Campus Events --Friday,
GOSH (Goal-Oriented Self Help) workshops will be run this term. Further information and sign-up sheets are available in Counselling Services, NH 2080. Introductory library tours are available upon request throughout the winter term. New or returning students who wish to take advantage of this service should call the Orientation Librarian, Gerry Meek at extension 2659. is open 12 noon till 1 am. D.J. after 9 pm. Fee paying Feds: no cover, others $1 after 9 pm. Salad & Sandwich Bar is open 12noon-6 pm, ‘Monday-Friday. . Fed Flicks - The Exorcist starring Ellen Burstyn, Max von Sydow, and Lee J. Cobb. 8 pm. AL 116. Feds $1, Others $2. CC
Canadian Chamber Ensemble and the Victor Martens Chamber Choir will present a Baroque concert, at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 54 Queen Street N, Kitchener at 8 pm. Tickets $6, $4 f or students/senior citizens. For further info call K-W Chamber Music Society at 8861673. The
Piaf. Her Songs, Her Loves - original City Stage production. 8 pm. Humanities Theatre.$8, students/ seniors $6.50.
A time for herbal teas homebaked munchies and good conversation. Ali are welcome. Sponsored by Waterloo Christian Fellowship. 8-12 midnight, CC 110.
Committee meeting in Federation Office at 12:30pm. One of the topics of discussion will be making the campus accessible to handicapped students. B.E.E.R.
opens 12noon till 1am. D,J. after 9 pm. Feds no cover, Others $1after 9 pm. Saladand Sandwich bar is open 12 noon till 6 pm, Monday to Friday. CC
Shortcuts for History students. A library research workshop focusing on the practical how-to aspects of planning and information search in the library and explaining the organization and use of a number of important reference resources in the field of history. Meet at the main floor Information Desk in the Arts Library. 2:30 pm. Research
Club. First organizational meeting. Participation of all students of German welcome. 4:30 pm, ML 254. U$dergrad Lounge.
The Outers Club will be holding a General Meeting to discuss activities planned for this term. Come out and see what the Outers are all about. New members welcome!
Career Planning Workshops begin. Further information and sign-up sheets are available in Counselling Services, NH 2080.
Danny Orleans Magic Show. Entertainment with educational enrichment for preschool to 8 year olds. Humanities Theatre. lo:30 am, 1 pm, 3:30pm. $2.50, Children/seniors $2.
(Waterloo Jewish Students’ Association) Welcome Back Brunch. Bagelsand cream cheese. TV-BISHUAT (New Year for Trees) will be celebrated. Great idea-Plant a tree in Israel! Interested? But can’t attend? Pleasecall Paul, 8842428 or Val, 578-2304. 11:30-1:30,CC 113.
opens 7 pm. D.J. after 9 pm. Fee paying Feds no cover, others $1 after 9 pm.
The Women of Margaret Laurence with Norma Edwards. 8 pm. Theatre of the Arts. $7, Students/seniors $5.50.
of Western Canada Separatism, and
with Ray Struthers speaking on “Why Should I Be Holy?“. All are welcome. 4:30-7 pm. HH 280.
for entire University Community. HH 280, lo:30 am. Refreshments afterwards.
Worship service to observe the week of Prayer for Christian Unity, sponsored by the University, Chaplains. The theme is: Many Gifts, One Spirit. The University Community is invited to participate. Theatre of the Arts. 4 pm. Refreshmentsafterwards. :ed
Flit ks--See
981 is the International Year of Disabled K-W Services for the Physically Disabled eeds men and women over 21 for voluntary work. Time commitment will be geared to your needs. Call 885-6640. ‘ersons.
Workshops in Reading & Study Skills, and Study Skills for Foreign Students begin. Further info and sign-up sheets are available in Counselling Services, NH 2080. Services’ Workshops on Relaxation Training begin. Further info and sign-up sheets available in Counselling Services NH 2080.
K-W Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic. First United Church, corner of King&William Streets, Waterloo. 2-4:30 pm and 6-8:30 pm. Waterloo
with Ray Struthers speaking on “Why Should I Be Holy?“. All welcome. 4:30-7 pm. St Jerome’s, Rm. 215. Man & World. Non-credit Interdisciplinary Course. Graham Morbey, M.Div., Drs. HH 334.5-6 pm.
Fellowship with Chaplain Remkes Kooistra. HH 280. 6 pm. Supper, 7-8:30 pm. Discussion of Jesus’ Parables.
