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Campus Events - Friday, January 22 -

Snooker ~ o u r m m e n t i the n cc ~ a m e s h m Top 4winners will be U. of W.'s team forthe 1982Labatt'sAnnualOntarioInter. Varsity Snooker Tournament Details,sign-up(dead-linetoday) at Games Room Desk.

~ k y d i -i Club g is holding a Film M h t with a guest speabr. 6:30 p.m. CC '5 The Accounting Associatan preWntS Dr. J. Hannas~eakins about the school of Accountins and related topics. Coffeeand dollghnuts afterward. 7:W p.m. Phys. 145.


- See

cabaret TU~S&Y WLU Fertivalg2. Artrandlmues ofthefitrd World. NNOueliat, hose works include Tiger's Daughtwand BharafiMukhe+, Wte, ~ i l l ~ p e a k ~ n d from ~ e aher d work. 8:Wp.m. Arts Building, mm .R.... l F l-,W.l . t l.

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UWSkiClubpresentsN~htSk~ngatBlueMountainonFrida~.cine, ~~~~i~ Ensineenng Society Beer Brewing Contest Open ID all presents Gond w i t h me&q,.j 930 Januar~29.4:30-10:W~.m.Costisf15.WforbusandiiHticket. CmnpusCentre GreatI' faculties - recipes in Eng. Sac. Office. Start brewing now! by CCB' ~eparturel : -~ l : p.m ~ PAC 61". ~ ~ ~sinup t h .and Judging on March 25/82 at Beer BrewingPub. depos'tatPACOffice UW Arts Centre Gallery presents Polhcal Cartoons An Tuesday, January 26 exh~btt~op of w r k r by 15 noted Canad~an cartoon~stsHours Monday - Friday 9 m a m - 4 WP m and Sundab 2 0 0 m ~ B r w n Bag Film Seraes presents Mary ffingsky The Thursday, January 28 - 5 W P m M o d h Languages The show runs unhl February kbak, , story of the exslorat~ons of a V~tonan 14. Englishwoman w h went in 1893;to discover nev, areas of the VegetaMn Club lunch. $1.50. Come hungry. 11:W - 130 p.m. U.ofW.SkiUubwillhaveaboathsetu~tomeetnewmembers WestCoastofAfma.(52minutes).ll:3Oa.m.MLS49.R~nted CC135. by Women's Studms or anyone dm is interested in the club..~topby and say Hello! M w i c at Noon unll feature lrvlng h e r m o b wth Boyd 10:Ba.m. -330p.m. Campus Centre Great Hall. CSME Student Chapter presentahonby Prof D J Burns, McDonald, w n o Concert unll be held at l i m n m the Keffer H& Resure Water Jets lor Mochmmng, Mmmg ond Poet's Pub - C-m, haveadnnk andrekxafteralongweek Memorial Chapel(corner of Albert & Bncker)WLU. Mmluuon free and everpw w e k m Derndnton. 11 M a m ELI - 2563 Pinball,cold rehrhments and& companyavalgblem CPH 1327 12 nmn r dmn m Spuul lecture MUSK.Poetry and Scence 1" 17th CPntury Paat's Pub -comem,haveadnnkandrelaxafserabngwoek Engbnd by Profenor Bnan Gaoch. Unwerwty of V r t o ~ Pinball, cold refreshmentsand godcarpany aw~labkm CPHprayer) Orgarnzed by fhe Muslm S u h - u l J u m w {F* Studmts' Araoe'itron 130 -2 30p m Gmpw Centre 110 Spansored by Conrad Grebel Cdlqp MUSK hpartment 137 1 2 n w n - 4 W o m Adm~umnFree 2 30 p m Conrad Grebol College. Rm 151 Mature Student's Pregram "Gettmg The* some mature Fed a c k s ZWro the G a y h d e starrangG~orgeHamdton Waterbo Chnst~anFellowsh~p studentsd~scussther planifor thebtureandthqtepsthyhaw B W p m AL 116 FedsSlDO. OthersS2 W S u m Meeting The top^ Is God's Rwelamn Through DevotvmaILfe Pleareptn vsm our taken to realm thew goals Panel Josn D 6 c b s (Heahh The Earthen Mug CaRee House A dace for dmusson and dtwumon 4 30 - 7 00 p m HH 280 F~eld).Bette Meyer (Personnel), Stella Ne$s&fRanncd CIWI enterlamvent whlo yo4 enJoy the vanety of home baked SoMce) 2 W p m HH 373 munches 8 . 0 0 ~m Vegetanan C w k ~ n g Workshop, sponsored by the Vegetanan mtdntght CC 110 2 Club Free Come Hungry 5 30p m Psych Loungo WX WLU Festival 8 2 Arts and lmues af t h o ~ l r World d Panel Thaalresponr d l o w e agam be presented on Sunday thlr Ehwursxm Art. Women, Reeon and Lbq.tron m Amca unth wekowng lo lurther unla~rhbourpracttcesanIhepartd FASS Cab.ret~Astun~ungmys~cal It'sBerlm,Germany - p n World Dr Rhoda Howard, Mc&ter h W , Mr. G a o w who force thelr cast to rehearse on Fndayr Grumble War B The act8oncentreaaroundtheffitKatClub."lhHottest Abwunra Schoolof SactalWork WLW Dr p&th~asGwntbr Spot m Berlm" Presentedby the CreatnveArbkrd,Federatm U'LU h Andrau P' Dept of k m l o g y and ~nthr&' of Students General Admwaon Fed member 8s $4 50, Others Saturday, January 23 Lyons, Dept of Socmlogy & ~nthroddog. 2 00 p m $5 50 8 W P m Theatre of the Arts Groupratesot lWor more Peters Bldg , Rm PI027 Leacock at Leisure - the cntrally acclatmed portrat of ths $400 admlss~onlickets ava~bbkat UW Arts Centre Box Ca&n humourist wth TV perwnahty Rek Wellwood Mhce. Humanatm The Chadans prPsents the Most R.wrmd Ted Scon Tickets $0 W, Sh~dents/~enlors 5650 8 W p m Theatreofthe Archbiihop and M m t e of the A d c a n churchof Canada: Beth Jacob Cons of K~tchenerand WJSA mwte you tololnm Arts TKkets avallabk at the UW Arts Centre Bdx Office. Moderator d the Central Comm~rteed lhe h W . n MCmnd d thev weekly study of Chumash (able) 8.00 p m Beth Jacob Human~hes S y n a w u e 161 St~rhng Avenue, ffitchener For more Paul Martm Centre, WLU I Fed Flicks -see Fnday mnformatron call Mark at 742 2782 Interdilciplinab Research Semmar at WLU ts &tmg h Ever wanted to try Square Dancing?Your chance 8s today at John Vanderkamp, Unwrslty of Guelph who WH speak on 8 00 P m at the Waterloo Motor Inn RurolDeltwryls the band Wednesday,January 27'"Employment Poky m Canada m the 1 W s " He urll speakat Cash bar This event rs spansored by THINK











FIFE Nb09 Concert featuring Dawd Hamngton and Bentky



h v rri a prwrarhme of new Canad~anmuslc Sponsored by Ccnrad G r e w Cdlosc MUSK Devrlment 12 30 P m

i&ddY,~@Ua<b H u m ~ h D Theatre s Carapua WorsbipSerde ~hapbimRemJa)rsfta%Vraham CUSQ hlormstlori Meetmg A rhde presentanon showq Marbey 10 30 a m. H H 280 CUSO vokmteersifom the Waterloo renm at work *M. Botswana. Malama. Ghana. Thatland-etc as teacherr,-om ThoMaranathaChrtst~anClubmv~les youtowrshpwth thorn, cuhurahsts, n~rsos,ongmeen. tradosmm Come and find out I1 W a m at 29 Young Street West Waterloo Pastor Ken how YOUcanftt lntotha pvture CC 110 122 30p m &mgyuur Green For d~rectmlxorrdecall884 26.54 lunch 11you unrh Ext 3144for more mlormahon Outrrs Club There vnU be no kayakmgth~sweek Christian Perrpctiveslecturereds: God, ManandWorldin The Bhakt~Yosa Club~Knsh~Con~iousne(~)~nv~tesyouto Western Thought. h s . Graham Morbey. 4:30p.m. - 6.Wp.m. an mtroductory lecture on self reallzahon through mantra H H 334. rnedltahon Vegetartan dnwr follows Free For further Waterloo Christian FellowshipSupper M H t i n ~There . will be mforrnatloncall 888 7321 5 00 p m 51AmosAvenue singing. supper and dtscussion as we exaniineGod'aRevektion C h a p l Caffee and dlsfuaslon to f d l w 7 W p m Conrad Through D w o t m l Life. 4:30 p.m. - 7:W p.m. South Campus Grebel Colkge 937 . .H d,.Rm .....--Theatresports presents another match behveentwo teams of CdlPge' 4:45 improvisers. Come out and watch the players try to cape with W e d ~ d w Night disfwion fellwhip. 530 P.m. Common QameslikeBestCommericaf,~ie.orHe&y~/She~oys. fleal. 7:W p.m. Bibk study, special kctures. Rem Kooistra and at thedoor Feds 7%. Aliens $1.00. 930 p.m. HH 180. Graham Morbey. Chaplains. 5-30 p.m. HH 280. Liberal L u d e n h i n Candiddtea at WLU. The 6wcandidatea seekmg to head thebntano Llberal Party wllspeakandanswr -Monday, January 25 questions at 7 W p m ~nthe m n avdltor~umof the Frank C EnnmnmontalStudks Week startsonMondaywithEnviron. Peters Buklmgat W~lfndLaunerUnwmstty Ewryonewekome mental Studies Day. The theme is "Community". The E. S. Should the lhfe of the unknown beabarted?Assisr~ment: Life isa Society is sponsoring displays by numerouscommunityorgan. film whth tackles these and other issues related to abortion1 irations. Dirplays will be located inthefowrsbf both E.S. land Il head.on. Bi 11, 350. 7:W p.m. Free admission. Maranatha ChristianClub. PEERS. Open Monday Thursday 3:W p.m. - 8:W p.m. Dance Workshop and Performance Expbring Scripture Fnday: l : M !.30 p.m. CC 138A. Through Humour and Movement presented by Ruahdance The U. of W. House of Debates is holding its meetingsevery company and Marge Brown, the Clown. Workshop will bo in Monday. Come out and debate with us. You'll havea &time large loung~ at Notre Dame Colkge, 730 p.m. Rice: $7.00. All 530p.m. Conrad Grebel College Rm. 250. wekome.




PAS 2CU0 WJSA mvlteo you tb the opentng meetmg d thew dw-n sews. Judaism W s l t About?Ra&P Rw-WB d~scurs"What I; a ~ 7 ' 4 m CC 110 For more info call Mark at n82 I U W H o-u v o f &bat. . .Mnnlau .--z Cabaret See Tuesday ~ ~ ~ b e a t i v a l ArtsdswsoftheTh~hsd '82 World TheMort ReverendTed Scott. Archbishopand MautedtheAngl~can Church d Canada and Moderator of the CentralCmunstteeof the WorMCouncdof Churches 'ThePolttmofilosus F a u r o n Afrm " Paul Purltt Prowl Development QXFAM Canada "The Pol~hcsofbberatton "7 30p m Peters Bu~Mng. PI025 ~ n g ESS h and BENT present BB th. Bou R.00lpm waterlob Motor Inn Feds $2 50, Others $3 &.



- -- -



-Friday, January29 Poet's Pub - Sea T h u d + . UW Ski Club presents h h t Skungat Blue Mountamhorn 4 30 - 10 W p m PAC BlueNorth S~gnupsandDepoat PACoHice %bt-U17Jumua (Fnday Prayer) Organized by the M u s h Students' Assoclatron 1 30 - 2 30 p m CC 110 Ten Days for World Developmqnt Guest speake~h GeoffreyChadafromZmbabwe Theeveagstartsat8Mp m and the moderator wdl be Kae U s of the Southern Afnca Educatton Comm~tteeof ffitchener Waterla, Tmlty Uhuted Church 74 FrederrckSt ffitchener Cabaret - see Tuesday Cabaret vnth Chdean FolkSingers, Charqd Anduw 8 W p m Paul Martm Centre. WLU




$wq,d $$p

.,$ & Friday, January 22,1982; Volume 4, Number 24; ~ n i v e k i t yof Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario , 2


Waterloo Motor Inn - Thursday, Jan. 28th Tickets $2.50 &$3.50



FIN-GERPRINTZ and much, much more....

ELECTI Nominations Have Been ,Extented: Wednesday, Jan. 20,1982 UNTIL Wednesday, Jan. 27,1982 4:30am ,

Nomination Forms Available at Federation Office cc235 FOR 13 Seats on the Federation of ” Students’ Council

8’ Federation of

ENGINEERlq MATH HKLS SCIENCE(incl. Optometry) E.S.(lncl. Architecture) INTEGRATED STUDIES RENISON Election

Day is Wednesday,

Winter Co-0p Regular 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 Feb. lo,1982

dents CC235 885-0370


Wim Simonis,





(left) speaks


An on-again, off-again Fed council meeting held last week resolved little and increased the amount of antagonism between some councillors. The three hour meeting was hampered by a number of problems: difficulty establishing quorum that delayed formal starting for half an hour; a squabble arising over councillor Chuck Williams’votingstatus when he had to replace Chairperson Bernie Roehl, who was forced to leave (twice) because of other committments; the calling of quorum, twice, by councillor Rob Dobrucki that delayed the meeting once and ended it the second time; the number of people who left during the course of the meeting. Most of the time was spent attempting to ratify a set of revisions to the procedures for governing federation elections. In theend the entire four page package was accepted.

to a lot of empty


chairs at last week’s council


In the end the meeting was called due to lost quorum.

Major changes to the election procedures now provide for the holding of an advance poll and dictate that all candidates must submit copies of their campaign literature to the Election Committee before it can be distributed. Also, the Election Committee is now responsible for posting “Vote Today” notices across campus on election day. Wim Simonis, federation president, the move towards strongly supported hdlding advance polls on the grounds that every attempt should be made to increase voter turnout. Williams agreed, stating that “12 to 14 per cent turnouts of the past have been abysmal.” Council voted to accept John Oudyk, a member of the committee that drew up the election procedure revisions, as Chief Returning Officer for the upcoming federation elections. Peter Saracino

The Advisory Committee on Athletic Facilities has not been able to reach a concensus on the proposed wording of a referendum. The referendum will try to secure $1.5 million in student contributions to build an arena on the North Campus. “You are asking for a committment from the students, but without a committment fromtheotherside(theuniversity)“, said Wim Simonis, committke member. Simonis and several other members were expressingconterns that students would not pass the referendum without guarantees from the university on fundi’ng.

U of 0 students stage smn leave the office, but were ignored. Ottawa police. soon kntered the occupied office, threatening legal action and possible expulsion from the university if the’ rector decided to lay charges. The occupation soon ended peacefully. Lafortune said the group feared criminal action and the possibility of expulsion: Earlier, in the press conference, Lafortune told reporters told the Students’ Federatihn of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) was “doing something even worse than nothing” to deal with the tuition increase. “They put out a leaflet asking students not to pay ‘til Friday (the final day of registration),” said Lafortune. “Does the administration care when they get paid during registration week? iThey are getting the increase anyway” The students’ federation, which had supported tuition increase boycotts in previous years, came out against the withholding of extra fees this term. SFUO president Claude

Joncas urged that students work with the administration instead of fighting it. The federation instead suggested that students pay their tuition at the increased level only on the final day of registration. Joncas said the intention was to “see if students react, see if they care.” He said if the administration was faced with an overload of 20,000 students paying during one day, the pressure might force them to react. The flier distributed to registering students said the provincial government would be affected if U of 0 students acted on the federation appeal. “We should hit those who are really responsible,” said the SFUO pamphlet. It claimed the protest should,be directed not at the administration, “as the suicidal boycott proposes,” but at the provincial and federal governments. “Someone has to do something,” said Lafortune. The Student Action Committee had teamed up with the university’s union of social science students and arts




by Peter



UW t6 get new arena?



OTTAWA (CUP) - Claiming their students’ federation had done nothing to challenge a 15.5 percent tuitionincrease, about 75 students at the University of Ottawa took over the offices of university rector Roger Guindon January 11. The two-hour sit-in began following an afternoon press conference, held by student groups who had tried to organize a boycott of the added tuition costs at registration. The students left the press conference and walked to the rector’s office, confronting two secretaries. Guindon was not in his office to meet the group, but soon arrived to insist that they leave. Serge Lafortune, of the Students Action Committee, told Guindon they were demanding that the university accept tuition payments at the previous term’s level, with no penalty for late payment. Saying he could not change regulations to meet the demands, Guindon left for a senate meeting. university Campus security forces arrived, asking the group to


faculty union in the boycott drive. They asked students to write cheques for the amount of the fall term’s tuition ($383), instead of the $451 being charged at January registration. Of the five hundred students that Lafortune claimed had signed up to boycott the extra fees, only 126 actually withheld the increase. ^_ During the sit-in at Guindon’s office the SFUO executive held an emergency meeting to discuss a pleas by demonstrators for support in the occupation. “We disapprove of the action because it was directly related to the boycott,” federation academic affairs commissioner Bruno Boucher later announced. The federation executive and council, he said, “are against the boycott.” “They didn’t ask us to do anything in advance, and now us to assume they want responsibility for their action.” Boucher said the executive would take legal responsibility for the_ occupation if it remained peaceful.

