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to review I.S.

recently suggested. SUC Chairperson Tom Brzustowski IS'S present structure. He added that they believe ~t to be accepted this proposal. effective and to serve the program well. He concluded by In response to a question by member Frank Zorzitto as to suggestin th& those recommendations put forth by theauditor [graduate Council(SUC) on January 24th passed a motion recommending that Senate establish a whether IS was a problem depatmntt, Mr. Brzustowski notaj &olaFddcb.ka within the program far perhaps a full year that all departments founded after a certain date are reviewed before Senate makes its review. committee to review the lntegrated Studics(1S) program. Integrated Studies is a student-governed program in which every five years. Mr. Kafieh added that IS is "very unique...We Mr. Sheridan kted that IS'S contracts with its resource no calendar courses are required. It is staffed by resource can't hide our dirty laundry like other faculties can ...Argumsnts persons expire in April. He asked SUC whether the program persons who sit with the students on the governing body, take place in full view." He welcomed the review as a chance to should continue with its hiring, or freeze the practice in light of Operations Council, which reviews the progress of the students lead to informed discussion on IS. the upcoming review. and votes on admissions of new students. Mr. Griffin suggested that the Senate's recommendat~onson Mr. Kafieh suggested that,since Councit had already agreed The orrgmal SUC motion set a mandate for this committee to Admissions Committee be- included in the review. Mr to look at the the program as it presently operates, the hiring review the University auditor's report on IS, the role of Brzustowski, however, replied that the recommendat~onshad should go on. Resource Persons, and its Operations Council. As well, the not been voted on by the SUC. Mr. Brzustowski advised that the program ask resource motion suggested that regular University faculty be involved in Council debated on suggesting a time lim~tfor the Senate persons hired not to make commitments beyond the summer IS'S Admissions Committee and the students' year-end reviews Review. Act~ngIS co-ord~natorJoe Sher~dansuggested council terms. ir individual progress in the past twelve wait for the university's ~nternalauditor's report on IS to be The motton Council finallly passed, recommended a Senate Review of IS, gave the proposed committees mandate to review completed before conducting the revlew. James Kafieh, IS student and spokesperson, told the SUC Mr. Brzustowski agreed to t h ~ scondition, addmg that the Co-ordinators Office, the year-end review procedure, the Report on IS had already proposed that Operations Council's and the co-ordmator's response to the Admissions Comm~ttee,the Operat~onsCouncil, and the role three faculty members be instituted on the Admiss~ons audlt would be Included as part of the revlew. and composition of resource persons and staff. Under the Eric Higgs, one of four signatories to an Integrated Studres motlon, students, Senate representatives and IS alumni would Alumni Stafement stated that the alumnt surveyed supported be able to joln the review rnmmnttee. dents president Tom All~son,ex-officio implicit relationship between faculty and students. He stressed the importance of having an academic evaluation provided by faculty In the non-degree phase of earnlng a Bachelor of lntegrated Stud~esDegree. Mr. Kafteh replied that the philosophy of IS allows the students to take full responsib~llty for thetr education, ind~v~dually and collect~vely.The year-end renew, he added, serves as an evaluation for the students.

Waterloo Towers: vomit and feces can stdl be found by Len Mokos Imprint staff Vomlt and feces can still be found in Waterloo Towers L~ttle has changed slnce tempers flared between the student tenants and the bu~ldtng'smanagement in the afiermath of the Oktoberfest

weekend last year. Beer bottles litter the halls and stairwells, niailboxes and exit signs are bashed and tw~sted,and cockroaches still outnumber tenants. Both the superintendent, Clarence Parsons, and the tenants agree that the building is In

poor c o n d ~ t ~ o n . But both parties disagree on the reasons. Some students blame other tenants, w h ~ l e others complain that the building is not properly mamtamed. Most of the tenants, however, seem to have accepted the

situation a n d r e m a l n apathet~c. Mr. Parsons sald that the entlre bulld~ngwas sprayed for cockroaches in September, and since then about 77 unlts have been sprayed as many as three tunes. Yet, he sald, the Insects continue to

flourish. He also said that about $60 worth of lightbulbs are stolen from the hallways each month. Many lightbulbs are missing from the stair-wells. The superintendent does not blame all the tenants for the vandalism, theft and

failure to repbrt cockroaches. He believes that only a few students are responsible. He says that "good tenants anonymously report bad tenants" to him, so that the persons responsible may be dealt with.

‘Ike Mug Coffeehouse. Everyone is welcome. It’s a great place to relax and converse. Enjoy refreshments and Iii mu&c.







~IIIIa”“II .





. Winter-Camping seminar for beginners. From 9am to 12 o-m. r-----

CC --

113. - ---

Salatul Jumu’a (Friday prayer) organ&d by the Muslim Student’s Association Unlver@y of Waterloo. CC I35 130 i. -. p.m. Fryday pubs: presented by the ASU every Friday from 12 ‘ noon until 4 pm in HH 280. Weekly specials and soft drinks : available.Come out and join the fun. .

- Tues.,,F+b. 5 -

Dance Chsses: with Judy Sikr and BrendaWillis at ,Feb. 1 = I. 1 - I - F&G _ the Adult Recreation Centre, 185 King St.Waterloo. Classes

- Fri.,,

Fkd'Flicks.The Big Chil , star-~I-~)--\'LBII1-u..mg ulen lapse, willram nurr, Kevin Kline,Jobeth Williams,ei al. AL 116.8 , .nm:Admission ~”ii $1.for Feds. L4jtterwriting session to support the Contractoral Group in .their effort to gain peace in Central America. Part of Ten Days for World Development 1985. 1230, Conrad Grebel ‘I College, Rm. 1250. . ,. ,-_. ,>. “QC <, : .&aduate Record examination. MC 1056,8 am.


from 730-9:&i, $3 per se&n. Beginners are welcomeand partners are not needed. Call 5762653 or 5791020. Holv ‘Eucharis& St Bede’s Chapel. 930 and 1130 a.m. Anglican Campus Mliiistry. ’ / Chapel Service: informal service and discussion. Conrad G&al College Chapel; 7 pm. : Chris&n Worshp on; CampusI. lo:30 am, HH 280. listrv.Levervone Sponsored by Huron Campus Mir---,. -. --, _.-- welcome. _-__-.-_. Chaplain Graham E. Merbey. Open House: all day at LaurelCreek Nature Centre.At 7 pm a short slide show on owls, followed by a moonlight OWL PROWL. - : Holy Communion: service by the Lutheran Cgmpus~ Ministry. A coffee hour follows the serivce and everyone is welcome:Keffer Memorial Chapel,WLU, 11 am.

---Men.,Feb. 4 -


buJ&n boards in Needles Hail. NH 1020 at 1130 am. \ Candlelight Se&e of Holy Communion by-the Lutheran Campus Ministry. A coffee hour follows ‘and everyone is welcome. ,

Students -of ~Objec&lsm:present “Introduction to ‘Montessori Education” - a live presentation by Nancy Lorenz. Free admission. All welcome. 9 pm in HH 334. .-r , Bagel bruncl& the,Je$h’ students association imites all to CC I IO from I I:381 30. 1: , FltBmakFeverzseeMo&y. ,.

\ -.


welcome. Laurler’s Keffer Memorial Chapel, l&O0 pm FASS meetina Facuitv of Aodied Suoerlative - Studies _--_ (FASS) holds” its firs; orga$atio~-rmeeting, To, F=r than a qxe$tng bullet. Iiumaniticy theatre, 8 . pm, irc3.


