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irkjay, September 28, 1984; Vol. 7, No. 11; The Student -paper;


of Waqpog. Watedoo, Ontario.

1/I Feds launch referendum with co-op mail-out .: %-

"the Federation of Students w ~ l l h ~ r e a full-time October 1st marks the Researcher." official launch of the U W The letter goes on to say Federation o f S t u d e n t s that Students Council has campalgn to pull out of the estabhshed a committee to O n ~ a r i o Federation o f determine how the $40,000 Students (OFS). w~ll be spent should the Kathryn Seymour, Co- students vote to leave the Chairman of the Board of OFS. Communications, is leading the Federation campaign for Students currently pay the O c t o b e ~15th referendum. $4 50 p e r t e m t o t d o n g to the O ~ SThis . fee ig included in t& total fee charged by the


effectwe January 1, 1985," or "I support conttnutng membersi6p m tke OES." There is no reference in the quest~onofa second mahdate. One omiss~on from the mail-out confused several coop students ~nterv~ewedby Imprint. The students could not understand why "The Execut~ve is committed to maintaining services, and will In k t by able to i n c r e ~ w services with iacreits* $he

OFS (*+mnYMaddra %

impriast 9-


The Uaiversity of Waterloo G p b a t e Assoc'ktio~(GSA) m @ y voted to support ' ' e d t a r i o F e d e r a t i o n of S M e n b 0 position in the - upcoming refereadum. The GSA Board of - b'irectors passed the 'ssalution on September 24


becguse "the OFS is an effective and strong voice for students from all campuses student inues and interests in a Ontarid' The resolution also states that the OFS "provides a m n i n g f u l forum in which c a n discuss issues - a n d eltablisfi a common ground and strategy t o pursue tbem." The GSA are separate members of OFS.


. .

, Ooe GSA @ember who attended the OFS Conference in London last week said that, "mast of the people who atttnded the conferewe felt that the Fed's a n withdrawing for persoaal and not fiuancid reasons." Several of the G S K s Board of Directors wit! be working to support the OFS in the October 15 UW referendum.

Dauid Neal oj The Villains sayspeek-a-boo! Seepage 15 jor more. Impritlt photo by Uitcwl Edgm



TWQ ranked teams from last s e a s ~ n , ~ m j the y &r,L,U, Golden Hawks and the Concordia Stingers, will be featured3

- Fri., Sept. 28 -

Fed Flicks: see Friday. Friday and Saturday only, there will be a second show at lo:30 p.m.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream: tickets $20 and $12 (includes bus) are available in Fed Office, CC 235. Bus leaves as 6:45 p.m. for Stratford. Salatul Jumu’a

(Friday Prayer) organized by the Muslim Students’ Association University of Waterloo CC 135. 1:30 p.m.

Birth Control Centre: Our trained volunteers provide

- Sun., Sept. 30 -


Daycare: A meeting to discuss the formation of an infant and toddler coop daycare for students, staff, and faculty of W.L.U. and U. of W. will be held at 7:30 p.m. in CC 135. If you cannot attend but wish to be on the mailing list, phone Jane Mitchell, 886-9626 after 6:00 p.m.


Campus Ministry celebrates Holy Eucharist. Every Sunday, 9:30 a.m. East Lounge, Rm. 102, Village 2.

Morning Prayer: Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m., St.

Bugs Are Beautiful: Hikes at 11:OO a.m. and 2:00

House of Debates: Are you debating with yourself

Fed Flicks: Terms of Endearment, starring Shirley

Holy Communion in Keffer Memorial Chapel, Albert

p.m. with guest interpreter Dan Schneider to look at the wild, weird, wonderful world of bugs.

opens 12 noon. DJ after 9:00 p.m. every evening. Feds: no cover. Others $1.OO after

9:00 p.m. Today onty: DJ 1:30 - 5:30 p.m. (no cover).

Street and Seagram Drive with coffee hour following, sponsored by Lutheran Campus Ministry. 11:30 a.m.

Robert Basso from the Faculty of Social Work at

a.m., HH 280. Sponsored by Huron Ministry. Everyone welcome. Chaplain Morbey.

Wilfrid Laurier University will be speaking about social work as a career, scholarships available, and the application procedure. 2:00 p.m. Needles Hall. 1020.

- Tues., Oct. 2 -

Campus Graham

NDP Club (UW) - General Meeting at 1:30 p.m. and ‘Bombshelter: Tuesday Nite Movie from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Movie: TBA,

Authentic?” Sponsored by the Maranatha Christian Centre, 7:00 p.m. Conrad Grebel Great Hall.

Student Advisory Council to the Department of Co-



ordination meets to discuss current concerns of co op studenti All welcome! 4:30 p.m. NH 1029.

by Palestine Heritage. Featuring a Photo/Arts & Crafts Exhibit, slide show, and beginning at 11:OO a.m., Palestinian foods will also be provided. All day. Great Hall, CC - cosponsored by the Federation of Students.

Writer’s meetings start. Help create February’s masterpiece. Join us in MC 5158 at 7:00 p.m. (meetings also held Tues. nights, ML 104). Everyone welcome both nights.



A Live Televised

Theatresports Game! Turn on Rogers Cable 4 at 10 p.m. to watch this lively game of improvisational comedy, or call 886-3738 if you’d like to be in the studio audience.

The African

Students Association is pleased to welcome everyone to their “Welcome Back Students” party. Entrance fee is $1 .OO and so is the booze! Inquiries contact Tony at 7464140. 8 p.m. Co-op Students Residence.

The RSA holds it’s annual “Little Oktoberfest” tonight, featuring a live band and many contests. Tickets are available at the door. 8 p.m. Waterloo Motor Inn. HKLS $4.00, others $4.50.

- Mon., Oct. 1 -

Doctrine: A critical study from the vantaqe point of the Bible and current ecumenical thought. ‘Article 6: Salvation by Grace through Faith. Coffee and discussion follows the service. Conrad Grebel College Chapel.


Dinner Theatre. Free food provided sponsored by the Maranatha Christian Centre. Centennial Bandshell, Waterloo Park, 4:00 - 6:30 p.m.

Bombshelter opens at 7:00 p.m. D.J. after 9:00 p.m. every evening. Feds: no cover. Others: $1.OO after 9:00 p.m.

of Objectivism. A live presentation “In Defense of Atheism” by Susan Dawn Wake. Questions and discussion will follow. All welcome. 7:00 p.m. MC 6091A.


Bible Study in the Lutheran Student House - 177 Albert Street at Seagram Drive. Sponsored by Lutheran Campus Ministry. 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Applied Studies Student Union presents the film classic Citizen Kane. Free! CC 135, 4:30 p.m.

as well as a journalist and writer, will speak on tne future of Israel. 8:00 p.m. St. Jerome’s common room

Waterloo Jewish Students Association/Hillel

invites you to our bagel brunches. A great place to meet people and hear speakers. 11:30 - 1:30 p.m. in CC 110.

Canadian Crossroads


an overseas volunteer organization is having an Information Session at WLU at 7 p.m. Call Sandi Robinson, 8886465, for further details.



AlESEC: There will be a meeting for all members at

Waterloo Jewish Students Association/Hillel


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard! You’re in for a fun-filled evening of LIVE Air Farce madness! $1 I .50 ($10.00


invites you to our bagel brunches. A great place to meet people and hear speakers - 11:30 - 1:30 p.m. in cc 110.

Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic: 2:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 317 Franklin St. N., Kitchener. Quota 325 donors.

Students for Life: weekly meeting in CC 110 at 4:30 in Keffer Memorial Chapel, Albert G Seagram Drive. Coffee hour following - sponsored by Lutheran Campus Ministry. 10:00 p.m.

p.m. Everyone is welcome - come and join us this Thursday.

Exploring the Christian

WCF Supper Meeting: A Christian Approach

Candlelight Service of Holy Communion

FASS organizational meeting and party! 7:30 p.m., PAS 3rd floor lounge. Everyone welcome!

Faith: Wednesdays, 7:30

p.m.; Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. Leader: Chaplain Graham E. Morbey. All welcome.

to University: A Case Study. Speaker: David Knight. 4:30 - 6:45 p.m. Engineering 1, Room 2536.

Holy Eucharist 12:3O p.m. St. Bede’s Anglican Campus Ministry.

The Mug Coffee House from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. CC 110. Good food, good times.

4:30 p.m. in the CC Rm. 110.

Greek Students

Association general meeting is taking place at 7:00 p.m. in CPH Graduate Lounge. All Greek Students are welcome. For Info., call Ext. 2326 and ask for Nick.


opens at 12 noon. DJ after 9:00 p.m. every evening. Feds: no cover. Others: $1.OO after 9:00 p.m.

Cinema Gratis: Rich and Famous, 9:30 p.m. CC Great Hall. (free!!!)

SECOND SHOW ADDED Sun., Sept. 30,8 p.m.

8! p.m. Humanities

Everyone invited.

- Wed., Oct. 3 -


Want to: Inform

the masses of their wage-

slavery? Then,

Trash the crooks? join with us.

With special guest pianist Tom Plaunt

Sat., Sept. 29

Live entertainment from 4:30 - 7:00 p.m., featuring Brian Czako. (no covercharge)

Yoram Hamizrachi, a defence G Middle-East analyst

The Edinburgh Quartet


- Thurs., Oct. 4 -

of Waterloo Gymnastic Club practise. Beginners welcome, 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. Upper Blue PAC.

Vision System To Teach Engineering Systems Analysis. Dr. Ed Jernigan, Systems Design Engineering. 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. CPH 3385.

Lounge Sponsored by Movement. 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.



Using A Low Cost Computer

Dinner & Program - Waterloo Lutheran Seminary

- Sat., Sept. 29 -

4:30 p.m. in Campus Centre, Room 110. Everyone welcome. For more information, please phone Alan (7454959), Sean (578-2015) or Stephanie (8841414).



Christian Students Association will be holding a dance, drama and mime workshop. Everyone welcome. 1:30 p.m. CC 113.

Coffeehouse in CC 110 beginning at 8 p.m. At 10:00 p.m., those interested will leave CC 110 to rendezvous at the Club downtown Kitchener. Call the GLLOWline for details. (8844569) Rides available.

about how to spend your evening? If so, then stop being so silly and come debate with other people. We will meet in St. Jerome’s room 229 at 6:00 p.m. New members are most welcome.

1 I a.m. - 12 noon; Holy Communion: first Sunday of every month. Sunday Evening Fellowship Service: 10 p.m. Everyone is Welcome.

Day presented

about how to spend your evening? If so, then stop being so silly and come debate with other people. We will meet in St. Jerome’s room 229 at 6:00 p.m. New members are most welcome.

GLLOW (Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo)

St. Paul’s College: Wesley Chapel. Sunday Service:

Movie: “The Silent Witness: Is The Shroud Of Turin

House of Debates: Are you debating with yourself

Bede’s Chapel.

Christian Worship on Campus. Sundays at lo:30


Chapel. 4:30 p.m.

Tracy. One of their all time great comedies.. Sponsored by the Women’s Commission, Federation of Students. Feds: $1, others: $2. 7:3@ pm.AL 113.

Anglican Campus Ministry celebrates Holy Eucharist 9:30 a.m. & 11:OO a.m. St. Bede’s Chapel. Renison College.

there will be a second show at lo:30 p.m.

Evening Prayer and sermon. Conrad Grebel College

Adam’s Rib, starring Katherine Hepburn & Spencer

non-judgemental, confidential counselling and information on all methods of birth control, planned and unplanned pregnancy, subfertility and V.D. We also have an extensive lending library and do referrals to community agencies. Our hours are 9:30 - 4:30 in CC 206, ext. 2306. We advocate responsible sexuality.

Mclaine and Debra Winger. Arts Lecture Hall 116.8 p.m. Feds: $1; other $2. On Friday & Saturday only,

Huron Campus Ministry Fellowship: Wednesdays 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. Common Meal: St Paul’s Dining Hall. Fellowship Meeting: Wesley Chapel, St Paul’s College. All welcome. Graham E. Morbey, Campus Chaplain.

The world renowned Canadian Chamber Ensemble present the Greatest Hits of the i 700’s. Pachelbel’s Canon, Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, and Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 and 6 and much more! $12.50 ($8.00 Stu./Sen.)

Wed., Oct. 10 8 p.m. Theatre

of the Arts

Enjoy the great masters Haydn: Quartet Qp. 64 No. 5, in D Major (“The Lark”) Mozart: Quartet in G Major, K. 387 Elgar: Quintet for piano and strings _ in G Minor “They play new music ably and with ease. They play old music beautifu//y and t&hkgly. ” Music Magazine $12.50 ($8.80 Stu./Sen.) i$ t$

ndr& Gagnon Fri., Oct. 12 8 g.m.



A rare solo performance with Chopin, Gershwin, Leveillee, Satie Schubert, Schumann &Andre Gagnon. A kaleidoscope of music from classical to pop by an artist, pianist, soloist, innovator and exceptional showman! $15.60 ($12.50 Stu./Sen.)





28, 1984.

ct total tops $45 by Dave Sider Imprint staff It’s not an easy task to spend 24 million in 24 months but that’s what the University plans to spend on the construction of the new Institute of Computer Research Building. UW Academic Vice-President, Dr. Brzustowski, in a recent interview elabora .ed on the specifics of the new building. It will be located in whrt is now parking lot B, and will join the north end of E3 with the Mathematics and Computer building. in terms of physical size, the new facility will be roughly comparable to the largest building on campus, the Math and Computer building. According to Brzustowski, it is the largest project of the decade and the most expensive. The total cost of the ICR project is expected to be $45 million. U of W will provide one third of the total amount with the Province covering the remaining two thirds. The bill for the Province will be $31.1 million. When asked to elaborate upon the need for a new building on campus, Bruzostowski made essentially three points. Firstly, at the present time, the various groups that make UP computer research are scattered throughout mathematics and engineering buildings. ‘I here 1s a lack of convenient passage ways between the scattered groups. Secondly, the lack of teaching and student space in the MC building has been an area of concern. Research has been expanding at the expense of other areas, and a balance has to be restored.

-1hirdly, the EMS library does not have enough space and it’s expansion potential is nil in its present location on the fourth floor of the MC building. The new ICR facility will be the new home for an expanded EMS library, research labs for computer research, departmental offices of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and two thirds of Systems design. Dr. Brzustowski emphasized that he was especially pleased that the 4th floor of the M & C building would be available for conversion back to study rooms, terminal equipped classrooms, seminar rooms, big lecture rooms, and etc. In other words, “a restoration or student study space in math and engineering, which has been chipped away at year after year.” The initial planning began in March of this year when Dr. Buzustowski was appointed to head up a planning committee. If the present plans are approved, ground will be broken in the Spring of 1985, with the completion date set for August of 1986. Under the present planning scheme, the outside will be constructed before the inside has been designed. ‘7 he envelope will be built while the interior is being designed to meet the users detailed requirements.” Dr. Brzustowski explained that “we would never be in the building by August of I986 if we waited for every last detail of interior design before breaking ground.” Construction companies have been narrowed down to two. Dr. Brzustowski is not worried about the building being finished on time because, “both companies have a good track record”. Outside designs have also been narrowed to two. He

Woo’s team will by Angie Salewsky Imprint staff The Centre fdr Sight Enhancement (CSE) will open later this fall, under the direction of Dr. George Woo, an optometry professor engaged in low vision research and clinical services. The centre will be the only one in Canada for sight enhancement and will help people from all over the world. The, Centre will use high tech to help people with severe vision implements - those who cannot read wearing conventional glasses or contact lenses. The clinic will be located in the optometry building in a sensory specially equipped room called the “opto-electronic aids room”. CSE equipment will include adapted compyter systems with appropriate computer software that will display and print


information on a video display unit (VDU) magnified many times. Thus, letters and numbers that are normally one eighth of an inch high can be magnified to two or more inches high. Other equipment will include closed circuit television systems through which material can be transferred from books and typewritten or handwritten sheets onto display monitors and magnified many times. This allows someone with a severe handicap to read and work at a computer terminal. Some of the equipment has already been used by visually impaired students at Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier to write exams. Waterloo’s CSE will also offer high tech visual aids for those registered under the Assistive Devices Program (ADP) of the Ontario Ministry of Health. The ADP subsidizes vision aids to those visually-handicappedOntarioresidents under 19 years 01

stressed that the ICR structure would be “a world class building” which would enhance the campus. It appears that the 1CR project will provide building integration siinilar to what the arts section of the campus presently enjoys, with convenient passage ways between adjacent buildings. Next week’s Imprint will feature a graphic of the proposed building.



age. The CSE can be beneficial to the visually-handicapped in many ways. They can learn about computers, learn to use high tech equipment as an alternative to conventional optical aids. Dr. Woo sees the University as a logical sitz for the centre because of the School of Optometry, with its established research and chnlcal aid programs in the low vision area, and because of the computer expeitise and research on campus. Dr. Woo also feels that the centre “can stimulate a good deal of vision research as well as research in the computer hardware and software areas. and in the teaching area.” In addition to Dr. Woo. others involved in the CSE include Dr. Rodger Place, a clinical supervisor at the clinic; Dr. Graham Strong, an assistant professor at the school of optometry and member of the ADP subcommittee on aid for the blind and low-visioned; and Dr. Ann Plotkin.

