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Imprint Friday, March 30,1984; Vol. 6, No. 34; UW's Student Newspaper; Waterloo, Ontario



- Fri., March

9 Iv B#WL ..

S&turdays I 130 pm - 2 &I late -


Music Videos in Our Lounge I . Mtiic td be Played Over the Microphone Free Games ,and LP’s to be’ Won , 7 Red .Head Pi&trike - 1 FE Game

Gold H;ead Pin Strike -

f .


,Bnmswick Frederick Plaza imes 385 Frederick Kitchw

PEERS Centreisopen*from 10to 2 p.m., Mon. to Thurs.; 12 to 2 p.m., >Fri. We are a listening and refer,rat service in CC 221. _ .” Birth Control Centre: trained volunteers and referral service. Nonljudgemental . . . advocate responsible sexuality. CC 206, ext. 2306.

St. -


Music! Come Ii&r. to the Fjlusic DeDt.‘s Earlv Music ‘Erisemble at“ the-CC 12130today!-. 1









to see at Work






UW- House

Seethe,disphy .in the’front


e: L$lO.OOGift Certificate ze: The Jar of Jells Beans No Purchase Necessaq South Campus Hall!

April Oi








Morbey. Ministry

Fellowship St. Paul’s College‘. 6 p.m. People! Are you open-minded, friendly and free on Wed. nites? Why not “zap on down” to the GLLOW (Gay’ an4 Lesbian Liberatiq of Watei+) coffeehouse where you’can meet fellow peers who share a common interest. ‘Rise up! Rise up! 8 p.m., CC



Gratis: A L&y at the Races and A Night at the Opera. 8 p m CC G rest Hai1. * ” Cinema

. -Thu.,Apri& E#Vl$use .




with Chaplain Graham 4:30 p.m., HH 334.

2 -

out a join a great debate or just Ii&en. Noexperience necessary. 5 p.m.; St. Jerome% rm. 229. ,:.


Clinic,’ 2 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 317 Franklin St. N., Kitchener. Quota: 325 donors. _

@I-?4 lzTuriIBEIc OF:


of Holy Communion.at

10 p.m. around th’b altar of Keffer Chapel at WLU, Albert St. and Seagram. Fellowship continues at the home of Chaplain Paul Bosch, 157 Albert St.


Band Concert



- Wed., April Service

exhibition a juried from the University of Regina. UW Arts Centre Gallery, Modern i.+nguages, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Last

on: with PtX?S~On and Heather, 7 p.m., in HH 373. Students $2, others $2.50. Elections for 84/85 Executive to follow. Theatresports-

and viewing of opera periormantes. 7 p.m., Conrad GC.

Sun. Morning Praise and warshio service at the Maranat ha Christian Centre. Pastor Calvin Weber, 884-2850 for more info. (2gsYoung St. w-)

Kayaking - last chance this featuring term; 4-6 in PAC pool. Try it, you Concert Band, directed by might like it. For more info, call George Holmes and Stage Band, j Mike 886-1963. ASEAN Members: please come directed bv William Janzen. . out and join the fun every Friday in Sponsored gy CCC Music De&. Service of Holy Communion at the PAC building at 7:30 p.m. For’ and the -Creative Arts Board. I1 a.m. in Keffer Chanel at WLU, more info, call Mel at 888-6278: Admission $4/$2. Albert and !%&&.‘A clowning , . interDretation of Jesus’ parable of See Yourself at the Mug, CC 110 the r&h man and Lazarus will be from&30 to 11:30. live music and - Sm.‘APdl Ipresented Sponsored by friendly atinosphere. Sponsored Lutheran Cdmpus Ministry. by WCF. Corn will be popping for the conservation film fest at the. s, pring Choy? 1 Concert Uw’s Asian, African and Lat. I-ta, =, ,--I5, rwfi,t ~~~4~~ . -.~napet -1 CC;R N~+..~~ s.cILUIc LICI‘IIC) , ,. reaturmg choir, directed Amqican Studies Group (AALfrom 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. by Leonard Enns and University AC5) presents, “The University’s ChGir,, directed by William H role in . International DevelopReformed @$mevicai Campus Jaq?en. Sponsored >by CGC mz,nt” by ._Andre ; Gringras,, : Wor&@ Sf$oice - HH 280; 10~301.. Music Dept.andtheCreativeAi-fs . Direc;tor Generalof the Institution’ a.in. ; E3oakd.,$4/$2: 8 p.m., Theatre of of Co-operation and Developthe Arts. Sunday Service - worship and menu. - - - A3e‘ p rvices Division (CIDA). praise every _ Sunday at / - IJ-..I~- morning Tha film *‘The iion, the Witch, m .m= sm.-m= Crumhorns plus r--~--I..1, - :.Icr P-II--~ e:Lur urr 3 plus II d.m. 111 me 3L. rdul s tutregi ’ and theu lardrobe” will’ be shown percussion equals Renaissance Chapel. . z In IWO parts on two consecutive Sunday evenings, April 1and April _____--------i- ----8,8:30 p.m., in Crest Hall, Conrad . AI-‘2nd - 18th -GC. Spot&red by WCF. _-1, 1) *L Weight room reserved ti’;nes (6:30 to 8:30) for clinics. PAC.

1 Free LP

J&n in the Fun!

28 -


3:30 CC. ’

of Debates, exchange,

“40 King Street


‘ 10 to

South, Upper”

show including creations of artists who have worked out of studios at (40 King St, S., Waterloo, Informal %es., II April 3 - , opening at 8 p.m.. which’ will presenKW Tc Dastmistress Club include- a con&-mime meeting. ’ Develop communic- Itation by artist Jeff Beckner. ation and leadership skills. 1st and Show is Mon-Fri,t9-4 p.m., Sun. 2A,.. AC 5 p.m. UW Aits Centre Gallerv. ---th 7, .-a 3rd Tues”ay UI IWIIL~~. ay.LLL.,m Mddern Languages. Albert McCormick Arena-, Parkside Dr., Waterloo. For more info, call 893-4756. L


- Fri., April


Club meets for discussion


Sale sponsored by Canadian Federation of University Women, KW, starts at noon until 9 p.m., and tomorrow, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. First United Church, Hilliard Hall, King and William !Sts., Waterloo. Proceeds go to scholarships and community projects. Used


SubsGiptions -We would like ‘to thank the follo Iwing people and orgtinizations for their involvement in the 6th annual Mathematics Graduation Ball held March__ 24th, 1984 at the Transylvania club: Dr. D. T. Wrigh$ Dr. J. A. George I \ Dr. Ken Fryer Dr. Ian McGee t Tom Allison Anne Kristenseri ., Paul Cappon Sheila Morrison Suzanne Langdon and Ragnar Paulson and \. _ + Carlene Huizinga John Moakler \ Marg Anderson I Karen Ortlieb -Bonnie Weiner ’ Lorne Brown \ - Lance Johnston Dan Morrison 1 Steve Bright ’ Ken Jacques . Steve Wolfe ’ Kevin Malseed Shoushan Keoshkerian Mary Jane Waugh Mike Fleming Kelly Masterson + Math Society (fall and winter councils) Marianne Lanq and’all the Transylvania Club staff Collins House>f Formals Schnarr Florist . X% Toronto Harbour .



: :




, Ryder YRents

: ,a :


Extr,a special thanks go to: Anne Kristensen Lorne Brown , Karen -0rtlieb Kevin Malseed Marianne Lang ’ and to &the people who attended! Stephen Maulsby RossRobertson * ’ Chairmen, Mathematics Graduation Ball Committee,




: : .

: :


::/ ’ Take advantage now of a limited time offer! :: :: :.:

!: :: :: :m :: :

llo% * ’

Student ,



Subscriptions to Imprint for the-summer term will cost $3.50, cash, delivered to CC room 140.




Callfor reservattkgw :. *. 88fi-2641 i f -WateiIoo ._ 745-5641 or 894~1512!. f Kitcherier




Fed Hall: & roof




Imprint. Friday, March 30,1984




Four ivalls

I by September;

ready by November by Linda McCord Imprint staff The Federation of Students’ Hall is now under construction. The turnihg of the boil by Tom Allison andDr. Doug Wright on Tuesda!,, March 13th marked the beginning of construction for the Hall. \\hich is located near Village 1. An! chronic cjrinkers arc adc,ised toappllrto \‘illage 1.for housing. as the stumble home will be short and safe. At the moment bulldoling has begun and trees art‘ being transplanted frorri the site. Despite the obk ious ho,le decqloping in the campus many students are not aware of the location for their new Hall. Of a few students ~1ho \\cre asked. onI>. one knew exactl) where it w,ould be located. Many students do know that it will be ‘up near the Villages somewhere’. but few students. besides the Villagers. hat.e actually seen the site. It is located offcolumbia St.. northwest of ,( Village 1. near the Uni\,ersity Club.



Federation President Tom Allison’s interest in Federation Hall has not dropped now that the planning stages are over. Allis06 expects the building to be-in the’shell’stage by August so returning students should see four wallsand a roof by September. In August a full-time manager will be hired to help with the interior details and eventually arrange further staffing. Tom Allison still believes that Federation Hall will be finished and ready to operate by No>cmber 1984. \ UnfortunateI>.. some University of Waterloo students have their own opinions on this issue. and they don’t have such faith. Of a few students questioned, most felt that since the planning of,the Hall we’nt through so many changes and delays, the Hall will not be finished on time. . Despite this negative attitude, however, everyone is looking forward to the official opening 6f the Federation,of Students’ Hall.

.. ..; ~~5 Fed Mall planting

has been done, so the building should start to grow soon. ’ Imprint photo


by Brian Olivkr I-

MP hot

afrtzid ofsOvey

by Cayl Davies Imprint staff Waterloo’s Progressive Conservative Member of Parliament, Walter McLean. spoke to between 20 and 30 students this past Monda!. afternoijn. He gave his views on the current university situation and some thoughts on theupcoming Liberal leadership convention. McLean said uni\,ersities are curre-ntly concerned with the rising cost of tuition. faculty layoffs, and the misuse of funds. Me said that o\,erall there is an “unhappv climate” in Ontario universities today. McLean also made reference to the Bovey Commission. A concern of both faculty and students is that one of the recommendations bf the commission will be to move towards the speciaiization of universities -esta,blishingcentres ofexcellence at the expense of certain faculties. McLean does-not think it is likely that this will be one of the recqmmendations. He does like the ideaoftheestablishment ofa University of Ontario. McLean feels a central governing body‘ Walter McLean, Waterloo MP, says a few words. . could help cut administrative costs. Imprint photo by Brian Oliver McLean sees the issue as being a three-part problem. For the’ problem to be solved-he feels the-universities and the federal and by filling his camp with members of Trudeau’s cabinet. McLean provincial governments must find a solution suitable to all three feels the people of Canada want a change, not the, same parties. McLean has a research team examin’ing the state of government with a new figurehead. Ontario’s universities. I McLean says he expects anelection to be called soon after the The question of differential fees for graduate students was also Pope’s visit. This will give the new Prime Minister time to establish himself in the public eye. raised. McLean feels it isabsolutely wrongand short-sighted. He When asked who would be the best Lib&al leader for the ‘advisedisgraduate students to write to national PC leader Brian Conservatives to run against, McLean replied that his party was Mulroney or PC MP Michael Wilson to request that they review the economic side of the issue. ready for either Mr. Turner or Mr. Chretien. Turning to the Liberal leadership race. McLean gave a Waker McLean wil‘l be seekingdre-election in the next federal ele.ction. warning to John Turner. He said Turner coufd hurt his chances

Students -win awards for services Lperformed

by George Elliott Clarke Imprint staff , Several Uv’ students were honored at the Third Annual Student Leadel ship Appreciation Banquet, held on March 19th by the Federation of Students and the Waterloo - Christian Fellovship.

president Tom Allison. featured an address by Dr.-Ron Eydt. UW’s Warden of Residences. Those students who received awards for their service to their faculties and the whole university community were Nathan Rudyk and Monica Bennett (Arts), Frank Gere,nc-.

ser (Engineering), Linda Cauchy (Env. Studies). Gayle Go,odfellow ( H K LS). Kelly (Mathematics), Masterson and -Wayne Dawe (Science).

Other students who were honoured were’ Rob MacLaren, David Roebuck. and grad student William Hal-


I Ernlc LappIn. 101mer Director of Physical Plant and Planning Operations, was made an Honourary Member of the Federation.

--c’ Fed , paper u-




to decide:

by Cameron Anderson For the time being, Waterloo Council has chosen‘not to decide on the propriety of U.S.A. Today newspaper boxes on Waterloo streets. The question of their status was raised by Waterloo resident and Campus Centre worker, Barb Saunders: Speaking before Council. Saunders asked that the boxes







I \


-- /by Ricardo Scipio j Imprint staff ’ , Tom Allison, president of the Federation of Students, wapd to start another campus newspap-er L one that would be entirely funded by the Federation of Students. The reasons cited were these:, Allison feels that the Federation is not receiving thecoverage it would like tosee of the events that it sponsors. He feels that coverage of the Federation has been far too infrequent and far too inaccurateAllison has, as well, expressed his discontent over the internal staff conflicts on imprint. He has also express&d a desire to see a more “professional” newspaper oncatipus. And finally, Allison feels that having Imprint ‘as an editorially independent service of the Federation of Students would make the newspaper that--much more. accountable to the students of the university. Five weeks ago, Don Button resigned as Imprint3 editor.Three weeks later in election was held to elect a new editor. On March 17th. George Elliott Clarke was elected as Imprint’s new editor. Almost immediately after the election, C1ar.k.e and Allison met to discuss the Imprint’s relationship with the Federation of Students. In this discussion, Allisdi made suggestions wl5ch he felt would improve Imprint’s relationship with the Federation of$tudents. Allison suggested having a weekly Federation column in Imprint, and also requested that he be granted a vote at Imprint staff meetings. He also suggested that Imprint contact out its accounting and bllsiness accounts to the Federation’s Business Manager. Allison’s suggestions were presented to Imprint staff on Monday,-and both the Board of Directors of lmprint and the Federation of Students are meeting this week to endeavour to resolve the situation.

U.S.A. Today

Ah, sprins at last! Nick Smith, 4th Year Man-Environment, takes in the sun. Imprint photo by Marcel


boxes ill&al?

be removed because ihey were “dumped” on the streets without first being listed through the City and because, in some cases, the boxes block free movement of people on City streets. If the boxes cannot be removed, Saunders suggested that their motto “The Nation’s Newspaper” b’e removed due its, it was‘ claimed. offensive

and misleading nature. Under Municipal Bylaw 6120, the City has the right to Y remove any. newspaper not listed wi-th it, such as U.S.A. Today, or any newspaper found in places or numbers not approved of by Council. A delay of a month before acting was decided upon by the members, as the bylaw is now under review.

_of your choic’ 1 ,

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plan their.-profession .


reciprocal relationship between planners and citizens. He emphasized that in order for “co-production” to work, responsibility must be taken “seriously”. The morning session which followed the keynote address was Waterloo planning students held their one-day professional titled, “Delusion of Grandeur: Is Planning School relevant?” conference on March 9th, and were joined for the first time by the Gary Davidson, a-Huron Cqunty Planning Director, did not University of Guelph’s Rural Planning and Development ’ / clearly answer the question as to whether planning school is students. relevant. He did, however, discuss the difference between “Perspectives on Planning Education” was the title for the planning practice and theory. He mentioned that the two operate event held in the great hall of Conrad GrebeJ College. in different realities. Keynote speaker Lawrence Susskind, from the Massachusetts He said that schools must continue to teach theoryasopposed Institute of Technology, delivered a dynamic speech under the to teaching practice because theory iseasierto learnand observe. title, “When Planning Succeeds and When Planning Fails: What Joseph Curtain, renowned Toronto planner, took the podium Needs to be Unlearned and Relearned”. -after Davidson and talked about the future of planning. According to Susskind, planning at the present time is failing He said that planners are telling the world they are nobodies, more than it is succeeding. This failure can be attributed to a but actually they are the “big brother”‘figures of the future. “schism” that’is dividing planners into two groups that “refuse to He also had good news for aspiring planners. He said that 80 recognize” each others’ validity. per cent of good planning jobs have not yet been filled. Jobs are Planners that are in politics are too “individualistic” and available from as small a scale as an urban setting to a global \ concerned only with their own“egotisticalgains”, Susskind said. \ setting. And planners that are in economics fail to see beyond the supp!y ? The topic of’the afternoon session was computers. Barry and demand graph, he charged. * Wellar ofthe University of Ottawa who talked about computers After discussing the ways in which planning fails, he discussed and planning theory. how planning can succeed. According to Susskind, planning Alan Mitchel, a Toronto planner, discussed practice. succeeds whenresource allocations are made jointly between the And also, an A/V presentatioin titled “Promethean Bind”, was shown. gublic and the planners,conflicting interests are reconciled in the The event was well-attended by students and professional social and political forum, and planners provide more choices for planners from all over Ontario. Heather Sadler, chairperson of the public or the client. the event, said she was pleased with the attendance and looked Susskind also proposed the idea of “co-production”. He said forward to next year. that this technique will provide an excellent ground for a by Rizaldd Imprint

Padilla. staff -

Nigt+ia’s , by Julie Smith Imprint siaff





pull on false nipple

for ctincer

sluclios limited 350 King Street West, Kitchener,

iol,l up his sleeves. After milking one pint of simulated. milk, he found his sleeves soaking wet. , Secofid up in,the:competition was Paul Schellenberg, chairman of the Combinatorics and Optimization Department.“He claimed to have a farming experience but that did not hel’j;‘him at all.’ He only milked .75 p&nt. Pat Robertson, head of University Services,. was over-enthusiastic i.n his efforts: he accidentally pulled out the simulated nipple. Robertson was disqualified from the competition. Vice-President o,f University Affairsof the Federation of Students, Mike Ferrabee, developed an innovative technique of switching hands. He milked 1.1 pints and took away the lead from Lennox. Bryce Carter, Chairman of the Cancer

Society, had to stand up on his toes to reach the simulated nipple. He complained that it was “too high”. Carter copied Fcrrabee’s tw,o-hand technique and milked thesameamount 1.1 pints. Last up was Jack Brown, the eventual winner of the competition. He milked 4.3 - pints, Brown discovered a technique of turning on the nipple like a faucet. The prize for the winner was milk and cookies. The losers received plastic milk containers. According to Ken Higginson,’ a I member of the UW Junior Farmers, the club chose to raise money for the Cancer Society because the Junmr Farmers Club confer.ence will be held in Thunder Bay; where Terry Fox had to end his “Marathon of H,ope” due to cancer. ’

NEE’DED URGENTLY - anyone witnessing the iricident in Parking Lot C, March 26 at 9:20 involving a,Blue Toyota Tercel at the at the entrance with the electricarm, pleasecall Joyce Stucco - 578-2848.