Anyone interested in working overseas with CUSO is invited to attend an Information Meeting and slide show of Nigeria at 7:30 pm. SCH 232. For more details contact Kerrie Strathy ext. 3144,Rm. 234A, SCH. for a Better World. Series of Lectures for the University Community. Dr. Remkes Kooistra discusses Narcissism at University Centre, U of Guelph. 8 pm.
Liberation of Waterloo is sponsoring a coffeehouse Iwithmusic, coffee anda chance to meet new friends. 8:30-11:30pm. CC 110.
Cinema Gratis-Easy Rider featuring Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson. 9:30 pm. CC ’ Great Hall.
presents the third episode of the HitchHiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, classic science fiction from the BBC. 10 pm.
Are you bored or overworked? Then join this term’s Club. The club meets on Monday (9-11) and Wednesday (7-9) nights for two fun hours of target practice.
Studies Careers Day: Employers from BP, GRCA, M & R, and others will be there to answer questions. Free coffee and donuts. ES 221, 9:30-3:30. For more information call ext. 3942. Environmental
Vegetarian Club invites you to attend the first of a 7 week series of cooking workshops. Experience satisfying vegetarian cooking by nose, tongue and tummy. Tasty curriculum, live demonstrations, and recipes. Everyone is welcome. FREE. 6 pm. Psych Lounge, 3rd Floor.
Grace Through Faith. Non-credit course in Reformed Doctrine by Chaplain Dr. Remkes Kooistra. 7-8 pm. Conrad Grebel College, Rm. 251.
Get involved in Creative Radio. 7:30 pm. CC 135. Canadian Chamber Ensemble and the Victor Martens Chamber Choir will perform a Baroque concert. 8 pm. Great Hall, Village 1. This concert is for members of Village I and II Residents Councils-admission by invitation only. The
Meditation free introductory lecture. 8 pm. ENV ST 353. For more info call David and Shannon, 576-2546.
-Wednesday, Workshops on
January Language
BENT presents FM at the Waterloo Motor Inn. 8 pm. $4 Feds, $5 Others. Yoga
will be starting. 7-9 pm. CC 110.
-Friday, CC
Womens’ Issues Group. Organizational meeting and discussion. Concerned? Get Involved. 7-9 pm.
Bruce Roper, Vice President of the Calgary chapter Federationwiu discuss Western answer questions from the floor. 2:30-4:30pm. AL 116. F or more info call 885-0371; BEd Chairperson Debi Brock.
Canadian Chamber Ensemble-See Friday. Location changed to St. Johr’sLutheran Church, 22 Willow Street, Waterloo. .
Planning Workshops begin. Further info and sign-up sheets are available in Counselling Services, NH 2080. I
pm, CC 110.
Are you bored or overworked? Then join this term’s Archery Club. The club meets on Monday (9-11) and Wednesday (7-9) nights for two fun hours of target practice.
Further info and sign-up sheets are available in Counselling Services, NH 2080.
Christian Fellowship Winter Retreat with theme talks on “Spiritual Victory” and a variety of winter activities. Cost, $34. Contact Eric Inthof at 886-9969 for further info. Restall Camp, Ayr, Ontario. Leave CC 5upm. Jan. 23. Jan. 23-25.
previous Friday.
Flicks-Richard Pryor Live in Concert. 8 pm. AL 116.Feds $1, Others $2.
K-W Big Sisters is rolling into 1981with Skatefest which will be held January 26 from 6-11 pm, at Your Family Roller Centre in Kitchener. Sponsor sheets can be obtained at the following locations: Your Family Roller Centre, The Pop Shoppe in Waterloo, H.Salt Fish & Chips, The EngineeringSociety Office and Big Sister House. Further info 886-1090or 8936600.
Imprint Friday, January
16, Volume 3 Number
23; University
of Waterloo,
- Waterloo’played host to the newest major ballet company in the country 1Theatre Ballet Canada. Although their official debut is in Ottawa in a few weeks, --they chose Waterloo for their first public appearance. See-pages 12 S 23. I
Twelve first class Jeams vie for top honours in the Athenas’ fourteenth annual volleyball tourney to be held today and Satufday ih the PAC, page 19. ( More sports pages 22-23. -. ‘. .Entertainment I pages 14-18. ,-.
