
Page 1

7 Friday,

Jan. 28 2

Birth Control Centre is staffed by trained Jolunteer students and provides free, :onfidential info on birth control, VD, Dlanned and unplanned pregnancy, and Dther issues concerning sexuality. CC 206 or :a11ext. 2306. PEERS Centre is open for the winter term Monday to Thursday, 3 to8 p.m., andFriday, t:30 to 3:30 p.m. We are located in CC 221. Ski Club will be holding a Ski Day at Blue Mountain. Cost is $25 which includes transportation and tows. Sign upat the PAC. “Regenerative Agriculture: Conference: Building a Sustainable Future”. University of Guelph. Speakers: D. Pimmentel, R. Harwood, S. Hill. Fee: $10.00 students, 820.00 non-students. For more info call 8242091. Compulsive Eater’s Group Organizational meeting. Everyone welcome! CC 149 at 10 p.m. Hey Artsies! HH room 280, Arts Coffee Shop. Come party with your fellow artsies. Sponsored by the Arts Student Union. Pub runs from 12 to 4 p.m. Salat-Ul-Jumua (Friday prayer) organized by the Muslim Students’ Association. 1:30 p.m. at CC 110. Music Seminar, “Lukas Foss: Time Cycle” by Wilbur Maust. Conrad Grebel, room 156 at 3 p.m.

Nighttime Discover: Open House 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.Drop in and enjoy the trails, displays, and ski movies. At 7 p.m. a moonlight ski; discover the night time beauty of winter at the Laurel Creek Conservation Area (please picture lovely skiing couple silhouetted against the silvery full moon for full lifestyle-commercial effect). Worship with us at Keffer Chapel (corner Albert and Bricker) at 11 a.m., every Sunday of the school year and celebrate the Lord’s Supper. _ Waterloo NDP invites all KW residents to come and hear Ed Broadbent, NDPNational Leader and MP for Oshawa. Broadbent will address “Current Economic Policy and the NDP Full Employment Strategy” at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 105 University Ave., East of Weber. , Outer’s: YES, there will be kayaking from 4 to 6 today in the PAC. The barracuda has been captured.


Jan. 31-

Debating Society 5:30 p.m. St. Jerome’s,

Conference Chinese evangelist speak on 7:30 p.m., call Nancy

Jan. 29 -

at U. of G. -

See Friday.

Christian Fellowship presents an meeting. Mr. Michael Leung will “Life Abundant”. Meeting starts at WLU Chapel. For transportation at 888-7048. All welcome.

Theatresports Rides Again - The most fun you can have for just 75@. Everyone welcome. Starts at 8 p.m. HH 180. Star


II - see Friday.

- Sunday, Reformed/Presbyterian with Drs. G. Morbey, lo:30 a.m.

Jan. 30 Worship R. Kooistra.

Service HH 280,

- Wednesday,

Feb. 2 -

Free Noon Concert featuring Lilian Lilianski, contralto. Sponsored by Conrad Grebel College Music Dept. Starts at 12:30 p.m. in the Chapel.

Creative Writing Collective of UW meets every Wed. 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. upstairs at the Grad Club. All writers welcome for discussion, criticism, beer. 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Grad Club, upstairs.

Earthen Mug Coffee House: enjoy a relaxing atmosphere, live entertainment, homemade munchies, teas and coffees. 8 p.m. to 12 p.m., CC 110. Sponsored by WCF.

- Saturday,


LearnhowyoutoocanplayTheatresports. Beginners and experienced players welcome. 7 p.m. in the CC. Don’t bring a car even if you can drive - it won’t fit in the room.

Women’s Centre Meeting! New Volunteers welc*ome! 12:30, CC 149! Bring exclaimation mark, they just ran out!

CFNY Road Show, Village One Red and Green. Villagers $2, non-villagers $3. Nonvillagers must be signed in by a villager. Starts at 8:30 and ends at 1 a.m.

Debating Society, come out and have a great time. 5:30, St. Jerome’s room 229.

Christian Perspective Series: God, Man, and World in Western Thought. Chaplain G. Morbey. HH 334,4:30 p.m.

Open House at the home of Paul and Kathy Bosch. 157 Albert St. at 7:30 p.m. Good times and good conversation.

Fed Flicks - Star Trek II - The Wrath of Mhan. Arts Lecture Hall, room 116, beginning at 8 p.m. Tonight%&ature-will be shown again at lo:30 p.m. Admission is$l for Feds with ID, and $2 for the rest.

Catechism for the Curious: A study of Christian Doctrine: Chaplain G. Morbey: 7:30 p.m., Conrad Grebel Lounge.

Volleyball at St. John’s - always a good time. Meet at 177 Albert St. at 6:30 p.m. Bring a car if you can drive. Don’t, if you can’t.


come one, come all. room 229.

Bring your scissors! Bring your supper! Come to an article clipping party to update the Women’s Centre files! A must for your resume of life! 6 p.m. CC 135. A nickel per exclamation point! Group Walk Home - Women will be meeting in the CC at lo:15 p.m. every night to walk home together. Remember there’s safety in numbers.

- Tuesday,

Feb. l-

Healthwise Assessments are available through Campus Health Promotion. You will receive an exercise test to predict your cardiovascular fitness, percentage of body fat, lung volume, flexibility, and a personal fitness profile. Students $-lo, or $25 for staff/ faculty. 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Health Services. Phone 884-9620 for an appointment. Find out if your life insurance is a good bet. Bagels, wow! The JSA is once again inviting you to eat those trendy little round things, and this term they’re even giving you stuff to put on them! 11:30 to 1:30, CC 110. Bible Study, a break from studies at 2:30 at 177 Alb’ert St. (corner of Seagram). You too can have input on the sermon through these Bible studies. Topical Discussion Group dealing with various contemporary issues and concerns, hosted by the studentsand faculty of Conrad Grebel College. Today’s discussion: Ethics and Rock Music led by Professor Wilbur Maust, Undergraduate Advisor of CGC Music Dept. 4:00 to5:OO p.m. Lower Lounge, All welcome.

Feb. 3 -

WCF will be meeting at 4:30 p.m. SCH 231 for singing, supper and fellowship.

KW Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic, 2 to 8:30 p.m., St. Francis RC Church, 49 Blueridge Ave. at Queen’s Blvd. Quota: 325 donors. Remember: arrive with a full tank.

Art Exhibit in Concourse Gallery at WLU, with Horst Guilhauman, from Jan. 31 toFeb. 11. Gallery is open during regular University hours. Everyone welcome.

- Thursday,

Mature Students’ Program. “Math Anxiety”: Can it be overcome? What can we do about it? What’s so important about Math anyway? Dr. G. Griffin, Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts. 2 p.m. and 7 p.m., HH 373.

Women’s Action Co-operative meeting, discussion topic: “Aging”. All women are welcome. 7:30 p.m. Women’s Centre.

Conrad Grebel College Chapel Services‘ Sunday evening worship, 7:00 p.m. Coffee and discussion hour follows services.

Chinese Christian Fellowship presents an evangelist meeting. Mr. Michael Leung will speak on “Christ, the Life Changer”. For transportation call Nancy at 888-7038. Meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. at WLU Chapel.

Aseans Games Night: every Friday night this term we’re going to have fun doing various things such as cards, chess, games, and music. So drop by the CC around 8 p.m. and see what we’re doing. For further info, call Jason at 885-5346.

‘tobjectivity and the Press”, Session Two of the WPIRG Reading Between the Lines series, slices into the myth of objectivity held by. news media, with radio journalist Richard Swift and Globe and Mail writer Lorne Slotnick leading off the evening. Open to all at no cost, 7:30 p.m. in HH 373.

Discussion Fellowship, with R. Kooistra, supper at 6 p.m., meeting at 7 p.m., St. Jerome’s Seigfried Hall. Weight Training Clinic - $8/person. For people with little or no experience. Intro to equipment and use, guidelines to weight training and a sample program. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Weight Room. For more info, call Chico Silvestri, ext. 3005. Waterloo meeting. Gaming.

Science Fiction Club weekly Science, Fiction, Fantasy, and MC 5158,7:30 p.m. All welcome.

Waterloo Christian Fellowship Breakfast Meetings. Meet with others in your own faculty to discuss how Christian faith is relevant to your studies. 7 to 830 a.m. Environmental Studies - ES 348; Math MC 3004; Science - B2 246; Humanities HH 336, Social Science ML 212, Engineering - EL 3619, HKLS - 159 University Ave. W., Apt. 1001. Chess Club meets from 7 to 12 in CC 113. Everyone welcome. Five game winter chess tournament starts - last chance to sign up. FASS comes of age! Come see FASS or Fiction and enjoy an evening of laughs! It’sashow written, produced,anddirectedby Faculty, Administration, Staff, and Students. So Don’t miss it! Can you identify the celebrity janitor?8p.m. HumanitiesTheatre.

Evening Concert at WLU presenting the WLU orchestra. Concert will be held in the Theatre Auditorium at 8 p.m. Admission: Adults $4, Stu/Sen. $2. Everyone is welcome. Each Wed. Night at 10 p.m. celebrate communion with a friendly community of believers. Come at 9:30 if you like to sing. Meets at Keffer Chapel. Chapel evening Conrad

Service Wednesday’s at 4:30 p.m., prayer with choir and sermon. Grebel College Chapel.



- see Wed.

Fly through the air with the greatest of ease with the Gymnastics Club. Every Thurs., Mon., and Sun. at 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. All persons welcome or call John at 884-1808. Blue Activites, PAC. Disarm your internal bomb. First in a series of dialogues about violence. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by “The Community for Human Development”. 7:30 p.m. CC 110. The Celebrity


- see Wednesday.

Gays of WLU Weekly Coffeehouse 8 to 11 p.m. in room 4301, Central Teaching Building. Coffeehouse sponsored by SC1 SOC. Come and listen to other students play. Bring your own instrument if you like. Call Lyle Robinson at ext. 3878 for more information. Music at Noon, WLU. Today in the Keffer Memorial Chapel is Boyd McDonald, fortepiano, with the music of Boccherini and Beethoven. Peggie Sampson on cello. Admission is free. Naomi Goldenberg, Univ. of Ottawa is guest speaker at History lecture series at WLU. Today’s topic: “Feminism and Psychoanalysis”. Starts at 4 p.m. in the Paul Martin Centre. Admission is free. Film on shown by at WLU. Teaching Healthwise:


Canadian Foreign Aid being Sociology and Anthopology Dept. Rm. 2-201, 7:30 p.m., Central Building. Admission is free. See Wednesday.


Feb. 4 -

Guest Speaker at WLU Biology Seminar. Dr. Sivak, School of Optometry, UW, will speak on “Some interesting features of vertebrate vision.” Starts at 11 a.m. For room number call the Biology Dept. at ext. 242. Admission is free. French silents at WLU, “Un chapeau de paille italien” (Rene Clair, 1927). Starts at 4 p.m. in room 2-205, in Central Teaching Building. German film being shown by English Dept. at WLU. “Gelegenheitsarbeit Einer Sklavin” (Occasional Work of a Female Slave), will be shown at 9:30 a.m. in room 4209 of the Central Teaching Building. FASS - The Ultimate! The Original! Emphasized! See Wednesday.


Fed Flicks + Ragtime, starring James Cagney. Arts’Le,cture Hall., room 116, at 8 p.m. Admission is $1 for Feds with ID, and$2 for others. Free Seminar. “Patterns in World Music” by Scott Arnold. 3 p.m. Room 156, Conrad Grebel College. Chinese New Year Dance Performance will be presented by the Chinese Dancing group in CC Great Hall at noon. Free admission and everyone welcome!

News While



3 Imprint.

is in jail.

Dr. R. D. Lambert, sociology professor, will be defending UW history professor Leo Johnson before the “committee to investigate the adequacy of cause” who will be considering Johnson’s dismissal. Johnson was sentenced to two years less a day in provincial jail last December after pleading guilty to ten sexual offenses involving young girls. The committee of five considering Johnson’s dismissal have now been selected from a standing committee of nine. Both Tom Brzus-

towski, Vice-President Academic, and Lambert have rejected two members of each of the standing committee, to arrive at the five member working committee. Brzustowski refused to comment on which members of the standing committee had been selected. The committee will now decide on a schedule and select a chairperson. The committee will then h,ear the presentation from Dean R. K. Banks as to why Johnson should be dismissed. Lambert, on behalf of Johnson, will then present his rebuttal of Banks’ arguments. Then, the committee will be talking “to any variety of people” who might help it make up its

fate of Johnson’s , report, according to department chairman.

by T. C. Nguyen Imprint staff The 5 per cent visa student quota introduced by the \Ilathematics faculty will not change the current ratio of visa tudents to total undergraduates in the faculty. Nor will it Lffect admission opportunities for visa students in the first rear. The quota only restricts the number of visa students ntering the Computer Science program. At a meeting last week, the Mathematics Council approved he 5 per cent visa student quota policy. This policy will eserve 5 per cent of total available seats for visa students in he freshman class and the Computer Science program. Dr. Ian McGee, Mathematics faculty and undergraduate ffairs officer, emphasized that the impact of the new policy vi11 be mainly on the visa students already enrolled in the vlathematics faculty. New visa students seeking entry into the ’ acuity in the 1983-1984 year will have the same chances as tudents of previous years. Up to the present, admission to the Mathematicsfacultyfor isa students hasalways consisted of approximately 5 per cent f total seats. The visa student quota policy only formalizes a rocedure which has been followed for many years. The rocedure is also applied at many other universities in jntario.



When asked how long the process might take, Brzustowski replied that he didn’t know. “We don’t have much experience (with these kinds of cases.) The policy has been on the books for seven or eight years and it’s only been used once before,” said Brzustowski.

The only significance of the new policy is the 5 per cent quota which will be applied to determine admission to the Computer Science program beyond year one as compared to non-restricted entry in previous years. Beginning in the 1983- 1984 academic years, a maximum of, 15 out of 300 seats available in the Computer Science Department will be reserved for visa students. In the past, any number of visa students meeting the department requirements could be admitted. Admission to the Computer Science program is based on first year academic standings. Most visa students have always been placed among the top of their classes. If no quota is imposed, the proportion of visa to Canadian students could reach as high as 45 to 100 regular students. In comparison to other faculties, the Mathematics faculty has always contained the greatest number of visa students. Statistics from the Office of the Registrar show a visa student percentage of 6.5 to 8.5 from 1979 to 1982 in Mathematics. This percentage is approximately twice the percentage of total visa students in the university. Also at the Mathematics Council meeting, Dr. Bruce Simpson was appointed the new Chairman of the Computer Science Department, effective July, 1984. Dr. Lawson will be acting Chairman from July 1983 to 1984.

of gay male nuns dedicated to the we vigorously denouce the Stigma


Banks refused to comment on the case he will be presenting, saying it is “not appropriate at this time.” Imprint had not reached Lambert by press time.

Math council approves ceiling on visa students

e Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence: “We are an order Clancement of Universal Joy. As religious revolutionaries,



to determine \

by Julie George Imprint staff

Friday, January


Johnson is presently serving a two year jail term, but the Crq’ykn Mttorney’s office is appealing the length df the sentence. Dorothee Retterath, assistant Crown Attorney, said, “In view of public deterrence and the public abhorence at the crimes, the Crown wants a stiffer penalty.” Because she is no longer involved in the case (all appeals are handled through the Crown law office in Toronto), Retterath does not know when the appeal will be heard. In her recommendations, she suggested asking for a significant penitentiary term, which would mean more than two years in jail for Johnson if the appeal were successful.,

Polish historv sources donated to UW librarv d

A collection of 70 books relating to Polish history, literature and culture has recently been donated to the University of Waterloo Library. The donor is Miss Nowak, a long-time resident of Kitchener, who maintained a special interest in Poland’s history during the period of independence between ’ 19 19 and 1939. With this donation, she has made a significant contribution to the researchers in the fields of History, Russian and Slavic Studies, and English at the University of Waterloo. Included in the collection is _ a Slavonic Encyclopedia (English version) in one volume of 1,400 pages; a selection of photographs; a very detailed description of the period of independence written entirely in the French

of Sin, and above all, The Imposition Wednesday night.

of Guilt.“They


language by scholars-in-exile during World War II; an English translation of the greater part of Poland’s famous poet, Adam Mickiewcz; and historical novels bf Henryk Sienkiewicz, who was the 1905 recipient of the Nobel prize for literature. There are also three volumes which record Poland’s progress during reconstruction in the Western territories (areas which were added to the country in the post-war period). Memoirs of Poles during the World War II occupation and of service men fighting with the allies are included. In addition, a wide range of literary classics of the 19th and 20th centuries have also been made available. The collection will be housed in the Dana Porter Arts Library on campus.

gave their blessings in the Campus Centre Imprint photo by Mark Lussier


Authority and Rick Desnite - --I---- warm weather Dan Schneider of the Grand Ri !ver Conservation McCleary, a 2nd yr. ES student were able to collect enough snow to build their Quin-Zhee or snow-hut which they slept in last Saturday night. Imprint photo by Mark Lussier

Dr. LvnnA.

K. Watt

The Council of Ontario Universities (COU) announced the appointment last week of Dr. Lynn A. K. Watt to a ‘three-year term as Executive Vice-Chairman of the Ontario Council on Graduate Studies (OCGS). OCGS, an affiliate of COU, is composed of the deans of 1 .

Waterloo, a position he has held since 1972. Educated at the universities of Manitoba, Chicago, and Minnesota, Watt is a professor of electrical engineering and the recipient of numerous research grants. He has been associated with the develop-

grammes, a prereqi lisite for their funding by the provincial government. Watt, a native of Manitoba, is currently

has been the Executive Vice-Chairman of OCGS since 1975. Yates will retire in September, at which time Watt vvi11assume his









I Tn;x,~rc;t,,



questioned by Barry Gane Are you aware of the format of the diploma presented to graduating University of Waterloo students? Many students are not aware of the appearante of their diplomas until convocation.