- Cohpatible with your Environment!

Dr. D avid Ngretiring Ret Dept. Chair, receives i3 plaque from Wayne Adlam, Ret sot president. Imprint photo by Alari Mqars



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by Riialdo Padilla , . Imprint ,staff The fir&t annual Celebrity Milking contest was held March 14th in the Great I Hall of the Campus Centre. It was held by 5 -the ‘UW Junior Farmers Club to raise money for the Cancer Society. ’ Club president, Doug McKay greeted everyone in the Great Hall with a nervous voice. After getting everyone’s attention, he introduced the six campus celebrities. Before the Celebrity Milking contest started, McKay briefly outlined the ’ simple rules of the contest. The objective wasto milk as much simulated milk from a ‘simulated cow in ninety seconds as possible. First up was Dean of Engineering W. C. Lennox. His’ lack of familiarity with ) milking was revealed’when he neglected to


by the African Students Association ‘(ASA). Gras briefly went over the history of Nigeria’s politics, but summarized it quicklyafterfindingthat most oftheaudience was well-informed about the situation. Gras sees Nigeria’s political problem as being somewhat of a vicious circle. He feels that the only way out of these mounting pressures is to hand power back to elected politicians. Once in power, however, he pointed out, civilians increasingly resort to bribery, patronage, and corruption. This poor government alienates the military and the cycle resumes. Besides the turbulent history of the country, Nigeria has other problems such as its almost total dependence on oil exports and the strong tribalism that exists between itsethnicgroups. Neither Gras nor his audience came up with any solutions for Nigeria’s bind. The group merely concluded that Nigeria has a unique problem and therefore it cannot look for a salution in the traditional political systems.

, Nigeria, a country of great complexities, will have to find a unique political format to solve its governmental problems, says Professor Gras of the University of Guelph, who has just returned from three and a half years in the country. These problems are, he says, a direct result of the country’s unsettled political history which includes colonialism and almost twenty years of military dictatorship. Nigeria has been in the news most recently for its military coup which deposed the existing democratic government. According to Gras, the people of Nigeria have surprisingly welcomed this takeover, hoping for an end to the “lacklustre, inept, insensitive, bloody-minded and corrupt leadership they have-seen under the democratic system”.‘ .. Nigeria and its problems were the focus of a meeting presented


First United Church - Waterloo Sponsored by K-W Canadian Federation of University Women Proceeds for ‘Scholarships and Community Service

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(r ‘.

. :




’ I -

jepMa& Hartwetl Systems Design ,Engineering : Personal experience. through my position as the previous manager of SCOOPS. has lead: ‘me to believe that Federation policy on theft has in fact given students a license to steal. The Im,print story by Stephen. Motluk about SCOOPS skirt@ the issue. The real issue is theft and how it is handled here at- Waterloo. Some weeks ago. a series df . library-book thefts wah announced. +Charges ape being laid against the student (a parttime University employee). One ye&r ago,_a series of tinexplaitied thefts from the till at SCOOPS occurred. Charges were not ---laid against. the ‘student (a paJ!-time Federation emplo@?&. There is a redson for i@$Tapparent discrepancy be&tieen the waj these two, incidents were hand, led. It $s important for the students on camp& to realire that theftsdo indeedtake place by seemingly honest studen& (as in the’ incident M(i.th the library). and that frsp-whom they steal has an influ&$‘&% the outcoqe. The policies of the Federation of Students and qf Security on theft are .diametricallydpposed. _

Is Theft Occurring - Ob Camp&? ’ AS stude& we should be learning both academic lessons and be exposed to the facts of life. dne tends to think of aQtud&ts as being honest. and: that we wiII*-noitO,:have to face &e,issue.sof theft and dishonc$y until- w$ get :oui- into t-be %eal ,world”. This iS a naive ‘_dutlook, and unfortunate& very untrue. There are indeed som,e very dishonest students b qut there (as the Case of .t he


to get off with a slap on the st&zn library books seems to pro-tecting the individual. but I wrist. -who is expected to pay fqr-the indicate). _ money lost thiough dishon-, In thi incident at K001’S. Huwis Theft - --_ eqty’? money disappeared froth the Handled by ,tili. and -it was only after .the ’ Is this loss of nioney importemployees realized they iould ant enough to prosecu@? The -‘Security? jT be caught that it ceased. Yei current Vice-President. operSecurity, on the other hand, who was at fault:’ Them for ations atid finance-elect who are not a group one would wish _ succumbing to temptation. tir was. contacted by the Imprint to tangle with, as seen by the me ,for providing them with regarding’ the SCOOPS inciincident with the library thefts. that opportunity? 1 When I dent did not jhink so. The ’ Security apprehended and did reduced the temptation. the . Imprint said. “’ . . . Wilson indeed a chaige a suspect. cash in the till began to tally. In added that he ’ personally I was told in 1983, again hoti many other locations on would not prosecute a person with regards to the SCOOPS campus do we trust the fora$32theftan/d thought thaz incident, that it is the policy of honegy of part-time employdismissal with a reprimand _ Security to press charges ee: implicitly? would cuffice . . .” against anystudent in cases of Most students are honest. In t hisinstance. $32 may nbt serious thefts,, but only when . but as in that “real ‘world” seem significant. but a memo they are formally asked to which exists dutside -of the issued JO different employees investigate. Furthermore, University. there are those in October of 1982 said that they were so into the “cloak who take advantage of our SCOOPS had lost’ $9,463. and dagger” aspect of their trust. The consequences of When I ‘-was called in to work that they seemed quite let such actions are (or should be) manage the stand. no-one down because they were not just as serious on campus as could explain this previous called in earlier and allowed to off. In the end we all pay for loss. My own experience leads set up a “stake-out”. these thefts and petty- misme to believe personally that it As an example of this’ ‘takes. was not just due tolargecones. “cloak-and&dagger’.’ attitude, We should beaware t hat not While I was manager of they h’ave been kpown to aris little being done to remove SCOOPS. during the Fall term range “s-take-outs” of the the& temptations, but it apof 1983. I believe that the total parking lots. hiding in the peltis as if the Federation has amount of money (which shadows and keeping the gate given studtints a licence to steal_, includes the cost of free or arms under surveillance. Two (as ‘long as: it is from them) extra ice-cream on cqnes) students were actuqll! caught without fear of prosecution. which could not be accounted in this manner a few >G.II-Sago, for was much less than this, but but had only $55 bet-wcen the Ho.w Is Theft.still a significant amount. two of them, which ~1~5used ds Handled by the Students should ‘be ,cona partial down payment ot the ccrned whenever a Federation fines. The humourousz. -1li:c! is Federatioi? operatioil loses /sponsored that the next day then, .\\cre I was told in 1983. with money. as we pay for the lo& infoinied that a ‘mistake’ had regards tci the SCQOPS incithrough our fees and Bombbeen made and the actual fine dent. that it is the policy ofthe shelter profits. So why do we was $55. What if they had only Federation not to press charrefuse to get $15orasmuchas$155? ges against any fee-paying ’ let the.Federation > H&-e the students were students. While it. is not also -’ involved in the issue of theft? forced to pay directly for their their official policy to ignore , First hand experiince’ has actions and charges were not thefts. as manager of SCOOPS shown me that studehts have deemed necessary. Act-Fatly. it was stron& recommended free ‘reign to steal from the Security is quite receptive to to me not to consider the’posFederation as: the ‘,problems faced by stusibility of theft. even though I ) The Federation discburages dents. They$re. in fact, very the evidence was there. When people from e\‘en Suspecting lenient towards first 0ffender.s they were presented with this that theft may be%ccurring. of minor offences. evidence. I was told no-t to call 2) If thefts are actutilly unUnlike the Fedecation. Security - bec’a’use Security covered. they are not willing to would press charges. The Fedthough. tihen an incident is prosecute. The student is likely .pre-meditated or deemed eration safe that they are serious, theyxw‘ill takethe appropriate legal action. ’ From personal experience, these policies imply to me that if one wisties to steal, one should make sure it is from the Federation -of Students and n”’ Security (the University). The odds (and their pqlicies) arc in your favdur. ‘1 hope thi; . ehangesf _. .i ’

Imprint is the student newspapei at the Wa$erloq. It is an editorially-independent published by Imprint Publications, corporation yvithout share _ capital. a ,mqmber of the Ontario Communitgr Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes Fmldg;yduringtheSpringtemnrtndeyeryFridaJTd~ the regular terms. Mti should be “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontarick” .

University o? newspaper p -Wat+rloo, Imprint is Newspaper every second addressed JJniversiw

to of

Imp&t: ISSN 070&738b 2nd Class Postage Registration Pending Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, j andrefuse advertising. c

E&to?& Note: Fraser Simpson thought that he would be’very clever an; not give yo;, the read&-s of Imprint, the answers to his last cryptic crossword (on pake 16). Fortunately, the editor has extensive experience in solving cryptic crosswords, “and . was able to solve this one entirely. The answers are: Across: I. Pea soup 5. Rodeo 8. Place card 9. Sea . 10. Rime 12. Residing 14. Uranus 13. Thesis 17. , Crushing 18. Blow 21. Ale 22. Apodtolic 24. Piped 25. Donates ‘. _ /: Down: 1. Paper 2. Ana -3. Oveh 4. Plates 5. Red Ligh.t 6. Dismissal 7. Oranges . I 1. Me,asure up 13. Bus bland 14. Unclasp 16. Unfold 19. Wicks 20. J Eton 23. Let r ,I


Editorial Staff’

Donald Duench Editor ’ , I Prdduction Mngr. John W. Bast Business Manager Sy1vi.aHannigan Advertising Mngr. Kathleen Kelly News Editor GeorGe Elliott Clarke EntertainmentNathan Rudyk Sports Editor Bill Humphreys Darkroom Tech. I -. Alaq Mears ’ Productioi Assist. Cathy McBride Adyertising Assists. Brian Grady * -. ’ I j Mark Lussi&Business Assistant Leanne Burkholder



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To the editor: I’d like to issue a call to arms, otherwise kniwn as mounting a ’ high horse. With the recent influx of news regarding the Bovey Commission and Women’s Rights (both worthy issues), I feel that ‘we’re forgetting a more basic issue, the enviionment. When topics ranging from acid rain to toxic wastes are broached the typical response I receive is, “Well, that’s the way it is, we can’t do anything about it.” I can accept the first part of the,

statement but not the second. We can do something about environmental problems. In the early 1970s there were demonstrations and environmental groups (ordinary organized people) pointing fingers at the most obvious sources of pollution and polluters. Environmental problems made headhnes, both the provincial and federal governments formed Ministries of the Environment and the general public seemed to see and acknowledge- their environment as being important for the . first time. 1.

Realitv tind truth:



To the editor: C. Suggert, in his letter of March 9 (Atheists: good or evil only relative) seems to feel that the evolution of reason makes it suspectas an indicator of truth. On the contrary, it validates it. As he states, reason isthe tool of human survival, and its value is therefore to be measured in our successat survival. After millenia of civilization, we are in a good position to evaluate this success. What has survived this .process of evolution? Reason alone. As religions and secular dogmas flourish and die, each with their standards of Good and Evil, reality remains. The wheel has survived longer than any religion, this-because it is a tool of reason. Life and Death are the’absolutes of such a system of ethics, not the arbitrary.whims of supernatural beings. Because the wheel supports life, it: remains. Whena religion promotes Death, it dies. j Hitler’s dogma was just such a “religion”. He denied reality, and took steps to break down reason in his victims (only an innocent man would be sent to a concentration camp). Sacrifice of the individual to the collective, emotion-charged,prejudices, mind control and murder are not rational nor ethical because of their denial of reason -and the standard. of life. Dealing. with ‘humans in such a way, or as “complex chemical machines”, oras “God’s flock”, or in any other way-denying life and reason as their,value, is Evil, Mr. Suggert. Only throughthe promotionof such ideas can rational standards be destroyed, to clear the path for carnage. National Socialism was such a creed. What is the ultimate survival value of lies, irrationality, insanity, flayed logic, and misconceptions? Zero, Mr. Suggert. y We survive because reason does not play us false. Those who abandon it have three choices: perish, deny their perceptions (doublethink), or become parasites, which-is a bit of both. Such people cannot expect to be tolerated for long by those who interact with reality and produce what is necessary for human survival. The producers know what truth is, and how to arriveat it. Hundreds of generations of mystics, thugs, thieves and other moochers have not convinced us that our perceptions of reality , are invalid, and never will (I aman optimist in this regard).If they . ever did succeed, we should soon perish, and rightly so. Those who_;pretend morality and ethics are arbitrary must invent an arbitrary figure, one with authority and absolute power, to enforce them. Such a creature they call “God”. If any religious moral codes survives, it is only to the degree to which it deals with reality (i.e. supports human freedom to act for their own-survival, solvessocial problems, etc.). The arbitrary aspects XI



of such a ‘code are soon questioned by rational men, and may cause the death of the dogma. Note that the wheel has survived hundreds of religions because it lays no claim to divinity, doesnot ask for validation outside of perceived reality. So much for theclaim of “eternal” guidance and divine knowledge, humbled by asimple tool of,transportation, a simple tool for the sustenance-of life.-1 haveoften heard even religious men say that when they see the word “God” they read the word “Life”, and accept the statement only if it continues to make sense. Such a code, though handicapped&by its assumptions, is the only kind that can survive. Reality, Mr. Suggert, is the standard for ethics. Life and Death are the extremes of rational absolutism, and Good and Evil must be judged on these standards. The irrational threats to our very existence today .must be dealt with on these grounds, not with mysticism or emotional “gut feelings”. Truth is shown us through reality, and reality-is dealt with through reason. Human beings are rational creatures, Mr. Suggert, and will remain so or perish. Act otherwise, contrary to reason, and reality (not God) will bless Craig Hubley or damnyou for it. Computer Science I


Can I interest you in a piece of swamp ‘land in Florida? Twenty years ago, you would have presumed I was joking. But today,: people are beginning to realize that wet,lands are a valuable resource.

ing at an alarming rate. Ontario’s losses have been equally significant. Marshes such as those bordering Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, and the St. Lawrence River have shrunk to a fraction of their original size.. These marshes have been drained for urban and agricultural uses. In the past, wetlands have been regarded as wastelands of little economic or recreational value. They were considered unsuitable for farming,. construction and most water sports. As a result, iandowners would “reclaim”their land by draining or filling it in.