.DanceSandwich: dance studentworkshop. Free admission add variety to your. lunch hour without extra calories! Theatre of the Arts, 1l30-1230. . . TheatreoftheArts, 113@1230.


‘-Thurs., Feb. 7 . Supp&Ieeting:

Waterloo&i&an Fellowship supper ind by Doh PO&&~, ,IVCFOntano

speciai iecture: ‘bade&rip’

Qennan Fll&: “Der Blaue Engel” (The Blue Angel) Yon Stemberg, l930. WLU Arts bullding, rm 2E7 at 7 pm. Admissi& is free and everyone is welcome.



Fit Break Fever: see Mondav.


Tlme ‘Change: the Child, Education’s Forgotten Partner. Queen’s Park, rm 116 bcaucus room, from 7-10 p.m. Fee $5. Job Search: creativemethods in .se&ching for job leadsand the importance of making pen&al contacts. Plan to attend this hour-long session with’ Ellen Shenk Open to all 1 students. Sk& up,aheets,areposted on thefirst floor bulletin boards in N&&s Hall, @O’; - p.m., _ , ~CY+ NH iq20.”

Students for life: meetings every Thursday at 430 p.m. CC 135. Everyone is welcome. Bring a friend.

Folk and Blues: Jam session. 7:30-10~00in ( X 116.Bring Morning hayen Monday to Friday at 9 am _ . in St. Bede’s aninstrument and a friend. Everyone is weltzoome. Chapel. Birtha-.,Control orI self-control .I.-’ It’s your FOF .Eixllrig~Hungerbriefing. People are dying. They don’t need ..I., -terepnone I . .I ch,oice.. .I ano 1 connaenuar councerring on brnn contror to. You hold the. key to end.inghunger. All welcome. The sexuality,call 8884096 or 8884068. Sponsored by Health Hunger Project. CC 110,25 pm. Services and the Birth Control Centre, Federation of Summer French immersion workshop: Le Departementdu .- Christian Twisters: are playing another dance at St John’s . Students. &thright: Pregnantand n,eedheip?Wecanlendan earand Francais recherche plusiers .“moniteurs”. pout encadrer 5Anglican Church (at Duke &, Water Sts.) from 8-l 2 pm. help solve your problems. Free confidential counselling des activites organisees a l’intention des etudants inscrits a ‘Admission is $3 with all’ proceeds going to a relief in Women’s Commission: is sponsoring the film “The Prime pmvided~by Birthright 710 pm$$rth ControlCentre. son ‘%ummer lmmenl& Workshop’:, Les, candidats .+ .I _. &hiopia. The latest Christian musk-will be featured along of Miss Jean Brodie” starring ,Mag ie Smith. (A-service of doivent parler couramment conectement le francais. with everything from a polka to the limbo and some top 40’s, the Federation of Students.) Feds 3 1, others $2. Wmi and..Cheese: the ASU*welcomes all students to this S’adresser a Prof. Anne Brunelle, Dept of French, ML 329, * ’ 50’s and-6bsTSee you there! Skydiving dub: first jump course. Cost is $105 plus $15 term’s Wineand Cheese,HH 373.378,from 8pm to 1am. $1 ext 2443. ‘Funky #Ime&Ever$n&s invitedto a party of the University , membership. Register at PAC Receptionist. For more info admission. .iClub $t@ pm?S&e p&onals for moreinfo. ’ . : House of Debates: There will be a great debate in St call Wayne at 745-7619. Fed Fllcks:.see Friday. ,a,:, ;I ’ *f -. Jerome’s room 229 at 530. New members will have praise House of Debates: Come participate in a great debate~or Flt Break Fever: see Monday. ’ heaped them. HawaJlanNlghtpub: presented.by ‘YillageI counciI.YiIIagers‘ -_ upon . just watch. We will meet in St.Jf--sromes -- -- room -- -- h-n w ar -A3;3u. c-q,n _ _ ’ -, . ,’ .: nc&/Wgeii $1 &f for‘ the appropriatly:ldressed.~ -- Mob E~c&isti & Bed&. Chapel, 1230 pm. New members will be tre~d.lik &&-’ < . . DanceL&ndwich: a dance’ student workshop. Free .I --:. _--r\------r &iyon~~~& leied eke free. *, :Fllm Series: by the Romance. Languaga ~~ixxrrrnera admissIon -v@ety for your lunchtime without extra calories!! presents “La Decouverte Pans’(Suvol en helqcoptere)” (I ’ Common %&from &O-7:00 pm in St Paul’s Dining Hall. Theatre of the Arts, 113Oi230. 9 pm. red/green,dining halls,Yl . Fellowship meeting at Wesley Chapel,St Paul’sCollege.All’ presents “La Decourverte Paris (Sunrol en helocptere)” (“I Fasser Than aaSpeeding Bullet Presented by FASS ‘85. I welcome. Chaplain Graham E Merbey. I love Paris”). Everyone welcome, admission is-free. . Impn&atlon workshop: everyone wekome. HH 180at.l . Humanities Theatre, $3.Tickets available at all Bassoutlets Art exhibit: Watercolours by Australian artist. Florence pm, admission $1. , , -1 ‘ and the-Humanities box office. Peitsch will be exhibited during regular university hours.’ Science for Peace: presents an updated analysis by Prof. \ Arimirrinn ic I.bb frc.n anA ~w~~~mn~ ic tw&-nma A+h +r\ Jim C!iardner. I.U.II.CIY.“.. .Y “I.” L.L.IJ”1.L a.2 nL.rt,.y,llG.IF-h viz”.-“I w -----,-----“ Gewrabhv. ---o--r- J’ of the ‘Nuclear Winter’ studies. Theatresports - live,improvisatio,nalcomedy! admission $1, Rue wiebe, author of “The Tempatations of Big Bear’ and 15th, Concourse Gallery at WLU. and sermon. Conrad. Grebel College . , Evening prayer or $1.58 non-Fed members. HH180 at 8 pm, \ “My Lovely Enemy”, and winner of thee Governor-General’s > PeL--I 43~*.c)fi -pm. award for fiction, visits Laurier’s Paul Martin Centre at 730 Fit Break Fever. it’s hitting the CC. Catch the spirit and get Lnaper; Search: Creative methods in searching for job leads _ p.m. Sponsored by the’ English Department Admission is St. Paul’s College: Wesley Chapel, Sunday service: 11 aminvolvedevery noon hour in the Great Hall.Sponsored by the Ja, an< the importance of making personal contacts. Plan to 12 noon: Holy Communion - first Sunday of ever$ month. -. . Turnkeys and Campus Rec. Fitness Staff. ’ free-and everyone% we&me, attend this hour-long session with Ellen Shenk. Open to all Sunday evening fellowship service: 10 pm.-Everyone Is = welcome. ’ . Greek Students: association meeting to discuss the, students. Sign-upsheets are posted onthe first floor bulletin I Music at Noon: featuring James Mason, oboe.Admission is boards in Needles Hall. Hob Eucharist: 930 am., Village 2,’ East Lounge, rm 102, , free and everyone is welcome. WLU Theatre Auditorium at schedule for Caravan. 5:30 p.m. in CC 135. ., 12 noon. Self-assessment and preparing -‘to write your resume: Chess Club: Reincarnation to take place in MC 6005 on Monday from 7-12 pm. Note new room‘: Everybody coming to an understanding of your marketable skills, Plan -‘fski Club Ghrebec Winter Carnival weekend. From $99, .to attend this hour-long session wlth Frank Ruszer-Open to ;#Fridayto Sunday. Quebec City. Ring Road at CC, 11 pm. welcome, even Robbie. Fed Flicks: see Friday. all students. Sign up sheets are hosted on the first floor j i

- Sat., Feb. 2 -



, L .