-Hunt will open Fed Hall soon, aim for efficient management John L. Tracey imprint staff by

Jeremy Hunt, the Fed Hall Manager, hopes to have the new comples on its way to efficiency within a short time. His main priority is to “et it open”. The newly appointed manager hopes to have the hall open by mid-October.




Fed Hall’s Imprint

newly-hired photo

Employment by Nathan Rudyk Imprint staff Graduation can be a terrible thing if you don’t plan for it, but today’s Marketplace career seminars in Hagey Hall could be the cure to the “What’s Next” disease. “We’ve assembled a group of alumni who we think can give students an idea of what kinds of careers await them after completing their degree,” says Betsy Zanna, the Arts faculty’s vivacious secondary school and alumni liason officer.


by Anna Marie


Mr. Hunt’s duties are supervision of Hall employees, personnel choices, stocks and supply of the necessary items, and the general


Marketplace, sponsored by the Dean of Arts, the Arts Students’ Union and the Fine Arts department, lets students choose from five professional panels: public administration and social services, business and management, communications, investment and finance, and fine arts. “In some cases we’ve chosen people who work in professions entirely different from their discipline of study, to show arts students iust how many options they have,” says Ms. Zanna.

Registration for Markerplace takes place today at 2:OO p.m.: Hagey Hall room 386 for fine arts students, room 373 for all other disciplines.

News When news breaks near you, let us know. Imprint news hotline: ext. 2332. News editors: Signy Madden & Dave Sider. “The people in the know. ”

efficiency and smooth operation of Canada’s largest capital expenditure bY a student body. Mr. Hunt managerial was manager Before that manager at establishment.

brings with him credentials: he at B.J. Cuddle’s. he was assistant the Scarborough

He also served as the maitre d’ at the Pier 4 Storehouse Restaurant in Toronto. Mr. Hunt added that he would not imprint his own

personal style on the new hall, saying such an action was not in his line of duty. He did say however, that the hall would nave a dancehall atmosphere. The new hall will have state-of-t he-art technology, along with, and including, live shows and videos. On the issue of competition with the Bombshelter, Mr. Hunt first said he did not know the effects on the C.C. pub. Regarding night business, he did say the Bombshelter’s business might

be hurt “dramatically”. He expressed the hope that the two pubs would compliment each other. saying, “(he did not) want to destroy the Bombshelter”. Mr. Hunt noted the alternative capacity to “K-W road houses”. He also noted that he would change things at the new hall based on l‘eedback from the students. Lastly, on the question of salary. Mr. Hunt first declined comment, then said his salary would be “competitive”.

You should not neglect agitation; each of you should - Ferdinand Lasalle (1825 1864)


it his task.


Bovey’s ‘Tis the season to be sober. Responses to the Bovey Commission have been falling across our desks like so many leaves from some giant Xerox tree. Each response attempts, in its way, to answer the fifty-one questions posed by the Commission in its interim report -- or questionnaire -- last June. We wonder what the commission will do with these responses. Less than two months remain for the commission to present its report on the restructuring of the Ontario university system to the provincial government. What will Mr. Bovey recommend to the government as the best means for returning the provmclal unrversrtles to their tormer grandeur and that he will propose prestige? We believe astronomical fee increases. Massive tuition hikes are likely to be the salt that the commission will rub into the festering wound of secondary education. Mr. Bovey is likely to propose higher tuition fees as the solution to government underfunding of the university system for several reasons. First, the commission will see no benefit for the province in either closing down or trimming back any university. To do either would be politically inexpedient, for the surrounding community would fight to preserve the economic benefits of the institution (as happened with the closing of Nelson College in B.C.). Moreover, each institution would fight jealously to preserve its “identity” (a nebulous quality grounded in the programs each university offers). For instance, Wilfrid Laurier University’s response to the commtssion said it wants “to offer a quality alternative to those students who prefer a more intimate and personalized environment and who are interested in that limited range of programs in which we specialize”. The Commission is unlikely to chop away any program at WLU: what it is likely to do, however, is make that institution’s students pay more for the “luxury” of its small size and its special suite of programs. In brief, because each university has an unique “identity” defined by the programs it offers already, the commission will not \suggest cuts, but probably tuition hikes commensurate with each institution’s

programs. the idea agrees with the Tory Second, government’s user-pay philosophy: if students are going to attend university, they should pay for it. Third, students are poorly organized. They cannot fight tuition hikes. If the last few year’s apathy prevails, student may awake one day to find that tuition fees of $1000 per year have risen to costs exceeding $5000 per year. It is, in short, politically expedient to soak students for as much as they can shell out, for, they will, the argument goes, earn more money after graduating. ’ Fourth, to prevent any reduction in existing university facilities, students will be asked to pay more. The argument will be put thus: either pay more or watch your lab equipment fall apart before your eyes., This logic is already at work at UW where engineering students will soon be asked to pay a $60 consumeable and maintenance fee to cover such department costs as photocopying. Finally, the commission chairman, Mr. Bovey, has said that there will be no “restructuring of the Ontario university system.” The only way this statement could make any sense, if taken as being true, is if students are asked to pay more of the cost of maintaining the present complement of university services. We do not believe that higher tuition fees are the solution to government underfunding. We agree with the UW Graduate Student Association, which, in its response to the commission, said: “a more progressive income tax can provide accessibility to students from lower income families”. We also agree with our own Federation of Students, which, in its response, said, “those groups already under-represented in the university system will be the most severely hurt by an increase in tuition fees”. We believe that the only way to prevent the advent of the free-enterprise classroom and the “survival of campus is to vote the neanderthal the fittest” provincial Tories out of power in the next provincial election.




Why would any sane person read the Enginews? One could find it left by a roommate on the kitchen table and simply be pushed by an irresistable force to open the tabloid. That is precisely what happened. Maybe, one was attracted to a blatant grammatical error on the front page, which in turn led one to question why engineers do not have to write the English Language Proficiency Test. Then there was the usual reference to nurses. Honestly, hasn’t that joke been exhausted? Considering many men are nurses, what does that connote from the engineers’ warped fetish? Perhaps, it was the subliminal way in which the Enginews headline is also a graphic of a nude woman. One cannot be a total prude. In fact, the body bare is one of the most beautiful creations. Unfortunately, it takes Eng Sot to exploit that beauty. / It is not at all surprising since Engineers are ’ notorious for their total ignorance of all that involves women. Sorry to wake you up boys, but not all women .are inflatable dolls, i.e. page six. What can one expect from a society whose mascot is The Rigid Tool? Considering the impotent writing in Enginews, the mascot should be the Flaccid Tool. Should anyone have any doubt that this paper is trash when co-editor and President of Eng Sot, Gord Denny, is pictiured on page two measuring his genitalia with a ruler, complete with progress chart. These people are the future leaders of our country, folks. That is where the amusement begins and ends,


Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA), and a me;mber of Canadian University Press (CUP). Imprint receives national advertising from Campus Plus. Imprint publishes every second Friday during the Spring term and every Friday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre ploom 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.” Second Class Mail Registration No. 6453. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint: ISSN 0706-7380


George Elliott Clarke, Christopher Ricardo Scipio, Liane Smith, Robert Van Ekeren, David Lawson, Lindsay Lennox, Nimet Mawji ’ Brad Hilderley, Rita Mobarak, Claudio C’acciotti, Linda McCord, Steve Westcott, Sandy Frim, Earl Walrus, Stephanie Piehl, Hilkka McCallum, Ruth Millar, Alex W’eajer, Michael McCooi, (‘raig Leach, Janet Panabaker, Ian Dewar, Mark Holden, Petr Cizek, Chris Porker, Angela Salwesky, Anna Marie Hubbard, Mitchell Edgar, Angela Evans, Time Perlich, Andrea Imada, Shane Kennedy, Shayla Gunter, John Tracey, Edward Chan, J.D. (Dave) Bonser, Alan Yoshioka, Beth Karstadt, David Boone, Richard Clinton, Rob C‘lifton, Dave Sider, Mathew Ingram, Chris Wodskou, Mark Lussier, Julie Smith, Rob Eagan, Bob Butts, Donald Duench, Andre Hagley, Jason Chu, Jack Kobayashi, Rob Rossi, Nosh R. Dinshaw, Lea Carrol, A.J. Waterman, Catherine Eckenswiller, Doris Frets, Ian McDowell, Rizaldo Padilla, Harjijt S. Atway, Steve Motluk, Franz Hartmann, Frank Decker, Mike Upmalis, ,Donovan Cox, Patrick Hayes, Chris Fletcher, Dave Hemmerich, Nathan Rudyk, Signy Madden, William Knight, Dan Tremblay, Sanjay Goel, Todd Schneider, Sandy Townsend, Dave Browman, Carl Davies, Ahab Abdel-Aziz, James Kafieh, Manny Gitterman, Kathy Vannier, Pam Andrews.

because one must laugh at mens’ preoccupation with their penises. Mr. Denny is obviously no exception. The rest of the paper appears to be produced by bush pigs. Almost tactfully, there was a “Femme Editorial”, which essentially said “What the f*ck”. Let the boys have their fun. To whomever wrote that editorial, they have successfully “copped-out”. Furthermore, they have managed to perpetuate the engineers’ anti-women, homophobic and egotistic mentality. Where are all the female engineer undergrads who helped to fund this paper? Do they not oppose this offensive tripe? All of us need catharsis from time to time and presumably that is why the Engineering Society produces Enginews. Why do the engineers think humour is impossible without the degradation of all women? Everyone is aware that not all engineers proudly support Enginews and moreover not all engineers have fit into the aforementioned generalizations. But if the Engineers allow the proverbial engineer and leader of their society, Gordon Liddy, pardon me, Gordon Denny, to promote the engineering faculty in this fashion, then they are all culpable. Conceivably, one runs the risk of being called a “chevrag”, a quaint phrase used by Mr. Denny. Well Gordo, sticks and stones...Where has the mutual respect gone; Man to woman and visa versa. Cirrol

Imprint Friday,


2 p.m. 3 p.m.

Editorial Editorial






Meeting Board 5,



Editorial Editor Assistant Editor Production Manager Advertising Manager Advertising Assistant News’ Editors




Arts Editor Assistant Arts Editor Sports Photo Editor Photo Editor Office Manager Graphics Editor Head Typesetter Typesetters Bookkeeper Assistant Bookkeepers .

Board George Elliott Clarke Carl Davies Doug Tait Christopher Ricardo Scipio Hilkka McCallum Signy Madden & Dave Sider CJaudio Cacciotti William Knight Bob Butts Anna Marie Hubbard Nimet Mawji Donovan. Cox Liane Smith Angela Evans Kathy Vannier Rob Van Ekeren Doris Prets & John Tracey

“It is . time to overcome fear of capitalism”


To the editor:

verybody knows... What’s it like? by Zeke Gerrard (a pseudonym) Y.IU don’t ilave to be gay to read this column. In fact, I hope most of you are straight. I\iow that”s a queer thing for me, of all people, to write, but there’s a reason. If you’re gay or lesbian, you have Gay & Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo (GLLOW) or Lesbian Organization of Kitchener (LOOK), you have your own radio show on CKMS, and the GLLOW phoneline. But how are you poor, deprived, underrepresented straights supposed to find out more about us? Many of you have never known an openly gay person, so I hope that you can get to know me through this column. It’s a nice non-threatening situation --you can rest assured I won’t reach out from the printed page and pinch your bottom. I think it’s important to open some lines of communication, because all of you, whether you know it or not, know someone who is gay. Someone you like (unless you dislike nearly everyone), probably even someone you love, is gay, and your relationship with him or her will never reach its full potential if the two of you can’t talk about your loves and desires. So now you w&t to know what it’s like to be gay. Let’s put it in perspective: You tell me what i’t’s like to be straight. Yeah, but that’s different, you may say. Yup. One’s opposite sexes, one’s same sex. Big distinction. My point is that in a lot of ways the gay experience -- and I’m not referring to sex specifically -- is very similar to the straight experience. They’re both just part of the whole range of human experience. Also, it’s very individual thing. I can no more speak for all gay men that you can speak for all straight men or all straight women. As for what it’s like to be a lesbian, I have a better idea than most men, and many women, but I won’t pretend to be an expert. I should- also mention that although I am a member of that infamous organization called GLLOW, the opinions in my column may< not coincide with the views bf the group o-r its other members. Occasionally I’ll draw material from books that can, for instance, lend-some historical perspective, but mostly I’ll be writing from my own experience; I don’t want to-get bogged down in radical-gay-feminist-psycho-anthroposociosexual theory. I want to keep it a very personal column, devoted to answering that one big question: “What’s it like?‘. I’ll tell you right now though, the short answer is that it’s pretty good.

by&J. Watmmumm “1~r~~doiii is sli~\~~~” is ‘01-wc11’s 11ot too sllt,llc ncg~tion of’ discrctc social rclutions; that swicty is cocrcccl (or is it possible to ‘scdticcd’?) into SLl> bclic\Wg that sonichm their acccptalcc Of c=nslavcincnt is u condition of frccdoni. ‘I’hc illusion of’ indi\~iduality is niaintaincd through social activities all prcdicatcd on through uniyucncss diflkrcncc. Uut in attcnipting to bc ‘diff’crcnt’, an actuali,sation of ‘juniping on the bandwagon’ with g-cat relish, is an act of conformity. This displaces uniyrtcncss with the social reality of fear of’bcing an individual, manifesting itself in supcrficiall! oriented, non-contradictor) cscrciscs. ‘l’hc potential for authoritarian rule unfoIds at tic greater of’ pcrjorativc social

