- Friday, June 15 International Vegetarian Cuisine, exotic reclpes, live demonstrations, group participation. Come hungry. Limtted to 15 students. Sponsored bythevegetarian Club. For further Info call888-7321.6:00p.m. Gilbert & Sullivan's Ruddiiore, lavishly staged and costumed and with full orchestra accompaniment. Many well-known local singers. See review on paw 6 of this paper. Tickets $7.00, students/seniors $5.% from UW Arts Centre h x Office. 8:00 p.m. Humanities Theatre. Fed - sUr Trek WllLam Shatner and Leonard N~mov. 8:00 o m . Rlinkns Phys~cs145. Fee paying Feds ~i.00; $2.00.
Bombshelter opewat 12noonasusual. ~ o u d taped muslc after 9:00 p.m. (actually, before then, too.) Fee paying Feds: no cover. Others 5W.S.B.S.H.: 12noonto2:30p.m. Want to horse around?(That's their line, not mme) The Equestrian Club holds its special events organizational meeting in CC 135 at 500 p.m. New members,beginnerstoexperts, are welcome to attend. Canter on down. Free coffee and donuts. a 'Iub general meeting
Health Hotline - you know. I Bombshelter - you guessed. Waterloo Christian Fellowship welcomes everyonefrom4:30 - 7:00 p.m. tothe BBQ pit across the creek from Conrad Grebet Incase of rain, HH 280. Maranatha Christian Club will be having a time of Praise, Worship and Teaching. Come and bring a fnendl7:00 p.m. SCH232.
Talented! Come on out Thursday mght to learn or teach some tunes. MUSICgroup . events' - to all become quasistarting. Amb~t~on i ~ ~ U ~ ~ rk 1 p a Harry ~ Chapins & or~ Bruce~ Cockburns. Folk, Ahce fn hI&* bluegrass, blues Come to organ~zahonal ~~~m&app.m,ML 104. meetlng. 8:00 p.m. CC 113. Festival Concerts of the Chamber Music - Friday, June 26 Institute. Ensembles of the Chamber Music Institute. 8:00 p.m. in Theatre of the Arts. UW Arts Centre -,See Monqay. - Saturday, June 20 $10.00. Students/seniors S.00. For further H e d t h Hotline - See Monday. Bombshelter opens at 7:00 p.m. Taped mformation call 886-1673.Ask for Cecilia. M k c . Fee paylng Fed% nocover. Others: 5W t Bombshelter - see Wednesday. after 9'00 p.m. - Tuesday, June 23 Fed Flicks - Duck Soup starring the Marx Fed Flicks - dtar Trek. See Frlday Brothers 8.00 p.m Physics 145 Fee payng UW Arts Centre - Stlll there. See Monday. G~lbert and Sullivan's Rudslgore - see Feds $1.00, Others $2 00. Health Hotline -still hot. See Monday. Friday and see page 6. ~ a n c hParty organized by the Chinese Bombshelter - nothing new. See Monday. Students Assoc~at~on. Free adm~ssion,all are Ah! Interviewing S k i i Sessian. Departwelcome. 8.30 p.m. CC 135. - Sunday, June 21 ment of Co-ordination and &i%ment, NH Rockclimbing trip to Rattlesnake Park. Coming Events 1020.2:00 p.m. IknewwehadTuesdayherefor Begnners wekome. Meet in front of CCand somethtng . . . Tuesday, June 30 please bnng a car if you possibly can. 7:00 a.m. Paul McKay, ed~torof the Btrchhrk Alliance Front of CC. '- Wednesday, June 24 w~llbe gtmg an update on Nuclear Power m Barbecue organized by the Chinew Students Arts Centre Gallery - see Monday. Ontarlo at a free public lecture at the Adult Associat~on. Member $3.50; non member Recreat~onCentre, atartmg at 730 p.m. This Health Hotline - see Monday. $4.50. Ehlist at the Chinese Li6rary (1230 meehng 1s sponsored by THINK (Total 4:30) Deadlme is Wednesday June 17. It's too Bombshelter opens 12 noon. D.J. after 900 Honesty In Nuclear Knowledge)and everyone late now. But if you enlisted in time, you are p.m. Feds: no cover. Others $1.00 after 900 IS welcome. welcome. 630p.m. Columbia Field. p.m. S.B.S.H.: 12noon-230p.m. Canada's Holiday Kin/Eng Pub presentmg Chapel. Conrad Grebel College. Coffee and Interviewing S k i i Session. Deparfment of Wh~skeyHowl at the Waterloo Motor Inn. d~scusslonto fdlo*. 7:00 p.m. Co-ordination and Placement. NH 1020.200 $2.00 K$Eng, $3.00 Others. Doors open at p.m. 8:00 p.m. Sunset at about910 p.m. today. Don'tmi~sit., TheVegetarianClubishavimsevencooking , wedneday july 1 - Monday, June 22 workshops. Experience satisfying v w t a n a n annual SciSoc Field Day. ~ a ~ b a l l UW Arts Centre Gallery - David Sivercookina-bv -tonaue. . . tummv and mind. Tastv First tournament. tug.o.war, relay races and other berg, an exhibition of over 60 ~oloureden;"kculum, live demonstrations, good fun games. Refreshrnentsavaikble. Comeand gravlngs by this noted Montreal graphic artist. ~. psych and free recipies. F ~ 6 ~: p.m. support your class and have a good time. 11:W Admiss~onis free. Gallery Hours: Monday I nunor. Rnnm. - -..+- . .- -.... 3W5. . a.m. - 230 p.m. Columbi Field. Fnday 9 00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Closed Sundays C h e ~Club. s 7:00 p.m. CC 113. during the summer. Showng until July 31. Free Outdoor Concert on the Village Green Th%)iunger Project 7:30 with Richard Sesuin and former members of Concerned about health issues? Read this HH 227. Harmonium. 2 : h p.m. BBQ and refreshbefore and forgot? Call Health Hotline and ments. When I asked what they'dcost, Denise register ~deasand opinions about health Cinema Gratis presenpLiesMy FatherTold said,"Wegottamakemoney!"...hmm. Incase Me. 9 3 p.m. Campus Centre Great Hall. related matters. We want to know how you of ram, in the Humanihes Theatre. No feel. Phone: 884-3534; 884-3530. Lines open - Thursday,June 25 9:00a.rn.-4:00p.m.Thurs.,Fri;9:00a.m.barbecue there. Brought to you by your UW Arts Centre Gallery - See Monday. Federation of Students. 8:W p.m. Tues. and Wed.
~ ? $ ~ . ~ f " $ $ $7~ ~ ,,,&-
- -
Friday, June 19 1981;Volume 4, Number 4; University of Waterloo, Waterloo Ontario
: The aIuuil
free 0~itdoOr copcert .feattiritig:
A university-holiday! Cdme spend _- it -with tis 1 BBQ\ - ” - , .refreshment-s - sqn atid ce1elm&on \ - Village Green ’ In case of rain, show will be held in the Humanities
.. i-
._ . The ska-reggaestiash’succ~~s imported ffoti the British isles I
“We’re madder than Madness - our w-holeshow is straight energy!” *.. $2.00 Fee payingFe& $3.00 Others _
Mon. Tues. Wed. 1o:oo i 1:3oi Legal Resource Centre CC 150 -Check for hours 885-0840 24hr
‘D $atio onto the BombshelterPub? Students,
-centre 235
Thee Record _
This summer we are buying large quantities of deletes (records t out of print, over-runs; still in print records at discount prices), and. American cut-outs and over-run records. Many times American records we sell to feds at $4.9 1 or less are still available _ at full p-rice in Canada. ’ Remember Picture Disks originally available for $iO-$18 we now have limited quantities at $4.44 f% feds. ’ MAXELL, check ourprices. Buy 3 UD Blank Tapes BASFMAXELL 90 *min. at $15.73 (Feds $14.73) and receive a free plastic case that holds 12 tapes. Many other deals available.
