Seine an’d .’ been as strong as it could have, perhhps, sirice ‘ _ i rhgthmic patters produced ,by the dancers fok the “perfoiniance-oriented” person more i the columns that went into this volume were Up the Pofotiac is a’ smattering of Buchwald’s -. \ with feet, Kands, lcastariets (well-handled I inter&d in choredgiaph&music! or deFr. work over the yea&, it is-unif@;tiIy enjoyable. ’ obviotisly chosin because they hadn’t dated ’ .‘: “D&y Suite” is a cutesy period piece set in might- add, which is rio small feat) 1 were _ The first few set’s of columns seen-i to be more * 1 8 too terribly; still, stories’bn such, golfing; . the eat13 19dO’s, with mom and pop and sis ancj impressive. Other than that, this, -work by tennis and jogging and on such political events con&rned’with social matters, while th+ litter ; / -I-. va&us people they encounter in the paik.. A ‘Susana‘ was very weak. Thrown together like , and Watergate reflect the , - few seem more- politicafiy oriented (perhaps , - as Vietnam r’‘2 few dancers managed’ tra ovelicome the ‘we&’ a stew of various, styles df &r&e -. chine. , this is merely. 9 reflection of the Choice of - concerns of the times. , ’ ’ ,_~‘_~’ ; 7* $: choreography. ‘curling hand movements of the One dancer of-note, Nathalie (small ’ If Dopun the Seine and Up the Potomdc has columns: for the book). ‘Other. than that; .i _:,”caris as Dolly, revealed lovely arabesques and _ J Renajssance ladies), ‘Court dance (pavaies)$ 0156 drawback it is thit, even at five hundred however, all the columns are *” cogent and Spanish dance(the gypsies). So it,was with I5 &lid pas de de& (partnering was weIf-done by humourous statements, whether they were pages; ‘it’ isn’t, enough, i,t left me wzmting more. I: ‘_ ’ the costu ing -. some; gypsies in blue jeans. .A/ eve@one in this piece)‘alth’qugh landings from Thankfully, BbchwaId has writtetiover tw$nty . ‘written last-dear or twenty years ago. I Pj,.’ “)um$s . ,and- leaps wer+,~ ,p@iTbiy .:, r : ,b~avy.. (what peri 7 d,i s th is real& Set in?) Land othee in: ‘_ -? I The book is fascinating\as a stat&me& of the . other books which.! can fall back upon. ._v+- _: ~ : :M@emeFt flow. was lacking. t . - :,+ 7 . straighg %gged fp@k’ get-tips. ‘, Ft2 ’ , ’ . lrti .Nayman ,inter&t$ and %.corrcerns -df$eople-spanning a . - Antither &And-out was the .-C&U, Judy . it tias unfor‘ttifiaf$ t’o ‘end sbch a dtiiightful I ’ , _ I j ..‘ I I. ’ and surprising e&&g with la placet&t did“ F’ielin+ri, ‘algirp exhibiting especialiy &ong’ .pointe’ work and a real performing ability. Her, nothind at all tar the programme. -Hop&lIy, _I 1 1 ’ ‘renditidn‘o6 this feline was delightfully spirited. those powers ‘that‘ be will, next -year, pay as \’ 1 ’ i Her hops on one point& were endless and thg much ‘attention,@, whuf. their dancers‘perf,orm <, , as they do with how th%y perform. ,. , playful batting at the audience, tith tba othei ,i, .’ 1 Chris E3aumim j foot,-made one laugh. . ‘. . . -” :;y: ’ i . \ ‘r, ’’ / ._ . j / . j , , ‘Asimov’:pound&ion Trilogy, Frank Herbert’s / . w. Dune Trilogy or D.F. Jones’ Colossus Trilogy.) _ , /t I L Niven seems to- have- sidestepped this ~, ‘.. -. c / / problem, possibiy because ;Rin@.uorld Engine- . \ r ers is the nihth book in the Known Space series J&k Point, a travelling jester-f and Elsie * . .\ (ti%ich includes the short #story collection ‘r _ Maynard, the woman he loves,Ltravel to the r , 9 Tales of Known Space qnd, novels like l -_. Toyer in London to perform, unaware of the sI \ ‘_ I, ‘ -1 Protector, World of Ptavvs and, The Long ; fact that a member of Ihe nobility is *about to :8 . ARM of Gil Hamilton). * ... be’executed: Colonel Fairfax, not having any , ‘ _ . The story revolves around Louis Wu and he/irs, conuincizs Elsie to rn.ayry him, so that, Speaker to Animals (two of the central tihen. h,e dies, \she, and Jack can enjoy his . . -\_\ ,.::..:&&&j& I , ; characters in the original novel), a human and / .wealth. Then, he escapes.. m ;/, 1, i a Kziti, who are kidnapped by the Hindmost, I/ r [ i,’ The Yeomab of the Guard, Gilbert and ’ ’ former fuier of the race known as Pierson’s, Sullivan’s serio-comic opefa, will be presented z A i , -‘-- t ~&&j~& Puppe&rs. The three return to Ringworld to Xl- .. + , by the Gilb,ert and Sullivan Society, Waterloo. , find a matter transmutaiioti: deviceyhich, we R&jonal Branch, and fhe UW Arts Centre. Ii , I? . _ learn early in the story, doe’s not exist. will be perforhed dt/Bpm in the Humanities ,‘, jg.@.