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IStudents living in squalor -




4 .,



Frlday, February 24,1984; Vol. 6, No. 29; UWs Student Newspaper; Waterloo, Ontario



Imprint. Friday, February \



Friday, F&.-24‘---



Art Exhibit - in the Concourse Gallery at WLU The study skills programme Will offer another pr&sents Darryl Williams exhibiting his Computer series of two hour workshops beginning this week Generated Art. The gallery is operrduring regular (Feb 27). These workshops are designed 40 help university hours. Admission free and everyone students’develop effec?ive study habits such as efficient time management, notetaking, reading, ; welcome. The show continues to March 9th. as well as preparing for and writing exams. Birth\Control Centre - See last Friday. Interested ‘students can register at the reception desk in Counselling Services, Needles Hall, room PEER5 Ceptre - See last-Friday. -



J.S.A./Hillel Bagel Brunch: Uri Degan - g recent Birth Control -Centre: Train&d volunteers emigre from the Soviet Union to Israel will be giving provide non-judgmental, confidential counselling a personal account of his experiences in the and information on all methods of birth control, U.S.S.R. All are welcome. 11:30 - 1:30 P.m. CC planned and unplanned pregnancy, subfertility 135. I and VD. Extensive lending library and cbmmunity referrals also available. CC 206. Ext. 2306. Why Men Rape, 3rd in a 6-part film series Advocating responsible sexuality. Hours: Monday ’ presented by the Women’s Centre, Federation of - Friday: 9:30 am - 4:30 ’ pm, Tuesday and Students. 12 noon. CC 110. Wednesday evepings. ’ Bombshelter - See last Friday - Sign up today PEERS Ceritre is open from 10 am - 2 pm, for the Shuffleboard Tournament to be held March Monday to Thursday & 12 noon - 2-pm Friday. We 6th. . are a listening, information and referral service in WLU Festival 84 presents Brown E$g Films. 12 CC Rm. 221. / noon. Room 1El. Free. Bombshelter-opens 12 noon till 1 am. 6.J. every WLG Festival84presents“The Matinee”. Today Friday afternoon from 1:3U - 5:30 pm. D.J. after 9 pm every evening. Covee Feds Free, Others$l.OO _ “Aritonia” directed by Judy Collins (A portrait of the Orchestra Conductor). 2:30 p.m. ‘Room 1El. after 9 pm. \ Fiee.

reserved times: 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Clinics: Feb.27,29. Club Meetings: Feb. 27, March 1?,26. , Weight


Please corhe out and join the fun every Friday in the PAC building at 7:30 pm. dActivities: Badminton, basketball, volleyball, etc. For more information call Mel at 888-6278. ASEAN


Fed Flicks - Psycho’ and Psycho II starring Anthony Perkins. 8 p.m., AL 116. Feds $1.00, /Others $2.00. See yourself at the Mug. 8:30 - 11:30 pm. Music, good food, hot drinks,-and a friendly atmosphere. Sponsored .by. WCF. .CC 110. ”





_ l


- Sunday, Reformed

Feb. %Campus





Committee of WLU presents “Festival :. 1984”. The theme for’ this year’s’ festival is Contemporary Film and the Arts, Admission is free to all events except the Opera. Presenting, Children’s Theatre - This Can’t Be Happening at Macdonald Hall. Performance by the Cascade Theatre of Toronto. 2:30 pm. Paul . Martin Centre;



.i_ ,

- See last Friday.

’ ’


George Elliott Clarke r ading from Salt Wtiter Srirituals and Deeoer Eplues. 3:30 o.m. HH 373. S’ponsored by the’ Writer’s Workkhop, IS; and Canada Cohncil. Admission free, coffee and’ donuts. t-g .

. .:

SALISBURY STEAK with. mushrooms and-gravy, 1 mSatoes & vecretables .




.. ’

Festival 84 presents Brown ty noon. Rm 1El. Free.


Christian Fellowship supper meeting: Spedker will be Gord Carkner speaking on “Christ’s Call to Comri-&ment”. All are, I welcome. 4:30 p.m. El - 2536. Waterloo

Films. 12

U of W House

of Debates

- See Monday.

Association, General Meeting at 5 p.m. CC 113. Attendance is Careers in Art Therapy. Gilda Grossman, Imperative. Logo design will be judge@ at this Senior Art Therapist, -Toronto Art Therapy - .meeting. There will be a speaker following the Institute, will present several cases of disturbed meeting. children benefitting from the use of Art Therapy. In addition, she will answer questionsyoumight have EqueGtrian Club Sleigh Ride - meet at CC by regarding training, as well as careers in Art Ring Road. Hot chocolate and donuts afterwards Therapy. 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. ML 349. by crackling fire. Cost is $3.50’per person. Please . phone Ann Carveth to reserve a seat. 6:?5 p.m. WLU Festival 84 presents “The Matinee”. $30 p.m. Rm. 1El. Free. Ukrainiansand Canada - Guest speaker. 7 - 10 p.m. AL 105. The PhilosQphical Doctrine of ,_Karl Marx. Second in a Series of four meetings. Topic: “Only WLU Festival 84.presents Evenirig Cinema, Ron the Marxist Philosbphisai Doctrine Prmeedsfrom Mann presenting his film “Poetry in Motion”. 8 . Real Premises and Is True”. Speaker: Jeff p.m. Rm. 1El. Free: . ’ Conway. Organized by the Ariti-Imperialist AIlianceL3<30 - 5:30 p.m. AL 210. No, t&is isn’t GLLOW! It’sl GOWLU (Gays of WLU). The group next door. Find,us Thursdays Christian Perspectiie . Series: Theo&y of after 8 p.m. on the.4th floor (4-301), Central Liberation. Chaplain Graham Morbey. 4:30 p.m. Teaching Building, WLU (just down the street). HH 334. ‘Caribbean



- Birth Control Centre, PEERS Centre, Bombshelter, Weight Room, ASEAN Members and-The Mug. . A Ukrainian Day: Displays tiill be featured during the day in the Great Hall. CC. Accomoanving this will bea craft workshop in CC 110. &me a&d try your hand at painting eggs. 10 a.m. Campus Centre Great Hall. &elast’Friday

Ukrainian cuisine with a concert’at 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.. Come out and try Ukrainian culture at it3 best. 11:30 - 1:30 p.m.

A lunch’of

WLU Festival 84 presents Brown Bai Films with‘ * “Off the Wall”. 12 Noon. Rm,‘lEl. Fre& Video Roadsho\;. Spon’so&d Ukrainian Stiidents Club and Federation Students. 8 p:m. South Campus Hall. R&k

Mar, 1:.

Ontario. at Work - a juried photo<rgphic , exhibition/University of Regina- exhibition. This combined show includes the binners of the juried ’ photographic competitiQn sponsored by the Lynwood Arts Centre and Labatt’s Ontario Breweries, and the current work of thirty:five western artists in an exciting exhibition of drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and ceramics. 38 unique pieces from the faculty and students at the Uriiversity of Regina. UW Arts Centre Gallery: Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sundays: 2-5 p.m.’ Thisexhibit runs til!/ApriI 1st. , _c For Life - Se& Wednesday.

Health Wise Assessme’nts - See Tuesday.


A Friday, Mar. 2 -

Fellowship. St. Paul’s ‘-



by ‘of’

WLW Festival 84 presents Evening cinema With Edvard Munch. 8 p.m. .. . F$ tE1. Free. \ri;L,U Festival 84 presents Opera Produdti’on.

WLU Faculty qf Music. Canadian premiere of “‘The Mother of Us All” by Virgil Thombson, Libretto by Gertrude Stein. 8 p.m. Theatre Auditorium. Tickets only - no free admission. Fed ‘Flit ks - Monty Pythhn’s The Meaning of iLife. 8 p.m. A< 116. Feds$l, Others$2. I


lecture to the benefits and technology of the Transoendental Meditation and T.M.-Sidhi programmes. For info call 886-8766.

Free introductory 8;30 p.rq.cc135.






j .

. I /

, , : .\eg&bby’s

Bands needed in



Coltimbia Secot;dary enjoys an international accreditation for its disciplined approach t6 education; As such, more than r 90% of Columbia graduates have been acceptedTint the untversity of ,, .. _ their choice. ~ _ ,, 8 ’/

_ .


of Smitty’s)’

Festival 84 presents “The Matinee”. 2:30 p.m. Rm. lel. Free. ’


A Question of Rape, a film dealing with rape - victims in courts. 4th in a 6-part film series, presented by the ,Women’<Centre; Federation of Students. 12 noon. CC 110.



Mature Students Services presents Interview Techniques and the Information Interview, with Frank Ruszer,‘UW Co-ordination and Placem*ent. 2 p.m.. I&m 373.

- See last Friday.








Ukrainian Day Opening Ceremonies - Nooh SCH. Ukrainian Film Festiual,CC 135$(InEnslisht). Taras, Bulba.Night - Video anb a Taras Bulbi (Y il Bry’nner) Look-A-Like Contest. Psychology , Lounge 3005. * .


Place, WaterBaa


PEERS - See last Friday.


- ,See last Friday.

84 pr’esents Brown Bag Films. 12 noon. Rm. 1El. Tracks & Gestures. Free.


presents Life of Brian. 9:3Or.m. Campus Centre Great Hall. Free. I’ . \ .. , \


- Westtiount


- See last Friday.


. Cin\ema Gratis



Birth Control

Yes, this is the ad for the G.L.L.O.W.. Coffeehouse (Gay and Lesbian Liberation of L Waterloo) and, yes, we still exist - damn! Rise Up and meet fellow peers who share a common interest. Our coffeehouses occur every Wonderful Wednesday night at 8:30 p.m. Just sneak through the druisy dqors of 110 in the Campus Centre and you’ll be home free. ’

Opera Club. Dr. H. Martensandfriendswillmeet i . to discuss. listen to recordinss. and watch video tapes of opera performances:-Attendance. of live performance, both-locally and in Toronto, are planned. Everyone welcome. For infocaIl885-0220 WLU Festival 84 presents Evening Cinema - ’ and ask. 7 p.m. Conrad Grebel. Franc0 Zefferilli’s . “La Traviata” 8 pm. Rh 1El. Students/ of Objectivism; Objective , Free. communicdtion workshop: A disc&on and k demonstration ‘of clear written and verbal Fed Flicks - See Friddy. ’ communication techniques. All welcome. 7 p.m. MC 6091A. K-W Esperanto Society. celebrates . , International Friendship% Week. All welcome at 8 WLU Festival 84 -; Brown Bag-Films. 12 noon. p.m. in ML244. Call 7438883 (Marijke) for further Rm 1El. Free. info.


Table from 9:30 a.m. -, 3:30 p.m. in the CC Great Hall. We invite everyone to stop by and ask questions.

Festival.84 presents Music and Theatre. Concert of Music from Silent Film by Jan Overduin. Play, “The Gravediggers of 1942” by Tom Hendry. 8 p.m., Rm 1El. Free.

WLU Festival 84 presents “The Matinee”. Gala, National Film BoarcIfilm; a spectacle of music and dance. 2:30 p.m. Rm. 1El:Free.


Stuhents Association/Hillel pr&sents Bagel Brunches twice a week. Speakers once a week. Come on out,and meet oldfriendsand make new ones. 11:30 - 1 p.m. CC 110. Jewish

For Life will present an -Information-‘


Asian, African, Lat. Group Allacs presents Deputy High for India Mr. K. P: Fabian who will “International ’ Develdpment APoint of View.“2-4 p.m. NH3001.


Feb. 29 -

College.,6 p.m.

of Watexloo’s

’ Amer. Study Commission speak on Cooperation:

for Experimental Mechanics -Seminar Series. 3 - 4:30 p.m., PHY 135. Basic concepts & issues of Experimental Mechanics. Open&g Lecture: “M’i my is Entropy becoming a major c-ondept in experimental ‘mechanics?” ‘given by P 1’ If. Dr. Roger Van Geen, Head, Dept. of Applied #hysics, Free University of Brussels. Further Info? Fall Prof. J. Pindera, Ext. 2867. . institute

W Kinesiolbgy


Centre - See last Friday.

Birth Control

@dents’ Association on Children and hpresents a symposium Movement, “Aspticts of ~Children-Adult Differences in Sport and Movement.” Waterloo Inn. Registration 8:30 a.m. Students $10, Others $20. Further info: Karen Bowes 885-0898 or Pam c . Spencer at 888-6072. of


and DevelOpm&nt -Allads film series / “Eco-Side” Chci 1IILL. :efolicltion of Vietnam during the war. 12,noon. CC 110. Liberation


- W&ship & Praise every Sunday mqrning”ln the St. Paul’s Chapel at 11 am. The

- See last Friday:



Service. HH 280,lO:~O am. Sunday

Feb.i 28 -i

As’sessments’available through Cam&s Health Promotion, Health Services. Includes a complete fitness evaluation and personal profile. - Cost $15 student, $25 staff/faculty. Call 884;9620 for an appointment. .. Birth Control Centre 3- See last Friday. ’

- University

- See Friday.

Fed Qicks

- Tue&ay,


For anyone interested in playing or judging- Theatresports games. 7 pm. At I-#-I Rm 180. Mock games included. Admission: Students $2.00, All Others $2.50.

an introductory talk on’Out of Body experiences and the illusion of death. 7:30 . p.m. CC 135. ’ WLU Festival 84 presents Music & Theatre. - French Theatre, Eric ChArtier of Paris. A spkctacle of music and sound presenting Moliere, Colette, Cocteau, Rabelais, ‘Baudelaire and Beaumarchis, 8 pm’. Rm 1El. Free. Eckan_kar presents

Feb. 25 I

Indian Student Association will hold-a ping pong tournamen’t at CC ping pong room. Starting time. 10 am. Members free, non-members 5OG. . J’ International Student Sleigh’ride in the country (or hayrideif nosnow). Meet at Campus Centre for rifles or call 6996510. Cost: $2.00. Dress warmly. 2 pm. ’ Theatresports

U of W H&se of Debates. Come out andjoina great debate or just listen. No experience necestiry. 5 p.m. St. Jerome’s Rm. 229.





PEERS - See last Friday.

WLU Festival 84 presents Evening Cinema. Mephisto,, a filni about a theatre director in Nazi Germany. 8 p.m. Room 1El. - Free.

27 -.

24,1984 A

: \‘


Columbia is an independent, non-sectarian, coeducational institution offering grade 11, l&.13 and lan&ge programs . in an international environ- _ merit. Applications from area and ov+rseas students are 1 now being entertained. I _



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. News



Substandard by Carl Davies Imprint staff The residents of the old YMCA building, at 7 Weber Street East in Kitchener, are tired of their complaints about their living, conditions being ignored by their landlord. The sixty-four university and college students that live in the building have to put up with its substandard level of cleanliness and repair. When this reporter visited the building, the first room Isaw was the kitchen. In one corner stood four garbage bags so full that they were overflowing onto the floor. The rest of the kitchen was tidy, but it was hard to find anythingoffwhich one would want to eat. The washrooms were equally filthy. If the creatures found on the ceilings and walls were able to get organized, there would be no stopping them. An added detraction of the washroom was the plaster and paint hanging from both the walls and ceilings. Moreover, the capacity of the garbage containers in the washrooms had been reached some days beforehand, leaving only the floor as a receptacle for dis2

3 Imprint. Friday, February


at old YMCA

carded toiletries. One resident, referring The students are not governed by the Landlord-Tenant Act, but are considered to the washrooms, said, “I would not walk “roomers”, in there without my shoes on.” which makes it particularly The paint and plaster problem was not hard forthem toget out oftheirleases. The confined to the washroom area but presigned agreement demands eight months vailed throughout the building. The rent, holds a students’ parents responsible for any damage he or she may inflict furniture in the lounge was falling apart on the building, and absolves the landlord and the electrical system was in a sad state of disrepair. of any responsibility for matters such as Fuses burn out nightly and one “loss of life” while on the premises. resident, Vahid Motamedi, has not had a Unfortunately, Frank Glasser, the landlord of the building, could not be functioning light fixture in his room for five weeks. The building is not well-heated ’ reached to give his side of the story. He is either - at least one of the building’s in hospital in Toronto-at the time of this tenants experienced frost on his walls report and will not be back in Kitchener during the cold months of Decemberand until February 26th. January. However, it does seem as though the Most of the people- that live here students’ grievances ma’y finally be (75 per cent by one person’s estimate) are acknowledged by Glasser. first-year university students. With the The day 1 visited the building coinstudent.housing shortage in the fall term, cided with the first day on the job of a new some are presented with noalternativefor janitor, who apparently will be working a place to stay. The agreement that a two hours a day to attempt to repair the student signs upon moving in, in building. September, obliges him or her to pay the It would be the very least the landlord full amount of rent for the next eight could do with the more than $2,500 he months (rent ranges from $40-$50 per receikres in rent each week from the week). students.

Test cizse:



rent issue heads for court i

by Alex Weaver Imprint staff Landlords in Kitchener-Waterloo will no longer be able to charge stuents pro-rated rent, if a test case soon to appear in court is successful. Pro-rated rent requires the tenant to pay twelve months rent in eight months. Michael Ferrabee, the Federation of Students’ vice-president, university affairs, has been working on this issue since the fall of 1982. He is very confident that the students involved in the case will win. The case will be appealed by one party or the other regardless of the result, Ferrabee says. Optimistically, a final decision could be reached in about a year. He hopes that revision of the ‘Landlord-Tenant Act will follow, if the students win. Most students are not aware of their rights according to the existing Landlord-Tenant Act, Ferrabee- says. Lease clauses

requiring post-dated rent cheques and security deposits are null and void, according to Ferrabee, and once the lease has been signed the student can deduct security deposits from rent, and refuse to supply post-dated cheques. He recommends, however, that you write to your landlord explaining ‘why you have not done so. Rent increases of more than 6 per cent are also illegal, unless approved by the Rent Review Board. Ferrabee is one of several SunnydaLe tenants who were recently told to start paying their own hydro bills, as well as a 6 per cent increase. Since the hydro bill is legally considered a rent increase, Ferrabee refused to pay his. When he contacted the landlord to discuss the matter, he was asked if he was “some kind of socialist”. Out of ten landlords that advertised in the February 17th edition of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record phoned by this reporter, two refused to rent to students; five others said that any

UW Senate discusses by Carl Davies . Imprint staff At the University oE Waterloo senate meeting this past Monday evening, the main topics of discussion concerned the establishment of’ the Science Foundation, the problems facing the University with the eradication of Grade 13, and the Bovey Commission.


Commission, a similar committee that reported on Ontario Universities in the mid1960’s. -

These recommendations included the establishment of a university of Ontario (a governing body for all Ontario universities), the elimination of unnecessary duplication of programs between universities, the elimination of some four-year liberal arts colleges, The Bovey Commission is a three-man . the establishment of “centres of excellence”, committee, appointed by Ontario’s Minister of early retirement plans for some professors, and . Education, Bet-te Stephenson, to give a report of common admission and graduation on the re-structuring of the university system. standards. The Commission’s report, which is expected in Once the Bovey Commission p‘ublishes a November of this year, will likely contain many of the same recommendations of the Spinks statement of issues, it will conduct meetings to



prospective tenant would have to fill out an application, which i might not be accepted if the applicant were rated as a bad credit risk or did not have a credit rating. None, however, required prorated rent. A similar case involving 1 tenants of University Towers appeared in county court in 1979, and was ruled in favour of the . landlord. That decision was overturned on appeal. The judge said t-hat the issue was too large to be handled by a county court, and that they had no jurisdiction in that area. The issue has never been raised elsewhere in Canada, Ferrabee says. In some cities the problem does not exist. Funds for the case have been supplied by student unions across the province. Wilfrid Laurier, Guelph, and Waterloo’s Federation of Students have each contributed $500. Another $950 has been contributed by eight other -universities and colleges.


be held on all Ontario campuses. Senate and University of Waterloo president, Doug Wright, noted that this committee’s report will be extremely important to U W’s future. In other business, senate approved the establishment of the Science Foundation, modelled after the Faculty of Mathematics’ Rene Descartes Foundation. The foundation intends to raise funds for the advancement of education, generally in the field of science. Scholarships, bursaries.grantsand thelike will provide assistance to persons who are students, researchers or teachers in the Faculty of Scienc-e. A poll of first-year Science students showed them to favour the foundation by sixty-four per cent.

