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I Dr. Paul Erdos interviewed - p. 4 I ,







Bhakti ‘ylogs club- (K&i&&$ Con&&s+: ness). Learn practical meditation techniquese and philosophy of ‘the .BhagavadGita. Vegetarian dinner follows. 5:00 p.m. 51 Amos Avenue, Waterloo. -


. Campus

Ldlita. 9:30 p.m. Great Hall:



Bhaktii ;Yogd :(Krishna Consciousness) Club - see last Sunday.


The Birth Control Centre is staffed by Chapel - see ‘last Sunday. trained volunteer students and provides 7 Thursday, Julg8 7 i - free I confidential information on birth Man and Microbes presented by A. M. control, v.d., planned and unplanned - Monday, July Chapel Service.at Conrad Grebel College. Charles: -part of the Dimensions/Science pregnancy and other aspects of sexuality. 7:00 p.m. .Coffee and discussion to follow. on Rye speaker series organized by Info Resume Writing Skills Session. 11:30 Drop by CampusCentre rm. 206 or give us All welcome. Harvest at the Kitchener Pbblic Library in 12:30 p.m. NH 1020. Sponsored by- Coa call at ext. ,2306 (8851211). * \ Kitchener. Everyone welcome. No charge. ordination and Placement. returning for another term. scOoPS~I Monday, July;- / - Refreshments qvailable. Bring a lunch. Call It Happens to Us - A free film about lo:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m+ Monday - Friday, 8851211 ext. 2321 for-more information. abortion. Presented by the Women’s hnd Wednesday night movies. Always’in No Act of God - a free film about the Centre - A Federationservice. Everyone Lecture on Yoga and Meditation: We the best of taste! nuclear threat. Everyone welcome. EL21 1. welcome. Bring your lunch. EL 211 at 12 want tostart a regular meditation group 12 noon-- bring your lunch; Presented by - and those who want to join and to.learn The Warriors: Band is alive and well1 noon. the Women’s Centre, a Federation service. Crazy people who like to play music are meditation, and ,a11 those who are Maranatha Christian Association - see , _ Auditions who we want -. . . we have instruments!interested are j welcome. (Lecture. sponare being held for last Monday. Contact John Oldfield at 8863219. sored, by Anandar Marga). Information: Incompatibilities, a television play, *from 742-6480 or 745-9184.2:OO p.m. C-C 110. 5:oo 2 8:00 p.m. Everyone who is The Society’ for Creative Anachronism - Tuesday-, July -meets Wednesdays; fighter. ‘practices on f interested is welcome. CC 113. PEER CZentre L She Tuesday. Saturdays. Everyone welcome. For more Interviewing Skills Session. 11:30 - 1:00 Small’ group Bible study sponsored by FrancisShaeffer Film Series, Whatever j 1information call Doug Smith at 8862286. p.m. NH 1020. S ponsored by Co-ordinMaranatha Christian’ Association. All f Happened to the Human Race.?‘analyses I ation and Placement. welcome. For inore information call Vegetarian Lunch - 6 course hot-lunch the result of humanistic law in terms of884-2850.7:OO plm. CC 138B. \ available for $1.50. Sponsored by the abortion, infanticide, euthanasia. SponPEER Centre - see last Tuesday. , -Vegetarian Club. l&45 - 1:45-p.m. X.135 ‘sored by Students for Life. Call 8846196 House of Debates - see last Tuesday. or CC 110. for more information. Free admission. All. - - T&day, July 6 The Vegetarian Club - see last Tuesday. welcome. 7:00 p.m. Physics 145. Reggae & Sunshine starring Leroy PEER Centre is open for the summer. Drop Sibbles..and Messen@h. Free. 1:00 p.m. -New Romance -AspectsofSexualityand Women’s Action Co-operative: A polin from 3:00 -- 8:00 p.m. i&C 138Aor give Village Green. Sponsored by Bent, FedSex Roles. A free film presented. by the j itical action/discussion group for fe’minus a call at ext. 2330. eration of Students. Women’s Centre - A federation service. ists and those who aren’t sure yet. AlterW: C. F. Sponsored Prayer Meeting. All - Everyone welcome. EL 2,i2,7:00 p.m. natives to the nuclear family will be disInterviewing Skills Session. 1:00 p.m. pre invited. The focus will be on prayer for cussed. 7:00 p’.m. CC 149. Wo2:30 p.m. NH 3004. Sponsored by CoHow Is It Possible To Read Between The Christian ministries on campus. 2:30 --’ .men only please. ordination and Placement. ’ Lines? Understanding print media cov4:oo P.m. cc 135. erage of events in Central America. A talk Maranatha Christian Asspciation ---, See Computer , Science Colloquium with Yes, still Auditions for Indompbtibilities. by John Chamberlain, CC 135.7:30 p.m. last Tuesday. Professor J. A. George of this department Still a television play. Still 5:00 L 8:00 p.ml Sponsored by WPIRG. ’ will speak on “Some Ideas and Unsolved Microwaves and Food presented by Stilleveryone welcome. CC 135. -! .Problems in Sparse -Matrix ComputatJames Ford: part of the Dimen&ons/ The Vegetarian Club ishaving 7 cooking ions”. 3:30 p.m. MC 5158. Coffee and - kiday, July 9 Science on Rye speaker series organized workshops. Experience satisfying vegrefreshments will be served at 3:00 p.m. by Info Harvest at 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. at the Salat-Ul-Jumua (Friday prayer). Organetarian cooking through tongue, tummy, prior to the talk. / Kitchener Pubic Library in ’ Kitchener. ized by the Muslim Students’ Association. and mind. Recipes, live demos and great Everyone welcome. No charge. RefreshPraise, Worship and Bible Teaching. food. Free. 5:30 p.m. Psychology Lounge 1:30 p.m, CC 1lO. ments a&iilable. Call 8851211 ext. 2321 for - Maranatha Christian Association. All 3005. more information. Bring a lunch. MATHSOC. Road Trip to Guelph. A road welcome. For more - information call , \ * trip with a difference. Math students (and House of Debates. Any and all welcome. 884-2850: 7:00 p.m. . . CC 113. / up to three guests) may come for free. Bus. 5:30 p.m. Conrad Grebe-Kolle,ge, Rm. 308. The UW Chess Club meets tonight, _ leavesin front of the CC at7:OO p.m. sharp. Small group. Bible study sponsored by . For more information contact MathSoc at 7:OO’,p.m. in CC -113. New- members are ‘Maranatha Christian Association. All welcome. MC 3038, ext. 2324. \ - Wednesday’, July welcome. For more information ‘. call GLOW Coffeehouse’ (Gay Liberation of Fed I Flicks - The Chind Syndrome 8842850.7:‘OO p.m. Village I Great Hall. Maranatha qhristian Association - See Waterloo). ‘Come out and’ meet your starring Jane Fonda, Jack Lemmon and last Wednesday. s friends;~8:30 p.m..CC,llO. . : Wamen’s Action Co-operative: A palMichael Douglas.’ 8:00 p.m. .Physics 1.45. action/discussion group for, f&n: $ ,~~~ds$3:00,-Oth~r~~~~.~. : : -3 - -0 UW. Chess Club Meeting -: seef last ,_ :‘Cinema- ~&is presents Cas*blanc& ‘- 1itical inists and those who aren’t sure Get. AbWednesday. ’\ 9:30 p.m. Campus Centre Great Hall. Theatresports that unexpected ortion discussion, 7:00 p.m. CC 149. WoGLOW Coffeehouse - see Wednesday theatre event - takes to the stage again. men only please. I. - Thursday, July ,, June 30. Cheap entertainment for the -gourmet of Reli&n in a world. of science and. w. C. F. meeting with U. of Guelph, 0, of the unique.Feds75F,aliens$1‘;00.9:30p.m. Cinema Gratis p-resents The Dove. 9:30 technology presented by R. D. Legge: part ,Toronto, and W. L. U. at the Elora Gorge. HH\ 180. __’ p’.m. Campus Centre Great Hall; of the Dimensions/Science on Rye speaker Further details will be announced. . / s series’prganized by Info Harvest at 7:30 to The Joseph Schneider Haus will be July 9:00 p.m.. at the Adult Recreation Centre in , ‘--Saturdayi Solar Energy presented by K. G. T. celebrating its 1st anniversary by conWaterloo. Everyone welcome. No charge. Hollands: part of the DimensionsfScience. Spaceship Earth Children’6 Science . ducting a program dealing with live Refreshments available. Call 885-1211 ext. on Rye speaker series organized by InXo Program for ages8 to 12 on Saturdays from demonstrations of wool processing. Fleece 2321 for more information.. , Harvest- at 12:;55 - 1:15 p.m. at the 10:00 a.m. 12 noon. Topic: How Your to Fabric will feature activities conducted ’ Kitchener Public Library in Kitchener.’ Body Works, learning about the world after- the annual spring- shearing of the Everyone welcome. No charge. Refreshinside you. Series organized by Info - Wednesday, July 7 sheep; the wool is picked-, washed, carded,. ments avaiable. Bring a lunch., Call Harvest. There will be a fifty cent charge to dyed and finally spun into yarn to be woven 885-1211, ext.‘2321,for more information. ‘Free Noon Concert featuring a p&o cover the cost of supplies. Call 885.-1211 at home or at the local weavers. The trio. Sponsored by C,onrad Grebel College ext.. 2321. for location information as it * PEER.dentre . - see last Thursday. Schneider Haus staff invites you to come Music Department. 12:30, p.m. Conrad varies from week to week. and try your hand at these 19th century GrebelCollege Chapel. . A;, chores. Local examples of the weaver’s art Fed Flicks - See Friday. ’ - Thursday,July will also be displaved. 10:00 a.m. r 5:00 Computer Science dolloquium I-with y p.m. 466 Queen Street South, Kitchener. ’ Professor H. Maurer of Technical UniverFrancis Shaeffer Film-series, Whatever Jily sity - Graz will speak on “M&d - An _ --St&day, 742-7752. 1 ;Happend to the Human-Race - see last Austrian Contribution to Videotex”. 3:3O Maranatha Christian Association - See Thursday. , - Friday, J&2 7 . p.m.’ MC 5158. Coffee and refreshments * last Sunday. \ . . will be served at 3:00 p.m.Fed Flicks 7 no -movies. Evening Concert featuring University Poetry,, Readings - every Sunqlay (long Marantha Christians. and UW Chess: Choir and Concert Band. Sponsored by weekends .excluded) d&g thesummer;-\ --Sunday, Club - see last Wednesday. Call 744-8089,for more information. We are Conrad Grebel College Music Department looking for people who want to read their in co-operation with the Federation of worship and bible teaching. Praise, GLOW is holding its second mixed pub in Students, Creative Arts Board: General Maranatha Christian Association. work or , want criticism of manuscripts. All the Psych. Lounge, room 3005 of the PAS Admission $2.00.830 p.m. Theatre of the 12:oo - 130 p.m. WLU - Central ’ welcome. For more information call 884building from 8:00 to 12:00 p.m. Admission Teaching Room 2-302. .. Arts. 285O.ll:OO a.m. CC 135. is $1.00 for members,,$2.00 for others.\ .







