Campus Events -rue!
The fall orie~.....~n tours u r the Aka and EMS libraries will be held at 930, 10:30, 11:30, 1:30,2:30 amd 3 3 0 pm. Registration for St. Jerome's College takes place from 9 to 5 today.. The English Language Pmficiency Exam for Arts students (A to G) takes place at 1 pm; for (H to 0 ) a t 315; for (P to Z) at 7. From 9 t o noon, Recreation students'Regi6tration will occur at 415 Phillip St. From noon on, there will be a Recreation take over of the Bombshelter. Bring $ and ID. Chris Hodgson, Peter Roe and EngSoc president Jennifer Hilton (aka 'Big Momma') will give Society talks from 9 to 3. Walk, skateboard or rollerskate your way in and around the Science tuading at the SciSoc Rally from 10 to 2.
The Waterloo Christian Fellowship sponsors a free cookie counter betureen the CC and the PAC from 10 to 2. There will be a V1 Orientation information table in the Great Hall at 6 pm. f i e V1 ViUage Crawl begins at 7 pm; the V1 Pub in the Blue dining hall begins at 930. Fee payments will be accepted for St. Paul's beginning at 1 pm; St. Paul's manhunt begins at 7; flwr meetings begin at 9; a clock dance begins at 9:30. In St. Jerome's cafeteria, there wiU be a College Residence Get-together at 7 pm. There will also ba cookies and milk at 8 in the cafeteria and a Kent Rally at 930. Registration for St. Jeromes will be from 9 to 5. The Engineering Havenger Scrunt begins at 8 pm. In the carpeted lounge of V2, there will be a Welcome t o Waterloo party starting at 8 pm.
ber 3-
English Lanyuaye Pmfmrmzmy r-m for math students (A-G) wdl take place at 9:30 am; (H-0)at 1145; and (P-Z) at 7 pm. All ESS students will be exarmned at 2 pm; all HKLS students at 4:15. The Engineering Sociity Rally will be held at Hagey Hpll at 10. "Flags" will take place at St. Paul's at 9 3 0 am. A car push will be held at 1:30; a monk's meal will be eaten at 5; a Black Swamp Rehearsal will start at 830; a who's who occurs at 8;30; a Bonfire is lit at 9. Science students -meet your first year profs in the Earth Sciences Lounge beginning at 10:30. Coffeeand doughnuts available. Come to the SciSoc office to sign up for a game of Frisbee G d f from 10 to 2. Prizes will be awarded; bring your own hisbee. St. Jerome's holds a mixed lunch for h o s h at 1200, campus tours for frosh at 1 and a union party featuring Glider at 8. There will be a W watermelon football game on Columbia field starting at 1 pm. T h e V1 Information table will be set up at 4 pm; at 6:30 there will be a V1 pub crawl and rollerskatingon Columbia Road. V2 will be sponsoringa similar event at 7. At 8 pm, the Engineering Havenger Scrunt ends. St. Paul's is holding a f m s h picnic with staff and Honourable Fellows at noon. The Recreational Students Pub Crawl starts at 7; highlights include visits to the Grand and hotels. Buses supplied; bring $ and W.
The Waterloo Christian Fellowsh~pholds a sing V2 holds a BBQ a n d Games Day featurmg a tug of song and marshmallow roast In the BBQ p ~ t war, obstaclecourse,etc at 11 There wll beacoffee across from Conrad Grebel from 7 to 9 house m the Great Hall at 9 There wll be a Red Cross blood Donor Clinic V1 holds a BBQ and -outdoor concert on from 2 to 4 30 In the afternoon and 6 to 8 30 In the Columbra field at 12 noon Vl also sponsors a coffee evening at Grace Lutheran Church (1% Margaret at house featuring a warden's talk and theawardsnlght Lou~sa),Ktchener Quota 304 donors In the Great Hall at 8 The Legal Resource Office wll beopenfromdto5 There wll be an Orientat~ontoumf the Arts and pm today EMS llbranes at 7 30 pm The fall orientation tours of the Arts and EMS -Ma ' IY,Septemb-- 3L~braneswll be held at 9 30, 10 30, 11 30,130,2 30 and 3 30 today, tomorrow and Fnday The Federat.-.. Students presents Steve Moore,
a comedlan who performs m the Campus Centre from 12 to 1 30 pm
The V2 Early Morning Run beslns at 8 A pancake breakfast and baseball tournament follow Vl holds a Scavenger Hunt at 11. Both villages hold a movie night with young ~ ~ and ~h~ ~F~~~ Musketeers starting at 8.
The Sailing club holds an organlzat~onalmeeting at 5 om nn CCI I ?
Registration begins in the PAC at 10.
The Federation of Students presents Mandrake the Magician at the Humanities Theatre at 8 pm. Come and see the world's most famous living magician, who performs a full evening stage show with major illusions. Tickets ar @for students, $3 for others. Fa1 orientation tours of the Artsand EMSlibraries will take place at 930, 10:30, 1 ~ 3 01:30,2:30,330 , and 7:30 all this week.
There will be a SciSoc officere-opening from 10to 2. Free drinks and doughnuts will be available. Later on, SciSoc hosts a wne and cheese on the 5th floor Math Lounge. The fee for the 8 pm event will be nominal. At 8 pm in the Waterloo Motor Inn there will be an Engineering Pub. MathSoc sponsors a "Clone Nightoin the Mathand Computer building startingat
R nm -....
The Legal Resource Offiie wll be open from 11 am to 1 pm and 7 to 9 pm. The K-W Community Orchestra tnvlres un. abashed amateur rnuaclans to heb launch the 1980. 81 season every Thursday from 7 30 to 10 pm The regstratton deadhne IS September 11 For more mformatlon, call 886-1550, ext 247 or 886 4251
-Friday, September 5For information on Frisbee golf see Wednesday's entry. St. Paul's holds Intercollege Games as part of Intercollege day beginning at 1. On the Village Green, V1 hold Village 1Challenge Day from 2 pm on. At 8 there will be a square dance in the red and green dining hall of V1. V2 is holding a pub featuring Glider in the cafetelia starting at 8. There will be an EngineeringSociety bus Push and pub craw4 at 2 pm. 9
MathSoc holds a movie night featuring the Rocky Horror Picture Show in ALll6 from 8 pm. The Legal Resource Office wll be open from 10 am hll noon.
'Saturday, September 6An EngSoc Bike Race will take place on the Ring Road in the morning and an EngSoc baseball tournament will go on Columbia Lld in the pm. The Ravens from Carleton wll be playing Waterloo's Warriors in a football game at Seagram Stadium. Game time is 2 pm. V1 will parade to the game at 1. It will also host an orientation pub in the red andgreendining halls from 8 pm. Featured is Glider.
There ~ will be a Men's k Intramural ~ Athletic~&ouncil (MIAC) meeting in the Grad Club at 6 pm.
The Legal Resource Office will be open from 230 to 4:30 pm.
-Tuesday, September 9The Doug Wicken J a z z Quintet performs live in the Great Hall of the Campus Centre from noon to 1:30. Sponsored by the Federation of Students.
lay, September
Stuoenr maners for men and women will be assigned for the fall term in the main gym of the PAC at 8:30. Willie P. Bennett performs live In the Campus Centre at noon. Presented by the Federation of Students. There will be a treasure hunt sponsored by Environmental Studies Society starting in the ES building at 4 pm. At 5:30 in CC113. the Eouestrian Club holds an organizational meeting. There will be a Skating Cluborgan~zationalmeeting in CC113 at 7 pm. The UW Alumni play the Soccer Warriors at. Seagram Stadium at 8 pm. (Note: the game may be switched to Columbia Field.) At 8 pm there will be a MatbSoc "Liquor Giveaway" in the MC Lounge. V1 holds a Welcome back pub featuring Crawford at 8 pm in the red and green dining hall. Cinema Gratis: Little BigManwith DustinHoffman and Chief Dan G e v w dl be screened at 930 in the CC Great Halt.
Lepternber 11-
Registration for Athletic Instructional Program takes place in the blue activity area of the PAC from 10 am till 330 pm.
The Dixie Flyors perform in the Hagey Hall quadrangle at noon. Sponsored by the Arts Student V2 is holding a bike rallyat 10,a scavenger hunt at 1 Union. and a Casino night at 8 pm (in cafeteria). The Outer's Club holds an organizational meeting The Federation of Students presents 3 free flics in QC113 at 5 pm. (The Last Waltz, Woodstock and The Phantom of In the blue activity area of the PAC there will be a the Paradise) in AL116 at 7 pm sharp. Table Tennis Club organizational meeting at 7 pm. ere will be an orientation tour of the Arts and
MS libraries at 230.
The Women's Intramural Athletic Council (WIAC) meets in the PAC faculty lounge at 7 pm.
9’ f _ /
, ,
L (
The spart’ section^ looks at autumn varsity sports, exposes the 1980 intramural, schedule and features a special report On s.ports i injuries.
Upcoming ; events - frdm the Arts Centre, to BE&IT--. plus review of the current Stratford season and even a page or two of scielice. The Arts section.
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5 1980.lmprint2
launch” l$ingeman -
\ ’
“Up in’ the ‘air, junior birdman . . ” You may have heard the song, but did you know that there was a balloon race sponsored by Labatt’s and Air Canada in K-W?
- 7 s .
The race was run from the 15th of August to the 17th. Balloons started from Bingeman Park, August 15, at .6:36 pm, and from Victoria Park, at ~30.
building of the university (opposite St. Michael’s Church on University Ave., Waterloo), room 238.~ Prof. Koenig said the programs will feature films on a variety of astronomical and scientific subjects. He will introduce most of them and then lead discussions. Many of the films were produced by NASA. and the National GeographicAssociation.
. Curious . uw. group abut the studies ~ universe7 e I. processing 0
funded by a $175,000 twoyear grant from the federal government under the strategic grants program of the National Science and Engineering Research Council.
- Work term prizes awdrded
If you’re curious about The Centre for the the universe in which you Evaluation. of Communicalive, Wilfred Laurier Unition-Information TechnoSeventeen applied sciversity’s physics departlogies (CECIT) is a new ment wants to share that ence and engineering organization on the Uniinterest with you. students at the University versity (-of Waterloo camof Waterloo won $100 Beginning in September pus. CECIT seeks to assess prizes for work term and continuing throughout the ,processing needs of the academic year, ‘the reports based on their office workers and inform experience in industry last department . will stage manufacturers in the winter. eleven special public film computer industry. nights. The films are the CECIT is building ‘a ones shown to Nine of these awards same pemanent staff from UW in i.two WLU were sponsored by compastudents faculty members, expected nies, including Xerox of astronomy and science to number between four Canada, INClG and Allandegree courses. and six persons, most’of “This night of free films Bradley Canada. The ,whom will have their is specifically for those winners were W.’ Dale, K. PhD’s. Leading the CECIT Fox, A. Littek, D. Sanderwho would like‘ to learn project is Dr, David son, R. Luckasavitch, P. more about the universe,” Conrath, a management said Prof. Raymond Koesciences professor. Other Marini, R. Meyers, J. nig, assistant professor of Marini, R. Meyers, J. Smith CECIT principles include physics;*wha will host the and C. Wushcke. : Dr. Herb Ratz, from the programs. department of ’ electrical ’ The winners of the Prof Koenig is president - engineering and Dr. Barry accounting, of the Grand Valley Wills, from the systems ’ management and the chartered accounting and Astronomers design department. ’ computer s’@ence awards Kitchener-Waterloo, centre CECIT’ should be selfwere, respectively, D. of the Royal Astronomical supporting as a universitySociety of Canada, Watson, D. - Burt and D. based consulting service Dransch. These awards The first showing will be by’zbik end of its third year Iwere given by the Society of existence. It is initially Sept. 18 at 7pm in the’arts
of Management Account“The service will only be ants ofOntario, the available - to students,” Waterloo-Wellington chasays Isobel Mackay, assof the Chartered istant dean of women and PM Accountants Association the person who initiated and the Grand Valley the new centre. “Shopping chapter of the Canadian attendance at Information Proce,ssing ikwnt own movie will no: Society. normally be considered a As well, over ninety valid reason for using this -students beginning proservice.” grams in math at UW this The centre will be September are recieving located on the ground floor awards from the Rene of the psychology building Descartes Foundation. The where UW’s Early Childawards range. in value hood Education Centre (for from $200 to $6000 over a children who attend three four. year period. Top prize ‘hours a day, five days a winners are W. J. Andrew week) already exists. from Fyfe from St. Marie Goulet of the Early Catherines and Kevin Childhood Education CenLam’b from Sudbury. tre will run the Drop-in Child Care Centre alongside it. Charge for the service is one dollar per child per hour, which Ms. Mackay. feels is quite a bargain when compared with the The University of Wacost of providing for a terloo will offer a new baby sitter at home. service to student parents this fall: short-term care for their children. The main beneficiaries are expected to be~mothers interested in taking courl ses at the university but As of July 18, 1980 the who are otherwise unable Federation of Students to do so because they can’t was no longer the reprefind anyone to look after sentative of both graduate their children during ‘the and undergraduate studaytime. dents at the University of ,
UW to offer day care service
Grads split withFeds
Waterloo but only the undergraduates.The deletion of the graduate students reflects an application made by the 198O-t81 Federation Council to amend its charter of incorporation. The change ends many years of discussion between grads and undergrads and allows the Federation to officially recognize the separately incorporated Graduate Club as the sole representative of the graduate students. However, grad students will still be able to, buy social memberships in the Federation to- enable them to use Federation services and attend Federation pubs and concerts. Liaison will also be, established between the Federation’s Board of External Relations and the Graduate Club Board of Directors. With the charter amendment completed the Federation will take steps this fall to correct any further inconsistencies and ambiguities inits bylaws. OUR MISTAKE The new Sci-sot office did not cost $12500 as previously mentioned, but $2500. We apologize for inconvenience our . any .error may have caused. ,
What happeried to the fee hike strike? Those of you who left us last spring probably remember that the. Federation of Stud’ents was supposed 1to have been making p,lafis this summer for a September fee hike strike. But that is all over now. ‘How did it happen? Perhaps a- little background first would help clarify the iss-ues. , On December 31, 1979, the Minister of Education, Colleges and Universities, Bette Stephenson,announted that university tuition would rise 7.5% the fol!owing year (this September) and that universities <could raise their fees an additional 10% if they wished. The, UW Board of Governors approved raising UW’s fees by 7.5%, but no further, on February 5. In response to this increase, the Federation of circulated a Students petition and collected 4,oo"o signatures from studebts opposed to the fee increase. When Dr. - Stephenson rejected the petition, the Federation passed a iesolution, in the Federation Council meeting of March 17, calling for a fee hike strike. A Federation I Council
meeting was scheduled for June 22’ to discuss .preparations for the fee hike strike. But, rather than discussing preparations, the Council re-, ceived a sur@!ise. Peter-Hoy, Co-chairperson of the -Board of Education and External R.elatipns, introduced a resolution calling f8r the cancellation of the fee hike strike. Since Council had not reached quorum forty-five minutes after the meeting had started, ‘the meeting was cancelled and the Federation Board pf Directors met and passed the resolution by a 3 to 1 vote. The Federation ‘stated that the fee hike strike was distorting their anti-cutbacks campaign (giving it a negative orientation). UW was the only member of OFS intending to hold a fee hike strike. (Ottawa, a non-OFS affiliated university still has plans for suc’h a strike.) The Federation claimed that the fee hike strike was turning into a confrontation, which was not the Federation’s intention. \ Yet, the issue didn’t die there. The Committee to Support the Fee Hike Strike, a group formed when the strike was called, criticized the methods by
which the. Federatidn cancelled the fee hike strike. They stated that they felt such an important issue should have been put to a general meeting for all students to decide upon, that the problems facingthe strike were surmountable and that the fee hike _ strike was .a practical action. Freeman disagreed, stating that the decision was a responsible one, and that it had been made in a democratic fashion. He also said that the decision had had to be made quickly and that a general meeting would have been too time consuming. Freeman’s explanation notwithstanding, the ComMembers frp’m t.he Committee mittee organized a petition of Students Offices. under Federation by-law 21 to call a general meeting and began collecting signa,the Federation offices tures. beginning on July 16, There was immediate demanding that Freeman controversy over how call a general meeting on many signatures were the subject of the fee hike. needed. The group had strike. Freepan himself presented their petition to was not on campus during Freeman for the third time the occupa\ion, however, (each tim’e having had to -having had, as he later gather more siwatures) stated; prior commitments when Freeman discovered to finish work from the that by-law 21 was illegal winter term. :under the Corporations response to the \ In Act. (T.he Federation of. occupation, all Federation Students is a corporation.) services were closed. In response to. the When asked about this, rejection of their petition, Freeman said, -“We can’t the Committek occupied operate the way. we’re
to Support
the Fee Hike
supposed to, so we can’t operate at Qll.” Freeman also described the occupiers’ actions’ as “terrorist” in nature and avoided a confrontation. “There was no reasoning with them,” he said in reference to his previous attempts to explain his posit-ion to the Committee. ,Although the occupiers had vowed to stay until Freeman gave in to a general meeting, they left on July 22, claiming a victory anyway. They maintained that the oc-
occupying the Federation - Photo by J6hn W Bast cupation had ena bled them to give the fee hike strike issue wider coverage than it had had before. Freeman, however, was more blunt. “They lost,” he said. Will the ,fee hike strikes now die as an issue? Maybe. The Committee has vowed to return, if they deem it necessary, in September to -continue the occupation and to press the Federation for a general meeting and ultimately, a fee hike strike, Stu Doll&
Housing shortage a&k September may well prove to be a disltressing month for many UW and WLU students left sfranded in the wake of an acute I housing shortage. According to UW’s housing director, Al Woodcock, the summer which began with an increase of over 100 student beds was short ‘by the same amount *at mid season. When asked why the situation is worse this year than in the past, Woodcock -cited what he thinks are three reasons: r 1) A general decline in the building of townhouses and apa’rtments is presently affecting KitchenerL Waterloo. As families gradually populate the traditional student housing areas, the lag is not being picked tip by new devklopments. 2) Approximately 200 students glutted the hous-ing market in mid summer when it was announced by developers that the 68 unit townhouse complex they were to move into on Philrip St. would not -be finished by September. ‘3) Several- hundred more applications for student villagerooms were received this year than in years past. This means that the waiting list has been significantly longer than usual, and frustrated village hopefuls began hbnting for housing alter-
- .
: natives late in the season. Swamped by students -looking for housing at a time of year when the resource& are all but exhausted, the housing office found it necessary to appeal to the public for more student rooms. Radio, televisi.on and news-; paper advertisements carthat ried the message students were in desparate of housing. The need attempt, was a success and . yielded over 200 additional student beds. Nonetheless, Woodcock expects that more than a few students will be looking for housing in Sgtember. In response to the question, “What should students do if they find themselves without housing by the fall?” Woodcock suggests that students will just have to persever! and frequent the housing office for new vacancies. (The office is now located in Village 1 next to the base of the large white village smoke stack.) Woodcock also suggests that those in need of housing should come to the Housing Office at 1:30 pm on September 9. At thi$ time a n’ew lottery will bb held for any available village rooms. September vacancies in this residence usually range from 25 to 65 beds, but students are only eligib_le ‘for the draw ifthey come in person on September 9. In anticipation -of thi!
housing shortage continuing in’to September, some groups on campus have begun to take action. The Federation of Students has recently .made a public appeal for more housing in the K-W Record. Informal discussQns have also been held on the issue by Federation President Freeman and other Federation members. Though a policy had not been formulated by mid summer, dis-m cussions concerning the way in which homeless students will be helped are to resume if housing is still problem by early a September. The International Students Office began in mid August to arrange temporary housing in the event that foreign students should arrive in Canada’ with no prior housing arrangements. Through their office in Needles Hall, foreign students in this situatioii will be temporarily housed by both faculty members and students who have volunteered an extra bed or couch until more suitable. lodgings can be found.. Other groups qn campus are aware of the situation but feel that measures such as those taken by ‘the International Students Office could only be followed if the problem has sh&n. by September to be a major oile. Laurie Duquet t& . .
I Bombshelter
gets facelift
Federation President Neil Freeman began lqqking into renovating the pub early last term. He.wanted to utilize the pub’s space more efficiently and create a new and better image for it, he said. At the June 1 Federation Council meeting [held, appropriately enough, in the ‘Bombshelter’) Co‘uncil 1 .1 1 . . A.-- ^^- . decided to put in ~5U,UUU
unspent revenue. towards the renovhtions, which involved, for- the - most part, the removal of unnecessary walls at the entrance of Freeman also felt the -I the pub. new p.ub would be able to. hold from 300 to 350 In addition, Freeman People0\ stated that the bar would be enlarged, and would be However, Freeman able to provide a better pointed out that the @rub selection of beverages. The would still not be large, changes would also result enough to handle pubs like in shorter, more problemthose which the Federation free draught. lines to the usually has at the Waterloo kegs which are presently Motor-Inn.’ being stored -in the basement. Effects of the renova-. This, he claimed, would/ tions: wasbooms the result in a better quality of would be more convenientbeer. ly located and closer to the
bar: the seating capacity would be increased; there was the possibility of serving buffet-style food. It was noted at the time that there would definitely be changes in the decor, including, possibly, new murals and signs. The cost estimate of the renovations, which Freeman ,has stated was a “high, ball-park figure” was later revised to $28,75(X,
\ . .a . -.
Imprint is th& student newspaper at the Universi~ of Waterlotj. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications Waterloo, a corporation without share capital, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. phone 8851660 or extension 2331 or 2332. Iniprint is a member of the _ Canadian &.iversity Press (CUP), a student press organization of 63 papers across Canada. Imprint is also a member of the Ontario Weekly Netispaper Association (OWNA). Imprint publishes every Friday $x?@g the term. Mailshouldbe addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140.” We are typeset on campus with a Camp/Set 510, paste-up is likewise done on campus. Imprint: 1SQ.J 0706-7380. I
Marg Sanderson John W. Bast SylviaHannigan Jacob APseneault
Advertising Mwger Business Manager ProductiotiManager NewsEditor ArtsEditors 1 4
Celia Geiger, M. Drew Cook
Imprint reserves the right ti screen, edit, and refuse advertising. _
M.ost campus newspapers have a history that s.tretches back a number of decades, as well as a collection of stories and myths, and behaviours (some, embroidered, some factual) that add up to sorriething we ,usually label as tradition. If the past editors of the U. of Guelph Ontarion, for example, were to meet together they would fill a good-, sized room, and to have such a gathering of Queen’s Journal editors, a number of bodies would have t6 be exhumed. The editors of -this papershould get together ‘for a rubber of bridge between them. Imprint was born less than three years ago out of mass discontent and frustration with the then-official student newspapkr, the Chevron. On November 30, a dW student referendum drew the largest voter turn-out in Canada in ten year&. These students voted nearly 5-1 to disenfranchise the paper.The following March, an overwhelming 77 per cent of those votirig in a second student referendum endorsed Imprint as their
newspaper. Imprint’s first editor, Nick Redding, writing at the time of these events, maintained that “UW students need and deserve a g’ood student newspaper which is open to all-views, which reflects student life and which deals seriously and objectively with major issues facing students. They need a paper which welcomes humour in and provides an enjoyable learning its content: experience for those who wish to contribute.” This is in all likelihood the closest thing we have to a tradition at this paper, and ohe which we are doing everything within. our power to preserve. While no paper can claim to be perfectly objective, the unbiased reporting of t’he facts will continue ‘to be Imprint’s’ first priority. While this may limit sensational or col.ourful ‘reporting’, we feel that deliberate bias should be reserved for comment, editorials, letters, reviews, and the solicited replies to our campus question. In fact, we welcome opinions: our second function on this’campus is to provide UW students with a forum.,
“Are we almost there?” gasbed Alice, “We’ve been running for days.” “Almost there,‘, repeated the Queen, “Why, we passed it ten ‘minutes ago...Catching acollectivebreat~afterthisorientationissueare assortedwhite knights, snapdragon&walruses,-andcarpenters: MDrew Cook, Joe (he rnw alreadybe a...)Wenqr, DavidTrahair,Laurie Cole (who made the” trek), Alan Adamson, Ed Zuroski, Derek Humphries, Graphidist4xtraordinaire Julie DeVos, and Celia Geiger whb maybe an hoqouraq Stratfordite by now. “Andwhattypeofinsectdoyourejoice iri?“askedSe~Sloan(HistimewithuswasmorethsnaBRIEF m)>f Ira Neyman (Copyus Slasherurn Somnabulus). But it was too late. Feetishist John McMullen, Tom McNally (who’ll have his 15 minutes sonie day), Rut& Falding, WPIRG’s LindaNagel, peter Muirhead, Tammy Horne(whose enthusiasm is infectious, I hope), and Laurie Duquette (who had her copy in early. kiss. kiss.),were too busy running onto the next square. And Stu,Dollar, tho’ wounded, was so indefatigu&ble that we let him be Tweedledee AND Tweedledum (the one with&t the beard) To Carl Friesen, who elp’dus all sq.mmer &stalkedthat elusive looking-glass be&t the K-W neon, THANK YOU. White Queen Sylvia, knows howtospelleverything(oratleastindefatigueable),andmaddoodahJWBast(...grinninglikeacheshirecatallthewaytothe...)msyeven~ get to spend some time in the real world next week Jacob&f-withtheir-heds-Arseneault got to stay up late with us big kids and the Bed Queen, who’d been eating roast taciturn with truculent sauce pulled her usualwhiterabbitoutoftheWednesdaynighthat..justlikeyanewrleft, eh? photocover by Barry Tripp...M S
i While students‘in the past have supported us through their and continue this support at referendum,, present with their fees, the most gratifying form of. support is participation. The more students contribute to the paper the more representative it becomes: indeed, the more it becomes a student newspaper in the truest sense of the word. Over the last years, Imprint has been steadily growing. We’ve gained staff, community acceptance, experience, and momentum. Much of our success has been due to our willingness to improve and expand. There’s lots of room, however, for students who want to help us accomplish these goals. We need people who are willing to learn, to share their skills, to have fun. We need people who can report events;take photos, review pubs, research feature’s, do production, and contribute to debate. We need people who can contribute opinions and ideas. We need people in Campus Centre Room 140, September 4 at 2 o’clock. See you there. Marg Sanderson
Says Eric Von Oziine of Waterloo
Then 1 Iound Imprint!-j Mr. V O’s success story could be yours! Come to the following * organizational meetings: Returning Staff Thursday,
Sept 4, ZOO J$II 2
We’re glad to see you back! It’s been a busy summer-and it’s going to be a busier fall. We need YOUR input ahd help. See you soon. ’
New Staff This Thursday,
Sept 4 ZOO pm
We’ve been around. We’ve done some really good work-newswriting, photography,layout, entertainment, graphics,. sports-and we aim to keep it up. That’s were you come in. We don’t know you-yet--but if you’re good at ’ some of the things we do, or if you want to Iearn about newspapering, Imprint is the place to be.\We’re your student newspaper and we warit to. get to know you. See you Thursday.
