l a -
March 5 Experience’82,a brochure outlining summer employment opportunities with the Government of Ontario, is now available from the Career Information Centre in Needles Hall. This program is designed to offer career-related experience to interested students. The deadline for applications is April 1. Brochures are limited so pick yours up soon. Rare Photo Exhibit at WLU Gallery. Photographs taken by pioneer French photographer Nadar will be on display in the Concourse Gallery of Wilfrid Laurier University during regular university hours. Photographs of Paris from 1840 until Nadar’s death in 1910, includingportraitsoffamouspeople,fromSarah Bernhardt to a nude study of the famed spy Mata Hari. Arranged by the Laurier cultural affairs committee with the French consulate in Toronto. Overeaters Anonymous - help for people who eat when they aren’t hungryandwhogooneatingbingesfornoapparent reason. No fees or weigh-ins. Write P. 0. Box 491, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 4A9, or phone Community Information Centre, Experience
is now
579-3800. Video Tournament in the CC Games Room. Sign-up early. No entry fee. 1st prize - a pinball machine! Tourney begins Monday, March 8. Details at the Games Room Desk. SCOOPS Neilson’s Quality Ice Cream at a quality price. Open 11:30 - 3:30 Monday - Friday; 9 - 10 Wednesday night movie. Business is licking up. K-W Probe office hours - Monday lO:OO-12:OO; 1:30-2:30; Tuesday 1:30-3:30, Wednesday 10-12, 1:30-3.30, Thursday and Friday 10-12. POET’s Pub. Come in, have a drink and relax after a long week. Pinball, cold refreshments and good company available in CPH 1327. 12:00-4:00 p.m. Women’s Centre - CC 149. Office hours: Monday - Friday noon - 1:00 p.m. PEERS open Monday - Thursday 3:00-8:00 p.m., Friday l:OO-3:30 p.m. CC 138A. Salat-UI-Jumua (Friday Prayer). Organized by the Musllm Students’ Association. 1:30-2:30 CC 110. Vegetarian Club. Learn to prepare your favonte vegetarian dishes from around the world. Live demonstrations. For further information call 888.7321.6:OO p.m. Discovering Elegance: A film and discussion about Japanese flower arranging and interior design based on Eastern aesthetic principles. Free admission. Sponsored by KW Dharma Study Group. 7:30 p.m. PAS 3026. Fed Flicks with Tarzan, starring Bo Derek. 8:00 p.m. AL 116. Feds $1.00, others $2.00. The Earthen Mug Coffee House welcomes all. Try some hot apple cider and muffins. Listen to live entertainment. 8:00 midnight, CC 110. Temple Shalom service & discussion conducted by Rabbi Powell. Topic: “Intermarriage”. 8:00 p.m. 1284 Ottawa St. S., Kitchener..
- Monday,
8 -
which groups on campus are of special interest to women? Your chance to find out about some of thesegroupsisonInternationalWomen’sDay,March8th.The Women’s Action Co-operative and the Women’s Centre are co-sponsoring a potluck lunch with speakers from 12 to2 in HH 378. Groups such as the Birth Control Centre, the Professional Women’s Association and the Mature Students Association will speak. Tournament in the CC Games Room. 1st prize - a Pinball Machine. Come in and watch the action on the videos. 2:00 - IO:00 p.m. The U of W House of Debates is holding its meetings every Monday. Come out and debate with us. You’ll have a good time. 5:30 Rm. 250; Conrad Grebel College. Ever
The Economic Crisis and What It Means for Women. Marjorie Cohen, from the Department of Economics at York will speak as part of the K-W International Women’s Day Celebration. Co-sponsored by K-W Status of Women Group and K-W IWD Committee. 8:15 p.m. Adult Recreation Centre ai King and Allen in Waterloo. This program, which is open to all, will be preceded by the K-W Status df Women Group’s regular monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m, Women’s PEERS K-W scoops
Centre - see Friday. - see Friday. - see Friday. - see Friday.
- Tuesday,
- Saturday,
6 -
- Sunday,
Allwelcome. 7:00 p.m. NH3004 T. H. I. N. K. will be sponsoring a seminar on canvassing techniques at 7:00 p.m. in the Environmental Studies Coffee Shop. Campus Worship Service. Chaplains Rem Kooistra & Graham Morbey. lo:30 a.m. HH 280. Bhakti Yoga Club(Krishna Consciousness)meditationand vegetarian feast. All welcome. (Free). Further information call 888.7321.5:OO p.m. 51 Amos Ave. Students’
The Hunger Project. Ending Hunger briefing: a one-day symposium on the unnecessary persistence of hunger and the end of hunger. 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. For information call John Hotson, Briefing Leader, ext. 2644, 884-6761; or 744-9841, 653-0724. Next Briefing, March 21. MC 5158. , Laurel Creek Nature Centre. Wmter Wildflowers. Wildflowers tn Winter? Absolutely! Many wlldflowers can be identified in the wintertlme by examining stalks and seedpods above the snow. 2:00 p.m. For more info call 885-1368. Chapel service with coffee and dlsclssslon to follow. 7:00 p.m. Conrad Grebel Chapel. Video Fed
Tournament Flicks
- see Friday. see Friday.
Centre Office Hours - see Monday. office hours - see Monday. - At Conrad Grebel Chapel, 4:45 p.m. Free Noon Concert featuring the Barry Wills Jazz Quintet, sponsored by the Conrad Grebel Music Dept. 12:30 p.m. Theatre of the Arts. Waterloo Christian Fellowship has a time of prayer, bible study, and praise. All are welcome, 12:30 - 1:20, Engineering Lecture Hall, Rm. 208. Women’s
to comedy: An Italian Straw Hat is the topic of the film being viewed at WLU. 2:30 p.m. room 2E7 of the Arts / Bldg. Introduction
UW Ski Club is holding a wrap-up meeting of 81-82 season. This WIII be the only time to pick up the Jay Peak refunds. See you there! 4:00 p.m. CC 113. Video Tournament - see Monday. Mathweek begms - the Math Society invites everyone to participate in the exhilarating activities planned fromnow until March 13. Look fo’r indlvldual events. Ski Night at Chicopee sponsored by Mathsoc and the Arts Student Union. $8 for tows and bus, $5 for rentals. Tickets available in HH 178A and Mathsoc Office. Women’s Centre - see Friday.
- Thursday, K-W
- see Monday. In the CC Games Room. 1st prize - a Come in and watch the action. 2:00 - 10:00
-- see Monday.
pinball machme. p.m.
WATSWEEK keeps on! The U. of W. Science Fiction Club will be staging an introductory Traveller adventure game today. Inquire for details at the WATSFIC office. PEERS - Monday to Thursday, 3:00 - 8:00 p.m. and Friday 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. Rm 138A, Campus Centre.
Theatresports - Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the theatre! ImprovIsational acting games played by actors with no fear. 9:30, HH 180. Feds 75C, Aliens $1.00.
Arts Semi Formal - Cocktails at 6:00, dinner 7:00, dancing 9:O0. Tickets at the ASU office, $10.00 per person. Transylvania Club. For more information call ext. 2322. Caribbean Students Association invites all toa fund raising “pot luck”dinner. 6:00 p.m. HH 373. Maxim Mazumdar in “Oscar Remembered” directed by Stratford’s William Hutt, “his greatest monodrama of all”, a recollection of Oscar Wilde by his confidant and lover Lord Alfred Douglas. Tickets $8.50 (Stu./Sen $6.50) from the UW Arts Centre Box Office, Humanities Theatre (885.4280). Video Tournament - see Friday. Fed Flicks - see Friday.
Science Society elections: Nominations close for positions of President, vice-president, secretary treasurer. Forms are available at the SciSoc office until 4:30 p.m. No need to lose your driver’s license! Mathsoc is providing cheap transportation to and from the Orchestral Manoeuvers concert. Tickets are $3.00 and are available in the Mathsoc office. Ask there where the bus leaves from, and when. Put power in your life with Ken Greene, pastor of the Maranatha Christian Centre. He is speaking on the power of the word of God in CC 113 at 7:30 p.m. WJSA invites you to their weekly bagel brunch, featuring once ,again the world famous Toronto Bagels. Drop by between 11:30 - 1:30 p.m. CC 110. Christian Perspectives lecture series: God, Man and World m Western Thought with Drs. Graham Morbey. 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. in HH 334. Discussion Fellowship - 5:30 P.m. Common meal at 7:00 p.m.BibleStudy,SpecialLectures.RemKoolstraandGraham Morbey, chaplains. GLOW coffeehouse - 8:30 p.m. in CC 110. Cinema Gratis presents Lord Jim free in the Campus Centre Great Hall, 9:30 p.m. CUSO has an Information Meeting where you can find out how your skills and knowledge can be put to good use in the Third World. 7:30 Room 171 Chem. 2. Call ext. 3144 for more information. Video Tournament - see Monday.
Scoops - see Friday Announcing the 6th Annual Engineers’ Bus Push for Big Sisters. Engrneers, Big Sisters, celebrities and others will pulla transit bus 6.5 km. from U of W to Market Square on Sat. March 20. Pledge formsare avatlable to all TODAY! at the Eng Sot Office, CPH 1338. Prizes given to people who bring in the most pledges. K-W Probe - see Friday. Beth Jacob Congregation of Kltchener and WJSA Invite you to join in their weeklystudyof Chumash(Bible)8:OOTuesdays. Beth Jacob Synagogue, 161 Stirling Ave., Kitchener. For more info call Mark 742-2782. Brown Bag Film Series presents The Visible Woman, an entertaining and information-packed essay on the struggle of Canadian women for equal rights. Directed by Beryl Fox (31 minutes). 11:30 a.m. ML 349. Free. WATSweek March 9 - 14. The U of W Science Fiction Clllh WATSFIC, will be staging a series of events from Tuesday, March 9th to Sunday, March 14th including Tuesday: Intro to role-playing games; Wednesday: Introductory Dungeons and Dragons Adventure; Thursday: Introductory Traveller Adventure; Friday: Traveller Tournament; Saturday and Sunday: D & D Tournament. More infocan be obtained from WATSFIC, MC 3036. Come out andlearn howtoslaydragons and fly starships!
POETS Pub - come in and have a drink and relax aftera long week. Pinball, cold refreshment and good company are available in CPH 1327. Waterloo Christian Fellowship supper meeting. We welcome you to join us in our Worship Service, based on Freedom. 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. HH280. Take a break from classes to play Moonball in the Village Green. 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sponsored by Mathsoc. Math Flicks - Featuring Monty Python’s hilarious film, And Now For Something Completely Different at 8:30 p.m. In MC 2066. Mathies$l.OO, others$l.50. The
Software Pi&e) a talk by Toronto lawyer Adam Vereshack on the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of protecting computer software, will take place in MC 3006 at 8:00 p.m. Sponsored by Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG) and the Computer Science Club. Enjoy a six-course vegetarian meal for $1.50 in CC Rm. 135, 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. U. of W. House of Debates - see Monday. Resumes,
Interviews using role play, Frank Ruszer from UW’s Department of CareerPlanningandPlacement,demonstrates interview techniques and the importance of the information interview.
l ” “ ,
Scoops Peers A Few
10 -
- see Friday - see Friday. Good
A Few
present AFew
True Hours. 8:00 p.m. ES1 221. presents Dr. D. Conrath chalrman of the Department of Management Science and Director of the Centre for the Evaluation of Communication and InformatIon Technology, speaking on “Office Automatjon”. He willdiscuss thisrapidlygrowmgfleldingeneraland the contribution of the CECiT project specifically. 8:00 p.m. MC 5158. Everyone welcome! Tea and doughnuts will be served. For more information contact the CSC ext. 2730 or visit MC 3037. The
Y . , . ,
12 -
Vegetarian Club - learn to prepare yourfavorite vegetarian dishes from around the world. Live demonstrations. For further informatlon call 888.7321.6:OO p.m. Salat-ul-Jumua (Friday prayer) organized by the Muslim Students’ Assoclatlon in CC 110, 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. See Monday K-W Probe, Women’s Centre, Video Tournament, PEERS. POETS Pub: come In and have a good time andadrinkaftera long week. Pinball, cold refreshments and good company are available In CPH 1327. WATSweek winds down with a TravellerTournament today. On Saturday and Sunday: Dungeons and Dragons Tournament. For more informatlon contact WATSFIC in MC 3036 Come out and learn how to slay dragons and fly starships!
