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C-n- Friday,



Peers Centre is open from 10:00to 2 p.m. Monday to Thursday: noon to 2 p.m. Friday. We are a listening, information and referral service. Counselling Services will be offering a series of workshops dealingwith Communication andSocialSkills in the Workplace. The first session will be held Thurs. March 8 from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. Call ext. 2655or drop in NH 2080 to register. Ontario at Work - a juried photographic exhibition, University of Regina Exhibition. Includes winnersofjuried photographic competition sponsored by Lynwood Arts Centre and Labatt’s Ontario Breweries, and the current work of 35 western artists in an exhibition of drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and ceramics. 38 pieces from faculty and students at U of Regina.March 1to April 1, Mon-Fri 9 to 4 p.m., Sun. 2 to 5 p.m. UW Arts Centre Gallery, Modern Languages. Ukrainian Day: displays will befeatured during the day in the CC. Accompanying this will beacraft workshopin CC 110.Come and try your hand at paintingeggs! A lunch of Ukrainian cuisine with a concert at 11:30a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Come out and try Ukrainian culture at its best. WLU Festival ‘84 presents Brown Bag Films. Today: Off The Wall. Free admission, noon, Rm 1El. Peace Sot will discuss its history and its vision for the future. Dr. WalterKlaasen,aSocietyfounder, will provide input. 12:30p.m., Blue Room, Conrad Grebel. Biology Dept. at WLU presents a lecture on “Provincial and Local Fur Management” by B. Buckland, Ont. Ministry of Natural Resources. 1:30 p.m., room 2E7 of Arts Bulding, WLU. Free, all welcome.

- Saturday,


sp~Br~s”‘cti 3-

Fed Flicks - see yesterday.

WLU Festival 1984- evening cinema presents Eduard Munch. Free. 8 p.m. rm. 1El. WLU Festival 1984 - opera production: Canadian premiere of The Mother of us All by Virgil Thompson, libretto by Gertrude Stein. 8 p.m., Theatre Auditorium. Tickets required. Rock Video Roadshow - sponsored by Ukrainian Students Club aqd Feds. 8 p.m. SCH. Fed Flicks - The LordsofDiscipline. Feds $1, others $2.8 p.m.

AL 116.Admission

See yourself at the Mug for a relaxing evening. 8:30 to 11:30,cc 110. Free introductory lecture to to TM and TM-Sidhi. For info call886-8766.8:30p.m. CC 135.

Free Noon Hpur Concert featuring Shannon PurvesSmith and Terry McKenna performing Medieval and Renaissance music. Sponsored by CGC Music Dept. 12:30,CGC Chapel.

Theatresports Workshop: Releasingthe Improviser! Led by Linda Carson. HH 180, 7 p.m. Feds $2, others $2.50. Dress comfortably. Veshevany Vechornitchy. ,Come and dance to the strains of Ukrainian music. $5;per person, semi-formal dress, 8 p.m., 15 Michael St., Ukrainian Culture Centre (King and Victoria). WLU Festival 1984 presents Diva. Free admission, 8 p.m. rm 1El.

- Sunday,


4 -

Fed Flicks - see Friday. Service of Holy communion at 11 a.m. in Keffer Chapel,WLU. Sponsored by LutheranCampusMinistry. Reformed Ecumenical Campus Worship Service, HH 280, lo:30 a.m. Worship and praise every Sunday morning in St. Paul’s College Chapel, 11a.m. Theatresports Workshop: specialty workshop on Mime by Ian Chaprin from Toronto, 2 to 5 p.m. 3rd Floor lounge - Humanities Building.Feds $4, others $4.50. Kayaking in Laurel Creek 4 to 6 p.m., Sundays for the rest of the term (only kidding, it’s in the PAC pool). Call Mike, 886-1963.

- Monday,



A representative of Katimavik, Canada’s national youth volunteer program, will be on campus to talk to interested students. NH 1020from 11 a.m. to noon. Jewish Students Association/Hillel presents Bagel Brunches twice a week. Speakers once a week. Come on out and meet old friends and make new ones. 11:30to I p.m. CC 110. UW House of Debates . . . come out and join a great debateor just listen. No experience necessary,5 p.m., St. Jerome’s rm. 3229. Students of Objectivism. A tape recorded lecture by Ayn Rand, Egalitarianism and Inflation. All welcome, 7 p.m., MC 6091A.

- Tuesday,



Make your appointment for a complete Fitness and Lifestyle assessment at Health Services. Fitness and nutrition consultant also available. $15 students, $25 staff/faculty. Call 884-9620for an appointment.

Friday, March 2,1984,


Sci Sot Film Night - The Man who Fell To Earth starring David Bowie. $2 science s’tudents, others $3. Door prizes, 7 p.m. PHY 145.

BibleStudyonthebookofMatthewstartsat4p.m.atthe Lutheran Student House, 177Albert St. All welcome.

Part of Africa Week: Yusufu Salloojee of the African National Congress in Toronto will present a lecture on “South Africa Today” at AL 206 at 7 p.m. Refreshments available.

Science for Peace Public Meeting. Prof. J. S. Gardner, Environmental Studies, will give a presentation on “Nuclear War - the Climatic Effects of Thermonuclear War”, 12:30p.m., AL 105.

People! fire you open-minded, friendly, andfree on Wed. nights? Why not “zap on down” to the GLLOW Coffeehouse where you can meetfellow peers who share a common interest. Rise up! 8 p.m. CC 110.

Progressive ConservativeCampus Assoc. is holdinga very important meeting to elect delegatesand alternates to the upcoming OPCCA convention at McMaster University March 9 to 11. Other important events and activities will be discussed, new members welcome! 5:30 p.m., CC 138.

Cinema Gratis - Elephant Man, Hall.

WLU - opera. See yesterday.

Weight room reserved times: 6:30 to 8:30. Meetings March 12and 26, in weight room. ASEAN members: pleasecome out andjoin the fun every Friday in the PAC at 7:30 p.m. Activities: badminton, basketball, volleyball, etc. For more info call Mel at 8886278.


bv rm

Opera Club, Dr. Martens and friends will meet to discuss, listen and watch video recordings of opera performances. All welcome, for more info call 885-0220.7 p.m. Conrad GC.

- Thursday,

9:30 p.m. CC Great



Students for Choice - see yesterday. Debates - see Monday.

present its Shuffleboard Tournament

Registration for CPR refresher course still open - will be held Monday March 19from5:30 tog:30 p.m. Students $10, staff/faculty $12. Call ext. 3541for more info.

Lecture by Prof: Grasof Guelph U.- “MilitaryinAfrican Politics” - Nigeria. CC 113, 1 p.m. Refreshments available.

International Women’s Day! Booths in Great Hall. lo:30 film. 11:30 slide presentation on abortion. 12:30 speaker on eating disorders. 1:30& 7:30p.m. film& talk: “Feminism? What, where, when, why.” CC 110and 135.

African Students’ Association, Feds & Grad Students’ Association present Africa Week, March 6-9. Events include speakers, films, and a party to top it off. All welcome!

The Physics Happy House - all science undergrads invited to meet informally over coffee and donuts, 2:30 PHY 316.

Bombshelter today.

- Wednesday,


7 -

Choice under attack! Legaiize abortion clinics! Visit pro-choice booth in the CC. Buttons, T-shirts, free literature, slide/tape presentation. Support a woman’s right to choose. WPIRG brown bag seminai: The film Mondragon Experiment will be shown, free for all interested. It documents the highly successful industrial co-operative movement in the Basque region of Spain. 1230, CC 135. Ash Wednesday Services, UW and WLU by Rev. Paul Bosch. Holy Communion at 7:45 in Keffer Chapel at WLU, celebration service of Holy Communion at 12:30 same place. More Communion at 4:30 p.m., St. Bede’s Chapel, at Renison, and Service of Holy Communion at 10 p.m. at Keffer Chapel. Red Cross ‘Blood Donor Clinic, 2 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Grace Lutheran Church, 136 Margaret Ave. at Louisa, Kitchener. 325donorsneeded! Christian Perspective 4:30p.m. HH 334.

series, Chaplain Morbey.

Huron Campus Mir@stry Fellowship,St. Paul’s College 6 p.m.

African Students Assoc. is showing two films: Last Grave in Dimbaze and Cry for Freedom. Discussion to fpllow. Refreshments, and all welcome, CC 135,7 p.m. WCF Supper Meeting, with guest speaker Richard Middleton from U of G speaking on “Christianity in the World”. All welcome, 4:30p.m. EL 2536. Jewish Students Assoc/Hillel presents Falasha, an eveningof information and discussion about the situation of the Jews in Ethiopia, including the film Fulasha, with special guest appearance of Baruch Tegene from Montreal, one of Ethiopia’s 25,000 persecuted black Jews. AL 105.$1 Feds, others $2. Reception following. For more info call886-3617or 886-9866.




9 -

Open House at home of Lutheran Chaplain Paul Bosch at 7:30 p.m., at 157Albert St. To top off Africa Week, there will be a pub in HH 373. Admission $1.00. Cash bar available.Lots of fun, all are welcome. 8 p.m. to 1a.m. Peace Sot will look at peacemaking in personal relationships. Dean Peachey, worker with VictimOffender Reconciliationservices, will provide input. 12:30 p.m., Blue Room, Conrad Grebel College. Fed Flicks - Star $1 Feds, $2 others.






~Classified Personal Happy 21st Birthday Michelle McGintY . . .we’ll haveagood time Sat. night.. . maybe we can pick up a few men . . . Steve won’t mind, after all, it is vour birthday!!(Besides, Bear says it’s AOK). To the girl at Wilcox, U of G. I think I love you. But if you’re married or engagedor something i’lijust cut off my hair and drop out of school. Don’t worry, I probably would have done it anyway. My name is Chris Laurel, where haveyou been?1haven’t seenyou in *\whiie. You must be having a hard? time getting out of bed. Not doing anything tonight? Want to have some fun? If you’re already doing something, want to have some more fun? Come to the Bewareof the ides of March Party, West Quad lounge, Vii tonight at 9 p.m. Are you sexually starved; well i sure am. if you are interestedinanevening, I will try not to miss! Pleasecontat me, Darrell Jones. P.S. they don’t call me Bulls-eyefor nothing.

Dave - only onemore to go,for a halfa year. Have a super Wednesday! How about dinner on me?LA. Aloysius!!! I know Carol Rawkie and I sleep with her bear. Her bear is so soft and cuddly!! (TLC) Bucky! It‘s over! 1‘11never speak or feitch with you again. it’s Tom and Potatoe-headfor me. LLBV. GirlsofEastB!!!isBforBoringordoes someoneup there haveapulserateover IT? R. Watson and B. Nancarrow wisb to publicly apologize to Miss’A. Lesinski for any distress suffered by her on account of certain recent personal ads. We also urge that others inspired by these ads, who have been harassing Miss Lesinski. desist. While it is impossible to retract those ads, we assure her that none further will appear.

Revengers,your fun won’t lastfor long. We know who you are and we won’t hesitate in gaining retribution regardlessof the cast (to you) Look over your shoulders often. Beware of the ides of March. Revengers I I (a sequel) Little Monkey, you’re very spunky when upset, and yet its clear to me you’re dear. Math I15B Lynch Mob meetsMonday - bring rope and voodoo dolls. This week: discussion and limited range anti-personnel weapons. .Bandit: the only person who is the banker and still goes bankrupt every time. Shoo-oot! Debbie: you can’t cat-tier-on taking over forever you know. Dow-oo! Jimbo, wherewereyou tii15a.m. Utting again? Coca, Jancie, Sow and Roo want to wish Karen a very Happy Birthday. Andyoucantoo-884-8439(Pieaseon Monday only).

Iso-Kamlas (Karen and Roxanne): we hear you’re not taking this as we intended. You’re cute too. The Apologetic Revengers. To the beautiful red head I had an ice cream with on Wed. last. Love to see you again, CC Friday or Monday. IO:25or I1:25. Hey K, do you realize that you have caused polar bears to become an endangeredspecies?(Cha!) Kitten: how’s about a candlelight dinner and a sexy date? Tongith ok? Your placeor mine. . . Munchkin. T - do you always sleepin bathrooms? Thump and Twink: for the 69th time, keep your domestic quarrels down to a low blubber! Haveyou everconsidered moving to South India? Lambda. Thank-you - to ail those wonderful participants in the 2nd Annual Wine and slagFest. Hope to seeyou all soon at Heaith Services.

Fit Five Bulletin: 2nd level: Luke, Camy and Gregma. Nowhere in sight: Beef. .. Well, since my baby left me.. .

S.A. ( NO. 55):too badyou fouled out.. , now how about fouiing in? Your’re a cutie! Take me! What time is it, Rob‘!

Hi Sexy! it’s me again. So you can’t. guesswho it is. Keep onguessing,seeya later. MBD you talked! it was orgasmic! Keep up the good work, maybe you’ll lose it. P.S. only 196to go. Rej. Zim and Tin, you can come over anytime to show me your tan lines. Maybe you’ll gef a lick, J. Attention Planners!! Pleasegivegenerously to the “Send Normie to Europe Fund” so that his body can bere-united with his head. Sponsored by S.T.U.N.N.. (Students United To Nuke Norm). Ron B. it was pointed out to me.very seriously. that you thought. but I‘m not, Remon.. . signed Yellow. 4B Chemists: getting nervous about your 492seminars? Don’t delay. makeup your data today. We’ll be watching: The Revengers. Wanted: one short Hyper female to celebratea birthday with, Possibleroad trip included. Who lovesyou baby! MC Bean. Meg Cheng, Happy Birthday. (How does it feel to be 210240 hours old?) From, Amy, Avvy, Bob, Una. Isaac,

Ray. Liza. May-Yee. and Sonny. Awesome, but not great! Happy 31st Birthday to Meg Cheng! From Amy, Avvy, Bob, Una, Issac, Lisa. Ray, Man-Yee, and Sonny. To Boy Cord, Amee, et al; will you guys quit fooling around with you-knowwho’s beaver! Signed Mike Hunt. Zim. You were really wild Saturday night. My bed hasnever beenmoved so much and my underwear will never be thesame. ironingcan bedoneanytime. Happy VD . . .B. ES0 Techniques: Single male interested in female partner toassist inlearning and practicing ES0 exercises. If interested, place ad arranging a meeting using the names on page 60 of The Book. Chris. Andy, have you had your bottle of Bushmili’s lately? Watch out your roommate is a Klept-maniac although he reachesfor more concrete items! No offense intended. Hey Poopsie, Happy 2 Ist Birthday! May your P.P. man live forever. Best


on page



books resold

by Stephen Motluck . Imprint staff Sources close to Imprint indicated th%t approximately three hundred books were stolen from the Dana Porter Arts Library within the past year and that some of these books turned up for sale at the Federation of Students-operated Used Book Store in the Campus Centre. The books had had their libraiy identification removed. As well, the problem of theft of personal eff&ts wi:t’hin the library is an ongoing problem’. Last week, Al Romenco, Director of Campus Security, stated ‘that he could not comment on -the. theft of personal effects because of an ongoing investigation; however, he said a statement would be’forthcoming in a few days about that a-nd other matters. .Imprint attempted to contact and numerous times on Monday unavailable for comment.