&~~~ &$&, -“ To Lou& atid Speaker (now known as 4 Theatre; Wednesday through Saturday, June, Chmee)l this doesn’t matter,. The Ringworld, 11 to 14. Also .knowit as The Merryman and I / , ‘\ which is! a partial Dyson sphere (a solid ring of ‘: . his Maid, ,this delightful-story is cohsidered by _. / matter revolving around...uh, better read the ’ its creators to be their best work. Reserved \ ‘. ~ ! Ripg’world; Pa& Two?, Son of Ringworld? 1 bmks...); is some;how ‘not in orbit, is;in fact, seats are $6.00 ($4.50 for studelits and :t- , ‘-. ’ II “ The ’ Rjnhworld .th# Ate Cincinnati? Larry ” tioving toward?. the’sun and destrtiction. i seniprs). 1 d, Ringworld Engineers, perhaps more than, : 1 Niven’s &te#b&k j The RingwbrId Engi-eers, any<other’book iv the series, ties together a lot i is a-sequel to what may be considered his best c <.> I . . ‘There are innumerable ‘i I 1. Gork &d&te;Rii?QworId. Assuch; it realIyisn”t f of its concegts. / ‘1. refer&ces to the origidal, of course, as well as thbse’ created 6y Larry-‘Niven): In an ;ronic ‘awful. . Protector, The Long ARM of Gil Hamilton and tw$t, theXzin on Ringworld have taken%ver ., ‘(There seems to b’6’ ati. unwritten rule in others. The surface of Ringworld, for instance, Earth, something which they were unable to do d ‘science fiction that a sequel to a.bodk (or, dare , resembles maps of Earth, Mars, Kzin and in three wars Zth the humat% in space. it be said, the successive volumes of a trilogy) is untold hundreds of other .pianets (including Ringworld Engineers is a very well written t 16t as good as the ariginal. Look at Isaac / 8 ale. Niven has an ability to make the science in l , _ , i his st6riesbelievable, more so than many other \. I . _ science. fiction authors, filling *the story with briliiant de$ail. * \ (Interestingly enough, in his forward Niven siates that the reason for some of the idea; which he develops’ in Ringworld Engineers arises out of Cai^espohdence which he has rekieved frpm people _who had read a&l _ questioned tI3e original. If not for them, there 1 might have been no sequel. I found it rather l
ITn ---\“Gilbert ,&Sdliv~n opera. m Humamtles / oh’
it was explained, were, suggested by a high school class in Florida or a Carribridge professor.), . All in all, I found The Ringwo>ld Engineers to be a very entertarning, book, the logical climax , to. the tales o’f known s’pace. ~ ’z , -Irti Nayrpan
: High school art exhibit delightful
Those of you for whom the words “high school art” conjure up images of endless hours sketching the same vase and pottery figures might find the exhibit of art presented by high school students in the Modern Languages art gallery a pleasantly enlightening experience. It would seem that the range of techniques being taught in secondary school art classes is fairly wide; there are examples of everything from wire sculpting and acrylic airbrushing to techcopper engraving. The sophisticated do not overshadow the niques however, imagination that runs through their work like a colourful ribbon. There are over 60 works on display and it would take considerable space to describe them all. One of the first pieces one sees upon entering the gallery is a plaster sculpture of a wonderfully distorted head. This gargoyl-like figure seems to have endless connecting curves that look somehow as if they are twisting around themselves. Its immaculately smooth surface makes one want to commit the ultimate gallery gaffe of running one’s hands along its undulating lines.
Bark boring loss
Keath Barrie began his Southern Ontario tour at the Humanities theatre. Hopefully, Barrie will hold to T.S. Elliot’s statement “In my beginning is my end” and finish his tour where he started after his one atrocious performance here a few weeks ‘ago. Barrie was unbelievably bad, representing the worst of FM music. Supposedly, he sings “easy listening” songs. Just to remain seated for the duration of the concert without giving up in despair was one of the hardest things certain members of the audience> had ever done. Some couldn’t hold out past the intermission. Since it was the first concert of the tour, some rough edges were to be expected, but Barrie offered a performance which was ragged, torn and full of holes. \
He didn’t know the name of his back-up band, Triffany, and forgot some of the names of its members. He forgot the lyrics to several songs. He faked several, and completely packed one in while in the middle of it. He started falsely on one song and had to begin at the beginning again. On another, he had the right words, but the band played the wrong music.