Elp! Elp!
& 1980. Imprint
5 -
’ -
Exam still. mandatory
The traditional forms of initiation, in which frosh were sometimes forced to participate in years gone by, is almost dead at UW. However, there are still some rites of passage required of first year students. One is provided by the university itself and is called the English LanProficiency Prowage gramme (ELP), and is required ‘of students in Arts, HKLS, Mathematics, and Environmental Studies. ’ The ELP, established. at UW in 1976, is designed to remedy a depressing tendency in high school graduates to have serious difficulties when communicatingin written English. It consists of a two-part examination designed to indicate the. student’s competence in reading and writing, followed by an intensive, individually tutored remedial programme for students who do not pass the examination. On September 2, the fall term’s first year students sit for two hours to write the exam. For the first part,, which takes fifty minutes to complete, they will write a 300-500 word expository essay. “We have met the enemy, and he is us,” is one sentence used last year asthe . topic about which students were expected to write.
This part of the exam is evaluated on a five-point
been a tutor since the Programme began “Some are really enthusiastic, and scale by at least three markers; the remainder is a most agree it’s useful.” Dr. Ken Ledbetter, director multiple choice test which provides a check on the of the Programme, says that close to a third of the students students’ essay writing. who write the ELP exam For those who score less score less than fifty per cent than fifty Per cent on the and must take the clinic . examination, remedial help , Many others, however, take is provided by the writing the clinic voluntarily to clinic, where individual improve their writing. attention is the keyword. Ledbetter says that this These students are expected fall he will be closing the to continue at the clinic until doors tothe better writers they can demonstrate sufsomewhat. He will encourficient competence in age those who pass the written English, but they exam, but wish to improve do not have to repeat the their writing, to attend exam. writing Lola Russworm, one of ~,“,‘,“,,, advanced offered by the the twenty-five tutors in English department. This the clinic, says that this will leave room for those individual attention is who really need the kind of especially important in help the clinic gives. -helping students who are The ELP programme, at university for the first which started in the Arts time and may feel rather faculty, has grown since then lost. as more faculties require their “They’re glad to find first year students to meet its somebody who cares-and the better you feel, the standards. Presently all but the faculties of Engineering, better you do,” she said. and Integrated She added that most Sciencet Studies require their students students in the clinic- find that their problems with to Pass the examination writing are not nearly as before graduating. George Soulis, until recentdismal as they may have dean of thought at first. The idea is ly the associate affairs in just to take one problem at undergraduate Engineering, says that grading a time. co-op work term reports takes Does the clinic actually the place of the ELPs he1p students to become assessment of the students’ better writers? “A]] of them say that writing capabilities. Since all Engineering their writing has improved,” students are in the co-op says John Vardin, who has
‘programme, and because they will have to submit a total of 450 pages of reports by the time they graduate, Soulis feels that these reports will point out any students with writing problems. Those with difficulties take an English department course specializing in writing. Dr Robert Volden, Dean of Science, also believes that the ELP is not the best solution of assessing the abilities of students not in the co-op programme. He would like to see the improvement of writing skills remain a departmental matter, he stated. “I want the Chairman (of each individual departto be able to ment) demonstrate that the programme requirements mean that students won’t pass unless they can read and write and communicate effectivelv.”
-Integrated Studies. COordinator Bill Smyth says that students in his since department are allowed to tihoose their own programme of study as they see fit, the ELP is not a requirement. Some take the clinic voluntarily. He adds that most students seem happy with things the way they are. For the first time this fall, the Mathematics faculty is requiring its students to .pass the ELP exam. “There’s a need for communication skills in all areas regardless of faculty,” says Mathematics Dean’ Alan George. He adds that the faculty will also continue to give awards for good co-op work reports as. a means of encouraging students to improve their writing abilities. Among the faculties which have been involved in the programme for a longer timeArts, HKLS, ES-there is general agreement that the
students find the programme useful. Some say it will take time’ to see concrete results though. “We’ll know only three or four years down the ~road,” says Steven McCall of Kinesiology, “But I’m sure it will show benefits.” McCall hopes, as do other faculty heads, that the programme will become obsolete as high schools produce graduates with better c’ommunication skills. Director Ledbetter says that the programme for students having difficulty in writing at UW ‘is almost unique in Canada. Says Ledbetter, “Its the result of seriously confronting the problem six or so years ago. The university made a rather crucial decision that, if these people(who have writing a problems) are admitted, you have an obligation to see that they are educated.”
CCB denies room to group On Friday, July 25, the Campus Centre Board met to hear from Maggie Thompson, Brigid Rowe, and Jules Grajower, representatives from the Committee‘ to Support the Fee Hike Strike. Their complaint stemmed from a Campus Centre Board decision to ban Mary Gillis, Johnson Cheung, and the Committee from booking rooms in the CC for a period of six months. Gillis and Cheung, according to the CCB had been soliciting on Wednesday, July 15 in the CC despite repeated verbal warnings and a written warning sent on the previous Tuesday to stop doing so. According to Joyce Pickard, Vice Chairperson of the Board, those soliciting, and the organization for which they were carrying out this activity, cannot book rooms. Rowe stated that Committee members were distributing information, not soliciting. She said that they were told that they could not distribute leaflets by hand, or leave them on tables. Rowe stated that students who want to “stir things up” are being prevented from doing so, and that, since the CC is a student place, students should have the right to use it. She called the ban on bookings “undemocratic”. Thompson said that “students are concerned about the things that go on” and that if they were approached by
somebody that they do not wish to -talk to they could always. “Pm not say interested”. All three insisted that other means of distributing were information which more acceptable to the CCB, such as information tables or forums, were ineffectual. Carol Hincks, Operations Coordinator for the ‘CC, pointed out that if students were allowed to distribute leaflets, there would have to be some way. of seeing that they conformed to CCB standards. Thompson said she thought an approval system was a possible alternative. Pickard, how-’ ever, maintained that such a thing wouldinvolve the Board in making value judgement s, something it does not want. Pickard -went on to say that, despite the fact that students are its major users, the CC is a building for students, staff, and faculty, and that all must be considered when decisions are made. She claimed to have spoken to many of the Committee members on the alternatives available to them. Jim Frost, ,a member of the CCB and a turnkey, -felt that. the individual has a choice whether or not to obtain material from an information table-a choice which is not present if a person is solicited. Referring specifically to the information table which the Committee operated at the
beginning of the summer, he said that if people did not show interest in it, it perhaps was not the fault of the system of distribution, but the material itself. Frost disagreed with the contention that, since harassment was a par! of the world “out side”, it should be allowed in the CC. He pointed out that the CC was the only place on campus where such treatment did not exist, an important quality which he felt was worth preserving, Rowe claimed that the policy affected the people on campus who wanted to do things, particularly the Committee to Support the Fee Hike Strike. ‘She called the rule an attack on students at the university. Frost said that there was an implication made that the policy was set up to block the Committee even though the rules on soliciting had been in existance since 1975. He insisted that the rules were not intended to block the Committee. He maintained that “whereever on campus they (students) may be approached there is nothing we (the Board) can do,” but that the Board does have jurisdiction over the cc. Hincks stated that the “intent of the policy is more important than one specific group’s specific aims.“‘ The meeting adjourned with no decision from the Board.
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Underfunding critisized Because the >fees of UW students helped fund the publication of this book WPIRG offers this .book to students at the cost price of $2.50 per copy.1 Non-WPIRG. members $4.75 This timely book details the terrible e’nvironmental caused by acid rain and examines’the causes and various solutions to what has been called the Enviionmental Crisis of the Eighties. / @ailable University
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Apply in writing to Sylvia Hannigan, Imprint office, Campus Centre room 140, UW, before September 5th: Sales, and composition transportation are assets.
personal I
At the beginning of the summer, the Grit ario, Federation of Studentswas still complaining about the Ontario government’s .decision to allow universities to raise their fees 10% above the existing increase and the 7.5% inadequacy of student aid in this province. At the National Union of Students Conferenceheld in Halifax from May 21 to 25, a new subject was added to the OFS debating list: NUS/OFS restructuring. In the words of UW Federation of Students President Neil Freeman, the restructuring is meant to create a “centralized student movement with and strong provincial national components”. Among the changes made would be the* establishment of one fee for the national organization (which would then distrithe money to bute provincial bodies) and an enlargement of the NUS Central Committee. ’ Although OFS had some concerns with the proposal, its reaction was generally favourable. With the release of “Is the Die Cast? - Educational and Work Destinations of Ontario’s Youth” *in May, OFS had fuel for its argument, that student assistance in Ontario was inadequate. Althoughnot a complete access study, it indicated that students from lower income families had more difficulty in obtaining a post-secondary education than those from higher income families. . This study, completed by professors at York University and funded by. the Ontario government, called for a complete access study. The OFS Executive was elected at their summer conference ih SudburY from June 11 to 15. Planning for the UPcoming year took place, and included such ite-ms as*: .. e .i action ror the next provincial election, the undertaking Of Cutbacks surveys, the establishment of strong orientation and the building of alliances with other groups concern-
* post-secondary
On-July 16, OFS and NUS released their briefs to the Federal/Provincial Task Force on Student Assistance in a joint conference in Toronto. . Both . briefs claimed that theCanadian Student Loan Plan and the Ontario Student Assistance Programme did not give proper aid to students and that both needed major changes before they could. The Task Force decided only to hear representatives from NUS, but has , declined to meet with OFS.
OCUA lrieets _: atThe UW Ontario Council on
Affairs, a University fifteen person commission of the Ontario Government met with delegations from area universities, five including the University of Waterloo. AS well as UW, the of Guelph, universities Western and Windsor, Laurier presented briefs to the government’s advisory body and answered their questions. Dr Burt Matthews, President and Vice-Chancellor of UW and members the senate Board of answered inquiries and exaspects of the plained On July 14, the Waterloo university’s policies. Public Interest Research When questioned about UW’s attitude to universi_ Group released Acid Rain, ties which might-copy the The Silent Crisis. The book Matprogramme, outlines the problem of co-op acid rain, putting the thews said “We don’t have blame squarely on the a patent on co-op. Others should develop it national and multinational in programmes and the especially corPorations we don’t have.” He said governments (Canada’s ineluded) which refuse to that he did not want to which take positive action a- pass any legislation would stop emulation. gainst it. Stressed throughout the entire meeting were the unique features which UW offers. In particular, the . of the coadvantages operative education programme were repeatedly emp hasized. Most of the inquiry was directed along the issues of Matresearch resources. , made a strong thews request for more government funding for research and innovation apart from WPIRG, at this time, was the present system of having trouble with inadeallocating monies. quate office space, having been forced earlier in the year to move to its present location in room 233 of South Campus< Hall. The one hundred square foot A draft proposal for a room, which previously national survey on sexual ’ held the calculator for the harassment -has been UW Staff Credit Union, completed for the National will be shared by WPIRG’s Union of Students’ Woth ree staff members, six men’s Steering Committee. filing cabinets and resource library. According to women’s caucus delegate Debi _ To close out the’ term, Brock, the draft was WPIRG held a forum on the submitted as part of a subject of acid rain. The presentation made to the forum began with a slide group at the eighth annual presentation assembled by meeting of NUS in Halifax WPIRG’s Phil Weller and at the end of May. . discussion, followed by Included in the survey speakers Ron Ober and are questions relating to professor Arthur Harrisdifferent degrees of inap-’ on who reviewed the propriate behaviour ranresults of their recently ging from comments incompleted study on acid tended to embarrass ‘and rain
WPIRG releases book
Harassment surveyed
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*. humiliate, to physical advances, to rape. It also asks questions dealing with the sources of action harassment, the taken to deal. with the situation while it was happening and the feelings arising from the incident. Brock noted that the caucus planned to encourage the government to keep records by sex on employment and placement. “In this way,“, said Brock, “We’ll have ‘more concise facts on which to base. our case if discrimination is taking place in the employment field.”
CCB \busy this summer At the beginning of the summer, the Campus Centre Board. was still awaiting word concerning how much money would have ’ to be cut from turnkey salaries. Adcording to University President, Dr. Matthews, a substantial portion of the $5,000 which the CCB had to trim from its budget ,would have to come out of even turnkey salaries, though money was available to subsidize them. It was later revealed that about $1,500 would have to be so cut. Although this meant reducing shifts on the turnkey desk, Joyce Pickard, a’ CCB member, stated that the Campus Centre would not close as long as alternatives could be found. At the, CCB meeting of July 4, local landlord Terry Good complained that his rental units were not being advertised on the bulletin boards in the CC. He stated that he was “an individual with houses to rent to students”.
its premises would put an end to the dispute since it applied to this situation. Students Mary Gillis and Johnson Cheung had their booking priviledges suspended for six months for. soliciting in the CC. This decision ,was upheld at a subsequent CCB meeting (see story on page 5).
Survey results ready soon One in five University of Waterloo students received a questionaire in the mail which asked questions about their socioeconomic background and their present financial situation. Debi Brock, researcher for the Federation of Students’ Board of External Relations, formulated the questionaire after consultation with statisticians and a UW sociology professor experienced in public samplings. Brock mailed the survey to 20% of UW students using the criteria of year, faculty and sex. Brock hopes that the tabulated results will give an indication of whether student summer or work term income is adequate for students’ financial needs and whether OSAP funding is adequate. She will also be able to compare the summer or work term incomes of male and female students. Brock points out that a similar poll taken at the University of Western Ontario disclosed that the annual parental incomes‘of 49.3% of students exceeded $30,000. Results of UW’s poll, which should be tabulated by the end of September, will join Western’s in a nation-wide data base to be used in support of NUS, OFS and various student union statements.
Entertainment workshop held
Althoughvarious ,members of the CCB said that they questioned his statements, they did not engage in debate of the matter at this meeting. It was felt that the CCB rule against commercial advertising on 6
The first Canadian Entertainment Conference to be held in severalyears (CEC ‘80), took place at the Waterloo Motor Inn on June 13, 14 and 15. The Conference was ‘a three session of musical workshops, seminars and live entertainment showcases designed to “educate all college and universitv I
programmers from across the country in the ways of the music industry”. Workshops were held at various times throughout the session on such topics as: promotion and advert ising, innovative programming ideas, speakers on campus, stage management, budgeting, music law, orientation, using the community, the professional promoter on cam-, pus, record companies and booking agents . CEC ‘80 included presentations by 18 bands and acts over the three weekend evenings. “The college and university market is a large and valuable part of the’music industry, mainly because (students) spend millions of dollars in entertainment a year, and supply ideal venues- in which to break new talent,” stated the Conference Organizer, Denise Donlon.
WCRI solve!i Mike McErlean, President of the Waterloo Cooperative I Residence Inc., disclosed that the last time the Co-op’s Board of Directors ratified its membership was on January 18, 1978, and that, according to the Co-operative Corporations Act, those who believed t hemselves to be after this date members were not.
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Fall 1980 I ?,. “\ Counselling .I Services Groups - ’ Information, and sign-up sheets are available in Counselling Services, Secqnd Floor, Room 2080 (Directly opposite the Registrar’s office). Please signup for you are ( interested in prior to the starting date as the groups sometimes fill up quickly. To rectify this situation,a meeting of those who had been. members before January. 1970 was called for June 14. These people elected a Board of Directors who then approved the memberships of those who arrived after 1978, approved the revised by-laws and ratified all acts taken by previous, less legitimate Boards. Fourteen pre-1970 members and over 100 “interested members of the public” attended the meetwas ing, and the matter quickly cleared up.
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and Seminar
- .
For those who feel they don’t live up to their potential in examinations, presentations because of anxiety. Begins: Monday, September 22
seminars, or classroom \ -.
Time: 3:30-4:30 Group Leader: Linda Kellar Relaxation Training
Instruction and practice in progressive muscle relaxation; deep breathing; and concentration/ meditation methods. For those who are tense, worried, or just curious. Begins: Tuesday, September 23 \
Time: 3:00 - 4:30 Group Leader: Ron Walsh Assertion Training \
A skills training workshop for people wishing to develop more expressiveness others. Begins: Tuesday, September 23 Time: 3:30,- 5:30 Group Leader: Sue Minas and Jack Williams Career ,Planning
in their dealings with
This workshop is for people who want to answer questions about work and interests, and to prepare themselves for future careers. Begins: Wednesday, September 24 Time: 3:00 - 4:30 Group Leader: Ron Waish Reading and Study Skills
If you want to learn effective study techniques, take advantage of our programme of workshops and individual counselling. Workshops will include: a) Study Skills in the classroom such as notetaking, effective listening; b) Effective study techniques including time management, text book reading and concentration; c) Effective exam writing skills. . All workshops
begin the week of September
4 Monday, September 22 - 1:30 - 2:30/2:30 - 4:30/5:00 - 6:00/6:00 - 7:00 Tuesday, September 23 - .10:30 - 11:30/11:30 - 12:30/1:30 - 2:30/2:30 - 3:30 Study Skills for Foreign Students Begins: Wednesday, September 24 Time: 1:30 - 2:30 Group Leader: Laurel Thorn Encounter-Sensitivity Group
For students interested in an introduction -and interpersonal skills. An opportunity relationships with others.
to group experience with an emphasis on self-awareness to experience more confidence and self assurance in
Beginning date and times to be announced. GOSH! (Goal-Oriented Self Help)
For students who wish to change their own behaviour. They set their own goals and work towards achieving them with the help of a step-by-step manual. You can begin at any time during the term.
Gestalt Therapy The Gestalt approach is growth orieqteh and emphasizes personal responsibility for that growth.. , Begins: Wednesday, October 1st Time: 290 - 5:00 Group Leader: Nanc y Smale Al1 of the above groups
are conducted
in Co&selling
If you are inter&ted, in a group, but it doesn’t fit into your schedule, please feel free to come and see us about alternative arrangements;.
11TUmmyTeasers _-
CentreComes-iloon r ’: : P :
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Murray McLauchkan.
Thingscan change quickly in the restaurant biz. Last ‘month’s beanery may be this month’s Chez Posh. That memorable waiter who, last week kept you amused with stories of Parisian night-life in thk. fifties may have been replaced this week by one who mumbles and puts his thumb in your soup. Although we have tried to be as up-todate as possible, you should keep this in . mind. - We don’t intend these entries to be reviews. we do hope that we have given you an accuratae impression in the interest of keeping our readers from subsisting on a diet of shredded Imprints laced with mustard ripped off from the university food outlets. -ALMOST BROKE? Cash in those empties and,head off to the Gypsy Cafe (see Cafes) for a \bowl of hearty goulash for around a dollar, or buy almost anything for very little money at the Harmony Lunch (their burgers have just.gone up to 60C we hear). Turnkeys will give you a wonderful cup of coffee with real milk for 1% as long as the cafeteria isn’t open, and the’Grad Club beer, (if you can find a friendly Grad to take,you in) is still 6OC for draught and $2.75 -will get you a whole pitcher. Kitchener Market around noon (on Saturdays and Wednesdays) will often sell its baked goods at a discount rather than transport them back to their points of origin; many cheese shops .will give out a sample or two. Area donut shops discount their day-old products, as does the bakery outlet on Weber St. between Columbia and Hickorv, If you’re down to the last few pesos after a night of elbow bending in Bridgeport, Taco Towne between the Grand and the Lancaster, can suply decent tacos for a reasonably small outlay of cash. Finally, there are those wonderful C&D.stands (may sound a bit kinky, but stands for “coffee & donut”) in the Math, Humanities, and Engineering lounges. These are operated by the various student societies, and prices are extremely reasonable. There may be other such outlets lurking on campus as well. Explore. BREAD, ~AcimS, AND BAKERIES The Bredd Oven, at 1144 Courtland in Kitchener smells WONDERFUL and the rather high prices are almost worth iteverything is inoredibly fresh, and the coffee cake, (990: last time we looked) is still a good buy. The Bunsmaster at 420 Weber N is good for inexpensive rolls and bread, while the Bagel Binn (55 Erb E in Waterloo) has superior bagels. At the other end of the freshness scale, the Toastmaster Bread outlet discounts its bread and cakes at 285 Weber N Waterloo. CAFES Most of the establishments on this list also sell food as well and
manitjes Theatre ~, Two shows lo:oo $ff .1’ ‘/ I! $6.50 ’ Ntix~ Students*\ $730 ( I Tkk~ts (oti sale. iFri.. Sept. 5 L’ C@fitf&*~&jyg Office in _ Modern Languages, Bldg; and . Federation of Students -office, Ctimpu,s Centre /
could have been placed in the restaurant . category. These particular spots however, are especially condusive to ’ sitting and relaxing over a second or even a third cup of coffee (or wine, since some are licensed). There’s a Cafe ,Mpzart in Waterloo, (zero data input, as JWB would say) but the parent store seems to be in Kitchener, where, rumor has it, most of the goodies are baked. After fire gutted the original premises last year, the cafe relocated across the street. It’s a bit
brighter than before, but the gener setup is the same: choose your desse (tortes, cheecakes, rumballs, etc. etc from the glass counter on the way in ar .your food and coffee _. --.will be brought your table ‘in the dining room.. Tl atmosphere is calming and comfortabl but suffers somewhat from lack covering -on the arborite tables. Sor main course selections are available lunchtime, but coffee, tea, and pastry the specialty here. Not licensed. Que Street between King and Charles Kitchener. Beautiful long narrow interior wa covered - with old photos al engravings, is what you’ll find at t Gypsy Cafe. The cooking lives up the t mouth-watering descriptions on t menu. Varied entrees: fish, enchilad: goulash, salads, some amazing desser a great shrimp starter, large portio and low prices. It’s always busy so patient. not licensed. 84 King St Waterloo. ‘Chatters: you’ll either love it aor hate it love it, but then I know the intoxicati delights of its cheesecake, and its cc cucumber salad. I hear the quiche is] bad, but avoid the lasagna if you do] like the taste of tomato soup. Be warm however, its a bit pricey, and crowd at‘noon hour. Sunday nights there a jazz bands (at least there were in t summer), and its almost wor dropping in if you’re downtown just people-watch from the second flo windows. F-2.24 King St, Kitchener. It seems to be quite the thing to prai Cafe Flore. Its cafeteria style Frenl country menu and setting (on the Gral River complete with balcony) give it desirable ambience. The food occasio ally suffers, though. This won’t he you to enjoy the atmosphere, but t wine will. When they’re good they’ very good, and when they’re not, they’ not. Great pasteries and a lovely liti bar downstairs. But their motto, ’ you’re in a hurry-forget it!” often appli 26 Mill St W, Elora. DELIS Corned beef and deli dills a to be had at a number of (places in tow but the Three Minute Deli is really deli, (and really serves you in thr minutes): small steaks, great homema hamburgers and fries, and’ the be smoked meat this side of Montre (well, Toronto anyway). 212 King Kitchener.. EXPENSIVE A lovingly decorat room, sparkling crystal, waiters w speak patient, understandable Frenc fine food, well-paced service-its got cost a bundle, right? You betcha. The atmosphere at the Charcoal Ste; House is far too open for my liking, al the prices a bit breath-taking, b there’s no getting away from it, t steak here is GOOD. Although o could certainly wish for a wid selection of vegetables, the ones they 1 have are not overcooked, and t presentation of the food is unobtrusif 2980 King St E, Kitchener. Chances R the high-prices are wor it: Ribs, steaks, a gazebo, a cozy bar front, and, a . good medium-pric luncheon menu are all to be found at tlnearby location: - Flaming coffee( , various types) is impressive. Univf sity at Philip St,,WaterIoo. The Ali Baba has been called pricey-posh type of steakhou: catering mostly to the upwardly mob but unadventurous,” but the foe featuring theregular sort of steak‘men is good- if unspectacular. Nice d: lighting. 130 King S, Waterloo. J Pierres seems to go by the theory overkill-giant martinis, otherwi good Caesar salads killed by too mu bacon (which doesn’t belong the anyway). Lots of good steak and (1 think overcooked) .vegetables wi more-or-less French service. For t price, however, you could do better dining in Toronto. FISH Experience shows the Wh: Restaurant, a great moderately-pric fish joint, may be short on ambien (there’s lots of take-out business) but,
. ~*****+***************************~**~*************~~*******************************~**~***************,. . -
long on helpings. Everything fom halibut to fried clams and several great varieties of chips are cheerfully dished up at this unpretentious little place. 478 Albert St, in the Parkdale Plaza. GROCERY STORES The ones ocated near enough for students to 3urchase their potables in can be divided into _ two groups: Zehrs :Waterloo Square on King St, and ?arkdale Plaza on Albert), and lominion (Westmount Place on the, street of the same name), fall into the arge-chain supermarket j category. ‘laces such as Greenleaf, which sells ;rains, nuts,. fruits, and spices (King St, Waterloo), Ebytown Food Coop, which IOU must join in order to use; (225 Weber W, Kitchener), and Valdi Markets, (University Ave, at Weber), :ake advantage of bulk buying and a imited selection, to offer lower prices. Take. your own shopping bags. HEARTY If you judge food by its nassi rather than its quality, you will lrobably be intersted to know that the Cellars (Petersburg, in the basement of .he Blue Moon Hotel), serves both. jchnitzel, ribs, and other filling %rman fare are presented in a rather lice homey atmosphere, The City Hotel, is also a good place for nexpensive, home-cooked lunches of he pub variety. For years the City has attracted a wide variety of clientele, every bit as interesting as the food. icross from Waterloo Square on King 3. IMPORTED FOODS Ever wonder low to reproduce that great salad Nicoise or Chicken Khorma you dined m last week? The key is in specialized ngredients, many of which you can actually buy right here in K-W. They :an make the difference between a good