One cruel symptom of the intellectual vacuum left by the incasion of the altruist ethics is the tacit re.jection of any political system that secures the rights of the individual. Obskrve that today. virtually everyone believes that fascism is the political system occupying the rightmost part of the political spectrum, while communism takes up its leftmost extreme. And in the middle, ue find those inconbistent doctrines which represent the “dialectical synthesis” (read “self-contradictory package-deals of ideas”) of the radical positions such as those of the major political parties of our country. Notice also that there is no distinction made to differentiate the purveyors of terrorism and dictatorship from the “tyranny” of Big Business. While correctly assuming that the radical left supports the idea of a dictatorship of the poor, most can project no alternative extreme right - they think of it as an equally reprehensible dictatorship of the rich. The only useful purpose of a “spectrum” as such is to receal the differences between political philosophies. But if all current political theory is based on the ethical theory of altruism. statism is the only political system tht can lcgically emerge. Quibbles of degree are merely symptomatic of differences Over who should hold the gun. It is time to o\‘ercome our fear of capitalism, and our compulsion to defame it. It is time that we begin thinking of’ capitalists as achie\crs of progress, not exploiters of the masses. It is time to see the capitalism is justified on the ethics of egoism alonge, and not as a means of “state revenue maximi/.ation.” It is time that we realised right-wing extremists detest go\ crnments as an> t hing else than dcbices for the protect ion of individual rights and national independence. It is time that uc learnt that pure captialism is the only politico-economic arrangement consonant with man’s metaphysical nature - - that of a thinking being, and that altruism/statism is the principle evil that pervades our society today. It is time we noticed that communism and fascism are the same faces on tit o sides of‘ a trick coin, and lastly. that whether we accept or believe in the Dicinc Right of Kings. Social Dar\i inisrn. the Kingdom of God, National or Scientific Socialism, ur Robin Hood. UC are guilt) of‘thc same c\ il the negation ot‘libcrt). the negation of‘ mind. the negation 01 litc. W.H. Minto 2A Applied Physics

A Frosh-Eye


On Orientation by Shayla


Dear Mom and Dad, Hi! No one told me university was going to be this much fun! 1 know l’ke only been here three days but 1just had to writeand tell you everything! There’s sooo much to tell. First, there’s so much to do! The orientation people are keeping us busy and making sure that we &et people and have a lot of’ fun. 7.1~ people seem really nice, too. Don’t worq’, I‘m making lots 01 I friends. 1 think I’ve made my closest friends already, but you necer know. Last night WC: hdd a Fun Crawl. 1 think 1 danced one dance too JllanY. My Icgs are killing me! We’ve had all night parties and a challenge day. The older students have tons planned ,for us. The only things that bug me are the “F‘rosh rculit its. ‘1’0 ‘tllilllc’, in ill1 Washes.” 1 got totally soaked yesterday. I guess the tliis, l-c~>l-cscllts IllC sophomores. juniors and seniors like to have their fun too. thrc~tcning act of‘silII\VcrsThe food isn’t too bad. l’le been told it was worse last year. i\vcncss. Yes, I’m eating properly. They really do give us fruits and ‘I’lirough the terror of’ vegetables. Well, gotta go now. I’ll write again just as soon as I institutions, pcol~lc f.Ul have time. Don’t miss me too much. not ollljr tllclllscl\‘cs, hut Love, your daughter, those \~lio arc in artthorit> Froshette Most likely, if you are a Fresh, this letter sounds like it could and those who wbwrt it. have been written by you. No doubt we all have the same IG~rthcrniorc, sci7itttclc to as religion feelings at the beginning. The people I’ve talked to have voiced idcologj lxx~m~cs a prono~incc~l the same fears, hopes and expectations that 1 have. fcaturc that corsscs the “It’s so different from high school. 1 can’t believe we can eat, lwindarics of‘ all instit1idrink, sleep (choose one) in class.” One thing I’ve noticed is that so many people look familiar! tional fimiations. Ill tllc tliis rAscs u Maybe it’s just me, but it seems that every time 1 turn around, particular, n~nil~cr of’ qiicstioiis there is someone who looks like Jonny or Mary from back coiicci7iiii~ the validity of’ home. I’ve even recognized people as those wild and crazy people 1 met on my vacation down south two years ago. The nicaning and tlsc of’ the great thing is that these are the people 1 meet first. tcrni ‘tcrrorisni’. 111 the Follow: Me: Excuse me, but do you have a brother named saint tinic, the nature of’ authority ‘St ructttrcs can _ Frank? Them: No, why do you ask? ccrtainl~ bc qitcstioncd. Me: Well, 1 could swear you’re my friend Frank’s stepsister. Indications clearly point to Them: Well sorry, wrong person. a sacloniasocl~isnl bct\vccn Me: Well where are you from?and so on. We start talking and institutions and society; voila, friends! Chat the puth to tlllfi-ccclor11 is pvcd with distortions. So, Froshds, keep making friends, having fun and good luck with the work. Don’t worry, we’ll all make it. To be continued.

Soapbox members

is a new feature, to express their

intended opinions.

as a forum

for individual

Tying the knot...er,




by Stephatiie Piehl Another umcdding inbitation arriLcd in the mail yestcrdaJ,. I’his did not make my day: Ivo, it’s not the thought ot hacing to bu>, another wedding gift that had me so dcprcssed. It’s the whole idea 01‘ two more of mJ lricnds tying the noose. 1 mean knot. Pcoplc tell me that marriage isn’t really a fate worse than death and 1 trb hard to bclicke them. Alter all, what better wa) is there to spend yoLir lift than with someone that 1.0~ 10~e’! My problem is not in understanding whq people get married, but rather in understanding why so many choose to take such a big step s: young. It rn\, stii‘ies me as to how men and women under the age oftwent>Ii\ c can know who the> want to spend the rest of their litc with. Most 01 us ha\e enough trouble tqing to decide what career we want to pursue let alone whose face we want to see across from us at the breakfast table for the next forty years. Death and divorce aside, if you marq young, chances are qou‘ll be with that person for at lcast forty > cars. ActualI>,, divorce can’t bc put aside because, let’s face it, di\orcc is a lact of lift in ‘our society. Pcoplc change and it’s not LCI-4 of‘tcn that two people change and grow together. I’sq,chologists saq’ that people, change the most bctwccn the ages of‘ eighteen and twcnt~-five. So ii’ you get married uhcn~~ ou’rc eighteen, how do >‘ou know that in like >,cars’ time >‘ou won’t decide that _\fou’d rather be in India studying l’oga’ ! 11‘your spouse isn’t into it, there could be big problems. 1 sometimes bonder if the people 1 know that are married now or contemplating it, might somedaq regret their decision. Will thcq’ think of‘ the chances the) passed up. the things that they tllought thq would do with their spouse but never got around to? Will they look at their childrun and see lost opportunities’.) In my opinion.the ages bctwccn cightecn and twcntj-f’iLe should be Icar- OI cipcrimcntation. .I he\c lears lor rnost 01’ US will probably be the freest of our lives. This is the time when UC should be tratelling. getting an education and trying to tind out who UC arc. From these cxpcrienccs, we’ll have so much m’o?e to offer another person when the time is right. 1 don’t mean to gi\c marriage a bad name. Who knoL+s, maq be 1’11gile it a t1.5 one da) alter l’bc got rnJ# PhD, tra\ellcd around the uorld three timus, Mrittcll a l&u no\els...



by John Weber Materialism is one of the most fundamental features of today’s socict_c,. Although it is fun (at times) to spend monq, especially on things like wine, clothes, and books, these things have their limits. Although one could say that intellectualism or maybe t‘ber~ spiritualism habc their limits, it seems that the limits of materialism are reached quite quickly,. I herefore materialism is of quite minimal Laluc u hen compared to spiritualism and intellectualism, In a society where materialism is the main thing, human relations often take second place to “getting a head”. While everyone needs some form of income to survive, materialism goes ridiculously beyond human needs and invents “needs”. People often feel that they have to earn sufficient money in order to buy a large house, look “fashionable” in terms of clothes, keep up with their neighbours, etc. What often happens is that they spend so much time earning enough money to obtain everything they “need” that every other aspect of their lives suffers. The result often is a human who is very limited in the sense that he, she hasn’t allowed their self to grow in many important waq’s. They may be very limited in their ability to relate to other people or they may not be able to think critically. This condition permeates a society where people are encouraged to be only partially human. But there is a different approach to life, it doesn’t have to bc materialistic. Intellectualism and spiritualism are viable alternatives to materialism. One can see these elements in society, although they tend to operate on the fringes of society. l‘hey manifest themselves in art, literature, social and political activism a/rid religion, to name a few. rl‘his means that people are getting involved in activities which. cmphasi/c their feeling that a society so into materialism promotes a reality of the worst kind: a reality that doesn’t cnablc people to become human.




Stand Up... Be A Woman! that encouraged the ‘ladies’ of the fifties to become independent Feminism. Does that bring forth images of riots and heated people. The main concern of the book is that over the last thirty debates? Is there a reason that everyone loves to hate a feminist? years women had become ‘commercial consumers’ whose There just might be. single objective was to own all the electrical appliances available. When the first feminists like Susan B.Anthony stood up for The Fifties Woman could wash, iron, clean, press, vacuum and womankind theiir: messages were urgent and angry. polish three times as much as before. The Seneca Falls Convention, the first in American history, set Betty Friedan brushed aside this ‘feminie’ image. She pointed a standard for all feminist campaigns after 1846. But the out that women had become bored, unsatisfied and listless immediate results were not as productive as hoped. The because they strive to fit into the feminine mystique. She cited convention commenced with a recital of The Declaration of letters to magazines that were from several desperate Rights, except that the very basic right was altered to: “All men housewives who had lost all interest in living. Usually the AND WOMEN are created equal”. This caused quite a stir in the magazine help-columns replied with biting reproaches on how papers. the women weren’t doing enough housework or raising their Brave feminists such as Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton children correctly. Always, the columnists stressed that having and Susan B. Anthony were termed radical and destructive to more babies was the answer. Friedan’s advice was to get a job, the morals of society. , become involved in world affairs or at least become your There it is! From the very infancy of the movement these + husband’s conversation partner instead of nagging him. feminists were seen as angry young women. : That advice might have seemed very strong and rebellious to By no means did the radical feminists of the 1960’s help the society of the fifties, but Friedan was no rebel. She stated the down-play this ‘Bitch’ image. In fact, the sixties feminists such as facts clearly and simply. She respected her audience of troubled Ciermaine Greer and Gloria Steinem provoked many comments housewives because she had been one of them, The response to concerning their personalities. Certainly, there was a need in her book was overwhelmingly favourable among the audience both centuries for feminists to express their strong opinions that she had hoped to influence. loudly and frequently. This seemed to be the only way to It seems strange that one sedate woman could have started communicate the ideas of equal rights. But, there have been such a peaceful revolution alone. Nevertheless, she did it! many soft-spoken feminists who were in the foreground as Nobody would ever feign to call her a “bitch”. Because she much as their radical colleagues. understood her audience she was well received. Nobody “loved OM? .such woman is Betty Friedan. In the middle of the fifties to hate” Friedan. In my mind she stands out as an example of a she wrote a persuasive book called “The Feminine Mystique” near-perfect feminist. ~lc(~ull~~lll


28, 1984.,-,


To the editor: David LeReverend in his ,letter to the editor last week raised a critical point when he asked what concerned men ,can do about violence against ,women. The most important ,action is to ensure that your (women friends get home safely. An equally important point is to understand if a woman you do not know well does not want to be escorted , home by you. She is only being careful not to place her . trust too easily in a man. This message is the one the ,Women’s Commission wanted to put across by making the Take Back the Night March a woman-only event. If you are going to trust .someone you don’t know well ,to walk you home, trust a ,woman; she can’t rape you. Too often women place their ,trust in a friendly concerned

man, only to be attacked by their supposed protector. Indeed, according to several major. Canadian studies on violence against women, women are more likely to be raped by a casual acquaintance than by a complete stranger. 1 should also take this opportunity to correct any misunderstanding that may have arisen from my unfortunate wording that sympathetic men should “stay home”. 1 merely meant that they should stay away from the march since they would be asked to leave. 1 did not want to imply that men should actually curtail their ’ moyements. Julie George Women’s Commissioner Federation of Students

On second-rate gender rate: :Dagg

LoneZy? Seek God Although loneliness may seem negative, it can actually be a positive experience. Since loneliness is often due to aloneness, let’s think about that first. A poster I have reads: In solitude we find both God and self. True, but people are often afraid to be alone with themselves and with God. It can be scary to discover your self because you will likely confront issues that you had b never really dealt with before. and maybe you would prefer not to deal with them. Finding and knowing God is a fearful thing, for God is to be reverently feared; however, there comes a real peace and acceptance which only the presence of a loving God can grve. Patricia Boyes, Arts

To the editor: Loneliness is regarded by most people as something to be avoidyd at all costs, but why‘? Lor$eliness is the feeling you often have when you find yourself alone; but, at the same time, some of the most lonely people can be found in the midst of a crowd. So. if loneliness is not yours as a result of the lack or abundance of people around you, where does it come from? It seems to be, loneliness is that feeling we get when no-one appears to care, or the people you love a!rd vice versa just are not there. Sometimes it really hurts when you feel as though you’re the only one bearing your burden.


Men cm move freelv

The Bitch Fixation by I Iillclw


To the editor: Matheu Ingram is in error when he writes (Imprint, Sept. 2 1, 1984) that I said women should be guaranteed 5OYh of all university positions. Rather, in my presentation to the Bovey Commission, I said that we should work toward the time when 50% of university positions are held

by women. Academic ability is not correlated with gender. Until we have women fairly represented in our universities, these institutions will be second-rate rather than firstrate, no matter how much money is poured into them. Anne Innis Dagg Resource Person Integrated Studies

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for ladies o


warns women: “Don’t be timid about making noise!” However, by Hilkka McCallum Ms. George does think that women shouldn’t live in fear of Imprint Staff being raped. She urges women to be sensible by checking who is “Porn sells, who profits’?” was written on one of the posters for last week’s “Take Back The Night” march. The march was a at the door. Her most important issue is that women should ask the question: Will my actions increase the chances of being women-only demonstration against rape. The purpose of the event was to convince women they shouldn’t fear walking at raped? night. Also, it was to make women face the reality that they Since violence against women is a major issue, Ms. Cieorge could be rape victims. did not believe that drawing attention to rape would have any’ Over forty women gathered -in UW’s Campus Centre on adverse effects. She said that the march “will tell rapists that Thursday, September 26 to show support for the cause. women are being prepared” and that “rapists will be less likely The march proceeded from the Campus Centre to downtown to find a ))sitting duck)).” Waterloo, attracting many spectators on King Street. The march enjoyed a good turnout. The general mood of The age of the participants ranged from 18 to 60 but all the women had a common reason to be there: They were tired of the march was positive. Most of the women were marching for - being frightened by potential rape. the first time and were pleased to be a part of what they felt was One of the most frequent complaints of the younger marchers a good cause. was that their parents had a double standard on curfews; the threat of rape never curbed the social habits of their brothers. Other wo’men felt that they could never stay late at the UW r library because they were afraid to walk home alone: The general view of the women was that the threat of rape had affected their social lives and their studies. point of departure, and the by Signy Madden About half of the marchers disagreed with the female-only Imprint staff destination. The Centre then restriction on the march. They felt that men should be able to matches up possible support the cause openly instead of staying at home, as Julie The University of Waterloo “buddies.” George requested in her press-release. Women’s Centre is providing The point of the Night MS. George, a register service--Night the Federation of Students’ Women’s Walk is to encourage women Walk--for women who wish Commissioner felt the march should be all female because it to take care of their own to find a “buddy” to would draw attention to women walking home without the safety. “1 o this end,” said one protection of men. She recommends that women should always accompany them on the walk Centre representative, “we do walk with other women at night to lessen the threat of rape. home from night classes. not allow men to participate This Monday-Thursday “There is a definite connection between the increase in in Night Walk-we cannot service covers two routes - one pornography and rape.” said Ms. George. She says that even provide an in-depth screening nonviolent pornography is harmful because it defines a typical to Sunnydale and one process.” submissive-female role. through Waterloo Park. For more information and She cautions women walking at night to wear clothes and Women must register with to register, call extension 3457 especially shoes that would facilitate running. She stresses that the Centre the day of the week or visit Campus Centre 150B. they need the service, the the worst thing to do if confronted by a rapist is to ‘freeze’. She


Originally WPIRG elections were scheduled for Thursday, October 4th with nominations closing on September 21st. To allow more people to vie for these positions, nominations were extended to September 26th. As a result, elections will now be held on October 10th. University of Waterloo students are urged to vote at either poll in the Campus Center or the South Campus Hall from 9:30am to 3:30pm. Watch for candidate profiles


and toxic waste. Those eligible to vote inciude all undergraduate students who have not received a $2.50 per term refund or graduate students community and members who have paid a $5.00 annual fee. Here are the few points to consider when casting your ballot for W PlRG board members. *All directors are expected to actively represent WPlRG on campus. The board of

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in the October 12th fmprint. The Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (W PI RG) is a student-funded and student directed research organisation specializing in environmental and social justice issues. The organization consists of a full time researcher and education coordinator, part-time office coordinator and 7 voluntary student board of directors. Past issues addressed include the social impacts of computerization, acid rain,


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at, the ANNEX!! directors is the student leadership of WPIRG; *There are no set rules outlining exactly what a W PIRG director can do. Most important to consider is that members of the board share a ‘strong social and environmental conscience; *The board along with the staff decide which speakers, films, and projects should be sponsored; *The directors set then budget each year and overset spending. Public Service Commission of Canada

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Commission de la Fonction publique du Canada

To the class of 1985 The Public Service Commission is the central recruitment and staffing agency for the federal Public Service. Our recruitment activities are currently affected by a low rate of employee departures and several’other factors. We will be interviewing some candidates for anticipated vacancies; in other cases, we will be assessing applications and placing them in inventory, for future consideration. We invite JY)LI to apply, if your degree is in one of the following areas: ’ Administration Commerce Computer Science Consumer Studies Economics Engineering Library Science MatlrematicsStatistics The closing date for applications is 12 October 1984. The Financial Administration Test of Technical Knowledge will be held on 18 October 1984 at I9:OO. Please ask your campus placement office about the exam location. Pick up your copy of the “Careers Public Service Canada” publications at your campus placement office or at an of’fice of the Public Service Commission of Canada. Competition 85-4000

‘%e Public Service of Canada is an equal opportunity employer

Your mental health is Imprint. important too. Every Friday.