Coming Recreation
Events Student
March 19, 20,21. “Focus on the Future”. See next issue for more mformatlon or contact Dept. of Recreation.
Imprint Friday, March 5, 1982; Volume
4, Number
29; University
of Waterloo,
L4ded. March 10
oiler 8:QO
Thurs. March 11
Friday .Mar 12
Sat Ma; 13 Sunday Mar 14
1:OO a.m.
Travel and Sports Display Beirdo Brothers in the CC Wine & Cheese Fondue at $5.00 for all the wine and
Fashion Show from WLIJ in the CC Great Hall - LOO - 300 p.m. . Beach Ball Push during intermission - 2:00 p.m. (prizes) Beach Party at the South Campus Hall - 8:00 - LOO a.m. Sandcastle Contest at 930 p.m. (prizes)
St. Patty’s Day Warm-IJp Pub Crawl - 1:00 - 6:00 Mad Mad Movie Night in the CC Great Hall - 12:00 (six oldies but goodies)
Breakfast at 7:00 a.m. in the CC Great Hall Hayride (Meet at the CC 2:00 p.m.) No Talent Night in the Green Dining Room
of Students
in the CC Great Hall 10:00 - ZOO p.m. Great Hall - 1:OO p.m. - 300 p.m. Humanities Grad Lounge 3rd Floor 9:00 . fondue you want.
VI -
1:OO a.m.
p.m. Meet at the CC a.m. - 7:00 a.m.
We need a new and exciting Logo to represent the Federation of Students at the University of Waterloo. Contest Opened February 26 and Closes on Wednesday, March 24,1982 1st Prize: $50.00 2nd Prize: $25.00 3rd Prize $IS.So Other Prizes: TBA 0 Submissions must be made to Helga Fetz in the Federation Office no later than 430p.m. Mar. 24/82 0 All submissions must be made on a standard 8*/2 x 11 sheet ofCpaper. The design must be scaled to the size. Put vour name, faculty and telephone number on the back of the submission. 0 Your submission design should be easily related to the students of the University of Waterloo. It , may be composed of shapes, colours, letters, etc. Use your imagination.! OBAll submissions become the property of the Federation of Students / University of Waterloo.
Fed council elects news execs Students’ Council met for t:le first time since the elections L’lis week, the major item of business for the meeting being the ratification of President I-Vim Simonis’ choices for the rreeting being the ratification of President Wim Simonis’ :,hoices for the 1982-83 exccutive. Councillor John Oudyk ob;‘<hcted to approving all the exs-cutives at’ that meeting as he r:lt there should be more time ‘3 look at all the candidates ,: nd question their opinions on *arious aspects of the Fed. ration. He said that the
president should be able to choose whoever he wants for the offices of Vice-president and Treasurer. Simonis said that it would not be fair to discuss potential executives and their personal attributes “in a bull-pit session open to the public and the press.” A motion to delay the ratification ofexecutive members except for Vice-president and Treasurer put forward by Oudyk was defeated by a IO-6 margin with 3 councillors abstaining. The meeting then proceeded
Committee gathers cCampus Centre information Until the Campus Centre is owned outright by the students, it annot be controlled by the students, was one of the statements tnade at a meeting this week between the turnkeys, the Campus b:entre Board and the Committee of Presidents (CP). The .neeting was called for the CP to gather input from the other two :,arties, so as to make recommendations to University President iwright on the future of the Campus Centre Board (CCB). The Committee of Presidents is comprised of the presidents of .I1 of the student societies and the Federation of Students l’resident. The Campus Centre Board was suspended by Pat Robertson, .JW’s director of Academic Services, acting on behalf of LJniversity President Douglas Wright, February 11. CCB Arts Rep Ian Chamandy asked the CP whether it was iamiliar with the situation within the Board when it sent a letter supporting Dr. Wright’s suspension of the Board. In defence of the CP, Engineering Society President Don Heath said that the letter was not so much meant tocommend the suspension as to stand behind Ann Woodruff, CC Operations Co-ordinator. When asked why their letter recommended that the board should stay suspended until March 15, the CP repllied that it felt this was enough time to consult the parties involved and to make Their suggestions to Wright. Joyce Pickard, grad student representative to the suspended CCB, asked if the letter implied tacit approval of the suspension in favour of the Administration’s positioh. Federation president Wim Simonis answered by saying that the CP was simply recognizing that what had been done, had been done. Pickard then pointed out that if the Board was removed, then student control over the CC was effectively ended, as the Board is made up of elected student officials. Heath replied that the CP supports student control of the CC, but time was needed for the present situation to cool down, and thus the suspension was a necessary measure. Simonis asked for the turnkey’s opinion of when the situation began. Prevaling opinion took the origin back as far as the fall of 198 1, when a CCB task force on the Games Room Manager’s position was submitted to the Board. The recommendation of the task force was to pay the Games Room manager, hired as, part-time help, full-time wages since the job entailed full-time duties. But Dr. Wright vetoed this decision. Simonis asked how the CCB could be vitalized. He said one of the present problems is that board meetings are not well attended. Suggestions for greater visibility were placards, inserts in Imprint outlining current Board activities, and other means. Since the Federation, has well-established machinery for elections, these should be utilized until the Board can do it itself, Simonis said. Later, a turnkey said that publicizing the Board as a interestgenerating means is somewhat naive, as the Federation is the most visible student organization on campus yet they have problems filling seats too. There have been no serious problems in running the CC since the Board’s suspension, the turnkeysadmitted. A Board member responded giving credit for the smooth operation to the turnkeys for their dedication and service to the users of the building. A result of the controversy is that more users are approaching the turnkeys for an explanation of the Board’s structure. Turnkey Board Rep Gray Eakins proposed that ausers’forum be held for the expression of views on the Board’s future. Paul Grenier, an Arts representative on Students’ Council, asked for opinions on making the Board faculty reps a part of the Federation structure, perhaps under the auspices of the (not yet formed) Board of Internal Relations. This idea was favourably received. A strong feeling that the 24-hour nature of the CC must be retained was expressed by the turnkeys. Not only does this make the CC unique amongst student union buildings in Canada, but it also provides a place for people to go at any time of the day. One of the final suggestions at the meeting was one from Pickard, who said that better financial planning is needed by the Board to keep the CC afloat in the face of possible financial cutbacks from the universitv administration. Todd Schneider
to ratify Simonis’ proposals as follows: Vice-president: Marg Ann Pierson; Treasurer - Jim Pytyck; Assistant Treasurer - Manfred Schwengers; Board of Communications Chair - Laurie Wideman; Board of Education Chair Greg Cassidy; Board of Education Co-chairs Cathy Whyte and Joe Vas ko; Board of External Relations Chair - Tom Allison; Society Liaison Officer Chuck Williams; Residence Liaison Officer Rob McLaren; Creative: Arts Board Chair Beth Cudmore. The only person not ratified as proposed by Simonis was Paul Grenier as Chair for the Board of Internal Relatjons a board that as yet has not been created. On the suggestion of Councillor Calvin Weber council decided to create a committee to set up Internal Relations with a proper set of Terms of Reference. Weber said that he would be interested inchairing the new board and wondered why it had not been advertised in the Imprint along with all the other executive positions. Peter Saracino
Last Tuesday the Tannahill Weavers hit the Campus Centre Great Hall with their music, presented by the Federation and the Campus Centre. Next Thursday, the Beirdo Brothers will be appearing, in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day.
Feds drop Thursday, March 11, is the OFS (Ontario Federation of Students) Day of -Protest. OFS has declared a day of boycotting classes. But Watertoo won’t be participating. According to Tom Allison, chairman of the Board of External Relations for Waterloo’s Federation of Students, “There’s not going to be a lot of activity on campus that week..
OFS Day of Protest
‘- the OFS week of Awareness.” When asked why Waterloo hasn’t made any plans, Allison that the Student’s i replied Council elections here had a lot to do with it. “The outgoing administration didn’t commit the campus to any major event and with taking office on Monday, there isn’t enough time to organize any major
WAC sponsors The Women’s Action Cooperative (WAC) is sponsoring a potluck lunch next Monday as a way of celebrating International Women’s Day. The lunch will be held from noon to 2 p.m. on Monday,
Sorry! We regretwe cannot yet announce the winner of this month’s photo contest. Not all of the judges were available. Watch for it next issue.
Had he the time, Allison said he would have preferred to hold a public forum on the questions of students concerns.He is hoping to hold
March 8th in the faculty/ graduate lounge on the third floor of Hagey Hall of the Humanities. The room number is HH373. The lunch is being held because WAC would lik> to promote the mutual supp )rt and co-operation of all organizations representing women or concerning women’s interests in the university. Speakers have been invited from the Student Wives Association, Women’s Studies, the Mature
event”, Allison said. Allison doesn’t agree with the concept of a boycott. “I don’t think it’s responsible for this campus (to boycott classes).”
A new Moral Majority publication, edited by the Reverend Jerry Falwell, cites the Gray Panthers as an
The forum would just be the starting point toacampaign to get student views across to the officials concerned.
Allison feels that holding a protest now, after the Ontario Students Association, the 1 government has announced its Canadian Federation of Uni- ’ planned increases is doing versity Women, the Birth “too little too late.” He feels that OFS has lost touch with Control Centre, the Women’s the various student bodies, Centre and from WAC itself. Anyone on campus- who is explaining that March is too late to hold a protest because interested may come to the the increases’ are already lunch. It is potluck, so you planned and because students should bring some item of have too much work to do for cold food along. Recomclasses to participate fully. mended are: a small salad, fruit, cold meat; cheese, bread, butter, cookies or other “This is the sort ofthingthat dessert. Coffee will be provishould be done in January. . . ded by WAC. * before Bette Stevenson and her department decides how much tuition will go up and how much money they’ll give to the universities,” Allison said. example of dangerous leftwing organizations receiving Allison believes that if indirect financial support from students would have protested the federal government. earlier they may have had a The book described the chance to affect the outcome Gray Panthers - who 1,obby of policies. “Too often stufor improved nursing home dents react to bad news rather and health care facilities for than pre-empting it. I hope we the aged - as a “pro-Castro can start anticipating and activist group which encouchange direction before the rages multi-generational,moves are made”, he said. mixed sex and communal living.” Cathy McBJide
teases Panthers
(RNR/CUP) The Gray Panthers, an American lobbying group for senior citizens, is reportedly considering legal action against the Moral Majority for labelling it a pro-communist ne-st of free-love advocates.
such a forum before the end of March. “I think the first step is for students to be educated and concerned with rising tuition. . . Students (here at U W) are-more concerned with the decline in quality of education,” he said. Allison cited growing class sizes as an example of the quality decline.
