
Page 1

ampus; Events -

Tues., Sept. 4 -

Health*Wise Fitnesi ‘Assessments are al,ailablc through Campus Health Promotion. Includes a complctc fitness cc’aluation and personal health profile. Rccommcndations for change arc discussed with the fitness consultant. Students $15, Staff and t’aculty $25. I’honc 884-9629 for a one-hour appointment.



Bombshelter opens I2 noon. 1j.J alter 9:00 p.m. 3cQ cl cning. I.cdh: no co\cr. Others $ I .OO al‘tc~ 9:oo




Fri., Sept. 7 -

Bartleby: by Herman Mclcillc. Starring Ned ’ Dickens. Fresh - I-I-cc, Fed. - $ I, Others -- $2. 8 p.m. HH - I80:

Service of Holy Communion by candlelight in Kcllcr Memo&l Chapel. Albert and Seagram Drive: with coffee hour following. IO:00 p.m. Sponsored by I&thc,ra,n.,Campus Ministry.


Sat., Sept. 8 -

6 ’



Bartleby: b\ Herman Mcliillc. Starring Dickens. Fresh E‘rtic, Fed\. $1. Others p.m. HH - 1x0.

Health*Wise t’itncss Asscssmcnts arc available through Campus Health Promotion. Includes a complete fitness ckaluation and health profile. Rc<ommcndations for change are discussed with the fitness consultant. Students $15, Staff and I-acuity $25, Phone 884-9629 for a one-hour appointment.


Bartleby: Dichcns.

63 Victoria Street North, Kitchener

( ‘4 1.

At The Cornet of.Duke St and Wktodh.





Models (fcmalc) wailted for ,studio photography. Should bc able to do own makeup. Rcmuncration in the form 01 prints. 885-6877.




Punks to play pool. Ideal sbimmcrs who meaning of the

punk polo in the candidates arc don’t know the word adr.e.

Desks steel. Mood. student. odd chairs & tables. chest of’ drawers; 4 chair +ct. st&gc’ cabinet. sllL\hcs. l’ilc-l’oldcrs. mirror. 884-2806.



HP-41C’ calculator with printer. X I CAD battq pack: cxccllcnt condition; $700.00 or best ol’f’cr. Call l.arr\ 745-2352.

Euchre Championship join the intense competition and tr! to become the campus champion. Register Iour team by 2:(X p.m. today. CC’ Great Hall. h:N p.m.




Da\icb. J. J%ar\,esc!n. Contact

Typing Plus: We do work reports, resumes. papers, et& Best quality in town guaranteed, at rcasonablc prices. Call 743-2269 for details.


Typing. $1.00 page IBM’ Sclcctric; carbon ribbon; grammar spelling corrections; good quality bond paper provided: proofreading includid; symbol,

Ncl* back.

J.C.: WC have to go to Stratford soon to cscapc the humdrum and soak oursclvcs in Shakcspcare again. In ihe meantime. in bctwccn time, Ict’s study rhyme and mctrc. ignoring t hc part! Icadcrs. G EC.


_ 1


94” Noname

are 40 track


15 114”



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These are the real Verbatim envelope.




Atari, not

Ride ,Available London, -1’oronto; the Varsity Waterpolo team. Information elsewhere in the paper.


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my Word





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Free Classifieds: for the first 20 students who arrive ‘at CC iic0 today!

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-Correspondence -Articles , -

\ I


in the evening.

7% R&ail Sales Tax extra /




25 years cxpericnce; 75~ doublcspaced page; Westmount area; call 743-3342. .


with reinforcing ring. Plastic mailer (holds 3 disks):. $2.80 Easy File (holds 140 disks): $28.97



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Quality guaranteed. Multiple originals of Resumes. l’hcses. and Work Reports. Data storage. I)cli\cr! arranged. Reasonable sates. Phone 576-l 284 or 7451.112.

Essays, theses. work reports. business , Icttcrs, etc. Neat accurate. Will correct spelling. gramtiiar. punctuation. Reasonable rates; six year’s expericncc l , typing for students. Phone Lee, 886-5444, afternoon or evening.

Carol, Blhnchc & Vcbbic: Ready for main campus life? Maybe >,ou’ll find a real man. Watch out for D.M. and F.‘l . Laura & Shit-l.



t hcscs. essays. Pcrsori%li/.ed scrk ice. 579-55 I3 cvcnings. DowntoA’n Kitchcncr location.


” SOFTOR Computer Products S.S.l?.D.

profs for info, 2

A hearty thank Lou to all thr students who contributed to our hittics’s food fund. wc’rc all happy & healthy & well fed! -l’hc 5 littlc Cc’ kittens.




a\;ailabl’c: Arts lOOA, Arts IOOB. Meets: I I :30 M WF; in-v sessions: R 3:30 5:SO. Prerequisite: none. Staff’: J. Zwicky, D.

The Wind: Happy Birthda) (carI>,) to you. Happ! Birthday (early) to mc.. Happy Birthday. to us. the only word I c’an think of Complete stereo system including turntabic, amplifier, 2 speakers. . that rhymes with us is otlc of”l hc 5” so 1’11just Icavc it at that. 0. K.? casscte tape deck./ stereo I I hc Mist... microphone. carphoncs -- like new. $500.00 or ‘best offer. 5795513 cvcnings.

One room ,in, 2 bedroom apt. in Married Students Apt. a\ailablc lor tall (ma! bc for nclt lb~ terms). Non-smohcr prclcrrcd. l’l!ync: 885-680X.


P.S. Wclcomc

Summer Housing (Can cant_inuc Fall). Share luxuq furnished house with two grad students ( n o II s m o h c r s ) . I’ a r k i II g . Sunbathing balcon>. Wiishcr, dqcr. Downtown Kitchcncr. walking distance to Market Scluarc. 20 minutes to Uniicrsitj b! bus. $225 a month ilicludcs utilities. .laIic 579-55 13. cicnings.

Sept. 13 -

New cohrsc

Responsible. serious studcnl nccdcd to share ,2 bedroom apt. [;ni\crslt!. & King. Sept. 1st. SI73.(i(i includes phone. utilities. X85-4676.



Auditions for /-i’shittg. a tragicomedy. and 771~~ Bo.\ (!/ /*irc~.\. a children’s pIa>,. will bc held in H H 180, _3.30 .6:3C;p.m. l\;o preparation rccluired. Info: est. 3730.

Bombshelter opens I2 noon. DJ alter 9:00 p.m. :\ crj c\cning. Iecds: no co\ cr. Other S I .OOal tcr 9:OO 1)


0 :


C’omedy Show promises to bc an insanely funny troupe of cntcrtaincrs who uill make you forget’ j’our class schcdulc uocs! FREE. CC Great Hall.

Pinter-Beckett: An c\ cning oft hrcc plays. Directed by Wojtck Koilinski. X:30 p.m. I hcatre of the Arts.



I,iv\Cr therapy and, other diversions available free for t ho<c * curious enough to join the Varsity _Watcrpolo team. *

Tues., Sept. 11 -

G. Gordon Liddy A speech on go~crnmcnt Public J’crccption vs. Reality. “His cxtraordinaq life and the cvcnts surrounding it impact on any audicncc.” ” Mr. 1.iddy.s mcssagc 1s clear: strength 01’ uill is lhc bottom lint 01 success.” X p.m. PAC.

%‘ou are incited to join in Rccrcational Folk Dance Classes from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. at the Adult Recreation Ccntrc. I85 King St. S.. Waterloo. Ontario. Instructors: Judy Silver and Brenda Willis. Fee: $3.00 per session. Beginners are welcome.




Sun., Sept. 9 -


Ned $2. x


Bartleby: by Herman Mclcille. Starring Ned Dickens. Frosh - Fret. I-cds - $ I. Others $2. 8 p.m. HH - 180.

>’ : :


Candlelight Service of Holy Communion in Keffer Memorial Chtipel. Albert Street at Seagram Drive; M ith coffee hour following. Sponsored by Lutheran Campus Ministr). I(;:C;(; p.m.

Sept. 10 -

Kitchener Public I-ibrar) and the Canadian Authors Association prcscnt a p&ztry reading b> UW Arts Librarian. Ricn/i c’rus/ at X:00 p.m. Mr. C’rus/ f+ill I-cad poetry from his ncm publication Sirq$rq Ag:&rui IItc bk’itzti. Kitchcner Public Library. 85 Queen Street h’orth, Kitchencr.



America Hurray - is a lively, funny Satire on the u’aJ,s of the world written by Jean-Claude Van Itallic, dircctcd by Wojtek Koslinski. Evenings. -1hcatrc of the Arts.

Picnic: All Nclcomc at the home of Chaplain Paul Bosch, 157 Albert at Brickcr. Sponsored b> Lutheran Student Mo\cmcnt.‘4:30 - h:(N) p.m.


Wanted: Ride to, f&n ’ Cam’ bridge. Mon., Wc?‘,, Fri: 1st class 9:30; Last I :30. \lil$liink to share gay. Call Doreen,- 622-1963.

Wed., Sept. 12 -

Auditions for k‘isltittg, a tragicomedy,, and T/w Bo.u c?/ SP\XJ~~ DUCT.\.a children’s play, will be held in H H - .IX(i. 3:30 6:3G p.m. No preparation required. Ini‘o: ext. 3730.

Bombshelter opens 7 p.m. DJ after 9:OO p.m. ctcr) cccning. Feds: no c‘occr. Othors $ I .00 after 9:OO p.m.

-_ 2.


Outdoor Concert Rise Up and join f’arachutc Club. I’rce on talc’ Village Green. Enjo! the carnival atmosphcrc. forget J’our- classes. and stretch ytiur summer tan all at once. FREE. 2:OO p.m.


Services ,


Bombshelter opens 12 noon. DJ al’tcr 9:OO p.m. ciery ctcning. Feds: no co\cr. Others F$l.OOal’tct

Bombshelter opens I2 noon. DJ after 9:OO p.m. cbcry ckcning. Feds: no co\er. Others $I.00 aftcl 9:OO p.m.

Talent Show - Pcrformcrs t rom the UniLersitl <ommunity‘will be doing their thing live for you. Stab bJ* and cheek it out, it’s lrce! Pub Crawl - ‘I hc Villages plus many of the Societies ,, will bc touring the Waterloo Region on a”Lct’s Get Accluaintcd With the Local Bars and Hotels” excursion. Ekcning.




Bartleby: by Herman Melville. Starring Ned Dickens. Frosh Free, teds - $ I, Others -- $2.8 p-m. H H - 180.

The Arts Student Union sponsors a barbecluc on the L’illagc Green from 4 - 8 p.m. Whipped crcam,l‘ight to follow! B-B-Q pit.


Sept. 6 -


Sept. 5 -


Ecumenical Worship G-vice for Orientation Week at Kcffcr Memorial Chapel. Albert Slrcct and Seagram Dri\ c. Dean Dclton Glcbe preaching. I1:OO a.m. Sponsored by Ecumenical Campus Ministry at WLU.

Societ) Day each laculty student socict\ is In\itcd to a BBQ and outdoor part). at Columbia tield. Hcrc’h j’our chance to meet Fcdcration mcmbcrs and see Larious llkccuti\c in person! 4

until 8:OO p.m! due to





Partners arc not vccdcd. Information: 576-2653 or 579-1020. K W International l-elk Dance Group. \

Bombshelter opens 12 noon. DJ, after 9:OO p.m. :\cr~ c\cning. Feds: no co\cr. Others $I.00 at’tcI

Volunteers needed: -Kitchencr Waterloo’ ‘Services for the Physical14 Disabled is a coluntar) community agency working together with physicall). disabled adults to provide and develop social. recreational and educational ‘opportunities for community in~ol~cmcnt. Regularly scheduled programmes include t\vicc ucckly swims and craft groups, a social club,-and community involvement experiences. Short term interest groups and seminars are also offered. A comprehensive training programme is provided for volunteers, along with continuous support and ongoing skill dcvclopmcnt. Our fall programme will soon bc getting underway and now-is a good time to get involved. It’ you would like to share a few hours a week during the day or ckcning, call 885~6640”betwccn 9 5.

Bombshelter Closed I-cdcral clcctions.


Low Cost, Fast, Efficient SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS l








You should not neglect agitation. each of you should I Terdinand Lasalle (1825- 1864)







it his task.

needs you

Welcome -or welcome back -to Waterloo. My name is George Elliott Clarke. I’m the editor of ZmZwirtt, your student newspaper at UW. Over the next eight months, the Imp-irrt staff and I hope to produce a newspaper that will be the campus equivalent of The New York Tinrm and The Gldw crntl Mail , all combined in this little tabloid. But we can’t do it without you. ZnrZwirrt is, above all, a student newspaper. That is its Strength, its raison d’etre. It reqiires students to run it for students. This means you. You’re needed to commit your sweat, intelligence, and love to the intellectual enterprise of your life: the making of a feisty newspaper, a newspaper that will challenge, astonish, stimulate, and info’rm your-peers. ZnrZmirlt needs you to write news and sports articles, arts reviews, topical commentaries, featurestyle essays, and the gospel according to Hansard. Experience is not necessary and there is a job for you. You can learn to typeset, take pictures, design pages, keep accounts, solicit advertising, paste&p copy, and investigate stories. There is no unem.pIoyment problem at Zrrt/wint: we need you! If you decide to work with us, you’ll have fun. Journalism isn’t all philosophical discussions and seminars on the proper usage of the comma; it’s also pizza consumption and getting a fe‘w dollars in your

pocket for organizing a sports, arts, dr news section, or’doing sbmething else that’s useful. . Journalism is pure ephemera: th-e literature of the moment. It’s the fleeting issue, the lickety-split photograph, the good, the bad, the ugly. It’s mere wordcraft: just add water and stir. It’s a slinging together of headlines, pits, and type that has only its inherent brashness of meaning to ward off monotony. It’s a carny of conjecture: a festival of facts. If’ you are the inquisitive, thoughtful, and analytical hype of person, this is the field for you. There’s never a dull moment. it’s mote fun than ghostbusting. lnrprirlt is 8 member of Canadian University Press (CUP), and so, you may end up attending a regional or national conference, meeting other student journalists and staying up all night to formulate resolutions, or dance until dawn. It’s a new term, a chance for discovery. Learn about yourself, learn about the world. Come down and see US in Campus Centre Room 140 or call US at ext. 2331. We need questioners, thinkers, .explorers, writers, artists, photographers, accountants, designers, hard workers, organizers, and ministers of everything. I We’d like to meet you -soon. There’re a few assignments on my desk that -are waiting for you.

Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of _ Waterloo. It is an editoriajly independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association GOCNA), and a member of Canadian University Press (CIJF). Imprint publishes every second Friday during the Spring term and every Friday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.” Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint: ISSN 0706-7380

1 nrprirrl



Register for courses; register your vote

t is a real for wrappin’ fla vo ur!

Znr l)rirl

lime inky

good newspaper! up myperch;gives

‘The date of this, the 33rd General Election, could not be worse for students. Thousands of young Canadian voters are caught-up in the arduous and time-consuming process of registering for classes today, September 4th. Yet, they are expected to go out and cast their ballots. The electoral laws of Canada guarantee every working person a maximum of four hours of paid leave from his or her job to allow him &r her the time to exercise the franchise. Yet, for those of you registering today as students and dealing with a sometimes sluggish university bureaucracy, a four hour leave from the task of registration may make it impossible for you to accomplish at once, all the business necessary. We hope that the difficulties involved in voting today will not dissuade you from registering your vote. There are options and there are issues that can only be decided by the casting of your ballot. In too many nations, this freedom is either non-existent or circumscribed severely; therefore, you should take full advantage of this democratic privilege.

I use it all the ‘em a kinda

The Waterloo printed

names of candidates ridings, and their on this page for your

in Kitchener party affiliations, convenience.

and are

Imprint Monday, 2:00 2:30 4:00


p.m. p.m. p.m.


tcl~lortal Meetmg Mt;wng



10 Meettng for Returning for New Staff



12:OO p.m. ?ost-Mortem 1100 p.m. Edltorlal Board Election * 2:00 p.m. Pohcles & Procedures Meeting Monday, 2:00 5:00


p.m. p.m.

Edltorral Edltorlal

17 Meeting Board Meetmg

Note: Seminars in layout, paste-up, etc. willbe held throughout the week of September 10 - 14. As well, returning staff shotild review the P & P published on F7 to prepare for the P & P meeting on Sept. 14th.





Triump h of Will

“Liddy delighted in telling little anecdotes like the one about a military plane that accidentally dropped a bomb in the red-light district of Mexican border town...Liddy roared at his own story, laughing so convulsively that his face turned bright red. ” Excerpt from All the President’s Men


G. Gordon Liddy, the enigmatic ex-con, the “bull goose looney” of the White House Cuckoo’s Nest of the early 70’s, will be speaking at the PAC on September 11 th. UW students will be given the dubious pleasure of placing five and a half thousand dollars in the hands ofI a man who has shown utter ’ disrespect for the rights of his fellow citizens. The schedule of orientation events released by the Federation of Students, aptly titled “Orientation ‘84 Send in the Clowns”, says of Mr. Liddy, “Mr. ‘\ Liddy’s message is cle&: strength of will is the bottom line of success.” We should not forget that it

was less than 40 years ago that perhaps the successful, certainly one of ‘the most famous, Nazi propaganda films was released: Reifetistahl’s The Triumph of Will.

most of all Leni

Perhaps the connection. is too re’mote, too paranoid, but the,,thought of Mr. Liddy, a man who joked, laughed, and slept through his Watergate trial in which it took the jury less than 90 minutes to find him guilty of all charges, speaking to 2,000 young people, thirsty for knowledge, and possibly only 6 ,years old when the whole Watergate horror story unfolded, is a little disturbing. \ Jeff Wilson, vice-president, operations anti finance, for the Federation of Students, has pointed out that the people paying to see Mr. Liddy will be the ones putting the money intd his pocket. However morally opposed one may be to such a set-up, it will be almost impossible to resist dropping three bucks to see the bull goose looney in action.

Positions Available The following editorial gvailable for the Fall term: ASPS st,arlt Edittor Advert,] sins Assistant Newt? Rditor & Assistant Arts E! ’ ; +T &’ Assistant - SpOrtiS Editor. &3 Assistant Office M 3 nager . Assistant Bookkeeper Photo Editor Graphjcs Mitor Typesetters Production Manager ,






~Ihe lollowing is the liht 01 candidates in the Kitchuner and Waterloo l’edcral con.\titucncics for the Sept. 4 icderal election. f-igures bracketed alter the riding name indicate the minning candidate’s party and majorit! obtained in the f-eb. IX. IOXOclcction. or subsequent b>,-elections. Leg&d: L - Liberal; PC - Progressive Conservative, NDP -- New Democratic Party; Ltn - Libertarian; x - Member ot’the last House.

Just what was written

Dance of life finds its stage EDITORIAL From Cornerstone,




1, Numberj,

As much as we stand behind many of the concerns.of the socalled “secular humanists”, we are completely dismayed by the arrogance of at.heism. Since it is such an incredibly strong belief, not many share it.

June 1984

and Fools

The Bible criticizes two groups of people: The Pharisees and The Fools. Pharisees are religious leaders who think they have God in their po,cket and Fools are’ people who deny the existence of God of. His claims on cr?ation. It is interesting to note that the Bible gets on the case of the former much more than the latter. As a matter of fact, it seems true for the Bible that there are many more Pharisees than atheists. This should be a lesson for us. As much as we stand behind many of the concerns of the socalled “moral majority” and people like Jerry Falwell - they, at times, come perilously close to the Bible’s description of the Pharisee. In any event, they are certainly not our best guides in understanding and speaking to our modern society. Their c enthusiasm exceeds biblical wisdom. OFS/c’I;S-0:

Soapbox is a new feature,intended asa forum for individual Imprint staff members to express their opinions.

CORNERSTONE is concerned with that area between the Pharisees and the Fools. That is, the great, complex, pluralistic playground of our contemporary society - where the serious and the frivolous are caught up together - where the dance of life finds its stage. Modifying ,the first paragraph of a recent churchly confession, CORNERSTONE is committed to .the following: As followers of Jesus Christ, Studying and working on the campuses of U of W and WLU, Which some think they can control But which others view with despair, \v,e declare with joy and trust: 0iin;campuses belong to God. Chaplain Graham Morbey

Objectivists “unbalanced”

What should be done about Bovey Bovey




Here’s what needs to be done on your campus and in your provincial office in the short, short summertime!! . ..Across

the province...


1) Submissions from as many post secondary institutions, as possible. Contact our research department for any assistance you require. 2) Local coalition work to encourage either endorsement of OFS/CFS-0 submission or submissions of their own. Talk to community groups, ethnic groups, women’s groups, union locals, and social service organizations. 3) Try to find copies of your administration’s “strategic plans” for the Bovey Commission and forward this and cutback information to OFS. Use this information to organize on your own campus to fight proposed cuts. 4) Mail in OFS petitions. 5) Do a phone or letter campaign to Bovey’s headquarters: Commission on the Future Development of the Universities of Ontario, 14th floor, 101 Bloor St. W., Toronto M5S 1P7 (416) 965-855 1. 6) Consider a stop at your school or the chairperson’s tour! But remember, keep Monika busy with interviews, council

meetings, etc. 7) Disco& the HORRORS of cutbacks on your campus. It’s good info to have for the Bette meeting- and for your submissions. It’s also useful for organizing student groups on campus. . ..Meanwhile.

back at the OFS/CFS-0


1) An outline of our submission sent to all member schools in order to aid in coordinating submissions provincially. The OFS outline will be ready July 20. 2) Research Open House on Aug. 7 to share research and ideas. 3) joint 4) and/

Meetings with Quality and Access Alliance to establish a statement. Staff to work on getting endorsements of our submission or separate statements.

5) OFS/ CFS-0 researchers will field requests ffom members regarding their individual submissions. 6) Fieldstaff will risit schools who request help on coalition building, organizing on campus, etc. 7) Office will compile all student submissions 8) Office will maintain media interest.

)’ Critiques by Ad.


P Alienation, conceiyed among the ancient rites of OLM zmcestors, brings with it the element of dc=uth, breathing destruction before it. What an it culture do in light of such an overpowering force? ‘111~ ~ns~vciis not clcui’, nor \vas it c\‘c I-. *lllC possibility of resolution, however, lies somewhere in the misty chambers of our own being. WC scuch, sonictimes cAnily, sometimes in despcrxtion and end either 8s spirit in scurch of freedom or us i\. sluve to the curious institutionul inflrtcnccs, bc they politicul, economic, social, or religious. ~nsluvcnicnt itself xiuq lend SL hund in the beginnings of freedom, but this is iL ri\rc occtirencc. Uccartsc of the rnuq

going to Bovey:

\ dirncnsions that cloud the way, to zm understunding of the rel&ive forms of reality, freedom remains beyond the rc=ach of the will w un tmconcretised e.xistence. Its pm-t of boundsrries we confined to th0; tibstractions of the mind, going nowhere suve us the wish-frtlfilmcnt of the enlightened. Its



mo\‘cs beyond coniimnscnsc into

idcus. critical

the rcul~l of \~.Aic, und

ti world’ of alicnatcd ‘l’his is the world of thinking, iL

tmiwrsc thut hnd unle=ushcd its ONTO limit&ions to pcrccivc rculity fix whut it is, but bccumc discnchunt-cd witI tlic oI,I>rcssivc conditions of iL \vorld ucccpting tlicy


m-c not


the prcscntution doniinunt fiwccs.

fix purely

\vliut on


by Gord Snieder This past term, 1 attended several of the numerous lectures sponsored by the Students of Objectivism. Those lectures and some study of the work of Ayn Rand (the’ patron saint of objectiiism) prompted me to write this article. On May 14, Dr. John Ridpath spoke on the topic “The History and Importance of Man’s .Rights”. He gave his synopsis of the history of the concept of rights, empfiasizing the importance of Aristotle, the American founders, and Locke. I found Dr. Ridpath’s presentation to be historically limited and unbalancedexamples of this were his treatment of Aquinas and his view of the influences of-the Reformation. Some of his ‘Yieroes” were the very’ scientists whose radical materialism and reductionism have done the most to push us into our present technological and ecological crisis. A distinct hostility beaurocracy and the welfare state toward “parasitic” became apparent; this also had a component of blame on the poor. There was a racism implicit in his view that our Western culture represents progress and is the standard for all others to follow. Dr. Ridpath declared that his philosophy was “black and white”. (1 had believed that only Communists and Americans could make such a claim). Upon questioning, Dr. Kidpath denied that a person could have any sort of metaphysical “possession” in addition to material ones. He admitted that he had “not read any Eastern thought”, which is surprising for a professor of economics and intellectual history. (The fact is that spiritual and religious forces are central in every culture, incuding the modern-day U.S. and U.S.S.R., where the idea of progress through technological means has sacred and mythic value.) On June I lth, Susan. Dawn Wake, a phiiosophy student at UW, gave a lecture in defense of atheism. she stated the familiar “ofius of proof’ requirement, which places the burden of proof for existence of God onto theists. This followed the rather tired arguments of the logical positivists of a few decades ago (which, curiously, were’ one of a group of philosophies attacked bv Dr. Ridnathi. To this 1 can only respond-that she seek out the text of the 1984 Pascal Lectures given at U W by Alvin Plantinga, the first of which is entitled “Rationality and Belief in IGod”. On June 18th, Don Heath, a graduate of systems design engineering and a former president of EngSoc, presented a lecture entitIed “What Is Objectivism Anyway?‘. He started off with a discussion of the aspeits and functions of philosophy. He then went to some length explaining the principle of “rational self-interest”, or “rational egoism”. He attempted to describe all of human behaviour in terms of -this principle (as Dr. Ridpath had done with history). Upon questioning, he was compelled to admit again and again, that he had “not ‘read up on” this or that area, 6ecyFc&mptive, a priori approach (presumably he is still working on some of the details). On an emotional level, the argumknts left me cold. Is this how we explain love between spouses? Or our instinctive impulse to rescue a stranger in trouble? The crude materialism and behaviourism used here lead to a determinism whiCh reduces man to something less than human (and which, if applied, would only provoke iti me the response of Dostoevski’s man in a dark cellar). Objectivism .seems to me to be a transparent rationalization for greed among an elite group‘within a uniquely wealthy North American society, and which has narrow, political goals. The rational egoism claimedtoy the speakers displayed itself as a rather arrogant and irrational conceit. Every speaker 1 have heard has shown hostility to&ard some of the questioners, in some cases cutting them off by shouting. (Their reactions were similar t$o those of rabid marxists defending the party line). That this sort of pseudo-philosophy should appeal to some engineering students is perhaps not surprising, given the one-dimensional nature of their training. 1 would hope that some of these students might gain alternative perspectives ontheir lives and roles in spite of the curricula of the technoversity.

6 _


UW. receives equipment





by TigerBrand

‘$4: I

Burt Matthews

Hall, 1st



Note: A I-rash f’ub uill also be held: Date undetermined. Oiticial hchcdulcs will bc issued at registration times. Kcgist rat ion cost is 15.00 lor special -f-shirt which is the “t ickct” to all c\ ents. Jurgen Vanderwelden Orientation Committee ‘84 Chairman

The hundreds of thousands of calculations required to-design such tiny, complex chips means a good a good deal 01‘ detail must of necessity be done bq a computer. VLSl bhip design is far too time-consuming to be done manualI>,.

A storededicated to thektive woman.


Thurs., Sept. 6: . 10 a.m. 3 p.m. - Day at Pioneer Sports World. 4. p.m. ? Fed-sponsored BBQ and Dance. Fri., Sept. 7: 4 IC; a.m. 4 p.m. Day at Elora Gorge and Quarry.




9 a.m. -~ 12 p.m. - Games Day, Scavenger Hunt. ’ 2 3:30 p.m. - Meet-t he-Faculty Wine & Cheese at Unit ersity Club. 4 p.m. - Engli:;h Language Proficiency Exam. 6:30 p.m. -;- 1:X a.m. Feds, Villages. Societies massive


with valid Student


Tues., Sept. 4: 9 a.m. -- 12 p.m. -- Registration, L floor. I 2.33, 4 p.m. - Campus Tours. Wed., Sept. 5:


. Tuesday,


for research

available by the federal government’s The University of Waterloo is one of I1 Canadian Canadian universities (four in Western Canada, three others in Ontario, Corporation (CMC); funding is from the , Microelectronics two in Quebec and one in the Atlantic Provinces), each of which Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). UW’s chip testing equipment is already on hand; the design is receiving equipment valued at $232,(X’&, for micro‘chip . equipment is expected to arrive within a few weeks. research. The equipment, to be used by microchip designers and (once The equipment has been awarded to the university’s “Systems on Silicon” (SOS) project, though it can be made available to the chips have been fabricated) by chip testers, is being made , other campus researchers-as well. The SOS project involves Waterloo’s Very Large Scale lntegration (VLSI) group; previous funding for the SOS project (also from NSERC) has been announced at $1.6 million. The $232,(iC;c) of equipment announced at this time is additional. Very large scale integration (VLSI) has to do with the crowding of more and more transistors onto tiny silicon chips (as many as a million onto a fingernail-sized chip); VLSI is the EVERY WEDNESDAY key to miraculous electronic devices already on the market and LIVE RADIO BROADCAST promised for -the near future -- including everything from pocket-sized TV sets to super high speed computers.



