- Friday,
5 -
UW Arts Centre Gallery - David Silverberg: dn exhibition of over 60 coloured engravings by this noted Montreal graphic artist. Admission is free. Gallery hours: Monday throughFridayfrom9:OOa.m. to 4:00 p.m. Closed Sundays during the summer months. Located in the Modern LanguagesBuilding. This exhibition runs until Julk 31. Flea Market and Bar-B-&e. 1O;OOa.m. to 400 p.m. outside the CC nearest tbptibentrance. Come look for bargains! Bombsheher opens at 12 noon, D.J. after 9:OOp.m. Fee-paying Feds: no covercharge. Otheys: $l.OOafter 9~00p.m. Sandwich bar summer hours: 12 noon to 2:30 p.m. International Vegetarian Cuis’ine, exotic recipes, live demonstrations, group participation. Come hungry. Limited to 15 students. Sponsored by the Vegetarian Club. For further informapon call 888.7321. *I &q&-gambler - Hong Kong famous TV program presented by CKMS Chinese Program Committee and Chinese Students Assdciation. 7% - 11:30p.m. For further information, see poster. The Federation of Students presents the Minglewood Band. $4.00 fee paying Feds, $5.00 aliens. Tickets available in advance at the Federation office, CC 235.8~00p.m., Waterloo Motor Inn. Rural Delivery will be the’featured band at thd fundraising square dance for THINK (Total Honesty in Nuclear Knowledge). All proceeds will,go to support THINK’s free public education series. Tickets are $2.50 and are available at the door. 8:OO p.m. _Waterloo Motor Inn. For information call 884.9362. ’ Fed Flicks 1 Saturday Night Fever starring John Travolta. 8:OOp.m: Physics 145.Feds, $1.00;others, $2.00.
Bombshelter opens at 7:00p.m. Tapedmusid. Feds: no cover. Others: 5m after 9:00 p.m. \ A Welcome to Summer - an evening of dance entertainment presented by the students of the Josephine Both School of Danc_e.Tick&s are $5.00 from the UW Art% Centre Box Office, Humanities Theatre - 885.4280.7:30p.m., Humanities theatre. S~p&&tmbl& - see Friday Fed Flicks - see Friday
- Sunday,
Laqrel Creek Nature Centre is open .(as regular ’ readers of this column know!) to the publiC on Sundays fron?9:30a.m. until 4:3Op.m,Youareinvited to take partinourprogramswhichareofferedat 10~30 a.m. and 1:30p.m. This wqeks program is identifying our local birds by sisht and &ng. Expect some interesting corifrontations with the help of recorded bird songs. For further informatiori call 8851368. 1 The UW Mediivalist Socie%y is holding a potluck supper. All interested in medieval culture should attend. Bring your .own utensiles and your favourite medieval food. Come in costume. Joust what you were lookingforLAt 6~30p.m., 280Philtip St., A3. Chapel. Conrad Grebel College. Coffee and discussion to follow. 7:00 p.m.
U.W. Arts Centre Gallery - David silverberg: an exhibitiori of over 60 coloured engravings oy this noted Montreal graphic artist. Admission is free. Gallery hours: Monday throughFriday.from9:OOa.m. to 4:00p.m. Mod&n Languages Building. Bombshelter opens at 12noon. Taped Music. Feepaying Feds: no cover. Others: 5OCafter 990 p.m: Sandwich Bar Summer Hours (HE~CEEQRTH: S.B.S.H.!) 12100noon - ?:30 p.m. Concerned about Health Issues? Call the Health Hotline and register ideas and opinionsabout healthrelated mat’ters. We want to know how you feel. Phone 884-3534or 884-3530.Linesopen: 9:OO- 400 Mon, nurs, Fri; 900 - 8:OOTues. and Wed.
- Tuesday,
Bombshelter - see Monday Suyier-gambler - see Friday, 4~00- 6:00 p.m. Skydiving Organizational Meeting sponsored by tile Outers Club. Features skydiving movies and discussion with instructor Bob Wright from Grand bend. For more intormation call Ken Watson at ext. 2508.6:OOp.m. MC 3027. Why not drop in? Whole Foods: Food for Thought will be the topicof a free public lecture &ven by Dr. Gord Smith, N.D. at an information meeting sponsored by the Ebytown Food Co-op. The informatibneveningwillcommence at 7:00p.m. at the Waterloo Public Library. Everyone is welcome to attend this meeting. For information call 884-9362.
10 -
UW Arts Centre Gallery - see Monday \ Health Hotline - see Monday \ Bombshelter opens at ~l2:OOnoon. D.J. after 900 p.m. Fee-paying Feds: no cover. Others $1.00 after. 930 p.m. Super-gambler - see Tuesday The Vegetarian Club. is having seven cooking workshpps. Experience satisfying vegetarian cooking by tongue, tummy, and mind. Live demonstrations and free re&pes. Free. 6:OOp.m. Psych’ Lounge, 3rd Floor. Cinema Gratis presents M*A*S*H starring Donald pa\plan$ and Elliott Gould. 9:30 p.m. CC Great
- Thursday,
11 -
- Friday,
i UW Arts Centre - see Monday Health Hotline - see MondaG Bombshelter - see Monday Super-gambler - see Wgdrtesday , Waterloo Christian Fellowship. Everyone welcome. 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. BBQ pit across creek from ConradGrebei. In case of rain, HH 280.
12 7-
UW Arts Centre - see last Friday Health Hotline - see Mayday Bombshelter - see Wednesday International Vegetarian Cuisine - see last Friday Super-gambler - see last Friday Fed Flicks - Heaven Can Wait stairing Warren Beattie and Julie Christie. 8 p.m. Physics 145.F&Is $1.00, others $2.00.
9 -
Health Hotline - see Monday UW Art; Centre Gallery i see Monday ’ WJSA (Waterloo Jewish Students Association) is holding a meeting for anyone interestedin planning or participating {n social activites. If you are interested, but cpn’t make the meeting callSharyn at 886-9342or Leriore at 886.1985:12:30- 2130p.m., . cc 135.
Maranatha Christian Club will be hatins a time of praise, worship and teaching. Come, &d bring a friend. 7:00p.m., SCH 232.
13 -
RUAH - a 4 member Toronto-based dance company whose repertoire encoqpasses sacred dance. Tickets for 2:30 p.m. matinee: $4.00 (ages 12. 16$2.50and under 12years $1.50).All tickets for8:OO p.m. are $4.00. Available from UW Arts Centre Box Office, Humanities Theatre, or at the Provident Books&ire in downtown Kitchener. Theatre of the Arts. Bombshelter opens 730 p.m. Taped music. Feds: no covercharge. Others: 506 after 9~00p.m. I Fed Flicks - see Friday
- Sunday,
14 -
Laurel Creek Nature Centre is open the same times as they were last week! Only this week it’s not birds, it’s Wetlands fbr Wildlife, a close look at our local marshland reservoir revealing a fascinating wildlife community. They will discuss how wetlands aid in handling water management and pollution control problems. Chapel. Conrad Grebel College. Coffee and discussion to follow. 7:00p.m. ,
I - Monday,
15 -
UW Arts Centre Gallery - see Friday June 5 Health Hotline T See Monday, June 8 J Bom+helter - see Saturday iI. 1 - Tuesday, June 16 ’ See all the “Sees”above. I’m not typingithattwice in / ‘_ a row for Heaven’s sake. . . Resume Writing Skills Session presented by the Department i3f Co-ordinatign and Placement.2 p.m. NH 1020.Then see page4 of this Imprint too see the advantages of having a resume fypeset’rather than typed! The medium is the message! J
- Wednesday,
17 1
UW Arts Centre Gallery - see Friday, June 5 Health Hotline - see M&day, June 8 Fitness Testing will be held at the Mobile Fitness Testing Unit in the PAC Dance Studio 2.1O:OOa.m. - 400 p.m. Cost is$lO.do for studentsand!&?O.OOfor faculty and staff. Bombshelter - see Wednesday June 10 Interviewing Skills Session presented by the Department of Co-ordination and PBcement. 2:00 p.m. NH 1020.
Tickets izvaihble at the door
? -
1.~hu,rsdQy, June 18th - ,Watedoo Motor Inn
How do I tell you that this band is fantastii without sounding loadedand tookfuzzyphotos. So I’lljust say,that theydoevery’ thing from Steely Dan to Van Morrison to The Band to Jean-Luc iike a second-rate stereo ad? They are back by popular you’re looking for a GREAT time, demand -last term the crowd went bananas - theyloved’em. , Ponty;andif , I should probably include a picture, but the photographers got _, .> _. -
\ .
. . . trust me.
. Our afitiual outdoor &ncert.I . Wzitch for announcements!
\ . .**.-
M&h By-Election
, Federation of Students’ Services - I 0 Birth Control Centre 0 Bombshelter q Classical Records Library •I Creat‘ive Arts Board ’ ~1Eduktional Events 0 Entertainment - b Wxtakment ResourceCentrk 0 Federation Flicks 0 Federation Garage ’
A by-election will be held on Thursday, Juie 11,198l to elect two co-operative Math representatites to Students’ Council. The poll&U be open from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and will be located on ‘the 3rd Floor of the Math & Computer Building. You must show your ID. card bt or&r to vote.