Page 4
Imprint is the studf3nt newspaper at the University Waterloo. It Is an 9dSorially Independent -paper publishedby Imprint Publlcatlon8, Waterloo, aoorpor
ation without share capital. Impmt is a member of Cbadian University Press (CUP), an organization of mop8 than 60 student n6wspaperB across Carnad& Imprint is also a member of the Ontario Communi~ Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes evexy Friday -the regular terms. Mail shouldbe m to “Imprint, Campus CentreRoom 14O,Universitqof Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.” I
Imprint: ISSN 0706-7380 2nd dlass Postage Registration Pending Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refbse advertising
885-1ge0,~~88S-l211ext.~31or2332 -I
The question that leaps to mind of course, is “does it really, cosmically speaking, matter who writes the masthed?” (This is the masthed and I amwriting it. ) Isn’t it odd that cosmic questions are so subjective? I mean, objectively, it doesn’t matter two jerks of a snail’s tail that a typesetter chose to put space between random paragraphs in George Clarke’s article on God - and it looks kinda nice that way; or that Julie George dresses in dresses that could house entire famiies of downtrodden minorities; or that three hundred years from now no one will remember that DiannaMair haswritten her longest non-feature article andthat Dave Assmann stands upwind of cigarette smoke? And that Cathy Tyroler is pursued relentlessly by snookerers? That Virgmia has developed into a photofeature taker? That Anna Lehn, Todd Schneider, Raymond Eng, Paul Zemokhol, and Wanda Sakura were more than just somewhat useful? Does it matter a dingo’s kidney that Marney Heatley, Jim Gardner, Ed Kristofek and Bruce Glassford brightened an otherwise dreary night with their wit and help while Scott slept blissfully on? Nah. How does this contribute to the cultural enlightenment of this benighted race? At least Cathy McBride is reading The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress - someone _^___ on this _,campus _ . has taste. . in selecting 3.. nice LL_ tne books? Worthwhile reading. If Heinlein naa a prooiem course through the Sylvian context, Carson ,/FLandv/Saracino critical mass modified he’dbe able to-solve it. That means there is ananswer. Wewillfindit,applyit,and theworldwillbea happyplace again.Orifnot,we’llrememberthattimewounds all heels and leave it at that. Or lets McMullen and I get Sylvia to smile. That’s maybe the whole idea behind the cockeyed planet anyway. At least it’s a better idea than most that I’ve heard who is this God fellow, anyway? Down with A cool Carson cover. JWB enemies of the Empire!
Just a day in thelifeof... So, about 9:00 I was sitting almost alone in the office of everyone’s favourite newspaper, and the phone rang. Not being uncooperative about social obligations, I answered it. I was immediately launched into another world, I’m sure, for a young man, who introduced himself only as Ken, was on the other end. He is, he explained, a male dancer, or trying to become one. His agent-to-be has recommended that he contact apparently random women and find those who want to watch a free strip show. It is in the nature ofanapprenticeship, he later said. Why he called a newspaper office in the middle of the evening still mystifies me, but call he I.
And accept I did, after some cautious conversation, on both parts. I wanted to be sure this was neither the most elaborate practical joke I’d ever heard (after all, no one I know would have expected to find me here, so .this stunt would have to have beenaimed at, effectively, some innocent
thut toll It Ilk.
II b Cart Thr.0
In these days of huge investments in high technology is there any room left for a real man? Let’s face it: for ada has become comforts of home
__.___ - -
of us, Cancivilited. The are meant to
relax us in utmost safety and give U S a good night’s sleep. But are you having trouble staying awake in front of the TV? Even the real man’s work in the city is becoming lethargically boring. mired down as it is with safety precautions, not to mention the stifling and stuffy environment of most factories, The most dangerous thing a man can do these days is driving to work. and now seat belts are taking most of the excitement out of even thai activity. We all know that regardless of how much money you can get In these modern, secure jobs - the fact is you’re worth more Ours IS one of the few industries in this country that fondly remembers the invigorating deeds and high adventure that were the hallmark of Canada’s pioneering ~cbs. the fur-trade, pushing the railway through the mountains. *carving the TransCanada Highway through the wilderness, and much more We’re jobs in because, ones exploring is the and, in be the
offering you pioneering Canada’s last frontier, after all, we’re the who own the rights for and developing it This challenge of a lifetime, fact, your generatron may last to have this opportu-
nity. We’re inviting you to lands where hardly anyone worth ment&ring has been before, to rugged Arctic and sub-Arctic wastelands where even politicians dare not tread. We have jobs for all comers.
“On the frontiers of the oil industry our need for people to handle the machines is increasing even/ day. We need the kind of man that put this country on its feet: tough, independent, and in it for the money.” -Gen. TaxFreeCo
Bunyon, Petroleum
Commander-in-Chief, Canada,
but, of course.onlyasmall minoritV of men in Canada are capable of enduring the rigours involved in this most extreme kind of employment. With an acciA... . . .I, aenr rare In recent years on artrting rigs, for example, of 30 to 40
Ltd. per cent, as well death, this is truly where the proverbial soon separated proverbial boys.
as a
the odd situation men are from the
Think of this not so much as a job but as an endurance test, a competition - the kind of reassurance so lacking in today’s soft society. After you survive a few months with us you’l be left with the ultimate confidence in your ability to handle whatever terrors. mechanical backlashes, injuries. harassment and discomfort that the uncivilzed or civilzed world can lay on you But best of all. no matter what happens to you, you’l get paid for it, it’s one of the few jobs in the world where the entire wage is danger pay And now, just to indicate how modern we really are. it’s no longer even necessary to be a man to live up to (or line up for) these expectations We’l accept any kind of person who’s wiling to work hard - and we’l dare them to last!
m. responsible
passerby in the afore-mentioned newspaper office) or an even more elaborate pick-up routine (which I considered even more unlikely, considering the randomness of the selection already discussed in the preceding parenthetical digression). He, for his part, seemed concerned that I might be arranging, at that very moment, to have several burly, one-eyed menawaiting with studded clubs on his arrival. We arranged that he would show up within an hour, and I would be braced for whatever he had to offer. Oh, and did I want a full, or a partial strip? “Well. . . I suppose I don’t mind one way or the other,” I said, clinging rather grimly to my savoir faire. “Whatever you prefer.” We left the subject hanging, so to speak, and I hung up before panic set in. Panic did set in. I browbeat the only other person in the office into staying, indefinitely if necessary, and started phoning every woman I knew. Please, Roberta, this isagenuine plea for help. Yes, Rachel, I am in desperate need of moral support. Midterms, one and all. Shit. New tactics. I ran to the math building, refuge of the only other people who are up and around the university at this time of night. In mere seconds, I have five incredulous women around me, listening to my absurd story, wondering, yet again, how Linda always gets herself into these things. Most of them agree that this calls for a group investigation, and we return to the office. Other female stragglers are press-ganged and male stragglers are banished. We loiter nervously in the office forever. I walk around theroomat least four times, denying it all the while, and try to figure out for myself how Linda always gets herself into these things. None of my favourite deities reply; none of anyone’s favourite deities reply. Slow night for deities. But with a phone call for confirmation Ken arrives, comes in, picks a corner of the room, turns up the radio and takes off his clothes, without ever butting his cigarette. One girl covers her eyes. No one giggles ’ til he says “Awfully quiet out there.” “Do I finish with it up ?” We don’t know if this isconsidered good form, so “I’ll be back in thirty seconds.” He returns, “with it up”, asks our approval (I never thought I’d ever hear a real live person say “Is it hard enough, do you think?“), makes sure we all get a good look and finishes with a ragged bow, before the music ends. Applause, of course. He gets nervous and evasive when I start to interview him. He refuses to answer further questions when I get to whether he really plans to do this professionally, but he still asks us if we know anywhere else he could go or call, other prospects for a free show. No one knows anyone living in the Villages. We suggest that we’ll call the few people we know, and that he can call us back-in a while to see if we’ve had any luck. By the time the phone rings, we decide not to answer. And the comments as the other women left were, for the most part, like those heard anywhere else women watch men strip. “Dance lessons are definitely in order. He didn’t even have that great a body.” “Well, there wasn’t much dancing, except for when he shook his whatsit.” There is seldom any mercy shown, although I’m sure we felt that the circumstances made us unique. We couldn’t decide if we believed his story, or if we believed he was simply, as he also claimed, anexhibitionist, or as Brenda claimed, a psychopath who would now track usalldown, or as I claimed, a guy a little less inclined to strip now than before. But we all left with a story that would improve with the telling, and the half-telling, and the years. And who was the sweet young thing who said afterward, “Gee I’m glad I handled that maturely.“? Linda Smith . *Editors
Note: 1 7‘hi.s article reports the events as they happened. However, as ‘Ken ‘refused to suppl~~~anyfurther details, including his last name, phone number or the name or phone number of his man-
ager, we can neither c&firm nor deny his credibilify so we therqfore suggest that you exercise caution (f similarlJ7 approached. ‘Linda Smith ‘is a pseudonym, .ftir- the protection of’ the writer qf this artide.
- (n. and 1l.t.) Kill(people)in
In the first nine months of 198 1 ovrer 11,860 civilians were murdered in El Salvador. If that statistic doesn’t mean much to you then consider it nearly tantamount to the killing of the entire undergraduate population of the University of Waterloo. And 198 1 is not rea!ly very different from any other year in El Salvador. Since the military has dominated Salvadorean political life beginning in the 1930’s some 30,000 citizens have been assasinated. Last weekend about 100 people, including Rev. Walter McLean, Member of Parliament for Waterloo riding, met at Conrad Grebel College to discuss Canada’s role in the development of Latin American nations like El Salvador. McLean, a member of the federal government’s Subcommittee on Canada’s Relations with Latin Americaand the Caribbean, told the gathering that Canadians are under the wrong impressions if they believe that Canada has little influence in Latin America. Later in a short interview he quoted Fidel Castro, leader of the government in Cuba as saying, “If I have to deal with capitalists I want to deal with Canada.” McLean said in the past foreign policy has not been a
a rzrtf~lessn~anne~or
government priority and Latin America was always viewed as a minor economic interest. That is all changing now McLean said as that part ofthe world becomes a viable economic force. The interim report published by the Sub- committee in December 1981 states that over 40 per cent of Canadian oil imports come from Mexico and Venezuela. Canadian exports to Latin America amounted to $3.7 billion in 1980. McLean said that in the course of the Sub-committee’s fact-finding mission to Latin America it discovered that the most informed comments came from the church groups. Of the information that Canada’s Department of External Affairs receives he said, “any has its intelgovernment ligence gathering service. In Canada ours is rather limited . . . we tend to rely on the CIA (the United States’ Central Intelligence Agency).” McLean said that the Canadian government is moving towards action which would help ease the crisis situation in El Salvador, where the repressive military junta of Napolean Duarte has held power since 1979, but “we don’t want t to create an incident with Washington.” McLean told the audience that the Canadiangovrernment
still had no real mandate toact and that it was up to the people to lobby and put political pressure on it. Another speaker at the meeting was Rev. Fred Wakeham from the Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America. He addressed the ‘why’ aspect of the problems in Latin America.
Computer Students looking forward to putting some computer courses behind them next term - beware. Except for CS 140, only co-op students on campus will be allowed to take CS (Computer Science) courses this spring. According to Computer Science Advisor Arnie Dyck, the Spring ‘82 courses are already filled by students who have pre-registered. “Wnen you have courses full of co-sp students, you don’t have room for the regulars,” he says. In the past three years, registration in computer courses has greatly increased - from 1,500 in the summer of ‘79 to 1,944 last summer. But, as Dyck said in a memo published- in January, “The overall demand for computer professionals in industry results in fewer faculty to teach courses and fewer graduate
“Basically the cause is greed”, he said, “the greed of people who want control.” He said that the United States was not only involved in El Salvador, but in Guatamala, the Hbnduras and other nations as well. He pointed out that the forms of repression, including state controlled killings and tor-
ture, in these nations is often on a level worse than what is going on in El Salvador. At the close of the meettng a letter was drafted to be seht to the Honourable Mark McGuigan, Canada’s Minister of External Affairs, in order to press the Canadian government to: help institute changes in El Salvador; not legitimize
time for students to act as teaching assistants. This is compounded by fixed or decreasing salary budgets. Similar budgei restrictions also affect the computing resources available both in terms of hardware and in terms of computing funds.” Dyck says the summer courses probably could handle a small number of students each. “But when you’re looking at several hundred (students wanting in) how do you decide w*hich 5 or IO?” Dye k acknowledges that restricting courses is unfair to regular students, especially visa students who take courses year round. And he states he took pains to point out that the courses in the spring term were initially held for co-op students alone. Regular students were allowed in as long as the department
the upcoming military supervised elections in El Salvador: and to ask the government 01 the United States why it iscontravening international protocol by refusing to accept Salvadorean refugees. The letter received near unani mous support from all present. Peter Saracino
could accommodate them. But lack of staff has forced restrictions. “The department isn’t particularly enthusiastic about what it’s doing’. . . Ultimately CS may become a restricted course.”
