I Friday, October 5, 1984; Vol. 7, No. 12; The Student Newspaper; University of Waterloo; Waterloo, Ontario.
OFS head lists acc by Dave Sider Imprint staff Monika Turner, Chairperson of the Ontario Federation of Students, held a strategy planning meeting on Monday, October 1st. in the Graduate House with OFS fieldworkers, grad students and undergrads. Although the meeting was off the record, Ms. Turner was interviewed following the meeting. She was asked to explain exactly what the typical UW student was getting for his or her fee of $3 per year. In reply, a lendthy list of achievements was quickly expounded, which included the following: - OFS has regular meetings with lhe Minister of Colleges and Universities, Bette Stephenson, and her staff. - OFSclaims that its research is "impeccab1e"and backs this up by pointing out that its research is used by the provincial government and opposition parties to determine student concerns in Ontarlo. She mentioned tht UW's Federation of Students rehed "heavily" on OFS research when preparing its response to the Bovey Commission. - It was stressed that students unlfied under the banner of OFS could address concerns to audiences which would be inaccessible under normal circumstances to individual students. An example given was that OFS representatives have met with the Premier of Ontario, Bill Davis, and have briefed him regarding student interests. - Ms. Turner also mentioned that as evidence of the effectiveness of this government lobbying, the Treasurer of Ontario, Larry Grossman, expressed his desire in iivolving OFS in his annual budget preparation. She pointed out that In this role of consultation, OFS would be -proposing improvements to summer employment programsand increased opportunity for ca-ap students. A further compliment was midfo OFS researchingwhen the members of,the Bovey Commission told Ms. Turner and her colleagues that tlrei'brief was the "best reggprchrtl presdntation they had encountelred in their cross-province hearings." discussed duriag the interview was the AB~UI~E deflmai of 19&2's-air" 40% increase in tuition fees for visa students. In a connected move, OFS successfully lobbied the Ministry . . " into discontinuing further increases in graduate visa tu~ttonfees.
l d n .t -photo by Mitchell EdPar -.I
- Successfully mounting a campaign agalnst the "closed" meetlngs of the Borey Commission, OFS brought about open public hearings about the future of Ontario students. Ms. Turner added that Dr. Stephenson verfied, in the provincial legislature, the key role that OFS played in this decision. The result was the OFS and Waterloo's Federation of Students were able to present briefs to the commission which stated student concerns. - Continuing this list of achievements, Ms. Turner expressed her satisfaction that OFS, working with the national student movement, CFS, has been able to achieve results at the federal level. - Federal successes clalmed, included the $170 million Increase over the past two years in summer job creation programs for students. In addition, OFSICFS brought about changes in the Federal student aid plan last year. The changes included the increase of loan limits, the extension of the repayment per~odand the inclusion of part-time students. - For students in residence, said Ms. Turner, OFS has special significance. OFS was the pressure group responsible for placing guidelines on increases in residence fees. Ms. Turner concluded the interview by stating that OFS's credibility has never been so high. She proudly referred to the fact that she has been invited to adiiress the Ontario Economic Council in a'keynote panel speech. This, the cha~rpersonsaid, was "a first for OFS in terms of prestige". The central thrust of OFS's referendum program will be t o convince the students of Waterloo that $1.50 a termperstudent is a bargain when one considers what OFS has to offer. Although the Federation is advocatmg an OFS pullout, the Federation of Student Handbook praises OFS. A brtef excerpt follows: "During the first decade of its existence, CFS/OFS earned the recognition of government and educuti n authorities as the voice of students m Ontario. Today, a u n i e d nationalstudent voice is important to Ontario role now played by the federal affsirs. Over the next decade, the need for a organization like CFS/OFS to deal wlth theconcernsof post-shndary students will be even greater." - ,* -8
Threefound guilty of libel in case
Defence Committee. In t978. the newsletter indicated that Qrens shot Mike Milojkovic after police responded to reports o f a domestrc disturbance. The newsletter went on to accuse p o k e of being"terrorists","assassins". and "murderers". The jury awarded Constable Barens $64.000 i n d a m a g e s , $56,000 in accumufated interest from Wahlsten, a UW ~ s ~ c h o l o gJ u~ ~ e ,1978, and directed the p r o f e s s o r , a n d L a r r y trio to pay part of theofficer's Hannant, now of Vancouver, legal costs. Bill Corby, a were found to have libelled lawyer f r o m d o w n t o w n the constable ih a newsletter Fergus. a n d p a r t - t i m e published by the d n a d i a n professor at UW, estimated
imprint staff Three men named in a civl1 l i be1 s u i t b r o u g h t by ConstablkFredBarensofthe Waterloo Regional Police were ordered to pay damages and partial costs in Ontario Supreme Court in Kitchener on Tuesday. Jeff Conway, a University of-Waterloo Student, Doug
i i ~ e dHall delayed rumours that Federat~on Hall 1s In financial d~fficulty, imprint has learned that the building Will not be ready for operation until mid-November. Origipally scheduled to pen in September, the event been postponed twice. ound
trled to obta~ncopies of the construction and operation budgets. At press time, these hocumentr were not fonhcoming from the Federation. W h e n c o n t a c t e d by Imprint, both Federation president, T?m All~sonand Federation treasurer, Jeff Wilson denied that the hall
those costs to be between $20,000 to $30,000. 1, a phone.lnterview with Imprint, M,. coiby said that the article to the
s q u a d * On page paragraph three, they refer to Fred Baras the man who shot Mitojkovlc." He added that the O n t a m Court of Appeals 1s usually unwilling to overturnajury,sdecisionin this kind ofcase. Mr. Barensclamed that the article caused him deep emotional distress, and
greatly affected h ~ spersonal life. Mr. Hannant, Mr. Wahlsten and Mr. Conway could not be reached for comment. When asked to comment, Constable Barens said, "As one goes through life, it takes years to make a good reputation and these individuals tried to destroy mine. They damaged my standing in the community and therefore I took legal act~on". He went on to say that it was a victory that was shared by police across the country.
I Allison I
of ers copies of that
expects students to support Federation -
Imprint conducted a straw poll across campus this week to determine whether students were in favour of pulling out of the Ontario Federation of S t u d e n t s . Fifty -t wo students were polled. The results were; 3 2 wanted to pull o d ' 19 - wanted t e stay in OFS.
30 - were undec~ded. When r e a c h e d f o r comment on the polt's results, Federation president. Tom Alhson, s a ~ d it was a , t ~ t t l e premature in the campaign to project result$. He further added . t & t he expects the students to support their Federat~on i4thls matter.
Law,love, lucklessness, and more1 WPlRG elections.
Page 3
Stand up and be queerly ironic. Page 6 Adventures in the drug trade. Page 7 8
Going psycho with the furs. Page 13
Nothing about Frank Zappa (lucklessness) Page 17
A shame and a humiliation.
Page 21
There is no page 29. page 29
(we lied about the love.)
#at';:.s~it to hint.
- Fri., Oct. 5 -
Holy Eucharist:
Sunday, 11:OO a.m., St. Bede’s Chapel. Anglican Campus Ministry.
Outer’s Club Bike Trip - Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Meet Applied Studies Oktoberfest
tickets. Today is the last day to get yours. Pick them up in PAS 1059 from
12:30 - 2:30 p.m. Woodside
National Historic Park: “A Victorian Thanksgiving” - Celebrated in conjunction with Kitchener’s OKTOBERFEST - Special displays, guided tours and animated activities. October 514, 528 Wellington Street N., Kitchener. Admission free!
opens at 12 noon. DJ after 9:00 p.m. every evening. Feds: no cover. Others: $1.00 after 9:00 p.m.
Fed Flicks: No movie this weekend. Joseph
in front of the C.C. for a tour of the pleasant Fall country around Waterloo. Bring lunch, camera, and a friend. FASS Writers’ Meetinq. Help create February’s masterpiece. Join us k MC’ 5158 at 7:00 p.m. (meetings also held Tues. nights, ML 104). Everyone welcome, both nights.
Chapel Service, informal service and discussion. Conrad Grebel College, 7 p.m.
“Ernterfest”: apple schnitzing and drying fruit and vegetables. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., 466 Queen Street South, Kitchener.
Students Of Objectivism present a taped lecture: “The History and Importance of Man’s Rights” by Dr. John Ridpath of York University. All welcome. 7:00 p.m. MC 6091A. Skydiving
Club: Video Night. Members invited. Free of charge. 7 p.m. EL 208.
Caribbean Students’ Association General Meeting. Campus Centre, room 135; 5:30 p.m.
of Waterloo Gymnastic Club practice. Beginners welcome, 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. Upper Blue PAC.
’ 11 a.m. - 12 noon; Holy Communion: first Sunday of every month. Sunday Evening Fellowship Service: 10 p.m. Everyone is welcome.
Schneider Haus: “Erntefest“, tea and baking, calligraphy. See Friday for more details. Holy Eucharist: Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Village 2, East Lounge, Room 102. Anglican Campus Ministry.
p.m. Movie: To be announced. every evening.
5, 1984
n _-
GLLOW (Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo) Coffeehouse in CC 110 beginning at 8:00 p.m. At 1O:OO p.m., those interested will leave CC 110 to rendezvous at the Club downtown Kitchener. Call the GLLOWline for details. (884-4569) Rides available.
& friends
Bombshelter Tuesday Nite Movie from 7:00 - 9:00
St. Paul’s College: Wesley Chapel. Sunday Service:
I Imprint.
DJ after 9:00 p.m
Schneider Haus: “Erntefest”, wool processing, spinning and dyeing. See Friday for more details.
- Wed., Oct. 10 -
Recreational Folk Dance classes from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. at the Adult Recreation Centre, 185 King St. S., Waterloo. Beginners are welcome. Partners are not needed. Information: 576-2653 or 579-l 020. K-W International Folk Dance Group. Huron Campus Ministry Fellowship: Wednesdays 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. Common Meal: St. Paul’s Dining Hall. Fellowship Meeting: Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. All welcome. Graham E. Morbey, Campus Chaplain.
Joseph Schneider Haus: “Erntefest”, preseming, details.
kraut making.
pickling and See Friday for more
- Thurs., Oct. 11 -
Birth Control Centre: Our trained volunteers provide non-judgemental, confidential counselling and information on all methods of birth control, planned and unplanned pregnancy, subfertility and V.D. We also have an extensive lending library and do referrals to community agencies. Our hours are 9:30 - 4:30 in CC 206, ext. 2306. We advocate responsible sexuality.
Salatul Jumu’a (Friday prayer) organized by the Muslim Students’ Association Waterloo. CC 135. 1:30 p.m. The Mug Coffeehouse:
- Mon., Oct.- 8 Morning Prayer: Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m., St. Bede’s Chapel. Anglican Campus Ministry.
Schneider Haus: “Erntefest”, preparing beds for winter, quilting. See Friday for more details.
8:30 to 11:30 in CC 110.
House of Debates: There will be a great debate in St. Jerome’s, room 229, at 6:00 p.m. Come out and participate or just watch.
- Sat., Oct. 6 Joseph
Schneider Haus: “Erntefest”,
butchering, sausage stuffing. See Friday for more details.
Bombshelter opens at 7:00 p.m. DJ after 9:00 p.m. every evening. Feds: no cover. Others: $1.00 after 9:00 p.m.
Parade Luncheon. Trinity United Church, 74 Frederick St., Kitchener. 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Music, chili, dessert. Support Global Community Centre.
Women’s Centre meeting at 12130 p.m. Bring your lunch. All women are welcome. CC 150B.
No Bagel Brunch today. Enjoy your holiday. See you
Candlelight Service of Holy Communion
in Keffer Memorial Chapel, Albert & Seagram Drive. Coffee hour following - sponsored by Lutheran Campus Ministry. 10:00 p.m.
Skydiving Club: Next 1st Jump Course offered from
Applied Studies Happy Hour postponed
7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Cost: $105 + $15 Club Membership. Register with the PAC Receptionist. Contact: Wayne: 745-7619. MC 3005.
Students For Life: Campus pro-life group, meets
Holy Eucharist:
12:30 p.m. Anglican Campus Ministry.
St. Bede’s Chapel.
Free Noon Concert featuring Dianne Werner, piano. Sponsored by Conrad Grebel College Music Dept. 12:30 p.m. CGC chapel.
Evening Prayer and sermon. Conrad Grebel College Chapel: 4:30 p.m.
AIESEC General Meeting. CC 1 10. Contact Colin Galbraith at 886-0023 for more info. Bombshelter:
see Tuesday.
Cinema Gratis: Eye of the Needle, The Stranger is Watching. 9:30 p.m. CC Great Hall.
- Tues., Oct. 9 -
- Sun., Oct. 7 -
Exploring the Christian Faith. Ll/ednesdays, 7:30 p.m., Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. Leader: Chaplain Graham E. Morbey. All welcome.
Bombshelter Outers Have you Thanked a Tree Today? Hikes at 11:OO a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to introduce you to some of our favourite trees. Laurel Creek Nature Centre. Holy
Sunday, 9:30 a.m., St. Bede’s Chapel. Anglican Campus Ministry.
Christian Worship on Campus. Sundays at lo:30 in HH 280. Sponsored by Huron Campus Ministry. Everyone welcome. Chaplain Graham E. Morbey.
Canoe Trip meeting, 4:30 p.m., CC 113.
#2:. Organizational
Matinee sold out!
Call 8854280
for tickets.
every Thursday at 4:30 in CC 110. Everyone welcome to attend.
see Wednesday.
debate than Monday’s. It will be held in St. Jerome’s room 229 at 6:00 p.m. Hope to see you there.
Joseph Schneider Haus: “Erntefest”, soap making, candle making. See Friday for more details.
Ontario Faculties of Education: Three sessions to assist in understanding the registration from for procedures in applying for teacher education. El Room 1515. 10:00 - 11:30 a.m., 12:30 - 1:3C p.m., 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Bombshelter: Live Entertainment from 4:30 - 7:OC p.m. featuring ~lathcw~ lugrum (no covercharge). WCF Supper Meeting: Worship Service. 4:30 - 6:45 p.m. Engineering
1, Room 2536.
of Waterloo Gymnastics Club practrce. Beginners welcome, 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. Upper Blue, PAC.
“Living with Cancer”: Group Session, North Waterloo Unit, Canadian Cancer Society. Adult Recreation Centre, corner of King & Allen Streets, Waterloo. 886-8888.
Any woman can “make it” by Signy Madden Imprint staff At a recent Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) meeting, Jenny Theirs of Proctor and Gamble, Belleville, proposed an alternative to feminist views on discrimination. Ms. Theirs, a graduate in engineering, drew upon her experiences in management to illustrate at the September 27th meeting how to cope in a “man’s world”. Her message was that as she had made it in the business world, any woman could do the same. Discrimination against women exists, Ms. Theirs acknowledged, but this is only because “men were in the workplace first.” Ms. Theirs’s advice to deal with this discrimination is not to “kick and fuss as most feminists do, but tojust live with it.” Learn the mores and rules of the male culture, Ms. Theirs recommended, and live within them. Coping with teasing and joking from male subordinates and putting forth extra initiative are all part of Ms. Theirs’s way of adapting. “You can’t” Ms. Theirs’s emphasized, “force men to change their attitudes towards women. That is why Affirmative Action programs have a negative result.” Ms. Theirs believes that the absence of large numbers of women in science-related careers stems from the socializing of young girls to shun or fear math and science studies in school. Thus, she said, the problem is not at the hiring level. On the subject of sexual harassment, Ms. Theirs said: “If you’re professional enough you will not find sexual harassment. Women must take extra care with their appearance
House of Debates: There will be an even greater
Page two news:
This spectacular production features some of the most stunning acrobats ever seen, seemingly impossible feats of daring and balance, Kung Fu, brilliantly costumed traditional dancing, and some of the best magicians from Taiwan. “Exquisite and magical .. . every act a little gem,” Rand Daily Mail, Johannesberg.
Sunday, October 21
opens 12 noon. DJ after 9:00 p.m. every evening. Feds: no cover. Others: $1.00 after 9:00 p.m.
to next
week due to Oktoberfest.
Bible Study in the Lutheran Student House - 177 Albert St. at Seagram Drive. Sponsored by Lutheran Campus Ministry. 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
-The Chinese Magic Revue of Taiwan
2:30 & 8:00 p.m. Humanities Theatre
Waterloo Jewish Students Association/Hillel invites you to our bagel brunches. A great place to meet people and hear speakers. 11:30 - 1:30 p.m. in CC 110.
During the discussion period which followed Ms. Theirs’s speech, members of the audience both men and women questioned her non-interventionist views and her advice to passively “grow a thick skin” against discrimination. Ms. Theirs responded by saying she did not think the problem of discrimination was an excuse to practice irrationality by having reverse discrimination. “If a company wishes to hire all men,” Ms. Theirs stressed, “they should be allowed to do so.” When one member of the audience pointed out that this would go against the Ontario Human Rights Code, Ms. Theirs replied, “1 don’t believe that governments have a right to interfere with c,ompanies...for this reason, 1 disagree with the Human Rights Code.” In conclusion, Ms. Theirs predicted that there will be a natural increase of women in professions without government intervention. “Those women who are competent in their field, have confidence in themselves, and carefully plan their career, will quickly advance”.