Many of the pieces, such as Shelly Widman’s ink, give a stippling in pen and refreshingly different perspective to commonplace, mundane objects; Widman’s representation of the underside of a kitchen sink makes viewers stop and wonder if they’ve ever really looked at the guts of their plumbing. Jeff Vasey put adolescent fantasy onto canvas in the form of the backside of a delightfully Rubenesque female figure. She is abundant in colour and form, from-the bright red beret atop a head of almost impossibly black hair to the curves of her exceedingly generous proportions. There is an airy wire sculpture by Christie Anderson. This artist uses very thin, silvercoloured wire to weave large spiders webs which hang above a small, and very discreet, stained-glass spider. Tucked away in an obscure corner of the gallery is a delicate pencil study of a twisted tree trunk. Some of the objects that appear simplest and most natural to us are often the most difficult to draw. Paula Wentzlaff has made a simple tree sublime with subtle shadows and lines that suggest the knotted surface of tree bark. Those are just a few examp!es of what’s going on in high school art classes these days. (Kind of makes you want to go back to Grade 9 and start all over again?) Viewers may go through the exhibition and point out some minor errors in perspective or shadowing, but after seeing the show, probably wouldn’t want to. These kids display imagination, a love of colour and form as well as a good deal of wit. The art has a genuine sense of fun, of “real neatness.“,These seem like good artistic bases from which to start. I hope they ail get A’s. Vicki
His backup band, and the singing group Triffany, did little better. In fact, they likely contributed more to the debacle than Barrie did. The three girls, who shall remain nameless, were horrid. Individually, they were average singers and almost unnoteworthy. As a trio they plummeted from average to awful; their voices created sour harmonies, and standing stationary behind the three microphones they had little to do but make uncomfortable and half-hearted gyrations. Dull, dull, dull. Triffany and the backup band were obviously very young and inexperienced. Not one of Barrie’s seven cohorts in crime looked older than twenty. It is, even so, incomprehensible that they could sing and play so badly when they had the music in front of them for every song. 1The blame for the concert must rest largely on Bdrrie himself. Barrie has a pretty good bass voice but the songs which he chose were so similar to each other that he might as well have sung only one and ended the show. His songs lacked imagination and punch. All were done to the same tempo and rhythm. Too often, he sang pieces just to plug his records to which he constantly referred. (Surprisingly, some people actually -bought them!) He sang within the range of only a few themes: falling in love, falling out of love, getting divorced and enjoying nature. Most of his songs were obscure; he likely originated many of them. The classics he did sing were minimal. He’ just butchered “Fernando” and offered a funeral “Amazing Grace” accompanied by a smarmy organ. Barrie’s style was relaxed and informal. He seemed completely unconcerned by the looseness and unprofessionalism of his concert. His attitude was so laid back that the concert laid down and died. What was completely unforgivable was his gall: he came back and did two encores that ‘no one demanded or wanted. Celia
We Play ’ the Music YOU want to hear! Every Tuesday: Summerfest,
?‘fyou can’tgoSouthfor the winter,* come to Huggy’s *Summer-jest!
: THE GRAND 6 Bridcre
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- Friday,
16, 1980.
9 -,
Irene Naciuk, a grade 12 student at Waterloo Collegiate sculpted this work in plaster. It is titled Headpiece and is part of an exhibition of high school art on display in the Art Gallery, Modern Languages. The display will be around until June 1.
. Irpps , sound derivative “A guy is supposed to break a T.V. over his head,man. That’s why I’m here.” That remark, ovrheard five minutes before The Imps went on stage last Thursday evening at the Waterloo Motor Inn seemed to articulate the general feeling of the small audience. People had heard things, both wild’ and crazy, about The Imps and were expecting something suitably avante-garde. They wanted a show. What followed was, without a doubt, something of a spectacle. Bald-headed Frank Soda, lead guitarist, singer and Imp-in-chief and his two equally-shorn cohorts, Peter Crolly (bass) and John Lechesseur (drums), made enough use of lights, masks, smoke, rockets and other gadgets to make Star Wars look tame. The Imps used the first of two sets to alternate original material, most of it good, with such established crowd pleasers as “Rocky Mountain High” and “Heartbreaker,” both of which were executed with-nary a lick out of place from the original. Some of The Imps own material, such as the rythmic, rolling “Over_ sexed and Underfed” is marvellous, bouncy and energetic. Like much of the material that The Imps performed from off their new album (released at the beginning of this month) it is likeable for its clean, pure sounds.
