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Vol. 6, No.


24; UW’s






Friday, Jan.

Dave-and Mar-g Hinds will be speaking as well as givin_g a brief concert. Maranatha. 7 p.m. 29 Young St. W. Call 884-2850 for more info. L


Canadian Student Pugwash is a university-bdsed, educational organization concerne‘d with the social and ethical issues arising from science and its technological applicafions. If you are a member of UW staff, faculty or a student concerned, with these issues and interested in forming a local chapter - of Pugwash At Waterloo, call Mark Turchan (ext. 2909) for more info. Leave your nar& and number. _ Jeroti e’s Performi‘ng (Siegfried ’ Hail) .l Pat Quartet. 8 p.m.





- Sunday, Fed



Jan. 22 -

see last Friday.

for anYOne interested in impromptu comedy acting. Learn the basics of Theatresports. HH 3cd fl?,or loung, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Adrfiission, Students $2.00; others-$2.50. WorkshoP

Association : Pub. HH 1 280,9 p.m. to 1 a.m. C?sh bar plus $2 at the door. All are welcome.

- Monday,

to 1


Sk& programme begins this week to help students with studying skills, note-taking, etc.-For more info visit Coutisellipg Services, HH 2080.

at the Mug. 8130 - 11:30 p.m. CC 110. Live music, good food, $ot drinks, a friendly atmosphere. Sponsored by WCF.





presents Ephraim Ben Matityahu, Israel V-ice-Consul in Toronto to speak on the Middle East. All welcome; bagels served. l&:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., CC 135.

Jan. 21-


- Tuesday,

Mr. Andrew Kniewasser (President of - Investment Dealer’s Assoc.) speaks on “Building for the Future”. Wine and cheese reception followed by dinner. Tickets: $30.00 per person/$55.00 per couple. @30 p.m., Waterloo Inn. Contact Albert at 8862464.


Jan. 24 -

Campus St. Paul’s College

- Friday, Bombshelter Fed


Gentleman. at 8 p.m.

JanuarG m 27 -

see last Friday.

An Officer $1 Feds, $2 others.

Control Centre *trained volunteers provide non-judgemental confidential counsellingand information on methods of birth control, planned & unplanned pregnancy, subfertility and VD. Lending library and community refkrrals. CC 206 ext. 23Q$ Advocating responsitile se>;uality.


Deadline! \

Campus Events , I are due at Monday, 5:00 p.m. for Friday


publication. univkrsity

Free to the




Ministry at 6 p.m.

reserves $he right to edit;


CUSO Information Meeting. ‘CUSO in . Technology: meeting housing water,. food, transport and training needs in the Thir! World- MC 3004 at 7:3O,P.mCiqema Gratis: Casablanca and The ZM a-1t ese Falcon. Starts at 8 p.m., CC Great Hall. \ I a

- Thursday,



Bqmshelter Bagel




Jan. 26 last Friday.






ST. N. WATERLOO 886-1830 \ .._/ I

’ Coupon vaiid Sunday through Thursday on pick=up and in the dining room drily. One coupon per custdmer per visit. Not valid for Deep Dish Pizza, Father’s Night Special or on delivery orders.


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R; W.

2, 1984


-- /



-. Coupon Expires February

Purchase any 8 or ‘12 slice pizza at the regular price and receive a 2nd pizza of equal size and,value for $2.00 more with this coupb;n r


Club meets in C’C 113 from 7 p.m. to midnight. Players of-all strengths welcome to drop in anytime. _



and a AL 116’



Lunch - Come out afid trythese tasty morsels of the Ukrainian c isine. Put on by‘ th.e Ukrainian tudents Club. Cost: minimal!- 11:30 to / 1:30, cc 135.





believes in something obscure. Actually, not . . . I just like it so much it’s worth repeating. Hello, Gazette!


supper meeting: Guest speaker will be Don Posterski, Regional Director of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. 4:30 p.m., EL 2536. ’ WCF

Club X-country ski weekend up north. This meeting is to plan for the weekend of February 3rd to Feb. 6th. Please bring $20 deposit money. For information contact Lyle at ext. 2538.5 p.m.. CC 110.

see last Friday. Health-Wise Asse&m&nts available through Campus Health Promotions, Health Services. Includes a complete fitness evaluation and personal profile. Cost $15 students, $25 staff/faculty. Call 884-9620 for appointment. /


of WLU for informal’ coffeehou&. Meet friends before work starts piling up!.8 to 11 p.m., 4-301 Central Teaching, WLU.’


of Objectivism -presents a videotape” of Dr. George Reisman, author of“‘The‘Governmetit against the Economy”, di&ssing inflation; price controls and the gold standard. All welcome. 7 p.m. EL 205.

Valley Car Club is holding a beginFer’s rally, registration starting by 6:30 p.m., the first car starting off at 7:31 p.m. Starting from the Torque Room, Central Teaching Building at WLU, and ending at Mother’s on Highland Road, Kitchener. For more information call Dennis Wharton ,at 576-7463 or Linda Rob&tson at 579-8575.


- UW- *Pro-Life organization meets every Wednesday afternoon from 4 P.m. to 5 p.m. at the CC - ask Turnkeys which room. All welcome.





UW H&se of Debates. Come on out and join a great debate or just listen. No experience necessary. 5 p.m. St. Jer,ome’s rm. 229. 7

open 7 p.m. to 1 a.m.

- ski trip to Schneider’s, farm west of Wati?rloo. We can ski out or if you have a car we can drive. Contact Lyle at ext. 2538. Meet at 1’0 a.m. at CC.


series: Theology of Liberation. Chaplain Graham Morbey,4:30 p.m. HH 334. _



See Friday.

Jan. 25 -


- see Tuesday.

Wise Gays

- see last Fridav.

Research shortcuts - Enlsl. Literature, 2:30 p.m. at Arts Informa%on D&k. WATMARS Dem,onstration - Arts at 10130 to noon and EMS 1130 to 3 p.m.

for OPR courses is still possible: Basic Rescuer course $22 student, $25 faculty/staff. Recertification course is $10 students, $12 faculty/staff. Call ext. 3541 for more info. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Health Services.

brewing now! Eng Sot’ is sponsoring a campus wide beer brewing contest to be held on March 29th. Get your brew going and win f$ne & prizes. Recipes \ and details in Eng Sot office.

L Saturday,

- Wednesday, B ombshelter




Jan. 23,:

- see last Friday.


” See yourself

and to of live in For CG

Catechism for the Curious, a discussioti of- Christiari doctrine with Chaplain Graham Morbey. All ivelcome. 8 p.m., HH 123. / I


Health Join


toLibraryResearch,2:30 p.m. Meet at Info Desk, Arts Library. Opera Club. Dr. H. Martens friends will meet to discuss, listen recordings, and watch videotapes opera performances. Attendance of performances, both locally and T oronto are planned. All welcome. information call 885-0220. -7 p.m. College.

praise and worship service. Special guests are Dave and Marg Hines - Christian musicians and speakers. Maranatha. 29 Young St. W. Startsat 11 a.m. For more information call 884-28’50.


presents Susan Jackson from Canadian Jewish Congress on $scussion of, “Intermarriage and Inteldating”. See bagel Brunch forroom, etc.




Meditation; free introdu&ry lecture on the benefits and technology of the TM and TM-Sidhi Programme. 8:30 to lo:30 p.m., CC 135. For information &$I 886-8766.


RichardLemm will read from his work, Dancing in Asylum. Coffee & Donuts, sponsored by English Society. HH 373,3:30 p.m.

Ecumeni‘cal Campus Worship Service, HH 280 at lo:30 a’.m.


is open from noon a.m. Feds, nocover. Oth&s$l.OOafter9 . I p.m.




$1 Feds,


session by Public ServiceCommission of Canada outlining their affirmative actiori employmerit programs for native students,with both summer and permanent job opportunities will be held from 2 p.m. . to 4 p.m., NH Information


Ar&- ser?es -LaBarbera

- Trading Places. AL 116,8 p:m.


$2 others.





@Wother’s lmI)R&1~1~11.!11m’.~~‘m

THIS COUPON ,yO S&/El-W----/- -i






/,’ \ /







- ’ ’

Imprint. Friday, January



. ?C

There is hope7? for Palestine:


, by Linda McCord Palestinians have the same rights as the Israelis - their enemies: Imprint staff the right to have their own state. The presence of Rabbi Reuben Slonim at the university on According to Rabbi Slonim. there are other rabbis in Canada Wednesday, January 11th was an event that went unnoticed by who feel this way. but he is the only one who has openly expressed this belief. The Toronto news media took an interest in the most students. The Rabbi was sponsored by Palestine Heritage, Rabbi a few years ago when he criticized the State of Israel in its I a student group on campus, and was on campus for a Wednesday dealings with the Palestinians. morning press conference. ‘On Wednesday evening, the Rabbi spoke at the Humanities Theatre to a small group of people, of In his address, Rabbi Slonim said that peace between the which onIy half were University students. Israelis and the Palestinians must be obtained before the Israelis ,The Rabbi spoke about his views on Palestinian rights in the ’ can rest. The Rabbi spoke of the violent world in which we live Middle East. Rabbi Slonim wasaforcefulspeakerdespite hisage and of the Jewish belief that the land of Israel must be preserved at all costs. of 70 and his grandfatherly appearance. More than once he Y roused members of the sxr~ll, audience to applause with his He tied both thoughts together. The Rabbi estimated that oratory. The Rabbi has strong beliefs and did not hesitate to there have been 200 official wars since World War 1I, with some express them. In explaining why he believes in Palestine rights, the Rabbi having been fought in the past (and one being fought right now) spoke of his childhood in an orphanage. Many of his present by the Israelis. But though he believes that the land of Israel should be preserved, he believes ‘more strongly in the ideals were set- during the five years he spent in the Jewish preservation of humanity. Orphanage and Children’s Aid in Winnipeg. The Rabbi based his hope for peace on certain signs that he Ruebin Slonim was’influenced deeply by a teacher and the said can be seen in Israel. A citizens’ group called “Peace Now” superintendent, as he recountsin hisautobiography, Grandto be has been founded there, and a group‘ of Israeli soldiers called an Orphan, which records events in his life from age 9 (to 14. ‘There is a Limit’ refuse to fight, while another citiirens’group, During these years, Rabbi Slonim was taught to be a gentle “Parents for Silence”, also want peace. person and to be proud of his heritage. The children at the orphanage were loved and taught to return this love to others. Rabbi Slonim said that young people, both in Israel and Canada, will be the ones to make a difference. He said he can ’ The influence that the Rabbi experiensed in his youth shows picture a homeland for the Palestinians in the future, although up now in his campaign for Palestinian rights. Rabbi Slonim was not in his lifetime. Rabbi Reuben Slonim’s faith in humanity was taught to respect all nations; hence, he believes that the emphasized throughout his lecture by his adamantrepetition of the words “There is hope, there is hope”.







by George Elliott Clarke Imprint staff Through changing the duties of some of its officers and electing a Chief Returning Officer, the Federation of Students has readied itself for the upcoming student council and presidential elections. The main changes, announced at the January 16th meeting of the Board of Directors (BOD) of the Federation, are that the incumbent president has delegated his authority to an “interim president” and that the vice-president, operations and finance (VPOF), has resigned. Jim Pytyck, VPOF, resigned his post, saying that after two years of Federation work he has “had enough”. He stated that he regrets leaving, but that it is time he put “academics first”. Another reason that Pytyck cited for not remaining as VPOF is that he does not “want to be interim president” during the elections due to his course load. Chuck Williams, chairman of the Board of Entertainment (BEN-T), is serving a one-month term as interim president, while the incumbent, Tom Allison, seeks re-election. According to Williams, Allison will be paid as usual and keep up with the -1 Federation’s “daily business”. Williams sees his role as ensuring that the office of president is not used for “political gain” during the campaign, for “a lot of things will probably happen that will reflect well on the incumbent (Allison) and the Federation.” He also said that he will confer with the chief returning officer (CRO) during the election to ensure that things are “going smoothly”. Williams said that the position of CR0 had been open to applications for a week; however, the position was advertised in Imprint last Friday, January 13th, and filled on Monday, January 16th. Rob McLaren, the only student who applied for the position, was acclaimed to be the CRO. Williams also stated that the BOD has voted to officially allocate $400 to each candidate in the election. Any candidate who wins more than 10 per cent of the votes will be re-imbursed for his or her expenses.