Deadline is Monday is 75@ for 20 words a student). A stenZ
at 5. Cost (if you’re of a deal.
by Patrick Hayes Imprint staff “Pretty young ladies sitting in front of a consul like a typewriter, could fight a nuclear war without hating anyone!“, said Professor Anatol Rapaport. “1 did not say nuclear weapons would lead to a final holocaust. What I am saying is that (they) might! Use of violence is wrong!” Professor Rapaport, of University College, Toronto, was one of 25 speakers to address the Waterloo Conference of Philosophy and Nuclear Arms, September 28 through the 30th. The conference was an academic exercise, not open to the public, and addressed the concepts of logic and morality in the nuclear age. It was organized by Professor Jan Narveson (U of W Philosophy Department) and was hosted by the University of Waterloo, in conjunction with Conrad Grebel College and Wilfrid Laurier University. Professor Rapaport’s argument was the most basic, but set the stage for what was to follow. Professor Dave Gauthier of Pittsburg, took a more cautious approach when he explained that it is desirable to get from “‘threat structures” to “trade structures”. “But,” he said, “I am not convinced we can use a love concept in an operational concept .” “To disafm,” he said, “would be for mutual benefit. But we
cannot get from threat to trade simply by throwing away threats. “The point should be,” said professor Conrad Brunk, “to extricate ourselves from the deterrence situation.” Professor Brunk, chairman of the Peace and Conflict Studies department of Conrad Grebel College, based his argument on the current theory of excalation dominance,dbr the perception that, “one side could be better off than the other,” given more choices of action. “The Soviets adopt the same type of policy of escalation dominance,” he said, “not Marxist theory, causing a mad rush to achieve nuclear dominance. We are caught in a Hobbesian dilemma.” Professor Russel Hardin, from Chicago, said the “reciprocity” of counterforce weapons (those weapons used to knock out an opponent’s weapons systems, leadership, command and control targets) is the worst concept, adding, “Strategists don’t know any better; philosophers should know better!” In conclusion, Professor William Seager, of ‘Toronto, drew the analogy between the world community and the two f‘ueding families of the Hatfields and the McCoys, who live in a small town. Both families hate the capacity and the will to destroy the tow 11 . given the provocation.
by Hikka McCaIILma imprint staff -‘They sal culback, we say fight back!” was the rallying cr) of students marching in front of the Board of Education at Wellesley and Bay St. in Toronto. The), were there on FridaJz. September 28th to protest the Bovey Commission. The march, organised by the Guelph Central Students Association (CSA), was held in conjunction with the last day of the public hearings of the Commission. John King, CSA president, estimated there was a turnout of 200 people. Over 150 of those were from Guelph University because Guelph had given the march much publicity, with speeches and posters on campus. Specifically, the aim of the Bovey Commission is to trim faculties, programs and staff, and to raise the academic entrance standards.
.iotin King. e‘-‘CA L) President. said that if the funcling sta) s the sime. the qualit>, oi‘education cannot be kepr up. The students at the malch had the same opinion. Lil Curtis a &,e!ph student. said that the gobernment’s proposal means
He believes that “‘universities must bc expanded funding iilcrt2ased in ortier to i3enef‘it socit.t\. . 3‘he Guelph CSA heaci!y publicised the protesi marked the last day ol the Commission hearings.
said that the lack of other
streamlining the unitersities”. Anothei student at Guelph Mike Cogill, stressed that &‘we (the students) are the tlectorate. the taxpayers” and that the
students should be making the education decisions. A third Guelph student, Nancy Morrow, felt that there should be “equal access to universities regardless of wealth.” Jim Ryan, CSA VicePresident External at Guelph, said that “funding should be maintained” because there are too many courses restricted by quota. According to Mr. Ryan the ministry should not cut OSAP loans because many families that are above the $10,000 earning bracket are still unable to finance their offspring(s) education.
must do all that he or she can to ensure that WPIRG continues to scr\e people and tell them what is going on abroad and in our own backyards. As a board member I am prepared to give my time to help direct WPIRG and to work with its staff to see that the interests of WPlRG and the community are always pursued.
Brad Wyliynko: Environment
Fire, earth, air, and water were the elements , from which all alchemists plied their trade. Today we understand far more than these building blocks, but at the same time out technology has in many ways isolated us from the realiration that we are still dependent on these basic forms. WPIRG is an organization on the forefront of getting people to understand their connection to the environment. I wibh to bring my cnbironmental and legal background (4th year man-environment plus 1 year law school) to this organisation to help it achieve its goals. 1 am asking for your support to elect me to the WPIRG board of directors.
Stephen Mechanical
Thwaites; Engineering
EHi, YOU mav be surprised that a 4th year cnglnecrlng student want> of be a WPIRG director. I’m not. Mostly because 1 ’ are” one. In Iact l’ce beenadireclor twice before. I.aht L\inter and the previous bummer. Both times 1 j\as an Interim dIrector. iiltlng in lor dll.t:ctorx :)I1 :\(?:‘A tcrrn’. i a1\c hept 1n iouch with \?
E31kC ’
Li Ol.l\
KILC~CII~I.. SO. rather Ihan spcndlng the jir\t 111011th
CCELlng ;1rJ
:mmediatc cc:ntr-lbutlon.
by John L. Tracey Imprint staff A potentially heated issue has once again surfaced on campus: alleged underfunding and underpayment. At a meeting of the Board of Governors, U W president. Douglas Wright said that UW faculty “are underpaid”. Faculty association president Bob Needham augmented this claim in a separate interview. When reached for comment, Dr. Wright was hesitant to discuss the issue at length. He did say that he felt an the board underacross payment of faculty members existed. The earnings of the faculty, Dr. Wright conceded, had “slipped”. Work loads have increased during the last few years by a substantial degree, he added. When pressed for more detail, Dr. Wright declined. Bob Needham was quick to point out his agreement with rhe University’s president. He noted that the floor of the associate professors rank ia minimum salary for Associate Professors) has fallen. net cl inflation, about thirti
because it John King participation
“‘irritates me to IJO end. because classroom speaking and posters cannot explain the whole issue”. He urged the student bodies to publicly denounce the commission.
Peter Klungel Chairperson of the Board of External Liaison at UW responded by saying that the Federation of Students did not publicize the event because it believes in “lobbying behind the scenes”. A public demonstration would be “a waste of time, effort and money that could be used in better ways”. Mr. Klungel felt that most U W students wouldn’t be interested in “trekking down to Toronto because radical protests never get anything done.”
ook 7’he following are the five candidates running ior the three positions on the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group Board of Diretors. Those eligible to vote include all undergraduate students who hate not received a $2.50 per term refund or graduate students and communit>r members who have paid a $5.00 annual lee. Here are a few points to consider when casting j’our ballot for WPlRG board members. * All directors are expected to actively represent W’PlRG on campus. The board of directors is the student leadership of W PI RG: * There are no set rules outlining exact]), what a WPiRG director can do. Most important to consider is that members 01 the board share a strong social and environmental conscience; * Lastly, the board along with the staff decide which speakers, films, and projects will be sponsored. and how WPI RG money will be spent. Uni\erbit! of Waterloo students are urged to \ otc at either poll in the Campus Centre or South (‘ampus Hall from 9:30 to 3:30 on Wednesda!. October I!)th.
at Philosophy* and Nuclear War conjkrenw. Imprint photo by Patrick Hayes
percent fron I97 1. He recommended an across the board raise of thirty percent for the faculty, citing similar inequities in pay for faculty ranks other than associate professor. If one compares professors with any other professional groups, Prof. Needham continued, it is obvious that no other group has taken such a reduction in pay over such a period of time. Professor Needham cites student-teacher ratios as another indication ofjust how unfair this disparity is. These ratios, he said, show how the work load of the faculty has increased. Waterloo’s ratio, in the order of 23: 1, is “higher, I
think, than all (other) universities in Canada”. If one understands that this situation means that more work is being done for less money, Prof. Needham said, then the injustice is clarified. Professor Needham asserted his desire to continue to work towards rectifying the situation by means of the Faculty Salary Steering Committee. While saying that provincial underfunding was partly to blame for this problem, Prof. Needham also accused the administration of the University of using money on other projects, neglecting salaries.
To Interviews
Once you submit li’our IA/ant i “ids ;ob %pplication I
and subsequently to any job you are matched with as a result of the interviews.
i‘orm or apply
BciIletin committed inieriietis
to -iobs on the
1 ourseif )‘ou may
to any receive
cannot interviews
i tllzson once \ ou placement process.
uithdraw for ani: begin
Ydu should not neglect agitation; each of you should - /Ferdinand Lasalle (1825-l 864)
of free
The free lunch is over. The ramifications of overusing stimulative spending are finally being understood by the masses. Or should I say “reunderstood”? After all, it is not a new idea that the best way to help an economy grow would be to let it free. What is new is our tolerance of those who attack the social networks of the world. The concept of pulling our own weight has again come into vogue. Hopefully, it will be more than a fashion. The acceptance of supply-side economics, behind the smoke and mirrors of an overtly ambitious Jack Kemp and his rhetoric, is the watershed of a new era. The recent recession, which really was in sectors, a depression, and others merely a downturn, forced thexorld’s economic and financial institutions to reevaluate the assumptions about stimulative spending. In Canada, the delegates of the Progressive Conservative and Liberal parties overwhelmingly demonstrated the rejection of both substantive and conceptual links with the heydey spending increases of the 1960’s and ‘70’s. John Turner sold himself as a practical Grit, though he was partly responsible for the increase in the federal deficit’s ballooning. From a meagre five per cent, the deficit has swollen to an enormous percentage of the gross national product well over twenty per cent. Much of that, gleeful Tories will
inform you, occured or was set in motion under John Napier Turner. Likewise, Brian Mulroney, the man who lost to Joe Clark because of his ties to Conrad Black and Paul Desmarais during his first bid for the Tory leadership, was perceived as being a man with the solid business experience, with respect to both labour and executive concerns. The list could go on indefinitely. Fiscal conservatives have ta’ken the reigns of power in the U.K., the U.S.A., the Netherlands, West Germany, and in Sweden (though the Social Democrats have since re-established their dynasty). A poll, the results of which were published in the Globe and Mail (Sept. 19, ‘84), showed that over eighty-five per cent of Canadians favoured the end of universality so that the federal deficit could be lowered. The election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 and his likely re-election this year - leads in 41 of 50 states according to a recent poll - show that the voters of that nation reject both the sprees of the past and the more frugal alternatives. The notion that we will be more responsible with our resources if we more directly bear the brunt of our mistakes is not a new one. However, people now are beginning to comprehend the effects of the communal credit card.
A self-destructive How many more embarrassing situations can Tom Allison get himself into before he politically self-destructs? The past few months must have proved to Mr. Allison that when one tries to serve too many people at once it is virtually impossible to serve them well. During the month of August, Mr. Allison was organizing the Ontario Liberal speakers’ tour for the federal election, Treasurer elect for the Ontario Federation of Students, and, of course, President of the Federation of Students at the University of Waterloo. The performance of the Liberal party in Ontario at the polls was nothing short of a disaster. It would be ridiculous to blame Mr. Allison for the demise of the Liberal party, but, with his other responsibilities, how stellar could his performance have been for the Grit campaign? August is historically a slow month for student unions, as it is usually the calm before the storm of September registration. August 1984 was the exception to the rule as students across Ontario scrambled to prepare for the Bovey commission hearings scheduled for the month of September. Mr. Allison missed 16 working days during the month of August. While he was in th-e office most evenings, much of his time was spent in preparation
5, 1984.
Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Ar;sociation (OCNA), and a member of Ca,rxdian University Press (CUP). Imprint receives national advertising from Campus Plus. Imprint publishes every second Friday during the Spring term and every Fridy during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre morn 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.” Second Class Mail ‘ELegistration No. 6453. Imprint reserves the right 0 to screen, edit, and refuse CanadlaIl q=&w advertising. Imprint: ISSN 0706-7380 -
!l Submission eadlines” Campus
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5 p.m.
Monday, 5 p.m. Monday, 5 p.m. Monday, 5 p.m. Friday, 3 p.m. Tuesday, 12 noon Tuesday, 12 noon Anytime that material submitted has passed was not for that issue.
*It will be assumed after a deadline intended
president for the new Federation Hall. His input in the Federation’s response to Bovey ‘must have been limited. And then there’s the Ontario Federation of Students. Mr. Allison is now heading a campaign to withdraw the University of Waterloo Students from the OFS. His argument is a straightforward one, he simply stated that the OFS is not worth $40,000 to UW students. Anything else he has said on the issue has come mainly in the form of rhetoric, nothing of substance. It is going to take some smooth talking by Mr. Allison to explain the short-comings of the OFS while attempting to absolve himself of any guilt on the issue. Monika Turner, chairperson of OFS, has stated that Mr. Allison “did not function” as treasurer, and that he made a scant two out of eight executive meetings over the summer. Jim Ryan, of the Guelph Students Association, has gone a little further, saying that Mr. Allison “may be a little embarrassed with the OFS because he wasn’t doing his job as treasurer”. So, could you please tell us, Mr. Allison, if you were so busy’aduring !he past few months, why wait until now to resign as treasurer of OFS? And could you also tell us, if the OFS is not worth $40,000, how much are you to blame for this? t:url
make it his task.
Intellectuals, brains!
unite, you have nothing
Imprint Friday,
2 p.111. Staff
to lose but your
5, 1984.
3 ;MM. hi. 6%Pro. Tuesday,
9, 1984.
2 p.m. 5 p.ttl.
Editorial Editorial
2 p.ttI.
A31twtitig Board 1984.
Editorial Editor Assistant Editor Production Manager Advertising Manager Advertising Assistant News Editors Arts Editor Assistant Arts Editor Sports Photo Editor Photo Editor Office Manager Graphics Editor Head Typesetter Typesetters Bookkeeper, , Assistant Bookk .eepers
Board George Elliott Clarke Carl Davies Doug Tait Christopher Ricardo Scipio Hilkka McCallum Signy Madden & Dave Sider Claudio Cacciotti ” William Knight Bob Butts Anna Marie Hubbard Nimet Mawji Donovan Cox Liane Smith Angela Evans Kathy Vannier Rob Van Ekeren Doris Prets & John Tracey
- -
‘Upin Arms.: < . -Evervbodv knouk....w \ i’m not prejudiced
Prejudice is a heavy topic. You’re afraid I’m going to . harangue you with stories about Nazis and Jerry Falwell and the Ku Klux Klan. I’m not though, because you’ll just dismiss them as examples.of extremist crackpots. You can spot the obvi ous big o ts as well as I can, and then you’ll rest comfortably, knowing you’re not like them. Well, 1 won’t let you off so easily. . I wasn’t prejudiced against gay people. After all, I had a lesbian friend and a gay friend, and I knew they ,were perfectly okay people. Yes, my two friends were okay, but I wasn’t willing to give up my preconceptions about all the other millions of gay men and lesbians. And because I know only those two, whatever faults they had were obviously faults common to all gay men and lesbians. (Everyone knows we’re all alike.) There was a teenage genius who was in the newspapers , a few years ago, a strange guy, played Dungeons and 1Dragons compulsively, got himself kidnanped.... Anyway, I remember reading in one news story ‘that he was a member of a campus gay liberation organization, but, I though,he probably wasn’t gay, he was probably just a straight liberal that wanted to support a good cause. And +hen some time later 1read he had committed suicide, so maybe he was gay after all... What does this story mean? Gay liberation was a “good cause” (I was straight back then, remember), but it stretched my imagination too far to think that the members of a gay liberation org+zation were actually gay., It was as if I didn’t believe that real gay people existed at all. But they do. We do. And anybody could be one of us. Anybody! The- butcher, the baker, anybody! Your lifeguard, your Member of Parliament, y&r sister, your calculus
T.A., absolutely
The tragic thing for me was the way suicide was linked with being gay. i believed that gay people inevitably led miserable lives, and when I eventually came to realize that I was gay, I feared that I too would be doomed to unhappiness. Well that just ain’t so! Our lives have the same potential for love, friendship, happiness and fulfilment as anyone’s. If you don’t believe me, I’m curious whether it’s because you’ve read a book called Everything
you always wanted to know about sex, but were afraid to &k. I can’t judge the rest of the book, but the chapter on homosexu&y distortions
is one of the vilest collections that I’ve ever read. Prejudices
of lies and
don’t spring
from nowhere, and I know many of mine were grown in the BS on those pages. If you’ve read the book, find a copy and read it again, constantly keeping in mind that the good doctor knows f***-all about our real lives. I hope that by these examples from my own life I’ve
illustrated that prejudice isn’t always blatant bigotry like “Kill all queers !“&lsually it’s much more subtle; though no less dangerous.
