- Friday,
May 7 -
.SCOOPS -L returning for another term. lo:30 a.m. -i 4:(3O p.m., Monday Friday; Wednesday [Night Movies. Always in the best of taste. Vegetarian Club. Learn to prepare your favourite vegetarian dishes ~from around the world. Live demonstrations. For further info call 888.7321.6:00 p.m. The inaugural Theatresports match’for the summer competitive improvisational theatre games even we never know what’11 happen next! Feds 7X, others $1.00 at the door. 9:30 p.m. HH 180. Fed Flicks ’ A- .2001 i A Space Odyssey. 8:00 p.m. Physics 145. Feds $1.00, others $2.00. -
( Saturday, - - May 8 -, Cycling Trip to Fergus quarry. Those brave enough to dive in the cold water, bring a bathing suit and bring a lunch. Sponsored by the Outers Club. 9:00 am. Front of the Campus Centre. Contact Kevin Gibb, 884-8029. . I
members Women’s
14%~ .
Outers Club Organizational Meeting. , Come and find out what’s happening; canoe trips, cycling, rock climbing, scuba diving, backpacking and more. Summer co-ordinator is Kevin Gibb, 884-8029.
,Come to the CKMSTFM Summer Organizational Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in CC 135.‘We need your input.
PASS ‘83 Brainstorming Meeting. 8.00 p m ML 1o4 Be there or else I . * . ’ . -Women’s Action Co-op: A political Fed Flicks - see Friday. action/discussion group. ‘Of. interest to and those who a?en’t sure yet. - Su.nda+, May 9 . feminists Get involved - great talks, great opLaurel Creek Nature Centre presents portunities, mediocre coffee. Women .The >Rubber Boot Ramble: A small only ,please. 7:00 p.m. CC 1491 committee of Laurel’s frogs, toads, and salamanders will welcome all visitors to - Wednesday, May 12 the centre. At 2:00 p.m. we’ll ramble into SCOOPS See last Friday. the surrounding wilderness to find their cousins, so bring your boots along. 7:00’ , Fly through the air with the greatest of - 9:OO p.m., we’11 venture out to catch ease! Come to the Gymnastics Club .nature’s springtime symphony on a organizational meeting or call Jon at magical eveninghike. For further info call 884-1808. Crash pits provided. 6:30 p.m. 885-1368. Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. PAC Blue Activity Area. Bhakti Yoga Club (Krishna Consciousness) meditation and vegetarian feast. All welcome. Free. Furtherinfocall888-7321. 5:00 p.m. 51 Amos Avenue. Chapel Serviceat Conrad Grebel College Chapel. 7:00 p.m. Coffee and discussion to follow,All welcome.
May 10 last Friday. weekly meeting. New
- See last Friday.
Disarmament: IsIt A Women’s Issue? Enjoy a complete vegetarian lunch for Marilyn Aarons, Co-ordinator of Energy only $1.50. Sponsored by the VegProbe in Toronto and a member of the etarian Club. 11:$5 - 1:45 p.m.I CC 135 T.oronto Disarmament /Network, will or 110. ’ speak on the vital issue of disarmament. of Students The film “If You Love This Planet” will be ’ BENT of the Federation presents Squeeze with Flock of Seagulls. shown and a discussion will follow. 8:15 p.m. Adult Recreation Centre, King and, 8:00 p.m. Bingeman Park. Tickets at the Fed Office. Allen Streets, Waterloo. Sponsored by the K-W Statusof Women Group. This program which is open to the public, will - Friday; May be preceded by the K-W Status of SCOOPS - see last Friday. . Women Group’s regular monthly meeting beginning at 7:30 p.m. Fed, Flicks - Magic starring Anthony Hopkins and Ann-Margret. 8:00 p.m. L Tuesday, May,11 Physics 145. Feds $1.00, ethers-$2.00. SCOOPS - See last Friday.. ’ Sneak Preyiew of the new random-
chance play By Random Twist of Fate, a murder mystery spoof where the audience has all the answers! From the Creative Arts Board and those wonderful people who bring you Theatre‘sports. Feds 75(c, others $1.00, 1O:OO p.mT HH 180.
4’30 P.m. ‘C 135. ’; ’ The Vegetarian Club is having seven cooking demonstration workshops. Experience satisfying vegetarian ‘cooking. ‘The Hunger Project Ending Hunger Briefing; a one day symposium on the through tongue, tummy and mind. Free. unnecessary persistence ‘of hunger and - Everyone welcome. 5:3O p.m. Psychology / on the end of hunger. 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 lounge* 3i?05. p.m. MC 5158. FoFinformation call\John Chess Club Organizational, Meeting. Hoitson, Briefing Leader, ext. 2644 or CC 113.7:OO p.m. - 10:OO p,m. Everyone 744-6511 ext. 69. welcome. The Inter-Mennonite Children’s Choir Annual Spring Concert will be held at First United Church, Waterloo. 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at Conrad Grebel College, or at the door at acost of $3.00 or $2.00 for children 14 and under.
May 13 -
- Thursday,
welcome. 12 noon - 2:00 p.m. Centre, CC 149. .
Men’s Group Discussion of goals and objectives. Everyone is welcome. For, further information contact Doug 886-4341 .(evenings) or Harry 658-9411 (during the day). 7100 P-m. CC Ll3Junior Farmers are having ‘a club meeting. This’ will be an organizational .meeting to determine our ‘summer ac1, tivities. HH 373. 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. \, Cinema Gratis presents Coming 9:30 p.m.Campus Centre 1%. Great %_.‘
Home. Hall.
May 16 -
- Sunday,
Laurel Creek Nature Centre -presents Warbler Walk (7:30 a.m., 11:OO a.m.,’ 2:00 p,.m.). Many species of colourful warblers use Laurel Creek property as a stopover on their journey to the northern woods. Learn to identify these tiny birds as we enjoy the spring woods. Further info call 885-1368. Bhakti Yoga Club (Krishna +usness) - See last Sunday. C
See last Sunday.
May 19 -
_ Wednesday, Information
. Cinema Gratis presents Foul Play. 9:3.0 p.m. Campus Centre Great Hall. , ,
%4 Thursday, Ve’getarian Thursday
May 20 -
BE&&&of the Federation of Students presents Teenage Head, “Some Kinda! Fun”. Tickets at the Fed office, CC 235. 8:00 p.m. Waterloo Motor Inn ’ ’ i
,- Friday, Vegetarian
Fed Flicks Imprint
- See last Friday.
- Mb movies,
long weekend.
- Volume 5, number
‘Af Minnesota”.
‘WaterIoo. +She- did/it ---7 --w-hv iespondence.1 Rushka will be graduated’ utitil the convEatio’nfl&te October). , ! t -
not fall * -
Edward. B. Cross, Etob-’ icoke,, has been -appoi&ed ex- ’ ecufiv_e direc&i:of the University of .Wat&loo’s Waterloo _-wjil receive a ‘$500 cash Coffee : ?ah’d r’efresh’ments Centre for ,Proa& Develop.v$1 bc served at 2:00 plm. Lrd: . Ash .is a fisse., year \ ment (WCPD): . - / h ” lent. , , Hk succee& Peter’ Mel)ther: --Putnam team/; memT psycho1 .0-w \ ‘_ nicduk, who haq>been ori loan: 5 at Uw are‘ %hael;‘ ,: ’ _ . for the-past tl$& years frdm lrien _ *and Goid& SinA&&is the federal g’o\i’ernqent’s De- , l&n; A number .& U\3r.... 5or the first t ime ,prizes will .partment Of [@ustry,. Trade i&ti not ,r$stered For .the” go,to top psych, ology students and Commerce: n ^c’onip@i’on %alSO lperthis ‘year,jb bm,,rh’ the oenkrti **--
tied, Gel1 this year, finish-i $The WdPq is a semi@h&j. yea-r) and h onors (fo;r -am&g @&top 100, Tli&t . V~FSW$ . ninbrzims -autono-tious &&ncv on the The tnn Ixg&l3T-QWn, ljev co pi, .,: :.&k&sir ‘student. U km ; .cam$~s.~‘TGo;ernmentis !3lceryl $..$p and &rbel;S-Fich-,’‘. H,dmes, ‘Qj$en S&&l. She is a - @de& its, 0$ssion is to i / r. . “-“’ , co-op student and has been al- .- pr’ovide pilot @.nt level test-’ aing of _;iew 6hemical proternating bet,ween campus abd :cesse$. Th?’ C&tre is supwdrk terms, . every four . -1 .-s _ mo’nths,> porting the’ dcv$lopment bf a The top general student is Humber oT inie@ions and disk covlries on the’$art of WaterC&y Rushka, . Woodrow, Ever&Y of.~Mi~nneso~~-‘will~ Sask.. and she is unu&al in loo‘ facult$ men&efs: it is also--b’s”“.
f3g@hxter I
-i- .\1. ’ Friday,<bfay 2, It’s Kitb,heriex%Rockin’ Best...A% ’ _. I .. li % \
/ : ,- &~&lay,
-&xt Monday-go
-8 d5’9.
May 8, It’s a TRIBUTE TO. GENESIS with:
May 10 to 12, Invading
? Along Vhth Rick, Monday I\
Gen& u-/J
May IO,, We Prksen-t:-
- ,
Stage 1s:
i is going to have ansena on its North n& The results of anadmini@ration run n~dum have shown that students want
’ 3 ?‘The problem, basically, is very simhle*, de.Brzozowski said. “There are ted &any of you (students) andtoo few of us(faculty).“He cited
-taken. at the ; &-&e’rsitj; of:_:Tokonto, .Theenrneering faculty there’ asked students to approve a $ I@ additio.651 fee ‘each year-?o
. only rcriterion? Cat,& 22?’ Di@; Tell GSabou@the schools .:-.~ .$‘d cG&pJ&ne __ , -and, churches,- the industries, W&i ti;dnd& the ,inteiiri&vS the >sh/ops, the public i&titand make the decision to To the edit&: o the editor: utio-ns, &rsqnalities, why yoti The University of W6terlos At the end of last term, the ‘choose Greg’ I would like, apublic ex-, !ike it her&or virhy you don’t. If - Federation of S&lents held a. nd the City of Waterloo are . there is‘anything you think is of Wim Simonis’ cornpeti@,s for 5three ‘~0s;~ Ijlanatiqn tlebrating, respectivbly, their outstanding<or peculiar about itions: .Two . here for the-- action+ If everything was fair, . 5th and 125th anniversaries. we’d like tb-know.‘_ summer,,ahd one wao a longerL+thai’s f&e. It not, I,don’-t want a o mark this occasion-we wiJ1 Wat+oo, Gf you 1.are a long time (ferm contraict’ . . ., e presenting, sometimein the ’ - ts, ;alldG.-Wim to make these
resident of Waiterloo, or ‘a 111,a the&Cal perfqrmance f&er resident who has lthored by Canaditin playnioved to-another town, tell us right, Dr. James Reaney. We’d like toifiyite resi@xts, : about -how thin& %ied t.o be and how Waterloo of. today ht and president,oftheTwin of ities and ,Water&o County to ‘co‘mpares *with Waterloo Yes$rday. .L @cipatein thisgvent. Write We’d especially like to hear letter and tell us about your from people who-can recall the rperien’ces in Waterloo, and WBte%loQ Bands snd @and )ur imI&essions of the cify. 11 information, Stor‘i%es,s&Z Festivals\ agything to do with :dotes, praises and . corn-? mu‘sic and musicians inwgtei100, Blue TOP Beer, 'and aints are welcofne. ,WaterlGo ini,the days of .Prq* -, *.a r.i _nioitio~n ana rne repression. .
