
Page 1

I Friday, January 25,1985; Voi. 7, No. 25; The Student Newspaper; University

of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.

Bovev C o m m i s s i o n a success? -


tuition system based on one's faculty 1s shocking, Mr. Rayman says. He feels it quantifies the worth of one's degree. ''It's very unfortunate that students are being asked to come up with almost all the extra money the system needs" was the reaction of Federation of Students president Tom Allison. If the tuition fees are going to be raised so greatly Mr. Allison says, "They had better have somethine t o sav about OSAP." The system will cater to the richest students, and not the most capable, he asserts, and the plan to hold the line on enrolment to maintain quality of education "is a cop out". Tiered tuition will lead to a class system of schools, Mr Alhson feels, and choosmg one's areas of study may be based not on Interest or apt~tude,but on how much money one has Mr All~sonwould see faculty augmented, rather than replaced, argulng that t h ~ sw ~ l l lead to the mflux of mtellectual muscle the system needs As for the 524 mill~oncap~talmamtenance and expanslon fund suggested by Mr Bovey, Mr. Alhson says, "~t's trite to s a y ~ t ' snot enough." He notes that the prlvate sector would never be able to tolerate such a low level of re-investment. cube of the Arts ,ary gleams sweetly as night falls over the campus. Dick Kn~ght,pres~dentof the UW Staff The &&@gar Associat~ontold Imprint h ~ general s concern . Z , lmprint photo by Chris Wodskou over the reoort was the atmasohere of competitiveness it attempts to encourage. Rut. at least it addresses the problem 01 deteriorating equipment, he says. Mr. Knight says the usefulness of adding new taff depends on whether they go into new efforts due to U W s ownership of the space, he or help staff overloads. by T.A. Grier, George Elliott Clarke, Doug equivocated: "Maybe guarantee is too strong Thompson, and Steven Motluk a word. . . perhaps I'm not in a position to This year's election as the three teams of guarantee it." He went on to explain that candidates line up at the gate is notoriously "We, the federation of students, would not lacking in substantive issues and policies. close it. If the administration is to override us, Scott Forrest is worried about the financial I can't guarantee that it won't close. Our mailout to send an equal Forrest and Sonny Flanagan, condition of the federation. His solution? government wouldn't close it." Mr. Flanagan number of their leaflets to a representative of the CRO's "Responsive, responsible government." He also favours a more down-to-earth federation s t u d e n t s o n w o r k t e r m . office postponed the mailout believes that the present federation leaders style. He said that people feel "intimidated by However, as the candidates until each candidate could "don't know what the students are about," the Fed office." and their representatives come up with the correct and his running mate,Willie Grove, suggests that sfudent politicians need to "get out of Jeff Wilson, current v.p. operations and approached the end of their number of leaflets. finance and Katherine Seymour, his running The annual mailout is an their offices and talk to students." envolope stuffing, it was Mr. Grove said that he and Forrest will mate have chosen the slogan "experience" as discovered that there were important part of each the centrepiece for their campaign. Mr. actually more than 3000 candidate's drive for the bring about change. He went on the explain Wilson said the next 12 months are critical addresses available, and only presidency, for the relatively that "every year the Federation brings up their because of the financial situation resulting candidate Jeff Wilson had high co-op voter response can own people. This year it is Jeff Wilson who is from massive Fed Hall expenditures. He also enough leaflets to cover the decide the outcome of the Tom Allison's v.p. Before,Tom Allison was stressed t h e need f o r s o m e s o u n d discrepancy. election. This year's elections closely associated with Wim Simonis. We management. Amid protests from the will be held February 12 and want to see some new blood and change the other candidates. Scott He feels that after being in office for two autocratic style of government." He also years, "you learn how to deal with new issues emphasizehaking the Federation office more that arise." When asked whether he planned accessible to students, commenting that "we to change the style of federation operations hb would come out of the office more often.': said "as far as competence is concerned, we Sonny Flanagan and his running mate will maintain this, and try to increase it." In Mark McKay are campaigning on their reference t o T o m Allison's style of record and experience in student government. management, he said, "Tom did his thing and Their campaign literature offers a "guarantee I will have my style. There will be a new that it (the Bombshelter) would only close approach but this does not mean Tom's with a student referendum." Whenasked if he was in a position to make such a guarantee approach was bad."

by Todd Schneider Imprint Staff The Bovey Commission Report was a , qualified success in the academic community, judging by the reactions of UW officials and student representatives. Released January 16, the report was the result of a nearly year-long inquiry into the future role of Ontario universities. It will be a waiting game to see which . recommendations are implemented by the provincial Ministry of Education, says Feisal Rayman, president of the Graduate Students' Association. Impressed by Mr. Bovey's emphasis on the issue of Research and Development (R&D), Mr. Rayman noted that thedecliningphysical plant of universities leads to a corresponding decline in their ability t o compete in the R&D field. Mr. Rayman agreed with the Commission's ' call for faculty replacement. The boom in educational facilities in the 1960s and 1970s has come t o an end and few new grad students are being recruited. He supported the recommendation that some 500 new faculty be added to the system over the next five years, but only if it were in addition to normal turnover. While Mr. Bovey suggests that provincewide university entrance examinations be instituted in the areas of English, French and , Mathematics, Mr. Rayman feels this is not enough. Provincial exams would end the universities present practice of scaling an applicant's high school marks up and down according to the school attended. Mr. Bovey's proposal for a five-tiered


by T.A. Grier Imprint Staff A slight mix-up in the Fed bection co-op mailout raised some eyebrows Tuesday, January 22, but, says Chief 'Returning Officer(CR0). Anne Kristensen, theincident did not cause any controversy Ms. Kristensen said the -egistrar's office gave 2700 as .he number of leaflets each of :he t h r e e p r e s i d e n t i a l :andidates needed for the

Three teams running

Most coucil seats acclaimed

usomen of the Masa~lrrbe of Kenya say "cheese',for the J3mm lens of U W student.. nnifer Armour. More p ~ c son pages I0 & 11.

by T.A. Grier Imprint staff In keeping with UW radition, t h s year's student :ouncil &aations wlk have nore vacancies than ~cclaimations, and more ~cclaimationsthan contests. When nominations closed blonday, only the positions of 'resident and Arts (regular) lad more nominations than )ositions. One of three Engineering

seats were acclaimed, as were all three Math seats, all three Science (regular) seats, and the single HKLS seat. The rest, a total of 11, remain empty. (see Fed ad, p. 2) Federation president Tom Allison called the lack of candidates "standard. We'll do now as we always do: people like myself will seek out good people" to fill the vacancies. He said that this has been t h e n o r m a l

procedure for years. "Over half our council are people I specifically asked to run; it's one way of getting good people" . Peter Klungel, seeking one of the Arts (regular) seats, expressed a common sentimept, saying, "1 think it's unfortunate that students here aren't willing to get involved, especially when the Bovey report has just come out:"

- Fri., Jan. 25 Sociology Club Coffee House: free coffee and doughnuts available in PAS 2030 from 1:30430. >Nominations for po@&~s on the Sociology Club Executive wil be accepted at this time. German Rim Series: German Resistance against the Nazi Regime. Film “Der 20 Juli” (The 20th of July) German/English subtitles. Admission free. 8~00 , p.m. ML 246. Morning Prayer: Monday to Friday, 9flO a.m., St Anglican Campus Ministry.


The Mug Coffeehouse, Everyone is welcome. it’s a great place to relax and converse. Enjoy refreshments and live music. Sponsored by Waterloo Christian Fellowship. CC 110,8:30-l 130 rrm y.,

l s.

Salatul Jumu’a (Friday prayer) organizd by the: &slim Student’s Association University of Waterloo. CC 135 130 p.m. ’ Fed Flicks: Yentl ,staning Barbra Streisand and Amy Irving. $1.00 Feds, $2.00 others. AL 116,800 p.m. Peace Society of UW. professor Conrad Brunk will speak on Political Non-Violent Action at 1230 p.m. in the blue room at Conrad Grebel College. Peace Society of UW presents a documentary film on the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr. “From Montgomery to Memphis” at 7:30 p.m. in the Great Hall at Conrad Grebel College. Admission is free. Fryday pubs: The ASU presents FRYDAY PUBS every Friday from 12 noon until 4 p.m., in HH 280. Weekly specials and soft drinks available. Come out and join the fun.

- Sat., Jan. 26 -- lively improvisational comedy. 8 Theatresports p.m., Humanities rm. 180. Admission; Feds $1, others $1.50. Improvisational Comedy workshop! welcome. Cost $1. 1 p.m., HH 180.


Grad House: the GSA presents live music with Glen Chatten. Music starts 8:30 p.m. GSA members and guests only. Cover $1. Fed Flicks: See Friday.

Association for Children with Learning Disabilities, K-W, will be holding a fund-raising Book Fair from 9 5 at Charles St Senior’s Centre, 310 Charles St E

- Sun., Jan. 27 Kayaking Sorry, no kayaking this Sunday. Show up next week for the first half of the Eskimo roll. Info. 1 Mike 7464005’ Holy Eucharist: 11:OOa.m., St. Bede’s Chapel. 1230 p.m. also, same place. Anglican Campus Ministry. Christian Worship on Campus. Sundays at lo:30 a.m., HH 280. Sponsored by Huron Campus Ministry. Everyone welcome. Chaplain Graham E. Morbey. St. Paul’s doleege: Wesley Chapel. Service 11-l 2 noon; Holy Communion: first Sunday of every month. Evening Fellowship Service: 10 p.m. ” Sunday. Everyone is welcome. Tricky Tracks Hikes at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to spot tracks of animals hard to see at other times of the year. Laurel Creek Nature Centre. 885-1368.

Evening Prayer and sermon. Conrad Grebel College Chapel. 4~30 p.m.

CUSO working in education: Slide presentation with Betty Simpson, CUSO teacher in Nigeria 1981-84. 12z30,rm.110CC,UofW.8831211ext3144for details.

Day of Peace: today is the 22nd anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s martyrdom, the “School day of non-violence and peace”. A pioneer work of pacifying education will be held. For free info write to the Coordinator of DENIP, P.O. Box 126, S’Arenal, Mallorc, 07000, Spain. (Enclose self-addressed and stamped envelope.)

Job Search: Creative methods in searching for job leads and making personal contacts, with Elen Shenk, Needles Hall, rm. 1020, 1130 a.m. Open to all students, but please sign up on sheets posted on the first floor bulletin boards x

- Thurs., Jan. 31 Sociology Club coffeehouse. Free coffee and donuts available from 1:304:30 in PAS 2030. Nominations for positions on the Sot. Club Executive will be accepted at this time.

Common Meal: 430-7:00 p.m. in’ St. Paul’s Dining Hall. Fellowship meeting, Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. All welcome. Chaplain Graham E. Morbey. Exploring the Christian Faith. 7:30 p.m., Wesley Chapel, St Paul’s College. Leader: Chaplain Graham E. Morbey. All welcome.

Students for life: meetings every Thursday at 430 p.m. in the CC rm. 135. Everyone is welcome - bring a friend.

C&LOW (Gay and Lesbian liberation of Waterloo) Coffeehouse in CC 110 beginning at 8 p.m. At 10 p.m., those interested will leave to rendezvous at the Club downtown Kitchener. Call the GGLOW line for details (884-4569). Rides available.

Christian Fellowship. Supper meeting, 430-7 p.m. in Eng. 1 rm. 2536. Discussion topic “How to be a good neighbour” by Ellie Lau, IFES.

Chapel Service: Iniormal Setice and discussion. Conrad Grebel College Chapel. 7 p.m. Fed Flicks: See Friday.

- Mon., Jan. 28 Badminton: to anyone interested in playing badminton and/or forming a badminton club, there will be an organizational meeting. For further information call: Richard 884-5279 or Dane 8845466. West Indian lunch on sale by Caribbean Student’s Association. Great Hall, CC, 11:30-l :30. Birth Control or self-control - It’s your choice. For confidential telephone counselling on birth control and sexuality, call 884-4096 or 888-4068. Sponsored by Health Services and the Birth Control Centre, Federation of Students.

- Tues., Jan. 29 Caribbean Students’ Association general meeting. New members welcome. 5 p.m. CC 135. Jr. Farmers 6066.

meeting 8 p.m. CC 110. Doug 888-

Live Jazz! 9 p.m: in the Bombshelter, “Good Food” until 1 a.m.

FEDERATION OF STUDENTS STUDENTS’ COUNCIL NOMINATIONS RE-OPEN Friday, January 25 and close on Wednesday, January 30, 1985 at 4:30 p.m. for the followikg seats:

Arts, co-op Engineering E.S., regular E.S. co-op H.K.L.S., co-op IS iaih, regular Science, co-op Renison St. Jerome’s .

- Wed., Jan. 30 -


1 seat 2 seats 2 seats 1 seat 1 seat 1 seat 1 seat 1 seat 1 seat I 1 seat

Nomination forms are available I from Helga Petz in the Fed Office, Campus Centre Room 235. Note: Nominations received for vacant seats after January 30th will be considered acclamations as received. Election Committee


Ave Wilcox gazes heavenward in a trance caused by his intoxicating guitar boogie. Wq jtist had get this picture in the paper, so we decided to place it here. AnotheFWilcox pit for your viewing 3asure is on page 15. imprint photo by Lindsay Lennox

l q








! When you hear news breaking, call Imprint. I\ Ext. 2332.



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NIGHT Do you




-Walk home after a night class? - Live near Waterloo Park or Sunnydale in Lakeshore? ‘1 if you answered yes to the above, there’s a precautjon we urge you to take -- avoid walking alone in poorly lit, secluded areas. If you don’t know of anyone going your way, contact the Women’s Centre in CC 25QB and we’ll try and find someone in a simi situation: someone to walk home with.