Simonis proposed that it would be better for the university’s Watfund to get involved with the project and match student contributions on a dollar for dollar basis. It was pointed out that the $1.5 million wo&l go into the Watfund and that it would be designated for building the arena. Also, that anyone else, corporations included, could do the same. Peter Hopkins, Director of Campus Recreation and a committee member, stated that there was a commiament on the part of the university to accept responsibility for handling the arena’s yearly operating costs which were expected to be approximately $100,000. Pat Robertson, committee chairperson, said that in the worst case possible thestudent contributions would at. least build an ice surface. Ernie Lappin, Physical Planning, added that the$l.5 million was certainly a “ballpark figure” for the project. and that it was relatively assured the university would pick up any slight cost overrun. Simonis’replied, saying that there still were no real assurances on university funding and that knowing the cost of

the project would help allay fears that there would not be P.Iough money. The committee moved then _into discussion of the status of the prqject in Watfund. Robertson said that Watfund was not officially in progress yet and that while requests for funding from it were being accepted, none of them had been priorized yet. Bill Halverson, Grad Club President, warned that it could be dangerous giving the project too high a priority in Watfund, an idea, he said would be wholly unacceptable. He mentioned that it could undermine other projects, such as funding graduates through scholarships. It was agreed by all present that the arena should be built without having to be dependent upon external sources of funding such as Wintario or the City of Waterloo. Members wanted to avoid a fiasco such as the one at the University of Guelph. where Wintario had promised to help fund a new athletic complex but then withdrew support after the university had already started collecting student contributions. ,




A small crowd braved the cold Sunday night to find the rescheduled Theatresports game in Hagey Hall 180. In a special novelty match, two’ honourary team captains were recruited from the audience, to select four team members each from a field of eight seasoned players. Team A, led by veteran fan Bill Ince, consisted of Kim Adkins, Most Valuable Player Jim Gardener, Heather Levine and Brad Templeton. Steve Hutton captained Team 1, Ian Chaprin, Marney Heatley, John McMullen and Bernie Roehl. The close game began with very high-scoring scenes for “Best Commerical” from both teams, but after one extra scene each (by audience demand), Team 1 beat Team A, 64 to 57. A longlived game of “Die”, involving yellow caterpillars and onomatopoeia sauce, and Team l’s commercial for budgie diapers were highlights of the game. Theatresports’ n,ext weekly game will be in H H 180, Sunday night at 9:30 p.m. Regular fans are also looking forward to the Sexist Challenge, the weekend of February 13. h Linda Carson Press Release Co. Ltd.


Imprint is the stud&t newspaper at tihe,Universi~ of Waterloo. It is an edftoriaQy independent newqxqer publishedQy Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a torpor ation without share CapltaJ. Imprint is a member of Camdian Univeraitq Press (CUP), an organization of more than 80 student newspapers across Canad& Imprint I8 a&o a member ofthe Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes every B’rklayduringthe reg’ularterma. Mail shouldbe addressed to “Imprint$ampus CentreRoom 14O,University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.”





. ._, Trust is defined behaviourally as “actions which increase one’s vulnerability to another whose behaviour is not under one’s control in a situation in which the penalty one suffers, if the other abuses that vulnerability, is greater than the benefit one gains if the other does not abuse that vulnerability” ( Zand, 1972). And that is a lot of cow chips for the money. (I know what it is like tobe abused - ED.) This week’s list ofthosevulnerableandtrustingincludes: Peter MecLeod, Todd Schneider, Dianna Mair, John, McMullen, Mark Taylor, VirginiaButler,TerryBolton,ChrisBauman,NickSc~er,DavidDubinski,Cliff Goodman, Attila the Hun* S. Thompson paper, Paul0 Zembolinni, Ed ( left at the desk with SPA to do) Kristufek, Lois (not forgotten this time) Abraham, Bandy Beginnigan, Roger Ther-i-v-i-ar-io (and a place to stand), Wanda Sakura, Linda Carson, Cathy McBride, David Asspersonn, and the editor’s favorite tranquilizer, Analeine (one brand is called “Poopsie Pills’). And of course there is the perpetual John W. Bast, the ubiquitous and clairvoyand Sylvia Hannigan, the purple Scott (that is why I make the big money) Murray, and me, Pietro Prancesco Sarecini Cover by Wanda Sakura

Imprint: ISSN 07067380 2nd &ss Postage lbgistration Pending Imprint reserves the right to screen, $it, and refbse advertising


The Ascent Of Man? * Mankind has become thoroughly proficient in the art of self destruction. This, more than anything else, is the hallmark of man’s achievement in a fast-paced world where the survivval-of-the-fittest dectrine has taken on a whole new meaning. Today’s civilization can be measured in terms of rubbish dumps piled so high that they merge with the sky in one not so glorious colour contrast. Achievements in the field of technology are measured in terms of their outlining more efficient ways to dispose of human beingsalbeit in distant lands. The civilized man today can stand back in a state of mental detachment and calmly comment on the social calamities which befall others. Objectivity has become civilized man’s -greatest sin. We pat ourselves on the back and shake our heads in mock amazement at those sensitive ‘others’. We label them uncivilized or, ,at best, identify them as still being at the emergent stage of human development. Today, newscasters can inform us of the latest human tragedy and then, in the same unemotional tone, go on to comment on the Dow industrials. Have we become so thoroughly absorbed in our ‘progress’ that we’ve lost all sense of human values and moral dignity? If you’re one of those who scoffs at any attempt to address the issue of human values, particularly when it centers on the question of priorities, then perhaps you have lost all sense of the vision which supposedly motivated the great men and women of yesterday to harness human energies to natural resources, and ‘which encouraged them to build a better society. Man (in the generic sense) must remain at the center of our commitment to change the world. It seems, however, that we’ve become so totally involved in the numbers game that means and ends are confused.-Progress and civilization are now solidly located within the domain of complexity. What is bigger is automatically ‘better’ and what is complex must be ‘superior’, if only because the number of those familiar with its workings is limited. Our civilization can be described as creative in the simple sense that never before has the world been so totally involved in the creation of things. What, however, has become of the creative imagination? Surely our civilization is as much dependent on this mental characteristic as it is on more tangible products. Perhaps more time should be devoted to the development of a perceptive and sensitive civilization. The problems confronting us today are, above all, human ones and, as such, they require human solutions. No amount of money expended on armaments will solve the problem

of war just as no amount of wishful thinking will rid us of our starving populations. What weneed is effort. And this for the most part will have to be A concious re-thinking of what mental. civilization entails must characterize future developments of our age.As things stand, the rubbish tips are getting higher. Our land and water resources are being polluted at a phenomenal rate. Modern man is still haunted by the spectre of war. And the world is faced with the gross inequalities which separate rich countries from poor ones. These are not problems ofany one single country. They are our problems because our civilization has created them. It becomes necessary therefore to take a long hard look around and make some evaluation of society’s present condition. There’s something uncomfortable about a civilization which considers total destruction to

We don’t print

be somewhat inevitable and which views social improvements as an outside threat to individual prosperity. While violence is the greatest human degradation and murder the greatest- human tragedy, an unthinking and unfeeling civilization is the greatest indictment that the international court of human development can hand down. Our civilization will advance only as we become separated from the mad rush towards a future which is as unclear as it is morally destructive. Contrary to popular opinion, the future is not for those who can seize it. It is rather for those who manage to cultivate a sensitive spirit while developing a detailed statement on mankind’s future goals. These are the necessary requirements for a bridging of that great divide which separates us from our greatest ambition, Bramwell Osula namely to be civilized.

it all,

Look, just because we are the “official” (that is, recognized) student organ here at Waterloo, doesn’t mean we have a duty to print everything that finds its way to our office. Even WE have standards of responsibility to live up to, though you’d never know it. Case in point: the other day we were sorting through the mail when we found this statement, printed on monogrammed stationary, and writtenin a Parker gold-plated pen (it said so in the postscript). It was from the Bourgeois Liberation Front. Asif we don’t have enough special interest groups here on campus. Now, we don’t mean to cater to malcontents, but we thought that you should know the type of mentality lurking in Bark corners of this university: “We of the BLF think it is time to make a stand on things that concern people like us. Normally,





of course, we can’t be bothered but if we don’t speak up, who knows what’s going to happen, my God. . “First of all on the question of raising tuition: we are all for it. If it can keep out lower echelon types from Northern Qntario, or even The Maritimes, so much the better. They don’t belong in an institution of higher learning. “Third, we think that the campus recreation programme. should include activities like English riding and yachting, among other sports. Get serious, how can people like us really get into “broomball” or “martial arts?” ’ ’ “C’mon, all you BLF’ers, it’s time to come out of the stables and make our position known. We’re talking, like, real action, y’know? “Bye-bye.” Todd Schneider


k ,JIre~su


fees to rise in effort

Village 1 and 2 fees are going to increase 20 per cent and the reason for such a large jump is that increases in the past have not kept pace with the rate of inflation. So says Bruce Gellatly, U W’s Vice-President: Finance and Operations. “By the time we had realized (what we had done) we, had already established the fee for ‘8 1-X2. Had we had a larger increase . . : the one this year would be smaller, perhaps only covering inflation.”

1 Fed wings .The U of W Flying Club’s last aircraft is now heading for the Great Holding Pattern in the Sky. The announcement was made at last week’s Federation council meeting by Doug Clark, Federation Treasurer. The reasons for the demise were cited by Clark as ever operating costs increasing (insurance; aviation fuel, repairs) and a dwindling source of income. Over $5,000 was spent in upkeep during the last year. Only three Waterloo students are registered for flying training this year. Inits heyday the club had as many as 100

What doyouthinkof

Gallatly hopes that the increase will cut in half the deficit that the villages have been operating under for the past year. He then wants to see the budget balanced as soon as possible. , Ron Eydt, the Warden of Residences, attributes the increases to the students themselves. “They (the fees) are going up because the students in residence have instructed me that they wish to maintain


’ F$iay,

td ~Gght defi&

the level of services they have now. To continue on with what we have now is going to cost 20% because we’re operating in a deficit this year.” .

Gellatly calls this a “simplified” explanation, adding that other factors are contributing to the increase as well. Food costs have gone up because fewer students are going home on weekends. The number has dropped from about .38% to 28%, according to Gellatly. More students are eating breakfasts and weekend meals than previously. Salaries have increased for food services and housekeeping staff. Utilities have increased more than the rate of students using the flying club’s inflation, thus adding more to facilities per term. . the fee increases. Clark announced that the Will the fee increse harm federation would be willing to some students? “Not that I subsidize the three potential .Aknow of.” says Eydt. “I exgilots for any extra costs pressed my concern. They (the incurred by having to rent a villagers) told me that finding non-club aircraft. The club the money was their business; had been charging $27 per making the budget was mine.” flying hour. Rental of a similar Gellatly is not so confident. plane from the Waterloo“For some it is going to be difWellington Flying Club ficult. Until you know what’s (where the U W plane had been going to happen to student aid ‘82-‘83, it’s pretty hard to prestationed) would cost $34 per hour. dict how difficult it is going to The federation hopes to sell be.” the plane for near its $8500 The villagers themselves do book value sometime in, the not appear to be overly con: Sring, when the market for cerned. Both Vl and V2 used aircraft is better. councils approved the fee inPeter Saracino crease. According to Greg -

clipped i



22; 1982.

., inflation

Cassidy, past president of Vl colleges and the rates are still council, the cost of a single - low for Ontario. room is still compatable with Paul Grenier, Residence that of a double in the church Liaison Officer for the Fed-




eration of-students, the attitude he finds lagers have: ‘-:No one care.” Cathy

sums up most vilseems to McBride

Stui(ents ~occupy 0ff;ces _ LONDON (CUP) - Frustrated with a lack of classroom

department since September. He said the college “had

space and an unresponsive administration, about 50 advertising arts students at

accep.ted twice as many students as they had space for, hoping to get more space and

Fanshawe College occupied the department’s offices on January -12. The 30-hour occupation

equipment” from the Ontario government. . Fanshawe didn’t receive what it needed from the provincial government, and when students returned to classes in January, they found the advertising -arts department had implemented major cutbacks. “They had double-booked a lot of classes, &putting two classes in one room,” said Wharton. “A couple of classes had 40 people in a classroom designed for 20.” The ‘college also reduced staff, and denied the students access to facilities after 5 p.m. A student union- representative condemned the move as unreasonable, saying the department’s students need after-hours access because of their heavy workload. Wharton said the students decided to occupy their departmental offices when they realized they weren’t going to

began at 10 that morning when the demonstrators filed into the offices, led by advertising student Paul Paetz. They came armed with sleeping bags, prepared for a lengthy stay. “The students were asking for very basic‘ educational needs,” said Tim Wharton, president of the Fanshawe student union. “They were not going to get the education they had hoped for and were promised.” The student union supported the demonstrators by providing meals during the occupation, and negotiating with the college administration. Fifty of the 115 students enrolled in the advertising arts department took part in the action. Wharton said the students. had been negotiating with the

get solutions “any other way.” The protestors remained in

the office

over night, having

decided “to sit and wait until their demands were met ,” said Wharton. The occupation

ended at 4:36p.m. thenextday when the administration and students reached a “compromise” solution. “The students’ big concern was with acquiring more space,” said Wharton, “but the college had no scace.“The fine arts student associati-on agreed to give the adve.rtising arts students part, of a large studio for the remainder of the se-mester, with the administration agreeing to construct a divider. The administration also agreed to rehire the staff needed to keep the facilities, open after 5 p.m. “We’re p-leased with the outcome, but we recognize this is only a temporary solution, ” said Wharton, noting that the fine arts students will reclaim their studio next year. “We reahze we have to continue working with the department and administration to work out a permanent solution.”

the proposed

ami Xiatherine

Suboch RobinGckcoux aBEconomics 8-h 4, Vl If they


Maureen Pytych 1StY~XCiIk west epa Not w0zt.b it - too expensive

to go back

the fees, why can’t they of the food? It stinks! fl

to increase

crease the quality



20% ($200plus)‘residence fee increases? - by R&r.


vickiweir 3rdYear English ( west 471 Too much! I’m not going back because off CamDus.


it’s cheaper-

Jansolomon 1st year S@m.ce/Max%-Em. . SOUth3jVa’ It’s probably reasonable. ‘&you have to (live here), you have to. It’s hard to get housing off c-pus.

stelmnHaicri8 88 Math East 3, Vl I wish it could be avoidedbut do about it. I’m not goingback I’m tired of residence.

there’s not much It’s too expensive

I oan and




“Don ‘tjind much” in Arts? Chow didn’t look enough To the editor: Francis A. Chow (I A Systems Design) says he did not “find much” in my letter to the Imprint (Dec. 11, 198 1). Having read his response in last week’s issue, I must agree: he did not. The problem was not with my letter, however, but with his understanding of it. First of all, my letter had nothing to do with the complaint that there are not enough highpaying jobs for graduates of the humanities, as Francis suggests. In fact, I made the point that arts students must expect to make sacrifices in order to educate themselves. A liberal arts education may not “pay off’ in dollars and cents, but this possibility does not discourage me nor most others in the humanities, although it would certainly be the decisive consideration for the garden variety tech student. To interpret my letter as so much whining about jobs and pay is the most egregious mistake that could possibly have been made about it, since the major part of it was concerned with debunking the idea that jobs are the be-all and end-all of education. So influential is this idea among tech students that they seem incapable of comprehending a contrary view. Being loathe to give up their own narrow-minded view of what an education is (perhaps it makes them feel better), they continue to misinterpret others in the light of it. As for my allenged lack of a “quantitative understanding of the world”, here too Francis seems to have missed some of my argument. I did say that everybody (take note) should have at least a modest understanding of the humanities in order to answer intelligently the important and difficult social questions that we face today. Not only is this a quantified statement, it is universally quantified! The reason I expressed myself in such sweeping terms is not difficult to appreciate: I am willing to let tech peopledo my thinking for me when it comes to designing bridges, cars, and televisions; but I doubt that they would be quite as comfortable letting me do their thinking in the areas of politics, social policy, and morality. My claim is that the way to improve society in a liberal democracy is to encourage intelligent, informed and independent thinking on the social questions by more


and more of the population. This is not being done, even in the tech programs of our universities. Unlike technical knowledge, knowledge in the humanities cannot be trusted to “experts” without the risk of undermining democracy. In opting for a totally one-sided technical “education”, you are cheating yourself mostly, and society secondarily. My letter was written for the purpose of arguing that it is not unjust to tax industry in order to support, and perhaps even expand, the humanities. Ofcourse, if you were only looking for an argument for more pay (and not a better society), then it is not surprising that you “didn’t find much” in it. Grant Brown ? 3rd Yr. Philosophy