,etters Policy
This policy issubjectp.n-ly to e following limitations:’ All tters shouldbe typed, ruble-spaced, signed and bmitted to CC 140 by 6:00 m. Monday. Letters should : limited in length, to 400 sr+. Anyone withi& to’ rite longer opinionatid ar:ies should contact>ihe man;ing editor. All corresponan& I should @elude your I lone number.1 , .
- Through -_ be able to <&se of the who have
your letters we will gain a grass roots city and thep6ople. lived a‘nd ‘worked
. here: So tell us yo’ur stories, “and- pldase ‘write 3soon. Setid. your letter> to: Ann&ersary,Project ’ The centie fo,i:the Arts (H.um&ities Hall Unrversity df Water!oo. Waterlao,’ C)nt. ‘4 N2L3Gl We’re looking forward ‘to heartiE from voi. ‘sd B&s v
Afterth&positisns hadbeen!‘ kindsof decisib,ns yiih -“y’
filled, I learned -that iko of ,;‘!non?pa :. : ,i them had~been filled by people 1 . ,We +a-Ye’, to &esti.on. .the k”lnd:of fioxlLer Wim ‘Simonis close to Wim Simonis, Federation of Students president. 1’ l&s if he is taking advantage of The ,role of Ombudsm.& his POSitiOn. i%,~yone eke who by /this sit* (long-term posit&) will tie .feels disttirbed played by’De& Nadon _ lasr Uation shquld help tie demand year’s Fe&rat& B&rd of a? answer from Wime ,Whether we-like to admit it or Education Chairperson. Tb -not, he is making .d@isions Researcher/ Plaaner position i has~been filled by Greg Cabsjdy t-Ft affeqt us. .-
eration’ Board Ch+pe&-on., Appointing -
) SOmeOne
dealt pith a question
that,has been
Doug kopp MawEnvironment -
M/ate&o College, As-so&&e Fackdties 2 ‘CtiRMISTkY ANDCtiEMICAL ’ . ” ’ ENGItiEEI$ING BUILDING Officially Op@ned on thiz Third Day. of - ’ December Nineteen Hundred-a&Fifty Eight .<’ ,’ by ~ r ^-., ‘THE‘HQNOURABLE Li3SLl.E M. FROST ,-\,A,; ’ Q.C.,i:L.Pi, D.C.L; Priine ‘Minider, of ~nt’iii~io = ’ , ‘I
like -
. C
Greg Cassidywho is already in ’ a Federation position makes mi , feel partjculafly angry. Such an act limits involvement w.ilh the sku+nt organizaiion to just a few *lect people: --- 1 must questiorit Wim Simonis’ objectivity. He has ‘hired’ Greg as the ‘most qualified person for the job’ when he. appointed him to his‘couhcil ~ just one month before, I haye to ask whether anyoneelse was even seriously ‘- considered. Was involvemeht with the Federation of &dents -the,
Eow-dstitit a men’s g&~~p?.. _. ., Doug dopp This is a-com-nient sparked b&he illustration at appF?red oh /Page. 4. of tb& A@%2nd
of Educ%“ion,
p%thin t,he p&t f&w YeeksaGlaque c&memorz$ing the ’ opening of the ChemiGa! Engineering Building in’ 1958 yes apparently. s$olen. The wording on it is pririted below. To replace the plaque would qe-costly and the historic significance lost. Anyone with’ information as’ to its ’ whereaPo& /&ould contabt Mr. W: K. Ran@1 ?t Financial Services, ext. 37 19. ’ J ’ . _’
people tiay be more’s0 because they% had’?0 live as ‘Macho’. Defences act as scabs-@ ‘_ naked wounds; th’e flesh is sore and unhsaled. r Women, over,the years, have achieved..an ’
Fed from <the beginningS of the-+Vomen’s awareness,that#ey need.e$ch other in.order to oiement “Why aren’t, there , men’s , ,, survive -w&li, &nd that to ask foi help a@ oups,?“. support should not be‘ a w%!akness , / but aj For a very long-time, ‘tie male dominated strength. pi,=*7..r;.CZ.+ &&+++mp+i& -&at memare in:cont,~~:~,,--~~~a~~~l?“ifda >A’-*t,T&x,wait tp b~y&ygj . I )men are disadvantaged. It hasbeen a result expre&~mys&&ll make me-less dfa ma& I this ETal@tion.that the women’s movement want to be able to love an-d share life with gan. I . ’ people around me. I believe that-this is the onli -_ What we now/ see in Gee wake of ‘female. way we can achieve any kind bf understa@ling ’ uality’ is that men, emotionally, are being’ and growth. W-e can o@y4 utiderstand -5adh ’ t behind. Now more than ever, &ome men fee!, ofher by understanding ourtielS$s. But theonly 1s’ frustratidn. T-The nee’d to protect their way to see ourselves is by sharing them-witli ’ bler&s/.v$rierabiiity is, unfortunately, I&W others; &d.Iearning to appikciate our personal ir$expi-essed ^ . - through such,- acts - as rape and ^- strengths and weaknesses. j .\ : use of violent pprnggraphy. Some men$eel It is th&nly place to start. .I 6 ~, :- ; tremely t.hre,ate,ne$6y the thought of havmg This summer, for the first time, pn- this’ maintain their imz$s%hile dompetin&wi$ ’ c campus, there will be a group of menmeefing to Imen, too. Thei m&y-fearthat suchin&eas&d discuss their ftielings, emotions and thoughts mpetition will iimit,‘their abilities to ass& tt they are strong,‘capable individuals. - SPith each other, and t&isg a part in, br&$ng about changes in social p&cepti+s. HQpe-* ’ I feel that this.is a fui&t.m ,j ta1 f8llacybred fully, this will allow, at least, sop@ meiifd find socieial male Gpectatio T s ‘and competwhat has -been pushed back behind’&!: thobe Jeness - “‘We are ,Strong. We cap staqd encrusted male ideals ~‘and expe&fibns, and b&e;” Only superhumans can attai‘n the come t.o see the beauty of beinga p.$&n fir& :* ength and control.over theirselves and their -~,I ,“,, _ . ” brlds that are set as ide& fqr @any of us, Ther , &$a man second. ^ s. . _ Any ‘m&n who might be interested ih.par:ssuies are artificial and no‘perso-n should ’ ticipating in discussions of the, goal& agd ’ ve to endure them. Mos,t -men ar$ n@ superhhman a$d;+-C.not 3% objectives of such a grod<are invited to” atterid’ rulnerablei, $i$p$f ari,y pi@likr;.’ :-I’. ” 7. : ? : 1 ’ a meeting or!&May 12,.7100 pim3, CC 1 i $~bll&ei : Me’n are Htirinab +nd, :;f;dn’se~ue’~~i~i~$o~~-~ 1 4antact dot.+/ 84@+,4+ ~~$$%&$sJ ti ~H&+~. .bl
Apalled at the cost of moviestoday? There are still a few deals around,, at least on ~ campus; cheap, and f.ree. Who can beat>hat? \ _. The Federation ofStudents’presents@cMkks on Friday and Sa\Orday eveilingsin Physic%, rooin 145 at 8:OO p.m. It costs fee-pajing Feds $3 .dO,and ethers $2.OQ 4 Th’e Campus Centre;Board runs Cinema Grati’s.on Wednesday evenings in the Carripuq Centre Great Hall. The movies-are free, so’come early to get a $eat. Show starts $t 9’:30 @.m. Betow is ‘a list qf coming attractions. . .’ *
May 14,15, May 21,22 May 28,2’S ’ June4,5 June 1’1, 1i Juqe 18,QlS I June 25,26 July,?, 3 July 9, 10 July 16, 17 ‘J’utv, 23.. 24
?OOl --A Spdce Odyssey @9&c ~(Long weekend - no movie) AJt that Jazz ,’ _ AtienSilent Movie On The Waterfrolit \ \ ’ Cat Battou (Long weekend - no movies; - I Thqchifia $ynd@m+, . Nightwing 7) Zardoz .