This service is available only till the fifth of February. Women only. Advance registration required. UW Women’s



of Students



L’ampalgn -\


blizzard *


- _ Imprint

photo ; <--.

by Micheal

A. Provost

by ‘Gord Durnin ’ . .I Imprint Staff In an effort to ‘revitaliiec a struggling institution, this year’s Federation elections ‘will be coupled with elections for a Campus Centre Board ww - The body has notmet for a year and - ‘Federation of Students president Tom Allison feels that it’is in. the interest of both the student body and the Federationthat the student voice in Campus Centre business not be silenced. , Recent. CCB history has been. controversial. In 198 1, in his ‘first year as university

president, “Doug Wright I disbanded the board in favour of- university c-ontrol of the building. Until then, the board has been the decisionmaking body for-the campus centre. After a student protest led by former federation president, Wim Simonis, the CCB was re-instated with advisory status ‘only. But last year it did not meet at alk . . Mr. Allison has received .permission fromthe Committee of (society) Presidents to hold the CCB and Federation elections together this year. ’

Council. / condemns Vilkgegate

: / ’ I 1

Bj Gmd D\rmin i r * -Although- there was some Imprint staff ’ I sentiment that the resolution “While council does ‘hot ‘might create a . rift between. con.done theft and. the students a@ security,.. it, was possession of stolen property, felt that isb@ing the specific this council does condemn the . event ,ofDecember 31st. would searches of the Villages of not-reflect student attitudes to December 23, I 1984, by security in general,. nor mar campus security. security’s past record. The preceding resblution J .While Fed -president .Tom was adopted at last Sunday’s Allison’ says, there are. still Federation of Students’ plans for an Ombudsman Council meeting to voice the review of. UW’s security opinion of the student elected, forces, this resolution and body. The statement came as university president Doug a result of council members’ Wright’s apology are the only pressure for an official official actions taken to this student stance. I, ’ date.

, 1I by Shayla Gunter Imprint staff Last Sunday, January ,20, students council .voted unanimously to allow underage students -into Fed .Hall. ’ Subject to approval by administration, Fed Hall will be ‘open to students under 19 ’ years of age every night until

7:oO pm. Also, the pub will _.hold at least two “dry” nights per term, opening only the upstairs to drinkers. The major snag in the proposal. is convincing Bill Decks, the pub’s licence holder,’ that’ a’ system preventing underagers from drinking would work. ’

ma.na-gers ~-lot Strategy

-=-------,‘~ -.---------, ---._---------- -_ 17th


t _ I

-The three icomprise the Carnpqign focb. for, -respecWeli, I candidates Sonny Flanagan and Mark McKay, Jeff Wilson and Kathryn Seymour, and Scott Forrest and Willie’Grove. -. Mitch Retterath, current :‘ Vice-President for University Affairs, and campaign manager for -Jeff Wilson ‘and Kathryn Seymour; told Imprint that the candidates’ level’ of experience in dealing withuniversity-reiated affairs and procedures would: . .*. a. - .. c ge an integral: ana important j rocu s for. their campaign.. Mr. ‘Retterath’+&@d that his camdidate’s campaign w&id I . , stress the fact- that,‘with the addition to the campus of such a . facililty‘ as Federation -@Iall, there_ is need for someone “experienced at the reigns”, as Fed Hall. will “almost double the Federation’s cash flow.” While Mr, Retterath nointed out that ‘his candidates are “‘Hi! My name is Mortimer: Please. vote’- for- me. ‘! _ ‘interested in the-areas-of housing and orientation, he said that it . was the election _- would_ not-end-up , ,..that .$&>Y _’ his- hope a-_ - focussing-. - on Mr.; Morrissey- \ stated-that -one of the primary areas the :just one particular‘issue, and that both the other candrdates would consider the election “holistically”. campaign would focus its energies in would be with, r(espect to Martha Wright, and Ross Morrissey, co-campaign managers the student clubs and societies, because “those are th le people for Sonny *Flanagan and Mark McKay, said the focus of their that are involved? . campaign manager for candidates Scott Forrest candidate’s’ campaign. would be on their intention to create “a ’ GordSharp, more renresetative student government” to rectifv what the - and Willie Grove; said that his campaign would focus 1nrimarilv e candidates saw as a “lack $I. trust or faith in the $revious onits being ..“achange from t.he pie v:ous .administration”, in administrations”. that “admini’stration&uient contact “- would be stressed. Mr. . Miss Wright went on to say that student$were %redof@age Sharp said thaf:the+spect of student’s rightsbrought out in the recent Villages search, would be a definate issue, as would: the campaigns” and that Mr. Flanagan and ‘Mr. -McKay would. over c@ses being held in the PAC.counter Jeff Wilson -and Kathryn Seymour’s emphasis on controversy experience with “a greater depth concerning the issues”: She Mr. Sharp went’ on to say that in addition. to the usual also said-that Sonny Flanagan’s disagreement with the Allison classroom-speaking and the banner-hanging; his candidates administration while he was chairing, the Creative Arts. Board would be focusi,ng on “one-to-one contact with individual _ _ students”. would mua in the campaign. ’ 2. ; .I

Fed CCB life .( -new-> .. gets


Mathew Ingram Imprint Stpff Onenness, Exberience. or New Face& and Fresh Ideas--- these are the.three options presented froth which U of W students will choose yhen the polls open L;for._ f?derqtion elections ,_on . Fkhharv

last weekend’s



. fri,sky . busi.ness. ’ ’

‘by Carol Fletcher or she is again quickly frisked Allison wished to speak on , “There are ways wecan check’ in order to determine if glasses 1behalf of Mr. Hunt about the i&a- non-confron&ional Imprint Staff way or liquor are being taken out A quick frisk before being using humour ahd tact. a&wed to pass by the door _ of the bar. “frisky business”. Mr. Allison $4ost students are used to persons at Fed Hall:is causing said “ It is necessary that we .being frisked while going into. dissension among~ some check at the door to ensure “concerts; this is no different”. ’ A coupti of patrons -told .II/. that liquor is not being 1’.. students on this campus. Imprint _ that they resented The attendants at the door . having to open their purses brought on the premises:” _ “Mr. Allison, when grope the students’ coats or and the bouncers feeling their questioned about how long purses or both. If they suspect coats. .’ -’ -Mr. Allison told-. Iinprint the - frisks will contifiue, the student is smuggling in a do not :)ike Jeremy Hunt, manager of ‘Some bands insist that we replied “Staff ‘bottle ( ‘or a camera at a Federation ,Hall, - was not. allow cameras or .doing it. It’s hard for them to concert)they, in turn, ask the unavailable for comment * recording equipment into the / be at, ease when they’re doing student if he or she will open. concerning this matter. j concerts.‘: . ’ ’ ~ it. The door people s..will - _.probably ,ease off as the term the coat or the. purse. ’ When the student leaves, he Federation President Tom Furthermore,‘* he added, progresses”. _, 1.. - .

by Hilkka McCallum Cameron Anderson Impriit staff ^


reminded the ‘board’ that the -. students had lik%ly not been, informed of the proposal to , raise , the athletic .’ fees. He suggested that the nonDr. Wright, U W president, stated that he preferred a refundablenature of the fee be examined. combinationof raisingtuition and small-scale ’ enrolment cuts rath‘er’ than the Dr. Wright replied that the considerable 4o/,cut suggested fees shouid be’examined by by the commission. . the Committee of .Presidents ? 6 ‘, ,<‘_a which is comp&h ” of the .Dr. Wright made _ his Federation and society - “” ’ comments-at the January 22 .. presidents. Board of Governor’s meeting, The room rate increase was responding to .the ,Rovky deemed necessary’ ’ by the Commission’s report. ’ board because of, ,among other reasons, a projected -He added that .&search increase in ,tidmi’nistration funding--and the- turnover of / costs, such & salaries, of older professors would be examined in the next meeting of the board. However, he did comment that UW was probably better off than most universities because the average age of the professors is lower. The commission suggested t-hat there shpuld be an -increase in younger’ faculty in all the Ontario Universities; Other items on the agenda were: a suggested -5%,incr.ease in campus housing cats and , an increase of $1.75 a term of the intercollegiate athletic fee. Both exceed the current‘ 4% inflation rate. Federation president, Tom I Allison, \. . --,_; _ _ :;“,i _

10.2% for Other village budgeted

this -year.’ z noteworthy items: food costs are at $6.16 a -day per.

student, and for this year $7,253 is budgeted on ‘pest control in the married



You should not neglect agitation; each of you should - Ferdinand Lasalle (1825- 1864)




25, 19&.


it his task.

Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Cntario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA), and a member of mdian University Press (CUP). Imprint publishes every second Friday during the Spring term and every Friday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.” Imprint reserves the right 0 to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. mqfg% Imprint: ISSN 07067380 -

Imprint Friday,


Noon: Monday,








Over the past few terms, the role of the newspaper as a member of student society has come into question. A few weeks ago, a letter decried that the editorial page had gone so far to the left as to be horizontal, but in a more serious vein, suggested that there was no room left for differing viewpoints. Another letter in a later issue sought for the editorial for consideration and page to provide, I’... opinions discussion.” There is an answer if one looks at the editorial pages of a newspaper in another light. These pages are community property, but they reflect the property of three communities. The editorial pages belong to the students of Waterloo but gets sliced three ways. The first is the community of students as a whole. There are some issues that affect students almost equally, the quality of education at the university, or the state of the world when there are profound concerns for peace. While there may be divisions when time comes to allocate blame or suggest -solutions, it should be recognized that this is necessary in order for problems to be addressed. The other two communities celebrate the

No stealing,

individuality of opinion as much as the editorial strives to reach for something in all of us. In the soapboxes, columns, commentaries, and letters to the editor are the thoughts, dreams and machinations of people concerned with politics, sexuality, aesthetics, weight rooms, education, and all other things through to the landlord’s kitchen sink. That there should be differences is to be expected, but that it should be treated as discord rather than harmony might be sad, if not expected. The newspaper allows ideas to be presented for= examination, elab,oration (sometimes), and flaming (often). When one is “right”, it seems foolish to look at what those in the wrong have to offer, quite often it is not so foolish as it is uncomfortable. If someone poses unanswerable questions the substrata of one’s faith resembles sand more than concrete. Ideally, there is room for both liberal and conservative, pro choicer and pro lifer, idealist and pragmatist, on the pages of the paper. We may often fall short, there isevidence in blackandwhite all around you. Mike Upmalis

snea king,

The lights are low, candles are lit, and you have the woman of your dreams over to your roommate-less townhouse for a quiet, intimate dinner. You are prepared toserve thechilledvichyssoise, while she seductively sips the Chateau Rothschilds l-966, which took you six months to save for. Suddenly, she almost drops the wine goblet in horror. She asserts her refusal to drink from a wine glass that you appropriated from Federation Hall. You blew it, buddy! Was it that much of an effort to go to K-Mart to buy some quasi-expensive looking glasses? Do you steal bathmats from the Holiday Inn as well? It is clear that if UW students continue to behave as irresponsible and thoughtless patrons when they attend Federation Hall then the doorpersons will continue to frisk everyone. Liquor and beer prices will no doubt rise to compensate for the loss of glassware. How many of you can afford an increase in the amount of money you spend on booze? Anyone for draft for the rest of the term?

pm: pm:


Meeting 28s


Editorial Editorial


ten!” F&day,



Staff January

2:00 5:00



AS for sneaking


in a mickey, well, I don’t want to appear “Holier than thou”, as I have been guilty of mickey-smuggling (at another local bar), but when one examines the risks involved this activity, it certainly isn’t worth the chance one takes. First off, it can be damn embarassing when one gets caught with a mickey of rum shoved down one’s sock. It can be mortifying if one is trying to impress a first date. Concealing a bottle can result in ejection from the bar and, even worse, one having one’s bottle confiscated. Ejection can hurt terribly if one has just paid eight dollars for the ticket. The students of the University of Waterloo are a group with much integrity. It is unfortunate that relatively few people feel the compulsion to act as children and therefore subject everyone to being frisked when they enter our new campus bar. To those who want to continue this foolish behavior, I implore you to give Federation Hall a chance to succeed. We will all benefit. C&d Fletcher









Editor - George Elliott Clarke Assistant Editor - Nimet Mawji Production Manager - Doug Tait Advertising Manager - Christopher Ricardo Scipio Advertising Assistant - Shayla Gunter News Editors - T.A. Grier, Hilkka McCallum Assistant News Editor - Gord Durnin Arts Editors - Paul Hawkins, Debbi Pigeon Assistant Arts Editor - Sally Wiebe Photo Editor - Mitchell Edgar Sports Editor - Rob Stevenson Assistant Sports Editor - Joanne Longley Graphics Editor - Janet Green Business Manager - Janet Lawrence Office Manager - Cameron Anderson Head Typesetter - Doug Thompson Typesetters - Angela Evans, Jennifer Charmer



George Elliot Clarke, Doug Tait, Janet Lawrence, Christopher Bicardo Scipio, Nimet Mawji, Tim Grier, Hilkka McCullum, Gord Durnin, Paul Hawkins, Debbi Pigeon, Sally Wiebe, Bob Stevenson, Joanne Longly, Mitchell Edgar, Janet Green, Cameron Anderson, Shsyla Gunter, Doug Thompson, Jenni Charmer, Angela Evans, Todd Schneider, Kirsten &hell, KL. Wang, Sonny Flanagan, Chris Haslett, Wayne Morris, Richard Preston, Len Mokos, Beth Karstadt, Kelly Payne, Carol Howard, Mark Chung, Inderjit Sodhi, Sean Dixon, Gillian Ying, Richard Mark Clinton, Corn-ma Bobitaille, BobertaJeanne Zadow, Michael A Provost, Debbie Thomas, Darren B&fern, David Lawson, Preet Khalsa, Henry Berghuis, Yumin Syukur, Jeff Suggett, Ian Lipton, Mike Blanchard, Philip Gory, Alan Yoshioka, A.J. Waterman, Catherine Eckenswiller, Mike Shocrylas, Jim Pravitz, Gary Shum, Andrea Imada, Rizaldo Padilla, Stephen Moth&, Mike Urlocker, Judy Matthews, Paul Lambert, Thomas White, Harjit S. Atwal, Patrick Hayes, James Kafieh, Jerry Kafieh, Nathan Rudyk, Signy Madden, Dan Tremblay, Brad Hilderley, Alex Weaver, Michael McCool, Craig Leach, Janet Panabaker, Petr Cizek, Tim Perlich, Mark Connolly, J.D. Bonser, Dave Sider, Chris Wodskou, Julie Smith, Bob Butts, Jack Kobayashi, Mike Upmalis, Sandy Townsend, Ahab Abdel-Axis, Oscar Buset, Bill Smart, Odysse Kasoglou, Marmy Gitterman, Brian Oliver, Peter Lawson, Joyce Sweatman, Linda McCord, John Zaohariah, Steve Madison, Julie George, Steve Grump, Lindsay Lennox, Claudio Cacciotti, Ruth Milk&, Bob Clifton, Mathew Ingram, John Weber, &ma Marie Hubbard, Jeff Tiffin, Doris Prets, James Spyker, Carol Fletcher, Leslie Butler, Carlos Panksep, Maureen Elliot, Josephine Rezo, Patrick Paulik, Janine Clark Mike Simon,Ann Evans, Boss Morrissey, Patti Turville, Lisa Sarjeant, Susan Burke, Sax&y Goel, Dau Kealey .

notice! Adil Imptint staffers arerequested toattend todby’s staff meeting at noon. There are a lot of items on the age&x and pictures are being taken for st# I.D. crxrds. wtg txxid.

