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Friday, November 9,1984; Vol. 7, No. 17; The Student Newspaper; University of Waterloo; Waterloo, Ontario.

Feds recognize 2 out of 3 new clubs by Mathew lngram Imprint staff

rcsponrib~lit) l o r o l l i c ~ a l l ) rccugni/cd clubs w a discuascd; it was pointed out that an) action tahcn b) a ~ccogni/cdclub or A t a recent meeting o i the Committee o l I'reaidents. a club nrcniber ua5 cllecti\clq sanctioned b) the tcdcration, and Marxist-Leninist study group was denied ollicial recognition as that t h ~ scould ha\e lay-waclr~ng~nipltcationsi n a case oi a a club b) the t e d e r a t ~ o no l Students. S o reason was g i ~ c nb) politicall)-oriented organi/ation. the Conimittce (or the dcc~sion. A t one p u ~ n 111 t the nicctlng. M r . A11isu11stated that sc\eral 1he meeting. held this past Ihuradaq, No\eniber 1st i n the nrcrnbcra o l the M L S G b a d "a track rccoid l o r i n \ o l \ i n g t e d e r a r ~ o nuflices. was conbcned to cons~dcrthe recognition ol students i n I~tigation"and asked M r . Cunua) 11 this sort o l three organi/ations -- the Marxist-Leninist Study Group act)\ 11) would continue i n the luturc. M r . Cunwa) stated that it ( M LSG), the Committee Against Imperialist War Preparations would. 11 the kcdcratiun cont~nuedto "encourage rtudcnts i n (CAIWP). and the Greek Students Association (GSA). illegal acti\ tic". '1 o be rccogni~edb) the tederation as an ollicial c h b . an %hen asked to cOIiliiicnt 011 1111sstatenrent 1 ~ 1 1 u \ ~ ~the ng o r g a n i ~ a t i o n must csacnriall) adhcrc t o dcnioc~-alic meeting. M r . C'onwac said that some Mar.\ist-lxninist literature o l his was destroqed by another student during W l m membership principles. I n return l o r t h ~ a~rccognit~un, a club S~rnon~s's adni1111strat;un.I his was allcgcdl) done \\it11 the rccei\ea Irce room-booking p r i \ ~lcgcai n the Campus Centre to ~ a maximum o l ten hours a week, as well a i~)lorniation-posti~lg cunacnt 01 M r . Simunia..and M r . C'onwa) s u b ~ c q u c n t ltuoh pribileges, and other benelits. the other student to court. 1 lie Icgal lees l o r ~III\ othef student ' The C A I W P was granted o l l i c ~ a l club status at the were p a d b) the Federation. tIe \\asconacqucntl) charged \\it11 :Committee meeting b) an almost unanimous dcc~slon.alter a "malic~oua nl~achiel". thuugl1 he did nut ~ c c c ~ a\ cc ~ i n i i n a l presentation b) C A I W I ' president Mann) Gitterman. record. M r . Allison's impression o l the incident was that the student I he Marxist-Leninist group was denied similar ollicial i n question was Jewish, and was d~streased bq what he recognition b) the COP. l o l l o w ~ n ga PI-cscntation b! M L S G p c r c e i ~ e d t o be anti-Semitic elements o l M r . Conwa)'a president .IcSl' Conwa) and a closed discussion b) the literature. Howc\er. dul-ing the resulting 11-id. thejudge made it Committee l r o n i which MI-. Conwa) a n d , lmpriltt wcr; clear that the leallct i n question did not promote racial 01 no \\a) intciidcd as a d c n ~ a01l the gl-oup's I-ight to c.\iat. 01. as a excluded. c o n d c ~ n n a t ~ ooln 1ts p ~ n ~ i c ~ p l c s . ~rcligiouahatred. Whcn asked wh) n o I'eaaon was gi\vn l o r the C oninrittce's U hen rcaclicd lo1 cummcnt ai Iris Irumc. M I . C onwa! s a d decision t o den) club status t o the M 1.SG. tederation pl-eaidc~rt M r . Allison also ~ n a d cmcntlon dl the lact that 11 was \\elli ~ "pc~sonal nrattcrs" 1o m Allison said that there was more than one reason 101-the h n o u n that M r . Cunwa). along with 1'101essor D O L I ~N ahlstc~i that the C u r n ~ i ~ ~ t t c c d' a~ a c u s s ~ o01 i e g a ~ d 111s ~ ~ paat ~ g \\as an e . ~ e e ~ c ~ 111 s"cc l ~ a r a c t c r a s s a s s ~ ~ ~ a t ~ c ) ~ ~ dcnial, and the Committee dccidcd not t u stc~gleone out as an (a ~ncnlbcrol M L.SG,), had bcen i n \ u l \ c d rccetitl) l n a 5150.U00 l l c alau bald that hi\ group had nlct all the c~Itcrla lo1 club slatus COIIIIIICII~~ n ~ a d c a b ~au~ t O I Iollicer. C C .I lie ollicial statenrent. libel s u ~concerning t and that the Comnrittcc'\ dcciriun \\as a ~ c s u l t01 " 1 ) ~ 1 w n a l Faentiallq. according to M r . All~aon.the reasons lo1 dcn>ing s u ~ t\\as subscqucntl) rcaol\ed i n the olliccr'a l a \ o u ~ .1)ut is p ~ c j u d ~ c.c ' b c ~ n gappcalcd. thcgroup here tmolold: lirstl). it masdecided b) the COI' that MI. Con\\a) \\elit m i to sa! that 11uaa u b \ ~ o u athat M I . the intctitiwns ul the MLSCi as outlined b) Mr.,C'onwa> delined 01ntlicsc e1e111>. M r . A l l ~ s u ns a d that 11mas the c u n s i d c r a t ~ ~ ~ s ~ l l ~ s o r i and the ut11c1 I I I C ~ I ~ C I ~ 01 the C'OIIIIIII~~CC \\VIC it more a, an "academic" 01-gani/ation (as ind~catcdb) the conlb~nedwith the lavt that tljc groupcould I.CL~I\CI C C O ~ I I ~ ~ ~ V I A "pulit~call>p ~ c j u d ~ c c dand " "a11t1-denic1~1at1c". I r u m e ~ t h c rthc.A~tsStudent LIIIUI~ u r the L I ~ I \ ~ I ~ I Iitsell. ! that group's t ~ t l c ) and . hence more \uitud t o recognition b) the Arts A linal nutu: '111s Greek Student Association was accepted rcsullcd III the C o ~ ~ r n i ~ t t c cdcc~siun. 'a htudcnt Union. ~ b) COP. klv alau s a d that the decision not to glant club status \rga 111 unanirnouslq as a t e d e r a t i o ~club Sccondl). MI-. Alliaon raid. the teduration's Icgal I

Fishing for dope: is it pot or tea? by T.A. Crier Imprint staff The U W Security Force "thought they had the drug bust o f thecentury" when they entered the Theatre o f the Arts and Sound a bag o f fake marijuana, sa) s Douglas Abel, chairman o f the U W drama club. 1 he lake dope was a prop l o r the play. Ft~hmng,about a group o l '60's h ~ p p i c \11)1ng to make 11 In the '70'\. M r Abel thinks that the cleaning stall must have found some dead ch~ckensI n the garbage and phoned Security The ch~ckens. he says. were also props f o i the play and were purchased i n the state I n w h ~ c hthey were found The\ were not. he


rifles. an airgun and a 2 2 , used as props, and discovered a car and a motorcycle backstage. Security contacted M r . Abel and told h i m that they had taken the "marijuana" and the rifles. and that they couldn't have them back. 1 hey also inquired as t o why live chickens were being beaten on stage. and ordered that the vehicles be removed.

Lyrical eroticism an: ;azz classicism I and more?!! North G South at different poles. Page 3


I n reiterating his contention that the marijuana was lake, M r . Abel said that "for one thing, our budget is such that we couldn't afford to use real dope". M r . A.E. Romenco, director o f Campus Security. could not be reached l o r COllllllelll. A \ ' \\ell. 01l1e1accurit) pcraon~rcl uere 1101 prepared to cunlnlcnt o ~ rthe ~~ic~deiit.

student assaulted in N.Y. bar

b) Dave Sider Imprint staff :UW student. A l 1.a t-lanlrnc leal-ncd last wechcnd. Nobcinbcl 2-4. that being a "good Samaritan" can be dangerous. He was partici1 pating In the M a l h Socict) I road trip !o Late Show. a bar i n Nragal-a talls, New Yorh. 'Ihe part) soured around 3 1a.m.. as the M a b students

wet-c getting read! t u Ica\c. A ~ I O I I I a ~ hichcd ~ d and piinclicd scuflle b~ )kc out i n \ \ h ~ c l ~111 the h c d .dtc~lalling to tire f l10u1. three bouneer~ assau1tcd a Waterloo aluck'nt. I.atcr. he IC-e~~teted the b a ~ Ihe b+lancc o l the C I O H ~ IU w ~ q u i r ca b u u ~ the nanlcs 01 rcportedl) stood atuund the bouncers \\ho aasaultcd matching. and n o one made hlnL t he ll1~nagcl 0 1 l.atc an) ellost to stop the light. Show said. "bet' out u1 ~ h u cauntr!. 1.111 nut g l \ ~ n gL O U A c c o ~ d ~ ntog L a I Ianmc. an> llallrcs, he attempted to bleak u p the light. but w a s hlchcd 111 t h ~ 1 a I l d ~ l i n i ~talhcd 10

I'oiics In \I.I~I.I t dlls. \c\\ 1<*It,. \\ClC c011tilr.tcd to 4cc .ibuut pubhthlc C~UIILIII. hut a ~ t l w u til \uq~e<t the> NCIC not p ~ c l ~ i ~ tocddu a ~ ~ \ t l l ~ n f i .

nll the clues thar s wit to'hint.





axnpus Fri., Nov. 9 -


FRYDAY PUBS!! held every Friday, 12 noon till 4 p.m., in Hagey Hall room 280. Weekly specials! Nonalcoholic beverages always available. Sponsored by the Arts Student Union.

Sat., Nov. 10 -

MathSoc presents: Wine & Cheese, South Campus Hall. See Classifieds under “Personal for further inlo. FED FLICKS: see Friday for details.

Applied Studies with Engineering and Dance, is cosponsoring a pub at the Kent Hotel tonight. Watch posters for details. The Progressive Conservative Campus Club will be choosi$ delegates to the Provincial Leadership Convention on November 27 at 6 p.m. Things They Never Told You In Science 000: ask a senior Chem student about work terms (or tell a junior student what they’re like) and have a beer at the University Club. 1 - 3 p.m. First year chemists & biochemists especially welcome. Chinese Christian Fellowship speaker meeting topic: “Using Our Gifts” by Rev. S. Knights. 7:30 WLU Seminary Bldg, Room 201. p.m., Refreshments and fellowship afterwards. The Mug Coffeehouse 8:30 to 11:30, in CC 1 10. Come out to enjoy live entertainment. An opportunity to meet and talk to new people in a relaxing atmosphere, and delicious snacks homemade cookies, muffins, etc., as well as tea, coffee, and apple cider. Bombshelter opens at 12 noon. DJ Friday Afternoon 1:30 - 5~30 p.m. (no covercharge). DJ every evening at 9:00 p.m. Feds: rio cover. Others: $1.00 atter 9:00 p.n~. FEQ FLICKS: Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom, starnng Harnson Ford. AL I 16, 800 p.m. Feds: $ I .OO with I.D. card. Others: $2.00. There will be a second show at lo:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday night. Salatul Jumu’a (Friday prayer) organized by the Muslim Students’ Association, Univ. of Waterloo. CC 135. 1:30 p.m. Birth Control Centre: Our trained volunteers provide nonjudgemental, confidential counselling and information on all methods of birth control, planned and unplanned pregnancy, subfertility and V.D.. We also have an extensive lending library and do referrals to community agencies. Our hours are 9:30 - 4:30 daily & Wednesday evenings 7:00 - 10:00 in CC 206, ext. 2306. We advocate responsible sexuality.

Bombshelter opens at 6:00 p.m. DJ after 9:00 p.m. every eiening. Feds: no cover. Others: $1.OO after 9:OO p.m.

- Sun.,

Nov. 11 -

Outer’s Club Bike Ride to St. Jacobs and Conestoga. A short but interesting ride for our last scheduled tour of the season. Meet in front of CC at IO:00 a.m. / Holy Eucharist: 9:30 a.m. and 1 I 100a.m. St. Bede’s Chapel. Anglican Campus Ministry. Holy Eucharist 9:30 a.m., Village 2, East Lounge, Room 102. Anglican Campus finistry. Christian Worship on Campus. lo:30 a.m., HH 280, sponsored by Huron Campus Ministry. Everyone welcome. Chaplain Graham E. Morbey. St. Paul’s College: Wesley Chapel. Sunday Service: 1 1 am - 12 noon; Holy Communion: first Sunday of every month. Sunday evenrng Fellowship Service: IO p.m. Everyone IS welcome. Laurel Creek Nature Centre: Dam Breakdown! Who Needs It! Open house all day. At. 2:00 p.m. a walk Lhe Laurel Creek reservoir, and a tour ot the Dam building will give us the “insrde story‘ on the reasons tor the annual drawdown of water in the reservoir and the mechanisms that control this. Chapel Service: Mennonite Doctrrne Series. Conrad Grebel College, 7 p.m. Sermons on Mennonite Doctrine: A cntrcal study trom the vantage point of the Bible and current ecurnenrcdl thought. Cottee and dIscussIon tallows the service. Conrad Grebel College Chdpel. Article 18, Love dnd Nonresistance. Fed Flicks: see Friday tor details. One show only tonight.

- Mon., Nov. 12 Morning Prayer: 9:00 a.m., St. Bede s Chapel. Anglican Campus Ministry.

The Fifth Annual Arb Lectum Seihi~l9844M

Freedom in Society R.L.Fowier “Slavery,Freedomand the Artes M6edes” November lsth, 1984,8:00p.mb, Theatreof theArts,ModernLanguages



The Early Childhood Education Centre 10th Anniversary Open House. All former preschoolers 1and their families, former students and, friends are invited to drop by and celebrate this event on Saturday, November 24, 1984 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Technology for Development: CUSO Information Meeting with Nick Fog, CUSO Technical Officer and slide presentation of technical development projects in Tanzania and Zambia. 7:30 p.m., 3004 Math G Computer Building, University of Waterloo. 885121 1 ext. 3144 for details.



9, 1984.



Economics Society presents a Faculty-Student potluck dinner on Nov. 14 from 6 - 10 p.m. in PAS 3rd floor ‘lounge. B&g your -favourite dish (dessert or main course). Prize for the best! Abortions: Stories from North and South. A documentary that will provoke both relection and discussion. CC 135, 2 showings 12 p.m. and 1:15 p.m. Sponsored by the Women’s Centre. Biology Undergrad Society (BUGS) holds meetings once a week on Wednesdays from 11:30 - 12:30 p.m. at the Gleave Library.

Students of Objectivism presents a live tale “Charity In A Selfish Society” by Dr. Gordon Stubley. Discussion will follow. All welcome.

Cinema Gratis: The Hunger &Just A Gigolo. Movies begin at 8:00 p.m. in the Campus Centre Great Hall. Free!

NDP Club -.-- Executive Meeting - Discuss Guest Speakers for November - Campus Centre Rm. 110 4:30 p.m.

GLLOW (Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo) Coffeehouse in CC 1 10 beginning at 8:00 p.m. At IO:00 p.m., those interested will leave CC 1 10 to rendezvous at the Club downtown Kitchener. Call the ‘r GLLOWline for details (884-4569). Rides available.

House of Debates; Come enjoy a great debate in St. Jeromes’ room 229 at 6:00 p.m. There will also be public speaking so don’t miss it. Waterloo Jewish Students Association/ Hlllel invites you to our bagel bruncthes. A great place to meet people and hear speakers. I 1:30 - I :30 p.m. in CC I IO. Brown Bag Seminars: Computer Grdphics As An Aid In Complex Human Problem Solving. Dave Fuller, Management Sciences. l2:30 p.m. CPH 3385. Bombshelter opens 12 noon. DJ dfter 9:OO p.m. every evening. Feds: no cover. Others $ I .OO after 9:00 p.m. Contemporary Films as Laurier: Films will be shown dt 7 p.m. rn Room 2E7 ot the Arts LSulldrng as part of Laurier s Monday evening film studies course. AdmIssIon IS tree and everyone welcome. Tonight s tllm. Closely Watched Trains (Menzel, 1966).


NOV. 13 -:

Morning Prayer 9:00 a.m., St. Bede‘s Anglican Campus Ministry.


Student Advisory Council - Meetrng number The Council rneets to discuss current concerns CO-OP students. All welcome! (4:30 NH 1029)

5. of

Bombshelter opens 12 noon. 1 uedsay Night Movie: “Splash” lrom 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. No covercharge. DJ after 9:OO p.m. every evening. Feds: no cover. Others: $1.OO after 9:00 p.m. There will be a’meeting of The Board of Academic Affairs at 4:30 p.m., upstairs at the Graduate House. Topics on the agenda will include Bovey Commrssron and course critiques. All concerned students are welcome. Women’s Commission Public meeting - We will be discussing past & tuture directions ot the Commisslon. Anyone Interested rn learning more dbout the Commission or grvlny suggestions welcome.

Evening Prayer and sermon. Conrad Grebel College Chapel: 4.30 p.m. A Meeting of the IBM PC Users Group LVIIIbe held in Math and Computer Room 2009. Everyone . welcome. 12:30 p.m., Prof. Jim Garnder, Geography Department: Report on the Vancouver Conference on “Nuclear War, The Search for Solutrons.” AL 105.

- Thurs.,

Nov. 15 -

Morning Prayer, 9:00 a.m. St. Bede’s Anglican Campus Ministry.


University of Waterloo Gymnastic Club practice. Beginner’s welcome. 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. Upper Blue PAC. Waterloo Jewish StudentsAssociation/Hillel invites you to our bagel brunches. A great place to meet people and hear speakers. 1 1:30 - 1130 p.m. in CC I IO. WCF Supper Meeting. Jesus Christ’s Lord Gord Carkner. 4:30 Etlgrneenng I, Room 2536.

Claim to be 6:45 p.m.

Women’s Centre Meeting at 5:30 p.m. Bring you dinner. All women are welcome. CC 150B Stunning exhibition of over 100 contemporary posters, from theatres around the world, organized by the Richmond Art Gallery, British Columbia. Posters trom as fai- away as China, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and Poland are presented, promoting theatre productions ranging from Shakespeare to Cinderella. This fund exhibitron clearly illustrates the humour and sophistication of today’s poster art. Free Admissron. Art Gallery, Theatre ot the Arts, Modern Languages Building. Monday to Friday 9-4, Sundays 2-5. Nov. I5 - Dec. I6

University of Waterloo Ciymndstlc Club practice. Beginners welcome. 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. Upper Blue PAC.

Free Noon Concert featuring UW Stage Band directed by William Janzen. Sponsored by CGC Music tiepar tmen t.

“Living with Cancer”: Group Session. North Waterloo Unit, Canadian Cancer Society. Adult Kecreatlon Centre, corner of King & Allen Streets, Waterloo. 886-8888.

Bombshelter opens at I2 noon Live Entertalrlrnent from 4130 - 7:00 p.m. Featuring Glen Chdtten. DJ after 9:00 p.m. Feds: no cover. Others: $ I .OO after 9:00 p.m.

Canadian Films at Laurier: Films will be shown at 7 P.m. 111 Koom 2E7 of the Arts Building as part of Laurier s luesday evening tilm studies course. Admissron IS tree and everyone IS welcome. 1 onlght s tilms: Paperback Hero (Pear son, 1973).

Students For Life: Campus pro-life group IS holding a meeting this week in CC 1 10 at 4:30 p.m. New members are welcome. Come out and join us this week.

- Wed., Nov. 14 Morning Prayer: 9:OO a.m., St. Bede’s Anglican Campus Ministry.