I Imprint,

IYY committee established (Ottawa) Mme C’eline Hcrvieux-Payette. M iniste1 of’ State for Youth, has announced the establishment of‘ an International Youth Year committee composed of‘ 25 members of which most are 15 to 24 years old, part of the group that has been singled out for 1985 by the United Xations. l.hc committee is designed to raise public awareness of‘ the themes and objectives of lnt,ernational Youth Year (IYY) as well as the concerns and aspirations of young Canadians. It will also advise the Minister on matters relating to the celebration ot

IY Y in Canada. “J’he mandate Of the committee is important within





“With this publication. we wanted to go further in sensit icing all people concerned with youth. especially parents, to the \,arious facets of’ the lives of jroung people in Canada and to assist in the creation of a

of‘ the

objectibcs of IYY,” Mme Hertieux-Payette said. “The concerns and interests of young people must be integrated with those 01‘ other groups in society to increase the understanding and awarcncss of the- important contribution that j’oung pcoplc can, and do, make to society..” l.he Minister also took ad\.antage 0 1’ the pjress conl’crcncc to announce the rclcasc 01‘ a new magalrinestJ,le publication cqllcd “You

comprehensive policy for, young Canadians.” Mme Heriieux-Payette stated. “1 am certain that the contents and presentation ol “You Can” will help us atlain our objectikcs on behalfofthc j’outh oi‘ this century,” she said.


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Bogey discussed at June meeting (Ottawa) Submissions to the Commission on the Future Development of the Universities of Ontario will be made by the Ontario Federation of Students, Canadian Federation of’ Students-Ontario and its members, OFS, CFtS-0 decided in its Annual General Meeting in June. Sc\~cnt>~-l‘i~~c dclcgatcs and obscrccrs gat hcred from collcgcs and uni\.ersitics across t hc province for a five day conferen& hosted b>* the Carleton University Students’ Association. Briefs arc being prepared despite the federation’s bclicl’ that the commission headed by retired businessman Edmund Bovey is merely a continuation of the Ontario government’s policy of’ underfunding and rationali/.ation. A strong cast will be made b>r the students for increased funding to. post secondaq* education and for improving acccssibilit>,. The student leadcrh will also approach community and labour organisations and encourage these groups to present their concerns on highet education to the commission. News that students are being used as strikcbrcakcrs caused delegates .to pass a motion calling on all students to respect picket lines. Students ark bcihg relet-t-cd bjf ( Canada Employment Centre to jobs replacing striking cleaners at First Canadian Place in Toronto. In the same tit!,. Schurar/kopl’ Ltd. is ad\,ertising for students to fill the positions 01‘ its striking employees. OFS CFS-0. u,hile adtocating job creation 1‘01 youth. does not accept the ux 01‘ cheap student labour as a weapon against m.orkers striving for decent u’agcs. Monika Turner. a graduate student at McMastcr University,. began her one >.car term as OF’S: Cl-X-0 chairperson at this Annual General Meeting. Sllc succeeds Ian Nclmcs in the l:ulltinic position. \ A YVM cxccuti\.c was elcctcd at this ‘conl‘erencc. I‘hq. arc as f0110~ 5:


(.ll /)tic’/\.i

c’tl -/(JtJtl


1 hC




Monika ‘l‘urner Tom Allison Susan Scott Gerry Jcl‘l’cott Darrin Caron Michcl Marion Tony Palmet Nicolc Loreto Bernard Drain\*illc Ross Marowits

Chairperson ’ l‘reasuret CFS Central Cttc. link Cl-3 Serl.iccs link Ontario College Commission link Ontario Graduate Association Union 01‘ Ontario U ndergrads link


Exec. Position


. link

McMaster Association of Graduate Students Waterloo Federation of Students Ontario College of Art,Students’ Administrative Covncil Students Union of Ryerson Polytechnical Institute Humber College Students Assoc. Waterloo Graduate Student Assoc. McMaster Students’ Union Laurentian University Students‘ General Assoc. Universitc d’Ottawa Federation des Etudiant (e) s University of WeStern Ontario Students’ council

The terms of reference of the Bovey Commission, established Jam, 1984 The Commission was formally established by the I:ieutcnant Governor in Council on January 20, 1984. l‘he three Commissioners are Mr. Edmund C. Bovey. Dr. J. Fraser Mustard. and Dr. Ronald I,. Watts. Mr. Bovey was designated as Chairman. Dr. W.M. Sibley has been appointed as Executive Director of the Commission and Mr. D.M. Jamieson is serving as Research Director. The Commission’s terms of reference are as t’ollows: ...To present to the Government a plan of action to better enable the universities of Ontario to adjust to changing social and economic conditions. The Commission should proceed on the basis that annual increases to the real public resources pro\idcd to the universities will reflect the desire to protect the integrity ol‘the uni\crsitics. to s!rengthcn their ability to contribute to the intcllcctual. economic. social and cultural foundations 01‘ society. as well as to reflect the Government’s policy of fiscal restraint and prudent managcmcnt 01 public I‘unds. Without restricting the scope 01‘ the activities of the Commission. its review should include the following: I. .Io dc\clop an operational plan uhich. Mithout reducing the clcarl_\ dcl‘incd. number 01‘ uni\crsitics in Ontario. pro\idc:, 101. more different and distinctive roles for the universities of Ontario in order to maintain and enhance the qualit>* of university education by ensuring the appropriate concentration of academic strengths in a.reas of intellectual and social importance, including: - consideration of the designation of specific uni\,ersities as centres of‘ specializatlon with a \,iew to preserving tind dei,cloping further a calibre of teaching ahd research of national and international cxccllcncc; - consideration of the tcchnol&gical advances in the delivery o! university education td geographically remote areas as welt as the cost effectiveness that such technology may bring. 2. To address the issue of accessibility to unikcrsity lc~~l education in the context of economic rcalitics and in the context-o!‘a dil‘fcrcntiatcd university structure ihcluding: - consideration of the importance of’ new patterns of credit stydy which embrace the concept of life long learning. including part-time and recurrent education;

- consideration of thi need ior. and form of. general and specific cntrancc examinations to the Ontario University system; - consideration of the need for a process whereby adjustments can be regularly made to the resources allocated to professional programs such ah education. lag. medicine. dentistry. etc.. and,to the Icvcl ofcnrglment in thcsc programs to respond to changing labour market requirements. 3. To address the method+ distribution of university operating grants with a vie-w to ensuring an adequate and measurable basis for public accountability while enabling the universities to remain autonomous in the goverriancc of their affairs and ensuring that their responsibilities as institutions of‘ higher education are discharged with in&grit). The method of distribution should be sufficiently &xiblc to permit adjustments from time to time in response to the ongoing e\ olution of the new university structure and include consideration of: -a .ppropriatc ways to encourage f‘aculty renewal and replacement; - 1‘unds ncccssary to facilitate l’aculty renewal and adjustments arisi wfrom the Commission’s recommendations: - the appropriatcncss o!‘ program weights as one of the determining l’actors I‘or I‘undinrr distribution rcquircmcnts; - t hc possible scparat ion or research funding from instructional funding to cnsurc a harmonious blending of provincial and national obiectives in research carried out in unikcrsitics; - the distribution o!’ prot.incial capital support and the role of private sector support in the maintcnancc and cnhancemcnt of the physical structures o!‘ the s)‘stcm; - appropriate tuition fee policies that rcllcct on the one hand acccssibilit). politics recommcndcd by the Commission and on th other. equitable Ic~cls ol’studcnt contribution with respect to theo\,erall cost of‘ the university sj’stcm. 4. ‘I o consider the need for mechanisms l’or rcnulation. co-ordination and the prol.ision 01’ ad\,icc to the Go\crnmcnt. and in particular to claril’y the role 01‘ the Ontario Council on Uni\.ersity Af‘f’airs in the contest 01’ a new and difl’ercntiated unilcrsity stucture. 5. I’o report its plan 01‘ action to the Minister of Colleges and U ni\ crsiiics b!, Iv o\,cm bcr i 5. 1984.

\Excerpts from the Federation’s l

The follow’ Ing excerpts from the Federation 01‘ Student’s A Brief to rhc, C’ommi.&n on r/w Furutv of’ 1/w Uniwrsities of’ Ontario, released on August 20th. are being presented as a public service. Imprint will publish the entire Federation Brkf’in‘the September 14th edition. ,




C It

l h’hat .\Ccm.\ o\CI‘\\ hclniingl! clear is that Ontario uni\crsitic> ha\c been subjcctcd to a starvation budget. 0 13~all means. lcgislarc to hccp mandator! rctil;cmcnt ~rorn uni\crsit! positions. Othcr~~iibc. the amount 01 bridging lund111g rcqulrcd l’or ! oung !acultJ ~~cplaccmcnt~appointn~c~~t:, \\ iI1 bc niassi\ c in the 1990’s. l I hc C’ommi~sion suggcstb that accountabilit> 101. the us 01 public 1unds and uni\crsit! autonom! arc somcho\f mutuall> . cxcluG\c. ‘I hc! arc not. .I hcquc‘stion bccome~ more ~ntcrcst~ng it \\hat is meant b> accountability comc~ closer to the Auditor-<icncral’.\ notion 01 ‘~aluc 01‘ monq~ auditing. In that CilSC. one must prcsumabl! judge the uni\cr~rt~‘s acconiplishmcnts against the rcquircnicntb ctl go\crnmcnt poliq. Ijut M ho -iudgcs the accoiiiplishmcnt~ 01 the ~!O\C~I~IIICJ~~ poliq Against the needs 01 the pcoplc? I’rc~umabl! the clcctoratt’. II carri.cd too tar. this coliId lead to uni\er5it! goal5 \\aI‘ting in the brcc/c 01 public opinion. 0 ‘I hc question ho\{ much debt a Ircsh graduate might bc c~pcctcd to carr! is undoubtcdl> dcbatablc. A rough rule ot thumb that bc~mx not entircl! unrcasonablc. Mould bc a debt load cyuilalcnt to the cost ol‘ a standard model IVorth American automobile at prcscnt. about $12.000. l Uu’ dct’incs itscll’ as a “l’ull-scr\icc” uni\crsit> k4it Ii hca\ > emphasis on the uord “uni\crsit~“. .I cchnolog! in the prcscncc o! .\\oi’h in the social scicnocs and humanitics mahcs UW a uni\ crsitj. 0 WC Mould rcg?rd it as absurd for Waterloo to bc sub-jcctcd to grcatur central control that. uould hmit our dcmonstrabl> succcss!‘uI ‘cntrcprcncurial’ st! Ic.

response /



v, ill continue to do so il’adcquatc f’undingis available. 0 011~of the major cl‘l’ccts of the decline in funding has been thc”braindrain”. Mhcrcin large nu.mbers 01‘ our best people ha\c been stcadill. migrating to.othcr pro\ inccs or countrics whc’rc the). can truly exploit their intclligcncc. I hc I’unding Ic\~l must increase or wc run the \ery real danger 01’ becoming an intcllcctual Masteland. l An o\crly-spcGli/cd uni\crsity cannot adapt to a changing socict!. as can a balanced unil,crsitJ*. An>. f’pc 01‘ ad\ancc in the direction o!‘ spccialijation should bc made in such a uay so as not to climinatc the core of’arts and scicncc undcrgraduaic prvgrariis within each uni\crsit!.. I hc notion that “each uni\crsity cannot aspire to uni\crsalitl\.” as put forward by Dr. Stcphcnson. is l’undamcntall~ wrong. I!‘a uni\crsit> has noticed a strength in a particular programme then is should ha\c the abilit). to strcngthcn that programmc as much as possible. I his should not. lio~.c\ cr. bc to the ‘dctrimcnt 01 other programmes uhich arc o f!‘(;red, ‘I’hesc should bc maintained and cnhanccd so that the university grows as a whole. As to how programme strcngtlls Mould be recognised. .wc 1.~~1that this should be done by the indi\,idual univcrsitics.

& The “Rationali/.ation” implied in the terms 01’ rclircnce 01’ the Commission on the Future D&clopment of the Universities ol’ontario (CFDUO) is but another example of a short-term fix. attempted by the Government of Ontario, to a long-term problem. The idcals 01 “accessibility” to post-secondary education seem to have become buy/.words fdr a poorly financed, poorly managed system. 0 The Commission should consider...the notion of allowing most institutions to determine their own level of selectivity. but ensuring through some external authoritative body (preferably OCUA but possibly the Ministry itself) that in all major geographical regions of the province there are some programs which allow for accessibility to all eligible students. This open-door policy would have to be balanced by in-course screening to ensure that the program does not sufl’er damage . 0 We wish to make clcar...our opposition toan incrcascd loans portion 01’ the student aid pri)gramme (due to its dctrimcntal c!‘!bcts on to its credibility and the reputation of the universities offering these accessibility,). A 1981 study conducted at Washingtij;l State Uni\,crsity programs not be adversely affected. cxamincd the relationship ol‘studcnt aid acccssibilit!,and !i)und that the l Access~b~hty to. professional programs must not be restricted by rcccipt of student aid was posti\+ rclatcd to pcrsistancc. that grants projected manpower needs. Manpower projections have failed in’ the wcrc more positi\c than loans; and that the larger th assistance rccci\cd. past and given a chance will fail in the future. In this a;ea institutional the Icss chance of’ dropping- out. (Jcnscn, 1% I ). autonomy had provided the impetus for response to public needs and


:a- “***-,)pe or the U.S., u hen Canada is so accessible. and now so re asonable? With the Canadian dollar valued at less than 75~ in the U.S., Canada is pro\ing to bc all the more poI..I I... icJl I’,..- Lla\xllers ,r-r, IJLII~~ this Sxar. 1984 markb rl,..V 111~ I ‘\*b*m L~I ,>I‘ LJ .I ourism tn Canada. AppropriateI!,. IA Rail halt introduced new rail tra\cl Transport C’anada and V options. M hich cnablc J’OLlths and seniors to set’ C’anada coast to 1,












1” * Rail Youth Canrail Pass. Canada‘s answr to the .*-,. LI.,. rh ,\,. ‘, bctwtxn the ages of’ 12 and 22 to tra\.el Eurailpass, ~ZII~LIIL> LII~JJL across the countr)‘, or w ithin smaller geographic regions. ~l‘hc 72 or 30 dais 01‘ unlimited nass ma\’d be purchased ..,. ., . t’ travel. and is a\ailablc l’car ‘round. Prices \aq according to the area ot‘tra\el. the duration ol‘thc pass. and the season ol‘tra\cl. If‘ >INI haven’t been on a train in years, then J’ou’rc bound to see some agrccablc changes. \‘IA Rail ib dedicated solel\~ to rail tra\ cl in C’Linada. and has made passcng,cr passcngclcomfort its mandate. SW I 11~‘train ma! not bc 2~s last as the plane. but >OLI can’t -1‘hz.

travellers, and visit the sights that make Canada the \ast and that it is. Only the train allows >‘ou th striking countq options. Hike in the Rockies, ciew tht prairies. canoe In Ontario‘s north, experience the nightlife in Montreal. and ‘..‘\ the whales oft‘thc cast coast. You can’t do an) of‘ that in Euro I he regular Canrail Pass l‘or those ocer the age ol‘ 22, is still available, at substantial savings. Passes are non-transferable. and ma) be purchased from b’our traiclagcnt, or b~~calling VIA f Ott-f‘rcc at I -800-366-x400. Jill Palmer Youth Information Officer Transport Canada, Public Affairs

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0 Constant Memory TMfeature allows the calculator to retain stored data even when the power is ‘/I switched off. I 0 32-step programmability and 5 constant memories. a APDTM Automatic Power Down. 0 Comes with handy problem-solving guidebook and quick reference booklet.

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Creating useful prctiucts and services for you.


’ ’ Imprint,





.t ir,:. f”z,,- ::’ 9 4,~ 1984.. 1,




‘Pyrolysis t The explosive war that drags on between Iran and Iraq threatens kvery day to cut off traditional crude oil supply lines from the Persian Gulf. . Western reliance on such hot spots for oil supplies puts new emphasis on the importance of developing alternate energy sources. A team of scientists at the Universitpof Waterloo is hard at work refining a very piomising process that has yielded aJaw fuel whose supply could p&ntially be almost unlimited. and at the same time be immune from international conflicts. Prof. Donald Scott, a UW chemical engineering professor, heads the team\ investigating the process called “flash pyrolysis.” The Scott team is into its fifth year of work on the process. Funding comes mainly from government agencies, ‘which over the years have contributed $400.000 to the project. Scott says both federal agencies and foreign sources have’shown strong interest in the project’s potential. Using flash pyrolysis, the U W team converts raw materials like ptilverized wood -- specifically hybrid poplar aspen ---coal, sludge and even peat moss, into a‘ crude-oil-like substance which can be further refined into useable fuel. Pyrolysis converts raw materials by decomposing them, in the absence of 500 to 600 degrees Cclcius air. under c&-y high heat t‘or brief time periods. “It’s more- like a corn syrup than a crude oil,” says Scott, holding up a small bottle of the dark liquid in a U W engineering lab. “What we’re doing now is putting a lot of effort into finding out how it can be used.” * - What makes the project ‘particularly attractive to energy specialists and the government is the potentially unlimited source of raw materials for the pyrolysis conversion. Scott notes . that the newly developed hybrid asp&% for example, is a f&t growing tree that can be harvested on plantations and grown on marginal land only for conversion to fuel. A new crop can be grown and harvested every 5-8 years. “You have a very large amount of raw mater<ials.” he says. “But the sources for them are stili too scattered at the present , time.” -The products of this pyrolysis are gas, solid char and a dark liquid. it may be possible to further refine the liquid to make an acceptable automobile fuel by adding hydrogen. SEott cautions that the drocess, -while successful, is still operating on a small scale level. Only about two kilograms of wood or-coal can be pyrolysed per hour. For it to be useful on an economic, commercial scale, several other factors would have to fall into place. Bigger plants -w‘ould be ‘needed, located centrally to the sources of raw materials. But with further developm,ent ar;ltl

money, the process can be adapted for large-scale production. That will likely happen only if the cost of crude oil goes through . the roof. “It’s a foregone conclusion that crude oil is going to’become expensive -- the only question is when,” added Scott. The UW researchers are getting ,a head start on the technology to have it in place when the economic factors become favorable in the future. That could be in about five or six years. A barrel of crude oil may have to cost about $45 or more to make other processes like flash pyrolysis of wood or --coal economically attractive. “The betting is that the mid-1990s is when things-will really take off. Others say it could be as early as 1988,” Scott says. Meanwhile work. continues by his team of nine -- a visiting

Not- boring

at all:


Summer pews- L by Dave Sider imprint stafi

Village rooms available A limited number of rooms in the Village Residences may become available during the Fall Term registration period due to late \ .cancellations. These rooms will be rented on a lottery basis on Tuesday, September 11. Students

without accomodation at that time should come to the Housing Office at 1:30 p.m. All names of those present will be taken and a 1otte‘i-y draw will be made for any rooms available.

May 4th issue Feds announce an 84, 85 budget with a low i>rojected dcl‘icit 01.$X35. U 01‘ W Board o1’Govcrnors approve a i I 12 million budget for 84, X4. but they add that they easily could hake added $8 million more. Fed Hall is announced as being on schedule. May 18th issue U of‘ W and Digital Equipment of Canada announce a new $65 million project which will operate under the lnstitutc of‘ Compuier Research. l‘he Clash play’ a soldout date at the ,I’AC and Platinum Blonde is l‘caturcd in a BENl’ pub at the Waterloo Inn. Dr. Kenneth Fryer. one of the University’s June 1st issue’ tZssociatc Deans of‘ Mathematics. passes away on SFturday. MGy 19th. A petition circulates ca1lin.g for a, referendum to t’cnloi’c Gtiorge Elliott Claykc as the editor 01 Imprint. A $60 “consumcables and maintenance*’ fee, June 15th issue that was to 1hac.c been levied on undcrgrad engineers in September. was uithdraun by t6c University because the B‘oard :)t‘Governors felt that the l’ce was too general in scope. Ofi June 7th. Katrina and the Waits plaJ,cd to a sparse Waterloo Inn crowd. June 29th issue . At the June 19 24th CFS, OFS annual general meeting. Fed President Tom Allison came under some political fire for his opposition to Imprint editor Clarke, btit is clccted l’reasurcr of‘ CFS, OFS. The Conference went oh to critici/.c the Bovey Commission far “being an attack on education.” E.J. Mc\Guire. an assistant coach in U of W’s hockey program, joins the N HL Philadelphia Flyers as an assistant coach. July 13th issue - Imprint editor, George Clarke, wins a confidence wok from Imprint staff. Eng Sot B elects Alex McGowan and Laurie Lawson as its new President and Vice. 20th Century Rebels and Mcssenjah are I’caturcd in another poorly attended BENT pub at the Waterloo Inn. July 27th issue --- At a Grad Student Assoc. board meeting,. Dr. Wright, President of U of W, states his opinion that students should pay higher tuition fees. On July 15th David Shipley, an U W engineering student, rides into Waterloo for a brief break fro? his cross-Canada bicysle tour designed to raise funds for CUSO and Project Ploughshares. Imprint joins Canadian University Press (CU P).

professor, tw6 grad students, two technicians, two co-op students and two professional engineers -- on testing and further refining of the flash pyroly’sis method in the labs. One of the earliest applications for the liquid pyrolysed product i+,expected to be in third world countries where there is a major shortage or total absence of conventional fossil fuels. Work is still being done on the scientific aspects of upgrading the.ir product in the hope of using it as a gasoline substitute for cars. Scott says their product initially will Iikely be used to fire :furnaces grid boilers rather than cars. ’ “It appears to be one of the most economical and useful wasys of converting waste biomass to liquid fuels, and Canada certainly has enough of such waste material,” Scott s+ys.


\ i1 side


Of tllC KC1lt. I IOtCl,








all in \\‘atcrloo



Afta- ~OLL’VC c&fkd a stcuming hot mug ofupplc cider and Imlislicd of‘f‘ tht first all-night CsSay 0T ussignnlcnt, ytt may wish to _csplorc the “real world” urortnd yott. If‘ so, pi will find the cspcricncc a richly rcwurding enc. ‘Ilic Region of W~tcrloo is, happily, fit11 of intriguing sights and intcrcsting places. You nwcr qrritc lcnow what yoti’ll find, fi-on1 the apoc~-ypl~al pubs that corner the city streets to the religious coniniunitics that hurxst the countryside. ‘Ms is Concstogu Country, the land to which I Ionlcr Watson paid lmxmgtz in his light-flooded wat&olours, the rcgion of’ the Grand Riwr Yallq (tlic vale of‘drcunis).... - 110~ to csl~lo~*c this coniniunity‘~ Ikgin with the itnnlcdiutcly ucccssiblc. y Stroll the tiniwrsity caniIms, taking time to pluck a ruddy arttrrmn apylc fi-on1 a trcc....‘I’our Scqp.mi’s ~ILlStlClll (t$X P&k@ i22)....IVUll< through Waterloo Park and watch the bcurs wrwtlc inthcir ctqp....I)uy fksh corn and Ixas ut the W&xl00 I:;rrmcus Marl&, whcrc black-gurbcd ~lcnnonitcs gather to sell their KoocIs....ICanlblc:bl~ down the C;raq churchand iii~I~l~-~stti~ld~~l rams, organi%cd fix the horse-and-buggy and the‘ milway, not tht: arrtoniobilc, and, ut night, listcn to the trains nio\;ing lillrc cloclworl~ fkoni one: all-night fkA0i-y to the




1%x1 like branching out? ~splorc the craggy, angular bctiutv of the -Elom (;orgc, the wooden roinant icisni of ‘Ille Kissing I$ridgc, and pick up sonic handcrafts in \Ycst l\lontrosc...I~t~jo~ an old-f’;lshioncd srippcr of s~~Icrkraut mid f&-mu sausugc....Go fiw a liay%lc in the country ~i~idci- an orange .jaclc-o-lmtcrn I b 1110011....

Wutcrloo, begins.




is whcrc

the living

. -




of Students presents


Federation of Students









hit- of the l!3-


of Students








- Learn minute!

11 pplications are now available in the Fcdcration office fix positions at SCOOPS; tit= ice cream stand opcratcd by the Federation of‘ Students. For frwthcr infhnation, c&tact <Jcfl Wilson at 885-0370 or on-ca~npus c=st.cnsion 2405. Applications close September 12, 1984.

BENT Security


Those interested in working as security persons at Board of Entertainment events are encouraged to contadt Ron Balcarras in the Federation of Students office. Previous experience in security work in a licenced environment is preferable, but certainly not required.

BE A CLOWN Hand out pamphlets and balloons every lunch hour (11:30 - 2 p.m.) in the Campus Centre. Clowlis also needed for Outdoor Concert, Euchre Championship, Comedy Show & Mad, Mad Movie Nite. Contact Laura Redican or Roti Balcarras at 885-0370 or come to CC 235. $4/hr.

the skills to read over 1000




by lo-1576




and retention.











. 25















WORDS Applications are ‘now available in the Federation office for positions at “WORDS”, the word processing service. A typing speed in excess of 40 words per minute and experience on word processor or computer termina,l are definite assets. Successful applicants must be paid-up members of the Federation of Students. For further information, contact Jeff Wilson at 885-0370 or on-campus extension 2405. Applickions close September 12,1984.





/-=I Sponsored Federation University

By The of Students of Waterloo

Pre-Register Fed&&on Campus

Centre 885-0370



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l ?==i r---







Soaring high orrthermals As one of Canada’s foremost architects in the solar field, 1’1.01. .lo\cph Soml‘aq, ol‘thc Unicersity ot Waterloo’s School of Architecture is keenI)< interested in calculating tho amount of energ) to be found in the sun’s rays, and in solving convection, heat storage and transfer problems and other such matters. All of which may help explain why he is also a glider enthusiast. The trick in glider flying is to make best use of “thermals” which are masses of rising hot air. On \Carm summer days, when the sun beats down on fields of’ ripening rain, parking lots, and other parts of‘ the earth’s surface, immediately above becomes very warm. -1 hesc patches of warm air rise, sometimes quite rapidly. I he trick in piloting a glider, theref‘ore, is to look for those areas in the landscape that are likely to produce thermals; then, by circling around in a thermal the glider is able to rise higher and higher -- sometimes as high as 8,000 feet or more, under ideal conditions. There are other sources of upward air currents but general14 speaking, glider pilots in Southern Ontario rely primarily on thermals. I o Somfay, gliding is one more example of man’s ability to harness the energy of sunlight. As a solar home designer he is



4, 1984.-,

and epoxy glues

concerned Lvith eliminating or reducing the need for fuels such as oil. gas or electricity to keep comf‘ortable in cold weather. As a glider pilot he uses that same energy to defy gravity in a motorless aircraft that weighs 300 pounds or more. Somfay is a member of the York Soaring Association. Arthur. Ont. (about 40 kilometers north ot KitchenerWaterloo), and flies a glider he built with Jim E‘qfctt. another glider enthusiast who also happens to be one 01‘ his formel students and a partner in Somf’ay and E‘ryett, Architects, a thriving Fergus firm. “We hate designed a large number of solar homes, both active and passive, but we didn’t design our glider,” Somf‘aj admits. “We built it f‘rom a kit from the Monnctt Experimental Aircraft Co., in the United States. It’s almost second nature tor an architect to want to see things built...so we enjoyed the experience of‘ putting it together to the point where it has been tested and licensed and we are now flying it.” What building the aircraft has done for Somfay and Fryett -in addition to giving them a glider they can 1‘1y-- is provide an “incredible learning experience” which, they feel, will prove fruitful in connection with their future architectural activities. “We’ve learned things aboLl I+ aircraft structural technology

that, we’re very sure. we can apply to other types of structures including houses, apartment buildings, and so forth,” Somfay predicts. He feels, in fact, many architects are missing the boat in that they fail to take advantage, to the extent possible, of some very ne\i technologies being developed for other fields. “Whether you’re talking about an aircraft wing or a high rise, a structure is a structure and stress loadings are stress loadings,” Somf‘alr saq’s. ‘&By building our glider we learned. for instance, about new’ epoxy’ glues that make ricets and welds obsolete. “We learned a good deal about stress-skin structural techniques, where the covering or ‘skin’ actuall)r becomes an integral part of‘ the structural strength of‘ the aircraft. This is a concept we feel many architects fail to pay enough attention to, in designing buildings. We learned about new plastics, carbon fibre reinforcement. sandwich materials...many things that we architects are going to have to get into, increasingly. There is a whole new. fast-changing world out there.” He is already contemplating the possible impact his new sensitivity to high tech materials will have on his teaching efforts in the School of Architecture.


at U of ,VV

Registered nurses’ from the K-W area can take a nursing course this fall at the University of Waterloo via special teleconference hook up with the University of Western Ontario’s nursing f’aculty. The course -- Nursing 222> in Western’s regular program -- focuses on human interaction between nurses and patients, t,he learning principles involved and &her issues affecting the nursing profession. The audio teleconference is a first for the ongoing co-operative arrangement between Waterloo and Western. Under the arrangement, local registered nurses can wo(rk towards a Western B.Sc.N. degree by taking a number of approved equivalent or alternative courses at Waterloo. Almost half of the threeyear, 19 course Western program can be taken through Waterloo. “What the teleconference class means is that these,area nurses will be able to stay in Waterloo and get at this course (Nursing 222) without having to travel to Western,” says Don Kasta, continuing education liaison officer at U W. “We’re pleased to be able to enhance the cooperation betweeh Western and Waterloo through this teleconference course. It should

add to the accessibility to the degree (B.Sc.N.) for local area nurses,” K&ta says. Nurses taking the teleconference course at Waterloo will be able to ask direct questions of the instructor through a microphone hookup. If the teleconference course proves popular, it’s possible another Western course, Nursing 223, will be offered in the same way in the future. In addition to the nursing program, Waterloo and Western co-operate in offering several courses in other disciplines in the Stratford area. The nursing teleconference course starts Sept. 13 and will run through the fall and winter terms for a full year. Generally, applicants must be registered nurses and parttime students enrolled through Western. However, Kasta says it’s possible to take some courses in the program bcf’ore being lormallj adFitted to Western. information about this can be obtained from him at @S-l 2 11, extension 2003. To gain entrance to Western’s faculty of . nursing, students should have Grade 13 or its ’ equivalent with a standing of at least 60 pcrccnt. l‘hq must also ha\c Grade 12 mathematics and Grade I3 biology.