A wetland is any area of land that is temporarily or permanently saturated with water for a part of the day or year. There are five major types of wetlands: ponds, marshes, swamps, fens, and peat bogs. Each has its own individual characteristics. Over the past -75 years, wetlands in North America have been disappear-

So what’s happening now? Often important environmental issues are only brought to the forefront when a community suddenly finds proble,m,s affecting human health in their area. Everyone agrees there are -problems but they then raise the questions ,of economic feasibility and of lack of agreement as to who’s financially and morally responsible. Good questions, so let’s get some of the fabulous brains we have around here thinking about the problems. Become more than superficially informed, find out what and where some of the pressing problems are. WPIRG would be more than willing to , point you to a problem. You may find what. you are studying now could help fix/ prevent current/future problems. Once you start looking into the issues what you find will most likely scare the hell out of you. However, scared ostrich-like actions and/ or unadulterated pessimism certainly won’t do anything constructive. a Your individual effort can be worth something. A bus is mighty hard to push up a hill by just one person but the more people who ,help, the easier and faster the job gets done. Environmental problems are the same. What initially may seem impossible is possible when there is enough public input. The citizens of South Cayuga found that , out when they successfully stopped the prQvincia1 government from putting a liquid industrial waste treatment and disposal site in an environmentally unsound area. . I . . To end this letter I’d just like all the Imprint readers to:stop skipping over articles dealing with “another” environmental issue; to stop putting down individuals idealistic or naive enough to believe that you can fight against unsound industrial and government practices; to offer constructive criticism, not destructive pessimism; and finally to think of the implications that ever-increasing toxins have on their own personal life. Pollution in our environment doesn’t only apply TV someone “over in Niagara Falls”, they affect us all in invisible and . insidious ways. Please.think about it the next time y&r compare economic values to the environment. Sue Young , ;, f2

Only recently‘ have people become aware of the ecological and environmental significance of wetlands. Over a hundred-species of birds visit Canada’s wetlands annually. Wetlands, with their sponge-like characteristic, soak up storm water and slowly release it during the dry summer months. Thus, they severely reduce flooding and aid in irrigation during‘ times of. severe drought. Draining .wetlands in some cases, lowers the water table and dries up wells. Wetlands also help to

preserve our water quality by filtering our lakes, rivers and streams, thereby reducingpol-

lution. ..



After the slag-heaps of essays, the spent pipes of. penCils, the pinkfilingsoferasers;andthecarhon-richsmudges&maderaser attempts, I have learned this much from my id-ucation: twenty= four grams. That is, I’ve learned what life is all about: about roun’ mid&e. That is, IWK? In other words, there are no truly weighty matters, only English pounds - the mathematics of’mattresses. 1have looked ‘around under the sun and I haves learned three things:ltishettertoholdaloverthantoholdagrudg~itishetterto holdaguitarthant~holdatrafI%cticket;itisbetter.toholdahottleof rum than to hold a skull. +There is a vanity which is thought upon the &th, that Muzaklaunderedtunesinan&ic&arehetterthanblueslyricsgrowledo~ a streetcomer. The hit Parade is a mere charade. I return and see that under the sun it is better to walk foracamel thantofightandswitch.So,l’llplayatrumpetheforeI’llplaystupid. Hence, despite all the Speeches on this and that - the disease and perversidn of war, the Good of ju-stice and love 1 in the end, they are all one voice scat singing in the wilderness. I hope this space, this column, this rectangulararrangementdftexthas heen



that for you: a bit of song, no matter how-rough it may have sounded at times. Sometimes a song must needs be discordantJarring, and offkey to provoke response: cacopho?y or symphony, to have someorre yell in response, “Timbre, or discoveryl” WhetheryouIikedthenotesinthissongornotJhopeyoufound it stimulating. I hope you found it trying hard to besnelliiuous, e*n if somewhat gruff, in your inner ear. 1 Have no fear. Now,thehourislate,Imustw@eanessayonthefunctionbfthe Fool in Shakespeare’s King Lear. (But, of course, his fundon is plain, it is to make people laugh by making fools of socalled wisemen.) And when I finish, I can have a continenta! bre&fastof cold pizza, chocolate bars, and coffee, and reflect on my mirror (which is, always in error). Morning has broken:April is high. The Squirrels ad back and theg~areontheirway.lt’sanewday,soletamancomeinahd break dance. I do believe it is spring. I do believe it is N,isan. I hope some of you will join ImprInfand take up where this song is leaving off. it’s been a pleasure. Take care.


These wetlands, which are being destroyed for urban development or “aesthetic” reasons, have ecological’ importance. People should be concerned about these wetlands because the destruction of wetlands’ today will have serious consequences in the future.” . /. . 4 In September 1981,’ the

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources issued a;discussiqn paper on the development of a Wetlands Pobcy for’ Oat&o+ The purpose -of the paper was to, get as g+ny responses as possible fro6 various eoncerneci indlvldu?ls before any

. .., citizens and cl~ub policy decisions were to- ‘be members are setting a pre- j made.’ Ten’ -months” later, the cedent ,for wetkiind preserministry released a summary vation in Ontario by de&& of the responses to the disstrating their dommitment in a cussion paper. Of the 520 ,tangible, way. The Lambton letters received by the MinWildlife Inc. of Sarnia and the istry, 519 supported the develNational Sportsman Fund opment of a Wetlands Policy i recently don&ted’ money tofor Ontario. wards the purchase of a-local wetland; and the-, Oshawa After the Summary of .ReSecond Marsh Defense Assocsponses was released, the iation have been actively inMinistry intended to formut volved in an Ontario Munate a Draft Policy for disidpal Board hearing dealing cus& within’ the Govemwith. the preservation of the ment. It has now been over a Second Marsh. ’ year since the release of the “Most of the larger wetSummary, and t-he public has lands in the Waterloo region yet to see any evidence of a are being -protected as. Enpolicy. At present, the govvironmentally Sensitive ernment has no 1egisIation that #Areas,” says Mr: Larry L&nb, prevents landowners from Co-ordinator of the study of draining or developing_ their Environmentally Sensitive wetlands. Consequently, Areas in this region. “Yet, we every day spent in the anti& should be equally concerned pation of a Wetlands Policy about the smaller, less sig- could result in further loss of nifieant wetlands which we see this valuable resource. along the roadside and in . Helen Parfitt Concerned

by George Elliott

expanding urban areas like Kitchener-W’aterloo.


-. comeinb


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Replying .- J

-to -a,re+ply on his &mm&t /-

has been hiring, and granting tenure, -for that .long). Now, To the editor: Ms. Dagg, in her’reply to Mr. Flanagan, implies that being feminist? also like to complain about how low this ratio is: only around 8% of all earned PhD’s have gone t? women, on average, more widely read on an issue argues by itself for th_evalidity of her over that time - though in very recent y.ears this figure has risen opinions. But one’ doesn’t ha,ve‘to have read any of the “vast to 12% or so. So unlessuniversities were not hiring the best talent literatuie dealing with ‘women and universities” in qrder to say something intelligent-about the speczfzc things Ms. Dagg said in, available over the past 25 years, one~would not expect that the WTR would be greater than 10%. _ her original letter. It may very well be that even when the relevant statistics are Ms. Qagg quoted statistics ostensibly to support her conclusion Ir Women Teacher Ratio (WTR) at U W is consideree, the WTR.at UW is too lbw. But it is not nearly as unacceptably .low: ‘Mr. Flanagan correctly questioned -“the. ..wildly aut of whack..as. the statis$ics quoted by Ms. Dagg would reley+nce of those statistics: How can the fact that, <@y-odd< 1 suggest! T.@e drily expl.a@i@n I can-think of for a person.ofh4s. she was quoting had percent of all undergraduates currently enroled ih, berta&; . 1I)agg’s capacities t& thinkLhat the s&tics that ,she was being too “emotional and programs arkfemale be relevant to the issue bf WTR3 at U W? IV ‘,any kind of vali$tais would be,relevant if the ideal were to achieve a “~,+h”~be~vyeeti irrational? abtrout this issbe. Somedmes even the experts, “lack WTR’s and Female Student Ratios, but this ideal wpuld ifivolve -1~. persd;e&e”. (A similarJy meaningless statistic .is, that women-earn & an awful ‘lot of hiring and firing each year to maintain,. as,Mr. T average only 63% of what men doing the same work earn. What Flanagan points out. Ms. Dagg?s reply makes it clear that she is not advocating such counts as “same work”, and what other relevant factors h&e not m&-e an ideal; her ideal is “equality” between the sexes, as far as this is been controlled for? MFn, on average, have significantly compatible with a certain level of teaching competence. But in job experience, educational background, seriiarity, etc. -arid so this case the relevant statistic would seem to be the female PhD deserve more on average as it st&nd$. Feminists havea case, but it is sometimes. too tempting to “strengfhen” it with deceptive Graduate Ratio (FPhDR) over the past 25 years or so( Waterloo v

To the editor: In last we&% issue of Imprint, three articles appeared ’ regarding the CIAU basketball finals in Halifax (March 15-17). The actual report of the basketballgames was poorly written%& well as subjective and inaccurate in places. Personal opinions should be expresseh as dditorials, while coverage of basketball games should be restricted io facts. .A ‘,f’ai or Warriors Band member could probably have done just as adequate a job in?eporting the results of the basketball finals.: -_ Althoughihe Warriors Band deserved the credit they were given, they were no! the only “goodw’ill ambassadors” from Waterloo at the finals. Did anyon’e notice ‘that some students drove for 24 to 40 hours thrQilgh* blizzards aqd unploughed; “closed” roads to cheer ‘our Warriors on? Not one of the Imprint ,articles mentioned the presence of these die-hard fans at the finals. They should have receiwd ‘some lrecognition, some form of “thank-you” fdr making the effort of \

To the .editor: - The letter to the editor from one Christopher -Love in the March 9th Imprint was a sad reminder of the changing attitude toward universiiy education. University should teach dne how to see the world from anotheqs berspective and reject it if that system doesn’t work, haw to express your views in a coherent.way and febutt any challenges yo; might receive, how to sort out the important from the ,unimportant. One would hope that a student newspaper ,would participate in such a dialogue. Instead, as we train ourselves for jobs, we don’t want anything to confuse the process -education, for instance. Education isn’t rote learning. Yet not only does the.seri0u.s student have. to attempt. td avoid those professors who wish to make education a system of spoon-feeding, *he is now surrbunded by a Student body who wants a diet of ideological pablum, easy to digest, easy to accept, and easy to regurgitate . . . _ If you don? waqt y&r beliefs challenged, then kelp your opinions to yourself; and if different .ideologies befuddle ydu, then you had better avoid anything that might be politically incorrect -like bits


To .the editor: getting to Halifax. I would like td respond to / Carol Fletcher’s scathing edIt would have ,been much easier for all the female conce,Fned if transportation had been made s itorial chastizing 3population of this university available by the Federation of Students. i for the poor turnout, at the Accommodation arrangements could easily Campus’ Centre on Internathave been made with either of St. Mary’s or ional Women’s Day, March 8, Dalhousie Uriiversity student councils. It 1984. . seems that Tom Allison fqlt there was insufIf Ms. 0Fletcher is truly a ficient interest to warrant any effort in this “sister” of her fellow women as direction. However, cornmen&-made by fass she- calis her’self, she would during raffle ticket sales by the Warriors tealize that there are many of hand indicated that there were ma’ny us who spent that particular @dents w’anting to%go to Halifax - enough / day looking after our children, to fill abus or at least a van. But students did becauqi: there was no one else s not get t& opportunity tgshqw their interest, to do it; or waiting on tables’, So since, n0 -official anna&cenien& oi surve s r we might earn enough money were made by the Fedeiation of Students. to pay our tuition; or diligently It would be greatly apjireciatkd if ‘the working dn assignments so’we Federation of Students could keep in mind might further ourselves acathat Iheir primary function ‘is to provide demically. j Although _I ‘am servi&s to the students of this university>, willing to acknowledge that Kaiin ‘l!!&mn Paivi Liitela there is f@ too inuch apathy. Brian Traxler Mark Shelton among. women about the Dave Lblonde ‘$ ’’ ” , f$ure economic, political,

and pieces. of the real world, books, television, -‘x-ad& friends,“teachers, records, artwork, poetry, or extended periods of the time on the toilet. At least in,my - &Iinittedly I pathetic-ide+stic vision of University, if you are:not hkre+ to be challenged, then you are i in the wrong place. Go hidi: in some ideolc+$cally moderate . closet.

It’s a lung weary road to ideological peace, b,uf we are ‘he?e my$ri&ds - here at last. Life! is $oj&ger cqnfused ‘,by guys *with, uncomfortable ’ ideas. Our p<ofessors, tell us whi’at to tliink. We don’t have to discuss anything -of, con’: sequence.* - - ’ :, And d&e wi kick those marxist extremists out qf the paper - all gne of them 2 our paper won’t challenge any-

t’hing in OUF sicred p&y ,of beliefs. We fought long and hard.;We are the maJorityi We ate the best atid the brightest. , We have comeofage. There’s political peace in the pablum lagoon/ Which we fought for in days long ago;/ And today you Can se$ ‘we can say what we like,%Sa lorrg\as we say what we’re told. Long live ideol6gic&l purity! Frank Klaapseti




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cause of women h&e ‘at the &JniversitS; of Water& and -- everywhere. As , long as : wo&n ire Zutieiceived as spending the‘if _ time fighting against‘ -“&ach :,+other rather than unit& 1a:‘gainst those, sexist ‘f&&es Pn $x&y who w&to oppress us,we will continue to reinforce .,,#,f,; stereoiype : curreiitly held ’ by’to.9 many members of the male population. ~ 1_ . Caroj L. Latimer

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and social freedoms of our sex; I resent- the unsupported generalizations made by Ms. Fletcher about @I women who failed to attend the day’s festivities. Unfortunately, not’all’of us have the tim!: -of Gloria Steinem to devote our lives to tbz women’s movement, and for some of us it was difficult to devote even one day, but that does not mean tie are not copcerned or committed-to the

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im a letter .

. , statistics). Blatant di&crimination like that cited by Ms. Dagg in her ‘second letter kankles far more than the subtler but more pervasive discrimination that keeps FPhDR’s so low in-the first place; but this latter is the most significant reason why WTR’s are belay 0~ near 10%. And you have to take one step at a time: you need better looking FPhDR’s for some time before you can expect appreciably better WTR’s. ’ ’ Another ppint to be made is that thefavoiitismshown by some professors in hiring -their friend affected all the -other male applicants as much as it did the female one mentioned by Ms. Dagg. Discrimination qf this-kind does not affect women only,unless you assurnethat women are especially entitled to all new teaching positions. By n’o,means should this letter beconstrued as-in favour of the ’ status quo. The present W-TR at UW is, iri my opinion, f&from ide&l: I’ think Ms. Dagg and I do not differ substantially’ as regards to ideals, -only as ‘regard?. to what is ‘practical., I am realistic enough (so I like’to think) to recognize th&t one’s id&& cannot be realized overnight. Wh&one is wrestling with the juggernaut of_society, one can expect to be in. afor a long fight. . Grait B&to*n : ”


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& Summer T;ashioAs Plegw) -

/ Atheis lt nixe s God To the eckor: As an atheistic naturalist; it is my position that the infinity of the universe precludes the existence of God. The only way to objectively show that God exists’would be to show that nature is not a, sufficient cause of its own -existence; to show that it is \ finite, &nd cannot create anything. Such a demoristration would not follow -from miracles or other such blatant anti-rationalism, but be cogently reaisoned from a set of metaphysical observations about the universe itself. This is the only way that will convince the athiestic naturalist that his premises are

,q:<.:> Y$.M $$g

@; g$$.. p$. :.x.s :‘:’ &: F&.f,. :p$... @<p :*<::.g b&g? k;s>S$ .<:.$. px,..: :&a,:



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invalid (for the atheistic existentialists and _ nihilists, the task will be even more formida’ble). Now we should discuss what is meant by “infinite”, In modern -cosmology, it is generally accepted that the universe was created from a singularity some 13 billion years- ago. Recently-ihere has been much interest in the “inflationary universe” in which the “creation” was merely the quantum tunnelling. of a vacuum fluctuation through its potential barrier. This view maintains that the quantum vacuum doesn’t really correspond to the classical “nothingness”, but actually contains virtual particles,

=-.Would the real ..&ty step/’forwgrid? To the Editor: ’ In a recent ‘editorial, Terry Sturtevant’ states, “What ‘evidence- could exist which would be “objective”, admissable and sufficient to conviqce an atheist that God exists? I have heard much evidence gitien for God, but I have never heard of any concrete suggestions of evidence which should exist but does not.” .Well, if I were an atheist, I think H brief, but well Ipublicized local appearance would be sufficiently convincing. . Howard Crosner 4 Integrated Studies .

