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KW Services is in need of volunteers. We are a community agency’ +working together with physically ,disabled adtilts to promote social, recreational and educational opportunities for one-to-one and small group community involvement experience. Training for volunteers’ is pkovided along with continubus support and ongoing skill development. If you would Iike to share a few liours a week, caH 8856640. Peel;’ Centre -is open from 10 to 2 p.m., Monday’ to Thursday; and Noon to 2 p.m. Friday. A listening, information” and refekral . service in CC 221. Birth Control Centre: trained ‘volunteers provide non-judgemental, confidential counselling and information on all methods of birth control, planned and unplanned pregnancy, subfertility and VD. Extensive lending library and community referrals also available. CC 206, ext. 2306; Advocating responsible sexua’iity. _


Indian’ Student Assoc. is holding a bowling night tit Twin City Bowling . . . pay as you play . . . all welcome, 7 p.m. ’

Child, Fibuse: “The People .Next Door”. Pre.sentation and short film on child abuse, on voice and I 11:30 a.m., CC 110. All welcome to attend. For more information call Susan Eluchok, 888move,ment. 7 p.m., HH 373. Feds $2, others 6988. $2.50.<Join Heather for lots of fun and maybe games. Commercial taping party following i Free Noon Co-cert featuring Rosa Antony, workshop at Preston’s. mezzo-soorano. Soonsored bv CGC Music Dept. 12:40 CGC chapel. Fed Flicks - see yesterday. Theatresports



<Sunday, March



Sunday morning college chapel .


.* 1

- worship and praise every at 11 a.m. in the St. Paul’s

Reformed &umenic‘al Campus service - HH 280, lo:30 a.m.



- see Friday.

Dr. Harvey, Dept. of Zoology, U o>fT will speak on “Massive Environmental Degradation” at 1:30, Central Teaching Building, WLU, Rm..4205. Weight

is’tipen from 6:30 to 8:30 for only. Clinics March 12 and 26.


’ members

Asean Members are welcome to join activitiesin the PAC at 7:30 p:m., every Friday. Call Mel at 888-6278 for more info. Open’ House at Lutheran Chaplain Bosch’s home, 7:30 p.m., 157 Albert St.


Pub, at HH 373 io top off African Week. Admission $1, cash bar available. Lots of fun, all are welcome. African


at the Mug, the coffeehouse by WCF. 8:30 p.m., CC 110.

See yourself


- Star Trek and Star Trek II. Feds $1, others $2. AL 116,8 p.m. Fed Flicks




12 -

out and join a great debate or just listen. No experienke necessary. 5 p.m., St. Jerome’s Rm. 229. UW House

of Debates.‘Come

Association/Hillel presents Bagel Brunt hes twice a week. Speakers once a week. Come on out and meet old friends and make new ones. 11:30- l:OO, CC i 10. Jewish



- Important general meeting - all members please attend. 5:30 to 8 p.m., CC 135. Ukrainian


Jam Session. This is Folk and Blues’ last jam session of the term. It’s in CC 110 from 7 to 10 p.m. Everyone is weIco&e;and if you want to play at F&B’s upcoming coffeehouse, bring your instruments to thejamsessionand tryout.

\ Make



and Ilifestyle

13 -

for a complete fitness assessment at Health Services.

an appointment

Drop by anytime! All invited to participateina prayer vigil. Theme: Social injustice in our society. Evening concludes with an ecumenical service at 11 p.m. 5 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., Notre ,Dame Chapel. The Philosophical Doctrine of Karl Marx. Third in. a series of four meetings. Topic: “Partisanship - Objective Feature of Marx’s Philosophical Doctrine”. Speaker: Prof. Doug Wahlsten. Organized by the Anti-Imperialist Alliance. 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. AL 210. Huron





Paul’s, 6 p.m.

People! Are you open-minded, friendly and free on Wednesday nights? Why not “zap on down” to the GLLOW coffeehouse where you can meet fellow peers who share a common interest. Rise-up! Rise up! 8 p.m. CC 110,


Club meets tonight at 7 p.m., Conrad





bagel brunch,

11:30 -

1:00 p.m.,


Chess Club meets in CC 135 from 7 p.m. to midnight. Players of all strengths welcome to drop in anytime.


Wed., March

14 -

Dr. Faustus - see yesterday. Celebrity Milking Contest -

’ come wa/tch a Dean milk ,d “cow”. Sponsor,ed by Junior Farmer’s Club. A collection will ba taken for the Canadian Cancer Society. 1 p.m. CC Great .’ Hall. I



- Diva. CC Great Hall, 9:30





15 -

135. Games begin at 7:30pm. Enter by midnight, Tues. 13th at Turnkey desk. 5Oc fee. Prizes. Bring your own board if possible. Backgammon



series with Chaplain 4:30 p.m. HH 334.


Theatresports: games, games, and more games. Come out and join a team. Make up your own team. For more funtastic info call Jim at ext. 2452.7 p.m., CC.




G. Morbey,

Caribbeah Students’ Association and the Canadian Institute of Ititernational Affairs presents Dr., Robert Moore (former Guyanese High Commissioner to Canada) tospeak on the topic: The Ultimate Pragmatist: A study of the Caribbean Mind in Political Action. St. Jerome’s Board Room, 8 p.m. Refreshments available.

CW Drama Dept.’ presents Dr. Faustus, written by Christopher Marlowe.Tickets$6,$4 stu/sen at Humanities box office. Reserve by calling 885-4280. Show starts at 8 p.m. at Hum.

guest speaker Marcia Redmon will address the topic of feminine sexuality expression as it relates to both men and women in OLI; culture. Discussion to follow. Sponsored by the Birth Control Centre and WPIRG. 3 p.&., AL 113. Female

Susan Musgrave, poet and artist in residence at UW will read from her book, Tarts .and Muggers, at 2 p.m. in the Concouyse at WLU. Sponsored by WLU bookstore . . . admission +free, all welcome.

Premiere of Newfoundland -- from 1949-1972 will -speak today. One time reporter, union organizer, author, he has the distinction of being the only living Father of Confederation. Admission is free and tickets are available from the Federation, CC 235 & UW Arts Centre Box Office. Sponsored by the Federation of Students. 4:00 p.m., Theatre qf. the Arts. Joey Smallwood,


Peace Society will look at peacemaking in interpersonal relationships. Dean Peachy, worker with Victim-Offender ‘Reconciliation Services will provide input. 12:30 p.m., Blue Room, Conrad Grebel College.

Campus Day Concert featuring UW Stage Band directtid by William Janzen. Sponsored - by CGC Music Dept. 12:30, Theatre of the Arts. The films “Pesticides and Pills for Export Only” show how poisons are *dumped on foreign countries. Parts I and IIof these films wilt be shown at 12:30 p.m., CC 135. For more info call WPIRG, 884-9020.

Service at 11 a.m. in Keffer Chapel at WLU, Albert andseagram. Lutheran Campus Ministry. Holy

Fed Flicks

is open from noon to 1a.m. Feds free, others a buck after 9 P.-P.

Fitness and nutrition consultants also available. Cost $15 students, $25 staff/faculty. Call 884-9620 f?r an appointment.

IfI --



Canada Employment Centre for Students, will register students for summer jobs, 11 a.m. to2p.m.,CCGreatHall.Ifyoucan’tbether&go to235 King St. E. Kitchener between 1 and4:30 p.m. Jewish


Bagel Brunches,

Association/Hillel presents 11:30 to 1 p.m., CC.110.

RSA presents “Springfest”at the Waterloo Inn featuring the Tiroler Brass Band. Tickets $3 HKLS, $4 others. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. I

of Students







Door Prizes \

from ;- . / , Feds $1.60

Green Beer

--On T&j! I’ .1 .. : _ ' -, -cUtEaers #6X.50 I’

Free admission’ for anyone dressed aS . a Leprechaun!’

customer’ Valid fro-m March 10 to lblarch 31/84 IS’_MRGROCER - ONLYTHESERVICE IS OLD-FASHIONED


News ,.‘- - - -

3 .

Imprint. Friday; March 9,1984 ,-, ’

Theft at ScoopS bringifiri~g by Stephen Motluk Imprint staff Imprint has learned that the Federation of Students-operated ice cream stand, Scoops, was subjected to a series of thefts. Mark Hartwell, a 4B Systems Designengineeringstudent, has revealed to Imprint that a former employee of Scoops was caught stealing $32. _Hartwell, the former manager of Scoops, found $110 missing from the Scoops till at one point, and suspected theft. After discovered the alleged thief, Hartwell discussed the theft with Federation business manager Peter Yates and Wim Simonis, then the President of the Federation of Students, and was told that it was not the policy of the Federation to prosecute students. Hartwell thought that the theft was a serious matter and informed Campus Security. He also made a formal complaint to students’ council. The suspect was eventually fired for “conduct unbecom’ing”, but not on the grounds of theft. Hartwell said that he was not rehired as manager; however, he has no hard feelings.“lfa baseball teamdoes badly, they fire their manager,” he said. When Jeff Wilson, Vice-President, operations and financeelect was contacted, he said he was unaware of the incident. .Wilson also said that Scoops was losing money, but the size of the cones are now regulated and Scoops is beginning to show a profit. r Wilson added that he personally would not prosecutea person for a $32 theft and thought that dismissal with a reprimand would suffice.


Mary Hodgins,


of Scoops,

the Federation

of Students-sponsored

stand, prepares for the day’s first customer; Imprint photo by Brian Oliver


Hard issue: 5.-12,difficiultv a

;i by Marlene Bergsma Imprint staff 1s it irrational to believe in theexistence of the Great Pumpkin? No, it is not - at least according to Dr. Alvin Plantinga, a Professor of Philosophy at the.University ofN’otre Dame in Indiana: Plantinga was this year’s speaker at the “Pascal Lectures on Christianity and the University”, held at U W on Wednesday, February 29th, and Thursday, March 1st. Wednesday’s lecture was entitled “Rationality and Belief in God”, or “Is it rational to believe in God?” Now before one goes converting to Pumpkinism, one should be aware that according to Plantinga, belief must be properly basic. That is, it must be either self-evident, or it must be incorrigible to one’s mental life, or it must be evident to one’s senses. Plantinga’s discussion, however, did not deal so much with the proper

Dr. Alvin Plantinga, Professor Indiana, spoke on the existence and the University.

Ice Cream

basicality of believing in the Great Pumpkin as it did with belief in God. Hedealt with theevidentialist objection to theistic belief, or, as he summarised it, the idea that “it is irrational or unreasonable to accept theistic belief in the abscence of sufficient evidence or reasons.” . Plantinga rejected this argument on the grounds that the, words “irrational or unreasonable” implied a normative evaluation ofthe“right”orduty-bound way to live, and, as a philosopher, he was unable to find any intellectual duty being violated by belief in God. In the second half of his lecture. Plantinga dealt with the question, “1s belief in God properly basic’?” He outlined the arguments for what he saw as being two possible reasons why such a belief would not be properly basic. The first is that there, are no justifying circumstances for such a belief, and the second is that you could then believe in anything -eve; the Great Pumpkin.

of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame in of God for this year’s Pascal Lecture on Christianity Imprint photo by Alati Mears



’ Plantinga then destroyed these two objections by demonstrating that, in certain circumstances, ‘it could very well be properly basic for an individual to believe in the Great Pumpkin. One student pointed out in the lively question period that followed. and Plantinga agreed, that the knowledge that one is not being irrational in believing in God provides small comfort’to Christian university students.. But. as Plantinga said, he was not addressing the question of whether or not God even exists, or trying to provide comfort, but rather answering the question of whether or not it is irrational to believe that God exists. Thursday night’s lecture, entitled “Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom”. tackled an issue which Plantinga rated. “five-point-twelve” on the mountain climbing scale of difficulty - a scale which only goes as high asfivepoint-eleven for the most difficult mountains. Plantinga began by indicating that the omniscience of God and the freedom of man are two essential elements of Christianity, yet for many they seem incom.patible. Plantinga then outlined twoarguments which hold that these two elements are indeed incompati.ble. The first he dismissed as being fallacious, but the second, he allowed. presented a stronger case. He then introduced an argument from another philosopher which cancelled the second argument. However, Plantinga went on to point out the flaws in this argument. Plantinga concluded by strengthening the second philosopher’s argument by suggesting a redefinition of the case so that suddenly, divine foreknowledge’and human freedom were not incompatible. The discussion following this lecture indicated that not all those present were convinced. Plantinga’s sense of humour in dealingwith intense philosophical questions (he had the audience laughing on several occasions), his straight-foward examples (printed and handed out before the lectures) and his “rolled-up shirt-sleeves” informality demonstrate perhaps why he was introduced as being one of the “best and best-known -philosophers of our time”, and why in the past twenty years, he has given over 120 lectures at conferences and campuses in North America and Europe.

Father of Confederation to speak at UW The Honourable Joey Smahwood, Premier of Newfoundland from 1949 to 1972. will speak at the University of Waterloo’s Theatre of the Arts on Tuesday, March 13. 1984 at 4:00 p.m. A one-time reporter, union organizer, leader of the Confederation-With-Canada Movement, and author, Joey Smallwood has the distinction of being the only living Father of Confederation. A volatile, passionateand patriotic speaker, he offers a fascinating perspective on Canada’s past, present and future. Admission is free and tickets are available from the University of Waterloo Arts Centre Box Office and from the Federation of Students. This event is being presented by the Federation of Students at the University of Waterloo.

Drugs --


Vand& trash cars at Hagey by George Elliott Clarke Imprint staff A source close to Imprint has revealed that apparently, on the evening of- February 22nd, (just two-weeks ago) ten automobiles parked in the lot in front of the Minota Hagey Residence were broken into and vandalized,. However, nothing was stolen. According to Imprint’s source, a student victim of the vandalism, the vandal or vandals who damaged her vehicle “bashed in the driver’s side of the car, broke off the dashboard knobs, and left them on the ’ floor,” and strewed the contents of the glove compartment about the floor. Commenting on damage done- to other vehicles, Imprint’s source reported that they had suffered “broken side windows”, “broken radio antennae”, and “hacked up dashboards”. As well, she said

the other victims “‘were all rather upset”. Repair charges for one vehicle came to $400. Asked about the manner in which she had found out about the vandalism, Imprint’s source said that Campus Security had “phoned people to contact them about - their cars”; however, because she coul-d not be reached bY ,phone, a message was left on her car’s shattered windshield. Imprint’s source said that when, she got in touch with Security, she was told that it would be “really impossible for them (Security) to find out who did it.” However, the fact that blood was found on the -windshield glass and that there were no thefts may indicate that “a student really drunk or on drugs” may have ‘been responsible for the vandalism. Imprint’s source said that Security is investigating the incident. . ,


A ttention JIM A liyn&!





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744- 1297

,Neil Rodgers 2 Planning He was a great leader. He tried his best for national unity, however, Canada is too regional in its thinking.

Les White 3 HIstorY His resignation is a good thing for Canada, since it will provide a necessary change; however, 1 would like to seem him do United Nations work.

Lampus Question


by Rizaldo Pa’dilla Linda Watt

What do you of Piim e Minister Trudeau’s


“K-W’s No. 1 NIkHTSPOT”

resignation? Krista McKenacher 4 Health Studies I think it’s great. liked him.


’ 1 never






James Pickett 4 History He was a great academic, but a lousy Prime Minister, and 1am glad to see him go.

1 Geography He quit because of conflict of interest. The date for receiving a Nobel Prize coincided with a Canadian political event.

Introducing New Submarines! Tony


- Mortadella (Italian Bologna), Italian Salami, Hot or Mild Capicolla, Lettuce, Onion, Tomato, Cheese, andDressing On aSesame Seed Bun.


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- Your choice of the above Meats with Lettuce, Onion, Tomato, Cheese and Dressing . On a Sesame Seed Bun.



spaghetti house


- Grilled with Mortadella (Italian Bologna) with Fried Mushrooms and Cheese on a Sesame Seed Bun.







- Breaded Chicken Breasts, Tomato Sauce, Parmesan and Mozzerella Cheeses on a Sesame Seed Bun.

- Breaded Veal, Tomato Sauce, Parmesan Cheese and Mozzella Cheese on a Sesame Seed Bun. ’

- Sliced Meatballs, Meat Sauce and Cheese on a Sesame Seed Bun. $3.50

Option Hot Peppers, Olives, Double Cheese 4oq


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Pick-up & Dining Room Only

Buy one submarine of

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Senate talks funding by Carl Davies Imprint staff The 1983/84 operating budget and underfunding were the main items of discussion at the University of Waterloo Senate Executive Committee meeting this past Monday. At the Senate Finance Committee Meeting, heldon February I3th, chairman Doug Wright suggested that U W should perhaps consider tabling two budgets, one that stays within our tigl.. financial constraints, and the other considering what UW feel? ought to be done. Considerable publicity could then be given to initiatives that had to be cut toenable the university to live within !ts means. being experienced by the Earth Science, Engineering and Math faculties, a number of portables have been ordered to hell’ accommodate the students surplus. Portables for Earth Sciences and Engineering are already on order. A U W faculty association motion was passed on to the Senate, as well. The motion is a reaction to Bill 3, the British Columbia Public Sector Restraint Act. This is the controversial act that resulted in the numerous layoffs of public sector employees. Similar legislation, if enacted in Ontario, would affect university employees and the faculty association feels it could interfere directly with academic freedom and tenure. The faculty would like to see united resistance against a similar government action. This. sentiment was echoed by the Senate Executive, noting that this type of budget could be presented to the Bovey Commission (the Ontario government committee that is ‘planning the restructuring of the university system) when campuses are addressed later on this year. With the budget, there comes a general concern for underfunding. One executive member said he would like to see more specific concerns presented. It was agreed that the Senate meeting would be a good place for doing so. The budget was passed to Senate for final approval at the March 19thand March 26th Senate meetings.





! I



’speech: , ’ f



* _i

’ ‘by Karen Plosz . Imprint staff - Paul Hellyer, a former Trudeau cabinetiinister, deliver-id a complex economics-oriented speech on how to resolve C,anada’s inflation and employment problems t6 an audience of 30 last Friday afternoon. The audience was composed mainly of Liberal followers and people who wanted to find out about Hellyer’s economic policy. Portions of th.e.speech were filmed by CK’CO\ TV.. Hellyer’s solution, given in his ‘recently published book “Jobs for All”, is “designed to make capitalism work more efficiently and consistently.“The first part of his solution is a 12 month wage and price freeze on everything exceptlnternationalcommodities such as sugar, coffee and fresh farm produce which Hellyer says are beyond control. The next step would ,*be a tripartite meeting between government, business,-and labour that would work out the technical details of what Hellyer called “Part 2”. j ’ This policy is the. more complicated critical part, for it would see the implementation of an Incomes Policy. diisagrees. Needham’s own comple :-. L _The main focus of the plan seems to be putting a rein on big Canada was published in the September 7th, 1982%itchener. business, so that in time everyone will be “maying at the same Waterloo Record. ’ -speed”, and wealth will be redistributed. It would -involve setting Says Needham, “ What (Hellyer)‘s trying to’do only goes part profit limits for- business based o.n the previous year’s of the way.” Needham agrees with the proposed I2 month wage productivity. As well, limits would have to be set on the amount and price freeze. However, there’s nothing in his plan that will ,of money for which a union could’bargain. guarantee employment will increase. You’ve got to reverse what Hellyer describes his plan as “politicahy feasible: everybody the Liberals have been doing in this country for thexlast several wins, no one loses.” He claims that-under his plan, the inflation . years, and what the Tory government has been doing to rate would be “wrestled to the ground”; interest rates would Ontario.” ’ drop; national ,productivity would rise as more people are Needham sees Hellyer’s major flaw as being that ht”“takes an employed; the economy will grow through increasing investment \ American liberal point of view, with regard to socialism and he and productivity, equates socialism withcommunism. Oneshould expect more ofa However, W. Robert Needham, a U W Economics professor Canadian politician than that, in a country where democratic specializing in Canadian’ economic development policy, socialism has flourished.”