Water-lodt “Enter .J ,) ak’$mir / .o.vvn ,I i l&k”- , ” star

To the editor:








Soapbox’is a feature intended as a forum for individual Imprint ,st& members to express their opinions. -: .*_7 r * _ ,-




ead. 8.

Are we witqess of a future SWAT team in the.making, ’ or just another show by Larry, Curly dndMo? Or maybe, this is part of +me>..new’-strafe& defence’ initiative> a . .cdunter strike fordd~~~~igne;d,tpprev~,~~ theft, dn campus before j_t occurs? //I Does Mr. Eiomenco-know &bou~0ii&‘~Will Mr. Romenco’ have prior knowledge? :. D&s‘ Mr. Romenco ever have prior knowledge. 3 Will he take action and banish these trio (sic) of blackguards to the barrens of Scarberia, or will he chuckle this of (sic) ivith the rest: And what of._ the I 3 future? Will my philadendrons be ever prone: to pilferage’? Will my tea bags be suspect for seizure? Ifear to complainfor irate officers staffi& the security desk. Perhaps security should post a sign on t-heir door:-Enter at your own risk. Finally, will this happen again the next time ?h;lr. Romenco goes on vacation ? Will Mr. Romenco g@‘lon vacation the next time this happens? ’ - ’ ‘H.D. Wedemiyer ’ 4-b Engineering

Dissent healthy 2’ Horngsexual Lyricism by Z&e


(a psikudoilym)




‘Tom Robinson came to Waterloo last Tuesday, January 15. Playing to a small crowd at Federation Hall, the l$itish rocker delivered a powerful performance. Even on vinyl, his intensity is dbuious; jive, he radiates charis&. Between numbers he-was almost relentlessly political in_. his comments, as he stalked the stage, dressed in black and carrying a machine-gun shaped-guitar. His first h& made it big in 1978: “Glad to be Gay” and “24-6-8 MotoMray”; the’ former despite its being banned by the BBC. lines didn’t a behind his so homophobic and queertishers, and rail4 _ clos$ed gays who contributed ti. There’s atio*&r important gay music scene. Bronski Beat’s album takes its n&me from -the minm<&’ aies for lawful * homosexual relationships betwm$+nen, and. the record sleeve lists the ages i an-country. (In the




To the editor: ’ I have been bothered of late by the use of excessively charged language in the print media. The pqrpose of this language, it seems, is td take what in Irealtiy is; a single‘ -message, and tu+t into an emotion generatiqg attemptto sway readers to the author‘s side of an issue. Examples of this can be found in the Toronto Sun, however an examDle which-is closer to home. and tihitih seemingly borpo& the style used by most columnists in the Sun is R.D. Arthur‘s letter to the editor in the January’ 11th issue of. the IImprint. Mr./Ms, Arthur‘s message seems to be that Imprint is guilty of pro.viding a publication which is of little or no service to its readers. Citing the Imprint’s left leaning stance on many issues, Mr./Ms; Arthur I feel, is trying to convince the reader thtit editorials which denounce a government - or its‘ actions, are unhealthy to the functioning of a democracy. ( A good example of a publication fitting Mr./Ms. Arthur’s ideal, is the Soviet Union’s Prhvda, a “newspaper” holding one view, And .- gne view only 7 that of the government) While extolling the virtues of democracy, Mr./Ms. Arthur neglects LtQ mention that one of the cornerstones of a democratk society is the existence of a healthy and active media, containing views from both the right and the left sides of the political spectftim. ‘I believe, and I’m sure that Mr.&I&. Arthur agrees, that the exercising of a freedom or right,‘such as freedom of the press, iS the best, if not the only way of ensuring its preservation - and since this is exactly wh&thepImprint is doing, it is providing its readers wi,th a great service, that of helping to keep our country free. , Mark Opie 4b Electrical Engineering

.,Only% the U.S; of A?.



by Ca;bl Fletcher ,j “Oh say can you see. . . ?,, No, I really cannot see why .thpse damn- Americans were at it again! Supekbowl XIX personified theiproverbial “American Dream”. At half-time while rockets flared up, a space man emerged from his ship to place the almighty stars acd &ripe-s -on‘ a papier_mache moon. It was really a wonder, that-the residents of Palo Alto, California didn’t , dii of ma&smoke inhilation. I honestly thought they were going to test the cruise missile oveI’..Stanford Stadium. ,I The political undertones began evkn before half-tide as Ronald “Alzheimer” Reagan flipped the coin for the kick-off. Then, if that‘wasn’t too tiuch.to swallow, the U.S. Air Force was the sponsoring body for the-half-time show. (Gag me with a firecricker! The theme for-the show was “Tb World of Children’s Dreams”. In effect, it was a tacky continuation oisb. fitial Olympic ‘c&%&n, b’ut with much. less class.- f@ fact, the shoddy display included a human formation of: the Olympic symbol. The nerve of those Americans believing that the Olympic-symbol solely represents the ’ . good. ,ol’ USA. ,. .I_ What could one expect from the American institution of football? R,ah! Rali! Gratin men with big hands and , big feet, killing each other on the field for hundreds of thousands pf dollars. Ain’t that American! I’m going to purposely resiSt mentioning the cheerleaders in order to avoid a libel s2it. ‘As the singe& at halfytime belted dut their tiersion of “We are the Champions (of the World.)“, you car! bet that * ‘Rdfihie (wdrEihg’ ‘ tin” his pin&ugaial s$&h ‘ back “i&“. Washingtofi) was licking his chops. While hundredsbf young people out on the’fiel’d sang their pledge of allegiance and a black. man o’n the head podium sang .about how all Americanszcan achiqve the,ir, dreams, the audience lapped it all up. Pardon me if 1 wasn’t teary-eyed. Maybe you would like to join me in boycotting apply pie for the rest of your life. ‘It was a bloody wonder that they didn’t have the, ‘righteous Rev. Jerry Falwell out on the field lecturing on -“The Decline of Western Morals”. Tlie commertiials certainly hit the proper target. Beer commercials, Fard ‘“Tough” trucks , and the clincher ‘&J&n the ‘Marines” was more thati enough eviaence of . “redneckism” for me to handle. The President made the ceremonial, congratulatpry -message to the 49’ers after the. game:Eve&$d y loves a ‘winnei, right Ron!?! I was amused when he said “God bless you all”. After -his inaugurafiori we are all going to need God’s blessing. 1 know all you upstanding rednecks will be fightin’ mad this column, but let me leave you g with this, Big Guys! I have’two words to say to Roilnie And the rest of y’all and they’re not “Happy Birthday”!










To the editor:

reading sexual implications in@ it. Funny, but back when they needed controversy‘to sell records, he said it was about an S&M bar in Amsterdam. r Finally, one of my favourites is Ferron, a singdrsongwriter from B.C. Here’s a lesbian Can.adian folt<ie who gets not&d bjr Rolling Stone magazine! It’s about time, ,too. Tom Robinson, &on&i Be& Ferron;and scores‘ of others believe in spe&png up and speaking out, through their music or otherwise. Mike “Frankie”, they’re not using their sexuality as a money-making --gimmick-; they’re committed to lib&ation. and‘- that means ‘&so&l is pdlitical”, no cheap &c&es, n6 ducking back into the closet when. record sales are doti. (f%binson, in an interview with CBC ,radio joked that his. North by Northwest albuin had sold “three copies worldwide’*.) =,They don’t subscribe to the attitude, described in Robinson’s song “‘I’m all right, Jack”; they’re ‘in it for’ everyone. I


1~ T.A. Grier‘s “Comment“ piece last week,‘he stated that he felt the Bavey Commiqsion had articulated an inevitable futu-re. It is unfortunate that this sor’t of _ defeatist attitude exists on this ca.mpus.% I thihk that Mr. Grier should realize that if we, as students, simply bow our heads arid have the injustices of Botiey 9 recommendation.s come into effect, then we,are not only short:chatiging ourselv&, but also the’ hundreds ‘of’ thous,ands o‘f future poten+ students. The Bovey Commission liad to operate with the assumption’ that. the fir’qviticial government would main’tain’ their present. level of underfunding of the univerkity system.What BoVey and ,Bette Steph,enson must be made to realize.is that inves~tment in ed~ucation is an investment in the future. We hatie to fight against the very basis of the bovey (sic) Comm&s,ion’and we must win. The future of Ontario depends on iti . IPeter Klungel Chairperson Board

of External


,’ ’ - . , _ .. Liaison








by H ka McCallum , .. r Meanwhile back in the world of po!itical tidings, the peoples is ’ OQce, in the cold far off province of Ontario, lived a very small YC~ angjit’Me1, from a far off “place (but still pretending to be a 20 Conservative government, This government, like any, @her, minute fide to dotitown Toronto, Finch Station that is) says, sta,rted off with the good intention of se&g the peopl I why-don’t us Yorkers get the Ball in our Burbs? Lit&e did the good Ontarians know that Big Bill, from th 2 lit&-c , Bill has the answers. “Look Mel, people don’t know where North York is, but they do know that when they come to Tqronto party, meant the sports, peoplk, not all the pe6ple. You see, Big Bill was tired of all fhe bad press that his cohorts were giving __they just have..to go to Ontario-Plqce. $0 we’ve decided to build it him, especially his big-C, reactionary Attbrney , General there. Besides; you guys have to take, thFSubway to go to c .. (Morgent&er can attest to that). \ Maple-Looser Gardens anyway. & pig Bill wanted. a good, conservative way Outi Thinking “Fufiemore, all those stuffed shirts attending doilventions at quickly, but.. z&g cauti,ou’$ly, Big Bill decided that all his little our new downtov ten!6 will want , to have a pleasant night at cOnstituents loved -%xerc@e, (after all, they weren’t complaining the games.” ’ about the vnsive F/‘&TlCIPACTlQN ~omme&ls) SO he did But wait, do i dare suggest hin ‘of ‘dissent? Are there really +rn a favour, gave therubber stamp approval to a new sports peopl$ in the world who still fldun 2 er irithe belikf that the Blue f~~~~goricall~~~~h~l~lly k&e*@ @l&urn’; or r&h&f, the ‘,.P&ty is irot red?. Ar: there ?tiy ‘voices ‘cr@ig out for educ&ion dm. m&m, ’ :.J, - , a. * ‘: and- g&d ,likng? what? Y& dbn% like’ k&&f6 ball? Oh corn& 'He











...._...:. .xT*,e ..i....A.. 2~..~ ~~~ +

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. _games, at least pa#er ones, he would genetously give the money e aneay? Isn’t it,efiou& eat you get to go through-our w&erful grade fram @e-provincial’ lott&ies, -to building this white turtle of a schools? Arid university, why’that’sicin$ oti t@e cake; of course, if shqwplaCe; , H$ a@ knew that p&pl& would. be very disapp&it&l if thei - you wapt t;O be-an autotiqrker, we got ‘al)‘sorts df unions for yuu to’ join!. In fact, this -great provincti of c+ia:%ga union fdr every ._ &.$dn’t at .leqst dream about the beer they Ganted to drinh undqi ‘a sliding‘ roof.>. By the way, the roof slides so -that Wse walkof *life. Shoes, klothes, f&d, televi%ion,:and ifall that’ doesn’t. sp@tZfans canget a&tan while watching major-league, l~wlife appeal ‘to you and you want to escape to the world of playball. - .’ -. ’ _ 1.,, making, we got a governtient run station for you, % Big Bill has a momenis h&&ion. “Let’s se, that architect union, .a& the high-m!e of, the, cultural world: the Canada toid me that my stadium would co,sf 170 million dollars, umm, Council. ’ s d&‘t my you're not. keen on a new sports c and now I’ve got thirty millioh in the purse, so, what party do l t, yeah, so lets belong to, conservative, that means business rig subsidize the art in this country, surely you don’t want find dine. Bra&can? You want a chunk of the bu 2eaucratic rock; the spsrts fan of his or her masochis?; I mearr; pleasure. The O&ly, you’ti pritite, you’ll da.: Okay, now that’s 70 mil!on more, ball’s’ in their court notir _ that makes 70 million to go.” I Right ther?, rooming larger than life, but smaller than corporate success, comes CN, ‘Bill,’ we% give you 10 million if you don’t - .hass ;le with our Toionto +&yards anymore.“. ; _: . ~’ , \ \ ,-To the editor: in public placgs? If people . @ Dear Mr; Gerrard engage in private acts, then surely they can only ‘oc;c$+. Washroom sex is a topic <*in private yplaces? I’mosi of us’ would rather . not discus;; however, hdw stall ddors or -extending can it be avoided when- it is washroom partitions from’ -rammed down oa thrqats floor to ceiling, - ,I_ I. -- I,.belieye , by a minority.soup?:,.. . th.at. , it .will , in.crie.@,e.b - :_. _ “: ,,. z. pi / ,L _. Last -Deceit-;’ I e.r ‘whei:I ‘hom&ee’xu&l 1 activity .; i@ ’ ! ( -_ ,‘, ,_ ! + ;: :‘. 1:. .: ‘*-I went ho&e for Christtias; I ‘such places. Gajrs ,would :hopbd’that when Irkturned thejn be able to act fin . Gerrard <p+a.te, .pu.&dly”;“acts arid ‘&I would &&&“&&find Mr., _.No’ such .&L inckerits& ,.Gpanit 1 s;: ,*. i.. ‘bysex-starved’ :’ To ; i&k! ‘ minors OIi January 5, 32 peoble to the ment$ly dera’nged hdtio- q I’ am responding sexual. perverts. b$$&$ - student(s) who expressid L were reading Imprint and they will be able. ,to find 1 ant ag o rii,s h t o P rof . ’ were sickened to dJscover that you are still here.. and coiifine these innocent I Schroeder’s original erticle They-- all drenched their chil’dreti tioie easily. 1~ ‘on model’s (sic) of origins tabloids in gasoline $and i K;FE,;-, ~a.;~m.;;;;;,~,;g As for integrgting their . s&t them on fire., Catherine &eiual activity ‘info -their * I .do.n’t, beliive that .articlk entit!ed “Schroeder Saint said that they weye . Ii&s, . f&cd “to ta,ke c’orrective wa&roo’m sex is tBe wav .I suited fo’i Enquirerl’. , ’ Jfdw “&& TQ ‘accu/se Pi&f. Schroedm8asures”.’ - 1 ’ to . d& iii And what is the erof being blinded by faith heterosexual iiitercotirsi! \ . pruplem? and personal beliefs and. We (themajority occurs iii’ public washof society that -isn’t gay) classifying him as’one who rooms? ’ ‘If’ the ‘,’ litter 1 bakes the facts fit the certainly have the right to happened frequently, model $tci,mplis.hes use p,ublic facilities co.uld st?ft \ to ,-see some nothing, and suggests t-hat without being confronted merit in yoLr .arguementl j by sexual’ activity, ad But why ca&t gay& just the.‘evolutionary camp’s &+s I fornicate in private l.ife like Piltdown man and .Neb. washroom sex most oih,e:r NORMAN; ,raska man have been infringe? on that ri>ght. .forgott&. Both ~religiotis ’ Obviously, you atie -humans? and.. etiolutionary dogma confused. . In -one para+ .Mr. Gerrard: before you have suceekded in flavourgraph [the- seventh); -you at-tempt to write another b 1a ta n t 1y c o n’t‘r=a;d.ic t $ourself: _ . -, “We certainly have a i\ight to use ‘$ublic faoilitie$ .‘. . the ’ acts,aze ta-king place in private.” How can private acts,occur : , - , - :. I Creationist Scienti& have ~~mm-m~~I-mmBmA~‘-~ amassed ctinside:r.able; 3 . A . ‘Ir I \ : ’