which may quantum mechanically fluctuate to an energy level sufficient to permit their escape from the vacuum (nothingness) into ,reality (of observable things). If one were to correspondto an actualization of magnititude approaching the total amount of matter/energy we have reason to suspect exists in the cosmos today, we could rationalize that the actualization was the “explosion” of the primordial sin.gularity, and that the universe, had its origin as a quantum tunnelling event. In this view, the appearance of something from’ “nothing” should not be a difficult idea to swallow. So tentatively, the cosmos is cosmologically finite,. Of course we must’immediately answer the question, “What causes va&um fluctuations?” While the nature of the micro-structure of space-tiine on its lowest ontological level currently considered meaningful certainly seems indetermiriisticand ca.usalitydefying, in being strictly empirical, we are ignoring the possibility of a more fundamental ontological level common to all existents, not temporally causally antecedent, but H’lerarchically, whichcoiitains the reason behind the observed peculiar behaviour. To show the naturalist that an infinite number of these levels is impossible and that a lowest level d6es exist is a demonstration of cosmical radical contingency, and a major step towards showing God’s existence. Unfortunately, any such attempt will inevitably fall into some form of the Thomistic anti-infinity fallacy.’ I condude that the demonstraqon. of the existence of a necessary Creator is logically impossible, and that no philosophical, rational justification can be made for the belief in its existence. . W/R. Mintb Physics, 1st year

Christ into


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communi&n Lo the editor: The editorial “Jesus Christ< was a .communist” (March 17) misrepresented Christ and Chtistians. Communism is an economic system of common ownership; whereas the common possession of all things among the believers after Pentecost, and the parting of goods to al1 men, as every man had need, was a voluntary communion. Jesus condemned the word ship, of mammon and chose poverty for the time of his ministry. However, he did not envision.an economy of common ownership when he said. “For you have the poor with ’ you always, &d whensoeva you will, you may do good to them.” J. Schroeder Civil bngineering



To t hc editor: Since the students of Waterloo arc 6eing blessed with the coming oft hc Clash, WC feel that the Imprint hasanobligation t( let them know exactly who they are paying their money to sec. The proper facts are: 1) It was Joe Strummer (vocals, guitar, and Paul Simenon (bass. vocals) who kicked Mick Joncs($uitar _ vocals) out ofthe band lgstyear.(-Whothc hellis MickTaylor???~ 2) Mick Jones and Topper Headon (who stopped drumming t’ot the Clash after the recording of“Combat Rock”) arc presently forming the “alternative” Clash in England. Both bands arc * involved in legal battles to obtain the rights to the name, “Tht . , Clash”. 3) It is Strummer’s and Sin-tenon‘s Clash who is presently touring North America and will be appearing at the PAC on Fri. May 4. 19X4 (or is that the correct date?). ‘Maybe the Imprint shou,ld use “reporters” who know whal they are talking about. One mistake might be forgivable, but OUI intrepid “reporter” didn’t even get Mick Jones’ name right. Lastly, well done BENT and Gary Stewart. Andy Lewin Rick Semineriu Chemistq

Campus Re,c - >’ : :deeerves . , -credit _for great job To the-editor: _ I Too often in‘this world and on this campus problems an &iticisms are voiced under the pretence ofjustice. I am leavin &hi’s institution after an uncommon stay of six years. There ar - <many things ,here that I am disappointed in or wish could b changed, as most people wish they could be changed to bette accommodate themselves. However, I feel the.proper thing to d is to loo’k forward, an’d be’positive. I’want to give credit wher 4 credit’is due, ’ Since 1981 1 have been involved in Campus Recreatiorl at th ‘instructor level. In my final year I bet arne more serious1 , involved as 1 felt 1 had more to give. After being ‘behind th scenes’ I have come to realize the tremendousjob that thecampu ,Recreation staff does in providing a multitude of services to th student population. 1 They do everything from provi&ig lifeguards and intramura officials to running ,workshops, . tournaments and supplyin, quality, instructors for fitness, swim,ming and instructiona courses. Even now these individuals are planning and- reparin: for the summer term of activity, always looking f It r qualit: programs and events to make life at school a little (lot)‘lmorl bearable. From the instructors,:officials and conveners righ through the Student Assistants to Sally Kemp..and Pete Hopkins, the effort put out by this team ensures a successful am fun program for over two thousand participants. f’ personally commend the Campus Recreation individual’ with’whom I’ve been honored to work. The quality delivered bl these individuals shows in the demand for m.ore classes and more space in tournaments. ,. Christopher Pau &Instiuctional Co-oidinatol



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\ Won’t listen to vdcuozdi tripe To the editor: Dear Carol Fletcher: I am writing in response to your editorial denouncing all the “phlegmat-ic” females who .were remiss in their duty to International Women’s Day. ’ iMy failure to participate in the events staged by UW’s Women’s Centre is blamed on apathy towards individual rights. 1 find your accusation offensive. Obviously it did,, not occur to you that as a female I am repulsed by a group which regards lesbianism as an act of freedom from men; ,and that as an intellectual I regard the attitude of not explaining one’s views, on principle : as arrogant- and irresponsible, Lastly, I regard- slogans such as “feminism is a spirituality” as vacuous tripe. When feminists learn how to speak, perhaps .I’11have the patience to listen. Susan Dawn Wake Philosophy P.S: I have only two‘sisters’. ’




Lainee -for my wonderful roomie and friend. 1’11sure miss you after your graduation. Please come and. visit often. Leenie., ._

Margo: Couldn’tgo through the whole year without putting something in the imprint. Love you always. Rob. P.S. Should be a great summer. ,

Dana (Chippy No. 3): Happy Chippy K.E.N. 3 weekstoday, where will we be Lost - My heart, my soul, my reason Birthday from your twofellowcohorts! and how old will. you be? Good luck to live.‘Finder pleasereturn on or by a.ka. Chippies No. 1& No. 2. We love ’ studyingand acethoseexams! “2 1”and ::sMay 1. Kitten. ya! counting!! Dee. Magician, abracadabra! There’s magic in the air. Together we can maketheact work. . . Love Sexkitten. Well Patti, Elaine, Barb, Ruth, Jenn, Cindy, Susana,‘Cathy, Louisa, Bean, Theresa, Marg 2, Laura, Kim, Ena, Mary Ellen, SusanC., Carolyn, Randi, Vicki, Marilee, Lise, Marg S., Karen, Beth, Yolande, Lori, Kathy, Lynne, Suzanne, Sue, Millard, Raine, Karla, Kerrie, Marie, Karen, Janice, Wanda, Janet, Iris, Nat, Chris, Teresa, Laura, . Janice, Lisa, and Tree, it’s been fun having you on us this year. Seeyou at the Festival of Guilt - The Elves of Zot. Hey You, Stupid Jerk - yeah you in the Bent T-shirt and curly blonde hair at the front at the Bunnymen!!! You should learn to control-your violent tendencies and not slap girls around. Take Chuck’s advice buddy - “lf you can’t take it don’t go to the front.”

. A $

Last sum&~ CEC f& studentsiade available ’



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To Pina, Bizza, & Dee. End of term oblivion tonight. Best of Luck with exams. Love Katie. ‘Wanted: Wayne Gretzky, lookalike, or any guy that will look similar after 18 beer’s. Contact Kojak E5. , Deborah: How’s Blah? ‘Don’t break’ youranklethistime. Sayhitoal1atT.R. Good luck. Love Catherine. i

Teddy Bear: Hi sexy! Sending you an EOT kiss, hug and tickle. P.S. Love those asperities! -1 Many welcome an avid crossword solver. (4). Hate to Tell ya’ Jane. But the year is over. Thanks for coming out , maybe next year. Okay then.. . Bye,Bye. Love Louie. Julia, Its’ beena great term (in spite of your toe cracking). Have a fantastic time at Mat next year - keep Scott in line. 1’11miss you, cous. Sandra “CB”.

Dear Uncle Benji. Your company is great and your vast knowledge is’ invaluable. Have fun with Joanie. Love Cat. / Slick Harry - Let’s sleep the spring and summer away together (in the sun, of course). AAA/ Stretch.

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West One - Thanks for making my last year at Waterloo my Bestyear! You’re the greatest! (Mushy, 1know!). . . Best of luck everyone. Cathy. .. Who is The lnfamous Urea Kid and where did he get that name?Why are 5 guys smiling and saying thanks to Mike S?Florida or Bust! Do theyreallyfloat? Are you upset?Becauseyour tummy is making a lot of noise. Or are you sexually aroused? Looking forward to-a wild and wet summer with all my friends & loves. It’s beenan orgasmic year with y’all. In my thoughts.. . Carol-Youngand restless ’ in Oakville. Andrea, Carol, Mara, M.K. - What a great year! Have a fantastic summer! See you in Septemberat our Massive toga party! Roma Pushka Baby. I Pussycat: Happy Birthday on April 12 to the Best Friend and Lover a girl could. have. Love Snookums. Grinder: What a great don, you are!!! , East 5 was terrific. Good 1uck;good cheer. V.


S, L, K, 0, J, AM & Tony: Whoosh! Hooray! and by the ----! It’s beena fun year with all you E6 people. Seeyou in the Fall. V. Wanted: Illegal Alien (preferably columbian) to star in feature film “Wetmen from Waterloo**. Payment will be by the current columbian currency the kilo. Size unimportant. Newton, Love your new Newt-head look! Hope we are good friends again by the time you read this. Love Wimp.

Em~oyment (mmlgritlon John Riberts,

and Canada Minirier

Empioi et lmmlgratloir

El Cabar, You and me. McGuiness tonight! Economical drinking and identifying fruit, all on me! Love Whore.

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To my stubborn, pig-headed.narrow. minded pal. Good&k on your exams and have an “0” summer. Only 168to I go.’ It’s been real, but lets blow this bloodypopsiclestand A.S.A.P. - R.E. J. Rufus - You’ve made this the best term ever. 1’11miss you, but persevere! Have a fantasimo summer. Yours Em.


Chuckles (yes this is your’s Zim). Have a super summer. See you on June 25 and July 14 and hopefully a lot (well maybe once or twice) in between.Good luck on thedreadedexams: the onewith the nice. L.J.‘s. Many thanx to Rob, Tony, Dave, Ann, Karen, Merriam, .Gord (Wilf), Kent, Steve, Boo and the Civeerely Impaired Class for a terrific 1B term. See y’all next term. (RR)x2. You are a drug, and I am intoxicated with you - You are a beach and an ocean of my infinite blue. - Spinny Chicks: Regrets about bad Bullring attendance. Will possibly go on the 12thafter last exam. Hope y’all have good lives if I don’t make it back! The “Sexy Centurian”. P.S. hopetosee you at the Bullring on the 12th. ’ JD aces - Are you booked yet for the. weekend?Surely you’ll let us try yours soon! Fashionableand Sexy (hormone evaders). T & J, The beanbag was fun, but my skin stuck. Let’s get together and make mad,passionate.. .Well, you know.. . a gain sometime. Your little sister. To the Little pink-haired woman at the W & C. Don’t lean over too far! 1did! Biggerpink-haired woman. Brian E (aka Bo Peep). What did you lose on Saturday Night? The Sheep. Stuart - The handshakewas nice, let’s do it again sometime. Remember Mathies are wonderful. Miss C. Brian, Steve, Don, Kelly, Who says Froshs don’t have fun. It’s been an interesting. experience. 1want a hug! To All Fassists out there. I know 1wasa Pain and kept spouting off. Have a great summer. Love. Five foot two with eyes of blue. 1 irn she, you are he. We are all the same.1 miss you. Write back to me. L.P. Attention Lisgarites! Reunion at Charlies Restaurant Sunday April 1st; 5:00 p.m. Be there or forever dubbed a fool. R.S.V.P. 886-4055(Kathryn) Dear M.D.D.: Hope your years in Waterloo were enjoyable and worthwhile. P.S. Youdancedrealgood. Rob. Words’ M: You have unbelieveable endurance. With you “failure” is impossible. But the best is yet to come. Love, CBD. DI, you cutsie person, Happy Birthday! You’re asold as oneof us now! H & K Bruce and Bruce (The Wall). Heather, this H & K might not be from -me. Tell your ‘friend’ from UWO, H & K -the man with big words - H & K T. Why ElIe: Why elsewould I be having this printed today, but to wish you a Happy Birthday. signed Popcorn. Just when Jocelyn Jones, girl reporter, thought it was safe- to get into an elevator again, what would come to threaten our heroine but the Tentacle Terror from the unplaced depths of Needless Hell. And could speech therapy be the answer? Only The Elevator knows.. . ’ Sue E. G.: Roses are red/Violets are blue/ Nothing could be better/ Than knowing you. Your Therapist. Dearest Sue: Thanks for takingcare of me this term. 1 couldn’t have done it without you. Have a relaxmg holiday; you deserveit. Love, Dan. Help neededfrom Tom, Scott, Kevin, Paul, or Don! Although all 5 of you pretend to be Tom over in your Phillip St. townhouse, Arlene needs the real Tom to call her (884-6569) before exams end. Important! Spete, Sglenn, Sdevo: It’s been real guys; an excellent soap opera! When’s the final episode??1’11write the sequel. Stay tuned. Sdanno. Ev, Louise and Cheryl: Life in 5 19Ehas been interesting if unproductive (Thank God). I’ve enjoyedourresearch for the “work avoidance techniques” thesis,such as kitchen meetings,rookie cookies, endlessmuffin tasting and 101 ways to abuseMerlin. Cheers! Liz. Char - What would I have done without all those longgg chats on your waterbed. Probably gettingmoiself ina lot of mischief(ha ha!). Thanxfor being there sweetieand being such a nicedon, ahem, cough cough and a great friend *hic*hic*. By the way- Ottawa is ‘almost’here! Wink wink nudgenudge. Hugs & kisses, moi. _ / Lily - how long have you beenseeing Ruggles‘?I’m shocked!! Sex goddess - Yes you Karen!! Bill wants your body . . . especially those niceeebuns! (Ha ha) Val & Lori - Congratulations on completing first year. Good luck in Montreal, England & Paris (Nobleton). Seeya in September.Bob. Tall, dark and sexy - so youlike garter belts? You ain’t seen nothing yet! Incidentally, I’ve got 2 layers of your skin for ransom, The price? Can you stay up all night? V.F.

House of Chem-Eng: N\bw that the locomotive has arrived, I’d like to say youyvemade it fun, if not slightly crazy. Keep up the nautical events, C-clubs, and nights that never end. Thanks for the orgasm parties (although 10 in 3 hours was too many). Keep tapping those rings! Lizzard. Charles:Do you read smallads like this to Jim? Linda. Lost - my cool, somewhere between the PAC and NeedlessHall. Box 231, Waterloo. Wanted: lnformation leading to the whereabouts of M. Parkhill, father of Wilbur Percy Wong. Born on March 17th, 1984.Pleasecontact Salong. Parkhill M., father of Edwin Robert Pigasso. Born March 22nd, 1984, whereabouts unknown. Any information leading to his whereabouts, please , contact Carol. Wanted: Information leading to the whereabouts of M. Parkhill (alias Hog), father of many children born between March 2nd and 27th, 1984in this region. Please contact Miss Abused at the Kitchener Sterilization Clinic. Girls - What could be more romantic than watching the sunrise while eating waffles-with the man who makes them best? Give suggestions to Dave at 8852273. For a mediocre time visit Beakerin-V 1. Whistling happy people preferred. To the N6 snow woman beater. Frosty thesnowman shallgethis revenge!He’ll run you down with his icecycle, Mad Max style. Want to learn a new language girls? Yvon wants to teach you. Special rates for weekend French immersion course in Villige Villa. SheenaGrindlay.. .Officer Stan will be at the Clash. I’ve heard that there area lot of fans who wishfor your autograph & your marginal propensity to pick-up demos!(aren’t you glad 1can’t writeany more!) LMB To John, Marty & Tecks: John, who proved the Monroe Doctrine false; Tecks, whose greatest fear was having the waterbed end up in the kitchen; Marty, who could do amazing things with beans and beer. The locomotive has arrived. Thanks and good puck. Thorn. To the voluptuous female: May your thighs neverlose their silken softness, nor your figure its graceful curves. From the one who intends to stay and keepchecking. JWB: This is the big one (check terminology list)! The mind boggles,or words to that effect. Cheryl V: Hanginthere Kid: Summeris almost here. Love Deb. Great Legs: Thanks for another great year Kid. (Especially the2 beernights. . . definitely worth more than 10%). Your lovable Clutz. Hey, CC from the ancient Stats 230L Sure, anytime. K. Well guys, it’s been a real treat. To Mark, who got me as far as 3A both academically-andsocially, best of luck. You’ve been a great friend and one 1 hope neverto lose.To Heidi, whomade 2B a blissful and traumatic term, 1send youtall my love. My memories of you are all dear and sweet,and 1hopeto see you again before 1leave. To Ron, my fave dance partner and milkshake maker, 1 hope ,you find a niche in a society that will never be ready for you. To Anne and Ross, whose humour and stability eliminated much of the hell of the last term, my very grateful thanks. To Leslieand Tracy, the twins: Both at work and at play, you’ve beengreat friends. You’ve survived all z my changes, good and bad, and have always stood by me. The weekend in New York was incredible, a feeling 1 hope we can all share again. To Kelly, words cannot and neednot express my thanks to,you. Over the coming years I hopeour friendship never wanes- it is a thing of unequalled beauty. And finally to Jim: Thanks for puttinga pot of gold at the end of somethingwhich had never before resembleda rainbow. Thanksto all of you and to all of the others. The memories will never fade. Steve. B52 Household: Thanks for the best 4 years . . . memories to keep forever no matter where we all end up! Love your heart-lover! Lamda: The sink drains 69times better when you take the plug out - even if do use Liquid Plumber. Thump and Squeak.


