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45 , . f $ % ~ , * ~ ~ e dto s )be , used for campaign purposes in the coming weeks. Imprint staff ?$&?": Head of the OFS, Chaimerson Monika Turner. described the decision as "a pounce". she said "I don't really understand the should students at the University of Waterloo remain3&""piying reasons (for Waterloo's decision). This was sprung on us. There members of the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS)? This question will be answered by UW students, in a refer- was no pre-discussion", she added. Ms. Turner said that since June Waterloo has used OF% endum to be held on Monday, October 15th. Last week the Federation of Students executiveboard of direc- resources frequently. She made specific reference to work done in tors, and council, all voted overwhelmingly in favour of withdraw- preparation for the Bovey Commission. "Mitch (Retterath, Vice President, university affairs, for the Feds) and Peter (Klungel, the ing from OFS. The wheels for the referendum were set in motion on federation'external commlsw-ner.were phoning regularly", she Wednesday, September 15th, when the Federation executive voted stated Confused as to the suddenness of Waterloo's decision, Ms. unamimously in favour of withdrawing from the OFS The follow- Turner said that "Tom (Allison) had every opportunity to ing evening the Federation board of directors also voted un dntm. approach the OFS with any problems Waterloo may have had, but ouslv in favour of withdraw1 from OFS. Five members of the didn't". She added that "(I) knew that Tom was not versonallv happy with the OFS". r board are also members of the executive. Criticizing Mr. Allison's work as Treasurer of the OFS' Ms. 1 notification of UW's decision was given bv Fed Presiby Carl Davies and Petr Cirek

4#@ the oppoblte.

A bock view oj chariorew~in Wednesdayj EngSuc chor101 race.

Imprint photo by Brian OEver



- Fri., Sept. 21 Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literature: Film: “Hungejahre” by Jutta Bruckner, 1979. (Films by Women Film Makers) German, English subtitles - admission free. 8 p.m. ML-246. Marxist-Leninist Study Group. Organizational meeting. Agenda - election of executive and discussion of fall programme. 4:30 p.m. CC-1 35. The Mug Coffeehouse - 8:30 - Rick Piche. CC-1 10.

11:30 p.m. Singer

Birth Control Centre: Our trained volunteers provide non-judgemental, confidential counselling and information on all methods of birth control, planned and unplanned pregnancy, subfertility and VD. We also have an extensive lending library and do referrals to community agencies. Our hours are 9:30 - 4:30 in CC206, ext. 2306. We advocate responsible sexuality.

Salatul Jumua (Friday prayer) organized by the Muslim Students’ Association. University of Waterloo, CC- 135. 1:30 p.m. The Victor Jara cultural group is proud to present the Chilean folk group Inti-lllimani, in concert at Convocation Hall in Toronto, on September 21st, 1984 at 7:30 p.m.

Fed Flicks: Footloose, starring Kevin Bacon, Lori Singer, Dianne West and John Lithgow. Arts Lecture 1 lb, 8 p.m. Feds: $1. Others; $2.

Mushroom Mania Open House all day. At. 2:00 p.m. a special presentation by Dr. Bryce Kendrick of the University of Waterloo on the fascinating world of mushrooms. Bring along your “mystery mushrooms” for identification. Christian Worship on Campus. Sundays at lo:30 a.m., HH-280. Sponsored by Huron Campus Ministry. Everyone welcome. Chaplain Grahm E. Morbey.

- Sat., Sept. 22 -

Outer’s Club Kayaking in the PAC pool. 4 - 6 p.m. Sunday this term. Members only. every Memberships can be bought from PAC receptionist or at kayaking. Info? Mike 746-4005. Greek Students’ Association. A general meeting is taking place today, at 5:00 p.m. in room CC- 1 13. All Greek students are welcome to attend. Anglican Campus Ministry celebrates Holy Eucharist. Every Sunday, 9:30 a.m. East Lounge, Rm. 102, Village 2. Anglican Campus Ministry celebrates Holy Eucharist. 9:30 a.m. & 1I:00 a.m. St. Bede’s Chapel. Renison College. Chapel Service: informal service with modern music. Discussion to follow. Conrad Grebel College. , 7 p.m.

WATNEXT - a Perspective On Computing At Waterloo. J. Wes Graham, Dean of Computing. 12~30 p-m. - I:30 p.m. CPH 3385. Bombshelter opens 12 noon. DJ after 9:00 p.m. every evening. Feds: no cover. Others: $1 after 9:00 p.m.

Fed Flicks: see Friday. Bombshelter opens at 7:00 p.m. DJ after 9:00 p.m. every evening. Feds: no cover. Others: $1.OO after 9:00 p.m.

3- Sun., Sept. 23 -’ Fed Flicks: see Friday.

. d Bob Perry, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, at the Maranatha Christian Centre. 29 Young St. W., Waterloo. 7:00 p.m. There will be a meeting for all AIESEC members on Monday, September 24, in the CC. 5 p.m. All must Arts Student Union wine-and-cheese party. HH 373. attend. 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. $1 deposit on glass, gets you 3 free glasses of wine. Waterloo Jewish Students Association/Hillel invites you to our bagel brunches. A great place to meet people and hear speakers. 11:30 - 1:30 in CC 110.

- Tues., Septt 25 Outer’s Club Bike Ride to Heidleberg, St. Clements, and Erbsville. Come and see some of the local country by bike. Bring a lunch and meet in front of Campus Centre at 1O:OO a.m. All welcome.

- Mon., Sept. 24 Bombshelter opens 12 noon. DJ after 9:00 p.m. every evening. Feds: no cover. Others: $1.OO after 9:00 p.m. .

West Indian Lunch. CC Great Hall. 11:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m.

Norma Rae, starring Sally Fields is about one woman’s attempt to unionize a textile plant. Sponsored by the Woman’s Commission, Federation of Students. Feds: $1, All others: $2.7:30 p.m., AL 113.

Basic Rescuer CPR: An 8 hour course offering Ontario Heart Foundation Certification. Course includes training in One Man CPR, Two Man CPR, Infant Resuscitation and clearing an obstructed airway. Fee: Students $22, Staff/Faculty $25. 5:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m., Health Services Room 127. Preregistration required. Thanksgiving organizational

Hiking trip. Outer’s meeting. 4:30 p.m. CC 110.


Two resume writing skills sessions will be conducted for 1984-85 graduating students who will be participating in fall and winter interviews. The sessions will be held in Needles Hall, Room 1020 from 1I:30 - 12:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 25th and from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. on Wed., Sept. 26th. Caribbean Student Association General Meeting. 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. CC- 113. Applied Studies get togehter, McGuiness Landing 4 - 6 p.m. First year students especially welcome. Bob Perry, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, at the Maranatha Christian Centre. 29 Young St. W., Waterloo. 7:00 p.m.

- Wed., Se& 26 Evening Prayer and sermon. Conrad Grebel College Chapel - 4:30 p.m. JM Drama Alumi’s- “God Favorite”: St. Jerome’s Auditorium. Adults: $4; Seniors $3.50; children: $3. 1O:OO p.m., Candlelight Service of Holy Communion ‘in Keffer Memorial Chapel, Albert Street and Seagram Drive with coffee hour following, sponsored by Lutheran Campus Ministry.

. Huron Campus Ministry Fellowship Wednesdays 4:30 - 7:06 p.m. Common Meal: St. Paul’s Dining Hall. Fellowship Meeting: Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. All welcome. Graham E. Morbey, Campus Chaplain. Heaith*Wise Fitness Assessments are available through Campus Health Promotion. Includes a complete fitness evaluation and personal health profile. Recommendations for change are discussed with the fitness consultant. Students $15, Staff and Facultv $25. Phone 884-9629 for a one-hour appointment. Health and Safety.

CUSO Information Meeting. “Education...a Tool for Development.” Guest speaker: Marilyn Musgrove, CUSO education officer and former Field Staff Officer and teacher in Nigeria. 7:30 Rm. 3005, Math & Computer Bldg. University of Waterloo. 885-l 211 .ext. 3144 for details.

Maranatha Christian Students Association will be holding a dance, drama and mime workshop. Everyone welcome. 1:30 p.m. CC 113. Cinema Gratis - Madame X, 9:30 p.m. CC Great Hall. WPIRG Event: CONCENTRATED POWER IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY. “Who Pays? Who Profits?’ will be screened. Discussion with Allen Wilford, who authored Farm Gate Defense. 12:30 p.m. Rm. 135, Campus Centre, UW; 7:00 at the Kitchener Public Library. For info, 884-9020. ’ .Exploring the Christian Faith. Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m.; Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. Leader: Chaplain Graham E. Morbey. All welcome. GLLOW (Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo) Coffeehouse-in CC 110 beginning at 8:00 p.m. At 10:00 p.mr, those interested, will leave CC 110 to rendezvous at the Club downtown Kitchener. Call the GLLOWIine for details (884-4569). Rides available.

- Thurs., Sept. 27 WCF Supper Meeting: A Christian Approach to University Academics. Speaker: George Soulis. 4:30 Pam* - 6:45 p.m. Engineering 1, Room 2536. Bombshelter opens 12 noon. DJ after 9:00 p.m. every evening. Feds: no cover: Others: $1.OO after 9:00 p.m. Waterloo Jewish Students Association/Hillel invites you to our bagel brunches. A great place to meet people and hear speakers. 11:30 - I:30 p.m. in CC 110. W.I.S.E. General Meeting. Speaker: Jenny Theirs, Proctor G Gamble. Topic : “Women in Engineering and Management: an alternative to feminism”. Pr& lecture dinner at”Chances R” at 5:3On p.m. Advance tickets: $11.75. Contact Sharon at 884-4508 (after 5) E2-3324. 7:45 p.m. C.O.M.A. (Council on Mind Abuse): A film entitled “Cults: Choice or Coercion” will be shown followed by a discussion about cults. Cosponsored by Federation of Students and Waterloo Christian Fellowship. 8 p.m. MC 2065.

Evangelical Fellowship International: Mr. Joshua Daniel, an international speaker from India, will be the Guest Speaker. 7 p.m. CC- 135.

High-Quality exclusive posters on sale. Low price of $5.00. Wide selection of many artists. Come and select your posters for this term. Renisqn, CLG lo:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Outer’s Club General Meeting. Your second chance to come out and get in on the fun and adventure of . our fall hiking, canoeing, kayaking, climbing and cycling programs! CC 135 at 5:30 p.m.

Students for Life: Campus Pro-Life group has meetings every Thursday, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., in Campus Centre. Everyone welcome. CC 110.



with each panzerotti delitiered on campus

home of the “folded over pizza”


Before the game

,99C delivery charge on campus

Reduced prices afterwards for caris of






Mon. 4 p.m.-i2 Sat.

TuesJhurs. 11:30-l 2:00

p.m. 4 p.m.-2



4 p.m.-SO

Fri. 11:30-2 p.m.


,Newsa by Angie Salewsky Imprint staff In January 1485, a boat filled with material goods will leabe Vancoubcr for Nicaragua, on behalf of the Canadian project. “-1ools for Peace”. Nicaragua used to have economic ties with the United States, but now they have been cut off. IIn 1979, a popularly-supported revolution, led bq’ Sandinistas, overthrew the Some/a government and took pOWelm. For political reasons the United States has scvcred economic tics with the new


“Tools for Pcacc” is a Can.adian project aimed at supplying Nicaragua with needed materials such as medical supplies and drugs. heait h and safety cyuipmcnt. 0 1‘1‘i c e e q u i p m c n t and suppiics, educational supplies, tools, etc. I he project aims to hcip Nicaraguans attain a mcasurc of self-prol‘icicnq,. Organilcd b)p mcm bcrs 01‘ the Oxfam C‘ommittcc and





the mission

began rn

1% 1 w hen s;25.000 Morth

good!, ici t Vancou\cr.


Last J’ear, the value increased to $1 million, and this j’car organisers arc hoping to send at least that much in supplies again. According to Oxl’am. the aim 0 1‘ the Sandinista gobcrnmcnt is to impro\c working conditions, health cart. cd ucation, and in general. build a better society than that which cxistcd under the Sonl;;;L dictatorship. U nionb ’ ’ I1 0 u been established. I hc “‘1 oois for Pcacc” organI/crs bciicbc they can help Nicaragua through contributions 01 tools and

money. As Linda Kcilcr, a supportcl Of‘ the Global Community Centre and mcm bcr 0 1’ the Oxfam Committee puts it, “II’ gou don’t ha\c paper, it’s prcttl hard to teach kids. 11‘ \ou don‘t ha\c drugs, it’s prcttl hard to treat the sick.” l-or an\‘one interested in supporting the “1 001s 101 I’cacc” campaign or l‘inding 0 u t m 0 r c about it, a col‘l‘txhousc will be hcid on Scptcmber 2X, 1984 at 9 p.m., at Our Ladq’ ot Lourdes c‘11ilrch, I73 Lourdes, Watcrioo, or contact Linda Kcllcr at extension 2814.

iversity not for all by Stephanie Piehl Imprint staff A recent survey indicates that the majority of‘ Ontario university nonregistrants. although given the choice, have elected to pursue other activities rather than attend university. The surcey was conducted in the fall of 1983 bv the Council of Ontario U ni; crsitics. toget heI with th c Ministry of‘ Colicgcs and Uniccrsitics and Commission on the I- utu:.g Development 01‘ the UniLcrsities 01‘ Ontario,, (the Bo\ cv Commission) alter a numbcir of‘ Ontario universities raised

their admission rcyuiremcnts. J‘his change in admission policy stimulated considcrable public interest as to whether large numbers of‘ traditionally yuaiificd applicants wcrc being refused. Sevcnt>-three hundred applicants from Ontario sccondar!, schools with at least minimum qualifications who did not enrol in an Ontario uni\ ersitl were su r\ eq,cd . 01‘ the surccl’ population. it was estiniatcd that 15 per cent did not receive an oll‘cr from an Ontario unibcrsitjp. l‘his rcprcscnts less than 3 per cent of 38,000

I‘hc sur\e>’ also indicates that only two-thirds of the r c s p o II d c n t s c h 0 s e a programme at an Ontario ilni\crsity as their first choice. Slightiq more than hall’ included othcl institutions

among their choices such as a college 01‘ applied arts and technology or a university outside of‘ Ontario. About one-third rcccived 01‘1‘~ rs t 0 all 0 1’ theit programme choices. ‘1 hc three main reasons gi\ en for not attending a postsecondary institution in 1983X4 wcrc indecision about l‘uturc objccti\cs. failure to bc acccptcd into the programme 01‘ t heir choice. and the pcrcci\cd need to take time 01’1 from schooling. Less than IO”pcr cent rcjccted an ol‘lcr for financial reasons.

3y Todd Schneider Imprint staff A manager for I-ederatlon -la11 has been hired bq the -ederation of Students. m rint has learned. 9 cremy Hunt was chosen rom among 150 ap iicants z ho u’er-e inter\ ie\vc s o\er a hrce-ueuh period, according

to Federation of Students President I’om Allison. Although, oll‘iciaii~ cmpio>,cci b> the U ni\ crsit). 01 Waterloo t h r o u g h i t ,4 p c r s o n n c 1. department, the hiring committee consisted 01‘ t!~c 01‘ Students’ Ecderation president. the \ ice-prc:,ident.

operations and linancc. and the I ice-prcsldcnt. cxtcrnal, a;ld C‘atharinc Scott of the personnci department. Mr. Allison said that Mr. Hunt lullilicd all of‘ the rcyuircmcnts 01 the position, sc4 cral j cars’ including c.xpcricncc in

bc\ c rage managcmcnt. Hc \vili rcccilc, according to an ad\ertiscmcnt for the position that ran in the Giobc and Mail, a “compctiti\ c saiaq;” and “generous bcncl’its”. As IS standard uni\erbity practice. Mr. Hunt will bc on a oncj’ear probationaq period.

qualified Grade 13 applicants. 1‘1~0s~ who did not receive made an] of‘l‘crs gcncraily l‘cwer applications than had students rccciving offers and did not l‘ull~, use the scrk ices of the Applications centre. I hese applicants also tcndcd to haie lower Grade 13 marks than their more acadcmicaliq succcssfLl1 coileagues.