Romenco again late last week and Tuesday but he was always

at Used Book Store

Bruce MacNeil, Associate Librarian for Reader Services, discussed the problem of theft in the library when contacted last wekk. On Tuesday of this week, MacNeil was again contacted and asked about the theft and resale of library materials. “I don’t want to say anything-about it right now,” he said. One of Impiint’s sources overheard Federation of Students’ President Tom Allison discussing the resale of stolen library material with an employee of the Used Book Store. Allison is reported by Imprint’s source as h:?>.ing said that one person was apprehended in the library as a suspect in the case. When Allison was intially contacted about the case, he said, “We don’t have any problem. I don’t know what you are talking about.” When Allison was contacted again and pressed further, he said, “We don’t plan on having this problem again,” but was reluctant to release an official statement. Allison felt that the student body would not benefit by knowing the details of the case.

Engineers ponder high school changes by Carol Fletcher Imprint staff Are Ontario universities prepared to accept seventeen year olds, fresh out of Grade Twelve, into the University system? More importantly, will these young people be able to cope with the stresses of exams and co-op jobs‘? Will they be hurled into university life, while they are still wet behind the ears‘? U nfortunately, the time to ponder these questions has passed. The Ontario Ministryp- 02E Education has restmctured the Secondary School system, and the changes will no doubt have great effects here, at the University of Waterloo. Gary Griffiths Dean of Undergraduate Affairs for Arts, addressecj t hc 1 cb. 20th FaculJy of Engineering Council Meeting. He NIX II\\L’~ the’changes being made in Ontario High Schools and their various ramifications. The Ministry of Education commissioned a Secondary Education Review Project (SERP) to make recommendations concerning Ontario High Schools. The changes being implemented include the following: abolition of Grade Thirteen and the Secondary School Honours Graduation Diploma (SSHGD); elimination of Secondary School Graduation Diploma (SSGD); and the two diplomas replaced by the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSS D). The OSSD requirements include thirty credits from all discipline areas. These credits may be satisfied in four or five years, allowing a certain amount of flexibility for the student. If the student is aspiring towards college or university, then he or she must take Ontario Academic Courses (OAC’s). These OAC’s may be included in his or her thirty credits for the OSSD, if the student wishes. The changes in the curricula include different levels of difficulty: basic, general, and advanced. The advanced level is mandatory for the OACs. According to Griffith, thechanges will involve a “concentration” of certain disciplines in Grade Eleven and Grad Twelve in order for the student to prepare for specific career goals. Griffith also stated that there will be a standard Ontario Transcript, along with standard curricula for certain subjects. He said that pools of questions and tests may be dr‘awn from a newly-developed Ontario Assessment Instrument Pool in order for this normalization to take place. Unfortunately, the Ministry has not yet decided how they are going to implement these guidelines or how the guidelines are going to be received by older . teachers who have already established programs. The Engineering Faculty appeared to be concerned that there has been no planning for mandatory final exams or establi’shinga means of-stalidardization for these final exams. The professbrs complained that many first-year students have never written final exams before and that they are therefore definitely at a disadvantage. The changes in the High Schooldiploma, and all other changes regarding Secondary Schools, will begin this coming September. The University of Waterloo may expect the products of these changes, the students from the new High School system, as early as September of 1988. Some of the possible social effects of this new program were also discussed by Griffiths. Griffiths said that “We’ll have a problem in the transition from high school to University and also to the work-force.” Asked what social affects adolescents entering into asadultan environment as university might have, Griffiths said, “There are always the immature few.” He felt that most students would not have a problem but would adjust. He did say that there would be a problem with seventeen-year old students competing for co-op jobs against older students, and with drinking at pubs. However, he was not aware of any programs to address these problems.

Correction It was incorrectly reported in the Feb. 17th Imprint that Gary Stewart is the Chairman of the Federation of Students’ Board of Entertainment (Bent). Chuck Williams is the Chairman of Bent. Stewart is its paid, fulltime programmer.

Allison finally consented, however, to give the following statement: “We have met with security and a library staff member to work out a more careful way for looking for this kind of incident. The idea of the meeting was to show our staff from the (Used) Book Store the way (in which) books can be laundered to remove markings so that they can be resold. The Bookstore now has a nine step plan that it will follow withevery book brought in. If the book is stolen, chances are greater that it will be caught. Allison stated that this is the first timedproblem of this sort has . occurred at the Bookstore. However, he later admitted that a used bookstore in Kitchener-Waterloo has also received stolen library material from U W. When Allison was asked whetherpublic charges were going to be brought against the person apprehended, he would not say. Allison felt that if knowledge of this event became public, it would spur a series of crimes of this sort as studentsand others try to profit from the trafficking in stolen books. According to Campus Security, the investigation regarding these library crimes is ongoing.



and aircraft

by George Imprint

K. P. Fabian, Deputy High Commissioner from India to Canada, spoke on “International Development Cooperation: A Point of View’?* at an Asian, African, Latin American Study Groupsponsored meeting - on February 28th. Imprint photo by Sharon Chen.

CHP, faces axe: more funds needed

by Rizaldo Padilla Imprint staff The $~O,OUU government grant that Campus Health Promotion (CH P) received in February of 1983 will expire by the end of next month. Marion Howell, a health consultant for CH P, hopes that a new source of funding ca’n be found by early April. Campus uealth Promotion plays a vital role in educating, assessing and promoting the health and well-being of members of the University. This is done through group and individual counselling and educational activities. * Some of the many educational activities that CHP offers include Think Thin, Kick It, and Nutrition Plus. The primary objective of these programs is to illustrate that “good 1ife”can be .achieved with “good health”. H owe11 said that by April the program will need t@al financial assistance comes from the University. Shecommented that some funding comes from the Federation of Students, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CU PE) and the Staff Association. However, the amount of money CHP receivesfrom thesegroups is not enough to keep the program running full-time. CH P can choose from three alternatives if funding can not be identified. First, it can operate part-time, although Howell said operation will cut off accessibility to the that “part-time program.” Secondly, the program can provide only specificactivities. But Howell feels that the activities CHP is offering are all very important. “The turn-out is overwhelming,” she said. Thirdly, the program can disappear as if it never existed. Ernie Lucy, director of employee and student services, does not want to see CH P disappear. He is, at the present time, looking for a source of funding within the’ University. Lucy realizes that there is a tight budget, but that fact did hot stop him from saying that, “I’m going to find the money by April.” He did not reveal from who, or where, in the University this money is to come. Howell said that he did not want to“scare off” potential funders. The financial burden, however, did not stop Campus Health Promotion from offering a six-week “Think Thin” weight control program to begin on March 5th, 1984.

Elliott Clarke staff

Frank Cerecser and Michael Trueman, two U W engineering students, and the main organizers of the fifth annual Ontario Engineering Design competition (OEDC), agreed that it has been a “monumental amount of work” to plan the 1984 competition, the first one to be held at U W. But they are looking forward to it. According to Gerencser and Trueman, this design and communications competition, which is open to all undergraduate engineers in Ontario, offers them several opportunities. One is that of showing their designs in acompetitive forum and having them evaluated by skilled judges. Another is that of meeting professional engineers from industry, universities, and government. Gerencser and Trueman said that the OEDC will also give ,students the opportunity to do “real-world problems rather than just academic exercises.” They felt that the weekend-long event, scheduled for March 9th and lOth, might also lead engineering students to “job prospects and good contacts.” Another reason for holding the OEDC was provided by Gerencser. He said that the event gives engineers the chance to change their public image. “The public has a negative attitude towards engineers because of the, how shall I say.. . outrageous things we do.” Trueman felt that the OEDC shows “another aspect” of engineers. ’ The competition features four categories: entrepreneurialand corporate design, and explanatory and editorial communications. The entrepreneurial and corporate design categories challenge engineering students to either use their skills to sdlve technical problems or to develop an innovative technical idea and show its market potential. The technical problems are provided by participating corporations. The explanatory and editorial categories challenge engineering students to expound on socio-technological matters in a public forum. Competition in the various categories is expected to be fierce. Designs ranging from computer-generated slides (a UW contribution) to an ultra-light aircraft kit are entered, while communication seminars ranging from an explanation of mining gold ore to a discussion of car seats for people with bad backs are also entered. Prize money ranges from $1,000 and a trophy for first place to $750 for second, and $500 for third. The theme of OE DC 1984, Trueman said, is “the importance of: computers and their interactions with man in years to come.” Both Gerencser and he expected that undergraduate engineers from all over Ontario will attend the event. Looking forward to the actual competition, Gerencser emphasized that the event is “run entirely by students”, and expressed a desire for his fellow students to come out to “browse and look” at the various.displays.

\ 1






* \


Community developniLent : .. ..’


eciwwmic .-

.‘,d&cti$ioti ’

by Alex We&$ . c :i The Canadian government In&tit staff ’ “* s wastes a iot of money on job David- Pell; an ex-Univer: , creation; Pell’ said,’ and, is ineffective in dealingwith-the sity of. Waterloo student, growing youth unemployment spoke on ‘Community Econcrisis. Contrary to’ popular omit Development at’ ’ the belief, most; ’ recipients of WPIRG seminar on February 22nd. t ’, \ ,I -I pjt3,mpir0$,~ent insurance Pell discussed the’ structure want to work, he said; “They -and function of community want a means of gaining self groups, and their successI and. xx~pect?.‘~nd needgoals. j failure in Canadaand Europe. ’ ,. .\ ” . Canadahas lost its status as He stressed the importance of .an industrialised country, and co-operative interaction with will have’ to’ -emphasize government and private industrial development if <it* enterprise, and’ said that 3ll issues, not just unemploy?, wants to regain that status, he. said. ment, should be addressed. About twenty peopie Social, artistic, “and. _health problems are also important, , attended the seminar, most in hesaid.., , .- Planning 3~ Economics.

Ron Ferguson 5 Fine Arts . System &sign 100: .Very easy but not as ‘intellectually stimulating as 1 ‘ thought, it would be: i .--- .: _. \.\

_. Anthony Davies . 1B Elec. Eng. Psych 101: You don% have to go to any lectures, you just .have to borrow lecture - notes from a good4ooking ,artsie girl and photocopy it. f

What bird course did ybu takk this semester? PO yolk recommend it?

by Rizaldo Pa&la Linda Watt

\ *

Keith Logan 1B Math‘ Physics 122: 1 recommend it to anyone who has a sleeping problem. .


Christine Spooner 2 Science Music 100: It’s so easy, it’s embarassing to admit that 1 took it

Michelle Page ’ 1B Math Physics 122: 1 sleep-with Keith . . . but only in Physics.

_Parkdale’ -

468 Albert St. ’ . Waterloo. (Parkdale Plaza)


\ ‘,; -Avaijab\e only to Federation of students’ *

.-,, ,

- .

Open 9-9,Monda);iFriday g-7 Saturday


Noon-6 Sunday

delivered \






“We do have constructive policies;.” she said. “Don’t believe’ everything you read in the papers - that all we (the NDP) want to. , do is spend, spend, spend.” When asked about her party’s low standing in current opinion polls, McDonald said that shedid not believe that thereisa“right wing swing” in the country and that, in fact, the party’sown polls show widespread s”upport for many of the party’s policies. However, she admitted that the strong anti-Liberal sentiments ’ in the country are translating into support for the Progressive Conservatives, as a way to get rid of Prime Minister Trudeau. -Yet she argued~ that a national Conservative government would only be worse: t‘The Conservatives will only dig us deeper into the grave.” _. i ‘f ,

\ ..By‘ Rob Dobrucki ’ ;I.m&nt staff

, Canada/has under&one “a recovery of profits, no&e&very of employment,” according to New Democratic Party (NDP) MP, Lynn&Donald, who spoke in Waterloo on Sunday aft-ernoon. . McDonald outlined-the “NDP Fair Recovery Programme”, her party’s response to last month’s federal budget, which she. described as “an obscene document”. She criticized the government for continuing tax loopholes that were of advantage I only to the rich, and for adding even more,of them. ‘. She claimed that “small business reform” in th& budget wsisted primarily of ‘$&wing professionals to incorporate in order to reduce their taxes. * McDonald also stated that changes regarding mortgages generally favoured lendersover borrowers, and that there was no attention paid to social housing/ non-profit housing,whatsoever. Regarding new youth job creation programmes, she asserted that the funding was inadequate: “$150 million in Ottawa is peanuts,” she said, using the,.example that, in rearranging his budget due to a premature disclosure last year, Lalonde was able to find an extra $200 Imillion .at the last minute for last year’s , budget. McDonald maintained that the budget’s projection of over one million unemployed in’ Canada for the coming year is unacceptable. In order to create employment, she argued: “We must stimulate consumption; we chn’t expect businesses to expand without a stimulation of consumption.“: McDonald outlined the “NDP Fair Recovery Programme”, which would include more investment in research and development (R&D), increasing the infrastructure in the natural resource sector, democratization of the workplace,. greater community control of industry, and low interest rates for small business. She said that funds for these programs could be raised by ending the tax breaks that benefit only those with higher incomes, and by making tax breaks to industry conditional up,on various factors, such as greater R&D or guaranteed employment levels.

WorGen’s Day born&g’ . by Carol Fle’tcher Imprint staff


Chinese display , ancient



by George Elliott Imprint staff



Women all over the world wili be celebrating &ernation;ll Women’s Day on March Sth, and the University of Waterloo will be right in the thick of things. ’ The Campus Centre will be a’ htib of activity, focusing on various talks directed towards current women’s issues. Booths williinclude information concerning the Birth Control’ Centre, Women% Studies, the Women’s Actiop Collective (WAC), , 1- and UW’s Pro-Choice group. San&ta Dubay and Jessica Armstrong, core organizers of the events sponsored <by the University of Waterloo’s Women’s Centre, have scheduled the following discourses: + .’ . 11:30 a.m. - The Abortion Issue. (slide/ tape presentation&,;: given by Aleia Depalo; at 12:30 p.m. - Women and Nutrition; l:3O p.m. & 7:3O p.m. -“Women Want” (movie),‘followed byBarbara Saunders ‘speaking on “Feminism and the Women’s Movement”. At 9:30 p.m., a “Toast to Women” at the Duke of Wellington.


