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Villagegate: the real stow ,

by Carol Fletcher and Petr Cizek lmprint staff In the dead of nlght of December 21st,22nd and 23rd. 1984, I UW securlty entered and searched rooms in Village One and Village Two A team of two securlty officers confiscated anythlng they belleved to be illegal Items which were taken from rooms Included governinent slgns of varlous types, street ,lgns, beer publicity slgns, and marijuana plants The search occurred during campus securtty's mldnight 3hifts Two security officers used a truck to cart away the \ alleged stolen merchandise or contraband Only after they had completed their search of Village Two did security contact D r Ronald Eydt. Warden of the residences ' Security Informed D r Eydt that a starch had been undertaken I in Vlllage Two and requested his approval t o search Village 'One D r Eydt agreed t o this request A search was subsequently undertaken in Village One In both vlllages most men's floors were searched, but only a small number of women's floors were searched Students were unaware that any search and sekzure was t o occur over the holidays The residence Dons the Duty Attendants, other Security Officers, the Director of Security A1 Romenco, d W Secretary in charge of securlty Jack Brown, ahd UW president D r Doug Wright all denied havmg prior knowledge of the s e a r ~ h Imprint received a n exclusive story regarding the Vlllage , searches from a coniidentlal source who 1s a security officer o n campus For reasons of confidentlallty. the officer's name cannot be revealed The officer told lmprint that three security officers on#the aforementioned shifts "took it upon themselves t o search the Villages in order t o retrieve stolen signs" he other memberrof the security flOrcejokingly call this trio the "SWAT" team. These three officers were described by thls security officer as "trouble-makers and they should never have worked together in the first place". One of the officers was the 1 Acting Supervisor. while the other two conducted the search. imprint has been informed that there is now arift at security. One half of the men justify the search, while the other half believe that it should never have happened.


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Village I resrdent Phrl Py@rpaints lo ~he-t.mprvs w e on his bookshe// where he used ro have a w e e r sign,"Horn': to whrch he added a '3 " t o make "Horny': Imprint photos by J.D.Bonser

previous conversations with people involved, that security acted entlrely upon t h e ~ rown cogmzance", Mr. Allison said "There are problems o n this campus with security that admmistratlon has known about for a long time. As soon a s I heard about this incident 1 knew Al Romenco had

Security fbrce with theft" -Allison This type of mass search has nbver before occurred in the :i. Village residences. In the past, whenever Security believed that students had stolen $gns in their residence rooms. they asked Dr. Eydt to request the Villagers t o return theitems voluntarily. said that this inethod had been successful. ' Dr.Dr.Eydt Eydt also told Imprint that "traditionally, security has acted very sensitively ... this is very different from anything that: has happened before. It sounds out ofcharatter for seiurity t o , act this way". After emerging from a one hour interview with University . .Ombudsman Dean Nadon concerning the s e a k h , a clearly : upset and confused Dr. Eydt said, "this sort of thing is terribly upsetting . . . In the late sixties and early seventieswhen yo" smelled marijuana in every third room, security didn't bothqr us at all. Only twice did the RCMParrest people for possession of illicit drugs." Dr. Eydt plans t o form a special committee with the Village Council. the Tutors, and the Dons to address the situation. In conversation with Imprint Dr. Wright said "What happened was totally legal". He referred to the terms of the residence agreement which allows the rooms t o be searched without a warrant or without informing the occupants. Dr. Wright said that "The search was more than simply a souvenir hunt. The students demonstrated a n element of irresponsibility as was evident in the quantity of stolen merchandise removed from the rooms." He furthermore said that "Two wrongs don't make a right.. . I must make it clear that I have a sense of regret that the search was ever undertaken" He could not a5suG Imprint that this type of Learch would never happen again Federation President Totil All~sonhas been in contact with I ) D r Wright with respect t o the ~ e a r c h I Mr Alhson said 'I a m appalled by theaction of security 1a m confident that there are enough good people in the admin~stratlonthat I think there will be a lull and proper inquiry" He went on to say "Security had acted in a n incredibly 2irrespons~blemanner and the= had better be change5 made concerning the waq in which security 1s run changes made in the relationship between the Village and the Villagers" Mr Allison also sard "1 would have to conclude. bdsed on my 1




acted on his own". When Mr. Allison was asked what consolation he could give t o the Villagers who had legitimate items taken by security, he said "I hope they are legally able to charge our security force with theft". Al Romenco's immediate reaction to Tom Allison's accusations was a chuckle. However he did Aot make a statement about the comments of the Federation President. Mr. R o m n c o did tell imprint that he had just returned from holidays and had been only r e ~ e n t l yinformed of the search of the residences. Mr. Romenco said that' "government property will be returned to the respective cities or ministries". He said that "A corporation has a right to the premises that they own, and in that regard the search was totally legal". Mr. Romenco denied issuing any order t o search the residences. Jack Brown, Secretary of the university and Mr. Romenco's immediate supervisor said he had no information concerning the search and refused to make any comments o r "answer any hypothetical questions". An investigation is being undertaken by Dean Nadon, U W Ombudsman, on behalf of the Villagers who have lodged complaints. He would not comment on the inquiry for he felt it might impede the case. Phil Pyett of Village One, East 2 had his room searched and a green Ministrq of Transportation and Communication sign removed from hicroom. He said that the sign was given to him lcgitimately and that h e can probe his rightful possession. Mr. Pyett first realixd that the sign was missing after he returned from holidays. The Don of Phil Pyett's floor was not aware of the search until after Mr. Pyett had contactcd S e c u ~ t to y report the missing sign. Security told Mr. Pyett that the residences has been searched and anything assumed to be stolen material was confiscated. . Security then gave Mr. Pyett a long lecture about theft. When Mr. Pyett asked to have his sign returned. security insisted that he produce proof of the legitimacy of the sign. Mr. Pyett said t o lmprint "I'm extremely mad that they have the right t o enter a room. and furthermore take my stuff without any notice o r warning I don't remember slgning a

document allowtng securlty t o enter my room Imprint accompanied VillagerRob Dolmage t o securlty o n Tuesday. January 8th. The purpose of his v ~ s l was t t o retrieve a "lcgitimate" u g n that was taken by Securlty durlngthe search An irate man at the security desk told Mr Dolmage that he "couldn't release any of the property" When the student then asked what he hfid t o d o t o get h ~ sign s back. the man then replied "I don't care what you d o I'mjust tell~ngyou what 1 was told". When Mr Dolmage asked hlm "Are you refusing t o return my personal property"". the securlty representatwe retorted "I'm not refusmg you anythlng Don't put words In my mouth" Another Villager. Adam Chamberlain. in conversation with Attorney General Roy McMurtry regarding the searches was told that "It seems t o me t o have probably been a reasonable breach of search and seizure laws". Mr Chamberlain then explained t o Mr. McMurtry that in inquiry had been undertaken by the university ombudsman. The residence Dons did not want their names printed because of the nature of their jobs. One Don said "The Dons d o not agree with the manner in which the search was undertaken.-Dr Eydt did not even give his permission to search Village Two". Another Don said "It is pretty wierd that this has happened. b e t a u k they told us during orientation that we would be present if a search of a room sholtld take place. Anoth'er Don informed lmprint of a woman who was asleep when s e h r i t y attempted to enter her room. Lisa Bromaroffof Village Two had the chain on the door and would not let the security officers enter even after they had identified themselves. Ms. Bromaroff had informed the V2 office that she would be staying in the Village during that time. Ms. Bromaroff.said "I was bery scared at first and I didn't let them in my room. 1 rented this room. It should be illegal tor them t o d o this".

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-Tpitor &July





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Mail to: Q@ce of Part-Time St_udies, ,I C@r$spondence & Continuing Education, _ yniversity of Waterloo, Wqaterloo, Ontario, ___ N,2L3Gl -



, _

/ ,by Todd Schner”der Imprint-staif _


1’ - : . The Graduate Student -Association (GSA) held a special meeting Tuesday evening, January 8th; to reconsider a motion it passed at its previous meetingwhich supported the donation of $16,000 to the African famine relief campaign. By the end of the meeting, a referendum on the issue had been commissioned, and a Referendum Committee to deal.withits realization had been struck. A motion at a December GSA meeting, passed by a roll call vote of 5 to 4, endorsed “the donation of-50% of each of the Legal Aid and Donation Pragram Investment Funds” to’ . famine relief. In addition, it urged the Board <“to present a referendum to this effect’: to thegrauate student body. Chairperson Dinar Camotim noted that since the previous meeting’s motion indicated the Board supported the donation, : it required a two-thirds majority to pass, and he struck it down.: _ The Board’s Judicial Officer, -Dale Miner, addd that a motion concerning money in any regard requires the-same majority. A motion was. forwarded that read:,“Be it resolved that the Board -hold a referendum on the question of donating $16,000. to the Famine Relief Campaign”. . At this point, Mr. Miner resigned, saying that all motions ‘regarding the referendum needed a two-thirds majority,not jus It those-specifically relating to the spending of funds: since th e referendum implied that money be spent. . A motion arose to challenge. the chair on his ruling;: but- i t-: failed to stand in a subsequent vote. Mr. Miner reclaimed hi: seat after an argument over jurisdiction in such disputes. Wendy Mortimer; -the original proponent of the referendor n motion, expressed concern that if the referendum question doe :S not specify the amount the GSA intended togive it could end u P contributing a paltry sum. . Mr. Miner said that he believed that the money in the Fund i question ought to be above tampering, in order to preserve th programs they were set up to finance. A formal amendment to the motion, was called and-passec This action changed the wording of the motion, substituting th phrase “funds” for the previously proposed amount of $16,00( >. \ -_ _) . -



< . :

kndidates line up? Not really, justfqur guys doing something / 9 the bathroom at the Waterloo &foior &n. Implrint photir by Richard --Clinton i


Mr. Miner asked that if the fur&ion of the GSA was to aid the interests ofLg$aduate students, how such an expenditure could be justified. Ms. Mortimer replied that holding -a .referendum would establish -whether such a contributionwas Ipart %of their interests: --j _ Patricia Liles noted that such a donaiiori vi{ uld be a radical departure from the GSA’s normal conduct, and that it was not a, _ _ charitab$ organizat’ion, .^At this point, Biology grad student Marian Stypa asked if he .+. could present the’board w-ith a petition he had circulated among::,: h is colleagues. This petition recommended the GSA not donate- : its own funds, but rather solicit contributions from individuals. 1 After debate on the-relevance of the submission;,~MriStypa was’ ‘. ruled out of order by the chair. . rI -- . . The amended motion to hold areferendu-m was called, and - -House. If- the investment funds were to be used,- he said, _ passed by a two-thirds majority in aroll-call vote.. :- +:reducing the .debt’might be more relevant. ’ A second motion then arose: “ Beit resolved that the, Board I_ i GSA president Feisal ‘Ray man claimed’.that &e compulsory --’ supportdonationof Sl6,OOO to the Famine--Relief Campaign”. . . fees of-$10 per term, per stud&&were levied, toihelp pay of&he At this point, Mr. Stypa was finally -aIlowed to 1%cad-:his cost of construction,$dt to enable the Board to-make charitable .: .petition. ln discussion on the motion, Ms. LiFesPeclared that,“I- -donations. He added that he also spoke to the business~manager do not feel. that much money .-: should<i.go to a single ‘5 on the issue and was told that the donatio-n could be make as organization”. -She added that the investment%r,hds could be long as the Board &uld.find ways of re?ouping the lo& added to the operating budget, but not used fbr’:‘non-GSA Mr. M&o&argued that the investment,ft&is~ere targetted. ,activities,.according to the GSA by-laws. . . - ’ -as a source forthe donations because they are’not directly tied t : 5: Colin McLong answered that the’investment funds could be: _r to the operatingbudget. . treated differently from operating funds, and that they need ngfSinge the ekpan&n.wasmade to generate capital itself, Mr. be used jpecifically fo? grad students. Ms. Mortimer added thail ’ McLorg-argued:the necessity of paying-off thedebt was not as’ ’ since-..the$unds in question%-e over and above. the operatin&: greacas, believed: Mr: <l;iles answered the a?cusation of- the budget,they-could be spent without risking serious damage t! Executive hoarding the investment. fur@ by saying that at the the programs in question. c . “ meeting referred:‘& s~~-.gug~ested’:thatfthe interest-lbe put . Ms, Liles produced figures to* explain that such an towards servi&. She :also stated- that -Gqmpelling reasons for e_xpendituti‘ would “equal 124% of the operating budgets of all giving money to%@rities ‘cp’me up;&rt&i$tally~~and this would eT- - - Y := j programmesfor one year. As well, the withdrawal of $16,j)OO-is, c be’setting a-bad $rqcedtnt,;~~ equal, at current averages (of expenditure per legal aid case) jt-o-,_ _-‘Tbe-se~~~~~;:motioil.‘w~s~-~~en.cai;ed,‘.:~rid’def~ated. ’ 1 *-. __:).. legal aid for 273.75 graduate students”. .ITlie,lasf:-mdtiori”.~~~.the’l;rveriingT~~~~dii~~~ed.‘~ referendum,. - Bill B.la,&port countered that the business manager told him.‘- 1+=commdtee, ‘I- ’ is7 ’ made-up of eq:ual-numbers of&&h of th,e fatitions onthe interest lost on- these investment funds could be made up. .I ‘ihe*Bo&-d,‘with a mandate to draw up-a recommendation for’ . from the operating *budget; it was a small sacrifice to make, he the wording. of’the$eferehdum,~-&rd~all related matters. This: concluded. committee -is to repo.rt to” the :next -meeting of the Board,.: -. 1 Mr; Miner pointed to the GSA’s current debt load of some i scheduled for January 22ndr __;--_.-f \ _ /