. Chairman,


The subject that caused the*most discussion was the effect that the new four-year high school system will have on the University of Waterloo. The system goes into effect this fall and the new diplomas will be available by 1986. Areas of concern include a bulge in admissions when the five year and four year programs coincide, a possible drop in the matufity of first-year students. and the setting of new coui-se requirements for admission Dean J. A. George of the Math Faculty was ion~~crncd wrth t11e cincrgcticc of a large number of computer courses in the new high school curricula. He would like to ensure that future admissions standards continue to demand a broad field of knowledge as entrance requirements for first year students.




by Stephen Motluck Imprint staff Any.one who has frequented the Arts library is probably aware of the large sign warning patrons of the threat of theft as they enter. The sign has been posted for quite some time and is beginning to worry some users that there is a permanent security risk there. Al Romenco, Direc;tor of Campus Security, could not comment on the reported library thefts, but said that there is an ongoing investigation in process. Because of this, he said, he could not release a statement. He did say, however, that a-statement may be forthcoming in a few-days. Romenco expLained that the thefts were mostly wallet thefts from the study carrels, and that the library administration was responsible for the security of the library, with Campus Security only being called in when thefts occurred.


Bruce MacNeil, Associate Librarian for Reader Services, agreed that the thefts were mostly wallet thefts from the study carrels, and added that they usually occur sporadically with a large number occurring all at once. MacNeil said that when a large number occur at UW. a large number also occur at W LU. Thesummer term isalso usually worst for thefts, said MacNeil. MacNeil also says that women’s purses are a prime target for thieves. If a.purse is left unattended for a minute it can be easily snatched, said MacNeil, and it is usually difficult to catch the culprit. If a theft does occur, it should be reported immediately to the library attendant, advised MacNeil, and the library will notify security immediately and notify students of the danger, “but there is not much more that can be done.” MacNeil also commented that thefts of this sort are a problem in any public place where personal effects are left unattended.


sponsors contest

Members of the Church of Scientology of Toronto are conducting a province wide contest to find the best slogan which captures the spirit of Canada’s 2-year old Constitution. With Canadian flags flying, members of the Church of Scientology are touring across the province in-a mobile van passing out charters and contest forms to passers-by in at least n 15 cities around Ontario. Enthusiastic response by Canadians to last year’s tour where some 5,000 copies of the

Charter were distributed across Ontario by Church members was influential in continuing the campaign with a contest. Entries will be sent only to the judges at Celebration Contest, P.O. Box 158, Station “L”, Toronto, Ontario M7C 4Y5. The tour will include Toronto, Guelph. Brampton, Kitchener, Braqtford, St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, London, Windsor, Sarnia, Kingston, Ottawa, Barrie, Sudbury and other cities as time permits. Contest entries must be in by April 15, 1984.


Massgraves)’ m


Question, 6 1

by Ricardo Scipio . Imprint staff “When I was a child, I was told that the good German people were wrong in not raising a finger when the Jews were brought toAuschwitz. My upbringing tells me that when I see Jews doing wrong, that I’m abligated to say something about it.” This-is how Tamara Kohns, who addressed.a factioned and’ I polarized crowd -on’ Monday; February 20th, at a Palestine Heritage function co-sponsored by the Asian, African, c1 Latin American and Caribbean Study Group, explained her commitment to social justice in the Middle East. Thetopicof her address was the discovery of alleged mass graves in Israel;.According to Kohns, a Jew and an-investigative reporter, an Arab newspaper received information in 1982 that people, after being tortured, were being buried in mass gravesites in northern Israel. Pursuing her belief that social justice necessitates investigation and understanding, Kohns went to Galilee tosee the rumoured mass graves for herself. Before describing” what she saysshe found at the site, Kohns told the audience of the military-political events that she saw as leading up to mass deaths and mass burials. By October 1982, Kohns stated’, between 2,000 and 5,000 T amara’Kohns, investigative journal& describ‘es alleged- mas S . Palestinians.were reported missing. She said that theseestimates graves discoveredin Israel: were considered&.&se.rvative,~y ageneralcon&‘nsus,takingi~nto 1’ by AJan Mear: : 1 ., Imprint. .a pho;o a \ 1 i.-’ ‘- I_ ’ - ’ consideration casutitiei >e@ting from: the bombing .of ::- * : s- AI Lebanon, the number of pr?soners tak?n- into custody by the two yearspreceoing theIsraeli~in-&ion of Lebanoi. Sheftuotk; Israeli Defence Force (I.D.F.), and individual and r$ass arrests. a’palestinian national who allegedly said that, “anyone, howeve _,,Kohns state-d !,that just. before the Palestinian Liberation young or old, caught without the proper identification, wa Organization.(.P..L.O.) left Beirut, the I.D.,F. arrested ,1?200 brutalized, interrogated,-and lucky if he re’mamed in one’piece. Palestinians, and all but fifty disappeared. According to Kohns, Returning directly to the subject ofthe mass?grave, Kohnss& Israeli officials explained that they had no knowledge of where ‘that, “ Using helicopters and? trucks, bodies were brought t these prisoners were taken, and that the prisoners had probably Galilee burial sites ‘in plastic body bags, although internation: been treated “Lebanese style”. She interpreted this statement as, law and the Geneva convention prohibit the transportation c meaning that they were probably dead. enemy casualties over international boundaries:” .- _ With the exception of Syrian soldiers, Kohns continued, She also said that Israel’s original claimthat, only 84’bodi: :S Israeli soldiers treat their prisoners as terrorists, rather than as, were buried in the gravesites has been changed to entertain th le . prisoners of war. Kohns contends that Israeli forces and rightpossibility that many ofthegraves weredoubled-up, so that ther *e wing Lebanese militias have participated in thecapture, torture, are probably more than 84 bodies.“. . and murder of Palestinians. Kohns-argued that,’ although Israel’i’officials conte$d that4 ,4 ‘.She recounted’one story in which, ‘&ierilIasled by Hadad (the of the-bodies buried in the gravesites near Acre helong to Syria n ‘I leader of, the non~PhaIangist~ right&ing .militias), on‘ one soldiers killed in the I967 SixDay War and the l-973 Y,om Kip@ rr occasion, during ,an ins,pection by an I. D. F. official, gang-raped War, according *()*i. the sites did -- not exist, -’ T , ... ~~‘state‘ddcurnents,.be~~r *e a young wo;man and ,physicalIy abused. other ptisonei%+causing serious head wounds and other injuries.” “In Beirut there areat least two burial sites, and there is i _. Kohns said that I’si-aeli officials have admitted that Amin evidence of another.one’in southern Lebanon’,” Kohns allege< I. ,-Gemaye@ Phalangist militias were trained inside Israki,forthe She beIieves that the existence’ ‘of the bnriaf ‘sites is ‘bait’ o’f _.f . campaign of intimidation of Palestinians in the Middlk“Ea,&. al Kohns feels that “Is&l doesn’t deserve a state atthe expense c)f another people.” She insists that Jews,, given their broa d humanitarian traditions and their history, are doublyobligate d not to be silent, nor to be inactive, and not to be ‘loyal’ defender ‘S A Meal Fit ’ of the crimes perpetrated by the Israeli state against Palestinian IS for a Queen! and others.” FA _ - (or King!) As an American, Kohns made the same point in regard IS American practices ‘in the Middle East, Central and Lati n America, and she condemned “Israeli complicity in those ver Y


by Rizaldo Padilla and Linda Watt

What is the best attitude to have ’ whil& going, through School?



_ ,




-., , .


Wendy D,avidson . 48 Geography Let’s get drunk and gc naked -road trips! ,,~-: . ‘i ,--. r-.n .


. _ Join Us B TM. For Lunch!

co-OP - . RESlbENCES I

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Single Burger

Available Anytime


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Waterloo Co-op operates three small residences within walking distance from the UW and the WLU campuses. Each resident is required to do three hours of duties each week. The duties vary from serving dinner to washing floors, from taking minutes at .a meeting to, making minor repairs. Working fogether & sharina responsibilitv for the operation of the residence contributes to the strong sense~of community, characteristic of Lthe Co-op residences.





Room & Board Accommodation For Spring .‘ 1984 -


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1 Wedmount & Un$Versity j’ I Open Daily‘ Until 1 l:bCl ‘pi’m.


- .


Jeff and Daryl 4B Elec. Eng. Borro,w money from mom: borrow assignments from friends; and borrow girls from vour sisters. .

. ;

Weight control classes planned for Mar&h ‘84 \

Campus Health Promotion will be offering the “Think Thin” weight control program beginning March 5, 1984. Thesix meetings willbe held for three weeks on Monday and Thursdays from 12:00-


1:OO p.m. beginning March 5,. 1984. 1nterested ’ individua.ls, should contact Campus Health Promotion Office in Health Services at Ext. 3541. Pre-registration is necessary before March 2, 1984.




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The Student Awards Office has announced that two new scholarships are available. Further information is given below. Proctor and Gamble Engine.ering Award.:’ Two $500 ,prizes, presented annually toa 1 student in 3rd year Engineering class. Applications are available

from the Engineering Society. MfaCDonald, De t t wilet and Associates Ltd., Scholarship: Students registered in 3B Electrical Engineering and 3B Computer Science are invited to apply for the above $1,000 scholarship. .-Applications may be picked up in the Student Awards Office and the deadline is March 30,1984.

by ‘Paul Zemokhol Nadon saw the role of the UW Ad Hoc committee on Food Imprint staff Services as “a communication link between the Food Services When Bob Mudie, Director of Food Services, wanted to find Administration and the university community.” To achieve out what the university community felt about the food at Food these ends, thecommitteeexamined the Food Services outlets on Services, hecontacted Ombudsman Dean Nadon with theidea of campus by way.of a questionnaire. ’ conducting a survey. At \this stage they-did receive some input from Food Services Mudie said that the need for aervey was partly in response to -advisors-as to what questions they-had been asked on a day-toa financial pro’blem at Food Services and to find gut “what’s* day basis, but from there on in they worked alone, Nadon what”. . . affirmed’. Following its formulations, 5,000 questionnaires we\e Nadon says that he began.his task of sitting on a committee printed and most of/these were distributedin two phases. The first phase, co$lucted before Christmas, saw an interwith some apprehension because of his job as Ombudsman. But, . because he felt the committee had only an information-retrieval office mail-out to .fadul,ty and, staff, .and the distribution of mandate, he added that he did not feel it presented a conflict of, questionnai.res in-then various-Food” Service cash outlets on interest to him. ‘campus. When ‘%he responses began to arrive, in December, He felt he had been approached because of”the impartiality of Nadon realized that’ w$%l’e~,tne -mail-out; response rate’ was -\ , this office”. “adequate”, the student response rate was not. ’ Nadon’s first task was to attempt to make the cqmmittee as This led to the second phase, which was aimed primarily at representative as pdSsible by asking.for appointees from all the students who had not, been; reached because of exams the constituencies affected on campus. That action added four *, previous term. As of January 27, this second phase had ended, representatives (Staff Association, Federation of Students, and Nadon envisaged that the d&a compilation would begin on Graduate Students, and Faculty Association)_to thefouralready February 8th. Nadon could give no firm.time for the completion appointed by Food Services. ’ of the compilation because of the time expenditure involved and --_ ,


Bovey IcOmmis&m /


by Jeff Conway On December 15th of last year, Ontario Minister of Colleges and Universities, Hon. Bette, Stephenson announced the establishment of a three-man commission headed by Edward Bovey, retired chairman of Noreen Energy Resources Ltd., that is to prepare an operational plan : for the restructuring of Ontario’s universities. In making her announcement to the Ontario Legislature, Stephenson indicated that thecommission would base its plan on prior studies commissioned by the government, particularly the ‘Fisher Commission Report on the Future Role of Universities in Ontario, released in .March 198 1. . The Fisher Report constructed various scen&ios for the future of the Ontario university system. based on differem levels of government funding for education. For the.seenario based on funding below the inflation rate: it predicted the layoff ofas manyas.5.6OOfacultyand 7.700support j staff in the 1,980’s, as well as the closure of various academic i programmes and faculties qt many Ontario universities. and ‘possibly even the shutting down of one or more universities. Stephenson, discussing the terms of reference of th.e Bovey Commission, stated that “Each un .iversity%annot aspire to,, universality,‘: and that the commission will “consider the

- Skzxmx$cy:

the volunteer nature of the committee. .Interviewed on Monday, January 30th, with questionnaire boxes peeping out from below the furniture in his office, Nadon _ said that he believed that the response rate was “overall, quite ; good”. He believed that even though the survey was done relatively quickly and that from an academic point of view “as a survey it’s not the greatest”, that the response rate“speaks to the issue”, and in that sense it did not matter about the academic quality. Y-He added that, based on the response rat% “it isan issue”. As for ho-w it is to be addressed, he answered “I don’t know what Bob Mu&e will do from here.” Nadon commented that Mudie would probably be “open to answering or commenting on&sues we ‘have found.” As for the survey itself, since it was “one of our interests toget at the non-users”, ‘Nadon~ felt that this -objective; was accomplished more successfully wit,h*the staff and-faculty than with the students. As for making the results public Nadon says, “As-far as Iyrn concerned I see no reason why they shouldn’t be.” He quickly .~ added, though, that that decision was to be made . . by the . committee as a whole. / .

\ to ,su@gest- university0 -

cuts?.~ . _ :.

form of general and specific entrance examinations to the designat,ion of specific universities as centres of specialization.” and recommend “appropriate She stated that this will not entail theclosure of universities but it Ontario university system,” will involve “fundamental changes . . . to some or all of the tutition fee policies that reflect on the one hand, the accesibility institutions.” policies recommended, and on the other, equitable levels of Stephenson. also described the mandate of the Bovey student contribution with respect to the overall cost of the university system.” -’ Commission as covering the question of the faculty requirements of universities. The Fisher Commission pointed out that “the According to government figures, students pay only 15 per governing bodies must face the fact that restructuring will entail cent of the costs of their education. For several years the reductions in faculty and staff, including those with tenure.” government has talked of increasing the level- of student “contribution’‘-to 50 per ‘cent of the “cost of education”. However, Stephenson said that “a moreflexible and dynamic However,‘the government omits,frdm the cost of education response to faculty requ’rements” is required-lwhich “will need --. the co-operation of facu t ty as well as the creativity of academic what a student spends on food, clothing, shelter, transportation leaders:” She declared that “we must consider the full range of and books in its calculations. !t also neglects to calculate that a incentives, rewards, and opportunities to encourage faculty portion of the tuition fees paid by students&es not go towards ’ mobility where it is needed and retirement where necessary or ’ teaching but towards research and other costs. ,’ It appearslhat the Bogey Commission is mandated to work adviseable.” out an operational plan for the trimming of programmes ,and Stephenson also stated that the BoveylCommission would faculties from various universities, for the reduction of faculty address the issues of “accessibility” and “costs of the university system”, I, I ,rrc , . and support staff, for the raising of entrance standards to universities, and for the increase of tuition fee levels. It appears that -the government’wants to raise the entrance standards for universities. Stephenson stated that the The commission is to release an “options paper” very soon. It commission would “clarify the meaning of accessibility in the will accept submissions. from. the public and conduct public context of economic realities,” exatine “the need for and the hearings in university cities based on this paper.



.will w&her away _

could prevent the strong Soviets from taking over the weaker Communist regime: only for its victimsand that Catholic priests by Alex Weaver . should not get involved with Communist rebels. “1 know what West. Priests that joined the movement were given the best Imprint staff will happen in Nicara-gua because it is always the same result,“he parishes. In protest, others refused to wear their clerical collarr’s. “There is a terrible indifference to what is happening in Eastern The movement was disbanded by the government, and said. “They become dependent on the Soviets.” Europe;” said Josef Skvorecky, Czechoslovakian novelist, religious orders were permitted,again in 1968, but these ended Communist regimes will screenwriter, Nobel nominee, and professor at Erindale College. . He also said, that eventually, with the Soviet invasion. Priests now need licences. disappear. “It is inhuman to live under totalitarian conditions.” He made this comment in speaking to about seventy people at Meanwhile, the number of practicing ’ Catholics in According to Skvorecky, secret’prayer meetings, and secret St. Jerome’s College on February 8th. focusing on the church presses publishing newsletters on primitive duplicators, Czechoslovakia continues to decrease. People are afraid t.o,go to persecution of Czechoslovakian Catholics and religious groups‘ religious revival. Many raids on the churc,h because they worry about their children’s future, L are part of anunderground in other Communist countries. underground press, and the mysterious deaths of som$ priests will survive, Why don’t Canadians care? Perhaps because Eastern Europe S kvorecky said. He believes that the Church . worry Skvorecky, who\ said that Czechoslovakia is not a is too far away from home, Skvorecky said. He obviously cares; although it may be many years before it isstrongagain. .non-violent country, but has always been very According to Skvorecky, the Church~ was the prime target of primitive, he spoke passionately and eloquently about friendsand relatives. sophisticated; these events are unexpected. ’ when they took over Czechoslovakia; religious who have died or been imprisoned, trying to gain a privilege that \ the Communists After the lecture, as Skvorecky left to catch the last train to. . orders were disbanded, priests sent to concentration camps, nuns most of us take for granted. Toronto, his filmEnd of a Priest was shown. It is the only.proto factories (where, ironically, they worked so well that,civilian He spoke briefly about current conflicts in Central and South country. .. , ’ . Christian film-ever made in a.%Communist America, saying only that he could not feel sympathy for any , workers complained); only the hospital orders.functioned. _ _A later,, but only half the number of priests that died-each year were replaced with newly-ordained ones, and the-catholic press was’suppressed. Religious instruction was permitted .only ‘on Sundays. and &Slice for one$5.49 Mus ... . .o-nly in churches; the number of practising Catholics dropped to This lodpon’good 9 . slice, 4 itm \ pizza for only 55.49 ilus tax. Valid 7 days a one million from five million. -“X ’ ,. weak until March 31. 1984 A peace movement was started,‘.with the idea.that nothing -in, f&-up or delivery (delivery extra) 6’ by Scott Moulton . 160 lhirersity /5ve. W. 886-6122 I Once a week the Students of Objectivism meet todiscuss the philosophy of Objectivism (as developed by Ayn Rand) and to discover the principles of the philosophy and t: apply them to their own lives. ‘8-Slice $5.49 On February 8th guest speaker Herb Layh, addressed This coipon good for one 8 - slic~]Ub”~tem pizz&.for only $5.49 plus tax. V&-7 days a ’ the group on the topic, “Objectivism As a philosophic week until March 31;, 1984 . ‘, movement”. Seventeen people attended the speech. -in, pick-up or d_eItvkry (delivery kxtfa) U 160 University Avg& w. 886-6122 Layh gave an intriguing dissertation. He referred‘to I Lqoking-out for No. I, a book by Robert J. Ringer, to show that objectivism is not a “group” but a philosophy. After the talk, a question and answer session began that’ 2-8-SIice$9.99 plus1a=’ This coupon good for two 9 - slice i iteti dealt with’such ,topics as epistemology, ethics, politics. pirra^s’ for one low price of S9.99fplus tnx. metaphysics, and the Austrian school of economics and Valid7,fays a weak Unti! Mdrch 31, 1984 -In, p&-up or delivery (delivery extra _ such philosophers as Aristotle, Aquinas, Hume, and 160 hiversjf> .Ave. H. 886-6122 Kant. After thee question and, answer period,- people -ii-l------.~,~I,~a separated into smaller discussion groups;” Students of Objectivism has a membership of around thirty. Its president; Don Heath, is also head of the 2-8-Slice $9.99 -.: Thts cobpoi good for two 8 - slice 4 item Committee for ‘Nuclear-Refense. Its next meeting will be pizzas for one low price of $9.99 &us tax. Valid 7 days a week u&l Marc/i 31, 1984 on Tuesday, February 28th at 8:00 p.m. (location t,o be communication announced) on the topic, “Objective. I, pick-up or delivery (delivery extra) \ demonstration and workshop.” .