Their influences are diverse. Numbers are tinged alternatively with ‘beautiful bluesy undertones, hard rocking aggression and familiar rock and roll rhythms. “Total Control” features some raspy, pleasantly raunchy guitar playing softened by Peter Crolly’s flute-playing and “Toxic Takeover” describes the Mississauga train derailment with a frantic, almost new-wave energy. All of this proved that The Imps are three techni’cally capable musicians and their attempts to move into a more unique style’are promising. So why all the gimmicks? Why does Frank Soda bounce all over the stage like an Indian \rubber ball and leap back and forth between huge columns of speakers (behind which he makes numerous costume changes) and the raised plexiglass platform on which the drummer performs? Soda uses a variety of headgear, too, ranging from a model of a camera to a gas mask decorated with lightbulbs and a rubber tube which looks vaguely obscene. After a while, Frank’s tricks start to look juvenile and his risque remarks begin to sound like so much adolescent experimentation with vulgarity. “Dirty” words are only really effective when they are shocking and Soda’s attempts at startling the audience were, for the most part, a bit of a bore. If The Imps used more of their collective enthusiasm to produce a unique sound and ’ less of it to make their show look like a grown up version of Romper Room, they might find (surprise, surprise) that they have the basis for an excellent band. Fire crackers and on-stage gymnastics are fine, but let’s not pretend that they can make a basically derivative sound (which i=hat most of The Imps music is, up to this point), something unique. The Imps have got exuberence, a sense of humour, and some great musical ability going for them. Certainly, successful1 bands have been built on less. The Imps have all the potential needed to develop an idiosyncratic, off-the-wall sound. Let’s just hope that fun and games don’t stand in the way. And yes, as a grand finaie, Frank Soda did explode a television on his head. V.J. Sanderson
There isstil time tophone our studio for an appointment Graduatk’attire supplied
right ‘it 9
Schroeder was prac-ticing what he preach”&d. I had hop‘ed for (and stilfdo) an explan&tion. Mr. Schroeder goes on to explain that ~. “sciknce caInnot- reveal the .true reality ‘of r . _. nature...“, along with some philosophersl .\ ’ ’ ~&&&y longwin-ded explanations of why not. But of ‘. the original statement, I couldn’t agree more. Dkar Editor: bn.the 18 .M arch, the Montreal Gcizette I am not proposing that s,ciencd can ever explain the irue nature of God, or even our carrie.d a photo bf the Honourable Dr. Be.tte be the main entrance requirement. Education ; -I Stephenson wiping cyeam pie from ,her face remains a privilege. own human nature. aftee an attack by a member of the Anarchist Education, however, Z must become, a What I am suggesiing is that people such as Party of Canada (Groucho-Marxist). T!ie ’ guarante‘ed right. Though the fight against Mr. Schroeder (in fact, everybody) Hse a _-assault,\< was s,h?cked to read, occurred in ~ fee hikes ‘is but a I step scientific approach in their qiicst to tow.ards t-he I _ thk Theatre o‘f‘the Arts at #he University . -undeistan,d the true nature of God. Only of ==.achievement 6f that righiT$erhaps a bigger 8 div’ine rebelation can provide the answers, c Waterlob. I recdvered somewhat,-however, one will never be taken. Because the step will Ghen I also read that Federation president b’e large, it will have to be taken by many, and ‘ but tinti one expe.riences ii, a scientific Neil’-Freeman came to her a‘ld with a roll of .’ analysis-of inspired literature is the best one ‘, the many can take it only if they are unified. . - @$,;4oubt,Reed) paper totiels. 1 can do. . ‘It >is not’ incongruous for me t.o preach-pnity ‘ _ Mohammed and Buddha both experienced ’ ft is/gratifying to learn, from your 14- - ,from a province in which the: word ever. divine revelation; could it have been similar decreases in importance. ! c’ontinue to /\ - 2.Mtirtiti issue, ..that Neil Freeman is at the to that of Jesus? What about Moses, Dante, forefr&t of the fightagainst the proposed fee ’ believe ‘it’is‘necessar,y to achieve those rights Francis Bacon, William Blake,’ Socrates? _ _ I h&e, Nqt only has he’recognised the difficult to which’we are all entitled. I think the If one is careful1 not to fall into the trap of neg&@o&.. and enormous task. &head of students of the University of Waterloo dqas * comparing dogmatic details between the him, he’ h& itaken positive steps to bring ‘well. Good luck in your fight. schools of thought and pronouncing them . matters well in hand: his confrontatioqand Sean M. Klnnedy totally inicompatible, one& bound to learn a apparent motivation of OFS in’Febiuary;‘his great deal. -. organisation of the petitioh;‘his presentation In contrast to the first two letters, the third ,. of it to both Dr. Matthews atid the one, froniPaul’Holmes, was a real pleasure to unfortunate, but deserving, DF. Stephenson: read. I have no basic disagkeements with the his DroscriDtion of the so-called “Ad Hoc points raised by Mr. H.olmes, but he Coimittee” [read AIA); all i;dicate Neil is oii misunderstood a, few of those in my