abbut%it . j ,. ., - . . -,..’ _,











I _,., _., , i

It ~.

_ , ,earth’s ‘magnetic spectrurin, the amount of helium in the ’ Earth’s? atmosphe+, the influk of materials ihto the qceans, \he suspected 1 s,lowdown of- the -speed .of 11&t, and the. -research don@ by Dr. Robert- _Gentry on the ori@n, of p:oionium., halos in/granite constitute evidenck that the evolutiop model will ‘have to accommodbte. If the evolutionist is right - man is primarily a biolqgical unit and very soon the: ,engineer will design *the enginee.r, perhaps Indeed governing his, own evolution. Let us , *witi. oui; creationist brothers with. sens’iti,tity and tact +not slander. If the creationist is right


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- Space age diction&es at UW I the project through personnel, thus at the opening Computerized dictionaries Monday, Paul-Emile Lcand UW is b.lqnc, Director for the are coming, Centres ,of Specializatiori, pioneering the field. presented. U W with a cheque Close to one hundred people were present Monday for $~~~,~~~. The OED project currently night, January 21, t+o witness involves five UW students, the openihg of the U W Centre for the New Oxford English including two Englishsludlnts and dne student from Dictionary (OED),. bn the each of the disciplines -of first floor of theTArts Library. Economics, Recreation and. The Centre, a joint effort Math. Rick Kazman,, a senior between UW and - Okford VW, Math student in the University Press, hopes to program sixty million word+ Cdmputer” Science Depart-ment, left for Oxford o-n onto as few as two computer . Janu,ary 19th to assist in the disks. ’ completion of- the full UW agreed to design ihe” grammar, and will remain in database for the’New OED, as Cesidence there for up to eight well as prepare and circulate a months. survey to realize the common CBC’s ‘Fifth Estate’ will air .its own report on UW’s uses and possible demand for with the new the revolutionary, computer--< _-- involvement ized dictionary. OED ’ project on Tuesday, In the past, UW supported February r9th, at 8:00 p.m. \ _ by Len Mokos Imprint staff

.CRO wan@San Campbign Returning Officer is filled .. through applicatidns ratified “Being a Chief Returning by the &udent ctiuncX’ The Officer is like being’a referee.? basic requirement for being a commented Anne Kristensen; CRO. are integrity, trustworthis year’s CR0 for the , thiness and no political bias, Federation of Studenis although the CR0 is allowed The CR0 is: to --Avote;. Anne * Kristensen electi-on. stresses .that she -has no reiponsible for informing the * with ca nd id a t e s oin e 1:ect i.o n_ political ,:. agfiliations procedures froni the time the ,any’bod$in the campaign. positions come available to ’ So far, she has only had to -the; closing of the ballot box. ’ solve the everyday problems of the political camps and she f Ms. KFistensen is confident that the presidential and vicesays .&hew’. &ave been- *no presidential candidates know 1 serious confrontations she wants a “c&an catipaign”. * between the camps that The office ‘of th.e Chief . require her adjudicatiqns. . by Hilkka McCallum Imprint Staff

sySt* Mofirrlr - . .Impriwt~@ff ’

Math . classes have now begunin the PAC arid ,there is not much that cdn .be..done about it, says i-’ Federation president Tom Allison. As for the proposed sit-in and boycott of classes, Mr. Allison says “we are not going to do, what we said tie were going to do last term.” Discussing the idea with the weight lifting club it yas decided occupying (classes) was not a good idea.” ’

“Right now we are trying t6 speed up the process of converting classrooms Pack to athletic facilities; perhaps to one year from. two years: said Mr. Allison. Although he admitted that a petition protesting the PAC classes was “a great thing”, Mr. Allison said’ he didn’t know if it had had much effect. He noted, however, that UW Resident, Doug Wright has agreed to use the facilities for .only two years.

experience: ,both-. professiofially personally. In . Ni#eria,. ‘CUSO wqtking Ondducatlon, of teachers of:


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Three travel agbzcies breaking law? or she would be ineligible for compensation under the .Travel Industry Act. . Toni U rbani, C t] T-S ma nag e r a t C a.r 1e t 0 n

“As far as we’re concerned, OTTbWA(CUP) --I Three an operation of this sot is t&e1 agencies, idcluding one totally in contravention of the pwned by the Ctinadian regulations,“said Buckley. Federation of Students, are allegedly breaking the law by .tie said student representatives are opeiating as branch allowing Ontario students agents, but without the permit and student councils to required .under Ontario law. ,,earket spring break trips to ‘They !ould- be’ liable fdr a :F.‘lorida, the’; -student‘ - $1,000 fine, a year in prisdndrn@w$a$er at the rr_R;ve&y ‘both. of Ottawa has leerned: Fuckley said only- .the - An unclassified advertelephone number and .tisement in fie Fulcrum address of - the registered offering “valuable marketing t.ravel agent may be use’d on. experrien&. *@iii .earnidg cromotional maieiial for the ‘money” for ‘.“68mpus, trips and “al1 monies have to, representative& sparked an be paid to a registered ~agent.” investig&t’ion‘ into traliel At most On@-riol,universi@es, agencies’ practices. student ‘represi%ta&& list Allowing student represenatt$v& tq &t on behalf of a their personal ph6ne humbers and nan&s on pamphlets and travel agency -7,. a I practice posters, and many student; Ged by the Ci?S owned and councils - such as that at the operated -Canadian University Travel Services, the University of Ottawa -- have cheques made out to them so Chicago-based Campus they can take .care of the: Marketing Inc. and the _ Thunder Bay‘-based Travel by hcdosit. Buckley said writing a Christine -- is illegal, cheque to an unlicensed agent according to John Buckley, means a student who assistant regist%gr ’ for the Travel





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University, express4 surprise . when told student cou#ls ----could not leg@y accept .tr-i-p s .. I / , -re : L-money, on CUTS’s behalf: _, Christine Raskalas Nelson,.,who selb whole&e I . I of Travel by Christine and Brad trips to Travel by Christin&; Nelson of CampusMarketing L said hisarrangqnentis &i&lad of. -CUTS a~& : inc. said they , weF also to that unaware -of the regulations. Designers 6f Travel, another. . N&on’, who handled the Ape@.n wholesaler fro& ’ . last :two sbring b,reak Florida which’ CUTS: -&uys spting:’ trips from, the, U of , 0, ‘break trips. ,

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Mathew. Tighe, 2nd -m yr. I.Bi.0. j : “I froze my fuckingI

./ / front steps. and -- I Rupert Len&x, 4th Stayed home? ’ Rec. “I overdr&sed and _ \ : sweated -to death.” , yr.






Job possibilities! that you may not think of. 11:30, We.“Feb. 11, with Ellen Shenk WHY:NOT


- Debunkin& the,:myths I I.:30,:Thurh. March ’ RE&JlkijE




and misconceptions 7,‘with FrhnkRtiszer

of sales. I


- Helpful hints in -writingan effective resume. Learn what _ employers are looking for. 1 l-:30, Tues. <Feb. 12; and 12:30, Tu&. March 12, with _-‘=a- -*,+

Don &di$th

11:,30; Wed..Feb.-i3,.&$11:30, Pat Byrrte .-‘l%. . . . RESUME C@I~I.Qih&~G

Thurs. March- 14, with



- Bring your own %!$urne for anal@. .. ;11:30, Thurs: -Fe@ 1.4, and 11:30, Wed. March



20, with

- Making the .most of your interview, and learning what employers watch for. , 12:30, Tues. Feb. 12, and 12:30, Wed. Feb. 13, with Pat







‘-Your skills, the job and initiating i’mpioyer contact. ..’ 1 12:30, Mon. Feb. 1 l/: withBob: iI&iej;t-. I’.,“ : _. I 11:30, Tues. March 19, withFrank ~l&&er ..




.’ : - Creative methods in searching for job’, leads, and’fhe ‘%: . importance of making personal..contacts. ’ \._. 11:30; Wed. Jan. 30, with El&z- Sh$nk ‘:- - . 12:30, Wed. March 6, withBob Mateyk . -. -







Frank Ruszer LIBER-AL ARTS



P$EP@fFG , .,_% . .


1 lj30, Mon.. March with Doii Hudspcth

11, and -12:30; Wed. March


_ ***




;I - ,



-Coming to an understanding of.your marketable skills. I . 11:30, Wed. Feb. ..6; Andy 1230; \Tuesi,‘March 5, with . I >. ._ , .k 1-;s **_‘A.?. _ ;’ ,.. \

Grad. Placement:

. . . workihg


for yoti.

_ ‘.:’ . _ : programIV said. Dr? :.I:- I-&w’ cana student design a’ Griffin. A stude-nt sho;kl: :‘$$gram~ -with the skills ; +I@ a basic knowledge of;; ‘& Canadian history, poiiti&,-IV -. prospective . employers -,looking. for,/ and. pursue environment,.. and social * personal-interests at the same structure because these time? capacities- correspond closely This was one of the questions raised -lastweek ‘by to emp!oyir$ ge;juirements. Dr, Gary- Griffin, ~~si~~~~ ‘1’ ‘; ,$& >-’-“~“;.1Or$ffi.n * =furt%er attests Dean :: of _ Arts, -during ‘hr~:“~ that special&s can b&me lecture, “How to Make your +bbsolete, - ‘but :..I;l’recyclable” B.A. Marketable given skil!s*.developed in the liberal tt Wednesday, January’ f6th.’ “. ‘ ’ i& ~fid~fe’thf~$&h-&@,y . The -informal presentation- , changes, =;,;_ ’ , ‘;. :: a I.;’ 1 drew a good number of With all of this “fantastic interested listeners - those in degree potential”, why_ do _ search of jobs and those who graduates have such difficulty . have concern for the future. . finding.‘jobs?; Dr.+ Griffin Dr. Griffin’ discussed what ‘a explainefl- that office& look 1’ B:,A. s should be -and then ..for ‘speci&$ed skills which is ‘. suggested how one can make ^ why. Arts &udents should consider,. -their areas of the most of it. There -is no longer ‘, weakness7 :whether -‘in agreement in universities on acc0unting~ computrng, . or .* the format of _a liberal arts economics - ‘and develop curriculum; but skili$ in them while the opportunity is communjcatic analysis, time-budgeting, hun relations and decisi making should be develo -- -.


1 1,in a.,B.A.


I-kathkr (&kexic) Reed, 3a Kin. ’ kc~., had to weai Pa) Makmey, 3a Kin. headtherm@ flpwered long . My Walk&an underwear. for the phones froze ‘to my ears .” first time this term.” /






I. ~ \. \



Tuesdqy JVight!


l ,

, _ .Challenge! Excitemc!~


The UW Ad Hoc Committee for Famine Aid is planning “Famine Week” for, February 4-8. Its goal is to raise UW’s. consciousness about the plight of starving people in Africa. Its hope isthat people will give generously. now and learn *outthe long-term heeds of ’ several African : countries, including IEthiopia. ‘Famine ‘-Week” - will include an iiAfrican.- Students %sociation sponsored dance troupe of Ghanian children, informationaLi’booth’ in the Campus Centre staffed by relief and education agencies, addresses on short and long i term needs, and opportunities to contribute money. UW technoJogy in %se in or relevant to development projects in Africa will be on * disdlay., ‘I. “Famine’ week?:. -is- thle cohective effort of ‘a‘ number .of U W groups: to help this community exercise responsibility in a situation of desperate need. , ~

Experience the real countryside of England G France using the ultimate inexpensive touring system. The Quest provides exquisite gastronomy, scenic panoramas and the companionship of friendly and fun-loving cycling t&t-es. No experience necess?ry; ,only a ‘s,pirit for adventure. -7. _ I



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- Y . I

Two girls,Bahar Der, Northern bo@ herd livestock .at 4.



huts in Ethiopia's

Girls &a&looking )C’------wwwc



@eembeJt assume a conic,sh&pe.

babies al? ‘, = .



