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3 4

-Friday, March 13Legal Resource Office 4:30 pm.

hours: 10 am-12 pm, 1 2 3 0

U of W Ski Club presents Fun & Skiing at Blue

Mt./Georgian Peaks. $14 Members, $17 Nonmembers. You had to sign up by Wednesdayfor this trip. C C Bombshelter is open noon to 1 am. Salad bar open till ll:@ pm D.J. after 9 pm. Feds no cover, others $1 after 9 pm. A CBC documentary film on the political strife in Guatamab will be shown, followed by a discussion with a member from the Kitchaer Latin Support Group. 1230 pm. E 11 1309. Cusponsored by t6e UW Peace Society and the Federation of Students. Ftlms by KW Probe "Ethics and the Environmenl" sertes: 1. Nuclear Power. 2. Kitsiland House (solar). 3 Where haw all the Farmers gone?, 4. httle Acres. CC 110. 1230-230 pm. Friday Prayer (Salatul-Jhmmaa). Arranged by Muslim Students' Association. 1:30-230 pm. CC 113. Beverly Gknn-Copebnd. 8 pm. Conrad Grebel Great Hall. Feds $3.50, others 54. Fed Fliiks-North Dallas Forty, starring Nick Nolte, Mac Davrs and Bo Svenson. 8 pm. AL 116. Feds $1, Others $2. discusses Neo-Marxism. 8

Chaplain John pm. HH 334.

Agora Tea House. A time for herbal teas, h o q b a k e d m u n c h ~ s and , good conversahon. AU are welcome Sponsored by Waterlw Chnstmn Fellowshlg 8-12 mdmght. C C 110.

-Saturday, March 14Percy Pulsar-Space Accountant. A new radio drama senes on CKMS at 10 pm. Eprsode l-"A M e leamng ISa dangerws thing " Benefit Concert f o r Zimbabwe with jazz pianistsinger Beverly Glenn-Copehnd. Conrad Grebel Great Hall, 8 pm. 53.50, $4. Sponsored by CUSO, WPIRG, Feds, Global Community Centre.

P e e n C w n r l b n g - s e e Monday

Graduating Students still seeking employment: Career Planning and Placement is still receiving position openings on a daily basis. Graduating students whodo not yet have a positionare income in and check the bulletin boards on the first floor of Needles Hall.

"1837: The Farmers' Revolt". 8 pm Hymanihes Theatnz. $3, shdenhr and senlors $3

W o m ~ a Jssws ~s Group Dlscusaon nr.women's work both W i and outs~dethe horns. Come and ~ u s ! ? 9 ~ C C 1 3 5 .

Experience '81, a brochure outlining summer employmnt opportunities with the Government of Ontario, is now available from the Career Information Centre in Needles Hall. This program is designed to dfer career-related experience to interested stu$ents. The deadline for applications is April 1. Brochures are limited s o pick up vours soon. The Birth Control G n t r e is open. We offer information on Birth Control, unplanned pregnancy, counselling and a resource library. The centre is open Monday-Thursday, 124 pm. C C 206. Ext. 2306.

Sf.Jempl;ds student udon preaents "Glider". BUses rhuttIefram,SJC 8 pm-1 am Showstarts8:30 pm. Waterfoo Motor Inn

-Wednesday, March 18Fine Art Show and Sale. 10 amSpm. C C 113.

Peers Counselling-a student to student, Istening, rdemal and information semce So come in. relax. haw a cupof cdtee and set your soul free 11 a m 3 pm. C C 138.


God, Man a n d World Noncred~t~nterdwctplmnary course Graham Morbey M Dlve Drs. HH334,Sd pm Diecussion Fellowship. Chaplam Rem Koorstra HH 280,6 pm supper 7 8.30 pm Ethical Issues for the bght~es KW Probe "Ethtcs and the Envlronment" series, Herbert Reidel. Waterlw Safe Water S o c ~ t v wU . present the innral and medtcal problems ol addm9 fluor& to water, suchas Waterloo's. 7 pm. PAS 145.

-St. Patrick's Dav~

1837. The Farmer's Revolt-see

Watqrloo Christiad Fellowship Booktable D;OP by and talk to us 10 am 3 pm outstde HH 280

-Thursday, March 19-


Fine Art Show and Sale-gee Wednesday


Legal Resource Office hours 10 am 1 SO pm

-Sunday, March 15Ecumemcal Reformed Worship ,for entire University Community. 10:30 am. Refreshments afterwards. HH 280. Conrad Grebel Chapel Service. 78 pm. Followed by coffeeand d~scussion. Fed Flicks-see

Peers Counselling-see

"Th Reasonable ~$;b'*is tho. topiC c&rahon at the W a l s b D a n i r b a n FsOowrhip Supper meehng. Open toallinterested. 4 r 3 Q q .HH -s i



Project People. Theatre of the Arts. 8 pm. Tickets


-Monday, March 16Legal Resource Office open 10 am-2 pm. T h e Bombshelter isopen 12 noon-1 am. D.J. after 9 pm. Feds, no cover. Others $1 after 9 pm. Sandwich & Salad Bar is open from 12 noon6 pm.


C C Bombshelter-see

Monday Wednesday

Music a t Noon Catur~ngElectron~cMusr, Irving Ilmer, vlohn WLU Theatre Aud~tor~umNoon Adm~sslonIS free A poetry reading u l l l be gwen by Sid Marty Sponsored by the Canada Councd, Canadmn Stud~esand the English Department 3 30 pm HH 373


Hunger Project workshop meeting. All welcome. HH 227 at 7 pm.


Cinema Gratis-Tho Man Who Fell To Earth starrmg Dav~dBowe 9 30 pm CC Great Hall

The Bombshelter opens 7 pm. D.J. after 9 pm. Feds no cover, others $1 after 9 pm.

Wiie P. Bennett-see

Outers Club. The Outers Club presents the Iilm "lceburgs", 7 pm AL 116 Admtsaon IS free Gay Liberation of Waterloo IS sponbrlng a coffee house w~thmusic, coffeeand a chance to meet n m fnends For more mformation call 884-GLOW 8 : s 11 30 pm C C 110

Participation o r Confrontation? A symposium that addresses the problem of confrontahon which has too often resulted from ineffective conflict management. 8 3 0 a m 6 pm. Theatre of the Arts. $5 registrat~onat the door.

Fed Hicks-see


545 pm.

Jazz a n d dues muslc at the KPL "Lonel Hampton-ffing of the V I M presented by Jack Wdllams 7 pm Cine Club presents "Vwre Pour Vivre" by Claude Lelouch starnng Y w s Motrtand and G d c e French wth Enghsh subt~tles $2 contn butlon at the door EL 112,8 pm


Peers Counselling-see

C C Bombshelter IS open 12 noon to 1 am Sandwtch andSalad Bar eopen 126pm,8-11:30pm. D J after9 pm Feds no cover, others $1 after 9 pm.

Conrad Grebel Colkge Chapel Service. 435-

KW Probe " E t h ~ sand the Emnronment" senes, debate "Be ~t resolved that captallsm results m a better soclal condhon than would Marxist soclalem " Proponent. Prof Jan Narveson, Opponent Doug Wahlsten 7 10 pm PAS 145



KW Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic. 2-4:h p 6 , 6 830'um. First United Church, Kins & William. Pterpo ater oo Christian Fellowship Supper Meetingsee Tuesday. Place changed to St. Jerome's, 215.

The Study Skins Programme offers a workshop on peparing for and writing e y m s . I:%-230. lnteresied studbntsshould registelat receptiondesk in Counselling Fjervices, 20& Needles Hall.

Study Sk/Ps RoJrusme-see , Workshops $ b . 9 0and 1SO.

open 10 am-1 30 pm,

Legal Resource Office 330530pm,79pm

A talk by h.Stan McMdliq Ontarm Ltemture" Sponsore Councd. Gnadlan S t u d m and the Drpartmcnt of "A English 3.30 pm HH 373

. .,

Conrad Grebel Evening Prayer-see


Free Astronomy films at WLU 7 pm Arts B!dg 1El 1837: The Farmers' Revolt-see Tuesday Percy Pulsar-Space Accountant A new rad~o drama series pn CKMS, alrs at 10 pm Ep~sodeno 2-"Somethmng fishy on the planet O h y "

Scholarships: Editorial on page 4, Feature, pages 13-15.

McGiirrigle Sisters a visit Imprint’s page 19.

’ --

PEERS, referral, service %i in, operatio-n . s .t

PEERS (Peer Encounter and Essential Referral Service) is off the ground again. The listening, information and referral group had been carrying out its services in the ping-pong room until recently when its new office was completed. “We used temporary dividers before,” said the group’s co-ordinator, Stephen Madigan, “but it was hard to concentrate with ping-pong balls landing at your feet.” The new space, however, has enclosed a portion of this larger room with floor-toceiling walls, and this kind of interruption is no longer possible. The group is now well into a training programunder the guidance of councilling services’ advisor, Dr. W. Dick. the training will, according to Madigan, “emphasize listening skills.” As well, he says, the group “intends to move into some more specific services” and adds that “the main one we’re starting with, besides empathy and listening, will be career aspects.” The group sees-itself as a link between the students on campus and the othey counselling resources available on a more formal basis. PEERS provides a sounding board for sorting out feelings that accompany other problems often experienced by students, especially those living away from home for the first time. ‘When students come in to see US,~ says Madigan, “we want the level of status to be equal between the students and us.” /



Madigan says that his experience, now almost at an end, as PEERS co-ordinator has been valuable. working with this group is “good for anyone in the field and for people interested in finding out a bit more about themselves.” He adds that PEERS would like to encourage people who are interested in becoming a PEERS councillor to “drop in, check the place out, and fid out about the gtraining program.” Or call extension 2330.

PEERS is open in its new location (Through the pingpong room door and turn right) from Monday to Friday 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

,J?ugwash topic: science and, ’ * society Organizers of the first Canadian Student Pugwash Conference are asking Canadian students, “Are you concerned about the role of science in our societyF The conference, which takes its name from the first Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs held in Pugwash, Nova Scotia in 1957, has chosen for its theme, “Science in Society: Its Freedom/and Regulation”. Scheduled for June 12-14 at Carlton University, the event will be bringing together students as well as members of academic, research, legal, administrative and business

-condary school .-‘and tht circles which are related trend, continues. to the issues. Laurier’s increase is 12.5 Workshop topics will per cent now over the same include: Society’s Support time a year ago, compared Scientific Activity; of with a rise of 5.2 per cent ’ International Security and average for all 15 unithe Regulation of Defence in the province. Technology; Biological Re- versities statistics were search and the ManiThe pulation of Life Forms; The released by the provincial centre at Freeedom and Regulation of applications which receives Social Research; and, The Guelph, from all those Freedom and Regulation of applications Communication and Inforcompleting grade 13 and Storage Techapplying for fall admation mission. nologies. . “I’m pleased that the Costs’for the conference covered by percentage of graduates will be Canadian Student Pug-- selecting Laurier continues to increase well above the , wash. Students interested average,?’ said in attending, are asked to provincial National Co- Dr. Neale H. Tayler, contact president of the university. ordinator,. Fraser Homer“It shows that we are Dixon at #806-474 Wilbrod offering programs with St., Ottawa, KlN 6M6. deadline is continuing appeal to the Application youth of Ontario.” April 7. -- “Only about 1,000 can be accepted since the university is determined to .maintain a more personal education by remaining relatively sma1~L.Y continued Dr. Tayler. Since “I think the growth 1976 Wilfred Laurier University has reflects the continuing experienced the most program development at consistent annual increase Laurier,” said,, James Wil- among Ontario universigar, registrar and coties in applications from ordinator of student serstudents completing se- vices. “Professors are

WLU I university *of choice

keenly 1 interested in our students and in developing traditional academic excellence. This fact is being recognized across Ontario. He added that the growth of 5.3 per cent for the system as. a whole indicates that high school graduates are becoming increasingly aware that a university education is the best choice for a fulfilling security. future --and \

ublic and consequent which have become manifested through confrontation. The symposium will open at 6:36 am on Saturday with an introductory address and a . panel discussion on current examples of ineffective participation and confrontations. Panelists will include Dave Hindson, Niagara Escarpment Commission Ratepayers Association (NECRA): Lillian Tomen, Citizens Rebelling Against Waste (CRAW); Ray Nash, Haldimand-Norfolk Organization for a Pure Environment (HOPE); and a representative from GreenOn Saturday March 14, peace. the Urban and Regional At l:36 pm a luncheon Planning students of the of Waterloo address will be delivered by University Dr. Robert Gibson, author will present a symposium of “The Value of Parentitled Participation or ticipation” who will discuss Confrontation? The purpose of the symposiumis the role of participation in democratic society. Dr. to provide a forum for Gibson’s address will be discussion and debate followed by a second panel among students, prodiscussion which will deal fessionals and the public. with more effective means This year’s symposium will ’ examine conflict . 1to conflict management. management ‘as a means to The symposium is open tl more -effective participaall members ,of the community and registration tion and its implications for planning. It will fees are $5.00 ($2.50 for address the students/senior issue of citizens) ineffective imput by the which will include lunch. -

Planning in Conf lit t


f rustrations






Candidates vie. for votes All three provincial party’s have identified the economy and leadership as the two main issues in the upcoming election on March 19. However, at a public meeting held last Wednesday, and attended by candidates from all three party’s, the discussion seemed to focus on multiculturalism and education. The candidates, who represented all three Kitchener ridings, were allowed four minutes to address the audience before a one hour question period. Al Barron began for the Conservatives by defining his party’s goal to be “As much individual freedom as possible, with an overriding social conscience”. He went on to address the economic policies of the Davis government by quoting several statistics illustrating that the cost of services such as education had actually decreased. Barron substantiated his claim by adding; “the true test of a provinces’ financial standing is determined by the New York financiers . . . who gave us a Triple A (their highest) rating”. The next speaker for the Conservatives, Morley Rosenberg, centred his talk multiculturalism in Etario, and concentrated on a defence of the Davis government’s funding of programs in this area. The candidates from the Liberal Party all concentrated their discussion on what they called “the worst economic record in the country”. Jim Breithaupt, the finance critic in the legislature, says the Liberals are committed to an “Industrial. Strategy” which they feel could send us rapidly towards an economic recovery.

-Herb Epp spoke next for the Liberals and reemphasized, as well as elaborated upon, this “Industrial Strategy”. EPP says that, if the Liberals were elected, they would focus their attention on six or seven main industries. He also stated that “. . . we don’t have the kind of leadership that we need and it is ironic that the Premier (Davis) runs on this issue”. In concluding for the Liberals, John Sweeney identified energy and education as issues, key although he did say the was the main economy priority. Sweeney feels we have “. . . a scandalous surplus of electricity” and millions ;of dollars are being used to create more. This should be used in the search for alternate energy sources stated Sweeney. Since this public meeting was sponsored by two of the ethnic groups in K-W, all three NDP candidates chose to speak on multiculturalism. Ian McFarlane condemned the Davis government for cutting 50% of the Heritage Language Program budget. The Program allows students whose first language is other than English to study their native tongue in school. Hemi Mitic continued for the NDP by promising what he termed “affirmative action programs” to prevent discrimination because of race. Bob Needham also said that much must be done in disorder to prevent crimination. He focussed his attack on the Federal Liberals whom he says have “fascist tendencies” as illustrated by the interment of innocent Japanese people during World War II, and by the implementation of the War Measures Act during the October Crisis.