by’T.A, Grier Imprint %ff ‘. _ fl ‘i‘ ” . 7: . __ -/ . The final date for nominations is still two weeks away, but speculation has already produced’ four candidates .for February’s Federation of Students presidential elections. Vicepresid.ent Jeff Wilson, Arts student Sonny Flanagan, -Arts student Ross Morrissey, and Integrated Studies student *Cameron ,Anderson have all indicated that they intend to seek the. presidency. Only Mr. Flanagan and Mr. Anderson, however, would definately confirm their candidacies. Mr. Anders.on, some krnay\ recall,., livened up last year’s election by running with Petr Cizek as “*Nobody” and Another uncommitted ,candida.te is- farmer MathSoc “Nobody’s Fool”. In his bid for -the presidency. this year, he president,,Ross Morrisey. He says he is running because “1,need says, he plans to head a _“collective energy unit” of two to four the money”. He added that ,he is unhappy #with the present peqpIe,. which would act as an “interim executive to turn the administration and that he has more to offer the-students of power over to the students”. - U.W. 3 - Mr. Anderson .would not name those he intends to run with. “They need me because I’m naive, because I’m not that smart, , The second declared candidate,-Sonny Flanagan, says he is and because 1 would want other people to do things.,” Mr.: %ot happy with (Fed president Tom) Allison’s government; It M orrissey said. He said that his running depends on;firstly;whether or not he is an autocratic administration, with everything coming from L_ the top”. can find a suitable running mate; and secondly, w.hether or not “I have a lot of practical ideas. I’ve thought about this-and I Mr. Flanagan runs. “1 don’t think that Sbnny (Flanagan) and I &n do$he,job better-thanTom Allison”, Mr. Flanagan stated. will run separately - possibly.-as a team.” Mr. Flanagan made, news;lBt%erm by. resigning l&post of Vice-president Wilson is the only member bfthe curre.nt. Fed. Chairman -of th&rea$&e Arts Board on the Fed executive executive who--has made any public indications that he-may runI because o’f his ,reseivatiqnsregarding the present . for president: sfdmin&tra@D.” ,Ts;;-ym “. _ ‘..* . ’ ; : As widely expected, current president. Tom Allison-says.he ,? Thotigh hisays hp.hai:ch6~~~‘ri’;u~ning mate, Mr. Flanagan will not seek a third term. “What kind of person would want to run for a third term? ,I -would 3n& prod&e a name:. .I _. Vic~p~e~ide~~~-~~~~~~~~n~ and Finance, Jeff Wilson, who is said at the start of this term that 1 intended to have mor,e funYe wi~ely.v~~~~~~;as~.~~~~~~issn?s groomed successor, was tightwell, 1 haven’t.” Mr. Allison said. lipped ~regarding~the klec’t’ion,; but did indicate that he intended *- Mr. Allison-plans to remain on campus next year and does , &) run; ‘-‘,--.: -’ _’ >. .. not rule out.involvement in school activities. - Vic&president, University Affairs, Mitch Retterath, w%had _ Ther+‘a good chance-I-will run,” he said. “There is stilla until recently intended to oppose Mr. Wilson in the race, says lot of work- yet undone.” MT. Wilson was quick tb’pointZout; that he has decided not to run. Privately, he has questioned however,: that “there’s still’ a couple of weeks ‘before / ,-a. _ . whether or not he really wanted t.he position. Mr Retterath nominations go in.” ;L’ As an’ afterthought, Mr. Wilson noted that %y* plant& intends to graduate at the end of this term. This year’sFederation elections are to be held on February growing very, well, but 1 think-+ would grow better.in i‘om’s. 12th and 13th. orfice.‘:A: _ ’

r \


. . . -L .



Coznxnent t


You should not neglect agitation; each of you should - Ferdinand Lasalle (1825-l 864)



11, 4985.

make it his task.

Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA), and a member of Canadian University Press (CUf?). Imprint publishes every second Friday durm the Spring term and every Friday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo. Ontario.” Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. ImDrint: ISSN 0706-7380

Imprint Friday

Events January

IVoon: Staff Meeting 1:30 pm. Editorial Monday 2:00 5:00

Legal yes, but just? Just when we thought we had emerged from ‘I 984 unscathed, it was revealed that Big Brother had made a surprise and unjustified appearance in the Villages at UW over the Christmas break. Essentially, the UW ,+dministration (those who work upstairs in Needles Hall), including the Security Department have screwed-up. We should explain this accusation. Even though Security and the upper-hierarchy of UW have been diehards about maintaining the legality “under common law” of search, they seem to be totally ignorant of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. ’ If the contentiouscontract in question islegal, then at the very least let us rewrite it and also make itjust. The search and seizure in the Village residences is a perfect example of how law and justice are two very separate entities. An important question to ask is this, what did the university gain from conducting this blatant violation of individual rights? We must agree with Dr. Wright when he said “Two. wrongs do not make a right”. Not only students, but all people who steal traffic signs are unaware of the number of automobile fatalities that result from their stupidity. Theft is a crime and everyone is aware of that fact. It would be remiss to overlook the other wrong that was committed. Those officers who of their own volition played “Supercops”, behaving as UW’s own vigilante force, acted against precedent and created a pronounced barrier between the students and the University’s Security Department. Unfortunately, what little re’spect was previously held by the student body for the Security Department and the University Administration has diminished to nearly nil. Since Attorney General Roy McMurtry thin ks the search wrong, we hope that the Administration and Security will cease attempting to whitewash this entire scandal. The concealment of the’truth was very apparent as one watched the “+Old Boys Network” on campus in closed door meetings and confidential luncheons. No one wanted to tell the media what had actually happened. When the story was finally uncovered, UW Administration had backed up Security who, in turn, supported their officers. Formal memos and press releases that were made publicly available by Dr.


pm: pm:

Wright assured everyone that the masssearch was entirely legal under the guise of contract law. UW’s motto is “Concordia cum veritate”, which .. means, ‘In accord with the truth.” Apparently Doug Wright’s lawyers weren’t told that. Their memos served only to increase confusion, neither formally admitting nor denying culpability.



Editorial Editorial





Editorial Editor Production Advertising

Head Typesetter Typesetter Business


Board George

Manager Manager




Friday Noon:

1 lth





Christopher Ricardo Douglas Thompson Jenny Channer Janet Lawrence


It seems that the motto of this university should be changed a bit, “in accord with the truth, but only when convenient.” The Administration and those people who have allowed this invasion of privacy to occur have got all the bases covered. They know that students do not have the resources, time or money to truly inquire into the legality of the search. In this case, “Ignorance is Strength”. The , University of Waterloo’s brass are relieved and the students are shafted once again. (,~rrrol FlPl4~114v-

The following Editorial Board positions are available. No experience is necessary. Applications will be accepted by the editor until Thurscby, January 10, at noon. Editorial Botid elections will be held on Friday, Januav 11 at 1:30 p.m. All UW &u@ents are eligible for positions. \-,I -

Assistant Editor News Editor 6’ Assistant Arts Editor & Assistant Sports Editor &’ Assistant Office Manager Photo Editor Advertising Assistant(s) Bookkeeping Assistant(s) Production Assistant(s) Distribution Manager


Retiring business manager a last longing look. We’//

Rob Van Ekeren miss you Rob.




George Elliott

Clarke, ext. 2332


A different


A new beginning by Zeke Ge&rd i

(a pseudonym)

1 always feel a bit awkward about this part, the initial .statement that says so much and yet says so little. I never know what to expect, and I always use some sort of nervous little preamble, and get tangue-tied. .I don’t know quite why - I’ve done it. dozens of times. Anyway, for all the rgadeqs who have just jqined us, the returning co-op students In Waterloo and the readers of Brock University’s Press, which has just picked up the column, here goes. I’m gay. Okay, now that I’m over that hurdle, what next? What do I say, what do you say? I know I shouldn’t try to fill in your _half bf the dialogue, because I’m terribly pessimistic and I tend to imagine all sorts of unsympathetic reactions, and Fat only makes me more nervous, and then sense that I’mnot


so,you think-that

I think I’ve just

blurted out the most terrible secret in the world when’ in fact that isn’t how I feel. about it at all and - take a _tranquillizer, Zeke! Calm, self-assured, remember? You’re trying to make a good impression, right? I’m not this neurotic most of the time, really. (Just wait, and soon I’ll relax and start talking as if we were old friends, you’ll

see.) It’s just that people’s



be so

unpredictable. Stili, most of the responses have b&en veiy accepting right from the start. So why worry? It’s fear of the pnknown on my part. And I think it’s fear of the unknown that’s behind’ most negative reactions too. That’s why this column exists, so that gay men and lesbians will not be an unknown to be feared or despised: and so-that we can all begin to share with each #her, ‘openly and without fear. Especially because open sharing is so important here, 1

should explain about the pseudonym

. I don’t like using

it, but I feel that at this point in 6me, I just don’t have the

personal resources to deal with being a completely out-ofthe Close! gay per& in. this society, nonwith *e process of “co&$ dut” itself. Part of me says I’m being cowardly part says that’s just practical. Maybe in time. . . . This is a v&y personal column, based largely on my own experiences. I am, however, only ode gay man . among many, and one young, urban, middle-class gay man at that.

Gay people are all individuals;

I hope that

To the editor: 1 have become increasingly concerned with the edirorial tone of this publication. Judging from the anti-American rhetoric spewing forth from the selfystyled “progressives ” on imprint’s editorial staff last term, students’can expect the same sort .of nonsense this term.as well. Since it is fashionable- in this country’s acadetnic circles to engage in “Reagan bashing”, it is not surprisirig to find imprint in the “blame America first” crowd. What is surprising, is the depth of Imprint’s pathological hatred of America in general, and President Reagan in particuah-. ” ’ Be it ill-informed comr@ntary on arms control negotiations or its laughable attempts to blame the‘U.S.A. for the famine in marxist Ethiopia?one car) always depehd on Imprint’s socialistzealots to d&tort the truth whatever way is necessary to fit their left-wing’idqology.’ These&views can only come from people who have never suffered the horror and oppression of Communist rule .and who have never been the victims of terrtirism . sponsored by Soviet client states. These days, it seems that Imprint will habitually blame anything that offends its lib-left sensibilities on the C.I.A., thb., “multinationals”, or the Reagan ‘administration ?-. whether’ they have, hard evidence to substanfiate thei; claims or not. The in&age of the millions of refugees fr,om communist countries who have “voted with their feet” and fled socialist oppression is lost on ideologues such as these. - Imprint editors mutely accept genocide as being the price.of socialism in such countries as Cambodia,- Afganis’tqri,% *t-hqUkraine and Vietnam: Atrocities committed in-the name- of “scientific sdcialism” just do not rate Imprint’s attention - notwhen a really “meaningful” editorial denouncing the American electorate for re-elect&g. President Reagan - could be cobbled .together instead. --. When will Imprint stop ignoring (or tipologising foi-) the bloody excesses of totalitarian s[ates.and their despotic rulers? Democracy (in the proper sense of the word) exists in precious .few places on this planet. While democracy. is far from perfect, the’ alternatike, iS totalitarianism of bne kind or another. Being one df the strongest bastions of freedom in the world, America becomes the whipping-bd’y for those people whose ideology lebv&s no roorq for personal liberty or the aspirati@s of the individual. When Imprint’s commissars acknowledge the-many virtues of America, they will do their readers a far greater service than by continually dwelling upon America’s sinsreal or imagined. R.D. Arthur . i.. 34 cs ’


others, particularly some lesbians, can eventually share ._ their experiences h&e. The column is named after a science-fiction novel ,by lebian writer Elizabeth A. Lynn.... In her novel, the “different light” is the light of a different sun; here it may be like warm , and hearty


fire, or an angry

spark, or perhaps

a lone

candle, but I hope you will find it enlightening. by Shayla


Underage students

Uhderage stu&nts are a minority on campus as we all know. In fact, ther;e are less than five per cent of “under 19” students here. Unfortunately 1 am one of @em. I say “unfortunately” because I cannot get into the Bombshelter or any oth& pubs around town; including Fed Hall. I can understand being unable to get into the Bombshelter as manager Harry Warr: explained, they have a lounge licence which prmits only students who are over the legal drinking age to I enter: Fed ,Hall has a dining Iqunge‘.licen+e, which legally allows under age students

into $e


but restricts

them from

drinking; but Fed prei, Tom Allison, s&d that Fed Hall is refusing admission to .:‘unheragers” abyway. The reason is tha’t it-would be to&much of a hassle for waiters and-waitresses to ask for a person’s I.D. every time a drink was ordered. Alio, the @ff &ouid not be able td remember who was of age and wh6 was not,&o@hout the evening if the staffers ’ didn’t want to ask for I.D. ni&e’than once. I’m really upset about ‘this news because most of my friends are 19 or over, and when we want to go out somewhere;we have to rule out the Bombshelter and*Fed Hall just because I can’t get in. I talked to Tom and told him about theUniversity of Windson’s pub policy. They stamp any person’s hand who is of age so that the serving staff can serve drinks only to those with stamped hands. /

Therefore, universities


underage with siyilar


at Windsor

(and other Ontario

plans) can go to their pubs and sit with

eat, enjoy the scene&

and partake

in non-alcoholic


So, I asked,.why c&t we do it here? Fed Hall iS for feds, and undera@rs are feds too. It’s not fair. Tom Allison told me that the stamped hands idea was a good one, but there has been-n6 demand fdr something like that here. Of course there’s been-no demand!- M&t people ‘think’that Fed Hall’s license is like the Bombshelter’s and therefore people under 19 can’t get in no matter what. But we now know that is untrue. But eden-a small demand might get us int6 Fed Hall. So, underagers, unite!




