L . .
\ \
, \
, -
30 _i,
* pm: with ‘coffee-and discussion (Friday to follow= All welcome. Chapel Prayer) organ&d by-the Muse. will also be held, next Sunday, . )im-S&jents’ 7,Association.’ * ‘, AWUSt8~ .* 2’
: $&&esdayr &wst4: The Birth Co&I Centre is’ staffed iby trained volunteer students and provides free confidential information on birth i Tuesday, August 3 1 ;, -Saturday, July 31.1 control, VD, planned and unr at approximately 850 PEER Ceritre is oepn for the ’- planned pregnancy and other \ pLm.‘Don’t %ss it . final week this summer Drop in aspecjs of sexuality. Drop by (room 206, Campus Centre) or from 3:00 ‘i 8:00 p.m. in CC ,Room- 138A or give us a call at giveus a callat ext., 2306. - -Sunday, Aigust 1 k Campus Centre free movie at ext. 2330. Poetry R,eadings every Sun9:30 p.m. in the Campus Centre, . day (long weekends excluded) Ho&of Debates. Any and all for free. This week: East of Eden. welcome. 530 p.m. Conrad ‘during the summer. Call ‘744- . August 11 and August 18: j Crebel College room 308. 8089 for information. We are Tribute and Other Side of looking for people who want to SCOOPS L this is yotir last Midnight, respectively. ? read their work or w.&ntcriticism week’. to’ grab a cone.. 1030 on manuscripts. . 4:30 ‘p.m. Monday. to Friday The UW Chess Club meets (closes ‘Friday, Aug. 6) and Chapel service at Conradtonight, 7:00 p.m. in CC 113. Grebel_ College Chapel. ZOO _ Wednesday night movies. New members are welcome., Salat-UI-
(Gay Liberation of Coffeehouse come out and meet your friends. &30 p.m. CC 110. ’ WaterlOO)
- Thursday,
A&gust 5 -
Coal - Canada’s Hedge for the
Future. What kinds of coal do we use and where in Canada can we find it? What will coal’s place be in the changing Canadian energy future ? Presented as part of the Dimensions/Science on Rye speaker series organized by Info Harvest at the Kitchener Public Library from 12: 15 to 1: 15 p.m. Everyone welcome. No charge. Refreshments available. Call ext. 2321 for more information. Bring your lunch.
Re: Orienfation
Letters, ified Ads
Campus Events to appear in the Orientation issue of Imprint must - be received by I noon Friday, August 20.
to help friendly editorbefore Wednesday, A$ust 11, alt extension 2331 or . inCC140. v--v---
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_ by Len Gamache . companies wait until the last The number qf unplaced Univerminute to see what their worksity’ of Waterloo Cp-op -students * load sind personnel requirements now stands at 420. Those figures will be before the> commit themwere released on Wednesday by selves to job slots. “My best advice ~Ray Wieser, director of the coto co-op students at this stage is to ordination and placement depart, forgetabout it, cotl’centrate on their ment. That total was 500 a couple of exams, and we’ll do our best in the weeks ago. yngineering is still the interim.” highest with 289 unplaced, Science Wieser emphasized that the has 65, and Mathematics 39. current job situation is “a real Wieser indicated that the difworry and concern for us. I don’t ference between t’he two ‘figures underestimate it at all. Students does not totally refle!t the efforts need to knqw they have a job for his department has been making. 68 academic, financial, and emotional jobs -have been retracted - by stability. It’s very unSettlingto have companies since July 8, so in some to worry about a job and about the respects, the results are often a case accommodations that have to be qf taking two ste,ps forward and one ma a e for it.” 2. step batik. He also emphasized that the department is “not yet” comAt thisstage, Wieser feels that “a certain number of students will n@ promising the quality aid relget placed by the beginning of the evanee of jobs they are willitig to iterm, but almost all will eveniually offer students just for the sake of . be placed .” having more jobs. He pointed out that a lot of “In some respects, with the
-- _. .
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bitt -optimisticiI .
concerntid+ economy the way it is, it’s harder to find bad jobs than it is to find good ones.” He pointed out that the vast majority of’large layoffs for some companies are for the more menial positions. “No matter what we’re still holding out for the good jobs,” he added. According to Wiesei: each coordinator is focussing ori “job finding” right now. He receives a weekly *report from his administrators which shows him where each co-ordinators efforts have been directed that week. That report lists the co-ordinators’ ’ names, the number of development phone calls they have made, the number of development visits they have conducted, arid the number‘ of employer visits. The purpose of the employer visits is to encourage a current employer to take b,~!more student pqsitions. However., Wieser also adds that “Everybody gets phoned, even
Ray &ser people (employers) who have been i)n t& progrptn for.+ year or more ago, and who ‘had dropped but.” Additionally, many engineering and sc,ience alumni have been sent . letters asking t,hem to look into job possibilities with- the companies ’ “ that they’aie employed with. The department has had some
Dr. Janusz &-zozowski, the head of the University of Wat’erloo’s computer science department, formally - accepted a ‘gift’ of hardware computer-equipment worth about a quarter of a millibn dollars last week. The presentation was tiade at the faculty club by Gaylan Larson on behalf df Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd., a Mississauga computer distributor. Larson is &e general manager of Hewlett-Packard’s Data Systems Division which is located in_., California, the, operations base for -their computer manufacturing. The new link of equipment is being made available undeF.what is being called a “research partnership”. The University initally submitted a proposal to qualify for-the “gift”: The Univeriity of ’ Toronto is the only other Canadian university which will receive similar equipment. . T,@e actual computer equipment or netw.ork will include four corfiputer work stations that can interact with each other, each ..i,* , with its own H-P- 9836 computer. ,’ We& c., I&ti&iy && pritiary us&$bf the s)~~k~~~~~~~rd~~~~~~s ‘Graham, Keith.Geddes, ‘G&on ‘$&met; Bruce Simpson, and T Douglas -Lawson, who will use it for new research activities, i . , i
Federation President Wim Simonis poses with a rare-bird (the summer blood donor) and a large drop of blood last week. The two costumed EngSoc dnc$ MathSoc representatives distributed leaflets to publicize @eii- blood donor clinic, which was co-ordinated with.the K?W, Red Cross Society. , PKoto by Len Gamache
The Federatibn of Students is sponsoring an On Campus Organizi-ng Conference pridq, August 6 through <Sun,da$ Augu$t&C!; h%f ; ‘:“?* * +he conference is planied “with the hope of improving \ co-ordination and co-operation among c’ampus student organizations, the university administrstion, and faculties,” says Greg Ca,s@dy, who, with Chuck Williams, is coordinating the conference. . * A similar conferince was held last year, and was met with a”‘great response.” This year’s conference will consist primarily of seminars, workshops, and discussions. Topics inc1ud.e: : - Communications organizing and recruiting studgnt volunteers; - En+ertainment pubs, semi-formals, Bent, bar services, boo kings, ’ ahd - rentals; - UW Services and Par.. . .* w--. --wvw7tlClpatlOXl
1 P UN
U W’s 25th anniversary; a, fall street party, the om*.
Two weeks ago Engineering ‘B’ undergrqduatesvoted overwhelmingly (8&) in favour of the establishment of the Quality ‘of:Education Maintenance Fund (qEM.F). The _ftind ,calls for compulsory contriI$tions of fifty ‘dol- _’ 1 lars after kach work term. The rationale fo,r setting I up the . . QEMF is to “maintain the quality of
response already; most of it is sympaFh@ic *‘but not overly encoutagi’ng. %ies& is ho@eful’ that the letter campaign will generate some leads for jobs that will be available for the winter term. He knotis that he faces a “kigger problem in the winter, but thepground lwork is being laid now.”