21, 1984.









by Donovan


Secret consultations determine U W’s engineering students by Todd Schneider Imprmt Staff The dean of engineering, Dr. Bill Lennox, said 111s taculty will not abandon its practice of eliminating engineering facuitlf applicants on the basis of secret consultations between highschool principals and Waterloo. Under this practice, the engineering department adjusts marks of Grade 13 applicants bl, up to 14 marks, up or down, dependin on whether the schoo f: these students attend is believed to be a tough or liberal marker. -1 he students involved are not ,formed of the practice. Dr. Eraser Mustard, one of three members of the Bovcy Commission,

criticircd the procedure, calling it “unfair to students...“: “If‘ you want to give a child an equal chance at unibersitics, Isn’t it falr to tell that child how the university will adjust his marks?” He asked those unibersities that admit to the practice, including UW and the University 01‘ ‘I oronto to stop doing it. Mr. Lennox defends the practice, and says “It is unfair to take students Lvho are not properly prepared because the>, won‘t pass.” Making the list public would encoura 7c students to transfer & etween schools, ’ an,d would incrcasc pressure on schools said to be lax in marking, Mr. Lennox said.

speakers ’ series ” bY




Imprint staff fn financial terms, Ilie Fed’s September 21 prescnlation of G. Gordon Lidd! cannot be described as a SLICC~SS. Although 1.idd\,‘j speaking ability certajnly made the evening a worthwhile one, it is imnossible to ignore the ‘fact that, based on reliminary estimates by s eff Wilson, Federation vice-nresident, the Feds ’ lost $4,000. Expenses included one night at a Toronto hotel in an economy suite, a nominal charge, gas which Mr. Wilson claimed for having driven Mr. Liddy from Toronto to Waterloo, the $4350 fee (U.S.) which‘ translates to approximately $5,000, and a charge by BASS for the production of tickets of s 165.85. Revenue consisted of about 700 tickets, sold mostly to Fed members. Also-, the Fed made a proflt of $100 on the

dinner which came after the lecture, Mr. Wilson said. Mr. Wilson continued by saying that the outlay was “an investment in the speakers series”. Speakers from Canada, including CBC broadcaster Mike Duff’y, and cartoonist Aislin, will be future , * Fedcr-d~s~e~k’b’~iie\l~~ 0 collectively, that a “speaker for speaker” matching of Canadians with non-Canadians was a. reasonable mi,nimum standard, and the series would reflect that.

ds charge foi booths by John L. Tracey Imprint staff For the first time in recent U W history. the Federation of Students has decided to charge campus clubs, both Federation and nonFederation members, for the use of the orientation booths on Club Days 01‘ this past week. The fee. which Orientation Co-chairperson Laura Redican confirmed would be non-ref‘undable, is 9;10 for the Federation clubs and $30 for

those campus organi/.ations independent of the Federation, such as WPIRG. Imprint, and CK MS. Federation president Tom Allison added that, if’ rcvenucs exceed expenses. a refund will occur. In any case. the amount charged will not cxcced $10.00. MISS Kcdican explained that the reason for the fee was a recommendation by Keith Overand that something be done to correct the problem of cleamng up after the clubs.

She added that Mr. Ovcrand would literally spend hours on the job 01‘ picking, up after clubs. CKMS technical coordinaror Bill Wharrie, and coW PI RG education ordinator Doug MacKiniav u’cre both of the opinion thi; Centre Board the Campus must be notified and must make some amendments to alleged by-law,s forbidding soliciation at the Campus Centre. When asked, however, the CC Manager,

Ann Woodruff said, “I don’t know anything about:(.t& fees and changes)“. Miss Redican said that no group had complained. but both WPlRc and CKMS stall‘ members voiced their disapprobai and their shock. I hc tw o groups cited injustice i 11 t h c i r unl‘a\ ourabie treatment as a major reason l‘or disagrcemcnt. A copy 01 the contract from an anonymous source showed that indeed $30 was to bc raised for the 3-da> session.

you should not neglect agitation; each of you should - IFerdinand Lasalle (1825-l 864)


it his task.





real ./

Say what you like, but I find politicians a pleasant relief from everyday reality. When the tide of accomplishment sweeps the land, technoids roam freely within the social-scientific hierarchy, and .philosophy is dead, there’s still the politician taking time out to smell the flowers and chase bubbles through the dusty corridors of intellectual utopia where the plop of a tear echoes in allusion to fossilized aspirations and hopes that necessarily succumbed to the onslaught of the holy empirical oblivion. The politician is Lynne Woolstencroft, Progressive Convervative candidate, and the bubble is a nomination for the provincial riding of -Waterloo Norht. The Tories are holding their nomination meeting on September 25th at the Waterloo Inn as the first leg of an already determined effort to render the Liberal Party an artifact in elections expected this fall. Mrs. Woolstencroft, or “Lynne” as she insists, or “Wool ey” as her children insist, spoke Monday, September 17th at a meeting of the P.C. Youths at the Campus Centre. Lynne is a very personable and apparently very sincere. And if ideals were ideas, the lady would be a political steamroller. She spoke very briefly and left the floor (all dozen of us) open to questions, to which she responded willingly but with grave misgivings of the questioners. In a less spirited version of a southern Revival, she hailed commitment, talent and honest-to-goodness footwork as the way to get things done. In an apparent effort to emphasize her public servility, she decried the ‘martyr-complex’ of the. trustees on the Boards of Education. If she wins the nomination and the election, she will “argue toe-to-toe on issues” and “workfor change” - rather cliche; but part of the ritual. “Honour and talent” were what the political process needed. Aleluhia! Bring back Joe. Here and there, she revived the audience with talk of a “party of individuals”, “awkward” but “pretty dynamic”. Yet she earlier lamented the .



“complacency” of the P.C. Party in Ontario. She insisted on tapping into the youth community in the K-W area, on being a spokesman for causes, and on playing role model to young women aching to play fly to the national political cobweb. By far, the st arousing responses from Mrs. cNere on education. She came closest Woolstenr to being ,Ilest with herself and with us when she bashed the Board of Education trustees, the politicians at Queen’s Park, and just about the whole system for failing to realize the value of youth and education to society. She spoke of apathetic politicians, co-ercing politicians, blind and stupid politicians. Poor Mr.‘Bovey. He is trying so hard for us but “the committees in Queen’s Park are intergovernmental between the P.C.‘s, Liberals and NDP and no one seems to care about education.” Mr. Bovey is concerned for students but in making his inquiries he is given certain required “terms of reference”, and money is just not one of them. Nope. Touche-pas, Monsieur. Funny situation, indeed. There is a “mind-set” in Ontario. People who just don’t care. The skilled trades and technical students are callgd “retreads” in the job search. Lynne called them some of the best. But they need equipment, concern, effort by teachers and, for heaven’s sake, money. After her session at bureaucrat-bashing, I forgave her for her previous chants of “don’t co-erce people” and “don’t bash people”. After all, it hasn’t been proven beyond doubt that bureaucrats are alive and functioning people. Mrs. Woolstencroft did not say a whole lot on a whole lot of topics. She insisted on her personal qualifications and her experience, which is indeed extensive, with bureaucrats and dead wood. If she could turn her ideas into specific plans of action, she would be a tough case to beat. She may of may not get your vote for MPP, but she has your vote for Minister of Education. And education’s what / counts - isn’t it? th 1-1 JJ’ .rrrlr 14s

else does (crime

When G. Gordon Liddy addressed his audience of 700 listeners at UW last week, he repeatedly aired’ his disgust at the blissful naivete he feels is apparent in most American citizens today. He scorned modern Americans for their ignorance of Soviet military superiority and political corruption. He then claimed that h’e had taken it upon hi:nseIf to disillusion misguided Americans, thereby op:-~+-~~; their eyes to the real goings-on in the upper echelons of government. Furthermore, as an avid proponent o,f tough government, he felt it necessary to instruct people on the importance of establishing strong government policy both domestically and abroad. it it weren’t for Americsn Ironically, though, naivete and government leniency, Mr. Liddy wouldn’t have spent Tuesday evening, neatly-dressed and well-attended, before a hall of attentive listeners. Rather, he’d have been behind bards, merely half way through a prison sentence for his criminal activities of a decade ago. The irony of his evasion of any serious penalty is further underscored by the fact that he’s actually

Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. ‘It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a men&r of the Ontario Community Newspatir Association (OCNA), and a member of Canadian TJniversity Press (CUP). Imprint receives national advertising from Campus Plus. Imprint publishes every second Friday during the Spring term and every Friday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.” Second Class Mail -gistration No. 6453. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint: ISSN 0706-7380



George Elliott Clarke, Christopher Ricardo Scipio, Liane Smith, Robert Van Ekeren, David Lawson, Lindsay Lennox, Nimet Mawji ’ Brad Hilderley, Rita Mobarak, Claudia Cacciot,ti, Linda McCord, Steve Westcott, Sandy Frim, Earl Walrus, Stephanie Piehl, Hilkka McCallum, Ruth Millar, Alex Weaver, Michael McCool, Craig Leach, Janet Panabaker, Ian Dewar, Mark Holden, Petr Cizek, Chris Forker,, Angela Salwesky, Anna Marie Hubbard, Mitchell Edgar, Angela Evans, Time Perlich, Andrea Imada, Shane Kennedy, Shayla Gunter, John l’racey, Edward Ghan, J.D. (Dave) Bonser, Alan Yoshioka, Beth Karstadt, David Boone, Richard Clinton, Rob Clifton, Dave Sider, Mathew Ingram, Chris Wodskou, Mark Lussier, Julie Smith, Rob Eagan, Bob Butts, Donald Duench, Andre Hagley, Jason Chu, Jack Kobayashi, Rob Rossi, Nosh R. Dinshaw, Lea Carrel, A.J. Waterman, Catherine Eckenswiller, Doris Prets, Ian McDowell, Rizaldo Padilla, Harjijt S. Atway, Steven Motluk, Franz H artmann, Frank Decker, Mike ,L;pmalis, Donovan Cox, Patrick H ayes, Chris Fletcher, Dave Hemmerich, Nathan Rudyk, Signy Madden, William Knight, Dan l’remblay, Sanjay Gael, Todd Schneider, Sandy Townsend, Dave Browman, Carl Davies, Ahab Abdez-Aziz, James Kafieh, Manny Gitterman, Kathy Vannier, Pam Andrews.


2 p.m. 3 pm.

Editorial Editorial

Events .

Meetirlg Board


being paid quite handsomely to recount, publically, tales of the crime of which he was convicted. For the one lecture, Mr. Liddy earned a cool $4350 (US) which, combined with royalties from his best-selling autobiography, comprise a fairly lucrative salary for only one crime of twelve years ago. 3isclaiming ignorance, many claim that it is a tribute to America’s thirst for political knowledge that Mr. Liddy ranks as one of the top five speakers in North America today. More likely, it is the product of curiosity, a facet of America’s continuing fascination with abomination. The result, though, has been to create massive success for Mr. Liddy, helping him to achieve his self-proclaimed goal: “to prevail”. Although it cost him five years in prison, the time seems to have been a small price to pay for the fame and wealth that awaited him on the outside. So, despite Mr. Liddy’s denouncements, ignorant, soft-hearted America isn’t such a bad place to live. After all, where else does crime pay? tA’trtlrc~rirrrJ Ec~lwrrsic*illt~r

Editorial George



Board. Elliott



Advertising Manager Advertising Assistant News Editors Arts Editor Assistant Arts Editor Sports Photo Editor Photo Editor Office Manager Graphics Editor Head Typesetter Typesetters Bookkeeper, ! Assistant Bookkeepers

Christopher Ricardo Scipio Hilkka McCallum Signy Madden & Dave Sider Claudio Cacciotti William Knight Bob Butts Anna Marie Hubbard Nimet Mawji Donovan. Cox . Liane Smith Angela Evans I Kathy Vannier Rob Van Ekeren Doris Prets & John Tracey





Imprint wefccrmes comments and apinian pieces from our readers. The Forum page is d&gne&o provide 81) opportunlp to pr&ent views on varEous issues. QpMons expresss-d in letters, c&umns, ur other aftkte~ C)n this p8fp represent fhuse of their authors 8nd not itripiint. t@tteirrs should be type@, doubfe;opaced,‘and signed with name and te&phone nwnbwg and submitted to CC 140 by ‘.6:00 p.m. Monday. Maxfmum islngth o) let&k 4&l WW~S. Anyone wfshlng tu write longer, ttpinianatedarticles shoutd contact.the editor-ln-chiietl, All &&rilatis subject to edHog; spelligg and graimmarr evurs will not be corrected.

Take Back the Night



But what is men’splace? I’ve always known that it’s considered unsafe f‘or girls to go otit alone at night. The problem has been easy enough for mc to deal with; 1just escort girls home and e\,erything is fine. But I’ce never really considered the girl’s point of‘view. How must she feel to be afraid to go out alone at night, every night of’ her life? It’s a disturbing thought. This new perspective on an old topic was inspired by the article in last week’s Imprint, “Women to take back night”. An important reason for the march, and for the article, is to express this point of view. The march will also help women feel less like victims, and should make them realise how much control they can hate over their lives. Both objectives 1 agree with 100$9i. But my initial reaction to



On garden paths by Zeke Gerrard (a pseudonym) Well, this is my first time writing a column. What do I hope to accomplish? If I tell you I want to raise your consciousness, you’ll ,stop reading. Nobody wants their consciousness raised, except for a few very boring people like me. So then, I shall have to be more insidious. (Everyone knows we’re devious.) First lesson: never trust a word I say. Check it out for yourself. I wouldn’t want to be accused of leading impressionable young frosh down the garden path, now would I? The obvious corollary is that you should never trust a thing They say either. Btit that is less often stated. Because, unlike us, They have a reputation_ for = trustwbrthiness. The point is, I could be lying though my teeth (Everyone knows we’re liars), or They could be speaking out of total ignorance. You just don’t know who to believe. That’s the wonderful thing about garden paths; you can be led in either direction, any you can’t always tell whether you’re walking toward flowers or mud. I couldn’t. I was miles away:from the azaleas by the time I was your age. I was up to my chin in the compost heap, and I didn’t even know it! So what is this column about? Why the big fuss about who you believe? Why have I waited so long to break the news? (I’m afraid of rejection, that’s it. Everyone knows we’re insecure.) Quite simply, this column .is about the experience of being gay. Gasp! Choke! What a rude way for me to spoil your Friday morning - leading you on with innocent chit-chat about epistemology, one more re-hash of the You’re-bigkids-now-No-more-spoon-feeding-Have-to-think-foryourselves speech, and, then, whammo, flaunting my sexual preferences before you’ve even had your coffee. The nerve of these gays! But seriously, that’s what the column’s about, and, well, I’m not going to be too apologetic if it distrF_sge,s your digestion. You don’t have to read 1t. It’s up to you: you can stand firmly mired in the muck, or, if you want, you can come for a walk down the garden path. and take a closer look at those limp little lavender pansies...