On pro-rated rent ‘by Mitch Retterath Vice-president, university affairs Special to Imprint .* Pro-rated rent is, a payment schedule decised bq’ landlords to procure the annual rent from their student tenants in the eight month period which constitutes the normal academic year. I hc rationale for the scheme is that it protects landlords from students who skip-out on thkir rent payments af‘ter the . academic year, Icaiing the rent unpaid for the summer. On July 29th. t hc Supreme C’our:t of Ontario decided that pro-rated rent is illegal. In his w.rittcn decision. justice J. Potts gave his reasons for judgment where hc explain4 that pro-rated rent is in contravention of the Landlord and’ Tenant Act. Justice Potts felt that the extra money paid each month under a pro-raEed pa)‘mcnt schedule constituted a security deposit, a quantity which is limited to one month’s rent bJ> law. Under a pro-rated rent scheme. howcc,er, the extra payments each month add up to f’6ur month’s rent. Pro-rated rent h_as been fought by the f+d&tion of Students since 1980 because it

Dunk&y new I assistant .dean \ R.G. (Ron) Dunkley, lecturer in the department of combinatorics and optimization, faculty of mathematics, University of Waterloo, has been named assistant dean. His acticities will include responsibility for liaison _ het\4zcn the facultjV a-nd mathematics departments and teachers in Ontario high schools. administration of scholarships, and administration of the mathematics contests organized by UW and entered annuali), bq’ close to 100,000 Canadian high school students. His appointment follows the recent death of Dr. K. D. (Ken) Fryer, associate dea.n of mathematics, whose responsibilities included all of the above. Durikley and Fryer worked closely together on these projects for many years.

welcomes all new UW students. Serving the good students of Waterloo for 25 years, \ . at King and University.

pcnali/cs students with financial hardship during a time in the year when thq arc under a stringent budget. Stud$nts are then not quit-c-d to pay rent during the summer u hen thcq, might bc.uorking and could af‘f‘ord rent pa! mcnts. f-‘urthcrmorc, students u,ho must appl>, f;or student aid to afford to go to unikcrsity cannot use pro-rated rent as grounds f‘or ap.peal. I hese students must thcrcl‘orc l‘orl‘cit l’our month’s rent l‘rom their Ii\ ing cspenscs. a sacrif’icc normal tenants arc not required to make. Although pro-rated rent is now histoq, it ih important for students to consider that its introduction ‘bias a direct result 0~1’ the irresponsible . bchak iour of a minority of students. A least is a Icgal contract and brings with it all the responsibilities and obligations that the title implies to both parties involccd. Just as poor landlords Icacc a sour taste with the student tenants. so too does the credibility oi student tenants sulI?r when sonic 01 their peers do not 1iL.c up to their payment obligations as set out in their lcasc. Dclinqucnt landlords and tenants should not compl-omisc the rest of‘ their kind.

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Clip out.and bring to room 140, Campus Centre. For more information caN885-1660

e B.C. Matthews Hall Snack Bar (Ext. 3744, Shirley Gascho) .9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Monday - Friday Daily menu features light snacks, sandwiches, hot luncheon specials, pastries, desserts. and beverages. Campus Centre Coffee Shop (ext.3450, Val Whctstonc) 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Friday Menu items include croissants, hot cinnamon bread, super grilled ham & checsc. soup, sandu iches, subs. bagels, hot noon hour special, desserts. pastrich, and bc\ cragcs. Campus Centre Pub Sandwich Bar (Ext. 3450 Val Whetstone) 12 noon - 3:30 p.m. Monday, - Friday 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Monday - Friday Home stbrle soup. made to order kaisers, fries. onion rings,

For most people, to open a door and go through it is no large ordeal, but attempt this task from a wheelchair and things become a little, more difficult. It was this type of obstacle that was accounted for when students Tim Cameron, Mary McLorn and Laura Nagel began to develop and adapt conservation educations programs. offered regularly to the School Boards, for persons with various physical abilities. 1 hcsc students wcrc hired under a Canada Works Project. -i‘llis is a multi->,ear training program where students are hired to monitor and assist in the dc\elopment of programs for Grand River Conservation Authority Nature Centres w’hich would accommodate people with pliqGca1 handicaps. Over a month of preparation involved visiting different organizations that deal with both the handicapped and mentall) retarded and bpending time in a u heelchair whet-c they were not allowed to get out no matter what. “These experiences were to help us get rid of any inhibitions we might have had in dealing with the handicapped”, said Tim Cameron, Co-ordinator of Handicapped Programs. “Accessibility was and is the key. We had to discover what activities someone in a


physical barriers. such as carpet on a classroom Iloor or a steep hill on the nature trail, might cause.” hc added. The Nature Centre’s outdoor programs were adapted for the handicapped from the existing programs offered under contract to the Brant County School Boards at the Apps’ Mill Nature Centre during the school year. Some of these programs include stream studies, wildflower and tree identification, map/ compass orienteering and a sensory awareness program. I’rograms tar the handicapped will bc oft‘crcd on Saturdays from Scptcmbcr to the end of June.








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Licenced under the L.L.A. South Campus Hall: Laurel Room (Reservations: Ext. 3 196, Maureen Weckworth) 12 noon - 2: 15 p.m. Monday - Friday, Full table service dining in a warm, friendly atmosphere. The a la carte menu oll‘crs a sclcction ofappcti/crs. salads, omclcttes, hot entree\, sandwiches and dcsscrts. Fully licensed. South (‘ampus Hall: Pastry Shope (Main Foyer) lo:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday 10130 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday, A take-out or fast munchie facility featuring fresh11 baked pastries, rolls and breads. Sandwjiches, subs and be\eragcs arc also available. Birthday Cakes are a specialt>,. and orders ma>’ bc placed bq calling 3196. I M o working daJ,s notice plcasc.







bagels, pastries, and yogurt. Modern Languages Snack Bar (Ext. 2417, Mildred V017) 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday 8:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Monday - Friday, Wide i,ariety of pastries, snacks, sandwiches, bagels, salads, home style soup and beverages. South Campus Hall: Festival Room Cafeteria (Ext. 3 198, Rita Finch) X:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday 8:OO a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Friday’, Full breakfast, lunch and dinner meals. Daily special breakfast menu and noon hour soup, sandwich. beverage combo. in addition. a uidc \arict! 01 snack,, sanduicheh, soup. subs, 17iadt‘ to OI-tlcr kaisers and a brlper salad bar art‘ available.


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BOOK STORE DISCOUNTS TO PASS THE $600,000 MARK The Book Store policy is to maintain a break-even budget. Prices on textbooks and mandatory supplies are much lower than normal retail. This year the price charged is the direct cost plus 15% (normal is cost plus 25%). All other merchandise is sold at retail. University of Waterloo Book Store is one of two Canadian University Book Stores that sell required material at discounted prices. All other University Book Stores sell at retail price levels. This practice, which is a University Policy, will continue to be applied over the coming academic year, Total DISCBUNTS will amount to over $600,000. The U W Book Store is owned and operated by the University under policies established by the Board of Governors. It is here to provide a service f or students, f acuity and staff, primarily in terms of providing textbokks and maintaining a constant source of reference material, which is recommendedfrom time to time by the faculty.






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.by Sandy Townsend Imprint staff The UW Rugby Club has the reputation of being one of the most efficiently organized clubs on campus. The club organizes UW rugby activities to provide the University with two teams, the Trojans, the junior varsity team and the Warriors, the inter\ university varsity team. The Warriors open the 1984 season as the defending OUAA Champions. They finished their undefeated 1983 season in a classic fashion by hammering York 19-z in the Championship match at Columbia Field. The Warriors scored over 145 points while only allowing the opposition two tries all year. The Trojans’ season very closely paralleled that of the Warriors. They reached their Championship match while suffering only a single loss. In the final they were held to a O-O tie by McMaster. The Trdjans were awarded the ti%le by virtue of their victory over Mae in the regular season. The U W ,Rugby Club finished the 1983 OUAA season with a combined record of 17 wins, 1 loss, and.2 ties. They are proud holders of the varsity and junior varsity championships.

The. UW Rugby Club is Lrobably one of the most travellec athletic teams on the campus. This past spring the club travelled to New Orleans to compete in th Tulane University Mardi Gras Tournament. They brought home yet another championship tch crown their most successful season ever. This fall the Warriors will play in the western division of the OUAA. This means that they will be playing their traditional rivals, the University of Western Ontario, twice, as well as playing their c’ross-town rivals, Wilfrid Laurier, twice. They will play single matches against McMaster. Brock and Guelph. The Warriors have four OUAA, all-stars returning to spearhead the assault on another title. They are Glen Harper (wing forward), Mark Allison (prop forward), Dabe Ium Kong (fullback) and Paul Coburn (winger). These four- players will form the nucleus of th-e squad with the other places being filled by returt&ng Warrior veterans, improving Trojans, or one of the outstanding new freshmen who have been recruited. The Warriors play their home games on Columbia Field on the North Campus of the University of Waterloo. Spectators are welcome to come and watch the game.

New season \ -for football Bob McKillop began hi3 third camp as the Head Coach (;i’thc 11nicer-sit! 01 Q’atcrloo Football Warriors on Sundal., August 26. 1984. McKillop hcadcd into camp M ithout the pitchingand catching urcu u hich he had with the team last j’ear. <ione from the bcenc r l\ill bc the All I imc leading passer of‘ the’ Warriors, Stan C’hclmecki. Chclmecki ended up his three !.cars with the Warriors with a passing completion rate 01‘ just under 50!‘; (49.9’~ ) by completing 28X passes in 577 attempts. Cheltnccki accounted !or 3.629 j,ards 01‘ of!.ensc during his carrel- M ith the U’arriors. Also missing from the Warrior Camp mcrc three outstanding. rccciicrs f‘rom last season. Ga1.1, Garbut. (iord Grace and Art Hcicr, cl,ho rank second, third and f‘ourth on the list of All I imc .Warrior receilcrs have graduated. Just uho L\ill do the pitching and catching lor this year’s Warrior team was dctcrmincd in training camp. Head Coach McKillop expected approximately sistJ,-!‘i\e plaJ,crs to turn out for the camp. Leading the returnees will bc a solid core of dcl‘ensivc players. “Our cxpericnccd front three uill bc back.” said McKillop in relcrring to John Shamess, Mikel’arkhill.and Mike Martincau. “We’ll hate a \ery cxpcrienccd crcu of‘ dcfcnsikc backs and that w,ill certainly help us. We’ll hacc Pat Marchionc, En/o Dimichele, John Douglas, Rob Gale. .I o1i7 Lobes. Doug Hol’l’man, Glenn Hascn and Sandy Mikala’chki. We’ll also hope to ha~c Mike White who had tryouts with *l.oronto and Ottakia this past summer.” j Mike White is theAllI’imclcadingkicko!!‘rcturncrinWarrio~ liistor!, uith 973 years on 45 returns for an aceragc return ol’2 I .6 years. Hc also ranks second on the list of All Time Warrior interceptors with eight, two behind Rob Sommerv*ille. White stands in fourth spot on the list of Warrior punt ret urncrs with 59 is Gord returns t‘or 463 Jfards. l‘hc leading punt rcturncr McLcllan ~.ho pla>.cd lor the Warriors back in the ‘69 and ‘70 seasons. Missing l‘rom thcdet‘cnsc will be two All Stars from last season. dcl’ensivc back Kevin Adams and lincbackcr Rob Dobrik. Adams has graduated while Dobrik will be in school but u ill be working in I oronto on his Co-op tiork term. “WC hacc sonic outstanding ncwcomcrs ~.ho will bc reporting iocamp,” said Coach McKillop. “Tony 1antorno.a quarterback from East York Collegiate will bc a candidate I’or the quarterback position. As it stands now. hc will battle with Drcu



.l hc Wcn-Ijo

Sclj-l)c!cnsc C’linic Mill be held l‘or ;i\c ciccks slarih~g Monda!. Supt. 24 and ending October 22nd. Coht M ill lx $30 per person. Plcasc sign up ah soon as posbiblc as atlcridancc is limited.

Zchr l’or that spot. “Dare Stoddart, a ccntrc from Grand Ribcr Collegiate (,Kitchcncr). Dacc Jo)‘. and ol‘lcnsi\,c guard !‘rom Forest Heights (Kitchcner), Chris Maecker, a rccciceralso f‘rom Forest Heights. Michael Schncidcr. adcl‘cnsikc back from Last\food( Kitchcncr) and C’hris Kcllerfrom Bluc\ale( Waterloo) lcad a stronggroup of local prospects. son o!‘ the I‘ormcr CE‘L plaJ,cr Jim “Bobby (“opeland, Copeland. u,ill try out mith the (cam, Bobby. is a running back. Jim C’opcland is IIOM a scout f‘or the C’algaq Stampeders al’tc~ scrcing ~-5ith the Argos for marl> j.cars in the same capacity,. “Mike Vclickoi ic. an o!‘!‘cnsi\ c guard l’rom Gordon Gra) son High School in Mississauga. iscomingtocampa~~d wccxpcct big things l’rom him. “I should also mention sonic other rcturnccs who k5.c arc expcctin,g to have good seasons. Scott Manning who had a tryout with Saskatchewan in the CFL, will be back as one of our offcnsi\.c tackle positions. “Sean Strickland will bc back at 0ffensic.c guard, Peter Callaghan will return at centre. Pe~?y Stoneman will return to one o! the running back positions. It b,ill bc his lourth. straight ~~ca~~asastartcr!‘orl~in~.(Stoncmanranhsinsistl~positiononthc list of All I’ime Warrior rushers icith an aicr-age of 4.7 >.ards per carr) in 133 carries). Darrio Prctto \\ ill also return. l’or his I’ourth fear as a running back.” ‘1 hc Warriors and Head C’oach McKillop b,ould dcarlb loicto irnproIc upon the record ol‘thc IastAMo seasons. In 19X2. in his lirst season as Head C’oach of’t tic V’arriors. the team hada record 01’ tbo I\ins grid !i\c losses in lcaguc pIa>,. Last season. the Warriors had one Min. !‘i\c losses and one tic. I hc training camp c\ill take place on C’olurnbia E’iclds on the North C’ampus o!‘ the l; ni\ crhit! o! \I atcrloo. .I hcrc I\ ill bc tm o ~5orhouts a da!. the l’irst at 9:30 a.m. and the second one at 3:00 p.m. .I hcs,c times ha\c been hnoti 11to change. ho~\c\cr. and an> intcrcsted pcr.\on \\ ho plans LO attend the camp to tall\ to the coach or platers is ashed to call bc!orc coming to the 13orkouts. l‘ht Head Coach can be r-cached at 885-121 I. Ext. 3149, or at home 745-9356. ‘I hc trio-a-da! \\ orhouts I\ illcontinuc until Sept. 2. U’orhout? I\ ill rCsunie on Scptcnibcr 4 at the Seagram I)ri\c I’icld and \\ il coiiLinuc









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1984185 Women’s Interuniversity Schedules VOLLEYBALL


Sat., Oct. 13 - at Brock Invitational Tws.,Oct. 23 -exhibition - 8:OO. p.m. F&Set, Nov. 53 - at Windsor - Can-Am Tues., Nov. 8 - Brock - 8:00 p.m. FIT., Nov. 9 - at Windsor - 7:30 p.m. Tues., Nov. 13 2 Laurier - 8:00 p.m. Fri., Nov. 18 -at f&Master - 7:00 p.m. Tues., Nov. 26 - Guelph - 8:OO p.m. Wed., Nov. 28 -at Western - 7:OO p.m. Tues., Jen. E-exhibition - 6:00 p.m. Thun., Jen. 1C - at Guelph - 8~00 p.m. TUOE, Jan: 15 - exhibition - 6~00 p.m. M.&t.. Jen. 18.19 -Waterloo Invitational Tues., Jen. 22 - M&laster - 8:00 p.m. Wed., Jan. 38 - Windsor - 8:00 p.m. Thurs., Jan. 31 - at Laurier - 8:00 p.m. Tues., Feb. 5- Western - 8:00 p.m. Tues., Feb. 12 -at Brock - 8:00 p.m. Tues., Feb. 19 -exhibition - 8:OO p.m. Frl.,%t., Febi 22.23 - OWIAA Finals at Ottawa




Nov. 24 - at Queen’s - Figures Ranking Eat., Jan. 28 - at Toronto - Routine Ranking Frt.,&t, Feb. 15,18 - OWIAA Finals York


TENNIS 8ot. Sept


- at Western (Guelph I I 29 - McMaster. Windsor Oct. 13 -Toronto, Laurier. Brock SM., Oct. 20 - at York (RMC 8 York) Frt.,Set., Oct. 28.27 - OWIAA Finals Brock 1



8ot. Sept 8ot,

II Il IV a1

’ lnteruniversity -Give it a Try

If you are interested in trying for a spot on one of UW’s interuniversity plan to attend its organization meeting.

SQUASH Frl.,Sat,

Nov. 18,17 - D&g. Tournament at f&Master Jen. l&12McMaster Invitational Frl.,Sot, Jan. 25.28 - Desig. Tournament It a1 Western Sat., Fob. 2 -Waterloo Invitational Frt., 8ot, Feb. 15,15Desig. Tournament Il at Toronto

FtGURE 8at, Nov.

Indoor 8st, Sat., Sot,

1 - at Western lnvitatlbnal 1s -at York Invitational 28 - at Windsor Invitational - T.B.A. Frt.,Set, Mer. 1,2 - OWlAA/OUAA at Toronto -


-York Invitational ht., Jen. 28 - Queen’s Invitational F&Set., Feb. Is,18 - OWIAA Waterloo




Sat., Sat.,

GYMNASTICS 24 1s 2 18

- McMaster - Ranking -Ranking - OWiAA

Invitational I at York II at McMaster Finals -Waterloo

Sat., Sat.,

BASKETBALL Sept. Fri.&t.,

-Alumni Dct.

Alpine Fri., Jen. Fri., Jan. Frt., Jan. Frt., Feb. Thrin.,Fri.. Finals

- at McMaster

Tournament Oct. 27 - Exhibition Game 2:W p.m. Set&m., Oct. 27,28 - Waterloo Invitational Wed., Oct. 31 - at Lauiier (exhibItion) 8~00 p.m. FrL,Sat.,Bun., Nov. 2,3,4-at Carleton Tournament Fri., Nov. S - Guelph - 8:oO p.m. F&Sat., Nov. 18.17 - at Lava1 Tournament Wad., Nov. 21 i M&taster - 8:00 p.m. Sat., Nov. 24 - a1 Western Wed., Nov. 2C- at Brock Fri.,Set., Dec. 28.28 - at York Tournament (exh.) (tentative) Fri., Sat., Jen. 4,5at Windsor Tournament (exh.) (tentative) Wed., Jan. 0 - Windsor - 8:OO p.m. M,, Jen. tl - Laurier - 8:00 p.m. S&t., Jan. 19 -at McMaster - 6~00 p.m. Wed., Jan. 23 -Western - 6~00 p.m. Est., Jan. 28 - Brock - 6~00 p.m. Wed., Jan. 30 - at Guelph - 6100 p.m. &t, Feb. 2 - at Windsor - 8:00 p.m. Wed., Feb. 8 - at Laurier - 8:00 p.m. Fti., Feb. 8 - Exhibition M.,Set,8un., Fe 15,18,17 - OWIAA Finals at 1 st place west Frl.,Set.,Sun., Mer. 1,2.3 - CIAU

Nordic 8st, Jen. tit:, Jan. Ed. Jan. 8ot, Feb. Set,Sun., Finals





CURLING Sat., Set., 8ot,

Nov. Jan. Sun., Guelph Sat.,Sun., Waterloo Set.,Sun., Laurentian







2.3 - Combined





- at Collingwood - 9:00 a.m. -at Collingwood - 9:00 a.m. -at CoIlingwood - 9:OO a.m. - at Collingwood - 9:OO a.m. Feb. 7,8 - OWIAA/OUAA - Coilingwood - 9:W a.m.

12 - at Midland 1s - at Guelph (Eden Mils) 28 - at Carleton (Gatineau’s) 0 - at Barrie Feb. 18.17 - OWlAAlOUAA Laurentian




- mixed spiel T.B.A. -exhibition T.B.A. Jen. 28.27 - West Section

11 18 25 1

Frl.,Set,Sun., Sept. 14,18,18 - at Michigan Tournament Sat.Sun.. 8apt 22.23 - Waterloo Invitational Wad., Bopt. 28 - Western - 4:30 p.m. Sad, Sept 28 - Guelphfloronto Thun.. Ott 4 - at McMaster - 4130 p.m. Thun., Oct. 11 - at Western - 430 p.m. S&Sun., Oct. 13,14-at Guelph vs Western &York Wed., Oct. 17 - at York - 4:30 p.m. F&Se&Sun., Dct 28,27,28 - OWIAA Finals at Toronto




Sun., Nov. 4 - at Guelph relays Sot., Nov. 10 - Weltern - 200 p.m. Set, Nov. 24 - at McMaster Invitational S&Sun., Jan. 25.28 - Waterloo Invitational F&&t. Feb. 18.18 - OWIAA finals Lg$rier

Time 7:00 5:00 5:00 IO:00 4:00 4:30 7:00 4:00 6:00 5:00 5:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 6:00 5:00 5:00 6:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00

* PAC - Physical


If you’re Athenas


Men’s Interuniversity






Sat., Sept. 8 - at Carleton - 2:W p.m. Sat., Sept. 15 -at Windsor - 2:W p.m. Sat., Sept 22 -York - 2:W p.m. Fri., Sept 28 - McMaster - 7:W p.m. Thur., Oct. 4 - al Guelph - 7:W p.m. Sat., Oct. 13 -Toronto - l:W p.m. Sat., Oct. 20 - at Western - 2:W p.m. 8ot, Oct. 27 - at Laurier - 2:W p.m. Set., Nov. 3 -West Division Semi-Final l:W p.m. Sat., Nov. 10 - West Division Final 1:W p.m. 8st, Nov. 17 - CIAU Semi-Finals’1:W p.m. Sat., Nov. 24 - CIAU Finals - Vanier Cup Toronto - l:W p.m.


&t. Est., Est.

RUGBY SaL, Sept. 8 - Alumni Game - 2:W p.m. Est., Sept. 15 - at Laurier - 200 p.m. 8at. Sept 22 - at Western - 2:W p.m. Sot, m 29 - Brock - 2:W p.m. Sst, Oct. 8 - at Guelph - 2:W p.m. &t,Oct.l3-Laurier-2:Wp.m. . Est., Oct. 28 -Western - 2:W p.m. Sat., Oct. 27 -at McMaster - 200 p.m. Wed, Oct. 31 - Semi-finals - A. West II at East I - B. East II at West I &t, Nov. 4 - Final -Winner A at Winner B

Oct. 17 - Exhibition - T.B.A. 8:W p.m. Frl.,Set,Sun., Ch%. 28,27,28 -at U. of Winnipeg Tournament Fri., Nov. 2 - Exhibition - T.B.A. Frt.,Set,Sun.. Nov. S,lO,ll -at U of Guelph Tip-Off Tournament F&Sat, Nov. 18,17 -at Laurier tournament (tentative) Frl.,Set.Sun., Nov. 23.24.25 - Naismith Tournament Wed., Nov. 28 - Moser Game vs York (exh.) - 8~00 p.m. Frl.,Sot,Sun.. Dec. 28,28,38-at Ryerson Tournament Thun.,Frl.,Set, Jen. 3.4.5 -at U. of Calgary Classic Wed., Jan. 0 - at Laurier - 8:W p.m. Sst. Jen. 12 -Windsor - 8:W p.m. &t, Jan. 19 -at McMaster - 8:W p.m. Sun., Jen. 28 - Guelph - 8:W p.m. Wocl., Jan. 23 -Western - 8:W p.m. Sat, Jan. 28 - Brock - 8:W p.m. Wad., Jen. 38 -at Guelph - 6~00 p.m. ’ Sot, Feb. 2 - Laurier - 8100 p.m. Wad., Feb. 8 - at Windsor - 8:W p.m. Fri., Feb. 8 - at Brock - 8:W p.m. Wed., Feb. 13 - McMaster - 8:W p.m. Sot. Feb. 18 -at Western - 8100 p.m. Trm.. Feb. 1s - l/4 finals (West) Frl.,&t, Feb. 22.23 - OUAA (West) Finals Sat, Mer. 2 - OUAA Championships (at West) Frl.,Sat, Mar. 8,s - CIAU Regionals Thun.,Frl.,Set, Mar. 14,15,18 - CIAU Finals - Halifax


114 2 rA

Oct. 27 - OUAA Nov. 10 -Western Nov. 23 -Toronto 830 p.m. Frl.,&t, Feb. 22,23 Laurentian

Relays at Ottawa - 2:W p.m. Invitational - OUAA



Football Rugby Soccer Golf Tennis(M) Field Hockey Ice Hockey Squash (M) Water Polo M&W Cross Country M&W Outdoor Track Volleyball (M) Tennis(W) Volleyball (W) Basketball (W) Basketball (M) . Figure Skating M&W Swimming/Diving Gymnasitcs Synchro Swimming Squash (W) Badminton M&W Alpine Skiing M&W Nordic Skiing Curling

Bob McKillop Phil White John Vincent Carl Totzke Carl Totzke Judy McCrae Jack Birch Barney Lawrence John Saabas Alan Adamson Alan Adamson Rob Atkinson T.B.A. Pat Davis Sally Kemp Don McCrae Michelle Wiley Dave Heinbuch Kevin Eby Helen Gordon T.B.A. T.B.A. Susan Hewgill T.B.A. Judy McCrae




Student Village Columbia Field Columbia Field Conestoga Golf Waterloo Tennis *PAC 1001 PAC 1001 Squash Courts Pool Deck PAC 1001 PAC 1001 PAC 1001 PAC 1001 PAC 1001 PAC 1001 PAC 2045 PAC 1001 PAC 1001 PAC 1001 Pool Deck PAC 1001 PAC 1001 PAC 1.001 PAC 1001

2 1 2 Club Club

Building teams,

plan to make

full use of your






not a member of one of UW’s and the Warriors.

BADMlNTON Sun., Nov. 3,4 - at Guelph - West Section Round Robin - 10~00 a.m. S8t. Nov. 8,10 - at McMaster Cross Over Round Robin - 8:W p.m./*00 Sun., Jam 19.20 - at Queen’s Cross Over Round Robin - 10100 a.m. Sun., Jen. 28,27 - at Western - West SectionRound Robin - 1O:W a.m. Feb. 18 - Laurier OUAA/OWIAA Finala - 10~00 a.m.

p.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.


at finals


‘Sat. Aug. 25 Tues. Sept. 4 Tues. Sept. 4 Wed. Sept. 5 Thurs. Sept. 6 Mon. Sept. IO Mon. Sept. 10 Mon. Sept. 10 Mon. Sept. IO Tues. Sept. 11 Tues. Sept. 1 l Tues. Sept. 11 Wed. Sept. 12 Wed. Sept. 12 Thurs. Sept. 13 Mon. Sept. 17 Mon. Sept. 17 Mon. Sept. 17 Tues. Sept. 18 Tues. Sept. 18 Wed. Sept. 19 Mon. Sept. 24 Tues. Sept. 25 Wed. Sept. 26 T.B.A.


Sept 15 - McMaster/Laurentlan lnvitationals - 1:30 p.m. Sept. 22 - York Invitational 2% p.m. Sept. 29 - Ottawa/Guelph lnvitationais - 1:30 p.m. Oct. 13 - R.M.C. Invitational 1:30 p.m. Oct. 28 - Laurier Invitational 1:30 p.m. Oct. 27 - OWIAA/OUAA Waterloo - 1:30 p.m.



SKIING Game 19,20



Dec. Jen. Jen. Feb.



Siat.,)(ov. Sat., Jan. 8ot, Feb. Sat., Feb.




Tryouts I


GOLF Sept. 17 - Windsor/Waterloo lnvitationals - 1O:OO a.m. Thur., Sept. 20 - York Yeomen - 10:00 a.m. Thur.,Frl., Sept. 27,28 - OUAA - Guelph - 9:W a.m. Thur.,Frl., Dct. 11,12 - OUAA Waterloo - 9:W a.m.


Invitation Semi-Final -

29 - 9:W Wed., Oct. 10 Sat., Oct. 13 Eat, Oct. 20 Wed., Oct. 24 Sat, Oct. 27 F&S&Sun., at McMaster Eat., Nov. 10 Bat., Nov. 17 Laurier Eat., Nov. 24 1:W p.m.

- Early Bird Invitational a.m. -at Western - 7:30 - McMaster Tournament -Western Tournament -York - 7:30 p.m. - York Tournament Nov. 2,3,4 -Challenge - Toro$o -Waterloo - OUAA


Tournament Tournament Finals

at Queen’s


Alpine Fri., Fri., Fri., Fri., Thurs.,


Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Finals



-West -


OUTDOOR Sun., Sept. 23 -Queen’s 12:00 noon Sat, Sept. 29 - McMaster 12:W noon 8ot, Oct. 13 - OUAA’Finals









INDOOR Sot, Dec. 1 -Western Invitational 1O:W a.m. 8ot, Jan. 1S - York Invitational 10~00 a.m. Sot, Jan. 28 -Windsor lnvitahonal10:W a.m. F&Set.. Mar. 1,2 - OUAA/OWIAA Toronto - 6.00 p.m.




Sept. 15 - McMaster Invitational 9:W a.m. Est., Sept. 22 - at Western - FW 9:W a.m. Thun.,Frt., Sept. 27,28 - Waterloo Section - 10:W a.m. Fri., Oct. 5 - OUAA Finals -Western 10100 a.m.