Needham feels that such mistreatment of minorities must not ever reoccur, and an NDP government would be “committed to multiculturalism” to ensure people’s rights are respected, he stated. question During the period, the audience re-


peatedly questioned candidates as to what their actual policies on multiculturalism were. Some members of the audience seemed dissatisfied with certain candidates’ responses. . Education was repeatedly the focus of the discussion

and such topics as underfunding, the abolition of Grade 13, and teaching methods were raised. At one point, John Sweeney was interrupted by members of the audience when he said that Grade 13 is not really necessary. One onlooker told Sweeney that

largely with reasons why the public should be concerned about endangered species, and the steps that his organization and others are following to help reintroduce these species to abundancy in our country. Hummell gave three major reasons why we should be concerned with this vastly growing problem. One of these arises from basic self-interest. There are many uses of various organisms, be they plants, animals or fish, that have not yet been identified. These uses can have an economic base for agriculture and pharmaceuticals, both now and in the future. Another reason is the scientific understanding that we derive from the physiology of animals as applied to human beings. As well, the lessening of the diversity of species causes a loss in the

Ontario had the standard., of education country”and Grade large reason for Sweeney however responded by adding that were true”. Dave


highest in the 13 is a this. simply “I wish


in Wat. Park

UW R.E.A.C.T.ion Student patrols have taken to Waterloo Park pathways in an attempt to eliminate the problem of indecent assaults within the park. Federation of Students President Wim Simonis stated that in 1980, nine sexual incidents ranging from rape to indecent exposure had been reported Andy that since January two rapes both involving UW students had occurred in the park. Organized by the Federation of Students at UW in

conjunction with the Waterloo Regional Police, the students were originally to provide escort service for women walking across the park. However after meeting with the police the alternate plan for patrols in the park was established. Sgt. Duncan MacLauchlan of the Waterloo Regional Police explained that the patrols “would be more effective and more mobile” than the escort would have been. The patrols in the park will consist of several

students clad in blue jackets with large white lettering as well as a member from the Regional Emergency and Associated Communications Team (REACT) who will keep the patrols in contact with a base station located at the Waterloo police station. About 30 students, including one from Laurier, are now involved in the patrols. McLauchlan explained that each member of the patrols would be screened for a criminal record and

’ that the patrols would be instructed to “refrain from physical contact as much as possible”. The purpose of the patrol would be to monitor the park rather than to arrest individuals, according to McLauchlan. Bob Elliott, Vice-President of the Federation of Students and one of the coordinators of the program stated that the patrols would simply ensure that “the possibility that the area is coveued” would always be present and thus would-be assailants would be deterred. McLauchlan felt that the “would continue patrols until we feel the matter has been resolved and other programs established.” The Federation of Students also approached Waterloo City Council to seek a more long term solution to the problem. The assaults have been recently occurring along the pathway from SeaDrive to gram’s the

Wim Simonis (left) and Bob Elliot (right) confer Regional Police Force about safety in Waterloo

with a representative Parkqhoto

by Hans

of the Waterloo Van Der Molen

90% extinction rate high Of all species that have ever existed on our earth, 90% are now extinct. From the year 1960 to the present it is estimated that extinction of organisms has occurred at the rate of 1000 species per year. And from 1975 to the turn of the century, the “guesstimate” is that 10 million species will have become extinct in that time. These dramatic figures, and others like them were brought to the attention of the audience at Monday’s wildlife lecture given by Monte0 Hummell, the executive director of the World Wildlife Fund(Canada). Although scheduled to speak on this issue as it pertains to Peregrine Falcons (one of 12 species on the Canadian endangered list), Hummell chose instead to address a more general topic. Hummell concerned himself

3 -

stability of our ecosystems and the disappearance of various life forms may be an indication of future problems for man. The third reason, he cited, was moral responsibility, namely, that since man is the cause of much of the present extinction patterns, conservation of the various species is man’s responsibility. Hummell said that what was needed was an education of the public concerning what is, and isn’t considered to be endangered. As the classification of species in Canada has only been carried out since 1977, the number on this list is only 12, with two whales to be added in the near future. He stated however, that the polar bear, wolf and harp seal are not endangered. This statement then led to a discussion on the seal hunt. Hummell once again stated

that harp seals are not endangered, (and in fact there is a growth in population even with the harvest), but that the opposition to the hunt is of the moral responsibility type. The killing of 180,000 seals (this year’s quota) does not endanger the species, but it is the killing of each seal as an individual that so angers and upsets the people involved in the opposition to it. When asked about the method of killing, he -said it had been found that clubbing the seals was, in fact a quick way to kill them? With this technique, the injured animal could not escape into the sea, as it could if it were shot with a rifle. Commenting on what is being done to combat the endangered species problem, Hummell said the main emphasis is on the preservation of the habitats.

Regulating the exploitgtion of species, particularly of the commercial type, and reducing trade in endangered species were other thrusts. When the situation has progressed farther than what these measures can correct, the breeding of the species in captivity and their later release into the wilds is practiced. In some cases, when the population has decreased too far, the entire remaining group may be placed in protective captivity. When all attempts have failed there is only one method, albeit a poor one, of retaining some of ~ the species. That method is the creation of a sperm bank so that if the animal is extinct some of it’s frozen genetic material will remain, perhaps to be of later benefit to man. Susae Montonen

Waterloo Arena and thus it was felt improved lighting along the path would serve as a deterrent. At the council meeting Monday night Simonis as-ked council to allot funds in the up-coming budget for lights for the path to the Arena as well as for the path from Seagram Drive past the Bandshell to Westmount Place, a location of previous sexual assaults. Council, feeling that the lighting along the arena path was necessary but . that night travel along the Westmount path should be discouraged, instructed Community Services Director Ken Floug to submit a report to council on the costs of lighting the one path. Council suggested that some means of discouraging taffic along the Westmount path, such as a sign should be used. Although the motion by council simply asked for a report on the feasibility of lighting the path, Simonis felt optimistic that the lighting would actually be “I’ll be meeting completed. with them (Council) and will keep up with what’s happening”, Simonis stated. “But I think we’ll get the lighting . . . The combination of our patrol and the lighting should help to solve the problem. Mark Wigmore Cord Weekly




Impmt is the student newspaper at the ~nlversit~~ of mterloo. It &J an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications Waterloo, a corporation without share capital, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Phone 8851660 or extension 2331 or 2332. Imprint is a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a student press organization of 63 papers across Canada. Imprint is also a member of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association (OWNA). Imprint publishes every Friday during theterm. Mail shouldbe addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140.” We are typeset on campus with a Camp/Set 510; paste-up is likewise done on campus. Imprint: ISSN 0706-7380.

Marg Sanderson

Business Manager Advertising Mwer Production Manager News Editors Sports Editor Arts Editors Photography Prose Ep Poetry

Jacob Arseneault Stu Dollar, Laurie Duquette Paul Zemokhol DanAy’adJnnaLehn Alan Angold, Peter Sara&no Angka Brandon, Michael Ferrabee







2nd Class Postage Registration Pending Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising.


The puzzle above contains the names of 45 members of Imprint staff, most of wham contributed ta this issue. Of the 45 names, 35arefuJJ names and zo are partial names (first names, last names, initials, etc.). Masthed constructed by Ira Nayman; caver photo by Jacob Arsenault.

Editorial Scholarships: For Better or Worse?

amms Question “What

are you doing

in the CC in the middle of the night?“, By Glenn St-Germain

Tim Smith Economics 1 Relieving


Craig Acton Biology 1


I get

sick of this university.

finished through, widget for the night.

Andrew Harasymin Science 3A

Bruce Trayhurn Chemistry 2

I’m engaging in mental masturba,$ion. That is to say I’m studying organic chemistry reaction isms. How a.bout you?

Just passing fidgeting with


I feel that the Campus Centre is a comfortable place to work. The music’s fine, and it’s the only place open at this time of night. Besides, the rent’s


A hot topic of debate among the leader’s of Canadian intercollegiate sport is the issue of athletic scholarships. Advocates of financial assistance for athletes are confident it would lead to an upgrading of university competition in Canada. It is nailve to equate scholarships with improved competition. Many other factors must be considered. Schools in Western Canada will keep top believe money athletes from flocking to the U.S. Maritime schools want to use dollars to lure athletes from America and the other provinces. It is evident that these schools view the paycheck as a panacea for their problems. There appears to be a narrowmindedness here. Perhaps these universities should ex‘amine their of facilities, pr.ograms - in terms equipment, coaches, and competitive league schedules. Granted, there are athletes who leave Canada for the bucks, but almost as many defect because of perceived differences in program quality (see Feature). would it not be better to channel money into program development, to the benefit (including of all participants intramural athletes), rather than into an awards program where only a select few would gain. The scholarship proponents’ argument that assistance would relieve financial burdens so athletes could spend more time training is also short-sighted. The amount proposed (tuition plus 15 per cent) would obviously be insufficient to finance a whole year of education. Athletes would have to spend the summer working regardless of whether or not scholarships. In they receive addition, most students are eligible

for OSAP if they need assistance. And the notion that money will motivate students to continue their education is absurd. If a student has no desire to learn except if being paid, maybe university is not the best option for that student. On-the-job training may be a better alternative. We have seen educational values subverted in U.S. college sports. Who is to say it will not happen in Canada? When you put money on the line, play becomes business. Players become employees, and coaches, -their bosses. And, like in any business, ‘production becomes the bottom line. Constant pressure to produce in the gym so that one may remain “employed” next season may lead to a shifting of priorities away from academics. And how could a scholarship program possibly be regulated? Recruiting violations occur without being a Maritimer, I awards always thought scholarships were legal until I moved to Waterloo. They were openly discussed among high school athletes. With dollars at stake, the problem would be even more serious, especially with first-party awards. There would be a tremendous amount on coaches to invest of pressure department funds wisely - i.e. on top talent. Many non-athletic students c may believe the scholarship debate does not affect them. However, the money which would pad the athletes’ bank accounts would probably lighten the pocketbooks of the majority of students, since student athletic fees are the primary source of revenue for most Canadian athletic departments. The issue is one all students should concern themselves with. Tanmmy

newspapers and tearing down posters and notices from billboards in E.S. 1,

Letters ES student cries “Death to Facxiltism!”

Anna Maria Marcon Comp. Sci. 3B

Rudy Risi Science 2







Again last week, for the second time this term, I was witness to the results of another Engineer assault of ritual paper shredding in theTheatre of the Arts and Environmental Studies building.


for fuck

sake, GROW


Hold on now! This letter is not another tongue thrashing against Engineers,’ (as I find the campus preoccupation with a faculty versus faculty

I don’t care what faculty you belong to, what your political or social beliefs are, nor what you consider to be ‘fun’. You clearly did not express anything in your rampage but ignorance, immaturity and



of “we’re


than you are”, not only unhealthy, but something best left behind in primary school), but is a request to those who were responsible for ripping up

perty, mess




to say nothing of the and inconvenience

left for innocent custodians after the fact.


on pg 8


Friday, March 13,198l. Imprint

I “ATTACK Demonstrators veiled and tempers flared as the film “Attack on the Americas” made its debut on the Waterloo campus last Tuesday. The film w as sponsored based group by a Toronto called the “Canadian Unity and Freedom Federation” [CUFF), and presented an alarming view I of the present political situation in Central America.




panying the film announced that, “at this moment the strategically important area of Central America is threatened by well planned and co-ordinated Marxist insurgency originating in Cuba and mapped out in the Kremlin”. The film viewed the fall of the United States as the ultimate goal of this strategy.





audience was. the fact that the film was produced and distributed by the American Security Council, the educa-, tional arm of “The Coalition for Peace Through Strength” - a right-wing lobby based in Washington D.C. ‘The film was also the . . subject of a recent Moclean’s expose which stated that “the movie is blatantly.propagandistic... a fake: it attacks the ‘bloodthirstiness’ of the

Nicaraguan Sandinistas by showing bomb damage in Managua, caused, in fact, by their adversary, ex-dictator Anastasio Somoza’s airforce.

labelled certain protesters as “useful idiots of the Kremlin”, while he himself was compared variously to “Jerry Falwell” and “Hitler”.

After the showing, what was supposed to be a question and answer session, quickly became a free-for-all; CUFF President Alan Wilding and members of the audience engaged each other in taunts and verbal abuse. Wilding

Toxic wast es leaking There is no ideal solution for the disposal of industrial wastes: some solutions just have fewer problems than others. Such is the bleak assessment of Professor John Cherry, guest speaker at the terms final WPIRG (Waterloo Public Interest Research Group) Brown Bag Seminar. Cherry, an Earth Sciences professor, is part of a uw inter-departmental team investigating various aspects of underground waste disposal. Involved in this area since 1967, Cherry was part of the committee which investigated a serious spill of PCB’s in Saskatchewan, during the 1970’s. Using both slides and schematic drawings, Cherry discussed the various options that are currently

available in underground waste disposal. He stated that the -problem today centres on a lack of permanent waste disposal facilities. Many of- the current methods are only temporary and inadequate measures that require continual monitoring. Cherry remarked that the disposal facilities currenlty in use at the Bruce Nuclear Plant are adequate. However, he qualified this statement by saying that they were adequate only as a temporary measure. Of the various containers now used to hold toxic wastes, none have proved to be water tight. Containers originally expected to last th,irty years have developed leaks long before their - expected expiry date.

March 19 Election Day For those of you who have forgotten, election day will be on March 19th. The polling stations will be open from 8 am until 7 pm. Voters are advised to bring their Form 103 when they go to vote (the form they received when they were form

enumerated). This will also tell them the

location of their polling station. If you have lost your* Form 103, you can still vote, but bring some identification with you. If don’t know the YOU location of your polling station, you can call either the Returning Office or any of the parties’ local headquarters.

Your ticket to a Saturday Evening of fine dining and great entertainment, all for only $6.951 DINNER: l

the And and

Served 5 to El oz. New York Steak ireshest salad’s from of course. all the coffee or tea

10 l

our dinner

pm every Saturday mght Plus a arand selection of famous 10’ Salad Bar . trlmmmgs Dessert l

Cherry also outlined the pros and cons of such disposal options as shallow, deep, and lined sites. He pointed out that lined sites are currenlty used for high level, toxic waste disposal. However, at the present level of technology, such sites are still only useful as temporary measures. “We must plan for the future”, Cherry stated. Outlining the “New Waste Management Philosophy” that he and other underground disposal researchers are presently developing, Cherry expressed his- concern for the future of sites currently in use. “As long as they are monitored, things are all right”, Cherry told the audience at Tuesday’s seminar. The problem as

deem<d noted.