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leadership candidates have been given important positions in the party’s hierarchy. I Prior to Crombie’s speech, McLean was acclaimed the Conservative’s candidate in Waterloo again, after being nominated by Waterloo mayor Marjorie Carroll and UW student Feisal Rayman. McLean was first elected to the House of Commons in 1979. In his acceptance speech, McLean criticized the Liberal government for a variety of itsactionsfrom the last budget to the implementation of the metric system. He also predicted that a federal election will be held “in June (of this year), if not sooner,” and that the Conservatives will win it regardless of who the leader of the Liberal Party is. “It doesn’t matter whether it is ‘Himself’ (Trudeau), or Jean Chretien. or that other fellow from Bay Street with the blue eyes (former Finance Minister John Turner)“, he claimed. Almost a year ago, U W Economics professor Bob Needham was chosen the New Democratic Party’s candidate in Waterloo. The Waterloo Federal Liberal Association has not chosen a candidate yet.

by Greg Chambers Education Review Project) lead by Gary Griffin, Associate Dean Imprint staff of the Faculty of Arts. The regular meeting of the Faculty of Mathematics Council i The discussion focused on the problems that the new system of was held on Tuesday, January 17th, 1984 in the Math and requirements could create for a student trying to obtain his or her Computer building. After the approval of the minutes of the last Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). One of the meeting which was held on Tuesday, November 22nd, 1983, the problems that was mentioned was the possibility of new students council went on to discussand ratify the business of that previous coming to the university with two different degrees in 1988: some meeting. would have OSSDs earned through a four-year program, while others would have earned theirs through a five-year program. Of note was the approval 01 a hatson committee to facilitate The next agenda item was the Dean’s Report. Among other communication between students and the faculty. The majority subjects, the report stated that of last year’s Descartes Scholarship winners, 109 received more than $500, and only of the members of this committee will be students, but there will three achieved marks of less than 70%in their first year of studies. also be some representation from the faculty. ’ Finally, in the Students’ Report, it was announced that the Next on the agenda was a discussion of the new secondary election of Math representatives would take place on January school system as developed through SERP (Secondary 30th. ,


,locaL MP





by Rob Dobrucki Imprint staff The Progressive Conservative Party of Canada plans to-be “battle ready” by the first of April in anticipation of the upcoming federal election, according to Rosedale MP, David Crombie. Crombie, the guest speaker, speaking to a group of 250 at the renomination of Waterloo M P Walter McLean on January 13th, said that the Conservative’s Campaign 84 began seven months ago - referring to the date of the leadershipconvention in which Brian Mulroney was selected as leader of the Progressive i Conservative Party. ’ Crombie, one of the candidates at the Conservative leadership convention, and presently the Party’s critic for communications and culture, went on to say that, as the leader’s representative on the party’s National Campaign Committee, he has seen that party unity has been given top priority within the Progressive Conservative Party. Given the party’s fractious history, Crombie stated that Mulroney has taken care to ensure that supporters of other



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by Jim Kafieh Imprint staff The main ingredient for a successful traveller is enthusiasm, said Gil White, author of the book Europe on $4~ a Day. Speaking to a large audience at a Federation of Students sponsored function, White revealed many travelling secrets. The key to seeing Europe inexpensively is utilizing the hospitality of the people you meet and being willing to do odd jobs in exchange for room and board, according to White. As an indication ofhowsuccessful thisapproachcan be. White _ claims to have toured 30 countries in 4 months spending only $1000 on food, accommodation and transportation including air tickets from North America. White did note that there wasadifference between beingfrugal and cheap and that there was such a thing as abusing hospitality. Travelling, according to White, is an education. His slide presentation highlighted the opportunity to experience the contrasting life styles of Easternand Western Europe, Africaand Asia. He said that one person is the biggest travel group that he would recommend. Travelling alone was safe. insisted White,

Prayerevent The Chaplains’ Association at the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University have announced “a unique multi-media event to celebrate the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity”.




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. Imprint.


Following the critical and popular success of last year’s event, the celebration, entitled “Ragtime/ Storytime”, will feature the Toronto-based ensemble Ruah in a series of vignettes utilizing dance, drama, mime, and music, and is scheduled this year for the first time in two locations: on Tuesday,, .January 24 in the Concourse at W LU from 10 a.m. till noon, and on Wed-

and that it is usually the very young and naive that encounger trouble while abroad. Common sense while travelling is the best guide, said White. His book which was on sale after the presentation contained tips for hitchhiking. White suggested that smaller groups of travellers, with little baggage and who position themselves in such a way as to facilitate a motorist’s easy stopping, would get rides fastest. Drivers eager to meet foreigners or just simply wanting conversation are a good source of rides. White said he displayed a 6foot by 4 foot Canadian flagon thesideoftheroadandthatthis helped get rides. Youth hostels and university campuses are good places to find accommodation and meet people, said White. He also suggested that a traveller use a money belt and carry lots of traveller’s cheques in small denominations of American currency. A very useful money saver, said White, is an International Students Card, which is available at the Federation of Students office. Copies of White’s book are also available at the Fed office.

in CC Great nesday, January 25 in the Great Hall of the Campus Centre at U W, also from 10 a.m. till noon. Because both settings - the Concourse and the Great Hall --- have been chosen for the event, there is a public and even participatory character to the celebration, its sponsors say. “Both the Concourse at WLU and the Great Hall at UW are usually the scene of interaction: much student coming and going; pausing briefly for refreshment in the day’s activities; and the ecumenical event will respect and enrich that public space,” according to sponsors. “The event is set in the heart of the


campus. in both locations (WLU and UW), not in a church or theatre, but where the people are, inanattempt to bring refreshment and creative stimulation in the midst of the work place. and in the middle of the day.” The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an annual seven-day observance of the unity all Christians share in faith and life. The WLU/ U W observance is sponsored by the campus ministries of the Anglican Church, the Christian Reformed Churches, the Lutheran Churches. the Mennonite Churches, the Roman Catholic Church, the United Church of Canada. and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.

Notices: The last oflicial day to register for the winter term is January 3 1, 1984. If you have not yet arranged to pay your fees, you must do so immediately. There are many schedules still remaining to be picked up from the Registrar’s Office. If you have not received a completed schedule, please check with the Registrar’s Office as soon as possible. Engineering, Integrated Studies and Optometry students can obtain schedules at their departments’ general offices. If you are a registered, oncampus, full-time student this term and are expecting a Grade Report from the Fall 1983 term, you may pick it up at the Reception Area of the Registrar’s Office, beginning Wednesday, January 18,1984. (Grade Reports for St. Jerome’s and Renison registrants will be available at the colleges.) ID card identification will be required If you have not yet obtained your photo identification card please do so immediately. You may obtain it by presenting your receipted fee statement o,r receipted statement of account at the Registrar’s Office, 2nd Floor, Needles Hall.


Volunteers are needed to read material for visually impaired students on campus this term. No previous experience is necessary; the reading may be done at your convenience. Call Carol MoogkSoulis at Ext. 2 130.


Imprint. Friday, January 20,1984


Peace Sot screens ‘film


government agencies, and the organization of a peace march. One of the main objectives of this term is to start a newsletter,and the Peace Society would gladly’ welcome anyone willing to donate their writing talents. The film “If You Love This Planet”, shown in part to help stimulate interest in the Peace Society; is a disturbing look at the consequences of nuclear war. Dr. Helen Caldicott gives a memorable lecture on what we can expect in the event of a nuclear strike. It is almost inconceivable to think of people being “vapourized”. This is what would happen withina six mile radius of the detonation of a 20 megaton nuclear bomb. Where the film does fall short, however, is in its lack of concrete solutions. Dr. Caldicott talks of sending “100 naked babies” into an arms debate in Congress.

by Carl Davies Imprint Staff This past Monday evening, the University of Waterloo Peace Society presented the critically acclaimed documentary.“If You Love This Planet’,;at Conrad Grebel Cpllege. The Oscar-winning film is a chilling look at one of the concerns of the current nuclear arms debate: the effects of nuclear war. The Peace Society looks at this concern and others. The Peace Society has been around since the 1960’s, a time’ when debate raged over the Vietnam War. jThe society was born in Conrad Grebel College, which is known internationally as the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies. Conrad Grebel, founded by Mennonites, has a rich background in the area of peace research. The college is the location for one of the offices of Project Ploughshares,a national peace. research and education organization funded by such groups as OX-FAM and CUS,O,amongothers. The University of Waterloo Peace Society is, itself, just one part of Conrad Grebel College’s continued dedication to peace. The, society, officially affiliated with the Federation of Students since 1979, is not concerned solely with the nuclear issue. “We are concerned with peace and-conflict in all aspects of society” says society president, Sheila Loucks. The topics of, ‘concern range from community mental health, to international development issues to militarism.

A point raised in the discussion following the film is that one of the major problems with the “on again, off again” arms talks is that neither the Soviets nor the Americans can accept the existence of the other’s ideology: the Reagan Administration views the Soviets as’the “evil” empire and Moscow treats’ the United States with equal disdain; this is a major hurdle that must be overcome if we are to gradually work towards an end to the nuclear arms race. If you are interested in joining the Peace Society, attend their weeky meetings and find out what they are all about. If the meetings conflict with your class schedule, but you would still like to participate in one of their projects, you can contact project co-ordinator, Scott Beech, at 884-5360.

The society holds weekly meetings,. Friday at 12:30, in the cafeteria at Conrad Grebel College. Each week features a guest speaker or a film, with a variety of topics to be covered. This Friday, the topic will be Central American issues, with guest speaker Carmen Albrecht.* In addition to weekly meetings, the Peace Society has a number of ongoing projects. Last term, these included a weekly radio show at CKMS, a letter writing campaign to various

*Editor’s Note: On Friday, January 27th, at 12:30 P.M. in the Blue Room at Conrad Grebel College,, the Peace Society will be discussing civil-based defence. Dr. Conrad Brunk, professor of Peace and Conflict Studies, will provide a few ideas. Everyone’is welcome.




by Ahab Abdel-Aziz Imprint staff Today; Queen’s University is hosting the winter conference of the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario (CFS-0). Once again the question of weighted voting is expected to be the burning issue of the meeting. In the fall conference of the CFS-0, the matter of whether weighted voting should be adopted by CFS-0 was raised by the representatives of the University of Western Ontario. The idea met with substantial opposition from some of the smaller colleges and universities, and at least one large university: the University of Toronto. The proposed change in the voti,ng structure of the CFS-0 would accord from one to four votes to its member institutions depending on their size: four votes would be conceded to institutions with more than 20,000 students, while an alternative porposal would concede three votes to institutions with more than 15,000 students. The chief objection to the Western institutions’ representatives would


adequately influence policy and votes in favour of their constituents, thus unfairly biasing the affairs of’the CFS-0. ’ The proponents of this proposal, Waterloo among them, argue that the present “one-vote per school” structure does not adequately represent the membership of CFS-0, since a.large number of students from large institutions are accorded the same weight as a substantially lesser number of students in a smaller institution. The incumbent president of the U W Federation of Students, Tom Allison, informed Imprint that the representatives of the University of Waterloo will be voting in favor of the motion. Allison feels that ifeither of the proposed weighted structres were to be adopted there would be little or no change in the present voting results because larger institutions do not vote together and as such their votes would cancel one another. Another controversial motion ready to be voted on was made by Western and seconded by Waterloo. If passed it would forbit the CFS-0 from passing motions which do not directly address educational issues; this, ironically, willoccurat thesame meeting where the CFS-0 Peacecommittee will be making a presentation to the membership.

proposal is that smaller lose the capacity to



by Scott Moulton Every second Sunday in’ January, Ba’hais celebrate ‘World Religion Day’ to promote religious unity. This year the Ba’hais on campus sponsored a selection of speakers from various faiths on the topic “the nature of God and man and the relationship between them”. Fifty people attended the meeting: Tom Pawlowski, fourth year Electrical Engineering, introduced the speakers. Although the fifteen minutes given to each speaker was insufficient for them to explore the depths of their respective faiths, they managed to put the basic tenets of each in a nutshell. Raj Dubey, a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Waterloo, explained that Hinduism is not a religion, but a system. God is omniprese,nt;‘ omnipotent, immortal, blissful, and free of contradiction. Man is to move shrough three stages of experience to the realization that ‘I am He’. This is the unity of Brahma: all men are brothers, for everybody is you. Ethel Fahidy, principal of the religious school at the Temple Shalom: took into account the Reformed and Orthodox Jewish viewpoints. God is an all-powerful, allknowing creator and maintainer; or, as in the Reformed view, God is the underlying spirit that maintains order: The Orthodox Jew looks upon the Torah as binding, , whereas the Reformed Jew looks only to the moral and ethical laws. Both sections of Judaism look upon manasa part of creation, thus part of God. Men, all men, are precious beings. And there is no intermediary between God and Man. John Mayer, a professor of Philosophy at Brock, began by pointing out that Buddhacamefroma Hindu tradition. Buddha was silent about God, for such speculation is not conducive to “Liberation”. Man’s purpose is to seek “Liberation”(fromthecycleof reincarnation) through the eight-fold path (that is, the doctrine of self-reliance), and through ethical behaviour; and compassion for one’s fellow man. Dona Hazlett (director of Educational Programs, United Church, Waterloo) gavec’a series of definitions. God is the creator: infinite, eternal, unchanging, loving, just; God is also the-only living and true God, to be held in awe. As well, Man was created by God, but fell into sin. To reconcile God with His creation, Jesus Christ -- God made flesh, the Messiah of the Prophets - came to mediate between God and Man. Christ wascrucified, died, and rose again. Last.ly, Stephen Boa1 presented the Ba’hai view: God isa perfect, personal creator force who seeks a relationship’ with Man (the high point of creation). Man, imperfect, exists to become better through teachings and service to one’s fellow man. Ba’hai acknowledges’the divine origins of all previous religions. The founders of these religions are intermediaries between the Perfect and the Imperfect. These intermediaries act as reflections of _God,_ as role-models and teachers. Following the speeches there was coffee, juice, and pastry. _ ,