Take a friend . . . meet a friend, have some laughs . . . enjoy the show . . . try some darts. Indulge in the-goo times at “The Hero”.



Entertarnment every Wednesdti-y t h-u Sat urchy

The current design displays the University crest in the official university colours and the name “University of Waterloo” in red lettering with the rest of the lettering in black. It is printed on gold-tinted 8 l/ 2 by 11 inch paper with a goldcoloured seal attached to the lower right corner. Y

Many fourth year students are unhappy with the present layout. The design was changed in 1980 to better refleet the young and modern image of the University of Waterloo, and an older, more traditional looking design was discarded. What do you think of this design? This issue will be presented at a Senate Executive Council meeting on Monday, February 7th, 1983. Please direct any comments in person, by phone, or by writing to the Federation of Students (Campus Centre Rm. 235, Phone: 885-0370, ext. 3880).

Imprint Wins A wards 1 WENDY

Imprint learned yesterday that it has placed second in the OCNA General Excellence Awards. The Ontario Community Newspaper Association judges member papers each year to recognize outstanding achievement in newspaper production. In the University and College Newspaper class, Imprint finished second behind the McMaster Silhouette. Imprint was also the recipient of a first place award in the Advertising categoric. Awards will be presented in March at OCNA’s Annual Convention in Toronto.


At the Waterloo House corner of King and Erb streets,

downtown Waterloo

~~ The Third Annual Arts Lecture Series


Ided University‘Educ~tim Tbo Perspectives “The Very Idea of a General Education”. Professor J.F. Narveson, Department of Philosophy, Monday, January 31/ 8 p-m-

“The Arts of Liberated MeW. Professor W.K. Thomas, Department of English, Monday, February 7 8 p.m.

You Are Invited

Open Informational Meeting To Discuss:


the January 27-30,1983 Ontario Federation of Students Conference. •Ithe Federation’s (U of W) membership in external student organizations (OFS, NUS, CFS, etc.) •Ithe Federation’s (U of W) policy position on external issues.


Time: 7:00P.lk Date: Monday, Jan. 31/ 83 Place: Campus .Centre ii0

All Are W&come! Theatre of the Arts, University of Waterloo There will be refreshments afterwards.

Board of External Liaison Federation of Students



Dr. Douglas






& Co-operative






- Undergraduate


Basic Fee $

co-opFee $

Total Fees $

Unit Course Fee $

Session Term

1,196.OO 598.00


1,196.OO 707.80

242.00 121.00

Arts - Regular Winter, Spring Co-op

Session Term Term

1,102.oo 551.00 551.00


1,102.oo 551.00 660.80

242.00 121.00 121.00

Engineeriny co-op .






Session Term Term

1,102.oo 551.00 551.00


1,102.oo 5s1.00 660.80

242.00 121.00 121.00

HKLS - Regular Winter, Spring co-op

Session Term Term

1,102.oo 551.00 551.00


1,102.oo 551.00 660.80

242.00 121.00 121.00

Integrated Studies Reyular Winter, Spring

Session Term

1,102.OO 551.00


1,102.OO 551.00

242.00 121.00

Mathematics - Regular Winter, Spring co-op

Session Term Term

1,102.oo. 551.00 551.00


1,102.oo 551.00 660.80

242.00 121.00 121.00

Optometry Reqular




1,102.oo 551.00 660.80

242.00 121.00 121.00



Session/ Term

- Yr 1 Co-op

Architecture Upper Yr,

Environmental Regular Winter, Spring co-op

!<cicnce Winter, co-op


- Regular Spring

Sf2s.s j on Term Term

Summer Session

Half Full

1,102.OO 551.00 551.00



Course Course

121.00 242.00




Double Room Interconnecting Single



Per Academic

Residence Term


1 Aid

/ 198;/84

1 Incrtase


by Len Gamache Imprint staff Last week Imprint promised to provide a more detailed account of the scheduled tuition fee increases for undergraduate students. Consult the charts on this page to determine what youractualfees will be as of the spring term of this year (May). The tuition fee increases were approved last week by the UW Board of Governor’s Executive Committee in accordance with the 5 per cent maximum increase allowed by Bill 179 of the Inflation Restraint Act. The Executive Committee also recommended increases in residence and athletic fees for approval by the general Board of Governors at its meeting this Tuesday (February lst, 10 a.m., Needles Hall).



1 A::


1 Inclfse



(4 mo. ) l






One Bedroom Old










fro Incr.

% 7.9


$ 292






February IO-13 return transportation from Toronto 4 days’, 3 nights’ accommodation 0 services of TRAVEL cm rep. in Quebec City. Call

Add $

New $

Incr. %





Graduate QUALITY



742-5363 350 King Street West, Kitchener,




Fee charges for the Minota Hagey Residence and the Marrlzd r Students Apartments

will not be quite so steep (in the vicinity of 8 percent). The proposed intercollegiate athletic fee increase would be from $34 to $37 ($18.50 per term, and $12.33 per term for graduate students). All fee changes except for tuition will be considered for approval by the Board of Governor’s on Tuesday.

pirak studios limited



Residents of the student villages will be facing the biggest increases. The proposed 12 per cent fee jump for the village residences follows on the heels of a 20 per cent fee increase last year. Consult the charts -. for .the actual figures.


(4 mo.)



Fees considered



Dr. Douglas

of Governor’s



Speech excerpts - page 7

In his speech, Wright expressed confidence in the ability of Waterloo students to achieve excellence: “I know of no other university in the English-speaking world that has achieved such success in the quality of its students, in the esteem in which its graduates are held, or in the reputation for excellence and innovation in teaching and research.” Such optimism is a welcome relief from doom-and-gloom stories, and gives hope for the future.





that Canada, and the university in particular, imitate the trends in successful economies such as Switzerland, West Germanv. and Japan by concentrating on “rigour in education and training” and “long term competitiveness through research and development .“‘ When questioned on the possibility of limitingenrollment into the already highly competitive Engineering faculty, Wright admitted that standards might have to be raised to ensure quality education. He also raised the possibilty of discontinuing programs which do not have as high a priority as the science and computer majors. To meet the financial challenges of the future, Wright stated that tuition fees would likely increase by 5 per cent in 1983. More importantly, the President put a great emphasis on research grants. He stated: “ I do not believe that we can afford to depend on government and government grants for what we hope to do in the next 25 ye&i-s.” In other words, the university will depend more on grants such as the $5.4 million contribution from IBM, or the $10.5 million Watfund pledges. Many decisions await the faculty and students of the University of Waterloo. Academicdecisions must be realistically made, especially in today’s stifled employment market. For their part, the University Administration will have to make the difficult choice between enrolment limitations or increasing the student body to raise salary levels.

by Paul Moser Imprint staff On Wednesday, University of Waterloo President Douglas Wright gave his first address to the university community. Many members of the faculty and student body were present at the Theatre of the Arts for a somewhat sombre speech. Wright aptly began his discourse with a quotation from Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities: “It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” Co-op education at the university has never been in worse shape, yet Wright still had some encouraging words. In these “particularly difficult times,” the University of Waterloo has been dealt a double blow: economic recession and cut-backs in government funding. Wright noted that operating support for universities has fallen 30 per cent in the past decade, and capital support for universities was “virtually eliminated in 1972”. As the President stated, “It has been easier politically to cut back on higher education than in other areas.” One very noticeable result of the decreased funding is the growing student-faculty ratio. Since the President left the university in 1966, that ratio has grown from 11: 1 to 18: 1. The result: “We are not able to serve our students as well as we should.” The Fisher report from September 198 1 concluded that the scale of university activity could not continue unless more money was given to the institution; otherwise, services would have to be cut back. Instead of using these two options, the Administration decided to increase tuitions, cancel programs, and limit enrollment. Then, in September 1982, the Ontario Government introduced its constraint program - the third option was delayed for a year. For the future, the university will “look to maintain or even improve the quality of its freshman intake, rather than reduce the quality to sustain an increased enrollment.” Wright suggested .

Imprint. Friday, January









CHIEF RETURNING OFFICER Jniversity sponsored ‘part~!l’)bight!

To aid the Administrative Assistant in coordinating the Federation of Students elections this term To organize the. Election Committee III Applicant must be available from Feb. 9, 1983 to March 9,1983 (The Election date is March 9, 1983) III Applicant must be a full-time undergraduate fee-paying Federation member. 0 Contact Helga Petz (ext. 2405) or contact Wim Simonis (ext. 2478) Cl Remuneration

for Committee

will be $125.

Cl Apply at the Federation Office (CC 235) by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, February 4,1983 .


Iizcrease Your READING SKIALAS Would You Like To:

Do you want to:


earn extra money use your assets set your own hours

Register at Fed Office, CC 235


get the extra help you need on a one-to-one basis

Check the Tutoring Service file in the Federation Office, CC 235 Sponsored by: Ontario Work Study Program ’

Board of Education, Federation of Students


of Students

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Read over 1000 WORDS PER MINUTE Improve your comprehension by 10 to 15% Read periodicals & small novels in less than 30 min. Improve your concentration and retention Build confidence in your reading capabilities

Tuesdays: 7:00 p.m. - 9:OOp.m. Chemistry 2, Room 166 NOTE: You May Still Sign Up For This Course, A Limited Number of Places are-Available.

Beginning Tuesday, February 1,1983 Ending Tuesday, Murch 22,1983 (Excluding

Tuesday, February


This course is taught by a qualified professional instructor $60.00Feds $65.00 Others (All costs are included; the fee is tax deductible)

YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER at the Federation Office, Campus Centre Room 235. You may pay by certified cheque, money o&ler or by cash.


Imprint. Friday, January

by Linda Eickmeier FASS by any other name would not be FASS. FASS is simply the joint effort of enthusiastic, even talented, members of Faculty, Administration, Staff and Students. Annually, these groups of people pool their individual talents to write, direct, produce, and star in a farcical comedy which pokes fun at University life, ranging from western satire to science fiction. It’s a small wonder that after so many shows FASS is still coming up with newand wildly original themes; but, where did all this come from? Well, about 21 years ago a small group of people, sponsored by Circle K, got together and wanted to put on a show of some sort.. . FASS Nite was born! Dr. Ken Fryer, then a member of the math faculty, was one of the founding fathers. He and those he was able to sell on the idea of a variety night began approaching all the other faculties on campus to submit an act (of whatever kind they liked) in order to create an evening that would attract the university community. It turned out to beaneveni.ng of fun and entertainment and the rest is history! As FASS progressed many changes were made to its original format. Enthusiasm grew to necessitate the election of a committee, the writing of the show in the

Summer just

r e c e n t l y ,

28,1983 -

rat-her than a month before the performance, and the move of performances to the Humanities

Theatre. FASS has suffered many growing pains but has been ‘_ relatively lucky in its continuing support by loyal fans. In fact, there is a second-generation FASS member in this year’s show, “FASS or FICTION”. Dr. T. H. Qualter, an j original member of FASS can be found in the Political Science Faculty. He was involved in one of the very first FASS Nites. Today, some twenty years later, his son Adam is participating in the production of FASS. FASS is not only entertainment, it is a Waterloo tradition. In past years FASS has achieved glories and suffered defeats. One year, tickets went on sale at 7:30 in the morning and the shows were sold out two hours later. On the other hand, in 1972, the Drama Department prevented the movement of FASS into the performing space of the Humanities Theatre. However in 1973 the turn around ,i began for FASS. Year after year faces became more ::,& familiar and dedication to creating a better and bigger .,** show grew. :i;,:;:;{ :.~~~~~.~:~.~:~~..j. ,;.j;,;::;;i :::,., :,: A.... .,__‘:. : .,., :,.,., * ,,.._ ,,..~::~.~:.~~:~e:~.::..:.....~ :.:r..,,i”;‘:. 2::.:::;;, With the growth of FASS also came the question of profit. Since FASS is a non-profit organization, steps had had the audience standing every night the show ran. to be taken to donate the money made from the show. A Titles of shows in past ye-ars have been misleading, certain amount went towards next year’s show, some tempting, or just clever. A few examples are Water Luredo money was allotted for parties, and the rest went towards (1973 Western); St. VaZentineS Day Fassacre (1978) and charity donations for artist/ theatre related organizations. Fass$ied Information (198 I). .As you can see, much Just last year $5,000 was donated to the UW Arts Centre thought and imagination is put into the title itself. FASS is your theatre group. It represents the entire for a trust fund to be used on new sound equipment; moreover, the piano in the Campus Centre is a FASS University community by presenting a show in everyone’s donation. name. Your participation and support of FASS is FASS is most famous for its use of puns, groaners, and necessary in the continuation of FASS as a Waterloo one-liners. Also, FASS uses popular tunes and changes tradition. It takes great pride in its work today as it the words to link them with the contents of the play. This prepares to bring you its 21st annual show. Hopefully, year in particular, the singing is outstanding and the lyrics FASS will be performing for as long as the University of are hilarious. If you saw last year’s show, one of the many Waterloo is in operation. FASS is just 21 years of age and highlights was the song performed by Brian G. Martin still has lots of good years ahead -come and support your called “How Do You Mend a Broken Egg”(Heart), which FASS.

Tiger eTerry& Trivia by Tiger Terry Imprint staff Boy, talk about easy questions. Everybody should have been able to guess at least half of the correct answers to last week’s quiz. Don’t expect future questions to be that trivial. For those of you who want to confirm that you knew all the answers (and for those who were unsure of acouple), hereare the correct answers to last week’s trivia: - Neil Sedaka wrote Oh carolfor Carole King(at the time she was Carole Klein). - Sugarloafs 1970 hit was Green Eyed Lady. - The Spoons come from the thriving metropolis of Burlington. - The original line-up of The Beatles (not the Silver Beatles) was John Lennon (rhythm guitar), George Harrison (lead a guitar), Paul McCartney (2nd lead guitar), Stu Sutcliffe (bass), and Pete Best (drums). - anyone who has a copy of ‘the little fed book’ knows that Humphrey Bogart was born on January 23rd, 1899. - Kristen Sheppard (Sue Ellen’s sister) shot J.R. - Phil Esposito fell when introduced in the Canada-Russia series. - Reggie Jackson is known as Mr. October. - Jaclyn Smith, Kate Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Cheryl Ladd, Shelly Hack, and Tanya Roberts were all once Charlie’s Angels. - Everyone remembered Adam West played Batman, but not so many recalled that it was Burt Ward who portrayed Robin. Since the Fed Flick this weekend is Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan, some of this week’s trivia deals with the old Star Trek series. All set? OK, let’s go. 1. What colour is Speck’s blood? 2. What does the “T” in James T. Kirk stand for? 3. What is Harry Mudd’s full name? 4. How did Scatty get rid of the Tribbles? 5. Who used a cloaking device to evade the Enterprise? 6. In what year was Gilligan’s Island first shown? 7. What was the first hit single for the Monkees? 8. Everybody knows that Paul Henderson scored the winning goal for Team Canada back in 1972 in the eighth (and final) game of the series. Who scored the winning goal for Team Canada in the seventh game? 9. In 1930 the movie The Blue Angel was released. This movie introduced the song FaZZing In Love Again (which the Beatles covered at the Star Club in Hamburg, Germany). Name the actress who sang this song (in German) in the movie. 10. Who are the seven musicians who were once official members of the Rolling Stones? Correctly answer these 10 questions, bring the answers to the Imprint Office (CC 140) and win a double pass to see Kim Mitchell tonight, Friday January 28th at the Coronet Hotel!




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. . . Externally, we face serious difficulties and problems, in common with many people and institutions in Canada; and these conditions are bound to continue for some time; internally, the University is strong and competent, albeit strained by resource limitations . . . . . . In statistics compiled by the Council of Ontario University and by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities, operating support per university student in Ontario has fallen by about 30% in the past decade. Capital support was virtually terminated in l972. Ontario is now well behind the rest of Canada in real university support per student, and in Ontario, university support has fallen behind support to other sectors . . . . . . Our greatest problem today is excessive teaching !oads and class sizes, and the associated degradation of the teaching environment. Because of the shortage of resources we are not able to serve our students as well as we should, as well as we once did, nor as well as institutions in other jurisdictions are able to do . . . . . . It will be healthier to look to maintain or even improve the quality of our freshman intake, than to reduce that quality -to sustain an increased enrolment. .. . . . The transformation of the economy now taking place, driven by new technologies and international competition, is leading to a more fundamental division in the labour force. In the next few years unskilled workers will face rapidly declining prospects and the role of knowledge-based workers will become much more critical . . . The most successful economies in the world today are resource-poor and technology-rich; Switzerland, West Germany. and Japan. They all put a premium on rigour in education and training. They are all committed to maintaining long-term competitiveness through research and development. . . . It is particularly frustrating, in the short term, to note the degree to which the recession is affecting the co-operative program . . . In the fall term more than 98% of the students going on work terms were placed, and for the winter term the most recent figure I have is that 84.670 have now been placed . . . of the Waterloo Centre for . . . with the establishment Process Development, the Centre for Risk Studies, and the

ATTENTlObl FOREIGN UPIDERGRADUATES You are invited to spend a winter weekend in Wiarton from February 24th until February 27th. Transportation and lodging are free. For more information, please come and talk with Sheryl in the Foreign Student Office, Needles Hall - Room 2080.