- Sun., Feb. 3 - --.







‘- s 2

.,cheese also. avtiilablel

8 .


# . Coffekr ShopHH280’ /Mon.Feb.4 ARTS Wed.Feb.6MATH CCD MC3002 ’ Thurs.Feb.7 ENGINEERINGC&D CPH . 5 : &‘Mon.Feb.l 1 CAMPUS CENTRE


-, i

All forums


held at 11:30 - l:?O . .e





by Judy Matthews & George , Firstly, Mr. Retterath , is Elliott Clarke planning to graduate in April. Secondly, he states that only Imprint Staff were Last fall,‘ there one candidate shauld run indications that Federation from the, Federation vice-president, university executive, adding that “it would have been a major affairs, Mitch Retterath and struggle for power up here.” Barb Johnson, would be candidates for the positions of Thirdly .he believes that Jeff president and vice-president, Wilson is better able to take operations and finance, over the leadership of the respectively, in the upcoming Federation, stating that “in ‘a business sense, he is more Fed elections.These qualified to run this place.” indications were borne out by ,Mr. Retterath‘s retaining of a campaign manager, and the In a related story, Kathryn holding ,of meetings to discuss Seymour, former Chairperhis candidacy. But it never son. of- the Board of came about. Communication, had indicat: eddast fall her intention not to Federation presidential run for the vice-presidency, candidate, Sonny Flanagan, because she refused “to run charges that Mr. Retterath against a friend*‘, referring to was considering a run for Fed Ms. Johnson. She said she president, and his proposed “didn’t want to run against the “running mate, Barb Johnson, - organization I was working were “politically manipulated for’, a situation that would into not running”. have arisen had Mr. Retterath Mr. Retterath, who is the decided to seek higher office. campaign manager for the However, when Mr. Jeff Wilson / Kathryn Retterath and Ms. Johnson Seymour team, denies this . left the race, “the path was allegation. According to him, clear” for Ms. Seymour to there are several reasons for join the Wilson presidential his decision not to seek the ticket. presidency.

Scoops in black or. red ? by Matthew Ingram Imprint Staff Charging “Obvious mismanagement of finances” by Vice-President Operations and Finance Jeff Wilson, vicepresidential candidate Willie Grove said, in an interview with Imprint that Scoops, the Federation’s ice cream service, .has accumulated ‘a $10,000 deficit over the past -nine months. Mr. Grove said this deficit came to his attention as he was perusing the Federation’s ancillary services accounts. -When Fed President Tom Allison was shown the figures, Mr. Grove said, he appeared surprised, and said he had no knowledge of how the discrepancy had arisen. Mr. Wilson said, however, that the deficit was not the. result of any mismanagement of Scoops on his part, but

rather due to a misunderstanding o-n the part of Mr. Grove. The $10,000 dollar figure, according to Mr. Wilson, is derived from expenditures primarily to do with the new soft ice cream machine, and would be incorporated into the next year’s budget in accordance with accounting procedures. The other aspect of the deficit, a figure of $3,000, Mr. Wilson said, could be accounted for as a result of the many people who do not purchase ice cream cones in the winter. Mr. Wilson went on to say that, last year, Scoops made a profit of several thousand dollars, and that while he does not expect it to do so this year, he does forsee it breaking even. The repayment of the soft ice cream machine would then begin, Mr. Wilson said, and would be extended over the next five years.

Wilson’s and Seymour’s metric conversion of the standard size ordered by the Chief Returning Officer for the co-op mailout, leaves their names protruding when co-op students receive-the campaign literature package. According to Ms. Seymour, “metric is the Canadian way’: Chief returning

Officer Anne Kristensen later approved the A-4 One wonders if the inches standard, eight and one eleven used by Flanagan/ McKay and Forrest/ Groves in compliance w-ith the regulations makes them “un; Canadian ‘? Imprint photo by K.L.Wong

%r a d Assoc. launches by Todd Schneider ’ a referendum in which GSA Imprint Staff members are able to determine how much they After a lengthy, sometimes wish to contribute from the bitter internal battle, the GSA’s Donations Funds to’ Graduate Students Associathe cause. The Donations tion has decided -to ask its Fund is usually used to grant members whether or not the organization should donate - money to oh-campus groups. GSA funds to African famine Members are free to choose relief. any amount from $0 to A motion passed at the last $20,000 (a choice of $0 means GSA Council meeting created

referendum I

the member is opposed to group GSA Council considers such a donation). .According to. be. the most worthy to the sample ballot, “The recipient. largest amount that is supported by more than SO%Following an information of the votes shall be campaign armed at ‘GSA considered the amount to be members,that will outline the donated.” pros and cons of the donation, the referendum will be held _ Should the members wish. from February 25th to March 1st. Votes may be cast by mail to donate, the money will be sent to OXFAM-Canada, the or in person. -

Alternatives for Computedevy? : . ly Gord Durnin imprint Staff The University is now :onsidering three fee models which may be implemented #ingly or in tandem, starting rext fall. The current debate )eems to be over whether here will be a user ID charge ‘or service or whether there across-the-board

charge for all undergraduates”. The third model is’based on fees for “computer intensive” courses. As it stands now, the proposal is encompassing both a general $60 fee plus $60 intensive” Per “computer course up to a maximum of $180 per term. The computer fee, coupled. with a five percent increase in

Co-Op fees, is an attempt to fee proposed for engineering offset costs for what “Dr. ’ students last spring. Wright feels are services _ According to Mf . . Allison unique to Waterloo, the that proposal was dropped quality of which cannot be due to a procedural found elsewhere. technicality. Contrary to charges made Nevertheless, Dr. Wright by Federation President Tom says the idea for such service Allison, Dr. Wright claims fees , has been around for . . F . . -__. that the ree IS not the same $60 about three years.

,’ -


Exam- access p’diicy .in works \ by J, A. Rezo necessary for students to view their exams. Dean Brodie Imprint Staff ’ believes it is easier‘for the students to know the mark because .For UW students, no policy regarding the viewing of final the sciences are not subjective. He also feels the. option for examinations exists, and opinions are divided on the issue. appeal is always open to anyone who feels they have been However, Ombudsman DeanNadon said that a policy is in treated unfairly. the drafting stages. He feels-that a sufficientnumber of students The problem was recently raised by Bruce Counts in his letter have experienced difficulties in this area to justify the creation to the editor entitled “Give Students, Access to Exams”. He of a policy. points out that students have no right to check their final exams This policy is being proposed by the Undergraduate. and that professors are not required to provide information on Operations Committee which is composed of associate deans ’ what will be covered or how it will be graded. for undergraduate studies from all the faculties and chaired by ’ Associate Dean of Arts,G. Griffin. Fed President Tom Allison acknowledges that no policy friend. . exists but believes one is important. He stated that students in by Carol Fletcher Math and Engineering have great problems in gaining access to Imprint staff When she returns home i Women at UW fear safely, she telephones exams. the Turnkey and is consequently The Dean of Engineering,W.C Lennox, is sympathetic to the walking home at night. For signed out. If the Turnkey problem. He believes it is good teaching practise to give a this reason a “Night Walk Service”, co-sponsored by-the marking scheme and a course outline. However, Dean Lennox does not receive a phone call pointed out that not many students have asked to see their finals they will call the woman’s Women’s Commissioner and the Campus Centre board’s home first, and then they will in the past. contact the home of . her He said that if there have been problems, he was not aware of Turnkey Desk, is now being friend. them. He wondered why it was University policy, which provided. ‘. requires all examination papers to be saved for a year, if it was According to Turnkey lf the woman cannot then not for students to see them. spokesperson Kim Klaudi, be contacted, the Turnkey wilk ’ The Dean of Arts,R.K. Banks,supports the students’desire to the program, workson a sign then contact the Regional Police, who are working in check their finals. His faculty is supporting the policy now . - in/ sign out basis. If a woman home after conjunction. with this is walking Dean Banks stated that@ his knowledge,they have not had a program. problem and would lihe anyone with a complaint midnight, she can sign her of this ’ name in at the Turnkey desk, All women at the university nature to come forward. The Dean of Science,D.E. Brodie and the Associate Dean for along with her phone number are encouraged to make use of Undergraduate Studies in Science, D.A. Brisbin,felt it was not and the name and number of a this new safety Program.