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Imprint. Friday, January

n’t fo c



out 0 On

A university is supposed to be an institution where study, instruction, and examination in the higher and major branches of knowledge occurs. This university, however, betrays this fundamental concept of a university by concentrating its resources on one field of knowledge -the scientific and the technical. In the myopic vision of the administration, arts seem to have little priority for university largess. The University of Waterloo was born out of the desire to create a school that would meet the demands of business and industry. From that day in 1957 when the first classes began, this university has emphasized engineering, mathematics, science, and, later, computer science as its programspar excellence, while the co-op program of alternating work and study terms has been used to inculcate a sense of professionalism in these courses of study. And this scientific and technocratic bias on the part of the university has proven markedly successful. UW is one of the wealthiest universities in Canada, with ties to the corporate world that are the envy of many. It has built a reputation for itself in technical fields that is referred to constantly in the press, from The Globe and Mail to The Wall Street Journal. Every student who graduates from this institution is supposed to be a programmer, a builder of ” bridges, or an accountant. But not every’student is. Some are writers,

a actors, painters, and musicians; some are historians, geographers, philosophers, and political scientists; some speak Latin, some speak Russian, German, French, Dutch, Italian or Spanish. But the university betrays these students by accrediting the Faculty of Arts (not to mention those of Environmental Science, Optometry, and Health, Kinetic and Leisure Studies) a lower status than it does its more business-oriented, industry-oriented faculties. Evidence of this treason is rife. The university is preparing to build a major industrial park, but is not putting any money into badly needed scholarships for Arts students. It is entering into partnerships w&h government and corporations that it does not have with arts organizations. Its attitude towards its less remunerative faculties seems to be one of dismissive parsimony.

Imprint is the student newspaper at the University u: Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint & a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprin’t publishes every second Fridqy during the Spring term andeveryFridaydurin.g the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.” Imprint: ISSN 0706-7380 2nd Class Postage Registration Pending Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Contributing Staff:Deborah Austin, John W. Bast, Kathryn Bereza, Vicki Beninger, Frank Bon, Jim Boritz, Doreen Brown, Lear-meBurkholder, Alison Butlin, Harold Bransch, don button, Bob Butts, Raymond Cheng, Rob Clark, George Elliott Clarke, Jack Cooper, John Davie, Rob Dobrucki, Donald Duench, Karen Duncant, Carol Fletcher,Todd Furlani, Rod Garratt, Michele Gauthier, Sanjay Goel, Janice Goldberg, Joanne Graker, Kirsten Gunter, Sylvia Hannigan,Judy Hartman, Dave Herron, Bill Humphries, Aeyliya Husain, Jim Jordan, Jim Kafieh, Jane Kalbfleish, Kathleen Kelly, Jennifer Kennington, Corinne Knight, William Knight, Simon Lee, Catherine Leek, Glenn Love, Mark Lussier, Tim MacNeil, Heather Martin, Ron McGregor, Neil McInnis, Andrea McKenzie, Alan Mears, Patricia1 Michalewicz, Glen Moffat, Clark Morris, Kathe Nahatchewitz, Doug Parker, Tim Perlich, Thomas Persoon, John Pauli, Patti Presti, MichaelProvost, Greg Pruner, Fabio Pucci, Josephine Rezo, Diane Richards, Nathan Rudyk, Vinay Ruparell,Anthony Saxon, Barbara Ann Simpson, Fraser Simpson, Robin Slaughter, Paul Totten, Dan Tremblay,TonyVanOostrom,AlanVintar,AliciaVennos,TerryVoth,Ed Waller, Jaclyn Waller, Doug Warren, Linda Watt, Ron West, Simon Wheeler, John Wieczonek, Chris Wodskou, Karen Young, Sue Young.

In spite of this treason, the professors and students, of the Faculty of Arts have produced and continue to produce -first-class work tha t adds to the prestige of the university, from a book written by Prof. Burnett of Fine Arts to one \ authored by Prof. DeMarco of Philosophy. Yet, so long as the administration accords a low priority to the arts, this university will never be more than what it seems to be: a first-rate technical and business school. George Elliott Clarke

Submission \ Deadlines* Campus


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Commdcations . Canada’s leader in the satellite communications industry announces an engineering challenge in an exciting and rapidly growing environment. COM DEV of Cambridge, Ontario is a source of high technology subsystems and is the world’s largest supplier of microwave multiplexing systems for both space and ground applications. Our clients include many of North America’s and Western Europe’s leading satellite prime contractors and systems operators. We are expanding. If you are a graduate in electrical or mechanical engineering, computer science, applied or engineering CoM


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Camp Towhee Camp Towhee, Haliburton, Ontario-operaled by the lntegra Foundation. A co-educational residential camp for children with learning disabilities (ages 8-l 2) is hiring staff: cabin counsellors, instructors in waterfront. arts and crafts. nature, physical education, remedial math, reading, writing teachers, speech and language therapists, nurse. secretary. maintenance people. Seven weeks: July 2 - August 20, 1984 Application and additional information available through: Campus Placement Office. All applications must be returned directly to the lntegra Foundation no later than January 3 1. Orientation Session: Tues., Feb 7,1984,2 - 3 P.M. Interviews: Tues., Feb 7, 1984,3 - 6 P.M. For location of Orientation and Interviews, check with the Career Information Centre.

CiasrSifieds RDK: Happy birthday to our killer roommate. Shouldn’t you be having -babies sogn? Love L. and Betty Ape.

Found Men’s watch fpund, Columbia and-Albert bus stop, Sat. Jan. 14. To identify and claim call 886-7089.

Fit Five fitness centre now open in Waterloo. The silly way to personal fitness. Be there or be square. The Soci’a&les of East 2’support David (Bucky) Roebuck as future Fed President.

Personal Sex under the sword of Damocles. Imminent danger especially in the midst of propserity. Feasting while the sword hangs by a hair over you. Why risk it? Get the facts at the Birth Control Centre. CC 206, ext. 2306. . Big C-squared: Happy- 22nd birthday. Don’t worry, you’& still got a few good years left. Love little c-squared. JoeStumpf: The-Fighting Aardvarks are regrouping. Please ctill the cdach now. 884-6409. To: 912 tea drinkers -skating this weekend time to be decided. Maybe Sunday night. Mississauga WRECK. This is one engineer that miscalculated the Root-Mean/square value of your friendship. Hope to hear from you soon, 7461369. RED. Hey-Drab, you and Kegd did well. You too Arvie and Murmur, but in a real sense. And finally Javex - this is another find mess you’ve gotten us into - Ogion. P.S. the Poop is a Fink. Happy 28th Tracey! You E3 wench you! One quarter of your life is over, done, history. No cheap affairs, i.e. TR. Sparky, the red-headed mole and the busdriver. The wrinkles are forming but we still love you. Hosebags and Wenches.

For Sale “Superbrain” 64K, 2-drive micro computer, some software, Prowriter printer if desired. $3000 or best offer, including printer. Prof. Bill Scott, UW, ext. 2755. Printei for ZX81 (dr TMS 1000) for sale. $75.00. firm. 744-1034 or 88?-1970 ext. 2450. Free. Sleek independent cat. 8 mo. Spayed female with shots. Must reluctantly part with to a good home. Pete 746-1488. y Raichle Lotus downhill ski boots. ‘Ladies size 7.5. Worn only a few times - excellent condition. $100. Call Judy at 742-0633. 3 Piece “woking”set for sale: 14 in. stainless steel with copper clay bottom. Excellent condition: $16. Jeremy; 885-2058. E.P.I. Tower speakers. For professional use or quality listening. $500 each. Call Sandy/ leave message 745-8001 pr 885-0308. 2 oak, 2 steel office desks. Oak swivel chair, odd chairs, credenza storage cabinet, ward-


-. rdbe, table mirror, drawers. 884-2806.


7,. Imprint. Friday, January


78 Lada excellent conditioq, Pirrelli radials, Pioneer AM/ FM cassette, $2150. 888-7201. For sale: full length muskrat coat size 15. Excellent condition. Encore Boutique 7445611. For sale: a Vantage acoustic guitar. Excellent condition. Call Chris at 886-3699. _ One piir men’? Nike white leather tennis shoes. Size 8. Brand new, wdrn only once (too small). $20.00, 884-6306. Single bed complete $50, Pet 2040 Floppy drive, 2022 printer negotiable. 8847915. Yamaha SGlOOO electric guitar. Excellent condition. $450. 884-9066.

Ride Wanted<

25 years exfierience; 65a double spaced page; West/mount areaf call 743-3342.. ’ Typing plus: efficient, reliable service near Westmount Plaza. l’heses, reports, papers, letters, resumes, etc. 80Q/page. 743-2269. Quick Day Near “book

typing on quality paper. after, same day service. Seagram Stadium. May ahead. Phone 885-1353.

Typing. $l.OO/page IBM Selectric; carbon ribbon; grammar/ spelling corrections; paper provided; proofreading included; symbol/italics available; work term reports, theses, essays. 579-5513 evenings. Downtown Kitchener location. $1.25/page IBM Selectric; grammar/spelling corrections; paper provided, proofreading includ’ed; campus pick-up; delivery included. Call Jessica 884-0969 evenings. Typing by English/French major.

To Kingston (or area!) Leaving Friday, January 20 and/or Sunday Jan. 22. Contact Judi at 884-7369.

Typing: experienc,ed typist right beside campus. Self-correcting typewriter. 75(C/page, $3 for resumes. Call Ann, 8840421.


Accurate (edited) typing of essays, reports and resumes on IBM -Selectric. $l/ds page. Phone Sue at 579-6157.

Experienced -typist, IBM Sel-. ectric, Engineering symbols, _ reasonable rates, will pick-up and deliver to campus. Mrs. Lynda Hull, 579-0943.

Accurate and reliable; adjacent to campus; 75~: and $I/ double spaced page; bookings accepted. Anna 886-9746.

Typing: essays, resumes, theses, group projects, fast . efficient se&ice, ho charge delivery arranged. Call Diane 576-1284.

Maggie can type it! Essays, thesis and letters. $1.00 per page, resumes $5.00, free pickup and delivery. Phone 7431976.

Lost Gold- box-link chain with emerald stone. Lost at the Eng Sot Bopcats Pub on Thursday Jan. 5. Of great sentimental value., Please call Janet 7429088 or return tosecurity with your name and number. Reward $50.00. Lost: 2 calculators. TI 55andTI 30. Lost Mon. Jan. 16184 in,the Bio-ESC building. If found call Rudy 884-8554 after 6 p.m. Gold ID bracelet. sentimental value. Lori 884-9698.

‘Pias great Please call

Christmas gift with great sentimental value. Gold signet ring with oval face. Lost Jan. 4th on campus. Please call Gord at 743-6894 with any information or drop off at Turnkey d&k or at Security. Will identify ring by initia!s on face. Reward to full value of ring.



For rent May-Aug 1984, 5 bedroom furnished house for $636/month. Just one block from Eaton’s downtown. Lots of extras. Call 745-8003.

Wanted Wanted desperately: Optical Minerology by Kerr AKA “The Bible of Minerology”. If it is kicking around, sell it to me. JJ 885-5189. Babysitting of newborn in my office 4 hr/wk. Phone collect 1-271-6932 or leave message PAS Rm. 4209. Opera lovers ! Looking for friends? See Campus Events on Tuesday: Kitten needed by a good home! Preferably a young female. Please call Connie at 884-5013 after 5 p.m. or ext. 3094 ‘anytime.


For rent May-Aug: Large 2 bedroom furnished apartment located on Hazel St. Close to Parkdale Plaza and UW. Cari easily accommodate 4 people. Option to take over, lease in September. For more information call 746-1503. 1 bedroom apartment to sublet (May-Aug.] 2-3 persons. lo-15 min. drive from campus. Right on bus route, mod rn appliances. Laundry. J urnishings, neg. 579-3176. Paul.

Services Shiatsu (Japanese acupressure massage). Give the pleasures and benefits of Shiatsu to someone special. Gift certificates now available. P. Hender:on, evenings, 885-0622. Personal Growth Counseliing ” by Theodore N.S. Aura Analysis, Clairvoyant, healing. By appointment only 8865945.

5 Choo choo: Happy 2lst birthday. Hope your upcoming years are as good as the year that we spent together! Much love, a certain 4th year electrical.


P and C please accept 01'7 warmest apologies for any k?lJJ barassment we /may hav: caused you by our idle gossi;) - even if it is true. We invitt you to help mend our ways bl dining with us on Thursda! January 24 at 19OOh. KJD. Kim Beerns: St anding offer fo i a weekend dinner at Anne ant! Gord’s. We’re at the same plact and phone number, RGerman Sherman. Who needs it! It’s english I speak. Time is short. No time to court. Doug Thompson.