Be on guard.
byA.d.Wa&m-man Any’ popular movement of protest ends inevitably as an activity paying ‘lip service’ to freedom. blast pre-eminent among those currently is the peace movement; a movement whose very make-up consists of insidious midd,le-class busying themselves with what they perceive as a personal threat to property, and committing action (i.e. demonstration) as is the vogue of the time. This undermines tie validity of intent in such movement%, replacing the substance and meaning with a fashionability of ideology beautifully e,xpressed in the mindless attitudes;
_slogans, and catch-all phrases. It is furthered in meaninglessness by the conspicuous presence and divided nature of particular interest groups, whose interests are at best scatalogical. Any thrust toward influencing the major institutions is thwarted by the very act of institutionalising such movements. The cnty of the matter rests in how the authority structures manage to invite an over subjectification (empty bias) on the part of movements, thuds undermining the focus of attention away from its critical responsibility. To put it simply, it is the blind leading the blind.
Ingram ired or opposed? . To the editor: ,Mathew Ingram’s article “Ludicrous liberation” in the: September 21 issue of imprint was so inaccurate that there are’ only two explanations for it: I) Ingram was so upset by the idea: of enforcing equal treatment of women and, men that he became I unable to hear or think, 2) Ingram is.%*opposed to the idea of equal opportunity that he felt justified in misquoting Dr. Anne Dagg. I have a copy of Dagg’s brief to the Bovey com’mission, the subject of Ingram’s article, in front of me as I write. Nowhere does Dagg suggest “a program that would guarantee women 50% of all university positions,” 1 am quoting from Ingram’s article here. What Dagg did suggest was that nonsexist hiring practices be enforced so that “benefits do not go to students and faculty because they are men rather than women.” 1 suspect, and Ingram obviously fears, that this would result in SOa/, of university positions going to women. Dagg’s suggestion that an autonomous Women’s College be used as an interim measure to provide a “centre of excellence for women’s studies for the entire province” was based on her recognition that most of the teaching and research in the current university system ignores women, or worse, results in an inaccurate, stereotyped view of our lives and concerns. It is debatable whether we (women) should spend our time working within and changing this system or whether we should push for space where we can get on with our ‘work unobstructed. The background information needed to debate this issue is available in the women’s studies department at U of W. It is obvious that Ingram did not do his homework as he simply dismisses the idea of a women’s college as reactionary. Women support the university system through taxes as men do, we do not receive equal benefits from it. Ignoring this problem, as Ingram does, is reactionary. Imprint is not doing the university community a service when it publishes articles consisting of misquotes and,poorly thought out, unsupported opinions. Judith Johnson d HKlLS Editor S rep/y: Dear Ms. Johnson, no matter what objections you may have to Mr. Ingram’s soqpbox article regarding Dr. Dagg’s suggestions for improving the representation of women in university faculties, the last paragraph.of your letter suggests a misunderstanding of the role of Imprint and, specifically, the function ofsoapbox. Imprint is committed to promoting thoughtful discussion and debate within these pages; therefore, individual staff members are permitted to comment on matters that interest them, independent of the rest of the staff, in soapbox. The views they express are their o-&n. It is wrong to confuse soapbox material with the newspaper’s editorials.
A Frosh-Eve
by Shayla Gunter Imprint staff They say it is actually better than last year. “They” being the older, more experienced students from the second, third and fourth years. 1 can’t believe they are telling the truth. They can’t be. If they are, well, 1 pity and admire them for living through last year. Actually, I am exaggerating. I must admit, 1 thought the.food would be worse. It could be. There is room for regression, but there is more room for improvement. Take last week’s dinner for instance. On the other hand, maybe you had better not take it, because 1 did, and for three days lived in the washroom. It’s not that the food tasted terrible, it’s just that the people in the kitchen like toying with our taste buds. The potatoes which were supposed to be slightly bland were really very spicy, and the rice was supposed to be drained bejbre it was served. Oh yah, 1 have to phone my mom and tell her that I actually like it when she makes broccoli now that I’ve had the “mock broc” , here. I suggest that we all go out to eat at least once or twice a week, jusi to regulate our stomachs! One thing that amazes me is the fact that some guys don’t seem to care what they are eating. Let’s face it, when they are hungry, they eat anything that is put on a plate in front of them. The other day, we were having a macaroni casserole (?) and the guy next to me ate EVERYTHING on his plate plus five (count them - 5!) glasses of milk, one chocolate included! 1 guess he is what my dear old mom would call “a growing boy.” I’ve also noticed that many of the foods served have minds of their own. They are possessed! Example: 1) The oranges do not let you peel them. 2) The muffins are dry so that you won’t swallow them. 3) In Village One, theDiet Coke nozzle makes sure your hand and tray get covered in sticky brown stuff before you can fill< up your glass. As for dining companions, the. lunch and dinner people are fine; but just try getting the attention of someone in the morning. EVERYONE IS A ZOMBIE!!!! I’ve had better conversations with myRice K:ispies! Well, this is your campus food critic signing off for the time being. Eat hearty! 1
P Technocracv amok d
by John L. Tracey . Imprint staff In the past few years, the robots have descended in ‘large numbers upon Waterloo. This small centre has taken on awesomely large responsibility of creating, or perhaps manufacturing, the elite technocrats, who will control tomorrow’s Information Order. With religious zeal, the technoguppies enter the intellectual spawning ground, readily casting aside the classics and instead adhering their grey matter to Cobol primers and Calculus texts. In this transformation, a fundamental question arises: are universities a means of passing down wisdom, or a ’ means of meeting the needs of the job market? On a large plane, it is crucial that society examines the sociological effects of having students who can’t quote Hamlet, Freud, or the Bible. What will happen to an already decaying moral safety net with students who do not possess a rudimentary understanding of the Juedeo-Christian heritage or the principles of the basic belief in the dignity and worth of .the human being, outlined in the more important documents of Western civilization? What type of mercenaries will we create in the pursuit of an adequately staffed work force? Indeed, the destruction of capitalism, a system meant to be helped by this form of education, could be the ultimate result of such a system. These budding - technocrats will possess the New Capital: information. If they, at the same time, have no scruples or moral framework, the selling of their neurons to the highest bidder is possible, regardless of the political or moral affiliation of the buyer. It is very disturbing indeed, this “Brave New World”. In personal terms, the ramifications are vast and profound. Do we have the right to alter society’s direction in such a radical fashion? If we assume that we do, is it right to have an arrogantly ‘youthful power structure? Many of the outsiders to the university look upon it as an “ivory tower”, devoid of heart and soul. It’s architecture proclaims its morality. The monolithic towers of academe sneer at the peasants. Its use of identification numbers, codes, and inspections gives it the aura of an Orwellian locale. 1 Do ordinary people welcome such a future‘? No, they dread its suppression of the individual. It saps the lifeblood from them, turning their hearts ashen grey, and makes them look longingly at the cold, hard earth below their apartments. Beware of falling people. With the advent of this glorious new revolution has come a dramatic upheaval in the role of elders in society. When the author was a mere five years old, he noticed the thrill which his grandfather had in relaying the secrets of paper airplanes and circular kites. He noticed the satisfaction the old man had in talking of the moon walks and the dynamic 1960’s. This pleasure, a pleasure for both the donator and recipient of these experiences, must never be destroyed. To cast ,aside the -elderly because the young are technical wizards is not only cruel to the already aged; it enshrines in us all the idea that we serve The Machine, our God. The Machine was created to serve us, and not out lives to better the Existing Order. We must win back our control.
My favourite things -
(Excerpt from The New Panabaker Dictionary) by Janet Panabaker stupid (stu’pid) adj., 1. The act of voting for Ronald Reagan. 2. The act of watching The Dukes of Hazzard and/or Burt Reynolds car chase movies. 3. The act of manipulating an automobile in a fashion imitative of a) The Dukes of Hazzard, or b) Burt Reynolds. 4. The act of purchasing a Cabbage Patch-Doll and/ or clothing and accessories for the above. 5. The act of “working out” with Jane Fonda, Jane Kennedy, Victoria Principal, Debbie Reynolds, or Miss Piggy. 6. The act of creating a , “better”, “ richer”, or “moister” pudding cake mix. 7. The act of advertising said cake mix with the use of bug-eyed, full-mouthed, smiling people who nod their heads in delight. 8. The act of spelling the word “delight” as “delite”. 9. The act of marketing such products as “Scarios”, “Safarios”, “U.F.O.“, and “Astrogetti”. IO. The act of throwing shoes on the road. 11. The act of trying to define the word “stupid”‘in one hundred words or less.
6 Imprint.
To the editor: David LeReverend: 1 think I can understand your reaction of anger because you felt excluded from the “Take Back the Night” maryh. There is always the datiger and expectation, that some men will feel steryo typed as one of thobe ‘bad men who do mean things to women’. My son was not excluded for the simple reason that not all mothers can afford to leave their children while they pursue their own interests, requirements, or desires. He did not feel that our songs and slogans were directed at all men, and consequently himself, by association. Sometimes women need to get together. 1 suspect that most men would have felt a little uncomfortable had they come along. In any case, they may have had ‘more important’ things to do. The
The Right ,to Life McCallurn
The fashionable topic for debate these days seems to be abortion. There are many people opposed to abortion that don’t really understand ‘the issues at stake. Many eople opposed to any form of birth I control believe that the Pertilized egg has a “right to lif?“. This would be a perfect argument for no birth control whatsoever, except that excludes the most important person, the mother. More than anyone else, I think the mother has a right to life and liberty. As Margaret Sanger said back in 1917, “The problem of birth control has arisen directly from the effort of the feminine spirit to free itself from bondage.” The bondage she was talking about was the inability to choose when to have a child. The popular saying in the early 1900’s was “you want your cake while you eat it too, it can’t be done”. But because of this self-righteous attitude that doctors helped perpetuate there were many women who died bef&e they were 30. Their lives were sacrificed because of ignorance of birth control methods. Not only poor women died. Every class of women went to the five-dollar abortionists. The abortion was usually painful and
5, 1984.,
No boys allowed(except myson)
Stand Up... Be A Woman! by Hilkka
the hemhorraging lasted up to a month afterward. Why did these women go through all that pain and possible death? Margaret Sanger eloquently makes the point that, “A free race cannot be born of slave mothers.” Every mother who had an abortion wanted her freedom of choice. It is not the custom of the North American socie ties to abstain from sexual activity. But why should people have to abstain if there are safe;reasonable methods of contraception? Nowadays pro-life groups can get so hot-under-the-collar because the living conditions of mothers have generally improved. These groups probably feel that since parents can afford to have more children they should not use contraception. We must remember that the reason life is better for women, and the death rate among mothers had considerably decreased is birth control. Margaret Sanger managed to “awaken the womanhood of America to free the motherhood of the world” (her own words). She felt that women should have the only say regarding contraception and abortion because their personal freedom and their bodies were the only elements to consider. “It is a woman’s duty as well as her privilege to lay hold of the means of freedom”. - Margaret Sanger. Women have the right to life as well.
men who were yelling not so nice remarks seemed to think we made a big deal about very .little. Most men do not have to deal with bypassing a park area, etc. at night. Although you can sympathize, perhaps stay home and read some feminist literature (with an open mind), do child-care duty, or give free lessons in self-defence; it is not necessary for you to join the women all the time, in all their causes. My own feeling from the march was a feeling of camaraderie and support. You needn’t feel left out or stereo-typed because you weren’t invited. Many women have been left out of many events for a long time now. We do not hold you personally responsible for all the wrongs done to various women over time -just don’t feel so left out when we choose to do something by ourselves. D. Leclair
Remembering a queerly ironic summer
Pamphlet supports women
Looking back, I would say that this past summer was one of many ironies. Often, I was taken aback by the queer circumstances that went on over those warmer months, even though 1 often felt I was the only one in the world that cared, or even noticed. When Ronald Reagan went to China to renew his country’s friendship with an atheistic government that censors all aspects of the media, demands political and social conformity, and advocates abortion as a method of birth control, I thought about Jerry Falwell and laughed. But when Ron got on television a week later and condemned the Communists in Central America as being opposed to freedom and called them the protagonists of “anarchy and chaos”, I was amazed. In spite of my awe ,over this ideological double talk, 1 saw no evidence that the press had made note of this laughable contradiction of rhetoric. Later on, 1 saw that the fresh-faced symbol of middle class respectability, Miss America, Vanessa Williams, was found to have modelled with another woman in some very unrespectable pornographic material. To me, the message was-clear: 1 had
often heard from those involved in the feminist movement that beauty contest sponsors and pornographers are guilty of the same sins. Both are guilty of parading women about as commodities, both put pressure on women to conform and submit to a certain set of standards (often set by men), in order to be considered attractive, and both lie about the true beauty oj’ womanhood. The only dljfkrence is that one is cloaked in an air of decency and the other is more blatantly sexual. However, this valuable lesson of life escaped the press, as far as 1 could see. In my own neighborhood, the recently dkfeated Liberal incumbent Al McBain was charged with sexual harrasmen by the human rights commission. The plaintiff was awarded $1,500 but had to face $23,000 in legal fees. The case will now be sent to an appeals court, and McBain will no doubt withhold paying his fine until that decision is made. Although the event received much media coverage, the press failed to note the increasing incredulity of our government in the eyes of the people, or the inability of our legal system to effectively vindicate the victims of injustice. Andy Hiebert
To the editor: In rcpl), to David Le Reverend: As J’OU stated in your letter: “the constant protection of women by men...isn’t going to help in the long run.” This is the main reason for women to participate with other women as a group td’l’ake Back the Night “- w’ithout the help of men. When you csco r-t women home, you help by protecting individual women about whom you care. This is a start, but it does little to educate women or the majority of‘ men. When you say you feel angry and ofl‘?ndcd by being asked to
stay home this one night, think how much more angry and offended you would be if this were simply the everyday reality 01’ your life inforced by !-ear of physical abuse. Staying home during the march is meant to be a consciousness raising exercise as well as an expression of solidarity with women. As you realise: “staying home isn’t enough”, perhaps the pamphlet produced by a group of men in Vancouver will help give you an idea of one of the ways in which men come together to support women. Suzan Laidlsw
Public Forum from 11:30 till 1:30 . Representatives ]rhere will be a public forum in the Campus Centre Great Hall on Wednesday
9 OctJOth
from the Federation of Students and from the OFS will be discussing the issues of the Referendum and will be answering
TIME :lWO-I:aOpm
Campus Centre Great Hall Wednesday 9 Oct.lOth Sponsored by the Chief Returning
of the federation
of Students
by C, Otis Slug (a pseudonym) Imprint staff Recently, the Toronto Stur printed an expose reprinted from the Miami Herald. concerning the drug trade through the Bahamas. However, the Canadian citizen still remains intensely urnnformed about the drug trade in Canada. For whatever reason, news of the current biker war --- and like events - have not been well covered by the media. The police are alInost as secretive about criminal operations as are the various smugglers and pushers, and the national press seems helpless to report the linkages involved. Therefore,onc has to rely upon underground sources for information. ‘There are four different groups bringing drugs into the country: organized crime. motorcycle gangs, diplomats, and general free-lancers. Organized crime can be broken down in many ways. There are the various ethnic gangs, including Italian, Jewish. Chinese, L’ietn amese. lrish. etc., etc. These groups are Involved in the 6ard drug trade, including cocaine and heroin. Supplies are wrought through various European and Asian centres and are ;muggied through air and sea ports. The sheer volume of traffic .hrough these ports guarantees that most shipments will get .hrough. While still in use, the personal courier, or “mule”, carrying he drugs through customs, encounters drug sniffing dogs. and, f warranted, body searches, and medical inspections if 2robable cause exists. Therefore. other routes have been leveloped. including shipping in I container and truck-traileI hips 1-t: leavmg on their These containers are welded s1Iu 4sur-r:e> to Canada Customs oft’ic:als ir,. I !:-:Liaij4 he’piess ay hey would have to Inspect eveI ;, contalrier. on a ,iiIrn1’ ic; find IIdden narcotics ln ports like %-ancv:I\,c:, ‘i-ial:I‘ax ano Montreal., the volume of contamers makes ,I:spccI i~~I1c:i each jilt’ impossible The resulting -iams II; i ilc i;ar.bo;lr.> w ouId Ll;uii\,. d:s\r upt shrpping tIaflIc. ‘There arc also syndicates in\ olv eci n :!x: ski +cl ii& !~aoe. d )II~’ rch syndicate consists most/> elf‘ peoplt‘ F::-,,. V,ei L‘ act \ e iI-‘ ochedale College in the late bixt:~a Ai. a ~(31.es nl‘ iegendar-y Ieetmgs. these ind*v;duajs matic It,:‘! :c:~raI and mutual aid :reements before the coilegc was C;~~SUGIW bile a nu,m her oi rests a few y’ears ago curtailed therr operations aomcwhat, Icy are responsible fox a large arnotillr of the soft drug rrade in
&per- ha\rc dorrc aii then, L::(~wI.‘ +rl i- ~~aiaricc ‘IIIC wntenis i‘crr their omt~n reader-3 i I am o! r:ot’rse rx~ie: I’lrig I0 Mr. ikr:ra>‘s penis) Iii ir goes unappr-ecIarcd. The u~fference betix,een real humouI d degredation ties &n the ,ntent. 1 full) agree that women iould not have to put up irkit the continuous abuse that but surely ~~YEJIZ’.~ pro\ ided under other administrations, ere is room for an engineering newspaper for all (men and nmen) engineers. no matteI how gross. if no group is unfairly zated, T’here was, in tact. only one woman Involved in the [Ition concerned, but that’s a start. Men, especially the lgineers w/hose isolation from a certain half of‘ humanity is gcndary,, need to learn to laugh at their own bodies, and jmen can help,
Ontario, especially in hashish and pot. Motorcycle gangs play a large role in the distribution of including speed, barbituates, uppers, PCP, etc. “chemicals”. They also carry out enforcement and loan sharking duties. Currently, gangs from the United States and other Canadian provinces are pressuring the still independent Ontario gangs to join a continental syndicate. The struggle continues between these two groups. with corpses and shootings popping up all over Ontario and Quebec. For instance, a Toronto club past president was arrested recently with a cache of weapons in his r apartment. Diplomats add to then- personal fortunes, and to those of their accomplices, by importing large quantities of drugs via diplomatic pouch. Some of these funds are used for arms in diplomatic pouches, Lebanon and Afghanistan. Because which can be any size, are covered b>. diplomatic immunity, they are not searched. Until the Toronto drug busts. two years ago, much of the city’s blonde hash supply came from Ottawa. This drug input has slowed distribution lately, because of those busts, and because of certain foreign nationals without diplomatic immunity, who were arrested and charged in Ottawa. The fourth group involved are general free-lancers. This group has a wide ranging membership, from the student smuggling hash from Morrocco to professionals moving drugs across isolated border points in boats, cars, on horseback, and on foot. Tourists back from the Caribbean bring home ganja, either openly or by suallowing balloons (drugs are put in condoms and sw,allowed). A warning for diiletantes: balloons can be dangerous to your health. Many using this method to smuggle cocaine or junk have died, alter condoms have burst, or de\,eloped pin holes. Third worid condoms are inferior to ours Get the message? \G L’~ondcr :!Iat iaw enforcement agencies are tight-lipped ~‘out’c? I2:ng organised crime in the drug culture (if there still is a dieilg CL;!tUieC). 11:~ modern trading nation has too many’ open doors i0 drug SElLiggicr-b, and the n2oney involved in the illicit I ;.a-(jt~ guarantees that all points in the Dominion wmill bt: suppiled. at least !ntermitten?ly . I Inless Canadians lose their ta’ste for drugs, or drugs become jcgal:/cd. tbc trade w.ili continue, fortunes [viii be made, lives ~~I11be wrecked W’recked through hard drug abuse. through smuggl:ng arrests, murder, and throug!2 secondary effects upon , Innocents. 1
‘l:i hat 1 ask oi the more n2ilItdnt of the campus feminists Is that they’ gi?e the engineers a chance to show what a traditional Eng. Sot. paper can cio in a non-sexist vein. but it is up to tvomen (cngtneers) to contribute Jokes about Inen. Once the shoe Is on the other toot. things won’t seem so bad, or, if the men iI the faculty can’t take a joke. then the engineering paper will die a vvell-deserved death. Meanwhile. let “the boys” (of whom an e\ er-increasing part are women) have their fun, and see how it goes between now and December, you Inight be pleasantly surprised. In closing. i must express Iny dismay at Ms. Fletcher’s inability to conclude her intelligent commentary without descending to taking cheap shots at THE TOOL. By the way, Carol. any cnginccr knows that “maybe’ shouldn’t be followed by a comma at the beginning of a sentence. Sean Hichcns 2A C’hem. Eng.