. C&se


: nieans ‘-






send thirteen,

by Dorothy Lammert \ Imprint staff Last Tuesday’s meeting of the Progressive Conservative Campus Association (PCCA) was especially important for five members. During this meeting, Brad Nelson, Blair Mordy, Barb Johnston, Ftrdene Plouffe and P-au1 Van Meerbergen were’ unanimously acclaimed as delegates to the annual Onta$o Progressive Conservative Campus Association (OPCCA) meeting. Bill Tilford and Sandy McLean were .elected as alternates to the conference. The OPCCA is the co-ordinating executive body.for all the PCCA clubs on Ontario Campuses. Every year, they hold a conference mainly to elect the new members for their executive, decide on policy resolutions, and give campus groups a chance to .. I ’ meet and exchange information. This year’s conference, on.the theme “Unity for Victory”. is being held at McMaster University and The Royal Connaught

PC membership


This meeting will be especially important for reuniting the group after the dissension that inevitably followed the federal leadership convention held last summer. . Apparently, the OPCCA has divided into two factions: the “establishment’, or extremely right-wing faction comprised mainly of Toronto. Western. and York University students, and the anti-status-quo group, composed mainly of students from Waterloo; Laurier, @uelph. Queen’s, and Trent campuses. The latter groups are hoping to generate enough support to sha‘ke up the OPCCA and decentralize the power base. ,During the last few years, the establishment groups have had a number of candidates brought into the OPCCAexecutive offices by acclamation, and many members feel this stronghold should be ended. The president- of Wilfrid L,aurier’s PICA will be seeking. election to the OPCCA executive, and Waterloo delegates are hoping he will --pick up enough support to win.

- “political

’ -

to jJTh&or

Hotel from March 9th-I lth. Highlights include a speech by Ontario premiere Bill Davis on Friday night.“hospitalitysuites” Saturday. and theelection of the new executive Sunday morning.

Injecting P


by Carol Fletcher 1 \ Imprint staff A B-52 bomber carrying a cruise missile has emered Canada and completed a scheduled test of the weapon. The Peace Society at this university is maintaining an ongoing protest against the cruise. According to Sheila Loucks, President of the Peace Society. this testingproves that Canadians have lost “a control mechanism” that has in the past ensured justice. Loucks states that“‘Canada is moving towards,a military dictatorship, and the money currently being spent on national defence, which will no doubt increase, is forging cutbacks in education, health and welfare.” A petition which w&circulated at Waterloo’s City Hall on-” March 5th was later forwarded to Ottawa by Mayor Marjorie Carroll. ’ The issues brought forward on the petition involved the, following~points: the destructive power of the cruise may mean total genocide; Pri-me Minister Trudeau primarily announced and promoted disarmament; government taxes paid byall Canadians go towards funding thecruise; and the legality of the testing has not yet beendetermined. For the above reasons, the Peace Society urges students and community alike to support their cause. Eve,n though the first testing ,has been completed, the Society will 1 become part of a Peace Petition Caravan Campaign across Canada. Loucks explains that this campaign will “form a substantial electorate body to makethisissueaforce”. She says that the Peace Society will maintain-their active stance to prevent the future testing of missiles.


Every campus club is allowed to send five delegates to the * conference and an unlimited numberofalternatesand observers. While dclcgates are the only representatives with voting rights, UW PCCA president Paul Van Meerbergen stressed the importance of having several alternates and observers for - c helping the all-important word-of-mo‘uth communication.On the University of Waterloo campus, the PCCA has been active for only two years. Since being a cardholder in one political organisation does not limit one to only one party, several members of the PCCA also attend Liberal meetings; and the membership secretary of the PCCA is even a member of the here on campus. s Liberal organization During the last year. group membership in the PCCA has skyrocketed from five to 180 students. According to Van Mccrbergen. this is a reflection of the trend in the Gallup polls and the mood of the country, and shows,a greater willingness on the part of students to participate in democracy. Fortunately, this increase in -membership has not been accompanied by any undue dissension in the group.




by Karen Plosz S Imprint staff The membership of the University of Waterloo Progressive Conservative Association has skyrocketed, from five members in the founding year of 1982-83 to 180 , members in 1983-84. Paul Van Meerbergen, Association president, attributes this jump in membership to the PC leadership convention publicity in the summer of 1983, which he said increased political awareness and enthusiasm for All Progressive Conservative groups Conservatives. across Canada also benefited, increasing their membership by 100 per cent to 200 per cent. According to Van Meerbergen, “The Progressive Convervative party “In Canada is the largest in cardcarrying membership.” - -. The, UW PC Association is recognized by the Ottawa Progressive Conservative party office as a Progressive Conservati&e Youth Federation. Althoughclubfunctions are open to everybody, only students at UW may vote at Association meetings. This year, the association is sending a 12-person contingent to the .Ontario Progressive Conservative, Campus Association in Windsor. “We have a good cross-section of studentsas opposed to most Universities,” said Van Meerbergen, in describing the association. This year, he said, there wasa tremendous increase in the number of Engineering students. “It’s my belief there’s a latent Progressive Conservative feeling/ philosophy in the Engineering faculty. They are basically free-enterprise tnoti5vated.” he stated, in explaining the reason for the increase in Engineer memberships. According to Van Meerbergen. “a lot of peoplejoin(the association) for a good tim,e. You meet a lot of great people.” Social. events held so far this year include a Hallowe’en pub, and a function with a guest speaker, the Ontario Minister of Natural Resources, Hon. Alan Pope.

by George Elliott Clarke Imprint staff The role of the Young Liberals of Canada (Y LC) is “to act as the cutting edge for reform and progress within the Liberal Party,” says Chak Wong, acting president of the U W New Liberals club. In an interview with Imprint, Wong discussed the reorganization of the new campus Liberal club, after the previous club was allowed to lapse into inactivity and, finally, loss .of official club ’ status. According to Wong, the members of the-new Liberal group would like to “raise our profile in’-the intellectual and academic community of our university”: He felt that the best way for the group to this objective accomplish would be to increase its . membership by becoming “more active politi‘cally (and) more active socially”. He said that the group wants to “inject a bolt of political energy into this university”.

Wang saw a definite need for this “political energy”, stating tlhat “wise and educated decisions require minds broadened by political involvement”. In his opinion, “there has ‘been a drastic decline in all political activity” on campus. To reverse this decline, Wong said the campus Liberals want to sponsor debates between opposing groups. He cited the prochoice and pro-life sides in the abortion issue as examples of groups- the Liberals might have debate. He said, as well, that he “would like to set up discussion sessions on issues which trouble us (students) today, for example, student unemployment and nuclear disarmament”. Wong expressed a particular interest in having math and engineering - students become involved in politics. “More of them should participate in politicalevents,” he said.. *

nation of the use of “polls, Referring to membership, patronage, and propaganda” Wong said that the Liberal by the federal Liberal party, club has 22 members currWong challenged the “campus ently. He said.that the group PC youth” to make the same “would like to appeal to a broad spectrum of people”. He declaration and stated that federal Progressive Conservstated, as well, that students ative party leadet Brian should not hesitate to join the M ulroney, “reads polls first group and air their views, before making decisions”. especially if they have critAsked what federal Liberal’ icisms. policies the campus Liberals Wong expressed confidence Wong replied that that the club will have “a good ~ support, ywe believe in economic reception from the University nationalism, strengthening of Waterloo students’*,adding the Foreign Investment Rethat >a national leadership view Agency, and the pational convention “may attract more Energy Policy’*. He pointed. members than otherwise”. ~ out, however, that “we don’t follow everything the federal Stating his opinion on the party leader is doing”. relative success of the UW Young Progressive Conservative Campus Association, Referring to upcoming ‘Wong congratula’ted the events, Wong said that his groups for having increased its group is ’ negotiating for a Federal cabinet minister to membership beyond a hundvisit UW. Asked whether or red people “in a short time”. However, Wong played some not some Federation of partisan politics as well. Students executive members are members of the campus In answering a question Liberals,’ Wong stated that referring to the Young some are “part of the group”. Liberals of Canada’s condem-





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13 Sep 589’ 589 589 599 599 16 Sep 479 549 549 17 Sep 539 539 r 539 589 589 07 Ott 479 _ 509 509 . __ 08 Ott 1 509 509 539’ 549 _ 5491 03 Nori 449 499 ‘499 04 Nov 499 499 55.9 559 599 25 Dee 499 499 559 Infants: Under 2 years of age %t time of travel - FREE Child Fare:’ Departures up to and including 30 Apr - $489.00 Departures 01 May onwards - $539.00 Fares are effective for bookings / made and paid in full PRIOR TO MAR. 14

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tqiuwELcurs c * ~gzji!4z::T0 TRAVEL CUTS TORONTO 96 Gerrard Street East Toronto Ontarlo M5B lG7

416977-0441 TOLL FREE NUMBER





am - 330 pm

’ ,



Im~kint. Frtday, March b, ‘1984 -


5orc claims

’ ‘, ,

Boveyl- tobzkco*

showing a healthy gross profit by Scdtt Moulton of 41%. Membersof the. Imprint,staff On March 6th, the Gradassembly expressed an interest in banning the sale of tobacco uate Student Association held products. In other business, their annual general meeting. The president, Michel Marthe boycott of. C’arling*‘ion, states that it has been a G’Keefe and ,Ro..thmans productive year-for the Grad was lifted; however, a letter of * student/s. . protest’ was - written to the involved. It was , Accnrdine to Marion. a companies ----------a -mentioned that some form of number of joint-ventures with the Federation of Students _ marketing was needed to have‘ proved successful. A’ increase sales for the Grad’ ,a _I ’ better supplementary health House. program has been impleIn regards to the Bovey mented featurjng. a choice of’

, .by Caral Fletcher . Imprint stiff According to a petition currently beingcirculated on campus, The Gannet Corporation .publication U.S. A. Today is. being distributed in the City of Waterloo illegally. The ‘petition alleges that “The very’ wealthy Gannet Corporation literally placed their (newspaper) boxes overnight on our streets ;without.first checking with the city council. This b,m.akes their presence. illeg>l.” - ’ D. Turenne of the Engineering Departmpt at Waterloo City’. Gall, in a telephone conversation with Imprint, maintained that‘* ‘Tthere is nothing we can do with the distribution of the paper. . . ~ as a municipality we cannot discriminate.” The City of Waterloo is presentlyamendingcertain parts of the Newspaper Bylaw and therefore, officials do not want to offer a definite statement in reference to the petition or the legality of the z distribution of the foreign newpaper in the city.


M,arionaccepts levelofcoverage’and pre*mium commission,

the idea of the committee, and rate. therefore is at odds with the, As well, the Grad students: position of the Canadian are supporting the creation of Federation _of Students ’ a University Ombudsman. Ontario (CFS-0). He believes Due to the increasing demand that restructuring of univer- ’ for Grad students to sit on sities is needed in some cases; ,various University, comrnitin other-cases, rationalization.’ tees, a Grad Student advisory There was huge expansion of -council wa3roposed. ‘ Graduate House, which is _ the Ontario university system in the 1960’s, and it now, operated by the grad students, according to Marion,rhas to be ’ over the was expanded The House is dealt with. ’ summer. ‘2 ” _

Ukraine~ famine ‘.

’ - :-. 1by Rizaldo PadillaImprint staff More than six milhon Ukrainians died . of starvation fifty-six years ago. Some , people think that their tragic deaths were caused by a natural disaster and some people strongly believe that the. catastrophe wasman-made. Marco Tsarynyk, a, Toronto writer, holds the Communist Party of the Soviet Union responsible for what he believes to be a man-made disaster! He is convinced that the 1932-33 famine was a plot by L Moscow to destroy Ukrainia and her people. ’ Tsarynyk was invited by theukrainian Student Council, -last .Thursday, March Istto talk about what he considers to be’ one of the greatest criminal acts in human history. He called the famine the “Ukrainian Holocaust”. His hour-long address, held on the first of MarcJ,‘“reminded those ’ who have forgotten, and those whodo not know, the bitter history of the Ukraine. He said that the Ukrainians never liked the idea of collective-farming’ because they wanted to keep their own ,unique identity separate from that of the Soviet Union. Collectivisation wasa plot devised by Stalin to intentionally assimilate the Ukraine to the rest of the Communist “melting pot”, Tsarynyk charged. \:To avoid assimilation, the 1 krainians

El&ions. /

The March 7th results for new student couhcillors have been:announced. They are: ,Arts, ,Co-op: KimSpringer, 7, Wefers Bettink, 5. Math, regular: Mark Fels, 19; Bill Adams, 5. E.S., regular:>Vicki Carlan, 24; Donald Longlade, ’ 15. Engineering: Step.hen Sopora,. 50; Sue Hausfeld, 33; Linas Sinkus, 27. Senate election results will be announced at a later date.

Engineering: The 5th annual Engineering Design Competition is being held in Village II on .March 9th from 7 to 10 p.m., and on March 10th froth 9 a.m. to noon, 1 p.ti. to 4 p.m.

Is Grad l Photos

_DrJJoseph Gold, Professor of English at the-university of Waterloo, spoke on “The, L$ib’leand English Literature”at the Jewish Student Association/Hillel-sponsored “Bagel Brunch” on March 5th.Imprint photo by Brian Oliver






You Get:






time, backed up the production in the built up a ‘resistance. to Communist He _ also mentioned that Ukraine. domination. “Their resistance,” said Communist Parties all over the world “was broken by creating an Tsarynyk, joined in’the conspiracy that denied the artificial famine.” famine ever happened. According to Tsarynyk, the artificial famine started in the winter of 1932 when Tsarynyk read a number of quotations the\ Soviet. army forcibly collected the that supported his argument that a manharvest of the free enterprising Ukrainian made famine occurred. peasants. He said that the Soviet Communist Party had no intention of Present in the audience was Professor giving back even some of the grains that Douglas -Wahlsten, a psychology they “ruthlessly” took away. professor who is believed to. support By the spring of the following year; communism. He attended the event Tsarynyk said, twenty-five thousand convinced that no such famine occurred in ,U krainians were dying of starvation every the Ukraine. He disputed Tsarynyk’s week. The death rate continued to climb proofsand he called them lies. as the amount of_food availabledecreased ‘Wahlsten said that “the so-called. to nothing. ‘I&’ stated that the intensity of witnesses that he (Tsarynyk)used were the hunger was so bad that the people not even in the Ukraine during thealleged turned to cannibalism. famine”. He criticifled Tsarynyk’s met hod “‘The Communist Party in Moscow had of gathering proofs as “highly Selective’?. Tsarynyk rebutted Wahlsten’s comevery reason to cover up what they,did because they knew_ that the free world 8v ments by.. saying- that the. Chevron,, a would condemn their method ofdomestic ~‘Communist paper on campus that is policy,” Tsarynyk said. running a series of articles-denying the The first step that Moscow took to existence of the Ukrainian famine, isalso, if not more, selective with its groof?. ’ cover up the famine, he noted, was to simply designate the Ukraine out of He added that the Chevron is bounds to all journalists. “scandalous. Never once ,. have the ’ The second step was to compensate for - Chevron articles on the famine mentioned the suspicion that was building up. the death of six million people,” he said. Daria Pyskin, the president of the Tsarynyk said that the Communist Party wrote reports claiming that a rich harvest, Ukrainian Student Council, ended the discussion to avoid a heated debate. and difficulties reaping the crops on

8 -


A11For Odv




Heather Bishop



Scott Merritt A return engagem&t of Heather Bishop and Scott Merritt, following their successful appearance in October of 1983. Presented by the Peace Society

of the University of Waterloo.

Tick&s: -.

Sunday, March 18.1984 8:00 P.M. Humanities Theatre ’ ’ . University of Waterloo $5.00 Students and Unwaged Y _ $7;50 -Others ,Reseived&ais


Tickets available at Humanities Th&atre ‘box office 8854280, Federation of Students Office, andRecords -on Wheels (Kitchener, Cambridge, Ehntford) by the’m Peace Society, Peace Network and the Federation of Students. i - A Peace Petition Caravah Event -



8 /’ -.>


‘* -Personal

: Cmg&J’$ed I

Wishing a very special, wonderful young lady- a very pleasant weekend. You are one of a kind . and knowing you has been a rare positive experience,. even if yol can’t open envelopes. d. . Hello Cathy! Happy now‘? \ Teenage Headand The Payolas,at the Coronet - Free tickets while they last! Come early, don’t be disappointed. Imprint, CC 140. - The new book “How to Pick up Cops\ at BENT Pubs” by an infamous -female 2nd year econ major is now atailablc zt bookstores everywhere. Auto-

And&v C’mon

, .-, graphs & demonstrations at the next BENT Pub. I’m getting a photograph for this newSpaper. (7) Wanted: Male companions to engage in disgustingly exciting sexual- activities. May involve som&pain. Interested1 parties call Bean&-. 884-7--6. party last Hey A-.K.! &eat Saturday. We will have to meet again in some other closets. Only next time alone! I mean 4 ptipleand 60 coats is a bit crowded. - M. / Tony Arnold: You are dead meat! ’ I like Rye and Coke.but the next one is On you. M~urray. Sweetums: You did a fabulous cleanup job. You will make someone a good wife <(Nymph-

Letwin, down.?

Andrew is the-Iticky winner of two free Echo a.nd the Bunnymen .tickets from. the Fed Service Contest trivia draw. The tickets may be picked up at the Federation office - congratulations! I






Imprint. Friday, March 9,1984,;

ette). Thanx for the ‘last ilance. Too bad wicked-Wanpa had to puppy out! M---with no Fy,rr.