WA7 ERLOO DIVISION, GIRL GUIDES OF CANADA-GUIDES DU CANADA, is interested in making contact with young women between the ages of 18-30 who have been members of the Guiding Movement and who wish to be kept in touch with Guiding through “LINK”. “LINK” is for those young women who, because of studies or employment are unable to take part in regular meetings and activities. “LINK” members are kept informed by means of newsletters. For more information or to request a registration form, please contact the “Link Convener”, Mr<. Lecocq at 884-3664.

8 Serbian Heritage Women’s Society: St. Sava Scholarship. Two $500 Scholarships will

be awarded to students of Serbian decent. Open to fulltime university students with ’ a high academic standing (no less that 800/1) and a proven aptitude for further study. The candidate’s home address must be in Essex County. Application deadline is: November 30, 1984. For further information please contact the Student Awards Office, 2nd Floor, Needles Hall.

by J.D. Imprint

Bonser staff

0 Nominations are requested for the following vacant seat on Senate: One Engineering undergraduate seat, term to April 30, 1985. This scat to be filled by by-election. Nominations should be sent to the Chief Returning Officer. Secretariat. Needles Hall, no later than 3:00 p.m., October 10. 1984.


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“How do you feel about the proposed Federation withdrawal from the OFS and the Oct. 15th referendum?



Kathy Nickel Man Environment 4A 1 don’t know too much about it, but I guess I had better find out soon.

Dave Trenholm Systems Design Eng. 4A I would like to know what the OFS is doing for us. What’s changed since the last time we voted‘?

Michelle Boone Computer Science 3B 1 don’t know anything about it.

David Tosh Economics 3 Don’t know the involved.

Atull Verma Mechanical Engineering 1A I’m against it because then the university wouldn’t be able to participate in the mainstream of Ontario universities in the same way.

Kirk McKay Psychology 1 The referendum is a good idea because it will make the issues more clear in the minds of the people in the surrounding school area.

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Software .A11 proceeds will go to the M. Patricia Simpson Memorial Garden Fund





Make ‘iobs: zCFS . , U

OTTAWA (CUP) -- Canada’s national student lobby group plans to push the new Tory government for more, job creation programs to help thousands of students whlo failed to find work this summer. Jean Wright, Canadian Federation of Students researcher,. say CFS will lobby prime minister Brian Mulroney and his newly appointed cabinet ministers in a bid to ensure adequate funding is allocated to unemployed students. Wright says the Tories’ promise of a $285 million tax incentive scheme encouraging businesses to hire young people is not enough. She says the problem of student une nployment must be dealt with now because it has reachi d alarmtng proportions. In July, 180,000 students were still desperately searching for work. The job market was especially grim in Newfoundland and B.C., where an estimated 28.7 per cent and nearly 19 per cent respectively were without jobs. Although the figures dropped slightly in August, Wright says they do not include the “hidden unemployed” --those who gave up looking after a futile search. About 135,000 students were unemployed last month. Wright estimates that thousands will either abandon~the idea of going back to school or rack up heavy debts from student .loans and money borrowed from parents this year. 1 “Students are caught in a vicious circle. They go to school to get a good job, but now they need a good job to go back to school,” she says. The Tories’ pledge of $285 million to youth is well below Liberal and NDP promises, who offered up to $1 and $1.5 billion each. And the Conservative scheme will likely fail, critics w. Wright and unemployment activist Hugh O’Reilly said the proposal favours large corporatons instead of businesses, where most students are traditionally hired./ “Small businesses can’t afford to wait until the end of the year for a tax rebate. Their cash flow isn’t large enough. And this policy is hard to monitor,” Wright says. ()‘Rei]]y, a member of the Ottawa and District Labour

council unemployment committee, a group of people concerned about Ottawa’s 35,000 unemployed, added the few jobs created will .unlikely be sociallv useful. “Two hundred and eighty-five million sounds like an incredible amount of money to the average person, But in reality, it’s not that much and the program just won’t work.” O’Reilly says the Liberal government proposed a similar scheme during the 1979 election campaign. The Conservative party then argued strenuously against the idea, saying it would not help Canada’s demoralized youth find suitable jobs. “It’s been tried before and it didn’t work. Clearly it won’t work again.” The Tory government should implement an “energetic” policy which would fund labour intensive but socially necessary jobs. The Tories’ lacklustre promises, w’hich include tax credits and wage subsidies to employers hiring young people , shows they are not committed to solving the youth unemployment crisis, he says. “Despite the hot air and the rhetoric, they don’t see helping youth find jobs as a priority at all.” Although students fared better as a group than youth this summer -- the latter experiencing a 17 per cent unemployment rate -- both may encounter another obstacle in their job search, Fewer government employees may be working In Canadian Employment and Immigration centres across the country. including those geared to help students and young people find work. Before the Liberal government was massacred in the election. it warned workers about cutbacks in the number of job hours. The Liberals wanted to cut out about 1.148 “person years” -one person working for one year ,- from employment and immigration centres, and up to 2,000 people could face shorter work terms or no job at all. Although Ron Freeman, Canadian Employment and Immigration Union researcher, is uncertain if the Tories will carry out the Liberal proposal, he said the cut-backs will dcfinitcly affect the quality and quantity of service across Canada.

Vancouver Edmonton

$349 $289 Halifa’x

Wilson has also swiftly worked his way into top Tory circles. OTTAWA (CU P) -- Piles of boxes, filing cabinets and forlorn First elected to the House of Commons in 1979, then prime potted plants clutter the hallways of Parliament Hill’s offict! buildings as Canada’s largest ever cabinet moves in. minister Joe Clark appointed the 46-vear-old corporate executive position of international trade minister. Wihn Men in coveralls push huge crates back and forth. Toi*y perspective and will organizers frantically rush about, yelling orders alternately in brings to the cabinet a more conservative oversee the party’s budget. French and English: “Move that over there! Ca va la-bas!” These ministers have been targetted by two of Canada’s Behind the commotion are doors leading into cabinet largest university lobby groups -- the Canadian Federation 01 ministers’ offices. The doors stare blankly into the hallway, but they will soon be adorned with 40 new brass nameplates. Students and the Canadian Association of University Teachers. Both groups welcome, the appointments with cautious Four of these doors will open to-reveal cabinet ministers that optimism. may have a profound effect on students across the country this CFS researcher Jean Wright applauds the MacDonald and year -- youth minister Andree Champagne. secretary of state Walter McLean, employment minister Flora Mat Donald and McLean placements, saying both will likely take humanist approaches to their appointments, but she reserves judgement finance minister Michael Wilson. on the unknown Champagne. Champagne, a 45-year-old popular Quebec soap opera star, Wright says CFS was unhappy with the two previous youth is a newcomer to Parliament. Before sweeping into power in the ministers, Celine Hervieux-Payette and Jean Lepierre, because ‘riding of Ste. Hyacinthe-Bagot, Campagne was involved in community cultural groups and was a driving force behind they portrayed students as a small privileged group at odds with other youth. Quebec’s Union des artistes. She will be looking after Canada’s She also criticized Mulroney for putting left-leaning Tories beleagured youth, half a million of which failed to find work such as MacDonald and McLean in social services portfolios this summer. while politically conservative heavyweights like Wilson were McLean, a 48-year-old Presbyterian minister and known for his left-leaning politics, is outspoken on third world issues and a given financial positions. co-founder of Canadian University Services Overseas. A MP “I’m not sure how cynical to ,be about those sorts of appointments.” Wright says. She says social services ministers, for Waterloo since 1979, he opposes ‘his party’s pro-cruise who ususally meet lobby groups, may find their hands tied by missile testing stance. He will be negotiating with the provinces over federal transfer payments for education and as Mulroney financially-oriented minister when they want to expand promised, will help usher in a “new era” in federal-provincial programs. \ Al Sharp, CAUT vice-president external, was more co-operation. optimistic about Wilson’s choice as finance minister. MacDonald has been described as a “Red Tory”, The 58“We are hoping Michael Wilson will take a co-operative year-old native of Nova Scotia has inched her way up the party ranks and held many prominent positions since her 1972 * approach to dealing with the provinces,” Sharp says, and end years ofacrimonious bickering between the federal goccrnment election, most notable the post of external affairs minister. and the provinces. over education funding. MacDonald, who ran against Mulroney and Joe Clark for the None of the ministers could be reached for comment because party leadership in 1976, is one of the few women in the top Tory ranks. their offices arc not set up and they do not hacc telephones yet.

CSA abacks Peop,le’s Fran-t throwing our support to - groups such as the People’s Front.” The motion passed the council adopts the following points: *“the struggle against the attacks on the economic rights of the workers and the broad masses of the people; *the struggle against the on the economic attacks rights of the workers and the broad masses of the people; I *the struggle against impkrialist war preparations - -

- I .

and the ,danger of imperialist war *the struggle against racist and fascist racism, groups, and the fascization 01 the state and all aspects 01 life.” Ryan said he objects to-the groups’ connection to the CPC(M-L) and its overtly political nature. But student union president John King said the organization Is non-partisan. “It may adopt MarxistLeninist language like ‘imperialist* and ‘fascist’...Just

because they call each other ‘comrade’ doesn’t make them CI’C( M-L).” King said adopting the motion reflects council’s desire to address relevant social issues. Ryan agreed, but said the approach groups take to issues is equally important. “Of course I’m against fascism. Of course, I’m against racism, and I’m against war,” Ryan said. “But who’s an imperialist, who’s a fascist, what’s an imperialist wa fj”


Sa‘skatoon Winnipeg SisQ

$299 $189

.+ 4 3I’


U of ‘I 44 StGeorge St

The travel company of CFs





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Lome Merkur & Sister Inc. Custom Silkscreen-Designs 1801 Avenue Rd. Toronto (416) 781-6155

. ’


T-Shirts r

on me move.


But the decision has already angered at least one council member. “1 do not support this motion,” said Jim Ryan at the council meeting where the four-point program was presented. “1 disagree with


i/’ Ca Drn 4 %. . _ 9s A f

’. 7


GUELPH (CUP) -- Guelph University’s student union has thrown its support behind the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) by adopting the program of its “anti-imperialist” vanguard called the People’s Front.




Ml 119 $7.50

,.\\ x,,r

Get Yours _

We Will Be Featuring IEach Week Starting This Thursday

Live Entertainment

from 4:30 until 7:00 at the . This Week ’ * ’THursday y Oct.4 4:30-7:oo ’

lo ClassifiML v----

Services will alter abd repair all types of clothing at very reasonable rates. Phone 885-5774.

Will do light moving with a small truck. Also rubbish removal. Reasonable rates. Jeff 884-2831. Holistic Therapy Treatments combines: Reflexology, Shiatsu, Touch for Health, Iridology, & Nutrition. Please call P. Henderson for an appointment. 888-6253.

Students with van to do moving t haulage. John or Geoff 746-4027. Problem? Garage and Driveway space for rent. Amos/Churcill St. Area. Call Janet, 886- 1694.


Wanted Man


For physical exercise in an unusual social setting. Co-ordination and a sense of rhythm helpful. Costume to be worn, including codspiece Travel, see the sights as you perform for hundred. Contact Renaissance Dancers at 884-3325.


(female) wanted for studio photography. Should be able to do own makeup. Remun&ation in the form of prints. 885-6877.


LSAT GMAT - Pmpm counes for Sept.29LSAT Oc;t;20GkAl fqhlomlah call

(416) 66543?7

Semen donors for artificial insemination programme in the area. Donors must be healthy and responsible. Preference given to married candidates. Please contact Box. No. Al or Dr. N.A. Assad, 695 Coronation Blvd., Cambridge, Ont. NIR 7J9.



Ride Wanted


Imprint. Winter Summer ‘85 - Room for


Processing! Fast, dependable s&vice $1 per doublespaced page. Draft copy provided. Near Seagram Stadium. May book ahead. Phone 885-1353.


female non-smoker. Fully furnished, 2 bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom, close to Parkdale Plaza, laundry facilities, balcony, on bus route, $175.44/mont.h, includes hydro and utilities.


Processed for $3.00 per pagel_Printed copies 25c per page. F&t, dependable service. Near Seagram Stadium. Phone 885-l 353.


Work Reports Do you own a car? Female student from WLU needs ride to university from Ottawa/Westmount area. Will share gas. 745. 8609 evenings. Wanted: Rid to/from Cambridge. Mon., Wed., Fri., 1st class 9:3O/Last 1:30. Willing to share gas. Call Doreen, 622-1963.

Wanted: Ride to/from Cambridge (Hespeler). 1st class 9:30; Last 3:30. Willinsg to share cost of gas. Call Harjit, 658-5918 after 5:00 p.m.

Typing Typing

Plu> - Compuscribe Efficient Word Processing. reliable service for your resumes, work reports, papers, etc. Advantages include computer spelling checks, second drafts, perfect final copy, multiple originals. Our LASER printer guarantees best quality in town at reasonable prices. Call 743-2269 for details. Typing: Essays, theses, engineering/group projects, typed accurately and quickly. Have Math/Greek symbols. Lakeshkore-Sunnydale area. Call Joan: 884-3937. MAGGIE Can Type It! Essagys, Thesis & Letters $1.OO per page - Resumes $5.00 - “FREE” Pickup & Delivery - Phone 743-1976


Good Quality Phillips open reel deck. Seldom used, 1 yr. old. $360. Call Rob 888-6205. 1979 Ford Pinto, 4 cylinder. automitic, 8 1,000 km excellend automatic, 81,000 km excellent condition, no rust, $2,800 certified or best offer. Phone 885-008-i after 5 p.m.


Snag that 1job with a professional looking resume. Free on campus pick uOp and delivery. Call 886-2013. Rick or Mike.

- steel, wood, student, odd chairs & tables, chest of drawers, 4 chair set, storage cabinet, shelves, file-folders, mirror, 884-2806.

guaranteed. Multiple originals of Resumes, Theses, and Work Reports. Data storage. Delivery arranged. Fast, accurate service. Call Diane, 576-l 284.