which makes it hard to understand Larson’s statement that “Our benefit from all of this is’ being able to recruit students familiar with Hewlett-Packard equipment and have them co&e to work for us.” _ To add to the confusion of where qewlett-Packard’s interests . . lie, a news release issued by UW’s Information Services states, “The research activities of the UW faculty members (who will be using the equipment) could piove of interest ,and value, / eventuall) to Hewlett-Packard and their customers. The computergift is said to be a welcome sight, particularly at a time when the tintiersity is experiencing a shortage.df teachers , and equipment within the computer science department. d In accepting the gift, Brzozowski said that one df the Uniuers’ity of Waterloo’s -problems “is that there ‘is soa much demand for computer science at the undergraduatelevel.” i 1 However, he also stated$hk equipment will be used initially for{ ,j research and for teaching at the graduate level, The .initial applications will be in t& areas $ engine~~~~~ grid’!+ -’ syrnl@$a~g@@& r@ealldh, & w8s’u’nel~~~h~w~~~~~~~w~~~d~~~‘-I -,:. : until undefgiaduatei would’ h~veace~g~‘fo~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, -. ,I ,yewlet<-Waterloo
partnershi;? agree,ment, -a . A .- a ,< -I \__ . ,t
L.G. :‘; ‘., “.<
sometime I tdward the end of September thought that the B&d \ would be or the beginning of October. especially pleased to adopt,the proposal. . Liddy was pleased wi& the voter 1 “‘The .‘A’ stl;eam sttidents are familiar ‘with the isSues from the winter term,“, turnout and ,results of the ‘y refersaid Liddy. That was when the QEMF endum. !‘It shows, that stude@s aye. ) proposaf, ini.ti@ly t surfaced for prei ’ concerned about their &duc&on:‘If the’;-, liininary discussions. Liddy does not feel QEMF proposal is finally ,passe&next . term, t,hen we c@ go to government and- ‘; that Engineering Society ‘A’ will require say that we do have a serious problem, :. as much time to update information about the issues and to conduct the refer: . and ask them if they’re willing to make ‘: .-z .ertdtim,, as was necessary this terni; the same~effort a: we have.” ’ That fall referendum win again In our July 16th i&e, we incorrectly ‘1 require~50 pe’r cent voter turn out for the, reported in our story on the QEMF-:. _ results’to be binding. Voter turn out iri refei-endum that, “. . .,th.e QE,MF woul& , consist of. an initial mandatory con;.. the referendum held two weeks-ago was 78 per cent of the 1337 registered ‘B’ tribution of $50 per term. After that, the ..I ,u~n$erg~adu@~ e&giflee$$ r ,=x c ,! .+ ’ ; 4 ai If the ref&&d;ni is ‘pas&In&t id&,--’ .’ ’ the final step would require the University Board of Governors to give its approval. Liddy did not expect any ‘1 thems&ves. It will haqenocdrreiation t? resistance at that stage. In he the Consumer Price Index. L.G.3
would be dibected toward j under, budsman’s office, and graduate’ teaching equipment;! tin ef_ Imprint; fective teaching program’ for teaching - Orientation; -assistants, and possibly uadergraduate .L Quality of Education; ’ facility renov;ltion. f 1. ~ :I .~bjecti\iC~fo?-88~?83. g f ; 1 Z ‘2 : 5 $ ;;J f As part of the conference, a At thii ‘&ge the QEMF piobosal barbeque will be held for delemyst still be accepted by ‘A’ stream &g- ’ gates on Saturday, A-ugust 7 at ineering undergraduates. Mark Liddy, 1 ‘the Phillip Street Co~op Resdresident of the-Engineering Society ‘B’ expects that referendum to take place idence.
\ i‘
The South Star; Steel Orchestra fi-om Trinidad and Tobago, yesterday. The performances were unique and impressive. .. ,
cur&n&Ona 1
tour of Canadian ’
universities; 1
at the
. i
Campus ‘Centre last veek and again‘:. .i \ j Photo by John W. B&t-:, *
.’ .-.* %_
and by-“the co-op dilemma. Some of Northeastern’s job The University of Waterloo’s Department of Co-ordination and Placement is experiencing employment difficulties as a placements for liberal arts faculties were <as low as 50 per cent. , restilt‘of thecurrent economic recession whichis affecting the Their solution at that time was to avoid the. bad publicity by reporting deceptive employment figures. Those reported rest. of the country. figures (which usually ran about 95 per cent or higher) included =-‘-In our last issue we reported that 500 co-op students were still unplaced with only a little over 200 available jobs within the students who got frustrated and sa’id that they would get their ’ department. own job. Those who did volunteer work, travel abroad, or were involved in independent’ studies ‘were also classified as - Thelatest fiiures (as of Wednesday, July 28) show that the “employed”. Most -of these students pursued these other numberof unplaced co.-op students has dropped to420. That is not totally reflective of the total number of students placed- _ ,options because of the scarcity of jobs. since the last figures were released. Some companies have I Needless to say, Nortbastern’s official co-op employment retracted ‘work positions,, so that in actuality, more than 80 figures .were very misleading es$ecially to incoming : students have been placed over the last two’weeks. students, who didn’t realizethat theirchancesofgettingaco-op The biggest problem. areas by, far are Engineering, Scieny, . job were one in twoin many of the faculties. One result was a * _- and Mathematics. / significant drop in student enrollment (about 1,000) in one a year. Additionally, many faculty professors lost their jobs. ~ Ray Weiser, director of the co-ordination and placement .- department, .‘has said, “ Although the universiiy’s co-op Fortunately, here at Waterloo, the problem seems to be l&grams are not immune to the same employment difficulties being approached in a little more realistic fashion; that is, they experienced by the rest of the country,% is a mistake to’assume are not simply ignoring the situation or trying to lead people that the programs or the university are/in danger. Because of the into believing that the problem doesn’t exist. economy tiany employers ofco-op students, in all sectors of the Ray Wieser knows that more than letters (which have been > ‘ industry, have reduced or even suspended participation; it’s sent toalumniaskingthemtolookintojobpossibilitieswiththe - - understandable when they- are laying off large nu-mbers of companies they are employed with) are needed to solve the permanent employees. .They will be back into the co-op problem. The results of such letters would not be immediate, -_ program, oncethe economy_improves.” . _I although there has been some response albeit most of it is dis- > _ couraging. But at least it is an additional effort which couldlead But don’t hold your breath. The economic picture will not be to some job prospects further downtheroad, particularly in the improving for some time; consequently the co-op department -Y ‘winter, when the job situation will become even worse in the will have iti hands full for a number-of mont hs and maybe years ‘, eyes of Wieser. ito-come. \ More importantly, Wieskr has concentrated his staffs’efforts According to the latest quarterly economic forecast released . 