Girls: are you tired of looking at those bare walls in your room? Get a Men of Waterloo 84 calendar for some excellent scenery! Debbie in St. Pauls, just off my top I hope you have a wery Happy Birthday. In honour of this occasion you are inwited to aseminaron Wisocosoty:our wery favourite topic. Lily NG. Rob, Jack and the Wenches like Bucky for President’. Laurel: Kind of cold, eh? How about next time we_ put the motorcycle in a garage? I’m sure we could find one. JKB Goldfish

Do you have and Dolls.

crabs? .0

Nameless. Thanks for coffee and cookies. Would be better if you made them. Still waiting to see your claim to greatness. -

For a weekend or a day or two, you can pack a lot of fun into a low priced VIA train trip. Ask about our 1 day, and 2 to 7 day fare reductions, our convenient schedules for weekend trips and our terrific grpup fares. Wherever you’re going, for whatever fun reason, take it easy, take-the train. Call VIA Rail or your Travel Agent now. * \


Captain Pete - Your crew of faithful followers no longer sail an empty sea. Is the wind changing direction? Prepare for mutiny. The wenches Bucky!




Attention ‘Eric Shwartz! Saw you without your beard but we can still tell that you are. a wingnut with a placebo for a a brain. Put on some real.music - Jockitch! Kevin D. How was Denmark? Please give me a call soon! V1N5 Rm 202.884-6180. Don.

, ,‘;




Fed Hall cuts make project ‘halfkzssed’

Of Quebecand EnglishCanada On a starry, frosty night last December, I stood on the pallisades of la ville de Quebec, saw the snow-bound Plains of Abraham, the ice-choked St. Lawrence River, the glittering lights of Levis, ano remembered history. I recalled the defeat of General Montcalm by General Wolfe, the taking of the city-citadel by strategy and musket fire, the conquest of New France, in a battle that took the lives of both generals. I thought, too, of the immediate consequence - and the further implications - on the development of the French state that the Conquest wrought: The French colony was made an English colony, a part of the British Empire, its people subjugated as passionately as those inhabitants of Africa, Asia, and South America who had the misfortune to fall under European governments of varying tyranny. The analysis of Quebec as a colony still holds true today. This nation which should, theoretically, be part of the Francophone group of nations is, instead, a province in a nation that is part of the British Commonwealth! It does not take much thought to realize that there is something very strange about that. The province du Quebec is not like any other province. It hasall the prerequisites to be an independent power: a separate culture, language, government structure, and means of economic development. This is not to say that Quebec should seek formal,

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political independence; however, Quebec could be independent complacency and confrontation province.

it is important to recognize that so that we may avoid both in our relations with la belle

I say this because English Canada (which means ourselves, comrades), with the repatriation of the British N$orth America Act, the defeat of the “oui” side in the 1980 referendum on the negotation of sovereignty-association, and the precipitous slide of the Parti Quebecois in popularity polls, has subsided into a deep sleep regarding matters Quebecois. * But this complacency is ill-considered. Have we forgotten that in the 1980 referendum, the “Oui” votewasa full 4O%of those cast, and that the majority of those who voted “oui” were young Quebecois, the leaders of tomorrow? If another referendum is held in the future, and if little has changed since the last, the results could go the other way. If we truly want Quebec to remain part of this country, we must tend our relations with her as diligently as we would any family member. We must also make the two official languages of this nation more equal. A good way to start would be by making Ontario and Manitoba officially bilingual. As well, French should be taught as a required subject (English is taught as a required course in Quebec schools). Finally, more of us should actually go and meet OUJ Francophone sisters and brothers, the Quebecois, on their own soil, the land of their country.

To the editor: Tom Allison on the proposed Federation Hall, November 11th edition of the Imprint: “In the e\Jent that the building must be redesigned, resulting in a change to the app’earance orperformance qf’ the building, the student bod?l titill be consulted. A decision to proceed in this event must be made b-v all students, and not b-13the Federation alone”. . . “It (Fed Hall) M’ill be able to accommodate in excess qf600people and it MTillhave.facilities.for liveentertainment. Jfthereare an.\’ substansive changes made to the building, the student hod,* M’ill be consulted and asked.for their approval qf the changes. ” 1 was very much surprised to learn about the 61 changes to the proposed Fed Hall in its latest redesign. My first question is who is paying for the costs of the redesigning of the building. The next is what will be the new capacity. Although many of the changes may be minor and the appearance is the same 1 question its performance. With a proper kitchen area it would have been the ideal place for formal occasions run by the socities or the oncampus residences. With the latest proposals the previous ideais no longer feasible unless one either gets an outside caterer or likes a more formal dinner of hot dogs, chili and the like. Bringing in a caterer defeats the purpose of a student-run building for the students of this university. It is not that I am against Fed Hall but at how it is now being given to us. 1 would rather we have the building that was first presented to us when we returned in September. We now know what it will cost to build from the original plans so why not have a referendum on those original plans with a slightly altered fee structure that will take into account the increased costs. If the building was as good as we wereled to believe when wevoted then how does it improve by cutting $400,000 from the budget. Let’s not have a half-assed building just to come in under budget. We have waited a long time for this type of facility on campus. We can’t screw it up when we are finally able to see the light from the end of the tunnel. Gorden J. Pugh Economics

Readers To the editor: When will “the critics” stop bothering our engineering faculty about sexism? No one says anything about sexism in nursing or secretarial studies. Everyone is counting numbers. The Kitchener Record complained about female representation on staff; only two women. But no one has counted the number of male secretaries on campus. I can’t believeall thecomplaints madeabout the parade. In this world full of sex - that is, sex in the media and in real life -- how could epople be so shocked to say “it is another attack on our right as students to enjoy a peace of mind” or an “invasion of privacy”? What about the world we live in‘? Is sex not as overt as it

uw is one of worst at hiring


To the editor: Regarding John Wieczorek’s letter about U W women, there is little to be gained in arguing about whether physics or engineering departments are the more sexist, especially since Wieczorek didn’t assess how many professors read sexist stories to their classes and how many have pornographic pictures in their offices and labs. What his chart does show is that many courses have mostly women students; yet many ofthese have few women teachers. In Biology(Co-op Year 2) thestudentsare64% women,. buf the professors are 3% women. In Recreation (Co-op Year 3) students are 93% women, but the professors are (apparently) only 12% women. In Kinesiology the students are I mostly women, but the professors are only 9% women. Canadian universities are willing to produce women with PhDs, but they are not willing to hire them onanequal basis with men. UW has one of the worst records in Canada for hiring women professors. One must infer from this that it does not hire the best academics available, cinde if it did we would have more women’faculty. Why should UW students have to be satisfied , with less than the best in professors? Anne Dagg


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anything - a candy wrapper, a street sign, an old issue of Imprint ~- is capable of ‘evoking laughter, sympathy, anger . . .’ or anything else, if scoured long enough and hard enough for meaning. Why then, should even the most diligent reader pay more attention to poetry than to these things‘? The real ‘lazy literature: is the poetry featured in the article, poetry which makes no attempt to communicate, to interest, to (gasp!) entertain, but merely records the passing thoughls of a self-centred poet, who labours under the illusion that othersare actually interested in deciphering his unedited musings. Real poetry -- poetry with meter, structure, and sometimes even rhyme (!) requires intense effort, extreme care, and considerable talent to compose, and. if poorly written, can easily be seen and judged as jarring, clumsy, or empty - that is, bad. When skillfully used, however, these devices can help a poem to communicate ideas both profound and intense, drawing the reader in withtheirhypnoticeffect. Freeverse,ontheotherhand, need not accomplish these things: in fact, it can be absolutely

;T ::I





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is displayed in our parade? Hah, everyone in the world is a hypocrite. As for “Eng Sot reinforcing the idea that women have value through their bodies”. This is certainly not true of one separates a woman’s head from her body. I like to think of my mind and body as one unit working together, co-ordinating. If men feel that women are only sex objects then we can’t change their minds. They will simply have the shock of reality when it is sprung on them. I must say that most meninengineeringaccept thefact that women are equal and even admire and support them. It is those men outside engineering that respond toafemaleengineerwitha sour look of awe op their faces. The activities of Eng Sot are generally male-oriented in terms of interest. It must be this way since the majority of people in the faculty are males and thus Eng Sot must cater to them. Femme Eng or Women in Engineering cater to the women in representation and most women have no interest in these activities. They don’t want to be “more” than equal or special. Parades and humorous sexual-oriented publications, although distasteful to some women, is a tradition in engineering -just like pink tie days in Math. Besides, a lot of people enjoyed the “entertainment” I’m sure. It’s a nice break from a boring class. The only objectification of women that was made was that of Lady Godiva who was willing to sell her body for money. That has no bearing on what other women do with their bodies. Is this immature? No. Sex is not an issue for children. Our society does not exploit women nor men. It exploits sex. Period. And our society young and old buys it. Do you? Of course you do. Just look at the clothes you’re wearing, the diets you try to keep, hair styles, the car you drive and the list goes on. The Birth Control Centre hands out free prophylactics by the handful and Health Services hands out birth controlpillsjust for the asking, and you are “angered by the abuse of student funds”? ‘Sex” was the imbedded topic of our event, but surely it is not worsethan weareallexposedtoeverday.Howcanonesaythatit is repugnant and immature‘? War, most aspects of politics and arrogance are repugnant and immature. A parade of a naked woman hasn’t changed my life at all. Pat Sosnowski Women in Engineering

poetry a scam, featured

To the editor: I am not usually given to forcing my opinions upon but Deborah Austin’s astonishing uninterested readers, arrogance in the ‘Prose and Poetry’ section of your November 25th issue has prompted me to request that you squeeze my ht mble thoughts into your newspaper, somewhere between the latest salvo on abortion and the most recent philippic on international politics. Ms. Austin, your readers will recall, decried the popular assumption that poetry is ‘a four by eight inch design of stanzas and words’, averring that it is, in fact, ‘a design of subjective insights into experiences, explorations, emotions, and research.’ Ms. Austin goes on to blame the ‘minimal’ size of her friends’ following - on ‘an ignorant audience’, and laments that ‘the masses seem to want lazy-literature that does all the work forthe reader’. What nonsense! It is the poet’sjob tocommunicate his ideas to the reader; it is not the reader’s job to search and strain until he finds a modicum of value in the poet’s creation. After all,

: :

debate sexism

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Community help and fund raisers, Eng Sot \ replies To the editor: In light of the recent events surrounding the Engineering Society, it is heartening to note that Eng Sot helps the community at large through events such as the Bus Push, as noted in the following letter: Dear Chris Carter: On behalf of Big Sisters of KitchenerWaterloo and Area, I wouldlike to thank youfor the donation of $1,4.59.36. This amount brings the 1983 Bus Push Total to $7,314.88. We were not only surprised but also delighted to receive this additional amount. Our Agency is very fortunate to have the friendship and support of the students from the Engineering B Society. Your students worked very hard to achieve such an incredible amount of money. This is the largest amount collected in one year from the Bus Push. Please extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to all of the hard working students who are responsible for helping our Agency continue to work with children in need of friendship. You ‘t-e the greatest! Sincerely, (Ms.) Marilvn Marko w, Executive Director. Chris Carter 1983 Bus Push Chairman

work not art anything the author pleases, and can therefore never be labelled ‘bad’, lest the poet fault us for being ‘lazy’ in failing to interpret it properly. Consequently, many poets have seized theopportunity to produce loose, haphazard ramblings indistinguishable from nonsense prose, confident that theyareinvulnerabietocriticism. Of course, an art form that can never be bad can never be truly excellent either, and readers, knowing a scam when they see one, have lost interest in free-form poetry. It is understandable that self-styled artists are disappointed in the public’s failure to recognize their genius in this new, idiotproof medium, where everyone’s work is uniformly ‘stunning’. The public, however, has shown itself capable of surviving the death of poetry, and it is up to the literary world to shake itself out of its self-satisfied lethargy and produce intelligent, interesting, moving, communicative - in short, artistic.poetry. Daniel Simon 2B Applied Math/ Computer Science

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by Alex Weaver How would you feelabout investing your money in a bank that does not guarantee profit‘. ) A leading Moslem scholar said recently that Moslems in Kuwait and other Middle Eastern countries would consider any other system to be unlawful. Professor F.A. Ali, of the Centre for Islamic Studies in New Delhi, India, gave a lecture on Moslem attitudes towards the modern world at the University of Waterloo on January 17th. His address covered Islamic attitudes towards everything from banking to feminism. Modern technology has to be gradually introduced in Islamic countries, he said. Religious leaders must be the first to accept change, because ofthepeople’slack ofeducationtin India, where there are a hundred million Moslems, 30 per cent of the population of 83,000,OOO is illiterate). The introduction of the camera to Saudi Arabia, in 1926, initially met with opposition; for a Moslem, it is unlawful to paint pictures of the Prophet (Mohammed), or even of Christ, because these pictures cannot be anything other than imagination.