-\ +t.


sour spsire ribs, ‘two- kinds of-won ‘ton, -and spring rolIs. The beverage was soy bean drink. -Lai felt that the response to the event was“not bad butnot too good.” He had expected “double, the number of people” who attended the activities. However, he thought that reading week may have been one reason for the lower-than-expected -./. attendance.


Several aspects of one of the world’s oldest cultures were presented from February 20th to 22nd in the Campus Centre. “China W.eek”, sponsored by the Chinese Student Association (CSA), showcased Chinese dance, music, calligraphy, and food. Rene Lai, CSA vice+resident external, said that the purpose of China Week was “to introduce Chin;ese culture to students at UW and the public in general.” Chinese dance and music were featured on February 20th. -A dance performance was given, and a display, “Musical China”, was set up. The display featured such musical instruments as Chinese flute, pipa (a guitar with a round botdom that is played directly by one’s fingers), and jung (a desk-sized instrument which the strings must be pressed to produce sound). Chinese calligraphy was the attraction of February 21 st. At a special booth;students were introduced to the different styles of Chinese writing. Two professors demonstrated the ancient art. On February 22nd, Chinese food. was the centre of attention. Dishes that were sold included .I fried ‘. rice, curried beef, sweet and

China Week was organized by a ten-member committee, and .had been planned to celebrate the Chinese New Year (which began on February 2nd). #However, because the Campus Centre was being used for the Carousel of Health that week, it had. to be postponed. Speaking of the CSA, Lai said that the seventeen-year-old, 250-member, Federation of Students-recognized club, is planning to ho1.d its annual general meeting and elections on March 6th and an “Orient Bowl” - an annual sports event in which all Ontario universities’ Chinese associations participate on March 24th and 25th: This year, Waterloo will host the weekend of sports’ activities.

. ., According to Conway, The Anti-Imperialist AlPrime Minister Trudeau liance (&A) began a series of seems to be a master at this strategy, being able to project four public meetings last month. a false image of confusion to At the first of these justify his contradictions in meetings, Jeff Conway policy. . ., addressed a small audience on ’ . the contrasting philosophies The prdmotibn of idealism% - of idealism and -materialism on campus is frowned upon by and the role that each of these the Anti-Imperialist Alliance. play in our society. -’ \ Groups’ such as the Waterloo .. According to Conway, Christian Fellowship or the idealism is a philosophy 1 Studems of Objectivism came embraced by groups wanting under attack for their to justify what cannot be apparent denial of materialjustified. He said it has been ism. In contrast to idealism, used’to uphold the value of many social evils including materialism was said to be a slavery, under the guise of scientific knowledge of “universal order” or “absolute society. According to Conidea”. This philosophy, her: way, a materialist accepts that said, is meant to befuddle men, there are no infinite mysteries; the answers are not merely 1 to make them accepting *’.of their lot. ’ known yet. , ~by Julie Smith












from $399.00 from$59.00 $249.00 $859.00 $-io9~.00

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Dr. Biian Ostrow,‘national spokesman of the People’s Front Against Racist and Fascist Violence:, spoke on Trudeau’s Peace Demagogy (as) Part of the Imperialist War Preparations” at anI Anti-Imp‘erialist Alliance-sponsored meeting on February 17th. Imprint photo by Brian Qliver. ’ I’ ,


All currently registered undergraduate students intending to enrol1 in undergraduate programmes in May, July, and September 1984 should pre-register with your department-faculty advisor, March 5-9,. 1984. Information regarding advisors, timesand places, is listed in the Course Offerings List. The list and additionalinformation can be obtained from the department/ faculty offices. Preregistration allows you to select in March the courses that you ‘-wish ‘to take in May, July and September 198.4 sessions. If you are thinking *of changing faculties next term, you should contact the appropriate advisor ofthe, faculty to which- you wish to transfer. Undergraduate Calendars for 1984-85 are available from the Registrar’s Office in Needles Hall.


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particularly in the Environmental Studies and The Jewish StudentsAssociation (JSA),‘along * with varicus Engineering buildings. other Jewish, African, and Still, l do not posess the power of expression com’munity interest groups, is sponsoring the j y within me to adequately vent my outrage. I have widely acclaimed documentary, “Falasha:\the difficulties fully appreciating why ’ Exile of the Black Jews”; to be screened on March ’ philosophical anyone in an “Institution of “higherlearning’! 8th, in the Campus Centre, at 8:OOp.m. would deface posters publicizing an event meant . Simcha Jacobovici, then a Ph,D. candidate in to increase the public knowledge of a great Anthropology at the University of Toronto at the of whi,ch still too many of us are time of the filming ofthe movie, was,prinicipally ’ / human tragedy unaware. Putting intolerance and misspent responsible for its production. The CBC’s “Man ; frivolity aside,the excuse for suchan act of ’ Alive” series aired the documentary last Apiil, ignorance escapes my imagination. while it was broadcast on.NBC’s “Monitor” ’ ‘wanton < >. ’ One doesn’t have to be Jewish, or Black, or program-last June. . _ ’ ’ Falasha;whichin Amharic (the language j African, or Ethiop.ian, or even interested in the spoken in Ethiopia) -means “stranger” or “one to realize that the’tearing , plight of the Falashas down of anyone’s poster& a gross’transgression whodoes not owniand”is’the name gives to the . of the basic right to free expression. And the \ &th Yisrael (house of-Israel), an ancient Black violation of th.is fundamental right should not be Jewish tribe in exile-in Ethiopia. Following the socialist revolution in 1974, - . taken lightly. The only consolation J can-hope to offer the JSA I many Ethiopian Jews were killed imprisoned, and the other groups involved in bringing the tortured, or sold intoslavery: The 28,000 documentary to campus is my absurance’that the remaining Falashas live in desperate poverty, in a acts of vandalism were performed by a few (, destitute land experiencing its 13th straight year malicious, intellectual emasculates, who do not in of drought. Although emigration is strictly forbiddensome ;(i\y way reflect the attitudes of most of us on Ethiopian Jews still manage to escape to the campus. neighbouring countries of Sudan, Djibouti,-and Somalia. The Falashas who are fortunate enough to escape from Ethiopia-find themselves herded \ into squalid refugee camps, where they may suffer malnutrition,, dysentery, malaria, and measles. ’ ~Of the 3,000 Ethiopian Jews in refugee camps, 90% are illiterate, and most of them aretoo unaware of civilized laws to request international \ refugee status, which would obligate the United ’ Nations to provide them with food, shelter, and clinical facilities. Many of the younger Falashas . are even ignorant of their language and their Torah. Because the JSA and the other groups sponsoring the screening of the documentary feel that it is imperative that the story of the Falasha’s tragedy be told to the university community, they have spe,nt a great deal of money financing the event, even printing 500 posters to ensure that it would be well-publicized. Hundreds of these , posters were put up around campus last weekend (February 24th - 25th), but by Monday, only a -. handful of the posters had not been torn down ordestroyed. jOf the original 450 posters that were posted around campus, only about 100 remain. Students did complain about the posters being destroved l

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Staff Meetings 1 :OO p.m. 5:OO p.m. 1 :OO p.m.

/ *

Cover by Simon Wheeler

‘Paid positions open on Imprint:

Editor Typesetter ~Bookkeeper / .PleaseSubmit your resume to the Imprint off ice (CC 140) no later than noon, March lf7th, 1984.’ . /

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a member of the Ontazio Communim Nerwspatper LissocMion (OCNA~: Imprint publishes every second Fridqyduringthesp~tirmandevery~~ theregulartqns.MaUshouldbe~tc “Imprint, CampuB Centre Room 140, UniversiQr 01 Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.”

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With I.D. Card

Let a Hundred ’ Flower&Blossom ’ When a nation’s citizenry ceases to question the nature of things or shies from debate, or when only ‘lone s&j of o.pinions or theories is aci cepted as holy writ and law, that nation is in danger of eventual dissolution. - The weak state is invariably that which does not .encourage debate,,,free thought, and free speech. __. .Tde nations of North America are beginning to display signs of weakness: For instance, our schools turn out non-thinking automatons, fit only for management by subjectives, who have never been taught to think for themselves. Instead, they

become-the ready servants of the powers that be, and in sombre ties and, milk-white shirts, walk calmly, .with briefcases out-thrust, down into the bombshelters which theirnonquestioning obedien.&: ilo prevailing’dpctribes ha$&,erected.

creatively,‘ room for Poets have economists, physicists, hucksters.

has died ‘to make 1 by ques&ming, again and systemic analysis. again, every scientific asbeen replaced by sumptiorrabout the nature ‘of priests by our universe. -philosophers by Thus, let us dispense with the Dbureaucratic prose of politicians, the semi-religious To save our culture, this cant of scientists, the doggerel Western ci.vilization, from any of base capitalists,-farid seek revelation through poem and further decay, we must restore prayer! Let us tear down our ability to see the truth.

. are signs that we are going blind collectively. s. / Our society has hunkered down in materialism, a culture of apperance .over. substance. Hence, our politicians look pretty and mouth “gobbledygook; our foreign policies are reduced to mere shows of strength, tailored for the evening news.

These bland multitudes who coqduct their daily lives without ever wondering, pondering, reasoning, or questioning, ‘are like so many -’ Our soldiers are shipped lemmings. In times of crises, overseas to slaughter inthey are sheep to the slaughter. nocents while, at home, our families disintegrate. We grow It is due ‘to this easy‘ , rich in household appliances acceptance of reality as it is but poor in, .household made to- appear that our warmth. We lay ,waste our democracies face the greatest. powers in “getting and danger that we have ever spending” (Wordsworth) and known. The threat is that we pursuing fleshly pleasures, shall.lose sight of the truths only to collapse in enervatisn, needed to keep us free. There despair, and suicide.




be@ gWy,.H6me fries and

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Lo cal -Bands needed in\ , *.lj ,..(&wnstairs

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~.N6TlCiOF hiNNLJAL ’ % ~$~~‘M&~I&@ _, . /- ,.:


NOTICE IS HE&Y GIVEN OF, THEm’ANNtiAL MEETING of the Federationof Students,LJniversi~‘ ’

Come gndesee our new

of Waterloo, a corporationunder the laws of the Province of Ontario, to be held Wednesday, March 21,1984,at

1. Appointment of the Board of Directors.! 2. Officers’ Report 1983-84.

(corner of Web& and?&ater) plenty of free parking

5-l 0


Ontario Hydro cannot put Lawyers . from Tofind- out more about the Waterloo proposed transmission lines a 500 kilovolt power ine Region, Cambridge City anywhere it wants. This & as Council, and the City _of and t-he public hearings, call the ruling recently -handed Kitchener have just recently WPIRG at 884-9020 or ext. down by the Joint Boa”rd in completed presenting their 2578. Watch for the results of cases against Hydro in the judicial review. Stratford, Ontario. The Joint . Upcoming WPIRG events: Board rejected Hydro’s preToronto in what has turned ferred line from the Bruce out to be the longest judicial March 7, Room 135, Campus . Nuclear Power Development review in the history of the Centre, 12:30 p.m., a viewing Supreme Court of Ontario. of t-he film,- The Mondragon (BNPD) to London, Ontario The results of the review will Eqperfmen-t. March. 9, after hearing evidence from citizens concerning the risk to determine whether Hydro can Campus Centre, 800, A class one farmland. Hydro \ continue with its plans, or if it student presentation and responded by prioritizing the * will have to return to stage one - music about El Salvador. and have to begin public March 13, Campus Centre, immediate construction of the hearings all over again. ’ 12:30 p.m., !a viewing of the’ M3 route that runs from the BNPD to the Essa transformfilm Pills, ‘l;ioi Export Only. -No one wants to contend er station(near Barrie). IronicMarch 14, Campus Centre, this proposal was with the loss of farmland, high- 12:30 ‘P.m., a viewing of the al!y, film, Pestitiides, for Exportoriginally rejected by Hydro as voltage induced fagure of farm equipment, loss of watersheds, Qrily. March 22., Theatreof the the least acceptable. loss oftrees, and the loss of Arts, 8:OO p.m., Mixed The adoption of the M3 plan has called into question esthetics caused by the steel Company presentation of the Hydro’s public partic$pation play, Life qn the Line. towers. programme and led to the creation of the Central Ontario Coalition. This “Coalition has voiced concern over the absence of notification of citizens in the central Ontario region. They point to the public hearing location in Stratford ,as evidence that the M3 plan was an afterthought, on‘)he part of Ontario. ” &her concerns ;.of the i C&&& include: ’ ,” %I* y 1. The addition ,of the 401 corridor between London and Woodstock .which was not included in the original M3 environmental assessment. This plan has also angered and mobilized municipal government officials from ’ communities (such as Cambridge and Kitchener) along the 401 corridor. 2. Central Ontario agricul-;’ turalsoils, while not as good as those of Stratford, are still just as valuable to Ontario.’ Approximately 1,500 hectares will be -expropriated if the project proceeds. 3. Major critici’sm has been fatiea over the need tar the power and the transmission line. Ontario Hydro’s highly questionable forecases for determining power demand combined with . Ontario’s present surplus iof power undermines Hydro’s credibility when calling for more ~megaprojects. I

- Westmount Place, Miatedoo



WPIRG; the \coliyyn


statues! If we must have graffitti, let us have it in Hebrew, Greek and Latin. Let “Annihilate all that’s made/To a green thought in a-’ green shade” be our slogan, And let gur goal be the provocation of debate. Let a hundred’ flowers blossom! Let a hundred. schools of thought contend!

Compare our very competetive prices and our first class



’ 3. Auditor’s Report 1983-84. 4. Approval of Auditors for 1983-84. . .


Any other item for the agendaof this meetingmust be in the handsof the Presidentof the Federationof _ students bv 4:30p.m., &ch 7,1934to be considered . at the Annual/Meeting. , , 4 -_ Tom Allison \ f President i Federationof/Students ’







Friday; March ?,1984.