Objectivists’ philosopizk












Jewish displq

/ w cc

heritc fed in


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by George Elliott Clarke J Imprint staff “Exposing students to various facets of the Palestinian ,. * . ._ heritage” was one of the benefits of a Palestine Heritage display, ,...:. i, y: :’.:‘.::.< .‘::::::.:: .:.< ,.,: ::; ; president, Azmi Farah. ...,.,,, 1.-:;.:‘ according to the org&nizatiorQ ‘. ” ..:,: ....*, ..:.: :. ‘.,. ....5‘... .+.A. . Farah explained that the purpose of the February 6th and 7th . : ;.,.;.j. .:.....,y: I ;.. : iy;;;- ~:~~~~ Campus Centre display was, “to promote greater understanding : of the Palestinian heritage, the Palestinian people, their identity, 1~‘:; ~..,~.,,~‘~~..~~~~~~~~ their history, and their culture” through the presentation of i:.......z... :.I .__. jr..f,.~+<: :,:‘~~ .. Palestinian arts and crafts. “A:.> :>>::::& ‘.,$;~; i ‘: : cz::._,..,.... ...:.:< ::.J.$pgy:,:..:.. j.. ..> ,..i:..::::y $.>$<; :;;:,<.,..’i.-....,.: ~.:* ,. I These artifacts included examples of Palestinian handicrafts .. :._ ::.:.... ..,:.‘:I’.:: ..,. ..’ - copperwork .’ n...‘..(.$,2: :.. and .woodwork - -and. hand-embroidered .. _.. “’ .,>Z. :’‘...:. ;.: ::...::c:.,: .~‘...~~~~~ ,( ...‘.... ..,:.;,.: i,G::.: :.::,::.: ,.;... ‘. .._-‘P.i :;::.“.,:.zli examples of the Palestinian national dress. Farah said that the ,., ‘. .‘_ .:,: :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .;.:. and black and :...... ::+;::; display featured paintings, colour photographs, ‘,....... y. .‘:....:.::,.::.. :,: ..+. .‘;.‘::“. .._. .... ‘.:....:.:, . ,.:I ::...;, by photojournalist Jane Story which L _. 2’.,... ...:..‘:’‘.” “-.:;; white photographs ., .,..,,:, i .. ..:‘..., >$.:.:,j, .,.. ‘.,..&.. ‘~“-;;~~,,~~~~ portrayed scenes of Palestinian life on the West Bank. b.. c .!:‘( “.:,:... ,_,,:.,__:.:;:::;.i :,.:<“. .. the entire display received “a good response in ;;: ):,’ ii’li:.::~~~~~~~~ Although ,;.:;F;;;.:~~~: Farah thought that Story’s photographs were ;..:...i.,: .:.: _‘. ::...:.(‘...~.:..:i.: .::$:a ::i general”, :. ,_ ‘... :i,: :..:.... y :..<i:. :‘::“:~.~,:,~..~~~,~:: . . : “especially popular”. ...‘:F>;. ...:.: ‘. . ,. j.: L.“.:..: ..i...: _. .: . . ..‘i.+, ,.:.;.:.;?.:.. ;;i::, _. L.1.., ;.” _...::~.:.. Farah said that Palestine Heritage will again hold the event ._ ..‘...‘..C 1_. ,._, :.... . ... ::..: i ‘.?,,..,: ” .,I ... ,.:.:..i,.‘. .....,.. ..:.., ,.‘, ,._,. :“;‘. ~:.l~.:,,:~:. for its second annual Jerusalem Day celebration on September ._,. . i ” (‘,. ...., ..,.: ::.. .. _. > :...:_.,. ; .,.::.. :,‘” : :...; ,.. :>. .$,y.. ......._ ,._ ,:._,, 27th and 28th. However, he hopes it will be “more elaborate” --c--..c~i .’:.:s :.y..: .... i: :-“i ::..‘<.~... ‘Z.. :,.i:y:..:.,; A:.. ..:::..:. .,:_..,.:,. :::,,.:. .:.. ,....,., .:.::;: :5:: .’.:~,~:.~..:,:..,:~.,:~,:,,:~.~~::~~~~~:.~~~:~:: .,,.,.: ...~..:~:.~.:~~~~~~~~s:~~,::;~:~~.~,~:~,~,~:~:~~:~~~~~~...~~ ;.:a :..:&:Y the participation of the Egyptian High :.:.:..z :.>:; ~..$$:.g$...:$$~ :..:,;:..~~t.~.:~~;~~~~:,~:~~; with, perhaps, % Commissioner to Canada. Asked why he thinks the presentation of Palestinians is The judging for the Pregnant Mar 2 Contest was held at the distorted, Farah answered that “Terrorist is a popular Birth Control Centre @CC) on F‘ebruary Zlst, 1984. The ’ euphemism for Palestinian”. He feels that there is “little or no judges included Ann Woodruff, nnanager of the Campus effort in North America to understand the plight of the Centre, Linda Grant of Health Serv ices, --Rob McLaren _ ..mof the . Palestinians - __--- ~~~~..~~_and their attemnts1 to achieve their legitimate Y Federation of Students, Scott Moult on ot lmprrnt, and Montca rights.” Bennett, co-ordinator of the Birth C ,ontrolCentre. T----L set‘s ^--- irAl---:-LL- as ^- 0t;111g L-:-,Lb.t, LIlC CmSIG I,,:, 4lurllarl L ..--..:,tc, \Ul/,c 111;“L” r-arm 1tfse r1gms After an hour of judging, using a set of predetermined Palestinians) to live free and secure in their own homes, in their criteria, the winner was Dale Meginnis with Mark Cameron own country.” and Michael Ferabee in second and third place respectively. Returning to the subject of Palestine Heritage, Farah said that Dale’s picture will be on the BCC poster entitled, “Would the group is not member-orie nted but is directed to the campus at you be more careful if it were you?” to be produced early ,next Jews. Itis large. “Member ship includes Moslems,Christiansand month for distribution. not a Palestinia n organizatio In,” he emphasized. The BCC is a service of the Federation of Students. Farah said th lat through th ,e effort; of the group, there is now Photo couresty of Birth Control Ceitre an Arabic langt .rage program , consisting of tapes, on campus.


Of L’ibe&ls:



.. .._.. ;_ 1 :. L .,:,:. ._ /‘i,


the “worlds’-to

The budget with its unprecedented deficits is indicative of a by Jam&J. Kafieh “government losing control of itself,“said W llson. Headded that Imprint staff the Liberals have lost the confidence of the people. The Liberal You can have the “world in your hands, if we (Canadians) get government has no “moral right to govern”, he declared. In our act together,” says Michael Wilson, MP for Etobicoke connection with this statement he cited opinion polls which have Centre. consistently shown the Conservative party to have the support of Wilson, the Federal Progressive Conservative critic for Industry, Trade and Commerce, spoke at the Valhalla Inn in . more than 50 per cent of the voting public. The Liberals, according to Wilson, are guilty of “corruption Kitchener at a dinner sponsored by the U of W and W LU campus and manipulation”. To back up these charges, Wilson cited the PC Clubs. example of the recently-publicized Prime Minister’s Office Wilson stressed that Canada was one of a handful ofcountries initiated investigation into the background of PC leader, Brian in the world that have,“all the elements countries strive for”: the Mulroney. This is “the crowning touch.. . anattempt todiscredit energy and mineral resources, agricultural wealth, technology, Mulroney in a personal way,” said Wilson. educational facilities, and a sound, stable political system. During his address, Wilson, a former candidate for the He expressed the belief that Canada’s main problems are the leadership of the PC party, was highly critical of the present level of unemployment (now standing near 1.5 million) and Liberal government.



Canada’s uncompetitiveness on the international scene. He saidthat the two are closely-related problems. ’ The solution, claimed Wilson, lay in deficit control (restraint in government spending), upgrading human resources (through more suitable training), encouraging entrepreneurial endeavours and the opening up of markets both interprovincialand international. Wilson predicted that an election would take place in the spring and called for party unity in anticipation of the electing of a PC government. He was not alone in his prediction for a spring election, for the WLU PC Club announced that it .will soon be convening an election campaign school. The dinner at which Wilson spoke was the first organized by the local student Tories. None the less, it appeared to be wellorganized and attended, and highly successful.

VILLAGE ONE ORIENTATION ‘84 Are you sociable? Are you a leader? ’ Can you party for a week straight without sleep.?

- .

If so, VI Orientation - committee

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.dcints ex ;po,sed to Pdesti ne identity

Association/ Hillel of the University of Waterloo presented Heritage Days. The events included a display at the Campus Centre and an address, “Jews in Canada”, presented by Len Scheininger, Qntario Regional Chairman of the Canadian Jewish Congress. The display at the Campus Centre featured a slide presentation, colorful posters and various artifacts depictingthe Jewish cultural heritage and scenes of Israel. A wide variety of books by Jewish authors, including best-sellers by Mordecai Richler, was displayed. Handout literature concerning the Holocaust was also available. On February 15th, Len Scheininger spoke on “Jews in Canada” to a small audience of eight. The theme was the history of Jewish society in Canada and current issues facing Canadian Jewry. In Canada, the Jewish community has grown from 107 members in 183 1 to 300,000 in 198 1. During this period the Jewish community has developed many benevolent organizations and political groups. Scheininger stated that the major issues facing Canadian Jews today are 1) the commitment to the state of Israel, 2) the maintenance of the Jewish tradition through education, 3) the existence of anti-Semitism, 4) aid to Jews in distress abroad, and 5) the relations between the Canadian J.ewish Congress and its organizations and the various levels of the Canadian government. In comparing the Canadian and American Jewish communities, Scheininger observed that the Canadian communities are “one generation behind” their American counterparts. This situation reflects the later wave of Jewish migration into Canada from Eastern European countries in which the people were more closely tied to traditional lifeways. This has led to a greater community cohesiveness among the Jews in Ca.nada. Although the American communities are more politically mobilized at a‘grass roots’level, Scheininger said that the highly organized national and regional structures of the Canadian Jewish Congress facilitate effective interaction with the various levels of the Canadian government.

PC wit&al



by Jan McAlpine

dn Februai-fiSthand 16th,the.JewishStudents’

Friday, February

Contest Prizes i for Best Suntan! I LoasofFun fodhferyone?

' . I&


wants you.

We require approximately 100 members for next Fall’s Orientation.

_ ‘%Ok- first meeting


MARCH 1st 1OzlSp.m. in the BLkJE DINING HALL of Village One. .






I&y: I have your blaLk body suit - I’ve even; cleaned it!! (After 4 straight nights of use. (twice on Friday),it,neededit.‘) The chains & garter have been returned Tgentiemen prefer pain) so there’s not much Contact me at 886-0858, Elvira.


Proton: Happy Birthday,


Wanted. Seven Mini-B h s Dri$ers for Campus Day, Tuesday, March 13. 1984. Must have’ “F’ class driver’s license and attend an orientation session before March 5, 1984. Salary $5.00 per hour. Time 8:00 - 12iOOnoon- or 8:00 4:30. Please contact Gail Ruetz in the Visitor’s Reception Centre. Optometry. room 306at ext. 36 14.

Bulge, only 203 -days left till its gripped, or maybe 7 or 8 if you don’t watch otit. J & L. S.A. (No. 55): Sorry 1 missed you last week. How are you‘? I hope we can talk soon. Take care, me! . Girls! Does ‘your favourite E.E. only have eyes for his circuit boards’? Try newL”Eau de MicroEEFy to get his system, back


Chris Hanks4B Chem: We kept Jn eye on you last night. Glad to see you didn’t puke! The Revengers. -: Dear PCLAOFT, Thank-you for ail your love & support: Happy honey. -Q Second Anniversary, Harvey says “Eek, eek!” With love, Murk.

Lance Corey 4B Chem: You had our vote for the pregnant man contest. The Revengers.

ES0 techniques: Single male interested io -female partner to assist in learning and practicing ’ ES0 TXerci!Fs. If inCe,rested,,place Tired of your “straight” jacket? ’ ad armngi’ng ‘a tieitingtsing the Try a Gay Cbffeehouse this week: : n;mk&&, iage 600f~H~1~~oK . (Laurier has a nice one on Chris. .Thursdays . . . ) Surrey Arjoon - the brotherMoya, Moya, we adore ya/ Up on hood’s patience with you is ESs second floor ya/Got B body running out. You, have been that won’t quit/ We’d love to see warned. R.J. your toga fit!/ So come to E4’s Toga #.ght/Show the ides of Mame: Do you find schooia bore‘? March a sight. Is vour&ciai life in a rut? Sourids like Florida to moi! Timi to bakeYou’ve he’ard about tfiem . . . our bodies and fry our brains! I You’ve seen them in action . . . hear: life begins at 24! Happy Now come to their Orgy$The Ugh Birthdiy ‘ya did poop! Bonzai. and Limp Benefit ‘Roman Orgy and Toga‘Party (a.k.a. Beware the Janice Waldren4B Chem: Is it true Ides of March) Friday, March 2 what w’e heard? The Revengers. Caiiguia Room V2 Tiitin’ (hourly rates). Proceeds to benefit Dear 4 play plus one: Red-Riding those attending. Tickets available Hood’s, Cloak was white until from E4 Massage Parlour and Cathy Rigbygotahoidofit.Asfor .Bath House. . our digits, it’s ten, we like to use both hands. Do things really go Catch the continping semi-public better with Coke? Keep checking sexpioits of Ag and Lump before the mail. Intriguingly yours, U of . they become Ugh and Limp. Tune W Chesterfield Rugby ,Team. in this week as we hear more moans and groans from the E4 Attractive blond Civii,grad seeks Pleasure Palace’s star performers. young women for discreet Admission free. encounters. Phone Hugh John


Dave, yes the one from Quebec’ City, why don’t you give me a call in TO (970-3550). Rita. ~ \ Secret Admirer: Clark addred thy card but thou identity remains a mys_tery. Reveal thyself, so I may thank thou properly. \ ’ ::;‘&,i



Munch% worid.that




kznkd “’ to appiy or suggest a . Todd: Stop taking thosedrugs. Mm-m-merczr! Rotlie: cpme to PAPA! Dynamic funds. ’ Carol: Beginner’s luck. Next time we use d&that won’t rolldoubles.,

1i,$t Clanted to tellihe 1 LOVE YOU. Kitten.

Anita Simsons 4B Chem: How Lambda:Thenexttimeyoudecide about wearing that elf costume at to sprout horns and fly around the convocation! The Revengers. / kitchen, please don’t make so much noise - this is your’ last ’ warning. Thtimp and twink. Dear SP - Your volleyball game was exciting, so were your black shorts, seeyou on Saturday, Miss Anticipation. * Trish the Dish: When do your bbail classes start? Nice trajectory! Susie MacMillan 4B Chem: If vou knew Susie like we know Susik. . . The Revengers. i Dab Da:Da Daah: Port Stanley is “boballu**~ but where’s the sun? Get the drift (wood) on “Burning Down the House”? - Ectopic beats ail the way! - The “Oh No, Here We Go!“, Gang of.4. P.S. Euchre anyone!? FBI - has tracked down alligator killer. Will advise him of his Gghts as soon as he stops talking. Minneapolis, Minnesota ‘anyone who has lived in thiscity or is very familiar with it- please contact Margor Ruthat 886-2055. R. What does Peter have thatlwe don’t? Large be/arded voodoo dolls now available for ail MATH 115B students. Pins included! Pokey: Happy 20th Birthday! I You’re an old man now but I don’t think you’re going bald. B.



Ball Hockey Players interested in forming a team- to play in Etobicoke or Mississauga this summer call Grant 888-6825. Tutor‘ needed for MATH 230A (Calculus). If interested, please call Gary & 746-1784. PLEASE, I need help. , One Munchkin. Wanted Interviews to be held tonight over a candlelight dinner. You buy you get the job. To all aspiring C-league B-ball teams with a perfect record (no wins):- the Amorotics (we bad!) challenge your team to a fri+endiy game L- to see which team can keep their perfect record &liv_e._.,

’ For Sale Guitarists!; One LYS guitai.. 12string. hand-made in Quebec. mahogany a’nd spruce solid top. $250; Al&. 1banek Les Paul. black with-; .goid-plate hardware, 3 humbuckers. case, $250. 885, 1594.

,& good home fir an extremely affectionate older grey cat. Neutered & declawed. I:f interested call ChuchQr Pete ;it ext r 2358 or 888-6026. ,

1977 Firebird. Excellent running cpndition and sharp looking. New Hockey Goalie ‘every Thu,rsday 9 . exhaust system. front . brakes, am, Waterloo arena. Phone Gord radiatdr and battery. Radial tires, ext. 38 10 or 743-2350. ’ mag, @heels and immaculate interior. Asking $3400. Peter 884‘~~261.“~ _.-,.,


UB40 tickets Call Art: 886- 1639. Womkn’s Lotiker (or Basket) in PAC. If you’re not using yours, have a heart. Please call 884-5962 M-F before 9:00 a.rh. Thank you.

Keep Cool this summer in this 2bedroom basement apartment on Hazel St;_fuiiy furnished, laundry facilities in building, close to plaza (beer and liquor store), 5 minute bike ride to University, ’ free parking spot, only $3051 month, available May 1-Aug3 1,caii: 8848150.

Apartment to sublet, close to’ Zehrs and Dominion, just off Erb. 15 mifi. walk or 5 min. by bike’to U W, iabndry facilities, parking, , furnished or .-unfurnished,. Call 886-5924. ‘. Townhouse e excellent condition. Furnished - fully carpeted,, I two living rooms, close to University Ave. mail, bus route, and 1aundroJnat: Require 2 or 3 responsibiez roommates for summer ‘84. Winter ‘85 possibilities too. Contact Steve, Todd 8864609.

building laundry




-Housing Wanted

Housing Available




: 1 YouGet: ‘I--1l>x14 2-8x10 245x7

PaulMar Research Associates is conducting an on-campus survey on student housing. We peed male undergraduates who live in residence to take part in this research project. We will pay you #$7.00 f,or 1.25 hours of your time, Call 886-5577 before 1 1 p.m. and leave your name and teiephorie number.

FrankN: l’d love to run my fingers through your hair!!! Good luck tonight. 1’11be there watching!

-May - Aug. 4 bedroom townhouse .10-l 5 min. walk from front of university. Free use of washer/ dryer in/ basement. $5 151month. Call Dave 884-‘/439. . --