“Where Students HELP Studbnts”
1 , ,;I Send to: Federation’of
Waterloo Motor Inn h
Birth Control’ Centre 2 cc206
Mon. Tues.. Thurs. Fri. 9:30 - 12:45 and 2:00 - 5:00 ,
Professional status could be as little as two years away for computer scientists I if the Accreditation Council for Computing in Canada meets its goals. A panel discussion at last week’s Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS) conference revealed the growing need for thecertification of Computer Science Graduates. Certification would be given to graduates specializing in hardware, software, scientific applications, business applications and those holding a general computer science degree. Before the certification program can begin, Canadian Universities teaching Computer Science programs will have to be accredited by the Council in order to ensure high standards and maintain natiori wide curriculum uniformity. The need for certification has been most widely expressed by employers in industry and business as high standards are being expected of graduates. At present there is no way of comparing those who graduate from similar Computer Science programs across Canada. The Accreditation Council was formed by CIPS in 1979 and since then has madei surveys of the Computer Science courses taught in Canada. It has also surveyed the expectations of employers
and developed an outline for the accreditation process. The Council’s present task involves getting Universities to voluntarily participate in the program so that a plausible working proposal can be presented to the Federal Government. - Once presented it is ex-
ence as a profession much the same way that engineers and architects are now legislated; Benefits> from accreditation
other, review their facilities and hopefully attract more students. Students could compare universities in order to decide which one they wanted enrollment in. They would also have more confidence in the quality of education they were receiving. And employers would get some guarantees as to the competency of the graduates they were hiring. The COUnCil iS comprised Of members rePresenting industry (3), government (I), and the University community (3). Problems that the Council has faced so far include detiding on what must be tested for accreditinguniversities and certifying graduates, and how to produce a professional code of ethics. Peter Saracino
L-.---d.. A---.. Demonstrated at the CIPS (Canadian Information Processing Society) is the Plato system. Developed and marketed by Control Data Corporation, Plato is an in depth attempt at computer assisted education. It featuresan excellent graphicsdisplay known for its high resolution. Photo by Hans van der Molen
Committee Many students simply seem to be confused by the recent survey being distributed by the AdivSOry
The survey distributed by mail to the entire campus population and published in the Imprint of June 5 has left people wondering if it will be their only chance to vote on additions to the Universities athletic facilites. Chairman
just asking
for opinions
Another confusing aspect of issued in February (1982), if the survey is the absence of any the Student Federation goes along with it,” and if the accommodation for those somewhat vague. “All we are people who desire no change method of funding the adtrying to do,” he says, “is get a from the present facilities. Of ditions does indeed include general direction so that we the surveys that have already direct student support. can come up with- a concrete The next meeting of the been returned there is evidence proposal. And if that proposal Committee is to be that some people have been Advisory is such that students are going. - writing in their ’ ‘ o’ wishes held as soon as the survey to be asked to pay for some according to Ro l&f rtson. And results are in and tabulated. part of it, then we will have to he states that those opinions . Any person or group wishing have referendum. That’s what will become part of the to address the issue of the we are shooting for isanactual Committee’s final report. referendum or of the expanreferendum. But we don’t Robertson expects that the sion plans should call Pat know what to put on the final report will, “include a Robertson at ext. 3323. referendum right now.” referendum statement to be Peter Saracino
mittee, Pat Robertson, admits be that the survey may
Engsoc sexiSm,is on the way out? ’ d
With the topic of Engineering sexism on many decided to speak with the President of Engineering the Engineers’perceptions of themselves. The following interview is an edited version of made to preserve thr context and essence of what
peopleS minds across campus, Imprint Society ‘A : Don Heath in order tofindout what took place. was said.
Every attempt
has been
Imprint (I): How do you respond to the accusation that Engineers as a group are sexist? Take into account such things as the game Cobra (where one attempts to bite a female’s buttocks and live to tell about it), the Ridgid Tool, Welcome Back Stags and Enginews. Don Heath (DH): You can’t say Engineer equals sexist. That’s like saying woman equals emotional. It’s a terrible thing to do basically. However, you could say; does this group of engineers or do our activities reflect sexism. There are ways to phrase it so that you avoid sterotyping. I would say that there are a number ofactivities that do reflect sexism. I don’t think that they are bad or horrible because of that. I think that things arechanging. You’ve got to realize that over here (in Engineering) we have finally got up to the point where it is about 8% womenand a lot of the traditional activities were built up back in the days when you’d see only ten women in the program. It’s very hard to change such traditions even if you do feel that they are necessary. Some of them you wouldn’t. The Ridgid Tool is thirteen years old. As for it being sexist the first time I heard about it was in Greg Michelenko’s letter to the Gazette. Like, that is the company’s brand name, Ridgid. I never really thought anything of it. There are other issues we can discuss with a bit more sensibility. Welcome Back Stags (WBS). You certainly can’t say that’s not sexist. You also certainly cannot say that that is our most important activity. I doubt very much that you can make everything non-sexist. There are certain institutions that always will be. I think it is very important that you strike a balance. There is a market for a WBS. People are interested in that. They are not necessarily sexist people although they perhaps have been brought up in a certain way that allows them to appreciate that form of entertainment. It doesn’t reflect on their behaviour at any other time. That just happens to appeal to them. Some people like horror movies. When I mention balance, for example, we have another event that would appeal more to the women. It’s what we call “Femme-Eng Night.” And it is not the same sort of entertainment by any means, but it is getting the women together to discuss something of interest to them. In fact the whole problem of sexism is often discussed there. The women here (in Engineering) have a very strong voice. In fact you’ll notice most often on the Engineering Society executimhere will be a higher percentage of women than there are within the student body. So they tend to exert quitea bit ofinfluence when they get together on an issue. The Society is forced to listen to that. You wouldn’t believe how much stuff the Engineering Society does. Unfortunately the visible ones happen to be the sexist ones. They are more entertaining to hear about. Youdon’t want to hear about what we are doing in professional development. The-game Cobra I believe for the longest time was fictitious. It does exist, and was started here by two girls. They were in a fourth year class and I’ve heard conflicting reports that they were either in Systems Design or Civil. With them it was a joke. Everything was fine. Heather
Robertson (former Federation presidential candidate).got hold of it and it just blew up. Things like that get me very upset, not because I feel attacked-by it, but because I think it clouds the issue. You could probably find some real examples of sexism if you looked. The game of Cobra was ridiculous and by making that seem like the issue the people who are trying to do something constructive about sexism are losing since peoples attitudes towards the whole issue are becoming hardened. The one charge (against Enginews) that we might as well set straight right now is that there is no racism there. There was; 1974 maybe, but- it was quite a ways back. The Editor and everybody on staff knows that no racism will get in now if they want to keep distributing on campus. Sexism; there is still no good definition on it and so it is very difficult to decide whether or not an article is sexist or not. I: But is not a photograph easier to judge? DH: IS it sexist though, to print pictures of a WBS? It is not going to appeal to women necessarily - unless it is a really funny picture. But I’d say by and large it is not going to be for that audience. It is something that is going to be interesting to the males. Which I don’t think is such a bad thing. I: There are different ways of portraying sex and obviously some of them are more degrading than others. DH: Right. When you run into something like Enginews you are going to offend some of the people all of the time and all ofthe people some of the time. You sort of have to watch it change. It’is changing, I’ve noticed over time. Every once in a while it does suffer from a relapse. Then if you saw the Waterloo Sun last term it was very funny. There was a lot of crude stuff. There was a lot of sex related jokes. There was some sexism, but a lot less. That is what the current staff of Enginews is trying to do - put out a funny newspaper. Being funny is difficult. , Being crudeis easy, because there is still a lot of crude material floating around, and it iseasily available. ‘$ If you don’t like it (Enginews) I saychange it. The opportunity is available. It is not a clique of people that you can’t penetrate to do something about. You can get inand submit stuff. And if they get inundated with funny material from anywhere on campus; it doesn’t have to be from Engineering, and if it is a good joke it will get printed. I: As a tradition Engineers coming into first year are surrounded by these events that we’ve been discussing. It seems that sexism is part of the status quo; almost something that is expected of everyone. Where does the motivation to change all of this come from? Da: The motivation to change is coming from society as a whole, which itself has been sexist for a long time. It is changing. There is a new awareness that a lot of institutions are sexist and this must change. That is slowly coming about and is being reflected here. People who want Engineers to change should start working on them individually and not antagdnize them so you don’t alienate yourself from them. Engineers are still very reasonable people. I: You are going to admit though that there are sexist elements in Engineering. DH: I can’t deny that t.here are sexist elements in some of the activities. I would argue about the magnitude and importance of some of them. And I would battle anyone who concluded that Engineers are bad because of it. Peter Saracino
June 19,198l. l
4 -