intended opinions.
as a forum
for individual
Students beware by <Chris Wodskou Imprint staff How many of you can actually rememberlearning anything of a practical nature concerning university M bile in Grade 13? Most of LIS had teachers who warned LIS about exams, ail-nighters, and drunken binges and residence debauchery. but few ever told us about w/hat aImo3t all of us hav,e to deal with s:)me time during our Ltili~CI’Slt\ careers. namely off-campus living. T hc f‘act is that landlords know that they have the upper hand when it comes to student tenants and they knou how to exploit this to their advantage. K-W has one of the highest student total population ratios in the country and this situation is especially severe in Waterloo where the vacancy rate is something like 0.3c/c. In other words. the off-campus student can’t afford to be choosy, and since many students live quite a distance from Waterloo. a lot of renting must be done in one day. -1hcreiorc. most rentals are Inade on the spur of the moment -just to get It out of the way. ! hougl1 students have \&en some battles with iandlords. notably the c?utlawing ol pro-rared rent at rhe expense of the 1:edcration ol Students, landlords can still get what the;, want because of‘ the demand. For ev’ery \Iudcnt who \I on’t pai pIo-I atzd rent. there are tw o more M ho t1i.C ijcq2crate Vtlt>ugh i t7aI they’ll bigI almost aI;),thlng A??bt hc;- i’,,!?! tno11 m!:>tithc Is assuming that the cIeaI2iIncs~ a11d tittI-actr\ e decor ot the aparrmcnt the landI~2I.d shc*\l s \csu Is t> pica1 of the rest oI Ihe building. Rctrcr 1urn;t~irc than i~hat JOLI'I-c iihcic tu get 112your ,ipartment i 21!urn~shed) can be Ie>s e.xpensIvely bought at :;;2ctlori sales than the extra amount the landlord will :hargc IoI pIov Iding you with a furnished apartment. <;crt’:Ip c a (* l<Lif! apartment in good condition is also not a \ tI’\ l‘::ti: 1’ .(-I-.‘,; ; 1-c‘!I(‘L‘ it,cst: ‘. . ,I .:\: ~~;!r?t;~~~rns,:rnlronting students ii I!tt li\c- ( i can1 lili’ and we won-t go Into any sordid ietaIis coI:~t’rI~~ng such dilemmas as unlawlui eviction 12~2tIct’~ar~r_iunreasonable iandlords w’ho believe that all‘ .ludcnts are an ;Inmoral lot 01 drunken Infidels M hose nrin2aI7 goal iI2 iifc Is to destrov the property 01‘ the landiord. ~1her-e probably isn’t a wzhole lot any student i:an do about landloI-ds’ seeming Immunity from the law., but first \car- students should be more inf‘ormed as to what they arc getting themselves into as it is a very rude awahening for manv~. Perhaps it wou!d be a good idea for the l-cdcration i.11 Students to enclose a pamphlet COI~C~‘IXIII~ the do’s and dent’:, of off-campus ii\ ing ~12~~12the Ol‘lcr 01 Admission t arms are mailed out to graduating high school students. As well, everyone living off campus. especially first y’car students, should acquaint themselves with the Legal Resource Office in the C’ampus Centre. You Inay not be able to w,in every battle with the landlord, but the more inlor-mcd students there are. the more MC:can keep them
l the editor: ; would like to commend rol l.letcher on her article. nginevvs degrades &omen.” ~11 u ritten and wiq. ~ol’~, article points toi\arQ: a turblng i30nc1u5i012. f jjat ot‘ :CC,TI!C:I?“,I\
W’hen a person’s responsiII>’ In life becomes LOO ivy, and control seems IO iost, desperation Is the ntal state that results. in ence, this can only be ved by oneself. The ;ence of others to carry this *den is described by Miss yes as loneliness. Presented a cure, is reliance on a ing God; reverently fiared. contradiction of terms.) s is a security falsely
is P new feature, to express their
s re
Soapbox members
3 :snrytiD<SS 15 a >ad 1011g1ng
t:auc~G 54 the <Iate of being ai,jric. i he n2os: i‘undarnental po55,e551c>I-iseparating rnen, is thal oi a great mind. Being alone in understanding :s the most agdnizing of all. A champion has no companions neither has a genius. 1 shatl provide one example. Leonardo da Vinci was the loneliest man of his time. John Kominek b
‘ ^’
The Carillon
by ‘I’. A. Grier During the last few years, 1 have come to value the friendships 1 have with people more and Inore. Also during the last few years, 1 have come to realize that all the poets, all the writers. and all the philosophers are right: time is slipping aw a>. 1 think that the higher value I place on the f<~II:2cr .b,6i d?r‘ect result o: Ill:: rcalization of the latter. It‘s fLlriYlJ _ I!7i?UgI‘ i dr:lr’t necwds-1:) hat6) lo !3aLe knok+ll a person toI a. long Iimc l‘or me to talue their relationship with nit: !.>I:2 friend in particular 1 met only last Januar\ - icsa fha:? a J.e&i’ <igo - and 1 have become \ery close to hIIn and consider- 1211-na :&best friend”. There’s another 1unr,y’ thing: ““best friend”. 1 introduce all n-i tricnris as “one 01 niy best friends”. 1 find it difficuit. ridiculous 112fact. catling one or two people my best friends. Each friend 1 have fills a particular empty space. Some 1 can only spend half an hour with, some much longer. Some B’m not comfortable with outside a certain environment, some 1 could go anywhere with. No way could 1 say that one friend is better than another. 1 have happily never been part of any cliques. Nor have 1 ever had such an abundance of friends that 1 was never at a loss for something to do. On the contrary, 1 have often found myself feeling lonely and wishing to be with someone. However, in a sense, it is these times 1 treasure because it makes me realize the importance of loving somebody and of being loved. Knowing that 1 could be with friends is sometimes as good as being with them.
Personal Dear Sarah: To the bestest friend I have ever known. Just want you to know I always care and I’m here forever. Megs. Lisa L. You know you’ll never beat me at Backgammon, but you can dream about it. J.C.: It is a matter Of dramatic irony that we know all about suchand-such, while the booze-blinded audience is kept in the dark. Toronto the Good (so puritan) this weekend? GEC Anyone interested in forming a bridge club on campus, please contact Rob c/o Implint CC 140. J.O.P. Sorry. Let’s talk, okay? Friends? S.T.G. Happy Birthday Greg, Have a Heavenly Day. Your loving floor.
Well-mannered young bum, 26, wants to meet and marry the president of any major corporation. She must be foxy. Box 69. Hal: 1 have 131 K of fond memories for you and I cherish the milliseconds we spent together. CALL me tonight around 19:21:14.17625 on 884. 4466. Issac: Long live those who dream John
Glen: Does this remind you of your African trip...Too bad about the natives. Long live Zambia. John Morrison - “Daddy says hi Gramps” Ron B. where are you? You whet our appetites but leave us unsaited. Fridays seem drab without the mental convolutions caused by your passages. Inquizative.
Imprint. Wanted: One slugette wanted for Private Consultation. Submit Polaroids or short (under 500 words) essay to: G.E. CLARKE, ’ Editor, Imprint. Lasagna Party - It was f.f.t., singing to a stupendous mix of tunes, kitchen and bakery bopping and unbridled affection. Colleen may not remember Friday, but I do! Kiss & Hug, newly found lasagna-lover. Vl Public Kissers: Why do you kiss more in public than at home? Are you announcing your or convincing sexuality yourselves? You fantasize people envy you, but you’re compensating for your insecurity. We bet you’d be more comfortable doing it in Macy’s window than behind closed doors. S: The other weekend was great! Next time let’s share the bed as well as the room! R. Foxy Ret Woman...Karen bebe: hope Fry-day is full of celebration, “boogy-ing” and good times. Let’s get together more often! Megs. Edna, Great Party. Thanks for the waterbed demo. Again soon, I h0pe? Alan, I know you love me, but try expressing it differently next time, O.K.? Ernie - Mon ami et Arny - Mon amour je suis heureuse que tu sois le meme. Je t’aime. - La fille en bas I’escalier Birdwatchers: Apples, peaches, pears and plums Tell me when your letter comes ‘B’ orr‘K’ or ‘R’ or ‘A’ Shall we share some jam today Spread it on toast With plenty of butter Gobble it up And then make another Curl up with a kitty A friendly 01’ chap The paper, then tea Then all take a nap. MB
Chris, 4A Mech. Engineer from Tilbury. Where are you? Give me a call! 746-4 141. M.S. (Maria)
Dear T: Oysters were cold, but I am not. If you fear that you cannot possess your heart’s desire, then alet’s study the synchronicity distribution together. S. P.S. I do play the sax, but only in vinyl grooves. At your taping party GERM was a great success. And at thechinese dinner almost necessary. ABC Interested in forming a Scdndinavian club. Contact Stephen 578-9066. To the “motorcyclist” who left a noteon a red CBX 550 on Monday: I ge;:to the University at 8:lO; there was one other bike in the lot; I didn’t park near it; I also parked between the lines. So get lost. Are clams happy? Do snails scream when they have sex. Please contact Paul at 886-2938 if you have the answers. Edna, Meir, Glenn, Mike, Joe: Stop being so cruel & cutting and do something useful like your homework. Dear Gremlins: Thanks, but YOU shouldn’t have. You don’t look like Gremlins. How about dinner some night (before midnight!) Affectionately yours, The Happy Launderer. S.T.V.D. Don’t get in any“tie-ups” this weekend. Smile!! Where are your eyes? Sent postcards from Thunder Bay!! T.B. Happy Birthday across the miles! No I haven’t G.L. Yet... Enjoy yourself! Send details! K.I.T., Turkey Attention: sex for sale (cheap). Apply directly to Jonathon K. He gets the job done. Happy Birthday Kiddo! Hope you have a good one. Remember Twix are for kids! 157 X & o’s upon request. 4th yr. Male Kin student seeks ‘cute’, graduating female C.A. or C.S. student to put him through grad studies. Please send phto, resume and job prospects to: ‘Him’, c/‘o 3023A B.C. Matthews Hall.
Wanted Delivery personnel needed at Domino’s Pizza. Many positions available. Must have own vehicle. $4.00/hour plus commission at tips. Apply in person: Domino’s Pizza, Westmount Place Shopping Centre. Lacrosse Players: interested in playing for U of w’s lacrosse team make sure to pick up your lacrosse sticks if you go home this weekend. Practices starting soon. Phone Brian 7464201. $5 REWARD: Schematic for circuit to remove reverse video from pay-TV signals. Best design taken. Call Mike 746-3501 after 6 p.m.
y the Ontario government to The Bovev Commission has been giv system in our province. Higher tuition fees, consider rkructurine the U&e&y But the Bovey Commiss funding can I& made available to What
kind of recommendations
- UW
Bill Jones - O.C.U.F.A. representative - CFS-0
/ Ontario
of Students. Federation
Robin Banks - UW Dean of Arts Janet White - UW Graduate Students Stan Fogel - UW Faculty Assocmtion
Wanted: Oktoberfest tickets (4) for October 13 evening at Bingeman Park, Marshall Hall. Call Andy at 743-7004. Sepen donors for artificial insemination programme in the area. Donors must be healthy and responsible. Preference given to married candidates. Please contact Box. No. Al or Dr. N.A. Assad, 695 Coronation Blvd., Cambridge, Ont., N 1R 7J9. Models (female) wanted for studio photography. Should be able to do own makeup. Remuneration in the form of prints. 885-6877. Handsome young Z-80 seeks affectionate, liberal-minded 6502 for good times, games, memory sharing. Objective: raise family of 68000’s. Call 8844280. Wallpaper Sales Help Needed. Must have outgoing personality, good sense of colour, car. Call 743-356 1.
Services of Students
Will Alter and repair all types of clothing at very reasonable rates. Phone 885-5774. Students with van to do moving and haulage. John or Geoff 7464027.
Typing Essays, theses, work reports, business letters, etc. Neat, accurate. Will correct spelling, grammar, punctuation. Reasonable rates: six year’s experience typing for students. Phone Lee, 886-5444 afternoon or evening. Experienced typist will do fast, accurate work. Reasonable rates. IBM Selectric. Close to Sunnydale. Lakeshore Village. Call 885-l 863. Student Wordprocessing!! Graduate resumes, essays, reports. High quality look. Free on campus pick up and delivery. Call now. Rick or Mike 886-2013. Word Processing! Fast, dependable service. $1 per double-spaced page. Draft copy provided. Near Seagram Stadium. May book ahead. Phone 8851353. Typing: Essays, theses, engineering/group projects, typed accurately and quickly. Have Math/Greek symbols. Lakeshore-Sunnydale area. Call Joan: 884-3937. MAGGIE CAN Type it! - Essays, Theses & Letters $1.OO Per page - Resumes $5.00 - “FREE” Pickup & Delivery - Phone 743- 1976 Resumes Word Processed for $3.00 per page! Printed copies 25c per page. Fast, dependable service. Near Seagram Stadium. Phone 885- 1353. Quality guaranteed. Multiple originals of Resumes, Theses, and Work Reports. Data storage. Delivery arranged. Fast, accurate service. Call Diane, 576-l 284. Experienced Typist living on campus (MSA). Self-correcting ribbon. 75c/page or $3 minimum for resumes. Call Ann at 8840421. Word Processing. Professional typing service. Proofs available, reasonable rates, fast service. Phone Carol 884-3537.
Lost Lost: Gold ID bracelet along University Ave. or at UW. Has great sentimental value. If found, please call Lori 886-9085.
Housing Wanted Jan - April ‘85. 2 males are looking for a place in the Winter. Furnished or unfurnished, The doser to campus the better. Call Ed 884-3693. 2 or 3 bedroom apartment wanted. Jan - April - preferably in Greenbriar or Married Students...will share with one or two other females. Furnished or unfurnished. Call Ene 744-9138.