The point of Cherry’s seminar was that such future monitoring is necessary in order to ensure the safety of the environment. If the area is being monitored, he pointed out, the beginning of,a leak can be detected and rectified. Without such monitorleaks might go ing, undetected until it is too late to save the contaminated area, One solution outlined by the speaker, seemed more optimistic than the others. Ontario, he pointed out, has numerous clay sites that are suitable for permanent waste disposal. He referred to preliminary studies showing the water tight capacity of these clay sites below the twenty five foot level. Such sites, he noted,Gmay be the answer to future industrial waste

During the few times in the evening when order reigned, Wilding critic&d news reports from Central America for their “leftist perspective”, and called on the US to continue its support of the present government and ship more , military aid to that

Rounding out the evening’s discussion, one memeber of the audience want down to the front of the hall and gave his own analysis: ‘The reason you’re all concerned% about things like El Salvador is

country. “1 hope it will not be necessary for the United States to send troops”, commented Wilding. Wilding‘s support in the

because you don’t have the love of God in your hearts now”. Few seemed convinced of the value of this approach; Brian Snyder

UW Professor Doug W-al&ten and ’ a couple of unidentified marchers who chanted slogans outside the Math building last Tuesday, in protest of the showing of the film “Attack on the Americas”, a conservative perspective of the political situation in Central America.

generations. Julie



audience of eighty people ranged from little to none, as various participants openly criticized his support of El Salvador’s military junta and complained of the film’s “propaganda quality”.

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, ‘a , article in &ts Are African Students by- related section) and Dance a”fter the attending university committing. “hbmndous ethnical final lecture on Saturday Night: genocide”? This was just one The speakers dealt generalMf many questions posed by Iy with the rol> of Universities. professor Lemuel Johnson, guest speaker from the in African a9 well as in ,Western societies. One’ lecturUniversity of hdiChi&l, er in particular, Professor during Africa J3Veekend ‘81. Africa Weekend, sp,onsomd Johnson, brought into quesby. the African sudents \ tion many of the western views of African society. Association, included setin Professor Johnson suggestlecturers, \ among them Marjorie Carroll the Mayor ed that Africa had: become a sort of testing ground for two of Waterloo, as well as a film or different “templates” showing on Fridayhght, qnd an African Foodfest (see ideologies, since’ Africans are /

./ /’ . . - I__.._ .

being educated in both the west and the eastern block countries. ’ ’ Johnson continued by suggesting that Africa has almost entirely become dominated by East-West manipulation, citing Amin’s rise to power (which he claims was aided by the CIA, kme$zpye Great Britain) as He also ‘talked Reigq of Bokassa Central African Johnson stated .French aided him --

Boardi of sEdu&Non and Ext~hal’Relations

.. I._ ar..-






him as emperor) to the tme of 20 million dollars before he. was deposed for killing almost 200 school children, which according to Johnson, was one of inany atrocities he comitted. Johnson also questioned whether it w+ possible to ever have black rule in South Africa since this countiy possessed very sophisiicated nu’clear ‘equipment, something \that has not been granted to any black African cduntry “because they were thought to be too




unstable to handle nuclear armaments.” - After Friday’s formal open@g by Professor Ron Bullock, Professor .Len Gertler addressed the, ‘topic of “relevance and uses cif education in a rapidly changing world.” Other scheduled speakers hcluded Professor Brzustowski on “the social responsibility of the university in society”, Barb Kincaid of CUSO on “cross-@ional educational link@es: prospects and I problems”, and Professor




Carleton conference *attracts Jdelegates\.. <from across countrv


/ The beginning of campus radio dates back to> 1922, whbn -the first campus radio station was founded at Queen% Universitjr. Since then, campus radio has developedinto a nation-wide organization representing more than 80 stations across .the \ country. ’


J the Federation Office .

This year, in an effort to link campus radio stations from coast to coast, the first National Campus Radio Conference was held, on February 25March 1. The weekend event was hosted by Carleton University with 20 delegates from 31 stations in attendance. j The primary aim of the Con’ference was to set up an information exchange, through a series of workshops and seminars, dealing with-such topics as programming and management. The Canadian Radio-

/. .,~-. ??~~&&Mt applications, in -!@.ting, to:the Federation of ; i .‘~A&.5 .’I<:$t&ie,~ts office, care of -Wim Simonis, by Friday, ++,:: * ’ /’ , = March 20,198l by 4:30 P.M. : ’ pA :- _,-. ‘:I’Enquiries by telbph$ne 885-l Zll Ext. 3880 ,+

Television and Telecommunications _ Commission (CRTC) and the Department df Communication (DOC) -were on hand to deal with the concerns of campus radio stations. One o’f the , topics discussed was the priority of campus radio stations to continue to exist on FM frequencies. Several CBC radio stations operating on AM frequencies, have indicated’s desire to move to FM. If this is approved by the CRTC, campus stations will f&e fierce competition for the, limited FM spots. The ‘CRTC is presently retiiewing regulation for FM radio. According to conference organizers, the weekend was a success and much wa\s achieved. It was decided” that a monthly campus r&i0 newsletter would be published for distribution across the

country. The format will include “technical and programming information. According to Dave Ass<man, station manager of CKMS, the Conference should have a - positive impact on future operations of all campus radis stations. With the birth of a national organiz”ation, stations pill be better able to deal more effectively wit-h the CRTC. * University of Waterloo’s campus, ‘_, radio station, CKMS, was represented by 6 delegates at the conference. Presently, CKMS is run by 170 volunteers and is supported largely by alsmall Ijortion o$ tuition fees from U of ‘W students. _ The station offers-a wide variety of programming directed at the community and the student body. CKMS is especially noted for its- multi-cultural programming. Heath&r Fawcett Nancy Cousintine

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Awachie, University of Nigerian on “the pole and * challenges of African universities in national development. A display of african arts; crafts and culturg artifacts from 12 noon until% p.m. AL 113 on Saturday rounded out the event. Africa weekend was very Well planned and carried out; it allowed UW ‘students a glimpse of a culture. and society very different from their own.

about the in -the 1 Republic. that the [installing -.-





1 Applicationsare being accept.eb ,,.-L \.GT c ’ ‘. fo*r th,e pbsitioti 1 of \ :-


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OF B A t









CanadaEl Salvador OTTAWA

(CP) - External Affairs Minister Mark MacGuigan repeated his claim yesterday that the federal Government has no right to comment on the situation in El Salvador because Canada has “no vital interests” in Central America. “We don’t pass judgement on what people are doing in other countries, especially in the absence of any vital ’ Canadian interest in the area or the absence of any real information,” Mr. MacGuigan told reporters. The minister denied he was washing his hands of the El Salvador situations when he told the Comtions on Monday he was “not aware that we have any serious obligations in that part of the world.” Mr. MacGuigan has said in the past that closer ties with Latin American are a priority in Canada’s foreign policy. He said a year ago that Canada is anxious to develop closer economic ties with the six countries of Central America. Pressed to explain Canada’s positiori on the supply of arms by the United States to help the right-wing ruling junta, Mr. MacGuigan said yesterday that Canada opposes the shipment of arms to either side. But Canada will not officially protest the US decision to send offensive weapons and military advisors. Taking a stand against outside arms supplies is “not the same as getting angry,” Mr. MacGuigan explained. Immigration Minister Lloyd. Axworthy said his department is keeping an eye on the situation but there have not been any requests to relax immigration requirements to

accommodate refugees forced to flee. A spokesmen for the United Nations High Commissioner said between for Refuge& 245,000 and 445,000 people have fled El Salvador. (G & M, March 9)

Oil Rip-off? Ottawa Canadian oil &mpanies overcharged consumers by $l%biIlion, as measured in today’s inflated dollars, be,tween 1958 and 1973, according to the federal Government’s combines investigators. After an investigation of nearly eight ‘years, federal investigators concluded in a massive seven-volume report released that the oil companies, led by the big four of Imperial Oil Ltd., Shell Canada Ltd., Gulf Canada Ltd. and Texaco Canada Inc., acted in a way that reduced competition and increased prices. says The report the companies purchased oil at inflated prices from their foreign-based parent companies, resulting in an unnecessarily high price for consumers. Opposition MP’s have demanded that the Government consider laying charges against the major oil companies. Mr. Ouellet has said charges may be laid after the Restrictive Trade Practices Commission holds a public inquiry into the results of the anti-combines branch inThe inquiry is vestigation. expected to take two years. Speaker Jeanne Sauve rejected a .call by New Party’ Leader Democratic Edward Broadbent for an emergency debate in the Commons on the report. ’ “Imperial has broken no laws,” Mr. Armstrong, chairman of Imperial Oil,

“The fact that no stressed. charges have been laid after 7% years of intensive investigation of the petroleum industry would appear to be sufficient proof of this.” The publicity that the Government expects the &port to get will give it moral support for its Canadianization plans for the oil industry.


Delhi (AP) - Afghan guerrillas, crippled by short ages of weapons and food, have largely gbandoned a 14-month fight to oust Soviet troops from and are the countryside concentrating instead on the major cities, a reliable source in Kabul said yesterday. (G&M March 6) Chad has told the Organization of African Unity that it is prepared to hold OUA -supervised election9 to end any disputes about the legit macy of the Ndjamena government, Foreign Minister Ahmed Acyl saia yesterday. (G&M March 5)

Bonn -


The Columbian military has arrested more than 50 people in its hunt for the guerrillas who kidnapped and killed U.S. linguist Chester Bitterman, an army source said yesterday. (G&M March 9) Londan

(AP) Most of Britain’s 500,OOOcivilservants staged a one-day strike vesterdav for more pav, shutting down Government Y

offices, airports and nuclear bases in a challenge to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. (G&M March 10)





- Two- gunman shot to death a Turkish Embassy aide and seyerely wounded another yesterday in a new revenge killing claimed by Armenian nationalists.

(AP) The Reagan Administration, despite Israeli objections, has the sale of announced sdphisticated military equipment for Saudi Arabian jet fighters to counter a “serious deterioration” of U.S. security interests in the Middle East. (G&M March 7)

The shooting near the Place de la Bastille was the third slaying of Turkish Embassy personnel in France since the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia began an international wave of violence six years ago. (G&M March 5)



(CP) - Robberies led a surge in violent crime in the first nine months of 1980, statistics Catiada reported yesterday. The agency said that robberies increased 15.3 per cent compared with the same period in 1979. Crimes of violence increased 4.9 per cent but most of the increase was caused by the surge in robberies. (G&4 March 7)



The Ronald Reagan Administration has approved $4-million in new funding for the controversial Garrison diversion project, a North Dakota irrigation scheme which would pollute rivers in Manitoba. * (G&M March 5)

Monday, March 16,4:30 pm. Campus Centre, Rm. 135 Federation


- The Government of drought-stricken Somalia launched an international appeal yesterday for nearly half a million tons of food to meet projected ghortfalls for 1981. (G&M March 9) Islamabad

- The Pakistgni airliner.. which was hijacked seven days ago landed in Damascus, Syria, last night after flying from Kabul with 111 hostages on board. the air traffic control tower in Nicosia, Cyprus reported. (G&M March 9)


(Reuter) - China has appealed to theUnitedNations to provide relief for several million people in two Chinese provinces hit by drought and flooding, diplomatic sources said yesterday. (G&M March 10)


6 Thailand’s largest political party, the Social. Action Party (SAP), pulledout of the year-old ruling coalition yesterday, deepening the country’s political crisis and making a cabinet shuffle inevitable. (G&M March 5)

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The Reagan administration asked congress yesterday for a $32.6 - for the next 18 months, including funds for a new manned bomber and other major weapons programs. (G&M March 5) ’

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equipment, Cont’d~from DE 4 _ end-of-line installation, /..’I . ’ make-shift acoustically poor speaker , -’ j’-:wqni;l.er’ hQk ,mgpi *i‘plaoement (not to’ mentioni. those’involved last ThUrSthe lack of attentioa to .the daY Pe’rUarY ‘6) Would acoustics of the r&m‘, approve of their faculty , _, building being victim to an itself), and high incidence of necessary~ repairs onslaught of “Art sies” ’ ‘. ,>’ chanting .There has never been a “Eng. sucks”, qualifies audio technician while at the same time, involved in looking after having Postings torn from the Home stereo their displayboards. All speakers uied ,in a disco that is being asked for is situation, consideration to the righ-ts al turntablesnon-professionand imof others, regardless TOof pro.per use of ahbx limiterfaculty. DEATH compressor have all led to FACULTISM! Yes, even an and extremely E.S, student has a sense of problems poor sound quality. In fact humour. the management has the As. an aside, a quick limiter-compre,ssor interobser,vation regarding nally set so that the ’ the Enginews bulldhit that resulting volume is only a is going on. It is interesting small fraction of the to hear those who’support’ sy.stem’s potential; the the paper feel it is the right resultant effect is that of of all people to print and sitting in a tin can. read what they want. On nights when the pub Those .who do not like is full, it is virtually what is in print, simply impossible don’t have to read it. Fair music in mostto hear locations the enough. But, also of and have been .,interest to note is the numerousthere complaints from newspapers shredded and patrons concerning the low strewn about last Thursvolume level and poor. am not a member of the- are told! by management. . Chevron Club.) Is it fair to ,that they are there to “play assume ’ then, only the music” system is “holier than thou” group none30f their. theconcern . has access to this right? Unfortunately, _ the T. Wickham reproduction of sound is an Honours Geography 2 integral part of any music service. _ M & C not If this is a student pub, shiv&ring in . run for students with student-. money; then why - the dark are the students not getting what they are paying for? The Editor, ’ The night of March 5, Concerned, 198l at about 11 pm, I was M* Fezz I). . passing through the Math Co Nichols and Building. ’ I’. Baker _‘. , ,I< I i >; I The two large lecture 2. BarchYnskY 9 rooms on the south side of T* Fava the builiding had their (Bombshelter D*J*‘sl lights all on and the heat on quite high. No one was ! ‘Moral cocoon ’ around to use these rooms. I was wondering why they were on at that hour , consequences * with no one to benefit from Supporters of Enginews them. have tried to justify the Roger Van DerVeen continued. existence of that _ Village I - ‘_ paper by representing any Bombshelter Dr’s attempt to alter its content ,













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“not just t0 r dav music”


’ The E&to;, The purpose of the Bombshelter pub has now become. painfully’ apparent. It is not a place for students to go %nd have a good time. This seems to have always been the case, and I not just a recent development since the renovations. Take for example the installation of the sound and light system in September 1979. Fora very high cost, the pub acquired _s

sneech. Concurrent with this i is the assertion (expressed by “A Student” in last week’s Imprint) that an individual should I be free to take any, action he sees fit with little or no regard for the direct consequences on others. ‘It is a view I believe is profoundly mistaken. Looking at history you can u,nderstand how ,gctions taken by ‘certain individuals in .one part of the world can, have horrifying

Cont’d on pg 9

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Cont’d from pg


consequences several years later on pe.ople on the opposite side of the globe, Anyone * only half-way informed about world affairs must surely- realize ihat all things are intercbnnected and dependent on others. This is one world and we are one people. Ybu cannot isolate yourself in a moral cocoon and abandon the world, as even that action has its consequences. I have seen a recent issue of Enginews and there is no other way I can describe its contents than vicious and hateful; the charges against the paper are not exaggerated. It contained incitements to rape, as well as an attempt to make light of the current situation in Atlanta. It was not even remotely funny. By acquiesing to thecontinued existence of Enginews people on this campus are tacitly complying with its standards. Again; one world, one people. When your fellow human-beings are attacked and degraded, whether in print or in Waterloo park, you have to take a stand. I do not approve of censorship, however, in a time when children can be massacred in Atlanta for no apparent reason, when race hatred is on the * rise and when reaction and intolerance are the rule; the continued existence of Enginews on this campus is particularly inappropriate. Please note that I am not a ranting, militant femi-

nist, nor a bleeding heart liberal, nor a campus politician on-the-rise. My concern is simply to protest the increase in hatred and intolerance on this campus. I am sure many engineers are equally repelled by Enginews; where are they? When the concept of freedom of the press was first formulated, it was part of the ideology which believed that by liberating people from the tyranny of priests &d kings, the best in people would be freed as well. It is a real degradation of ,that belief to use it as apology for all that is worst in man. Paul Doerr Graduate Hisiory

Filibuster at Fed meeting found frustrating I had the great misfortune of being at the last Federation council general meeting, in order to do my part to reinstate the Federation advertising support of our lewd and lusty little rag, ENGINEWS. Misfortune is most definitely the word. The meeting was a farce, and not due to the efforts of the council in general, but rather’ only to the fine efforts of two brave young ladies who saw fit to object to everything they could see, filibuster at every possible occasion, and vote against every motion on the floor (except one or two of their own which, I might add, came nowhere near to passing).