Housing Wanted

Yamaha CP30 Electronic

Pianc Jsed in home only. Gooc portable alternative to acoustic $900. 886-4925.

2 or 3 bedroom apartment wanted Jan. - April - PI-eferably in Greenbriar or Married Students... will share with one or two other

50% Off All Classified Ads (to E maximum value of $2.00) lmprini weekly: Campus news, entertainment and sport. 885- 1660, Campus Centre 140.

Jan. - April ‘85. 2 males are looking for a place in the Winter. Furnished or unfurnished. The closer to campus the better. Call Ed. 884-3693.

twelve inch speakers, 200 Watts, good condition, ask $300, call Mike, 886-3097, hurry.





Receiver $190, BOSE 301 Speakers $300, JVC-KD 15 cassette deck $410.

Gold- ID bracelet


9085. Ring lost in men’s locker room,

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you ’ If you can dream - and not make reason your master If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim rf all men count with you, but none the same fou’ll be the woman I’ve grown to know and LOVE.

PAC T. Sept. 11. Gold set with rectangular sapphire. If found, please call John at 746-0967 Reward offered.

Hi E.D.N.A. Remember M.E.? l’il

Blue University :3,o,n,gs9leeves. .

Happy Birthday,

Jacket - Bio $20 reward.

Found An elegant

hand-knit sweater. University and Phillip St. Corner. Phone 884-2788.

II-55 II Calculator in room MC 2036 Wednesday evening. Contact Kathie 578-8 102.



- Cheap luxury housing. 6 Singles in allstudent house. Console T.V.stereo, panelling throughout, broadloom, partly furnished. Very negotiable. 886-0338.

To my Pookie, Honey, Sugar, but most of all my CASPER. Have a super Birthday, Don’t forget your tanning lotion and sunglasses next time you drop by. Love, your Robin.

Discount prices on clothing and accessories. Ultima Profession Shirts - $32, Shorts - $28. Brancale Helmets: ABS $25, Leather 118. Zefal HP Pump - $13 and much more. Call 7463758 after 6.

entwined voices, singing in the wilderness: that’s us, Sipping rotten wine in wooden B.C. cabins, by a- pagoda-like mountain, nothing can go wrong. Never mind the 18th Century, it’s too dry! The 20th is for us, since we couldn’t make the 17th. GEC.


Here is


Housing Available Term


guitar, Fender F-80 12string. Contact Ken in Village 2, South A, Rm. 212. Phone 884. 9817. ‘82 Horizon sporth TC3 red with black velour interior, standard 4 speed. Loaded with options, call anytime, 886-0338. 1979


Fiesta, 4 speed, radials, 36000 km on rebuilt engine, excellent conditior,, uncert. $1700, call Mike, 8863097, hurry.

Garage Sale 29/09/85,8

a.m. ? p.m., sofa bed, couch, antique oiik chest, fridge, chairs, dishes, and much more. 377B Churchill Ct., 886-9336.

I* .

Public Service of Canada

28, 1984.-,


Guitar Amp, tubeless, low noise, 2

Townhouse near campus wanted for Winter 1985. Willing to take lease for Summer, Fall, etc. Mike, 7464005. Craig 746-4006.






2 end tables; 3/4 bed, X-countjl skiis. Call 7443667.

University Ave. or at UW. Has great sentimental value. If found, please call Lori 886-

For Sale

Word Processed. Draft copy always provided. Fast, dependable service. Near Seagram Stadium. May book ahead. Phone 885- 1353.


Coffee table,



to Elsie! The most huggable, lovable, and NICEST person in the whole world! Hugs and kisses, Mike.

HB #!, 3 and 4 seeking...qne male species, no experience necessary, for a semi-formai engagement. Must be contumelious but definitely not odious. Bopping*a definite assets. Ask for HB ?2 885-1457.

never forget that N.I.G.H.T. last week. Meet Me for C.O.F.F.E.E. See you soon. S.T.U.D. Sherry! Here-s wishing you a great 22nd. Shelley, Dave B., Dave E., Lee-Ann and John.


YOUR Gerbil’s been sneaking in at all hours with electrical tape stuck in their fur? Stop this outrage! Call the Gerbil Abuse Centre. We can help. 886TAPE.

Meir, please tell me what that thing is on your head. I want your baby. Moose call. . Are you lonely, reject&d, in desparate need of affection? Has “00” got a-remedy for you! Have a quicky hickey...first trial free. Don’t pass up this sensual offer (ask odious Ken for references). Please call HB #l at 885-1457, leave a deep breath. Luv 01’ bags HB * 3 & 4.

Childcare required for 9 yr. old boy, Thurs. evenings 6:30 11:30. Anyone enthusiastic about spending time with challenging boy who thinks he’s going on 20. Dian 886-4597. Frank: You are cordially invited to attend an October party. Time: Midnight, Date: Sept. 30, Place: ? Affectionately Yours, Natasha

Training is now complete, almost, and GERM’s talents have been discovered. GERM the golfer, back scratcher, enticement device and coversation piece. ABC

Chere Guelph Hotline: All my 5th

Wanted The sleeziest, tightpanted, tiger-broad Sheena of the Jungle to celebrate my lonely, desperate, shy, inexperienced and naive roommate, Rudy D. Please line up at the Bombshelter this Friday with your best leather and chains.

floor ladies would not add up to you. Ready for a B-A-D weekend of Chinese cooking and massage. Frenchy.

Anyone interested in forming a Bridge Club on campus, please contact Rob c/o Imprint CC 140.


Commission de la Fonction publique du Canada

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The Department of National Defence has an ongoing requirement for graduates interested in civilian careers in scientific research and development, in social or strategic analysis, and in operational research. National Defence presently employs 550 defence scientists, two-thirds of whom possess advanced degrees with specialization in: Physical Sciences Mathematics Biological Sciences Social Sciences or degrees



Engineering Computer Science/Mathematics Mathematics/Computer Science Defence scientist recruiterS will be visiting this campus soon to interview graduates. For information and application forms, see your campus placement office or contact: The Recruitment Officer Directorate Defence Scientist Personnel Programs National Defence Headquarters Ottawa, Canada KlA OK2 Telephone: (613) 995-6906

The Public Service an equal opportunity

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The Ontario Work-Study Plan offers part-time positions to full-time financially needy students. The i‘ollowing Fall 1984 part-time positions are now available and full-time students interested in these positions should apply for them in the Student Awards Of‘fice. second floor, Needles Hall: Alumni Canvassers, Environmental Studies: Skill in communicating on the telephone and accuracy in recording information. Liaison telephone canvassing. Archives Clerk, Archives: Student must have libraq experience, must be an accurate typist. Rate of‘ pal’: $6.001 hr. Bibliographic Searching Assistant, Arts Reference and Collections Dept.: Previous library experience an asset. Rate of pay: $5.72, hr. Conference Helpers, Geography: To assist with the registration, audio-visual equipment and public relations for conf‘erences. Good communication skills required. Correspondence Course Marker, Dept. of French: student. Verb’ good Third or l‘ourth l’ear French knowledge of written and oral French and grammar. Rate of pay: $6.251 hr. Environmental Studies Graphics Lab Demonstrator: To assist students, l‘aculty and-sta!‘!‘ in the use ol‘graphic material. Maintain and monitor operation of lab. Research Assistant, Federation of Students: Student must be a member of the above. Experience in Social Science Research and awareness 01‘ feminist issues. Rate of pay: $4.00 to $6.00, hr depending on experience. Slide Library Assistant, Fine Arts: Must have a thorough background and knowledge 01‘ Fine Art, with a specialty in Art History and a familiarit) with Larious media. Rate of pay: $4.00, hr. Student Assistant, Anthropology,: Third or l‘ourth b’ear anthropology major or honours student. Proctoring tests and examinations. Student Assistant, Chemistqz:/: Third or fourth year detailed Chemistry student. Testing and deceloping write-ups of’ instructions l‘or new undergraduate lab experiments. Rate: of‘ pa)‘: $6.00, hr. Student Assistant, Chemistry: Third or fourth year Chemistry, co-op Chemistry or Bio; Chemistry student. Overseeing of the instrumental lab C2-262 f‘or spectroscopic measurements. demonstrating lab equipment. Assistant, Mechanical Engineering: 7‘UO -S&dent positions available. Engineering students only. Monitor in undergraduate microcomputer and computer graphics terminal rooms. Student Assistant, Philosophy: Background in Philosophy necessary and knowledge 01‘ use of U nil ersit) computer f‘acilities l‘or word processing. Student Darkroom Supervisor, I-acuity 0 1‘ Environmental Studies: Firm knowledge of‘ black and ujhite photographic process. Must be congenial and reliable. Rate o!‘ pay: $4.00, hr. Student Information Officer, School of Architt’cturc: Ability to communicate u,ith a broad range of people. possc5s writing and graphic skills. Student Planner and Programmer, Dept. of Chemistry: Third or fourth honours chemistry student. Planning and programming computer packages for Chemistry student; to USC‘in their undergraduate courses. Rate 01‘ pay: $6.00, hr. Studio Student Monitors, I-ine’ Arts: Design abi,!it) and maturity to help any first year level student with aesthetic problems that arise. Rate of pay: $4.001 hr. Teaching Assistant, Man-Entironment with competence to run tutorial sessions in M-En\ 100, 101. Workshop Writer, Federation of Students: Student must be a member of aboLe. Awareness of l‘eminist issues and expeiience with cithcr theatre or role-plaq,ing therapy are assets.

Math execs 7‘his is the Math



!or the l-all.


Ross M orrissey

Vice President






& Academic

Lida Cepuch”


Tim Hill*

Social Director

Chris Jones*


Blake Nancarrow”



28, 1984.






Director ratification.

We look ‘forward

to working

with you this term.

At1 ar~on~*tnous student

corner of’the photo. the Feds last Mondaj3 M*ith the sign in the 10~ *L’Tright-hand Imprint photo by Anna Marie Hubbard


WPIRG & rogress to help solve its own problems. -1he ideal project is a small, local efl’ort. Its goal is for greatet self-reliance and decreasing dependence on outside goods and services that could easily be provided locally. Coml‘ort Clothing in Kingston is an example of‘ a C.E.D. project from David Pell and Susan Wismer’s book, Community Profit. HoueLer, there are yucstions yet to be answered regaiding technolog>.‘s role in community decelopment. Certainly we cannot return to the era before mechanisation -- nor would we u’ant to. Yet, one has to ask. how much technology should community-based projects embrace? Can C. E.D. projects render technology, more humane? At what point does small and controlled become too large and unmanageable? What are the economic. political. en\ ironmental priorities 01‘ the community ? How self-reliant can a community feasibly become? A conference planned for March 1985 will bolster discussion of such themes t‘or our own community. WPlRG is still seeking the participation 01‘ individuals and groups interested in planning the conference. Specific tasks such as promotions. fund-raising. contacting speakers, will soon need to be done. I!‘ interested. visit the N’PIRG ot‘fice in the Campus Centre, room 217. bctbeun !O:OO a.m. and 2:OOp.m. on ueekdaqs. For more information. call Marcel Oucllettc or Doug MacKinlaj,at t(84-9020.

by Anna Lehn Special to Imprint Progress. I his is the term we use to distinguish our world from that 01’ past generations. To most people, progress means huge gleaming office towers encasing thousands of workers where small family businesses once stood; or expansive impersonal supermarkets replacing the local general store. means, it canI generalI>, be associated W hate1 er “progress” with some of the trouble we are now facing. The Industrial Revolution and its resulting technology has introduced the world to an increasingly alienating workplace. People hake little control over the goods and services they produce, and a sense of pride in one’s work has all but disappeared. As business firms and factories grow larger, corporate owners seem less willing to accept responsibility for the damage created -- pollution, acid rain, diminishing resources, industrial illnesses. Some local groups are recogni/.ing the need for a return to a smaller. more controllable. more responsible workplace. Community economic development (C.E.D.) projects could be one answer to sol\ing some social and economic problems. C.E.D. projects are a number of things. They are not merely job creation schemes, or community profit-making endeavours. Rather. they are a or just social, cultural programs. combination of all three. The idea is to organise the community

Scholarships for one an 1985-86 ONTARIO




Application forms are due in the University Graduate Ol‘fice on October 19, 1984. Supporting documents are due in the University Graduate Office by November 16. 1984. Please check with the Scholarship Coordinator in your department fat applications and the department deadlines.

Nutrition Do you want more out of a nutrition course than information limited to diets techand weight control niques? Read on.... NU7‘RlTlON PLUS is a course offered by Campus Health Promotion which offers more than a new diet. It is designed for people who are

Kicking Campus Health Promotion will be offering the 6-week smoking cessation program, Kick It, beginning October 3rd. The Kick It program, available to any smoker who wants to “kick the habit,” is a

Field of Study: Value: Closing Date:

for one and

behaviour-change program which helps the individual learn how not to smoke, and reinforces behaviours which will help them to remain as non-smokers. Meetings will be held on six consecutive Mondays from 4:30-6:00

humanities $1 I .340 Noccmber


and social sciences 14, 1984 in the University

Graduate Office. Check with the Scholarship Coordinator in your department for applications and the department deadline.

interested in increasing their nutrition knowledge and understanding 01 the marketplace, but who are not primarily concerned about weight T.eduction. Lorna Miller, President 01 Nutrition Promotion Consultants. will teach the six week course. Topics will include




nutritional sell‘-assessment, the marketplace, food additives. needs throughout the life. cycle. and nutrition fads. I here is something for people 01‘ all ages. backgrounds and interests. An optional computerised nutrition assessment and consultation are available l‘or.

an additional fee. I he course ~111 run I‘hursdays. 12:OO I :00 p.m., October 4 through November 8th. in Room 127 Health and Sal‘et>‘. Registration and fee inl‘ormation is abailable through the CH I’ office or by caiiing Ext. 354 I. Deadline is October 2nd.

for one and all p.m. in the Health Services Building at the University of Waterloo. I’he Kick It program, operating successfully both on and 01‘1’campus for four years, is fully endorsed by the Waterloo Regional Inter-

Agenq Council on Smoking and Health. Interested individuals should contact the Campus Health Promotion office In Health Services at 885-121 1, Ext. 354 1. Pre-registration is necessary bef‘ore October I st. Course registration is limited.

No lies! We can’t hold out much longer. The Reds are coming up the hill. Join us, before , it’s too late. Imprint.




it’s too late.


ARTS A4NI-I E.M.S. Building Hours Friday Monday Saturday















** l





8.‘. pure , local A

E l *m l ‘m

mm. mm. mm. mm. .:.


no sugar e


,*.-.*.*.*.*.’ . .. . . . . by I...... ,*.-.-.*.*.=.* ....e..


8:30 a.m. - IO:45 p.m. 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 12: 15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. I: 15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Government Publications Monday ~ Thursday Fridav Saturday. SuItday, Into: ination Senice M onclay ~ Friday Saturday Sunday

Information Service 9:OO a.m. - 5:00 p.m, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. ---~ 5:00 p.m. N 0 Service I:00 p.m. ~~ 5:00 p.m. Y:OO a.m. ~~ 4:30 p.m. IL’0 S;er? ice

-!:Uscr Scrticcs includes the Circulation Kcading-l~istening and Micro Rooms.


resulted from an increase adjustment made to payments annually to keep pensions on par with inflation rates. Such an adjustment is made if the inflation rate exceeds 5% pet annum.