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spotlights _ science speakem -;. Info Harvest is a Summer Canada pr,oiect directed by Foster-Ontario. This summer they have anumber of activities planned to encouragegreaterpublicinterestand involvement in scientific and technological issues. The following is a list of their special events taking place during J’uly and August. There are three different series: Spaceship Earth, Children’s Science Program for ages 8,to 12 on Saturdays from 1O:OO to noon. July 10 HOME Your Bodr Works, learning.about the world inside you. .July Zb&--,Iyi/d’Lifcin the City, animals are there, to know what to look for.. , - >o%-j-uf;t-have August‘7 - Towers and Other Structures,’ become a toothpick structures engineer. Note: there will be a fifty cent charge to cover the cost of supplies. Call 885 12 11 ext. 232 1 for location information as it varies from week to week. Dimensions, Science speaker series, Tuesday evenings from 7:30 to about 9-$Xll?.mat the Adult Recreation Centrein Waterloo. July 6 R. D. Legge: Religionina M~orldqfs~iencv * _ and technologv._. . The nature of science-and the nature of faith are complementary. The role of religion is to provihe an et hical basis for decision making within a world of science and technology. July 13 James Ford: Micro~~aves qnd Food What are microwaves and how do they cook food? How does microwave cooking differ from conventional cooking? July20’ Steve McCall: Cancer and the Environment The principles by which cancer-causing substances are evaluated and what can we do about these substances‘? July 27,,Sami Gupta: Philosophy and Science “Science c&n only be a means, not theend, I of human exploration. The end must be to understand wisdom which is the domain \ of Spiritual seeking.” August 3 - Gerald Rabideau: Getting O/d _ The needs of the aging worker. I

Science on I Rye, Speaker Series, Thursdays at the Kitchener Public’Library from 12: 15 to I : l-5. -_Bring your own . lunch. July 8 A. M. Charles: Man and Microbes Microbes are not just germs. They can be used to produce food, beverages,. drugs and eventually even energy. July 15 K. G. T. Hollands: Solar Energ?? Discussion of a self-sufficient alternative to present sources of energy. July 22 - y Paul Beam: Computers and Education . Videotex (Teledon) is an exciting new Canadian computer system that can turn your television into- a self-structured school, July 29 Ed McBean: Alternatives -for Better Qualitj Water A discussion of costs, techniques and the , effects of wastewater- disposal on the ecosystem.. August 5 - P. L. Silveston: Coal - Canada> Hedge *for the Future , What kinds of coal do we useand wherein L,. ’ , .‘I Canada .canwe &d-it? What. will coaGs . , place be in the changing Canadian energy future? / i


Teamwork! It’s amazing how well things go when people work together..These people were a twelve-legged entry in \Ilillage’l’s Challenge Day’s nine-legged race Iast’Saturday. Other events included peach slurping and a scavenger hunt, which had a copy of Imprint photo by W. Jim Jordan , the very first issue of Imprint on the list of items to find. i . r

-Senates pass& 1

by Len Gamache The University of Waterloo . Senate voted last week to accept a proposal for a Women’s Studies Option, and to establish a programme in Gerontology: At the same time, they approved a recommendation by the Senate Executive Committee which essentially calls for more information regarding the.establishment of Spanish, as a se.parate department. The Senate will not meet again until September. There was very little debate and only one dissenting vote on.the Women’s Studies prp’ posal, which has beenevolving since January ,of 198 1 in conjunction with ’ Wikfrid Laurier University., It has also been passed by - the WLU Senate and will be offered by both universjties as a joint endeavor. ’ ’ The introduction to the ‘Women’s Studies Option proposal states: “In the last fifteen years women have been the focus of major research projects, particularly in _the humanities _ and social.,, _ sciences. “Questionson topics suchas social expectations women; medical,. philosophical and religious assumptionsof female ,capacities, women’s self-perception, women’s biological rolesand vocational placehave been raised and the haye, been,:, . inany r answefsintensely debated. , . I “Because &is relatively


tudies I.1

, risk, and to create an.organizational framework whereby large projects requiring multirl disciplinary skills could be undertaken. “Such an institute could be expected to attract financial support from business and v government organizations that have to grapple with major problems of risk.” The focus is on technological ri,&s (e.g. Three Mile Islandanhthe ‘Mississauga derailment). :, The motion, regarding ;tbg status of an independent Spanish Department report, as presented by a review committee stated: “That this Committee(SenateExkcutive) refer the report of the Spanish Review committee back to that Committee, with’ $ Ieque‘st’that it’pi;“ovide’a r&@ explicit statement of its judgeb merit whether the Depart-me+ of’spanish has met its origina,l objectives; such statement to be provided to the Senate Executive Committee for its meeting ,on September 7, 1982.” The report will be reconsidered at that time.

recent focus in research has along with other resources. become. such an important Also, the teaching and, L research areas of faculty component of contemporary scholarship, the University of members_from both universities pertaining to the field of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier to be University .will co-operate in Women’s Studiesaresaid UW is parthe staffing and teaching of complementary. courses in this field of study. ticula’rly strong in women’s “Students may take c>ourses related. Philosophy, Literat either university to fulfil1 atures,; Political Science and requirements for the option: Psychology, while Laurier’s However, if a/course at. one strengths are History, Music; institution is substantially the r Anthropology and Sociology. same as that at the other, credit The establishment of a will be allowed- for only one of programme-‘% ~ Gerontology the two courses. will give students the “Students: will normally opportuniity to earn a minor enter the program in their in that field by completing 10 second year, although aphalf courses. The intention is that candidates would receive propriate courses taken during year one can be applied a degree in another subject, to the Women’s Studies with parallel additional ex; Option., posure to gerontology. There “Before pre-registration are about twenty related each spring, students should courses outlined for the pro, consult with the Women’s gram thus far. Studies, Co-ordinator and; Among other proposals passed at the Senate meeting with the department involved to determine which courses was the establishment, of a will be available in the coming Risk Institute at U W (effective academic year.” - ’ . immediately for a five year Some of the reasons given period). The purpose of the for making the program a coinstitute is “To provide. a operative effort w.ith Wilfrid centre for discussion between, Laurier are the combined and collaboration among, strength of library facilities researchers in various areas of % . -

for Celebration

‘Theatre L












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i,s+b@ng used by engineering students : zy‘& g t +. I’

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The Off-Campus,Housing plex willrem;in ope;.+rom ‘- !


_data storage facility. Watstar: assignm^ents and re&arcl?


Office which is located onthe roof of the Vtllage ,,I corn; _

Id, _.



. ,Housing office c *’ -extends houk

i covered three days later, A murder drhmaset in 1897 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p:m,, Victorian -G&,<. Ontario,,-. .buried%ca~orn patch on the -.>,Monday -to Eriday, during :. Qr.r property. the. months of ., July and op&ts the season-for; WaterA seventeen iear old half- : +’.:Augu&. , + . , I-. . : lao- CeIebration- The&e ori wit, employed on’ the .O& July 13. To assist students seeking farm, was arrested by famous, ’ accommodation _on/ weeG Emma Orr\ will be prede-tective John Wilstin. >~ends the office will be ope& sehted. in 1the Humanities’ Theptre and continues Murray, and convicted -and -from;lO:OO;a.m. to 3:OO p;.m. hanged for the crim& :‘? ... _’ on &turdaysz July 3. to through to July 17. All percha.& August 28 inclusive, : :“‘, :’ formances are at 8:OO -pm; ‘1I ‘. William - Ch@wick; Tickets are now on sale for man of’ the LJW, drama ’ When’ the office is’clojskd listsmay be ” $6.06 ‘adults anti $4.56 :fot ‘_A department and a;f‘hor of the I acc&&odation .students ,and seniors. Thdy 1 plays,, Dead Heat,.B~tutis, _ obtained either. from .‘the .’and -Fkgy :;,,p&j r’&f, y rtbe‘ Ca$+.&Centre desk:brfro& are< avai~I+bIe :at the Human” ities T&&e boj~ &i&&j.& , , :C;$&&$&f~d$&$@)~~ i. ’ ,Q+&+~ i ‘t~~~~.;;~~~~~ ,,._’.~I/ ; ” *,:; _ f : regular outl&3;: G4aorge, I+db well RG!eorc is. he Ctintre. in

year new il ntario play $,:3X0 .entries in Outstatld t’hkc&lict bii?t,weer$he f Theatre . Onta&?s ! annual rigid -s&iaI standards 6f the. Playw&hting Cornpetition. It ,time, and B woman, Eyrirna, dramgtizes the mysterious who. cannot conform to, and. la circum&nces surrounding ‘the murder of a 35 year oId’ be restricted by, these values.. From research, Ch&ick farm wife, Mrs. Emma Orr, Llearned of Emma’s nut&r-o& ’ who ‘lived on the Roseville affairs behind th& back of her. Road. I husband, a strict ’ Scottish ’ -After her disappearance in ““,“3”11, Presbyterian farmer. “She’s a ,_ early August, 1897, while her )uterswithacomn Lery gutsy- woman,? Chad?%vnf~ccr\,-c 31&b ar?c,4 psyLp3J”I QpjlL’y+ ‘“a’ I ,husband tias away from the * . : ,.~‘,i~~.‘,?,~:F%‘..;~ ;;- gqLs !m i P&L


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,i’ tietoday



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extraoridmme -



.’ I heory, Geometry, keal Analysis, Set Theory; Probability by T’m J. Perlih” ZThe b niversity.‘of Waterlqo’s 25th anniversary is currently Theory, the Theory of Infinite Series, and the Theory of I being celebrated ~by the’. Math facultyls Combinatorics and Interpolation. Optirnizatipn (C&O) department with a -three week Silver -His numerous discoveries have advanced not only established Jubilek Confkknce on’ .‘Combinaku%.~~ The i=on~ference fields of study, but have led tq the foundling of entirely new areas , , concludes oq, Jqly 2. ’ of presentlday research. U W, highly --respected in. the field of *Combinatorics and Most noteworthy of his achievements- to date c&me in 1949 Opti&!atjon, will ‘.have some .--08 . t&i world-‘s greatest with his elementary proof of #he Prime Number Theorem. niathemaiticians, incltiding a number ‘of members of our own As one of the most- prolifiq matheixaticians in history, .Erd’ijs Math faculty, attending.throughout the conference. has published several books and almost one thdqsand papers. Amsng thosy on hand will be ihe world renowned Dr. Paul __Having co-authored over two hundred papers during the course Erd&. i ’ -----_ of his illustrious career, if. is evide’nt that his brilliance and kindly , . Fewba<hhk’maticiaqs, living ordead, have contribute :d more tg nature has inspired many of his colleag;u&. ” ’ Even now, & the a’ge of69 he still reGainsactive the fundamental develop&r% .of inathematics than Erdiis. both mentally Unlike many mathematicians who focus theirattention on one and physically, constantlya exploring . -- new -1frontiers. ,. * - .__. - . I_ . . ‘e-e. e P A?I--- --c- -l-L1 had the pleasure 01 meeting Dr. yaul craos las weeK. Lne or tW0 areas Qt study, Erdiis’ scope mclude ISvtrtually the entlre following is an excerpt from that conver$ation: spectrum of Combinatorics as well as Number Theory, Graph .Let S start


In Budapest, As a young your l$e?


the beginning, Hungary,

when and where were you born?


boy in Hungary,


who was the greatest




My parents. i learned a great deal from them, my mother and father w\ere both mathematicians.. How did you progress

in schbol?