Roommate wanted to share spacious Phiiiip St. townhouse London - Apartment to ‘sublet from May to Aug. Winter ‘85 1 May 4 - Aug 3 1. Fully furnished, 2 possible. ,Semi-furnished with bedrooms with double beds, free washer’ and dryer.’ Clean and I parking, laundry in bbiiding. $350 bright with lots of windows. 2 per month plus utilities. (5 19) 432bathrooms. plenty of closet space. 4234. 8 2 minutes to campus. N&smoker. ’ ’ % .iadg’. --.!&&seri very good Summer ‘84 - Large 2 bedroo’m Call Bruce 8861 136 after 6. $jGJ$j’;bfi’$i;i, #fits (S) (27) apartment to ‘sublet - Ciean’new Married Students! $1.251 page. iiegant. trousers (S) & velvet (28) HazelSt. Apt. for rent May- Aug.? - on bus foute _ l0 1BM Selectric. Grammar/ SpeiFor more informatioq Thursday $386,OO/month. utilities and minute cycle from UW iing corrections. Paper, Campus t I:20 to 220 M L 208. . furniture included. 20 min. walk . I $4OO/month - regular $420 but b Pickun-Deiiverv. no white-out from campus. on bus route. 5 min must sublet utilities included Men’s LargeHandknit Icelandic 884-0669 eveiings.’ English/ walk ’ from Parkdale Plaza. lf in __ ~80 Sweater. /Main colour off-white, French maior. interested call Marg at 886-2055. Brybeck - Call 743-O 177. with burgundy pattern. Asking 2-Bedroom apt. to sublet 1 ’ $70. Call Donna at 886-4989. Furnished, two bedroom Typing: Group projects, mathand completely furnished. May 1-Aug apartment to share -for summer engineering reports, theses, and 31. free utilities, free parking. 6 Guitar Amplifier: Peavey Pacer ‘84. Clean and quiet. Rent essays. Overnight service for min bus ride, 10 min w’aik to electric guitar ‘amp. 45 ,watts 206.501 month. Westmount and papers. under 20 pages.Sunnycampus.,Oniy 395.00. Call Wayne RMS, excellent condition, little rGiasgow area. 10 minute bike ride dale/ Lakeshore area. Phone 745-8895. used. Price: Negotiable. Call Brian -from campus. Call Simon at 744Joan, 884-3937, morning or 7 at 886-9768 evenings. , Sunnydale townhouse, to rent 6868. ’ evening. May-Aug 84.4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Filing cabinet, receiver and radio, Available 2 bedroom furnished Reports ‘,expertly edited, set up wedding gown size I Ofor sale. Best completely furnished. Close. to apartment for 2 responsible laundry. kwikie. food and BEER. and typed on IBM‘ Correcting offers. Cal\ 885-5202. ” females. 20 minutes from Rent negotiable. Phone ?X6-0358. Selectric by an experienced typist university. Utilities included. will reflect iii youihard effortijn a University of Waterloo -1eather Sex! Now tliat we halt !‘out Good piice. Call evenings 884-neat, organized, professionaijacket. Dark blue. rarely worn. attention. For rent, 5 hcdroom. 3653. looking paper. Phone 742-08 17 clean, crested. Will change letters furnished house at 45 Cedar St. S.. for efficient,‘$iabie typist. to suit. Size42Taii. $120. /-- Call 744downtown Kitchener. ,1\~a1laibl~ Phillip St. Townho&e. 3 bedroom - ‘6868. plus finished basement, furnished. Typing - 14 *years’ experience. May - August. 636! month. ,frc‘t washer/dryer. May - August 84 typing university reports, theses, cable TV. Call 745-8003. Ior’inl’o 79 Triumph Spitfire 52k winter on a great pia%?eto live. $660.00 plus utilities. 5 min from . etc. Engineering and technical stored. Call Paul 746-1088. ’ Fampus. Call 885-2747. papers a specialty. Call Nancy Sunnydale: May - Auguht ‘X4. 3 anytime at 576-790 1. ’ bedroom townhouse:1 112 baths, Typing Plus Efficient. reliable dishwasher. Very close to service near Westmount Plaza. laundromat. variety store; 10 Theses, reports, papers, ‘letters, minutes to Parkdaie Plaza ‘Economics Tutorigg by recent resumes, etc., etc. 8Oa:Lpage. 743Townhouse wanted for fali’term k (beer/ liquor! Zehrs). possibility .^. 2269. grad. Call Bill 746-1041. . $4, preferably but not necessarily of taking over lease. Call 886-O I85 in Phii!i;p Streets area. *Phone 884now. Don’t miss out! > Cartographic Abstracts; *‘Typing: Essays, Resumes, T&es, 7587. S&i~7.$6 or 884-6868. _ . ._ Group Prdjedts, Fast Efficient i&.&rations. diagiams. Pr?i%I” 3 Bedroom Tdwnhouse * May ionai . quality illustrations for Service, No Charge Deiiverv 3 people are looking to take over August 1984. Robinwood. essays, iheses. etc. at reasonable Arfanged. C$i,,Di~~,~ 576- 1:284.1: the lease for .-a 3-pius bedroom, :_-- ,’ _ ‘ta&$. fuJnished. pool. 20 minute walk to / L Poitfolio %v&bl&. .ahone townhouse”e@ Pr&eya%lv’in the campus. $4191 month. 888-67 I I.Typing: Experienced- typist right5768358. Philip; Colunibia or Suinydalk beside campus. ,Self-correcting. areas. Will sublet for summer until Phillip, St.4 bedro,om typewriter. 7Sa/page, $3 for Shiatsu (Japanese Acupressure townhouse for rent (room for 5 or ‘.iease is over. Contact Dqye 88p’ Massage) - Give the pleasures‘ resuties. Call Ann g84-042 I. 6) May - Aukusti84. 5 minute 7035. Ed 886-9 169. and benefits, of. Shiatsu to walk to campus. %705,imonth plus Typing. $i.OO/page 1BM someone special. Gift certificates ’ utilities. 4 or 5 bedroom townhouse/ house Nori-smokers. 4 Select ti‘c; carbon ribbon; “- nbvj available. P. Henderson wanted for fail 84. WiIiirig to take appliances. -(&ii Lynn: 888-7406. corrections; grammar/spelling evenings 885-0622. lease. Jeff 884-9967 or Glen 884paper provided; proofreading Room-mate wanted to share 2 6359. \ included; svmboi! italics avaiibedrqom apt 170 Wissier Rd. bbie; work berm rkports, theses, (behind Conestoga Mail) Rent essays. 579-55 13 evenings. $2001mo. Fully carpeted, new. Dow&own Kitchener location, Furnished. Call Rob at 886-2369. - .. MAGGIE can Type it! Essays,Spacious, partially furnished Work term in London May -Sept. Lost: One Sheaffer technical townehouse to sublet May Aug Thesis & Letters $1.OO per page. Large, compietqiy furnished 2 pencil. Blue/silver. If found, Resumes $5.00. “Free” Pickup & ‘~~da~e~~risn~~~~~~~~~ Cai1 bedroom apartment. Pool. -. please call: Maureeri d84-3 I 79,i Delivery. Phone 74-3-1976. laundry. parking, cablevision, -_ Swiss Army knife. Lost Feb. 6th, waterbed, and more. $300 plus Summer housing (can continue Experienced typist, accurate and utilities, No lease. Call Rick, Marc reward. Please leave phone int-d. fail). Share luxury furnished dependable. Near University. (519)438-9180. number with turnkeys. house with two grad &den@ Reasonable rates. Top quality (nonsmokers). Parking: Sunprint. Call Shirley 745- 1312. bathing balcony. Washer/dryer. accurate typing of Downtown Kitchener walking Reliable, di’stance ,to Mafket Square. 20 papers, beports and resumes on an minutes to University by bus. IBM Selectric. $ i.OO/doubie spaced, proof reading included. $225/nionth includes uiilities. Jane 579-55 13evenings. Call Sue at 579-6 157.

Earn $6.00. Female students wanted for a psychology study of visual imagery and expressiveness. Takes approximately 1hour: Please call 886-2597. ’

Campers are still here!!!!

Happy Birthday “T”. Have a Good One! Love from your Roomies. ,

25 years experience; 6% double spaced page:. Westmount area; Call 7439342.


-in, Lebanese


like Falafels, Hornas, and Shish Kebab. ~veg~~tf~rirrrr Dishm (Up to 12 varieti&)

w1 ctlso 01ffpr


Enjoy a relaxing evening with Cedars of&Lebanon any day of the week. -And for those special occasions: there’s room-for parties up to 100 Persons. Cedars of Lebanon even .provides a cake to make your celebrations a little bit better! We now

also offer catering to groups of -’ 25-400 people. (:ctcl 74&4.%&? crr,rl auF;Ritrc to look after you;

Photographer requires male physique models. Please enclose a recent- photo a&# phone number. &40 tickets needed desperately. Contact : D. Lerss. P.?. Fox 43, Willing t0 pay up t0 $ iO.OOapiece. ( Etobicoke, ()nt. Call 886-4738. Adelaide, Australia, wanted films, Kamla Forman 4R XC’hem: We slides/ photos or information on -hear good things come in 3’s but Adelaide, Australia; will pay foi .,YOU can leave your sisters at use, Call 8g6-4592 Art or ‘-. -‘Desmond.., .+: _ .E fisrne: The R’ecengers.



BELLYDAhCER Friday &Saturday

’ in

-: -~

,’ i ” ’

Wa[letsize *



Knight’k _


left unfinished

- :

basketball (no players). j David “Tuffy” Knight is moving on. The The women’s basketbat coach, Marie Denham, \ athletics directorsince 1965 and h&ad football commutesIo games and practices from &elph, coach at Wilfrid Laurier University-since 1966’ \ where she is a teacher. Their team has gone O-l 2 stepped do&n Monday to accept a position with for the past three seasons, including a 103-l 9 the CFL’s Toronto Argonauts. loss to Guelph this season. WLU is forced to draw Duiing his nineteen’ years- with WLU, encom5 from their intramural program\to get enough passing bout Waterloo Lutheran and Wilfrid varsity players for women’s basketball; Lauriel, his football teams have done some Two separate events at Laurier’s athletic -ama;ing things. Thricethey have appeared in the complex on January 11 th of this year earned the College Bowl (now Vanier Cup), and have been in , respect of no one. First, WLU men’s basketball the CIAU semifinals four times. - coach Chris Coult-hard unilaterally decided to ban -Overall, Knight’s teams have won 109 games, the Warriors Band from that evening’s game se’cond only to the great Don Looney of St. Francis between Waterloo and Laurier. He believed that Xavier. As well, thirty-five former WLU football the band had been on the WLU floor at last year’s-: \ players halve appeared in the CFL. game, which he felt was a-good enough reason to ’ According to the Kitchgner-Waterloo Record, bar their entrance to the game. A bysh league Knight had three objectives when he came to action like that and one is supposed to-earn . WLU: to develop a top-ranked football team, build _ respect for the athletic department? an athletic complex, and establish a nationallyThe second began just before halftime when ( respect’ed athletic program. “I feel that I have . Laurier guard Dave MacNeil wound up with a attained all of my goalsset back in 1,965,” Knight broken jawafter an incident between him aad commented. Waterloo guard Peter Savich. But hash’e?Ther&‘snodoubtaboutthecompletion of his first two goals. Aftei all, WLU’s football 1 -Knight and Coulthard d?cided to take action through a league process, which foundSavich team was ranked No. 1 in the CIAU for most of guilty of “intent to injure” against MacNeil. October this past season until losing to Guelph. Waterloo head coach Don McCrae was dismayed, Another loss a week later against McMaster stating that “there was never an attempt to knocked them out of the playoffs. injure. H,e (Stivich) did not aim any blows at any As well, their Athletic Complex is right there on time.” The charge was Cater reduced, but the the corner of King and University for anyone to sentence of a five g_ame suspension was upheld. see, including the people who swam there-during Knight doesn’t g&t any respect for tryinup win the OUAA swimming and diving championships decisions in courts, instead of on them. this past weekend. Tuffy’s a great footbalt mastermind, and I wish Ha5 Knight established a nationally respected him all the-best with the Grey Cup champion athletic program? Unless you’re looking at Argos. But national respect for WLu’s athletic football, hockey or soccer, the answer has%o be program? Heck, Tuffy, you don’t even have the no. Among the WLU weak sisters are the varsity most respected university athletic program in the cross-count’ry and rugby teams (first year of Dan.nld Duerwh city. operation), tennis team‘(no coach), and women’s , P



push the Big Sisters: contribute!

“It is a riot, a lot of fun” is how Ursula Van ’ Buskirk, a Big Sisters volunteer and member of its board of directors, describes the annual Bus Push to raise money for the charity. Van Buskirk said that the Kitchener-Waterloo regional office of Big Sisters is “the largest Big Sisters organization in Ontario”, and then added quickly, “with the least amqunt of funding.“This is one reason why the local branch appreciates the moneys raised by the Bus Push. The essence of Big Sisters’ work is “matches”. A “match” is made when a pig, Sister volunteer is provided, to a boy or girl between the ages of four and sixteen years. The volunteers provide friendship and support to, and foster selfconfidence in, children from troubled family backgrounds. The main problems addressed are those of making friends and school*“performance. According to Van Buskirk, the local Big Sisters has arranged 171 “matches”; however, she said, forty “little sisters” and thirty Big Sisters are waiting to be matched. Big Sisters’ volunteers are required to make a one year commitment. There is a traini.ng.period for volunteers in March, and another in September that is aimed at university students.

_A. reading /

a steamy






But what is to bedone? The first order of business is to extend q hearty “welcome back” td those,Arts axd ES stud‘ents who have returned. The second is tosympathize with all those stud6nts who did not go away but I , 2 .1LL.j C’’ -~~~pcjto ta!+;<* ip j-he early SviQq q?TrI : i‘:

addressed University _


But, -for the . hoping or her finishing





_Staff Meetings I

1:00 p.m. 5:00 @.m. 1:OOp.m.

Friday, Feb. 24 Monday, Feb. 27 Friday, March 2

\,, \ \

Cover photo by lV!ark Lussier


Editorial staff Editor-in-chief Production Business

Don Button Manager




Managing News



Entertainment Sl,(fi’!‘>

* John



Sylyia D


W. Bast Hannigan

Kat hl,een Keil y Donald,










p h-f?;.>


alas, no matter what plans dne might have future, reading week 1.984 is over. Here’s that everyone h&d a-good time, got all his work done, and is looking forward to the term. Cheer?,! T ‘

tc 0:

Cont~buting Staff . - Diborah Austin, John W. Bast, Kathryn Bereza, Marlene Bergsma, Vicki Beninger, Gerald Blancher, Frank Bon, Jim Boritz, Laurel Borland, Harold Bransch, Mike Brooks, Doreen Brown, Leanne Burkholder, Alison Butlin, Don Button, Bob Butts, Claudio Cacc?otti, Raym:)nd Cheng, Sharon Chen, Alison Child, Rob Clark, George Elliott Clarke, Jack Cooper, Andrew copp, John H..Davie, Carl Davies, Rob Dobrucki, Sara Dreeger, Donald Duench, Karen-Duncan, Carol Fletcher, Catherine Frid, Todd Furlani, Rob Garratt, Michelle Gauthier, Sanjay Goel, Janice Goldberg, Brian Grady, Joanne Graker, Kirsten Gunter, Sylvia Hannigan, Judy Hartman, Dave Herron, Bill Humphri&, Aeyliya Husain, Jim Jordan, Jim Kafieh, Jane Kalbfleisch, John -’ Keamey, Kathleen Kelly,.Jennifer Kennington, Corinne Knight, William Knight, Catherine Leek, Liz Legget, Glenn Love, Mark Lussier, Time MacNeil, Clare Maher, Cathy McBride, Linda McCord, Michelle &lcGinty, Neil McInnis, Andrea McKenzie, I”llan Mears, Patricia Michalewicz, Glen Moffat, Clark Morris, Steve Motluk, Kathe Nahatchewitz, Brian Oliver, Marcel Ouellette, Doug Parket, John Pauli, Tim Perlich, Thomas Persoon, Karen Plosz, Patti Presti, Michael Provost, Greg Pruner, Fabio Pucci, Josephine Rezo, Diane Richards, Nathan Rudyk, VinayRuparell, Anthony Saxon;Barbara AnnSimpson, Robin Slaughter, Julie Smith, Rob Stevenson, Lydia Stewart, Su Tedesco, Paul Totten, Tony Van Oostrom, Alicia Vennos, Terry Voth, Paul Wafars-Battinik, Ed Wailer, Jackie Wailer, Linda Watt, Alex Weaver, Rbn West, Simon Wheeler, John Wieczonek, Caren Whitford, Karen Young, Sue Young. , Anyone with additions or corrections should nqtify the editor&chief in writing.

+ .


standing loyally by their sides, others skipped the campu9 and headed for such exotic locations as ‘. Oakville, Brockville, and Toronto, hand-inihand - -with their favourite LLBO beverage.--As a r&ult, the campus looked rather deserted: and barren this week. The Modern Languages


Coffee Shop, the Arts Undergraduate LoungeFhd . the Environmental Studies Atrium seemed i starved for attegtion, Moreovgr, the ca.mpus ratio pf men to women increased, making some people very happy and others very unhappy. Life ’ on campus j&t was not the same without the -usual complement of Aits and ES students.

Unive~siQ~ o newspatiel Waterloo, $ Imprint Q Ngwspapel every seconc

Impmt: ISSN 0708-7380 2nd Class Postage mgi@ration P&ding Imprint r&efies the r@ht to screen, 9 edit, and rem-8 advertising.

week .- for all%. the ~ stud&s?

Reading week. What a concept! A week of rest and recreation, rumination and retaxaiion, ’ rewlation and romance, suspended-between the horrors of midterms and the iigors of finals. A lull ii7 the war to get papers written-on time and book read in time. l-n general, a tiery good idea. (Whoever thought of it should be inductedintoihe Order of ‘Progressive People. (OPPli) ._ -After.watching academic work becsme.d mon$eras big and scary as a month’s load of . dirty laundry, Arts tind Environmental Studies students had the opportunity to cut that beast. down to sik this \aeek. :.,it. F ‘c-+ \r,.+;.;.jp-1 f;;’ ,?;, .‘. s th pJfjyl.q_tr, * :‘r s is n&-r.



It appears that the Kitchecer-Waterloo branch L of Big Sisters has two great needs: more vo!unteers and more cash. And University of Waterloo students are in a position to help. UW students can help volunteer-wise by giving a litt!e time to those yduhgsters in the community who lack someone with whom to share their problems and-experiences. And students can help cash-wise by taking part in the eighth annual Bus Push on March 10th. Pledge sheets are available now at the Engineering Society “A” office for those-who wish to participate in the Push. Bus Push directors, Henry Gilbert,and Leil Setchell, can be co&acted at ext. 2323 for more information. According to Van Buskirk, the Bus Pushlis a “lot -,of fun” and “creates 8 sense of community among the participants. . . The mayors, aldermen, and students get involved . . . Little Sisters and Big Sisters get involved, too.” So come on out and help to build a closer bond i between the community and the university, help ,put smiles on_ some children’s faces, and have a lot of fun doing it, too. Help Big Sisters help little people. . -_ \ ’ George Elliott Clarke

Imprint is the &dent newspaper at the Waterloo. It is an editormy independent published, by’ Imprint mblications, corporation wimotit share capital. a member of the Ontario Community Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes ~i~duringtheSpr~termandeveryFrida3r~~ the regular terms. Mail should be “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, Waterloo, WaterlE, Ontario.”



Advertising >;;a Business News




Brian Mark Leanne Ahab *.

Grady Lussier Burkholder Al&l-Aziz ?

.L I)_ . In today’s world thecatdhwori is:N,$Iv’.l I ingobj_e$+l~+.v+~ & with the feelirig that ’ world and its time span, How can you feel i& z ‘fall-powerful From new cars to new detergent we have, we are gods - constantly, instihily, when you discover that beeq taught both that ‘new’ is better, and pioving our material goods ‘old others thought as you or believed in their objects that- in many cases that it, is, the only give us a sense of time and people. While ‘power’ as you do back in 1952 with their revolutionary Shavers:’ It’s laughable, in a ‘(Fppropriate- condition in which -we may ; an unworn shirt testifies only to its manuIreceivefihings. Only antiques a,void this fact&e, a shirt handed down testifies toa-. humbling and secure way. There are no label (pi libel) because their antiquiiy rather, mother, uncle, or sister and ,twa gods here. no supermen, none! It’s just ord@ary folks like you and me. whether of one hundred years or on.e/feeling of continuity and at the same time Dents ’ testify to history, thousaqd years - is revered as valuable.$ mortality. we’ve got to realise that nothiig is so Why?* bewuse this’ antiquity Speaks. It I missing pie& too, by their absence. ‘different, so awesome, so new. We’re not 1’ . gods who re-create our clothing and Iteilsus of-past beauty and other peoples, it - . establishes linkages to our past, and to New objects like a 1982 revolutionaiy furniture And cars every year, every week, others. It helps us find who and where we electric shaver leave us feeling all- every day, but just folks whd renew the come from. powerful, but old objects like a 1952 feeling of that guy on that 1952 morning The emphasis on the ‘new’ today has revoluti&nary electric shaver leave us with his radical revolutionary electric had other negative e[fects. While acquir- * feelingtbemused at our small placeA this shaver. Paul Zem’mkhol

\ , . io the editor: “Theism flogged to death” proclaimed the bannerofyour Feb. . 17th issue iri whichwe were treated to a wonderful assortment of comments and criticisms of the questions that-belief in God demand we entertain.. it is not solely by coincidence that the 1983-84 Pascal Lecturer is 8 man eminently qualified to shed new insight’s on these important questions. Dr. Alvan Plantinga, ‘John 4. 0’.Brien. Professor of Philosophy at the University of TNotre Dame is tin eminetit logician and philosopher of religion, J.and this year’s Pascal iect’urer. / $- D@ng;,Dr. ‘Plantin-ga’s tw6days on’cappus he will be involve& at’ so&e .a%peci cif the ’**in . &jui- ‘pubiic; r&etitig$-t all.girectedrelationship between religious belief and the university. The four iseminars are: Student Seminar_: Phys 145, Wed. Feb. 29 at 3:30 p.m. Plantinga -will be d&s&g the difficult problem. “How to-be a Christian Phjlosopher”. This seminbr is especially designed for #maximum audience participation and will bc of interest to / ,/ students of all faculties.



, Pascal Lecture No. 1: Wed. Feb. 29th Theatre of the Arts,8:00 p.m. Plantinga’s evening lecture will be entitled, “Rationality and Belief in God”. Philosophy and Religious Studies Seminar: H H 334 at 3:30. Plantinga’s paper will be entitled, “On coh&=nce , and f . ‘Fotindations”. Pascal Lecture No. 2 Maroh 1, Theatre of the Arts, 8;OO p.m. Plantagina’s second lectur6 will be entitled “Divine ForeD knowledge and Human Freedom.” The entire University community is encouraged to ittend these free lecturesand seminars. Plantingais well known both for his erudition’ and the quality of public speaking: ti rare -. combination! The Pascal Lectures, now in their sixth year, are designed to provide a forum for a leading Christian thinker to * bring their religious beliefs to questions that face the university and its members. It is the hope and prayer of th_e Pascal committee that this will again be the case in 1984. . Robert C. James .x Pascal ComnGttee


To the editor: Regarding 1984:


El/&~ t t Clark


of’ Fehrrrar?* 17.