It’s 493 . . . there’s no one in the place - except my machine and me. . . I mean, of course, 4:43&m; ~dIshouldn’tsa;yquite‘noone’since~~risaoblissArUyasleeponthecouchthat hardlycoun~ esmakingasolidimpactontheworld. Solettheflrst statement stand Earlier thisweek,though,therewereseveralpeople~. ..El’aserSimpsoninfsctwssbya couple of timea to check on his crosswordwhich I just finishedand Annawas here two nights ego (last night, subjective time) and did ZORDS of typesetting, which helpedalot... Hans van der Molen’s shots are going to save page 3, and the shots Alan Angold developed have alreak$y saved the arse of vihoever took ‘em and couldn’t develop ‘em.IwanttosaythcurksandatipofthehattoPaulMoserw~gets~~~forthefLrst timethieweek;andtoJohnMcMullenwhoisnostrangertotheses~~(ah!thesmellof hot wax on a hot night, watt?bing the fly di6 88 it fails to escape the turgid embr&x of the emulsion.. . simplepleasure8)pegesbutwhoflippedint.o doareviewofRuddigore,which nowIthinkI’llsee...WhoisChrisMatthews?Idon’tthinkI’vemethyetbuthe,tooisa newcomer to these pages. Stand by for hello. Hello! (Sorry. . . I get a little 1’1 I ! I I IV C’ I the fonts at this time of night. Won’t happenagajn) Cathy McBride droppedby and helpedw eat Chinese foodwlththe rest of the crowd - Michael Longfleldwes hereforthat,too.And w~twouldsportsbewi~~TamrrUHorne?IZltellyouCharts.A~,horribrevolting stifling, frustrating expurgam unprintable and cem3oredcharts. (Intramural results, don’t ‘cha know. There are about four really rottenjobs oftypesetting onthe Imprint and Intramural scorea are all ofthem.. .) Well.Hnoughofthisgqybanter . ..Thereadoutonthe maohineseysI’qiaboutoutofroom,whichmeansIcanonlycongratulat&c&tonanotlqer financially successfblwwk of publication, bless sylvia for the mqy helps she’s giventhis week to me, and tell Peter (still in dreamland, over there) that “the weather’s lousy, the food~aewPulandthebeaches~erowded.VPISHYOUWEREHERE!“asthepostcardsa3rs. \ J.W.B. Cover photo by Peter Saracino
in a group of Canadian kt first one is tempted to -citizens. Their solutions to the la_ugh at this demented sect of ills of our society and other our society but at a second societies in the world is to glance one must be alarmed at the Communist content which “smash”them into silence. While their concern for the ’ To the Editor is “repqrted” in the Chevron. oppressed minorities of CanI recently read a most The People’s Front Against ada is admirable one must disturbing piece of/journalism Racist and Fascist Vioience is in the paper which is “in the supported by the Communist , ‘consider the method that the Party of Canada and the ’ wor,kers from the Chevron are defense of the basic interestspf spouting. Their method for a . Chevron and preaches “comthe students”. The Chevroa, man like President Reagan is known for theincredible nonbatting reactionary violence to “denounce the “gangster” biased reporting that several with revolutionary violence”. workers’manage to dream up They also advocate that racists and “embarass the U.S. and fascists, shjould not have imperialists”.‘ What. they did in their’most insane moments, was to engage fhe anger and has written an article about the “right to oi-ganize and disgust of a nation who saw racism and fascism. (The speak”. Given in the article is numerous examples of the through the facade of the Chevron, Thuisday June 4, concerned group to the demented paranoia that exists 1981, page 3) ’ oppressed minorities. The nation saw them as a bunch of militant fools dedicated to the disruption and destruction of a democratic nation. It is these -_ - same Communists who cairy s- by h-as& Sirnpkn .out “helpful” acts like the invasion of Afghanistan, Poland, the beloved Albania, and the helping of %he criminals, of the IRA and the P.L.O. While they fight for the rights of some who are unjustly attacked by bigots (KKK) ,they also l+el the police as the “state polic!@’ who are there to protect thos(e very people. The mislead, misinformed, misplaced, and maladjusted lot of the Chevron openly participate - in the “reactionary violence” that they themselves accuse the “state police” of doing. The disgraceful example of the protest for the three East Indian workers serves to show the public of the utter disregard of the law tha,t these Chevron fanatics have. They will go to any lengths to, spout their Communist propaganda to the public. The Chevron staffers should be thankful 1. A person on a diet is speedier. (6) that the Canadian system 4. New Arts leader. (4) i allows that kind of trash to 8. He’s consulted about currentaffairs-;/( 11) litter the campus and the 9. Find out through the grapgcine he has a right. (4) streets of Waterloo. In other 10. Eject piano Muse, perhaps. (5) countries under the Com12. You might put up with it along the way. (5) munist Frrn of oppression and ’ 14. She will short cut Jb-anne. (4) death any anti-government 16. The assumption from a place at the dinnertable?( 11) comments are snuffed out be a t 17. Mediocre call for help gets nothing. (2-2) gun or prison. When will the 18. Tricks for street nuts, in a way. (6)
I’d.laugh but this dementia could be dangerous ~-..
freedom-loving, law-abiding part of our society react against this infiltration of Commuist propaganda and send them back to where they belong? Canada, unlike those othennations, has developed a set of lawa to protect the people an-s not need a “revolutiotiary” group like the Fhevr6n staffers to take the law -into their own hands and mete out justice according to their insane ideals. Dave Roebuck 2BHKLS
Not against Arts, but what goes,when chips-are down?
Dead is dead; morals are forall Last week, the Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS) ran a three day conference on the campus of UW. One of its sessions dealt witha topic that is ‘hot’in many professiolis today -Ethicsland Professionalism. Out of that particular session arvse two very important questions: “Why should only certain segments of the labour force (i.e. engineers and not bus ’ drivers) codify ‘a set of moral principles for ethical standards?’ and “Is it fair for the populace at large to expect a higher degree of honesty from these certain segments?” . Let’s tackle the first question first. The argument has been made in the past that it is necessary ‘for professionals such as. $ngineers and ’ doctoi-s to have greater moral aspiratlohs, since their work deals most directly with peoples lives. But, is it not tilso true that a bus driver or an elevator repairman can kill by negligence ,as well. And these two trades havt: no professional associations to scrutinize members and ensure meticulous care. Question two. An example used by the CIPS conference seems to exemplify the problem of double standards best. Should a computer programmer used a computer to steal funds the crime would be labelled a “compufer theft” and equal emphasis would be placed on both the noun and the adjective. Yet transposing the theft to a typist does not make the crime a “typewriter thsft”. It stays a simple, straightforwhrd offense. Why then should we bother to differentiate between types of theft (or types of murder, extortion, invasion of privacy, etc)? The a&wer is simple: we shouldn’t. Perhaps people should stop expecting more from , others than they themselves are willing to give. Face it; a crime is a crime is a crime. And if it is wrong for a doctor to be negligent then it is also wrong for teachers, plumbers, secretaries, you and me. And the wrongdoers should be castigated in equal measure by all members of society. Peter Saracino *
Dear Editor I was surprised to see that no one responded to your editorial entitled “Are philosophy and languages really obsolete?” in the May 22 issue of Imprint. In it you _took exception to a comment by Dean McLaughlin of Engineering concerning reducing support for “non-productive”programs (eg. philosophy) in _ favour of the m-ore “productive” programs. It seems to me that by condemning Dean McLaughlin’s statements you are missing the point of the problem.‘ He is not declaring any programs obsolete. He is illustrating a ramification of the ’ sad state of university funding in Ontario and that funding is the prob!em. I am sure Dean McLaughlin is not against Arts programs. That was not his statement. What is being suggested is that Waterloo seems to be stuck education on which it is best with insufficient funding to for us to concentrate our adequately support all of its available, resources? Other programs and, given that the universities are faced with the government refuses to insame choices and some of crease the level of funding, the them will choose to emphasize university must determine those programs we are forced how to best uge the funds to deemphasize. At Waterloo available. Is it better to allow our “core” programs are those all of our programs to slip into in engineering, math and mediocrity due to a lack of science. #Although our othei government support or should programs are of high quality, it we have the courage to decide seemsthat the government is upon the aspects of university forcing us to cut or, at least
reduce, our offerings in some areas. .It may be necessary for us to concentrate only on our core programs. I personally do not like this answer. I believe that ensuring high quality university education and research should be a top priority for a forward looking govqnment. I also believe that students should be exposed to a wide variety of knowledge while at university.
Down1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 11. 13. 14. 15.
.Fly or run, we hear. (4) Mbdels brands of sound sistems? (11) Submit note with rent mix-up. (5) A letter is included in the re-enactment for excitemyent.111) P Cross-country ski? (6) Love before first sight. (4j Pursues each ship, perhaps. (6) He lives in pride. (4) Familiar places to go for a marijuana cigarette? (5) The burden is ours, it-seems. (4)
Answers r
to last week%:
’ ,l. Sobs 13. Aticord 8. Ron 9. Leeward 10. Spare parts 13. Ringfinger 15. Ovation 17. Own 18. Months 19. Stye, Dpwn: 1. Stress - 2. Bengali 4. Cremations 5. Ova 6. Dodo 7. Old English 11. Tugboat 12. France 14. Form 16. A’nn Congratulations to a fellow Computer Science person, Tom Cargill, for bein’s, first in with last issue’s‘ corrhct solution.
Personal PaFt Masters Club, only 4 The Genius. Box 6427, St&on A Toronto, Ontario M5A 1E3 Feisty Male Physics Student wishes tq meet same for discrete ’ encounters. Call .Tonv van Dalen at 884-5327." . \
For Sale
Any photographs taken by Imprint photographers and appearing in the Imprint may be purchased from the
paper. Contact partment. Four 8x10 print.
photo dollars
Services Fiench tutoring is available to you at reasonable rates. Simply phone 7>4-2034 on any day after 5:30p.m.
25 years experEssays, Resumbs, etc,; No math papers; reasonable ,rates; Westmount area. Call 743-3342.
Typist. ience. Theses,
IBM Selectric typewriter. Fa,st and accurate typing. Reasonable rates - 658 per page. Will pick-up and deliver to campus. Mrs. Hull 579-0943.
Disk Jockey
A. B. C. Disk Jockey Services. Add a professional touch, to your party, banquet, wedding &rec”eption! You want good music, in all styles and tastes; we have it. Call Paul on campus at ext. 3869 or residence 886-8492.
our students or our country? Dean McLaughlin is not to be condemned for his statements. Instead, we should use them to try again to show a shortsighted- government the damage they are doing. If the government refuses to see what is necessary, we as a university are going to have to make some tough decisions. All of US must begin to think about them now, because thev won’t be easy or nice but the; will be necessary. Donald Heath 3A Systems Design Engineering Senator, UW
I UW grads increasing Referendum day is July 8 for all full members of the. Graduate Club. c All grads are being asked to give a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response to the following statements: 1) “I am in agreement with the proposed expansion of the Graduate House, to increase its capacity and facilities.“2)“1 agree that the Graduate Club membership fee remains compulsory until the loan taken to finance the proposed expansion is repaid.” 3) “I agree to a Graduate Club membership fee increase of $2.50 per term, effective January I’, 1982.” Ballots for the referendum are to be distributed and ‘returned by mail.