I can


a nf3-w


y Juluka.






* .




. ..






Chii Sitter for two teenagers; Feb. 1322, while parents away. Duties, prepare simple supper, sleep overnight. House walking distance to university. pay $150. Cal! 884-7372:

.’ :ound? One Calculator .~,in 3% h brary. Call Tony at 743 6~00 pm. ahd !fItztifter , . . _




lo&g (fitile) for layout of fashiqn !wek$ . hior experience preferred. lease phone:Michael at 884-2341 or !ave name and number at the imprint Mfiqe. _, -,.I_ j *-bd&‘‘(fe&&) wanted ’ for .$tt.idiij bhotography. Should be able to do ‘own nake-up. Renumeration inthe form of b/w prints,‘ Cal! 8856877. ‘!ale Subje&,needed. ‘Earr$l 0-s i 5 for 1%hoks.~ .Stirdy.invoives measures of ~hysioiogical responses to a complex risk Gail ext’3577 or 2839 or dropby w-l Rm. 1100E8~1$)0 anI, .



. ’.


Mini-le&es; subleases, problems with your landlord? Come to the legal ’ resource office CC 15OA to find out more information or call 8856840 and leave a message on our message minder.

:’ ’

Phil@ St. Townhouse Aug.- Most& furnished, Cal! 8886934.

Vight Drhrers with small cars wanted for I progressive food delivery company. / ‘uii,ofifMrt time. Same night cash., Work ror a company that cares about you: 7<451210 or 653-0354.. I .’

COLNAGO for’ gale: “22”- frame, cumpagnoio gearing. Suitable for racing or touring. Training rollers and other’ accessories also: Chris 745.5999. .

*. r


BtassBed,bedrqom.bkfast, only $30. per week Cal! Mrs. Nolan at886-3423. Close ’ to UW, Waterloo : Square, Westmount Place. ’ Two Bedroqm’apartment flat available May 1st.. $350 for two, $300 for one. Close to UW, Seagram’s,Waterloo Squ., Westmount Place. Cal! GE. Clarke at 7466424 or ex& 2332. Two Bedroom, suitable for 3. May-Aug. Fully . furnished,. carpeted; 1 M. baths; . dishwasher; air-conditioning. Close to. Conestoga Ma!!. $415, negotiable. 884. 7564.

Typist a&table for theses, essays,. notes and studies of Xerox 625 memorywriter typewriter. 100 w.p.m: $1 per 8856197 after 600 pm. Ask

resumes, a!! kinds. electronic page. Cal! for Robin.

Essays, reports etc. edited and revised by a 3rd.yr. honours English student. Reasonable prices. Located on campus. - Cal/Joan 884-9235 or Paul 7464809. -\ C~MPUSCRIBE WORD PROCESSING -Why word processing? Advantages of a word processor include perfect <final copy, document storage options, computer spelling check, second draft options, right justified margins, multiple originals. Why compuscribe word processing? .Our laser printer will give the best quality available for your work 2 reports, resumes, papers, etc.. Laser Double&aced page _- $1; printing: Resumes (per page) - $5, copies .2Oc.-- ~ Cal! 746-l 119 for &flcient reliable


, .

Wan&z& j 3or 4 bedroom house/apt or townhouse within.25 minute wa!ktoUW. for Sept. 85. Cal! Andrew 746-3064.



TWO DR78-14 Radial snowtires. Oniy used for 4000 miles. Asking $80 for both - tir& Cal! Chris at 8864304 or 886-O --8986. ’


Word Proc&sing!. Close, fast, dependable. Near Seigramstadium. $1 per double spaced page. Draft copy provfded. May book ahead. Phone 885_ 1353.


available Maywasher/dryer.


CuStom @say service will help’ you research, write and edit a!! your literary ,needs. 4 Collier St, Toronto, Ontario 9609042 c _‘-

iparhnent wanted, Bachelor or l, mdbm for May-Sept. Cal! Paul at 7&I. 1809 ’ ~

Quality T-shirts3 sweatshirts 8 sports bags for your class, club or team. Bargain prices. 576.6253 evenings.

~ownh‘duse , ahd lease a’vaiiabie 4 in S.unnydaie ’ beginning May ‘85. Four bedrooms, 1% baths, and close to .everything you’!!. .ever need! Eric or , Stephen, 8867082. Two rooms available intownhouse. 649 r Abet+ St. $15O/mo. pir+ utilities. 885

Do jwu have a tease for your place: Please bring it to the legal resource office . at CC 15OA. We are currently trying to accumulate inforriIation’on rents in the. . K-W area and we wouid like to take a iook,at your lease. Our lease bank can ’ only grow with your help.


plane ticket: Toronto-Edmonton return, _ Air Canada. ’ Departure Feb, 16Retum + . Feb. 21. $275. Must se!!. Cal! Jamie’8845206. . Speakers-IOOW each. 3-way 12’” woofer. Acoustic design. $2OO/pair. Brian Doody x2810, x6187. 8866456.

Lost: One pair of blue two-tone leather gloves Monday Jan. 14 in Fed office. if found please phone 8856883.

Holig;tie therapy treatments cqmbines: reflexoiogy, shiatsu, touch for, ’ health, ‘kidoiogy 8 nutrition. Please cai!,~ . Pi-Henderson for an app. 8886253.

225 yeara experience: . 75C doubie;Pa3c;eyge. Westmount area. Cal!

FOSTEX X-15 four track cassette recorder with 1200 power supply. Perfect ’ condition! $450. Call Joe at 886-3549.



I.- _


Penpals in Canada wanted urgently: Al! ages. Write: Pen Society, (D 66) Cho$ey,*e - ~ Lance, England.

Income prop&y for sale. single family home in very nice residential neighbourhood; 10 min. walk to UW. 1 min. walk to WLU. ideal for ownerstudent, or student accommodation. Large? Lot, attached garage; new driveway, two storage sheds, fruit&s, * r plus much more New paintthroughout, ’ a!! bedrooms furnished, 3 appliances included. Asking %5$00. Cal! Dave at ~884-8029.


1’ Typing: $l/page IBM Seiectric; carbon ribbon; grammar/spelling corrections; good quality bond paper provided; proofm’ading included; symbol/italics ‘available; work term reports, theses, essays., Persona&d service. 5795513 evenings. bowntown Kitchener location. Typing: Essays,. theses, work reports, resumes! business letters, etc. Neat, accurate. Will correct spelling, grammar, punctuation. Reasonable rates. I Electronic typewriter. Seven ,year% experience typing for students. Phone Lee 886-W afternoon or evening.

!Zngine@g Texts: Communication systems 2nd .ed., S. Haykin - Modem . Copftoi, systems,- 3rd ed., -I?;. Dorf introduction to Thermodpa_mics, 2nd &I., Reynolds E Perkins. CalI Chris 886 4304 or8868986 7 i _-_

Typing: only 75C page (d.s.). Typist holds Engiish.degree, lies on campus (MSA), spelling corrected. Cal! Karen 746-3127. .

Will do typing in my home. Cal! Dianne 579-374 1. -Work Reports! Word processed! Fast. dependable service. . Draft co& provided. Near Seagram stadium. si per double-spaced page. Tel: 885-l 353. Resumes type set-up, excellent quality printing, paper G format choice. -Fast, accurate, efficient service. (student rates). Cal! action resumes 744-2638. I wlil do typing in my home. Tel: 578 7306. - Quality word processing and/or typing of resumes, essays, theses, etc. Multiple originals. Fast, accurate” ’ service. . Delivery arranged. Diane 576-l 284. Resumes! Wordorocessed! Fast. dependable service. Near Seaqram Stadium. $3 per page. 25C per page for original copies. Tel: 885-l 353.

,PERSONALS Thanks for the card and birthday wishes to C,C,M8M on the 3rd floor of South 7, -r &eU dressed 4tJ1 yr. male seeking sincere 4th yr. female. Should own VCR. Datsun (preferably 2802). Membershid in fitness and/or tennis club a D!US.&rious replies only. Cal! Lindsa; 7461635. Hey Artsies: How about ioinirig me at & pub for some ‘coffee’ on-Fryday . afternoon. You know where! J.T. Keith i. is it true that you have teeth markrs on your derriere?. E6. .,Tammy: The best is yet to be. Hang in there sweety! I need the support of-my number one fan. Hugs,:‘Scoop’. 1. ATTENTION: - Fifteen women desoeratety need comoanionshio for a great party coming up soon! To find out more about these ladies. consult imorint Personals each week 2. Ciermaine (The Party’s Hostess) Stop, keep your hands offj


3. Desneiges: ‘I need a man’. 4. Therese: ‘If you don’t stop that I’m qonna lock YOU in the bathroom’. 5. Angeiine: ‘When you’re dead you should be wearing a black suit’. 6. Linda: ‘My mother told me a hundred tjmes not to -run around with tramps’. ,_, Sarah, thanks for the memories. You “made abig mistake. Bern, Barn, Bruce, Bop and Buck, thanks for being there. When ‘I find myseif.in. times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me speaking words of wisdom, Let it be. And in my hour of darkness She is standing right in front of me, speaking words of wisdom, Let it be. Love Phinstei. TALqz W DAN%? Hvjs du gor, og har iyst til at hjaeipe mig foibaedre mit eget (jeg er ikke dansker), saa gi’ m&et ring. Jeg traenger tii iidt oveise! Mardie 884. 5929. Bunnyr, Here I am again. Just 15 more weeks for you! Aren’t you excited? about Europe this summer? BEAR. To Helenr My ‘preppy girlfriend’ from Queen’s. ’Hope you like Fed Ha!! and the Bomb Sh&er. Looking forward to your next visit. Love, Andy. Oh, Jan says Hi! BTEk he missed yo,u. Sorry I’ve been so beastly but it’s’just brain death. Can’t wait for the break Mia. J want to meet other gay young males into fun and good times. No fats, ferns; Sincere d,opers, or bar-types please. only. Doug 742-9816. HOW

WANTED: Answers to tJje ultimate JWS~OnS. This week Is Paul Meyers reaffy bald? Love, a friend from arch 3A again.

, AS



1, FGE.A(‘$EN!J G.

\ --

. .



‘; _ *



’ ’





‘. j’



. Hapw/ &hd&&;I to. ‘@f :: “&bee

Claudia, Grant, Leanne,‘Mary Lou and me. May ‘this one be the most memorable. Chin. _ ’ .* Spaceyl Wishing you mega happiness on your 22nd B-day and may-you return home with many~muiticoiored PH‘s on your nose! Love, your 6 party-hamsters. hike the Spike: Dipping in Jamaica sounds really great. Find ‘two other girls and you’ve got a date. T&h the Fish. Where are you, my Jewish bombshell? I am interested in forming an active relationship with an underage (drinking) female student- columnist, Contact information will be forthcoming. Are you crazy3 or is it just the rest of%&? world? May be MENSA (the club for the top 2%) can heip you findout Cal! 742.. 9916 for info. mmmmm&mmI

; ‘. ” / _.

’ (c

, _..



Spike’s Jamaica trip cancelled due to disappearance of Mjke. Seeking three female searchers to resuce Mike from snowbank Contact: Peter Smythe Tours inc. ODE May a!! the colour remain in your life. Ho-hum! Happy Birthday! Squeak, Chip, & Capt. Duvet. ATTENTION: ,Ali EA/EB alumni of. 82/83. The reunion is set for Fri. Feb. 1,/85. Turns out there is a band from Vancouver, s2-$3. if advanced tickets, .saies begin today or Mon. Feb. 28. other-w&at door. -Please call to confirm 8844283. A Dance A!temativeF -The Christian Twisters are at it again with another Twistable evening at St. John’s Anglican Church (Duke 6 Water Sts.) on Feb. 2 (Saturday from 8-12pm). If you enjoy dancins in a relaxed atmosohere to the latest Christian sounds plus everything from the Virainia reel to-the limbo then show up ‘with $3. -Al! proceeds will be going to aid famine r&f in Ethiopia. We’!! be there,-will vou? NM.: Hope you feei better soon. We al! miss vou. Can’t wait to get you back in the &coiate pudding. AM (Coming soon...The Party). Uncle Tex says ‘We want you to &too!!’ Keep watching... v A@one interested $1joining the People’s Establishmerit to _ .demonstrate the societal dissatisfation with the deutitization -of the floecipau@uih&ilii cationistic behaviour of ,vocabularic exhibitionism, please write to 23 Austin Dr. #3A, Waterloo, Ont., N2L 3X9.. My . name is Franklin. ’ (Wanted: People for.LTh& ..p*jl No exwie~ce necesw. ~pp!y’ ,!Q person at the university club, Saturclay, February 2 at 800 pm. Guys $1, Girls i free!

’ It’s interestingwork, and you’ll feel proud as you pro/motethis excitingnewsweekly.’ \ i 7 ’ : . j 3. Itsaward-winningeditorialcoversworld and. : -’ national events, people, business, tech-, -b nology, sports, entertainment. Students .I .. I j,welcome the great ideas and insig.htthat , z. ’ ‘, _ (: _ _L _/ :-. I _f\le\~@.bflngs. i _ YouI’ tilcome allthe extradollarsyou-can ” _. bringin; socontact ustoday;‘_ 1 : , I;: . ,,. ‘_ ._I\-_- ‘I, ~. 0 \ .* 19 ./ 1,. _, 1_7 .. ., 1. . . r. . _..c,i,,‘.> . I ( ,‘, ‘_ ,:ci :.. _L ‘.


: _’ ’ I.

Big C-Squared - Happy 23rd Birthdav! Don’t forget to wear your Birthday suit-to my place next Saturday. Too bad ,we couldn’t get Fed Hail for The Birthday Bash of the Year! Love. Little C-Squared and Tigger too! ‘Grant&k A Happy Birthday to a crazy guy in 3B Systems. Lots of laughs!! P-ski. Chinski, Happy Birthday, Smiiey! Fun and Good times! D. of C. Peter: What’s with al! the coathangers you sent me? Tanya. .


*You’can get monthly commissionchecks . by workingjust a few hoursaweek. Profits~ , f-be arequick &hen you attract to sub‘I _ students ” to Mkeekm


Y-. ,.