L .T . ~
Gkatis Of’I
M&12 -Coming I-tome B ,’ May19 . Fout Play ’ May 26 i Streetcar Named Desire ‘June2 Catch-22 “, Y , June 9 _Lord’of the Rings ’ June16 Wild in the Stieets Cage Aux Fottes tt I - , ’ June23 June30 Casablanca . - , July7 . Lot ita .IJbty 14 The Dove ’ ’ .: One Flew Over the Cuckoo.% Nest JVry.21 JutL 28 ! tstaitds in the St&am, ’ August 4 EaistofEden, I ,’ &u&st 11 Tribute August 18 Ot’her.Side bf Midnig,ht ’ ! ’ _ ^.. -‘i
- My question is a simple one:‘What is the purpose I * X . ‘of the university? Let usfor a moment detach ourselves;from the$sue of, howthe University-of . ._I .. f, ,” * Waterloo affects the lives of us,, the students, and -- . concentrate-on the university: What is its social. ’ +4. , ,’ ; ’ function? What does it do for-the economy? ‘;” . To the business world the university is most __ ._ defi$tely a “knowledge-factory’:. Students are a I --commodity to be processed and then bought on the . open market. Governm.ents and corporations need XV_ ; : universities,.and w-hat they produce. Universities in turn need governments and corporations for th.e’ I_ ’ investment-and research capital that they can _ _ provide. Hence the symbiotic relationship that we -- _ . : see today between them. Thisis especial!y evident at such institutions as . I the,University of.- Waterloo wherethe Co-operative >* system of education is so predominant; Not only is .’ the university dependant on the-state and - . corporations forfunding, but for jobs else. What MR. UUlU~RS1T4 C tdAI\ICE LLOR may. have started out as an innovative idea to give -’ : , \ _I I ._ ._ I’ . _ _-. students ‘on the jo.b’_work experience, has turned I _’ : I_ Ad0 into such a dependency o-n outside bodies that the’ -act&on taking their p.roteststo where those in. Another point’should be m.ade; Often technology / /~ university can barely feign its attempts at , contra! sat. * is blamed for impersonality of-the university. We I autonomy. (At this time let me clear up wha.t must seem to are told that technology is necessary to run a’ ’ Waterloo issurviving in at/ era whenother in my- arguments. in one . , be acotitradiction 7 structure as largess the modern university, and universities (those that haven’t developed a. paragraph I ha.ve stated that thethought of student that. impersonality is j,ust a nasty but unavoidable healthy symbiosis ywiththe state and corpora$ons) political action is nonsense while-in another’1 have* side effect.- -. Modern technology does not produce Iarefacing an economic crisis. Why? Obviously dissidents of the Sixties. To impersonality, as they,would hav,e us be,lieve.‘lt ’ * lauded the student L Weterloo’s administrators have succeeded in conexplain - as soon as you put a group of, peoble merely m’akes possilble more subtle exercises of vincingthe outside world that UW is a valuable togetheffor thelexpress ljurpose of reading books, 1 - power, while increasing the awareness of the resource. The only faculty here that has suffered is , discussing%deas, and thinking, they are bound to student that he/she is being -manipulated by forces Arts --that traditional bastion of the uner6ployabte come up with a few.ideas.of their,own; such as _ outside and above. it-also tends to obscure the fact jiberal arts major. Butriow’even they have jumped ‘truth is good’ and ‘money doesnot net-essarily that it is people, not abstract forces, which are I . bring happiness’,The university,Jn part, inadver._ on the Co-op bandwagon. The Applied Studies tit-cising this power.. I J _ I program is an unabashed attempt at creating the tantly reinforces these ideas with some of its Clearly, theuniversity is a business enterprise ‘employable Artsi-e “with the skills appropriate to a _ teachings. Some students become disaffected, with all its concomitant structures, functions, and ,, w~$&$rang&of careers.” .’ when they come torealize the clash-between their ethics’. Universitbes (Waterloois no exception) are. -. ’ ,- ,As society becom’es increasingly “meritocratic’: thigh ideals and the realitiezof the course-grade- ‘,‘ governed by boards predominantly made up of .r $&jr-e-occupied with selecting people according to exam-job system. The turmoil ‘becomes an inner highly successful’businessmen and industrialists. 1 _- their crgdentialsj career prospects depend more one for the-student-until either he/she is let down’ ’ Research and grant monies flowing into the .- and’more on the paper qualifications that only a, : -@by the system (ie. the promise of a good-job .\ universiti.es are more and.more commonly being , higher education can confer. To the individual va.rl)ishes), or the-student accepts that it is better to I, earmarked towerds areas that-are of the most, act out of one’s own conscience, rather than to : student t’he uni’versity is the most important direct benefit to the labour market. Government is vehicle for social ,advancement. That-isr’precisely __follow the crowd.) increasing its pressure on-the universities to be. is -<One way thatthe un/versity has learned to ,‘z . more respon&e to the needs of the economy and 1 11 3Iwhy any talk of a po’litrcal studentmovement I *al$ol.ute b#s;hi{. A student who pursue&a , ,; -channel dissident energies, and plac&e . , to pay fess attent+ion to its‘moretraditional role of .,*s ,‘, ’ _ ’ I -_‘” . successful career, and whodepends on-disaffected students’has been via the process of - educator. L’ , * :4>.’ achievement ata’university to get one, -is more co-option. The students who-watit changes are I the-first time$history are, ,thanwilling to play the .game by anyrules that the .given token representation on the various i I of attention towards advertising . university boardsand com’mittees. This is done‘ university ocerates underUniversity ,ma-y be a : _ $ “Canada’senergy is . -’ thoroughly unpleasgnt experience, but it is only’ ’ under the guise of administration requests for mi,ndpower” promotion. They are already respond,temporaryand is a necessity if the student is to student input into the decision making. Instead of ing torthe calls of government and business. advance-in riboci,etyl H&she becomes accustomed J finding hei7himself in a healthy, constructive .. ’ Universities - and in this case, especially <environ-ment, the:well-intentioned student is mired to the impersonal way the education process treats Waterloo - are becoming almost indistinguishable him or her. Tolerance is an understandable product . in a bureaucracy committed to following the rules from colleges whose admitted purpose is to tram ” of$$ersonal vested interest. of the game rather than-making them. Without 1 technicians for the work force. The pretense of a f ‘The university servesanother purpose too - one hope for real change the student leaves, , highereducation for its own sake is gone, Y c ,I that fdr the most part goes on without conscious disiilusioned; and thereremains a position waiting ’ It was Harold Innis, a political-economist, who I -- _ effort. That is, to mould the behaviour of and impart for the nextcomer who iswilling to play by the ’ said with a great’deal of foresi,ght in. l-946 that “the . . -X&tam values on, thestudent who is about to .rules (enter the dreaded and infam.ous ‘Resume descent of the university into the market place ---clmove into the society>at-large.(oft-en to,a position Hunter’). ~ . reflects the lie in the soul of modern society.” (As Constantly, the student is taught to. i In the end the co--option process creates a _ quot;ed in the Uh)&ey, the student newspaper at . .1 ;,. ’ of,authority). ,.accept authority, to perfqrm distasteful tasks \ perfect “Catch-22” situation in the universities’ the University of .Britis-hColumbia.) , without complaint,-and to “fit” into the kind of favoyr. The student either gives in and agr,ees to And what of the individual student? There are’ * I student is serve as a,‘student representative’ (Or more likely two possible responses: Either the student can - , so,ciety we have. The individual imprinted with the,slogan,“‘to get along one must \ jumps at the chance to acquire+ new credential. -=-withdraw from an awareness of reality, and . ,, go along”: Any possible disaffect.ion on the-part of Remember, competition for jobsis getting preserve his or her ideals within their own ‘mind. the student is effectively de-fused before it could ’ ’ tougher.),)or rejects the system and is labelled -. This is the co’mmonand most expected respo.nSe; -ever turn !>to action; or more specifically, political unto-op’erative and ‘dissident’.,It should be noted the “drop out” mentality at its most ob>ious, that is , ’ . act ion . I that- in certaininstances the-university can’t find i manifested in a predilection for drugs or money or ‘Action’is what made the politicited studentof ’ . anyone to accept its tokenoffers. This happens I both. Or alternatively, the student cantry to bridge ’ the Sixties and early Seventies so dangerous. ~ reiularly atWaterloo. In response the the gulf between idealsand reality; This is the :These ‘dissidents’ and ‘cynical saboteurs’ were not administratersmerely say that the student nore dangerous route for the student,to take , * willing to work withina s$8te’mthey saw as corrupt population must be satisfied with-thejob theyare becauseit makes-no job offers nor does it .- . , - and stagnant. Instead they opted fordirect political doing. -’ I . guarantee social advancement. . -\ . , ,
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@ing an-d updating-
‘8 Books \
Reviewer sizzles over book on local settlers by A. J. Waterman
Somehow the characterisation seems to contradict itself; and, in so doing, demands questions of what really happened to Liebschuetz, and what were the author’s intentiohs. .. Stating that Liebschuetz #disappeared leaving “great debts”may appear to be a subtle breeze of anti-Semitism; but to state that this Jewish businessman left “great debts” in light of the acknbwledged statement, “known as a shrewd and successful businessman”, seems a bigotted contradiction.
Little Paradise: The Saga of the German Canadians of Waterloo County, Ontario, 1800-1975; By Dr. Gottlieb Leibbrant, trans. G. K. Weissenborn, Allprint Co. Ltd., Kitchener, 1980 From the title you have, no doubt, gathered that this book is about the history of one ethnic group throughout the designated years (18001975) in Waterloo County. For those people seriously interested in local history, Leibbrant’s book is a poor excuse for anattempt at serious academic discourse. When I first started reviewing Little Paradise a friend warned me that it was slightly “crypt0-fascist.” I am now in general agreement with him. Perhaps an example would suffice to illustrate this point: ’ “One of the first store owners in the area was a German Jew, Liebschuetz, who became known as a shrewd and successful businessman. In 1835 he bought a number of mills, a distillery and 688 acres on the Kitchener-Doon Roadfrom Philip Bleihm. The area then became known as ‘Judenburg.‘One of his mills was used by newco.mers as .e church. Oneday, Liebschuetzvanishedneuer Liebschuetzuanishedneuer to return, leaving great debts behind him.” (P. 46)
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The reality of Liebschuetz’s mysterious disappearance, and even more mysterious incurrance of debts, may be discovered in historical specul$ion. Could have there existed strong elements of anti-Semitism? .If so, is it possible to state that these elements conspired to ruin Liebschuetz and takeover his business interests for the beQefit of the entire community? Is it also possible that i Liebschuetz was murdered? It is only right to state this distinct possibility with further regard to the ‘fact that 688 acres on the Kitchener-Doon Road was commonly referred to as “Judenburg”. A further contention of anti-Semitism is supported by a small paragraph relating early life of Jacob Hespler as pioneer:
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‘As a young man he tried to make a living as a furrier in America; in 1830 he arriued in Preston where he opened a general s-tore in partnership with Yoest, a Jew. After thelatter had been arrested on charges of dishonesty, Hespler tried to make it on his own. ” (p. 47) Peculiar as it may seem, Hespler probably could not manage a store properly. Quite possibly Yoest becaFe a perfect scapegoat for the dishonesty and financial incompetence of Hespler himself. After all, who would dare to questidn a fellow German when Jews were known for their shifty minds and mercurial avarice? This reads like an element of racism rearing its ugly head to invade the honest recount of local history. But anti-Semitism, as an element of racism, is only part and parcel of the general features exhibited in cultural chauvanism.
Hairstyling) at Weber , I
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Joseph Schneider Haus, at 466 Queen St. South in Kitchener is an excellent place to pick firsthand exposure to the German Mennonite tradition during the middle nineteenth centu Call 742-7752 for information, hours and special exhibits.
a.m. to 3:00 p.m. In co-operation with Campus Security and the Waterloo Regional Police, the Turnkeys will mark your bicycle; with identification in order that it may be identified and returned to you - if stolen. All you need to do is take a few minutes and bring your -driver’s license and your bicycle.
TEk service is free, free, free?