Escort program $0~ women



ImgGi.& is the student kwspaper at Ah8 smyersity of,. Wate+oo. It is an editorially independentz. newsp&per publisha by Itiprint l?+icatioqs, Wakerlqo, a corporatibn without. Bh&r6 capital.‘Imppint is a mekber of the Ontario CohmyniQr N&vspaperAssoclation (OCNA), and a ,rnwber. of -d&q ~.ersitjr Pr(CUP). -Imprint pxiblish& evev second Friday during the _:.S@ng term and every Friday during the regular ‘t@ms. 3hi.l; shstid -be addressed to “Imprint, C&mpu.s CentreV Boom 140, University of Waterloo, .W&erloo, OntaPio.? . ’



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Monday,-*February 4, 1985 I: 2:OQ pm:. ,@ditoriab 5:00- pm) JSditori+l Boar; \ 5:30 pm; Staff Meeting _ ? Friday,’ Noon:

when they c_an mobilize very powerful campaigns’ =:Federafion*elections\ typicallydraw on 30 -per cent .which actually reach the electorate, have won. ’ ‘*Why? ‘I Prdbably becauSe the .-- -’ of the electorate. presidential .- elections few ‘times in Federation personalities and the issues are either tin_known or _ “1’ . deemed unimportantto 70 per centof the electorate. history. So how is one to choose? It dgpends on wh& you. Candidates show up each year running on either want. If you want a Federation which iuns as is, “experien?e” (they’ve,been Fed hacks for a while), or requiring no attention on your part to either keep “It’s ‘ti& for’ a izhange”, (they’ve alwais been them on their, toes (they won’t ‘be on their ‘toes prevented from ‘being Fed hacks and are looking for \ anyway) or effect-any changes; vote fox expeyiet$e, their .chance). Typically the (already) Fed hacks win over the the trie&an@tested. ’ If you’ want something else, say you ‘want to get (would be) Fed h ac k s ’ . b ecause_ they know more in the Federation, or See changes effected ifi peoplb, and they’ve seen- several campaigns close . involved the muItmillion dollar corporation of which you-are hatid.--The people they know are the hocieti and club a member and which-you caninfluence, then s.uch a presidents and other ‘BMPC’s (big-men on campus) vote will certainly prevent this. ThQse th.at alrfzady like present Fed executive members who influence think they know, aren’t-usually<too keen to listen to significant blocs~ of voters. _I. Expenelide otten means arrogance, It means “I new ideas. Those, gn the other hand, who don’t know whit already know what’s going oh, please recognize my they’re doing, are bound to. be-seeking new ideas and superiority. I icnow what to say, wh,at &st to say, and new faces. If.you elect the? yoir can bet they’ll end when not to say it.” up ,‘:‘!earning on the jot&‘“#d making&me avoidable It’s time fori a change can be .translaied.as f : 1 It means “I don’t know what$going&, ’ Fibtakes. . “iijnorance”. So what-is there-to choose from? An experienced or‘ why, but that it’s somehow less than p&=fect, so establ-ishmen_t which has all the ansti&rs and is send me-to Council so I can set straight all thqse Qvho resistent to n w ideas or enthosiastic newcomess . think they.know, but tihose,perfotmance shows th,ey mistakes; dsn’t. What, experience I lack is made up for by * who will 3ne v(”itaply’ make %$tie -aqoidable but likely be open to n&w ideas? enthusiasm.** The choice becomes “status quo” on the one hand ignorance has its appeal, the newcomer candidate iision much the same level as t-he Fverage sludent, he ” or a? untested chance at unpredictable changes, for / cjobsn’t better or for worse on _the other. know what is going on. Such candidates, I 1 .rI

Editorial Editor


The right I

tu govern I .-

our.wive.r 1’ 1-



Board Clarke

Assistant Edit& - Nimet Mawji ‘Production Manager - Doug, Tait *Advertising Manager - Christopher‘Ricardo Scipio Advertising Assistant - Shayla Gunter N’ews Editors - T.A. Grier, Hilkka McCallum . Assistant News Editor - Gord. Durnin YArts Editors --Paul Hawkins, Debbi Pigeon Assistant-Arts Editor - Sally W&be Photo


SportsEditbr’ Assistant





Rob’ Stevenson






Graphics Editor - Janet Green Business Manager - Janet Lawrence Office Manager - Cameron Ariderson Head Typesetter,-T


Doug Thompson

- Angela



I ’


contributing st@ff L

‘i /. < .: , ‘I . : George Elliot Clarke, pbug Ta& Jw L&renoe, Christopher Rica&o Scipio, ~hnet ldtpj1 Tim Wier, Hilkka lbbOull~, Gord Durnln, Paul Hawkine, Debbi pigeon, Sally Wiebe, Rob Stewmson, Joa+ne Longly, Mitchell Ed@u-, Janet Green, Gameron anderson, Shayla Gmter, Doug Thompson, Jemu chyer, Anma Evane, Todd f3i3hmmr, Kireten schell, K.L. won& sonny Fhlla@q Chris Heelett, yayne 46orrfs, BliohalrdqreE$on, Len MokoE, Beth Kaatadt, Kelly Payne, Carol Howard, Mark Clung, Indeqiit Sodhi, Sean Dixon, Gillian Yin& Riohazd Mazk Clinton, Corinna Robitaille, RobeJeanne Zadow, Miohael A Provost, Debbie Thomas, D&rren B&fern, David Lawson, Preet Khalaa, Henry Berghuis, Yumin Syukur, Jeff Suggett, Ian Upton, Mike Blqnchazd, Yoehioka, Waterman, Catherine Eckenswiller, Mike Shocryla8, Jim Pravitz, Gary Shun, Andrea Imada, B&a&lo Padilla, Stephen Yotluk, Mflre Urlocker; &.uly Matthewe,paul Le.mbwt, Thomas White, Haqjit 8. Atwal, Patrick Hayes, James IQfS.eh, Jeny f IUf’ieh, Nathan Rudyk, Signy Madden, Dan Tremblay, Brad Hilderley, Alex Weaver, Michael McCool, Craig Uach, Janet Panabake ,r, Pets Cizek~Tim Perlich, Mark Ccmnolly, J.D. Bonser, Dave Sider, Chris Wodskou, Julie Smith, Bob Butts, JackKobayash.i,MUseUpmalis, SandqTown6end,AhabAbdel-a, 0~ Bus&, Bill SI+X%, Odgee Kasaglou, Maxmy Gittirman,.Brian Oliver, Peter Lawson, Joyce Sweat?nan, J.&da MoCord, John Zachariah, Steve Madbon,Julie Qeorge, Steve Grump, Lindsay Lcxinox, Cl+uiio Cac.cic&, Ruth Jbllti, Rob Clifton, Mathew Ingram, John Weber,Anna Marie Hubbard, Jeff TiflYn, Doris Prets, James Spyker, Carol Fletcher, Leslie Butler, Carlos Panksep,.Maureen Elliot, Josephine FUo, Patrick Paulik, Janine Clark Mike ‘S~o~AnnEvahs,RossMorrissey,Patti~e,LisaSarl/eant,SusanBurke, Sanjtqy Gael, Dan Kealey .