I’ Critiques III

Obviously it is fear of’ By Ad. Waterman things in contradiction I’e~~ple. are not free, nor that lcads to bchavionr fiw the singular, a quality do they have a chance. fimienting rcprcssion From one form of slavery to in another appears as the itself: most prevalent feature, the ‘ITic ~1~162s that cmaappeal being one of love natc from this rcflcct miqietic gcsturcs of and death in tandem. language being ~tscd to Perhaps it is with the itself through a desire to be slaves, of a rcprcss one-<fiiiiciisioiia! quality of desire to be dominated rcfcrcntialism. Language from the sheer fear ofjust is the chief mode of thinking in itself; they would rather the authoripresentation avuilablc, but ties do it for them. th.e very nature of its limits arc usid to fixm a binary; To the speculative mind the fear‘of thinking offers the either/or, good/bad, itself up as one of man? black/white, master/sermodes of thinking valid explanations. Of. . vant course, the possibilities that in themselves remain open. Maybe it is indicate the limits placed on the consciousness this open-endedness, the process of choice through through ideological and thinking that creates fear. institutional restraints.

the article was anger. 1 was offended at being asked to “show’ I (my) support by staying home” on the night of the march. Is this1 the most cf‘f‘ectice action they can suggest if I “wish to do] something about violence against women’? Does this mean that\ if‘ I’m not a woman, that I can’t help? I hope not. And how about the corollary? If 1 go out that night, am I implying opposition ? 1 was going to play in a co-ed volleyball game that night. I.hc idea of’ not allowing - men on the march was to let women “experience their own power”. Fine. 1 think a lot of womkn have more power than they rcali/e. But by excluding all men I feel that I’LU been stcreotypcd. And in the setting ofa march such as this, that stcrcotypc is bound to be one of harmf’ul, \ iolent males whom women “suf‘fer at the hands of”. . All men arc not to blame. Some certainly are. But 1 think that if‘thc approach is to separate the women f‘rom the men, then our dif‘f‘crenccs rather than our similarities will be emphasi/.ed. 1 can’t see how-that can help any problem that has a component of‘ discrimination. It seems obvious that the constant protection of‘ women by men (as suggcstcd in the article) isn’t going to help in the long run. It can o111)~cnf’orcc the tradition of‘womcn bcingdependent on mtn. What I’m loohing f‘or nom are sonic uscl‘ul suggestions fol u hat men can do to help. Perhaps the Women’s Commission of the l-cdcration of’ Students ha:, some ideas. Being told to sta) home isn’t enough f‘or an) one. Man OI Woman. David LeReverend 4A Electrical Engineering

Soapbox members

is a new feature, to express their

intended opinions.

To the editor: Welcome to Waterloo, boys and girls! Ah yes, Waterloo Region, home of your fabled institutes of learning, purveyors of insurance policies and sensible shoes, producers of .statistically significant quantities of beer and sausage, not to mention a stable tax base. Yet, all is not well. Waterloo Region also merchandises DEATH! Yes, neighbours, it’s sad but true. With cut-rate land and outright grants, our elected officials and largely unwitting populace are encouraging an arms manufacturer, Diemaco Inc., to expand its production of assault rifles! Oh wkJ1, you say, Canada’s finest(?) need rifles, if not to protect us against U.S. or Soviet missiles (tee hee) at least for target practice.

Surely,, even people who can’t find a job are entitled to some fun, are they not? Aye. but here’s the rub: Canada will export a lot of those weapons. Currently, Canada- the beloved international peacemaker, sells about $150 million worth of guns to less-industrialised countries such as Argentina, Bolic ia, B.ra/il, Chile,. Indonesia, Iran, Kenya, Malaysia, J’akistan, Peru, South Korea and Thailand. You can bet your OSAP loan that those weapons won’t beused f‘or, shall we say, peaccf‘ul pursuits. Shame on Waterloo Region. I thought 1 lived in a peace-loving town. If‘ it wasn’t for the good sauerkrhut, I’d leave tonight. Ted Bennett UW Graduate ’



by Janet Panabaker Imprint staff What is Wendy Henry trying to do to me? 1 can’! turn on the television anymore without being bombarded with U’end! Henry’s tips for rainy days and busy mornings. Who is she to tell me how to eat or feed the kids? Does she hacc ;I degree in Meat Studies? One would think so, after hea: 111::the authority in her tone. Where did the bright boys and girls at Mapl@ Leaf Meats find this Wendy Henry person, anyway? Did she win a contest, or answer an ad in the Globe urd Mui/? (“Typical work&g housewife wanted. Must know about cold meats and bacon. Inquire Maple Leaf Meats, Absurdity Dept.“) So many questions spring to mind when 1 think about Wendy Henry. Is that her real name? Do her kids really dogs every time it rains? Why doesn’t she let them get have catsup or mustard with them? Why is the television on’while they’re playing checkers? Nobody’s watching it, and the picture doesn’t look very good. Why don’t they have their. T.V. fixed?4nd why does she only bring home tw’o bags of groceries, when she has two kids and a husband to feed, and all those cold meats to buy? Enough is enough! I don’t need the sort of‘guilt Wendy Henry is throwing at me. 1 can’t help it that Schneider’s summer sausage is usually cheaper than Maple Leaf’s, and that the no-name brand, if I can get it, is cheaper still. 1 can’t help it that 1 have no kids who want hot dogs an) more than 1 can *help the fact that eating bacon in the morning always leaves me feeling sick all day. What does she want me to do? It’s too late f‘or me to change my lifestyle, to re-think everything I’ve ever learned, so why doesn’t she leave mc alone? 1t is my firm con\.iction that the s’ooner we get Wendy Henry and her mute husband and precocious kids of‘f’the air. the sooner we’ll solveall the other problems we f‘ace in the world today. Maq’be, if we’re really luck),, slie’ll take Bill Nicholls and his Loblaw’s Insider’s Report with heI when she goes.

a man is best:



for individual

Gag me with a hot dog...


Guns and sauerkraut

as a forum


by mathew ingram imprint staff the bo\,ine commission... at a rcccnt public meeting of‘ the boceq commission held at wilf’rid laurier, and chaired by the infamous cd “better read than dead” bo\ey, a number of statements were made bq’ a dr. anne dagg -- a resource person f‘or watcrloo’s integrated studies program.‘these statements bvould bc amusing were it not f’or the fact that the poor woman was in dead earnest uhcn she uttered them, and that there arc probably an cxtraordinalily large number of’ benighted people who would carncstly agree with her. among other things, -dr. dagg buggcsted that a ‘M.onicn’s college’ bc f‘oundcd. and that gocernment grants bc tied to ‘non-sexist’ bchac iour; t hc latter‘ is well-intentioned. but nai\c, while the f‘ormcr is mcrcly ludicrous, not to mention reactionaq.. it was later in her address, however, that dr. d agg came up with her piece dc rcsistancc --- a statement that bears a striking rcscmblancc to soqlc of the Infantile provisions built into the so-called ‘af‘f‘irmati~c action’ program. dr. dagg suggested a program that would guarantee u omen 505~ of all unikersitl positions, ccidently out of‘ a burning desire for ‘quality -unf’ortunatcl>,, the good doctor seems to be labouring under a disturbingly common misapprchcnsion: namely, that inasmuch as all people arc not equal (hate to break it to you), they must perf‘orcc be legislated into being so. all this means, of’ course, is that all are brought down to the lowest common denontinator. let. mc make it clear that i am by no means opposed to equal opportunity --- that would bc criminally absurd. what i am opposed to, however, is the sort of‘legislation which ignores individual merit, and instead f‘orccs an employer to hire someone because the quota of that particular colour or sex is not filled. bcliekc it or not, sometimes there is only one man for the job.






21, 1984. -

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by C. Otis Slug (a pseudonym), Imprint staff G. (for grotesque) Gordon Liddy was in;town last week, as you must have read, if you read this socially concious rag. Known for his pride in acts of self-mutilation, rat eating, and other existentialist parlour tricks, still Mr. Liddy sometimes seems almost sane. For instance, h.e remains convinced, (as do I). that a modern nation needs an intelligence service. But spies and civil rights are not the subject of this column. Let’s leave that for McMurtry and others of his ilk of political climber. 1. Mr. Llddy and 1 agree upon another matter: the mass 01: people are governed by illusibn, They see what they want to se, and tri desparately to ignore all else that might destroy that illusion. Most of you, dear readers, will have already stopped reading. You’ve turned to the sports, or the classifieds, or the funmes, hke the r.ombles you are. But, 1 am nothing if not stubborn. and so I will carry on. Duty before all! Back to illusions. Let’s talk about overpopulation in the third world. Have you ever noticed that the reasons for overpopulation are never explained? The implication of most ‘orthodox theorists is that we are to blame it on a mix ofcultural, ‘racial and religious traditions. The peasants of the third world lare just too ignorant to understand that more children dooms .thcir country to more poverty. , How like us smug, materially satisfied Canadians to blame it on ignorance, as if the poor are automatically also Stupid. It is patently absurd that all peasants, because they are peasants, are also ignorant. Yet, such are the rationali/.ations which sit well with the’ mass of people, rationalisations which are both simplistic and callous. , There are no pensions in the Third World. Therefore, as the ‘person gets older, and cannot produce enough, there is a real chance of starvation. Because food prices are kept low in most lof these countries, there is little opportunity to save for ,retirement. Farmers get poor or no return on investment, and /rural workers are paid pennies a day, when they can find work [unemployment is highest in the countryside). The parents must iely upon their children to support them through old age. ’ Are you still reading? Do you begin to see the shoddiness, the -oversimplification of the ignorant, lazy peasant rationalization? The problem is increased by the lack of health care and -proper nutrition in the rural areas of the third world. There are countries out there, dear reader, where 50%~ of all births do not .reach adulthood. Third world parents realise that a portion of their family will die during youth, they also know that their future well-being dependsupon the survival of a certain number of children. So, they adapt and have more children,

who live in the country, and in order to survive, these peasants must have large families. Therefore, these countries are overpopulated, with a majority of citizens under the age of 20. Ta-da! Simple, huh? Now we know the problem, so we should be able to figure out a solution. That’s +mple too, in theory. Give more money to the rural sector through price increases and loans, SO that workers can have jobs and farmers can re-invest. Improve social services so that fewer children die, and the aged don’t have to worry about starvation. But, wait. See those drunken guys in uniforms, with the auto mat;c weaponsand the torture cyuipment? . Those guys are representatives of the state, the established order, them. That order is founded on the city, on exporting cheap goods and luxury foods, to import expensive machinery, to industrialise. They want to keep food prices down in order to keepworkers’ wages low and to enhance the marketability of their food exports. As long as the established order thinks m this way, peasants will have to have large families to survive, the population problem will remain insoluble, and the comforting blamejof the ignorant peasant illusion will be needed, to protect our guilty consciences. We all know who benefits from the established order, don’t we? Multi-nationals, the industrial sectors of aid giving c.ountries (aid givers usually tie the amount of aid to the amount the receiver buys from the giver.), the elites of the third world, and us. That’s right, us. We get cheaper goods and cheaper luxury foods from these poor countries, at the cost of immeasurable suffering there. Perhaps if‘ we lived in it, we would be moved to help. Perhaps not. It probably depends upon one’s upbringing. Still, the illusion of the lazy, ignorant peasant sure makes it easier to swallow the bananas on your cereal in the morning. The land that produced your breakfast garnish could have fed some of those lar.y, starving people, if it were not factory farmed by De1 Monte or United Fruit. Too bad. So, as you walk down the corridors of lif’e, remember your friend, Slug. Remember he warned you about illusions. And the next time someone tells you that civil unrest in the third world is all a Commie plot (number one on Reagan’s illusion parade now), remember that millions are living in misery. What would you do if your brothers-and sisters died from lack of health care while others your age were driving BM W’s. What if you knew that you, your parents, all those around you, even your future children, were doomed to misery and pove’rty, while 5. chosen few of your countrymen laughed and ignored your plight‘!

We can stop blaming the Pope’s influence, fertility rituals, and ignorance. Those things may be factors, but they are minor. .I’he ma.jority of the population in the Third World are peasants

If‘- we’re whirlwi!,d.




we’ll all have to reap the





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21, 1984.

Guelph plans against l3ovey by Jeff Conway Imprint staff The Ontario Federation ot Students’ Campaign Committee is organi/.ing a demonstration to coincide with the last of the public hearings of the Bovey Commission on Friday. September 28 in Toronto. The demonstration will take lace outside the Mowat B Pock at Queen’s park, where the Ministry ot Education is located, and will begin at 1230 noon. University of Waterloo students can catch a bus to the demonstration from the Campus Centre departing at IO:00 a.m. and returning at 3:oo p.m., courtesy of the Central Student Association of‘ the UniLcrsitv of‘ Gueipii. I‘he initiatice for the protince-wide demonstration came from the University of‘ Gueiph CSA w!hich presented the idea to t hc OFS Campaign



Committee during t 11e summer. U of G CSA Prcsidcnt John King expects a positil c turnout from University of T oronto. Ryvrson, MC Master and Gueiph students.

Volunteers Needed to Read to Blind Students Volunteers arc needed to read matcriai for \ isuaiiy, impaired students on c a m p u s t Ii i s t c r m . Readings are in person or 011 tape. No prc\ ious cxperiencc is necessary’; t hc reading may bc done al y our con\ enicnce. Call I-iorcncc 2 homiinson at Ext. 2993 for lurtlc1~ detaiib.

old win car rally by Ruth IMillar T‘he Fed car rally got off’ to a quick start I I:00 a.m. last Saturday morning. Tttacnty five “rally” cars, ranging from a Delta 8X to a Fiero, left at two minute intervals from campus parking lot A. Each car consisted of’ two people - the driver and the navigator, along with rally instructions and a full tank 01 gas. The first section of the rally

took the participants on a romp through subdi\ isions in the Wcstmount area. The other sections ot‘thc rally, wcrc not nearly so popuiatcd. Drivers wcrc warned that the routes would take them down dead end streets, roads under construction and cvcn some closed roads. T hcse conditions didn’t stop anyvone from completing the rally. T‘he rally rcyuircd each team to nab igate dttlercnt

routes so as to reach various checkpoints at certain times. Points were awarded f‘or arriving at check-points close to the designated times as wcii as I‘or answering specific yucstions and for picking up a l‘cu, articles along the way. Although there were no accidents (contrary to the headline). there were a few exciting moments shared with a Mack truck. kids playing. on t hc road. and a psychottc

farrncr. Ail in ail, the first Fed car rally, organised by Laura Redican, turned out a success - especially L‘or the winners in car #23, Brian Robin and Alar Ruutopold. Second place finishers were Paul Vandcnhot‘f‘ and Laurie Heimpel. T‘hird place went to drivers, stc\c ._. _..- - Walkington .. and Kc\,rn O’Donnell.

mn infallible equation: 1 tight budget plus 1 tight schedule equals 0 proper meals. Think again! Ready-to-serve Campbell’s Chunky Soups fit the tightest of budgets; make a quick and easy, satisfying meal anytime you’re ready! Much more substantial than ordinary soups, they’re full of big chunks of lean meat and garden vegetables, in hearty broth. To ease you into proper eating habits, we’ll give you a dollar off the price of your first four cans of Chunky Soup. That’s four whole meals taken care of! What’s more 10 Chunky labels get you a -frw “Food for Thought” T-shirt or 2 beverage coolers at your Campus Bookstore.:% Food for thought indeed!

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of Students

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of Students

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$5 off 10% 10% 10% 10% $10

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, Imprint.



21, 1984.