Institute for Computer Research, we have embarked on new organizational forms for research, along thematic lines . . . . . . We must always keep in mind that all undergraduate education must contain such essential elements of a general education as: the development of abilities to reasoncritically, to write and speak clearly, to take initiatives, to function responsibly and ethically, and an understanding of the place of one’s major field of study in the world . . . . . . Our most difficult budget decision is the weighing of opinion that arises in two ways on the issue of appointments. There is pressure, on the one hand, to make more faculty appointments to ease the student/faculty ratio, teaching loads, and so forth. There is, on the other hand, pressure to raise the student/faculty ratio to maintain or increase salary on salaries have worked - levels. Our processes of consultation well, given the difficult financial context of recent years. I doubt that much of the considerable erosion we have suffered in student /faculty ratio during the past decade can be recovered. If this erosion were to continue, we would probably have to consider terminating some programs . . . . . . We have faced for some years intolerable crowding in a number of buildings . . . . . . We are now seeking overhead provisions in research contracts which include a rent for the facilities used, which in turn can allow us to build or purchase the additional space required to cope with increased research volumes . . . . . . As of today, the WATFUND total of pledges and contributionsstandsat $10,586,000, not counting the recently announced IBM contribution which, in cash and kind is worth $5.4 million.. . . . . Preliminary planning has been initiated for the development of the north campus, and necessary zoning changes have been approved. We have had discussion with a few major corporations about developments in this area, and we are encouraged. No commitments have yet been made, however. . . . . . I do not believe that we can afford to depend on government and government grants for what we hope to do in the next 25 years. I believe that we will have to maximize support from all sectors of the society, in return for our commitment to achievement and excellence . . .

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Friday, January

28,1983 -,

Fee increases a bit hard to swallow Start saving your pennies because beginning in May you’re going to have to dig a lot deeper into your pockets than ever before. The reason is the proposed fee increases (residence and athletic fees) which will be presented for approval at Tuesday’s (February I st) Board of Governor’s meeting. Tuition fees have already been approved and increased by the maximum allowed by law. The most disheartening thing about the proposed increases is the fact that percentage wise they are disproportionate to the federal governments recommended guidelines of restraining the economy to six and five per cent over the next two years. Certainly, Vice-President of Finance and Operations Bruce Gellatly would have no problems explaining and demonstrating the budgetary considerations which “necessitate” this year’s 12 per cent increase for the villages. However, on top of last year’s20 per cent jump it seems to be a bit much. It would be more appropriate for the University to do some fine tuning of the expense budget, and also to re-allocate funds from the University’s till, thereby assisting students by cutting back on the size of the increase.



Also, it doesn’t seem fair that there is such a disparity between the increases incurred by Minota Hagey Residence and the Married Students’ Residence compared with those of the villages. How can this be justified, particularly in light of last year’s enormous increase for the villages. If students remain silent, they will continue to get the“fat”end of the stick year after year. The University mentality seems to be that the rank and file students are less apt to complain; consequently, the University can burden them with a little more than the rest. The Athletic Advisory Board’s suggested rate increase (8.8 per cent) in the student athletic fee is very “out of line” considering the Athletic Department had a $3,500 surplus (they call it contingency) in the 1982-83 budget. They are figuring for a $18,265 contingency/ surplus for the 1983-84 budget. It is difficult to understand how the Atheltic Department can justify such a large percentage increase while including such a large contingency within their budget. It becomes even more disconcerting when you consider that at the Athletic Advisory Board’s last meeting it was suggested by a

student. representative that the fee be increased to only $18 per term in order to keep within the 6 and 5 guidelines. This would have resulted in a $3,660 surplus/ contingency, which if added to last year’s surplus would give the department a $7,209 cushion. Why doesn’t the Athletic Department make an effort to give students a break by adhering to the 6 and 5 guidelines? We think that some encouragement to“tow the line” might be effective. We suggest if you are the least bit upset that youapplya little pressure at Tuesday’s Board of Governor’s meeting at 10 a.m. in 300 1 Needles Hall. Maybe some University administrators will take Len Gamache notice. -

with character

The University of Cambridge, England, is surely well steeped in tradition. It is more than 700 years old. Tradition is something that binds a school together; that gives it character and personality. There are so many things at the University of Waterloo that separate students into cliques and camps. When you leave here, will you remember the University of Waterloo?Ordid youspend your years as an (Engineering) (Math) (E.S.) (etc.) student who happened to be studying sixty miles or so from Toronto? A university only 25 years old is very short on traditions. Are there any traditions at Waterloo that bind people together? For 21 years there has been at least one common ground for Faculty, Administration, Staff and Students to meet on: the stage. Temporarily taking the work of writers, actors, technical people, and others, members of virtually every facet of our community combine to create, annually, a fabulous concoction ofjokes, satire, songs, skits, dances, and more for other members of the UW community to enjoy.

FASS is created “by” you in the sense that there is no other organization more representative of students and including all aspects of campus life. FASS is written “for” you in that the shows are always written as one gigantic “in joke” - someone from outside our community doesn’t stand much chance of catching half the jokes. FASS itself has formed its own traditions: the utter groaners of puns; the running gags; the absurd character names; the Friday night late show; but most significantly, the tradition of pleasing audiences night after night after night. This term FASS is being presented in the Humanities Theatre, next Wednesday to Saturday inclusive (two shows on Friday) at 8:00p.m.(7:00and 10:OOp.m. onFriday).Ticketsare$3.00forall nights but Friday late, which cost $3.50. You are in FASS. Don’t miss seeing that - because you may discover that despite all the very real problems you have to deal with, there are some very real delights to go with them. To see is to laugh. And today, isn’t it wonderful to realize there are still many, many things to laugh at - not the least of which is ourselves? See you there. Len Gamache

Imprint is the student newspaper at the Waterloo. It is an editorially independent published by Imprint Publications, corporation without share capital. a member of the Ontario Community Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes Friday during the Spring term and every the regular terms. Mail should be “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.”

University of newspaper Waterloo, a Imprint is Newspaper every second Friday during addressed to University of

Imprint: ISSN 0706-7380 2nd Class Postage Registration Pending Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising.


Quedion Are you tiraid

towalk home at night? by llJorm MacIsaac, Bob Heringer, MelindaLefurgey




science 8

Mafh 3

Only when big Chinese guys are walking around

Never, nobody want to attack

would me!



Wlian Teichert Mat-h Grad

KimMarshall Kin8

No. I take the bus. I used to live on Phillip St. in Coop and I wasn’t afraid then.

No, not redly, the walk from it’s not lighted

lb@laBrandon Akrts8 except for Optometry,

No. I used to live in Toronto and I feel a lot safer here.

Dianne Myerson En@bh BB No, because I stay lighted areas.



Mary Ellen pinkie

Hill3 in the

NO, I’m concerned,


but not

sociology Not really; handle it.

3 I’m tough,

I Can

Classified Imprint Classifieds cost 5Oq for 20 words and 5q more for each extra word. They are due at noon on Tuesday.


Imprint. Friday, January

Since its opening at the Humanities Theatre, thiscompany has enjoyed international acclaim and established itself as a company of elegance, energy and stunning visual entertainment. Who are they? If you know the answer you could win tickets to this show. Come down to Imprint, CC 140. Good luck.

The lovvof my life! Therefore * I’m looking for a 2nd hand wedding dress to marry him in. Size 10 or 12, preferably summer style. Call 884-4333 after 5 p.m.

Lost Lost a black “Footlocker” gymn bag containing: nike allcourts, track pants & shorts, socks, Squash Ontario tee shirt, mouth guard and lock. Reward offered. Call 885-2792 before 8 a.m. or after 10 p.m.

Personal c Shiatsu (Japanese finger pressure massage). For headaches, tension, backaches, stomach/ intestinal problems, menstrual cramps, muscle ailments, etc. Treatments 1.5 hours. Student rates. Call C. Peck at 884-6607. Male seeking gay male that enjoys sports, movies, career minded for friendship. John, P.O. Box 405, Don Mills, Ontario M3C 2T2. Single Girls. Come to pyjama party Saturday, January 29. Call Jo-anne or Marry at 886-7622. r Lips: Help! Help! Help’?(grin). But what else can a PWF do but sew wild oats? Take a minor in frog. BNFB Inc. P.S. When’s the next class? Happy 23rd Birthday Scruff (alias CB). Are you free for dinner Saturday? All my love. M. Attention all yacht owners: Having trouble with ant infestation? I can help. John’s Rent An Aardvark Service offers one fully trained Aardvark with sea legs. In mint condition except for minor nasal disturbance. Rent by day or week. Rental fee includes one full.length aardvark nose scarf and a case of Dristan nasal mist. Inquire at Bombshelter in front of Pat-Man any day. Craig Baxter. f I know that bacon and eggs would have peen better, but thanks for not preaking my heart . . . Gen. D.K.N.: Happy Anniversary! I-hanks for two wonderful {ears. See you August 19th. 411 my love, P. W.

Mystery Woman, say Hello?

will you ever

Bonnie, I am bigger than the men in the Mag. Thinking of you. Will drop by soon. Grebs and Gotchies.

76 650 Yamaha XS. Needs some work. $800 firm. Call Paul 888-6087.

Pat Gauch! How does a “Monopoly-zing” slumber party sound to you? Your livingroom, of course. (Canadian version this time!) G. Lissen, this is real! Please return my Menno cookbook; the world is poorer for its loss, literally. Money involved? Contact Todd at Imprint, or better yet, leave it where you found it. To My Shrimp - You’re a damn good cook! Good roasts, very good chickies and nice buns. Love Caller. Simpy, Wimpy, Gimpy - To our pal Yak, the one with the hairy badk, who today is 22, And this we wanted to give to you: A man you can’t deny. Lonely Doug, the barfly. So when in the tub, Don’t pop a chub, and keep on being happy! Happy Birthday, from a bushel of jigs.

Attention Carpet Crawlers! No need to worry your trophy is safe and still unharmed. Who knows for how much longer! Wahoy! - Judy D and Janice P. (Alias S&M). It’s gotta be you. Who else knows about C.B. and the Sex Magnets? Give up and tell the truth A.K.

New rust coloured ski suit with Knickers. Size 12. Cost $70. Will sell for $35. Mrs. Wright, 885-l 664. Trumpet, Selmer Bundy. Excellent condition. 1.5 years old, lacquer finish, carrying case included. Asking $300. Call 884-5206. ZX 81 Computer. For Sale. 8K ROM, 4K RAM installed, only 2 months old. $150.00 or best offer. 884-3 175. Toyota Celica 74, Motor excellent, white with black top. Ask for $1200 as is or best offer. Call 886-7077. Rhythm Magazine - a Canadian al’ternative music magazine without all the hype. Now available in the South Campus Hall Gift Shop. New Sony Walkman $95 or best offer. (Gary).

4 (Silver) 884-5058

Is your professor screaming for you to get that paper finished? Call 884-1806. Lowest prices. IBM Selectric. Math, French, Thesis.

CKMS-FM wants volunteers for local news. Be a newsreader/ reporter/ producer. No experience necessary. Call 886-2567, ask for the News Department.

Services Students needing help in French. Contact Nola N. Kianza at Conrad Grebel College Rm. No. 329. Telephone 884-9561. N.B. Place limited, Will do light moving with a small truck. Also rubbish removal. Reasonable rates. Call Jeff 884-283 1.

Ride Wanted Mystery a car?


do you have

Typing. 14 years’ experience typing theses, research papers, manuscripts, etc. IBM Selectric II correcting typewriter. Phone Nancy anytime at 576-790 1. Professional typing at reasonable rates. Fast, accurate service. Satisfaction guaranteed. Carbon Ribbon with liftoff correction. Call Diane at 576- 1284. 25 years experience; no math papers; reasonable rates; Westmount area; call 7433342. Experienced typist. IBM Selectric II Self Correcting. Engineering Symbols. Fast and accurate. Reasonable rates. Will pick-up and deliver to campus. Mrs. Lynda Hull. 579-0943. Experienced typist will do essays, work reports, etc. Fast, accurate work. Reasonable rates. IBM Selectric. Lakeshore Village, near Sunnydale, 885-1863.

Maggie Can Type It! Student Rates. Essays - 75a: per page (must be’readable). Thesis 65~ per page (booked in advance). Free pickup and Delivery. Minimum charge $5.00. Script type available. Phone 743-1976

May-Aug House with 3 single rooms ($120.00) and 1 double room ($170) available. Furnished. Parking. Washer & Dryer. Paid utilities. 2 washrooms. Close to U of W. Call John 885-5 134. One person to share beautiful home with 100 plus acre backyard. Jan. - Apr. or longer. 2 bus routes. $150 plus utilities. 744-9674. Deluxe Summer Housing. 3 bedroom townhouse & basement room. 1.5 baths, pool, 2 parking spaces. Fully furnished, dryer, cable, 7 minutes biking, bus. 886-0465. Furnished two bedroom apartment to sublet. Fridge, stove, deep freezer, cable t.v., balcony, parking included. Buses available direct to campus. Laundry, sauna and exercise room in building. $435/ month (or less?). Utilities included 578-5086. 2 bedroom apt. (May - Aug), fully furnished, carpeted, laundry & parking facilities, Sunnydale area, utilities included, rent negotiable. 8842546.

Experienced typist. IBM Electric. Will pick up and deliver. Reasonable rates. 7441063.


Fully furnished flat, private entrance, 2 bedrooms, study, L.R., Kit., 3-piece bath; parking; yard; carpeted; phonk, cable, utilities supplied; available May; 578’-6560 days, 5763883 nights; Connie.

Housing Available

Editing and Proofreading

For Rent May to August -83. Large three-bedroom apartment, 20 minute walk from campus. Rent negotiable. Call 886-l 367 evenings.

Graduate student with M.A. in English will proof, edit and correct essays, theses, handbooks etc. #Reasonable rates. Call Jane 886-7039.


Sofa and chair, almost new. Asking half purchase price ($150). 885-2959 or 886-3720 (Rob). 1978 Toyota Celica. Excellent condition. New tires. Best offer. Owner leaving. Call 519-884-2353. Sofa, good condition asking $60.00. 885-4338 after 6 p.m. Desk: Single pedestal, two drawer, walnut veneer finish; good condition, asking $70. 885-4338 after 6.


Donna. Thanks for a most enjoyable Monday morning. It was a great start to an otherwise ordinary week. Murray.

Women wanted. Minimum five for recreational innertube waterpolo team. Preference to those with good attitudes towards play and swimming. Lorne 578-7039 evenings.

to you! Bubba,

Earn $15.00 doing a cross campus poster run for WPIRG! Apply now, names will bb drawn ?n Thursday Contact WPIRG in CC 217A or call ext. 2578.

Fast efficient typing. 75a: per page, no math papers, delivery on campus. Call 886-4587 evenings.

Fischer SC RacingX-Country Skis in excellent condition, $60. Call Pete at 884-5395.

Would the attractive brunet I’ve been staring at in the mornings at least say hi? Dave.

A very happy birthday Love from Gonzo, Fuzz and Chief.

Tutor for Physics 122. If interested please contact Chris at 885-1062.

Information on the Mystery Woman phone 576-4211 ask for Mr. Goodenfest.

For Sale Triple beam balance scales. Excellent condition. Best offer, 886-8646.

Congratulations to Lee, Dave and Pete for making the century club without wetting their pants or puking. T.

PSST! Gay of WLU has coffehouses too! (Every Thursday). Check out “Campus Events”.

Sorry boys, all dates for next weekend are off! If you must see me, check out’the back row balcony at FASS. Look, how about lunch Friday instead of Sunday? Say 1:00 or so. F. the S.M. and Have Ribs Instead! Uno.hoo.

So Munchie, Got it now and advertising! Look girls, a New Man in the area. Not J&J.


C.B.J. in EB 325 - Happy 20th Birthday! Sure hope you have a BLAST, but be careful not to flutter those orange eyelashes of yours at just anyone, ‘cause it could get you into trouble. C.B.F.

1 or 2 Neil Young tickets for[l Toronto. Call John 885-5 134.



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his view

To the editor: (Re: Uncle Sam’s Boycott Reconsidered, Imprint, Jan. 2 1,1983.) I was rather dismayed by Imprint staffer Ron McGregor’s account of that now infamous Nov. 30, 1982 ESS trip to Uncle Sam’s, a bar in Buffalo NY. Firstly let me state my feeling that the whole issue has been blown out of proportion. Unfortunately it is by way of shabby journalism that an inaccurate picture of reality has been painted. As one who talked civilly and at some length with three of Uncle Sam’s management personnel that night I feel a duty to clear up some of the misinformation circulating about the incident. Uncle Sam’s management, at that time, candidly admitted to me that the ejection of Mr. Philp was unwarranted based on the reasons mentioned by the bouncers. The real reason for the ejection was that once taken outside the establishment Mr. Philp had objected to these initially “unwarranted”reasons. Living in Niagara Falls (Canada), the shoot first-ask questions later modus operandi of bouncers in U.S. bars is somewhat familiar to me. However I do feel some strange honor at being present that night to observe that festival,of pretzel logic. Mr. Philp’s objections outside the bar were understandable, I propose, because he was one who spent many hours in preceding

weeks to organize this trip. The evening ended on a sour note because of the unwillingness of Uncle Sam’s to admit a simple mistake and the scapegoat tactics they used to cover it up. My main objection to the Imprint article centres around their endorsement of the Uncle Sam’s charge that as one of the visiting group I “got very intoxicated and started many fights.” Of course I resent being labelled “veryintoxicated” because this was simply not true and I feel this discription did not apply to anyone else in the ESS group. Furthermore the only fighting witnessed by anyone that night were various group members fighting to hold back laughter at the ridiculous nature of the affair. These false accusations about drunkenness and fighting only serve to weaken the credibility of the establishment. Lastly, and contrary to published reports, the ESS group was not ejected but chose to leave. Uncle Sam’s management informed me that they were quite willing to allow the group to stay until closing if those already ejected stayed outside. Rather thanagree to this proposal and in effect endorse the groundless accusations that led up to it the group exited in protest en masse. 1 hope this account of the situation satisfies Messrs. Romenco, Liddy, and Barr of Math, Eng, and SciSoc (Forum Jan. 21) that the only apology due hereisfrom the Uncle Sam’sestablishment.