•I Flying Club 0 International Student I.D. card •I Legal Resource Centre 0 Photocopying , 0 Post Office
Wim Simonis Federation of Students
0 scoops
•I Thee Record Store 0 Used BoQks Store
_ Fed Flicks-- June, 1981
, I
Saturday Night Fever
John Travolta
Heaven Can Wait Warren Beatie, Julie Christie
/ ‘. ‘D . ‘ I ”
’ Federation ;. I
’ hnd9&2O June 26 & 27
.. \
William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy
Duck Soup
Marx Brothers 145 .- all films at 8:00 p.m. - $1 .OO Fee paying Feds, $2.00 Others
- Confusion After fourteen years of drinking the stuff, residents of Waterloo are finally being given the chance to determine whether their water supply ’ ought to be fluoridated. A referendum to be held next Monday will give eligible residents an opportunity to overturn a controversial 1976 decision to fluoridate the town’s water supply. The decision was made by then Waterloo City council and followed on the heels of the second unsuccessful fluoridation referendum in Kitchener. Ontario’s 1960 Fluoridation Act gave city councils the option of deciding to fluoridate internally or by referendum. . Some would say Waterloo’s referendum is 14 years too late. Indeed, though the issue has split the interested into widely disparate groups, the timing of the referendum is the one area
of common ground and even fluoride supporters acknowledge that the council decision was a violation of human rights. The avenues. of departure from this common ground are various. “We estimate that since fluoridation was introduced into the U.S., there have been almost as many excess deaths associated with fluoridationas the sum total of all American military deaths since the founding of U. S. A., 1776.” That statement, from Dr. Dean Burke, ’ a cancer researcher, was found in literature delivered door to door in Waterloo residences. “Incidentally, there are no harmful side-effects from the use of fluorides.” That was in a pamphlet from Dennis. R. Timbrell, Minister of Health in Queen% Park. ’
In Canada, the ban of such practices has been deemed a provincial and local responslibility. In Quebec, for instance, free samples in hospitals
are no longer being. distributed, while the Ontario government to date has not made that step. Dennis Timbrell, the provincial minister of Health, said that he can see no action really being necessary at the present time. Breast feeding is openly encouraged in Ontario hospitals, as it is in the rest of Canada. Fifty percent of Canadian hospitals do not give free formula’ samples. Groups such as INFACT hope that the rest will follow suit in compliance with the new WHO code. Locally, the practice of giving a free sample-pack is fading out. At KitchenerWaterloo General Hospital a spokesman said that no more supplementary packs of {formula are being given to breast feeding mothers. Mothers who have decided to formula feed, however, still get take home samples but with a doctor’s prescription. The whole situation is apparently .under review but must be approved of by several committees ,before any action is taken. St: Mary’s Hospital spokesman said that the hospital has few bottle fed babies to begin with, since most mothers there have decided to breast feed. In a recent Imprint phone interview, David Hallman of the United Church of Canada in Toronto and also of INFACT; says that the group was encouraged by Canada’s change of attitude towards the formula issue. Apparently, one year ago the popular opinion rejected thi: strict WHO’code as, like the U.S. it was felt. it government, infringed on the rights of freeenterprise. However, thanks to INFACT and concerned citizens in general, the tide changed. Letters and petitions to Monique Begin and to local Members of Parliament made such impact that the Canadian delegates at the conference were among the most vocal in favour of the code. Cathy Powers
Reviewing the literature Each group points to sciendistributed by the pro and ’ tifically validated facts; facts anti-fluoridation groups (re- which are often mutually exspectively, the -No means Yes elusive . for Fluoridation and the Waterloo Safe Water Society) Primarily at stake is the is experiencing the absurd. assertion that artificially
camps fluoridated water is significantly different from water which is naturally fluoridated. (Stratford’s water supply is naturally fluoridated, for example) The research cited by the-
‘W H Otydlsfor halt ‘-. _- to formula, urges breast milk The World Health Organization has decided, with near unanimous support of member countries, to encourage all women to breast feed rather than artificially feed their % children with formula. This code, which has been widely sought by many concerned groups throughout the world, will urge a global ban on all free distribution of formula and a curtailment of its advertising. All WHO member countries will be urged to amend their laws and regulations in line with the code, since WHO doesn’t have any legislative power over its members. INFACT - the Infant Formula ‘Action Coalition - is hopeful that the resolutions from the vote will be effective enough to eventually reduce infant deaths due to mis, handled formula feeding, particularly in the Third World. Close to one million babies die annually, world wide due to malnourishment on formulas. Poor sanitary conditions in developing countries make it a dangerous alternative to mother’s milk and yet, because’ of high powered sales techniques formula feeding still goes on, and children continue to die. INFACT has been urging a Nestle’s boycott for some time as this company has been accused of being one of the most aggressive in selling its infant formula in Third World countries. . In the Canadian North the problem of infant feeding is _ also being questioned in that statistics report that illness and death of formula fed children are considerably higher than those on mother’s milk. Free samples and gift booklets from formula companies are given out, all encouraging artificial feeding.
profluoride group is inadequate if that assertion is correct. Dr. Richard Beyers, a local dentist and spokesperson for the No Means Yes Committee conceded that this was an area of weakness in their position. He explained that their’ research has “been done only to the extent of naturally occurring fluoride.‘* Herbert Riedel, spokesperson for the Waterloo Safe Waterlo I;ociety claims that Canada’s National Research Council “recommended that research be done on the carcinogenicity of fluorides.” That recommendation has not yet been followed up on by the government as yet. Instead the profluoride pos,ition points to Brantford Ontario which ‘has had artificially fluoridated water for 33 years, apparently without incident. Riedel counters that “most physicians are not taught to recognize the symptoms of fluorosis. “Fluorosis is fluoride poisoning and almost anything not worth havingcan be a symptom of it.” The arguments continue but they may not decide the issue. Human rights will sway many to vote against fluoride. Personal experiences of people will add strength to the profluoride side. One canvasser explained th$t his de? cision was simple; his children’s teeth were hea!thy and troublefree while he and his wife had had dental problems I since childhood. Perhaps a third deciding factor will be confusion arising from the wording of the referendum. Like the old tune, “Oh yes, we have no bananas”, yes really does mean no to fluoridation.
Jacob Arseneaulg
SciSoc short of workers, Interim president of U.W.‘s student Science Society, Christopher Matthews is worried that lack of student participation is placing-the organization in serious trouble. And the problems may not be totally founded in apathy. Currently, the-science Society has five active members, including off-term society president Bernie Roehl. With so few members, Matthews noted, planning activities is almost impossible. SciSoc is hoping to hold both a faculty-student field day and a faculty-student party during the summer.’ The Society’s first meeting of the term was. widely publicized on billboards throughout the science area. Unfortunately the result was that only five interested students attended. Matthews attributed this experience to a lack of “science identity”. Unlike engineers, science students seem to lack a faculty pride and unity. -Matthews claimed that another part of the problem is lack of communication between SciSoc and science students. Currently, there are very few individual class representatives participating in
become involved in the soSciSoc. This may be partly due The planned faculty-stuciety. That way, Matthews \ to ignorance on the part of the dent party will also feature free says, he will be abie todelegate classes. No member of the drinks for all in attendance. and produce society has as yet informed Yet without increased stu- responsibility science classes of the necessity to ‘elect representatives. Sev-\ lt8ase activities will become can’t get thingsdone . Sci~ocis era1 classes have voluntarily tiities. alive and willing to do things, elected representatives to parMatthews’greatest hope for but we need p&&!” ,,;- - ticipate in SciSoc. SciSoc is that more people will These same classes are also Julie Lynne Joyce involved in the university intramural program; Teams J 1 are active in waterpolo, soccer and’ softball, and essentially form the basis of SciSoc’s activities for the summer. A collection of gay organiLiviirg l’ogethkr recom- During the regular year zations from across the promended that sexual orientSciSoc operates a coffee and vince called the Coalition for ation be included in the act, doughnut stand, which when Gay Rights in Ontario but the recent rev&ion of the opened last fall was run ex(CGRO), recently presented a Bill omits this point. clusively by volunteers. As brief to the members of the’ Bill 7 finished its second volunteer interest. waned, the reading in the house last week Provincial Legislature entitled society was forced to resort to The Ontario Human Rights and has now gone into paid staff to ensure the committee for possible Omission. facilities’ survival. Although changes, which the CGRO is operational this summer, the According to. Ed Jackson, a hopeful will include sexual society intends to resume orientation. member of The Body Politic coffee and doughnut sales in editoriaI collective, the CoalIn the CGRO brief to the the fall with the use of student ition is lobbying to have sexual MPPs is an impressive list of volunteers. public supporters of the orientation included in Bill 7. With only one refund coalition including__the claimed this term, SciSoc has Bill 7, introduced in late Toronto Globe and Mail as April of this year, is intended plenty of money to spend on well as the Anglican Church of activities. Few students are to revise and extend protect- 1 Canada. Also on the list of avvare that SciSoc has a ion of Human Rights based on supporters is the UW Federacomputer account and ter- - a’ report by the Ontario tion of Students and Faculty minal open for use to all Human Rights Commission , Association, as weII as CKMS science students. entitied Living Together. Radio. Mike *erralec
Gavs want Drotection iIlH umanRightscode
,* ’
You’ve been sitting in front of a typesetter for hours. It’s hot. Physica;l Services thinks the a%r conditioning is on, but what do they know? You know different. You’re tired You’ve been typesetting everything from Campus Events to self contradicting letters and you need a shower (or a beer) so bad you Can feel it (or ta&e it). You have entered - the Twilight Zone. (Bring up backgroundmusic. . . ) But there is an escape. You can list the names of the people who contributed to the paper this week and feel sincere that they did so. So I will. Thanks and a tip of the hat to: Jacob Arseneault, Julie Iynne Joyce, Mike - Ferrabee, Fraser Simpson, Terry Bolton, Prabhakar Ragde (even though I had to bribe him to do Campus Question) Cathy McBride, Carol Pitkanen, Bier@ Crusz (for a poem I only learned to understand at 5:52 a.m. today), Case van Maanen and Hans van der Mohlen. Special thanks to Bandy Hannigan Peter Saracino, Sylvia Hannigan, and Scott Murray were also kinda important to the paper. I hope you all vote against fluoridation just to screw up the system. Sincerely, J.W.B. (See? No dirty words!)
Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editoria3ly independent newspaper publishedby Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of Canadian University Press (CUP), an organization of more than 50 student newspapers across Canada. Imprint is also a member of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association (OWNA). Imprint publishes every secondFri~ durmg the Summer term. Mail shouldbe addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.” Imprint: ISSN 0706-7380 2nd Class Postage Registration Pending Imprint resem~es the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising
Letters Refunders should keep clear of Mathsoc .