~-Bleak ‘chances 0.1‘-I’AWA (CUP) -- Hundreds of high school graduates scrambling to get into university may be out of luck as many institutions across the country impost stiff ,enrolment restrictions for the first time. Along with community college transfer students, high schoolers arc competing fiercely for the few spots available in already overcrowded universities. They are trying to return to school after suffering another summer unemployment rate of20 per cent. The competition is especially intense in Ontario. At the University of Toronto’, more than 25,000 students have applied for only 6,300 spaces. At York University, which is accepting 200 fewer first year students in September, nearly 19,000 arc vying for .4,700 spots. Administrators .at both universities say strained resources have forced them .bo close their doors. Sheldon Levy, York associate vice-president, said inadequate government financing, cramped yuartcrs and a desire. to preserve the existing quality 01 education prompted the administrations’s move to restrict enrolment. At the U niversilty of Alberta, nearly 2,000 students have been rejected. They ‘failed to meet the university’s new academic standards, which jumped from an average of 60 to 65 per cent‘ this year. l’he U of A student union recently took the university to court in a bid to remove the new standards. But an Alberta court judge ruled in favour of the administration, saying

&ough notice had been given to grade 12 students who would need summer school to boost their grades for admission. At the Unib,ersity of Manitoba, 500 students seeking scicncc degrees have been tcrned away. Restrictions are now in place there in every faculty except arts, said Desmond Bevis. dircctol of admissions. l‘he University of B.C,, which has pegged first year enrolment at 3250 students, has rejected 500 students who failed to make the grade standard of a C-plus average. -In St. John’s, Newfoundland, Memorial Uniters-ity is thinking of limiting access in first year to 3000 students. But Ward Ncale, Memol:ial’s vice-president academic. said no official decisions hake been made. Although total numbers of rejections were ‘not avaiiablc before the end of registration. thousands are also being turned away from colleges and- technical institutes. Beth Ollcy, Canadian F’ederation of Students c’hair, said accessibility for new students looks just as bl’cak as it did last year. , Olley said man] high school aid transfer students arc ‘not ecen applying for post-secondary education because they do not have the rnoncy. “.Wc know pcoplc are being turned away irom the doors 01 uniccrsities and collcgcs. It’s still a problem. High tuition fees. quotas. and the high rate 01’ unernploq~mcnt arc all hating an impact:” ’

Orwell- on campus? OTTAWA (CUP) -- Canada’s nationwide professors’ association fears new security legislation will mean stepped-up spying of professors and students, especially non-Canadians, on campuses this fall. And the law is not likely to change with a Tory government in power, Donald Savage of the Canadian Association 01 University Teachers said. In its August newsletter, CAUTsays the spy act could be used “to justify unwarranted interference with the teaching and research activities of university professors.” Act C-9 allows the government to target foreign students and foreign professors at will, said Savage, CAUT executive secretary. The newsletter says the security service could pass information on visiting professors back “to foreign states however authoritarian they might be.” Bill C-9, the Liberal government legislation to create a Civilian Security lntellignece Service, passed before the House of Commons recessed in June. “Most Conservative MPs did not show up for the final vote on the bill,” Savage said. “Revising Bill C-9 is not on top of the list for a new Tory government. 1 have no doubt...the legisla_fion

will stand.” CAUT recommended to the commission that the files be destroyed and (former) Solicitor General Robert Kaplan has told the professional association that thousands of the files arenow gone. “But he’s never said how many of the files were destrolred.” Savage said. With the new legislation, “you can be targettcd 1‘01 surveillance if you raise money for Palestinian organi/.ations.” Savage said. “And belonging to’an anti-apartheid&up can bc a subversive activity.” The most’ recent case of spying on campus involved a Carleton, student, Andy Moxlcy, who admitted lhst year he was supplying information on peace groups in Ottawa. to the RCM P. “The police gave the standard response: ‘We don’t solicit this information, but we don’t turn it dciwn,“’ Savage said. “You never know what spying is going on campuses until -some scandal erupts.” C’AUI’ will lobby, the Canadian goc’crnmcnt when amendments and staiutcs tot,hc security bill arc drafted and will continue to dclcnd professors harassed by fcdcral spits.

Ottawa transit politics OTTAWA (CUP) -- Ottawa’s local transit company has.refused to reduce bus fares for post-secondary students, despite a seven year lobbying effort by student counci!s here. Three post-secondary institutions -Carleton University, the University of Ottawa and Algonquin College -suggested a $20 monthly bus pass for students, who now pay $30 a month. High school students pay only $18.50. But Jo’hn Bonsall, the general manager for Ottawa-Carleton Transpo, said a $20 pass will only be created if a universal fee of $20 i,s levied on all students during

registration. He said this move would protect the t,ransit company from possible revenue losses of up to $1 million. Tony Marcerollo, Carleton University student council vice-president, said the student association will press for its original proposal. I He said a survey commissiohed by the three shcools and the transit company discovered that students think $20 is a reasonable price for a monthly bus pass and that the company’s revenues would not drop but would increase by nearly $200,000 as a result.

“Students have to tell people they want (a $20 pass),” he said. . Marcerollo added that if. the institutions accept the transit company’s plan the reduced rate would be in place by September 1985 at the earliest, and buying passes at bulk rates would mean the student councils would incur a loss if not all students bought the idea. Marcerllo said the councils are considering other options; including possible retaliation against OC Transpo. Said John Casola, Carleton’s student council president: “How do pennies grab you...say, 90 of them?” I

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U Vic loses pr@Uas’ contract “Prisoners would have had VICTORIA (CUP) -- The ti> make decisions like going University of Victoria has without cigarettes to take a been locked out of the federal course.” government’s prison educataFare11 said he heard the tion program. government told SFU that University administrators fees could be deducted from say UVic lost the contract to prisoners’ compulsory administer post-secondary savings, which the inmates education in B.C.‘s penitenreceive upon release. As a tiaries because it refused to result, prisoners will not have ‘charge user fees according to if they federally determined terms. s-i-l-y.ta.forgo any “luxuries” want to enrol in a course, he “Our understapding was added. fees would come out of money “Had we known this, we ti(only a few dollars a day) would have accepted the CSC prisoners receive,” said Glen criteria that fees be charged.” farell, UVic director of Tom D’Ayuino, CSC university extensions.

regional manager of communications, denied t’he government failed to provide UVic with all the necessary information. He said he had ?o idea how much fees will be, saying respoinsibility for payment would rest on the individual.. “They could write to their father and get him to send the money,” he said. Corrections Services Canada had budgeted $22 million’ for academic and vocational porgrammes this year. Only $ I .5 million will be spent on university pro-

grammes this year. Only $i.5 million will be spent on university programmes this year while $18.5 million uill go to community college programmes. (Former) Solicitor-General Robert Kaplan decided last year keep p&on education programmes operating, on the condition that prisoners user fees. UVic Pay administrators were concerned that user fees for university programs would be discriminatory’ when other prison education courses are free.

. /

._ ’




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We don’t have tickets for the Jacksons Concerts - and- we’re glad.

The Working Centre needs volunteers to work at resource persons and counsellors. The Working Centre is an information resource centre for the unemployed and runs on a-daily basis. For more information call 743-l 151.

Typing Typing Plus Compuscribe Word processing. Efficient reliable service for your resumes, work reports, papers, etc. Advantages include computer spelling checks, second drafts, perfect final copy, muIt@?’ originals. Our LASER printer guarantees best quality in town at reasonable prices. Call 743-2269 for details. _ MAGGIE Can Type It! -Essays, Thesis & Letters s 1.OO per iwe - Resumes $5.00 - “FREE” Pickup & Delivery - Phone 743-l 976 Student Word Processing. Resumes, Work Reports, Essays. Free on campus pick-up and delivery. Professional look, fast service. Call Mike or Rick at 8862013. Resumes! Resumes! Snag that job with a professional looking resume. Also, customized UCPA forms. Free on campus pick up and delivery. Call 886-2013 Rick or Mike.

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Resumes Word Processed for $3.00 per page! Printed copies 25c per page. Fast, dependable service. Near Seagram Stadium. Phone 885-l 353 Work Reports Word Processed. Draft copy always provided. Fast, dependable, service. Near Seagram Stadium. May book ahead. Phone 885-l 353. Quality guaranteed. Multiple originals of Resumes, Theses, and Work Reports. Data storage. Delivery arranged. Fast, accurate service. Call Diane, 576- 1284.

Bert - Should be a great term knocking over old hotels and chipping marble. In search of some R.M.! Labenjam i Fay, You were wonderful last week. Was it good for you too? Be a good girl at Blue Mountain. Jonathan.



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Experienced typist living on campus (MSA). Self correcting ribbon. 75c/page or $3 minimum for resumes. Call Ann at 8840421. Quality Resumes created on a word processor. Choice of type styles, fast service, reasonable rates. 576-6253

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15 Years Experience: Secretary available for any kind of typing job. Call Janet 886-l 694. *

Dearest Frenchy;


21, 1984. -

For Sale Garage Sale: furniture, dishes, appliances, recreational items, cabinets, books, curtains, numerous misc. items. 9:00 a.m. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,99 DUNHAM AVENUE, KITCHENER close to Frederick St. Plaza. Complete stereo system including turntable amplifier, 2 speakers, stereo cassette tape deck, microphone, earphones -like new. $500.00 or best offer. 579-5513 evenings. Brother EP-20 Electronic typewriter. Features dot matrix print and correctional display. Ideal for the student who needs to do a lot of typing. $100. Call Ag at 884-6855. Sony open reel Tape Deck, Scotch 206 tape - $500, Sony Compact Cassette-corder, rechargable $250, Sony FM Stereo Walkman - $75 894-0445. 1979 Ford Pinto, 4 cylinder, automatic, 81,000 km, excellent condition, no rust. $2,800 certified or best offer. Phone 885-0087 after 5 p.m. Desks - Steel, wood, student, odd chairs & tables, chest of drawers, 4 chair set storage cabinet, shelves, file-folders, mirror. 884-2806. Stereo - Pioneer SX650 Receiver s 190, Bose 301 speakers, $300, JVC-KD15 Cassette Deck $410. 1979 Mustang: 4 cycl, STD, cassette, equalizer, excellent condition, cert. $3,100.746-3368. Good Quality Phillips open reel deck. Seldom used. 1 yr. old. $360. Call Rob 888-6205. Fender 12 string Guitar and Case. $125. Call Blair 578-9945.



Holistic Therapy Treatments combines: reflexology, shiatsu, Touch for Health, Iridology, & Nutrition. Please call P. Henderson for an appointment. 888-6253. Parking Problem? Garage and Driveway space for rent. Amos/Churchill St. area. Call Janet 886-l 694. will do light moving with a small truck. Also rubbish removal. Reasonable rates. Jeff 884-2831. will alter -and repair all types of clothing at very reasonable rates. Phone 885-5774. Students with van to do moving G haulage. John or Geoff 746-4027.

Housing Wanted

5 cu.’ ft. Danby

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Townhouse near campus wanted for Winter 1985. Willing to take lease for Summer, Fall, etc. Mike 746-4005, Craig 7464006


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Jan - April ‘85. 2 males are looking for a place in the Winter. Furnished or unfurnished.‘ The closer to campus the .better. Call Ed 884-3693.


must be built, they is on the building.




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Summer Term ‘85 - cheap. Luxury housing, 6 singles In allstudent house. Console T.V.stereo. Panelling throughout, broadloom, partly furnished. Very negotiable. 886-0338.

Lost Ring Lost in Men’s Locker Room, PAC T. Sept. 11. Gold set with rectangular Sapphire. If found please call John at 746-0967. ’ Reward offered. Survey-book & calculator lost. Needed to submit for marks. Please return. Thank you. Civ. Eng. Undergrad Off.

Found 127'vlcToRIA~sl. SOUTH KITCHEHER - 7163315 LotootFmhrwlglwml

Found: One large (just over 1 ft.) stuffed animal of the marsupial persuasion. Please call Ag at 8846855 to identify and claim.

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', >j ,

I COU issues Discussion Paper on Bovey I he tollowing is a summary ot the response ot the Council of to the Discussion Paper, Ontario Ontario Universities lssues and Alternatives, of the Universities 1984 Commission on the Future Development of the Universities of Ontario.





a summary






objectives of Ontario universities and their present great importance for both Ontario and Canada through their core undertakings of teaching and research. In reaching a point in their development where enrolment and sponsored research are at record levels, Ontario universities have been characterized by a high degree of institutional autonomy, particular allocation of operating funds provided through block grants. This has not been incompatible with accountability to the public nor with inter-institutional co-operation. Such autonomy requires that initiatives and management rest with individual institutions in a generally decentralized system. While the Commission accepts the Minister‘s statement that future levels of funding will not fall below the present level, its report doesn not question funding of Ontario universities. reponse, COU steps beyond the to restate its judgment that government over the past decade

the adequacy of current government For this reason, in the final section of it s parameters of the Commission’s paper financial support from the provincial has been grossly inadequate, and that

a continuation of this policy would have disastrous results for the universities of Ontario and the citizens they serve. In the central portion of its response Council addresses the main themes of the discussion paper under the headings of quality, accessibility, adaptability, system balance, funding, planning and co-ordination.

Quality - The Commission asks in which areas the universities are seriously deficient. How could the deployment of existing resources be enhanced? Despite research Ontario

the centrality of high quality academic programmes to the mission of universities and the excellent reputation universities, the quality of the university enterprise is

and of now

seriously threatened. In the case of undergraduate programmes, including some professional programmes, the quality has substantially declined. The explanation lies in the drop in provincial financial support over a period which saw a dramatic rise in student numbers, accompanied by only a modest increase in faculty positions. The decline in the quality of univer.<ity education in Ontario is most evident in the universities’ deteriorating physical plants in the studer;t:faculty ratio as it affects class size, laboratory sessions, essay anal exam reviews, counse’lling, in outdated library collections; in pedagogical and research equipment that is not ‘state of the art’. Although new information and communications technology may enhance the quality of university teaching education cannot

and research, mode, such solve problems

and further accessibility partial technological created by inadequate

through solutions funding.

the are

distance costly and

Accessibifi!y The Commission asks which factors affect accessibility and which affect demand for university places. Who should be eligible for university study? What role should manpower planning play? Council’s brief reviews the Ontario Government’s long‘standing policy on accessibility to university studies, the financing structure through which this policy has been implemented, and questions whether the two can presently be reconciled . Fiscal restraint had virtually eliminated the universities’ capacity to absorb further enrolment growth. While endorsing that this admissions of places, admissions

the principle of broad accessibility, Council’s major concern is should mean access to an education of quality. In reviewing policies in the context of high demand for a limited number the question may be raised whether generally accepted requirements continue to be relevant. The use of

standardized achievement tests in English at the school leaving level to complement indicator of future university performance, more equitable decisions on admissions

(francais) and mathemantics Grade 13 marks, still the best would provide a basis for and scholarships. But this

would not address the fundamental policy questions It is widely recognized that because of socio-economic factors, not all Ontario residents with the intellectual university study apply for admrssion to university,


accessiblity. and attitudinal capacity to profit by

To co-ordinate the roles of the federal and provincial governments the funding of university teaching and research, Council proposes creation of a Canadian Advisory Council for Higher Education Research. In COU’s view, the legitimate interests and responsibilities both levels of government in research could be met if the undertaking of Infrastructure. Funded by the As concerns a staged increase

in the and of core

universities were funded by both levels via the institutional Contract research, on the other hand, should be fully sponsors. tuition fees, a majority of Council members would favour in fees to represent a greater share of institutional costs

In providing a quality adjusted. Universities discretin to set tuition institution.

education, provided that student aid were similarly would have enhanced financial flexibility if they had fees over a wider range by programme and even by

Council rejects both student vouchers and non-formula, discretionary funding as means to allocate operating funds. It supports formula funding according to the currently recognized criteria, but has concerns about the adequacy of the present formula in the new environment, since the formula is judged unduly dependent on a single input measure:

suspension Complementing encouraging be a panacea


differential institutional Similarly, a new of government


the formula governing capital expenditure. these two initiatives should be a fresh approach to support from the private sector, although this could never for current fundamental problems.