original _ d,ese.rving of the support of th$ entire student ‘. body, And that is the point. .sThe- support ’ letter. By emphasizing Jesus’ claim that heThis letter has been edited by Imprint, to . was fhe ‘:Son of Man”, I am not trying to accprded to Neil Freemaxi must be unified, , bring it down to our 700 word limit. WeThave . suggest that he was a mere mortal. However, : otherwise Jhe fee hike will merely b,e one of I \ tr’ied not to alter the content of the letter. if we consider the possibility that he +vas ,+eueral to ‘coke., ’ 1 -eAfter reading two resp_onses to my original bokn a mortal, and experienced divine The issue is unity. I, with Joe Macdonald, ; 1’ letter in the Imprint -(Feb. l), I had no illumination later in life, the “Son of Man” le,arned . fi&t hand- of ,the poor harvest of intention of. writing another,>bu? when the . (evolutionary product of mankind) makes ->onf’rontation politics while serving as vice-. , .third arrived last week, I felt I had tiore sense. preiident of the then Artsoc. The issue was I---. some of my ,original poiots. Because each One l&t point I’dlike to make concern; the not fee hikes, but the’Federation itself, which bres,ponse ,was different, I shall deal with ,. alleged virgin- birth of Jesus. The Egyptian had-succeeded in alienating a large number them jndividually. _, pharoah Amenhopet III (father of A’khenaten of, its canstitu&Q and thereby achieved I% Wigmore and grandfather of_Tutankhamun) was also ‘1 To begin with, Terrence nothing, exct?pt‘%&unity. I sense that, with . pi.eser$eda detailed history of the scriptures of its most supposedly born in this manner. , I the bxpulsion or “‘retirement” -’ and a comparison with other writings dat’ing In his ,book “Egyptian-. Mytholdgy atid divisive elements, and the electii>n of Neil ’ period. In light of his points, I Egyptian Christianity”, biblical scholar Dr. , Freeman as its president, the Fed,eration is c‘--‘ from the Same . .
.: _
_ _in ’ ;--strUggle with.
--m ‘ -..‘-,’ \ -\_
like en,vironmental rights, “‘is nowhere the Canadiqn Bill. of Rights; and only the language of instruction, not access io that ‘instruction, is mentioned in _ the seve?al proposals for constihtiowl refdrm made since 1971.’ Hence, -only those whb can, afford the fees may atten,d..a unive,rsity. Money, not \aljiliiy, continues to
-And the
contrci&rs~-_ rages
. ‘\ ’ \ -
strike is not out o-f character. The Fedcare always confused ‘and, the only time that things of value happen on this campus is when the mass of studen’ts gets moving with only token. influence from the Feds. Ressurecting the Cpmmittee for the Fee Hi’ke * Strike and taking the planning out of the Feds well-meaning, but ‘terminally incompetent hands seem-s to be the way toget this thing rolling. The problem ‘of whom to pay your .feeS to and also keeping- those .who ivant to strike both visible and together as a group is a place where the Feds could be useful. as opposed to‘ ‘the purely prcpagandistic problems that the Feds are more incompetent at. We could pay ,)ur fees into a common fund that the Feds would hold and eventually pay to the Uhiversit y when assurances of non-prosecution had been made by the admini\ stration. Paying- your fees into a common fund makes you a member of A group and less L svcceptible to bein, 0 .sued as an individual. The, Feds can’t become associated with such things as the ticcupation of Mathew’s
office though that might be a very valuable tactic, but a student co-ordinationcommittee n;,t associated with them could easily plan such a direct action. The propagandistic possibilities of the Feds commit teP are limited to the status-seeking efforts of these junior politicians and. that bias towards caution is <something that could make the strike a pitiful flop. Samuel Wagar, 3rd year htegrated Studies
rn-us2 now admit that errors introduced into An example of apprdach which .the scriptures during their transcription over immediately comes. to mind deals with the the centuries is negligible. But that’s as far as quektion-of why almost nothing was w_rit ten I’ll gq. about- the first 30 odd- years of the life of Jo assume the bible is infallable, is to Jesus, comp’ared to what mas wriften about confer infallibility on every one of its many I the last z or &Could some divine experience authors, as *well those that compiled it in the or iransfol’mation. have occured? We 6ust early part af !he. last milleeium. Many the0 look fo‘r supporting’ -evid&nce in the current”‘Christian$’ im$icitly declare thembible. I. -Sap& ‘Sharp6staiessawih$vehisto,ricgl I selves to be infadlab& -&hen -they proclaim ~s’$-&& ‘j’fiI;at;‘&; ;hapte;g in’ Matthew’s . their interpretation df” tile @,bIe’ ‘to be -‘. infa3lable. ‘I- * Go&e1 whidh contain the’Miraculo;s Birth Nevert heles?, biblical infalbf J’esus are ?m after-addition not in the iibility can never be proved OF @jkE STtiBAGE SP&CES FOR RENT BY THE MOIiTH earliest manuscript, it seems probable that disprpved -- Such is not my _. these twii poe’tical chapters (the.Birth a”nd theaim‘ However, simply because U here -it .