,SeeImprint, . Friday, March 23,1984;
Vol. 6, No. 33; Uks
Student Newspaper;
, -
PEERS Centre ‘is open from 10 to 2 p.m., Mon to’Thurs.; l? noon to 2 p.m., Fri. We are a listening, information and referral service in cc 221. Birth. Control Centre; trained volunteers provide non-judge’mental, confidential counselling and ‘info on all methods of birth control, planned and unplanned pregnancy, subfertility and VD. Extensive lending library and community referrals also available. CC
Weight room reserved times6:30 clinics - meeting March 26.
ASEAN members: activities and recreatioti night for all members, PAC at 7:30 p.m. For more info call,Mel at 888-6278. See yourself at the Mug, 8:30 to 11:30 p.m., Cc 110. Sponsored by WCF. T Fed Flicks - Hushdance. AL 116,8 p.m. Feds a buck, others two bucks.
24 -
TheOrientBowlTournament,whichisan inter-varsity sports event among Chinese. Student associations and other students groups will be h&ted by the UWCSA this year. It wilr be held all day today and tomorrow, in the PAC. The Griffin and the Mibor Canon, New York’s Starry Night Puppet Theatre is presenting a professional theatre production for childfen at UW .Humanities Theatre, lo:30 & 1.p.m., tickets $3.50 ($3 child/sen). Indian Student Assoc. is holding a potluck dinner at Vl blue dinner hall starting at 6 p.m. If you wish to bring food,please phone 8856764 for more information. Theatresports Waterloo workshop on audience relations. How to get the most out of the audience for suggestions and suppbrt. 7 p.m., HH 373. Students $2, others $2.50. Waterloo Jewish Students Assoc. will hold a Purim Masquerade, 8 p.m., PAS3005. Admission $2 for Hillel qembers and $3 for non-members. All are welcome. , Fed Flicks
see yesterday.
Lesbian GLLOW B.m. Rise Cash bar you ddn’t members,
Eckankar presents “Soul Travel is Fun”. .
& Gay Dance: sponsored by & GOWLU, HH 280,9 p.m. to 1 up & party with music Samboard. & free munchies. All welcome have to fit in to have fun! $3.00 , $4 non-members.
Fed Flicks yesterday.
March Orient
A Tuesday,
the GLLOW coffeehouse where you can meet fellow peers who share a common interest. 8 p.m., CC 110. I
March 27 -’
Huron Campus Ministry Paul’s College, 6 p.m.
The film “The Deadly Game of Nations” part bf the NFB series WAR: 9 a.m. at the Waterloo Family Y, Lincoln Ave. Free. Call
25 -
an introductory 7:30 CC 135.
Fine Arts
Sale -
Service of Holy Communion at lO’p.m., around altar of Keffer Chapel at WIX, Albert St. and Seagram. Fellowship continues at home of Chaplain Paul Bosch, 157 Albert St.
see yesterday.
Resume Writing Seminar presented by the Dept of Co-ordination and Placemen). 12:30, Mb 349.
Job Search Techniques seminar presented by the Dept. of Co-ordination and Placement. 11:30 a.m., AL 213.
Worship and praise every Sunday morning at 11 a.m. in St. Paul’s College Chapel.
Jbin us fdr a Bible study on .the book of Matthew. Starts at 4 p.m., at the Lutheran Student House, 177 Albert St.
Cinema Gratis - The Day the Earth Stood Still. CC Great Hall, 9:30 p.m.
Sunday Morning praise- and worship service at Maranatha Christian Centre. Pastor Calvin Weber, call 884-2850 for further details. 11 a.m., 29 Young St. W., corner of Young and Albert.
Theatresports Waterloo; hatch series gameq, games, games -join a team ok book a team through Jim Gardner 885-1211, ext. 2452,7 p.m. CC, no charge; check turnkeys , for room no.
Service of Holy Communion at 1,l a.m. in Keffer Chapel at WLU, Albert St. and Seagram. Sponsored by Lutheran Campus Ministry. , r
Opera Conrad
Reformed ‘Ecumenical Campus service, HH 280, lo:30 a.m.
Club‘ meeting tonight -at 7 p.m., GC. For more info, Call 885-0220.
- Wedtiesday, Monday,
26 -
UW Hpuse of Debates.. .comeonoutand join a great debate or just listen. No experience necessary. 5 p.m. St. Jerome’s ’ . rm’229. Job Search Techniques‘Seminar by the Dept. of Co-ordination and Placement, 12:30 p.m., NH 1020. _ Dept. of Fine Arts will hold their Fine Arts Show and Salk again. Prints; paintings, drawings are available-at great prices. 9:30 to4:30, ES Ii Fine Arts Studio. Progressive Conservative Campus Assoc. welcomes one and all to meeting with the Honourable Member for Waterloo, Walter McLean as- well as the Conservative candidate for Kitchener, John Reimer. 2 p.m, cc 135. ..
March /
Interviewing ski& Dept. of Co-ordination NH 1020.
Free‘ Noon Concert featuring Eugene Laskiewicz, accordion; Howard Alexqnder, bassoon; and Guillam Williams, clarinet. Sponsored by CGC Music Dept. 8 p.m., CGC Chapel.
Concert by renowned flute maestro, Pani Hat-i Prasad Chaurasia. Student admission $5, tickets available at the door.-- 2:00 p.m., WLU, 1El.
- Thursday,
29 -
Wtiterloo Christian Fellowship end of term banquet to be held at Knox Presby-* terian Church. Speaker will be Chaplain. Graham Morbey. 4:30, p.m., small fee for dinner. All are welcome. seminar presentkd by and Placement. 12:30/ ’
UW House of Debates . . . come out and join a great debate or just listen. ‘No experience necessary. 5 p.m., St. Jerome’s
rm 22gs Come and
Fine P;rts Sale and ‘NFB WAR film series see yesterday.
join our small group Bible study - Maranatha Christian Students Assoc. 7 ‘, , p.m., CC 138B.
Philosophical Dqctrine of Karl Ma’rx. Fourth and final1 meeting in the four. part series. Topic: ‘Marx’gphilosophicaldoctrine: Force for the transformation of society.‘,’ Speaker: Jeff Conway. Organized by the Anti-Imperialist Alliance. 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.,.AL 210.
Mug, ASEANS, Weight Room, ,Birth Control Centre, PEERS - see last Friday.
March 30
Chess Club meets in CC 135 from 7 p.m. to 12. Last meeting of the term.
UW’s Asian, African and Lat. American Studies Group (AALACS) presents “The University’s roIe in International Development” by Andre Gringras, Director General of the Institution Co-operation and Development Services Division, CIDA. 12 noon. NH 3001.
People! Are you &pen-minded, friendly and free We;d nights? Why not “zaptin down” to
Open House at home of Lutheran Chaplain Paul Bosch, 7:30 p.m., 157 Albert St.
Christian Perspective Series with Chaplain Graham Morbey. 4:30 p.m., HH 334..
7 A Weekend on t-he Beach
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Tonight and tomorr’ow night for, those that didti’t make it . . . to.the s.tin! ’ 1 ^. , Ton@&
- Beach
$1 .OO?Cover Charge. ’ Tomorrow ZVight : .Fun in the Sun! $2.00 Cover Charge
approach to education. As such, more than 90% of columbb gaduates -have Ipem accepted into the unhrsntty of theirchoke.
12, >13 and ldkguap program In an international ’ emkon‘ment. Appkations from area and overseas students are now being entertained.
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Buy 1 Panzerotti For The Regular Price & Receive A Second Of Equal Value For , Only- U.00 Pick-Up & Dining Room ‘Only $1.CXILkhery
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by George Elliott Clarke Imprint staff The Federation of Studentsand its Students’ Council readied themselves for another year of‘business in two meetings held last Wednesday night. March 2lst. At the Students’ Council meeting which preceded the Annual Meeting of‘the Feds, theexecutil.efor 1984-85 was revealed. New executive councillors are Peter Klungel. chairman of‘ the Board of‘ External Liaison; Julie George, head of’the Women’s Commission; SonnIt Flanagan. head of the Creatice Arts Board; .Jeff Preyra, Ann Marie Otner and Barb Johnstone, members of‘ the Board of Internal Liaison; WaJrne Dawe, Speaker: and I*aurie Munroe. Secretary.
Returning executive councillors are Gaj,le I*aws, head of‘ the ‘Education Commission; Chuck Williams. chairman of the Board of Entertainment: and Kathr>~n Se>,mour, chairman of‘ the Board of Communications. There is a vacancy in the post of’ chairman of the Board of‘ Academic Affairs. More changes occurred at the Annual Meeting. The mectingattaincd quorum with approximately 55 members of the corporation in attenance. and began with the passing ol‘a motion to ratif‘!, Tom Allison as president and Jeff‘ Wilson as L ice-president. operations and finance, and recognise them as members of the Board of Directors (BOD) bq’ L irtue of‘ their election.
The Kat hr>,n Semour Jeff Pre! ra motion wa\ passed M ith 5 I members in favour, 4 opposed. and no abstentions. Next, Mitch Rctterath. a recent. unsuccesful candidate for the Fed presidenq,. was ratified in his appointment to the post of Licepresident. universit> affairs. Retterath’s ratification was f‘ollowed b>r the election 01‘ Pre>,ra to serve as a joint Student Council HOD member. Three additional HO!> members were elected f‘rom Students Council: Se>rmour with 44. Ste\c Sapora ujith 30, and Wiseman with 25 1 otes. Following the appointment of the BOD, Allison read his Ol‘l‘iccr’s Report t’o~ 19X3-84: a list of I--ederation acti\ itics and accomplishments o~t‘r the past fear.
Allison took pride in such major accomplishments a\ the winning of Fed Hall and the setting up of‘ the Women’s Commission. The next item on the agenda was the presentation of the Auditor’s Report 19X2-83. The recounting and explanation of Ecd gains and losses pro\ oked a great man!’ queries and a great deal of‘discussion.
withdraivn because its wording was imprecise. After a \rery rapid discussion, the asembly voted to withdraw from membership and affiliation with the National Union of Students (NUS). Its passage means that U W is no longer part of any national student movement. However. it is still a member of the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario Ontario Federation of Students.
Next. a motion to increase the Fed fee by 50~ per student. per term. ef‘f‘ecti\e September 1st of‘ this !fear. . Next. the asembly passed, in a w’as passed. Allison explained that block. without objection, a series of the extra mane! M ill be used to hire a housekeeping measures relating to full-time Communications Director, the Board of Academic Affairs. to handle all I-.ederation publicit>,. Returning to the Auditor’s Report. a motion u’as passed accepting A motion tochangctheuordingof‘ the financial statcmcnts. The meetthe b> law which empowers the Feds to call the Annual Meeting 11as ing adjounred at IO:30 p.m.
onquers by Carl Davies Imprint staff When- Joey Smallwrood was asked about the separatist movement in Newfoundland. he answered “Yes, we have our separatists, perhaps 19 or 20 of them, but even Newfoundland has their jackasses.” This statement typified the humourous frankness of the 84 year old ex-premier of our >roungest province. the only living Father of Confederation. Joey Smallwood, often controversial, always flamboyant, headed the Newfoundland government for an incredible 23 years from 1949 to 1973. This past Tuesdalf, March 13th, hegavea L cry entertaining address before an audience of approximately 403 people at the Theatre of the Arts in which he talked ofeverything from his role in NcwfolIndland joining Canada, to reflections on the reign of Pierre Trudeau. Smallwood w’as born in 1900 in ~+hat was then the colon! of NeL\foundland. In his > ounger da) s he worked as a neL+spaper reporter, newspaper editor and radio reporter. Sn+ilM,ood has Lvritten a total of 2 1 book.<, all about the people of Newfoundland. He is quite an authority on the people of Newfoundland at the time of the pro\ince’sjoining Canada, he claims to have knols n e\ cry single one of them. At his Federation of Students-sponsored lecture, Mr. Smallwood gave his Lfersion of how Newfoundland became Canada’s >goungest province. Before the Second World War, an appointed six-man commission was running Newfoundland. The commission was thought necessary by the British government because their colony was completely bankrupt. The Second World War changed all this, however, and by 1945, Newfoundland was enjoying the war money brought in by the American and Canadian forces. An election was quickly organised the first to be held in Newfoundland in almost-I4 years. The elected delegates then attended a national convention to decide what- form of government would be best for the Newfoundland people. One of She delegates was Smallwood, who campaigned for confederation with Canada.
The national convention (which lasted for two Jzears) joon decided to present a ballot on which a choice would be gilcn to the people of Newji‘oundland as to what form ofgo\crnment they wlould like. The on14 problem was what to put on the ballot. The first proposal that people agreed to put on the ballot w’asa return to responsible go\‘ernment (wphich the! had had prior to 1934); the second. a continuation of the commission. Finall>,. Srnallurood stood up and made a motion to include confederation with Canada on the ballot. e\cn going as far a\ salring to the con\ention delegates. “1 dare !‘ou to \ ote against this and pro\e >‘ou are dictators at heart.” The motion was defeated. Smallwood did not lose faith and. with the aid 01‘the British authoritie<;. got the proposal on the ballot. The first Late did not find a maJorit> in favour of any idea. the commission option w’as dropped and the people were left \\ith two proposals on the ballot, confederation and self-go\ernmcnt. Smallwood rented a little seaplane ujhich b> hi\ confession was “certainly not airw,orth\,” (but w,hich marked the beginning-of‘ Eastern Pro\ incial Airlines) and fleet from place to place. relentlessly campaigning for confederation. In the two da\‘s before the final \ote Smallwjood gaLc 56 speeches. By the end of that time he could not speak a w,ord. Af‘ter the ballots were counted, the people of Newfoundland were shown to be 525; in favour ofconfederation with Canada, and the rest is history. Right up to the time of signing the agreement with the Canadian government, Smallwood stood hisground. He refused to sign the confederation agreement on April I st. 1949 because it would have made Newfoundland a province on April Fool’s Day. Hence, he 35th anniversary of Newfoundland will fall one second before midnight on March 31st because Smallwood didn’t want to go back to Newfoundland and have people . . sape “there’s the stupid jackass who made us a province of Canadaon all fool’s day”. Since his induction as premier, Smallwood has opened Memorial University, the third largest college of fisheries in the
of Action”
Until the commission presents its preliminary findings in August, the Federation, Wilson said, “reallc doesn’t have anything else to look at.” ” Wilson expressed the belief. as well. that the commission, limited bv its terms of reference to provide a plan for more cost-cutting in the university system, will not be able to address such problems as course cutbacks, enrollment restrictions. and deteriorating student, teacher ratios (the average U W ratio is now 23: I ). and accessibility ~ the fear that universities may become “geared to the people with money and marks”.
by George Elliott Clarke Imprint staff March 19th to 23rd was declared a “Week of Action” b!z the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario Ontario Federation of Students (CFS-0 OFS). The purpose of the week was to call attention to the problem of underfunding and to demonstrate student concern over. and opposition to the Bovey Commission ~~~ the Ontario government commission given the task of proposing a blueprint for the “rationalilation” of the Ontario university system. At the University of Waterloo, the Federation of Students observed the “Week of Action” by conducting an information campaign. According to Jeff Wilson, vicepresident, operations and finance, the Feds wanted “to get a firm base of people educated on the issue”. to get “people to make up their own minds”. To this end. he said, the Federation circulated 4000 leaflets, distributed buttons, and made petitions available across campus.
used to educate
A CFS-O/OFS Action”. ‘.
for the “Week
Wilson said that there had been “some talk of a moratorium on classes, but 1 don’t feel that’s our (the Federation’s) role here.” He felt that the Feds would “look a little reactionary . . , to start having big rallies (and) moratoriums on classes”, when it is too early yet “to have any large or strong reaction to the Bovey Commission.”