PhUip Gory, Ala,n



February 8, 1985 Staff Meeting




Imprint is happy to remind you that you can 20 words long, in the get a 1free Valentine, Valentiqe’s issue of rmprint Classifiedg, if you submit it to $e Idprint qffice by 3 p.m. today (Friday, February Z)..

To the editor: _ role in oppression. I have always remenibered these wise words. /In Nazi War Camps, the men pith the pink triangleswere the _ I do not understand why people like Mr. King feel so victims of abusive humiliatipn, painful tor’ture, and unrelenting threatened by gay men and women. Concerning his statements butchery. Within these horrifyig campsthere existed a prisbner on washroom sex, I agree it is an ugly issue but why does he class structyre of which the pink triangle’ r&presented the *become so obsessed with the topic. I have never heard of anyone “lowest of lows“. Quite often these pink triangles were. being sexually harassed in a washroo’ni. I am not denying that it happens but in the wa’shroom scandals the hidden cameras purposely made larger than the oihers so that they would stand out. For some reason the crimes of these men were beyond and revealed adults willingly’ committing acts. Also, the me‘n far greater than other crimes. involved were married- a’nd had no contact with the gay For m&y gay men and women the.oppression lives on. They community. Yes, it is titib that these meh stop committing acts. , axperience blind hatred, insulting language, job insecurity, in public washrooms .a’nd parks. It is Also time that the oppressive value judgements and blatant condemnation of gays negative self-image and unsuccessful _attempts to become “straight”. ‘Because of this senseless oppression many are forced in olir society is terminated. to go through life-concealing their secret. Their secret ist’called A friend of mine told m_eonce that a few of liis friends turned sin by the religious, criminal by the-courts, a disease by medical gay at university. People do not “turn” gai - homosexual orientation is established at an early age before the element of / personnel and, perverted by society in general. choice has occurred. Some homdsexuals choose to accept this When I think of persecution, I also remember something-mygrandfather told m‘e. He was an amazing individual but most chnose to deny it only because of th’e immense who experienced pain mpst of his life because he was a severely disadvantages assqciated with being gay in a “straight” society. infected hem,ophiliac. He told ‘ge that, “God al.ways favours the .Miybe washroom sex appeals to this latter group bicause it involves no do+mitm&&, no complications, or even better, it underdog and that it is up to the powerful to ackngwledge their doesn’-t demand acceptance of -one’& self. What really concerns me is the vicious attacks people like King make upon a harmless minority group simply because he is part of.the majority. I.quote him, “32 people were sickened to discover” that Zeke Gerrard had returned and . was stilf “ramming stuff down their throats.” (Like Peace, man:! What, he . took a’survey? He h& 32 f riends? And whose throat is being rammed? Poor Steven’s?) King depicts gays as, “Sex-starved me,ntally deranged homosexual perverts” who hunt down and *‘molest children. Steve Xing, please. immediately look up the word Provincialism. Go. (You must be’from my hometown) The more I think about this, the:more I know-your (sic) wrong: The -majori,ty of child molesters are from the straight majority - it _only makes sense. The more I look at your article, King, the inore frustrated I become realizing that I’ve bothered to respond to something so idiotic. I hope there are some better replies that really nail you to the wall. Jbhn Meyers


to Steve

light Kind


by Zeke Gerrard (a pseudonym) Iri his- letter to Imprint last week,. Steve King cl@rn+ I have ~ “blatantly” contradicted. myself. :tHow can private actsoccurin *public places?‘, he asks, suggestir@h$ I am “confLsed”. :His charge’ depends first of all on what, actually haptins tier! Fen have sex in 8 washroom. The Vast majority of acts tSk9 ptace &hind the locked ddo? ?f individual stalls, when there is nobody else in the washroom. Regardless of the narrow, legal definition, to rn? the absence of observeti implies ‘privacy. Secondly, the claim hinges upon what I mean by the “right to use public facilities without being confronted by sexual activity”: I consider this tight infringed when a +nan inadvertantly witnesses an act, say of fellatio or masturb&ion, which he does not want to ’ see. -Confrontation in this s&se is-&ceptionally rare because the men are so anxjous to _avo@i~etectiop;~~activ&y sJops. abruptly when a third man is hard ent’eping ?he-tishr&ti. <5 a ! Steve is free to,beliye that “confrontation’l with sexual activity occurs when the witness become$aware that the washroom has #a“bad rep&&ion”, which is ab&t ‘@e only way tiashrooti s& would “aIways’* violate his rights, but,he should not assyme‘this is my .position. The balance between the prevention of public _ offence and the preselvation.of individual freedom is a m&er of opiriion about which Steve and I can argu& until we turn’blue in the face, but my position, though perhaps immoderate, is not selfcontradictory. ’ Steve writes “if the latter (heterohexual intercourse iri public washrooms) happened frequently, I.couid start to see some merit in your arguement (sic).” How much heterosexual intercourse takes place at drive-in theatres, Steve? Which is more private, a cubicle or 4 car? why can’t straight teenagers “just fornicate in private like most other NORMAL humans?” “As for integrating their sexual activity into their lives, I don’t believe washroom sex is the way to do it”. Nobody said it was, Steve. Washroom sex is closet sex. People who are openly gay .don’t need the washrooms; most gay men- do “fornicate in private”. But men who are trapped bythe prejudi,ce in our &ciety don’t have options; they have nowhere else to go. The solution is to give gay people rocim to grow 5~sg28ypeople. Steve, if you want your opinions to be treated with more 1 respect, at least make a token effort to get the facts. I’m referring to your belief that certain structural changes to washrooms “may increase ‘acts upon mino& by sex-starved mentally deranged homosexual perverts. . . .” That% just plain malicious garbage Steve. The truth is that a disproportionately large number of child molesters-are heterosexual men. jn fact, a recent PBS documentary on child molestation states- that a gay neighbourhood is one ofthe &f&t places to bring up children, because “on the whole, they (gay men) al;en’t involved ,in the sexual abuse of children:‘. OK ,Steve? L .