To the editor: ;/ ,I would like to take this opportunity to express my personal I gratitude to-Dr. Wright and the university administration for allowing the Federation of Students to continue the Federation -Hal1 project. The administration of thisuniversityaong with its alumni have given Waterloo an outstanding reputation l1 throughout academic circles all over North- America. The current administration must certainly ,be committeb to mgintaining this high .level of standards which can only benefit each and everyone of us. But it is nice to know that they have odt > forgotten,that part of the evolution of this university must be geared toward? constantly improving’the socialand recreationa? -, facilities on campus. Columbia Ice Field is a worthy addition to the recreational facilities available to students and the Waterloo ’ Community. I anticipate that Federation vail will fulfil1 ,d similar need ic the social aspects of university ‘life. The new pub facility will bring‘ a new -dimension tq, the Waterloo Campus.‘First and foremost, it “will provide students with an excellent entertainment centre on campus, This implies less (or ng) driving for many students. It will also help imptove the overall University life o& weekends ---&area of our social life which is sorely lacking here $t W+terloo‘. Finally, it will offer a decent convention centfe and banquet facility to the university community. At the same time, all revenues from Federation Hall will be coming back into thestudents’pockets rather thamanelite group of Waterloo btisinessmen. 1 . \ Many ,peopl&, students and administr&ion alike, may be asking why ye, the students, should be putting our hard earned. dollars into a ptib facility rather than new academic facilities -(lecture halls, office space, lab equipment). I rebut thisargument , by proposing that it is the administration’s responsibility to at least provide these things to the students. Federati&‘Hall will provide an excellent outlet for students whoknj$ a ‘mixture of social and academic activities at univ?rsity. At this stage of our lives meeting people and making friends is more important than learning about Pavlov’s &ondi$ional responses or the UNIX Operating System. In the end our social skills are going to be the most important tliing we develop at ufiiversity when movingan to the “Real World”. So once again f thank the unive&y administration for allowing this project to continue on, hopefully to completion, without undue fuss. Perhaps, if I’ve reached enough. sentimentalists on the Board of Goyernors,,the university may

is The short piece entitled, “For Native Government”, not at all the favourable view 1 think that Clarke intended. but is rather-‘&n extremely racist article’ that depicts all Native people as having “ . .. . long. shining dark hair braided with bGads, aad feet shod in mocassins, . .” read> to replace all bank towers’with wigwams. It isasmallcomfort to knowthat therea’resomeidealists left, but let’s be sensible. The only thing of weight in thi.4 column is the writing style. ‘l*hope that in the future Mr. Clarke will keep his drmms where ihey belong - in his subconscious. _ J. Butterworth . II \



’ Is it tru’e that Herr Hitler died,.was entombed in your memory for three days, then-rose to preach hate to your’cabinets, your war . _ ... his final ascqnsion into a bomber% cockpit? 1 : Come,‘now, I hake heard your citizens, your Afnkaaners, pray, ’ covncik,‘before\ have ~ard’rtim&rs!~ . “All men are brothers”, and I have heard your military bands, their Come, now, be a godd sport! do not ariswer &ie allegations _ brass instruments glinting in sunlight, strike up martial songs, oh I with the chatteririg of machine-guns nor ihe laughing ofhyenas. I I days of national hypocrisy, to proclaim the glbry of Lord God. As To the editor: ’ I<<” !’ . >~ti~!1UL~~ki. Women in Engineering. well, I have seen the postcards and the posters your Ministers of fear that you .murder your opponents! I remember what your !i Truth send all around the world to convince those who would ’ justice system did to&teven Bike! . In a letter to Forum, 20 January 1.?83, references wePe made Government.of South Africa, have you no shame! Yorr artists ’ r about the exploitation of sex by society. The writer identified the otherwise not believe, of the beauty of your land. -cannot breather. Your poets turn into -skeletons in ygbr cities indiScriminate distribution of prophylactics and .birth control Yet, you insist on.torture.Yob ringyourresortswith bunkersand bright as whited sepulchres. Your lovers drown their children in -barbed wire. You let “witches” burn in your townships. You call pills by the Birth Control Centre (BCC) and Health Services as that vallg-qf tears, the South Atlantic! Your prophets hide in the yourself a republic when you refuse the majprity of your citizens examp_les of this exploitation. Further allegations to the shadows of your deserts, survive &n wild honey and locusts, and the right to vote. You call yourself the Union of South Africa, when misappropriation ofstudentfunds to finance these distributions you are a factioned and schizophrenic nation, a house divided travelaround baptizing many in the name of Mar% Vlling _them’ prompts the fol_lowing reply: out tp join the ministry of revolution - the only faith in a faithless Health Services is staffed by physicians, not pharmaceutical against itself, a shotgun marriage of peoples. t land! salesmen. .Before prtiscribing, any contraceptive aid. th’e Oh, what hypocrisy, whafcontradiction, is this, oh friends! 1send you this epistle out of love, not fear. 1do not want to see : physician-is obliged to perform a thorqugh health evaluation.. _ Ciotiernment of South Africa, how ~&-.y.& ministers, your public servants, sleep at night? What visions 09 hand grenades your state wither any further. Following this, the pill may or may not be advised,-and if so, this IwanttotellyouhowwearyIamofyoureviIs:~escreamatnight dance in their skulls? What dreams of electrocution bring them to physician may have available a suitable sa-mple, provided at no and the howl at dawn;,the police dogs that scamper across the . orgasm? charge by the manufacturer. veldt after a fleeting darkness only the brave. or Gutcast call Your Minister of Finance fattens himself on diamondsand gold, Similarly, stude’nt funds are not used to purchase \ human. prophy!actics for distribution by the BCC. -For promotioVp, while multitudes -starve in Soweto. Your,Minister of Defence I want to tell you, governors aid councillors of cruelty, that y&r pharmaceutical companies have provided the BCC in excess bf gorges on flesh and bone and sees guerillas behind every bush or timeupon this earth is almost finished. Unlessypu repent, you will lamppost. Your Minister of Justicq prohibits this and outlAws that, 15 pounds of prophylactics since September. Thesecondomsare soon be cut off by a swift and terrible vengeance. God is a jealous _ deports nu,ns and arrests p@sts, orders the descendants of Zulu ‘available to cbuples and individuals choosing to use this method _. God, ye worshippers of Moloch! and Bantu warriors to carry pass ca,rds in4he streets; and exiles of contraception, on a sample basis only. I must now address my people: - * those sons and-daughters of Europe who protest too tiuch. Your Rather than viewing the availability of birth controfpills and Oh, downtrodden and burdened people! Remember y&r Minister of State cannibalizes even the Madonna and Son. :prophylactics as an exploitation/ of sex, ihe BCC regards the’ exc6llent heritage, your gl9rious histqry+ and, rise up QOW. Take access to contraieption as a positive means of advocating ~ You are no government, but a kennel, a coven, a de? of thieues. sisters,‘r&Qlt ,Mth,lov@ Reyolt wi!h . / Yiiu-ar~.int~n~i~,na~-terroiists, ga+ng$ers, and thugs. Yqu are a your frc?edom! Brothersand “responsible . * Dave Henimerichf ?. _’ + . sexuality. ’ j, T’ I ._ I . lov+LibeTate thy+e!f,&nia! L~ajustandr;ighteousgoyetnment * PauLKu?nert‘ pafliamerib of-shrunken heads-:on-,a ferice, a:aenate of a&assins, >’ . ,‘“. ) z. .,p . : The Birth Control Centre -- , with the rhetoric of valentines atid the policies of de&h camps. .come! c \ . \ . . i / h * \ /Y .



\ To-the Government of South AfiiCa





d /



, .




/ _

_ .-

* ,.





-Imprint. Friday, February

-1 _ 24,1984,-





i d by Karen Plosz , ’ / , / Imprint staff On Tuesday, February 7&b, Nicole R_ol!and of the University of Waterloo French department ushered a small gathering of interested students through a lunch-hour film entitled, From The Y-Ashes: Nicaragua Today, presented by the Asian, African and Latin American Study Group. _ Rolland was well-equipped to speak on the situatiop in Nicaragua, havtig been part bf a 17&eniber Canadian Solidarity toyr that worked for two intense weeks last June and which had numerous contacts -with various Nicaraguan labour . unions. She introduced the tiovie by describing the Nicaraguin revolution as a “grass roots revolution. It’s happening because the people want it to happen.” The film explored many themes. It described the Nicaraguans’ 1 resentment of the Somoia regime, the 1979 revolution, the rebuilding of ‘Nicaragua through education and an intense national literacy camapaign, the social effect of increasing westernization and increasing political atiareness, and the deterioration of U.S./ Nicaraguan relations which b?gan when Ronald Reagan suspended a $15 million loan needed desperately . by Nicaraguans for their economy., Rolland expanded on the movie aftertiards, saying, “Nicaraguans are deeply committed. The priorities on peo$le’s minds is to meet production quotas set by the government, and to

survive. On top of taking care of their land,\they wo;ld then have to do vigil, a maximum of four to six hours‘a night - womenand childfen both.” Nicafaguans a;i also strugglingto prepareforan election, but says Rol!and, “How can you hold an election when there are people beifig killed?’ * “Although we did not ‘see any aFtion, you we;e aware the action was not far away. A good proportion of the Nicaraguan population was engaged’at the border. Nicaragua is counting on international volunteers to help.” Rolland ..emphasized the important part’p‘layed by Nicaraguan h&h school students. “The literacy campaign could not have worked without the some 100,000 high school students who went into the country for six months and $,aught 400,QQO people to read.” _ B What seemed to frost impress Rolland was the Nicaraguans’ lack of self-pity and boasting. “On the one hand, the popular feeling is to make saints and martyrs, but the living don’t vieiv themselves as such,” she said. “It’s quite humbling when you see them and how dedicated they are.” ’ ‘:When we came back,“shecontinued,“wewreambitiousand ready to crusade.” Members of the group have since written papers and articles, and given .talks and lectures to promote awareness. If you are interested in obtaining more informatiqn, please contact Nicole Rolland at extension(2414, or Jane Rollandat the K-W Global Community Centre at 743-71 I 1. l


Jewish . cultukzl colzflicts .- ’

by Julie Smith ‘= Imjkint staff After the National Film Board’s international suicess with “If You Love This Planet”, it is hardly a surprise that their dther films dealing with nuclear holocaust are as well-made and just as terrifying. Last week, a campus group, Science for Peace, presented the Canadian version of the television movie, “The Day After”. “After the Big One” dealt with the consequences of a nuclear war as well as with the-Federal Government’s emergency plans to deal *with the unspeakable. The prairies’are the special concern of the filmdue to their close proximity to North D_akota, where U.S. President Ronald Reagan stores enough of his atomic hardware to make the state the third largest nuclear power if it ever separated. Besides their proximity to this danger zone, the.prairies would be,a 1,ikely target in a nuclear exchange-due to their large supply of grain. As,well, the audience was told that every city that Air Canada. or Canadian Pacific airlines serves would be marked for destruction, to pievent airports from being converted to war use. Luckily, the Federal Government has made emergency plans, but unfortunately they are only of use to a selected few. The film depicted an elaborate shelter built forgovernment officialsin the event of nuclear war, This shelter is. equipped with every convenience, including offices and typewriters for Members of Parliament besides the exhected food stores and air filters, In addition, there is a broadtiasting station, which’might prove useful - if there is someone left t,b whom to broadcast. After describing the Federal Government’s well-laid plans for its members, the audience was quickly brought down to earth. when it learned of the emerge&y measures that the rest of the country must take. One Western farmer described,-the contingency pIan for Prairie fa.rmers as being quite impossible. It was suggested to him that in the event, of nuclear war, he should cover everything including his house and,his family, his livestock and any ponds or lakes he has &his land. As well, government official8 suggested that the farmer remove t$e t6p six inches of topsoil from his fields in order to avoid contamination. All of-these procedures would have to be

b;v I$icardcLScipio orthodox Jews hold the. Imprint staff belief that there should be As part of their no Israel without the “Heritage Days”festiVities, Messiah, while the modern the Jewish Students’ -Jews support the declarAssociation presented the ation of the new Jewish film, The Chosen at the -- state with all their might Campus Centre. The and with all their soul. screening , was wellattended, with an audience The modern Iewish fairly representative of the boy’s father goes on a student body at laige. nationwide speaking tour The plot of the movie c to arouse support for the __ revolves around the special Sewish‘ “freedom fighters”, friendship of two Jewish and his son follows his boys, one a modern and the example by helping to other an orthodox Jew. in smuggle arms to Israel. The the first scene, the .boys orthodox g Jewish boy’s meet a,t a .baseball father, who -is a’ Hasidic diamond, and soon Rabbi, ‘forbids his son’s afterwards become friendship with the modern virtually inseparable. They boy, and his son complies experience -each other’s fully with his father’s lifestyle, and quickly learn wishes; that there is- a bigger gulf . The two boys go through be’tween -them than ,they -a simultaneous period of ’ had ever imagined. “soul searching”, thi end The major conflict in the result being the mo-dern film is incited- by the Jew’s decision to become a _ campaign in the late 19403 Rabbi, and the orthodox to establish a Jewish Jew’s decision to see more homeland. In the film, ihe of the world. .

done in the short space of time between the warning-and the actual dropping ofthe b6mb. The film was meant to be discomforting so as to remind viewers not to but ‘faith in the_Eederal Government’s powers to protect. The predictable message in the film was that citizens cannot afford-to wait for nucleafwar to happenand hope that all goes well. Citizens must take action now, if they a;e ever to avoid Fhe big one. 4. :

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come to realize that hi’s own ego-is of no lmportancein comparison with the existehce of his nation.” -Adoif Hitler, 1933, Biickeburg

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c ’






by Scott Wicken The night of February 16th was an evening of excellence in entertainment. Ruby’s at the Waterloo Inn provided the venue for the CIA Roadshow featuring Toronto bands Breeding Ground, Alta Moda, and the Dave Howard Singers; three bands different in style and presentation, but who together formed a unit in which each band complemented the other. Dave Howard, with Max his drum machine and Ace his electric organ, formed the opening act. Howard is a natural entertainer. Prior to February of 1982, he wasa member of the band Diner’s Club. His solo career was initiated at the Cameron Hotel on Toronto’s trendy Queen St. when the drummer for his band dropped out, forcing Howard to play alone in order to save face. Since then, he has been the supporting solo act for such bands as Jab Wobble, James Chance, Kinetic Ideals, Rent Boys Inc. and Breeding Ground. At the Waterloo Inn, Howard immediately 1 struck up a rapport with his audience, telling jokes and using Max for the l-2 punch after each punchline. The audience was quickly laughing and stamping their feet; they were

at Bent pub tamed and cajoled to the point where Howard controlled them. ’ Although only a one man band, his sound was rich and full due* to his addtional instruments, and the adeptness with which he played them. The heavy beat of Max with Howard’s vocals and the thrashing quality of his organ seemed to strike the nerve of the soul and was irritating enou h to retain the s attention of the audience. 9 The highlights of hisshow would have had to have been Child Molester which was depressing, but successful in presenting a social problem in\a memorable way. Howard says the object of his music is to reach as many people as he possibly can. In fact, after this tour he intends to start recording some new material, having already released an album-length tape that is available in Toronto. When asked about the. alternative music scene in Toronto, he saysit goesin rotationsof two years. Having peaked a year ago, it is presently tapering‘ off and will be dead in .the summer. With bands like the Dave Howard

Singers,this is hard to believe. Look forward to Kinetic Ideals). The band has released two vinyl products; one self-titled, four song EP futcre performances of Dave Howard as he promises to return after recording his first -and their latest Reunion/Slaughter 10 inch single. vinyl material. John Shirreff offered the following on his Next on the evening’s agenda was the version of music: “I do not like music that’s quartet Alta Moda, featuring vocalist Molly pegged.. . my view is that an artist should write Johnson, guitarist Norman Orenstein, bassist music for himself and if anyone wants to buy it, &rick Lyons and drummer Steven G. A band they do.” heavily influenced by R and B and funk, they ’ He is tired of “dated-Sandinista” type successfully caused the audience to get up and protest songs, and prefers, to write music that dance. is lasting, interesting and abstract. Sherriff Basic drumtracks were pre-recorded in says that he often writes a line for the simple order to allow the talented StevenG t-0 play a fact that it sounds good: “Like poetry,” he more important role than a simple metrosays. “Some poems are great even though you nome. As well, saxophones and various other don’t know what they mean.” “noises” were recorded to create a broader Breeding Round’s music still has a message, sound. The addtion of pre-recorded tracks ina but there is a certain amount of art involved. concert atmosphere, creates a studio quality The music was danceable, atmospheric, and sound while still providing the experience of a thoroughly enjoyable. Special note must go to live show. their performances of Winter-garden and . Responding to the video craze, the band their most-popular Reunion. employs video screens in their Toronto gigs, In the past, Breeding Ground has been adding yet another dimension to their show. described as “young, hungry and aggressive”. They have played at the Spectrum in They already have a healthy following and Montreal, at speakeasies in Toronto, at art seem geared for success. After this tour, they galleries, and even in S&bury. They like toget are writing new material and preparing for around,and with their talent are destined for their tour with Echo and the Bunnymen which success in some form or another. They create will come to Waterloo on March 23rd. the sound that initiates foot tapping, laughing, It would be difficult to choose “the best” and ‘dancing. Their motto is “Go VaA Gough, bandofthethreeduetothequailtyofthem,soI and don’t dilly dally”. Still only a young band, won’t. Many thanks must be extended to Bent _ they have a lot of spunk and this was obvious for this show, without whom the music scene on Thursday night. in K-W would be very limited. We can all look The third band up was Breeding Ground forward to these bands and others coming to who were formed in the Fall of 198.1. Their thisarea in the future. lineup includes vocalist John Shirreff, guitarAll in ail, February 16 was a night of --many ist Hugh Gladish, bassist Jonathan Strayer superlatives; in one word, exquisite. and drummer Jonathan Davies (formerly of

Top Ten Albums I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. _ 7. 8. 9. * 10.

Simple Minds - Sparkle in’the Rain Nena - 12 in. single 2 99 Red Balloons Danse Society - Albumand 12in.single Jah Wobble, The Edg?, Holger Czukay - Snake Charmer Grandmastei/Melle - EP - White Lines (Don’t Don’? Do It). Eurythmics - Touch The The - Soul Mining Wang Chung - PointscOn The Curve Hunters and Collectors Michael Jackson - Thriller

Just Arrived


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the Grade:

TOP Canadian:

. Exaxn book a waste of tin@ -\ by Paul Car&no

In recent years, self-help books have flooded the shelves of bookstores with what seems to be an unending list of solutions . on how to flatten your stomach, hpw to make that elusive million dollars and how to match that shooting-star sexual climax. Patrick Grassick’s Makitig the Grade is another of these self-help books which claim to give all types of stuclentsall the information they need /on how to succeed at writing ‘formal tests and examinations. In short, Making the Grade just doesn’t make it. For,$9.95, Grassick has assembled a collection of all those study tips that parents and professors have been trying for years. The book is divided into three main sections: Preparing for @arm, Taking Tests, and Anxiety and Tests. Preparing for Exams tells you about the types of things’one should % practicing throughout the term.’ It includes information on making a schedule to plan study times throughout your regularly scheduled daily appointments, memorizing information through a flash card system and talking to professors about what type of information you should really understand in order to write a successful mid-te;m or final.



The information inthe second section, Taking Tests, is both repetitive of the information given in the first section an(’ simplistic in its use of examples. Now it’s not that the information that Grassick gives is ‘incorrect or invaluable but rather that it is very general. The tests that students write here at UW can be better prepared for by getting specific information from your professors or from freeliterature one can obtain from various groups on campus (i.e. information on writing the English Language Proficiency Exam ,can be obtained from the writing clinic in Hagey Hall). The section on Anxiety and Tests conveys the message that students should makesure you’re calm when yougo to write an exam. He includes .his own method of relaxing-the body by tensing of muscles and then relaxing them, but after trying the -method it see’ms that your own methods of staying both physically and mentally well will achieve the best results. Gmssick’s qualifications for writing the book are based on his seven year involvement with the student counselling services at the University of Calgary. . If you are looking for)a method to help you get through a course that you have neglected all term; this book will not help j ‘even though its marketing by MacMillan of Canada may make you think that. Free advice from counselling services around campus will help you more than buying a copy of Making the Grade will, and will save you $9.95.

1 * book isfor~niore


d aixcers ciime, to/ Kittihener / by Nathan Pudyk . Imprint staff - Local .dance patrons have been unjustly starved recently, but the arrival of Les Ballet Jazz de Montreal this Sunday at the Centre in the Square should provide some nourishment. Returning from sold-out performances in Paris’and New York, Canada’s pre-eminent modern dance exports , promise to set the stage ablaze with theirdaring,energetic \ performance. If you’re new to the world of dance, Les Ballet Jazzisan excellent introduction. Their flashy, I physical choreography and dazzling costumes are hits with audiences .around the world. ’ Seats are priced at $10.00, $12.50, and $15.00 and can ~ be bought at the Centre’s box office or by calling1570.