One positive result of the formation of the Bovey Commission that Wilson noted is that “students are starting to take a look ._.at what-. the (provincial) government 1s doing.” However, while Wilson expressed the hope that the “Week of Action” would help to create “a base of educated people on this issue”, at least one person, Nigel Cooper, a 3B Pure Math co-op student replied when asked about this week, CL 1 haven’t heard anything about it. You mean it’s this week’?”
The ever-cheerful, Joey Srnallwood.
one-and-only living Father of Confederation, Imprint photo by Mark Lussier
world. and countless schools. roads and industries in his pro\,ince. Smallwood is fiercely proud tocall himself Canadian. Hedrew parallels u ith himself and Pierre Trudeau (a man hedescribed as possessing “genuine authentic greatness”) in this matter, saying that although it tears him apart, he would put Canada ahead of Newfoundland as Pierre would put Canada ahead of Quebec. Smallwood concluded his address by answering questions from the audience
All ison receives well-earned raise by Stephen Motluk Imprint staff The job of the president of the Federation of Students has been reviewed and reclassified by Students’ Council. The president. Tom Allison, will receive a salary increase of 19.23 per cent, pushing his monthly salaqr from $1040 to $1240. This increase in salary is supplementary to the cost of living allowance which is added annually to the president’s salary. Allison told Imprint that he asked for the job review because he felt that he was “grossly underpaid” in view of the responsibilities assumed by the office of the president of the Federation of Students. Allison said that the president’s pay is less than
he earned on his work-term and less than the average co-op work-term salary, which he said was $325 per week. He added that he is, despite the increase, the lowest-paid, full-time employee of the Federation and that some of the employees earn twice his salary. A committee was formed to recommend a salary for the president’s job, which had not been reviewed since 1980. According to Allison, the recommendation was based on the salaries of other student-presidents, co-op salaries, and the salaries of other employees of the Federation. The salary increase was approved at the Students’ Council held last Sunday, March 18th.
-News. Mztraathas by Carl Davies Imprint staff
In November of 1982, the Federation Council removed the club status of the Maranatha organization, who were unable to distinguish whether they were a church or a club. The Federation does not re,cognize churches. This has not discouraged the Maranathas, however. According to their pastor. Cal Weber, they have been holding meetings on campus for the last eight months or so. The Maranathas are an evangelical Christian organization whose services could be classed as being a little out of theordinary. A guitarist, a bassist, a flautist, and a pianist play hymns while people are
back on campus encouraged to sing and dance along with harassed by the Maranathas: -the music. Allison said that just la& week he Because of the Federation Council received a total of four complaints in one decision, the Maranathas can no longer afternoon from people who had been book rooms through the Feds. According . approached in the Math Building by members of the Maranathas. to the University’s Director of AdminisWhen Cal Weber was approached he trative Services, Bill Deeks. they can still book rooms through him. And University was a little reluctant to discuss the issue. President, Doug Wright, has stated that He said he didn’t want to “stir things up he would like the University to remain again” for what he considered a non-issue in the first place. He also said he didn’t open to the community at large. want to “put Allison on the defensive.” Federation of Students President Tom However, it seems that Weber does not Allison says it would not bother him if it have much t’o worry about. Allison has said even though he has received the was not a well-known fact that the complaints, “because of the University Maranathas are still on campus. He has President’s stance, there-is not much the received a number of complaints recently from students who claim they have been feds can do” about the situation.
ES Senate
The election ‘of- an undergraduate Arts student member to Senate closed on Wednesday, March 7, 1984. The results were as follows: Ferrabec, 13; Helm, 16; Moor, 23. There were three spoiled ballots. The candidate declared elected for the term May 1984 to April 30, 1986 is Deborah .Moor. Of the 2,733 possible voters from the undergraduate Arts student populat-
ion (215 ballots wet-c mailed offand 2.5 18) students were campus, eligible to vote on-campus), 55 ballots were .returned to the University Secrctariat (a 2.01 per cent return). The eldction of an undergraduate ES , IS student member to Senate closed on Wednesday. March 7. 1984. The results were as follows: Miine. 33; Selcmba. 24.
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Campus ’ A Question
There were five spoiled ballots. I he candidate declared elected for the term May I, I984 to April 30, 1986 is Catherine Milne. Of the 158 I possible voters from the undergraduate ES/ IS student population (179 ball d ts were mailed offcampus. and 1,402 students were eligible to vote on-campus), 62 ballots were returned to the University Secretariat (a 3.92 per cent return).
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“Pro-Life” or “Pro-choice”, abdrtion ,issue is their baby
by Jan McAIpine ~ 1 Imprint staff International Women’s Day, Thursday March 8th, attracted II many relevant displays to the Campus Centre. Among these was an information table prepared by Students for Choice, a group II whose purpose is to inform students of UW concerning the current struggle in Ontario to legalize abortion clinics. Stressing that Students for Choice is “pro-c$hoice, not proabortion”, group member Aleia Di Paola stated that the group’s priority is to educate people concerning the abortion issue. The anti-abortion position is a small but vocal minority, and a minority on campus as well, said Di Paola, who believes that the majority of U W students feel that a woman should have the right to control her own body. In a democratic society it is fundamental for a woman to have ’ that right, Di Paola stated, and no minority should beallowed to impose its views on the majority. Students for Choice has ten active core members on campus and the group is affiliated with CARAL, the Canadian Abortion \ Rights Action League. Another group concerned with abortion, but in another way, is Students for Life. “If people don’t respect life, what can you respect?” queried Joanna Kervin, secretary-treasurer of the group which presents the “pro-life” position on the abortion issue. This group’s main function is to educate students about’the issue. “Most people, when they do research into the issue, end up pro-life,” stated Kevin Stanford, group president, at the March 7th meeting. Students for Life maintains that all abortion is killing and should not be allowed, except when it is performed to save the mother’s life. Disregard of human fetal life leads to disregard of other human life, ultimately weakening society. Although Students for Life has no- specific religious affiliations. three of the c,lub participate in prayer vigils held on Thursday nights and Saturday mornings in front of K-W Hospital. These are the times during which legal therapeutic abortions are generally performed. The group also conducts letter-writing campaigns to M Ps. Core membership in the group consists of ten individuals. Although not technically affiliated with Right to Life, another “pro-life” group, Students for Life receives slides, literature and display materials from this group. Students for Life believes that groups such as Birthright represent an alternative to abortion through. support and counselling of the distressed pregnant woman.-
Imprint. Frid&,
Be&ellZ Church
by Greg ‘Lichti. What do you do when you can’t get along with yourroommate or when your best friend is driving you up the wall? According to Dean Peachey, coordinator of Community Mediation Services, you should bring the conflict into the open and talk about it. Peachey ‘spoke on “Resolving Conflict in Interpersonal Relationships”at the weekly luncheon meeting ofthe University of Waterloo Peace Society, held at Conrad Grebel College on Friday, March 9th. The p,urpose of the luncheon meetings is to discuss peace and conflict issues, ranging from those on a personal level to those which have an international dimension. In his talk, Peachey stressed two main points. The first was that many people try to avoid conflict situations. When disagreements arise or when they are not getting along with someone, their first reaction is to ignore the situation and build up more anger. I
Fee increase less C by George Elliott Clarke Imprint staff Scheduled increases in the fees charged to students living in the village residences will be less than originally proposed. Fees will be increasing by 6.6 per cent for room and meals rather than by 9 per cent. as had been proposed. in January. According to Tom Allison, president of the Federation of Students, the reduced fee increase was the result of his successful blocking of the original 9 per cent increase when it came before the U W Board of Governors executive committee in January. s With the 6.6 per cent fee increase, the,cost of a single room will rise to $1,570, up from $ I.473 currently charged, while the cost of a double room will rise to
$1,460, up from $1,370 now paid. Students living in Minota Hqgey will also be paying less in fees than expected earlier. It had been proposed that Minota Hagey residents be assessed a 3 1.2 per cent increase. However, they will be assessed only a 15.7 per cent increase, to take effect (as with the Village fee increases) in September. Allison felt that the Minota Hagey residents were very lucky to have received the reduction in their fee increases. He felt that they ,should help support the cost of in-‘ stalling the air-conditioning they had requested. Charges for a room in Minota Hagey for four months (one academic term) will be rising from the current $648 for 1983-84) to $750 (for 1984-85).
that the cause of death of his birds was not on the list and was therefore unexplainable. “But who’s to say our regulations are safe?’ asked Bertell. “Who’s to say combinations of chemicals are safe?’ However, Bertell was not totally pessimistic. She said if is not impossible to deal with environmental problems, but it is impossible to deal with them in the old ways. i The third crisis which Bertell discussed was a crisis in the church. In her opinion, this crisis offered the most hope for a breakthrough, and she spoke optimistically of what could be accomplished. Bertell mentioned the church’s Judaic roots, and explained that the forty years that the Hebrews spent wandering in the desert after their escape from Egypt was their personal journey to holiness. Bertell said that the Christian church is now wandering in its own desert, searching for its own Jerusalem. “The world is ready to celebrate,” said Bertell. “We have communication, mobility, the ability to provide clean water, food and medical care, but we are faced with a distribution problem.” .
Bertell called for the church to respond to this distribution problem and to respond to the call of the hungry by following the example set by Jesus. According to Bertell, Jesus walked in the shadow of the cross from the earliest days of his public life, but he was not intimidated, he stood tall. Jesus did good deeds, he taught, he healed. Today’s church is walking in the shadow ofa mushroomcloud of holocaust, but it too -must refuse to be intimidated. It must stand tall, and work with other concerned groups for a beautiful earth. said Bertell.
Peachey went on to suggest some specific cases in which people can work at resolving conflict. In an executive or committee situation in which ideas or proposals are being analyzed, divergent opinions should be discussed. and disagreement encouraged. If the various people in the group are not allowed to air their opinions in-a fair way, he said, conflict will result. In personal relationships, people tend not to complain about the little things that bother them. The tension which builds up often results in an argument or “lashing out” in a moment of frustration. One way to avoid this is by periodically sitting down with friends and asking questions like “How is it going‘?” or “Am 1 h doing something that’s bothering you‘?“. For the same reason, Peachey recommended’ that_ groups living in households should have monthly meetings during which differences can be aired and problems talked out. Reaction to the presentation was generally positive. Some felt that the type of language he suggested for conflict resolution was too soft-and careful; it would not allow persons to express anger or to be straightforward. In response, Peachey stressed that language used in conflict resolution needs to be clear and direct. At the same time, the language should be charitable and should focus on the issues rather than on,the persons involved. . One high point of the luncheon was the question period and the informal discussion afterwards, during which a number of people brought up specific situations in which they were experiencing conflict. Peachey and others in the group were able to provide practical advice.
Instead, he argued that people should welcome conflict and try to talk it out, working towards a mutually satisfying solution. Peachey’s second major point was that people often do not define unjust situations, or other people’s offences against them, as conflict. For instance, if someone takes advantage of a person by consistently “borrowing” answers for assignments, thevictim tends not to view that situation as a conflict, because there is no fighting involved. However, the victimized person may still feel resentment. He stated tha$ people need to recognize unjust situations as conflict between pople and, through discussion, work for a solution.
in ~-mu&room
and workers and management had to work out a reasonable by Marlene Bergsma \ Imprint staff solution to hazardous working conditions. Community protest movements are the modern equivalent of , Dr. Rosalie Bertell outlined her analysis of developing formed during the industrial technology, and said that the world is heading towards three the worker organizations large crises, which will either result in a total breakdown, or a revolution, except that instead of unions and bargaining breakthrough. sessions, “we (community members) have no mechanisms by which the citizen can actively participate in making decisions.” Bertell, a scientist and nun, was the fourth and last speaker in This lack of a structure for dialogue, control, determining the St. Jerome’s Centre for Catholic Experience lecture series entitled “The Christian Vocation? A Call to Witness”. standards, and providing intelligent feedback to the community On Wednesday, March 7th, she spoke of the need to integrate has led to mistrust and frustration on the part of both citizensand science and spirituality, even though many people feel that in.dustry. Bertell attributed many of the world’s ecologicalproblems to science and religion.don’t mix. the fact that since WW 11, the main thrust of science has been The first crisis she considered was war or nuclear war. Along military, with only some spin-offs for the public. with the “escalation of the horror of war”, Bertell discussed the Pentagon’s redefinition of winning a war. Now, she said, a war is “Had we tried to solve commercial problems directly, we Bertell, using nuclear energy won if there is continuity of government, if some people survive, ’ would havedone it differently,“said as an example. “Nuclear energy is just a fuel, but it is a pretty and if there is some potential to rebuild industry. expensive way to boil water.” Bertell explained that the According to Bertell, “We are destroying ourselves. We are looking at an addiction.” She explained her use of the word government’s insistence on the production of electrical energy addiction by comparing the world’s pre-occupation with arms with nuclear reactors arose out of a desire to develop nuclear weapons technology. build-up to an alcoholic husband and father. Both have “No university or college in the world would train people in a disastrous consequences for the unit (the nation or family) in which they are found. field whose only outcome was mass destruction,” said Bertell. “Most of us are passive co-operators,” charged Bertell, “very “They (governments) had to find a commercial application to much like the wife with the alcoholic husband who does not gain acceptance in the academic community.” confront him, who puts up with him, hoping it will get better.” Bertell said that the result is little co-operation between The second world crisis Bertell dealt with was, “The escalation citizens and industry. of industry and technology to the point that the hazards which in An example she gave was of,the commerical bird raiser at the past were concentrated in the work place are now in the living Three Mile. Island who lost 1400 birds the day of the nuclear space.” leak. When he informed the U.S. federal government, officials arrived to take the dead birds away. Later he was sent a list of According to Bertell, the problems brought on by the common causes of death among birds, with a note to the effect industrial revolution forced workers to orgar&e for survival,
March 23,19i4
With musical
Rabbi Rosenweig spoke on “Women in Judaism” at a Jewish Student Association/Hillel-sponsored “Bagel Brunch” on March 19th. Imprint photo by B. Oliver
Peace petition
, l
by Gero,ge Elliott Clarke Imprint staff A petition will be circulating throughout the twin cities of Kitchener-Waterloo for the next few months that has three aims: to stop the testing of the Cruise missile in Canada, to have Canada declared a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone, and to redirect the “wasteful spending on the arms race” so as to “ensure prosperity through peace”. The Peace Petition Caravan Campaign, a coalition of groups “within the Canadian peace movement”, and represented locally by such groups as the UW Peace Society and the Wilfrid Laurier University Peace Chapter, hopes to gather enough signatures and enough support to influence the upcoming federal election. At a March 7th press conference, regional campaign spokesperson, Doug Mohr, said that the Campaign plans to get a national grass-roots peace movement organized. The Campaign’s spokesperson, will federal election.
petition, be taken
said Ed door-to-door
Halvach. before
another the next,
The Campaign will participate in such traditional election activities as attending candidates* meetings to express concerns and publicizing candidates’ stands on nuclear arms. However, it -will not endorse any one party in the election campaign. /
The drive to collect signatures will be country-wide, will culminate with a national rally in Ottawa.
The drive was kicked-off with a benefit concert. A Concert for Peace, featuring Heather Bishop and Scott Merritt, was performed before an audience of between 300 to 400 people at the Humanities Theatre on March 18th. --.The campaign is soon to begin a petition drive on the Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier campuses, hoping to catch students before they leave for home.
Fed calend& by George Elliott Clarke Imprint staff The Little Fed Book (the personal calendar prepared by the Federation of Students) for 1983-84 is incorrect. April is shown as beginning on a Monday when it actually begins on a Sunday. As well, April 6th is omitted.
One student who made travel arrangements based on this calendar, wound up losing his travel ticket when he realized the mistake. Another student who thought she had to write an exam on Tuesday, April 2nd diSco<ered that the actual date is Monday, April 2nd.
j .