The Money
Cam&s Question
will soon vote on J size of Grad House Any full-time grad student who has not received a ballot by June 22 should go to the Grad House office on a weekday between noon and 3:30 pm, and bring their I.D. card with them.
23 elect
A discussion dum statements at the General June 23 at 8:00 and Computer
Fraser Simpson and Sean Mullarkey are now the cooperative Math representatives to the Federation with twelve and ten votes respectively. One ballot was spoiled.
of the referenwill take place Meeting on pm in the Math building, room
2065. Peter Saracino
Only twenty-three voters, turned out to elect representatives to Math’s two vacant Student Council seats in the June 11 by-election.
Now that Ronald&.&n, the’Pope and the Queen ofEngland have all had attempts made on their lives, who do you think will be the next target? by Cathy.McBr%&j 6 Peter Saracim
Originally Mullarkey had his number of votes matched by another candidate, Rob Coulthard.~ The runoff ballot which should have taken place between the two was avoided when Coulthard withdrew his candidacy. The other 1,087 Math students who were eligible to vote in the by-election did not. Peter Saracino
Pa%Rasm~en EarthSciences
MarkDWabriel 8BlUath 2
Cheaplothes Unless you’re a nudist, clothing is a necessary fact of life. Unfortunately, it can also be a depressing fact of life. Luckily, the Kitchener-Waterloo area is full of moneysaving factory outlets that offer clothing at fantastic prices. The Goodwill Thrift Shop on King Street in downtown Kitchener offers the best bargains in clothing that you will find anywhere in the city! The stock includes skirts, pants; blouses, sweaters and an interesting assortment of jeans. The only drawback to all of this is the fact that you will probably have to sort through piles of polyester to find just what you are looking for. Need a wedding gown? You’ll probably find it here. The staff is friendly and helpful, so don’t pass this store up* The Salvation Army store on King Street in Waterloo offers much the same fare as the Goodwill store. However, the stock is more limited due in part to less space in the store. Ifyou’re into that ‘avant-garde’ ’ look, these two stores are for you. Kitchener-Waterloo has an abundance of factory outlets where clothing bargains abound. The Forsythe Factory Outlet Store at 31 Young Street in Kitchener (7434343) holds a clothing sale every Saturday morning from 7:30 until 11:30. The outlet offers blouses, scarves, ties, sweaters and a wide variety of men’s shirts at reasonable prices. Most of the offerings are factory seconds. The wise, ‘bargain hunter should examine all purchases carefully ‘before making the decision to buy. Crowds are heavy every week (especially-as Christmas approaches) so be sure to get there early! Arrow Shirts at 112 Benton Street in Kitchener(743-5561) offers much the &me fare as Forsyth. Like Forsythe, the stock consists of factory seconds. Yet the many flaws in the merchandise are often more obvious in the Arrow offerings. If you’re willing to spend some extra time examining the merchandise, you’re sure to leave with some
fantastic bargains. As at Weber Street West). J and S almost any outlet, crowds are a offers clothing ranging from problem, so arrive early. the blaise to the bizarre. The Great T-shirts and dresses clothing prices vary from ’ are available at the Tiger fantastic to average. Best buys Brand Knitting Company usually include jeans, which start at $10 per pair and cords, located at 35 Water Street South in Cambridge (62 lwhich start at-$8 per pair. 5722). While the trip to this Len’s Mill Store( 130 Moore Avenue at the corner of Union outlet is somewhat lengthy, the results can make the trip in Waterloo, 743-4672) and worthwhile. Along witha wide Bargain Harold’s (in the variety of T-shirts, the outlet Frederick Street Plaza, Kit-’ also offeF good quality socks chener) both offer clothing and briefs at bargain prices. values. The merchandise One disadvantage of this carried by both stores is outlet is that prices are not similar in quality and value. clearly marked. \ While both tend to specialize The Penman Factory Outin the polyester and stretch let at 18 Charles Street West pant looks, we find that near Gaukel (744-5561) is a underwear and cotton blouses good source ofjogging outfits, - are a reasonable buy at both pajamas, underwear of all stores. varieties, and socks. Quality One final note: While the varies and so do the prices, so K.W. area is chock full of keep your eyes out for major factory outlets, it is also the defects. victim of numerous outlet Depending on what store imposters. Not every suphas recently gone bankrupt, posed outlet is the real thing. great clothing bargains are Let the bargain hunter available at J and S Liquidbeware! The price usually tells ators (743-3821). Located at the true story. 135 Breithaupt Street (at Don and Julie Lynne Joyce
I hope
IdaBarker, G)TaBRetrieving is 0~ most sincere wish-&& Morris the Cat be terminated with e2ctrenie prejudice.
no tine else in thisworld
should ever suffer $%om attempted assassination. Unfortunately, the cxyies in this worldbelieve that fhis is a legitimake way to publictie their cause. They axe wrong.
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actor. Good tenor: Noticed a couple of things about G.ilbert and Sullivan operetta, maybe it applies to all of them. The director didn’t take advantage of all the jokes written into the script; maybe it was the audienck’s fault, or maybe it was just me, but I f&t they could have been drawn out slightly better. A quiCk Inspector Clouseau imitation in the second act brought many laughs, so maybe that made up for i$Maybe. I don’t know. It’s a problem ‘with really ol‘d jokes, especially things that have passed into folklore (I mean, the villain says;“Foiled!” Really,,now.)
2:35 p.m.: the phone rings. I a~ deeply into my freqkwheel clusters which does not leave much room for discussioti. Zset the parts of my -bicycle dowri and answer the phone. It is Syluia, of Imprint. I snap a quick yitty answer. “Hello.” “‘1s John- there?” -, ’ “Speaking. ” Leauing out the dull bits it transpiied that the chap who was going to r&view Ruddigore was ill, and someone had heard of my desire to see the show. “Can you do it?” ’ “Sirre. You bet.” “Thanki. We redly need this.” I didn’t say anything, just hung up. Ruddigore, hmm? Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, originally called Ruddy Gore, <but that shocked Victorian audiences (s’ee& as how it was written for Q.ueen V&k her-sew). Beyond this, Idon’t know. Iglancedat my watch. The entire conversation had taken less fhan five minutes. Was there time to go down to fhe library and research this show, time to be cotipeten t when lreuiewed it, time fo get a date? ,A definitive no to all three questions.Arranged for a lift to the Humanities Theatre. Details are still sketchy, but you’ve got to be able to wait in this business. The overture star;ted at 8:07 p.m. The program n&es say, c<. . . a new overture had to be written - because Sullivan’s overture contained themes from several songs that had been~ omi’tted.” This was the show’s revival in 1922-23. But enough of the dry historical details. The show. had begun.
Invites you to enjoy their fine entertainment
Ellipsis. ‘My eyes, always, open for violence, no?ice the desperate need for a choreographei. The program reads, “Dance Arrangemeats bg: Jillian Officer”, but I saw one girl get slapped in the face during the first act. There are other clues: peopte just swaying, not sure. of what they should be doing, clumsy halfmotions, non-directed action. Very noticeable, to me at least. This also came up in the second act, in the ‘I was once a very abandoned per-son’ dance. .The lines were lovely; the dance didn’t quite fit. I kept my eyes open for other signs of disquiet, other hints of clumsiness. A few muffed lines, nothing serious, and the actors recovered quickly. Clearly this wasn’t‘the right line of investigation. But what of the actors themselves? Althougheach of the principals gets a chance to stand out, not all of them do. Worth mentioning, but some
New ba .ndi is .harder, tighter
were, some were. For instance - I singled out Donnalee Wakenhut as Mad Margaret, a poor mad thing; Alex Mustakas as Sir Despard\
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( Rock is an unforgiving profession. There is no such thing as a temporary hiatus from the limelight. Stars who fade out usually stay. that way. Unless of course you happen to be John Kay and the band Steppenwolf. Steppenwolf’s performance this- past Tuesday in The Centre in the Square can dnly be considered a milestone in the group’s road back to widespread success and .acceptante. The new Skppenwolf is leaner. harder and much. Murgatroyd (a wcked baronet much,&ghter than the 1960’; - clever questioning showed version@ver was. Lead guitarthat he had previously shone ist Michael Palmer takes Kay’s as an executioner in The blues oriented rhythms and Mikado and as palace tor- _ -lays over them -some very turer in Yeoman of the precise and commendable Guards); Nancy .Hiebert as guitar networks in an almost Rose Maybud; she sang so Nugentian (Ted) fashion. well. And then, Wayne BerDrummer, Steven Palmer wick, who was exceptional as B (Michael’s brother), should be Richard Dauntless. Almost nicknamed ‘Rolling Thunder’. stole the show. I’d be careful of His backbeat is an unceasing that one in future. and exasperating event. PalAnd yet . . . Peter Black had mer’s exertions can probably ‘captured my heart as the shy be considered as the driving Robin - Oakapple,. during his force behind the newsteppenexceedingly shy and modest wolf sound. period. I was not so imIf there is a weak spot in the pressed later, when he was re- new lineup it is the backing vealed as the ruthless Sir- vocals provided by Chad Ruthben Murgatroyd, but it Peery, the bassist, and Brett was a nice beginning. Bad Tuggle, the keyboard player.