To the Editor: .I I have always supported the right of a’ dissatisfied in’ dividual to withdraw from an organization he no longer
supports. This includes the Federation and the Math Society. Considering what happened in the Math Society during the Winter of 198 1, I cannot blame your writer Mr. Simpson or anyone else.withdrawing their fees as a symbol of protest. (It is a much better reason than “I need the
money”.) I personnally (sic) however view refunding as an act of desperation, and I have: only refunded a fee once (in thecase of The Chevron). 'i I instead advocate getting involved in action to rectify the problem. It was because of this sense of responsibility that I devoted two weeks last month
‘3 Crewe
to the service of the Math Society. This was against my better judgement and past promises of trying to be uninvolved, but the job had to be done, and I am glad I did it. I believe that the new executive can now carry on in a more efficient manner. As for Mr. Simpson, I would advise him and fellow refunders to stay away from the MathSoc office, the Cand D stand, and MathSoc social events this term (unless you change your mind and repay). When a person refunds their fees I feel that they have given up their right to complain about the organization and should stay away and let the members do their jobs. When Mr. Simpson signed up for his refund, he stood around the office for quite a while talking and complaining. Doing so, he prevented the “revivalists” from doing their work and generally he acted as a nuisance. I don’t know how long he has been with the Imprint, but not once did he identify his affiliation with your paper to me. I thought that kind of journalism left this campus with another paper a few years ago. (I will give Randy Hannigan credit for having the decency to contact me, however his story was not printed.) I am proud of the work that Andy Welch, Mark D’Gabriel, Bruce Glassford, D’Arcy Emery, the two Jameses (Nico11 and Puttick) and others in the Math Society. I wish them well. I wish there were more like them. I cannot say the same for those of Simpson’s persuasion. J. J. Long Former C and D Manager
Simpson is no journalist To the Editor I in the 22 May 198 1 issue of Imprint I (sic) had the displeasure to read an article which is a prime example of disgusting journalism. The **************
Any Questions? Each issue we run the Campus ‘Question, trying to find what people think of thiqgs as they are. Do you want to find any-thing out? Ask us to ask them. Bring your suggestion for the Campus Question to the Imprint office, cc 140. *************
article that I am disappointed with was written by Mr. Fraser Simpson. He, by his own admission on Wed. 27 May 1981 stated that he did not check with any member of MathSoc Council. I don’t wish to reiterate what other people are writing about Mr. F. Simpson and his article as my gripe is with you; this article should never have been printed. Do you often conduct ‘interviews’ with only the interviewer? Do you find it a requirement to make up stories? Also on the very same page I sawGn ad requesting ‘Journalists’ as compared to mewswriters’. I totally understand why you are requesting a higher quality of staff. D’Arcy A. Emery Math Regular Representative Federation of Students
Anti-fluoridation people not self consistent To the Editor On June 8th, the citizens of Waterloo will go to the polls to decide whether or not they want their water flouridated. (5%~). In any municipality where this question comes up, it is a case of much controversy. Waterloo is no exception. I attended the Waterloo Safe Water Society’s “Flouride (sic) Syndrome and the Quebec Experience”,, held in the Humanities Theatre on May 30th. Half of the event was devoted to the link between cancer and flouridation (sic) and on how having flouride (sic) in our water is having something forced on us‘ without our choice - perhaps even something that will cause cancer. I found it interesting that, during the break, a lot of these same anti-flouride (sic) people came out and lit up their forcing noncigarettes, smokers like myself to breathe polluted air without choice perhaps even air that will cause cancer. Fraser Simpson
Mathsoc was O.K. last term! To the Editor: I am off campus this term but while making a short visit on campus I read your article in the Imprint of May 22, ‘8 1. I am appauled (sic) at your lack of information about the society but even more so that you would pretend to be in a position to report on it. Let me elaborate on your article. Where did you ever get the idea that “. . . MathSOC had to close its doors completely.. .“? We were open all term long,
served students every working day of the week, were open on weekends at various times and also during most evenings (more so than the rigid office hours of the Feds or any other organizations like EngSoc or even Imprint). Let me quote another point from your article. ‘Last term, MathSOC collapsed, which meant no refunds for Math students, even if they wanted them.’ We had placed up notices for refunds right on our office door and posted a list for students to sign. Only eight students had signed when the list was taken down three weeks after the start of classes. Only six students picked up their cheques and all of them have been cashed. As for the society collapsing, ask the students who attended the three major social events, participated in the innumerable mathletics events and every student in the faculty who answered an Anti-Cal questionnaire if nothing was happening in the society. Under ‘. . . things 1 managed to find out:‘, who gave you this information: President of HKLS, a campus custodian, YodaandtheFORCE,oryour own imagination? These points you made did not come from anyone on council or from an official position. To start with, I established the objectives of the mathSOC (sic) for this term during the month of April. No one consulted me about these objectives for any news article whatsoever. The items mentioned as objectives are things to be done, not objectives. Our real objectives are: 1) Organize Orientation i Week for the Frosh 2) Organize a Math Week during this term 3) Continue to provide social events and pubs for the student body. We will continue to provide all other services we have provided in the past. Concerning our telephone, there was no telephone removed from this office. There was a jack installed on one phone to increase our control of its usage. During the month of April, I personally closed the accounts for the winter term for the Math Society. All bills outside of the campus were paid for by the society, and the rumour that the society sent some bills to a collection agency is totally false. In contrast to the statement ‘There are no long term plans.‘, during the month of April plans for next term’s orientation were already under way. Continued on Page 6.
Pr6bler&denti6ed, but ansWers harder for conference
It may seem trivial to examples of -development in suggest that the well being of a the west should be taken as current and future world lies in examples of the problems that is recognizing the importance of can arise if development the human being in the whole allowed to proceed without process ofworld development, adequate long-term planning but that was the basis ofa week from a human perspective. long conference held last week While the workshops and on campus. case studies took up most of The conference, Planning the week, Friday afternoon for People, was concerned brought together many of t,he with the total development of delegates to discuss a draft developing or third world report of the Action Proposals countries through interprepared for the conclusion of disciplinary,inter-organizthe conference and formulated .ational and multi-level from the recommendations of approaches to human planthe previous workshops. ning. The term “human One of the concerns of the ecology” was applied to this conference is that vital approach and although there ecological-environmental were several definitions of this systems throughout the world term, the underlying theme continue to be degraded by was a peaceful and equitable exploitive use. This brings .to question the security of a co-existance between manand the environment. society dependant on its . Although this is far from a resources ‘and yet lacking a new concept, the conference sound global or regional attempted through the use of resource management policy. workshops and case studies to ’ A concern ‘about the add coherence to many massive armaments expendifragmented theories of tures that totalled nine billion development policies. A large dollars (a sum spentduringthe number of the case studies length of this conference) was dealt with the Carribbean, raised to clearly indicate where although it was felt that these the priorities of government studies were representative of spending lie. The threat of a problems encountered by global class society, with the other third world countries. It elite of the emerging countries joining forces\with the elite of was also pointed out that Canada-is not exempt from the developed countries will these\ problems as Canada’s lead to a widening disparity of “third World North” faces the lifestyles as the gap between rich and poor nations same development pressures increases. as other developing countries. These pressures are largely However, despite the created by the multi-national private companies who are general acceptance of these competing for the natural concerns .by the delegates, it became evident from the resources of the countries without taking into account questions, discussionsetc, that the human costs of the the course of action to be exploitation. A disruption of taken to combat theseconditions was not universally lifestyle or complete relocation of native peoples are agreed upon. examples of potential stress to . There was some concern on native populations. the part of several Caribbean delegates aboutjust how much It was these concerns that outside led the workshops to consider intervention was t-he involvement of nonjustified in. developing governmental organizations countries, or whether develat the community level as opment would be best handled by the people from within the opposed to governments working on a government to country. government level. It was felt that with the large amounts of work to be done,nongovernmental organizations must work at the most efficient and effective means possible. One of the prime functions of these organization would be to gather information prior to any development in order to Looking for input into how allow native populations the Co-op Program is run? access to the planning process. The Student Advisory This involves overcoming the Council to the Department of difficult task of communiCo-ordination and Placement cating effectively with populations that have a high (SAC) is waiting to hear your percentage of illiteracy. Key beef or help out with problems releated to being a co-op people’ in each community would have to be trained in the student. SAC, according toitsTerms skills of communications in order for the rest of the of Reference, exists to, “provide a mechanism for student community to have a means of input into the organization articulating \ their desires, and operation of the co-op fears, etc. about the future system” and to allow Co-ordevelopment of their communities. This could lead to dination and Placement to, “seek student opinion and the establishment ofa national advice . . . in regard to the cocommunications system which would guarantee an op system.” It’s membership is. of three represeninput from all levels of the comprised community. This would also tatives of the Department and undergraduates from give-the population a chance to co-op Meetings are discuss ,whether or not they each faculty. held every two weeks during feel that they have sufficient the term. information and/ or expertise Previously SAC has helped to make decisions on their own implement the student-emor to call in outside help:; Itwas stressed that it is not ployer job ranking system and questionnaires for to be assumed that all prepared co-op students to fill out on developing countries should their experiences of the co-op emulate the. developed program. countries of the west, although
It was also pointed out that the health of a developing country is reliant on the health of the. individuals that comprise that country, therefore, a comprehensive health care and preventative health programme is imperative. Again the problem of illiteracy has to be recognized and to this end it was recommended that health care personel be trained in effective communication methods. This health care must be the responsibility of the nation and must be available to all the population through community resources which woulJd be both preventative and ‘curative in nature. Again while there were specific concerns raised, very few cbncrete recommendations came out of the conference. The most visible action to be recommended is the formation of a Commonwealth Human Ecology Council Canadian chapter (CHEK Canada) to work with CHEK Caribbean on matters of development policy and planning. Although CHEK Canada is just in the formative stages, no particular mandate has been established for it. The CHEK Caribbeanis to form a closer relationship with a grass roots Caribbean organization called the Caribbean Action Group with a mandate to bring to the people of the Caribbean the recommendations. of the conference and to work with the people towards the implementation of the recommendations. It was agreed that the sucess oft he conference could only be decided by the actions of the delegates upon returning to their native countries. If they are unsuccessful in implementing at least some of the recommendations, then this conference will end up being no more than several typed ‘pages bound together to sit on someone’s shelf. Randy Hannigan
Cammzs Question Do you think Burt Matthews deserves to have.a buildingnamedaRerI him? byl?rabhakarpiaedsandScuttM~ay ,
Mike Wakefield 48cs No -
perhaps arranged
SqxYttMorton ‘ddulmth
& that-
No - wbe
after he’s dead.
SAC ready to-help ~0-0~ students with problems This term the Council hopes to complete an information pamphlet titled, “Everything You Wanted to Know About Co-op and Now Won’t Have to Ask”; help standardize the “Work Report Guidelines”for all co-op students; and continue in if’s role of giving advice on coiop matters. John Speers, an Engineering representative. ‘to the Council and its Chairman, says that there are still seven vacancies to be filled; three from Math, two from Science, and two from Environmental Studies. Any persons interested in filling these positions need only be a co-op student and have their student society president forward their name to Sharon Moore(ext.-3926) in Needles Hall. Appointments to SAC are normally of two school terms duration. .. Anyone wanting more information about #k!ing ap-,/ pointed to SAC or aboutSAC in general can contact /Sphers at 885-0680. Peter Saracino
3AMath ~QT
a tree foe him
I’d prefer gaxden.
GaycokenOffenyum 4lAcm Ho%vimportanti&guythatneverhad his picture on bubble @m
LesleydeBaerr aBEcon. cazds?