A new group of goodwill ambassadors has emerged at the University of Waterloo. We’ve known about them for seventeen or so years, but it wasn’t until last weekend that their presence was truly appreciated. Who are they? We know this group of funloving musicians as the Warriors Band. Those who were at the Metro centre in Halifax last weekend during the CIAU men’s basketball championships were truly appreciative of the Band’s mere presence, not to mention their spirit and musical ability.
Chief Centurion Steve Hayman’s drum solo, was an instant success with the Metro crowd. With Waterloo not in the final game, a coin toss dictated that Brandon would be cheered for during the televised event. It led to Dave “Crash” gain’s impromptu imitation of the Victoria mascot, using an old helmet with strips of yellow paper for horns, and a battered cymbal and plastic horn as a shield. This continued for the rest of the game, leading to many enjoyable moments. Like the CN T ower-, Disnevlnnd, or the Astrodome, the Warriors B;jnd is a great entity to have around, but somethIng that we at Waterloo take for granted from them constant presence. The applause and laughter of the crowds at the Metro centre, who had probably never seen or heard the Band before, must have made the trip worthwhile for our musicians. The Warriors Band have called themselves “One of the Bands in Canada” for a while. it’s obviously true, but let’s add a superlative or two to that phrase. How ‘bout “The Band in Canadian Basketball”? Donald Duench
To get to Halifax, the Band raised a goodly sum from the “Colour TV or something” draw, as well as assorted donations. They piled into a pair of vans at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, arriving in Halifax at 4 p.m. (Atlantic time) Thursday. Neither two feet of snow nor freezing rain could prevent them from reaching their goal. At the games, the Band made it entertaining, even when the action (i.e. Victoria vs. Lethbridge’s second half) wasn’t. The Warriors Band’s unique version of the “2001” theme, with
The Trudeau
Jury still out on P.E.T. by Walter
“There is no doubt about the sincerity of the Prime Minister - no one can deny the energy and feeling with which he has always defined and defended his vision of a more bilingual Canada, more tolerant in its attitudes to minorities, either linguistic or otherwise. This noble legacy will be defended with enthusiasm by his successors, in the interests of a united Canada.” ” . . . He was a strong leader and an honourable man who cared for his country, saw its future threatened, and sought to make it right. When he leaves this Chamber he will do so with the scars of vigorous, democratic debate, and the memories of hopes dashed, and dreams fulfilled . . .” I would never have voted for the Prime Minister, but neither would I have remonstrated vigorously with anyone who did.” In these words, Opposition Leader Brian Mulroney expressed the genuine appreciation of my colleagues and I in the Progressive Conservative Party for the 16 years of service Pierre Elliott Trudeau gave Canada as our Prime Minister. In that same forgiving spirit, which overtook the often acrimonious House of Commons, the Prime Minister offered words of thanks, ever mindful of the adversarial spirit which breathes “It is a rare occasion when life into Parliament: one can be judged by one’s peers.. . and bl! judged as generously as I was today. I can only express my deep gratitude for the thoughts expressed. Some may serve some day in my obituary, but I can undertake that they will not serve in my resurrection!” In the reviews of the “Trudeau Years”, which have filled the media recently, there has been too little separation of those things the Prime Minister set out to accomplish and the results. Trudeau sought to keep Quebec in Canada by ensuring it a meaningful federal role. He enacted constitutional reforms enshrining that new relationship, formalizing and protecting the rights of Canadians in law. But Trudeau’s administration saw the decline in standards of Ministerial responsibility, the evoiution of demeaning patronage, the practice ’ of confrontation between levels of government, record unemployment, and a general economic malaise. Of course, any 16 year term of office is bound to meet with a mixed response. But the jury is still out on the Trudeau era . . . Professor Robert Williams, Chairman of the Political Science Department of the University of Waterloo, suggests that Trudeau showed the difficulty of strong political leadership. Because
of his strength and conviction, he was often frustrated when faced with the problem of accommodating other legitimate interests, for which there are no simple right answers. Williams says, “It should be a lesson both to political commentat,ors, like myself, (and all who support one-sided solutions), that the process of being an effective leader, as Pierre Trudeau found out, means learning that ideas only become firm and acceptable after being molded by consensus.” Reason does not necessarily conquer passion. Especially in politics, many cling to their views passionateiy. It is my experience that those who would change those views by challenge, rather than compromise, will assuredly meet with dramatic opposition .. . Wiifrid Laurier University political scientist Professor John Redekop says, “The Trudeau,era has certainly been a mixed blessing; hopefully Canadians will dwell on the achievements rather than the failures.” Professor John Wilson of U of W observes that, “While some of his actions outside the country were unconventional, Trudeau always made me proud to have him representing Canada on the world stage.” Dean of Arts, David Murray, at the University of Guelph, believes that, “. . . official bilingualism changed not only the federal civil service, but the very perception Canadians have of their country. His rticognition of China, the importance of the North-South dialogue, and the peace initiative, all helped to raise Canada’s profile internationally in different, but comparable ways to Lester Pearson’s leadership.” Professor Vir Handa of the University of Waterloo’s Civil Engineering Department says simply that, “Prime Minister Trudeau was the only man who could have met the needs of his country at the time. He knew that his policies risked the alienation of Western Canada, but they prevented the separation of Quebec.” Pierre Trudeau’s Prime Ministry changed the expectations Canadians have of their political leaders. Will the next man or woman re-shape that role according to his/her own personality? Our parliamentary democracy can accommodate methods and personalities as radically different as a Pearson or a Diefenbaker, a Clarke or a Trudeau. But that system is as nothing, and those leaders leave no legacy, if Canadians do not participate fully in the political life of their country. Pierre Trudeau has encouraged a growing number of Canadians to become involved in the political process.
Imprint is the student newspaper at the University o! Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Coxnmunity Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes every second F’ri@y during the Spring term and everyl?riday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed tc “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, University ol Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.” Imprint: ISSN 07067380 2nd Class Postage Registration Pending Imprint reserves&he right to screen, edit, znd refuse advertising. Contributing Staff Deborah Austin, John W. Bast, Kathryn Bereza, Marlene Bergsma, Vicki Beninger, Gerald Blancher, Frank Bon, Jim Boritz, Laurel Borland, Harold Bransch, Mike Brooks, Doreen Brown, Leann<> Burkholder Alisnn Blltlin, Don Button, Bob Butts, Claudio Cacciottl ‘.ayr;, rl ,f! Zheng, Sharon Chen, Alison Child, Rob Clark, G eorye tillott Clarke, Jack Cooper, Andrew copp, John H. Eavie, Carl Davies, Rob Dobrucki, Sara Dreeger, Donald Duenclr, Karen Duncan, Carol Fletcher, Catherine Frid, Todd Furlani, Rob Garrett, Michelle Gauthier, Sanjay Goel, Janice Goldberg, Brian Grady, Joanne Graker, Kirsten Gunter, Sylvia Hannigan, Judy Hartman, Dave Herron, Bill Humphries, Aeyliya HI I-!?, Jim Jordan, Jim Kafleh, Jane Kalbfleisch, John Keamey, Kathieen <elly, Jennifer Kennington, Corinne Knight, William Klllght, Catherine Leek, Liz Legget, Glenn Love, Mark Lussier, Time MacNeil, Clare Maher, Cathy McBride, Linda McCord, Michell~~ I(-(;lnt ; NetI McInnis, Andrea McKenzie, Alan Mears, Patncla Mlchaiewlcz, Glen Moffat, Clark Morris, Steve Motluk, Kathe Nahatchewitz, Brian Oliver, Marcel Ouellette, Doug Parket, John Pauli, Tim Perlich, Thomas Persoon, Karen Plosz, Patti Presti Mic’,del Provost, Greg Pruner, Fabio PlIc-ci Jost.phl;lc, Rezc: Diane Richards, Nathan Rudyk, Vinay Rupdrell. Anthot %x$ ‘11,tiarbara AnnSimpson, Robin Slaughter, Julie Smith, I:un Stt‘venson, L ydia Stewart, Su Tedesco, Paul Tot tell, Tony V~I I Oostrutl~, Allcla Vennos, Terry Voth, Paul Wafers-Battlnik, Ed Wailer, Jackie Wailer, Linda Watt, Alex Weaver, Ron West, Simon Wheeler, John Wieczonek, Caren Whitford, Karen Young, Sue Young. Anyone with additions or corrections should notify the editorin-chief in writing.
Editorial Staff Editor Production Mngr. Business Manager Advertising Mngr . News Editor Entertainment Sports Editor Darkroom Tech. Production Assist. Advertising Assists. Busines?
Donald Duench John W. Bast Sylvia Hannigan Kathleen Kel’ly George Elliott Clarke Nathan Rudyk Bill Humphreys Alan Mears Cathy McBride Brian Grady Mark Lussier Leanne Burkholder
Importa 06B N The March 30th f Imprint will this term. Various private celebrations are expected.
Women aren’t phlegmatic: they’re working To the editor:
I found
.Plain Talk
Carol March
Fletcher in Imprint’s 16th issue, along with
by Paul Zemokhol
You’ve all heard that ‘1 hate exams’ stuff. Well I think there’s a good reason not to like them. Did you ever think about their purpose‘? An exam is a competition between professor and student. This is as if the professor says, “I dare you to know one hundred percent of what I know.“The test is in this sense merely an evaluation. not an educational tool. It goes along with the present stress on the reaching of the professor. not on the learning of the student. What does it achieve‘? People pass courses knowing 60 per cent of the material, maybe learned doing an allnighter, or an all-week cram. The result is a knowledge retention of close to zero. Do you remember 10 per cent of that Psych 101 course of two terms ago? Exams should be educational. instructional tools that give you experience in the subject matter. The stress should be. not on evaluation. but on mastery. That could be achieved by having a series ofexams for each unit of a course. If you failed the first exam, you could take the second. then a last third exam. Failure would be achieving a score under 80-90 per cent. Tests under this system are not merely to evaluate your knowledge but to help you learn. U mess you know 80-90 per cent and can retain it for the exam you can’t go on. This assures knowledge, and assures students learn and are not simply taught. The present exams tell you blablabla is wrong. but if you had to correct that to pass, then you would learn more; you just wouldn’t skip on to the next unit. The tests under this proposed system act as a feedback mechanism to show you what you don’t know and what you should
her two accompanying articles on women’s issues offensive.
and Todd Schneider study more. Another advantage is that you could progress through the units as quickly or as slowly as you wished. As for the essay, the skills evaluated are those of presentation of material in an organised and logical manner, in order to make an argument. So, the skills being tested for are those of eassay writing - a skill not taught in that course, and one which is to be acquired quasi-magically upon entering university. At first or second year levels students should have two due dates for essays. One for the first attempt and one for the final attemp. Professor’s comments on the first attempt should point out areas for clarification, investigation, weaknesses, and strenghts. Students should, acting on these comments. rewrite the essay, thus learning by recognising and acting on their mistakes, as well as their good points. By the time of 3rd or4thyear. with the necessary skills. the student can do only one attempt. The key words for both’ exams and essays are: attempt and completion. Essays and exams should be geared towards ac~c,ot?1/~lishlllunr not evaluation. They should be learning devices - not monitoring devices. If this system is implemented, the student willaccomplish learning rather than stumbling through with 60’s and 70’s, and more students will thus advance successfully through .the educational system. Further, the professor will be a guide, a helper to the learning the students must accomplish on their own. But. of course. the university’s role as a socio-economic filter and ‘upward mobility skills’ provider would doubtless be affected if it provided all its students with such an education.
After reporting that a Barbara Saunders “denounced the negative images related to feminism such as it being ‘an ant i-male struggle’,” she urged her sisters to “never retract, never explain (!), never apologize for what you believe in.” ’ These remarkable views did not attract the overwhelming audience that Carol Fletcher thought they deserved, and as a result she chose to vent her rage at all the UW women who did not attend by calling them “phlegmatic others” who should be “as hamed” of themselves. Miss Fletcher owes her ‘sisters’ an apology. 1 have met several accomplished women (some with Ph. D.‘s) and many serious female students here at UW who feel nothing but vehement hostility to the feminist movement. They correctly perceive it as a childish offshoot of the 1960’s ‘let’s be progressive, relevent, sensitive and aware’ type of left-wing thinking. No doubt the study of ‘female accomplishments’also betrayed this. Feminists havea record of showing nothing but open hostility to women who have actually made it: Margaret Thatcher and Jeanne Kirkpatrick are good political examples; Barbara Amiel and Ayn Rand are good intellectual samples. Praises are more likely sung to Jane Fonda and Gloria Steinman - or are their views now too conservative? Fletcher, the No. Miss women .-of this school aren’t ashamed for not being ‘relevant’. Unlike the feminists they’re getting educated for the future instead. David Zaharchuck
h! (George Elliott Clarke
Night Thoughts from Toronto Ah! The term is almost over and I am free at last in Toronto!This moment of concrete liberty seems to have taken forever - that bottomless cup of coffee - tobeattained.Nomatterwhatanyone says, four and two-thirds years of school is a long time. Yet, here I am in Toronto in the the spring. Around me, birds pander to beauty, stooping to conquer the popcorn and bread crumbs that dot the grey sidewalk. Citizens walk to and fro in this day. I smell the fog-sweat of bricks, hear the grating of saxophone on the air of this city of poetry. Toronto! The very idea has a somehow alien niceness. I spent time in this burgh on workterms, yet my feelings towards it are unequivocally ambivalent. I lived in Willowdale, The Annex and The Beaches, but I still do not understand this town. Sometimes, I think it is money that fuels this city, that its goidplated Royal BankTower rests on a foundation of bones - buffalo and human, that its whole economy operates in a kind of festive cannibalism. (The vendors of roasted chestnuts also sell shrunken heads? The subway is really a cattle car?) Yet I enjoy this hurdy-gurdy metropolis. Itinerant streetcorner prophets broadcast the news of the Apocalypse with the fervour of horse race bettors. Hawkers of. trinkets raise their prices in accordance with every crisis The police swing their billy clubs like conductors waving batons or magicians wavincj wands, trying to make something happen. This city is masculine with zest, drive of pistons, hurl of electricity, the stamen of lampposts, the scent of carbon monoxide, the muscle of dollars, it isfemininewith zest, the streetcorners of roses and carnations. the curves of lake Ontario. the
guitar strings of overhead trolley wires, the perfume of tobacco and patties and alcohol. Toronto is also a repository of memory. I remember three women from this city. One I loved so deeply it hurt, though there was joy too, and only a small part in that entire human tragicomedy of existence. I mean, one spring, some years ago, we sat down under a war statue dn University Avenue and ate cheesecake as rushing traffic whirled around us and we didn’t care about a thing. Once, we went to Harbourfront and spoke broken French to all thefunnypeoplebecauseweweredrunkand in love and our private madness was public too. I confess that I have been giddy about this place; perhapsa little in love too. I remember the tube, the underground, le metro, the subway; I remember the suicides and the murders of passion and the hobos decapitated in trash compactors and the rapes of schoolgirls only minutes from their doorsteps and the elderly people eaten by their cats and all that history of unhappiness recorded in the Toronto Sun and the fluctuations in polls and stocks reported in the Globe and Mail. I remember the earnest young bureaucrats with their briefcases and skinny ties, the thin executive assistants with their handbags and plaid skirts, the whole assembly, hubbub of souls, caught up in buying and selling and living. - I want to say that I will not forget any of this - the red rockets, the pink neon and factories and sand of Queen Street East, the blues sound of typewriters and ecstasy in bars along Bloor Street West, the ecclesia of Yonge Street, the parliament of Kensington Market where fish sellers and coconut merchants and furniture buyers all converse in tongues. I mean, I lived in a subway in this city for four months and I will not ever forget this place.
Clarke Column:
Innovative, individual thoughts perpetuated.. . To the editor: I say ‘Bravo’ to George Elliot Clarke for his more than insightful speech, “Let a Hundred Flowers Blossom”. (Imprint; March 2). This university would be a much better pIace to grow, spiritually and intellectually if more of us became aware of our surroundings. It’s about bloody time that we stop taking everything and everybody for granted. As university students we should be perpetuating innovative and individual thoughts to the extent that we must put a stop to living as “non-thinking automatons”! A. Chima Bravo Mr. Clarke!