To that very important person: Now that the term and your busy week is over, you are invited to a private bed warming party. Bring the wine and your fantasy. All my love, your Sweetie. \ Laaaarrry. I’m mad at you!(shudder, shudder) Happy 222 U!! Y ouare such a super stud athlete. But why do those girls keep saying “Nooo Larry Nooo!‘?? Have a great day! We will try our best to seethat you do. Love, your roomies (that put up with yourdamned snoring) Colleen, Gord and Rob. .

Jim “The Pim” Mudson 4B Chem: If you don’t make it as a ohemist, try impersonations. Boy George eat your heart out! The Revengers’. John Chisholm 4B Chem: Beth 1.hear you calling but 1can’t come home right now, ‘cause me and the boys will be 492ing all night. The Revengers(with a little help from KISS)

Well, Michelle, this is the last of embarassing- personal ads. It was a great term (except for Taps, that was unbearable) & we’ll have a great summer & look forward to next term.. . whenever t hat’11be. L M B M. Mouse: Hang in there,Mickey! Just a few more weeksand we’ll bespending the summer in Disneyland! Love Minnie.

Married Students! %1.25/ nage. IBM Selectric. Grammar/ SpellIn[ corrections. Paper. Campus Pickup & Delivery. No white-out 884-0969 evenings. English/ French major.

Wanted: 1 or 2 roommateb to share furnished 3 bedroom townehouse during summer term. 508E Albert.%. (Beside Parkdale Plaza), Swimming pool, 123/month plushydro. 886-3463.

Experienced typist, accurate and dependable.Near university. Reasonable rates. Top quality print. Call Shirley 745-1312.

Female Roommate wanted to share nicely furnished 2 bedroom townhouse with graduatestudent at University and Westmount. Near stores, park, U of W. Pool, patio, washer & dryer. Call Heather 884-8164 or 885-1211 ext. 3813.

Typing. Sl.OO/page IBM Selectric,; Betty-Surtees4B Chem: We heard you ’ A Knobs suitcase of Memories: Greasy carbon ribbon; grammar/ spelling missedyour donut duty. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! burger! Greasyburger! Greasyburger! corrections; paper provided; proofThe Revengers. reading included; symbol/italics Squeaky- beds and vibrating fruitons! available; work term reports, theses, 4B Chemies:RememberImprintcomes Quite the BANG! ‘Preppiesjustlike to essays. 579-5513evenings. Downtown read about it?’ Scoop! Goldilocks and out May 25/Headline Revengers , Revealed:Us Morton. Sushi! Sushi! Champagne Kitchener location. and Pancake Breakfasts. Gosh! Typing: Essays, Resumes, Theses, Mike Szarka 4B Chemi Is it true what Indecent exposure of Legs! Oral , group projects, Fast Efficient Service, we heard! The Revengers. fixation at Tims. Smellslike ---No charge delivery arranged. Call -. Change the sheets!! Rings on -Nigel Sloane 4B Chem: Come here bathtubs! Debbi does the CN‘tower. Diane 576-l 284. Luv! BIFF! The Revengers. Cherry Cheesecake with whipped Typing Plus - Efficient, reliable cream. Christening of Bendover and Rick Artificial lnseminerio 4B Chemt service near Westmount Plaza.Theses, Benddown!! ‘I’d even drink her Congrats on being the first stream 4 to reports, papers, letters, resumes, etc., bathwater!’ The Freddies and the get a job! The Revengers. etc. 80a/page.743-2269. Xacklies. The Kama Sutra position. Sounds kinky - c,ount me in! Archie Jim Osborne 4B Chem: You, ateacher! Experienced typist, fast, accurate his welcome - Cuddling by We’re not having kids! The Revengers. overstays Will do essays,work reports,etc. the fire. My face hurts. But sometimes work. Reasonable rates. IBM Selectric Al Rowe 4B Chem: Why did you lend you just have to say what the smuck! Lakeshore Village. Call 885-1863. See ya’ in T.O. mates! Hugs and Kisses, Anita your tights? The Revengers. X0X0, Limey and Legs. IBM Quality Work! On Campus. Ed Treciokas 4B Chem: E.T. go home! 75c/pg. d.s. $3.00 min. Pleasephone The Revengers. 884-8010. Correct minor spelling & Was that Gretzky playing for grammar. Chambers’ Texaco last Sunday night? Sony Sethi 4B Chem: One data point Four goals and two assists! Any eh?Get a newproject! The Revengers. females Experienced typist living right beside interested in hockey superstarscampus. Self-correcting typewriter. pleasecontact Tony A. in the Mathsoc Jim Tinda114B Chem: What does Jim 75e/page; $3 for resumes. Call Ann Office. _do in class?Just wake him up and ask! 884-0421. . The Revengers. Attention All . Graduating ManEnvironment Students: Come say Experienced typist, IBM Selectric, John Jaksa 4B Chem: Is it true what we goodbye (or good riddance) to your Engineering Symbols, ‘Reasonable heard!?The Revengers. fellow classmatesat a free(yes, I did say rates, will pick-up and deliver to free) supper sponsored by M.E.S.A. . campus, Mrs.&ynda Hull, 579-0943. Dave Potter 4B Chem: Rubber Thursday, April 5, CC 1356-9 p.m. Research!?The Revengers. Typing: Essays, theses, technicallengineering papers typed accurately and Tracy Gendron 4B Chemi If only you quickly. Group projects welcome. were 15years younger, The Revengers. For Sale Carbon film ribbon. Sunnydale/ Lakeshore area. Phone Joan 884-3937 in Malcom Loro4BChem: Wantajob?Recreational Drug Sales- Send Airline Ticket - One way Toronto to morning or evening. Resumein Confidence.The Revengers. Calgary on Wardair. Good anytime -6 between May 1st and Aug 3rd ‘84. , Sandy Pakkala 4B Chem: You slimer $145.00. Phone Carmen 884-9098 Wanted Handed in your 492 already. The anytime. Revengers. ReynoIds531SLtubesetcomplete with Ladies Fast Ball pitcher needed.K-W Laurie Cleary & Mike McVicar 4B ClNELLl investment cast crown, leagueA-Division. CallPat 88647 18. Chem: DIMERS. The Revengers. bottom bracket, lugs, brace-ons, etc. Everything you need to build your Sue Angeloff 4B Chem: If only you frame. $199.886-20986-8 p.m. were 10years younger.The Revengers. Apple & CP/M compatible microRick Friesen 4B Chem: 5,5 computer: 65,02/Z80A CPUs, 64K, Dicyclopentadiene: A synthon for disk-controller on board; numeric Regio and Stereochemically Controlkeyboard, U/ Lcase,auto-repeat. $499. led Construction ’ of Carboxylic 886-20986-8 p.m. Systems. What means this? The Revengers. Apple11 peripherals: Z80A(CP/ M) $55, 16K $55, Parallel w/cable $65,80 Trombone! Who will lend or rent oneto Bonnie Grandy 4B Chem: Stats column $85, Disk Controller $49.95. German student?I am herefor 8weeks. Canada says that the average 492 Drive $249.Amber Monitor $169.886- Call Eberhard at ext 3823. student watches 9 hours-of TV a week. 20986-8 p.m. The Revengers. 1975 Kawasaki 750 2 stroke stingers Ross Scott 4B Chem: Are you the one Housing .Available stored for 5 years, excellent condition. who wanted Linda’s number last term? 699-5961. The Revengers. , Computer Calculator, Sharp PC 1401. Ottawa Summer Work Term. Two Carl Weatherell 4B Chem: 492’s are Brand new, 76 character keyboard, 16 incredibly fun guys on seniorwork term over; where’s home now? The character display, Basic in 40K ROM, looking for fun roommates to seek. Revengers. 59 programmed ,scientific functions, housing. Call Tim 884-5417. -basic command keys. $110. Call 885Errol Boneventura 4B Chem: SpecialRoommate wanted. 2 bedroom apt. 53931884-6887. izing in APPClED organic chemistry. Married Students May-Aug. All Nothing like feeling your result-s.The 1972 Summer Olympic Coin Sets. utilities included. Well-furnished. Revengers. Must sell - end of term cash blues. 2 Closest building to campus. $17l/ month. Phone 884-5874(Winslow) or sets - 1 uncirculated condition Oppossums are best. Love, A. $550. 1 proof condition - $650. 888- 886-6053(Glenn). 7608,Ask for John. Rick Schleicher 4B Chem: Really Free Rent for 1 month. May-Aug. SQUASHED Tony didn’t you. The Townhouse directly behind McGinnis Atari 2600 Video Game Player, newat Revengers. Christmas, Three gamecartridges, $60. Landing. Room for 4-5 people. Guaranteed closest to campus. Washer CRC Physics and Chemistry HandPaule Locke 4B them: Keep on giving and dryer. Contact Mike or-Paul 884book. Phone anytime, 886-0713. seminars and you’ll save a load on 8171.884-8370anytime. razors. The Revengers. Coffee table, loveseat and footstool, Free --rent for onemonth. Roommate livingroom chair, double bed, kitchen Ken Jordan 4B Chem: Now that chairs, TV stand, lamps, daybed, neededto share 3bedroom apartment. Hockey’s over how about playing Erb & University. $15O/month May dresser. Reasonably priced. Available “short” stop. The Revengers. Sept. 746-1212. after April 3.888-6978. Brian Kerswel1’4B Chem: Is that a 1982 black VW Scirocco. 60,000 km Free Rent (one month).Female wanted moustache or a caterpillar. The to share furnished two-bedroom and. in excellent condition. Air Revengers. conditioning, touch-tone radio, and apartment. Available May 1.$154 per month includes all utilities except other options. lOO,OOOkm warranty. Paul Paoli 4B Chem: We forgot what $9800or best offer. Call Dave744-1845 phone and cable. Ten minute bikeride we wanted to say! The Revengers. to UW. Call 746-l 147. (5:30 - 7:00p.m.). Dave Lanziner 4B Chem: Only his Free rent for one month. Beautiful Desks, 1 oak, 1 steel, chest of drawers, hairdresser knows for sure! The Sunnydale Townhouse. Dishwasher storage cabinet,locker, mirrors,chairs, Revengers* available for summer. Close to small table, shelving 884-2806. laundromat, Bank, Parkdale Plaza. Karen Kelley and Diane Leighton 4B For more info call Sandi 884-6709. Chemies: Is it true what weheard?The Revengers. Services One Month Free Rent - apartment, top 2 floors of old house, furnished if Laurie of N6.1missyour knees! 1would desired, 2 fridges, stove, balcony, like to seemore of you or them. H & K Economics Tutoring by recent grad. parking, ideal for 4 oc 5; %OO/month TMWKK. II Call Bill 746-1041. including utilities, 2 min. walk to Anybody of South C. I still haven’t - Will do light moving witha smalltruck. downtown Waterloo, call 576-0968, Lance, Kerri or leave a message. been convinced that ,things really are Also rubbish removal. Call Jeff 884better on the south seas. Time is 2831. ReasonabieRates. Summer- ‘84. 3 ,bedroom Sunnydale running out Captain Blythe. townhouse to sublet Cheap. $359 per Shiatsu (Japanese Acupressure Mas- month plus utilities. 1.5baths,partially PB: It wasgreat having you around for sage). - Give the pleasures and furnished. Call 886-0278. awhile! Hope thingsgo well in T.O. I’m benefitsof Shiatsuto someonespecial. going to miss you. B. H. Gift certificates now available. P. Help! 1 need one female to share a 2 Henderson evenings 885-0622. ’ bedroom apartment from May to Hunks (male) wanted for three August. Balcony, laundry room, attractive intelligent fun-loving female spacious,. 10 minute bike ride from, British students. Contact Sharon university. Rent $1SO/month. Ask for Gordon, 79, Redfern, University of Typing Darlene at 884-9461. Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, England. I 25 years experience; 656double spaced .Bargoooon!!!! One month free! Great page; Westmount area; call 743-3342. place in Sunnydale available for J.C. “It matters not this distance summer ‘84 and/or alternating terms betweenus for 1close my eyesand see Typing - $I .OO/double spaced page, thereafter. Very clean, quiet side of you and hold. your hand” Until weare pick-up and delivery $1.OO- 20 years Sunnydale, 1.5 bathrooms, dryer, together again, Faithfully Punkin. experience - call Tangie between5:30 ‘partially furnished, closed-in backp.m. and 9:00 p.m. weekdays and 9:00 yard. Limited time only for this low, Rebels without a Pause: All’s Green a.m. to noon Saturday and Sunday. low price ofS3 19/month. Call Kris 884from thisend. Multivitamins for Ever! 744-9130. 6109or Charlene884-7689._ Rob O’Flavin. 885-0153.



Wanted: 2 people to share 4 bedroom apt. (2 full baths) in Toronto MayAugust ‘84. At Kennedy% Sheppard, ideal for IBM. %165/mo. Pool, sauna, tennis courts. Bus-stop outside door. Contact Joyce or Terri 576-2985 (Kitchener). One Roommate needed to share townhouse on Churchill St. for , summer. $115plus hydro. Non-smoker preferred. Call Pat 742-6053, Anita 888-7794. 3 bedroom townhouse to sublet. Pool, sauna, parking, cable, partially furnished. Rent negotiable.Phone7444914. ‘Toronto. High Park Area. Sublet May - Aug. ‘84. Partially furnished apt. in large house. $770/month incl. all utilities. Close to shopping, grocery, beer and liquor stores and Runnymeade subway station. Lots of free recreational activities nearby. Call after 6:00oron weekends416-7674.949. May - Aug. ‘84. To sublet a large two bedroom apartment, new building, very clean, furnished or unfurnished, 10 minute bike ride, from campus. Phone 743-2564. Roommate wanted May - Aug.: $150 for 1 bedroom of a 2 bedroom apartment; furniture, dishes, utilities included. 884-2538. Montreal: 1 bedroom apt.,downtown, hardwood floors,$195/ month,partially furnished. May - Aug. Call before April 14, 884-2538. M.S.A. Quiet roommate wanted to share one bedroom apartment in Married Students Apartment with male student. Summer term. Call Martin week nights 416-728-0410, weekends 416-729-2162;or call Helen 884-9844for details. , Phillip St. townhouse for rent, 3 - 5 people, May - Aug., washer, dryer, stove,fridge, next to university plaza.5 min. to UW and WLI I. Phone Liz 8845070,Sue 884-5940,Hester 884-8549. $100Reward to someonefinding 3 or 4 people for Phillip St. townhouse for ‘May to Aug. Waterbed, washer, & dryer, partially furnished. Michele8886474. . Four weeksRent Free. Halfblockfrom W.L.U. Two singl~efurnished rooms. Own kitchen and bathroom. Utilities included. May’ 1 to August 31 only. Some cleaning provided. $44.00 per week. Call 886:9626’after6 p.m. Ideal location for l- female to ‘share furnished 2 bedroom townhouse at University and Westmount. Pool & Patio. Reasonablerent. Call Heather 884-8164or885-1211 ext 3813. Share Swimming Pool, kitchen, and bathroom. Single _furnished room. $120.00per month. May 1 to August 31. Nonsmoker., Parking. Lakeshore. Call 886-9626after 6 p.m. L Summer ‘84 - SunnydaleTownhouse. 4 bedroom, washer/dryer, furnished, clean. Rent negotiable, but approx, $350/month. Call 886-2313anytime. Free,>.5 months rent. $225/month. Fully furnished apt. Available from mid-April to August. 62 Shadeland Cres., Kitchener. 10 min. to U.W. by bike. Call Ken or Doug 749-1074. Apartment to share: 2 rooms available for summer in luxury 3 bedroom apartment. Colour TV, freezer, dishwasher, 15 min. walk to campus. Share with 2 yr. Optomety student. Non-smokers. %14O/montheach. Jim, Ron, Brian at 886-l 697for details. Looking for a cheap room for the summer? I have a furnished room available; fully-equipped kitchen,. private entrance and bath; parking; 10 min. bike ride to campus: Rent Very negotiable! 746-1997. 5 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, 2 fridges, 2 minutes from Waterloo Square. $130per person - negotiable, sublet for summer with option to lease in September.Call 743-6636. Waited 2 or 3 roommates to share the best townhouse in Sunnydale, spacious, furnished kitchen and livingroom, washer and dryer. Can sublet for Winter 85 and beyond. $120 month negotiable. Call Ed ,886-9169, Dave 884-7035,Brad 886;3488. Roommate wanted from May - Aug, 84. ‘Sunnydale, furnished, butmust supply bed. $95/month. Phone 7461874. Two. bedroom apartment (furnished) to subletfor summer’84. $32O/monthnegotiablerl’5 min. walk from campus. Maria or Kim at 886-3288for details.