’ 11 18 25 1

-at Collingwood - 9:00 a.m. - at Collingwood - 9:W a.m. -at Collingwood - 9:00 a.m. -at Collingwood - 9:00 a.m. Fri., Feb. 7,s - OUAAIOWIAA - CoIlingwood - 9:OO a.m.


at -

Nordic Set, Jan. IJot., Jan. Set., Jan. Ed., Feb. Set.,Sun.. Finals OUIOW l

12 - at Midland 1s - al Guelph (Eden Mils) 28 - at Carleton (Gatineau’s) S - at Barrie Feb. 18,17 - OUAAlOWlAA - Laurentian - 9:W a.m. exhibition

* *

Sun., Oct. 28 -Western Mini Tournament - 1l:OO a.m. Fri., Nov. 2 -at Western - 8:00 p.m. Fri., Nov. S - Guelph - 8:00 p.m. Fri., Nov. 18 -at Brock - 8:00 p.m. Fri., Nov. 23 -at Laurier - 8:00 p.m. Fri., Nov. 30 - McMaster - 8:OU p.m. Sat., Dec. 1 - Guelph Invitational 9:W a.m. Fri.,Set.,Sun., Jan. 4,5,8 - York Invitational Wed., Jan. S -Western - 8:W p.m. Fri., Jan. 18 -at Guelph - 8:00 p.m. Thur., Jen. 24 - Brock - 6~00 p.m. Frt.,Set.,$un., Jan. 25,28,27 - Penn State Invitational f%, Feb. 1 - Laurier - 8:00 p.m. Sun., Feb. 3 - York Mini Tournament 11:00 a.m. Fri., Feb. 8 -at McMaster - 8:00 p.m. Tues., Feb. 12 -West Division Semi-Finals (4 @ 1 - 3 @ 2) - 8:00 p.m Set., Feb. 18 -West Division Finals 8:00 p.m. Sat., Feb. 23 - OUAA Champio?ships (at East) Thurs.,Fri.,Set., Mar. 7,8,S - CIAU Championships-York












Support your athletic teams

War -music! . Steve Hayman Chief Centurion University of Waterloo Warriors Band So what is the Warriors Band, you may be wondering? Waterloo Warrior basketball, football and hockey fans would describe it (if paid enough m-oney) as a vital component of the high-spirited, noisy and enthusiastic atmosphere created at U W Warrior coaches, if pressed, would sporting’ events. undoubtedly admit that this atmosphere often means the difference between a win and a loss, (we hope this means what we hope it means). TV sportscasters have been known to refer to us as “the reknowned Warriors Band”; or “that band from Waterloo”. But, if you asked a band member about the Warriors Band, they would undoubtedly describe it as a high-profile precision musical ensemble dedicated to the pursuit of Excellence, Musicianship and New Horizons of Athletic Support. Then when they stopped laughing you might get the real story. The Warriors Band has been around at U W sporting events since 1966, which certainly makes it one of the longest-winded organizations on campus. From a humble beginning of 4 football fans desperate to find a way to get into the games free, the Band has grown over the years to a group that often manages to get 30 people in the same place at the same time playing the same piece. -1983-84 was a particularly successful season for the Band, culminating in a trip to Halifax to support the UW Warrior Basketball -1 earn at the’ Canadian ,,Championships. Also, the Band was recently designated as the Official Band of the Canadian Olympic Basketball Teams, as a result of our splendid support of Canada’s hoopster’s in the quest for Olympic bronze. Yes, really. The Official Band. No fooling. While our primary function involves performing at Warrior football and basketball games, we are often called upon to assist with official building openings, official computer shutdowns, and official Santa Claus parades. As always we are eagerly searching for new talent. Well, make that new people. Talent, or lack thereof, has never been a barrier to membership in The Warriors Band. We have instruments available for people to use ranging from shoehorns to francophones. Rehearsals (unofficial since our Constitution explicitly bans rehearsing) are tentatively scheduled for Thursdays from 5:30645, and an initial organizational meeting will probably be held. As of now, the exact time and location of such a meeting is -_ .<unknown. --


The beginning of *each season brings new hope and new chances for each and every University of Waterloo .athletic team. This year is no exception. As the teams prepare to do battle on the fields, courts, pools, tracks, and courses around Ontario in the name -of this beloved institution, -maybe we should ask ourselves, if we, as students benefit from this display of sweat. After all, we are paying for it. Every time you register you are paying some of your fee to swport the Athletic Dept. The question is, are we as students benefitting from paying our athletic fee? Last .year was a very successful one for teams at Waterloo. I believe (forgive me if I am wrong, it was such a long time ago) that four teams made it to the National Championships and there were several more that were Ontario Champions. We had players named to AllCanadian teams as well as AllOntario teams. Our university got mentioned in the national press and all of Canada discovered that Waterloo is more than computers and engineering students. They found that we can produce student-athletes that can play basketball, volleyball, field hockey and rugby with the best teams in the country. This impressive athletic record, generated more interest of&campus than it did

on-campus. Except for basketbail games and the occasional championship game, athletic events at UW were not well attended last year. Why is it that UW students appear not to care about their teams? After all, they are paying for the privilege of having their fellow students do athletic battle for the glory of their beloved school. Could it be that students are too busy studying? No. Could it be that Waterloo’s numerous night spots are pulling students off campus?

No.- Could it be that UW students are just too lazy and apathetic to care? No. The real reason that nobody comes towatch our student teams is because most students- are interested in watching A-Team reruns and believing that the Leafs play good hockey. This year will be different. This year the students are going to get excited about going to watch the rugby team, the hockey team, the volleyball team, or maybe even the football team. I‘ll be doing my part by filling this space every week with

tantalizing tidbits of information that will whet your appetite and make you want to watch. In case some of you are unaware, all regular season games at UW are free of charge to all students who have paid their fees. Therefore, there is no excuse not to support your fellow students in their athletic endeavours. Come on, UW, let’s have a change of heart this year, support your athletic teams. Why not, you’re paying for it anyway. 1



& wuil








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4, 1984;

Vol. 7, No. 8; The

Stud ent Newspaper;

by David Bain Imprint staff Look out Waterloo, the Nylons are back. The Nylons? On October 26 and 27, Canada’s contribution to musical originality, the Nylons, will grace the stage of UW’s Humanities theatre. In previous years, the group has proved to be one of the most popular attractions of the UW Arts Centre’s season. The group was formed in Toronto in May, 1979. The three original members, Claude Morrison, Paul Cooper, and Marc Connors, were all members of the Toronto theatre scene. The fourth member, Ralph Cole, was replaced by ex-Platter, Arnold Robinson in early 1981. Soon after the addition of Robinson, things began to happen. The group attracted a large, almost underground, following in some parts of Canada, particularly Vancouver. Several national T.V. appearances followed, partly due to the influence of Canadian showbiz personality, Dinah Christie. Its first album, The Nylons, brought the group international attention. Though shunned by commercial Top 40 radio, the album did sell well, based on the strength of several sixties covers (“Up on the Roof”, “Love Potion #9”) and some brilliant original material (“A Million Ways”, “Me and the Boys”). It was the strength of this original material which laid to rest the criticism that the Nylons were nothing more than a nostalgia group. On its second album, One Size Fits All, the group avoided the trap of simply repeating its success. The new album featured more studio polish, and a new set of classic, original songs. “Please”, a tender ballad, contrasted well with dance numbers such as “That Kind Of Man” and “Bop Till You Drop”. The latter numbers also introduced a new facet of the group’s music: electro-beat. This electronically generated percussion seemed to convince some radio stations that the music was worth playing. Thus, The Nylons’ first commercial hit - “Sillhouettes” - was born.

The Nylons


of Waterloo,



run into success’:

The group’s third album, Seanlless, followed the direction set by the second. Side One IS all cover versions. Some, such as the Beatles’ “Thus Boy”, have been part of the stage show for years. Others, however, like the Eurythmlcs’ “Take Me To Your Heart”, are both new and, more importantly, show that even modern, new wave material, can be a part of the group’s repertoire. Side Two i-s entirely original material, mostly written by Paul Cooper. Two of the songs, “Combat Zone” crlld “The Stars are Ours”, are now part of the group’s concert appearances, and are destined to become Nylons classics. The last Nylons concert held in this area was their

ams ~ by R. Van Ekeren Imprint staff The Euerly Brothers Centre in the Square August 15, 1984 It was like a dream...All of a sudden, I was back in a world where love, honour, and integrity had real value. I had slowly but surely left that world, getting farther away with each compromise life had forced on me. Gone were the shadows on my soul, I felt clean again. I had gone to review the Everly Brothers reunion concert to listen to some old-time rock and roll. I was prepared for nostalgia. I wasn’t prepared for the intense images and emotions provoked. I was expecting nostalgia, but what I got was much better. From the very first song to the very last, I was assailed by my memories, driven to a personal reverie from which I could barely emerge to give the performers the applause they so richly deserved. Thinking back, I realize that most of the audience was experiencing the same thing. We were taking the same trip - together but by ourselves. Artistically, the perfomance was superior, a fine duet supported by a more-than-competent back-up band. The interplay of the Everly Brothers and their accompaniment was that of friends enjoying themselves, having fun together. A rapport was established with the audience from the start, and that rapport grew and strengthened with each song. The performers as a whole were greater than the sum of the individuals. During the concert it was announced that the Everly Brothers will release a new album this fall. If it is at all as good as this concert was, it should have great success. ~~,~?~~~~~~-~~~~~~.~~~~~ u&&&,x-p ”-&L%L.s&L~d&d,I,“.,.

appearance on July 27 at The Centre in the Square. The show was a good mix of the group’s new and old material. Surprisingly, many of the songs work much better on stage than on vinyl. The theatrics hark back to the group members’ theatre origins, and this element combined with some dancing that would put the Spinners to shame, makes for a powerful live presentation. Even if you don’t enjoy these guys on the radio, or on record, the stage show is enough to make you yet another Nylons devoted follower. Beware. Tickets will be gone. Fast.



A rich taste of history The Seagram Company has moved t_he collection of whole of its renowned from the Wine wine-related artworks Museum of San’ Francisco to the new Seagram Museum in Waterloo, !-Ontario, Canada. Mr. Alfred Fromm, former chairman of Fromm and Sichel, a part of the Seagram Company, was the founder of this popular museum on Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco. It housed and exhibited nearly seven hundred works of art collected through his connoisseurship and under his direction over a period of forty years. These. creations of artists and mastercraftsmen demonstrate jn many media the quality and diversity of man’s artistic expression over the centuries in appreciation of the gift of wine. These superb collections, valued at about 2 million dollars will b& displayed in Waterloo, and will include five hundred original prints, drawings and watercolours. Of perhaps even greater popular interest are over two hundred and compositions in glass, sculptures porcelain, precious metals and wood. Even if it we’re possible to asseinble such a collection today, the cost would be prohibitive. “A wonderful, unprecedented gift from the Seagram Company”, said Seagram Museum Director Peter Swann, “especially for Canada <which has lost so much.” The artifacts span a period of 500 years and are representative of the major wine-growing. and corisuming countries of France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, England and the United States. * The acquisition of such a large collection of wine-related artifacts will give a new and wider

dimension *to The Skagram Museum which has hitherto cqncentrated on the history and technology of wines and spirits. They will give \ art lovers an incentive to visit the museum. It should also be possible to create touring exhibitions. As a further gift, Mr. Fromm, a long-time friend and close associate of the late Mr. Samuel Bronfman, has presented his extensive library of over one thousand books many rare volumes. on wine, including Together with its own library and archives, The Seagram Museum can now claim to have one of the most substantial collections of its kind in the world. The donated books are in seven languages and cover many historical and artistic aspects of wine and its appreciation, tog&her with a wealth of reference works on wine and glass. This valuable’ resource will be available by appointment to students, researchers and writers on wine. Seen as a whole, this remarkable addition to The Seagram Museum -has enriched Canada’s cultural resources and will contribute greatly to the popularity of an already internationally significant facility, the largest and most comprehensive of its kind. To create thepew museum, the Seagram Company, through the initiative of Mr. Charles Bronfman, and backed by the Board, donated 5 million dollars and made over a part of the heritage Seagram Waterloo plant. From its opening on May 16th until the end of July over 45,000 visitors have toured The Seagram Museum’s exhibitions and patronized the “Spirits Restaura&‘, Gift Shop, and Wine and Spirits Stoic.


: /i bttle nicrht mum TOYvou - L 1

- -

- - - - - - - -

by Jan Narveson President, K-W Chamber Music Society Manv students enterins thp .._-I-Jnivprsitu -__-----=nf-fromplaces where Wateiloo are opportunities to hear classical music are rare. But in Kitchener-Waterloo music flourishes on an e-;<traordinary scale. You can attend orofessional performances of-- almost ------- -evpru ---= kind of classical music, from grand opera to Mahler symphonies to solo violin recitals. If your previous exposure to muSic has been limited, take advantage of these opportunities while you are here. The term “classical” is a hard one to define, It is often used as a synonym for “non-Pop”. Sotie call it “serious” music. .But many classical works are light-hearted, even frivolous. A narrower definition refers to the style used by the main composers in the late 18th ceniury. That Classical era was preceded by the Baroque period and followed by the Romantic period. You can hear some differences by comparing the utterly --






Fmlr --.

Saosons -----.











(Rarr-~~u~.) with _ _---The - .-CIock -.--I. .qlJmnhnnll vy I I a,-” LVI sy hll vy \----l--r \’ Haydn (Classical) with The Pathetique Symphony (Romantic). V There is also modern music, which is so diverse that it’s all but impossible to select anything typical. But possibly the g&test modern composer is Bela Bartok. %iis , Concerto for Orchestra is\a wonderful piece in itself and a suitable contrast. . Here are some definitions of formal terms. _. _ __ _




ew Design-a-hW~-C B I Serving Waterloo at the corner of King and . Erb’sil



is a larcg







- -


- _ _ _

other small-ensemble pieces of similar length and construction to symphonies; these are collectively known as ‘Chamber ,Music, because they are suitable for plavinlq in small nlaces. --Examples of Symphonies of importance are so numerdus that it’s very hard to select just a few. The late symphonies of Haydn (from no. 80 on). Mozart (35 to 411. all ---of-beethoven’s (9thj; Schubertis 8th aA2 ‘9th, all of Schumann’s 4th, Mendelssohn’s 3rd and 4th, all of Brahms’ 4th, Berlioz Symphony Fantastique, Dvorak’s 7th to 9th, Tchaikovsky’s 4th to 6th, Bruckner’s 3rd to 9th, all of Mahler’s 9th, lOth, or llth, @us 20th century pieces by Prokofiev (5th) and Shqstakovitch (lst, 5th, 9th), etc. will get you off and running. Good examples of chamber music are also too numerous to be easy to manage. The String Quartet is the main form, though there are many other combinations. The quartets of Haydn (57 main ones), the late quartets of Mozart (K.387 upward - 10 in all), all of Beethoven’s 16, the last four Shubert 412 to 15). those of Memblsnnhn Schumann. - ~--~.--~~~----, Brahms. and Dvorak. at-p thP -----------, ___ _.__ ----------7 main Classical and Romantic ones; Bartok’s are the principal modern ones (6), though Shostakovitch’s 15 are important also. One other large form should be mentioned: the Concerto. Here an orchestra plays with a soloist’ (or, especially in Baroque concertos, more than one soloist). They- usually have three or four movements. So much for my sketchy overview. Now let -._-.-



turn -----


to --








smnP ------


tn --



SQP what



it nffm-c VI.“A”.

’ seie>al - mov&n&i(four is the --- The Centre in the Square in downtown standard number). A “movement” is a Kitchener has both a good.concert hall and a cotitinuous piece” with a high degree of chamber music hall, called The Studio. The intkrnal organization. Usually, it is built on - K-W Symphony Orchestra is well established and respected. Their schedule and literature one or two themes or melodies. The several .,,I ..t rr . I rr. ant are avarlaDle at tne Humanities. . box ottlce movements, in turn, are re’-Idted ’ ’ more ’loosely,’ Ii but LIQO toaether The Centre in the Square box office. v-- - as --,-- oart of a related “whole”. Sonatas are the single-instrument counterAlso, th’e K-W Chamber Music Society parts of symphonies. The piano sonata is a offers a number of exceptional concerts main type, but there are sonatas for violin, throughout the year. - flute, or nearly every iristrument there is, To keep informed, consult Imprint usually accompanied by piano. Camp& Events, the KW Art Council’s In between, there are quartets (two violins, monthly bulletin, or the Arts Centre in Humanities Hall. hav&g




Davies staff Medicine Show The Dream Syndicate A & M Records

The Dream Syndicate is one of the new American bands who have returned to the basics 6f rock and roll and are trying to prove _ that to produce good contemporary music ,you don’t need much more than a few guitars, - a bass, and a human drummer. In fact, the Dream Syndicate, R.E.M., and The Violent Femmes (also reviewed in this issue), have needed just two albums apiece to show us that rock and roll sounds a lot better this way. Medicine Show is an impressive follow up to the Dream Syndicate’s first album The Day’s of Wine and Roses. Judging f;om the picture on the back cover of the album, there has been a change-in personnel in the band,

but this has not resulted in a drastic switch in the overall sound of the band. The band still features a strong rhythm, some mystical sounding lead guitar, and the desperate vocals of lead singer Steve Wynn. Wynn’s voice actually sounds a touch more confident than on the debut album, his screaming sounds more musical. The most memorable song on the album is “John Coltrane Stereo Blues”, 6 nine minute masterpiece dedicated to one of the truly great, yet often forgotten, musicians of our time. John Coltrane was to the’ saxophone what Jimi Hendrix was to the electric guitar, and I’ti sure he would be suitably impressed with t&s song. The song has the potential to become a modern day “Suzie Q”, and after nine minutes you can’t help but wish it could be just a little bit’longer. Also deserving special mention is the title track of the album, The Medicine Show. The opening line of the song goes “I’ve got a page

one story buried in my yard, got a tr mind, I’m going down to the medicine The lyrics of the song give us shades of.Ji Morrison, the great American dream gon L-A 3ualryt: F+w?e-A uay3 A ?,,P QIIU 5-A LW~LCU +r.r;rtnrl ,*;c;T\nc uau, “Merrittville” is another notable tl story of small t,own angst, the tortured loner getting screwed around by everyone %who crosses his path, Holden Caufield on vinyl. While “John Coltrane.. .“, “The Medicine Show”, and “Merrittville” ten4 to overshadow the other songs on the album, every song on the album succeeds in communicating to the listener on a very personal level. Each song takes on a reflective nature, lashing out against a cold, sterile society. The album can be summed upin a few lines taken from “John Coltrane ,Stereo Blues”.. .‘,‘pon’t want no more of the civilized .world, baby, just ‘a me and you.“. The Dream Syndicate’s Medicine Show is f . cII just a rine aloum.

4 z $ T s


Les tale -. Fem.mesFa .a by Carl DaviGs Imprint staff

Hallowed Ground Violent Femmes Slash Records For those of us who are feeling more than a little nauseated by the generic sound of the music that dominates the airwaves today, the new Violent Femmes album, H&tied Ground, offers a glimtier of hope. The sound iS raw, there are no drum macnlnes, the vocals don’t sound pretty and pollshed, and the album was produced with, no marketing formula in mind. It is hard to try and fit the music on HaIlowed Ground into an easily recognized genre, perhaps the best way to‘destribe the music would be psycho jug band or psychedelic hillbilly. In the music one can detect an e’arly Velvet Underground influence. There are certain cuts on;‘the album where lead singer Gord Gano, sounds almost exactly like Lou Reed, and there are times when he simply soupds like a raving lunatic, The lyrical content of the songs further stress Gano’s extraordinary talents. The words grab your attention right from the opening trace, “Country Death Song”, where we are told there is “nothing for a man to do but sit around and think”. The thinking drives the man “to go out and kill my own kind” and as the song concludes ‘we are given a disturbing image of a


man pushing his lovely daughter down the deep dark well, and never hearing her hit. Not all the songs explore the dark depths of the human soul. “i know it’s true but i’m sorry to say”, adopts a more melancholy tone and is as close as the album gets to a genuine love song. Gano’s religious background also shows through on a number of songs, notably the title track and “jesus walking on the water” (Gano’s father is a baptist minister atid his son still attends services rkgularly, although it is hard to imagine a minister’s reaction to a song such as “black girls”). The three principle members of the group, Gano(vocals, guitars, fiddle), Brian Ritchie (basses, jews harp, others) and ’ Victor DeLorenzo (percussion things) are strongly backed by eight other musicians on this album, including “the horns of dilemma”, who make noises on “black girls” that they could ._..never hope to reproduce. Hallowed Ground gives the liste;er a change to hear b something that is fresh, original, and, most of all, honest. It makes the listener think of American music in terms of Dylan, The Doors, Lou Reed, and rock and roll, instead pf in te’rms of Michael Jackson, K.C. and the Sunshine Band, the- Andrea True Conncetion and Saturday Night Fever. It is as American as Jack Kerouac, San Francisco, and civil disobedience,just like Michael. Jackson is as American as Las Vegas, Ronald Reagari, and the Price is Right.








. by R, Van Ekercn Imprint staff


In the Fire Rita Coolidge A & M Records *

: ,

Ms. Coolidge has skillfully blended the elements ,of music - lyrics, vocals, and instrumentals - to form’ a I



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Ms. Coolidge should be congratulated for creating a brilliant, thought-provoking work. This mature, presentation transcends music’s usual combitiing The final cut “Love is categorization, (but not restricted to) Muddy Water” is at once inspirational and instructive, elements of blues, \pop, and reminding us while we don’t . country. - . always know where love is G leading us, we must always be Perhaps In thq Fire should ready to fend off love’s shoals. : be labeled “soul” music.

written lyrics. The portrait is by enhanced throughout well-presented well-chosen, instrumentals.

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“cheapies”: -*

by John Jongkius Why are those albums with holes in the covers selling for $2.99? Most record stores have special bins where the price of albums range from 99q to $6. The bulk of these albums are referred to as deletes, cutand overouts, surplus pressed stock. These records are usually identified by various markings.. .small or large holes drilled into the corner of the album cover, burn marks, corners cut off the album cover. Occasionally, due to bankruptcy or the end of a distribution deal, these records will have no markings bn the cover. Although identified by the same type of markings, there are a few ‘major differences between deleted (cut-outs) and surplus (over-pressed) records. Deletes (cut-outs) are terms used to describe records that have been or are being deleted from a record company’s catalogue due to lack of sales. Deleted record? are marked to. distinguish them from. regular stock; retailers usually have up to ninety days to return their regular stock which the record company theri deletes, marks (holes, etc.), and sells at highly reduced prices. Deleted records cannot be reordered; the moment the last deleted copy of an album is sold, the status of the album


from a “delete”




the regular price. Selling surplus stock gives the company more space for new’ releases which is where they make their money. Surplus stock is priced three tb four dollars _ less than regular priced records but never as low as deleted albums. Royalties are rarely paid to an artist or composer for deleted or surplus records. Within a year, a hi’t record can take the route of best seller, to surplus/overpress, and finally deletion from their catalogue. In the past few years instead of deleting an album that has slowed or stopped in sales, a record company will lower the cost and hope for an increase in sales volume. These MID-PRICED albums often have stickers reading: “the nice price, best buy, platinum plus, X-tra value, value priced, sound value, or super-value”. These mid-priced albums, many of which are “rock” classics, are often mixed in with deletes and surplus stock in the special bins. Used and rental record stores are more in vogue as t,he price of. newly released albums continues to rise. Bargain hunters, nostalgia freaks, collectors and hard cores, if they’re not looking through the special sections in new record stores they’re looking through bins in used record stores... Have a look...


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companies sell their deleted and surplus stock one way with no return or guarantee. Record companies do not feel obliged to guarantee records that they are selling at a loss; however, reputable retard stores will guarantee all their albums and absorb the cost. Deleted records are seldom re-released, often due to lack of belief in the nostalgia factor, the original master tape is bulk erased and used for another recording. Many records deleted in Canada are still being p’ressed in other countries; record stores such as “ C heapies” and “The Record Peddlar” in Toronto specialize in importing collectors, new and hard to find records. Surplus/qve,rpress are terms used to describe records that are still available at regular ‘prices bGt due to a decrease in demand, Tslowdown of radio play and the cost of rackjobbing, a record company may decide to sell a limited number of surplus stock. If a record company makes 50,000 albums, and finds that after it has peaked in sales and radio play that there are 8,000 albums left, they could sell 6,000 as surplus stock identified with, holes, etc. and keep ,Z,OOO” albums for regular orders ata


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Green Politics‘& Charlene _ Dutton


~A-----:-by Daniel Schulman In their new collaborative expos&of Green politics, Fritjof - Capra and Charlene Spretnak have followed a logical, poli@cal progression from their earlier, individual works. , For Capra, conveying the” essence of Green politics to the North American public is nothing short of necessity following his books, The Tao of Physics and The Turning Point. For Spretnak, editor of The Politics of Female Sexuality, the collaboratiQn is indicative of the ‘natural alliance between feminist and ecologiCally visionary politics. . Capra’s message in The Turning P&t was‘ clear. At a profound intellectual level involving a critique of our present entrenchment in Cartesian-Newtonian paradigms, it may bg reasoned that the multitude of problems confronting contemporary society are systemically interconnected and not funda_mentally addressed by the bandage measures professed by present conservative, liberal and socialist apporaches. Green politics, sadly bastardized by the popular media, its ‘opponents, and its opportunists, represents the first politically institutional attempt to address the systemic nature of these problems. As such, Green politics is fundamentally aside porn the traditional political spectrum. Underlying Capra and Spretnak’s analysis is the message that dispelling tendencies to force Green concepts onto this spectrum represents as major a challenge to future Green advocates as does their very advocacy. The book is divided into three parts. The first, comprising two thirds of the text, portrays the West German experience of Green politics to date in depth. This involves a historical treatment,’ a look ‘at the personalities involved, Green principles, elaborations on Green politics of peace, economy, social issues and grassroots ideals, and a critical evaluation of the West German experience. The West German brand of Green politics was .-founded upon I

by George Elliott Clarke Imprint staff ) University of Waterloo English professor, Ken Ledbetter, has written a rollicking romp of a tale in Too Many Blackbirds._ The book is a down-home chicken gumboe mixture of ,Mark I

four basic principles: ecoldgy, social responsibility, grassroots democracy and non-violence. In the first of these, Capra and Spretnak distinguish between the “status quo repairing” phenomenon of environmentalism and Green concept of’ “deep ecology” with its fundamental implications for politics, economics, education, healthcare, culture, and spil’ituality. Varied interpretation among Greens of what the four basic principles must mean has led to,considerable internal turmoil. In this context, the book most clearly highlights the internal division between “fundamentalist” Greens and radical-left Greens, whose legitimacy of presence in the Green party is questioned by Capra and Spretnak. This split manifests itself clearly in the basic principle of nonviolence which, for most Greens, calls for cessation of both personal and “structural viblence” and hence, support of the concepts of self-determination for individuals and groups. n ’ Meanwhile, the radical-left component go so far as to reject this principle, often seeming to thrive at a personal level on c6nflict politics, a mode of internal party dynamics which casts a shadow of weariness across the rest of the party. Defining the third pyinciple of social responsibility has led to equally deep polarization between these two groups. Green involvement in the. process of -electoral politics has caused much concern’over fulfillment of the fourth principle, grassroots- democracy. This principle is founded on the belief “that the decisions at the grassrpots level must be given priority” and hence, implicates “an increased -realisation of decentralised, direct democracy”. “One of the central functions of the Green party is to be the voice of citizens’ movements in town councils, state legislatures and the national parliament”. A somewhat predictable result of adherence to these ideals is the far more impactive nature of Green party achievements in town councils, cotihty assemblies and state legislatures than at the federal level. . Compounding this feature of decreasini\impact’ with ascending government level has been a strict in,ternal adherence to the principle of minimizing potential for individual accumulation and abuse of power, and- hence loss of contact with the grassroots..Recognizing that such tendencies are-most likely at the higher levels of government, the Greens have

Twain and Edgar Lee ,Ma.sters, a juncture of Huck Finn’s Mississippi River. It is a gathering of famous contexts, and an.assembly of rural shame Charlie Farquarharson.

literal-y feast held River and Butch’s phrases, placed in colloquialisms that

at’ the Spoon jarring put to


r-e& tio~nto some mque gossp



Too Many Blackbirds Ken Ledbetter Stoddart -





When I was tellin’ Myrtle about it I waited till she was slicin’ potatoes into the skillet and her breathin’ had settled down some before I went to the back door and took another’ spit, not sayin’ a word till I got the chair settled back again. Then I hit her with the big question. I said “What else you want to know?” $&damn near%Irop$d her knife into the barn fat L’ jumpin” and screechin’ a little like somebody had goosed her good. She’s still jerkin’ some when she turns-around and lpoks at me, her &yes ha&in’ down h&r face’like ‘she’s already seen more than she ever wanted to see. I might have felt sorry for her except for rememberin’ the night before, only I’d have enjoyed it even more if Wilma had been there with her: If she had, there’s no tellin’ what I might have said. But she stands there iookin’ at me; the knife in one hand and a half-cut potatoe in the other, her mouth workin’ a little like she’s gettin’ ready to. throw up or somethin’, but she finally manages enough of a whisper to say, “What kind of kissin’?” Now all Ballard was doin’, Dot, was comfortin’ that girl the way anybody might have done, but I don’t tell Myrtle that. I &an&d td see her set down again, so I said, “With their tongues mainly. AI1 over.” And that done it,.She stumbles into the side of the table so hard some of her hail: falls down across the side of her face, and she begins to moan and wail like Nate Bradshaw’s wife always does at funerals - somethin’ I’d never seen Myrtle do before. She wasn’t what you’d call loud, exactly, just steady - head fallin’ over on the table


while she moans a little, then throwin’ it back and wailin’, so high-pitched I don’t know whether I want her to keep it up or not. I guess I realized I’d maybe gone too far, Dot, and I ain’t proud of that neither,“cause I still just set there and left her to it. I’d like to think it was feelin’ sorry for her . made me do what I done next, but it could have been just bein: hungry - . and wantin’ her to finish supper. Anyway, I told her that he made her stop, ‘cause it was plain she was too upset to know what she was doin’, and then he tried to explain things to her, “the way anybody would,‘)‘1 said.