*-U lo& it - U; kk@pthk key A,doration) in Luke r&y also be unhistprical infallibility cainnot be -disand be borrowed ftiom the Egyptian accounts I prdved is no reason tQ believe of their kings!” it. One might is well believe _ I It is iiteresting to note’ <hat in Egypti& the “National Enquirer” OF mythblogy, HOFUS, son df Osiris, was., like I “Mad Magazine” to be infalI Jesus raised from the dead. Although it is you red the space you require lible, if one wants to. doubtful1 that_Horus was a real person, this Y MF. Wigmqre c&es many I-egend may, *too, have, been subsequently ‘SIZES AVAiABLE: 5’ x 5’, 5’ x lo’, lo’ x lo’ ’ examples from the field of incarporated into the new testament. But -< *. lo’. x 15’, l&O’x 20’. lo’ i 25’, lo’ x 30 archaeol.ogy which support his . :that, too, will n&ver be prpved OF disproved. / e 1 religious ideas. But what of the a Stephen W. Coates scientific evidence which refutes the ideas and‘ t.heories presented-in the-bible? Do’ you really, believe woman &as ;ELF STO,RAGE MIN!. WAREHdUSE COURTESY TRAILER AVAILABLE created from a man’s rib? 55 Fairwby Read, Kitchentw . L away3fhm r. _ The following week, Mr. i. - : . Scheoeder wrot’ein. He started ’ Deai Editor, . f -by accusing me of blackmail That the Federation. of Students has aiid of “attacking individuals”. decided to have a ,fee-hike strike is In reality, I was @pointing out commendab& thouglj very out of character thaj from my own experience, for it -- the latest ,news that they are it did not ,appear that Mr. _ confused about the implementation of such a
rapidly h_ealing its‘ divisions. This development is encoufaging, because the, more important issue, qf the fee. hikes can now be- met with ti*>,federation tinited around .a . 1 capable lgad’er. ~ Unity is a sine pus non of effective a&ion. --. ; . , -- Peter Hoy ,wpote 4n:the 14. MaTch issue that : ‘*. I ’ “[e)$ucation is ‘arighi, not a privilege.“.At : one and the same time, Mr. Hoy is terribly’ -.\ mistaken and absolutely correcf. Education ’ * ii‘@ yet’; right. Perhaps ‘inost basic bf -_ all
-Feds &o&d stnya occupntim
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Waterloo Co-eperativa Residen& 280 Pfiillip Street . Waterloo,, Ontafio N2L 3X.1 ~honej~19) MA-3670
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ProfeL&3r Wil: Did anybody ever’need to ’ performance. evade the draft,? Professor liams i‘s interested in finding Ian .Wilfiams of ,‘tlie Kinkeys’ to body Fmovement -so eGology department relates he can teach simple-r, moreways of performan ‘old army tale’ thst might ’ effective -I,, . have helped do just that.’ ing given tasks. During ’ the medical exiim-, Professor Williams has-. ination, draftees may have long been involved in clenched their jaw and ftists re,search of this kind.. .He us tightly as possible. This received his undergraduate Educaact ion w(juld increase their T .diploma in Physical ‘knee-jerk’ reflex. When the iion at Qtago University ‘in doctor tapped the knee, it New Zealand armthen went would jerk upwarcv with a on to do his MSc. and-Phd. at greiiter force and speed t~h’an the y niversity. 0f‘Illinois. it nom sally. would. If they After graduati,on he came I r:onvincing enough, WPl‘f’ , 1 I(! the, University of I hi-s wci uld have resembled a Waterloo\in 1970. “This was l~l!l~1~~~10~~i~C:ill ‘inl~);lj~~iilc~nt + iny first job and I could not ~no~vn its l~~~)~?~~-~~~!l’l~!si~:it\ want a better p.lace to work:” ;yntl 01‘1’I lwy \\3~u!tl !<:(Itlo111l’.’ ’ He started his research’ j This iS just,*one. OF the ‘with interest in the body’s *in ;wliir:h many -ways feedback processes from the reflexes -help or in 1 some inust:le rec’e’pti)rs. , * +ses; , hinder a person’s Frorlsthis work -he >./ ’ ’ )contirCued on to his currenv I _‘I work on’ reflex pat terns and per~formance. ~ , -, * He believes that the key t (i 1 ,I ‘/I tntirti effa$ perforn~ance is lo ‘tit tidy- bodv reflexes. _. -m-
The g-hole. golf course on -the North Campus is open-’ fqr . those who want t-&work on their irons, chip :shots and’ put tdng. It’s .a short ,course, but, tlose at hand ad, well: maintained. For the most part.,, golfers will be required to use their own equibment ..,, ?here are still’ openings iti% some . instruct ion& .programs offer<. ed,J by.. the i In tramural 1Depart men t. Those programs with openings are: Fitness, -,: Dance Fit, Shooting, Rqcqueiball and Ball Room Dancing!, ‘(openings .in j Ball. Room -Dancing for women only 1.Call 3532 for more informtition....; Ball teams looking for fiklds~ t i) practice ’ on should book ahead. Call 3~i32.i One- week’s ddvance booking should \be sufficient.... Available now. in the tote room are ski.pping. ropes (try it, Yt’s a. good’ workout )k and safety glasses’ f:or squash, and racquetball.... The fntramu&l Depart men! ’ has some job -opportunities availabl~e. They are lookmg for golf instructors’ ($Uhr.] and ’ softball and basketball officials *($%@hr.). Cal? ‘3532 . ..., Tennis? A Mixed-, DQubles Tennis .Tournament is schedctted for June- 7 and 8 at the Waterloo. Tennis Club. Reg, i&ration closes .@londay June ,2.:. ’ The Outer’s \- Club , (Kayaking Section) is offering a” variety, of activities this summer, ’ beginning with, - general i&truction in. techniqu’e (con ucted in the PAC through ’ pool), con4 inning racing, river running’:to kayak building (should you want to :bbild your own], For more @formation cab Judy, Desgosiers j886-1449) o;r &id $$e_rvos (885$938).