I gwss’it’s a tradition. In that respect I.. mess he’s deserved of it,but it doesn’t seemr@httoput hlmonthesEtmeleve1
as the founding
. Persbnal
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Birthday Happy Birthday Pickles! Now that you’re 21 (June 9) you can join the rank of Bickles. Your fellow Mathies hope you will. live Up- to.--your new name
I would like to make a Finally, if your intention in cdmment of your usage of the writing this article was to term ‘revival group’. This sosomehow inspire’ enthusiasm into the general student popcalled group is composed of students who have been a part - ulus, (sic) for the Math of the council for several terms Society, I think you defeated by Fraser Simpson in the past already. They are your own purpose by essentially encouraging students to only continuing the activities refund tlit$r society fees. Over a third, bf your article ‘was -on anything. society refunds. Your closing statement challenging StG , dents to decide on whether to support the society or demand Ii a refund was heavily biased to the refund side by your statement ‘I know which one I did.‘, or in other words, do as I have done. Qrder it through us As a direct result of this review it article the society received 30 keep it! more refund requests over a We have catalogues span of three hours. It was fortunate that the refund from .Doubleday, Ox- most deadline ended when it did or ford, Methuen, and we may have ended up as a others for you to look completely bankrupt society anyone could say GO. through. And if you’ve before Yes, the society has its just read a new book problems as does any organization; however, we do not that’s worth telling need (ekplitive (sic) deleted) Across. others about, bring US like I. Cries for the new boss. (4) you undermining our yo‘ur review! There’s operations. We would appre3. Hear a group of tones in harmony. (6) 8. Right on, boy. (3) always room for a new ciate an apology from you and 9. Draw the slimy fish back to be on the sheltered s/de. (7) a retraction of ydur article as \ book reviewer. IO. The extra bits, made from paper stars. (5, 5) soon as possible. We antici’ 13. With-which you might push the doorbell? (4,6) pate a courteous reply and 15. Round of applause - after 5, it goes back on. (7) ‘encourage you to attend our -_ 17. Possess some gowns. (3) first social event, a “Count 18. Moths about the North may harch,‘for example. (6) Yourself In’ pub on June 3 in 19. Complaint of style lacking, learner. (4) the Mathematics Faculty Lounge. Down ’ MAB Garstin I. ‘Emphasis going back into desserts. (6) ex-president, 2. He’s not Belgian! (7) Mathematics Society 4. Somehow crimes not about a lot of burnt bodies. (I 0) 5. Love the-state of eggs. (3) 6. Bird to perfurm again. (4) 7. Script in which there is mainly Germanic vocabImprint Classified ads ulary. (3, 7) I I. Water tower? (7) catigetittotheoneit’s’ 12. Fragrance comes ‘without a cloth for applyin in meant’for - For Sale, Europe. (6) Personal, Housing . . . 14. Might be from the shape. (4) lO?%OFF ,16. A girl, in a manner of speaking. (3) and our’ Lost and all purchases with this
Order a book
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to last issoe’s
cross word:
I. Lesson 4. Epic 8. As easy as pie 9. Skis IO. Cards 12. Pleas 14. Amen 16. Opera singer 17. Saga 18. Quotes I. ‘Lead 2: Speckled egg 3. Ousts , 5.Paperweight 6. Cheese 7. Talc I I. Spoons 13. Snap 14. Adieu 15. Iris
Wed “Teaching Writing to all Groups of 400” as part $ of the University’s fifth annual writing skills conference. Audwere comprisea mostly oi educators in English, including teachers and administrators. The focus of the lecture was English 109, an introductory course in essay writing for students not majoring in English. Education meshed beavtiS;l lv
Last Thursday, Robertson Davies, distinguished Canadian author and scholar, addressed the graduating classes at U. of W.. He was there to receive an honorary Doctorate of Letters. In a brief, low-key speech, Davies first told the graduates that if it was wisdom or knowledge they wanted from him, they were 35 years too late; that 35 years ago he knew almost everything, and that the older he got, the less he knew. He expected to know nothing in a few years time. Davies then “woolgathered” on the history and meaning of Doctor of Letters, Doctor meaning teacher and Letters broadly applying to literature and the art of writing. Citing a long, rich tradition, Davies concluded he was unfit to actually carry out the duties ofsuchadegree, because he wrote from his imagination and could not communicate this skill to them L. ILUWLVLI, HJ~~~~=~P- 11chp a13unlnn noted a tradition of giving these awards to kings and popes, who could not tei Kh wtitina for Other reasons, and allowed as how he could accept the honour on those terms. Davies also ruminated briefly on the difficulties and rewards of writing and concluded his address by thanking the University for bestowing the award on him. He was roundly applauded and the chancellor invited him to “woolgather” at Waterloo anytime he wanted. Case Van Maanen Photo by Hans van der Molen
Hotline matters
to listen to beefs about of community health
Are you peeved at doctors for opting out of OHIP? Worried about foam insulation? Then perhaps you should call the Health Hotline and talk about it. Sponsored by the Health Promotion Directorate of Health and Welfare Canada and by the Department of Health Studies, the Health Hotline is a research project designed to “assess community needs in any of the health-related fields.” Dr. David Walters took advantage of a summer grant offered for projects dealing with health promotion and prevention. The Hotline employs four students to handle-calls and correlate information gained by the calls. Susan Shultz, a grad student, is supervisor of the team of Cathy Broeren, Georgina Eden-Scarrow and Joan Sed-, gwick. The Health Hotline deals primarily in letting people voice their concerns and problems on various health issues. According to Walters, this information will be used actively in the community rather than just as a source of’data. He hopes to follow up on some of the problems within the community, perhaps checking for long term side effects. He is also pla.nning to make video tapes and tape and slide shows on what might happen in communities with some of the health problems brought out by the Hotline. Besides opinions, the staff also deals with questions about health issues. When they can, they give answers to the questions and when they can’t, then refer the caller to the proper experts. The girls are constantly updating themselves to be prepared to answer any questions that might come UP. At the end of the summer, the staff of the Hotline will
write a report based on the information gathered from the calls received. This report will be used as a model for other groups who wish to start a similar project and as a data base for researchers. A copy will be sent to the District Health Council (DHC) for the Waterloo Region for their use as well. The DHC is a_new organization designed to shift power from hospitals and their boards. Made up of professionals such as doctors, nurses and physiotherapists and local lay persons, the council offers different points of view on health issues from
the hospitals. They will use the report to get an %dea about community problems and concerns”, according to Walters. The research gioup will also use the report-to further their own efforts. As Walters said, “We’ll try and analyze some things from it and make recommendations.” Shultz says that response to the Hotline is “not coming as fast as we like right now,” but she is confident that once the Hotline is made better known, the calls will pick up. If you would like to voice your opinions on health issues, the Hotline numbers are 884-3530 and 884-3534. Cathv McBride
UW employees iet mew dental plan Effective July 1, 198 1, all regular full-time University employees will be covered by a dental insurance plan. The plan which covers 80% of the cost of regular dental work and 5070 coverage for restorative work up to a combined total of $1,000 per annum per person, will cost the university approximately $6 19,000 in premiums for the first year. The insurance company will also cover up to 50% of orthodontic work, to a maximum payment of $1,000 per lifetime per person. Premiums break down to $27.50 for a family, which includes spouse and all children to age twenty-one unless there are children attending full time school in which case the age is raised to twenty-three, and $9.18 for single coverage. The university will be paying the total premiums, and any payments made are not considered to be a taxable benefit. Although the details have yet to be worked out, student
groups on campus who hire full time staff with at least one year appointments will be able to take advantage of the insurance plan, but the university will charge back the student group for the cost of the premiums. The insurance plan was passed by the Board of Governors during its meeting Tuesday afternoon. Also presented at Tuesday’s meeting was the annual report of the pension fund. The current market value ,as of January 1,198 1 was $82,425, 334 with the yield during the past year reaching over twenty-three per cent. This is the result of investment portfolios held by three companies, Canada Trust, Mutual Life, and Guardian pension fund. It was noted that through one of Guardian’s investment portfolios, UW employees have over twentysix million dollars invested in world-wide stock markets. Randy Hannigan
dim lights, made me wonder if I was in the right lecture hall. These devices effectively attracted and maintained the interest of the audience. Dr. Ledbetter proceeded to bounce a basketball around the room. Such antics took nlace in the first session of English 109 The course was . ,.-I-. ” .,’ -I__ 1_ 1 I taken oy 44~ sruaenrs last . Pran.-1 They met in small groups for three hours each week with a teaching assistant and attended Dr. Ledbetter’s one hour weekly session. Using various media, including films, tapes, and
ence as to what the course is all about. In his course, Ledbetter attempts to simplify the study of grammar and punctuation by using examples to which students can better relate. It results in a higher level of interest on the part of the student. For example, “Tom had eaten and barfed his dinner” Pmn”otmtzan +he F*..a-c:--
form and structure involved in the process. Occasional flashes of bawdy humour incorporated in the lecture (and probably in the course also) added to the enjoyment of the evening. There was no effort required on the part of the audience to pay attention,reflecting on Ledbetter’s communicative abilities. Students enrolling in English 109 would also have . ,. ..
gling modifiers. A major idea which Ledbetter attempts to convey to his students is that “language is a force capable of changing reality”. He also hopes that students will enjoy and remember grammar. Organization was one of Ledbetter’s excentional natu--- -ral fortes. He never allowed 11. ** rne auaience a moment 01 boredom, frequently surprising his viewers with such gestures as walking around the entire lecture hall or dancing at the podium. As well as lecturing this course to his students, Ledbetter actually
remarks -about students seemed to portray them as generally ignorant or delinquent in some way. He seemed unaware of the idea that students are here because they want to learn and do not have to be forced to do so. He inkinolv ni.*I-“” 2fi~ cAmf= +ical J-“‘-‘b’J “VlllV rri“1IC1 remarks about some of the university faculties. Nevertheless, Ledbetter’s address was most enjoyable, and any persons interested in enrollment for English 109 have a stimulating experience waiting in store for them. Alison MacCorquodale
The Money Stretcher
You can dicker If you are a typical student, your apartment is probably ‘furnished in ‘early storage room’. Usually this unique decor is more a matter of necessity than choice. Frankly, the cost of furnishing an apartment can be devastating to a students’ limited budget. However, by carefully scrutinizing the numerous second hand furniture shops in Kitchener-Waterloo, students can furnish their apartments and still have a few cents left to buy food! Downtown Kitchener has two second hand stores worth checking out. The Trading Post at 356 King St. W. in Kitchener offers a wide variety of home furnishings. Much of the stock consists of hotel liquidations, which range from beds, dressers, lampsand desks to artwork of some questionable taste. The important thing to remember about this store is that the price marked on the item is not fixed. That is to say, if you are willing to dicker you can get a real bargain. A fantastic new addition to downtown Kitchener is the Goodwill Thrift Shop on King Street near Gaukel. Presently, its stock of household items is limited to small kitchen appliances and utensils. However, as the store becomes known its stock will increase. Items in this store are very reasonably priced and are certainly the best bargain to be had anywhere! The staff is friendly and courteous, making a trip to Goodwill Industries well worth the effort. K. IV. Surplus located on Breithaupt Street in Kitchener (745-2661) also offers a good selection of smaller household items. A wide variety of Rubbermaid products are available at nearly half the retail cost. The store also offers stereo equipment at a reduced rate. Unfortunately, the quality of some of the goods is somewhat questionable. So, the avid bargain hunter should examine all goods very carefully before making a p,urchase. This policy cannot be stressed enough since the store policy is no return on all items. At the corner of Breithaupt and Weber streets in Kitchener you will find J and S Liquidators (743-3821). The stores selection of goods varies considerably with the types of stores that have recently gone bankrupt. Paint, carpeting, kitchen sets and chairs are among the various household items that the store has carried in the past. If you can’t find something in the store, don’t be afraid toask. The sales help is extremely helpful and will gladly direct you to the items of your choice.