1 1



Foptball ,



by don b&ton I&print staff



The Franchise is one of the best books I have read in thelast , year or so. Primarily a sports book, it-appeals to a much wider audience than football fans because it isalsoa book about people’. and getting trapped in a lif style. It also has some literary merit, Y unlike Peter Gent’s previous football book, North Dallas Forty. North DalIAs Forty was an extremely successfulbook that ‘achieved even more success as a movie starring Nick Nolte. Other than being the first major novel based in the reality of professional football, North Dallas Forty haslittle else to offer. It was more an attempted expose of the sacred cow National Football League, and was most popular with football fans who longed to know what went on behind Ithe closed doors of the NFL. It was not a pleasant look at America’s favorite Sunday afternoon sport, and The Franchise’is no less unpleasant. It is, however, a much better book. Through hisfictitious expansion franchise, the Texas Pistols, Peter Gent explores his version of the NFL. Drugs, organized ‘crime, corruption, Union activities, and personal crises are all interwoven, into his ta/e of how the NFL really works and how that determines what happens on the field? He also explains the motivation of owners and portrays professibnal football as a


afternoon, and what they doafterwards. Again, it isn’t exactly an ‘multi-million dolja@ndustrynot as a sport - a view that puts the optimistic look, but it is real. actual games secondary to the big stakes of winning. And through,Taylor.Rusk, the greatest quarterback of hisera Which- leads to my biggest concern about Pe;er Gent and and on field leader of the Pistols, Gent shows how the system, The Franchise. I have no way of knowing for sue, and certainly Gent isn’t going to say anything, but I have a feeling that I’he starting right from high school, has been corrupted by owners ,Franchise isn’t as fictitious as he would have you think. It1is who want the best players possible but in manageable form. doubtful that The Franchise can be seenentirelyasacomment Football-wise, The F+xhise has no major flaws, although on the Dallas Cowboys, but it is quite conceivable that personal the coaching strategies of Gent’s coaches tend to be slightly too observation, a vivid imagination, and bitterness combined to theoretical.\But unlike many football novels, Gent’s characters, create The Fianchise. the team, their play, and the people around the team could be The bitterness. comes from his son’s involvement with real and don’t seem at all out of place. football, and Gent’s dedicating of the book “to my son, Carter The .weak point of the book, however, is Gent’s problems Davis Gent, a brave boy who-did his job, kept his promises, did making the plot’s progression realistic enough:. He definately not quit, and was still made to pay in pain for the mistakes and knows his football, and his characterization is flawless, however suggests that the motivation for The his attempts to make The Fratichise more than a jock book greed. ‘of others” Franchise did not come’from a sense 03 wanting to correct the forced him to move into an* unfamiliar area. Without giving wrongs in the football world. Which would explain why the novel anything away because this is a mystery novel in a way, some of the non-football types in The Franchise don’t behave in quite 4 is so negative. And Peter Gent was with the Cowboys when they’ the right manner. Gent takes a few liberties in this area, but they were building a Super Bowl contender out-of an expansion franchise. are easily forgiven due to.the quality of the rest of the book. Still, whether entirely fictitiou$ or a poorly concealed expose, Peter Gent, an ex-Dallas Cowboy-from the 1960’s, is well The Franchise is excellent reading. The first part of the book qualified to write about professional football’s less glamorous sets up the rest, through which I kept hoping that all the bad side. I have certainly seen nothing toindicate that his behind-thethings that I knew were going to happen wouldn’t. I found it to be scenes stories are not factual, and I was around football for ,years, although not at his level. The only part that may be extremely.hard to put down and thoroughly entertaining, and have no hesitation recommending it to anyone who can look at overdone is the amount of mob involvement - there may be . sports with an open mind. mob involvement in profmtball, but not on the level he indicates in The-Franchise. (The local mob all but takes over the Pistols With The Franch,ise, Peter Gent has moved to a higher level in The Franchise, and mobs do not control professional --of writing than North Dallas Forty, hopefully on his way to yet a football teams these days, no matter how- messed-up people l_ higher level should he write again. It is nice\[o see an ex-football player following a path’ so’ radically different from those he think the NFL is.) But other than that, fans can get aprettygood I m look at how their favorite team gets to-the field on Sunday presents in his books.

. n


“Through all the darkmss, thretigh all tie shame c?f’ lzyhi’c*hmen are capable, th.e spirit qf’man MviN r&vain ali\le on tfiis earth. - It ma-\* slpep, but it M-i// awlake. /t ’ rqa~l~\i’ear chpins, but it rr.ill break through. A-ndtna; hiI/ go on. ” . .’ . - ,


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OF OBJECTIVISM df Waterloo . I heath 746~1965

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Back at the turn of the century - before computers, TV sets, radios or even movies - people had to,-make their own entertainment during their leisure hours, and many of them did it with /games. There were card games, gambling games, skill ‘games, puzzles; and so forth. A special exhibit of ‘these antique games, played in Ontario between 1850 and 1900, is on display until March ’ 16. in the University of Waterr

loo’s Museum and Archive of -Games: The title of the display is “A Compendium of Games” and there is an act,ual “compendium” on display The Museum is in B.C. Matthews Hall, at the Columbia St. entrance to the UW campus; Museum hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday . through Friday; the museum can be opened evenings or on weekends by. appointment. Telephone 888-6380 for more information. Parking is free.

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thati just I Sports fans \

Prepared yourself with up


. 4

9 7









Imprint. Friday, February





Coming Events

Frida’y, February *

Neil Sedaka, Centre $17.50 and $19.50.




in’ the Square,


6:30 and 9:30 p.m.



The Carousel Dance Centre presents a colourful collection of children’s dance pieces. Humanities Theatre, 2 p.m. $3.00; $2.00 children.





in movement.


The Purcell Quartet, 5th Beethoven program presented by KWCMS. The Music Room, 57 young St. W., 8 p.m. $7 for students, $10 for others..


This part of the evening was introduced by the director, John Kerr, and incorporated a running narrative of Gilbert and Sullivan’s career by Brant Smith in the role of Gilbert and Ralph Hodgins as Sullivan. Scenes from earlier productions were projected onto two screens on either side of the stage. This section of the program was well presented but not

WLU features

Friday, ‘

Ukrainian Ukrainian Students’ Free.


Inn. Doors open at



Day Concert and Craft Workshop, funded by Students’ Association and the Federation 6f Creative Arts Board. Campus Centre, 12 p.m.

The Mother of Us All, Canadian-premiere of women’s rights opera by Virgil Thompson, sponsored by Festival Laurier,performed by WLU Faculty of Music. WLU Theatre Auditorium. 8 p.m. Free ticketsarranged bycalling884-1970, ext. 2278.

tops -

by Fraser Simpson


1. 5. 8. 9. 10. 12. 14. 15. 17. 18. 21. 22. 24. 25.

opera, film








l l


pink studios limited 350 King Street West, Kitchener,



Jumps quickly backward and curls up again. (7) It locates objects left and right. (5) Saying once again great pine has been chopped up. (9) Hit lightly, and get hit lightly in return. (3) Final part of crucial astronomy. (4) Sweets emphasized the wrong way. (8) An opportunity to hear monotonous melodies. (6) Be the first to decapitate. (6) Usual type of bicycle. (8) Sitting on a child’s toy. (4) Are about to get an organ. (3) Discover traces in a mixture. (9) Steps used in making annoying things. (5) Note a mixture of powder and moisture. (7)





consistent. Although the songs, G&S standar’ds were well chosen and the work of the players competent, the performance dragged in several places. The director could have made much better use of the slide show. As it was, the same scenes were shown over and over -again. This redundancy detracted from the overall effect. Down Hdwever, using two actors (Smith and Hodgins) in the roles of the two composers was an inventive and welcome addition. 1. Having to do with farming in the spectacular Urals. (5) In the second half of the program, the company performedan 2. Vessel used by Cupid. (3) a_11 new production of Trial by Jury. This short operetta is a satire l3. Land in their aquaplane. (4) on the English law courts of the late nineteenthcentury. 4. A slender piece of refinedqsilver. (6) ; Bruce Bricknell as the judge and Paul Nowak ai the usher of 5. Show the account book. (8) the court were marvellous. Bricknell’s command of facial I 6. Repel a man with soap. (9) expression and physical comedy made his numbers a pleasure 7. Rested, then worked as a model again. (7) ’ ’ to watch. Nowak’s voice and demeanour suited the part of the 11. Examples of flags. (9) usher perfectly. Alison Watson gave a fine performance as -13. Gossip of foot coverings many will take outside. (8) Angelina. 14. Get ready to leave, and have a picture taken with a teleThe choral work in this operetta was excellent. Musical scopic lens. (5-2) director Ralph Hodginsand pianist Laurel Parsons should be 16. Followed and crpted, perhaps. (6) commended for their exceptionally fine work in this production. 19. Nip down, it suggests, to get a common poster. (3-2) An Evening with Gilbert and Sulliuan certainly lived up to the 20. A bird heard at the farm in the morning. (4) standard of the G&S Society. As well as being a pleasant way to 23. A melody used in the fair. (3) spend an evening, it was a taste of what is to come later in-the year. This Spring (June 13 to 17), the Society will launch a major Answers ntixt week production of H.M.S. Pinafore. It should be-dFlightfu1. s Answers to last issue’s crossword: ! Across: 1. Cowards 5. Fling 8. Asserti-on 9. Nee 10. Hope 12. Measures 14. Pathos 15. Summer 17. Roofless 18’. Isn’t 21. Hoe 22. Imitation 24. Disks 25. Nearest Dotin: 1. Crash 2. Was 3. Rare 4. Shiver 51Fine8 p.m. The event will be a spectacle of music and sound, -L spun 6. Ignoramus 7. Greaser* 11. Patronpresenting Moliere, Colette, Cocteau, Rabelais, Baudelaire and \ ess 13. Coal-pits 14. Parched 16. Assign Beaumarc hais. 19. Tenet 20. Gala 23. Ice A play, especially for children 8- 12, will be staged by Toronto’s Cascade Theatre on Feb. 26 at 2:30 p.m. in the Paul Martin’ *Note: The clue for 7-down last week was inCentre. The play is entitled: This Can’t Be Happening at correct. A correct clue for the same word is as Macdonald Hall. follows: Agrees, strangelbl, to take the right gu-b Film offerings during the week are offered most days at three thp ’50s.. 1Derham. .I’frmn ---- -----r- f7). I./times - at noon, 9s Matinee performances at 2:30 p.m., and as Evening Cinema at 8 p.m. All screenings are in Room 1El. You are invited to bring your lunch to the noon-hour Brown Bag Films. A potpourri of films will be shown at the noon anc afternoon presentations. Some of the evening highlights include Mephisto, a film about a theatre director in Nazi Germany, on Feb. 28; and Ron Mann presenting his film, Poetry in Motion, on March 1. All offerings throughout the festival are offered free and no tickets are required. The opera is the one exception with tickets priced at $4 for adults and $2 for students and seniors.

arts festival:

With contemporary film and drama in the spotlight, and the Canadian premiere of an opera scheduled, the annual Wilfrid Laurier University Festival will take place February 26 to March 3 iti Waterloo. _c Receving its premiere will be the women’s rights opera, The Mother of Us AU, by Virgil Thomson, with libretto by Gertrude Stein. It will be presented in the University’sTheatre Auditorium March 2 at 8 p.m. with Virgil Thomson in attendance. A second performance will be given the next night at the same time. The exploration . of film and drama, especially their interaction, will be highlighted in many of the film and drama offerings during the week-long event. Tom Hendry’s The Gravediggers of1 942, a satirical musical in one-act, will be presented Feb. 29 at 8 p.m. in Room 1El of the Arts and Science Building. Tom Hendry will attend the play, to be directed by Trudy Carroll, a third-year honors English student. Gravediggers parodies the Hollywood musicals of an earlier era and also plays on the themes of the Canadians involved in the Dieppe raid of the Second World War.

in the



by Patricia Michalewicz .’ Imprint staff Upon occasion, two people will form a partnership and create together something which is infinitely greater than the sum of any work they may have created alone. Such is the case with William Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. Their solo works are long forgotten but their collaborations have endured long after theik deaths and remain as popular as they were one hundred years ago. An Euening with Gilbert and Sullivan, a benefit program presented by the Waterloo Regional Branch of the Gilbert and Sullivan Society, gave Saturday’s audience at the Humanities Theatre a fine sample of the pair’s best work. The ensemble devoted the first half of the program to performing excerpts from past productions. These favourite moments included selections from Gilbert and Sullivan’s most popular operettas such as The Pirates-of Penzance, H.M.S. Pinafore, The Mikado, and Ruddigore.


David Frizzel and Shelly West, award winning.country d uo, Centre in the Square. 8 p.m., $10.50, $12.50, $14,50.


Les Ballet Jazz de Montreal, sheer knergy Centre in the Square, 8 p.m. $10, $12, $15.



best big b&d.

David W-1I cox, Engsoc A Pub. Waterloo 9 p.m. $5 Feds, $6 Aliens.

Tokyo String Quartet, -oneQ of the world’s greatest quartets. The Studio, Centre in the Squard, 8 p.m. $11.50, $14.50; Students/Seniors $9, $12.50.

; Sunday,


The Spitfire Band, Canada’s Square, 8 p.m. $15.50, $18.50.

12 varidm

of Fhh & Chipa (including Halibut) Clam Chowder l Back Bacon on a Bun

o Burgers l Sandwiches CLi c<. \. Sr ,,,,$:;:~,:,~;$ g-~:~%$&g:c.Jl @fqq f$f bny.










Waterloo -- ___ 886-2933 478.A


Albert St. N. - Next to Zehrs Plaza - 885-0580 - Waterloo



M-T 10 am - 6 pm F 10 am - ‘cl a vmm -2 lA~ni-A~m


*ay Receipts ana’

3 ‘Education -Deductmn Certificates WHEN: March 1, 1984

WftEREi~F’UU~TIME, ON c/AMPUS STUDENTS:can pick up their Tax Receipts and./ or Education Deduction 1. Certificates at the former Cashiering wicket located at-the head of the stairs \ on the second floor of Needles Hall. ST. JEROtiE-& RENISON COLLEGE STUDENTS can pick up their documents I at their college officy. \ ky RE@SID’ENTSof Villages 1 & 2, Minota -Hagey and Renison Collegecan pick them up at their residence mailboxes. 1 E VER YBOD Y ELSE (part-timers, including part-time grads, co-op students on work term, etc.) will receive their docu-ments by mail. PLEASE NOTE: If you received a tax receipt last year, it included Jan. 1983 -Apr. 1983 fee payments, if any, so these. amounts would not be included in this’ vear’s receipt .

oy dorm crongerius Why are those albums covers WI selling for . $2.99?.


I aLnp.Juuii~y,

&-s”GL &zIb”IU VLVIbY .&U”” “J.dW”” V...V





1 Ipal


11 ray


to sell a limited number of surplusstock. If a record company makes 50,000 albums, an d c--lAl--L -K;---!;t------l--l.r.--l-- - -1’ Mnct rornrri ctnroc h;rrlo CnQrl;rl hlnr; where Sirius L~I~Lal Ler 1~nas peakea in sales ana radio play that thkre are 8,0@0 albums left, they could the price of albums range from 99Q: to $16. The sell 6,000 as surplus stock identified with holes, bulk of these albums are referred toasdeletes, de anA tear\ 3 nnn dhllrnc k- rfiR,,~qY ,,A~,, CUK-OUKS, , surplus urlu wve~ p~e:sseu 3LuLn. at the regular price. Selling surplus stock gives These records are usually identified by various the company @ore space for new releases markings. . . small or large holes drilled into the which is where they *make their money. ) corner of the album cover. .burn marks, Surplus stock is priced three to four dollars r straight lines cut into the side of the cover or less than regular priced records bu_t_never as corners cut off the album cover..Occasionally, low as deleted albums. Royalties are rarely paid to an artist or composer for deleted or surpl&records.~Within a year a hit recordcan the cover. Althoug take the route of best seller to surplus/ overpress and finally deleted from their ’ differences between deleted (cut-outs) and catalogue. Sargent Pepper’s Lonely Hearts surplus (over-pressed), records. Club Band soundtrack’ is a’ good example of a Deletes (cut-outs) are terms used to record that took this route. Special binsalways describe records that have been or are being have American and often European deleted or deleted from a record company’s catalogue ‘surplus records which sell for less than the due to lack of sales. Deleted records are Canadian pressing.. Many imported deletes marked to distinguish them from regular have never been released in Canada which stock<ratailers usuallylhave up to ninety days makes browsing through the special bins to return their regular stock which the record interesting in price and varietw company then deletes, marks (holes,, etc.) and In the past few years instead of deleting an . sells at highly reduced prices. Deleted records album that has slowed or stopped in sales, a cannot be reordered, the moment the last record company will lower the cost and hope deleted copy of an album is sold, the status of for an increase in sales volume. Thkse MIDthat album c,hanges from a “delete” to a “collector’s item”. Recordcompaniessell their PRICED albums often have stickers reading: deleted and surplusstock one way with no I “the nice price, best buy, platinum plus, X-tra value, value priced, c‘ound value, or superreturn or guarantee. ’ value”. These mid-priced albums, .many of 1 Record companies do not feel obliged to which are “rock” classics, are often mixed jn guarantee records that they are selling at a with deletes and surplus stock in the special loss; however, reputable record stores will bins. A sales and promotion tactic occasionguarantee all their albums and absorb the cost. ally used is to release the first pressing run of a Deleted records are seldom re-released, new album by a new group at mid-price. If the ’ often due to lack of belief in the nostalgia album sells out at mid-price, the next pressing factor, the original master tape is bulk erased would go back up to the regular cost and retail. and used for another recording. Many records deleted in Canada are still being_ pressed in Used and rental record stores are’more in pther countries; record stores 1 such as vogue as the.price of newly released albums “Cheapies” and ‘the “Record Peddlar” in Toronto specialize in ‘importing ‘collectors, continue to- rise. Bargain hunters,. nostalgia new and hard to find records. freaks, collectors and hard-cores, if they’re not Surplus/overpress are terms used to looking through the special sections in new describe records that are still available at record stores they’re looking thr6ugh bins in - ’ . used record stores . . . regular prices but due to a decrease, in Have&o?... . . w . I~ de-mand,-slow-down of radio play and the cost __ . . I ‘ I .I, I ,. ’ ,’ with holes in the .




J ’






. _

With a quick.glance at the enclosed hand: scrawled lyric sheet (that more closely resembles a’:private journal) it’s not too hard to see why Leonard Cohen wants to collaborate with Johnson on some future songwriting projects. , * \ In Twilight Hour Johison cleverly uses the anticipation of someone waiting for an expected phone call as a metaphore for the torture of unrequitedlove:

To many, The The is a “new” band that became an overnight success with the single Uncertain Smile and its follow-up Perfect. Not ” so. The The,.or actually Matt Johnson playing with different guests had its beginning as far., . . . Youpructicegettin’yourmoutharound the back as 1979. words that explain the way you feel. * By 1981 he had recorded his first solo LP -You’ve been scared to show your real self in Burning Blue Soul on the 4AD label and later case r signed to Steve’s Some Bizzare independent she-doesn’t like what she sees label. Upon-receiving a distribution deal from You’ve been a “Prostitute to Humility” CBS, Matt Johnson reverted to the name The. She’s invaded your life and you’ve got to live , The and released Uncertain Smile atid Perfect apartin 1982. At that time, herecordedasecondLP: In order to. . . survive. T)le Pornography of Despair but for some Johnson continues his investigation with unknown reason it was never released. the confessional introspection of Giant: His third and latest LP is Soul Mining. The . . . I’ m scared of God and scared of Hell , album is introduced by a countdown an anc$I’m caving in upon myself P blasts off deep into the Twilight Zone: “ . . . a How can anyone know me dimension not only of sight and sound but of When Idon’t even know myself . t mind.” Although much of his lyrics are steeped in With uncommonly colourful images Johnthe negative-aspects of life, there is a thread of . son paints a clear, albeit thorny portrait oflife’s optimism which runs through-all the songs, darker side. His lyrics grab you by%your throat the hope that in the search for meaning we may and squish your face into the slimy sewage of .\ recognize our faults and uncover the traps that remorse, despair, aipneness and lovelessness “surround us to make tomorrow a better day. yet leave you wanting more. Most of the album’s optimism however, . of his approach Johnson explains: comes from the songs’ slippery-slidini “My songs are structured ‘round people melodies and innovative instrumentation, like myself, the feelings are ones I’ve hador Who would have thought that an accordion those of people close to me. I think it gives could be the focus of a top ten pop chart single? people a lot of reassurance to know-that The music fits together so well that the someone else’s been through the same component instruments aren’t considered on kind of experiences. Ef they can relate to an individual basis. something it’stops them feeling so isolated, Often understated, servingto support the s offers them hope in a way.” lyrics, the music makes brief forpys’ into the ‘Never before in pop music has an artist so spotlight with Jools Holland’s outstanding courageously set out to turn over the rocks piano jive on a remixed version- of Uncertain and peel off the label? in an attempt to learnjust Smile. ( what is underneath the carefully contrived. This rare combination of eloquent lyrical masks people wear and: honestly$elate his-, .a@ musical expression makes Soul Mining . observations in aconcise manner. too good to bother trying to ignore.