“The ‘knee-jerk’ reflex from ‘the ar’my ta!e is Qne all of us ire aware of‘-but we have ‘miany’ other types of reflex lent and they’<*are ot ----I- -- -.ance” ta; ~skill. devel*.
‘Vor instance,?’ he. cc&n-~ ued; “when an -&fant s&bswith its ’ head turned * towards its left shoti!der-it6% will often adopt a pose much -like a fencer in the en garde position. Thvleft arm will be curved upwards and around: even the-fingers will be curved. , This is purely a reflexive pose; ’ if you turn t’he infant’s head around to the ‘right the>;arms< will automatically_ reverse t+hemselves.” This is known 4s the Tonic Neck Reflex. _
’ swimming, -for example, when Y liams’ research with reflexes go - in infancy. lo be ,repplacetl by.. far beyond athletics to, diverse a ‘swimmer turns his head to voluntar.y control, Williamis 1 .-e problems arising from move-, sg?ys “reflexes ‘are alive and 1 the left to’.breathe, the left arm tends to ‘straighten toomuch . ment.’ An example:,of such a I i well.” It is these reflexes _ -_ _ . .. . n . .I . .‘ .I _ and the right arm tends to Dena I proolem is Iaceu too mati. :.The ,le s -may also, w.hose actions al ., swim Aefleci a ‘similarP influence - bv vertigo ‘following corn: well. or move - \ .causing a break in kicking,. I’ piex head rotabions’. ‘skill fully. Skillful mov,e- , ., Contrary to statements - mknt for all is Williams’aim ~ order ‘.l’ to, ~ . improve -h that _t hese reflexes subside Lyn Htigles ’ Q, ‘) .performape,~ the athlete 6 i, _ ‘,,..A-2 ._.* .. :jearn ,to * gate-out’, ,or shut-out t: a , t -..- ‘..: this reflex. Skilled athletes *, i I must. learn when to use these ; reflexive patterns.and when Itoshut them out’ in order to -technique . : ‘and’ imp-y@ strength- in performance. Bra@-damaged, ;iqdividtial& ’ may have $ifficul.ty in mkiny areas ‘du&to:hyper-r&fiexi&y. ’ FT& &&,pfe;~+&&, jr$i;$’ to
etit ’ *as soon as ‘1the hea’d is turned to fook at the LPO& of , Dr. William& says that while food, the arm holding t hati this particular reflexive pose is out. These spoon extends most npteworthy in infants, it individuals have a more, . staysjwith us all of our lives difficult challenge in learning and is “quite apparent when , io shut out thaF.reflex which Tiis is the first ,in o ii-x- part - for this.automatedlife-sty1 you know ho,w t.o.look+ for it.” ‘.causes’unwanted movement. f se-ries of ortic4es on fitness - For example, the findings ( -- The Tonic. Neck ’ Reflex &Williams says ,t hese 4reflex-. prepared by Br,uce Moran; a recent study on. re apparent when a person is ive responses- ‘prov\de clues Fitness .Coordinator Sf the. ’ reational activiti,es in C,aildoingjpush-ups to the point oE which may be helpful in C&ipus H.eplth Promotion. ada showed that only 20 pt e’r fatigue; ‘the .person. will coaching athletes or in efforts office, Ioc”ated -in. Health cent of 1 the populatic m invariably raise their head, in to develop --a variety, of skills I Services. _ - ’ k- ‘. engage’& in some ’ form ‘(of trying to put that last ounce of involving’ physical motiement. -, effi,ri inta.the task . physictil’ex’erc&e, leaving t ,.Mang+ people reaiize that “Good coadhes seem to know.. per cent completel$ inacfiv there is. a need’for exercise This reflex can be’ used in:’ that the head acts as a rudder,” Sedentaryliving prima ’ but ,are cpnfused by _,the coachir;lg, - especially - with : said Williams, recalling an- J-questions’ of,:how’much for firty ; 1 and-, ily responsible events like wiestling and adage” from his high-school fifty . ‘Iwhat type of exercise is best. 1. - . - -weightlifting, when maximum. coach. This series of artidles will. , ,Sedentary living is PI %at’s +hy in golf ‘for force is cglled for. By tilt:@. the marily responsible for 48 provide some of the head backwards, jt”, causes _instance you. will hear a coach giving the net-* ~50 per. cent of the adu an-swers, greaterstrength in extention of say: “Keep>y.our head still.