. . . from an ivory tower of obscurity & irrelevance To the editor: The recent return of the cryptic crossword to the pages of Imprint has given those of us who are ‘nonthinking automatons’ two mindbending puzzles to ponder each week. The other, of course, is the-speeches feature by one George Elliot Clarke, Profound Thinker on Campus. Mr. Clarke, who is becoming wonderfully adept at clouding his meaning in pseudo-poetic chaff, has once again succeeded in baffling the less than fully literate among us. Shamed by our inadequacy, we struggle to find the message in his words. Little enlightenment can be found before we are encouraged to take up the slogan, “Annihilate all that’s made/ to a green thought in a green shade”, which makes no apparent sense. At least “Make the rich pay!” appealed for its conciseness. Mr. Clarke makes his attack on those who deal in the material and measurable; the scientists and economists and hucksters. Only the philosophers and priests, people of Mr. Clarke’s ilk, can supply the creative thinking so badly needed to save our society, he claims. Yet by assuming such a lofty responsibility, and by denying the material man’s ability to think creatively, Mr. Clarke has unwittingly doomed himself to the obscurity of those who over-generalize. Whileonagrandscaleourproblemsmaybesummarized in abstract philosophical terms, in everyday life, the material must be dealt with. Mundane as these tasks may seem to a Profound Thinker, no amount of poetry or prayer will feed the hungry, cure disease, manufacture telephones, or even erect statues of Sir John A. McDonald. From his ivory tower, Mr. Clarke has betrayed his lack of insight into details and their importance. He has failed to recognize the difference between Canadians and Americans. He has failed to see the merit of the workdone by businessmen, technologists and accountants. He has failed to recognize the creativity of a mathematician or an engineer. My message to Mr. Clarke is that if he really intends to do some good in this world, he can do it as a philosopher. . However, no attention will ever be paid to him unless he attains relevance. If he cannot communicate with less abstract but equally creative thinkers, then he willalienate himself and his ideas will be no more closely heeded than Greek graffitti on the washroom wail. Peter Corbett Grad Student, Electrical Engineering
Posters held by , staples,not tape To the editor: Paul de Man and others who read his Imprint letter of March I6 (“Posters lose their grip!“) must not rest easier about racism on campus. Mr. de Man suggests that posters, announcing a program on Ethiopian Jews, which were put up in the Engineering buildings, were not maliciously removed but fell down by themselves because of the type of tape used. I personally attached posters to bulletin boards throughout the Math and Computer building three time; in the days preceeding the March 8th event. Three times I put them up and three times they came down. Every one of over 90 posters was affixed to a bulletin board M’ith staples. Most were torn down, some were defaced. There can be no doubt that some person or persons with malicious intent are responsible. , Helene J. Kommel . Pure Mathematics
sports \
Eli, VikeS, win f /
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Monday: Tuesday:
- by Donald Duench Imprint staff As expected, the University of Victoria Vikings won their fifth straight CIAU men’s bask.etball championship last weekend in ’ Halifax. They defeated Lethbridge 74-48 in a semifinal to reach the championship game, where they beat Brandon by a 70-62 score. The only team in the Final Four which Victoria did not play was Waterloo, who lost 68-61 to Brand,on in the othersemifinal game. The Warriors also lost to Lethbridge, 76-72, in 0 ’ the game to decide third place in the tournament.
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A series of UW offensive turnovers gave Brandon the first real lead of the game. The Bobcats used the resulting fast breaks to nullify the Waterloo height advantage, and obtain a 24- 17 lead. They were able to keep a good lead until forced by the Warriors to return to a set offence, depending on their jump-shooting abilities/Although Bobcats John Carson and CharI-es Douthit can hit their J’s, they weren’t able to do so with the same frequency as Waterloo. .. A Randy Norris bucket with twenty-seven seconds left in the half, making the score 3733 for the Bobcats, gave Brandon the rest of the half to set up for a last shot. An attempt from twenty feet out by Douthit hit the rim and was grabbed by Paul Van Oorschot. Van Oorschot sent an outlet pass to Rob Froese, who got the ball with four seconds left. He then sent a pass up the lane to Peter Savich, who was streaking towards the hoop. With the help of the glass, Savich’s layup was good, just as his jumper was good a year earlier at the buzzer against the same Bobcats. The Warriors continued their comeback at the start of the second half, by putting in six straight points to get a 41-37 lead. It looked as if Waterloo, as they had-done in so many previous games this season, was in the process of wearing down the Bobcats, but it was not to be. ’ UW’had a 57-52 lead with 5:39 left on the clock, when Brandon went to their full and half-court presses. UW has had some trouble breaking presses this season, and it showed in the moments that followed. Eight straight points for the Bobcats gave them the lead for , the rest of the evening. A Steve Atkin reaching-in foul on John Carson during that stretch was his fifth, e removing him-from the contest. Although Atkin-did not have a good evening (two for five . shooting, eight points, four rebounds) according to his standards, his presence in the last minutes of the game could have made a difference. \ ’ Waterloo’had possession’out of bounds at the centre stripe with fifty seconds.left, and facing a 62-59 deficit. As the-inbounding pass was about to take place, Carson rushed toward the group of players waiting for the inbounding pass, allowing Brandon to cover the Waterloo players man-to-man. Cal Keil’s inbounding pass finally went to Randy Norris,:.but I Bra’ndon’s Jan Bujan also grabbed the baIl.,Th’e resulting “alternating jump ball” possession went to Brandon, effectively sending UW to the third-place game. “It’s nice to know that you can beat Waterloo,” mentioned an elated Dwight -. Kearns, the#Brandon head coach. “We wanted to take them out of their rhythm, and were _ successful.” “It was a miserable game” in the eyes of 7 l
In thetournament’s opening game, Brandon met Waterloo in a rematch of the superb semifinal game last season between the two clubs. Both teams were a bit nervous at first, preferring to stay with perimeter shooting instead of mixing it up inside.
68, Wizterloo 74, Lethbrid~e
ANVIL 744-3511
Waterloo head coach Don MCCI may have broken us down a bit. into the flow.” . * John Carson had an impressi Bobcats, leading both teams in (23) and rebounds (1 l).-Other tc Brandon’s Bujan (13) and Doutl Savich took 18 and David Burn: points for Waterloo. Neither team was astoundin< as the Warriors shot 45% (27 fc Bobcats hit 42%,(25 for 59) of tl ‘held a 42-26 advantage in rebo The second game of the nigh. games between Victoria and Le the fourth that UVic would win. topped the,Pronghorns 78-74 a during the regular season, and 76-74 for the conference cham Lethbridge. Victoria got out to a 1 O-2 leac really looked back. Although Eli Greg Wiltjer arethe standouts 1 team, they have a very strong s Phil Ohl, Dave Sheehan, and Kc the Viking unit run like clockwc Another thing Vic had going * their lack of fouls. Their first for 9:18 left in the half, and they w only nine in the game. Lethbridge was able to close the first half, but the Vikes werl They eventually wound up wi.tlthe half. Eii Pasquale!s basketball sen throughout the contest. The sir guard’s speed, shot-making, ar thinking was a joy for the four t at the Metro centre to behold. With ten minutes to go, the C 53-38, and everyone in the ho1 Saturday’s matchups would be boring that the Warriors Band’! respondin,g to a buzzer at a non a replica of the buzzer’s sound game between the Band and a scoreboard operator. Only onct able to respond before the buzz Wiltjer, who got 31 points or transferred to Victoria two year Oregon State. When asked abc possibilitythat UVic might win CIAU championships, he ment “more than anything, I’d like tc who has been with Victoria in ( championship season. Pasquale had 11 points for tt Sheehan added ten. Top scorer were Jerome Eli with 14, Bob I and Ken McMurry scoring ten 1
Lethbridge 76, IK Victoria, 70, Bra; For the Warriors, their cons< third place against Lethbridge the same pattern as the Brand both games, the teams were cl and UW gained a good I ead in only to lose it. The Pronghorns got a quick Waterloo, forcing McCrae to u time-outs.:As the Brandon pre nights earlier, Lethbridge’s tra slowed the UW scoring to a mi On offence, Lethbridge relie shooting of Brent Maxwell, Jer Ken McMurryFor the entire g ’ allowed the three-Horns’ shark free shots from the perimeter, yvent in. Waterloo was able to lead 4: as they gradually gained on the the final fifteen minutes of the Lethbridge was in terrible foul starting centre Dave Ross and four fouls each at the half. Alsc Brent Maxwell, who had score in the half, had three fouls. .Ross fouled out with 17:47 II and with Waterloo ahead by a I
Friday, March 231984
h str@ight $X&J
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The trip do.uxz
:1oor, the uw
John on the walkie:talkie: “Atlantis to Discovery, come in please, we are going to inspect your left flank for missing tiles.” “What the hell are you talking about?” “Just stay in the right lane and you’ll see.” ‘ Steve: “I think we should be the Poseidon and the Titanic, not the Atlantis and the Discovery” (the trip took longer than expected). “Look over there, everyone, this is the longest covered ,bridge in the world.“.,A few minutes >later: “There’s no bridge over there, it’s over here on the left!” “Oh.”
Durth md
iem t !tand toria :ast. make
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D72 62 ne for 1follow :. In half, 13half 3n ris ie two s Jtsida nd ?rloo to take i9% ! half, rns in :a. as t had guard oints lame, 3-43.
Accommbda.tions _ “Real men prefer to sleep in locker rooms.” “It stinks in here” (St. Mary’s locker room, Thursday night). “I used my shoes for a pillow.” “There was a pile of cheese in there!” (The. Real Men prefer the locker room to a recently.: vacated banquet room, Friday night). “We can’t shower -in here, there are no plugs for our hairdryers!” (The Real Women). “I was woken at 9 a.m. by the-damned hair/ dryers.” “You girls lock the door, and no guys up there or none of yous will be staying here.” (The Security Guard, St. Mary’s).
t r so
The Bluenose Tavern, Halifax: “Do you have any John Labatt Classic?” “No.” “Have you got any Canadian beer?” e Steve and Tim: “Does this No Parking sign incl,ude vansfrom Ontario?” (They got a parking ticket for that).
as tb for
of Halifax
/ by Alex Weaver Imprint staff Take 24 Warriors Band members, place in two vans, drive 30 Hoursthrough snow and rain, add 3 alumni and 2 other members. Result: the Band goes to the CIAU basketball finals in Halifax, and is called ‘awesome’. . .
)r the .ed were lile i
UP vhat e so of e with )a
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U W 76-72 in-t,he third place place game.
The Warriors added four straight points to their lead, until the bubble burst again. Waterloo made twenty-four-turnovers in the game (ten more than Lethbridge), and a few of them allowed the Horns to catch up. A McMurry layup put Lethbridge up 59-58,with about eight minutes to go. The crusher to UW was the-seven straight points U of L got with five minutes left. Although the Warriors tried to come back, some poor shot selection kept them four points away at the buzzer. “That shows that we should be here,” sa,id a tired Ken Olynyk, Lethbridge head coach. Olynyk was referring to the withdrawal from the CIAU tournament by St. Mary’s, which gave his team an easier road to Halifax. “We’re not national champions, but for us it (the third ti place game) was like playing for a national ’ z final.” I Waterloo coach McCrae noted that “it was not a good start. They (UW) were not tryingto play as a team”‘. After playing “as good a game ’ of basketball as we’ve been playing all year” in the middle of the game, McCrae said that “we just didn’t do a good job in the last two or three : minutes”. Ell, Maxwell, and McMurry each had fourteen points for the Pronghorns, who-shot 51% (33 for 65) as a team. Second team AllCanadian Peter Savich had 22 points to lead the Warriors, followed by Steve Atkin’s. and Rob Froese’s 11 points. Waterloo shot 47% (26 for 55), and outrebounded the Horns by a 4429 count. In t-he final, Brandon was abl,e t.o trade hoops with Victoria for thirty-seven minutes. Unfortunately for the Bobcats, the university game lasts forty minutes. AlthoughUVic had leads varying from five to seven points in the early going, Brandon was staying with them. “We executed the game pla.y plan really well,” mentioned Brandon boss Dwight Kearns. “In. the first fifteen seconds (of the 30second clock), we wanted to use the clock. In
the next fifteen penetrate.”
seconds .
photo by David
we wanted
-The games
At a television time-out ,with 3: 19 left in the half, Victoria was holding on to a slim 28-25 margin. Ten straight points by UVic after the TV T.O. gave th’e Vikings a comfortable margin for the rest of the game. For most of the second half, the teams just traded baskets, as the Victoria lead fluctuated between eleven and thirteen points. Great moves by Eli Pasquale and Greg Wiltjer for’ Victoria were countered at the other end by the offensive thrusts of Brandon’s John Carson and Earl Roberts. (Pasquale, Wiltjer, andCarson were all named to the All-Canadian . first team). ’
\ _ _
“I can’t believe that’s Dave, he never does thing’s -like this!” (Dave Bain becomes the counter-Viking at the Victoria-Brandon final, as the Band flips a coin to decide who to cheer for. Victoria Vikings: “Sure you did”-) His costume. silver helmet with paper horns, Band sweater, pounds broken cymbal with plastic horn) “Have you had a chance to play any concerts while you’ve been here?” (Conductor of the Other Band, after hearing the Warriors Band) Invited to the CIAU banquet, no-one finds out until it’s too late. Male Band memberschase the half-time show can-can dancers out of the arena and return fanning themselves. “You were more entertaining than the basketball game.” (Fan in Spaghetti Factory) “OK everyone, concert E when thebuzzer goes off, and try to keep it the same length as the buzzer.“’ (Band-buzzer duet during games) ’ Half the CFDR Orchestra defects and joins the Band during the first game. ~
With 9:43 left in the game, Pasquale.looked toward the scoreboard and clenched his fists with joy. He could sense that fifth CIAU championship was coming his way, and his eyes gleamed. Before Pasquale and his teammates could celebrate, they had to fightoff a spirited comeback attempt by the Bobca,ts. Brandon narrow,ed UVic’s lead to 62-56, but travelling violations on their nexttwo possessions let the Vikings get their co.mfortable lead again. Pasquale scored 20 points in h.is final university game, while Wiltjer and Dave Sheehan had eighteen apiece. Roberts led Brandon with 18 points, Carson took fifteen, and Jan Bujan had twelve.-UV,ic outshot . Brandon 56% (27 for 48) to 39% (25 for 64), but were outrebounded 38-34, and made 21 turnover to Brandon’s eleven: The tournament all-star team consisted of Wiltjer (MVP), Pasquale, Carson, Savich, and Ell, four of whom also wound on the AllCanadian team. Other first-team AIICanadians were Calgary’s Karl Tilleman and Johti Hatch of St. Francis Xavier. Second-team All-Canadian positions were also awarded to Enzo Spagnuolo and Grant Parobec of York, Brock’s’Doug Fast, and Rob Latter of St. Mary’s. .
The trip home “Tim, ,what did you do that was personally memorable?“‘Tim just smiles, band breaks up. . “Thisis slippery: Have we got an extra French horn that we can use for traction?” “We’regoing the wrongway.“(HalifaxtoTruroviaWindsor, an unscheduled trip through rural Nova Scotia) “Faites le plein avec sans piomb.” “Pouvonsnous obtenir quarante\sandwichs a porter?” (Practicing rusty French ih rural Quebec) \
Acknowledgements Colette, Dave, Henry, John, Steve and Steve for driving on highwaysthatweresupposedto be. closed due to storms. The Warriors for giving. us, a reason to go to Halifax. Steve Hayman for everything.
\ \
, ”
“*\ / .
, ‘, -- IO,- ’ March 23,1984
Imprint. Friday,
St. Jerome’s Once,’ St. Jerome’s Twice. . .