Planning The

research, particular activities. a decade



and Co-ordination



for regulation,












Wight options outlined by the Commission to meet future planning and co-ordinating requirements. Council concludes by supporting the concept of governmentally appointed intermediate adirisory agency, but one with a clarified and strengthened role. A key element is the execution of the proposed new mandate for a successor to the Ontario Council on University Affairs would be a continuing and iterative dialogue with the universities on such subjects as rqle within the system, institutional capacity, resources and future plans. Responsibility for initiating the planning process would rest with the universities; the advisory agency would employ financial incentives and disincentives to further the implementation




Edmund C. Bovey .chairing Sept. 18th.

A Shift in Focus In the last section of the brief, Council steps outside the financial limits proposed by the Government and accepted by the Commission in order to underline the judgment that the Government’s desire for the maintenanality in the Ontario university system is impossible to realize in the present funding environmnet. Despite the examples of other jurisdictions where university funding has recently been reduced or systems rationalized, few if any of these have been the object of such severe financial constraints, over such a long time, as the universities of Ontario. And some jurisdictions have now reversed their earlier policies, with massive inflows of new funds. The funding of Ontario universities IS not excessive, as some have suggested - in blunt fact it is inadequate. !mprovement in institutional planning and programming, in interinstitutional co-operation and co-ordination, in system structures and methods of funding allocation can be made in the interest of enhanced efficiency and effectiveness, but none will improve support remains at its current level. Can the Province spend more money on its universities? The pressing afford not to?, so essential are these institutions to the Province. Ontario‘s technological

quality if financial of Ontario afford to question is: can if future well-being of


performance change will

in a depend

world on the

of accelerating scientific availability of a large pool

earnings indicate that there is no oversupply. To a remarkable extent universities in Ontario have been responsive to shifts in student demand toward professional and semi-professional studies. Any further adaptation direction must take into account the imperfection of present manpower planning techniques, the considerable lea-time required for major shifts in discipline emphasis, and the probable need for supplemerltary funding. Although a strong case can without increases 111 funding enrolment is unlikely to rise Increase in demand for places,

be made for a higher participation rate, and in institutional capacity future above present levels, regardless of an or changes in the structure of Ontario

secondary education such as the compression of five years into four. Enrolment planning must, then, continue & a major priority for Ontario universities. Council also recommedns a review of policies concerning the desirable number of international students in undergraduate and graduat.e programmes, maintenance of quality trading relations.

and stresses their in such programmes

importance both and in Canada’s

in the future

a commission Imprint



at UW on

by Brian Oliver

limit of such adaptability. Adaptation is closely linked to faculty complements and their renewal. As a consequence of fiscal restraint, universities have been unable to appoint adequate numbers of new faculty and there presently exists an imbalance between teachers and researchers with permanent oriented Canadian graduates. there may well be a shortage future.

appointments For this of Canadians


and younger>academically other compelling reasons, to staff our universities in the

The Commission assist in faculty Fund that would also to enhar ce


has proposed the creation of an adjustment fund to renewal. COU advocates the creation of an Incentive not be used solely to adjust faculty complements, but adaptability through modifications to physical plant to new modes of instructing and new discipline needs, and industry. Savings which might arise with business


relationships through the application involved, providing that intended for new ones, Dbjectives.

and of well

trained university graduates. The university’s own future is dependent on the vigor and excellence of graduate studies in the province. Although the number of degree holders in Ontario has more than doubled in the last decade, rates of participation in the labour force and levels of

of the fund should the new resources

the improvement consistent with

accrue could

to be

the institutions shown to


of existing programmes or the creation of the institutional mission and system

Balance and Differentiation The Commission asks what defines an optimal balance of the functions of the universities, given the available resources. How can existing and prospective strengths be identified? How should greater differentiation among institutions be achieved? The present degree of differentiation among particularly at the graduate level, is almost nstitutional initiatives. It is a clear sign of the health differentiation rornmitment From them. concentration

must not be at the expense to core disciplines, nor financed While the best use of limited in centres of strength, institutional

Ontario universities, entirely the result of of the system. Further

of individual institutions’ by the diversion of funds resources requires some self-definition, together

Nith financial incentives rather than legislative intervention, should be the primary process toward further role differentiation within the system. This is best assisted through a voluntary organization such as COU, one without decision-making responsibilities on behalf of the system, Logether with an appropriate body intermediate between the universities 3nd the Government (see below). But greater differentiation and coDrdination, while they may enhance effectiveness, cannot be expected to solve problems created by inadequate funding, nor to achieve significant real savings through supposed economies of scale.

Adaptability Funding The Commission

asks how the universities’ capacity to adapt to new challenges and opportunities might be enhanced. How might an Adjustment Fund aperate? Despite changing

the record circumstances,

of Ontario universities financial constraints

in continuously now place

adapting to them at the

The Commission

asks whether a greater range of criteria in public Funding arrangements would threaten institutional autonomy. What role should tuition fees, the funding of research, capital funding, the two levels of government, the private sector play? How should funds be allocated?

Restraint affects quality,, says UW From the time been a distinctive

of its inception and highly

in 1957, the innovative

University force in

of Waterloo post-secondary

has tied

A big part of Waterloo’s story of to its “high tech” label, which

“differentiation is appropriate

and achievement” for three reasons:

educatior; in Canada. Waterloo has become a world leader in co-operative education, has forged a widely-praised pattern of university/industry co-operation and is generally recognized for the high quality of its teaching and research. But, after a decade of restraint, UW’s “abilities to offer an undergraduate

--it is active in computers, softward, ---there is interaction of society, from the --UW is committed

education of high quality, to innovate, to adapt, and to invest in strategic new areas is in jeopardy,” states the university’s response to the Bovey Commission on the Future Development of the Universities of Ontario, officially heard by the three-man commission in Toronto on Sept.

technology tools to all its teaching and research areas, faculties. UW’s crisply-worded, 2%page response notes the immediate a 10 per cent increase in funding “on a continuing basis”

18. Further, Waterloo “believes that it cannot serve adequately-those students who are registered here because it is unable to devote enough resources to the teaching function.” The commission, headed by retired businessman Edmund Bovey, is scheduled to report to Dr. Bette Stephenson, minister of colleges and

Waterloo’s needs in six key areas: new support, graduate teaching assistants, new teaching equipment and computer The response underscores the unique

es and universities this fall on suggestions development of the university system The Waterloo response also: --opposes more centralization or

enrolment. In addition, it must be stressed that the present formula is simply an allocative mechanism. It does not determine the size of the block grant to the university system. A multi-dimensional formula might be explored, with consideration of such components as base funding related to core commitments to teaching and supplementary grants in support of responsibilitiesbilingual, regiona! and distacne approach must be taken to capital grants, after

ordination and the provision of advice to Government are most feasible and best fitted to meet the future requirements of the university system of Ontario.

that “inevitable --advocates post-secondary --challenges province and --opposes

for changing in Ontario. bureaucratic




a direction

increases homogenization and dulls initiative.” an increase in tax incentives for industry involvement education. the creation of internal institutes designated by supported outside normal university channels. the notion of regional universities.

--advocates an increase in appropriate increases in OSAP “We would regard it as absurd central control that would


in the

tuition fees (at least a doubling) with loan provisions. for Waterloo to be subjected to greater limit our demonstrably successful

“entrepreneurial style”, the response states. It continues: “Waterloo would, therefore, object to and resist strongly as possible any reduction in our capacity to I-espond, believes that Ontario will best be served by a system that encourages rewards differentiation and achievement, win rewards as a result of achievement.”





as and and to

research and teaching in high-tech areas, like lasers and biotechnology. between its high technology and variousa9pect.s individual to the level of major social change. ’ to making available the most modern high-

costs it faces like its expensive operated “with no recognition province.” “What seems overwhelmingly Ontario universities have Increased funding deficiency of excessive modern equipment, The UW response The best universith wisely.” The

and highly of its costs



faculty appointments, Academic Decelopment maintenance. nature of the university praised co-op in the operating

clear,” the subjected

response to a


need for to meet technical Fund, and the

system grant

which from

concludes, starvation

is the

“is that budget.”

would also help Waterloo address the serious student: faculty ratios (now 21:l) and shortage of particularly in professional programs. states that class sizes must be brought into balance.

remedy for this have demonstrated






other problems both the need and



is “more ability to of revenue

money for use could

funding come

in a variety of ways, including expanded government support, higher tuition fees and some private sector support. On the matter of tuition fees, Waterloo asserts that “it would be possible to achieve a substantial increase in levels of tuition with OSAP loan provisions, only, being increased.” Finally, Waterloo concludes it coule “live happily” with the Commission’s institutional complete

number planniing “laissez faire”

8 “alternative” (section 7.2) relating and coordination. This alternative approach, or “total deregulation.”

to interoffers a


Scholarships available The following awards are currentI) a\,ailabic: Fat ulty of Engineering Hell Canada Engineering Awards. (Available to all 2B) Chevron Canada Resources Ltd. Scholarship (Available to all 3 B) John Deere Ltd. Scholarship. (Available to all 3B Mechanical) Charles Deleuw Scholarship. (AL,ailable to all 3B Civil) Dow Chemical Inc. Scholarship in Chemical Engineering. (Abailable to all 3B Chemical) Randy Duxbury Memorial Award. (Available to all 3B Chemical) MacDonald DettMilcr & Associates Ltd. Scholarship. . (Available to all 3B Electrical) Murata-Erie North America, Inc. Award. (ALailablc to all 3B Electrical) Murata-Eric North America. Inc. Abard. (ALailablc to all 3B Electrical) Korccn Energy Scholarships. (Available to all 2B Chemical & Mechanical) Paradbnc Canada Ltd. Abard. (Aiailablc to all 2B Electrical) Stearns-Catal>,tic Limited Scholarship. (Acailablc to 2nd or 3rd year) M.S. Yollcs & Partners Ltd. Scholarship. (Available fo 3B Civil) J.P. Bickcll+ I-oundation Bursaries. IIcadline: September 30, 1984. (Acailablc to all 2B) Canada Packers Scholarship. Deadline: October 15, 1984. (Abailable to 213 Chemical and Mechanical) Emco Bursar),. Dcadlinc: Scptcmbcr 30, 19X4. (Ai aila blc to all Mechanical and Electrical) Read) Mix Concrctc Association 01 Ontario Scholarship. Dcadlinc: October 30. 19X4. (Acailablc to all 3B) Faculty of Mathematics Data Crown Computer Scicncc Scholarship. (Alailablc to 3B Computer Science) Eaton Foundation Scholarship. (Aiailablc to 3B Computer Science Information Sl’stcnis) Elcctrohome 25th Anni\ersar\ Scholarship. (ALailabic to 3B Computer Science) MacDonald Dcttwillcr & Associates Ltd. Scholarship. (Acailable to 3B Computer Science) A.C. Niclscn Co. of Canada Bursar)‘. (Available to 2A Computer Scicncc) Noreen Energy Scholarship. (Available to 2B ComputcI Science, Information Systems) Paradync Canada Ltd. Award. (Acailablc to 2B Computer Science) Sun Life of Canada Award. (Acailablc to 2B Actuarial Science) Emco Bursar),. Deadline Scptomber 30. 19X4. (A\,ailablc to all Computer Scicncc) Faculty of Science Canada Packers Scholarship. Deadline: October 15. 1984. (Alailablc to all 21~ Chcmistrj,) Chevron Canada Rcsourccs Ltd. Scholarship. (Available to 2nd year of 2B Earth Scicnccs) horccn Energy Scholarship. (Aiailablc to 2B Earth Scicncc) I-or application forms and lurther inlormation contact the Student Awards Office, 2nd floor. Nccdlcs Hall.




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Yeb, it’s true, it’s back and better than before. Palestine Heritage has returned to celebrate its second annual JERUSALEM DAY. I he purpose of JERU-SALEM DAY is to highlight carious aspects of t 11 e Palestinian Heritage and Identity. Like last year, the emphasis is on culture. The centre-piece of this year’s JERUSALEM DAY will bea photo, arts and crafts exhibit featuring examples of

Foreign A new course is available which offers expert advice on the Foreign Service cxamination, to be written on university campuses across Canada on October 13. -1’0 impro\re the chances of’ candidates competing for a career in Canada’s diplomatic service, Barry Ycates, a former Foreign Serc ice officer, is conducting preparatory s’eminars in most major Canadian cities between September 22 and October 12. Competition has always

Palestinian potter)‘. hand blown glass, olive wood carvings and other handicrafts. as well as an audio visual presentation. Another very popular portion of the da}, is the Palestinian coffee and foods, including ./tilcrf>l, tahouli and six kinds of pastries. This year’s extravaganza is to be held in the Campus Centre all day Friday the 28th of September. 1984. The sponsorlriig Group,

Palestine Heritage. is a relativel~~ n e w campus organisation. The aim of the organisation is to promote a greater awareness and understanding of the Palestinian heritage and idcntitb. It hopes that through its unique approach it will foster more inf‘ormcd thought and discussion on the many dimensions of the Palestinian people. It is not a Palestinian Association. In fact, it’s

Service been stiff to get Into the Foreign Service. 1984 will be no exception: the 1983 exam was cancelled and S,C;(iG applicants are expected to write this year. l‘hc seminar will developp skills and candidates’ confidence and provide them with strategies and guidance to improve their performance on the exam and in the sessions inter\ ieM.5. The review test qbestions and techniques. gi\c tips on preparation and personal explain the presentation,

officers in Canada and on post, and outline the role and organi/.ation of the Department of’ External Af‘fairs. Candidates from all educational spcciali/.ations and different backgrounds will benefit by acquiring a bcttcr understanding of the complete Foreign Sercice milieu --and gain an edge o\cr the competition. The seminar includes iccturing. visual presentation and discussion in small classes, and altoM for

membership comprises students representing several religious and et h nic backgrounds. The group is recogni/.ed by the Federation of Students. and its membership is open to all students at the University of Waterloo. Anyone wishing to contact the Palestine Heritage can do so through the Federation of Students office. Palestine



personal attention to the and questions of needs individual students. Mr. Yeatcs will teach each 3 1i 2 hour session personall),, c o m b i n i n g his External Aftairs background in Canada and abroad with his experience counselling students about the Foreign Service during his jcars as a uni\crsity administrator. I hc $1 1ti.00 cost is tax-dcductiblc and seminars are arranged in all rqyons of the country, as the attached schcdulc indicates.

esources anadi to Rh0de.s: scholarships The Canadian Water Resources Association’ Scholarships in Water Resurces 1984-85: Resources 1984-85: One scholarship of‘ $500 for’ an undergraduate student whose program of study focuses upon water resources in Canada. Applications and further information is available f‘rom the Student Awards Office, 2nd Floor, Needles Hall. Deadline for applications is: October 31, 1984. Portuguese Bursaries: Three Portuguese Bursaries in the amount of $500 each will be awarded t 0 university students of Portuguese Applications and heritage. further information is available from the Student

Awards Office, 2nd Floor, Needles Hall. Deadline for ‘applications is: September 29, 1984. Orville Erickson Memorial Scholarship Fund: Value: Up to $1,000. Full-time students pursuing a career in the field of Conservation are i n\,ited to apply anytime throughout the year. Request by writing to: Orville Erickson Memorial Scholarship, c, o Secretary, Canadian Wildlife Foundation, 1673 Carting Avenue, OTTA WA, Ontario, K2A lC4. Pillsbury Canada _Limited Undergraduate Scholarship: Two awards of $1,250 awarded to students of Business, Commerce and two awards of $1,250 each awarded to students of Food