SA (No. 55) - Good luck tonight AYDH: Does J.R. know this is tii and tomorrow. 1 hope you make ‘69t.h day of the.year? Sleeping Bag the C.l.A.U.‘s. Buddies. x C.L. From Key Largo to the waves Happy .-Birthday, XgXMeat!! TdiB.D., M.B., S.Z. There once from noog. = was a’man called Mark, Wh>q did of my heart we danced. Just you his best wdrk in thedark, He’d love - and 1till the sun set over the bows Husband ‘required immediately to g&tramping, But wouldjustend on Lake Ontario. From sh$ to for 2nd year economics major. up camping,. With the animals in shore we come no more but we will Please send resuq& to Shmi of Waterloo Park. be forever and ever. J. East 5. ’ : Well Barbara. Michelle, i wonde, Betty B: (Civil Engineering) Wish Oh! I fiave slipped the‘surly bonds if anyone will guess if this, is you in her a Happy Birthday today! ; of earth. and’danded the skies on the personals since I am using your ’ Love, the Kids. laughtek-si1vere.d wings. real name. I s$ggest th.ey consult HM: Congratulations - you made To the Lady: It‘s bee; fun but the ‘tGod of Knowledge” to verify it! (First stage, anyway . . .) By.the qubth the raven: “Nevermore!” the answer. Besides, he’s no dumb way, 1 don’t care that yours is “When the need-is greatest. I shall c&*0/i! P.S.. have you recovered --bigger than mine. Love, me. be.found. Until’then . . . Tomcatt. from your Sat. nite drinkigg. Happy Birthday to Moira, sorry 3 Rambling Girls. W’e appreciate bin&.? iMB. can’t make your party at T.O.. your Sensuous Phone Calls. H.B. MDB. Only 189 days to go. p.11 Remind you to solve the function and Company. ’ makesure to includeafreebookof (Nurse) where limit is plus I to -2. PaulMar Research Associates is instructions. just for you. J & L. from Isaac. conducting an on-Campus survey.* Bob Merci B,ien Pour Ta C.B. -you look pretty lucky to me. on Ftudeq housing. We need male C’Etait Tres Cor;lpagnie. Yours a1waysTS.B. undergraduates who live or have Amusante. On Devrait Le Laire lived in residence to take part in Bambi Baby: j ust a tad of a hello to Plu-s Souvent-Certainement. this res.earch project. We will pay a chickenankles. Luvya till.. . w@ Pourquoi Pas?, you,$‘7.00 for 1.25 hours of your you know . . . Roxy (the little Attention James Osterbergweinnie) time: Call 886-5577 before I I p.m. groupie: Shall we take a discreet and leave your name and J-Bop (aka Steve)- ya know I love tour of his apartment and telephone number. ya (and Fuzzy),even if you are an ’ rummage- through his drawers? Spotters ‘,vint No. 1: ‘Jiggies ut. Your buddy Door No. 3. Who. .knows what y’might find unless restrained.-Paid for by the Wanted: Somebody &th taste to (nudge, nudge). Happy 21s.t!!!. . . Coqmittee for BetIer Support. “Update” Westmount Terrace. - The Obscure,Alternative. To . Anybody out there: I am ,Mikey-poo! No- intelligence required but Take this to your being held prisoner b’y a room, lock the door and read: tee former SS experienck preferred. voluptuQus female in Sunnnydale hee, tee hee, tee bee, giggle, giggle, ceil block 519. Do not s&d help. hee. bee. hee. The Gigglers. For Sale Inch - 1 bet Ian knows! ‘Social g Kitten - yours sincerely, lotsa love, Xx00. Munchkin. Climber. University of Waterloo leather VD, the gift that kkeps on giving. iacket. Dark blue, rarely worn, It’s no laughing matter. Get the clean, crested. Will change letters facts on VD and conception *to suit. Size 42 Tall. .$120. Call 744management at Your Birth 6868. Control Centre,. CC206,ext. 2306. Onepair ofspeakers, Audiosphere Impersonal sex available, good Research. 3-way. 30 watts RMS rates, sound effects optional. E 1, with stands. $180.00. Ask for Joe Rm. 18. 884-9925. Cope, That’s just the kind of girls Ovation 12 string guitar & - we are. The Clique. hardshell case. 10 years old and getting better with age, mint Sylvia, Happy Birthday to you/ condition. $800 or B.O. Contact Happy Birthday to you/ Happy Jim, 888-7560. Birthday Sweet Syl&/ Happy Birthday to you; Love, your Pair of Mach I Speakers. Xery Jeffery. good condition, approx. 2 years old. Asking $350.00/pa,ir. Call Lose Weight Now with the 578-0092. nutritional and relatively inexpensive. Herbalife. Diet Plan. Guitar Amp - Strum your way For more information call Perry, through Summer (and help me 884-9249. pay rent!) with a Peavey Pacer G.D., Puppshit! The Clique. amplifier. It’s got 45 watts RMS (and enough to deafen .your Dear Ian S. Get a real job! Aunt average bear) and it’s not too Matilda. ~ expensive. Call Brian at 886-9768 Mitro MBnia will strike or 885-I 660 and we’ll arrange a Sherbrooke. Smoke ‘em off the price. track. NaaaHaHa! You’re my Vantage acoustic guitar -for sale. favorite 1500 metres. Let’s get Excellent condition. $250.00. Call Phvsicaaall! Kissv Kissy. The Girl , Chris 886-3699. Next Door. * s

1. THE “LINE OF SCRIMMAGE” IS THE LINE: \0 where a football .play‘begins q which divided the North and the South c] uttered by Ronald Reagan in “Knute RockneAll American” .

2: A “HAT TRICK”: q is three goals s&red .by one player in a-hockey game ’ 0 can be used to conceal a white rabbit. . 0 can be used to conceal baldness

co-OP RE$lDENCES . Accommodation



3. “FIRST DOWN” IS: .- q the beginning play in a football series . fl the start of a row of ducks _’ 0 your first OV / . > \ -\ \. \

Waterloo Co-op operates three small residences _ within walking distance from the UW and the WLU campuses. Each resident is required to dp three hours . of duties eagh week. The duties vary from serving dinner to washing flodrs, from taking minutes at a meeting to-making minor repairs. Working together &’ shar’ing responsibility for the operation of the residence contributes to the strong sense of community, ‘characteristic cjf -the Co-op residences.



Co-op offers’ you substantial financial benefits if you’re willing to accept this responsibilty. \ Waterloo Co-operative Residence’ is studeritowned and operates Independently of the Universities. You do not have -to study under the Co-op system to- live at the Co-op residences; the word “Co-operative” here meaps that the residences are owned and controlled democratically by the students who live there.

i Large



Also Available

aterloo Co-operative Residence Inc. I 280 PHILLIP’ STREET WATERLOO, ONTARIO NIL 3x1 (519) 884-3670 -

“History of Philosophy”, by F. C. Copplestone. Complete I7 volumes. in mint condition. $40.00.



Economics Tutoring by recent grad. Call Bill 746- 104 I. Cartographic Abstracts: maps, illustrations. diagrams. Professional quality illustrations for essays, theses, etc. at reasonable rates. Portfolio available, phone 576-8358. Shiatsu (Japanese Acupressure Massage). Give the pleasuresand benefits of Shiatsu to someone special. Gift certificates now available. P. Henderson, evenings - 885-0622. French-native speaker offers tutoring in French, all levels. Contact Chantal at this number:, 578-3938; Yukon hiking/canoe trip this summer. Two or four weeks in July or Aigust. Approx. cost (4 wks) is $1000. Call Mike 886-1963 for more information.

Wanted Student to help handfcapped student wor‘k out in the! PAC weight room, two or three times a week for approximately an hour to an hour and a half. Call 8845538. Photographer requires male physique models. Please enclose a recent ‘photo and phone number. Contact: D. Lees, P.O. Box 43, Etobicoke; Ontario.. Wanted: .Three bedroom townhouse or apartment. Furnished or unfurnished. Preferrably utilities ‘(electric heating) included. To rent starting in September, call after 6 p.m. - 884-8599 or 884-8459. , “Frank Zappa and The London” Philharmonic” - Pay up to $15. Larry, 888-7439. -

TY Pm! 25 years experience; 65a: doublespaced pager Westmount Area; Call 743-3342. . Married Students! $1.25 page. IBM Selectric. Grammar/ Spelling corrections. Paper. Campus Pickup & Delivery, no white-out 884-0969 evenings. English/ / French major. Typing:Sir.oup projects, Fathand engineering reports, theses, and essays. Overnight Service for papers under 20 pages. Sunnydale /Lakeshore area. Phone Joan, 884-3937, morning or evening. Reports expertly edited, set up and typed on IBM Correcting Selectric by an experienced typist will reflect all your hard efforts in a neat, organised, professionallooking paper. Phone 742-08 I7 for efficient, reliable typist. Reliable, Accurate, Typing of papers. reports and resumes on an I BM Selectric. $ I .OO/double spaced. proof ieading included. Call Sue at 579-6 157. Typing - 14 ‘years’ experience typing university reports, theses, etc. Engineering and technical papers a speciality. Call Nancy anytime at 576-790 I. Experienced typist, accurate and dependable. *Near university. Reasonable rates. Top- qualiiy print. Call Sl$rley qt 745- I3 12. Experienced Typist,” IBM Selectric, Engineering Symbols, Reasonable Rates, Will pickup and deiiver to campus. Mrs. Lynda Hull. 579-0943.’ Maggie Can Type It! Essays. . thesis. and letters $1.00 per page. Resupes $5.00. “Free” Pickup & Delivery. Phone 743-1976. - ’ Typing. $l.OO/page IBM Selectric; carbon ribbon; ‘-grammar spelling corrections; paper provided; proofreading included; symbol italiqs available; work term reports. theses, essays. 579-55 I3 evenings. Downtown Kitchener location. Typing: Essays. Resumes. Theses. group projects. Fast Efficient Service. No Charge Delivery arranged. Call Diane 576-1284.



sified Typing Plus. Efficient. reliable service near Westmount Pla7a. Theses. reports, papers. letters. resumes. etc.. etc. 8Oa: page 7432269. Experienced Typist, fast. accurate work. Reasonable rates. IBM Selectric. Will do cssa~s, urork report5 etc. Lakeshore Village. Call 1{85- 1863. IBM Quality Work! On Campus. 7% pg. d.s, $3.00 nlin. Please phone X84-80 10. Correct miuor spelling & grammar.



Sublet: La rgc 2 bedrm.. 2 bathrm. apartment Lvith dishwasher. Yo nge and Sheppard, above Subway, - easy transit to all IBM iocations. Close to 40 1. Seventh Floor - view south. $714 a mor,:h. Phone and parking extra. Available for summer term. Call 226-2363 after 6 p.m. One Bedroom, fully furnished apartment available mid-April to August. Victoria and Westmount. $250 monthly. One month free rent. Call 749-1074. May - Aug ‘84 -- Furnished 2 bedroom apt. $300/month ~- 20 min from LJ of W -- close to Shopping Plaza: 885-l 260. May - August ‘84. Large 2 bedroom apartment to sublet. Clean new building - furnished or unfurnished -- free utilities -free parking. Call 743-2564. Free Rent for 1 month. Townhouse in Sunnydale from May-Sept 84. Option to sign lease. 3 bedrooms & room in basement. 1.5 bathrooms, partially furnished, close to plaza. Call 8846784. Summer ‘84. 3 bedroom house to sublet, Partially furnished. On [Jniversity, 10 minute walk to U W. Rent negotiable. Possibility for Winter ‘85. Call 884-7806 or 884-6868.

5 Minute Walk to either universities at $1261month. May August, Furnished 5 bedroom house, need 4 roommates, 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms. across from stores, parking. Call Michelle 888-6837. 1 female roommate wanted to share 2 bedroom furnished apartment from May to August. epreferrably 2nd or 3rd year. Only $156: month!!! 15 min walk to U W, indowntown Waterloo. Call Loretta or Belinda, 886-6640, usually after 4 p.m. Sunnydale Summer 84 4 bedroom townhouse, closest unit tocampus. Partiallyfurnished, 1.5 baths, washkridryer. Excellent condition. 10 minute walk to Parkdale Plaza. Leah 884-9862. One or Two Roommates needed Summer and possibly Fall to share luxury townhouse. Washer,l dryer, dishwasher, air conditioning, furnished. 885-4802 Gord. Male student required to share apartment on Regina Street, May - August, Rent $lSOj month. Call Chris 884-7973. Do you need a place ot live or what? Have wegotadealforyou.4 bedroom house for rent May August. 15 min. walk from Campus 1 parking !’ near dawntown Waterloo & Westmount Mall, Furnished. $350 month (negotiable). 10 Roslin Ave. S. 886-4592, Art. Wanted: Female, non-smoker to share apartment with 2nd year optometry student, May - Sept. ‘84. Furnished. except bedroom. Laundry. cable T.V.. close to Westmount. 10 min. bike ride to campus. Rent negotiable. Contact Colette at 884-7044. Townhouse: May - August. 4 bedroom, suitable for 6 people. Ten minute Bike ride from University. $120; month; person and utilities. Call 888-7 180. Apartment Available. 2 bedroom apartment available in Married students for sublet May 1. 1984 to August 3 1, 1984. Call 886-9787. May - August ‘84. Female to share 1 large bedroom apartment. furnished. laundry. air-conditioning. pool, weightroom, sauna, parking, close to grocery. 7459932 after 8 p.m.

May - August ‘84. Females to rent Large, Furnished. 2-bedroom apartment. (large enough for 3). Near Westmount and Erb.closc to Westmount Pla/a. Includes laundr! and parking. Ifinterested. ask about Winter ‘X5. $350 month. 745-9932 or885-5957after 8 p.m. Non-smokers prel‘erred. 4 - 6 bedroom Sunn>rdale townhouse to sublet Ma\, - Aug.. with option for lease in September. Rent $425 month. partiallJ,furnished. Ca11884-3503. Furnished, two bedroom apartment to share for \ummer ‘X4. Clean and quiet. Rent 206.50, month. Westmount and Glasgow area. IO minute bike ride from campus. Call Simon at 7446868.

Summer ‘84 - 1,arge 2 bedroom apartment to sublet ~- Clean, new building - on bus route 10 minute cjncle from U.W. -$400 month - regular $420 but must sublet - utilities included 180 laundry in building Brybeck - call 743-0177. London -- Apartment to Sublet. May 4 - August 3 1. Fully furnished, 2 bedrooms with double beds. Free parking, laundry in building. $350 per month plus’ utilities. (519) 4324234.

Townhouse - Excellent condition, furnished. fully carpeted. two livingrooms, close to University Avenue mall. bus route, and laundromat. Require 2 or 3 responsible roommates for Summer ‘X4. Winter ‘85 possibilities too. Contact Steve Todd. 886-4609. Work Term in London. Ma)! Sept. Large. completely furnished 2 bedroom apartment. Pool. laundry, parking. cablevision, waterbed, and more. $300 & utilities. No lease. Call Rick, Marc (519) 438-9180. Free! -- I month’s rent. 3 bedroom. large basement Sunnydale Townhouse - for Summer, partially furnished. complete with broken washing machine. 888-7439.

Imprint. Summer Housing (Can continue into fall). Share luxur!, furnished house with two grad students (nonsmokers). Parking. Sunbathing balcon).. Washer dryer. Dow?toL+ n Kitchener Malking distance to R4arhet Square. 20 minutes to uni,ersit!, b\ bus. $225 month includes uiilitics. Jane 579-55 13 t’l enings. 2-bedroom Apt to sublet. complctcl! furnished. Ma\ I - Aug 31. free utilities. free parking. 6 min Bus ride. 10 nlin. \\alk to campus. Oilly 395.00. C-all Wa>pnc. 7454895. Summer 84 I.uxurious 2 bedroom apartment. l.arge Ii1 ing room and kitchen. Halcon!. laundr>r in building. Near Erb W. and Amos. Rent $550 month, I month free. 884-7503.

Available May Ist, one double. one single room. Full use of home. Outdoor pool. Free parking. Mrs. Wright 8X5- 1664. 3 responsible roommates needed for Summer Term 84 to share 4 bedroom townhouse. Situated in nice residential area. 5 minute bike ride from campus. Rent $125; month each. 885-6285 (after 5 p.m.). Room-mate wanted to share 2 bedroom apt, 48 Weber Street West, No. 17. Completely furnished (kitchen utensils, bed. t.v., furniture). Just off No. 7 mainline. Rent is $ I25 per month. Call Keith at 579-6074 after 6 o’clock. London ~ Clean. spacious semifurnished apartment to sublet. May to Sept. Garage. Close to mall. On bus routes. Rent negotiable. Call X85-4 151. New Beechwood house to share. 20 min. to U of W, 5 min to Zchrs, furnished. fully carpeted. cable. $450 for summer term and utilities. Call Paul at X86-9366 or

Townhouse to Sublet. May August 1984. 3 bedioom. Sunn>~dale.88X-6995 ELcnings.


Needed 2 mature students require 2 bedroom apartment for Sept. x4 will take olcr lease ~~

prefer within walking distance or on No. 8 bus route. Phone Chris 742-9923.


Roommate wanted share spacious. furni$hcd 2-bedroom apartment Ma\ - August. I.arge bedroom \iith lots ofcloset spa&. 15 min. walk. 5 min. b! bike to campus. On 3 bus line\. $165 month. including utilities. \Vasher dr!cr in building. Call 746-1608 or X85-121 1. est. 3493. l;urnished Sunnydale townhouhc: Ma> - <August. 3 bedrooms. 20 min. to UW. 1 min. to K\iikie. Laundri and J’i//a. IO min. to Zehr’s, Beer. and I-CBO. $368 month (nelrotiablc). (‘all l.arr>* x86-6386. c Clip and Save this ad and !ou \\ill recci\e a One Hundred I)ollar Rebate on Jsour first month’s rent. 3-bedroom townhouse. patio on r 0 0f. sk>,light. 2 bathrooms. Located in the heart of’ U of W‘h bummer social SCCIK. Sublet for summer of’84. option to ta-kcleasc in September. Call X85-3244. Keep Cool this summer in thib 2bedroom basement apartment on Ha/cl St.. t‘utl~~l’urnishcd. laundr!, facilities in building. close to plaza (beer and liquor store). 5 minute bike ride to Ilnilcrsity. free parking spot. only $305 month. utilities included. A\.ailable Ma!, 1 - August 3 I. call: 884-X 150.

usiness dministratisn Queen’s University at Kingston offers a modern, discipline-based approach to the study of management in the complex organizations of today and tomorrow. The learning atmosphere in the School of Business is lively, informal, intimate and flexible. Persons from almost all academic programs will find MBA studies rewarding. Financial assistance is available. Representatives from the School of Business will Campus and would be happy to meet with students Faculty interested in the Queen’s MBA Program.





March 7:30

14, -


be on of any I


9:30 Arts

p.m. Lecture


Lost Tues., Feb. 21, on balcon!. ot ~-cd activity arca in I’AC gold chain with tloating heart. It‘ found. pleas2 call X84-8599 or turn into I‘urnkc!,s. Ha\ sentintcntal \ aluc.



Available 2 bedroom furnished apartment for 2 responsible females. 20 minutes from university. Utilities included. Good price. Call eipenings. X84-

Wanted I or 2 bedroom apartment for Fall x4 Winter 85. Call Alex or Deb. X85-0845. LJ of W Graduate Norking in arca looking for house or townhouse to rent. Require a minimum 12 month lcasc or will take o\cr lease Ma>, 151.X84-I970 or cxt 2450 or


744- 1034.


Friday, March 9,1984 -

Buy one Striploin(6 oz.) steakat Ponderosa,regular price$4.89,and geta secondone-absolutelyfree! Justshowyour university or studentI.D. card.