To the editor: The January 14 and 2 1 editions of the Imprint carry full page advertisements for the Canadian Armed Forces recruiting sessions taking place on the UW campus on January 26 and 27, 1983. The recruiting sessions are aimed at getting engineering and science students to join the armed forces as military engineering officers, and the advertisements offer these students “professional experience”, “subsidized post-graduate training” and a “competitive salary” if they sign-up. I seriously question the appropriateness of the Imprint running recruiting advertisements for the Canadian Armed Forces. Without any doubt, such advertisements help the armed forces attract students to join up, otherwise they would not want to advertise in the student press. I think that the student press should not assist the armed forces in this endeavour. The Canadian Armed Forces are not defending freedom, sovereignty and peace in Canadaand around the world. First, the Canadian Armed Forces are part ofthe U.S. and NATO military bloc. This military bloc and the military.bloc of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact are both extremely aggressive and expansionist. Both superpowers and their military blocs commit aggression against other countries in order to dominate them and exploit them for their labour and resources. Both superpowers

Essaies by George Elliott Clarke I - Jackson’s “Steppin’ Out” Whether one is under the influence or not, it may be universally agreed that Joe Jackson’s AM hit, Steppin’ Out, is the best piece of music to grace the air-waves since Quincy Jones and Grover Washington Jr. expanded the perimeters of pop with their collaboration on Just The Twc, Of Us. Jackson’s song is a percussive tour de force of driving, jazz-fusion, Latin rhythms, urban and relevant, describing city chaos, angst jabberwocky, yellow cabs, and Dylanesque, Just Like A Woman, loss-love. It tells grittily thegrim proverbs of living in any city in this Depression, in this generation of “gettin’ old before (its) time”. It transforms the blues psychology of 1933, of “catch a train and ride”, into the mod panacea of “get into a car and drive”. It speaks of abandoning the jeremiah-media, being serious, and making a living by surviving. All this without a guitar within earshot! Steppin’ Out is a two-step of tension, an anxious and angry anthem of what it is to “work all day, dance all night” (as Devo put it) to drum-metronome and xylophone-rain. It is the best expression to date of


what this generation, our generation, is all about: rhyth m and business, commerce before pleasure. I t’s a great song. And you can dance to it! II - A Recipe for Ecstasy Take one pound of asparagus, one inch of boiling water, a half teaspooon of salt, a peck of freshlyground black pepper, two tablespoons of butter, one cup of bread crumbs, and two tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese and arrange in the following manner. Strip the asparagus of all redundant leaves and its stem-ends. Next, soak the vegetable for twenty minutes in enough salted water to cover it (using one teaspoon of salt for every inch of water required). Then. drain the water and throw it out. Place the asparagus in a saucepan with one inch of boiling water and one teaspoon of salt. Boil the whole kaboodle for 5 minutes uncovered; then, cover it up and boil it for 10 minutes. Drain the water again. Sprinkle the asparagus with black pepper(orcurryif that is your preference). Melt the butter with some cheese, add bread crumbs, and stir the misture over medium heat until it is just golden. Then, pour it over the succulent, mouth-watering asparagus. Voila! Ecstasy!

(Editor k note: We feel that your accusations of shabb?l journalism and of our endorsement of charges made by Uncle Sam S are unjustified. We do not “endorse” Uncle Sam’s in this matter, nor do we support Warren Phi/p. We simply presented both sides of the case. Here s the paragraph in question: “Farrel (assistant hanag@ at *leSam 5) said that within the last three months a group of U W students visiting the bar ‘got very intoxicated and started ma@ fights. ’ ” Imprint didn’t say that a group of U W students got ver,* into.uicated; Farreldid. Itseemsclearenough. Maybevoushould re-read the article.)


and their blocs are competing for world domination and the expansion of their markets, sources of raw materialsand spheres of influence which is leading them towards a world war. I do not agree that students should serve the aims of either superpower and their military blocs. But byjoining the Canadian Armed Forces they would contribute to the aims of one of them. Second, the Canadian Armed Forces is protecting the U.S. domination of Canada through NORAD. Canada is dominated _economically, politically and culturally by the United States. It is also dominated militarily by the United States through NORAD, which integrates the Canadian Armed Forces into the U.S. armed forces and puts them under the control of a U.S. commander. The Canadian Armed Forces is not dedicated to fighting for the elimination of the foreign domination of Canada and establishing a genuinely independent and sovereign state. Rather, many of its training scenarios are based on suppressing struggles of the Native Indians and Inuit in the case they try to take back their lands from the big American oil and mining corporations and cut off supplies of these strategic minerals to the United States. I do not agree that students should serve in the army that works against the national independence and - sovereignty of Canada. Finally, the Canadian Armed Forces exists to protect the


Mr. Philp’s suggested boycott of Uncle Sam’s, whether official or not is understandable in this context. Whether the boycott is “reconsidered” or not is a moot point. I will not be patronizing Uncle Sam’s again and I suspect this is the case with Mr. Philp and many others who were on the trip. With additional episodes of the Nov. 30th incident Uncle Sam’s can only expect to lose further business. Maybe this eventuality will improve their level of hospitality. Niall McMillan E. S. 4


status quo and put down the legitimate aspirations of the workers, youth, Native people and other sections of the population in Canada. For instance, with the severe economic crisis in the country and the deteriorating living conditions of a substantial section of the population, the government is expecting mounting social protests from people. The news media, for example, is always talking about potential revolts of unemployed youth in the big cities. The Canadian Armed Forces is trained to put down these just struggles of the people for their rights such as the right to a job. In New Brunswick the armed forces has been trained for years in putting down potential riots of workers. I do not agree that students should assist in putting down the struggles of the people for their legitimate demands. The Imprint ran editorials last semester generally supporting peace and opposing foreign aggression. I think that to .bf consistent the Imprint should refuse to assist an army that i! participating in the preparations for world war and itself ha! participated in aggression against such countries as Korea. Refusing ads from the Canadian Armed Forces will‘not stoI their recruiting on campuses, but it will show that the Imprin opposes all armies which act against freedom, sovereignty am peace and it will assist in mobilizing students against the aims o the Canadian Armed Forces. Jeff Conwa:



to Pub’s

Management To the editor: This isn’t the first nor will it be the last of many letters about the C. C. Pub, let’sjust hope that the person’s responsible will read this as well as the previous letters. I have been a student at this university since ‘79. Since that time and, as I’ve been told, well before that the C. C. Pub has always had the reputation of being a place to go and get, “pissed”. Which brings me to my first point. Such activities can, just as easily, be accomplished at ones own home why burden others with your forrays into the walking mindless. This would not only help these people save face, when the doormen have to throw you out, it would also save the man-

Imprint To the editor: I am writing in response to your blatant display of poor taste, disrespect and ignorance of an event that occurred in the Campus Centre Great Hall on Thursday last, an event that you chose to degrade with words/ accompanying a picture from part of a play interpreting a Biblical


caption parable. The Chaplain’s Association and Ecumenical Campus Ministries, collaborated in bringing this^event together to celebrate Christian Unity Week, and they did so very successfully. it was an interesting, warming and talented presentation that was received well by all patrons of the


The Quality of Education Maintenance Fund committee was to be just another such unreachable government. Thecommittee was to take fifty dollars from each eligible engineering student and to allot the money to various engineering projects as they saw fit. The common student (the majority) had no say as to where his money was spent; there existed no democracy. The QEMF formal draft prepared by the then Eng Sot president stated that the members of the QEMF committee were to beselected by Eng Sot. If there were many that had aspirations to sit on the QEMF committee, then the committee would be almost impervious to them; Eng Sot may even have patronized friends (let’s hope not, though). Those that were not willing to invest their time on a QEMF committee, which is reason enough, were to resign themselves to having zero domination over their own fifty dollars (indeed, the QEMF proposal never did require equal representation, nor did it require the committee members to reflect their “constituents” views as opposed to their own private views).

for Helping




It has been estimated that engineering students only pay 16% of the university’s expenditures foroureducation. If-it is true that the Faculty of Engineering lacks funds for worthwhile equipment and projects, then for us to pay a little more is not unreasonable. The writer proposes the following funding arrangement. AFTER approval of the Faculty of Engineering’s annual budget, both Eng Sots should evaluate whether financial assistance should be extended to the faculty for that fiscal year. Students should each contribute their fifty dollars under the same exemption rules as with QEMF (they were fair)except that exempted students need not pay their donation at registration (maximum number of accumulated donations per student - 7). The departments should submit to the students proposals of programmes they would like funded, stating purpose and desired dollar amount. Each desired amount becomes the ceiling for its project’s account. Contributing engineering students should have one month to analyze the proposals. The students should


listen only to the hitchers be have decided to adopt the “let’s get even more profits” or possibly “this place is getting too busy” attitude. That’s the only way that I can see such thinking having been spawned. I’m not against free enterprise but cutting your own throats is nothing short of suicide. How can you be so short sighted.

agement from hearing alot of mindless complaints from people who don’t get their own way. A change, a change I feel to be towards the better, has been occurring at the Pub (aka “the Bombshelter”) over the last year. People are starting to go to the Pub to do more then just drink. The music has taken a decided swing into a direction which. promotes an atmosphere of entertainment andactivity as opposed to one of lethargy and stagnation. This has caused the Bombshelter to be very crowded and quite busy. However, within the last month, a new set of changes has occurred. Brought on by the increased amount of clientele, the power.s that

To the editor: Canada is governed by a remote unreachable government in Ottawa. Our political laws were written by lawyers for lawyers. Therefore, only a select few are making the decisions about Canada’s future; theconstituentsarevirtuallyexcluded from this process. These bureaucrats often make decisions (especially these days) that are unwanted by the populace they govern. They fling our money around to various programmes and groups as they please, under the false pretence that the government knows best to do with our hard-earned money. The people of Canada and of other democratic countries are skeptical of a bureaucracy over which they exercise so little control.




for Engineering



I am of course, refering to the recent changes that some of you people might not be aware of, to the people responsible for the popularity of the Pub. The DJ’s. All 1 ask is that the management and everyone else out there who frequents the Pub to look at what the DJ’s did before last January and what they are doing now and I know it will be quite obvious what a

disrespectful campus


You owe an apology to the Chaplain’s Association, Aruha, the Campus Centre staff and the patrons of the Campus Centre for your trite interpretation of this event.


Ann Woodruff Campus Centre

Editor S Note: First a clarification - the name qf the group photographed last Wednesda?? is Ruah, whom 12.e‘ve done revieujs q f in the past. We apologize *for not clarlx\ing M*ho they are and u*hat thev M’ere realllt doing. We are also sorr?’ that manjl religious groups on campus (along uith jlourse!f) take themselves so seriousll).



decide to which project accounts their fifty dollars are to go, and assign their money in the proportions they please (democracy). Once the ceiling is reached, studenti yet to assign their money should be notified the account is full (a short real-time computer programme can easily perform all the bookkeeping functions required), but should still be able to contribute to that account. Unassigned money should be appropriated according to the assigned money proportions (extrapolated democracy) until account ceilings are reached. There should be a formal ceremony, open to the public (especially the contributors), at which the students’ representatives hand over the money to the heads of all the programmes assisted. Conditions of financial assistance: a) money handed over in cash or draft so that no amounts enter university finance sheets b) the programme heads agree to spend money as per their proposals (within reason) c) at the<end ofthe term the programme heads furnish to Eng Sot and all students a listing of how their money was spent, detailing equipment bought and serial numbers, as well as a listing of their university funded expenditures. The idea of this action is to help our Faculty of Engineering when in a tight financial squeeze, but to do so in a way that caters to the students’ interests (it’s our money!). May we call this the Engineering Faculty Assistance Program (EFAP)?

Ideas for Improving


The above proposal contains no guarantee of improving Waterloo’s engineering education. Below are ideas which may be considered for action towards actually improving education. 1) Restrict projects in above proposal to those that upgrade undergraduate laboratories or classrooms (including building costs and equipment). 2) Halve class sizes. Fifty or so people per class is plenty. This can be accomplished two ways: a) hire double as many teaching professors (that are interested in teaching), b) have simultaneous instruction of two half classes by the professor and a (good) teaching assistant, alternating the professor and the teaching assistant every class period. 3) Construct a building containing short wide classrooms without lighting nor acoustical problems; use the Engineering Lecture Hall only for tutorials. 4) Assign pointed homework assignments that gradually develop understanding of material, as opposed to requiring complete understanding before questions can be started. 5) Change tutorials to workshops (of longer duration, maybe one per afternoon or evening) with timeand atmospherefbr doing useful questions, and a teaching assistant to help individuals overcome difficult points (like Gen E 114). Michael Jensen 3B EE Workterm

few inovative individuals have done for the Pub. The control over their choice of what should and shouldn’t be played even to the point of firing staff who don’t agree 100% with “the management’s” thinking should be seriously considered or even reconsidered by all. Let’s face it you’ve only heard the hitchers not everyone else who are enjoying themselves. Inovation can lead to change and keeping away from stagnation. Mind you, maybe you would prefer the Pub to be like it was three years ago. After all a handful of employees and maybe 100customersadayisaprettygoodway for everyone to catch up on missed sleep. Glen Moffat 2B E.E. 2A Psych



That roving din of noise you may have heard yesterda! afternoon was merely the Plummer’s Hard Hat Band trying tc make the campus aware that the engineers are still alive ant well and ready to begin an action packed weekend of fut activities. Twice every term the Engineering Society (Eng Sot sponsors Engineering Weekends in which the engineerin classes compete against each other inevents which rangefron the trivial Leonardo da Vinci Memorial Paper Airplanr Contest, to major activities such as the Super Bowl Sunda! “Sno Bowl Football Tournamknt”. The noon hour parade kicked this weekend off, and wa! followed yesterday by the Paper Airplane Contest and 2 Pinball Tournament. The Carolyne Mas pub at the Waterlo< Motor Inn last night capped the first day of activities. This afternoon’s Dog Sled Race and Snow Sculpture Contest fell victims of the mild weather, but a Rubik’s Cube Contest and the infamous muddy Tug of War at 2 p.m. todal (Friday) across the tracks from the Security building will keeF the class rivalries brewing; while night skiing at Chicopee wil provide a good excuse for getting together over a few brecl tonight. Tomorrow, the engineers will test their driving skills in a “Pub Rally” in which teams of two will muddle through complex integrals and matrices to obtain directions to the next check stop. The seven check stops are all local pubs, ana the navigator must consume two beers at each location while his card is punched. Some survivors of this rally will compete in the day long Sno bowl Football Tournament this Sunday Eng Sot of course, along with Carling O’Keefe, will suppl~ prizes to winners, and distribute coveted P**5 points (Pau Plummer Participation Points Program) to all competitors. Rival classes compete in various activities throughout the term in attempts to amass the most P**5 points for more prizes. Eng Sot welcomes all non-plummers to view the activities and see how engineers “let loose” from time to time, ln other engineering activities, the Femme Eng Wine ant Cheese party was held on Monday to welcome back the remale engineers. The recent increase in the number of women taking engineering has made this. i;vent many times larger than the first Femme Eng social event, almost a decade ago. The pre-season engineering floor hockey tournament Featured twelve teams and some of the stiffest competition ;een in many years in this sport, considered the official :ngineering pastime. The eventual winners of this :ournament, held two weeks ago, were the “Mechanical 4dvantage”, a 4B Mech Eng team who beat “Physical Systems” 1-O in the second sudden death overtime period. Upcomingeventsco-sponsored by Eng Sot, Math Soc,and Sci Sot include a roadtrip to “The Library” in Niagara Falls V.Y. on February 4th, Engineering Weekend II from March 3rd to 6th. The Bus Push for Big Sisters on March 19th, ‘ollowed that evening by the semi-formal, and the Beer Brewing Pub on March 30th. Details on how to enter the :ampus wide beer brewing contest can be obtained from the Eng Sot office in Carl Pollock Hall. The Waterloo Warriors will be engaged in a nationally elevised basketball game against the tough Windsor Lancers In Saturday, February 5th at 2 p.m. in the PAC. Eng Sot is he official host of this game, whose half time show will eaturing the judging of a camdus wide banner contest, the inals of the foul shooting competition betweenfacultyrepreentatives, and the entertaining sounds of the infamous ‘lummers Hard Hat Band. The judging ofthe bannercontest vi11 be done by the TV sportscasters. The day will begin with a pre-game buffet at the Waterloo Motor Inn at 11:30 a.m. Again, details will be made available n’ the Eng Sot office. The Engineers isSuea challenge to other ‘aculties to beat their attendance at the game, and give he basketball Warriors the support they deserve in their luest for a national championship.

in T.O.

A weekend bYAlison

Butlin and Jaclyn Wailer,



If, asT. S. EIiotwrote,“ApriI isthecruellestmonth”thenwhatcan be said for Januaryand February?Thereare nospring rains,or lilies, just sloppy slush, screaming winds, and sub-Arctic temperatures. The post-holiday blues, the back-to-school blahs, call it anything you want, butthatdeath pallor still descends. You could huddle up in front of the television with a warm blanket and a hot toddy, but really toshrug off the January icks and the Februaryyuks,you mustget up 1 and get out. The farther you can go th,e better, but since Hawaii and even Florida are often beyond the student budget, Toronto the Good will have to do. We will, in the following article, outline an active, diversified weekend from start to finish - transportation, shows, clubs, restaurants, and accommodation included. The weekend is geared for people with a meagre budget, so if you’re searching for first hand reviews of Fenton’s Napoleon, the National Opera, Studio 54, or Dexterity, you might look elsewhere. The first order of business is transportation: the second is accommodat’ n. Both of these subjects are set off in boxes on this page, along ith the corresponding costs. When y arrive in Toronto,dropyourthingsoff, whether it beata friend’s, % hotel, or a park bench. Since night-life is one of Toronto’s strongest points, a problem arises when one has to choose what to do and when to do it. We suggest you pick up a Star or Globe, and roughly plan our your weekend. We’ll proceed through this article as we arranged our weekend, but the order can be rearranged as it suits you.