Housing Available Room-mate wanted for 2 bedroom apt. in Married Students from Oct. or Nov. or Dec. till whenever, Ask for Diana or Avi 885-6986. Jan. - April 1985: 1 female needed to share fully furnished 2 bedroom apartment. Own room, 5-minute walk from both universities, laundry facilities. 8852825, Colleen. Winter, Summer ‘85 - Room for female non-smoker. Fully furnished, 2 bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom, close to Parkdale Plaza, laundry facilities, balcony, on bus route, $175.44, includes hydro and utilities. JoAnn, 746-0988. Summer Term ‘85 - cheap luxury housing. 6 singles in all-student house. Console t.v.-stereo, panelling throughout, broadloom, partly furnished, very negotiable. 886-0338.
For Sale Yamaha CP30 Electronic Piano. Used in home only. Good portable alternative to acoustic. $900.8864925.
5, 1984. ,Pl
You’ve heard of Krazy Kelly’s & Bargain Harold’s - well, now we’ve got Outrageous Gord who’s selling golfshirts & T-shirts at the Science Society Office for the outrageously low price of $11 .OO & $5.50 respectively. So ride, run, jump, or fly to Sci-Sot for Outrageous Gord’s outrageously low prices. ESC 1OlA e% 2325 ORDER NOW! 1979 Fiat X1/9. Black, moonroof, 11,000 miles, winterstored, new clutch. Pirellis, quartz halogen lights, mask included. Certified $5,750. 8864925. Ski Boots: Ladies size 7 l/2. Garment boots made in Italy. Navy blue with white and never used. Regular $160, will accept any reasonable offer. 744-7007 or Ext. 3810. Eight Oktoberfest tickets for Lulu’s Roadhouse. Sat. night, Oct. 13th. $7 each, 886-2318. Cyclists: Discount prices on clothing and accessories. Ultirna Professional Shirts - $32, Shorts $28. Brancale Helmets: ABS - $25, Leather - $18. Zefal HP Pump - $13 and much more. Call 746-3758 after 6. Genetic Engineering Equipment. Surprise your friends by replicating them. Attain immortality. Zap your neighbour’s barking dog with a custom-made virus. 1000’s of uses. Write 1,2,4 Dioxyribo Road, Nucleic, Ont. Compact Refrigerator 4.1 cubic foot with freezer. Woodgrain top, used: good condition. $150.00 Phone 886-5945. For Sale: Acoustic guitar. Fender F-80 12-string. Contact Ken in Village 2, South A, Rm. 212. Phone 884-9817. Oktoberfest tickets available for the Annex (October 6) and the Concordia Club (October 7). Call Stephen 578-9066. Leather davenport (opens into bed) for sale. In good condition. Great for students G recroom. Asking $50.00. Call 7452914. OLIVETTI electric typewriter was $600 Now - $190 (negotiable). Call Solo at 746-1867. Please leave message. ‘82 Horizon sporty TC3 red with black velour interior, standard 4 speed. Loaded with options. Call anytime 886-0338. Desks - steel, wood, student, odd chairs & tables, chest of drawers, 4 chair set, storage cabinet, shelves, file-folders, mirror. 884-2806. University of Waterloo Black Cord jacket. Ladies size 10. Like new, university crest on front, “Science” crest on sleeve. Valued at $90, will sell for $60.00. Please call 886-0404. Moving, Must Sell: Gigantic mirror, kitchen table, 4 chairs, plants (healthy), antique china set, sleeping bag, tent, aquarium (complete), other household items, double beds. All reasonable. 8854669 or Landis at U.W. ext. 3895. Simpson’s Pride Line electric typewriter. Hardly used. $250 or best offer. 576-5153. Yamaha CP30 Electronic piano, ‘used in home only. Good portable alternative to acoustic. $900.886. 4925. Realistic Stereo Receiver 40 watts excellent condition. $65, 1 pai C.C.M. Ultrapac long hockey pants $70 - For info 884-7735. Furniture: sofa, 2 chairs plu: ottoman, good condition: $125 girl’s bicycle: $20. Call 885-0308. Guild Jazz Guitar, Model CE-100 single pick-up, excellen condition. Asking $435.00. Phone 743-7315. IBM Typewriter: For Sale Excellent condition. Best offe Call Mayda 742-7173
by Stephen Motluck Imprint staff CUSO, Canada’s largest non-government service agency, has changed its official title but is still carrying on business-as always. CUSO is a Canadian based overseas development agency which seeks to place qualified teachers and technical personnel in underdeveloped countries for assistance. An information meeting for interested applicants was held recently on campus. Susan Isaac, information officer for CUSO’s U W office, says that the number of applicants this year is consistent with that of other years. On average, the U W office accepts approximately IO-12 people for overseas placement each year. Ms. Isaac also explained that the name change from Canadian University to simply CUSO should clear up Service Overseas misconceptions of CUSO being an organization of students. This is not the case, explains Isaac. Only those with a university degree or extensive technical experience are accepted for CUSO positions. These people include a variety of types including recent university graduates and those with work experience. The average age of CUSO recruits is approximately 35, with the youngest generally in their early 20’s but also including some from the over age 40 group. In the late ‘60s and early ‘7Os, most of the recruits had a BA in English or History and perhaps teaching experience. However, today, even though these people are still needed, those with technical backgrounds are coming more to the forefront. From U W, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and Civil Engineering graduates have found a place with CUSO. One UW CS graduate was placed last year with the Nigerian Ministry of Agriculture where a system for collecting agricultural statistics is being developed. The destination of recruits varies with the type of job, says Isaac. Teachers are still in the highestdemandwith the largest project involving 150 in Nigeria. Other destinations include Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and countries in southern Africa. Knowledge of a foreign language is not a necessity, as many of CUSO’s host countries use English as the official language in education and business. However, for those destined for South East Asia, an intensive course in the local language is given. Of
A Nigerian
at Mlork.
course, Ms. Isaac says, it is a great asset if one does have a foreign language. There is a 2 year minimum contract for CUSO recruits, says Ms. Isaac. Wages are paid by the overseas employer and are commensurate with wage rates prevalent in the host country. Ms. Isaac says the average rate is approximately $5,000-$10,000 per year. However, comments Isaac, one must take into consideration the fact that all travel costs as well as lodgings are
paid for. In addition. the cost of living in many host countries is different than Canada. Many candidates career decisions change after overseas service, says Ms. Isaac. This is especially true of younger overseas workers. Many pursue graduate degrees when they return. In any event, say’s Ms. Isaac, “It takes a special person to go overseas.” CUSO’s U W office is located in Needles Hall. rom 2081.
w Tory ‘%rtderdog” by Leanne Burkholder Imprint staff Lynne Woolstencroft, school trustee and former chairman of the Waterloo County ,Board of Education, won an uncontested nomination as the official Progressive Conservative candidate for the provincial riding of Waterloo North last Tuesday, September 25th. Mrs. Woolstencroft told the Tory audience of approximately 200 (including student supporters from UW and WLU) that she has a tough campaign battle ahead as the “underdog” against Liberal incumbent Herb Epp. However, she believes she will win with the help of Tory riding members. She promised to work hard for the needs of Waterloo North and the make herself well-known to its constituents. She is
committed to working in the areas 01‘ social policy, agriculture, economic growth and education. Amongst the Conservatives gathered for Mrs. Woolstencroft’s nomination ‘A/ere her husband, Peter W’oolstencroft, Presiden; of the Waterloo Federal Conscrvativc Riding; Jeanne Foster. third vice-president of’ the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party; and the Honourable Frank Drea. Minister of‘ Community and Social Services. Mrs. Woolstencroft also received letters of congratulation from the Minister of External Af‘f‘airs, Joe Clark, and from the Secretary of State, Waterloo MP, Walter McLean. During a speech. Mr. Drea praised the energy and dedication of‘ Mrs. Woolsten-
ur cash flows out by Stephanie Piehl Imprint staff If you are looking for somewhere to invest your money, Canada is not the place, according to economist Andrew Sarlos. Mr. Sarlos is a graduate of the University of Budapest, has his own chartered accounting company (SarlosZuckerman), and is currently a member of UW’s Board of Governors. In his address to the Alumni Association on September 28th, he said that there is “no better economic-
political system than Reagan provides today” and that now is a “very advantageous time to invest in the U.S.” For success in investments, Mr. Sarlos suggests that the investor should recognize the worth of a concept, not listen to economic forecasting (it’s usually wrong) and take losses early. As for what to invest in, Mr. Sarlos suggests buying government bonds, U.S. investing in large investment corporations, and owning Canadian banks.
croft. saying she was reflective of‘ the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party. He also stated that perhaps Mrs. Woolstencroft would be in Queen’s Park before Christmas, a suggestion of a possible November election. Nonetheless. Mr. Drca said he c o LI 1 d speculate 0 n the
Our Special Student Fares are low... Our Dollar Strong.. .
clcction as much as he could speculate on the “winning horses at the race track.”
depart from: HALIFAX,
1 When you hear news breaking, call Imprint. Ext. 2332.
by Susan Isaac
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are now available from the Fed Office CC room 235
The Following Positions are Open : Bartenders Door Staff Custodial Staff WaiteWWaitresses Kitchen Staff
*NOTICE OF STUDENTS’ BY-ELECTION Nominations to fill the following vacancies on Students’ Council for the year 1984-85 open on Monday, September 24 and close on Monday, October 1, 1984 at 4:30 p.m.
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home of the “folded over pizza”
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Future I
Politics od Scholarships available theme of meeting
Day participants
form human pyramid. Imprint photo by Anna Marie
by Rob Rossi Who is responsible for rising prices and Tower quality in the food industry you ask? This is the question the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group hoped to answer last Wednesday in the Campus Centre, through their sponsored lecture “The Food Industry: Concentrated Power.” The event’s speaker was Allen Wilford, author of “Farm Gate Defense,” and founder of the Canadian Farmers Survival Association spoke. This was the same Allen Wilford who rallied his fellow farmers in Grey-Bruce County to resist foreclosure on their farms. In an attempt to prevent seizures by police, Wilford’s actions Mr. culminated in a “penny auction” when $200,000 worth of farm equipment was sold for a mere $19.8 1. Later on. when sent to jail, Wilford began what ended up being an eight day hunger strike to persuade Parliament to pass the 2nd reading of the Farmer’s Creditors Arrangement. He was successful. In his lecture, Mr. Wilford discussed what he called “the new wealth.” This “new wealth” was defined by Mr. Wilford as getting something from nothing, such as when a farmer plants his seeds in the ground and is later rewarded with a fresh crop.How ever, problems in the food industry have resulted because governments have tried to initiate their own artificial form of this “new wealth”.
Heritage a success by Irene Gillen Last week PALESTINE HERITAGE celebrated its second annual JERUSALEM DAY. The highly successful event involved the participation and co-operation of campus students and members of the local Palestinian community. Over 200 people attended the event sampled the many and traditional Palestinian foods that were provided. The JERUSALEM DAY featured an arts and crafts exhibit including hand blown glass, Palestinian national art, brass works as well as handcrafted olivewood and mother of pearl. A photo collection produced by one of the members of the
sponsoring group, PALESTINE HERITAGE, during a recent visit to the Middle East was exhibited (see centre . spread).
Scholarships Bell Canada Engineering and Computer Science Awards: A total of up to 30 awards will be granted to Engineering and Computer Science (Honours) students in Ontario and Quebec. The value of each award is full tuition for the following year plus an offer of summer or work-term employment with Bell Canada. Acceptance of employment is not a condition of the award.
Announcements VILLAGE DON APPLICATION DEADLINE October 31st Students who wish to apply for the position of Don in the Student Villages for the Spring Term 1985 should obtain an application form ‘from the Housing Office in
your listening pleasure
Village Office, and must submit it to the Warden of Residences, Housing Office, Village 1, prior to the END OF OCTOBER 1984. Applications received after October 3 1st cannot be considered for appointment for the Spring Term 1985.
Campus ,
The government’s “new wealth” (getting something from nothing) is based on the borrowing of money to revive the always floundering economy. This is a myth, Mr. Wilford claims, and argues that such a policy will not work because governments continually create their own balance of payments deficits. The problem is further aggravated as the government falls into a self-perpetuating cycle of borrowing more and more money, and not having the ability to pay it back. As Mr. Wilford later reflected, “Mother Nature doesn’t have to get paid back; banks do.” Such policies are hurting the food industry for several reasons Mr. Wilford believes. First of all, there is added pressure on the farmer by government to produce more, which adds to surpluses and reduced profits. Secondly, with such pressure to expand in order to keep up, the farmer is denied the opportunity to rotate his crops without using chemicals. Finally, Mr. Wilford argues that the corporations have too much control over the industry. And so, we have high prices and lower food quality. What is Ailen Wilford’s solution? He maintains that conditions will not change until there are fair prices, smaller farms, the opportunity for farmers to rotate their crops regularly, and especially when marketing boards are taken out of the hands of government and corporations and put into those of the producers themselves.
do if you were
MIKE MOSER MEMORIAL BURSARIES: Deserving third and fourth who have year students financial need, an exemplary academic record, and who hve achieved a high level of in extraaccomplishment curricular activities are invited to apply for these
by J.D. Imprint
Bower staff
QUEEN ELIZABETH II ONTARIO SCHOLARSHIPS, 1985-86 Field of Study: humanities, social sciences and math Value: $12,000 plus a general expense allowance of $500 Closing Date: December 1, 1084 in the University Graduate Office. Check with the Scholarship Coordinator in your department for applications and the department deadline. RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 1985 Field of Study’: open Value: 3.810 pounds per annum Tenable: University of Oxford, England Closing Date: Oztober 25, 1984 Applications are available in the University Graduate Office. NH 3021. 1985-86 FOREIGN GRADUATE AWARDS This program is administered by the Department of External Affairs and the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. The following countries will be participating in this program: Austria. Belgium, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, and Yugoslavia. Conditions, fields of study and value of the awards vary for the different countries. Closing Date: October 3 1, 1984 Applications are available in the University Graduate Office. NH 3021 COMMONWEALTH SCHOLARSHIPS AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND, 1986 Field of Study: normally unrestricted Value: living and study costs, travel expenses Closing Date: December 3 I, 1984 Applications available in the University Graduate Office, NH 3021.
awards. Letters of application, including a resume and two letters of reference, should be submitted by: November 5th, 1984 to Dr. Neil Widmeyer, Department of Kinesiology, BM H 6017. For further informatior please contact the Studenti Awards Office.
Tom Allison?
~;~&p% I’d elect President. -c
1985-86 SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES RESEARCH COUNCIL DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS Field of Study: humanities and social studies Value: $1 1,340 Closing Date: November 1, 1984 in the University Graduate Office. Please check with the Scholarship Coordinator in your department for applications and your department dead lines.
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by John Blake Knechtel for Canadian University Press TORONTO (CUP) -- Students who staged a dramatic 24-hour occupation of the arts and science dean’s office at the University of Toronto last week in protest of underfunding are pleased with their efforts. “We worked from the grassroots, and we raised consciousness,” said Ava Szczurko, one of the spokespeople for the 25 occupiers. “We told people that the education system is in crisis.” Fiona Keith, another spokesperson for the students, said the “spontaneous” action brought together many students who had never publicly demonstrated their concerns about post-
The travel company of CFS
secondary education. “‘This was the first time any of us had taken part in an action of this kind,” Keith said. through The students. carrying banners and marching hallways in the Arts and Science building before reaching the dean’s office, began the occupation at noon Sept. 20 and stayed through the night until noon the next day. A sign saying “Occupied” was posted outside the office. While groups of students negotiated with arts and science dean Robin Armstrong about their demands, students in the building and all over campus distributed leaflets and collected more than 300 signatures on a petition supporting the action. The number of students crowding into the dean’s office reached a high of 40 in the afternoon. “Underfunding, a problem for a decade. has now produced a said a statement released by the crisis in education in Ontario,” occupiers. “Classes are overcrowded and qualified students are being denied access to courses they need in order to complete their requirements.*’ The students demanded the arts and sciences dean admit the faculty is severly underfunded and that the measures taken to alleviate the problem undermine students’ right to a quality education. The measures included balloting, a sign-up process where students get the courses they want on a first-come, first served basis, limited enrolment in certain programs and the redistribution of funds from one financially strapped department to another. They also wanted the dean to extend the deadline for
ettrolment in at ts and science courses, which he later did. After two negotiating sessions, dean Armstrong acknowledged that some attempts by the faculty to cope with underfunding are “band-aid measures”. but he quickly added that they do not in any way impede a student’s education. Armstrong blamed what he tailed the appearance of underfunding crisis on the university’s “shopping period”. the time when students shop around for courses they might like to take. He said this practice means many classes appear overcrowded but will not be when students make their final decisions. 1 he dean also blamed the university’s open admissions policy, saying as faculty attempt to keep tabs on enrolment the situation will remain chaotic. Emerging from his office after the sessions, he said: “We don’t really have any different viewpoints (than before). My mind is not changed in half an hour conversation with anyone.” The students also demanded more student participation on departmental committees, especially those dealing with undergraduate curriculum and the hiring of academic staff. Armstrong said he has long supported student participation but he made no move to increase it. Although the students realized not all their demands were met, they said they enjoyed the opportunity to demonstrate their collective power. “The i!fa of a demonstration is great, people showing their pou’er n the streets (and in the classroom),” said Alan Rosenthal one of’ the occupiers.