I can fully understand the pow exasperated speaker (a fine job under the dircumstances, especially for a rookie speaker) who was just about to throw all 17 copies of Roberts Rules of Order available in the room at the abovementioned lasses. For a meeting which had only five or six items on the agenda (outside of the routine material), this fiasco took an amazingly long time. By the time the session achieved the last item on the agenda, many there were considering ordering pizza and curling up in sleeping bags for the night. It did indicate to me though, that for all the moralizing that Maggie and her dear little friends do about the ‘“racism” etc. in ENGINEWS, there were precious few of her supporters willing to come out and listen to her harangue council for three and one half hours. In contrast, there was sufficient support for the ENGINEWS side. Perhaps there were more there like myself who really hadn’t expected to be forced to witness those great longwinded tirades. Perhaps those who know her know better than to show up to suffer for three and one half hours. In that sense, -the naivete of the engineers was on full display. I must admit I was at first put out a little by the suggestion of the compromise amendment which passed the ENGINEWS motion. It seemed to defeat

the purpose of my being there. But in retrospect, I’m glad there was the third party to make the suggestion, otherwise I’m sure I’d be listening to the wind blow even yet. I guess too that in one respect, against the odds, Maggie did achieve something, in that ENGINEWS is not completely and unequivocally reinstated on the Feds budget. Sometimes even fanatics and nitpickers reach some of their desired ends. To re-use a worthy quote from the meeting (and there were very few), I still don’t think that “Artsies are a race”. Enough said on the issue!!!!! Arnim Littek 3B Electrical Engineering

Reader finds news distorted, sensational Dear

Former student: “I Will if you will!” The Editor, Poor Pete Corbett.

to be suffering from the homophobic blues. But don’t worry Pete, homophobia cari be cured. Unfortunately, until you overcome this malady, your thoughts will continue to be to intelligence what Hostess Twinkies are to food. But don’t despair, I’ll make a deal with YOU. I’11 come out of the closet as a “faggot”, “queer”, “cocksucker”, “fruit”, or whatever else you want to call me. If you come ouf bf the closet as a twit. J. Szalai Class of ‘69, University of Waterloo


March 18,8:00


I am continually amazed at the amount of biased ego-tripping that gets printed in “the paper in the basic interests of the students” - The Chevron.’

ThenNational Semyon

No doubt anything said in conflict with their hotheaded news (?) stories will be met with a comment of “facist pig”, but how can anyone sit and watch as what I feel to be such distorted sensation-’ alism is allowed to represent the students of Waterloo? When will The Chevron own up to the reality that it’s a “newspaper produced by a small number of students at the University of Waterloo in the basic interests of those and only those, students?” Robin Gosling 4B Civil Engineering

Arts Centre Orchestra Bychkov,



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YUKON JACKA~ACK2 , nleash 1 ounce of YukonJackwithI ounce of coffee liqueur: Add a splash of soda., pour over ice and you’ll have lassoed the Wolf Bite.To heat the bite, substitutecoffeeforsoda. Inspired in the wild, midst the damnably cold, this, tt black sheep of Canadian liqu&s, isYukon Jack

Several students at Trent entid fees ‘for visa’ students; residence, and differential University in Peterborough up until now visa students at ’ occupied the office of, Tre@ were not assess?< a fee increase was put into one Trent president Donald Thedifferential fee. According to motion, despite efforts by all. They are protesting the Trent Student / Union vice- ._student representatives to put them into three separate procedure by which next president (internal] Steve motions. This regulted in a 1years tuition fees were de- Elliott, this is one of the situation where one would tided upon at last Fridays major brunts of the protest. have to support all or none board of governor’s meeting. The -decision was “railof the increases, At this meeting, it was ‘roaded” through the board, The major complaint‘2 is decided to implement differ- _ said .EBiott. The tuition, have


i .



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2 c

, I

*/ -then maybe you’re ,not .. -, -

the --way in which thismotion was rushed through, he-said. The meeting was the t shortest on record. And since there was no quorum, the matter went right to the -senate, an’d was passed. After an open _ meeting which was attended by nearly a quarter of Trent’s student body. (2,100), the . increase was decided upon in a closed session. The students occupying the office feel, that it should have been carried out totally in an open session. ’ The office of president Thea11 and neighbouring offices were ocdunied bv fhirteen students, beginning at -JO:% a.m. Monday. The thirteen are representative \ of the entire community: a L member of student council; a representative from every college, and people from many other student groups. “This, makes a more representative group,” said Mark Davidson, ‘one of. the occupiers. “It would be hard for anyone to call us crackpots.” ” \ Sandy MacDonald, Trent Student Union’s vice-president (academic) added that “people are pissedoff about this. One of the demands is \ that the differential fees be rolled back.” MacDonald is al_so one of the : student.s ot%upying the office. The demands of the group, nicknamed “S 0 S Trent”, also of include the Ix&nation Board of Gove&ors chairperson Erica Cherney, the addition of another student *‘-rep on the BOG; and another student rep on the Senate. Support for the group at ’ Trent has ,been good Green arm-bands (green . being Trent’s xolour) were distributed to those/ who supported the group. “We can see the ‘>\entrance to the ,.z;; from here,” said $3;.. . Ir - library Davidson, “and we see lots CL! 8of people wearing them.” Sympathisers to the group have been waving signs in L favour of the group’s de-. I - mands. There have been three peaceful demonstrations, I all - in favour of the group; no ’ viulence has erupted at -all, say both Davidson and MacD&d. ,” ’ \ ,

The group also wants to make -ed&ation an election issue, at least in the Peterborough? riding (presently ’ ,held by Conservative MPP .john Turner). Premier William. Davis was in Peter_borough Tuesday, and SOS .‘., ; ,-<Trent was able to arrange a ‘meeting with him. .. So far there has been no word from* the University administration.. other than thit they will not try to flush :- $$$ccupiers out by. turning off heat, lights, telephones, etc. ’ I ‘. “We’ll stand firm,” said MacDonald. The occupation. he added. r was-- planned r.------_ ‘. _ 7 and done j-^, 4 _ well in advance, - -very peacefully. The students say they haven0 intention of leaving until administration ‘considers their demands; Glenn St-Germain I i



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TYPiW Typing: Essays, reports, theses, resumes, term papers etc. Ten years experience. IBM electric typewriter. 576-5619. Leave message. Typist, 25 years experience. Essays, resumes, theses, etc. No math papers; reasonable rates; Westmount area. Call 7433342.

Experience typist will do fast accurate work. IBM Selectric. Reasonable Rates, Lakeshore Village. Call 885-1863.

Housing Available For Rent: Large one bedroom apt., May-Sept., sauna, squash court. $230/month. Phone 7427817.

Sublet May to August. Cheap! New four bedroom sem-detached, furnished. Access to shopping centre and beer store. CA11 8886440.

Wanted one female to share two bedroom furnished apartment with one other girl during MayAugust term. Just. 15 minutes walk from U of&W campus. On the corner of Erb and Amos. Rent: $12l/month per person (includes utilities). Call 885-1858.

May-August. 2 persons required to share new 3 bedroom townhouse. Partially furnished. One mile from campus. Call Doug, 886-3111 or Peter (416) 634-2266 (Burlington).


Wanted: Female roomate to share large twobedroom apartment. Rent negotiable, available immediately or April 1st. Phone 578-4826. To



ment, ties



2 bedroom $281/month

included. carpeted,

term apartutili-

Stove, clean,

garage available, quiet, superb landlady. Near Erb and Weber - Call Randy

Disk Jockey Service


A.B.C. Disk Jockey Services. Add a professional touch to your party, banquet, wedding, or reception! You want good music, in all styles and tastes: we have it. Call Paul on campus ext. 3869 or residence 886-8492.


Housing 15 minute Walk to U of W (Erb & Amos). 3 bedroom Rent $290 & apartment, utilities (August’s rent carnegotiable). Fully peted, washer and dryer. Call 884-5030 or 884-8932.




11 ,-

mind that we are living in a very inflationary economy and the costs of edukation increase along with all other costs. The Ohtario GoverFment currently pays 85% of the operating costs for ‘universities. The,balance is raised the form of tuition. .,iees from studen’ts. Tuition f&es ar&et by +the universities themselves withiii guf&$ines. Students have a voice on th’e&&ersity Bokrd of -bovernors.. .10 e xpress concerns with regard to such matters. 2. The Re-Mor, Astra-Trust affairs do i.nde,ed cau,se severe hardship for many of the people who have invested in the However, the ~Provjncial ~~~~,~~~~~t would be setting dtingertius precedent if ‘it attempted ti refun_d. money to eve.ry person who loses money on “get-rich-quick” schemes. To prevent the recurrence of such @isodes, rne pu~rlc musr ’ ’D e constantly aware that when a deal look ti>o good to be, true, it probably is too E:ood to be true. Re-Mor ana --- 3 tisxra A m* investors ‘” were attracted by’ ih

’ The.folZowing questions were asked of t-he Liberal, Progressive’Conservative and NDP provincial-election candidates for_ the Waterloo North riding:

provincial licensing appears shoulder proceed. licensing avoid the has taken Government

What. is your r position on tuitibc fee increases at the posJ-secondaby level? Are you in favour of the current

I 1.







modification? / -_ -2. W-hat are your feell’ngs on the current I ,, Re-Mor, Astra-Trust Investments issue? I . What do you think could be done to prevent such 1 incidents from recurring? 3.


who graduate in the next few ,years shall be concerned about job prospects. How will your &nomic p.olicies affect them?

4. ’ The provinc6 has’been accused of ‘> underfunding and cutbacks with reg.ards to ‘uni’vers+ies. Please comment land suggest how your party would respond. The answers below- were submitted io Imprint in writing. A 100~word limit per answer was reques,ted.

-Bob Needham New Democratic

’ Party

1. The. ONDP position- on tuition fees atid tuitioa-fee, ihcreases i9 -that they are -reggseive; they work to reduce acce.s&Slity; ONDP policy is to freeze tuition fees-at Dresent-levels and work to eliminate the& over the longer term, hopefully three years. Combitied with all-grant-student aid tied to the rate of infla’tion and a more flexible definition of thes‘independence’ criterion accessibility. w.ill be improved ,by this and other means. ’ ‘--c 2. The Re-Mor Astra Trus&ase-is a dispicable example of the reltitionship between Liberal-Tory party politicians ,and busines3d hikhlights the total lack so@al responsibility, that the DavisConservat,ives have for the people 6f this ..provi.nce,. There i’s evident from the, interim report of the Judicial ‘Gommit‘tee af’ the .Pro&&ial Legi’sla’tuke the. itivolveme’nt of -fed&al Liberal> and




Tori,es treatment to have so as Tighter should evident place. has


111 l.1113-111clLLtfl. 1 .-k.-..-..w.-l '#..,,,,:,,,,rl lU35G3 tiA~tzl al Ltzu

in securing famrable for Re-Mor. Someone been tApped on the to let the licensing .administ@ion of be ,estab+hedp so as to conflict of interest that ,As -it is the Proviricial proved itself iiegligent

7-L, lilt:







promised both in 1976 and 1979. We could ‘support small increases ’ of approximately 7% while a study is in progress to assist universities with their financial problems. We are completely opposed to the 10% optional fee because it in excessive increases of up to ’ results 20%. It also puts the smaller universities -in a precarious position in trying to compete for students. .

James Breitbaupt I Liberal, Kitche&r

2. ’ As the Liberal critic for the Mini&y of Consumer and Commercial Relations, I first raised the Astra-ReMor matter in the Legislature in June, 1980. The Legislature’s Justice Committee stated on February lst, after a month of public hearings, that there was serious . maladministration ,and political influence in the ‘licensing of ReMor Investments. The Committee stated that compensation for those investors including legal costs’ should be paid.