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K-W Status of Women Group Chairperson Maurita McCrystal addresses Wednesday’s meeting protesting Federal Government softening of anti-pornographypolicies. j~hr~to

/I?- tlritrrr


$399 .OO



by Brian Oliver The Canadian Radio-Tele\ ision Telecommunications Commission’s Januaq 5th decision not to regulate pornographq on pa>,-TV has come under fire from the Kitchener-Waterloo Status of‘ Women group. This policy, an apparent re\ ersal from t he December 7th. 1983 Throne Speech statement that pornography “has no place in Canadian societhr”. is interpreted by the group as a concession to pa>,-TV that timill allow the industry a better chance to turn a prof‘it at the expense of human rights. At a public meeting and panel discussion held in downtown Waterloo on Wednesda>,, Januar-, I8th, it became apparent that the group was not read!~ to-let the pa>,-TV industr>J make a profit from the exploitation of 11omen. In response to the issue. group Chairperson Maurita McCrlrstal presented the group’s pItin to apply pressure on the House of‘Commons for an overturn of the CRTC deci. 41011.Form letters pointing out the policy I-e\ ersal and asking Members of Parliament to demand of tho Minister of Communication< that the CRTC decision not bc accepted were made available for signature and addressing to M.P.‘s by concerned Individuals. These were then to be mailed off the Honourable Members. The meeting w’as attended by about sekfenty-file people and selperal do/en form letters \\‘erc signed and addressed to members of Parliament.


To gain acceptance for the camera, its proponents argued that it captured only light and shape, which are made by God. This argument proved successful. Similarly, the use of loudbpeakers in mosques was unlawful until about 1953, when it was argued that it was better for the people to hear a distorted voice than no voice at all. Bank interest is still unlawful. Moslems argue that profit from interest is at someone else’s expense, and that one is being exploited by having to pay interest. In fact, Moslem banks operate without guaranteeing profit to their investors, since that would be unacceptable; investors may lose money. Banks usually invest only in housing and other ventures which ensure large profits. Ali defined modernization, in the context of Islamic nations, as the attempt to come up with new ideas suited to Islam, instead of indulging in wholesale importation of Western technology. The Koran. he said, emphasizes the need for flexibility, and the need to talk to people on their own level. Every generation is ona different level,gndthe Koran must be continiaily reinterpreted, he said. Islam gives a framework, a sense of direction for one’s thinking, of pat answers to problems, Prof. Ali stated. The Koran exhorts Moslems to continually think about the meaning of its verses and reflect on them. Modern Moslem scholars are trying to find answers to questions about the legality of nuclear power, gene splicing, and other moral problems that Christian religious leaders also face. Islamic countries need the right type of education for their people, he said as well; however, this need varies with the culture of each different country. Prof. Ali ended his lecture by saying that Moslem children must be educated to develop analytic minds and an open approach to modernization. One of the greatest misconceptions about Islam, according to Prof. Ali, is that women are considered inferior. He answered questions on this topic with a quotation from the Koran,“A man helps ‘a woman to stand on her feet”, and left it open to int.erpretation.










































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Parachute ISdrop- in. by Nathan Rudyk BuE it’s very easy to’forget the sins and the Imprint staff past and reform the sins of the present inspired Microphones poised among @e battleby the Parachute Club. This band seems able to merge creative cynicism with’ hopeful ready percussion like rockets, sound and light systems looked like NASA mission control idealism affect . M and actually . . * _ the listener. They panels, ‘tables bustled, bottles drained Bnd . ” have tun and have a conscience -. a’ 1250 dil~ated pupils watched for the Parachute remarkable trait in pop. _ Club to land in Waterloo last Thursday night. If you listen to the lyrics of Alienation, the Land they did and within minutes the seven band’s newly-released 12-inch single from pop paratroopers filled the air with sound, the thfiebut album, you can find a potent rage with Ray-gun pqlitics, sexual discrimination ’ mind with meaning and the heart with joy. The andhate in general. If you listen to themusic (it first BENT event of the term quickly took the was easy to do Thursday through the band’s tone of a Latin festival as the best new band from Tor)onto performed their hbpeful, crisp $80,000 sound system), there is another rhythmic, soulful “New World Music”. level of potent intensity in the husky, sinuous A new world, and no less, is what the vocals of Lorraine Segato,_backed by timbale Parachute Club is aiming for. The hot ha@py player Julie Masi and supported by the unique funk of drummer Billy Bryans, guitarist Dave riight begati with bandleader Lorraine Segato’s promise to the crowd - “We’re going to Grey, bassist Russ Boswell, keyboard ‘pro break the rules. We’re going to have a carnival Laurie Conger, and last but not least, saxwoman Margo Davidson. tonight!” - and ended with her telling us to Indeed, it was Margo Davidson, the dimin“Have a good new year full of love. Be good to ’ utive person shaded by the dynamic, dancing each other.. .wehavethepowertochangethe Segato, who provided one of the evening’s world!” dazzling highlights with a muscular, spirited Similar messages have been Staples in solo unequal to very, very fe.w. The band was musicians’ on-stage oratory before. There lucky to have Davidson Thursdiy as it QuickI!,’ were names like ,Cohen, Dylan, Mitchell and became noticeable that Segato’s normall!r Joplin incestuously associated with the words husky voice was sounding very raw. AF“hope”, “love”> “power”, and “freedom”. parently, Segato has developed a thl oat These words were used openly, easily, and I infection due to the stressfultour’ing schedule excessively. The result was disco, followed by the band has been following recently. Durdn Duran. Style, style, style and content-. Still, she came back on Thursday far a 3nly if its current has Keen the result of sixties steamy second set J beginning with’ the lypeti-idealism. Parachute Club hit, Rise Up. .Everyone rose up - on the dance-floor, on the tables, chairs, shoulders, or anywhereelse I they; could find-the freedom to move.- The Wa!erloo Inn ballroom has seldom seen the kind of floor-shaking perfor’mance put on by the Parachute Club. The band’s collective background may have ‘something to do with their well deserved success. Members have performed with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra (Masi), Tor~ Campus Centre ’ onto’s Tony Flaim and the Dukes (Grey), The Government (Bryans), and have workedasart Tapes - Maxell XL-II 90 min. dealers’ and film producers’ assistants (Sqato).’ 10 for s40g5 Feds $3gg5 They aren’t products of stuffed shirts in \ executive suites, nor are they pronouced oneReceive your Federation of Students price discount ’ hit has-beens. The Parachute Club is a band ($1 .OO off everything) by showink your undergrad full of promise, full of visiop and full of love. Upiversit y of- Wa tekloo I. D: card to the cashier!! You could s&e it when Segato came back to - do her en&e for’ the cheering, sweating, happy crowd: “We-have the power to cha_nge WEEKLY HOURS: the world;“she said. She smiled, we smiled, the 9:30 to 12:45 & 200 to 5:00 Monday, TTesday, Thursday, Friday band smiled, and the Parachute Club tOok to Sorry, We’re Clmed dn Wednesday the air again. . .,

The Young and the Restless x -




by Nathan Rudyk -=*-BENT pubs won’t touch down with the Parachute Club. Gary Stewart, BENT programmer, says we’ll be flying into more hot nights with dates bbMinutes From Downtown (Jan. 26th); Echo and the Bunneymen (Feb. 23rd) and - get this - UB 40 on March 9th.








Minutes From Downtown promises to be a good event. The eight piece band’s new self-titled EP is getting strong airplay on the AM band\ (Heaven Street, Wrapped in Veluet).




F&ted by former B-girl Lucasta, the band projects a modern mo>own sound . (thick vocals, tons of reverb on the snare drum, and syr$ hesizers). Be there or’be BENT.


SHAPES Main Floor Level Market Square







Election Proclamation


Nomination papers will be available for the following positions:



’ I


..- ”

Students’ Council Nominations close opening Monday, January 16, B&I at 9:00 a.m.’ , 4:30 pm. Monday, January 23, 1984 ELECTION Tuesday, Febrtiafg 14, and Wednesday, I February 15, 1984 Students’ Gouncil Seats to be elected,are as follows: * Math Regular (1) . * Science Regular (2 g Math Co-op .(3) * Science colop (1) * Arts Regular (3) * H.K.L.S. Regular ( * Arts Co-op (1) * H.K.L.S. Co-op (1) . . * Engineering (3) ’ * Integrated Studies.\ (1) * Environmental Studies Regular (2) * Renison (1) .. *Environmental Studies Co-op (1) * St. \ I Jerome’s (1) -TERM OF’ OFFICE: May 1st for twelve months * All candidates must be full members QUALIFICATIONS FOR ELECTION: of the Corporation (they must: be undergraduate students‘ and have / paid their Federation fees) El

For further



Helga Petz (ext. 2405)

ENGlNEERYOUR OWN -FUTURE ‘IN THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES The Canadian Forces has Asa univerditygraduate,~ you may very well immediate exciting career opportunities in qual’lfyfor: 0 Opportunities for post-graduate such engineering training while receivi’ng a full time specialties as Maritime salaw Engineering andl The opportunity to become a Communication and Commissioned Officer and gain practical experience and Electronics Engineering. meaningful employment in Also Militaly Engineering, one of five specialized enginLand Ordnance Engineering fields . eering and Aeronautical l A competitive salaly and annual 20-day paid holiday Engineering. ’ You reallyowe it to yourself to investigatethe possibilitiesnow! A comprehensive campus briefing session will be held in

There’s no life iie it. -





We look forward to seeing you there,


Veils in

. T of 4 art gall&y by Susan Toews Imprint staff . Fragmented, textured, pastel banners flutter before the lights in the Theatre of the Arts, forming patterned shadows like stained glass designs. Some are casually tacked up with edges curling, revealing the true nature of the paper media. No ,ordinary paper though; these fragile, app\arently moth-eaten ‘Paper Veils’ epitomize the original _ raw product - rags of human garments. ’ What are we without our clothes, naked or free? The underlying social message is what distinguishes Andrew James Smith’s paper products from an ordinary craft. The significance of these oversized sheets, of stationery extends even beyond this, however. No effort is made to preserve them for future generations. Smith’s paper creations are intended to be enjoyed for the moment, like a firework display. As a matter of fact, Smith states he would rather see his work hang from trees than in art galleries. Indeed, the visual image of these organic products being destroyed by the elements and being recycled into other forms is rather satisfying. If change is the only evidence of life, as Evelyn Waugh once wrote, and art is a reflection of life, then ~perhaps it is appropriate that art forms decompose naturally.

Aggressive t





Like the poetic titles which accompany the ‘pulp- ’ himself from w%at he visualizes as an overly industrialized, paintings’, a converstaion with the artist is at the very least, technologically oriented society. He enjoys the physically demanding labour of superimposing up ,to fifty layers for thought provoking. Says Smith: “Every artist, no matter one work because “it relieves tensions and provides you how bad, has something to offer.” (The idea which motivated the art work) “When someone’buys that work, it with an independence of our civilized environment.” is like buying a piece of the artist’s soul.” In -his eyes, society is not progressing the way it was This is the man who began his career selling reprointended ‘to. Nevertheless he has a conviction that today’s ductions of the Canadian flag, but with our beloved maple artists will achieve a model version of the world before I’replaced by a marijuana leaf. His comment on this scientists ever will. enterprise - “Nationality is just a big fish net people get The exhibition will continue until February 26. The‘ ’ caught in” - is indicative of his casual, organic approach. gallery, which is in the Modern Languages building, is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sundays from 2 p.m. to Smith’s manual process, as described on the videotape 5 p.,m. Admission is free. which accompani& the exhibition, is his way of dissociating



One reason is the Warrior’s Band doesn’t have piano soloists like Dickran Atamian, whose exciting performance of the Khatchaturian Piano Concerto earned a standing ovation. - “He plays very aggressively,” said a lady in a tea-cosy hat, watching Atamian’s left foot swing back and forth as he thundered through double octaves and crashing chords. Atamian is an aggressive pianist, but he can make the piano sing,


sing for

stroking out arpeggios moments after almost lifting himself off the piano stool for a difficult passage. He deserved the ovation. Fleming’s Ballet Introduction opened the concert. After a ragged beginning it improved to a nifty little waltz in the third movement, and ’ closed with a caprice reminiscent, of Gerschwin’s American in Paris. Hindemith’s Symphonic Metamorphoses on Themes by %‘eber is another short, demanding work and sounds much more interesting than its name does. The piccolo player achieved the almost-impossible here with impressive control, never once allowing sonorous notes to screech above the rest of the orchestra. *The other winds were verpgood all evening: the Hindemith Ipiece featured some strong ensemble work by the brasses, and

by Alex Weaver Imprint-staff Why would anyone go all the way down to the Centre in the Square to hear the KW Symphony Orchestra when they could stay at UW and hear the Warrior% Band at last Saturday’s basketball game? _

Jazz sax-ophorzist comes to Jerome’s



interesting percussion solos, although the chimes sounded flat. Schubert’s Eighth Symphony (unfinished) was the only work on the programme written before the twentieth century. It’s a beautifully-written and orchestrated piece and the KWSO did full credit to it. “Schubert’s melodies are ones that you can sing,” one of my music profs says. My neighbour with the tea-cosy obviously agreed becayse she hummed loudly whenever she recognized the melody. I was sorry that she didn’t just sit and listen. Good music doesn’t make you wriggle in your seat, fall asleep. or leaf through your programme every five minutes in search of something to read. Dickman Atamian and the KWSO played very good music.