ry and dazzling your friends. Hickory arms, in the Waterloo Square Mall in ddition‘ to selling beef jerky, has a ele,ction of interesting imported foods, lesser extent s does’ ~-q a somewhat han in the past, The Wedge, at Market Kitchener. Mario’s, Queen ;quare, letween King and Charles in Kitchener, Jniversity Variety, University and ‘hilip, Waterloo, PintoVariety, King N, Vaterloo, Fiedler’s, across from Market iquare Kitchener, likewise. In the mood for a junket? JAUNTS .‘here are so many little towns and rillages (not to mention hamlets and area that the mind burgs) in this boggles, but we’ve picked some avourites. For starters, the Pot-Pourri Dining’ at 768 York S.t, ,ou-nge”, is located zuelph. East Indian food is the pecialty here: bhajis, many curries, and samosas, all done to bhoonas, berfection and better than most T 0 ndian houses, make this place well vorth the trip. Don’t forget to try the / nango balls. Not very large, the Bredal,bane Inn is ocated in an old and simply restored and offers a small menu rouse, :onsisting mainly of meat and veggies. The steak is positively mouth-watering The steak is positively mouth-watering tnd cooked to perfection, 487 St Andrew Down Mill St from Cafe Flare, the attractive Mill Inn on the river is a jopular weekend retreat for city ilickers. The decor is that of a efurbished mill, the food is .pretty xpensive and the selection is fairly bredictable. 77 Mill St W, Elora. Its almost worth the drive to Cambridge just to see (and smell) the vooden walls, floors, and carved
KINDLY WAIT TO BE SEATED Does the above refer to bourgoise _ eateries for the middle class? Would we do that? You bet. Better service, decor and food than the average quickie restaura,nt, and less expensive than their more pretentions collegues are: ’ Bottles is named after its main decoration, and is located in a converted house in Market Village. The servings are modest and moderately priced; its a pleasure to know you’ll be able -to 8sample the soup and dessert as well as , the entree. 1, Market Village, Kitchener. The lovely plain decor and brick walls more than the’ ’ promise somewhat kitchen delivers, but the food at’ Marbles is still good. Salads, vegetables, dressed-up burgers. 8 William St E, Waterloo. Crepes, fancy sandwiches. ‘At times the service suffers, and the food is inconsistant, but Ivy’s offers a great ’ Reuban Sandwich and salads and desserts are always good. 4 King St N, Waterloo. Cygnus does a lovely job .of fillet of ., sole, a great club sandwich and has of wonderful desserts. The zords atmosphere is subdued, a nice change from big noisy r restaurants. They follow the formula of good food ’ well prepared. 178 West St, Kitchener. ’ LARGE CHAINS The zenith of the large chains: appeal lies in the fact that you always know what to expect. Kentucky Fried Chicken. in Kingston tastes the same as its counterpart in Waterloo. The nadir? You always know what to-expect... Put together a bland but comforably cheery low-maintainence atmosphere, with an ultra-limited menu and you have the Swiss Chalet, where a satisfactory hot chicken dinner starts at ’ $2.96 and includes a non-alcoholic drink. Take-out is popular and even more inexpensive. - i67 Weber N, Waterloo. The Tudor Arms is a nice place’to drop into for a drink if you’re shopping at Fairview Mall. Sheppard’s pie is pretty good here, and service is polite. -And what can -we. tell- you.about the 8 place that has served billions, orthe one with the secret-herbs and spices that you don’t already know? MARKETS The ones inthis area are something of an institution. The Kitchener Farmers’ Market is on so many tourists lists and guide books that you owe yourself at least one trip there to see what all the noise is about. Go early or go late, but, avoid the infamous 10:00 rush. Go armed with your own shopping bag. Recommended: Sausage on a bun and hot apple cider for an eat-asyou-shop breakfast. Saturday *and Wednesday, King St at Fredersick, Kitchener. Waterloo Market is much,,’ less overwhelming, blander, but often less crowded and a bit less expensive. Weber St N, Waterloo. Best ‘advice for either market: shop around, compare prices, and don’t be afraid to make deals with the vendors. NEON STRIP CITY Rev the convertable, wind. up the volume and peel on out to Weber St where you’ll find Harvey’s, Sonny’s, Ponderosa, Dairy Queen, Steak’n’Burger,and more. Frankie and Annette would approve. ORIENTAL Many’ many, Our favourites: The Lantern, for the best egg rolls in town (thats rolled, not folded), a good selection of other popular Chinese dishes, and exception&y cheery service. 10 King St N, Waterloo. ’ The Long Wah is one of the best Chinese -restaurants around, if a bit expensive. All . the usual dish_es done superbly, plus an assortment of the unusual and delectable. Delicious Cantonese chow mein, recommended: beef with tomato sause. 16 Charles St W, Kitchener. If you like the colour red and standard Chinese fare, you may like Tien ,Ho. Its atmosphere is a bit more posh, and its -food a bit more pricey, but’ its still popular. Bridgeport, Waterloo. PIZZA Tony’s is probably the best pizza outlets in K-W, (a quick look at the‘ around. Its non-chain and not licensed,,
and has super homemade lasagna. Take out as well. 103 King N, Waterloo. Tiffany. lamps, plants, and mirrors abound at Charlie’s, a large, multileveled restaurant that offers, in addition to pizza, some-pretty good ribs, and one of the better salad tables in town. 24 Charles St W, Kitchener. Food at Mother’s Pizza & Spaghetti Parlour is pretty standardized, since its a chain. However; that can be an advantage and the atmosphere is cozy. I ’ King St, Waterloo. 1 Frank Vetere’s! on the other hand, is
variable-slow one time, speedy the next-that its hard to know what to expect. Lately in an effort to be extrapolite, they’ve been “sirand ma’am-ing” their patrons to an incredible degree (a big thrill for anyone under fourteen). Best bet: the meatball sandwiches . are very good and they have Brio. University Ave at Weber. QUAINT This isn’t a term we really ‘care for, but one which jumps to mind when describing The Emporium, a place that bills itself as a “country store & tea room”. At one,time, silent movies were available in a very small screening room called the Peanut Gallery, and who knows, they may still exist. Afternoon teas are a specialty here and include scones, jams; muffins and various sorts of breads. Yummy. 169 Front St, New \ Dundee. Broad wooden floors suggest an establishment of another eraT>nd the food and prices do not disappoint, at the -Harmony Lunch. Great home-made burgers, and fabulous fries,milkshakes and sundaes made with honest Its almost impossible to ingredients. walk by without going in for a bite. 96 King N, Waterloo RESIDENCE FOOD Food in the at UW is plentiful, but villages generally bland, having, as it does, to cater to a wide variety of tastes (spices are provided for individual use, we are told), and desserts are usually the best part of the meals which are billed as “nutritional” if not orally stimulating. SOCIALIZING Ever found it easier to have-an inspired converstion with a group of friends in one location than in another? Ever wondered why? The answer is elusive but we can tell you that conversation is easy at The Hero. This lovely little corner pub serves a large array of foreign beer (domestic too), backgammon, darts, and piano singalongs are popular. King and Erb in Waterloo. Conversation also comes easy at the CC pub when the music is low. Watch for the opening. TAVERNS The K-W area has innumerable bars and pubs both in town and all over the country:side. The Heidleburg House has plain, oldfashioned cooking., ribs, pigtails, chicken, and schnitzel. It also has a happy, friendly staff, and shuffleboard, but no fancy drinks. Very popular. Heidleburg. Mud wrestelers aside, the Coronet has atmosphere to spare. And if bands on their way up are to be found anywhere its here. Be warned: lineups can be long, the place fills up quickly, and cover charges can be hefty. JWB reccommends The Pit for pinball and scenery. The Blue Moon in Petersburg is not just a pub, but a self-contained complex, and looks as,though bits have been added on to the original inn from time, to time. -Most of the university crowd is to be found in the room with
the big tree in it. Shuffleboard -and battered mushrooms. , Occasional showbands and good country food helps the Prince of Wales to -function as -a corner stone of local country pubs, not to mention the wonderful cabbage rolls and excellent draught. Take Erb St north to St Agatha, and look for the sign. The Lancaster House, located in Bridgeport, is a great place to go for a late night drink. Upstairs, the Ocean Queen looks like a ship and boasts jazz bands (comfortable ones, nothing too violently progressive) and a very mixed and friendly clientele. No cover charge that we’ve ever seen. Lancaster Rd, Bridgeport. UNIVERSITY FOOD What can we say about i these outlets except that ‘they’re convenient? Two are located in ’ the South Campus Hall: The Festival Room has cafeteria style service and its’ although certainly not rockprices, bottom, are still less than commercial restaurants. The Laurel Room next door has a fixed-price buffet (two’ entrees,. cold-cuts,, and a salad table), and is closed Mondays. Reservations reccommended. Sedate atmosphere. VEGETARIANS As far as we know; Tuckers is the one and @Y strictly-vegetarian place in KLW, however. As ’ is so often the case, Tuckers cooking is closely connected to whole-foods cuisine. Falafal, excellent soups, and a variety of other hot dishes are to be preferred to the pre-wrapped sandwiches. The atmosphere is relaxed, and the magazine rack ‘is a nice touch. Victoria St at Weber, Kitchener. WILD TIMES It happens every year in Oktober (sic): “The Oktoberfest Excuse”, Little lambs who never drink anything. stronger than milk travel _to the area from miles away to blitz themselves, with draught beer, schnitzel, pigtails,, and song. The city fat-hers gloat on the whole affair to the extent of issuing Oktoberfest local currency. A civilized brew-ha-ha of mammoth proportions. Not to be missed. (That’s impossible anywayeveryone takes part.) X You’ve got to be kidding!
ZZZZZZZ When the you .get unignorable urge for hot fries and gravy or a burger or other edible fibre and its 8 am, don’t despair. There are a few joints open to serve you. Students- seem to appear at Smitty’s at pub turfing-out time. Its open twenty-four hours, and charges extra for second cups of coffee. Or if you need a neutral atmosphere to have coffee ,and that meaningful conversation, there’s. @ways Tim Horton’s onUniversity A& nearweber. , YOLKS Lift - a forkful of eggs Benedict to the boffo person(s) who invented Brunch. ’ The Waterloo Motor Inn has a whizzard, selection of hot entrees, a salad table with real salads, rather than mere heaps of greens, yummy pastries, and coldorange juice for starters. Can’t help getting the feeling that Cecil B de Mille just walked off‘the set whenever, I’m at ttie ” Corkscrew; nevertheless, service is ,quiet and the atmosphere adds to the take-your-time feeling brunches so often have. One might wish for ,a wider selection of hot dishes, but the .salads are nice. Its a lovely, cozy place to relax over a drink in the evenings too. 400 King W, Kitchener. Enter the WMI’ off King north of Columbia. ’ Liz Wood/Marg Sanderson
I .
’ _
. ‘.
Uiion put life 013 line Across Canadian TV screens romp healthy, smiling young people as the song plays on, “Coke adds life.” Yet, . in other countries, the tune is different as, consumers and trade unionists join together to boycott the international soft drink. In Sweden, workers halted Coke production for three days; consumers stopped buying it for four; in Australia, Coca-Cola workers held , protest meetings during working hours; Mexican workers stopped bottling it for a week, Finnish workers for three days; and Spanish hotel, restaurant and food workers’ unions called for a Is-day sales and consumer boycott earlier this year, according to the News Bulletin of the International Union of Food and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF).
h ,L
negotiate. That same day Why so much ill will the company fired 31 towards a product univerworkers and the sally promoted as part of. unionized plant was attacked by the good life? The answer machine guns and tear gas, lies in Guatemala, a tiny said the Labour Report. Central American country Following these and where being a worker in other incidents, the eightthe recently unionized man police unit already in Coca-Cola bottling plant the plant was replaced by a means, quite literally, 16-man specialized miliputting one’s life on the tary unit. On May 1, four line. Coca-Cola has done Coca-Cola workers were little to stop the persecuabducted from their homes. tions. Two were later found According to the May, tortured and dead. To date 1980 Latin American and six . Coca-Cola workers Caribbean Labour Report, (including three Secretaryworkers at the Coke plant, Generals of the union) have Embotelladora Guatemalbeen killed. On May 16, the teca S.A., fought a hard leader of the ‘pro-manageand bloody battle to certify ment’ association was assastheir union and force sinated after he told the rest management to negotiate of the association he had had with them. The union, enough, _ said the July IUF formed in 1975, was legally News Bulletin. incorporated in 1976. That , International year 152 workers at the - Coca-Cola has quietly stood by, Coca-Cola plant were fired, refusing for a long time to . but reinstated through the break with the American pressure of combined licence holder of the unions. Guatemalan franchise, John , On February 2, 1978 the Trotter, whom the IUF has union forced the company called a “right-wing Texas to sign its first collective businessman.” Until May At this point, agreement. 1980, Coca-Cola claimed it the Labour Report said, was not responsible for the management attempted to labour relations practices of sabotage the union bY its licence holders. firings, bribes, intimidaAccording to the IUF, tion and the setting up of Coca-Cola generally seeks tc pro-management associar maintain good relations with tions. In December the trade unions in its own union’s secretary-general plants. But it refuses to was killed while on his change its “hands off’ policy delivery route. Five months towards licence holders. later his replacement was This was confirmed in a beaten to death with iron recent letter to various bars and his throat was cut, church groups holding Coca- j said a Globe and Mail Cola shares, who wanted report June 13, 1980. In this year’s stockholders March 1979, the union meeting to instruct the published a statement company to include a clause charging plant owner John on basic human rights in its Trotter and his friends licence agreements. Such a with responsibility for the clause, management top repression. argued, “would constitute an
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events. the IUF called for an international tourist boycott of Guatemala, for, unfortunately Coca-Cola workers are not the only ones victimized in this uirtual military state. To date, 27 unions on all continents have joined the campaign (Canada has been one of the last to respond) to take direct actio’n on CocaCola ‘production and consumption where possible. Guatemala has a Z-year history of murder, torture and class and political opposition. According to a July 12, 1980 Le Monde article, estimates of the number of assassinations since 1953 range from 8. ooo and 30,000 to Guatemala has ‘“the dubious honour of being the countrv with the greatest amount of political violence in Latin America.‘: The US Embassy says Guatemala has the largestand best equipped military force in Central America. 1
Prior to the election of the current president, General Romero Lucas in February 1978, \ Garcia, the physical persecutions, kidnappings and killings \which systematically eliminated government oppon_ ents were commonly thought to be the work of armed right-wing .para-military groups.
a worker at the plant in which Coca-Cola holds a majority interest was found.
It will also ask for a halt ‘to foreign aid -by the Canadian government.
This recent attack is the most overt to date against the organized trade union movement in Guatelmala. “The military regime of Lucas sGarcia ,is bent upon eradicating the entire leadership of the trade unions,” said Toronto’s LAWG.
The CLC could even take a much stronger stand by supporting the immediate demand by the IUF, and also the U.S. United Food and Commercial Workers’ International Union and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, for Coca-Cola to buy the Guatemalan franchise directly.
The Guatemalan workers’ union has, in our opinion, become a symbol of not just the strength andtrade unity of the Guatemalan union but also an movementV inspiration for trade unions throughout the world in their attempt to confront anti. . of transunion practices national corporations.
More than ever, Guateworkers require malan international suPPort from trade unionists, human rights organizations and individuals.
Letters of protest can be In May 1980, Coca-Cola Coca-Cola, appeared to finally bow to _ written to President Garcia and mounting international action and the Indignation of trade Minister of External Afunions and politicians, and fairs Mark MacGuigan pressured its Guatemalan (see box). franchise holder into selling It is our belief that Cocathe controversial enterprise. Cola, the world’s leading soft drink company, has Trotter resigned in May but the terror continues at the joined the pathetic list of _ trans-national companies Plant* that try to resist taking The latest IUF News’ responsibility - for basic reported the Bulletin human rights issues. impending sale of the plant had fallen through. BeCoca-Cola, which has cause of the continued the power to influence the tension, Coca-Cola is Guatemalan government, having difficulty finding must be made to take a firm other buyers. stand concerning/not only trade union rights, but On June 23, the IUF Dan basic human rights. These general secretary, the right of \Gallin, cabled Coca-Cola inc1ude ~. workers to live. asking it to buy the plant Linda Nagel and WPIRG directly.‘
Rut the latest attack, the June 21 abduction of 25-30 trade unionists from the headquarters of the National “The present indecisiveLabour Central (CNT) almost ness and delays by the certainly had government Coca-Cola company are involvement. This is supporcosting more lives and ted by the fact that theCNTis could be construed as -located in the extremely <deliberate stalling,” the congested downtown area of cable stated. If a satisfacGuatemala City. The streets tory reply is not received in the area were cordoned off shortly, the IUF intends to \ just beforethe raid, making it resume its call for worldapparent . that government wide action from other military/police were behind unions. the well organized, large scale In early July, the attack. Canadian Labour Congress A report by the Latin (CLC) headed by Dennis _ American Working Group McDermott called for a (LAWG) of Toronto said that boycott Coca-Cola of the kidnapped trade unionists products until Coca-Cola had been holding an withdrew its bottling emergency meeting at the franchise from the present CNT to discuss the recent owner. The 2.3 million deaths of two trade union. ‘member congress has also leaders. On June 20, the protested to the president . secretary of the Organizing of Guatemala and called Committee of the Coca-Cola for an investigation by the For further information plant workers was shot to human rights committee of visit WPIRG,South Camdeath as he left work. On June the Organization of Amerp:~s Hall room 233, g:3917, the badly tortured body of _ ican States, 12:30. Phone ext. -2578.
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We have everything’ you need just around the cotier \, in fkiendly downtown Waterloo . . . over 200 stores” \. and services ready to serve you. PAINT & WALLPAPER BEAUPRE INTERIORS LTD 8863290 110 King St. S. PAINT INCORPORATED 886-l 84 King St. S. J.S. UNDERFIELD& CO. Waterloo Square 886-2460 PETS & SUPPLIES WATERLOO SQUARE PET SHOP Waterloo Square 886-2390 PHOTOGRAPHERS & PHOTOGRAPHY EOUIPMENT B.J. PHOTO 8864420 Wajerloo Square BENT’S CAMERA 886-l 96 King St. S. GERALD BLANCHER 15A King St. N. 888-3843 CAMERA JUNCTION Waterloo Square 8868080 F-STOP PHOTOGRAPHY 15-A King St. N. 886-l SOOTER STUDIOS WaterlooSquare 886-l REAL ESTATE CENTURY 21 REALTY LTD 884-2190 89 King St. N. N. Sage, REALTOR 886-2190 95 King St. N. R.H. SIEMSS REALTY LTD 886-1080 89-91 King St. N. WATERLOO REALTY INC 886lodO 35 King St. N. RESTAURANTS, HOTELS & TAVERNS ALI BABA STEAK HOUSE LTD 130 King St. S. 886-2550 CAFE MOZART LTD 38 King St. S. 886-2230 CHARCOAL KING LTD 34 King St. S. 885-0841 CHINA KITCHEN 51 King St. N. 8863560 ._ CITY HOTEL 176 King St. S. 886-3370 THE DONUT CASTLE 136 King St. S. 884-9790 GASLIGHT RESTAURANT & TAVERN 21 King St. N. 8864120 I GYPSY CAFE “i84KmgSt.S KINSIE Vbdtt~rloi
886-1461 WOOL Souare
SHOP 886-2590
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OFCOMMERCE 886-2960 27 King St. N. THE BANK OF MONTREAL 3 King St. S. 885-9300 THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Waterloo Square 686-2500’ THE ROYAL BANK 70 King St. S. 8864110 - THETORONTO DOMINION BANK Waterloo Square 886.2380 BENEFICIAL FINANCE SYSTEM 13 King St. S. 886-3940 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORP. OF CAN. 2-A King St. S. 886-4670 LAURENTIDE FINANCIAL CORP: LTD Waterloo Square ,8s6-3680 SUPERIOR EINANCE LTD. 686-2300 104 King St. S. TRANS CANADA CREDIT CORP. LTD. 35 King St. N. 8654880 ASTRA TRUST 104 King St. S. 664-2444 . CANADA TRUST 6 Erb St. W. 6858535 GUARANTEE TRUST Waterloo Square 684G610 ROYAL TRUST 1 100 King St. S. ‘886-0210 UNDERWRITERS ADJUSTMENT BUREAU LTD 666-3620 Waterloo Square BARRIATERS, SOLICITORS 8 LAWYERS PAUL H BAUER ‘886-1010 Waterloo Square BIGGS & SLOAF 35 King St. N. 886-l 590 PETER CSONT Waterloo Square 686-l 120 KOMINEK GLADSTONE GODDEN Waterloo Square 666-l 050 BARRY T PAQUETTE 35 King St. N. 885-2454 JOHN R WEBER, 35 King St. N. 885-0040 MICHAEL J WHITNEY 8868200 35 King St. N.
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886-1031 886-3990 886-2750
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886-3620 884-l 886-k
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LTD 886-3500
- -8866-2330 d86-3971. ASSN 886-3859
888-l SHOP 886-2490
770 '
886-3810 -
885-0282 ’ 886-3721 8864440
COMMERCIAL LIFF ASSCE CO OF CANADA \ Waterloo Square 886-3540 . DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE CO Waterloo Square 886-1234 HALIFAX INSURANCE COMPANY / Waterloo Square 888-3548 THE PRUDENCIAL ASSCE CO LTD Waterloo Square 886-2250 REED SHAW STENHOUSE LTD 8 Erb St. W. 886-3580 ST;PAULFlRE&MARINElNSUqANCE Waterloo Square 886.4430 SOVERIGN INSURANCE COMPANIES Waterloo Square 886-4400 C.W. TWEED & SONS LTD 13 King St. N. 886-2710 WESTRATE MARTUS ASSOCIATES Waterloo Square 886-0359 ZURICH INSURANCE CO Waterloo Square _ 886-3270 JEWELLERY ED BERGMAN JEWELLERS LTD ~42 King St. S. 886-l FRANKS JEWELLERS _ 8 King St. S. 886-4811 THE GOLDSMITH LTD 80 King St. S. 885-6161 HATASHITA JEWELLERS Waterloo Square 886-2810 MALCOME McMASTER JEWELLERY 35 King St. N. 884-7141 W-WATCH CRAFT JEWELLERS - 134 King St. S. 886-2311 LAUNDROMATS SPEED-WASH WaterlooSquare , 884-0174 MUSIC DAYMOND klSlCAL INSTRUMENTS 88 King St. S. 886-2651 HEARTH RADIO 93-95 King St. N. GEORGE KADWELL RECORDS LTD Waterloo Square 886-4270 GEORGE KADWELL KEYBOARDS Waterloo Square d88-4270 KELLY’S STEREO MART Waterlop Square 886-3891 WWSPAPERS CAMBRIDGE DAILY REPORTEk 653-5611 W‘aterloo Square WATERLOOCHRONICLE , 92 King St. S. 886-2830 OFFICE SUPPLIES SCHENDEL STATIONERY LTD 120 King St. S. 888-l OPTICIANS & OPTOMETRISTS DR C.R. BATEMAN 14 Kipg St. S. 886-2740' DR. E.L.BUCHNER 14 King St. S. . 886-2740 W.E. DAVIES Waterloo Square 888-3080
480 740
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LID 886-1420 886-l
864-3300 8864760
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Cambridge (401 Fountain It’ is generally conceded St N), but you can buy that Canadian mon,ey these much- less of the same days is worth its weight in in Kitchener (12 rupees, which makes it a things Charles St W): boots and good idea to conserve sandals in season, and a yours. With this in mind, of canvas here is a list of places in the - nice selection sneakers. Open Mon-Wed region .where you can pick 1-6, Thurs-Fri l-8:45, Sat things up for less than loam-3:45 , (Cambridge you’d expect to pay a black outlet} and Tues, Wed,Sat marketeer. loam-6, Thurs, Fri 10-6 These are second-hand (Kitchener outlet). stores and factory sales Savage Shoes Sales outlets. Almost all of them deal on a cash-only basis, Outlet (250 Dolph St Cambridge) is an orderly and getting a good deal will place where big and small often require some work on feet will find relief; those your part. However, if you who wear average sizes remember to clean the may have less selection. second-hands and check Also grouped according to the imperfects for their style. Open Mon, Sat 10-5, flaws, there should’be no Tues-Fri loam-9pm. trouble. Kaufman will sell shoes Waterloo region is a and boots at River and wonderful place for people Streets in Wellington with feetishes, since there Kitchener Tues, Wed 1-5, are a number of placesThurs, Fri l-9, Sat 8-3. where you can get shoes. A new set of sharkskin Often, the average or more luggage to carry home your popular sizes go quickly, “shoes, workboots, Kodso get there early. ’ iaks, skates or sport Andrew McNeice (336 shoes?” You can get it at Eagle St N Cambridge) is Gceb Factory Outlet (5 one of the more wellMichael St, Kitchener) as known’ places where the “go early” rule applies. The well as vintage hushpuppies: Mon-Wed 10-6, Kitchener Convention BurThurs, Fri 10-9, Sat g-5:30. eau pamphlet says they For that fashionable I’msell “ladies” as well as a-sewer-worker look, you boots and shoes, but the will w’ant to try Collins odds are this is a typing Safety Shoes (353 Manitou mistake since they’d be Dr., Kitchener). They also pretty . difficult to fit. carry assorted work clothes They’re open Mondays 4-7, Open Mon-Wed 9-6, Thurs, Thursdays 4-8; and Sat, Fri 9-9, Sat 9-5. urdays 9 am-12 noon. For that look in vinyl Of course, not even you’ve been waiting for, people with the best shoes go around naked and sit on the place to go is Genesco. outlet is in the floor, so next week, I’ll The main
reveal highly
the little-known and esoteric secrets of the clothing, textile, and furniture outlets. (That’s imitation sheepskin, batteries, and bins of things!) John McMullen
the beginning of Cash is a little tight. You have paid tuition fees, first and last month’s rent, purchased ten boxes of Kraft dinner and you have $10. for the rest of the month. What to do? . Go to the CAMPUS CENTRE FLEA MARKET on Thursday, Sept 11. If you need to buy stuffclothes, pots and pans, text books, records, plants, lamps, bowls, mugs,posters, bedclothes,whew!vou won’t find a better place. And if what you need is a little ready cash, you can sell off some of your le.ssthan-prized possessions. How about all that jewellery your Great Aunt Matilda gave ’ you that you’ve never worn? In addition to having fun haggling (buying or selthere will be ling), outrageously cheap munchies and’d’rinks available. People have been known to make upwards of $300. (mind you, they had zords of stuff to sell):. If you are interested in selling, please contact the turnkey desk -in the CC (ext.3867, or 884-8770),get yourself signed up, and checked out, and plunk-term.
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,, Fall Time Table Leaves
Friday or day before Friday Holiday 12.04 pm, 3.08 pm & 5.08 pm Monday to Friday - 3.48 pm & 5.08 pm (VMbterloo Noith Campus times are 3 --min. ,earlier) Leaves Toronto: - 6.45 am - Monday to Friday arriv2 South Campus - 8.38 am Leaves Toronto: - 6.45’am - Monday Express arrives South Campus - 8.08 am Leaves Toronto: - 7.30 pm, 8.30 pm & 1’1.OO pm - Sunday or Monday Holiday . midnite Arrives South Campus - 9.08 pm, 10.08 pm & 12.43 I /
.. ‘I
Tenants’ -*’ legal rights There are ,a few facts which ever student should know about being a tenant. The first is that you do have certain rights, which the are enshrined in Landlord and Tenant Act of Ontario and prevail o&r every clause in your lease. Leases, either oral or written, are legally binding contracts which set out the obligations of the landlord as well as those of the tenant. Here is a synopsis of points from the $andlord and Tenant Act:
such a;i entrance made during. hours.
l fieither you nor your landlord may change the locks without mutual consent . l You must receive ninety days written notice of a rent increase.
l If you pay rent by the week, you must provide your landlord with notice twenty-eight days prior to . your leaving. ‘If you pay rent by the month you must provide sixty days prior to leaving l Tenants must receive a notice whether you have a lease signed copy of th8 lease or not. within 21 days or he/she is not bound by the lease l You can’t be evicted until it is delivered ’ (with or without a lease) unless you receive nbtice l Only the last month’s citing reasons sixty days rent can be demanded for prior to the termination deposit, and the landlord must pay 6% interest while date. he/she holds it l Such notice must be in writing, signed by the l Your furniture cannot be seized for back rent. L , Such action is a criminal offence.