Holy Eucharist: I2:30 p.m., St. Bede’s Chapel.. Anglican Campus Ministry. MathSoc Presents: Pink Day. Wear pink, think pink, and drink pink. Pink Day i’s a MMT production. Exploring the Christian Faith: 7:30 p.m. Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. Leader: Chaplain Graham E. Morbey. All welcome. Huron Campus Ministry Fellowship: 4130 - 7:00 Meal: $t. Paul’s Dining Hall. Fellowship Meeting: Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. All welcome. Graham E. Morbey, Campus Chaplain.

p.m. Common

A Electrolysis Studio


Folk E Blues: Jam session. All welcome. The Folk& Blues coffeehouse will be held on 1 hurs. Nov. 22 SO come out and practice or have fun. Brrng your iinstruments. 7 - 10 p.m. CC I 10. NDP Club - Guest speaker: Paul Forder, Ontario F ederdtion of Labour - “Technoiogical Change: ‘four future on the line” - Arts Lecture, Rm. 202 1I:30 d.171. House of Debates: Come participate III a great lebate 01 Just watch. We will meet In St. Jerome’s Oljrn 229 dt 6:(10 p.m. Gays of WLW Video Night wl th “The Dresser”. 8 p.m. (n Room 4-30 I (History Lounge) Central Teaching IXurldin~, WLU. Popcorn s I .OO Come on out and relax!

f+ee consultation 81 Student Rates

93Q King St. West, Kitehener (across from K-W Hospital)

--. -\. -.::. **,.-:, __ : .- _ !rOj@nlc,






- ( .

.9,. 1984,

-= 3


A% \ Noith-South dialogue: Imprint inteiyieivs Dr. Palkhda

I: You h2ve spoken at great length especially about Mrs. called Partners in Developmtyl’t. He said the North and South are partners _ and Gandhi’s assassin@ion, the last B&hours1 My question is he advocated the type of related in nature. With the raid on the Golden Temple and assistance which has now become the current coin in the subsequent discovery of ammunitions by <the Indian which the dialogue is being carried on. Alter that, till Government, the Indian Government has had an 1974. nothing verv substantial was done. But after that. .:.:.:. :::::;:, :::p:: intelligence failure. How would you comment in regards till the Un&d Nations was persuaded to pass a ::;:g ......... .:::::::::::<g<:: :::::::::::::p::::: to the fact that the extremist elements were able to resolution proclaiming the New lntern’ational Economic ;~~~,$*~~~~ :~~:~:~:::~:~:~:~:~: :::::;::::y:::::: x.:.2>:.;:.:.:.:, penetrate Mrs. Gandhi’s house? . ’ Order and that started the ball rolling. In the last ten .:.~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :::: y::::.J::<,:: $$$$$c: ,.<,.,: ... ::::::::::::.::y:,: Dr. P: Well; that again gives you food for thought. It years we had a number of meetings in a number of k:::.:.:.:.:.: :.:.:.: forums, so the dialogue has b&n going on. 1 am going to makes you realize that our intelligence 7s exir-kmely weak. How can the extremist elements, as you say, get speak tonight on The sun never sets o?n the North-South into the hoqse of the Prime*Minister without the Prime dialogue, because in some part of the world, somewhere, Minister knowing ii is still going on. about it? It means failure of 1: How conspicuous is the role of ideology in the Nor;h-.intelligence. How -could heavy artillery get into the Golden Temple without the Government-beyng aware’ol South dialogue, considering t.he fact-ihat the& are it? 1 Again, failure of intelligence. If your intelligence conservative gover;iments in the major Western faii’s you so hopelessly i-n domestic affairs, how do youdemocracies? know that iri war time you will be able to cope with the Dr. P: Well, politics has played a very major role iI1 the enemy. It is a very serious problem and you have raised a- shaping and (tirmulation of this dialogue, that is rather valid point. unfortunate and ‘very often wrong ,sta’nces have beenI: T-he other thing is, of course, Mrs. ’ Gandhi’s File photo taken. The Soyth, 1 am going to point uut tonighl, has ti assassination, which is a national crisis. What about very good case,. but badly argued. 11’ [here was more 01 recent events in India such as in Andhra Pradesh, in persuasive‘ element on the part of the South, the North Trudeau had-a‘ viewpoint, which is an honorable one bul Kashmir and o’f course, the Punjab? The earlief one is would give it a belter hearing. at the same time, the people thought the money was being Assam? - How serious are the divisive forces- in the I: Specifically, what do you think oi’ the Unit&d States country? wasted. bulling out of UNESCO. How does this fit into this? Dr. P: It is unfortunate that the events of the last, I would Dr. P: There is a viewpoint. I must say I am c I: What do you think of’ ~l-6 super p)owers’s arms build up. It is U)vyian to assume that there could be SOnlt Sort of say, 12 to 18 months show ” num6er of totally wrong tempermentally against forming judgements which are actions. I think the action taken in Sikkim, in Kashmir mtide;*atc levels trf disarmament? in favour of the South, or mycountry and things like [hat. and in Andhra Pradesh was indefensible. But the only Dr. P: You know what it IS: 11 bolh sides do it. Yes. UuJ Looking at it fairly, I think the United States has a strong you cannol ask just onv side to do 11. Why can’t you ask thing is [hat these mistakes do not justify this kind of it being the main donor, money was being viewpoi,nt, the Soviet Union to do it? ‘I’hey never listen to you. They ’ what Bernard Shaw called - the extreme for’m of squandered for useless purposes which have nothing tu censure. You, can’t.censure a person who has taken wrong a.1 tine-sco, and time and again, they , do ,Th+t. they like: You are always preaching ,to _db .with the lifewor,k deniocl;acies, “redtice $K!nq!i!en1s”. They s,ay it is a1righ.t -~ . ‘: decisions. Thtiie are w+ys t,o yactify mistakes. In. saidit v$as’nGt.-!he tiay, Whe.~l,th$y did not list&; it-was . ?aa_always 10. reduce but., .it Ihere is au Armageddon, and. thel;e. ‘is-, F: 1:; ~other\~tiqi-$,*,& a-dFm.&r&y the-r-e arp,way’s.ol;~~ctif’ying: better- tp &et.ciut,. The~~efore it i-s not ,as-if’ justice is on lhe cunflagratiun, .ltieedom will be &str~ygd. .L think tl!ose , ..I ,, nlistakes. .As I havelmysejf ~aid;~.t~ey-were-.very serious side of the South. The North had a g:ood viewpoint, the who are spending their mouey ‘LO preserve lr&edonr( Imistakes,--but they haye to be dealt with ir&demo~ratic South nlkist consider it and pay proper attention. There waj .-It is -__ a little’longer, bu1-j.t i’s ~~&.only~~$.~~y in-tie,. s are soci.&!Jis! -Go-gn_tries, there are communist cou+*i,e_s, --. I--_-1”yy-b rTGn* . which want to propagate t’heir kind 6f socialism, theirI: Agaill, [he recent even.ts have over-shadowt!d the main kind of conlnlunisnl.“‘?‘hgn there are coZntries which are purpose p,f jlotir visit. You are going to be‘~alking on the ’ as-non-aligned as the leaning ‘Piss, and with thal kind 01 North-South dialogue. W?ll you briefly elucidate on the alignment you inject ‘your own socialism or communism concep’t of North--South? inio discussions. l’he North says this is no way Lo run Dr. P: Well, the North comprises the developed countries, these international agencies. . Canada, United= States, U.K., Western democracies i,f I: What do you think of Prime Minister Trudeau’s Eu.rtipe; Japan, Australia; the South comprises. peace mission? cbuntri6s of South and South-E&t Asia, pl’rica,, Lalln Dr.+% Again, there is a viewpoint. It was gen~uine and America ‘,ahd .!also the Middle :East cqtir]l-l.ries, oil; rich sin&i-e in’ what’ he ‘was doing. In thes; ‘thing-s th&l:& ‘ii countries. This dialogue started in-1974. Iri fact, the orie -always a[gray -area, where various viewpoinls have icJ be persun who was responsible for the notion was Peal;son, ’ considered. 1 think [he mistake human beings make 1s: the former Canadian Prime Minister, that the,Nbl+th mtist this is right, or this is wrong, but this is never SO in lil’e. come t,o t ht: aid of t he.Sou t h. He published ti book in is+) ‘i’here are alwv;lys various aspects ol’ a siluation. Noti .z





7 impend ‘ives for g rowthr -, econoniic the North’s willingness to give new international by Carolyn Ellis . m’eaningful aid. order was ever to be achieved. Imprint staff Realism and a capacity for Taking a humanist “Man tiill do. the rational self-criticism are crucial if‘ yiewpoint on the subject, Mr. thing, but only after exploring solutions to global poverty Palkhivala identified seven all other things.” This was but and the widening economic imperatives for growth in the one of the observations on gap between “rich” and global economy which would North-South dialogue offe‘red “poor” are to be- fouhd. make strid es to solving global by this year’s Hagey Lecturer, 1 Mr. Palkhivala argued that ‘disparity. Mr. Nani Palkhivala. Peace, world cothe case fbr the South is “so operation, economic freeOn‘ October 31, Mr. Nani strong it almost argues itself”, dom, population control, l’alklii~ala, lormcr 1ndian but “mindless nationalism” ecological awareness, energy Ambassador, to Washington and poor ad\.ocacy have conservation and a sense of‘ and prornincnt lndian undermined its credjbility. respect f‘or life were necessary, industrialibt. ol’lercd his “Condemning the North is he said, if these global issues 1’0 I recomniendat.ions - hardly a brilliant strategy for Mr. Palkhivala noted the r‘esu.li ing North-South ikuch . eliciting its support.” inappropriateness of past 11 HIS tuo-part Hagc\The North, dn the oiher preoccupation with quantiLtxturc. .t With’ wit and an approhand, is suffering from r tative-rather than qualitative 3riate :quote for every “compassion fatigue”. Past - development, Rather than Palkhivala examples in the South _ of f‘ocus on Gross National occasion, Mr. .ressed that global interdepcorruption, poor manage-’ Product. he suggcstcd that ndence rcqu’ired ncu merit and inappropriate “Gross National Happiness.” pproaches if sqme kincJ of‘ a I inkcstmcnt hate dampened would ma kc at better measure.

VP re-appdinted

bI. .

Douglas b’right, president academic officer. of th.F 01’ the Unikcrsit) 01 Waterloo. university, responsible for recently announced the \instruct,ion and research in all appointment of‘ Prof’. Thomas programs. BrLustowskias bitepresident, acadmi.c, 1‘or.a third Prof.- Brztistowski, 47, has term. been at U W since 1962. He ,The appointment, (r,qrn was. first appointed vice-. July 1, 1985, to June 30, 1988, ‘president, academic, in 1975. was r6commended by UW, Senate and has been apprdvkd Prio; to that he served as by the boii+d of,governors. I chairman of the mechanical I. .eng?tie&ing depaitment and The ,vic,e-$esid$+ : as’\ ass’aciate ddan. of iS tlX!: @$cipal. .’ f$gin&&ing. academic,‘ . ‘, -,-- ,v r- I ...eI r:~.,01* ,s.3 , .l.lL,W.-z. -*4-~.+“+ m i ,- .P-*‘-7 1*-?,,..-I ‘T-I’.- .- . ‘, . I“’

XkWxtiori .. I

You should not neglect agitation; each:of - Ferdinand Lasalle (1825-l 864) ’

you should


it his task.

Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper &ociation (OCNA), and a member of Canadian IJniversity Press (CUT). Imprint receives national advertising from Campus Plus. Imprint publishes every second Friday during the Spring term and every Friday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to “‘Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, University of Waterloo, Wat,erloo, Ontario.” Second Class Mail ‘&gistration No. 6453. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. ImDrint: ISSN 0706-7380




“The Masses are Asses”. Never has there been more of a reason to believe in this statement than this past week, when Ronald Reagan was once again elected to the presidency of the United States. It certainly shduldn’t come as a surprise that Americans, iike blind sheep, would join the Reagan bandwagon, assuming that he has prompted much economic prosperity. They are ignorant of the fact that he is quickly spending the U.S. into another depression. Reagan and Darwin have much In common in their ideologies. The rich are getting richer and the poor poorer. Unfortunately, Americans vote on a mood and a whim, rather than with a necessary consciousness of tihat is real and what IS false. They are impressed with “red, white and blue rhetoric” and are awestruck by a leader who thinks nothing of playing an emotional Machiavelli. Americans are reluctant to question Reagan’s Ieckless disregard for civil liberties. They seem content to have government intervention in regards to their religion and morals. This leads one to question is 6od really a Republican? The majority of Americans are being fooled by this smooth President, who in a blase and comical attitude makes light of bombing Russia, and is barely questioned or condemned; a President who refused to comment on the CIA pamphlet urging “neutralization” (assassination) of Sandinista

Proxy war heats

the world

officials in Nicaragua; a President who has destroyed any diplomatic ties with the Soviet Union, and provided only superficial arms control talks; a President who spends thirty billion dollars on his pet “Star Wars” project; a President who enjoys flexmg his military arm whenever he gets the opportunity. This is the choice of thirty-five states and ninety-five million Americans. What a sad day for the States and what a black day for the world. Even when Mondale clearly won the national debate and revealed Reagan for what he really IS, a leader ridiculously misinformed of the issues wrth a truckload of advisors attemptmg to mask this Ignorance with scads of “Amercca the Beautiful” garbage. Anyone with a dlscernmg eye, which IS apparently not common among Americans, can smell the deception from afar. On the extreme ethnocentrism, this patriotic sentiment is almost sickeningly sweet, analogous to eating too much chocolate, one is bound to purge sooner of iater. On a larger scale, are people not frightened by the fact tha‘t the world’s leading democracies are being led by Reagan, Thatcher and Mulroney? Reagan’s chant, “You ain’t seen nothing yet”, reverberates In my mind. I’m afraid not for myself, but for the children, who, If the$ are grven the chance to even exist, will have to deal with the aftermath. (,‘urol

facelessly courageous advisors who made the mistake will be relied upon to fix it. These cold warriors could have avoided this conflict by accepting rather than rejecting the fledgling Nicaraguan state. No matter how the U.S. handles the crisis, it will lose something. Those faceless advisors, whose places are assued in VIP bunkers, may try to out-stare the Soviets, which could lead to direct Soviet-U.S. armed conflict, and war, or they could choose to lose face and mend fences with the Nicaraguans. Personally, I’m going to start thinking about getting a Firearm Acquisition Certificate, and enough food and ammunition to last a long, long tin-i-e. Iltr r-id




Classifieds Sports Entertainment Features News Display Ads Forum “4t will be assumed after a deadline intended


5 p.m.

Monday, 5 p.m. Monday, 5 p.m. Monday, 5 p.m. Friday, 3 p.m. Tuesday, 12 noon Tuesday, ‘l2 noon Anytime that material submitted has passed was not for that issue.



up: do nukes await?

The latest development in Central America must have caused U.S. President Ronald Reagan and his strategic advisors some stress. Soviet fighters and attack helicopters are reportedly being sent to Nicaragua. Shades of the Cuban Missile’Crisis! It would seem that the Soviets want the Media Master to put his army where his mouth is. Does he have the guts? Can we afford to find out? Mr. Reagan’s.favourite foreign distraction, which he has used in the past to avoid public attention on domestic issues, has turned into a trap, and he is presented with some very tough choices. But Mr. Reagan is notorious for having little real grasp of international affairs. It IS likely that the same



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Typesetters Bookkeeper Assistant Bookkeepers

George Elliott Clarke Carl Davies Doug Tait Christopher Ricardo

Hilkka Shayla





Signy Madden & Dave Sider Claudio Cacciottl William Knight Bob Butts Anna Marie Hubbard Nimet Mawji Llane Smith Angela Evans Kathy Vannler Rob Van Ekeren

Doris & John

Prets Tracey

Br-cbu-rtr ((II

Contributing Staff


& regpect

to imagine what is It IS hard, nay , impossible happening In India at the moment. We read the horror’ stories; people being dragged from trains, beaten and set aflame. How can we possibly comprehend the situation as we go about our business in peaceful Waterloo? Each of us, though, can play a part in avoiding the spread of violence to Canada. Living in a multicultural society as we do, we must be tolerant of others’ ideas and beliefs just as we take for granted that others will be tolerant of ours.

for differences

We are fortunate not to have been born in a country with ever deepening political and religious rifts. We are fortunate not to have been born in a country where you must shave your beard because it is a symbol of your religion, because it might incite-others to kill you. We are fortunate indeed. There is nothing any one of us can do iri the short run to halt the violence in India, but we can set an example to the members of the warring factions living in Canada by according them the same respect we accord ourselves. T.A. Grier

Richard Lewis, Richard Clinton, Richard Elis Preston, Liane Smith (that C&% typesetter. sometimes 1 just want to scream), Jack Kobayashi, Doris Prets, Jeff Suggett (and the further misadventures of Max Sleppy), Alan Yoshioka, Gillian Ying, Patrick Hayes, Hilkka McCallum (the bornagain pagan), Carol Fletcher, Nimet Mawji (who kept me company on the 2:00 am trip to the printers in Guelph), Kathy Vannier, Claudio Cacciotti (with the superfinger hat!), John Tracey, John Zachariah, J.D. Bonser (what do those initials stand for?), Ricardo Scipio, Lindsay Lennox (any road trip will do), Mathew Ingram, Rob Van Ekeren, Sandy Townsend, Bob Butts, George Elliot Clarke (whose political alliances are flexible), Doug Tait, Dave Sider, T. Alexander Crier, Mike Upmalis (aargh . how did “women’s field hockey” get left out of that story?), Chris Wodskou, Steve Wescott, David Browman (who always wanted to know what he looked like when he was thinking), Nosh Dimshaw, Carl Davies, Shayla Gunter, Cathy Somers, Rob Allen, Will Knight (who braved wind, snow, . . . to distribute the papers), David Jackman, Signy Madden, Mitchell Edgar, Anna Marie Hubbard, Tim Perlich, Ross Morrissey, Alex Weaver, Catherine Eckenswiller, Carolyn Ellis, Julia Smith, and lastly, special thanks to Joyce Peterman (who suggested the Campus Question).



w#l not be currected.

The value of a liberal education To the editor: Over the past few weeks 1 have seen a number of letters in the Imprint expressing extremely facultist points of view. Rather than reply to any single one of them, 1 have chosen to reply to them all with this letter. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word UNIVERSITY as follows:



II. an In,stitution of‘ higher Icarningauthori/ed to conlcr degrees in barlow special l‘lcldb (as theology, lau. and medicine) as well as in the arts and sciences gcnera11~. Obviously this definition is somewhat dated, but in essence. correct. It states that a university is an “institution of higher: learning”. Higher learning is a somewhat nebulous concept, but the following quote from Dr. David Starr Jordan, first president of Standford University, at the dedication ceremony of‘that same institution, should at least define its intent: “We hope to gi\e our students the pricclcbs lcgac> 01 the educated man. the pouer 01 knoulng \+hat wall! is..1 hc hlghci education should...hclp to Ircc them Iron1 the dead hands 01 old traditions and to enable them to lorm oplnion.4 uorth! ol the IIC~ eLidcncc each nt’~ da! brings bclorc them.”