-j .

The St. Jerome’s Performing Arts Series begins the new year with a concert by the internationallyaccl~imed jazz saxophonist Pat LaBarbera and his quartet. Theconcert will takeplaceonFriday,January20that8p.m.in Siegfried Hall at the University of St. Jerome’s College. At present LaBarbera is a member of the Elvin Jones Quartet ’ which tours regularly throughout North America and Europe, -Between 1967-74 he priyed with the big bands of Buddy Rich, Woody Herman, Louie Bellson and Count Basie. Tickets are $3 each, $2 for students with I.D., and can be obtained athe door of Siegfried Hall or by contacting Alfredc Romano, St. Jerome’s Performing Arts Series,884-8110ext.51


Correction Tickets for Quiet in the Land, a cancellation at the Humanities Theatre, can be refunded for the purchase price or for tickets to any other adult attraction. Imprint apologizes for any inconvenience.


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Imprint. 10. . 11. 13. 14. 17.

Answers to last issue’s crossword: Across:

1. 10. 17. 24.


Reddens 5. Super 8. Shortcake 9. Asp Nane 12. Pick-me-un 14. Cravat 15. Veneer Re;rea& 18. Stop il. Air 22. Note Paper Tiffs 25. Hermits


20. 21. 22. 23.

1. Risen 2. Duo 3. Eats 4. Static 5: Speckled 6. Placement 7. Repaper 11. Plaster of 13. Pageants 14. Current 16. Stitch 19. Paris 20. Spar 23. Psi.



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Across 1. Fractions removed right from the groups. 5. Some premium in Italy for a skirt. (4) 9. It’s said to be honest money. (5)


Faintly illu_minated, naturally. (7) Speak loudly, attack, and cause a tempest. A Scottish drinking cup to fasten around 1 will go into a factory, being flexible. (6) About to locate 100 meteors, perhaps these. (5-7) Where the gas flows is rather creative. 1 (7) ., Sin-g for fish. (5) It will blow guts out. (4) He will be pa@ along with a new director. . \

Down 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 12. 15. 16. 18. 19.

IFriday, January



’ (12) a donkey. -


but not with



It might be played with a drum in Eastern Scotland. (4) Many irritations from loud noises. (7) Contest in sin could be rather erratic. (12) For example, one anaesthetic? (6) 1 will have a strange logo of a Northern home. (5) Familiar form of mint 1 ate. (8) Strengthened but shortened console 1 tobk out. (12) Keeping a leg-warmer? (8) Or I part. perhaps. with the airline terminal. (7) It will clean some*of the paper inserts. (6) Some. perhaps, will take in five plays in chess. (5) Sing smoothly, but speak indistinctly. (4)


Answers next week

Tomlin talks TV and track . record Earnestine the telephone operator is probably the bes known, but there are man! more characters inside corn edienne Lily Tomlin. There’: Agnes Angst the punk rocker Edith Anne the baby in a hug rocking chair, Tess the has lady and Lupe the beaut! expert to name a few. Thest characters have sprung fron the fertile mind of Lily Tomlir who is featured in a one hou special on CBC Radio’s Sun day Side Up, Feb. 5, at lO:l! p.m.


In the summer of 1969 comedian Steve Allen spotter Tomlin on a cereal commer cial. Although she was only or screen for about six seconds Allen says, “I laughed. I mar velled at how much she hat put into such a brief perform ante.” He tracked her dowr and she appeared on hi: comedy-and-talk show. Fou short months later, Lily Tom lin became a regular on tele vision’s Laugh-In. Tomlin told Allen, “I do m! characters with love. Not tha I admire them or anything, bu they are different types o humanity, and I love them fos their humanity.” Many actor: and comedians portray dif ferent characters because they think they themselvesarc uninteqesting. Tomlin says, “ don’t think I have to hid{ behind my chakacters . . . it’ something I’ve learned tc overcome. Maybe in thl beginning I just thought tha they were funnier or more ir teresting. Maybe I didn’t thin1 I was odd, but maybe my ir ventions were. I’d rather bl the characters themselve and try to capture thei essence. You think of yourse as the vehicle through whicl these creations are projec ted.” _ ’



Meet Edith Anne, Tes&zl the rest of the gang on Sunda Side Up with host Jim Wrigh, Sunday Side Up is prepare by Connie Davis and Debr Toffan.

Tyson ’



Quality Guaranteed Use.d LPs Bought & Sold

attention r

by Nathan Rudyk Imprint staff Why Sylvia Tyson has not recorded an album for three years must be one of the greatest mysteries in Canadian music. Her songwriting, band and singing are all top-notch, and would have no trouble receiving recognition, as was evidenced last Saturday night in the Humanities theatre. . Over twenty years involvement with music in Canada has exposed Tyson to a variety of audiences, styles and ,artists, giving her a .control of her craft equal to that of co-Canucks Bruce Cockburn, Gordon Lightfoot and Anne Murry. But while Bruce has gone to political jazz-funk, Anne to the bank, and Gordon to stand stoically still, Sylvia has moved to embrace the roots of her musical influences - country: Yes, she played old folk hits such as Bluebird Cafe and You Were On My Mind, but her-new country material and renditions of country classics garnered the most interest. She brought us back to the days of Texas swing with Walking the Noor Over You, sang Kitty Wells’ Hanky Tank Angels and did a hurtin’ Patsy Montana with I Want to be a Cowbw-‘s




$2.50 paid for Single More for Doubles, Collectibles, Imports



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Sweetheart. Another Tyson song - Six Per’Cent Blues - was a witty look at Canadian economic ‘existentialism and it made a neat sociological contrast to Blind Alfred White’s dirty 30’s composition, How Can q Poor Man Stand Such Times? The latest version of The Great Speckled Bird band provided excellent back-up for Sylvia’s flashes into the past and -also treated her newmaterial with an easy competence. The nicest thing about seeing Sylvia Tyson play her music is her friendly preamble to each song. She told us about writing songs in Peterborough hotel rooms, trucker cafes and on ’ Vancouver seashores. This kind of intimacy is a tradition carried over from. her early folk years and it’s heartening to see she ./ hasn’t lost it. -. One new composition - Bitter Pride - was a parti:ularly powerful work, ewen without the preamble. Tyson did tell us the song was ((about the cold &riiolatian_of‘pride-in love,%nd it \prove~I to beam&rant warai~~~o~~‘b~~~g~~~o-big;eg9 into, or ‘out of a relationship. The so&sparse instrumentation (two guitars) brought a Sweet melancholy and a soft hush to the air. 1 J Sylvia Tyson has a versatile, accessible talent that deserves to be shared with a wide audience. Speculation of a TV teamcup with ex-husband Ian later this year should re-acquaint people with this talent, but one wonders whether the reunion will Tyson% performance Saturday showed she can, and should actually hamper Sylvia’s solo career. ’ go it a4one.in a recording career. She knows her music, her It has been, and always will -be difficult for her to shake her audience; and should haye. no trouble- at all selling albums, folky pastwith Ian; a TV appearance will only make.1it ,that *Imugh,, _ .. . “@j&&i&& $#jd hear~~coast-t~‘-~oast, harder. ’ -,.‘, L,~, ,’

Communication & Sdcial Skills in the Wdrkplace ’

contact Cduriselling Services in Needles Hall, Rm 2080; Ext. 2655



2 Desserts






of It


Badminton Ne’xt game: West Sectional at Laurier. Jan. 2 I, 22. Basketball Waterloo 99. Laurier



85. Jan. 1 1

Alpine Skiing

Waterloo 75, Guelph 43. Jan. 14 Waterloo 83. Western 8 I, O.T. .Jan 16 Next game: Jan. 21 at Western

Next meet: Jan. 20 at Collingwood

Nordic Skiing:


Next meet: Jan. 22. Heritage

Next meet: At Brock Invitational,













\vom,u’S EMNANA JOHN’S Offer Expires Not Valid






’ 1







2, 1984


elmrlisb wmm 1 u&insjStNo (Kin@kErb) I mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Next meet: Jan. 2 I, Waterloo Jan.

Nordic Skiing Squash

1 J

Next meet: .Jan. 2 I at York Next games: Warriors .Jan. 20, 8 p.m.

Next meet: Feb. 4th at Western Invitational Next meet: At McMaster


Swimming Next meet: Jan. 2 1st University. 3:00 p.m.



Wrestling Next meet: Jan. ament.


Track and Field Volleyball

Alpine Skiing:




Waterloo 6, RMC 5, Jan. 15th Next game: Warriors host Ryerson. 20th 7:30 and McMaster 21st. 7 p.m.



Swimming Next meet: Jan. 21. 22, Waterloo ational

3. Laurier 3. Jan. I I th 2, Guelph 8.7,Jan. 2, Queen’s Jan. 12th 14th

Next meet: Jan. 20th at Collingwood

I 885-5840

Jan. 2 I st

Hockey Waterloo Waterloo Waterloo

y Waterloo 55, Guelph 59, Jan. I Ith Waterloo 59, Western 72. Jan. 14th Next game: .Jan. 21 at Windsor. Jan. 25th, host McMaster

2 1st at Guelph


Volleyball Next game: .Jan. 20th, Warriors 8:00 p.m.



host Brock.


host Brock,

Hockey Standings: WLT 1211 943 834 851 860 ‘772 653 563 680 582 3 IO 4 391 3110

Toronto Laurentian Laurier Western Guelph Waterloo Queen’s Brock York McMaster RMC Windsor Ryerson

P 25 21 20 17 16 16 15 13 12 12 10 7 6

of the Week

1. A “NOSE TACKLE”: u is the middle lineman in a three-man defensive front u can be used to fight hay fever 0 effectively ended Jimmy Durante’s football career

2. A “THREE ON ONE”: q involves one player defending against three attackers 0 can happen when playing musical chairs q means a .round of OV on you

3. “NICKEL BACK”: q is a fifth defensive halfback in football 0 is what you get at a famous burger chain 0 is what you get from working in a mine in Sudbury

Paul Boyce

Paul is a second year Honours Math student from Sudbury, Ontario, where he attended La Salle Secondary School. As a freshman last year, Paul saw some very important action in the team’s march to the National Finals. This season, he stared as the Warriors designated sixth man, but he had too much scoring punch to be held back until the 6th or 7th minute of each half. So, he has started the last four games and has responded very well. He has been among the leading scorers and rebounders in each of these games. This past week Paul led the Warrior scoring with 20 points in the win over Guelph and was second with 17 points in the victory over Laurier. He is also in the top three rebounders in each game.



The University of Waterloo Nordic Ski Team travelled to Barrie this past weekend to compete in their second official race of the season. The races were held at Hardwood Hills. a newly opened Nordic ski centre which boasts well groomed trails and a very challenging 5 km loop. Cold, damp weather and endless hills made for an exhausting weekend but the Athenas and Warriors finished high in the standings. In women’s 18-19 year old action Michelle Dale equalled last week’s performance and

Janet Bard The Athena Athlete of the Week this week comes from the newest Women’s team on ‘campus -- the Figure Skating team. Janet Bard is a 2nd Year Applied Studies student who attended Guelph Collegiate in her hometown. She has won numerous medals at very prestigious events, including a gold medal at the 1978 Ontario Winter Games, a gold medal at the Western Ontario Sectionals 1979, and a silver medal in the Novice Dance at the Canadian Nationals in 1980 Last weekend at the York Invitational competition, Janet won the gold medal in’the Senior Solo Dance event. She has the distinction of being the first gold medal winner for the new team. Coach Lou Davidson is very pleased, saying “It makes all the 7:00 a’.m. practices worth it.”

into second skied to second place. Robin McKenzie also had a strong finish in the 10 km event. The senior women all skied very aggressive races with Jacquie Gibson finishing in second place over the. IO km course, followed by Lois Donovan and Christie Johnson. After 15 km of skiing the Warriors placed 3 of their skiers in the top 10 of 45 competitors with Ian Lowe-Wylde and Glen Geddes tieing for 7th place followed by Steve Thompson in 10th. John Plaice and Geoff White also finished well in the very demanding event.