2 ,-,
fellol&xip to .UW professor i ’ ;
The Nattonal Science manipulator arm, the a@ Engine&ng &mee,c h Canadian component of Council ‘has awarded ‘dire. c the space shuttle proof ‘its four-Steadie Fellowgramme. ships for this year to% Dr. The. EWR Steacie‘Mem. Mathuku-mali Vidyasagar, orial Fellowships are the a UW professor of Council’s most prestigious engineering: awards and are made Dr. Vidyasagarhas been annuallyto outstanding on the UW campus since-’ ‘researchers in YO~4? ‘. , andis a full May, Canadian universities to professor. Prior to joining permit them to devote their the faculty he spent 10 time e’ntirely to their years at Concordia Unirese,arch for a period of up versity, Montreal. He to two years. . completed his bachelor’s, Other award recipients master’s and PhD degrees; are: Dr. Christopher all in electrical engineerBeaumont, Associate Proing, at the University of fessor of Oceanography at Wisconsin. Dalhousie University in special Vidyasagar’s Halifax; Dr. Arthur D. ___field of interest is control Associate ProPelton, theory;, one of the more fessor of Metallurgical mathematical branches of Engineering, Ecole Polyresearch engineering technique, Montreal; and which seeks ‘mathematical Dr. D.P.S. Verma, Assosolutions that are common ciate Professor of Biology range of McGill University, to a ’ wide at engineering problems. Montreal. applications Practical, for this research include the development of meth, ods through -which computers can control a wide -range .of complex tasks inclusling, for example, thepiloting of automatic aircraft. In a report to Arts Faculty Council last TuesThis research is also day, Professor John Stubbs useful in solving energy . grid problems so a admitted that he has fears about the survival of the disruption in one small Arts Program. part of a grid will not result . widespread power According to Dr. Stubbs, Eackouts such as the one ,there is a high degree of which occured along the peer and family pressure eastern seaboard in the against taking an Arts United States several degree. _ years ago. . , Stubbs said that many Vidyasagar has ’ also high schoolstudents were been a consultant in being directed towards connectioru’with the develcommunity colleges and opment of the remote job training progra,ms
Prof admits fears for survival of A&s progranmie
Picketers Leo Nyllen and Mary King spend a moment chatting during. strike duty. Nyllen and King -are instead of university. Donald Gordon Conference Centre. Stubbs went on to. say, Discussion will center on however, thatthe Applied the Ontario government’s Studies Program .was one recently announced ’ task of’ the things which funding encouraged students to force on university and the yet-to-be.announced enrol1 in Arts. levels of financial support In his report to Council, the post-secondary Stubbs talked about the for system for 198%82. qualit>y of the students The estimated 125 deleadmitted into the program gates from across the last September. These, will examine the students had a median of province that 77% and the majority of fee increase referenda OFS is holding at member these students are mainschools, and discuss student taining !this average, he election pre) employment, stated. paration, and transferability Those students who of credits between univer-. entered and subsequently sities. left the !program were The delegates will also unhapp\y with the regielect the, new chairperson at mentation which the prothis conference, although this gram entails,, Stubbs said: will not take office adding that students are person until Jim. allowed only 3 electives per term and must take’ courses in economics and, computer science.
Queen’s to be site of OFS winter talks
CBC to caption for de&f ,in . 1 prim&5time
According to a recent media release, the Cana’ dian Broadcasting Corp‘The Ontario Federation oration has announced of Students (OFS) will ‘plans to provide closed Capt-ioned television prohold their annual winter Queen’s grammes for the deaf “b”,d conference at impaired University January 22 hearing through January 25 at the ginning early in 1981.
striking maintenance workers, CUPE local 926, at= WLU. photo by Jacob Arseneault, This development will The network hopes to make existing television provide several American programmes on a weekly programmes “more meaningful for approximately a’ basis beginning early this month. This will follow an million hearing impaired to Canadians, including experimental period ensure that these US about, 200,000 who are profoundly deaf,” said the captioned programmes can be delivered in time for statement. them to be incorporated into network scheduling requirements. TV closed Capt&s are programmers similar to subtitles on film, . but are invisible unless the * viewer is equipped with a Have you ever thought special decoding device. you’d like to conduct a They are thus not a television interview? prodistraction t0 Viewers duce a progrm? .a . unhampered by hearing camera? impairments. You can do it. In fact, The network stated& ’ Grand River Cable TV. the objectives as being able to cable system serving- the “achieve, up to five hours Kitchener-Waterloo commuweek of closed nity, invites you to do so. per captioned Canadian proYour participation would gramming in prime time on become-part of the “communeach of its -English and it.y programming” offered by. French television netGRCTV on cablecast 4. as quickly as works, “We’re keenly interested in availability of funds and having people from the UW creation of a closed campus participate,” says captioning centre in’ CanDan Miles, co-ordinator for ada permit.” . GRC-TV’s Waterloo office: Interested persons from 7 Eventually, the prothe campus - .students,X._ grammes to .be closed faculty or staff members - t captioned will be predominately Canadian, and are invited to telephone Dan . Miles at 888-744, or 89% CBC-produced .series, the 4400. network stated. \.