Dyck noted, however, that co-op students will not get perferential treatment come the fall. when normal restrictions for taking computer courses will apply to all students. Cathy McBride
New building
The results of the referendum on the proposed arena recreational building and the fee to pay for it were released on Tuesday by D. Patrick Robertson, chairman of the advisory committee recommending the arena. The results were 2,24 1 in favour and 1,173 opposed out of the 15,457 ballots sent out that were delivered. The percentage results are 65.670 for, 34.470 against, with 22% of the people voting. This does not, however, mean that the arena will be built. The advisory committee willexamine the resultsand make recommendations to Dr. Wright about the project. The project must also be approved by the building committee with respect to the actual building and by the Board of Governors with respect to the fee.
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Tuesday, March 9 in ML Rm 349 UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO 11:30 a.m.
-Letters Antinuke series only tells half the story To the editor: This letter is in response to the series of antinuclear articles appearing in Imprint. It is my firm belief that articles like these show only half the story, and distort the true picture by exaggerating the negative aspects and ignoring totally the positive aspects of nuclear power, especially in the context of our present filthy and dangerous (fossil fuel) methods of power production. The best words for what I have to say are from Petr Beckmann’s book The Health Hazards of Not Going Nuclear, available in our bookstore. I quote: 1. According to all responsible, informed sources only coal and/or nuclear power can take up the slack from oil and provide for (North) America’s increased energy requirements during the rest of this century and beyond. 2. More than 45,000 people die every year in the “coal cycle”. 3. Not one death has ever resulted from the commerical generation of electricity from nuclear power as such. Conclusion? Why, “No Nukes!” of course! I have a lot more to say, but unlike theauthor of the rmprint articles, who seems to have time to spare, I have to be brief. I close with one last thought. All these deaths are direct: these deaths are of workers in the industry. What about pollution? Antinuclearpeopletalkabout radiation-induced cancer. Three Mile Island, that major disaster, may cause 2 deaths more by cancer, out of 350,000; while who knows how many people die of respiratory diseases every year, as a direct result of air pollution from fossil fuel power plants? Come on, people! The answer is very clear: Stopping nuclear plants means encouraging fossil fuel plants, and thereby costing lives. It is as simple as that. Robert Corless Math Grad
Are students behind Simonis’ activities? To the editor: Wim Simonis is showing his background every time he makes a move these days. Trouble is, this former student of political science seems to have taken Machiavelli as his guide.
Let’s take a look at his record in this term alone: He’s one of those on the board of advisors about the proposed expansion of PAC facilities. Students found an envelope in their mailboxes asking them for their vote onacompulsory student fee to go ahead with construction of the expansion. How long were we given to vote on this matter? A scant two weeks. Hell, voting on the undergrad representation to the Senate was open for three and a half weeks! Then he, along with the others who make up the Committee of Presidents, sent University President Doug Wright a letter commending the suspension of the Campus Centre Board. I’m glad I go to school in a place where the interests of the students are so faithfully defended. As far as I’ve noticed, there has been no gesture made on the Federation’s Committee of Presidents’part tofind out theopinionofJoe Student on the CCB’s suspension. How dare we presume to have input on a place which we finance, which we built, and which is supposed to be run in our interest? I talked to Simonis as to why he backed such a move. He replied that the Board had committed “political suicide” (his words) through infighting. What was the greater part of this squabbling about? The proposed expansion of the Board. Last week he arbitrarily closed a supposedly public meeting of the Committee of Presidents. This was accomplished by waving his magic wand, and, presto, changing the meeting into a closed door session. “Behold the wonders of the Lord, my son.. .” And the latest page ,in the book is his pipe dream of a barn/pub out at the corner of Hallman and Columbia. The cost? To quote the Magister,“lt’samillion-dollarproject.”But will the students be consulted in this undertaking? Not in the form of a referendum Wim’s still smarting from losing the OFS number. All we ungratesget this timearound is a general meeting. One of Wim’s planks in his platform for this year’s presidential campaign was that he wanted to finish some projects that he’d already started. Whether the students are behind him or not, or whether they get a chance to show their support, seems a moot point. Todd Schneider Arts
Cariada IO
Federd job training plan irks the provinces REGINA (CUP) Lloyd Axworthy’s proposals for shifting federal funds into training skilled workers for jobs expected to be in demand have provincial education ministers concerned. Axworthy, federal minister of employment and immigration, met with his provincial counterparts January 11 to discuss his National Training
direct attack on the -public education system. “The CMEC takes exception to the suggestions of the federal minister of employment and immigration, Lloyd Axworthy, that the current disastrously high unemployment levels are related to the functioning of the postsecondary education and training systems,” said MacArthur. “Rather, the CMEC sees this crisis as more directly related to the federal government’s economic policies.” Few details of the National The Tuesday evening seTraining Program have been ssions are in the way of announced. It is believed to be consciousness raising or probased on a federal labour blem solving sessions, to help market study released last us deal with some of the summer. special problems we encounThat report calls for: ter, as women. For instance, 1. A shift in funding toward last week’s meeting was a job areas expected to be in high demand. role-playing session entitled “Putting Down the Mouthy 2. Substantially increasing Male”. subsidies to companies that Not all the activities of train employees for designated high-demand jobs. WAC are confined to the Women’s Centre. Some of the 3. Chopping funds for members have begun a femitraining people in job areas nist radio programme on where there are now CKMS, which is aired Wedsurpluses of workers. nesdays from 7 - 8 p.m. The 4. Granting funds to revise Women”, has show, “For the programs of training women’s music, news, reinstitutions, aligning them views, literature and feminist with federal. priorities. humour. 5. Offering seed money to As well, WAC has orgavolunteer groups for self-help nized a potluck lunch to programs. celebrate International The federal government has already said it wants to Women’s Day (see Campus encourage training in compuEvents). WAC is also involved in ters, aerospace technology, research on the types of petroleum industries, welding, tool-and-die working and facilities available to women sheet metal crafts. Axworthy on and off campus, so we can give referrals and as a means has promised to consult the of determining what services provinces on the development are still needed. of national priorities. MacArthur said the key Any woman who would like element in Axworthy’s plan is to know more about the Women’s Action Co-operathe diversion of funds away tive or the Women’s Centre from public education should drop by the Women’s systems, especially technical institutes and community Centre anytime to leave a message or during office colleges. hours to speak to one of the At their meeting, the women from WAC. provincial education ministers also discussed the Canada Judy McMuIIan Student Assistance plan. Women’s Action MacArthur said the CMEC Co-operative would like to see a higher’ percentage of student aid in grants or bursaries rather than the current repayable loans. He said the CMEC would discuss a loans remission tax and the store will pass it on program, to ease the debt load to the Ontario government. of students forced to take Students will be receiving bills to pay for their for four cents. Just think ofthe loans educations. paper work required for that Under the program they four cent bill.” considered, a higher and The boycott is planned to higher percentage of student’s coincide with the national loan would become a bursary, week of action, organized by and would not have to be paid the Canadian Federation of back. After one year of study, Students, to protest funding for example, 20 percent of the cuts to post-secondary educastudent’s loan might become tion. The Ontario Federation bursary, after two years 50 per of Students is planning an . cent, and sc on. awareness week at that time, But students would only be which willend March 11 witha eligible to receive a remission if province-wide boycott of they completed a certain 0IQPCPP number of years and Joncas said the tax boycott maintained a certain grade will focus on the provincial point average, under the CMEC model. government to show the MacArthur said the CMEC public who the real villain is. “When you’re complaining is willing to work towards on campus, you’re knocking developing a new federalprovincial student aid the university,” he said. “The public sees it as a battle program, but so far has between the university and received no commitment from the students. The real guy we secretary of state Gerald Regan to participate. have to get at is the province.”
Program scheme. A. week later, provincial education ministers meeting in Regina at the Council of Ministers of Education of Canada(CMEC) said they were unhappy with it. Saskatchewan education minister Douglas MacArthur, who chairs the CMEC, said January 19 that Axworthy’s proposals as laid out are a
Women’s Centre opens its doors The Women’s Centre is tucked away in a sunny corner of the Campus Centre, between the Legal Resources office and the Imprint offices. It is room CC149. Thus far, the room has one desk, one chesterfield, several chairs and a group of enthusiastic women meeting there several times a month. The room was set up last term during Women’s Week. All of the Women’s Week activities and the setting up of the Women’s Centre were done by one tireless woman, Ann Hodgins. The designation of a room for women to use. gave rise to the Women’s Action Cooperative. Some of the women from WAC met during Women’s Week and some came to find out what a “Women’s Centre” was all about. Some were from the Women’s Issues Group. We have been meeting, in the Women’s Centre, every Monday from noon to 2 p.m. Our goal is to provide needed services to women, some of these being focussed around the Women’s Centre. So far, there is a lot of literature of various types of interest to women, available in the Women’s Centre. The room is open during the week: Monday, noon 2 p.m.; Tuesday, noon - 3 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m.; Wednesday 12:30 - 2 p.m.; Thursday, I I:30 1:30 p.m.; Friday, a.m. noon - 1 p.m.
TaX boycott J
OTTAWA (CUP) - While some students are considering boycotting classes to protest post-secondary education underfunding, the University of Ottawa students’ federation is asking students to boycott the provincial sales tax. Federation president Claude JonGas said that during the week of March 8-l 1, U of 0 students will be asked .a not to pay stores tne seven per cent sales tax, on everything from shoes to notepaper. Instead, they will ask to be billed directly by the province. Joncas said that because a vendor is just collecting the sales tax for the provincial government, a consumer is not required to pay the vendor the sales tax directly. “We’ll make up a form so people can put their name and address on it,” said Joncas. “It will say that on that day the person didn’t want to pay sales
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ELECTIONS The following positions7i are open for the year 19824983:
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Ride Wanted Need Ride from Guelph to Waterloo. Return Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9-5. Share costs. Call Waterloo ext. 3809, Guelph823-2509.
Services Will do light moving with a small truck. Also rubbish removal. Reasonable rates. CallJeff 884-2831. Residence House Pictures. Have a picture taken of your Village house or floor. Ready in two weeks, prices Phone Roger vary. 884-7369 or ext. 2332. Prepare now for spring. Bicycle Tune Ups $20 and up. Pick up and delivery/$1 per trip. Fast service. For more information call: Steve Cornall 885-2875.
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Attention Math Grads! Remember to return your proofs by March 15 to be
Townhouse - one month rent free, May - Aug. ‘82. 3-4 bedrooms, partially furnished, 15-20 minute walk to campus, has dryer, close to stores, laundromat 885-3161. One bedroom apartment available May 1. Close to school and shopping. Parking and laundry facilities $233.00 a month. Phone 885-6164. Wanted to rent an unfurnished 2 bedroomapartment, close to university, in clean building or house. Rent $3OO/month or under. Wanted in March or April. Call ext. 2332 anytime and ask for Scott. Apartment available mid April to August. Hazel and Columbia area; 20 minute walk to campus. Parkwashing facilities. ing, Spacious, $25O/month. Call at 888-7032.
25 years experience; no math papers; reasonable rates; Westmount area. Call 743-3342.
2 bedroom apt. wanted from Sept. ‘82 to Sept. ‘83. 15 min. walk to U. of W. Willing to pay approx. $300 Please call Steve 885-5651.
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IBM Selectric; experienced Typist; Reasonable Rates; Engineering Symbols; Will pick-up and deliver. Mrs. Lynda Hull 579-0943. ProfesSional typing service on IBM Selectric. Reasonable Rates. Free correction of punctuation and spelling. Phone 744-6486 anytime.
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Fellow student seeking 3 ambitious collaborators with an entrepreneurial spirit who do not mind working hard retailing & wholesaling to earn $30,000 or more commission a year. Car preferred. Telephone 576-5466 after 6:00 p.m.
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1. 4. 8. 9.
10. 12. 14. 16. 17. 18.