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Lot’s more in store specials mm/-


Imprint staff ‘.-.*.*.‘.*.*. s.‘.*.*.e.*.m. ‘.*.*.*.*.*.*. As of July 1st. U W’s 340 *.m.m.m.*.m.*. ‘.-.*.*.*.*.*. j:.:.:.:.:.:. received a 5.38% I pensioners increase in their pensions. The


I.. ,:.

g Atmle

8:30 a.m. --- 9:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. I:00 p.m. ~- 5:00 p.m. l:OO p.m. -- 6:00 p.m.

too !

i-.-m ;=.*m *.*.*. ‘.*.*. ;*.*m :!:Q


User Services* Monday - Thursday’ Friday! Saturday Sunday

UW pensions


,~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~ Gou& Cheese I...........

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. - IO:00 p.m. 9:OO a.m. 5:00 p.m. N 0 Serb ice I:00 p.m. -- 5:OO pm.




9: , . . .

Information Service Monday - 7 hursdayf I- ridav Saturday


. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.............. .................

8:OO a.m. -- Midnight 9:00 a.m.’ Midnight l:OO p.m. -- Midnight

I Sunday

-.-.-.-.-.-. ........ .............. ............... ............. I ............. :::::::Z:::::: .............. ...............


U.M.D. Library Circulation Desh Monday -~ Thursday I- rida!,

53 Queen St. S: Kitchener 745-6291

of Service Fall and Winter


of Secondy


Pay your

increase 5.3%

The pension plan attempts to match inflation as closely as possible within its financial capacity. The current increase is based on figures from 1983 which are actually higher than the present rate.

adjustments very near the actual inflation rate. Mr. Lucy says that the pension fund is able to support the credited a increase and healthy return on fund investments.

According to Pension and Benefits Committee Chairman E.S. Lucy, the plan has historically been able to make


Students are reminded that they should pay tuition fees at once; late fees are now being charged at the rate of $3 a day. The final day for late registration is October 3 1. Tuition fee refunds fat withdrawing students wil:

Desk and the Rcstzne

fees now!

amount to 100 per cent before October 1, 50 per cent before October 29; no refund thereafter. Refunds resulting from a change in course load will normally be made in November for co-op students and during the winter term for



regular stud,ents. Changes to address and biographical information on the student registration form can be submitted to the registrar’s office, using the form as indicated, or through faculty advisors.

Hair Care

Paul, Sher, Yvonne.

355 Erb St. W., Waterloo 888-7660 10% Student Discount


y; 6’ by Mathew Ingram Imprint staff Susan Musgrave -- poet-in-residence at U of W, and no small talent herself when it comes to such things -- describes him as one of the finest poets writing in Canada today, if not the finest; Dennis Lee, of Saturday Night magazine, goesa bit further and calls him “one of the best poets in the English-speaking world”. His name is Al Purdy, and this past Monday, Sept. 24th) in C.L. Siegfried Hall, he gave a reading of selected old and new poems to a gathering of about ninety attentive listeners -- the first in a series of guest talks, performances, and readings sponsored (as usual) by the Canada Council, and set up in conjunction by the English Society and St. Jerome’s College. It would, of course, be quite easy for me to tell you that Al Purdy is somewhere in his mid-sixties, about 6’3”) has been writing since he was thirteen, and that at this particular reading (as I am given to understand, is not uncommon) he was mildly intoxicated; this would, however, not tell you anything more than what is perfunctory about the man, and nothing at ail about his poetry -- which is, after ail, the point.

Al Purdy

reading from

his works at St. Jerome’s. imprint photo by Richard


Perhaps the best introduction to the man and his poetry was given by Susan Musgrave preparatory to his reading -- she described a similar reading that had taken place in the Maritimes, and how during the long, boring, pedantically academic introduction given him, he proceeded to begin to remove his clothing, and did not stop until the introduction did - leaving him sans everything but pants. Whether this tale has been embroidered or not is hardly important -- the fact it, it does a wonderful job of summing up what I gather is Mr. Purdy’s attitude towards his poetry at least, and perhaps poetry in general. Another example was his

answer to a question about “feeling poetic” -- “I don’t feel particularly poetic,” he said, “I just write the stuff”. Needless to say, Al Purdy’s poetry is hardly the sort of “ivory tower” stuff many first-time poetry readers (and even some long-time ones) dismiss as irrelevant; Mr. Purdy’s poetry grabs life in a half- ne 1son, yet at the same time holds it gently for fear of damaging it -- with a mixture of humour and sadness, and the precise balance of personal and un i versa1 feeling advised by Mr. Eliot. Mr. Purdy’s poems abound in images and situations that command the reader’s attention in no uncertain terms -- piling sacks of dried blood fertilizer on Granviile Island (from which comes the title of his 24th collection of peoms, Piling Book; sitting on a man’s chest and reciting a poem to a crowd in “ At The Quinte Hotel”; shaking Che Guevara’s hand at a Castro speech in Revolutionary Square in 1964, and describing him as a man who “looked like a gas station attendant”; a deceptively absurd poem about blue boobies on the Galapagos Islands (a poem which, incidentally, was read in the House of Cotnmons by a Conservative MP as an example of the sort of garbage Canada Council was sponsoring); and a poem about serving in the Armed Forces (which continually demoted Mr. Purdy) characterizing war as “too close to tears for tragedy; too far from the banana peel for laughter”. These and other similar images and ideas (Huskies up on Baffin Island gathering in packs to steal Mr. Purdy’s excrement while he is in the act of producing it) ail contribute to making Mr. Purdy’s poetry arnong the most amusing, touching, and thought-provoking -- not to mention compellingly real -- it has been my good fortune to read and hear. I urge you to do likewise, be you a poetry fan or not.

Herman and ’ Unger still strong by Mathew Ingram Imprint staff An absolutely repulsive looking individual slouches in an easy chair with his back to the window, beer can clutched in hand -- obscuring a good three-quarters of the window is the head of a fly, and the caption underneath reads: “What the hell’s the matter with that goofy cat?” Another example shows the same repulsive character holding four babies in his arms and exiaiming: “That’s the last time I use that hospital!” The disgusting slob in both these situations is Herman, and the distinctively twisted brand of humour is the work of Jim Urger -- exfinance company manager, ex-London bobby, exgraphic designer, and now full-time cartoonist; a man who began his career doing editorial cartoons for a community newspaper when there was no one else who would do it. After winning the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association Award for three years in a row, Mr. Urger sent off some sketches to Universal Press Syndicate, and a few weeks later received a ten-year contract. Now, after winning the Reuben Award in 1982 for “Best Syndicated Panel Cartoonist”, having been syndicated in over 400 newspapers in twenty-one countries, and moving to a villa in the Bahamas, Mr. Unger has brought out his Fourth Treasury of Herman --- continuing the adventures (or misadventures) of the cartoon world’s most lovable slob. Last September 25, between 3:30 and 4:30, Mr. Urger was at the university bookstore autographing copies of his Fourth Treasury, and it was a testament to Herman’s enduring popularity that there were at least three aisles filled with people waiting for a signature; when this reporter left, at 4:15 p.m. there were still two aisles of expectant fans -among them a uniformed police officer and a woman who had to have been pushing eighty. Herman’s appeal is a difficult thing to pin down, as is most

Jim Urger, father of the “repulsive” Herman, at the UW bookstore. Imprint photo

signs a few books by J.D.


humour, but it seems clear that it is Mr. Unger’s handling of apparently normal situations in the most bizarre fashion possible that endears him to such a wide range of readers -- as well as the opportunity to laugh at ail the revoltingly fascinating people we each have encountered, ail rolled into one. From the signs of it, Herman will be with us for a little while yet.

ut show

lyth: nice set; s by Debbi Pigeon Imprint staff The Blyth Festival production of Country Hearts at the Humanities theatre last week seriously undermined this reviewer’s faith in Canadian drama. The set was indisputably the grandest achievement of the play. From the jar of pickled eggs on the bar, to the pillow which looked rather like a beer belly above the proprietor’s belt, the set perfectly evoked those cataracts of the Canadian hospitality scene, the small town hotel bar.

The most poignant conflict in the play grew between the verisimilitude of the set and the mockery of the plot. Various love entanglements and the owner’s desire to “fix this place up” are not, as the playwright apparently thinks, particulary engrossing themes. So, a touch of political comment; a sub-plot involving a married, ascot-sporting senator and his frustrated involvement with a beautiful blonde was introduced. The eventual “variety” of character and their various relationships were then left to

ferment in the barroom scene for the remainder of the play. The comedy/musical genre allows a certain licence. The incongruity of an English gentleman in a hotel bar clad in ascot and dressing gown seemed to eclipse whatever humour there may have been in his need for a toilet bowl plunger. The performances, in the main, were exaggerated and false. Exceptions were Robert King’s portrayal of “Suag” a trucker returning from the west and Ross Skene as “Zip”, a quiet and sagacious fiddler.

On the burlesque side, Ron Gabriel as “Boomer” monopolized the laughter by, for example, dancing with the beautiful girl with his snowmobile suit around his ankles. Eat h of the performers sang or played -- in a fashion generally more notable for its enthusiasm than for any exceptional skill -- in several of the songs written by John Roby, coauthor of the play. For those who missed Country Hearts, the draught at any one of a long list of local pubs may be recommended as a far more rewarding way to spend the price of a ticket.

l4 Music



i 2=3





which premiered












1 HOMECOMING HUNGRIES? 1 .. . Get satisfied at McGinnis Crash! Crunch! Tackle! Whether you’re playing in the big game or taking part in the activities, Homecomingreally builds a big appetite. A time for friends, old and new, to get together. McGinnisoffers the kind of atmosphere that’s just right for this special week. So

McGinnis wings: Crispy chicken wings served the way you like them, mild, medium or hot. Accompanied by a creamy dip.

meet your friends and join in the fun and food at McGinnis. Shown below is just a sample of what’s in store for you.

tiie waviou like it.

28, 1984.-

by Wayne Morris Over the last week, Toronto has seen a flurry of new music activity by hosting the World Music Days festival. Organized by the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM), it is considered to be the most important annual new music event in the world. This is the first time Canada has played host to this festival and only the second time it has been in North America since its inception in 1923. As well as a large program offered by ISCM (45 works) several other organizations were busy with their own new I music productions. Last Friday, New Music Concerts presented the world premiere of Vinko Globokar’s “Laboratorium”, a four hour study into the relationship of musician and instrument. The concert was divided in half by a 90 minute intermission and we got to the concert as the second half was about to start. I’11just highlight some of this piece composed for 10 musicians and a co-ordinator to illustrate the lengths Globokar goes to to investigate his therne. The musicians had to respond to a number of given research themes such as ‘music arising from physical gesture’ and ‘the effect of the presence (or absence) of external stimuli on the musician’s inventiveness’. One musician played the harp while another his various parts of the instrument with mallets, pulled wire through the strings, and played the foot pedals with his hands while lying down all while the harpist continued to play. A reed player sucked on a clarinet while touching the end to kettle drum skins. He alternated between one drum with many coins on the head to another of which he played the pitch foot pedal, producing some very unusual sounds. For one theme each of the players lowered their instruments into buckets of water while playing them. Another theme had a percussionist blindfolded with kleenex stuffed in his ears, being wheeled around the stage in a chair and having excerpts of a French-English dictionary read to him all while trying to maintain a constant rhythm on his drum. The concert ended with the musicians wrapping everything (including the conductor) in red crepe and toilet paper then leaving the stage in shambles. It was wonderful. On Saturday night I made my was back to Harbourfront to see “Chroma”, a music-theatre piece. This work attempted to balance three distinct media forms: the music of Bentley Jarvis, who, by the way, is a former U of W graduate, two dancers choreographed by Sallie Lyons and the superb lighting of Robert Muldar, who refers to his work as light sculpture.

. ..the players lowered their instruments buckets of wafer while playing them...

all weeklong, rememberto

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The lighting was bold and colourful, often changing and always entertaining. Recurrent images of steel-girdered skeletons of buildings were balanced by rich sounds of crashing metal and the mechanical movements of expression in movement, sound and light and the combination was highly successful. The Ontario Science Centre had also considered their Live Electronic Music Festival with World Music Days. We caught the tail end of this event on Sunday afternoon. These pieces, however, apart from a work by Jean Piche, were not up to the calibre of the previous two night’s performances. Sunday night saw us return to the Harbourfront for the CBC National Radio Competition for Young Composers. This competition is open to composers under 30 years old for three categories: 1. Compositions for electronic music, 2. Compositions for up to 12 performers, and 3. Compositions for solo performers. According to the program, the concert was due to start at 8:00 p.m.; however, the CBC decided to being at 7:00 p.m. so we arrived as they were starting the performances for category 2. This was disappointing as I was looking forward to hearing the electronic pieces. The rest of the show ias marked with remarkable performances, probably some of the highest calibre work of Gordon Monahan called “Piano Mechanics”, where he attempted to coax sounds out of the piano not usually associated with that instrument. Altogether a fine showing of new music by young Canadian composers. However, there was one thing that bothered me, apart from the starting time mix up. The CBC had stated that “$26,000 in prizes were to be awarded at the end of the concert”. The prize scheme awarded $3,000 to second place and $4,000 for first in each category. An additional $5,000 could be won if one composition was voted unanimously by the five judges as overall best work. No one won the grand prize, and in addition the judges decided not to award a first prize in Category 1. Therefore, CBC saved $9,000 which could have been much better spent on the artists that had worked so hard to present their work. Apart from these blemishes on an otherwise sparkling new music program, the World Music Days festival was a giant success.

160 University Avenue,at Phillip Street- Waterloo


a cover Friday




Villains--stir Any pessimist who attended the previous week’s Messenjah concert would perhaps have thought “with such a paltry turnout for the first pub of the term, why bother going to lthe Villains next week?” A crowd of over four hundred people, half of whom paid at the door, proved the pessimists wrong, and bopped the eve away last September ZOth, upstairs at the Waterloo Motor Inn. Right from the first note, the dance floor was a cauldron of sweaty souls, swaying to and fro, or perhaps doing some sort of jackhammer impersonation, or more often than not doing the unmistakeable new wave shuffle. Crowd pleasing seemed to be the main point of the Villians second set. “Tequila”, belted out in true Herb Alpert style, highlighted the best set of the two where commercialism was forgotten as older tunes and covers took the forefront. The new sound most recent album, the loss of Count Steve, and the sweeping waves of conservatism have not made the Villains forget their older fans, of which the audience was mostly made up. It was perhaps an evening of historical significance, _- since, with the ever imminent opening of Federation Hall, this could mark one of the last times we get to enjoy upstairs at the Motor Inn for such an event. This sentimentality was lost in an audience where most people seemed content to sip on their Blues or Blue Lights and wallow in the beat. the Villains were not a In retrospect, particularly thought-provoking band, their purpose does not seem to give their audience the shivers; they certainly don’t torment the

The Villains



28, 1984:


it up


up a cauldron

of dance

at Waterloo

audience with questions of existence or selfworth. But, if you’ve had a bad day, things are getting you down, there is no better remedy than heading off to a Villains show, tossing back a few ales, and forgetting for a few hours. The show provided a good warm up pub for the big event (so far) this term, tomorrow night’s sold out Psychedelic Furs show. The Furs show sould prove to be more of a medicine show than a Villains rave-up.


Inn. Inset,

lead vocalist











WLU to host GG writers Two Canadians, writer and a poet, the 1983 Governor Awards in fiction in late September at Wilfrid Laurier Oct. 3.

a fiction will receive General’s and poetry and will be University,

They will speak that day at p.m. in the Turret


Lounge of the student union building, sponsored by the WLU Bookstore as the first in a new series of Meet The Author sessions. The two are Leon Rooke of Victoria, B.C., for his bravura performance in Shakespeare’s Dog, a rollicking pseudo-Elizabethan tale

about the early days of the playwright; and David Donnell of Toronto, win ler for his Settlements. The winners will discuss their works at the Laurier meeting, which is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

i IThis Week’s Special:

Roland R;-1111 near letter quality printer , 120 cps $499 Apple compatible drive from $

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28, 1984.