. Septenib’er,c+la$r6p.m. 884-8599or cai-&$t&@s; paper provided; proof- ~ kitchen. balcony, laundry in building. reading included; symbol/italics Near Erb W. and Amos. Rent _ 884-8459. I ted ads are for people with very very good vision. If you can see, oryourdog Class-f. available; work term reports, theses, 550/month. 1month free. 884-7503. l&es a good laugh, drop by Imprint before 5:00 Monday and submit a Classified ad. Photographer requires.male physique (Personalsarepopular.)You(oryourdog)wil havethesatisfactionof readingyourwords essays. 579-55 I3 evenings. Downtown Available May Ist, one double, one models. Pleaseenclose a recent photo even a’s 15,000 other people are sayrng to themselves: “I wonder if that’s the Frederick0 Kitchener location. singleroom. Full useof home.Outdoor 2nd nhone number. Contact: D. Lees. that I know?” The Classrfred page of Imprint is the most thoroughly read section of the Typing: Experienced typist right beside pool. Free parking. Mrs. Wright 885whole rag, and we don’t have to do a thing (except typeset it)! Submit your classified ad Box 43. Etobicoke. Ontario. today! Bring money. campus. Self-correcting typewriter. 1664. Earn $6.80. Female students wanted p s. by now, the rest of the class thinks you ace either asleep back here behind thepaper. 75ejpage. $3 for resumes. Call Ann or you’re trying to pick your nose. for a psychology study of visual I female roommate wanted to share 2 884-042I. \ bedroom furnished apartment from imagery and expressiveness. Takes wishesand mayyoXrdreamscome true. History of Philosophy by F. C. ‘Typing: Essays, Resumes, Theses, May to August, preferrably 2nd or 3rd approximately 1 hour. Please call 886Seeyou in the CC Love always, P. P. Copplestone. Complete 17volumes, in group projects, Fast Efficient Service. year. $156/month. 15 min. walk to 2597. mintcondition. $40.00.Call 746-1995. Hi there - anybody out there?Hello, No Charge Delivery arranged. Call uw, downtown Wat-erloo. Call PaulMar Research Associates is hello? Send ‘replies to Box 203, Vantage acoustic guitar for sale. Diane 576-1284. Loretta or Belinda, 886-6640 after 4 ronductina an on-camnus survev on Nowhere, Ontario. Excellent condition. $250.00call Chris student housing. We’ need -male Typing Plus: Efficient, reliable service p.m. 886-3699. UB40 tickets wanted, will pay near Westmount Plaza.’ Theses, ‘Sunnydale’ - Great place available undergraduates who live or have lived rqasonableprice. Call 885-3813,James. 79 Tr&mph Spitfire,. 52K. winter in residenceto take part in this research reports. papers, letters, resumes, etc., May-Aug ‘84 and alternating terms if stored. Call Paul 746-1088. project. We will pay you $7.00for I .25 etc. 8Oe/page.743-2269. desired. Conveniently located close to West 1, Floor 1 - Thank-vou for vour U of .W and shopping plaza! hours of your time. Call 886-5577 Typing - 14 years’ experience typing hospitality, it was most appreciated. University of Waterloo leatherjacket.! before I I p.m. and leave your name and Reasonable rates. Call Lynda 884Special thanks to Lise and Gayla. university ‘reports, theses, etc. Dark blue. rarelv worn. clean. crested. telephonenumber. Matt and ‘Erin. Will change letters to suit. Size 42 tall. Engineering and technical papers a 6806,Lisa 884-7777or Kelly 884-6997. $120. Call 744-6868. speciality. Call Nancy anytime at 576The Best Little townhouse in Birth - Austin, Robbie (Carleton U) Shiatsu (Japanese Acupressure Mas7901. Sunnydale - to sublet from May to and Rosey are proud to announce the Westward Ho. Return tickets from cage).Give thepleasuresandbenefitsof birth of their first child, ason Robbie Reports expertly edited, set up and August 1984. 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Toronto to Calaaarv. $275.00.Leave Shiatsu to someone special. Gift Jr., 6 lbs, 3 oz. Special thanks goes to April 19. return; April 30. Female. certificates now available. P. Hendettyped on IBM Correcting Selectric by $359/month plus utilities. Call 8860278. Dr. Grindlay and the maternity ward li Phone Henry at 886-8315. son evenings885-0622. an experienced typist will reflect all staff, 8th.floor, K W Hospital. your hard efforts in a neat.organised. 3 responsible roommates needed for Pair of Mach 1 Speakers. ‘V. Good professional-looking .paper. Phone Summer Term ‘84 to share 4 bedroom Student to help handicapped student condition. Approx. 2 years old. Asking 742-08I7 for efficient reliable typist. townhouse. Situated in nice residential $35O.OO/pair.Call 578-0092. Typing ’ work out in the PAC weight room, two area. 5 minute bike ride from campus. Typing: Group projects. math and or three timesa weekfor approximately Sony UCX90 (Cr02) blank cassette Rent $1251month each.885-6285(after engineering reports, theses. and essays. an hourto an hour anda half. Call 884- tapes. $4.40each or 5 for $20.00. Call Experienced typist, fast, accurate 5 p.m.) 5538. Phil at 886-8707. work. Reasonablerates,IBM Selectric. Overnight Sevice for papers under 20 pages. Sunnydale/ Lakeshore area. Five bedroom large old house for Lakeshore Village. Call 885-l863. Phone Joan, 884-3937. morning or summer term. $65O/month firm. Close Typing - Essays, theses,work reports, evening. to campuses and amenities. Phone resu.mes. etc. Neat-Accurate. Will 25years experience;65edouble spaced anytime 579-2484. Services For Sale correct spelling, grammar, punctuatpage; Westmount area: Call 743-3342. ZBedroom apt to sublet -completely ion. Six year’s experience typing for furnished, May I - Aug 3I. free utilities, students. Reasonablerates. Phone Yukon hiking/canoe trip this summer. Apple Compatible microcomputer free parking. 6 min bus ride - 10min Lee 886-5544 (afternoon or 6502/280A dual CPU, 64k, disc Two or four weeks in July or August. walk to campus, only 395.00. Call evening). Approx. cost (4 wks) is $1000. Call controller on board, numeric keyWayne 745-8895. , Mike 886 1963for more information. board heavy duty power supply, 90day Experienced typist, IBM Selectric, Available Keep Cool This Summer in this 2warranty, $525,. Amber monitor Engineeringsymbols, reasonablerates, French-native speaker offers tutoring bedroom basement apartment on w/swivel base, 6 month warranty, will pick-up and deliver to campus. in French, all levels.Contact Chantal at New Beechwood house to share. 20 Hazel St., fully furnished, laundry $169. Z80A, *disc controller, parallel his number: 578-3938. Mrs. Lynda Hull, 579-0943. min. to U of W, 5 min. to Zehrs, facilities in building. close to plaza printer etc. cards $55 each, 90 day Reliable, accurate, typing of papers, furnished, fully carpeted, cable, $450 (beer and liquor store), 5 minute bike Cartographic Abstracts: Maps, warranty. Detatched function keyreports and resumes on an IBM for summer term & utilities. Call Paul ride to University. free-parking spot, board for Apple/ IBM $189.886-2098. illustrations, diagrams. Professional Selectric. $l.OO/double spaced page, at 886-9366or 886-5952. quality illustrations for essays, theses, only $305/month, available May I proof reading included.Call Sueat 579- London. Clean. spacious semi- August 3 I. call 884-8150. etc. at reasonable rates. Portfolio 6157. available,phone 576-8358. furnished apartment to sublet. May to Roommate wanted to share spacious Experienced typist, accurate and Sept..Garage. Close to Mall. On bus Economics tutoring by recent grad. Phillip St. Townhouse from May to dependable.Near university. Reason- routes. Rent negotiable. Call 885-4151. Aug. Winter ‘85 possible. SemiCall Bill 746-1041. c able Rates. Top quality print. Call furnished with washer anddryer. Clean Room-mate wanted to share 2 - Shirley 745-1312. or_886-5952. bedroom apt 48 Weber St W, Apt 17. and bright with lots of windows. 2 Wanted \ Maggie Can Type It! Essays, thesis, & Completely furnished (kitchen utenbathrooms. plenty of closet space. 2 Have forsaken skiing for hang gliding! letters, $ I .OOper page. Resumes$5.00. sils. bed, t.v., furniture). Just off No. 7 minutes from campus. Nonsmoker. For sale; Voikl I80 skis, Size 10Gaber “Free” Pick-up and delivery. Phone mainline. Rent is $125/month. Call Call Bruce 886-I I36 after 6. boots, size 10.5San Marco Boots, size Three bedroom townhouse or’apart743-1976. Keith at 579-6074after 6 o’clock. 9.5 San Giorgio boots. San Marco and merit. Furnished or unfurnished. Summer Housing (Can continue into Giorgio boots only used one season. Preferrably utilities (electric heating) Typing. $I.OO/page IBM Selectric; Summer 84. Luxurious 2 bedroom Fall). Share luxury furnished house Call 576-3008. included. To rent starting in carbon ribbon; grammar/spelling apartment. Large living room and with two grad students (nonsmokers).





parking. Sunbathing balcony. Wash: er/dryer. Downtown Kitchener walking distance to Market Square.20 minutes to university by bus. $225/month includes utilities. J ne t 579-5513evenings. Sunnydale: May-August ‘84, 3 bedroom townhouse, 1.5 baths, dishwasher. Very closet0 laundromat, variety store; 10 minutes to Parkdale plaza. (beer/liquor/Zehrs). Possibility of taking over lease.Call886-0185now. Don’t miss out. Phillip St. -4 bedroomtownhousefor rent (room for 5 or 6). May-August 84. 5 minute walk tocampus. $705/month & utilities. Non-smokers. 4 appliances. Call Lynn 888-7406. Work Term’in London - May-Sept. Large, completely furnished 2 bedroom apartment. Pool. Laundry, parking, cablevision, waterbed, and more. $300 & utilities. No !ease. Call Rick or Marc (519) 438-9180. Apartment to Sublet, close to Zehrs and Dominion, just off Erb. 15 min walk or 5 min by Bike to U.W., laundry facilities, parking, furnished or unfurnished. Call 886-5924. ‘Townhouse - excellent condition. Furnished - fully carpeted, two living rooms, close to University ave, mall, bus route, and laundromat. Require 2 Or 3 responsible roommates for Summer ‘84. Winter ‘85 ,possibilities too. Contact SteveTodd 886-4609. London -apartment tosublet. May4Aug 31. Fully furnished. 2 bedrooms with double beds. Free parking, laundry in building. $350 per month plus utilities. (519)432-4234. Summer ‘84 -- Large 2 bedroom apartment to sublet - clean,- new building- on bus route- 10minutecycle from UW - $4OO/month- regular $420 but must sublet - utilities included laundry in building- 180Brybeck-Call 743-o177. Furnished, two bedroom apartment to share for summer ‘84. Clean and quiet. Rent: $206.5O/month.Westmount and Glasgow area. IOminute bike ride from campus. Call Simon at 744-6868. ’ May - August ‘84. Phillip St. townhouse. 3 bedroom plus finished basement - furnished - washer/dryer. $660/month plus utilities. 5 min from campus. Call 885-2747. 4 - 6 bedroomsunnydale townhouseto subld May - Aug with option for lease in September. Rent - $425/month, partially furnished. Call 884-3503. Married Students Apartments Roommate needed.Spring Term. Five minutes to campus, furnished, laundry room, parking, $160/ month. Utilities inc1ude.d.Male(or I may beintrouble). Phone 888-6669. London: Available May- August or Sept.. Large two bedroom apartment, laundry. tennis courts, pool. only $300 & hydro. on busroute, 20minutesfrom downtown. Call Waterloo 885-4I35 or London 673-I645 after 6 p.m. May -August ‘84. Femalesto rent large, furnished, 2-bedroom apartment (large enough for 3). Near Westmount and Erb, close to Westmount Plaza. Includes laundry and parking. If interested, ask about Winter ‘85. $35O/month. 745-9932 or 885-5957 after 8 p.m. Non-smokers preferred. May - August ‘84. Female to share 1 large bedroom apartment, furnished, laundry, air-conditioning, pool, weightroom, sauna, parking, close to grocery. 745-9932after 8 p.m. Apartment Available 2 bedroom apartment available in Married Students for sublet May I, 1984 to August 3 I, 1984.Call 886-9787. Available 2 bedroom furnished apartment for 2 responsible females. 20 minutes from university. Utilities included, good price. Call evenings. 884-3653. Roommate wanted to shre spacious furnished 2-bedroom apartment May August. Large bedroom with lots of closet space. 15min walk, 5 min by bike to campus. On 3bus lines.$165/month, including utilities. Washer/dryer in building. Call 746-1608 or 885-1211, ext 3493. 3