Intense study in skill. (6) Could be Mary’s body. (4) It automatically produces key tunes. (6,5) Size of a church service. (4) The name of the book is ‘Championship’. (5) see 5 down. A question of time. (4) Not something to be in tears over, proverbially. Heroic narrative might be a gas. (4) . Really, ‘e dined out. (6)
Down 1.
Snakes, as an afterthought. (4) Ram dating is, perhaps, getting a little theatrical. (11) Requires massages, it’s said. (5) 5 and 12 across. You might contract unexpected troubles if you don’t do this. (4,3,4,5) 6. The old presage of royal servants. (6) 7. Tips over what’s in the cuspidor. (4) Bursts of activity will mess up maps on board. (6) 11. 13. Up to work on the soil. (4) 14. The chief god of mid-week? (5) 15. Corrected disk slip. (4) 2. 3.
The Black Shcc of Canadian Liquors. Concocted wit R fine CanadianWhisky.
Non smokers
not safe
One of the best kept medical secrets in recent years has been the connection between high lung cancer and heart disease rates and radioactive particles in cigarette smoke. According to a letter published in the New EnglandJournalof / Menicine last month by Dr. Thomas Winters and Dr. Joseph Di [Franza of the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre a
of radioactivity
,person who smokes 30 cigarettes a day receives a yearly radiation dose to the cell tissue of the windpipe that is equal to 300chest Xrays. The radiation dose comes from polonium 2 10, a radioactive element found in tobacco smoke. The presence of polonium 2 IO in tobacco smoke was first noticed in 1964 when Dr. Edward
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Radford, chair of the Biological Effects of lonizing Radiation Committee of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States and Dr. Vilma Hunt conducted a study into cigarette smoking and cancer at Harvard University. They noticed that tobacco smoke contained a significant quantity of polonium 2 IO and that alpha particles were being emitted by the polonium. In the following year they participated in a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine which showed significant concentrations of polonium 210 in smokers’ bronchial tissue. The study concluded that the cumulative alpha radiation dose from polonium 2 10 inhaled during years of smoking might bean important factor in the development of lung cancer in smokers. In I974 and 1975, Dr. Edward Martell,a radiochemist with the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado conducted follow up research on polonium 2 10. He discovered that the tiny leaf hairs on tobacco, called trichomes, attracted significant amounts of lead 210. a decay product of radium 226. The lead 210 concentrated in insoluble smoke particles and lodged in the lungs of smokers, constantly emitting polonium 2 10. Since lead 2 10 has a half life of 22 years, it would emlct polonium for a number of years. The alpha radiation emitted not only kills lung cells, but also injures other lung cells by altering their genetic coding while still leaving them able to reproduce. Over several cell generations, cell that contain alpha-altered DNA become cancerous. The lungs are not the only area of the body affected by these radioactive particles. Some of these particlesare picked up by the lymph system and circulated to other parts of the body, irradiating other organs. According to Martell, “smokers’ secondary cancers, almost invariably occur at sites immediately adjoining lymph nodes with visible accumulations of insoluble particles and measurable radioactivity,” such as the pancreas. High levels of alpha activity have also been found at locations in the heart and blood where plaque is building up, leading to the conclusion that radioactive particles may also be responsible for heart disease in smokers. Non-smokers are not exempt from the dangers of radioactive smoke. Studies have shown that 75a/o of the alpha activity of cigarette smoke goes into the air and can beabsorbed in the lungs of others. Martell feels alpha particles pose such a hazard that people should not even wash their ashtrays with their dishes, since the alpha emitters could adhere to dishes and be ingested at the next meal. Ironically,’ much of the danger would be eliminated if the tobacco industry stopped using phosphate fertilisers. The source of lead 2 IO and polonium 2 10 in tobacco is radium 226, which is found in the phosphate fertilizers used extensively by the commercial tobacco farmers. It’s interesting to note that members of an Indian tribe in the Andes smoke tobacco regularly, yet almost never develop lung cancer. Their tobacco is organically grown. When Dr. Martell approached scientists at the Philip Morris Research Centre in Richmond, Virginia about producing safer cigarettes by eliminating phosphate fertilizers he was told they weren’t interested. Very little follow-up research has been conducted on Dr. Martell’s findings. According to Dr. Radford that’s not surprising: “It’s no accident. The tobacco lobby and the nuclear lobby are two of the biggest in Washington. They don’t control research funding; let’s say they have disproportionate influence. “The nuclear industry does not want the warm particle theory to gain credibility because it would prove once and for all that low level radiation is very dangerous. That would mean big downward revision in radiation exposure limits, revisions the nuclear industry cannot afford. And the tobacco industry certainly doesn’t want it shown that cigarettes are radioactive.” : $ David Assman
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“This is Siege,” he said, holding the baby in his arms a little higher by way of introduction. “Well, actually, her name is Sage, like the herb, but Siege is probably a lot more appropriate to what’s going on.“John Trudell smiles at his own joke, but a siege is what he’s here for. He looks young, early thirties, and retains the look of the sixties activist: the baby, a whispy beard, and shoulderlength black hair he pushes back past his ears once in a while to emphasize a point in conversatiori. Unlike many of those activists, though, Trudell hasn’t abandoned his struggle. But then again his fight did not rise from a war ina foreign land. His war is wherever he and his people happened to be and that’s been the case \for almost 500 years now. Today, the front line is in Vancouver. Trudell, a veteran of the Alcatrazlslandoccupation in 1969, has come here to do support work for cousins Gary Butler and Dino Butler. Trudell has been to Vancouver before; in 1979, he and Dino Butler sought political asylum here just a few months after a deliberately set fire claimed the life ofhiswife,Tina Manning, and their children. In this interview, Trudell tells of “a new type of massacre” being waged against Indian activists and says the group with, The he’s involved Society of the People Struggling to be Free, will stay in Vancouver as long as the Butlers are being held here. With their sentencing scheduled for today, they may be here for some time. Why did you decide to seek political asylum in Canada? Well, when you get caught between a rock and a hard place, you do what you can to survive, understanding the realities, ,Canada America, the United States America, Mexico America, Brazil America, it’s all America, welcome to America! There is no true safety turning to these governing systems. We understand that. But in 1979, when Dino and I made that political asylum, it was our feeling at t he time that we were being hunted pretty intensely in the U.S. (In 1975, a firefight at Wounded Knee, S. D., resulted in ihe shooting deaths of two FBI agents and Indian activist Joe Stuntz. No one was ever charged in Stuntz’ death, but Dino Butler, Bob Robideauand Leonard Peltier were charged with the FBI deaths. Peltier fled to seek asylum in Canada. Butler and Robideau were acquitted by an all-white jury on the grounds of ‘Self defense. ” Considering it was serfdefence against federal agents, the decision was hailed as significant. But Peltier, illegally extra&ted from Canada, was fouqd guilty of the same crime and is currently in prison.)
‘We were being hul
a new type of mass ‘em in ones and twos, rather than just ride down the entire can Dino, you know, was with Peltier onthe FBI thing, hewas co-defendant with Peltier. Dino was acquitted, At the time of his acquittal Dino had been told that they were going to kill him. ‘We know you’re guilty,’ they said. Then he was told on the day of his acquittal, ‘You can Ii: to them (the jury), but we know you’re guilty, and we’re going to kill you.” When Dino got out of jail, connected to all that - we’re talking about 1976 now-they did a couple of things that if he had been there, they would have killed him. So we know at that point that the pattern is being established. When someone comes in and puts a gun to your little brother’s hesd and tells your brother, “Tell your brother we’re going to blow his fuckin’ head off!” that’s not just harassment. They use some theoretical warrant that doesn’t exist as a means to crash into the family home in the middle of the night-well, that happened to Dino’s brother. And his mom and dad. We went through the Peltier trials in ‘77. When Dino and Bob Robideau were acquitted on the FBI thing, what we had was a jury saying, “Yeah, you can defend yourself against people that try and shoot you, even if they are federal agents. You got the right to defend yourself.” Here’s a truly major court decision. A major dde. ‘Cause it’s never happened before, ever. All legal proceedings against Peltier should have ceased, when you deal with the technicalities of the law. But that also meant Peltier could never be freed in the courtroom, because they had to convict someone to cover up all the political activities and everything that was going on on that reservation that led up to the firefight that got the FBI agents killed. So Peitier took the fall. . .
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In late ‘77, I was sent to this prison down in Missouri. While I was in this prison, see, I had this talk with this other Indian and we were discussing economics and certain things that were happening the U.S. Anyway, I told this other prisoner some things about all that and he said, “That is what’s happening. Most people don’t even lookat it like that. It’s dangerous.’ And he said, ‘If you had any sense, and you know what’sgoodforyou, you’ll quit talking about that, or you’ll leave the country.’ And I said to him at that time something to the effect, “Well, hey, you know, it’s not my intention to wait to engage in any military trip with the U.S.” And he said, ‘You don’t know these bastards. They’ll kill your wife, they’ll kill your kids, they’ll do anything to make you react!” We were doing some stuff in D.C. for Peltier and on Feb. 1 I, 1979, I burned the American flag in front of the FBI headquarters. On Feb. 12, somebody burned down the house where my wife and kids and mother-in-law was in and they . were all killed. This happened about 13 hours later. It was obvious in the beginning that the way the government investigated the fire that they told certain blatant, direct lies to take my attention away from what really happened there. It was arson. It was a deliberateact,a political assassination. I was told that probably what I was supposed to do because of this is that I was supposed to’ react violently, and that solves the problem the government’s got going in thisparticularcase...IntheUS, all the federal agents were closing the doors on that this was assassination. So we knew that we were being hunted, selectively hunted. It was a new massacre, a new type of massacre. Kill ‘em in
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udell i. It was e. Kill
ones and twos, rather than just ride down the entire camp. We go back through the Peltier people, the people that were engaged in supporting the FBI defendants from the FBI firefights: Joseph Stuntz was killed in ‘75 during the firefight; then Anna Mae Aquash was killed in ‘76. (Aquash, a Micmac from Nova Scotia, had been missingfor three months when her body wasfound in a ditch. The FBI had her hands cut qfJ thus desecrating the body in Indian eyes, to ship them to a lab for identification. A coroner ruled she had died from exposure and the government had her buried. After protests, the bocll, was exhumed and a different coroner took X-ravs that the original doctor had decided to-forego. But the Xrays weren I needed, for the bullet hole in the back of her skull was clearl-y visible.) I don’t think I’m leaving anyone out, but the next killings were Tinaand the kids. Since then, it’s escalated to Dallas Thundershield, Bobby Garcia and Roque Duenas. So out of the original number of people we started out with, half that original group has been killed . . . So in 1979, when we made the political asylum request, personally for me, my every intention was to survive. There are things that have to be done in the West to survive . . . One of the things out of that was that they had to give us an
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international hearing that we were being persecuted. They had to give us the fucking hearing. They had to put it on the record at the international level. So that means the American pigs are going to try and make it look like we’re excitable and we’re deranged and all this and that. But for them to make us looklike that, they’ve got to back off. How are Gary and Dino doing? A’re they feeling good? They’re strong. They’re handling the whole trip well. When I look at the way the whole prison trip is being run against them it helps me to understand power. These two men are connected to their power. Through their consciousness of the earth, they’re connected to their power. And so the pigs got to weld chains on their door, see, and they’ve got to put them in shackles and they’ve got to fuck with their right to religious freedom, to interfere with their right to have access to their traditions. It’s all because of the power these two men generate. When 1 go to visit them. . . doing good, yeah, they’re under all the conditions, I think they’re putting up a good defense for themselves because it’s all based upon their being passive. Just resisting. When they let me visit them, it’s through the glass and the little telephone and all that stuff, but I would not go to visit them any other way. I would not go into that situation, sit down in a room with them, even if they’d let me. Because we’d all get shot; they’d say 1 tried to smuggle in a gun or some shit. I wouldn’t go to visit Peltier like that either. . . What is the philosophy of your group, the Society of the People Struggling to be Free? We look at it, ourselves, that we are struggling to be free, not to have another variation of an oppressive political/ economic society. The only way we can be free ever is by protecting the earth. If our struggle for freedom does not include the protection of the earth, then we will always lose our struggle for freedom. We will never win. It would be impossible to win. We see this as being natural law. At times we feel we have to see through man’s (socieman-made laws, and ty, deal with those natural