-Tom. & dTwinVideoNight_ . Thorshy hSinglesNight ” , -4’k hai-For

byTimPerli‘h Imprint s f aff

Evening 4



by Donald Duench Imprint staff The basketball Warriors ended their regular season on a positive note with wins -over Windsor, 85-6-l. and McMaster, 77-65. With the victories,. Waterloo’s record for the regular season ended up being 1 l-l, a bit better, than their l-O-2 mark last season. They now head to the OUAA’West tournament, with a bye in the quart&-finals, and the privilege of hosting this weekend’s semis and fin@s. The return of Paul Van Oorschot, who should be able to play tonight, is an added bonus. Peter Savich made his return to OUAA West basketball with a bang last Wednesday against the Windsor Lancers. After getting back intoa game situation against York, Savich was able to play for 31 minutes against Windsor, including the entire second half. Regarding his conditioning, Savich noted i that he was “r&lly good after the fifth game (he missed, against Guelph) but 1 got the flu on Friday.‘: He showed no effects of the cold, getting hot on the floor for 27 points on I2 for 16 shooting and three free throws. The Lancers started out frigidly, only getting their first points four minutes into the contest. By then, Waterloo had obtained nine points, and were well on theirway to theirtenth regular season and twenty-fourth overall victory of the season. In the first half. the game was.‘almost a replica of the teams’ previousgamein Windsor last month. Waterloo. go out to an early lead, only to see the L.ancers make it close by theend of the half. Waterloo held a 25-9 lead, but steady production from Lancer centre Rob Biasutto quickly narrowed the gap. Biasutto isa victi,m of Windsor head coach PaulThomas’policyof substituting an entire five-man unit at a time. It . kills any momentum that a team may have. giving the other team a chance to capitalize during their adjustment period. The Lancers were within a point, at 3 I-30, with twelve seconds left in the half. but could not get any closer. Before the half ended, Savich popped in a jumper and two foul shots, due to a technical on a Windsor assistant coach. Waterloo had control of a margin varying from three to six points, until two thunderous stuffs by Randy Norris marked the beginning of the end for the Border City club. U W then kept widening their lead, with the help of several Cal Keil steals, to the final ma,rgin. UW head coach Don McCrae summed up the evening by stating that “it took a long time Waterloo committed 32 to play sensibly.” t turnovers, which although one less than _ Windsor’s total, was unusual for a team in the top five of the national rankings. A 71 per cent field goal percentage in the second half gave Waterloo a 53 per cent total for the evening, eleven percentage points


c v

I. 2. 3. 4. 5,‘ 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Victoria(l) Y-ork (2) Brandon (4) Waterloo (5) Calgary (7) . St. Mary’s (3) Dalhousie (-) St. Francis Xa Brock (9) Winninee (8)







Windsor Laurier

12 12.


3 1



.9 11

6 2.

that Don McCrae of Waterloo and Barry -Phillips of McMaster have been named coCoaches of the Year for theOntario University Athletic Association (OUAA) West as a result of their performances over the course of the 1983/84 OUAA basketball season. The award is determined by votes from fellow coaches, and Phillips and McCrae were tied after voting. -’ higher- than Windsor’s. Waterloo also outLuckily for the Warriors, they were able to ‘* With a a-45 lead and 7,146left on theclock, rebounded the Lancers4 l-30, includingtwelve sink key shots to nullify the McMaster Waterloo decided to mail in the rest of their rebs from Paul Boyce. advances. One happened when Savich outgame, allowing McMaster to narrow the Savich’s 27 points topped all scorers, while manoevred a Mat player, drawing a blocking margin. The Warriors scored only three points Steve Atkin took 18, Boyce had 16, and Norris foul in the process, and eventually making a ,in the next four minutes, while the Marauders scored ten points. Biasutto led the Lancers on three point play. Another came from Cal Keil, put in thirteen. b the scoresheet, obtaining 24 points, 2 -, who sunk two,long jumpers with tess than five Overall, the UW - play was somewhat At the lvor Wynne Centre on Saturday, e seconds, rema@ring on the thirtysecotid elodk. disjointed, although they were able to beat David Burns provided a view of things tocome The Warriors added twofield goals to their McMaster, and doso comfortably. As McCrae in the contest by scoring the first four UW 4 l-32 halftime advantage %efore Mac$oa$h later mentioned, “wejust gottadoa bet#erjob.” points against McMaster. He went on to score Barry Phillips used the second of his threetimeIn addition to the 17 by Burns, Savich had 15 17 points. highest for Waterloo. outs. (Being a televised’ game, e&h team is , points, and Atkin provided 13. ‘Armstrong led By the first television time-out, with 14: 15 allowed three time-outs, twoless thana regular al31 scorers with 23 points, while Rosenktanz . . . left in the half, the Warriors held a 15- 11 lead. ’ contest:) had 13 for the Marauders. Mat was able to They remained in front for the rest ofthegame, outshoot the Warriors from the field, 45 per Both Phillips and4McCrae had to do some much to the delight of the- UW fans who manepuvering with their big,men, who ,were.in cent to 37 per cent,%ut U W had more attempts, decided to travel to thegame. Asat Guelphand foul trouble in the se‘cond half. McCrae played . which,led to more.&eld goals. Sixteen Randy Laurier earlier this season, one had to look at either Steve Atkin or Randy Norris, but not at Norris rebounds aided Waterloo in leading’ the colour of the uniforms to make,sure that the’same time. Each wound up with four fouls that department by a margin of 47 t!o.35.Waterloo was in fact the visiting team. ‘. at the end of the game. Waterloo will now face McMaster in an Mat’s attack was led by starting guard MO As the coach of the team which tis behind, OUAA West semifinal game, tonight at 8 p.m. Armstrong, who, along with -Tony Sterling, Phillips couldn’t keep his good players off the in the PAC. The game will be preceded by the were able to go coast to coast through the court for long periods of time.$ventually, he other semifinal matchup at 6 p.m., featuring Warrior defence. In other words, Armstrong lost ’ his *starting centre, 6, ft, 6 in. Rolf Western and Brock. The winners will meet in and Sterling were able to go from their end of Rosenkranz, and startingforward. 6ft.‘5 in. Ed the final, which will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow the court. dribble through ‘five U-W players, kubas, who fouled out with nine and two in the PAC to decide the conference and deposit an easy layup in thehoop minutes left respectively. r- ; championship. , .





VOLLEYBALL ’ *I &’ O*WiAA Championships)



4 ‘,’


6 p.m. Brock vs. Westerri’ ‘II m UIa rrinrc wc MrMsicter



12 Noon” Consolatiiin



z p.m. UUAA




west Cham$ionship . .

* 1


/ I


,a,- 7 p.&i. O,WIA& Chimpionship 9 p.&. &JAA. Championship / ‘t-warriors ‘6’ York)


per 2 game session


10 a.m. York vs. Queen’? 1.2 Noon Athen& vs. Ottawa ‘,


&,,. nit


5 p.m. York vs. Ottawa .7:30 ‘p..m. Athena9 vs; Queen’s




) b’






(previous week’s in brackets)

OIJA A West Plav-offs



Basketball **



-1-u-. e



$3.00 per 2 game session


-. \ .

-If )\I

, s. Elections



. ~




kill re-open. on Modlay,

. ‘ r seats _ .-0riStudenIxWouncAk.

. ,. _



I: ..




5 .


. ~._ .








. _-

. .




r .







These seats will be filled by the first nomtion received for each seat. The nominations will remain open until-all the seats have beenfilled. .



by Donald Duench ImIjrint staff For the second year in a row. the Warrior curling team claimed the OUAA curling championship, finishing withan overall record of 9- 1. The Athena curlers, who had won the OWIAA title last year, finished second in their -i ^ competition. The U W men’s teami consisting of. skip Glenn I-Ioward, vice ‘Paul Godward, second Brad Watson, lead Tony Wagner, and alternate Harry Van Ymeren, started their season with a bang. They went 5-O at the West Sectional, from whence the top three teams advanced to the OUAA finals.. I At the finals, held in G.uelph last weekend, they defeated the host team ‘to *increase their record 6-O. (Each of the teams entered brought their Sectional record’with them into the final, which was held in a round-robin format.) The Warriors then suffered the,ir only loss, dropping a 5-3 decision to York. After the setback, they defeated Queen’s 10-7, RMC 10-5, and Western 9-2 to win the championship. “It was pretty gratifying,” for Judy McCrae, who administrates both curling teams at Waterloo. “There were some excellent ‘curlers there. They (Waterloo) stayed with it, and they beat people.” Howard and Godward were bothmembers of the squad that took the 1983 title, and hope to be back for another shot at the champion: ship next year. -_

. /S&m

The Athenas “had a’ really. up and dow-n season”, according to McCrae. They ‘,‘curled just dismally” at. the-West Sectional, winding up with-a record of -one win and three losses,‘ Luckily, in OWIAA play, teams play each other once before the top four clubs end up in the final round. At their East-Sectional, U W as 3-O; enabling them to end up in the fourth \ position overall, and qualify-for the finals. The OWIAA final ish doubIe round-robin affair, in which a team must lose twice to be eliminated, and the records from the Sectionals are not carried over. Waterloo dropped theirfirstgame to WLU bya7-2score, placing the Athenas in the loser’s bracket. ’ “When the chips came down, we curled a little better,” commented-Mcdrae, as the U W ‘club topped Guelph, 8i7, to earn a chance to meet Laurier again. This time, ‘Waterloo prevailed by a 5-4 score, and moved on to the 4 final against Queen’s * The Golden Gals‘.had won the last two OWIAA titles (in 1.981 and 1982) before Waterloo’s championship last year, which . made the final .match look like a natural on paper. On the ice, however, Queen’s used a 4point end to eventualiy win by an 8-3 margin. For skip Caroline Francey, vice Nancy Lawlet-,_ second Kelly Brown, lead Sandy Smith, and alternate Bev Allen, it was a . rollercoaster ride that ended .just one game short of another championship. Francey, Lawler, and Smith were on the team that won last year.

tea-m’s hopes

U W Synchro Athentidosed out their 198384 synchronized swimming season last weekend with competent performances in the 0 WI AA finals held at M&aster University. U W placed eighth in the meet while McGill, Queen’s and McMaster took first, ‘second and third. Julie Bramm and Renata. Brillinger paced the Athenas with third and * fifth - place finishes


in the Solo B event. In Duet B, the U W team of Jackie Piperand Carol Brandreth came eighth, as did the ‘four-member U W synchro team of Piper, Brandreth, Brillinger and Bramm. Renata Brillinger ranked 7th in Intermediate Figures competition. Carol Brandreth was 16th in Novice Figures, as was JackiePiper in Senior Figures. Julie Bramm placed 20th in Senior Figures. / , _ j

specialappearanceby. . : -


The Guitar Pickin’Man , .. e



March. 1

Waterloo../, Inn - 8 pm , Fed/En&5 ’ ’, ’ (Others$6 - -’


tickets available at Fed & Eng Office _. .

1. --

The two most important people in a Waterloo victory will undoubtedly be Dave Ambrose and Tom,Oxland. As the power hitter, how sell Ambrose passes off serve reception will determine how much of the game he plays, .and the Warriors definitely need his power in the line-up. Oxland’s blocking prowess will be put to the test by York, and if he and Jim Cooke can shut down the middle, Waterloo’s chances improve considerably. Scott Murphy and Owen Jones will have to set consistently and well, and Paui Craven will have to continue his all-round, determined play. Substitute power hitter Brian Jackson, and back cburt specialist Ian Gowens could also figure prominently in the match. On paper, the more experienced York Yeomen would ,appea; tb have an edge bn Waterloo, but the youthful Warriors will have the hometown fans on their side, and could emerge with their first Ontario Championship from what promises to be a long, gruelling match. - -

Any team that finishes a se&n with a 13-2 record and is making their fourth trip to the OUAA Final in five years (three of which they have won) cannot be taken light!y: York is an extremely good blocking,team, with middle players Walter Zanel and Brian Davis doing most of the damage at the net. Offensively, Zanel, Davis and setter DaCe Samek form the n&leus of the Yeomen attack, with the younger Samek brother, Mike, fiiling the pdwer hitter’s spot. In addition, John Piercecdhes off the bench as a back row setter in key situations. The Yeorinena-realso a strong serving team. York has no realsweaknesses, although,power hitting is the most susceptible aspect oftheirgame. Mike Samek has only been with the.t&am since.Christnias, and lkaves the team slior’t of experience in this area. To beat York, Waterloo will have to keep the pressure on and establish consistent middle blocking early to shut down the Yeomen middle attack. In addition. the Wairiors Will have to concentrate c$ serve reception because of Y Frk’s p+wess tit the line, an’if will have to pa& = well to* alloiv cdnsi&ntly go6.d settiri’g*to ekiminate’the aggressive three mgn York bl&ks.



Easily-the m&t:cr&tiue:of?the four teams, a lotoftheir sticeess this seasgnresulted from their unorthodox style of .z.-“‘I$lay. %hd@tafed the season without a setter, and trained - J.: t&$layers, veteran CIirisLawrieand rookie Ann Jordan, 2 ‘to set. Nbither had evei,set before; even in high school, but have been doing an admirable job. The two also hit, which I confuses the opposition. When Jordan is in t&-back row, _& -- .&awrie is in frbnt ,playing. as the, secqndary setter and * power hit@?, and vice versa. The Athenas are weakest on the coiners due to &juries, although they may have a sleeper in Ruth Capindale, who played -like an All-Star in ’ the . tie-breaker against McMaster. The strength of the team, iside from being hard to coach against because they attack and defend from so many difftirent directions, is the middle blocking of veteran Simi Skarecky and the former coach of Brock University, Maura Purdon. Because of the’ strength of York’s middle game, Sarecky and Purdon should be the key to the Athena/ veowomen match-up at I 1:30 this horning. I -


Ambrbse re-discovered his backcourt prowess to confound a by don button Western serving strategy based on hi< supposed ineptness at Imprint staff serve reception, just as they had attempted to do in the last The University of Waterloo Warrior< s;ltcccassfully defended regular season match’ between the t&o teams. Ambrose foiled their OUAA East tiile last Saturday by beating: ne University of Western Mustangs in ‘three straight games. ‘tiith their victory in this strategy as he did three weeks ago by passing high soft balls to Warrior setters Owen Jones and Scott Murphy. From there - the 1 l/2 hour match at the PAC. the Warriors won the right to Waterloo was able tp get their hitting game in gear and added to host the OUAA Championship t,his Saturday against York, who that by taking advantage df less than Spectacular se”rve reception defeated the University of ToGnt.0 by scores of 15-l 1, g-1 5, 15_ by Western to open up an 8.-4 lead in the second game. 12, 15-7 in the OUAA East Final, also 1as.t Saturday. -I Craven got away with two mishaps - one when he stepped But despite the fact that the scores ( 15- 10,15-8,15- 11) indicate that Waterloocontrolled their West division title match,Zither.of . over the forward line w’hencoming from the back row to spikean ball landed :~the&t ,twq games c?uId have:$gone either way. Playini whit - errant Murphy set, and once when an out-of-bounds on him before touching the floor Z- but by that timk WaterloG -Warrldr ,&a$ o)axe ‘Husson described as “the toughest had control of the game at I l-5 and they weren’t pivotal points. ’ volleyball they’ve playkd in this gym since I’ve been at Waterloo,” Western delighted their travelling-fans with superb defence and Not otie to miss an opportunity however? coach Husson calmly told CravFn he owed the team for his indescr@ogs, which the solid hitting to-slretch every point in the first halves of the first referees missed but Huskon saw. and the Warrior captain was a two games to their fvllesf. :, Waterloo, who were undefeated in regular season play for the ’ ‘sight’ to- behold as he scored or assisted on all the remaitiing Warrior p@nts or side-outs to give Waterlob + 15-8 ,witi and’a second straight seasqn, seemed to be ,more affected by the .* solid 2-O lead in games. pressure of the play-off m.atch th&n was Western. The Mustangs, who finished Secbnd in the OUkA W$,thi-s season, came into -As they had inthefirst game, the h4,ustangscameout flyingand-- c grabbed a 2-O lead in the thi?d.gtifie, btit Dave Ambrbse took the, the match feeling they bad nothing to lqse, and quickly took line for Waterlso and served up five straight_@int$.;,. n?i’&@y advantage of the W,aterloo jittys%to opqn tip a quick 2-O lead. -Solid and spirited play in’the middle by Toin Oxland and team because- of sheer determination from Owtil Jb;ries,‘,&-$I .t+ captain Paul Craven sparked a-warrior resurgence that didn’t match, for all intents and purposes, was over. stop until they had moved oyt to%i-2 lead, but inconsistent serve The Mustangs refused to die, however, and dedicat&I themselves to slowing thegamedowntoadefensive battle, wh&h reception allowed the h;;iustang&o tie the game at seven. they figured to win. Dave Husson kept urging his team to keep up Craven and Jim Cooke met a&he middle of>he net tp g&k the Warriors a quick’ttio points, bug West&% again fou@it b& t.6 . ihe+%& bgt cauIdn’t‘ke’ep this team going long enough to Score &e last%&j points when the game stalled 13-5. Gdod ‘Westek tie ‘it, this time at nine. From qhere, increa&g cobfid&ce by Dave Ambrose and SC&t Murphy, conti$u.qd bldckin$egts by. gefence’and- a few ‘bad breaks on block: attempts gave the Tom Oxland and key kills by Craven to move’Watlrldo ahead io Mustan& renewed life, and for awhile it looked likethere wok&I , stay- at !.2,9,- &id the Wa\r$ors’went on -to-.,@n< I$- 10; despite -. ,be a foufth game. Waterloo held, however, and the Western rej WeSter~~.~~~er’Cull:~ta~n~twoturnsina‘rowsi-t~hes~rv‘iriglin~~“ *i%icarnation.got no’further than Is-1,l’when’alone irumpet b&-t , ..6n in&&reti6n misSed by everyone on the -,flobii.a~d~~a~;t&.. from the Warrior >cheerleader sparked a devastating kill from . _ . I. .a I O&&‘Jo.nes. ’ ‘_ : . . ’ -! benches save Paul Craven. ,>a: In the second game, Cravan and Oxland continued to Jones rotated to the serving line and twisted a serve to tl+e Western left backcourt that was too tricky for Bill Killean to dominate the -match for Wat$loo; Mustang captain Luke handle, and_Scott Murphy had no difficulty pounding a free b&l . Connolly and Bill Killeen did&he same for Western. Dave iinto the floor to put the Warriors at match point. Jones’s second serve was no easier to handle, and Luke Connolly carried himself into the net attempting to kill #the l&t ball o? Western’s last gasp. It was fitting, perhaps, that the key players of the match -1, Killean and Connolly at the net for Western, Oxland and Crave‘n ‘.“dp~~~ire taco, aiid J.dnes;iin~~~;irp~~ se’t’ti~~ it*‘~~~~~.~*~head

Villas Ozols Bill Killean Paul Craven


Gu’elp h Western Waterloo

Coach (tie): (.

Pete Curry Owen Jones Jim Cooke

Ddn Smith Dave Husson

Western - ,.Wa$erlod -3Va&$oo

.&urier’ WaterI+


. ’

to head on the final two points, for these six, with the help of a sleti of -determined and talented team-mates, put -on a great volleyball show at the PAC last Saturday that left the vocal fans delighted and unmindful of the wooden seats in th? PAC. * ..T+s Saturday, Waterloo hgsts. the York Y,eom,e&who posted ‘^a.1’3’2 rec&d’iri the OUAA East regular &aso&h& yeai, in what promists to be the match of the year in the PAC: it is unlikely that fans-at .that gtime’;wi-ll be paying much attention to the seating eithe,r. Gamet&eis9p.m.,and,thegame will betaped’by CHCHTV for future broadcast. -

Ottawa Gee-Gee’s.