Films The advantage of seeing films in Toronto is that you can see the ones that will likely not be shown in Kitchener/Waterloo. You can also see movies at revue theatres for much lower prices ($2-$3) than regularfilms. Wesplit upforthesereviewssincewewantedto cover as many films in as wide a variety as we could. Some will appearhereintown(somearenowplaying)butothersIikelywiIInot. To find out where certain movies are playing just consult a newspaper. Come Back to the 5 & Dime Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean starring Sandy Dennis, Cher, Karen Black, and a supportingcastoffour isan intere/sting adaptation of a Broadway play that ran last spring. A summary of the plot is almost impossible since it would reveal too much of the film. However, in a nutshell ComeBack to the 5 &Dime Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean is the story of six characters who meet again at a twenty year reunion of the James Dean fan club. The setting is an old Woolworth’s store located in a town where James Dean once filmed a movie. The crux of this film is a series of revelations about the lives, the secrets, and the sleazy delusions of the characters. The most controversial of these is the character played by Sandy Dennis, who claims that she has mothered the only child of James Dean. The performances of the three actresses are superb and perhaps provide the most solid reason for seeing the film. Karen Black, Sandy Dennis, and Cher create well-rounded characters that both contrast and compliment each other. The photography, which overlaps scenes of the store in the 50’s with that of the 70’s, is a photographer’sdelight. Since the setting never moves from the 5 & Dime, there are many shots (compliments of cinematographer, Pierre Mignot) reflected from mirrors, through doors, walls, etc. Unfortunately, in the beginning, a great deal of this is confusing. Also, with a stationary set such as this, stage business runs rampant. However, the film is unusual and well-acted, and also confirms Robert Altman’s prowess in the field of direction.





Yes, The Verdict has been out for a while, and yes, Paul Newman has beautiful blues, but this is no reason to pass this movie by for something more receqt. Newman is so believable as a decrepit,. alcoholic, ambulance-chasing lawyer that onealmost missesthose

Accommodation It is best if ydu have friends or relatives to stay with in Toronto, because it’s much better on the budget. If you don’t, many hotels offer special weekend rates. Right now, the Park Plaza is offering a “Toronto Weekend” package for $29.50 perpersonper night for double occupancy, Friday and Saturday night. lt is best to check a travel agent for the rates of other hotels. Film Dance Club Breakfast AGO (1 tape) Lunch Second City (Drinks)

Budget $10.00 6.00 7.00 10.00 8.00 16.00


Dinner Bar Play Subways Total Gas Grand total

16.00 ??? 7.00

12.00 92.00

16.00 108.00

stunning eyes. At first,,it is hardtoacceptsuper-stud Newmanasan aging failure who hangs around funeral parlours seeking business, but once the viewer does, the film is on its way. The plot revolves. around a medical negligence suit brought against a respected physician by Newman’s clients, the family of the victim. While it is rather predictable, wit! Newman rallyingtochargethe badguys, he pulls it off very believably. Hestumblesandgropesforwordseven in the final courtroom scenes. Charlott Rampling puts in an appearance as Newman’s love interest, with a cruel twist that resultsina healthyrighttothejawhers. James Mason is quietly threatening as the senior member of the physician’s law firm. The cinematography is excellent and shows tight control of the camera that creates much tension in the .viewer. The subtle browns of wood and leather in the law offices furnish an appropriatelysombreatmosphereforthebackroomlegal intricacies that occur. While this isn’t a profound film that will change your life, it is an intense, well-acted movie that is a definite go-see. It is scripted by David Mamet; directed by Sidney Lumet. Eating Raoul, directed by and starring Paul Bartel, is a gem. It is fresh, outrageous and sick, and we agree that it is probably one of the funniest underground films released this year. It takes place in Los Angelesand centresaround a couple who needtoraiseenough cash to finance the restaurant they want to open. L. A. being what it is, they break into the sex market, entice swingers up to their apartment, and then kill, rob, anddisposeofthem. It issick, but it has the right attitude - if you like black comedy, you will love Eating Raoul. Veronica Voss by Rainer Werner Fassbinder, isa must-seefor his fans. Released after his untimely death, this film is one of Fassbinder’s masterpieces. It is more accessible than many of his earlier pieces, and the cinematography is stark and stunning. (German with English subtitles). If the films that we have suggested so far do not appeal to you, then there is a sure-fire recommendation we can make. We know this because all the other bigwig reviewers loved it - and they are never wrong. Tootsie is being heralded byaImosteveryone(oneguy in San Francisco panned it) as the hit of the year. The praise is justified. Dustin Hoffman is sensational, the film is hilarious, Bill Murray is outstanding, and Sidney Pollack directs and acts charmingly. The superlatives that come to mindareinadequateand everyone else beat ustothem. Evenforthemostdisillusionedtastes Tootsie is a .guaranteed success. In Toronto though, watch out for the line-ups - they can be hazardous to your mental stability and. any exposed part of the anatomy.

Clubs The real night-life in Toronto is just beginning as the theatres empty.Therearenumerousdanceclubsaroundthecity,alIofwhich have their own unique personality. The Domino Klub, one block off Yonge Street on Isabella, offers mostly electronic music with funk, punk, rockabilly, and new wave played danceably loud for only $2 cover charge. In addition to the atmosphere created by all-black walls, very dim lighting, and mirrors behind the dance floor, there is steel dance floor. Do not wear a connoisseur’s dream - a stainless your running shoes; you’ll stick. Wear leather shoes. The clientele here is diverse; it shows a cross section of both Toronto culture and counter-culture. New-wavers, punks, mods, and skinheads all congregate here during the week, but on weekends everyone will feel comfortable. There is plentyofseating within easy access of the dance floor, so you do not have to be a gymnast to reach it when the urge grabs you. The mainattractionof the Domino Klub is that anything goes, from voyeurism to slam dancing. Nuts and Bolts, 277 Victoria Street, in comparison to the Domino Klub is middle-of-the-road, but perhaps less overwhelming. There is a narrower selection of music and the crowd is basically new wave. The dance floor was tacky, both from spilt beers and lights shining from underneath plexiglass. It is Iargeandalwayscrowded; with television screens and pool tables, it is more like a bar than a dance club. There is a $3 cover charge and there is dancing until 4 a.m.



sells fresh f

An old fave, the Voodoo sorely missed by those of L W-hen you’ve had enouc some sleep. Do you eat breakfast? To rare joys of a weekend on breakfast. A leisurely cof1 slowly while poring over th best way to start the day al people think only of McDo more of those pinkpolyestc will be sick. Give us a waitr her gum, and flips her pen Such was our waitress i barely croak out a good m from eager in her behaviol the morning, when your ht before. It is an attitude of r voice box. No wasted verb Fran’s is a chain of resta the U.S. Fran’s name is or and almost everything. TI although the decor certi dining. But Fran’s forte is Prices are reasonable; t and the food is tasty, h( grapefruit is 90 cents;Frc homemade bread, fried gl served with three syrups maple, and is $2.50. A spe mound of fluffy scramble broiled cheddar on top. Al of us could handle. The All Day Big Breakfi bargain of the weekend. sausages, bacon ews~ accompanied with a baker restaurants is a depend breakfast. Locations: 227. 20 College at Yonge. After breakfast, we hea Dundas Street W. Showir Exhibit. William Blake wi time. The AGO is presenti with works from other 2 centuries. Admission fol advisable to rent the tapec time to stop and see this 1 McCaul Street forms th at the Henry Moore (yes, il McCaul for several hundr complex of restaurants marvelous choice of ci Hawaiian, Chinese, Frc bagels, and even auther slightly more peckish an( Ginsberg and Wong’s (a ( Lok’s (Chinese food). Farther south on McC Street Strip. This area pro and is very easy to spend i the trendy clothing sho Goodwill centres, and art of bargains along this st course there are at least


Onion Soup Episode ($2.50) was good but not exciting, sorely lacking a shot of sherry that would have helped greatly. The Mushroom-Cheddar Chowder ($2.50) is the best of the soups, a thick, creamy, mushroom-laden broth blended with tangy cheese and topped with a generous helping of sour cream. The Spinach Sensation is nosensation. For $2.75wegot lovelyhunksofspinach, mushrooms, baconandcheesedrownedinadelugeofdisgracefully greasy dressing. Do not order this. Main courses fared better than the appetizers. The hamburger, a full 8 oz. of beef, was juicy, mildy seasoned and rare (although our companion asked for medium). The much talked-about buffalo chips were piled alongside as well as coleslaw. Fish and Chips at $4.95 are delicious. The batter is extremely light, the fish tender, and the helping huge. The Hot Vegetizer ($4.95) is a vegetarian’s dream. Juicy mushrooms and broccoli spears are done Tempurastyle, topped with cheddar and run under the broiler. Desserts at Greenjeans are huge and got a very favourable reception at our table. We sampled the following (no details needed): Here Comes the Fudge, cheesecake and the Karo pecan pie ($2.75 - $3.95). We were then wheeled out of the restaurant, and deposited in the street. Overall, the atmosphere is trendy, the drinks are imaginative, the food portions huge and the prices are reasonable. Locations of Greenjeans are 120 Adelaide St. E., and The Eaton Centre. If you are not ready for home yet, you can search out a quiet piano bar or a howling den of inebriation. Some bars and pubs of the more sedate type are ScotlandYard, 56The Esplanade, The Sticky Wicket, on Spadina, and Ryan’s at St. Clair and Yonge. As for the rowdy pubs, try the El Mocambo, 464 Spadina Ave., The lquana Lounge, 138 Pears Ave. (north of Davenport at Avenue Rd.) with dancing until three a.m., The Hotel Isabella, 556 Sherbourne, and The Turning Point, at 192 Bloor St. W.

Weekend st earlier this year and is ricing until dawn. go home. Go to bed. Get szy to make it? One of the t there is always time for jam and eggs savoured It SectionoftheStaristhe ack. It is sad that so many comes to breakfast. One inkingbrighteyesandwe : smile, only sneer, snaps 1and Eglinton. She could s several steps removed d of reaction one needs in kledxylemfrom the night f trite dribblings from the tches across Canada and ates, cups, syrup bottles, in Toronto are licenced, nd itself to after-hours ed 24 hours a day. ! not ingratiating, isquick are large. Half a large I is three large pieces of 1 smothered in butter, is range honey nectar and ar cheese melt, is a great r home fries with bubbly ore breakfast than either in’t try) has got to be the et two of the following: and home fries rups, ~II,anyofthethreeFran’s n affordable, satisfying [on, 21 St. ClairatYonge, Irt Gallery of Ontario, 31 6th is the William Blake ooet and engraver of his is also highlighting them lteenth and nineteenth ! gallery is $3 and it is i3.50. It iswellworththe ; a remarkable man. ryof the AGOTurn right 1ture)andproceeddown e at all hungry there is a ;range which offers a :or example, there is hishkebobs, schnitzel, fare. If you are feeling he Grange also houses &n combo) and Young action with the Queen blendofartandpoverty *owsing up and down at and furniture stores, 2atremendousnumber the book line. And, of blishments. To name a

few - Peter Pan’s, The Parrot, The Blue Angel, Chives, and one of the best, The Queen Mother. For an evening entertainment on the Saturday, we reserved seats at the Old Firehall for the 8 p.m. show. The Second City improvisational dinner/theatre has been a popular hotspot in Toronto since the whole dinner/theatre craze began Now, due to SCTV’s popularity Second City’s attractiveness has grown to new proportions. It has become the springboard for young, talented performers to make it big in the “biz”, for example Dave Thomas, Rick Moranis, and John Candy. Also, celebrities such as Chevy Chase, Bill Murray, and Robin Williams have been known to show upunexpectedly, much tothedelightofeageraudiences.TheresuIt of all this exposure has been to inspire newer and more sophisticated shows. The most recentofthese,l’veGotaSequelPart//isnoexceptionto this; it is tightly structured, well-timed and extremely funny. The cast of John Hemphill, Ron James, Don Lake (you’ll recognize him from his Canadian Tire commercials), Bruce Pirrie, Kathy Laskey, and Debra McGrath are a charismatic group of performers that move from five-minute group scenes to five-second one-on-one skits with lightning wit and polished grace. The humour, primarily Canadian-oriented, satirizes institutions such asthe HydroCo., Bell Telephone, Consumer’s Gas, Brewer’s Retail, and of course, the economy. The whole atmosphere of Second City is that of energy, which is contagious to the somewhat rowdy (totally inebriated) audience. During the show, Second City offers a unique variety of “lmbibies” (their word), to increase your enjoyment and lighten your wallet weight. Here are a few: The SCTV Tube ($3.15), Catatonic (52.95), and the Foolish Fireman ($6.15) which consists of rum, more rum, raspberry, more rum, cherry brandy, and allows you to keeptheglass,ifyoucanstillrememberwhataglassis.T~;,t! is also beer ($1.75), wine ($6.00 per half litre) and shots, &!.50).





Sunday, as a wind-up to our weekend we decided to catch some live theatre (as opposed to dead theatre -there is such athing, you know). The Yellow House at Ar/es,pIaying at the Tarragon Theatre until February 5th, isa two-manplaywhichwaswritten byandstars Dennis Hayes and Richard Payne. The play revolves around the relationship between Vincent Van Gogh (Payne)and Paul Gauguin (Hayes) while they lived together at Arles in 1888. Although the first act is slightly uneven and the acting inconsistent, the second act thoroughly compensates for it. During thelastfewscenesoftheplaytheaudienceiswitnesstotheintense dedication and physical, emotional, and financial hardships faced by these two artists. A sense of extra-ordinary waste and sadness washes over the viewer as a result of these tensely structured last scenes. The director, Frank Canino makes interesting use of the stage through the use of the two artists paintings, as well there is a charming scene in which Van Gogh and Gauguin parody the styles of the other painters of their time. For exciting theatre as well as a good introduction to the lives of Van Gogh and Gaugin see The Yellow House at/b/es. The Tarragon Theatre, 30 Bridgeman Ave., Sunday, “pay as you can” performance. A weekend in Toronto is exhausting, but nevertheless satisfying. As we have shown, you do not have to spend a fortune to have a good time. With a good pair of walking and dancing shoes and alot of energyyouwillfindthattheweekendisnotlongenoughbeforeyour inevitable return to “The Waste Land”. . Stay tuned for the February trave! installment - Madagascar on $8.00 a day.


Although we did not have time to visit the restaurant upstairs, Second City offers a dinner/theatre package for as low as $17.95 from Mon. - Thurs., $18.95 on Friday and Saturday. Without dinner, theshowis $8.50, and reservationscan be made by phone. It is advisable to arrive well before the show since seating is unreserved and those with dinner reservationsgetfirstchoice. One more note of interest, from Monday to Thursdaythe SecondCity Co. does straight improv (i.e. suggestions from the audience) after 10 p.m. for free. The Old Firehall, 1 10 Lombard St. After Second City and no small amount of alcohol we stumbled out into the night in search of warmth, food, and, sadly, more alcohol. What could be more convenient than an eatery that lies directly across the street? Greenjeans is a trendy spot for the 18-28 year old set that offers lots of cutsie for reasonable prices. The front ofthe building is a store that is stocked with all kinds of fun stuff tee shirts, postcards and knick-knacks. Behind this mess is a pine and greenery filled restaurant and bar. The drinks menu is much like the atmosphere -sweetandfluffy. Cocktails, like the Chocolate Monkey with chocolate and banana liqueur, thick chocolate syrup, and fresh bananas blended together with banana and chocolate chip garnish, or the Red Rocket with rum, amaretto, real strawberries and heavy cream garnished with fresh strawberries and toasted almonds are tasty confections for $2.95. However, the selection of “Sunshine” wines isn’t worth repeating. The Chablis we tried would have cut axle-grease, so the best bet is draught at s3.50for a 30 oz. tankard. The Greenjeans theme is carried over to the graphics on the menu, and gets rather distracting as you try to find the food selections among the art. We had one dining companion who generously agreed to communal meals, so-we had the benefit of three full meals. For openers, we triedtwosoupsandonesalad. The



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Sprinkle her wrist with diamonds


Friday, January


Sell out crowds

Nylons run true.to form d

by Terry Bolton Imprint staff The Nylons’ performance last Saturday night at the Humanities Theatre was virtually faultless. It is impossible to write a negative review. Not one person in the sold out crowd would have wanted to be elsewhere. This was the sixth time I had seen The Nylons, so I was trying to see if I could find any fault with their performance. The only element which was not quite perfect was the lighting. It just did not feel right. Sometimes they seemed to be in shadows when they should have been in the light, and every now and then the lighting changes were a little off-cue. However these occurrences were so minor that the majority of theaudiencedid not notice them. The show opened with The Nylons wearing white jackets, black pants, and silver ties, appearing out of nowhere as the stage lights were turned up. The crowd cheered as they launched into the autobiographical Me andtheZ3oys. Asalways, the microphones were each covered with a silk nylon. Since there are no instruments used during the performance (with theexceptionofsomepercussion),itisimportant thateach voice be properly heard. This means that if one of the mikes stops functioning, one quarter of the sound is lost. On Saturday they were able to recover quite quickly when Claude Morrison’s mike did not function. Given a working mike to finish his solo, Marc Conners and Paul cooper shared one of the others. The effect was reminiscent of Paul McCartney and George Harrison sharing a microphone back in the early days of the Beatles. Connors, Cooper, and Morrison are all original members of The Nylons, and have been together since 1979. Arnold Robinson is the newest member who joined the group back in March of 1981. Since that time they have toured North America and parts of Europe. Both of their records went gold within a couple of months of their release (One Size Fits All has just gone gold. They started off their singing career by singing all the songs which were popular when they were in highschool. With Songs such as One Fine Day, Runaway, Love Potion No. 9, Jailhouse Rock, and Duke of Earl. Slowly they started writing their own material and incorpdrated it into their act. It was accepted immediately. When they were in England they performed at Royal Albert Hall. They decided to do a song made popular by four guys from Liverpool. The song they chose to be the first Beatles’song they ever performed was This Boy. It was also the second song they did last Saturday night. After initially appearing slightly nervous, they quickly started to ignite the crowd before them. By the time This Boy was finished they had ihe crowd in the palm of their hands (which is just where the crowd wanted to be). Between songs they clowned around on stage. The patter they had was so smooth you would think it was totally ad-libbed. It was not, though, since they have done some of the jokes every time (in one form or another) wherever I’ve seen them perform. One of their (and the audience’s) favourites is to joke back and forth with Arnold (Arnold comments on how tough it is working with an all-white backup group, crowd laughs). These comical acts are incorporated into their songs as well. Instead of just singing each song, they act them out as well. This stems from the theatrical experience each of them had before joining the Nylons. By combining this acting with their superb vocal harmonies, the need for any instrumental accompanimerit is totally absent. This mixture worked wonderfully as they delighted everyone with a version of the old Diamond’s hit Little Darling.