laws. And one of those natural laws, the main natural law we’re talking about, is that the earth is living energy and we are descendents of earth. . . So it does not matter if .we’re talking about sexism, or we’re talking about racism, or we’re talking about classism, none of these things can be dealt with in a proper way until we reexamine our relationship with earth. If we live in societies based upon exploitation of the earth for material and industrial comforts, if we base our whole mentality on exploiting the earth, and look upon resources as something to exploit, then we will always create a system that will not gain us our freedom.. . There are a great many illusions in our society and these illusions lead us to our destruction. One of the illusions being that when we look at political society, or economic society, or military society as being powerful just because it’s exploiting and brutal, then we interfere with our own ability, because they are not powerful. They’re exploitive and they’re brutal and they’re violent, but that’s not a power. As a matter of fact, that’s a subconscious recognition that they do not have power, so they must redefine power. So in that way, when they redefine power and get us to accept it they will look at their atom bombs and their guns’ and their whole military sickness as being powerful. The snow that came here when I came here - when I came it was storming that snow is powerful. In military, in economic, in racist, in all these political systems, in all the industrial political systems, they have to make an adjustment to that blizzard. That blizzard affects the economics of a city. It affects everything that goes on within a city, yet they can pass no law against it and put it in jail or indict it or anything else. It’s natural power. We’re a natural part of the earth. We have a connection to that power, if we will understand it. by Peter Francis and Tom Hawthorn of the Ubyssey. Reprinted by Canadian University Press
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BELLY DANCER University of Waterloo’s snooker team faired well when they participated in the Labatt’s Annual Inter-varsity Snooker Tournament last weekend at the University of Guelph. UW’s two man team of Frank Ferreira (seen above) and Stan Anagnostopoulos emerged as champions in their category. Fred Protopapa finished respectably among stiff competition in the individual event. The two man team and the individual event were the only categories that UW took part in. Photo by Cathy Tyroler
C ounci Government should be concerned with funding universities as a whole instead of trying to meet specific needs.” So says the recently released COU (Council on Ontario Universities) report, FederalProvincial Relations and Support for Universities. The report’s most important message to the federal and provincial governments is that “A view of the university as an agency which responds on demand to particular societal needs is too limited and potentially destructive.” As an example, the report cited the BILD (Board of Industrial Leadership) program as a government program that offers benefits to Ontario universities in return for university contributions to BILD objectives. The council tears that this “earmarking” of funds will reduce the flexibility of universities to respond to difficult ordifferent circumstances. The report rejects the notion that the number of liberal arts graduates be reduced in favour of providing highly trained graduates for specific fields of technology. The report maintains that the role of the university should be for “the creation and transmission of knowledge and skills across a broad spectrum of disciplines and professions.” Also rejected by the council is any government attempt to use universities as a means of meeting “short term societal and governmental needs.” The report recommends that there are four areas of university funding to which the federal government should engage in manpower planning to a limited extent. The committee advises that “where existing shortages in the professions can be identiin its fied . . . government wisdom may wish to provide supplementary funding so as to widen obvious bottlenecks, perhaps by encouraging qualified students to specialize in certain disciplines.” The committee warns that universities should not let themselves be locked into a system of priorities based on present and future labo& market shortages. The result could be that other areas of education may be damaged by neglect. The report advises that the federal government assume
urges better responsibility foranexpanded student assistance program. This would give the federal government the public visibility it wants. The federal government’s programs should increase university accessibility to all qualified without straining students other forms of funding says the committee. The federal government should also contribute to areas within its constitutional responsibility. These concerns include defence, international affairs, culture and language. The council also accepts that, while our constitution assigns responsibility for education to the provincial gothe federal governments, vernment has been involved with university research for over forty years and will continue to do so.
The COU concludes its report by stating that Canada’s universities have played a strong role in contributing to the nation’s wealth and high level of development. Furthermore, the council believes that Canada will have to utilize its intellectual resources to the fullest if it is going to stay a strong, independent country in an increasingly competitive world.
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Beggars It could be that 1 hang around with a bunch ofPhilistines, but trying to interest my friends in-seeing Laurier’s production of John Guy’s The Beggar’s Opera was like pulling teeth. Trouble was, they either thought it was a traditional (read: high-falutin’) opera or they confused it with the Beggar’s Banquet, after the Stones album of the same name. In retrospect, I would have enjoyed myself a great deal more if I’d stayed home and listened to the bloody Stones. From what I’d been led to believe by not only what I’ve
read about the show, but even from the program of this par-
Opera ticular production, I was expecting a witty, lively and especially earthy piece that would take both the Italian opera style and the state of English society of the day to task. I can’t help but feel that those responsible for the show were as unsure of what they had on their hands as my “uncouth” fri&ds.
acting Despite the show’s title, the crowd was as neat and respectable as that of any highschool play; I felt self-conscious for not having-shaved for the performance. But I sought consolation in the idea that, if sociological statistics can be trusted, a healthy smattering of alcoholics, junkies, sluts and wife-beaters were present. The actors displayed a lot of verve. I kept trying to imagine what the show could have been like if they had only been able to surmount their shortcomings - the pathetic and even painfully inept attempts at capturing Engish accents, for example. Another point of contention was the exaggerated staginess of the actor’s expression. All the old standbys were there: the sweeping arms, the backsturned conversation, the ladies’ caterwauling cries . . ,. If done with satiric intent, these are effective examples of the overblown conventions of
Domzella & gang to bring fresh hope to us Finally, after months years?) of boredom, there ppears on the horizon fresh lope for music lovers. Heredith, a few words from Perry )omzella and Ed Atkinson, dho wrote, direct, and prolute the show. “We thought it was about ime to laugh at really serious hings. There just isn’t enough erious comedy anymore. .. o we figured we’d do some.”
“A Few Good Men is the band. We do a lot of original tunes, plus some that we borrowed from Be Bop deluxe, PinkFloyd, Peter Hamill, and some others.” The acting company is called A Fe‘w Close Friends because that’s what it is. About a dozen of them in all, having a good time. They try to laugh at themselves a lot, because we think that’s what
comedy is all about. Different people see differ, ent things in the show; z planetary comedy, or what you might call the humour oj eco-terror. “One last hurralbefore we burn down Reed Paper, that sort of thing. . . ” “You could take it as anything from light comedy tc a dark screaming nightmare.’ The show will be presented in ES 221, March 12,800 p.m, Admission $1.49
A presentation of the film, Right Out of History: Judy Chicago’s Dinner Party, was given Friday night, by The Professional Women’s Association. Artist Judy Chicago’s Dinner Party is a history of women in Western civilization, featured in a monumental piece of art. A triangular table with 39 place settings rests on a handcast porcelain tile floor with the names of 999 women written in gold. Each place setting has a decorated china plate that symbolically depicts the image of the woman who is presented there. The plate, along with a chalice and flatware, rests on a hand-embroidered runner that represents the era she is from. The 39 women, and the 999 written on the tiles, range from goddesses and Roman women to Queen Elizabeth I, to Virginia Woolfe, Emily Dickinson, and Georgia O’Keefe. Painters, saints, rulers, writers, suffragettes they are all there in the colourful and often 3-dimensional plates. The film is about the mal.ing of The Dinner Party and goes up to the spring of 1979 and its opening at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. The creation of The Dinner Party is almost as monumental as the work itself. Five years in the making, more than 400 people.contributed to it on a volunteer basis hours and hours of work. And all the time the awareness of those working on it was raising to how women have been left ‘right out of history’. Before the showing of the film, Nancy-Lou Patterson, chairman of the Fine Arts Department, gave a slide presentation of art by women. Starting from medieval times and continuing right up to the present, she showed- how women artists, in each of their respective times, were creating the same, and sometimes better, works as the men. But
marred theatre. But because of the feebleness of an ironic tone in the production, the gestures were not barbs at pomposity, but cloyingattemptsat drama. The local musical appreciation should have given honours to the cast for continuing the tradition of grand opera. And if the acting was marred, the singing was even less bearable. I’m not faulting the quality of the voices. But I was only seated halfway back, and those lyrics that were audible were barely intelligible. The blame for this must rest squarely on the shoulders of those who perpetuate the insipid operatic practice of over-enunciation. Like killing a fly with an A-bomb, as they say. By the finale, when the protagonist was going to be hanged, I had forgotten which crime he had been convicted of. (And I really didn’t care. I was just wishing that the audience could have been put out of its misery.) Worse yet,
.’ this punishment was thwarted by an appeal to the “author” (one of the characters in this play-within-a-play) by the “audience” (more of the same) for more jollity and lessartistic integrity. Things like that were about the speed of this whole number. Lest I be accused of simple nay-saying, the production had much in its favour. The costumes were impressively fitting (for example, lots of decolletage and uplift for the whores.) And the orchestra was in superb shape, and because of this, the singers were unfortunately overshadowed, both in volume and excellence. Those of you who have read the review of the show in the Record will have noticed that my views are diametrically opposed to those of Pauline Durichen. I am pleased to offer the following defense of myself: I may not know what to look for in opera, but I sure as hell know what I don’t like. Nuff said. Todd Schneider.
yet they too have for the most part been left ‘right out of art history’. As with anything of a controversial nature, The Dinner Party encountered problems in finding places available or willing to give it a showing. After closing at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and receiving
much publicity, both favourable and critical, the demand for its reappearance grew. It was finally shown again, in 1980 and 1981, in Houston, Boston, New York and Chicago. The first opportunity for Canadians to see it in Canada, will be from March 11 to May 7, 1982 in Montreal, at the Musee d’art con temporain. Susan Montonen
Oscar Wilde to be reincarnated Maxim Mazumdar, one of Canada’s finest young actors, is bringing the remarkable story of the scandalous life of Oscar Wilde to the Theatre of the Arts’ stage Saturday, March 6 at 8p.m. in Oscar Remembered. Mazumdar, as Lord Alfred Douglas, vividly portrays Wilde’s confidant *and lover with sensitivity and charm, while also managing to give us a strong taste of Wilde’s wit and wisdom. It was over eighty years ago that Oscar Wilde’s brief playwriting career was
brought to a halt when he was convicted and imprisoned on criminal charge,s of homosexuality. It is this tragic storythis friendship - that is explored in Oscar Remembered. Oscar Remembered was the only Canadian show to be invited to the Festival of Perth and the Adelaide Festival of Arts in Australia in January and February of 1980. Tickets are $8.00 (Stu./ Sen. $6.50) available from the UW Arts Centre Box Office, Humanities Theatre (8854280)
Polish ensemble on the way here Direct from Poland, 120 singers, dancers and musicians of the Polish National Folk Ensemble, Slask (pronounced Schlonsk) will inaugurate their first Candian tour in eight years at The Centre In The Square on Sunday, March 7 at ZOO p.m. Slask embodies the passion, energy and spirit of the Polish pastoral life through traditional song, dance and music dating back to the 17th century. Slask, also known as the Grand Ballet Slask, mirrors all
the contrasts of PIand in spectacular folk numbers: the flash and fire of the high-
kicking dances, the bustling polkas, the boisterous cafe songs, and the tender and wistful shepherd songs. The splendour of each number is enhanced by hundreds of rainbow-coloured costumes, irridescent with gold and silver embroidery. During one performance there are more than 25 costume changes. Slask the Polish National
will appear hxiay,
March 7, 2:00 p.m. at the Centre in the Square. Tickets: $12.00, $16.00,
$18.00. Children 12 and under: $2 .OOoff. Special group discounts available.