About the middle ground by Zeke Gerrard (a pseudonym) ” I just had a long talk with a friend who was quite critical of this column, and I think he was right. I apologize. Not for offending people who are upset by the very existence of a gay column, but for some of the attitudes I’ve expressed to the rest of you. You, who are nice, openminded people, you who inhabit that “middle-ground” proposed by Glenn Svarich. Yes, Glenn was right, I have stereotyped my readers, and for that, I am sorry. I’ve been writing for (or rather, at) the wrong audience, the anti-gay fringe. I’ve been busy trying to deflate myths that most of you don’t believe, defending myself against raving -- ahem. I wanted to reach out to a wide audience that included the far fringe, but as you’ve seen, my way of dealing with them is pretty combative. Why pick a fight? Because I’m angry, really angry about the anti-gay myths I’ve heard. I’ve seen firsthand their power to destroy lives, and I want to do everything I can to stop them. (Saying “This-is-a-myth-This is-full-of-beans” is, however, generally ineffective -- it just antagonizes people who disagree and leaves the rest of you wondering why I’m so defensive. ) I was once aninhabitant of the “middle ground” where most people live. I had no really firm beliefs about homosexuality. I was just a nice, open-minded small “I” liberal kid. “Live and let live” and all that. I recognized that I didn’t know much about the subject though, and so my , opinions were open to change. (That’s a distinction I failed to make in this column: between defending ideas stubbornly and simply believing them.) I was quite willing to listen to other opinions: the people I heard included, yes, a few bigots, but mostly they were “moderates”, who insisted that the status quo was just fine, and that the gay radicals were just as wrong as the other side. (I never found out what the gay radicals were actually saying, only that i t was “really extreme”). So I stayed in the middle, and like most people, believed a few positive things about homosexuality and a few negative things. And then I began to realize that I was gay, and the negative ideas began to haunt me. I didn’t know how to challenge them; I didn’t even know there were reasonable people who disagreed with them. I had to find out the hard way, by going through a lot of pain, alone and afraid, because ~lol~o~l~~ 11atl C\IJI- spollr~n llp...maybe that’s why I’ni angry. Anyway, it’s time to start writing for the many instead of the few. I’ll try not to dwell on all those things that “everybody knows”; this column willhave a new name next week. I’ll be talking not so much about who we aren’t as about who we are.

Pats on the back To the editor: 3 he purpose of this letter is to call for more Imprint articles and letters from the general student body, that promote our ‘Unikcrsit!. Haking attended W’aterlio 1‘0I four j’ears, I habe concluded that students at Waterloo would rathe ;ritlci/e our school instead ot portraying it as the excellent University that it is. Don’t get me wrong, constructive criticism belongs in our newspaper. However it needs to be balanced by “pats on the back” lor areas of the campus that arc thus ;icser\ ing. So take a minute between class and write a paragraph 01 more about what you like or

enjoy at U W. Ihere are the well known assets of escellent acadmics and a lop-rated coop sqastem. However let’s gibe credit to less publicl/ed areas. He\;, the campus is beautitul and clean because of that crew of men in green hats. Wa>, to go guq3! Isn’t Scoops a great break in jour day! 1 had some super times in residence, on the SOCCt’l field. at the Bombshelter, and at the Grad Club. I’ve met some ama/lng people with whom 1 hope to keep in contact for a long time. So tell the student bodb what >ou like about this school and K W through OL//. new spapcr. Blair Davies. 4B Civil Engineering

Soapbox members

A Frosh-Eye


Voices From the Past by Shayla Gunter Donny Osmond lied. I read somewhere, probably in 7‘igcjt Beat, that none of the Osmonds were allowed to date until age sixteen. But Donny, the love of my life (at seken), sang “Go Away Little Girl” at only age thirteen - maybe fourteen. In it he sailg, “I’m dating somebody else, 1 must be true.” So hc lied. He wasn’t old enough to date yet.,The “little girl” must have been really gullible. 1 mean e\lr/:rbod\* knew c~\~~/..\‘t/?it~gabout Donny. At least my circle of friends did. W/lb’, you may be asking yourself, am I talking about Donny Osmond? Good question. While home for Thanksgiving, I stumbled upon some old tapes 1 had made of’ my long since banished albums. 1 had e\erl bodq’s fjords: ‘1 hc Osmondb, Captain and Tennille, T<jny Defranco, The Partridge Familq and 1think my all time favourite, Shawn Cassidy; although now the mere mention of’the name registers in ml stomach the same feeling (ie. nausea) as pickled calves brains. 1 started listening to e\er>thing I had taped. Prom1scs. Oh boy did those guqs promise prepubesccnt girls such dreams. Constant reminders of their heartfelt Iccl~ngs for hall 01 iVorth America. Da\ id Cassldq telling me “tic thinks hc IOICS mc”, -1on) Delranco ahking me to “>~Ic the last dance for him” and L)onn> calling me 111s“Sunsll~nc Lad)“. 0~ ! What thohc words could do for a girl’s ego ! Lc)~t songs lrom > OLII- idols! Hcaij sigli! It OCCUI-s to 1111‘that kids toda> do not hale idols ot‘thclr o\\ n. Sure. there’s Michael Jackson. but latcl! It st’cms that pcopl~ 01 all ages 1oLe him. not just preadolescents. Kids listen to the radio and ~njol the songs. I IIC> think gmups arc great. -1 hey talk about Bill! Idol and Van Halcn. Where hake all the teenybopper singers gone’.’ With videos the kids rcceibc such strong messages. Sex. kiolencc, wcirdncss. No gocd, clean, innocence anymore. Little girls have no one young to c;-oon to them and to inhabit their dreams. Little b0q.s end up dreaming about C’indq Laupcr or the “legs” girls. .I hc\. grow UP too fast. What the children ot this Liorld need arc some clean cut, cute, high-Loiced teenybopper singers. Ma> be not exact replicas of Donnl and Shaun, but something like them. I hink back to ~oui-“!,oung”4ears. Remember thes~mplic~t~‘! Wcli, 11 ma) bc OICI- but that doesn’t mean L\C can’t reminisce. I hunk ! oung and (break Into song here)...“Ma\, tonlot row, be a pcrlcct da~...Ma! ~OLI lind loge and laughter along the ua>. Ma> God hccp ! OLI in his tender care ...tlll hc brings us together again . .. ..Goodnight E\cr>,bod>“!

intended opinions.

as a forum

for individual



Kafieh Replies by James Kafieh

1 \\a~ imprc>s~d b> ! our cllort to rclulc m> art~clc -.Rcl ugccC. 1 do \\ ibll ! ou had documcntcd lhc source 01 ‘! OLI1‘ quorc,\. Ilo\\c\ct. \\or~-! root, I lound all 01 thctll b> il! rccCl\

The intent of this letter IS not to embrace one viewpoint OI antoher, but to point out the value of‘a liberal education; “an education which broadens the students knowledge and awareness in each of the major areas of’ human knowledge; significantly deepens it in one or two; and prepares him or hei for a lifetime 01‘ continual learning in the baried and changing application of‘ knowledge to career and personal life”. I A university is not a degree mill. If what you want is a specialised education, then vou don’t belong here. A certificate in computer science, engineering, or arts can be easily obtained . f‘rom a community college without the “pain” of a liberal education. T-he most frightening aspect of this is that while we fight amongst ourselves, Edmund Bovey is recommending to the Government of Ontario, that universities should be separated into specialized institutions, denying us our right to a liberal education. As an example of a liberally educated man considei Leonardo Da Vinci - scientist, artist. doctor of‘ medicine. and engineer. The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings ever executed, his anatomical drawings of human musculature are still in use, and in theory his flying machines will fly. No all of us can bc a Da Vinci, but his example should at least serve to inspire us. Alec Saunders 2B Math Don Cleghorn 2B Civ. Eng. Geoffrey Musgrove 3 yr. Arts Janice Hill 3 yr. Arts

is a new feature, to express their


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see. cop!



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The Vexing Voice by Hilkka McCallum Ah, the voice! The slight intonations, the naughty nuances, the is often marred or made flippant fibs. Communication pleasurable by the tone of one’s voice. On the phone, the voice is the only indicator of one’s gender and one’s emotions. The process of fixing basic assumptions (or prejudices) to a person is often determined by the voice. For instance, on the telephone, a basic assumption is that a man’s conversation should be short and to the point while a woman’s conversation supposedly wanders through fields of verbiage. A woman’s voice can be blight or bliss. She need not worry about having too low a voice since she can soften the tone to make it sultry and breathless. However, when a man’s voice is too high he is considered either a wimp or definitely gay. The falsetto male voice challenges the macho integrity of the average deep-voiced jock. The fear males have of high-voices is hidden in their jokes Iabout castration. The popular notion that men become falsetto when kicked in the groin is unscientific. At puberty, the larynx is permanently enlarged by a surge of testosterone. This enlargement means the male voice is permanently and irreversibly deepened.

t what was said (a comment


The biight on the female voice is the restrictions put on it, Past j and present. Historically, the sweet, gentle, safe and low voice was consldered a necessary quality of the ultimate female. The perfect Elizabethan woman in Shakespear’s time could not have a shrill voice else she was labelled “a shrew, harridan, magpie, virago, termagant (or a) scold” (Susan Brownmiller, Femininity). Rousseau, the 18th century French intellectual, was in favour of educating women -- in poster and elocution. He wrote that everyone should encourage a woman’s “pretty manner of prattling”. “Oh lovely ignorant fair” it must have been to be a French woman. Kant, the German philosopher, felt that women should “love pleasantry” and “be entertained (only) by trivialities”. Yes, the women did have freedom of speech -- in the area ofnonsen&al frivolity. Historically, me; held the view that women couldn’t use harsh words or sounds for fear of upsetting themselves, “knowledge is power, and the lack of it is charmingly feminine.” (S. Brownmiller) Girls who want to catch a man should obviously keep their traps shut for fear of revealing sporadic intelligence. Laugh, smile and twitter with pleasantries!


If Bruce had a rocket launcher... As a response to this situation, Bruce Cochburn, on his latest album sings: “lf 1 had a rocket launcher, some son of a bitch would die!“. Hearing Cockburn do this song live in consrt this summer stirred something; something exciting and meaningful, a desire to fight for a rightful liberation. But at the same time I was Uisturbed and scared to think that such strong feelin s could be manitest in basically wanting to blow somebo %yI away. And what disturbed me more was that it was Cockburn who was bringing out these emotions in me. The man who had brought me to a deeper understanding of spirituality and even, may 1 saq, Christian discipleship, is now condoning and yea even encouraging the use of weapons of death. And 1 was yelling, dancing and applauding my approval. Does this make Wait a minute, 1 haLtz to th :! me a libcratron theologian. W’hat uould 1 do in that situation’! 1 was speaking to a I’rienc

had traccllcd to hiicaragua. 1 ~zas told OI pacifihtrcdcsirch bcln& deepened. Seeing the love and warmth of the people, and the hope for peace in the face of what is-being forced upon’fhem. Cockburn brings out this aspect in tunes like “Dust and Diesel”. Non-violence is a fofce in the revolution but so is violence. Perhaps the only conclusions we can draw to the question of using a rocket launcher is this. As kingdom builders, in this case revolutionaries, we are called but not all are called to be the same thing. We each have a different calling, in Paul’s language, ‘...not all can be the hand or the heart...‘. But all are part-of the same body. Each part is supportive and vital to the other, but there is solidarity. My calling may be different from the Sandinista bol-;ler part01 soldier. He may have his rocket launcher and 1 ilave my weapon of hope. Fred lhartin

To the editor: I recently attended a presentation by Donald Heath, chairman of the Committee for Nuclear Defence, entitled “Nuclear Weapons: a defence”. 1 was scared. Scared by a mentality which calls f8-I greater nuclear arsenals, and which if adopted could only lead to dire results. Mr. Heath started by stating that the Soviet Union is a statist government with total disregard for human rights. He then Lalled for a total boycott of the Soviet Union: no cultural, economic or social exchanges, not even diplomatic relations. Where will this lead us? How can two countries which fear each other coexist if they have no contacts and so live in perpetual mistrust and paranoia? Former Prime Minister Pearson stated this well in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, “...how can there be peace between peoples when they dd not understand each other, and how can this be when they do not know each other?” More cultural exchanges, not less are required. Otherwise the U.S.S.R. can paint a picture of the West as she desires, while we view the Soviet Union a5 “ ...the source of all evil”. This could only lead to war. -Mr. Heath t’hen deplored the nuclear weapons freeze movement. He said, “I‘he strong win, and so we need the strongest weapons: nuclear weapons”, or again, “Why should we 1‘recLe since our weapons do not thrcatcn us?“. If the Soviets used the same argument, the arms race would then go into an eier accelerating spiral, with ever decreased security. The point the freeze movernent is trying to make is that the continual build up of‘ nuclear arms is threatening our very ocistence. Rear Admiral Eugene Carroll (ret. USN), who helped plan Nuclear War lighting strategies under Reagan, recently said, ” . ..both sides are building weapon systems which in times 61’ crises will become totally unstable and make war a near certainty in this century.” H&pointed out that these were not weapons, as they could be used for no other purpose but to destroy mankind. In closing, the words of Albert Einstein come to mind: ,L...with the splitting of the atom everything has changed but our ual of thinking, and SO UC dritt towards unparalleled catastrophe.” In placing our blind trust in these instruments 01‘ death. NC ha\c rishcd our future and the f‘uturc of‘ all mankind. By adopting Mr. Heath’s policies, this would no longer be a risk. but a certainty. Tom Green Integrated Studies

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The j,oke’s on* Tom To the editor: 1 read with ‘amusement your interview with Federation of Students’ President, Tom Allison, three issues ago. (Imprint, October 19, 1984) It was with equal delight that 1 read of the problems with the new Fed Hall and the results of the recently held, OFS referendum in the last issue of the Imprint. Particularly, 1 am concerned about some comments that Mr. Allison felt he was qualified to make about the University of Guelph’s Central Students’ Association. Mr. Allison called the UGCSA a “joke”, and passed off a letter of concern from the CSA’s Board of Directors as a joke as wkll. Well, Tom, the joke is on you. Not only did you lose your referendum against,the Ontario Federation of Students, but it seems that your pet project - the Fed Hall - is having some financial difficulties, and to top things off, your Creative Arts Board Chairperson has resigned because he felt that he couldn’t trust you. Wait, I’ll bet you burned your toast this morning, too. Mr. Allison said that the CSA at Guelph should get its act tbgether before criticizingother university, student organizations. Much to my surprise, I noticed that the CSA at Guelph does indeed have its act together, providing one of the most cost-efficient administrations in its history. Not only.that, it seems that the Waterloo Feds are having a lot of trouble getting their act together. In fact, I noticed some disagreement between co-op students and other students in the CiFS referendum. Ah, well, fun is fun, isn’t it? ” The OFS referendum on the campus at Waterloo can be seen by some, including some Imprint writers, and certainly by myself as an overwhelming rejection of Mr. Allison’s administration. His personal vendetta against OFS was devoid of any substance, let alone imagination. Mr. Allison was bland,

lethargic, and rather amusing to watch, much like a sick joke is rather amusing to hear. 1 must confess, I thought he was doing a ,masterful job at playing the class clown. And now, the front page of last week’s Imprint (October 26, 1984), tells us that $110,000 had to be borrowed to pay for Fed Hall. This is all the more surprising coming in the wake of Mr. Allison’s strident affirmations that the Fed Hall project was going to come in under budget. The Imprint article also goes on to recount how Mr. Allison kept everybody in the dark abdut the whole mess. The Waterloo student body is certainly the big loser in this giant run-around by the chameleon named Tom. When questioned by Imprint reporters about some of his campaign promises he noted that al! of them were under review or had been shelved. Good answer, Tom, that will probably throw anyone off the scent that can’t read, write, or speak English. Still, Mr. Allison would try and throw everybody off the scent by getting rid of unfavourable Imprint staff. That’s quick thinking on Mr. Allison’s part - get right to the root of‘ the problem. Tee-bee, I’m almost on the floor at this point. (5.xcuse me, while 1 wipe the tears from my eyes.)_- _. Anyhow, the students at the Unicersity of Guelph ~111 sit back and see what is in store in the next (and hopefully final) chapter of this hilarious new sitcom starring -1om Allison and his executive of buffoons. Keep up the funny lines, l‘om, wc’rc killing ourselves oicr here in Guelph. J. David Akin Chairperson Ontarion Board of Directors University of Guelph ’ Grielph, Ontario

Gay -.is’%carey “k &sler To the editor: 1 see that my previous letter has generated a fair amount of response. Good. That is exactly what it was intended to do. My letter was my gut response to the homosexual situation, and brought a lot 01 unpleasant replies from those who just aren’t as much of a redneck as myself (it is only fair to say, though, that I had far more favourable reactions to my message than unfavourable). I do agree that perhaps the message was a little too unsubtle, however, my point did get across. Some feel that 1 am prejudiced, ignorant, lacking in compassion, and just an all around not nice guy. Please, people;this is not true. 1 am kind to animals, pro-women’s rights, non-racist, good to my mother, helpful to elderly people, why, the list goes on and on. I have not led the sheltered life certain people seem to think I have. I have seen the many ‘joys’ homosexuality brings to society, and this is what makes me so dead set against it. I have seen several of my friends change over to the other side, and the radical changes that occured in their personalities was scarey. They started to treat members of the opposite sex with great contempt and became just generally miserable people. What turning gay does to people is not pleasant. My point is public acceptance of homosexuality will only serve to encourage it more and more until it becomes more common than Engineers and sheep. I’m sorry, but that idea scares me. So call me a radical for wanting to live in a normal


questions whether council is actually the financial decision making body” of I.S. In fact, the VP did not question this at all, but gave the co-ordinator the power to administer at1 of I.S.‘s financial and spatial concerns by fiat. + 2) We Curcently face having I;$.‘s doors open only from 95, Monday to Friday, in contradiction to o’ur traditional 24-hour opcra-

Breweries is owned by Rothmans of Pall Mall which in turn is controlled by a South AI‘rican cornpan)‘. l’hcrel‘ore. by consuming Carling O’Kce1.c products, we as Canadians arc helping to l’lnance and maintain the system 01; racial segregation and black oppression in South Africa, knoMAn as apartheid. As an attempt to destabilise business in South Africa and thus act in solldaritj with black Lictims of South African government policicb, there exists an organised and growing

By Hilkka McCallum New York-“Gizmo versus Gromyio, long live Gizmostan”, cheered the crowd of 30,000 as Prime Minister Rochefort Gizmo of Gizmostan stood up to speak at the opening ceremonies of the Youth AntiCommunist (Y.bC) Convention. The Convention was held on Sunda} April ! irst to protsst the Russian iniasion of Gizmostan and to ap-I.%ud PM Gizmo for his successful ne&&ation of an oil treaty between the two ‘nations that led to the withdrawal of Russian troops from Gizmostan. Gizmostan was founded as a Russian Republic in 1919. Years of internal political warfare and Russian military intervention led to a Buddist takeover in 1955, at the height of the Mao era. After a decade of relative peace, but social disintegration, the Socialist Democratic Party was put back into power by the military. Russia panicked when in 1966 Gizmostan loosely allied themselves with South View-Nam. Fearing a Capitalist trend would catch on in the republic Russia tightened its military strength in the surrounding satellite states. Gizmostan” was forced to elect in the Communist Christian Republicans to keep tradGng tiesopen with Russia. In 1979, former PM of Gizmostan, Allistair Gizmostich, felt that Gizmostan was ready to sever ties with Russia altogether. A few years of angry debates at the UN followed, which ended in a Russian invasion in 1983. On Friday, March 30, the Russians announced plans for the total dismantling of armed forces in Gizmostan. This was an unprecedented move. Most political experts expected Russia to’crush any further revolts as they did in Poland. In Poland the Russians enforced military rule and squashed any public demonstrations. This seemed to be the direction that Gizmostan was following. Gizmostan wasn’t even lucky enough to have the “public eye” of the’ world on their couritry. But Gizmostan handled the matter diplomatically by asking the United States to back their plan for a conciliatory oil treaty with the Russians because the USA had potential economic interests in Gizmostan. Both President Reagan and PM Gizmo had hoped for a peaceful settlement because Gizmostan could become one of the largest importers of oil to America. The Treaty ws painfully negotiated for 13 months before Russia even considered withdrawing troops. According to Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, the reason for the hasty settlement was “to open doors to the west because people must know that Russia does not intend to start global warfare.” “If you can see the light, stand up and fight!” was the message Gizmostanian officials had for the rest of the Eahtcrn Bloc alter the Sokicts withdrew Iron1 Gizmostan.



tion. Even during these restricted hours the students’ -files are kept under lock and key. The files, composed largely of personal documents and normally kept open, are ot great \aluc to 1.S. students seeking information about University resources and hake been vital to them in formulating their degree proposals. At this time, as WC struggle to product the mandated internal t-c\ iew

Eariy closing of the door’s and securing of‘ the I‘iIcs is an affront to the Program and dceplq compromises OUI rcsourccs at a critical period. John



0 1’ boycott ’ campaign Ibn‘t it about trmc that the Rothmans and Carling Unikcrsity of U’atcrloo joined t h e O‘Kecfc, 1%hich has met lfith c ii m p a i g n against popular participation across apart heid’.’ this country. Marnie Hayes a sign

of the

Boycott no way to break apartheid down

un_dcr serious temporal restrictions, wc regard these files as constitutivc of the history of I.S. and therefore absolutely essential to the preparation 01‘ our defence.