Their latest single, Silhouettes, received a big round of applause as soon as the first notes were sung. Thankfully they included the talking part in the middle of the song, which is noticeably missing from the album version. They finished off the first half of the show with songs that everyone recognized from their albums. Songs such as Bop Til Ya Drop, So In Loue, Find The One I Love and That Kind of Man. Rock And Roll Lullaby was another favorite that was introduced like this: “If you happen to recognize the words and feel like joining in, by all means . . . DON’T!” For the second set, each member was wearing a baggy pink suit straight out of the fifties. The audience loved it. After singing Romance, Totvn Without Pity, Drop The Big One (a song dedicated to Nancy and Ronald Reagan which ended with an explosion on stage) and Something ‘Bout Cha, they turned up the house lights and did something they had not done a year ago. They pretended it was the CarolBurnett Show, and had the audience ask questions. They asked: what Arnold’s lowest and Claude’s highest notes were; where they got the pink suits; if they called themselves the Nylons because they were a bunch of hosers; and what was the stupidest question (besides this one) that they have been asked. Their reply was, “A guy in Calgary asked us if we ate quiche. We replied, ‘You’re asking a guy in a pink suit if he eats quiche?’ ” Of the last four songs they sang, three of them they wrote themselves. Heavenly Bodies uses Beach Boys-type harmonies; Please is a song they have just written about breaking up without harsh words and tears; and Prince ofDarkness expresses their belief that there is still hope for the world. This song was visually significant, as they were illuminated by red spot lights and buried up to their knees in fog. Quite effective - it was the visual highlight of the show. To finish off the set, a green jungle background was projected behind them. Everyone knew TheLionSleeps Tonightwasnext. A standing ovation began as the song started to die away. It continued until they came back for an encore set. In the past, The Nylons only performed one song as an encore; this time they did two. The first was a song written by Bruce Springsteen and made famous by the Pointer Sisters, Fire. They used to perform this song when they first started out (before Robinson joined them) as part of their regular set. It is interesting that they have started to include it again. Before starting the second encore, they asked the audience what they wanted to hear. Somewhere near the back the chant began: “Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke . . .” It got louder and louder until The Nylons themselves joined in. Everyone clapped and sang along. The audience was even asked to sing the “Duke’ part by themselves. It was while the whole crowd was having such a good time singing and dancing that The Nylons started tc slip off stage. As soon as they were gone, the house lights came on to signal the end had arrived. They had to get everyone out SC that the second sold out crowd could get in. By the response that The Nylons received during the firs show, I bet that they will be back again. The small and intimatt atmosphere of the Humanities Theatre helps to make the show i success. It is important to be fairly close to catch all the slight ant suggestive moves that are made. This is why they will no perform in some place like Maple Leaf Gardens, but do like the closeness they find at the’ontario Place Forum. For a group that started off with a small following back in 1979 they are turning into one of Canada’s hottest acts. If you get ( chance to go and see them, do so!

Toronto Dance Theatre gives best series performarici+et m



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by Chris Bauman Imprint staff Toronto Dance Theatre sprang onto UW’s Humanities stage last night’ with more poise and artistry than this modern dance company has shown in recent years. The works were generally strong choreographically and the dancing was solid. David Earle’s Baroque Suite opened the evening with controlled lightness and long and curving body sculptures. The grace and dignity of an afternoon in the parlour with Bach was reflected in couples’ loving looks and symmetrical movement. The music changed and grew more intricate; although the steps became simpler, the dancers multipligd in numbers, moved in canon, and dipped and pranced in four directions at once to produce woven movement toecho the music. Complete repose would then break the swirling only to go again. Although jostled positions and laboured lifts distracted at first, the dancers soon warmed to their task, finishing with an arm up, out and c giving - - to the audience. Against Sleep contrasted the warmth of Baroque Suite with two stark disks seeming to hover above the ground. The upper one held a male creature, monkey-agile, who was soon on the ground, windmilling his arms through molasses. He looked human but his movements were alien. A woman creature in the lower disk then eased herself out and into fast, fluid motion. She swung a leg high, caught it, and


released it. She would do a sequence and repeat it precise15 again, like a machine. The two came together in conflict using a long red cloth’as catalyst to comfort and pain, as a dress, a stretching sculpture and a noose. The line, the flow,and over-rich redness of the clot’ meshed into chilling images of love and de&h. Enter the Dawn was grim also. Alone woman paced in a steril room slowly, then hit sharp, carving movement& The control c a rising leg cracked as the leg broke and curled. The containmer was beautiful as itself but the movement wasawkward. It implie strange passion but the dancer seemed dispassionate. Pet6 Randazzo’s piece would have been more powerful if the “sou had been there. Neet by Christopher House should have been done t Randazzo. John Cage’s music was used and Randazzo has th; bizarre quirkiness to match Cage, one bit of craziness fc another. House did not use Cage except as background noisl His movement was too conventional, flowing, and logical for tlsemi-rhythmic, “let’s-perceive-music/dance-up-side-dowr Cage. Consequently, the music pulled attention away from tf dance. Only when House’s dancers stood still did music ar dance work. The dancers eyed another dancer as she move quietly among them, floating side lifts of the leg, serene opposing the clanging and pinging of the music. Legend, also by Earle, was a pleasant tale of an Indian bc discovering the rhythms bf forest creatures. It cfosed the fine evening performance this dance series has seen this year.

15 Imprint. -

- Sophie’s

Friday, January



I)oes she haveany? by Suzanne Alexanian Imprint staff It’s curious to think of the atrocities of World War II as dead, but I cannot imagine waging war against the idea. Sophie’s Choice, Meryl Streep’s new movie, opened at Fairview Park Cinema on January 21s.t on this premise.

In a film about choices, there seems to be very little freedom of choice. Sophie has no choices. Her death is only an escape. She is lodged too deeply in the patterns of the war. In Nathan’s required revenge against the Nazi’s, n’o freedom of choice is ever implied. He could escape, like Sophie, but there would be no justice in it. I couldn’t help remaining cautious in accepting the arrival of the new world. I need only catch bits of current news to realize that many people today are loaded with the same choices as Sophie. And we in the “new world” are simply driven to mad paranoia by the very threat. Alan J. Pakula, .the director of Sophie’s Choice, observes the death of the awareness of the atrocities of World War II directly following the war. I hope that the notion of war is alive enough in the Western World to keep its threat remote.

The three characters in this movie never appear believable. They are but a representation of certain remnants left by World War II. Sophie, and her lover Nathan, loom. as casualties doomed in a civilization which wants to sweep the World War II ashes away from the newly forming society. Stingo, their Southern friend, wears the guise of the new generation. He is interestedin the straight and narrow. Completely unaware of the events of the war, he can only pretend to understand the feelings and angers of Sophie and Nathan. ,

,Classical concerts There are two concerts of note taking place in the next week under the sponsorship of the K-W Chamber Music Society. On Friday, January 28th, Kendall Taylor, one of the United Kingdom’s top pianists, will make his only public appearance in this area. The concert, which will



Viva Libido


Bands by Larry May Last Thursday’s pub at the Waterloo Inn with Current Situation and Viva Libido got off to a slow start. It should have been packed. Current Situation is not the band it used to be. They are without their old lead vocalist and have tightened their sound incredibly. They delivered clean mainstream ska music to a determined, if somewhat mixed group of dancers who were up by the second song. The band mixed their material by an infusion of reggae that was really more slowed down ska in its style and delivery than “true” raggae. The bassist stood out for his intricate jazz-like riffs in the slow numbers, but his vocals (a4though in tune and time) fell flat$r their inappropriate delivery. The best example of this was a reggae song called Murder during which he just looked bored, hardly fitting for such loaded lyricism. On the whole though they played a good, well-mixed set,

at a loud but not deafening level, that had the floor filled and “skankin”. The set concluded with a rousing version of Woo/y Bully, a Marley tune made famous by the Villains. Viva Libido was of an entirely different genre. Their stage image could best be described as slick “Latin-American preppie” - short hair, short leather boots, and an Inca vest; these guys are very current. Their lead vocalist is Steve Blimkie, formerly with The Reason, and just as unintelligible as ever. His vocals still suffer from being too mannered; he has yet to learn Carol Pope’s lesson that overworked inf,lection becomes quickly annoying after the novelty wears off. Too much reverberation combined with Blimkie’s mannered delivery rendered the first two songs completely incoherent. However, this didn’t seem to bother the crowd, which overflowed the dance iloor for every song.

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On Wednesday,


2nd, the Turovsky Duo of violin and cello will perform some of the works of Bartok, Gal, and Kodaly. According to the Society, the Duo consists of “superb Oistrakh-trained players from the Soviet Union”. This concert will also be held in The Music Room at 8 p.m.

Beauty and ugliness highlight Music Lovers


crowd The band’s sound is akin to that of Haircut 100, upbeat latin rhythms on lead guitar backed by a funky bass and powerful percussion drumming. The sax was smooth, leaning at times to a free-form jazz style and providing a counterpoint to the repetitive dance rhythms. Those rhythms had everybody dancing - in the current sway and snap style that’s so hard on the kidneys. Between the two bands, Current Situation was the more polished act with a consistent image and a clean, quiet sound mix but definitely dated. Viva Libido, while somewhat unsure of their stage image and with their sound suffering from the mixing, is definitely a band on the move. They have the talent to break out of the bars.

by Patricia L. Shore Arts editor The second film in the UW International Films Winter Mini Series 1983 was Music Lovers, a film from Great Britain directed by Ken Russell, the man who gave us The Devils, The Boyfriend, and Tommy. A short serial, The Perils of Pauline, Episode 8: Dangerous Depths, was also shown. The evening was well attended (approximately 75 people) a large number of whom were taking advantage of the student discount price of $1.50. The opening serial was a grand old thriller complete with sharks (yes, there were sharks before Jaws), a diabolical doctor, a beautiful heroine, a handsome hero, and of course, a noble quest. It was a great start to the evening and I’ll have to return next week to see what happens in Episode 9: The Mummy Walks. Rather too quickly, Music Lovers followed and the vertical distortion of the picture made it very difficult to watch. It was as if one was suddenly plunged into a rich, excessive surreal world and expected to react passively. The film demanded an active reaction however. From the whirling lights and festivities of the carnival, through Tchaikovsky’s homosexual relationship with the “Count”, to his consuming passion for his

It’s too bad more Waterloo students didn’t catch them last week. Ruby’s was halfempty when, by the bands’ qualities, it really should have been packed.


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music, and his non-existent passion for his wife, Russell directed his movie through time and dream sequences highlighted by colour, light, and darkness. Tchaikovsky’s life was made to suggest his music, and in turn, his music to suggest his life. The problems with the film (the vertical distortion, a number of skips and jumps, a complete black halt) made it difficult to tell if certain changes in scene and action were poor editing, another skip, or intentional. I would have preferred a movie in better shape. Russell’s work was not so allengaging that I could ignore these things. The complete audience silence through the final credits, coupled with the anxiety when the film stopped just prior to the end, spoke of Russell’s success with Music Lovers. The beauty, the ugliness, the excess, and the obvious symbols came together in such a way that the distortion of the opening reel seemed intentional. I.know that I will never again be able to lis’ten to the music of Tchaikovsky without, in some manner, remembering this film. There are still four films left in the Winter Mini Series. This Monday night entertainment is a bargain at student prices. And where else would you get to see the continuing adventures of The Perils of Pauline?



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include Beethoven’s Appassionata, Bach’s Chr. Fantasy & Fugue, as well as works from Hindemith, Ravel, and Debussy, will be held at 8 p.m. in The Music Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo.

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Imprint. Friday, January



and Poetry

Imprint-encourages submissions for our “creative page” from all segments of the university community. Short prose, poetry, and interesting black and white photographs and graphics are what we are considering for publication. Any creative expressions should be brought directly to the Imprint office in CC 140 and addressed to the attention of the Prose and Poetry editor. All writing MUST be typed and triple spaced. Be sure to include your name and telephone number.

The Birth by Scott Stewart





, Don, it’s done. It’s done.” “Yes, Maris, it’s done.” “I’m so happy. Are you happy?” “Of course.” “I’m a mother now. You’re a father and I’m a mother.” “I’m a father. That moment between being a father and not being a father was a strange one!” “But you are. How does it feel? Are you happy?” “Would you relax? I’m happy, I’m happy! We have a son.” “Ryan.” “Yes, Ryan.” “Oh, Don, I still hurt. Oh, oh, it hurts me. It hurt me.” “It’s over now. You did wonderfully. They were all amazed only seven hours! It was like you’d done it before, they said.” “It was so easy? I’m surprised. I’d expected problems.” “No, no problems at all. And you were the youngest mother here.” “And I’m a father.” “To think, only five months ago we weren’t even married! Did anyone ask about that? The nurses or anyone?’ “No, nobody cares about that anymore, Maris. At least we’re married.” “And you have a job, now, too. Dad should be happythat - oh, it hurts again, the epidural’s wearing off. Call a nurse!” “She said four hours before the next pill. Just relax.” “But it hurts so much . . . I’m going to be here till Saturday, they said. I’m sorry you had to miss work.” “They understand. A man doesn’t have a kid everyday!” “Not a kid, Don, a child. A son! Are you proud?” “Very, very proud. And Ryan is a great name.” “Yes, it is. Ryan . . . it’s so masculine. He’ll grow up strong, and big, probabaly.” “He’ll be big, Maris. Could you lie still? You’re supposed to be resting.” “I’ve got days to rest, and there’s so much to do at home. What’11 you eat?’ _ “1’11go to McDonald’s” “We can’t afford that, Don. Not now. You shouldn’t have bought me the watch.” I: “You deserved it.” “Maybe your sister will stay over and cook for you.” “It’s not necessary, Maris. I’ll be fine.” “Don, maybe we should have waited.” “What are you talking about?” “I mean Ryan and everything. Maybe it would have been better, later.” “We’re fine Mar-is, everything is just great. Ryan is healthy, you hadagreat birth,I’vegotajobnow.Andwe’reyoung,thewhole world is waiting.” “That’s what 1mean. We’re young . . . Oh, I don’t know. It’s just that, well, it all went so fast. . .” “Don’t cry, Maris.” “But it hurts, they must have jabbed it into my nerves or something.” “She said it was normal. It’s supposed to happen like this.” “Are you sure?’ “Positive. Now why don’t you try to sleep? I’ve got some things to do anyway.” “What things?’ “Oh, just figure out bills and stuff. Nothing. Lie back and close your eyes.” “Are you sure you’re happy, Don?” “Very happy, but I’d be happier if you’d relax and sleep.” “Will you go and check on Ryan? 1’11sleep if you check on Ryan.” “He’s fine, Maris. I’m telling you. 1’11check, but he’s fine. Now just go to sleep.” She lay back and closed her eyes. Don sat beside her, a small pad on his lap and an envelope of receipts and bills on the bed, trying, as though it were possible, to add up the cost.


Election Proclamation Nomination paperswill be available for the following positions:

President and Vice-President, Operations and Finance * and

Members of’ Students’ Council openingFriday, February 4,1983 Nominations close 4:30 p.m. Monday, February 14,1983

ELECTION March 9,1983 eil Younds

* Note: The President and Vice-President, Operations And Finance shall run on one “ticket”


Granola meets IBM Doug Rankin Imprint staff n the continuing saga of one of rock’s more gmatic and inventive artists, perhaps the ?st chapter could be entitled Uncle Granola ets IBM. Those who have heard Neil ung’s Trans can attest that the full-blown thesized sound (not to mention computerj vocal tracks on all but three of the album’s 2 songs) is a little disconcerting, but not irely surprising ‘oung has been so long established that he s no obligation to fit the hindering molds of nmercial success, and by this route has aped the monotonous pastures where ?y of his early contemporaries now graze. ‘hrough seventeen solo efforts to date and ide range of styles, the thirty-eight year old lstrel has maintained an individual standard musical ingenuity and lyrical quality that has ie most of his work appreciable and )ugh occasionally a little unnerving, Last rice, Tonight’s the Night, Mashed atoes - to mention a few) - always erving of a second listen. Trans may take -e than a second hearing to get used to, but most of Young’s work, it’s well worth it. he album opens with Little Thing Called e, a straight forward Zuma-rocker. Then zr- the machines. Computer Age, We’re In jtrol, and Transformer Man, are about lans in the face of technological revoln. omputer Age - In Harm’s Way has an ic droning to the punching synthetic-disco ., and doesn’t lack the sense of urgency is charac,teristic of Young’s vision. omputer Cotuboy, a hard-driving funked-

up tale, is about a very ‘modern’ and heroic wrangler who feeds his cattle by floodlight, then heads into town to “bringanother system down”. Six passwords on each hip? This is some cowboy. Sample and Hold, possibly the album’s strongest tune, is about a computerized dating agency that provides mates (“Fabricated from the curl of the hair/To the tip of the nail”), but the recipient is a little disillusioned (“I need a unit to sample and hold/but not the lonely one”). Those familiar guitar chops are enhanced by a Pat-Manesque voice, and here the experiment with the hardware really works. Human League wili dig the ‘dance version’of Mr. Soul; I’m just thankful the guitar track was salvaged. And at last, the bongos and Nils Lofgren’s workout give a welcome, real-time sound to Like An Inca. Young peels the techno-mask to get serious, and in that familiar whine croons, “I feel sad but I feel happy/as I’m coming back to home/There’s a bridge across the river/that I have to cross alone.” It’s a positive note after a chilling journey through the heavy metal mainframe. The cover of Trans is a drawing of Young (bongosat his side), hitchhiking on a forestedged road, a flock of geese overhead and a late ‘57 model car zooming past. On the opposite side of the road is a graphic representation of a human form hitchhiking among futuristic architecture, (Concorde jet overhead), and is being picked up by a 21st century sedan. The tone is obvious and the “surviving Uncle Granola’s” true to form, humanistic outlook is a rare pleasure. I look forward to the February 18th stopover in Toronto of the Trans-World tour.