. t




Apartment to Sublet May - Sept.,close t6Zehrsand Mr. Grtier,justoff Erbon Avondale, IS min. walk to U.W., laundry facilities, parking, furnished or unfurnished. Call 886-5924.

Summer Housing Available: Large two bedroom furnished apartment for sublet May I- August 31.20min. walk to U of W. 3 min. walk to .Parkdale Plaza. Rent negotiable. Phone 7461503.



House - available May &pt. ‘84. Option to take over lease.2 fridges, 2 Person wanted to, share 2 bedroom parking, $1301month/ house May - Aug. Frederick - minutes bathrooms, from downtown Kitchener, seconds - person, Kitchener. Call Brad 743-8637. from bus Stop. Full of furniture, art, 2 bedroom music. 158!50Bt Bell bill. Call Lisa or Summer c)nly. Available furnished apartment for 2 responsible Don, 743-1723any evening. females. 20 minutes from university. Utilities included. Good price. Call Hazel St< Fully furnished 2 bedroom evenings884-3653. apt. to sublet,available May lst.20 min. May - Aug. %4. Share elegant old walk t6 UW. 5 min. to Parkdale Plaza (Zehr’s, Be& and liquor stores). home. Balconies, washer and dryer, dishwasher. Close to downtown Laundry facilities in building. 578-l793 $3451month, utilities included. Call Waterloo. Rent negotiable. 885-0523. . (evenings).

Quiet female wanted to sharefurnished two-bedroom apartment. Available May 1984.$I54 per month includes all utilities except phone and .cable. Ten \ minute bike ride to U W. Call 746-l 147. .

Somia --T-May to August ‘84.2 people needed to share townhouse - $130. Partly furnished - No lease. 1-3444866. I Apartment to sublet - Onemonth free Sublet portion of a house from May - rent. Two bedrooms, clean, and ,A$ust. Five minutes from Waterloo furnished. Laundry and parking’ Square. Fifteen minute walk.to U.W. facilities. Closeto Universities (20 min. Accommodates two, appliances, ‘walk)and Parkdale Plaza.($3 15/monlaundry facilities, parking spot. Call th). 43 I Haze1Street, Apt. 7. Available ,. 886-3274. from May to August 31. Call Diane Luxurious apartment - Summer ‘84. _884-9361. 180 Brybeck, Kitchener. 2 bedrooms, 3 bedroom bousf. 10min. walk from partially furnished, bus nearby, rent UW or WLU. Suitable for 3-5 people. negotiable. Give us a call:742-2733. Sublet May - Aug. $SOOmonth. 8852753. Female roommate ’ Non-smoking .’ wanted td - share Phiilip Street Phillip St. Townhouse. Three roomtownhouse May to August. Washer mates needed for Summer, Fall alid and dryer, next to campus. Call Maria Winter Terms. Male or Female. Call at 884-2788. , 888-6814anytime. Summer Housing (Can continue into Fall). Share luxury furnished house with two grad students (nonsmokers). Parking. Sunbathing balcony. Washer /dryer. Downtown Kitchener walking distanck to Market Square.20 minutes to University by bus. $225; month includes utilities. Jane 579-5513, evenings.


Available May 1 Large renovated I br. apt. in quiet 3 story walk-updowntown Kitchener. New kitchen and bath, wood floors, bright spacious livingroom, laundry. Sublet $352.Call Mark or Maureen 576-4103/885-121I ext. 3841. j Townhouse available 2 summe; term with option to take over lease. 3 bedroom; partially furnished; located in Sunnydale. Call 888-664I. 2-bedroom apt to sublet - completely furnished, May 1- Aug3 1,freeutilities, free parking, 6 min. bus ride - 10min. walk to campus, only 345.00. Call Wayne 745-8895. Wanted! Female roommate to shaie 3-bedroom townhouse with 2 females,, May - Aug. ‘84. Clean, neat, almost _ completely furnished. 20 min. walk to campus. Possibility to return Jan, Apr. ‘45.8864438. 256 PhilliD Street. townhouse for summer ‘8b. 2 behrooms, finished basement, washer/ dryer, partly furnished, parking available, cable, possibility for winter ‘85. Reasonable rent and utilities. 888-6960.

One Roammate Wanted Fall,! Winter Term 84/85. $130.00 per month including utilities. 20 minute walk to U of W. 884-3253. ,,. 1

One Month% Rent Free!!! Sublet for Summer, option to leasein fall. Deluxe - three-bedroom model: Patio on roof, skylight, I .5 bathrooms, spacious, split-level, Sunnydale townhouSe.Call 885-3244. .

Phillip St.Toihouse for sublet. MayAug. ‘84 and alte‘mating terms. 4 bedrooms, washer/dryer. S%O/month or less.886-8547.

Townhouse - completely furnished and carpeted, split level living room with pool table, darts, and stereo. 10 min. cycle fromU of W.; closetoZehrs, laundromat, bus route; lookingfor 1.2, or 3 roommates for this summer and possibly through widter and fall ‘85. Rent negotiable. Call 8864609.

Senior or Grad student preferred to share housein&Kitcheneron Joseph St, King at Victoria, from May on. Expenses shared among residents, $135.OO/month & utilities. Cal¶ Lou 743-8925Home, 886-3720school.

Downtown Toronto: May - Aug/84. Person neededto share 2bedroom apt. with 2 females.Rent $l60/ month. Call 886-1256.

Sublet in Sunnydal&This townhouseis in good condition and is close to laudromat, Parkdale PlazaandU of W. Fourbedrooms. Only$lOO.OO/month/ person. .Phone884-9978or 884-6246.

Housing available at 94 Albert Stree beginning in I May, $95 a week 8 utilities. Two positions open.

Wanted: 2 people to share 4 bedroom apt. (2 full baths) in Toronto. May August ‘84. At Kennedy & Sheppard, ideal for IBM. $165/month. Pool, Sauna,Tennis Courts. Busstopoutside door. Contact: Joyce or Terri 576-2985 (Kitchener).

Bright Upstairs furnished 2-bedroon apartment with private kitcher bathroom and entrance. Overlook park. 15 mii;tite walk to campus. $34 p.m. includes utilities. First month fret Fall option. 884-4332.or 885-1211,e: 2079.

Rent Free for one month, May August. New semidetached house to share; 20 min. walk to U of W; 5 min. walk to Zehrs; 3 min. to Quick Trip Variety, Kentucky Fried, Pizza;on bus route; furnished, fully carpeted, cable; $150/month plus utilities; male or female; non-smokers please,Call Paul it 886-5952or 886-9366.

Furnished room in spacious share house with dishwasher, microwac laundry and biggarden.$220p.m.,fir mqnth free. Includes utilities al parking. Male or female. April 1or M 1.8844332 or 885-l 2 11,ext. 2079. $636 free (towards rent). 5 bedrot house, partially furnished, in Kitchc er. Great place, Extras! phone 74 8003.

One Minute walk from U of W. Sublet2 bedroom Married Students Apartment. $327/month including utilities and free cable. Call Mark 888-6554.

Townhouse available May to AugL Sunnydale.3 bedroom, onemonth f rent. Option to take leasein Septemt Phone 888-6796. 1

Two minutes-walk f&m U of W !Sublet one bedroom Married Students Apartment. $3l3/ month including utilities. (Free Cable)..Cq11884-8464.

One. month free rent. Sunnyd; Roommate wantedbeginning May lst, Suminer ‘84. 4 bedroom townhol 1984. Fully furnished bedroom with partially furnished, washer/dryer, broadloom iti a large luxurious baths, Leah 884-9862. , townhouse: Use of 211facilities, bus stop close. Location: 285 Bluevale St. -Ottawa - Summer Term. 2 room rent in garden home near Baheli N., Waterloo. (Near Glenridge Plaza). Co-op students welcome. 5200.00/ Woodroffe. Approximately $1 month, includes utilities. Pleasecall month. Females or males. Frank Jennifer or Norma after 5 p.m. .884- neednot apply. Call Kevin 886-86; 7747.

May - August to sublet with Lease AvaiJable in September.4 bedrooms, $404 month, 530A Sunnydale. 8887055.

Housing Wanted Ottawa Summer Work Term. : incredibly fun guys on senior work tl ,I <lookingfor fun and aplacetocallho .. Call Ian, 884-7096.

MakeYwrHolldayWwk! Cut travelcosts and gain valvgbk w&k experience abroad tiith theMudentHlbrkAbmbd Program (SWAP).

Mail completed


Working in Oshawa this Summel female Mathies want to sublet bedroom apartment Sept - I: Parking and appliances’neede,d.( 884-6427.

For Sept. - Dec. ‘84 to sublet fr anyone in Married Students Apts. C 884-7937(Gina) or 884-9069(Deb). * 3 Bedroom or larger fbr September to April 85, in Wzkterlooor Downto Kitchener (Reward $100). Call 81 9809 (Brian) or 886-6673(Bob).


Help! We need a 3-bedroom tow house or apartment for Fall ‘84 ne campus, preferrably furnished. C;. Mike 886-1963 or Peter/Craig 74 1640. I


1 or 2 bedroom apartment for Fall ‘$ - Winter ‘85. Pleasecall Deb or Ale; 885-0845.


- ‘WaterlOo..., Are,you ready for <’ a new experience?

1 = 10% Discount with 1 Student I.D. (Avhilable

EvITtl; Monday and Tuesday, May 7 and 8 - 8:00 p.m. $27.50 and $2950 , Visa






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. SQUARE 1 101 Queen Street


$50Reward for a2 bedroomapartmen for Fall ‘84; Winter’85 within 25minute walking distance. 4th year students willing to take over lease.Call Elaine 884-5335or Catherine 884-7155.

. JOffering d&it-yburself and custom fkaming, a awide’selection of fine . ’ art prints and posters. . I

The lhtbmational Musical Hit I Price


465 Phillip St. - Parkdale ,I11

Needed. 4 mature students require townhouse/apartment for Fall ‘8~ Preferably within walking distance t campus. Willing to take oyerlease.Ca. Sandy 884-7587, LKeslie 884-70lS Lisa884-5619. , ’

Apartment or Townhouse (any size) t< rent for Fall ‘84, Winter ‘85 b! responsible fourth year students. Wil take over lease.Call Mark at 884-03IS after 11p.m. Nee& Summer - 2 bedrodn: apartment-. Close to U of W. preferrably cheap. Call Ed or lzzy 5793845after 5. Room wanted to Rent in Toronto. Preferably near Sheppard and Leslie. Phone 884-8091or 884-7211gnytime.

Lost $20 Reward. For the return of an HP34C. Lost in Men’s washroomat the MC Building on April 2 1at 12:30a.m. Pleasecall me, Kathy Varkony at 7494201. Gold Chain Braceleton Friday, March 16th in CC. If found pleasecall 8863673. No questionsasked. Reward.



Found in Arts Lecture 113,two weeks ago a red pencil case. Phone Dave at 8844238 to claim.

Art \

A bunnyman?

Well, I suppose

you had to be there to see the ears. . .


Burmyrnen and *Breeders: Good concert, great Crowd by Roger McKerlie and Brian Hamilton There were two good reasons for being at Bingeman Park la&Friday night: to catch a good performance by a band called Echo and the Bunnymen, and to watch (or be a part of) the most concentrated gathering of the alternative music crowd so far this year in Kitchener-Waterloo. Stepping intp the roiler-rink-turnedconcert-hall, it was impossible not to be impressed (fascinated? amazed?) by the fairly solid .mass of black clothing and hair gel. Although not short on high. energy -and enthusiasm, this was *definitely a colder and more image-conscious crowd than the one at LB40 two weeks ago. The Bunnymen pub was not sold out, so this time around, there was at least some room to breathe. There was plenty of space towards the back, and the lineups at the bar were mercifully short. By the end of the night, of course, people were standing on tables and the situation in front of the stage was hot, uncomfortable, and (in a few cases) violent. For an unknown reason, Breeding Ground opened the show ahead of Let’s Active, alittleknown band from the States. This was a mistake,, since Breeding Ground took the crowd by surprise; a lot of their possible impact was lost. But their short set was good - a . completely appropriate introduction for Echo and the Bunnymen. The music of Breeding Ground is dark and atmospheric, and their live show is highlighted by the dramatic presence of lead singer John Shireff. A poor mix on Shireffs vocals was the only flaw in a great performance by a young Toronto-based band with obvious talent and a definite future. Reunion, their-current single, was especially well done. The less said about Let’s Active the better. They were awful. Apparently, Echo and the Bunnymen were delayed at the border and they arrived late. Some of their equipment never made it. They came on just after midnight.This is not a “party” band. They call themselves “psychedelic”, and their music, usually short on melody, is a collage of sound

dominated. by hard-edged guitar and agonized, intentionally off-key vocals. It seems the last thing the Bunnymen want to .do on stage is come across as nice guys. They never appeared to be enjoying themselves (they probably weren’t supposed <to) and there wasverylittle interaction . with the crowd. The stage set-up was unusual: Bunnymen in a row, with the drummer on the left and-an anonymous keyboard player behind him. The focus of the band was lead singer Ian McCulloch, who took the prize as probably ‘the most stoned person in the room. In strangely marked contrast was bass player Les Pattinson, with a Monkees-like mopofhair and what appeared to be a yellow Alligator shirt! For fans familiar with the Bunnymen and their music, their set was definitely a treat. They played a mixture of old and new material, including almost all of their better-known songs like The Rack of Love and A Promise (the only notable exception was Rescue). The live version of The Cutter failed .to do full justice to the studio version since the unusual instrumentation used on the record (sitar) was replaced by synthesizer , but The Killing Moon was excellent and soundedeven stronger than their current 12 inch recording. Live, the Bunnymen go for an overwhelming guitar attack. Despite the usual acoustic problems at Bingeman and the volume (for all the bands) turned up too loud, they sounded good. Lead singer McCulloch usedavarietyof different and interesting guitars and his voice was in excellent form - powerful and subtly controlled. The crowd brought the band back for two encores. Do It Clean, the flip-side of The Killing Moon EP, ended the show after 1:30. Despite a strong show with few flaws, Echo and the Bunnymen probably remain inaccessible to many who saw them on Friday. Because of the concert at Bingeman, theRecord Store is unlikely to run short of Bunnymen vinyl. Hopefully, anyone who found it difficult to completely’get into their uncompromising sound was drunk (naturally happy?) enough to have a good time, appreciated the exposure or enjoyed the sights.


The Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery will exhibit two shows, Pegi Nicol MacLeod, a prominent modernist painter, and Art Forms, a juried competition, March 29th to April 29th: . Pegi,Nicol MacLeod was as well known to her contemporaries for her organizational skills and unwavering support of Canadian art as for her artistic abilities. She was born Pegi Nicol in Listowel, Ontario in 1904. After studying art in Ottawa and Montreal, she moved to Toronto in 1934 where she became an active member of several socialist movements and a number of art groups. She earned some money by selling her works in Toronto’s open air markets. But these earnings were meager so she supplemented her income by designing window displays for Eatons. After marrying Norman MacLeod in 1937, her life remained relatively hectic for she became a”mother while continuing her artistic pursuits. Unfortunately, cancer cut her life short at the age of forty-five. Her paintings are complex, compositions, filled with entangled curving lines. She



gave her fluid brush strokes perspective Bnd focus by carefully balancing the colors on each canvas. Art Forms, the K-W Art Gallery’s annual juried competition, is an opportunity to see some of Ontario’s most exciting contemporary artists. The pieces selected for the show face stiff competition. Last year, 48 works were selected from over 500 entries by 280 artists. The wide cross section of media and styles will satisfy a spectrum of tastes in art. -

art on display

For nearly ten years, 40 King Street South, in Waterloo, housed the studios‘of some of Kitchener-Waterloo’s most creative artists. Thursday, April 5, will mark the reunion of 1’8 of these artists ina show entitied 40 King Street South, Upper, at the University of Waterloo


Arts Centre

in TA Gallery.

In many ways this performance reflected the strengths of the U of W dance students. Several modern dance pieces provided some truly memorable moments. These works differed greatly and showed a wide range of choreographic styles. Four were set on the dancers by three different professional guest choreographers. But the biggest revelation was a work-created by a U of W dance student, which proved that raw talent can certainly hold -_ its own. Alison Child showed herself to be the very promising choreographer of Threnody; what was for me. the most powerful work of the show. Ms. ,Child has an-acute sense of drama. Threnody showed her ability to draw the audienc.e into the midst of simple human



There will be an informal opening Thursday, April 5 at 8 p.m. which will include a wonderfully funny, comic-mime. presentation by Jeff Beckner. Refresh ments will be served.