Jduka pub aids apartheid To the editor: I was pleased to learn that the University of Wat&loo Federation of Students was sponsoring a performance 01 ‘Ju’luka”, the racially mixed 4fro-rock band from South 4frica. However, 1 was discover disappointed to lpon arrival at the show that he o*nly brand of -beer available (and this was a student bar where drinking >cer seemed to be of great mportancc) was that with the abel “Carling O’Keefe”. For those of you who are Inaware, Carling O’Keef~

Gizm0sta.n comes to grips with Gromyko

society, but thats just the way 1 am. It’s people that become upset when. others protest against gays that are half of-the problem, because they are encouraging’ others to accept homosexuality as a normal part of society. Well, guys, 1 think that is a big mistake. I would like my kids to grow up straight, pardon me for being such a redneck. aI believe in freedom of choice, but unfortunately, 1 also believe that this choice that gays make is not one that should be advocated by society or by them. They should not be allowed to influence the thinking of others, and society as a whole should not encourage them. Be gay, Mr. Gerrard et al, but pleasedon’t push it on us. So, to those who were offended -by my article last week, Iapologize for upsetting you, but that viewpoint is shared by fal more people than you may suspect (if not with quite the same vehemence as 1 have). To those who say that 1 react like this because my masculinity is threatened, I say, you’re wrong. Gays do not make me feel less of a man. (Hell, I’ve got engineers and women to do that to me) They just make me feel sad that soclctj has reached such a point of decay. My message is still the same, though, and because some people are ofl‘cnded at the thought that someone doesn’t like queers like they do doesn’t change mq mind. I don’t think homosexuals belong in a normal society. and I never will (sorry, Mr. Hutton). Craig Eisler Math

IS being compromised To the editor: Regarding last week’s article on 1.S.: I) The memo referred to in the article exists, but was actually delivered to I.S. at an audience with Dr. Brzustowski to which the program was summoned on Oct. 9th. At that audience we were informed for the first time 01 the present situation. I was paraphrased 111the article as saying that “the memo

Soapbox is a new feature, intended asa forum for individual Imprint staff members to express their opinions.

times _.I.._....-.. __.__.,.__.__....... -.

” /“!-.


by Mathew Ingram Imprint staff Miss Hayes brings up an interesting point’in her letter concerning the selling of Carling O’Keefe beer at the recent Juluka concert. As Miss Ha\,es notes, Carling O’Kcclc is ouncd by Rothmans 01‘ fiall Mall. which is controlled by a South African company. As an attcmpi to “destabilize business” and thereby “act in solidarity with black victims of South African government policies”, Miss Hayes suggests a-boycott of Rothmans and Carting O’Keefe, and asks “Isn’t.if about time U of W joined the campaign against apartheid?” The first thing 1 would say to Miss Hayes is that no one could ‘possibly agree with her sentiments any more than I do, with the possible exception of-the South African borkcrs thcmsclccb. Apartheid is a kilt discasc inlccting the country, and something must be done. Unfortunately, 1 must disagree with Miss Hayes’ method of expressing solidarity. It is a nasty fact that economic sanctiops of the kind proposed do very little to alleviate the conditions the black .worker experiences in South Africa; in fact, such sanctions can even do the opposite.. 1 would refer Miss Hayes to the interview with Juluka’s Johnny Clegg in last week’s Imprint. Upon being asked about the uscfulncss of sanctions, Clegg replied, “The people it’s going to hurt are the black people. An dkerwhelming majority of black workers said they didn’t want sanctions to be applied, they prefer all kinds of ,othcr pressure ...until blacks have business rights in white arc+, economic sanctions aren’t going to help.” It ib painfully unfortunate, but regardless of how much one wishes to aid the oppressed South African blacks, economic sanctions are simply not the best means of doing so.




9, 1984.


Of harm and homosexds

Minto mistaken To the editor: What follows is an attempt to refute the argument put forward by W.R. Minto that a moral society must be based on rejection of “mystical” or “irrational” concepts. It seems that the initial premise on which the argument is based is not properly defined. Minto states that “Man is a thinking, living, rational being.” While I would not dispute that man lives and thinks, 1 question the use of the word “rational”. Man observes a logical system at work in the world around him, this seems to be essentially tautological in nature and is thus accepted. However, such a system is learned by empirical means, and as sucli can only be applied to empirical concepts. Logical type systems deal only with form and order, not with --?he:>%me of .an observable. There is then a method of comi;ehension that is extra-logical. Hence the argument that ethics are- outside of reason, since reason is taken to mean logical reason. A total understanding of our reality must reyuireboth logical and extra-logical systems; thus when we speak of man’s rationality we must understand that we refer to both types of systems. In terms of applications to our world, logical systems take on forms such as science, while extra-logical ones appear as arts. Attempts to apply both systems, and thus attempts at a total understanding of man and his world, are found in forms such as the social ‘sciences (uhich by necessity arc more than pure science). Following the argument used by Minto, but with this new definition of man’s rational nature, we find that the varied

oppressive or immoral social systems are indeed caused by a denial of a man’s reason. Such a denial means a denial of man’s right to think for himself and act accordingly. This includes denial of both ‘intellectual’ and ‘artistic’ freedom. If we accept morality as “action...in accordance with man’s rights (to reason),” and these rights include the right to use extra-logical systems, then what we end up opposing is not mysticism-altruism specifically, but just the’altruistic’ intrusion into another’s rights. This would apply to the dogmatic religious, Marxist or scientific assert ions of either Organisations. We can no more reject an individual’s concept of ‘God’ than we can his concept of a ‘scientific world-view’. All that can, or need be rejected are his attempts to f‘orce.others to reach the same conclusions. (ie: attempts to restrict a man’s rights by restricting his rationality.) A moral society then mustinclude all types of thought and opinion‘, and must be prepared to defend the right to these. Attempts to stop people from believing .in God and any consequences that they wish to imply f‘rom such a belief is just as immoral as trying to prekent belief‘ in science.-Qett--es-n argue for or against the existence of God all you like, but si%ce you will have to use a logical system you will get nowhere!) A moral society must only reject intrusion into reason, it does not require rejection of‘ ‘mystical’ belicf‘s. J. Butcher “Non-applied” Physics

.The new game in town To the editor: 1am writing with regard to the article by Mike Upmalis in the November 2nd issued entitled: “Almost a fairy tale finish to season.” At first 1 thought this was a new game, called “What’s My Sport”, but then 1 realized that it’s not new: 1 remember having seen if before in the Imprint Sports pages. The object of the game, it seems, is to read the article and try to deduce what sport is being covered. As a student who takes an interest in the various Waterloo teams, but doesn’t follow any of them in great detail, 1 found this to be a wonderful challenge and 1accepted it at once. Here is what 1 came up with: Scores of 3-l and 2-O made it seem unlikely that the sport was basketball, so 1 scratched it immediately from the list. The team is coached by Judy McCrae and, by chance, 1 know that she coaches curling. Could that be it? No, you don’t score goals in




curling, and besides, it is unlikely that the curling team would be in post-season play already. Let’s see, what else does Judy McCrae coach? Hmmmm...Wait a minute, here come some useful clues: the sport involves eleven players, and (sometimes, at least) it is played on astrotur!‘. Now, 1 think 1 can guess the sport: soccer. If‘ 1 happened to know Penny Smith, Kathy Soetl, Debbie Murray or Ellen Clark, that would probably clinch it, but, unfortunately, 1 don’t, so 1’11have to do without that kind 01’ confirmation. Well, I’ve made my guess and 1’11stick to it. Now, 1 simply have two questions: how do 1l‘ind out if I’m right, and what do 1 win it‘ I’m !‘irst to come up with the answer? P.S. 1am pleased to knou that the Waterloo team is making the trip to the ClAU nationals, and 1 wish them the best ol‘luck in whatever it is thq’re pla\ing. Hugh John Cooke Civil Engineering


To the editor: This has a reference to your comment in last week’s Imprint. 1 strongly condemn your ill-conceived interpretation of the whole episode, not only for making heroes of the assassins 01‘ our beloved Prime Minister Indira Gandhi but also f‘or your ignorance about a democratic country and its history. The level of‘ your ignorance is so magnified that you have been utterly \+rong Iron1 the LCIJ uorci GAhIJHl Mhich ~0.u 1;~~~ mis~pcllcd a.\ G HAh Dl throughout the test and about \+ !lom ~OLI ha\c urittcn.

Kennedy, Martln Luther King, Anwar Sadat and Mrs. Indira Gandhi, to cite a f‘ew, h’a\c helped perpetuate crime In the society. Citing poctrq does not make a good editorial i! it is quoted on a wrong occasion. As a student >ou ought to stud) the issue completely, and ponder on uhat >‘ou write. I hc loss 01 Mrs. Indira Gandhi is a loss of mlllions ol‘lndians l‘or whom she serced lil‘e long till her death. You should hale watched the li\c telecast 01’ her l‘uneral which would hake glken a glimpse ol‘our great country and those countless ‘mourners. Let me quote t\\o Indian philosophlcal stanzas. which are scl!‘-explanatory.

It was certainly not your territory to write on such a complex issue without gathering and studying them. You have done dishonour responsible position such as yours but also to a11d the millio~ls 01 pcoplcs, bc thcq 01 an> nationalit>. ‘I hose so-called “intcllcctuals” heroes out of‘ the murderers of Mahatma

Dr. k’ogesh Yadav Chemical Engineering


so authoritatively facts and figures, not only to such a the general reader rcliglous 1a1th or u ho ha\ c made Gandhi, John F.

To the editor: Something about our school environment is wrong. Zeke Gerrard’s and Craig Eisler’s articles have raised an extremely important legal and philosophical issue, yet.nobody hah noticed, as thq

arc too bus) slandering

each other uith ,opinionated

beliefs. 1 would ask you all to remember that we are university students, not grade nines who would push beliefs on each other. Let us look at the issue objectively and we might achieve something. NON, it appears after much intcrprctation on mq part that Mr. Beaton and Mr. Urlocker respectfully, are arguing for the concept of freedom of speech. This is expected as we live in a democratic society with liberal tendencies. It seems they believe that Mr. Gcrrard has a right to write about whatever he wishes about homosexuality in our school newspaper. Mr. Eisler thinks not. l‘he issue then has to do with public decency. Would the world be a lovely place if everybody wrote what they wished? I think not. Consider the following analogy. I ;LIII ;I chrld tnolcstcr. comnionl~ hno~n as ;L I’cdophill1ac, (‘I hi5 is ;I phjcho-x?lual disorder according to the D.S.M. Ill, listed at 302.20) in academic circles. 1 wish to write about the positive aspects ot rape, that is the rape of a nine year old child. M\ \i ondct-lul once 01 bell-1ulliIInie1it that lollous is unparalleled and I wish to pass these feelings on to the general public. 1 don’t think many of you out there would defend my right to do so. 1 am sick and perverted but more importantly it would ollcnd public deceuc;S,.! 0 be allowed to, it appears simply w rang. I‘his IS knoun as ths Harm- Prificiple. I hc Harm Principle thc’n IS detcrmincd b!‘ OMO xparatc quc5tion5 111our Icgal 5~xtcni. I hc Ilrst yuc~tion abh5 11rllc’ material in question goes against public moral standards, the s&ond asks about the harml’ul el‘lccts that it may cause to society. IVotc the I‘irst question can bc answered In the positive but the second ma> ansN,er primarily in the negatikc. In buch a cast. the publishing ol‘ the material would bc allobcd. Ivo~ UC hacc in our possession an established criterion to sol~c such problems. let us apply it to this cast. l‘he first issue that mubt bc ansbcrcd rests on the point about homosexuality itscll‘. Does it ol‘lend public standards of decency? Homosexuality, in my bicw. (and many others). is thought to bc some sort 01’ dc\iancc or abnormalit>,. Its cause is not dctcrm~ned as Jet but it maq bc one of the following or a combination thcrcol: (I) An organic d>slunction ol‘ sonic hind, cause still unknown. It is 1nost lihel~ due to chemical imbalances or hormone imbalaucc.\. (Sort 01 llhc C;IUSCS01 schl/ophrcnia. it rest5 on the same csplanation.) (2) It is a mental illnclss in general and defined as a psychoscsual disorder. (3) External t’actors arc Inloi\ed. Sociological or bchakioural psychological cxplainallons. II the rcadcrs 01 this letter bcl1cbe as I do, that homosexualit> is a d~scasc llhc thar ol pcdophllla. thcu NC nlu~t ahh ou~xI\cb il UC should alloy it to be written about. I his though is still problematic. for does It attach public standards’! Homoscxua)it> is ot court a scsual dcbianq. Sex is a subsumed under the class 01 moralit>. It has also been argued that is is an abnormalit!. that the majorit> 01‘ the public do not participate or indulge in homoscxualit!. It is then a dckiance 01 moralIt>. An> major deviance 01‘ moralit> goes against public standards 01 moralit!. (.I his IS sell-c\ Idcnt m hen UC consider the dclinition 01 ‘standard’). It muht then. logicall), lollo~ that it \\ill ollcnd man!, people or the gcncral populace. So Me nio\c onto our newt question. I5 it harml‘uI to the public’! .I hi5 is the major qucst~on. .I hc alli1mali~c aii5bcr uill but-cl> o\err~dc an! con~idcrtion~ 01 Ircc sp.ecch. I hc problem hc1-c is that I p~~~sonall~ cannot am~c at a conclusion. it must bc a collective decit*~on 01 the studcut hod!. or a particular dcclsion b! someone in ~OL~CI-llhc our editor. SUI-cl> rnan~ biill argue that MC don’t ha\c to read Mr. Gcrrard’s colun~n e~cr! \\cch. but is not this just begging the question’! I his position itscll IS acceptable only 11MC ansbcr 111 the negative to the second question. I ~111put up Mith MI-. Gclmrd’s colun~n e~cq ucch,‘il’ you. the public, will decide it is not l1arn11 ul. U c IIIUS~h~\\e\cr bc c~trcmcl~ carclul u~th OUI decision. It tlla! Icad to the ~cnso~~llip 01 an! lhlIig rlial is dr\ Iant and 11‘1’5 lace II. \\c clon’l \\a111 1111.\. on lllC other hand. II \\c allo\\ MI. G~~.iard’s articles to contlnuc. \\ here hill Bc drab the IinC’! C‘onsider no\\. ni> carlicr analogy. It IS ultiniatt~~ the student’s collccti\c decision. It must I thinh bc made rather soon.

Mark B. Harrington Philosophy President Department

wrong about Gandhi, Sikh

To the editor: Mr. Clarke, in a commentary you regret the ‘breaking of men In particular )ou mourn the assassins 01 Indira ot stone: Gandhi. (Gandhi, by the way not Ghandi). That will no doubt offend rnost of your Indian readers. However you do have the right to mourn any killer you desire to. But don’t you think it would be a nice idea to get >four l‘acts straight before you write a commentary? You seem to lump all of the Sikhs together as if they were one homogeneous aggrieved community. (‘She seemed to have little understanding or compassion for the Sikh minority’ and ‘as she hardened against the Sikhs’ are some of the phrases you used.) That is definitely not the case. The majority of Sikhs are loyal and patriotic citi/.ens of lndia, who do not sympathise with the separatists. The lndian army contains a high proportion of‘ Sikhs. The fact that a few of them mutinied has received enormous attention; the fact that most of them remained loyal has not. The force which acted against the terrorists in the Golden Temple contained many Sikhs including two of its commanders. A leading Sikh priest Baba Santa Singh approved

01‘ the action taken. I he President of‘ India, the titular head of‘ the government at the time ot‘that action (and now) happens to be a Sikh. And does not the l‘act that Indira Gandhi still retained Sikh bodyguards, till the moment ol‘hcr death show that she did not distrust the Sikhs as a uhole? You may not like it Mr. Clarke, but wc along with all political partles and leaders in India. condemn uquall~~ both the lunatic5 who killed Mrs. Gandhi and those who indiscriminately slaughter Sikhs in reccnge. (And we do not apologise l‘or describing as lunatics those fanatics who try to divide 0~11 secular country along religious lines.) Surclq Mrs. Gandhi ~a.\ no angel. ((‘an all> pollticlall allord to bc one?) She did ‘imprison her politif:al opporlents and 5ubpcnd democratic rights’. But that is bcblclc the point. What is important to note is that Mrs. Gandhi’s government M/ah initially quite reccpti\e to demands l‘or the greater regional autonomy ol’the Punjab. (1 hc majority ol’the people 01 Punjab a1-c

Sil\l .r

demands). agitators




Mrs. Gandhi raised





only hardened slogans



when a l‘anatic l‘ringc 01‘

and resorted

to terrorism.

Ecen then she did not like what she was forced to do. Al‘ter the action against the terrorists in the Golden Temple she said “I‘his is not a time for celebration. As a mother my heart bleeds to hear that many people hace been killed in the opcrati:;n”. \‘c ~-call/c that ~OII arc a bu>j man. Mr. Clarhc. WL‘ 1\no1\ that you don’t hake time for in-depth research before writing a cornmcntar-4. But don’t >‘ou lee1 that the dead deserve something than sanctimonious humbug? We approkc 01‘ the contents of this letter:


Nilotpal C‘hakra\anti, H. F’enkateshy, J. F’eurkta Haman, V. Hamakrishnan,’ Dr. t\l. Shankaran, A. F’enkataramana, C’. Sankar, A. Hamesh, A, SankaranevraJanan, S. C‘hattopadyay, K. C’hattopadyay, Mahendra Singh, Hanjan Singh, Durga IClisra, Haj Srivastala, I;sha Srivastava, I’ogesh l’adav, \-‘asanti l’adab, Amit Bhadra, I\iandini Bhadra, Shakuntla Haha, Dr. Indira Debr Adapa, Hanlbabu Adapa, Krishad Hana, Sy ed Mohamed, Dilbagh Singh Broca, Prasanna Sahoo.