Taterloo ? expert on eggbeaters have won the day for Frog IS in Saturday’s game of 3tresports. le Prints (Rob Macaulay, e Miller, Preston Gurd, Paul McKone) defeated ‘uckson 111(Steve Hutton, Currie, and Andy Ruki) 49 to 35, despite RukI’S entertaining impresof a fully-tentacled octoduring a “best commerscene. \e game marked the nd appearance of Rukaand Macaulay, both ants from WLU, and the ‘or McKone, an Engineertudent at UW. McKone,


wipes out Hamilton whose first appearance on stage - had been as an audience member the previous week, won Most Valuable Player. In other Theatresports-related news, a team representing the University of Waterloo successfully defeated a Hamilton team on its own turf, the Red Mill Dinner Theatre in downtown Hamilton. Calling themselves The Water-lizards, the UW team (comprised of Andrew Welch, Marney Heatley, Linda Eickmeizr, and Alex Bielak) defeated ()ff the Cuff, a team made up c:f Theatresports Hamilton’s best and most successful players by a score of 42 to 3 1.

High points of the night included a “best commercial” involving the audience as a roaring creature hiding in a closet, ready to pounce when the door was opened, and a typewriter scene by the Waterlizards that earned the highest score ever seen in Hamilton for a single scene. game was the Sunday’s second time a Waterioo team had played in Hamilton, and the second consecutive win. Hamilton will have their chance for a comeback on February 5th when a team of their best is scheduled to play here in Waterloo.

DUTIES: The President of The Federation of Students shall: * act as its Chief Executive Officer * provide for the representation of the Corporation at all official functions * be a member of all Boards, Commissions and Committees of Students’ Council * be responsible for the administration of the daily operations of the Federation

The Vice-President, Operations and Finance shall: * with the Business Manager have a general-supervision of the finances of Students’ Council * supervise the preparation of the annual budget of the Council * supervise with the Business Manager all purchasing done in the name of the Corporation * present a financial report to Council at least once a term




May 1st for twelve months FOR ELECTION:

* All candidates must be full members of the Corporation (they must be undergraduate students and have paid their / Federation fees)



President: * @ $260.00 per week * @ $13,860 pe r t erm of office plus University Waterloo employee benefits



Vice-President, Operations and Finance: * $260.00 per week during the Summer months * a monthly stipend to be determined by Students’ Council during the Fall and Winter term * the Vice-President, Operations and Finance must be a full:time student in the Fall and Winter terms.

For further information, contact Helga Petz (ex 2405) or Wim Simonis (ex 2478). Further information w% be available in the Federation Office after Feh 4,l!K% D /




of the Week


Lynn Marshall - Swimming Lynn Marshall is in her graduating year. Although in co-op Mathematics, she has swam for the Athenas for five consecutive years. She has won an Athlete of the Week award each year since it was started. This year she is recipient of the award on the basis of an outstanding performance at the Waterloo Invitational meet which the Athenas won last weekend. She took five gold medals at the meet. Four individual victories for Lynn came in the 100, 200, 400, and 800 metre freestyle events. She also swam on the winning 4 x 100 freestyle relay. Lynn has qualified for the Championships and it is hoped maintain her position as the only Waterloo to win a CIAU medal she has competed.

1983 CIAU that she will swimmer at in every year

Paul Craven - Volleyball Presently in third year Systems Desigr Engineering and a graduate of Forest Height! (Kitchener), Paul played as a junior with the Guelph Oaks and in 198 1 was a member of the team when they were Senior AA Provincia Champions. This is his third year with the Warriors. Ii the past two years, he was both named the co winner of the Gerri Baycroft Trophy as thl team’s most valuable player, and an OUA/ West division all-star. In the recent Excalibur Classic at Yorl University he set a kill percentage record fo the tournament getting 63 kills in one match Coach Husson relies heavily on Paul fo leadership both on and off the floor in hi rookie-laden team. The team remains un defeated in regular league play with -a 7record.


Badminton At Laurier: WLU and McMaster tied for first place, Waterloo in third. Next games: Feb. 12, 13, OUAA finals at RMC.

Waterloo 60, Guelph 61; Jan. 19 Waterloo 54, Windsor 72; Jan. 22 Next games: Jan. 29, here, vs. Brock Feb. 2, at Guelph



Waterloo 69, Estonia Sr. A. 8 1; Jan. 19 Waterloo 72, McMaster 75; Jan. 22 Next games: Jan. 29, here, vs. Brock Feb. 2, at Guelph

At BrockTnvitational, Jan. 22: Waterloo 1, Western 12 Waterloo 3, Guelph 7 Waterloo 6, Erindale 5 Next bonspiel: Jan. 29, 30, at Guelph

Curling Next bonspiel:

Jan. 28, 29, at Guelph



Next meet: Jan. 29, T. B. A. Invitational

Waterloo 4, Western 7; Jan. 19 Waterloo 1, Guelph 5; Jan. 21 Waterloo 2, Windsor 5; Jan. 22 Next game: Jan. 28, at Toronto Jan. 29, at McMaster

Alpine Skiing

Alpine Skiing

Nordic Skiing

.i Next race: Jan. 28,,at Collingwood.

Jan. 22, 23, races c&celled. Next race: Jan. 29, at Udora

Next race: Jan. 28, at Collingwood

Nordic Skiing Jan. 22,23 races cancelled Next race: Jan. 29, at Udora Next meet: Jan. 29, at Queen’s U.

Next meet: Jan. 28,29 at McMaster. ,


Swimming Toronto 73, Waterloo 60; Toronto Queen’s 24, at Waterloo. Next meets: Jan. 28, at McMaster Jan. 29, at Niagara Falls, N.Y.


Track and Field

Next meet: Jan. 29, at Windsor


Waterloo defeated Laurier, Jan. 21, to remain undefeated in league play. Next matches: Jan. 29,dat Penn State Feb. 2, here, vs. McMaster







Toronto 73, Waterloo 60; Toronto Queen’s 24. Next meet: Jan. 28, at McMaster


Track and Field Leslie Estwick qualifies for CIAU’s jump and 60 yard hurdles. Next meet: Jan. 29, at Windsor

in higl

Volleyball Waterlgo 3, Laurier Next match: Jan. McMaster.

1, Jan. 20 28, exhibition

here vs

Next meet: Jan. 29, at McMaster Any scores for Scoreboard must be submitted to Paul Condon or Imprint by 5 p.m. o Mondays.for weekend events, and by noon on Wednesdays for Tuesday evening events.




by Athena

Swim Team.

by Donald Duench Imprint staff The badminton Warriors claimed a rth in the OLJAA semi-finals by rishing third ina competition at Laurier rer the weekend. WLU and McMaster :d for first place in the event. To determine who qualifies for playoff tion, the OUAA West conveners have Id thr.ee tournaments in the fall and nter. Each team ranks their four best igles players No. 1, No. 2, and so on. ayers play only those competitions in eir rank, usually in a round-robin rmat. The same set-up is used for ubles play; then singles and doubles ints are added together to show which ims advance. In action on Saturday, WLU’sfirst seed brn Hunter claimed the day’s singles le, followed closely by U W’s Jeff GoldsIi-thy. Things were different in the ubles action on Sunday, where Golds)rthy and teammate Mehdoob Nanji ished in first, beating out Hunter and tve Drummond. Although Waterloo as a team only reed third in the event, they qualify cause the points from all three meets are ded together. Going into the semi-finals d finals to be held at Royal Military ,Ilege on February 12th and 13th, urier is ranked No. 1 in the OUAA :st, followed by Waterloo. Judy McCrae has been “administering” : Warriors badminton team for the past years. Shestarted out coaching Athena dminton eleven yearago, but thesport’s

y McCrae.

Still undefeated.

YJT. 22

Badminton Warriiws


for OUAA playoffs interest dwindled, causing the cancellation of women’s varsity badminton three years ago. McCrae also coaches the Athena curling and field hockey teams. The No. 1 seed for Waterloo is Jeff Goldsworthy. He has been a member of the National team, and was thelast person cut from the team that went to Melbourne for the Commonwealth games last year. Jeff is usually ranked between 5th and 8th out of all the players in Canada. Goldsworthy’s doubles partner, and the No. 2 Waterloo seed is Mahdoob Nanji. This is his third year in competitive university play. McCrae labels Nanji as the most improved player on the team. “He has more now than just a smash and rally game,” she commented. “Nanji is a hard worker who has the desire to be a better player.” Kent James and John Molson are the third and fourth seeds respectively for Waterloo. These four are the nucleus of the team which McCrae says is “one ofthe winningest teams that I’ve been associated with in five years,” which is saying a lot. Four years ago, the badminton Warriors won the OUAA Championship. They have been in the finals three out of the past five years, and have been con-

sistently in first or second place in the OUAA West during that time. Enzo Mancusco is the fifth-ranked player, and would fill in if any of the top four were injured. Waterloo has beenvery fortunate in regards to injuries. Judy McCrae noted that “Jeff had some minor injuries before Christmas, but we’ve been real healthy.” Waterloo willprobablyplay Yorkinthe semifinals. The Yeomen are led by Dave deBelle, a current National team player, who will keep Goldsworthy on his toes throughout their match. McCrae feels her club may be able to upset the Yeomen. “York’s a strong team. We’ve got a fight on our hands. I feel very confident about our doubles play, though. If we beat York. then we’ve got a chance.” Although they are not as well-knownas other Waterloo teams, the badminton Warriors work as hard as the rest of the PAC residents. They spend two or,three nights a week in the gym as well as individual workouts. Can the badminton team add another OUAA trophy to UW’s collection in two weeks? Maybe. If they don’t, they will still be able to hold their heads high, as they have represented their school very well on and off the court this year.


an overhead




in vain to not only find the puck, but to win the game. They lost three matches

in four days. Imprint


barks against



by Alan Mears


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by Debbie Elliott The advantage- did not gain Waterloo their first goal. but it di Imprint staff allow them to pressure Western for a short while. Apnroximate With three games in four days, the hockey Warriors were kept three minutes-later Warrior Wayne Holden scoredlassists we] busy last Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday against Western, to Steve Borcsok and Graham Murphy. Guelph, and Windsor respectively. In each case Waterloo battled Waterloo’s glory was short-lived with the final goal of tl hard to avoid a loss, but in each case they failed. period going to Western. The score at the end of the first peric On the road a week ago Wednesday, the Warriors lost to was 3-l Western. Western 7-4 in a game which head coach Jack Birch referred to The second period was both frustrating and tiring fc “as one of my proudest moments. ” Birch went on to say that “they Waterloo. Western exercised a superior defense system while tl (the Warriors) played above their talent.” Warriors struggled in vain to score a single goal. Western w; Unlike recent games, Waterloo came out hustling to the point more fortunate and scored three goals to make the score at tl of being overeager. No matter how many goals Western scored, end of the second period a disheartening 6-l. Waterloo made each one difficult to get. Waterloo’s play’was It was during the final period of play that Waterloo showc almost chaotic heroics. Players would be off their feet but they true “desire and guts” after being down five goals. As Jack Biro would still kick in a final attempt to reach the puck. commented, “In the third period Waterloo showed that th Two goals into the first period, the Warriors had to retaliate. could work hard, that they were not quitters and I think they w( Waterloo gained a one-man advantage when Western received a the third period.” penalty, but as the saying goes, “Two heads are better than one,” Western scored one more goal before Waterloo retaliated wi so Coach Birch attempted the “nickel six.” a goal while using the “nickel six.” Credit for the goal went to T1 For those who do not know what a “nickel six” is, it is usually Kewley with assists going to Steve Cracker and Rick McKenne that final minute of play in the game when the coach pulls the Western was stopped from scoring any more goals wh goaltender to give the team the man advantage. Birch did not Warriors Gary Abraham and Dan Blum each managed to for wait for the final minute; he needed scoring power right away and the puck across the goal line for two more goals. Assists went Western’s penalty plus the nickel six would give Waterloo a two Mike Martelli, Bill Hodgson, and Blair McArthur. The fir man advantage. Britt, Waterloo’s goaltender, left the net and score was 7-4 Western. Waterloo took the face-off in Western’s end. In the Guelph vs. Waterloo game Jamie Britt of the Water11 Warriors played an exceptionally fine game. In fact, Coach Bir stated that “Jamie held us in the game for the first two period: But what began as a great game for the Warriors ended in a _L disaster. The first period had exciting play from bothteams. Althou Guelph had beaten the Warriors earlier in the season, Water1 was capable of keeping up with the Gryphons. The-momentum which the Warriors experienced in the fi period died after Waterloo received penalties which the coa felt the players did not merit. A bench penalty was quicl awarded and Waterloo was put on the defensive. Guelph capitalized on the penalties by scoring two consecut goals. Although Guelph had a 2-O lead, Waterloo continued show their previous determination. Dan Beagan scored Waterloo’s lone goal on a penalty sl awarded after the Gryphon goaltender threw hisstickin the th period. This penalty shot proved to be Waterloo’s lone bril spot in the third period. Guelph managed to score three more goals but not before. game got out of hand. Dan Blum was Waterloo’s first man Pick-Up and Dining Room Only retire to the dressing room; Blair McArthur and Ted Kew soon followed. Brawls became common in the third peril which made it necessary to let the clock run out as the offici attempted to stop several fights. As head trainer Brian Farrance later commented, “The officiating could have resulted in serious injury.” Jack Birch v more adamant about what he wanted done. “I’m going to do damndest to see that the referee never referees in this lea! again.” Apart from the officiating Birch stated that “Water played one hell of a hockey game.” Last Saturday, the Windsor vs. Waterloo was less drama Although both coach and players alike felt they should h beaten Windsor, Waterloo lost 5-2. The Warriors controlled the play but failed to capitalize Pick-Up and Dining Room Only goalscoring opportunities. Waterloo’s two goals were scored 4 c Steve Borcsok and Dan Blum. Assists for the goals went to Hodgson, Dan Blum, Rick Hart, and Ted Kewley respective $1.00 Delivery Charge Waterloo’s next home game is February 1 I thagainst York p.m. Tonight (Friday) the Warriors travel to Toronto for a 7 p game. On Saturday Waterloo faces McMaster for their sect meeting this term 7:3O p.m.

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_ sports



Friday, January ,


Swim teams: respe l&able


not peak (swim their fastest races) until the championships. Assistant coach Larry Brawley was assigned the task of taking the team to Toronto, as the other coaches had to stay here to run the Waterloo Women’s Invitational. When pressured to comment on the Warriors performance, Brawley admit ted that “although everyone is swimming tired, we had some personal best times.” The meet was run with typical U of T sloppiness. The Warriors did not find out that - Queen’s was also swimming in the meet until they arrived at the pool. However, Waterloo was not actually swimming against Queen’s. U A quick analysis of the results shows that of T was swimming against Waterloo, and also Waterloo has faster sprinters and butterflyers against Queen’s, but everyone was in the pool at the same time. This just added to the than Toronto. The individual winners were confusion. Alan Swanston (200 and 100 m Free), Joe Murray (50 m Free), Mike Sawyer (100m Fly), Somehow, everything eventually worked and Dick Treleaven (200 m Fly). out. Waterloo, even though they lost, had a The final event of the meet was the 4 x 100 respectable score. The end results were (officially) Toronto 73, Waterloo 60 and Free Relay. Pulling out a strong finish, WaterToronto 96, Queen’s 24. Now, if you take the loocamefrom behind to beat the U ofTrelayby 3.28 seconds. The Warrior relay consisted of results of each race, and score it as if Waterloo Stuart Cross, Steve Dodge, Murray, and was swimming Queen’s, Waterloo would have Swanston. demolished Queen’s (unofficially) 99 to 3 1. This weekend concludes the Warriors’ WiththeOntarioChampionshipslessthana , regular season. Tonight they join the Athenas month away, Waterloo is now training harder than earlier in the season. Since the emphasis is for a co-ed dual meet against McMaster (in geared towards the OUAA’s and CIAU’s, Hamilton), and then travel to Niagara Waterloo does not take it easy in practice the University (in the States) tomorrow afterday before a meet. This way the swimmers will noon. by Terry Bolton Imprint staff “We were competitive with Toronto. No one backed off, and we raced them on every event. That’s the important thing for us. It’s as important as good times.” That is how the Waterloo coaching staff summed up the Warriors’ performance against last year’s OUAA champion, the University of Toronto Blues. The entire Waterloo squad knew that Toronto had strength and depth, but that did not scare the Warriors. Everyone swam the best they could; some of the results were surprising.