Ciampus -
. . . and St. Jerome’s three, four, five, six, and seven times. Yes it has been an unbelievably successful week for St. Jerome’s on the.sports fields. lt all began ea-rlier last week with a women’s “C” volleyball c’hampionship. Before the partying had ended, the SJC Thankyou mixed volleyball had also On behalf of the Campus claimed I the “B” title. On Retreat ion organization -we Wednesday night, the Winter would like to extend a warm Hawks (also an SJC team) thankyou to Harold Branscht prevailed on the ball hockey Through his expertise, equipcourt, and captured the Bl ment, and speed, Harold conchampionship. In the B2 final, tributed greatly to the C-R ’ the Blue Demons, another SJC picture inventory. The C-R team, claimed that championpicture inventory is now up to ship. On Friday, the St. date, The pictures will be used Jerome’s :‘A” hockey team for Imprint, displays, and for defeated the Kin Kanucks. term brochures. giving SJC its fifth champThankyou for all your efforts. ionship of the week, and its first Publicity Co-ordihators “A” hockey championship ‘in its Kandi McElary and John 22-year history. Last Sunday, Brioux the Midnight buccaneers, lead by Marcus Dales and Alfi Frisina capturd the C basketball championships in overtime. The Swim Instructors unbelievably successful week ’ and Lifeguards for the College culminated on Sunday night, when SJC’s It’satthistimeinthetermthat Hardware Bound captured the we’d like to extend our thanks to “B”‘Brobmbal1 title. ’ the lifeguards and swimming Comments in the dressing instructors for “ajob well done”. rooms before each of the seven It’s been an interesting term and championships focused on two we appreciate your support. .A critical factors. Each of the St. warm thanks is also extended to Jerome’s teams realized that allofthosepeoplewhomideour because the represented the University Lifeguard Workcollege, their opponents would shop a succes. Have a good be striving that much harder to summer! Sandra and Jan defeat them. And secondly, each Aquatic Co-ordinators of the teams realized.that they wouId be successful in their championship bids only if they could maintain the high level of enthusiasm that has become characteristic of SJC teams. ’ The entire St. Jerome’s community should rise and take a bow, for despite the excellence of their opposition, the St. Jerome’s championship teams (all seven of them) continued in Plus Plus the winning tradition that has incl. incl. -existed in the past, is existing, incl. incl. and will continue to exist in the incl. incl. future. Once again, congratulincl. incl. ations St. Jerome’s on a job well done.
/ ’ Club Executives
A special thank-you to all those involved as CR club executives. Your high level of involvement, dedication, and leadership are greatly appreciated. Archery: Steve Czapor and Herb Fichter; Curling: Steve Lougheed; Equestrian: Anne Carveth ’ and Geoff Woodhouse; Fencing: Perry Quart; Gymnastics: John Dubois; Martial Arts: Allan Evans; Outers: Andre Van Schaik; Skiing: Cyndy Wood and Mike Ellis; Skydiving: Richard Atkins and Saverio Rinaldi; Table Tennis: Yih-Sheh Leo;, Weight Training: Chico Silve’stri, Dave F‘;itz and Ian Kakosky. Peter Hopkins
Job Opportunities f The following positions are available for’the Fall 1984 term: Co-Publicity Co-ordinator, CoTournament Co-ordinator, LIfeguard Aquatic Co-ordinator, Instructional Aquatic Coordinator. Pay range is $220$440/ term. Pick up an application form from the PAC Receptionist, complete and return it py March 30, 1984.
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The women’s volleyball /league came to an exciting and successful -conclusion last Wednesday. The Reccers, led by the incredibleagilityand leaping ability of Dawn Downey, managed to upset the favoured Simple Minds II in 3 games, 1215, 15-4’15-4. The East C Dates took 2 games from North C, I512, 16-14, to win the “B” championship. This was the final date for veteran player Mary Daniels as she wilI be retiring at the end of this term. (5A, Mary’?) By far the most enthusiastic (loudest) team in the leage was
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Women’s Volleyball,
N DC I. There was more noise in’ K ristensen, Joanne Pidgeon, ‘the PAC than was heard in the - Jeff Winchester, and -Jim CIAU basketball cham-pionSheridan. Thank you for your ship games when NDC won the co-operation and congratult‘C” - championship over the ations on aqb well done. Turtles in 2 games. East 5 ’ Brian Ward Falcons&won the“D”championBroomball, Referee-in-chief ship and probably had the most fun of all teams in the tournMixed Volleyball ament (Is that-right, Sue’?). I would like to thank all of the Tournament captains and especially the This year’s mixed volleyball Notre Dame College captains tournament hosted by Campus for helping the league run Recreation was an overwhelmso smoothly. A persohal note of thanks to ing success. At the end of it all three teams cameout victorious. all referees, Carmen Coultis, and Peter Hopkins for all the I n the “A” division, R rat its were help I received in making the the champions. The “B” division title. was . league a success. captured by_- the St. Jeromes/ Glenn Hauer Notre Dame Aces in’ a long Women’s Volley,ball Convenor (long) fought battle we’ll all remember! Women’s In the “c” division the -. Basketball Ballhogs, proved themselves by winning that title. The women’s basketball Thanks go out to all referees. league came to aconclusion with and participants for making the the No. 2 ranked teams winning tournament a success. both championships. Darcy Brioux The “A” championship was Co-ordinator of Tournaments close throughout the entire game. At halftime, NCAA hada Men’s Volleyball 17-l 5 point lead, and they, were able to hang on to beat Waterloo Tournament Worriers 27-26. The top scorer In the men’s volleyball tournfor NCAA was Julie Smith with IO points. Linda Bowden led the ament this past weekend. four Worriers, also with 10 points. n champions were determined. In CliThe “B” championship was the “A” championship, mechs took the title over Shank. equally exciting as Nancy’s In the “B” championship, Nympho’s beat the Spoons 2521. Leading the way for the Grebel Rejects defeated EpilNympho’s was Dawn Do,wney epkins for that title. In the “C” division, Those Guys held on to with 12 points. Congratulations to all the defeat South A Astronauts, and in the “D” final, Orbital Peneteams who provided a compettrators were victorious over Bad itive and exciting basketball News. league. Craig Smith Thanks to all participants for Women’s Basketball Cdnvenor a successful tournament! Broomball Brioux 9 ‘Darcg Peter Feanny Tournament \ . ‘Over the past ‘two weeks, 14 Men’s Basketball men’s teams and 4 women’s teams have been battlingit out in Congratulations to On Proan effort to claim a broomball bation “A” c hampiqns, championship. This past weekBasketcases - “B” champions, end the playoffs started, and by Small Pass - “B2” champions, Sunday night three champions Kin Kanucks 7 “B3” champwere determined. In the men’s ions, and Midnite Buccaneers “A” final, the Hanson Family “C” champions for winning was the winner over TTB. In the their divisions. men’s “B” championship, HardCongratulations should also ware Bound (SJC) was victorbe extended to all finalists who ious over Jerry’s Kids. endured the playoff schedule to The women’s champion was reach the finals: UiC, Running the Maneaters, who defeated Rebels, Chemikaze, I Horned Fern-econoworms. Thank you Frogs, and North Enonens. to Brian Ward and the entire I would like to thank all officiating staff, as well as the participants, and captains for players for a job well done. providing exciting basketball Darcy Brioux throughout tbe term and for Co-Tournament Co-ordinator their willingness to co-operate with scheduling changes ’ Broomball throughdut the basketball Officials -- schedule. Special thanks go’out to Ag On behalf of Campus’ Rec- Cesinski and Tom Valcke for their super effort with coreation, I would like to extend my thanks to the following ordinating referees, to. Carmen people for their assistance in Coultis for her patience and officiating the me n’s and guidance and especial4y to Peter women’s broom ball tournHopkins for helping me learn the tools of the trade. aments: John Brioux, Bob DiFrancesco, Doug Gore, John Doug Hogue Scarfone, Eric Kirstensen, Eric Men’s Basketball Convenor
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Ball Hockey The ball hockey championships were decided this past week. In the “A” final, The Bombers defeated Clampdown ’ 12-2 to take the title. St. Jerome’s Winter Hawks, led by the .“Allan Bester-like” of goaltender Kevin play . Coates, easily captured the Bl Championship. Jack Vandevoosenburg, playing as he did as a “Kid”, was also instrumental in the victory. The combinations of Kevin Fayarchuk and Steve Sabourin, Tim Collings, and Joe Michel, Pete Feanny and Dean Foster, and John Malcomson, proved to be the correct ingredients for producing a winning team. Al Frisina, Rick ’ Bertolo, and Doug Gore (although injured) provided the defense necessary to dominate their opponents in the 7-3 victory. The Winter Hawks style of play represents what, all intramural competitive teams should strive for, as they were penalized only twice in their two play-off games. A second St. Jerome’s team, The’Blue Demons, captured the B2 championship. Ranked No. 5 in the division, the Demons ’ performed superbly in-defeating Leugors in. the preliminary . round, E5 Falcons in the l/4 finals, Mentats in the semifinals, and finally Mushroom .M’en in the championship. Joe Mauro was quoted as stating, “It’s great for the St. Jerome’s community, I just hope it puts the College back on the-map.” With all the championships SJC has captured in the past week, it would be nothing short of a lie to question the ability of the St. Jerome’s athletes. Robert DiFrancesco Ball <Hockey hCo-ordinator
Men’s Hockey _ The competitive hockey season has drawn to a close, as three new champions were crowned last Friday night. In the “A” championship, a fierce final game saw St. Jerome’s defeat Kin in two J games by scores of 5-l and 2-I. The St. Jerome’s squad certainly earned their place as “A” champions having defeated the Churchill Bulldogs in the semifinals. Both Kin and the Bulldogs went through the regular season undefeated. This St. Jerome’s team won with a hardnosed, furious checking style and team composure not unlike that of the New York Islanders original Stanley Cup form of ‘80 and ‘8 I. In the Bl championship, a battle of the goal scorers saw Who Cares triumph over Fubar Alu_mni in two straight games. This was arguably the most exciting final series as both teams played an all-out attack style. Who Cares simply converted more of the many excellent scoring opportunities that arose in the series, while Fubar was thwarted by‘ a frustrating combination of hot goaltending and bad bounces. The B2 final ‘matched the Scorchers skating ability a- _ gainst the crushing physical approach of the Surp Rookies.. Again, as in the Bl final, the ‘. Rookies were unable to capitalize on their chances, while the Scorchersrefused to be intimidated, skating to two straight victories. The MVP of this, series, and possibly the Scorcher’s MVP for the season, has ’ to be Steve Spiers. With two top goals in the final game, he led the Scorchers attack, despite being bounced repeatedly -by the Rookies body:checks. So, everyone is now turning their thoughts to golf until next October when we start all over again. Next year we will be ’ without A.A., as 1 understand many of the teams are graduating (!) in April. Possibly next year we may yet have NET Pegs; w can only hope for‘the best. Chris Lane Hockey Convenor /
ClassHied Here’s leaning on a miiturc. helped me solve man! pu//le\! I hank\. I>a\ e.
I Next issue is your last chance this term to enshrine your golden words in these pages. Deadline is 5 p.m. Monday.
SuLanne. I ouannc. Surcdo rni\\>ougu!\ tactic time!! (Sort-!. I.ct‘\ “ORA?.(iE” again!!
gas. He!
I,auderdafe WatPub! k\cr!orlc Pla! f’cn South on Saturda! lor a good drunh 111the \un. Roxy & lashionablc. J.f>.(A.K.A. Howard C‘hiLalr! turning IIonna.
Denise’s bur don’t (;.I).)
Yogi Youi a special make m! heart \milc. the Rabbit. O>iO>(
21 \t
t.lat 15 be \c\>
cla\s I hanhs Iof la\t Frida!! 301
Irlcnd and \ou all m! lo\c. lictc
To the St. Paufettes: jokes about <;uclphing how to part!! .I’c4pcrc
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lricnd: be cute.
S. 111 ni! (;cog is not dead. in iii! piir4c
hear- !ou’rc IOU on !oLI~ f)lrndlc\.
the! \ot14
Ikrch Hchada
I)ull!. I-ASS-
I couldn‘t rc\i\t) ha\e brcakla\t
Merry C‘hristmas letter to Santa.
Susan, Snookums, lcdd! Heal. etc.: Don’t forget that ! ou’rc the mo\t exquisiteli beautiful woman on thl\ earth and-l lo\c \OLI. .lame\. .Ilrn-Bob. Suger Corn I’op‘C‘creal. etc.
fhe>‘\e (5.4.5)
obnoxious go through
HM: It’s no fun beinga good inlluence. f’lease hurl-h up and graduate! f.o\c. me.
up I\ no Hear.
f3ennic Sorry
Vic in Math - without the (ireen Men might be uahing up III tlea\cn Instead 01 K-W f.mcrgenc>. ficmcmbe~ that BEf-ORI: JOLI get masted nc\t time. Permafrosh - MCVCI tar a great time. Retrain Irom torturing monhc!s in I’sJch. See !a in \ummcr. fjragonbleep. Brenda need\ a hap-cndectom\. Wh! is Blenda so much lihc flobin. Her dimples and hi\ pimple\.
0. A.
Q: What ha\ X appendage\ and 4qt111 m\ around in f.a\l 3 and I\ rc\ olting lo the e!c. A: Robin and Hrcnda. From
DEVO and I‘B40: l hanh\ to who came out to our conccrl I hear we had a great tinic. IXnner ~a~;tma/~np! I hanh\. C‘huch. I owe \OLI IO. t’.S. I here’\ no w;~\ \\c could Iit 2000 pcoplc III that tin! 1oom (;ar!. wceh.
Michelle. What it wechcnd. What ct\c Can I %I\’. . t MB A maker
4c ntcncc\‘l”
people met not longago. You bcrc’ I \\a\ hc. Youarea pcrxon \ci! \pcclal to mc. f.or I reall! delight ~n!ou. t,\e loot two ulth c>c\ 01 blue.
Atari 2600 \‘~dco (iamc Icw I hrce (1;1mc (‘artridge\. C‘hrt\tma\. $60. (‘KC f’h\ \IC\ and C‘hcml\tr> tlandbooh. l’hcinc an! tlmc Xx6-07 I3.
Mr. Muir - I hanh\ \o much lor !otri hclpinchangtngm! llatlircon Mar. 16. I hanh the fol-d lor hind \trangcr\. rhc girl at the I)iitch I~o! plaza.
2 I,ear Jet 6” \ 9” tria\lal \peahcr\. Ic\cr Installed (‘all f<ichard 745-7X 12.
To thedemonstratorsloi (‘If t M 2601 . the lab\ were Iun c\cn lor ;I Frida! alternoon. I hanh\ lor !oiir help and humour. I rom the \tudcnt with the hcdonl\tic lab-pai tnci,
Stereo l+:quipment - I xccllcht condition. <‘.I.:<‘. turntable S 140.00. AKAt \pcahcr\ (50 Watt\) S9I .OO. AM bM Rcali\tic rccei\crS4h,OO. Mu\l\c1tla41! xx4-7546.
To my hedonistic been a plca\urc. cndca~our~. (iod
lab-pal tncl: It hii\ fk\\ 01 Iuch in !our blc\\.
I,onef) quirc4 II !ou
townhouse in Sunn!dalc rc3-4 roomma1c4 for the \umnier. thinh !ou ha\c \rhat it tahc\ to
t nlonth)catl
K rI\ Xx4-6 t 09 or C‘harlcnc
To the voluptuous lcmalc: JOLI great III gartci and \tochlng\ and much cl\c. I ban\ lor the \\cchcnd.
looking for girls \\ hocan pro\ ~dc \tiniulation without ;in\ cmotinput. <‘alI Xx4-5599. I’.S. tfurr\.
Rumour has it that Otl~ccr Stan itill be at rhe nc\t Bt U t t’ub Shecna \OII better be there todi\pl;i! !ourmarg;nat p’opcn\ll> to plch up.