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Three days ago, Canada jumped headlong into _ the nuclear ar.ms race when the first Cruise Missile test occurred over the Northwest Territories, British Columbia, and Alberta. Though the test in and of itself caused no immediate -danger, its long-term effects certaiyly are dangerous: Canada is now a full partner: in the nuclear arms race. ‘< While our sodn to be former Prime IVlinister, Pierre Trudeau, was travelling the world promoting an international nuclear weapons deescalation, he seemed to have forgotten that his own government was promoting the escalation of the.arms race within the Canadian borders. LCanada can be proud of its history of refraining from participating in the nuclear build-up a (excluding our production of various nuclear _weapons components), despite the fact that we have long had the, knowledge and ability needed. But, when the Cruise MTissile guidance system was tested, we instantly became as much a part of the ra’ce to destroy life on o-ur planet as the Soviet Union, the United States, or any other nuclear nation. We’ve been told that we have to test the Cruise in order to meet our NATO committments. In reality, NATO had nothing to do with this decision; the request to test the Cruise came from the United States Department of Defence, not NATO headquarters. After all, Belgium, Norway and Denmark are all members of the NATO alliance even though each of them has refused to _ have anything to do with the Cruise. We’ve been’told that the Cruise is needed to provide a nuclear deterrence, or the-so-called “peace through strength” approach. But what is “strength”? Only two hundred warheads are needed to%destroy ever-y major cegtre of



in arms race

population and industry in either the Soviet Union or the United States; both sides have roughly thirty thousand such warheads. One Trident submarine alone can wipe out the Soviet Union; the United States has dozens of Tridents. When . does “strength” become “overkill”? We’ve been told that we should welcome the production of Cruise components in Canada, because it provides jobs for Canadians. But at . what cost? The money invested into the arms industry presently could create many more jobs if invested into other sectors of the economy. The money required to provide. adequate food, water, education, health, and housing for everyone in the world has been estimated at $17 billion a year, -the amount of money the world spends on arms every two wee.ks. Yet, the worst thing people who want peace could do would be to lose heart. With a federal election coming up within the,next twelve mbnths, be assured that every Member of ’ Parliament who voted ifi favour of Cruise testing last year would dearly love to have everyone forget about the issue now. But what can sti!l be done now that the testing has begun? Write a letrer to your MP; talk about disarmament with your family or friends; read up on the issue . (Project Ploughshares, at Conrad Grebel, has a wealth of knowledge available); take part in a peace demonstratjon; or just remember to ask candidates in the next federal election where they stand on disarmament. If you want to get involved in organized action, keep your ears open ‘for the “Peace Petition Caravan”, an action being _ undertaken by a nation-wide network of disarmament groups. But, most importantly, don’t think that the issue has been settled. The Cruise Missile tests can still be stopped. Koh

’ i7~ear .



Imprint is the student newspaper at the Waterloo. It is e editorially independent published by Imprint Publications, corporation mthout @&re capital. a member of the Ontario Community Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes Fri~duringtheSpr~terrn~deveryFrida3r~~ the regular terms. Mail should be “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.” ,

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Editorial Staff r _



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Staff Meetings:


Allison maintained that the Federation would encourage those activities and events on campus that did not include the consumation of alcohol. ’ He commented that the issue to be considered was’not the effect that the student’s would h&e on Fed Hall, but rather how the university can help aid those students with ali, the-problems they will inevitably confront, ’ One can only hope that the Ministry of Education will soon sit down to discuss -the serious ramifications of their soon-to-be-enacted legislation. Without these problems being clarified, solutions may be too far out of reach when the time comes for implementation;. There is reason to suspect that these changes in our Secondary Schools may, in-effect, be another blunder from a Ministry that we cannot I afford to take for granted. Carol Fletcher





Nat ban Rudyk



olds if and when they become involved in this university “activity “? How will we ever change the orientation system to accorriodate those “of age” and those who are “not of age”? How will the Federation of Students, for example, deal with the increase,of seventeen-year-olds on campus? This influx of juveniles will no doubt involve a loss in profits tit our new campus pub, Federation Hall. When asked about the aforementioned issue, Federation President Tom Allison stressed the important part that-the university must @lay in the close examination of the effects that will follow the changes currently being made to Ontario’s Secondary Schoo/ system. He expr&sed a concern over financial cutbacks made in the area of guidance for those individuals who require assistance in making the transition to univ&s,ity life. ~ ’


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olds’a shock *to the svstem?

.In iight df all the changes currently being proposed by the Ministry of ‘Education concerning Secondary Schools in Ontario, it is’necessarjl to examine the social effects that they may have. In September of this year, Grade 13 as we now -know it willbe eliminated and the new Ontario Second&-y Schodl Diploma (OSSD) will be introduced. This OSSD will, in effect,-make it possible for a high school student to complete his . or her education in four years. Hence, the student will-be prepared, ,ideally, to either enter the work force or go 9n to post-secondary education.-. There will be negative social and economic effects because of this restructuririg of the diploma. First, the last thing Ont&io needs is an’increase in seventeen-year-olds litiing up at the nearest .. , Canada Employment office, or more appropriately, the Unemployment Office. Ontario qremier, Bill Davis, is losing sleep-at nights worrying about the 159,000 people between the ages of 18 and 24 who were’out of work in Ontario last year. The adolescent student may choose to co’ntinue his or her education at a university. However, he may not be prepared for the university experience. Many of us undergo a certain amount of cu!ture shock when we first arrive at university. We must adjust to being away from home, perhaps for the very first time. In our first year, we find that classes are suddenly liberally structtired to the extent.th,at we study when we want (deperiding on our allegiances to academia) and ‘\ )Jve party when we want. In fact, it is apparent that when we p&take in the university subcult’ure, we will be involved in a , certain degree of-drinking; some of us more than -others. What will happen to the seventeen-yeai-

University Ok newspaper Waterloo, a Imprint ia Newspaper every second

fI I I

I I i I I I I

To the editor: Well all you students out there. Congratulations! Only 23% of you voted for the Federation elections. Almost 80% of you said, “We don’t care!” I’m going to have little pity for you people. Tom Allison is in for another year and that potentially means another year for Tom Allison to have his way with you. The majority of those who voted seem to want that. That’s too bad also. If Tom Allison has the opportunity to pull another Fed Hall scam and does, I won’t have much pity for you. If he further isolates the president’s position from the students, I won’t have much pity for you. In fact I have little,pity for students who consider Federation Hall a more important issue than the Bovey Commission. I guess being able to spend your money on booze is more important than ensuring equal university educational opportunities for fu.ture university students. Wellgoodluckwithyour Fed Hallandgoodluck Tom Allison with trying to please us. Maybe you truly do represent the average U of W student. F Hartmann

To the editor: Regarding George Elliott Clarke’s column of February 24, 1984: After reading this article, I wonder-if Clarke has seen his “people” in action. I first must agree that the present state of South Africa is deplorable and treatment toward blacks is inhumane but let’s put the

Plain Talk -

by Todd S_chneider & Paul Zemokhol

It seems to me that a lot of people been talking about health lately, and- fitness. And they tell me to take up joggin’ and sports and what all. But, now, I just don’t know. Why I heard the other day that there’s a over ’ 100% injury rate in football. Yes sir, ya play the game and you’ll get your injury. (Seems to me there’s better percentages in crossing the freeway with a blindfold on. Oh, -well don’t get me wrong, I ain’t knockin’ noone’s fitness.) And you might call me a sissy for objectin’ to a broken thumb or, torn cartilage. Ya, but that’s the way I am I guess. Now, I know we got a great ol’ athletic injury centre down in the PACand all, but you know who you mostly see down there

Moderates wied to saveImprintjkom , the Chevron’sfate

of carnage I no “revolt with love” in South Af’irica


You electedhim?

- Atheletes. Ya, those *darn atheletes ahurtin themselves again and again trying to get in shape and play thegame right and what all. And then there’s those people who’re tryin’ to be superfit and all by hurtin’ themselves joggin’ (ya ever hear of a jogger who didn’t complain about their knee, foot, ankle, or LED stopwatch?) Ya can’t tell me that there’s healthy for ya. They got pulled muscles, bruises, sore bones. Hell, if they were any healthier they’d drop dead. Well, I sorta end up thinkin’that maybe I’ll just be fit by walkin’ to the store to get the sports section or exercisin’ my mind and hands writin’ or playin’ the piano. Seems to me that bein’\ too fit can be darned unhealthy for you. .

To the editor: Not so very long ago the only student newspaper on campus was the Chevron. In a struggle that received province-wide attention among the university cornmunity, the extreme left-wing..dominated Chevron was I disassociated from the University of Waterloo and the Imprint was born. It disturbed me greatly that last week one of the most active and vocal members of the communist faction on,, campus was a contributor to the Imprint. The extremists are in the student newspaper again! i I recognize that university students should be able to discern the difference between extremist propaganda and journalism that reflects the concerns of the majority of. students. But, the Imprint holds a virtual monopoly position in the reporting of student news and events. This . monopoly makes the opinion-forming power of the Imprint very strong. Thus,-1 feel it is important that the majority of Imprint writers arelof the same ideological slant as the majority of students, i.e. that thepaperreflects the moderate tone of the university population. This, then, is a call to the concerned moderates of our school to get involved with the Imprint. The self-imposed gag must be lifted from the pens of the silent majority. Let’s grab hold of the Imprint now, beforethe Imprint becomes budgie-cage liner, just like its predecessor. Christopher J. Love Arts 3rd yr.

crime - terrorism - to their respectful owners. I feel that Clarke has never actually been to-South Africa and seen the communities boardering the cities, how the white children have to be escorted by the army into the city for fear of black guerilla attacks and the houses that have rocket meshing over their windows in case of the “revolt with love” with the “chattering of machine guns” and all those other violent acts which Clarke says is commonplace to the South African government. The revolution which Clarke so badly desires will end up contrary to his expectations the fruits of victory are sometimes sour. Look at African countries that have changed from white rule to black and do you not see one tyrant of oppression usurped by another tyrant of oppression Swaziland, Lesotho, Kenya, Angola, Nigeria, and the infamous Uganda. Is it true that Idi Amin died, - but is entombed in the black South African’s memory, to lead them to the “Revolt with love”. Then how much greater is South Africa? I have seen rumours! K. Smith

Why were Falasha postersripped down? I

To the editor: I-am both confused and incensedby actions taken by one or more students in the Engineering-section of campus and; I’m sure, all over campus. On Friday afternoon, February 24, I saw numerous posters displayed on information boards and corridor walls announcing a movie and discussion on March 8 about Ethiopian Jews, commonly called Falashas. In the centre of this large poster was a picture of a-black Ethiopian Jew. The postefs stated that this would be a multi-sponsored event including groups such as the: Jewish Student Assoc., African Student Graduate, Student Assoc., _ WPIRG, Education Assoc., Commission of the Federation of Students, Political Science Union and many more. So. what’s the big deal? By Monday afternoon, three days later, there was not a single poster to be seen in any of the Engineering wings. Every single poster had been removed! Hence my reason for being upset. It seems to me that much effort has been put into this event by responsible and mature students who are interested in showing some of the oppression within Ethiopia. It also seems * that irresponsible, immature students are bent on ruining this humanitarian presentation. Who is behind this? Is it a Jew hater, .a Black hater, a lover of the Ethiopian government, an antihumanitarian, who? I’m honestly confused and would , appreciate whoever is involved to let me know, through the Imprint, why they insist on attempting to destroy a worthwhile _ Mark Silver . cause* Yours sincere1y~

by G.eorge Elliott Clarke

What is pornography? And, indeed, what is erotica? And what is acceptable in the depiction of human sexuality and what is not? . These are questions that bedevil judges, politicians, putieyors of erotic/pornographic material, and the general public. They are devilish questions because the answers to them are different for almost every individual. One person’s pornography is another person’s erotica. A dilemma results: How does one decide which is which? ’ Yet, it is vital that this dilemma be resolved, for the distinction between the two is important in this society that insists schizophrenically on the repression of women’s sexuality, while propagating false images of women, from the infamous ideal of the happy housefrau (a denial of the battered wife and the woman used as domestic servant without pay) to the equally vicious concept of the tart (a smokescreen for men’s sexual anxieties atid

revelations of rape and mutilation, of nude torsos found in woods all over North America?)Another aspect of pornography is that it attacks all bourgeois values. It trashes home and church; marriage and business, ,having children and building the state. It undermines the state by sneering at conventional morality, thereby raising in our midst amourously irresponsible fifth columnists and sexual terrorists. It disrespects and abhores true human sexuality - the foundation of society - because it opposes love and law. Its interest is lust; and with lust, there is always transgression: against oneself and others. It preaches “take, do not give”. However, no matter how one looks at it, it must be erased from our society. Erotica - at heart 7 is the song or hymn of sexual equality, true freedom, and mutual honour, faith, and respect. Its themes are




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fears). Consider, then, the following definitions/descriptions of those of concord, amity, friendship, and union. It emphasizes pornography and erotica. responsibility, truth, honesty, hope, and charity. It sees the sexes Pornography, at heart - or genitals, is the propaganda of as complements, not combatants. It implies sharing, not tyranny. sexual fascism. Its fixation is on violence. Its themes are those of It bears the message of-justice, piety, and-balance. It deals with the injustice, impiety, and imbalance. lt is irreligious faith. Like a whole person, not fragments. Its technique is not objectification blazing pyre consuming the body politic in the flames of lust and but individualization. In erotica, personality is expressed, not hate (Mich are tins), it bears the message that the sexes are repressed. always engaged in warfare and that one or the other, preferably the Moreover, erotica supports the state, honourscommunity, and. preserves, enshrines, bourgeois values..It glorifieslove, indulges male, should always be victorious, and following that pyhrric victory, establish an oppressive, authoritarian structure of sexual .- in love, emphasizes family and the blessing of children; and relations. banishes pain. It is also pure fun. Some feminist critics suggest that another characteristic of Examples of pornography include ‘Twenty Minute Workout and Hustler. Examples of erotica include the Song of Solomon pornography is its objectification of women, its depiction of women as objects to be manipulated by men.. This phenomenon and The Decameron by Boccacio. A final distinction between may be observed in the reductio ad absurdem of women, from full pornography and erotica is that the former is what one would not citizenship and personhood to the anti-human image of ground show one’s chiidren, while the latter is what one would show one’s children. If any material on human sexuality cannot be considered beef emerging from a meat grinder. (A fascist portrait that fronted good for children, it is likelyno good for aduks. I,_ a Hustler magazine of some years ago.) Pornographic “art” . I 1




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How shout CC parking? tation would involve planning an education system on the basis of manpower forecasts developpd by the provincial government. This would have serious consequences, judging from the government’s past record for such forecasting. Past projections of demand for nurses and teachers, for example have proven disastrous because they were based on assumptions whose lack of validity was not foreseen. Examine the supply-demand situation which exists to day for those occupational groups. The risk of creating similar occurrences in our future educational system is not worth taking. This consideration constitutes but one reason not to adopt the Bovey -proposals. A further reason lies in the strong possibility of a degradation in quality in academic programs. This would come about through a lack of cqmpetition among the province’s universities to attract students. Competition is the mechanism which ensures that high standards of quality are maintained in any academic program. Programs whose standards slide lose students to their counterparts offered by other univerWithout such competition, sities. academic programs would become mediocre at best over the lpng run with respect to educational quality. No provincial regulatory body could maintain high standards as efficiently as the existence of competition for student enrolment. How could a body of bureaucrgts at Queen’s Park effectively monitor the province’s universities for such a purpose? To do so, it, like Mr. Davis, would soon require its own jet. Further, if- educational quality decreased due to a lack of competition, the quality of graduates entering industry would suffer a corresponding decline. As such, provincial funding wotild again have to be decreased. The federal government would be too heavily involved in subsidizing noncompetitive

To the editor: Our present educational system, with all of its benefits and pitfalls, is threatened by the recent formation of the Bovey Commission. Responding to problems encountered in allocating funds, Ontario’s education minister, Dr. Bette Steph.enson, has established a broad plan to restructure the province’s university system. As a result, the Bovey Commission has been formed to develop specific “rationalization” proposals in accordante with Stephenson’s plan. Although the system of fund allocation to our universities needs to be changed, an alternative solution to that which the Bovey Comission is about to propose . must be fotind. Granted, some form of action is needed toaddress thefundingdifficultiesfaced by the universities. Recent decreases in per student spending are unfortunate because of their effect on teaching and research resources; The University of Waterloo is affected all the more adversely by the disporportionately low grant increases which it receives relative to the smaller universities. The resulting difficulties in assigning sufficient resources to its various academic programs are serious and the quality of education suffers. It is clear, moreover, that the solution does not lie in asking the provincial government for more money. that institution, ‘like ours, faces serious difficulties in generating sufficient revenue to offset the rising costs of its services. The costs inherent in acquiring and maintaining Mr. Davis’s jet serve as only one example of the many costly drains on its limited resources. The need for the provincial government to modify its policies on university funding is obvious. Implementing the Bovey Commission’s proposals, however, would further endanger the quality of education at Ontario’s universities. Such implemen-

industries to have sufficient transfer funds left over for Queen’s Bark. Nonetheless, the provincial government is currently between a rock and a hard place in providing funds to universities and costs must somehow be cut. Perhaps an alternative lies in subsidizing students’ costs to a lesser extent. Our tuition fees amount to less than 2095 of our real education costs. Asking us to pay a slightly . . higher. percentage ot our own costs would not be unrealistic. In addition, OSAP could decrease or abolish the grant portions of student assistance awards in favour of corresponding loan increases. This would make things a bit more difficult for students, but the motivated ones would continue to find the mans to enrol. This alternative does’not seem pleasant, but it would harm us considerably less than the Bovey alternative. 1 have written a letter to UwIs President, Dr. Doug Wright, this week which outlines essentially the- above points. 1 suspect that the student body of this campus contains a wealth of ideas for better alternatives. 1 hope so. Because of the serious implications of the Bovey proposals. Dr. Wright needs to hear realistic suggestions of viable alternatives. He currently endorses the proposals because they offer Waterloo an apparent shortterm remedy for its funding problems. 1 strongly urge other students, therefore, to advise him of any practical alternatives, either by writing to him or seeing him in person. Dr. Wright maintains an opendoor policy and this is one time that we need to take advantage of it. The Bovey Commission will be accepting submissions from the universities, including ours, over the next few weeks. Let’s offer the head of our university some alternatives which we can realistically expect him to consider. Let’s see if we can convince him to change his view before he prepares his submission. Darien Whyte Hon. Psych 4A

As To the editor: the name implies, Campus Centre is the activity centre of campus. How about a little parking lot to accommodate those who drive, maybe the pavement area

Heritage ads mislead To the editor: In the first week of September during campus orientation week 1 had occasion to talk with Jim Kafieh in the Campus Centre at his Palestine Heritage booth. After a lengthy discussion 1 came away with the impression that Jim was trying to be open-minded, that he wanted to bridge the communication gap between Palestinians and Jews. Jim expressed his belief that the excessive rhetoric on the part of both Jews and Palestinians alike had to end for any constructive Solution to come about. In recent weeks however, Jim has given me evidence to believe that my initial impressions may have been wrong. In January, he invited Rabbi Slonim to speak on why he believed in Palestinian rights. The rabbi spoke about many things, and only touched on his beliefs 0 on Palestinian rights. Jim must have been disappointed as the Rabbi said little of what he was expected to say. More importantly, the talk was advertised in a manner that made it seem 7 incredible that a Jew - not !. less a Rabbi - could possibly ‘i believe in Palestinian rights, and if one did, he must have \ something important to say. If :Jim had made an effort to talk ‘ito people in the local Jewish bommunity or to read Israeli hewspapers (available in Engl’sh) hFwould find that many J ws believe in Palestinian rights r and stand in opposition tb, Israeli government policies Palestinians. He have found that it is not

.Fed Hall---J” The sod-t,urning cerefor F&ration Hall **-“money , Lwill be held today at 11:30 +.m. (Ffday, ‘March 9), on,.” 1:’ Site. : * : Federatior+of Students’ : :@esident Toti Allison and vniversity Pfesident Dr. ,:,.Qoug Wright @ill dig. Fes4vities will thenmove to the Bombshelter.’ All are welxome. .d ,_



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beside CC and PAC? Often a short visit takes more time walking from other parking lots than the visit itself. I’m tired of seeing’ cars towed away. Michael Jensen 4B Elec. Eng.