1 learned at home, almost, entirely at home. 1 didn’t go to elementary school tit all and only spent half of the time in high school. 1 received my’Ph.D. from Budapest in 1934. While you were in school was there any particular ma’thematician’s w&k w&h you thought was the greatest? It*; hard Archimedes,

to answer th& there were so matiy Gauss, Euler. . .

Do you.r&ietiber

Dr. Paul Erdos



Tim Perlich


when you came up with your first paper?

Yes, 1 wrote my first paper in 193 1 on Number Theory. eighteen at the time. ” Which field of mathematics do you find most interesting? _ Number

*Part Tinie$Office C&ordinator J ~ : ‘. f -’:; ’ __x , _,_ <k



and, Graph-Theory?

Looktig back on y&r career, was’there om+problem fey< to be yo@ mbsj dlyfic.ult i,o solve?


1 was

_ which you

You. know, yau can’t really tell ‘because very-often you.don’t work on Z+problem continuously. You put it away for a few years

for the 6Iaterloo* kublic Interest Research and it co&es up again. You think around-it then sometimes you suddenly see what to do. Somecertainly took many years ui?til Group. S/he will be responsible for bookfinal success came. . \ keeping, budget and audit ‘preparation, ’ What single problem gave you the most satisfactfon when you the maintanance of the re’source centre final& came up with the solution? _ plus mail and receptionist d&i%. ‘Staff 1 was. certainly pleised with the Prime Number Theorem a> work co-operatively. We are a ‘student-well as some work in Graph Theory. funded organization committed to me&nAre there any special unsolved problems which you carry with / ingful social change in humanitarian and _ your CL --_ environmental concern&. There are millipns. The universe is filled with’ unsolved Salary $150.00 plus benefits for 20 ho& problems. One of the riiore famous unsolved problems, perhaps week. Send resume to WPIRG, Camp&, . you have heard of it: that eve-ry, even number is the sum of two Centre, Universiw- of Waterloo, Waterloo \ Or%.. N.2L 3Gl by July 9th, 1982. _ .

~Health pdicy / bv Cathy


In&s: An Indictment of e Mental Health Care System in. Ontarid John Marshall (Based ori 2 pubiic inquiry commisled by the Oqtario Public .,aervice Employees Union) ~ dg3.00 *_ Madness! The vet-y word st@kes terror to the heart. Every family has labelled some poo;, eccentric relative Aunt Jane with her cats, Uncle’ Henry and his war stories, mad.,But no’one likes toadmit to -being mad thetiselves. It

I primes. 1t is more than two hundked years old and evei-y baby can understand it. There are millions of &solved problems especially in,Number Theory and they stay unsoLved, You see,.Graph Theory has many unsolved problems but they .usually do.not stay unsolved for such a long time.-It’s a re!atively new subject;‘ln a hundred years maybe they will have some unsolved‘problems (laughs).


Rubik’s Cubh, invented by one sf your countrymen ieems to have cilptured the interest, of- everyone including mathematicians. Have you devoted any time to it? (smiles) No, not very much. 1have seen it of course a great deal, but 1 don’t know very much about it. I’m not,interested in these Y things. -/----A-re you interested at all in the hrts: mu&, literature or perhaps filin? ,

The only thing I like is music. I like to listen to classical music while 1 read or do mathematics. For a real musician this would not be possible (laughs). 1 almost never go to movies.

‘Computers are more and. more becdming an integral part qf mathematics in the cases where large numericalcalculations are necessary. Have you used computers in thepast to aid in solving a moblem? 1 1 am not ve_ry interested in them. 1 am interested enough to listen to what they are doing, but certainly not professionally. -. So you haven ‘t used the& a3 a%ol? ’ ’ Very little. 1 wouldn’t say not at them 1’11work withsomebodyelse was oneprobleminGraphTheory aid of cdmputers: the Four Cql&r ’ that myself seriously. Tutte from this field. In closing,

3 This book is about madness. Not ‘so much abput the condition, but rather about the madness in Ontario’s mental health care system. Ontario has been under attack .recently for the way it handles the.nientally ill. Herb tor stories ofi ek-patients wandering homel’ess iri the streets have filled th6 papers. The g;b;vernment has .conducted a number of private studies into the matter, but it refuses to hold -a public hearing. MadrieGs iS the result of the Ontario -Public Service En+

how do jou feel about coming

to Waterloo?

I’m very glad that 1 afii’here in Waterloo again. 1 first came to Waterloo in 1966 and I’ve been here several times since. In a wav I’m permanently connectkd . with Waterloo as ah adjun& professor, so 1 come here more or less regularly without any fixed duties. 1’11probably be back sometime next year. It is a very nice - place, a little too cold in the winter, the weather could be better.



all, but not very much. If 1 use who knowsabout them. There which has beensolved with the Problem. 1 never worked on Waterloo is a great expert in


, attempt to create a public the system, to prove that hedring, albeit with& govinadequacies exist. ‘ernmerit consent. It’s a case of The- anecdotes read like a the people involved (the Dickens novel. OPSEU. acworkers and the patients) cpses @the goveknment of unitlbg to present their side of understaffing (particuldrly ‘the story. . with male staff f6r night duty), The re@.ort deals with both . of underfunding, of not dealing .- branches of the me&al health properly with the misuse of - care system; psychiatric serdrugs, and, perhapS most vices provided by the Ministry importantly, of not properly ,of Health, and,serviees for the carrying out ‘deinstittitionMental& Retarded, provided s alism. by the Ministry of-Community Deinstitutjonalism means and Social Services. that, patients are removed OPSEU makes a series of from remote, high security allegations against the govern- * institutions, and helped tolead ’ meni, based on, fiist hand Continued on