0~ calling and-spending time with prospective employers. He has a weekly report from placement administrators which gives by. the Conference Board of Canada, things have worsened a detailed- account as to the number of develop’ment phone dramatically. The 1982 gross national product is expected to fall by-218 per cent as opbosed to the slight increase which was . calls, the number of current employer visits, and the number of development visits that each co-ordinator’has made. predicted three months agoTk;i= board says there will be a very slow inflation recw+axy Included in their efforts are phone calls to companies which are not currently involved with the co-op program but who - over-the next year and a half; however, high unemployment and have been at some time in the past. -, I high interest rates are expected to continue as they have during , ^ that time, ~While Weiser feels that “acertain number ofstudents will not - Employment is expected to drop an additional 2.4 per cent get pla‘ced. by the beginning of the term, but almost all will eventually placed.” What that means is that he feels that a this year with possibly a slight increasein 1983. The overall number of students will obtain theirjobssomewhereduringthe unemploymentrate is’projekted at 10.9 per cent-for next year. After that we may begin to, see an ‘improvement. start of the next term. ’ What this n&&for the co-op- department .and co-op For the time being at least, it seems encouraging that Wieserand his depart-ment are fa9ing up to their task, instead of 1studentsis that they will &ntinue to ha@adifficult time ofitfor bending employmentfigures and statistics to make themselves , ‘the next couple of years if not longer. ’ f A few years ago when 1attended Northeastern University in look better. As long as they continue to approach t-he problem with the Boston as an undergraduate co-op student (Northeastern is the . attentiop and seriousness which it deserves, then students largest co-op university in the world; Waterloo is-the second .’ interests will be served. . largest), their co-op program underwent a similar and probably _Hopefully, we will never reach the point w-here students are ’ worse erisis. misled and ‘upperclass enrollment begins $6 dwindle as was the Students there also had a hard time financing their case at North.eastern. Len Gamache education. The problemI was magnified by drops in federal aid ‘
on sale
Hotim Mon-Fri 79:3045:30 .- .Phone Ext. 3700
at the University
It is an editiria,lly independent bb Imprint Publications, corporatian withoFt s)lare capital. a member sf-..tQe Ontario Community
newspaper a Waterloo, Imprint is Newspaper
+gso$ation (OCNA). Imprint publishes every Second F’ri~dwingtheSpri&Qermandeveqy]Frida3Tduring the’ regular terms. Mail should be addr&sed to “‘Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, UniversiQy of Waterloo, W&erloo, Ontar;ot’ I&print: iSSN 6706-7380 2nd Class PostageRegisttiation Pending Imprint reservw the right to screen, edit: aild refuse adv~x%ising. ’
Cont+buting StafE’Louise Allen, John W. Bast, Leo Bakiwin, TeI;iy Bolton, Unda Carson, George Elliott Clarke, Alan Crank, R&j Dash, Micheline Duhamel, Janet Gall@ Im Gamache, Julie George, Gary Gladstone, Wendy Qoer, Brian Grady, Randy Hamigan, Sylvia Ham&m, Marrqy Heat&y, Anna Marie Hubbard, W. Jim Jordan, Andy Knight, Laura Kulper, Dorothy La@%, Dave Love& Peter Lu&mr&e, Mark Lussier, Cathy McBride, Sheila McCoy, John McMulJen, Allen Mears, Patricia Michalsvvicz, Paul Maser, Scott MI&+Y, Frances Newbigin, TOIQ Van Oostrom, Tim Perlich, Todd Schmider, Trevor Srqiley, Marnie Shore, Pat Shore, Jeff Thomson, .Susan Vfatt, Juergeri Weltner. 6ua#tothotolvYllrarfwuA~
/’ ii
Ile&rnedhowtopa&aupandtotyperealfast AndIlearnedhowtotolerateJohnW.Baat (chJrPIYlmomnManagerw~opmomareveat) InqtagoodworkernamedJimJordan Whoseematowanta*IIFou5Beetha8one. RndthequaMiyofmr~phW0~hitapeak CuzLindaCaz%onseemetudrawtl%cover$veryweek (8he Ukea to draw-the coiwr Andeheeaidthatifweloveher _ Wehavetolethe+awthecovereveryweek) Ifwe even have a problem with toq mu& spaoe Terry Bolton send6 a story &om Onterio Place. Andforthoaewhof~theworldisgett&g~orse, George Clarlw solvea the problems of the tmtver6e. (Eveqilittlepro~lemintheun3verse) ’ . . -- Andever$otherThQrr3dayasthedeadlMeneara We get helpfromYarkLussier andAUanMeAr6. The pages getfUledwlth-WendyGoer reporte AndDo~othy&askakeep6usalllnformedonsp6rM. (Ye43when&eisdtBuIming ? Or jogging or plain runnUg She% in the Imprint oface and ehe’s writing sporta) Syma. ha@ been here this week ii’s true But good for her, the place ha&eenjustUk6a zoo. Ifyoudon%eeeyournimeQere,welldo~tbebleak . ‘It,~nleanByou-~~~helpuBout~~eek , (~~wennaeeeyour~~~,~lpusoutsame~eek) Ofcourse&ere’sanameI’velefttotheend It’eaurY~DaodleD~~I-~~~~~, Thdg&e a slave driver and a bit of a jerk But dammlt do& he get everybody to work (Hethinlwhiawork&f3rstolasa -, , But-we know he’8 a big 888 He mageeit a m&l big pleaeure to oome to work) xyapolagsuto0~6~~
/ ’
S.M. .
I found’ the ‘love’ ihat emerged between Ford and the replicant (who was the .. creators pet and I might add review very wel’l portrayed) was kind To the editor: of that “forbidden love”. I would like to reply to .’ _CatJny McBride’s review of the Againq- the rules, and perhaps movie Bladerunner in the last doomed to end *unhappily, it didn’t give in to the odds and issue ofImprint. I dqnotagree that the movie isn’t go&d, kept &spark alive for the sake granted it’s not fantastic or -of human dignity. and damanything .but it is acceptable. \ panionship.L I .’ And by the way, Priss did j The movie is shot like a 40’s B . ‘detective type, which makes it find out she wasa replicant but different in todays trend of would not accept it (you menspecial effects ,movies, but tioried that she did know she ’ isn’t anywhere close to re- ‘was a replicant). , freshing or overly ihteresting.’ Whatever morals were ‘ One comment she had meant to be portrayed were made was that “exterior -not ‘very clear but underscenes . . .2lstcenturybut. . . . standable. The leader of the buildings are all turn ‘of this replicarrts did learn cotlip&century”. 00 we not have 100 sion for life,-despite his strugI year old buildings around? gle (and urge to kill those who Why not rO0 year old buildings’ could not help him). around then, especially in an ,* And Fords’ replica@ friend . -over-populated (to sonie exwas not let to live, they had run away together SO that they c :.gN city. might allo’y her to livid. ;They ’ . Rimember the -final scenes are .in an old, deteriorating were exiled by the fear, of building. LA is not the most police act&is, ,despite the eodern of cities in its “slum” perhaps liberal -gesture made ’ ~ districts. Most of the interior by a fellow detective s.up&rior. i’ scenes are dark, d.ull and unI wasn’t totally convinced that :f imp‘ressive, that’s true. the superior’ was sure‘ that Priss was indeed a. replicant, : _ The constant rain or dark . lighting in the movie did make just a hunch. 7 it depressing. But what would‘ I found the setting of the “ones’ expect from an over- , movie i-eaIisti& not scientific or sfuteristically superficial. . populated world (for which I humans have sought other ,lhe film. deal< with human - planets to colonate) and a very values, not technology and large urban centre such as science per sea except the . . .problemdid arise as replicants LA?? . rebelled (as products of ftiture With pollution and the like I’d imagine much of that would tech.). It dealt with human . be realistic. I$ wouldn’t- seem feelings, dignity, and cqmpassion. real to have a bright, superscientific and clean (spotless) The acting wasn’t bad fpr ‘, city of derelicts-and oddball Ford or the young actress ’ characters in which the back- 1 playing his, sidekick. They , / b&h, ‘did -well considering the : gr’ound is set. -problen& of content of the These replicants have I sought this part of the city in script and ’ poor quality all which tQ hide while they’ around. The other actors left All : soughtt ‘out their ‘creator’, and _ .m:uoh to . be. xdesired. use the night life as a means of aro”und I would consider it fair. getting about without attractWorth the $4.75 to see it, but if you know of another film you .~ ‘ing much attention. really like to see, go see it. If I found the life-ness of thk replicants somewhat un,cariyou .w%nt to see Blade. ny. Very realistic for humans .- rtinner; its worth’going to see. (In other words, if you weren’t 1 but for robots? And the=effects. interested in Bhderuqmer by -of. being termina3e.d avidly looked like blood and flesh _ ’ the -previews, ‘,-don”!, ‘.bother, wounds. M&kes you wonder if Igoing btit .I iothkrwise I its s alrig!t). man can outdo his. per_ Ferhard ,Mj&tmann fectibnistic striving. .I_ I ‘I /,
Reader elaborates I on l$ikzd&wzrwr ’4 I .