Sex-uallv,abus.ed ‘children by Patrick Hayes Imprint Staff One in four female and one in ten male children suffer some ‘orm of “fairly serious sexual assault,” Professor Robin Badgely told a packed iuditorium at Wilfred Laurier University 3n November 1st. One in foqr assailants will be a family member, half will be a friend or known to the victim, and one in six will be strangers. Professor Badgely, an accomplished behavioral scientist and researcher from the University of Toronto, was the chairman of the federal government’s Committee on Sexual Offenses Against Children, The committee, appointed in December, 1980, released its repoqt in August of t’his year, following extensive research across Canada. When asked how such a report could hope to address a problem which has plagued mankind for centuries, Professor Badgely replied, “It would be socially callQus not to try.” “The best interests of the child,” was the central concern of the committee’s work, and to find the “most effective means possible” to address the problem. Although the body of research &as conducted under the Liberal Government, Professor Badgely said he had first been contacted by Joe Clark’s Conservative Government in 1979 and asked to undertake the study. Following the return of the Liberals to power the proposal was confirmed. The study was non-partisan, said Professor Badgely, and a mat-ter of cdncern for both sides of the House. In addition, the committee was made up of a cross-section of

society, including judges, social workers, physicians, and lay “flawed and useless,” he said. There is no detail of the type and degree of assault, no age or sex identifiers, and no agreehent on people. The ‘commlttee initially found it- di.fficult to get coidentifying what constitutes child sexual abuse. operation from the existing childprotectionagencies,“then it The idea of the child not being able to give evidence in court began to snowball,” he said. The committee also “found strong must also be revised, he said. Currently, children are unable “to concern and support from the public and government agencies: speak for themselves at legal procedings,” and the current laws The committee conducted 14 major national surveys which However, surveys looked at overall population, child protection services, 11 question the validity of a child’s testimony. concluded that cnine out of ten doctors and police officers major hospitals, 28 police agencies across Canada, indiiiduals believe accounts by the children are true, whereas child welfare who had. been convicted, and many others. practitioners tend to be more skeptical. ’ The major problem identified in the current system was a lack Two other- areas which fell under the purview of the of co-ordinated effort on the part of welfare professionals cbmmittee were juvenile prostitution and child pornography. across the country. Children who tend towards that end of the social scale are the Work was “fragmente’d,” he said. “Territorial walls between occupations (within the social services) are high,” as are “cast-offs of Canadian society,” he said. “Half are from broken homes and two-thirds have less than a grade eight education.“’ “attitudinal levels,” which have “high walls and roadblocks” to They come from all walks of life and have no, or very limited job effective communication. “Many children receive no assessment or inadequate skills, and-are frequent and heavy users of alcohol and drugs, he assessment,” he said. Half of the assessments conducted are not said. The eight recommendations made within this portion 01’ the within the first 48 hours, the other half not within a week of the committee’s research included stronger incident. Children are also likely to be left in the home where an social services incident has occured. initiaticcb. emphasis on education and the enforcement services Areas needed to be addressed in order to strengthen ’ and sanctions against “clients”, who could face a prison term of up to two years, and pimps, who would face a term o,l up to 14 Lerification co-ordination include child wcllarc a‘gcncies. years. educational - cervices, ,health services, research, law “l‘his is a deeply rooted tragedy and will be difficult to enforcement, and the criminal law. In this area, Professor resol\ie,” hc said, “adequate assistance and protection has not Badgely noted a need to “eliminate old laws. remodel some been achicved...thc stage is now set for public dialogue and workable laws and initiate and regroup new legislation.” debate. WC will hate to wait,” he said. In addition, the information system currently in use was.






by Shayla. Gunter mprint staft .I hc llltli annual I’i!lagcs cmi-lormal \\ ill bc held on koicmbcr 17 at Bingcman ‘arhls Marshall Itall. l-a5t Jcar tliirti thousand ollars cs as raihed and onatcd to hunbcarn, Home. a cntrc lor handicapped and ztardcd children. ‘1 1115>car the nionq ralscd

by Julia Smith Imprint Staff At a recent NDP meeting on campus, the first item taken up wasan apology for the “sensational-ist’: .-publicjty posters, which featured the title 101 Uses jbr a Dead Liberal. The meeting, which dealt with the New Democrai’s role in Parliaal’tcr the political ment, sha kcup on Scptcmbel ‘4th’ had, as its bpcahcr, I Mr. Rob Dobrucki. Mr. 1Doburcki. the current lprcsidcnt 01‘ Ontario’s ;lvDI’ Youth, is an aaccrcditcd authority on

by J.D. Bonser

M ill bc donated to the Monq raising c~cntb hate KItclicnL’r-WiltL’rjC)O Big included a, print sale, a collcc Sisters organisation. .l llC,x llollx, and a bale 01 lottcq organisation has set a goal 01 tichcts b> all i illagcrh. s 100,000 so that thq l1i.i) t illagc resrdcnccs started purchase thu hour on Lrb ralhing Illonq lor charities in Street that tlq ilrc prcsc~ltl~ Scptcmbcr 01 19&O. .I Iq Icahing. began ~Ircir “goodi\ il.l“ projects a5 a \\a_\ 01 p1.01 ing to conlmlnlt~

Canada’s third part). A rcccnt graduate 01 Waterloo. Mr. Dobruchi was’thc local ,\ outh part} lcadcr l’or two J’cars, In~~thc last clcction. hc ran as a candidate lor tl>c riding 01’ Wellington North. sees a _ Mr. Dobrucki bright future for his party, both federally and provincially. He is confident that the NDP will make large gains, especially in Ontario, leaving the Liberals in third place after the next *election. Where, then, is a dead Liberal to go? The obvious course, said Mr. r


Dobrucki, is to follow closely in Conservative footsteps, hoping that the Tory recipe will- remain successful. From the evidence of the last election, this, to a certain e.\tent has already happened, , as people strained to find some noticeable difference between the “Bay Street ’ Bobbsey Twins”. Another direction open to them, according to Mr. Dobrucki, would be to change from their Blue suits into reformer gear, dredging up old slogans and strategies to pres$nt to ’ the tiorld, the true cause of

Liberalism. This tactic, Mr. Dobrucki sees as a potential threat, obviously, not placing too much confidence on the discernment of Canadian voters. He p&nts to their position of “noble reformers” as being a . farce, using as evidence, proven pay-offs and patronage appointments. In his mind, only the NDP is truly sincere. He points to such things as its work in Women’s Rights advances, and nuclear issues, as indicators, 01’ his party’s stand f‘or “the people”.

I .to raise money for Big Sisters



“1 1 Dead


that tlq


tlot as disrcputablc a!, tiq mcrc thought to bc. Since then

the 1. 0 .\

Heart t.

Fund. 0


I1 d

a t IO

the ‘1 err> I1 ,



C‘liildt-en’s Rotal.> C’cntrc and the Sunbeam t lomc ha\c bcnclittcd lrorn the Villagcb’ contributlonh. S‘tudcnt support has been o\cr\\ hcllning. Lath Ilolhc ha.\ bbccn challcng:cd to sell thu tichcth I\ 1111 t11ost lotlcr\ ~c~\il~cis 01 ,knc!. beer. and pi//a.

Kitchcncr and Waterloo hacc each contrlbutcd hall the cost 01 the bust!, to bc ubcd 101 transportation to and lroni 13ingcman I’arh in an cllort to di~courag:c drinh!ng and dri\ irig. .I oronto Harbour. the band lor tl;lc c\cnitlg is being donated b> the t.cdcratron 01 Stlldcllth.

to cochtailh as hi.1 p.m., a large lionic.\t)Ic dinner at s,C\cli. the ralllc drab\ at eight tliirt! arid all-night dancing. starting at ni nc. I hc cost lor‘ the scmllormal ih thirty dollars a couple and there I\ ill bc a cash bar. -1ichcts arc aLailablc b> phoning the V I or 12 ollices 01’ 1roni an\ i’iliagc Don.







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OTTAWA (CUP) -- After staginga six-hour sit-in,Oct.‘3 I in the solicitor.general’s-&fice, the mother of one of the Vancouver Five is ecstatic’ that her son will be transferred this month from Archambault ,prison near Montreal to a penitentiary in his native B.C. . Agnes Stewart, mother of 27-year-old Doug Stewart, says her son ended his hunger strike Oct. 3 1, the same day solicitorgeneral Elmer Mat Kay j expressed regret that his office had erred in making Stewart’s initial transfer from B.C. ’ r Stewart, who received a six-year-sentence in June for his part ‘in the 1982 bombing of a B.C.-hydro power station, enteredthe26th day of h’is hunger strike when the announcement came. “1 was prepared to stay in that building until the police carried me out or until 1 received assurances that Doug w’ould be moved,” she said. “1 .am very relieved, they have put us through a lot of anguish.” Stewart began refusing food Oct. 6 in protest of his transfer from Kent Penitentiary, a maximum security prison, to Archambault in July. Because he cannot. speak French, Stewart says he was isolated and mi’streated in-the prison.-

little recourse for’ their own rights.” Stewart says. her son was transferred without any warning. After repeated attempts by letter in the summer to find out why he was transferred, themother says corrections services Canada officials told her he was moved because he was considered a “security risk” at Kent. The authorities also told her Doug had to _ be separated from other members of the group.

Stewart .entered the government building housing the solicitor-general’s office Oc’t. 3’1 at 10.a.m. and went directly to ‘the 13th floor to see MacKay. An hour later, guards took.her to the 4th floor, where transfer services officials work: She said federal communications officer Dennis Finlay told her that the decision )egarding Doug had been made the day. before. Around 3 p.m. Finlay showed her the news-release outlining the decision. “I think ttiey would have stalled me as long a$ they could get away with it,” ,she said. “1 think’ if 1 hadn’t been there they wouldn’t have agreed to make the transfer.” Stewart was then escorted to the building’slobby so both she and Finlay could make- a statement to the waiting media. In a news release issued after the sit-in, the solicitor-general “1 was shaking. 1 was so happy. It’s been a wonderful day for . said his office made and -“apparent error” in transferring all of us,” she said. ,Stewart arid called for a full re,port on the issue from a But Stewart is still worried about Doug’s health. On her last ,-the corrections commissioner. visit, he appeared thin and pale, she said. She hopes the prison’s bbAs-a result of (a) review (of the transfer), it would appear doctor gradually introduces food into his system. A physician from outside the prison listed his condition as critical last week. that all required steps in the initial transfer.were not followed,” The news release said Stewart would be moved when he is the news release said. physically fit. Doug’s mother, who was informed of the decision an hour Said Doug’s l’over Ruth Fahlman: “We’re assuming the and a half after the announcement was_ made to Doug’s prison guards know how to deal with someone who’s gotten off supporters outside the building, says the solicitor-general’s a hunger strike.” , office handling of the matter was “scandalous”. Simultaneous demoistrations in support of Stewart and her “I think they probably did’make a mistake. They did not have son occurred in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and vigils were legitimate grounds for Doug’s transfer,” she said. “I think there ’ , is an awful lot of sloppiness in the system. Prisoners have so ’ .held in. Hamilton, Kingston and London,, Ontario. w



HU‘NTSVILLE, Te.xas-1 reading: ‘*Bring back ’ Old (RNRi CUP) -- Hundreds of Spa&y”, ‘the nickname for outmoded electric students chanting pro-death . Texas slogans and >w’aving mock 1 -chair, and “Hit me with your lethal‘. syringes cheered the best shot (injection)“, _’ One Ott, 28 execution’ of a demonstrator carried a mockconvicted . murderer in, up of a four foot syringe.. : Huntsville, t Texas. In his final statement, j Barefoot, 39, asked for forgiveness and said he held .As Thomas Andy Barefoot _no bitterness towam anyone. was execu.ted by lethal injection, students from ’ Barefoot was convicted of , nearby Sam Houston murdering a police officer. Efforts by his lawyer to have University cheered and yelled the death sentence stayed slogans like “We’re’Republicans.” were rejected by the U.S. They carried placards Supreme Court.

M.athS0.C presents \. ’ - . ... .

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Imprint staff 1 On November 15th’on university campuses all across Ontario, including the University of ’ Waterloo; students and faculty will be taking part in actions designed to protest the’. underfunding of Ontario univ.ersity education. This Provincial Day of Action was suggested by delegates to the Fall- OFSConference as being appropriate, as it is the day the Bovey Commission on the Future Development of the Universities of Ontario is due to make its report to the Honourable Bette Stephenson, Minister of Education. Action being taken differs from campus to campus across Ontario: London’s Western students are planning a march culminating in a rally at City Hall, marches of various kinds are taking place in Toronto, and at Sudbury’s Laurentian University the students are planning a variation on the car rally,: with loudspeakers atop the cars and accompanying guerilla theatre events. At the University of Guelph, the day of action agenda includes pickets on campus, a rally at Branion Plaza, and -a community gathering in St. George’s Square after a march. As well, there is to be an educational . Forum held downtown to discuss the effects of underfunding.on staff and students._ Guelph CSA vice:president external Jim Rv2t-n














Black armbands will, be available at the forum for those who wish -to display their dissatisfaction in a more vis.ible fashion than mere attendance. A petition drafted bv, the OFS, which-began circulating at UW beginning Monday,, Nov. 5th, emphatically states the unacceptability of the current situation, and is to be prcsentcd in the House of Commons on the 15th; as well, a form letter will be made available to students with an attached tear-off portion, and drop boxes will be placed about campus to rcccivc these portions. I’he accumulated responses to this lcttcr will be collected by the Federation. and delivered to the Honourable Dr. Bctte Stephenson. There will also be an information boothset up in the Campus Centre the--week ofthe 15th, to provide students with a knowledge of the issues involved in the Protest. When asked about the ways in which U W’s actions differ from those of other Ontario universities, Mr. Klungel said that he was attempting to strike a middle ground of sorts that our scheduled events are far more “activist” than U W has been in the past, yet lessso than the University of Guelph. In this -‘way, Mr. Klungel said, he would be able to assess the level of student interest that exists in these events, to plan future events accordingly.

to take the‘ day off from classes as a form of non-vtolent protest. Here . in Waterloo, Federation vicepresident e>eternal, Peter Klungel has organized a r lumber of protest manoeuvres. including talks given in classes and a “Forum” 2 (of much the same nature as Guelph’s) in the . Arts quadrangle. Representativesfrom the Federation, Graduate Studies. OFS. the Faculty Association, the Staff ‘Associ&on, and the ‘Administration will be present to ,speak and answer questions concerning the nature and Ieffect ,of the underfunding A

Dntario the







Feds Public Forum’

of Ontario. .;.c TJ?-_-_- ,225-_

ON CAMPUS ’ . - I **GSA-SIAC tind the FEDS are organizinga PUBLIC FORUM at 12:30’ion Nov. 15) in the open area between the Arts Lecure Hall. the Arts-. Library.. ” Students and and administration representatives willsbe invited, as well as the media. -. **Information booths will be set up in- the Grad House and the Campus Centre!


protest’ .Re,bort


of ‘&&

demhhding iminediatb P&a&e’- of* the- recom.metidatConsfor. rp. struCturing the University system.. .




&iu&tio.n speaking,.




t&rough infofmatio.n-

classroom booths,

j death- Qf .the ,jJnive&y sysfem ‘Hle. , . know iti. (Hbt’eho~o.lateirGilE :-sVved)x






as be .


forumsand post&rS; . r : It-5 -is not ,&nou-@h to. talk among .: 0 oursei*evs6 i The :-&u,c,i,af -day.. has, Fore. letters to be sig+d.,by every ; arrived, atp&@w& must (take a&t@&! student atid mailed ’ to . Bette z .’ _’ Contact .Peter’- Klungle & Kathryh’ Seymo:w b at, elxt.- 3880 to GET


‘. &~~d.campub,


_ Imprinf.




9, 1984.


Ninth- annual charity run

Jo,bs available ,

This weekend the students of‘ St. Jerome’s and Nootre ’ qame Colleges at the Uni;crsity of Waterloo host thcil ninth annual “Charity Run”. l‘he run itself‘ is a continuous 1100 khl relay marathon where a pair run the 2.7 hm distance around the unikcrsity’s “Ring Road” \ every fif‘teen minutes I’or 51 hours. The event kicks off with the opening cercmonie~ at 3:30 in the St. Jerome’s courtyard this Erida) Noccmbcr 9th with cpntinuous running until the Charit) Run Mass at 730 pm on Sunday clcning. Money is not raised in the traditional ‘pledge per milt campaign but rather bq associated cbcnts such ah,; a Charity Run Pub, a ral‘llc with o\cr $1000 III pri/cs, a mail out campaign and a car dri\c. An) additional contributions would bc patI_\ appreciated, all funds raised this >xar will bc don’atcd to Anselm: House. ’ Marc inl‘ormation ma) bc obtained bj c“ontacting thih year’s co-chairpersons; Stclc C‘on~taIltiIic-S~4-5(,~~ 01. I hcrcse Rcillj ‘X&4-59.15:




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The following Fall 1984 parttime positions are Still available and full-time $udents interested in these positions should apply for them in the Student Awards Office, second floor, Needles, Hall. Alumni Canvasser, Environmental Studies: Skill in comJnunicating on the telephone and accuracy in recording’ information. Liaison telephone canvassing. Conference Helpers, Geography: I o assist CLith the registration, audio-visual equipment and p-ub;lic relations for conferences. Good communicatiqn skills required. Research Assistants, Dance: Dance students will be given preference. To file, type and perform junior research i tasks. Student Assistant, Chemistry: Third or fourth year Chemistry student. Testing and.developing detailed write-

Ups of instructions for new’ lab experiundergraduate ments. Rate of pay: $6.00/ hr. Student Assistant, Chemistry: Third or fourth yearChemistry, co-op Chemistry or Bio/ Chemistry student. Overseeing of the instrumental lab C2-262 for spectroscopic measurements, demonstrating lab equipment. Student Darkroom Supervisor, Environmental Studies: Firm knowledge of blacka,lh white photographic p~~occs~. Must be congenial and reliable. Rate of pay: $4.00 Student Information Officer, Architecture: Ability to communicate with a broad possess range of people, writing and graphic skills. Unless otherwise stated all bositions are paid at the rate of $5.00 per hour.

Campus Question

by J.D. What

Bon‘ser is your


in helping to end I ibility the famine in Ethiopia?

Katherine Clarke Geography 2A Understanding the problem and talking to people and sharing ideas so we can all under,stand - it better.

Dan Struthers Mech. Eng. 2A To ensure that the government acts on the behalf of Canadians in extending whatever aid is appropriate.

Mark Kraft Physics graduate None. Feeding them is okay for the p&sent. Education (about contraception particularly) is what is really needed 80 that future generatic)ns might have a chance to live. (Can’t you ask easier questions relating to “real” life‘?)

Leslie Butler English grad student 1 should give what I can in terms of time and money, and inform myself of the Canadian government’s response so that 1 can vote responsibly on the issue in the future.

J.H. Wade Financial Aid Officer Student Awards Office


yes,theASU ‘still ho& the in..&noUsFRYL3a4Y /PLgis! yes.they are heldin HH 280,U noon to4pm. yes.then! are weekly

speciakf yesi-they sefvetit dcks. .so,corlzeout and seewhat you aremissing! *

Shari Segall Appl. Studies 3B Pushing my MPP to pressure the federal governmen! into sending relief over there.

Simpson Lam Elect. Eng. 1A I don’t know.

No pay raises. No Christmas botius.il No pension plan.

But we may have just the job for .you. It’s challenging. It will prove just how adaptable you are. And it will give you the chance to see another part ‘df the world and experience another culture. CUSO, Canada’s largest, independent international development organization currently has a variety of Third World jobs available:

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Contracts are for two years. Salaries are low ($4,006-$8,000 per year), but are adequate for overseaS’ living costs. Benefits include health/dental/life insurances, transportation, resettlement allowances, languages training and furniture storage subsidies. Placement takes at least six to- eight months and can be difficult for families due to inadequate medical and educational facilities for children. Couples yg be con‘sidered if jobs are available for both partners. To apply, please send two copies of your r&urn6 to the CUSO office in your area (CUSO has offices in most major centres - check your phone book) or to:


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Hall , Waterloo



\ _,







. I.



- Mick.



’ .,,’

-> _

> ’



t ,-



, .

I .. .





L ’





Y Lost 16 in i*Weektv


As shown on

CBS news, this



and-after comparison..

. This of

SAY “I LOVE Y&J” WITH . . . S&W’s .