for fbrniture Again, a willingness to dicker is a definite asset in ths store. The more you dicker, the better the bargain. The Waterloo Bedding Cokpany at 2 1 Allen Street West (7448211) in Waterloc offers a limited supply of mattresses and box springs. The quality of the merchandise is good but the service is slow. This outlet doe5 offer a delivery service for those students whc feel carrying a mattress on a bus is more than they can handle. The hours of this outlet are limited so if you are in desperate need, you’d better look elsewhere! Two outlets that we are not personally familiar with but have heard of, are perhaps worth mentioning. A4 and K Furniture (886-5950) located three miles outside Waterloo (follow Erb St. W. to the yellow flashing light, then turn right) carries a wide variety of furniture. Our sources tell us the goods are of a better quality than many second hand stores, but that the prices are -. higher to compensate for this fact. Again, dickering is a definite asset at this store. Executive Liquidators at 665 Colby Drive in Waterloo (886-580 I), carries a line of hotel liquidations. Boxsprings, mattresses and colour television sets are among the offerings at this outlet. The prices vary but the company * does offer a student discount. Delivery, however, is another matter. The avid bargain hunter should be prepared to offer his own method of shipping. Believe it or not, the University of Waterloo offers its own version of shopping for the bargain hunter. Usually held once a term, Central Stores offers a sale of all unclaimed or unwanted University materials. Desks, washers and dryers (from the village, so beware!), chairs and other items are usually available. The crowds at these sales tell the whole story - the prices are fantastic! However, if you have claustrophobia, stay away . . . this sale would definitelv not be for vou. J - -Finally, garage sales are an excellent way to add to your apartment furnishings. A quick glance through the newspaper classifieds can direct you to a variety of local sales. The key to success at these sales is a thorough examination of the goods before making a purchase. An ability to dicker is again useful at these sales. With sucha wealth of information, any student cancomplete the furnishings of his or herabodein that coveted storage room look. Don and Julie Lynne Joyce
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facilities together with offices and meeting . -. administrative ; \ rooms. No;2. On the North Campus, provide changing facilities, a gymnasium, ice surface, indoor track, lighting for .a11current playing fields. No; 3, Onsthe North Campus: lighting for the fields and locker / room facilities . . . and. . . Expand PAC to provide some1 additional gymnasium _ space and activity areas, together with additional locker F ’ rooms and administrative offices: The Committee recognizes the somewhat vague nature of these three posibilities;but is anxious to have at least this general direction ’ from the University community. If you wish to discuss this matterwith members of the Committee, they are: ’
Name i
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Pat Davis Peter Hopkins Ernie Lappin Wim Simonis _ CarlTotzke Mark Wever Dave Craig
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$9.50 and $12..
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FrIdaJ . .-
June-S, ---
the anatomy
of feer
Like cowled winter men .in lambskin underwear, we move warm . in our own skins; against the hunting world outside we have-‘mantarams’ that name,-mark boundaries. And so, .like animals, we pee on markers, and call the spaces within, . rour own civilized. cells with pink sunken baths, pulsating shower-heads, _... cars like women, our own swath of green grass. Beyond the tree-line, ’ some other animal scent intrudes; peripheries tremble with provocation, suggest blood. We thrive only in the cage of our own smell. Why minutlae grow like fungi, and the leaf buds, but the tree dies; why we trade the living peacock for one exotic feather, i > slow twilight under stars for a havocking moment, ’ sun for lightning’s crooked filament, . --all mankind ’ for me _ alone and afraid. l
A collection of engravings by David Silverberg, one of Canada’s leading graphic artists, will be shown at the UW Arts Centre Gallery during June and July. Admission is free. Above: “Susan and Bird” by David Silverberg. > . ._
Claptqz i
rienzi crusz
Coming Entqbinment Events June 5
The Chzmber Music Institute Festival Concert with Ceorges Janzer, James Campbell, Walter Delahunt, piano; Fine Arts Quartet. At the Studio, Centre in the Square, 800 p.m. The Minglewood Band, Waterloo Motor Inn, 800 p.m. The Customers, Upstairs at the Kent.
i Saturday,
The Chamber Music Institute Festival Concert: James Campbell, Fine Arts Quartet, Festival Orchestra. Theatre of the Arts, 8:00 p.m.
Roy Orbison
8 & Tuesday
at the Centre in the Square, 8:00 p.m.
The Chamber Music Institute Festival Concert Robert Aitken, Flute Recital; the Studio, Centre in the Square, -8:00 p.m. Carsickness -(from Pittsburgh) with guests: Wars iniransit, Upstairs. at the Kent.
, ’
Dance Company. Theatre Ruah - 4 member Toronto-based of the Arts, 230 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. The Chamber Music Institute Festival Concert: Ensembles of the Chamber Music Institute. The Studio, Centre in the Square, 8:00 p.m. Yvonne Robertson, Pianist,. Centre in the Square, 8&O p.m.
Tuesday, Johnny
Wednesday -
Gilbert Theatre,
4 Sullivan’s 8:00 p.m.
17 to Saturday musical
Last Dash for Cash Band, Waterloo
June 18
16 to Thursday,
Centre in the Square, 8:00 p.m.
June 20
. Motor
When I first heard the title of Eric Clapton’s new album Another Ticket, I thought, “Oh no. Don’t tell me he’s releasing the songs left over from his last LP, hoping to cash in on its appeal.“The only thing Another Ticket has to do with being a live album is the thought the title inspires. There are nine songs on this album; five and one half were written by Clapton. On the basis of the songs’ composer, you can’t tell which cuts are good, and which shouldn’t even be here. You can tell that it is Eric however, Clapton singing as soon as you hear his raspy, sliding voice. As for the amazing guitar solos one comes to expect from this living legend, you have to wait until the second side. That’s not saying that side one. should be ignored. Far from it. Something Special opens the album, and immediately lays down a funky blues beat. But Eric doesn’t keep this tempo going. Once -you’ve just about fallen asleep, Blow Wirid Bloti wakes you up in this upbeat rhythm and blues song. Clapton’s raunchy voice actually works, and it sounds good. Not too much thought was used in putting together the album, because the next song, which is the title track, totally bores you. The singing is choppy, and it seems to drag on forever. Ironically, one of the lines in the song goes, “time is running out.” How true it’is. Eric Clapton isn’t a kid anymore. If he keeps singing songs like this, time will be running out very soon! The albums only single to date, closes ‘out the first side. * good example Of a song which is aimed for a.m. radio Top 30. It’s obvious they couldn’t decide how to end the song. They decide to fade out, only to fade back in before fading
Inn, 8:00 p.m.
The Chamber Music Institute Festival Concert with Robert . Aitken, Michael Purves-Smith, Purcell Quartet; in the Studio, Centre in the Square, 8:y p.m. The Zellots, Upstairs at the Kent.
Another Ticket Eric clapton RSO Records
couldn’t they think of something more original? Side two is the saving grace of this ,album. Hear Me Lord starts if off as an upbeat number that shows the old boy isn’t completely dead, and the old fingers still can move
will g7ynion
up and down the neck of a guitar. Having Blues roots, it’s only to be expected that sooner or later Clapton would get down to playing some. Floating Bridge is 1940 hurtin’ music.
Imaginative choreography and well organized performances were exhibited at the Carousel Dance School’s production of Alice in Wonderland, directed by Ruth Priddle and produced by Gabby Miceli. A costume sagged, a Card tumbled and the show went on. . University of Waterloo dance graduates and current’ dance students teach at this dance school which runs from Fall through Spring each year. The entire school, comprised of children from age five to sixteen, took part in Friday night’s production at the Humanities Theatre. The teachers encourage the children to use their o<n. creative capacities. The evening began with a special performance in this spirit. , Two young girls chose some music, created the dance and costumes for it and per- 1 formed. The costumes displayed throughout the six scenes of Alice in Wonderland were colourful highs lights of the show. A group of I the youngest students drew much applause ‘and peals of laughter from the audience as they paraded around the stage in the form of a great, green . caterpillar. The dances were alloriginal works choreographed by the teachers. bath of eleven units of. students often stole the show as they danced in supporting roles around familiar characters such as Alice, the White Rabbit, the Mad Hatter, the March Hare and the Dors mouse
The guitar riffs come off well. and his voice suits thestyle. ’ The remaining song on the album shouldn’t be there. It just does not fit. Catch Me if You Can is a pseudo-disco song with a funk beat.
teacheis and a few of the older students. Janis Price ‘was wonderful as Alice. Her marvelous facial expression complimented her dancing and drew members of the audience dee-per into the
a great
fairy tale. Diane Woods was an exquisitely nervous Dormouse. Pamela Barrows, who also portrayed the r White Rabbit, provided the narration ed to straight spoken verse without ’ background music without background music provided interesting variety. As---t&. girls in their bright
Overall, the album is a positive’ move for Clapton. The songs grow on one with every listening. And given enough time even the funky d&o Piece starts to sound . . Terry B&on
sucCeSs costumes whirled through their moves in front of colourful backdrops, the many parents in the audience beamed with smiles of pride. ‘f~ Everyone in the audience seemed pleased with the performance, but the faces of , the parents told all. j
IMinglew~~d! Be sheen-ya uighus rollick! . The Gaelic expression “Let’s rock and roll!” speaks for itself because rockin and rolling is exactly what will be happening tonight at the Waterloo Motor Inn as Minglewood - those Maritime c,owboys - return as a Federation-sponsored pub. For those who have never heard of the Minglewood Band, reviews of their past performances should give you some insight into the impact of the band: JimmyGriffin (co-founder of Bread) describes Minglewood”s soundasa blend of the bestblues, R & B, and country music he,has heardin a long time. Duck Dunn (Blues Brothers’bassist) calls Minglewood a cross between Lynyra Skynyrd’and Charlie Daniels cand claims their new album (their fourt ) contains some of the most exciting music he’s, heard it ages. However, if the voices of the heavies don’t convince you, justaskanyone who hasalreadyseen them. Last time they appeared at the Waterloo Motor Inn nobody sat down. They danced on tables and chairs, and broke all previous bar sales. The Minglewood story began about a dozen years ago on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia. Matt Minglewood joined forces with Sam Moon and formed the Universal Power. After several years together, Matt and Sam amicably agreed to go their separate ways. Sam left to formanewgroup,Mattsayedonandwithafewchangesof personnel, the Minglewood Band was formed. In 1976, the band released their first album, a self-produced effort which, with virtually no distribution and -- minimat promotion, sold 20,000 copies. : Composed of -Matt Minglewood, Enver Sampson Jr., Paul Dunn, Don Hann, Mark MacMillan and Bobby Woods, the band has since recor&d twogoldalbumsand in i980 were nominated the ‘MO@ Promising New Group! at the Junos. Their fourth aibumhas just been recorded in Memphis and promises to be their biggest yet. If you haven’t seen them y&u’11 be doing yourself a , favour by coming out. They’& Maritimers who simply love to play music and anyone who’s witnessedair energy on stage will attest to the fact that ‘plhy music they do’. , .