by Arun~,@astava j 1 Women’s’ A&m Co-op&a&e; .’ ’ Rape! Again women.are in far of the word as a string bf rapes and. muders plagues. Toronto. With one of the,se occur&g in High
‘the relative safety of ovr own fair city, 1 found myself being followed (more like tracked) as I -walked home one evening recently. 1 1 realized tIien that if anything were to happen I’$ be powerless, my keys clutched in \ hand hardly being an adequate defence against the large creature behind me. I got hqme safely,. if frightened (it turned back ‘the’ way it came) and immediately questioned my own, behaviour. Was it my clothes? My shuff)ing walk? Why? Why do. women in situations from rape to unwelcome sexual advances question ’ oyrselv& and impute‘ourselves with guilt when surely the man’s behaviour is the questionable one? Why r do we not shout, yell, scream, prosecute -No! The myth of the passionate male and passive female is fuqdamental to our society. Sex is the most fdifficult behaviour tgchange, as it has become more and more confused with power, and, ultimately,’ violence.. _ The .,proli’f~ration of pornography, wifebeatingand rape illustrates this confusion. Sex ‘is used as e tool of power. This. isn’t 8n arbitrary choice: underlyiniit is the knowledge of how deep, significant,
In short, the Kent makes wings which can please the un‘initiated, but the true d&p&.. ’ will find’it wot”th his while% &airel “across’ the ’ river” to To the editor: Honey’s, Desi’s, The New Sari As one who grew.up-in the *Juan, or’ the home of the front room of Honey’s .i_n original hot chickeq wing,The Niagara Falls N.Y., I take ex: ’ ,Anchor Bar. ’ ception to Mr. Basts’s review An extra hot at the Kent of the chicken wings served at wouldn’t even register as a the Kent: “mild” at one of these places. TO compare the Kent’s r. Dave Wi~kUtlS wings with New York style ’ . I 8. ’ wings is tantamount tp coni’ paring canned spaghetti with Note: It is indeed a pleasure to see real spaghetti, processed the Imprint letters section cheese slices to real cheddar, this or what the Argos play to real ‘US& at least oflee summer, to shed light on a ’ foothsill. In aIl cases the two subject whose impczr2agce to are mutually exclusive! r While local imitators of the Canadian icpnall;mer - . not to say, international, wings set’tle for coating the amity, hands-across-thefried morsels in ,a relatively bland swce (available. in Nisgdra Rivers don 2 L know cannot be underrated. grocery stores under the While I musfi ,admit to a -‘name “Louisiana Frank’s Hot ’ great fondness f&. Kent ’ S&u&“), real New York style wings, yourpoints concerning wings are coated in a sauce the “reti/” wing canhot be’ which ‘is-prepared by the in-divldual‘ restaurateur &d is denied. Like military exploitation *his closely guarded secret. In this way each’ &tablish’ Of pa&e, Ihe answer 20 a “better ‘Kent wivg” %es~. in I ment has its oWn taste and range of spiciness. Local imgreater Public fufiding or investment; and I for one >wiN . itators prepare wings which continue to do my bit. taste the same (bland) as any John W. Bast other local restaurant. ,
Top wings only . home,& ‘over the river’
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Pent&i, mechanical pencil. Call 884-7348 evenings.
Housing - Available
IS your professor screaming for you to ‘get that‘ paper finished? Call 884- 1806 and 1 will tYpe it for you , .
Ottawa. I’m looking for one female to share a 2 b+oom apartm,ent .close to Ottawa u. Clean and fully furnished, $/170. Includes all utilities and cable TV an ’ l&ndry facilities. \ ’ evenings.
Housing Wanted
25 years experience; no math: papers; , reasonable rates; Westmount area; Cal! ‘743-3342.
Zaiy, crazy studenti who know their tiay around campus and are willing to make fools of themselves. BEnt is looking for such loonies to be fed clowns during ori&tation Sept. 8 - 10, hours 10, to’3, pay - not great. If you think you ‘qualify see Cathy Whyte in the fed orfice as soon as p.ossibIe. I know you’re out there. ’ ,,
Ati I.S. ‘st%lerit in need of a% small apt. or couple of rooms ‘unfurnished or furnished. Selfi‘contained with kitchen or ’ kitchen privileges and bathroom. Need it for Sept. 1. Would like house (not apt. bldg.)’ Out ‘of town contact (Grimsby) 945-5540 til Aug. I. 945-8583 during Aug. Ask for Mary.
valuable+ ”
Experienced ,ktypist; IBM self+o~recting s+lectric* en. . sy,mbols. ‘Will g!neermg pick up and deliver to campus. Mrs. Lynda Hull. -579-0943.
A woman’s One +Peed bbue CCM bikeforsale. Withlock and basket $43.00 744-2034 evenings.
any life is worthliving
. ~ While I am not a tienib& of equality is there when a b&by, women who are often alone, with regard to “Students for Life”, I chose to who. has no control qver the poor, ill or incapable’in one VIEWPOINT from last Friattend their recent film series way or another of &earing a habits and actions of ’ l$s day’s IMPRINT. While I often and the group I met bore little, mother, may have the only child” is not supportable’. If disagree with material printed if any, resemI$+ncF to. the one ,thing he possesses, his life, you beiieve it, walk through in our paper, I will always described i~~~$%WqOl~$~ To _ taken away by”that moth&-. K-w’s maternity ward Some, ‘uphold. the right of all indivspeak so **$&erantls* of a = Another p+I;t’ bf the. article .,,SatyFday afternoon, or better -’ ’ iduals to have their’opinions 1 group abo& whi&‘d;& is’s0 &ks, ,“Are &&. & .$fer . that .#.ask+anyo,ne working there, I and’ ‘to receiv’e, ‘<air hearing of ignor+nt@pc$ r&+&& @p- ‘$&yotie. $vh.;) &&Ii&& 1with : Ry$ ti l& technician. .’ them. ;: ( (..$_I...: Lc‘ (Siudints fdr &Se;),; JP ~,+ntis.. ,r..$&co&Ily, the +rticle,as@ if - ’ - _ ini’on but 1. b&$otfy. .s,,~?ic$$‘$$o sppport “ :right to life?” By the &&k i$i?loriai However, I feel the IM‘~I~E$&I&T~ says,.t,he 4 l@gi~~-J -ry?uld : a& f’irn. 1 t{ .$i$y qfe$p tyell-padded ..+Tthat PRINT ti:etit 6eyQnd t hat.b@$‘, ‘~t!,@$$~$qr &ite:? gem&ninfer that I q$iotie’ ~Fi&& I ~t!pw..diy# see~~ne_rn$&&$t, ficial pb’licy by includihg ‘ihis’ . strate *‘very little’ care about agrees with. Women’s,Act~o$ i igp@~a@~e, and, dom:estic viaarticle by Women’s Action , o,qe: half of t,h.eh,um~q race .Cq-.opera@cis ,a?+Fprn+en.or *l$flcg ~+t$+g i the Can+@‘ Co-operative. Al@v tie tq ) yp’qe$l : Afier. @teni&-- to +$i-equ&lityy Enou&h:qaid,, ,.,&,@g$.: .iQs., one who. is @support my argument is tI%ir 1present&ons3,I -c& .t#+b~u@ity is c!ear, ,i &tip&& (again), wrote this follows. . : . , ,, help b.pt w.ond.eTyXwh.ers this For the record, (make thar in &@&se to ignorance, a@ statement orig@iates.,’ , the.Imprint), I stand fir@@Qr ‘. :-is,- prFy&tly ~involved with II While tilltipi‘ni&s &e tia& F,_ - j equal rights for all~and:@~e~ , anothers:family expefiencing valid- by virtue of their &gi’n hs, As far a’s i-+i teII, thegroup i&h the contention th&i’$me . dom,e&ic tidlence, I’d say not 1 @me person holds them), tile is concerned about liftifor all, ’ group<, women included, suf- ’ ’ While .life may not seem ’ facts used to iupport those.bpincluding ,.womtn, “a?# , pat ,fer serious discrimination. .. _ worth liying at,$mep, I-believe , inipns ate made-valid by:t$eir -%hkir ‘&&n stand is &&St 1 . The &ticIe spends,25% of& ’ “it has”intiin$c v&e %&“ti&ld. rela@n.to rkality.:. : ; :.’ , s:aabortioti’, Abc@X@$‘is~merely time di%tissl”ng ‘l a display’ support those wfio&&rn!@ to ~,bne.aspect’oIf’~colnniiitinent to - which I did not see, bu”t I Would @prove it ra’t heti.,ihan:&g$e the intrilisi~,~ V& & :.hu’man like’< tQ’ an&r Tso&e, of the who +dy&at& alio$ing it! to&e s&k the< reac$i+ anyway. I’ve- seen‘ destroyed, whatever the 1ife*: “.EyY+% ,i*Womcn:S ,L.&3FO@‘ C&opersimilar mate&&’ “While pjcreasiiti. . ‘-Ed Toe&s w,ativi dkak eli~e&i~elj,bwith tines -of aborted bakes are ’ ‘1B Syst&Gs -. ., - . ,.ihatti$ect+I wiIlspeak &m$ .abhorrent,it:cannot.beaFghed1:; : '_ Cathy To&j% , ? ' / personal, complex and embtional an is&e it is. ,>t also’.:: ’ . vL . tinit they .a& &t i&e.. For the .i .,~~Jfe;mother by chobc -#ld, thdt .is all that is ikift. P.S. We. wrote in the first . a _ Which lis-why--ra#e must be recbgni;zed <and “:I I would .HihoIe-h&,edk, ’ . treated as a@&.&, a8 a vio!eat crime.. When, the 1,agfee with?be: tenpi’ef the last t’ b&&n if t hesargument that ,in ,ptison :for clarity. We do n@ woman’s behaviour - morals, drp;ss, backitatement%f $I@?&&, that somec&es (rape -and L pretend 1 td speak for“Studei?ts, . were for Life”. _ ground;sexual history - stops king analysed ’ .:tie T&$!. fighting , ,. ,>;foy- t@.. cemotional , . ,jx+!