Talk about cliches and national stereotb This takes first prize in the Fickle-Finge Fate Awards for stating such an ill-concit absurdity. Of course there are some redeeming snippets in Little Paradise, but they arc an-d far between. History is the quintessential of continuz flow, and direction (many a time misguic and this, properly exercised in mc descriptions of people, places, and tl(events, material happenings, etc.).
To believe this is to believe that the “German peculiarity”, of mind, “was not well recieved or looked upon favourably. At countless patriotic festivals in the former Berlin,” the old name for Kitchener:
History is an art form not to be taken lit or, in a mechanistic manner. I would 1iE suggest Leibbrandt take heed of this wnats to produce works of a mature and narrow-minded, nature.
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Fatherland.’ Their dislike of soulful Ger sentimentality on the one hand and aduer to abstract German theorizing, on the o hand, was only compensated for by , practical common sense and well kn British sense of humor.” (p. 269)
Leibbrandt’s accounts of local personalities and econo-politico-social events reads like an elementary reader designed as history for the incredibly naive.
Upon presentation of this University of Waterloo
“to give one example, Anglo-Canal guests could neuer comprehend how could still be so attached to and enthusiastic about ‘the good old Ger,
TRAVEL in the South Campus Ph. 8854211 Ex. 3362/3760
. Iby- W..,Goer Joj. . _. , ~,,.t&se kmipqts will be held at.57 4” Can you fit 60peopleinyqur. -YoL,ng~St; Wt,at.8~O~-p.m~. .A 1 living roomT1f.yo.u can (and no -Ear the~.zltninitiated; ,ch$,m-‘ ’ ber‘ music *is fou?~ ,&par&e, .’ one:s%rowded,ii’r_lder thegrandpiano), you -could invite ‘a c,onbinu,ous pieEes.$f ~&&c. renowned classical musician loosely copnect~,d_aha::~r~~t~~ t or smah~ensemble~ h,nd enjoy for -a q&pet ,or~totber-%ma,ll “’ group ; Popular $,ieces-_1have ! an evening of cham,ber music‘ . in its,.origina~,environment. ,’ x’ j’ ’ ‘. beeii . -tirht&y -,;by , $Eeth@.en, , .t y Jan Narves&,.~a professor’s eMoztirt~,I. &ah&+;- ,%$endel.at UW h:as such a ‘music~om? 1“.ssohn,ar$l~H~ydn, _,; i-,-1’‘. ‘y.1 :x &mqZf&+-, . = in hi’s home.Zat:$?/ ‘young *St,’ - “I !n @74-t& i&@lf&r , y+i- Water&‘; +w&ere ry these’
semble, formed by profession: ’ During the$982-83 season, ‘$1 musicians frosn’ ‘the K-W a the 300’~ ,members -of ‘the Symphony, now kgownasthe . ,. KWCM’S willbepromoting40~ Canadian Chamber En- concerts. Twenty-five will be - ‘semble), and added tw)o ‘per- (’ held at the president’s house,- $ormances ,by renowned vi-sit, including a .concert by the ing ensemblesin 75+7’6.(Orford , String Quartet and Beaux Arts- __ Bartok# String SQuartet. Four Gourmet Concerts;?a concert Trio). by the HaydniString Quartet _, . Two years, lafer Gourmet and a special harpsichord - Concerts were introduced (ioa concert will A.-:. .be hosted tit_ the starving public) :at Conra.d 1 Conrad Grebel Chapel. . Grebel Col,lege where dinners . In the nearfuture KW-CMS ‘_ ,were.prepared by membersof ’ the audienee and served in the : will be havmg two fund: raising Connoisseur Concerts. e-eDining Room after the concert Admittance is $8 and $5 forin the Chapel. ’ . students,. or bya donation of at 1980’was markedly the Year ‘for performances by the newly , least $10. @or more tickef-, established . Victor ,Martens ~.!nformation $a11 886 1673). The famed classical guitarist, Chamber Singers, two. solo Vincea McClelland, .instru+ : piano recitals and niore guest tor at the-RoyPlConservator) .- artists; As- well,, the Connpisseur. Concerts, with will appear on kIMay 21:.‘On : May 23rd, :-yi’olinist Paul re*asonable admittance prices MacNaughton; concert ma& and almost nil htill- rental, ‘ter of the K-W, youth arches- - made it feasible* for 1 highly accomp&: esteemed musicians” to per.- tra will -p&form, Bulm&form. . , I’ ie.& by- Sydney on the piabo,‘and a - ’ Many ofthesepreviousconbeen taped- and aretrio -of two.{ ‘clarinets and certs‘have ~‘,-bassoon. -. __. : .xbroadcast .‘~.on / CKMS’ --FM _“I_ ‘Following*mJune’on the l.l;-- (stereo 945) ,Tuesdays From .8 -18, and 25, the Society will to 10 Pm in MaY and July, and at the same time on welcome I young artists from - -inJune Wednesdays. .May &‘s prothe Cha-mber-Music Indtitute; gram will -feature the Prague The Institute‘, is _ ar! -organ-, ” 1.‘;izatiod w~erer&i~bJis~ed proi , String%.. :.Q.nartet- :performing Mozart, K. 387; Prokofiev, fessional I p~erfoim’e@ direct younger professionals.’
Dr. Sydney G. Davison, department of applied mathematics, University of Waterloo, has been appointed director of the Guel.ph/ Waterloo Surface Science and Technology Groupfor a two-year ’ period that started April I. ‘I _/The group was founded a couple of yea& ago; largely through the efforts of Dr. j Giacinto Stoles, department of che’mistry,at Waterloo. It’s - membership includes chemists, physicists, mathematicians .and engineers on both, the” G-uelph and Udiver$ity of i -V&terloo camp&e% 1b.Puture,obiectives of the G/ ’ .WSST, @or.@ include: the possible integrating. and &upplementing of existingcourses ’ +iffihxxj bh ~p~j-f$c~~ science t dpics‘t 0 foir5n‘~~~~r~~~e;~cie~~e option; development of..s.u$i-$~i$ and/or win&r sctiols to help train surface scientists; .establishmenv:of -workshops and s$minars L,on ‘topics ’ of _ special interest, and promotion offlco4peration with industry in, ‘research . areas of ’ .
nat .iol nal ;gre in Alt ugh sea I in PO1 ler the or; ‘of.’ the
review journal ProSurface Science. he has conducted relightscatteripg’from _solutions and the
io ,lo
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5. 11.85
ItPtLarge lice,
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ROyI & MEPT<sAUCE 3.50 . ; SpA.GHETTI& MEATSAUGE?.:3.i5 ' S@iGHETTI,.MEA7;i3ALLS &MEATSAUC&3.95 lJ.10 \! SPAGHETTI,MEA~SAUC~8;:~USHRbO,MS -3.90. ~PAGHETTI;~AT~ALLS,MEAT SAUC'~: &MUSHROOMS 4.50'. i 9.45 ' . - RIGi$TOIWcMEATSAUCE $75 ‘: , ' -,HP;MEMA~~~A~NA,M~~~~~~~&SALAD4.75. ‘6.k , ~-ROLLSH~MEMADE~A~~~LL~~I-~SALAD~.~~ go --': '@OLLSHOMEMADECANi&LL6l;ji&.SALAD4.i&~ 'DOUBLE MEP;TBA~L.~~~~U~~Rbb;MS '1.25
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\ _‘- Y-.,- - i -s .-> : _-
by Linda Carson Welcome to the e& of do-ityourself-entertainment! If you . are interested in seeing youfideas dome alive onstage, j&n i the fans &ho gather regularly in the Hagey ‘Hall, University of Waterl’oo, to watch., Theatresports, the _farthest thing frq-n’traditional theatre .. thzit can be ir;iagined.I . / - It’s improvisational acting in $ game form&. Two teams of . .’ intrepid actors meet to plav a i series of challenges, based on .?udience suggestions and are ’ -_I scored.by a trio of jtid.ges. The _audietice,’ in ‘turn, -praise;s or b ’ abuses the judg’es. . ’ - Improvisation is’ theatre without props, se‘ts;costumes or, especially scripts. Actors ’ play spqnfarieousscenes ‘: u$ng fhiz audienc& contributions .and. peisonal’ experierices From but /front it% _- fast-paced chaitic co&rfui . ’ and fun. F;om the siagej it’s a . new wtiy tb’live hang‘etousiy. _ The first commandment is. c “Thou shalt n’tit -$bore the audience”; offer@& are bahished from the stige immediately. The experience is - not ‘as bruising to the pEyers’ * eg’os as one might expect most are grateful to. be rescued fr-om> a s16w and ~ mortifying death. -.
’ s-_ -..^ ., ----,% .,_- 7/ _
!;y >*. .Kt,A *’ :4
The ultimate actor’s nightmare ~runs something likt this: he is playing,-without a,script, in a murder my&e.rl where euen the victim changes every night; and worst o all, the‘ audience knows that he doesn’t know< wha. happens ne,xt! This is t’he plight of all ten Actors in “B! Random Twist o& Fate”, a fokties:stgle, manor-on-the moors murder mystery spoof- The intrepid seople of Theatresports Waterloo arg behind i’t all, with help from the Creative Arts Board They call it a random-chance play, because At severa pdints in the story, the -actor% are halted while the audience chooses what hqppensl next. Their ideas arc integrated into the plot imm&liately and the actior : * continue& If gou don’t believe it/can be done. or it appeals to’youl sense of., the. tierverse I to .see it done, there Will- be z Keith Jbhnstone of the Loose b&vie& of the &how on Friday, way 14.‘ Be waitin! Moose Theat&. Company of 9tits,i& HH 1.80 before -IQ:00 -p:m. The admissitin i! Calgaiy. After -siX years, it ismodest alid-th;e’concept is’ novel! This may be the onl! opp&tunity to,cat&he shoti,&ce-it is scheduled only being played from Yancouver ’ to Copenhagen, and especfor3o&$l high schools, No other gates ha& bee,q made ially in Calgqy. It, was an yef for sh,q’w? on-&nipus. L. c ., -*.,-. , ” official event in the ‘Alberta . Sum&r Games last year, and gime$. Tiheatsesports will be erithu&ast_ie fans whq stispe Loose‘ Moose __ .‘has i&I own played on’:alt,qnate“ic!aF they-can do a,s “ll- or bet! Show?, are run jhpuglqyt- the. :_sygmei, 1,. !$yc~~~~s are ykqme since &ptember an& t”earns -began springing up in Toronto ,-in December. Fans can look
Dr. John A. Weir,a.member of Wilfrid Laupier University’s faculty since 1965 atid acad’ emit vice-pkeskdtnt since 1978, ’ becomes ’ pr&dent of the ._ uniyer&y Augtist 11ftir a five-
ces ihe _ u&ally 9:30 Aall. room
&& location, 6..&. in ‘l-Iagey 180. But. be
H. Tiy$x,. presidknt since 1978, ..wh@* wii3 retire. Dr. T,ayler has “defied Wilfrid Lkiier as professor, dean, academiq .Gce-president and president. HZ came to Laurier
I H>c @ill s&qxed Dr. ‘?Neale __ _Universky _ c *-- ~ ’
‘df T&&to .
in 1962.