You have a right to sublet. If your lease agreement says you need your -landlord’s permission, you must obtain it. Your landlord cannot reasonably refuse such a request. l
Your landlord cannot enter your apartment without twenty-four hours prior written notice, and
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person giving the notice, identify the premises andstate the date of .termination. If the landlord is serving the tenant, notice must also specify the -reasons and particulars of eviction and inform the tenant that he/she need not vacate the premises but may dispute the eviction upon the landlord’s application for a court order. l %Your landlord must either hand delitier a written n+>tice to you, send notice to IOU by registered mail or post it up in’ a conspicuous place.
If you difficulties landlord advice, Landlord Advisory on the Marsland loo) at Legal (located Centre) hours a
having any with your and need some you can call the and Tenant Bureau (located 8th floor of the Centre in Water885-9588 or the Resource Office in the Campus at 885-0840 24 day. Joe Wener Legal Resource Office
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in the Kitchener-Waterloo community. ’ *, As an independent Third World learning and re, source centre, Global cooperates with! a number of organizations and individuals concerned about injustices. By’ working at South: A Program For the grassroots level and The rate of unemploy-’ Survival”. ‘offering people the tools ment in Canada is the The “Brandt Report”, as for growth and underhighest in the industrialit is j popularly known, standing of global issues, ized world, and is one of maintains .that the interwe are taking a positive the more obvious sympnational economy as it is step in bringing about current toms of the currently structured will change. It is Global’s the economic malaise; lead to an even greater understanding that the others are familiar enough disparity between the rich poverty and degradation inflation, rising food nations. As a which afflict the majority costs and escalating ener. and poor document which describes of people in the world gy prices. the symptoms of a system today reflects the constelAll rank equally high as rooted in inequality, the lation of,power structures, concerns in our s0ciet.y and Report does an admirable and, without changingtheir effects help define the job. these structures, there can boundaries between the be little hope for genuine powerful and the powerEven some of the social transformation. less. remedies it proposes are Global, located at 94 probably more far reachWhile recession is taking Queen Street South,. Kiting than most Western its toll on many Canadians, chener, was established in Governments are prepared this crisis is nothing short 1974 by its parent to accept, particularly in of a disaster for the organization, K-W Overthe current . recessionary majority of people in the seas Aid Inc. to coordinate period. Third World, With the community education on global onset of the However, . there is an the Third .World and its recession, the crumbs they underlying assumption to relationship with Canada. have traditionally received the Report which deserves Is more foreign aid the are getting smaller and to be questioned, which is: answer 1‘to underdevelop’ smaller. what do the poor have to ment? Is population congain by a reformed Recognizing the serioustrol the solution to the ness and depth of the global food crisis? What international economy? The crisis, -an international role do transnationals play “Brandt Report!’ is thus worth was estabcommission economy? reading, not only for what it I in the global lished in 1977 under the are some of the says, but also for what it These leadership of Willy Brandt omits questions Global address(former Chancellor-of West es in its work. Germany) in an effort l to Questioning conventional Apart. from a wide truths and remedies to the reconcile the differences variety of resources (perproblems of underdevelopbetween the rich industrial iodicals, vertical files, ment, and searching for nations of the North and‘ audio-visuals), the Centre the poor underdeveloped alternative models of develcarries out programming countries of the South. The opment reflect some of the in schools, churches and results of their efforts have concerns which the Global community groups. Four now been published in a Community Centre attempts staff members presently entitled: “North to bring to its work divide -the -,programmes study
Third World’s
problemis studied I.
amongst them, but much of this work could not be done without the efforts of volunteers who carry out a tasks in number of conjunction with the staff. work‘ Its’ community puts Global in touch with organizations as such OXFAM, cuso, the YWCA, and the Chile K-W Information Centre. Global has also been involved Food the People’s in Commission, an independent inquiry into the Canadian food system. Having described some of Global’s progammes, ‘one - might wonder what the ; Centre offers students.
students have Many found Global’s resources helpful .in’ their course since especially work, collection is Global’s easily accessible and fairly compr’ehensive. Yet, more ‘importantly, resources offer a the critical perspective on issues of underdevelopment for those students who seek an alternative analysis. In the past, when students have provided valuable assistance on projects, the relationship bet ween students and the Centre has been mutually beneficial, Fall plans are now
underway. Some of these include co-operating with OXFAM in planning for the visits by OXFAM staff issues experienced in concerning Central America and Southern Africa. Global is also working with several other groups in organizing a film series on Latin America beginning in late September. If you would like to learn more about the Third World and are not satisfied with conventional explanations about underdevelopment, the Global Community . Centre may have I something tor you. Interested? _a
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Kitchener-Waterloo may not be ‘the centre of the world but it is close to Toronto; which claims to be. However. to find-sood enterta.inment you don’t have to go to Toronto. You don’t even have to leave the UW campus. We’ll ignore the rest of’ the world and look at UW events. On campus there are two major organizations which organize, and promote P-e entertainment. The UW Arts Centre .. organizes the more sedate programs, offering this year five series of different types of entertainment ranging from dance to film to children’s productions. The Board of Entertainment (BENT) whichtis run by the Federation of Students organizes most of the rock concerts and pubs. The Arts Centre series uses the two university theatres, the Humanities Theatre and the Theatre of the Arts which have _ _ _ _ _ - - -
- ~ - . ~
term. Each of the four series includes four productions. It is hard to recommend one series over another. Each seems to have both promising works and some duds. But it is hard to tell. Let’s start with the Stage Series. To start off on October 24, there)will be a revival of Dear Liar which was performed at the Shaw Festival last year with Pat Galloway (presently at Stratford) repeating her role of Beatrice Campbell who was a famous actress in her day and who had a well publicized love affair with playwrite George Bernard Shaw. In January,. Phyllis Cohen will portray French. chanteuse Edith Piaf in Piaf. Like Dear Liar, this is a biographical production. ’ Liar is a dramatization of letters, Piaf a biography using mostly songs and music; Shaw was a writer, Piaf a singer. Each production uses their subject’s natural medium.
as the
Waterloo Motor the Physical -
concert/pubsand Complex’(PAC).
Inn . for Activities
- Without much further ado,. let’s look at what the UW Arts Centre has in store.’ (Look to pages nine and ten to see ‘what BENT has planned.) ’ As the schedule looks now, each of the four major series will be spread over a regular,school term of eight months rather than being limited’ to a co-op term, This could create problems for those on the co-op program who would be jnclined to buy season’s tickets. If you are on co-op you will likely buy individual tickets rather than a package deal unless you can persuade
In February, the Royal Canadian Air Farce,, CBC’s radio comedy review, will be transferred to the stage for the third event in the series. Finally, at the end of March, Britain’s National Theatre (BNT) will send a touring company to perform Pieces of Pinter. The promotional material lists the names of famous British-actors who have been part of f& - the BNT in the past but doesn’t give a clue as to who is- really going to perform. The Music Series is quite a hodgepodge of events. .In November, the New Swingle Singers will perform music ranging from scat to classical. On December 9, the Hugget Family- will be back again to do a -Christmas show. Welsh harpist Osian Ellis will be around in February. He will likely be one of the highlights of the season as will jazz great Mae Koffman who’ will be performing with his quintet at the beginning of March. The new “One-Man” Series looks as though it will be interesting. Four biographi-’ by cal pro c!L ctions will each be performed one actor. On October 25, Eric Donkin will perform in the Wonderful World af Sarah Bink_s which is a satire on Canadian poets -
IRosilind Drool, In November, Maxim Mazumdar will perform as a Greek actor in the time of Euripides in Dance for Gods. Mazumdar is worth watching. He specializes in writing and performing in one-man shows and usually does a fine job. Several years ago he did an outstanding piece of work on the life of Oscar Wilde. In -January, Norma Edwards will present characters from Margaret Laurence’s novels in The Women of Margaret Laurence. This would especially be of interest to .English majors and those familiar with Laurence’s work. . Mark Twain needs no introduction to most of us; Murk Twain in Person will be performed near the end of March. The I Dance Series doesn’t look to be outstanding, but that may be due only to my lack of familiarity with the dance groups . involved. On October 23, the Anna Wyman Dance Theatre will perform in a programme of contemporary dance which is billed ,as _. “energetic and dynamic”: In January, the Theatre Ballet of Canada, formerly the Ballet Y, will give its first preview performance. This is contemporary ballet based on classical technique. For jazz ballet fans the Eddy Toussaint Dance Company will be here in the middle of February. -Touted as “The world’s foremost Spanish dancer” Jose Greco will appear with his wife Nana Lorca. For those of us with latent flamenco fever this sounds like the most interesting bet. As well as the four major series, the Arts Centre is offering two children’s series, one for those age eight to twelve, and one for those under eight. Promotional material says that seniors get discounts. Those of us who are merely young at heart are allowed to go but we must suffer and pay more. Also in the offing are two film series, one in the fall and one in the winter term. The two series will include international films from Poland, Germany, France and Brazil, ranging from sci-fi to comedy to thrillers. Eachnight one or two National Film Board shorts will also be on view. Celia Geiger
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The Bell Phonecentre is It’s open Mon.-Wed. 8:30 a.m.-5100 p.m. located at 75 King Street S. Thurs.& Fri. 8:30 a.m.-9100 p.m. in Waterloo Square. Saturday 8:30 a.m.-5:OO p.m.
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- Wit, anguish combines
a: 3
Low-key Twelfth NighUacks Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night is one of his most interesting comedies because it combines bawdiness, sharp wit, and deep anguish very subtly. The unhappiness in the play can easily go unnoticed amid the high spirits of the joking characters. Unlike his other comedies, this one doesn’t really end happily - although it appears to. Duke Orsino wants to marry Olivia but because she has married Sebastian, he must settle for Viola, Sebastian’s twin sister. Olivia marries Sebastian thinking he is really Caesario who is really Viola disguised as a young man. Sebastian and Viola look identical so Olivia gets a husband who looks the same as the _ one she loved but he still isn’t the- same
person. Viola marries Orsino whom she loves and wants but must forever,know that she is his second choice. All of these considerations are usually missed because the comedy ends in multiple marriages after all of the loose ends have been neatly tied
UP* The comedy is also unusual because the characters do nothing themselves to sort out the plot complications, but let time take care of all things. The events unfold and we watch them passively. The Stratford production of this work was competent. Directed by Robin Phillips, it just didn’t have the usual sparkle associated with his work, since almost
eve&hing was done in a surprisingly low key.-It was as if, in trying to balance the comedy and the drama, Phillips had lost both and muddled along in a middle. way without flair.. No one came close to Brian Bedford as the grey and constipated Malvolio. The man can do no wrong. Whenever he steps on stage great things are expected of him and he certainly delivers. As Malvolio, he serves his lady, Olivia, as slowly as possible with a severe scowl on his face, believing himself to be superior to everyone. Bedford is particularly amusing as he convinces himself that Olivia loves him and when he enters smiling with his bright yellow stockings.
In Much Ado, it is her comic genious Robin Phillips has done so “much to which shines. Smith’s two greatest gifts are revitalize the Stratford Festival in the last six her voice and her -hands. years; he has provided so many brilliant ’ By pausing in unexpected places or by evenings of theatre that he can be forgiven if making her voice slightly nasal in subtle some of his productions this year fall into the intonations she can cause shrieks of category of the merely competent. laughter out of sentences, phrases-and even Perhaps one of his greatest achievements words which normally would not be funny at has been to consistently unite the brilliant all. Even the most serious lines such as talents of Maggie Smith and Brian Bedford. .Beatrice’s instructions to Benedict to “kill In Much Ado About Nothing Smith and Claudio” come out hilariously and, yet do Bedford have joyously been brought not lose their graver significance.’ tokether and, apart from Smith’s amazing Smith’s other great forte is to bring-out work in Virginia, provide the ’ first real the vulnerability of her characters. fireworks of the season. The -scene in which she overhears that Enough can never be said in praise of Benedict loves her is a beautiful illustration Maggie Smith’s talents. The woman is of this. Without saying a, word she acts simply astounding. This is her fourth season . everyone off the stage. She staggers and at Stratford and it promises to be her most flutters her hands to-her heart and temple. outstanding to date. Stratford .has allowed *Formerly exhibiting only scorn and disdain her to expand her horizons to play roles she for Benedict, she cries because, although a was previously considered-unlikely for, such confirmed spinster, she truly wants to love. as Cleopatra and Lady Macbeth. Prevz. Bedford almost. matches Smith nuance iously she had been known mostly for Even. the church scene where Claudio for nuance. He is sardonic and vain, trusting her comedic brilliance. At Stratford she has no woman and resolving to remain a denounces Hero, thinking she has been proven that she is equally great in . unfaithful, lacks force. . bachelor. He is at his best when, after demanding dramatic roles. Her mannerisms William Hutt, who has been standing in hearing that Beatrice _ loves, him, he have also been toned down and she now. ’ for the ailing Max Helpman most of the convinces himself that he must requite her performs with an even greater subtlety. love. -’ I season,’ was benevolent and kindly as Hero’s father, but easily was able to convey Bedford works on developing a rapport with his audience. He will pick up on any his rage and shame when he believed that isolated laughter from the audience and ‘Hero has been unchaste. He is an old man address his lines to one particular group or who is easily duped. Jim McQueen seemed out of place person which only adds to. the fun. sometimes as Don Pedro, the Prince of Smith and Bedford by themselves are great; put them together on stage and they Arragon. Sometimes he was very good as in the scene where he, Claudio and Leonato are spectacular. Every other actor and trick(Benedict into thinking Beatrice was in every other scene is pale in comparison. love with him. At other times he lacked When they are together, battling with humour and what should have> been his words, the air is electric. B. and B. are the unconventional lovers delight in playing practical jokes. * He was too earnest and-forthright. who love only when deluded into thinking that Nicholas Pennell’ was excellent as the the other is in love with them. They give up humourless and conniving Don John who their bachelorhood reluctantly, thinking the other has given it up first. . plots to disgrace Hero because of a grudge By contrast, Hero and-Claudio are quite against Claudio. His Don John was chillingly malicious and bitter, in forceful contrast to normal and conventional, falling in love with all. of the other characters who were ‘each other immediately. As played by Diana LeBlanc and a long-haired, soppy Stephen amusing and high-spirited. David Dunbar as the singer Balthazar Russell, this pair soon loses our attention provided a hilarious moment as he sang a because they lack dynamic personalities.
On the foolish side, Richard McMillan as the idiotic fop, Aguecheek, is a tottering delight. He capers about the stage giggling insanely and causing roars of laughter to erupt from the audience. McMillan is great at what he does. There is no question about that, Over the past few years he has created some magnificant characterizations of simpletons. It would, however, be interesting to see what else he can-do. Barry MacGregor, with frazzled red hair and a pot belly, was very subdued as the usually riotous drunkard Sir Toby Belch. He won’t be remembered. William Hutt, as the fool Feste, suffered from the same problem, as. MacGregor. Hutt’s fool is very calm and quiet. This fool is different: he loves words and books and is much more intellectual than a fool such as Touchstone in As You Like It. Hutt does very well to bring out this sober aspect of Feste but he misses Feste’s sense of fun. Jim McQueen as the love-sick Orsino is too businessman-like and assertive. He would do better at IBM. McQueen is so sure of himself one wonders why he can’t woo Olivia himself rather than sending the disguised Viola to do itsfor him. By contrast, the first time I saw this play this year, Orsino was performed by McQueens understudy, John Wojda. Wojda caught much more of the soppy romanticism of the duke but made him too much of a wimp. As for the women, Patricia Conolly in the central role of Viola is marvellous. She is eager and witty but most .entertaining in her embarrassment of being a woman disguised as a man, and courting Olivia for Orsino. She brings the play closest to pathos, showing us a woman who courts another woman although it is she who would rather marry Orsino. Viola’s predicament is painful but Conolly makes it amusing; she enjoys the joke being pIayed on Olivia who has fallen in love with her in an impossible ,match. Pat Galloway is Pat Galloway. As the proud Olivia, she uses all of her normal mannerisms: wide eyes and blinking eyes. Her Olivia is haughty and vain but not alive. Kate Reid’s Maria matched MacGregor’s Belch in its low-profile. Her speed of delivery is’too slow to seem natural or comfortable. She does, however, offer the play’s most poignant moment when she flirts with Sir Andrew Aguecheek to cause Belch discomfort; although she . is joking, she causes herself pain. Better than any other scene, this one balances comedy and tragedy. Celia’ Geiger
silly lovesong and got carried away with repeating “Hey nonny no” over and over again in endless variations. This scene capsulized the sillyness of the excesses of love and the antics the characters are led to in the pursuit of it. So Far, Phillips’ season has been quite lack-lustre except for one or two brilliant productions such as Beggars Opera and . Virginia. Much Ado also falls into this latter category of excellence with much thanks owing to the indomitable talents of Maggie Smith and Brian Bedford. \ Celia Geiger -
- . StartliD@ production’ of I Gay’s ‘Opera’ includes ” . \ topicaheferences I When John Gay wrote the Beggar’s iOpera in 1728 he was breaking new ground in the theatre. “Wrote” may be tco presumptuous a Iword. The opera was not so much written as ‘collected. This work is an assemblage of Iwild, rude and often vulgar songs and popular ballads rather than a formal opera., The narrative is directed to fit the songs and is often interrupted to fit them in rather than the conventional operatic style in which the music follows the plot. I ’
Gay also turned convention on its ear by populating his play with thieves, pimps, whores and riffraff. He rejected the tradition of drawing room operas in which the heroes are princes and dukes. Gay’s protagonist is a highwayman, and a notorious womanizer at that.‘ Gay’s characters are given a double twist, however, as he moves into political satire and identifies then-Prime Minister Robert Walpole with a scheming receiver of stolen goods named Mr. Peacham. The claim of the thieves and
885-2000, j 9’L.; -----I
Photographic in conjunction
The contest open to an . I ’ is ,~~&~tlXeLJ&( ’ 4
whores is that those in high, aristocratic society are no more honest than the beggars, and are likely less so. This particular production of the ballad opera at Stratford also defies tradition in a magnificent way. ’ Robin Phillips offers a sordid, seaming vision of .London. . What is daring and brilliant is that he has crowded the Avon stage with over seventy persons including the thirty-member Stratford Youth Choir,. He handles this immense number of players effortlessly and in startling ways. Two stairways rise up from either side of the stage to meet at a landing buttressed by *thick and muscular wooden beams. The strength of. Daphne. Dare’s ‘set design is necessary because the Youth Choir and other members of the cast spend the play drooping like rag dolls from the various levels of the set. The mere fact that Phillips never lets these numerous bodies inhibit the.. opera and clutter the stage. is a feat of direction in itself. Prostitutes and. thieves go about their business or sleep in claustrophobic piles to ~ lend a grotesque and defiant reality to the work without obstructing the lead characters. Gay’s ballad opera is a political satire. directed against Walpole’s England, and the songs used were taken from the streets of the time. Phillips, with the- help of Caryl Brahm and Ned Sherrin, has updated the satire to include topical references to Trudeau, -the ‘Ayatollah Khomeini and the pill, among other modern coffee table subjects. This inclusion of modernisms, while -it makes the’ work more relevant to a modern audience, is often jarring within an eighteenth century setting. Better handled is the inclusion of modern - songs ‘and new styles of dance, choreographed by jazz dancer Jeff Hys1op. . , Phillips has maintained a spirit of selfmockery within his direction: dancers break into tap routines; singers punctuate their songs with jazzy “do-bee-do-bee-do-bees” and actors hold their heads in pain as one of their ‘fellows. interrupts the action yet once more to‘burst into spontaneous song. The sheer inventiveness of the produc’ tion is astonishing. Several scenes come to
n’ y.