Llle ripned-off investor& should be iad6 good Iby the Government. +’ / I <. 3. Jobs and job creation r Nepresenr ’ rne ” .-.,,#.“,ll L.:,L,, CL.-%, ,,,--1 ‘:.a.Cl,%x,L --I--i fbrthwith hv the Ontario onvPrnmPnt first priority of ONDP policy. . VW-CL., UV~;L-CW rlrgut;r well uul-luttl iuitxes~ -raies ana ieeds stronger staff industrial &trategy,stresses job creating ended up losing the$p money; The I_ The’, Ministry support to promptly review the financial investment in key manufacturing sectors depositors, particvlarly older citiie&, statements of such dompanies, and. to from food and other resource‘pr&%ssing t should be pa&ularly ayak& of .the audit at random their activities, While it through to machinery, electronics and .deposit insurance ,pro@am. which is impossible to legislate against greed, other high technology industry.. ;The ‘j.. guarantees deposits1 at an individual-, the average investor must be protected trust company. to the extent of $ZO;OOO. process 6f expansion will replace imports where the improper front of a trust by domestic production and generate The pe.rsons who invested in Astia Tru$t company was used to defraud, and where cumulative spin&offs and job creation in were . reimbursed by the Federal’ licensing oifcured after warnings fro& - related industriesand firms. Government to the extent of $20,000 each Too, ~ the Ontario Skcurities Commission. The expansion of the level of employment and under this program. myth iif good financial management by output- will expand governmen t revenues 3. The eeQaarn, is imnortant to _ th$ Davis government is in shreds. The and allow greater public support of Social everyone in Ontario. Tl& Ontario leadership of a new Liberal team is service areas such a s health’ and ’ economy continues to opeFate9n a v&ry needed in this area, as well as in every education. Also inch lded in our effective manner notwithstanding at1 a.-.*s Aother Ministry. industrial strategy are equat p.ay 1~1’ tempts by those in other parties to try and work of equal value policies and the Herb Epp c,reate a negative picture. It is true that ‘establishment of. affirmative hiring Lib&al, Wateidoo North the -.petroleum industry is creating programmes with industry and governunusual growth in Alberta andI British ment for. women. 3. The *Ontario Liberal_ Party, has “An Columbia at the present time. The same ., Industrial Strategy for Ontario” as a job 4. The Tory Government has been thing will likely- happen in Newfouhd= creatibn policy. The document puts forth land once oil reserves are proven. It is&t dtgstically underfunding post-secondary specific proposals including: edQFationr so as to /jsupport a bankrupt in Ontario’sbest interest- to be negative i. / a procurement policy requiring the industrializatio‘n policy. ONQP policy about the sticcess of other provinces. : ,.go,vernment of Ontario to undertake ’ -. with respect to education is part of an since wk are. stilEthe source of most of the i its purchasing, whereirer possible oyerall econoti,ic and social ‘sttategy of manufacturltig -industry in’ Caoida. As. and reasonable, from Cailadign full-employment through expanding the reqt -pf Cbnada prospers, the need for I \ controlled firms or from foreign public investment (and- private) in key’- manufactured , goods (tiutomobiles;, cpntrolled fisms which comply with Sectors (see the response to question 3). boats, trailers, etc.) which are made in , . a provincial code of --corpbrate ONDP poli,ci is that full furiding should Ontario will grow and total employment behaviour; be restored; This specifically means a will be restored, The current economic 2. two new arrangemen,ts to encourage . return to line-by-line funding based-‘on .problems are localized mostly ’ in the equity inyestment by individuals in ,-’ the needs of individual universities in &tomobile industry &hikh.is siffering al Canadiaq, businesses; ._s their partic+ community settings. temp&ry adjustment while it gets usedfor research and 3. new incentives Funding will be adjusted to plans and at to more gas ‘efficient -models. Predev,elopment; ’ -the veiy least according to tl+ rat6 of sutiably, this problem will rectify itself an entrepreneuria1 advisory service 4.: . inflation. . _ . witbin the next two years. -Progressive .- aiid , educational programmes for Conservative Government economic small businesses. Bob‘icLabt&t policies will continue . to . provide “An Industrial -Strategy for Ontario” thousands of jobs for Ont&io students. ’ Ptiogressive Conservgtive -_ _ ‘i “,&. , . se1ect.s eight sectors which the Ontario / I’ 4. The Ontario. Governmeiit ‘Liberal’Party believes are, or can be, the /* . . .&nti&e& _ >--I woula m- ’ ’ to support d 1. I agree ithat many stu.’ aenrs univeqsities and colleges with ,of Ontario’s source manufacturing I l ,find it easier if ttiition fee ini creases could substantial funding. Op,er&ting grants to< strength-and result in an increase in jobs be ruled back..Hc lwever, we-must keep in u’niversities and colle=ge~ were up 7.2% in available for’ newly graduated students. I- ._ .* ’ 1980/81-. This is slightljr slober than the These areas are: ‘jtbe aerospace industry, me rate_ of ._ihflation,. andm_does 1require the :.: telecommunications, compL@ers, systems .universiti& to s&e-qmline and economize. electroriics, industrial machinery, es’ ’ However, smaller student enroltien_ts are pec+l*ly related to resource processing likely in-the next decade, andit would be - pollution, the auto parts industry, un*iseto spend vast sums on capital transportation equipinent, and the improve&ents at‘ this time. The high plastics and petrochemicals industries. schools are already exFeriencing the t effects’ of lower, numbers of students. It John’ Sweeney ’ will continue to be- the p.olicy of the Liberal, Kitchener-Wilmot Progressive Conservative Go\iernment to 4. We believe that annual funding a suppqrt the universitiesSnd colleges. inci\eases that fall below the annual cost , The‘ commuility college =sy$tem,. whicli of living increases are not justified. We has been set u,p in Ontario,over the last ;id ..‘years, is the, envy of ,most -other ’ . are deeply concerned at the results of jurisdictians in North America at the underfunding including excessively larg? c1as.s sizes, reduced tutorials, pr&s~nt‘ titie in terms of produeifig obsolete equipment, and reduced library students who’ have post-secondary acqbisitions. \(ve believe the government edu_cation -xfor which there is a ready . of Ontario should clearly state its demand @ the; job &ark,et. Thery-will objectives and ogoals for the ‘post e’bntin:ue to be a demand for students whd secondary system and thus provide have - a broader. ’ i education from sufficient funds to meet those objectives. univeksities and Ontario will co&itinue to, Webelieve the funding of university . lead$ar_lada in that - regard.’ _ . . research must be’significantly increased ‘-4’s so that they may assist in restoring the Theiiberal partjr hhs..chorsen to partition - economic I and social health of this the. four Imp&t. questions among the province. To that end we,would set up Liberal @m&dates; for the ‘, hidings of research centres of excellence at several Waterloo -North, i(itehenerW&not, an+,I universities to enable them -to become Kitchener.3 ’ , ill j . -;; eI world leaders in particular fields. / ’ John’$weene’y ’ . . ,, . ’ “, Candidates from the ridings of Kitchener and KitchenerWilmdt also submitted Liberal,. KitcheqerWilmot . :-. answers to these questions but due to 1. ’ We favour a freeze till ,a full sc&~ .’ spa& considerations we are -unable to acce’ssibility study is~ompleted as was ’ I.>‘print them. . - , : . L.. uy






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CIAU cthreatened fThe average’ spectator, attending a US college football game generates a se&e of excitement - a crisp, clear autumn afternoon, the roar of the crowd, cheerleaders, marching bands, and top-flight. football. Loyal fans, attired 3i school colours, wave pennants and sing praise to the home \ . team. It sounds like good, clean, AllAmerican fun. However, things are not as rosy backstage at “the ‘biggest s,how in town”. Those responsible for big-time US college sports have created a monster. Unfortunately, because of certain factors in the US college sports system - scholarships being a major one of thetn - corruption has spread like a cancer throughout the American college athletic scene. Most affected by this kind of debasement are football and basketball, the two majar revenue-producing. sports in US colleges. Sporti lljustiated (May 19, 1980) provides some reqent-examples. ’ Dec., 1979 7 Five New Mexico basketball players were declared ineligible for having receivgd three hours of credit:for an extensio? course - Current Problems and Principles of Coaching Athletics - .which they ne_uer attended. . Feb., 1980, - University of Oregon p+den’t WiIliam*B. Boyd announced that, .. Severi , student-&hletes. hadT+%$v;e-d -mditi.“fbr couyses for $Vi?icf; they had done no work. One of the. seven, a former linebacker, had earned instant eligibility in 1978 by “taking” an independent study course in ,jogging at a nearby commtinity college. He was credited for running he had already done in football practice. $9,000 -in fines was dished out to the coaches involved in ‘these ’ incidents. ’ March, 1980. - The L.A. Times reported that a’ USC track standout was admitted to the school in 1978 on the basis of a trwscript of courses he supposedly received ’ from four different community colleges in 1977. The Times revealed that his, schedule would hai/e required him to be at Rio Hondo for an 8 am class, 20 miles away at Pasadena for a 9 am class, and back at Rio Horido for IO am. The most appalling aspect of this situaion is that cheati’ng app.ears to have become the accepted n&m among American college coaches. ‘For an exploration of these practices let us turn to the system of college athletics in the United States. The athletic scholarship system in the U.S. is very costly. The inter,collegiate program must generate a lot of revenue just to break even, let alone to profit. To make money, teams must draw large ~ crowds, TV contracts, and alumni donations three major sources of financial support. Therefore, in order to keep the fans and networks interested, Bnd the alumni shelling out the bucks, teams must win. It now ‘becomes obvious that the * coaches, especially those of the “high-’ profile” men’s sports, are placed under a. ,substantiaI amount pf pressure30 either produce winners or risk losing their jobs.



by Scholarship\ /_

, 1




To win, a coach must have a certain amount of player talent to work with. He goes out recruiting high school athletes. And since only .a limited number-of scholarshipsare available, the coach is expected to make good use bf them by acquiring the .best possible prospects. However,‘the best athletes may not be academically qualified. Since the coach r]leeds these players to win, tie may try to influence the admissions office t? allow the athlete to be admitted to ‘the college. This scheme ‘often works, Since winning athletic teams can make a great deal of’ money,for the university as a whole. After a student-athlete is admitted, the next step is to keep him eligible. An athlete who is being p&d to play is ‘expected to devote a lot of time to the sport, dften leaving him little time for studies.

This, of course, often leads to a to be the current situation in the US further compromising of academic according to Sports Illustrated (May goals. The athlete may be encouraged l-9, 1980) and Newsweek (September to enroll in “bird courses” to ensure 22, 1~980). that he will maintain a high enough During the past year,’ the topic of average to remain eligible to compete. first-party athletic scholarshijjs, an A random coliectioh ,of “Mickey issue for the past fifteen years, has Mouse” courses may keep an athlete come to the forefront among the eligible,’ but it will not qualify him for a athletic departments of Canadian degree. universities. , \ The end‘ product, four years down The CIAU currently allow& only th6 road, is an athlete who ,,has \ f e d era / and provincial government obtained no real education and no grants-in-aid, such as the, Game Plan degree. After four years qf royal carded-at’hlete program for qational-treatment and being “taken care of”, level athletks, and proyincial aid Fe is thrust qut into the working world programs for athletes in BC and unprepared for a normal day-to-day Alberta, life. His chances are bieak indeed. At last year’s C/AU annual meeting Playing has taken priority over in Halifax, member institutions voted learning. Fiscal solvency has become on a motion to allow first-party athletic more ~ important than the personal well-being of the $thl&e. This appears con'tonpage 14





scholarships, those offered directly by theuniversity to the student-athlete. (The proposed scholarship would cover tuition costs plus fifteen per cent). The first vote passed b y a margin of one. (Two-thirds majority is needed by a motion to pass). It was soon clear that while universities from eastern and western Canada were in favor of scholarships, the Ontario and Quebec conferences were vehemently opposed. This definite split threatened the integrity of the CIA U, so further discussion was held on the-issue. In a second vote, the scholarship motion was defeated by one vote. A decision was made at this point to set up an ad hoc committee for further study on the scholarship issue, since it was apparent that a decision either would generate strong opway position. Another vote will be held at this year’s CIA U meeting in June. Last February, the athletic directors from the OUAA and OWIAA had met and reaffirmed by a 13-2 vote (with one abstention), their opposition to first-party athletic scholarships. -In addition, the presidents of the Ontario universities voted 8-6 against Ontario schools competing with any universities which institute a scholarship program. This places the OUAA and OWIAAin a position of not being able to enter CIAU championships if the CIAU decides to allow scholarships at their June meeting. Proponents of scholarships believe awards would upgrade Canadian university competition, keep Canadian student-athletes from going to the US, give them financial support so they could dedicate more time to training (and still be able to meet educational costs), and give less wealthy students a chance to continue an education they may not otherwise be able to afford. The Western conferences seem mainly concerned with the exodus of - Canadian athletes to the US, and feel a scholarship program would stem this flow. The Atlantic conference, with a small regional population to draw from, wants to upgrade their programmes by drawing athletes from the US and the other provinces. Those opposed to scholarships emphasize the financial inequalities between schools. Larger institutions with larger budgets and more established universities with more alumni donations would have an advantage over smaller or less established schools that could not afford as many scholarships. It is felt that this may lead to an imbalance in competition, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. In addition, the opponents fear the over-zealous recruiting, the compromising of academic goals, and the over-emphasis on winning and “highprofile” men’s sports presently extant i in the US. Embroiled in the midst’ of the athletic scholarship controversy is Carl Totzke, U W Athletic Director, current OUAA president, and a member of the CIAlJs ad hoc committee on scholarships. Totzke does not feel scholarships are Ontario% answer to upgrading competition and preventing athletes from migrating south. He feels that athletic department funds could be better spent on programme development upgrading facilities, equipment, coachand competitive schedules. ing,

Will scholarships sports? photo According grammes

to are

Totzke, “the

ignore by Alan

women’s Adamson

improved probest means of

( attracting top athletes’*. In a survey administered to Ontario high schools, Totzke found that, although financial need was the most prevalent reason for athletes going to the US, better American programmes and better coaching were also stated as important factors in deciding to go south. As well, high school athletic personnel cited “‘lack of publicity and public awareness” as a major shortcoming of Ontario programmes. Totzke feels that adding more full- time coaches to athletic departments would solve this problem, since there would be more people available to perform public relations duties. Totzke would like to see the provincial government provide aid for upgrading athletic programmes at Ontario universities. He projects that annualgrants of $80,000 to $lOO,OOO per university, coupled with athletic department funds, could upgrade three to five sports programmes at each school. He further believes that upgrading deficient programmes in a particular sport would upgrade league competition, and that the costs for such a plan would likely be less than implementing a scholarship programme similar to the one in BC. The BC government spends $550,000 annually (550 athletes receive $1,000 scholarships) on three institutions. With sixteen schools, the province4 wide cost in Ontario would be close to $3,000,000 per year if the provincial

government was to undertake a similar programme, as opposed to Totzke’s projected annual cost of $ I, 125to $7,175,000 for the programme development approach. When asked about the possibility of Ontario leaving the CIAU, Totzke replied, “I do not feel that dropping out of the CIAU is one of our main options. *’ He prefers, he says, working within the structure of the national body. football coach and However, assistant men’s athletic director Wally Delahey is in favor of breaking ties with the CIA U. He explains: ‘#I think there would be a distinct difference in competition in three or four years. The good kids probably would take scholarships in other provinces. It’s prestigious for a kid to be offered a scholarship. lt would be natural for him to accept it. The elite athletes will end up in one programme, and Ontario will be left with the average athletes. Also, we would have to recruit, and what have you got to offer versus a scholarship school.” remains One large question concerning scholarships. How many would be given out, which teams or athletes would receive them, and what would be the rules governing them? The proposal is to have the awards approved by the university administration and administered by those in Admissions and Awards at the school, in much the same way as academic awards are regulated. Students would have to meet certain academic requirements to receive an award. A disciplinary committee would be set up in each conference to police recruiting violations and awardgiving. All awards would have to be reported by the university to the regional committee and to the CIAU A wards Commissioner, who would oversee the regional bodies. There is currently much disagreement as to whether or not such attempts at regulation would work, donsidering the abuses in the US (despite NCAA attempts. to enforce rules and punish violators). As the CIAU ad hoc committee states, “People can find ways to bend the they would be on an honour rules system. I’ The whole issue is a sensitive one, and one to which there are no clear-cut solutions. The final verdict in June is bound to ruffle a few feathers. Hopefully a wise decision will be made responsible for interby those collegiate athletics in this country. Tammy Horne


W arriors

to concentrate on major, sports such as skiing.


sports short change the photo by Arseneault


Members of the athletic staff and various student-athletes at Waterloo were interviewed by Imprint Sports regarding their opinions on the athletic scholarship issue. Pollowing are some of thequestions raised along with staff and student-athlete comments: What are your feelings regarding first-party scholarships vs. government or corporation-sponsored grants(third-party a wards)? Pat Davis, director of women’s athletics and head Athena volleyball coach finds government grants-in-aid more acceptable. “They are granted to aid the athlete in his or her training without prejudice to the university they may attend. I also believe univeisity coaches should not be allowed to sit on the committee awarding the grants.” Women’s basketball coach Sally Kemp agrees with Davis’ stand on government grants, but is hesitant when queried about corporatesponsored awards. “Which corporation you receive the award from may stipulate where you go to school.” Don McCrae, mentor of the Warrior basketball squad, emphatically states, “I want no part of first-party scholarships. I do not want to sit on someone’s front porch and beg him to take my scholarship. I don’t want to award scholarships to half my team and not the other half. Both the athlete and I should dread any form of contract that may result from me giving him or her a scholarship.” Regarding third-party grants McCrae explains, “Third-party awards are already given to students by OSAP, based on need.” He expresses concern however, about the selection process if third-party awards based on athletic criteria were instituted, and poses questions concerning just who would sit on the selection committee. cites the elate-athlete McCrae assistance program as an example.. “Committees constantly violate the selection process because of the vested interests of committee members. If we have third-party scholarships, do I get to be on the committee to nominate athletes?” Those in favour of scholarships feel they will upgrade Canadian competition by encouraging top athletes to remain in Canada and by relieving the burden of financial pressure, enabling the athlete to spend more time in training for the sport. Do you feel gramme would upgrading of competition?