Re :cord-breaki b Y otitstanding

)O Fly 10Fly 10 Backstroke 10Breastroke 10 Freestyle 10Freestyle 10Freestyle .100 Free Relay

Barb O’Neill ( 1:O 1.9) Barb O’Neill(2: 16.2) Kelly Neuber (2: 15.5) Fiona Tetlow (1: 12.9) (pool record) Lynn Marshall (1:56.6) (pool record) Lynn Marshall (4:02.7) Lynn Marshall (8:23.7) Neuber, Dehay, Turner, Marshall (3:45.2)

‘inal Team Scores University of Waterloo McMaster Toronto Guelph York Queens Windsor Ryerson Wilfrid Laurier

467 452 311 291 148 134 62 32 4


by Terry


1g performances *. Athena teati

At the Waterloo Invitational last weekend, 14 Athenas led Waterloo to victory in a record-breaking swim meet. Waterloo narrowly beat McMaster by 15 points and managed to easily overcome third-place Toronto Blues, last year’s CIAU hampions, by over 150 points. Waterloo showed tremendous depth by placing 38 swimmers n Final and Consolation Final events. The lone Athena diver lso made a superb effort as she placed 5th and 6th in the 3 metre nd 1 metre events. Outstanding performances were turned in by Kelly Neuber (50 ree - silver, 200 back - gold, 400 free - silver, 100 back -ilver), Sue Funnel1 (100 fly - silver, 200 fly - silver), Lynn /Marshall ( 100 free -gold, 200 free - gold, 400 free - gold, 800 -ee - gold), Barb O’Neill(100 fly - gold, 200 fly - gold), Sue ‘urner (400 I. M. - silver), Fiona “Colada” Tetlow (100 reaststroke - bronze), and Donna Elliot (200 fly - bronze). Waterloo’s relay teams also swam exceptionally well as the 4 X 00 free relay team (Neuber, DeHay, Turner, Marshall)captured re gold. A silver medal was taken by the 200 medley relay team. .elay members: Dewitt, Tetlow, O’Neill, VanLoon. The 200free :lay team consisting of Sue Orr, Pam VanLoon, Tetlow and unnell swam for a bronze. And also showing a surprising erformance was the “B” 4 x 100 freestyle team of Karen Burger, helli Dubs, Pam VanLoon and Fiona Tetlow. Waterloo’s performance at this meet (even lacking three of reir strongest swimmers - Kate Moore, Karrie DeHay, and bebbie Dunn) shows that this team will pose a real threat at the 1.W.I.A.A. Championships in Toronto in three weeks. The thenas have already qualified six swimmers for the C.I.A.U.‘s Lis year in Sherbrooke, Quebec with five more girls within conds of qualifying in their events. The coach of the Athenas, have Heinbuch, was overwhelmed with theeffortsand performIce of his swimmers. When asked to report on the meet he ated, “The girls’ swimming this weekend was the best I’ve ever en as coach of the Athenas.”

‘earn Records Broken


. . . poised

for record


by Terry






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Friday, January


Waterloo dominates squash tournament by Barnmawrence University of Waterloo champion Al Hunt led the Warriors to an impressive victory in a field of seven competing university teams at the McMaster courts last Saturday. Playing in the No. 1 position for Waterloo, Al Hunt defeated the Guelph No. 1 player (highly ranked N,orm White) 3-Oin thesemi-finals, and then took the measure of Wilfrid Laurier champion Todd Schaefer in the finals without the loss of a single game. In the first round, Warriors blanked Guelph 6-Oand were fresh for a tough semi-finals against their old rivals, Queen’s, which they won 5- 1 (the only Queen’s victory going to Charlie Cleghorn who out shot Waterloo’s John O’Callahan in a close 3-2 match). Mike Costigan displayed his power by downing Queen’s No. 2 seed Clem Eggert 3-0, while Dick Meredith came back from a O-2 deficit to outlast Cunliffe, Queen’s No. 3, 3-2. Denis Rioux and Rob Bowder also won in the No. 4 and No. 6 spots respectively.

WLU gained the finals by defeating the Royal Military College (5- 1) and Brock (4-2) but were no match for the more experienced Warrior team going down 6-O in the match. Best for WLU were Geoff Biddell who won one game from Warrior’s No. 2 Mike Costigan, David Yim at No. 4, and Jaimie Allen at No. 5 who lost 3-l to Waterloo’s Denis Rioux and John O’Callahan. Al Hunt (No. I), Dick Meredith (No. 3), and Rob Bowder defeated their opponents by identical scores of 3-O. McMaster won the Consolation event over an improved Brock team (4-2). McMaster Coach Don Dawson presented the medals to the Warrior team and congratulated Waterloo Captain Mike Costigan and Al Hunt on their excellent showing. On Saturday, January 29th the Warriors journey to Queen’s for their invitational tournament; on February 11th R. M.C. will host the O.U.A.A. Championships.

Volleyball victory

m For Windsor / Waterloo Warrior Basketball Game Saturday, February 5th, 2:00 P.M. in the i?A.C. n ON NATIONAL


H Judging takes place at Halftime: Prizes Awarded W LET’S SHOW CANADA OUR SPIRIT!!

Warriors by Alicia Vennos Imprint staff An awesome number of supporters showed up last Friday night, to witness yet another Warrior Volleyball victory, this time over Wilfrid Laurier. The first game started off with a deadly, unreturned spike by Warrior Dave Ambrose, and the pace was set for the remainder of the match. Game one ended with a relatively close score, 15 13 for Waterloo, but games two and three displayed the superior skills of the Warriors as they

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and seemed unsure of where their fellow members were on the court. Husson suggests, “They lost their starting setter and he was a key force in holding the team together.” The Warriors also are feeling the temporary loss of their starting setter, Owen Jones, who has been out due to back and knee injuries. Fortunately, Jim Cooke is doing an impressive job, setting for his first time in a 5-l situation in the game against Laurier. “We made fewer errors in this match than in the game against Brock,” said Husson,

and he was pleased with the effective blocking and setting tactics of the Warriors. “The team adjusted well to what Laurier was doing.” Husson feels they still could play with more emotion and hype on the court but foresees an improvement in this area especially if the ever-growing number of fans shed their inhibitions and start ‘using the 01’ vocal chords. There is every indication that this team of talented athletes will continue to serve up exciting victories.

No snow, no Nordic

university undergrads ....

For further information,

still Undefeated

cleaned up, 15-3 and 15-9 respectively. Although some fans felt the team was not “playing their game”, coach Dave Husson has been giving all the players experience on centre court and feels that things are now “starting to iron out.” A certain degree of continuity was lacking but great potential was evident in each new rookie-veteran combination. Laurier seemed to have difficulty rallying its forces to return-the hard and consistent shots. They were somewhat disorganized and disoriented

For the second consecutive weekend the Nor‘die Ski Teams’ scheduled races were cancelled due to insufficient snow. Instead the team trained at Horseshoe Valley and the University of Guelph and the U W coaches organized a Time Trial involving the varsity teams and racers from the Cambridge Ski Club. The competition was very interesting despite the difficult waxing situation. In the men’s 10.5 km. race the top five finishers were within 18 seconds 01 each other. Warrior Kevin

Jones was the top university skier, placing 3rd. Three other top UW men were missing due to illness. The Athenas swept the first five placings in the women’s 7 km. event. Wendy Meeuwisse was I st, followed by Jacquie Gibson, Jocelyn Piercy, Lois Donovan, and Gwen Lowe-Wylde. This coming weekend the races are scheduled at Udora. These events usually attract many top Ontario skiers and should be a good test of the strength of the UW team.

/ /

/ /

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Friday, January

Ball Hockey The Men’s Competitive Ball Hockey league expanded to 37 teams this term, with seven A-League and 30 B-League teams. Games are played on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Seagram’s Stadium. The A-League saw the return of many established teams, including the finalists of last term. One of the new teams, the Noecker Nuts, showed they are ready to take on the regulars as they won their first, with a 12-1 romp over the Green Machine. The game was a respectable 3- 1 in the first half but in the second half the floodgates opened up with just about everyone scoring. Other A-league action proved to be close as Trussed Erection edged by the Bearded Clams 4-2. The Bombers are back but only managed a tie with the Carpet Crawlers, 3-3. As mre&i&ed~B-League teamsare starting out of the blocks this year. One of the powerhouses of last term, S. D. Duckhunters are showing they haven’t gone soft over the Christmas holidays. Their 10-3 victory over W. E. Executioners was led by a six-goal performance by Rob Stevenson. In other league action Entropy defeated East A 5-3 and the Buds nipped the Norwangers-4-3. In the low scoring game of the week the Tuktuyaktuk Turtles managed a 3-2 victory over the Steers. ---



The Campus Recreation Mixed Badminton Tournament is fast approaching (Wednesday, February 2nd, 7:30 - 11:45 p.m. PAC). Entry fee is just $2 a team and the final entry date is Monday, January 31st at 4:30 p.m. in room 2040 PAC.


Aqubtic Courses sso Swim Instructors School For Instructors who wish to be certified for the Esso Speed and Fitness Swim Program. Prerequisite: Instructors (Y, Red Cross, or RLSS) (YMCA, CRCS, RLSSC)( Dates: Friday February 18, 1983 630 - 9:30 p.m. Saturday, February 19,1983 9:30a.m. -5:OOp.m. cost: $20.00 Register in PAC 2039 on or before Feb. 12, 1983. No refunds after February 17, 1983 ,quatic Emergency Care Instructors School Prerequisite: Recognized First Aid Award or NLS Date: Saturday, March 5, 1983 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. cost: $20.00 Register in PAC 2039 on or before March 1, 1983. No refunds after March 1, 1983. P ,quatic Emergency Care This course trains the candidate for first aid emergencies in and around the pool. Prerequisite: Bronze Medallion Dates: Friday, March 11, 1983 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Saturday, March 12, 1983 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday, March 13, 1983 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. cost: $20.00 Register in PAC 2039 on or before March 7, 1983. No refunds after March 7, 1983. xaminers Standards Clinic (Bronze Medallion and Bronze ross) For people who wish to become a RLSSC Examiner or recertify their Examiner status. Prerequisite: RLSS Instructors Date: Sunday, March 6, 1983 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. cost: $5.00 Register in PAC 2039 on or before March 1, 1983. No refunds after March 1, 1983. LSS Bar Party This is a chance to come and re-certify your Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross, or Award of Merit. Date: Saturday, March 26, 1983. Times: Bronze Medallion 9:00 a.m. - 11:OO a.m. Bronze Cross 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Award of Merit 1 li30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Cost: $6.00 per award Register in PAC 2039 on or before March 23, 1983. No refunds after March 23, 1983.

Resumes Needed? See Us First! Our Work is Read Around The *World!!

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Very Reasonable Rates! Choice of Paper!


to You!


The University of Waterloo and the Waterloo Region needs Examiners and Course Conductors to evaluate and teach their courses throughout the year. These programs include: Red Cross, Royal Life, Esso, CADA, CASSA and NAUI. If you are an examiner or course conductor and are interested in helping us out we would request that you come to the Campus Recreation Office, PAC 2039, and register. Please include a photocopy of all relevant awards and attach this to the registration form when registering. All examiners and course conductors living in the Waterloo Region on a temporary or permanent basis are requested to register. Peter McNichol Aquatic Instructional Co-ordinator


Cedars _


Lebanon Valentine’sDay At The Cedars of Lebanon Friends and Lovers, Come and Celebrate With Us On Monday, February 14th

Experience the authentic taste of the Middle East. Enjoy delicious house specialties in our warm, comfortable surroundings. Valentine’s Night we are featuring 3 belly dancers in the Mediterranean Room downstairs, just. for the occasion. Our Valentine’s Special Feature: A Complete Valentine’s Di&ner For Two including appetizers, entree, dessert and coffee lovikgly priced at only $29; 95 per Couple. UW Studeirts Receive a 10% Discount! Entrees from our dinner menu will also be available. Be sure to try our Valentine’s Night Cocktails f created especially ‘for the occasion!

Reservations Are Recommended Call 742-4322 Plan Now To Attend.

You Deserve The Best!

Curling Bonspiel Enter now: The Mixed Curling Bonspiel. Held at the Ayr Curling Club, Saturday, February 5. Entry fee is $5 / team and the final entry date is Monday, January 31st at 4:30 p.m. in room 2040 PAC.

Instructional Programs Most instructional There are, however, have openings left. John’s Ambulance, in joining, check for C-R flyer and show

programs got off to a good start last week. some programs that have not started and These programs are weight training, St. and X-Country skiing. If you are interested the appropriate time and placeas listed in the up.

Charlie’sRestaurant& Tavern 24 CharlesSt. W.. Kitchener

1 I Competitive Ice Hockey Well, the Kin Kanucks (A-Champs Fall Term) and the Virgins (B-Champs Fall Term) are back again this term defending their hard-earned Championship Titles and the league promises to continue the same level of excitement as in previous terms. As John Brioux stated, “Oh sure, the names change but the competition stays the same.” Based on this influential opinion we will just have to wait and see what happens. Bob DiFrancesco





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Change in Business Hours Commencing Monday, January 31st, 1983 the Cashiering Services in Room 1110, Needles Hall will be open from 9 a.m. to 4p.m. Monday thru Friday. The hours of business for Student Accounts Receivable Department, also located in Rm. 1110, will remain as at present, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

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After dinner visit Charlie’s Backyard! It’s the-place to party. Entertainment & No cover mmmmmmm



Four women.

four men: a nearly flawless performance

Ken Bell

of Kettentunz.

.rhe .Nation Ballet


at its best

by Patricia Michalewicz Imprint staff Ballet is a nearly perfect art form. Unlike music or the visual arts, ballet requires all the senses to be used when performed and when enjoyed. It has a grace and beauty which is not matched by any other dance form. Tuesday night’s Centre in the Square perfomrance of The National Ballet of Canada (almost) attained this state of perfection. The performance consisted of-several short ballets or excerpts from- assorted ballets. First on the list was Kettentanz, a suite of waltzes, galops, and polkas. Kettentanz begins and ends with a simple chain dance, thus giving the dance its name. It was first performed in 1974 and since then it has become the signature piece of the National Ballet. The highlights of this dance were performed by the female members of the company. In Shnofler Tanz, dancer Mary Jago had an almost impossible solo. She danced virtually the entire piece on her points (toes). Also displaying finesse and beautiful technique were Vanessa Harwood and Cynthia Lucas in the Cachucha Galop. The next dance on the programme wasMonotones II. Performed by only three dancers - David Nixon, Amalia Schelhorn, and Raymond Smith - it was a very serene and graceful piece. The dancers, dressed in white leotards with white caps, resembled three pierrot. The emphasis of the ballet is the flow of movement and adjustments in the position of the headand shouldersas the body changes position. Consequently, each section of the dance repeats, in somewhat altered form, themes set out in the first section. It was a very diffkult dance and the skill demonstrated by the dancers (and especially Schelhorn, who completed a series of seemingly impossible contortions) was superb. Curiously, the audience did not respond as well to this piece as to some of the others performed that evening. Perhaps this modem looking ballet, created by Frederick Ashton in 1965, was “far out” for a town which considers Ice Capades high art. The Dying Swan, Fokine’s classic which was created for the legendary Anna Pavlova, displayed the truly remarkable talent of Vanessa Harwood. As the Swan, she gave new life to the cliche “poetry in motion”. Her arms were absolutely fluid, effectively portraying the movements of a swan’s wings. Certainly this memorial

to Pavlova was one of the highlights of the evening’s performance. Song of a Wayfarer is a dramatic pas de deux created for another legend, Rudolf Nureyev. In this ballet, set to operatic music, a young man struggles with another figure (his double or his conscience) before finally reconciling. Once again the unique talents 07 Frank Augustyn and Thomas Schramek earned them the audience’s applause and admiration. The only sour note of the evening occurred in the Pas de Deux from Le Corsaire. In the earlier segments of the performance, music was either performed live or prerecorded. Nevertheless, the sound quality was excellent, except for LR Corsair-e. Whether it was the quality of the tape or the audio equipment at the Centre, the music was filled with static thereby detracting from the performances of Veronica Tennant and Kevin Pugh. There was some buzzing in the audience and, sensing this, the dancers were distracted. Their timing was off and Pugh nearly missed catching Tennant after a leap into the air. This was regrettable since Tennant is a superb dancer, often eclipsing Karen Kain in style and technique. The only thing that has prevented her from attaining the popularity of Kain is the inability to find a suitable and permanent dance partner. This often happens in the ballet when a female dancer’s height or other physical features make it awkward for her to dance constantly with any of the male principal dancers. Pugh is also a gifted dancer but this pas de deuxwas marred by the technical faults of the programme. Last were DanceS from Napoli, excerpts from the third act of Napoli. A number of “stars” danced in this piece including Karen Kain. Kain is considered to be the prima ballerina, however, both Harwood and Tennant are as good. Indeed Kain and Tennant alternate in their roles in this dance. Many segments of this ballet resemble Italian folk dance and this piece was a joyful and exuberant conclusion to an evening of very good dance. All in all, The National Ballet of Canada gave a wonderful performance worthy of its reputation as one of the foremost ballet companies of the world. The wide variety of dance performed on Tuesday night displayed every facet of the grace and beauty of ballet. Despite the technical flaws, it was a superb example of ballet at its best.

Betty Carson

of Theatre



Ballet of Canada

Ken Bell



Theatre Ballet of Canada’s appearance at the Humanities Theatre February 8th at 8 p.m. is a return engagement but there’s nothing old about this dance company. Since its special preview performance at the Humanities prior to the National Arts Centre debut in February 1981, Theatre Ballet of Canada has enjoyed international acclaitr and established itself as a company of elegance, energy ant stunning visual entertainment in less than two years. The quality of the company owes much to its artistic director, Lawrence Gradus. Gradus is a skilled, evocative choreographer whose style is based on the classical, infusec with energy and lyrical elegance. Theatre Ballet of Canada was formed from Toronto’: Ballet Ys and Montreal’s Entre Six - two powerfu companies which together now make their home in th( nation’s capital and form one of Canada’s most visuall! exciting dance companies. Above all, Theatre Ballet of Canada is a theatrical event The company brings together the art of ballet and theenter tainment of theatre in a way quite unlike any other dance company anywhere. Tickets are $9.50 (Stu/Sen $8.00) and are available at th( Humanities Theatre Box Office (885-4280).

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