Nothing left but homework when the Bombshelter closes! To the editor: As the snow clung to my hair and clothing only one thought continuously ran through my mind - it’s a good day to get drunk! I mean why not? All my classes were cancelled which left plenty of time for recreationalactivities. So I endured the wind and coldand headedforthe Bombshelter, only to find myself looking at two- very solid doors and a message on one, reading “closed for the day.” As reality hit me, I knew how much I needed to socialize and I knew how much I wanted a beer. But, before long, the idea of a winter day drunk diminished to a mere passing whim, leaving only one activity left to occupy the day -HOMEWORK. The Bombshelter, a friend I thought 1could depend on had let me down and in the cold! Michael Bateman, 3rd Year Economics

Info Services was on the ball last Mondav ”

To the editor: There is one fact I would like to emphasize that was not reported in Anna Lehn’s article in Imprint last week regarding the university’s being open during the blizzard. CKKW, CHYM and CKMS were all phoned around 7:30 a.m. and told that the university was open. These calls were made by me as soon as I obtained a decision that the

.G-. -T





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university was open. Another call was made to CKKW when I .heard them report the university was closed after first reporting it was open following my original call.\ I have been unable to obtain an explanation from CKK W as to why the erroneous annoucement was made. In the Imprint story Bob Elliott of the Federation is quoted as saying that the media should have been called “immediately to say the university would remain open.” That’s exactly what was done. Jack Adams, Director Information Services

Actions of a few should not ckssiiy the many To the editor: I write in/t:sponse to J. E. Falconer’s letter which appeared in the Imprint of January 8 (“System at Fault for Rowdy Engineers”) wherein the author advances the thesis that engineers are asocial “child genii” who are not responsible for their psychological shortcomings. I must congratulate Mr. Falconer for providing us with such a well researched piece of work, since his observations (“I’ve had ample opportunity to observe some of these idiots in action”) could support no other conclusion than the one which he so reasonably proposes. Having completed an engineering degree, I had often wondered what was wrong with me and my fellow classmates, especially since none of the engineers I know have any friends (obviously a result of our lack of social expertise). I especially appreciate the way Mr. Falconer was able to categorize each and every engineer, realizing fully that there is absolutely no variation in personality among the hundreds of engineering students. Perhaps when his degree is completed he could \pursue this line of reseach and obtain a Master’s degree in sociology, although this would unfortunately prevent him from taking a “better job” right away and making lots of money. By now the reader is doubtless beginning to inquire as to the point of this heavy-handed sarcasm. Simply this: please don’t classify a large group by the actions of a few of the more visible members of that group. Sure, there are a few jerks in engineering, but 1 dare say that no faculty on campus is ‘exempt from such students. But please, just because I wear one of those iron rings, don’t label me as “an upper echelon thinker with little or no social experience to speak of”. I speak from personal experience when I say that some of us (maybe even the majority?) are average folks, just as well socially adjusted as the next person. Perhaps Mr. Falconer(and thosewhofeelas he does) should head back to the drawing board and make some revisions to their theory. Just to cover all possible cases, you understand. Ross Ethier Graduate Student, Applied Math

Not a marriage made in heaven, UW student life. a ..

To the editor: Are you sick of work, work,and more work? And do you run into kids who think that University is just one long party? I keep telling





these misinformed people that it’s not true. In fact, I tell them that 1 am married to the University of Waterloo. I had a long, five year engagement through high school (no ring. cheap bugger); 1 was married the first day I arrived at University; my honeymoon was one brief week of Orientation; and in this second year of marriage, I’m in the doldrums. I spend every faithful night in my bedroom -studying. Ah! 1 wish socialization was the spice of my life. Truth to tell, I’m having an affair with it. Socialization is the ‘other’ man. As you may guess, my marriage is suffering for it, drastically. I think it wasanarranged marriage (and I always thought they’d be boring). Was your University-marriage arranged, or was it love-at-first-sight? A shot-gun weddingDo you ever think about getting a divorce‘? After all it is the in thing. I confess, I long to divorce this nagging husband of mine. But on what grounds could I sue for divorce? I’m in Arts so I could claim he’s impotent, but I’ve discovered that - how good it is depends on my determination to make love. And there’s no case for a divorce if it’s my fault, not his. Desertion? I’m the desertee. An affair? Nope, me again. Incompatability? Aha! I think I’ve found my case. We may be in the bedroom a lot, but all we do is work. B-O-R-I-N-G. But divorce includes a lot of red tape, bitter feelings, and I suspect . . . no alimony. How about a separation? We would still have to decide m.vhowould get the kids. There are hundreds of them. (All those reports, essays, projects, and assignments.) There are more drawbacks too. What would we tell Uncle Bill, who gave us O.S.A. P. money for our wedding, and every anniversary since then? Hubbie can tell him about the divorce-cum-separation. After all, Uncle’s from his side of the family. Another question is where would I live? Outside the Dana Porter, library, and out into the cruel, cruel world? My fears are blooming fast. Perhaps I’m. being too hasty. There is one alternative that I can think of. I could, maybe, possibly, give up my affair, and settle down - for better or for worse. Allison Knight

Note spelling To the editor: I wish to offer a small correction to the book review by John Bast of Lester de1 Rey’s book Police Your Planet. John implied that Lester edits the De1 Rey SF line for Ballantine Books. This is not true. The line is edited by his wife, Judy Lynn de1 Rey. (Please note the proper spelling of the name.) Leslie Dickson Graduate Student, Dept. of Chemistry

Store detective could only catch the most foolhardy To the editor: Ah the humour derived from having someone ill-suited for a delicate position of authority making a seemingly rational judgement about your character. If you think you could be suspected of being a social deviant, to a store detective who might have taken Stereotype 101, go down to the University bookstore in South Campus Hall. continued

on page 8



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“To sit back in my armchair and say that I cannot do anything is a dangerous attitude. That is the worst situation -when people freeze or keep their mouths shut.” This is the reaction of HansJoachim Wiens, European Peace Representative to North America, toward NATO nuclear rearmament. Wiens gave insight into \ politics since 1941 which lies behind NATO rearmament. Allies against the Hitler regime in World War II, Britain, USSR, and the United States met several times in order to determine the fate of defeated Germany. All three powers agreed to divide Germany equally. However, during the final days oft he war, this agreement was questioned. The American forces were farther east than was planned while the Soviets had not reached the intended position. Disagreement arose as to the future governing of Germany and as a result, the country was split in two with the USSR receiving eastern Germany. Yet disagreements were not% , without tension. According to Wiens, when the US archives were opened in 1978, a potential US-USSR confrontation in 1948 was discovered. The US had arrived at a decision to destroy major Soviet cities including many military sites when the USSR had blocked three corridors leading from western Germany to Berlin. Only when the USSR surrendered western Berlin did the US abandon this strategy. Wiens states that the above secret policy should be a lesson to us today: “This indicates the seriousness of political decisions. The government has plans and is ready to carry them out.” Mistrust faced with threat, according to Wiens is the reason for the arms race between the US and the USSR. “Nuclear weapons were conceived and built to threat and then go about and hit,” he states. In this arms race, the USSR is very general about its military installments while the US gives this information out to a certainextent, Wiens says. - For ten years, from 1955 until 1965, the American government withheld information from all of West Germany as to the 7,000 tactical nuclear war heads the US had hidden in that country. Should a nuclear war break out, Wiens maintains, this battle field will be central Europe which cites several this situations indicating prediction. Middle-range missiles that the US has at the eastern fronts will reach Poland; from west Germany they will reach Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Hungary. British and French submarines can hit the USSR as far as the Ural mountains. Wiens also spoke of subtle tactics the Americans are using in preparation for war. About 18 months ago, the US announced that they were in the process of constructing an underground bunker in West Germany for the purpose of being a command unit from which the Americans could

direct nuclear war. The US . also. has airplanes which cannot be detected by radar. “The intention of making war is there,” Wiens state. “It will not come about, the decision will be made.” Wiens contrasts these preparations for confrontation with an effort ofcooperation between West Germany and several Soviet countries from 1969-l 97 1. They agreed to co-operate with respect to economy, culture, science and education. Yet this detent came to an abrupt end when the NATO

states decided to re-arm their forces with nuclear weapons. Protest against nuclear weapons has been voiced since the early 1950’s and according to Wiens is still going strong. West Germany, he says, is the strongest in terms of participants. In Britain, the United Nations Disarmament Group was influential in the decision of over 40 areas to declare themselves nuclear weapon free zones. In the Netherlands, the major party in parliament is protesting the budget increase for nuclear weapons. Women For Peace in Scand-

inavia marched from Copenhagen to France. In answer to a question about why North America’s Americans are not protesting, Wiens stated, “For Europeans nuclear weapons are a reality; for North Americans, nuclear weapons are a theory.” “I think we can do something (about nuclear war),” Wiens stated. “We can express a lot.” Hans-Joachim Wiens is currently on a voluntary assignment for M CC teaching high school in Winnepeg and touring churches. Wiens

taught at high school level in Germany and is former chairperson of the German Mennonite Peace Committee. 1 -Anna Lehn

We might be able to them on the basis of proposed constitution, their membership is not open to all students,” Hennessy.

refuse their since really said

The association’s proposed constitution states “indiviuals attending club meetings must display a sincere desire to exchange religious values. Failure to display such desire, or instigation of disruptive activities, will cause that individual to be barred from further meetings, which will be the coordinator’s prerogative.” According to the constitution, the coordinator, the only officer of the group, has to be a member in good standing of the International HSA-U WC organization, and would present their ideas to the McGill group. Kropveld does not believe the constitution’s irregularities will prevent the group from establishing itself on campus, as the constitution can always be changed to meet the students’ society specifications. He sees the only grounds for refusal being that the group’s goal consists of removing students from the university. “They are a very destructive force on campus,” said Kropveld, “but it’s hard to nail them as a cult because recruiting isn’t usually done on campus. The contacts are made there and then used outside the university.” ’

I + I I

# I



WLU Writers Club each year edits and publishesananthoiogv of poetry: and prose. Students and faculty are invited to submit

longer than 4i lines. All entries must be typed and double-spaced. Also, our editor has a very messy desk -- please put your name and address on each page. Deadlines for submissions is January 30, 1982. Send submissions to The Writers Club, WLU.

Do you have a professor who teaches as - dramatically as Pavarotti sings? - as skillfully as Gretzky skates? - as enthusiastically as Mikey eats? Why don’t you nominate

him or her for the

Distinguished Teacher A ward ************************

At the University of Toronto a Unification Church group is a recognized student club, operating under the name of the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles. And back at McGill, a recognized club called McGill New Age is associated with a cult led by Elizabeth Clair Prophet, according to the Council on Mind Abuse (COMA) in Toronto. When asked if New Age should be permitted to retain its club status, Hennessy said the students’ society “will have to get more information on this group.”






M oonies ask to be clubbed MONTREAL (CUP) - The moonies have landed at McGill University and the students’ society doesn’t know what to do about them. The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC), one of the 120 names for the Unification Church,commonly known as the moonies has applied to the McGill students’ society for recognition as a student club. According to Mike Kropveld, rector of the Cult Project at McGill Hillel, the Unification Church “is a cult. It uses mind control to gain recruits, takes away their free will and basic freedoms, and works towards regression of the personality of the member rather than the growth of the individual.” Keith Hennessy, students’ society vice-president internal, is responsible for accepting applications from groups asking for club status. Hennessy does not belive the HSA-UWC should be given club status, hut is unsure on which grounds they can be refused. “We want a way to refuse them without being accused of discrimination on the basis of religion,” said Hennessy. “I don’t think there is some general rule we could use for cults.” “It will be great if we could say that you can’t come in because you use mind control and other horrible stuff, but we can’t prove these things.


All it takes is a letter of support signed by ten people; five of these have to be present or former students of the nominee. Of course, more than one letter would be even better (so would more than two). Send nominations to the Teaching Resource Offke Needles Hall 3005, where you can also get more information about the awards. Deadline for this year’s submissions is: FEBRUARY 19th

APO~WY Imprint wishes to apologize for any inconvenience or embarassment LLdused Virginia Butler due to her appearance in the Campus Question of two issues ago. The CampusQuestion was in the nature of a staff advertisement, and the words weri not her own.

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page 6

If not, let me relate my incident. Upon entering the store and after passing by the cash register, I noticed a woman directing an obvious nod to the cashier. Within twenty seconds of having approached my section this woman was within a few steps of me, brousing the shelves. Having heard about this hilarity _ last term, I couldn’t help but ask for assistance pretending that I assumed she was a store clerk. Having said she didn’t work there, I promptly asked her “why do you just walk around?‘, to which she mumbled a few words and moved on. You have to see this to believe it! This woman must be over forty, was wearing a jean outfit, as if to give the appearance of a “cool” housewife back at school just picking up some books, and also has the most plastic looking red wig you wouId ever want to see. if I had taken the same stereotype course as I presume she did, I’d guess there wouldn’t be too many books she might understand. This is given away by the unconvincing manner in which she examines books. Upon making my purchase, I asked the cashier if they did in fact have a story detective, to which the answer was affirmative. When I looked up, there was the woman who denied being an employee standing with the manager in the store office. I cannot state whether this w’oman’s salary is justified in terms of the amount of thefts, but after speaking with others, who have also enjoyed this chuckle, I seriously doubt this woman’s capability in catching anyone but the most foolhardy of first time offenders trying to get away with a pencil. Obviously, even this example is not justifiable conduct, but just what is> the bookstore policy? I’ve heard from people that employees go so far as to tell customers they have been brousinga book toolongand should either buy something or move on. I’ve also heard that a charge was laid for such an equivalently minor incident as that of illegally removing a pencil. Does this policy deal strictly with the criminalaspects of shoplifting, or does the policy go so far as to enable the expulsion of a student from the university? I believe that if the bookstore has gone so far as to hire adetective (of questionable value) the least it could do is post clearly readable signs


concerning shoplifting, at least equal in prominence to the overly strict refund policy signs. 1 might also remind those responsible for the bookstore operation that its’ mandate should be to serve the interests of the University community. Further, the members of this community should not have to be subjected to such poorly instructed store personnel, who overtly subject one to a type of treatment one would not have to be exposed to beyond the limits of this campus. Neil Freeman P. Sci 4

Abolish the tyranny of the incompetent! To the editor: What more can I say but that the Federation of Students’ Council has duped the students once again. Not only are we supporting an organization that is wholly incompetent, but we have witnessed the granting of ‘carte blanche’ privileges to the President in his (presumed) bid for re-election. Clearly we are bracing ourselves for another mandate for mediocrity. The time is now for us to demand that our elected representatives fulfil their duty to uphold democratic principles. We need to have the tyranny of the incompetent abolished. once and for all. Christopher McIntosh Arts 3rd yr.

Does Fed council know what it votes on?Doubtful. .. To the editor: At least weeks’ Federation Council meeting (Jan. 14) I could not help but wonder what type of leadership we will have during this years’ Presidential election. This became evident through the various tidbits of legislation directly pertaining to the election and the policies therein. The meeting bore the fruit of illwinds. the policy governing elections and by-elections was subject to illegal changes. Council allowed itself into being snowballed by accepting these, egocentrically uni-dimensional changes. The main questions that come to mind are; Is Councilaware ofwhat theyaredoing?; Do they (the Councillors) know what they are voting on? After last week’s Council meeting, I

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sincerely doubt it. It seems that they gave in to the one-sided desires of the Chief Executive of the Federation of Students. Gerrymandering is the first word that comes to mind For those who do not know what gerrymandering is; it is the fixing of an election to provide the greatest security of an incumbent seeking re-election. Obviously collusion and corruption is taking place unbeknownst to, and at the expense of, the students. It isafact. Do not fool yourselves. Just attend any Council meeting and see what an utter farce it really is. Realize that this years’ Presidential election is going to be as sleazy as they come. Changing the rules in the middle of the game is evidence of the unethical and unprincipled dishonesty going on right before your very eyes. Frankly, this smatters of fascism, which is unbecoming to a democratic organization. A. J. Waterman

Council meeting a pathetic farce To the editor: Where does one begin to describe the pathetic farce that purportedly passed for a student council meeting last week? Should one start with the major item of the agenda, to make major changes to theelectionprocedures after the election process had already begun? Or perhaps the total ineptitude of the speaker . . . How else could one describe a speaker who has to constantly ask council members if they knew whether this or that could or should be allowed? Or perhaps council members who had no idea either; who in fact, had no comprehension of the difference between policy and bylaws. Or perhaps the ambiguous wording of the proposal itself which contained such succinctly worded clauses as: “ignorance of these policies shall not be ‘deemed a reasonable excuse”. One wonders when ignorance has ever been a valid excuse. The most disturbing aspect of the meeting was the pervasive “I don’t care” attitude of the individual councilors who seemed, on principle, to refuse to takeanything .they did seriously.