*- show had variety

by Kirsten Gunter Imprint staff As a welcome change from the usual routine of homework and boredom, Danceworks ‘84 provided an enjoyable Sunday afternoon alternative March 25th. The pace was brisk and the programme offered by the U of W dance students and faculty was varied enough to keep an audience of family,. friends and fellow students, well absorbed. For the inexperienced dance goer it was the perfect opportunity to get a taste of’ everything: opening with a lyrical balletic group piece set to the haunting Pachelbel Canon, followed by some up-tempo and humoursus jazzy pieces, then culminating with some more intense modern dance works, ailappetites were whetted.


The jurors for -Art Forms ‘84, Mira Godard,of the Mira Godard Gallery, Toronto; John Silverstein, Curator, The Gallery/Stratford; and Toronto artist, Joseph Drapell, will select works in five categories: painting, drawing, print, photography and sculpture. Each work chosen will be labeled with color coded dots that indicate which juror(s) nominated the piece. Artist fees will be awarded to each artist in the exhibition. As well, a cash award will be presented to the piece judged to be the best work of art.

tensions before enveloping them in the horrific aftermath of atomic warfare. In a solo choreographed for herself, this same knack for zeroing in on a very human state - that of loneliness - gave special poignancy to the piece. This same theme - the pain of isolation was explored in Shee&rook b-d Black Dog, an achingly evocative duet by guest choreographer Gisa Cole. Former faculty member and now guest choreographer, Gabby Miceli, demonstrated once again her imaginative use of space and her uncanny ability to find the appropriate movement necessary. In 7iwnsit depictedthe world of mechanized transportation to the techno-pop music of Kraftwerk. Notation (Benesh and Laban, two languages created for recording dance) is an important part of U of W’s dance programme. . Faculty member Rhonda Ryman’s commitment to these arts was evident in her stagings of two original choreographies. La Cachucha, a dance originally performed by the fiery 19th century dance, Fanny Elssler, was recreated here in piquant, vivacious Spanish style by dancer Susan Budd. . Ms. Budd is a very neat and precise dancer with a sparkling style, which she infused in Prayer, a pointe solo reconstructed and notated by Ms. Ryman after the original 1870 choreography by Arthur Saint-Leon. The dance department students and faculty must be commended for all the hard work and time spent in order to provide us with a two hour end of term lift.


! j






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The Rei.erend William A. Spooner ( 1844-1930) of New College. Oxford. was knrupn for &intentional transpbsitions of.sounds o,r parts of woids when he sRoke. Today. the term’spodnerism’is usbait>* applied to tht; ttansposition of the initial sounds of two M.ords. especiatl!* if, it causes two new words to be formed (for csample. ‘bold hack’ instead of ‘hold back’. or a ‘welt-boiled icicle’ instead of a ,‘welt-oiled bicycle’). I‘m sure you’ll have no problem picking out the spooneri?;m clues. As this is the last issue of Imprint. !.ou’lt have to tiork out the gnswers yourself! Good tuck. and happy solving-in the future. ’,


1. and 4. Dispoiabte dishes Rev. Spooner would have no . * problem with. (5.6) 2. A military offider &rts out again. (3) 3. A h’ome appliance combining five in one, perhaps. (4) 4. See 1 down. 5. It signals you to stop or be led to Conservatism by Rev. Spooner? (3.5) I’ 6. 1.~to the point and dismal abbut a”notice of discharge. (9) 7. -Nothing moves to get fruit. (7) . 11. Be good (enough ,to get .the dime&ions from bottom to top. (7.2) 13, Possibly lush band of unsettled property. (8) ., 14. Let go of uncle not finished with snake. (7) 16. Develop old trouble mixed with fun. (6) 19. They might be Ii t i&villages. (5) 20. Musical symbol taken up in school. (4) 1 23. Suffer with rent, (3) 01 l

Answersto . (Note:




by Ffaser Simpson Imprint staff If >,ou’\.e atwaks wondered how to construct a crossword, or have even tried,with limited ,_success. then here.is an article ’ that wilt clear up the mystery. How does ihe .crossword compiler fit all the words into , the symmetriCa pattern’! Perhaps you hadn’t noticed that all ,c,cossword diagrams :%ara syniinetric in‘ the sense that they took exactly the same

.. ’

last issub’s crcpssword:

The letJeT qfier the nu&er


The man and h&crosswords:



Simpson’ staff

lf!.ou arc willing to count one submission ina Misprintfroma couple of !*ears%go as a crossword. this will be my seventy-fifth crossword in the Imprint o\.er the four years that-I’ve worked for the paper. It will also b& rn\v last. i would like to extend a thankyou for all the positi1.e ieGdback. the suggestions. and the corrections from beginn2ng and advanced solvers alike. I’ve grown as a crossword compiler as much as you’ve grown as crossu.ord solvers. For this closing crossword 1 present to you a different- t>*pe of clue (b!* no means standard): the spoonerism.

Something New! Something Exciting! Something Unique! 5.


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1. It M,ilt bc consunicd in a very tilick fog. (3-4) ’ 5. Rode nothing in a public show. (5) 8. Arrange ii scat Sort hc witty person. and it will bc yourguidc iis to whcrc to sit. (5.4) 9. Seal cut 01’1’from the ocean. (3) ’ . 10. Frost prodticcd’poctry. wc hear. (4) 12. IIcsirihg arrangcmcnt for living. (8) 14. Runs to the French. perhaps, with a hcavcnty thing. (6) IS. ‘l‘hc short rctaiion could bc a major university paper. (6) 47 and.18. A devastating calamity for an embarrassed bird, Rc\.. Spooncr reports. (8. 4) 21. Bc sick. wc hear. ofan alcoholic drink.‘(3) 22. Sort of spoil c.oat of a disciple. (9) 24. Transported and played music in Scotland. (5) ’ --. .2% <iIVes ilut no dates. (7)

YOU, to’


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how dbes he do it??”

right-side-up as upside-down. compiler chooses the diagram Some diagrams go even fur- - first and fills the words in ther; they took exactly the afterward. same no matter’which of the Unaided, this would still be four ways you turn them. The sometitnes an arduous task. crosswords in The Globe and Frequently a Crosswjord cornMail typically have diagrams piler will use a book that‘ with this property. The reason contains lists of *words sorted for it is purely aesthetic, and it r by letter-position. For exis no -more difficult for a ample, if one spot in,a crosscompiler to make a crosswoid word contained --N-Z--, the with the lqttertype.ofdiagram’, book’would give that the only thaln ‘with the former.’ The . possible -words are DENIZEN reason, of course, is that the and IONIZED. This saves the



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is that @‘the t*lue.)L

IA. ’ Actress 5H. Tulip 85. Phoiocbpy -9L. Bit IOC. Earl 12F. Disgrace 14E. Suffer 1_5P. Pinion 17M, Rarefied 18B. Knit 21 G. Ann 22N. Conserved +24K. Seers 25D. Shrinks - 1s. Ample 2W. Tad‘ 3‘R. Eros 4BB.-Stolid 5Z. Try again 6X. Librarian 7D. Pattern 1 ‘11 V. Reference 13AA. Perfects’ 14U. Serial; I6T. Tennis 19Q. Tides 20CC. gikr. 23Y. Van : i



compiler time searching fai. (possibly non-existent) ‘words tq fit certain’letter-patterns, as well&s providing him pith new tiords that may not be in his vocabulary. / It is easy to see that the I whole process of filling ? diagram’can be computerised, , In fact, a display set up by Fraser Research during the‘ UniLersity of Waterloo’s ty:nfy-fift h anniversary cele-’ bratio’ns showed a progt-am which fills crosswor -1;. It has;‘Ci@ bank of acceptab:: words which it- uses to fill a given - tiiagram, backtracking when n&essary.In fact, the Kitdieher- Waterloo Record,s crtisswordiJ made this way. ’. When the diagram is complete, the compiler copies each of’ the words onto a piece of ,paper.in ‘order to make appropriate clues for them. in the case of a ‘quick’-style crdssword,, the clues will be sin’ onynis (from the easy to the obscure) of the word to go into the.. diagram. For a- ‘cryptic’ style crossword, the compiler must spend time making sensible and fair clues. ’ . - At the ctueing.stage. many ‘I ‘.bbokS - can.‘come iii -helpful. First of all, of courbe, is the _ dictionary. Crossword iomI Ipilers will choose one @ition . of ’ otie diction&y (fdr ex’ amp&, the Funk and Wagnail’s Standard College, or the concise - Oxtord) ahd stick with it. Also available are thesauri, crossword puzzle dictionaries, and anagram dictionaries. Even:with all of this help, though, a compiler’s ’ clue? will ,reflect some of his ‘personality. , , . . j 1 ‘.

c text to by Nathan Rudyk Imprint staff One of the best things about Prof. Pauline Johnston’s jazz nusic class (Music 274) is the occasional performance/lecture ly guest musicians who bring the textbook to life. Monday light’s class, advertised to the public, was the best of these playnd-talks for a very special reason; the musicians were rofessional lecturers culled from the campuses of Carleton Jniversity and our own UW. Prof. Barry Wills, UW systems engineering department, is a 1zz pianist in his spare time. His colleague from Ottawa, Dr. &-ian Tansley, is a sensory neuropsychologist who moonlights s a tenor sax player. For an audience of approximately 80 Monday night, the good actors gave a demonstration of jazz music, trying to eliminate le “I love jazz but I don’t understand it” syndrome. Accompanied by an overhead projector showing musical cores (charts, if you’re in the scene), the learned duo started rith Duke Ellington’s C Jam Blues, a simple piece Prof. Tansley lrid “was written for musicians without a cortex”. It’sa simple 12 ar structure that played ‘straight’ induces sleep by the ninth ar. After playing the piece once through the straight way, Wills nd Tansley added their improvisational touch - the touch that lakes music jazz music. “Three basic changes, all quite systematic, are made in jazz nprovisation. Melody, chordal structures and rhythms are all ’ rcperimented with to make a tune more interesting,“explained ansle y .

Flashing anot her chart (John Coltrane’s Some Other Blues) on the overhead, Tansley and Wills proceeded to demonstrate each element of improvisation individually -building the music bar by bar until they were involved in the kind of full-blown virtuousity that earned them rave reviews at Montreal’s Chateau Laurier just a few weeks ago. To emphasize how these simple changes, in the hands of capable musicians, can make ANY music jazz music, Tansley and Wills jammed on Barry Manilow’s McDonald’s theme, You Deserue A Break Today. After playing a quick “head” section (an introduction to a jazz piece where the tune is easily recognized), the two launched into the jazz mode, making the most of the jazz player’s basic tools - melody; chords and rhythms. Tansley pointed out that lyrics are also used by the jazz musician to make the music hisown. “Lyrics give you another source of material to improvise with. It’s another challenge, another elemental feeling to deal with in the interpretation,” he said. For what Will calls “amateurs in the best sense of the word”, the interpretation the doctoral duo gave to Rodgers and Hammerstein’s People Will Say We’re In Loue was a credible: sometimes amazing one. Tansley has a sparkling dexterity that is complimented by Wills’ largely rhythmic backup. People interested in seeing- the pair _ might - check out the Duke of Wellington on Sunday afternoons. They played there together March 25th, and Wills occasionally sits in for the house pianist.

Play ,portrays-‘line& r

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by Karen Plosz The play ends on an upbeat note, with Steve stepping , Imprint staff * deliberately and carefully away from the lines he has been “If I set this job - I will be in a better position if I get this job. . .” moving along for the duration of the play. These words came, not from a University of Waterloo co-op udent, but from Steve, the main chara-cter of the new wave usical satire, Life on the Line, performed last Thursday by ixed Company in U W’s Theatre of the Arts to a mixed group of udents and people from the Kitchener-Waterloo community bncerned about unemployment. The play was sponsored by KMS-FM, WPIRG, the Federation of Students, and tchener-Waterloo’s Working Centre. The play was a constant monologue of Steve, who walked, nped, and trudged along “The Line”, accompanied by a ntinuous new wave score played by Allen Booth on keyboard / Tapes - Maxell XL-II 90 min. Id Ben Cleveland Hayes on drums. We see Steve in a variety of Feds $39.95 10 for $40.95 uations, at a job interview, in a voting booth, at an office party, Hundreds of Albums under $5.00 a political rally. His experiences are something we can mpathize with. We watch him as he goes for an interview, and Receive yotir Federation of Students price j e iation as he gets a job. ,We watch as he starts work ina new discount ($1 .OO off all items over $3.00) by ‘ice, with new people, with office automation. He discusses showing your undergrad University of Waterloo I.D. card to the cashier!! ledience and the drudgery of the 9 to 5 lifestyle. The second part of the two act play begins with Steve hoping 3t he doesn’t get this job because he will have to change his , WEEKLY HOURS: bthes, his address and himself. His comments are more cynical 9:30 to 12:45 & 200 to 5:00 d satirical, on everything from the power Americans wield, Monday, Tuesdav, Thursday, Friday :ial problems, women’schangingroles, unionsand politicians. Sop-y. We’re Closed on Wednesday 3ve ends up rejecting this cynicisin, and ,assuming a more sitive attitude that is based,on the fact that anythins can ppen. Says Steve, “Who needs us tofight over problems, who eds us to get wasted, who needs us to worry over money, or to get we are irreplaceable”.



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lvew Drztgtigxrider by John, W. Bast Imprint Staff Anne

McCaffrey Mot-eta Ballentine, November

. 1983

At last! Another Dragonriders of Pern book - and one that is uite possibly the.best of the (now, six book) series. Moreta:kagonlady of Pern is probably the best-written of the bragonrider books. The characterizations (one of Anne IcCaffrey’s strongest suits in writing technique) are deeper and tronger than anything she’s done before; and the plotting of the ook is so tight that it is very hard to put the book down at all le reader is swept from incident to incident to shockingclima’x if ot with breakneck speed, then with the inexorability of the tide. hnd like ‘the tide, this book is irresistable. The setting is the planet Pern, in the “Saggitariay sector” of le sky, a lost colony of Earth. The colonists don’t remember luch, if anything, of their origin, and have lost the vast majority f their sciences (incldding, for the most part, the scientific lethod). This is too bad, because their planet is regularly lreatened with a. lifeform from another world in their solar ystem, the fungus-like “Thread”, which feeds on any living $ng, destroying it utterly. Thread could devastate a world. iow the Pernese found a flourishing world in the first place, not ne inundated by Thread, remains unexplained - it is taken for ranted that only man’s ingenuity has preserved this planet.) The .original settlers, faced with the Thread problem, used iological engineering to produce weapons against it. The most owerful (and dramatically satisfying) instfument was the ragon. , From the titles of the books, one can see that thedragons are ery, very central to the plots. McCaffrey’s dragons are normous; big enough t-o fly four big people on its back (in most ases - there are certainly variations in size); can breathe fire lfter they have chewed sulphurous rocks and stored the active rinciple in a second stomach); andare intelligent and telepathic rith their rider, &nd other dragons. They are totally faithful to ne rider, having be& with him (pr her, in the case of queen ragons - there are no lesser dragonriders who are women) lnce Hatching, and they suicide if the rider dies. Their Fespans, fortunately, are approximately the same as a human &n$s. &There one other power, tojump“between”as McCaffreysays ‘between” is a sort of hyperspace, or where you are when you t-e teleporting from one spot to another) is also of importance, nd is~.especialJy significant in Moreta. I h&d thou&~ the Dragonrider series had been dying out; allowing The White Dragon, there had been Dragonsinger hd Dragondrums, both of them juvenile books (this is not a erogat’ory terti! It merely means, books written for young :aderS) which .I had no partiyular use for. And after them, othing - the Dragonriders series seemed to have gorie the way f anotherMcCaffrey series1 had-enjoyed very much, a series of 7ort stories collected under the title, The Ship Who Sang. I was glad I was wrong! And not only that (I should have zalized McCaffrey would have to do this, if she were to write nother Dragon book), Moreta is not one of McCaffrey’s haracters from her already-established series; while this is the 3me world, it is about a thousand years before her regular cast f characters was born. That history, or perhaps my memory, has become clouded in


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those years, or in the time since I read the Dr&on books. My remembrmce has Moreta being the Weyrwoman (the co-head of a weyr, the dragonriders’ h&me establishment) of Benden Weyr (Moreta says, Fort Weyr). I had thought the ballad of “Moreta’s Ride”, referred too every now and then by the characters in the previous series, was about the first time a Queen dragon flew again& the national enemy, Thread. No either I am remembering wrong, or MZaffrey has decided she won’t’be bouhd by her previous writing (which, at best, as was only background). This book, is an eritirely different epi\sode.-I admit’ I don’t mind that at all - on6 shouldn’t be able to guess how the story is going to go from just. the title! So: the background having been sketched in, what isMoreta all about? A sweet, wonderful, cpurageous girl caught in a war against a malignant lifeform, a way of life that (even though-she appreciates many of its rewards, especially her Queen dragon, Orlith) chafes her with restr‘ictions;a seiof responsibilities that. are almost, but not quite too heavy, and a nature that is free, but has a deep sense of responsibility to herl job. Moreta is the story of Moreta the Weyrwomari - a personal story rather than an adventure. McCaffrey takes the &tire first five chapters, plus a long introduction, to set the stage and introduce us to Moreta, Weyrwoman and woman. This should be dull. Nothing especially important happens (well, not at first glance - a few things become important later on, but the reader doesn’t notice at the time), the characters Moreta meets Bre either rather dull, or even ambivaler)t; and the novelty of talking with anenorwous, carnivorous dragon with an incredibly sweet nature soon wears off. So why did I keep reading?I%cause Anne McCaffrey’s prose is such that she could write about how to prepare a hamburger, and make it utterly fascinating. The whole book is like this - McCaffrey often digresses, spending a lot of time sketching in background ----and these spots are just as interesting as her account of the Wings of dragons flying against the enemy Thread, their aerial manouvers, and the.aftermath when Moreta must treat some particularly gruesotie wounds. Her writing is powerful enough tokeep one engrossed. And those digressions are a trap: I would not be surprised if McCaffrey thought to herself, “Let’s use all the writing craft I have to keep people reading these parts - because they’ve got to fall in love with Moretaand Orlith - otherwise there’s no point -a in this story.” If so, her strategy worked. I fell for it like a ton of bricks. You see, (and I’m not giving too much away when I say this) what Moreta is, more than anything ‘else, is one of the best sciencefiction tragedies I have ever read. And I won’t sayanythingmore in this vein, lest.1 spoil what McCaffrey workedespecially hard to make the reader feel-. ’ . Having finished the book, I can see where she introduced many, mariy, clever foreshadowings 6f the climax; many “elements to deepen the feelings of the reader; and not a fewfalse tension-relievers to fake out the reader, into thinking the situ&ions in the book are well in hand. With the exceptionof the sure knowledge that the human popula’tion of Pern will not be destroyed (after all, McCaffrey has wxitctep several books-set in the future of this world!), it turns out there is nothing sure about the !-I!tt “3-@ of this book at all. Moreta ,s a book that deserves to be read. It’s only atiailable in hardcover so fa’r (for about $20.00) so get together with,a few other Dragon fans and buy,a copy - if you wait for it tocoine out pin paperback, yo’u’ll kick yourself for haGnn J- ’ ’ experience of reading it now.




book-is out!