Soapbox is a new feature, intended as a forum for individual Imprint staff members to express their

Heroes and idolatry

by Beth-Karstadt

’ We all have heroes.Some of them are mo& idols or r&k stars, some are fictional characters; and some are even our own Iparents. Whateve!- or whoever they are, they provide comfort and security for ps, while at the same time providing us with a goal to strive for. But if you. really think qbdut it, heroes and idols do more harm than good. Most people know how painful it is to have come fo the realization that their hero is not perfect, but’ rather human1.y fallible. lfcan be e.qually painful if one’s herd is also one’s parent. . By the time one reach& one’s teens, though,it usually has become fairly obvious that parents are far from the wondrous beings tie originaly believed -. them to be. ‘.’ Although this realizatioi is merely another part of growing up, a_dh’ild or even 5 parerit can*b& emotionally , scarred for life. Added .problems arise when parents try to shield their faults from their c-hildren. Undoubkdly the child will feel patronized - a dilemma that is often the precursor to rebellion. Perhaps the worst part of id&zing someone is the inevitable loss of identity. Some time around the age of I2 or 13 most youngsters find their’ first idol. This is anyone from an older siblihg or friend to a famous personality. What occurs next is the absolute molding of the youngster’s life to that of their idol, miinicking actions in detail. They will don only what their idol does. While pondering how this “monkey see,- m&key do” can come so easily, I realized that it is simply a case of children being so impressionable at ihat age’ Whm finally at 16 or 17, the idols have fallen and *.‘one acknowledges that each must lead his or her own life,

many new quandaries




For so long,’ the youngster has been following -in another’s footsteps, never straying frqm the path. When the footsteps >Jddenly end, many find themselves completely lost - unable to fend for themselves.” _ Instead of -forging ahead, it becomes necessary to retrace their steps to the beginning, and start over again. They must then go through the process of sorting out their abilities and desires. They must decide what they want to do and what-they are capible of doing. Unfortunately, there are those~, who don’t begin to retrace their steps until they are a little older, and often it is ‘too late. Thq feel that they are too old to begin assessing themselves and their lives, that perhaps they are washed up before thay have even really begun. These people are often left with no hope and no direction in life. They bounce around from place to place’; and are unable to ever settle down. Deep inside they are still believing in idols, because it is the only_thing they have left. Everyone has their own little spot in rife. It is a place where only they fit, a place where‘they are king and ruler, a place where they can be only themselves, and be loved for it. It is sad to think that some never reach this plateau, that they are robbed of”a lifestyle with which they can be secure and comfortable and happy.



Portable perturbames by Sonny Flanagan U W is taking on a new look. Our beauiiful campus is becoming spotted with portables. The f&t was erected in the suc~/u~J~cl-area between Physics and Engineering 3. “P2” wirs delivered to Carl Pollock Hall where it gets the exposure it deserves. Hardy engineers can bounce beer bottles off the roof without leaving their seats in the,Poets pub. “P3” which was set up next to the Math & Computer building, gives one the impression that the University administration will put a portable any dam’n place it feel like. Next, it’ll put one on the hill behin$i the Graduate House, and as a grand finale it will drop one in front of Fed Hall. . People are saying it’s just a fad, that it will go away when the new Research and Development building’is completed. Sure it will. Realistically, there is a need for more office Space dn campus, but there are other alternatives. The present locations of these pdi?ables are unacceptable. Put them behind Columbia icefield or over by the Bauer Warehouse.The University has an obligatiop to Yeafntain a respectable campus atmosphere.







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_, ) _ ‘k \ _ Objectivity is a ‘myth. There ar: no ‘disinterested writers, only Capitalist exploiters. ;‘ ’ ones who interpret event+ with prescribed biases. The real wodd - , . So what of the com,mon m@.n,-eking&e simple facts of the : t:,:~~~urine~~;~~?~~~lisri7. as .its m&enger b&&se _jotimalists story, presu@ng that he$as not been totally ind&trinateb with I r ; $&&@y se-e through smut-covered glasses.\ t,he common causes. such as acid rain an4 capitalist oppressi’on I * ..&‘6 a free warld, why shouldn’t journalists be abte to interpret in Latin -America. What if the little man wants to make his own a&i- exb-ound on world events as need be. decision?: btied on’..qll the- facts provi,ded to him. JJ~ TASS, _.. ’ excuse me, The Gloti anh Ivliiil.~ ’ -If We take the simple pZa&ist theory “fi;om each acc&iin~ to If all us big, important journalist types feel that editorials are ,ability, to:each accordiGg& need” and apply it to the modern where it’s at, then that common man does not have the freedom newsform, it would read: AN journafists should write as they can, to choose sides, just to choobe the better party line. - ; . . 3 in the purest form, their own pretiises &cl notions. In turn the peasa,&, e&use me, the people,,will get the news they need. T I!! ut we’re still here, peeking out from under smooth-stones This system- will ensure overwhelming amdunts of waiting -for the ‘fall of theivov towers, waiting for’the ‘return of argumentative @#ing.. 2 Quantity ultimately benefits the ..Realisti, Sensibility and Investi’gative jbumalism. ,’ . h :’ I~1 : * ,‘: ‘- +:;.g?$:’ 3 ; .- 1__.&. .. people. / /‘. &as.& .&eJ@&& .&jn’&~&&.so &&& .L:‘~&&&&by our 1 ” ‘The people &!‘dso betiefit frop the q.)ality of writings :&A ru~~,.~sept.those;~~live by the.~~~~!s’~~;l,Eind,~e all : a&ocating the &mtion .caus&. : . ,@te& communicate. Objective~journakn, the kind&at tries Eventually, a systqm wili arise where311 underdogs and dqent hardest to tincover all important asp&& of aAsto.ry by intense catises till be- classified in thepame of skial responsibility. @&arch, is much less of a myth than -S;rbjective, or Advocacy Thus, the wo$hy. ~O@ZS of the news will not bemixed in w@ iournalism, which @nores. important Jacts‘~~ n’lak? si pojnt. _


/ J ,

Gapboa members

is a new feature, to express their

intended opinions.

as P forum

fur individual


Dead are. less productive



by Chris Wodskou Statistics Canada has just released a ‘report which suggests that iri spite-of seine disadvantages, the world might be a safer- place to life if it was entirely populated by dead people. This report is based on a

289 million dollar government research project conductaver six. years, in which 12,3 14 living and dead people I were polled.

A spokesman cotitiibute




, also pose a significantly

while detid people


lower t,hreaf. ao society.


’ The

report disclosed that living people are responsible for $he , overwhelming majority of violent crimes taking place in Canada. A related figure showed that dead people consume 3 less than one percent of all alcohol sold in Canada. Children unde[ the age of four were also cited as being responsibie for a very small percentage of violent crimes1 and alcohol-related !tqaffic accidents. These .finditigs were concurred with by a noted psychologist who told Imprint; ((A person’s disposition undergoes drastic alterations once he or she becomes dead. Dead people tend to be far more passive and complacent and -lose virtually all of &ir violent inclinations making a dead pe-rson highly unlikely to commit a murder or hijacking, for example. However, Statistics Canada also pointed out that in spit6 of the undeniable advantages bf having a society entirely composed of ljead people, there would be some serious drawbacks as well. According to the report, ’ people who have been dead for five years or more‘


less than one percent

of the Gross National

Product in 1984. A spokesman for Revenue Canada explained that “dead people are generally less, productive in the 7‘workplace than living people and often lack marketable job skills Making many dead people unemployable.” ((Another serious economit problem-created by dead c

To&e editor: . >. -I,., ji ‘r (5) Students have no right to see their final examinations. 1 have recently and. painfully learned that there is no cohereAt _ In most cases, professors are conscientious .about providing university pokicy protecting the student in the following areas: people is their unwillingness to spend their earnings. the above’ iriformation a&l are fair in .$heir treatment ,of ’ , (I) A professor is not required to .provide the student with a Lstudents. Dead people are so unhealthi1.y frugal that the economy However; a +~of&sor: is not obliged to’ be either .wcruH probably. be permanentlg.stagnated if there were stude’nts have: no rights tibr’meariti of 1 course otitline!that specifies the-material to be covered and the inftirmati3e ior f&,-and ,I ’ . no ~~iving,peqple.“, %I. :” -. ,,’ /-1 . , te~m~s~ssignment~, and that sets out the criteria upon whichthe recoursk i f- he is not : S.t@tsCan3 officials are still &udying th&a:findings and:‘:: ckwqse mark wil-1 be based. . ‘I : , Since- success at university is btissd upon- grades, it is .’ ,\ ..pg * pIa@ $0 delay. the ‘release of their recommendations .absolute:!y ‘essential that the student be complet.elf infdrmed is (2) There ’ is no requirement that the professor inform xoncerning the future of living people to the government, io what .is,-expected, regarding course >material,, U is al& for eight years so that they can study the effect of 476,000 stydents how their final mark will be evaluated. important thqt students be aware of howr%thek work -will :be ‘r~~redead people on. Canadian society in that, time , _(3) Eveq if t,he professor &es provide this information, he evaluated SQthat they may.budget their time accordingly during period. . ” cay arbitrarily, and without warning, change it at any time the term,, Most ihportafitiy, if Xifty to.seventy p.eroent of a d,ufi-?s_the term. sludent’s grade is to be based upon. one -,three houi. finsi ‘ Ij (4) .I he protessor is not required to indicate the weighting of examination, he must know .K@w.the.questio&are weighted so , questions on a-test, including a final examination. . he may use his time to the be@ advantage. Fairness, natyal .: ’ justice, and common decqqcy ,make this, mandatory! Students m ~gf&j&?n .&Tjpn’t ’ .must have access to their final examinatidns in order that they . might learn frog t.he examination expe.rie-rice and from their mistakes, and so t hat>t hey may be completely ,infotimed as to the basis, of their final m,arks. 1 ;a I ’ j . _ . ’ I : I urge students who have experienced this sor_t_of injustice t,~ contact our ombudstnan and to.make aa formal complaint so-, ’ ,’ / that Jhe administratio/n will .be motivated to adopt.unive’rsit$wide policie’s assuring students of their basic -rig@. - To the Editor: . ’ fact that Harringtan got to a) I- .s. ’ When men don’t like what Bruce Counts and b) using different routes /’ , 1 women have to say they often does not make his holding two try to silence us by resorting to cont,radietory opinions a cb‘ndescending ‘approach: consistent. i-UNIVERSITY ;6F WATiRLOO +‘littlF girl, _ > ou don’t understand -- bid words and - lhterestingly. Harrington ‘J@WSH STUDENTS ASSOCiAkiON’ elaiborate theories .are *beyond _ and Eisler present essentially + . HILLEL your, capacity for, *cornpiethe same a-rgzrtient fbr hension.” H*rringBon falls . silencing lesbians and ,gays. _ into thcs p*att‘ern by. Both claim that the majority 1 (inco;rectly)..referiing to usas see #us as “abnormal” andFor / “youn.g ,ladies”, and “harmful” and that this Jin resporidih$ to our letter-with a itself is sufficient reason to - lqt 6f unnectissary jarion. revoke our rikht to free , Since this is a/putzliti de,bate,. j speech. In general, the right tQ we are obliged. to presetit freedom of speech can only be clear;,,,c:omp.rehensible i revoked in the case of spe;*i& argumknts which the average ‘fidterial which has been -(, reader ,can follow. T-his 1 sho.wn to be hateful, obscene ,obligatidh’does not rule out ’ or libellous. If this were not ‘\ sophisticated arguments, _it the case, “minority rights : i . I .. does rvle Out jargon. ’ * Gould. be nor&istent and i I -,;*,_ f * ihere \.yould be ~0 opportumti”for public debate on prJl pin . It is not .necessalry to bk i ‘_‘ ‘$t.udent of highgr ,. ethi+ -* coptrov,ersial issues theory”. to,, recognize .an 1-‘.‘z/-. It is important for all inconsistent argument., it. is .. participints ir! public debates to @esent _!elevant facts to ~ clear *that when Harrington: \ ’ -. suppcir,t their )- position. a). claims that. a majority has Harcington and J$isler both the right to silencea minority, I fail tb. do this.. and b) condemns cultural \ relativism as ~‘fethies, reduced bte Krug to a statist&al co&t’> he is contr_adic.ting hi&elf.-, The Sudith+ &&son I.. .,, ” :., 9b ‘. ‘I.‘, \ ,. . r .. -*-L: I’

f&fLj$hat WOrnen . have: to’ say-L


‘:Wine,I and I- Cheese., $1,Tues.,, Jan. 15th

”II’ Unikrsity 5:30




’, ’

\ I.