F-‘~;pj C&-u

and Charlene


a tempered



maintained a policy of parliamentarian rotation ‘in the Bundestag. This practice has proven problematic as at the federal level, political effectiveness is often the result of longterm accumulatiori of experience. Further internal turmoil has developed over the apparent irreconcilability between maintaining the long-term purity of Green philosophy and short-term pragmatism. The book gives examples at the state legislature level where “realist’‘-motivated coalitions with Social Democrats have successfully led to majority governments. Many Greens contend that fundamental to success in the upcoming 1987 federal elections, is a demonstration to the public that they can form a responsible governing_majority coalition. To others, this marriage between old-paradigm parties, with no intention of encouraging the structural changes called for by ,a holistic analysis, however short term it may be, is abhorrent. On the other hand, Green participation in high levet electoral GREENING


Page A7

As the preceding paragraph has no doubt sigrialled, Blackbirds is an excellent read. The story that unfolds is actually one story told from sixteen perspectives by sixteen different characters. The story that all the characters are caught up in relating is ’ that of Morgan Ballard, his daughter, Ophelia (or “Feelie” as some of the characters call her), and their somewhat mysterious iriteractions with the folk, both learned and unlearned, of the small town of Poplar Springs. Ballard, an urban intellectua1 who moves to Poplay Springs to-find peace, becomes, instead, the chief converka,tion piece of the gossipy townspeople. A series of pathetic events, interpreted variously astragic, or deliberate, overtake Ballard and Ophelia, assisting to make -them objects of discussion in the town’s church and general store and at its supper tables. The vivid imaginations of the townsfolk vie in attempting to explain the nature of Ballard’s morose observations on life, his penchant for existential ramblings while sipping soda, his disinterest in farming, the \ strange deaths of his three wives (one drowns in her porridge, another falls out of q window, the third burns in an outhouse fire), the strange behaviour of Qphelia (who cuts off a bully’s ear wiih a,knife), the deatkof a boy who &owns (either’with or without a stiile on his fac&) in Ballard’s w;ell,.and% Ballard’s anti , -0phelia’s own d‘eaths in a bldzing pyre of a hdus@. j ’ The townsf$ks”interpretaiions and explanations of-~all&‘s Poplar Springs life are what make the book the lively $o;k tha’t it is. Unbeknownst to the narrators, their reflections’or+BalIard’ are really reflections on themselves. The minister sees Ballard as having been a saint; the librarian comments on his literary tastes; the doctor (the last character to speak) reveals the truth about Ballard; the disreputable see him as a pedophiliac; crook, or murderer or all of these. Blackbirds, despite the morbid evefits which occur, also has a vein of humour that runs throughout. One of the funniest episodes (excerpted here), occurs when Billy Quinn, a real rustic, tells Dot Holbrook that he lied to his wife about what he saw while spying on Ballard and Ophelia in Ballard’s barn because he loved the effect his words -- or suggestive lack of words -- had on his gossipy wife, Myrtle. The incidents are recited in a southwest American dialect that is a joy to read. There are many such passages. Blackbirds is a fine book. It has its faults: a dryness of tone when more vibrant language is needed; unseemly intrusions of literary allusions in places where sensibility cannot tread. Yet, these may be overlooked, for the narrative and characterization carry one along. One waits eagerly for more from Mr. Ledbetter.




















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The film is a very personal history of the revolution. Women speak freely and with pride about their roles in it. Socorro describes how the women played key roles in building Sandinista support. Martha outlines the ideals which brought her colleagues together despite the wide gulfs of culture, social class and background. Margarita, a photographer and liaison person with the outside press, talks about the trauma of confronting the death of children. Her cynicism of foreign news agencies is pointed. “They never tell what’s happened since the revolution. It was a lot of blood and very commercial and gave them a lot of money.” Yet she remains bright and hopeful for the future. Under the new government there is reason for hope. A grassroots women’s organization has helped to launch the literacy campaign, created training and employment opportunities, contributed to the improvement of health education and services, and recommended new legislation to eliminate discrimination. Dream of h Free Country raises as many questions as it answers. How are revolutionary movements linked with the liberation of women? Can the idealism which moves both men and women to free themselves from collective slavery motivate reform within families and communities? What messages do the women of Nicaragua send to our own society? This film is available for use with student groups and campus organizations. Dream of a Free Country was directed by Kathleen Shannon and Ginny Stikeman of Studio D for the National Film Board. It is available from NFB libraries and some campus media centres. Gordon


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Page A5

politics has resulted in sincere changes within government chambers over not only “what should be discussed but also who should discuss it: women as well as men, and ordinary citizens as well as entrenched party politicians”. While the Green Party is intended to be the mere political arm of a much greater “countercultural network”, it is, in fact, far more advanced than this still embryonic new culture. The West German Greens thus find themselves a party ahead of their time. This begs a critical analysis of the relative virtues of the gradual nurturing of grassroots movements versus hurried involvment in the conventional, antithetically-Green, political process. In addition to the array of internal problems, the party and movement must contend with strong currents of misrepresentation by both media and existing institutions. Contrary to general media portrayal as a radically left group committed to outright nationalization of industry and communalization of private property, the West German Greens are none of these. They defend the necessity of private property for individual freedom and reject the Marxist notion of the “revolutionary vanguard” who plan the economy for the rest of us. They have emphatically declined cooperation with unions as they oppose nationalization and narrow “workerism proposals”, not couched within a broader development of ecological economics. Most importantly, the “fundamental” Greens insist that a Green future must develop out of existing structures of the industrial system. To assess why Green ideals have made their greatest political inroads in West Germany, one need merely realise that of the industrial nations, West Germany lies closest to the crisis thresholds created by the present, industrialized-world’s military and environmental policies. Brought closest to this threshold, the necessity for a systemic consciousness is greatest. Capra and Spretnak note interestingly that the Carter-commissioned Global 2000 report sold three times more copies in West Germany than in the U.S. The book then provides a brief picture of the international Green movement and development of Green politics in other countries including New Zealand, Belgium, France, Britain, Italy and Canada. Interestingly, the first official Green-oriented party was the Values party of New Zealand. Even more ahead of their time

politics than the West German Greens, the Values party experience was tragically short-lived. While analysing the Global picture, Capra and Spretnak highlight a duality central to Green philosophy; that espoused in the adage, “think globally, act locally”. Inherent in Green ideology, is a recognition that the nation state as a unit is “too big to properly address problems of local populations, yet confined by concepts too narrow for problems of global interdependance”. Constructively reconciiing this duality presents major pragmatic difficulties but the book notes that as yet, insufficient contact between local Green organizations and emerging global networks has been made. Finally, the book d ea 1s with the possibilities for Green politics in the United States. It is noted that visionary thinkers in the U.S. have advanced the necessary conceptual framework through an outpouring of topical literature over the past decade. I he provided bibliography is surprisingly partial but nevertheless extensive. Furthermore, it is estimated that 15-million American adults already base their lives fully or partially on essentially Green values and that there presently exist 2000 Green-oriented organizations and 1600 change-oriented periodicals in the U.S. Capra and Spretnak stress the West German lessons which any American movement must learn from and the critical questions which arise. These in&se a careful scrutiny of the value of moving into electoral politics, methods for dealing with the media, involvement of controversial and questionably contributing participants such as Marxist-oriented thinkers, the long-term purity/short-term practicality conflicts, and what Capra and Spretnak perceive_as a need to accept charismatic and long term leadership over rotation principles. Perhaps the most important is the need to stress the positive, that societal restructuring as prophesied by Green thought will “offer tremendous opportunities for human creativity, entrepreneurship, and initiative” and not threaten the average person with insecurity; in fact, it will present them with greater long term security. Although Capra and Spretnak’s analysis gives the distinct impression of being written hurriedly, its just representation and exposure of these concepts to the North American public must be applauded. To ignore the essence of Green solutions to today’s problems constitutes an intellectual calamity. Unfortunately, within our present vacuum of constructive and forward thought, that possibility is not unimagineable.

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extremely polished ensembb CFCA:QE!lOSThis concentrates on music written in the

Wed., Jan. 16/85 Featuring the very best revues ranging from the humour of Beyond the Fringe to Monty Python!

Tues., Mar. S/85 Playing the flute, tin whistle. Uilleann pipes, fiddle, harp, BodhrAn and bones, the Chieftains will bring the true spirit Of the lrish to the HUfvtanities Stage.

classic European tradition. Programme includes: W. F. Bach: Octet for Winds Francis Poulenc: Duo for Clarinet and Bassoon Krommer: Sextet for Clarinets, Bassoons and Horns in C Minor Luciano Berio: Sequenza for Solo Oboe Mozart: Ociet for Winds in E flat K. 375

Fools fire


Fri., Mar. 22/85 Bob Berky returnsand is joined by Fred Garbo and Michael Moschen. They combHe music, magic,‘mime and juggling in an absolutely hilarious show. Don’t miss it!

Mon., Feb. 78/85 This world-class performer sings the blues, jazz, and soul music in a show that promises to be a very memorable event.

The Chieftains

I Five Good Reasons to 1.augh F ki., Nov. 2/84 Y‘ou ‘II see a unique collection of comic . V ignettes full of sight gags, sound effects a nd gentle humor.




Thurs., Oct. 25/84 Music by: Jerome Kern Book 8 Lycrics by: Otto Garback Jerome Kern’s, Roberta, takes a bemused look at the business of high fashion in this light-hearted romantic comedy.


‘ues., Sept. 18/84 CFCAm 105 ‘he Blyth Summer Festival reiurns! ‘he music winds up, and away we go for long weekend with Sam Slick and the ;lowpokes, and a rousing’new comedy byTed Johns.



rues., Dec. 4/84 The Tafelmusik Chamber Choir joins the Jrchestra in a programme that recreates ‘he traditions of a baroque Christmas.


Ued., Oct. lo/84 ’ ‘rogramme includes: Yaydn: Quartet Op. 64 No. 5, in 0 Major “‘The Lark-7 Mozart: Quartet in G Major, K. 387 Eigar: Quintet for Piano and Strings in G Minor

Shaw Festival’s

Lndr& Gagnon

) Baroque

Night Music

Ved., Oct. 3/84 -he Canadian Chamber Ensemble in a alute to the Greatest Hits of the 1700’s. ‘rogramme includes: i~x: Centone II for Brass Quint& IBch: Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 ‘achelbel: Canon Mozart: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik lath: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3


for a column in each


The Frantics P Sat., Mar 2/8S Their 1983 show on the HUManities stage got rave reviews from both the critics and audience alike. It’s a wonderful collection of manic characters, hilarious sketches, and outrageous songs.

iat., Jan. 19/85 ‘he colour and spirit of traditional Lebec folk music comes to life in the :ostumes and language of its origins. :KCO-TV




105 present

, .y , ,, ,,,:.’

Ned., Jan. 23/85 c!l E we will be searching every nook and :ranny - every at@ and basement every bar and nightspot to bring you the >est comic talent that KW has to offer.



* Viwe Vivaldi Wed., Feb. 20/85 The final program dedicated to the ?r&atest hits of the 1700’s featuring the y Canadian Chamber Ensemble. programme includes: Handel: Concerto Gross0 Op. 6, No. 2 5ach:Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 and MO. 5 Vivaldi: Bassoon Concerto in A Minor



Wed., Mar. 20/85 Lyrics by: Bertold Brecht Music by: Kurt Weill Happy End is an imaginative mixture Qf music, actors and Felix Mirbt’s incredible puppets. You’ll hear such famous Brecht/Weill songs as Bilbao, Surabaya Johnny, Sailors Tango and more!

* The Borodin


Fri., Mar. 29/85 One of the world’s most accomplished quartets. The Borodin String Quartet astound listeners with their tonal beauty and technical mastery. Programme to be announced.


__- --





A scatalogical Before

you start:

18. What number door?

Each team should consist of two people. Please write your name, UW student ID number, and telephone number (if you have one) below.

42. How many floors does this building have?

is on the Used Book Store’s

here, it’s only a short



is in room

walk to...



20. What colour coding is given to the hall in which 2058 is located?


21. What is the highest floor that the elevators will go to? For the next three questions, find the EMS library. (Easier, said than done...choose the right staircase!) 22. What does EMS stand for?

Now, find the Physical (PAC). Go inside.


23. One of the shelves contains TP156 to...what? 1



24. What room Loans. office?


is the interlibrary



2 to get to...

2. Who Volleyball season?


has its office by Red North?

won the Most Valuable Male Player Award in the 1972-1973

25. On which periodicals kept?

26. Who is this library

27. Is there floor? 3. The Squash Viewing Gallery between Blue South and...what? Now,


named after?

a photocopier

on the second

make your way to... 29. How many people can all of the carrels along the north wall of the 9th floor accommodate?

is room

30. What word appears ninth floor clock?

6. What company made the thermostat Visitor’s Reception Centre?

31. What the road to...


7. How many the ceiling?


Now backtrack


32. How many fou.ntain front of Engineering 2? 33. Who

34. What


The Campus

is the door to room



28 in the museum



. ..and on to,

people are there hanging from

is Exhibit

stop in...

in the

. Hike across

on the face of the

1035 used for? A quick

8. What from?


Go to the ninth floor by way of the \ elevators. 28. What’s on the ceiling of the elevators?

4. What academic department will be housed in the new addition to the building, and from what building was it moved?





is found




in room

are there


For the ne.xt two questions, find cafeteria. 46. What colour are most of the chairs?


15. When is Wednesdays?




49. What

is the Open

50. What

is the name of the cafeteria?

5 1. When Humanities


Needles 37. What number?

is the second


does the theatre?

Theatre Air




53. What show at Humanities Slick and the Slowpokes?


outside? 55. Why is Humanities Theatre every bar and nightspot, every basement is K-W?

searching attic and

57. Who IS Primadonna on. campus?

Go down the other hall instead (to the left) and continue through the double doors at the end. You’re now below the Arts Lecture Hall. Turn right, go through the ne&t double doors and keep following the tunnel. Go up the stairs at the end. You’ll find that

and what is she doing

58. What is the name of the main theatre campus, and where is it?

1st Prize - 4 tickets for

“The Nylons”

“The Air Farce’-’ 3rd Prize - -4tickets for “Country Hearts” _

Hall phone





16. Into which room can you go to watch TV? (the room number) 17. How much does it cost to make a regular photocopy in the Federation of Students office?

39. How many vertical strips of wood are there along the left-had side (as you face it) of the reception desk? 40. Does the Career Information Centre an Oxford Prospectus? \ 41. On which

floor is the Registrar’s

have Office?

Deadline Sept.lOth,


You’re finished! Take your paper to the Imprint office, CC 140, to hand it in. Watch for the winners in the September 14th issue of Imprint!

e Imprint’ 4 present THE FROSH SCAVENGER HUNT \

on 1312:i

313. According to the pit, what deposit in containers provided?


is seamless

2nd Prize - 4 tickets for



48. If you were to go straight ahead, in which building would you find yourself?




56. What is the one place on campus where you can order tickets for the .Argos, Blue Jays, Tiger-Cat games, Lulu’s Roadhouse, the Barn Boo Club, Harbourfront, Mosport and much more?

Now that you’re here, go toward the EXIT sign, ,and go through the double brown doors directly beneath it. 36. If you were to follow this mini-tunnel, in which building would you be?

cone at

Hall have a non-smoking


by.. .

Instead, double back to those fountains (don’t get lost!) and make your way to...

are the pillars in the Imprint Imprint

14. Does the Great set tion?


in the coffee

12. How much is a double ice cream scoops? 13. What office?



Across the room from where you get the food is a set of doors with black handles that say PULL on them: Go through these doors (pull!) and you’ll be entering part of UW’s underground tunnel system. Straight ahead should be a set of doors. There is also a turn to the left. -


this building?

.35. Why does it say ‘Do not enter’

10. What do you have to trade in when you want to borrow a same or magazine from the Turnkey desk?


52. What show at Humanities Theatre features spectacular, sensational, impossible feats of daring and balance?

45. Who is in ML 325?

9. How many ‘Cars’ albums can be requested at the Turnkey Desk?

11. How much is a cheeseburger shop?

its office with ,

is located


5. What



47. What is the title of the sculpture /

PAC 1. What

d epartment



54. What show at Humanities and full of sheer energy?

Complex go through

4, 1984.

Humanities 44. -Which Spanish?


It will be helpful t o get a map of the University. You’ll be starting at the PAC and ending at the Humanities Theatre. It is best to do the questions in order. .


43. Name all the different kinds of creatures on the platform around the wild boar. (Hint: our list has more than five).





Now we go - to... From

19. What







for Entries: 5:OOp.m.


*lo Prose & Poetry




4, 1984.

In Hants County In Hants County, the children have no words;-Love is spelled with plucked, twisted daffodils; Death is spelled with crude, wooden x’s that mean Its transcendence. Hate cannot be pronounced. When these children, barefoot and ragged, write-It is not with the treatises of bees Nor the Latin of ants, but with the frank, Joyful babbling of water upon rock. In Hants County, the children stroll naked, At liberty, without any languageBeading the black crow words in poems of fog, Speaking the alphabet sounds of crickets, So they define no man as enemy, Singing, without grunts, Eden’s first tongue. Richard Preston



by M.E. Peats She was ugly and he was handsome. They made 5 w quite a pair. The ridiculous sent them into gales of laughter: jumping in snowbanks, hurdling fire hydrants or eating cafeteria food. Quiet moments ; were cherished, prolonged by a touch of a hand or a sly wink. It was a match wrought in heaven.

%i B 3



hands must ftid a pavement piano on these night-staged streets: lamppost lights will be the white keys, slim shadows, the black. my arthritic-rhythmic walk, my hunchback hobble, must become a slick, septuagenarian soft-shoe, a trim, tango tap dance, complete with top hat and cane. oh, if I would not die, i must scat sing sorrow from my silver skull and tap and shout all this happy life, all this jazz joy, all this rag time. Preston

A little while late they had babies, sent them to school and put them through university. Eventually, it was just the two of them, again. She was gray and he was arthritic. To celebrate, they made snowmen and mudpies and laughed till they cried They held hands, smooched in doorways and disgusted their friends, after all “they’re much too old to be acting like that”. They settled down to old age and rocked their way into retirement. Eventually, after numerous toboggan rides, games qf hopscotch and romps through the swamps, they died. He was stooped and she was frail. Their friends mourned them, but said most self-righteously, ‘If only they’d acted their age, for once”. The friends left and slept away the rest of their existence - always acting their age, of course.

The New Dispensation Stumble, behemoth, fall! An empire is a dumb, Aged dinosaur, starving to death on dimes, In this dark century of cannibals, Of statesmen swallowing each other whole. Babylon, your sidewalk vendors don’t sell Boasted chestnuts, just shrunken skulls, sex meat. Your bones calcify to bank columns, Shrines To money, gold, free trade, and unemployment YOUP fossil flesh is fuel for expansion, Coal burned to drive the slow economy, To build up capital, skull and crossbones, To boil children in human fat in pits. Grr! Dragon, thrash out your dying orderImperialism dies in worms and fire. Richard


.c...ZF Both undergrads, they slaved, cried and . - worried over their respective course loads, afraid to leave each other’s company. Summer came and the sun shone always. Dancing in puddles, tracking through mud, their childish antics knew no bounds. When with other friends, thev kent. to themselves, seldom venturing far from the other’s ’ sight. Many thought the relationship unhealthy. Soon it was time to get married He proposed anal she accepted They were hitched He was balding and she was aging but they still made quite a pair. People frowned and glared at their immature tomfoolery, after all “it was time that they settled down”. They embraced the comatose existence of their married friends.

my heavy, halting


and 0

‘BIGGER a aFAST>ER WHY WAIT? YOU can get high quality size prints back in just ONE HOUR -from Heer’s Waterloo and receive a free deluxe photo album. .

4”xW Co-operation between the Stratfqrd Shakespearean Festival and University of Waterloo’s drama and theatre arts group, within its faculty of arts, is proceeding apace and has led to an adjunct professorship at UW for John Hirsch, Stratford’s ‘artistic director. Hirsch will be guest lecturer for a third year “arts administration” course offered by UW; he will discuss the relationship between administrators and boards of directors. He’ will also offer a seminar on two of Shake,speare’s plays (to Engiish depart.ment students) and further seminars, to drama students; on script interpretation (focusing on the Merchant of Venice), directing, and voice and speech. “We hope actors from Stratford will also take part in the latter seminars,” say Douglas Abel, coordinator of UW’s drama and theatre \ arts group. The new affiliation will in&de visits by UW students to Stratford where they will study, first hand, in a number of areas related to their academic programs -- theatre administration, stage design, fund raising. “We talk about these kinds of administrative and technical activities here on campus but the visits will give our students the opportunity tl’o find out how the work’ is actually done in the real world of theatre,” comments Abel. He feels the “Stratford connection” will prove of benefit not only to drama and theatre arts students but also to students in the recently announced “arts administration” option which has also been strengthened recently, through the appoihtment of Dr. curator of the Seag/ram Peter Swann, Museum, Waterloo, as an adjunct professor. Arts administration, in the view of Dr. John Stubbs, director, has many common facets, whether one is administering the affairs of a symphony orchestra, museum, art gallery or theatre. Further relationships are foreseen; for





.Roek month at&hnet

exdmple, talks are under way between university and festival officials which may result in some members of Stratford’s “third stage” program spending some amount of time on the UW campus during the winter months. “All this is purely speculative at the moment ,” comments Abel, “but they are interested in the training and development of young performers and so are we. Yet their season is only four months long...and that is not enough. One possibility might be for some of them at least to spend someAime on the campus following the season at Stratford, where they could further improve their skills and perhaps mount productions that could tour other Canadian campuses, coast to coast .” He ,feels mutual co-operation between Stratford and UW might attract the kind of funding support to make such a program possible. , “Third stage” people might find it to their advintage to take some of the academic courses Waterloo offers. Abel feels courses in psychology, sociology, English, philosophy, history -- perhaps even computer science -might be beneficial. The impetus for the new mutual interest between UW and the Stratford organization came from’ Dr. T.A. (Tom) Brzustowski, UW’s vice-president, academic, ,, who has served on the board of the Festibal. He felt there must be ways in which the two institutions might co-operate to their mutual benefit. UW’s drama program is small in size (four faculty members) but has consolidated its _ strengths considerably in the past couple of years and is attracting larger numbers of ’ students each year. Abel and his colleagues are confident of the future and enthusiastic over the potential impact of the Stratford connection. They look towards September, 1985, as a target date for a move of third stage performers to the campus.






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UW-‘s arts summer by Carl Davies Imprint staff The Clash (the Joe Strummer version) started the summer off with a rather noisy showing before a near sellout crowd at the Physical Activities Complex. Reaction to the show was mixed. but it was, without a doubt, the biggest name band to visit UW this summer. Attendance at the summer BENT pubs was less than spectacular. A low point was reached when only eight people were on hand for the beginning of the first set of the Twentieth Century Rebels ,L-... i 311uw. Rain forced -the cancellation of Pukka Orchestra’s

Great music and student wices

OPENWED.-SAT: HAPPY HOUR 840 NO COVER Wed. & Thurs. ‘<(or Fri. & Sat. before





free concert on the village green. Look for a return indoor engagement to be held sometime this fall. Other bands who played for UW audiences this summer included, Platinum Blonde, Katrina and the


(Ottawa) The resignation of Guy Mazzeo as General Manager, CBC Enterprises/ Les Entrep-rises RadioCanada was announced in July by W.T. Armstrong, the Corporation’s Executive X7’ ?-i .( vice-rresident. “Mr. Mazzeo has made a significant and important


resi’ns contribution to CBC Enterprises and I know we will greatly miss his continuing, efforts on our behalf,” said Mr. Armstrong. Mr. Mazzeo has accepted of Executive -the _ -position Vice-President, Business and Creative Affairs with Blair Entertainment in New York.

Hairstyling Student


TheCentre in the Square continued to attract first rate performers this summer among them, Simple Minds’ Bruce Cockburn, and Joan Rivers.

Guy’ Mazzeo



Jane Siberry.










Of Students




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till12 mid.




& Dance-@

olk dancing

for a high, through common activity; how it can provide an opportunity for individual creativity and emotional release. Folk dance can be, quite simply, great exercise and a lot of fun. No partners are needed since most of the dances are done in circles and lines, and the couple dances are often ‘mixers’ where dancers change partners and get to know each other. In my doctoral research, I studied people who were taking folk dance classes for fun. By the end of 12 weeks of weekly folk dance classes, participants said that they felt much better about their bodies, and about themselves in general, than they had before joining the class. They also developed a greater interest in the openness to other ethnic groups. Many spoke of folk dance as their way of “getting high”. It provided people with a way of meeting others which was an engaging alternative to the singles-bar scene. Interested? We’re starting a new folk dance group in Waterloo for adults (18 and over) - no experience is expected. We’ll meet every two weeks on Sunday evenings at 7:30 p.m. starting September 9, 1984. If you can’t come to the first session, come to the second or third. For more information call (519) 5762653. Come alone or bring a friend.

by Judy Silver -As far back as early cave dwellers, people have danced their sorrows and their joys. In virtually every culture in the world, dance has played an important part. For example, ancient Greek physicians used music and dance to help maintain physical and mental health and to relieve depression. In the lives of “primitive” tribal peoples, folk dance was critically important. Dances were used to prepare warriors for battle - they would excite them into a frenzy, reaffirm the importance of their tribe and give them ritual approval for inflicting pain on others. Ritual folk dance served many magico-religious functions - worshipping the gods, alleviating sickness, assuaging dead spirits, bringing fertility in marriage, and encouraging the crops to grow. Folk dance also provided a social function where the whole village came together to celebrate. In fact, according to Sach’s World history of Dance, “On no occasion in the life of primitive peoples could dance be dispensed with.” In our society, dance has lost much of its intimate connection with everyday life. People have forgotten how folk dance can create a sense of co-operation and unity


Advertise! Imprint

is read by 12,000 UW students 34 times ayear. It is a handy vehicle for getting your message to the student market. Imprint advertising: (5 19) 885- 1660. Advertising Manager: C. Ricardo Scipio.

Every other Sunday, classes are held at the Adult Recreation Centre, 185 King St. S., Waterloo from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Admission fee is $3.00 per session or Membership rate of $30.00 (September-December). For further information contact Gloria Grindlay at 5762653. Folk dance enthusiasts may wish also to join the Ontario Folk Dance Association, a non-profit organization established in 1969 for the purpose of promoting international folk dancing.

,y C.D. Abel Drama Department The Drama Department Invites all students, faculty and staff to its fall auditions for major productions of Michael Weller’s West Coast tragicomedy, Fishing, and the children’s play, The Box of Seven Faces. Fishing will run Tuesday, October 23 through Saturday, October 27, and Tuesday, October 30

12 Vatkti~



& Chipa (including







St. N. - Next

People interested in technical work on the shows can sign up at the audition times. Academic credit is available for particiapation in productions; you can be in a show and get rid of a course at the same time. No preparation required, just bring your talent and enthusiasm. Two directors, no waiting. For more information contact the Drama Secretary, ext. 3730.


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AUDIT1 for





a children’s

play -

. NOW and












to Zehrs


to Saturday, November 3. The Box of Seuen Faces will be presented in daytime performances for elementary schools from Tuesday, November 20 to Friday, November 23, and for the general public as part of the UW Arts Centre’s Children’s Series on Saturday, November 24. Auditions will be held September 12 to 14,3:30-6:30 p.m., in HH Room 180.


0 Clam Chowchr 0 Back Bacon on 8 6un l Burgor l Sandwiches BREAKFAST served any time of day.






International folk dance The K-W International Folk Dance Group is a non-profit voluntary organization that sponsors folk dance instruction for community and campus. Expenses for records to dance by, room rental, refreshments and out-of-town teachers come from donations or membership fees. The Group was formed to bring together dancers from all walks of life -- campus and community -- who wish to enjoy and experience the folk dance and music of other countries.



a West Coast tragicomedy






fashion: diverse, e, eccentric l

at low, low, prices! “in the pursuit

of image”

Jeans ur-e still the mo,td common sight on campus, due to their comfort and ajfordabilit>J. by Liane Smith We all have fond memories of our first day in a new grade at elementary school, gathering outside the new classroom in clothes purchased especially for the occasion by thoughtful parents. This ritualistic fashion show tended to taper off as we moved on to high school, where new clothes seemed to turn heads for the wrong reason. Now at university, the neophyte might wonder what the new rules of the game are. The question of “what should I wear?” burns brightly in the minds of many; the answer can be derived from simple observation. The basic rule of thumb on campus is that anything goes. Whether you’re most comfortable in chic or tacky, no one will give your manner of dress a second thought. Although it is rare to see folks who look like they’ve just walked out of the pages of Vogue or G.Q. (the life of a student just doesn’t seem to be conducive to the purchase of a Gucci shoetree), just about every other fashion style imaginable is commonplace. The “preppie-look” seems quite

Salon and Boutique




BY APPOINTMENT @least- bring this inllitation




popular for many students, although not in such quantities as to be offensive. The occasional Lacoste shirt and pennyloafers can be spotted out and about, but then, what would university be without Bunny and Biff? In opposition to the somewhat fashion conscious “preppies” are those who use their clothes to make a statement. Sometimes this statement screams for attention, sometimes it slinks by hoping that it will blend in with the’crowd and no one will notice. There are punkers in leather and chains, and those who dress to the 9’s just to be different (unless of course, it’s interview time, then they’re trying to get jobs). There are those who wear torn shirts and ripped jeans because they want to rebel against fashion, those who do it because it’s in fashion, and those who do it because that’s all they’ve got. Jeans, ripped or otherwise, are still the most common sight on campus. Whether Jordache or K-Mart specials, they’re spotted on- students and professors alike. Maybe that*s because jeans look so at home with the most popular student fashion accessory: the pack sack; or perhaps it’s just a matter of comfort. This brings us back to the original point: most students simply dress in whatever they find comfortable, regardless of what Paris or New York designers tell them <is “in”. Nothing is unacceptable (as cut off shorts and barefeet in the summer term and nothing is mandatory wove), student garb (despite all the down-filled vests that pop up towards the end of October). Fashion on campus ranges from barely noticable to truly eccentric - in short, student ,fashions are as diverse and unpredictable as the students who wear them.

ew Loo





4, 1984.


rlenzl crusz

Crusz to give reading Mr. Rienzi Crusz will give a poetry reading from his new collection Singing Against the Wind on Monday, September 10. Mr. other Flesh

Crusz, whose works include und Thorn and





appear at the Kitchener Public Library at 8 p.m. on Sept. 10. reading, The sponsored by the Canadian Author’s Association, is being presented free of charge through a grant from the Canada Council. Mr: Crusz, a native of Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon), is a UW Arts librarian. He has recently been accepted as a member of the League of Canadian Poets.