Science and Agricultural ’ disciplines; deadline for application is: November 15, Science; Application Dead1984. lint is IVovember 30, 1984. For further information and applications, please contact Rhodes Scholarships: Eleven the Student Awards Office, scholarships to be awarded to 2nd Floor. Needles Hall. Canadian students between the ages of‘ I8 and 24, Bobby Bauer Memorial unmarried, and u,ho arc in the Award: The ’ I-oundation 3rd of 4th l’car of university awards to deserving work. Winners will study at undergraduates on the basis O>iford Unil ersity in England of need, academic standing for two. and possible three and proficiency in athletics; Septcmbcr Deadline: November 15, years beginning 1985. Value of scholarship’ is 1984. approximatel!, ten thousand The Women’s Advertising pounds per annum. ApplicaClub of Toronto Bursary: tions may be made until Valued at $275 is a.vailable to October 25,1984. Application a female f‘ull-time student I‘orms and particulars are entering second, third or a,cailablc from the Student fourth J’car of studv in Awards Off‘icc. marketing, advcrtisini 01 business administration

by Hilkka McCallum Imprint staff On the stage, draped in black, stands a gutted white piano on an akward angle. The old porcelain bathtub steadily drips water. A ladder hovers, suspended over the stage, and a closed door can be seen, glowing, above everything. The music is eerie, scratchy violins and forlorn voices fill the hollow atmosphere. The play is Harold Pinter’s Family Voices and Beckett’s Rock&y and A Piece of Monologue at the Theatre of the Arts all this week. Family Voices is in the classic Pinter style. There are non sequiters atop of chaos. The son in this story has just moved to a large city and is finding love, hate and intrigue in the most unfathomable ways. The mother sits in her old stool back at the farm pining for him as much as cursing him to stay away from her. The father, a voice from the dead, reminisces on “the good old days” while he lies in his grave, his flesh rotting. “I like living in this enormous city all by myself” declares the son, played by Ned Dickens. He promptly falls in love with Jane, a girl who can catch a pastry between her toes. “I miss you, I gave birth to you” declares his mother, played by Jan Zwicky, before her son stops writing to her. She then fumes that he is an uncaring boy who should be ashamed of not coming to his father’s funeral. He didn’t even know his father died. The father lies quietly during most of the play, but gets his soliloquy at the end when he tries to tell his son that he enjoyed his life. The play is a compilation of experiences in a normal family, but turns out odd and unrealistic because Mr. Pinter creates an emotional wall around each of them that they can’t penetrate. They are not able to enjoy life. The off-timing of bizarre remarks creates a quirky yet laughable atmosphere. Mr. Pinter’s play is a study on the lack of communication found between family members. Family ties are supposed to be the strongest. The scenery done by Ned Dickens and Wojtek Kozlinski, is captivating and mystical. For those who admire off-track, ironically humourous depictions, I recommend Family Voices. If your taste, however, stays on the maintrack, then Mr. Beckett’s Rockaby and A Piece of Monologue are not to be reckoned with. Rockuby is “all eyes, all sighs, high and low”. It is a piece of warbling poetry in the back of the mind of a dying old lady who refuses to stop rocking her chair. As long as she rocks she

Jan Zwicky

plays a dying old woman



won’t drop. Every few verses, when she thinks her mind has stopped talking to her she moans “m-o-r-e”. I don’t think I was the only one who was relieved when there was no “m-o-r-e”! ‘Mr. Beckett’s A Piece of Monologue was simply monotonous. The same ‘death-warmed-over’ father character of Family Voices was there to spin a tale of candies blowing out and dark corners that were impenetrable. In the glare of a bare bulb, his veiny face implored the audience to concentrate for a


by Ian McDowell

few more minutes. The play was characterized by the lack OI articles in his speech as well at his shifty eyes highlighting the excellent make-up job., The lighting and staging was excellent in the three plays. I be acting was apt for the parts portrayed. The actual characters in the Beckett plays were very unrealistic and unpalatable. I don’t think “that’s entertainment” for many, but I had a novel time.

,Absurd Lit. by Debbie Pigeon

,Scenes from



and Pinter’s





by Ian McDowell

Absurdist fiction and Theatre can be far more easily described than defined. In theatre especially, antiintellectuality is the artistic foundation. The style developed, along with existentialism, in response to the “angst” seen after the First World War, where traditional systems and ideologies failed to channel sense of chaos and pointlessness. the pervadiri Criticism, unfortunately, first approached the literature of the absurd from the same standpoint that denies existentialsim as “real” philosophy (though, in fact, the philosophies of Camus and Sartre contradict themselves in an absurdist sense by founding the irrational in well-reasoned Aristotelian rationalism ;Ind rhetoric) by criticsizing the elements of style that tile writers specifically denied themselves. The attempt to evince pure and individualistic pieces created a dramatic stir among the intelligentsia of the time since it uprooted most of the foundations of western literature established since the Middle Ages. The style became identifiable by the bizarre, ugly sets and nonsense dialogue used to destro the limitations imposed by scholasticism, paradoxica Yly creating a more universal appreciation of the individualistic literature that the earlier intellectual attempt at universality. Martin Esslin, in his critical anthology The Theatre of , the Absurd describes the highly appreciative reception of Beckett’s Waiting for Godot by the inmates of San Quentin in 1957, a play which till then had, in the main, been regarded by supposedly receptive and intelligent audiences as obscure and meaningless. Beyond any attempt of definition, the writers of absurd fiction exist as a varied and barely cohesive unit. As they wrote from highly personal sources, they present no definitive body. Most are not “existentialists”; most were almost completely isolated from other “absurd&” writers. Beckett and Kafka wrote mainly from intensely personal experience, others wrote more specifically against society and governmental oppresion. Darriel Kharins and Alexander Vvedensky attacked postrevolutionary Russian through absurd tales describing such occurences as people dropping dead in supermarkets lineups as tl;ough it were an everyday occurence and living people being taken away as dead. In Poland, Witold Gombrowriz, more subtly perhaps, attacks structures and systems through his assertion that man is perpetually “immature” with his constant attempt to reach the ideals he sets up as states and religions. In CosmoS, he portrays the futility of man’s desire to ascribe patterns to the chaos in the world around him, as the pitiful but witty narrator scrambles to find the hidden meanings behind a hanged sparrow.

The road was long, the muscles strained from the burden that he bore. A humble man with an honest smile, the weight crushed him once more. The path he travelled, the load he carried, his Father chose for him. He was guided bv a blinding love that time could never dim, He could’ve been my father I could’ve been his son. I am his brother.:. The two of us are one. I couldn’t help him with his struggle, he must do it alone. 1 fDlt


He could


gave live,



life all he could give, so I my brother died. I thought I was the son, sent to save the world. 1-,*,#.A 1 -m

m a mirror rre IUOK~U ai IIIC. I wasn’t blind, but I couldn’t --n he looked at me. -SZEZSSS until




Messenjah: and

by Christopher Imprint staff





Messenjah: bright, fluent, and majestic. The biggest name in North American reggae. Based in Kitchener, and managed masterfully, the Six have carved out an international reputation for themselves. So tell me why after merely a few days, there’s no magic to remember from their Bent pub performance at the Waterloo Motor Inn. When I try to recapture the event, all that remains is a hollow feeling inside. I know they’re good. Everyone knows that they’re good. And I do remember that the musicianship was faultless. But what about the performers’ challenge to move their audience, to somehow make them see the splendid images that the artist sees. When I was standing there waiting to be spirited away by the music, I could no better conlmunicate with the band, than I am able to now as I stare at my hands. I love reggae, and being Black and born in the Caribbean I was eager to identify and relate to the Brethren on stage. But all I felt was despondent emptiness. Messenjah just doesn’t do it for me any more. The music isn’t inspiring and relates poorly to the realities facing us all trapped in this sociocultural wasteland. Messenjah is still unquestionably the best Reggae band in the vast white north; I’m just watching and waiting for them to take a fresh, new direction. The Emperor is dead, and Mr. Macintosh snorts coke.


photos by Christopher Ricardo


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a point

to ma&?

The newspaper students read.

Junge Roemer release. Rappn’

is the title oj Fdco’s at the Berlin Wail.


A & M record

by Rob Clifton , Imprint staff Falco, the man who pioneered white rap music with his surprisingly infectious dance single “Der Kommissar” a few years back, has I-e-emerged from the Vienna music scene to reveal to us the.reaIity about himself we should have known all along. The man, in the long run, has little talent; at least not enough to do more than spring a few danceable singles on tis every so often. (Young Romans) is white “rap” music at its best, although Falco is one of the few white rappers (effectively reducing my compliment to absurdity due to lack of choice). The album was possibly the most frustrating piece of vinyl I’ve ever attempted to review. German, English and Italian--sometimes all in one song. He changes languages from verse to verse and even line to line. Some songs are in German. while one is all in English (which I still didn’t understand). You certainly can’t call this artistic unpredictability. I would call it an attempt (At conquering the North American and European markets s~muitn~~eously. To be honest, I feel it would be foolish for me to try to interpret his mostly foreign lyrics, bec,>use it would be ot no use to you, the average English speaking Imlprind reader: potential record buyer. The musicai tone and SOI~Q Lilies aLso add little confidence to the believability of any serious stater,rent-making in the lyrics. rites ail his own lyrics whiie Robert Ponger composes ail the music. This, then is where I must stop in my analysis of Falco, the musician, since he does little more than utter gutteral sounds while assuminq the twpicai cool ran voice. The music itself isUnot hard to descr’ibe. Ciangy guitar strums. simplified kevboard chords. a nseudo-quitar solo and let’s not foriet that repetitive BIG BEAT. Don’t &ad me wrong. There are dance tunes on this album. Other than that, there’s simply nothing interesting here. Maybe Falco would be better off if he used his music for background sound tracks on T.J. Hooker chase scenes. If only there were a few wild sax solos or daring percussion combinations to put some life into this album. Speaking positively; with his looks and album cover presence, Falco may end up in GQ. He certainly plays the part. He says, “In my own mind; though I’ve been a star since I was born.” But maybe this is his problem. The man could be so “rapped” up in himself that he fails to realize that the best thins about this album is that it comes in chromium dioxide tapes.

Kenton & Hayes


a feature movie had been made by blacks, with black stars, for blacks. -l‘he director, Gordon Parks, commissioned Isaac Hayes to produce a soundtrack which reflected the black coming of age shown in the movie. The soundtrack he produced represented a significant transit ion from the formulized bubble-gum JamlaMotown music of the 60’s. introduced a Isaac Hayes

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by Paul Done The albums reviewed in this article represent the beginning of what hopefully, will become reasonably regular series of articles in which several older albums will be reviewed and recommended. These albums represent part of the roots of modern music which we now listen to. Cubar~ Fire by Stan Kenton and his orchestra and Shaft by Isaac Hayes form a large part of the roots of today’s dance music. The rhythmic and stylistic elements of both albums were transistion points in the music of their era and their influence can still be felt today. Cuban Fire was recorded and released in 1956. It ws the first time that authentic AfroCuban rhythms had been used in popular music. Up until this point rhythm had referred only to the metronome-like beat of the song. On this album the traditional creative process was reversed in that the rhythms were compiled and songs were written to fit the rhythms as opposed to the melody orrented process in universal use at the time. It is quite safe to say that without Cuban Fire, the groundwork of influences would never have existed for artists such as Pere Ubu, Peter Gabriel and Talking Heads to build upon. When the movie Shaft was released in1971, it represented a two-fold transistion for modern culture. The film itself was a landmark because is represented the first time that


music, which spawned first disco, then much of today’s jazz-funk dance music. It is said that “imithtion 1s . the sincerest form of flattery”; . if this is true, Isaac Hayes is , still being flattered by the likes of Michael Jackson, Prince and the Gap Band. He also provided one of the major Influences for such r’n’b based white artist as Robert Palmer, Section 25, John Hiatt and Joy Division.

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by Tim Imprin’t

Perlich staff

after 9, ear of hibernation, have released a new 12” single, I3 ere and Now”, “Vladimir and The Beast (nart 3)“. A new album. Aural Sculptures, follows in Nobember. Aztec Camera’s new album Knife should hit the racks during the last week in September. Produced by Mark Knonfler. the album features a new addition to the Aztec Ii& up: guitarist Malcolm Ross (ex-member of Orange Juice). Currently available on import is the 12” single, “All I Need is Everything”, with an entirely reconstructed version of Van Halen’s “Jump” - which does not appear on the LP. A new Ij2 album, Unforgettable Fire, is set for an early October release. Brian Eno and Dan Lanois share the -production chores, The first single, “Pride” is out now. The new David Bowie album, Tonight, recorded this past spring in Quebec is supposed to be in the stores September 24th. The album contains two self-written songs: “Loving an Alien” and single/video “Blue Jean”, along with four songs co-written by Ig y Pop: “Tonight”, “Tumble and Twirl”, “Dancing wit x the Big Boys”, “Nei hborhood Threat” as well as three covers: Leibel’s and 3 toiler’s “I Keep Forgetting”, Brian Wilson’s “God Only Knows” and Iggy’s “Don’t Look Down”. UB40 are currently in the studio putting finishing touches on a new LP set for a late fall release. Their new single “If it Happens Again”/“Nkomo A Go Go” is available now on import. October will see the release of a new Big Country single “East of Eden”/“Prairie Rose”. The latter is a cover of the Roxy Music song. The



Education is essential in the Third World’s drive toward self-reliance. CUSO is helping through the placement of skilled teachers.

by Ken

Subject teachers are needed for: *English and ESL *Mathematics *Science (Physics and Chemistry) *Commercial/Secretarial Science


Jolly Tamborine Man have finished their video just in time to break up. The Jollies’s video features every cliche possible,, including a 7 l/2 in. python, females dressed in black holding beers, a monster, the band lip-synching, break-dancing and even a part of a ZZ Top video. Stu from JTT is in a new band called Gospel Shop. Stu says, “we sound just like Breeding Ground; I’m so happy I’ve completely sold out”. Montreal’s Unruled have broken up. Its drummer, Paul, formerly of A.P.B., has moved back to the Big Lemon. Lots of rumours about the up and coming Husker Du and F.U.‘s show at 62 Clairmont (in TO on Sept. 28). The rumours so far are: 1) it’s cancelled; 2) Articlesof Faith are playing too; 3) A of F will also play that Sunday, the 30th, with Prisoners of Conscience at the Brothel.






at local



We{: September 26 7:30 p.m. 3005 .‘vlatch & Computer Bldg. Cues t Speaker: Marilyn Musgrove, Education

1 CUSO (III I’ UI y Ia Education Officer, former Field Officer & DII , DII 11’ Teacher in Nigeria. Local Office: 2080 Needles Hall, 885-1211 ext. Action





Art Of Noise - Who’s Afraid Of? Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two .P.) Tina Turner - Private Dancer Prince - Purple Rain Depeche Mode - People Are People Herbie Hancock - Sound System Public Image - This Is What You Wa Soundtrack (Various Artists) - E ‘earns Mike Oldfield - Discovery . Diana Ross - Swept Away Just

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Night *


Australian Short Stories Kerryn Goldsworthy, ed. c J.M. Dent

manufacturer’s sugg. price $475.00 our, price $359.00 Not Fred: Stories.




of Austraiian

Address: 258 King St. Waterloo (corner King University) Hours: III. T. W. Th. 9:30 Fri. 9:30 - 9:oo 5‘a t . LO:00 - 4:oo