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We’d like to thank the students at the University of Waterloo For 25 years of Patronage.
by Chris Wodskou, Imprint staff The seemingly endless lineup outside Marshall Hall at Bingeman Park was getting restless and thoroughly frozen. They were impatient awaiting their first beer of the night, to get warmed up, but more than anything else, to see the Psychedelic Furs, the latest in a series of blockbuster B.Ent presentations. Much to the bewilderment of the hundreds of people still in
line, the unadvertised opening act, The Dave Howard Singers, took the stage. This “band” actually only consists of Dave Howard on vocals and organ accompanied only by a beat box. The Singers have quickly become one of the most talked about and controversial bands in Toronto, not only because of the unusual format, but also because of the repertoire which includes a. song called “Child Molester”. The audience gave Howard a mixed reaction ranging from
delight to disgust to hardly realizing that he was on stage. The Furs, however, were in complete command -of the audience from the moment they took the stage to the moment they left. Opening with “Love My Way” from their Forever Now album, The Furs set the tone for the rest of the evening with the crowd dancing feverishly in spite of the crush of bodies on the floor. The sound was great, albeit uncomfortably loud for those standing by the speakers. The focus of their show, of course, was on the unique, throaty voice and theatrical stage presence of lead vocalist, Richard Butler. Dressed in a baggy, black suit which has recently become his trademark, Butler captivated everyone with his dramatic show which has often been compared to David Bowie, sometimes appearing frozen in a state of trance-like meditation and at other times making symbolic gestures such as his Nazi salute an’i goose-stepping through the chorus of “President Gas” and his striking bodily imitation of a cross in “Imitation of Christ”. The musicianship on the part of the rest of the band was tight if unspectacular. In the forefront were the original Furs: John Ashton, on guitar, provided a contrast to Mr. Butler’s intensity as he preferred to look benignly indifferent to the fact that there was a concert going on, while Richard’s brother, bassist Tim Butler, could easily have been mistaken for a tripped-out Rolling Stone in the late 60’s. Mars Williams’& sax playing was .exceptionally soulful, though, and he played some fine solos, especially on the dance smash, “Heartbeat”. The Furs drew heavily from the Mirror Moues album, the record which graduated them from cult status to mass popularity. It was disappointing, though, for some of the older fans that they didn’t play more from their first two albums as the show was almost exclusively Forever- Now and Mirror Moues. Perhaps the highlight of the show was “Sister Europe”, in .which the dramatic lighting and Butler’s aching vocals and expressions created a mood of passionate despair. After shaking a lot of delirious front row hands and receiving flowers from admiring females over the course of about an hour, Mr. Butler danced off stage during their extended version of “Forever Now”. This was a disappointingly short show for the crowd who could have listenedtothe Furs all night. Their appetite was sated somewhat by fifteen minutes’s --worth of encores which saw “Imitation of Christ”, “Into You Like a Train” and. “India”. Mr. Butler seemed almost overwhelmed by the audience response as he acknowledged the cheers and it is doubtful that The Furs will come across a much more enthusiastic crowd than they encountered last Saturday at Bingeman Park.
does his imitation
of Christ
at Bingeman
photo by Mitchell Edgar
Lou Reed live. at- Massey Hall /.
by Carl Davies Imprint staff As a live performer, Lou Reed has received some * pretty mixed reviews over the past twenty years or so. The man whose earlier music signified an end to innocence in the sixties with songs that openly talked of drug addiction, bisexuality, and prostitution, did not disappoint his Massey Hall
audience on October 1st. The show opened with two Velvet Underground (Lou’s old band) classics: “Sweet Jane” and “Waiting For the Man”, after which Mr. Reed provided the quote of the evening. Commenting on the lyrics “I’m waiting for the man, twenty six dollars in my hand”,he said, “it’s not hard to tell that that song was written in 1965. Just about all twenty
six bucks will buy you these days is a baby finger.” The quote gave a glimpse of what makes Lou Reed so appealing to his fans, a mind where nastiness and neo realism -have synthesized to prod!ice some of the most powerful lyrics in music. The show’s supporting cast was nothing short of superb, lead guitarist, particularly Peter Quine, who was all
forehead, shades, and magic fingers. Mr. Quine, along with bassist, Fernando Saunders, and drummer Fred Maher, played their instruments with . the required amount of ferocity and mental unbalance that seemed to so suit a Lou Reed show. Special mention goes to the keyboard/accordian player whose name may always remain a mystery.
by Mathew Ingram Imprint staff Perhaps one of the first things a creative writer realizes about writing is the necessity for a certain amount ,of objectivity---the reason being that the creative process of vision and revision is of necessity so intense that a writer has problems seeing the forest for the firewood, as it were. Certain elements of style and content, therefore, do not seem problematic or vague to the creator because he/she’ automatically fills in the gaps that might appear to the reader. What is needed then, if true objectivity cannot be achieved (and there is, at least in my mind, some doubt as to whether it ever can) is a different kind of subjectivity---in other words, another point of view. This is the sort of service that the Writer’s Workshop organized by Integrated Studies provides to creative writers (as does the Creative Writing course taught by Susan Musgrave, being essentially a workshop in class form). The Workshop was formed in September of 1980 by writer and Integrated Studies resource person Harold Horwood--who went on to write a book with Ed Butts, another I.S. person, called Pirates and Outlaws of Canada 1610-193%--and has been going strong for the past four years; Graeme Gibson was
creativity a member in 1982 while he was Writer-In-Residence, and current members include Dona Massef---A Dorothy Schumacher Literary Award winner---and Dr. Anne Dagg, both of whom are also Integrated Studies personnel. The Workshop meets on Tuesdays at 1:OO p.m. in the Sun Room of Integrated Studies, on the bottom floor of the PAS building, and any interested persons wishing more information should contact Dona Masse1 at 743-7482. If you are creatively inclined, and you wish to receive some constructive criticism from others of a similar bent, the Writer’s Workshop is the place to go. In the meantime, if you would like to hear some other poets read their work, a prime opportunity will be on Friday Oct. 5th at 8:00 p.m. in Siegfried Hall, St. Jerome’s College---reading will be Susan Musgrave, Writer-In-Residence at Waterloo and author of some ten books of poetry; Bill Bissett, another * acclaimed Canadian poet; and storyteller extraordinaire Brother Blue; Master-Of-Ceremonies will be the English ’ Department’s inimitable Eric McCormack. There will be a~ wine and cheese get-together beforehand, and the admission for the performance is $2.00, or $1.00 for students and seniors---for anyone interested in creative writing at all, this one is a must.
Lou Reed closed with an intense version of “White light/ White heat”. He belted it out with such authority that you could almost feel the heroin racing through his veins rushing towards another satisfying nod. A picture of Lou Reed, with his eyes almost puffed shut and deep4ined face, should have been taken during this song for the next “Stay Real” ad. Without a doubt, the highlight of the evening was the, first song of the encore. It was iike no other version of “Coney Island Baby” that I have heard in my entire life.
Everyone on stage was so charged up that Mr. Reed completely forgot to tell his audience that he wanted to play football for the coach and it wasn’t until Lou started screaming about the glory of love that you could be certain just which song it was. During the final two songs. it actually appeared as if Mr. Reed was enjoying himself, even taking time out to crack a smile during “Kill Your Son”, the second last song ot the evening. The final song 01 the night pretty well summed everything up for the show. .“Rock and Roll”.
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Photo Essay.
Israeli occupation troops Jerusalem, Palestine
5, 1984.
- I
This summer I traveled to Palestine (Israel) to visit a village I had never seen before. The need to visit the village was great, though difficult to express in words. Once, it had been my fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s home. The only reason I was allowed into the country was that I had a Canadian passport. My parents were uprooted in the 1948 war Israelis did not allow them, or the hundreds them, to return to their homes. Eventually they came to Canada, as so many have, in search of a future. inevitably, I returned to explore both , â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Perhaps, future.
- Old
in Palestine. of thousands other
The like
the past and the
, Imprint.
Dome of Palestine Shoemaker
- Old
Little Girl Bethlehem,
- Bir al Sibegh,
5, 1984.
- Jerusalem,
- Deheishe Palestine
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by Linda McCord Imprint staff On September 30th, I was entertained by Pierre Trudeau, Brian Mulroney, Joe Clark, and Ed Broadbent. No, I wasn’t at a political rally. I attended a performance of the Royal Canadian Air Farce at the Humanities Theatre. I was also delighted with appearances by Queen Elizabeth and the Pope. The Royal Canadian Air Farce is a comedy group comprising Dave Broadfoot, Luba Goy (the only female member), Robert Abbott, Don Ferguson, and John Morgan. These five people make their living by making Canadians laugh at themselves, and they do a good job. The Air Farce, after eleven years of radio, television and stage performances, has become a unique Canadian fixture. Every weekend, the Air Farce air two radio shows in Toronto. They also do occasional television specials and often tour the country with a stage show. They have developed a following of loyal fans over time. In an interview with Imprint, Don Ferguson explained the pros and cons of performing in each of the three media. No matter which they work in, one essential ingredient for a good show is a live audience. When the Air Farce tape their radio show an audience is present, and segments of each television special are also taped before an audience. Since they always work in front of an audience, Ferguson says it is difficult to say which type of work the troupe prefers most. When taping a radio show, each week is full of fresh material so the variety here is valued by the members. Contrarily, on stage the show remains the same throughout a tour but a feeling of comfort is reached as the show comes closer to perfection. Television’s main advantage is the vast audience which can
be reached. The Air Farce enjoy performing in all three media. Their latest television special will be aired some time this fall on Global Television. Sunday night’s show was my initiation into Air Farce comedy. The show was a mixture of short skits and one liners which moved rapidly, and included both new skits and some old favourites of Air Farce fans. The newest addition to the Air Farce’s material is a skit appropriately named “The Life of Brian”. Brian Mulroney’s life and political career are dealt with in traditional Air Farce fashion; he is portrayed as an idiot. The Air Farce manages to make most politicians look like idiots, including P.E.T., Clark, and Broadbent to mention the most prominent. The politicians in the Air Farce’s material come and go depending on the public’s preference. Once people become tired of hearing about him, a politician will be retired from the troupe’s show. (If it were only that easy!) There are some characters created by the troupe of which the public never seems to tire. The audience attested to this fact by applauding “Bobby Clobber” even before he was seen on stage. All that he, and Sergeant Renfrew, needed to set off the audience was an introduction. These characters have become favourites for Air Farce fans and Ferguson explained that this is because they are not dated, unlike the politicians. The material used by the Air Farce is current, and is constantly updated as prominent events occur in Canada and around the world. This constant new material and the member’s desire to do their best has kept the Air Farce going for the past eleven years and will keep them going for many years.
ot blesse by Roy Charles Imprint staff Neil Simon is a predictable playwright. And his comedy God’s Fauorite is a predictable play. The J-M Drama Alumni, who presented Mr. Simon’s comedy this past weekend at St. Jerome’s high school, cannot be faulted for the uninspired script. That’s Mr. Simon’s fault. God’s Fauor-ite is a sitcom rewriting of the Book of Job. Job is recast as Joe Benjamin (JoeB -- -qet it?),,, successful cardboard box manufacturer living somewhere in New York, circa 1984. The Book of Job is the biblical explanation for the existence of evil -- it’s God’s will. Man will suffer, but never renounce God. But God likes proof of faith. So God and Simon test poor Joe. They put the Benjarnin family through such disasters and calamaties as fire and blindness. Mr. Simon’s contribution to the story of Job is a few
and one or two gags impassioned wails for Divine Justice. Despite Mr. Simon, the audience enjoyed the play. The set was well-made and was effectively transformed from posh bourgeois parlour to gutted tenement as Joe Benjamin is given the full treatment by his loving God. The players had enthusiasm, but lacked the discipline, tight delivery and timing that comedy demands Kristine Schmitt was an effective ingenue. As Joe’s daughter she was all wide eyes and decolletage. Chris Huston as the obedient but thick-headed son was eager. But their timing lagged In the early scenes, slowing the momentum of the play. Benjamin’s wayward son was played by Dan Burjowskl. His portrayal of a drunk was cliched, but he delivered most of his repartee with ease. Mark Panchaud as Joe Benjamin gave an uneven performance.
His arms-glued-to-his-sides delivery wasn’t very effective, but he was capable when it came to scenes of slapstick. An attack of God-sent itches sent him into demented squirmings which were almost Belushi-like in intensity. (I’d give an arm for a ten-inch finger,” he squeals.) William Klos as God’s messenger was the most able member of the cast. He had verve and spirit and gave a mature presence to the production.
LSAT GMAT Prep. Courses fer Sept.29 LSAT’ Oct. 20 WA%
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the Overall, was loose and been 1’3ilter.
production could have
The J-M Drama Alumni put their hearts into the play and that, at the end, was the final impression.
Air Farce flies off the handle
Depart from: MONTREAL,
CalI toll free: Ryerson, 96 Gerrard St E
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, 18
5, 1984.
Kiddie’s by John Zachariah Imprint staff Somewhere in _ , California Constitution the Child Emancipation which gives any child the
the rests Act, legal
right to emancipate themselves from their parents, assuming the grounds for doing so are valid. Cute-as-a-button Casey Brodsky (Drpw Barrymore)
turns out to be surprisingly funny:; Zrreconcilaljle \ Differences. The movie begins on the first day of the trial and is composed entirely of flashbacks of the Brodskys’s lives, thereby allowing -the audience and the judge to see why Casey’s parents are unfit for her. At first, it’s clear that Lucy and Albert Brodsky have a good life and a happy marriage; he’s a film teacher and she writes children’s s books. But one day, Albert is
decides that the grounds are valid in her case, and proceeds to “divorce” her parents. (Ryan O’Neal and ’ Shelley Long), thereby setting the stage for a comedy that
A student bites a teacher. The school psychologist goes berserk. The substitute teacher is a certified lunatic. And students graduate who can’t read or write. It’s Monday
the screen
at JFK High.
and self-pitying, which leaves Casey on the outside looking in. All of this sounds pretty gloomy, and some parts are quite sad. However, others are simply hilarious. As well, Ryan O’Neals portrayal of the young Albert is brilliant in its awkwardness and every scene Shelley Long is in is a comic delight. ’ Overall, Zrreconcilable Differences is a funny and entertaining movie which is highlighted by competent acting all around.
asked to write and direct a movie which goes on to become a hit, a fact Lucy resents, since she helped to write the script but gets no credit for it. A divorceensues, after which Lucy goes on to write a book which-eventually becomes a best-seller. During all of this, though, Casey is seen by the audience very little, leading us to the obvious conclusion that she’s being neglected. And, indeed, she is; success and/or failure changes both Mom and Dad. Both become selfish
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by Rob Imprint
Clifton staff
Who’s Afraid Of? The Art of Noise Island Records If you want, some interesting musical--or should I say--sound combinations, this is the album for you. The group obtained its name from Marinetti, the Italian founder of the so-called “futuristic movement”, whose work was titled The Art of Noise. Among the collaborators on the album are Trevor Horn, producer of Frankie Goes to Hollywood, and some past contributors to ABC’s “Lexicon of Love” and Malcolm McLaren’s “Due k Rock”. Musically, the album is easy to describe because some of the sounds are so distinctive.
On many of the tunes, Trevor Horn’s drum machine beats pounds out warlike akin to a frenzied Phil Collins. Repetitive vocal sounds are so distinctive. On many of the tunes, Trevor Horn’s drum machine pounds out warlike beats akin to a frenzied Phil Collins. Repetitive vocal sounds are used frequently also, a definite derivative of songs like Yaz’s “In My Room”. “A Time for Fear (Who’s Afraid?)” contains definite pokes at Western, imperialistic self-righteousness. The mood oscillates from heavy percussion to a sad, ominous, and even prophetic melody. The title cut sounds like a girl being tickled by baby synthesizers while “Moments in Love” is delightfully mellow, but still a bit too weird for your next candlelit dinner with the girl or boy of your dreams.
Experimental Tonight David Bowie EML Hurray! The David Bowie we had grown sick of in the days of Let’s Dunce is dead and gone. Replacing that shallow, commercial shadow of an artist is the cherished Bowie: the avante-garde, damn-the-record-sales Bowie. After the artistic prostitution that was Let’s Dunce, the Thin One apparently felt it was necessary to return to his innovative roots. While the influence of his experiences in the multisexual clubs of London does not come through, the contribution of black tirtists to the musical education of David Bowie is a constant on this new EMI release. The fact that Mr. Bowie wrote just six of the songs on the album, four of these with Iggy Pop(with Pop, Crian Wilson and others sharing the writing credits for the other three shows that he was willing to songs), experiment. Some of these experiments worked; others did not. The first side is fantastic: “Loving the Alien” and “Tonight” will become hits. Though billed by some as a continuation of the Space Oddity/Ashes to Ashes genre,
DECODE R RiHG ! --_-____________
The Three Johns have their first album Atom Drum Bop released this week. The eight track mini LP comes with a poster and lyric sheet. A&M Canada are currently distributing the U.S. import of Let’s Active’s debut LP Cypress.