mind, both of which required the audience’s imagination. The- first was the enactment of a coach -led by four horses using four prancing>girls to represent the horses while adding two revolving parasols to represent the spinning of the carriage wheels. . The second scene involved the escape of the highwayman, MacHeath, from his wife’s parents who wish to kill him for his money and so ---that Polly -_ will be free from her marriage to become a society prostitute. He escapes by rowboat, enacted by four actors who scoot across the s&e on their respective posteriors while miming #the action of rowing. Additional choruses of Volga Boatman- have been ‘added while water is splashed across the stage. As MacHeath leaves the boat the weather changes and a chorus of “White Christmas” is heard as snow flakes.fall upon the stage. This kind of stuff is fun. Edda Gaborek as the prissy and always cheery heroine, Polly Peacham, was - a standout, not only for her excellent and full voice but for the fun and sense of humour which she brought to her role. Her innocence and lack of guile were appealling and perhaps explain an otherwise incomprehensible loyalty to her womanizing husband MacHeath. Gaborek’s Polly is the only innocent character within the opera. The others are corrupt to the core, involving themselves in lies and, betrayals repeatedly. Jim McQueen as the highwayman MacHeath, put in a very strong performance in a rather dull role and offered an excellent voice to match. He was perfectly cast as the womanizing gambler who claims to be a man of honour and nobility yet who will lie and renounce all of his honour to prevent’ his death. Graeme Cambell as Polly’s father Peacham, did well as a conniving and lecherous old man. His good voice was surprising. Jennifer Phipps’ bawdy characterization of Mrs. Peacham was a comic highlight but fortunately she was not given too many songs to sing. As Polly’s rival for MacHeath’s affections, Lucy Lockit; Alicia Jeffery was commanding and pitiable in her conflicting desires for love and vengeance. Often cast in roles which require singing at Stratford, she was given an excellent opportunity to show off a very fine voice. David Dunbar’s Filch the pickpocket was funny and silly in his vulnerability and ridiculous disguises. This was a rich and detailed production of The Beggar’s Opera. There wasn’t a bad performance in it but most of’ the ‘credit must go to Phillips. The work was co-directed by Phillips and Gregory Peterson. Without slighting Peterson’s work, one must give most of the credit to Phillips. His stamp of brilliance and exciting innovation is indelibly printed on the production from start to finish. _ He has-created a production which pulses with sordid sexuality and obscenity. Like John Gay, he has stripped his characters down to reveal their barest and most basic motives. Al1 refinement of society has been removed to’sympathetically expose what is wjthin all mankind. Celia Geiger
USedBookStore \ All photographs should b address and a short desc Entries
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other historical’ -figures reach the headwaters ‘of the river, enter the tower there and confront the Ethicals, the race whose advanced technology created the Riverworld. The Mugic Labyrinth, as with the books before it, tends,-like Tolkien’s stories, to become bogged down in interesting but non-essential detail. Those not interested in historical detail and lengthy characterization wili find the book difficult to finish. Nonetheless, app’roximately half way through the novel, the action picks up; the skirmishes between Clemens’ forces and John’s grow into the final apocalyptic confrontation between the two riverboats. The battles were obviously planned meticulously, and it is here that Farmer’s penchant for detail serves him remarkably well. The final confrontation between Burton
“Though ‘some of the names in the Riverworld series are fictional, the characters are or were real.’ You may not be mentioned, but you are here.” Preface to The Dark Design Phillip Jose Farmer’s Riverworld series is one of the most ambitious science fiction/ fantasy projects yet attempted, on a-.par with Asimov’s Foundution trilogy and Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings tetralogy. With the publication of The Mugic Labyrinth, the saga of the Earthmen and the Ethicals comes to a spectacular conclusion. The story, initiated with the Hugo Award winning To Your Scattered Bodies Go (1971) and continued in The Fabulous Riverboat (also 1971) and The Dark Design (1977), takes place on the banks of a tremendousriver (estimated at over lO,OOO,ooO miles in length) on which most of humanity (over 36 biion souls) has been resurrected. Ail are twenty-five (or less if they died. before that age) and in perfect health. All four books deal with the creation of the Riverworld, and the subsequent attempts by those resurrected there,. to find out how and why. The result is an incredible blend of historical fact, fiction, science fiction, fantasy, religious speculation, and moral and philosphical discussion. The Mugic Labyrinth tells how Samuel CIemens’. ship the Not For Hire, catches up to the Rex Grandissimus, the riverboatstolen by King John ‘and how, in the aftermath, Sir Richard Francis Burton and
and Cyrano de Bergerac ends on a totally = . intrigue that came before. One of the most impressive things about unexpected note, one which I didn’t like at the ending, though, is the description of the - first. After a little thought, however, I wathan (Farmer’s form of soul) and its became impressed with its irony. Clemens’ theological implications. In particular, the fate hit me the. same way. wathan’s creation is startling and not for With the final chapters came an ending religious purists; as a science fiction which satisfied in some. ways, and did not in concept, however, it is brilliant. others. It wasn’t as detailed as 1, had Even though all of the best secrets of the expected it would be, because, in the Riverworld have been revealed in this latest : previous novels, some characters had come remarkably close to the truth in their . book, Farmer intends to continue writing stories with the Riverworld setting. It is his speculations about the nature of the planet. belief that the Riverworld idea is too wide, (Example: it was assumed that the grails, too all-encompassing to be contained in four which gave food to the Riverdwellers three volu’mes. times a day,, directly transferred energy to Or, as Peter Frigate says: “My mind yaws, matter to accomplish this feat, an assumppitches, rolls. So many speculations, so. tic% which has- stood.) many possibilities. And I think, wow! What a With a little participation from the reader, story . . . would have taken at least twelve however, all of the questions surrounding books to do. it anywhere near justice.” these speculations are answered, an imIra Nayman pressjve feat considering the amount of J
Anderson’s latest. F-landry ‘nod / disappointiryj .but good reqdiag she is not the courtier, the whore, or the spy that Flandry traditionally loves and leaves, but is ,his future companion - ‘with her personality and practical problems. Matters grow much more complex - two more sub-plots - when Abrams and Flandry meet, and the whole purpose of the Flandry series is again explored: The Terran Empire is falling; nothing can stop that fall. A man who has some moral capacity (of which Flandry has more than he suspects) wonders if it really shouldn’t fall - after all, it is beset with rebellious blunderers in positions of power. As a civil servant in A Knight of Ghosts and Shadotis (an earlier book in the Flandry series) says of the , Empire, “It’s competent people become untrustworthy from their very competence; anyone who can make a decision may make. one the Imperium does not like. Incompetence grows with the growing suspiciousness and centralization. Defence and civil functions alike begin to disintegrate.“What’s Flandry’s role in this? As he says
The capstone of Poul Anderson’s Terran Empire futuristic. history series, A Stone in Heaven, has just reached K-W bookstores, and, like all works of this sort, is a combination of disappointment and a feeling of, “hey, that was good reading!” At least, that was my reaction. In short, A Stone in Heaven is no better (and no worse) than any of the other Flandry or van Rijn or Falkayne novels in Anderson’s more than a dozen-volume, selfconsistent universe. It is, however, different. It is an ending to the Empire phase of humanity in Anderson’s universe, and to Captain (now Admiral) Sir Dominic Flandry’s (explorer, officer, scientik dilletante, woman&r, moral&r, spy) diamond studded career. As seems usual for Anderson, the book starts quite slowly, though a sense of anticipation is present. The world and thei aliens with which the main plot-of the story is concerned are described, as is the heroine of the story: Anderson goes to great lengths to have us ‘know Miriam Abrams - after all,
in Hunters
oj the Sky Cave, “Personally,
’ enjoy decadence; but somebody has tohold off the Long Night for my own lifetime, and it looks as though I’m elected.” The upshot of this plot, in A Stone in Heaven is that the Empire can’t be saved; but Flandry finds satisfaction in the sure knowledge that; thanks to his work, he’s created billions of manyears of peace for the myriads of beings in the Empire; and had some fun while doing it. Now you figure out if he’s an antihero or not. As in most of Anderson’s -works, the. ending is happy (if you ignore the Empire’s fall, and it’s been established that something better will probably follow). _ Possibly that’s why Anderson is such a popular author; things do generally come out right in the end, but at the same time much is merely bittersweet. Like life. Flandry finds happiness but where will Humanity end up? A Stone in Heaven is a valuableaddition to all science-fiction libraries, especially to those who have been following the series. John
W, Bast
.. Ailing industry may be dead in five years c The price of comic books was recently’ raised once again, this time from forty,to fifty cents. While this is unlikely to be considered a national tragedy, it forebodes an end to the comic book art form as we’ presently know it. Such an event would be unfortunate. The economics of the situation are simple: a person with two dollars can afford only four comics where before he or she was able to . buy five. Sales of comic books will necessarily suffer (and don’t forget that most comic book readers are between the “ages of seven \and twenty, and in all likelihood not able to spend much more than two dollars), and titles will have to be cut.‘ Add to this the ever-increasing production costs, and the possibility of comic books pricing themselves right out of the market is a very real one. The makers of DC comics, realizing that an. increase in price was inevitable, has added eight pages to its books in the form of a backup feature. While this is an admirable attempt to give the reader at least some compensation for the price increase, one wonders how long it will last, since the same tactic was used / during the last price hike with disasterous results. At that time, DC hailed the move to larger comic books as the “DC explosion”, although _ interested readers have since termed it the “DC implosion”. Although it continued for a &w months, DC was eventually forced by rising costs to cut back to the normal number of pages (17) and to cut a number of the less popular titles. The strategy which worked fairly well for DC during the last increase, something which might become a trend in comic books, was the amalgamation of several different strips in one book. During the pre.sent phase of - increases, the Dollar Comics line (which
/includes_. such titles as “Batman Family”, “Superman ,Family”, and “World’s Finest”) has remained the same price. Marvel, on the other hand, does not appear to be ready for the increase. Although it _proudly proclaimed “Still 35V’ for a number of months before raising its prices to forty cents per book, the present change was immediate and quiet. To ‘woo readers, Marvel ‘has resorted to putting money into prizes for various contests. Despite its apparent lack of awareness regarding the presm situation, Marvel, too, has laid the groundwork for’ continuing a comic industry after the demise of comic books per se. There have been a couple of “special double-sized issues” (Thor no.300; and X-Men no 137) for seventy-five cents. There is an obvious limit, however, to the number of special&sues one can fit into this format (which is used for important concepts such as the denouement of the Celestials saga, or the fate of Jean Grey). But this is relatively unimportant; such a move is, at best, only a temporary salve for an ailing industry. What, if anything, is likely to save Marvel comics is a move to the “comic magazine” format. Magazines such as The Incredible Hulk, Conan, and most recently, Howard the Duck, and Epic are proving to be an economically and artistically sound alternative to more traditional forms of comic books. Alternatives to the present comic’ book do I exis\ and utilizing them to their fullest, the comic industry is likely to survive, albeit in .a much attenuated form. Given ‘the present _comic book trends, though, it is my prediction that the comic bookas we know it will be dead within the next five years. ‘\ ka
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graphs. Anobile, ever aware of the page’as a whole, always managed to ascribe the right words to the right character without making the whole thing look like a comic book. Such is not the case in other fotonovels. Most infuriating are the,thought balloons, which have been added by the person in charge of the production. Whether they are an&curate reflection of what the character is thinking isn’t really the question; they were not part of the original and have no place in the fotonovels. Mandala Productions, who put out the Close EnStar Trek series, translated counters of The Third Kind into a ,fotonovel before handing over the reigns to Fotonovel Productions, which has put out such masterpieces as Nightwing, Grease and Hair. The evolution of the fotonovel is complete. The latest fotonovels are ill-conceived in a number of ways, one of the most important of which being photographic reproduction. Foreground figures are acceptable, of course, -but backgrounds don’t bear up to close scrutiny: they are invariably grainy and out of focus. The problems which the eye doesn’t pick up when watching a film are quite visible in stills taken from the film. (The only film #which seems immune to this is the animated version of Lord of the _ Rings. The obvious reason for this exception, though, is that every frame in the movie was conceived as a picture before it became part of the film.) As well, the problem of word and thought c balloons seems to have become worse. As the quote at the beginning of this article suggests, they have become silly and quite juvenile. A look at some of the films which. have become fotonovels is enough to confirm the suspicion that Fotonovel Publications is trying to attract a young (seven to fifteen) readership. Ice Castles, Love at First Bite and The Champ, to name a few. This is a far cry from Anobile’s original intentions, and I, for one, am quite disappointed by it. As a film buff myself, I question the need for adaptations of mildly popular films when classics such as Citizen Kane, City Lights, Modern Times, and Birth ,of a Nation (just to name a few which come to mind immediately) have yet to be adapted. Where the evolution of the fotonovel goes next is anybody’s guess: it seems to have peaked in popularity and is now on the way out. You’ll notice that really popular films, -Superman, Star Wars and the like, will not ’ be ‘translated into fotonovels; makers of those films realize that there is more money to be made by having people see the movies over and over again. Perhaps a return to the Film Classics Library format is called for; I, for one, would applaud it. Ira Nayman c
Poor reproduction arid thought ,j .. balloons mar fotonod evolution “It’s a book that used to be a movie., instead of, the other way around! Every scene is recreated with ‘vivid full-colour _ pictures right out of the film. Complete dialogue and lyrics, too!” Translating the visual aspects to the print media is a gocd idea; it allows the person who has enjoyed a movie to relive the experience at his leisure; it has the ‘advantage of being less expensive than \repeatedly going to the theatre,‘and takes considerably less time to read through than a straight novelization. There has, however, @
been a chanse in emphasis between the concept originally envisioned by Richard J. Anobile and the present fotonovel series. ‘This change in emphasis, while giving the fotonovel a wider general appeal, has corrupted its basic aims. The evolution of the fotonovel began innoculously enough in 1968 with the release of Draf!, which was the “encapsulated view of life by W.C. Fields in his own words.” Anobile put together stills from Fields’ movies, quotes from the movies and the text from an article which he had written entitled “Alcohol and Me”. Although &at!-bears no resemblance to fotonovels, it is important because it prompted Anobile to create a similar volume ‘for the Marx brothers. What he came up with, two and one half years later, was Why A Duck?, a “book of verbal and visual gems from the Marx brothers’ films”. Why A Duck?, which uses morethan 600 frame blow-ups and corresponding dialogue from the movies, was a more satisfying creation for Anobile, himself a film buff. His idea was to put into print the classic moments of film for those serious enough to study it, as well as those who wanted a lasting keepsake of them.
by Richard
J. Anobile
Anobile followed .Why A’ Duck? with Who’s on First (featuring the works of Abbott and Costello), Hooray for Captain Spaulding! (the complete version of the Marx brothers’ Animal Crackers). and A Flask of Fields and Godfrey Daniels (featuring the ,expanded works of W.C. Fields). These were meant as Anobile’s tributes to some of the greatest film
comedians. In 1974, Anobile attempted the same thing with The Maltese Falcon, the classic starring Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor, Sidney Greenstreet and Peter Lorre. It became the first entry in the Film Classics Library, a series which was to include such films as Buster Keaton’s The General, Frankenstein, Casablanca and, Psycho. Until this time, all of the books, with the -exception of Drat!, were hardcover and expensive. This changed with the release in 1977 of the first fotonovel, an adaptation-of athe Star Trek episode “City on the Edge of Forever”. the first of twelve Star was put out by Bantam Books in paperback form and in full colour. The entire series proved to be economically feasible and very popular with fans of the television show. It also established some of the problems with the fotonovel genre. The reproduction ,of stills ‘was quite acceptable for the Star Trek- series (something .which cannot be said for its successors), although the quality noticeably drops from the first to the last volume. This
Trek adaptations,
The most annoying thing about the Star Trek fotonovels was the inclusion of the word and thought balloons. The word balloons are, for the most part, not well thought out and intrude on the photo-
Universityof Waterloo
Federationof Students .
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4Sand aut~tibiography i .displays sehsitiwity. \
George Sand was an apostle for women’s rights, a writer and a distinguished innovator. I had high expectations of such a woman’s memoirs - too high. Her story is an interesting one, but the writing is certainly far from extraordinary. The Story of My Life in its original version appeared nightly in a Parisian newspaper in 1854-55. Hofstadter, the translator, tells us that the original ac~count was mercilessly padded as it was written to raise money for the dowry of the writer’s daughte,. Hofstadter has managed to cut out much of what would be redundant or too confusing to the reader. What remains is a quaint, perceptive and sometimes unintentionally amusing account of the writer’s childhood and first 40 years of life. Sand says of herself that her life was nothing out of the ordinary: “I never thought I was lovely, lovable or logical enough in my character taken as a whole, or in my actions, to be poetical or interesting. Oh I could have powdered my nose and dramatized my life but to no avail, I’m sure. I’d never have. brought it off.”
Sand does, however, have an intense perception of both experience and personality. She concentrates quite rightly on expressing what she perceives, for herein lies her gift as well as the book’s greatest appeal. George Sand was born in Paris in 1804, with the name Amantine- Lucile Aurore Dupin. Aurore .was the daughter of Maurice Dupin, a retired lieutenant and Sophie Delaborde, the daughter of a Paris financier. The first third of the book is devoted entirely to the story of Aurore’s parents, preceding her actual coming into the world. Perhaps it is because the writer believed so strongly in the importance of heredity that she- devoted so much time to the elaboration of her pedigree. I found,, this section interesting as a whole, but at times far too long-winded and unnecessary. A marvelously retentive memory enables the writer to recreate much of her childhood spent at Nohant under the care of her grandmother. The child’s mother had been forced to abandon her to the grandmother’s care after the loss of her husband Maurice.
Gallant’s styk of prose escapes ,’ from k&lane boundaries
The child desires nothing more than ,to be with her grandmother but understands that her mother cannot cope. Sand writes that, “along with her precious love. she had abysses of neglect and lassitude.” 1 Aurore goes, at the age of 13, to the convent of the English Augustines in Paris. Near the end of. her two years at the convent, the child unde,rgoes a kind I of mystical conversion. The account seems genuine and her religious feelings appear to maintain some kind of permanence throughout her life. Sand is, however, quick to. mention that she never “sought” a conversion, and that what originally kept her away from religion was, “precisely the fear of arriving at it through self-seeking calculation.” In 1820, Auroreis recalled to Nohant and two years later, upon the death of her grandmother, the young woman marries. The first two years of married life-produce two children and little conflict. What follows is a kind of amicable separation at which ’ time Aurore departs for Paris with. her daughter: The young woman regains her liberty and makes no secret of her intent to live her life to the fullest. . At the time of her “debut” in Paris, Aurore has already begun to write but nothing is as yet published. She becomes friends with Delatouche, editor of Le Figaro and Jules Sand, a clever young lawyer. Jules and Aurore collaborate on a book and Aurore decides to adopt the name George Sand as ‘a compromise between her and her partner. The woman was to. remain anonymous and often dressed as a man in public, for she was clearly living in a man’s world. Throughout the next 20 years Sand lives a kind of bohemian lifestyle and has various lovers including the poet Alfred de Musset and Chopin’one of the greatest musicians of his day. Sand’s liaison with Chopin begins at a time when the “maestro” is dispirited by a temporary lapse in popularity as well as the first stage in his fatal illness.
Mavis Gallant is an invisible Canadian. Gallant’s own immigrant life, is the theme of Born and educated in Canada, she is one of displacement. and rootlessness. Many of her characters are born in America or England Canada’s foremost authors, but is largely ignored. and come to live on continental Europe. When one thinks of Canadian writers, it is Leaving home, returning home and women like Atwood, Laurence, Munro and meeting lost relatives are events which Engels who come to mind in English occur ‘in almost every story. Those who But, who is. Mavis speaking Canada. come to live in new areas never seem to Gallant? blend in; they live in American or English sections of towns and use the natives to the Gallant is not recognized as a Canadian area only as servants, not as friends. writer for several reasons. She has lived most of her life in Europe, particularly in While the first generation of families seem to have this rootlessness, the second Paris. Her short stories generally deal with generation .forgets its origin and adopts the European settings and characters. She also is aiming at an international market rather new culture and language. than a Canadian one. She publishes her Gallant’s stories are interesting studies of Women in Ccinadian Literature is a wocharacter, but are often rather stories in American magazines such as The rthwhile resource book for those interested. disconcerting because they leave the reader New Yorker and does not publish her in skimming over the whole range of hanging and do not have a definite end to collected works by - Canadian publishing Canadian women writ.ers in a short time. As them. Rather than being self-enclosed units, houses; part of a series entitled Women in Canadian they seem to depict. segments of lives, and it The arts should not .be bound by Life. which provides an overview of is often difficult to determine why certain nationaEities and patriotic rivalries, but, if . Canadian women in law, sports and other segments are important. Nothing is laid on one was atte-mpting to buoy up ‘Canadian professions, this book by Molly McClung with a trowel. culture by claiming that creative talent is a provides a brief introduction to Canadian One of the most interesting aspects of result of one’s country of birth, one could women writers. Gallant’s work is her -style. She has a claim‘ Mavis Gallant as a Canadian writer This work is primarily a reference book magnificent grasp of- images and can and certainly add to Canada’s prestige. for beginners. Despite the >wealth of writing incorporate, metaphors without using the From, fhe F@eenth District is Gallant’s on Canadian women writers, both mundane escape routes of “like” and “as” in sixth book, being her fourth collection of biographical and critical, only the sparse, her similes. Although writing in prose, she short stories. Officially, it is supposed to be a bare details of the writers’ works and lives has her mind turned to poetry. collection of a novella and. eight short are covered in a skimpy ninety-six pages. It Gallant’s characters are very complex stories, is an introduction to Canadian women _ and deftly drawn., Not content to Each-of the nine stories in the collection writers for those who are almost completely . methodically dwell on an ordered list of hovers around the Second World War. For unaware of what has been written in character traits, she juxtaposes item upon Gallant, this war seems to be’ the Canada. ’ item in seemingly random fashion; touchstone of reality for Europe. Although As an introduction, it serves its purpose nevertheless, she never loses control. none of the stories is specifically a war story well, but so much more could have been Gallant’s book is not always satisfying, or enveloped by the war, each one uses the added to give greater details about the lives but it is worth reading. Some of the stories war as a reference point, as a life-changing of the authors and more. thoughtful and - are excellent, such as “The Four Seasons” probing analyses of their works. and “The Moslem Wife”. The title story, McClung seems to have a short attention The‘ stories are placed chronologically. “From the Fifteenth District” is also the an author in a span, often dismissing The earlier stories occur just before the briefest, but is’one of the most enjoyable, paragraph or two. She speaks of the authors outbreak of the war and during its opening being a whimsical study of ghosts who are in general, rarely critical terms suitable only battles. The final stories have moved so far haunted by those who remember them to whet one’s taste’ and interest for from it that WWII has become a subject for an interesting and amusing twist. particular writers. history, books and memoirs edited by From the-Fifteenth -District is a good,‘ The format of the book is one which acts people less involved in it. War moves from sometimes great, collection; one could do --. as a supplement and guide to further being an immediate reality of displacement worse, and not much better. , readings. and suffering to a distant memory and an . .The- narration moves from the early arena for scholarly dispute. Celia Geiger One of the best, most touching stories in the collection is “Baum, Gabriel; 1935 ( ).” This story chronicles the life of a German actor from 1960 until 1978, when he ages from being 25 to 43. The greatest part of his career is spent playing bit roles, such as surrendering soldiers and people who die in the first episodes of television series’ and plays which reenact the German surrender to the-allies. Again and again, he repeats the history of national guilt and repentance for a war in which ‘he was too young to be involved. Another dominant’ theme of the collection, which seems to arise from
As with nearly all of Sand’s loves, there is . a strong sense of motherly feeling; the writer nursing Chopin like-a sick child for nearly eight years. A quarrel causes Chopin to one day ieave his mistress in anger. With the loss of Chopin, Sand’s narrative comes to a close. A major portion ‘of the writer’s career awaits her but in a sense the discovery of, self -has come about. “I have told how. I have borne\ whatever was inherent in my own nature” concludes Sand. Sand’s autobiography-displays a sensitivity and perceptiveness that is appealing. Her account is often melodramatic, but somehow not in an offputting manner. The book is not a radical manifesto. It is simply an honest look at the independent thinker’s feelings and experiences. If you know what you’re in for, you’ll probably enjoy the book. Ruth Fallding
_-Reference book a good iritro ‘“2, to Canadian women’s/ literatufe ,. .
Books, ’ concerts, records: , The Arts at Imprint. Take part, CampuS Centre 14
pioneer literature of Frances Brooke, Elizabeth Simcoe and the sisters Susanna Moodie .and Catherine Parr Trail1 through Victorian writers and several groups of poets to modern writers like Laurence, Atwood and Engels. Canadian writing is divided into several categories ,according to chronology and whether it is prose or poetry. At the end of . each section there are sections which ask questions for discussion and research as well as list novels, poems and critical works for the reader to study further according to . their interest. These further readings would best initiate one into Canadian literature by women. The references in this book are good-and the text is thoughtful, but the entire work is too general and provides too little information. There seems to be a lack of scholarship and intellectual depth. This is not the book for university profs; but neither should it underestimate the intelligence and interest of the readers. 1 Atwood and Laurence are the only two authors who have been given their own chapter; they are the only two studied in any Gblence of detail. The textis !supplemented by pictures of most of the authors. All are in black and white except for a few which have been tinted a curious shade of orange to simulate aging. On the whole, McClung’s discussions of the poets were the most interesting, . particularly her short section on Margaret Avison. Each author or poet is discussed both biographically and through an examination of her major contributions to literature. Plot ‘summaries are far too common. This work could have been much better: longer, in greater detail and more all- , inclusive. There are limits to what any resource book can cover, but too many good writers such as Susan Musgrove have been ignored. As an introduction, it is worth reading. Even the slowest reader could have it fin&d in under an hour. Ce!ia Gpiger (
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Gettin’ BENT’
All work and no play made Jack a dull boy, not to mention thoroughly annoying Jill to the point where she refused to sit at home one more night thumbing through dull ledgers, >postulating vector theoiems, reading and rereading Conrad and then, still baffled, reading again. Jill was hip, she knew where it was at. Everyone who knew Jill knew Jill knew where it was at because she’ ‘was always saying, “Life’s a garden, dig it.” Jill had a ball on campus last year. She managed to swing her studies, frequent the Pub, let her hair down .- .or up, as the occasion dictated - at the BENT extravagansas, and still found time to flip through the hip, completely up-to-date, no-jive journal for people in the know, the Imprint. Yes, Jill caught all the action last .year, some in ivory sneakers and leopard tights, some in ebony nosepickers and designer jeans. She pogo’d with the Teddy Boys, she raised a little hell with Matt Minglewood, she faithfully accepted her share of concert blisters with Max Webster, she got high with Helix and David Wilcox, and she got down with JJ Cale. Jill knew what ‘she wanted from life and she knew how to get it. While Jack was busy contemplating the syntactical efficiency of his planned posthumouslywritten autobiography for English (for advanced minds or supernafural host) 701, Jill was boogying at the ‘Loo with little more -on her mind that the superficialities of life as it exists in this time slot, in the great scheme of things. In other words, Jill was “spaced, without a trace, trying to keep from /going insane.” (Aerosmith, circa 1974) . Now for those of you who feel: perhaps, that Jill, holds too little concern for the academic responsibilities of University life, that she has shirked her studies, let me assure you that Jill had matters quite in hand. The Board of Entertainment offered, for the most part, weekly entertainment such that Jill found plenty of time to keep her astro-physics and aeronautical design courses in ship-shape.
continued on page 1(
CANO’s Rachael Paiment (above) and Matt Minglewood (far left) along with their respective bands will be back by popular demand agairi I._ this term. Not to mention, a plethora of .pogoastic perpetrators and perhaps even a darling Teddy-Boy or two (right) or a snarlingly-& tense Tony Bird (right on page 10).
BENT on !!!!I
.a 1
A Photos: CAN0 by JW Bast, Teddy Boy by Katherine, klatt by. E&, Tony Bird by Jacob Arseneault. _
A-9 -
* BENT preview continued from page 9
, -
The upcoming school term promises much excitement for those of you who, like Jill, enjoy such modest pastimes as “Seek and Destroy” or brain cell “Toke for Broke”, and “Acid Rain excursions, aperitifs”. . To aid in your quest for fullfiilingness, Denise Donlon and her BENT friends, with their one-of-a-kind BENT outlook on life, have arranged for the following performers and events. A “Rock ‘n Roll night at the movies” heads the list featuring Woodstock, Phantom of the Opera, and The Last Waltz, September 6.. ,The original Mandrake the.Magician, who at the age of 86 has outlived every - rabbit, dove and buxomed assistant ever in his employ, will attempt to thrill and spellbind all disbelievers as he leads his magical mystery tour this way, September 8. Cano and Minglewood will bring their -respective brands of madness back to UW this term, ,due to popular demand, and for the grand finale, Carolyne Mas, often referred to as the real Springsteen, (the other more popular version merely a crotch-rock imposter) brings her gruff’tyke vernacular and hard rock edge to a ready market sometime early in October. Everyone needs a little lift now and then, whether it be synthetic or the natural high attainable from beer, weed, beans and rock ‘n roll. So remember Jill, and all like her, if you can’t get Jack off the books, don’t get bent out of shape ‘cause there’s plenty comin’ down this term. Go ahead; get BENT before you graduate. You’ may find you like it. ” MDCook
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Buying a Stereo system by price alone is just about the biggest mistake you can make. It may not look Iike it at the time, because you may be blinded by the low price, but it is. And that goes for “marked down” expensive equipment as well as “bargain basement!’ equipment. For example, you may see a system that costs well into four figures that is ’ marked down many hundreds of dollars. Looks tempting, but if it’s more stereo than you need, where’s the i saving? You could get the same enjoyment from a system costing half as much. Conversely, a less expensive system at a bargain price may not deliver the sound you want, so you’ve blown that bargain too. At Schneider Sound we not only match all the coimponents of a stereo ’ system, we match the system to your requirements and budget. That way G you don’t spend any more than you should, or worse, spend less than you should. Mind you, we have”sales”too, but if we think that any item is not what you should buy, we’ll tell you so. Like we say, “you’ll hear more from us.” But it won’t be alot of fast talk about “bargain” equipment.
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“Down In The Hole”: A very, very slow blues number. Takes any momentum that “Where The Boys Go” might have started and grinds it to a halt. “Emotional Rescue”: Mick Jagger tries to ‘imitate the Bee Gees. Bloody awful. This song is indire need of-emotional rescue, as it has none whatsoever. The Stones were one of the first rock bands to try disco (rem-ember “BlaFk and Blue”?) - it seems odd that they are one of the last to realize “The public wants what the public gets.” that disco has snuffed it. Paul Weller, “G&ng Undergtiund” “She’s So_,Cold”: Four minutes and -ten , - ‘.Dance”: “What am I doin’ standin’ here seconds of Mick singing “You’re so cold, -on the corner of West 8th Street and 6th she’s so cold like an ice cream cone” and Avenue?” asks Mick. Don’t believe him! other rubbish. Really, Mick, 1.8 months for He’s actually in a studio in Paris, ‘France, or this one? The music isn’t much more clever. sunny Nassau, in the Bahamas. Yet another “All About You”: I think it’s Keith singing Stones disco number, “Dance’, reminds me this one. Nobody is given explicit credit for of the theme from “Baretta” in places. Wish the vocals on it, and no wonder: they’re it was that short. The one lyric line goes deadly boring. This song really Drugs. “Get up, get out into something new.” More Well, kiddies, have it. This is the. about this later. 27th or 29th album from the Glimmer “Summer .Romance”: An assembly-line Twins (including about 6 greatest hit Stones rocker. The playing is all very good; albums). After all that, Mick Jagger admits Richards blabs some pretty good herointhat he’s “bored with rock”. It sure sounds free lead. It sounds like at least a dozen like it. The band seems to be holding back; other Stones songs, though, with the vocals they don’t go out on any limbs. Sure, theg’ve degenerating into a repetition of the song. picked up .on disco and reggae sooner than title. others, but they’re just mimicking. And then ’ “Send It To Me”: A pseudo-reggae tune. they have the nerve to tell US to “get up, get As reggae, it’s fair; lyrically, it’s not too out into something new”. clever. I-think that Mick wrote these lines on - Andy Warhol, expert of disposable the -paper coaster beneath his glass of culture, derived Warhol’s Law: “In the Per&while sunning in the Bahamas or on future, everybody will be famous for at least the Riviera. ’ In a brilliant Time magazine 15. minutes.” “Let Me Go”: See “Summei- Romance”. essay (June 19, 1978)’ Lance. Morrow “Indian Girl”: The music is secondary to proposed that those people who outlive the lyrics in this song. Since I can’t make their fame, who are no longer famous for \ much sense of Jagger’s warblings, this song talent or achievement but are just famous does absolutely nothing‘ for me. So ends for being famous, should be told in no ,Side One. uncertain terms that their 15 minutes are “Where The Boys Go,.‘: Easily the most up. He nominated Barbara Streisand, lively song on the album. Charlie Watts Sammy Davis Jr., Cher, Howard Cosell, seems to be less entranced than usual; Mick _ Muhammad Ali, Barbara Walters and Bob actually puts something into this one. It Dylan to receive the Big Hook. * -must have been recorded early in the Well, Mick and Keith, your 15 minutes are s&on.for this album, which tobk a total of up. Now, slag off. i8 months to record, edit, etc. Do you Tdm McNally believe that? That’s 1.8 months per song!
‘: New
Film .Festivd I/ due I.