\ /



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tern ‘by Donald Duench _ was the only Brock player to break intodouble Imprint staff ‘. figures, scoring 12 points. - The Western Mustangs basketball team Western made 27 of their 62 field ..goal came to Waterloo last weekend with a difficult attempts (44 per cent), while Brock was able to road in front of them. They had to defeat two succeed in 24 of their 53 shots(45 percent), The two less than CIAU Top -10 teams, Brock’and Waterloo, to ’ Badgers made 20 turnovers, \U We’s total. win the OUAA West championship,. After all the dust had cleared, the Mustangs emerged, Thesecond gam/e was similar to the contest with the title after a convincing win over the between Waterloo and McMaster at the PAC during the regular season.. Mat gave -the Badgers and a triple-overtime 93-88 triumph Warriors a rough time in the early goingand at over the Warriors. the start of the second half, but “we wore them A pair of blowouts opened up the first day of the OUAA West tournament, held last Friday out,” according to UW head ‘coach, Don McCrae. ” and Saturday at the PAC. In thefirst matchup, There were six ties in the opening eight , Western disposed of Brock 73-55, while the a host Warriors easily defeated the McMaster minutes of t.he game, as neither team was able to dominate’the other-early. The. sixth tie Marauders 84-58. occurred when Paul Van Oorschot, appearing Brock got -out to ‘a good start, as the Mustangs displayed a collective case of the in his first game since the first of February, jitters. The Badgers were able to obtain a 12-6 sunk two free throws to even the score at fourteen. “It was really great to see Van lead, but a tight Western defence closed the Oorschot ‘&..rt on the floor,” McCrae mendoor on them. UWO scored 17 straight points tioned. --* . . t9 take a lead’which-they kept throughout the Due to his’ knee injury, suffered ‘against rest of the evening. Western in the middle of the regular season, Two Mustangs that played excellently-were Ross Hurd and Blair Sh-ier. They dominated Van Oorschot was overlooked for the all-star the boards, taking fourteen and seven team. Another Warrior who received less than what he deserved was Peter Savich, who was rebounds respectively, which matched the only put on the second all-star team. Savich total of the entire Brock team. Western wound up with 46 rebounds overall. was the top scorer on Friday night, taking UWO took a 38-29 lead with them inro the nineteen points with a dizzling dispJay of precision jumpers and layups. .dressing room at the half, and doubled the Waterloo exhibited a much improved spread in the second twenty minutes. One source of Brock’s problems was the fact version of defence compared to their belowthat Kelly’Grace was in foul trouble. Grace is par showing against McMaster the previous one third of Brock’s short supply of big men, Saturday. A major part of that was Cal Keil, who played superbly at both ends of the court, and when he’got his fourth personal foul with forcing McMaster turnovers’on defence and eighteen minutes left in the-game, he had to sit. . He returned ten minutes later, but fouled out shooting fiverfor five on offence. -1 w’lth six minutes left. At the half, the Warriors held a 40-3 1~lead, ’ thanks to a David Burns jumper that w.ent in DougFast, who wasselected to beanO’UAA with eight seconds left in the half. Nine of the West All-Star, didn’t play like-it in the second twelve U W players dressed had scored at least half. The ‘Stangs shut his down, only allowing hi-m,to take one shot in the final twenty two points in the half. minutes, a layup with two minutes left when the Mat opened the second session by forcing the Waterloo fans to stand for four minutes of, Steve Atkir-?s offensive rebound and subsequent issue had ,been settled. bucket tied-the score at 68,-sending the play, until Keil sat themdown,withasuccessful As for the ‘Stangs, they played ,with poise, conferencechampionship game into overtime. Below, Randy Norris is head and shouldersabove. jumper. By that time, the Maraud,ers had and pounced on ‘the \Brock turnovers, the McMaster bpposition. Imprint photos by Simon Wheeler. -converting them into points.‘ It was the third managed to whittle UW’s lead to 44~40, \ L . although an 8-point outburst by the Warriors time (out of four games) this season that quickly restored the situation to normal. j with 4:5-5 left in the half. “From about five nothing materialized. With a 74-74 score and Western has beaten the Badgers, but their first From then on, it was all Waterloo. Ran@ such.win outside London: . minutes to go in the first half I felt we never had thirty-one s.econds left in the first overtime Scott MacKenzie, who was also named to Norris found the holes created by the foul control of the .game,” said a visibly drained period, Scott MacKenzie was on the line, the OUAA West all-star team, gathered 17 trouble of McMaster’s big men; and stuffed McCrae. . thanks to Atkin’s fifth personal foul. He missed . The Waterloo club hadn’t been amazing or the first shot, and when Paul Boyce took the points’to lead’the Mustangs. He was followed - them, along with several basketballs. With a comfortable lead, McCrae was able rebound it looked as if the Warriors would by Shier at 16 and Chris Cavender with 14. Fast spectacular or dominant, but they had been to play all twelve members of his team, each of repeat as OU AA West champions. The shot for’ able to score more points than the’stangs. U W , whom put in a spirited performance. In theiast held a shaky 42-36 leadcat the half, as they had :-the win, taken by Savich, didn’t drop, so five minutes, Steve Jackson was able to hit for been able to score only four points since a-nother end,, er; overtime period had to be seven points, and took two rebounds. . __- Atkin’s third foul. ’ played. The Western defence kept up its great play : A pair ;of free throws by UWO, resulting / i -McCrae liked what he saw Friday evening. from Savich’s fifth foul, gave the Mustangs an “We added one ingredient, running,>hat ‘we throughout the remainder -of the game as Hayes substituted suberbly. 1 I r hadn’t had,“: h e1noted. Although the/Warriors ’ -. 838.1 lead with l:26 remaining. / Although ’ s &d-bmn.ham&red tiy .Mac’s fullcourt press in z“$ feh we really had to keeppeople fresh,“he ’ j Randy. Norris is& known mainly for his free $aid,jnoting that’ Mc’Crae likes to tire out {he .__,&hrow shooting; he was able to put two foul -opposition withhis taiented personnel.- ?. ?_ ,, .d$ho% &vith eighteen seconds remaining in the _ +: _ _- 2 .. _. secqnd:pT toforce yet another five minutes of Othertop SC&e& for W&etio were Randy i Savich got-his third personal with 1024 left . 1.1 )) j Norris with l$$oints, and Cal Keil;who scored . in reg&ation, only nine secondsbefore UWQ~,_“ ” PI@. &\-:~?~~,Ed$E$$s was, the b,est Marauder ‘scorer, . guard Jamie Ziegel would put the Mustangs The, issue was finally resolved in the third ’ ’ :,.*,:taking. 13 p.oints, while Tony Sterling had 10. .overtime period, .as a three-point play by ahead 55-54. Western wasable to,build upa66-j Western’s Chris Cavenderput the ‘Stangs up $9 I ’ - The War&orti‘held the edge in both field goal ? 60 lead with five minutes left, and decided to go percentage; 55 per cent to 33 percent, and r into a stall game: It backfired, allowing U W to _. for good, McCrae had no more,tricks up his’ .5;. ity.1 rebounding, 44 to 37. tie the gcore-with three straight hoops in four sleeve, commenting that ‘!it’s tough to keep it I In the game to decide thirdsplace, Brock held:’ while the Mustangs were held ‘7 going in overtime when your. two money minutes, on to a 54-40 halftime lead todefeat McMaster players (Atkin and Savich) are out.” pointless. . 9 l-78. Fast had 24 points for the winners, while. Hurd led the Mustangs with 21 points, A Ross Hurd jumper put Western ~~‘68-66 . 13. Sterling’s 25 points led all scorers. with 46 seconds remaining, which meant that ,. followed by Ziegel at 20 and MacKenzie’s *_ Savich had 22 pointsfor Waterloo, while Dave It was fitting that the final game between ., U W couldn’thold the ba,ll for a last shot, due to ..,-. , :.. .., * , , *.‘. ., . . . _ . . ..a. . I. I ** -a-. n--L-_ *. western ana tne warrrors furnea out to oe3ne tne tnirty secona crock. However, Liegei DUES contrmutea sixteen. , best‘of the tournament. It also woundup being .’ fouledCai Keil with twenty-six seconds left, The teams were relatively even in shooting, the longest of the weekend, forcing CHCH to -giving Waterloo a new clock, but not a man w,ith Western making 5 1 percent oftheirshots, run into Bonspeil 84: London vs. Avonlea’s and U W shooting 49 per cent- The Mustangs shooting free ithrows. (Western. had :,only marathon. - r q: co,<mmit_ted three personal fouls in the hal‘f, so, , were out,rebounded 50-57, but only committed f- time slot with the triple-@ertime . Western’s ‘Ross “Oh-fort’ Hurd was/on the / “1UW:wab not in~a_bonus situation.) I 15 turnovers, compared to 22 for Waterloo. button, finding the weaknesses inside, and _ ‘t .” With the’Last&ot, the Warriorspreparedfor L The -next game for Waterloo will be an - exposing them for easy points. “He’stheguts of ’ ’ a. f&tl~ shot to force overtime; which was exhibition contest against, the K-W Titans on* our team,” Western coach Doug Hays’iater . ’ eventually takenbyNo&s. -Friday .at 8 p.m./in the PAC. They will use .His.attempt hit’the commented.. Hurd ‘doesn’t have the <out: 5,rim and ,bouncedl, to .Atkin under. the basket, ’ the exhibition contest to prepare for the standing height ,of Randy Norris, but each ’ who thrust. what could have been a chest pass, - Midwest Regionalon March8thand lOth,also ’ L - player pulled in fourteen rebounds. only it was directed at the hoop. >The “shot”fel1 at the PACThe Warriors qualified as the host c . It looked ve.y good for the Warriors in the in with a swish, and curling fans all, over teamcand need to win theregional tournament I. first half, as they built up a lead v~ryingfrom southern Ontario began to worry. a to wind up in the CIAU’s a week later in four to Qiy points. U>s problems -began-: Both teams had a chance to score the Halifax. ’ when Steve Atkin picked up his third personal ’ wihning .points fin the ‘first overtime, but . _ Mire B-ball, rage 14 :3: .r.



I .



YOik ea&lr -tiins V-ball_by don button Special-to Imprint As it turns out, they could have just mailed York University the Ontario Women’s Intercollegiate Athletic Association (OWIAA) volleyball championship. Losing only one game in their four matches in the four-team, round-robin championship, the York Yeowdmen won their second Ontario Championship in a row without even really working up a sweat last Friday and Saturday-at the PAC. Their opening game was agairist the University of Waterloo Athenas, a match they won,three games to one. The Athenas couldn’t handle York’s tough serving in the first game, allowing the Yeowomen a quick 7-l lead ‘hey .-were soon able to parley into a 15- 1 win. Thesecond bLgan in much the same way, but the Athenas fought back to tie the game at eight. Determined defence by Waterloo, tough blocking by Simi Skqrecky and OWIAA all-star Maura Purdon in the middle, and the insertion of Rose Campagna in the line-up to give Waterloo the serve reception and digging they needed to combat the Consisting-setting by Anne pressuring Yeowomen. Jordan and Chris Laurie helped get the offence moving, and the Athenas were able to eke out a 15 I2 win over the confused York women, who were having problems . adapting to power hitting from Waterloo’s front row setters. Yeowomen coach Merv Mosher, the assistant coach of the-senior Nationalteam, wasn’t fooled for long however, and the Yeowonien‘bounced backto win the next two games 15-l and 15-2. The!second game of the Y ork-Waterloo match was to be the only loss of the weekend for the Yeowomen. York went on to beat Ottawa 15-l 3, 15- 13, 1j-5 Friday evening. Going into the tournameht, the Ottawa Gee Gees

were the only tFam that had a realistic chance against the mighty Yeowomen. Ottawa had beaten Queen’s University 15- 13, 1 l-l 5, l5-5, 1511 earlier in the day, and the Athenas’ loss to Queen’s later Friday evening left it quite clear that Saturday’s final would be between ‘York and Ottawa. Waterloo really should have beaten Queen’s, winning the first game of the match 15-6, followed by a 15-3 loss. Queen’s won the next two games by 15-l 3 scores, ending any realistic hopes for an Athena victory in the tournament. York dominated Queen’s, 15-5, 15-l 1, 15-6, on Saturday morning to top the round-robin part of the championship tournament. York went on to easily handle the University of Ottawa in theOWlAA Final matchSaturdayat7p.m. byqcoresof 15-l 1, 15-6, and 15-5. For the Athenas, it was a frustrating end to a successful season. Starting with severe talent shortages in certain positions, the Athenas used what personnel they had to create two seters, and then came up with power hitters when theirs were injured. throughall this, they posteda 121 regular season record, which includes .a win over McMaster in a post-season tiebreaker to give Waterloo the OWIAA West title and a berth in the-finals. York qualified for the tournament by topping the OWIAA East with a 12-l recoid, Ottawa by winning the pre-final, and Queen’s by placing second in the pre-final. *The pre-final, held at Ottawa two weeks ago, was comprised of the second and third place finishers in the East, Ottawa and Queen’s, and their Western counterparts, McMaster and Western. But then, considering that York was in waiting with their powerhouse team, does it really matter who played in the pre-final?

The Waterloo Athenas had a chance to force a three-way tie for second place in theround-robinwefeating Ottawain th6 last round-robin match. The Gee-Gees, though, went into the championship game by defeating the Athenas in four &mes. . Imprint photos by Alan Mears. \

by don button Special to Imprint Going into the Ontario University Athletic Association (OUAA) volleyball final against the York University Yeomen, the Waterloo Warriors knew they would have to establish their middle blocking early and concentrate on serve reception and passing to allow the setters to avoid York’s aggressive/three man blocks on the power corners. As it turns out, this is exactly what they did in defeating York three games to one to bring U W its first Ontario Championship in men’s volleyball. Tom Oxland did the damage for -the Warriors at the middle of the net, with help from just about everybody on the Waterloo roster. Paul Craven provided much of the power for Waterloo, with Dave Ambroseand OwenJones helping out considerably in the third and fourth games. Brian Jackson regularly came in off the bench to help ease over rough spots in the rotation, as did the back court specialist Ian Gowens. The setting of Owen Jones and Scott Murphy wasn’t flawless, but it definitely was effective, and overall the Warriors dominated the last three games. The first game, however, was a different story. Even though they had home court advantage, it was a strange gym for Waterloo at first. A combination of the prestige of the event, the previous two ,days of women’s volleyball, and a basketball game earlier in the day found the Warriors playing in front of acrowd of approximately400 to 500 people. Inaddition, boththe Warriors Bandand the Warrior made first appearances at the match. The crowd and band were very loud throughout the match, and the Warriors were disoriented at first. Coach Dave Husson had expected the early difficulties, however, and let his team work out their jitters, -while igtiently watching York mouht a 6-O lead. He thencalled atime-out to settle his players down and explain to them how to use the partisan crowd to their advantage. With a few short interruptions, it was Waterloo’s match from then on. UW outscored York, 10-9, the rest of the game, but the 6-O lead was too much to overcome and York drew first blood with a 15- 10 win. but the score, or even the outcome of the gaqe, was not the issue here. What was important was that the Warriors were able to rebound from the early onslaught and settle in to their game plan. They handled York’s serving, which is one of the strengths of the Yeomen. Better than that, they were cle’arly the betterpart of the two teams at the serving line, especially Jim Cooke and Owen Jones, both of whom had the York backcourt twisting and diving to receive serves. The Warriors also established consistent blocking while avoiding the dreaded York blockers with consistant passing, good setting, and solid hitting. . The second game was, for all intents and purposes, the battle for the OUAA title. York had established themselves early; Waterloo did so a little later, but just as firmly. It w‘as the second game that would tell which of the two teams would be the most successful with their strategies. York built on an early 2-O lead to go ahead 6-2, but an ankle injury to setter Dave Samek ariested the team’s momentum, and the Warriors took advantage of inconsistent setting to the power, corner by his replacement, John Pierce, to tie the game at seven. ’

. Water10

Gooc 10-7 lei quick, Hussor Jones t place r( and the a 15-10 The ’ with or for not of the domino time-01 scored








&allefi.ge.! . ,


Applications are. now b&g.aticepte~d for.the . -“. Federation’of


Executive: Board i98&85 --


, 1’

The positions are open to any fee-paying member of ’ the Federation of Students and qualify for a ’ I -monthly stipend, the amount to be determined by Students’ Council., - . s s \

The following .‘. W&


1. Vice-President,





b Must be a voting member of Students’ . - Will serve on Board of Directors r_

.2. Ch&r@rson, Imprint nents by Craven allowed Waterloo a put the Warriors into disarray with a ; and tied the game at ten. Whatever 3 his time-out worked because Owen and moved water-loo to 14-10. A two Oxland’s serve was too hard to handle Ldtiedthematchatonegameeachwith c eived a bonus w-hen York was charged time-outs allowed each team per game Bn the court quickly enough at the start and Dave Ambrose emerged as the to force York to use their remaining Warriors leading 6-3. Tom Oxland +.I,”




by Simon


points on the same service as the York time-out, and York was downed 15-5.. Despite constant encouragement from coach Wally Dyba to “regain your composure’*, York never did and the Warrior power attack from Dave Ambrose, Paul Craven, and Owen Jones, who was an amzing 10 of 14 on kill attempts, completely took over. Aided by great blocking from Oxland and Cooke .and determined setting and digging by Jones-and Murphy, the Waterloo Warriors scored the last three points of the amtch to score a 15-I 3 win and an Ontario Championship. The Warriors ‘now travel to Lava1 University for the Canadian Intercollegiate Athelt-ic Union(CIAU)Championships . on, March %h, lOth, and 1 I th against as yet to be \




Creative Arts Board

3. Chairperson,- Board of Entertainment 4. Chairperson, Board of Academic Affairs - / 5. Chairperson, Board of Comrknications 61r Eductitioti Comtiissioner. _-. - I. ’ -I ~7. ClimbsILiaison Commissiotier, ’ : ~ 8. Societ?, Liaison CorLmikiober ,_ .4 1 ’ .C~~f&sio~e~ I_,g;,, Resiakn& Liaison ‘.-g<’ .’ _ aiI *_ _I. .’ . ._. , ’ _- ~ ~~Y&zT



. ‘.

y7 f .
