by Doug ‘I’hompgoh

II boring=- > -,_.L?_,-. i; -6

‘ -

I, . 2 /*’*

Being a don’this year I’m really seeing a change in the Village life and in first year students altogether. The “kids” this year are so concerned with their marks that they are neglecting their. social,life and meeting new friends. This is evident in pub attendance both in the village and on campus. ‘University faculty advisors have used the scare tactic on these students stating.that if they-don’t get a certain-percentage they’ll beput on _~probation, or worse, k’icked o’ut. Students now spend all week and weekend. studying like mad, to- meet their department’s standards. If that isn’t bad enough, &de&s rush-home every . aweekend ‘and Waterloo has now been‘nickna’med “‘the-suitcas’e miversity”.. In my. time, we only went home for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. We loved the Village*andbventCto every party put on. The morale and excitement of residence life is slowly fading out., ’ Village attendance is droppijng and there must be -a*reason why. I think it is partly hecatiie of the’dhange from fu&dving fresh to serious-mitided.stude&s. This sudden ch&ee to.reveal a new irpage of residence life jyst isn’tXworkivg. Peo&<can live ‘off-campus if they want to study. Residence life u&d to mean .pariying, spcializing, and meeting’new friends. It jus‘t isn’t that way anymore. Professors and faculty alike should take a close. lbok at what they’re doing to this university. The over-emphasis on professionalis~v is killing .one af the main reasona students move away to university ,-. to practice their independence and . become an adult. Waterloo must_ mix work with play. Weheed both. Ot-herwi$e we’ll soon b@knbwn is tl&‘ni&t ‘boriner’ ‘1university in Canada. Susan.Eluchok-

_Radi,cal Christianity


,Village To th& editor:‘.

- A ‘diffi+nt

ES ’

Sonpbox iS a feature intended as a forum for individual Imprint staff X &mbers to express their opinions.




To the editor:


’ ’



, . doing us a favour’by playing ’ their obscure music as if they My-friends and I were_ all-_. are on a missiun from God. . enthusiastic about the idea of Now that we’have a’pub the having a pew pub on campus. size of the Turret, why is it so We were looking forward to difficult to get similar music? , ‘finally having a pub with lots We are sure that there are -of seating, a big dance floor many of you otit there that. and good music. Unfortunateegree ‘with us about the lacklof ly, Fed Hall only has the first danceable music at the -Fed , ttio. Judging by the music Hall, so -please. write to the that was played at the “Video Federation of Students and ’ Dance” party on January 17, complain, or else nothing will tve are still be condemned to chapge. the same nameless, mindless Bob Gei _ r undanceable robot &sic that .4B Science .: the Bombshelter has become AndFew Hubberstei : infamous for. _’ Most of *the 4B Biology ‘music playsd was so obscure Al H&u-y that there were ~0 -videos for 4B Ph+s ’ ‘2. it! When it was pointed out to Rob Skidmore ’ the DJ that the dance floor was 1B Science ’ emptying out, his response Virginia Mielke was simply “Tough!” 3B Fine Arts What really infuritates us Murthy Suryam 4 dare the DJ’s that think they are 4B eath . -


Xadical Christianity? A contradiction in terms? For tha? fradition within Christianity which . has emphasized quintesssentialconsetivatism; the word radical hardly iits. ‘But how e&n the ‘followers of the man who was executed as ~ ti dangerous subversive on charges of blasphemy and inciting febellion ever authentically be anything but radical? Commenting on the life the apostle.Paul, an Anglicari prelate once reinarked, “Everywhere Paul went, there were riots; he was put in prison, or beaten, or stoned, or driven opt of town. Everywhere I go, tea is served.*’ On Jesus Christ’s cross wa$ hung the sigri “this is the. king of .the Jews.” Radical? No, it’s an outrageous claim for a. carpenter’s son in an occupied country.And so hevas scourged, crucified and buried. Bu’t;three days later ris mourners fixid and emptb tomb! On that mording of .he third day, one of his motley,band of followers, Mary my name, a former prostitute out of whom Jesus had cast seven devils,‘ runs to his band of disheartened disciples shouting with joy, “He is risen!” Radical? No. It’s a completely outrageous insult to intelligence. Even his disciples, tliose’ with whom hehad lived, and preached and worked for three years, didn’t believe Mary - not until they person&lly encountered the Risen Lord. He had been teacher, pastor, friend, healed, prophet and sage. His death had shattered the hopes of those lookingto him tis the expected and hoped for leader of a national liberation movement against the Romans. - But in_ his ‘resurrection, he became Lord for all men, Lord of Life triumphant over detith itself, Son of God, Mighty Counsellor, Everlasting Father, the /Prince of Peace, just‘ as Isaiah had foretold half a millenium before. !n most of today’s churches, it is hard to get a sense of: II the ,exuberant, joyous energy &wit& . which that: disheartened rag-tag btina of fisI#&&eng tad-isollectors and mystics which were his disciples, spearheaded a religious, moral, +ethical, economic and political transformation of their> civilization within - a few centuries. Christianity was so radical, the Roman gdvernment,found it dangerous and threatening. SSerions attempts were made to exterminate it. But I.every atempt, at persecution on1.v swelled the ranks of belikvel?s ai- the ;ncommmitted,hatched the faithful joyously respond to * niartyrd-om ‘&her than utter the simple statement * “Caesar‘is’Lord” which was often all that was required to j avoid persecution. “What,” people wondered “could motivate men, women: nnd even children s’o powerfully and enable them to face . +‘a cruel death +with jby ?” Such a belief warranted a second4ook, It was too outrageous to igtiore. While TV evangelists may make you ill, and church’ services may tend to put you to sleep or juqt leave you feeling uncomfortable, when you strip away the 2,000 odd years of encrusted tradition arid accumulated misimpressions atid look long and hard at what the church of Jesus Christ. is still saying ‘today; it remains, at‘ heart, as outrageous as ever. To be continued next tieek.

Gornqr: on logic ? bymvid=BrBwman


I :;::

._, rl

._, i.. . I’ : 25 edition of Imprint,

. =,

In hiq letter printed in the- January ’ Mr.Steve King pleads &ith Zeke Cerrard to ‘:put.-some ltigiical thought’ jntb his riext piece of &Fifing. Obviously, ’ this individual ha&a corner on the ltigic concession: what cduld4je tiartilagical than burningthings that dffend-$tiu? ’ It would seem that Mr. King has never.confr0nte.d that awful day when one re&zes that one’ cannot find peace @ mind + relationships with the opposite sex. Consider (if* you can consider, Mr. King) what_that feeling must be like. The *panic in finding that you aren’t “NORMAL”, tlie, shame one feels for going against the status quo. These, “sex-starved mentally deranged homosexual perverts”1 a&human beings, youschmuck, with feelings, values and! motials. What right do- you have for accusing the - entire ‘homosexual community for child molestation? Half of the children iri the US and ‘at least. a third of Canadian children have been abused s6xually at some time. Are all. these kids molested by faggots? Not likely, Mr. King, -1nsttid;feature your own parents, your minister, your next-door ‘,neighbours. ’ A:i;i 1i@tatjn$ you, Mr,. King? I hope so, for your kind of kneek]erk,.feay of %he unknown sickens me. I’m not asking . you-tg fellate oi godomize, jbst try to understand. .. T&M& are tither. ways of life than your ‘own. Some of . the+ are bettef (some people can read newspapers and not . be provoked :to violence), some of them are horse. If you suddenly find yourself preferring male partners to female, remember the fury in your letter. Pray that Catherine Saint (is @e connected to Heaven, one wonders?) doesn’t splash you with gas, “to take corrective \ measures”.