‘ ‘,

.&R. ,.’

Andrea P. give your old Chem. 266 lab partner a call 884.9928. Woukl any experienced chivalry and sorcery players wanting to form a new group (or an *sting group wanting a new player) please call Geoff at 884-\ 5697. Anya Happy Birthday sweet pea. Hope you have a great day. Love ya, Ange. Siidy: Time for a new pair of boots! ’ Another winter? Fuzz. To Be-A-Trixie - We’re not sure how old YOU are, but Happy Birthday! Hope you had a good weekend with-your Montreal man. Next ‘time Tigger wants your Montreal man to bring some Montreal women - a I’osse!! Tigger and Jungle



I. I I I I I I I I I I I ’ I ! 1 I I J

I I I I I I I I I. I I I I

inhalation from Marc Benoit, the group’s founding m iember and fog horn. Principal songwriter and vocalist Raymond Phillipe had virtually all the children in the audience dancing, singing, manager? Then, with noses high and a mock air of dignity, he and handclaping throughout the show. and two members announced their intention to play some Traditional jigs, rollicking reels, and sentimental ballads were “serious music”. performed. on double bass, cello,1 violin, guitar, accordion, What followed was indeed a beautiful and “seric IU/S” piece, but the stiff air of dignity didn’t last long. The two remaining harmonica, recorder, (pausei for a breath here), Irish-flute, Baroque flute, tin flute, voice, wooden spoons, tambourine, members burst onto the stage banging drums .a ?d clicking Basque drum, jig puppet, and stomping feet. by Mike Blanchard spoons, shouting “we make r;dem and we show.dem what is Heritage is a must for folk artists and “serious” musicians Imprint Staff good music”, with- thick Quebecois accents. The tone of the ’ alike. Their sound is not specifically for children, though they Last Saturday afternoon, January 19th, in the Humanities _ show had been seriously lightened. Theatre, folksboth young and old were treated to the sounds of Pianist Ari Snider added to the fun by playing a * were performing for the Children’s Theatre Series, an ongoing program presented by the UW Arts Centre. a Quebecois phenomenon called Eritage. The bilingual quintet Beethovenesque rendition of “Alouette”. Surprisingly fast and It shouldbe ,also be mentioned that Eritage is supported fluid melodic lines flowed from the accordion (of all things) of blended classically trained knowledge *with a vitality inherent in partially by the Canada Council. So if Mulroney mentions any the Quebec folk tradition to produce a music that transcends Renald Ouellet . Marc Benoit almost convinced the audience his double bass cutback&, I hope that folkies protest for the sake of Eritage. language barriers. was really a boat by performing his flawless interpretation of a iJive le Folk! * The first sound heard on the stage was a long, sustained

by Steve MadisFn Imprint Staff _. How could a quartet of actors with talent, experience and know-how, performing skits of the best ,British comedy, misfire so badly? The troupe had a perfect combination to. make the night of January 16th hilarious and memorable. So. ~ what went wrong? 1 .I , There is- no doubt. of the j abilities of the actors. They ’ had great facial expressions,..more’ ihan. enough ,experi+“-Vc~;,.;-& ~o~Td- &e-l‘-bnPjh’

A Hot Courhy Shiva

Naipaul .

* I

by Chris I-Iaslitt Imprint staff Aubrey St. Pierre lives the quiet life in Cuyama, a small nation “on the sloping shoulder of South America”. When he isn’t trying to write, he thinks about the Interior -- a vast portion of jungle that reaches.down nearly to the sea. Then, on day, his daughter finds a dead black and yellow bird in the street. It is a delicate bird, and its eyes have been gouged out. So begins the account of how tiny, one million-strong Cuyama goes African. With half the capital city-on fire, why on earth doesn’t Aubrey go back to marijuana? Suddenly there are banners everywhere, proclaiming “One Nation, One Party, One-Redeemer”. It is apparent that the British style constitution is about /to be thrown out after 20 years. One plebecite is to be held to decide the matter, though little doubt remains in Aubrey’s mind that- the matter has already been 1 decided. He stays. The son of a slave-owningfamily now fallen from fortune, his guilty conscience and mad desire to right past wrongs (forming his “patriotism”) rule out \ fleeing.

A word of caution: Don’t read this book expecting all the intense emotions to-come ’ to a boil. As plots go, this one’s practically virgin.* Awbrey is civilized. and hyper-sensitive. ’ About the worst things one can-picture happening-to him is the destruction of his old bookshop: It’s betterto look at - and be carried along by - his perception of the ’ world, for, he is an interesting person, with all the complexities of a. failed author, businessman, and lover. ’ He has a wife which the reader has trouble caring about most of the time. She’s such a bland, beautifulthing. Yet if anyone should have the job of descri,bing her,, Shiva. Naipaul (brother to V. S. % Naipaul) should; Here is make-believe with the classic Naipaul treatment. As in prevous -books, one is soon reconcile,d to their chief passion, which is race. ’ ,‘-’ In his own search for dignity, Shiva Naipaul ’ has m&de some unco’mmon discoveries. Considerins the origin of the _brothers, English speaking Indians of mixed race raised on a black island (Trinidad), the passion becomes obvious. What makes one? Can nagging memories doom a race forever.? a Hot Country doesn’t seem to haveits place either in the future or in the past, from today’s viewpoint, but it’s a fine phantasm all the same.

Humanities Theatre - Stage. The problem seemed not to lie in the actors but in their choices of skits. . I don’t know whose“Best of : British” was chosen, but it wasn’t the audience’s. Some _- members of the audience told me that the revue was boring and that they ,and others had : actually fallen asleep. ’ The performance began slowly with predictable and not very funny skits. Audience reaction gradually ‘waned -from great at the introduction to polite clapping.. Some’of the- bits were funny but theywere few j -and far betwe~en, ’ * j As we-know, the British like






’ ’ 0



\ ’


P iL _, . ’ to poke funat themselves and with a pie being hurled at the ( The opening this was reflected in the large audience. and credits were printed on all number of political manner of undergarments religiousskits during the performance. A couple of and. pulled acms the stage on Whimsical these bits were beyond me a clothes line. songs with Don Tripe on and I got the impression most everyone . missed them as . piano were a nice touch. well. I honestly expected more. I was disappointed that all I saw Performance highlights ,were a skit on the different was the B and C team of , forms of comedy, prat falls, British comedy and not the planks and projectiles (pies). “Best of British” comedy that The skit ended the first act- was promised.


from such formidable


-TOP TEN ALBUMS ” ” For &e-week ending Jbuary 13,1985 The Age of Consenl 1. Bronski &ai 200100E -2. Jean’ Michel ,$arre ’ I. 3. Mph&& I . I- F&ever Youns , Valottc s 4:-JtitinIenno~ t _ Hatful of .Hollou 5: Smiths _ I a ’



J%d ReputaGdr The Dreams of Childrer - New Releases ” I

“Stronger- Than Before” and Gary Wright’s “My Love is Alive”+ i -..’ ’ ’ The main Ilaw I found ,with the album IFeel&r You is the lack of originality, -as weli as the endless repetition within each track. It’s a pity since she has ‘a very~ powerful ~voice, which can also be very soothing in mellow songs. One of the main reasons for this monotonous iteration. is the over-abundant use ‘of ‘synthesizers and drum machines. ’ . ‘. I‘ must confess ’ though, there is one cut which I find enjoyble: It is “Through the Fire”. This track is jazzy, yet mellow. The vocals are verysoothing, and the lyrics surprisingly have meaning. The druni and bass lines have a laid-back feeling, typical of jazz. I am glad to find .an ‘ounce of actual talent on the album. ’ I Feel For You, as a whole, isa very disappointing album which contains little or no distinctiveness. - This is ’ u>nfortunate, ,since Chaka - Khan possesses. high energy in addition ’ to her very powerful voice. .-Maybe Chaka “can”, on- her next:

” ’ miS; ‘late ’ Cl&4 r&as&


RCA: Records features ‘the talents of the fiv&ian b&id . Seeder. pkrforming the lead. I vocals-for the band is .tale.nted and versatile Ross Vanneili. Vannelli co-wrote all {eight of the album’s tracks, as well as playing keyboards, guitar, and bass. Gino“ Vannelli (brother?) lent a hand co-writing the LP’s first two numbers-%tuck @.A Star” and “Just The Beat Of My Heart?. Another noteworthy ‘musician. Lee Ritenour appears in t,he cac$ci@& of writer and arrang’ef;“as well as tierforming on the guitar: As these influences I would suggest, Exiled On h-th is a’ light-rock. .performance., .obviously e,intended .I, for a. ’ popular-music audience,.. j Iii ‘With no exceptions,+ the lyrics of all the songs are quite clever. , “Total ControlY is. a very pleasing duet between Russ Vannelli and an I unidentified female vocalist. The only problem with this love affair is, that one of, them ’ is. nothing more than a character in a movie the other - has recorded on their VCR. The song features the, line, “I)ve gotsoul only you can rewind”. Bizarre, perhaps, but it is arguably the album’s best number. -Exiled . On Earth is .on the whob an upbeat and very enjoyable album.’ **The name Ross Vannelli will surely rise to positions of increasing prominence in music.


, I


by Tim Imprint

Perlich Staff


What a mistake it was for Tom Robinson to use John Otway as an opening act. How could anyone follow a nian whose show includes handstands off the stage, head cymbal smashes., body percussion, microphone chewing, and ymdrous somersaults with a guitar strapped on! Mr. Otway opened the evening with a cdver of “House of the Ri@ng Sun”and never looked back. he quickly won over almost -all in attenda?ce with a horrific, touching; falsetto in “The Middle of Winter”. Anyone left uncoverted sboti were after a scorching version’of BTO’s “You Ain’t Seen N-N-U-Nothing Yet” (complete with Pete Townsend windmill thrashes) and his own “Montreal”. _ Jf we ?nly.get as f&r as Kingston, I swear I’ll start swimming up the St La-wrence rive? 7211 tie. when tidre playing in Montreal . , Because I’ve a friend there I want to !ee And I ,hope he wants to see me; It’s hard to tR ink of anyfh.ing else at all. . Tom Robinson never managed to free himself of the’shadow cast by Mr. Otway’s charming foolishness. Mr. Robinson’s perfprmance clearly demonstrated thqt at least his heart was still‘in tl$right place. He sang a,few songs left aver from his TRB days including ‘You’vq Got t.o Survive” and “2-4-6-8. Motorway” and managed to work up the-odd shout and even a clenched fist for “Power in the Darkness” but his greatness seemed hollow and entirely unconvincing. I guess it takes more th,an an M-16 shaped guitar and pointed slogans to move an audience. The somberr entertainment valye of his show, however, can&t be tiverlooked. I’m sure that covers like “Ri’kki Dqn’t Lose That ‘Number” will’ set hearts a pitter-patter all over Martha’s Vineyard, but for myself, the importance of his statemen+ could be heard but not felt. ‘> ..&p&ti& ., .

~boogying .


‘. -

I by Rob Stevenson ~ Imprlint staff +


1_ \

his corner. The hour long, J7 s&set included m&t of,&. WiiFox’s standards. X’ :L % “r~J$$d reputation mpy be the titlg .of David Wilcox’s latest Particularly well-relieved was I an efierg‘etic rendit.ion.’ of ; t@rn but he lived up 1:~ his good reputation at. his F&d Hal! !‘D&town‘ came Uptown”and when the set closed with .. ~~c&c&t’:. of.. @t&y, ‘<&rp.yry ..l&th, ” deliv&&g ~.‘.p -“,&olid *-’ “Hot, Hot ‘Pa@? the m>qrity of the crowd was left wmdericg 1 p<r’f&iGi&. Althougl$fhe show/ contained few surpriges, the’ what was left for the second set. i sound was excellent, the band enthusiastic, And, the crowd _ lively.. When Mr. Wilcox returned50 minutes later, he presentbd a A, CA ;k -/ * I ‘,ji 1; : I 1;; , ‘;L’~%&:*.. ,A1.d:.e ’ ‘- -set asenergetic and vigourous as the first. ooenins with his own .Many : of .-the .people u&b &nd&i &bed, +elativ&l& ’ v+ion of the in&rnoL< ” W~OB I y, : 33~11;~. -The t&hlight of the. ‘i unfi;n$liarwith much of Mr. Wilcox’s mdt&l, ho&tier, each Z &t arid perhaps ’ of, the show, I was a?i extended (over lij . : *song was greeted with a Surge oi audierice apprbval iti’the form mirrute,s) renditiondf “Bad Apple”, which inlcuded three solos ‘whistling, 8.d vocalization. Each guitar riff .. and the< band’s b&t ujbrk .of’ the night. One encore number, -I,i of han&clapping, “Hypnotiiin’ Bo0gi.e”; pieced a$ popular as the rest of >his ‘* seemed &mehoti familiar, inipiring severa\.of the more active 5spectators to exhibit their %iir guitar!? prowess. c_ material. > -. The,only. pdssible disapp&ntme‘nt of the. show may have Although the show was well-staged and very polished, some *&e&n &it “‘b< those,. drawn $0; hear, the blues sound on which. . problems were $qbserved, due in no part to Mr. Wilcox. ‘It is * .. Wib&s r~~utati~n:‘~~S~been earned, but Fed Haill is not d uqderstandable that the operation of Fed Hall has some bug&o .stu&; 3and the ~bain&Gh.ile. producing .a sdmewhat harder , -be worked out, however delaging admission until 8:OO pm.’ _‘-qound, $4 q &editable jbb of-reproducing their.aIbum work.’ _ ‘. seems ridiculous. Qbspite the enthusiasm of those lining up for as m&h as an, hfiur- in freezing temperatures, there’ is an There Was a- growing restl+sne& in the audience when’Mr. element of discomfort, not to mention>dang&r, when Wilcox Gfii?LF!fned, hi9 first set at 1O:OO ‘pm.; which may :obvious D:----Pt. C-C A... “AII-.,.a- L,, I--L..,1 -4. I--L t..c t.. IL. ce,,Aw~l h,,~AwnA ,w,fimln l;.w. cha &.I~- -4 . -..-...~--..---A secbnd number, “Riverboat Fantasy” the audience was fulljt in Road. ,>l


% ’ .~ -

‘.J+&;Hgll, - .