’ _

l /

~Judge th by Rob Clifton Imprint staff

IS ’

Joy Rider Tired of Phoney RCA Records

The human race’s endless pursuitaf true love is the driving force for much of a-person’s activities and is 3 theme utterly embedded in the heart of this six song mini LP from Joy Rider. I have to confess -- if I want to be honest about my first impressions of this album -- that I laughed upon first sight of the .album cover and title. “Phoney? How could you be tired of phoney dressed’like that ?“, I inwardly queried the photo on the album.‘ A few moments passed and I realized what kind of trap into which I had fallen. How could I have been so foolish to write off a person so quickly just because of his or her appearance? Consciously or not, Joy Rider had succeeded In showing me who the real phoney probably was. The album, then, is the vocalist’s search for a relationship built on trust, honesty and “true love”. Five out of the six songs

by Claudia Cacciotti Imprint staff


- Shake Appeal The Reds EPIC

, .In the midst of the “New British-Invasion”, The Reds exist as a band prepared to expand on its American roots. Plenty of lip-service is being paid to groups such as the Violent Femmes br R.E.M. as the purveyors of the new found American rock music tradition. But The Reds have been working at their trade since the late ‘70’s. They have 2 singles, 3 LP’s and an EP on their discography. The EP, on A&M, -featured a classic rendition of the Door’s “Break On Through” The band appeared on the scene from Philadelphia at a time . .. _ _ when the public and the press were ignoring American’bands

by t he

on the album continually drill this concept in one ear and _ out of the other. But this is not the only thing that is repetitive. In almosr every song a synthesizer/dru& machine combination initially sets ip and-steadily prevails through,out the t%ne to the bitter end.. Scratchy turntable etchings and machine gun percussion in “Love is Rough” almost make Rider the music scene’s latest, Herbie Hancock protege. It is a good rap song, however, as the quirky vpcals cut and stab with remarks about what we do I‘in the &me of love”. “Push and Shove” contains a great new dance concept: - “When there is no love, All the people do the ‘push and shove!’ (Do I detect a note of.pessimism?). Both it and “Mr. Romeo” are tunes that have a bit of that “music to get into” potential. The vocals are almost desperate at times.. “Insomnia in Zambia” is a slightly different song than the others. The African influence is dominant but the dull repetitiveness is still there. Maybe, just maybe, J.R. has jumped on the.“African influence” band wagon a bit too quickly. Personally, I think,. the album does not contain enough intriguing music to warrant purchase. However, you may want to check it out for yourself if you are at all into her lyrical frame of mind; after all, you -may be tired of phoney too! (I know I am.)

germinating from the same angry seeds as their British cour$erparts. But as so many of these bands have 9 metamorphosed into something else, possibly* something more accessible, The Reds have remained uncompromising. Subsequently, they have been bounced around the “Record Label Circuit” and are now recording for the small independent Stoney Plain label out of Edmonton and are being distributed by WEA, their third major in five years. But-swhat about the music? Shake Appeal, their second EP, is . a tense, powerful recording permeated with mystery and mood. The rhythm section is tight and unrelenting,. the keyboards slash and the vocals seem to be sung three beers too ’ late.’ No post&-ing or.posing, no pretense but strong, angry pob ’ music, enough to catch the attention of Public Image dnd The Psychedelic Furs, for whom The Reds opened up for on their respective North American tours. The Reds are coming indeed. ’






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,Underground by Ken Pension Imprint staff .


The Husker Du’and FU’s’ has been cancelled due to poor advanced ticket sales. .Eviction Party at the Burning Rings hangout Friday Sept. 28, two streets straisht north of where the Urinating Point once was. Hardcore CMlones have split up, as was always the plan. Joe Average is back with Dead End and Chris is off tc> the U.S. T_he rest of Dead End i! back in TO and practicing fo a live show soon:mews on tha laster. Word is that Paul an< Andy, formerly of APB, have

joined Creative Zero. Living Proof have reformed. Old singer Bill is gone, but Al now sings and plays guitar. Steve from Y Lions is second guitarist. Debbie Pigeon to form new band No Edit. (crushed by the wheels of jounalism --Arts Ed.) _-

_ ,




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SEPTEMBER (day-away

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29th accepted)

by Tim Imprint


Homemade Lasagna, Spaghetti, Pizza, Canneloni Veal Parmigiana, Chicken, Ribs, Steaks. . . Superb Salad Bar - Espresso Coffee Bar


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Mansouri, General of the Canadian Opera Company, will be cdnducting auditions for he I985/ 86 COC Ensemble in

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A Man

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four Canadian cities this fall, searching for young singers with operatic potential. Auditions will be held in Vancouver. October 3 I; Calgary, November 1 and 2; Montreal, November 3; and Tororito, November 5, 6 and 7. The COC Ensemble is the Company’s Toronto-based resident artist corps, founded in July 1980 through a continuing grant from Imperial Oil Limited. Between nine and twelve all five singers, representing voice categories -- soprano, mezzo soprano, tenor, baritone and bass -- will be contracted for the period July 1, 1985 to June 29, 1986. As members of the COC the only yearEnsemble, round operatic troupe in Canada, these promising young artists will participate in a comprehensive program of opera performance, Participation in the auditions is open to Canadian citizens and landed immigrants. The deadline for applications is October I, 1984.


Now available on import are two new ’60s soul music compilations from the wonderful Kent label. Club Soul is a collection of 16 soul movers and groovers by The Shirelles, Candy and the Kisses, Lee Charles, and others. On the Upbeat documents the Chicago soul scene of the early and mid-sixties featuring Jackie Wilson’s “I’ve Lost You” and “What Goes Up” b> Tyrone Davis. The Style Council will shortly release their new single “Shout To The Top”, “Ghosts of Dachau”. The 12” version also includes an instrumental rendition oi the A side as well as an extra track “The Piccadilly Trial”. There’s something new from the Sister of Mercy: “Walk Away”/“Poison Door” and “On The Wire”. Their four-song EP Body and Soul is now available domestically. Polygram Canada, in their infinite wisdom will release Billy Bragg’s first full length album Brewing Up With Billy Bragg sometime in October. If sales go as expected, they plan to follow it up with his first EY in mid 1985....marketing wizardry! Next week holds the release of the new Culture Club single “The-War Song”. The Boy has been staying up late learning French, German, Spanish and Japanese, and has recorded the single in these languages for release in the appropriate countries. Culture Club’s new album Waking Up With The House On Fire is set to be issued later this autumn. With “Master and Servants” currently providing the boss action on the swingin’ dance floors Depeche Mode release their fourth album Some Great Reward next week. It should be out domestically in October. Last, but surely not least, WEA Canada plans to release a compilation of The Smiths’ best British single A and B sides along with live BBC performances. Hatful of Hollow contains SIXTEEN songs and will hit the racks in October.



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Training Camp #lO in Kitchener at the beginning of the Second World War and the overseas experience of a dedicated, much loved, ecumenical padre.


To Earth


The Life and Stewal? W.K.



of Finlay





W.K. Thomas approaches the life of the Very Reverend Finlay Gordon Stewart with a skillfully light sincerity that is as full of life as Mr. Stewart himself. The humour of the author blends with Mr. Stewart’s and bubbles through the many segments of history that touch Stewart’s life-work, eliminating any trace of dryness which is the death-trap of some biographies. The extent of Mr. Thomas’ scholarly research is evident in the vitality of the material presented. He integrates the history of St. Andrew’s Parish, Kitchener, where ‘Fin” served from 1938 until retirement in 1974 with the historw of the Presbyterian Church in Canada and some of the history of the city of Kitchener.. Mr. Thomas records Mr. Stewart’s involvement with

Mr. Thomas does not give Mr. Stewart one inch. “His taste in anthems likewise extended from Victorian chestnut to He speaks bluntly about Mr. Stewart’s Victorian chestnut”. plagiarism and just as bluntly about his human and personal qualities. With searching, kindly good humour, he shows Mr. Stewart as a living and lying man of God whose good humour overflows every aspect of his life: a life totally dedicated to “right”, and the means to that end, however personified or exaggerated, are justified. A sensitive man of incredible energy and dedication to in every man through God, “he lunged for the jugular” situation, living and preaching that man must integrate his life closely with God’s. A thoroughly enjoyable and informative biography, this book reflects the skill and craft of the author and the dynamic human side of “God’s second-in-command“, the Very Reverend Finlay Gordon Stewart. It is my hope that when I die and go to heaven, the secondin-command in charge that day will be as positive and understandins in .his judqement of ne as Mr. Thomas is of the life and work; of Mr: Stewa t.

Don’t you hate... by Chris Imprint

Wodskou staff

DON’T YOU HATE it Nhen you go to the Turret 3nd the idiot DJ has never -ieard of anything that’s not 3n the Top 40? i.e. - A :ypical conversation with the 1J; ‘Do you have anything by Shriekback?” ‘Shriekback. ..hmmm...Yeah, sure, what would you like to lear.” “My Spine is the Bassline”’ ‘Sorry, all we have is ‘All -ined Up”’ ‘Would you play ‘All Lined Jp’ then?”

“Who’s it by?” (This actually happened.) DON’T ‘iOU HATE going to Ruby’s to meet girls and then find out that all the women on the make there have cuspicious looking cold sores and probably lost their virginity before you were even born? DON’T YOU HATE hearing twelve consecutive hyper-extended, megamonster, dance-scratch mixes and watching a bunch of guys in dacron track suits spin around on their heads all night? DON’ml‘ YOU HA.1 t seeing

that everyone in the club is wearing yacht slippers and with upturned golf shirts collar-‘? DON’T YOU HATE it when they finally do get around to playing something decent and then cut it off in the middle to play IJan Hnlen? DON’T YOU HAIL morons who wear flashing bow-ties and huge foam mutations of Eugene Whelan’s green hat and think that they’re being quite the fashionable trend-setters? DON’T YOU HATE having to wait for Fed Hall to open?

Advertise! is read by 12,000 UW students 34 times a year. It is a handy vehicle for getUt3.g your message to the student market. Imprint advertising: (519) 885-1660. Advertising Manager: C. Ricardo Scipio. Imprint

. UW English professor W.K. Thomas’s biography of K- W saint, Finlay Stewart, emphasises the latter’s spirituality.



Thurs.-Ladies Night h Ladies no Cover a Fri.- Nuts & Bolts ii Sat.-Dance Video Party

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I II 1Lmm-

ing at Arts Theatre FISHING, by Michael Weller, portrays incisively the kinds of psychic Jarious 3u t t ressinq necessary for self survival in contemporary society. Weller’s’ raggle-taggle groups of sixties Moonchildren, stuck in 1974, present the culmination of the Kerouac ,‘Beat” tradition of “On the RnxI.” distilled down to the


Public Service of Canada

Having fulfilled the manifest destiny of motion and space that we have come to North recognize as the American epic journey of selfdiscovery, the group erects a disillusioned Disneyland of the mind in a west coast fishing village. As Weller chronicles their pathetic attempts to get the “William-Acid Rock-Where


Enterprises Inc.” off the ground, he compassionately both human exposes weaknesses and the pain of the drug experience. Directed by Michael Fletcher, FISHING runs October 23 to 27 and October 30 to November 3 at 8 p.m. at the Theatre of the Arts Tickets are $6.00 ($4.00 Students/Seniors), and are .rrrrv-j

Commission de la Fonction publique du Canada

To the cla!ss


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In the ads for the latest Charles Bronsor, film, The Evil That Men Do, the public i: warned that the picture contains brutal violence. Well, it does, but anyone who goes expecting a gratuitous gore-fest may be disappointed. While there is a degree of blood-letting, little of it is needless. This is an emotional movie and there is a message behind it. When the villains die, the audience knows their deaths were deserved. Clement Moorlock (Joseph Maher) is a doctor who specializes in torture techniques. And, as his crimes are revealed to the audience, we come to realize that this man is the worst type of pond scum. In any case, he makes the mistake of torturing and murdering a writer whn has spoken out against him. This writer is an acquaintance of Holland (Charles Bronson), a retired killer-for-hire. When Holland is asked to kill The Doctor, he balks; he has a peaceful iife and has no wish to work again. He takes the job, however, after watching a great many video taped


Join the Turnkeys


by Todd Schneider Imprint staff

In co-operation with Campus Security and the Waterloo Regional Police, the Turnkeys will mark your bicycle with identification iri order that it may be identified and returned to you if stolen. All you need to do is take a few minutes and bring your driver’s license and your bicycle.



S t0

In Under the Volcano, director John .Huston has undertaken a grand venture that just does not come off, no matter how attractive the cinematography, how renowned the actors, or how accomplished the novel from which the film is drawn. The movie is virutaliy the property of Albert Finney, cast as the alcoholic ex-British consul to Mexico, Geoffrey Firmin. His character is blustering, arrogant, unforgiving, and yet insightful at times. He has, in the-absence of his wife, seemingly brought himself to this position (prone) as an affirmation of all this former diplomat has left -- the gift - of gab. His wife Y vonne (Jacqueline Bisset) eventually returns, but it is not enough to save Geoff, or the film for that matter. The only thing weaker in this film than Geoff’s vows to reform his ways is the presence of the two supporting actors. A hint of renewed sexual intrigue is provided when Firmin’s half-brother

(Anthony Andrews), Y vonne’s former partner in adultery, saunters in from a journalistic adventure. But it never transpires; the rest of the film is made up of Intermittent dialogue (between appalling bouts of drinking) and confused action. The only other significant plot element, a bit of nast’ lness implicating Nazis in local affairs, is never convincingly carried out. Adding to the film’s confusion is the use of dialogue-You need to know two languages to understand what’s going on: Spanish and soused. These are both so integral here that, if you’re weak in one or the other, you begin to feel that the other is overtaking you. Perhaps Huston has been living in Mexico (and on mescal) so long that this film was inevitable. When Geoffrey is roughed up, then brutally killed by the local strong arms of the law, it is no tragedy. We are struck by the feeling that we never learned to care for the character in the first place. In translating Under the Volcano to the screen, Huston has aimed over the rainbow, and missed the pot of gold. -----

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testimonies of Moorlock’s victims. Holland takes the cover of an American tourist. As was mentioned before, this is ar emotional movie and this is where it’s appeal lies. There is a genuine hatred built up for Moorlock. Indeed, most folks in the movie house probably wanted to see him die a bloody death. And while his death was not as bloody as it could have been, it was certainly appropriate. To be certain, the miners who kill The Doctor have more right to do so than Holland does. And! this is why the movie is good. It deals with justice and carries the basic message that a victim has the right to punish the person who victimized them. The only real problem with the movie is Bronson himself. At the ripe age of 63, its obvious that he still hasn’t retired from the Cardboard Actors Guild. One of the great monotone-voiced perfomers of all time, he also seems to lack the ability to crack anything but the most wan of grins. Nonetheless, Bronson’s plywood performance detracts only a slight bit from a movie whose prime attraction is, in fact, its emotional impact.