-TheArts Canadian Canadian Brass has delivered a performance to be remembered. Canadian Brass is a quintet of - you guessed it - brass instruments. The program ranged from the jazz of Fats Waller to the baroque music of Bach to Canadian Brass’ own invention of ‘brass opera’. Another facet of the group is the “Blasphemous wit and humour” (according to the program) which it interjects between pieces. Graeme Page, on French horn, the first to speak, said the next piece was the Concerto Gross0 by Vivaldi, rearranged twice; once by J.S. Bach and again for Canadian Brass. Page warned the audience that the end of the second movement sounds like the end of the piece “but it’s okay if you want to clap.” The quintet then
Brass perform rondo. I don’t think a pianist paused between each movecould even play as quickly as ment with such anticipatory the trumpeters did. grins that the audience could not help clapping. The following number was The first jarring note (pun the Canzona No. 4 by Gabintended) of the evening was rieli. Since he composed his the fast runs played by Eugene works to be played in a Watts, the trombonist. He simply could not keep up the ’ cathedral with brass instrupace. He acknowledged this ments playing in various parts difficulty when he got up to of the church, Canadian Brass announce the next piece. dispersed among the audiAfter all, he said, if the ence. Luckily, I was sitting trumpeters want to play close enough to the front to be quickly, all they have to do is totally surrounded by brass move their fingers a little, not players. Though some imbalances occured, the result their arms a lot. was beautiful. To allow the trumpeters to show off their speed, the next The quintet next played the number the quintet played 1st movement of the second was Mozart’s Turkish Rondo. Brandenburg Concerto by This piece was originally J.S. Bach. Charles Daelwritten as a showpiece for the lenbace, the tuba-ist, intropiano. duced it be telling the following , story: Bach’s own piccolo I must confess I’ve never trumpeter died while playing heard anything as fast as thaf the solo in this very piece.
Feds to run a Winter For the first time in over ten years the Federation of Students is running a winter carnival for your fun and enjoyment. The events are varied and fun - everything from masquerading as your favourite character from WKRP in the Bombshelter on Monday to building sandcastles at Friday night’s beach party in SCH Festival Room. Get your toboggans out and waxed to enter in the great toboggan pull. Monday on the Village Green, there will be prizes given to the fastest, slowest and best decorated ,
tobaggans. Practice your golf for snow golf on Tuesday on the Village Green. If the weather isn’t agreeing with the scheduled events there will be a Mudfest so have your teams ready and prepared just in case. For those of you who have been missing theexcitementof the race track there will be a warmup to the summer’s event on Wednesday in the Bombshelter. If you have any pretensions towards being either an owner, trainer orjockeybringyour team and racing silks out and pick the worm of your choice.
with exuberance Since that time, trumpeters have always included-a clause in their contract, stipulating that they will not play this piece. “Luckily for us,” said he, “Fred (who was to play the piece) doesn’t have a contract.” Watts introduced the next number as “another piano piece.” It was three pieces by Debussy, including The Girl with the Nazen Hair and The Golliwog’s Cakewalk. Who ever thought of arranging these pieces for the brass quintet must be touched with genius. The mellow tones of The Girl with the Flaxen Hair and the raunchy, rambunctious tune of The Golliwog’s Cakeqalk are both suited admirably to brass instruments. Daellenbach said that the last piece before intermission should really belong to the Debussy Suite. It was the
Killer Tango named after the killer bees that were migrating north from South America. As the quintet played, they got up and did some dancing and snapping their fingers. After intermission, the quintet began with their brass opera for the evening, Mudame Butterfly (Abridged). Having seen their Hornsmoke about two years ago, I was quite disappointed in this opera. They had no sets or actions which so greatly contributed to the success of Hornsmoke. The music they played was much more beautiful but the whole number did not seem like opera to me. The members of the quintet did put on hats but that didn’t save the piece for me. One of the high points of a wonderful concert was the Mostly Futs pieces that the group did. My favourite number is Lounging at the Waldorf. The quintet all snapped
their fingers and periodically said “Mmmmmm, the Waldorf.” You had to be there to understand. The evening was supposed to end with the Air in F by J.S. Bach, a beautiful choral piece. The audience was too enthusiastic to let Canadian Brass stop. Their first encore was a jazz number which they played walking on the stage. When the audience still would not let them go, they camebackontheplayNightof the Bumblebee. Since James Galloway had played the song in 52.5 seconds, they said, Daellenbach was going try to break the record. The resulting attempt was hilarious. In conclusion, I can only recommend if you ever get a chance to see Canadian Brass yourself, take it. So much of the quintet’s exuberance and humour can not be communicated in print. Julie George
If that doesn’t suit you, maybe you can race yourself? For $5 .OO you can have all the wine and fondue your little taste buds desire on Thursday in the Humanities Lounge on the third floor. If you prefer your own brands of wine bring your own wineskin to the Late Night Skate party, right after Jackie Washington, on the Village II skate rink. That’s it for winter events. Welcome in spring at the travel agents and summer sports display in the Campus Centre Great Hall Thursday afternoon or even better come
to the Summer Fashion on Friday, same time and place. Get out your own summer fashions and party your hearts out with us on Friday night at the beach party. * You may still be in shape for t::e St. Patty’s Warm Up pub crawl leaving from the Campus Centre Saturday at 1 p.m. We’ll be back by 6 p.m. in lots of time for all you engineers to get ready for your semiformal. After that bring your pillows and blankets to another Mad Mad Movie Night featuring sun, summer and loads of fun. Sunday night we winddown with a licensed No Talent Night in the Green Dining Room of VI, 7-11 p.m. Get your entry into Helga Petz in the Fed office by Thursday March 11th so that we can get scheduling done. Say goodbye to winter!
mounts Centre Stage
Last week’s production of Victoriana as presented by the Drama Department created an evening with a typical middle class English Victorian family. The Victorians, lacking television and radio created their own entertainment in the form of songs, poems and dramatic readings. Some of the problems the production encountered included problems with the static setting (which became a problem when the notielty wore off) and the archaic language occasionally created a barrier. Excellent performances were delivered by Tracey Cunningham and Greg Hertel; Dr. Angela Moore Maarten van Dijk (foreground, above) also distinguished himself. Photo by John W. Bast
Dan Hill, one of the most talented and sensitive singer/songwriters in contemporary music today, will be playing at The Centre In The Square on Tuesday, March 9 at 8:00 p.m. Six-time Juno Award winnew,, Dan Hill has won a tremendous following for his musical creativity and highly individualized style. His outstanding gold/platinum hits include the best sellers, You Make Me Want To Be and Sometimes When We Touch. During this time he also scaled new artistic peaks by writing a novel about a famous pop musician who makes a lot of money, leaves Toronto, and eventually finds both his career and his personal life ruined when he becomes entangled in a rape case. Dan Hill is an introspective man, and one wonders how much he identifies with the major theme of his novel - the brutality of the music business. Dan Hill will appear on Tuesday, March 9 at 8:00 p.m. Tickets: $8.00, & $9.50
In a very entertaining game the Killer Diller Killers (represented by (above, left to right) Ian Chaprin, Marney Heatley and John McMullen beat the Killer Dillers about the head and shoulders with witty repartee and classic sight gags. Rumour has it that Linda Carson will lead a team of novices into the field this evening at 9:30 p.m. in HH 180. Photo by John W. Bast
kill Dillers
In Theatresports Friday night, a crack team of (short) veterans united as the Killer Diller Killers to defeat the powerful Killer Dillers, 56-53. The Dillers, Margaret Eaton, Jim Gardner, Most Valuable Player Preston Gurd and Heather Irvine, performed consistently and with spirit, but didn’t pick up enough speed in the latter half to pull ahead. The Killers, Ian Chaprin, Marney Heatley, John McMullen and Linda “Phred” Ryall, played a diversified game which, though slow in the second half, was solid enough to defeat the usually formidable Dillers. It was actually the audience’s game msre than either teams’; the scenes Day in the Life, Best Wordat-a-Time Story with a member-of the audience and a special one-on-one Straight-Faced Challenge between two audience members lured several people from the crowd to the stage. The upcoming game Friday at 9:30 will pit another. four oldtimers against an underdog team of eager rookies, fresh out of the latest novice workshop. The Linda Carson Press Release Company
Such works as the Glorious Qurhn and the Bhagauad-Gita aim to give instruction based on Divine revelations gleaned from history in the conduct of one’s social and personal life. Another book which instructs one in the proper conduct of one’s life and relations with others-from the inspired recording of wisdom taught by history is the Holy Bible.
good Holy Bible King James Version Various Authors Various Publishers
History repeats itself because societies and civilizations keep committing the same errors. There will not be any true progress in human affairs (apart from the productionandaccumulationof knowledge) until past errors are learned from and avoided. For throughout mankind’s tenure upon this planet, certain moral and ethical laws seem to have been-and to be-operable regardless of his level of technica/ sophistifica tion.History is the record of the workings of these laws and the knowledge and practice of them brings wisdom
History, then, is the teacher of wisdom, and itsstudents have, at times, written --or have been inspired to write works to describe and illuminate the functions of moral and ethical, that is, spirtual, laws in a restricted historical context, but with direct application to all eras. Prophecies - based on the perception of history as a cyclical phenomenon that repeats itself as errors are repeated - are often made. These books tend to be “mystical” or “spiritual” because those who seek wisdom tend to terminate their investigations in the realm of the immutable and the eternal - the realm of mind, soul, and spirit. Hence, Plato, Confucius, and even Marx developed systems of belief whose conclusions rest in the attainment by their followers of either an intellectual heaven ora worldly utopia at the end of history.
The Bible is a unique work. Few others can lay claim to a vision of humankind that has such a grand sweep of time, from “Eden” to the “New Jerusalem”; the beginning of time to the end. Few other books are as well diffused throughout the world and few are as little read , paricularly in the industrial democracies. Occasionally it will be ransacked by a panicking student seeking the source of an allusion in a poem or painting, or by a New Right politician requiring a quick quotation for a speech on the need to cut social services and increase defence spending. In general, however, its contents are a stumbling block to partial readers and to non-readers, foolishness. Yet, its structure is simple: it tells a story. It is, primarily, the story of the ancient Hebrews, but in a wider, universal sense it is the story of humankind. It isa story toldin not one book, but in 66 (excluding the “Apocrypha”), each of which is composed of chapters which are themselves divided into verses. Moreover, it is divided into two sections: the Old Testament (containing 39 books) and the New Testament (containing 27 books). Too, it employs several literary genres - poetry, letters, drama, short stories, and novels - to tell its story. It includes parables, prophecies, proverbs, psalms, and songs as well in its narration. It is, in short, an epic: Paradise Lost before Milton, a grand story of the creation, fall from godly status, and present and eventual redemption of mankind. It begins with a depiction of the creation of the cosmos man by God, an all-powerful, all-knowing deity.