+corhe to the CampuS%etitre in:your I ’ f&vourite superhero~villain co&me 1 and ti fPee tickets! -‘, ’’ *5 ‘pa$rs ,of ‘tick@s for. -th6 opening m perfomce’ (Wed, - Feb. 6th) of QVasser t&an a Speedih# Bullet*

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up to the Ice Age

John Hiatt Geffen ; by Paul Done Imprint Staff

Warming up to the Ice Age is as strong a collection of

VALID . -Monday - Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p=mm (1 per cu8tomer)

g l

Sat. Jan. 26th to Feb. 1st











8:QO I?*M*




a.RTS f5

songs as I’ve heard in the last year. In-the past John Hiatt has been hampered by subpar supporting musicians and production. This album, his ’ ’ seventh,; is both well-played and well-produced. John Hiatt hasnever had the commercial success which his critical acclaim would seem to merit. Despite labouring in obscurity, he has built a reputation as one of America’s finest performers. Musically, John Hiatt combines elements of country, rhythm and blues, and rock, emerging with a sound in the same vein as Rockpile, Ry Cooder and here perfectly empty. elitists. The rest of the songs Elvis Costello. Nobody lived here, no on the album are just as The album itself is a woman, no man. strong as any on his previous collection of ten songs; nine Just 9 couple of’ flies albums, running the gamut originals and one cover circling a garbage can. from vengeance songs such version. The cover; version At his angriest, John Hiatt as “I’ve Got a Gun” to love “Living a Little, Laughing a spits venom‘ with a fury. songs like f‘The Crush”. Little” is a duet with Elvis Strangely enough, this type of After 15 years in the music Costello. It is simply one of lyrical content isn’t in the business it’s about. time that the most rueful songs I have slightest <bit I alienating. The John Hiatt reap some of the’ ever heard, rivalling anything lines are delivered with a . commercial success he released recently. fatalistic humour which deserves. No matter what The subject matter of most makes all his songs your B musical taste is, an of Mr. Hiatt’s lyrics is failed completely accessible. album this good should not be relationships and misplaced The most humourous song ignored. This album gets my affection. The resultant anger on the album is “I’m a Real highest possible rating. is typified in “Zero House”: Man”, a tongue-in-cheek We both came here tribute to the heights of his Mr. T says “I PITY THE perfectly tempted. FOOL WHO DON’T BUY own masculinity, and a poke And nod we’re leaving T-HIS ALBUM”. 2: in the eye for rockpurists and




Beast I

mannerisms and idiosyncracies. The by Philip Cory amusing parts of the film are all related to the Imprint Staff Starman is an amusing movie about the - naive Starman’s attempts to adapt to Earth. In one scene the Starman learns how to go to adventures of an alien who makes contact by observing others. This is . the washroom with Earth. It is a sci-fi movie with all the sci-fi also one where he learns the one finger technology removed, emphasising themes gesture. In another scene the Starman learns like innocence and romance. about kissing from a rerun of From He& i,“” The film’s plot centers around an alien (Jeff Eternity. Bridges) .who is invited to visit Earth by an’ As the Starman and Jenny race across the automatic system aboard Voyager 2 space U.S. a bond develops-between them. In an probe. almost maternalistic way, Jenny takes care of When the Star-man enters Earth’s the Starman. He returns her care by falling in atmosphere his spaceship is shot down by the love. By the time they reach Arizona, they U.S. Air Force who think the UFO is a Russian intrusion. The Starman crashlands in have become lovers. The Starman cures Jenny of her physical Northern Wisconsin and finds refuge in the The Starman home of a recently widowed young woman, t inability to have a child. Jenny Hayden (Karen Allen). e’xplains that they will have a child and that the child “will know all I know”. This The Starman clones himself from a lock of foreshadows that communication between Jenny’s dead husband’s hair. * The Starman, the two planets will occur with the child as the now in human form has to race across the intermediary. U.S. to rendezvous in Arizona with another Starman is a light hearted movie with an ship from his home planet. Their trip is E.T. storyline. ~ complicated when the bad guys (the U.S. National Security Force) realize an alien has landed and try to capture the Starman for scientific study. While the Starman and Jenny are travelling across the country a romance develops between them. The rest of the movie is about the adventures and the romancethat the Starman and Jenny share. John Carpenter takes a few jabs at our own society and the hawklike U.S. forces. One of the questions -that Carpenter rasies is how our society. (governments) would respond to a visit by an -alien. The hypocrisy of inviting the Starman and then hunting him down for scientific study is well presented by Mr. Carpenter. However these jabs are very obvious. Mr., Carpenter even brings in a character, Mark Sherman, who represents the conscience of oursociety. This charcter is the good, caring guy caught -in the big unfeeling U.S. National Security,Forces. this and many of the situations that occur make Good Movies Playing Around Town the movie very predictable. But the Monday, Jan, 28. Pandora’s Box (Germany presentation of the plot development is 1928, G.W. Pabst, silent, with live piano’ professionally done ,and well executed. accompaniement by Charles Hoffman) Jeff Bridges is excellent as the Starman. Humanites Theatre 8:00 pm. Price: $3. Mr. Bridges does a good job of portraying Friday Feb 1. Casablanca at Elora Gorge how an alien would slowly learn human Cinema.



by Harry -V&-Dranen SpedCal to, th’e Pmprint


’ :


I :The Waterloo Warriors put two more notches in the win column last *weekend: in OUAAleague play. The Warriors, perched,.,a%op. the.OUAA western division with a record of four winsand ‘zero losses,~efeated&e&tionally ranked McMaster -Marauders by the%ore- of 9985 ‘in the steel city on Saturday night, January el9th, and drubbed thesurprising %Guelph’ Gryphons by 27 points in the PAC onthe following Sunday afternoon, winning the contest 93-66.‘. The Warriors, &ho have not been able to practice together with a full squad since last November, until last week, gave indications that they are ready to return to their p.re-season form. Last Saturday’s game in Hamilton turned out to be a chippy affair. .gThe continuing inability of coach McRae’s troops to stop their opponents early in the game, made the first half exciting for the partisan McMaster crowd, for the Waterloo team carried a one point lead into the locker room at the 20 minute mark, 49-48. An increase in defensive intensity, (an athletic buzzword for hard work), early in the-second half, allowed the Warriors to open up a lead that they never-relinquished. Individually, a strong ldefensive performace was given by Waterloo pivot, Randy Norris. Randy’s check scored only one bucket, while therest of the Marauder squad was reluctant to enter “the Norris Zone’., opting instead to shoot l’ongrange I. . / f : . jumpers. ~ ’ At the other end of the floor, the maturing play of point guard. _ .

Tom Schneider. was evident. as he orchestrated the complex Warrior offences, and made most. of his ‘own jumpers. ’ Last Sunday’s contest sa’w the. Warriors againstart slowly,. traihng IS-8 early in the contest; The loyal fans that. made the trek through the blizzard weresoon rewarded, however, as the T Waterloo squad got their fastbreak in high gear. The break, ah&t non-existent during the past month,,is now more of a team effort,- with op$onents concentrating on stopping the long bomb, which :was so effective during the Naismith Classic. Some fine board work by the big men, and lots of hustle in the lanes by the perimiter players, allowed Waterloo to beat Guelph with an assor.tanent of dunks, lay-ups, . and short range jumpers. ’ Guelph’s sensational duo ‘of Joseph and Williams was less than sensational as they found the Waterloo defence somewhat ‘more formidable than they had encountered elsewhere around v the league. The sparkling play of sophomore guard Rob Froese enable him to walk a-way with “player of the game” honours. The overall team play of Waterloo was makedly better at both.ends of / the floor; that it has been of late. ’ ’ The consistent play of the Warrio.r’s role players has been a thorn in the side of opponents which choose to concentrate on only two or three individuals. __: ‘: Waterloo will be facing the Brock Badgers tomorrow afternnon, January 26, at 2:00 nm. in the PAC. Please note,that game time, hai be&moved back from 800 o’clock to-‘that Randy Norris frssumes his custonqary pqsition benea& (7) the“:. 1 the the gaini’can be shown life on’ CH&l TV, chi 1I. ‘Plan to attend’ ; Guelph hoop. - ’ Imprint photo’ by Oscar. Bus&t .; ! * and make a lot of noise. Admission is free with a season pass. s I !.Y I . 1 I , .” \




:_vollejt~~@ .‘.t _L -, _

by Rob Steve&on I+&$ s@f

Bpth the Warriors hnd Athenas continued against Western on Wednesday, ‘January -\


their winning streak 23.

photo’ .by Oscar, Buset :.

L .


The slaps of spikes, thuds of bumps, and screeches of flesh meeting floor filled the PAC on Friday, ‘January 18th and Saturday January 19th, as the 18th annual Athena Invitational Volleyball Tournaments., -was contested. After the two days, of competition, the Toronto Varsity Womeh’s Blues emerged r victorious ‘. while the Waterloo Athenas suffered’ defeat in the %onsblation final. ‘Afterrouno-robin play, the A-pool stacked up with Solar Eclipse (Toronto club team), in <first, f o 11o wed by M&aster, -WLU, Queen’s, Guelph, and Lakehead. the arguably tougher B-pool was won by Toronto, .followed by’ Solar A (another T.O. club team);. Windsor, Waterloo, Western and Brock. The’top ” three teams in each division championship, playoffs, with the‘ remainder /

B-ball Athenag grasp -hard .fought 8. ‘.’ victory.~ I’


” merit.



,’ sports _fl2,

consolation. , ;‘

tour& “

The 1 Waterloo

~ ~ ~



..- ~_


_ ,



The consolation semi-finals were the tightestmatches, for . Queen’s defeated Western c,\ ( I@$ 1.1$5, I F-9), while the ,%@@nd$ T.qvnd , _ 1: >,. , . , . _ , ,. / 3 Athena’s battled to a ‘( 16- 14, I really enjoy having the opportunity e&h week to-fill t&&&e 16414) victory aver Brock: ’ tith my OWN-th6ught.s and feelings about what is happening-in :, The championship semi’s,‘,saw; - :.h, w&Id -of;.@&. Most weeks, 1 find at least one inter+lw a Toronto down Windsor (15-8, item to writeabout. Some times though,. there Is-so much going ; -15~9) and Solar .: Eclipse :on.that it is_cjifficult to write about only one subject. This week IS . -) eliminate Solar A ‘(U-7;. I>I 5- such,a time. : 13). 1. Fortoda$&oltimn, 1could write an apology to the bhsketba&! In the consolation+‘fina& .:.. .>&!&t for*&@ that Rob. Froese could jump. 1 watched last ‘: didn~~,,~“18~t~~~~~~.. ;. Q@@&y~s. game, all the time checking to see if 1 had ‘been :Queen?s - W~terloo’~~quad-~~~;~~~~~~~-~~i;~~~~~~.. .I+&& can paas and dribble with the b& and he & I: , at all, winning ($5-3, I$$), .-~‘:‘:~~~~~~h,~~~w~ll;. but he eannr>t “~i;ticallzo**. The result in I the ch&.mp*io$’ : .$~~$l$~af&ig &jumping, it was go&to see Peter Savich finally :, s hi p f i n al-;::-<&+ so’ o n l~~~~~~~~nl~~~.~l~I~~~l~ ha& caught more people by surpr& but I& : moderately m$re; respectable, ’ $lndup’was &low tit, I -could. have+r$led to the popcorn ” _ as Solar .Eclipge’ fell to U of T.‘ s@nd and back before he finished. Savich was also l&y that the L The tournament -&lVP was Guelph team took a siesta c&&g his “fastbreak”. Anyway, now :, , Kristine Dmkiicl$*r&m U of T, that he has dunked.one, lbet -the opposition must be shaking In 1: : while the;,: A&&$& ^ Dena &elr;-shoes. ,I. (_+ ; : ’ Deglau grabbed’.a%&t on the ,&other topic for -discussion this week: The Leafs. Make i ’ all-star ‘team along with ro~m’i>ri;:t&e Leaf Stanley Cup bzindwagon because space is : ,’ Donna * ‘Roach. of Toronto, filling tip f&t::.Can’ you believe that-the Leafs are on a four-gaqe 1 :._ Mary Krause of Solar Eclipse, uqbeaten streak? 1can’t. It has been at least two years since the b _ Leafs last went that long without tastinq defeat._’ Marg Mjzuik of WLU, and Kay Koot of Solar A. I &r&&i&o space’o&e,Leafs tlils w&R because they will be Y,. around for dnother time. . It is .especially tempting to write 1 ’

to the 7 - .,I., -aan offensive rebound Athenas : ‘. hoopfor & ,‘score~,-drawing a - ‘* braved w&y fad- &n&k : -fo$ $I the.,pr$cess. ’ tions totravel to Hamihon foi<,: ., ‘ 1.: -’ . . ’ their seco,nd .,regular season : ;.‘: :The ’ three’ point play gave meeting. ,with &e’:..McMaster I ,,$I@, ‘Athen& the 59-57 lead they,. ~hel& t,hrought the -final _Mauradersl ~Thit~p~~waswell worth ‘- the ;;effort . ‘as the ~Ltense secind~., ’ Waterloo~squad~., came. away ‘. ‘1 ,“A.:: ” . t, Pat Wardlaw- Nordic~‘,~~~u l.ed .t’he Waterloo / Dive. T #Mb- I- _ Alpink with ,a ’ hard .:-fought ’ 59L57’ Skiing vict@jl~ TL;<.’ .,_ 1 :- ,,’ _ scorers ,wi$h:r. 2 1 points, and Skiing * T~~~;M$f&&. &g&e: ‘i&&, .‘.:L&a Z:inQ’kiewich ret.urned to Dave is a local product ’ Pat is a fourth year form‘ with‘s i mathematics student. 1at the’ g&i&-.;iih’ “‘in i&@ior . :eacell&tsco.&ng. calling Kitchener home U W. She attended COI. By ; where he attended Forest won-last record;%ut took. full :1.6 ‘point contribution. adva&&&h$ ho& CQU&‘~‘-‘,“’ k _c’.>,hcw:.T 1 t-;t*Secondary School in -her _ Heights and -K.C.I. 7 hometown of,Qttawa. , in fy~i& xt@$ :j$j&@&&&.~~,, ‘,Y+.$hi+~fiye i win - tW0 ‘l,SS . At the ‘races held last . up until the‘ final whistle.- -The“;+’ &h&as ‘.&I try to climb Friday at Georgian Peaks, Saturday she placed lead changed hands repeated-. - ab,ove thrid place as they Dave ‘emerged as the second in a 10 km race in ly throught the game, and it tackle Western on Wedneswinner in the slalom event. Barrie. ,, seemed that it might be out of day, January 23 and first - %This was only Dave’s Sunday Pat won the place Brock on Saturday, reach in the dying seconds, January 26 at‘4:OO pm. in the second race in the Ontario Guelph , university invitabut persistence paid off for the circuit. tional race PAC. , .’12 km . Athenas, for Kim Rau took -by N. Baumgart

~’ I Jumping, the \Leafs, ;

something no.wbecause they are winning and who knows how 1 long that ‘wil! last. . 1could also write about how much money I made by betting on the 49’ers but I won’t because 1only bet on the Oilers and you are probably fed-up @h Super: Bawd hy$e i?nyway. The last thing you want is your camp@ newspaper filling its space with more Super Trash: The footballseason is finally over and 1refuse to

write about it anymore.