How‘ddes~ he feel about it all? t‘waterloo is a Tucker was interested .’ in investigating .: , byLe+amache _I XT .’ ’ ’ , \...: . . __ is f&her;.after all, it was a hobby which he had Jim Tpcker is -the’ picture & a. $oung, .‘: good. school, ynd ~.-the co-op program ....:::r:t:$ successful; busine&m,an. $,leaiicuF,: ‘+qu+qF- .! excellent:1 Was very-lucky with myco-op jobs, been in the habit of doingovtir the previ&sfive .~’,-they were alhood. I guess in-hindsight, I’m very years. Thcs time, however, it looked like the r.:::: faced and mou&ta&ed, & stepctid o$‘of’his.‘. g r‘.:;Z: glad tb&I did &to Waterloo, and I’m very glad one that he *wanted to.pursue. ihiny Cadillac a-few w@ks back; &e&t$a$i& t_hat I took en@n‘e&-ing.” It didn’t take him long to find out that all the $ stripe suit and a wide grin: l ‘, ‘. .- : . -’ 1: , franchises, in California were unavailable. _i-. He had every- jeason. to: l@$nil$g.-~~~, . . ’ ‘. 1 ’ They were-sold out for two years,a&ad. The occ8sion was tli.e gr&d’$p+-ii$g .df ~his&t$?t i _ .Whg did. he- t&e engineering? ( Tucker Superclips shop ‘at’ Univeys~~y’(~~.~~~~-~l:aza ’ &&e&, “Atkthe titie that was what I wanted same went fof a ‘couple of other haircutting .. iidjacent t;q the,camf& ‘: B-1...“lis] ‘ij~iT’:- t-e’: ’ chains in California: to&&e; an&f’mglad.1 did. Maybe 1:don’t tise it ....::g c;: ’ He inquired about buying conipany rights The$haircutting sai+-#, th~&&d~n&i$~rea, th$.~&ck;&day, but I’d like to think that it . ~~u&$&e~h+w for Ctinada but was turned down by the i?!F *and‘&19 one’ of twe+rfy-five: &r$$r$+wn~d ‘tohhink. I‘ve never really been ? American companies ‘According to “Tucker, out!efs’-in &ta&. %-The+ .+r&‘&o%ifteen’ ati ~eh~i$&& and I don’t know, that I would “They a]] said no. We’re not interested. A;nd t .:~~,~~,:~$ Superclips,~~ne~~ses.‘ ‘V;-r :>-. ‘* ‘-’ reir@ like&& type of wqrk.” f:‘.:::. ,... .: :1:.. ,:c ;::,: :&’ ,. :.:..:.: .,: .:...“. ., - ’ 1 I’m glad they said no.” / 1 _- ‘;.‘..: .’ I’ ..+.. “?.:.:. ..:.: ..Tucker2til’is the cpmy)an~&ldng tiith &&o, t At this point, he sat down and wrote a 200 partners/.One 3s his brother, Brian,-+ . . For ?q&@er of years, after graduatin\ from page,bo& dn.seftingup hisownhaircutfihg chartered. a&&&~,; &re other is Bd$ -.-‘: &3W?.Tgck&.Qot a job selling industrial noise business, the result of h@ inv&gation and reCow&ri, @:‘h&$ylist with mc& than :fi&&$.,‘: , ~&$&&&&es.?Xen he realized that he was mon@y for somebo.dy else. , ‘search in. California. years experience, who has won over, 60 .‘I rn~ki<$&$%%f awards within the haircutting industry. Early in 1981 he was ready to come back t; . + ‘It was a&b&point that Tucker decided to ’ Canada and present his proposal td his ,The mbst interesting aspect csf this success mike. investigating iarious busjness ventures cprospective partners as well as arly interested story-is that inmanyresbects Jim-Tucker’isnoi. advertising agencies. your t$pical businessperson. Agfadu;jte of the - his primary hobby. , One of the major I&onto advertising University of W;iterloo in ,197-l witha Bach\elbr -, . 1” . ’ . ‘, business.. W$7re,doiog o;k.:, the right “I’ve-always wanted something of my/own. agencies was keen; and so were his partners of Applied Science degree, he is. also a after being taken to California and seeing how the right time I gu+ys. . ’ ’ SQ it actually became-a hobby of mine. I invescertified professional engineer. “I’ve always looked‘at a hair&t kind bf 11 tigated & Mida+ Muffle? franchise, a MacDonthe whole concept was working there. Says ii& All these credentials are indicated on liis I -Tucker, “SO I’gti&s w’e sat down in a c,offee erchie Bunker.’ says 9f .a, cigar, ‘What- i his. Superclips business card. In his words, ald’s, a bathtub re.-glaz$ company, . . . a f_kesh shopin California &nd said ‘let’sdd it’ “. coutitry needs is a-goad five bent’ cigar’. W eli, 1 “They’re degrees that I earned and I’m proud orange j&ice stand. I ’ Since that- decision, it’s been a rapid’success *&hat this cau”ntry r+&ls”is 2 good, reason&t ,le“When I say -research, I’d actually spend of them.” story . priced more: ¶9 ,.. hours and hour’s,.and ,w.rite a lit.tle book on it to He also feels there. are some business . . for . . the - - threb - men and they haven’t 8.W. rhaircut; . nothin&&, -.a_ - nothing . . looked back. As things stand right/now;they ‘HIS t@ure plans call t6r wor@g towarc&the see if I could understand it, tosee if I thought advantages gained. with his degree, ‘parexpect to reach the goals of their ‘five year plan there was any money in%.” continued success;of Stifaercl~ps., He doesn’t titularly when first trying to get the busi’ness off ’ Then in 1979, Tucker was in between jobs in half that amount of time. ’ envision anymore car&et changes. And after the ground: It gave’him some gdditiotial clout and his wife was ‘interested in . moving to Tucker simplifies the reasons *for their Superclips? Well, *Jiti ’ Tucker iays ‘thal he and cr@ibility. incredible success, “We’re a MacDonald’s so would jtist -1ike;fti sit back and “cut tinod in .California. She had lived there for awhile as a In an Imprint interview, Tucker spoke about we’ve,brought some value to the haircutting some small Ontario town.” = his background and how he came to reach his youngster and she enjoys warm weather. So, ,. +. a -:’ . ,as Tucker puts it, they “sold the boat, sold the ‘. sudde% success. ‘i -house, sdld the furniture, packed up a-truck He came to Waterloo ifi 1966 to take ~professo;~ p+&&&g&es,~ &pf&& j-z and moved there.” They found an apartment; 7 mechanical engineering, and took mostly I.‘_ _. ~ . ’ _’ _I.-his wife got a job 3s a nurse, and Jim “got a real introductory courses. !‘I didn’t specialize in has engineerjng job, which Ididn’t like ‘cause I bdd S &ivan/ ’ - _ ,nbLi becomk fdr .his-internationally --work on the ’ - ~~~~~&$$‘.~‘-~ _ . ‘*,_x ’ ‘I . anything.‘1 was a jack of all trades and Tm&ter of never done it.” . n&e, by purpose, ‘causeI’d found t)iai’unless C/g(g&&. : . amffn~de~~~ntP:-~~~~~te~e~ Dr Jo;Rd‘;y;nycLyj asyou really liked something, course-number kfore too l&g, he, was ready for his ‘first . -, two is a bitch. Theintroductory cou;ses -you Califdinia haircut. He went to a place which ” I T& University of Waterioo s&iate” pr’ofessor;, .U:w Y-&-. y .-woi-k ata-prEsti$oui G-o&n can handle easier.” i had b&en advertised on television. . &nferknce in the United partgent of Chemical En-g and Du Pont Canada; Inc., P . .’ . -_ “It was a nitie,,clean, attractive place . .: and ToroMo, jointly fannbtinced states. ginee&g, has br;en awarded .‘While at UW he was averyordinarystudent ,. they were fairly busy, and YOU cauld just &fa t&e a&-ding of two Du P&tI, . ‘4 -: : ,.I : I.1thi~-~@L&-f&& g&&lL fhf%:1982 .ii in almost every respect - no sgecid - bairc$., YOU did& halve tog+ all thelextras.!“%~ N.SERC chem&al engineering by the Engineering Institute of i ._1 apar+ f & , +rtificates. He wasn’t involved in’ a;l+ He liked the haircut he got and&en-#% ‘::prof~ssorships’~ast’\rvee‘k. L ‘: it.Prof. Syd Davison U W Canada. - &paitmentbf abplied”h&th.~’ .I ‘. ’ , ‘Ti organizations oi- spot-is. However, he says; “I wheels in his head started spinning.:“It dawn&d : ’ , on me that somebodv had brotight big did diink’a lot of peer.” The two recipients are:. Dr. I The .qa~+! is being Fgiv;enij. kmatics. will be .awarde,d a ‘! business, management, organization, adG. R. Sullivan, formerly with edoctor of science degree by the_ jointly to Dr. Wynnyckyj and a ? Hi was also in the co-op program and vertisin,g, and all that stuff t; the haircutting imperial Oil Ltd., and Dr. former PhD student,-Dr: S. K. i? University of Manchester business, and I knew it-wasn’t being done in . Ioannis Chatziz. Dr: Chatziz auring i’t<s next &tiduation Baru& j W&X Ais with G’ulf:’ managed tb get a diversity of job experiences Canada because I lived hgre all my life? by working at eight different co-op jobs. has been with the New Mexico ieremonies. Unlike, North r +seqh,-s .Toyonto, j far a” // . Petroleum D.Sc. paper publish.ed in the’ Can-‘: Recovery ReAmerican honorary Quarterly:. search Centre and the New degrees, the British one is adian Mettillufgical (No. 3, Yol: 20, 198 I ); : Mexico Insti&te of Minifig gwarded iolely in recognition and Techtiology. 1’ _ -I, pf work in a pa&Cular field. The *Plummer ,meda-l- (es-’ The degree is conferred only ‘tablished in’19.l.7 by Dr,‘J. H.F: cotitinuqd from purpose well. The anecdote iS: ties+, prefer proven numbers Plumm&,. a distinguishkd !: an graduates: of the given Page4. , . . The amounts involved in the much more effective than to people. Numbers are more Canadian‘+ .engin&ei)‘- & ani; L dnd ‘is the highest productive lives ‘in the cot-nreliable. 1, two awards have not b’een gniversity straight statis,tics could be for annual one, for‘ the -be’& degree-awarded. revealed, but they are intended munity. OPSEU fully‘supports paintit?g the picture’Madn&s In th& end, Madness, F)~Prof. DavisonSdegree was Canadian paper on .,a ,metal-- s deinstitutionalism, but is sets out to create. However, though well written and dot- - to encourage both professors -awarded in recognitibn of his lurgic+ or.fhe&cal subje& ;:. to develop their industrial? critical of the government’s . on occasion,.‘tIi& book doe$ umented, has absolutely ‘no tiesearch into - the quantum The Wynnyckyj-Barua methods: ’ seem to l’ead mdre like the ’ effect oti the people who can’ -.dr.iented “research programs. paper, ‘entitled “Kinetics of the: AccordingtoMadness, the Toionto Sun &an a factual- -do anything to &ngethe ’ - Both StillivBn and CKatiiz ihkorY of solids and their surfaces. Recefly he ha& be‘en’ Silieo i’htfmic. Reduction’ of’‘. , govercinent is indeed re.- report. system. It may raise h few. ark UW alumni, A nati3e of applying field theory .to the ’ Calcined Dolomite in Flowing du&ing thenumber of patients _The same points that mike consciences, but it wilt-genBrantford, D\r. Sullivan darn; Hydrogen”, ,deal,s~twithl.a .f&prdblem of cher&sorptitin of in the. institutions; but the Madness ideal for the geneial pleted’his bach’elq,r’s dkgree in erally be ignored or, at zest, support ‘services needed f? public make it totally -in- - ’ shunned as unsubstantiated chkmjcal .engineering’ here in atoms on solid. s&-fades, ‘and. damen’tal ‘s!udy of.the ki&& the dkvelopment gf an elec-. of areactidn that !prod&& 1974. Heieturne’dto’Waterfoo help the ex-patients aren’t effective tis far as the govern-and overblown. t?anic,‘theorY of-.tidb&n salts, , ’ magr?esitimbgas. Magqesium is’. being implemented, or are m&t is concerned. It is too . ’ It’s a,shame, too, because if in 148’0 as an assist&$ pro‘vi&@d as a disordered biha.rY a *uch-used $truCtural *metal being put into commission general - it says that the ‘oi4y half of the tales told in fessor; chemical engineering. . ’ remarkabid for .its ligvtness. much too slowly arid, in most system% underfunded but He $aS been teaching ,pro’cess system. Madness are true of the :&of. I Davis& ,was als,o, ’ . The react@m s’tudikd ‘is th.k , c’ontrol to both undergraduate cas&, too late. dqesn’t define proper funding. whole province,‘ then Onrecently appointed director of. . basis bf.a: cobpfe of indus’$ri@ tario’s mental health .carq aiid graduate studen&. -’ Madness: seems to be The anecdotes aren’t ‘what the Guelph/ Waterl’bo Stir&ce p r 0.c es&e $ :‘-re I a t.i ‘n g ,. t.,b; Dr. Chat,ziz completed all aimed at the general public, to one can-consider “valid” data; system is in desperate need of Sdience ” a‘nd ’ Technologjl rna~~t:siti~~_produ,ct4~~ni help. Only the government his degrees at Waterloo, ininform people about what st&istics would have been Gr’oup, for a !wg-yeai period Their sttidies were &oth ::e+ OPSEU perceives to L be a belter. Governments, as can heip. But the government ’ cl-uding his doctorate in chetiwhich began. April 1. serious problem. It suits this OPSEU points out in &I’ isn’t listening: ’ ic@ engineering, in 1980. He , \ ..‘, .>

hk)aviqon +




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Is space war inevitable? A recently concluded Gallup poll states 1that more than 4Oa/oof Canadians favour an “all-out nuclear war” over a continued arms race. I find myself in agreement. There is much to be said for a “let’s get it over with”attitude. Not much - but something. Nobody likes living in suspense. . What is keeping a lot of people (hopefully, some of those people are in the Kremlin) in suspense is, what is the cargo Columbia has carried into orbit? Speculation ranges from an infra-red scanner suitable for space-to-earth and space-to-space (spacecraft spotting) surveillance to a prototype particle beam projector. There is no need to speculate what Russia / is doing about the-se possibilities; their tests . within the last month of(among other things) a satellite-killer missile suggests that whatever Reagan can put into the sky, Breshnev is prepared to try knocking down. What to do about the matter? At the very least, be pleased that the initial fighting of the Last Battle will take place above the stratosphere. For one thing, this may provide an earlier warning - some people may be able to leave their cities (a, long string of ‘ifs’ follow here: where you live, what you -drive, if you’re prepared, if you’re lucky) before the bombs : / fall. An atomic explosion in space would be hard to miss. Think of a nova. For another, at this stage of a battle, the West might win - at the moment at least, superior electronics and maybe superior esprit de corps, at least at the officer level where this intial war will be fought may be enough. By %vin” I mean, our particle-beams will take out their first-strike ICBMs.‘ I’d far sooner bet on a speed-of-light weapon than on anti-missiles - or, “deterrance”.