Orbison Diningroom, Four Bedrooms, Mudroom, Country-Size Kitchen, Main Floor Den , Cozy “Tudor” Recreation Room, Natural Fireplace In ‘Livingroom MLS lY-289 CALL JANET YOUNG at , ,’ 743-8201 or 5760815 c/o THE PERMANENT TRUST REALTOR w
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Overall, John Kerr took the right road. Historical humour is really a rough thing to deal with; I wouldn’t want to try it: He did better with the second act; more laughs. But I’m not sure if Gilbert and Sullivan devotees care. They’re here for, the songs and they already know the songs. For the rest of us, it ,was a fun evening. 11:02 p.m.: left theatre. Felt good. Really good. Ruddigore, or the witch’s curse plays until Saturday night at the HumanitieL Theatre;-John McMullen
\ can still 1
AZI%at in the Centre waiting for the start of the Roy Orbison concert, I read in the programme that. he had undergone major heart surgery in 1977. I wondered if hi’s personal hardships and _themany nights of performing had altered ?-he Voice. From the .first bars of Onlythe Lonely to the triple-encore of Running Scared my fears were put _ to rest. Orbisondidn’t have to strain, even on the great tune Crying, which sent shivers up my spine with his rich, powerful _crooning. He was called upon to repeat the ,last chorus of that love song, and he did so graciously. Orbison is the last of the influential Memphis r/at kers of the Fifties who still plays his original compositions with much care and emotion. Using little introduction (most of his songs don’t need any), he played all of his greatest hits.
Both have an irqitating tendency to sing about an octave too high. The result is an unfortunate tinny sound that needlessly detracts from John Kays lead singing. About the Derformance. John G& strongest forte has always been his distinct, ively jagged voice singing bluesy rock tunes with lyrics th& portray our sordid earth.’ Luckily for the audience his penchant is still for doing just that. The concert opened with a shortene4 almost heavy metal rendition of the vintage ’ hit Rock Me; the early Steppenwolf hit that was written for the infamous film Candy (for those who can or care to remember). Not one to sit back and live on his laurels Kay quickly moved into a series of newly written works, including the excellent Five Finger. Discountbeaning obvious) and Every Man for Himself, a possible lament to the present state of human affairs. Running from song to song Kay came to perform Moue Over, another Steppenwolf oldie that best typifies the band’s return to the stage and some of what the ’60s generation tried to stand for.
Yesterday’sglory won’t help us today. You wanf toretire,moueout of the way. Born to be Wild, the most
popular Stecpenwolf hit, ever, ended the set and succeeded During Ooby Dooby, (his in drawing the greatest first record single), Orbison amount of audience attention demonstrated his ability to for the evening. It also got the bands hardest efforts. play lead guitar. ‘The six-piece band provided solid backtip Bravisimo! throughout the set, but were. An exhausted Stepperiwolf returned to the stage for a one very clearly in the backsong encore. And with it the ground. A middle-aged crowd refans got the smash hit that sp9nded enthusiastically to many-had been waiting’for all the show. Although Orbison evenirig - The Pusher. Some things definitely do played only slightly over an! get better with age. hour, the patrons seemed thoroughly thordughly satWhy should you care about isfied. a concert that has already gone by? Unless you have Bill Vader, a comedian plans for picking up tickets to based in Los Angeles4 opened the evening with an amusing one of Steppenwolf’s other monologue (local jokes in- concerts in Ontario there is only one reason. eluded). ,Inevitably, placing Rdy OrA live album of mostly new bison’s magic in the spacious songs is presently available in and , adoustically perfect -Europe I only. If a North American label can be found Centre in the Square guaranteed one a night to remember. the disc should soon be in the When Orbison reti& from record stores here. performing, a great eraof rock My hands perspire in anticipation. n’ roll music will be lost. Peter Saracino Paul Moser
_ . *
predictable film. While the film’s plot is unusual, it will not surprise any dedicated Cheech and Chong fans. TWOdrug dealers, using a delapidated ice cream truck as a cover attempt to achieve Unforfinancial success. tunately, these dealers are being followed by an incompetent anti-drug squad, known as Narcothon. Add naked woman, dirty words, and a large helping of drugs and obligatory sight gags and you have a typical Cheech and Chong film. The comedy team has borrowed heavily from the slapstick tradition that made The Three Stoogesand Laurel and Hardy famous. The unexpected quickly becomes commonplace when weights threaten to strangulate Cheech, pigeons turn
easily fit into a Laurel and Hardy film festival. The film plays upon the subliminal desire that exists in almost all of us, to experience a world of reckless irresponsibility. In this same way, the film is unpretentious. It is not a film with a message. Instead, it is an old-fashioned happily endiog movie. In their third cinematic effort, Cheech and Chong have not tried anything new. Instead, they have offered a rehash of their old theme: good clean drug culture fun. Qld characters reappear (remember Sergeant Stedanko), along with old routines.
round. Simply Cheech and love
put, if you like Chong, you’ll OYC
It is rare these days to find a film that combines adventure, suspense, romance, comedy and horror into a two hour package of entertainment. George Lucas has accomplished this and more with
It is a classic escapism movie in which the hero rescues the heroine, from the villains; and at the same time saves the world from destruction. Harrison Ford is the hero. He plays Indiana (Indy) Jones, an archeologist, who searches the world for lost treasures when he isn’t teaching at university. Indy Jones is portrayed as a superman. While teaching his classes, he is a mild-mannered university professor. But when he is out in the field, he becomes Super Archeologist. Faster than a speeding boulder, more powerful than an Arab swordsman, and able to leap deep chasms in a single bound! The heroine, Marion Ravenwood, is played by Karen Allen. Marion is an old
it was the seemingly
girlfriend of Indy and she holds the key to the whereabouts of the lost Ark. The villains in the film are the Nazis. Paul Freeman plays the French archeologist, Belloq, who has been hired by the Nazis to find the lost Ark. Harrison Ford, Karen Allen and Paul Freeman all do excellent jobs in their roles of hero, heroine and viilain. The lost Ark is the legendary Ark of the Covenant, which holds the original Ten Commandments as delivered to Moses by God. The legend goes that any army that marches with the Ark is invincible. Hitlerand the Nazis want the power of the Ark. The U. S. government, although skeptical about this legend, decides it might not be too good if3he Nazis had this power, so they hire Indy Jones to recover it for’them. The result is for you to see. The movie ends with some very interesting special effects and religious overtones when the Ark is opened for the first time.
Horror movie fams will find a spattering of hairy tarantulas, thousands of poisonous snakes, and some dead and decomposing bodies. There are car chases and car crashes, exploding airplanes and submarines. The photography and picture quality is very good. The music, while not likely to reach the top ten, definitely adds to the movie. Though not full on opening night, the theatres’ situation should change soon since the movie is far better than the previews or ads depict it. The audience seemed to
seriously. It is a movie for pure enjoyment and offers an escape from reality and midterms where good guys win aiders of the Lost Ark is playing at the Fairview in Kitchener. Chris Matthews
. successful movies like rooks was able to f slapstick and fresh cohesive and satirical ed beginning, conflict
and Chongin
their latest film,
The Canadian film industry is alive and well and living in thtic City. Louis Malles late cinematic effort, Atlantic ty, is an intriguing and offb look at the narcistic culture of the seventies. The film, a joint Canadian-French venture,isa y stars Burt Susan Sarandon as two second-rate survivors hoping to grab a piece of the cities new prosperity. Lancaster plays an ageing gangster whose faded -memories are the mainstay of his daily existence. His greatest claim to fame is that the once spent twenty minutes in a jail cell with Bugsy Seigal. Susan Sarandon portrays a young oyster shucker at one of Atlantic City’s new casinos. Rather than dwelling on her past in Saskatchewan, she
revels in her dreams of dealing blackjack at a casino in Monaco. Through an unusual string of incidents these two characters become lovers. However if it seems bizarre to picture a seventy year old man and a twenty five year old woman becoming lovers, don’t fret, theeventsof the film take many stranger turns. Two fine Canadian actresses contribute to the movies Hollis winning formula. McLaren plays a permanently mellow drifter. Finding surviva1 easier in a world of half truths, she refuses to wear seat belts because she doesn’t believe in gravity. However, she is the perfect pacifier for the cranky old gangsters mall portrayed by Kate Reid. The film is a sucdess as it combines both comedy and
only god the Roman’s don’t have is one for premature ejaculation, and he’s coming soon.” Snicker. Youth will no longer be forced to walk streets or slap buttocks to hear these stories. The Ontario Censor board, in its divine and infinite wisdom, has decreed and assigned an
display of minutely clad (Playboy models, no le generous dosage of bare variety.
become exaggerated, whilst other film elements are left wanting. With this firmly in mind, you may now accept the following: Forget the positive critiques you may find in certain daily news forums like the Toronto Star; forget also the promise of earlier Brooks success; this film falls below the quality and content demanded by your four and a quarter (and1 do mean low).