LAxah: south campus Hall Lobby Hours: 9am-5pm

Early last week 1 attended another talk presented by Palestine Heritage advertised in an equally confusing and misleading manner. The event was originally advertised with the title, “Where are the Missing” and later, new flyers appeared with the new title, “Mass Graves in Israel”. The impression 1 am left with is that the first flyer was not sufficiently provocative and therefore a second was required. As well, both flyers included that statement, “A Jewish journalist who has investigated the disappearance of Palestinians and Lebanese civilians”. It may well be true that Tamara Kohns, the invited speaker has carried out such investigations. Last week, however, she only briefly mentioned the alleged missing,:made no attempt to offer evidence in support of her claim that the Israeli government had murdered them, and made no attempt to link such disapperances with the graves that she talkedabout. In fact, when specifically asked whose bodies might be in these graves she answered that she had no real idea. Unfortunately the flyers strongly imply that the Israeli government is involved in secret mass murder which Mrs. Kohns did not even attempt to tdiscuss. Furthermore, her allegations that secret mass burials are taking place have been dismissed as unsubstantiated by the United Nations Human Rights Commission and the International Red Cross. As well, the documentation that she submitted to the Washington office of Amnesty lnternational and which she discussed in her talk have, upon investigation, turned out to be two unpublished magazine articles offering no more than her personal opinions. My point is this; Palestine Heritage and Jim Kafieh have twice advertised events in_la misleaging, confusing, and provocative manner, and in both cases, the invited speaker was unable to substantiate the claims made or implied by the flyers advertising the events. This is irresponsible as many people read flyers assume that t ons are true. If Jim is really sincere in the desires he expressed to me last September, he will avoid this type of advertising in the future.’ This, as well as the invitation of speakers of such low credibility only serve to deepen the rifts between Palestinians and Jews, not-to heal them. Stephen Naor Engineering

Feds sdffng tickets before adverts are out! To the editor: any problem in acquiring I write this-letter, sthugly tickets? contident in the knowledge The answer to the first question (as soon as they that I was one of the lucky few who had ample time to can make one up) should buy as many UB40 tickets come fiome one of ?he as I desired (though I only deities (mere mortals?) in bought two). And yet, it the Federation of Students’ disturbs me that there are office. so many others out there In answer to the second, I’d like to pass on my secret who are now desperately trying (alas, but in vain) to , to success: get .a friend purchase these tickets. who is affiliated with the Unfortunately for them, Federation to tell you not most of the tickets were only when all the advance sales start, but also the odds sold before they were of tickets selling out before publicly advertised as bethe sales go public! ing on sale! If you are naive enough to wait until after ticket Two interesting quesbetions thus arise: Why were a sales are announced, cause of an assumption ‘large number of the tickets that those affiliated with allowed to be sold before the Federation do not have the common students at the any special privileges due university (i.e. non-Federt’o their advance knowation of Students staff!) ledge, you maygetshafted!! even heai-d about ticket ‘Mark Hartweil sales, and how come sotie Engineering people (like me) didn’t find

Clarke Column:


Opinions are ill-considered /’

To the editor: I have no idea whether the Imprint Speeihes column is meant’ to be .taken seriously dr not, but if even one person should take Mr; CIarke’s advice to go hitch-hiking this summer, the res&s could be disastrous. Hitch-hiking, contrary to Mr. Clarke’s characteristically hazy ideal, is not a “fun” way to meet “fun” people. The idea is so #reposterous as to be downright offensive. If he does not mind my saying so, Mr. Clarke is damn lucky he made it to Vancouver alive. I happened to be in Vancouver in 198 1, (the year of George’s magic carpet ride West), and the biggest single local news story was the rampage of child murderer Clifford Olsen. Many of his victims were hitch-hikers. Cutesy little rose-munching deers aside, George, the atmosphere of terror was palpable and deeply unsettling. The situation is hardly any better in the BC interior. There are dozens of unsolved murders and disapperances along that m’erry romping route, the Trans-CanadB highway. Surely it is time to divest ourselves of any romantic or silljr notions about the virtues of hitch-hiking. Obviously sucha state of affairs is intolerable. A citizen should be able to go wherever he or she likes’ without having to wo’rry abdut being mugged, raped, robbed or murdered. Unfortunately * our law enfo_rcement agencies do not seem to regard highway disappearances as much more than nuisances or jokes. Anyone who has followed the police handling of the Olsen case or that gruesome little incident in Wells. Grey Provincial Park will understand this. So, in the meantime, perhaps we can find Safer.’ ways to getting around than hitch-hiking. Finally, wh.ile I realize that Imprint cannot be held responsible for the opinions expressed on the Forum page, I wish just a little inore discretion and common sense was exercised. Surely you are not obliged to print every ill-considered opinion that floats along. Paul Doerr

n, To the editor: One question that should haunt the atheist as they scan these nicely packaged proofs against God’s existence, is the question of whether or not man can trust his own reasoning. For if indeed man has evolved via the process of natural selection, then surely we have a rather shaky foundation to suppose that reasoning is trustworthy. For then our reasoning is no longer based on truth, but rather on its ultimate survival value. Consider the thoughts of Darwin when lie wrote: “The horrid doubt alwaysarises whether the convictions of man’s inind, which has developed from the mind of lower animals, are of any value at all; would anyone trust the convictions of a monkey’s mind, if there are any convictions in such a mind?“. Now, the second -point that should disturb the atheist is the issues. It is often the case, that the&heist likes to have the best of

both worlds (Theistic and Atheiitic) in this department. Let me illustrate. Man, who can be no more than merely a complex chemical machine cries out against injustice, hatred, prejudice, etc., now, why is this so? Is theresome sort oftranscendent worth attached to a heap of chemical reactions contained in what we call the human body? Hitler seemed to believe- in building a “pure” race, one which would be stronger and one which would be white. He, in my mind, was simply following the natural sel‘ection rule to the-realm of ethics. Yet, many atheists frown upon Hitler’s morals and even go so far as to say-that he was evil (with a capital “E”). My point is this: few atheists are willing to accept the. notion of relativism in ethics which MirST follow from their presuppositions. Good, and evil are relative so how can you criticize Hitler, to whom is he accountable (for he was the law) and besides, he is supposed to be an autonomous free being. So what if he reduced 6 million Jews to cinders. Tell me that you don’t LIKE what he did or that his actions-were SOCIALLY unacceptable, but DON’T tell me that he wa’s bad or evil (capital E). These terms do not belong in your world view. . . they wm .but with God (capi@ G).

fue i. To the e&or: I would like to reply to Mr. Sonny Flanagan who has obviously read none of thevast.literature dealing with women and universities. No one is advocating that any professors be fired. Women are pushing for the hiring of women professdrs. When a person has Spent seven or more years at university ,obtaining a PhD, he or she has shown a deep commitment to scholarship. The main employers of these PhDs are universities. Universities do not, however, hire many, or any, of the women. PhDs they have trained. Since on average maleand female PhDs ~ are equally well qualified, obviously many top women PhDs are without suitable work,. In effect, the universities have been applying affirmative action programmes for men. Women are asking that to be fair, the affirmative action should now work for women. If candidates of equal merit apply for ajob, the woman rather than the man should be given it to make up for past discrimin+tioa again& women. The evidence showitig l%w badly w&&n h&e i&& treati at universities is not only statistical. A few years ago a woman applied to teach science at WLU. Although she was a very good teacher and had published more research work thanany man in the.department to which she applied, she was not even&lowed an interview fo; the position,offered. Instead, it was given to a male friend of some of the professors in the department, even though his tegching and research were mediocre. WLU has no women professors in science because of this sort of discrimination. . As another example, a former U W Dean of Science told me in 1972 that he would never give a married woman ten’ure, which meant .such a scientist could riever have a real career at UW. During his many years as dean he never hired any woman, single or married, so the matter of tensure did not come up. Noti we have only three women science professors despite the thousands of women in science we have trained. Women pay the same fees as men. Women pay the same rate of ta?es. Why should they not have the same opportunities at the university?




_ Now, take careful note, this has not beenacriticism of atheism as a world view, rather, an attempt to make atheists realize some of the nihilistic implications of-that wo;ld view. C. Suggert 4th year, Camp. Sci.

Fed Hall redesign is still, valid: changes supported __ To the Editor: I would like to respond to Mr. Gorden Pugh’s letter entitled “Fed Hall cuts make project ‘half-assed”’ printed in the January 2Q issue of Imprint. _ FM the paSt nine months I have been exsensinnely involved w&h! th Fed Hall project. I am currently sitting ZHPthe Fed gall Coinmitt&e as a representative of the Math student body. Du&a the summer term iwas a member of the Committee of Presideng. which discussed the students concerns and requirements for a new pub facility. I also’ participated in several subcommittees which looked into the varidus design decisions.

. .

On returning to campus from my work term, I detected a ..+::: change in attitude of many of the students towards the new pub. .: Many share the same concerns as those of Mr, Pugh. 1~too “.:‘. seriously questiwed the value of a “redesigned” Fed Hall. ’ .:‘:.:‘I . .,. _. “‘<. These concerns were a major topic of disc@sdion in the January, :.:;‘ii”’ 11 meeting of th? Fed Hall Committee; :@ring teis meeting I I<,..;.: , made it clear to Mr. Allison tKatin o,rdet,to,rFgain my confidence ‘;“$‘i ?::{c; and support for -the project, he li$d~‘&. ;&jfivinbe me 1that :ifie decision to mddify the plans was fut’;ct$i#lly:~~d &conox@d?lly , . :;,/I)” sound, and in the general interests $thb +d+rit bbdy:.3&thout s: J<.Y goiilg into the.d&ails of,tbe discussi@$i w@ld’like to-reassure :‘/:::::: Mr. Pugh grid all other students who ~ay<‘c$nc$.hs‘~ver the “re. A’..::::,: As ‘a, final example, Conrad Grebel’ College has just had‘a design” will give,& what we voted foi in~tlie~~e~~re~ndu~~n~ thctit :“,..::.i:: chance to hire an excellent female professor in music, At present will not be a “half-assed building”! I f.~llp$~p@rt the Fed Hall. .:,*i8;L:: this college has only one woman professor. Despite the high . ...’ s.b .j. . , * ._. ...% project. . qualifications of the woman. applicant, she was recently turned .,;... .‘. ” O. .-. ,. . ;.,1o I I,,* “.,. I , .. down. (Universities can always think of seemingly valid reasons I also urge any ,intereste$ student& io .&&~.~~~‘&xt F&l Hall ::,.\:I.; not to hire a woman - “Her research is good but in the wro?g Cbmmittee meeting and voice their: ~~o~~~&~&cl’ at the’ s$me 1~:::, area, I’m afraid”; or, “She is an excellent teacher, but not so good . . understanding of.theproj$&..: I ,I’ ’ in reasearch,” or vice versa, whichever sekms more p’ertinent.) _ tigi-*get r “1 “_. SD I 3-za^ better ~ .-.. CL._ ._ .>’ s .,’.* ’ ‘f’:Stevd Lightstone ‘I Many men become emotional and irrational at the thought of ‘_O/. ,. .L’.e‘Mathemat.ics,’ ,1/D c’:. .j ‘~ allowing women equality with men at uriivei-sities; it is a pity their “” lack of perspective deprives UW of so much talent. Anne Dagg

Is evidence fb&bd 1135 Victoria St. N. Kitchener, Ont. ’ N3B3C8 578-9370


. _



I ,





,‘..&e&&e ieadmissable, or To the editor: I would .first like to’, ‘,simfily. j :ins~ffi~ie.tit. to acknowledge that I meant. ’ ,‘i&rgant*, b%lief ‘in. :God. I to say that TLike char&s’ wpG!d. .’ lik!: -:.do.-:.@'s~ ‘8 repel” as wtis pointed out.:: D‘Qyest’ioxi; : Yy,Jiat;.‘.kvide’nce by P. Gogolek (Co-in& ’ ~~~i&&$t ,w,hich $QW be 1: dentally, ,I believe in ‘.hii =‘“dbi&$“, LJ ,&$ij&.b’6~~’ “C’qnversion *‘bE,* ‘and‘ sbffici&t tc~ &,fiui&~‘:’ letter ~ a ‘&&&t thai%(j&f e&s? 1 ’ Momentuq7Energy”..” .‘:‘.. should read f’Conserva’& .-ha*; h&d ‘much: &id&&‘,. of Momentum-Energ’y”.) j 1 given for God, but i ahaye ’ ’ ” / .. ’ never heard dfl&$&ti~r+e Many beople&be j suggestions of :ejiden%:, claimed that physical ’ which should exist but does :‘. evidence for the existence not. I think in the interest of of God cannot or does not faiiness I should be allowed ’ exist. Evidence cited by to ask this. 1 can’tafford to theists is usually considbe wrong, either. ered to be subjective, Terry Sturtevant /


is hereby

1ANNU’AL of the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, q corporation under the laws of the Province of Ontario, to be held on Wednesday, March 21, 1984 at 8:00 . p.m. in *Room 3001 of Needles Hall. The Agenda for this meeting is as follows: 1. .Appointment of the Board of Directors ’ 2. Officer’s

Report 1983-‘84


vii) The undergraduate student .members of Faculty Councils; and

7. Motion to withdraw membership from and affik tion, with the National Union of Students: “BE IT RESOLVED THAT effective

Add: III. B. iv) to act as chief spokesman of the Board to all external groups and to their representatives within the University community; vi) to be responsible for basic correspondence on behalf of the Board with external groups; and

immediately the students at the University of Waterloo, through the Federation of Students, withdraw membership and end all affiliationwith the National Union of Students, and that no further membership fees be paid by the Federation of Students to ’ the National Union of Students.”

8. The following amendments to By-Law 36, reIating to the Board of Acpdemic Affairs:

5. Motion to increase the Federation fee by 5W per student, per term, purstiant to By-Law 35, Article 33. “BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Federation of Students fee increase by 5Oc per student 3 per term effective September 1, 1984.”

Add: II. A. iii) . . . at the discretion of each student society, association or other group concerned with academic affairs;


4. Approval of Auditors for 1984-85


6. Amendment to By-Law 34, Article 34: change the word “week” to4“month”. .’

Add: I. E. To make recommendations from time to time to the President of the Federaion of Students concerning the appointment of student academic representatives to Universities and Councils.

3. Auditor’s Report 1982-83

given of the

The agenda for this meeting is restricted to the above items of business, f.or which proper given.


has been

Tom Allison, President





You put together a proposal Federation Service,



for a neti




Entries will be judged on the following, . in order of priority: - Feasibility - Thoroughness of Proposal (i.e. location on campus, budget, operating costs, staffing re-. quirements, etc.) - Originality - Method/Asthetics of Presentation

Submission Period Monday, March 5 to Friday, March in the Fed Office, C.C. Room 235 43 -


of Students

To Enter:

23 presents


~~00 ,

,&Place2nd Place - $30 3rd Place - $20

Pick up entry form before March the Fed Office.

23 in

A promotion of existjng Fed Services will be on display in the Campus Centre March 1st and 2nd. . NOTE

the’ honourable

-- -



Winners’ entries will not necessarily be implemented

For more information please at ext. 2358 C.C. Room 238.



Sey-mou, J!!?l




‘father of confederation’


Tormer premier of newfoundland’

Tuesday, March 13 4pm Theatre of the Arts admission is free

\ Tickets

at HUM


Fed off ice


David Wil .COX brings boogie to the best xxxx’npub by Nathan Rudyk Imprint staff When Engsoc A president Gord Denny said, “Engineering pubs are the best xxxx’n pubs in the land!” last Thursday night, he wasn’t fooling around. Partying is a serious business at an engineering pub - you get there at &ght sharp and start drinking, not at tend to make an apperance; you wear jeans and yoyr best rugger shirt, not leather pants and your latest Duran Duran hairstyle; and when David Wilcox hits the stage with his hard-hat rhythm and blues you don’t stand around posing, you get up and boogie! In less time than it takes to say “Miller” the poor floor of the Waterloo Inn was taking a beating seldom seen as the engineers and their friends jumped up to the gritty crooning of Wilcox’s well-used strat and vocal chords. David Wilcox - if you don’t already know - is Canada’s foremost slide-suitar madman. He has a huge underground following

everywhere from Windsor to Kamloops and two records - Coming Out of the Woods and My Eyes Keep Me In Trouble - that get a lot of attention at house parties, but not on DJ playlists. His music is reminiscent of classic Lyn rd Skynryd or ZZ Top - the kind of stuff s 3:itkickers and cotton-pickers kill for on Friday nights. It hits you with the subtlety of a sledgehammer and leaves you either headin’ for home or hurtin’ for more. They were hurtin’ Thursday night! Oldies like Jailhouse Rock and AI/Shook Up- songs that frequently lie lifeless in the amps of lesser men - come alive under the little chrome bar Wilcox wears on his left hand. Wilcox has a mastery of the guitar that rides the solid beat and simple tune into boogie brilliance. It doesn’t stop with theoldieseithe’r - thefansat the front of the stage shouted for (ahd got) Wilcox standards like A Little Chunk of You and That Hypnotizin’ Boogie, The band Wilcox brought with him hasn’t half bad either. Because-he is the show he

around doesn’t always worry too muchabout back-up - basically, he gets who he can afford-for a particular gig. Luckily, engineering gigs pay well (watch a 4B-fill out his tax forms!) and Wilcox brought the grinnin’ Kit Johnson to play bass and cool Crash Morgan to play skins. These guys provided a tight backdrop for the wide-eyed Wilcox. I swear those eyes are part of Wilcox’s act. In the middle of a riff he’d be looking into the chandelier as if some guitar .demon had possessed him and was leading him into the next chord. Whether or not Wilcox had help from the underworld, the party he brought to Waterloo was one of the best of this term. It’s obvious by the turn-out at last week’s pub that there’s a market for some basic rock’n’roll on this campus. May the powers that be in the Bent and EngSoc offices take heed and bring more of Wilcox’s brand of music to the hurtin’ ears of the diehard rock fan.