For a third, try a peace march. This is relatively good exercise, gets one out in the sunshine, and provides jobs for police and newspaper reporters. Politics-wise, it may convince the fence-sitters (one way or another), and lets politicians know just how many people are againstnuclear escalation. (Consider the really impressive number of people who turned out for the anti-war demonstration in front of the UN. -people from all across the continent. Then consider the population of New York City. Put the numbers side by side. Please reach your own conclusion.) It appears, in fact, that there is’very little the common person can do about war in space, or on the ground. For every peace marcher who honestly believes the Russians don’t- want war; and the whole matter can be settled by mutual trust and treatieqthere are many voters who believe just the opposite. More than that, the dissenting element is spread throughout so many constituencies that, no matter what their strength in numbers is -at a demonstration, those numbers will always be drowned out by the conservative voters,. Are there no solutions? Probably not, because the superpowers are veryfaralongthe road to theend. It seems unlikely that this will changes . . . or can be changed. But. . . Investment by business interests in space might do-the trick. One reason Columbia carries military cargoes has to do with lack of public funding. Stine’s The Third Industrial Revolution details many advantages to industry in-space;-industry and individuals should turn their attention away from deadend investments and outward - where endless power and-endless physical resources are available. And at worse, if the Big Boys decide to blow up the planet - then perhaps they won’t get everyone. John W. Bast Imprint



The University of Waterloo Senate is to be commended for accepting the Women’s Studies Option last week. Congratulations to Hanna Fournier, Co-ordinator of Women’s Studies, and to the Advisory Commitee which she chaired and which did the bulk of the groundwork toward making the program a reality. The University Senate was also instrumental in setting a fertile foundation in which the program was able to develope. It was a report by their Long Range Planning Committee which stated awhile back that “The very idea of a Women’s Studies Programme is not without controversy among both men and women. The opponents of such a programme find it demeaning, even humiliating, that women should be singled out as objects of academic study and inquiry. “The advocates of Women’s Studies maintain that massive and rapid changes in the social, political, and economic roles of a group comprising half of the world’s population cannot be ignored ,and, indeed, must become the object of serious scholarly inquiry. The University has sided with the ad? vacates.” They further recommended the establishment of a committee to work out the details, which, of course, was put into effect and culminated in last week’s approval. The information on the option itself is as follows: (1) the program may be taken in combination with any general or honours program; (2) course requirements call for ten term c.ourses which include two basic Women’s Studies courses, three

moves forward

courses from a core list (these include Women in Literature, The Woman Writer: Theory and Practice, History of the Sexes, Philosophy of Women, Sociology of Women, and Scientific perspectives on Gender and Sexuality, and at least five courses from an approved list which includes a wide range of topics from sex roles to history and literature to philosophy and politics (there are about thirty such offerings): and (3) students must have a minimum average of 65%in all Women’s Studies courses to meet the graduation requirements. The program seems to have a number of pluses going for it from the outset. The University of Waterloo library is said to* have a unique and very large collection of Women’s Studies mriterial. Additionally, the Rare Book room has a special collection of archival material. This should allow interested students to explore new areas in Canadian Women’s research. Wilfrid Laurier is also considered to have a solid collection. There is also the ongoing supplementation with other books, journals, microfilm collections, and manuscript material. Certainly, the teaming-up by, Waterloo and Laurier for this program makes a lot of sense. While there may be a, few headaches administratively due to the greater inputs and need for procedures and approvals, it seems that the benefits to those taking advantage of the program are far greater than the inconveniences. The availability of related resources from both universities, along with faculty members in departments which appear to complement each other well is significant for creating a

strong program. That type of joint situation is not a possibility for most universities in the country. Administratively, the universities will set up an Inter-university Womens Studies Co-ordinating Committee to oversee the general functioning of the program. There will be two representatives from each university, including UW’s Coordinator of Women’s Studies and another faculty member appointed by the Academic Vice-President. This inter-university committee will make decisions regarding the contents of the two basic level courses. It will also make proposals for theadditionorwithdrawal of courses. Their main function will be to,ensure continuity within the program. The joint effort between UW and WLU could eventually make Waterloo the top centre for Women’s Studies in the province and the country. It sounds nice but it won’t happen that fast. The University of Waterloo, while at the fore-front of the computer field, has been a little slow off the mark regarding Women’s Studies. Most American universities have had programs in operation for some time, and here in Canada, 21 of 37 English-speaking universities already have instituted programs, while five others are in the planning stages. Hopefully, the progress and building oft he program will proceed a little more swiftly from here on in. In any case, it seems as though the program is on solid footing, and headed in a desireable direction. Len. Gamache


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Imprint: ISSN 0706-7380 2nd Class Postage Registration Pending Imprint reselfves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. / Contributing Staff Louise Allen, John W. Bast, Leo Baldwin, Terry Bolton, Linda Carson, George Elliott Clarke, Raj Dash, Micheline Duhamel, Janet Gallin, LenGamache, Julie George; Gary Gladstone, Wendy Goer, Brian Grady, Bandy Hannigan, Sylvia Hannigan, Marney Heatley, W. Jim Jordan, Andy Knight, Laura Kulper, Dorothy La&a, Peter Luscombe, Mark Lussier, Cathy McBride, Sheila McCoy, JohnMcMullen,AUan Mears, Patricia Michalewicz, Paul Moser, Scott Murray, Tony Van Oostrom, Tim Perlich, Trevor Smedley, Marnie Shore, Pat Shore, Jeff Thompson, Susan Watt, Juergen Weltner. The wisest man in the world, Socrates Bast, posed this question to his friends, gathered about him in easy reverence. “Prithee, what is ‘Better than a rock’?” Linda Praxiteles was the first to answer, after much thought. “Aloom, such as that used ‘by the Fates ever since the world population exceeded one million” “Ah,” replied Socrates, “but is it not true that a large rock falling from a great height may destroy a loom?” “This is so,” she admitted Len “Euripides” Sophocles was next. “A copper pipe,” he replied, “so that the people ofAthens do not get lead poisoning from the backsplash of their cisterns.” “ But,” replied the hefty philosopher, “can copper pipenotalsobeusedbytheenemiesofAthens,andthusprove to be a mixedblessing?‘” “True, true,” said the young man, and, troubled he wandered off, murmuring, “In plumb0 est veritas.” “ Perhaps it is payment for parchment space that is ‘Better than a rock’,” Scott “Murray” Petronius said “Is not one who sells an arbitary quantity no better than a beggar in the street who would pelt another with pebbles?‘! “That makes no sense,” several people chorused. “That isbecauseyouarein the position of a man living in a cave who has not yet ordered carpeting or even had his suit fitted correctly. Rocks are often used as decorative paperweights,” he told Petronius. ‘Happiness ‘and a family,” answered Sylvia “Electra” Kanthippe, dressed in a becoming basic black. “There,” Socrates announced, “is someone who has a grasp of the essentials. She is wrong, but it shows a grasp.” Finally, Hermes of the Mounted, a red-coated goatherd, spoke up. ‘Chicken wings at the Kent.” “Youbuy the first pitcher,” spake ;he philosopher, \ and they left.

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.would elicit theresponse of t,he applauding the filmfor it was oleoti’is, that of progress in the To the editor: reviewer. Seen through more -a film-experience not to be art form itself. ( missed. Napoleon ‘may have been 1 am writing with regard to mature eyes Kirk’s speech and As for Linda’s review, 1 was the Star Trek II: The Wrath of Speck’s funeral are seen as the best work ofitstime,and it’s touching and -beautiful. This choked b-y the bullshit. Besides Khan review in ‘the Friday, still a’great’work,%ut it does view is shared with thepersons being incorrect it wasjust plain June 18th issue,oftheImprint. show itsage. Most apparent to ,myseIf was the coarse use of The point that Mr. Bast 1 halve talked with (over 15). I phoney, which in my mind did the film no service. seems to miss is that the film- have seen the film twice and at symbols: fire and water: light Firstly, 1 wonder if Ljnda was not made to please a small neithef-showing did- anybody and dark, eagles’and canons, has ever listened to the undergroup of people in,-the world laugh at this-scene. \ etc. Audiences of the modern known as-Trekies. It was made -4. It is said that the new film is lying score of a motion picture age are much more sens* to for the’ entertainment and L-not really Star Trek as de- ’ before, (and 1 don’t mean the tools of the&&ma and of. the general. I.fined by the series. All the enjoyment Sabrday Night Fever or Napoleon emphasized . this with Grease.> If she expected a point clearly. /'-+public. Being a%Trekie i:s just _ people 1’ have. spoken that new film was kettle- drum to sound every ’ another form of ’ fanaticism -‘thought I/agree-with Linda that the with the-narrow-minded view--- much.&ser to the series thxn canon fire, then she hasn’t cinematography was breathpoint thereof:.This viewpoint the.previous motion picture. -’ _ learned to distinguish between less and timeless. Combinedis admirably illustrated in thk : .“The vast majority. of the sound effects and musical acreview. people 1 have talked with companyment, fur Coppola with Gances’ obvmus passion -. for detail Napoleon will stand that the film was the latter was his only intenI would like to point’ out thought as a masterpiece forever. And sion. some parts of the* review in: -somewhere between great and . ,for those ‘of us * who can _ _ _the “greatest of all time”. particular: . The score is-intended to -appreciatethe richness of this 1. It is said that the .appearTo Mr. Bast ,I -would like to provide the mood or ‘emo- -film, it will -forever bring us antes of the new characters are say that things cannot always tional contextfor the film::As memories -of an age in the 1 fleeting and inconsequential. be done in the way you well=-it ’ should -‘blend and cinema we never knew. -The character of Mr. Saavik “personally would like to see integrate the various comAs-forLinda Carson, may I appears throughout the film them and that the sooner you learn this in life ‘the better off pOllelltS Of the film 1 think_ Suggest her next review be and is involved in considerable Coppola, Garguilo and the Grease: II; something 1 will dialogue. , you will be. 1 never see or read. 2. The reviewer criticizes the I encourage everyone to see K WSO all did a magnificent job, The presence awarded-the David Bray lack of regard for science.in the the film- with no preconcep4th Year Economics tions and judge for yourselves. ’I film by their .efforts is unL new, film. Any society which matched in my-film exper. Christopher Migdal ;,,,,, has achieved faster-than-light .Thankc tn IbL1bL.3. m.AmHAAAmuaivan 1 travel and communication can NapO[‘On review _ Secondly, if *Linda really certainly d_o, more than we Fed ornb~~~&~~ presently can imagine. The believes the film industry To the editor: ’ a-‘\. m statement that the series was cnoKea1 w ith bullshit ‘hasn’t progressed beyond the Last issue (Friday, June 18) scientifically accurate is ab- To the editor: heights reached’ by Gance in you ran a brief article on the surd. After having seen Napoleon 1927, student -- -ombudsman, I ,* I n . . may --a_ 1 suggest . * to her * new *3. -9-I A_ --_ . .- __ I ne reviewer saia.I., mar ..ctne ana I, naving reaa Linaa carviewing ZUUI, Apocalypse and DeanNadon. I’d like to Iollow funeral of Speck “sucks*‘. I son’s review, (Imprint - June Lost Raid&s. , up on tha.t-with public thanks I to Dean for the help he has given me personally, in his new position. f Forgetting to file a Schedule 2 form to %nnoGnce to my bank that I had returned to byRajD=b campuslast January, accidentally caused me to default on an old student loan; and. I didn’t .discover the problem until April. This& enough of aprobl,em-iti itself, but sinee Lhad applied for another student loanforthe summer, I ended up fn serious danger of having no money at alliThe, apparent defaulted status of my old loan meant that the student awards office - could not .give me the money they had allotted to loan me. ‘Well, my efforts to get the problem straightened out had already lasted six or seven weeks, -when I approached Dean for help. Hisjob, asfaras I can determine, is to’ be an JoyceReiIiu3~ - Ianspence impartial observer who deter, Amoulxting~ ” . mcs mines the possible solutions to 1 feeLsorry for people ixi .on ’ A cheap and insidious the problems. . the Q- 5 type jobs, with ben way to raise money for the Whatever it is that he does, &ildren premier’s extraya@nt UV -matters cleared up mirac38s expfqxses. ulously when he arrived on the ,scene, and I -iEm financially solvent at this moment. Thank you, Dean -the first pitcher’s on me. ’ Linda Carson Math , -

What is your responseto the new 1.-. I - Ontario budget?. I .d.. _


r: i


1 , / = .