. I

iJW nets winy B-ball

by Bill Humphries Imprint staff The hockey Warriors picked up three muchneeded points in the tight OU AA standings last’ week with a victory over R.M.C., a tie with Laurier, and losses to Queen’s and Guelph. Against Laurier, the Warriors held a 3-2 lead until late in the game. Peter Crouse turned away 40 of Laurier’s 43 shots, and kept the Warriors. who had only22 shots on the Hawk? net, in the game. Game two, played the following night in Guelph, saw the Warriors bu’ild a2-0 lead in the first period, but then lost steam thereafter. The game against Laurier took a little too much out of the legs of the vastly improving Warriors as the Gryhons coasted to an 8-4 victory. Waterloo was outshot 44 to 23, nothing new to Crouse. After a day of rest. Waterloo travelled to Kingston to meet the Llniversity of Queen’s on Saturday. Sounds like Dave King’s Canadian Olympic diary. Once again the Warriors came up flat losing 7-2. Waterloo was in the game until the midway point of the second period, trailing Queen’s 3-2. The Warriors hit four goal posts and even outshot their opponents 39-32. It was a bench mirror penalty against Waterloo in the second that enabled Queen’s to increase their lead to 4-2 on the power play and the Warriors were never able to regain their offensive pressure. On Sunday. Waterloo faced R MCand came away with a6-5 victory. The Warriors knew the importance of that game and built a 6-1 lead before RMC fought back to make the game close. Waterloo outshot the Redmen46-30and again Crouse came up high in goal. That victory allowed Waterloo to stay in the hunt ‘for a playoff spot, accumulating 16 points, good enough for a sixth place tie along with Guelph. The OUAA only permit the top six teams to enter into postseason play. T-hat fact makes the remaining eight games Waterloo have left in their schedule very important. Waterloo can not afford to lose to theteams that are below them in thestandings. Two of those clubs. Ryerson and McMaster. travel to Waterloo this weekend to play the Warriors in what is probably going to bc the most important series of the season for Waterloo. Four points would keep Waterloo’s playoff hopes alive. But the Warriors will have to count on the consistently great play of Crouse, for it has been acrobatics that have allowed Waterloo to be in the position which they now hold. Crouse is definitely a first team all-star candidate. Other consistent players for the Warriors this season have been team captain Steve Cracker who picked up eight points over the week and forward Jay Green who picked up seven points. Both <ireen and CrockerareinthetoptenoftheOUAAscoring and like Crouse are potential all-stars. Danioc McCormack is alsoagood allstarcandidateon defence. The Warriors host Ryerson Friday. january 20th at 7:30 and host McMaster Saturday. January 2 I st at 7:O0.


by Donald Duench Imprint staff After winning three games in six days, the . basketball Warriors find themselves where they left off last season - in first,-place in the OUAA West. Waterloo defeated Laurier 9985, Guelph 75-43, and Western in overtime, 83-8 I, to begin their regular season. At the WLU Athletic Complex last Wednesday, the Golden Hawks were never able to get a lead in their contest against Waterloo. Paul Boyce, who started at forward for the Warriors, got the first points withafield goal fifteen seconds into the game, and UW never looked back. Boyce started to allow Steve Atkin to play at centre, instead of Randy Norris. Atkin and Norris usually subbed for each other, which kept bothofthemoutoffoultroubleduringthe evening. Atkin seemed to enjoy the change, leading all scorers with fifteen points at the end of the half. For Laurier, it was the other way around, as starters Dave Byck, Doug Aitchison, and Chuck Klassen each found themselves in foul trouble. Aitchison picked up three personals in the first ten minutes, forcing W LU head coach Chris Coulthard to use his smaller forwards. By that time, Waterloo held a 2 1- 13 lead, and it seemed ike this game would not be a repeat of the overtime thriller between the two ciubs ‘last season. In that one, the Warriors came back from a 16 point deficit with 3:32 remaining to knot the score at 78 on a 20footer by Atkin. Waterloo then rolled to a 96-84 victory over the emotionally drained Hawks. Although WLU was able to pull within five, at 26-2 I, Waterloo went to a speedsgame to restore a comfortable lead. With fourteen points in three and a half minutes, the Warriors were able to rest a bit easier ..I_“. ,*at the _ _,half, when they iead 49-39.‘- ‘. ’ During the second half, both Byck and Aitchison got their fourth fouls in the first four minutes, crippling the WLU offence. As was McCrae later put it, “Chris Couldhard trying’to stay above water in the middle of the game.” _ A-few minutes later, Peter Savich went ona five point scoring spree. When Byck fouled out, both Couldhard and WLU guard Mark Polischuk were charged with technical fouls. Savichsunkthethree(twoonthebench,oneon the player) free throws, and then put ajumper in from the baseline on the ensuing possession. Laurier had not used any time outs in the first half, but took all five-in the last twenty prompted by a two-handed turned into a three-point fouled.

Norris stuff, which play since he was

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Frank Naus, who has just joined the Warriors after being redshirted (forced to sit out for 12 months) after his transfer from McGill, ended his first OUAA West regularseason game by making a jump shot at the buzzer. With Rob Froese out of the lineup for the WLU game due to his bad ankle, it was convenient to have Naus on the roster. With their poor performance at the Acadia tournament still on their minds, McCrae noted that the team “came in with a bit of bitchy mood, but we showed some obstinance out there tonight. We were awfully rough onthe edges.” Savich got a good start towards a possible league scoring title by getting 25 points, followed by At kin at 17 and Boyce with 12. Top Laurier shooters were Klassen with 1’7 points and Polischuk, who scored 15 points. Each team had ten turnovers. The home opener against Guelph had an a- Paul-ing start. Paul Boyce scored the first six points for Waterloo, only to see Paul Van

17-S overall

Oorschot repeat the feat. By that time, the score was 12-4 for the Warriors, and had the markings of a runaway. It was a fast game, with remarkably few fouls. Guelph committed only five personal fouls in the first half, not letting UW have a single shot from the free throw line. While U W was able to score consistently, the Gryphons never really got started. On many occasions, they were pressured into taking a low-percentage shot, due to the 30 second clock quickly approaching zero. The game could be summed up by stating Guelph’s field ‘goal perecentage, 28.3%, or 17 of 60 shots made. The Warriors made 33 of their 66 attempts. The Waterloo lead, which was 36-20 at the half, continued to grow in leaps and bounds. Steve Atkin played very well Iunder the\ defensive board, taking 1 I of the 41 rebounds for the night. He also was able to keep his outside shot effective, usually not a strong point for 6 ft. 9 in. centres. Due to Randy Norris’ three cracked ribs, Atkin played for about thirty-two minutes of the contest. In London Monday night, a large UWO crowd turned out for what they thought would be an exciting game, and were correct. The contest featured a lot of manoeuvering of


players by both Doug Hayes of Western and ’ McCrae, each trying to outwit the other. Although Waterloo got out to a 25-15 lead,it soon evaporated, as U W tried to hit on the first opportunity they saw, instead’of waiting for a better one. The Mustangs tied it up at 25 with superior reboundingat that point in thecontest s_purring them on. Eight straight U WO points put the ‘Stangs up 41-33 at the half. Earlier in the half, UW guard Cal Kiel had received two personal fouls rather quickly, prompting McCrae to substitute Bruce, Milliken for him. Neither Milliken nor Rob Froese seemed to be effective, but the coach kept Kiel on the bench. “I thought we could’ve been all right with the two other players,” McCrae noted, and in a sense he was correct. Well-rested, Kiel returned to play much of the ,second half and extra period, guiding the offence and hitting some timely jumpers. Waterloo clawed away at the Mustang lead, setting things even at 46 with a Peter Savich jump shot. Four lead changes later, the Warriors held a 74-70 advantage, with only 1:23 to go,. With Savich favouring his right ankle, McCrae decided to substitute for him. Before he could return to the lineup, Western guard Scott McKenzie made an easy layup, and Ross Hurd went inside for a basket to tie the score. Waterloo has possess&n with thirty seconds remaining, and went for the shot with four seconds left, but missed. The overtime period was a foul-filled encounter, with-eight personals called in the extra five minutes. The difference was that Western was charged with five of them. The fifth, an intentiqnal foul on Cal Kiel with seven seconds remaining, came with Waterloo leading 82-8 1. Kiel hit the first shot, but missed the second, with the Mustangs taking the rebound. They worked it down court, put up a shotwhich hit the rim, but stayed out. Despite the loss, Western coach Doug Hayes described the match as “a great/game - the most exciting in Alumni Hall in years. Both teams played really hard.“’ McCrae, though, was a bit dismayed, stating that “until we can look after our own techniques, we can’t advance.” Advancing to the top ofthe scoring totals for their respective clubs were Peter Savich with 20 points and Scott MacKenzie scoring 15. The next action for Waterloo is tomorrow night against the always tough Windsor Lancers in the St. Denis centre. On -Wednesday, the Warriors will be at home to face McMaster. Game time is 8 p.m.


The score at that point was 83-58 for the Warriors, prompting McCrae to go exclusively with his bench. After WLU reeled off ten straight points, the Waterloo starters reemerged, to ensure that the Hawks would not think seriously about attempting a comeback.

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There are two ways to play for the basketball team: our way and the hard way. Oh sure, you can .put on shorts and stand out on the court and sweat a lot and get elbowed in the process and get yourcorneas&ratched. Or youcanjoin the Warriors Band. The Band has been in existence at Waterloo sp’orting events since 1966 and has gained a reputation as One of the Bands in Canada. Its fame extends from coast (of Lake Huron) to coast (of Lake Erie), and the group has even been described on television (by Dick Beddoes himself) as “That band from Waterloo.” Really. What the Warriors Band needs is you. If you can play the shoehorn or the francophone, or musical instrument, or the any other saxophone, you’rejust the person for whom we are seeking. Our membership is down a little in certain sections due! to the wonderful co-op system that consumed most of our trumpet players between Decemberand January. So we are actively seeking new recruits in all sections. Believe it or not, the Warriors Band does actually rehearse, and yes, it actually does use music, and yes, there are actual talented

recrding musicians in the group. Our repertoire is famous for spanning the musical gamut from A to B. We have a vast stock of scratched and dented famous brand name instruments from which to choose, if you don’t own your own. So if you’re a basketball fan, want to see the Warriors continue to rolloveralmostanythingthat stands in their way, or merely -enjoy playing vaguely familiar tunes at a high speed and even performing some real pieces with dynamics and keychangesand everything once in a while, let us know. Come to a rehearsal 545 to 6:45 Thrusdays, in the Great Hall at Conrad Grebel College. Come join Canada’s best basketball fans at any home basketball game (and manyawaygames). Come with us to Halifax for the Canadian University Basketball Championship in March, Anyone who, in spite of reading the above, still wishes to partake of this ensemble, is encouraged to call Steve Hayman at 746- 1098. Call any time - any time I’m home. Or I suppose you could call Chris at 884-7973 or Donna at 7456503. Remember - if you don’t join the Warriors Band, you won’t be a member.

drop. tournament

by Rob Stevenson Imprint staff ’ The 17th Annual Athena Invitational Volleyball Tournament was held last weekend in the PAC and, as in the previous sixteen years, the winning team was not the Athenas. Although they exhibited inspired play at times, and came away with the consolation championship, they did not seem able to play with the consistency necessary to achieve success in a tournament of this calibre. . Fourteen teams attended the tournament and were divided into two -pools for the preliminary round, each team playingfivetwogame. matches. Many, of the teams seemed similarly talented, making it hard to guage them effectively in such short matches, but the number of matches played made such a format necessary. The top four clubs in ea’ch pool advanced to further rounds, and the consolation and championship matches. . Waterloo, in 1st place and undefeated in their OUAA division, could manage only five points in their pool, which consisted of Western, McGill, Queen’s, U of T, and two club/teams, SOL and the K-W Roos. The Athenas did not meet U of T in the preliminaries, but would oppose them in the consolation final. Their five points wereearned in 15-4 and 15-I wins over Western, a 15-7 win over McGill, and impressive 15-6 and 15-5 victories over the SOL club, a strong team composed in part of ex-national team players. The Athenas might well have won their pool but for inconsistent play, anexample of which being a 14-16 loss to the K-W Roosin a game they led 13-5. The other pool ‘was composed of York, McMaster, Lakehead, Windsor. WLU, Brock, and the Titans, another club team. York dominated this pool, taking all ten possible poi_nts to advance to the final round. York was undoubtedly the pre-tournament favorite, holding down first’ place in their OUAA division and,a ranking of third nationally. In addiition, the York squad places four players on the national women’s team. The championship semi-finals matched York against the K-W Roos, and the Titans against Queen’s. Queen’s and the K-W Roos placed first and second respectively in the Athenas pool, but were displaced by the placing teams from the other pool. In the final, York easily took two games from the Titans in their best-of-three match to win the champb ionship. _ In the consolation semi-finals, ‘B&k was defeated by Waterloo, and McMaster was eliminated by U of T to set up the final between the Athenasand the Blues. Waterloo’s play was much’improved in theconsolationrounds,and had it been the same in thepreliminaryrounds,


they could have earned a shot at York and the championship. As it was, they had to settlefora 15-9 and 15-13 wins over U of T to claim the consolation match. In the first game of the best-of-three final, Waterloo dominated the U of T club from the beginning.’ The serving of Anne Jordan was particularly effective, including six consecutive points early in the game which gave the Athenas a lead they never relinquished. In the second game, the Waterloo team showed good spirit in overcoming a 1’2-7 deficit to win 15- 13 and steal the consolation championship. Individually, Morah Purdon excelled for the Athenas and was named one of the tournament MVPs. Dena Deglau spiked well in the final, and Simi Skarecky was effective at the net defensively throughout the tourn\ ament.