-,,:_ ‘l
Phime Ext. 3700 The
II Hairstylists
’ I
chaos, like a film of a false start ’ during which he has colprojected over and over. laborated with or produced Instruments. play as though many artists. His last tour was there was time lag between done solo, using a guitar and different parts of the studio, tape loops to create an imrhythms have a complexity promptu “Frippertronics” ex* verging on randomness, and perience. Then, in early 1980, through it all Beefheart rasps, he decided to put together a grdwls and squeaks his way “dance band” and tour North through bizarre lyrics. America and the Continent. One may hate it at first, but Thus the League of GentleA\ one finds that, as with John men was formed; it existed Lydon’s Public Image Ltd., only for the eight months of ’ one has a perverse desi-re to the tour and this one album. It has been said that today’s hear more as. soon as the Fripp is joined by a keyboard avant-garde is’ tomorrow’s tonearm lifts. ,The music player, bassist and drummer; pop. Like most aphorisms, eventually will win you over, there is no vocalist. The Q this is only marginally valid - 1 particularly when you start selections on the album are * haven? noticed an’y - John noticing points. of familiarity. framed by snippets of taped Cage compositions on the top 40 recently A but the influence of groups like the Velvet Underground is definitely noticeable in present “New Wave” stylings. An occasional sampling of what can be loosely grouped under the heading “avant-garde rock” (to distinguish it from classical works, such as those of Philip Glass) is adviseable, Listening to Dirty Blue Gene, conversation similar to the in the hopes of seeing some for example, one realizes just ones scattered through his interesting trends before they where the Gang of Four got previous album, Exposure. become diluted by the prestheir sound from. There’s no denying that sures of the mainstream. Dot at the Radar Station Fripp is a highly creative Dot at the Radar Station is being sold at a “special low guitarist, but somehow he is the best of this lot. Captain price”, meaning you should be misses the boat on this one. Beefheart (a.k.a. Don Van able to get it for five bucks or He seems to come across best Vliet) has been around for when exerting a benevolent less; it’s a bargain at that price. years, somehow managing to Hopefully, the extensive dis- influence on others - Talking survive despite the fact that tribution of this album and the Heads, Bryan Ferry, and . his records are almost imposDaryl Hall, to name a few. One fact that most of modern sible to find. He’s the darling of music has moved closer to a can dance to the League of the critics - I can remember position he’s staked out for Gentlemen, but one can his name constantly turning years will insul’e at least a dance to anything with a fast up in Cream magazine sevlimited acceptance for. Beef- rhythm section. There is a; eral years ago - but, like most trifle too much conscious heart. avant-garde artists, is ignored in-the Frippa Robert Fripp has also been intellectualization by the general public. ertronics experiments (done around for years, initially with The Magic Band’s music at I King Crimson here with synthesizer), the and then .first seems barely restrained voiceovers, and titles such as through a long solo career the aptly-named “Heptaparaparshinokh”. (I’m joking, of course; I don’t know what it means either): Ultimately Fripp fails to move either the he.ad or the heart. Look at any import section under “Electronic” .and you’ll probably find a Tangerine Dream album you haven’t seen before. EdgarFroese and I company specialize in freeform, multilayered synthesizer creations; their concerts are almost entirely improvisational. (The story is told that the world record for longest concert was set when . Froese accidentally left a programmed sequencer behind in an Amsterdam club and a few devoted patrons listened to it for three weeks). Where Tangerine Dream fails is through the same curse Chuck~Mangione adds an enchanting flute solo that plagues most creators of , Tarantella on the closing cut, 411 Blues. electronic music: the synthesizer can deliver grandiose A&M “He’s never done anything like that before,” is .howyou’ll statements’about eternity and Before hearing this album, react to the opening track, silly trivial barnyard noises. Feels So Good was my favThe area in between, which which is also the title of the encompasses just about all of ourite song by Chuck Manalbum. Tarantella is explain,gione. After hearing his new ed to be an Italian dance where human experience, is beyond live album, Feels So Good is the participants keep dancing the reach of most players, who still my favourite song by this try to manipulate their keyuntil they collapse. It’s a good renowned flugle horn player. boards and end up being title for the album, because manipulated by the sound That’s not to say Tarantella that is just what happens. The stinks.-In fact, some parts just concert started at 8:00 p.m., they produce. (England’s Or, and finished at 5:15 a.m., with blow you away. chestral Manoeuvres In The only 40 people left in the Dark are a happy exception). Anyone who knows anyStill, their music is at least audience. - thing about jazz music knows Some of the offerings here pleasant to reada book to. Not that Dizzy Gillespie plays a are carbon copies of earlier so with Japan’s Yellow Magic real mean trumpet; and. he album versions, with the odd Orchestra, whose particular does three on just one side of new solo added in. All in all, brand of techno-twiddle benethis jazz jam session. But Tarantella demonstrates the fits not in the least from their Dizzy doesn’t stop there; on high level of energy that attempts to grab at whatever Mu&ecu, the boss trumpeter Chuck Mangione is capable of inTluences they can. They trades in his horn for a Jews giving off. They start off by aren’t even decently alien like harp. Combined with flute and knocking you off your feet, Gary Numan or Kraftwerk; sax soloes, side three goes and do just that again and rather, they sport the same from fast, driving jazz to slow, brand ot affected indifference again, before finally mellowing easy going ballads and- back out for the end. Even in the that groups like Visage have again.- You can tell it was very end the energy is stili been trying to pawn off on us getting late when Chick lately. If anyone can think of there, saying that they could Covea pops in for the final two keep on going, and not let the any reason why they should songs, comprising the entire quality or energy level drop. exist, do let me know. final side. Kathryn Moseseven Prabhakar Ragde Terry Bolton
.. _
Captaii Beefheart and the Magic Band Dot at the Radar Station : Virgin/Polygram Robert Fripp The League of Gentlemen Polygram ’ ’ t Tangerine Dream Soundtrack from “Thief” Polygram Yellow Magic Orchestra BGM A&M
. ““Outland”
but yu) winner
Some movies are so good Sheppard (PetsJ Boyle), the that you could see them again colony head, is part of the and again. Others are so bad drug-dealing organization. Minor plots include O’Neil’s that you can barely sit through the first time. But the vast wife (“I don’t want our son to grow up in this awful place!) rirajority are nice, meaningless leaving him, and O’Neill things that are pleagant once. breaking down the stony Outland is one of the latter. The movie begins with Fed- exterior of the chief doctor to eral District Marshal W. T. find the human being inside. (This is a worthwhile venture O’Neil, played by Sean Connery, taking-over as head of because she turns out to be his security of a mining colony on only friend and saves his life 10, a satellite of Jupiter. The’ otherwise, she adds nothing to the plot.) time frame is approximately To putit bluntly, this movie 19902010 - the near future. The major plot deals with is a western set in space, O’Neil’s attempts to stop the complete with swinging saladministrative head of the oon doors and a this-towncolony from exploiting the ain’t-big-enough-for-the-twoof-us scene. But it works. The workers - illegal, destructive amphetimines are being del- technology needed to run the ivered to - the colony and I space colony $ ndt great
enough (esp‘ecially when the setting is essentially an industrial one; where the . c&= poration running the thing wouldn’t want to spend more money than strictly necessary) that the physical element is lost. For example, when O’Neil is hunting down the assassins hired to kill him, he has to physically track them (just as they are tracking him). A bad movie would feature a computer that has the capability of doing the job for him, even though for the sake of a chase scene, the hero would still do it physically (a la Spade 1999).
The acting 6 Outland is adequate. Characters are believable, as is the dialogue. The sets are what you would expect of a raw frontier town
Sean Connery is menaced by a crazed dope fiend in a scene from the movie’Olitl&#&;~~w Showing at the Lyric theatre in Kitchener. This western/science-fictionflickisdefinitelyF@e ‘see once - then ignore’ cptegory.