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You b&Y have to be a ,member of Imprint fo gete letter or article -pub-dished. We encourage students; faculty and administration to. submit informational and opin; , ionated articles, as well as letters on any subject. / All letters should be double-spaced, typed, signed and submitted to CC 140 by 6:00 Monday. tettersshould be limited. .in length to 400 words. Anyone wishing to write longer opiniona.ted articles should contact , -r the editor. Atlcorrespon-, dence -should include your phone number. Although the .I letters are subject to .editing; grammar and ’ spelling errors will not be correc.

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Neither ballots nor bullets -

Owe-no man any thing, but I love one another . . . “- Romans 13:8 Brethren, truth is a rare and precious gem which is too easily counterfeited. To distinguish the truediamond from&merely perfect piece of glass, you require a jeweler’s vision, for appearanc.es do deceive. Thesolid citizenis sometimes revealed to bera child molester. The cond-emned man is sometimes-an -actual saint. You must be careful to see the real behind the -apparent. -These times are perilous with ca,moflage$evils. Subtlesirens, seemingly. most reasonable and pleasant, call you to action, political action in particular. These alarms summon you to opposing trenches in a muddy and foggy no-man’s-land of I _ ideologies. ’ Thus; in, real-life, Christian Falangists shoot, kill, wound .Palestinians this very day <n Beirut, Lebanon. At this very moment, brethren, Christian guerillas carrying rosaries and grenades, are crawling through theforests and jungles of Latin America, fighting Christian military governments; each side slaughtering the-other in the name of Christ and democracy. Yesterday, this morning, tonight, brethren, Christian South.‘ Africans. machine-gun, jail, rape their ,fellow . Azanian ,,Christians. Renaissance Canada and the so-called .Moral Majority seek to reinstall “traditional”values of family, thrift, work, and church service in North America. In short, ‘your faith is.being wielded as a political weapon or force, and youare-bein~~enlisted as shock-tro0psin.a dirty, little ideological wa~&&&ich the end result is vanity... ,., In A Christian Manifesto (Westchester: Crossway Books;‘ 1981), Francis A. Schaeffer argues that ‘you must take the “necessary legal and political stands” to refiulse’ the “humanistiti’ worldview which heseesascorruiting”Northern European” values (freedom of speech,-freedom of the press;freedom of worship, etc.). He applauds the political activism of the horal: Majority; and sees the-conservative swing in the 1980 American elections as an opportunity of which you “must take advantage . . . in every%vay (you) can. . . as Christian citizens of the democracy ’ (the United States) in which (you) still.have freedom” to roll- back the liberal OF humanist world-view, that Schaeffer sees as being the root of all modern evils (abortion in particular). On the theological left, liberation theologians argue that,,the impoverishment of the working-class or the peasantry - as‘is evident/in such nations as El Salvador and Chile - and their domination by a wealthy, oppressive elite is the cause of evil; thus, economic reform, class change, or revolution are the preferred messiahs. This mixture of Marxism and’ Christianity is a- heady ‘intoxicant, for it weds ideals and practical actions for the attainment of praise-worthy goals ,(such as the elimination of poverty). Its main fault is that revolutionary regimes are often as blood-thirsty as those they replace. Not one of the political philosopms that proclaims itself the saviour -or mankind, is. Or, in the words of the spiritual, “not -everybody that’s talkin’ ‘bout heaven is goin’ there”. Politics, despite its appeals’for your support;is a phoney messiah, -a false religion. To date,. Communism, far from , producing the working man’s Eden, has given us the GUag Archipelago, the Berlin Wall, and genocide in Cambod.ia. Fascism, despite its noble words, classical pretensions and churchly facade is a whitened sepulchre, acarpeted torture chamber.‘Conservatism and Liberalism though self-righteous, have given us Brixton, Trenchtown, arms races, and other nasty surprises. Brethren, neither ballots nor bullets will create the Kingdom of God on Earth, only the love of neither ballots nor bullets will create the Kingdom of God on Earth, only the love of Christ. Brethren; be ever vigilant! Seek always the truth.! Avoid the vulgarity of those who would claim that Christianity must follow an ideology: Remember that “coniervative”, evangelical Christianity is Old Testament, eye-for-eye-and-tooth-for-tooth, hell-fire religion and that “liberal” Christianity emphasizes social reform at the expense of spiritual salvation. But remember most of all that your faith, though political, is, not politics. The church, your church, Hischurch, must be.kept separate from the State, from the world. So what is the wordly function of the Christian? “. . . Tovis,it the fatherless and wido%s in their affliction, andto keep himself 5 uns.potted from the world.” - James 1:27.







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- by Len Gdma&e buy it out of some patriotic _ The Pointer Sisters ansense). It lacked the fe&ng e I nounced the release (June 21) pd drive of the other two-. of their new album, So ‘On the other hand, Heart&Gited, at a* sold out perbeat was bouncy and very formance at The Centre in the- danceable. It <was also reminSquare last week. They- went iscent of Earth, Wind and on to perform three of those Fire’s Roogie Wonderland. So album tracks before a very ‘, Excited has a strong Michael receptive and enthusiastic Jackson flavour (Shake Your Kitchener audience. Body Down to the Ground). Decked out in varied; bril- - _ The Pointer Sisterssprayed liant red oHfits, the. Pointer the rest of their performance Sisters .ener ized their perwith a strong dose of hits formance w ?th a display of covering their past nine years ‘outstanding vocals,along with of album productions. great ,musicaL-flexibility and _ The performance began adaptation. . with a, number of their more Their back-up musicians popular hits: Alan Toussaint’s ’ ‘(twoleadguitarsj bass,drums’, Yes; -We Can-Can, Salt piano/Fender Rhodes, and Peanuts by Dizzy Gillespie, synthesizer/clarinet) are as .a’nd Slow Ha&,-one of their talented with their instrumost recent ,hits from’ last tients as the Pointer Sisters. year’s -‘Black and White are with their voices. It would ’ album. not& fair to single any one of After the sampling of songs them out.__ They all had from theiflnew album, the fuppiness, whit-h began with takes on the lead vocals for _ - “moments” to show just how Pointer Sisters continued to a piano/vocal duo between I various songs. excellent they really were. belt out perfect .presentations ’ June Pointerandthepianist-It _I,,: However,,, .,their great The three songs which proof pasthaterial. First it was was superb. strengths .ace their balanced .I.__ vided a taste of the new album He’s So Shy, which. was harmonies and vocal arrangewere So Excited (the title .followed by a sizzling rendition l&h of the PointerSister$, “men& Additionally; the ektrack), Heartbeat, and Amof their stage perof Bruce Springsteen’s Fire, Ruth, Anita, and June (a citement erican Music (the _ single from the-Ei.rergy album (theirn fourth sister, Ronnie-, is no for,mance and delivery\isequal release). ~ first single togain gold status). longer with the group, but did . to their vocal ’ talent and ’ All three numbers were These were followed by. the ’ perform during the initial energy. The end result was a very upbeat, but I don’t think Richard Ames composition successful years) are -exceltotally satisfying concert the new single will be succeShould I Do It; and then a lent performers. and.singers +./show. ’ ssful (unlessa lot of Americans The Centre in the Square great, uplifting version of individually; each of them ’ _\ crowd were very appreciative, \ pi ’ ., of the ,Pointers’ efforts, and a .


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by Nathan




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Shadows Gordyn&jhtfoot

.WfYl L . I , ,There has& been a cl& Gogdon L&htfoot album since

On Saturday;. July’ lOThe materloo Christian- ‘Fellow* ship will ’ *be holding an International “Pot Luck” dinner: Bring along your favourite’ dish (enough for six) and enjoy the food and entertainment. * - The dinner is at 630 p.m., I-II-I 28cT: For information call 884-6 155. This dinner is sponsored by International Group of the W.C.F. ,Also on July 8 and 15, the W.C.F.’ will be having.‘,two, supper meetings. These supper meetings will be B.B.Q.‘s with discussions following. The topics will be SelfDiscipline on July; 8 and Obedien\ce on July 15. Both? will thke plm~ 4% -17:QO in‘ the B;,B.Q. pit opposite Con- rad Gre’bel. p

Heat.& Help The Devil is a was as diversified a group-of Summertime Dream in people as the vocal style of the 1976, and hardcore folkies song which looks at the Pointer Sisters; which can might even call that being : , emotional hardship Aexperienced bythe Amerkan hostonly-be a further tribute to the chahtable, Evervthins after ages‘in Iran. It’san imaginative wide musical range and ap‘76 has been conser&ivelylyrically, exploring the peal, for which the Pointer, :.I ~” work c :, - “i $2 +&-gls of.. p&ple,+h& $iagl -96 2;I$i$iys 2yq note& y 1 -

in his .own@‘nre that h&has about those mysterious sailing by Linda Cars,ori stifled his musicalgrowth. The- phenomena in Bermuda and Markov$ Chain Gang went Shadowsalbum is *pro& Blackberfy Wine, Gordtells d wn to glorious defeat in the sionally competent in every us, “ . . . is a song about 4 heatresportsgame of Friday, , sense -’ the, guitars are; drinking, if you will.” June 18, by ,a score of 69-58. . 1,familiarly melodic, the rhythm -The victors,‘ the Rebels section is properly correct, The only dynamic thing Without Applause; were’ a Lightfoot’s lead and -back-up .. about Shadows ,is that oqe more seasoned team, corn: ,‘,vocals-are polite.and predictsong, -AlI I’m After, is in sixprised of Jim Gardner, Mar ey I ” able. The album- is very . . . eight time and that Gord+ Heatley and Most Valuab7 e nice.wasn’t wearing denim in the Player&ad .Templeton, and cover photo. ’ It seems every track on the featuring the debut of our album affirms Lightfoot’s approfessional audience mem,poipted p?ace in the world, his ber, Guy Middleton. . . . niceness. In My_ Fashion Lightfoot has been balking The Rebels introduced the . sums up his life to ~date, his about doing a COWtrY album, new games Countries (“gek has been talking about doing musical success, his family from country A to country B”) failures’, and is a pat on the. an album of sea songs, has and Geographical Piston tiback for a job-well-done in life.: been threatening a new musnuities (“I’m in one place and ical direction for years now, he’s in another”), with positive and those of us who are tired of . results. Of the ten other songs on Shadows, seven are songs dusting off Gord’s Gold The Chain Gang, ., Rod Jim Jordan, James which affirm Gordon’s life in should hope that the threat is Currie, made good before Gord’s Puttick and Dave Till love and three others are. in Grey comes out. .- . ‘responded with a delightful his words, “topical” songs.’ J Day in the Life in which, , essentially; nothing happened to a man in an orange Tercel. I The highest-scoring game of the night was the briefest, a Freeze [game played by the Rebels. Among the many announcements, one bears rep&non: the n+t.game &on ‘Friday, July ,9, same’ place;’ . same channel. ,