M645 was worth the wait.

is 92,

Professor before

S.P. taking

at H3.




is Professor


3 years


Dear Pink Tower+=* Me & my zpode live in a bunch rangalow. The wonderful thing about ' exquisite Spode is th at he/zhe adds beauty and distinction to ev ery period, every bat kground. So give your delighted generations ageless elegance and delight your guests. Sighed, Phantom

the\oldezt zmooth.ie, of the 5th Hole. 438$4

Dear Phantom=*+ Of courze an abuzed . child may set fires, sulk, steal or fight. He'll love his bizcuitz zoDped in gravy. 9e'll drift thru the oil lab oratoriez where more than 200 Scientiztz and Tech nologiztz are working, working, wooorking 'r ound the clock to imp rove prezant adolescent by-productz(and/or may contain mother toldmme what it takes to be a lady. Be,immaculatezhe zaid'! White gloves , white zhoez must al ways be z?otlezz! 3e j dainty-zhe zaid! No

perz?iration stains, no zmudged make-W. Just ahint of a light touch of perfume to enhance rather than to hide and conce&l.Oo). It'3 easy to leave. pro grezztlup in the air. The quickest way, for both individual8 and bay-bees is to stop planning while th'iz countries pork piles up dollarz for thiz countr$ez' people. Next time you chew a choD try this menu *B-B-Q Bibz

lose to the rry-

a nail into



head and try to drive --

II -

ibuy l-lb man, no belt T/&lb woman or older child, no pins l/2-lb younger child, no pads, no odour) Baked por-'tay-toe or dinner rolley-polleez, (French Schticht iz fine too!) Tozzed wieners with a variety of dressing8 including Frwrencch and Roquefort. Dezzert: DeeD ApDle Pie on mother with cream and kraftycheeze.Mmm. Now top it off with a generous protion of young animal loin. Food iz our Buzinezz, your muh-thhur, PINK TO'flR.

Hey .I -mm----


Recipefor aHome-Made Bwbecue \ \

forgEt thi! fine Arts show &


Furry Kitty * Soft Acrilan tickle your

Balls Plush tp whiskers

as fascinating, titalatin eN hlole in .pne >side relieved of agbnizin



To Bruce (that ain’t jello ‘cause

GERM is out! Call again. ABC The Wine and Cheese, but what about a theme? Can’t have a W&C without a theme! Let’s see...Slagfest...as that happens any way...Cheap wine?...SCH?...around 8?... Saturday?...November?... 1984?...Yah!... 1984... Peanut Butter! Thanks a lot ove, Well at least you didn’t fall asleep Saturday night.

9re you Italian? If you are, aren’t you tired of seeing people eating pizza with a knife snd a fork? If yes, then support the Society Against Fork and Knife Eating Pizza People. Please call. My name is Guido. Phone: RU4-PIZA.

Eskimo Pie Face Kid: Happy Anniversary. I am sure glad you are here with me because you mean a lot to me. Love always, Hawaiian. Hugs and Kisses.

Yov. 10


8:45 p.m,

Suspect leaves house. He’s tasy to follow his PINK TIE is a dead giveaway. 3:00 p.m.: Suspect arrives at <OUTH CAMPUS HALL nformants tell me this is the flATHSOC WINE AND CHEESE. Rumour has it it’s notorious. Yake “pass me another beer”, 2 household phrase, draught Nim!

1984?... Joni Joni Joni YackYackYack Joni Joni Joni Yuck Yuck Yuck Sue Stone: Congratulations on a Great effort by a “Great” athlete; finishing 2nd woman in field of 12,000 in the Washington Marathon. To the “Kidnapping Crew” who came knocking at midnite. You’re ail too sweet for words! P.S. Hope you can play cops as well as you soap windows. CD. alias “the Deserter”

BOOKS?... Animal Tours Inc. I, Walter S. Xrasznozon will guide people/groups thru downtown T-0. at no cost!! I speciaiize in the Yonge St. Corridor and specifically Ryerson Polytechnical institute! (Trust me, I’m 23 years old and do I ever know J.O.) I even have well developed legs from my tours. If interested call 746-LEGS {catchy eh?!) P.S. I don’t do girls, I’m taken.

He-Bear: After a year, I’ve still just begun to reaiize how big a part of my life you are. You’re a bare eseentiai bear (sometimes just a bare bear). Here’s to forever. Love your She-Bear This X-mas ski Mont Ste Anne For $249. 5 nights accomodation in Quebec City, 5 days skiing, return transportation to campus. Phone Jurgen 8841752 or Allison 746-4320. $75 deposit. Winter home needed for smaII sheltered, dry, and car accessible for light mechaniUniversity/Westcal work. mount area preferred. 744. 9526, a.m. of after 10 p.m.


it shakes so nice): We love the way you move and groove and the things you do to a pair of pants. Half out of breath, we want a rain-check for the Slumber party and foot massages. We’re good little girl scouts (how do you like your cookies?). Are you a good little boy scout? (You know: be prepared!)...the Coffee Girls. 901 p.m.: Suspect pays $4.00. He’s secretly slipped 3 FREE wine tickets. The Pink Tie must have been a signal. 904 p.m.: Not a “MATHIE”, I pay $5.00 and enter the joint of music and dancing. Getting a glass of wine for a song, I lose the suspect.


League: If Gumby Destruction is your game contact Sir Lee Gonzo (a.k.a. Dave) at H.Q. V2 EE 118 (across the trenches from 119). BUT DON’T BUG ERIC, PHIL YILL GET MAD. SHLOW (Slanted Head Lovers of Waterloo). if the tangent of the obliquity of your head is equal to I, Dr. Bert Slash wants you! Office; V2 EE I 19 BUT DON’T BUG PHIL. J.C.: in the green morning of the stoned cows, and a’ shepherd playing his sweetest flute, under the angel-crows and the cruciforms of pines and elms, let us meet. GEC A.M. Slug et al wish you a bebop-belated, .post-dated, happy-go-luck, birthday (with hugs & kisses from the pin-up and the peacemaker).

Dearest K, Together we’ll walk through these special times, side by side, but when I’m , sneaking up from behind I’ll give your “‘assets” a 10. Loving you, Jane. P.S. Convince me you are as wonderful as your mother says your are. Carbonate cookies. Lantanide liqueur, and potassium punch are not on the menu at the Chem Club Christmas Party. Nov. 29, KW Naval Association Hall (on Weber); good DJ and a buffet included in ticket price. Available in Chem Lounge. C2- 172. If you are interested in forming a women’s support group, please call Janet 884-5476 or the Women‘s Centre ext. 3457 and we will arrange a mutually convenient meeting time. Thank you. George Orwell?...

Dave (Co-op Math 4 stream): This is green eyes from the bus - give me a call. 8847259.

Wim! You sure know how to party Big Guy. Thanx for ail the great ideas that made our party the best one yet. North G. GLLOW (Gii the Loser Liberation of Waterloo) interested gumbies phone the gumby-line for details, or better yet, come in person: V2 EE 119. BUT DON’T BUG PHIL! 9:05 p.m.: Then she walked into my life. Math Frosh and Froshettes. Orientation ‘84 revisited (or if you missed it). See you at the Wine & Cheese. Big Brothers and Sisters. This guy goes into this fresh fish store and says - Hey got any fresh fish. P.S. You’re gorgeous I.L.Y. - J.D.A.

R, why must you be so shy? YOU came to visit once, why not again? Would love to ride your motorcycle. See ya in the vicinity of Barcelona. P.S. Response is a must.

Happy Birthday

Pooh, Love Piglet, Eyeore, Wol, Kanga (and Roo), Tigger, Rabbit (and relatives) and Christopher Robin.

,ANIMAL FARM?... TWIT: It’s been 4 months, and “slipping into something more comfortable” has never sounded better! Love, FL




Way 2 go in the U.S.M.C. Marathon! Can I have your autograph? (for my friend Ted) EJ.M.

Sillyness!... Hi Mom. Having great time. Wish you could be here. Trip rough but food exotic and natives quite friendly. Other day they showed me game with huge orange fuzzy bail really exhilerating! How are B&K&J&C? Give my love. GERM. Waterloo Sucks In February. Take a break in Ft. Lauderdale. 10 days only $319.00 return via luxury coach. You deserve it! Book now. Call Sue at 886-

5267. I am starting

a petition to legislate that 0 = 1 by popular demand. Anyone. interested in helping me have this bill passed, and therefore become a natural law, please send your signature and a brief explanation of your reasons why to: 23 Austin Dr. *3A, Wat., Ont., N2L 3X9. My name is Theodore. Happy Birthday Cal, Wishing you ail the best for the year to cum. May your bondage be delightful and I hope all your whips and handcuffs come true. Lash LaRue. Happy Birthday Ernie (alias Dad). Wishing you a happy day and may ail your wishes come true. Your daughter. Hyns Baby. Happy belated birthday from your buddies. We still like you despite your choice of men. (But I don’t mind, 0.33) This is to certify that Dave “Abdui Hussein” Nanderam has successfully completed the UW International Snake Charmers course. Indira would have been proud baby!! Congrats. go out also on his spectacular showing on the Geog. 125R mid-term. The Harem Girls. X0X0X Wanted: K.S. alias “Illegal Alien” being sought by local RCMP officers concerning a certain transaction which was made In the Colombian currency, the kilo. Last seen completing a railroad north. somewhere up Immigrant. That’s it and Animal Farm Wine and Cheese tomorrow! Cheap Wine and Wild people, some of them are even fun! Let’s go wiid...The notorious Pink Tie.

or Phiiiip St. townhouse for Winter terms only. 884-l 752. Wanted, as soon as possible, in self-contained suite Waterloo area, for woman, non-smoker, 744-4849.

884.3822. 4 Bedroom

Townhouse or hou$e from January to April ‘85. Preferably close to campus. Please call 746-3575. --LAx3t One mind, description: closed & empty. if found please return to Federation offices. c/o The vice-president of moral rectitude.




Telex: USA

ITT 4994596


Woman’s gold Seiko watch. Lost on campus weekend of Oct. 20th. Phone 884-7576. Reward.


apartment flat. Available spring ‘85. Completely furnished, very attractive, next door to Waterloo Town Square. Rent: $350 for two persons; $300 for one. Call G.E. Clarke at UW ext. 2332 for details.

Share Luxury House. 20 min by bus to campus, short walk to Market Square. Gourmet kitchen, washer dryer etc. Quiet & comfortable. Furnished bedroom $250 a unfurnished. $225 month, includes utilities, parking. No lease. Available Dec. 1. Jane,

579-5513. Room-mate wanted for winter term/85 to share fully furnished 2 bedroom apartment. Next to Sunnydale. Rent $225/month; call 746-

4777. May-Aug

Reasonably priced, furnished, Toronto penthouse apartment for rent. Available for January 1985 work term. Located in Scarborough corner of Warden and Finch. Conveniently located 5 min. from 40 1, near banks, bus stops and shopping mails. Near Bank of Montreal and IBM complexes. 3 bedrooms, 1 l/2 bathrooms. Preference given to females. Phone; 4 16-4950646. Summer

‘85: 2 roomies needed. Real house near corner of Hazel and Columbia. Non-smokers only. Lisa 7461685. 3 non-smoking girls wanted for top level of attractive 4bedroom townhouse. Located at King & Columbia, 20 min. walk from campus. Furnished. Approx. $165/mo. Call 746-

3836. 4 bedroom



Winter sublet. %OO/mo. PIUS utilities. 2 bathrooms, laundry, backyard, big driveway. CaII 578-9945.

Winter ‘85 and/or

Summer ‘85 - Room to share in a l&o bedroom apartment. Fully furnished, laundry facilities in building, parking, close to Parkdaie Plaza. Female, nonsmoker. Phone: 746-0988.

Summer Term ‘85 - Cheap luxury housing. 6 Single rooms in ail-student house. Console T.V.-stereo, panelling throughout, broadloom, partly very negotiable. furnished, Winter and/or Summer ‘85. Roommate wanted to share 2 bedroom apt. Fully furnished, laundry facilities, modern building. $ i75.00./month. 742-870 1. 4 bedroom lownhouse in SUNNYDALE! LO minute walk to campus: 5 minutes to Zehrs, liquor, beer, etc. Sublet May-Sept. ‘85. I-ease available! Phone Eric or Stephen at $86.


1 room available in 4 bedroom h&use. Clean, close, comfortable and affordable at $12O/month. phone 746-420 1. House to sublet Jan-April ‘85. Room for 5 withrn walling distance of University. Rent negotiable. Dishwasher, washer, dryer. Call Rob at 576


OTTAWA: Modern one bedroom apartment on bus lines, sublet January 1st, close to shopping mall, laundry ym/sauna in building. $436/month. Phone Ross or Mandy lsenegger (613) 738-


0548. I_ TORONTO: Jan-April

Experienced typist will do fast accurate work. Reasonable rates. IBM Selectric. Close to Sunnydale. Lakeshore Village. Call 885- 1863.

85. Large, clean 3 bdrm. condo available. On bus route, 10 min. to Kipling subway, partly ‘furnished, washer-dryer, near shopping mall. Only $700/month! (416) 621-l 852. (Evenings) Small Castle Available in Sunnydale for Summer ‘85. Disguised as townhouse. Cheap rent. Option to extend for alternate terms. Accomodates 3 or 4 people. Call 8856378. Pronto to AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT. Co-Ops: Looking for a place for the summer and maybe alternating terms? 4 bedroom townhouse, 20 minutes to campus. $400.00 month. Call 684-7369. Winter Term: Clean, quiet nonsmoker needed to share semifurnished 2 bedroom Close to campus (University G l$t$2 $175/month. Call 746.



‘85 - 3 bedrooms of fully furnished 4 bedroom townhouse available. 2 fully equipped bathrooms, kitchen, TV with converter, phone. 15 minute walk to UW. Close to Sunnydale, Kwikie, laundromat. 249 Cedarbrae Ave. Call 884-3205 evenings.

886-0338. Reward $100 for Sunnydale

3 Girls Need 3 bdrrn. Townhouse. Preferably close to campus and furnished. Patti

330 Weber Street Nort Canada N2J 3H6 s ( T ‘Toronto Line (416) 4

one gold-coloured shaeffer pen with initials W.C. Please call Wayne: 746-415 I. Has sentimental value.



FOR WINTER TERM/‘85 2 bedrooms available in a 519 Sunnydale Unit. One room is upstairs, one room in partly finished basement. Call Winn 746-4 124. House - 5 rooms for rent, living area, kitchen, TV, washer & dryer, close to bus route. Access to pool and weight room. $40 - $55 week. PH.

744-5333. WANTED: 1 Female Student to share a 2-bedroom apartment Jan/85-Apr/85. Your own room, apt. mostly furnished, please call 7436066 anytime.

,wanted Blind

student looking for someone to run with 3-4 times a week. Contact Steve: 8849476.

Processing! Fast, dependable service $1 per double-spaced page. Draft copy provided. Near Seagram Stadium. May book ahead. Phone 885- 1353.





double-spaced page: Westmount area: Call 743-3342.


Typist near campus (MSA). 75c/page, $3 minimum for resumes. Will correct spelling. Call Ann 8840421.

WP Medical Transcription Service General Typing, word processing, resumes, MonFri, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. except Thurs. 9-6 p.m. 754-0366.


Bars - A true Canadian confection. Rich chocolate, creamy butter filling. $6 for 8” X 8", including on-campus delivery. Call Susan, 884-7002. Goya

Stratocaster Replica, solid maple, new condition, complete with hard shell case, amplifier, books and accessories. $300 576-6253.

1977 Plymouth Arrow. 600 miles on new engine, AMFM Cassette. All season radials, in good condition. $4,000 or best offer. 742-9699. Konica Autoreflex

T -


mm automatic exposure SLR camera, c/w 52mm standard lens, zoomm telephoto, 2X teleconverter, automatic flash and case - $250. Call Stevo at

885-3476. 1976 XS65OC Yamaha - in very good shape, black glass with red pinstriping, c/w muihoiiand shocks, Jardine Exhaust, luggage rack, $850 negotiable (Mike) 886-4979.

Cyclists: Secretary will do fast efficient typing of student papers on Smith Corona typewriter. Reasonable rates. Lakeshore Village area. Phone 886-6124.




and/or typing of Resumes, Essays, Theses, etc. Multiple originals. Fast, Accurate service. Delivery arranged. Diane, 576- 1284. TYPING: Essays, theses, engineering/group projects, accurately and quickly. Have Math/Greek symbols. Lakeshore-Sunnydale area. Call Joan: 884-3937. Typing - only 75c per page (d.s.) Typist holds English degree, lives on campus (MSA), speiiing corrected. Call Karen 746-3 127.


Typing: $1 .OO/page IBM Selectric; carbon ribbon; grammar/spelling corrections; good quality bond provided; proofreading included; sym hoi/italics available; work term reports, theses, essays. Personaiiied service. 579-55 13 evenings. Downtown Kitchener location.


Typing plus --. Cornpuscribe Word Processing. Eftlcient reliable service /or your resumes, work reports, papers, etc. Advantages include computer spelling checks, second drafts, perfect final copy, multiple originals. Our LASER printer guarantees best quality in town at reasonable prices. Call ;‘432269 for details.

MAGGIE Can Type it! - Essays, Theses & Letters $1.00 per page - Resumes $5.00 - “Free” Pickup & Delivery - Phone 743-1976

Discount prices on clothing and accessories. Uitima Professional Shirts $32, Shorts - $28. Brancale Helmets: ABS - $25, Leather - $18. Zefai HP Pump - $13 and much more. Call Rick: 746-3758 after 6.

Only 39,shopping

days left until Christmas! Avoid the rush and shop at the Autumn Arts Crafts Fair. November 20,21, and 22 in the Campus Centre. Sponsored by the Turnkeys.

FREE Estimates.

Get your room, apartment, or house painted over Christmas. Quality work at student prices. Phone Brian 746-420 I.


Tutor: University (English) Graduate. Available for help in solving any language-related pro biems. Specific problems or iongterm. Reasonable. 885-4743.

Ski Mont Ste. Anne this X-mas Dec. 27-Jan I. Includes 5 days skiing, 5 nights luxury accomodation (Quebec City), return transportation to UW campus. 249.00 Phone Allison, 746-4320 or Jurgen 884 I752 before Nov. 20. Will



small truck. removal. Jeff Will alter and f.:lothing at ates. Phone




Also rubbish 884-283 1. repair all types of very reasonable 885-5774.

by RokMorrissey Igprint staff





. _’ ’

Last week, I revealed a bias towards Bill Bruford and his music. 1 was criticised for just mentioning King Crimson, not the dozens of other musicians he has worked with on different projects. Most of these artists share a special quality; perhaps one could call them meta-musicians.. Their presence on record or stage brings a great sense of expectation to the educated ear. They bring with them a context to compliment the music. We can follow their journey through the import 1bins, across diffe-rent* groups and sessions, confident that we-are going to find great ,music. Two of these musicians met’ on stage last Sul>day, at the Humanities Theatre. Someone asked if Robert Fripp, the diarist and lecturer, was worried that Robert:Fripp, the Rock star, would seem like the emperor. with no clothes; Mr. Fripp.replied how could he, while shouting himself that he has no clothes.: Patrick Moraz and Bill

by Mathew Ingraitr imprint staff




( . Time Gut magazine in London ca.lled it t’an extraordinary, black, erotic fairytale”, and Robert Nye of The Guardian wrote: “This is the most brilliant first novel* that I have read in ’* _ _-L * years". ~ The novel in ‘question is The Staig, &nd it is. the first-from a rivetting young writer by the name of Rikki Ducornet -- though it is by no means her first literary effort. She has also produced four books of poetry, two children’s books, and one book of short tiction entitled The &fcher’s Tales, and has illustrated books by Susan Musgrave and Jorge Luis Borges, among others. On Wednesday, October 31st in the-Graduate and Faculty lounge in Hagey-Hall, Miss Ducornet read three short chapters from the beginning of her novel, a strangely vibrant and compelling story of the childhood and maturation of a young girl in a small town in France, in 1874: . -.+ The main character, Charlotte, lives with a shrewish aunt and a stuttering uncle--her .mother having died while -giving birth to her. The title refers to Charlotte’s birthmark, which-the author describes as a dark, purple, slightly furry stain, in the shape\of a dancing h8re. b -- _ In the passage read by Miss. I&cornet, Charlotte is-taunted, mercilessly by her schoolmates, and thereafter forced to grow up in seclusion at her aunt and uncle’s home--leaving only to attend Mass and church .‘funeraIs., With&&toys, Charlotte .