&me);,no<ice workshbps a scheduled for rookies; al anv’one iS fsee form a tez
Dr. / Weir, a native . Charlottetown, P. E. I,, join Laurier’s school of busine and economics after Ieachil for four kears at the Unive sity of Mariitoba. economics from the Unive sity of Ndtre’Dame in 1964,I - . istration from the Unikersi of Western Ontario’ and bach-efor of commerce degr from, St. Dunstan’s Unive sity, Charlottetown. Dr. Weir sef\red for tc -years as chairman of eco oiiriics at’ thrrrier .an;d”w president -of the f:culty a sociation iq 1968-69. .He al: served ,on:t$e board bf go ) eynors; the ..university, s&at and- .‘a number of Ltiajl committees. For’three years I was&@ember of the C&m ‘bf Onidrio Un‘iversiti&. ;’ I.,->, _1, ^\
Each team entering a campetiti;e. league must ‘pay a _ ’ x $20.00 r’efundable performance bond. A team will lose $lQ.OO if it defaults& game and the loss of the remaining $10.00 if a second game is &faulted. If such& the case, then the team will n0t be able to resume play ;ntil the performgnce bond je.ceFewed. All captains are responsible f0r payment of the b&d at theorganizational Meeting and the picking up c&the bondailt the end of the &son’. If the bond is not paid*pr’ior*)o play0ffs the team will be barred from advance’@ent. Bopds must be picked Up by r, the end of the term pr will be lost. 1: . \
First Aid for CGpus Recreqtion
. _-.
In the event of an injury, particpants to following.
Ext 3532 Ext 3533 Ext 2355
885-1211 885-1211
Ext 2370 Ext 33.56
886-1550 Ext 210 885-3920 886-5870 885-123Exf
Ext -3541 : I
C.onta~t’l!feople,‘~ _ _. . I k. -
ynn Mon?ag krenda Ankenman
(Women) \ Dir. Campus Recreation (Men) . Campus Rec.re$ion Sec. PAC Receptidnist
Ext 353SRm Ext 3532 Ext 3.531 Ext 3302
hex-r: are some gui&lih&‘for ’
*Everyone is located in the PAC.-Dial-the University _ lumber 885-1211 and ask for the appropriate exten$ion) ./I’ &I Totzke Dir. of Athletics Ext 2474 Rm 2054 ally’Kemp Dir. Campus Recreation eter Hopkins
/1 :
3. ‘For bumps and bruises, apply cot&as above. If you aae not sure of the severity bf the injury sendto Emergency at K-W Hospital: YOU can be critic&ed- . slightly f?r being too cedtious and a lot-for treatiqg a ’ serious problem lightly. L Cuts - stop bleeding by appl$ng direct-pressure<with c‘ :’ the-cleanest material available. A cleari towel may~&e 1’ to do. If it looks ugly, it probably needs stitches, therefore, off tp K-W Emergeacy. Head injuries ;- a good krtock in the heid c&n be serious. anyone knocked out, even for a m;ment shTtijd--. be taken to hospital and checked out. Don’t let this -person resume play. ‘t. 6. A good general rule is “whv’in doubt treat asif it’s serious”. Use common seiise and don’t be railroaded into letting someone plafthaf you feel shouldn’t play. ’ ’
885-lm , 885-1211 d$5-1211
gr ’
1. If tl/ere is an obvio+ serious accident, check the ’ training room for fielp and if no ohe is there, go tb tke tderoom, dial 911 a_nd get an apbulance. Do not - \ remove injured person. ’ 2. For a minor ankle twist, apply ice jmkediately. If you are unable to obtain ice, run a cold shoiver int0 a towel wrapped around the foot.
hnportant’ Teleptiope I _ Numbers ’ ‘\ PF 3 L-
Iampus Recreation Office (Men’s) 1ampu.i Recreation Office (Women’s) ‘AC Toteroom _ ‘AC Weekend ,port Shop, PAC meagram Gym, Universi& Time 4fter hours 885-1220) _ meagramG&n, to-b&ok non-university time Vaterloo Tennis Club . Columbia Racquetball Club _ _ .; mecurity (in case of emerg.ency) .I . Iealth Services
2 1
i *’ 7’ 4;. -t 5
R;n 2040 R~J 2039 Rm 2039
-- )Z
itudent Ass&ants : 411 student assistants &ill host office hours in their respectirle Offices in he PACl . an Hogg _ Publicity Coordinator Ext 3532 Rp 2040 wtdy Raithby Publicity Coordinator Ext. 3532 Rm 2040 ‘au1 Heaslip Officials Coordinator Ext 3532 Rm 2040 ue Hansford Ret Team Coordinator Ext 3532 Rrn 2640 ‘atti Lapointe Aquatics Coordinator Ext 3533 Rm 2050 ilice Armstong Fitness Coordinator. Ext 3533 Rm 2050 ‘ivian Magi Instructional Coordinator Ext 3533 Rm 26.50
Director% Message \ Salutations”
r~ the _University of Waterloo enters into the sum-mer \ _ ?rm of their anniversary year, we S‘n Cam‘pus Recriation louId like to pay tfibute to those who have enhan&d our rowth over th0sti 25 exciting years. We salute theUniversity administration for their . :emendous support ,philosophically: and financially, We . alute the+acuIt$%d%taff whose involvement in the : rogram iS very supportive. We salute the grounds and . maintenance stafffor’their pride and diligence in keeping ur*facilities functioning with the upmost efficiency. We alute the stident leaders who over the years have shown , ?at fhey at-q a motivated, capable and competent’group 0f our& men and women. We-salute the Departtient of . &thletics fdr allowing’us’ the freedom to grow, the chance 3 expiriment and flexibility to change over the years. We a\ute our support staff whose patience and tolerance have dded greatly to the good will of our services. We salute * le student body at large who have responded en m+e to ur programs and whose input, participation afid ’ zcommendations have made our program what,it is Iday A special salute ayd rhank you to all those who Kercised’their right to vote on the recreation facility j zferendum. Your posit’ive support’ will enable the rogram. to grow and satisfy more of your physical activity . eeds in the near futur& Finally, we would like to salute II the future students enrolling at Wafer160 who will lake’ the.next 25 years as exciting 2s the, first 25.
-Lost cards,-w&stba;lds or towels will result in a charge of $2.00-$5.00 for each item. Wristbands are required to ’ be worn while tising the facilities. ,
’ Recreate aS a .Confeience Delegate.
j In conjunc,tion with the Village Tie Confetenc@Xttre, the Campus Recreation Department welci>pes you to the-f __ University of Waterl00. If you are intere+t,ed in playing squash or tennis, recreational swimming oi-a pick-up game of basketball, read on. We hope your stay,at t&e Un$er$ty _i isan enjoyableand actiLe one. --
Conference GueSt Cards ’ ’ -’ ’ . ’ J All Conference delegates 18 years of, age.and aboye can purchase a Ca&pus Recreation Guest Card for $3;00 per person per week. Guest cards can be purchased from Village Two Conference Center Office. ’
rograms offered by Cambus Recreation are open to all lembers’of the University of Waterlgo community. The niversity community consists of full-time students, faculty, :aff, alumni, part-time staff and students and spouses.
Guest Users
‘acuity, Staff, Alumni, Part-Time Staff, Students ^ nd Spouses ‘he ab’ove listed individuals will become eligible to larticipate once they have purchased a Campus L&ation mkmbersh‘ip.These memberships may be burchased at the Cashiers Office located on the first floor ,f Ira G. NeedlesHall. fees are as follows: , Membership
rerm: _’ ..
with locker without ldcker
p uz
JO refunds will be given aftertwo weks 1 limited supply of lock&s is available.
’ -Equipment Loans
of purchase. _
Zhiidren khirdren 0f members are alhwed to use the PAC facilities ,n Sundays from 1:0075:00,p.m. and MUST be accompanied by the member when they are u+ng_the :aciliti&.
7 .-
r; I
-fi I .
1. All full time students with a valid identificaioh catiplus any individual (faculty, staff, alumni, part-time ’ $a ‘sttident-or spouse of the’above) or summer combunity member who has-purchased the University of Waterloo ‘Campus Recreation membership providing they clearly ., comply with the following regulations. 2. .4 person must play-at’lea‘st two league games t0 be . eligible to play in the playoffs. 3. A person may play for only one team, one level, per activity\ . ‘r- A All captains are responsible f& the eliiibilitof their _ playerg and for having up&ated their lists i x ,the , Campus Recreation
.I .
Office: 5. Any team using dn ineligible &@ shall forfeit the game which can also lead ito individual hndlor team ‘suspension-frqm further slay. , 1 . F .- ., . -i I,
Conduct oi &@ipants-
i I .
. . ‘ko&norb/Referees-in-chief (Rate: $50‘dependingupon.the-numbeiof :teams)
Referees-(A rating - $5.00/game,B r&g -
.. ’ , _. t
g f 5 4 I ‘f‘ 3 : .t ir i ,i%_
. :
. ~
2 ,
’ F&C&&s SoftbaB 3occer Bask&all -
Officials: Officials:
. ’
z :
i, I :i
< :
- $4.00/gatie) _
s~ ’
; , ;- . :zr . -. >.I; * _.l ,‘L -: >_ ;
> ext.
-- -.