G d
And the winner is . . . The FOW Seasons? Perhaps. If North American moviegoers still appreciate films such as Kramer vs. Kramer: and Ordinary People, you can bet T_he Four’ Seasons will at least be a nominee for the year’s best picture award. Let’s face it, it fits the mold - a group of middle class characters coping with the pressures of everyday living. Unlike the two previous Best Picture win&s though, the story is not told in the usually effective tear-jerking fashion. The emphasis in this case is on comedy. That comes as no surprise when you consider that the film’s writer, director, and star is longtime TV funnyman Alan Alda. That’s not to say that The Four Seasons is &Gout its serious moments. It successfuly shows examples of the happiness and heartbreak experienced in the important relationship of friendship. . The film takes us through the “seasons” of the friendship I of three couples. “Fiiendship has stages,” explained Alda at a Toronto screening of his film, three 6eeks ago. “In spring things are casual and everythings great. Then there’s summer and you notice sometaults in the other person. By ,fall you know you’re stuck with some really weird people and you have to decide ’ whether to make the best of it or find new friends.” In The Four Seasons the friends decide td make the best of it. The varied characters, played well by a capable cast are what give this film it’s strength. . Aian Alda plays J&k, a witty,’ analytical, yet sentimental lawyer. Definitely the central figure in the film, he is portrayed with only slight traces of the oh-too-familiar Hawkeye Pierceof MASH. Jack’s wife Kate, ,a successful1 magazine editor is played by Carol Burnett, ar;other TV celebrity with mixed success in film. Canadian Len Cariou is Nick, a well established insurance salesman who is married to Anne (Sandy Dennis), an absentminded photographer, one who finds -great satisfaction in photographing vegeiabies. Couple number three are the Zimmers. Jack Weston portrays Danny, a materialistic dentist, obsessed with the fear of .death. His wifg, Claudia (Rita Moreno) is an artist who hides behind her Italian heritage as the reason for her Fometimes erratic behaviour. Our couples first encounter problems when Nick decides to divorce Anne and takes up with a young woman named Ginny (Bess Armstrong). Ginny is reluctantly accepted by the grqup but eventually gets tired of living in Anne’s shadow. Thii new relgtionship within the group seems to put a strain on all in: volved, thus making them take a closer look at the people \ around them. The nice thing about The Four Seasons is that it is believable. Certain portions of the dialogue flow so well that one would think the actors were ad-libbing. Definitely a tip of the hat to the writer. The film of course is not without its faults, such as a-lack qf a basic plot building towards a climax, and ocassional boring and poorly done .camera work. But for the most part, the film is exceptidnally well done. In a year that has been relatively dull in the cinema, it is a pleasant relief to see a realistic film that can be classified asgood honest entert&inment. The Four Seasons contains no violent or blatant’sex (though there is one very funny sex-related scene and a partial nudity scene that is anything but suggestive.) The film should appeal to a wide audience due to the fact that it is totally inoffensive. With Alda taking on such a mammoth responsibility and coming up smelling like a rose, one might wonder if he will be lured behind the camera for good. The Four Seasons is a film with a message. Though you may be able to see your’friend’s flaws as well as fortes, accept them for the person they are. After watching this movie, you may find yourself stopping to think for a moment. And by the way, watch in March when the nominees are announced. Who will beihe winner? I have a pretty good idea. Lee Louis
A delightful burlesque of the -. The action takes $~5$itithe --(the Baronet’s descendants), Victorian melodrama, Gilbert mythical village of Rederring in Mad Margaret and a host of vibrating at its loud points. Visually, it was also murky, as and Sullivan’s comic opera Cornwall, England--a village other colourful characters will be that maintains a corps of including a come-to-life gallery if you were watching through a “RUDDIGORE” dull grey fog. These problems presented> by the Waterloo professional bridesmaids. of ghostly ancestors, and . ‘mav be th& fault ofthetheatre. Regional Branch of the Gilbert Add to this, the attl’active &+ything gets pretty and Sullivan lSociety at the young damsel, Rose Maybud excitin’g: The plot gBts _ Humanities Theatre, Univerwho has not yet found a complicated in typical G&S sity of Waterloo’ from husband, th,e mixed-up manner, all ends in seneral Wednesday, June 17 thro& identities bf the Murgatroydi rejoicing. Saturday, June 20 at 8 p,m. The production which is being presented in conjunction with the UW Arts Centre, will be fully staged with a spectacular , array of costumes, elaborate settings and a 28-piece , \ orchestra to accompany some of the area’s yell-known . singers. “RUDDIGORE” is Sir William Gilbert at his witiest. The story begins with the First Concert legend of an early Baron of-’ production of the film. OutRuddigore who had a witch land was made by the same burned at the stake. She * Worldfamous FINEARTSQUARTET people who produced Alien, a cursed him and all his Ir Canadian leading clarinet&t, JAMES CAMPBELL' film suffering. from much the descendants, dooming them * FESTlVALORCHESTRA-membersfrom same problems. to commit at least one crime across North America _ On the whol6, Outland is a every day, under penalty of . fairly enjoyable movie. Don’t dying in unspeakable agony. Program: Mozart K. 465 (“Dissonant”); expect Oscar-winning materRavel Qt. in F; Mozart concerto for ial and you won’t be disapFree Albums! clarinet and orchestra pointed. You may not want to Yes, weekly Imprint see the movie more thanonce; Other concerts Monday June 15 &June 22 .receives ma-ny you may want to consider if it is Tickets & Subscriptions at the ’ worth $43. It will be a TV record allbums for movie before long, I should Door for all concerts. retie% think. ~ Students only $5 - all three for $9. Drop in and see Outland is playing at the Others $10 - /all three for $18. Lyric Theatre in Kitchener. what’s around.You
Theatre of the Arts ~ Saturday June 6,8:00 p.m.
Cathy McBride John W. Bast
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something for d
Stratford Summer.Music, an exciting new program of musical concerts in Canada’s Festival City will present its premiere sqson from June 13 through Augu& 30, i 981 .‘Under the artistic direction, of renowned Canadian pianist, Elyakim Taussig, 113 concerts by Canadian and international artists, ensembles and oxhestras are scheduled for presentation in the newly renovated City Hall Auditorium and the auditorium of Knox Presbyterian Church Elyakim Taussig, artistic director of in Stratfbrd. A’ gala concert featuring . orchestra, Mario Bemardi the National w Centre conduting, The Canadian Brass, baritone Louis ZIuilico, cellist Leonard Rose, Zlyakim Taussig and two 1 Stratford choirs, will inaug Jrate the seasqn June 13. In addition, after the concert, 3oris Brott and members df
Stratford Summer Music _
the Hamilton Philharmonic will perform Handel’s “Wate Music” while foating on a barge down the Avon River. The public is invited to atten this river pageant which will culminate jn a fireworks display an& performance ( “The Royal Fireworks Suite.
Bradshawk China Hall established 18%
In co-operation with CBC Radio Network two weeks of jazz and folk concerts will begin in the’ summer, i,ncltiding artists Salome Bey, Valdy, the McGarrigle sisters, John Handy and the Jarvis Benoit Quartet. July and August will spotlight the Canadian Brass, the Orford String Quartet, Ciimerata, the Cleveland Quartet, Liona Boyd, Berthold Carriere, the Festival Wind Soloists, and Gary Karr and Harmon Lewis among others, in concert series df five to fourteen days. #Several special performances will also be held this season, including internationally accldmed sop ran0 Elly Ameling in concert July 2; an organ recital by Toronto Symphony Musical Director Andrew Davis, August 2; and the first pairing of the Orford Quartet with the Cleveland Quartet in a performance of Mendelssohn’s “Octet*‘, August 23.
Music ‘40 Ontario St. 271-2960 Antiques and Collectables, Classical and azz Albums, Imported Rot i Records and Quality Hi-Fi.
An excellent selection of tableware, crystal and gifts
Album Headquarters for Stratford Summer Music
& Forest
Playing nothing but &sic from a yariety of eras I and composers.
Jester / II- The 107 Ontario 11
For Things Casual Lower Level ’ Bradshaw’s China Hall 84 ONTARIO STRATFORD, PHONE
Gala Concert G River Pageant June 13 Frazer McPherson & Rob McConnell dune 16 11:30 p.m. S&my Greenwich June 17 ,1,1:30p.m. Milt Jackson June 19 1130p.m. Salome Bey June 20 1130 p.m. Doug Riley& Don Thompson June 21 9:00 p.m. David Essig June 23 11:30 p.m. , Conr& Kaldor June 24 11130p.m. Jawis BenGt Quartet June 25. 11:30 p.m. Valdy ’ ! June 26 11:30 p.m. Kate & Anna McCiarrigle Jvne 27 11:30 p.m. Wonderful Grand Band June 28 9 p.m. Ely Ameling Juty2 3 p.m. I My Friend Ludwig June 30 - July 4 1130 p.m. . Festival Wind Soloists July 1,3,4 - 11 a.m. July5 - 12:15p.m. WRiamTdtt July 2 11:OOa.m. TheCanadian Brass . July 8,9,,lO,ll-11:OOa.m. July12-12:15p.m July 7 - 11 1 lz30p.m. Londqn Pro Muska July 7 3~00p.m. Stratford Chamber Orchestra Juty 14 -3zOOp.m. Juiy15-181l.bOa.m. July 19 - 12:15 p.m.
P.O. BOX 502 ST. ONTARIO N5A 6T7 (519) 2714283
Gary Karr & Harmon Lewis ’ July 14-18 1130 p.m. \ OrfordQuartet-Mozart ’
Andrew Davis August 2 - 12:15 p.m. ’ T~ussig E-Root July 28 - 3~00p.m.,July 29 - Aug. 1 F11zOO-a.m. - Bertholh Caniere ’ July28-Aug. 1 113Op.m. Camerata -Au& 5 - 8 - 1lzOOa.m. Aug. 9 - 12:15p.m. Primadonna - Mary Lou Fallis Aug.4.8 113Op.m. Moshe Hammer / Aug. 4 3:00 p.m. Moe Koffman & Doug Riley Aug. 11-15 11:30p.m. The Coffee Cantata Aug.12.15 llzOOa.m. Aug.1612:1,5p.m. Banff Musicians Aug. 11 3zOOp.m. Liona Boyd & Nidiolas Pennell Aug 19-22 113Op.m. The ClevelandQuartet Aug. 19 - 22 l!.%IOa.m. The ClevelandQuartet G Orford Quartet August 23 12:15 p.m. CanadianChild Prodigies August 18 300 p.m. Otto Armin & Elyakim Taussig August 25 - 29 1130 p.m. Michael Colgrass G Orford Quartet August 26 - 29 11:OOa.m. Aug. 30 12:15 N.B. Ticket prices vary. AM. performances have concert seating, I?M. performances are cabaret concerts. All concerts in either City Hall Aud. cwKnox Church.