Will the pressure future of minor


a scholarship prolead to a significant Canadian university

Gymnastics coach Kevin Eby says no. “The money could be better spent elsewhere - on facilities, equipment, coaching and research. I feel that the general program would be undercut to bring in a few people. One or two scholarships would probably be equivalent to our entire gymnastics budget,” he feels. He also emphasizes that a large number of coaches, including himself, work on a voluntary part-time basis. (Most receive a small sum of money). Eby feels that to pay athletes, without first paying these part-time coaches, either directly or through increased financial backing of the programmes,. is simply out of the question.” Do







td Athenas ourage athletes to stay ler than go to the US?

in Canada

at Davis: “Scholarships will keep etes in Canada only if we can offer much, if not more than, the US. I some ahtletes, such as tennic fers and golfers have more ortunity in the southern States to f all year.” thena curler Darryn Lloyd predicts, rinkitwouldtakequiteafewyears. It now it is prestigious to go to the es, to play for the big-name 101s and coaches. It would take a j time to raise the level of ipetition and morale among etes in Canada.” oy agrees. “The hype and exposureAmerican universities may draw ple even more than money in ada.” )lleyball Warrior Bill Stanger bers scholarships may keep some 1 athletes in Canada. ‘We lose 1 athletes to the States because for the scholarships.” 90 ilever, he does not feel that keeping ;e athletes at home would iificantly improve Canadian comtion. “There are not that many who to the US). I only know of a few.” thena volleyball captain and stant coach Jan Ostrom perceives scholarships may actually be imental to promoting Canadian $es. While most people close to scholarship debate have ad: sed the issue of athjetes rating south, less attention has 7 given to movement in the Isite direction. strom foresees a potential rlem and states that “We may get second-best athletes from the 2s and Canadian athletes may be led out of our programmes.” ;trom also expresses pride in being of a Canadian programme. “I only go to school, pay my own way, play the sport for pleasure. I don’t z the, long training hours and sures I would have with lIarships. I have my personal dom. enjoy going to the States and ing American teams. It shows that can be as successful with the rdian system”.


of scholarships’ Kevin Eby replies that to raise the number of elite athletes in Canada, “it would be better to spend the’money to train high school coaches.” Those opposed to scholarshbs fear they may lead to an over-emphasis on winning and professionalism, and a change in flriorities, with acade‘inics being second to athletics.

Scholarship proponents see the money as relieving the athletes of. financial worries, enabling them to spend more time in training for the sport. Do you agree? Marian MacBrien, volleyball trainer and president of the Women’s Intercollegiate Council disagrees. “The amount of money in question (tuition plus 15% is the proposal) would not cover all expenses, so the athlete would have to work anyway.” Volleyball player Maria Kasch: ‘I earn enough money during the summer. That is adequate.”

Would scholarships place an overemphasis /on winning, on major men’s sports, on the development of a few elite athletes to the detriment of the majority of competitors? .

Don McCrae: “Yes. It would be part of the recruitment presentation. With the promise to the athlete of grand competition, you would be forced into a more aggressive programme.” In Carl Totzke’s view, having scholarships would place more importance on winning because “he (the coach) now has money to spend on “employees”, therefore there would be a greater amount of pressure on him to produce. ” Sally Kemp does not believe scholarships would lead to an over-emphasis on the development of the elite athlete. “The reason they would be on scholarship is because they are already at a high level. You can’t spend all your time developing one athlete, because it takes five to play the game (basketball). It might happen more in an individual sport.” Would scholarships lead to the’ recruiting violations and compromising of academic standards presently existing in the US?

Guelph andAcadia (above) and Waterloo and Winnipeg (below left) in action. Will scholarships put an end to competition between teams from Ontario and teams from the East and the West. photos by Arseneault

Pat Davis fears they would. “Scholarships go hand‘ in hand with recruiting. They are used as an enticement to persuade the athlete to attend one campus as opposed to another. Without scholarships, the student’s academic preference probably is allowed to play a much greater part in his or her choice.” In Sally Kemp’s mind, “The amount, of abuse depends on what the registrar is willing to accept as good academic standing. Most Canadian registrars are strict. Problems can exist without scholarships, but if you put money on the line, things may get worse. ” Don McCrae does not believe that US-type violations are likely to occur in Canadian universities, but if they did, they would most likely involve smaller schools. He explains. “Small

Don McCrae feels that receiving a tuition-based scholarship in Ontario may actually place the athlete in a negative financial position. “If athletes receive scholarships for tuition, they may receive less money from OSAP. They better do their bookkeeping and make sure thay end up ahead.” Do you view scholarships as a means of motivating students to stay in school when they might otherwise discontinue their education? Carl Totzke: “If you dangle the prize of a scholarship, it may keep kids in school. But is it right to keep kids in school for athletics if they are not academically qualified? Sure, they need an education, but there are other ways to get an education besides attending university. I do not see athletic scholarships as the entire solution to motivating students to get educated.” An important point is raised by Don McCrae. “I’m sure it would change the athlete’s mind, but would it change the registrar’s mind?” Would improved identification

scholarships provide base for national and training?

an team

Sally Kemp says not. “Most national team members are identified in high school, before they get to university.” According to Don McCrae, scholarships will not affect the elite-athlete base in Canadian universities because “all our potential national athletes know they will get far more money from elite-attilete assistance than from tuition-based scholarships.”


Lorne sharp shooter from Killion, Nebraska. Was he paid to play at Laurier. Will scholarships end or escalate the abuses? photo by Arseneault





benefits. schools like Brandon (Manitoba) and St. Mary’s (Halifax) require athletics for visibility because it is all they have compared to other universities. Large schools having professional programs or a good educational legacy already visible can maintain visibility through academ its.” Track and field coach Alan Adamson feels academics may take a back seat. “With scholarships, there would be too much pressure on athletes to concentrate more on athletics than on academics.” Concerning recruiting violations, he states, “Recruiting violations exist in Canada right now, and may be magnified with scholarships. Carl Totzke discusses recruiting: “The purpose of recruiting is to give information about the university to attract students. That is good if it is not too high-pressure. Then you get a bidding for services and one school wants to outbid the others. Coaches make promises they can’t deliver on, which is a waste of the student’s time and the coach’s‘time and money.” Recruitment of student athletes by Ontario universities is limited to the familiarization of the prospective student-athlete with the academic and athletic programs offered by the school. Enticing athletes by promise of ,financial aid or job offers is disallowed. Trips by athletic department members for recruitment purposes are allowed, but coaches dealing with prospective student athletes at a competition (such as a high school event) shall not interact with a student so that it interferes with the student’s responsibility at that particular function. In addition, a coach, athletic director, or representative from one university may not contact a studentathlete of another institution for the purpose of proposing a transfer. If the athlete initiates the encounter, the athletic director of his or her present school must be informed immediately. If scholarships Canada, how governing them

were to be allo wed would regulations be enforced?


Don McCrae: “I haven’t a clue.” He raises some important questions, reflecting the complexity of the issue. “How many will be given to each school (in the case of third party awards)? Will it be according to population? How many for each sport? Will it be according to the number of players? Will females get an equal number? Will revenue producing sports get more?” Sally Kemp explains, “Right now the proposal is to have one or more commissioners.” She speculates, however, that “you would need a whole police force. Now you would spend money on administration instead of putting it back into the programme so the kids could play the game.” Alan Adamson sums up the general sentiment concerning how regulations would be enforced. “Hap-, hazardly and with great difficulty.” Tammy Horne The limited questioned ‘is percentage of ‘intercollegiate One cannot responses are general consensus

number but a the total participants assume representative of UW

of athletes very small number of at lJ W. that their of the athletes.

What happens when two collegues, collaborating on a thesis about the role of games in society, send out letters asking for historical data and wind up with a closet full of games? Well, according to UW Professor E.M. Avedon, one opens a museum to display them! The Museum and Archive of Games, now established in its new Administration building location, began in just such a way in the mid 1960’s, Dr. Avedon, its curator, states. Many of the uses of games in society (the subject of his studies) became difficult to understand without “some historical looking”, he says, and as the number of games and documents began to mount in response to his information-seeking letters, others around him started to show a great deal of interest in the material. In fact, so many people wanted to see thegames that Avedon finally decided to open the collection to the public. Opening a museum is a long and involved process, however, and the collection was first established under the auspices of the University, before any overtures were made for provincial recognition and support. “There are eight pages of regulations for provincial , museums,” notes Avedon. There must be a permanent collection open for at least a specified number of hours, attended by a certain number of staff, as well as physical requirements, such as specified humidity levels and filtered lighting. And although the Museum currently meets the ministry regulations at the most basic level, Avedon says that the university is anxious to meet the full standard of requirements by 1986. 1 I

Visitors to the games museum shouldn’t expect to see everything the collection has to offer in one visit. Of the collection’s 800 games, less than one third are on display at any one time. This is true of any good museum, says Avedon. .“Its bad display technique shoving everything you have out at once; a good collection grows, and you rotate it.” When questioned about the ways in which a collection achieves this growth, Avedon noted that there were-several methods used to obtain artifacts. Receiving games as gifts, he noted, is one of the nicest ways to expand a collection. A count-and-capture board, for example, was a gift from a student who had returned to the Phillipines after his studies had been completed. -“He noticed that although we had this type of game board from several other countries, we didn’t have one from the Phillipines, and he wanted to add to our collection.” Monetary donations are another source of artifacts. “Each year, the Recration Students Association gives us a donation. Our copy of an 18th century top, for example, is one result of this gift,” he says. Avedon also tells of a UN worker who sent a ZOO-year old glame board as a gift to the museum, and a student who saw an Inuit top in northern Ontario, and brought it for the collection. There are many such artifacts currently on display that have been brought into the museum either as gifts or loans. A set of iron lawn quoits from an individual in Doon, for example, can be seen as can an intrigueing table bowls game, and a handsome wooden curling stone, both acquisitions from people who wanted to augment the collection. One whole wall of artifacts - old wooden games including an early table-hockey game with croched nets - is on loan from a single museum patron, notes Avedon. In cases of loans, he says, the museum will sign a contract with the donor specifying the terms of the loan. Not all loans come from local individuals, however. Institutions, too, can prove to be a source of artifacts for the collection. For instance, the Academy of Medicine Museum is to loan the games museum an ancient Roman artifact; more Roman games from this time. period and a game from ancient Egypt will make their appearance in the early spring, courtesy of the Royal Ontario Museum. Some of the museum’s artifacts are the result of specific commissions: a snow snake, for instance, was made to order for the museum by an artisan from the north. As well, says Avedon, the museum has a small aquision budget. An ancient Roman game on display in the Museum of Jutland (Denmark) was, of course, not available to the museum, he says. But for $40, the UW games museum was able to purchase a copy of this game for its own collection.

Once the Qames have been acquired by the museum, care must be taken to keep them in as good a condition as possible. Apart from the more obvious measures of light and humidity control, many of the artifacts require special measures to preserve them. Games made from wood, for instance, must be treated regularly with oil. Documents and games using paper in their construction need to be stored in and repaired with acid-free materials. “And we don’t use scotch tape;” Avadon maintains, “we’re very careful about paper.” “We receive technical bulletins on the care and handling of artifacts regularly,” he notes, adding that the latest release deals with the care of black and white photographs. The National Museum also provides a team that will visit museums he says. “They’ll tell you what you have to do quickly. Our go-year old Pilgrim’s Progress board, for instance, and some of our cards are fading.” This team, he says, would be able to tell what, if anything, can be done about the problem. When questioned about the restoration of artifacts, Avedon noted that this was a matter of some debate amongst those involved with museum collections. “There’s still a controversy about whether or not to clean and restore artifacts to look unused, unless you

While any museum collection is bound to be greater than the sum of its parts, many of the games on display are, in themselves, interesting and noteworthy. Senet: the name means “passage” and the game was felt to have a mystical significance, representing as it did the 70 day journey of the spirit in preparation for life in the underworld. Pictures incorporated in the walls of tombs sealed 1000’s of years before the time of Tutankhaman a show Egyptians of the period engaged in the game. Wealthy players such as Tut moved their onyx counters through the various houses or squares on beautiful boards inlaid with ivory, while farmers’ and stonecutters scratched their gaming boards in the ground. The musel:m has pictures of Tut’s game, as well as a wooden playing board in the ancient style and a modern adaptation which explains. the ancient and gives instructions for playing. Another ancient game comes from Ur of Chaldea, capital of the ancient Sumerian Empire of Mesopotamia. Neither title (the modern counterpart is simply called UR therefore) nor instructions are extant, but from its shape and construction, games experts deduce this board game to be a forunner of backgammon. The original playing boards (a picture of one is part of the museum display) are believed to have been the product of a highly developed culture and were unearthed during Sir Leonard Wooley’s excavation of the royal burial grounds dating from 2500 B.C. The game was played with counters and pyramid shaped equivelants to our modern dice. Yet another type of game on display falls into the “moral education” category. “Cash” or “Honesty is the Best Policy” was published by J H Singer of New York towards the end of the 19th century and retailed for $1.50. A catalogue published during the same time period by Milton Bradly states a strategypopular during this era. The company had, it said “endeavoured with a conscientious-regard for the good of the Youth of the land,” to exclude from their list of games “everahing liable to abuse or pervert the tastes of the old or Young”. The object of this game was to be first to reach square 72 and “become a millionaire”. Contrasting pictures show a young man making his way in the business world, and one which shows the same lad looking unhappy above the caption “DISCHARGED”. Character traits indicated by the words “careless”, “late”, “dullness”, “failed”, and “impudence” impede the players’s progress, while “theft” leads directly to the “discharged” square. Other attributes such as “honesty”, “ability”, “attentive” don’t advance the player but were probably added to increase the moral tone of the game. The “Pilgrim’s Progress” game from the same time period has a similar format. Players advance to The Eternal City by moving their counters along the board. Dice, since they were used for gambling, were not suitable for these games; players would use spinners instead, said Avedon. The collection also contains examples of games used by the blind and visually impaired. Large-format playing cards for those with partial sight, braille or shapemodified Scrabble, Nine-men Morris, board and bingo games are all used as part of various displays. A Japanese drinking game is probably one of the more popular items in the collection. Avedon explained that topics such as religion and politics were thought to be bad for the digestion during the time period when this game was used; those attending dinner parties preferred ‘to play games instead. At the beginning of the drinking game, each of the differently-sized cups would be filled with liquor. Each cup had a symbol that corresponded to one on a special die used in the game. When a player rolled the die, he would have to sing a song, compose a poem, or ask a riddle, as indicated by the die. “Of course,” says Avedon, “he would have to perform this task to the satisfaction of those at the table, and naturally- this ~~%ly happened.” When the player failed to please his friends, he would have to, drink the contents of the cup which corresponded to the die svmbol.