IllC 14th.
to know
\ot~a~cacomplctc \boutd
M u\h. Monica!
anotbcr: t%r-thda>.
no\\ to hnou
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that \\c’rc both old \\ hat’\ bc\t. ( Mother\ (‘atholic bachground
S! I\ ia.
I bc \ou
‘1‘0 R(;A: tfapp\ Ifapp! Bii thda!
lOlI I o\c.
Experienced typist, IBM Selectric. EInginccring S> mbols. reasonable rates. will pick-up and delibcr to campus. Mr\. f,>nda Hull. 579-0943. Experienced typist licing right beside campus. Self-correcting typewriter. 75~ page. $3 for resumes. Call Ann xX4-042 I.
i d\\
;I \
\cr\ Mu\r
Shoutd be ice at a bca\all-
i I red
Typing Plus. Eflicicnt. reliable sercice near Westmount I’la/a. Theses. reports. papers. letters. resumes. etc..etc. XOc page. 743-2269. Typing: Ejsa~s. project\. fast charge deliver!, 576 t 2X4.
Typing. $ t .OO page IBM Selectric; carbon ribbon; grammar \pctling corr-cctions; paper provided; prootroading Included; s>,mbol Italics a\ailabte; work term reports. theses. essays. 57955 I3 c\enings. flowntown Kitchcner location.
.lod!. B.I.cral
H Rr H (c\cn
c\pccl~lll~ tt1ough
tahc part III lbI\ rcwarch proicct. U’C Mill pa! ~o~1S7.OOloi I 25 hoursot \oiii tlmc. C‘all Xx6-5577 bclorc I I p.m:and lea\ c \ 0111 na n1c 2nd tclcpbonc II II m bc I
t bc !cal
Ia\1 late)
25 years experience;65c page: Westmount area;
Ride Wanted
Typing Wanted t’niolIcd
-K~dc in
I roil
U’i\h to lea\c Ma! IO to Ii. ga\ and dry\ ing. (‘all Matt alter I I p.m. Whd\\.
Que. COLII-w
Luxurious apartment Summer 84. I X0 Hr\ bech Kitchcner 2 Bedroom\. paitiall! lurnishcd. bu\ ncarb!. rent negotiable. (ii\c UI a call 742-2733.
Fall84Summer853 female ioommatc~ Manted to \harc tour bedroom townhouse on f’hilllp St. 5 minutewalk to campu\. S I X6 per month. f’honc xX6-52x5.
Non-smoking Icmalc roommate wanted t0 4harc Phillip Street tounhou\e Ma! to August. Washer and DrJet. next to campu\. Call Maria at Xx4-27Xx.
Toronto apartment a\allable to \ublct for three. $625 month: three bedroom. li\ing room. dining room. include\ - Sept. I ocated at utilities. Ma! Bathurjt and C‘oIlcgc. f-or lurtheiinlormation call Fdith Xx4-9X99.
Wanted: Female, non-smoker to share apartment with 2nd Lear optometr! \tudcnt. Ma! - Sept -‘X4. Furnished. except bedroom. l.aundr\. cable 1 V. close to Westmount. IO niin. bike ride to campus. Rent negotiable. Contact Colette at X84-7044.
3 Bedroom House IO tnin walk lrom U W or W LU. Suitable for 3-5 people. Sublet Ma! - Aug $500 month. X852753. Rent Freeforonemonth. Ma!-August. New semi-detached house to share: 20 min. walk to U of‘ W; 5 min. walk to Zehrs,: 3 min. to Quick I rip Variety. Kentuck! Fried. Pi//a; on bus route; furnished. l’uII\ carpeted. cable; $ t 50 mo plus utilities; mate or female. non-smokers please. Call Paul at 8869366 or 886-5952. Roommate needed. Married Students Apartments. 5 minutes to campus and Waterloo Square. No better location. Spring term. $ I63 month. All utilities included. Even cable. Furnished. colour n’.. shower massage too! f’hone 8X8-6669. Washer and dryer. Available May 1 Large renovated I br apt. in quiet 3 itor! walk-updowntown Kitchener new kitchen and bath, wood lloors, bright spacious living room, laundry. Suble;. $352. Call Marc or Maureen. 5764 I03 8X5-I 2 t I ext. 3x41. female
Townhouse: Ma!,-August.4 bedroom. suitable for 6 people. Ten minute bike ride from university. $120 month person plus utilities. Call XXX-7 I X0. Work Term in London Large. completely bedroom apartment. parking. cablevision. more. $300 plus utilities. Rick. Marc (5 19) 438-9
Ma> - Sept. furnished 2 Pool. laundry. waterbed and No lease. Call 180.
Summer Housing (can continue into Fall). Share luxury furnished house with two Grad students (nonsmokers). Parking. Sunbathing batcon!. Washer dryer. Downtown Kitchener walking distance to market square. 20 minutes to University bv Bus. $225 month includes itilitiis. Jane 579-55 I3 evenings. 38 Allen St. E, Apt 3. 3 min to downtown Waterloo. furnished if desired, ilea for4-5. $5006550 month including utilities. parking, spacious must be seen. Call 576-0968. ask for Kerri or Lance, or leave a message.
Continued on Page 12. 1135 Victoria St. N. Kitchener, Ont. N3B 3C8 578-9370
St .OO double and
\paccd S I .()().
Will \harc Xx6-7363
THE BUNNYMEN Friday, March 23rd Leaving: from the Campus Centre (starting at 7:30 pm until 9 pm) ’ Returning: from Bingeman Park (starting at 1 am until 2 am)
Z”” +n /l\llq!:c;t
by the
:m :: :: :
2. Scoops Manager (summer) Duties:
other of an
stand. Terms:
30 to
should Tom
Applicants letter
on should
be directed
President Federation Monday, include
be determined Terms:
ljandbook; for
page. 20
call I angie bctwccn 5:30 and 9:OO p.m. ucckda!s and 9:00 a.m. to noon Saturda! and Sunda! 744-9 t 30.
c\pcrienCc. p.m.
1. Handbook Editor
by the of Stthmts
Townhouse Available - \ummciterm !\ith option to tahe o\cr Ica\c. 3 bedroom: lull! lurni\hed; located In Sunn!dalc; Call XXX-664 I,
Married Students! $ I .25 page. IBM Se tect ric. Grammar spelling corrections. Paper. Campus I’ickupI)eli\cr~. No white-out Xx4-0969 c\enings. English French major.
Provided Federation
Philfip St. Townhouse. I hree roommate\ needed tor Summc~. tall and Winter term\. Malcor female. Call XXX6X 14 an\ time.
Experienced typist. accurate and depcndable. Near University. Reasonable rates. lop qualit! print. Call Shirlc! 745-1312.
i\ cond-
WC nc(.‘d male undcrg!aduatcs
Bllthda\ to \OII to mc tlapp! tjllltitlapp!
I\\ 0 dccudc\. month\ BC‘I
Research ;LIl
resumes. theses. group cllicient sercice. no arranged. Call Diane
1 Free month -mid-April - .Augu\t. One 1;trge bedroom apartment. t’urni$hed. 20 minute wall\ to uni\er\it! 5225 monthI\. Call Xx5-1905
Housing Available
pcr\onahlc: ph!\icatl! able to tilt & mo\c v)mc k\cight! objects (table\. ca\c\. di\cisc \tc)ch & cquipmcnt): bondable. Applicationscan be madeat the olt~cc bctwccn I2 noon and 3:.30 p.m. Qualilicd :tppticant\ will be contuctcd lor inter\ ICN b! phone.
in cat.
Experienced typist, fast aCCUrdk work. Will do essavs. work renorts. etc. rates. IBM ’ Selectric. Reasonable I.akcshorc Vitlaec. Call X85-1863.
Happy Belated 2fst Pigdog! flopc ban~~n~~cahctIchlcd!o~~~ rongue.O~nh!
do fast elficient typing of student on Smith-Corona typewriter. Rca~onablc rates. l.akcshorc Village area. f’hone Xx6-6 124. papers
Thanks IO I hc pcr\on I\ ho up and rctulncd m> booh and
Jim: t)o I I nda
Help Wanted
Sincere plchcd
Yukon hiking/canoe trip tht\ \ummer. I MO OI- lo~ii \+ech\ in .lul\ or August. App~-o~co~t(4~rh~)i~SlO~~O.Call Mike Xx6-1963 lor- more inlorniation.
IBM Quality Work! On campus. 75~ pg d.s. $3.00 min. Please phone Xx4-X010 Correct minor spelling & grammar.
Help, \c\ual ional
<‘offee table, foveseat and loot~tool. Ii\ ing room chair. double bed. hitchcn chair\. I V \tand. tamp\. da\bed. dre\\ci-. Rca\onabl\ nriced. A\ailabic alter Apt-11 3. XXX-637i(.
great to ha\c !OLI bath Robin and I rcall! mi\\cd t o\c (I~om the both ol 114). f<oo.
I’la!cl. at
Bar-keep needed at the \arioii\ dutic4 in\ot\cd c\pcrienccd in liquor liccnced c\tablI\hmcnt.
and reliable; adiaccnt to 75~ Sr SI .OO double \paccd Hoohlngj accepted. Anne 8X6-
f:conomics tutoring (‘all HIII 746-1041.
tooh not
Shiatsu (.lapanc\e Acupre\5ure Ma\\age). (111~ the plea\urc\and bcnellts 01 to someone \pccial. G111 Shla1\Ll ccrtlticatc\ IION a\allable. I’. Hcnderson c\cning\ Xx5-0622.
One pair of \pcahcr\. ,Audlo\phere Rcwar-ch. ?-\+a~. 30 W’att\ RMS Wllh \tand\.S I50 00 A\h lor Jot xX4-9925.
1982 Black VW’ Scirocco. 60.000 hm and in c\cclIcnt condition. Air condilloning. touch tone radio. and other option\. I00.000 hm \tarrant! S9XOO OI bc\t ollcr. <‘all I)a\c744-1X45(5.307.00 p.m.).
Happ) pcmon
Spring Around the C‘orner! HICJCIC I uric-LIP\. f’lch-up and Deli\cr! it Rcuuired. f-a\t Scrlice!!! (‘all: S. Cornall ’ Xx5-1521.
Seuand~c\and\c\and\c\and\c~and SC\ and looh at me. I’m III tatter\. Shattered. Shcoobc Bc good to !ourscll. (jet honct\t. rcIlablc. ha\$lclrcc information ;Lt YOlJR Birth (‘ontrol (‘cntrc. (‘(‘ 206. cit. 2306.
Man! than\ C‘! I. Ken. Ro\w. .ltf. M~I. It .(;~na. Mt.. \uci\. and c\p Rip. t u\ >a M t K.
ch Mom’.‘!
1972 Summer Ofqmpic C‘o~n Set\ Mu41 \ell -end ot tcrmca\h blue\. 2\et\ - I unclrculatcd condltlon - S550. I proof condition - S650. XxX-760X. A\h lor John.
Tokina 80-200 f4 Zoom I en\ 1%it h \lhon Al f M mount \c\cr u\cd. w I A filter. Original pachaglng. One touch locu1 /tiorn Hargalnat s 140.00: I need monc!. C‘all Xx5-5766 - Renn!.
hlmmonica, \inccrc be\t w~\hc\ on \our blrthda\. t-1.om one \~nccre. honc\t. hccr-jr-lnhing budd! to anothei. I o\c. \ oui Iricnd .I.
Accurate CampL14:
For Sale
of Students April
a resume
1984 and
duties ice
:: i Men’s Ring - Choice of :: i Stone and Ladies’ Petite : i i Ring with Diamond Shoulders :: i Choice of Stone : i: !: Both available in 1OK Gold m m I: i or Sterling Silver :: : . ; ; MEN’S & LADIES GRADUATION i i RING with year, black onyx i i stone in 10K goid or silver, and : i Seal Signet and other styles of i rings are also available in 1066 Gold-i : I: i or Silver :: :: :: :: Deposit Required I: I: : i For inquiries call Ext. 3914 or conic i i into the Open Door Gift Shop, i: :: ::: South Campus Hall m : i 11111~1~11111D11*18DD~~~~~D~~~~1~~~~~*~~~~~~~@~~
’ Continued Page 11
Iyree! - I mon~k’\ rcll.3 bedroom. IiIrgc bu\c1llc1lt Stl111l>tlillc I ownlloII>c - IOI. Si~ninic~. partiaIf> li~1~ni~hcd.co1nplctc witI1 brohcn wit\hi1lg muchinc XXX74.39.
to \uhlef - ()nc Illorlt h 1 rcc bctfrc)om\. CIC:II~. illld 1 irrni\hctl. I ;I iintfr! il Iltl pi1 1.h i lg Iilcilirics. (‘low lo IJni\crhiric4(20 min. WillL) ilntl f’i~rhtli~lc f’Iil/iI. ($315 nl()1lrh)421 ffil/cl SI. Apr. 7. A\.itililblc II.o~~I Ma> IO Attgtl>l 21 (‘all f)iitnc XX4-9.30 I I~Cll .
Keep <‘oaf thih 4ummcr in 1 hi\ 2bedroom bil\cnlc1lr ilpilrrnlcnt OII I fil/Cl St; I llll! I rirnishctl. Iil~ltl~~ lucilitic\ in building. claw lo pfa/a (beer ant1 liquor \torc). 5 minute bike ride to flni\cr4if\.. Ircc pilrkilg 4pol. oniy $Z()S month. irtilitich included. A\ilifilbfc May I - August 3 I. call xX4x I so.
Sarnia IlWtfCd f’ilrlI~
Ma! IO
IO August \hil .C
tl~~llhO~l\C 110
2 pcoplc s f30. ICilW I -344-
Sublet Augu\r. Squaw.
porrion 01 a hour irom Ma> 1.1~~ rninutc\ from Water loo f,iltccn minute. uafk to ff.W. Acco~nmod;~~c\ IL%,). appliance\. launtfry lacilitic\. parkIng \pot. (‘all XXO-3274.
Phiffip St. I ownhousc Ior rcnl 4-O pCOplC. (;llilI-il lrCCtl ClO4C41 housing 1(! cill~~pt~~ Mily-Aup. Wa\hcr d&r f<cnt ncg-otiablc. (‘ontuct Mike or 1%~ I Xx4-X I7 I. xX4-X.370 anylinic.
FIxclusive Stinnydale house \undcch a\ailablc Ior Summer option 10 tilhc O\CI’ Ic~w. negotiable. (‘all Nc\tor XXS-50.37.
with with f<Cnt
Want one month freercnl?<‘all Mclodi at XX%-7224 101 Married Student Ai,t (Ma> Aug)
.Waj to Aug. Married Student 22(J per month. (‘hcapc\t sou (‘all ftcnc at XHh-5X07
fc\cl l 1g4).
Summer ‘x4, Sunn>tJalc I ourJhouw.4’ hcdroom\. l .5 bathroom\. hotandcofd running tia1cr. f)rqcr in \paciou\ hawmcnt. claw to partlcj. f rw parking. f’anoramlc :ICL+. ( all Sstuart\ at ltl(h4543.
Summer Iurni~hcd ICll il L!\.
(Jtilitic\ c\cning\
Only. A\allable apLrrmcnt for 2 20 minute\ from included. (;ood Xx4-3053. /
2 bedroom rc\pon\iblc rrni\cr\il!. price. (‘il1
IS minute walk to campus. I ho \inglc Iurni\hcd upstair\ bedroom\ tiith private bathroom. kirchcn ild cntrancc. Available April I or Ma> I. S I.30 pm each include\ utilitic4. XX42 4332 or Xx5<I 2 I I cxL. 2079. Sunnydale, Summer ‘X4. S400.00 month. 4 bedroom 1otinhou\c. partially furni\hcd. ua\hcr dr!cr. I .5 bath\. cxccllcnt condition. f.cah xX49X62 Wanted 2 or 3 roommate\ to \harc the bc\t townhou\c in SunnJdalc. \paciou\. lurnishcd kitchen and libing room. washcgand dryr. (‘an \ubli’t lor winter X5 and bqand. Sl20 month - ncgotiablc. (‘all f:d XX&9109. f);l\c-’ Xx4-7035. fjrad Xx634X%.