“It is the aim of the organizers and supporters to make Stratford a city like Salzburg and Edinbuigh, where many kinds of cultural activities flourish iti a festival atmosphere,” says Sharon McKe&ie,-president of theboard of the Stratford Summer Music Foundation. “Thousands of visitors to our community will now be able to add the enjo*ent of excellent music to their plans to see plays in Stratford.” The Stratford Summer Music concerts are held at 1l:OO a.m. and 11:30 p.m. during the week and at 12:15 p.m. Sundays, to accommodate patrons attending the theatre as well, while the gala performance begins at 8:00 p.m., June 13. Tickets are available at the Stratford Music Box Office, 140 Waterloo Street, Stratford and may be resew&d by calling 51 g-2734666. Mail order requests should be addressed to: P.O. Box 666, Stratford, Ontario N5A 6%
ACCOMMOCiATlON 81MODERN ROOMS ’ AIR CONDITIONED, T.V. ETC. LicensedDining Lounge Featuring The
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Entertainment Nightly Swimming Pool Convenientto Hwv. 85 lacatedright beside .CanestwjaExpressway onlv 5minutes from Hwv. 7 475King St.North, Waterm 5194844220
Stratford’ Festival
June 17 on the Festival Stage. It is *e story of an avowed man-hater pursued by an admitted dowry-hunter, the one man brave enough to face her legendary temper. Gilbert and Sullivan:s H.H.S. Pinafore, a nautical extravaganza in the light op@tic vein, opens June 15. Iiinafore has been a favourite with audiences since its initial performance at London’s Opera Comique. For mor,e than a Ihundred ye?rs the comic misadventures of t Captain Corcoran and his crew have brought joy and laughter to successive generations of theatre-goers. Performance times: Afternoons at 2 p.m. Opening nights and Sunday evenings: 7:30 p.m. All other evenings [Drama) 8:OO p.m.; Concerts 8~30 p.m. For more information write to: Publicity Department Festival Theatre Stratford, Ontario N5A 6V2
July 13,1953 was, as one critic noted. “the most exciting night in the history of Canadian theatre.” From the first entrance of the noted Sir, Alec Guinness in the title role to the ovation. after the opening performance of Richard III, the atmosphere was electrifying. fius was launched one of the most improbable ventures in theatre history. I
Created in,a ci@ with a ’ (@en) population of 19,500 in a prosperous Western Ontario farming community, wherq no professional theatre h@d existed for almost haff a century, it facet the doubts of countless skeptics who undere$imatec the determination of a small group of Stratford residents who, having hn committee to the project, ‘had dedicated themselves to seeing it through. ; -
In the years since 1953, under the artistic direction of Tyrone Gu@rie, Cecil Clarke, Michael Langham; Jean Gascon, Robin Phillips and a present John Hirsch, &atFord has produced all of Shakespeare’s plays, and repeated many. The Festival has also staged works by Sophocles, Ibsen, Moliere, Chekhov, Sheridan, Brecht,
Moliere’s The Misanhrope, opening June 15 is he st@ry of a young man Ittempting to impose his igid moral standards bn &hers, and instead becomes Ie comic butt of their antics. he human cqmedy was lever more acutely obsenred brrecorded than bythe pen d France’s greatest play/right. Coriolanus, a Shakeseareian play, explores the lses and abuses of power in le portrayal 01 the Roman ranior Coriolanus, a proud ristocrat whose skill at arms qade him a hero of epublican Rome and who ltimately paid a hero’s price x the honour. Coriolanus pens June 16. . The Taming of the Shrew, ne of the more well-known lhakespeareian plays, opens
‘Stephenson’s Festival
; !: :
The; Victorian Inn 10 Romeo Street North Stratford, Ontario ’ N5A 5M7
’ 45
(519) 271-4650 tm..a#m.e--h--a.
rucr”.,.....F.. .~.A.,dbe”.s”r -
Judy Colllns (July 6) Cleo-Lalne and John Dankworth (July 13)<-, j >,. Pnrervatl& Hall Jazz Band (July 27) ‘ . Met Torn16 (August 17) Jqn Abercromble, Ralph TowntWSonny Rolllni 3 (August 24) Rob McConnell and The Boss Brass (Au&,& 31)
’ Coriolanus The Taming IibW TO BUY TICKETS _ aOf the - Shrew -’ By Mail.0 6.0; Office open for mail orders. For The Comedy complete information write: “Brochure” FESTIVAL THEATRE BOX OFFICE 6f Errors I S ‘. P.0: Box-520, Stratford, Ontario, , . Gilbert and $llivan ‘s ~ CANADA N5A 6V2 .H.M,S.Pipafore . InPI’Pqrson . or By Phone: \ Sheridant’s
..:::::::::::: >x.>:.:. ,~~~ ..:.:.:.:.:.:. .:*:*:.x.:. ..:.:.:.:.:.:. .:.:.>:.x. ..:.:.:.:.:.:. :::::::::::: ..:::::::::::2 :.:.:.:.:.:. ..:.:.w .:.:.:.:.* ::m *;;gc *.~.~.*.-.v ,*.55-A-
June 15 :::y#$f .y::#$ Jggy~.~:::$~:~: ,z$$$$$ :y$::p> .:.:.:.:.:.y VA-.*.*. .:.:.:.;.;.y ::::$$:y to October 31 ..:.y..:.:.> :.:.:.:.:.:. .:i~.~~~~~ PreviewsfromJune4c_ ..:::::::::::: *.:.:.:.:.:.:. .*.*.v.-.*. .:::::::::::: .... ..:.:.:.:.:.:. .:.:.:.:.:.:. ::;:>gp *:;:g# -...-.*.5*.* .*.*.*.*A,.:.:.:.x.:. .w.:.> ..:.:.:.:.:.:. .*.5*2.*.*. ,.:.:.:.:.:.:. .:::::w ..:.:.:.:.:.:. .:.:.:.:.x
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The / Misanthrope,
.~~~ .:.:.x.:.y :.:.:.:.:.:. .:.:.:.w ..*.*...*.*. ,.:.:.:.:.p x+:x .f.:.:.:.:.:. ::::::::::::
* A la carte dining roorri * The Medieval Feast - July and August Friday, Saturday and Sunday \ *After theatre entertiinment ) *Qnlyafewminut&walkfrom theFestival Theatre,ArtGallery, Lake Victoria, and the i_* Stratford Golf and Country Club *,Zndoor pool and sauna \
Moli&r e ‘s
3eckett atid many other Ireat playwrights.. The 29th season of Stratford promises to be just IS entert&ining. This season, Stratford will E featuring The Misanhrope, Coriolanus, The raming of the Shrew, The Comedy of Emys, HAS. Ynafore, Tire Rivals, The /bit, apd-Wild Oats. In I :oncert at the theatre will be Rudy Collins, Clw Laine; and [ohn Dankworth, Pres!Ivation Hall Jazz Band, Mel rorme, John Abercrombie, Ralph Towner/Sonny Rollins iob McConnell and The 3.0~~ Brass. -,
The Rivals Diirrenmatt ‘s The VisitJ adapted by M. Valency
JAGldQats -7
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ment, co-ordinator
Summer Tune Up
These Games are strikingly different from the usual sportY
fest viewed on the tube every few years. Firstly the athletes are diminutive in stature compared to your average Olympic competitor and many stand less than five feet tall. Even more surprising,is the discovery that these 1981 0lq;‘mpics will be non-competitive!
of the 198 1
Delahey explained that the I98 1 Games were in reality the Junior Olympics sponsored by the Royal Bankof Canadaand administered by the Canadian ‘Olympic Association. The Royal Bank Junior Olympics began as an awards program and now grantscrests and ribbons for use at cornpetitive athletic events in-
dimension to their plan. What developed was the establishment of clinics to expose young athletes to Olympic sports, ~ The bank approached the Canadian Olympic Association to enlist their expertise for the administration of this program. Realizing that many highlyqualified personnel and topnotch cacilities could be ob-
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Concerned that the International Olympic Association was making radical philosophical changes, Imprint sports contacted Wally Delahey of the althletic depart-
volving participants between the ages of nine and nineteen years. Being successful with the awards program,. the Royal Bank decided to add another
:35 King St. s;, Waterloo, Ontario N3J-lN9 Telephone 519-886-4730 Manager: Becky
tained through universities, the COA approached the Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Association to request the use of universities for the hosting of these newly founded Jr. Olympics clinics. 1 The clinics are not geared to high-pressure skill teaching or competition. Their primary aim is to provide opportunities for young people to view skills demonstrated byexpertsin the sport, to test their abilities out, and have them evaluated and corrected. Then the youngsters go off to practice and improve on the things they have just learned. Participants in UW’s multisport clinic are chosen by the various elementary schools across the Waterloo region. Approximately 400 students will participate in four sports; fild hockey, soccer, volleyball, and gymnastics. .Judy McCrae, UW field hockey coach and current chairperson of Canada’s national field hockey team, will be directing. Assisting McCrae on Friday will be four members of the Ontario field hockey squad. two of them, Lisa Bauer and .Jean Howitt, were co-captains and coMVP’s of the 1980 field . _ 11 hockey Athenas.
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Soccer will be under the L jurisdiction of Ron Cooper, who piloted the Warrior soccer team to the OUAA finals. I-Iis assistant is Paul Stevenato, former OUAA allstar. Head Athena volleyball ., coach Pat Davis is chief instructor for the volleyball clinic. The women’s athletic director has been involved in
_ ,
Men’s Competitive Soccer Standings League, A
W today
1. 2. 3. 4.
coaching certification programs at both the provincial and national level for some years.
League B2 15. Jelly Ginners 16. Math Soc’ers B 17. Mech Advantage 18. Flux Deluxe . 19. Graders 20. C.S.A. 21. Power Factor 22. Hammer Machine 23. Rockers & Knockers 24. Debuggers
In addition to hosting the multi-sport clinic (now held annually at UW) the athletic department has pioneered the concept of the “satellite clinic.” Wally Delahey explains, “We realized that communities such--as Owen Sound, Alliston, Orangeville and Collingwood are not near any major universities. We decided to take our show on the road, so they could benefit from our expertise. We get a very favourable response. People are ecstatic that we have chosen the community.”
League 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
League 3 17. Team Swat 18. S. 0. L. 19. Grad Club 20. Activated Sludge 2 1. Bio buggers 22. Dynamech 23. Wreck Wratz 24. Civil Dingers
Between the ‘on-campus multi-sport clinics and the satellite program, Waterloo personnel have exposed approximately 3,000 students to various Olympic sports during the past five years. Tammy Horne
7mwmi CYCLE INC.
Golf Club
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Conrad Grebel EMF 81 Geoblasts Baseballers The Dugouts Creme de la Chem The West 5 Team Sploc
League 2 9. Ultimech 10. Excalibur 11. Civil Steelers 12. Glove Gods 13. Waterloo Crude 14. Math Balls 15. Power Factor 16. The Blueboys
Basketball and wrestling clinics have been very successful satellite programs, as most small schools have a basketball court and mats.
1 1 ---_
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 --
-- ------_
2 0
1 1
1 1
4 1 2 3 1 4
1 1 1 1
3 1 3 2 1 4
1 1
1’ - -_
2 0 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 0
Men’s Competitive Softball Standings
UW conducts two or three of these satellite clinics each year which are restricted to two sports, rather than the usual four, due to limited facilities.
Dirty Feet Math Soc’ers Villagers Poly-soccer-ides
League Bl 5. EMF EE/84 6. The Bible Belt 7. The Whoof 8. The Flurries 9. Ultimech 10. Invincivil 11. Dynamech 12. Glaxians 13. Civil Steelers 14. Creme de la Chem
And lastly, Kevin Eby is in charge of the gymnasts. Eby coaches the women’s gymnastics team and was meet director of the 1980 World Cup meet. His wife, Ann Samson-Eby, 1979 CIAU allround gymnastics champion; Phillip Bruce, UW assistant coach and coach of the Kitchener-Waterloo gymnastics club; Laurie Leader and Bonnie Cairns of the Athenas; Trish Morrissey of Wilfrid Laurier, Roy Nakashima and Dave Brubaker, will all be working on gymnastics as assistants.
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1 2 1
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1 1
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2 4 2 0 0 4 2 2
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‘6 13 4 35 7 2 8 19
4 0 4 0 0 2 2 0
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