$ty and the Fan’s ~~+rts:-~~ thq,crime itsdf is at -thb pq@i~ qf@ [ ) qypt:‘o~eQ$qg~ jQwpe i- lives is’ of kp&i L. -:than cohtinulng p&gnanqy i focussed :?n-+&& : &&&-be’ on,! out wag. tpreclaitiing Qie -night (si&Qhe daj$as stife. . +importinge with those of their valid,> what about the 80% of / tinborn childrent’. a Btit what cas& Statistics Canada tells us ‘\. As Jan Tennant so eloquehtly put It, the 1 are not for. those reasons, answer is not self-defence, dressing down, walking in groups and staying at home. The answer is for men to%find out whymen’rape. (Of course, the network follows this plea with’s a Shortage _ As for therapeutic reasons, ’ ZZZt~~Z~%Z$ ’ -’ 1 segment on guard dogs’for women). \ , And what about stopping actual rapes? NoDr. C. E, Koop (U. S. Surgeon a$ letters’ ori any subjeci. on@$erlened in the High Park rape because The annual housing shoptGeneral) has stdted for the All _kfters should b;ie they thought it was a ,domestic disturbgnce. record that the incidence’ of it typed, age for incoming university double-space& What implicit assumptions about male rights students has hit Fhe Univeisity being known beforehand that ,sign*d:&nd submitted td are in that? _ of Waterloo. s .a pregnancy will be fatal for CC 14) by 6:00 Morjda;:‘ To those men who turn to us hurt, confused, thetiotherisrareenoughtobe Letters should# be Iimlt& angry ab.out our treatment of them, and our “Almost all .our- room list* considered impossible. -No inin length to 400 w&d&accusations, I find it diffiCult td blame myself ings are gpne and we’ll have formed medical- bpinion diswishing to writ& hundreds of students coming or other women (oh that s&-deprecation agrees. (Medical science is far - Afiyonk in looking for rooms n.ow ar@ longeroplnidnateg ag&!) when 1 read about the “domestic beyond that difficulty). disturbance”. in High Park, when I see an ’ September,” says AI WoodTwo things in conclusion. articles sshaulcj cantact , advertisement for guard dogs, when I cock, Uw’s, housing director: First, women do not get - the:edltor. All co~sp~n~~ I that over seventy percent of I . . remember pregnant the, way they get dence should ;ln@ud& -reported rapes are by a male acquaintance, The main iee& iqorns for measles. That it is preventable your @one &&t&r. -: friend or relative. ’ 5 . men for thrfall ter’m, he saih. is obviou’s. Abortion is-not a Althoygh the letter& .’ ’ Trust’ and sympathy gre difficult to muster in People interested in providing L “cure” for Sregnancy; it’s an are su,bteci to. edjtln& the force of the reali+ion that behind me was accommodation can bbtain out foi -careless s,elfishness in grammar and spellIn& ; , no ‘creature, but a, man, probtibly a fellow _(information by calling UW’s maqy cases as noted above. errors will.nat becorreq I student, and thatone,or foufjor fiveqr more are ‘housing. office at 885-1211, - The statement that “(abor, . k<; _ * , still loose in T&-o&o. ceextension 27 15. .^ tions) are a last resort left to, I ted ,‘, ii i ‘:‘’
’ To the editor: I am writing
For Sale
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‘“Facial-Study’J . Chrii Dobbin (1st . prize, B&W, People)
by Wendy Goer -^ /. The Phodus Canada contest concluded ’ today with the presentation of 18 awardsto . . UW amateur photographers at the Campus - Centre. These are the winners within the five dif- ’ ferentcategories. They are listed from first to . fourth -positions. People (colour): Trevor ’ Smedley, John Hadley, Victor Duffhues, ‘Josee Duffhues; People (black and white): s Chris Dobbin, P. K. Arora, Terri MacKinnon, Mark Allison; Places (colour): Josee Duffhues, Ja;ries Kay, Chris Dobbin, Victor Duffhues; Places (black and white): Chris Dobbin; Chris Dobbin, Mark Trusz, John . J . McLeod; People’s Choice: Joan Hadley, . Charles Lee. -\ A total of 232 entries were received from University of Waterloo staff, faculty, and j . students over the past few weeks. The Places (colour) category had the most entries while . _ . Places (black and white) had the fewest. The judging was done by three pro- * fessional photographers: Paul Hartfordi Mb McNair, .and Doug Wicken, who were coordinated by Anne Woodruff, campus centre manager. Points were determined on -the basis of interest, quality, and adherence to Canadian theme. Over $1000.00 worth of prizes were r presented through the sponsorship of 1’ Blacks, Camera Craft, Camera Junction, Heer’s, New Hamburg Camera Centre, and , Spectrum Custom Colour Lab. Ltd. The contest was organized by three Turnkeys: Terri MacKinnon, Pam Russell, and Linda Skrapits. MacKinnon’s interest in photography sparked the idea for the contest, / which--wasfirst suggested in the fall but only got off theground inMay. , , ’ . ,. The first of its,kind at the Campus Centre, ,t: 1 , ;. c0. the Turnkeys hope to follow this effort with similar,cdntests in the future. /
I .
’ ra stud~nt’s
Speckliz& in Shish Kebab & Vegetarigkn Cuisine . Cedars.,of Lebanon has been pleasing their -customers for years with delicious food and a fkiendly atmosphere. Plan to visit us tonight.. V’ Room For Parties U@ To 75 Persons .
\ ,- (‘;lall742-4322 For Reservatioris ‘,
-_x :‘.
Ever& ‘Fr’day&
by be George Karen Krabzel Cathy McBride . The folio wing informatidn regarging how to adjust to living. in Toronto was written by staff members who are currently there on work terms. It is meant as an aid for co-op students who will be working in Toronto for the first time this fall. A more detailedguide _ p@vaining to entertainment, t&&$ bnd services in T. 0. will appear in our orientation issue. ,
Saturday in. our jl@d i &&&an Lounge. . _‘-I .’ T12 Kinti St. W. Kitchener tparkincr in Rear-)
Thursday, August 25th:, ’ \ Pub held at Molly .McGuires , Thursday, September2nd: Blind Pig Inn in the Holiday Inn Thursday, September9th: , ;. The N&i&al Arts Centre l&b
who can. Civilians can also g( a necessity to life in Toronto. If you’ll be using,the TTC in. ’ Toronto is full of hospitalr regularly to go to work your best investment is a Metro Etobicoke General, Humbe PUSS., For a flat rate of Memorial, Norih York Gen $32,50/month, YOU get all the era& Northwestern Genera’: Queen Elizabeth, Queenswa rides you waint. ’ General, St. -Joseph’s, Scat If you are- only an occasGeneral, Su’nnq sional user of the subway or borough buses, it’s a good idea to buy brook, Toronto East Genera tokens in bulk. Not only. are .York-Finch General, Dot you guaranteed a ride even if tar’s, Sick Children’s, Mour you don't have exact c_hange ‘Sinai, Pcincess Margaret, S for the 75~ fare, but at.8 tokens Michael’& Toronto Genera for $5.00, yausave about lOc a - Toronto Western, Welleslej token. Over fo.ur months, that and Women’s College. Fc emergency treatment; find-ot saving cqn add up. Spirits in ady$nce which is c-losest t * You can -alsq buy i4 tokens To help ydu get through you and where it is. ’ your work term, an-; oc- ‘for $15 - the sameSavings, Women’s College, locate but lots less trips to theeashier. casional dose of good spirits TTC also has a Suriday or next 10 Queen’s Park’ at Ba can’t hurt. Some of Toronto’s Grovesner, also has L.C.B.O.‘s are located ’ at:’ holidays pa& good on all and Gynecolggy Clinic. It work holidays except- Labour Day. DuPont/ Huron, Spadina, $2.25 g’ets jlou unlimited travel , oti the saiire princjple as th north of Dtiridas, Bay/Bloor on the&y it’sbought for. Up Queen’s Park Clinic - .ju: (Manulife Centre), Yonge/ to 5 people’can use one pas?, walk in f&r service: Bloor (Cumberland Terrace); with a maximum of 2 adults. Movies ” Yonge] Dundas (Eaton’s CenFor TTC routes and schedqmong the .many allurin tre). ules, -call 4844544 7%.m. features that are Toronto’s - Some Beer stores are at: 11:30 p.m. +$y say. I and there are many - are tk Bathurst, south of College, Ma&&s. .., movie theatres. Thotig Queen, west of Bathurst, A’good off thoughts of. p$cs* may cab! Yonge St. near Summerhill. ^ -_way _to cut _is toa iittle your.tood,budget shopat you anguish, tear not -, the] prices as Coles. Some of their specials, though, ar‘e unbelievable. Location: Edward, west of Yonge. The World’s Biggest Remainder Bookstore - Judgeing by its name (I’ve never been there) this ‘store has ‘some potential. It sells publisher clearance books, so selection may. not be the best. Location: Church. I University of -Toronto Bookstore - To be avoided (dverpriced). King’s College Circle.