The one spark of hope occured when a motion was put forward by Neil Freeman (a former President of the Federation) which specifically pinpointed the impropriety of changing the rules in the middle of the game and proposed that these considerations be postponed unti! after the election. This single note of rationality was circumvented by the technicality that members proposinga motion should be present when the motion is read. The topper for the evening, which left one not knowing whether to laugh ‘or cry, concerned section B I(h) of election procedures*adopted by council in Jan. of 1981. It states that if the incumbent is running for re-election, he must hand over the office to the next top ranking non-candidate at the start of the calling of nominations. If the President has not handed over his office by this time, it is presumed that he is not running. Why, then, was Wim Simonis presiding over council one day after the opening of nominations if he intended to see re-election? Two questions were put to Simonis, by an interested observer, pertaining to this issue. He asked: a) I-Iad Simonis handed over the Presidency to Bob Elliot? to which Simonis replied “No.“; and b) Could we then assume that he is not seeking re-election? to which Simonis again replied in the negative. Simonis then claimed that he could interpret the election procedures any way he saw fit, in his capacity as Chief Executive. Council backed him up on this by passing a motion stated that the ‘the literal interpretation of clause B 1 (h) would be followed, but Simonis could run if in fact he had misinterpreted it.’ Clearly Council had decided that ‘ignorance of this policy was deemed a valid excuse.’

All this, compounded by the pervasive lack of seriousness, blatant disregard of procedure, social club atmosphere, and bootlicking concensus politics, was too much even for the strongest of stomachs. Personally, my ideals were greatly diminished by this experience. Michael Watt 3rd Yr. Pol. Sci. .

.News Nuclear I




The nuclear power industry, once touted as being able to produce electricity that would be “too cheap to meter” may now be in its death throes, according to’ Phillip Bray, the VicePresident and General Manager of General Electric’s Nuclear Power Systems Division. G.E. has not signed a single contract to construct a new nuclear power plant for the past five years, and Irving Bupp of the Harvard Graduate School of Business has predicted that there would be no new orders for nuclear power plants in the United States for the remainder of this century. The situation in Canada is no better. Despite vigourous promotion, there have only been four CANDU reactor orders since 1973. The nuclear industry’needs one to two reactor sales per year to survive and according to Norm Aspin, president of the Canadian Nuclear Association, the nuclear industry will lose half the 18,000 manufacturing and construction jobsit now has by 1983, no matter what happens. Although the federal government pumped more than a billion dollars into nuclear energy research between 1958 and 1977, nuclear power currently provides only 1.3% of Canada’s delivered energy. This amounts to less than one-third of the energy the pulp and paper industry delivers just by burning its own wastes. Ontario has always been the centre of the Canadian nuclear power industry and this province now has more reactors operating, on a percapita basis, thananyotherjurisdictionin the world. There are 22 reactors operating or



under construction in Ontario, roughly equal to the number found in West Germany, which has six times the population. Back in 1974, Ontario Hydro was predicting we would need 83,000 megawatts of electricity by the year 2000. By 1981 this figure had dropped to 3,000 megawatts and some critics are still convinced that this figure is too high. As late as 1977, Ontario Hydro was still planning to build 76 nuclear reactors over a thirty year period. The situation has changed dramatically since then. When the Ontario government announced recently that the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station would be completed by 1990 Larry Higgins, the chief forecaster for Ontario Hydro said the speed-up puzzled him, According to Higgins, “If there isn’t a market for it then I wouldn’t be enthusiastic about that. . . Just simply building nuclear plants will create a few jobs, but if the demand isn’t there, and there isn’t a reasonable certainty that it will be there, until that happens it probably shouldn’t be built.” Declining demand has alreadv contrilwtPd to,mounting surplusses of electricity over the past few years, with up to 50 per cent excess generating capactiy on hand in the recent past. With Pickering B, Bruce B and Darlington cheduled to come on-stream in the next decade, we can expect to see contiued surplusses in the future. The capital cost for nuclear power plants is immense. The Darlington Nuclear Plant, which will be the largest nuclear station in the world when completed, is projected to cost $7 billion, or $875 for every man, woman and


entering -_- death child in the province. If half the money slated for Darlington were to be invested in conservation and energy efficient technologies, we could insulate properly every home in the province, save more energy than Darlington will produce in its lifetime and create 16,000 more person-years of employment. The Porter Commission on Electric Power Planning pointed out in 1979 that Ont&io Hydro’s long term debt was $12 billion (85% of the publicly-held debt oftheprovince)and that the debt was projected to grow to about $60 billion by 1999. In the meantime, we,are paying artificially low prices for electricity, which do not reflect the subsidies Ontario Hydro receives as a crown corporation or the higher costs of supplying electricity for heating during peak demand periods in winter. Since the price we pay for electricity is based on averaging the cost of cheap hydroelectricity with expensive nuclear electricity,



the price does not cover the increased costs we would face if electricity demand increased. If, for example, we continued to rely on nuclear power to cover an increase in demand for electricity, the average cost for electricity would increase, since nuclear electricity is much more expensive than hydro-electricity. It is still cheaper at present to hear with natural gas than it is to heat with electricity, and if we were to charge replacement cost for electricity, this gap would widden significantly. In addition, investing in nuclear power development is not a particularly good way to create jobs. According to the Porter Royal Commission, “a single construction or operating job in the nuclear power industry costs upwards of $500,000 to create while jobs in manufacturing and the service sectors can be generated for about $10,000.” The economics of nuclear powerarejust one aspect of the nuclear power industry and all aspects are worth examining. Next week I’ll continue by looking at the nuclear fuel cycle. David Assmann

the police were patrolling Waterloo Park. The accused has been charged with one count of rape, one count ofattempted indecent assault, two counts of indecent assault, four counts of possessing a dangerous weapon an d two counts of possessing a firearm.

Village Rooms for the Academic Year 1982183 Upper year students who are not currently in the Villages may now submit applications for Village residence for the term which commences Sept. 7/82. Applications will be accepted up to the Lottery deadline of Feb. 3, 1982 Please inquire at the Housing Office, Villagel 1, or phone 884-0544.


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throes? .

Suspected rapist apprehended A Cambridge man, suspected of assaults as well as a rape near U W’s campus was arrested late Wednesday night. According to Sergeant Howlett of the Waterloo Regional Police, in charge of patrol division 3, the suspect was apprehended when


At the Waterloo House corner of King and Erb streets, downtown Waterloo

Cr023sw0rd _ .--_-----_

_ --.



,___Friday, - February



10 ,-,

by Fraser Simpson Across


3. 8. 9. 10. 13. 15. 17. 18. 19:

Ceremony is correct, we hear. (4) Get expensive food via car, perhaps. (6) Forbid arrest done the wrong way. (3) If you’re patient, you probably have one. (7) Unbend great hints, in a way. (10) With which the janitor won at the casino? (5,5) Not shut upin bed. (2, 5) . Some louse put into action. (3) Grudge about l-down. (6) Dear Sloppy, Start studying your text. (4)

Down 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 11. 12. 14. 16.

Healthy and rich. (6) With which a climber will hold on. (7) Nevertheless totally identical. (3, ‘3, 4) One about to show anger. (3) . Trick is right with 17. (4) Porker bought without being seen? (3,2, 1,4) Perform murder legally. (7) Add a very soft finish. (6) Fibber to shout abusive language back. (4) Do you let a telltale cat out of it? (3)

Answers to last issue’s crosswor$ 10. Across: 1. Homage 4. Spry 8. Sitting down j 9. Shod Evoke 12. Image 14. Fair 16. Premonition 17. Rust 18. ‘Skunks. Down: 1. Husk 2. Matchmakers 3. Grind _ 5. Proposition 6. Yonder 7. Ogre 11. Dipper 13. Eros 14. Flick J5. Inns

$Xlasasif~ed~ b Lost

For Sale

White file folder containing notes on- Anglo-Saxon (English 305). Of vital importance ..,. . .A to Me and career. Lost Jan. 13 or 14 on campus. Please call Maggie ,885-i366.

1973 Audi 1OOLS. 4 Speed, good on gas. Good condition and has been certified. $1200 or best offer. 684-7605.

Typist Experienced typist. Fast accurate service. Carbon ribbon with lift off correction. Satisfaction guaranteed. Reasonable rates. 576- 1284. Fast, Efficient typist, 50~ per typed, double-spaced page. 5 minute walk from campus: 885-l 353. Experienced typist; fast, accurqte work. IBM Selectric. Lakeshore Village. Reasonable rates. 885- 1863. 25 years experience; no math papers; reasonable rates; Westmount area; call 7433342. Resumes - For you, we do it all: the wording, the layout; a professonal format, a great impression. Don’t wring your hands; ring ~~~(886-8089). P.S. Ask about our special disk-file resume service for business and co-op students. Expert Typing Service (IBM Selectric II/III) - Standard service: Correction of errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. 886-6275. I have ,an IBM Selectric, automatic corrector! $2.00 per single & $1 .OO per doublespaced page. Call 893-3551 anytime.

Garage Sale Apartment sale. Saturday Jan. 23,lO:OOa.m. -5:OOp.m. I’m headed west. Dryer, humidifier, desk;‘Couch and chairs. Everything must go. Apt. 202, 525 Albert Street, Waterloo, 886-4204 for info.

Help Wanted Part-time work: doing community opinion research. Earn from $3 - $6 per hour. Call ext. 2878.

Home Wanted Two female kittens need a good home. They were left outside our house, but we already have three cats and can’t take m any more. If you can give them a home, (we will deliver) please call 662-3848.

Please, no more! Thank you for your patromage of the Imprint Resume Typesetting Service, but Im-/ print Typesetting is overloaded for the next two weeks. We cannot accept any more resumes for typesetting until the week of Feb. 1. A onepaged, typed resume will still cost only $6.15, two pages $7.50.


.Nm. Book makes suggest;otiF


If you’re graduating this year you’ may have already heard the “horror stories” about how tight thejob market is, how a university degree isn’t as marketable as it once was, and how it can take graduates of non-professional disciplines as long as a year to find a permanent full-timejob. Ignore the stories. They’re not untrue-but they don’t have to apply to you. Regardless of how bad (or good) the ieneral job situation is for most graduates of your discipline, no



Tuesday,’ Jan. 26th in ML Rm 349 UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO 11:30 -a.m.

“horror story” or _ Stats Canada unemployment figure can tell you the one thing that should concern you: your personal job situation. As long as you take your job-hunt seriously and treat it as almost a full-time job in itself, you can succee! on the job market. Follotiing are some suggestions on how you can find out about job openings: Read Newspaper Ads Job openings are usually advertised in the Business section of daily newspapers and may be listed under such headings as “Careers”, “E.mployment Opportunities”, or “Help Wanted”. Since some companies will only advertise in one issue it’s wise to check the newspaper every day:’ As soon as you find an ad for a position that interests you, prepare -3’ resume that shows your qualifications for thejob. (Most ads have job descriptions: “Will be responsible for. . . “, “Should have experience at . . .” and you should tailor your resume to the, job description.) Try to get your resume in within three days after the ad appears (and make sure it arrives-drop it off if the company’s town). You should also clip the ad to your resume and specify which position you’re applying for since companies sometimes advertise several positions at the same time. Use Your Campus Placement Office Your campus placement office can provide you with listings of job vacancies. These alone can be valuable but you should also take advantage of the other services offered. The placement staff can provide


off with



you with information on when recruiters are coming, show you how to sign up for interviews, give you an application form to fill out (whichtheythencopyandpass on to recruiters), and provide you with information about the cbmpanies you’ll be interviewed by. These services are particularly valuable if you’re graduating from a professional discipline (such as engineering, computer science, or accounting) but you should visit the placement office even if you’re graduating with a general arts or science degree to inake sure you don’t miss any opportunities. While you’re there you can pick up free copies of pubaations that will help you in your job-hunt: “Career Pl&ming Annual”, “The Financial Post’s Careers and the Job Ma et”, and “Canadian Campus x agazine.” Read Ptofessional Journals Many professional organizations produce journals (or magazines) for their members and some of these journals list job openings. Most campus libraries carry professional journals among their periodicals collections and you can find out about them by asking the reference librarian. Use “The Grapevine” Tell all your friends and relatives that you’re looking for a job and explaih what you’re looking for. You might not get any results from the grapevine but (who knows?) you could get a call from someone who,read an ad you missed or has heard ab-otit an opening that hasn’t yet been advertised. Visit a Personnel Agency Private personnel agencies (they’re listed in the yellow pages) are responsible for finding suitable candidates to fill positions and if you want to explore all job-hunting options you might consider using the services of one. You should realize, however, that their goal is not to help you; the agencies work for the employers. (The* employers pay the, agencies for their services.) So don’t expect much personal attention. Talk to %mployers The best way to find out what kind of positions are available in a particular company is to ask a personnel officer in that company. All most without exception employers are happy to provide , you with information if you approach them in a business-


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for fitiding like manner. When seeking information from companies you have two options: (I) you can write to the head office for a copy of their recruitment literature and annual report (see “Conduct a Direct Mail Campaign” for details on how to find company addresses) or (2) you can call the local office for an information interview. Are you skeptical about using the information interview approach? Donlt be: 94% of the Canadian employers I surveyed will “sometimes” or “often” speak to job-hunters who phone them even when there are no positions available and 7370 will “sometimes or “often” speak with jobhunters who drop in without an’ appointment. It’s good public relations for them. Even if no positions are available at the time you apply, you might be theanswer to their prayers in a year or so. However, even though employers are usually tolerant of such activities you certainly won’t leave a favourable impressiori if you don’t-exhibit some common courtesy. Since employers and personnel officers are busy people you should call first to set up,a formal appointment. The vast’ majority will be happy to meet with you and provide you with information about careers in their company. ’ Try the Trans-Canada Job Exchange The Trans-Canada Job Exchange is a pleasant variation on the personnel agency. They too match job-hunters with employers but it’s done on a confidential basis by a computer. You can be matched with employers from across Canada or from one region of Canada (there are also Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, and Alberta Job Exchanges). For an information p‘ackage and a registration form write to: TransCanada Job Exchange, 1110 Sherbrooke Street West, Room 2206, Montreal, Quebec H3A lG8. Buy a Copy of the “Globe and Mail’s Career Opportunities” Each week all the career ads that have been run in the previous week’s issues of the “Globe and Mail” are published in a separate issue (“Career Opportunities”) hnd distributed to newsstands across Canada. You can invest in a single issue or take out a lengthy subscription. (I advise you to do the former; approach your student association to do the latter.)