8 - 6

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Soccer tea by Kevin Phillips Bong The Warrior’s soccer team turned in a strong performance on September 22nd. They rolled over the Guelph Gryphons, at Columbia Field. The Warriors exploded for five unanswered goals in the second half, after a relatively slow first, to notch their fifth point out of a possible six so far this season. The Warriors got in trouble mid-way through the first half when some poor tackling led to a Guelph 1-O lead, but they tied the score on a blinding free kick just outside the Guelph penalty area. Veteran Liam McFarlane drove the ball into the corner of the net with a shot that the Guelph goalkeeper never saw. Another Warrior defensive lapse allowed Guelph to pull ahead 2-1 before the end of the half. The second half was essentially all Waterloo. Shortly into the half, veteran Peter Gardiner took a ball on his chest from Bobby Boetcher, and fired a shot off the Guelph keeper from the edge of the box. Last year’s MVP, Mark Forster, who has been playing very good soccer of late, fired home the rebound to draw Waterloo Even. Rookie Corey Williams scored the game’s winning goal to cap off a pretty offensive attack that originated at centre. Williams headed home a cross from Boetcher after Gardiner sent Boetcher down the wing with a penetrating pass. Insurance goals were added by Larry Quarashie, Gardiner, and a second from Williams. Quarashie’s goal was the result of a superb header from a corner kick taken by McFarlane. Coach John Vincent said that he is “happy with the way things are going” and that he is “having a hard job deciding who to dress for each game” as he is presently carrying 20 players. Vincent is pleased with the way that all the Warriors are playing. The game featured some very entertaining soccer, and was fairly well attended. Something which has been missing for the soccer Warriors for quite a while now has been fan support. The Warriors are currently locked in a three way tie for first place with Western and McMaster in the OUAA West Division. The Warriors have not been ranked in the top ten of 16 last CIAU despite their unbeaten record. Notes: Soccerer Bobby Boetcher has been named the Waterloo Athlete of the Week...Particularly impressive in the Guelph game were former Canadian All-Star Tommy Abbott and rookie Larry Quarashie... Coach John Vincent said that he had nothing bad (nor good) to say about the football Warriors. *

Warriors swamped







oy rorlc aeJense by Mike Upmalis Imprint staff Waterloo’s football Warriors saw total disintegration of their offensive team in their 32-l loss to the York *Yeoman last September 15. ‘The only bright spot for Waterloo’s coaching staff was Waterloo’s defense. The defense held York to a total offense of I 19 yards. Three of York’s four touchdowns were scored by the defense, one on an 84 yard interception and two on punt returns. The York defense probably had greater yardage on that day than their offense. saw sharp improvement in rushings with Waterloo gaining over 100 yards for the first time this season. over 100 yards for the first time this season. Qn the other hand, Waterloo passed for a net of 4 yards in the first half and a total of 26 yards on the day. Waterloo starting QB, Drew Zehr, was 4/20 on the day. Backup QB Tony lantorno went empty on all 6 passes in his first season game. Waterloo had been implementing an offense based on the pass but has returned to put a stronger emphasis on the rushing attack. The balanced attack is still a goal that needs a lot more work. The “suitable adjective” Warriors band made their first season appearance and added a lot of colour to a disppointing game for the Warrior’s fans. The “suitable adjective” Warrior band will be on hand for tonight’s homecoming game against the nationally number two ranked Mixmaster Marauders. This toughest game of Waterloo’s current season should be a good display of football, at least half the time. Waterloo’s offensive and defensive players oft he game were Dave Boston and Sean Strickland.

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Tony KajJ seen receiving

the ball was one of the jkw bright spots for i

the Trojans


k 2nd Rugby side) Photo contributed

by AD-AM

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lvlustan.gs stun W arnors by Sandy Townsend Imprint Staff Despite the sunny weather, the U W rugby team appeared to be in a fog when it took to the field to do battle with the visiting Western Mustangs. The Warriors were never able to warm up to the task and the Mustangs handed them,a resounding defeat. The score was 26-7 in favour of the wrong team.

The youthful exuberance Laurier turned into youthful

which led to Waterloo’s defeat of inexperience against a very strong

Mustang squad. The Warriors were constantly under pressure Western defence. The Mustangs took an early a penalty attempt. The Warriors Rene Fleming dove over in the the game.

found the going very tough and from an aggressive, ball hungry 3-O lead when their kicker slotted came back strongly and wingel* corner to score the prettiest try in

From a line-out near the Western goal line, scrumhalf Dan lngoldsby darted through an almost invisible gap bdt w/as stopped short of the line. He fed the ball to Cilen Harper who in turn gave it to Peter Kier. From there, the ball went to Jamie Puskas, to Blair Clemes, and finally ended up in the hands of Rene who crashed over the line to score the try. Rent was hurt while scoring

and was eventually

replaced by

Ian Hart.

Western scored a try which bloke the Warriors’ back at the very end of thk first half. The Western fullback scored after a long run down the far sideline. His fine run was aided by a lazy Warrior defence and shoddy tackling: That left the score 7-4 fo1 Western at the half. In the second half the Mustangs stampeded the rapidly tiring Warriors and outscored them 19-3. Western scored two tries early in the half and after that it was time tp turn out the light!:

because the party was over;.

Kicker Paul Toon added a late penalty to salvage some of the lost Warrior pride. The final score: West&n 26, Waterloo 7.

The Trojans also lost to Western. This time,the score.was 13-4. Forward Tony Kay was’ the -Trojan’s only bright light in what : was otherwlse a dismal performance by the whole squad. Kay scored the only Trojans’s points when he bullied his way into the Western endlone to score a well-deserved try. A change in the schedule has moved the Saturday, October 6th game Bt Gue!ph to Wednesday, October the 3rd: A ,__ wonde;ful‘chance for Rugby squid fans tti“tiak&-a road’t”rip fdir’ I those mid-week blahs. : 1 he Warriors’ next game is September 29 against the Brodli Badgers; kick-off it 2 o’clock on Columbia Field. Ex-Warriot Mike Peever is helping direct the Badger attack this year.

‘Sports Commentary: Canada is hockey There is an old adage in the newspaper business that says old news is no news. So be it. Our topic this week is the Allen Eagleson Show, or as it is more commonly known, the Canada cup. By now everyone knows the results,and who won. Well, we did. Since our beloved Canadian team defeated the big bad Soviets all of Canada can take credit for the victory. Had our heroes lost, you can be assured that the media and the general public would have drawn and quartered Glen Sather . /, Therefore, congratulations to &II &se people who were directly involved with the victory, the players,thecoaching &aff and the administrators, especially those people at mc~ey Canada who selected Mr. S&her f&r the co&hing position. What the Hockey Canada people and the Canadian public should realize is that organizing a national team the way we do is a hit or miss deal. In 1975 and 1984 we scored hits. In 1979 and 1981 we missed badly. If we go all the way back to 1972 when the First professional Team Canada was formed, we (again We, the country and not just the players) have only beaten ‘the Soviets in three series while losing two. Hockey in Canada is woven into our social fabric and it is nexplicitly tied into what makes a Canadian, a Canadian. People in other parts of the world associate Canadians with lackey the way they associate Americans with football. That neans that our reputation as a countrv is on the line even/ time we send our best hockey players our to play me Soviets. And I for 3ne am tired of having my feelings of national identity take a beating every time we lose. Obviously after just winning the Canada Cup I am feeling very load about being a Canadian. Howeve$ I ain not so sure we will Yin the ne%t one. Hockey Canada should start plannina now for he next time, which according to Mr. Eagleson will be in 1988. Our players must be given the opportunity to train ai-td play ogether for an extended length of time. If-this means t&.in~ hen? from their NHL teams, so be it. These players will be Ilaying for all of Canada and if the NHL o&ners will not release hem, the public should voice their displeasuie by not going to vatch the NHL. Personally, I would rather pay to watch Wayne >rctzky play for Canada than for the Edmonton Oilers. If Team Canada ,is going $0 be able to consistently beat the htiets, then we must first beat the NHL owners. The place ta )eat them is at the box office. If the NHL owners realize that the



by Sandy


public is against them, then and only then will they release players to Team Canada. That will be the first step in preparing our team to beat the Soviets and in restoring our pride in being Canadian.

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Road M3B


by Sandra


Last September 22, the Women’s Varsity Tennis team played their first league match at Western. The girls came tough competition under from Guelph. and the Western team. Out of the 6 woma’n team, top finishers were Teresa Brzozowski (the number 4 girl



on the team who finished with 5 pts. out of a possible 6). Chris Kelly in the number 6 position also f’inished with a 5 pt. total. Other members of the team include: Anne Zavaros in the number one position (2 pts), Kathleen Cleary in the number 2 position (3 pts.). Ruhuni de Alwis in the 3rd

position (4 pts), and Kris Kern in the number five position, with 4 pts. Waterloo has strong potential this year in all six positions. The girls will host McMaster and Windsor this weekend at the Waterloo Tennis Club, from 9:30 a.m. -- 7:00 p.m.


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U.S. Revised Schedules


by Rob Hardy


be picked up in PAC 2040. Captains of Campus Ret teams are reminded that they rnust pick up the revised schedule for their sport as soon as possible. The schedules may

Instructional Classes There are just a few spots left in certain instructional -classes! To register, please go to see the PAC receptionist IMMEDIATELY. The spots still open are in the following areas: Yoga - both levels still open; Cycling - Noon training rides (Great way to get in shape and appreciate the fall weather); Squash - Inter I - Thurs. 9:30 p.m.; Inter II - Tues. 9:30 p.m. and 8:50 p.m., Thurs. 9:30 p.m.; Synchronized Swimming; NLS; Dance II - Monday 9:30 p.m. Great Hall, Village I.

Red and gold leaves spotted the ground. but red, white, and blue dominated the field as highly rated U.S. harrier squads stole the show at the University of Western 0 n tar i 0 10th annual cross-country running meet. Both the men’s and women’s races wcrc deep in 130 qualit),. and over competitors toed the start line in their respective races. On the women’s side, the Canada First Running Club

out-distanced the Western and North

rookie Kf:\iln Shields (49th), Harce\, Mitro (60th). and Tim Rose (64th). Vetcrans Mark f nman. and AndIf Krucker. who were both unable to compete at the Western meet, will be greatly needed to bolster the squad.

squads to win the team title. l‘he 1.00kie laden Athena

The Warrior Waterpolo team is ready to make their first appearance of the year at the York Earlybird Invitational on Saturday. John Saabas has moved into the role of player/coach this year. He has engaged in an intensive training program

to get his team ready for this year. Waterloo has four of their starting seven returning this year. The rookies to fill up the starting line seem to bring a lot of promise. The two most likely to break in were Keith Beckley and Scott Murray.

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CRAC Meeting

Golf Tournament




talented C,arolina

team ran a spirited race to linish a respectable 12th ocerall. Individually. the fastest The next CRAC meeting will be held in the Village II West Quad Athena to cover this rugged 4 Lounge on Wednesday, October 3rd at 5:30 p.m. Anyone interested in km course was Janice attending is welcome. The meetings are a lot of fun and can lend insight f’atterson (54th). u host hard into the workings of the Campus Ret program. See you there! hummer training has brought Note: The conduct board of Campus Recreation meets every her to the forefront of the Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. in PAC 2045. The conduct board is a Athena cross-country disciplinary council which reviews certain unsportsmanlike actions program. which may occur in Campus Ret leagues. Rounding out the top five Athena runners were Ulrike Zugclder (75th). J ocelyn f’iercy (87th). Michelle March (89 ih). and Nel Wieman The Men’s Slo-Pitch results are in from last week’s tournament and (94th). here they are...in flight A the Mixed Nuts trounced to glory with a score of 13 to 4 over the Michigan Stars, in flight B the Dundas Giants beat the After compiling an Bengals 19 to 12, flight C saw Conrad Grebel whip Team Dub 13 to 2. outstanding cross-countq Congratulations to thg, winners, and we hope that all the participants had record in the last four txars. a great time. the graduation of‘ several key lctcrans has lef‘t coach Alan Adamson with the task of rebuilding the Athena program. MIXED 2 BALL GOLF TOURNAMENT - Despite rather wet In the men‘s division, the conditions last Sunday, students spent the afternoon losing balls, digging divots and generally having a great time on the North Campus high]>, touted Lions from Golf course during the Campus Recreation tournament. f’cnn State claimed the team Kevin Griffin and Marianne Boere won the tournament with the low title o\cr Depaul and North score of 43 strokes. Kevin and Marianne hit the longest drives on hole C’arolina. while the Warriors, #5, while Ken Spriet and Sue Lang came closest to the pin hole on hole \I ho were ranked 13th out of #4. I5 teams cntercd. finished The largest divot of the day was chopped by Larry Brock and it ahcad of‘ I oronto for 9th measured over 1 foot long and about 6 inches wide - how did he do place. that? Bruce Mitchell managed to lost the most balls - only 3. Sam Garcea and Carolyn Levis had the funniest (or were they the worst) golf Chris Lane, a transfer from jokes of the day, and Sam took the award for the most unique shot of the I ennescc state. covered the 8 day. km rollercoaster-like route in Trish Barbafo, the defending champion, was stood up by her partner 29:03 and managed to secure a and had to do with a less. competent partner. Consequently, Laurie solid 35th position. Following Crowson and she received the “most Honest Score” award. Altogether, it Chris cl’ere Rob Hard\, (37th), was a great afternoon. Let’s do it again next year.




Golf Warriors

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Several players remain in the running to qualify f‘or the final five positions on the golf team.. Results: Grant Oh, Toronto Glenn Wiley. Waterloo Eoruell. I oronto I’aul Frit/. Lauricr Scott Hicks, Waterloo .- Warriors:

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28, 1984.-

win again

by Dave Hemmerich Imprint staff Waterloo Warriors captured their second Lictory in as many outings at the York Y coman In\ itational Golf Tournament, held at the Westbiew Golf Club on Thursday, September 20. High winds over the hilly 6,900 year Aurora, Ontario golf course had an escalating effect on scores. Grant Oh of University of’ ToroIlto, the low individualist, was the only player to break 80 with a score of 78. I-ourth year team ceteran, Glenn Wiley, led the Warriors with a round of‘ 80, second lowest score in the competition. ~l’hc Warriors are hoping to continue their successf’ul pace thro-ugh the O.U.A.A. qualifying tournament on September 27 and 2X at the Cutten Golf‘ and Country Club. Guclph. Ontario.

Upstairs Friday & Saturdays 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. Most Up to Date Dance






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Debbie Murray Field Hockey

Bob Boettcher Soccer

Debbie is a 3rd year Honours Recreation sutdent (85% average) who is very integral to the Athena field hockey success. Debbie is a centre midfielder and thus the quarterback of both our defense and offer&e. She has excellent skills that complement all our strategy . Debbie is involved in our special pieces -- penalty corners, both attack and defend. Canada on the U-21 Team in Germany, U.S.A., and Jamaica. She has been a member of the Ontario Provincial Team for five years. The centre midfielder position never rings up a lot of statistics - usually lots of goal assists. Debbie is being honoured for her all around play in’the four-team tournament held on U W’s campus last weekend. The Athenas won over Laurentian and lost to York and Toronto in that tournament. Debbie will be invaluable to the team this year.

Bob is a- 4th year Math student from where he attended Sudbury, Ontario Lockerby Secondary School and played soccer for Sudbury ltalia.



has a rookie laden team this rely heavily on the few


one in

of a








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Bob in


has season

stability. come probiding


through the

leadership as the team is undefeated in its first three league starts. Normally a sweeper or last man in the defense, Bob was moved up on the forward line last weekend in the game against


4-12 Tues.Wed. Sat. 4-2

1 Sun.&l1

C;ue]phasthe Warriorshada greatdealof trouble penetrating the Guelph defense. The mOve payed off as Bob set up the tying goal and was instrumental in two others as the Warriors too k complete control of the game en route to a 6l-2 triumph.

Field Hoc key

The Waterloo Athena Field Hockey team finished up the exhibition season with the Waterloo Invitational Field Llockey tournament. In three games against Toronto, York and Laurentian, Waterloo won one and lost two. Waterloo’s sole win came against Laurentian by the score of 2-l. Waterloo was in

* *

Coach Vincent year and must


turn shut out by both Toronto and York by the scores of 2-O and 3-O respc actively. Athena Coach Judv McCrae wa s pleased with the play of her team: “We were much better than last weekend.” About the other teams, she said, “York a.nd Toronto have Olympians on their teams that

make them strong favourites in the OWIAA and strong candidates for CIAU participation. Waterloo’s first season games are on Saturday here at Waterloo. Both games will be on Columbia fields with a 9:30 a.m. return try at Toronto and a 3:30 p.m. game against Waterloo.


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