. .
witnessed in kiddie film; this film is swamped, indeed inundated, with a profusion of sexual obscenities and gutter jokes. And we do not mean sexual innuendo, we mean those stories that we bandied about on hometown street corners and high school locker rooms. 1 And these jokes are at least that stale. The t perhaps best exemplifies this element lin of ry (and most amused my companion) was delivered by Brooks himself to an overfed and overwrought Caesar (Dom Deluise): “The
s. A typical Cheechand
For those who care, divided into four sections. There is a dawn of civilization sequence in which, to the tune of 2001’s Thus Spake Zarathustra, the first apemen discover the unique method that the male of our species has developed for personal sexual gratification. The overly long second section spent in Rome during the time of Christ nymphomaniac empress, Madeline obese Deluise, and some of the wo exhausted jokes.
tragedy. It presents a probing and perceptive expioration of people’s hopes and
rs’ strong points and fears. The charactersare fully fleshed-out realities, rather than one dimensional steriotypes. While the photography is somewhat lacklustre, the set designs and emphasis on Atlantic City’s . board walk make up for it. The attention to detail in the sets helps to complete the illusion of reality. The ultimate success of y lies in its ability to make each of usre-examine our own dreams and aspirations. Without trying to be a
vant comment
the year!
A segment on the Spanish Inquisitionseems ’ to be one long drawn-out joke based on its carnival atmosphere. Our film ends during the French Revolution, during which Brooks cleverly repeats “It’s good to be king” many, many times. Old favourite Harvey Korman appears long enough to ogle one bounteous be sold short; there are material does surface f the punchlines. Spike appearance is still as (oddly enough, although I ne else in the theatre audience Brooks’fil he local t forced to turn away four hundred people this opening weekend. of largely stagnant sexual I Brooks brilliance appears a Iittle better than another will be running for a good ling while at the Waterloo Theatre. y thanks to Dave Ryan
: L&g Distance Voyager The Moody Blues Polygram
stood out as excellent (recall the old cliche about one band’s brilliance being another’s average). But this was Have, you ever felt something without -understan,ding really begging the question; quite what it was? Perhaps L why aren’t there any brilliant. songs on this album? vou’ve had an idea in the back
music these days, and is vastly superior to Octave, the group’s last album and its first since getting back together. Listening to Long Distance VoQager, though, 1 couldn’t help but feel that it just wgsn’t tis good as- some of their previous efforts. . At first I thought that this was because it had no brilliant ‘songs, nothing which really
throughout the album (part- - they’ve sold out. This icularly at the end of Talking impression was reinforced by Out of Turn); there are the the. fact that there are fewer usual thoughtful lyrical con- blatant philosophical ramcepts (the three-sdng set of blings on Long Distance ‘Reflective Voyager than one would Painted. Smile, Smile, and Veteran Cosmic expect. Iti fact, there are a
V Evqry’ Wednesday is Huggy’s
Smokey EQ,JI
6 Bridge
St. W., Kitehener
, The general concensus is. that Sqokey and the Bandit 2 wasn’t as good as the original. The same remark could be made about the song that ‘opend this follow-up movie. Jerry Reed wrote,‘and performed the opening songs to both movies. Maybe the whole Smokey and the Bandit concept has bored him, thus
and the Bairdit Soundtrack ,
Tues, Thurs, Sat
ulance. Even Tanya’s song is countryish, but the combination of her raunchy-sultry Goice with, the knee-slappin’ beat, really makes- the sbng jtimp. The rest’ of the album is made up -of basic cduntry ballads performed by the likes
(Hot, Medium or Mild)Served with Bluecheese & Celery Sticks Single . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. ..i.............................. 10 PCS. 2.75 Dcpble . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 20 pss. 4.75; Party Pat . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 40 PCS. 9.00
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Hyng onto your vertigos! Maestro Rupert Hine hds taken a quantum jump with Immunity.
Help from
F’rom the electr,ocrescendo in Hung Onto My Vertigo, the FM favourite, to .Muke A Wish, a sonnet of sad adventure, the music moves the lyrics tres rnugnifique! Hine, originally behind Bri t ish ‘70’s band Quantum Jump, clearly shows style and Immunity to other music trends on this latest solo release. It’s electronic pop with a progressive, vast difference. Immunity is . Hinti’s discovery. And if you want something’ different ,to bide your musical time, make it yours. _
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Collins, make Hine’s album refreshing, yet haunting. Faithfull’s lusty lyrics are featured on Misplaced Loue, . giving it just the right macabre tinge of mystery. I Think u Man will Hung Sbon and the dramatic Another Stranger give you the same eerie feeling Peter Gabriel’s Intruder and Nq Self-Confrol did, with Mr. Collins as guest percussionist. Jeanette Obstoj’s conceptual lyrics of madness, tension, nightmarish creeping unknowns, and quiet desolation, give Hine the right mood for imaginative Toog which oozes through Im-
. Chicken Wings
punt on landise ,udimts.
Immunity A& M Records
of the Statler Brothers, Don Ma+nne Faithful1 and Phil
Famous New York Style
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- Ira Nayman
ow open Sundays 1:30-10pm
Williams, Mel Tillis and even Roy Rogers. Brenda Lee does do a nice jqb on Again and Again, while Deliverance of the Wildwbod Flower is only d cheap rip-off of Duel& Banjos. For you Burt Reynolds fans, there is a fuI1 color picture of him on the record cover, as well as Burt’s singing debut on side two. Let’s Do Something Cheap and Superficial makes it’ perfectly clear that Burt should stick to acting, and leave the singing to those who can. Terry Bolton
music, accentuated by the Many of the old Moody Rocker is probably the most arrival of keyboardist Patrick Blues’ tricks which weren’t engrossing); and, of course, prominent on Octave have there is a beautiful cover 4 Moraz. But, goshdarnit, 1 like’ the way the electronic music is been revived ’ for Lotig painting. woven in with the other Distance Voyager: there are, I had originally thought that sounds. It works. And hedoes some bizarre but delightful most of the songs on th[s play an exceptional piano. sound effects at,the beginning album were fast. Not all of I’ve virtually given up trying of The Voice (which will them, but certainly more than to figure it out. All 1 know is, undoubtedly become a majoe4 the Moody Blues average. I’m Long Distance Voyager hit single witha.lot of radio air no longer certain of that, but it isn’t the same. Try it; chances time); there are some very 1 seems. to me to. be so. are it won’t bother you the nice string arrangementsAha, I thought to myself, same way ‘it bothers me (or better still, you’ll be able to figure out what it is ihat bothers me).
We PI&y * The Music YOU Want To Hear!
causing an inferior second effort. Texas Bound and Flyin’ isn’t a song that should’ be forgotten. Jerry Reed was, and still is, one of the most amazing guitar pickers, and he demdnstrates thisabilityin the openin track. For --the most- part, this album should be totally avoided, unless you are a diehard country fan. Next to the Jerry Reed composition, Pecos Pro’menude by Tanya Tucker is the only other tune on the album which would appeal to the general pop-
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During the past year, the topic of first-party athletic scholarships, an issue for the past fifteen years, has come to the forefront among the athletic departments of Canadian universities. The CIAU currently allows only federal and provincial government grants-in-aid, such as the Game Plan carded-athlete program for nationallevel athletes, and provincial aid programs for athletes in BC and Alberta. At last year’s CIAU annual meeting in Halifax, member institutions voted on a motion to allow first-party athletic scholarships, those offered directly by the university to the student-athlete. (The proposed scholarship would cover tuition costs plus fifteen
Men’s Competitive
per cent). The first vote passed by a margin of one. (Twothirds majority is needed by a motion to pass). It was soon clear that while universities from eastern and western Canada were in favor of scholarships, the Omario and Quebec conferences were
2 2 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 5 3 3 8 31114234 3 1 2 3 31111134 3 3 3 1 2 1
League B2 Jelly Ginners Math Soc’ers B Mech Advantage Flux Deluxe Graders C.S.A. Power Factor Hammer Machine Rockers & Knockers Debuggers
* Dqfaulted
9 4 4 2 1
1 4
7 6
0 2
9 8
2 7 6 2 7
6 1 3 6 1
4 5 0 10 1 8
W L 2 2 2 I 2 2 4 1 3
1 ,
League 3 Team Swat s. 0. L. Grad Club Activated Sludge Biobuggers Dynamech Wreck Wratz Civil Dingers
2 1 2 2 2
T F A-PtsPos 26144 3 15 2 4 3 21 38 2 4 29 58 0 5 ; 32 28 4 3 33 7 8 1 3 24 56 2 4 1 44176 2
2 3 2
21442 6 41 12513 13211 3 31362 1 13 10 1 28 11 ( 16 7
45 10 19 61 74 8 7 62 1430 22 8 48134 11 48
4 4 : I 3 2
1 3
0 1 5 4 4 4
6 0 8 0 2 6 0
3 5 4 1 3 2 2 2
2 5 1 5. 4 2 3 5
Open League Outlets 2B Chem Hot Shots Math
Basketball Standings W 3 0 4 1
L T P A PtsPos 1 0 150126 6 2 4 0 116244 0 4 0 0 213 100 8 1 3 0 183 192 2 3
Reccers Kin Freeloaders Feanwood United 3A Mech Civies Earthmen
2 0 3 2 4 0
2 3 1 2 0 3
0 1 0 0 0 1
154170 119183 195129 115125 185105 107 172
4 1 6 4 8 1
3 5 2 3 1 5
LeagueB2 Dunkers Ma:h Dynamech Pheasants Power Factor 2B Chem Eng
3 2 0 2 4 1
1 2 4 2 0 3
0 0 0 0 0 0
166139 140129 59139 146116 181113 83 138
6 4 0 4 8 2
2 3 6 3 1 5
Q 132127 0 104124 0 85113 0 133154 0 76 104 02011048
2 4 2 4 4
LeagueB3 Veteres Straight Shooters EMF . Colleges Ultimech Limp Noodles
1 3 2 2 I’ 3 2 2 2 2 4 0
Soccer action can usually be seen in the afternoons teams go for blood from each other.