Conduct a Direct Mail Campaign Don’t just wait for your ideal job to be advertisedapply for it before the employer needs to advertise! A mass mailout to employers can be one of the most effective ways to acquirejob offers (employers would much rather find an employee through an unsolicited resume than go through the grueling task of advertising and weeding through the mountains of resumes that always flood in after a position is advertised). What do I mean by a “mass mailout”? I mean send out a lot of resumes. The exact number you’ll need to send out to get some interviews depends on how marketable you are but this employer’s comments should give you ail idea: “Jobseekers must be aware that a good response rate (i.e. letters sent to interviews granted) is between 3-5%. Therefore, an applicant must-wect to have to apply to between 100 and 200 firms. Sending out 20 resumes is considered an inadequate job search.” It may seem like a lot of work but it’s worth it: even if a company doesn’t have an immediate opening, 70% of employers will keep an outstanding resume on file for six months or longer. (However, if you want any action taken you’ll have to keep contacting the companies to indicate your continued interest and notify them of your new address if you move.) To do a mass mailout you can have your resume photocopied or printed. In most cases printing will be cheaper and look much better: (Look up printers in the yellow pages.) You should then write a (brief) personal covering &tter to accompany each resume you send out. You can start your letter with a direct statement ~or question (“Do yy.~ need a.. . with experience and training in . . .?) and go on to relate one or two or ybur major qualifications for the position you’re applying for. (Make sure you apply for a specific position; employers automatica 1!y reject resumes . from applicants who,will “take anything”.) You can then finish off your letter by saying you will call in a week. + Who do you send you’r’ letters to? You can find out empioyers’ names and addresses from the following sources: The Yellow . pages: Your telephone directory can provide you ‘with lists of local

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Graduating Call us anytime


this year?



a job

companies and organizations in your career field and their addresses (and the directory assistance operator can advise you on where to look if you’re having trouble finding that list). To find out the names of the supervisors or personnel managers in these companies simply call the office and ask the receptionist. The Reference Section of Your Campus Library: There are dozens (if not hundreds) of directories of businesses and organizations. Two of the most widely-used by jobhunters are “Poor’s Register of Directors and Executives: United States and Canada” and the “Canadian Almanac”. The former lists major business’firms and their products while the latter listsavarietyof different businesses, organizations, institutions, and firms. Both give addresses and names of contact people too. (If you can’t find the name of the personnel manager you can always send your resume to another executive officer.) Visit the reference section of your library and explain to the librarian what kind of list you are looking for. Out-of-Town Job Sources: If you have your sights set on a different city or town than you’re now living in there are several ways to find out about career opportunities there. Once again, you should visit your campus library. Many libraries have telephone directories from a variety of cities and you can use the yellow pages to find a list of businesses to apply to. Secondly, write to the local Chamber of Commerce or City Hall and ask for a list of businesses. Finally, subscribe to the local paper. Not only will you be able to get an idea of the job market, you’ll also be able to find out which companies are expanding and follow any news on particular , companies you’re applying to. 7lis article is an excerpt from Sell Yourself! The Career Handbook for Canadian University Students and Prospective Students (19821983 Edition). Written by Theresa Go&et, a 1981 graduate of the University of Calgary, Sell Yourself! offers job-hunting advice based on a nationwide survey of employers of Canadian university graduates conducted in the FaNof I98I. Sell Yourself! wiN be published and available in university bookstores in February. Theresa Gouiet LET US PREPARE YOU FOR THE FEB. 20

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Feature -JVPIRG


“Social 1.mpacts of Computerization” / “Yet, unless mankind pulverks itself to bits in an atomic hob caust, history will probably find that this, the micr~~ectronics In the pre-conference publicity about last weekend’s conference on the Social Impacts of Computerization, the Waterloo Public Interest Research Groupstatedthatoneoftheiraimswastoprovidea forum that would answer some of the questions that students had about the impact of the rapid computerization of society, Would jobs be lost, would people become de-humanized, or what is the effect of computerization on the third world. It became clear, however, that the conference was going to raise more questions than it answered, as well as raising the major concern that the issues involved are so complex that any attempts at answers would be pure speculation. If the group of speakers at the conference were indicative of the majority of people working in the - fieldofcomputersthenspeculationwouldbeakeywordsincenoneof the speakers ventured to define a distinct scenario for the future wired world. There was however, a concensus, that the computer revolution will be the biggest technological and social force that future generations, starting with the next generation, will havetodealwith. The revolution is accelerating at speeds unheard of until now and there is no way to stop it, but the survival of future generations may depend on slowing it down and controlling theimpactthat itwill have .on society. Dr. Josef Kates, a-pioneer in the computer field aswell as being the former head of the Science Council of Canada, and who is currently theChancelloratthisuniversity,setoutthefollowingquestionsinhis opening remarks as being the most importantquestionsthat must be asked. I First, where will it all lead to; who will be master, man or the computer; on balance, will we benefit or suffer; in what way will it impact different parts of society; and finally, is this arevolution that

revolution has been the most important of all the technol@cal revdutions of the twentieth century” Dr. Joseph Kates should go unchecked with a minimum of controls, or does it require public policies, and if so, what kind of public policy and to what . purpose. Kates then states that the questions are difficult ones, even for a computer man, and that fortunately, his assignment was not to deal with them, but rather to give an overview only of what has happened and where we may be heading. Kates also makes an argument that perhaps computer people should not be making those kinds of social decisions, since there may be a conflict of interest on the part of the computer people. Kates then stated that he didn’t lose any sleep over thesequestions since he was too busysimplytryingto keep up with the technological advances, and that someone else ‘puts tremendous stress on the ca would have to deal with those problems. monitored every second of the da1 Friday’s portion of the conference dealt with thetwosocial impacts personnel and bank tellers all which the general public seems to be mostconcernedabout. The first monitoring. is the effect of computers on employment and the second the This monitoring, and the dis increased capabilities of information gathering that the computer discussed by Patricia McDermott, makes possible and how that will affect an individual’s privacy. McDermott described herself as r The first speaker to deal with the employment issue was Dr. this conference, but emphasize Zavis P. Zeman, who is currently director of the Technology and coming and there is no way to avl Society Program at the Institute for Research on Public Policy in the impacts that it will have on sot Montreal. order to counter some of the de& Zeman presented several models of employment patterns that McDermott wasalsoconcernec were based on various studies and then extrapolatedtocome upwith that is, the ability of compatibleco some possible employment predictions for the future. For instance, if the world. Thus factories that arc the employment patterns that were predicted by Jenkins and work to areas where wages are lo Sherman in their book, The Collapse of Work, fortheUnitedKingdom by simply beaming instructions \ hold true, and if the parameters for employment in Canada are the makes it possible to have man sameasfortheUnitedKingdom,thenunemploymentcouIdreach2.5 workers in third world countrie! million by the end of this century. Zeman cautioned that these labour force is subject to threats predictions would be valid only if current trends hold and that it was The issue of individual privacy difficult to tell how much of that unemployment would be due to vastly increases the informat;< automation by computers and how much would be due to a weak govcnment and corporations, wl economy. Beatty’s concern with person; Zemans models were based on so much uncertainty that it made &e abuses that the Social Ins1 them next to useless, except to reinforce the fact of tremendous Although the numbers were is uncertainty about the future. Perhaps the most significant aspect of income tax purposes, obtaining Zeman’s lecture was the fact that despite directing twenty-five insurance, the numbers now a*’ studies on probable impacts of technological changes, he was unwilling to make any predictions of his own, until pressed by a member of the audience. Zeman then stated that if he had to categorize himself, he would be a cautiousoptimist about the future impact of computers on society. Thus he felt that the computer technology would create slightly more jobs than it eliminated and that individuals could benefit from the use of computerized information. Arthur Cordell of the Science Council of Canada was more concerned with the impact on individuals in the workplace who would be affected by the massive dislocation of jobs and the subsequent re-defining of the workplace that would have to happen. Cordell pointed out.that most people that work, are defined by that work, as opposed to what they do in their leisure time. We live in a work-oriented society and have come to expect certain things from the workplace. For instance, upward mobility. In todays industry it is still possible to start as an office person and move up the corporate ladder to the presidency. Cordell feels that the introduction of highly computerizedworkplaceswillseverelycurtailthattypeofmovement. Cordell also sees increased stress in the workplace as efficiency becomes management’s first priority and the increased ability of computers to monitor that efficiency. A simple cash register now has become a complex gatherer of data, notonlyaboutthe items it checks through butalsoaboutthespeedofthecashier, howmanycustomers an hour go through the till and how fast the keys are punched. This


s to know that they are being zphone operators, production ‘ubject to the same type of on of women workers was :iologist from York University. blythe most negative person at t the computer revolution is But people must be aware of especiallywomen workers, in re impacts of the revolution. tthetrendto”flyawaywork,” 3rstoworkindifferentpartsof sly computerized can transfer ch a’s in third world countries, :ellite to those factories. This 2nt in this country with the obvious concern is that the ocation of work. he computer technology that thering capabilities of both lressed by M.P. Perrin Beat!y. acy began when he realized ? Numbers were subject to. initially only to be used for II security or unemployment rired by banks, minor league

hockey players, life insurance companies and a vast array of other interests. The SIN has become a universal personal identity number. The danger, then, lies in the ability of various groups, both governmental and private to obtain personal information by simply knowing a persons SIN, and having access to data files. As an example, when an individual applies for life insurance, a ratherlarge amount of information is required bythe company issuing the policy. This information is then stored in a computer data bank in the United States using theSIN aspartoftheidentifyingcode.Thequestionthen becomes, how well guarded is this information, and how difficult is it to have an unauthorized break-in to the data bank?There have been enough documented cases of computer file theft to make this issue a valid concern.

Most questions It would have been difficult to obtain speakers who had better credentials than the people who addressed this conference. Individuals such as Dr. Joseph Kates, who is virtually the father of computers in Canada; Zavls P. Zeman, the director of The Technology and Society Program at the well respected Institute on Public Policy; Arthur Cordell from the Science Council of Ganada; Calvin Gotlieb who was commissioned to do a report entitled The Application of Computer Technology for Development for the United Nations as well as other well-credentialled Individuals. However, despite this incredible amount of knowledge that was presumably there in these persons, there was a tremendous lack of haid information given out. After attending all of the seminars the best that-one could come away with was that we are either doomed or blessed with this computer revolution, depending on your biases. There was a lack of some sort of timetable for the progression of this revolution; everyone stated it was coming and it was going to have a severe impact on society as we know it, but no one tried to give a perspective of when this is going to happen. Are they talking years, decades or turn of the century? How much time do people have to adapt to this ubiquitous revolution, or, perhaps more frighteningly, is this such a low key revolution that it creeps up on people without them being aware of it. What is the possibility of retraining individuals who at age forty-five suddenly find themselves replaced by automated machinery or robots? Exactly what kind of income redistribution scheme will have to be implemented in order to

Beatty chastised the government for it’s inaction on passing legislation guaranteeing individuals control over how and where information that they release is to be used. Despite the fact a commission was first set up in 1969 under the minister responsible for communications, Kearns, no effective legislation has been passed to set guidelines for the gathering, storage and retrieval of personal information. The general public as well, will not know what the government is planning in this area since they have failed to introduce the Freedom of Information Act to parliament. Perrin stressed that it was of utmost importance for individuals to be made aware of the potential for abuse that is inherent in private information gathering and storage, and that pressure must be put on the government to protect the citizens from this potential abuse.

not answered support the mass unemployment that some predict? What does it do to ones sense of self worth Hihen you can be replaced by a machine? The questions go on and on, and while all these questions were raised at the conference and generally accepted to be of real concern, there was very little attempt made to answer these questions, nor was there any attempt to define how one would go about obta.ining these answers. The frightening thing is of course, that if these experts can’t answer those questions, and the government is not working on them, who is? The people who are putting the most amount of energy into the field of computerization are the ones who are trying to utilize this incredible power. They are also the ones who under&and fully the potential for the abuse of this power, but they are too busy caking out their own niche to worry about the effects that their work may have on some assembly line worker or bank teller. Is the ultimate proletariat resistance to this revolution to smash the terminals and computerized robots that are being introduced to the workplace? What hope is there for the masses to gain enough information about~this rapidly chariging technology in order to organize a grass-roots movement against this revolution? I only hope that this conference will be followed workshops or seminars that will give some concrete information and answers to these questions. Articles

and Photos

by Randy

up by




. and. . . No thanks. Besides, what to watch?If we were at the apartment building down the street we could see a goodfirst run moviefrom the American pay - T V. signals which the dish on the top of the building picks up. But we aren’t. Hmmm. Videoribs to the rescue! I suddenly remember an advert isemen t Iread. A new Toronto company called Depot Flicks will deliver an eveningS entertainment for two consisting of barbecued ribs and chicken wings, some cheesecake and a video cassette of Superman (one of many available) and a machine to play it on, allfor aboutflrty dollars.

Toronto (CUP) It k just too cold to go out tonight, IZn sitting here in my apartment watching the news, which is projected onto a five foot screen on my wall by my new Theatrevision T. V. - Peter Trueman’s face is two feet long, his glasses as big as saucers. I’m trying to convince my friendfrom out of town whom I’ve promised to take to dinner and a movie, to eat here. 712eproblem is she doesn ‘t like peanut butter sanduiches. And she really wants to see ~Superman. What about having a pizza delivered? No way. I counter with the idea that we could thaw out some fish sticks

The Video

Wow. She thinks that :Sfantastic. So Iphone them up and give them my order. Hmm. What to do till theyget here. Iknow, I’ll show her my new home computer. It turns out she isparticularly interestedin theprogram I’ve put together that teaches the thousand most common words in Dutch. What’s more, , she wants to see how my home computer can be connected to a data base over the telephone; but Iin expecting an important call. Andthere it is. While I’m talking, I hear a beep in the earpiece - my videoribs must be here. I dial three, putting my caller on hold, and talk over


most of the American pay T.V. signals, and their numbers have been increasing rapidly. Not surprisingly. For “less than the cost of quality terrestrial transportation,” the Third Wave Communications Corporation of Ann Arbor, Michigan will provide the most technologically ,advanced direct-from-satellite-to-home television reception terminal there is. It allows the user to pick up stations from Mexico, South America, Britain and the lJnited States. For considerably less money, the more adventuresome and technically minded can get the new Heathkit Earth Station. After a few weekends of assembly, the three-metre parabolic antenna lets the owner enjoy some first-class entertainment. The people at the Department of Communications and the CRTC are all in a dither. To protect Canadian culture (the King of Kensington and Great White North) the CRTC has not allowed the cable companies to supply on a cable channel any of the American services. Furthermore, the Pay - T.V. Department of Communications has always maintained that earth stations which receive American pay - T.V. signals are illegal. Recently, itZlost an important test case. A county court judge dismissed the Crown’s appeal of an earlier decision acquitting Lougheed Village Holdings Ltd. of Burnaby, British Columbia. The apartment complex was charged with operating such an illegal station, but the county court judge dismissed the case because the Crown could not prove that the satellite

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signals constituted radio communication under the Broadcasting Act and the Radio Act. This means, at least for the time being, that it is perfectly legal to own and operate an “earth dish.” There is little doubt, however, that this situation will remain. The Department of Communication has stated it will have Parliament amend the law if futllre court decisions are similar. Just what are the many American delights that Canadians are being and will be denied by government policy on Canadian culture? To begin with, RCTV, the new pay-cable division of Rockefeller Centre Inc., has obtained North American rights to all BBC programs. The new service, for about the same price as that charged by any other pay-T.V. channel in the United States, will deliver the best programs from BBC1 and BBC2. Thus, RCTV will provide what is generally accepted as the highest quality programming available in the world. The pay-T. V. services Canadians have heard the most about and what they hope any payT.V. service in Canada will resemble are the four first run movie channels: Home Box Office, Showtime, The Movie Channel and Front Row. These services offer commercialfree full length feature films usually about six months after their release in the cinemas. However, it has been discovered that Hollywood does not offer enough quality products to fill all the time available. So Homh Boi Office and Showtime have begun to do



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their own programs. Top performers have been filmed in the most exclusive nightclubs. Specials have included Lucille Ball, Red Skelton, Milton Berle, and from the Roxy in Los Angeles, “The Pee- Wee Herman Show.” High quality theatre has also been part of the fare. For example, Showtime has shown Eugene O’Neill’s oneact play Hughie. Much of the pay-cable T.V. in the-united States is devoted to soft-core sex. In August of last year Playboy announced that it was’ starting up a sex-oriented video version of Playboy magazine. Playboy has reached an agreement with the Ehcapadescablechannel to show the new program. After the amount of programming from Playboy has increased substantially, the service will be called The Playboy Channel. Playboy obviously knows a golden opportunity when it sees one. The importance of the channel to the company is emphasized by the fact that Hugh Hefner, who has been removing himself from most of the day-to-day running of the Playboy empire in recent years, will personally oversee the development of the channel. The Chicago White Sox, Black Hawks, Bulls and Stings have set up a cable pay -T.V. channel called Sportsvision. For $260 a year Chicago fans can see their hometown teams play games that are blacked out when Chicago teams play in Chicago (much the same as Argonaut games are blacked out when the Argos play in-Toronto.) A more varied pay - T.V. sport channel is the 24-hour network Sports Anytime ESPN. ESPN advertisements entice potential customers with visions of “Top Rank Boxing, College Football, Pro Football from Canada, College Basketball, Auto Racing and Professional Tennis . . . plus television’s most complete sports new, Sports Centre, five times every day.” There are also 24-hour news channels. The first was Ted Turner’s news-headline network for cable T.V. (i.e. not his superstation). Unfortunately, this service is losing over a million dollars a year. An exciting new development is the announcement that ABC and Westinghouse plan to create a 24-hour new network for cable - T.V. fashioned after the allnews approach used by radio stations. The channel should be in operation by spring of this year. The venture will unite the editorial and financial resources of two of the United State’slargest broadcasting entities. Finally, the most advanced two-way cable T.V. system in the world is in operation in Columbus and Blue Ash, Ohio. Owned by Warner-Amex Cable Communication, the 60channel Qube service enables subscribers to express opinions, play games, take courses, shop and bank at home, all for $10 per month. The service also includes an amatuer show




That camera down in the lobby connected by cable to all the televisions in the apartment building sure comes in handy. The delivery man begins to look impatient, so Idiald on the phone and that opens the doorfor him. Oops!