My final chocie for a topic was Toronto’s new dome stadium. The announcement by Bill Davis last weel< gave Metro’s sports fans what they have been screaming about for over two years, a giant palypen The total cost is expected to come close to $150 million. Davis was able to get the private sector to chip in $70 I million which means that the remaining $80 million will come from the taxpayers pocket. Davis has- said that a dome stadium for Toronto was “inevitable”, the ‘only question was location. Cadillac-Fairview was offering $50 -million if the stadium were to be built on land ’ near Woodbine racetrack. It wasn’t enough though, because the syndicate headed by’Brascan’s Trevor Eyton offered $70 million if the stadium went downtown on land ovjned by CN near their tower. , It wasn’t one of Brampton Billy’s tougher decisions but it was

one that Toronto’s

sports fans are glad that he flnaily made.

i; .

iL .

t,., ,%. 1’. -

, .. ” &*

/. i

. Waterloo Saturday


Annual Invitation81 Swim meet will be hetti and Sunday, January 26 and 27 in the . - spectators welcome.



, 1

\ I


‘rFederbtion Hdl 1


/? L. II I

Saturday, J.anuary ~26

8:00 p.m. -i. .Math/Eng. :presents EI.even - Eleven & RUN RUN RUN others $5 feds‘w \ I ‘, ,-’ -_ ~,Fed Hail open’s p,m. ~

8:00 p.m, .‘- s‘- Friday, -February 1 from Vancouver Attic -recording artists 0 Body Electric others $3 feds $2 \ I0 tickets ‘at door only -8:00 p.m, Saturday, February 2 Parachute Club 1 ‘. 7 ,others $10 -feds $8 on sale Monday WOOa.m. I


I0 m

Wednesday, February 6 8:00 p.m I. . ‘from Scotland x. the rockin’ sounds of The Shakin’ Pyramids others $4 feds $3 , 0n sale Monday 9:00 a-.m.


ski .’ The _ cross country Foordinator, Pet& Smythe, is presently looking fo? a -volunteer to organize the February three day trip. Contact him at 744-2149 if you are willing to take this on. _ There wifl be. a winter’ camping ,seminar for beginners on February lst, 9:00 pm. to midnight in CC 113. Don Willimas, the club’s highly ice and rock climbing coordinator, will be leading weekly iceclimbing trips for which cramponi and ice-axe may be


Contact him at necessary. ,746-3814 for further details. Kayaking sessions in the P^AC pbol run every Sunday from 4:00 - 6:00 pm. Our


person, Mike


7.46-4005, with



can ITlOSt

techniques. Clauss (Hercules1 -,Dass is the winter camping organizer. he has a second WC expedition and a WC seminar planned for later in the term. Phone him at 884-5937 for dates. , Starting January 27th, cross-coutry ski or snowshoe

day trips to nearby areas will take place every Suqday. If you do not have your own equipment, rent it from the Outers Club. Information and -sign-up sheets for these day trips and other upcoming events will be post’ed bn the equipment room door. ’ Amos K,uttner iill lead a day trip this Sunday, January 27, to the Conestoga Conservation ,Area, near Elmira. This area is not trackset, so touring skis are in order. Phone Amos at 8842325 for more information,

Ski storm-to capture second. 4 teani fights wint& 12th.

The Nordic Ski teams faced stiff competition and even stiffer winter ~winds in the Guelph university Cup Race No. 1 at Eden Mills on Sunday, Jan&&y 20. Despite the driving snow which slowed the course and blanked vision on the downhills, Waterloo’s Pat Wardlaw posted a strong win in the senidr women’s 12 km. race+ finishing in 47:25. Second place went to Waterloq’s Jocelyn Piercy, in 49:43 and .Lors Donovan to

The total points women’s championship went to Queen’s by a narrow margin over second place WaterlGo. The senior men’s 18 km. race, open to university and non-university ‘skiers; was won by National Team ‘88 skier Al Pilcher in 55:02. The Waterloo team skied well and took fourth place behind Queen’s, Mat and Guelph.

64:23, Marcus Boyle 16th in 64:57, Steve Thompson 17th in 65:09, and rookie Vessa Maatta 2 1st in 7 1: 14. The rest of the team also turned in improved performances.

A day earlier, at the Forest City loppet near London, Pat and Jocelyn again finished well with respective 2nd and 4th places in the women’s 10 km. sprint. In the men’s 15 km. race, Keith Mercer was The top finishers for GW 14th and Gus Rungis was were Doug Guderran 14th in . 23rd.

Roth finishes first on Collingwoodc slopes

The Alpine Ski Team was in Collingwood last Friday, January 18, carving. OUT ANOTHER EXCELLENT FINISH. The men’s team was led by in ex-national team member, Dave Roth, who achieved an jverwelming first place finish, accompanied in stride- by

Andy Stone, who took second. , The women of Waterloo also had very aggressive finishes, with Andrea Baker in fourth place and a suprise finish by Marnie Laser in seventh. L The remainder of the team . place well, and ..finished within < I.

the top thirty


Overall standings saw the men placing third and the -women placing second. The slalom course was very -challenging for all racers, and the final results showed this, for many racersc were unable to complete it. :,


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c: li h,eId at St.: Fran&Xavier, Victoria;: The host team ’ ‘. its regional, along with the conference (AWAA, OEJAA ‘AA- respectively). ‘: _ The’, . _j west‘ and ‘the7 Q&JAA also .<,, i th’:&+ km&in& hu&fi&r&Y;-*i . performance+ . , two teams from. any one\ ;. st ,any ‘one regionaI,,and no r &rence.are allowed to play @f ,:aregionaI. - : . ’ . nucleus of players, juch as Phil Ohl- and Dave Sheghan, . . .-’ Advande tickets forthe Toi &$to~regionaI are already on ’ , .( , CaIgary. ‘Di@osaurs;.- (@~~pro~~&I ,+h$t~they $hould. -be,- .:~&de+xt U.“ofi T.: Student p :@ fi;tr a+package of alI: foS?r( 7ylheard from come:regionaI time when they &pied ul tit& * &b$& are‘$8’(floor)~ -$7 (I tieen the. baseline-e, and $5 .The notorious Sammy Singlet h@ returned to make his tiapbs@nd in-a tournament-&plier this season.. Their outside-game, ‘, i (g&era1 admission behind e,‘baseIines). Tickets for the * c6htroversial basketball predictions. After last term’s succ&sfuj (less ‘-; . powered by guards john Rhodin and John Vigna, almost I regional, to b8 ,held at the 4 10.S&ET Varsity Arena (Bloor than 30%) “guesses**, Sammy took some extensive Prec&tion 181 - ; makes fans forget that ,KarI TiIleman has graduated from & St. George) could golqui ly‘.if’&e Blues get;hot, so it‘s s courses at Brock University over the holidays. This term, Samm)@ill =/ ,I ‘. /.,“-. , _ Calgary. _ ‘L advisable to get yours noi keep accurate statisticson his somewhat arbitrary prediction+. We& this -1 Lethbridge Proghorns (81, Alberta GvIden’Bears (t ,vv*111 I ,cJ)?J+, 1 ,uy t.y I I I. -.‘.’ liT _, W,,cIL . ” On Probation is stronger than ever and should win Ithe A and Saskatebew,an Huskies (8) havealso bsenn0tice.d bzy ’ championship again.. ‘The: Buc&, Atomech Power, and the Killer the CIAU rankingxommittee, whichmakes the situation . Tomatoes will be tight -behind, while Rou’s Dons, Disciples of Dunk, and ‘out west+ very interesting one indeed: ’ ’ ;‘. . ‘c _i b L ~ tit2 Mi,sfii ;will’.fHlthe bottom end of the line. Sammy will fill,you in on-the ’ In the Greak Plains conference, (GPAC]; arguabIythe ,’ ,_ 1w&ly‘&&tics next Friday., ‘best university team in the country will be*watching,the’c . There are 48 teams in.the B league. Last terin; he predicted the top 8, regionels on T.V I this _<year. I -The. Brandon Bobcats- are ;-+ and ‘6 of them made it tothe Bl championship pool. (Pretty good, eh?). serving a suspension from post-seas&competition this . _ . ‘Here,it is: 1‘.nyjn’ Eyes; 2. Basketcases; 3.Kin Crushers; 4. C@Kuo&; 5. season due-‘to i,mproper- payments to athletes. One team . Dr. Jedzq6. Fieuds: 7. Domino’s Dunk; 8. St Jeromes Bucketeers. Here, that thinks they -are better than the Bobcats is, their ‘1 . Sammy has made a valiant attempt to ‘guess’ which teams are capable wihoilt even knowing who they are. Sammy hopes that competition will GPAG rivals, the :Winziipeg Wesmen (11. The -W&m& I should be able to take the. GPAC ti.tle with ease, with .’ * An unkown force exists in C leagu& ‘The Skoal Bandits, I&by graceful Manitoba, featuring -t%lented J.oe Ogoms, finishing _ and-agile Dan “The Stick Ingoidsby, and the slow, lumberfng Sandy secon d in the cc Townsend will look to dominate this term. Bdwever, the ever present. Get ting _ to\ our * conference, it appears that the Wi ’ Buckyjand will take fipt place after losing a barnburner in the &m-i-final (1) may be able to win. the OUAA West title this yzar as last fall: The unexplained entity, OMM-7 1 is also a contender. (Lock out long as nobody gets suspended orbreaks an ankle whi& , Warriors!). The Thunderchickens ‘will take 4th place. ,I happened in the ‘lb84-,season. With Western and’ Brock _7: Has Sammy learned anything from his Prediction 101 cour&? i both being decapitated by graduations,J&indsor (81 and . -. Probably not!, . McMaster(8) are left as UW‘s chief opposition in .(8’5. It looks like a dogfight in the‘ OUAA East+this year, ‘ with York Yeomen (lo), and Toronto Blues (8)~s both’ I_ ‘, With&eBall,‘Hockey season about-to begin for another term; this believing they can, take the title.: At times, it did resemble ‘tint&i league .promises to be a banner’ session. W&b determined referee squad and implementation of a two referee-per-game bystemjthe a literal dogfight when the two clubs met on January r goal+f a fair and smooth-fjowing season ,seems well within reach this lsth, with York triumphing 89-58, 1 term. With a large number (46in tilj) of enthusiastic teams, this term The Yeomen have lost ALL-Canadian EnzoSpagnuolo r ,-‘prc$$ses to behighly competitive fromthe first regular +on ‘game - and Grant Probec, .but .forward- Wayne Shaw‘has’taken , through .to the play&f finals. up the slack. For the Blues, Roger Rollocks continues to ?- In the A-!eague, &term’s defending champions, “The Bombers”,,will ‘1’ thrill Toronto fe Lns with -his h&hooting and even hLatter ‘, * be -ha&&&&&o hold on to their title, as perennial oowerhouses ‘Who slams

I.’ “I :‘---“*- ’



. \, .:


IL !.





,I&dl’ H&key Entry


1ni suebec, Co but ci ni qualify ’ QUA-A. The j ‘something to say QUAA champions.



ncordia has bden placed on suspe sioxi, for regionals by winning the four team h&Gill ’ Redmen :will ‘probably’ / have- :,:,: about that; though, being the &fend$g .. , * v1“*: I :*.s,.I .I-‘_: :.

TheAtla~tic’confer&n@~ hopesfh& anAU& &,&&-&‘~’-’

; qualify for- the national championships, .-to b& held in,: .: Halifa,F. from March 14th to 18th. *They’ve’, got three .,1 worthy ‘teams in Acadia (9, :UPEI’ (8): a$ St; Francis .*r-/ /‘.’ _, Xavier (7). ‘. . The Acadia ‘Axemen, led by, flashy Chris. Sumner, ‘1 showed their wo?th in the, 1N.aismit.h. \ semifinal gage. . ’ ~~~~~~~::~~~ _c -...:,., which they rna,rrowly rest -to Waterloo. . UP@ a~so I -‘...:.,~~~.:.i;...’ pi narrowly lost (7x-70) to UW.+.in the Ed-,DeArmon . tournament. final at ‘Ryerson, but %eat“ Victoria to get : there. _ . h Due, to muIt!ipI& problems leading to a suspension; St. a Mary% hadcdecided not to field a team this seas&; This * : . , leaves .the,, AUAA with only seven teams for ‘85, as :,;.“;.. . . -3 / _‘&.opposed , to the usual eight; ’ I 7’

- : ,. q$$&;;







“On Sunday, February 1&h,~l985~:a sin~gjesTa&Tennis Tournament will be held from. 1:QO - 7@qbp.m. in the+ Blue&tivity area. The two .I categories ~arefor inenand.women, Please sign up.in PAC 2040 before ’ Wednesday, February 6th ‘1985. All those who regibter are required to ‘meet on Wednesday, February 6th; 1985, at’5zO”p.ml in PAC 1001 /:A mInimal fee of $1.@I will be charged per person. Join in on thefun and’ tike’the, chaljengel. . .



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