Student TV
Vending machines have been ruined,, doors smashed, signs torn from walls, and a microwave oven destroyed, according to Campus Centre operations co-ordinator Ann Woodruff, in what may be one of the worst outbreaks in vandalism seen by the CC in recent years, Incidents over the past few months have ranged from _threats and verbal abuse to vandalism of property and physical violence. The turnkey’s log describes one act of petty theivery and destruction after another,’ _ In November and thg early part of December, the following occurences j are recorded: @Fire alarms ripped from walls Vandalism seems to be on the increase, in the CC in general l Glass doors in CC. The “bombshelter’s” men’s room shows results of one such vestibules 167,151 and 114 page 6. smashed carrying bottles and knockl Location signs near the turnkey who’ declined to be ing over tables and jumping named, but who stated that pub, the map near the LRO, on furniture, she said, and some CC patrons have been and the “persons under-16. notice more that rude lately. noted that in cases such as permitted” not this the turnkeys advise either. stolen .or destroyed students that they shouldl A large tree uprooted One group of students came out of the pub, - either leave right away, go and carried through the great hall; 1 when a turnkey . . _ s intervened, he’ was assaulted by those carrying it l Attempted theft of great hall furniture . l Several fist fights - in the great hall ‘I:.’ little testing, a An incidence ‘-‘of -. ., @!I,sail1 don’t think it’s the’? I’ “received: mass marketing, and then it’s the whole exhibitionism and ’ harass+ F- real issue; the emergence of health thing. of women, their ment directed at a female > bodies, and nobody gives a problems. turnkey. She cited discoveries of stated Joanne “I think it is important damn,” harmful effects of the Fairhart Houlden, free- , possible that the rest from the use of the birth lance journalist and co. university community be control and. intrasp,eaker at Tuesday’s made, aware of this matter ..-_- pill uterine devices as exbrown bag seminar on and the costs incurred by-it,” amples. toxic shock syndrome states Woodruff, who is “It- seems there are men (TSS). (See related story, concerned that “a few may who own companies (1 hate be ruining what we have in page il.) to’say it, but most seem to - Houlden has published this building for everyone”. be men) who come up with -“an article on the condition She further maintains something new, millions of in,the Winter 1980 edition that budget cuts have made women go for it, and then of Women’s Healthshoring, it difficult to put on more finding out they - start quarterly magazine. turnkeys at times when I .&.iring what’s wrong,” she said. the seminar, she vandalism is most likely to “Only nine studies outined- what her article occur and adds that she feels testing tampons, involving also -discussed the “turnkeys are paid to do a a grand total of 1,334 resistance which Canadian job in keeping the building subjects, have been reand American women’s open for the students” ported in the medical groups have met with in comfort and entertainment. literature since tampons /trying to discover the They shouldn’t have to run were invented in 1933,” she specific ingredients used out and get involved in noted, And although pubin tampon manufacturing, (asbusive) situations”. lic interest was aroused and, in trying to get more Jim Frost, , the turnkey with the media’s handling rigorous testing of these involved in the incident of the TSS discovery, products. with the tree, agrees. Frost producers of tampons are Houlden says she sees was tackled and pinned to still not required to divulge this withholding of inthe ground by one of two what is used _in their formation and lack of students dragging the tree she said. investigation as typical of .product, through the CC. “When this The seminar’s cothe treatment that she feels everyone happened, speaker, CKMS researcher most women’s health students and staff - in the ‘Joanne ‘McBey, quoted issues and products have Great , Hall stood up and surrounded the culprits until security arrived,” he said, adding “at that point,, I wasn’t charging -people with assault”. Frost notes, however, that (ZNS) - If you hate being speedometer measures how although he can’t speak for fast a car is moving.-.supervised by a human, all turnkeys, he intends to you probably won’t like The device; known as lay charges if attacked “Pam”, hooks workers up to this much better. A Sc>otagain. “I’ve been pushed sensors and sets targets for tish company called Pamaround and punched around the output a firm wants from mat Corporation has intoo much in the Great Hall,” its employees. The worker vented an automated facsaid Frost, “I don’t think Whdn then reads a digital readout tory supervisor. that’s part of the job from the computer telling hooked up to workers, it description.” whether his or her producmonitors the rate -at which t&n is up to snuff. the work is being done in A further’ example of such Said one US employer who much the same way a abuse involved. a female
and the pub-in porticu2ar. attack..See related story ori .photo by Peter Saricino back to the pub, or get rid of the, beer since no drinking is allowed, outside’ the- pub area. “When the, inan ‘finished‘ his somersault and I asked if he had any beer he said ‘No.