Necessary and vital to surviving fdur months ina strange city (in this case, Toronto) are good bookstores. In most ‘cahes, good means used, but as you will see, there ‘are some exceptions. Women’s Booicstore -This store is heaven for any feminist (male orfemale) who likes to read. Books by and for women cover the walls, floor to ceiling. They also sell a few i used books wr$Jen by women, by women artists b‘- records (mainly folk), and some great ’ Honest Ed’s the various markets. .The two exist four movie houses whit fe.min.ist buttons. The prices Honest Ed’s is in a class by main markets aye the St. are refreshingly different. are quite high; since all their Covering almost a city Lawrence, located near the Not only do the Blo&, tf books are sold at suggeSted ,itself. block, this store is filled with uKeefe Centre and Ken$ing - Fox, the Kingsway and ,tI retail price. Location: Harsome of the gaudiest, cheapton, two ,streFts : y.est of O+kv@e cinemas feature , bqrd, west of Spsdina. est stuff your heart could, Spadina, just sou’th of Collkge. vast smorga’sbord of en& Book City L This store is desire Kensington is far cheaper tainment, but they also offs your b&t bet for new bdoks at . Seriously, this store is p&bthan the super market, and them at popular-prices. cheaip prices. The only probably the best place in the city your best buys are fruit, veg.A $5.00 membership w lem is that the selection is -for inexpensive/ cheap housebizarre and ~qpredictable behoId items so if you need to etables and grains tfor exa11ow YOU to see movies ’ . ample, cucumbers are 3 for these theatres for a mere 99 cause they are a publisher’s furnish, & partially furnish an $1 00 on a good day) . The presentations range fro clearance store. If your tastes apartment, pay a visit to ’ Eggs-, meat, and cheese;and rcla$velyrecent shows<&pch ; ,d&‘t ‘run’ t&‘b&tsellers, JfOU Honest'&jVs . Lb&tidna . BIgor peanut butter .are on par or a Cat People, Chariots of Fir hay ‘find some gems here. Also at Bathurst.. -little cheaper thaq the super ,Ragtime, or / Stuntmw if you’re looking-for art bodks, Self defhse . markets,~ but the quality is far delightful 1930’s oldies lil ’ the “seiection is quite good. If you are female and superior, Baked goods can be Gone With Thq Wind.Foreil -$oc@ion: , Bloor, west of worried about the recent rash more expensive. flicks ‘. of many varietiks~ a Brunswick (and Spadina). of rape/murders that have -The Ontario’ Federation of .also frequent fare, The Other Bookstore This store stocks a lot of used been .haPPening in Torontbv Food Co-ops will,give you the To top off .this i&or books,, but they are hot. don’t plan 0” just locking location of city food CO-ops parable bargain, *ach theat yourself in your room every located in your area. Their usually offers two differe especially cheap: It’s still gobd night. Take a self-dlfense . ndmberis 533-7989. filmseach night or roughly for browsing. Location: course. Either Do Main or films a week . . . per theatre. 1 Bloor, west of &Brunswick., Health Services locate the theatres’listings, tl I- Atticus Books-ifyoulike ‘Wen-doselfdefenseareagodd ’ ‘What,youmayask sh&ldI Festival, visit . one of tl to steep yourself iti the smell of investment* dd if I get sick? The: f&St place They both teach you some old books, you’ll enjoy an hour tQ check, providing it’s not an follow-ing theatres: The Blo Cinema, 506 bloor St. We: in heie. They specialize in basic defense techniques you emergency, with your em-can do in street clothes, as tie11 ployer. Someis companies , The Oakville Playhouse,’ 3r antiqttbrian and scholarly have as some wise precautions to I Lakeshore. Rd. East,. T: books, with a good selectionin their own health services. Kin’gsway Theatre, 3030 Blo many s,ubjects. This&ore is a take. They bath- have a tot&of If you’work for the Ontario good place to look for Sup- about 12 .-hours instruction, l government, the health clinic _ St. West, The Fox Beacht 2236 Queen. St. East. plemen.tary texts -for your, spaced over several .classes. -’ .IS located ith Queen’s Paik: For further information, call -.MacDbnald ,Block courses hext tefni. Location: First Forum Do Main -499-6541 . Spailina a‘nd Sussex. Floor; right acrdss f;o& the For those lucky enough World’s- Biggest’ Bookstore W?-Do - 977-7127 be ,in Toronto‘ during t cafeteria ‘(a very lappropriate, .TTcx i ‘--: .B& ‘fare’warn$ that. ‘this Just $alk-ih afiy“Sutnmei’or early .fall- tern 9t~~‘li‘s: o~.~ed ’ my -661~~ a’nd ’ ‘ -’I L“T’Z’C i’ Thy, ‘Barter ~,,,~~ i( . location). . ‘. ’ i , t time and&doctor or &t&k &ii1 i ~tiriblPla~~r~~~~ld.~e’dt the&fore has almost the same : Well, it’s certainly bcttei than ’ Kitchener Transit; and almost _ stdck and exactly the same ~I$~$#\:
_ >;- .~:
: *;#
, ;;,$&fiiJii
-&tertadnment Wewsd@y to Satwdqy! On Tlqwlkqy Night W&Q?resentOti Talent-Cm@estW,hereYouPay~ No Cqver Charge WithA Uof\ W~Stw#etitl.D6Card!? % J,&ly JO * .August ‘* August * August * August * Auglist * August
& 31~ Cbintry Fever 4 to 7: ‘Carl Kees Goldeb Fiddle’Music Co. I lth to 14th: West’Texas . 18th.& .19th: Bonnie’? Bodgie Band 20th -& 21 st: Evil Roy S.lade 23rd: to 25tl$ The Eddie eastma; Show 26th to 28th: The Silver Saddle Band
’ ‘%ESfB4&NT-AT
LUNChEON !%‘ECIALS Moiday to Friday , EYENING SPECIALS ’ ‘_ M6nda.yw to Wednesday : - ’ SgeciaZizingin Spareribs, Chicken and Pigtails \ . WE’RE--OPEN ON ‘StiNDAY ‘-From 12 Noon Until X-06 PM ~,$&I% SH’ORT 10 MINti%ti DRIVE FROM U of @. VISIT US TODAY!
.\ t
9 Imprint. Friday, July 30,1982
Four Seasons Valli sings by Terry
Frankie Valli and the Four masons. The name alone is strong lough to conjure up familiar fond zmories. Judging by the size of the owd two weeks ago at the Ontario ace Forum, over 11,000 people zre trying to hang on to those emeries. When you consider the fact that e last time Frankie Valli had a it”record was back in 1978 (the le song from the movie “Grease”), at’s not too bad. What was even more surprising 1s the large number of young znage girls in the audience. They ,re not even born when the Four masons were topping the charts ck in the early sixties. Why would they want to come and ar music that was before their ne? For the same reason they >uld go and see the Beach Boys in ncert. Both groups producea type music which is light, danceable, d fun to listen to. It does not matter that the songs ve no meaningful lyrics. The Four ‘asons’ music is pure escapism. hen you listen to their songs you 3, clap and sing along. Every body .ows the words to their big hits. lmbining these facts with the
Thomson Steinacker
Last Friday evening was a oroughly memorable one, at e Centre in the Square in tchener. The place was eked with a seemingly dirsified group of people (they Ire everything from blue ins to cowboy hats to three ?ce suits) who had come to ar one of the most famous untry and western singers, larley Pride.