Donate Books I

Although visitors are welcome to come and browse among the games, the museum and archive offers much more than just a display room. Its curator, for example, has just recently prepared and tape-recorded a script to accompany his slide presentation incorporating pictures of 13th century game boards. Specific games nights and a war game afternoon have been held by the museum and may be repeated, he says, adding that groups can make arrangements to tour the displays outside the usual museum hours of lo1, and 2-5 weekdays. The museum’s document collection, now in excess of 1000 items, has lately been made available to library users. “This arrangement will give students more access to our documents,” notes Avedon, although he says that very rare items will come under the “special collections” category. Some of the documents in the archives include a complete subscription to Games Magazine from New York, pictures, slides, graphics, articles, and re-prints dealing with games during the past century, and various periods in history. As well, the computing services department is currently working on an information retrival system that will facilitate access to these documents, says Avedon. The museum’s collection and focus is unique, and as such, has been the subject of many requests for information from across Canada and outside the country. In the past t.wo to three years alone, the museum has been featured in 100 television programs, including PM Magazine. “There are some toy museums, and the ROM may have a game or two,” says Avedon, “but as far as I know, we’re one of a kind.” Marg Sanderson

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TheArts Africa Weekend









Fobd for thought The African Foodfest last Saturday was more than a chance to sample exotic food; it was a momentary glimpse into other cultures and experiences. The vague references in the news suddenly became vivid realities. The dark continent exposed to a brief light for those interested. The following is a list of fleeting impressions. -African music; intense steel drum and mellow tin sound, beautifully unexplored by Western influence. -every student returning with a degree will automatically become ,a member of a very distinct economic intellectual elite -Ugalli, Samosas, spicy sauces and sweet mini biscuits - none of them foreign to the atmosphere created‘ -former freedom fighters future presidents - all interested in presenting their cultures, and ideologies - all in a different light, all in a new perspective -a select group of whites - the chic thing to do - talked amongst themselves about how groovy they were and questioning the four dollar admission -being taken aside and shown how to eat; first you take it in your hand then dip it in the sauce, then squish it against your palm then pop it into your mouth - adds a whole new texture and dimension to the palate -very kind people, interested in the interested in the interested - trying to give a feeling of a hundred different cultures in far too short a time -before they came abroad, they speak at least three languages, know more about

Canada than you do - who are these people? They are African students waiting to open our solidified- minds to a whole different life. Michael Farrabee .

Sisters perform as6ort.ed styles Kate and Anna McGarrigle have come a long way from their kitchen table-family-jams origins, to the Canadian versions of superstars. But increasing success, I discovered after viewing their concert last Friday night at UW, does not always go hand in hand with increasing quality. The first set was dominated by an assortment of new songs from their latest album “Prend Ton Manteau” (a fine album by the way). If the lyrics of such songs as “Trying to Get to You”, and “Come Back Baby” were memorable, they were lost on an audience assaulted by a loud and poor back up band. Like so many “folkies”, Kate and Anna are trying the up-beat electric sound. But, it

Kate (right) and Anna Friday’s concert.


being interviewed

would appear, with little success. Instead of enhancing their music, the arrangements were annoyingly distractive. Just when I was losing hope of hearing the delicate and thoroughly charming McGarrigle sound, Kate, Anna and a third sister Jamie ended the set with a fine rendition of Mendicino - suns back-up. The second set followed with more such moments sprinkled sparingly. Kate’s voice, robust but sweet, rang clear in wrote about lack of a song she communication between a husband and wife. The French offerings were alos bouncy, with songs such as “Notre Dame de Stanbridge” enhanced a concertina

in their

dressing photo

room after Iast by Arseneault

accompianment . The highlight of the evening was a gospel style tune performed by Chime Tannenbaum - a long-time friend and sometime performer with the McGarrigles. Singing ac appella with vocal assistance by Kate, Anna and Janie, Tannenbaum belted out “Jesus, Lifeline to my Soul” --.and sent shivers up our spines. It was an uninspired audience which left the Theater of the Arts at the concert’s end. They hadn’t been touched by the sisters - but then the performers weren’t reaching too far. Truly they have become superstars in every unfortunate sense of the word. Laurie Ququette

GrebeI Concert On the other hand afan tas tic finale at the Centre in the On march 4th, pianist Dianne Werner brought Conrad Grebel’s noon hour concerts for the year to a splendid finish. . Her challenging program consisted of two lengthy 20th century works which are not often performed: Rachmaninoff’s “Variations on a theme of Corelli”, op. 42, and Ginastera’s “Sonata para piano”. For an encore she played Chopin’s quiet “Berceuse”, or cradle song, a choice which in itself said much about Werner’s conception of herself as a pianist. She is not a flamboyant performer. Nor does she overexert herself to draw a large sound from the piano. This is an extramusical consideration, but a point often made by critics and radio announcers who are reluctant to praise female pianists, and it is inevitable that Werner will encounter some deprecatory comments in this regard As far as musicality and interpretation are concerned, her playing is of the highest quality. Werner obviously has a perfect version of each piece in her head and comes very close to-realizing this at the piano. The essential overview was present at all times. Changes in tempo and dynamic level never interfered with the overall sense of each piece as a whole. Whereas many performers opt for sections of sheer noise in 20th century works, Werner always kept one melodic line singing to provide a sense of direction through potentially chaotic passages. In slow movements, she listened through every interval, so that the notes flowed from one to another. In faster movements, particularly the opening of the “Ginastera”, she displayed a remarkable variety in touch-elastic bass notes alternated with graceful, quiet interjections in the upper register. While a pianist’s appearance at the keyboard is also, in the final analysis, an extramusical consideration, the movements made while playing do have a direct effect on the sound. Too many pianists manage to look ridiculous because of silly mannerisns. The hands often seem separate from the rest of the body. Werner’s posture, however, was ideal. There was no extraneous motion, and yet her involved in supple whole body was

movements which facilitated her playing. As a result, there were no hard tones created by awkward movements, and the pieces appeared deceptively easy. The success or failure of the encore piece, Chopin’s “Berceuse”, depends largely on the pianist’s choice of tempo at the beginning, since the right hand is required to play increasingly faster variations over a simple, unchanging bass-line. Werner’s initial tempo was not lagging, and the faster variation might have been more eloquent if she had taken the whole piece slightly more slowly. This, however, is a minor criticism of an excellent overall performance. Dianne Werner is a delightful pianist - a Jean Chick name to watch for..

If an evening of live music is to be successful, it must be both visually and aurally exciting. Unfortunately, the opening performance of pianist Lili Kraus, with the Kitchener-Waterloo .Symphony Orchestra lacked both of these necessary qualities. Hungarian by birth, Kraus began studying the piano at the age of six. During her years at the Royal Academy of Music she’studied with such luminaries as Zoltan Rodaly and Bela Bartok. The program notes pointed out that Kraus began her touring career in the 1930’s. Still actively sought after for touring engagements, Kraus’ career has been interrupted only once by

a three year confinement during World War Two.

in a prison


Kraus opened the evening with her performance of Mozart’s “Piano Concerto in D Minor”. while the orchestra’s initial entry was strong, the remainder of the piece was weak and uninspired. Kraus’ performance, although technically impressive, lacked the emotional veracity that is required by such a work. The basis of the concerto is emotional struggle and inner turmoil. It seemed that hours of technical rehearsal had refined the work to such a point that all conflict and turmoil were resolved. The final productof such a resolution is rather bland and uninteresting.

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for Christmas, you lisjened more to the “bonus disc” included with the album, ‘fe’aturing songs like the non-pdlitical ‘!2-4-6-8 Motorway” and the live singalong Dear Jaqon, “Glad To Be Gay”, which was greyt for getting I told you I’d find a way to beat that letter you! funny looks at parties .sent me painted on a carrot with liquid paper. You never -heard TRB II, but it was’s Unfortunatelv. it medns that most of the letter -. disappointment. Produced by Todd Run!: , has to be aboit the new Tom Robinsonalbum. gren, it was undermined -by a lighter, That’s okay, since-life is pretty boring’ these keyboard-oriented sound. The onlygqod song days. on it was “Bully For Y&u”, co-written with Actually, the band is called Sector 27, but Peter Gabriel . Robinson’s name is featuied prominently on E,ven the first album palled after a while; our the cover ,ynd spine. Clever marketing, ’ tastes became more subtle, and it started to hmmm? I sound r’ heavy-handed. So YOU remember back in ‘78 when YOU were upsetting when TRB broke up it. wasn’t too, still listening to Trooper and U.K. and I was just ~ The promo infqrmation that came with the getting i&the Clash and the Pistols? I &as record emphasizes that Robinson has abanquit_e impressed then by the ‘first Tom doned his “polemical preachings about -the Robinson Band album. Ii: was the first gdod por)tical activist music I’d ever heard. (I hadn’t Revolution”; . - yet heard Country Joe do/the “I-Feel-LikeSm.He hasn’t quite though. Several songs on Fitin’-T&De Rag”). ’ I . this album drip with social consciousness. Robinson hasn’t got the eye for complex Robinso somihow managed to capture situationsthat someone like Peter Gabriel has, the volatile atmosphere of. the British and he can’t keep the strident tone.out of his underground - iit least, I thought he did, voice. The songs that aren’t sociopolitical fare having never been under it. Songs‘ like ’ worse, having to stand on their musical merits.< “Whitehall Up Against .ne Wall” and “Power In The Darkness” stirred tlry socialist blood. . The lineup’s simpler (Robinson on vocals Oddly enough, when I gaire you the album alone, with added guitar, bash & drums), and , they’ve-_+ tried to add a “New Wave” sound. ‘. (Strange boy I associated that fiisi album with. . the infant, New Wave movement, whetiit wa$ *horribly conventional!) -. The only’ hint of succgss is in the guitar textures, and in the production by ‘Steve Lillywhite, known for, the sound he,achisved with stich erstwhiles as Ultl;avox. Indeed, this album is most reminiscent of Lillywhite’s recent work’with U2.’ Ydu’ve tdld me that new releases have to “grab you by the balls.” Well, this one didn’t. - it’s not annoying, or boring - there’sevena few tunes on the first side worth bouncing around to. But there’s so much exciting new. music hitting the stacks now, and vitiyl’s expensive. _: That’s about it from here, Jase. Do write soon.;But please, no more letters writtkn on Sunshine Girls; they’re too hard to read. Even if you don:f type over their breasts. Your friend, Prabhakar


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’ s ’

The Arts 3pecia , interview ’ with r~ ,usician to do\ Zimbabwe benefit 0 .a

Beverly Glenn-Copeland is coming to town! At 8 p.m. on Friday March 13 at Conrad Grebel Hall, residents of K-W will be given the enviable opportunity of supporting a worthy cause while having a wonderful time. Co-sponsored by WPIRG and CUSO, Beverly Glenn-Copeland will be performing in a benefit for the reconstruction of Zimbabwe. The proceeds will be largely directed towards women’s projects, assessing women’s needs and teaching them ways to be economically s&f-sufficient. People familiar with Beverly’s music and her performing style will need no encouragement to treat themselves to more of the same. Those who have not yet had ’ the pleasure can look forward to a uniquely enjoyable experience. Her varied musical background is evident in her material: she originally trained as a classical performer, but found the form too restricting. She has since branched out through blues, jazz, folk and many other forms of music to achieve an amazingly rich, eclectic style. As enjoyable as her music is, what people remember most about her style is her friendliness. She is noted for establishing a rapport with her audience that‘ each She radiates a joy and energy in individual there experiences as personal. performance rarely matched anywhere. She has even been known to apologize to her listeners for the extent to which she gets into her music. The other morning I had the opportunity to speak with Beverly on the telephone. The conversation confirmed that the warmth that comes through in her performance is real; this woman is a genuinely warm human being. We talked for about half an hour and I came away feeling not only good but exhilarated. of particular interest to women. Her reply was Many of Beverly’s biggest fans are women, that she is indeed strongly identified with and she has appeared in a number of womanoriented contexts, ranging from the concert she will be doing Friday night, ihrough women’s conferences and events such as


in the Performing

Arts, a multi-media

event which occurred in Toronto a couple of years ago. I mentioned that she is strongly . associated with’ women in people’s minds, and asked her whether she thinks of herself in this way. I wanted to know whether her music speaks particularly of her experience as a women and whether she feels her work to be

WE SELL ADVENTURE Free catalogue on adventure and fun holidays all over the world. One week to four months at affordable prices. Camping tours, treks, safaris, overland expeditions. Some easy, some rugged+ Mainly for under 35’s looking for something different.

, Friday, Beverly returned to the stage last spring after a nearly two-year hiatus. I asked her why

she took this break, and what had happened to her during that time. She said that initially the retreat from the public eye was accidental, the result of changing managers and finding out how she could work with this new person. Partially the delay in returning to work was the result of simple inertia, but also she found she appreciated not working. She was able to find out whether she needed to be on stage all the time in order to like herself. Whether the person she was when she was not always performing was someone she like to spend time with. It was an opportunity to get to know her private self. She is a very casual person, with a psychological drive to feel comfortable in performance. Even when she is not in a frame of mind to want to perform, she is usually able to transcend whatever is holding her back and to make sure those around her enjoy themselves. What she most wants to do is to get rid of the distance between herself and the audience. She is out to enjoy herself and to make sure everyone else in the room does so too. Some of her publicity stated that she had settled into a style she could now call her own and feel comfortable with. When asked if she felt that to be true, she laughed and said that sometimes when people tried to pin down her style, she felt like the proverbial watermeloti seed: “You know, the harder you squeeze it, the faster it gets dway!”


women, largely because women feel identified with her. She !enjoys this association: “Of course, it’s because I am a woman, and I like women a lot.” But her music is not specifically addressed to women. Her main concern is for the quality of life for all.




With her varied background, she has at her fingertips a vast musical resource. She uses whatever style b&t expresses the feelings she is trying to get across. The main point is to get through to the people in the audience, and she does that however she can. Right now, her music is once more heavily influenced by classical sounds, but her musical development is by no means static and seems unlikely ever to be so. Her performing repertoire at the present time consists of about 30 songs, falling into or across several categories: folk/easy listening/rhythm and blues. Recently she has been exploring choral music and dance mtisic. She thinks of herself as a songwriter and composer more than as a recording artist. She has no interest in spending half her life on the road. Whatever else happens, she believes her personal life to be of utmost importance. Friday night is your chance to be in on the ground floor and to see Beverly GlennCopeland in performance. With her considerable talent and charm, combined with a clear determination to be heard, she will no doubt achieve the recognition she desires. Now is your chance to experience what soon everyone will be talking about. She will be playing unaccompanied, just herself and her piano. She’ll be out to have a wonderful time and she will guarantee you one too. She speaks and sings from her heart and her soul, giving the .audience a gift of herself, a great human being. moe

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While this concern results in her being involved in political contexts such as the upcoming benefit, her impetus is not specifically political but religious or philosophical.