Thurs. May 13: 5:3O p.&, -rQoqI113CC~ Mon. May 17,5:30p.m., ro0m 135CC. Mtin. May 17,5:30 ‘p.m., rQop113CC.
next pag?) ‘/., , . ‘_ 1
I. Register in the Referees Book‘ in the Campus, Recrtition Office, room 2040 PAC. 2, Attend the first clinic in your $ort. .. 3; Contanct the CoordindtorAf Officials. %:<Eor further information c&ta$P~~e&&pkir&, . -- 3532r. __ *, ' _ ,,
’ 1 ‘: L
Each t&% &&r 100 male and female students are iz ’ employed to officiate the various competitive leagues an& ^ ’ touinaments. Students rec$e special training through i clinics to learn the.art of officiating.‘This year, a new *.: i referee RATING SYSTEM-is in effect to improve our . yr 7 officiatiqg system. An*“A” r+$d. official is one who has, . ; inet & least five of the following seven p6int criteria-by ’ , ‘<. .- ‘) 1 j_ the end of the season, One must:,be certiged, attbnd 2 . ‘i-“’ ’ I .* clinics, officiate’20 games, obtain-gm4 ratings from b&h .’ .(e tbams apd ref-in-chief, hand in a+eptable exam dnd’show -IT :i, .responsibility. Once a peison is rated, their pay is .-t-k retroactive to the st&t of the season. A ‘3” offi& is one ‘. z”: ,’ ’ , who has not met five of the abve crit;eiia. /
I s” L-
(Volunteer, free’cl&
Stud$ts are employed as league organiiers either as‘ * . Convenors.or RefereeLin-Chiefs. People selected for these’ i’ positias are interested, have ,had previous o?ganizational .-1 -experience, have played the a&ivity. Sel+oii Fill be n&de d’~by the. appropriate Dire&or. c_ . . .
;’ ,
The intent of the Campus Recreation pr&am\s friendly ‘. competition. Self control and proper conduct are strongly encouraged. Usacceptable c&duct will not be t&rated : . and &ay’result in suspension from further flarticipation in ‘, . theprogram.\ _ 1 _ ,: , ~
. ?-
_ e-X , -
_/ ,; * membership) _ Appro&naiely 50 students each ‘term’are highly ir&&ed SF in the administration of our 13 ATHLETIC CLUBS. They).‘, are r.esponsible for. their-own,budgets, pi&gram and equipmerit. If you areinterestedln being involved inClub activities, simply attend the apptopriate Club Qrganization:,:.i deeting or contact the Campus Rectqation Of&e (se; . - : ., a.: ‘- Club page. j * I . i
1Eligibility for Campus RecreatioT Competition
During open hours of ‘the PAC and Seagram Gym, full totkroom services will bv provided. Along with towels and wristbands, a wide variety of equipment is available to the Campus Recreation members. I.D. cards or membqrsbip cards are required in order to borrow any equipment from theoteroom. Fees will be assessed for lost equipment:
Campus Health Promotion is a program-developed fdr the =- assessment and’promotion of the health aqd well beink of : -individuals of the Unive@y comtiunity. Some of. the activities offerCd through Campus Health promoti& include: Think Thin (weight co&o! group)? Kick It (Smoking), CPR Courses, Health *Wise (fitriess testing s and exercise consultation), health seminars. For further inf0rmation on-Summer 1982 programs, please contact J&kie Wellwdod ok M qrion Howell at 885-1211 Ext. 3541. _ For appointments call 884-9260:: 1
. Squash, racquetball, tennis and badkinton racquets may be rented at the PA6 toteioom. Individuals mu& purchas’e _ a 254 voucher from the machine-located in rower,leve&at Red North. The toteroom attendant‘will exchange the ’ vouchers and a vdlid I.D. card-for a racquet. Broken racquets should be returned to the toteioom and the attendants should be notified.’ ._
a) $ 6tJ .OO with locker b)-!@o.OO without locker a) $30.00 b) $20.06
Guests qf eligible Campus Recreation members may use the facilities with a member by purchasing four 254 vouchers from the racquet rental machine located on’ the ’ lower level of Red North in the PAC. Thqteioom - attendant will lend the guest a-towel and a wristband. Some article of value, such as driver’s .licence mu’& be left &h the attendant in order to &sure the’ return,,o< the towel and wristband. .
,I1 fill!-t,ime students with valid I:D. cards are entitled to ~11use-%f the facilities and,programs. The,studentS need nly present their vajidated IYD. cards tcthe PAC eceptionist in order to obtain their PAC tistr’s card. - _ _ L
Campus,I&alth Prdmotion
Summer C-R CoFmunity ‘Membership Memberships are available to those I8’years or older for the summer term May 3 - Aug. 17182. : , ’ , ’ -, Cost: $40.00 individual ’ $70.00 married couple .% To purchase: simply go to the cashiers office first floor of’Ira ’ Needles-gall during regular business hours.
ligibilky and Membership
u&Time Students
-.- - . 1. T%hirt&&nd sw&shirts, plain or cr&ted’can’be -’ ,di&-dqred; one wkek delivery for in-stock items; 3-4 weeks for new designs. Contact I$y Yan Ext. 3914. ‘2. Footwe$r, s&ia%h’i-acquets, squash, balls,,swim wear, shorts, $w&atshirts; headbpnds and qther itenis‘ are av&able.. ” 3. ‘S,q-uash ra$quet‘s tin be-leffi ‘It the shop for iestringing. I I $op Hours: Ma;-: J&e lZ.SO-qOP p.m. LI “, . * i r .‘‘.
1 8’
3 _. -
-. _I* j . /
c j ,I CA: i -: _ I ’ i ? *---c-\ k_ \ \ :-. . \ . . i: I. / ’
, 1 Quality Used LP reckIs bought and Sold. ’ *, Top Prices Paid..
-“~‘~ ’
-1Encore Record-s 1 297 King street East, Kitchener -
-Sumn)g-, _ l B&wd Of -Directors !I
/ 744-1370
’ ’
_l , ’ ’ . n-
_ ..
Repairs to all makes , CompleteJine of parls
and accessories
“We carry a compkte line of Darts and rAccessoriesn.-
. (just
NOVi ATZO% OFF, .c. / I
‘98’klNG N.” ATERLOO of Bridgeport
\ ’ Road),
BJ Photo Labs
B: This area is reserved for Advanced swimmers. In this area, 2 oval patterns will be used. The two inside lanes in these ovals are to be swum in the same direction (see diagram). C: This area is reserved for intermediate swimmers. The swimmers in this area will swim in a single oval. For passing in these areas, simply do so as though you were overtaking a car on a highway. Mike sure the way is clear, then quickly pull out, accelerate, pull in and swim on.
I 2nd &u+d= Athletic Clubs Explanation The Athletic Club program is a popular area in the overall Campus Recreation program. The clubs provide an opportunity for individuals who feel they have a need to join together to foster their interest in a particular activity. A club can satisfy many different needs whether it be social, instructional, recreational or competitive in nature. Some of the positive elements of being involved m a club are that the members are involved in the educational process of program planning, decision-making and accountability. The club relies oh the interest and enthusiasm of both its members and leaders Members . and full time students are eligible to join clyb programs.
Individual Recreation Activities
How to Join There are four 1. Attend the 2. Attend one 3. Contact the 4. Contact the
rhe objective of this level is to facilitate the effective use If one’s leisure time. More and more people are beginning o prefer to plan their own recreation. Over 3000 >articipations occur each week in this casual informal type If play. Whether you want to swim, play a friendly tennis >r squash game or jog, this type of play should be suited to ,ou. Facility times have been set aside for informal drop in :orms of recreation or for you to book. Please refer to our section on Facilities for greater detail on hours of operation.
Fencing The Fencing club will offer only experienced instruction summer. Beginner classes will resume next fall term. Contact person: John Beatty 886-1351 Membership fee: $5.OO/term, $15.OO/year Weekly session: Mon. 6:00-9:00 p.m., Thurs. 7:00-9:00 p.m. Studio II Organization Meeting: Mon. May 10, 6:00 p.m., Studio PAC
Xop-in Badminton Zach week time will be scheduled for Recreation 3adminton. Play is on a first come basis. Check the Neekly gym schedule. Racquets can be rented through ‘AC toteroom. ‘artner’s Board Vant to find a partner in squash, tennis, racquetball or badminton? Simply sign up on the Partner’s Board near ‘AC Toteroom, contact a friend and plqy.
Regular Contact:
*A Koditk #Dwmmmmmm=-mmamCOUPON I
I 1 1
sessions will be arranged John Dubois 884-1808 or C-R Office.
for those interste’d.
FMovie about photographic film and paper is 1 to be shown throughout the day!
Expires June 7, 1982 Processing of any C-41 film at these BJ Photo Lab outlets: Waterloo Square 468 Phillip St. 20Franklin St. John Galt Centre Student discount still in effect.
[*Free Coffee and 1 Doughnuts 1
REFRIGERATORS $55 for 3% months _ WE ALSO RENT: \ Air Conditioners Dehumidifiers, TV’s and Microwave Ovens FREE DELIVERY To all students living on Campus and in the University Residences
next page)
5 cu. ft. Danby
The Rugby club is a very active association where playing is just as important as our social activities. We hope to put together workouts, 7’s tourneys, road trips and marathons depending on the number of people interested. Contact person: Derek Humphreys,,Phil White 884-7373 Membership fee: $15,00/year, $5.00/social Organizational Meeting: Mon. May 10, 4:30 p.m. room 113 cc.
Skiing Yes, the Ski c/ub will continue activities this sui;lmer. Interests have been voiced in activities such as sand and grass ski trips, dryland training, bike hikes, and the regular social activities. Contact person: Lexie Prokop 885-2586, Mike Ellis Membership fee: $5.00, new fall issues still good. Organizational Meeting: Tues. May 11, 4:30 p.m., room 113 cc.
will be on hand to answer your photography questions. Ask him about the new disc camera!
Outers The Outers club is made up of people who get together to eo on treks. to learn more about outdoor activities or to bst sit around and swap tales about their latest adventures in the “great outdoors”. Experience is not required to join in the activities, but a dash of enthusiasm is a definite asset. Our club center can be located in Blue North PAC. Hours will be posted. Contact person: Kevin Gibb Membership fee: $3.OO/term, $5.OO/year Activities/Events: Equipment loans, rentals, kayaking C)rganiz#ional Meeting: Tues. May 11, 4:30 p.m., room 135 cc.
while supplies
.I 1Eveyone Welcome! 1 I 468 Philli St., ILmmm.mmmmmrrmmmmmd1 Water P00
Sailing The Sailing club has boats available for instruction, recreation and regattas. New boats have recently been purchased which include two windsurfers and three Sunfish. Validateti,members can participate at their own leisure. Simply go to the PAC toteroom, show your I.D. and club card and you will be able to sign out the key. Contact person: Lynn Foubert, room 2040 PAC Membership fee: $lO.OO/term Organizational Meeting: Mon. May 10, 5:15 p.m., room 113 cc. . WHEN
Limit one per customer
Martial Arts The Martial Arts club provides teachings in the philosophy and techniques of judo, aiki-jitsu, tae kwondo and some karate. Qualified instructors teach both beginners and advanced levels. Contact person: Allan Evans, MC 1003, Ext. 2456 Membership fee: $15.OO/term Weekly sessions: Tues, & Thurs. Y:OO-IO:OO p.m., Sat. i 10:00 a.m.-12 noon in the Red Activity Area. Organizational Meeting: Tues. May 11, 7:OO p.m., Red Activity PAC.