Spitjibe Band, disappoints Centre


by Alex Weaver Imprint staff i The Spitfire Band doesn’t play jazz. They don’t play swing. They play ‘beautiful’ music. Canada’s newest well-known big band played to d full house at the Centre in the Square on Feb. 29. At almost $20 per ticket the audience was enthusiastic, and prepared to love every moment of the show. Unfortunately, when people near the back of the auditorium stood up at the end of the concert, they weren’t applauding: they were putting on their coats, and most of them didn’t bother to stay for the encore.

Top Right: Wilcox drummer the audience the eye.

Crash Morgan

stares back at Imprint

F-II/West by Greg Oakes Imprint staff If you missed the David Frizzell/She!ley West concert last Thursday at Centre in the Square you’ll probably never see them again, certainly not in Canada. At they crossed the border into Canada, customs officials detained both tour busses, two hours and four hours respectively. Aliegations of police dogs searching for drugs and a strip search of a female back-up siriger arose from the incident. Inclement weather forced cancellation of their Hamilton appearance although both performers arrived. Finally, if the audience at the Square IS any indication of their reception in Canada the Frizzell and West show will not return to the “great white north”. The audience seemed subdued, and this was reflected in the opening songs of Shelley West and the Slammer Band. Comfortable with southern hospitality and rowdiness, the motivation for a spectacular show was missing. Granted, there were some problems with the show itself. Shelley West, daughter of Opr’y star Dottie West, belted out her songs intensely and effectiveiy backed by a well-tuned Slammer Band. However, her road manager-cheerleader seemed confused as the show lacked cohesion with various pauses and reintroductions. West in spandex and glitter lacked theatrics or choreography as she wandered about the stage. Her act came together with the song dose Cueruo, but unfortunately it wound up her portion of the show.


Mark Lussier,

while Wilcox himself (above) gives Imprint photo by Mark Lussier

received David Frizzell, younger brother of the legendary Lefty Frizzell, has the benefit of being a veteran; after twenty years on the honky tonk circuit waiting for a star-making hit song, he should. Frizzell sang his hit I’m Gonna Hire A Who In To Decorate Our Home to a much warmer audience. Backed by drummer Bobby Gillardo of Merle Haggard fame; pianist Cliff Anderson (ex-George Jones); and Pace Shepard, equally versatile on the saxophone and mouth harp, Frizzell delivered the goods with all the skills of the trade. Frizzell also possessed musical talents including mouth harp, I guitar, piano, and fiddle, combined a hilariously satiric irnpersonation of Johnny Cash. Playing the audience as easily as one of his many instruments, he built enthusiasm while tearing down inhibitions. West’s reappearance for some duets in the latter part of the show proved why they are a team. Silent Partners, soon to be released as a video, and You’re the Reason God Made Oklahoma opened and closed the set. West’s powerful soprano and Frizzell’s honky tonk whine blend as harmonic catalysts. The duet’s talent will continue to add awards to the’ir impressive collection (including CMA duo of the year for 1981) while road experience can only help synthesize the show from start to finish. But don’t expect to see them north of the border: go south and see what a real country music audience is like, and if you intend to catch Mickey Gilley at the Centre in the Square tonight, loosen up!

The calibre of the players was high. Most of them are established musicians with lots of experience, and many of them play with the Boss Brass, who won a Grammy this year as Best Big Band. They were familiar with the music; anyone who ever played in a high school stage band probably knows ‘In The Mood’ by heart. Their talent shone through in spots like Arnie Chycoski’s trumpet solo in Ice Castles, Mark DeAngelis’ clarinet solos, the trumpet ensemble in I Can’t Get Started, and the encore, Opus One - the tightest, bestperformed work of the evening. One of their problems was the mixing. The Centre in the Square may not be well-suited to amplified music, but the balance, particularly in the first half of theconcert, was bad. The Spitfire Band’s biggest problem was their vocalist and announcer, Jackie Rae. Rae opened his monologue with a tasteless joke, and preface every five-minute song with an introduction that seemed just as long, telling us how “marvellous, delightful, beautiful, great, sensatibnal, impeccable, multi-talented, exciting, terrific, super,” and “virtuoso” the band, the music, the conductor, the soloists, the composer, and everything else was. Oh, and “wonderful and fantastic” too. Judging by the reaction at the end of the concert, the audience would have preferred to hear the band more than Rae. The applause barely merited the encore. The Spitfires’ theme song, No More Dancing, is another thing that needs to be replaced. It’s a tired chart with neither.great music nor lyrics to redeem it, and lines like “Now’s the time to take advantage of” have got to go. It’s really a pity that the Spitfire Band, with so many talented players, presented such a disappointing show.

Imprint. Friday, March 9, d984-

by Catherine Frid Imprint staff

It’s unusual to find an evening’s entertainment that is both totally, different and also much better than one expects. We seem to have limits in acctiptinginnovations: a performance too predictable is boring but one that is completely incomprehensible becomes alienating and so again, boring. Last Friday night’s performance of ‘The Mother Of’ Us A/l at Wilfrid Laurier University was at ieither end of the spectrum for me. First performed in New York in 1947, the opera was premiered in Canada on March 2nd by the WLU opera students and symphony orchestra under the direction of Thomas Schweitzer. In a work, the Canadian premier was a success. The work itself is very innovative. Written by Virgil Thomson with libretto by Gertrude Stein, The Mother 01 Us All is a pageant presenting a wide range of characters, both real and imaginary. The center of focus is Susan B. Anthony, an American feminist who lived from 1820-1906. For thematic purposes, other public figures who lived during her lifetime are portrayed, although their own lives may not have actually overlapped - for instance, President John A’dams (1767- 1848) and singer Lillian Russell ( 1861- 1922). Even the opera’s creators have roles: Thomson and Stein, dressed in blue suits, oversee some scene changes, help out with narration and converse with other figures. The Mother Of Us Ail is very stylized and uses theatricalism to aaccent its theme. Before the performance starts, characters wander around on stage and through the auditorium talking to each other, and to members of the audience. Each actor wears an identifying banner, playing on the pageant idea, and the opera revolves around vignettes and conversations between characters. The set, framed by red, white and blue stripes with a column of small starred lights set into them, further stylizes the work. Although I knew little more about Susan B. Anthony than her short-lived commemoration on an undersized American silver dollar before the opera, from thisaccount she appears to have been an interesting person. She fought for women’s rights, especially with regard to the vote, but also recognized problems could arise with equality. A major concern of hers was that with the vote, women would become afraidof change and therefore, like men.

Wtjile slle never married, Susan Antl!ony apprecitited that it u’as important -- If ;“;ly so Iher;> would be nicj1-e women to teii men what to do. As weli as fighting for women, she championed tile causes of blacks and the poor. Even thoughshelived tobe 86, Susan B. AnthDny’s proposed changes weren’t impleme;lted within her lifetime. Both singing and acting in The Mother In Us Ail were very good - the voices powerful, enunciation clear and characterizations consistent. The opera contains humour that came across easily and naturally in thp performance. Susan Anthony’s debate wit]; politician Daniel Webster is expressive and dynamic: their looks alone perfectly sum up their enmity. The WLUsymphony orchestra, under musical director David Falk, was wonderfully precise with the unusual score. Virgil Thomson was on hand for the Canadian Premiere. All things considered, The Mother Of Us AI! was innovative and absorbing; an unusual and thoroughly entertaining way to spend an evening.



a little


The University of Waterloo Drama Department announces its major Winter, 1984 theatrical production, Dr. Faustus. This great classic, the dramatized legend of a scholar’s infamous bargain with the devil, was written in the late 16th century by Christopher Marlowe, a contemporary of Shakespeare. Directed by Douglas Abel, department co-ordinator, Dr. Faustus will be brough to infernal life, from the depths of the Humanities Theatre stage, March 13 to 17. Curtain is 8:00 p.m. Tickets, on sale now at the Humanities box office, are $6.00 ($4.00 for students and seniors). Douglas Abel has been an acting instructor in the Drama Department since 1981. At Waterloo, he has directed two children’s plays, PiijocchioandJacob Two-Two, as well as W. S. Gilbert’s Engaged and Samuel Beckett’s Waiting FOI- Godot. For Dr. Faustus, Abelpromises an eerie stage spectacle full of thunder, whirlwinds, storm and lightning. Technical director Al Anderson has been working closely with Abel to re-create heaven and hell on stage amid an abundance of nightmarish special effects. The set, designed by cast member and former architecture student Ned Dickens, becomes a battleground of many levels where one rnan confronts the immense forces of evil that try to drag him down to darkness.

Close your eJ?es. 0. K. Now imagine vou’re at the most wonderfid. Delicious fbod. Uh-huh. Interesting people. Uh-mm. Terriftq music. Mm-mmh. NOti OPEN THEM!


Iii WCMS offering Bartok to Schubert The Kitchener Waterloo Chamber Music Society is offering several superb conceris in the Music Room on 57 Young St. W. this week. Sunday, Irving Ilmer (violin) and Boyd Mcdonald (fortepiano) will be playing sonatas and sonatinas of Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Handel andMendelssohn. Wednesday, the great Mendelssohn String Quartet (pictured above) comes from New York. This fine young quartet will be performing selections from Haydn, Schoenberg and, of course, Mendelssohn. Next Sunday Adam Fellegi, the powerful versatile virtuoso from Hungary completes the week with Listz, Gershwin, Bartok and Crumb. Tickets for these performances are $7 for students, $10 for non-students and are available from Kadwell’s Records, Waterloo Square, Sam’s in Kitchener, the UW Arts Centre box office or at the door (space permitting).

0. K.

you’re at the You’re happy to see that it wasn’t your imagination: PrettyInPinkMathSocWine G Cheese in SCH. And you’re here for a better time than anything you could imagine. You arrived at 9 pm on Saturday, March / 17th and paid $4 causeyou’rea Mathie. If you had been something else you would’ve ha to pay $5., Still deal, though. And because you wore a pink tie, you got ur free glasses of your favourite wine. Afterwards, you had each glass for 2X. Wow, cheap! And now you’re - of wine ricing the night away. Aren’t you glad you came to let your imagination run wild? /.,I --s


to Laurie


by Antony




Corey Hart First Offence Aquarius Records The first few seconds of First Offence’s opening track, SunglasseS At Night, has the haunting synthesizer sound of the Eurythmics, but this album is all Corey Hart, eleven carefully constructed songs, each. making up an. essential part of this fine album. First Offence is a class production, with Hart’s bitter-sharp vocals adding to the lavish textures and quality instrumentation that are the trade mark of each song. Hart utilizes a wide’range of instruments on \ the album, but unlike other groups who attempt the same thing only to end up with a confusing mess of noise, Hart uses several instruments selectively and occasionally, which is the main reason for their effectiveness. Synthesizers take control of Sunglasses At Night, the album’s lone hit so far, with saxophones playing major roles on most tracks. The helping hand of Eric Clapton on the album only adds to the professionalism that seems to ooze from each groove on the vinyl. Clapton’s presence is best felt on D0e.s She ‘Loue You, a fast pacedsemi-rockcut thatasks several questions about the intentions of women. In fact the whole album is directed at the feminine gender, with most of the interferences being quite complimentary. Hart even dedicates-the album to his wife and his love for women spills out into some of the more sultry soft numbers, like the lyrics to Araby (She’s Just A Girl):

Every morning through the crack iti the cioot/Z catch shadows of her. .x beauty and 1 turn awuy/and my confused adoration grows with unanswered passions The organization of the album is another aspect looked after to ensure maximum effectiveness. The mixture of slow ballads and herky-jerky pop numbers create a rdlercoaster of tempo which prevents us becoming bored with the same beat or style, although personally I would find it very hard to become bored with this qlbum no matter what the arrangement was. The true credit for the album has to go to Corey Hart, whose voice contains the cutting edge quality of Sting’s voice, yethas the tender ability to pour emotion into the slow songs. His voice .remains the one common denominator throughout all the variations First Offence . contains. This will probably slip by as another unknown album by an unknown singer that managed to spawn a sole A.M. hit, which is a shame because there aren’t many people around these days that can put together eleven consistent, quality tracks like Corey Hart has done with First Offence.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6: 7. 8, 9. 10.

Top Ten Albums Simple Minds - Sparkle in the Rain Nena --- 12 in. single - 99 Red Balloons DanseSocietyAlbumand I2in.single Jah Wobble, The Edge‘, Holger Czukay - Snake Charmer , Grandmaster/ Melle - EP - White Lines (Don’t Don’t Do It). Eurythmics - Touch The The - Soul Mining Wang Chung - Points On The Curve Hunters and Collectors Michael Jackson - Thriller

Just Arrived

- New Releases

1. Cramps - bad Music for Bad Pyo’ple 2. Cure - Japanese Whispers 3. Seven Minutes - Two Torn Apart

Based on last week S salesat - The Record Store ’

by John W. Bast imprint staff The Right Stuff impressed me deeply - a day or so afterwards, when I had time to think about it. When I was watching it, I was alternately cynical, bored, or- very enthusiastic. Maybe this delayed-action effect is a strength in the movie; if so, I’m glad, because The Right Stuff needs all the help if can get. -The film’s big crime is, it’s slow. That’s hardto understand, because its subject matter is one of the most significant -sets of events in history - viewed from a hundred years or so down the road, possibly the only significant contribution the twentieth century can boast the beginning of the American space program with the Mercury-Redstone and Mercury-Atlas ships, and the Original Seven astronauts. _ Humanizing, and putting into perspective, are very good things, and should be left to the historians who like that sort of thing. M-ostly, audiences can accept fairly easily that astronauts’(ortest pilots’, as they startedout) wives can alternate between being loving, u,nreasonably bitchy, supportive, and hateful very quit kly - in short, human. We don’t need or want the point stressed. This is why there are heroes - they don’t need weak points, so let’s not scratch and scratch until-we find one, and then gloat over it endlessly. On the other hand, The Right Stuff seems to present a good sense of the early ’60s (before there were hippies, Beatles, Vietnam,and students protests, and America was still on top and wanted to stay there. Not “Better Dead than Red” and McCarthyism - rather, hotdogs, apple pie, rosy-c heeked cheerleaders at football, games and ROTC for the fun of it). The film progresses like this: strong action - a new jet fighter is tested, a test in the


historians are, maybe they’ll find the space program is the only important thing we’ve accomplished!). The Right Stuff reaches its climax as John Glenn circles the earth in man’s . first orbital flight: that tiny capsule,dwarfedin movies by the Star Wars superdreadnaughts, and in real life by Enterprise, Columbia, and Challenger, can hurtle through space, Earth in the background, with human life aboard where : none existed before - is a profoundly moving sight; and the danger, the risk, gone through to achieve that high success is pointed out dramatically when it is found- that Glenn’s ’ capsule may have “a problem” (in NASA, and men with the “right,stuff”, jargon) with its heat shield. I don’t remember much about the Mercury program, only that my earliest memories of television include the picture of a Mercury capsul mounted on an Atlas booster and that I’ve “always” known that John Glenn was the first man to orbit the earth. I do know that this I film was for me+ to let me “catch up” on the stuff I missed because I was too young. The film ’ is also probably for people wh,o are disillusioned with the American dream that has gottened itself bogged down in politicsand general grubbing in the dirt - when not too long ago we were upward looking and staraspiring. Perhaps this film wants to set people back on the right track. Is it saying, if we could do this twenty years asp, why are we grubbing around down here when there are new worlds to be conquered?.. Unfortunately this question is hidden behind some fairly dull scenes and only comes through every now andthen - but maybe that question is there. The “right stuff” -courage, ‘coolness, dedication - is it gone? Maybe not. Do we need% back?Yes. Does this movie need . an hour clipped out of it? Definitely.

Mercury program to’ eliminate the unfit is passed - and then, fill in time as another wife alternately supports, bitches, hates, forgives - and thena a fast action again. This grew really tiresome, especially since moments of comic relief were few and far between (and very ‘unkind to the German rocket scientistswho built the original American and Soviet space programs - was Wehrner von Braun really that nasty?). But when the film had action, it was actionpacked. Technically, the film is superlative and the test@loting and space scenes are very well done. The film is done in Dolby and the Lyric’s speakers do the sound effects justice (though after a while the thrill of the jet engines all around you loses its charm and begins to look like cheap excitement - overdone again, like the wives’ characters). There appears to be very little actual late50’s,‘early 60’s film footage in the movie, for a simple reason: black and white and colour are too dramatically different, and cameras are quite frankly better nowadays - the audience could tell the difference too easily. On the few occasions actual footage is used (the Ed Sullivan Show, the Redstone and Atlas boosters that crashed on testing) it is inserted . skillfully. The music is great, too. I doubt if it will sell any albums - the music is great in the sense that it is “correct” for this movie: a stirring sense of patriotism, of pride, is created and that seems to be I one of the great goals of this movie. The Right Stuff realizes this goal, too. America has a right to be proud of her space program. No matter what historians may think when they look back on this century, they will find a number’ of undeniable successes (depending on how far in the future those



SCS-somini-U? - shows \ - talent, not greatness . by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff


The Paul Collins Beat To Bed or Not to Beat Passport Records


-, r.




Warning: This album is t&t by the English Beat no matter how hard the packagers of-this record seem to have tried tomake it appear so. The words, “The Beat”, displayed in huge bold print, dominates the album cover. The photo on the cover is very reminiscent of the covers of Two-Tone albums of the late 70’s and early 80’s. Even the title, To Beat or Not to Beat sounds like the title of an English Beat record. However, closer scrutiny reveals “Paul Collins” written rather discreetly insmall print amidst the mammoth “The Beat”. If you need further evidence of their real identity, listen to




the record. The Paul Collins Beat is anything . Over the World is a likeable pop song which but a ska band. ,could be a hit if enough Top 40 stations pick up The puzzling thing about this apparent ’ onit. Dance, Dance and Making You Mineare attempt to’cash in on the popularity of the in a similar ‘vein, although. more based- on English Beat is that The Paul Collins Beat is not . straight rock and roll styling. without some degree of merit in their own The best song on the album is Burning right. The record is farfrom perfect as the band Desire, a carefree sons with a definite still seems to be groping for their brand of rockabilly feel. It would appear that The Paul Collins Beat would be further ahead to stick music. As a result, the five cuts on this miniwith more of a rave-up rockabilly style of punk album show the band working with different ideas,‘but none is a resounding success. as it is with thisstyle that they have thegreatest The band members seem to be capable success. enough on theirinstruments, guitars, bass and The Paul Collins Beat does not appear to be drums, but there seems to be something destined for greatness, at least not in the lacking in Jon Mathias’ production. He seems forseeable future, but this mini-LP shows, if intent on making the Paul Collins Beat sound like yet another derivative American pop-rock nothing else, that they are not totally without band - which they may very well be. talent. They would, however, befurtherahead marketing their product on the basis of their But To Beat or Not to Beat shows that the own strengths, and not somebody else’s band does have a fair degree ‘of potential. All




Irving Ilmer and Boyd McDonald, violin and fortepiano duet presented by KWCMS. The Music Room; 57 Young St. W., 8 p.m. $7 for students, $10 for others. . -




Rosa Antony, mezz-soprano, presented by Conrad Department. Conrad Grebel Chapel, 12:30 p.m. Free.