“A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,j,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,x,Y,~,” provides some formal experimentation. A number of comic pieces round out MS. Goldstiorthy’s selection . As reading this book was my first introduction to Australian literature, I am grateful to Kerryn Goldsworthy for providing an entertaining and diverse group of stories. And also thankful for filling out my perception of the country into which good Fred disappeared.


nite schools, where such skills torms, has persisted in true were outward signs of inward conservative Mennonite spiritual values. Four distinct areas. writing styles were available HANDSCHRIFTEN, to Waterloo County writers guest curated by Professor until the end of the century Nancy-Lou Patterson of the when the ‘Public School’hand Fine Art Department, so familiar to us all, University of Waterloo brings challenged these earlier together a fascinating forms. Several of these styles assemblage of local penmanhave since disappeared, ship from the work of although Fraktur, perhaps professional Fraktur artists to the most decorative of the ~1 the exercises of school

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)y William Knight mprint staff Australia strikes me as the place to go if ever I should incur a arge gambling debt in Atlantic City. First Quantas flight to Sydney and then hop on an ostrich and lope off into the jutback. My dissolute great-uncle Fred disappeared into Lstralia under suspect circumstances and thus is my magination provoked into picturing the country as such a nythic refuge. Fred, perhaps finding work on a remote sheep station, may iave turned into a character found in one of the 32 short stories .ollected in Australian Short Stories. The stories, selected by (erryn Goldsworthy, span more than one hundred years of Lstralian short fiction and range in style from Victorian to lost-modern. Ms. Goldswor+hy notes that previous colk?ctions Of 4ustraiian short fiction have stressed the “formula bush tale”, ales of sun-bronzed men roughing it in the bush -- the sort of tory Fred may have wandered into. In an attempt to redress this over-emphasis on formulaic iction, MS. Goldsworthy haschosen less typical stories; stories hat are more daring in form and stories which lack a distinctive Australian-ness”. “A Man of Accomplishment” and Frank Moorhouse’s Barbara Baynton’s “The Chosen Vessel”, for example, offer a listinct female perspective while Murray Bail’s

The Joseph Schneider Iaus is proud to present IANDSCHRIFTEN: iandwritten Forms in sermanic Waterloo Zounty at the Heritage Gallery from September 22 to November 25. Beautiful handwriting, ecorative and penwork rnamental embellishment, hese were taught in ineteenth century Menno-

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Draw 2:00

to be held p.m.





‘1 .

I .


and Martin

by John L. I’racey Imprint staff Car! Keiner and Steve Martin have a comedy joining of the souls, and with their latest effort, Al/ ~/‘IVP, such a comment is e\zn more fitting. The movie. _\ou sec. is about the transmigration of’ souls. Too hea\ ,\ for htc\e Martin? Don’t kvorry. The film adaptation of Ed I>a\ iy , \Ic~ Too is anything but profound. Mr. Martin, who plays Roger (‘obh. ;1 thirty-eight year old law>,cr and part-time ja/, musician, shines throughout. Lily Tomlin keenly executes her role of rich but terminally ill socialite. T‘llrough Mr. Martin’s boss, the two meet on what is virtually her death-bed. On arrival, Mr. Martin discovers the fact that this woman is somewhat peculiar. In the codeci! which Mr. Martin is to draw up, the heiress outlines her desire to ha\se her soul replace that of one 01’ the serbant’s daughters. Ms. Tomlin is a follou~er of‘ an

fuse Eastern mystic, who ~111 .* perform the transmigration. Mr. Martin quite naturally tells the woman he think\ her mad. This excites the old girl, who requires <j\_\gcn to sta\e off an attack of‘ some sort. The sL;arni and a blind black jazz musician are excellent. One scene at the swami’s hotel suite IS particularly amusing. On discovering that he can flush the toilet b>, means of the handle, the phone rings. The swami believes there’s a cause-effect relationship here, so he flushes again. Of‘ course the phone rings again. Eccry time the phone rings, the misguided guru runs to the washroom. I hc ending is predictable. but the rest ol‘thc mokie is a blast. While not as deep as the Harold Pintcr play 1 saw Fridal at the -1 heatrc of‘thc Arts, this l‘lich is b> far more entertaining. I’d gilt it an X.5. See it il’_\ou’rc I‘ccling extra /an). You’l die laughing, and that’s t-call> a gra~c situation.




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by Mike Upmalis Imprint staff There is an old football adage, some call it a myth that you use the running game to open up the defensc for the pass. Offenses like the Argo’s “run and shoot” and the Warrior’s “sprint’ offense turn it around to feature a primarily passing offense. The Windsor Lancers in a sound thrashing of the Warriors demonstrated that the old saw about running to prove the pass is true. The Warriors in a game that displayed little ofthc potential of their game in Ottawa lost to the Lancers by the score of 3 l-3 in Windsor last Saturday. Windsor won the game on the run in the first halfand the pass ’ in the second. Lancer fullbacks Rob Dalley and GinoCastellan (Castellan an OUAA all-star) were responsible for over 605; of the Windsor offense. Dalley ran for 94.yards and received for another 2 1, while CasteHan had combined yardage of 1’08 yards. Windsor’s total offense was 214 on the ground and 125 . through the air. What was interesting was that Lancer- QB Mistele attempted only nine passes in the first half completing three and threw another nine in the second half for a total record of 8 for 18. Windsor scored two touchdowns. three field goals and one rouge. Waterloo’s offense ran more cold than hot on Saturday.. They . ..

Windsor 32, Waterloo 3 dtdn’t hve up to the’,promrse that they showed in thcrr pr-cseason game.~l?ie three strong drives mounted by the oftense resulted in only- one field goal.. After a pass interference call, the Warriors had three tires from the Lancer one yard line to put in for the major and were halted by the Lancer defensc. Another strong march up the field sputtered out at -the Lancer 14 yard line when three plays Waterloo’s only score of the game came in the dying seconds couldn’t get a~touchdown or first,down. ofthe first half whep,:Warri~3;.k~~r,~~~dy Mikalachki punted / Warrior QR’Drew Zehr was 13 for 34 on the day for 15,5yards ” in a 40 yards field goal. in the passing department. Stu Adams was the hot receiver, The Windsor offcnse in the first half rushed for 113 yards and taking six completions for 82 yards. Waterloo, on the ground, passed for 34 more. was very ineffective, chalking up 26 yards, with 21 of those Waterloo’s defense were not quite as aggressive as they were yards coming in the second half. Drew Zehr was the top rusher in Carleton. Waterloo register-cd only one sack on the day, with a net of-2’1.yards and Mike Arsenault netting Let-0 yards on waterbo’s only score ol,the game came in the dytng seconds 5 carries with a longest carry of 5 yards. of the second quarter when a beautiful 27 yard pass by/Drew Zchr to Ken put Sandy Mikalachki in position for a 40 yard Dario Pretto didn’t have the best of days, having to contend with the rain, wind and a few low snaps. One of three low snaps \ field goal. Warrior defensc is stronger oitensively. against a. passing never got away and the Lancers took over at the Warrior 6 for. team. This coupled with Windbor’s “tripod’,’ offense,which puts the first major of the game. Pretto averaged 3 1 yards a punt with the‘ backfield on the line. found good pcnctration of the a longest punt of 46 yards. ,e 4

“Waterloo defense. Warriors continued something from their pre-season. game, taking bad penalties. Waterloo were pcnali/.cd ten times for 125 yards against Windsor’s five for 66 yards. *aaterloo plays tomorrow against the York Yeomen at Seagrams. York is currently 1 and 0 after beating Guelph last weekend. Waterloo needs the win, and il’ the coaches can balance the attack and get the sprint offcnse in synch they should bc able to do it. (-‘OrrWtiOn: Last week we gave both the puntingandkicking job to Dario Pretto. We are not the coachrng btafl’. Sandy Mikalachki is the place kicker. Chris Mcachcr his back-up, and Dean Cebulski is the back-up punter.

Spoitsy week ~\ Paul Condon Sports Information Director The Athena field hockey team swung into action on the weekend with five games played in the.Statc of Michigan. In their annual excursion to the Michigan tournament, the Athenas are given the opportunity to face top notch talent early in the season. Most of the Athenas’ opponents are athletic for students who .have been practicing scholarship approximately one month. The Athenas have been working out for only one week. / In the five games that the Athenas played, they won two matches and lost three. The wins were over Western Michigan, 2- 1 and Western Illinois, 1-O. The losses were to Ohio, 1-2, Lake Forest, l-2 and Notre Dame 2-3. “We had to adjust to some differe,nt rules,” said Athena coach Judy McCrae. “For

. *

example, they remove the circle (the area from which goals you could score from must be scored). That meant anywhere on the field instead of trying to work the ball right into the goalmouth area. It makes for a different game. 1 was pleased with the play of our girls. We tried some new systems of play and they worked well. That was encouraging. We have a tough weekend coming up this weekend when we’ll be meeting Toronto, York and Laurentian.. Those will be very tough games, ” said McCrac.

Don ‘t despair, football Warriors! It is a long climb fi-om the basement to the top of the scoreboard. You may be having d@iculties at the moment, getting a firm footing over your opponents. But hang in there. Imprint is with you.




The soccer Warriors took three out of a possible four points this past weekend. After only a week and a half practice, they tied the Laurier Golden Hawks, a team which had been practicing for some time and which had played five games. The score was 1- 1. “While we played well, Laurier also played well,” said Warrior head coach, John Vincent. “Actually, we could have won the game when we had a penalty kick with just four minutes remaining in the game. Laim McFarlane, who scored our first goal on a penalty kick, missed one with four minutes- to


gc. 1 was very pleased with the play of our team in both of the games. If I could point out one player who supplied some inspiration and leadership, it would be Mark Forester. He scored our opening goal against Br0c.k on Sunday and in general played very well in both games” said coach Vincent. Other goal scorers in Sunday’s 4- 1 win over Brock were Cory Williams, Gary Cooper and Jim Gunn, all freshmen. That’s a very good sign when the freshman players play such a prominent role in a victory. Coach Vincent expressed satisfaction H’lfh his freshman goaltender Tim Walker. Coach Vincent went on to state that it seems to be a habit that the Warriors lost a player for the season in their first game of the, year. Last year, it was the Warriors All Canadian player Tom Abbot, this year it was/Scott Robinson who will be out for the year with a broken ankle. The soccer Warriors will host the University of Guelph this Saturday. That game will start at 1:OO p.m. and will be played on the soccer pitch on Columbia Field. Ihe football Warriors will host the York Yeomen on Saturday in Seagram Stadium. l’he game will start at 2:OO p.m. The Warriors will play their second home game the following week when they host the McMasder Marauders on Friday, September 28. That game will start at 7:00 p.m. In the recent ticket campaign, many U W staf‘f and faculty have taken advantage of the very reasonable offer ofa ticket for only $1 1.00. It’s still not too late to purchase a ticket good for admission to 37 events. Make your remittance payable to the UW Athlet,ic Department and send it to Paul Condon, PAC building and include your return address. One ticket application that pu/./.led the Athletic Department officials was one that came from Riverview, New Brunswick. That’s quite a distance to commute to see the Warriors in action. The Athlete of the Week selection will commence next week with the familiar Tuesday Luncheon to honour the athletes.

’ -\

a triumph


NJA$KATCACK”3. TheBearBite. S


queeze the juice of a quartered lime over ice Throw in l’/z ounces of Yukon jack, top it up with cola and you’ll have trappe the Bear Bite. Inspired \ in the wild, midst the , damnably cold, this, the / black sheep of Canadian , liquors, is Yukon Jack.

lbkon Jack” The black sheep of C anadian 1i q uors. Concocted

by John L. I‘racky Imprint staff This year’s Canada Cup has been both a triumph of the will and a stud> in contradiction. Canada has succeeded in the face of ad\,ersity, in restoring some pride in the f‘ruits of‘ OUI nation’s unof‘l‘icial sport. Running on a primitive ntxd to survi\,e, the highly c hargcd Canadian squad def‘eattzd the f‘avc)ured Sot iet platoon, a djnnasty unparalleled in the recent history of hockey, in what some are calling - the best hockey _ -game ever.

At the same time. consistency, other than on the part of‘ the Soviets, was almost non-existent. After disappointing ct‘f‘orts against the Americans and the Swedes, the home team pla>,ed inspired hockey in their overtime defeat of the Sot iets. Final111 co-ordinating their attack after borne sloppy showings, the Canadians showed the all around polish of which they are capable. An important part of the Canadian cl f‘ort against the Swedcs in the semi-f‘inal was Gretlky line. which the

accounted for a good deal of the of‘f’tznce generated in that contt’~t.

Also noteworthy was the seeming lack of‘ a pattern in results. I he C/cchs, sil\el medalists at Sarajcv o, were particularly disappointing. 7 he Americans, al’tcr playing well against the Soviets, lost bq a lopsided margin, a team u hich, like Canada. got off to a bad start. I he appearance of a lath of predictability did not extend to the extrcmcs of‘ quality, the Soviets on the positive side and the West Germans on the negative.

with fine CanadianWhisky.


For more Yukon Jack recipes write: MORE YUKON JACK RECIPES, Box 2710, Postal Station “U,” Toronto, Ontario M8Z 5Pl.





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$4.00 feds after 7:00 p.m. $5.00 others after 7:00 p.m-. (Admission includes Extra ticketscan be purchased


one ticket for the draw) for the draw for $2.00 per ticket.

First draw will be at IO:00 Second draw will be at midnight must be on the premises at the time of the draw to qualify.

winners and theirguests will leave directly from the pub for their destination so





9:3Oam-9:QOpm Sat.9:30am-

11 p . m .

Athena Field Hockey Team played exhibition matches in Michigan )y Judy With

McCraq six freshmen and eight returnees, the Athena. Field Team played exhibition matches in Michigan this past

Hockey Neekend. “Overall, 1 was pleased,” said Coach Judy McCrae, “we saw he freshmen for the first time in competition and for the most Iart they held up well. The work of our returnees was gratifying.” With the loss of Jean Howitt, perennia! All-Star, and 3lympian Lisa Bauer, the scoring necessary to win games falls o Kathy GoetL, Ellen Clark, and the freshmen. “We played a lot of attack and the goals scored against us were break away type, so we need to M ork more diligently in this Lrea.”

This weekend the Athenas will Tournament on Columbia Fields. Sat. Sept. 22 9:30 a.m. Waterloo \ s Toronto 11:OO a.m. York vs Laurenrian I :00 p.m. York c’s Toronto 3:00 p.m. Toronto vs Laurentian Sun. Sept. 23 Waterloo \s Laurcntian 9130 a.m. 1 I:30 a.m. Waterloo cs York.



Field Hockey Roster

. j Invitationa

There will be ice available at the field. 7’he Phqfsical Actibitics Complex will be open for your conbenicncc. Games will be 35 minute halves, regulation games.

Invitational Tournament sees WLU. defeat

Penny Smith Sandy Coleman Paula Gardner Sylvia Boyd Sheila Keay Ellen ClarE Dawn Cor;,lier Shari Carter Debbie Murray Jocelyn Mills Beth Kewley Kathy GoetL Linda DeVette Alison Brown Manager: Nancy Kameoka Assist. Coach: Jean Hewitt Head Coach: Jud! McCrac



Men and Women’s Hairstyling Women $7.50 Men $7.00 Complete with Blow Dry

Dave Hemmerich Imprint staff Conestoga Golf and Country Club was the site of the University of Waterloo Invitational GolfTournament this past Monda),, September 17. The Warrior golf team proked ungracious tourney hosts for their Gold team combined for a <even shot victory over second place Wilf‘rid Laurier. Murray McCloud paced the Warriors with a fine round 01‘66 :)vcr the tricky par 63 layout. Several players arc in the running to make the final squad of five men w/ho will represent Waterloo In the O.U.A.A.‘s. Paul Frit/ of Wilfrid Laurier carded a one over par 64 to take Individual honours.