/ ..


_ /






f ,.



,.: ,’

Sl;&ei of Council“ ~ , / _ l-i; Recording-Secret&y ‘. ‘12.


-. -


: -


Written app-lications, stating &.&fications, basisof &tereSt, previous experience and personal back. grotitid-should be subm&ed no later th’an 490 p.m. Tut%dby, . ~. March 13, 1984 to:t -.-

Torn A&&i



. . Presi’dent ’ =I ’ ‘, :l?ederatioq -of Students ET ..



’ I. \*, -?



t. -







, z




__..a ,










takei. top in tr&k \



* c Mowbray threw 9.45 m in the shot put and by Alan Adamson \ George Blanton deb,uted in the same event. In recent years the University ofToronto has = deve1oped.a reputation for runningtrack meets poorly, and/last Friday’s Last Chance Qualifier 1 _, Most of the Waterloo athletes at this meet was no exception. were running secondary events to, tune up for Despite- the general atmosphere, of incompetence and disorgan-. performances today and tomorrow at the ization, this meet proved to be the setting for . OUAA/OWlAA championships. Julie Clegg . one superb performance. ran 45.7 in the 300 m, fattie Moore ran &37;5 Warrior Mark lnman cruised to a 3:52.13 8 in the 600 for fourth, while Nick Meloche and victory in the, 1500 metres, moving himself to +Ben Hansen. ran. 126.38 ;and-12’8.79 respec: third in the CEAU rankings in the event, and’ .tively. Dave Stuart led the Warriorsin the 1000 i> certainly, ‘proving he has returned effectively ahead of -Tim Rose Andy& ,/’ .rn, running_2:37.2, . from a long history of injury. H,e%also thereby H ouseman.‘. Lisa Campfens led the’ .’ Mark .served notice that he is a lea1 contender in the * Atht@as,-running. 3:03, followed by Rhohda . battle for medals in the OUAA 1500 race. Also * Bell and Cathy Somers in person& bests of in the 1500 Friday was Andy Krucker, who .3iO7.2 and 3: 12,l. ‘I 5’ . finished with a time of 4:03.34. ..c. . a For most of the team., the track season is Elaine Vgenstra won the high jump, clearing , .. ending this “‘weekend in Windsor ‘at the 1; 70m,-and proving her readmess for the battle conference championship meet. Because of-his at the OWlA’As. In the men’s 4igh jump,*Mike / performance last Friday, Mark lnman joins the other athletes qualified to ClAUs, who will Menu cleared 1.93m and Kevin Houldcroft made 1.83. Also in field events, Karen be competing next weekend in Sherbrooke.

t. I-

1 .

You put together a proposal for a new Federation Berr_rice. \ I



&~&lines: Entries will be judged dn the .* follow’ *: A. L in order of .prioHm . - Feasibiliw - Thorou@ness of Proposaj. (i.e. location on b&mpus, budget,‘op’erating cq&s, SW se-.. a qmements, etc.), . - Originality ’ b 7 - Method/A&heticS of Pres6ntation , / * Sa&bi&&& ‘:t .\., - .F .’ -> PeriodC Monda$ Mazch 5’to Friday, March 23 - in the Fed Office, C.C.Room 235 t a- \


t 1st Place - &0 I - 2idPlaw- Qb30 j -c -‘3&P&& - $20 !I!oLE&r: Pick up entry’form before March 23 in, r .the Fed Office. --r A promotibn of existing Fed Services will be on display in the Ca.mpus Centre _ \ I&arch 1st and 2nd.NOTE



‘will not

be imglemented. For more information pleas6 at ext. 2358 C.C. Room -238.

contact ,





’ ,e



by &II Hirlripbreys Ikqkirit staff

’ I ’ handled, he compiled a 4.95 average with a save g-” . ,,. \ percentage of .879. His personal record was 8_ c..’ 1 l-2 which illustrates his importance to the It- has been a 1ong’time”sjnce the Waterloo Waterloo team. Despite Grouse’s placement .v.arsity hockey team has’, received strong, on the all-star. team, defenceman Danjoe consistent goaltending. Back’ in the 1979-80 MeCormack will most’likely receive the team ‘season., a man-by the name of Rick Nickelchok M VP as he had one of hisfinest seasons infour .brought the’,Warrior fans to their feet with.. years at Waterloo. -x thundering standing ovations because \of his ’ --A surprise to coach Jack- Birch was the acrobatics betweenthe pipes.. -absence .of forward Steve Cracker on the all‘The 1983-84 season saw the rise ofanother star team. Crock& ,.finished the season in ^ standout goaltender in second year Warrior fourth place in th”eOUAAscoringraceand had Peter Grouse. Last-week, as the OUAA play-’ four separate hat-trick games. Cracker ended offs ‘began: Crouse was namedto the second up with49 points over theseason with 5 powerteam all-star squad. After seeing limited action play goals and one short-handed marker. in his rookie season last year, coach Jack Birch Cracker also was responsible for 51 per cent of ‘ctarted Crow& in 2 1 games while rookie Norm the Warrior offense this season. Quennevill&arted the other three contests to 1 Unfortunately for Waterloo,- they will lose .* round out the 24 game schedule. p both Cracker and McCormack due to ,In the span of the 21 gamesthat Crouse graduation for the ‘84-‘85 season. I. .! \ J I

1 _-. : ..- . r-.. - -_-‘1A&let&of Volleybdl ’

ic******-********AP‘pearing**~*********** ,

Sat. March 3 <




the:- Week l.,










fP in 1976 .and again in 1977. She w&also recipient ofthe,Deanbf Women’s A$ardi-n


In the OU AA men’s volleyball championship game vs. York this past weekend, Paulled the Warriors to a convincing 3- 1victory. In this match he had a 52 p r cent kill average on offense and was equa 4ly effective on defence with 15 digs and 5 stuff blocks. Paul was the major reason the Warriors were able to rebound from a first game loss to sweep the next three games, as he led\by example. Paul has numerous other awards -t$ his, credit. He has been named to the-QUAA first All Star team again this season,.thefourthyear in a row he has been so honoured. He isa 3 time co-winner of the team’s MVP award. He was also recipient of a Mike Moser Bursary this year. Paul is also this week’s OUAA male Athlete of the ‘Week. 1 LO





’ IL

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spirit, Paulwillnow lead the Warriors onto the _.... ICIAU championships at Lava1 March 9-l 1,

\ -i . \Sat.’ Makdt10’ i Teen/age Head _, -__ - , \ Advance Tickets for UW ,StL&nts I


/~S,,f: -,i

Paul , - Craven ’ Volleyball


Maura completed a tremendous season this past weekend at the OWIAA volleyball First she was named an championships. OWIAA first team All Star for her consistent play throughout the year. Then she made the .OWlAA championship All Star team as a result of her play at the final tournament. These accomplishments are made even more nqtewo%hy when you consider that Maura was out of competition for almost seven years prior to returning to Waterloo this seasonshe has been consistently the ‘team’s strongest attacker and blocker all season long. She has played amajor role in leading the young team to the OWIAA finals. Maura adds these latest awards to a long

’ . :’

of PI?0 TOtiR~APHY


r SJC I, Main Motion, St. Pauls and Invincivil. Heavily favoured to go “all the way” are the Cadillac Kid awho sit at 4-O. Rumors have beer. spreading that this could be the fi la1 term for the “Kids”, who are largely comprised of -fourthyear veterans. One of these veterans, and perhaps the key to the consistency of this team over the years, is Grant Wilson. Wilson’s consistency, game inand game out, and his overall leadership style, has

commanded the respect of each of his teammates, and perhaps more importantly, the respect of ‘other teams in the league. Wilson commented that the team throughout the playoffs will be to remain calm under pressure, and continue to dominate opponents, as they have in the past. He is confident that the Kids could easily dominate any other team in the league regardless of the past, present, or future. Bob DiFrancesco

the Caesar Salads and the Winter Hawks challenging for supremacy. In the “B” league, Fubar Fri. March 2: Fall ‘84 Student Alumni have the most potent issistant, Convenor, and Refattack with:30 goals in five games. tree-in-chief applications due at s but A.A., Who Cares: and I:30 p.m., room 2040 PAC. Whitmore are the only three undefeated teams. lat!!Mar. 3: Men’s and Women’s The Photons picked up a point nternational Squash Tournathis week in a tie with Climechs to nent at 9:30 a.m., courts 1013 and move out of the no-points cltb. 014. Other teams having rebuilding seasons ‘include the Godfathers, Sun. March 4: Mea’s_ Inter2A Mech, and the Dirty Dawgs. rational Squash Tournament Remember: The playoff Zhampionship Rounds at 1 p.m., meeting is on Monday, March 5th :ourts 1013 and 1014. at 4:30 p.m. in the CC. All-captains Mon. March ‘5: Broomball need to be .there to get a playoff ournament begins at Columbia schedule. The playoffs begin on’ cefield; Men’s Basket ball Playoff Tuesday, March 6th. neeting at 4:30 p.m. in the CC;“B” Chris Lane eague ball hockey playoff neeting at 5:30 p.m. in the CC. rues. March 6: Club Executive’s nnual report meetingat4:30p.m. n the Faculty Club. ;ri. March 9: Men’s Volleyball “Default” seemed to be “the ournament final entry date, 4:30 word” during reading week. 1.m.. room 2040 PAC. the playoff race is However, moving as quickly asever, with the “A” league starting its preliminary round this past Wednesday.- As expected, the Bombers received the number one ranking and On Monday, March 5th, the Clampdown Wes ranked number winter 1984 Men’s and Women’s two, thus earning both teams a 3roomball Tournament will first round bye. ‘Who Cares. begin. We still need a number of Bearded Clams, Slimers and eferees to fill out our staff. Exports battled it out this past !xperience is not necessary. week in the “A” preliminary All games will be played at the rounds. Columbia Icefield. so if you want In the “B” league, waiting fo o make a little money refereeing complete unblemished records are uoomball, phone Brian Ward at 88-6825 or -drop into the CR lffice today (PAC 2040).

The U niversit’y of Waterloo had two wrestlers show well at the ( recently-staged CT*U Wrestling Championship. Daive Tanguay, wrestling at


placed fourth

while his

teammate Abe Bueckert placed fifth in the 5 1 kg category. This is Tanguay’s fourth year as an interuniversity wrestler. He has one year of eligibility remaining. Bueckert is in his second year of eligibility. I

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Men’s Basketball The end of the regular season is aminent, the playoff schedule as been finished, and all is set for he tension and excitement of the Ilayoffs: that missed lay-up, that lead of perspiration that trickles n your eye and makes you miss hat last second shot. Ah, ‘playoff xcitement’! Playoffs start on ,unday, March 4th and finish on Aarch 18th with finals beginning t 4 p.m. The last final (“A” hampionship) will be played at :00 p.m. All playoff games, will tilize the full court. In.action last week, Invincivil, :E Erratics, and the Allen St. 9ers all won their first games of le season. The Dirty Dawgs, Iustlers, Basketcases, Midnight h.tccaneers, and Tomateros all ave continued with their winning lays. Although losing to the lasketcases in the last four minutes, superb shooter John ,ivesy of the Epilepkins comlented that his I)team showed maturity and growth. Livesy’s looting hand had to be treated )r burns after the game due to his hot” shooting style. Doug Hogue

den’s H,ockey 1)9, With only one week to go in the I :gular season, the stronger teams re beginning to show themselves. n the “A” league, both Kin and le Churchill Bulldogs are ndefeated, with the Flyin’ Eyes, . . .


I t

- 744- 7370


The head coach of the wrestling Warriors, Egon Beiler, continues to work hard in his preparations to win a spot on the 1984 Olympic team which will represent Canada . Should Beiler make the team, it will be the third Olympic competition in which he will have participated. He was to have participated in MOSCOW before Canada withdrew from that competitjon.