14, 1685. -

/ J. Schroeder 1 Professor of Civil Engineering University of Waterloo



Newspaper articles about today’s universe are bungled by a’unilateral approach: the evolution of the world and 2. everything in it. This approach is based on a cosmism which holds that the universe--can be scientifically ~explained as a self-existent system. It follows that the :/world may -exist ‘without God, the Creatorof the-earth . , _-\ ‘, ,. .., f and the heavens. 8 But science itself has been termed merely.‘.“an opinion’ ,:which has been substantiated experimentally.” ,Let <me ‘1try to explain -fhis ’ using such a commo,nplace , ,phenomenon as lightning as an example. Lightning ‘cannot be seen at the exact instant ::atT ,which~=< - atmospheric electricity is discharged, since science hold$\tha’t it takes time for visible light to travel from its sourc&:is accompanied by an -. : to the eye of the observer. Lightning ’ air disturbance which moves as invisible sound waves at a speed much slower than the speed of lightThe ‘/ disturbance is detected by the ear as thunder. :: : The science of visible light involves two views, e&hbf~r which contradicts the- other even -though both.have -_ been , verified experimentally. One view is that visible light travels in invisible waves. The otherholds that lightconsists of very small packages, called “photons” and that these move like\ a beam of shining particles. The two opposing opinions are called. ‘YThe Great . Paradox.” The first view means that,light travels in waveswhich i are akin to the surface waves of a lake when one drops a stone into water and is subbtantiated experimentally by Polaroid filters, in which light waves are thought to go through sheets of plastic as water. waves might go through a series of closely-spaced gratings which change and absorb wave patterns,- / _

- The second view -- that light moves like a beam-of articles -- is verified experimentally by photoeletitr& light MW $lec&ric3ty. Th F ells+ which convert visible conversion is considered to occur through a scattering o1I photons at the cell’s surface, which: contains particles that ,carry, an- electric charge and are ca?led . ‘“freeIf -ph-otons c$lide with the free electrons, ,=. rr: electrons.” like ~billiard balls -- electrons are ejected from the cell’s surface, and the motion of their electric charges generates ‘* an*lectric current. I Visible waves are disturbances; th&move through/ media, such as the surface oi *a,pbnd, Q flag, ur awheat 1 field. Noise travels through the air v&invisible sound . ‘waves, mo&t of which ca? be detectedbythe human ear,’ Sound waves cannot exist without,a-medium; thus they will not travel through, for examle,avacuum. Still, the invisible waves of the .,;sc.~&&$sible light are thought ?”.“;I’*;,. ~;~~~.~* ..-<2 .” ,i ;..z 4....;p.‘* .,-.. ..?a.‘#c to move with~u~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~..:which means no _,j ‘.;;.i):“Cj~.. ;.’ substance is ne~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~ the waves. This view ~~;.~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~ .a’nd thus constitutes of contrast, there can and no sound waves ater -- for sound also

* offer, instead, merely an opinion which has been tes$ed iconstitution of the heavens. It is an opinion which has exp.erimentally on earth _ -+ ‘. _ . only be ssubstantiated experimentally on this earth’s ’ 1 I , _‘, As indicated <above; light & treated in science like just surface, or close to it. another electromagnetic disturbance coming from a Today’s cosmogony (the theory of the origin df the \ source. And yet, in&cord with Genesis, the first book of world) requires more than cosmism to arrive at, for it as’ . 1 the Bible, when God created light no such source of light based on a concept of the evolution of the stars which%& existed. j j , , 8 arbitrarilyconstructed very much after the fashion of the ’ 2I Go&made light twice: first,. when II:-cre%ted the first evolution of life itself -- which in fact is though tod&y $o (I_ dayl&ht on earth: andsecond~ when&created the lights represent merely an extension of the evolution of the .’ r. in the firmament&f the heavens-; on the fourth day of the heavens. Creation. God made the sun, moon and stars for three Various types of heavenly bodiesare arranged into an . p’trrposes: (1) ‘!tx, divide the da.y and nightconsistently; (2) .order for which an evolution,ary pra&&s is-claimed. Also, ; \-’ to be focsignse:rpeasons, days and years, ‘and (S)i-“to give nuclear events are postulat&,events for the-past in order‘:’ ” ligh- upon the’ @arth, immediately, ’ to originate a convenient timetable of theevolution of the / * 2, . The scient_fic accuracy of Genesishas been questioned ‘heavens. ’ 7 :’ J ,a \* because G-&l createdlight f$st’,, and-~lights,later. And yet the s;cienceoEl~ght‘i”~~L~~~~iins three pai.addxes f&the One is free to do this, ofcourse, b&I wouhl say at t-he _ constancy of th6cspied of light is $ls~.parado~iic~lsfnce, ’ same time, first, man cannot observe an evolutionary ingEneral, speeds increase and d&ease. process in -the heavens; he can only observe the current;*A &on&ant speed ~f,vis’ible light has been measured statcof things. It thus becomes essential to p0stukat.e‘ directly onl$on or close to the earth, and thus it is merely _ billions and billions@sears forevolution, which in itself an opinion that the speed of: light *is constant in the renders any obser$#&~ +$ the phenomenon quite heavens, which are inaccessible by man forever. Instant impossible. Since euol@ian ~~&$+.,be observed it can be light would mean, scientifically, that light needs -zero conveniently construut& id a5n &Mt.e variety of ways’. One common construc#ion, ‘9oday; &J that the evolution of the universe$egan ~4th 4 WW% &&~ll explosion of densely packed in&t& (t&K ‘*big‘ #!@x$’ theory). To‘ support this view-t% !s ~g~e$ fhat &&ant galaxies hppear to be moving WV&~ frtrm wl&t& &@.tight to be the centre of the univer&. GM?+@ t,h4t g@pmkFmeasure, by modern techniques,-,-WhdQ &ppe&# 5t.u. &$; ‘the current positions and spee& of’&&&@ $&&‘&&.@#@posed,to be - > billions and billioBi. & @J&s. ~M$$$;;&@ $m one can validate that all th&$~J$&&+#~~..@~ &&&$#$ one centre! T,he evolution of #&&$&$&&‘$~; d ‘@&&& begun when vast clouds of gas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11~ into_ more densely packed for~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~y evolved intosuns, by becoming $~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~ : -....$ ; thermonuclear ,’ -.. ; ,“... ,g,J-. :5.~,‘!,.,~,;;.i‘~:~::’ ,.;, ;+..;y.“.‘:,*r~:; reactions. ;,.‘rigas and dust the One may observ~~~~~~~~‘~~~~~~~f

re than a “belief” that science can e rse as a self-existent system. This belie etaphysical, which means it is beyond close to the earth itself. Indeed, finite man is incapable of in The Great Paradox -- that light moves sometimes measuring the infinite, since all material behaviour is waves and sometimes like a beam of particles -- has been time-dependent for man, and the so-called speed of light resolved by accepting the possiblity that any particle m&y be the upper limit of speeds man can measure today. may, at times, have the characteristics of a small package Jisible light ‘astronomy deals with heavenly bodies of waves, and vice versa. This means that sometimes a which can be seen by man through,optical telescopes. The particle behaves like a wave and sometimes a wave Bible, of course, writes only about lights in the behaves like a particle. But no one can explain how this is firmamentwhich can be seen by man’s naked eye. possible, or how waves can exist without a medium. Through the use of modern technology man is able to Today, astronomy holds that the universe is so vast it observe directly and to postulate indirectly various types would take billions of years to travel through it, even at of stars and spiral nebulae *m the heavens, as he receives the speed of light, which is considered to be the upper *’ I all types of radiation from the universe. limit of all speeds. Thus man is only able to extrapolate, stars is based mathematically, the science on earth into the vastness of _ But the belief in’the existence of invisible on a cosmism which holds that the vastness of the the universe. heavens with its billions and billions of stars can be Man cannot know, ever, the true constitution of the explained by a science on earth. Since the galaxies with heavens. Indeed, the so-called materials, distances, sizes, their distant heavenly bodies are inaccessible by ‘man and speeds of the distant so-called heavenly bodies, as forever, it is indeed impossible for man ever’to know well as the constant speed of light in outer space, depend what is really out there. _ on experiments conducted by man on or close to the earth. Obviously, then, even’ astrophysics cannot give any true Consequently, astronomy and/or astrophysics can never be more than an opinion on the subject: th.e_ information about the composition of distant stars. It can 1



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as well as suns, pul$&&+%hi~e dwarfs, planets, asteroids, dead stars, and so forth...but ,it remains impossible to observe both the past nuclear events and processes of formation, which are postulated as having caused their evolution. All man can do is observe various current states and arrange these arbitrarily as stages of evolution. I rThe same holds true with respect to postulating an evolution of life here on earth. All men can do is observe an immense variety of plants and animals, then arrange this variety for the purpose of supporting evolution. But no one has ever, or will ever, observe the hypothetical process of evolution since by definition this takes millions and billions of years, Faith in evolution, in the final analysis, depends on faith in man’s opinions. Faith in a created universe on the other hand, is based on faith in God. It is obvious from the

experimentally. ,


_?j I



. I

“Just A Party” Let’s show how K-W can party at


I -

Bingeman Park -Marshall Hall on ’ Jan.




.‘.., ..,:.:: i :i :. ;. x:.:. .;..j y ,,,:.. .. .:;:~.s:,i’ .:Y.:..y... . . .::. :.:.... : _. i,.;. ‘. .__.

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‘.:;... ~ :. : ;.

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, :..:..,>, ‘.. ::..:.,:’ .A. <>.<.:&. ‘,.,,..’ .. .‘:.\’ . .‘.:j:“..:.:. ‘j?..,. ..:/ ..,:‘.y .:;. . ,,.,::. . . .‘.. __ $:.y~<:.~.,‘. :....> ,.,,: ,,;.y .:‘;. :::jj :< ::,,)’J,,:” ...:j//G ..i ..::q. y. :‘.Iw., p&Y $:” “’


z Sandwiches . : ..: . S

,,:.: 0.

.. ’

Tickets Bureau Square, 744-6909.

available (across Kirtthener)


I&-PC’ Trawl frum Market ur call ‘I’otw , at ‘..

Participants randomly ‘party. *

for selected. . ...


01 d ac


c@ntests , Gbughout



be the s.


“> :.‘A . ...’ ..‘.’ ,,, :.:.::: .:_. ”

, 4th


- 4 participants

Dart contest A 3rd Prize - 8 participants

will @iS‘. ;&lec~+$~@~ :. <:....‘., >,.’ ‘,. ;..::..:, d.. ..,> .:<,;,,. ::,;.;: j,.z;‘y. ,. .:‘.%. will be$&ct~d;~~~.@

“~.~:~;~~~ ““~~~~~~yS ,‘,‘I,‘,; Dart contest B ., . ?;:<s,;, ’ I:. 2nd Prize - couples will spot dance .,.;:.. .k’:; 1st Prige 4 parficipants will be chas&‘, ,,;~~;~:~f.,/;~: ‘. . ..Y . “o’er& ’ ” .,,,.,~~:~~~~~~~~;y ‘.,, ’ j: .:;;: .. &!3m@ed value of prizes in excess of $500.00 inclu&tg a :.. . . :. He- ,..I . A. r:: ‘.X.,::;g :&&~nd for two in Montreal (Flight and accomdation .. : :, .. ,\ ..,.: ;./.:







1st Prme Details: The paticipants







will participate dart

in a four part total


, and a tray balance race. c

, coin



30 (available to 3B Chem.,Eng.)

by K.&I. Won; Daye Sider I

and -‘ ”-*I’ - _. ,,I.

‘RANDY DUXBURY AWARD, deadline Feb. 15 (available to 3b Chem Eng.) j &CO JJ&UTED BURSARY;deadline Jan.30 (available to upper i . Llpper Canada prior to -18J.8.) !.-. ’ .I ’ ‘year Mech andElect.’ Eng) L. , :’ ”” L&TON SYS%P& &U~%$RY,?‘deadiine Feb. 28.‘(available to T Eacbky bf Mtithematicij&&I @JYADA SCi-&ARSHiP, Elect. or Electromech&-rical fields) ’ MACDONALD flURqTA-~~sN*Q~~



(availabJe to4th Yr Civil Eng:) - --, = STEAJ@JS~TAJXDC-‘&TrD. S@JOLAk~HiP, deagine Jan. $’ (dvailabte.to all 2nd *and .&I Yr.) ‘. ‘: i‘ .’ ._ _ : r J%S;~YO~LLJZS 6 P~T~~R~--L~D/SCHOiARS~JP,:~~~dline Jan.30 (avaJJable toJB- Civil Ehg.) BECR=L:: TADA &TD. J3UR$AR&deadline dan. 30 jaqJ,lable ,:ta aJ.,,.1 B & 2@) ii _ -.$,. -.: .,.’ L - c :. ” ;J.P. BJC&LL @NJ~$TJ&JBURSARY, deadline Gari.gir-3c)a. r- _ -‘(&J&te td alI ChemiciiJ &g.r- a:;‘:_ : ,’ - . JOHN DEE=: LTD., SCHOLARSHIP, deadline March 30 (available to 33 Winter Term) 1 b.

Cheiyl . SymondsGrid, “Another new will be builtcampus” :

Rec.-: -pub j on -. . ;E



deadline Feb. 28 .(availableto CHEVRON

30 (available


“.Mu,h-~fiey- --$11. assassinated and Tfu-. deau will be .b& to save the+f~ouritr$”

‘I want . to. start jschool” _

pus Secuiity. j “‘I know nothing”


to 3B WinterTerm)


‘-1 “ .


‘1 %i


@ Civil Ens.)


i:‘Blue Jays win- World ,‘:Series and Joe’s dose .,will get. biggG? _-




EATON -FOUNDATfop( (available to 3B Computer


deadline Feb. 28 (available

. ’ ’ to 3B ComPuter=iend DATACROWN COMPUTER SCiEi’JCe SCHOLAJ&JiP; ’ ’ !, ‘@ (avaiJ$le~ to3B elect. Eng’.) ma INC. :AWARJ& :&adline -’ deadline Feb. 15 (available to, 3B Computer-Science) MACDONALD DElTWiLER G ASSOCIATES. LIMITED a4l-)--- ..S~J4C)~~~HiP, deadline Jan. 30 (available to 3BComputFr 1 -, -;: Science) .z ,- ,:--;+‘r_:’--- - -%..rI-- -yd-,.e1-s -_-2z=I...,+ __,( . .-



:Mark Chhg -1st’ yr Arts’ ’ I -“Th,e ,-deciine of ; Western morals due .: to the -popularity’ OT ., POrnokWPhY rundng , rampant th’r0u.g.h \ i society.”