and of
This story -f the origins of mankind and its faults is told in the book of Genqsis which, besides its chronicle of the coming of mortality to mankind, may also be the story of the development of consciousness, of intelligence, in the human species. It is possible for a story in the Bible such as the creation story, to have more than one meaning, more thanone perspectiveona subject due to the use of symbols. For instance, the “serpent” one encounters in Genesis is also t?he “dragon” one meets in Revelation 20:2 who is, as well, “the Devil and Satan” (the chief adversary of God and his progeny). This use of symbolism can be confusing, but a careful reading of the Bible should explicate their meaning since symbols used in one part of the work are explained in another either by direct statement or by the contest in which they appear. The language usedin the Bibleis that of the local, yet universal, and the simple, but complex. Ecclesiastes 9: 11 is a good illustration of this use of language: I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet ’ favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. Such passages are rife in the Bible, in the Old Testament and the new (which is concerned with the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the struggles of the church that He found as this pithydefinitionof tuhat constitutes true religion: Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. James 127 The language used in the Bible is often rich, and lush in the Song of Solomon, a bridal song sensuous and spiritual, which celebrates not only the marriage of King Solomon and his bride, but also that of Christ and His church (according to some interpretations. Note the richness of these lines: Thy navel is like a round goblet, which wanteth not liquor: thy belly is like a heap of wheat set about with lillies. Thr ,I breasts are like two young roes that are twins. It is aphoristic too: “Thereis a way that seemeth right unto a man, but theends thereofarethewaysofdeath.“-Proverbs, 14:12 If the discussions of religion and the commandments to obey the “Word of God”make you uneasy, do not read the Holy Bible, for it challenges the reader to consider his place in the universe and what the meaning of his life is anyway. It challenges the reader because it purports togiveanswers to all the questions that most have been taught not to ask or to hide in a fog of marijuana smoke oran alcoholic daze. It is adangerous book. However, for those who take the trouble to read it, it is a treasure trove of wisdom, ideas, and matters to ponder in university classrooms, churches, and donut shops. If one purpose of literature is to instruct and delight, this is true literature. It is plain discourse, free of all obfuscation: it does not mince words. It has something for everyone. For civil engineers, it has a timeless message on how it is best not to build a structure on sand, but on rock (of course, there is another meaning in that , it has a description of how the earth message); for astronomers “hangeth in space” and for farmers, there is instruction on how to sow seeds that has some spiritual signifigance as well. The Holy Bible is a book well worth reading, a book that was written over a period-of several centuries by several authors but in such a manner that it “hangs together”, and a book that has educated and entertained millions. The books that deal with genealogy and history (mainly the Chronicles) may be a little boring, but the workasa whole hasa unity, depth, and breadth of vision that is impossible for this very limited review to communicate. Don’t take my work for it! Read it. George
Squashers end sixth after hard games Waterlao Athena squashers provided tough competition in the OWIAA (Ontario Women’s Intercollegiate Athletic Association) finals held at York University last Friday and Saturday. Competing for Waterloo in their first to fifth and alternative position were Kathy Campbell, Jennifer BirchJones, Lyn Caswell, Jane Bowering, Dianna Mair, Sue DeNure, Anne Keeler and Carol Shane. In round one, Waterloo met York Universityandlostinfive close matches. In first and third positions, Campbell and Caswell had extremely tough competition and ended up both losing their matches. Campbell commented afterwards, “Joann’s length was perfect as usual. She places many of her shots into the nicks (the edge of the floorand wall). Her style of play is very different than most other players; she waits a long time before hitting the ball. She often takes time to turn and look at where her opponent is; that makes it almost impossible to anticipate her shots.” Bowering fought hard to beat her opponent in five long and exhausting games. Mair managed to win her match easily in three straight games with no points scored against her. Birch-Jones played the deciding match putting up a good fight but eventually losing. This overall loss put Waterloo in theconsolation round of playing along with Laurier, Western, and RMC (Royal Military College). On Friday night they played against Western in the second round and again lost 2-3 with even closer scores, Campbell competed against ranked Sue Smeaton and won in four games with scores of 9-4, 8-10. 9-3, 9-1. an excellent accomplishment. Mair also won her match in four games. After losing the first game, Mair said, “I wasn’t concentrating on the ball hard enough.” After realizing the problem, she came back to win the next three games with scores of 9-3,9-3,9-l. Bowering lost her match in five gruelling games - never giving up. By the third game,
she was down two games and came back to win the next two games but finally lost the match in the fifth game. When Caswell also lost her match it was up to Birch-Jonesagain to decide the winner. BirchJones in excellent form played against Ingrid Mehlhorn-the overall winner of the Waterloo Individual Flight Tournament. Birch-Jones lost the first game, then won the next two and lost the final two games. Round three began early Saturday morning for the players when they competed against Laurier. As coach Wendy Frisby stated, “Laurier and us played the same type of game in all the five respective positions. The games always have long rallies but we are usually a little better in all the spots.” Campbell, Birch-Jones, Bowering and Mair all won their matches in three straight games but not without having to work - some of the game scores were 10-8. In conclusion, the winner of the OWIAA womens squash championship was Toronto with 11 points, with the following teams in seconds to eighth ,places: Queens (9 pts), York (8 pts), McMaster (2 pts), Western, Waterloo, Laurier, and R MC. This tournament concluded the teams official playing but they continue to take part in the Wednesday night league tournaments until the end of April. This past Wednesday Waterloo hosted the Northfield Racket club with results to be published in next week’s report. After watching BirchJones’ terrific performance in the tournament, she was asked to play in the Can-Am Games along with the number one players from the various teams, and many national players from Canada, U.S.A., and England. In fact, the world female junior champion will also be participating in the competition. Altogether there will be 23 women entering. Futhermore, Kathy Campbell, the team’s number one player has been named Athelete of the Week, Dianna
This past weekend the O.W.I.A.A. Volleyball Championships were held by the University of Waterloo Athletic Department. As Waterloo’s Athenas wait on the sidelines to play the University of Windsor, York University and McMaster played some superb volleyball. After five games York finally beat McMaster. York remained victorious and won the Championship, and they will now go on and represent Ontario. Waterloo’s Athenas played excellent volleyball and took third place in the O.W.I.A.A. Volleyball Photo by Wanda Sakura Championship.
The volleyball Athenas closed their season in fine style, placing third in the OWIAA playoffs held herelast weekend. In tournament competition against Windsor, Mat and York the Athenas managed to successfully defeat Windsor 3-1, 15-7, 1 l-15, 1215, 15-7, where upon they went on to meet McMaster. With Mat they had less luck losing in successive matches, 16-14, 15-8, 15-5. In the next match against York, the Athenas came up on the short
Waterloo, Ontario’s table tennis champions for the last two years, lost in the semis in a close game this weekend at Guelph. The Ontario University Table Tennis Championships were the site of very stiff competition as there were five players on different teams who are ranked among the top 30 in Canada. Each team consisted of 3-5 players with three playing in a particular set. Each set con-
Campbetl Squash Kathy plays the number 1 seed on the Athenas squash team and she had a ve1.y strong performance at the O.W.I.A.A. Squash Championships held at York over the weekend. Kathy won 2 of 3 matches; one against Sue Smeaton of Western, former Junior National Team Member and one against the number one seed from Laurier. Her only loss was to JoAnne Beckwith of York, who played on Canada’s World Championship team last October. As -Kathy has only played squash for two years, her accomplishments are truly remarkable. Because of her strong play, Kathy was
loses to Guelph sisted of 9 singles matches (2 out of 3 games), and the first team to win five matches wins the tournament. Waterloo’s team fought hard to advance to the semifinals on Sunday, meeting U. of Toronto where they lost a very close match to U of T with a score of 5-4. One of the most exciting matches had U of T’s no. 2 player Gordon Eng upset Waterloo’s top player David Williams, after it was deuce at
end once more, I5-9, 15-5, 154. “You can’t be displeased with third out of fifteen,” commented Athena coach Pat Davis. “The two teams that beat us out carry national players and the York Yeowo’men who took the playoff round advance alongside the men’s champion York Yeomen to the CIAUs. Two Athenas placed on the tournament all star team, Maria Kasch (she also placed in the OUAA all stars on the first team) and Lorri Freeman.
Yes,onlyfour more Imprints left until we end this publication scheduleand gear up , for the summer. . . You want to get Imprint over the summer? ;\, -Clw#.Bl
of the Week
It’s getting near thattime -’ again . . .
V-ball Athenas close season
the third game. This match eventually led to a finals victory for U of T. The team’s top individual’s record was held by the team captain Yih-Sheh Leo, 9-2; losing only to the top 2 individuals of the tournament, Richard Chin of Western Ontario and Zepplin Law of Toronto, both in 3 games. David Williams followed with 7-3, and Patrick Leung, 5-6. Yih-Sheh Leo
also selected to play in the prestigous Can-Am Invitational Tournament to be held in Toronto on March 20-21. The top eight student-athletes from Canada, the United States and England have been selected for this tournament. Last weekend marked Kathy’s last O.W.I.A.A. Squash tournament as she will be graduating from Kinesiology in the spring. Maldwyn Cooper Wrestling Two weeks ago Maldwyn captured the OUAA Wrestling title with 4 decisive victories in the Championship round. Last week-end he became the CIAU champion at 51 Kilos with 4 more victories at the meet held in Regina. In the Championship tout Maldwyn defeated the defending CIAU champion Ron Moncur. Moncur was attempting to win an unprecedented 5th straight CIAU crown. He had defeated MaldwynintheCIAUfinalson two previous occasions. This victory solidifies Maldwyn’s place on the Canadian National Wrestling team as he defeated his toughest competition from within the team, With this victory Maldwyn completes a tremendous intercollegiate wrestling career. He qualified for the CIAU finals over four consecutive years bringing home medals from the last three.
A subscription to Imprint for 1 term costs $5.00. Drop by the PP. , .. oilice almost any time.
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in-chief. These jobs are Honorariums that pay between fifty and one hundred dollarsa term. Summer 82 Convenor Basketball Umpire in Chief Softball Referee in Chief Soccer Fall 82 Referee in Chief and Convenor for: Flag Football Men & Women; Men’s Hockey; Mens Soccer; Ball Hockey.
Championship Games in Competitive Leagues Listed below is the day, date and time of all championship games being played in thk Competitive Leagues. Men’s Basketball A league - Sun. March 14. IO:00 p.m. B league - Tues. March 16 9:30 p.m. C league - Tues. March 16, 8:00 p.m. Womens Basketball A league - Sun. March 14, lo:30 p.m. B league - Mon. March 15, 9: 15 p.m. Mens Floor Hockey Unavailable at time of printing. Men’s Hockey A league - Sun. March 14, IO:30 p.m. B league - Sun. March 14, 9: 15 p.m. Mixed Volleyball Tournament Thurs. March 11 all evening. All teams please note these times and spectators are encouraged to come on out and support their favorite teams. A list of all the final standings will appear in the next issue of Imprint. Good luck to all teams in the playoffs.
Apartment Wanted Near University of Waterloo Campus for the month of April, for a visiting professor. Please call Anne Wagland, Department of Philosophy, University of Waterloo. Tel: 885-1211 ext 2245.
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Old legends never die, they just fade away. m
victory. This was a healthy spread considering Brock’s repntation and the fact that most of Windsor’s key men. Hdermanritz and Logan and LLool arc small while .L%rI>ck has good
‘hUC~hi 5
In the second half GueIph showed the polish that years of playing together give a team. Although they had three key men with four fouls (Lewis, Sesto and Sukara) and better than ten minutes to go they managed to build on their lead, ending the game witha 93-79 win. Tom Heslip, the little but mighty Gryphon who has led the team for years, finished the season and his career with a 32 point game and the plaqer of the game award. In the championship game Brock met Windsor in a classic case of might not quite making right as Windsor chalked up the 92-75
strong kids tevxgally make a go of it.” McCrae projected. ‘he MVarri9.w have drra~:icall~~ improved their Inside garnc ancd the po!itnlen deserve
Statistically, the Badgers didn’t have much of an edge over Waterloo: Brock shot 47 per cent for the game as compared to Waterloo’s42 per cent. Waterloo was 14-22 (64yc)from the foul line while Brock shot 24-38 (63%). Errors were even at 16 for each team. I thought we played really well,” Coach McCrae said. “We got ott to two bad startsand got into eight point holes. You can only come back so many times.” The Warriors got to within five points but couldn’t quite close it. Clayton Ninham shot for 14 points, Phil Jarrett shot 11, Paul Van
its belligerant
“really proud of their effort”. Hie commended band -for the fans and the Warriors “unbeliev~able support” that gave the team a real boost that they need to play full out. It has beenfarfromadisappointingyear: the Warriors managed wins against the toughest teams, Guelph, Brock, Western in the playoffs and once against the champion Lancers in Windsor, no less. “Our young players have a league year under their belts. All we need are a couple of big
Above: Waterloo Coach McCrae called the game “literally a first fight. We were kind of surprised by the roughness. The refs clamped down on it the next night but that was 24 hours too late.” A quick count shows three Warriors on the floor anda disgruntled Peter Savich rising from the occasion. Rough and tumble was the qeneral rule of the semi final against Brock that put an end to the Warriors playoff hopes. Photos
by Virginia
Warrior Phil Jarrett looses one from the outside over top of former Warrior Bob Yuhasz. Jarrett, who finished the year as a Warrior top scorer shot 11 points that night.
Warrior Peter Savich goes upover Badger Dave Hodges’ head to make a shot in Friday’s semifinal against Brock.
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