Grebel .


Doctor Faustus, presented by UW Drama Department. Full-scale stage production of Christopher Marlowe’s classic. Humanities \ Theatre, 8 p.m. $4 for students/seniors, $6 for others. UW Stage Band, Campus Day Concert presented by Conrad Grebel Music Department and Federation of Students’ Creative Arts Board. Theatre of the Arts, 12:30 p.m. Free.



+ Arts

The Mendelssohn String Quartet, presented by KWCMS. The Music Room, 57 Young St. W. 8 p.m. $7 for students, $16 for others.

Thursday, Dr. Faustus, Springfest, Recreation D $4 others.

March “r







March see March

. ,


Vital Sines and Sturm Group, presented by CKMS and,Fine ‘Guild. Level 21.9.p.m. $4 advance (see ad), $5 at the door.

Dr. Faustus,‘see

\j I




Oktoberfest for those who can’t wait, presented by Students’ Association. Waterloo Inn, 7:30 p.m. $3 Recc-ies, .







/ b




. I

rint. Fridayi

March Si 1984,‘


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-1. -A place to have-games must aid in some way. (7) . 5. Vent is needed for,offensive odour, it’s said. (5) 8. _ Formerly quiet and idle, he takes advantage of people. (9) , 9. A drink with the card game. (3) , _. 10. Recoil from an attack. (4) 12. Hypnotic, perhaps, like a certain snake. (8) 14. Docks about fifty for a tool. (6)\ 15. Above taking aquick look backward toget the maintenance costs. (2-4) 1;. Noteif meter changes off hours. (4,4) s , 18. Capital of Czechoslovakia. (4) 21. Forty-nine to fifty not well. (3) ,I 22. Time to.have clever type of revolution. (9) 24. So sad to return with chalky medication. (5) 25; Informally flog in the open-air\ or a concealed place. (4-3) ,.














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i Defends many potters, perhaps. (8). - ’ Some birds use sense of smell up a different way: (7) c It’s even flattering. (6) Open toiview over Turkey’s capital. (5) S1i.p a dlk. perhaps. (4) A bachelor’s last words in simple Espe‘ranto. (3)

Answers next week


Answers to Last Issue’s Crossword: “TRY





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Across: 1. Mention 5. Chest 8. September’ 10. Cuff 12. Festoons 14. Orders 15. Braids 17. Torrents 18. Clot 21. But 22. Go-between 24. Radio 25. Endorse Down: 1. Music 2. Nap 3. Ides {4. Nabbed 5. Curators 6. Editorial 7. Tresses 11. Federated 13. Arpeggio 14. October 16. Stable 19. Tense 20. Stud ,23’. Err r, ,.

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Talk.@ the s-summit. (5) A record mountain peak. (3) . ’ I study a work of art. (4) They left the capital of Malta somehow withachemical substance. (6) Adores coming up to take the oars on large boats. (8) Serene mix-up involving 9 train drivers. (9) The Marigold - a vessel the monarch goes on. (7) about part of a building that’s fi&ly



’ friend can enjoy an evening of hot jazz kt the Humanities 2 followed by flaming coffees at Chances R Gstaurant.

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, . by Donald Due&. y :. , : Imp+ staff . With a tw,elve day br_e$k b&,w+een the OUAA West final game’ gvdd. t’heir first ,.regionai, ’ matchup last night agains McGill. the Warriors hastily pencilled in an exhibition game with the,‘KGW Titans. The Titans had bea’ten UW 75-74 back- in October, but the Warriors were atire to top them 76-62 last’ Friday at the P+C.. , I Thousands of fans came fd the game disguised as barren benches, rather than watch a tune-up for the regionals. After all, it was the weekend in which Waterloo was, a$cording to the ClAU rankings, supposed to play York for the OUAA title. By the way in which they played moscqf thk first half, the Wairiors seethed like theydjdn’t want to be there either. After U W gained a 6-2 lead, the Titans stormed back to takean 18-8 advantage seven minutes into the half. The spirted play of Cal Keiland Peter Savich , finally caught on with the rest of the Waterloo club as they played inspired ball for the rest of the evening. A Savich stuff with 2:25 left iti the half put. U W up, 3,%32. for the first time since the early moments of the contest.” The score was tied at 34 after twenty minutes, but a Randy Norris hoop thirty-two seconds into the second half put the Warriors on top for the rest of the evening. A very positive sign for Waterloo was the playoFPau1 Van Oo&chot. Hesat forthcentire first half. b’ut played for about fifteen minutes in the se,cond half, scoring ten points. Van Oorschot was five for seven from the field, made two assists. and collected three re’bounds. in his best performance since his knee ilnjury last month. The Titans had a chance at a comeback late in the game, but their method of sending UW players t’o the line failed miserably. Eight Waterloo free throws in the last minute of play pa;dded the final margin. with six of the shots made by Rob Froese. Savich led the/Warriors witi I6points.,hhilc Steve’ktkin had 1 I. Plaver-coach Mike Visser. who/ is also an assistant coach with the Warriors. led all scorers with twentv poi& and Dan Berry contributed 16 poinis.’ While Waterloo had better rebounding (37 to 30)and a better field goal percentage (5 1 per cent to 43 percent), they/also made 21 tuFnovers.‘three more than the Titans. *.. -

‘i he l.lni\ersit!. 01’ Waterloo lacrossc team came \up big last Saturday with an impressive victory over the host University of Toronto Blues in the finals 9’ a tournament last weekend. The rules for the round-robin tournament were especially adapted to U. of T.‘s Hart House gym, which is less than half the size oft he normal box lacrosse playing surface. Watttrloo finished first with a 3, and 1 record. After losing their first game. they rebounded with two wins over the University of Windsor Lancers and then defeated Tqronto in a gruelling ’ grudge match for the Tempers championship trophy. flared several times in the gpme as Waterloo fought back from,a three goal deficit at halftime to win the game 12-9. . I&m McKenny and David Lea led the champions in the final game with 4 goals each. Single markers went to Brian Shanahan, Dan Garrard, Greg Thompson, and Rick Sawicki. McKenny scored’3 tiqes in the 1I -9opening round loss td Toronto as Lea and Brian Clouse got 2 each, and singles went to Thompson and IDoug Hogue. Barry Cousins fired 3 goals in the 13-7 victory over Windsor, while McKennv. ThomDson. and’ Stacev

f Basketball


-decide’ixat’l *_


by Donald Duench I Imprint staff Sixteen of the top urriversity basketball teams in the country are participating this weekend in four regional tournaments. The four regional winners will meet in Halifax next weekend io determine the national champion.

Midwest. regiona’l

Paul Van dorschot, &en here in action tko weeks., ago against Western, had a great second half against the K-W Titans. He scored ten points, and had two assists, and contributed three rebounds in about fiftee? minutes of play. Imprint photo by Simon Wheeler

Results ffom ..othbr Conferences

I Asexpected. Victoria. St. Mary’s, Brandon. and McGill won their respective bonference championships. automatically qualifying them for a positiori in a regional. ’ ’ Victoria. ranked No. 1 in.the CIAU, barely

Boyd, the on$woman participating in the tournament.each scored twice. Cause. Sawicki. Hogue.and Garrard each scored once. In the semi-final ’ game, ,l&lcKcnny scored 3 times in the 1@2 drubbing of Windsor. Sawicki got 2 while Lea,, Hogue. Clause. Cousins, and Tti<>mpson all got one. Goaltender Wayne Vogel played superbly throughout the t&ut,nament. /-

Whitby Whitby teams.

Warriors. Builders.

The Midwest regional began last nightat the PAC. A game between Western(OUAA West Champion. ranked 6th by the CIAU) and Prince Edward Island (AUAA, 1 It!), and a matchup between McGill (Quebec champio/n, 13th)and Waterloo(OUAA West,4th)opened the action. The two losers play on Saturday at noon in a third place game, while the two winners will contestthe regional title at 2 p.m. the same day. UPEl’s Panthers finished in second place &last weekend’s AUAA tournament. Mike Morgan will probably lead the Panthers in terms of scoring, while Tejan Alleyne should be able to put in a few longjumpers. UPEI, under head coach Ed Hilt&. have beaten such AUAA teams as St. Mary’s, St. Francis Xavier, and Dalhousie this season. The McGill Redmen qualified for regional play as champion of.the relatively weak Quebec

managed a 76-74 squeaker overthe Lethbridge Pronghorns, who were hosting the Canada West (CW UAA) playoff tournatient last weekend. Eli Pasquale, who will probably win the Mike Maser trophy as the most outstanding player in thedointry.. led the’vikes with 29 points. -, t In the. Great Plains conference (GPAC), Brandon and Winnipeg wound up in the best of i

fortierly’ all Junior

the ‘A’

Players from Junior ‘B’ are Lea of the Toronto Beaches, Cousins of the Canadian Champoins Point Edward Pacers, Tony .Hoffman of the nowdefunct Gu’elph Oaks. Jay. Sobel of the Scarborough Saints. and Shanahan. who played for, and now coaches. the Etobicoke . Eclipse. Clouse played 10 lrears of minor lacrosse in Oakville. while Hogue Minor starred in the Fonthill Lacrosse Association in the late 60’s and early 70’s.


conference. Head coach “Butch” Staples will rely on Carlo De1 Bosch, Simon Onabowale, and Owen Officer for offensive power.

Other region& At the West regional in Calgary, -No. 1 Victoria (CWUAA champ‘lons) will ineet Dalhousie (AUAA; - 15th), and Winnipeg (GPAC, 9th) will face the host Dinosaurs’ (CWUAA, 9th) in ope&ng round action. Ottawa (OPAA East, 14th) is-hosting the Mideast regional, and will be playing Brandon (GPAC champions, 5th) in an op?ning round game. The other .opening round game in Ottawa will be betweev York (OUAA East champion, 2nd) and ‘St. Francis Xavier (AUAA, 10th). The East regional is being hosted by New Brunswick (AUAA, 16+), wh? open up against Lethbridge (CWUAA, 7th). St. Mary’s (AUAA champions, 3rd) plays Brock (OUAA West, 12th) in the other opening round game. When the four winning teamsget to Halifax, the top-ranked team (according to the above rankings) will play the bottom-ranked team, with the remaining clubs playing each other. If the top sees win at their respective regionals, Y&k would play St. Mary’s, and Waterlbo would niekt Victoria.

three conference championship, which the> Bobcats won 2-O. Brandon had a 93-79 and 8480 victories over the Wesmen to take their fifth straight G PAC crown. At the AUAA tournament in Halifax, St. Mary’s used a 73-70 victory over St. Francis Xavier tQ move into the finals against Prince Edward Island, who had upset Dalhousie 7864. The SMU Huskies then defeated. the. Panthers 78-67 , to win the conferen’ce title. P

Wilfrid Laur-ier students. Shanahan was calling the team the “WaterlooLaurier Golden Warriors and , Athena:. He repeated the name I several times and thbn joked, “How’s that sound? Think it’ll draw fans?”

situation. “There weren’t &ny rules, for face-offs. Dave Lea, Brian Clouse, and. myself were winning, consistantly, so the other teams started cheating. lnstead of pulling the stick back, they we&just turning their sticks over on the’ ball and‘trapping’ it. It’s the oldest strick in” the book and it,gives .aiiyone the’ ability to unfairly win face-offs., Before they started doing t’his, we won over 80 per cent of the draws. Don’t confuse our’attitude with sour grapes. We’re merely pushing for a bunch of rules put down in black and ’ white that can be followed without. complaint.” When asked, ‘!What next’?” Dotig Hogue, a more senior member of the team,’ could only predict, “We’re going to try to get a’n intramucal. league going in the fall. lf we find people with half the enthusiasm of this team it will be a great league. Lacrosse is a great sport and we have to do our best to promote it.” Coach Shanahan welcomes any interes’ted people to call him at 888-7854 this term. He is confident, about the team‘s plans for next year because ober half of the team is in their first year at Waterloo. “The youngguysarereallye,nthusedabbut this because they-love our riational sport. 1 must say that they showed a ,’ lot of character.”

‘l-he tournament was frustratingat times for the participants not from Toronto. Their indoor rules are set in an attemp,t to reduce play around.ahe walls and to reduce checking. The latter was accomplished by greatly Playing-coach Brian Shanahan restricting the.amount of equipment was quite pleased with .the team’s worn to helmets, gloves, and two stellar performance in their comeknee pads on each arm. Dan Gerrard from-behind victory in the final. of Waterloo did not think that this “Toronto has a six-team intramural stopped Toronto. ‘:ln the final game league to pick their team from. We everyone was chopping at each other Boyd has played in the Missishave 13 enthusiastic students who like we had padding on. Most of us sauga Ladies’ Lacrosse League. since love to play and talk lacrosse. haie good bruises to show off.” she was seven years old. Although although we have more talent than< \ the other teams. Everyone gets along - she had never comp&ed with men before, Stacey played impressively. The play around the walls was to great, but believe me, lacrosse “One guy from Windsor smashed me + be minimised by a region within 3 feet players tell almost as many stories as into the floor;- but I’d rather not of the walls going out of bounds. drunken fishermen. The final game complain about the pain. The guys High score-r Kim. McKenny felt that tonight will no doubt mgke a good would just kid me about it.” she this rule had the reverse effect. “lf tale.” laughed. Shanahan was so pleased the ball rolled close to the walls we with her performanqe that he put her ha-d to race to it to determine who Much of the talent that Shanahan on his own line. He said. “Stacey regained possession. The Toronto refer&d to comes from Ontario really kept our offence moving with players started running us into walls Lacrosse Association Junior ‘A’and well-timed picks. It was also good to if we beat them to the ball.” ‘B’ teams. Sawicki plays for the St. see her in the corners digging and * Another rule change involved Catherines Athletics, Thompson for chopping for rebounds. She knows face-offs. Nobody from Waterloo the Brampton Excelsiors, McKenny ever quite knew what the rulesfwere. what the game’s all about.” for the Mississauga Tomahawks, Because Vogel and McKeiny are Warfior Bari-y Cousins described the and Vogel and Garrard are from the . ,







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20 years


Imprint. Friday, March 9,1984-

in the making att HALIDE



1964/65 Guelph Collegiate, with Husson as a player, wins the first of four consecutive CWOSSA Championships (the regional high school champinship..



Guelph Collegiate wins the first of three consecutive OFSSA Championships (the title for which all Ontario high schools compete).





1972/73 The volleyball club graduates to AA. and Husson ends his playing career at the end of the 72,~73 season. He turns to coaching, getting hisfirstjobas theassistant to Doug Dodd at the University of Guelph.

1973/74 Husson starts a volleyball program at the Guelph Oaks Sports Club in Guelph, begins a six year career as coach of the,Oaks Juniors. The team earns a berth in the Canadian iNational .Junior Championshipsinfiveofthosesixyears. DaveJonesistheteam’s setter for four years after being convinced by Husson’that his rightful position was setter, not at power hitter as .Jones had desired.

197577 , Husson begins a training program with Canadian General Electric, travelling to Toronto two nights a week for two years. This leads to his first Torontojobin 1977,and hisappointmentas a marketing development specialist for construction products for CGE in 1980. In volleyball. Husson’s Junior Oaks win their f‘irst Ontario at Junior Championship in 1975 76, held coincidentally, ‘*University of Waterloo’s PAC. Meanwhile in I*ondon a 17 year old middle blocker named Rob Atkinson joins the I.ondon Kineldiego Club’s Junior volleyball team. which wins the Ontario Junior Championships in 1976 I 77. Atkinson also joins the University of Western Ontario Mustangs. for *whom he would be an OUAA All-Star three times. Husson is named vice-president of the Ontario Volleyball Association in 1976.

1977/78 Husson’s Oaks finish third in the Canadian National .Junior volleyball Champinships. and Husson is appointed a director of the Guelph Oaks Sports Club, thepresidentofwhichisthefather of the Jones brothers, Owen and Dave.

1978/79 The Oaks repeat as the third best Junior team in the country. due in large part to hitters Paul Craven and .John Kervin. The Westearn Mustangs, with Atkinson playing the middle, eliminate the Warriors in the quarter finals. and go on to win the OUAA final and finish third in CAnada. Husson decides to takea year offfrom volleyball.and is named a director of the Canadian Volleyball Association. z 1980/81 Rob Atkinson is hired to coach Western’s women’s team while finishing his B.A. (hestarted in Engineering but switched to Arts)


Championships -


and earning his teaching certificate. Husson is hired as coach of the volleyball Warriors, replacing Jim Fairlee, with whom Husson played in 72173 in AA. Husson inherits Warriors Paul Craven, John Kervin, Ian Fenfrew, Peter Zagar, and Bill Stanger, all of whom he coached while with the Guelph Oaks. The Warriors finish the season in second place with a 7-5 record, and lbse to York in the semi-finals. Paul Craven and Peter Zagar are named to the OU AA All-Star team, Craven iscoMVP of the team, and the Warriors lose to Guelph in three straight games at home - their last home loss to date. Meanwhile, Owen Jones is named MVP of the York High School Tournament, making him one of the highest recruited high school players in the area. Jones’s Guelph Collegiate team loses the final game of the tournament to Waterloo-Oxford and District High School. whose strength lies with three players named Dave. Ambrose, Scott Shantz, and Steve Funk. Waterloo-Oxford eventually wins the CWOSSA final. Ambrose is selected for the Canadian National Junior team, and Ambrose, Jones, Shantz, and Funk played together on the Guelph daks Juniors.

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Husson and a few of his high school volleyball club in Gl eiph. .



by don button Special tc &print BY their nature, university sports teams change per$onnel annually. making the story ‘of most championship teams very short. At best, the story is four years long; more frcquently.two or three years. But the volleyball Warriors are not the usual university sports team -their story begins in 1964 when Warrior coach Dave Husson made his high school volleyball team. This may seem a little obscure at first, but the following chron%logy of their story gets tied into a neat championship package by the end.

-0 ~‘AA/O


r sun

Ambrose again makes the National Junior team, WaterlooOxford wins OFSSA with Ambrose, Funk, and Shantz, and the .Junior Oaks. led by Jones, Ambrose, Funk, and Shantz, win the Ontario .Junior Championships. The Warriors finished second with a 9-3 record, and lose to Western in the OUAA West Final. In February, 1982;theylose to Guelph in four games at Guelph. their last regular season loss to date. John Kervin and Paul Craven are OUAA All-Stars, and Craven is a co-MVP of the team again, In the spring of 1982, Craven is selected for an All-Star team comprised of university players from Quebec and Ontario, and the team embarks on a three week tour of Europe.

I982/83 Atkinson’s Western Mustangs beat the Waterloo Athenas en route to his third consecutive trip to the OWIAA Finals, and Waterloo-Oxford repeats as OFSSAchampions, led by veterans Steve Funk and Scott Shantz. Owen Jones and Dave Ambrose join the Warriors, who finish the season with a 12- 1 overall record, their only loss being to U of T in the OUAA Final. Jones, Ambrose, Craven, and Kervin are named to the OUAA West AllStar team, and Husson is selected OUAA West Coach of the Year. Kervin and Craven are coMVP’s of the team, Kervin graduates. and Husson takes in three Warriors who are on work term in Torontoas boarders. The four commute from Guelph to Toronto to Guelph to Waterloo and back to Guelph daily. Atkinson spends the summer coaching a regional women’s team to a gold medal in the Ontario Summer games. and is hired as a math teacher at -Gait collegiate. where he also coaches the boy’s volleyball team.