Joy (7”)
June Brides (7”) Bang Pow! (7”) Style Council (12”) Chesterfield Kings LP) Go-Between (7”)
Melodians The Staple Singers Gil Scott-Heron James Brown/Afrika Lucien Franceur Screaming Bamboo
. favourite
reporters never fail to impress persons of your gender. C’mon down.
McGinnis has an Oornpah Band! I
The Oktoberfest spirit is catching. And at McGinnis we’ve got it! Just for your
pleasure we have a live Oompah Band playing on October 11. You’ve always known McGinnis for the menu stacked with goodies (Chicken Wings, Burgers, Bibs, Steaks and all kinds of Munchies). Now the good times are even better with these Oktoberfest snecials.
Oktoberfest sausage on a bun complete with sauerkraut and french ---_-__--_------------fries -----, only $3.55.
I. Frankie
ALBUMS Hollywood
1 ribes
(E.P.) 2. Frankie Goes To Hollywood 3. Prince -’ Purple Rain 4. Fixx - Phantoms 5. Juluka - Stand Your Ground 6. Art Of Noise - Who’s Afraid
Schnitze]: S&n&l
served with sauerkraut and french fries for just $6.25
M For
Just Arrived - New Associates - Those First Katrina And The Waves 3. Ian *Thomas - Riders On Based
Passion Love Slippery People Re Ron Unity Rockabilly Lifelike
The latest Heaven 17 album How Men Are should be sent out by Polygram Canada in early October. The album features the Earth Wind & Fire horn section as well as AfroDiziac.
“loving the Alien” has a unique sound. 1 True, there are sectionof the song that hint of those mega-smashes, but at the same time there is a syncopated xylophone backdrop combined with monotonical, Laurie Anderson-style drones. Not much like Major Tom at all! “Tonight”, Bowie’s duet with super sexy senior Tina Turner, is a wonderful surprise. It combines gospel, Carribean and jazz influences in a funky but subdued love song. “Don’t Look Down” is a strange ditty. It combines African, Carribean and 1950’s styles effectively. This gives the number the flavour of a cross between the Spinners and the English Beat on Quaaludes. Soulful but eclectic. The only song that really doesn’t shine on the first side is Bowie’s rendition of “God Only Knows”, written by Brian Wilson, which seems somehow out of place. The second side returns to the rock ‘n’ roll Bowie. “Neighbourhood Threat” and “Tumble and Twirl” show an edge which Bowie hasn’t revealed since Diamond Dogs. “Blue Jean” is the compromise of the album, masterfully combining all of the styles of the album in one very catchy tune. The remaining two songs, however, are anti-climatic. Still, on the whole, Tonight is a good album. Welcome back to Earth, Monsieur Bowie.
by John L. Tracey Imprint staff
by Tim Perlich imprint staff After a year of silence, Glasgow’s Strawberry Switchblade release a new 12” single “Since ,Yesterday”/“By The Sea”, “Sunday Morning”. The final track is a cover of the Velvet Underground song. A new album will follow in October on Echo’s Korova label. “Lean Period”/“Bury My Head In My Hands” is the latest single from Edwyn Collins and Orange Juice. November holds the release of their new album...don’t hold your breath for a domestic release on this one. Those wild Irishmen, The Pogues, issue their first album Red Roses For Me on the-stiff label this week.
Floy ,The Biff The The (US The
by Ken Pension lmprint staff In the past, there has been some criticism that these articles have been too cryptic. After giving careful consideration to this, I have decided that this article should appear in code. THZMHTQF VPU. I ICDKV AJG SWWWEQXR KUS FYNZLH. T M JBG, A IXV, KRBOOC EWNC YX PNRDE ULQRF LOV YZZB SFXYG. EAJ KLHFOD SPIJL THST MG QP, IUVRJM NM. WSX NEH IOPJ, OFC PGK P+H. U
Burn Down A Rhythm Every Conversation There Must Be A Better Way Shout To The Top Here Are The Chesterfield Kings Bat helor Kisses
on last week’s
come for the food ... stay for the fun!
Impressions -
2nd Lp
at the Record
-. Store,
UniversityAvenue,at PhillipStreet- Waterloo
5, 1984.
bvnkclr\ tAblLs by Tim Perlich Imnrint--~staff ----.---~~ The
Ruins/Image of You Broken Ta b/es
After a long wait, the Broken Tables 12” has finally made its way to the record stores. The single-is the viqyl debut for Broken Tables whose
members attend the University of Waterloo. Alan Vintar playing the roles of vocalist, synth programmer and composer is the group’s main man. Alan’s brother John plays bass while Rod Garratt (who some may recognize as the guitarist of local faves Bell Jar) provides guitar work and backing vocals. A sparse,
machine beat provides the basic framework on which “The Ruins” is built. The cold emptiness is soon washed over by the on-rushing synth highlighted with cleverly underplayed guitar flashes. Vintar’s darkly evocative voice takes hold of the mood and effectively conjures an atmosphere of slithering gloom. “Image of You” works just 3s well in creating a richly textured ambience but succeeds to a greater degree in achieving an instrumental equilibrium in the mix. Broken Tables provide a sorely needed alternative to the soulless pap which we ‘seem to be constantly spoonFed on the Canadian music Scene.
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realworld. you a non-business grad looking for a career? Then think about Procter & Gamble - one of the most successful packaged goods developers and marketers in the world, with international operations in over twenty countries. In Canada, more than two thousand people work for Procter & Gamble. An efficient core of men and women in all areas of technical and business management lead the Company. These are the people who have made household names of such consumer products as Ivory, Crest, Tide and Pampers, just to name a few. Procter & Gamble is actively searching for graduates from every discipline, who demonstrate innovation, leadership, interpersonal skills and a drive for excellence. We value these qualities more than a specialized education. Procter & Gamble offers you early responsibility, high visibility and direct accessto management right from day one. You’ll be welcomed to the organization with an individualized on-the-job Training Program that will give you all the tools you need to run your part of the business. We promote only from within the company. That means your success is up to you and it’s a big reason why an independent study has placed Procter & Gamble among the top people-oriented companies in the world. Think about us. Your Placement Office has detailed information or you can write to us care of:
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i out of 3 ain’t bad
by Kevin Phillips Bong Things didn’t go as planned for the soccer Warriors this past week, as they gained only two points from their three games. After an exciting 3-2 victory over Laurier last Thursday, September 27, they dropped a game to Windsor on the Saturday, and another to Western on the Sunday. Thursday’s game against Laurier was an emotional match, and both teams played with much intensity. The Warriors, as
A soccer player
as ij’he 5 about
to take ojji kicking
has become their custom, fell behind early, the result of a rather slow start, but Corey Williams equalized when he deflected a Laurier clearance into the net during a goal-mouth scramble. Laurier led at half time, 2-1, after the Warriors again failed to clear the ball from their penalty area. Waterloo came out in the second half an entirely new team, and applied pressure to the Laurier defence causing many miscues. With about 25 minutes remaining, Mark Forster tied the
the ball.
by Mike
game for Waterloo when he drilled the ball past a surprised Laurier goaltender from about 35 yards out. At iti:‘- point, Waterloo looked very strong and Laurier appeared tobepia;ling for the tie. With four minutes remaining, rookie Gar) C !oper hammered a loose ball into the Laurier net to secure the win an all but eliminate Laurier from the playoffs. In last Saturday’s game against Windsor, the Warriors didn’t fare so well. They looked flat, possibly still thinking about the win over Laurier, and failed to create man!’ opportunities to score. Windsor didn’t seem particularl>strong, and indeed only scored once when they capitalized on some poor communication amongst the Waterloo defence. However, Waterloo rarely looked dangerous either, and Coach John Vincent said after the game that he felt that “there wasn’t five minutes of good soccer by either team” and that Waterloo “deserved at least a tie”. On September 30 at Western, the Warriors agains showed their inability to assess their opposition’s strengths and weaknesses. Western’s back four has a mean height of well over six feet, and yet Waterloo persisted in attempting to beat them in the air and not on the ground. The Warriors again fell victim to a slow start and dropped two goals in the first 15 minutes. The Warriors became the better team in the second half as they changed their game plan. They moved the ball effectively and looked very dangerous at times. If not for the number of cross-bars and goal-posts they hit, the result may have been different. Western went ahead 3-O before Waterloo notched their only goal. Larry Quarashie, who Vincent singled out as one who played well in the Western game, headed a corner-kick past the Western keeper. It was a case of too little, too late. Vincent felt his boys “did their ususal stuff of standing and watching the game for the first half” but. “were the better team in the second half”. Because of the logjam at the top of the OUAA West Division, the Warriors still find themselves in the thick of things for the three playoff positions with McMaster, Western and Windsor. As coach John Vincent said, Waterloo has “put its own back up against the wall”. and “from now on it all depends on how much we want it.” Accordingly, this weekend’s games against McMaster on October 6th and the grudge match aginst Western on October 7th will be crucial.
was em amassing?: 6 by Mike Upmalis Imprint sports Steve Haymen had a little problem. You see, Steve is the leader (?) of the Warrior Band “of some repute”. His problem was that he was the only member of the band at game site and the crowd was waiting for the playing of 0 Canada, To top things off, Steve plays the trombone, and the only thing handy was a trumpet. He played the trumpet before, about eight years ago. So at the risk of looking like a fool, more the certainty, Mr. Haymen performed an impromptu solo rendition of 0 Canada on the trumpet. When faced with what looks like it’s impossible and you give full effort, the question is, did you really fail? Waterloo’s football Warriors, led to a 60-6 rQut by the McMaster Marauders, showed a lot enthusiasm if little execution. The numbers tell the tale. Waterloo was held to a total offense of 60 yards, 43 of them rushing and 17 through the air. McMaster on the other hand had total offense of 48 1 yards on the day. McMaster had 272 yards in rushing. Waterloo was without their starting QB Drew Zehr. Zehr had been playing with bruised ribs for the past couple of weeks and had been knocked out of last weeks, and this weeks, game. Waterloo’s rookie backup QB Tony Iantorno in his first starting assignment went 2 for 15 for the total air attack of 17 yards. McMaster’s QB Phil Scarfone came into the game with a division leading record of having passed for 611 yards, almost 300 yards more than his nearest rival at Western, Andy Rossit. His!pass completion record in the two previous games was 37 for 62. Phil Scarfone was a strong choice to lead his team to the Vanier Cup this year, until he fractured his jaw in the Friday’s last game. On the basis of one play, Waterloo’s outstanding offensive star of the game was Rob Kent. On one of Waterloo’s punts McMaster fumbled on their own 12. Rob Kent in a scramble that resembled more a game of tag than football managed to fall on the ball for Waterloo’s first major of the year. McMaster made it on’the scoreboard early and often. On their first five possesions they managed three touchdowns, one
field goal and a punt through the endzone for a single point.By the end of the first half the score was 46-6 for Mat. Waterloo’s defense success may be best measureg by comparing the number of touchdowns scored against Mat possesions, Waterloo did manage to sack Mat once ‘l’n the first half, not bad considering that Mat’s offensive line can stand in for the Niagara Escarpment most days. Coach Bob McKillop had two comments on the game.
Coming on for the second half, all he said was “WOW”. At the end of the game his single comment to the press was that, “it was sembarrasing.” In preparation for this weeks game against the Guelph ‘Gyryphons, he will probably be working on the special teams again, a problem he thought he had fixed. Waterloo’s next game is here at home, when they will play against Toronto’s Varsity Blues.
Runners by Rob Hardy From southern Ontario to New York, Waterloo runners made their presence known during this past weekend, September 29th. In Guelph, the Warriors led by a strong minded Andy Krucker (7th) captured third place behind Western and McMaster at the Guelph Cross-Country Meet. The rolling terrain of the IOkm circuit took its toll on many of the fast starters, as were quickly the leaders strung out. The other scoring Warriors were well bunched; they included: Chris Lane ( 11th), Robert Hardy (ILath), Kevin Shields (Igth), and
Dwight Caldwell (33rd). Although the Athenas were unable to break into the lead pack, they worked together as a team and were able to secure fourth position behind Western, Queens, and 11 Iil ; Toronto. The five SCC-I-the runners to cover demanding Skm loop were :helle Nel Wieman (25th), Mic March (2&h), Kelly BOU lding Maureen Sur nmer WW, and Kathy Esauer (33rd). (34th). On the same day. a ‘I the York. LI niversity C! rossCountry Meet, the du et of and captain Mark lnman freshman Joe Reicher sh owed .rior’s the depth of the War
to retain
harrier program. inman, a silver medalist over 1500 winter’s metres at last C.I.A.U. Indoor Championships, comfortablv ran to a second place finish, while Reicher. a rookie with vast potential, grabbed fourth position of this i 1km route.
In St. Catharines, I’erry Goodenough earned a solid sixth place finrsh against a stellar field in the 7th Annual Run For The Grapes IO mile road race, ‘ferry, a Waterloo grad student 111 economrcs and a tormer L: nlversity of Clemson runner, cl’ocked a brisk 49:40 ior the distance, and wras iess than one r~!n~te
behind the eventual Jerry Kooymans.
Finally, in New York City, little known Susan Stone surprised an elite field of women at the fifth annual Avon Women’s Half Marathon, as she posted a nine second win ( 1: 17:26) over the second place finisher, year Sue, a third kinesiolo‘gy major. ES concentrating on the road and is unable to circuit compete for the Athena-s cross-country squad this fat!, but she may again ma”hc a to Ike ioird contribution “Bc?rblC sk; team. w
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Ontario Student Assistance Program 1984-85
Athena 1~plar-er, Debbie Boettcher
keeps the bail a\z?aJ’,fionl an attacsking
Guelph .fc)Y;ta-t:$morint
phoao blv’ Bob Butts ------
Ladies lost hockey hack-fest by Mike Upmalis Imprint sports UW’s Athena field hockey team managed a tie and scored a loss in two games last Saturday. Waterloo played to a 3-3 tie with the Guelph in the afternoon and were crushed by the Toronto Varsity Blues 6-O on September 29th. Toronto scored early against Waterloo and the first half belonged to them. Toronto scored three time% in the first ten minutes and Waterloo proved unable to get the ball across the field for the rest of the first half. Toronto marked up one more goal to finish up the half with a score of 4-0. Waterloo regained its
composure and played a challenging game against the Blues. While they showed great spirit and tenacity to get the ball down field, the necessary finesse to score was not there,
Toronto added two more goals to finish the second half. Coach Judy McCrae is working seven rookies into the lineup. The necessary cohesion that comes from a team takes a fair number of
games to come about. Where it was most obvious was in the time Waterloo was taking to set up passes and free hits, time that seemed to serve the more than opposition Waterloo.
Tennis team nets win by Sandra (Coach)
On Saturday, September 29th, the Women’s Varsity Tennis Team came out victorious over McMaster and Windsor. The Waterloo girls had a team total of 18 pts.
defeating McMaster with pts. and Windsor, 3 pts.
Individual performances were as follows: I. Anne Zavaros - 4 pts. 2. Kathleen Cleary - 4 pts. 3. Ruhuni deAlwis - 6 pts. 4. Toresa Brzozowski - 5 pts.
5. Kris Kern - 5 pts. 6. Chris Kelly - 6 pts. *6 pts. is the maximum pts. to be achieved in any given tournament.
The girls will play Oct. 13, 14 at Waterloo Tennis Club. Well done to all girls.
Deadline for your 1984-85 -I______ OSAP application is 90 days ____I_before the end of your -school year. -One OSAP application lets you apply for: @Ontario Study Grant l Canada Student Loan l Ontario Student Loan
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if you have previously re----ceived an OSAP loan and -.--- -r ” have not negotiated a new --.-I___ loan this year, you should contact your Financial Aid ~----.-Administrator, bank or lending -----institution for the appropriate forms that must be filed In --- order to continue your interest- -..---.-free-wp------I status --___.--.-. If you have already applied __--__--_. to OSAP and wish to appeal ____ .----your award, you should -----contact your Financial Aid ___. “-- . -.Administrator immediately. ---For further information and ---. -----appeal deadline dates contact -~ your Frnancral Aid Office. l__l.-
o time, no dough, to eat properly? Wrong! Ready-to-serveCarnpbell’sChunky Soupsfit the tightest of budgets; make a deliciousand satisfying meal any1, time you’re ready. They’re much more substantial than ordinary soups,full of big chunks of lean meat and garden vegetables,in hearty broth. With salador fruit and a glassof milk, you’ve a nutritionally complete, economicalmeal in no time. What’s more, 10 Chunky labels get you a free “Food for Thought” T-shirt or 2 free beverage coolersat your Campus bookstore.* Eating properly has many rewards!
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TAKE THE BUS ON US. This Oktoberfest, in cooperation
ride the bus free-courtesy of Molson with Oktoberfest and Kitchener Transit.