I George
a beautiful nightmare” - Roy Haynes Summer in the city, and the living is easy, :z-soft, soul-sweet. It’s the good life only fore imagined in circa 1968 Coke commer11s. It is the real thing: dancing in the streets, on diablerie, fundebaucherywith magnums koumiss or coconut rum and milk, buskers ling impromptu performances in all-night Inut shops for just the occasional, stray arter. It’s the sure need and ache to forget a loved face or name or something that ppened. But most of all, it is the saxophone. The saxophone is a city instrument. It’s unds are urban: the squeal of a girl and the ueal of brakes; the shakin’, breakin’, achin’ unds of the lovers’quarrel; the poignant sigh a man in the lonely, rented room; the lisper of romantics in the dark park; the lnting, gutteral rape in the parking-lot. It captures the angst of the city living: unding the pavement in search of an risible job (hear “Out of Work”), represssing lr in a latter-day night-club, finding anepiphy in the glow of a corporation’s logo or once to kill. “
If the saxophone has a double-nature, it is that of earth and air. It is funky, mellow, sexy, yet also plangent, ethereal, possessing a ghostly, haunting moan. (If you saw or heard the movie Body Heat, you know this description to be true). It becomes (I use this verb in two sense: to come into being and to look well on) the solitary singer in the Motels’ Only the Lonely, the melancholy mademoiselle in Billie Holiday’s God Bless the Child, the born loser in Springsteen’s Hungry Heart, and above all, Coltrane’s trembling Naima. Itis,infact,theverysoundoftheoriginsofall music: the child’s first cry for its mother. If this blues passage hasn’t made any sense to you, pick up a sax, go alone at night to any city street, you will know what to do; the knowledge will come naturally. However, if you listen to jazz, you know what I mean: it don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing.
1 Leather 1Factory Leather
Encore Records 297 King Street East, Kitchener ’
front rows and more cheering and Coming up at the Ontario Place clapping. Forum are Neil Sedaka (July 31), . “You are number one. The best Lou Rawls, (Aug l), and The audience in the world!” We knew he Righteous Brothers (Aug. 3). At the was lying, but still couldn’t get Bandstand will be Lydia Taylor (July enough. 31) and The Bopcats (Aug 4). Displaying his ability to kiss and summer music sing at the same time, Valli gave the #, The Toronto crowd a little more to grab hold of as scene climaxes the end of August he finished the show with an with shows at the CNE Grandstand. The lineup includes Blondie (Aug. energetic version of Let’s Hang On. 18), April Wine (Aug. 21), Black To everyone’s surprise and disSabbath (Aug. 25), Olivia Newtonmay, Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons did not come back out for John (Aw. 26), Genesis (Aug. 28), an encore. It could be argued that Heart (Aug. 29), Rick Springfield (Aug. 31), Stevie .Wonder (Sept. 2) they had already played all their hit and the Beach Boys (Sept. 3). songs and had nothing left.
local fans
to be So Good? Charley Pride appeared for the second set. Kiss an Angel Good Morning, his lead song, had everyone clapping, and the excitement continued until the end of the show. Everyone of Pride’s major hits as well as a new song which has not yet been released were delivered perfectly. The song Kalisaja was particularly beautiful. Pride may be getting older but he can still
The saxophone is a naturally mournful instrument, moody, plaintive, the blues made flesh; and when it is gay, it is somberely so, like a Prohibition preacher dancing the Charleston.
Quality used LP records bought and sold. _ Top Prices Paid.
They taclnted the crowd with a set of semi-big hits: Our Day Will Come, My Eyes Adored You, Working My Way Back To You, Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow and I’ve Got You Under My Skin. In return the audience gave them a standing ovation. “If you keep this up we might stay here all night long!” The crowd screamed some more. With each new song they grew even more receptiveThen came the big hits: Sherry, Big Girls Don’t Cry, and Walk- ‘Like A Man. The -whole audience was going nuts. They virtually offered him homage, and he accepted it as his due.Valli walked around the stage as he sang, gathering kissesand waving as if he had just spotted an old friend. IThe crowd shouted “More. More. More!” Valli replied, “It would take three hours to cover everything we’ve recorded.” More screams from the fans. “Sure. What do you care if the skinny little Italian guy is hurting.‘: Someone shouted, “Do Sherry.” “We already did Sherry”, replied Valli. “Do it again,” followed by more cheers. What followed was more hit songs, more$kissing the-girls in the -.
Maybe they were a little unsure of themselves at the start of the show. But as each song was eaten up by a hungry crowd, Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons started to gel. The harmonics were tight, the dynamics improved, and the group was able to keep in time with the beat.
His back up group, The Pridesmen, were the first to take the stage, and they were closely followed by his vocal team, the Texas Vocal Company. This trio warmed the audience up with several songs (Playing With the Queen of Hearts, Beautiful Love Song, and Think About Your Loue’n All the Time by the Osmond brothers) including one of their own compositions, Why Did You Haue
;weet, summer
closeness generated by the Forum’s intimate atmosphere, it is almost impossible not to enjoy watching Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons perform. Right from the opening bars on Dc~wn, Valli had the crowd in the palm of his hand. He could do no wrong. No one seemed to mind the fact that the music wasdrowningout the lyrics. Even though the band was a little sloppy in places, Who Loves You kept the crowd going. For some members of the audience, Grease holds special memories. Walking around the edge of the stage, Valli got some of those sitting near the front to sing a few bars of thechorus. Nobody sang that well, but it still added to the fun. Besides, they were awarded for their efforts with a kiss from Frankie himself! It also helped play downthe fact that the band was slurrjng their changes in dynamics.
Pride satisfies by Jeffrey Donna
shift between long, high notes and a baritone range without taking a breath. His interaction with the audience throughout his performance was another plus for the show. A mix of seasoned humour and unique facial expressions created additional interest and rapport with the crowd. The fact that he noticeably plugged his next album was a bit of a let down,.however. It would seem that after 14 years, 36 albums (of which 12 are gold), and 40 singles that such promotional efforts are not necessary. Certainly, everyone who was there Friday evening seemed to be completely convinced that Pride is an incredibly talented performer. Other highlights of the show were a solo performance on the fiddle by Ondrej Cejka from Czechoslovakia, who had the crowd on the edge of their seats for ten minutes. Another was a duet between Pride and keyboardist Danny Hutchins. Even if country and western music is not your favourite kind of music, I still recommend seeing Pride perform in concert. My interest has only been a recent one; however, this show brought me one step closer to being a complete devotee. Charley Pride is that impressive.
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-worned’s: t&m I .. by Dorothy Laska Canada’s National Women’s Basketball ‘Team has had a b’usy and successful summer. ’ Head’ CoaCh Don McCrae, who is &so tiead ‘Coach of.the UW Basketball Warriors, says that/this is 8 year of consolidation, so that they
“The girls have a tremendous international reputation. They are welcomed everywhere they play, and usually play in front of crowds of 10 to 25’thousand. .