I983/84 Atkinson signs on as Husson’s assistant and runs most of the practices. Funk, Shanty and Dave Jones alsojoin the Warriors, but Jones leaves the team in .January to rejoin the National team, for whom he hopes to set in this summer’s Olympics. With five rookies, .five second year players. one third year player. and graduating Warriors Paul Craven and Bill Stanger. Waterloo posts their second straight undefeated season. The Warriors beat York to win the OUAA Final, the number of boarders at Husson’s house drops to one, and Craven, Owen .Jones, and .Jim Cooke are named to the OUAA West All-Star team. co-coached by Husson and Laurier’s D&n SMith. Craven is named team captain, wins a &like Maser bursary, and will undoubtedly be either the team MVP or a co-MVP. Husson’s career record at UW is 41-9 (.820) going into the CIAU’s 6-4 (.667) in play-off matches and 35-5 (.875) in regular season.





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bests for track an

field team

Jenkins ran a season’s best 44.>6. .Julie Clegg ran 46.40. and Syltfia Soder 46.72. In the 600 both Nick Melochc and Ben Hqnsen ran personal bests, of 1:25.4 and 1.27.6 respecti\.el>‘. In the incn’s 1000. Da\e Stuart ran 2:37.2, Mark Houscman ran 2:39.4. and Da\,c Todd 2:40.7. Two of Waterloo’s 1500 metre runncrs’had disappointments in their races; Harvey Mitro wasout ofthe men’s racecarl>rand I.isa Campfens had tactical difficulties. as both ran times well offtheir bests. Rhonda Belljust m,issed a personal best in her last OW IAA competition, as she ran 4:51.0 in the 1500. follo\\,cd by Lana Marjama in 4:52.2. In the 5000 Andy Kurckerran toa new personal best of 15: 10.6 and Rob Hardy followed closely at 15: 14.1. High jumper Larry Agnew equalled his season’s best. clearing 2.00m. and just missing at 2.03, to finish 5th. Mike Menu made 1.92 and Kevin Houldcroft 1.X7. Karen Mobray put the shot 9.58m.and Mark Chalmer threw 9.96. The novelty for Waterloo this year u-as a real in~.olvement in some of the relay races. Both men’s and uomcn‘s 4x200 teams scored points. and the men’s 4x400 team finished a strong fifth.


5: 4







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Dave Jones re-joins team. Other than that, who knows?


by Alan Adamson Most of Waterloo’s track and field squad finished its season ast weekend as the University of Windsor did a superb job of *unning the OUAA/ OWIAA Championships. Medals went to two Athenas and one’warrior. Elaine u’eenstra finished second in the high jump, clearing I .67m, well lelow her season’s best. Patti Moore took third in the IOOOm, munning a personal best of 2:56.4 in the process, and ending L university running career that has seen her earn a medal in all ier OWIAA championship meets. Mark Inman just failed to hold off the finishing kick of western’s Kent Thextoil in the 1500, and finished second by one Fnth of a second in 3:5 I .7, good enough for the number three *anking in the CIAU. Inman, Moore, Veenstra, and Harvey Mitro wit!* caete next weekend in Sherbrooke at the CIAU :hampionShips. ’ In the 60 metre hurdles, Jeff Joslin took 5th in 8.8 seconds, vhile Bill Barnes finished 8th in a personal best 8.87. In the 60 netre race, Bram Wittenberg ran a season’s best 7.29 seconds. Steve Mueller finished 7th in the 300 metres in 36.38, a ,Crsonal best by a second and a half, while in’fhe same event Ruth

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f-Mardi Gras win’ by Sandy Townsend

Imprint staff I: The University of Waterloo Iz Rugby team dramatically cap-

CENTRE 576-3030 1 tured the championship of the CONESTOGA MALL 886-5020 j Tulane University Mardi Gras 1,,~~~~,~~~,~~~~,,~~,~~,~,,~~,~~~~‘~~~~~~1~II~~~~~~~~~-~~-~~-~~-”-“-“-“-~‘Rugby Tournament held in

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The winner of the 2:00 p.m. game will advance to the C.I.A.U. Me&s Basketball Champi&7ship to be held in Halifax, N.‘S. \ on March 75, 77, PHYSICAL



New Orleans last weekend. The Warriors, who had previously won in 1979, crushed the University of MinnisotaDuluth 19-6 in the final game. The reigning OUAA champs left Waterloo last Wednesday morning to allow themselves time to adjust to the harsh climate in New Orleans. When they arrived the temperature was 27 degrees C and the humidity was close to 100 per cent. The Warriors had been training all winter but they had not expected such harsh conditions. To their benefit, the Warriors had made a stop-over on their trip for a training session at Tennessee State University in Nashville. The Warriors arrived in New Orleans Friday afternoon, and contrary to coach Mike Peever’s orders some of the team mebers broke curfew to sample the Mardi Gras atmosphere. Saturday morning arrived far too early for many players and more sleep was necessary; however they quickly realized that there was work to be done. The team was billed as the “Crazy Canucks” (after our downhill racers) so the players felt that they had a reputation to uphold. In the first game of the single elimination tournament the Warriors thrashed Houston’s Rice University 18-O. The game began slowly as both teams were tired and hung over from the welcoming party on Friday night. Before too long the massive Warrior forwards began to exert themselves. Both prop forwards Topy Stea and Mark Allison scored similar tries as they ran over and around several Rice players on the way to‘ the endzone. Late in the second half flashy fly half

Dave Lum Kongscored under - when they fell behind 6-O. the posts and steadfast kicker Again it was the powerful Andy Stone slotted the Warrior pack, led by Mark conversion. It was not a pretty Allison and veterans Chris match to watch as the Warrior‘ Skelton and George Boire who forwards stifled the Rice turned the game around. Their attack and slowed the game’s strength, skill and tenancity pace to a crawl. smothered the Minn.-Duluth In the second match the attack and the momentum slowly shifted to the Warriors. Warriors faced Slippery Rock It wasn’t until minutes before State from Pennsylvania. The half -time that Waterloo score was a bit closer but the Warriors prevailed again, scored. From a ruck, massive’ 17-4. In a reversal of form tbis second rower Doug Paul match featured wide open scooped up a loose ball and running and passing among ambled over the line. Thistime the conversion by Stone was the backs. Warrior rookie of good and the score remained j the year, Paul Coburn, scored on a scintillating run for one tied at 6 until the half. Warrior try while effervescent The Warriors came. out centre Jim Allen added flying in- the second half and quickly put their opponents in another. Reliable Andy Stone capped the Warrior scoring their place. Tony Stea teamed with one try, one penalty goal, up again with his fellow prop and a single conversion, Mark Allison to score his The Warriors had displayed second try of the tournament. two distinct playing styles in Stone erred in his convert winning attempt, which left the score their preliminary 10-6. A Minn.-Duluth comematches but the big test would come on Sunday afternoon back was squashed when Mr. Andy Stone against a tough University of Excitement, dashed 50 metres for the final Minnesota-Duluth squad. Warrior try. This time his In the final, the huge throng convert was good. He later of spectators were clearly slotted a penalty goal and the supporting their fellow AmWarriors triumphed by a final ericans. The Warriors looked and apprehensive score of 19-6. nervous

Table tennis thirdThe UW Table Tennis Team came third in the University Team Championship held in Western Ontario in March 3-4. The top three teams were so evenly matched that everybody knew the results could have easily gone in favor of any of these three teams. The tournament was of extremely high calibre and saw some national team players and many top-ranked players in Canada, including David Williams .*,from Waterloo. Williams only lost a match to Joe Eng of Toronto, number 2 in Canada, and Williams was voted the tournament MVP for his excellent playing and significant contribution to the team. The U W team consisted of David Williams, Ky Anh Do, Chris Edwards,and Yih-She-h Leo

(captain). The ten participating teams were divided into two pools, with the top two teams from each pool advancing to the semi-finals. On the way to the semi-finals, Waterloo had to beat Western II, 5-C; Ottawa, 5-l; Laurentian, 5- 1; and in a very close battle, losing to Toronto 3-5. In the semi-finals, Waterloo lost yet another nerve wracker to Western Ontario I, 4-5, with K. Do losing 19-21 in the third game of the ninth and last possible match. Thejubilant and certainly emotionally boosted U WO team went on to defeat Toronto 5-4, also by a whisker, to capture the championship title. In the other match, .Waterloo disposed of Guelph 5-3 to gain third place.

Alpine skiers fare,well by Dede Laframboke and Sue Hewgill The Can-Am alpine skiing competition took- place ai Mont Gabriel and Mont St. Saveur, Quebec, March 1, 2 and 3. There were teams from eastern Canada and the Northeastern U.S. Waterloo fielded two teams of five women and two men respectively. While perfecting their French and experiencing the

French “joie de vivre”, both teams faired well. The Athenas bolted to a fourth place finish in the slalom after the first day of competition, beating topranked Queen’s and Western. Combining this with consistant placings in- the giant’ slalom on an extremely fast and challenging course, and a good overall effort in the dual slalom the women finished in


sixth position. The men competed against teams of eight racers and still finished in tenth after the first day, and thirteenth overall. The presence of the Quebec and American teams made for, competitive an extremely three ‘days. In addition, the hospitality and organization of Quebec’s University of Montreal produced a friendly atmosphere.

, !

,’ I

league were ranked first in their division as they finished with a 6-O record and a net difference of 114. The majority of quarter and semi-final games will be played March I Ith and March 12th with the championships on Sunday March 18th. The bleachers will be pulled out, so bring along a friend

and support ball.

Captains i Bond payments can be picked up after your playoffs are’ completed. Teams that had any , defaults will have to wait two weeks before picking up their payment. The payments can be picked up from the PAC receptionist.

Final CRAC Meeting The final CRAC meeting is at the Labatt’s Hospitality House. All loose ends of the term shall be tied up and recommendations heard. All CRAC members are welcome and should_plan to attend.


Men’s VolleyballTournament

The following

championship games are winding up another term of Campus Recreation team sports: Women’s Basketball, Tues. March 13th. “B” League at 8:30 p.m. and “A” league at 10 p.m. at the PAC main gym. Women’s Volleyball, Wed. March 14th at 7:30 p.m. at the PAC. Ball Hockey, Wed. March 14th, “B2” league at 6:30 p.m., “‘Bl” leagueat7:45p.m.,and”A”league at 9 p.m. at the Seagram gym. Mixed Volleyball Tournament, Thurs. March 15th at 7 p.m. at the PAC. Men’s Volleyball Tournamen. Sat. March 17th at IO a.m. at the PAC. Men’s Hockey, First Game. Thurs., March 15th at 8 p.m., .Second game Fri. March 16th at 5 &m., and third game(if necessary) Sat. March 17th at 5 p.m; at the Columbia Icefield. Men’s Basketball (Five levels), Sun. March 18th at 4:30 p.m. at the PAC. Broomball, Sun. March 18th, Women’s at 5 p.m. and Men’s “B” level at ‘9 p.m. and “A” level at 10: 15 p.m.

Mixed Volleyball The preliminary round of the’ Mixed Volleyball tournament was held on MBrch 1st. This tournament is, arguably, the most popular of all the Campus Ret tournaments. Not only is it characterised by intense, compet-

ition, but the tourney also seems to participants. Cheering, smiling, and laughter are commonplace when this tournament invades the PAC. There are 36 teams vying for the

various championships this term; playoffs and championships will be held on Thurs. March 15 from 7:30 - 1I:45 p.m. in the PAC.





Grebel Ducks, Rejects, and the Unknowns all IoQk strong, but don’t count out the CR team.



Table Tennis Club

Enter a team in the men’s volleyball tournament. The final entry date is Friday, March 9th at 4:30 p.m., in room 2040 of the PAC. There will be a captain’s rules meeting on Tuesday, March 13th. at 4:30 p.m. in room 135of the CC. The tournament will take place Saturday, March 17th at 5 p.m. at the PAC.

bring the good nature out ofall the



Performance bonds can be picked up one week after the playoffs finish as long as your team has not defaulted any games. Teams who have defaulted games can pick up their bonds at a later Doug Hogue date.

they have a secret

weapon, originally imported from Barrie. who is said to spike the bail unlike any other player. Ail teams advance to the playoff rounds to be played on the above mentioned date. Schedules can be picked up in room 2040 of the PAC. Good luck and enjoy the tournament.

Men’s Basketball Finishing the regular. season undefeated in “A” division were the Horned Frogs with a 6-O record and a net difference in points of 94. The Frogs were followed closely by On Probation who had a record of 5 wins and I loss. In “B” league, the No. 1 ranked Hustlers finished without a loss, and had a point differential of 215. North Enonens of “C”

The Table Tennis Club, affiliated with the Ontario Table Tennis Association, provides instructional, recreational, and competitive programs for many enthusiasts. The club members vary in levels ofskill from beginner to national calibre. Regular playing sessions are offered 3 times a week all year round in the Blue Activity Area of the PAC. Sessions are held on Tues. and Fri. nights and Sunday afternoons. Tournaments, clinics, and films are also held throughout the year. This term, 2‘on-campus tournaments were scheduled; the first in conjunction with CR, the second with the Campus Centre Turnkeys (finals to be held on Fri. March 9th at 11:30 a.m. in the CC). Moreover, some of the

TheTfiolerBrassBand I at the WATERLOOIN'N

IITHURSDAYMARC?H1Sth ‘till:00 am IIfrom WfO pm $4.00 OTHERS. Tickets available at the door or from Recreation Students! .

members enter the annual interuniversity tournament and various tournaments sponsored by the OTTA. The club is firmly supported by the interest atid enthusiasm of both its membersanditsleaders. It has grown from a 2-table, 25

member club to a 7-table, 55 member club. It is hoped that the





Sponsored by the Recreation Students Association BMH Rm 2222


continue to maintain the club as one of the most active organizations on campus. Anyone interested in the club can contact YihSheh Leo (746-1550) or Joe Sok (745-7043) for more information.

Ice Time There will be an abundance of ice time beginning March 26th. Why not have an end-of-term class skate, a club skate, an association skate, or whatever. Book some ice time. lace up your skates, and go! Bookings may be made through the PAC receptionist, Red North, PAC at ext. 3302. Weekly schedules are posted at both the PAC and Columbia Icefield; blank spaces denote available times. j Rental charges for full time undergrad and graduate student groups of U W are $5 per hour, so get ofganized and bodk now!




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Marc trudged up the hill, sliding backwards every few steps because of the snow. He dragged an old wooden toboggan behind him. His warm breath clouded as it hit the cold air. He stopped short suddenly, and cocked his head to listen. It is so damned quiet out here, he thought. He looked about him. He was surrounded by small snow-covered hills. Down below him, he could barely see the top of a farmhouse, its chimney sending puffs of smoke into the night. He wondered who lived there. He shrugged, then turned to continue his climb. At the top of the hill, he gave his toboggan a final tug and watched it slide to a halt behind him. He put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a small . flask, then unscrewed the cap and took a drink. His face twisted for an instant. He shook his head and took.another drink; this time he smiled. Marc walked to the other side of the hill, took another drink from his flask, then looked down upon the small village that lay beneath him. Most of the cottages had been dark now for hours; but one, a small cottage that was

#2 “Will you phone me?” T She was pleading now - she had to. I “No,” said M,arc, doing up his boots. He could hear her crying softly above him. He stood up and looked at her. She would not look at him; instead, she put her head on his chest and began to sob gently. Marc felt a pain somewhere in his throat, and at the front of his head a dull ache began. Tears stung his eyes. He tried to think of something else so that he wouldn’t cry, but he couldn’t concentrate. “I’ve got to go,” said Marc. She didn’t move, just kept sobbing. “Look, I’ll phone you.” He was pleading now - he had to. He had to get out of there now because he brain felt like exploding and his throat hurt and he felt sick to his stomach. “Please, I’ve got to go,” cried Marc. “I’ll phone you. I promise.” He pried her slowly off his chest. He knew that he should want to stay to comfort her, he thought, or maybe just wait until she calms down - but al1 he really wanted to do was go away. He felt ashamed of himself. “Sorry,” he-rasped, and, without look at her, opened his door and walked outinto the night. It was cold, because it was winter and it was late at night. The wind stung Ma&* face where the tears had been. He left the streetand followed a path th$% led out to the fields, unconsciously breaking into a run.

isolated from the rest, had a warm yellow light emanating from it. Probably a fireplace, thought Marc peacefully. He stared a while longer. When he came out of his reverie, he noted that his flask was empty, so he screwed on the cap and put it back in his pocket. He took a final look at the cottage. He turned with a sigh and walked slowly back to his toboggan. He felt happy. I’ll take one more ride, he thought, then I’ll head home. Wrapping the reins double around his wrists, Marc slid the toboggan towards the edge of the,slope. He sat down on the middle seat and prepared to push himself off. He stopped - he didn’t want to go just yet. He listened again. He could hear his own breathing, so he stopped fora moment, trying to concentrate on the absolute silence. This is heavenly, he thought, just heavenly. He let out his pent up breath with a short laugh. Suddenly, something seemed very funny to Marc. He chuckled softly, his whole body trembling with mirth. His laughter became more and more uncontrolled until, unable to contain himself, he threw his head back and laughed aloud, breaking the silence of the night. The harsh peals of laughter echoed off the surrounding hills, as if they resented his noise and were throwing it back at him; but Marc only laughed harder at that. He remembered his toboggan then, and pushed ’ himself over the edge, still laughing. Marc went flying down the hill, andas he travelled further and further into the ‘night, his laughter was swallowed up in the heavy silence. Somewhere from behind the hill, sounding a very long way off, a dog barked. Marc ran, not really aware that he was running, nor that with each stride his pace was increasing. The ache in his head was forgotten now, as the cold air tore at his lungs:, sharp intakes of breath, both painful and-exhilarating. His heavy boots thundered against the path, and his legs hurt. Marc ran faster. Trees flew by, and the wind screamed in his ears: He was hurting all over. ~He wanted to run forever, but blood was thumping in the veins of his temples and his lungs ached from the cold and he knew that his legs wouldn’t last much longer and that he wouldn’t be able to run forever, so he summoned up all his strength for one last burst of speed. There was a small hill fifty yards ahead of him: he raced towards it. Exhausted, Marc threw himself on to the side of the hill. His breath came in gasps. He was elated. He looked up, still breathing heavily. The night was clear, the stars shining distinctly against the dark sky. I wonder if there really are UFOs, thought Marc. He turned his head suddenly and strained his eyes. A young couple was walking slowly down the path to his left. They’re coming this way, thought Marc, and here I am lying in the snow. He pushed himself up and wiped the snow off his pants, then walked over the hill towards his home. He was thinking of the possibility of UFOs. Across the field, in the house he had just come from, a girl sat on the hallway stairs and sobbed gently into her hands. -

Spotisored by Federation of Students .


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