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Dogs of War too complex I As part of the All-Night Show, channel 47 (MTV) has started running episodes of Danger Man (also known as Secret Agent) starring Patrick McGoohan. Danger Mart, as every video freak knows, was the forerunner to The Prisoner, (arguably) the best television show ever created, and shares many of its attributes. Recently, there was an episode about a small African nation facing its second election since being liberated from British rule. John Drake (McGoohan) is sent by the British to investigate an attempt on the life of the incumbent President who is running for a second term and is caught up in a possible insurrection on the part of a well-trained wing of the army, a traitorous Colonel, and a representative of the interests of an unnamed multinational corporation. Why am I using two paragraphs to explain an episode of a seventeen year old British televison program as an introduction to the movie version of Frederick Forsythe’s The Dogs of War? The two bear remarkable similarities, showing that the issue is still an important film theme. -The Dogs of War follows a mercenary named Shannon (played by acadamy award winner Christopher Walken) who is hired by a “representative of the interests of an unnamed multinational corporation” to see whether the democratically elected government-turned-brutal-dictatorship of a small African nation can be toppled. Eventually, Shannon and three others are hired to lead a small military force into the country to capture the President and force him to hand over the leadership of the country to another man. The script, adapted by Gary DeVore and George Malko, moves incredibly quickly from an aborted mission through Shannon’s reconnaissance of the country (in which he is arrested and badly beaten for taking photographs of military installations) to the climactic raid on the army garrison where the paranoid President temporarily lives. Excellent editing leaves very few, rough spots in which a viewer could conceivably become bored. This is, however, very irritating at times, because the script is so tight, a lot of detail has been left out (a grave error in the transition from print to film). Relationships are very sketchy, such as those between Shannon and his ex-wife, or between Shannon and the President’s mistress, as well as the personalities of the three other mercenaries. It is the character’of Shannon himself which is perhaps the largest disappointment. Although undeniably the central character, Shannon’s motivation remains- a mystery throughout the film. Walken’s portrayal is, to say the least, enigmatic; it’s as if the audience is being told to ask itself why the man acts the way he does. Having been given no clues, however, it is virtually impossible to understand his actions, particularly his failure to accomplish his mission. Walken cannot be blamed; his whole attitude of controlled violence came across very well. The answer probably lies in a less complex plot, which would give the characters more screen time to develop. The Dogs of War, like the Danger Man episode before it, is non-judgemental. Multinational corporations, for instance, stay much in the background; when their influence is felt, it is not as the mad purveyors of world destruction, but as dedicated seekers of a profit. The obvious conclusion to be drawn from both productions is that the corporations are too willing to forego the morality of their society to gain this profit, but this has to be inferred by the audience. It isn’t explicitly stated. The role of the mercenary in particular is practically ignored. The Dogs of War seems to be far more concerned with the effects of being a mercenary on the individual (a far shorter life span, a paranoid lifestyle, etc.) than the effects of mercenaries on the politics and economics of the world, particularly the third world.

The morality of mercenaries is not questioned. The Dogs of War is a slick, one might almost say light, treatment of a very serious subject. My own preference is for Danger Man, which was easier to follow, shorter without losing much of the theme, and, for its time, far more progressive. On the other hand, Dunger Man didn’t have those great guns . . . Ira Nayman

Kris enact It’s at this time of year when dreams of far away places are most ubiquitous. Those dreams will flourish in a collage of mysticism, colour, contrast and ecstacy during Aaloka’s “Eternal Dance of Spring”. The dance is based on a 2,000 year old style. Aaloka is a “Kathak” dancer, which literally translates to “storyteller.” she vividly expresses through gesture and mime, the pleasures, goodness, follies and amiability of the “human - god” - Krishna. Krishna is the most colourful of Indian gods. He is said/to have influenced Indian art, poetry, dance and drama more than any other figure. Krishna is a musician, a lover, a 1 mischievous child, destroyer of evil, and a Yogi all at the same time. When expressing the legend of Krishna, Aaloka becomes 21 different charactersfrom baby, to cobra, to yogi. She goes through all of these stangely intriguing motions making subtle but extensive use of her hands, eyes, and feet. To end the dance, Aaloka portrays souls which are pining to merge into the realm and spirit of their god. Finally they are united, and a state of overwhelming ecstacy sets in. Aaloka says that she, in the Indian tradition dances to explore the inner self. She explains that she experiences a feeling of immortality as she dances. Aaloka has the extraordinary ability to share this experience with the audience. As a celebration of spring, this dance will be performed on Saturday March 21st at 8 p.m. at the Theatre of the Arts. H. Geerts

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.i4 Pi

. Waterloo’s - Track and such a high finish. Field Athenas repeated - Consider, for example, last year’s second place Andrea Page. Andrea w.as finish in the OWIAA trying out “‘influenza training”, having falle;:: Championships, held last weekend at the University. _+ring the week. of Toronto. results of her experiment about a Western won thecham-’ may . bring revolution in coaching pionship, scoring 114 pbints to UW’s 66; Toronto theory. . Spendjng inost, of the came third with 6.0 points, meet trying to sleep, settle and York fourth with 40. her stomach, ‘or fight off Waterloo sent a continheadaches, she struggled gent of only 11 athletes and is the only one of these. to her feet repeatedly to do the followilig: run a superb schools withou.t an indoor opening 1 leg forthe B X 200 track. This makes it easier . I ,. -x reallze tne relay . ream; superb performances needed for contiriued on Rage 26 __

I -_-.





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From now on, I’m submitting “review” crosswords. I’ll add a few notes from time to time to expand your vocabulary of etc. Watch for new cryptic indicators, and tricks! (You can abbreviations borrow the Globe and Mail at the turnkeys’ desk in the CC - have a look at their- cryptic clues.) by Fraser Simpson

Across 1. Kept longer at ‘the theatre suspended, maybe ($4) 7. Longing for a tree (4) 8. Disdain for corns, perhaps (5) 10. Born northeast by east (3) 12. Goat mixes up clothing (4) 14. Oh! Back of the horse’s foot (4) 15. Sleep soundly? (5) 16. Vermin keeps its fur hidden (4) 18. Nothing about a spike (4) 20. Fish eats electrified lotuses, initially (31 22. Horizon: a lovely part of the region (5) 23. Catch sight of Eastern agent (4) 24. A capital pain (4)

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Down 2. Not standing up to the truth? (5) 3. 0, Males! A presage (4) 4. See a new facility (4) 5. Fresh air along with autumn brings delicious fruit (8) 6. So left nothing for one (4) 9. It will reduce something to tiny particles: amortize, perhaps (8) 11. Rod goes up east to run away (5) 13. Demand some of the caskets (3) 14. It runs around the farmyard when beheaded! (3) 17. Not any for sister, we hear (4) 19. Cap is arranged for the jello (5) 20. Otherwise, point left: southeast (4) 21. Deal out guidance (4)


i I 1

I 1 I




Answers to February 27th’s: Across: 1. Trip 3. Trains 7. Entrap 8. Tern 10. Fiction 13. Open the 16. Door 17. Intact 18. Sister 19. Stir Down: 1. Thelma 2. Iota 4. Icebox 5. Sink 6. Patient 9. Etching 11. Spoons 12. Faster 14. Ides 15. Tart


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,’ I .*s.“.,>-i continued


. -. 1 . __‘,/z-x

fourth in the long jump; a third place fiaish in the 50 m. hurdles in 7.3 seconds; and a solid 200 m. leg in the medley relay. Had Leslie failed to compete in any one of these events, U of-T would have finished ahead of ,.Waterloo. One \delight in the meet was the resurgence of Faye Blackwood; Faye is one of Canada’s outstanding run-

from page 24

drea’s two days of work-in - through the hurdles semithis, her last OWIAA finals to qualify for the Championships, werecerfinals; run a personal best tainly the key to the team’s 41.1 to qualify for the high finish. Leslie Estwick was also finals of the 300 m,.; run an excellent -7.4*in the 50 m. into ’ some unorthodox hurdles final; run anotherL tactics, competing in four on a very sore personal best inthe 3OOm. events to &in& the event in 40.7 ankle. All - she managed seconds; and finally run a was ~a .vi‘ctory in the high crucial leg for ‘the- sprint jump,swith a new personal Anbest of 1.76 m.; a fine medley relay team. b , ’

- -

-I s-

\ .


\ I


n&s, but she has been plagued for some time by hamstring problems, and has had to limit her speedwork and racing this winter. ir Nevertheless, she was in the thick of this weekend’s 600 m., and her final time of 1:36.7 in finishing fourth was a far better indication of her ability thanherearly season times. In the same

,\, , *-aA. 8 race, Lisa Amsdenfinished third in 1:36.0, behind Giselle Plantz of Western and U of T’s Mary Nishio. Patti Moore, in her first season as an Athena, won the> 1000 m. in a new personal best time of 2:53.6. In the same race Betty Ann Vanderkruk ran 2:sg.a for fourth place, and -r;y9 Frances Lloyd ran : ’ l


..- --,

. L I,-,~

Other Athenas competing. at the meet were Laurie Vanderhoeven and Kathy Fraser in the 56 m. and the 366-m.; Cathy Laws in the 50 m. hurdles and 56 m.; Rhonda Bell in the 1500, and Evelyn COX and, Lana Marjama in the 3996 / m. The meet was tight right into the last event, the sprint. medley relay. Lisa and Faye both felt terrible after their 600, so it seemed natural to team , them with Andrea and r Leslie for this event. Faye led off, keeping , . York’s _Angelle Taylor (currently Canada’s top sprinter) ’ tiithin striking distance;\ Leslie and Andrea followed, gaining ground on the teams from York ‘and Western: on the final leg Lisa, who ‘is Ontario’s /‘indoor 800 ’ m. champion, took over easily to bring the team home in first place in 4:03.1, just a half second slower than the conference record. -0 ’ This earned the Athenas a second place overall finish, land the relay team (and Patti Moore) a berthat the CIAU Ghampionships this weekend in Saskatoon. ‘ v

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Alan Swanston, the outtanding -UW. swimmer ’ picked up three silver med-, als- in the 1981 CIAU swimming and diving championships held last weekend in Toronto. Swanston placed second in the 100,200, and 400 meter freestyle events. “It was _ just an excellent meet,‘! said UW swim coach Dave Heinbuch.~ “The calibre of competition was exceptional. All of our competitors performed very well.” L Lynn Marsh.all of the UW‘ * Athenas picked up a third place in the women’s 50 meter freestyle sprint. The men’s 4 x 100 freestyle relay placed second to the championship team from the University of Calgary. The overall men’s championship was taken by the U 1 : of T. team who placed 85 points ahead of Calgary with 419: The U of T women won their championship, this time by 66, over the women Calgarians. _

Vikettes Victorious On the women’s side of the CIAU’s, the defending champions Victoria Vikettes won a 61-59 thriller over Bishop’s Gaiters to repeat as the top team in “the .cou.ntry. The Gaiters were ranked number one all season and the Vikettes number two. Both teams have participated in the nationals for the past four years. Our own Athena& were stopped dead in their tracks earlier this year and relegated to tier 2 for next season. They should be much stronger next year with all the rookies coming back more experienced, (hopefully !).

UW site, + 1. year’s dream = CIAUs To say that any team could beat the next on any given day at the CIAU’s is no joke. Many of the teams who will compete in the PAC have exchanged victories and loses all year. , The draw includes some very explosive teams that could turn the tables on any prediction (but being masochists’ we still try to keep our O-24 record intact further down the page). Defending champions Victoria were knocked off earlier this year by the Great Plains representative Brandon Bobcats (77-76 in the Calgary Classic), the team they are most likely to meet in the semi-finals. Players like Eli Pasquale and Greg and Gerald Kazanowski for Victoria and a whole roster of rookies and veterans make the Bobcats one of the “deepest” teams (bench strength inevitably affects final status) in the tournament. And with the memory of the bench-clearing brawl in Calgary, the opening game should be a barn-burner! Out East everyone waits in anticipation to find out who will win the number one spot in the country:

Acadia or York. Just when it looked like Acadia would have to settle for number 2 - they lost. It wasn’t just any loss, either, as the St. Francis Xavier X-men nipped them by one point (96-95) to earn the right to represent the Atlantic Conference. Acadia was left fifth, nationally, and thus chosen over Guelph as the CIAU wildcard. They’ll face the Warriors or have faced them by now and with the Hampton brothers and Ted Upshaw, should dispose of them. Though the Warriors have picked up as the season progressed, they are still plagued with inconsistency, the problem Coach McCrae has been crying about all season. In addition to that, Dave Burns the consistent 2nd year man, is out with momonucleosis. His play was sorely missed in the play-offs and whether the Warriors will be able to produce without him remains to be seen. On the plus side, the Warriors will be meeting Acadia for the third time (omce at the Naismith, and once at the Stu Aberdeen tournament, Acadia’s own). This includes a close 108-104

(York],‘Ted upshaw I don’t know what they’re lookin’ at. 1st Team All-Canadians (left to right): Dave Coulthard (Acadia], Karl Tilleman (Calgary), Belainek Degenfe (Winnipeg) and Stan Korosec (Windsor). Inset: George Maser presents Dave Coulthard with the Mike Moser.Memorial Award for the Outstanding Male Basketball player in the CIAU. Acadia’s Ian MacMillan was named Coach of the Year. phato by JuiesXaviel. --- E,?:.t-a#Jjbui-

Victoria skewers


Victoria - Windsor by Bran&g - Concordia by York Xavier by Acadia Waterloo Semis Acadia Victoria

York Brandon \ Consolations - Concordia Windsor Waterloo - Xavier Consolation

Waterloo York


6 10 14 18 14 6

by 5 by 4



game. All-Canadian guard Stan Korosec will be a pleasure to watch as he shakes his blonde afro to pace one of the fastest-breaking offenses you’ll see all weekend. Concordia is an unknown quantity on this side of the Ontario-Quebec border but they do have a spirited and consistent squad that has blended newcomers and

veterans into a challenging amalgam. (Can you say that? I knew you could.) Any team can beat any team. Every team has been beaten: All the teams can win. That’s the logic that’11 make the basketball action this weekend the best you’ll see all year. Paul Zemokhol

men who had a powerful advantage in size _ the Lancers fought hard. The size imbalance hurt Wind-

seemed more at home on a football field, connected perfectly.

Windsor played a phenominal second half, challenging the Vikings for

sounded, however, it was Vic’s ball game, 82-71. Virginia Butler

- Victoria - Concordia


bY 10;



by 6 by l2

York --. Xavier Acadia Waterloo

Semis Acadia York Brandon - Victoria

by 4 by 6

York Concordia_’

Brandon - Concordia Xavier York Waterloo

Xavier Windsor


by 10 1grandon

Consolatil)ns - Waterloo by IO - Concordia by 2

Consolation Final Windsor by 3 Xavier -

Final Brendon

get to the finals, and against Victoria, they’ll have to remember their-8375 Wesman Classic loss at the Viking’s hands. This post-Christmas loss is the only one against a CIAU team this year. Windsor on the other.hand is a contrast in that it started out with dismal early season but came back to edge Guelph 94-95 in the final playoff

ourside they were good. Korosec made points appear for Windsor, posted in the back he shot in. The BC boys were awesome though, led by Eli Pasquale, a superb ball handler with dead on shots. Victoria demonstrated the finesse that belongs to the defending champions. Accurate and long passes that would have

title. The tournament opener provided a superb show of the country’s finest talents. They played aggressive, on their feet, in the air and tumbling on court at times. In past appearances, Windsor fielded a strong squad. Hermanutz, Korc osec and Hogan were primed and fierce. Facing

There was the familiar thunder of dribbling in the PAC gym and the squeaking of sneakers was nothing -new. When the bands assembled nobody doubted that it was more than a ball game. It was maeic! The best players on the best squads, sharp and waiting to strike at the

loss that featured a comeback from a 16 point deficit at the half. Everyone has heard about All-Canadian Dave York. Co&hard and forward Bo Pellech are two reasons why the Yeomen are number-one and why they could go all the way. They only have two losses all season, one of them by one point to an American team. If they do

Acadia Windsor


by 6 by 11 by


’ by



by 1 by 7



b_y 8



1 by 6


Final by

The greek

8 York





6 Waterloo I

-Concordia “Elk”

by 1 Berman








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