‘your time is up
will. an 150
Prerpiere run movies being shown include Mr. Patman, starring James Coburn and Kate Nelligan, Resurrection, starring Eva Le Gallienne and Ellen Burston, Deathwatch, starring Romy Schneider and Harvey Keitel and Divine Madness, starring Bette Midler. Coburn, Burston and Midler, as well as other stars, will be attending the screenings of their pictures. This year’s Festival includes a salute to
Jean-Luc Godard, a series of movies on “The New Music”, documentaries, a series of “Buried Treasures”, contemporary French films, children’s films and lowbudget movies from independent .producers. As well, David Overbey has chosen a number of movies which will be shown by the label of “The‘Critic’s Choice”. Tickets can be bought for the entire event ($90)’ for the Godard series (44 films for $30) and for the Ne;ir Music series ($25)’ as well as for individual films ($3). They are available from the Festival Ticket Office at Hotel Plaza II (964-0333) and at all BASS outlets.
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It’s here! Mission’s new Model 700 speaker. At only $399.00 a pair, the 1700 wit1 fit the stereo system where both accurate sound and price are important. The genuine walnut veneer cabinet keeps the 700 from looki,ng “Budget,” .and the high- powered 8” woofer/soft dome tweeter keeps it from sounding ‘!Budget.” The 700 has a special driver placement (no it’s not upside down) to further improve the sound. With all this going for ‘the Mission 700, you should come into Wesseling Advanced Audio and -hear why it’s the smart choice at $399. 7 H. . L, , I ,
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lhcludes Wesseling’s famous ‘10 year warranty. . I
rem&w creative It is probably safe to say, now that September has rolled around, that one of the best releases of the summer is the sequel to Star Wars called The Empire Strikes Back. The movie is still. drawing large crowds at the University Theatre in Toronto,, where it began months ago. That is not to say that The Empire Strikes Back has had any stiff competition for the position. (it hasn’t) or that it ,is particularly better than the original (it is; but not by much). Nonetheless, the same magic which made Star Wars the largest grossing film in the history of the art form is bringing the crowds to see The Empire Strikes Back.
Excuse me, sir, but your Star Cruiser is double-parked -The major drawing card of Empire, like Star Wars, is‘the special effects. Unlike certain science fiction shows on television which, largely for monetary reasons, repeat their special effects until audiences1 are sick of seeing them, Empire has an all-new battery of special effects. For the most part, they are as good as, if not better than, those of the i original. -,I The most brilliant of the effects, without a “doubt, is the chase through the asteroid belt. Interestingly enough, a -similar effect ::was attempted on an -episode of the television series Buck Rogers in the Twenty‘S’ifth Century. The Buck Rogers asteroid &equences rarely showed ships manoeuvering through asteroids; most of them took - place just outside the belt. The Empire’s asteroid sequence, which is far superior, has the Millenium Falcon being pursued by Imperial fighters through asteroids .which themselves are moving. This sequence alone is worth the price of admission to the movie. Really. There is also a series of splendid shots close to the beginning of the film during the battle on the ice planet Hoth., The series shows the surface of the planet from the cockpit of Luke Skywalker’s moving ship. Whether or not the effect was unique tdthe University, because of its larger. screen, I cannot say, but it looks and feels as if you are actually sitting in the cockpit. It is soon after t.his excellent effect, however, thatone of the worst innovations in the film is introduced: the Imperial. Landwalkers.. Despite their being made of some indestructible metal, these weapons have an obvious weakness: they are vulnerable to attack from below. I was surprised to see the effect in the movie; any intelligent commander would have scrapped them before they ever saw battle because of their poor design . (although, I suppose, they did the job which they were assigned to do). The only advantage I could see these horrible creations having over simple air vehicles made of the same metal is, perhaps, that they use less energy. On the other hand, any Empire that can build a Death Star capable of destroying entire planets isn’t likely in the midst of an energy crisis! _ , The other major logic error in the execution of the special effects takes place in the asteroid belt (it would appear that every good effect is paired with a bad one). Most viewers, I believe, appreciate the fact that, when Han Solo and Princess Leia stepped out of’the Millenium Falcon into the mouth of a giant slug (or whatever the thing was), they stepped into a vacuum.’ Thus being without special clothing or breathing apparatus was’ not a good idea. Further, the brief shots of the creature’s head rearing up out of the hole after the Falcon takes off were just silly. They are of about the same quality as a bad Japanese horror film (sort of like Godzilla on a bad
day. I much prefer the Marvel Comics version which shows the Falcon shooting off but doesn’t show the head chasing it.) The reason the effect looks the way it does is obvious: the creative team on Empire has limited, if any, experience with stop-action photography and hasn’t mastered its intricacies. Most of the special effects of all of the recent science fiction movies and television shows use matte photography, a completely different ‘process. Hopefully, if stop-action photography is needed in future efforts, it will be used in a more expert way and .produce a better effect. The other poorly executed effect which was more a case of directoral bad judgement than anything else, shows Luke falling through the refuse ducts of the city’ Bespin, close to the end of the film. There is no explanation of how he survived the fall from the platform where he was fighting Darth Vader or why he athletically tumbles towards the end of the duct. One possible reason can be found in the Marvel adaptation (which, it can only be assumed, was taken from the shooting script), in a brief scene with Darth Vader, a scene which is absent from the movie. Vader explains to an underling that the ducts suck all of the falling refuse out of the city. Without this scene, a plausible effect became an implausible effect. Yet, when I first read of Luke’s rescue; I envisioned a last minute, Perils of Pauline type of rescue with Luke falling onto the top of the moving ship. The scene was much more believable, I found, than I had originally given it credit for. Despite the minor flaws in the film (which are, nonetheless, inexcusable), it must be pointed.out that the good special effects add .rriore to Empire than the bad one detract from it. For this reason, Empire will attract those fanatical science fiction fans who like
What’s a nice character like you doing in a movie like this? What is likely to attract those interested in a good movie or those just looking to kill an afternoon (those who aren’t likely to see Empire more than once or twice) is the * introduction of new characters and the fleshing out of the old characters. In this, as in special effects, Empire is superior to Star Wars, although it does have problems. The big event is the introduction of Yoda, the wizened 800-year-old trainer of Jedai Knights who sounds a lot like Fozz E.-Bear. This is not surprising considering the fact that both were created by Frank Oz. Despite his cloth and stuffing beginnings, Yoda is one of the most interesting characters in Empire, rivalling Ben Kenobi and Darth Vader. He is articulate, enigmatic and surprisingly expressive (watch his ears), and there’is the possibility that Yoda will be the thread stringing all of the future movies together. Personally, I would applaud such a move. ’ Furthermore, Yoda is responsible for one of the two major plot advancements which take place in the movie: a deeper investigation of the nature of the Force. The Yin to Yoda’s Yang is the other major character introduced in Empire: Lando
Calrissian is an awful character, or that Billy Dee W_illiams is a badactor; neither are true. It’s just that the character is like a regular star among novas, it doesn’t stand out. It is a blank. Nothing. A nullity. Zero. To be honest, Calrissian struck me as a black Han Solo. That means that the character of therascal-with-a-heart-of-gold is almost identical in both characters (Calrissian appears to be a little more ruthless, but not much). The cast of characters has gained nothing with his addition, and, if not for the workings of the plot, he most certainly would be redundant. Ben Kenobi is not used extensively in Empire,and, unfortunately, is not used well. The character’s spirit appears in a shimmering white haze, as if invested with some magical power, The problem is, this is supposed to be an effect of the Force and, whatever the Force may be, it certainly isn’t a manifestation of magic. Further, the symbology of the “good guy in white” harkens back to the overriding problem with Star Wars: its simplistic morality. Ben Kenobi’s scenes could have been much more powerful, much more compelling, if he had remained a disembodied voice. It is Darth Vader who grows in Empire, revealing the startling secret of his identity (I still refuse to believe it!) and partially revealing his face. The mania surrounding this character is becoming more understandable to me; Vader could .be the strongest character in the first three films and is undoubtedly one of the meanest, baddest villains ever portrayed in the cinema. Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher are Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia (respectively). Although these characters haven’t the ability to transcend the special effects in the film (unlike Ben Kenobi, Vader or Yoda), and have the ignominous fate of being minor characters in a film in which they are supposed to star, they. do continue to grow and become more interesting. Finally: a brief glimpse of the Emperor& enough to rem,ind the audience that, evenif they kill Vader, the Star Warriors have not won their struggle. After all, Vader would have desttoyed the Emperor if the latter wash? meaner, badder and more villainous than Vader. ’
The Force and The Word The Empire Strikes Back is the fifth part of a nine part series of motion pictures which, it is planned, will end in the year 2001 (a not inconspicuous date in itself). Star Wars, as we know now, was part four, leaving seven movies unaccounted for. ’ Lucas, who is still the guiding light of the project, has.proven himself a shrewd.moviemaker, and it is likely that he will be meting out surprises and goodies throughout. Still, the two movies at hand show dome disturbing, trends. - Empire was, for the most part,.a betterwritten film than the original: the lines were snappier, a little less stiff. This made the characters seem less like comic book characters and more like real people. (The reason is that, although Lucas supplied the story for Empire, he didn’t write it himself.) However, this bodes ill for the rest of the series. Assuming that different writers will be working on different films, the viewer will not be able to tell about the quality of any particular film until he or she sees it. Which is, not fo say that the series is doomed to go ‘downhill; newconcepts are being dealt with every three movies, new premises are being worked over (unlike, say; the Planet of the Apes movies, all five of which had ‘the same premise and dealt with more or less the same concepts). The Star Wars series (if it may be called that) could vary drastically in quality from movie to movie as oppbsed to getting worse with each successive movie. That would certainly be different. The creators of Star Wars will have to find a way of maintaining creativity without sacrificing quality. If they can find such a balance, the makers of one of the, greatest space fantasies of all time may have the greatest science fiction series on their I hands.
Ira Nayman
September 11 & 32 Waterloo. Motor Inn $5.00 - Feds $6.00 - Others _ _.g
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_.Brave’ new wiiverse~ In 1884, Edwin A Abbott wrote a short novel called F&land. In it, he envisioned a- planar world filled with two-dimensional beings. Unfortunately, he used the story more to doralize than to theorize, and his two-’ dimensional world proved to be not terribly self-consistent. . A few years later (1907, to be exact), Charles H. Hinton published An -Episode In F’tczttand which, while more ifiternally consistent than its predecesser, nonetheless did not explore the possibilities of a twoidimensi&al universe. Hinton, too, abandoned scientific speculation ‘for blatant philosophizing and moralizing. What was sorely ,needed was a serious exploration of the possible physical properties of a two-dimensional uni.verse; the subject might have lain dormant, the source of idle speculation and the rare story in scientific
An inverse-square law for our world (a) and its linear
analogue for world (b).
journals, if .not for the efforts Alexander K. Dewdney, a professor of computer science at the UniGersity of Western Ontario; What Dewdney has supplied- Two Dimensional Sci-
constructing a two-dimensional universe whose appearance is analogous to our own yet whose matter and
energy obey a consistent set of laws to its restricted dimensionality. ha Nayman
00 0
i ‘A badly designed planivecsaLanima1 (a) goes for a swim’ (b). ” One complication of two-dimensional science is that a system which is supposed to be self-contained I cqnnot have more than one opening at one time. --
&ce and TGhnotogy-is a fascinating, sometimes brilliant collection of “notes, observations, calculations, speculations and fantasies”. It is an incredible description of the possible physical sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, etc.) of a universe with only two physical dimensions; Rather than allotiifig his investigation-- to degenerate into a “collection of idle spec’tilations”, Dewdney adopts tuio principles in translating three-dimensional concepts to two dimensjons. .The first, the principle of similarity, states that the. planiversal (two-dimensional) phenomena shall be as “like” their sterivGa1 (threedimensional) counterparts as possible. A hollow, threedimensional sohere is thus translated intda circle in two dimensions. T& other principle, that of modification, sup&cedes the first. This principle states that “in ‘the case of contradictory conclusions, ‘% will be the more superficial theory which is modified, i.e., the one less
deeply rooted in an invowith a call to arms of those cation of the principle7 of interested in planning a twosimilarity”. dimensional universe; if there Thus, theories based on is enough respbnse, he plans physics will take precedence on printing a companion over those based on volume to be entitled chemistry which- will take Ptaniuersat Science and precedence over those based TechnQtogy, It should n%ke .a 0~ biology and so ‘on. fitting contribution to the With these two .principles, game, the object of which is “A ptaniveriat lock and key.” Dewdney points out that Dewdney creates ‘a plani- “to go as far as possible in such a system is viable in three-dimensional universes. versi, tackling the subjects of I physics, chemistry, astron: Yes, I ati interested in learning more about two-dimensional universes. Enclosed, please find a planetary sciences, omy, cheque or nioney order for .. ... copies of Two Dimensional Science und Technology at $3.00 pei biology and technology in copy. Send them to: successive chapters, At i ^ ; i . . . . . . .:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . times; the science is a little hard to follow (this is : name definitely not a book for the average layman) and the : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ..... mathematics somewhat com, plex; but it is, nonetheless, : address I very interesting,!0 read. :' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*.............................. Of particular- note is the . aI .: city, prouinw, postal code section on technology, which I springs from the di&ussions on science. In it, Dewdney makes plausible plans for a two-dimensional lock and key system and steam engine, among pther things. It almost makes one believe such a universe exists! Dewdney ends his book
The similarity and modification principles: figure (a) represents a hoist as an engineer might build it according to the principle of similacity. A metallurgist finds that materials in the planiverse fracture more easily than their steriversal counterparfs and invokes the rule of modification to change the original design (b). An atomic physicist, invoking the two principles at an even more fundamental level, calculates intermolecular forces far in excess of those used by the metallurgist. Armed with this - information, the metallurgist recalculates his data and has the engineer redesign the . h&t one final time (c). rl
Fun, fame and. physics Professor Dewdney is looking for submissions for his follow-up book on two-dimensional universes and cloqe to one third of the students at UW are in engineering and science. What better than to hold a contest? Well . . . symbolically, the logic wouldn’t hold much water, but, nonetheless, Imprint is sponsoring a contest for those interested,in pursuing the subject further. Dewdney has come up with four problems (two Professor scientifically oriented and two technologically oriented) not discussed in his first book. To enter the contest, all you have to do is solve one or more of them. Easy enough, right? It is assumed that entrants are familiar with either Martin Gardner’s article in the July 1980 issue of Scientific Anierican or, preferably, Prof. Dewdney’s monograph. Copies of the monograph are available at a reduced price of $3 (reg. $5) by sending a cheque or money order and the coupon above to: -Alexander K. Dewdney, Dept. of Computer Science, EMS Building, UWO, London, Ont., N6A 5B9. The first prize in each of the categories will be the publicationof the winning entry in Dewdney’s next book, Planibersal Science and Technology. ’ Rules 1. The contest is &pen to all faculty, staff and students at UW. Imorint staff members are not eligible to apply. 2. ‘Entries should addFess themselves to one of the following categories (although one may apply in more than one category): Technology problem 1: Wind-up motor Design a two-dimensional mechanism whose input and output are both mechanical energy in the form of cyclic work (such as, say, a lever moving back and forth). The energy may be inputted over an arbitrarv oeriod of time. should be outputted at a regular
In the pla&&se, Maxwell’s equations collapse in number from four totwo under the assumptibn that magnetism is a scalar, not vector. auantity. De&n a device for converting mechanical work into an electric current under these conditions.
__ -
Assuming an inverse linear force law and a collection of point masses in olaniversal soace. solve the two-bodv problem and, as far as po&ible, compsre the stability of planiiersal planetary systems with those in our own universe. Science
Gardner’s article, derive Given the table of elements in hartin bondins .rules in the planiverse and identify a pair of compounds which kotild react &ost violently (explode?) when in contact. It is understood that none of the above ‘problems’ is well-defined and that any background not found by the’ articles or the monograph be supplied by the entrant in the form of explicitly stated assumptions. 3. Entries should be brouaht or mailed to the Imwint office. CC140, befor 4 pni, December 1. Entries should hav;? the name; Ib number (in the case of students) and telephone number or address of the entrant(s). 4. The science editor oi Imprint will collect the entries and, if their number dictates, screen them to a reasonable amount. They will then be sent to Dewdney;-tie will choose the best entries. Winners will be chosen on the basis of creative imagination, scientific and/or technical knowledge displayed and economy of design or theory. 5. The decision of the judge is final. 6. The winning entries will be published in the first issue of Imprint for the winter term and in Planiversal Science and Technology, Dewdney’s next book on the subject.
Eaton’s Travel extends i warm’_-welcome to all students. . We shall be pleased to handle all your ’ A travel- requifements.
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Avoid Box Office line-ups and disappointment mmm SUBSCRIBE NOW The shows sell out quickly - use your CHARGEXNISA card all adjacent to the umanities Theatre, DANCE SERIES : ’
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THEATRE BALLET OF CANADA Special attraction from the 1979 Shaw Festival Fri., Oct., 24/80- 8 p.m.
Dynamic! Original! Superb! THE EDDY TOUSSAINT “Surely the mos&o&eht anywhere around today” New York Magazbe
Tues., Oct. 7 - 8 p.m., Humanities Theatre $7.00 (StuJsen. $5.50) Students - use your coupon in the
The World’s Foremost Spanish ‘MARK TWAIN IN PERSON adapted and performedlby Richard
the direction
of Eugene
Wi 126 dynamic, colourful performers - a thundering male chorus, a mandolin orchestra and a lively group of young folk dancers. The Shevchenko Musical Ensemble playedto capacity crowds at Expo 67, and more recently at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, at * Ontario Place, the Shaw Festival and numerous other festivals across Canada, and at itsown annual concet% in Toronto’s Massey Ha&The ensemble has taken their wonderful music to Western Canada on two tours and on a visit to the Soviet Union. ’ tion Price - 4 Events $24.00
IVERSITY EXTm2126 OR 885-42
SingleTickets, if available, will go on sale Sept. 15/66
‘1 -
Tuesday, September
Athena rtinners, and__- thirteen for -~-
2, 1980, University
jumpers stories
of Waterloo,
and throwers move and more photos.
into high gear.
See pages
lntramurals offer a wide variety for information and schedule.
of activities.
See pages
and nine
WLU and Western best bets again The OUAA [Ontario University Athletic Association) western division foot ball league is shaping up to be a battle between six teams WiIfrid Laurier, Western, Toronto, Windsor, Yorlc and Guelph. The final two teams in the league, McMaster and Waterloo will have their hands full in league competition but ironically may prove to be the nemesis for one or more of the top teams. Following is Q rundown on the prospects. Last year’s league champions, Laurier, will rely on their young offensive line who are all returning. They have very good running backs led by Paul F&on (525 yards on 60 carries) and Dave Graffi (356 yards on 70 carries). If Tuffy Knight (last year’s OUAA-West coach of the year) has a weakness, it is on defence where the Golden Hawks will lose a lot of players. In particular, the defensive backfield may be the achilles heel of an otherwise powerful team. Look for them to finish second. The University of Western who Ontario Mustangs, finished second in the standings last year but knocked off Laurier and Queen’s to advance to the College Bowl before being outclassed by Acadia, had a very young team last year and look good to take the league championships. Western appears to be solid in all departments. Their defence (second best in the league) will be all the more experienced while their offensive line (perhaps the best in the league last year) were all freshmen. They will be starting a rookie quarterback - Andy Rosset from Quinte Setondary School in Belleville
- but despite his youth, reports indicate he is an excellent prospect. According to Warrior head coach Wally Delahey, the reports claim that Rosset (who is apparently able to throw with both arms and averaged four touchdown passes per game in his last year in high school) will develop into the best ever quarterback at Western. That’s an impressive claim. The University of Toronto Blues have 3g veterans returning to camp . They were a good team last year but were suspect on defence. They won their big games but were inconsistent, at times looking completely outclassed. An important returnee is Dan FeradaYy for two Years the Blues’ starting quarterEi$. ye, sa,t Outatit YGyli in]uries provide more strength at that position than last ‘year. They will be stronger but will not improve on their third placefinish. The University of Windsor Lancers took the final playoff spot last year mainly on the strength of the passing/receiving skills of the Mallender brothers. Scott Mallender, top offensive player in the league, completed 96 passes, 12 of them for touchdowns. Brother Craig led the league in
The Windsor Lancers, shown the top offensive combination everyone else, will have their receiving with 31 catches for 494 yards. Craig also carried the ball 85 times for 495 yards. Both are returning. They could finish ahead of Toronto. Guelph finished in fifth place only one win out of third. Rumours have it that coach Dimitroff has had an excellent recruiting season nabbing eight or nine good prospects. If true, these players combined with the 35 returning veterans could’ move Guelph into a playoff spot.
here giving Warrior Bill Boug a rough time, should be strong this year as in the country - Scott and Craig Mallender, return. They, along with photo by David Trahair hands full with Western.
York’s chances will rest heavily on the shoulders of Mike Foster, who is returning for his fifth season as quarterback, and all-star defensive back Angelo Kioussis. Look for the Yeomen to finish sixth but scare a few teams. McMaster didn’t win a game last year. They averaged under 8 points of offence a game while giving 35. They may UP over improve but they won’t win any games. Jacob Arseneault
OUAA-West Team Laurier Western Toronto Windsor Guelph York Waterloo McMaster
6 5 4 3 3 3 2 0
-0 1 3 3 4 4 5 7
1979 A Pts
1184 73 0154 75 0 157-148 1166 135 0 115 107 0101 77 0 95 153 0 54 258
13 IO 8 7 6 6 4 0
-_ ’ _
i_ r”:‘-
2 1980. Imprint
’ LWarribrs tcriely\-
This year will be another rebuilding year for the Waterloo Warriors football team. The Warriors were-two axd five last year and will need to play inspired football to im’prove on that mark. Lost through graduation is all-stars Frank Kosec and SommerMike Karpow, punter and Rob Sommerville. field goal kicker, yVho ville, 6'i", 195 lbs. led the three interaccounted for 88 of 95 points team with ceptions from his defensive scored by the Warriors. Kosec, 6'0", If the Warriors are going back position. is an outside to do anything at all this 210 Ibs, year they are going to have linebacker who is already heralded as CFL to control the ball and put it being material. ,into the end zone. III total, There are some promising scored nine touch they downs in seven games, one rookies who may add sqme more than Windsor’s Craig strength to the Warriors. Frank Campanaro, from Mallender. They are going to is an have to help Joe Alves out Hamilton Southmount, offensive guard who has with some blocking. already received high marks Alves, only 5’7”, 165 lbs, camp. led the team in rushing (472 at a Ti-Cat pre-season Mike Campigotto, from yards on 86 carries), touchdowns (two), punt and Scollard Hall in North Bay, could be a good bet for a kick off returns. He was spot. ----second on the team in linebacking passing but the Warriors Waterioo’sbig question were unable to get their marks are quarterback and blocking out in front of him. depth. Quarterback Bob He gained only. 74 yards on Pronyk, one way or another, 15 completions. has/to put points on the, board. Leading the team ofThe question of depth is fensively will be Bill Boug, this: does Waterloo have 6'2", 220 lbs. The al&- enough football players to Canadian tight end was fill all the spots? Without a voted the recipient of the doubt, they have some Tom Pate Memorial Award, excellent individuals but given each year to the top they may not have the player in the country who is supporting cast. returning to college. Boug Jacob Arseneault was second in the league in ~receiving with 447 yards on One of the things the Warriors will have to do is B 6 receptions. out in front .of running-back Joe ( Leading influences of get their blocking Ahes, as they were able to do on this occa$sion. defence will be conference
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2 1980. Imprint
hena hockey team looks like winner 1 The University of Waterloo field hocketieam will soon begin the 1980 season. This year, the Athenas will have a nucleus of young players returning from last year’s team. These returnees are relatively inexperienced, most having had only one or two years in the starting lineup. Since the rest of the league is strong (Toronto and ,York were one-two in Canada last year), the Athenas must make a lot of progress this season if thev wish to finish in the top half of the eightteam league - they must take not one, but two steps forward. However, the players have shown a lot of potential, and Head Coach Judy McCrae is confident that her team can finish in the top four. According to McCrae, there are seven players knowh to be returning. Key forwards are Cheryl Chapman, who has two years of university experience, Kim Imada, with one previous year on the varsity team, and Lisa Bauer, anot her second year student who played for the Ontario Provincial Squad during the summer gaining valuable experience at a high level of Play* The Athenas will gain another asset this year in the person of Jean Howitt. Howitt, -a graduate of St. Mary’s High School - a perennial field hockey powerhouse in the K-W area -has had three years of Provincial Squad experience. Acquiring a fourth exper.ienced forward will bolster the offensive thrust, since high scoring Cathy Cumming has been lost through graduation. Four defensive veterans will be back this season. Susan Scott, in her fifth vear with the club, had a very successful season last fdi, and should make a strong contribution to this year’s defence. ”
Another plus for the backfield is sophmore Jennfer Shaw. She was a member of the Quebec Provincial Team this past summer, Other returning defencewomen are Tammy Horne, a fourth-year student, and Cathy -Lindquist, entering her -second - year as an Athena. Goaltending is still an unknown quantity at the present time. McCrae states that the defence will have adjustments to make to comnensate for the loss of some strong players such as Lois Scott, a current member of Canada’s National Team, who has used up her university eligibility. The returning players will be required to play major roles, rather than supporting roles, which will mean there may be some shifts in positions: The coaching unit will be three-strong this season. Last year’s assistant Wendy Frisby will be returning. Frisby is a Ph.D. student in the Sociology of Sport, and is formerly a head coach in the Western Canada conference. McCrae’s other assistant will be Lois Scott, also a Ph.D. student in the Sociology of Sport, and a current National Team player. -Waterloo will be competing against tough teams ,this year. They will travel to Michigan twice, playing some Division I teams from the AIAW (US counterpart of CIAU), such as the University of Michigan, Western Michigan, the University of Kentucky and others. The remainder of the schedule is comprised of games against the other Ontario schools. Everything is exhibition until the final two weekends, when the teams are divided into pools and playoffs are held. Waterloo will be hosting the finals this year. Tammy Horne I
A team huddle around head coach during a game against McGill played
Judy McCrae at McMaster.
[Centre of photo below] photos by Jacob Arseneault
to and
discuss David
to know
strategy Trahair.