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tell Black

by Paul Zemokhol Imprint staff George .




Salt water Spirit uuls cud Deeper Blues Pot tersfield Press


As one friend re’marked, George Clarke likes to write so much he-even-writes long shopping lists. At this writing, Saltwater Spirituals,and Deeper Blues, Clarke’s first book, is almost one year qld. Published in Nova Scotia by a small press (Pottersfield Press) the book has sold 3ver 300 copies, whiqh in Canada’s poetry market is definitely a strong showing. While the book is about bonny Nova Scotia, Clarke says most Df.his poems were written-in Ontario, and m,ore,specifically, in K$hener-Waterloo. This is most surprising because of the dominant Atlantic themes of the poems. The book’s first section, entitled Soul Songs, could as easily have been called the Church Poems: Each poem bears the name Df an existing African United Baptist Association or Methodist Episcopal ‘church in Nova Scotia. In a reading of his works on February 28th be explainec’l that the poepls were about different aspects df the Black experience in Nova Scotia. TThe poems tire stl’ongly alliterative, strongly biblical -in magery; and contain the ever-present Clarke themes of Nova Scotia, the sea, its shore, its life - both fauna1 and floral, atid the activities surrounding these. Their themes are remembrance and affirmation. So, Clarke muses in Sydney African Methodist Episcopal Church that: we know greenhous& of women bearing sugared yams of children for the.slavemarkets of_this world. ’ The photographs following each section help Clarke’s :onjuring trick by letting us see eighteenth century Halifax, its Churches, and its “coloured Christians”.




Thesepoemsarethematicallyconsistent,usinglitt’lealliteration, just enough, to spring us along as Preston, latter-day Moses, leads his people from: . . . whip terror, american egypt, bastard night and lynch laws, In some of these poems Clarke is at his best - mixing imagery with blues snippets. Some poems such as Euungelist are so simple that in contrast to his other fire breabhing-ljoems these ’ stand out and exude a more powerful though yuieter intei?sity. The book as a whole has some minor typesetting and layout problems, in addition to three or four pictures that arg not appropriate to the rest of the turn-of-the-century photography. But these are minor quibblesand in no way mar the poet’s works. Stylist’ically, this book is not composed of “Pound-plain >poems” but rather, it is chockful of wordsand images for those of a religious bent. Buying this book will only tell you where George Clarke has been, but that is not at all where he is going. For the past Gear Clarke has been mastering the standard. form as weli as researching his next set of poems about Recqrend Rich&d Coady, a progressive-come-radical pr&her in depression-era Nova Scotia. So while his latest rekdings have shown ‘us a I sparser style and a new sureness of craft, we havi! yet to Se&his j : - _’ next incarnation - standard form, poet. , ~ Paul Zemokhol is a friend &f colleague of Mr. Clarke.


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siues Notes, the secocd section of this book starts with two hree-line poems that demonstrate CIarke’s versatility, and his ability to use images. Haiku-like, with no alliteration, the poet laints one image so well that it gives the reader room for further h&ght amidst its colour and reflections. The rest of this miscellaneous. section contains pieces of rarying lengths that contain powerful’images, love messages, ind more lyrical etudes, as well as some of the weakest poetry in his volume. Crying the Beloved Country is one of Clarke’sstrongest. It is lot heavy on alliteration, but eminently affecting in its repetitive questioning. In it the poet speaks longingly of his far-away Nova Scotia in a way that is sure to speak to thbse also far away frbm heir hopes. I Immediately following that poem is an audience favorite Vat&-colour for Negro Expatriates. I’ve read and heard thig boem many times and yet some of its lines affect me still. There is , omething Dylanesque about-this poem (Bob, not Thomas). Written on New Year% daymhen the poet was eighteen, it is lot only a letter to the blacks of the jazz age, it is a recounting of n experience’foreign to whites in both geography and emotion. t is surreal, with’s0 mafiyimages that it presentsa k&idoscope, nightmare of blackness in between-the-wars U.S.A. ’ Cotton Club is another crowd-pleaser, a song of waves, Iington, and lovers. The last section of ‘t-he book, entitled The Book of Jubilee, ecounts in twenty-one poems the life of Richard Preston, Iunder of the African United Baptist Association in Nova lcotia. Written for a creative writing course on campus, these poems re biblical in imagery and title - Scripture, Sermon, Exodus.

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’ ’ BriariMulroney: On the contra , R & D people become aware of job opportuniIn .a recent interview with the new leader is important-for every sector, incr uding ties.Clearly, as job displacement centers, . of the ProgressiveConservative Party, traditional sectorslike forestry, mining the Canada Employment centers are not I r. we asked seven key questions. His and agriculture. Look at how our enorperforming adequately And we will instianswers to, these questions will,be of ’ , mous roductivity improvement in tute programs specifically designed to inter@&3 every yopng Canadian. .’ ;“I.. . agricuPture has been assistedby our re.addresschronic unemployment which search-efforts in diseasecontrol, pes-. ’ , Questioi: Mr. Mulroney, both in/y&r tragically plagues certain regions of leddership campaign and in yourticides,weather prediction and animal - . Canada. . . . husbandry That’s why I say’the real ’ speeches’sinct? lust June, you hpite-str&- . ro&ctivity F;:p: Is our record tn R & D really . sed the need for improved . challenge facing Canada is‘to.-applynew’ . -technologyin old as well as new n and a serious reswrch an % development7 , strategy. What precisely does that mean industries. ’ Brian Mulmney: ust look at the figuresfor Canada’s youth? / Under 15 years o ! Liberal rule, we actually _ uestion: You’al;e almost calling for t , reduced our spending on R & D from sR ock treatmerit to OUY economy. --&an Mulroney: )The answer can be ex- ’ 1.29 ’ Brian Mulroney: When 545,000 young to 1.13 of total GNP All of our induspressed in three words: jobs, investment, * trial competitors are spending almost l , .a people areaout of work, when we have a and growth. Jobsbecause employment double that, while Japan has a goal of 4 ne ative balance of trade in high techopportunities for Canada’s545,000 un- * spending 3%. Put it this way: thereis one t 1 noPogy goods of more than $7.5 billion, ’ employed youth can only be secured ’ company in West Germany spending I recognize a crisisat hand. We must in sectors-with a real future. Investment “more on research than all of Canada comformulate a dramatic, innovative, and because research and development, that bined! ProgressiveConservative . isThe long-term tax systemto increase investis expenditure in new products, new Party committed. to increasing our - ’ ment in technology. We must assurethat ideas,new processes,provides the basis R & D commitment to 2.5% of GNP. ’ ’ meaningful jobs exist for our youth. of tomorrow’s winning sectors.Growth lot of ground to make up in -, because without it, there is no basisfor _ Question: You see&o. have a personal * making our way in the world, for tackling : interest in’this subject. the tragedy of 1,6 million unemployed I Question: How does R G Drelate to OUY Brian Mulroney: Anyone interestedin the Canadians. I unemployment crisis? . future of this country or theworld at ’ . Question: h there anything specific you Brian Mulronby: Someone once told me . - large has to take a personal interest.’ These new technolo ‘es&con chips, . would do to get jobs for youth? that while love makes the world go round, ’ satellite technology, i?iotechnology andresearch and development makes it go Brian Mulroney: We will provide inthe like -are having a profound effect on forward. The National Research Council creased incentives to employers to hire our society They are both a curse and a estimates that for every additional -and train young people. A >Progressive one per cent of GNP committed to R & D,, / * blessing.But I think that when we can Conservative government will significant- b800,000 jobs are created. Look aroundsat ’ get our government prokams relevant I. ly expand wage subsidy programs, such again, we can get real growth and jobs the sectors which are growing: pharma‘1 . as the career accessprogram. We will also -for our people. , ceuticals,corn uters, electronics,biosubstitute a program of refundable technology, tePecommunications. These < For further information about the employer tax credits; to credit emplo ers are all sectorswhere the R & D corn onent 4 PC. Party or your PG. Campus. with a portion of their income, or feBera1 of spending is very high. They are aPso the , Association phone (613) 238-6111 or write: -, payroll taxes, where they agree to hire -sectors-creating new lobs. PC. Youth Information, Suite 200, -* and train young people for a fixed period , 161 Laurier Ave. West, Ottawa; . Question: Is R G D important only We will greatly improve existing “infor., for Ontario KLP 5J2 mation exchanges” through which young 1 high tech sectors? t, \ P.C.YOtJTHFEDEIUTION . . t. OFCANADA - ’



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I /


Warrior Major trophy Winners Warriors



Lisa 8auer




Basketball: Steve Atkin. MVP Peter Savich. M V P. Rob Froesc. Rookie of the Year



by Bill Humphries Imprint staff The 1984 Unisersity ol‘W;iterloo Awards Banquet was a night to remember as a record crowd of 4SO current athktss. past athlms. es-athletes arid t‘ritmis ot’athlctcs joined to honour some outstanding people. After a huge plate of chicken. the opening ceremonies commenced. Ied by MCs Bob McKillop and .lud!McCrae. It was a night that Lisa Bauer and Paul Cra\*en sure@* will not forget. Both were awarded female and male athletes of the !*ear. The Universit). of Waterloo at htetic department also announced the creation ofa Hall of Fame recognizing the achievements of Waterloo’s finest athletes from years gone by to the present. The first inductees into the UW athletic Hall of Fame were Carl Totyke. Waterloo’s director of athletics and Dean H ilda Marsden. who has been a supporter ofat hletics at Waterloo since the Urii\.ersit!‘s formation. Both ha\.e been instrumental in the development of‘at hleticsat the U ni\.ersity of Waterloo. The Dean of Women’s award. honouring the top female athlete oft he year. was presented to Lisa Bauer. Bauer has been Waterloo’s most outstanding field hockey player t‘or the past four !.ears. One could write a book on Bauer’s accomplishments over her four year term. Bauer shared the captaincy on three occasions and was voted the most valuable player on the team on two separate occasions. Bauer is also the all time scoring leader in the histor!. ot field hockey at Waterloo accumulating a total of96 goals. Bauer was also named an all-Canadian in 1984 and recently was picked up by the Canadian Olympic team urhich will soon travel to the United States for a preOlympic tournament. Receiving the Totzke Tropy. awarded annually to the top male athlete of the year. was Paul Craven. Craven has been the most valuable player with the varsity volleybal! :eam four times and has also been selected as an All Star in :he Western division of the OUAA on four occasions. Craven led the Volleyball team to the CIAU’s this season 2nd was selected as the CIAU tournament all star.

sports heros



‘70-‘7 1 ‘7 l-‘72



Pat Bolger Jaan

Laaniste John


Football Football


Wrestler Basketball

Buda -


Egon Beiler --- Wrestler

‘73-‘74 ‘74-‘75






Phil Schlote



Jake Dupuis









Cam Prange


Don Langois

‘80~‘8 1 ‘8 1-‘82 X2-%3



Of the 16 CIAU competitors this year. Waterloo competed in 11. It was the fourth Nordic skiing championship in a row. Provincially. Waterloo has now become one of the top Universities athletically as a result of the ‘84 season. Waterloo had four first place championships. four second place finishes. and three third place finishes. Waterloo also had the distinction o,f hosting the Ontario championships in men’s and women’s volleyball and men’s basketball. The Warriors also hostedtheC1AU regional men’s basketball tournament. Enoughofthetechnicalstuff.Nottakinganythingaway from the honoured individuals, but the banquet did have its humorous moments. The highlight of the night was not “0 Canada” played by the Warrior’s Band. nor was it Bob McKillop’s off-the-wall jokes. nor was it Judy McCrae’s witty comments - although all threeelements helped the evening flow smoothly. The highlight was an incident involving Lisa Bauer. When B,auer was presented her award by Dean Hilda Marsden, Marsden then proceeded to place a white head band around Bauer’s head. Mrs. Marsden then put pieces of parsley in the head band to represent a laurel wreath. The incident was really quite funny, a “something you had to see to believe” incident. All things aside. the 1984 awards banquet was a real success and it marks a truly remarkable season that both Athena and Warrior teams had this year. Not only was the evenmg a night to remember but the 1983/84 year will go down in Waterloo athletic history as one of its finest years ever.

Rugby: Toney Stea, MVP



‘68-‘69 ‘70-‘7 1


Football -- Hockey


~ Football



Swimming, Diving: Andy Asbil, MVP

Volley ball: Paul Craven,

Wrestling: Daiv Tanguay,




Purdon Murphy


Athenas Basketball: Patti Edwards,


Cross Country: Lana Marjama,


Field Hockey: Lisa Bauer, MVP Alpine Skiing: Sue Hewgill, MVP MVP

Synchronized Julie Bramm;

Swimming: MVP

Track & Field: Patti Moore, MVP Elaine Veenstra, MVP Volleyball: Maura Purdon,




Jan Ostrom

of the Year

-- Swimming

Long Volleyball Field Hockey & Skiing


of the Year



- Volleyball



Water Polo: John Saabas, MVP Kevin Schofield, Rookie


Shaule -- Basketball

Track & Field: Mark Inman, MVP Steve Mueller, MVP Harvey Mitro, Rookie

Ann Gaskin

~ Wrestier -

Liam McFarlane, MVPs Rookie of the Year

Swimming & Diving: Kelly Neuber, MVP


Patsy C halrncr\

Soccer: KoFann Leong, Scott Robinson,


Pat Munroe & Elaine Keith - Swimming


Nordic Skiing: Stephen Thompson


Sue Hamilton




Toos Simons - Basketball - .Field H ockey



MVP of the Year of the Year

Hockey: Steve Cracker, MVP Jay Green, Rookie of the Year

Squash: Tori Young,

Jan Roorda


Golf: Gord

- Basketball - Volleyball


‘7 1-‘72


Reinhardt Fran Allard




Basketball -


Paul l.an Oorschot



Paul Goemans


of the Year

Football: Rob Dobrik. Mike White, Shane Gormley. Lineman Mike Brzozowski, Rookie

Male Bob McKillop.

MVP Rookie

Imprint’s Coach of the Year award went to the men’s \.olle>*ball coach. Dave H usson. H usson put all the pieces together a.t the right time as he took the Warriors to their best finish in history. a bron;re medal at the CIAU championships held at Lava1 University. Not only did the banquet recognize individual performanccs of 1984. it also pointed out the outstanding performances of the many varsity teams that make up u.hat has become the finest year of sports at Waterloo.

UW Hall of Fame Inductees ‘68-‘69

Cross Country: Harvey Mitro. Marvey Mitro,

Track and Ficid

-- Volleyball

11Canadians Peter Savich Lisa Bauer Paul Cra\,en Kelly NeubeI Diane Cooper Lana Marjama Mark Inman

Basketball Field H oc key Volley bail Swimming Gymnastics Cross Country Track and Field


-/ r I’ L


. ,,”




2’ ’






,’ ’ I





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