Not much is knownabout the Gee Gee’sexcept that they have an Fxcellent cbach in Al Jeffrey, and that the teamhas been virtually unbeatable since Christmas when former national team player, Judy Szepesi, rejoined the team. Szepesi is a middle blocker, making *the match-up of -.- Szepesi against Purdon and-Skarecky one of the keys to \ the Ottawa/ Waterloo match tomorro.w’ at noon.

I Quecin’sGolden Gals ’ ,‘.< * Queen’s beat Waterloo in the Athena Inyitational in January, mostly due to an aggressive defe’nce and good power bitting up front. They are the weakest in the middle, and lack the variety of the other teams in the tournament, Queen’s is seen as the third best ofthefciurteams,and meet Waterloo at 7:30 tonight. Either team could win this one, and their records going in will probably have more to do with the outcome than anything. The Golden Gals’ biggest threat is Kaia Neflson, whom the Athenas will have to neutralize if they hope to ’ win.


York Yeowombn

York is easily the l&t kam,on paper, the only black markbeingtheirlosstoOttawa( 1 l-15,15-13, l5-13,15-8) on February 11th. York fias a good, &lid team with virtually no weaknesses, and are defending OWIAA champions, and lost only .one match all season. : Former National tea& middle blocker, Donna Kastelic, and setter Marla Taylor are the mdst dangerous members of the Yeowomen, who .have a good, fast attack through j the middle, and hit very well from the power corner, especially on sharp cross-court kills. ‘ ‘1 ’ The Yeowomen, coached by the assistant coach of the Senior National team, Merv M&her, are-obviou’sly going ’ to be hard to beat.

by don button7 Imprint staff Athena coach Pat Davis has ‘derised an interesting strategy for this week-end’s four team round-robin OWIAA volleyball championship. By beating McMaster in a tiebreaker two weeks ago, the Athenas won the right to host the tournament-styledtle, cand with it the rig-ht to select their opponent for their fir$ mat,@. D&vis.c.ho& the:,&crk YFoyo.meo for their first match(at l- I-:3? tl&&&&&g)~~~~~ York a?esthe%avorites to reIjeat as Ont?.rio Wdme$s’~~-‘lnterc’oll&‘&ate Aihlstic Asso&&n (OWIAA) /I champs. “If we beat Y ark, everybod-y ilse will be bkhind the eight b~all ” she reasoned, “and if ;we lose we khow we have to win our ot&& two “matches (agiinst Queen’s at 7130 tonight,, and against Ottawa at noon tom&-row)-t.o get-into t he,final.” “at least this way,,,)ye’ll know exactly where- we sta‘n$ throughout the tournament,” she addyd. : ,_ y .‘. It is a daringstrategy. fdr Waterloo, the’team ‘the ‘experts’ expect to finish fourth, but DaviS evaluated her team by saying that “with the the team we’ve,got this year, anything can happen’. We could-’ be first or fourth. Obviously, we’d need a superb, . . x.


_ superb effort .to finish first . . . and the’team is capableof it.” But while; Davisgave the standard answers to the standard questions, and refused to comment on queries about specif;ic strategy apprqaches, her confident. and somewhat sly manner suggested that she has something up her sleeve. .. iike’ the Athenas’ style of play, her decision to face York in And yet Davis, who has.been 2 their first patch is unorthodox. coaching ih&Athenas for 17 years, ,doesn’t make decisions Irk: that just.to $&no$thQdox. By$aying.Yorkfirst’: Davis wil: have the oppyort-unity’ $&but* he! two o&oLnents, Queen’s a&d Ottawa; -a?d .pbviu.~~~~.~b~nks:she has’ found something in th’e ,Y or$~g+pe t@ai iy, e~~~oiia~l~.~~” ,. Liste$ng to the ,e@&-ts,,. the: At-henas, or dnybody in the 5: ‘-tsii%tient’for tha’t hatiter, do@ have a chadce against the York Y&-women, ,ivho $oa the .‘Atheha Invitational in January of challenge frbtn the other ” wi$l$+t ,&e.r$he~slight&t‘nmrmur en&n,ts, Bpt listkning to Davis, t-here mightjust bean upset in t& a.>.makirig. And if the Athenas upset Y-ark, theymightjustgoall the way. 7 .’ It’s a big ‘if? all right, but ‘never-bet against a 17 year veteran &ach vriho slyly suggests that there is moirk to this week-end’s tournament than the way the fc+r teams loo/k:& pap&. L

. -

ENCORE 297 King St. E., Kitchener






e 4

65 University Ave. E. 746-1810

Invites you to jtin us in our daily festivities \


Ribs/Beer Night (2 for 1 for $4.95) ._ Ladies’ Night Drink specials all night Daquiries - Our Specialty

Tuesday: ’



At OWIAA championship, Toronto 6 I, Waterloo 50 York 80. Waterloo 63



Curling x


Sunday: Evening


At OU AA championship. Feb. 17. 18: 1st - Waterloo (Glenn Howard. Paul Godward. Brad Watson. Tony Wagner).



Mystery Happy Hours Dancing from 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Dancing from 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Happy Hours from 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. International Breakfast 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. ‘Happy Hours from1 p.m. - 5 p.m. - Mom’s Roast Beef Dinner $5.95



Waterloo 8, Brock 5: Feb. I7 Waterloo finished season in 8th place. Peter Crouse named to 0-U AA 2nd all-star team.

Swimming At OUAA championship. Fib. 18. 19: Individual: Steve Dodge. pave Biikett. Andy Asbil. and Langis Roy qualified for, CIAU competitiofi. Team: 1st ~~ Toronto (589 pts.) 4th - Waterloo (266 pts.) Next meet: March 3. 4 CIAU championship at Toronto

All Dinner Specials 4 p.m. to Closing Happy Hours: 4 p.m.do 7 p.m.

WATCH for our Great Weekly Specials ’

Indoor Track N&xt meet: Feb. 25. at Toronto h


\ At OU AA championship, Feb. 18: Individual: 3rd -- Abe Bueckert (5 I kg)tind Daii, Tanguay (54 kg) Both advance to CIAU competition. Team: 1st - Guelph 8th - Waterloo Next Feb. 25. 26, CIAU championship at Saskatoon.






Night - -TRIAXE



Sat. March


Tickets now on’ Sale


Fri. March

4 4


4 4 4 4 4


now on Sale for

4 4 4 4 4



i Saturday, March Saturday,

4 4 4 .4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 4


The main exception was Harvey M itro, who used the occasion to finally record a Cl AU qualifying performance in the 1500 metres, running to a 3:55.2 first place finish in this event. He now joins Patti Moore and Elaine Veenstra as athletes qualified to participate in the ClAUs at Sherbrooke on March 9-10. Larry Agnew again just missed the ClAU

Carol Rankie

Streetheart Advance

IO - Teenage


At OW IAA championship. Feb. 17, 18: Fin.i!. Queen’s 8. CL’aterloo 3 (\Vatcrloo finished second)

At OWIAA championship, Feb. 18: Individual: 1st. Carol Ann Rankie (Junior Ladies Singles) 2nd I - Gina Gincauskos (Int. Solo), Helga Zielke, Carol Anne Rankie-(Jr. Similar Pairs); Carol Anne Rankie (Jr. Interpretive); Pam Tucker (Int. Interpretive): Margo Fraser (Sr. Jnterpretive);,Mike Richards (Open Men) Team: 1st York ( 145 pts.) 5th Waterloo (56 pts.)


March I7 - Boy%- Brigade‘L


At $IW IAA championship. Feb. 17. 18:1 Individual: 3rd Julie Bram (Solo B) 5th Renate Brillinger (Solo B) Team: McGill 8th Waterloo


Volleyball Next games: Feb. 24,25, OW I AA championship here. Friday 9:30 a.m. Ottawa vs. Queen’s I I:30 a.m. Waterloo vs. York 5:OOp.m. York vs. Ottawa 7:30 p.m. - Waterloo vs. Queen’s Saturday IO:00 a.m. ~ York vs. Queen’s Noon - Waterloo vs. Ottawa 7:00 p.m. -- championship game (top two teams from round-robin) -



Waterloo 3: Western 0. Feb. 18 Next match: Feb. 25. OUAA championship here vs. York, 9 p.m. (winner advances to CIAU championship, March 3-5 at Laval).


by Alan Adamson Last weekend was a quiet one for Waterloo track and field, with most athletes involved participating in secondary events to assist in their performances in their prime eventsat the OWlAA/OUAA Championship at Windsor next week. ’






Coming March 7 Hawaiian Night

Tdnight i

1 -’ Feb. 17-19:

’ Figure‘Skating

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Waterloo 85. Windsor 6 I. Feb. 15 Waterloo 77, McMaster 65. Feb. 18 Next games: Feb. 24. 25. OU,AA West Championship here. Friday 6 p.m. - Brock vs. Western ’ 8 p.m. - McMaster vs. %‘aterloo Saturday 12 noon ---- consolation game ’ 2 p.m. -- championship game (winner advances to OUAA championship on March 3 at OUAA East champion)




qualifying height of 2.03 metres in the high jump, clearing2.00 m for second place. Mike Menu cleared 1,95 m in his debut as a Warrior. 1 Tim Rose led the Warriors in the 1000 m., running 2:37.0 with Dave Stuart following in 2:37.9 and Dave Todd in 240.1. In the pole _ vault, Kevin Negus cleared 3.55 m. Karen Mowbray threw 9.27 m in the shot put, Rhonda Bell recorded a personal best of 3:08:1 in the 1000 m., and Lana Marjama 10.40 in the 3OOO‘m., while Sylvia Soder ran .46.6 in the 300. . Tonight a few Waterloo tracksters will tune up at the University of Toronto in the Last Chance Qualifier, while next weekend sees the Conference Championships in Windsor.

of the Week’

Carol is a first year Arts student from St. Catharines, Ontario where she attended. Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School. Last weekend at the OWIAA figure skating finals Carol emerged with a handful of medals. She placed first in the Junior Ladies Singles event for aGold medal. She received two silver medals, one for placing second in the Junior Simulated Pairs competition.’ To finish things off Carol then moved. to the International Ladies Singles event and captured the Bronze Medal there. The biggest feature of all these medals is that Carol really was filling in, in most of the events she entered and still came away with medals. This is only the second major competition she has entered, the , first being the York Invitational a few weeks ago where she won a ‘silver’and bronze medal. Carol Isa “Gold Dancer” test level skater for - the Winter Club in St. Catharines. .

Glenn Howard

Glenn led the Warrior Curling team to its ’ second straight O.UAA title this past weekend, with a cumulative record of 9 wins and 1 loss, calling all the shots and making many precision shots. Glenn played extremely well. Glenn brings a wealth of curling experience to the varsity program. His last three (3) years in Junior Curling, he skipped his rink to two second and one third men’s playdowns for the past two (2) years and just last week finished third in Ontario. This is a tough accomplishment foranyyoungcurler. In 1980Glenn wona curling trip to Scotland by winning the coveted Sun Life Bonspiel. His list of accomplishments goes on and on. Further to his curling experiences, Glenn has also been a member of thevaksitygolf team for two years. We have very few athletes wh.o can excel to these levels as Glenn has. We look forward to having Glenn continue to lead the Warriors in both curling and golf.

’ : Student ,Gssistant Profile




’ Men’s Volley-ball: Saturday; March~~l7th; PA6 main gym.. ’ Mixed Volleyball: Thursday March.1 st and Thursday March 15th, 7;30 -. I I:45 p.m. PAC Main Gym.




Feb 27: Women’s Volleyball Final Entry, PAC 2040,4:30 p.m.

Mixed Volleyball Final Entry, PAC 2040,4:30 p.m. CRAC Meeting, V,2West Quad Lounge, 5:30 p.m. Women’s Basketball Playoffs, CC 135,4:30 p.m. Feb. 28: Women’s Volleyball Rules Meeting, CC 135,4:30 p.m. -Squash final entry date, PAC 2040,4:30 p.m. Squash Rules Meeting, CC 135,4:30 p.m. . Broomball FinalEntry Pate; PAC 2040,4:30 p.m. -_ -Feb. 29: Mixed VoHeybalI Rules-Meeting, CC 135.4:30 p.m. March 1: Equestrian Clubsleigh ride, CC, 6fi5,p.m c Men’sBroomball Rules Meeting; CC 135,430 p.m.. Women’s Broomball Rules Meeting, CC 135,.$;30 p.m. Mixed Volleyball Tournament, PAC, 7:30 p.m.

/ -

,- ’

I Men’s Basketball . -; _


The ground hog may have seen his shsdow (resuitingin six more weeks of winter) but men’s winter basketball has\only two weeks left. Most. teams are pulling up their socks-as they:prepare for the playoffs. Other ~1. \ teams are already packing their bags. Quote of the week came from Randy-Norton of the Kin Kanucksd . whose religious connotation gave him a technical.‘ “So when does a 2person receive a technical for praying?” he asked. The judges awarded . Norton a.“Kl” forcreativity.. .In “A” league action, a fast start bythe Smith Brothers has resulted in a .’ slowdown as they have lost their lasttwo games. This+week’sdefeat came arthe hands bf On Probation by the score of 58-51 in its’favour. On Probation is undefeated in four games,. Tornadoes beat Seconds by the score of 6-l-39 and the Horned Frogs _ remained undefeated after a48-30 win over Invincivil. ln “B” league action, Small Pass solidified their position with a 39-36 \’ win over the Celtics. Suner Slammers slammed Chemikaze 53-29. The Rugby ream continues;0 fare well after their OUAA championship, having defeated 2A Mech by the score of 43-35. Rugby Team possessesa .2-1-I record to remain competitivein “B” league. A number of previously undefeated teams lost their first games of the season: The Stuff, Ultra New, and Geoknobs were alidefeated this week for the first time.. , Captains are reminded of a playoff schedule meeting on March I stat 4:30 p.m. in-the CC. ’ Dqug Hogue , _-






. . *

As the ball hockey season continue; to wind down, the battle for playoff potiit’iqns continues to heat up. In the“A”division, the Bombers continue to lead with a perfect 4-Q record. \ A number of teams in the “B” division continue to post unblemished records going into the final weeks of the regular season. SJC I, Main Motion, Invincivil, St. Pauls, Flat Earth Society, Ultimech, and Mechsicans each have yet to experience defeat inthis ball hockey season. As the playoff race heatsup, theactionat Seagram’s Gym willcontinue to be, as it always has been, fast, furious and enjoyable, *






Paul Heaslip is a f0urthyearE.S. student at Waterloo. Throughout his “Stretch and hold . . . give it all you%% got. . . let’s try one more.” These ’ are only a few of the things one might.hear while passing any of the ,years! at UW, Heaslip has spent six terms working for -Campus ,Recreation (CR) in various positions. numerous fitness classes offered by Campus Recreation. _ ’ ’ Of the twelve student -assistant positions in CR, H>aslip has been It is hard to believethat in 1977, the totalnumberoffitnessclassesatthe* r,-.-.---IL-. -r lXI..A--l- ---- - with an enrollment of 30 participants. ,Pubiicity Co-ordinator.durirrg the Winter ‘80 and the Fall”8 1 terms, Co? u niversny WI w azer~ww was- one ordinator of%Officials during the Summer ‘82 term,,and Promotions CoIn_ the winter of 1984, Campus 1 Recreation offers 27 classes in the PAC .‘,,__._ -. 1 ordinator (formerly called Senior- Student Assistant Co-ordinator) along.with Tight “Fitness Comes to You”.classes. during the Winter ‘83, Fall ‘8-3. and Winter ‘84 terms, Each position 1p The classes. are designed to be accessible to as many people as possible d with the hope that everyone’s needs will be met. The objective of the provided experience in different aspects of Campus Recreation. classes is to provide the university community with a regular routine of As Publicity Co-ordinator, Heaslip’s responsibilities were to inform physical activity. In order tosatisfy the interests ofthediversepopulation . being serviced, Campus Recreation has introduced some new classes. the university on the CR activities by preparinganewslettereach month; submitting weekly articles to Imprint, and overseeing the upkeep of CR Stationary Aerobics is ‘a class- held in Dance, Studio II which bulletin boards. The work-load of this position wasconstant throughoui .I‘: the term. concentrates oncardiovascular training performed on the spot instead of running in circles. This class is offered at two-levels: intermediate and I As Co-ordinator of Officials, Heaslip’s primary responsibility was ad\ anccd. The Dance and Exercise and J,azz and Exerciseclasses are , working with Referee-in-Chiefs to hire referees for CR competitive. leagues. Programs were set up to evaluate .and upgrade refereeing always filled quic.kly at registration. Theseclasses(whichit is hoped, will I _ quality. ,- /-‘ ..‘/ t produce bur ttiture “Flashdancers”) focus on the use of short dance routines as part of the aerobic work-out. _- ‘\ ( ’ Other responsibilities of this position were handling discipline and _ _ , protests through the. Conduct -Board. and the payment.of referees. ‘The A unique-class this term is Land and Water which combines exercismg on land one session and’in the pool’& the other evening. work-load for this position is busy at the beginningof the term, then fairly . constant the rest of the term. TheCampus Recreation programme at this University is unique in Heaslip feels that the Promotions Co-ordinator position provides the that the mstructors are students trainedinfitnessleadership. To improve _-upon this skill, workshops are held on topics pertaining to exercising. most exposure to the CR program. The main objective of this position is to prepare the CR brochure distributed at the beginning of each term., This term, on Wednesday February29th., from7 to9 p.m.,aworkshop The brochure is not- only an informative booklet for the University focusing on music selection and choreography for fitness classes, will be held in MC 5 158. The guest speaker and instructor, Colleen Anderson, is community but also-the planning tool for the program. Although the brochure is -the end result of thet position, the total -organization, - a Fitness Supervisor for the City of Mississauga and also works for scheduling, and .planning of C-R programs best describes the Fitness Ontario.as a teacher and leader. *’ The workshop is,open to students and non-students of the K-W area responsibilities-of the position.‘ who are interested in improving their leadership skills. One can register \,, The suc%esiofStudent Assistant opportunities can beattributedto the for the Fitting M,usic Workshop with the PAC Receptionist or by calling d CR co-ordinator. .Pcter Hopkins, and assistant co-ordinator, Sally ext. 3533. Kemp.. Their phrlosophy is to provide a positive learning experience-by Keep those bodies active, Waterloo. Come’to a fitness class. / allowing the stydents to work on their own and accept responsibility. Joan Walker _.When asked d he thought the pay was worth theeffort of &Student Fitness Co-ordinator / Assistant positions, Heaslip stated, “The pay is not a large amount, but __ it’s like a bonus because the experience 1have gained so far ou@vighs any monetary value.” Weight\ Training Club Asked to sum up Campus Recreation in one sentence, Heaslip said. r “It’s a program for students run by -students, and is a tremendously Two years ago, the weight room was an overlooked corneron the main important part of university life.” ~ _ , i floor of the PAC. Equipment was minimal and equipment maintenance was almost non-existent. Then a few individuals took an interest in redeveloping this room. Ian Kakoschke was the,driving f rce, dedicating a lot of time and sweat. He reorganized the weight roo a d ordered large amounts of free ,5 --F%maIe volleyballerrs Wanted i ’ weights, barbells, and du’mbbells. Andi\, so-began our weight training club. Are you a volleyball player? Now is your chance to show off your _~ To date, equipment worth, over one thousand dollars has been purchased, an& we are now inthe process ofobtaining more this term. serving, spiking and blocking ability. A competitive women’s volleyball The Athletic Department has rehgnized our eqistence and has helped mini-league is starting Wednesday, February 29. The ‘entry deadline is Monday, February 27, at 4:30 p.ni. in PAC2040. Thecaptain’s schedule, immensely with funding and administration. Each term .werun from four to five clinics. The clinics are primagly for beginners with one class policy, and rules meeting is Tuesday, February 28, at 4:30 p.m. in CC devoted to intermediates. We plan on developing an advanced program, room 135. as well, in the future. So ladies, go out, talk to your friends,and get a team together. If you Membership fees are five dollarsper term, available through the PAC can’t get a team together, don’t despair - you’re more than welcome to receptionist. ‘This money goes toward equipment and, equipment play. Just come to thecaptains’meetingorleaveyour nameinthecampus ret office (2040 PAC). TeamsaTalways iooking to pick up extra play,ers! mamtenance. Club meetings are heldin the,weight room. Meeting times for this term are Feb. 28th;March 12th and March 26th. The meetings See you on the courts!! / (Glenn Ha&r . ’ run from 6:30 - 8:m p.m. f / t Chico Silvestri, ext. 3005 Women’s Volleyball Convenor ‘<

Int&uci.ng \ \New’ I’I. r Submarin~es! ., 4 /\ - ‘.. \ . _.i









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