Dennis (see tennis facility schedule) 1ver 80% of the court space is available for recreational Ise. Simply book a ?ourt and play. Tennis racquets can be ented from PAC toterooms. See tennis facility schedule or booking details. To book courts call 885-3920, 48 hours m advance after to0 a.m.
*Free Beach Bags
-1exi Circuit 4 Flexi Circuit with 12 exercise stations is set up In the ied Activity Area PAC for free time use. Excellent exercise station for warm-up or down exercises
lxercise Bikes ye now have two exercise bikes for yoyr use. They are lcated in Red Activity area and are available for use uring open facility times in the PAC.
There will be free processing on Ektachrome (E-6) slide film from 9 am to 12 noon while you wait. Limit of one roll processed per customer.
Membership fee: $3.OOlterm, $6.00/year Sessions: On /demand Organizational Meeting: Mon. May 10, 4:3O p.m., Room 135cc.
swimming (see facilities) dpproximately 30 hours/week are open for Recreatiotial md Fitness swimming. See Weekly pool schedule for -egular hours.
Horseshoe Pitch -wo areas located behind softball diamond on the Village Green and 2 more areas beside Columbia Field SC near lrubacher house. Horseshoes are available at the PAC oteroom.
*Free Processing
5, 1982 at 4:45 p.m.
squash and Racquetball (see facilities) simply book a court the day before and play.
Come to otir second Open House this Saturday! We have been serving the K-W area for Six years, and we’re sure you’ll be interested in seeing how your photofinishing is done!
Equestrian The Equestrian Club offers a variety of activities for Its members. Previous activities which have depended on the expressed Interests of its members each term, have Included hay rides, clinics, shows, trail rides, race track tours and film nights. Interest has been shown in English riding lessons and the club is utilized to form small groups of interested people of all lev+ of skills. Contact person: Club executives and orgatiizers needed. See Peter Hopkins, room 2040 PAC Ext. 3532
logging and Weight Training Pick up a free brochure on jogging and weight training including mileage routes from the C-R office and use the appropriate facilities.
;olf Course Jine hole practice course set up to improve your game. .ocated North of Columbia Fields behind the historic lrubacher House. Come out anytime. Some Clubs available through toteroom, PAC. (see back cover).
Wed. May
May 15th
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Archery The Archery Club offers continuing instructional and recreational shooting in the indoor range (Red North PAC) and on the Columbia field activity area outdoor range this summer. All equipment required is available fc a limited number of interested people All skilled and beginning archers most welcome. Contact person: Mark Allison 886-9129 Membership fee: $3.OO/term Columbia Field Outdoor Range: anytime Red North (PAC) Indoor Range: Mon., Wed. Y:OO-IO:OO p.m , Sun. 2:00-5:00 p.m.’ Organizational Meeting: Mon. May 10, 7:00 p.m., Red Activity Area, PAC.
gym schedules in the PAC for open are available for activity on a first come
different ways to join an Athletic Club. organizational meeting for that club, or of the regular session times for club, or appropriate club executive, or Campus Recreation office, room 2040 PAC.
Club Executive Meeting: room 2045, PAC.
To Get Involved: Simply plan it yourself by: 1. Booking a squash or tennis court. 2. Drop in the pool during Recreatiopal or Fitness swims. 3. Find a partner from the Partners Board. Q. Use the weightroom during operatmg hours. 5. Look at a weekly gym schedule for open times or Ret Badminton. Ipen Gym Times Iheck the Weekly imes. Open gyms lasis.
Registration _ The following instructional programs are open to full-time students and to those individuals who have a Campus Recreation membership. Be prepared to show I.D. at registration. All registrations are accepted on a first come basis. We reserve the right to limit class size or cancel classes. Course fees are payable at time of registration and university cash receipt must be presented to gain entrance to class.
Tennis The usual club activities include: regular sessions, tournaments, clinics and films. We have five Mark XII (tournament quality) tables and high quality nets. Beginners, amateurs and professionals are all welcome to join the club. Please bring your own racquets and balls. Contact person: Peter Lum 884-5187IPhu Vuong 885-0679 Membership fee: $3.OO/term _ Weekly Sessions: Tues. and Fri. 7:00-lo:30 p.m., Sun. 2:00-5:00 p.m. Blue Activity Area PAC Organizational Meeting: Tues. May 11, 7:00 p.m. Blue , Activity PAC. THOSE
Advgnced - White Safeti Education Skill/Stroke Endurance -
FITNESS water sport side stroke 500 meters
Class Times: Classes are offered twice a week May 18; cost $8.00 p.er course. 1 . --~Beginner I - Yellow, Orange, Red 7:00 Beginner II - Maroon 7:00 Intermediate II - Grey 7:00
There will be no refunds after the first class of a course has been held. In order to get a refund, you must present y-our university cash receipt to the receptionist in the P.A.C. I
Beginner II --‘Maroon Intermediate I ‘-- Blue, Green Advanced - White /
rescue breathing
for 5 weeks.
- 8:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Tues./Thurs. Tues./Thurs. Tues./Thurs.
8:00 - 9:00 p.m.
8:OO - 9:00 p.m. 8:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Tues./Thurs. Tues./Thurs.
time spent on aerobic activity. To help you select your correct level, read thoroughly the cliecklist. If you answer no to one or more of the statements at a specific level, then that is where you should start. Start with Beginner and work through all levels.
Royal Life Saving Advanced Awards Bronze - May 18 until completed. First requirements for lifeguarding. Nyed ,good skill level in all strokes, knowledge of rescue techniques and ability to swim 10-12 lengths. Come fee $12.00 plus test fee. Tuesday and Thursday, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m., pool, lecture time to be arranged in addition.
Yes r. You have been regularly physically active for 0 the past ponth (3 times a week). 2. You can do 5 bent knee sit-ups, hand cl behind head. 3. You can walk up 14-15 stairs easily without 0 being puffed. 4. You are within 15-20 pqunds of your ideal 0 body weight. If you answered no to one or more of the above , please register in a beginner class. If you answered yes to all 4 please proceed to intermediate questions.
Award of M&it - May 18 until completed Advanced award - must have bronze and Senior R.S. Course fee $15.00 plus test fee. Tuesday and Thursday 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. plus lecture time to be arranged.
Fri. Sat. Sun. Fri. Sat. Sun.
May May May May May May
14 15 16 28 29 30
4:00 9:00 9:00 4:00 9:00 9:00
p.m. a.in. a.m. p.n!~. a.m. a.m.
8:30 9:00 6:00 8:30 5:00 4:00
The Learn to Swim classes are run according to the new Red Cross colour coded system. This system is based on individual progress and therefore allows each student to move along at his own pace. How do ybu know where to start? The chart below should help you select the correct level. The woEram is colour coded and all colours include levels of safety education, skill movement and endurance. When selecting a level, endurance is an important factor. Endurance shown is what you should be able to swim at the end of each level. Classes will be named Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels. In some cases, we may combine several colours under one area. 1
p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
Beginner I
- Yellow, Orange, RLd Education - facility rules, when and where to swim, lifejackets, P.F.D.‘s Skill/Stroke - shallow water orientation, basic propulsion into deep water Endurance - 15 meters - Marook Safety Education - help/throwing respiration Skill/Stroke - front crawl Endurance - 25 meters
Preamble -;‘76’ instri ctronal varie!v cf i:feflme ,I’; I I . ‘-i L.r& 2~: that
program s’kils
attempts courses
to 5ome
offer cour5ps
a wlie are
ac.hirvement is m?asurei! ,I~;Y~:IWCI~ :?T.!~Ic~~~oG r~~ngram while crhers +unli!rs When
‘Y tt ieam Interest
or !n
xmprove a course
ones declines,
skils we
are offerea in specific drop that
;in as
program, Ilhewise if there 1s ‘an ex ? ressed ir.terest in a new cour~je, we will test It for Interest and if positive we will add it to the currlcuium if you have program ideas do not hesitate to let IIS knew Over 2500 registered in these programc las; yrar
Candidates should be able to do a front dive off I meter board. Course is an introduction springboard diving and exercises associated with it. CADA test for Dive 1, 2 and 3 available - 10 weeks. Classes offered: Monday, 7:00i&OO p.m. starting May 17.
1. You have been regularly physically active for the past 3 months (3 times a week). 2. You can do 15-20 bent knee sit-ups with hands behind head. 3. You can do vigorous exercise or jog easily for 15 minutes. \ 4. You enjoy a good intense workout. Class Times: (all classes conducted in PAC).
Beginner: 11:30-12:15 p.m. 12:15- 1:00 p.m.
Candidates should have completed dive 3 of CADA test and want to work towards dives 4 and 5 - 10 weeks. Classes offered: Monday, 8:00-9:00 p.m. starting May 17.
Intermediate: 11:30-12:15 11:30-12:15 12:15- 1:00 4:45- 5:30 Advanced: 7:30- 8:15 12:15- 1:00 4:45- 5:30
0 0 q
Mon., Tues.,
Wed., Fri. Thurs.
Red Activity Gym 3
p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
Tues., Mon., Mon., Mon.,
Thurs. Wed., Fri. Wed., Fri. Wed., Fri.
Gym 3 Gym 3 Red Activity Red Activity
a.m. p.m. p.m.
Mon., Wed., Fri. Mon., Wed., Fri. Tues , Thurs.
Gym Gym Gym
Cl cl
0 cl
3 3 3
Masters - starts week of May 17 - Cost $10.00 For mature students, faculty and staff who may prefer to exercise with their own group. This class ~111 be conducted at a beginner level and ~111 be geared to partlclpants enrolled. (10 weeks). Classes Offered: Tues., Thurs , 12:l O-1:00 p.m., ied
Speed and Fitness Training Skills - Cost $10.00 A course designed to help those who are interested in learning some speed swimming skills in order to help them M ith their fitness swimmlng. Areas to be covered in the course w11l include strokes, turns, endurance tramlng. The course w11l not offer specific fitness training time. classes offered: Wednesday, 5:30-7:00 p m. -- startmg !L;.I~:;!~ 14th for 10 weeks.
Beginner II
Synchronized Swimming - Cost $8.00 The course will provide an introduction to basic skills and figures. CASSA tests for all star levels available - open to males and females - 10 weeks. Classes offered: Wednesday, 5:30-7:00 p.m. - starting May 17. Aqua Fit - see listing under fitness.