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-- After‘all that he decided that “no, God is iot trying to, tell professional is Hanover to help hinl me-LIQIII III=, The training was unable t- L.yay because his voice had lost it’s The latest &lease from the Scorpions, . however, pswerful resonanqe and its commanding Blackoyt, is an album filled with your typical tone, both of which -are mandatoryfor a heav_y. metal-soi@&. There is -nothing new ‘i rot k?n’roll singer. ’ Scorpions here by any stretch-of the imagination. * Not only does the singer’s voice lack the, . They’re just churninq out music by the same ability to command any attention, but the instrumentation is arranged so that none ofthe instrumiznts command any attention either. They just drone on in anerratic fashion, which at times has a tendency to become somewhat , offensive. The guitars are crystal clear- -distortion turned down, so they don’t overpower the rest .by Roger crook As ttie title suggests,lt’s Nearly Africa bears of the band. If they took out the bass work, the distinct primal qualities of a conga drum Englishx$;$lement nobody would notic& beat, English Roundabout on the other hand is The drummer was also erratic, and although pure, rapid-fire Ska. Polygram he managed- to keGp a beat he really didn’tAlthough their music has undergone From the United Kingdom heralded with seem at ease. The worst part of it all was the somewhat of a dir&on change since the way the words flowed &ith the r;nelody. Some--_ blowing reviews comes English Settlemen*. Making Plans for Nigel days, their 1Grics still thing similar to a ship on the rocks. After 11 This, XTC’s fifth album follows White Noise, remain relevant and so$ally cbnscious. .years in the music industry, you would think GO 2, Drums and Wires, md EJlack Sea. M$t the Guns contains the album’s m&t they could write son& that would flow freely. , Most people should be familiar with at leqst a cuttiqg statement. Directed primarily at the To me their songs all sounded pretty-much small amount of the material that XTC has put. U.S., the song as you may’ have &ready ,r the same. On side one the music is p+ out previously,‘if only the hit singles Generals guessed is concerned with gun control: dominantly fast and heavy, with the exception andMajor~fromBlackSea~nd~akingPlans We’ve trapped the ptague of the song You Give Me Ali INeed. This song for Nigel which-rocketed Drums and Wires in’the land of the free z . 7 -_ ‘_ is a typical heavy metal love song. A nice over gold status in Canadian s&s: and the home of the brave, rhythm, slow, soft vocals and a iaunchy guitar It& refr’eshingtb see that XTC have not sold If Iv&ten quietly blasting, out a couple of chords every now and their souls to the silicon chip an,d have chosen tie can hear them shooting . . - again. Side two is much the saple only there are to explore new environments instead of _ from grave to grzive... ‘: I ’ more of the love ditties. /following - blindly the current electro-pbp In a similar vein is Bull and ‘Chain which 1 N&thing exceptional in this album. It might trend. On the contrary, the four man grqup thyough stark imagery offers a point of view . interest an old Scorpidn fan or a heavy metal has united string and synthesizer tb give contrary to that of the concrete-steel urban ’ * die-hard, but other than that, you’re best to English Settlement an uncommon atioustic development--advocates: s * leave it alone. flavourin& . Motorways atid office blocks -. The rich St-ring sound apparently came they’re,standing on the spot ‘5 about with lead\,guitarist, Andy Partridge’s where stood a ho&e, ’ acquisitionof a new 12-string acd;lstic guitar. Crushing on the melnories of people. Th&ew music81 texture is supplemented with, w,hQ have ‘since ffirned to s_tone., . Colin Moulding’s fretless bass work. English Settlement pith its .rare His talent?, on, bass as_*well ag piap? are, com.bi@oti of meaningful lyrics-. and catchy I. showcased tin the albu-m’s opening track poploriented Songs offers far to6-,much;to:be? by Andy Knight through-out the album, he is song. It ‘is a 4ower number Runaways. The -, sang’s,. eerie melody . -is overlooked in the power-chord ridden musical .I still unable to give any real where the fast-paced rhythm complemented by Moklding’s strange backenvironment. we are * continuqusly being J . V-Deep feeling to the music. -This, in of the trumpet blasts out like , ground vocal stylings. . subjected to. Boomtown%ts lightening, ‘and lights up an* conjunction with the slow, The acqustic feeling is carried on with the Note: English Settlevefit has been , ’ Polygram .’ uninspiring keyboard work is otherwise dull song. single Senses Working Ooertime which is released in Canada as both a single LP.and as a 1 the downfall of the ablum. V-Deep, the l&t release Charmed Lives is where the already recejving widespread air-play on both double LP. The double album dontains the from the, Boomtown Rats, is a Unlike the- vo_cals, the horn-.. horn and percussion really y FM and AM radio stations.+Senses features same songs as the single with the addition ofradical change for -thi$ bdnd. section gives the music a great come to life. Lively (and URAndy Partridge’s vocals a&smooth acoustic five ‘more songs. The songs Yacht Dance, * They have completely abanvi ! ality. Used extensively ori tempo, they give the song a guitar based melody supported by a cleverly Leisure, Knuckle Down, Down In. The ‘doned their old musidal style in such tracks as A Storm full-bodied .sound that isn’t uriimposing drum beat and accented with Cockpit, and Fly On 7%e Wall, are well worth . . .-_ exchange for a trendy blitzBreaks, ’ Charmed Lives; found anywhere else .on the tambourine. . the extqa three dollars. reggae-dub sound. House On Fire, Little Death album. Interesting keyboard To add .some variety to thq predominately Finding copies of the double album mightbe I . The Boomtown Rat5 have the dub track House Burnt work gives the song an yacoustic sound throughout the album, XTC difficult however as its-release has for sdme 1’ Down, They Enhance the, .electro-pop feel although it always been producing music have included Itrs Nearly Africa and English reason been limited to an edition of only ten for the commercial mainsong giving it a full and richer slows it down in p&&. It’s a Roundabout. \ thousand dopies, stream. Now, as the mainsound. The horn section good tune and probably the . stream incorporates an in- ,includes Dr. Dave MacHale best on the album. House On creasingamountoftheelectroand Andy Hamilton on saxFire is a ska-reggae tune with, I pop sound,, they are merely‘ ophone, Spike. Edeny . on an infectious rhythm: It’s.not UW CONCERT BAND - UNIVERStTY C’H(3IR adapting their music-in order trombone and Guy Parker ~_n fantastic, but a, pleasant Andy Duncan was change from the rest of the George Hohpeti, Diredor I+to remain. centered in the trumpet. Nam y Bcovkne, Dire&or 8 . , mainstream. brought in to do the percusal&m. Thursday,July .15 at 8:OOpm. -Theatre-of the Arts, UW The album itself is very well sion work on’this album and he The Boom,town Rats -have ! Tickets $2.00-f& M&/-Arts Centre Box Office, Humanities : produced tee hnically ; how- -.is superb. under gone a great change on The work of these men has, this: album, but there really ever, no amount of technicai Theatre (8854286), Cbnrad Grebel College, and members B isn’t anything new hefe for the. expertise can sensually en- no doubt,. influenced the of the choir and the band. music -industry. There is a Boomtown Rats. It has also liven the mediocrity of GelPresented by Conrad Grgbel College &partrnent of Music Gadded great dimension to the lack of ‘innovative material dolf’s sohgwriting. The cold and the Creative Arts .Board, Federation of Students. L -r&sic on this L.P. , here, just asthough you, had shtillowness of his lyrics seem to reflect a rack of emotion in Some of th,e niore notable heard it all before. tracks 6n this albuti are: A k The album could be ,a the ‘music. His raunchy voice stepping stone, but it seems only serves to intensify this -Storm , Breaks, , Charmed -Lives and House &Fire. In A that: the band is wallowing in effect. E&n though Geldof uses Storm Breaks the title is the mediocrity of Geldof’s. several different vocal styles ,reflective of the mood of the songwriting and vocals. y by Andy


_ ,

Scor$o~~ Blackout M&qry


XTC explores ~x&ingtextUres idlest, EnglishSettlement

btit horns, ~percuSsioti,

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- E.T. :is ma@cd by Virginia Butler .If you haven’t seen a movie recently that you thought was worth the admission price, then make it a point to see E.T. It’ll restore your faith in a lot of things. \ Director Steven Spielberg is of course, no stranger to. - success. His previous credits, Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Raiders of the Lost Ark and his other current release, Poltergeist have made him a well respected and well enjoyed member of the film industry. E.T. is furthering that reputation for him. Heralded by some as the best movie ever, E.T. will move you enough to agree. ET takes one of the classic *, science fiction themes,



Imprint. Wednesday,

on screen; horribkin

namely a space being’s arrival on earth, but it adds new dimensions to this. Not only does Spielberg entertain the possibility that an extra-terrestrial might be amicable, he makes him downright lovable. When Elliot Taylor (well played by Henry Thomas) first meets E.T. he runs in the opposite direction, screaming.. Then again so does E.T. The boy’s curiosity leads him after the creature though, and the M&M’s left by the boy lead the creature back to him. From there, the winning friendship is struck. All of the children, Elliot, Mike and Ge’rtie are very well performed. Elliot, by virtue of his relationship with E.T., tends to steal our hearts but certainly Gertie (Drew Barrvmore) steals the show with

comic relief, The marvelous humour of the children and their very lifelike sense of mischief adds much to the film. humour is key to the picture the whole way through, although it is best captured by the scene where E.T. discovers beer and shortly thereafter discovers drunk and hangover. One of the ryoungsters draws laughs when heasks why E.T. can’t simply “beam up”. Elliot replies, “Because this is ‘reality”. Most of all, E.T. is a movie of feeling. It involves the audience fully and plays on a whole host of emotions. Delight \when E.T. masters his first syllables. horror when the ominous NASA,men begin to

close in, warmth’when Elliot yelps “Ouch” over a cut finger and E.T. heals the ouch with a mysterious lighting’ fingertip. Nobody can help but get ?hoked up when the inevitable begins to take its course, as Elliot and E.T. struggle to find a way to return E.T. to his home. Spielberg and his cast have done something amazing with Melissa Mathison’s excellent script: they have put magic on the screen. The well combined amounts of myth and mirth make E.T. very much worth seeing. Be forewarned though, take a Kleenex or two or a dozen. It’s not just a movie, it’s an experience that everyone should ‘make an ,effort to attend. It’s well worth. the while.