‘from- every’munded $dge of the &th and w imitate the dress of every nation known to us. Y6t m expect our lnuit tidon their dyed feathers .’ Culkltg! insp+$ors from the MulticultLzal Ifisplection setice hati nnd carve their primitie art iA the ntime of “p&culture” unmarred by determined that the presentation of wt$e Angk&axon heritage is being ’ an$. absociation with other races. We, sit back and tell them that their threaten&by the presence of progress. Thus, they have recommended head-dress I* geriuifie ofi th&n when we would-never consider strongti thzit all white Angk&axons’r&um immediately to’&ck Creek wearing cotton b&nets .or felt cowboy he all the ,time. We even build pioneer Village where their cultural roots shall be maintain@ $for tJlem a special gh&+ Mere they can propagate their mudh desired < ./ .- The Service also urges that all whites ,give up electrici&. central @lie face. -heating, t;eleirision,.,designer c&hing, and microwaves ed ret&~ to the, But,, true io c&e; the ‘Inuit on :the Reservations h&e .develo;;Jed a “tiimp$ life” of taking heated bricks- to. bed and lighting the ho& each distinct way of life: Barter, Booze and Bigotry. day with 26 tallow candles and donning fo.ur lqms of clothing to keep The only proffi tobe made,on the resenmtions is selling rations of d@y out the -4OGill: free cigarettes outside of the kFn&ions @auSe as special.citizens ’ Alas, iibd, cultural maniacs 4>fthk world, the Multicultural Inspection they are exempt from prdvincial tax. Alcohol is not only the favourite ’ &&ice does not exist in name,’ but is embodied as\.the Federal pastime, it$ a nec&&y obses$on to avoid facing the- ,realiies .df Govem+nt’s lnuit Rights program. 1 I ieservation life. Ahd muirh more to the polite. muffled gasps! ti the “Obviously, for most whites and other Canadians, electricity takes &erage .~liberal-humanitarians, ,the lnuit are ; oVe:@ly sexist. SO prededence over -candles. But if we, and ot@+r ethnics,, shun our discrimination is “ot only the affliction of the modem white rate. ‘< -“culture” because of its b@&ard and harsh ways, why do we sfiil, Brit we still likeAt dreamabout, the good old days, so we give-them ghe&@ze the Inuit and use-their *ogres&e culy~ as ? game shdw to -planned urban ~resenmtion with the most minimal; of,md&m ,comfort, ’ entertain all us wh’* liberals?. and ask-them to p&ad& for us in return. Nowond+,t&e’ir children grow L Webme had-a. pioneer life+yle, they on& & i’hu&ing l&e&& We’ up hating white people, nobody on the reservatibnshas a concreteideal - weren’t satisfied f$h thzft culture, weui;ai&d t6 be+wafirl, $o &6 the of self&fficiency, thus they +k7to the &te to‘presenre the c#ttire that necessiyes of, life without endless toil, so we ‘progressed. ‘was fQrc& dn them ever since the Catholic missionaries of @o centuries ‘f It ii-rust&e $&heevilnature of a hum@tarjan,&he~ did’thby find that _ ago..taugh ’i :&em piian sh@hand instea~d’-9fa rnirfe useful langpa& name)-which enCOURlged Other I’KeS -to I, g0 .~&rdb@f h? tOFtyMlS .I $ke.E@i& or ~~~~~~~ I),motions’of’aritiqu~@j culture while we r&ain safGI@iti &i&&?dge.that We gave t&r;; th&i@& PiTa4%%$ V&& hnd-&&da! status. E&w4 denzthe tour of the lnuit Resenmtion is over,:we .&n. sit back in our i made.them such &xcepti&i$ to-the tylefhatth.@y ijlre &vJmsei o@&al @ather *oyer&uffed chairs and’ watch. Knowlton .Naeh on- the tube. 5 -idaion. Just&&ause their ci~kure is f&&@ and .mysti&i to us,$s *: ,Bu$ w too have cultuw of a‘mpdem sort. We appreciate fine fo6ds fib less h&h and useless than the A;lglo-Sa;ioh CLature was to. pd'iVhiteS. 0 .A ~. x_ .by #-Iilk&





To the‘editor: consideration ,or proper graves in’ northern Israel. She evaluation df the salient facts. * Once again Jim Kafieh has clal”med tha,t some of the chosen to educate Imprint’s With this definition. my missing Pgleslinians from the ’ readers as to the pliiht of the point is easily made. Has Jim Lebanese war ha:d been Palestinians in the Middle once admitted to a single fault , secretly buried there. She East. Jim’s eloquent writing on the part of the Palestinian ’ -continually referred- to the or the Arab *world? Has Jim. “documentary style in combination with evidence” that done anything but phnt Israel photographs. of smiling she had submitted to Amnesty as _the devil incarnate? He shildren make for an International. .A visit ta A.I.‘s pre&nt+ the issue from one i2motiotially, appealing, head office in England showed :’ presentation. Jim’s many side (only and refuses _to that the “documentary articles published over the ’ consider 6hy alternate views, evidence” she talked about l&St few mont-hs emphasize retreating / to Such silly consisted only of unpublished statements as “the PLO are . the &Lerable situation fhat magazine articles, containing using options that they feel .p no more information t;he Pale.stinians find’ that she are the only ones open to t%mselvesin. Nonetheless, I had given in her talk. feel compelled to submit this ..- them” when discussing PLO Amnesty International, the l&‘ter as it ,is clear.that Jim’s terror *attacks. He totally United Nations High Commisignores the ,fac.t that NO YrticlFs are nothing more than sion for qeftigees, and the ,.Palestinian reader. has EVER meie propaganda. ,,: ’ Internatiotial Bed,Cko& have ‘, Prqpaganda is the presentaseriously at*tempt.ed to talk ‘I all. ,lo&edJntq th’e $egation$, tlon :of:aI;p,Qint of: ,view that is about peace and co-existance and have ail concluded- that deliberately u&a?lauce& ;iigd with Israel. . they are unfounded. This misleading. Jim isn’t restricting. his ,It, is the, information was all easily propaganda to this school presentation of’ only one:side Available .tit the time Ms. o:f an lissue and serves:, the L year/ Last spring Jim brought Kohns spoke oencampus. Jim, purpose of convincigg nthers) Tamara Kohns, a journalist,?o however, chose not to verify -01 the validity of an argument speak qn campus. She. had her findings befqre inviting @thoutLallowing for objective found 40 allegedly unma&ed her. 3 7t