PLEASEENTERME IN THE Clip out this entry form and keep it handy Fill it in as you make your long distance calls. As soon as you have completedthree calls, mail the form or send the required entry information(see rule #‘I)to: MAKESOMEONEHAPPYLONG DISTANCECONTEST,BOX1468, STATIONA, TORONTO,ONTARIOM5W 2E8 AREA CODE



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College or Unlverslty AttendIng

I have read the contest rules and agree to abide by them. Signature

LONG DISTANCECONTEST 1.To enter, print your name, address and telephone number on an offlclal Telecom Canada entry form or a 3” x 5” plain piece of paper. Also, print telephone numbers (Including area codes) and dates of three (3) Long Drstance calls’ completed between August 15,l984 and February 2O,l985 Each group of three (3) completed Long Distance calls may be entered only once OR: On an 8-l/2” x 11”piece of paper print your name, address and telephone number Also print-the numbers (Including the area codes) of the three (3) Long Distance calls you would Ike to make ond beside each, a hand wntten description of not less than 25 words Stating why you would like to make the call Only the onglnal hand written copies will be acceptable. Any mechanically duplrcated copies wrll be drsqualified. 2. Enter as often as you can, however, be sure to mail your entry or entnes bearing sufficient postage NOTE. ONLYONE ENTRYPER ENVELOPE. Entnesshould bemarledto MAKE!SOMEONEHAPPYLONGJMANCECOWJEST BOX146t3SWlONA,TORONlO,ONTARlOhl5\L2E8 3. There WIII be a total of three (3) prizes awarded (see Rule 4 for prize distribution). Each prize WIII consist of a 1985 Ford Standard Bronco II wrth al\ standard equipment plus the following options H D battery, AM radio; tinted glass; automatic locking hubs; deluxe tu-tone paint; guoge package Approximate’retarl value: $13,245each Local delivery, provincial and municipal taxes as applicable, are included as pari of the prize at no cost to the winner Drivers permrt, insurance and vehicle license will be the responsiblity of each winner Each vehicle will be delivered to the Ford dealer nearest the winner’s residence in Canada All prizes will be awarded. Only one prize per person. Prizes must be accepted as awarded, no substttutIons Prizes will be delivered to the winners as quickly as circumstances permit Prizes may not be exactly as illustrated. 4. Random selections will be made from all entries received by the contest judging organization on October 17,X%4. November 28,l984 and the contest closing date, February2O,l985 Prizes WIII be awarded as follows one (1) Bronco II WIII be awarded from all entries received by NOON October 17.November 28,1984 and February 20,1985 respectively Entries other than tie winning one In the October 17draw will automafrcally be entered for the November 28,1984 draw Entries other than the winning one In the November 28,l984 draw wil automatically be enteredfor the final draw February 20, I985 Chances of wrnnrng are dependent upon the total number of entries received as of each draw The drawn entrants, in order to wirl, will be requireij to first correctly answer an arithmetical, skill-testing questron, within a predetermined time limit. Decrstons of the contest organizatron shall be frnal By entering, wtnners agree to the use of therr name, address and photographfor resultrng publicity In connection with this contest The wtnners wil also be requiredto sign o legal document stating compltance with the contest rules The names of the winners may be obtained by sending o stamped, self-addressed envelope to Telecom Canada, 410 LaunerAve. W., Room 950 Box 2410 Station “D’ , Ottawa, Ontario, KIP 6H5 5. This contest IS open only to students of the age of malority in the province In which they reside who are registered full-time at any accredited Canadian Unwersity College or Post-Secondary lnstitutlon Employees of Telecom Canada, its member companies and their affll akS, their advertislna and promotional agencies, the independent contest organlzahon and their immediate families (mother, father SlSterSbrothers spouse aid chllbren) are not &gible This contest IS subject to all Federal, Provincial and Munrcipal laws 6. Quebec Residents All taxes eligtble underthe LOI sur les lotenes, les courses, les contours publlcitaires et IeSCIporellS d’amusements have been paid A complalnt respecting the administration of this contest may be submitted ta the Regie des lotenes et courses du Quebec * A lung dhstmce co// IS u completed co// outs/de Me entrant’s de.s/gnoted free calbng area


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September 4,


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Vol. 7, No. 8; The








#Cl&MS the ‘only dterniative by Mathew

CKMS Music Director, Dave “Doc”Hight, uirwaves with alternative music. imprint



to fill the

by Da\;e



What is CKMS? It’s at 94.5 on your FM dial, and it bills itself as “the only alternative”; in fact there is another alternative, and that is to turn the radio off - but for all intents and purposes, the claim is a legitimate one. Whether you’re looking for gay (and I don’t mean happy) programs,Turkdsh news,or chamber music, you’ll find it on CKMS - somewhere in the midst of a program schedule so incredibly diverse that it borders on eclectic. CKMS had its beginnings, more or less, in 1970 as the Radio Waterloo Club. After moving on from being merely a gathering of radio freaks, to broadcasting closed-cifcuit on campus (in the mid-70’s), the club decided to create a bonafide radio station, and CKMS was born. After procuring its FM broadcast licence in 1977, the station gradually metamorphosed into its present form. Essentially, the station consists of three main studios : two broadcast booths, and one professional quality 8-track recording studio. They also have a staff of four permanent parttime salaried employees, and anywhere from a hundred to a hundred and fifty volunteers. The four permanent positions are those of Music Director, News and Public Affairs Manager, Administrative Director, and Technical Director - all of whom act co-operatively to make decisions about the station’s day-today operations. Major decisions about such. things as budget and policy are made by the board of directors of Radio Waterloo, Inc. (the corporation that holds CKMS’ licence to broadcast) at their regular General Meetings - decisions any member of Radio Waterloo is free to take part in simply by running. for ,the, Board. _,, One of the more interesting .aspects of CKMS’ broacast licence is the stipulation made by the CRTC’ regarding advertising. For yarious reasons (most of them shrouded in bureaucratic fog) the CRTC proscribes any regular advertising on Campus radio stations - allowing instead only a limited form of advertisement known as a ‘statement of sponsorship’. By this, the Commission makes it clear they refer to statements that do not contain ‘competitive references’, or language that ‘influences the consumer to purchase’. Since, of course, ,

influencing the consumer to purchase is the prime directive of advertising in general, not a lot of the conventional advertising comes the way of CKMS. All this means is that the station <remains blissfully bereft of the standard sorts of obnoxious ads one is so accustomed to from commercial radio stations, and that at least is cause for no small amount pf joy. This lack of conventional advertising is responsible for the fact that undergraduate students are asked to pay a $5.00 fee towards the station - a measly sum to pay for the kind of variety the station provides. Adding somewhere in the neighbourhood of a thousand new albums a year, the station aggressively pursues its ‘alternative’ label; this outlook.is reflected in the station’s policy as well - it is firmly stated that what you will not find played on CKMS is your usual run-of-the-mill TOP 40 AM trash: i.e., no animal rock, heavy metal, or disco - no mainstream pap programming of any kind. The only reason Music Director Dave “Dot” Hight even looks at mainstream play charts, he says, is in order to find out what not to play. The station also makes it a policy not to air racist or sexist music,and of supporting independent musicians whenever they should present themselves. What you will find on CKMS is a number of local and international news programs - including a BBC broadcast at 8 a.m. daily, a midday magazine, an evening news report, and a weekend wrap-up - and a broad spectrum of music programs and features that runs the gamut, from classical, swing and chamber music, through lesbian, Greek and Chinese.shows, to a fine collection of jazz, blues, reggae, and new wave music. . There are also artist retrospectives, poetry readings, and from the to ‘time, an interview with a mildly famous personage. Whatever your tastes may be (unless it’s the aforementioned AM sludge) chances are CKMS has something for you. CKMS publishes a program guide every month listing shows, features, and their time slots, available from the CC. They also run a tape duplication service, and the &track studio and qualified engineer are available for rent at highly competitive rates. If you’re interested in CKMS at all, they’re pretty well always looking fori somebody, so don’t hesitate to give “Dot” a call at the station at 886-2567, that’s 886-CKMS.

Inside The Water1 oo I’ublic- Interest Research (iroup (WI’IRC;) is your student funded and directed research and’ education organisation located in Room 2 I7 of‘ the Campus Centre (ab0L.c the Bomb Shelter). WPIRCi has been operating on the University of Waterloo campus f‘oi- the past I I j*t’ars. l‘he r’lK(; concept originated in the United States whcrc actibc’ 1’1 KC; chapters operate across thu country. While individual PIRC; d dif’l’er in their cmphascs-(oj‘tcn a reflection of‘ local needs) I’IRC; s arc gcncrally intolked in research on current enl.ironmental and social problems, in probiding f‘orums f‘or debate.and education, and in prociding a critical channel between students on campus and the wide1 community we lice in. Whether dealing with cn\ ironmental issues or issues relating to social justice. public intt‘rcst research is aimed at, raising awareness among the general public to the point uphcrti public participation in the Laluc-laden decision-making critical to societal direction is possible. A good example 01‘ WI’RICi’s in~ol~~ement in the encouragement of public participation has been our bark on the issues of‘ toxic Maste disposal and waste managemunt in Ontario. After rnanq’ hours oi‘ discussion.u,ith citilcns fighting landfill sites across Ontario. WPIRG compiled the book C’llt~177in7/Nig/~inlur0: tl~ ci’ii~t~~~~~.~~~~~~ Lc~g12:~~of 7i,.vit> U’u.vtp. Later W T’IRCi organised a conl’crence designed to bring citilen’s groups, government. and industry together to discuss the issue of‘ toxic waste and to draft policies for the future. l‘hc ’ success of‘ this conference prompted the Ministry of’ the Environment to approach WPRIG on two more occasions to organi1.e f’ollou-up conferences. WPIRG continues to pIa>, a major role in the formation of’ a blueprint tar baste management in Ontario and in the selection process for a toxic waste landl‘ill by the Ontario Waste Management Corporation. WPRIG is both student funded and student directed. Funding derives from a $2.50 (per term) optional and ref’undable f‘ee specified on each full-time undergraduate t‘ce statement. This contribution is refundable within the first three weeks of each term. WPIRG’s direction is provided by an elected board, of‘ seven student directors who along -with the

Jesuit journalism and Sandinista theology and more! I* ientI and the two-wheeled life. Page F2 Zhristians and the Caribbean. Page F3 =ed boards and planks. Page F4

three staff‘ members meet ever)’ two weeks to make decisions necessary to the functioning of’ the organisation. l’he bulk of’ -W PI RG’s funding goes towards the salary of’ tu’o full-time and one part-time staff‘, resource centre acquisitions, publication costs, and the production ‘of campus and community educational events with speakers, i‘ilrns. and seminars. But what does WPIRG offer you? W PIRG gives students the opportunity to do practical research wfhich can be applied to the community at large. For example, the W PIRG publication, A Krrhhc~r W’orkc~rh Guide to Heulrll utlcl S~/L-‘I~\.was written almost exclusively by U of W students. This guide is used for health and safety courses in Ontario and has been distributed as far awa)’ as New Zealand. 1 his fall. WPI RG will be producing a K-W tenants guide, toxic waste tape show, and booklet on solvent haLards all written primarily by U of W students. Also W PI RG plans to coordinate a student research Workgroup which will concentrate on the pharmaceutical industry. WPIRG-Page


2olicies and Procedures for the masses. I Page F7 Waterloo Co-op . celebrates a Srthday. Centrespread The.Campus Centre for consumers. Page F.10 ziving the gift of life. s Page El 1 Something to laugh about. : Page El6 bats all the news fit to print.






4, 1984.

Beware of land


I Special






Eleanor Campbell 60 Ontario Street North Suite 3, Kitchener, Ont.

by Signj Madden Imprint staff In earl) August. l’cter Gosch (not his real name) found an apartment for September I st. 1 hc apartment seemed in good condition except for the bathroom l‘oor M hich uas sc\crel> warpe! and rotted. 1 he superintendent ot‘the building \cr-ball! agreed to replace the l‘loor bel‘orc Peter moL;d in. I’c>tcr then signed a jcar’s lease and paid l‘irst and last month’s rent. In addition, Peter paid a $50.00 f’urniture deposit and a S;15.00 he! deposit. One ~+eek alter rnoLing into the apartment, the l‘oor Mas still not repaired and Peter found some di!‘!icult> Mith the apartment’s hiring. f’cter tried to contact the landlord. but the superintendent rcl‘uscd to gi\c Peter the neccssaq inlormation. I o make matters Morse, Pctcr had not jet rccci\ed a signed copq of his lease. Peter, not unlike man\’ students, did not knob his rights as a tenant and uas unauarc that stxcral conditions hc agreed to were illegal under the Landlord and lenants Act. h’ot all landlords are disreputable. just as not all tenants are responsible tenants. Unitersit) students ha\e a reputation 1‘01 being undesirable tenants. and some landlords make extra demands to sal‘eguard their premises. Students armed with a sound knowledge of‘ their rights as tenants can of‘ten avoid situations such as Peter’s as ucll as deal ciith those situation should thcq’ arise. The f’o!loM’ing are some basic guidelinus !‘rom the Landlord and Tenants Act: I) Only the last month’s rent can be demanded as a deposit. The landlord must pa> 6(,( interest on this deposit l‘or the w duration he she holds it. I-‘urniture, he!. or other deposits are illegal. 2) A tenant ma_\. sublet. I he landlord ma! stipulate in the Iease that he, she reser\cs the right to appro\c the nt’n tenant. Landlords ma>’ charge a rcasonablc expcnsc lor gi\ ing consent. 3) l enants must rccei\e a signed cop! of the lease uaithin 21 da>,s of’ signing. The tenant is not obliged to honour the agreement until a cop) is dcliccred. Until,a cop) is dcliicrcd. the tenant is considered a month to month tenant. 4) A landlord cannot reyuirc a tenant to pa>’ his her rent M ith post-dated cheques. d* 5) A landlord \\ho rents more than one rented prcmiscs in a building Gth a common artx must post and maintain i,n a conspicuous arca the legal name o!‘ the landlord and his her n address. 6) A landlord cannot enter the prcmlscs Ltithout giving 23






hours urittcn notice, speci!‘>,ing a time during the da>!. 7) Neither the landlord nor the tenant ma) change the locks to the rented premises uithout each others consent. 8) A landlord cannot sci/c a tenant’s personal property’ f‘or back rent. 9) A landlord must keep the rented premises in a good condition and lit to li\e in. l‘cnantsare responsible for ordinary, cleanliness and for repairing damage caused \\ illf’ully or b> their neglect. 10) -1enants must receive 90 days notice ol‘an increase in rent. 1 1) Tenants cannot be evicted, with or without a lease. unless the tenants rccci\c notice citing reasons and a sherrif serves them a judge’s order o!‘ eciction. 12) A landlord must hand delicer, send b> registered mail, or hang in a conspicuous place, an>’ notice to the tenant. I!‘ a tenant signs a Icase M,hich he she knows contains abuses which are illegal. the tenant ma\’ refuse to complv with those clauses. 3 hc Landlord and 1 enants Act will hold up in court, mahing these parts 01‘ the lease uncnl‘orceable. lenants M ho do not ha\c a sell‘-contained unit, totall) scparatcd from that 01‘ the landlord - separate washroom and kitchen facilities. and entrance - are not colered bq’ the Landlord and lenants Act. I hese tenants are covered bq’ the Innkeeper‘s Act and the Residential Tenancies Act for rental increase situations. The Innkeeper’sand Residential Tenancies Acts probide little or no protection through provincial Icgislation. Tenants not co~cred b! the Landlord and Tenants Act must be caref’ul of what the) sign. In a rooming or boarder situation, signed documents become binding contracts (under Common Law); the terms of‘ these contracts can be enf‘orced bq, either party.

Legal Resource by Signy Madden ‘I hc l.cgal Rcsourcc Olticc is reyucsting that all student\ nho ha\e signed Icascs l‘or rental area





1111 0 rma t i o n

thcq plan to increases on a J WlJ basis and become familiar \\ lth those landlords \\ ho include IllcgaI clauses in


submit a cop! 01 the Icax

to the l.cgal Resource Ollicc. Legal Kcsoul-lx hopes to






build-up a f‘ilc o! Icascs loom landlords III the ;i~xa: \\ ith thii

Secure vour bit




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Campus Centre Universitvof Waterloo


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Waterloo Christian ,Fellowshi


. Extended -Book Store _.for September. September





September Are you bored, lonely, or lost? Waterloo Centre, which will begin at 8:30 p.m. Christian Fellowship (WCF) may be able to On Thursday, September I3th, we will have solve these and other problems. our first weekly supper meeting of the term. It Every student is invited to the following ’ will be held in Engineering 1, Room 2536 (E 1 orientation activities. There will be an 2536)‘at 4r3Q p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The purpose of afternoon of outdoor. games and Columbia the meeting will be to explain more about the Fields No. 1 and No. 2 on Friday, Sept. 7th activities ‘and plans of the club for the starting at 2:00 and B BBQ supper at 5:30. In _ upcoming term. the evening, there will be a “Mega-Mug”, an Our purpose as a group of students is to outdoor coffeehouse with live entertainment, encourage one another to explore the on the roof of the Engineering Lecture Hall Christian faith, to grow in our understanding ’ starting at 8:30 and continuing until ‘11:30. On of the Bible and in our commitment to Christ. Saturday, you can meet us at the Campus , W$ seek to share ihe love and the joy that we Centre (CC) at 8:00 a.m. for a b’icycle ride out have found in Christ with other students. to the Stone Crock Restaurant in St. Jacobs For further information, watch for our for breakfast (cars will be leaving from the Cc cookie counter in the CC, and for notices in at 1O:OO a.m. also). On Friday, Sept. 14th, you the Imprint, or contact Rob Fish at 885-259 1. can join us for a square dance in the Campus Rob Fish, Helen Shipley

8 Saturday

,The Open 9 ‘a.m. Regular


9 a.m;-f

We will also be open



9 a.m.

10 p:m. - 9 p.~. .

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Chinese Chridi@z Fell0 wship plans exciting term We are a group of Christian students on the campuses of U W and WL-U. We’ meet weekly to have Bible studies, lectures, discussions and . other activities on subjects which are of interest to the university community at large. Our “New Students Reception Program” includes: Sept. 9 (Sun) -“Welcome!“: supper, games, getting acquainted. 6:30, Rooms 373 & 378, Hagey Hall, Waterloo. Sept. 14 (Fri.) - “Setting Goals and Reaching Goals” ‘speaker meeting. 7:30, Room 20 I, Seminary Building,

Wilfrid Laurier. Sept. 2.1. (Fri.) - “Campus Life: a students’ perspective” sharing meeting. 7:30, Room 20 I, Seminary Building, Wilfrid Laurier. _ Sept. 28 - 29 (Fri. & Sat.) “A -New Beginning”: a, weekend camping trip: Bible study, message, BBQ, outdoor activities. In addition, we offer help in. providing temporary accomodations, information on local churches and tutorial aids by senior students. For transportation and further information, please ca.ll 8852102.

Caribbean students - The Caribbean Students’ Association is a non-profit organization -whose main objective is to promote friendship and co-operation among West Indian students and the University community. As such, during the course of the year’ the association provides a forum for student interaction ihrough the promotion of socio-cultural; educational and sporting activities, to help foster this relationship. As part ,of our Fall programme, we intend to have our annual Cultural Night dinner and show in the Campus Centre, monthly food sales, “hard” parties, outdoor soccer, innertube waterpolo, a racquet sports

day, guest speakers, and aChristmas dinner and dance. Our tentative schedule for the month of September is as follows: First General Meeting on the 1 lth, Welcome party on the 14th, Orientation Booth in the Campus Centre on t’he I8th20th, and a West Indian Food Day on the 24th, in the Campus Centre. * Posters advertising all events will be placed on notice-boards around campus in advance. All, those interested in joining are welcome. Members hip cards ‘will be available at the first general meeting, as wefl as at the Orientation booth. Feel / free to drop by.


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Fed Boards

WORDS / Word Processing


To serve women bj Julie

Prices -as of September 1984 :

RESUMES ONE PAGE $7.50 TWO p&W $12.50 Prices include a choice of typestyles, storage for year and the original set-up ofyour resume. Copies printed on bond. paper in white or cream. STRAXGHT


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$1.95 1.65 $1.35 contact


Fedreration of Students Office , campus centre room 235(885-0370 Federation

of Students

or extention 3880)



The Women’s Commissioner is the newest position of the Federation of Students. Created at the Annual General Meeting in November, 1983, the Women’s Commisioner’s role is basically to promote women to the university community and to promote the university to women. More specifically, the Commisioner’s mandate is 1) educate the university community on women’s issues and concerns; 2) monitor sexism and publicize it in the hopes of preventing its recurrence; 3) encourage women to study non-traditional areas; and finally 4) encourage women to participate in university boards and councils. Why the need for a Women’s Commission‘? One of the strongest arguments is that the University of Waterloo is a very maledominated campus - 70% of the undergraduates are male - and women are typically underrepresented at various levels of the university. With one position specifically dedicated to promoting women at the university, their views and concerns will be publicized much more vocally.

Window One of the Board of External Liaison functions is to relate the concerns 01’ the students at the Univcrsitl, to the C’ommunity,. I‘his role has been Lis-ible in the past by effective lobbying of’ Waterloo’s City’ Council to enact a Property Standard By-law and by successfully urging Kitcticncr I ransit to provide a lowerbusfarc structure for students. I he Board is also the official liaison between the Federation of Students and students 01 other unit ersitics and colleges. We arc members of‘ the Ontario’ F-edcration of Students, a very powerful lobbying force, and. while we are not members of the Canadian Federation of Studc nts, we keep up to date with t hc issues \+,hich the national

But the Women’s Commission can not hope to represent the women of this campus unless more students are involved in the Commission. While I, as Women’s Commissioner, have plenty of opinions, the Women’s Commission needs the input of other women with diverse experiences. And since the Commission is so new, the way in which its mandate is actually put into practice is still largely undefined. The direction in which this year’s volunteers want to take the Commission will largely determine its future role. Some of the activities planned for the fall are an evening feature film series focusing on women, with films like “Heart Like a Wheel”, “Norma Rae”, and “Adam’s Rib”; the development of workshops dealing with sexual harassment on campus; articles on women’s issues and feminism; and collaboration with the Women’s Centre around the issue of Women and Health. Other events will happen if you provide the energy and the interest.

on world organisation addresses. one of the tasks which the Federation faced this summer uas writing a response to the Bo\ey Commission’s report. Now that this re\ponsc has been completed and submitted, wc must prepare oursclces to face the Commission at a hearing to be held at the / U nikersity on, September 11. .I hesc functions and urorc arc pcrtormed in the interest and concern of the students at this university. It is, however, impossible for us at the Federation to do all this alone; we need YOU R help. So conic on up to the office and ask what y.ou can do for us. I hc C‘hairpcrson 01 the


of‘ Estcrnal


is Peter



Centre for women only Math Society Elections Positions-- to be filled: IA Co-op 2A CO-op

Class Reps Class Reps 4A Co-op. Class Reps All Years Regular Class Reps

Nomination Forms are available in the Math Society office, MC 3O38.

Start of the First Council Meeting : Tuesday , September 18th at 4:3O pm in MC 5045 Vote Wednesday September 26th in MC 3038

Females are no longer bound to the role of homemaker and wife unless this status is desirable. The Women’s Resource Centre is devoted to the ideal of encouraging all women to reach their potential in all spheres of life. The Centre enables diverse interests and activities that allow the individual to direct her efforts to areas of personal concern. Numerous resources including files, texts and government publications, not found elsewhere on campus, contribute to the public education in women’s issues. Past activities such as films, speakers, workshops and displays have also contributed to the success of the Centre. The Women’s Centre is a non-hierarchal group that staffs the centre, organizes the resources, and assists with referrals on a volunteer basis. Plans are in the works for a paid co-ordinator who will provide continuity and consistency to the Centre’s activities

A Community The Board of Academic Affairs’ mandate is to encourage the evaluation, maintenance, and development of academic programs and standards at the University of Waterloo. The Board’s objective is to ensure that fair academic policies are developed and successfully implemented. Within the Board’s jurisdiction are three standing committees: the Academic Development Committee, the Academic Policy Review Committee and the Quality of Education Committee. There will be a general meeting at 5:00 p.m. on September 18th in CC 110. Topics will

is not desirous as the Male involvement members feel th at the inequali ties encountered by women should be dealt with, first and foremost by women. Volunteers hope to promote an atmosphere in which women can feel free to express their concerns, ideas and feelings, The fall will be an exceptional term for the Women’s Centre. At the end of September a self-defence clinic will be offered, at the beginning of October a pot-luck dinner is planned and through the term the Centre will be planning a series of activities dealing with Women and Health. During Orientation Week a booth will be set up in the Great Hall, Campus Centre at which you can obtain literature, ask questions or make suggestions. If you are interested in seeing some of your own ideas realized, please don’t hesitate to drop by CC 150B (by Legal Resources) or to call us at extension 3457.

of schohrs include the structure and function of the Board, filling of positions, and such specifics as availability and possible creation of Computer Science courses dealing exclusively with computer applications in a number of departmental disciplines. If you are interested in becoming involved in the Academic going-ons here at Waterloo and can attend the meeting, we looz( forward to seeing you there. If you cannot make the meeting and yet have an urge to become involved, please drop by the Fed Office, CC 135, and make your presence known.

B. Comm oversees advertising, postering The Board of Communications (B.Comm) is responsible for promoting all aspects of the Federation of Students, and this year is being co-chaired by Peter Scherer . and Kathryn Seymour. The Student Information Handbook, Federation advertising, the housing survival kit, and general postering are just some of the




Communications is more than a one way process and B.Comm welcomes all suggestions and input. If you have a little time and any artistic talent or ideas to contribute, feel free to contact Kathryn (fall) or Peter (winter) at ext. 2358.



WJSA meets religious needs by Jonathan Koven WJSA/HILLEL The WATERLOO JEWISH STUDENTS ASSOCIATlONi H 1LLEL exists to meet the religious, cultural and social needs of the Jewish students, faculty and staff at U W and W LU. ‘As a service organisation, we have been active on campus f‘ot the past 12 years. Plans for the fall term include bagel brunches (of course). an opening wine-and-cheese, speakers, and ISRAEL DAY, Shabbat dinner, and our annual inter-campus HANNUKAH PARTY (we’re famous for our parties, you should know!) BAGEL BRUNCHES are held Mondays and Thursdays, I 1:3(i-I:3C; p.m. in Campus Centre, room 1l(i, and provide an informal atmosphere in which to meet friends, and cnjoq airlifted bagels (from T.O.) and cream cheese. First bagel brunch is Thursday, September 13th. BE THERE! Set aside Thursday, September 2&h, 5:30-7:3O p.m. for OUI wine-and-cheese. It takes place in the University Club (only the best for WJSA) and lets old WJSA members, new members and faculty get to know each other. This jear, ROSH HASHAXA begins Wednesday evening, September 26th, with YOM KIPPUR beginning Friday October 5th. I he I wo Kitchener-Waterloo evening. have extended an open in\itation to all students to attend sercices. K-W has an Orthodox congregation. Beth Jacob(7438420) and a Rctorm congregation. -1cmplc Shalom (743-040 I ). Call for times of ser\ ices. If’ J our Professor has scheduled a test on these Holy Days. you are not required to write it. Simplr\ contact J~our Prof. who should I-e-schedule >‘our test. ll’thcrc are any difficulties. do not hesitate to call W’JSA. I hat’s w.hat u~‘re here for. Make plans to attend our 1984, X5 orientation meeting, Wcdncsdaq. September IZth. 4:30 p.m. in C (‘-1 10 to get ink,olicd in the most active, d!,namic WJSA in 12 j’cars. U’c want and need to hear jour ideas and bupport. JON A’1 Ii Ah KOVEN (866-7742) and SHARI SEGALI. (X86-0293) arc!oul co-f’rcsidcnts this term. (‘all us an! time for all ot our IX\\ s (bee our ad in this issue). HAVE A SUC’C’LSSFI, L I LRM...and XC !ou a~ a BAGEL BRUUC’HI

Have a point to make? Join Imprint: The newspaper thoughtful students read

We're Having a






11 .IJ’A



there is much, much more

Ifi( ot;~uttird .strc*/~ o\‘ott1.s us u di.spkuel. ILI/I/I~ uttd u .sito\\. (ittwr) itt tlrc Ct’itttcr tijt-ttt.

k‘ile photos

Birth Control Centre info The Birth Control Centre offers a non-judgemental, confidential information and referral service free of charge for students and other members of the community. We at the Centre deal with family planning information, planned and unplanned pregnancy, venereal disease, sexual assault and issues related to sexuality. As trained volunteers, we make information and community resources available and accessible so that a wellinformed decision can be made with the lifestyle of the

indivdual or couple in mind. We otter students the time c m 0 t i 0 n a I 5 u p p 0 I’ t and needed to talk over difficult decisions. We are also prepared to give informal presentations to student groups on any of the above mentioned topics. There is a display of contraceptives at the Birth Control Centre so that visitors can become familiar with the various methods. Our lending library and vertical files have been valuable in the past to students doing research or

anyone wanting greater detail and understanding. I I






I1 t





I’ c

i II 1o r m a t i o n a b o LI t t 1lC Centre or are interested in volunteering, stop bY the booth during Orientation or visit the office during regular business hours and look around. The Centre is funded by the Federation of Students and is located in Room 206 of the Campus Centre. We can be reached by phoning 885-1211 ext. 2306, or in an emergency by contacting the Turnkey Desk at 884-8770 or ext. 3867.