i ! ! I


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Engineering -Weekend II . Engineering Society - Recreation Students hsoc. Present -_ \

June 30,1982.

print E. T. The Extra Terrestrial and His Adventure on Earth Berkely, $2.95,241 pages by William Kotzwinkle, based on a screenplay Melissa Mathison


-Categories: 1. Places (Colour Print) 2. People (Colour Print) 3. Places (B & W Print) . 4. People (B & W Print)

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If the novelization of E.T. were half as good as the movie, there would really be, no problem. Unfortunately,’ William Kotzwinkle’s attempt to work a novel out of Melissa Mathison’s screenplay is downright horrible. E.T. the book fails in every way to capture the moods that the movie stirs. Where the movie directs its focus on the relationship between Elliot and the alien, Kotzwinkle makes haphazard attempts to concentrate on the psychology of the Taylor children’s mother, the thoughts of the creature, and the unlovable nature of Elliot himself. Kotzwinkle misses every possible point. :The characters do not develop properly at all. Mary Taylor, the children’s mother, is written as a neurotic separated woman, concerned only with men and her fantasies thereof; unable to put together a decent meal (for some unexplained reason), and almost oblivious to her children while she endures the rigours of suburbia. Since she takes all of Kotzwinkle’s focus, the character interplay becomes wholly imbalanced. E.T.‘s character and personality are butchered herein. Kotzwinkle harps on the fact that this being is ten million years old. This detail is, in fact quite insignificant. The bond between Elliot, that develops between two I powerless beings, a child and an alien, neither of whom fits properly into the adult world, is oblivious ta age, to sex or to any other such detail. Kotzwinkle also works E.T.‘,s thoughts to present him as a highly condescending creature, alwaysaware of his own superiority in this world. Perhaps the most unforgivable error however, is Kotzwinkle’s seggestion that E.T. issexuallyattracted toMary Taylor.-In the adaptation of a movie where he addresses her as Mom and where innocence is a dominant theme, such an innuendo is tacky and indicates Kotzwinkle’s poor sense of ‘: audience and theme. Kotzwinkle does little, if anything properly. He waters down the characters, omits the choicest dialogue, loses track of the comedy of the tale and, in doing so, all but ruins the story. Y Everything the movie is, the book isn’t. The powerful images left by the lively characters in the films and by fhe delightful tale are not enhanced at all by the book. They are, more than anything else, spoiled. It’s a common case of the original being the best of the lot. ET. was meant to be a movie. by Virginia Butler


Aliens: - , $&O Doors open at 8:00


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leaguesrnis summer nas peen -‘- -’ -bse. Play has been

tne leaamg teams In each respective league are as follows:. P-A-A.. C--

lightening had cleared, the-$ 1 team ’ had emerged victorious by a ‘goqre of “somewheie ’ - . around “,4 to 5”: . i’n a close, hard fought game, Renison College man’ : aaed 4’0 retain its championship by defeating the Flimini ~, . .Arrows by a score of 12 to 9. .

‘Sdtbiall This

-..._ -. _


- The UUr Sailing &b is already into ano&r&ea~ season of sailing on Coliunbia. lake. JAvaijable from the. sailing. club. tire

free lessons for! the beginner, three Sunfish s&boats, And two . windsurfers. For ni3e information on the club contaci Neil Cutcliffe at 888~6607., Mqnbe&i& are $10.00 -, .’

. A new service to childyen’in Waterloo _ .Region; “ArtsCamp”,..willl be offered bjt theUriiversity ‘of’ Waterloo this sirmmer- over- a four-week peAod stqrting Monday, sJuly 12 and continuing to Friday, Aug. 6. The camp will be divided i&o two two&wit&k sessions, from Jvly 12-23 and from July 26-Aug. 6. (There will. be .no program con civic-- holiday, Aug. 2). Cost of attending is $90 per session. ArtsCampers bill ,-;b&g . ’ thkir own &riches.

also be’ regularly scheduled and supervised swimmipg and .activities in the U W swimming pool. i ArtsCamp -is for chilhfen’ between five and 13, igclusive. The children will be divided into grdups accordihg to age. The program is not in‘tencled to develop any. one/ particular grou’pi *ill ‘.., rot&t skill; through each activity, each day. InstrucEion and super- ’ vision. ~$1 be by senior students and other adults, and‘ there will be (workshops and presetitatibs by I visiting. “ArtsCamp I reprt$&ts an artists. ‘.* ’ ‘- ’ alternative to, qthec ,children’s M qre iilformation 3%’avail-. * day m&ps in that i&&cus , isP n a.bIe from UW% offiire efgartthe arti$&jdi@ drawingan! * time stud&s .afid continuing. paintingi’ntusic, draqa;- and e d u c a t i & n’;i t ‘e i2-i hzk li e creative tiovement. There will 885-1211 ext. 2000. .: .’ , -

summer, ,the playoffs 5 . -Floib and.Qirigib&; Basket. :30 p.m., and will run ball L- ‘A’ Bills and Mutanti; through the weekend to arrive ‘B’ kin, Dr. Tongue/3D and at our semi-finalists. ThesemiPheasants; Softball - Absol_, , finals will be played .on i ute Zeros, Trussed Erections, -, _ Tuesday, ---July -1-337 and, rh Strike Force and St. Jeromes. ’ ,\ finals on Thursday, July 15. we Co-Ret Slow Pitch Every tbam qualifiesZfor the CAMPUS RECR-ON playoffs anZl?is guaranteed--at Teams or individuals may enter by signing up in Room - least three. games. The format i . 12040 i.n,the PAC, or through will be- a fligl% -tournatiknc, your faculty’s campus recwhere every-. team plays-2 reation representative. games to separate th-&?&to Individual entrants wiil be four division of equal ability. I j. assigned to teanis at-the organ- c The once ‘the divisions have -’ been decided, a single eii-min- . izational. meeting. Equipment -is supplied, but please bring a ,ation tournamt?nt will. be run ~t -.glove if you have one. Each for each division. It is the .cap!ains’- respon%eam is guaranteed at least two sibility to pick up their c,opy of games. C_apta&s’ are advised that the play‘off schedules are the playoff schedule on Thurs: Final Entry Date: July 9, aya-ilable for the respective tournament$ on the following day, Juiy 8th after i ?:OO noon Scheduling and Orgaridates: izational Meetipg : July 13 in room 2040 PAC. Soft ball: ’ Playoff Roun‘ds, July 9, 10, 11, 13, 15. Tou.rnam&t Dates: July All g&es will be .played . ’ ,Playoff Schedules ready June 8, 12 noon. 16 at 1130 and July 17 except for extreme weather ‘Basketball: ~Playoffs begin July 7. . Rgin Date: July 18. conditions If in doubt, it is the Playoff schedules available July 6 after 12 . - :Each team must send at least teams’ responsibility to show noon. orie team representative to the up a$‘the diamond and.fixid otit Playoffs run July 10 fhrough 15. ’ i org*nizatignal meeting. % , if the game is being played. If a I Captains pick’ up 1their schedules ;luly 8: fails to shbw, the regular \. .I2 noon. -, ’ ’ j?risb6e / team ’ default rule holds and %IO.bO __ Eng. Fiogr c ’ -The‘, Ultim& Frisbee of the team’sheposit is lost. #e H,ockey: . Contact Mike Bell, 885-2413, ‘.I ournament was, held on the If a captain kn$ws of any r Slow Pitch .’ ,- I ( . j \ ; . Villas <,-Green on Sunday,,* conflicts in advance regatding TbymametifiTburnament runs July ‘16: .I 7, 18. ’ Jnne2&198?. times that his team c&p? play, ’ Organiiafional Meeting July 13. , .. r ‘Tht?foyr teams&e ela;t?ing please notify theconvenar by Bongs &e returqed froth. P-&C ‘receptitiist, in person only, _Arros; S-t. Jeromes A and B; phone, dr by a noie++in,ih&on. j -to those sh@+in* I?piC j:D cards. They ar&&i%i%&l@one w&k ’ vpor’s mailbox~(bm& go& aft&! k&h ++ctivi pla’~~~~~~~~m~~~~~.~~~p~~~~~~~~~~~~ . @@~I%C) before4:00b.&. on +fe $&+. jricked up by .$+e +& of,.t~~~~~,~~o~~~.~~~ $6 ._’..L, */I-- b* Tuesda?, July 6; sb irr&ge*’ I,_ :-+>yp defaulted; ,- . m@nts , ?arr&p$e.. i 3 __ , . .‘d<



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ant _’

by Diane Richards Spanning prehistory to the modern era, the travelling exhibit entitled Minerals, Metals and Man will be on display in the Biology-Earth Sciences Museum until the end of July. This exhibit is on loan from the National Museum of Natural Sciences in Ottawa, and traces man’s use of minerals and metals from raw ore to the finished product, Various artifacts highlight man’s progress through history.


Keynote display items include a Columbian gold necklace and nose ornament (dated circa A.D. 1000-1600); Sir John A. Macjonald’s Stirling silver snuff box; and a bronze church bell (dated 1666) from the St. Lawrence Valley. Contrasting items such as a steel armour piercing projectile (capable of puncturing tanks) and a car spring, illustrate how man can modify the properties of steel - from extreme hardness to resilience - by adding elements such as tungsten or vanadium. Metals and minerals in their raw state are also exhibited. Flint hand axes and lances provide examples of early uses of minerals. Refining techniques illustrate how the discovery of the three key properties of metal malleability, conductivity and ductility - represented a great step forward for civilization. Peter Russell, museumcurator, chose the exhibit to commemorate Waterloo’s silver anniversary, and indicated that often these special interest displays must be booked as far as three years in advance. Minerals, Metals and Man has, in fact, been exhibited across Canada and in Los Angeles. It complements the museum’s regular exhibits of two full dinosaur casts, minerals, fossils, birds, butterflies and quartz displays. “Special interest displays,” “are designed to says Russell, promote local awareness of the museum and of the natural sciences in general.” He points out that museum visits are worked into the curricula of local school boards. Museum staff also coordinates the Junior Nat uralist Program for children aged seven to twelve. Upcoming attractions at the museum include the Icthyosaur (the prehistoric equivalent of the porpoise) exhibit from the Royal Ontario Museum. This exhibit will replace Minerals, Metals and Man the first week in August and an amphibian display is planned to coincide with the University’s open house in October. The museum’s resources are open to everyone, and group tours can be arranged on request. The museum is open from 9:OO to ~:oo, Monday to Friday. Admission is free. For further information please call Peter Russell at extension 2469.

Imprint photos by Len Gamache and John W. Bast

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