Want to see?’ and opened his -much money as they used coat and pulled down his to and they can get sertices pants,” said the turnkey. and entertainment and can “Whens y&i hear about it, drink for less-money here,” said Woodruff. it sounds furmy,” she added, “but with seven guys Frost said he too was standing behind you and concerned over the pos-’ one of them following you sibility of the CC being and harassing you verbally, closed at night in order to it was not comfortable.” put extra turnkeys at the “We don’t like being’ desk for shifts with high policemen,” she said, - vandalism rates. “Prob-_ “most people don’t realize lems happen when the pub that this behaviour is lets out and duringexams,” dangerous because the he said, “not at 4 am.” university’ may want to Causing the building to be close the building or the closed because .of -high -pub if we keep, having to vandalims would be “uncall security.” fair to people who use the . Both Woodruff and Frost building at night .” see the increased number All three agreed, howof patrons in the Campus ever, that such problems Centre as a major factor in are on the increase, and the increase of incidents, that in the long run it will The number of students be the students who suffer asking to use CC rooms, for it. “Our damage is and the number of students covered under the uniin the building during the” versity vandalim night are both logged by surance, but more’ in? the turnkeys, she stated, dents cause the rates to go and this record indiates up,” Woodruff said, noting that there has been a that this extra charge significantuser increase in would no doubt be passed the last eight months. along to the students in one ‘!Maybe its because way or another. students don’t have- as Marg Sanderson
how much stress it produces in the employees it is monitoring. See
agsemmar sponsore Health and Welfare Can-.(according to Health and ada’s response to (, COni-’ Welfare statistics). plaints about lack of ,I. Noting ,how the media testing on these- products. gave -the story Tss “We have e to \ go on a “splashy” treatment, but priority basis.” With the did not pursue the issue discovery of ‘TSS; said surrounding tampon use, McBey, ’ tampons 3 have Houlden said, “They never gained some priority, got the whole story, they however. Beginning this only did-a very superficial month tampon packages examination of what was will be required to have a happening. There’s always warning about the danger more for the media to grab of TSSl she said. onto .when somebody’s I To date 60 deaths from dead.” TSS have been reported in Houlden suggested that the U.S., one in Canada women’s magazines did , not carry these stories for fear of offending the feminine hygiene product manufacturers, who,. she said, are major advertisers in such periodicals. uses-Pam; the device “makes “I had trouble selling the ihe work more like= a game story . published where. they (employees) are in’.1 Women$ Healthsharing. trying to . beat the target think that was the reason,” -production level.” Pam has she said. \’ not been tested to determine
SO yotir boss ‘is- Jbad
fears women have (about having periods),‘: she said. ’ She also noted that in her ‘personal experience - few --.. women want - to know about possible dangers of tampon use, and willingly believe responsibility, for the disease comes from leaving in too long. “The blame (for contracting TSS) got put back on the women, just like rape and sexual harassment,” she said. ’ ‘The actual cause of the condition is not yet known, she said, ‘and may not be related to the length of time a tampon is used.
McBey noted in summary that,, in addition to clinical research into . tampons and their use, an e%rt is also needed to ,educate women that a period is nothing to be _ .ashamed of. Both speakers Houlden noted the treagreed. with an audience mendous influence ’ ad- . member who commented, vertising about such pro“We have opted for a ducts .has had on women’s lifestyle rather than perceptions of themselves. health.” ’ “They’ve Sandy Newton exploited the
, . a
. ,