Diving - Cost $8.00 SWIMMING
Exulanation _ These programs are designed to emphasize the fun aspect of fitness. All classes are conducted to music and will
National Lifeguard Course - Cost $40.00 plus materials, Recerts $10.00 Forty hour course dealing with all lifeguard skills and pool management. This course will be run over 2 full weekends attendance at all sessions is compulsory. Recertification people will be expected to attend some of the session prior to test date. Minimum number to run course is 12.
;‘i);:c’i x-ens.
Dance starting
and Exercise week of May r17 -
Intermediate I - Blue. Green Z 2fety Education - boating safety. re;.chmg assists, rescue, breathjng, Ice safety, ihrowlng with a iine - back UJ.,VI, .?!ementr7r\ ha-!.. ~5-55 sklll/Str;ike qierfv ?,lch - 7-1- 150 meters E,ldurrjnce Intermediate 11 - Gre? Safety Education -- water hazards, breathing SkllliStroke - breast stroke Endurance - 300 meters
Lvadlng assists
Conveniently Located For The Health Supplies You’ Need At The ~ = Low- Prices You Want Buy a Windsurfer or a Windglider from- O.W. Sports and you’ll get a chance to win a trip for two to sunny Jamaica! So if you’ve been thinking of buying a board this summer, now is the time to do it. More information about the trip is at O.W. Sports. 3 rl O.W. Sports is your specialty light - weight camping headquarters. ’ ’ Remember:
HOURS Mon-Wed ’ 9:30 - 7:00 p.m. Thurs-Fri 9:30 - 7:Oo’p.m. Saturday ’ 9:30 -.5:30 p.m. 258 KING
ST. N. 885-2530
156 Columbia St. W,est Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3L3 Phone: 885-5870 HIGH QUALITY \ CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL ’ OUR WORD PROCESSORS AND TRAINED STAFF ENSURE’THAT you will receive an attention-getting resume andpersonalizedcoveringletter and envelope.
z Today’s employers appreciate PROFESSIONALISM 1 Give yours’elf a keen edge in the job market. I --- CALL US TODAY
ua Fitness - starting week of May i7 - Cost $10.00 brogram of water exercises and swimming. (10 weeks) IS&S Offered: Mon., Wed. 8:15-9:00 aYm. Tues., Thurs. &IS-9:00 a.m.
ness Comes to You t your group into fitness - office, residence, floor. This gram is desiRned to help those grouus that cannot fit 3 our scheduled offerings and to help us with our wded facility problem. Here’s how tb get one started: Get a group of 10 or more people toge&er. Locate-a suitable space where d fitness class could be conducted. ’ select the times you want and then contact us. tie will arrange Hn instructor for you. ! course fee will be $7.00 per lesson for the group in rance. You must have a m’inimum of 10 lessons. For more lrmation, contact Sally Kemp at Ext. 3533. __
Scuba - Cost $87.00 Certification Naui Scuba course. You must have a medical, own fins, snorkel mask and above average swimming ability. Register at first class. Class time Wednesday 6:00-9:00 p.m., classes start Wed. May 12. Meeting in room 1001 PAC.Bring suit to first class. Fitness Instructor Course - Cost $40.00 ’ This class is designed to provide instruction in the skill of exercise class leadership. Classes Offered: Thursday, June 3 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. Sunday, June 6 9:00 - 5:00 p.m. Sunday, June 13 9:00 - 5:00 p.m. You must attend all classes and complete teaching requirement3 to receive certification. 1 Registration: Wed. May 26, 9:3o a.m., Red Activity area No refunds after June lst, 4:30 p.m.
:quetball - Cost $26.00 - starting May 16th ruction for beginners in racquetball. Course will be ducted at Columbia Racquetball Club. Racauet and s provided. Participants have use of cluli locker room. towels provided. Dress, non-marking, white soled es, eyeguards are MANDATORY. Six 40-minute less over a 6 week period. sses Off&red: Tuesdavs, 9:20 - IO:00 a.m. Wednesdays, 3:20 - 4:00 p.m. Thursda)s; 1O:OO - lo:40 a.m.
Recreational Leagues
’ Explanation This is a very popular aspect of the Campus Recreation program. Any group of individuals can form and enter a team into the 1eag;e. There is not unjlt-structure, no awards, no officials and no point system or playoffs. Play for the sake of play.
NOTE: Late entries or those over the quota will only be used to replace defaulting teams. Entry forms should be completed properly including name, I.D.#, phone number, preference, etc.
mis - starting May 18th, 6 weeks, one rain date. ct your level carefully. All classes meet ai Waterloo nis Club, courts 11 & 12. inner: Cost $6.00. This class is for the real beginner. fill teach basic skills and rules of the game.
Captain’s Responsibilities 1. Must attend the Scheduling Meeting. 2. Pick gf the Revised schedule in the Campus Office, room 2040 PAC. S.: The good order and conduct of the team. 4. Making recommendations to the convener.
rmediate: Cost $9.00. For the player who has been Ilaying on a regtilar basis but wants to improve stroke nd learn more advanced strokes. Beginner
’ Intefmediate
- Tuesday, -Wednesday, -Wednesday,
Baseball, Basketball, Soccer 1 ’ needed for the summer term!
Scheduling Meeting 411 team cap!ains must attend the Scheduling Meeting or they run the,risk of not being included in the league. Len’ era1 rules will be discussed and schedules will be dstributed.
inner/Refresher: Cost $7.00. This class is geared for he’individual who knows a little about the game. Who Ias taken lessons but still needs guidance and practice with basic skills.
ises Offered:
OFFlCifor AILS . ---‘.\
How to Enter ‘X I. Contact the Campus Recreation representative for your residence or faculty, or 2. Form a team from a group of friends and return’s corn-, ; pleted entry form p&r td the entry deadline, or’ 3. Attend the Scheduling Meeting as an individual and get* placed on a team.
lash - Cost $6.00 - starting May 18th c instruction for beginners, Five weekson the court ruction. ises Offered: Pick one time Tuesday 7:30, &IO, 8:50, 9:30 p.m. Wednesday 7:30, 8:10, &SO, 9:30 p.m. Thursday 7:30, 8:10, 8:50, 930 p.m.’ Ition: Courts 1069 - 1072, meet at court.
r Recreation,
Wednesday, 5:00-6:*X) p.< Wednesday, 7:OO-8:00 p.m. Thursday, 7:00-8100 p.m. Thursday, 8:00-9:00 p.m.
Tuesday, 7:00-8:00 p.m. Tuesday, 8:00-9:00 p.m. Wednesday, SXK+-%OO p.m. Thursday, 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Men’s Competitive Leagues
$4.1 t< -
5:00-6:OO p.m. 6:00-7:00 p.m. 7:00-&OO p.m.
per same
)-Jl)Jb.b~g.:‘* :‘.,l: 1:. -,,
To register 90 to the Campus Recreation Of&e, Rm -2040 in the PAC - THIS WEEK!
Explanation This level is the most structured part of the Campus Recreation program. The student body is divided into competitive units either by place of residence or faculty. Levels In most programs, there are at least two levels of participation. The purpose of the levels is to try and match people’s skill abilities within a league in order to equalize the competition. “A” level signifies an advanced ability, “B” level is for those teams who have not had previous experience in playing together or for the teams that feel they could compete at this level better than at an “A” level. “C” level indicates a learning group. How to Enter There are three possible ways to enter a competitive league. All teams must submit an entry form to the Campus Recreation OfficC, room 2040 PAC prior to the final entry date. 1. Contact your Campus Recreation representative for your competitive unit, or 2. Get a group of people together and form an independent team, or 3. As an individual, come to the organizational meeting and you will be placed on a team.
:CIAL INTEREST Defense for Women - Cost $10.00 cobrse will teach awareness and some basic tech2s for self defense. The participants will have an rtunity to practice the various techniques during this )ur course. tion - Studio II i Offered: Tuesday, and Thursday, 6:00-7:00 p.m. Start Week of May’l7th - 1st week meet in Red Activity Area $t Training - Cost $8.00 day clinics for men or women who are interested in ?t training to improye their overall body fitness and gth. The course is designed for p&sons who are not iar with using the weight room and will include ~up and flexibility exercises, basic weight exercises, to develop your own personal program plus a practission in the weight room. , en’s Clinics:
Thursday, Tuesday,
May 20 June 1
5:00 - 7:00 p.m. 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
i Clinics:
Tuesday, Thursday,
May 25 June 3
5:00 - 7:00 p.m. 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Note: Late entries . tpams.
asses meet in room 1001 PAC. - Cost $12.00 T-starting Wednesday, May 19th ise lessons in which we will work with the body and to deveiop flexibility strength and ability in tion. ion - Studio II Times - Wedm+day 5:30-7:00 p.m. 7:00-8:30 p.m. (if sufficient demand) - Cost $10.00 - starting week of May 17th. rse for beginners to introduce the basic strokes and .3,5,7,9 irons and 1 and 3 woods, 7-week course. will meet in Red Activity area on 1st week but er permitting, classes will be held outside. The final n will be held on the University course or at an outub as the class chooses. In the event of rain, classes ? in red Activity. Time: Thursday, 4:30-6~00 p.m. ling Skills and Maintenance Workshops *-hour course designed to acquaint the novice with s aspects of bicycling including: choosing the right nd accessories, basic maintenance, emergency 3, basic riding skills, tours and route information. i5.00. Offered: Wed. May 19 and Wed. May 26, 7:00-9:oo I room 1001 PAC.
will only
be accepted
as replacement
Scheduling Meeting A representative from each team must attend this meeting or they will run the risk of being excluded from the league. Schedules dnd rules will be distributed.
Note: Since changes do occur during scheduling, the representative should be aware of his/her team’s alternate p!aying times and days. Capt&s are responsiblh for obtaining the REVISED schedule two days after the scheduling meeting at the C-R office. Awards Each member of a championship team and finalist will receive a Winit Award. The awards will be given at the end of the championship game by the convener. Performance Bond $20.00 Refundable bonds for all competitive teams must be paid at the Scheduling Meeting. Captains Responsibilities 1. The captain is respoasible for the eligibility of team players. 2. For attending the Scheduling Meeting. 3. Collecting for and paying of the Performance Bond. 4. Picking up the Revised and playoff schedule from the Campus Recreation Office, room 2040 PAC. 5. The good order and conduct of the team. 6. Making recommendations to the convener. 7. Filling out the officials evaluation after every game. 8. Picking up the Performance Bond. Referees: (A - $5.00/game; B $4.00 game) Referees are needed for: Soccer, Softball, and Basketball. / Register at C-R office and attend clinic. 1
with special guests AMK ,
mML,!s Thursday,May13-8pm
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