Broomball Refs Needed

After months of arduous kractice, an exhibition women’s iockey game has been arranged. Barring some unforeseen disaster, he .game will take place on Aonday, March 5th at 4 p.m. at . he Columbia Icefield. Ladies, if ou have not played hockey for a while, don’t be bashful. You are more than welcome to come out nd play. Try to be at the arena by :30 p.m. so that we can arrange he lines. John Brioux


St. E., Kitchener

4th &5th

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Women’s Hockey


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St,bi Mary’s Huskies (No. 3 . bj DonFld $Buench rabked) should b’e going to - Imprint staff UNB’s campus. (‘Western will Although the Warriors &ISmake a return trip to th&PAC ketball team lost 93-8&in triple as OU Ak West champions, oveitime to Western in the and &rematch is not out of the OUAA We& championship question. game, that does not mean their A maximum of two teams season ‘is over. Along with from any one conference are Calgary, Ottawa,’ and the allowed at a regional, which, University of New Brunswick, makes the prognostication of Waterloo wills be hosting a regional entrants much easier. regional tournament on Teams which are not locked , . March 8th and 10th to send a into a specific regional, but ’ ‘team to the CIAU Final F/our should qualify, are Braadon in~,Hali’fax from March 15th to ‘(probably GPAC champions, the 17th. (To prepare for the ranked. No. 4), Dalhousie regional, UW is playing an (AUAA, 6th), St. Francis exhibition game totiight a-Xavier (AUAA, 9th), Win. gainst the K-W Titansat 8 p.m. \ nipeg (GPrAC, IOth), McGill in the PAC). ; (probable Quebec champion, Four teams .entei each unranked),ind Brock regional, which is held as a singld-el-imination tourn(OUAA West, 9th last week). This is a @ta1 of fourteen ament, i.e. one loss and‘the teams for sixteen positions,’ \ tea%s season is over. The four withanumberofclubspraying winning teams then go .to to receive one of thk final H&‘lifax, where the Final Four positions. The best of the tournament is structured in borderline teams are Aiadia the same manner. (AUAA), McMaster (OUAA As well as the host team, the West), Lakehead (GPAC), champion of the host team’s and Laurent.ian(OUAA l?&). conference is entered in’that regional. This means that - Two o’f these clubs should fill. four-time ClAU champion the remaining positions, ,barring upsets this weekend in Victoria 4Vikings will most conference playoff activity. deiinitely be in Calgary The final destination for (CWUAA conference) next *, weekend. No. 2 ranked York . regional-bound teams won% -. Yeomen, who face No. 8 L be known until Monday, when the CIAI$. ‘qnnoupced the <Western tomorrow in the regional seedings a%d pladeOU-AA championship, will ments. Until then, it’sanyone’s travel to Ottawa (OUAA East r Conference) for that regional. guess as to whether, . .It is unclear who will be the Brandon will be here or m Ec ,AU AA champion, although Brunswick, or which clubswill . . / -7’ \.. .*


Cal Keil (No. 3) ,makes yet another steal, this timd against McMaster in the OUAA West semifinal game last Friday. , ’ , Imprint phoko by Simon Wheeler. Warriors win, they will be I be s&t we& to face I!li PaSquale, Greg Wiltjer, and playing in the regional the, re$ of the awesome championship game at 2 p.m;’ _ onSaturday .March lOth, but Vikings. will play in the consolation In any ‘event, the first game in re&ional competition for the game at noon on the same day Warriors will be this if they lose. Ticket prices are Thursday, Maich-8th in the six dollars for entrance to PAC at 9 p.m. This contest will either Thursdws or. Sattirbe preceded by a game day% pair ‘of contests, and t’eti between the other two regional dollars for the .,e-ntire enfrants at 7 p:m. -If the weekend’s action. . i .’ . .:.‘, ^1


Jewish Students Assotiiatidn/Hillel - k . . U of W Presentsthe Award-winning Documentary





\ 1 ,

Date: Thursday, March 8;’ 1984 Time: 7:00 p.m.’ Place: Arts Lecture Hall Room 4 --lo5 Admission: 6 1.OO Students $2.00 General ,Public l

. Special Guest Appearance with Baruch Tegegke* IN ?. 1 \ /

Reck&on to foIlow \


Co-sponsqmd by: ’ , Federation of Students - Education Commissidn Waterlbo Public Interest Research\ Group Graduate Students Association Political Science Union -. African St6dent.s Association Guelpti Jewish Students AssoCiation .* J T&mple Shalom Congregation Beth Jacob x Network Canada -Canadian Ass$iation’for Ethiopian Jews _ I


. -

%y Julie Smith


, ‘by Kirsten’Gunter , ( With mu& by Michel Se&in, it was the nlypiece that waseven Irqxint staff vaguely indicative of the French Canadi ‘g n origins of this troupe Les Ballets J&z $9 Montreal flashed througli Kitchener’s whose choreogiapher, Benoit Lachambre, is a graduate of the :eritr< in the Squat;e..last Sunday evening and went about the Montreal school. l-Ii? w&k w/as at its besfwheh torsos rippling, usitiess of warming u&all upafter the renewedcbldspell. It took - tl-&ti’ng tb the percussions tracks, showed African inspiration. bit of doing (&peciallg as the first piece was somewhat cooi in This piece, as interestingly eccentric as it is, risks looking c@ed s own way) but by the finale the house temperature had risen in a few years. ons,iderably. ‘. Probably the most satisfyin choreographic whole &G ia Unfortunately theevening’s programme was a liitle too similar Machine. As &d&ted by. t l-t title, this piece translated the ) the one preserited two years ago for my taste. The biggest intricacies of a working machine to the human bod$i using the isappointment being t.he newest choreography by’ award body of dancers to protray -one or many working machines. inning choreographer Judith Marcuse. Suave jazz oozed from the sound system, oiling..an already Jaz?, dance, because’ it is by nature 411 razzle-dazzle perfectly smooth dance machine. ntertainment, has the tendency to be the shallowest of dance The finale, La Perfectly Swell, is a real- crowd pleaser and brms. Hors d’Oeuure, theopeningpiece,‘wasexactly that: light, : wouldn’t look out of placeon aBroadway stage. It has moments Isty but left you hungry-for more. Marcuse’s choreography to of sheer ebullience when both the dancers and the audience be scratchy ragtime’score was inventive and quirky and full of ignite in their mutual pleasure. Yet overall it is so contrived to rharpian” touches. Danced with aerobic brilliance by this finely please and get us on our feet that some of the appeal is lost. Itied troupe of dancers, it was nonetheless strangely devoid of Still, those mom&& such as the smok9 blues solo danced by @‘ng. tyn Sheppare; the classic take-off on the nightclub act as lipk‘,‘Freak Assez is a pie& that harks back, td the late 60’S -synched by dianc&Hans Vancol; ai wellas theexuberant bobby &y 70’s psychedelia. If’$here is such a thitig as a trip this is it. soxer number, made the evening more than. worthwhile.I ’ I) d ,

.’ ’ Iby ~Ric&rcfb SGpia I, -, . I _ .i. Itnprint staff ‘b., Because ‘01 presstire QXkQd by various femin& srows, rape -has becot;rie a- closely investigated phenomerion in the last decade. According - to statistics, -:over half a million women-will be raped in the *next year in &orth America, some sf them by strangers whogenerally ‘%elect their vicfiqs at random, but the maj‘ority.oTthembb gcquaintancek, friends, and-even members df their own I lfamily . t; Rapevictim$varyinagef?omasix-month-oldinfanttoa ‘ninety-six-year-old Ijensioner.’ Only _1.2% of men who -commit acts of ;violant-.ass\a~t.ar~.ever’d~.~uidted,. a&I: those few.convicti~nd’iisLt~IIy &?&3hat &e&tims are-. ‘$ubjjected to a traumatic trial ordeal. - , ‘: _ in the, nurnb9TiFFf ,rap&- .&i& ir. Even .with the $6yth ci?ntres; m&t rapess~iII$otinr6por@~ cl+ to victin& f&s I-..s -. of rep&us&& or humiIi&io,n. . . -..c. - ’ In t&~ Nati6~alFiIm-B&d (NEB) docu’menta&, W& Men Rdpe,‘presenfed by‘the Women’s C&t&# tetl-men‘- in&dir& {three uni&rsity -graduates &$ a fG&er.’ professor, seemingly.represen~ative.~f ~.cros&e*df male ,Sdciety + relate. tIie ‘internal &.&ati&s ‘&hf&h -. compeIled the!!r to c6mmit rape.’ .5 * Accordin$&the -film, rape ,is &act bfih& no,t tin&f - passion or last. It ser;veF Fot.a$a sexual a&tit but &s&n ‘ opportunity-. to degrade, ano$er &$ma~+&$n$; Ripe reduces the victim- to a p;oi,n_t’~where-~~~.a~~‘~.~~ed of even the r&ht t~,free_sexual~expr~ssi~~‘,~~~, .~ -1 F. ‘; _-: : p Because society exagger‘ates the~~i~e~~rlc~s.~~t~~n 1 men and women, tfie whole-concept of-ma&$&y andatl the so&-al pressures atbat gd. aiong wi,th b&n2 &‘fm&?‘, .contribute to confusion and anxiety. wi&’ th6 media \ einpIoy$g ‘Gxual s&sationaliim” @ tianiptilqtle s&ial~ needs, women are-more- etiploited -t&M&&r .and -@&, people &@ur cotifusion about their ~&.&Iit~. : t> I The men in the film assert that the rape fantasy is n&e present than ever. in a society where men are increasingly intimidated bywom&n;They clearly state that the fe_ar of rejection by- women is a motivation for rape: When someone is in-such a deteriorated mental stat4 that his selfconten)pt allows him to consider se;xUal coesion to bq an accdmplishm&t, rio amount of fantasy or autoeroticism will circumvent the compulsiob to rape, ’ , ;I

’ -. b&&.&.&R~~

-1 : y.+.] :


w+are ‘to avoid:$hi f&med Day After was screened last, week on campus by the WgterIoo Chapter, of Stiience forPeace,lt @as a $pressing film, as one ‘wouw expect consiaering .t& subject matter. ,’ I its focus was the United Stat’es Government factory at Rocky Flats, Colorado, where the’blutodium detonators ori“triggerstiO. f@Fnqclear bombsare made.-The town surrounding the factory is dpendent on,ihis one industry for its, livelihood, and is forced therefore, td accept conditi-ons proven to be les6 than healthy. TThe ground,. in, the .town is known to contain radioactive materials, though .the levels of radioactive contamination detected vary depending on whd has analyzed the-soil Gmples. The documen+-y recited many statistics. detailing the exceptional:rate ofcancerinJhL&ea, butalsopresented personal sotires of young factory workers dying of brain tumors and parents ldsing their otherwise healthy children to leukemia. . Perhaps the most poignant mbment in the film is provided by a worn= in Ro6ky F&tswh6realizes something is wrong, and tries to itart a ci$zen’s j$oup fo protest the government inactivity ‘\ cancerning the pro6lem. - -I A I- T&is -s&ine yoman, whb later decides to move gut of Rocky, Flats, admits at the ind of the movie that she herself would try tohide the&&t ofcontamjnated~~@lin thearea if it would help t? sell her h&q?. The sceneis i s@&$lectiqn on human nature. Yet, the d dcum&t&ri’also’had 8 brighter side, in discussing fhe efforts of protest groups to ‘stop the opening of a nuclear plant in Diablo, California. The group Gas able to stall the activation of the plant long enough for the%bvernment-to review its plans and find mistakes in theconstruction degign. V ! The audience of about forty-people was cpmp&ely attentive to this’well-made, smooth-flbwing documentary. Not a word was spoken as concerned studentsand-faculty members watched. Science for Peace, the sponsors of the film, is a national centred currently in Toronto;- with chapters in _ organization British Colvmbia; New Brunswick, and the Waterloo Region. The purpose of the group is to provide the public with factual infqrmationabo@ ‘#e dangers and likely consequences of nuclear war, and d&abiliiing developmentsin the arms race; and to offer expert advi&e on these issues to decision-makers.‘ . The ‘membership of the group includes both social and ~_ bhysical scieritists, engineers an&-others, whose timeand energy pre needed to comfy out its vital work. The-organiz&ion extends an invitgtion to join to anyone interested in helping out. Memf>ers may support, ,Science for Peace. through sm‘alr financial donations or through their . I -activities.

Th final~piece; &&thoven’sQ@%&t No; 9inC,fijor,‘O&s ‘1,,c +; ; ’ ~+....;-. -, -’t ‘2 / . .~&&ga#$~59, written between+&! , Ei-~i$ &d th&( imnndrtal”~Fif& ; Pricelee ~~hn,&iai’& playjng::priceless ..compc&ons & I- Syp1pffi5tks, was p&&p&% m&f; successftil *usic perf&med ~&icele~ iristri;ment$do-~ot~~~a~add upiog$ricelessconcert. id iasf Saturday night. ;T~Gv brooding d&pair’ that bftiated ‘The Toky$‘St;i‘ng Quartet, to&ed as “one of the. great& . Beethoven% life at the tin& of this comp&ition && eficientli quartets on the international ‘chamkr music scene,” did not transmitted bgthe Tokyow quartet. betray th&r fame, but certainly did nothing to enhance it; their performance last Saturday evening in thestudioof The Centre in The &hole evening earned the musicians an appreciated, but limit&l return for one encore (the finale of Haydn’s Horser.ider the Square - featuring works by Haydn, Ravel, Beethown, and \ matched strings by the famous 17th centtiry Italian luthier -Quartet). Armat is - was characterized by a rigidity that could not let the Lesser quartets&aw achieved higher admirgtion frdm local assembled musical elements blend into brilliance. . c .-, I7. _I> audiences. The performance of the Tokyo String: Quar$t tiorth preci+jy the amount of the $12 ticket. With a~cha?&&.~gro& that was once Japan’s most or&d, p&ession~(t@&‘r&$&~&I court at Yak Un.iv&sity) and d list of ’ awards in&$&$#~~~~ .&&and Prix du Disque and the Best I Chamber M@ic$f the:.Year award frqm Stereo Review, one 4 ’ I 1 *-e>ipects risk%%& & taken and consequent gains rewarded. I . Instead,, the~‘Tbkyg’t&~~~ kept tt;eir cards,quite close to their ~ . . . black jackets. \%.,‘. : _’ ~./ .-:_I .. . The .evening’s**inhibitions began’ w;th’Peter .Oundjian the . / Canadian-born fir&violinist, telling us the history of thi’first -P&Q; &$dn’s Quartet in E Fiat Major, Opus 23,bhmber Two + .&t@r;&~~p as t@ Joke Qicat?et. Haydncrafted this p’iece as ‘, partof .h&FseG& sf &&an quartets dedicated to Tsar Paul III; .- j these were intended%o‘& “written in a new and different wav2 ’ ‘. was

Physicay, _the finale of the intensity to leave the iqterpretation

I . L’ ,‘, ,

, 1 . ‘:- ’ .I ” “. 1 ..

the Tokyo. playersdid not restrain themselves. In Ravel% Quczrtet in F Mujor one wondered whether of movemenf onstage’would cause it and itsburden ground ,alto&ther. Again, the flailing foursdme’s :, df Ra\;leI’s varying, rhythmic impressionism in the


I ’





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: I::‘,

i- T&e differtirice in the Joke is the &ding - a series af heavy pa= ‘inten&d~$~:.ticic@ the listener intd thinking the mu&i is ov&. As with~$If.jokes, thipregnant pauseswere intended to&d L‘to ;rr$rth. -O@dji&$@ling us to “beware of the end&g” and @oititieg iou@& ‘ar$t&r dull stab to fun in the progr&n, took . a&y tlie;injentiori:o.f-the music. Oh for shame that we shotild laughsin the &ron&@I&anddiscover for ourselves the genius of

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Book shojws on at K-W Art Gallery’ I





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viewer. Some viewers may fc3el uneasy with HooPes’ - CO1 ments and rightly so since deals with troubling issues. Mazelgrove works in ‘short Prominent artists from both of creative energy countries are represented in bursts broken by relatively lengthy +&e Illustrated Book ‘in the exhibition, including periods of contemplation. She Quebec and France (1900Frenchmen Henri Matisse, begins a piece by applying 1956) organized’ by the Jean Cocteau (and Raoul random marks on the canvas National Gallery of Canada, is- Dufy, and Quebecers Charles to achfeve a rough format. a unique ‘exhibition of book Ganon and Edwin Holgate. Stopping to survey her initial ’ illustrations. While biblioBill Hoopes moves easily efforts, the artist ponders the philes will find the works’to be ’ between realism and what he . various possibilities the design, exceptionally interesting, the terms “social symbolism” offers. With aconcept in mind, exhibition 2 also noteworthy which is similar to surrealism she ‘applies another layer of from a cultural or an artistic in style, but deals with deeper brush strokes to enhance the point of view. social issues. underlay; stopping after B His paintings demonstrate a short while to observe The exHibition has been the arranged into 25 “pairs of\ meticulous pecision, well results. This rhythm consuited to his desire to ‘make illustrations; each pair juxtatinues until Hazelgrove is social commentary. ’ His posing a - French-Canadian satisfied that the possibilities paintings take realism andgive work with a compatable work for a particular piece have run it adramatic twist toshock the by a Frenchartist. This format their course. The Kitchener-Waterloo Art- Gallery will be exhibiting three shows: The I~lustrated Book, Bill Hoopes and Nancy Hazelgrove, E25 March, 1984.

allows the viewer to observe the cultural influence that French artists had on the art produced in Quebec.