At other times they would swap’back and forth,‘Mr. Moraz Bruford showed, at least as eloquently,, that they were’ comfortable without the bloated surroundings of the using the full range of the piano, and Mr. Bruford miraculously Progressive Rock Group. matching this range with an array of sticks, brushes, hands, and Sunday, November 4, they played stripped down to the fancy footwork. acoustic kernel of their respective electronic lairs, Mr. Moraz Two extraordinary solos were -placed between the leaving Moody Blues’ keyboard banks for a very ordinary _grand, while Bruford left the automagical Simmons drums imprpvisations which comprised the concert. The first was Bill kit. Bruford’s top forty cover of ‘!The Drum also Waltzes” by Max + behind for a more modest conventional I saw a performance of a-piano/percussion duo at the Music Roach. In the‘ past. Mr. .Bruford’s solos have been either too brief, or wandering without focus. This time he started by . Gallery in Toronto, last year. -An avante-garde -french horn strongly stating a theme, then exploring different textures, player was strumming his instrument with the mouthpiece\ -always to touch base before starting a new variation. Patrick while his partner plucked strings layered with aluminum foil...very serious. There were a few subtle differences between Mom& solo was similar, but the exploration was more drawn out, relying on the orchestral nature of the instrument to that duet and the one that entertained . at the Humanities extend his journey. Theatre. This. return back to the beginning again, the heart o;their #Firstly,-Mr. Moraz and Mr. Bruford seemed to be having fun occurred throughout the concert., and could _ both with the music and each other. They were always aware of improvisation, sometimes Patrick Moraz leading, literally almost describe the concert as a.whole. The audience came in - - each other, for the duo, and left with higher.ones for - pounding out streams of chords while Mr: Bruford coloured in with high expectations the future: a fitting tribute to these meta-musicians. _ the spaces with a vast array of textures and shades. I

transforms small stones into the images of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph; God is represented by a large pail, into which Charlotte speaks to produce the “hollow”, resounding voice she associate’s with the Deity. In, perhkps -the. most vivid segment read by Miss Ducornet, Charlotte travels to ‘a wedding, where -her aunt spends the majority of the ceremony huddled in anger in the outhouse; later, the bride is put up for bids from the guests, and’her uncle expounds, about-her shortcomings inan effort to keep the bids , down. .-After bursting into tears, the bride retires for a night of nuptial bliss,‘and in the morning the bloodstained b.edsheet-is displayed for all .the guests to see; Charlotte’s birthmark is rubbed in thee blood by her aunt, in the hope that its magical properties will diminish the h!emish, which is perceived as a mark of evil. h According to Miss Ducornet, the novel’s two ,major themes are the power adults have to impose their own twisted versions 01 reality on children, -and the individual’s ability to transcend, there perceptions. The book draws heavilyion Gnostic ideas of the inverted nature of Good and Evil in the world, as well as Miss Ducornet’s own research into small French towns of the period, an,d it is the combination of these two influences that gives the work its tremendous poetic intensity and vivid imagery. Rikki Ducornet’lives in Le Puy-Notre Dame, France, and her -novel The Stain can be ordered thro,ugh the Ca,mpu,s.Rikki Duc&et: ’ boobstore. ’ ._a I* _.

” u. rive~tit~g- young .







. I



I’ i’


y John Zachariah mdrint staff cbr! Brian DePalma?s neti Body murder mystery”, double, which * opened here November 2nd, drew someleavy audience jeering the light I saw -it, and probably till is. Andrightly so; the only imes during which this movie jn’t brutally boring are those Jhen it becomes so ridiculoCis hat is makes A$rd House, Dok credible. The pi&ire, quite simply, ills flat on its face from the noment it begins. Botiy Double can basically be divided into two-‘-parts. A I . c__

’ and B. Part A (the ,first twothirds of the movie) is the -confusing part, filled with sib n e’ ‘after s&ne of 8 meaningless (or uproarious) dialogue, all of ivhich seems to lead nowhere and all of which ’ is boring Part B is also boring, ‘ despite-<the fact that it is not confusing.. Linking these two boring parts together is the gloriously ineffective acting.of Craig ;Wasson who, .the hapless :Jake Scully, may be referred to as the “fall guy” in this movie. All of this may sound reasonably *_ -- harmless, * but Mr. . . /

DePalma wasntt satisfied Gth mere boredom; he made this one offensive to boot. How offensive? In one scene, p woman is murdered ,with a . concrete drill. As well, women are debased so badly here’ that it wouldn’t be inconceivable to picture people stomping out of the theatre because of this fact alone.


And the most incredibIe part is’ how Mr. DePaha could have the gall to assert that he came up with this story himself when it’s such a patent (though inferior) ripoff of Vertigo. i




M ost





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the __.>fotitball’ L-1IFun



_ Imprint.

by Wayne MAis/ Imprifit staff ’ The 1980’s has often been described- as the Information Age. Today, the amount of info. available to us -far exceeds that of, say, even five years ago. ’ The single most ’ responsib16 factor for this * has undoubtabiy been video. IJudging from The New Media 1984 festival last weekencl in Toronto, video is. intent ‘on speeding up this progress many times further. This was the second’anhual , video festival, this year held at - Ontario Place. Not only was it ,a showcase for the latest technological advances in . video; but it also attemfited to examine the medium on an ethical and artistic level. Many guests from different branches of t’he video industry were on hand to discuss the implications , of ’ living in a video age. Music video arid videb art were hot tdpics for the weekend. John ‘ScarlettDavis, who has done videos for Simple Minds, Cocteau Twins, Scritti Politti, etc., and John Sanborn (“Big Electric Cat” video) were particularly cynical of the direction music v&leo is going.

A phalanx

of video screens:

video killed the rudio star? \ -_




minutes of vidi?o! * mance art was also a topic of -was Toronto Matrix by Naq June Paik, the pioneer ofTo tell the truth, I came discussion:This was , the video art. It consists of 60 TV _ away from the festival feeling symposium that Brian Eno , was to participate in, but as it monitors arranged in. an :diss’atisfied with the present triangle, with .condition -of video art. My turned out, Mr. Eno didn’t ’ in.verted constantly changing,‘imagesr impression is&at video is an show all weeken,d. However, Plenty of. computer’ Graphics inherently cold and depersonWilliam Buxton, a composer/ were used through nuch’ of alized medium. Seein performance artist/sCie;itist *y Both -are video artists, the artwork. .: . geometrical shapes fly around at the Un&ersjty of Toronto, prima’rily whs do protiotional the skyline of a city does of the We saw The Aduent&es.of - videos for bands in order to ‘showed some Andre and Wally B. made by &bsol@ely nothirig for me. * finance their other .projects. possibjlities ’ for video and - music ‘~i’i7a- lii/~ sP-ttinB. .. Lucasfilms, using state of the c That is not. to say that.4 - &a&it-Dqvis and Safiborn ,graphics for don’t think video art has a M;: Buxton’s interest is in art computer’ had got together the night future. I’m -convince’d good :;. before to watch the various interactive music video, \ dnimation. It looked basically like a high definition cartoon, things will come out df all. this, where one medium directs music video channels on TV but it’ used no less than 17 given enough time. For all the the other. ’ and made a list of the cliches cotiputers, (2 of advances Being, made, video used in’making bdnd promos: He showed a tape of a’ powerful he which were CRAYS) and cost is still a new art form, and it lots of dry ice, ‘musicians performance where will be up t6 the artists to use controlled video cameras by a an enormous amount df putting sunglasses on, ahd, of All for o@y two alj of this technology excessive use : of Lyricon (a sort of .electronic money. course, . saxophone). When he_ blew sc_antily clad sirls. ’ sharply into his instrument They also had a gb at the the picture swit‘ched between bands themselves (their drug ~cameras &ruptly. Similarly, habits, alcoholism, egbs, etc.) and, the worst culprits of all, ‘, by blowing spft- the pic’ture ~ dissolved between can&t-as the record company executive;. slowly. ’ They also p&&d -out, that making music videos was cot He. implied that -this I an art form- but a &aft that, technique just scr-atched the however well the videos were surface of tihat could be done with interactive music video made, still comes downto one thing: to sell the band. Both and was disappointed that noMess=. Sanborn and , one else was exploring this at Scarlett-Davis would like to the festival. (Frankly, I was see a more collaborative too.) between relationship There was an dbundatice of musician and video artist to what might be termed v@eo move away from the Staleness art at the festival-that exists now in the mClsic installations, video tapes and H laser cut. video field. ’ even a laser light show. Imprint photo by Wayne Morris. The use of video in perforOne of theemost noticeable




of Waterloo

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Kong 1s~

by W&ne






9, 1984.


* 19 ,-,.

is a big distinction between- I what people see in real Iif and ‘, -what they see on TV. ? The question of $hy Mar*< Brown isn’t, locked up after- : viewing all these horrible s. scenes was brought up as‘ * . well. ; . Another interesting fact ‘is ‘4 the ’ Onfario government spent $2.5 million on a two- + lyear cbmmision to exgmine’ how eeople readt to sex and . violence through ‘the media. Its results stated that theire.is. no causal. relationship between what people’ see on ” TV and what they do. They _ also made a reoommendation . ;to end ,a11 censorship i& ~, adults.- The results of .this .. -commission were of cours$,’ - not publicized. ’ _ The festival&elf felt the’ effect 6.f the Ontario Censor Board at woik as’ it had t6 ’ show a number of private screenings. to bypass the rules : ’ of ce&orship; One of these -was the pr’emiere screening of Ij * Not Qead Yet, a documenl , tary of the hardcore scene in ?;or,on;o. ; s / Mostly shot at the now: ’ defunct. Turning Point, it.,, featured ~bands such as’* ‘Youth, Youth, Youth, Jolly Tambourine Man, APB, and Bunch of Fucking.Goofs. !.t .

effectively. The only moving work I saw all weekend was a videotape made by Max Almy which addressed the aliention of. video head-on, It was * simply an enhanced image of was extremely well, made a face .irying to con;lmqnicate .using very high-quality video ’ with iomeorie while describequipment complete ing what it was like to be with ’ inside the TV..f‘I have no idea digital sopd. .’ where, I am,’ everqijhing is _ There has’ bee6 someunfamiliar. There’s not much appre,h&nsion that the video X end up- ,beingk.> to desc,ribe. It’s a:landscape of would no points of reference..” It derogatory 3 to the punk reminded me very m&h of a culture but this couldn’t bG”* broadcast of an astronaut farther frotn the #truth. Not cut-off from the world with no Dead Yet shows a very, ,i hope of ever rejurning. Very humanistic and o.ften/_ _ scary. humGus side of the i hardcore was of life. It-shows ’ b e 0 p.1e‘ rej$cting Many interesting points the: hyljocrisies of -soci&$y, I- 4 were brought up concerning concerned about the threats -Rrcea&shjp. -David Cronehto their freedom of living life i’ berg, film-maker of Videoas they choose, includind the drome, Dead Zone, etc., w&s imminence of nuclear war.‘; ’ particularly vehement in his attack on censorship, stating -It is a highly- entertaining +:‘ that it was. based ‘on two piece of *work, but’ since’ neither the .bands‘ nor the’,. r things: fear and the want of makers were willi& to s’ubniit’ *’ 1’ * the power td control what people see. it to the Censor Board, it is:’ The people involved in doubtful that you will.see this :‘ censorship are afraid that publically in Ontario. people who see rape and It was a long weekend with.- r murder on television will be almost too much to absorb all !. i- more prone to commit these at once, but nonetheless well crimes themselves. -Mr. worth it. The third New Media.. Cronenberg argues that festival has already been, rapists/murderers scheduled for Oct. 14,?0; _ __. . are. triggered oft by much more1985, so it seems video is here I indirect stimuli and that there to stay.

of the- Famous

3 Foot Submarine








;Mtin,.-Fri. CLOSED

9:00-&00 SATtiRDAYS


i614 Cotionatio’h BIvc# 1 “Cambridge 622-0002:. m’ I -‘1 CFNY presents I MESSENJAH Wednesday 9 Nov.14 i, Tickets available at Bass I outlets and Bqllinger’s’ I




IS I ;’ I : i i b


I ‘e


1 I\\ --


by Tim Imprint Now Drinking

Perlich’ ’ . staff label,- Serious on .The ‘.Higsons’ -Upright release their riew LP They May Be Drinkers

Robin, Bit -


Also ‘Human


Strangei Than Fiction Wild Summer, Wow! Treasure The Cucumbers This is So& 84 Rockabilly Psychosis

Manchester band Foreign Press release their second single “Set Your Love In-Motion” next week. Hot on the heels of hit gingle ,“M&imba Jive”‘, Red Guitars release their debut album S~OLVTO Fade this week. -





416 9790WtB6

Seven (7”) Various (LP) Cocteau Twins (LP) The Cucumbers (I.$) Various (LP). ’ Various (LP) _ ’


s u

I Reggae giant, Gregory Isaccs is putting out a new LP on the Rough T&de label. The 13-song live recording’ Live At Ttie Academy Brixton is released next week Feeping up their tradition of quality, Kent is &easing a Jackie Wilson collection called The S&l Year while Ace releas& a Little Richard greatest hits compilatioti. The flame is burning brighter than ever for The \ ’ Redskin8 who have signed a n& deal with Decca. The fir?$t release on the new label is “Keep On Keeping On”. Success goes to-the strdng!



Respect Yourself Flashlight When Doves Rap --Cocknelj, Translation D&t Go Lose It Baby Boomerang



Ka e Gang Pa 4 iament Rappers’ Rap J Smiley Culture Hu& Masekela ’ Xmal Deutchland



l Choose f&h 6 to 8 proofs . l Other pack&es available Photogrqph&.d in our studid

torch ~01~9 of sorts IOI- lY84 (in the .r-7fi5X%3,s~&dskou f ? . Public”, an a.pp-qxbie *) . Imprint &!i& c .’ ,.___ ,__. ’ \ Orwellial’l sense). The bdss and drums create al oppressive, “A l,air o* I;&?‘ authoriiative beat, &ICII evokes the inldge 01 a parade 01 e~;“‘m~dljrig unapljrsvingly fyorn the cover, goose-stqyng dims. The lyrics, whch begill by denwndin~,. are the tirst indications tRt at Ranking Roger and-Dave Wakeling “Come and join the federation”, take the lorm of a recruiting have decided to leave the meii~~i&qt The E11qlish Beat +hilld\ commercial ior a government which dictates every move of its and push on with General PubtEas debut album, Ati The Rage. Messrs. Roger Jnd Wakeliny were, of cc&se,,the. nucleus of peq->le. _I the Beat, +e.of Britain’s moSt beloved,bands of’thqarly 80’s, a but sin&^ that band’s dehise,’ thqi hpe c&-xen~rah.l $-~g$~~~; * .L..F eflorts on General Public. ..-i. 1 General Public IS a six-piece outfit with MI-. W&&UJ diqd ’ Rank&g Roger ‘it+the spcitliyht helped out by such luqlin&ne&&+ * s&Ii& Jones of Clash fame and Sa.xa (one of the refugees,from The Beat) on. occaSiona sax. Their sound is decidedly similar t.0 tljdt o! The Beat, but the rollicking, fun-lovilig phiGbphy has’ ~

been h-yely

abandon led-.

’ ,The ~v&:rl&ig ikhe OI ,Gelleral Public’s t-nuslc is ‘the <, IlTdivldual’s reacttlon to the !&caring bureaucracl& C)I iY84. Many of the songs are d&initely Orwelllal;l ill their outlook, l&lUSdly, All 7‘tw Kuye is remarkcrbly sim~l.ar to Spqxd Ljeul 5~1 use In its amazmg varie t; and looseiy ska-based ‘rhythms. The album is ati eclectic collf&~ion 01 nlusicdl styI& wMI still niaititclins,Ihat ‘. shared eoninioli rtiot. .‘Hot You l-e C&ii” is done 111 the vem 01 The Beat’s seenmgly ~~~~sensical songs like *‘Spa Wld Me”, wl~le “-I&de)-ness”, d ringer for. d Motown arrangement, soulids remarkably like a Supreme< ditty. “Anxious” dnd “Are You Ledding Me On”, on the ,~other hand, ,dt’t’ much more reggae-flavoured in their use of beat and horns. Throughout A/l 7’t1e Rage, General Public ~-&IS luck t0 thehies colicerning the impotence 01 the average person 111 today’s SJCle~y. “BUIWI~~ Bright . 1s poweml III its Lxmqug, mqAm1g arrmgmellt md is a ,b~tter attack owl the apathy OI people WhJ wotl’t opp,ose the powers that be, eves) 11they know ‘ 1 tlldt





cI1-e UllJust


Th+Pleasure+pg J- . . :- I .2. Honeydrippeks - Voluniti 0% v. _- . -’ Big Country - Steeltown - __*_ . Tears For Fears - M&hers Talk C, . Tom Robinson - Mope & Glory’ 6. UB 40 -,-Geifery Morgan Bryan Adams, - Reckless 8. Culture Club - Waking Up With The 1iotise On ‘.


9. Gil Scott-Heron

- The Best bf Jones - Magazine iveek ending November 3 ,1984 Just Arrived: New Releases 1’1 Bronski Beat - Smalltown Boy I\ 2’ Pale Fountains - Pacific West ’ ’ ,131 Frank Zappa - Them Or Us 10. Rickie For the



“As A &~tter OI Fact” IS a bitter reply t0 this. It ;I&S L&U jXJWU the curnnlon \IiIm llas agdi~lst an autlm-ildridil g3overnrnent wheel Dave Wakeilns sillgs; “It’s cl mat tel 01 &ISS, F&t to 94 told, And idst $I get tisked.‘: ” ‘I‘he album seems centered, t~iouyl~, 01) ihe song, “Gew~ dl









John C. Routley,

Regularly with















He moved on, another club, The Blue Bird, and this time he hit gold: among the musicians he backed were Miles Davis, S onny Stitt and, of course, the great Charlie, Parker. And then, New York. He auditioned. for the Benny Goodman Band, but blew it because the audition piece, Sing, Sing, Sing, was a number he always hated. He joined Cha 1-1le Minyus‘ band, cut his first record for Columbis, J is f or J azz, and as the curtain cdme down on the 5Os, he loIned JohI] Coltrane. Unlike many percussionists, Mr. Jones writes music. When he composes a tune, he hears a melody in his head, puts it down on pdpe~, “then 1worry about it until it become coherent .*’ “PLyIlls J~LZ 1511t something 1do at night,” Mr. Jones says, “It‘s nly function in lite.“. Two shows Fri. dnd Sdt. Wd art ;It 830 pm. dt St. Jerome5 C&se.

This term you will have three opportunities to experience the powerful sound of UW’s own Stage Band. The Band performs a full range of musical styles -blues, rock, fusion, funk, big band -- with an emphasis this term on contemporary jazz. Drawing from the libraries of Count Basie, Maynard Ferguson, Spyro Gyra, the Boss Brass and other acclaimed bands, the UW Stage Band has been providing audiences with varied and exciting perform‘antes for two years. Under the intrepid

Every Tues at


9, 1984.

Stage Band

Elvin Jones at St. Jeromks Whenever there’s talk about the great Jazz drumers, the name of Elvin Jones always crops up. He is one of a handful of drummers who has changed the face of jazz: not Just the way we hear it, but the way musicians compose it . Elvin Jones was born in the 1920s in ‘Pontiac, Michigan. A selftauyht drummer, he started playing in Junior high school. He got a practice pad, a set of sticks and he listened to the best: Dubby Rich, Jo Jones, Chick Webb, and Kenny Clarke. Mr. Jones made his first money as a percussionist at a local country club where he was told to “just keep the I hythm.“‘ In the late 4Os, after a stint in the army, he went to the legendal y Detroit, playing a club called the Grand River Street until the piano player vanished one night with the band’s paycheck.




leadership of director Bill Janzen, the band has built up a large stock of veteran players. The co-op program forces the band to form again every term. This reformation means that each term presents a new group of seventeen players, offering a variety of soloists and styles. The band augments ‘their performances with spin-off combos, excellent in their own right, that often play original numbers. You will be able to hear these Waterloo students perform at: *a free noon-hour concert on Thursday, November 15 in the Humanities Theatre; *Fed Hall (Yes, il- will be open by then) at 9 pm Thursday, November 22, or; *the end-of-term-butbefore-exams concert on Saturday, December 1 at 8 pm (following the Concert Band), also at the Humanities Theatre. If you like jazz, or if you just ‘like good music, it is well worth your while to spend an hvur with- the UW Stage Band.