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the phone (which is connected to the intercom in the lobby) to the delivery man. Too curious to wait and see what my videoribs look like, I flip on the T. V. to Channel 14. There they are.

of a dream

The above scene is imaginary only insofar as I was in it. All the things described exist right now. These and other developments are heralding a new age in the enjoyment of leisure time. We are on the threshold of a dream. Things we take for granted such as the telephone, the television, and the computer are being combined to create powerful and relatively inexpensive ways of improving our access to information, in turn creating countless opportunities to improve our minds and bodies and our enjoyment of leisure time. In Canada, one of the most talked about developments of the near future is pay - T.V. The Canadian Radio - Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has already heard bids from companies hoping to haye a pay -T.V. service in operation as early as January 1983. The frontrunners have pledged to spend from $199 million to $310 million on Canadian-made programming in the first five years of operatidn. This would be a tremendous boost to the Canadian film industry. The service will cost about $9 per month and will offer one channel of mixed programming sports events, Canadian theatre productions and Canadian and American films. After much delay, the CRTC will soon make its decision on pay T.V. Pay T.V. has existed in the United States for over four years. The CRTC has dragged its feet, but now there is a new reason. The civil servants in Ottawa are worried - in remote areas and on apartment buildings satellite dishes are able to pick up

. Peking




Invasbn: Threshold









night for which the viewers choose the winners _ and a game show where viewers can play along and win prizes. Although the CRTC has yet to make a decision on which bidder will get the pay -T.V. license in Canada, at the end of December it made a ruling authorizing several nonprogramming services similar to those mentioned on a trial basis. Several cable companies will be allowed to offer security surveillance, meter reading, video games, and shopping by television for a two-year period, ending December 3 1,1983. These extra services will be optional, but they are expected to add considerably to cable television companies’ profits. The biggest obstacle to widespread acceptance will be the cost of the hardware, as each subscriber will need upwards of $300. In another area, new developments are offering countless opportunities to improve our minds and enjoy our leisure time more. The ever-decreasing prices of home computers is opening up a whole new vista of information access. From the convenience of the home, a computer owner can use one of the many data banks springing up throughout North America. Canada is a leader in this field. Telidon, developed by the federal Department of Communications, combines computer technologies to create a two-way interactive communication system with the latest colour graphic techniques. Presently, the most popular one is called The Source in McLean Virginia. For about $3 an hour a dazzling world of information is at the user’s fingertips. A simple connector allows any home computer to communicate with The Source computer in Virginia over a toll-free telephone line. There is an electronic reservation and confirmation service, an airline schedule review, a computer game library, an electronic mail system, a complete up-to-date listing of all stock prices on every major American exchange, the United Press International General wire service (which is the source of-much of the foreign news in Canadian newspapers), and a complete business and financial system for companies or individuals. There are also many educational programs: French language drill, typewriter keyboard drills, algebra, geometry, chess, bridge . . . These systems are only precursors of what will be available within the next ten years. By 1990 there should be a system that provides access to the equivalent of all the books in the Library of Congress -i.e. all the books that have ever been published in the United States. Again, all that will be needed is a home computer and a telephone. We will be able to command any book and any article to appear instantly on a cathode ray tube. No more searching through catalogues to find that the library doesn’t have the book. No more finding out that somebody else already has taken out a book crucial to an essay due in a few days. No more books on reserve in the reading room. It is expected that the TeZidon system will more than duplicate the present series offered by l%e Source. A more direct educational application is the use of computers in Computer Assisted Learning (CAL). By 1990, the market for CAL in Canada could be worth $5 billion. The advances being made in software for CAL are impressive; one of the best examples is Control Data’s Plato which includes a complex

Friday, - February program for training engineers. The beauty of good CAL programs is that the computer can gear its instruction to the user’s needs. It remembers what questions have been answered incorrectly and can provide more information on subjects or areas each particular user finds difficult. The result is a feeling that the learner is in the driver’s seat, since the lessons progress at his speed and at his level. Because it offers relatively inexpensive one-toone instruction that is especially useful in learning languages, sciences and technical skill, CAL will be more important in education. The laser-read videodisc is one of- the most exciting but least talked about developments in entertainment and information technology. The superiority of the Sent/ Philips laser-read disc over the RCA stylus disc lies in the fact that the laser-read disccandisplay theequivalent of one “frame” at a time as a till picture, with high resolution that is extremely clear. Since 56,000 such individual imges can be stored on onedisc costig about twenty dollars, the possibilities are mind-boggling. Imagine a disc with alternting pairs of frames, the first frame being a description of the painting that follows on the second. Two or three such discs would be enough to store and annotate all the great works of art in all the world’s museums and galleries. The equivalent in art books would cost tens of thousands of dollars. The same could be dome for the world’s buildings, not to mention books. One disc could store one hundred 560-page books. Also appropriate would be maps, sheet music, album covers, stamps. coins and minerals. What about the future of videocassettes. Movies on videodiscs are much cheaper, $1525, compared to $20-100 for videocassettes. Videodiscs virtually never wear out, whereas videocassettes start to deteriorate after thirty plays. The advantage of videocassettes over videodiscs is the ability to record programs . from television -that advantage is important enough to ensure the survival of the videocassette. But there are so many tormats; VHS, Betamax One and Two. This willchange in the next few years. At the beginning of January, the big five makers of videocassette machines (they control 70 per cent of the world market) signed an agreement to standardize their tape format by 1985. None of the formats now in use will be used; the new four hour record players, the audiodisc player produces cassette will be the size of a matchbook and cost no surface noise, no distortion, and has a only five dollars. In conjunction with this new dynamic range over 50 per cent greater than format, a - small hand-held videocassette that of even the most expensive record players. camera will be available. Since both the recording of the audiodisc and Lovers of fine music will be glad to hear that the playing of it can be dome digitally, for the Philips of the Netherlands and Sony Corp. of _ first time, the perfect true-to-life performance Japan will begin marketing a laser-read audio will be possible. The machine will cost disc in early 1983. The disc, 11.5 centimetres in approximately $700. diameter, is completely enclosed in plastic and Finally, there is encouraging news from the read by a laser beam. The disc will last virtually new government in France. President Francois forever since there is no wear through playing Mitterand has set up an international study as with records because there is no stylus that centre in Paris with the aim of developing for comes into contact with the surface of the disc; manufacture a pocket sized personal computer only a beam of light shines on it. Furthermore, for “every man, woman and child on earth.” the hard plastic casing of the disc is not as easily Mr. Mitterand believes that computer techdamaged as the surface of a regular record; nology could provide answers to the problems of both industrialized and, undeveloped about the only way to “scratch” the disc is to take a nail to it. On top of these conveniences, nations. He forsees the mass manufacture of a the disc plays one hour even though only one computer no bigger than a book which could be run on long-life batteries or alternating side per disc is used. The best advantage, however, is the sound quality. In contrast to current. “Each individual will be able,

22,1982. _ Imprint -.. __-_._--15

0 r,.

according to his personality, tastes and gifts, to find help in seeking the knowledge which suits him and which he needs,” said Mitterand. This, after all, is the reason why the whole information revolution in hardware and software is so dynamic and interesting. Whether for entertainment, education or survival, people are constantly in search of information. Life itself could be said to be a search for information, information to sustain the body and enrich the mind. In our world, greater access to and understanding of information usually means an increase in physical and mental well-being - witness the Gutenberg press. Any development that helps to reduce the cost of information, or make it more widely available, or to improve the quality of its transmission is therefore vital in our world. The issue is not simply one of an isolated series of new gadgets or services; our information environment effects how we think and live.

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Artist Les Ballets Jazz is the “Smokey and the Bandit” of lots of action, dance mindless slapstick, bodies all made of fluff. While film is frequently just a form of entertainment and attains the position of an art form only in rare cases, dance is a theatre art; although it entertains, it should also strive for beauty, harmony,enlightenment and all the other intangibles that create art. As dance is considered the most suspect of the art forms (some people associate dance primarily with the sprawling antics of strippers), it must strive to be seriously con-





starves while sidered by presenting works of innovation, quality and depth, that are well crafted and superiorly executed. A company such as Les Ballets Jazz which performed at Humanities Thursday, angers me. Here is a company of fine dancers - without exception, they are strong technicians; they have well-proportioned bodies; they present a style that can build an energetic rapport similar to that found at rock concerts. That they must be forced to perform the feeble offerings of indifferent choreographers year after year, is a tribute to their masochism and an insult

and mainly

Following Myron Galloway’s review of Les Ballets Jazz - “This highly original company has won the hearts of dance fans throughout the world” - I had very high expectations going into the theatre. For the most part my expectations fulfilled but the evening did begin disappointingly. The first number, Les Etudes en Jazz, was not well done: the dancers were out of synch with one another and at one point even ran into each other while leaping across the stage. If I wanted to be charitable, I could excuse their lack of professionalism by saying that they were not used tosucha small stage or that they were not warmed up. However, Les Ballets is a professional dance troup and as such should not allow themselves to be sloppy for whatever reason. J’Freak Assez, the following number, was finally the kind of dancing I felt the troupe was capable of. The entire piece, from the costumes to the movements were rapid, jagged and abrupt. The costumes were black and yellow, the music mainly percussion, the dancing well suited to the title, “J’Freak.“The dancers also sporadically let out shrieks to further the mood. ThouQh the next dance was not asdramatic or tense as J’Freak Assez, it was my favourite of the evening. La Machine, as I found out later, represents a carwash. Choreographer Daryl Gray says that he wanted thedancers to capture the differing personalities of bolts and screws or washers and dryers. Icertainly think he succeeded in portraying the idea of a machine, as I was vividly reminded of intertwining cogs throughout the entire dance. La Machine was actually a set of three dancers, all reflecting different aspects of


to faithful audiences. This group settles for the frivolous and cliched to draw its audiences, instead of leaving these tired manuevers to less talented troupes that must compensate for dancer inadequacies and budget deficiencies. This group should be doing more challenging, inspirational, substantial works that pull the company up from the tricks of vaudeville. The company is capable of doing better, but its programme does not reflect it. “J’Freak Assez” is a dance splashing with red, yellow and black. Is this hell, a collective orgasm, or tribal ritual? The


machinery. The first in the set was not memorable; by the time the second was on, II had forgotten the first utterly. The second may have wiped the first out of my mind since I was enchanted from the moment it began. Several couples were intertwining and sliding off each other to the slow sleazy music of jazz trombone (or was it sax?). The third sequence in the set gave the individual dancers a chance to strut their stuff. During each solo, the rest of the troupe jittered in the background, looking on with interest. In the final set, Les Ballets Jazz got into some comedy. It started with a mock hop dance, complete with sneakers and the twist. The couples flirted and fought their was through the dance until ‘the star’ came onto stage. The girls immediately went crazy with infatuation. The star - wearing sunglasses, of course - executed a terribly cool dance with a newly appearing dancer in a slinky red dress. The other dances in the set were a solo dance to “The empty bed blues,” which was rather mundane; a duet between two East Indian characters of a slow senuous nature; and also a parody on the antics of dancing pop singers to the tune, “I don’t love you anymore.” The last number was quite amusing, especially if you had frequently been irritated by dancing back-up vocals, as I have been. Unfortunately, the troupe decided to do this number as an encore and this number simply was not strong enough to be amusing a second time. On the whole, the show was worth seeing. I would certainly try to see them a second time, when hopefully they will fulfil1 their potential. J. George

Ballets dancers are frenzied but flexed wrists guide them about the stage through freaked-out acid heads and co-ordinated epileptic outbursts. Shaking heads at a different rate from hands and legs while screaming requires impressive concentration but does not add to the understanding of the obscure “raison d’etre” of this piece, be it movement theme, literal or abstract. For artistic merit, the choreographer has the dancers, at dance’s end, turn their tricoloured masks from the front to back of their heads. Because we, the audience, do not understand it, it must be profound. There is no chance that, instead, this is a mindless effort towards symbolism that succeeds instead in idiocy? Fortunately this group of dynamos is able, somewhat, to cover the nakedness of choreoweak, confused graphy with valient energy and earnest ferocity.

Molesworth I suppose it could have been called a noble experiment. But to follow the cliche to its logical end, it was one that failed, or more fairly, faltered a great deal. The concept was an enterpreneurs’ dream: take two well-established Toronto Comedy institutions, put together a road show, and tour the provinces. They’ll wrap it up in Kapuskasing. But in a large, impressive hall like the Centre in the Square, the immediacy that stand-up improv comedy requires to show its best is missing. Opening the evening’s entertainment were three comicsfromYukYuks.Thefirst, a basically good-natured chap without a hell of a lot of inspiration behind him, and whose name escaped me, dwelt on the theme of hockey. Gee, pretty original for a lad from Canada, EH? I mention the first fellow’s disposition only as a counterpoint to comic No.2, Pat Bullard. His idea of great yokes ‘was detailing the flattening of animals on highways. Falling back on the “crazy family” routine has got to be as old as the hills; in this case, the Catskills, Iguess. And the man had a snotty presence: it wasa nice try at an ironic delivery, but it rubbed me the wrong way. It took the bizarre but righton humour of Tony Molesworth the best way to describe him is a cross between Robert Klein and Steve Martin - to live up to the show’s true potential. Imagine if you will a performer who can take jokes about stoned people and make them fresh and incisive; you end up not laughing at the stoner but at the mode of consciousness. Molesworth also made use of a suitcase of props to drop some scatological bits, and to display his juggling skills. Just when you thought he was going to stay in a holding pattern with his flying devices, he pulled off a tasty bit of handeye co-ordination. All Ican say is: what balls. Then, in a flurry of activity, Second City Touring Company took the stage and




goes on. The dancers’ true ability is glimpsed in“La Machine” by Daryl Gray. This dancemaker has the dancers in shimery coral and mauve unitards that celebrate the ’ human form. The beginning of the second half has a cold blue cyclorama rising up behind the dancers. It is here that we are treated to jazz in a less commercial, subtler light. This quality appears also, in the first section of “La Perfectly Swell.” Here is the seamless grace of a slow-moving lion. It’s clean, clear and controlled. The dancers ease through the blues music: the feel of satin sheets on a summer night. The ‘Arabian Duet’ (as I will call it) also from “La Perfectly Swell” is a mish-mash of dramatic, stereotypic, arabic gestures and classic ballet sequences that make the dancers look like they hadn’t had time to don the tightsand pointe shoes. Silly. A few lame

bkarre didn’t stop moving until intermission. The show is fastpaced to say the least. While these are the flunkies who get sent out on the road, the performers in the troupe are quite accompished. One man in particular - again, the name passed me by because they were in such a hurry to deliver something, anything, that proper intros were not possible: but you’ve seen him, he’s the shlemiel on the wine ads. who praises Canadian wines (Lord protect him) and then pulls the tablecloth and all its trappings on top of himself. Anyway, this guy was the most impressive of the lot, with a sense of physical comedy at least equal to that of Chevy Chase. Maybe he’ll get to star in dog-type movies someday too. What the Second City repertoire consisted of was




comic moments tell that the choreographer couldn’t decide if this piece is satirical, slopstick or serious. The “preppie-fifties” segment is dominated by the flute accompaniment and every movement cliche since Greek vases, (including Travolta’s finger in the air from Saturday Night Live). But again, the dancers throw in every bit of energy, pulling the audience with them and warming them up for the final section. Four men and their ‘vocal’ leader, ape their way through an amateur talent night gimmick - mouthing the wordsof a popular songster, complete with jiving to a strong disco beat. The pervasive rhythm and writhing males stimulate the audience to a whooping appreciation of their exhibition. And so...theartiststarvesin his garret and the entertainer dines in his penthouse. Chris Bauman

but fun successful bits from past revues. The cast is to be credited for bringing a sembalance of life to these oldtimers. They really fell short of the mark in the songs, heavyhanded and tiresome putdowns without the least soupcon of grace to carry them off; the stiffness here could possibly be attributed to arthritis. Maybe it was evidence of the audience’s inhibition the hecklerism was at an appallingly low level - but the troupe often resorted to loud and solicitous mannerisms. “Hey, this IS comedy, after all.” When the openers outshine the big names, it is time for show biz paranoia. I hope that Tony Molesworth can live with himself knowing the sleepless nights he’s giving the Second City Todd Schneider

Cole: nothbzgbeats hersongdkdance ;1i

On the one side lies humour, and on the other, extreme emotion and romanticism. It is in this manner that I would summarize the content of a performance by Beth Anne Cole.