Quick Delivery House ,
irts ( v) OT-Shirts ‘-Crested l Sweatshirts-Crested ONewest Training Shoes aTrack Suits SOSharts ’ Compl>ete ‘line of Hockey and C.ross Country ski equipment Action
._ -
, -
z_- ..\
September 3 1980. lmprtnt ..____.. _ ,
a pass
-. _
. Rugby Warrior& -i padding unavailable ‘i Rugby has been played at the University of Waterloo since 1967. In‘ this 13 year . period,, the University of Waterloo Rugby Football Club (WWRFC) has compiled a record-of one OUAA championship, OUAA finalist, Ontario Universities clubside champions, Ontario universities Y-aside champions once and finalists twice. The-club has trairelled’to Notre Dame, Dartmouth, - and Ann Arbor as well as . having the distinction of being the first foreign team to play in the Tulane University Mardi Gras Tournament, in 1969 where , I they were finalists. The club has made several trips to Hammond Louisiana to play in their international tournament.. Last year we weie once,
again finalists in the Tulane tournament. Surprisingly enough, many of these successful teams developed from players with very little or no experience at all in rugby. ’ The WWRFC was formed with- the attitude of playing rugby for the enjoyment of the game. The invitation is open to all members of the university who desire to learn’or to play rugby. The club runs at least two teams - a varsity side, the Warriors, and a club side, the Trojans. Both teams play in highly competitive leagand coaching is ues available for both sides. The club also carries on other activities such as intramural -teams. Last year we won the ‘B’ league in floor hockey. We also run an intramural y-aside tour-_
nament - Ruggerfest which -included men’s and women’s teams. It is hoped this year we might even be able to field . a women’s ’ Is-aside team against the clubs from Guelph and Western. This year the club is embarking on an ambitious adventurewith its first Oktob%rfest Tournament that will feature teams from Canada and the USA. People willing, to assist us in this venture will be welcomed. If you do not think you can play, here is an opportunity to’be part of the club in an administrative, role. This year’s season begins September 11, with an exhibition game against the Toronto Scottish, and the ever popular alumni game will be played on September 14. This should be an
away.against .Queen’s which is coache*d by former Warrior _ captain Ralph Jarchow. This year’s club will have four coaches. Derek Humphreys who has also coached the Ontario junior team and the Niagara Rugby Union under-23 side. Phil White, who has played with the club on its first championship team and has experience playing in England will be coaching the ’ backs along with Scott Hadley, a former Ontario serum-half-and coach of last year’s successful, Trojan team. Assisting ‘Derek Humphreys with the forwards will be Jeff Sage, another member of the OUAA championship team and an experienced player - under the coaching of George Jones from Brantford. Roger Downer, a long time member and coaching associate is also working with the club this year. Once again, we welcome anyone with or without experience to come out and be a part of the University of Waterloo Rugby Football Club. Practices start on Tuesday, September 3 at 5 pm; on Columbia Field. For more information phone Derek Humphreys and Scott Hadley at 884-7343, or Roger Do-wner at 885-1211, ext. 3226. Derek Humphreys
only 15 minutes from campus)
-ELMlFtA GOLF CL-UB 1.1 miles west of stoplights in downtown Elmira
, . 669-3795
is airborne
out to one of his teammates.
Intramurals: more than 8,000 served The Intramural department at the with its Uriiversity of Waterloo, (approximately) 8000 participants, is the largest program of its kind in North America. Offering involvement in competitive touch football, activities, such as basketball, soccer, badminton and broomball is, however, only a small part of the program of activities for men and women. Instructional programs in a wide variety of endeavours, from ballroom dancing to yoga, from scuba diving to do.wnhill skiing, and from karate to golf, offer learning experiences sure to break the tedious monotony of 8 am classes, mid-terms and essays. While the competitive leagues offer activities of fair1.y high intensity, the CoRecreational leagues make available many of the same sports but at a decidedly slower pace, and often with the added attraction of members of the opposite (dare we say it?) sex. A complete schedule of activities is given on the next page. Please note that entry dates are rapidly approaching for r many sports.
Soccer (top left) is always one of the most competitive of autumn activities with teams competing in two leagues (A and B). Defending champions from last fall [the Caribbean Students) will have to handle Simbq, the summer league champs. Photo by Jesus Zarzar. Touch foot ball (top right) is only one of the fall activities for women in the competitive league. This game was between‘ St. Paul’s and Conrad Grebel. Photo by Ed Zurawski. Basketball [opposite] is, perennially, the most popular sport at Waterloo and Intramural competition is often fierce for men &d women. Photo by David Trahair. Seen moments after winning the Co-Ret volleyball tourney I’ast winter (bottom), this picture emphasizes the fun aspect of Intramurals. Photo by Jacob Arseneault.
The Trading Post Complete line of household furniture l Many articles such as lamps,. dishes, pictures, carpets, etc. , l
Delivery available! Hours: M-W - 9:00 - 6:00
T&F-9:00-9:00 Sat - 9:oo - 5:oo
356 Kir@t.
West, Kitchener
(Next to the Corkscrew)
. I .r
, Intra\muraI Program .vf@
Student Involvehent Intramural Councils (MIACIWIAC):
Athletic Clubs
Club Archery 15-20
Grganixationai Mon. Sept. 900 p.m. Fi@ Activity Sun. Sept.
Bowling 40 members
Area 1,4
Equestrian 25-35 members
Gymnastics 30-40 members
Martial Arts Judo - 30 members Tae Kwondo - 30 members outsrs 100 members
Mon. 8:W cc113
Cost Mixed
75$%tm league
plus bowling
Regular Sessions Monday 9:00-lo:30 p.m. Wednesday 7:00-9:00 p.m. Red Activity Area PAC Sunday 8:45-lo:45 p.m. Waterloo Bowling Lanes
Contact Person Neil Kennedy 885-2185
Monday 4~30-8~30 p.m. Tues? &Thurs. lo:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m. Granite Club - 4 sheets Regular instructional sessians wil be held as determined by members.
‘New executive zGi;inte&ted
Kevin Marg
Area 15
8 Mixed
Cost $Yyear, $3’term plus iesson lesson groups. Liaison with I.G.F. Films, Speakers. Cost $lYyear, $Ythrm. Beginners Individual lessons O.F.A. 8 Intercollegiate teams Cost $l(Yyear. $5 term Recreational & Instructional gymnastics. Varsitv women’s team.
costs. Coordinator for team competition.
Monday Thursday Studio Mon. Tues., Sun. Blue Tue$. Sat. Red
Cost $1 Yyear, $Yterm Instruction in the art of Judo, Tae Kwondo
Cost $Yyear, 63’term. Kayak instruction, films, instruction camping, outdoor equipment rentals.
Cost $l(Yyear. Organized Host IM 7 Aside tournament Newsletters, socials.
varsity & seconds in October,
6:00-9:W p.m. 8:W-lo:30 p.m. II - PAC 8 Wed. 5:&I-lo:00 p.m. Thurs., Fri. 4:00-7:00 p.m., 7:W-10:W p.m. Activity 8 Thurs. 7-l 0 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 12 noon Activity Area PAC p.m.
Skiing 8 200-300
. members
Mon. 5:00 cc113
Sept. p.m.
Mon. 5:W cc113
Sept. p.m. Sept. p.m.
Skating 40-50
wed. 7~00 cc113
Tabis 30-40
Tennis members
Thurs.Sept. 7:00 p.m. Blue Activity
Cost $5.00 Recreational Intercollegiate
fal ten. Instructional sailing. use of 5 new boats. Mini and C.I.S.A. competition.
Cost wyear, equipment
weekly and clothing
Cost wyear, free skating lntercollegiags
$2Yte&. and dance team.
in winter term, shows, film nights. Beginners instruction.
Validated members Simply go to PAC and club card and
Regattas, socials,
Regular throughout IM Office.
lessons, Women’s
Mon. Rink
Cost SYyear, $2.5(ylerm. - instructional clinics - members competition - club tournaments
can anytinie. toteroom, show sign out key.
meetings the term.
8 trips Contact
& Thurs. 8:30-l in the Park
Each year the Intramural Department employs over 600 students in various capacities. If you want an enjoyable learning experience and at the same time earn some pocket money, please contact us immediately.
Kevin Eby 884-7411 Phil Bruce 884-7411 Lynn Rougeau Ann Sampson Allan Evans Ext. 2458
Dfficiais: ($35O/game) Basketball, soccer, hockey, ball hockey, flag football, floor hockey - apply immediately through the Intramural Office room 2040 PAC. Must attend appropriate meetings. Officials must attend appropriate officials clinics.
Glen Paone or 579-8184 Betty Rosendaal
Each official wil be required to attend per sport. The first clinics are: flag Football Mon. Sept. 15 5:30 Soccer Tues., Sept. 16530 Ball Hockey Wed. Sept. 17 5:30 Basketball Wed. Sept. 17 7:30 Hockey Tues. Ott 14 530
Glenn Nancy
held the
Tues., Thurs., Fri. 7:W-10:00 p.m. Sun. 2:00-5:00 p.m. Blue Activity PAC
Job Opportunities in lntramurals
Colwell886-0185 Bates 884-9900
Peter Muirhead -7343 Al Huycke Paul Grimes Keith Savell Paul Barran
Competitive League8 and Tournaments I
‘John Beatty or Ext. 2241
Kayak instruction. Sun. 4:W-6100 PAC Pool. Club trips & meetings as necessary Mon.-Thurs. 5:00-7:00 p.m. ’ Columbia X2
Jane Nina
, Sailing 50-l 00 members
Eves Miles
Sept. p.m.
’ Cost $3Yyear, $2fYterm. Instructional Curling Host IM Bonspiel-Nov.
Thurs. Sept. 5W p.m. CC113
Rugby 50members
to competition.
Thurs. Sept. 7:w p.m. Red Activity
Explanation cost $menn lnsttuctional
wed. Sept. 5~30 p.m. cc 173 Mon. Sept. 6:00 p.m. Red Activity Mon. Sept. 7:W p.m. Blue Activitv
Fencing 20-30
Mon. Sept. 5:O0.p.m. cc113
~~~e!i~ Curllog 60-70
Student ($250. Application Application Hopkins,
p.m. Room p.m. Room p. Room113CC p. 2 . Room p.m. Room
Phu Vuong 8854679 Yih S+
Assistance with Special Activities ff your group wants to iun a any event, get in touch with ’ We might have the equipment, which wil make it easier for For example, if a campus their faculty or another class by contacting the Intramural 2040 PAC. Be sure to book
PAC (Physical Activities Complex) Special December Facilities courts, Hours Monday Saturday Sunday
Closing ?3,1980 pool,
- gym, sauna
- Monday, October - January 4,19Bl
activity and
areas, toteroom
Eligibility and Membership The and 1. 2.
weightroom, services.
- FriUay
8:Wa.m.-ll:Wp.m. 9rOO a.m. l:Wp.m.-11mp.m.
,, 5.W
Tokens - Every user must obtain a token. Available for students Monday - Friday, 8:30 - 4:30 p.m. from PAC receptionist with ID card. Faculty and staff wil receive their token when they pay their usets f&e. May purchase at Financial Services. Tokens are‘exchanged at the toteroom,for a towel and identifying wristband. When leaving, both items are to be returned to receive your token. Lost tokens can be replaced for $5.00 from Financial Services in the Administration Building, 2nd floor. Guest Usqrs - Guests may use the facilities with an eligible member by purchasing four 2% vouchers from the racquet rental machine. The toteroom attendant wil loan the guest a towel and a wristband. Some article of value must pe left with the attendant to assure the return 8 of the towel and wristband. Lockers - Student lockers and baskets for men and women wil be assigned forthe Fall term on WED. SEPT. 10 at 8:30 a.m. in the Main Gym. Faculty and Staff lockers are purchased at the Cashiers Office, Administration Building, 2nd floor. Racquet badminton toteroom machine voucher
Rental - Squash, tennis, racquetball and racquets can be rented from the PAC by purch&ng a 2% voucher from the located Red North lower level. Exchange the with a valid ID card for a racquet.
EquipAt Loans - Volleyballs and basketballs token and ID card. Soccer balls, footballs, frisbe s T ID card only. Equipment for Sped+ Events - special A ~UipftM?$tXd obtained from Peter Hopkins room 2040 PAC$&lf Clubs - ID card - one day loan only. injury Office BLUE on ths by Head
Center - Report all injuries to the Intramural Ext. 3532. Athletic Injury Cents+ is located in NORTH (lower level) Ext. 3855. Hours&e posted centers door. All treatment of injuries conducted Trainer, Brian Farrance and his qualified staff.
SeagramGym II____-
tournament, a field day or the Intramural Department. facilities or know-how you. group wants to challenge to a game, they may do so Office Ext. 3532, Room well in advance.
folowing persons are entitled to ful use of facilities Intramural Programs. Full time students with valid ID cards. Faculty, s?aff, alumni and part-time students and their spouses with an Intramural membership (obtained from the Cashiers Off@ in Administration Building). Annual Membership: a) $60.00 with locker b) $40 without locker a) $30.00 with locker Term Membership: b) $20.00 without locker Children of members can use PAC facilities on Sundays from 1 :W - 5~00 p.m. with a member.
Sports Shop The Sports Shop, Store, operates Red North PAC
Partners There’s entrance squash, up and
Book in
T-shirts and &atshirts, plain or crested can be ordered. One week delivery for in-stock items; 3-4 weeks for new designs. Contact May Yan Ext. 3194. ootwear, squash racqu&s, squash balls, swim L ar, shorts, sweatsuits, headbands and other items are avail&Me. ?&eQzQueis can be left at the shop for Shophou&:Sept.andOct.-lOaOa.m.-4:W Nov. and
p.m. p.m.
- 11 IJO .m. - 3:00
Individual Recreatianal Activities’ Free Time Gym (PAC and,Seagrams) Free time opei7 gym set aside for pick-up individual use. Check weekly schedules PAC. 1 st come b&is. Scheduled events pr,?cedence. .
games throughout take
Homeshoes Two pits diamonds diamond. card.
113 113
113 113
Flag $20
Final Dats Football Entry Fee
Fri. Sept. 12 4:30 p.m. Room 2040 PAC
fitness, tennis, 2050 PAC.
Bail 320
bronze minimum qualications. Application available from PAC receptionist. Application A i September 8,198O. Staff selection made on .’ 9. Meeting is Tuesday, September 9at 7:W 1001. Note: Applications must be received no September 8th. ri
Jogglng and Weight Training A free jogging and weight training kii containing mileage routes and other helpful hints is available in the lntiamural Office room 2040 PAC. If weather is foul, jog indoors.
Board a “Looking for a Partner” Board to the toteroom to help people racquetball, tennis or badminton. play.
Flex1 Circuit A Flexi Circuit with 12 exercise Red Activity Area for free fime Tennis Courts Seagrams Racquet courts,
stations use.
at Waterloo Tennis Stadium. Change facilities Rental in PAC. To prevent all players must wear proper
your Century frbm
Hockey $20 Entry
Mon. Sept. 430 p.m. Room 2-m
15 PAC
Mon. Sept. 4.30 p.m: Room2040PAC
Hock&y Entry Fee
Fri. Oct. 10 4:30 p.m. Room 2040 I
sat up in the partners for Simply sign
Court Monday
Times: Sept. - Saturday
October Contact
Sunday 28 - April Intramural
8 - October 25, q980. 9:W a.m.-l 1 :W p.m. (4 indoor courts, 2 outddoqr court:) 1 :W p.m.-l 1 :W p.m. 1961 - special times are available. Office, room 2040 PAC for schedule. ,
15 CC
Tuti. Sspt. 4%) p.m. #Room113CC
Thumday 8:15-9:15a.m. 11:45-1:15p.m. 330 - 4:30 930 - lo:30
Wed. Sspt. 6~30 p.m. Room 113
p.m. p.m.
Tues.Oct14 4% p.m. Room 113
to 1. 2. 3.
Enter: Contact Form Attend
your Intramural representative, a team from a group of friends the Scheduling Meeting. Meeting:
All team
Final Date
Co-Ret volleyball
Mon. Sept. 4~30 p.m. Room 2040
Co-Ret Innertuba Waterpolo
Co-Ret Broomball
Mon. Sept. 4~30 p.m. Room 2040
Fri. Oct. 10 4130 p.m. Room 2040
or, return
a completed
Scheduling, Poiicbs Rules Meeting 15 PAC 15 PAC
Tues. Sept. 7:OO p.m. Room 113 Tues. Sept. 8:W p.m. Room 113
Wed. Oct. 6:30p.m. Room 113
Mon. S& 4:30 p.m. Room 2040
Scheduling Starting Time/Location
16 CC 16 CC
15 CC
A 6 B levels ?:a=
of play minimum
A,BC l&s 5-6 games, 10 players.
of play minimum 60 team
of limit.
4*7;00 1 :OO-5a
p.m. p.m.
p.m. .
A 1 Advanced B - Beginner 5-6 games, minhum.
Sun.-Thurs. late Fii. 2$IJO - $00 p.m. Moses Springer Arena Starts Fri. Oct. 17
Mon. & Thurs. 4~45. 11:45 p.m.: Seagram’ StWlSMOhSept.22
Fri. Sept. 4130 p.m. Roam205OPAC
Fri.&t3 430 p.m. Room205OPAC
Mon. Sept. 4:30 p.m. RoomllOCC
Mon. Wed. 4160 - 7:W StartsWed.Sept.17
League Playoffs
Tues. Sept. 6.fKI p.m. Room113CC
Tues. Oct. 8~00 p.m. Room113cs
the fun of it.
Final Date
Thurs. 7:30 - lQ:45 p.m. Gym PAC Starting Thurs. Sept. 25
6-7 games Minimum (4 ladies)
Sun. 6:W - lo:30 p.m. \ Pool PAC Starting Sun. Sept. 21
of 10 people to enter.
6-7 games, play Waterpolo sit ing in innertube. Equal numbers, challenge nights, minimum of 10 people
p.m. p.m.
in &e
5-8 games. Minimum of 15 people (5 ladies to enter) CSA helmets are mandatory
. Class Class
Session Sept.
Two night tournament A and B Divisions .
Tues. 7:slo:30 Oct.14,21.26 Nov.4,11,18,25
A 8 B leagues Round Robin
St. Jeromes softball Tournament (Men) Goif
Tubs. 4~30 Room
Sept. p.m. 2040
Wed. Sept. 5:W p.m. Room 1001
Mon. 430 Room
Sept. p.m. 2040
Wed. Sept. 5:W p.m. Room 1001
Mon. 4130 Room
Sept. p.m. 2040
Wed. Sept. 5:00 p.m. Room 1001
MortSept. 4130 p.m. Room 2040
Wed. Sept. 5~45 p.m. Room 1001
Fri. Sept. Sat. Sept. ;un~$ ;re.
Fri. Sept. 19 - 1 :W-6fM Foxwood Golf Course Tee off time l:W-2:W
p.m. p.m.
Co-Ed Slow Tournament (Mixed) Tennis Singles Tournament (Men a Women)
Engineering TeamMon. Sept. “Challenge Run” 430 p.m. (Men a Women) Room 2040
Ultimate Frisbee Tournament (Men & Women)
Mon. Sept. .4:30 p.m. Room 2040
7 Aside Rugby Tournament (Men & Women)
Tues. Oct. 4~30 p.m. Room 2040
Squash (Men
Mon. Oct. 20 430 p.m. Room 2040 PAC
Singles & Women)
14 PAC
Fri. Oct. 4:004:30 Seagram
3 p.m. Sfadium
wed. Oct. 1 5:W p.m. Room 1001 PA%
wed.oct15 5:W p.m. Room 1001
wed. Oct. 22 5:w p.m. Room 1001 PAC
Fri. Sept. 26 - 1~-8~0 Sat. Sept. 27 - all day Sun. Sept. 28 -al day Rain Date -Oct. 3,4,5.
Preliminary Rounds: .Sat. Sept. 27 - 9 am - 11 pm Sun. Sept. 28 - 1 pm - 11 pm Finals: Sun.Oct.5.l:W-1l:OOp.m. Waterloo Tennis Club Fri. Oct. 3 430 -6:W p.m. Seagram Stadium Sun. Oct. 4 10:W a.m. - 600 Columbia Fiekfs Green
I 16.Oct.
16 27
Bronze - $10.00 Award - $15.00 plus test fee
two games 13 players to enter
Team consists of 1 male’ 1 female. Eyeryone hits off the tee, then alternate hits with best ball Guaranteed two games. Pitch to your own team. Need 5 ladiee’team. Everyone hits each inning A - advanced B -beginners Everyone matches
level level guaranteed
Synchronixed cost $5.00
Self _ cast Wsight cost
Dafense $10.00
Rounds (PAC) 26-l pm - 11 pm
Minimum ladidtearn. Everyone 2 games.
10 men Short guaranteed
A - advanced B -beginners Everyone
level level guaranteed
9 mntchw
8:30 8:30
Fri. Sept. 10
and nonswimmers pndurance through ,
- 9:W - 9:W
a.m. a.m.
alike. Emphasis movement
- Pool - Pool
which incorporates a fun way to participate Tues., Thurs. Tues. Sept. 16 Class min. 10
simple 12:W
dance movement in an exercise program. - 190 p.m. - Studio
to popular II, PAC i
Candidate should be able to do a front dive introduction to spring board diving and exercise for dive i and 2 available. Mondays 7:3Q-8330 p.m.; 8:30 - 9:30 p.m. fvfon, Sept. 15 people
off the 1 meter associated
board. with
at Columbia use of club locker soled shoes. period.
a one weekend clinic Buy your own shells is $25.00 which wil must arrange their Sept. 18 at 500 p.m. drives. k p.m. p.m.
instruction in &quash for beginners. 5 weeks on the court Times: (Session I - Sept. 23 - Oct.,23) Tues., Wed., Thurs., 7:30.8:10,8:50,9:30 p.m. limes: (Session II - Oct. 28 - Nov. 27) Tues., Wed., Thurs., 7:30,8:10,~:50,9:30 p.m. Min. 4 people’class
Basic Class Women
’ _
techniques meets
for Self Defenss & Thurs. 7:00
-class 2 hours, twice p.m. - Starts Sept. 16.
or 10 games.
Tennis Beginner $4.00 Refresher,$G.OO
The content wil include warm up and weight exercises, and the development for whatever your particular needs.
for weight training, personal program
exercises of yourown
General Tues.
meeting all registered students: Sept. 23,5fOO p.m. in room 1001
specifically however advise.
tests times
who and
a week.
This course wil be offered as a 3 day clinic to women training to improve their general overall body fitness
The clinic wil be conducted in facilities booked The on-going training wil be up to the individual, available throughout the term for consultation
The course wil provide an intro&&ion to the basic skils and figures. Great course for those interested in Award of Merit or Distinction. CASSA for all star levels available open to males and females - 10 weeks. Class Monday 7:30 - 830 p.m. \ Class min. 10.
Minlmum 10 ladies or meti‘ team. Simply pass a frisbee to a team member until you score. Everyone guaranteed two games.
p.m. 8 Vilage
For persons not familiar with the water. introductory course of water orientation, buoyancy and movement skils - introduction to strokes on front and back. 1 B For beginners who are able to do some movement (front and back glide) in the water. Course wil teach the fr6nt crawl, elementary back. Self-rescue skils and introduce breast stroke and artificial respiration. 2A Swimmers should be able to’swim front crawl, elementary back and surface survival. Course wil improve skils to level 18 and teach breast stroke, side I stroke, front crawl, travel stroke and reaching assists. 28 Swimmers should be able to swim elementary back, front crawl, breast stroke and side stroke and do a front dive. Course wil include practice in these skils and teach all entries, back crawl and rescue recognition and treatment. 3 Swimmers should have a good working knowledge of all strokes and ability to swim 1 O-1 2 lengths. Course wil deal with perfection of strokes, surface dives and other skils in rescue situations. Bronze Need good skils level, all strokes, knowledge of rescue techniques. Ability to swim 10-l 2 lengths. Award of Merit Must have bronze and Senior AR - only if &ough interest. Class Times: (Session I - Sept. 16 - Oct. 18) Level 1 A, 1 B, 28 Tues. & Thurs. 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. lB,2A,3 , Tues. & Thurs. 8:30 - 9:30 p.m. . II - Oct. 28 - Nov. 27) Level lA, lB,2b Tues. & Thurs. 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. ’ Tues. 8 Thurs. 8:30 9:30 p.m. 1#,2A,3 Class Min. 8 people. Bronze (10 weeks) Sept. 19 - Nov. 29,198O Fridays 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. - Pool PAC RLSS manuals and exam fee are extra. ’ Award of Merit (10 weeks) Sept. 19 - Nov. 29.1980 Fridays 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. - Pool PAC RLSS manuals and exam fee are extra.
5 men’5 ladies per team. 2.5-3 mile cross country course through Waterloo
Fri. Oct. 17 - 1 DO - 7:W Columbia Fields Clinic-l%IO-13Op.m. Preliminary Sun. Oct. Finals
Guaranteed Minimum
12 - 1300-6300 p.m. 13 - all day 14 - all day - Sept. 19.20,21.
swimmers flexibility
Wed., Thurs.
i 5, Tues. Class min.
fitness. 3 3 II
Session Ii Oct. 28 - Nov.
Tues. 730 - l&30 p.m. Sept. 30. Oct. 7 srkl Oct.8ifnecessary
Basic Class
iti !iG2 meting
to be included
Squash Cost$2.W
for tone,
Beginners basic course in Trap Shooting. Course wil be held at the Pioneer Sportsman Club. Guns are provided. at club ($5.00 per round - approx. 6 rounds). Course fee include instructor fees and range and target fees. Participants own transportation. A short meeting wil be held on Thurs. in Room 2050 PAC to answer any questions and arrange Times: Sat.’ Sept. 20 9:oO a.m. - 2:W Sun. Sept. 21 9:W a.m. - 2:00 Class Min. 5 people
Swimming cost $2.00 perclass per session Games
Fri. Taes. min.
- 1 :OO p.m. - Gym - 1:OO p.m. - Gym -5:30 p.m. - Studio
ShootI* Cost $25.00
np 12
strqh 12:00 1200 430
Instruction’f& beginners in racquetbalf. Course wil be conducted Racquet Club. Racquets and balls provided. Participants have room and sauna. No towels provided. Dress non-marking white Eye guards are mandatory. Six 40 mpute lessons over 6 week lo:40 a.m. Class Times: Tuesdays Thursdays 2:20 p.m. Class Siaris: Tues. Sept. 23 orThurs. Sept. 25. Class min. 6, max. 16
A&Bl&els 5-6 games
for flexibility, Fri.
Racquetball cost $20.00
A, B levels of play. 5-6 games minimum of 15 players. . Mandatory CSA approved masks and helmets. 40 team limit.
Mon., Tues., Mon. Sept. program.
Beginner class. Course is an it. CADA tests Class Times: Class Starts: Class Max. 20
level level 10 players LikeR&d
program Wed., Thurs. Wed., 15, Class
A program of fitness music and I)rovides Class Times: starts: loweekprogram.
MorLSept. program.
Fit $10.00
Men’s Women’s and Mixed Cornpet’ rve Tournaments
Sun.-Thurs.-late Fri. 1:OO - 5:W K-W Arenas
of play minimum
Tu+ &Weds. 445-l 1:45 p.m. SeaoramGvm Stark Tues: Sept.
Contacl Eng socofflce CPH 1338
Fri. Sept. 430 p.m. Room205OPAC
Tw+Bail Tournament wxw
> How
or individual
A,B,C levels 5-6 games, 15 players
no standings,
Dance cost
Tues. 4~00 Vilage
& Thurs. p.m. - 7:W p.m. Green & Colt
Mon., Tues., Mon.,
Starts: 10 week
Sun. 3:46-10% p.m. Mon. 730 - 10% p.m. Some wed. 7:30-lo:45 Starts Sun. Sept. 21
Wed.Sept. 4~30 p.m. R&m113CC
F-Y 8:15-9:15a.m’. 11:45-1:15p.m. 3:30 - 430 p.m. 830 - 10% p.m. Sat. & Sun. 2:OO - 4:W p.m.
no officials,
A seriesof water exercises is on increased muscle the water.