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Notice of Executive Board Vacancies

A Streetcar

A Play By Tennessee Directed

A4pplications are now invited for the following vacancies on the Federation of Students Executive Board for the remainder of’ the Council year 1984-85



Tom Allison, President Federation of Students




S&9 p.m.

17th ,

5&9 p.m.

18th 9

2 p.m.

, November November

of the Arts

Feds - $5.00 Available


Evening Written applications stating qualljications must be submitted to the undersigned no later than 4:30 pm, Wednesday,s November 21st, 1984

By Ned Dickens



Admittance After




15th y







Chairperson, Creative Arts Board take ojjice on Nov. 2&h/84 Chairperson, Board of Entertainment take ojjice on Jan. M/8.5 Vice-Chairperson, Board of Entertainment take ojjice on Jan. M/85 Vice-Chairperson, Board of Academic Affairs take ojji’ce on Nov. 26th/84 Vice-Commissioner, Board of Education take ojjice on Nov. 2&h/84



. Others - $6.00

at the HUManities

Tickets Fed

Purchased Office

To The Grand



Box Office





Of Fed Hall

The Show.


Arts Board Students

ht ga by Mike Upmalis Imprint Sports Waterloo’s men B-ballers won their I‘i I t h straight game last Friday against the Toronto Drifters of the Ontario Mens Senior league. Waterloo, in a consistently strong performance, won 96-83, in a game they led from beginning to finish. Top scorer of the garne was Randy Norris with 28 points. Paul Savich was next with 22, including going 7 for 8 from the free throw line, and Paul Boyce accounted for another 19 points. Waterloo opened up a six point lead before the Drifters got on the score board. Waterloo played strong against a very talented team in the first half and kent the lead between five and thirteen points. Waterloo started the second half a little cold with some sloppy passing a fC\lr bad plays that saw the Drifters twice close to within three points. Coach Don McCrae took one timeout after the second time the lead closed to ,within three, and Waterloo came back to first half form and outplayed the Drifters for the balance of the half to close. Coach McCrae felt that the team improved defensively but had brohcn dou II ol Icnal\ cl~ c)\c‘r the hall time. “You can’t ask for improvement minute by minute in a game”, McCrae said. However, it appears that Waterloo is a disciplined enough squad that can be pushed back onto their own good fqrm. Harry Van Drunen, returning after a two year absence fits well into his role as the “sixth Warrior”. On the court there were no obvious miscues and there was a good steady flow to Waterloo’s play. Van Drunen scored 8 points in the game, all coming from the outside, Van Drunen actually went four for five, missing only once from inside the key. Waterloo, in Van Drunen and Boyce in particular, has established a long threat to balance the inside work of Randy Norris. Boyce connected on 6 of 8 shots from outside. Ra lld} Norris, complement his stro-ng scoring performance had the job of defending against former Canadian National.

and Duke University player, Cam Hall. While stopping Hall might be done more ef’f‘ectively with a small cannon, Norris defended well, impeding Hall on the hoops without drawing many fouls. Norris picked up three personals, the third coming late in the game. Rookie guard Jerry Nolfie didn’t play last night. He was a valedictorian at his high school convocation at Humberside in I oronto. Waterloo is playing this weekend at the tip offtournament in Guclph. Waterloo meets Queens tonight, Friday night tit 7 p.m. Waterloo plays next on Saturday at 3 or 7 p.m. against York of Siena Heights (an American School out of Michigan). Finals will be held on Sunday. Other teams include Laurentian, Guclph, Western and Piitsburgh.




Basketball 1984-85

Na IllC



G uasd (i uard

5’ IO” 6’ I .’


.I crq S olli Craig Bcda Hcrni c Ah arc/ Rob k-rocsc



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I’cter Sa\ich I’aul Bo) cc Da\ c M oscr I om Schncidcl I<and) h on-i s


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I- WV%urd









7 ‘0”


as they narrowed the margin to one, on a goal by Jafl‘ Walters. pressure had the Warrior defence chasing bodies that just Before the period ended Jeff Braleau, with help from Blair weren’t there. Twice the Warriors had a chance to either frec/.e Webster and Chris White, put the Warriors back in front by the puck or ice it, but they failed. two. I‘he game opened up after the Gaels scored. Warrior Rob In the second period, Steve Mcldrum scored the Warriors Pearce notched a marker to draw the teams lebel. Gaining second shorthanded effort goal of‘ the game. Drawing the assist assists on the play were Kent Wagner and Andrew Smith. I‘hat left the game tied at the end of the second period. was Todd Morgan. Brock refused to wilt under t hc pressure and they came back to trail b>, only one at the end of‘ the period on In the third, the Gaels put the icing on the cake with two 1pta agoals by Greg E‘oy. 3‘Foals, the final into an empty net. In tht: third, the Warriors fired two power-play goals before On Sunday, November 4, the Warriors rode the stalwart goaltending of Peter Crouse and Jay Green’5 hattrick to a 7-5 t!lc period was l‘ilc minutes old. -1Ilc lirst was lrom the stich of Ja> Green and the eventual winner was fir-cd by Rick Hart. \,ictory okcr the Brock “Beep Beep” Badgers. I he game was “not a classic” but Birch said, *. I Ii 0 points arc 1\\ 0 points and Brock crept bath as Greg Eoy complctcd his hattrick but Green carncd his o~+n f‘cdora with the insurance marker less than a LIc ncd tl1cn1’~. tic \\;!s happ! L\IIh the goal scoring outbui-51 minutt’ and a halt !al.cr. because it “indicates that we can put tl?,c puck in the net”. Late 111the third pc’i-iod the Warriors i-an into a string of The Warriors opened the scoring c\,ith Jaq G~cen’s first ta!!), pcna!tic.\. I hc Badgers prcsscd forward but despite a powerpla> cfiort, at I :46 of the first period. Steve Cracker \+‘a~ L~nnecc~sar~ a l‘lum-r> 01‘ actilit) around the Warriors goal the> could only credited with an assist on the p!a>. ‘1 hc’> strctchcd their lead to add one more ,goa!, that b) Pat Del‘a/io with file minutes togo. 2-O when Jack McS~r!c> set up Rick Hart loi. a s!lorthanded I !~c Warrior5 ne\t home game is 7:30 p.m., Nobcmbcr 1 1, goal at 3:30.


rnadc a trip

In L1 alcrloo’lr nllnd. tllils itilt, a blch!,ing. I hc OC> /IA Iinals Ilad been pla! ccl OII

the second >car III ;I I’()\\ to the C‘IAL natlollals. I Iq


ma> ha\ c come back \\ it h but thq came 110 \\ i lS. bath ranhcd silt11 III the nallol and stil nunlbcr

pla! cd 3c’\ Cl aI stl~ollg ganlcS 011 lllC ca1-pct. I IlC blcsbing ~si.15mr.\cd III that ga HlCS Illal I\ oLrld bc



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U’atcrloo drc\\ pool \\lth I ictoria

into a and St.

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behind 2-O to L~cloria al the hall and alter Alison I3!~0\\ II’S



01 the

1o 0 , t’ictoi-ia lini~hcd kilItlia4-I u 111. Victoria later beat 1’orh I-0 in a game to scttlc the national title.




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Ich both \~cnt into c\ ith the idea that CI’C


hot h

arid \5


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~110~5on I llu!xia!




pl’acllcc \‘ictor!a


U’hrrt lo1-3~as




by James Scott



play to their potential

\I ;t~C1~!00’~ At l1cm 1icld


5’1 I ‘.








By Sandy Townsend Imprint staff There was no comparison between the Warrior team last weekend at the Columbia lcefields and the one that returned two weeks ago from Sudbury with their tai!s between their legs. It was the “first time they’ve played to their- potential” said coach Jack Birch. ‘I he team has to lea!-11 the baxics Iirst ,bclorc they can work on polishing their skills. The Warriors struggled for a well-deserlzd split of theit games. On Friday night, November 2, before a large but hubducd crowd, the team !o\t a hcartbrcahcr. 3-l. to Queen’.\. On Suriday, the Warriors ended their three game losing skid bq defeating the Brock Badgers, 7-5. Despite being outshot, 42-27, by Queen’s, the Warriors were in t!lc game right up until the final moments. Peter Croustz made se\zra! outstanding sakes to keep the contest close. CI-OLIX is a player who, according to Birch, “has to play well f‘or the team to do ~vell”. On Friday night, his solo effort wasn’t enough. ‘1 he lirbt pcrlod has scoreless, boti1 lc;lIll~ feeling cac~ll other out and playing a tight checking game. ? 11~‘Golden Gaels opened the scoring in the second period. Their consistent








was tlcd






l-l Iclt.


until u


SCM HI-UI~SMich scored the

goal. Coach McCrac Iclt that U’atcrloo plchcd up altcl the goa1 and had two solid shots on goal, one just u idc, a lid the othcl doppcd b> the UN B goalie. b\


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Bet,h Keyvley



-__ : .,

Kevin comes to the Unversity of Waterloo :- . -(8Coming~toU-W~ from G,eorgetowri, Ontario, ‘: Beth is in fifth ‘ytiar Art-sand in her final yeEar-. from Colombia, South America. He is -in second year Mathematics and swims on the of competition with the Athena field hockey> Warrior Swimming team as well as cabtains - team. She Started her career as a forward and the Water Polo team. 1 has played. the. last two &years as the -sweeper/ fuliback. -This ‘year she was the’ Kevin was instrumental ‘in Waterloo’s -Athena’s penalty stroker and ‘has s&jred four fourth place finish in the Challenge Cup strokes for the season. She is al& the penajty Tournament at McMaster University this-past , corner striker and has one of the harde.st hits weekend. Waterloo’s record in the, round , r in. the game. robin was 2 wins, 2 losses and 1 tie, a record Tbis past weekend at the National identical to the University of Ottawa. . Championship held at the University , of ,. However Ottawa’s goals for cminus goals British Columbia, Beth’s defense was: i aginast was le,ss than that of Waterloo’s, invaluabfe to the Athenas. l.u . .- ,, leaving Ottawa with the:th:jrd p&e finish. . \

B-ball’ Athen& ..I.; j$eiJ*--~q$!&&&:~;~ -,&.:,:..4 ’ ;. I : . _.

~by Ca@dyn Ski “= i, , The: Waterlo. - Atheria.s ’ ’ . . ventured to Ottawa this ‘past ,‘T: week-end. to participate in the Carleton Robins‘ lnvitatiorial.-’ Basketball t,ournament. aThe i L.,A&hej&s.r camp; o’ut+,. .:. ;$$2+ j .‘ _ . “.L*,* y<‘r. strong m ,th~‘;“o@~&j,ggarne _ against the Otta-wa~ C;l~~‘~.G~~~~~~.:: ii,~~p: ;r,~

:: The women dominated the &i@C 1ram the opening tip-off =.-G urrtil the: final, mi&ites; .whe$ “‘:‘t;he Ottawa club n-r&de a - _’ I’, -. strong come back to‘finish the game with a 3-point L ‘. ’ i. _I* ,’ difference, 57-54, Heading into‘ the champ- ’ _. .i i,onship round the Athens faced’ the top notchConcordia team who are ranked in the top five nationally. Waterloo playedan -I ._ o’utstanding game, however the experienced Concordia club took advantage of W:aterloo’s errors, and capitalized on them; winning the game &I-55. Once again, great ,.tf$mi work was displayed by’ the Waterloo _: club, with’ Lorraine Lawrence’ ’ having&n excellent ‘game. .In the final< game, the .-- ,r’: Athenas ’ met the‘ Brock ’ , . Badgers. However 1 the Athenas -Ii11 to the strong Brock team with the-Badgers pulling away to a 78-62 victory in the -final minutes, -’ / The Athenas are definitely looking forward to a successful season and a-r-e hosting their. league opener against ‘University of Guelph Cjryphons at 6:OO p.m. at the P:A.C. Join us for some excitkg :.: ’ --’ .:‘.[ asketball action! l


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9, 1984.




is Fun!




by Steve Funk The volleyball Warriors started their 1984-85 season right where they left off the year before--on a winning This past Friday, note. November 2, the Warriors travelled to London, where they tangled with the Mustangs of the University of Western Ontario. The Mustangs. will undoubtedly present the

beg,in season on winningnote \

greatest challenge to Waterloo’s stranglehold on the OUAA West title. The Warriors, boasting a strong nucleus of veterans, and a promising crew of rookies, defeated the Western crew by a match score of 3 to 2. The opening four games were evenly played, with the Warriors winning games I and 3. After the explosive Mustangs forced the deciding

fifth game by winning game 4, the frenzied capacity crowd anticipated a home team victory. Such was not tobe, though, as the Warriors thrashed their opponents, and copped a quick 15-3 victory and a check mark in the “W” column. Waterloo’s Dave Ambrose, on his return from a tour with the National team, displayed moves normally requiring two

men. Ambrose consistently penetrated the Western defence, not only with his front row attacks, but also with poignant thrusts from the back row. Owen Jones, the handler of Waterloo’s setting duties, frustrated the continually Mustangs with his varied offensive selections. Highflying Brian Jackson, errorless Ron Clarke: and the

acrobatic Jim Cook all played crucial roles in the victory, but it was a spectacular stuff block by Steve Funk in the decisive fifth game which effectively quashed all hopes of a Western victory. Rookie Head-coach Rob Atkinson, as an.ex-Mustang; was ecstatic with the win over his “Alma Mater”. Next home game: Friday. Nov. 9, PAC at 8:OO p.m.


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9, 1984.





Sports Comment&y:


S&ash Tournament/ Results

by Diane Brown

Campus fro&line troops


by Sandy Townsend In my brief stay here, our athletic teams have proven themselves to be worthy ambassadors for our University. They have not always been as successful as we, would have like, but then, that isn’t their only function. There have been no scandals, no riots, no scholarship violations and they have done nothing to disgrace themselves or the Universitv. In my humble opinion, the Warriors and Athenas’are ready, willing and able to serve as the front-line troops in the UW diplomatic corps. This university is well respected in the academic and business zommunity and has a well-deserved reputation for its teaching excellence. Its reputation with the general public is a different. story. When they think of Waterloo, they think of computers, math and engineering students, career-oriented programs, the world’s worst student pub and students who are frankly, ,in one word, loring. There is however, a chance to salvage this hard-won but dismal reputation. The key is our athletic teams. I’m sure that all of you have seen the antics of U.S. college students at games when those games are being televised. You [now, the silly ones who paint their faces and go crazy. You can Gther dismiss those students as silly drunk p.reppi& or admit hat,-hey, those guys know how to party. , This same phenomenon does happen in Canada. There are he annual pilgrimages by Queen’s students to Montreal for the Kill McGill” game. Or the Panda Game between Carleton and Ittawa. Or a Western Homecoming game against anybody. I :ould go on. Our chance to change our reputation occurs every time a Yarrior or Athena team plays. Sometimes though, the efforts of I few backfire when no one else joins in the cheer. Without any kelp, those brave souls do look silly. The four man wave at the ecent hockey game was an example of this. The upcoming Naismith basketball tournament supplies you /ith a perfect opportunity to paint your face, dress up, act silly, cream and cheer and generally act like a non-University of Vaterloo student (that is, boring). One game may not change ur reputation but at least it will be a start. But, hey, be careful out there and remember that you are upporting UWs neti diplomatic corps. And maybe, just maybe, /e can convince our exalted leader, Dr. Wright, to,give more Toney to our athletic teams ins&ad of ‘the boring computer zsearch hacks. After all, who do you believe is a better mbassador for UW?

Being Accepted MathSOC

For The Summer Nominktion SAvailable

by Karen Chadwick

SAMMY is on holiday until next week, so the convener will write a little story about play-off format. The play-offs Will start this Sunday, Nov. 11 at 3:45 pm in the PAC. There will be 18 men’s games and 4 tiomen’s games that day. The women’s’ finals will be played on Wednesday, Nov. 14 starting at 7:30 p.m. Be sure to catch the action! There will be a lot of excitement in the men’s play-offs as there will be a total of 7 championships. In the A championship, the Niners and On Pro will be looking to play in the final. Spurt, the Flyin’ Eyes and’ the Dirty Dawgs are prime candidates to take the Bl play-off. There are four other B play-offs as well, all of which will be very competitive as teams will be almost equal in terms of skill and determinations. Buckyland and the Fmsh Busters are forces to be reckoned with in the C league. The men’s play-offs will continue for three weeks on Sundays and Mondays. The most exciting actions will come during the finals. The A, Bl , B2 and 83 championships will take place right after the Naismith final has been-Played on Sunday, November 25, 1984, starting at 5:()0 p:rn. ihe B4, B5 and C Championship will be played on Mon. Nov. 26 starting at 7:00 pm. Come on out and support youi friends or fhvourite teams over the’next few weeks. Good luck to all -teams Dlavina! There are still a couple of spaces open,to anyone interested in the St. John’s Ambulance Course which will be held November 16, 17, 18. Anyone’ interested should contact,PAC Reckp’tioni’st at PAC 2040


squash team:

Costigan m.akes it first Playing in the Number I position, Warrior’s Captain, Mike Costigan, led the team to victory over Guelph’s powerful Royal City Squash Club, to nail down first place in the strong Western Ontario g-team league. Cost&an used his power game to advantage in defeating (iuelph’s number I ranked player, 1‘6m. Vanaselja, .3-2, while Bruce Lee

wc?t to Rob Calder who defeated Bill Szkotnicki in a marathon match which saw Clader use his stamina and speed in the fifth game. r 1 > . Clutlph winntrs\ to-r wtrt\I d,“:s Thomas who defeated Rob Bowder 3-O and Dale Lockie who out-played Ron Hurst in a 5-game duel. .

display of‘ shot tia’king ‘and good length. 7’he other Waterloo.I victory

best ‘season ~ cvcr, being uJ&l’cated in the number 1 position.

Warriors are undefeated in leagui play and Captain,


, Treasurer

Term 1985 Forms

From MathSOC MC 3038

- Nomination

On Tuesday night the semi-finals were played. After a no loss record throughout the tournament Ng Choon Heng conceded to Barry Stemmler in the Men’s B final. Congratulations to both for such an interesting game to watch. In the Men’s A final game Mike Roberts emerged the champion defeating Samliel Lau. Honourable mention mu& also be given to Glen Svarich for wearing the most colour coordinated outfit. Thanks to all those who participated - hope you had

Sammy Singlet’s Report on sports ’


, Vice-President


Men’s Single Badminton Tournament

.w Are NOW

. _-. Nominations


Men’s and women’s squash singles tournament: Last weekend was perfect for squash. The racquets were hot, the ball 1 were hot, the courts were hot and most of all, the players were hot. In Men’s A Division, David Sowerby just squeezed by Graham Zabel by a score of 1O-9 in the first game but came back hard in the second game with a score of 59-O.In Men’s B Division, Pool A, Dave Champoux was victorious over Baiiy Stemmler. The victory, however, was not easy; scores were 7-9, 9-5 and 9-7 for Dave Cahampoux. In Men’s B Division, Pool B, Sam Garcea won over Grant Casbourne with scores of 9-7 and 90. In Men’s C Division Byron Cooper beat Brian Murphy. In Women’s A Division Diane Dolay had a good game against Kelly White. Diane won both of her games with scores of 9-7 and 9-5. Congratulations to all those who entered, both for their participation and their effort. Good Stuff!


Peri,od Closes

4:30 p.m.Tues;Nov.I%h




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