From between these two modes of song comes a young woman from Ottawa, leaving behind her 111 performances in the musical Rose Marie (at the Shaw Festival) to entertain with accompanying piano beforepatronsoftheHumanities Theatre. Since her return from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (in England), Miss Cole has appeared at the National Arts Centre, the Teller’s Cage in Toronto, and the Shaw Festival. From her performance in Rose Marie Miss Cole sang a piece entitled Indian Love Call (Friml-Harbach-Hammerstein) as well as several other romantic works such as I Have Dreamed (RogersHammerstein), Stars (Janis

Ian), and My Childhood (by Relgian J. Brel). I was particularly fond of the more emotional tunes, as they seemed to present an honest attraction which the audience could identify with. Especially notable was the vivid imagery and reminiscient feeling of My Childhood. But comedy played as large a part in her show as did the romanticism. Under the comedy heading I would places numbers like Tap Youtr Troubles Away (J. Herman) and To Keep My Love Alivcz (Rogers-Hart): the latter piece revealing fifty ways to kill your lover. Also featured were Miss Cole’s collection of humourous Yiddish Theatre songs, as well as several revivals of Fanny Brice numbers. The show opened and closed with an enthusiastic tune co-written by Miss Cole that cast emphasis on the main theme of the act: Nothing Beats a Song and Dance. Peter MacLeod




Black Slate Sirens In The City Polygram This album -was first delivered to my turntable on January 15th--the anniversary of the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I find that significant, since what reggae music has as its base, and what Dr. King championed throughout his life are not a million miles apart. I watched carefully on that day for whatever I could see or hear in the media about King, - but I was only rewarded with a promo. for a musical tribute on CBC Radio’s “Morningside’‘--which I missalmost ed--and a short, perfunctory segment on some American network’s TV news. Granted, this year did not mark a significant anniversary for King, so to have expected much tribute would have been unwise. But with such scanty attention, it’s not hard to see why Stevie Wonder is having trouble getting anywhere with his campaign to make King’s birthday recognized as a national holiday in the U.S. That same day, I bought Jimi Hendrix’ “Axis: Bold as Love”. Believe it or not, kids, there used to be a time when blacks and whites used to hang out together, embrace other as brotheres each


instead *of mothers, and listen to the same music; Hendrix was a prime example. (Some of the above would apply to the Disco thing, but we’ll ignore that for obvious reasons.) During those long-past days of civil rights marches, the white faces were in there with the black ones--remember a little tune called “We Shall Overcome”? That’s where the late Dr. King comes in. For brevity’s sake, let’s just say that we each went our separate ways. Rock degenerated into macho swaggering, and worse; black music reverted to the uptown shuckin’ and jiving’ of the preacid era. The spirit was broken. It took some rudeboys from JA. to bring Trenchtown, back the feeling of outrage at racial and social injustice, of one man stepping on the other man’s dignity. It brings us fullcircle, as well as to the original purpose of this piece: to review the Black Slate album. The sound makes a nice link between American and Jamaican black music, with harmonies that could just as easily be on a Commodores album as a Tosh, but since reggae draws on soul so much, it’s not too surprising. Actually, this band does not qualify as a Jamaican outfit per se; from what I can

gather, the group works out of London. Almost all of the trap/pings of reggae we’ve come to expect are included here as part of the packages: dreadlocks, Africa-Zionism, rockers, roots and rights--but no ganga. Get off on de music, mon an-a be free.. Everything is competently done, but the album lacks real drive, real commitment. But then, when you’re using the Marley yardstick, nearly everthing else comes off as lacklustre. Sorry, folks, but if high-power music like reggae falls flat, the situation is inexcusable. I would be above reproach-racially-speaking, at least--if I loved this album wliolesale, but unfortunately the moments of transcending the cliches of the genre are woefully few. 1’11give it a 65, you can dance to it--but the same can be said of Disco. Ouch! Todd Schneider

listening to Beat Noir and she’s your shadow. Shadows run throughout Fingerprintz’s latest album. Shadows can be: a dark image caused by blockage of strong light by a mass, someone who follows a person with malicious intent, a darkened area of the id or personality, or an aura about a person which deadens the feelings of those about him/her. The Beat Escape is the first cut. It all begins with some heavy percussion and a mess of background shouting. It has a good dance beat and

Beat Noir Fingerprintz 1 Polygram “Something froze me/it was a girl’s voice./1 lit a cigarette.” Do you freeze and light a cigarette every time you hear a girl’s voice? If you do, you are either the world’s worst chainsmoker, or else you’ve been

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everything blends well. A sax appears occasionally making saxaphonic-type sounds. The Chase has an almost disco beat, but not quite. The guitarist lets his fingurs do the. talking and performs interesting little rips and runs in the bat kground. The third cut, Cat Walk, is not worth mentioning here. Look for it in the obituaries. Get Civilized ends the first side. Quite nicely. The sound quality is good and everything blends together. The horn section (trumpets,trombones, etc.) contributes greatly to the piece. Keyboard effects break it up in the middle and thus prevent repitition and monotony. The beat is quick, but not overly so. This is a good song to dance to. The second side begins with an experimental rock piece called, Shadowed. Again we have here an excellent example of something good to dance to. The percussion backbeat is nicely done. Out of interest, the quote which started this review is from Shadowd. A voice c omes in towards the middle to tell the listener about an ‘alien presence’ who is shadowing him so to speak. Touch Sense is average in every way, shape, and form. Next comes Echohead. This cut is more Ska music than rock. There is heavy persussion, interesting guitar, and repetition. Drums and guitar end Echohead fantasL tically. Going Going Gone starts with a trade off between percussion and keyboards. The beat is fast, but you can still hear everything. Sound’ quality and blending are good. This piece literally exudes energy, and almost begs you musically to get off your butt and shake it.



It all ends with FamousLast Words, a borig but good piece. Everything blends well and is played well, but as a closing song Famous Last Words is a letdown. I recommend this album for all those who like dancing and to all those with taste. Cliff Goodman Movement New Order Polygram Underground rock (with a new wave influence) strikes again. Several of the cuts on Movement are worth mentioning. Some aren’t. It evens out. The album starts out with a piece called Dreams Neuer End. The guitar is distorted and the percussion is heavy: I liked it. My only complaint was that I couldn’t-hear the lyrics. All I know is that the lead singer has an English accent. The percussionist does some beautifully interesting work on Truth, the second cut on the album. The keyboards are good and the guitar combines with the percussion excellently. And you can even hear the lyrics! Senses consists of a heavy beat and some interesting effects. The beat,however, isa little too heavy anddrow,ns out the singer. Little computervoice type sounds abound throughout. The fourth ‘cut (called Chosen Time) is one of those not worth noting. The lyrics are gorgeously overshadowed and the whole piece is repetitive. C’est cu. ZCB is also classed here. But the sixth cut, ahh, I loved it. The Him is very quiet and very mysterious The speed starts out slow and picks up somewhere in midsong. The lyrics come through and are easily heard, and everything blends well. Doubts Even Here is the second to last piece (which means the last cut is coming up and you can soon go back to the Sports section). It starts with percussion which becomes the backbeat) and is then joined by guitar and keyboard. It is soft and quiet and the lyrics are very hearable. In the final cut (yes, this is it!!) The lyrics fade back into obscurity. Denial has a fast beat and boasts the distorted guitar which helped start the album. The guitar work is simple, but still effective. The +, good points of Movement far outnumber the bad, making the album a worthy buy. It will be found in the import section of most local record stores (or . so I’m told). Cliff Goodman

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CBC report


color succeeds

reveals the odd fact

available programming ” From the “facts that you never reallly want to know Canadian and Canadians spthe following end only three percent of their department” viewing time watching these information was gleened from productions. the annual report of the CBC News programming was the for the year ending March 31, most viewed Canadian pro1981. with Canadians It cost 24.1 million Cana- - gramming dians $22.04 each to finance spending eighty-nine per cent of their news watching hours the French and English radio productions. and television networks of on Canadian CBC. That amounts to about Sports and public affairs had percentage viewing hours of six cents a day to listen to Don seventy-nine and seventy-one Hdrron or watch Knolton respectively. These figures Nash. The $22.04 breaks down to a per capita cost of apply to surveys done on the English language network. $6.17 for the radio service, The French network has both French and English, and considerably higher Canadian $14.57 for the television networks and $1.30 for Radio viewing and content. Overall percenty is CanaCanada International. Of all sixty-four dian content with viewers of the programs available to Canadian viewers, only thirtythe French network spending sixty-two percent of their time three percent is Canadian, but viewing Canadian producCanadians spend only twentytions. Again the lowest consix percent of their viewing hours watching Canadian protent percentage and viewership is in the news, sports and grams. The largest percentpublic affairs areas. age of American programs With its limited amount of falls into what the report caIls drama, this apprently includes Canadian programming, the CBC did manage to garner anything which isn’t news, several awards for its Propublic affairs, sports or vrietygrams. These include two music-quiz category which leaves mainly sitcoms. In this Internation Emmy awards for the programs L’Oiseau de feu, category only four percent of

best production in the performing arts category and Fighting Back of the Fifth Estate series, which won an Emmy in the best documentary catagory. Tout Rien was nominated for an Academy Award in the animated short film category. The CBC also had some success in selling its programming to other countries. Sales to foreign countries were doubled last year, allowing people in Italy, Greece and Australia to watch the Canadian sitcom Flappers. Hopefully, something will be lost in the translation. The Music of Man was the best selling program, with nineteen foreign countries buying the series. The Wayne and Schuster Show was the second best selling series with most of those sales going to independant US stations, but the people of the Phillipines, Greece and South Africa will be able to enjoy some “Canadian Humour”. Shows such as The Nature of Things, Beachcombers and King of Kensington have also been sold to foreign markets. Sales of French language pro-

gramming were also very significant. In the first annual report CBC places great emphasis on the cable industry and includes some interesting stat- ’ istics on cable penetration in Canada. Cable service as of January 1981 was available to eighty percent of Canadian homes, and only twenty-three percent of those homes did not have cable connections to their televisions. Nineteen percent of homes that have televisions have both cable and converters. It also estimates that nintety-seven percent of Canadian households have televisions, thirty-nine percent have more than one television and eighty-two percent have colour television. Despite the wealth of facts and figures in this report, there, was no mention made of how CBC viewership compared with that of it’s rival the CTV network, or of the relative costs involved in the running of the two networks. One wonders if the comparisons would be too embarrassing for the Crown Corporation. Randy Hannigan

As much as any work in the nineteenth century repertoire, Brahms’ Piano Concerto No. 2 tests the pianist’s technical and expressive abilities. But, because of the imposing length of its four movements (the piano concerto usually consists of three) this work also demands much from the soloist’s memory and physical stamina. Andre Laplante, the celebrated Canadian pianist from Rimouski, successfully tackled this work with the K-W Symphony Orchestra last Friday at the Centre in the Square with Simon Streatfield, a guest conductor, at the baton. In spite of a few minor slips in the first movement, Laplante, the technician, shone brilliantly. The exquisite accaustics of the hall let the appreciative audience savour his clarity and supple precision, which he maintained even in the heavy chordal passages. ’ Brahms is known for having shunned the “romanticism”of his contemporaries Wagner, Liszt, et a/, and for trying to preserve the classical tradition of the emphasis on form. Yet, even though the Second Piano Concerto retains much of the form of the classical concerto, form is hardly the outstandng characteristic of the lavishly expressive second movement Allegro appassionato. And it was here that Laplante, as the expressive colourist, really succeeded. His pianissimos were especially breathtaking, giving us a translucent yet even sound, with lightening speed, without sacrificing anything in technical accuracy. Streatfield is of the “cleancut” school of conducting (defined by a reserved demeanor on the podium and a clean stroke of the baton) as opposed to the less restrained gyrations of the “dionysiac” school. Though his physical presence on the stage was therefore less than captivating, his cool and steady hand was evident in the even and consistent performance of the orchestra. Although technically, like Brahms, the English composer Sir Edward Elgar is classified as a “Romantic” composer, he is really a “Neoromantic,” composing when Romanticism was no longer a fresh and innovativg force in music. His popular Enigma Varitions, a series of character sketches and caricatures of his friends, was successfully presented by Streatfield and the KWSO as the entertaining and “grand” work that it is. Nevertheless, when appearing on the same programme as Brahms, this music cannot hide its hollowness. Sandwiched between these two works from the last century was Images, an orchestral study by the contemporary Canadian composer Harry Freedman. The composer himself was present in the audience Friday night to watch the KWSO’s courageous presentation of this less than standard orchestral work. Images is a musical translation of the structures and forms of three Canadian


paintings, but could only be mistakenly interpreted as“impressionistic” music. My impressions of Freedman’s music was that of raw tension that never resolved itself harmonically (or therefore emotionally). This music doesn’t “speak to your soul,” as does Brahm’s or any other of the composers in the Pantheon of Western music. It either shouts at you or whispers hoarsely at you, and is always gnawing at the conscience. Why? Why does Freedman’s music, and in fact much of twentieth century “experimental” orchestral music after, let us say, the serial music of Schoenberg and his followers, exhibit such a dissonance (at least by former definitions) and fail to give the same kind of pleasures as its ancestors? One could argue (granted, in gross generalizations,) that has violently our century knocked the musesout of the pastoral beatitude of Parnassus and terrorized them with the horrors of our timePaschaendale and Viet Nam, Hitler and Stalin, genocide and germ warfar, (and now Ronald Reagan and the Moral majority). How could have Handel’s carefree measures in the Water Music or Beethoven’s majestic and dignified Emperor Concerto beencomposed in our cesspool of a century? On the other hand, we do have consonant, melodic music with the traditional harmonies being written - for movies, jazz clubs, T.V. commercials, and most of all for records of popular music for wide (the producers hope universal) distribution. Music, like everything from politics,death,andamodicum of material comfort, has been popularized in this century, given over to what previous centuries called the unwashed masses. And, as with mass politics, mass propoganda, marketing war when necessary and coca cola always, it has been the electronic mass media that has been responsible for disseminating music in this, century. The composers still composing simply for the concert hall, therefore, lacking a large audience, compose for one another, or at least for fellow specialists and enthusiasts. Their music is rarely vital to either, the “popular” or “cultivated” culture of their society. In Canada, then, the work of Freedman, or Murray Schaefer of Pierre Mercure is interesting, but it is not, in the same way that the music Bach or Beethoven is, satisfying. 1 That the concert hall is anachronism (at least for the creation of new art) might also help explain why audiences at concerts of classical music tend to resemble geriochracies, (no disrespect meant). People having been raised in the television and radio era will have had little experience with a live concert and therefore the concert hall offers little appeal. Older generations, less bombarded in their youth by the mass media, continue to enjoy the appeal of the concert hall. The medium is the message. David Dubinski


,-The Arts The Anarch Lords A. Bertram Chandler Daw, 1981 David Gerrold, in The World of Star Trek,suggests that one of the problems that the series had was that there were usually enough scientific, or “double-talk” devices available to the heroes to quickly save them from the inevitable “fate-worse-thandeath”;. all that Captain Kirk had to do was whip out his communicator, scream, “Scatty, save my, ass!” and be beamed aboard the ship in time for tiffin. Many of the scripts, therefore, had to


waste a good deal of time creating a situation where such “doubletalk” devices couldn’t work and the character was forced to stay in the situation in order for the story to happen. A. Betram Chandler must ,be starting t? have similar problem. He’s created a consistent universe with all sorts of doubletalk devices,doubletalk societies, and doubletalk organizations, and the whole pondeorus mass is surely starting to wear out. I am frankly at a loss to suggest a new element for Chandler to incorporate; I

suppose he cannot think of any, either. The earliest Chandler story I’ve read was Bring back Yesterday, published in the 1950s. The characterizations, the plotting, the technology, the social commentary, the dialogue, are in style indistinguishable from The Anarch Lords, published last year. From one point of view I have to admire this; he created a universe and stuck to it. On the other hand, it has surely failed to advance. If nothing else, this makes for a degree of reliability. I

knew when1 I bought The Anarch Lords (and it’s getting hard to cough up as much as $2.50 for only 200-odd pages) that I would enjoy it. After all, it is a John Grimes novel. Grimes is Chandler’s longest running character. He’s lasted through eight books, and a couple of short stories. I’ll admit he’s interesting: his basis is that he’s a character who through bumbling ineptness falls into a situation, usually unpleasant, and through sheer luck and grim determination -- as well as an eventual smartening-up of the


intellect) he finds his way out. He is. introspective,thoughtful, endearing, and largely, admirable. He is Everyman’s hero. I want to be quite specific about this: I like John Grimes. I expect Chandler does, too. But Chandler is a superficial kind of writer, so Grimes is a superficial kind of character. He is the hero of so many books through an articial situation: Chandler says he can be. So the many more interesting characters that Chandler often creates tend to be subordinates, and women. (Chandler is fairly sexist). Grimes is always in control. I go into this matter in some detail because ON EVERY BLESSED ONE of the John Grimes books there is this quote: “‘SF’s answer to Horatio Hornblouler” --Publisher’s Weekly.’