Qhgani~ational fleeting: WED.



4:30 pm C.C.


QBpening. Bine 8k tUjee$e




Do You Need a Book

clCetr tral/Cab

We Don't Have-?


We can order almost any book. Just give us your Visa or Mastercard number, expiry date, and leave the rest to the “General Books Dept. ”


is no this




3Region dhnference










JEQuulkka~ ihN.Ytp

17 th

*SAT. N6V .24 th

CENTRE On Various






aotltacts’: U. of W. Book Store South Campus Hall



: $5.;








; MAT-H FROSH ORIENTATION ‘84 , -t SCHEDULE OF EVENTS t 1200 noon - 6:OO p.m. t Tuesday, Sept. 4 Food 6 Drink provided! 1 Drop-in Centre Drop-in Centre Third

floor mc I:00 p.m.’ - Y:OO p.m. “Meet your orientation


t t t t t t t I t t t t t t t t t t t t I t t t I



6 find


Wednesday, Sept. 5 Drop-in Centre Continuing or 3rd floor IO:00 a.m. - 6:UO p.m. (open during faculty jntroduction Lectures)

Friduy, Sept. 7 Tune Trek - The Foot 2:UO p.m. - 5:W pm. meet ut blue “CS” sculpture outside mc Chulk Drawing Between Ring Road and the P.A.C. ,200 p.m. - 4:OU p2-n.

mc ’



Magical Mysf.ery Buses leave from side of mc -







tic.” Sept.‘8

Eloru Gorge I:00 p.m. - 5:OOp.n?. Sun, Fun, Wutcr hkt: ID party IO:00 p*r11* - ?? SW your Big Brother!

in V--II



Drop-in Cent rc IO:00 a.m. - 4:W pn?. Pub with EngSoc Waterloo Motor inn 9:oo p.r11. - ??

FucultylOrientation Committee Barbeque ;Outside mc 5:UO p.m. - 7:OO p.n?. “Free before the EWE with .your pink tie!” E.L.P.E. - 7.30 p.n?. FLJ~? Craw! or Pub Cruwl Buses /cave fron? North side of mc 8:OO p.m. - ?? AlI-nightcr


I3ig Sistt;r

Tour North








Student Desk with Add-On Hutch























MEET YOUR BIG BROTHER/SISTER Tuesday, Sept. 4 1:OO p.m. - 9:00 p.m. MEET YOUR BIG BROTHER/SISTER Wednesday, Sept. 5 1O:OO a.m. - 6:OO p.m. Thursday, Sept. 6 1O:OO a.m. - 1200 noon Friday, Sept. 7 1O:OO a.m. f 4:OO p.m.






Willson , W Stationers I

nil :s, Bookcases



t t ) t t t t t t t t t t t t t t. t t t I t t 1 t t t I

2O:UO an?. - 12:W noon Feder&ion of Students BBC) 6 DUI?CC Colun?biu Field 6.30 pen?. -. ??

ubout events!” Fumily Gathering and Duncing 9:OO pm. - ?? Talk to your Big Brother/Big Sister for detuiis ,1



























Hours: Wed., Thurs, Fri., - 3 p.m. Saturday - 1O:OO - . a.m. - 4 p.m.

160 Columbia (at Phillip’behind 884-6400

St. West U of W)

8 p.m.



W Willson







Note: The policies and procydures of Imprint are the m/es that Imprint staff uses tq govern the daJ*-to:day running or the newspaper.


The following are the policies and procedures of the Imprint. They weredrafted in the winter term of 1978,revisedduring thesummer and fall termsand passedby staff on October 26.1978. Revisions were made to the policies and procedures~by Imprint staff on varch 12.1979and-December 4.1982, by the Board of Directors of Imprint Publications on March 4,1984and April 15.1984,and by Imprint staff on August 1 and 3, 1984. 1. STATEMENT ~


to serving _ determines


is a student students. the policy

newspaper. democratically The staff of the paper. of the paper.

run by htudcnts and dedicated accountable to student opinion.

g)News Editor,

and should b no long& than 70 words. Letters may be edited by thcpapcr ifa note to this effect is printed accompanying the letter. Letters may not brprintcd if the paper cannot identify the author. Pseudonyms and names of organi/.ations wiU.bc printed only for good reasonand at the discretion of’ staff. Pseudonyms should be easily identified as such. Stall should be supplied pith the real name of the author before it prints a pseudonym or name of an‘organilation. ‘l’hc name of the author(s) H ill normally be printed with that of their organixation. Letters will nut be printed if they are printed in orsubmitlcd ioanothcr campus publication. Letters are a service pro\ idcd to the students of the Uni\zrsity of Wvtcrlooand may be rejected by staff for good reason. ll’a letter is rcjcctcd,a note as to why shall be printed in the letter section . Dominance of the @ttcr .wction by person(s) and ” L.* “dumping” in the letter section should be a\oidcd. Letters will accommodating

be printed on letters for Y’air

a first<omc. first-set-Led reply” and timctiness.



be prepared for tipcoming events and hand out appropriate assignments. (ill out weekly a+signment sheets. file all articles. photos and graphics relatilc to the section. attend all meetings or ensure section representation at alt meetings. . co-ordinate photos and graphics. I edit all copy for the section. recruit and train- volunteers in all aspects of the section. ensure that all pages of tht! section are lapd-out. the headlines and cutiines are all written.X and all graphics and photos are -siLed and available.

TIME: 12-15 hours per week. ‘NOTE:. @arrangement with the be assumed


. 9. EdlTORlAL

Student journalists shall strive continually to be fair and accurate in their reports. and shall strive to equip thcmschcs adequately with the facts to support published statements. They shall rcati/.c fully their personal responsibilities IOI



c) To provide

be submitted

to a lawyer



if the contentious If the contentious




to a letter.



the letter

has left a

issue is a issue is




beginning Manager.




1st. The rcspccti\c

Assistant Editor, Photo Editor. assistants shall

5) co-ordinate graphics with the TIME: 12-15 hours per week.


a) Editorials Editorials offer fact-based views on topical matters. both on-can~pusand ol’l’. ‘ and express the oflicial opinion of the Imprint staff on tljoso matters.

I) 2) 3j . 4) , 5)

News Editor, distribution . be elected m

Scptcmber. January.. or May Car4-month tsrms-of-ol’ficc. a) Election ProcedureThe open position(s) shall be advertised in the Imprint

staff approves the editorial as duly rcllccting its majority opinion. the cclitorial run unsigned qn the editorial page. If Imprint staff does not approve the editorial as reflecting itsmajority opinion,


manage the art supplies. including inventory. recruit and train Staff in graphic skil,is. . solicits graphics. co-ordinate graphicists lor their assignments. co-ordinate graphics tiith the Production Manager.

1) ktvp




of supplies.

2) typo campus events. 3) 4) 5) 6)

position and the newly vacated assistant position is held. This election shall take place at the earliest possible date, and shall take place under the conditions of thti previous su bscct ion.



k) Office Manager

cast .b) Succession In the event that any senior position bccomcs \acant,bcforc the end ofthe term 01‘ office. the assistant shall assume the vacant position until an election for the

. The person who is responsible for the writing of editorials is the editor, but an\’ ’ tiaff member may write an editorial. ‘1’0 ensure that his her urittcn opinion rellects ihc majority opinion of Imprint siall’.,the editor or stafl’ member shall submit his, her written editorial to Imprint staff for approval b& fc\tc at an editorial meeting preceding the intended publication of the editorial. If Imprint

to of

j) Graphics Editor

in the three weeks preceding the election meeting. ‘l’hc election may be held at a regular meeting. or a special meeting. at which regular q,uorum and rules of order appli. l‘heeandidatcs shall be interviewed at this meeting. ‘l’hc election shall be conducted by secret ballot. and thc’pollssli~ll remitin open for 24 hours. All koting staff are eligible to vote. ‘l’hc winner(s) shall be declared on the basis of simple pluralities of votes


assistants. Heads in carrying out t-heir responsibilities. betHicen them as they so“deeide.

2) rccruil and train staff in photography and darkroom skills. 3) co-ordinate photographers for their assignments. 4) administer reprints and’ reprint rcqucsts.

The Editor-in-Chikf and Advertising Manager shall beelectedin March for a I2 Arts Editor, Sports Editor. Graphics Editor.


The Yhoto Editor is responsible for all aspects 01 the newspaper relating photography. and specifically shall: 1) manage the darkroom. including inventory of supplies. and scheduling equipment and facilities. .




orparts ofsom!:duticscan is not possible,

i) Photo Editor

8 lcttcr

misconception. Such a reply should respond only to what is mentioned in the letters it refers to, and should be st?ictly informational. There should be an attempt to keep the paper’s response brief. \ Editorial rcsponscs shall bc labclkd “Editor’s note”.


legal one and the decision of the lawyer shalibe binding. not a-legal one,,the staffs decision shall be final.


‘b) ‘1o correct a factual error u hich is ob\ ious to stall’.

There is no guarantee that articles. photographs. graphics or comments submitted will be published. The editor may at any time refuse to print any article he/she judges to be libelous, slanderous, contravening Imprint’s policies with reference to its code of ethics. or to its journalistic standards. At this point, the person who submitted the article shall changethe contentious points or submit it to staff, Staff may then uphold the editor’s veto or contradict it. In the latter case, shall

Section’H’cads can have shall assist the Scctioti shall be a.pportioncd


‘l’his is a pri\ ilcgc of the paper and should not be abused. A response to made by the paper should only be used. with discretion. in the following a) In answer to questions about the paper.

everything sqbmitted for publication. They shall not falsify information or documents, nor distort nor misr?present the facts. The staff shall correct in print, at the figt available opportunity, all culpable mistakes. Any copy containing racist or scx$&tbias or prcjudicc shalt have no place in the newspaper.

in question

Editor.so&edutics if com,plete responsibility



the article

by >he Edito;

h) Assistant Section Heads



Aits Editor, & Sports Editor

I) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)


do tear sheets. do mail-out. file newspapers. file original cop).




1) Distribution Manager


1) assist in the distribution 01’ the m&paper ever! Friday and Monday morning. or at any other distribution time. 2) ensure that an adequate number 01’ \.oluntccrs are aiailable for distributron uhene\cr necessary. 3) o\crscc dist>ibution sttategy by recording where newspapers are distributed and how many are piL;kcd up. 4) ad\ ise Editoi on distribution strategy changes.


a, m) Volunteer Receptionist

a newspaper

and a ,”

I) take care ol ciassilieds 2) do liling. 3) assist ~l‘licc Manager.


and campus

c\cnts _





A-ib’HbNOR,i’ib L

sJaff as


or rejection

01 the comment.

.12)mapphg c;it ads in conference with Advertising Manager and Lay-out ordinator. 13) maintaining an attendance and contribution list for Staff members. .int’orming those who bccomc cligiblc to vote. _ 14) not haxing the authority to hire or fire without StaJl’directi\es. \

c) Other Copy l’riority’$hall author. Press

be given to campus IINS, All originat stories shall be signed by the releases need not be signed. All articles arc subject. to editing.








1) assist Editor in all duties. . 2) assume responsibilities of Editor 3) ha\c signing authority.’



opportunity to defend him/ herself. ,meeting, .without due cause, staffcan

meeting to* be given the If such person does not appear at the staff determine his/ her stdtus at the next meeting.

8. LETTERS’ Letters


be addressed

to the paper;


on a 64 character

line, double-

spaced; should include the phone number, address, faculty and year of the writer;

of the



I) file





2) type and mail invoices. 3) maintain accounts receivable ledger for advertising. 4) pay bills. ’ 5) do bank deposits. 6) do payroll. 7) prepare monthly income and expense statements. 8) prepare an annual budget in conjunction with the Editor and 9) train an Assistant Hookkeener in all I’unctions. .’ lo) assist the Auditor. It) implement the financial decisions of Staff &d Board. 12) maintain knowledge of contracts and report to Staff. 13)‘have signing authority. I *


train other typesetters. attend staff meetings. co-ordinate his, hei s&hedule maintain equipment. order supplies for typesetters maintain disc-use records. _

in conjunction


the Editor.

in conjunction


the Office


2) map out all ads in consultation 3) map out, newspaper’s editorial








may serve on the cdhoria’l

external b,yard.

In the event that the dulv-elected editor resigns or dies during his term of office. the managing editor. wili automatically become editor-in-chief with the full i editor-in-chiefiselected responsibilities of editor until such time that a ntw by:the standard hiring procedures outlined in Section I I aboLe (old # ) above. A neti editor -in-chief will be elected by staff posthaste. >ln the event that the editor-in-chief resigns or dies and there-is no managing editor. or in the event thqt the managing editor resigns. staff will. at the next staff meeting, appoint a tianaging editor to take on the editcjr-in-chief’s responsibilities until a new editor-in-chief is elected by standard hiring procedutes as outlined in section i I (old # ) abole. A new editor-in-chief will be elected by stall posthaste.






with the Editor and Advertising Manager. space in consultation with the Editor. Assistant Editor, and,appropriate Section Heads. 4) recruit ,and .train Staff in production skills. 5) delegate lay-out to production staff. 6)attend all staff meetings or ensure that production staff is represented at all staff meetings.




Voting staff members unable to attend regular staff meetings may register their lotes by proxy. Every proxy must be registered with the editor by telephone or in writing at least four hours prior to the meeting in question. Any written proxies mirst be signed and deliccrcd in person to the editor. and any telephoned prosiFs must be spoken directly to the editor.







f) Production Manager 1 j responsible for overseeing editorial space in the newspaper.




Stall‘ members unable to attend regular staff meetings may register an excuse for their absence. Every *excuse must be registered with the editor in writing any time before the commcnccment of the meeting in question. These written excuses must be signed and delivered in person to the editor. The editor reserves the right to refuse any excuse. &ormall!. excuses for missing a meeting will be classes, illness,’ or a doctor’s appointment.

e) Head Typesetter 1) 2) 3) 4) yi 6)


The paper is to remain editoriaLI) to the paper. No Federation employee oresccuti\c

d) bookkeeper


c) That the motion pass by a ,two-thirds vote. d) The the person in question attend the staff

iti the absence

13. AUTOliOtiY--;.c.

I. ’



The A&crtising Manager is responsible for iill aspects of advertising with regard to, Imprint, and specifically is expected to: I) sell adi.crtising. 1 2) design. typeset’: and paste up ads. 3) o\crsec public relations efforts with regard to ad\crtising. 4) file ads. t-c-usable adbcrtising material, and insert sheets. 5) assist Editor and Production Manager with placing ads in the newspaper. 6) be responsible for the maintenance of adlcrtising materials and cquipmcnt. 7) recruit and train ~taft in advertising. sales. and production skills. 8) set-ad rates (in consultaiion with Staff. subject to their approval). TIME: As man)’ hours as required t!) fulfil1 responsibilities of the job. NOTE: The Ad\,crtising Manager is responsible for his. her own car.


A staff membey can be expelled or suspended from staff only under the following conditions: a) That the person in question has seriousljr abused his, her rights as a staff member. b) That at least one week’s notice be given by stating the reasons for expulsion; this is to be placed on the agenda. .


c) Advertising Manager

. I _ Any graduate or undergraduate student, part-time or full-time. registered during the.current term at the University of Waterloo shall become a voting staff member during a term if a) he she pays the membership fee: and b)!ic she makes the required contributions and attends the required number of mccting~. ContributionS shall be‘ considered to be all ?rticles. graphics. photographs. layout, or other contributions considered as huch bl htal’l’. ‘I hc required contributions shall.bc I’our contributions to the pap& I‘rom the beginning ol ‘the term to-the issue currently being produced and then one contribution per month. Only one contribution per week is counted. The reyuired attendance shall be four out ot’thc prc\ iouscight regular meetings. Excuses from these meetings shall be accepted onI> if submitted in Hriting to the editor p&or to the meeting. ‘I’he~cxcuscs may. eomprisc up to tn.0 ol the lour required attendances. Votingstaff members who are a) returning from a four-month leave ofabsence. or b) returning from a co-op ‘term. or c ) returning From an immediateI! precedinggcademic term, shall resume their ioting member status for one month. -Air attendance and contribution list shall be kept by the editor.


(At the August 1 and 3, i984pbliciesand ccdures meeting tfie staff dec’ided to put over the revision of this policy until we t e September 14, I984 policies and procedures meeting in order to dring it into Ii& Gih the preceding pdlicy on jobs and job descriptions. Currently. the jobs of editor and ad-vertising manager are full-time,paid positions while the jobs of bookkeeper and typesetter are part-time paid positiohs. Further, the section heads and assistant section heads are awarded honoraria each term.).,

b) AssistaLntEditor

There shall be two kinds ol’ rcgiilar i%cti;lgs: i) Staff meetings shall be held every Friday.‘lor the ‘purpose 01 doing the pobtmortem and handling the da\-to-day running ol the paper irjcluding linancial matters; ii) Editorial meetings shall be held c\cry Monda! for the purpose ofdiscussing and approving editorials. comments. and stall’ columns. Regular meetings shall be conducted according to Roberts’ Rules of Order. The quorum for regular meetings .shall be five (5) voting staff membe’rs. Prpxies shall be permitted for voting stall members who arc either absent for a regular meeting or H ho can only attend part of a regular meeting. ‘I he prosy IIILN besubmitted in writing to thccditororthcchairpcrson ol’thc meeting. Voting stall members can only hold one proxy each. . L I





Amendments to policies and procedures shall be made by a policies and procedures meeting. , A politics and procedures meeting shall be called by a vote by a simple majorit) ol’ koting stall members at any regular meeting. Two week’s notice of a policies and procedures meeting shall be given in the Imprint. The wordiqb of the proposed amendments to poJicies and procedures must be posted on the Imprint bulletin board one week befor the policies and procedures meeting. The quorum for the policies and procedures meeting shall be ten (10) voting staff members. Amendments t0 pohc~esand procedures shall be made by two-thirds maJorit) \ etc.

Attention Returning Staff: A policies & procedures meeting will be .held in the office, CC 140, on September 14th at 200 p.m. Further revisions are planned at that time. V’. h ”


co-OP RESIDENCES Accommodation For

Winter 1985



$1158 Waterloo Co-op operates three small residences within walking distance from the UW and the WLU campuses. Each resident is, required to do three hours of duties each week. The duties vary from serving dinner to washing floors, from taking minutes at a meeting to making minor repairs. Working together & sharing responsibility for the operation of the residence contributes to the strong sense of community, characteristic of the Co-op residences. Summer


Co-op offers you substantial financial benefits if you’re willing to accept this responsibilty. Waterloo Co-operative Residence is studentowned and operates independently of the Universities. You do not have to study under the Co-op system to live at the Co-op residences; the word “Co-operative” here means that the residences are owned and controlled democratically by the students who live there.


Accommodation For

Winter 1985






aterloo Co-operative Residence Inc. 280 PHILLIP STREET WATERLOO, ONTARIO N2L 3X1 (519) 884-3670

Back iYi 1964, the Beatles were dominating the Billboard charts, Republican Party Leader, Barry Goldwater was suffering a resounding defeat in the U.S. presidential election, and The Free Speech Movement was coming to the Berkeley campus. The Free Speech Movement was a sign that student unrest was growing at universities, imluding such little known places as the campus of the University of Waterloo. It was back in 1964 that a handful of students unhappy with the living conditions in the university residences, got together to discuss the possibility of starting a student housing cooperative which would offer an alternative lifestyle to that allowed by the administration-controlled university residences. Twenty years later, the Waterloo ‘Cooperative Residence Incorporated (WCRI) is one of the largest student housing co-operatives in North America, rivalling in size similar co-ops in Berkeley, California and Ann Arbor, Michigan. WCRI is also recognized as being one of the most successful and stable of all student co-operatives. The first house purchased by WCRI was at 140 University Avenue West. When UW administration got wind of the co-operative the project was almost crushed immediately. The academic patriarchs were shocked and appalled that both men and women were to be living under the same roof and threatened to expel the students involved if they carried out their original plan. ‘The situation was resolved when the house across the street was purchased, and in September 1964, the co-op was started with 141 University Aventie West housing 9 female students and 140 University Avenue West being the home of 27 male co-opers. What followed was an unlikely success story that seemed destined for failure at every turn along the way. WqRI’s services were caught up in the explosive expansion of universities in southern Ontario in the 60’s. While Dylan was wailing “How*does it FEEL...” over the airwaves the student owners were buying and selling buildings and gaining capital. Soon, a new building was being planned, and in May, 1966, the Dag Hammarskjold residence opened. Harnmarskjold (named after the former

secretary of the UN) was the first residence in North America built, owned, and operated by students. The three floors at “Hammar” were named after three student civil rights activists, Schwerner, Chaney, and Goodman who were murdered by the Klu Klux Klan in Mississippi while fighting for racial equity in the South. This symbolic act was a reflection of the times, students’ anger at the stystem, and their demands for social change. On June 24, 1967 the board of directors established a statement of purpose for WCRI, it in which students learn read, “a community through the experiences of different kinds and types of people...to provide low cost housing, with personal and social freedom, along with responsibility”. The behaviour of WCRI residents was soon to become an issue with Waterloo city council. In 1967, a Waterloo alderman, Russel Ledger, presented his council with a list of grievances against the members of WCRI. Ledger charged that WCRI had put up’ a glorified front “for loose morals”. He claimed that co-opers had stolen p&s and starved them to death and that on some occasions scantily clad girls and boys ran around the lawns in front of houses on the north side of University Avenue. He surnmed up by saying “The entire area is a disgrace to the city”. The alderman later withdrew all his charges after the residents at WCRI invited him to take a look at their operation. WCRI represented an autonomous entity to the University - the students could voice their opinion without fear of reprisal. An education committee was set up, producing material such as “Brief on University Action Concerning Student Use of Marijuana” (March 5, 1968). The liberal attitudes of students of WCRI of the day were not met w-ith universal approval from the community. WCRI also took a great interest in campus politics in the early days. On one occasion, over 200 bodies stormed the great hall of the Campus Center and called a general student meeting. Under the suspect smoQ haze, the Campus Center was declared a part of the co-op. The action resulted in the establishment of the turnkey facilities. (Due to

proper notice, the impromptu meeting was zlared illegal). In 1968, the Phillip Street complex, a 2.5 million deavour containing residence and apartment :ilities, was opened The buildings were not mpleted in time for the beginning of the fall term d students were forced to sleep in trailers and on 3 flqors of existing co-op buildings. The housing ortage was so drastic that there were ,a few mplaints from students. When 280 Phillip Street ally opened, the co-op had the, capacity to house 9~ 600 people and the future looked bright. However, a glut of housing and other intangibles bjected WCRI to a series of .ftiancial crises cing the corporation into receivership in 1972. was not until 1975 that WCRJ was able to get ;k on the road to financial stability. Inable to fill the buildings with students in the ‘ly 70’s the coop was desperate for people to jve in.. The low price housing attracted a ourful ar?ay of residents. In a handwritten 1019,from summer ‘70, one; Gordon “Red Light” arborn explained his troubles and strategy lcerning members of the Satan’s Choice bike g; ‘Most of the troublecentered around A4 1st. or for a vtiiety of reasons. One: people nsients andvisitors of the Choice. Thesevisitors 1 little regard for much...We had no trouble cting anyone, no matter how invalid the reason‘ s, and I admit most of the reasons were invalid 5.the peopletipstairs don’t like your hair arid/or ;u1motorcycle)“. Later the turbulence of the late 60’s things med down considerably during the 70’s. The ucture of the coop streamlined itself to become ter equipped -for such things as financial ergencies. By 1975 WCRI was back on the road %nancial stability, and by 1980 WCRI was once tin in the black. ‘he residence no longer Suffers from an image iblem in the neighbourhood (most of the ghbours today are also students). The twelve ses once owned by the coop have all been sold .elast 2 houses were sold in 1976) and the co-op N ‘consists of 3 residence buildings and 23’ lrtment buildings. The success of WCRI is lstantly used as an example by many other

North American student housing co-operatives. The Co-op is currently running approximately $200,000 surplus. One of the principles under which WCRI operates is the return of profit to the members. This is done mainly in the form of building improvements. WCRI is experiencing the same brick problem that has plagued the Married Students Apartments. The Board of Directors have stated that they would rather not resort to siw as a solution, but if they do, one thing is certain, the colour will be more sedate than the one used at Married Students. WCRI is also currently training a new General Manager. Along with. internal &sues, WCRI’s board of directors have taken a stance on a number of today’s social issues. .As an expression of their distaste for! the South African government’s apartheid policy, WC-RI recently switched their ‘&counts from the Bank of Montreal to the Royal Bank of Canada.- The Bank of Montreal provides loans to the South African Government. WCRI also deals with Bridgehead Trading, a company involved in the purchase of coffee and- tea from 3 places such as Nicaragua and Tanzania. Bridgehead makes sure that money made from these ventures is used to heip with developments in these countries. ., One of the major problems facing WCRI today is student apathy. Some.people point to the fact that today students are generally more apathetic than ‘they ‘were 20 years ago, a result of the intense career oriented eduqation offered at UW which leaves time for little else but one’s schoolwork Other people argue that, ironically, the apathy is a ----‘IL 01 -* me IL- success -__----- ox -I- T.TP+%=+T -2--- mugs L-B-Z-a- we ^-resun WGN, smce running so well, people tend not to be concerned. It is hoped that one of the ways of combatting apathy will take piace on the September 22nd-23ird weekend this year. All past members of the co-op are bew intited back (along with their families) to take part in the festivities. There will be booths set up, free entertainment and a free steak dinner for any past member. -one interested in attending the 20th Universary party can get more information from the WCRI office, 8843670, or by contacting Glenn O’Rourke at 8887137.

“’ I _. ,-. - ‘L1

, L .




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To celebrate its 20th anniversary, WaterlooCooperative Residence will be throwing a party on the September 22nd-23rd weekend., The date coincides with5 the co-op’s first general meeting, held back in 1964. . A bar-b-que will be he!d on the Saturday afternoon, and past and present members.wN be treated to a free roast dinner. The dinner offer is extended to non-members for the minimal cosli of $5.00. If you are interested in attending the celebration (particularly the meal part of it), the co-op would.apprecjate notification by about two weeks in advance. You can drop by the office at 280 Phillip Street or give them a call at 884:3670 to let them know your intentions. Along with the meal there will be a stage show that will start Saturday afternoon and run into the evening. There is also the possibility that a beer tent will be set up, but this must first pass various stages of approval. If you are coming in from out of town on the Friday or Saturday, you can bring your sleeping bag, etc., as space will be provided if you wish to sleep overnight. You will also be free to camp on the grounds if you so desire. If youwould rather sleep more comfortably, the co-op will set up hotel accomodations.






4, 1984 .,-,






by David

The Campus Centre is a building which houses services of interest to the entire university community. The bank, barber shop, post office, cafeteria and pub are patronized heavily by all groups on campus. Other areas such as the Great Hall and the rooms off the Great Hall, and the Games Rooms, are patronized almost exclusively by students. In recognition of the fact that students are the prime users of the latter mentioned areas, a Campus Centre Board is proposed on which students predominate. It is not intended by this that the Board concern itself exclusively with policies and programs that interest only students; in fact, one objective of the Board might be to attract more faculty and staff to the Campus Centre.



Terms of Reference

People and Development

of the Campus


In accordance with University policies, within the resources available, and within the areas not now assigned to tenants, to the Federation of Students and to Food Services: 1. Determine the type of programming for the Centre. 2. Determine the type of services to be offered in the Centre. 3. Determine the criteria for the allocation and use of space. 4. Determine the hours of opening of the Centre and of the various services in it. 5. As requested. advise the management of thecampus Centre through the Director of Employee and Student Services. 6. Submit a Report to the President in February of each year.

Membership Eight places for undergraduate students: one place for students elected in each of Arts, Engineering‘A’. Engineering’B‘, Environmental Studies, Human Kinetics and Leisure Studies, Integrated Studies, Mathematics and Science. (Except in Engineering, if a student member is unable to attend meetings IOr an cntirc term. the rclcvant Society Prcsidcnt may appoint a substitute w ho meets the criteria for election). ‘I he Director 01 Employee and Student Scr\ itch. Chairman to bc clccted lrom amongst the members. lour non-voting obscr\crs: - f’rcsidcnt. I-edcration of Studcnth,. I’rcsidcnt,

Two-year contract, Salaries paid by overseas employer at tocal rate, airfare/ I insurance/orientatio In provided by CUSO.








rcprcscntati\ e elcctcd Iron1 the employ ccs 01 the Campu< C’cnlrc. Sccrclar! (non-\ oting) pro\ idcd by the Sccrctariat.


of Office

The term of office of elected members is one year, beginning on April 1. No elected member may serve for more than two years on the Campus Centre Board. (Membership on the previous Campus Centre Board will be counted as service.) It ~I~IYC consccuti\c meetings are missed without being

Interested in a summer 1985 placement? Contact the Waterloo CUSO office by November 30, 1984. 2080 Needles Hall 885-1211 ext. 3144 INFORMATION MEETING Monday, September 17, 7:30 p.m. Adult Recreation Centre 185 King St. S., Waterloo CUSO...Canada and The Third World Working Together



the- Chairman.

a \acanq




Except for the observer, an elected member cannot be an employee of the Campus Centre.