From 11 :OO pm to 2:30 am Friday, October 5 & 12, and Saturday, October 6 & 13. Molson will hire the entire Kitchener Transit system so you can polka and party the night away. And then, ‘when the fun and festivities are over, you can head homeward-safely and easily. The service will run from all City of KitchenerWaterloo Oktoberfest halls through the Duke Street Terminal. It’s Molson’s way of saying: Enjoy the good times at Oktoberfest without the worry of drinking and driving. So be sure to ride Molson’s Free Oktoberfest Transit. It’s on us.
Hockey Predictions ’ by Rob Thompson . ’ A League: Kinucks look strong this year and if preseason practices are any indication of things to come, Steve Jones & Company could finish first in A League standings. St. Jerome’s “A”, always a very strong contender, and Engineering~‘a “young” team, have made their final cuts and should give the Kinucks a run for the money. Team Canibuscould be playing at an all-time “high” and might be the sleeper in this league. A League: 1. A/2 2. A/7 3. A/l 0 4. A/l , B Leagues: BI. Reccers and Buckyland should battle heat-to-head for first place in their division. Reccers might have an edge playing weekend games and could win a few with the help of a big “D” fault.- “West 3” could be a “Thorns” in the front runners side and might prove to be an up nd cominiq contender. ,
Campus Ret -Reminders ’ ST. JOHNS FlRST AID - Those registered in the first session of the St. John’s First Aid Course should note that it will be taking place the weekend of Oct. 26,27 and 28. The course begins at 6:00 pm on Friday, Oct. 26th in CC 135.
B 2. The new South Sport Network has signed a lucrative TV deal and, looks good in that coverage on to the finals. Exports are sure to get some advertising time-with the Sports Newtwork and they too will be high in terms of the final C.R.H. “Neilson’s” rating. B-3. Maple Rockies have held numerous practices and are looking good on and off the ice. They are attempting to get jackets and trophies at the end of the year with a first place finish in mind, Rigid Reggies could be the sleeper in this division. It might depend on whether Steve Chappel ,can make the transition from the delta system to playing old-time hockey, like Eddie Shore B 4. Tinamou Tribe will be on the warpath and will have strong opposition from the big “Red Machine”, Co-op Red Army. We could also “see” the Photons sneak in the top three. B League Final Predictions:
Juggling spots still open !!!!!!!If anyone is interested in participating in . this most unorthodox and unique of passtimes, you must immediately see the PAC receptionist to register. The juggling classes will be held at 8:30 pm Thursday evenings in the Blue Activity Area in the PAC.
BI - I. B/l 2. B/7 3. B/3 82 - 1. B/8 2. B/13 3. B/10 , B3- 1. B/ 17 2. B/20 3. B/21 I34 - 1. B/24 2. B/23 3. B/26
Friday, .
Warriors O.U.A.A.
5, 1984.
25 __
make finals
by Dave Hemmetich Imprint staff *_The Waterloo Warrior golf team inched their way to a berth in the Q.U.A.A. finals on Thursday and Friday, September 27th and 28th at the Cutten Golf arid Country Club, Guelph. The Warriors finished third in the ten team, 36-hole qualifying event, well behind the front-running Universities of Guelph and Toronto, and only three strokes better than a sixth place finish. The top five team advances to the finals. ’ ,. I Guelph placed first with a 599 total, an average of 74.9 per man over Cutter-r’s par 7 I track. The Warriors hope to upgrade their level of .performance in time for the Ontario finals on October I Ith and 12th at Westmount Golf and Country Club, Kitchener. The Warriors will host the finals.
RESULTS 1) Guelph 2) Toronto 3) Waterloo 4) Western 5) Laurier 6) Queen’s 7) Rrock 8) R.M.C. 9) Windsor 1.0) York
599 607 621 622 622 623 628 630 630 642
NATIONAL LIFEGUARD COURSE - The first session of the National Lifeguard Course will be held the weekend of October 19,20 and 21. The session begins at 6:00 pm on the Friday. Class location will be posted on the Red North bulletin board in the PAC.
Competitive League Play-off Meetings Please take note that play-off meetings for three verrrrry important Fall sports are coming up. It is vital that the team captains attend. All meetings are held, in PAC 1083. The sports concerned are as follows: Women’s Soccer - Tuesday Oct. 9th at 4:30 p.m., Women’s flag football Monday Oct. 15th at 4:30 p.m., Men’s soccer - Tuesday Oct. 30th at 4:30 p.m.
, .
‘Women’s Ret Hockey Michelle Newman Hey Ladies, are you free on either Mondays or Thursdays from 730 to -8:30 p.m. and enjoy having a good time? Well then, come on out to Columbia Icefield and try your skills at recreational hockey. This year the interest seems stronger than ever, but we still would like more women to get involved. No experience is necessary as weekly instruction is provided before game time. For further information, contact Michelle Newman at 7464045 or Peter Hopkins at 885-l 211 ext. 3532. -
Women’s Comp&itive Soccer Women’s soccer got off to a start last Thursday - September 20th - with games being played through the week and on the weekend. This year we have 7 teams who have showed some good soccer skills to date. Conduct and sportsmanship among the women have been very good so far and the games, no matter what the weather, have proven very enjoyable. Unfortunately, there have been some problems with the scheduled times of the games as three games have resulted in default due to lack of players. Play continues through to October 2nd with the playoff meeting for all captains taking place October 9th at 4:30 p.m. in PAC 1083. Check the bulletin board by the tote room for team standings.
Sammy, Singlet’s Basketball a Predictions by Sammy Singlet Now that the basketball season is under way, it is time for SAMMY to make some premature playoff predictions. Most of these somewhat arbitrary choices may or may not prove true, but it is hoped that SAMMYS crystal ball will prove to be at least 60% correct. In the A league, there are six teams - all capable of taking the championship. Of course, being somewhat biased, SAMMY chooses On Probation to win again, with the Niners close behind. However, the Sultans of Swish and Ron’s Dons may have something to say about that. There are 2 new kids on the block, the Geoknobs and Premature
[7 is a defensive maneuver used in basketball 0 are the reporters at a packed trial 0 is a secret fraternity handshake 2. .“INTERFERENCE”: 0 is a penalty in hockey or football . 0 is what you get without cable ’ q is anyone between you and an OV I 3. A ‘“SACK” REFERSTO: -0 tackling the quarterback in the .act of passing 0 that dress you bought your girlfriend on her birthday 0 how your last summer’job ended
1) On Probation, 2) Niners, 3) Sultans of Swish, 4) Ron’s Dons, 5) Premature Dribbles; 6) Geoknobs. If Bruce Briard and Ian MacDonald have anything to say about this, the Cieoknobs may end up a lot higher than SAMMY suspects. - Statistically, the B league predictions could be 0% correct. SAMMY’S crystal ball sees some interesting clashes imminent. The SINGLET can see six teams battling in the end for the Bl Championship. They are Spurt (Mark!, I mean Mike!), Flyin’ Eyes, 76’ers, Kinucks, Zero A Mech and the Dirty Dawgs. Is SAMMY correct?!! We’ll see!! SAMMYS crystal ball is a little foggy today, so don’t be upset if the SINGLET is completely off -side. SAMMY is totally lost as to who is ‘super strong in the C league, so he will pick the teams with the most interesting suggestive names: 1) Froshbusters, 2) Beaver Patrol, 3) Gumbies, 4) W-5 Wild Bunch, 5) Buckyland, 6) North 1 Doctors. It is hoped that no ghosts intrude on the Froshbusters as the’ Beaver Patrol may move right in. if .Pokey happens to be onthe ddelines, the Gumbies may have problems but SAMMY cannot tell!!!
P .
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The First Annual Homecoming Squash Tournament attracted some 55 players, made up of alumni, faculty and undergraduates. Everyone it was a agreed worthwhile event and will become an annual fixture. In the Pro-Am roundrobin, former Ontario Champion John Fredericks exhibited his speed and versatility in defeating Steve Hisey and Paul Dunning. Paul Dunning took the runner-up position. In the main challenge event, Warriors’ Captain Mike Costigan triumphed over the tough field to annex the championship, while Northfield’s Paul Boileau showed excellent control and shot selection, defeating Warrior’s #3 player, Drew Fulford, 3
games to 2 to win the 3rd place playoff. The Consolation Round was won by Rob Calder, Warriors’ #5 player, who defeated recent grad John O’Callaghan, 3- 1. Graduate Don Tratch won the most popular award by losing in both the opening draw and consolation first round. In the top quarter final match, 1982 Warriors’ champion, Al Hunt, took the measure of lanky Ron Hurst, Warrior’s #4, 3-0, while drew Fulford defeated a tiring Chico Sylvestri, 3-2. Chico had earlier won a marathon 5game match over Professor Gerry Schneider. In the bottom half of the draw, Paul Boileau had a brilliant victory O\~I Warriors’ #2 player, Rob Bowder, 3- 1, in a match that
had the packed gallery on the edge of their scats, while Warrior’s Captain and #l player. Mike Costigan. had a relatively easy victory over Professor Howard Armitage, Sunday morning saw Mike Costigan defeat Paul Boileau 9-6, 9-7 and 10-8, while top seeded Al Hunt struggled to defeat, Drew Fulford, 3-, In the final match, Mike Costigan used his exceptional power and speed to defeat long time rival. Al Hunt, 10-8, 9- 1. 9-2. On Saturday night, at the banquet, Athletic Director Carl TotIke presented the trophies and expressed everyone’s feelings when he said, “This is what intercollegiate sports are all about. Good sportsmanship. good, competition and good fun.”
IOuters News by Brian
This (hopefully) regular feature will help keep Outers Club members and others in touch with the various outdoor activities the Club co-ordinates. If interested in taking part in any of these, or peraps getting help with a trip ! of your own. by all means call the appropriate co-ordinator. We also rent a large range of, outdoor equip- ’ recreation ment to our members through the equipment room, just inside Blue South in the PAC. KAYAKING: Mike Webrick. (746-4005). Mike runs kayaking classes in the PAC. pool each Sunday from 4:00 to 6:00 and would like to have you along. He’s also our overall co-ordinator, the guy with all the phone numbers. CLIMBING: Don Williams 1746-3814). Don tries to get a climbing expedition out each Sunday, but regrets that he :an offer no beginner’s nstruction this term. He would like to hear from you if viou have any climbing :xperience. HIKING: Bill Elgie (7435615). Bill offers his help in getting your hiking trips jrganized. Call him to see h/hat he can do for you or if here are any trips planned. ZYCLING: Brian Oliver 884-343 1). Brian runs weekly )ike rides from the CC each Sunday at 10. Check Campus Events for details or give him : call. He can also let you ;now about other cycling vents or help you with your bwn. CANOEING: Peter Smythe 744-2149). Call him for help with your canoe trip or the ‘etails of our trip coming up In the weekend of October 2th. EQUIPMENT: Susan Sirrs 384-9737). Susan and her ssistants open the Equiplent Room (PAC 2010) from :30 to 7:30 each Tuesday and ‘hursday to rent out our ents, sleeping bags, ackpacks, stoves, and much lore. Other times can be t-ranged by giving her a call. OGO CONTEST: We are ffering a prize for the best ‘arsity ’ Hockey Game SAT. ICT 6th, 1984 Varriors vs. Universit&e du !ue bet p.m. Columbia Icefield
Outers Club logo submitted to our mailbox in the PAC Campus Ret office before October 2 1. Watch this space for more information on Outers Club
events, especially our ORIENTEERING DAY coming up on November 3rd. Call Bill Elgie at 743-5615 if vou would like to help out with this.
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5, 1984.
of the Week
. Ruhuni
de Alwis
- Tennis
Ruhuni is a first year Math student from Toronto, Ontario where she attended and played tennis for Francis Libermann High School. Although the only rookie on the Athena’s experienced, veteran tennis team, Ruhuni is the No. 3 singles player and currently No. 2 in doubles. Last weekend, Ruhuni led the host Athenas in their win over Windsor and previously undefeated McMaster. She won all four of her matches gaining a maximum six points for the team. Together with her partner, Teresa Brzozowski, Ruhuni allowed hqr doubles’ opposition only four points in four games. First year Ruhuni is an integral part of the Athena Tennis Team, already tabulating points in the season’s opening tournament against Guelph and Western. Coach Sandy Macovik will look forward to her performance in this year’s two remaining tournaments and the OWIAA Finals, as well as in the years to come.
Friday Alights on CBC Stereo, embark on a surreal journey to \ the realm of dreams and danger: To the point where reality meets fantasy and truth touchesillusion. Vanishing Point-it’s the point of no return.
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Paul Toon
Another first year student, Paul is enrolled in the Kinesiology program. He is from Bolton, Ontario where he played rugby for Humberview High School. Paul has also represented Ontario and Canada on the Junior Rugby Team. In his first year with the Warriors, Paul is the team kicker and one of the big point getters. He plays the #8 position. Paul has scored points for the Warriors in all three of their games so far this season with a point total of 13. Paul is being honoured for his exceptional Brock University this past play against weekend. He kicked a conversion, had several long runs of 40-50 yards, and dominated the end of the line-outs and around the back of the strum to lead the Warriors to a 10-3 victorv. Paul is a very consistent player and Coalh Mark Harper will use his invaluable expertise to help the Warriors defend their OUAA Championship title.
oj’ the’ Week, Puul Toon, starts a rush bill the Warriorftircz>ards. Imprint
by Bob Butts
Sports Commentary: Ali as a fallen champ The saddest moments in pro sports are when a fallen champion continues to participate long after he or she should have retired. We would like to remember our heros as they were when they dominated the game and stamped their name on a particular style, rather than as over the hill bums who are only hanging in to make a few more dollars. Baseball is a primary culprit, where athletes shuffle from team to team trying to get one last paycheque or break some silly record. People will remember Pete Rose but it won’t be for breaking Ty Cobb’s record. It will be for playing long past his prime when he was but a shadow of his former self. Boxing, too, has its share of former champs who should have left the ring long before they did. Leon Spinks, Joe Frazier and Sugar Ray Leonard are but a few who in recent years tried at least
one fight too many. Now it appears as if you can add the name of the Great One, Muhammed Ali to that list. As Ali’s fighting and verbal skills diminished after the “Thrilla in Manilla” in 1975, he fought in San Juan, Landover, Munich, Tokyo, New York, New &leans and Las Vegas. Finally when not even the seediest boxing authorities would touch him in the United States, he lost his last stand in the boxing capital of the world, Nassau, to Trevor Berbick in 1981. Now people are saddened by the news that Ali’s subdued pace has been diagnosed as Parkinson’s syndrome, probably connected to a quatercentury of having his brain pounded. Ali was a great champion. He was the leading spokesman for boxing during his fighting years. I would like to remember him as such. I only wish that he hfd stopped when he was at the top.
by Sandy Townsend imprint staff The Warriors got back on the victory track last week with a hard fought triumph over the surprisingly gritty Brock Badgers. The Warriors controlled the game throughout, but were only able to punch the ball over the Badger line twice. At the final whistle it was Waterloo 10. Brock 3. The Warriors left the field a weary but happy crew. Forward Mark Allison summed up the players’ feelings when he said, .‘the Badgers surprised us with their toughness and right now we are happy to be going to the change room with the victory.” When Brock defeated Laurier two weeks ago, it was their first victory in two years. They came into the Warrior game obviously hoping for a sweep of their Waterloo rivals. The Warriors started strongly and it appeared as if another victory was in the making, when Dave Lum Kong danced over the line to score the first Warrior points. After winning a ruck near the Brock line, the ball sped along the Warrior backline to Lum Kong who left several Badgers looking for theirjocks as he darted inside the would-be tacklers. Still 10 metres from the line, Lum Kong slipped two more tackles and wriggled over the line near the goalposts. Waterloo kicker Paul Toon was accurate with his conversion attempt to make the score Waterloo 6, Brock 0. Much to the surprise of the Warriors, the “BeepBeep” Badgers did not roll over and die. Instead they came storming back. A questionable penalty call against Warrior Bill Beldham their only points when their kicker was true with his effort. Try as they might, Waterloo could not score any more points until the second half.
Despite the fact that the Warriors only scored four points, the second half was all theirs. Winger Jon Butcher was robbed twice of what were sure tries and Jeff Solly appeared to be home free only to have the ball roll out of bounds micro-seconds before he could scoop it up.
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The only score of the half came when hooker Jim (“I’m not old, just bald”) Shaw slid into the end-z.one to claim a loose ball and score the try. After winning another ruck, second row forward Terry Pottruf crashed down near the Brock line. The ball spun out of his hands and into the waiting paws of Shaw, who was given the try. Even though they didn’t score, the leading Warrior players in the second half were Paul Toon, John Motherwell, and Mark Allison. On numerous occasions Toon and Motherwell went on long downfield rambles which left several Brock players in their wake and electrified the small but enthusiastic crowd. Warrior coach Mark Harper was especially pleased with the “work-rate” of his forwards and added that his “makeshift backline played a solid if unspectacular game”. “Beating them (Brock) is a start. There were many positive aspects in the victory, and now it is time to build on them in preparing for our stretch run” Harper said. Once again, the final score was, Waterloo 10, Brock 3.
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