- ,-

deadline, March r


( , &adline


-SCJJO~SHJP,~ Science/Information


de@jline~ Feb.-- --J.&---- &:-.4 _ Systems) . “f I .’


Feb. (15 (available to. 3B Computer










- _deadline Jan 30 (available to all) QUEEN






- K-W ’



to fuJJ <I‘:






C&J’JA@hW FEDERATION 06 UNiVERSJTYWOjV&N CHAPTER BURSmES, is Jan. 30 (available . , . -__ ^ .deadline -

time (upper year) Women


.-AI ^,! ?: _ .-,e’

9 ._.‘>’ :


. I ‘id deadline lJan J.5: ” ,’ -,


1 J$?B~cJ~J&L FOUNDATJ.ON BURSAJUES, -:‘- (aviflilable to Upper Year Earth Science)


-- ‘i


1 ‘f


: ;. <

Jan. 15 Value: $5,000 for one year.of undergraduate study in-a -:, student’s second official language (English or French). .2 _ Candidates must be Canadian citizens or- landed immigrants *3 - q who have successfully completed ,2 years of a university + ‘2




to K-W’s







TWO ROOMS available in townhouse. 649-8 Albert. $1 5O/month + utilities. 885-2996.



ROOM and board smoking, female Fabulous meals . with family. Weekly/monthly Devitt, Wloo., near main One mile from campus.

+ - 1

- Monday to Wednesday MUCH MUSIC on a 7ft screen - Thursday to Saturday LIVE D.J. -widest* I dance - dance - foo‘sball - stand - great



be a pigeon

Albert Street. 10 minute bike ride from Campus, right at bus $op: $403/month plus utilities. Phone Mark

selection of music in K-W floor floor table and pool table / up bar prices on all drinks

. . . come

at 746-3310.

3-BEDROOM townhouse in Robinwood Estates available for May 1 st with right to renew. 25 min. walk from UW, on bus route, inground pool, parking and close to Parkdale Plaza. Call Tony or Brian. at 888-7343.


Brass Bed, bedroom, breakfast. Only $30/week. Call Mrs. Nolan at 886-3423. Close to UW, Waterloo Town Square, Westrnount Place. ?-Bedroom -apartment flat ~ available May 1st. $350 for two, $300 for one. Close to UW, Seagram’s, Waterloo Town Square, Westmount Place. Call GE. Clarke at 7466424 or ext. 2332.

on down! \


for nonstudent. mature rent. 10 bus route. 743-9868.

YOq won’t believe your ey$s (we sure didn’t-but you’ll get used to it). 2-3 bedroom, fully furniShed town house for rent May-August A really nice pool (sorry, no motorboats), near Parkdale Plaza on




ROOM in private home. Cl&e to universities. Share house with family. $35 douPle or $50 single. 746-691.0.

at Westmount Place - a from -. the U,niversities)

(below Smitty’s 5 minute walk

Featuring: i .

ROOM to share. Furnished. JanApril ‘85. 82 Seagrarr?Dr; Parking avail. $160/mo. Utilities incl. Negotiable. Call 884-9016.



Female Wanted to share 2 bedroom luxury 2 storey apt. All utilities included, Jan-April. Westmount-Victoria area. 8847071.


sexy’ lkgs & cute bum: The new term has begun. 15 X 6 foam and jell0 to boot - lime of course. Let’s not forget N-M. - Misha. HELLO 3A Architecttire: dead line come and gone: worry it can’t get any worse year. A.M.

Academy, $390 886.


YOUR BEST DEAL TO FlbRIDA Come for the fun, mavbe you’ll see the sun.

t This DRIVE



‘80 HONDA CMC H’back, 5spd, ;iew exhaust, new paint $3500 certified, Megan 886-7355 or 8869466.

fo the problem:


Student Desk, Oak office desk, swivel chair, chest of drawers; dresser, table, odd chairs, shelving, bulletin boards, mirrors 884-2806. Queen size bed (very good condition, everything included)$75; 12” B&W TV (almost new)$50; coffee table & 2 side tables$25 (all three); two brand new tires (E78-14$-$60( both); two new carpet pieces (about 6x12 each)$15 each. Call 885-l 983 (3:306:OOp.m. weekGays).










trip motor coach transportation to beautiful Daytona Beach (WE DRIVE Packages Only). We use nothing but modem highway coaches. FREE refreshments available on the motor coach on the waYdown (to begin the patty). j Eight-Florida days/seven endless nights at one of our exciting oceanfront hotels. located right on the Daytona Beach strip. Your hotel has a beautiful pool, sun deck, air conditioned rooms, color N, and a nice long s_tretch of beach. A full schedule of FREE pool deck patties every day. A full list of pre-arranged discounts to save you money in Daytona Beach. Travel representatives to insure 9 smooth trip and a good time. a Optional side excursions to Disney World, Epcot, deep sea fishing, party cruises, etc. All taxes

J: I love you because you let me lick the snow flakes off your eyelashes. Looking forward to a super term.


All yoti wild and wonderful EAST 3’ERS from Fall ‘83-k’s reunion time! Don’t miss out, this FRIDAY, at 2:OOp.m. in the today, Bombshelter. Love, you know Who.

You are invited to the “JAN, GOD YOU’RE GREAT PAR-l-Y!” Come to the Bombshelter on Monday, January -14 at 10:OOp.m. and tell Jan she’s great --

and Gps.



by Campus




Prize of Ch FreeTTrip

. Darick Battaglia or Cameron Galbraith ! atL 886-0864 ~Spqnsored


Attention all EA/EB alumni of 82/83! Interested in a reunion at Fed. Hall? Probably Fri. Feb. l/85. For more info. call B&da or Loretta. 8844283.

l ,Round


I love you You know.

Are you crazy? or is it just the rest of the world? May be MENSA (the club for the top 2%) canhelp Y&J find out Call. 7428916 for info.




J.C. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It’s gonna be a great term! Paris in the

$209_ Cdn. l

F&t Level class in TOUCH FOR HE&TH -Muscle balancing, (via acupressure, neurolymphatic pts., etc.). Jan. 25-27 (12hrs) -$80.00 (includes a $17.50 textbook). certifications upon completion call Paul H. at 888-6253.

PAUL - be my bunny? lots, for now and ever. Bear.


$99 w

Sat., Jan. 12th, is-O’T6ole’k Daytona Beach D.J., Door Prizes, B’est Legs Contest=





Happy Birthday, be a great term. Your roomie. Dave Tyreman: Jim, Joe, Greg,

First Don’t - this

Still have your copy of the sexual harassment survey? We still want it Return your completed questionnaire to the Fed office, using on-campus mail or the drop off box. Confidentiality assured.


Quality T-Shirts, sweatshirts [, sports bags for your class, club or team. Bargain prices. 576-6253 evenings.

with Campus


I want to meet other gay young males into fun and good times. No fats, ferns, dopers or bar-types please. Sincere only. Doug-7429816.

TEXTBOOKS: Smyth, Soberman -Law & Business Admin. 4th ed.; Athos, Gabarro-Interpersonal Behaviour; Atkinson, Atkinson & Hilzard-Intro. Psych. 8th ed. Phone 576-5153. .



Wild Wench of the west. Have great New Year. Your Bag-o-dirt.

TEAC X-1000 R to R. Dual Speed & ‘reel size, DBX noise. reduction, Includes dust cover&tape. Asking $1,000 CASH. Rarely used. Rudy 886-l 035:

YAMAHA STEREO System: A-l 80 Watt AMP $475, T-l AM/FM stereo tuner $225, K-950 metal capable cassette deck $375, NS 1 OOOM 3-way speakers $1500 PR, system $2500 Jeff 886-7355.


Bianti Baby Cakes. Ja te milaju ja echy skovat salami. Steve.

DOWNiOWN TORONTO. Apartment to share. Female nonsToker preferred. Five minutes frdm subway, three minutes from U. of T. campus. Fully furnished. Pool, sauna, tennis court. $200.00 per month. Available January 1, 1985. (4 16) 924-2352.

Alto Saxaphone, excellent condition. 0635.


Val! It’s going to Lots of laughs.

boys with -the alcohol Loser! Geek!! The Filth.

To the boys with the alcohol, problem: The only thing you have going for you is your vacuum. It sucks! The Filth. To the problem: Are you To the problem: judgement! this week?

boys with the alcohol We have a microscope. ready? The Filth. boys &th the alcohol -Don’t pass moral Who did you abuse The Filth.

CRAlG of SOUTH A: Last nite I seemed to open my eyes and see the real you. Did you feel it too? or is my heart just playing the fool? A.M.: Life has been rough without you. Please come back scan else I won’t survive to see this summer. I’ve missed you ! -N.M.

Profs: 3rd year student willing to babysit your children evenings. References av@?ble. Call, Sally 886-7392. Do you have a lease for your place? Please bring it to the Legal Resource office at CC15OA. We are currently trying to accumulate information on rents in the Kitchener-Faterloo area and we would like to take a look at your lease. Our Lease bank can only grow with your help. Mini Leases: Subleases; problems with your landlord? Come to the Legal Resource office CCl5OA to find out more information or call 885-0840 and IGave a message on our message minder. Holistic Therapy Treatments combines: reflexology, shiatsu, Touch fop Health, Iridology, & Nutrition. Please call P. Henderson for an appointment. 888-6253. BASIC STRUMMING GUITAR weekly instruction - practice program of cassettes and sheet music - learn song repertoire - learn to play by ear. Call ‘Dave at 885. 6081. MOVlNCi SERVICES - Student with enclosed van. Al. Ph. 743. 7470.

Diamond =engagernent ring in PAC.- Center stone, 2 shoulder stones. Please return to desk at PAC, Security or call 578-6452., REward offered. Lost one pair of glasses in brown’ case. If found, please phone Jim, 7464264. LOST - Squash racquet, red handle and strings, Wednesday Jan. 2 in PAC parking lot Please phone Beatrice at 888-6917.

Calculator found ih ,north parking lot across Columbia. Call TeresaT. at 885-6685. -

Where are you? Tim and the gbys. z

Anyone interested in attending a memorial service for the name “Theodore” which has passed on over the holidays please write to 23 Austin Dr. *3A, Wat., Ont, N2L 3X9. My name is Franklin (his brother). Karen “APPLE” -Here’s hoping this term proves to be a little less “HEALTH”y than the first! Smile, 0 Admirer! -,

Engineers! Do-you hkti’tb have a good time? Do you likk to get rowdy? Do you like pokirig fun at other faculties? Do you drink beer? Can you tweet, blow, squeeze, or bang? If the answer iS YES to none or one or some of the above, join the Plummers Hard Hat Bahd (PHHB, NTB& BYOB). ,Sign up in EngSoc office.’ . . I


-.......,..*.......I..........(m,.-............. 3-w‘.


Gir . =

_I *


WV ’

Ever since Stephen kor’rissey-Ijkn&ed the&ne “pretty niake graves” from Kerouac’s Dharma Bums, I”tie knocyn there was something sp&iaj about The Smiths. Y Whib























slight variations on the same stereo-typed boy-girl relationships 1 where the female is- either portrayed as the harbinger of everlasting- love atid happiness or ‘sdme evil bitch .who did snmphndu I----

rurnno -----


- “3”’



- a--


rhnnco L ‘7

‘tn LJ’Y

trod , .V.






with the confusion that two goung people face aftek drowning ’ their baby daughter- and ‘leaving her on a doorstep wrapped in I newspaper. _Definitely a precarious undert&ing, but it’s : handled with sensitivity ancl a. strange comqassion t.hat is uniquely Morrissey. The people in the song are not .shaped to fit some ready ma& ,maIo nrVa fo*b*“u‘r mnlo mnrl lrl hrrt irrr@srKAAu, nctoad .*.-au” *IawaY aI1”U*L4 “UL acua rr,;th WILL, mzav,r, nf rrru,ry y* Morri&&y% characters, are genderless. ‘This is a clever device which gives his characters, now &z’s of th@f male/female role d chains, the possibility io rise above the’hediocrity and triviality that bririg themdown. In this W&Q; if 2&d serves-td give evetihe most depressing and,mIserable situatitins a s&se of.hop&. Though a large -portion of’the songs deal with life’s darker aspects, Mr. Morrissey maiiages to lighten matteirssomewhat with. his-deadpan wit. m...But Still I’dsleap in front of a flvinls bullet for you...” is pure fifties comic bobk camp but itithe &Gext of the-song wqiks very well because he-delivers ihe, jine as $ it fell f.&n:his back- pocket .instetid of .&$ding tip ‘to ‘it more &an necessary. - -Another facet of Mor-rissey which contributes to The Smiths mystique is ,his ability to seemingly lay himself bare and be lyrically explicit yet, in fact, giv/e away nothing at all. ‘His vulnerability appears not only in words. but in,.a child-like whining vocal style without parallel on this planet. 1 There could be no better way of captui;ing the free-flming purity-of his phrasing than live, without overdubs or girhmickry. This splendid simplidity is what is found on Mqtjul‘ojHollow. It’s a collection of ten songs performe,d live in the BBC’ studios along *with six songs previously released on U.K. singles that‘ Show The Smiths at\ their spo?taneous best. ’ As a compilation, Hatjul of Hollow well-documents the group’s two yeav evolution. In particular we can actually hear the progression of Johnny Marr’s,guitar technique: Fvom, the I pedestrian plunk and twang of “Hand In Glove” to the sbarinb brilliance’ of -the latter singles I and inspired - mandolin arrangement of “Please, Please Let Me Get What l dant.” ‘: Hutjul of Ho/low -presents The Smiths ,at their apex. It is doubtful that tliey will ever again he abl& to match its simple eloquence,... Buy o,r -_ Die! , _ _ : / .z




-- ._,’


.. -

.,; .:. ,:. . ,. ..,_. ,.,


_T :



( _

cc_ --



Skin = Lloyd.Cole and the Commotizns q-T& F&/en - The &ane’Gag ;l . .R::.On &$eepiin’ ,Qfi - The Redski& ~a,h’%~d~ Ever-v One - Evervthincr.Bti-t


ceIn,GuiyTime $ TheImposter”z$: __. -








- I. -’2. . 1 ‘3. I 4. 5. 6

J&n Michel Jar& ;’ Zoolook Hon&dripbers - VoKim&One 1.6 l%ryan’Adan%*Reck&s Depeche qode - Som& Great Reward Corey Hart -.-First Off&q i , :, ., 1 Smiths - Hatful. of’.Hollow-. ,’ Spo\qr@ -:.Listen to the Cit.g (souhdtrack) 8. chaka Kahn - I Feel For; ‘YOU , 9.. Bronski &at - The Age of Consent 1 c 10, ‘Tom Robinson!Hap& &i&GIoky \

-- ‘- ‘* ’ . --+ j,, . _ ‘:-

_ -I For ‘the’ week ending Ja& 1985 t I -’ ,; -y,J~BP AWived” I ’ i .NewR&ases 1. :Matt Biimco - .Whose Sicje ATe You On ~ p 2. Patrick M orqz - Time Code 3. AWtewakt - RuSsians and America&+ ’ _

._. 3 ; Based on [s-t _week’s -sgles at the @cord Stor_e Campus Cent&,I. Lower Mall: Uciver$y of Waterloo.. d----



_ .