N6 V-baIlwins by Ardan Kill&an The Volleyball Warriors travelled to Winnipeg last weekend to compete in the University of Winnipeg Wesmen Classic. They faced stiff competition as all the Canadian teams at the tournament were ranked ahead of Waterloo in the national standings. They also faced a perennially strong University of Southern California team who are ranked in the top five in the NCAA. Thus the fact that Waterloo finished fifth out of the five teams was not surprising. ,The team was disappointed with their performance, however, losing their matches against USC, Manitoba and Saskatchewan in three straight games, and losing to Winnipeg in four games. One of the Warrior’s brightest moments came in a valiant but unsuccessful comeback attempt in the third game against USC, which Waterloo lost 15-12. Offensively, the Warriors seemed to be able to hold their own with all the teams at the tournament, but the scrappy, never-say-die defence of the strong Western teams proved too much for Waterloo. USC went on to win the tournament in four games against the University of Manitoba Bisons, currently ranked 2ndin the CIAU. Coach Dave Husson made good use of his bench throughout the tournament, and everyone played well at times. Jim Cooke an> Paul Craven were the most consistent players on the team desp?te nagging injuries that plagued both players. Waterloo travels to St. Catharines to meet Brock tonight at 8 p.m. in a regular seasoc match.




Coverage of weekly highlights and lqwlights can be found ‘in &is section of Imprint so stay tuned for weekly basketball court talk and good luck to all teams. Doug H&ue

Uuters Club


Welcome to the brass monkey weather, and yes we are cross-country skiingthisterm. Wear<theoutersclub,andthistermwehav,eanumberof ski-trips planned to exploit the white stuff that ‘has so conveniently descended from the hkavens. This Saturday, wh are going to Schneider’s Farm. If you would like tojoin us, meet usat theCCat lOa.m.:especially if you have transportation.



Imprint. Friday, January

20, j984 ,-,

Take Advantage! Females, take advantage of icetime allocated to women’s hockt :y and ringette. Siin up as a team or individually; we need players, PAC 2040. ,

Games this Weekend


. . Come out and watch a Campus kecreation Tournament in full swing. Both the men’s and the women’s competitive badminton tournaments will be taking place Saturqiay, January 2 1, in the Main Gjlm PAC. from 9:30 to 4:30 p.m. Each team dr player in levels A, Band C is guaranteed two games.




The CRAC executive for the-winter 1984 term is: Alan Brolley, Mark Dales, Moya Hamilton, Brian Letman, Megan Smhh. , Next meeting is Monday, January 30 at 5:30 p.m.,in VII West Quad Lounge.

Referees Needed Final Entrv Dates w

Co-Ret Innertube Wateruolo: The final entry date is Mondav. January 23,4:30 p.m. room 2040 PAC. The scheduling policies and rules meeting is on Wednesday, Jan. 25.4:30-5:45 p.m., CC 135. Tennis Doubles: The final entry date and rules meeting for the men’s and women’s competitive tennisdpubles tournament is Wednesday, Jan. 25,4:30-5:30 p.m., CC 135. I

Available I&ruction


The following programs still have room for participants.soget out and participate! All beginner fitness classes; all racquetball classes; refresher tennis (Tuesday, 1 p.m. only): Aquafit (Tuesday and Thursday 1:15 p.m. and Mondqy and Wednesday 8-l 5 p.m. only); All swim levelsexcept red, maroon, bronze and Esso Swim Progiam; Social Dance 1(Males onlyon Wednesda! 7130 p.m. and males & females on Wed. 8:30 p.m.); Social Dance 11 (Mon. 8:30 p.m. only); Cross-country ski clinic (Sun. Jan. 22 only); Learn to figure skate (Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 p.m. only) Juggling [ hlonday 7:30 p.m. only); Highland Dance (Monday 5:30 p.m. only).

Men’s ComDetitive Basketball Once again Campus Recreation is pleased to announce that the men’s competitive basketball league has shifted into full swing with’ 70 teams, going end to end. nose to nose. and metacarpal to metacarpal on Sunday and Monday nights. All teams play a six-game schedule with approximately 80% of the teams making the playoffs. Standing will be updated each week and can be found in room 2040 P’AC. and down the hall from the kquipment Centre.




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We need broomball referees. A broomball referee clinic wil be)held Thursday, March. 1 at 6:30 p.m. in room 135 CC. These are paid positions. Apply now at the Campus Recreation office, Rom 2040 PAC.

Campus Recreation Clubs Campus Recreation Clubs provide an opportunity for individuals to get together to share their common interests, whether they be social, instructional. recreational. or cbmpetitive in nature. Members and full time students are eligible to join club programs. Each club has a small membershi’p fee. _ To join a club: 1. Attend one of the club’s regular session times; or 2. Contact the apptopriate club executive; or 3. Contact the Campus Recreation office, 2040 PAC. Archery: Regular sessons Mon. and Sun., a’nd some Wed: 8:30 lo:30 p.m.. Red Activity, PAC. Contact Herb Fichtner, 885-6148. Curling: Regular sessions Tues. Thurs IO-midnight. Sun. 9-l 1 p.m‘ Contact Steve Lockwood, 884-0964,l Dan Moziar 822-2709. Fencing: Regular sessions Mon. Thurs 7:30-10 p.m. Studio 11 PAC, Contact Greg Quan 885-4628, Craig Campbell 576-7265. Equestrian: Contact Anne Carveth 885-4594. Gymnastics: Regular-Session Mon., Wed. 5-10 p.m.; Tues., Thurs., Fri. 4-7 p.m.; Sun. 7-10 p.m. Blue Activity Area. PAC. Contact John Dub&s 884- 1808 or ext. 3720. Martial Arts: Regular session Tues., Thurs. 7:30-l 1:30 p.m. Sun. l:OO3:00 p.m. Red Activity Area, PAC. Contact Al’Evans, 745-5085. Outers: Contact Andrew Van Scha’ik. 884-5386, Brian Oliver 88.4-343 1. Skiing: Contact Mike Ellis, 886-3449, ‘Cyndy Wood, 885-2674. Skydiving: Contact Richard Atkins, 578-385 1. Table Tennis: Regular Sessions Tues. 7:30-lo:30 p.m., Fri. 7:30-lo:30 p.m., and Sun. 2:00-5:00 p.m. Blue Activity Area, Contact Yih-Sheh Leo 746-l 550. Joe Sok 745-7043. Peter Lum 746-1086. Weight Training: Contact Chico Silvestri 885-6802. Dave Fritz 8865414.

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. 20,1984

Quebec offers


Carnival wild

fun c


byCatherineFrid 1wprint St&i Qucbcc’s \Vintcr Cknival is the best \vay to beat the mid-wintcr blws. ‘I%c Carniwl is a northern Mqdi Gras, taking-placc-in old Qm.+cc City. I Icld in E’cbrua~, the ten day A’ku~lival _ boasts v;nric<l attractions including a huge ice slide, plays and mtiltimcdia cvcnts, two ice scull)trircl~c.shil>itiolls, snowmobile and mIlw ~-~c‘c‘s, ant1 tllc wcllI advcrtiscd, but ncwrthclcss sinccrc,.joic dc \iwc of’ the” city. I37)th Ikglish and French pcoplc arc friendly, fiwd is yc1-y good, and booze is cllcap. ‘11icsc fktors, with the (ku-ni\3l’s c\‘cnt agenda, product an atmosphcrc in which most pcoI)lc can haw a good time. In the canoe rwcs, fix csaml~lc, groups of‘ men attempt to pacldlc across the St. Ia~~mxlcc rivcrat tllccit\~‘sn~atct-fi-orlt .\\‘ithast r-ong current and large picccs of’icc floating around, this is not mean f&t. ‘I%c men Ixul(llc lint il they coillc to an ice floe and tlicn~jumI> out and ds-;1g the boat until they reach water again. All this in -20 (’ wcathcr. the Iwofi-ssionul class sliowcdLast year, considcrablc logic and fincssc in thcirut tack on the river. Most groups wore wet suits and went qtiitc fLr upriwr close to tlic short so that wliilc tliqcrosscd against the st rongwt cwrcnt, tliq wcrc actually trwclling diagonally toward their goal on the opposite side. I have no idea what circuit tlic “professional” class of’icc-cailocists t rm~cls,orc~ci~ &hat it talics to bccomc a pro. It was tlic aniatcrii raw, howcwr, that was really amazing. ()nc team was drcsscd only in matching sweat suits and hip wadcrs! ,1 tugboat was on hand in cusc a boat ovcrttirncd, but it didn’t intciTcnc was those who started to cut across the r-iwr too soon drif1ccl out of‘ sight . ‘Ilicrc arc lots of’plays and musical and sl~orling xwnts in Qucbcc during tlic Carniwl, and thcy’rc x1-y popular. If’you’rc intcrcstcd it’sbcst to pick tip the fkc, bilingual Cxnival Ixunphlct fi-on1 the tourist bureau, ami to make rcscrwt ions as soun as yoti arriw. All variety shops i@?itlic walled pai2 of’ Qucbcc carry the impcratiw ~~arrii~alacco~itrciiiciits:liorris am1 cilncs. ‘Ilic horns arc plastk replicas of’ mcdicval posthorns. From a couple blocks otitsidc the City’s old section, the sotincl of’ rcwllcrs is rcmarlwbly lilw tlic final sccnc fi-om Ioncsco’s Rhinoceros. ‘ITic cants arc li&~w plastic tubes \vitli screw-on tops that hold about a litrc of‘liquid. Alcoholic, mais ok. i\IllOtlg its ImUly oflicialdoms, tllC QlCINX Wintcr Cknival has an oflicial drink called “caribott” ( t.hcJ

don’t l~otlicr~caI~itali;l,ing it ). Adwrtiscd gcncrotisl~ as a liqueur aperitif; caribou is made of cheap rqd zinc miscd with alc&A to bring its alcohol content ‘Ikis, as well as more rcfincd up to 24 pJ1* cc11t. intoxicants is available at the Go~crmiicnt liquor store acros~tlicsqriarc fi-om the Chateau I;rontcnac. .\nglos sho~ild bc warncd that “Socictc dcs ~Ucools” is less fi-i.cncll\~ than it soullcls;it’s.jtlst the cquivalcnt to our 1,01X 1. ( )thcr oflicial icons include the sno~vmafl I~onllommc \vho is, loosely speaking, King of the Cwniwl. IIis title isabit diflicult toasccrtainat this anarchistic cwnt. ‘Ike lwics to the official Carnival s011g also seem to sufI’&fiwm vagrlcncss.‘I1ic tune is easy to rcmcmbcr, and humming OI- taking a swig fi-om yorrr ca~ic can gloss over any memory lapses. I bclicw t hc oflicial wrsion is: but I spent my first year thcrc -just rcpcating Wwnival”, and no one sccmcd to notice. ‘ITic rcnowncd Cxnival slide, while not cheap, is still thrilling. It usccl to bc possible togct free rides by going down it late at night 011 Ikxcsofcardboard. Iast year, hwoc~cr,~just as wc wcrc heading rip the steps at about 3 a.m., wc noticed that a large metal bar b1oclicd all tlic chtitcs. Iking.jtist at the bottom of‘thc i-mi, it wasimpossiblc toillcgallytisc thqlidc. Mow than once, that is. Instead, wc- climbed the steep hill bcsidc the slide and tobogamlcd do\vn the ice thcrc. GA ting to the Gr-ii&al rcquircs a bit of organiztit ion. The cntirc old city gets pacltcd, so it’s best t ti malzc rcscrwt ions as early as 1,ossiblc. If’thc

fkculty of organization is one yoti want to remain clear of, the Canadian Universities Travel Service offc rs package deals to the Gqnival, al though these are probably 11101xz cspensive than arran@ngthe trip on your own. ‘Ilere are many hotels outside the city centre, but they’re not within walking distance of most Carnival events. ‘I-he ambit ions approach towards acconlnlo<~ation is to get a map a,nd telephone book of Qucbcc City and start calling lodges in the Old City. ICtw St-Louis has many small inns that are good places to meet other Carnivallers. Last year at Au View Foyer lodging house, our group met a Gasps wrsion of England’s Pearl) Kings. Instead of mother-of-pearl buttons, these guys had sewn beer caps all over their snowmobile suits, artfully making patterns by using different brands of caps. A room near the action is also conwnicnt in cast on becomes incapacitated.While waiting for the parade one year, myfriend3lartywas to&ring and babbling crazily. He looked around blearily and slurrEd: “I know - let’s go t(i a nice French restaurant,” just moments before he collapsed unconscious into a snokbanlr. No amount of*duision or prodding could get-him up, but we had time to drag him back to the room before the parade sturtcd. ‘I’hc Quebec WinkCarnival is the wildest festival in Canadaas well asproljablybeingthe safest Mardi Gras in fhc ‘world. I t’s an opportunity to replace the carts of school with cavorting on the Plains 01 Abraham, and the only occasion I know ofwhere you can act as craq’ as you like without alienating


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