Elections will be held in March each year with the exception that the Engineering Society which is off campus during the winter term will hold its election during November in the preceding fall term. Election to fill vacancies will be held at the discretion of the



of Undergraduate



I. Elections of undergraduate students shall be the responsibility of the undergraduate student organization (normally the Society) within each Faculty. Where more than one organization operates within a Faculty, the presidents of each of the organizations together will develop the election procedure. 2. Should an undergraduate student society fail to meet its responsibility to run elections, within the election period designated, the Federation of Students shall run the election for the Faculty.

Quorum A quorum is three elected members, plus the Director Employee and Student Services or designate.




The meeting of the Campus Centre Board will be open unless _ the Board moves into Confidential Session by a majority vote.


of the President

The President of the University, when possible in consultation with the Chairman of the Campus Centre Board, may alter, reverse. or institute practices and procedures related to the Campus Centre Building and the Board as he/she deems necessary in the circumstances. Adapted: April, 1982 Rc\









1. Campus Centre Board elections must be held during the period March 1 - I5 inclusive, with the exception that the Engineering Society which is off campus during the winter term will hold its election during November in the preceding fall term. 2. The Campus Centre Board Chairman will request the Federation of Students to conduct an election in an undergraduate constituency if the appropriate undergraduate student organization(s) within that constituency has/ have not confirmed an intention to conduct an election by March 1 (November 1 for the off-term engineering society). 3. At least two weeks prior to the date of any election, the’ student organization responsible for conducting the election must issue a call for nominations by placing notices on bulletin boards throughout the constituency, and by advertising in student society newsletters/ newspapers or in the Imprint. 4. Nominations must be submitted at least one week prior to the date of the election. 5. A report detailing the election results (including the name, address and phone number of the elected candidate) must be filed with the Campus Centre Board Chairman within one week of the date of the election. 6. The term of office of elected members is one year, from April I. No elected member may serve for more than two years on the Campus Centre Board as defined in the Board’s terms of reference. Approved by the Campus Centre Board February 7, 1983.

es Rooter, (2.) tukirlg it twy~~ iti t/w G’wut Hul Imprint



of this world


by David




All you wanted “to- know were afraid to as The Red Cross







4, 1984.



but .


We all have our heroes. The quarterback who makes the winniqg touchdown, the explorer who discovers untouched realms, the surgeon who saves a life. We applaud the skill and daring of the athlete, the adventurer, and all those who meet and overcome great challenges. But at the Red Cross, we have a special interest in a different kind of courage. The cburage it takes to donate blood for the first time, often in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people, knowing that your blood will soon be helping someone else. The courage it takes to put your well-being in the hands of others, time after time, as a regular donor. The kind of courage that inspires a lot of people to get out and fight. To give the blood that saves lives. To be:heroes.yz%. Roll up and fight for life; It takes a different kind of courage.




Donating blood is probably much easier than you think. The actual process takes onl) 10 to 15 minutes. After that you can .take time for rest and refreshments and still be out in just over half an hour. All ready for the rest of your day. In fact, it’s so simple, it’s surprising that more peoplk don’t donate blood. We wish they did. Because the demand increases every year. And at certain times, especially during holiday seasons, our hospitals require much greater quantities of blood. The Red Cross needs blood donors. Especially regular ones. Because medical science has still not discovered a way to manufacture blood. So only you can give the gift of life. Each year, volunteer donors contribute eve; a million pints of blood. Because of them, more than 225,000 patients in Canadian hi>spitals receive free transfusions of whole blood and of its various components, such as plasma and cryoprecipitate. It takes a lot of reminding, explaining and encouraging to get people to give blood. But we’re happy to do it.





Surgery: Often your donation may be used as whole blood in major surgery involving the stomach, lungs and other vital organs. Think of it this way: without blood transfusions, innovative surgery such as heart, kidney, and bone marrow transplants would not be possible. Hemophillia: Cryoprecipitate, a remarkable substance derived from fresh blood, is rich in Factor VIII, which provides the clotting power a hemophiliac’s blood lacks. Without the availability of cryoprecipitate, hemorrhaging becomes a daily fear for hemophiliacs. Specific Bleeding Problems: Some of the problems may be helped by the use of plasma: the liquid portion of the blood.

prick your finger to determine _c’our hemoglobin lebel and blood Plasma is quick-fro/.en and kept on hand in hospitals. Anemia: When plasma is drawn off a unii of blood, - group. concentrated red cells remain. These cells are used to replace the 3. If you’kc donated bcl‘ore, show us your donor card. it lists missing red cells in a’nemic patients. you,’ blood t)pe and the last time J’OU gave. (Donations should Leukemia and other Malignancies: Platelets, components be no more frequent than once cvcry three months.) found in the blood of normal, healthy donors, are necessary to 4. After ~,ou‘c.e sipped on a juice. one of‘ our volunteers will control bleeding episodes in certain patients. show you to a bed, where a nurse will prepare 4.0~. Yes, we do Infectious diseases: To combat infectious diseases, a protein use a needle and. JXS, u’c do take almost a pint of blood but, NO, derived from the blood of normal healthy people is used. This 1T DOESN’T HU RI’. Rcalll,. ll‘it did hurt. WC wouldn’t haie so substance is called gamma globuiin. man>’ repeat donors. Extensive burns: Another protein called serum albumin is 5. As the bag beside J’OU fills, our nurses and \.oluntecrs will used specifically to treat patients suffering from extensive burns make sure !ou* l’ccl l‘inc at all times. Which J’OU undoubttedlj or depletion of tissue liquids. will. In fact, ~*ou’ll probably start chatting to ~,ou; neighbour on “R h Babies”: “Rh Babies” are babies born with a blood the next cot. disorder called hemolytic disease of the newborn.- When R h 6. When j’ou’vc finished. we’ll stick on a bandage and ask you immune globulin is given to Rh negative mothers shortly after to lit down in our rest arca l’or a l’cw nlinutcs. the birth of Rh positive infants, it reduces the chance of future 7. At the end 01’ it all, you’re wclcomc to-join us for juice. tea. children being born with this disease. col’fcc and cookies. Or, if \‘ou ha\c to rush ot‘t‘ again, jlou‘rc How to give blood painlessly. welcome to do that. too. You should feel like nothing unusual 1. Visit one of our permanent or mobile Red C’ross Blood has happened, and b’our plasma will rcplcnish itself within 24 Donor clinics. Anytime you can spare a half hour or so. And be hours. sure to have a meal that day before you visit. 8. And last, but dcl‘initcly not lcast, please come back. Agail! 2. The first thing we’ll do is ask about your health, recent and and again. And roll up your slcc\cs. The pcoplc ~hosc li\cs past illness, whether you’re on medication, etc. It’ for any you’re fighting lot- rcall! need Iour punch. reason, ,fbu shouldn’t gi\,c blood, ~,+~‘lltell J’OU. 11.ye/u can. \i.s’ll Red Cross Society

Type. 0 blood donors special

Guardian .

’ Drugs




I ape 0 blood donors are special. Hospitals need to keep a rcscr\‘c supply, of’ TVpc 0 blood because in an cmcrgcncy, type 0 blood can be gibcn to patients of any blood type (0, A, B and AB). However, type 0 patients must receic,c only tl’pc 0 blood. I he Red Cross counts on t,vpc 0 donors to donate thcit blood regularly to ensure an adequate supply for patients in Canadian hospitals.

Campus Pharmacy

Red Cross Society

Volunteers needed The Southwest Regional Office of the Canadian Red Cross Society will be running three blood donor clinics at U W over the course ol’thc fallterm. Volunteers arc needed to run the clinics. For more info, phone Marilyn Logan at 7444272. I’hc date, time, and location ,ot’ the first clinic is Scptembcr 25th in Village 2, North 102, from 2 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 1 he dates of the second and third clinics are October 25th and NoLcmber 29th. I’imcs and locations will be announced shortly.

We Accept Student Drug Plan

Open to serve you at , ’ Convenient Hours Mon. Saturday ’ Sunday


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Imprint, Tuesday, September

4, 1984.


irth c nt r The Uniccrsity of Waterloo Birth Control Centre is rcsponsiblc for this article. It isn’t meant to answer all J’our qucscions on birth control. but merely to gi\e you an understanding ol‘thc basic information. ll’~ou do habe questions, or are thinkingol‘usinganl ol‘thcsc methods ol birth control. we suggest that J’OU first contact jour farnit>. doctor. Health and.Safet> (here at the Uni\ersitJ,). or the Birth Control Centrein room 206 of the Campus Ccntrc. ext. 2306.





Intercourse dependent met hods 1 he two methods 01 this catcgorj. foam condom and the diaphragm. must bc used propcrIy at each act of intcrcoursc it the! arc to -prc\>nL pregnanq et’fcGi\c~tJ~. .I hc> both intcrlcrc with the ‘spontancit}.’ 01‘ se,\ somcuhat. but hale sc~cral adiantagcs to compensate for this: both partner> can share in the USCof the met hods, there is no serious rish or side cl’l‘ccts to 1hc u Oman. and t hcrc is tcs!, need for a visit to the doctor. I.) Foam and C‘ondom: I‘he condom is prcscntt) the onl! birth control dciicc used b! the man. It is an casill a\ailablc. rclati\cl\ cheap method 01 contraception and gi\cs some protection against \ cnercal discasc. Hccausc thcrc arc no qualit} standards lor condoms in Canada. Jou should purchase them ont! from a good pharniaq. I hc condom must be put on the lu-ll\ crcct penis bclorc there is an\ :ontact with the woman’; genitals. I his is extrcmcl! important. as the zrminat fluid appearing at the tip of the man’s penis (long bclorc ejaculation) contains \ iablc sperm which can swim I ram an! moist arca near the Lagina all the wa! into the uterus to Icrtili/c an egg, and cause pregnanq. A small hpacc. containing no air. should bc Iclt at the end 01. the condom to recciie rhc semen. Vasctinc. oils. or lotions sho~~ld ne\ cr bc used as lubricants. a5 they cause the condom’s rubber to dcteriorarc. II is strongI! rcconimcndcd that a contraccptilc loam (e.g. I>cllcn. Emko) bc usid b> the woman when the man is using the condom. .i hc USC01‘ both topethcr increases the mcthod’~ ctlccti\cness to about 95(,(. I hc container 01 loam should bc shahcn \cr! well lo mix the acti\c ingrcdicnt into the base. and then the applicator (which comes with the package) is pushed dew ii o\cr Itic head 01 the container. .I hc applicatoi bill fill wiith loam. which then should bc inscrtcd deep into the vagina. I he applicator should bc pushed into the vagina ai tar as it w;l go :omlortabl>. then draw back approximately one inch and the ptungc~ leprcsscd to place the loam near the ccr\is. Contraccpliic loam slio~~ld bc used l~\e to llilrl! minutes nclorc intercourse to cnsurc adcquarc spreading 01 rhc loam. Alter the man has :jaculated. he should uitdraw Iron1 Iht vagina as soon as possible. holding the base of the condom so as not to any scmcn to leak out. Most l’ailurcs with the loam-and-condom method OCCLI~lrom brcakagc (1romanoId ordclccri\ccondom. or bccau\cno space i\as lclt 2t the end). Iron1 l‘aiturc to put the condom on bclore all pcn~s-\uI\a Jontact. or because the man sla>s in too long and his penis shrinks. illowing scmcn to Micahout around the bottom ol the condom. II an! 01 .hcse things happen. an c1ti.a appticaror 01‘ loam. inscrtcd immcdiatel~ nto Ihc vagina. will http to prc\cnt prcgnanc!‘. I1 inlcrcoursc is rcpcalcd. a nc~ condom and an additional applicilror .)l‘foam should bc used. ll’thc woman uishcs to douchc.shc should wait it least eight hours al‘tcr inlcrcoursc. Hot h condoms and loams arc i\ailablc without prescription al an! good pharmac!. !.) The Diaphragm: .I he diaphragm is a dome-shaped. rubber dc\icc rhal lirs o\cr the :cr\ ix and holds contraccpti\e cream ot-Jell! against the opening 01 Ihc :cr\ ix. thus bloching the cntr!’ 01 sperm. A diaphragm should bc litlcd 3~ a doctor or trained nurse. who chooses rhc correct si/c for rhc homan’s inlcrnaj shape. Ncirhcr Ihc bowci nor the btaddcr should bc l‘ull \\ hen rhc diaphragm s l’ittcd. and the fit should bc chcchcd al tcra wcighr gain or loss ol more han lcn pounds. or al’tcr abdomina.1 surgcr!. About one and one hall ca+poons of spcrmicidat cream or jCtl! (c.g. Ortho-(;>nol or.Ortho:‘rcmc) is spread around the inside 01 the diaphragm dome. and cslra cll~ is spread around the inside rim bclorc the diaphragm is inscrtcd. You must learn to insert I hc diaphragm corrcctI>. so that it co\ crh the :cr\ix complctcly. One of the major causes of an unplanned prcgnanq n diaphragm users is incorrect insertion. Correct insertion is usually most casll! taught b! one woman lo inother. but the doctor should be able to help JOU. You should always :heck to make sure the diaphragm is in corrcctj’ b> l‘ccling ! our ccr\ i\ hith one or two l‘ingcrs in the Lagina. It is eas! to l’ccl rhc rubber :overing the cer\ ix. 1 he diaphragm should bc inscrtcd no more than one hour bcl’orc ntercourse and be Icl’t in for eight hours al‘lcrward. It doesn’t interfcrc it all with sensation. either for the man or the woman. Douching. it‘ lone and it isn‘t ncccssaq’. should bc Icl’t until after the diaphragm is -emoted. An applicator full ol’contracepti\c foam should be used il‘!,ou ha\c ntcrcourse again with the eight hour period. r\;eithcrcontraccpti\cjcIt! lor foam is Icry cll’ecti\e uhcn used w.ithout the diaphragm. The el’fectileness of intercourse-dependent met hods \arJ from iround 80$i to 98~/i depending of how conscicntiousl! the methods are Ised, and how naturally fertile the couple is (about I()‘( of all people arc ess than maximall) fertile). .I he biggest factor in the cffccfilencss 01 hese methods is the users themselccs.



I he two methods in this category, the f’ill and the I U I). intcrlcrc \ery ittle with the spontaneity of sex, but both require a doctor’s zxamination and prescription lor the woman. Both expose women to ;ome medical risks (which are much less serious than the medical risks If pregnancy), and both cannot be used by some women. The Pill: The birth control pill usually comes in 21-day packs. I he first qclc ,tarts five days after the beginning of the woman’s menstrual period and :nds when the pack is finished. One pill must be taken ecery day at the ;ame time every day. The pill contains hormones much like those normally present in a woman’s body and these must be maintained at a :onstant level in the blood to prevent pregnancy. The contraceptive action cannot be guaranteed during the first cycle. md so another method of contraception, such as loam and condom, ,hould be used. After a pack of pills is finished, there is a seven day’rest’ period during ,vhich there is a light menstrual period, and the next cycle of pills is ,tarted on the same day as the previous cycles. If any pills are missed, hey should be taken as soon as possible. If more than two pills are taken off schedule, you should continue aking the pills, but use another method of birth control until the end of



Man! \\omcn ha\c minor side cllccts when taking the pill. \uch as stigh; ~cight gain or a change in rhcir compIc.\ions. I hcsc are usually not berious, but the lollow ing side cllccts shouldn’t bc ignored; if )‘ou cxpericncc double Lision. sc\cre hcadachcs or pains in the legs. stop tahing the pill (USCanother lorm 01 birth control)and XC ~ourdoctoras hoon as posslblc. .I tic pill is the most cll’cctiic contraccpti\e a\aitabtc today. It is ncarlq iO()‘r ellecti\c il tahcn propcrl!. -I hc pill is a poucrlul medication and should bc used under regular superI ision 01 a doctor. The Intrauterine Device (Iti D) .I he IU I) is a small plastic loop. 7-shape or1 -shapc( ma) be wound with copper) \i hich is inserted into the womb b\ a doctor. and is cllecti\e in prc\enting prcgnanq. as tong a:, it is in place. It is thought to work b> drawing w hitc blood cells to thu ~\omb. prcicnting the Icrtitiled egg Irom implanting. I n addition. t hc copper in some I U I)‘s is a good spermicidc. .I hc 1U II doc\n’t prc\ent conception, but it dots prc\ent rhc dc\clopment of the Icrtitijed egg. l>cpcnding on the t> pc. t U 1)‘s can be Iclt in place for one jeai-. tw 0 1cars. or many J’ears. 1hc 1U II is inscrtcd during a menstrual period to cnsurc that a woman is not pregnant. and to make insertion easier. insertion takes place in the doctors office, usuait) without anacsthctic. and there IS usually some cramping and pain upon insertion. You can help rcducc the potential pain b) tahing a mild painhitter bcl’orc going to set the doctor. Man women cxpcricnce hcalicr, more painlul periods on an 1UD. but periods normall) bccomc less se~crc the tongcr a woman has used an I U I). Some women ha\c modcrate to sc\ere cramping and pain l‘o~ sc\cral da! s alter an IU II is inscrlcd. It the pain persists or IS \ery sc\crc. see !our doctor. I hc lU I> is bcruecn 92’ ,( and 9X!; cl’lccti\c. dcpcnding upon the Icngth ol time the IUD has been IH place. the 1) pc 01 IU i) and the indi\ idual woman. .I hc most common I U 1)‘s lor cotlcgc women seem to bc the copper wound and hormonal 1) pcs. .I hc hormonal I U L) cc)sts approsimatcl! cighl times as much as the copper 11ound I U 1). and must bc rcptaccd c\cry >.car. and isn’t quite as cl’l’ccri\c but it usually rcduccs rhc hca\\. painlul .pcriods associated wiith IUII’s.



Other names lor natural birth control includes! mptothcrma. i3illings or rhythm methods. .I hcsc arc all based on the lact that most women OLularc about I4 da!s bcl‘orc the start of their next menstrual period. Since the egg can li\c in the hod} for onl! about 24 hours. and sperm can Icrt iti/c an egg for about 72-X6 hours. most M omen can concci\ c for onl! about one wcch of their mcnstruaI qclc. All methods 01‘natural birth control attempt to dctcrminc this period b! monitoring the bodj‘s signals 01 o\ ulation. including taking tempcraturc readings daily. and clamination 01 vaginal mucus. C’arcl’uI records must bc hcpt. oltcn lor as long as six months, until a woman’s lcrtijc period is hnown. Intcrcoursc can then bc aloidcd at this rime. or one 01 the inlcrcoursc dcpcndcnt mclhods can be used. I hcsc methods cannot bc used \+ithout training and considerabtc committmcnl to the method. In addition. young coltcgc I\ omen under the stress of scht)otuork and clams. or an) woman who has irregular qclcs. may not adequatcl cstabtish a qclc regular enough to USCnatural birth control cl‘l’ccti\clJ’.


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I hcrc arc dil‘lcI-cnt r! pcs 01 morning after pills a\ailablc but all do the same thing: prc\ent the lertitilcd egg lrom implanting on the wall 01 the 01 uterus. .I hc pill tahing scqucnce must start uithin 72 hours intcrcoursc to bc at all cl‘lccti\c, but it is be>t to start thc’mol-ningaltcr’. I hcj can cause vomiting and nausea. I hcsc pills will onI> be gi\cn once bccausc the long term ellccts 01 Ircalmcnt arc ~~nclcar. ‘I hc! must bc prcscrlbcd b! a doctor. I hq arc not birth control. A woman can get pregnant cicn ~\hilc raking them. I his medication is dispcnscd b! doctors at HcaIth and Salct! togclher with a talh about birth control to help a woman prcicnt an! luture need lor thih medication.




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bclorc eSjacutation (called coitu\ Withdrawal. 01’ puhng out. interuptus) is not an cllccri\k method. nor is the use 01 contraccptiic loam atone. Methods which are not at all cl‘lecti\e include l‘cmininc h>.gicnc products. douching. urinating dirccttj alter intcrcoursc. brcastlccding a bab\. or just plain tahing a challcc.



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_. .

research I

Page Fl


W PIRG can also pro\,ide j*ou with the opportunity to work current issues- Some of the research for the WPlRG publication Acid Ruin:.rk Silerlr C’risis was conducted by U 01‘ W students. This book has enjoyed wide-scale distribution as one o-f the first books on this issue. The WPLRG resource centre contains literature on social justice and envirunmcntal issues (some sources are not available on

elsew.here) which can be borrowed for course work. Becoming a member of WPlR(i’s board of directors provides you with the oppdrtunityof learning organisational s’kills and tips for group decision-making. I‘his fall, WPIRG has two ’ openings on its board of directors. With W,PlRC;. you can help organise events on Current iisues. Past events organ&d b;) U of W students include a presentation on the du’mping of pesticides in the third world and world food day. ‘I-his f& W PI RC; plans to co-ordinate a student work-group which will be responsible for organi/.ing campus events. 1 _


elease 2 fluid ounces of Yukon la& a dash of iuice tiorn an unsuspehing lime, tumble them 1 over ice and you’ll have T m skinned the-snake Bite. ’


And W PI RG is flexible - so if you have a good idea, come and see us. A number of inquiries concerning the social impacts of computerisation, prompted W PI RG to brganize a conference on this theme. If >‘ou are interested in being involved with a WPIRG borkgroup.the technology conference, popular education, research, or the board of dircc’rors. drop by the Campus Centre Room 2 17 ( IO:00 to LOO) or look for our display in the Campus Centre. See you soon. Board & Staff N’PIRG

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U of W, revisited: 1988 nightmare -

The State

by Brad Sczdynski The other night I dreamt it was 1988 and I was back at the Jniversity of Waterloo and there had been a few changes made. The conference room in Hagey Hall wasn’t what it used to be. ‘he furniture was the same, only the wall plaques had changed. io longer were the sober faces of Descartes, Russell, Socrates, ‘late, Kant, and Hume, staring at the room’s inhabitants. The laques are now tributes to our modern world, our grave Bciety. Now Conrad Black, Randolph Hearst, Nelson Bunker Iunt, J. Paul Getty, and John’F. Basset, glare at everyone with leir beady little eyes, and their piggish “I’m richer than you” leers. I walked in on a meeting of the university minds and saw the eads of Big Business, chomping on their fat cigars, atid reaming sweat - a product of their bloated waistlines and high lolesterol diets, air conditioned limos, and the pressures of the lrporate world. They were deciding whether to knock down !e old psychology building because, as IBM educational rep., rtie Amplebum, put it “You can’t find a bloody thing in there. o one studies that shit anymore anyway. And the apes aye all :ad because the banana bills were gettidg outrageous. I think : should just bulldoze the place and put up a nice square wilding, square’s very nice.” U W president, Bugs Fright, and UW student president Al Dmlinson, sat in the corner nodding their heads wildly; “More ‘ms for Libya” mumbled Tomlinson, until he was stopped ort by his press secretary, Joan Zeigler, who jammed a huge llipop into his cakehole, and smiled abjectly at all the porters in the room. Downstairs at Hagey Hall, 1 stqpp.ed to check the coming tractions. Not being too interested in either Lawrence Welk, llio Iglesias, mud wrestling, or George Burns, I headed for the impus Centre to see how my fellow students were doing. I und they were doing very well. Everyone is rich and drives a big car at the U niversit), 01‘ aterloo. 1 hc students come from Oakville, Forest Hills, and jsedale. No one wears denim, They have been taught at home it denim is not for the I’uture pillars of our society. Sergio and lcci are in, anJ,thing laded is out. Only poor people weal led clothing. I he Campus Centre is a miasma of‘ red. green and yellow, h million dollar.smiles lighting up the Great Hall. A huge ,hing billboard tells c\cryone that the day’s fun will nmcncc at 9 p.m. at Federation Hall. The hall is filled with gigantic video screens and mirrors, no e has to worry about having to talk to someone, they can all very drunk and take off at midnight to have water fights, or t their pants. The 1ucky”lad will drag his fewale home and lybe get his pants off before it’s all over. In the morning. plans 1 be made to head to the cottage for the weekend and after :y have both headed off to class, the maids will come into-the om and replace the soiled linen with fresh, cledn sheets. The local club scene is equally morose, bars filled with junior les executives, sipping on light beers and Singapore slings, Iring at huge plastic ferns and stuffed extinct animals nailed the wall, staring at each other and at themselves in mirrors, lximizing their options. And the.women come and go without York of Michaelangelo... The student newspaper had changed face somewhat also. The d story was about how the engineers has been cleared on urges pertaining to the sacrifice of three Fine Arts students at : Welcome Back Stag. The judge agreed that the act was ely intended to promote class spirit, was not intended to be 1, and was therefore okay with him. The Donald Johnson ;e was used by the defense. “You can never really be sure who led someone”, Judge Bed bug added. The feature pages of the papercontained a tribute to the pride 1 joy of U W, the first fully automated human being. PL23J5 s given a walkman on his first birthday and the rest is history. IC claims that PL is the most productive employee ever to 1988 -

Page Flc




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4, 1984;


7, No. 2; The

Campus by Not Ms. Sandy Townsend Dimprint stuffer The moral integrity and the financial viability of U W‘s Campus Recreation program has been destroyed since allegations regarding a bribery and kickback scheme were made public. The scheme involved officials, conveners, organizers and players in an elaborate plan to defraud the University of money destined for the program. The University via the Athletic Department was pumping money into what it thought was a successful program. In actual fact, the money was going in ,the pockets of a select group of highly placed criminals. The secret to the success of the plan was the reporting of games that were never played, between teams that had never




of Berlin,



ec imm existed. at facilities never heard of, all at different times. This made it appear as if there wzre many more teams, players, officials and conveners involved than there actually were. The Campus Ret program was receiving money based on the number of participants; therefore the greater the number of people involved, the greater the amount of money received. This extra cash was pocketed by the villains who had been operating this scheme for years. An official news release from the publicity co-ordinator at Campus Recreation categorically denied the very existence of such a scheme saying that the, “charges are ridiculous, absurd and outright lies”. The release also regretted that the director was unavailable for comment but announced that he would read a prepared statement upon his return from Brazil.’ (Ya right).

l!!!!!!!!! ~1he criminals’s a non-existant received money return the cash earned it. Now

fatal mistake wab sending an actual referee to game. -I he t-cl‘ (b ho shall remain nameless) for a game he ne\ei- borkt’d. He attempted to but the super\ isor of‘ officials said, “You have take the *c(&(*‘:‘i;*a: money and shut up!”

The rcf then contacted the Dimprint wanting to tell his story. -1 he story was first buried and then killed bq previous editors. It is only coming to light now af‘ter months of‘in\estigation by a crack team of reporters, cithcr that or because I was not getting ml fair share of‘ the kickback money. Because 1 turned inlormer and blew the whistle on the scheme: I Mas alloued to go “scott free”. The others (that is, those whc were caught) were sentenced to lengthy jail terms. Remember readers, crime does not paq’! (At least, in this case, not enough)

by Wild Kinky Dimprint stuffer Friday night at club Lava 22 was one I’ll never forget! It was the Dead Sheep! Sparse instrumentals, reverbating synths filling in the gaps with haunting, ambient sounds! Lead singer Mouton Morte, his daring head bristling with lacquered goldfish head hear, sang articles from USA Today and talked to the heart of neo-colonial expansionism in our slowly mortifying culture of this, our Canada, which gasps its last breaths of independence in a void or urgency! In a sort of Laurie Anderson monotone, Mr. Morte chanted the ingredients off a bag of bread -- an insightful, startling declaration of our chemicallyenriched mentality! Balancing on the head of drummer

#1988 nightmare 4D E‘roni Page FIS grace their payroll. PL is completely incapable of carrying on a conversation with another human being but, as his mother puts it, “He’s very content”. The rest of the paper was dedicated to the stock market. ‘I he Bombshelter has been boarded up about two qears prc\ious; Sept. 1986 to be exact. Some demented D.l had started playing old Phil Ochs and Bob Dylan tunes and before long the regulars at the Bombshelter MCI-~‘ participating in free and open debate. smoking the accursed weed, complaining about the insensitivities of big business, and other such outrageous acts. Only quick action by the Federation of Students pre\,ented these sentiments from spreading among the student population. The Bombshelter Bunch were denounced as “unorganized cultists” kicked out of university, and the Bombshelter was closed forever. The Feds quickly rewarded themselves by giving themselves a thirty percent increase in pay and extending their terms in office indefinitely. Back in Hagey Hall conference room UW prez. Mr. Fright, was rocking back and forth, wild eqred and drooling. He was singing the ofticial U W anthem. “an oldlc but a goodie” as hc once called it: “Lo\ely to ha\pe not to ha\e not Big Business is \‘ery WISE! We’re crashing o\‘er to Free Enterprise THIS 1s NOT A LOVE SONG TH1S IS NOT A LOVE SONG” He threw his head back, laughing madI>!, looking like Lear, Grendel and the Wizard of 01, all rolled into one... 1 woke up in a cold sweat, and rushed to the bathroom. I just got my head into the porcelain bow/l in time. I don’t really feel like sleeping much thche dabs.

Fleece d’Breece, Mr. Mortc challenged the audience which danced endlessly in the trance of the Dead Sheep. “It’s what I came for -- tc hear something I never hear< before”, said one fan whc calls himself Rasputin ZZYZ:nd ZlZZ”kdbee~‘bii tl? t floor. “I like it! It’s neat, real]! political”, said another SheeI fanatic! Lead guitarist Black Glance was adept a scratching out chords! Drun machine by Exceltronix! A dark night, steamy wit1 the lyrical hauntingnesz Friday’s Dead Sheep cancer saw the decadent outrages c the disintegrating West! WC the people, must pay heed tl these anthems of star doomsaying; lest we forgfz the horrors!

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