: I-

_- -

byaaTifPin-/-’ I __3ltqgcw-a

_ /-----

- -,

The Fed Hall appearance of the two Toronto -based bands Breeding Ground and L’Etranger, OI ~January 5th in a Math Society and Engmeerm Society “B” I presentation, marked the f3rs \ .appearance ’ of L’etranger at a University 0 Waterlpo function, and the. second for Breedin / Ground (who appeared with The Dave Howarc Singers, and Alta Moda downstanx at the Water% Motor Inn last winter). \Breeding Ground was the tist act to appear tha Saturday evening: This reviewer’s opinion is the they should have been the closinga&, for thmwer f&r superior to L’etranger. However, this was c , httle con~erntolead s$nger J-oh&Sh&reff, ihdr.Shi&Ye&%ined that hewould just as sod: .7play first. and ,leave people wondering w-Qy th J “other band? played first instead of playing seconc Au6iience~ reaction was good, aJthough th standard stage crowding had a tendenwto lim: dancing somewhat The band started out showin , limited physical movement, but as the SE - progressed the band and.the crowd, began to loose: . .: . ‘. , _ -_ up* ( Breeding Ground.has maturedsince their f3~~ -/ Waterloo appearance. This fact, apparently, isdu to the Studio work that the band has done with ,’ the last year. Now they hame begun to workin larger clubsan - have discovered thatthey ‘must take their wor *\. - more seriously. . zi . ,. -Mr: Shi&eff wasimpressedwith the acousti6s ( Federation Hall - “it is a band’s dream to ‘play in place like this.” The sound sys,tem provided t’f group with monitors that allowed each member 1 - hear what he was pia$ing. Thist@xnica;l-fnhp something bands like- the Psychedeli; Furs ar “ * Simple Minds can @ord ’’ The only bothersome event, of the even& occurred near the end Shirrc . _. of the,, set:whenMr. -..:. A



-’ ’

t&e Spoons performed the f&St live concert at Federation Hall on Thursday, ,&III&~ - that is, the first concert .open to all students. This concert was sponsored b.y the Board of Entertainment of the Federation of Students, it marked one of the opening dates for the Spoons “Tell No Lies” tour. s The performance was technically sound - there were no sound or equipment breakdowns8 There was nothing outstanding about the concertThe Spqob simply performed their songs. The group performedtwo long sets with a two-set encore, which featured their 2op 40” sucesses “Nova Heart”, “Tell No Lies”, and “Arias an< Symphonies”. The problem was the fans who.crowded the stage for most of the evening - standing around inwhat appeared to be complete awe..\ j- _ . -.,,^__ _ -T



! w


\ I



, f’



* ‘I


’ ^



\ , I

3ut nothing much to speak of. : Moreover, the stage show was disappointing, for tie Spoons resorted to using blinding lights, and annoying smoke - the mark of B re-knowned band , The Spoonsdid not-rely solely on their (‘Tell No Lies” album for material, however one was presented with a complete cross-section of their material.. The weakest song the Spoons played was, ‘%&s md SympQonies” L ayew technical studio trwk In concert, the background instrumentals ‘tended. ;o overpower.thevo-5s. Foranalbumit%vorks,but . it is not suitable for conoert ~6; This will be a guaqa&ked selllout .a& f& t&3 ?ederation to use in the future f they m&y well )ecome another stand-by‘ like Blue Peter.. - - -- - All inall, The Spoons was a goodopeningband for he campus .-$ristening’of~P&leration Hall. I -.: I ._-_-- ,--

leapt off the bass bin back onto the stage. I mentioned to Mr. Shirreff that I felt his move wasa, cheap theatric at&mpted by’desperate bandsi He agreed, seying that after he got up there, he felt like David Lee Roth (lead singer oAfVWi Halen),took one lookat thedrumer,andthengotdown.Hecitedthis event as just a bit of fun between the members ofthe bad.

After a lengthy equipment changeover, L’etranger appeared. After hearing so much abcgt Iressed in clothing that looked like a carry-over Erorn the Great Depression. The lyrics of the son.@ Were all but drowned; the leadsinger speared to be





/ 1. -. -




c The following


are open:






The following

seats are vacant:

tst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th yeai regular IB and 3B co-op reps


Nomination forms, available through mathSOC MC3038, are due by 4:30 Monday January 14th Tim Hill Chief -_




in Society J.M Wilson “On theYirtue of Being a Nuisance” January Eth, 1985, 8:00 p.m., Humanities Theatre


-CENTRE Tonight

Killer Dwarf’s Sat. Jan. 12th



Anyone showing University ID and .this ad can get in for $1 coming


Jan. 18th



Sat.- Jan. 19th



Minglewood , i _

Sat. Jan. 26th



744-35 11 \ I


/ 7‘



The Killing Fields -’



Hudson J . -_ ,by Chris Hasletf.T* . r-’ -’ . Imprint staff ‘$,+ .I That moderfixep@s such 8s t&s 6ook wiil prolifer& is a one. Based pessimistic” outipqkj ‘th@@h pr.obably an .gccurate jointly on-Ste&n Schanberg’s New York ‘Times acGount and i last yearrs movie-ITI@ &lling Fields complet& the f&- with. pessimisti ,worded $@~I$. ‘I -- _ I ”. 1 _ - - -T~e-~~~L~“s~~~~~91fo~~its size, -tiove+ing the, years of ~1?7Z3tb 1979. At its fitlcium is the victory $%h&$hmer~ Rouge+ over Prince Sihanouk’s forGesin Cambodia. 1 ’ . . This victory pl&ed~%4r. Schanberg ind &is Vietndmese assistar?, Dith PrBn, i&great p&il,. After a near brush with, / execu&n and~ a valihnt att&pt.-.by .-SchZnberg to forge a : -.a passport*r, Pran and h<@e:~ep&$+; ,S+a5vberg returns to New York, Jb,$JJI, Pra~~~itl?e~~~~~~,~u~~~erirbr of the Khmer Rouge (KR) ~~:-:la6e”.l~b~~~~~=~--~~~~ ‘-‘L _ +’ I The image’i2+>+,htit rtia&.ri@&e’r;s :h+re; &ntiining long after the forgettab~:s&$$%~tig ~~h&i&~?S- have ..&e.n .forgotten: The book p&&&es t~=~~~~daj~~~-‘~~~Ne~ Shute’s On The Beach. - As.~~~,.~~e-entU~;nsi~~t~~nto journalistic fakery and in~id&$@ca~, T&- Y&r of Living IhngerQusfy. And when, in ‘:i-973, ML’ Z@&$erg se&the resixlt .,of-“2” bombing errbr by the U.S.,‘Graham Gr’eene’s The Qqiet’Aineuican lurks in the,wings. _ Despite its stylish cove;, the bookinag stand a-good ~chance . of losing its film-book status. After all, it is true-to.-life and with a pool. of expefiences s&h as can be found here, one could hardly go wrong. -It is poignantly.and even tastefully written (of note here is I+. Praii’s entirs’ordeal under the KR, related perfectly in, a near dialogue-less stream of consciousness paissage+-. .. -. The Killing Fields does have some faults, however. The main event.of the story - Mr. Schanb,erg’s search for_‘Mr.X%an - _

2..a_ I I , does not co& to pass until. $$e 206: &- this respect the’ Conradian style, where informatidh abotit the ch&-ti&e&U~nd: = their background is revealed during the’journey in the forti of flashbacks, would be prefer’able. There is a mixing of past and presentitense narration that fractures the stric,tly chronological order. Last but not least; there is this book’s status as a “book td ’ consider’?. “Certain incidents h&e been embellished or invented,” it says: If you find it on the History shed, then it’s affici&y .exaggerated; if it’s with the novels, well, Graham -. Greenedoes it 0i-1 less. It wouldn3 be much use decrying “hybrids” sicce, as everyone knows, George Orwell did it. But - with reference to the quote . , . - aren’t sotie things better ieft unsaid?

Feds: No c&er j?xirg6i

. bihers: $1.00 after 9:00 p.m.







. --:



‘-_ /



Tby Richard Elk Preston .;.Ihprin% staff . - : , c -1i _

. C-,bi;., ‘;

’ ,_ , ., ,

-’ ;. .’ -’



Recently, CBC _ president Pierre Juneau denied several accusations printed ih thk =.ToroQto. Star &d the Glob& andMail that the &pCporati.on fa&uIql pr,ogram. _cuts over, _ @riiiimihg of adminisiiation kaff in its &&-ek~b&ket ‘rc&&ti&“” ’ . , _ .-operati& _ t,* = Richard Cha&bers,*thk A&ngDir&~o~ of CBC’s Corporate &ommunicatiipns, i+s int~~~~~~~~~~-Imprint, indicatkd that tthe news‘pabers y.!,ere misinfTr&d abbu,t the situation, _ Mr. Chambers %aid* tii!k t‘k (33~ :had‘ dispersed the government’s_ req.&red ~bud~et:~&%$ .kvenly. throughout their system. Hee‘xplain~.~~~~at,t~~ administra;tiv&aff.ha-d-been the - Tdepartment hardest hit atiidst the d<Folving $1 ! 50 positions within the CBC’s structure. said t-h?t .tbe ‘CBC has alway;s given the_ .Mr: Chambers “highest prior&y tb; lti:e pkotectioii of program production”. He said tha,t the newspapers inquestion had not rkciev’ed their ‘informationfrom oficial- CBC press releases, but rather had ‘improperly interpreted bits5 an& pieces. of old CBC budget scenarios o~btained from ..-.unliamed sources. Many of these. scenaribs’ h&d ken written long before the announcement of the g&er&nant’s .budget cuts lop N-ovember 6th, and had riever been prop&ed- as-anj;thing,~ore-t~a~~r~~~h~ estimates or options. .. . I Mr. Chambers, said that .the Cj3C has *been “exiremely responsive”rto the press throughout the entire budge! cutting o, He explained .t&+t-$h&Tk+e and Mqil and the Star had-printed infor.tiatiq $vl#$!‘q~~ “terfiblX -iqccdmpletey, an;d “wrongly F .’ interpreted’? , . ’ .*.’“‘,;-:: I It should

bC’j@ed”that the CBc (iid ir;vcite the* G/&-U& Winsor, to.:% ~e&?ig w&q@ && ‘CI$C% . new. bu’dget prograrfi was explairied iti its-irbper applicatidns; M.L Winsor printed a retraction of his~.ear.lier statements. >._.. -

Mai! repo,rt@-; -Hugh

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HiewiIl beinterviewing on &amp.&, Mondby;$dn&y21st.-. .- !_._ Please&itact your care& placement.off,icefor.~~hedule _ r -5 . .informbtion. -& . . J ~.--,ra. i L -., . . I __ ,I- ,_

.? Imb&t



.’ ,T

1 1984 (For the Love of-B,& &other) is the sound track to- --,: Wchael Radford’s. film ‘. adaptation of Geoibe ‘-*h ..-- :, . __Orwell’s haunting novel 1984. .. 7’_ _ . i ~~v&&-&+jj~2w~~~~ored b$: ._/ . / ’ the’ Eurythmics and+s~wo$l’~ of a film score; , be expected c&~ half of the cuts are m. instruqentals. i ; .- _ 1984, - is + a surprisinily . - ;,: ;%@&taining album consider9. , “+&&~ the fact ihat Lenn&:&j Stewa<t.,were rather &&&I~ \. .-: \’*, / ‘- in their choice of lyrics ,.a$ . style . of, music in order to’. . ‘.l<,/ . ,: com.plement$he .film. I ’ k ’ :““‘Thiz. -or&’ track which has ’ f _ the identifiable Eurythmics 2 i :p;+2 sound is ‘Sexcrime (nineteen I .J eighty-four)“, It is a rather paradoxical Tsong in Lhat. the ‘.y<‘g;; . ’ $,’ -.-music-s . ks -iupt@!np;;~ rdcir;nd ’ __ I--

,i’.- ,~>cheerful,&irea& t~e+:$,ffcs _’I

: .’::::_.