Hours: Tues. - Fri. 8:30 am - 6:00 pm Saturday 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

28 University Ave. E. (across from Church’s &i&en) Waterloo 886L2060-

Why would anyone play golf by Dave Hemmerich Wh) would anyone pIa>* goll’! Whet-c does a golfer find satisfaction chasing a littic white ball across acrcb 01 hill> terrain? Are golfers a slightI> deranged scgmcn t 01 socict j ‘! Probably. Alter all, u ho else but a ~~ollt‘r would continually, szbjcct themsel\es,‘daJ al‘tcr day, to a solid four hours of sheer f‘ustration? I o see a long straight tee shot take a era/y right-hand bounce and continue to roll until resting cosily against a network of tree roots, dampens the spirit. It hurts to watch what one thinks is a fine bhot, only’ to sue the ball come back to earth n,ith a splash, having landed six t‘cet short 01‘ the green in a water halard. Blasting out of a saud trap to I’ind the ball has travelled only

six inch5 closer to the hole alter the d&t has settled, isn’t much fun cithcr. Sonictinicb, on a six foot putt, the ball rolls straight to the cup’s centre until inexplicabl>. it will swcr\c !,lightl). tra\cl around the cntirc circumlcrcncc ot’thc cup. and come to rest M ithin a hair’s width 01‘ l’alling in the hole; the ball rolls straight to the I~oIc. the ball sits stubbornly NO ~I,,.~~ IO its intended dcsma~ion and starts

at 40~.

Golf tran7,llot III\ ni~ldmannered gcntlc lolh 111togoi~ club throwing cuh\ct 5. (JOI Is instigatc5 SlccplcsI 111gllI\. Gall ib a humbling c,~pc~ Icnct‘. s 0

W e II . occasionally, a goltcr s,dnding at the tee with a still‘ wind at u 114’

g 0 I I“!

his back fill Ict out the shaft of‘ his dl-i\ cr and tahc one vicious,

Iiiight~~ rip at tllc goI1

ball and that ball tracels hard, straight, and long. Occasionall) the gollcr put5 LI fluid strohc to his liltccn loot putt and Matches the ball slide six Icct right to iclt below disappearing pui-posclul1~~ in tl1e ccntrc 01 t hc cup. Occasionall! that blast out 01’ tlic hunhci kill pitch on llic grccii and such bath to

withill tl\o Icct 01 tlic plii. And. occa\~c)~~ail_\. a g:ollcr ma> c.\cc’lItc LIIIXX 01 I‘OUI SLICCCS~~LI~ shots in a ran, but 0111~ I-awl). It is the unpredictable *rllkture ol lailurc-succcsb and

.:’ ‘!.~ttioi1-c~liilaration. with oneself to blame 01’ onl) congratulate, that answers the question: why golf’!

COMI3ATS at “in the pursuit

of image”’




NOTICE OF STUDENTS’ BY-ELECTION Nominations to fill the following vacancies on Students’ Council for the year 1984-85 xopen on Monday, September 24 and close on Monday, October 1, 1984 at 4:30 p.m.

Arts, regular HKLS, regular Renison

1 seat

1 seat 1 seat

‘LL~ E il 1



Captains of all competitive and recreational teams in the Campus Red Program: Please remember that you must pick up a revisesd schedule from the Campus Red Office immediately.

Attention Everyone: There is a desperate shortage of flag football refs for the Campus Ret program. This is an excellent way to make ‘Lome extra cash. Please go to the Campus Ret Office in PAC, room 2040, if you are interested.

Are you into hoops? Is your cash flow hurt’n? is zebra your favourite colour? Please call Tom Valcke (ref in chief) at 884-5965, about starting your careere as a Campus Ret Ref (it’s really not that tough) today.

Lying down on the fun: participants in recent recreation orientation of Sept. 14th - 16th.



photo by Richard





t-or all those Tennis Nuts and those who would like to beTennis Nuts now at the Campus Recreation Office in the PAC and be a part of the Men’s and Women’s Tennis Singles Tournament. The tournament held on October 14,20 and 2 I at the Waterloo Tennis Club. The final entry date and the rules’ meeting is Wednesday, October 10, I984 at 4:45 pm - 5:30 pm in PAC, room 1001. No entries will be accepted after 4:45 pm. The rules’ meeting is a must tf you want to play. You don’t need to be a pro to be involved. If you can hold a racket, come on out and have fun! Everyone is welcome!


an Here are the important dates for the week of Sept. 24-30 for the Campus Ret activities. Mon. Sept. 24 - Ball hockey organizational meeting, 4:30-5:45 pm CC1 13. - Ball hockey officials meeting, 6:00-7:00 pm CC1 13. - Mixed slo-pitch tournament final entry, 4:30 pm PAC 2040. Tues. Sept. 25 _ Curling club organizational meeting, 4:30-5:30 pm CC135. Wed. Sept. 26 - Ski club organizational meeting 7:00-9:00 pm CC1 13. - Mixed slo-pitch meeting, 6:00-7:00 pm PAC 1001. Friday Sept. 28 - Mixed slo-pitch iournament begins (continues Sat. and Sun. all day) VGjColumbia fields. - Aquatic Emergency Care course begins 6:00-9:00 pm CC1 13, continues Sat. 9:00-6:00 pm CC1 13 and Sun 1O:OO-4:00 pm. Sat. Sept. 29 - fitness Instructors course begins 9:00-5:00 pm in PAC 100 1.

Didn‘t get rnto that fitness class? There are still some spaces open fo! certain instructional programs offered by,Campus Rec. To register you must go to the PAC receptionist ASAP. The following programs are still available:

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Bronze Cross AEC Award/ Distinction NLS Al / Recerts Ddnce II intermediate weight training, Nov. 7th Yoga, Experienced and Ibovlce Juggling Cycling Bike skills Recreational figure skating, Saturday 2:30 Power skating, Tuesday and Wednesday, 7:30-8:30 Tennis: Beginnes, T 7-8 T8-9 T 8-9 W 7-8 R 7-8 Refresher, T 7-8 W 8-9 w 9-10 R 7-8 R 8-9 Intermediate, R 8-9 T 9-10 W 8-9 Squash, Intermediate II, M 9:30 T 8:50, 9:30 R 8:50, 9:30 Racquetball, T 8:40 Fitness Beginner, 1 1~30, MWF Restart 12:15, TR Land G Water 1:30, MWF Intermediate, Staff only, 12: 15, TR Intermediate Ski Fit 7:30 pm, MW Dance & Exercise, 12:00, TR Aqua Fit 1:30, MW

Sports Commentary

This week. in sports... I Last week in this space. I lambasted our gallant gridiron eroes (the football team) on the basis of one exhibition loss. or many I was Being a little too premature. Well, last Saturday they had the chance to prove me wrong. ‘he team went out and did the only thing they could, they lost hanks guys, for making my prediction come true and saving I ?y reputation. On a more positive note, the team may yet benefit4rom the xcelent new coaches they have (ex-CFLer Granny Liggins is ne) and they may learn to handle their new offence. But I doubt it. Enough on football. On Tuesday, September 18, I ran into Mark Haussman who ; head coach and chief bottle washer for the cross-country zam. He - passed, on to me the timely information that this iaturday the varsity cross-country teams are in Western for leir season opener. Both teams are looking forward to competing against their raditional rivals; Queen’s, Toronto, and Western. Also attendJg this meet will be several strong American schools including &chigan, Michigan State, North Carolina State and Penn. itate. Good luck guys and gals. If you are looking for some hot and heavy action this weekend the place to be is Columbia Field. On Saturday, the ugby team plays host to Western. The team is coming Off a :onvincing 32-O mauling of Laurier last Week. However, Western will be a completely different story. Rugby :oach Mark Harper was extremely happy with the opening ound victory but is hoping that the players do not .become overconfident. I As10 at Columbia Field will be the Athena Invitational Field -Iockey Tournament Waterloo is playing host to Toronto, York md Laurentian. Coach Judy McCrae predicts that this oumament will have the highest calibre of any that her team till play in before the league finals. The team has seven freshman and seven returning players. Last week, the team had a very good outing against several JmerIcal schools. For coach McCrae the goal for this weekend s to get the team playing the style that they have been practicng for the past two weeks. The Athenas first game is at the ridiculow hour of 9:30 Saturday mominG. The tournament runs all day but the Vhenas next game is Sunday morning at 9:30. Good luck and et’s hope that none of your players Are hungover this aekend. Last, but certainly not least, the soccer team is hosting Suelph on Saturday afternoon. On the opening weekend the Learn, was very successful, capturing three out of a possible four points. Good luck to you this time around. There, you see, there are many alternatives to watching, our Football team. Now, just 90 out and do it!



‘by Donald Duench Six weeks ago, the Calgary Stampeders went to Montreal to play the Concordes. There was nothing unusual about this CFL contest; unless you have your binoculars trained on the field, watching a pair of rookie quarterbacks. Warming up on the Montreal sideline was Turner Gill, the first-year phenom from Nebraska. Remember Gill? He took Nebraska to the Orange Bowl, where Miami broke the Cornhuskers’ 22game winning streak in a 3 l30 thriller. Gill would have also taken the Heisman if it weren’t for team-mate Mike Rozier, who won the award. But take a look at the Calgary bench, where the player wearing number 13 prepares for the game. Taking a, closer ‘ook through the binoculalrs reveals that his name’s \/ avra. Not niany folks entering the Big Owe that night would have known about Greg Vavra. He and his University of Calgary Dinosaur teammates sipped from the Vanier Cup after defeating Queen’s to win the Canadian college football championship last year. Vavra also won the Hec Creighton award as the



has it!

game televised all over Canada. In 1983, that is. Thankfully, six new pay television channels were introdutied to the Canadian airwaves on the ‘first of September. One‘ of them is known as The Sports Network (TSN), from whence cometh the fan’s salvation. According to a United Press - Canada releqse, TSN



agreement with the Canadian lnteruniversity Athletic Union (CIAU) to telecast live (this season) eight CIAU football games, 12 hockey games and 26 basketball TSN also has a games. magazine show which covers CIAU sports every ‘r besday at 7:3G p.m.

While TSN opens eyes for spectators, it also makes the I’.V. sports crews of this

country stand up and take aoticc. Their reports at 6 and I 1 thrive on the 30-second clip of a contest, something that just wasn’t available except for the national championships and CHCH games. Hopefully, this is just the ‘first step in providing the attention and recognition t-hat CIAU sport?; deserve. For Vavra, and all the others like h it‘s a few yeais too late.



Meet Jim Unger, creator of HERMAN, one of the world’s most popular comics. Jim will’ be autographing copies of his IZQZLI FOURTH TREASURY.



Canadian college football .in 1983. There’s a big reason why eveFybody and his porn poms has heard about Gill and his wonderful accomplishments, but couldn’t tell Vavra from Youppil: T.V. Television coverage of US college sports allows both

fans and the media to easily I.discover what’s going on in all parts of the nation. All the T.V. publicity of the teams generates fan interest, prompting moie television coverage. Gill and the Nebraska team played at least a half-dozen times on national T.V. in the U.S., including the Orange Bowl, which was played in prime time. Vavra’s Dinosaurs showed up just once, as the Vanier CUP was the onlv anadian coilege foot bail

Tuesday Tuesday,


at the Cinema Sept. 25th

. Metropo&


by Fritz Lang


Open M6n. - Sat.


Wed. Sept. 27th

Lo&l Talent Night! # 1




_ Y


by Sandy Townsend Imprint staff Last Saturday, September 15, the Warriors served notice that they will be seeking a repeat of last season’s crown as they hammered the Laurier Golden Hawks 32-O. The defending OUAA Champions dominated every aspect of the game as the team ran through, over and around the shodd!, l.aut-ici dci’cnce. The Warriors scored six tries while holding the oppobition scoreless. l‘he appreciative crowd, of around 250, pals treated to a wonderful afternoon of rugby at its finest. Warrior coach, Mark Harper, was especially pleased with the effort of his forwards, saying, “Paul l‘oon, Jim Shaw and Glen Harper all played very aggressively and provided the team with enough good quality possession for us to have scored 50 points”. The Warriors attacked Laurier right from the opening kickoff and never gave them a chance to become untracked. Stalwart prop forward Mark Allison, an OUAA allstar last season. played a particularly important role for the Warriors b) leading 111~‘~LLC~dn4, in fact, he scored the Warriors first points.

Warrior Paul l‘oon of‘ Wilfrid Laurie1 Warrior Dave LUI, tackled by Laurier

catches the ball from a lineout to the dismav in white Imprint photo by Bob Butts Kong (airborne) passes off before being Imprint photo by Bob Butts defender

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Laurlcr 1%a4 pcnaliled on their 5m. line and before they could bet tl.,. I dclence, Allison quickly tapped the ball and crashed oker and through several dcf‘enders to get the ball over the line. Rookie Paul ? oon M’as accurate with his t‘irts conversion and the score was 6-O. After that earl> Scot-c. the Warriors sagged, but Laurier was not able to take advantage of‘ the lapse. Captain Glen *Harper jolted the Warriors out 01‘ their da/e to score the second try. Waterloo l‘orced the play deep into the Laurier end. and the ball Mcnt out-of-bounds close to their goal-lint. At the resulting line-out, Harper darted through the line to pounce on the loose ball and score the tr\ 4gpin. l‘oon conbcrted the tq and the score was 12-O. Lauriec came back ancl M as ?Inluck~~~not to score M’hcn a f‘ield goal attempt bounced 011 tilt upr!ght into the waiting arms 01’ Jamie Puskas. I‘hat uas as close as Laurier came to penetrating the Waterloo defense. until a late game surge almost pushed the ball over the Warrior line. The second hall‘ belonged completely to the Warriors. Tries were scored by Paul Coburn, Jim Shah, Dan”Dude” Ingoldsbq and Paul Toon, c\ ho added two more conversions to give him 12 points on the afternoon. loot a bad start for a rookie. Assistant coach Sandy l‘ownsend was happy that the team started the season on a winning note and was “pleasantly suprised” by the play ot‘~‘oung Dan lngoldsby at scrumhall‘. He also singled out Mark Allison for his smart play and his aggressike running, including his crowd pleasing non-side step run in the lirst half.

open dining.




21, 1984. ,-,

In the curtain raiser to the Warrior game, Waterloo’s second team, the l‘rojans, smashed their Laurier counterparts 23-O. The tone f‘or the game was set early on when second-row Tony Kay hit a Laurier player so hard it hurt not only him but his immediate family as well. Blair Clemes scored two tries to lead the l‘rojans with single tries being credited to Jeff Solly and Jon Sadler. F-ullback Steve Dulhanty kicked two conversions and one penalty goal to round out the l‘rojans scoring. l’omorrow, Waterloo meets the Western Mustangs at 2 o’clock at Columbia E‘ields. So bring a blanket, a friend, and somcthing warm, and help support Warrior rugby. -

was still up to the challenge

of the Laurier defence Imprint photo by Bob Butts


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Village accommodation will be avaIlable for the Winter term conimencing January . The Residence fees including meals wrll be singles( if available) > 1570,00inter-connecting rS/&sTOO and doublez$146O.OOfof the term Students wishing to apply for this accommodation may obtain Residence Application Forms from the Housing Office which is located invillage 1, or write to: _.



SPRING Village

TERM 1985

1 single rooms are now renting at Housing Office, Vilkge 1 or-phone

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