Imprint. Friday, M&h
May Aug 714 Sharg clcgant old homu. f%alconic\. ma\hkr and drbcr. di\hua\hcr. ( ‘low IO dou ntou n Waterloo. f<c.nl negotlablc. 57X-l 793
3 bedroom Sunn>dalc tom 11h0114C to \ublct (‘If I AI’. 5.359 month plu\ utllltrc\. I.5 bath\. ‘partialt! lurni\hcd. (‘all %X&027X. Apartment tci\uhlet Ma! scpt. clo4c tu-Zchr\und Mr.Orocer.~u~toIf f rbon A\ onda tu. 15 min. aalk to I. W. laundr\ facllitic\. parking.furnI\hcdor unl urn-Lhcd. (‘all XXh-5924.
Wanted: I or 2 rocJmmatc\ to \harc lurnljhcd 3 hcdroom tounchouw during \ummcr term. 508f Albert St. (bc\rde f’arkdalc f’la/a), Suimmrng pool. I23 month plu\ h>dro. 880-3463.
k:xcelfent location 2 min. 10 campw. f’hillip, St. tohnhouw. 3 bdrm. ua\hcr dryer. Idgc. 41o\c. Z/la! 10 Augu\t xxx-704 I.
Summer %4 3 hcdroom houw to sublet. On I.nr\cr\lt\. IO mlnutc balk I0 I L4’. f<cnt ncgcjtiahle. 1’04\ihilit! lor M’intcr ‘X5. <‘all XX4-0X6X or X%4-7X06.
House - A\arlablc Ma! sscpt. X4. optron to take o\cr Ica\c. 2 Irldgcj. 2 bathrcJom\. parking. pcr\on. Kltchcner. (‘all Hratf 743-X637
5 .Minute Walk tocithcr 1 nl\cr\rtre\ at Sl2h month. Ma> A ugu\t. f-urnl\hcd 5 hcdroom hour. need 4 roomrnatc\. 2 kitchen\. 2 bathrooms. ;Icroj\ from \torc’\. parkIng. (‘all 19lchcllc X88-6%37.
I,ookina for a cheap room for the jummcr’! I ha\c a lurnr\hcd room aiailablc: lull!-cquippcd kitchen. pri\atc cntrancc and bath: parking. IO mm. bike ride to campu\. ftcnt \‘I f< 1’ ncgotirtblc! 746 I997
Roommate wanted 1 rom .Ma! ‘X4. Sunn!dalc. f.urni\hcd. but juppl! bed. 595 month. f’honc 1x74. ,
You Get:
mu\t 746
Summer HotAng Available: I .argc 11s 0 bedroom -lurni\hcd apartment for \ublct Ma! f Aupu\t 3 I. 2O~min.
2-5x7’ 8 - Walletsize AlI For
One bedroom furnished bawment apartment a~a~lah‘le Ma!. 20 mln \ralk on :Ilhcrt St. SlXO..N a month. 746 I h5h or h&h-h29.7. Free Hent (one month) 5 bedroom lurnl~ncd.hou~e.do~~nto~~n Kltchcncr. OrCat f’lacc. 1014 of c\tra\.hJh month. (‘all 745-X003.
Grad Photos
’ ;,s’,,“‘-,,~,,:ll*m,~~~~,,~ 746-l 503.
M’anted I Female Roommate 10 \harc 2 bedroom Apt. f-urni\hcd. A\ailablc Ma! I X4. Kcpina St. C‘all xX4-X6553 af tcr 5 p, m.
Person houw from f’rom music. Don.
wanted to \harc 2 bedroom Ma\ -Aug. f- rcdcrick minuw do~riIo\~ n Kitchcncr. second\ bu\ \top. f-ull of furniture. art. 15X.50 plu\ Hell bill. (‘all f.i\aor 743-l 723 an! c\ cning.
Toronto J’ongc 6;: Stcclc4. 3 Bedroom condo t<y<ublct \la\ .4 ug I .5 bath\. wmi-1 urni\hcd. air. pool. dijh\tasher. undcrpround parhing. po\\iblc to rent singI!. ‘424-11~~ or .I or 21-I-l?.?f. I or 2 roommate\ \\anted to \harr a 3bedroom iurni\hed apt. Erbat Uni\tzr\lt!. laundr! tacilltir5. ,auna. S 160 month. urilitieb Included. lity . t;&54906.
t he Rcf
Apt. at Liin get
ncgcJtlablc campus. Maria dctall\. .
I5 mrlrr ~<;ilk trr,m or Klrrr iit %rf,-72scr f(Jr
(;orgeou;! to~rnhouw to yublct this 4clmmcr( Ma\ ,jug). f-ILC bcdrfJfJm>. 3 bathrooms. uajhcr dr!cr. dl>hua\hcr. gais barbcyue. full! carpeted. part&II! lurnl\hcd. large backyard IOmrnL[c bikerldc f rcJm it a~crlf,fJ. parking and Ia\+ n main:enancc includctf. rent \‘I K\r’ negotlablc. Call \oon X84-6234. I Roommate tou nhouw on furnished. \+a\hcr Malk front carnyJu\
needed for ne\\ f’hllllp St. f-ull~ and dryer: 2 mlnutc 8lth-ThTh.
Free Rent for August Sunn!dalc tounhouw for Summer and optlc,ri !fJr Sept. leaw. 4 bedroom\ partlall:s f urni\hcd. (‘all Xhh-7363, Tow nhou\e complctcl! furnltncd and car-pad: \pllt Ic~el I~\lng rrJc,m Mith pool table. dart, and >tL’rcfJ. IO min. c!clc Irom I. of \i : clox to maI;. Zchr\. laundromat. bu\ route: fook~ng lor i. 2 or 3 roommatc4 for thi>\ummcr and poaibl! through \ilntcr and iall ‘X5. Rent negotiable: call Xkh-4609. Apartment to share: 2 :oorn\ a\allabic lor 4ummcr in lu\ur\ ? b<drortrr, apartment. Colour “f \. ire/cr. di\h\%a\hcr. I5 min. \\alk to campcx Share \\ith 2 Jr. Optomctr! ytudcn:. \on-\mokcr\ Sl40 month each Jim. Ron. Brian at XXh-I697 tar dt’talls. Rooms available in house. f-uIi> furni\hcd and carpeted. claw :L~ campus. rent neg.. lncludcy: utilltl~~. .I \‘. cable. microua\c. Requlr~rncn:~ mature. non-\mokcr. miiIc or tsmalf A\ailahle IMa\ fbt. f.eaw rene\ral for Sept. Call S. i’ornall X85-1521 or hi??121 I cx 3563. Free 1.5 months rent. SX5 month. lull! t’urni\hcd apt. :I\aila~fe from mid-April to .Augu\t. 62 Shadeland Cre.. Kit. IO min. to L’\!‘b! bike, Call Ken or Doug 749-1074. Summer ‘84 - Sunn!dale to\\nhou,e. -I hcdrooh.’ \\\a\hcr dryer. furnished. clean Rent ncpotiablc. but appros. S!W ‘month. Call XX623 I3 an! time. l Toronto apartment in duplc\ to *hare. Ideal locatlon. Suit I or 2 \-la\ September or lung term. S320~240. Spx1~1u4. clean. quiet. Sub\\a> Nhopping ~)n door\tcp. (5 19) X86-1322.
20th USED BOOK SALE Friday, April 6: Noon - 9 pm with Auction 6 pm - 6:30 pm Saturday, April 7: 9 am - 2 pm Children’s Books ’ Friday: 4 pm - 9 pm and Saturday: 9 am - 2 pi-n
Housing Waked
First United Church - Waterloo 1 Sponsored by K-W Canadian Federation of University Women Proceeds for Scholarships and -+ Community Service in our society’s trouble spots. They work with the young, the It’s hard work, but it is harder to ignore it. Because the Sisters of St Joseph are making a
I or 2 bedroom apartment N’inter ‘X5. Please Call XX5-oX-I5.
.t’or Fall ‘X-t Deb or .Ilc\
YUKON JACKAmACKT3. ,++--.-=-..-TRaBaarBite. -
Help! \Ve need a ?-bedroom w\\ nhouse or apartment for Fall 3-I near campus. prcfcrabf! furnished. Calf Et; X86-1963 or Peter Craig 7-6 ,
Lost Reward offered for the rr‘turn ot‘ a bra\! n Citizen \I rist-\\atch lost 3larch 17 in the ii&nit\ of I.‘\\‘. ‘1-!-6,X68.
TheblacksheepofCanad ian 1i quorxGmcocted with fine CanadianWhish For more Yukon Jack recipes write: MORE YUKON JACK RECIPES. Box 2710, Postal Station ‘If,” Toronto. Ontario MBZ 5Pl. ’
A little dap’V
do yiz &a
jheHeiz&ixj~zS~ti by Nathan Rudyk : Imprint staff Dibby dibby dibby dap, bap dap dee dop. That’s scat, and if you missed Jon Hendricks and Company last Tuesday at the Humanities Theatre, you/ missed some of the best jazz vocalese - scat being part of it - to be heard in the world. Jon Hendricks was part of the famous trio of Lambert, Hendricks and Ross (LH and R) in the fifties, one of the best vocal jazz groups. in its time and the first to use the principle of multitracking on a vocal recording. ,LH and R made its name singing arrangements and instrumental solos played in the Count Basie band. Hendricks wrote lyrics to the instrumental Basie material - giving the master’s music a new realm and-a giving LH and R international fame. Unfortunately, LH and R ended in ‘64, and Hendricks floundered for a time, trying to replace the sound of his two ex-colleagues. He didn’t hit on
the right combination until he music. The vocal interpretformed Jon Hendricks and ations of the immortal instruCompany, a group consisting mental solos ‘are a bit unof his wife Judith, daughter settling for the hardcore jazz Michele, Bob Gurland, and a fan, but original soloists are quickly forgotten as the exhilrhythm section of bass drums larating excellence of the and piano (varying personvocalists take over. el). In one case, the experience The new group has garnered praise enough to rival the was more than exhilarating; it legendary LH and R. They was startling. Bob Gurling, who usually takes the tenor won an ‘82 Grammy nomin-’ part in the vocal quartet, also ation for Best Jazz Vocal Perdoes this . . . thing with his formance as well as a runnerup spot on the Best Vocal voice. Gurling can create Group chart in the ‘82 reader’s with the flesh and sinew God poll for Downbeat, America’s ,gave him - a sound not top jazz publication. resembling, but exactly like. a trumpet. It was eerie to hear Tuesday night saw the group slightly changed (Henbrass emanate from skin. You dricks’ daughter Michele has had to be there. left to be replaced by StephThe only aspect of the anie Nakasian), but still able to Tuesday night performance grab Grammies from the best that was not amazing was the of them. sick sounding audio system in the HUM; it was dull, one of (on the left) Basie’s Jumpin’ At the the speakers buzzed and it did absolutely Woodside and ‘Duke Ellingnothing for the art on stage. ton’s Royal Garden Blues management should brought the audience close to HUM insist performers bring their the true spirit of jazz as the own sound, or get a new four front-line crooners system, fast. created their mesn ierizing
L.et’s Active: by-Tim Perlich Imprint staff Let’s Active
Afoot (6 song mini-LP) A&M/IRS \
Little did a young Mitch Easter know that by taping
The Man
theme music from his television set in the mid-sixties he was sowing the seeds of an extremely prolific recording/ production career. It was at his Winston-Salem North Carolina- high school that he met Chris Stamey who shared a similar interest in recording. The duo soon after formed the short-lived N.C. sensation, The Sneakers. Together they slowly learned the techiques of two and four track recording by trial and error experimentation. In 1976 they released the Sneakers’ first record, a 7-inch EP entirely self-produced in which sitars, toy pianos, and sleigh bells were included in the arrangements. As the recordings became successively more involved, Easter became adept at playing saxophone, flute, steel guitar, and drums to avoid hiring outside musicians. When Stamey left to form the dB’s (who just recently split up), Mitch Easter - not being one to sit around idly went to work building a recording studio in his garage which he appropriately named “The Drive-In”. Since its -he’s produced \ completion records by a seemingly endless list of groups including Pylon, Bongos, R.E.M., The Individuals, Beat Rodeo, The Right Profile, Pressure Boys, and most recently his own new group, Let’s Active.
Good pdp ‘\
Let’s Active’s initial release is the six song mini-LP Afoot featuring Easter-on lead vocals and guitars, ex-Cosmopolitans Faye Hunter on bass and Sara Romweber on drums. Since the record was issued a fourth member, Lynn Blakey has been added to the line-up to play guitar and keyboards.
Afoot bristles with squeaky clean songs played with a heartfelt albeit controlled enthusiasm. Nothing more, nothing less. Let’s Active make their Canadian debut tonight at Bingeman Park opening for Echo and the Bunnymen.
Afoot is packed from start to finish with the very same high energy pop that bubbled out of the dB’s records. The songs bear all the hallmarks of the classic pop formula perfected by the likes of sixties bands such as The Beatles and Beach Boys. The melodies are strong and the hooks are numerous, continually building layer upon layer /as the song progresses. Guitar solos are never overplayed, emerging sometimes unexpectedly as is the case inEvery WordMean_s No. Here Easter twangs effortlessly away alongside the shimmer of a tamborine and accented by an intermittent harmony. Musically, one , of the album’s most effective offerings is Make Up With Me which incorporates the characteristic jangles and twangs of two differeng guitars dubbed over-top of one another and a walking bass line, click-clacking drums topped with breezy backing vocals. Although Easter’s heavily nasal singing style getsa touch abrasive at times, the smooth, well-planned harmonies compensate sufficiently to carry his lightweight lyrics. True, the lyrics aren’t moving or necessarily important but what do you want from pop anyway?
Level 21:
‘84 at eTofA
For those of you who have/ not Cash is a Toronto-based independent traversed the PAC lately and heard the choreographer and the .recipient of a throbbing drums and piano melodies Canada Council grant that has allowed competing with the grunts from the her to develop her work on a full--time weight-room, the U of W dance .basis. West Coast dance will be represented programme is alive and well, preparing for its annual show - Danceworks ‘84 - this by the work of Gisa Cole, a freelance Sunday, March 25th, in the Humanities choreographer and former artistic director of the Prism Dance Theatre in Theatre. Vancouver. Ms. Cole recently spent a As well as student and faculty works the performance will feature the creations ’ week in residence at U of W during which of three guest choreographers. Some much time was spent rehearsing two of her choreographic worksthat will be part may recognize the, distinctive choreoof the show. graphy of Gabby Miceli, a former U of W Dance faculty member, who has been Dbnceworks ‘84 is receiving a financial commissioned to create a piece. assist from the Federation of Students’ Susan Cash has returned for a second Creative Arts Board: Ticket prices are year to set one of her pieces for the $3.00 for Students/Seniorsand$4.OOfor the general public.. Don’t miss it! s advanced students in the programme. .