describe the basic depressing theme of the film. undertones. describing lonliThis music score enhances C&e11 wrote of a society ness . and lack of freedom , the film, but it, also stands on ruled by dictatorship in which within the society. Ail of the its o&n. It shotis us that the other cuts have a similar tone. . ,rio OM had Eurythmics are not simply-a, . .-any privacy:. . _. This *. ---- - _ 1* . . . aepressing tone is noticeable lW?4 is, - in qeneral’, very I -techno;pop *band, they are. _ thro#$iout the;albu,m?’ I~+ 1 - tiellow; there are only two also very &verse. .<’ 1, . .I’ The lo& i$mg ‘kk.&?~is-Qet fast songs an the entire in a cold.a’nd dull atmosphere album. :’ “Sexcrime” and - I thoroughly enjoyed, the:.‘ tica of the film, while ““For “Doubleplusgood”. De’spite. <album and b r@commg&. 1984 /. d Love’ of>:Big Brother” is a its subdued mood, the .aIbum . as .tin:,. .&l&ion to yquy ,\ motone. song; with sitar - possesses great variety. collection. <_ 1: .;.I “.I. :- ,I 1’ I , _j ._ i -_ ‘.*e*,‘*, ‘.*_ f~ . ‘ , -,.--;-;,-, v.3 .‘ ,..-C” . ,-L.%,i : _,a_ .::-Sk.’ ,,.I . ,_ I! , ( . . . .- : 1 j! ; ’ .,, ’ .- , ..,“,i” _ i ,I.;, ,.: 1_ * . . 2. , ’ ..-


Fprever Young Alphaville WEA

1. / _--

.and vocal effects. “Fallen Angel” is a love song. written as an ode. Its opening cascade of bells is a nice touch,, as are the vocal pyramids found-in the chorus. m. * . .. . . .. ._ .1 1. 1he last three cuts provide the most variety on the album. “Sounds Like A Melody”, a love song whose title refers to a lover’s laughter, has a strong beat and rhythmic synth accompaniment, with vocals reminiscent of Supertramp !Sorry;Marian!). ‘-‘Lies” is a fast paced tune with staccato piano chords adding an early rock flavour. The final cut, “The Jet Set,, discussed love in high society using a rap-like verse-and bouncy, pyramiding chorus. ‘-

---- by Steve White Forever Young, the new album from the West German trio Alphaville, is now on the Record Store Top .Ten, and deservedly so. Producers Colin Pearson and Wolfgang Loos have captures the band’s heavily programmed, synth-pop sound on ten solid tracks. The ten tracks are mostly up-tempo, danceable, tunes. They have a rich texture, with a .busy, but uncluttered symphonic accompaniment reminiscent .ofthe baroque era. - , Overall, Forever Young is a good, solid album. Each cutlsr. ,Keyboard Pr.ogrammer Frank Mertens usesmainly:string a,nd could-easily stand alone as a single. The only fault is that the; brass patches to sustain movement in the pieces, while rh,ythm geperal power of the tracks hasseduced the producers, and m&r Bernhard Lloyd provides a solid ‘synthesized drum;’ : the physical arrangement of the program has &uffered & a ^ 7 . , ~ , foundation. result. Gsld tops the music with his sometimes up-beat, sometimes Although I am very impressed with the way the the group mourning, never boring vocals. These are cokplented was able to spell “Alphaville” using one letter from the title of occasionally with layered background, harmonies, ,.making each tune (check the cover), I think it would probably have eeellent but sparing use of the choruseffect,%& asUforriiing been a better idea to pay more attention to arranging the cuts compJex harmonic- pyramids, a technique ,uncommon to the- * so that those that are similar are separated, and the variety ,i modern music scene. which does exist is more enhanced. This, I feel, would have , :tBig In Japan”, the album’s first single, has a grandiose raised the. quality of the album substantially. opening in a style from the Eastern Empire, with syncopated-, staccato, chord progressions. It then becomervery rhythmic, with a heavy drum downbeat, and light, bouncing, synth line to accompany the verse. The song concekns a man’s reconciliation after being betrayed by his lover, and Mr-:-G&l’s vocals are a mixture of pain and optimism. I “To Germany with Love’! is another outstanding’cut. The machine-gun vocals are backed with a light, but driving; funk . bass line from session manKen Taylor. As well, Curt-Cress adds heavy acoustic drums. The result is an exceptionally danceable mix, one of the best tracks on the album. ON SALE FROM JAN. 11 TO JAN. 17:. The title track, is, by contrast, a’mournful tune BAS,F 90 MIN CHRc?OM TAPE lamenting fleeting youth in the shadow of the nuclear threat. IO FOR $31.$8.(FEDS $30.98) Mr. Gold’s broad vocals are backed with rich string chord 1 progressions, joined later by some nice, arpeggiated string -kMhXELL UOXLJI 90 MIh work. The tune ends with a synth, brass duet,‘the best example IO’FOR. $35.95 (FEDS $34.95’) ---’ of the Baroque style mentioned previously. Other cuts on the album include “A Victory of Love”, a solid *plus FIVE GOLD BONUS SEA& opening love sone which starts slowly and gradually builds in movement up to the end. “Summer In Berlin” and “In the Mood” are up-beat dance numbers’featuring good synth work

6 Btids~,

St. W., Kitchener



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. r‘






ENTERTAINMEN - Entertainment f Committee is invited to ’ come to the’ Fled Office Board Room on January 17th at 4:30 p.m.%




went wide on their shot and with 6’5” 220 lb. . year’sibsetice. by Mike Upmalis same C&g&j, team they’ had . ,Warrior sophomore Scott Rand in a schegble change from ImpFint Sports Waterloo played the ball out ‘beat just a week earlier. rejoining the team. after a- . the Athletic posters, the The end of the pre-season to the end. --The final, 7 I-70, Waterloo- was on the low end b&all action saw Waterloo’s Waterloo. of an ‘1l-2 score in tke’early mep, b-ballers win their third going and elided up losing to Tourney’ M VP was Raqdy tournamentand on a less Norris with\ Paul Boyce as an Calgary 90-67 in a 23 point . bright note lose their first two ~ -s All-Star. Pet& Savich canie rout. against ; Canadian 1 out of the tournament with an, , WatCrloo played Winnipeg games university teams. injury, not playing the last in.. ihe consolation match The Warriors cut Christmas game. without Randy Norris. celebrations short to ploy in Waterloo did not fare as ..Norris was out wit& either the. the Ryerson tournament held well on a trip out west to play flu or a bdut..- bf food, between\ December 28th arid This poisoning. With the&ore tied in the Calgary Classic. 30th. Waterloo i-n their first tournament featured six of 86 sill ‘in the last -&inute, game face’d Alleghany, a the top ten‘ranked scho$s. Waterloo tried to gaiti thk ball division 11 American school. In their fourth game in six on a foul, but Winnipeg was In 8 game that saw Savich days Waterloo did not get a p?rfect on the foul line and pick up 36 points’, Waterloo break in playing tq a double Waterloo lost 92-86.. won 99-87: Waterloo ih the overtime defeat. Unrinked Brandon defeatsemi-finals beat Calgar) 73In their fourth game-in six ed Calgary, 70-63, in the final 681 days, Waterloo did not get a to win the ,tournamdfit. Waterloo met an unranked ’ break in playing to- double’ s The two tournaments’took P. E. 1. team in a barnburner of overtime to defeat No. 6 a lot out of. Waterloo. Both a 1final. Waterloo was 12 ranked Alberta. Waterloo Robert l%oese- an,d Peter points behind with 8 minutes squeaked out a 87-85 win. Savich , tire nursing some to go. The score closed to Savich scored another 27 muscle pulls; however, they within one in the final minute. points in the game. are recovering and should be Harry Van Drunen scored the A “plum worn out” -back iv Action for the first go-ahead basket with about Waterloo was iev$r in the games. . thirty seconds *to go. ’ P.E.1. semi-final game agaiast the Waterloo has : a newfold-

by Owen Jones’ Thi’s past weekend, January 5th and> 6th, -the Volleyball Warriors partici’ ated in the annual IYork xhibition Volleyball Classic. rhey turned in their finest performance to date in that tournament, grabbing a silver inedal behind a poyerful \_ University of Manitoba tea,m. On -their way to the Championship match against the Manitoba Bisons, ’ the Warriors compiled a perfect 3-O record in pool play, with victories over squads from ,’


.<--.s .

_ , I - ,. ’



NCAA contender,‘ &ilh&sie, the ClAU number 10 ranked team, and. Y&k, Waterloo’s long standi& rival‘ and the.

early .,:&d, mainly on the. strengt$. pf their strong serving game, led by thespikeserving Bgrrett, and >the

Waterloo’s ‘first season home game against Windsor is being held on Saturday at 2:O0.

E#hso+&y, ya gotta love it!

This ‘tactic by’ Manitoba was an unpopu&one and _provoked the’ ire of both Waterloo and ,the fans: The


by Sandy Townsend $pe Leafs. The Loafs. The


LaG@&G&~*sn’t matter what ySoG~ali%em, they are still the worst t&i~ in the N.H.L. They used t@> be the pride of ‘ibro$&b, how they are taughed‘ at. Even the Argos get .t@terX treatment from the .$J,ps. -+-z /_ , 5.FAnep are few people ,.aroc~nd $ese days who will a&&ly cor$&ss ta being a


f&n but in .their hearts


kind of hockey is Leaf hockey.



State, I

. evetyohe know& that they ate, And it> is -f&r these people, i&atiI, a Leaf I&. -. the ones in the second stage, _ * -’ 1 “-@at I feel sorry. No one should

as perepnial

I kcordincj f”l Mike and Phil, “I am a closet Leaf suppdrter,

have to suffer as much these dikhard fans.


jugt like .everyone else. They believe 1that there are two

The L&afs Are terhble this i , year. They are so bad that even meek and timid Dave Hodge has finally said stage, the. person goes around dengng. ‘that he is a Leaf something bad aboutthe club: folftiweq He may even cheer, c They are so awful that there f& another team. but that is dr& empty seats at. Pal Hal’s o@‘ly -a ‘cover because .deep cashbox bn ‘Carleton Street. i&i& Jhis heart of hearts he‘ Leaf tickets used to be very real/y does Jove the Leafs. , tough to g,et. Now scal$ers are -_I .- -i‘I taking a fin6vcial beating I

stages in being a Leaf fan. First, the denial stage. .ln this

,-1fit into this first category. 1 func’tiofis ’ . The ‘event, ‘Me Team Epek, was won by a ;Is1i\ rersity of : T.cjroc,io te am and‘ 9

_c. Somniers-& I


: that only team: captain, f .rst year . en:gifieering st.yderit L.aris Ben kis’, -has tti -t rainifig for this. Par ?icular‘l&ic 1 offem c _l Tin-g. -_ -


ziird Phil rembin “conviriced, ithat I am only a closet Leaf fan whQ $ stuck in the first stage.

It ls impossible ‘argument wi*


: . Americans (augmcqtcd by an ..A.’ M. J<f;&hran . ample supply of AmcGcan li;;; The ,U,W Varsity Htic,ke’y recruits) djsplayed more teati Tetim ventured squth on 1’ cohesion; They &Iib.ited a‘ January’5th a-nd 6th top1 lay an teal n effarty itnd ‘fl ully exhibition game’ ag ainst . dese :rve d* their vicl :ory. Miami at. tl+ Uni v&-G ty of Ohi+ . w ‘ate brloo plays their I lext _regli lar season ga mc aga inst the Br ock Badgl ers of Although they l&l : the contest 9-1, the. Wa rriors Cat1 leri nes on the &eniq and Frid January .I 1. On played a, spiii ted Sun d?; I night, Ja, nuary 13th, competitive brand. of h,ockey for the first .half of ’ the game., at 7:3( 3’ r----1 Drn.- the :v ----host the --_AS the game progresb& the’ York ‘Yoemen. ---TJ <‘,

how much

&gu.e, or how hard I cheer for the Oilers (Go Gretz Go!) Mike,

St. gof

+&BoJtice nets another 2 in a.91;64 b&z of’the Laurier HaWW ~ Vaterrloo openi ct howe 3. ON Saturday:, : _, - , ,




to win any these gyys.


Decause no o& wzints’to see the Leaf% The fans who do go o the Gardens are .going to

see the other Jnfdrt~pately

teams for



. ‘

, ‘




Leafs arc playing at the same time. \

I co&e not to bury the’ Leaf They are diehard Leaf fans fans butto praise them. If they and they wil! remain that ;““y - : can ‘&ck - by their team .until.they die. , _. _ through ais dismas season 4 > then .t&y can .truly earn my respect. They would be true , _Mike and Phil ftill into the second stage of Leaf Leaf supporters. 1 followers, They are the true They religiously supporters; If, and when, the Leafs start ’ - _ watch TV. 1 I on Wednesday winning. 1will jump back on the They write’ letters to 1. bandtiadon because, after all, night. . CBC when the Lpafs. are’ not like everyqne else I am a leaf v ; on Hockey ‘Night in ,Caneda. fan (I just don’t realize it). They buy -.Borje SUming For Mike and Pt$l and’ all sweater? friends.

as presents

\’ 1 For them,

for their’ the only


those second stagers there, ‘Go) Leafs Go!



r -



‘. ‘.

,. .. .‘.. :‘.