1, Ch aracter

Books in Women’s Literature, Personal Development, Psychology, and Religion and Culture

emulates author by Deborah Austin Imprint staff Peter Gault Golden Rod Elephant Press 212 pages




Peter Gault, former UW student and author of the recently publishednovel Golden Rod, hascommented that people have accused him of procuring an American style of writing because of his raunchy, over-sexed candid wit. Although this may be true, the first page Golden Rod mentions “this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is coincidental”. Contrary to his candid wit that statement is untrue. In an interview with Gault it was revealed that Ken Harrison, the hero of Golden Rod, is just an exaggerated version of Gault. Harrison’s first loves are himself, hockey and sex, with their importance of order dependent on his mood. Gault, like’ Harrison, played hockey and has an obsession with sexuality. Gault said, “It is difficult for me to just get up in the morning and walk down the street without getting a perpetual hard-on from almost every woman I see.” Golden Rod is an engaging piece of work in which Ken Harrison takes the reader through the tumultuous adventures of a horny jock working towards a degree. Harrison’s friends include people such as the bisexual Henry Kissingballs, who he met at the Artsie Fartsie (a Pseudo intellectual9 hangout); Barb, who’s the only female character who didn’t sleep with Harrison, but gave him the precious gift of friendship; and Elizabeth, the sensual, passionate lover desperately hung-up on the middleclass virtues of her parents. Golden Rod expresses the * pangs of rejection, the frustrations of the academic milieu and the explosiveness of young love., It’s a novel that brings tears to the eyes, goose bumps to the spine and a gust of laughter to the belly. It also caters to a university audience, and is worth the extra effort of squeezing the sensitively written book in between the rigors of student studies.



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These two tuneful nymphs’ uondrous feats are known far nd wide acrosse the kingdom rf Ontario. Faire Shannon is a eacher of reeds in the greenwept forests of the University )f Guelph and hasalsodanced )n the lawns of the University rf Western Ontario and Vilfrid Laurier.

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. _

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by Fraser Simpson -, . ‘iys. 1 Idprint staff -” ‘.


. ‘I



1. Notice one mint is changed. (7) 5. Box with part of the body. (5) 8. Annoyed pest takes the remaining part. of the fire for a i: month. (9) 9. I certa.mly will sta%‘t&Git’hdessert. (3) ;. 1 IO. ,Strike on the wrist;perhaps. (4) ’ 12. Decorations - new soft ones. (8) b ‘-14. Sorts of commands. (6) 15. Belgium’s capital attacks a hairstyle. (6) i7, Tumultuousstreams of water caused a break in the hills. (8) 18. One hundred till have many a-stoppage of blood. (4) 21. Rebuttal losing later objection. (3) ’ 22. Intermediary with good advice when’you’re -bloc,ked on .both sides? (2-7) . ~ ;, .i 24. Road ‘I fixed upyith a transceiver. (5) I *_’ 25. Signed to finish with Rose, strangely: (7). ~ .I- 1 . -4


Tues. i Fri. 11 am - 10 pm. - Sat. 4:30, pm -10 pm :I Sun. 4~39pm - 9 tik .‘Alky~ d I ;),,~,,~,,~,,~,,~0~1~~~1~0~~I~II~1~~~I-~~-~~-~~-~~-

0 j.


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Y 1:

* i


- ‘: ;c

4. 5. 6. 7. 11. 13. 14;

Caught raising a prohibition on a resting place. (6) Scour art arrangement to&d the museum officials: (8) I let radio ruin the position of the newspaper: (9) ’ ’ ,7 Trespasses when getting rid: of father’s hair. (7) ’ . Affiliated feed rated strangely. (9) . . I Notes opera 1 arrangeti w&h a broken-chord. (8) , I , _ ._ . . \ After 8. (7)


Make a mistake



in the weather



F Answers next week i . -. $A nswers to last issue’s crossword: I

- i, -





. . ,1. ’ Score with us one thousand first and one hundred after‘tiard. (5) .: 2. Take a shorj sleep on the carpet, perhaps. (3) - ._.


_ -


-i-/ Y -



1. Recoils 5. Radar 8. Repeating 9. Tap 10. Last 12; Desserts 14. Chance 15. Behead ,i 7. Ordinary 18. At,op 21. Ear 22. Ascertain 24. Pests 25. Dewdrop Down: 1. Rural 2. Cup .3. Iraq 4. Silver 5. Register Reposed 11. Standards 13. Scandals Traced 19. Pin-up 20. Crow 23. Air

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by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff I Wang



~ Points On The Curve (LP) Geffen Records

Iri the end, it is the SOI _ sdngs are self-composed, half SOL efforts by Hues, and the rest collaborations between Hues and the other two members, Nick Feldman an! Darren Costin. The lyrics, with only a few exceptions,, are interesting and rather uniqtre views of relationships. All the songs seem to ,be related to each other, forming on& final story of regrets, laments and uncertainties. Images like waves and unopened letters recur throughout, further linking the songs together a’nd adding to the overall effect. Wang Chung has seemed to find enjoyable melodies to encase their lyrics in, but for all the thought that went into the words Wang Chung is instrumentally inarticblate; theobviously know hod to play, but they don’t have a very original or interesting way of doirig it. Consequently, . . Wang Chung finds itself in a

_ Wang Chung is the latest English band to burst onto,the music scene from out of nowhere and have a’huge hit record. Their name means “perfect pitch”, but Points On ThqKurve does not. entirely justify this nor $1 the hype surrounding Wang Chung. Points On,The Curve is a likeable album, but it% far frgm being one of the more significant releases of the year. , The main problem with this album is one of apparent indecision on” the part of the band. They don’t seem to have decided whether the9 want t?$ &. an AM radio dance-p’riented , band or a more progressivesotinding band like Roxy Mosic. The result is a muddle soundshich can’t be dismissed as mtirely ; being pop aimed at kids, but which is also hard to categorize as being something more important; A large part of the problem in the production. It follows a very Wait is also the best dance song on the album, but is hampered tight format which varies little regardless-of the, teqpo. This is very unfortunate as there are aiot of goodmomentqbn Points somewhat by lead singer Jack Hues’s rather. bland vocal style. * On The Curve. Dance Hull Days, Wait, &cj Don’t Let Go are Such is the case with most of the rest of the album; the.material al1 potential hits and are all exdn lples of superior pop. leaves a bit to be desired. The .%is- good, but the interpretation I




fiints on the Curve. It’s probably over the heads of most people who liye and breath Top 40, but will probably also eventually fall fiat on theears of the more demanding, discerning listener.

Top Ten Albums Sparkle in the, Rain Simple MindsNena - 12 in. single, 99 Red Balloons Wobble, Edge, Czukay Sn$ke : Charmer

art L> gallery I -,

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Trans X - Message on the Radio .. Thomas Dolby - the Flat Earth with Fire and China Crisis ‘1 Workins

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>-The Volunteer Committee of the K-W Art Gall&Q is having a one-day book fair and sale at the Art Ga1lery on ;I 1 Tuesday, March ZOth, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The publishers represented will be Clarke Irwin (1983) Inc., Douglas McIntyre(University of Toronto Press), McClelland &Stewart Ltd. and Oxford University Press. Displays will be set up of their most recent publications, including art, general interests and children’s books, with special emphasis on bilingual books. Edna Staebler will also be available to sign her books from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. There will also be -Art Gallery Exhibition catalogues of previous travelling shows on sale.


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~~Recoristruction ,of university it on the last day of parliament before a recess, and after most of the press had left the chambers. According to Jones, the minister. won’t speak publicly now until after the comm-ission makes a statement, which should be in November 1984. The Bovey Commission consists of a businessman, a principal and -a university dean., Its purpose is to organize a plan to reconstruct the universities into a system of highly-specialized schools. The reasoning behind this restructuring is to train people for the job market and to delete overlaps in the programs at different universities. One disadvantage that would resultfrom the Professor Bill Jones, the president’. of ’ proposed changes, according to Bill Jones, is that a University education would be less OCUFA, spoke to UW faculty on February accessible to many people. One example of a 23rd to outline .the Minister’s speech and. loss of opportunity would be with part-time OCU FA’s disapproval of its implications. students. They would not be able to travel to Bill Jones’s first complaint about Sfephenattend a specialized university to takeaspecific son’s speech was the way in which it was course. presented. Jones said that Stephensonclaimed Jones felt that overlapping programs are a that this speech outlined her most important poor reason, if used alone, for the proposed proposal for Ontario universities; yet she made

-by Linda McCord Imprint staff On December 15th, 1983 the Honourable Bette Stephenson, M.D., the Minister of Education and the Minister of Colleges and Universities, made a speech to the provincial Legislature outlining a plan to reconstruct the university system in Ontario. ’ She explained that she would appoint a closed, three-man committee, now known as the Bovey commission, to develop the details of the plan. The Ontario Colleges and University Faculty Association (OCUFA) disapproves of what the minister has proposed in her speech for a number of reasons.


changes. At the moment, he said, only I2 of the 200 undergraduate programs that are offered are available at all of the universities in . Ontario, these being the common core subjects that are,necessary for a complete education. Specialization would limit the education available’at all Universities, he charged. Rising entry fees is another issue which upsets OCU FA members. P\rofessor Jones informed his audience that the Minister feels that more of the university budget should come from student fees. He felt that if further increases in fees occur, it will further limit access to universities for many people. OCUFA’s main objective is to make the public aware of Stephenson’s speech and the Bovey Commission’s work. Originally, the commission was to be closed; but it has now been opened to the public. A media campaign is being organized by OCUFA to inform thegeneral publicabout the Minister’s plan. It is also pushing for a public debate over the plans to reconstruct the university syste.m. Edward M. Moskal, the OCUFAdirectorat the University of Waterloo, also feels that

people should be infor’med about this issue. He is worried that many UW faculty members do not know much about the situation. Moskal feels that-the faculty should be more aware of the situation and thatthe public should also be informed. According to Jones, OCUFA’s main objection to the commission is that it is “based -on a fundamentally unintelligent view of what universities should be like”. Jones implied that the planning of university programs for thejob market is not wise because the market is changing too rapidly. He said that, at present, universities are training “flexible thinkers” who are much more valuable than outdated specialists. Since Stephenson has already appointed the committee to implement her plan, OCUFA can do nothing to stop it. However, OCUFA will inform the public of the implications of the -Bovey commission. Then, with public support, OCUFA will attempt to have the report of the commission, due in November, shelved for as long as possible. -

OCUA bat by Jeff Conway


Last December, the Ontario Minister of Colleges and Universities, Dr. Bettc Stephen; son, announced the formation of the Bovey commission to work out plans for the or rationalization, of the restructuring, university system in Ontario. One of the main aspects of the restructuring scheme might be the closure of various academic programmes and faculties at many Ontario universities, and possibly even the shutting down of one or more universities. The Bovey Commission &not a commission of inquiry. It is an implementation committee. The government has already decided the main features of “system rationalization” based on previous studies. This new commission is mandated to formulate an operational plan for this phase of education cutbacks. The “system rationalization” idea was first elaborated in 1978 in the sphere of graduate education in an “Advisory Memorandum 77VII” from the Ontario Council of University Affairs (OCUA), a government-appointed advisory body. -In this memo, dated February lOth, 19;s and sent to heads of all Ontario universities,

its earlier

stated ‘



s . . .s ies” so that new not “lead to the oo thinly and the

ty can spend the rest or a wide variety of


also asked OCUA to submit its propo OCUA submitted its statement, entit “System Rationalization”, within a mon

and “quasiuch . as African

uggested that if the universities do not together to do this, then approval for programmes should be required from the

f \!

- Minister, just as for professional programmes. The OCUA report was followed by the Fisher Committee on the Future Role of Universities in Ontario which released its preliminary-report in March 198 1. It presented six models of future funding and the effects of’ each. Three of these assumed increases in university funding which were to be greater than the rate of inflation but this is not the path which the government has chosen. The other three models supposed grant increases less than inflation: a) 1 per cent less, b) 2 per cent less, and c) 4 per cent less. Using these models the Fisher Committee estimated the number of faculty that would have to be eliminated under each of these underfunding models: a) 2,900 faculty and 4,000 support staff, b) 3,800 faculty and 5,300 support staff, and c) 5,600 faculty and 7,700 support staff. Up to this point, the elimination of faculty and staff positions has been accomplished locally on various campuses. Now, however, it appears that the government has concluded that this process is too slowand hasestablished the Bovey commission to eliminate entire academic programmes, and, possibly, even entire universities.

League opposes\ Bovey I

An organization which opposes the Bovey commission because the commission “has not specified its intentions” has surfaced,on campus. Bill Adams, president of the recently formed Action League to Address the Bovey commission’s Proposal, in an interview with Imprint, said that the group seeks to “defend

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the quality of education in Ontario”. Adams, a vice-presidential candidate in the recent Federation of Students election, expressed concern that the “problems in the funding of universities in Ontario” will lead to “government regulation of academic curriculum”, as the Bovey Commission is



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thought to favour. Adams felt that such regulation would be “more harmful” than a “solution” he suggests. Because he believes that “money is the problem” facing the ‘university .sytem, Adams advocates abolishing Ontario Student Aid Program (OSAP) grants. He says that “the grams are very expensive”. He also thinks that higher tuition fees and “a more effective management of the (OSAP) loan program” may be other ways to reduce the cost of funding universities. Speaking of the Action League (AL), Adams said that the group, (which he created after reading the election candidates’ interviews in Imprint (February 3, 1984)) will “simply state our ,opinions” on the Bovey commission’s proposals. Adams, citing the need for “vocal, active protest”, called on students to “write letters to newspapers, magazines, and MPs”, and to sign a statement that he is circulating, to express their opposition to the Bovey commission.

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