Sines and Storm /
oasis s.- t
money. ” -1‘0 stay alive, Vital Sinesoperatesa small 4-track studio by Scott Wicken and engineers local Toronto talent. Hopefully, we’ll see Vital ’ imprint staff Level 21, the newest nightclub in K-W, was the host of the Sines back in the area and see them achieve some s’uccess. CKMS and Arts Student Union double bash on March 14. Two L Sturm Group was the next band on the agenda, Only a young fine bands, Vital Sines and Sturm Group, performed for an group (initiated in December of 1982), they have come a long way. Material available from the band consists of a tape and a enthusiastic crowd and provided an oasis of entertainment: self-titled album; both self-produced and self-financed. They, Both bands are similar in their style of music, falling under the label of “primitive music”: Other bands in this category are prefer to be known on a first name basis - Bill on vocals,Tod on Kinetic Ideals, Rent Boys Inc., and Sheep Look Up. This music is guitar, Walter on bass, Hugo on drums and Brat playing various percussion completes the line-up. characterized by intricate drumming, heavy complex bass and Brat, formerly of the Toronto-but-now-English-based Rent wailing vocals. It creates an atmospheric mood that permits a full Boys Inc. provided a stunning show. His instruments consisted range of musical expression. of everything including the kitchen sink and his antics included dancing with the audience, bantering with the crowd, reciting Vital Sines was the first on the bill, but were in no way inferior poetry and handing the microphone over to members of the / to Sturm Group. Both bands have- released albums and both audience. have a large following, thus their order of appearance was The band didn’t follow a rigid pattern of performance and soon insignificant. Featuring vocalist Rick Winkle, guitarist Gordie Wilson, formed a unique relationship with the audience. During the course of the evening members of Vital Sines joined Sturm bassist Terry Michaels, and drummer Glen Milchem, Vital Sines Group on the stage; the collaboration provided an incredible inspired the audience to dance. four-man rhythm section. Milchem is an integral part of the band, providing a beat that is Although plagued with technical difficulties, Sturm Gro,up complex and irresistable, and Winkle didn’t permit the band to simply become background music to drink beer to. His dancing retained the attention of their audience and*proved their talent. Sturm Group finds their album is played more on campus and intense vocal style provided the central visual/focus for the radio stations, such as CKMS, rather than on the established band’s performance. commercial stations. They too are working on a video and a CFNY has picked up on the band and is presently playing their summer EP. I find it very hard to believe that this bandis less than EP, Collage, once or twice a day. CKLN, from Ryerson, is two years old. supportive and even the monolithic CBC has played them. They The concert itself may not have been a great success in have a large following and informed me that they have a chance monetary terms, but this was probably due to a lack of of recognition from the U-Know awards. , advertising, the time of the <week (Wednesday) and the close Plans for the future include a video, another record and participation in a tour from Toronto booking agency CIA, which proximity to other concerts such as UB40 and Echo and the Bunnymen. will also feature Tulpa and Parts Found at Sea. Since its opening at the beginning of this year, Level 21 has Like most new bands,,they are working on borrowed money consistently brought good Canadian content into the K-W area. and are searching for a break in the market. They are aggressive They boast to be, “K-W’s No. 1 nightspot” and I can’t find much but don’t want to sell out and become a pop band. Their motto is, of a case for argument. Visit soon, it’s an experience. “This week we’re working on eating, next week we’ll earn some t
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Blair goes out bcf‘orc rain storm. and he takes car-e oft hc books. . Fi\ c N ill t1aL.ean cncloscd truck. Pr-o\crbiall~~ what to do it‘~ou are first to be ~~nsucccssf‘ul. (2 words) Makes bcttcr prefects, perhaps. I-ots uill PO up to get identification that’:; dull.
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self titled debut album. Their first single. also called Tel/k Talk. was one of those songs Talk Talk you couldn’t avoid if you sat in It’s ML’ l-f/P the Bombshelter for mre than EMI an hour. With Ht’s My Life, their new LP, the band is t ryiny Olle Of !hF IllG5t I~~~~~tlV~ ~‘ery hard to expand on the aspects of AOR bands like sound of their first album. It’s My Life is more Journey, Foreigner, OI- Asia is and more ditheir total anonymity; they all adventurous verse with lyrics, melodies and represent very minor vari ations on a well-worn sound rhythms. It reportedly took an without adding anything sufunusually long time to record. There are, in fact, several ficiently distinct or original. interesting moments on this lJnfortunately, many postpunk, synthesizer-dominated record: some slow, moody dance bands suffer from the - pieces (Renee and Does same problem. Talk Talk is Caroline K~~ouJ) and some effective instrumentation one of these. trumpet (Renee), acoustic This band scored a sizeable guitar (Such a Shan?e), sax hit two years ago with their
(Tomorrow Sturfed), and acoustic piano (Co//117 TheNi&t Boy). All sprinkled on top of layers of washing synthesizer background, of course. In a typically unsuccessful search for atmosphere, Talk Talk have decided to use reverb and echo, particularly with the vocals, at every possible opportunity. Some of these songs sound as if they were recorded in a cathedral. But it all sounds very nice and glossy and expertly produced (these days, what album doesn’t?). Basically, It’s My Life is just another collection of pretty, danceable pop tunes, a couple of which will no doubt be popular at the
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ban dance clubs for a month or two. All the standard “new wave” vliches are here: arch, tortured vocalsandobligatory bows to David Bowie and Bryan Ferry (It’s Ivl_v i-!ie, in particular, sounds at times like an outtake from Avalon), colourful abstract lyrics which stress sounding good over content, prominent bass guitar, and a drum sound which sounds electronic even when it isn’t. Anything else on It’s My Life is no more than just icing on the cake, and Talk Talk simply do not have the musical personality to make any of the formula material on this record.sound fresh or exciting.
Ilungarian folk show in Centre in the Square The new and spectacular Hungarian State Folk Ensemble brings its country’s glorious culture to North America in an unforgettable spectacle at Kitchener’s Centre in the Square on Thursday, March 29th at 8:00 p.m. The Hungarian State Folk Ensemble, which was founded to revive and preserve Hungarian folk traditions, is under the artistic direction of Sandor Timar, a world-renowned exponent of Hungarian folk art. It is his difficult task to pick Hungary’s best 100 dancers, singers and musicians from the many hundreds of eager applicants to the ensemble. The members of theensemble function closely within the spirit of Timar’s artistic philosophy which holds that folk dance, music and song must be presented in a way so that authentic folklore is not lost in the process of transformation from village to stage, and that it must also appeal to the intellect,lal and the‘aesthetic taste of the audience.
This is the second last issue of Imprint for this term. I’m glad to know, and I thought ybu would be to.
The Clash coming by Nathan Rudyk Imprint staff In what is probably the biggest entertainment coup in the history of the Federation of Students, BENT hasannounced the coming of The Clash, Friday, May 4, 1984. Chuck Williams, chairman of the Feds’ Board of Entertainment, broached the news to the first meeting of the new Fed council Wednesday night. Williams revealed that the grand event will take place in the Physical Activities Complex (PAC). 4,000 tickets will be ‘ available. “We’re letting the neti 5 out Immedl~~tely so we won’t be accused of selllny ticl.l- I-, before the ‘offic:idl’ announcement ,” said Willlams, reterrlny to accusations that Fedinsiders had first grab at tickets for the UB40 concert March 9th. Williams indicated that the tickets will be on sale in the Fed office by Monday. Students wanting more information on how to
pure hase tickets are advised to phone the Fed informatibn line, 886-FEDS. The Clash has had some personnel changes recently. Last year Joe Strummer was given the boot by now lead singer, Mick Taylor. Strummer still appears in England with a band he calls “The Clash”, but the band recognized by most fans and record company execs is still led by Taylor. The Taylor Clash has so far garnered favourable reviews from the music press in L.A. (where the band started a North American tour). Credit for the Clash coup must be given to BENT programmer Gary Stewart. Stewart, a full time staff member of the Federation since 1981, has been responsible for bringing Joe Jackson, Modern English, The Spoons, and The Parachute Club - among others -- to the previously barren UW music scene. With the Clash credit, he deserves a Fed pension sornething for the new council to consider.
Quality Guaranteed Used LP’s Bought & Sold Up to $2.50 paid for Single LP. More for Doubles, Collectibles, and Imports
pet EDGE 0
and hundreds
i 3= II II =
charts climb the wails.
manager, the man in charge of the musical food that fills student platters ail otrer Waterloo. J.J. hisstore . strives tostock . with produce that 1s In tune with student diets. “The average university student is poorer than the normal buying public,” says J.J. “This is why deletes (albums that don’t sell well in other venues) are a big seller at the store. If you want to buy an album, it’s always smari tocheck thedeietesfirst since many albums are sold at two different prices. The deletes are cheaper.” The type of music sold at the store is generally progressive. “University people are ready for new stuff. . . “new sounds,” says J.J. He cites as an example Big Country’s debut album which sold briskly in the store months _before it received any consistent airpiay on AM or FM radio. There is a different top ten at The Record Store because of the progressive tastes of its clientele. Albums by bands such as Jah Wobble, Hunters and Collectors and The The make the sales, and then the chart.
The immortal hangover.
J.J. demonstrates
he does know which end of the magazine Imprint
Prices !(.)r students are low due> 10 ,i one dollar Fed disc.c)ullt , uut even non-studepots t~n(i i he prices compet.. Ih\lt~. 1 hp hours are from 9:30 to 12 ,{O tind 2:00 to ‘5:00 on MoII~~~L~, Tuesdays, Thursdays :>llcl /-I tdays. Wednesday is shc;l)l~::!Y~ day for J.J. in Torontil ‘21t1m~n he visits four to
five warehouses to stock his store. For a true record buying experience, visit The Record Store in the Lower Mail of the Campus Centre. It’s cheap, local and funky. Say hi to J.J. too, he’s the bigguy(6ft.6in.!) behind the cash register. He’s local and funky, but he’s not cheap.
Top Ten Albums For the uwek- ending March 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
16, 1984
Thompson Twins Into the Gap Nena - 99 Lu! t t~,!lloll\ Echo and the Bunnymen - The Killing Moon, China Crisis - U’c)l l<lIlg with Fire and Steel Alan Parsons - Ammc~nia Avenue Thomas Dolby T‘ht) Fiat Earth Platinum Blonde St.lllding in the Dark Huey Lewis and the News - Sports Soundtrack - Ag,t111sl All Odds Scorpions - Lovt~ c>t FINst Sting
Just Arrived
12 in. EP
- New Releases:
The record store is also Gene Loves Jezebel - Bruises heavily involved in the promo2. Mannheim Steamroller - Fresh Aire V tion of new music. They have 3. Nash the Slash 1984 - Radio Version B/W 1984 Dance Version poster displays, supply Imprint with records to review Based on last week’s sales at The Record Store and hold ticket raffles for local concerts. -They prefer to * promote new talent whenever possible. J.J. comments that most record stores don’t actively promote these bands. Services offered at the Record Store include the sale of records and cassettes ranging fr6fi hardcore punk to middle of the road. Import (and delete) albums, music magazines from Britain, Canada and the U.S., and record cleaning supplies round out the line of products sold.
Men and Women’s Hairstyling Women $7.50 Men $7.00 Complete with Blow Dry Hours: Tues. - Fri. 8:30 am - 6:00 pm Saturday X:00 am - 3:30 pm
ENERGY DYNAMICS 265 King St. E. Unit 186 Kitchener, Ontario NZG - 4N4 e
is “up”, by Mark
despite his Lussier
28 University Ave. E. (across Church’s Chicken) Waterloo 886-2060
Deep in the depths of the Campus Centre, modern music sounds breathe life into the stifling air four days per week. If you follow the music it will lead to a room where reams of
-~~~ ~
by Scott Wicken Imprint staff
the ceiling
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2 w
Th.e R ecord S tore:
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Room: Available At No Cost For Private Parties
1 : Y
Z -
A book on word process&g
available to help thewriter
by John W. Bast Imprint staff Andrew
Fluegelman and Jeremy Joan Hewes Writing in the Computer Age: Word Processing Skills and Style for Every Writer Doubleday, 1983
Writing in the Computer Age: Word Processing Skills and Style for Every Writer is not a “must read” unless you are insecure. Me, I’m insecure. I like to read a book that confirms my findings; alternatively, I like to read a book that will tell me how to do something better. The former only m&es me feel more smug; in the latter case, I trust my subconscious to inform me, at a later date, that the ideas the book gave me were mine all the time; the book’s only role was to make them emerge. What this book wants to do is to tell professional writers about the joys of word processing. It wants to tell those writers about why the authors find word processing superior to the typewriter, what work habits they developed in operating their systems, and in general, why they like it. (Thea&hors probably want to make a bit of cash, too.) What they believe is this: The written word is caught in the grip of a revolution that will surely change the writing arts as dramatically as did the invention of movable type Qore than five hundred years ago. If you are one of the thousands of people who write on a word processor, you’ve undoubtedly discovered the new ease with which you can record your thoughts quickly, revise your text easily, produce printed copy on demand, and streamline your research and filing. If you’re a writer for whom word processing still seems a tangle of hardware, software, and jargon, you’ll probably be thrust into the word processing era much sooner than you expect. Otherwise, you may soon find yourself working with the technological equivalent of a stone tablet.
fingers is another question, and one that no computer will be able to solve.) One really good thing about this book is, it doesn’t proselytize. The writers seem to believe that the machinery they’re flogging can sell itself, if only people know what the machine can do (they’re right). The book is divided into two parts, called Skills and Style. The first talks about what you have to learn to run a word processing system; the second, how your life will change when you’re running it, with some helpful hintsfromfolks who’ve been there, as to what problems might arise and how to avoid or deal with them.
I liked this book, but I’m prejudiced. I’m one of the people it was written for. It was great to read from this point of view: I’m a guy who fancies himself a writer (history, or future paycheques will tell the tale) and a computer afficianado to boot. I’ve come across a word processing setup I’ve fallen in love with. (I think love is the right word: it’s something youdoalone while staring at a screen where (usually) good things are happening. If that’s not love, a hundred thousand lonely guys out there are dead wrong . . .). OK, it’s not love. It’s in the same ballpark, though: it’s a better way to get the words on my fingers onto the paper and that is something to be treasured. (From the brain to the
8. Campus Tapes 10 for Hundreds
- Maxell $40.95 of Albums
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The following is probably an advantage: the book is nontechnical to the extreme, and tireless (and to a degree, laborious) in explaining the inevtiable technical terms that do creep in. (If I am told that DOS stands for Disk Operating System one more time -.) It explains processes like Reorder, Insert, and Delete in the same detail (honest, I thought such things were obvious from their names!) which can get a little wearying. On the other hand, if you are looking for something fairly specific, the book is very well organized and uses many subheads so it is easy to skip parts that don’t seem relevant and find exactly the section you&e interested in. Thus, this book is useful to the experienced operator, and the novice who doesn’t know a byte from a biscuit. There are 15 chapters in this book: this is one of them,as read from the Index: Fine Tuning: Editing and Polishing Your Work; Screen Versus Hard-Copy Editing/The Basic Character Edit/The Basic Word Edit/Insert Mode/Reforming/Deleting/ Moving the Cursor/Searching and Replacing/Moving and Copying/Saving/Proofreading/A Fail-Safe Routine/Perfection. How’s that for detail? How’s that for being able to find something in the book quickly and easily? In addition to good organization, the writing - style of this book is lively and entertaining. It is obvious that the authors are more writers than computer people. On the other hand, I’m not surprised I’ve never heard of either of them. In the “About the Authors” section at the backof the book, Fluegelmaniscredited with editing The New Games Book, How toblake andSell Your Own Record and A Traveller’s Guide to El Dorado and thelnca Empire. Hewes is author of Worksteads: Living and Working in the Same Place, Redwoods: The World’s Largest Trees and Build Your Own Playground. One can perhaps theorize from these titles that the authors of this book not only do in fact make their living from their writing, but love their word processing systems not so much because of the power over words it gives them, but because they ai least have found something interesting in their lives (Redwoods, indeed!). Regardless of their past writing, the authors go a long way towards provieg that computers are a lot more than gameplayers or number-crunchers; that writers who have not experimented with word processing programs should; and that it is possible to write -a comprehensive manual on word processing without once referring to a specific word processing machine or program, and the result can be both comprehensive and readable. If you’re an experienced operator, or a novice, this book contains a lot of information, some of which you will find useful. It is quite costly though - about $18.00 - so I would recommend leafing through it first. After having read it, I’m sorry I spent so much on it, but I’m glad to have it around.
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