‘No ltft interchange with Blue Mountain Valid proof of ful rtme enrolfmenrnecessa~



, ___-


-. . ~.. . -. 1. -Ice:c 1 - ’ Mm0 .W’?! tw

=, ,


w-mv--7_ IMPRINT. _*

I _




Indoor track, is now under way with$w,o <meets _already ,,,c,om;pl-e,:t’ed..‘and th&ee easy victory in the’6Q0~metres: z_::‘ Waterloo ataetes qualified to in 1:35,9. _ -‘It w&BettyAn@~?, I-, the CIAUls al,most- before the start of the term. . . ’ The m&t recent chapter-in the story was Harvey Mitre’s return from injury at the J,anuary 6 th- ; .W e s t-e.r n I nviti ational. Since Mitre was quahfying time of 1i33.9.4 i . ' J in a ( :ast through much@! the,- ‘:_:;;.Rob Hardy put in a strong:’ ~. , fall, 1he was,den,ied~Jadmissian perforrna,nce 4s well, running” ’ into tjxe . fast section of, the the- 5000 -+n. ‘15$.1i for, fourth 1000. ‘. ‘$ne&res. 2, -The .,‘meet. phxce. _ .; ‘ i: , . ‘” i_I_ direcl to~,&;bn’,t .be&ieve:heI was I ‘ji’ Waterloo’s .‘, -Strengths.* in . :* .I . i. I ‘i-nd&or track thG season lie in 1 ’ . . ‘ rev0 I,‘ .5. j. :j t: IIn respon I- I _,;>~: _ i.tg stihoof-reecML 227.5 Sljll A. Fee, @&+@ :-: ry’in the slow section, a There are still a few openings in the following Jnstructional Programs; time ” Register through the P&C rece@ionist . NOW: Classes s?rt Ja+3, fit&s 14tfi/85. 1 Fitness Classes Learn to Skate Figure Skating Yoga‘. -s Tennis Raquetball ’ Downhill Stiing


:’ . I






,, .

’ .

- @ali: fy Miti ro to



~‘,. ..1 . _.I ,, + I:, “r., . ,




. wherr . bran 3 event. j . ,_ -” .~*. .metrc : >:,A; rother Waterloo ,-

‘, /,



1 ~ .-> ip’ .-i . 9 ‘._ : ,%_ tl5$ won


. ,.‘,:‘I * ‘,


Si. J’ohn’s First Aid (March) Juggling

. .


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.New PAC .Hoiirs’ ,.- ’ _< Thk


and Weight 7:y am 7:OO am 7:00 am 9:00am 9:OO am

to to to to to

is the new PAC schedule (incluc&j Rooms):. \ inidnightMTWR midnight Mon.;q.Tbes., Wed., Th&. -1 1:00 pm Fri. : 11:gOpmSat midnight Sun. I ’ 1..

$qkh . ’ *


Gowrt& :’ _ ‘-- ’ - *-



-,”kynis, _.I*’ ’


‘. r


. yS

WorMf~. i3asketbikll _ *; L.&s, it is once ag& time:for the$ornen*$. , & Team League to-start : ‘2 This term the final en $ ‘vyId&$~ is &&day, J,yn.‘ .14 at


u2, i ; -’ \ _ 8 I\’ , ../I >r‘:‘:. I I,._ .” ., .. I .c . . --:. -. .\. . _; -b .. ..”.* ,, ’ ‘./;- *1 . . _ I. >I ‘, , ‘,.* .. \ A ,.$.< _‘-.<,.I .) ._I._/ .. _’ ,- .,-

2040. 1 _’

: ‘-I

I+‘; . ’

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Ml-natry of Colleges and N-werslties ;

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Ontado Student , Assist6ke Program;.bi



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Deadline for your 1984-85 OSAP application is 90 days before the end of your school year. : . Y

If you have already applied 1 -. to.OSAP and.wish to appeal your award. you Should ’ , contact yourFinancial Aid Administrator immediately. [ .. One OSAP application form For further information and i , .- . lets you apply for: appeal deadline dates contaot ,. f 0 Ontario Study GJ;ant i T your f$anciat Aid Off&~ ?; . .‘. ‘:1 \ l Canada Student Loan _ , II -.: / , 1;.-I l Ontario Student Loan -*. .f ., . ,. If you have previously re, \ - : -: : .-..- z ; ! ,, ’ -,I ,. ceived an OSAP loan and_ . I, ’, I . have not negotiated a new - - , .-: .v., , : --_ L..+: , loan this year. you should _ . :Y _ contact your Financial Aid, . _ ~ I Administrator&t& ,’ i. n .2“ _,<:’ -jI:,:j? .“ r ., ‘[/ 3<.z-, ‘.A institution for the apbropnate . + , ‘I,, .. 7 :i,‘< ,.,I ^ formsihat must be filed in 1 order to continue your Interest; +.-. “e : I... - _ I<.. _.,:i+ ,‘-L f&e status. - , r



Hon. Bette Stephenson, George R. Podrebarac.


M.D..&&ter -. ;A ;. De*y h;(inlster ’

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run ,these QAU’s,

’ i.- $‘#$oo: -_

. winner



Forgrave, whu haS returnedto school-@is-‘winter. ;

u-‘j .’


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221 .spwYtsL




11, 1985. -

UW Nor die ski team In the Junior Men’s 10 km. January 5th, to compete Waterloo’s Jack race, against Western, Guelph and a few National Team Skiiers. , Simpson pulled off third place in +1:04. Dave Baerg hobbled The Senior Women’s 5km in at 47:23 , followed by Bruce race was won in 18:23 by Klemets at 54:04. Angela Schmidt, a competIn the Senior Men’s 10 km itor in the ‘80 and -‘I34 Olympics. Western’s Wendy race, Richard Brown of Meeuwisse, former UW Western flew past everyone in 36:09 to win the race. The top skiier, was second and uw’s skiier was Marcus co-coach Jocelyn Piercy, / Waterloo U W’s little Boyle in seventh place at third in 21:59. 39:Or UW’s co-coach Steve Russian woman, Lois Thompson finished right Donovan followed in fifth behind him in eighth position place at 23:24, then Michelle at 39:28. Rookie Vesa Maata Dale sixth in 24:28, and Anne in at 41:59, then Marie Charest eleventh in came . veterans Rich Rawling, Keith 23143. Mercier and Geoff White at 43:21, 43:5l and 46:54 respectively. On January 6th, sunny skies gave way to snow, as Waterloo’s team competed in the Fischer 15 km race. Schmidt again won the offers Senior Women’s race in 56:03, finishing a full nine and one half minutes ahead of Waterloo’s Piercy in 2nd in place in 65:39. UW’s Sue Stone finished 3rd in 67:23, MINING or MINERAL ENGINEERING and followed by Jacquie Gibson in EXTRACTIVE or PROCESS METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING 5th, Donovan in 6th and Dale in 7th. in the Junior Men’s race to students wishing to enter the first or subsequent professional Simpson finished 5th in 63: 10, year of a degree course in Mining or Mineral Engineering followed by Ted Buracus in and Extractive or Process Metallurgical Engineering. For applications contact: ’ 1lth. In the Senior Men’s race The Secretary, Canadian Mineral industry Education Foundation, Western’s Brown again won P.O. Box 45, Commerce Court West, Toronto, Ont. in 55:OO. U W’s Boyle and or Thompson kept their rivalry The Dean of Engineering Applied Science going as the finished fifthand sixth at 57:15 and 58:21 CLOSING DATE: FEBRUARY 8, 7985 respectively. Vesa Maata finally beat the girls when he finished eleventh in 62:14.

-The Nordic Ski Team returned from a Christmas ski camp in Quebec City to display some improved skiing in competitions last weekend, January 6th, in Midland and Barrie. While other remained on universities holidays last week, Waterloo skiiers drove into, through, and over snowbanks on the way back from Quebec City so that they could return to their icy home base. With one or two introductory lectures under their belts, they turned around and headed off to Midland on


UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS An Extravaganza of Reggae and New W-ave Wed., Jan. 16th, 8 p.m. Federation $1.00



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.’ -



, -.

-. ..

.year Kin&iology ’ is a second. jear,,, Recrqation ,_. Ha!“& .- is a se&nd . . Lorraine s&&n’t who trtinsf&i-e_d‘ from-the Uxiiveraity -I* studeiit?ff&fi Safnia, where :he @tended ‘: ’ ’ wh&e &e* dliyed oni’ year of -. ~S&rniaN%~rtliern~ Hi$h S$h”oX . ” d;f .&jna, The Western ‘Invit&tional Meet *as held 4 -v‘?&ty basketball. I ‘L1 t where Harvey . did: ;‘,,.’ With_ &er consist&t; ti$l-balaticed playing’ .I this. @tit weekend ’ =-&xcepfi.hna%y &cl1 despite some .very trying, $;biliIJ, Lorraine hai :progti her&If $n .irianx -Fir& of all hz( severelF? ,and af$@ive .games, to Fe a stron$‘$efensive - c$cum~tan$‘s;~:+ ’ player, This sh&&&n .her- competitive. .orie- ‘:‘- @r,@ned;&n ankle -last fall while pl8yi$g some .J o&gne capabilities. As %+eli, Lorraine has a reareational basketball. This put a complete‘ : i consKd&-able -g&d, consistent outside-shot $hitih‘beco’m.s @It to H$%jy’s thininjj’io? z4&jS(t &fiefi@al ‘+@inst’a zone defknce: ‘_ .I;-“arn~~~~ bPti$$. Setondly, -after working out” extiem@y bard tc -prepare for ‘the indoor. This past weekend, (he &benas travelled to ?’ *in&or to’take part in the Winds& Can Am setisoti, he had to runlthel.~OO1meteruevent in Ihvitational. Lorraine proved instrumefital in _ the,.sldti.seetion it W..$er,n. :l$e easily’.won the race*wi‘th a W-aterlog’.&hool record time of ‘the wins which _ led the .Athenas towardS 2:27.5 and thbs qutilifying *to the C.1.A.U: iaining the championship. She scored a tptal , ,‘.finals in the event/ ’ I . of 16 points. in the first.lgaine against the club teafll, York Raiders, *and an additional 1.8 ; pomts aiajrist the Toronto. Steelers. >-:a‘~ in H&ey thdn camti;b&;ind won the 150@ ‘the game thal L&raine’s reliable o.utside sh_ot ’ metqr event @‘:a iimei of--,j:56,2 which alsd, . proved most ‘. beneficial in cc$ributing* q’jialifies’him for the C.I.A.U.‘s’: :. , towards the win.. In-the championship game H-arvey came to Waterldo in 1983 &ith a against Windso;, Lorraine added 12 points to’ L reputation as one bf Canada’s top Junior the 8 l-50 win. middle-distance -+unn’eas-and-he -lived --up-to Overall, Lorraine‘ .is the fourth leading scorer to- the Waterloo Athena: with total thai by taking jhe Bronze Medal at the C.l.A.U.‘s.in the 1500 meter. He is the team scoring to date of I47-points and a game point leader*-_ as average of 8.6 points per game. z far as spirit goes, _I -, ~C

i fg. Nancy


?The University of Waterloo b&ketballd Athenas took top g?$;y \ i* .: January . ,-afh.

;;n*y;e;z;;n;y .I.



her name and. was a kingpin in Waterloo’s final Gctory of 8‘1.. 5. * ’ This tourndment win gave the Athenas -a Z-2 win-loss

cxhibitional tourney play. _ Th$ Athenas play hpst in. both their league games -this to.1 Winds‘or o‘n week, Wednesday, January. 9th and Lau&r on Fridajl,+.Jari’uary

%I-OTICE ~T9. PFiESIDENTIAL & VI”CE’ 1 ‘, PRESIDENTIAL CAN.DlbATES: c.from tfProcedur&-Governing. , Eiections7and By- ‘EQsstion$? ’ ,., _I I. ,-. j “The Electidn Committee shall establish a mail-owt‘te,.all off-term . - .--. co-og studenls-of-Bhe’PresI/Vice-Pies. Bailot:s ..jf“lnclldi desired by the candidates, a statement of eabh- can 7 &ate’s campaign platform. The statement, will- be in ‘the form of 0n.e ~ypewritten~~%“xll”~page and must be+ubmTttecl fQr dppN+gjion.p.o later than two working days bbfo;rebhe close of nominations: Those candfdates duplicating, their. own r stat&en@ must, hay+, these statemen& first scrutinized bi the Eleqtion Comriiittee, and will bring-the required number o,f copfels: tolthe ,Fed. office by l&Ob “a.m. of the morning after the close qf nominations. Each candidate must supply a minimum of two persons for stuffing envelopes for the mail-out by 1O:OO’ a.in. of the morning After the cl&e of nominations until the mail-out is Completed.” _ , ._

,:-I :I; ;.. -. ‘Q ;

4th-6th. c&m ~lmhrt

fr\i,r-u,ppt / .-




Address: ‘,




-abainst the more mature, 1 p’olished Toronto Steelers ’ ,-: pfoved to be the-battle of the entire tournament. * Toronto’s tight knit a defensive zone held the big inSide. pointgetters off the \ bpard and Waterloo’s scoring tb a minumum. Waterloo’s eventual comeback waS sparked by L,arr.aink’s , put’standirig f4.H .c&urt.e,xecution. The championship gatik’- : fpund the host Windsor gaqg’;; pjtted against’ the Athena& ‘The final outcome of t&I:,. ’ /match was decided in the fifst ’ half when Waterlbo’s effective fpll court press allowed them t,o open up a 49-29 lead by the j end of the.>first ha!f. 1 Kim-- *Ray ‘hit -home to fecord’a 28 Ipoint . addition to . \ .

F .


Mail ~compteted coup&n. fix TRAVEL CUTS TOROb $4 St. George Stredt I4 c Ave. mrn#s I

’ :.$ _I





Of The Federation

of s-rments


Tom Robinson Federation Hall ’ Tuesday,15 January special guest feds $8 others$lO



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