equipment, coaching, and bcompetitive schedules. According to Totzke, improved programs are “the best means of attracting top athletes”. Ih a survey administered to Ontario high schools, Totzke found that, although financial need was the most prevalent reason for athletes goingto the US, better American programs and better coaching were also stated as important factors in deciding to go south. As well, high school athletic personnel cited “lack of publicty and public awareness” as a major shortcoming of Ontario programs. Totzke feels that adding more full-time coaches to athletic depart-
one abstention), their opposition to first-party athletic scholarships. In addition, the presidenti of the Ontario universities voted 8-6 against Ontario schools- competing with any universities which institute a scholarship program. This places the OUAA and OWIAA in a position of not being able to enter CIAU championships if the CIAU decides to allow scholarships at their June meeting this week. Proponents of scholarships believe awards would upgrade Canadian university competition, keep Canadian studentathletes from going to the US, give them financial support so they could dedicate more time to training (and still be able to meet educational costs), and give less wealthy students a chance to continue an education they may not otherwise be able to afford.
at Columbia field. Above: two intramural Photo by Hans van der Molen
that could not afford as many scholarships. It is felt that this may lead to an imbalance in competition, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. In addition, the opponents fear the over-zealous recruitof ing, the compromising academic goals, and the overemphasis om, winning and “high-profil<“men’s sports presently extant in the US. Embroiled in the midst of the athletic scholarship controversy is Carl Totzke, UW Athletic Director, current OUAA president, and a member of the CIAU’s ad hoc committee on scholarships. Totzke does not feel scholarships are Ontario’s answer to upgrading competition and preventing athletes from migrating south. He feels that athletic department funds could be better spent on program development - upgrading facilities,
out of the league. Tke NA DS have been substituted.
Men’s Competitive
The Western conferences seem mainly concerned with the exodus of Canadian athletes to the US, and feel a scholarship program would stem this flow. The Atlantic conference, with a small regional population to draw from, wants to upgrade their programs by drawing athletes from the US and the other provinces. Those opposed to scholarships emphasize the financial inequalities between schools. Larger institutions with larger budgets and more established universities with more alumni donations would have an advantage over smaller or less established schools
Softball Standings .
5 2 2 1
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. When asked about the possibility of Ontario leaving the CIAU, Totzke replied, “I do not feel that dropping out of the CIAU is one of our main options”. He prefers, he says, working within the structure of the national body. However, football coach and assistant men’s athletic director Wally Delahey is in favor of breaking ties with the CIAU. He explains: “I think there would be a distinct difference in competition in three or four years. The good kids probably would take scholarships in otl?er provinces. It’s prestigious for a kid to be offered a scholarship. It would be natural for him to accept it. “The elite athletes will end up in one program, and Ontario will be left with the average athletes. Also, we . would have to recruit, and what have you got to offer versus a scholarship school”. One large question remains concerning scholarships. How many would be given out, which teams or athletes would receive them, and what would be the rules governing them? The proposal is to,have the awards approved by the university admininistration and administered by those in Admissions and Awards at the school, in much the same way awards as academic are regulated. Students would have to meet certain academic requirements to receive an --.award. A disciplinary committee would be set up in each conference to police recruiting violations and award-giving. All awards would have to be reported by the university to the regional committee and to the CIAO Awards Commissioner/ who would oversee the regional bodies. There is currently much disagreement as to whethe; or not such attempts at regulation would work, considering the abuses in the US (despite NCAA attempts to etlforce rules and punish violators). As the CIAU ad hoc committee states, “People can find ways to bend the rules - they would be on an honour system”. The whole issue is a sensitive one, and one to which thereare no clear-cut solutions. The final verdict this week is bound to ruffle a few feathers. Hopefully a wise decision will be made by those responsible for intercollegiate athletics in this country. Tammy Horne
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ments would solve this problem, since there would be more people available to perform public relations duties. Totzke would like to see the provincial government provide aid for upgrading athletic programs at Ontario universities. He projects that annual grants of $80,000 to $100,000 per university, coupled with athletic department funds, could upgrade three to five sports programs at each school. The BC government spends $550,000 annually (550 athletes receive $1,000 scholarships) on three institutions. With sixteen schools, the province-wide cost in Ontario would be close to $3,000,000 per year if the provincial government was to undertake a similar program, as opposed to Totzke’s projected annual cost of $1,125 to $1,175,000 for the program development approach.
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4 3 1 3 2 4 6
42119554 4 1 3 3 5 4 3 1 9 3 4 2 2 4 2 3 1 2 5 6 4 3 1144 3 211718 4 1 3 4 7 3 3 1 5 3 2 1 2 12
Men’s Competitive -
League 2 Ultimech Excalibur* Civil Steelers Glove Gods Waterloo Crude Math Balls Power Factor The Blueboys
P w L TGFGAWP~ 44 6 I 8 41215433 42113252 4 4 7 0
League A Conrad Grebel EMF 8 1 Geoblasts Baseballers The Dugouts Creme de la Chem The West 5 Team Sploc
vehemently opposed. This definite split threatened the integrity of the CIAU, so further discussion was held on the issue. In a second vote, the scholarship motion was defeated by one vote. A decision was made at this point to set up an ad hoc committee for further study on the scholarship issue, since it was apparent that a decision either way would generate strong opposition. Another vote will be held at this year’s CIAU meeting in June. Last February, the athletic directors from the OUAA and OWIAA had met and reaffirmed by a 13-2 vote (with
Soccer Standings
League A Dirty Feet Math Soc’ers Villagers Poly-soccer-ides League Bl EMF EE/84 The Bible Belt The Whoof The Flurries Ultimech Invincivil Dynamech Glaxians Civil Steelers Creme de la Chem
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What is a good athletic ‘shoe? This question plagues many a fitness buff when confronted with the endless display of footwear gracing the shelves of the nearest sporting goods shop. This question is not an easy one to answer, the main reason being that most shoes are designed to fit the so-called “average” foot. Since every foot is different, a shoe that is _ ideal for one individual may not be good for another. Take,‘ for instance, the running shoe. When running moves your sole, the basic motion is heel-toe. The outer heel area strikes the ground -first followed by a rolling along the outside edge of the foot. As body weight is transferred from the heel toward the ball of the foot, the foot begins to roll inward.
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This is called pronation, and <-is necesary to evenly-distribute the shock encountered in running throughout the foot and lower leg, This is important, since one lands with a force three to five times greater. than body weight while running. Pronation is also essential in transferring weight to thelargetoeareafortoe-off.