The Anarch Lords is a story taken from Grimes’ youth, before he shipped out of the respectable Federation Survey Service. Through some flukes of fate (described in previous books, notably. Star Loot) Grimes is posted to a Planetary Govern&ship. The planet’s natives don’t like him, the military commander (nominally under Grimes’ command) doesn’t like him, and Grimes is fairly certain the Admiral who had him posted to this world doesn’t like him, ei;ther. Fortunately, there is beautiful girl, who works for an organization that wants tofree the planet from its tyrannical land-owners, who does like him. There are Chandler’s requisite two or three sultry scenes in the book and a lot Of action. Grimes, if you like him at all. is portrayed as well as he ever


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I hope Publisher’s Weekly loses money. I hope it’s bindery is poor and it’s typesetting inferior, for, you see, they are INCORRECT.

is, and Chandler’s gift for c_aerpnautical inventionhas not deserted him. The book is interesting from characterization, plot, and technological points of view. , It is WRONG to assume Like all Chandler works -- I that because you have bought use no superlatives. On the a John Grimes book you are other hand, Chandler writes going to read something good solid science fiction comparable to the classics by which is also easy reading. C. S. Forrester. C. S. ForrestThis bbok helped me pass a er is a much BETTER writer : a1couple of nights at the Grad ’ than A. Betram Chandler. Club with moderate enjoyThere are some things in ment and I can only recomcommon, but Grimes is at best mend it. John Grimes is still a smudged copy of Hornentertaining, and even if blower. Let this be a lesson in Chandler hasn’t changed muwhat to believe on the cdver pf ch, I can certainly say that in the book. Trust the title -- no many cases, he doesn’t have more. And sometimes not to. even then. John W. Bast

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in Mike Moser

winners basketball I The eighth annual Mike Moser tournament happened Wednesday night in the PAC with the Warriors coming up with a 91-89 win over York University’s Yeomen. The game featured Moser’s younger brother, David. Mike Moser played three years as a Warrior iti the mid 1970’s and during that time built himself an impressive reputation. In the last year that he played at Waterloo he set an OUAA scoring record accummulating 335 points in twelve games and was the national scoring leader. Mike was named to the all Canadian University team twice and played on the Canadian National team. Basketball alone was not what immortalized Moser at Waterloo. He was equally adept academically and also involved in campus act&y outside the varsity program. To honour Mike fittingly an award is given every year to a third or fourth year student who has financial need, is

tournament has taken top honours twice in academically proficient and is solo; Jennifer Russel, the also highly involved in extraAthena B-ball co-captain for curricular activity; and the two years now, is a third year Warriors take’on a team they Kin student with an overall 82 don’t meet in regular season. The awards, presented by average. She also helps out in the Campus Ret department. Mike’s father George Moser, The M‘oser game itself was were ‘given to: Maldwyn no disappointment either. The Cooper, an honours math student who has been a varsity first half was the Warriors all wrestler for five years and the way. They got ahead of the Yeomen and stayed up buildMVP for the last three. He ing on the lead to give them a maintains a 79 per . cent average in math; Kathy Cox, a 49-36 advantage at the half even though York shot five unthird year kin student with an answered points in the last 85 per cent overall average is also a world champion para- . moments. York shaved the Warriors chutist; Jeff Goldworthy is a lead to ten early in the half and fourth year KiiF student who continued to knock away at plays badminton and is ranked the Warrior lead, which dimseventh in Canada in ininished to three points by 6:57 dividual singles, seventh in men’s doubles and first in making the final moments mixed doubles; Carol Huttense. A decisive York turnchinson is a third year Kin over sent Jarret and Savich student who has been on the down court, Savich lunging Dean’s Honour list Mainin for the layup that bounced taining a better than 85% away and left him on his back average. She is involved in,a under the basket. Nonethehost of extra curricular activless they pulled it off, giving ities and as a member of the the Mike Moser game a fitting Athenas synchro swim team finale. Virginia Butler

Few fans are witness to Warriors 6-7 loss If was disappointment night in Waterloo last Friday for the hockey Warriors and the crowd of over forty fans (mostly friends and relatives) who came to see their beloved team on the rampage. After a see-saw first part of the game, and some goal post shots, Waterloo went ahead at the lo:28 mark-of the first period after Don McLean (N’o. 7) knocked in a rebound that eluded the sprawled Windsor goaltender. This lead was shortlived however as Windsor scored two minutes later to tie it up on a screen shot. Early in the second period Waterloojumped out in front on a second goal by McLean made at the thirty second mark. Waterloo, playing aggressively after making the goal went up by two when Blair MacArthur (10) scored from a perfect set up shot making the score 3-l in Waterloo’s favour. Both goaltenders made a number of grist saves and it seemed that Waterloo was on their way to victory but Windsor came up with the next goal and the crowd could sense that the tide was turning from Waterloo to Windsor’s favour.

With only 6:40 left in the second period the Warriors yielded a power play goal with Steve Borcsok in the box for high striking. After the power play goal Waterloo let up and Windsor scored only eighteen seconds after. At theend oftwo Windsorwasahead4-3. In the third period both teams had early opportunities to score but fine goaltending kept them back until 5: 140fthethird when Windsor went ahead b> two and everyone thought the struggle was surely lost. Then Waterloo bounded back with two quick markers to tie the score at five apiece. After this Waterloo was pressing but good Windsor goaltending frustrated the Warrior shooters. When it seemed that fate must certainly be on their side it gave them a cruel blow with Windsor scoring on a shot from the point that went off a defender’s stick and glazed the goalpost to score with only 6:07 left in the game. It gave Windsor a 6 - 5 lead that was to stand as the final score. A great heartbreaker for the coach and team but they can be proud of the way they played. Mark Taylor

Sports Shorts Alumni Reunion The first women’s volleyball alumni reunion was held last Saturday at the faculty club! There were , forty in attendance including special guests and the hit of the evening was a fashion show of Athena uniforms from bygone days which coach Pat Davis described as hysterical. This included the ‘67-‘68 uniforms which earned the Athenas the nickname the Bananas because they wereshockingyellow with black buttons on the side. Luckily there was one “banana” there to appreciate it. The reunion is slated to become an annual event.

Squashers win On Wednesday January 13th, the women’s squash team played in the Western Region League against the Royal City Club in Gueleh. Kandi McElary in 5th position won her match easily in three straight games. Daryl Holley, playing in4thposition, lost her ‘first game but came back to win the following three games. In 3rd positiFn, Anne Keeler had a tough match but lost. Dianna Mair in

second position lost her first two games with close scores, won her t hird game, but then lost the fourth game with a score of 10-9. In first position, Jennifer Birch-Jones had tough competition - the club pro. Birch-Jones played excellent squash in her third game and won. Unfortunately, she lost the match in four games. On January 23rd, Birch-Jones, Campbell, Caswell, DeNureand Mairarecompetingfor the team in the Western Team Invitational. There are five teams entering: Western, Toronto, Waterloo and two city club teams. This tournament will serve as a warm-up for the OWIAAs being held inToronto Jan. 29th and 30th. Dianna Mair

Correction In a report regarding the incident between Guelph and Lava1 Imprint inadvertently reported the score as 14 - 8 in Guelph’s favor when it should have been Lava1 who recorded the win. Sorry!

Paul Van Oorschot pulis down a rebound against Guelph. The Warriors were 2 for 3 this week as they lost to the Guelph Gryphons 78-68 on Saturday, lost to the Windsor Lancers 89-80 on Sunday, and triumphed over the York Yeomen in the Mike Moser Memorial Game byaslim two Photo by Roger Theriault points, 91-89.


do well for Waterloo

For the past two weekends the Nordic Warriors and Athenas battled the elements as well as the opposition in Southern Ontario Division Races at Midland, Huntsville and Aberfoyle. The teams were weakened due to illness, injury and work-term absences but did well ag$nst strong competition including Guelph, Toronto, Western, Queen’s and Ottawa varsity athletes as well as top Ontario non-university skiers. On Saturday January 9th at Midland, Pete Laurich was the top Warriorfinisher, placinga very respectable 5th in the Senior Met’s 10k Race. University of Guelph skiers dominated the Ladies’ ski events. The top Athena was rookie Gwen Lowe-Wylde who captured 3rd place in the Junior Ladies Race. Lois Donovan was 6th in the Senior Ladies’ event. At theMuskokaLoppetonJanuary 1Oththe frigid temperatures caused many racers to drop out and also resulted in slow finishing times. In the 35 k. Men’s Elite Race UW finishers were Ian Lowe-Wylde, IOth, with Keith Mercer 12th, Kevin Jones 18th, Dick _ .



Waterloo’s volleyballers completely dom-. inated the cross-street Laurier Hawks last Friday, scoring a 15-2, 15-0, 15-5 victory that took only 35 minutes.. The Warriors’ perfect setups matched up against a Laurier team that kept making unforced errors, had trouble executing routine plays, and that connected on very few set-spike combinations. The UW squad knew what to do and where to be every time they received the ball. Th’eir composure allowed them to regroup and set up for another spike even after having the ball blocked twice in a row at the net. .


McKenna 54th and Marc Adams 55th. The Athenas dominated the 35 k. Ladies’ eventas Lois Donovan recorded the fastest time and Jacquie Gibson placed 3rd. At last Saturday’s race, hosted by the University of Guelph at Aberfoyle, the Athenas did not fare Bs well. Gwen LoweWylde placed 9th in the Junior Ladies 7.5 k. race. In the Senior Ladies 7.5 k. race Lois Donovan was IOth, just behind two Queens skiers, and Jocelyn Piercy was 14th. The fastest Warrior over the Senior Men’s 15 k. course was Pete Laurich who placed 7th, followed by Kevin Jones, lOth, Keith Mercer, 19th and Dick McKenna,39th.IntheJuniorMen’s 15k. Race Jeff Walker finished 8th and Richard Rawling 23rd. The relative placings of Queen’s skiers indicate that they will likely be strong contenders at the University Championships. The next action for the Nordic Ski-Teams is this coming Saturday at the Southern Ontario Division Championships near London. On Sunday they will compete locally in the Heritage Loppet. Nick Scheier


Laurier, on the other hand, once their initial attack was thwarted looked confused and out of position, with the Hawks seemingly frozen still at times. f The win leiiles the Warriors sitting atop the OUAA West with a 6-O record, and needing only two more victories to clinch first place. One of those wins will .have to be away against Western, on Jan. 27. They are, Coach Dave Husson says, “our major competition” and this may well be a “key match.” The Warriors’ next home game is on Jan. 28th when they will host McMaster. Paul Zemokhol

teams- triumph

Both the men’s and women’s swim teams won last Friday night, swimming against York University _ in York’s pool. The women managed easily to glide to a 74-32 victory, while +\e men were abIe to out-touch the competitior, 58 - $6. On the women’s team, three swimmers deserve special mention. Lynn Marshall won three events, while Kerry DeHay and Kate Moore each won two. The mens team also had three swimmers who each came first in two individual events. They were Peter Kornelson, Peter Christafalakas and Tom Naylor. In dual meets such as this, one of the races is usually the 800 metre freestyle. York, however, substituted the 1500 metre race for the men. This was a mistake on their part, as Waterloo cam,e in first, second and third.

Coach Dave Heinbuch was quite pleased with his teams performances. “Both teams looked relatively sharp for their first competition after the Christmas break.” When asked how he thought the teams would do in future meets, Hein‘buch replied, “They will have to swim better in the weeks to follow as York is not really a top contender.” We will be given a chance to see how thegirls team does against stronger teams this weekend, as the Athenas play host for the “Waterloo Women’s Invitational.” Teams participating include U. of T., Queen’s, Western and a few other smaller’-teams. For those of you who would like to watch, the heats start at noon, and are followed by the finals at 7:00 p.m., both Saturday and Sunday. There is no admission charge for any of the events. Terry Bolton



Doubles Tournament

Last Thursday night the finals of the Badminton Doubles Tournament were held in the PAC. The tournament was the first of the term and it went off without any major problems, Below is a list of the winners and runners up. Men’s A: Men’s B: Champions: Champions: Shawn C. K. Cheun Lorne Bradt Albert Pereira Kok Kee-Ong _ Runners Up: Runners Up: Bernie Wong Martin Ince Allan Lao Peter Dunn Women’s A: Champions: Keiko Fujimoto Melodie Flook Runners Up: Carrie Best Madelaine Hunter

Women’s B: Champions: Laurie Crowson Nancy Stephens Runners Up: Cathy Kitchen Kathy Bourdon


Remember that this coming Monday is the final registration date for the Mixed Bowling Tournament. All those interested must register in room 2040 of the PAC building by 4:30 p.m. Monday if they wish to be eligible for the tournament.


Registration for the Instructional Program operated by the Campus Recreation Department is still being accepted by the receptionist in the Red North area of the PAC. As of Monday there were still openings in the following programs:


Proposals Resumes 0 Letters l Essays

l l

CopyirrgServioesAlsoAvaailable SpecialDiscountsForStudenh VeryReasonableRates 26YLawrence


All other instructional

Women, .Feb. 2 Men, Jan. 27 & Feb. 4 Wednesdays Refresher course only “First Timers” (limited space) “On the Road” w “Reaching for the Top” “Masters” (all have limited space) programs are full.

__ The name of our program is “Full” Registration for the Competitive Leagues and Recreational Leagues closed this past week with the incredible amount of 400 teams entered. This numberis well overthe maximum limit set by the Campus Recreation Department but as many teams as possible are going to be accommodated. It would appear that as many as 370 teams are going to be accepted and operated by the department. Teams are chosen on a first come first serve basis.

C. R. A. C. Meeting

A reminder that the next C. R.A.C. meetingvis gong to be held on Monday January 25 in room 5 158 ofthe M.C. buildingat 7:00 p.m. All members and representatives are urged to attend.


Officials Wanted If you are interested in becoming involved with the Campus Recreation Department and making a little bit of extra money, the opportunity still exists. Officials are still needed for the winter term in Basketball, Hockey, Floor Hockey, and Broomball. To register simply sign up in the Referees Book in the Campus Recreation Office room 2040 of the PAC.


Racquetball Weight Training Weight Training X-Country Skiing Downhill Skiing Ballroom Dance Aqua fitness

details. Winter tennis facility schedules are available in the Campus Recreation Office. room 2040 PAC.-To book courts cal 885-3920,48 hours in advance after 9:00 a.m. Cross Country Ski Maps Free cross country ski maps, outlining over 20skiareas within40 km from the University are available in the Campus Recreation office, room 2040 PAC. Exercise Bikes We now have two exercise bikes for your use. They are located in Red Activity Area and are available for use during open facility times in the PAC. Skating Free skating as follows: Tues-Fri, 1 1:30 - 2:00 p.m. Rink in the Park Waterloo Arena Tues. - Fri. 11:30 - 1:30 p.m. Tues.-Thurs. 11:30 - 1:30 p.m. Moses Springer Arena Schedules for Ice Skating in Waterloo are available in the C-R office, room 2040 PAC.

Recreation Activities

The objective of this level is to facilitate the effective use of one’s leisure time. Facility times have been set aside for informal drop in forms of recreation or for you to book. Open Gym Times Check the weekly gym schedules in the PAC for open times. Open gyms are available for activity on a first come basis. Jogging and Weight Training Pick up a free borchure on jogging and weight training including mileage routes from the CR office and use the appropriate facilities. Squash and Racquetball Simply book a court the day before and play. Swimming Approximately 30 hours/week are open for Recreational and Fitness swimming. See Weekly Pool Schedule for hours. Drop-in Badminton Each week time will be scheduled for Recreational Badminton. Play is on a first come basis. Check the Weekly Gym Schedule. Racquets can be rented through PAC toteroom. Parter’s Board Want to find a partner in squash, tennis, racquetball or badminton? Simply sign up on the ‘Parter’s Board near PAC toteroom, contact a friend and play. Flexi Circuit A Flexi Circuit with 12 exercise stations is set up in the Red Activity Area PAC for free time use. Excellent exercise station for warm up or down exercises. Tennis ’ Over 80% of the court space is available for recreational use. Simply book a court and play. Tennis racquets can be rented from PAC toterooms. See tennis facilty schedule for booking

Maria Kasch - Volleyball Maria is a 4th year Kinesiology student from Thessalon, Ontario. At 5 ft. 1 I in. she acts as the Athena spiker and centre blocker. She has been ranked for the past couple of years in the top 20 - 25 Senior players and has had,a trial with the National team but as yet has not made it, although her constant improvement.-will doubtlessly get her another chance. Rated in Ontario as one of the top 12 women in 1979 and 1980. - 8 1, she is receiving a provincial volleyball grant. Maria is the Athenas leading attacker and blocker averaging about 55 - 60% kills on attack and 35 - 40% stuff blocks.


Amuasement ~niwmsi&y



Don McClean

- Hockey

Don is a third year Environmental StudiesYstudent. His hometown is Toronto, Ontario where’he played all his minor hockey. Currently he is in his second season playing with the Varsity Warrior hockey team. Don is a sturdy right-winger who is enjoying a very fine season personally. he is the team’s leading scorer with 15 goals in league play which is a phenomenal statistic on any hockey club. In addition to his goal scoring talents, Don is also very Don is a sturdy right-winger who is enjoying avery fine season personally. He is the team’s leading scorer with 15 goals and 15 assists so far this year. He has been involved in 50% of the team’s goals in league play which is a phenomenal statistic on any hockey club. off the ice he displays the quite type of leadership that every team needs. He invariably is the first one on the ice at practices and the last one off.



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