Fitness $2.00
BtsmlgTkna Datekocation
Mon.-Thurs. Sunday Col.Fieldsland4
Women’s Competitive Leagues Activity Final Entry .gh$mJ
Mon. and Wsd. 8:15-9:15a.m. 11:45-1:15p.m. 3:30 - 4:W p.m. 930 - lo:30 p.m. Tusuby 8:15-9:15a.m. 11:45-1:15p.m. 3:W - 4:W p.m. 9:30 - lo:30 b.m.
club n&t to are not available. damage to the tennis shoes which
is set up in the
be no playoffs,
Enginaaring Floor Hockey p,
Swimming Over 28 hours of f&e tieational and fitness swimming are available in the PAC pool. Fiis lanes have been set up to facilitate maximum utilization of space. Please fol ow circuits as outlined in pool. Check weekly pool schedules posted in the PAC.
set up to imp&e Fields behind Clubs available
’ awards
’ Starts: 10 week
Mon. Sept. 430 p.m. Room 113
Fri. Sept. 12 430 p.m. Room204OPAC
Exercise CiassTimas:
Diving ccst
Date izkziwl Rubs
Fitrwws cost $10 - MotiWecYFri $8 - Tumurs
\ squash, room
include; flat soles, no heels; no lugs, no course treads; no dark rubber. Call Waterloo Tennis Club (8813920) after 9%lO a.m. Must book 46 hours in advance naming both players and your ID number. One court available per
open for pick up games on a to Thursday 900-l 0:45 p.m.; Sunday 1 :OO-3:45 p.m. Check PAC.
located on Vilage Green behind softball and Ppits on North Campus behind baseball Horseshoes available from toteroom with
Golf Course ’ Nine hole practice course Located north of Columbia House. Come out anytime. toteroom PAC.
owned and run by the University on a break-even basis. It is located and offers a variety of goods and
Drop-in Badminton PAC Gym 3 (small gym) first come basis. Monday Saturday 1 :W-4:30 p.m.; weekly gym schedules in
Aqua cost
General Information
.v Registrationinformation The folowing instructicnal programs, are open to students and to those who have an Intramural Membership. ‘4 There is a $2.00 registration fee for all courses where a course fee is not charged. We reseIve the right to caqcel classes oriimit class size. Rsgistratim for them courses wli take piaco in 81~ Activity Arsa Thursday, Ssptember 11 and irida y, Bsptembsr 12,from 10:66a.m. 3:36p.m. After September 12. late registration maybe completed with the Receptionist in the PAC if space is-stil avaiiable. Registration for openings in 2nd session classes wil take place on Oct. 14 with the PAC receptionist. For more information on instructional programs, please contact Sally Kemp 885-l 211 Ext. 3533.
Men’s Competitive Team Leagues
~~:“gcauskas Lifaquards: ($3.50) Updated forms are deadline September p.m. rmrn later than
Expianation:Thisleval isthemost~uredpartaftheintramuralProgram.Then,areleagues,playoffs,points, officials and stringent rules. How to Enterz 1. Each competitfve team must fil out an entry form and submit it to the intramural Office final entry date, or 2. G&t a group 01 people together and form an in&pendant team, or, 3. As an individual attend the Scheduling Meeting of that acti@ty. Schsdujing Msating: Schedules and rules wil be distributed. ENTRY FEES wil be collected. players who are not represented wil run the risk of befng excluded from the schedule. Awardk Everv leaaue and tcumament champion wil be recognized with an award. Entry Faa: $2b.W refundable entry fee for aiimen’s compet& teams must ba piid at ths
Assistants: OOlterm) fons are available for Winter 1981. deadline is Fri: Nov. 14,198O. Contact room 2040 PAC for more information.
instructon ($5.00 /hour) Swimming, at Ext. 3533
White Smith
at least
, - ’ lnstructionaml Proaram.
A’playftil experience H&e-you ever wanted to play abpoft but felt you were not good enough? Have you ever wanted to learn a new actMtv but felt YOUwere too old to try? Have YOUever wantedto become physicqlly flt l&t were tob embarrassed to getinvolved> Have you ’ ever wa.ntedto play on a teambut felt it was too win-oriented? Have you ever wanted ,i to just play a game but didn’t know how? Take the tlme, make the time to enjoy physical activity. you owe it to yourself. Come play with us and have a playful experience. Over 650faculty and staff and 7000students enjoy your intramural program weekly. Why not joln them. Be In - Intramurals. 1 “The true object of all human life is play”, Chesterton .\
Student Representation: MIAC -Men’s Intramural Athletic Council. WIAC - Women’s Intramural Athletic Council. Both MIAC and WIAC are composed of student representatives who collectively govern the , Intramural program. The 2 councils develop new Intramural ideas, settle protests, solve problems and develop policies. To find out more about becoming a representative, phone Ext. 3532 (The intramural Office) or Ext. 3533. . First MIAC Meeting: Monday, September 8,198O at 6:00 p.m Grad Club. WIAC +#eetfng: Thursday, September 11,1&l at 7~00 p.m. Faculty Lounge PAC.
are interested strength.
for women. the instructor
in weight basic
- Monday, Sept. 29. Wed. Oct. 5:00 - 8:30 p.m. Min. 10 people.
. .
PAC. 1, Thurs.
- for those persons with lit le or no tennis strokes and game fundamentals. t Beginner Refresher-for those who have had some nnAd to work on skils.
Oct. experience tennis
2 to teach experience
basic but
1st draw-960 2nd draw-3:00 Ayr Curling
a.m.-ZOO p.m.-900
Preliminary: Thurs. Nov. lo:45 p.m. Finals Thurs.
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think of it as fitness, think of it as ftinness. /
Ott a.m. PAC
guaranteed games. Maxim1 teams.
3, SIX urnof
Classes The
Ballroom cost $10.00 A - advanced B - beginners Everyone two levels
level level guaranteed
programs Dance
a I special
Novelty water events. Dog Paddle an asset. Events less than 51 y* ards f
Scuba cost
registrattbn class class
Mondays 7:30 p.m.
- Vilage - Beginner, start:
16 and
Beginners Refresher the beginner
Classes p.m.
wea. u:9u - 9:3u p.m.; u:xI - IU:YU p.m. Tues. 8:30 - 9:30 p.m.; 9:30 - IO:30 p.m. Wed. 7:30 -8:30 p.m.; 9:30 - lo:30 p.m.
25 - 160
Everyone .ended ladies
Everyone guaranteed games. Minimum ladies on the court.
6 - 7:30-
Preliminary Round Wed. Nov. 12 730.lo:45 p.m. Finals: (PAC) wed. Nov. 19 7:30-lo:45 p.m. Sat. 1060 fâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ool
p.m p.m
in various for those course. I Great 8:30
Sept. note
17,198O. carefully.
steps including waltz, jive, polka, who want to review and practice Hall p.m. 15th.
- Beginner, Min.
9:30 of 30 per
cha cha, samba. the steps learned
- Refresher
Certification Naui Scuba course Wed. 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. You must have own fins, snorkle mask and above average swimming ability. Register Wed. Sept. 10 in room 1001 PAC at 660 p.m. Bring suit to first class.
medical, at 1 st class
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Hovito avoid-injuries-the /
example, if you have started to tire. bnce you feel comfortable at this duration playing soccer at night, you may begin to feel sore after -and pace, then you can your daily run, due to the gradually increase the length and the pace of your increase‘in overall activity. If you do encounter one of workout. These gradual these over-use - injuries, increases toward your goal give good results an’d help to either rest or reduce your activity, depending upon the prevent injury. severity of your injury. If you develop one of these over-use injuries -after you After activity, ice the have been training awhile injured area. Cold constricts and feel that you are in good the blood vessels in the area condition, you may want to and less fluid will leak into the suwunding tissue (to examine the following factors for a possible cause lessen inflammation). Inof injury. crease activity only after Is your equipment worn? pain has subsided, and For example, worn out increase it gradually. running shoes may not be The other type of athletic providing the lateral supinjury is the acute injury. port needed to prevent your This is the sudden injury, heel from moving sideways, such as the major muscle or or the cushioning your foot tendon tear (strain), the needs while running (escontusion (bruise), or the pecially on paved roads. ligament (ligaments connect Have you changed your [bone to bone) tear (sprain). shoes or - the .surface on .’ which out? YOU work Changing shoes, dr changing Warm-ups prepare the type of tennis court, for example, you play on will yoju for action change the stresses on your body. The stresses change not These injuries may be only on your feet and ankles, caused by playing condibut on your knees, hips, and tions, such as spraining an back as well. When you. ankle by stepping in a hole. consider how many times They may also be caused by each foot strikes the ground inadequate previous condiwhile running, that is a lot , of tioning (again, too much, too stress. too fast) or by Activity should be re- - soon, inadequate warm up. duced while adjusting to The body must be’ new shoes or a new surface, prepared for physical activi-. to enable the bodv to ty by a thorough warm up to gradually adjust to the’ new prevent a’muscle, tendon, or stresses placed upon it. ligament from tearing due to Did you recently increase sudden, activity. Warm up the duration or pace of the (including stretching] loosworkout just a bit because. ens up muscles, takes joints you felt great on a certain through their full range of day? motion, increases blood flow The principleof gradual to the muscles and increases increase applies to the body temperature, heart rate trained as well as the and breathing. All these untrained. It is possible to processes ready the body for over-train. If you work out action and help to .prevent hard every day, your body injury. never has a chance to recover from the stresses of It is also important to cool exercise and over-use indown after activity by light juries are likely to develo?. jogging and stretching to It is wise, therefore, to have remove byproducts of activsome light workouts interity (for example, lactate) spaced with the heavy from the muscles via workouts. circulation. ‘Have you begun a second In the case of an acute new activity recentl.y? For injury, it is important to get
. A new school year is beginning and soon the Physical Activities Complex, surrounding roadways and nearby fields will be bustling with bodies in motion. Waterloo people seem to have- a zest for physical activity. Unfortunately, the probability of being injured increases when one becomes involved in physical activity. However, preventative measures can reduce this probability. I . Many of the people who come to the Athletic Injury Centre [Blue North in the PAC) for treatment have what are known as over-use injuries. These are most often caused by a person trying to do too much, too soon, too fast. Often the injured person cannot recall an exact time the injury occurred. He or, she may say something like “Today my knee just starting hurting, but I didn’t do anything different than I have been doing for the last two weeks.” It was likely the repeated stress on the knee (in this case) during the previous two weeks which led to a noticeable injury. Most over-use injuries are injuries to muscles or tendons (which attach muscle to bone). When repeated s’tress is placed on a muscle which is not used to being stressed, some of the fibres of that muscle or tendon may tear. If the muscle continues to be stressed, more tearing occurs. When fibres tear inflammation occurs.
Over-use most
injuries common
Inflammation is the process by which the body repairs damaged tissue. When tissue is damaged, enzymes are released by the damaged cells to initiate the inflammatory process. The enzymes cause the permeability of the vessel walls to increase. The blood >vessels thus lose their ability to retain fluid and cells,, and blood serum (plasma and white blood cells) leaks out into the tissues. The white blood cells begin to repair the damage by engulfing debris (such as dead cells in the area). Also, a substance called fibrinog.en is released to cause clotting of blood and lymph fluid that has escaped from ruptured capillaries and lymphatic vessels. This clotting prevents further insult to the damaged tissue. In most cases, however, more inflammation occurs than is needed to repair the damage, causing a large increase in fluid in the area. This fluid presses against nerve endings, stimulating pain receptors, causing pain in the injured area. If there is fluid present, swelling may be noticed. To prevent this type\ of injury when beginning a new activity, begin gradually. Begin running, cycling, etcetera, at a slow pace, increase to a moderate pace, slow down if you begin .and .
ice on it immediately to constrict blood vessels- and slow down inflammation. Do not massage an injury or attempt to ‘run/ it off’ because these activities increase circulation to the area, - thus increasing inflammation. Cold and compression can be applied to the injury in the form of a wet towel filled with ice, strapped on with a tensor bandage.
The key
Correct design in the shoe is important injury. Good support at the arch and expecially impo-rtant for road running.
to avoid heel are .
Emergency Department at exercise, ice is re-applied to the hospital S should be reduce circulation to the sought, or an ambulance area and decrease further The- tensor should be snug called. swelling which may have enough to provide compresTherapy should begin as started by the light exercise. sion to keep the swelling soon as possible. When swelling decreases down, but not so tight that substantially and the range The Athletic Injury Centre the fingers or toes turn blue. of joint motion and muscle can provide therapy, if you Take the tensor off while begin to increase, can get there. It is located at strength sleeping. If no ice is be advised to Blue North, lower level in you will available, apply a wet tensor resume moderate activity. the PAC. Head Athletic to the area and immerse the The exercise increases Therapist Brian Farrance area in cold water (the back circulation to the area to and his student assistants tank of a toilet will do fine). help remove the products of Keep the ice on the injury . will place you on a rethe inflammatory reaction. . habilitation program. for 15 minutes. remove it for If the area is still swollen,Continue to ice before 10 or 15 minutes and repeat ice will be applied to reduce activity to reduce spasm, this as many times as muscle spasm and anaesand after activity to possible for a couple of.days. thetize the area. Depending decrease circulation back to Elevate the injured limb to help reduce swelling by on the amount of swelling, normal quick$y so the injury this could be followed by will not swell again. decreasing blood flow to the light .exercises and stretchResume full activity area. In sum, the key is Ice, ing. The muscle contractions Compression, Elevation gradually and do not enter which occur with exercise competition until you have ICE. act as a pump to help move full - strength, range of If ever in doubt as to the the products of ‘inflammamotion, and no pain. severity of the injury, tion out of the area. After 9 Tammy Horne medical help, such as the
is ICE
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Open,9-9 Monday-Friday 9-6 Saturday *Noon-6 Sunday
The treatment’ diagnosis.
injuries photo
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Septbmber 2 1980. Imprint
this year’s team will be keenly felt. Pentathlete Leslie Estwick is also an Ontario champion in her strongest event, th,e high jump, and is surely She can the bkmost countedversatile on to Athena.
‘f,or .Athena t
The outdoor track season is quite short, consisting of three meets, including the Ontario Women’s Intercollegiate Athletic Association (OWIAA). finals on October 18 at Laurentian University. So while the season offers rather limited highfor opportunities calibre-competition, it gives the track and field Athenas -an excellent chance to become acquainted with one another and with the main opponents they will face in the more intense indoor season which follows. This is in keeping with the traditional use in track and field of autumn as a season for recuperation from the previous winter and summer competitions, and as a preparation for. those of the . next year. The University of Toronto won the OWIAA championships in 1979, and it seems unlikely that they will easily be dislodged from their first place position ,this year. Waterloo finished fourth last year; within striking distance of both Queen’s, in second place, and McMaster, in third. With a little luck, and a lot
of. enthusiasm, the< Athenas should be able to improve their finishing position of I last year. The Athenas’ greatest strength lies in sprinting and hurdling. This is a consequence of the fact that the most prominent members of the team are members of the KW Track Club and are, coached by UW graduate Brent McFarlane, one j of Canada’s top hurdle coaches. This orientation should be even more pronounced during the outdoor season, as most of the distance runners will be primarily concerned with cross-country. -Among the K-W Track Club members involved with’ this year’s team are Sylvia Malgadey, Leslie Estwick, and Faye Blackwood, who formed the core of the Waterloo team that finished second in last year’s ‘OWIAA indoor championships. Sylvia -Malgaaey graduated from UW last spring and has,taken over coaching duties for this year’s Athena team. She is one of Canada’s top sprint hurdlers, the 1980
perform well in the sprint hurdles (fifth in the 1980 Ontario championships), the long jump (second in the 1979 OWIAA outdoors), as well as in relays. Faye Blackwood, the
is the reignin.g OWIAA champion in the 59m and 809m indoors, and the 400m outdoors. Furthermore, he;r 4OOm time of 55.1 and 300~71 time of 38.8 are OWIAA reCAqft;her Athena who trains with the K-W Tra‘ck Club, though a member of the South Windsor K of C, is Andrea Page, an excellent 499m hurdler and relay runner. It is not yet clear whether the pressure of her studies will prevent her -so-
From left to right, Leslie Estwick [Athena@, Rasenberg (Western) compete in &he Ontaro
students Kathy Wilkinsland of Canada’s top vwnen’s distance clubs. Betty Ann Vanderkruk. The strongest The athletes above will Athena middle-dist&ce runner, Li- form the centre of Waterloo’s this fall. Coach sa Amsden, originates from team the ’ ’ Porcupine Malgadey emphasizes, howClub ?ZrnYZs currently ever, that tb$ean$;;en :: under the banner of the anyone Waterloo County AAA. The participate actively. Any 1979 OWIAA outdoor 800m .ru~ner, jumper, or thrower Amsden has who wants to exercise her champion, effectively this skill is encouraged to attend trained summer and lowered her the first team meeting *on best times in the 1599m and September 19 at 5 pm in PAC 1001. 8OOm to 4:35 and 2:11.6. Some further help in the * Alan Adamson
Jill Ross [U of T),fyhia .\ championships.
Malgadey photo
(Athenas) by Alan
Wme’d -. like to help!
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and Corry Adamson
ou ,ntry -
‘hopes are high will once again be between Waterloo’s cross-country Queen’s and Western. Athenas stand an excellent Queen’s, which is coached chance of improving upon their seventh-place finish in by UW graduate Curt Bolton, has suc,cessfully - last year’s Ontario Women’s combined mass participaIntercollegiate Athletic Asand high quality tion sociation) (0 WIAA) Champrunning and has dominated ionships. OWIAA cross-country races The 1980 championship in recent years. . me& will be hefd, as in 1979, Western is the perpetual at Western. Participants can but even that look forward to running on a .bridesmaid, cross-country role &flects a strong team. traditional couyse which -is guaranteed Waterloo is unlikely to overta’ke either of these , at least to get their sho’es ’ schools, but can hope to gain dirty. Should mother nature significantly on any of the contribute some snow and rain just,before the meet, as other teams. The Athenas have lost ’ she did last year, they’ll their two top finishers at never get their shoes clean championship again. last year’s meet. It seems likely th& this Rina Klevering will be at -year’s battle for first place
Western, having graduated from Waterloo. Elaine McCrea, who ran- so gallantly last year on only one week of training, after an injury had forced a long layoff, has graduated as well. Also lost to this year’s team is BarbShowers, who has gone to teachef’s college. Remaining, however, is the core of last year’s team, a ‘stalwart, earnest band’ of second year students, all of whom were relatively inexperienced in cross-country as freshmen last year. With a year of coll$giate racing and steady training behind them, they should all look forward to great improvement this year. This group includes Rhonda Bell, who has recorded personal bests on the track this summer, Lana Marjama, who has been training steadily, Angie Hohlheimer, who has squeezed her running in between two summer jobs, and Lucy Van Esbroeck, Waterloo’s third finisher at Western last fall.
Jeanne Harris’ and Janet McPharlin alsd competed as Athenas during last fall’s season. Sue Budge, one of Canada’s top orienteers, worked out with the team but was prevented from competing by> conflicts with orienteering champions hip meets. The return of just these athletes to the ‘1980 team would guarantee the . solid centre so essential to crdss-,eountry racing. Waterloo can also expect to benefit by the addition to the team of some very strong rookies. Lisa Amsden, a middle distance runner, tiho has so far run only track at Waterloo, seems ready to try her feet op new terrain. Help should also be forthcoming from incoming first-year students Mary Frances Lloyd, an excellent middle-distance runner, and from Karen Hatchard, a multi-talented performer who can be called upbn to give the team race-walking lessons when ennui set,s in. The coaching staff is very’ hopeful that many runners not mentioned above will
schedAt henas provincial champs ‘“~hI”,‘,:;::::y Waterloo’s Athenas participated in the last major fixture of the 1980 summer track and field schedule on the weekend of August 2 in Tillsonburg _- the Ontario Senior Championships. Two became provincial champions in the process, while two ,others finished with medals in their competitions. Sylvia Malgadey, who graduated from UW in the spring and is now the Athena track coach, won the provincial lOOm hurdle title in a time of 14.04 seconds on a slippery, wet track. In so doing, she easily outran a field that included her ‘nemesis’ of last year’s indoor season, Jill Ross, of the University of Toronto. Leslie Estwick also became a provincialchampion, winning the high jump in a jumpoff at a.‘height of 1.70 metres. She also competed in the long jump, and finished fifth at 5.31 metres.. Not content to compete in only t,wo events, Leslie also reached the finals of the 1OOm htirdles, where she came fifth.
Struggling with a painful knee injury, Ftiye Blackwood ran courageously in the 400m lo collect a bro’nze medal with a time of 56.1 seconds. With the end of the current season now here, Faye will be able to give her knee some sorely needed rest. Lisa Amsden continued her initiation into 15OOm racing by _improving her personal bes; time over 10 seconds to finish third in 4:35 behind front running Janet Dick of Western, who ran 4:24. Lisa also fell prey to Dick in the 800m, ‘b@ collected a silver medal and yet another personal best of 2:11.6. Two runners who will join xhe Athenas this fall competed successfully in* the Ontario Junior Championships, which were conducted simultaneously with the Seniors. Betty Ann Vanderkruk collected a silver medal in the ‘400m hurdles in a time of 64.1, and finished third in the 400m in 56.0 seconds. Mary Frances Lloyd finished sixth in the 15OOm, running 4:47.3. \: Alan Adamson
‘I ule is fairly busy in September, and offers participants expensespaid trips to London, Guelph, Hamilton, and Toronto. During training sessions, athletes will get free guided tours of local parks and golf courses. So any women interested in running around this autumn are encouraged to attend the organizational meeting on Tuesday, September 9, at 5 pm in PAC 1001. Alan Adamsop
Athena country
Land Marjama race last year.
Alan Adamson
Gknd Opening of
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and academics need not clash Another season of women’s intercollegiate competition is about to begin. Organizational meetings will be held within the next week or two. Posters containing information on meeting dates, tryout dates, and coaches are on bulletin boards in the Physical Activities Complex (PAC). If you an interest in a sport, you are encouraged to try out for the team.
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Often students who play-, ed for high school teams come to university convinced that they will not be able to make the jump from high school to university play. However, tryouts involve more than just you playing and the coach watching. There is actually\ a lot of teaching involved. If the coach sees that you are learning quickly and seem to have potential to play the sport at the university level, your chances are good.
If you would like to talk to the coach of your sport before you try out, it can be arranged. If the coach% location is not on the women’s sport’s posters, the receptionist in the PAC (Red North office wing) can suggest how you might locate that person.
If you do not seem to be quite ready for varsity this year, the coach c-an give you suggestions on what parts of your game need work, so your chances will be better the next year.
Participation in intercollegiate sports can give the athlete many positive benefits. The level of competition is high and the quality of coaching is ‘good, so the athlete is able to get better at her sport.
Being in good physical condition gives you an advantage when trying out. Start training now! When you are conditioned, practices will be less tiring and you will hurt less afterward., It is difficult to play your best when tired or sore. Also, your coach will see that you really want to play, and coaches want people with a desire to play, since most teams practice every day and have games or meets most weekends.
I ’
Some athletes read on the bus. Most of the women who play sports seem to get their their work done and midterms studied for, and do quite well in school.
The coaches will be very helpful in giving you more information and answering any questions you may have. Feel free to approach your prospective coach.’
A high level of fitness is attained through training and playing. Sports provide an opportunity to meet a lot of people. Many present and former women athletes met some of their best friends through participation in sports. There is also travelling involved. Like any extracirricular activity, .participation can make your years here enjoyable.
After reading the last sentence, you are probably wondering about when you will have time for homew-ork. Many potential athletes do not try out for this reason. Fitting in homework
Overall, many athletes here at Waterloo have found intercollegiate participation rewarding. Hopefully, you will also. You, freshwomen, are’ the future of women’s sports at VW. Come on out! , Tammy Horne
o-CM0 1 the alternative\
As world resources
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is mainly a matter of organizirg time effectively. Many athietes bring books on weekend trips. Often, someone designates her hotel room as the ‘homework room’ and those who want to do schoolwork go to that room.
dwindle, we’ll be searching together for alternative lifestyles. Those in the Third World can ’ - teach us much about living with limited resources, just as we can help theni with education, agricultural technology, health care and trades. / For more information drop by CUSO Waterloo Office,wASouth Campus Hall University of Waterloo/@51211 ext. 3144 Monday-Friday 9:30- 12:hO and 1:30-4:30 --
Imprint Sports looking for staff The Imprint Sports department’s goal this year is to provide wide coverage of all aspects of sport on the campus of the Unviersity of Waterloo; whether the sports action takes place under the auspices of the Athletic Department, the Intramural department, or follows the -pursuits of individual students in their quest for national and international excellence. The list of outstanding athletes on this campus is impressive and is worth at least a quick glance. Lois Scott, a PhD student, is a member of the National Field Hockey Team. Keith Priestman and Jeff Goldsworthy are both members of the National Badminton Team. Maria Kasch has just completed her first summer with the National Volleyball team. Rob Town is a decathalete who has competed internationally for Canada. Kurt Mitchell,’ a 28 year old engineering student, is Canadian shooting champion and a member of the National Team.
Paul Clark, a fifth-year Optometry student is a medalist multiple gold nationally and represented Canada at the Olympics for the handicapped.
David Williams is a member of the provincial table tennis team. Dale MacIntyre is the provincial intercollegiate harnass racing champion. Sue Budge, a second year student and a member of the cross-country and crosscountry ski teams is also a member of the National Orienteering Team. The list can go on but the space does not permit it. Only a handful of these people participate within the framework’ of the Athletic Department but all of them, in addition to the
coverage to&. The Imprint is looking for people, writers and photographers, people to do layout, for sports. No matter if your interest is varsity sport, intramurals
the politics of sport, there’s a sport and a spot for you on the Imprint staff. Come down to Campus Centre Room 140 and get involved.
Jacob Arseneault
Introductory Lecture on the
Transcendental Meditation Technique Wednesday, September lo,1980 8:OO PM Env. St. 354 For more information call 576-2546
Intercollegiate Council
The Women’s Intercollegiate Council (WIG) is a student council of athletes from the many women’s teams, as well as members-at-large who are interested in women’s athletics. It is the student input to the administration of the women’s programme. ?his year, with money limited and prices rising, the Council plans to undertake more fund-raising projects than in the past. If you would like to. help, leave your name and phone number on the sign-up sheet in the Women’s Locker Room. Everyone is welcome to help out. Anyone who supports women’s sports is appreciated, regardless of whether or not she actually plays a sport.
hundreds of athletes cornpeting for men’s and women’s varsity sports and the thousands who take part in Intramurals, are part of Imprint’s coverage. You can be part of that
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