The proble,m - not every, runner pronates to the same degree, due to anatomical differences. Some people overpronate (foot rolls too far inward), predisposing them to. . ;;; ::;;s;;;;~;ow;: pronate enough to. distribute forces evenly, possibly leading to stress fractures of the foot
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fo~ttiear bones or injury t6 the outside knee and hip. 8 It becomes obvious that to recommend the same shoe for both types of feet would spell relief for one and disaster for the other. , When sufferingthe athletic shoe blues, people often rely
on surveys and ratings (such as those appearing in Runner’s World magazine) to help them make their decision. These should be used only as a guide and should. not be taken as gospel. The shoe tests are performed in the lab, so therefore do not consider individual fit; mileage run, footstrike pattern, or the surfaces one trains on. However, surveys such as Runner’s World’s 5-Star rating system have made people more aware of the technology of high quality shoes. , With increased consumer awareness, manufacturers have been required to keep up with the latest developments,. resulting in a more sophisticated athletic shoe today than existed a few short years ago. In addition to getting caught up in the ratings game, the prospective shoe buyer is often misled by watching advertisements of products endorsed by pro athletes, or by observing who is wearing what in the televised NBA finals. Just because Kareem Abdul-
Jabbar wears Brand X basketball shoes does not mean they are the best choice for you. Following are some guidelines to consider when choosing ashoe that is right for your particular needs. . First of, all, choose a shoe that is specific to the activity
you are engaging in. Do not buy running shoes to wear while playing basketball. Running shoes lack sufficient lateral support and traction needed for quick changes of direction. The most important consideration when purchasing shoes is the fit. No matter what other redeeming qualities a shoe has, if it does not fit properly, the liklihood of injury increases. You may have to shop around to find properly fitting shoes. A shoe is built over a last, which is a model of the foot. If your foot is similar in shape to the shape of the last, the shoe will likely fit. If not, the construction of the shoe may be incompatible with the shape of your foot. A. shoe should -fit comfortably without binding. Try on your footwear while standing, since the foot spreads out when weight bearing. There should be l/ 2 in. to l/4 in. space between the end of the longest toeand the shoe’s end. Make sure the shoe is wide enough for your foot. If you cannot pinch the material of
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is the the upper, the shoe is too narrow. Keep in mind that the feet swell slightly during exercise, due to increased circulation and heat. The toe area must not be shallow, or bruised toenails and blisters may result. If you currently own a pair of shoes with a shallow toe box or insufficient width, a slit made in the upper will provide relief. Always try on both shoes, since one foot xmay be larger than the other. Also, it is best totry on shoes later in the day. I Feet expand slightly after bearing weight all day. . Though fit is the primary .* concern, other qualities are also essential to agood athletic shoe, depending on what the shoe is to be used for. Since running involvesrepetitive motions over an extended time period, adequate cushioning from the shock of pounding is needed. This is act-omplished mainly by the outer sole and midsole of the shoe. The best soles are firm but flexible. If the sole is too soft , the foot may sink or wobble at the heel, and thesole will not likely last long. However, the sole must be flexible enough to bend with the joints of the ball of the foot while running. To determine flexibility, bend the shoe in your hand at its widest point (at the ball of the. foot). It should not be stiff, or muscle strains of the foot and leg may result. If your present shoes are low in flexibility, but otherwise in good shape, you may try making a few nicks in the sole with a razor blade, at the ball of the foot. -_ .Another feature of a good shoe is balance. ,The sole should be the same thickness on either side of the shoe, and the shoe should not tilt when viewed from the back on a flat surface. An execption to this is the shoe with a built-in varus (medial) wedge, such as most Brooks shoes, where the soleis thicker on the inside to compensate the overpronating foot. However, Dr. John Pagliano, 1979 president of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, advises.against the use of shoes containing the factory built-in wedge, .as the wedge is too exaggerated to help most runners. (Runners World, May79) Instead, he recommends cutting a small l/4 in. medial wedge from felt, cork, innertube rubber, or moleskin. This wedge should not extend more than one inch along the length of the shoe, and no wider than halfway across. This should help to alleviate overpronation problems. When outer soles become moderately worn out, adding rubber substances such, as Shoe-goo or resoling will prolong the life of the shoe. If the midsole or uppers are worn, the shoes should be replaced. Another important aspect of a shoe is the heel counter. It should be rigid and should extend as far as possible along the sides of the shox-fo prevent sideways (lateral) slipping of the heel; which could lead to, at best, discomfort, or -at worst, injury! to the leg, knee, hip, or lower back. you can check the counter simply by squeezing it. It should offer some resistance.
.of runr2~ng
No matter hdw solid the heel counter is, it will not help you if the shoe does not fit snugly e around the heel. Women usually are narrower at the heels than men, and would benefit from buying women’s shoes,which are built .over a narrower last.
may lead to blistering ‘or raw skin. In addition, , nylon is believed to be less abrasive than leather, since it does not become rough from the salt deposits of dried sweat. Another plus for nylon is that it dries quickly, where leather or suede stays wet for a couple of days. However, nylon uppers should be reinf$rced with leather or suede (called foxing) since nylon ‘by itself does not offer, much support and splits easily under stress. Seams in the uppers ho&d not be on the inside of the shoe or they may irritate the foot. Check that all seams are fully stitched. Is light weight better? A light weight shoe should have all the good qualities of a heavier shoe. If it does not, protection is being sacrificed for lightness. This often occurs in racing shoes. Racing shoes should never be worn while training. In fact,
11 ,L
traction, and sdle wear. The 1 best support is provided by leather shoes. High cut shoes are best for basketball. Soles should kegurn rubber. The herringbone tread pattern provides the best traction, and is essential for basketball. Nubbed treads are okay for tennis.
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If your present shoes are slipping, you may try fixing moleskin to the inside area of the heel counter to tighten the Are more expensive shoes - fit. bettzr? Not necessarily. The best shoe is the one that best Manufacturers have tried suits your needs, regardless of additional means of increasing ’ the price tag. Pay as much as the lateral stability-of running necessary to obtain shoes that shoes. Flared heels were popwill be friendly to your feet, ular a few years ago. However, l ~ee*omm~~o*~o~eo@~~~a~~~oo~~o~~m~a~e~ooo~ and ultimately, the rest of your many people began having body. .. injury problems after wearing When you finally haue . these shoes. It is possible that ftind shoes that make you flared heels are too stable, not grin all over, get to know them allowing the foot to move gradually. Be patient! Start by enough to absorb shock. taking them for a stroll a few Podiatrist Dr. Richard Schutimes. Then go running with ster recommends that heels them ever other day until they extend slightly beyond the get acquainted with your feet. width of the he&l counter. Several shoes on the market this year are slip-lasted. This means the hard fiberboard between the midsole and the insole has been removed, and the nylon upper material sewn together over the midsole. This provides a softer “ride”, but sacrifices later@ stability. These shoes are not recommended for heavier runners who need more lateral support. The Achilles tendon,. connecting the muscles at the back of the lower leg to the heel I OCSoLg I / U&G/-f7 IN SOLE bone, is susceptible to being n4dSOLd ~&% strained while running. Otie most of the newer training Be kind to your new friends. way to prevent this is to ensure ~shoes are both s‘turdy an_d Do not put them in the dryer or %hat your shoe hasanadequate on the rad. The midsole light, and are often used for heel lift. The thickness of the both training and racing. material will become shrunksole in the heel region should en and hard and will no longer be slightly higher than at-the absorb shock. Soccer boots differ from frbnt of the shoe. . Old shoes do die. Let their most athletic shoes in that they Women whsz are used to are cleated. A few points must soles go to heaven. Many an high heels may need a slightly injury has resulted from not be considered when buying higher heel lift to avoid strain. being able to part with a cleated footwear. If the built-in lift is not favorite pair of shoes. If your First of all, the s-uld sufficient to prevent discombe 13 or 14 cleats in total, so shoes have be_enspecial friends fort, l/4 to I /2 in. thick felt that the force is distributed to you .and have sentimental cari be placed under the heel. * evenly over the bottom of the value, hang them on the wall in The Achilles protector (the your room. But get a new pair foot and up the leg. See our display soft portion above the heel for your feet, and ecjoy lots of There should be no cleats this weekend at copnter, often bearing the under the ball of the fbot. good, clean physical fun withbrand name) should be cut low opt the hurt and headache of Cleats are insert_ed into inConestoga Mall!! enoygh so the tendon is not injuries. Tammy Home flexible reinforced aterial, irritated during movement of which would preven r the foot the foot. from bending at its. natural Arch supports are importbreak point. In addition, the ant for injury pievention. Shin ball of the foot may be bruised splints can be prevented with from excess pressure. ’ adequate support, since the Front cleats should not muscle usually involved in touch the ground when standshin splints (posterior tibialis) i% naturally 3r there is a good is the key supporter ofthearch chance they will get caught i‘n THE ELMIRA during exercise. the turf while kickingresulting In addition, overpronation i’n injury and possible embarcan be checked with a rigid assment. - arch support which prevents The sole of the boot must be Look at this Membership I excessive inward rollirig of the joined flush with the upper so foot; however, a rigid high the two do not separate if the Fee: ’ arched foot requires a soft, foot is dragged along the Intermediate $168.. pliable support to help Bbsorb k-ground. The toe of the boot (Age ‘18-25as of May 1,1981) shock. must be reinforced to. prevent Most recently-made shoes bruising. INCLUDESr contain soft, contoured, fullLateral support is importlength, removable insoles. ant in soccer, since quick changes of direction are inThese provide additionalsoft(1) Unlimited Golf (2) Use of ness without sacrificing stabvolved. Leather offers better , excellent licensed facilities ility. Parts of the insole can be support than nylon. Beware of cut way to obtain a better fit, or synthetics that resemble leath(3)Participation in all dlub events the whole thing can be reer, because they are known to moved and replaced with an allow e‘xcessive heat huild-up. GREEN F-e&S: $6.. Weekdays ins& of a different thickness. The ankle collar of the boot $9. Weekends and Holidays The most commonly used must be stiff but low-cup so it mateiial in shoe uippers is does not dig into the ankle nylon. It is lightweight. Nylon when the foot is turned. ’ breathes well, preventing exThe priniary concerns with cessive heat build-up which these shoes are lateral support,
Mon.,Tues., Wed.,-Thurs.,.............. loam-12pm Friday and Saturday . .. .. .. . .. . ..-(;.:.. .. . ..iOam-2ati Sunday loam-llpm 4 \
Special thanks to Sue Porter, a recentgraduateof U W’s Kinesiology program. Her senior honours literature review on athletic footwear9 supervised by Dr. P. Bishop, has been invaluable in thepreparation of this article. The diagrams are taken from the same source. \ I
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