“. If. . essary information to design * population , tbeing,, ove .the arms, therefore giving the %the golfer raises his‘or her head, weight , and having fitrm a,sound;personally-tailored athlete that “lit-tie ‘bit more” the--body will automatically , exercise psogram . However levels- which”. can be $a ‘needed _ ’ to get ‘- maximum straighten in the.middle of the before’ embarking on ‘thL : sified as fair to low. l ’ performance. 1 ,L swing and instead of meeting Engaging in’ regular vi road to better health, it is * Reflexes can also interfere the ball sparely, the club-head orous,exercise ian retard tl important, to recognize ( the _ ,with.or hinder periormance oE will “top” the ball. , : . ’ physical :, deterioration ’a values of bec_omi-ng physi-task’s in;pertain instances. In The - application% of’~$Vjl- . sociated with o,vr lifesty tally fit, through - ,regular,\ I xercise. and bring .about the fc --, lowing Physjc :a1 , fitness’ ‘m eatis. benefits: . - ‘X&my medicalauthoriti iffererit .things to difft zrent ‘* believe active. individua eople. *is a very J ldividu $‘istic concept, and y-e less likely? tha;n. s,ede f +q&& r -dependent on each t ary ‘people to *experience efs o’& ” unique --mak :eup: heart aTtack or- other fori I&++theless, it. is generallyof cardiovascular disease. greed .‘tbat-’ a fun,ctional 2 iPhysical ’ activity .c( contribute tq effective weig 2vel of - fitness. alli5ws a daily ‘~.!~?~edu@ion ‘or weight, mai erqon;.‘to, perform :’ I 6ks w~t’hout undue fatigue, :- tenance. / aye energy &ft $$r ‘sf$; t iC ‘PI+&1 : acth&y, m;w :isus time ~acdvities and -’ alleviate\, $ymptoms o’f ’ our such- as’ cspQnd4 to’ em~ergency I or L ., sedentary ‘ lifestyle ‘nexp&ted stressful’, sit- .. low back pain ‘and chror fatigue. ations.~ / .Ulifortun&&, m&y Can: ‘. Physical . activity helps dians do ’ not meet. this person to look, feelrand wo Wit hAA bett er, Clothes’ ,& everyd# &e&a - of’ ~fitness. ’ the ‘: tasks become:‘~~~much easic iachines supplying dwer for -most., jobs, the‘- and there is an improved se ecessity. of’ki-ng, runbimage; . , ,. *-, ing, .)ifting and climbing . The human.bQdy’isthe .on aye been. -&&& 44irtu@.y.(y&&& .elii@ur: I( I&& m@neijf.&~;~g&$;&f@+$e~~ Jlwt -,f~lls,~p~t~ @c ked,t-*$b“ .~‘~f~~~s”-li~t~~~~tiue”l-~i~ur’~.~’i,
ime activity$Q.compen_sate /_ , . r.
inactivity, it.-becomes rust: . ./ c(_ J .’ . .r I \ _-I
ties (corner of Westm.ount and Erb). Phone 886-6017 ~Expo@?nced&& with IB’M. after. 5pm. Room available ; . typewriter will jtype++essays, to girls only. theses, resumes;letc. Pro- furriished roqn a yajlable ‘mpt-;’ accurate service and ’ (women or+). The house is, re$so.nqb!e I, rates. - Phone situated lo- ininute walk 743-2933 ever$ngs.l from both ‘ j universities
‘, _
Experieqced typist, ,essa ys,resumes, /theses, .etc. No fnath papers Reayha,bl‘e rates. Westm*nt area. Cail
(corner Westmount Erbf.’ Call. 886-601’7 5pr-q. ’
,1977-‘Mazda 61’6 i-door -sedan. Exdellent condition, 53,600 miles. -Will certify. Phort‘e 886-6504 after 6pm.
lahle .
and after ’ -
Two bedroom apartment to sublet, July 1 .to?September Stereo system (amplifier, 30. Air conditioned, sunny; casette deck, 2 speakers), p’ool: sduna; brl-liard, exerB&W TV, 1’1” solid sta.te, cise rooms; ) fourteenth (science.), paperf lsor Victoria -West mou nt. -textbooks backs, ‘bookshelves, study -s250 monthlv. 745-9790: . lamp Phone 744-3669, ‘ __ ‘. iownhouse robm ;or- rent: Se&ices. 511 Albert, Untt 101, fully -\-ABC D@c Jo&&y A-e you organitin”g S a furmshed,‘ available imme-
\ I :
1g &-i l)a~ljet. -
We hi)ve the SnloSicAto surt yi)lrr needs Call 11s ori
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