“The USSR. will automaticalli receive a berth as the defending Olympic Champion. The USA will qualify as the host’country. That will leave only four spots. for approximately 25 coinpeting teams.‘: Canada’s
has been playing
of women down from the 80 trying out-,to a, team size of 16. T,he current team is very talented, says Mc-Crae, and the girls push harder’& the numbers decrease.‘But thepushis \
page 8
the members on the team. Some: vetkrans havi: returned to the National Team after bei-ng away for two or three years. Theyadd thedepth that the team needs, and most are plannihg to stay around for 1984.
be a treasured gpide td the top of Toronto’s nightlife. Toronto newcomer. Once in - Besides the roller rink,ithe Toronto, however, the newly Watpub c pedal boats and the very initiated Torontonian will re- “Bev Smith, a- 6 ft. 2-in. forward from B.C. _ Please note, for interested worth’while Cinesphere, the quire further br’iefing an a Waterloo students vriho have cam%’ off a terrific season in colle-ge ball in the Forum A;is: One . s@@ which . regular basis This’ inforUnited States. . . She finished in the Funner-up been unceremoniously deposs&&d definitely not be over- ’ mation is ited in Torpnto on work term, spot for the Wade Cup as the Player of the ldoked. With its giant ‘revol$ided in. the form of a weekly you can take comfort in -the ’ Year, this past season. . ._ ” ving st,ggs: and,, top enterToronto pap&called-Now. It’s- WatPub, a warm and wondei;tainment the Forum is w&l free and contains a fairly ful Toronto gathering of the “Veteran Sylvia Sweeriey (will be) one of our ;warth the $4.OO&n+sioa fee. healthy listing of club, the&r&, . scattered Waterloo strengths again. Sylvia has already played in flock. &.i, two Olympic Ggmes and we’re hoping that *and movie events, as well as-a Please watch ’ for the Ori** 4 , -: useful Want Ads sectior?. Your ‘--, ientation isstie of the Imprint she’ll be at the top of her game in the 1984 \ Now 1 / ’ *$o d&&$;;,&& &&&$,+I~ , on / for-further detail. c Olympics. competently
the RusSian teams, but the coaches were pleased with their team’s strong wins over all the other teams including Bulgqia, (third ,‘76 Olympics, fifth - ‘80 Olympi&),‘Hungary (first’win for Canada in three meetings between ,the two countries), Romania, France ‘,&nd Czechoslovakia. The team will soon be-off on an eight game t&r of Korea and mainland Chins, playing the National and ‘B’ teams from both of these , countries.
The 1983 season will provide thk tough competition the coaches are looking for for thk team. The World University Games in Edmonton are scheduled for early July. From late Ju?y to early September the team will be participating in the Worlmhampionships in Brazil and the Pan Am Games. I
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Imprint. Friday, July 3&1982:-, ship. Gang Green defeated Turbulent Flow for the B ConAll competitive team cap- solation Championship. I tains~ may pick up their per- would like t,o . thank the formance bond refunds from referees and Kathy Knafelc for the C-R secretary between 8, a superbseason. a.m. and 4-p.m.,,Mond,ay Dave Prokop, Friday. Bonds not picked up Convenor this term will be forfeited.
) Bond Refunds
[en’s Softball Playoff Wrap-Up
ifter a long strenuous seven wee regular season, the Men’s mpetitive Softball playoffs took place over a week of ellent weather on Columbia Field in mid-July. 0 teams began the tournament which divided the teams into r divisions of equal ability. Eventually the finalists in each ision arose. n the division final, the pitchers started off to a shaky start ng up a total of 28 runs after- 2. innings of play. They ntually settled down with the final result having the N2 rsemen defeating the Lightning Rods by a score of 22-l 7. n the C div\ision final, the 17th team, the Grad Club, versus 18th team, the HighBalls, battleit outforthetitle. TheGrad b came .out on top in a close, hard-fought game. ‘he “B” division proved to be extremely tough this summer to many of the top teams being.knocked into thedivisionin preliminary rounds, such as the third seeded St, Jeromes, fourth seeded The Trappers as well as the fifth seeded West alumni. ‘he final arrived having the Trappers play the 11th overall i;the Absolute Zeros. The pitching of the Trappers,‘that e up only 11 runs all season long, proved to be too much for Zeroes, with Carl Hochfellner leading his Trappers onto ory. lany surprises occurred in the A division playoffs this lmerwiththe20thteamthr:Bi~DistLirbersandthe25thteam IA Mech Won pulling some surprising first and second nd victories to advance to the top 8 teams of the league. The i-finals had 2 games where the opponents had both played 1 other before.
The Men’s Competitive Basketball is over for this term. The final results were: the Bills defeating the Sultans of, Swish for the A League Championship. The Kin team defeating Trussed Erections for the B League Champion-
The Campus Recreation Publicity Co-ordinators would like to extend a special thanks to all those pe,ople who contributed time, articles, pictures, cartoons, ‘etc. “to the cause’*. A special mention shou!d go to Cathy ,Leek, Daryl Dolny, and the Imprint staff for their special assistance and cooperation.
‘he Trussed Erections were putting their 9-O record on the when they played the CS-Expos, who they had defeated in regular season 5-2. Again the left-handed curve of Phil trieu held the Expos to 2 runs which prove/d to be good ugh for the.victory with the Trussed Erections winning by a meof 3-2. n the other semi-final, the 6th seeded Strike Force battled r division rivals and number seven seed Atomech Power. ly in the regular season Strike Force shutout Automech ver 6-O but fell short in the playoffs losing 3-O. The pitcher, ry Kennedy, gave his team a no-hitter game for five innings. superb pitching ,of Scott Bruce and fielding of Dave nbeam” Burton wasn’t enough through to repeat Strike cc’s regular season victory.
eleventh-place underdog, Members of the GenericsWinr&sof the’iA”leagueSoccer. Math-B team. Back row left to right: Blaine Skleryk, Dave Soo, Mishi Kazda, The Math-B’s, who ‘had .Chi Wong, Steve Cornell, Roy Steinberg, Declan Whelan. upset both the second and Front row left to right: Simon’Nyarota, Kathy Linquist, Bill third ‘place teams could not Riddick, Paul Whelan, Andy Raithby, Rick Priddle, Patrick complete this trend as they lost Williams. 2-O to thevictoriousTurbulent . ’ Flow. Gary Hirst and Bob MacDougall scored to give Turbulent Flow the B-League Championship,. 1n the Consolation playoffs, I _ which,.>.had @~%.&%m&i,ng.. B:. _: ‘league teamsplay oneanother, _ the favorite thirteenth-place Reactionaries met the fifteenth place Brothers-inChrist team. A good turnout for both teams -saw the Reactionaries defeat their rivals by a convincing 4-1 score. Pairs of goals were scored by both Graig Ritchie and Steve Williams. The lone 259 King Street west, gitchener goal by John Tsuididnot seem ’ to be enough as the Reaction(Beside The King Centre Mall) aries became the B-league I Consolation Champions. 2’ .
The men’s intramural soccer season finally came to a - close. There were a few notable surprises in the playoffs.
3 the final of A division, we had our number one seed team inst the number seven Atomech Power. The defence of the ssed Erections that gave up only 9 runs in the regular season apart while the challengers scored 7 runs in the first inning 3 in the second and coasted on route to a 1 l-7 victory. The ssed Erections justdidn’t get the breaks they needed.
The regular season ended i the A-league seeing the Eng. United squad on top of the standings with West 1Alumni and the Generics following closelv behind. Math-A. Ost rtomech Power’s Kerry Kennedy had everything going his Deuts>hland and C. S. A. completed the standings r by pitching out of two innings with twoput and the base.s kd, as well- as.getting his first ,hit ~oft.heseason-with a&e,--i.++...f ;,.;i,..--,Ya-T. r”*+s--x +,- + ,.,-. j. le to right field in the 4th inning. In the double-elimination playoff schedule, the Eng: Vinning captain .Martin Osso attributed his team’s success United team was first upset by he~capabilities of his lead-off man Pete Leblanc; to the the eager Math-A’s, who were :hing of his ace Kerry Kennedy; and especially to the team forced to face the Eng. team rt displayed by his teammates throughout the season. for a rematch. This time Eng. United defeated the Math L team effort is definitely the main factor to any team’s team to meet the undefeated :ess but remember that intramurals are designed for the Generics in the final. ’ byment and participation of the students and hopefully this tmer’s softball league provided that for everyone. Thanks to This was a closely fought *yone who participated for a super league this summer. battle with both teams having ’ Cfant Cooper, . opportunities to score but Convenor failing to putthe ballin thenet. Finally a penalty shot was rewarded to the Generics. he recreational leagues have finished foshe summer term. the Generics the lead and the :rall we had a great number of teams and people championship. :icipating. everal tourneys and fun days were held at the end of the The B-league regular season ;ue play. Unfortunately, part of the slow-pitch fun day was saw the Limiting *Reactants in led out but rumour has it that some teams played on . . . first place followed closely by !y eh? N3, Hammar Machine and ‘hanks to everyone who participatedin the leagues. Also Power. The play. Atomech ?ks to, Ben Cornell, Cathy Lefler, Patty Lapointe, Daryl offs, however, saw the fifthny and Mark Alger for their help ,with the tourneys!! place Turbulent Flow face the Sue Hansford
Forde, Studick Photographers
Recreational ‘Leagues
i .
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