To the editor: In ‘answer to%the three letters (Jan 18) which were written about ~3 article “Faith in God vs. Science” I’d like 10 emphasize again that man does have a free choice to believe in the word of. Cod70r the opiriions of man. Today the infallibility, of science and fallibility of the Bible are taught. ’ Mr. Montgomery’s rebuttal was based on gravitation and Ca[ileo’s >$bservations. He- disrbgarded, however, that the movement of the sun around the earth &QI be observed daily. The law of gravity, which endows mat!er with attraction over a distance, ,merely represents this motioh‘ mathematically in combination ‘ivith other Newtonian laws. But the ,mechanics -of Newton depend on reference positions of the “fixed star’s’:-which are imaginary: Since a fixed position cati not - be, demonstratedin the universe by the gravitation hypothesis, neither 1 fixity nor mobility of the earth is demonstrable through mechanics. j Einstein generalized both gravity and3eference frames for motion in his _theory of relativity, in which the light. speed measured lon or close to the earth is the limit of all motidn. He endorsed the Coperni’can movement--vf the earth, which was ori&inally conceived by ‘Aristarchos in antiquity, since other&is: gtars moved relative to the earth way above,his speed limit. <Today; d&ant galaxies travel nkar light speed: and as mbre heav’enly bodies are- scientifically discovered it will- be impossible to arrange the relativistic kinematics of the heaveqs witlio’ut exheedin&this,speed. Mr. Hamel appears to th?nk that the.dual nature of light is the only.geatparad& sf science.- As indicated above, thk fixed stars and the Speed.limit for all motion are also paradoxical. - Another great paradox is the disdr+te and~cont@&& theoryaf “matter.\ The” ,former ‘hqlds that visible ‘matter consists of invisr”ble ,atoms with are. gosay empty, whereas; the. latter represents matter as contintious’and without empty spaces. Both theories- have be& erified by massive experimental data, and thus both are physical ,s&ie+ce. The argument that one’is more prdbable is meaningless, a& statistics dependon the type of data obtained, and the so-called photographs of atoms are a product of nuclear technology. ’ Mr. Wilke writes: “As man progresses, it is only,right that’his concept of God should also change.“, Men, women and children change their minds about Goa daily. But the God of the Bible never changes, for He s&d to Moses: “I AM THAT I AM.” Jesus told,his disciljles that the trtith hq to be rekealed by God to man and not vice irersa. < J. Schroeder I Civ. Eng. Dept.

Jim delights in quoting Israeli and Jewish figures who disagree withwhat he perceives to bq; the status quo or accepted point of view in Israel. If I had the inclination, I too could provide quotes, though from Palestinians who disagree with the standard Palestinian line. But what purpose would it serve? It would only underline the fact that the 3ssue is a complicated one, and that there are. many opinions.as to its causes and solutions. Every few weeks, readers of Imprint are subjected ti0.a onesided and distorted yiew of L t:he plight of the Palestinians. I Such ,journalism is not-up to -.:the. standards. wo’rthy af university student attention I and should not be Published ’ mless this view can be ‘?Fesented in a more b&lanced, I _ more fair manner. itephen D. Noar J. D. Engineering

you, much of your credibiliti know anv better. I must admit though, that I ‘& the-qditor: What “kind ’ a;f “humour” ,, has been lo&. . You have’ 1 I For ihe most, park the’ ’ .wa& thoroughly ‘disgusted ‘&&nstrated to us, you6 lack with y&r-Dec. 7,1984 issue of, depicts Reagan as a ln&cotic ‘Imprintis an enjo$able p<et df junkie. w.ho c&se? at his wife of creativity, your inability to. I tbelieve that. “Dimprint:: my -__Friday lunch:*- ti-me. , ; express yourself -with wbrds ‘with words to6 vulgar to Generally well wpitten. and, hundreds .or -‘p&si’bl,y. w-orthy pf universityrepeat? What are the whims of thousands of other stq;dents adequately researched,’ the .intellig\ence, and the eletient, warping the characters of our’ _ feel the same as I doregarding 3qxpl”‘riit staff has displayed at ary level of your, humour. One .your so ’ c~lled+%umourous” 6 prime tiinister and his -wife? least a modest capability of ,What enjoyment is ‘found ii _. Gain Only codtide that . editidn;of $he student ,paper. devti,loping a universit$paper w,j,th- base, ~gwthj&f ,iqqmw& frdfn and On... *I’i&re %ccaSiOn s ,haS -niy reading an artihle on g-he @reoccupati6n4 :-intellige,nce -been so insulted. different linguistic .u&es of- a sexuality and character k educated sector in our society. devastatiqn go,t the best,of you Our@?de.eight dressing room Hopefully you can contitie to “four letter word” too crass .during press’yres of.,December_I demonstrate y’our schogarl”y . witnessed ..bizarr’ed [si-5) upon, which to elaborate? ‘Is $@pab.ilities intelligence, but t,hen ye could I this the kindofjournalism yo:qj, ,~~~x!m!* -this co*in-g ,,J’ 1 b8 excused: @nc”e we didn’t sefiester. repregent? Unfortun$e!y fbr;,,,@@ Loawen I _ ._i ’ t

I .




Exotic Tonight

\ 380‘Weber <.






St. W. ’ 5~7-64470 *

Tues.-Fri. 11-l 0 p.m. S@ 4~30 p.m.-IO p.m. Sub 4:30 p.m.-9’p.m. . \ ,


Soapbox h a feature intended as a forum for individual Imptint s&f mcnibers to express their opinions.


Put : religion back on the streets by D&en Redfern I’ve got to be honest with you. When I got up atnine Sunday morning to watch religion on the tube, I wasn’t expecting much. I’d been assigned to write on airway evangelism and I already had very low expectations. I’m the typica’ agnostic who believes that. organized ’ religion is bunk. So it was to ,my great surprise that I found some of the programs had merit. No, they did’n’t sway my “beliefs(?)“; it’s just that some of them weren’t as .-offensive-as / I had forseen. I

, ix To the editor: If is hard to know whether ornot to respond to a column such as Carol Fletcher’s soapbox effort oflast week. Becauseit is so incoherent, I have no doubt that most ,people will discount Ms. ’ Fletcher’s article as the .ravings of a typical anti-American hysteric. Nevertheless, I cannot resist taking issue with some of her column’s more odious assertions about the United States, What justification does Ms. Fletcher have for saying “After his (President Reagan’s) innauguration (sic) we are all going to need God’s blessing.” It seems to me that the free world’s fortunes have taken a turn for the ‘better ever since Ronald Reagan has become president. Since not only the industrial democracies, . but many developing countries benefit-from a 6brant American economy MS. Fletcher has no economic justification for her claim. Militarily, the Reagan administrtation has taken the necessary steps to restore America’s conventional and nuclear deterrence capability. Parity and deterence are-the cornerstones of peace in this nuclear age. The Reagan administration’s defence policies have done more to ensure our future survival than all the legions of banner-waving ,pacifists could ever possibly hope to achieve. Maytbe we should be praying instead for salvation from critics such-as Ms. Fletcher who cannot tolerate a country as generous, proud and free as America. God save us from the arrogance of those people such as Carol Fletcher who pretend to know what is best for all the rest of us. Even after three months, the results of the Novmber (sic) elections do not sit well with the Fletchers of this world. Appproveof their decision or not;Carol, the American electorate could choose -their leaders~-freely., Unfortunately, today’s worldis\overrun by totalitarianism, and. most people do not get that choke. The fact that Americans enjoy so-many freedoms (more even than Canada or the U.K.) is a legitimate source of pride to its citizens. The generosity of America to the third world is second to none. American resourcefullness and innovation have given /

the United States an economy that is the envy of the world. With +. all that to be grateful for, who can fault Americans for indulging in self-congr’atulation ? Undoubtedly, patriotism and-a sense of unity as a country play a large part in the success story that is the United States. Why does a united and confident America bother Ms. Fletcher so much?- Does she have any concrete reasons for her dislike of America, or is she merely bigoted -no different than a Nazi who spreads hate literature against Jews. In addition to having her delicate sensibilities offended by “Grown men with big hands and big feet, killing each other on the field for hundreds of thousands of dollars.“, poor MS. Fletcher had to put up .with all kids of Air Force and Marine recruiting commercials too. If Ms. Fletcher was so upset by s what she was seeing, couldn’t she change the channel or turn the I. - TV off?. Possibly Ms. Fletcher would like to see a return of the draft in order to enhance her viewing enjoyment of subsequent Superbowl games ? With an all volenteer (sic) army, one must advertise for soldiers just like any other employer. Since more than half of young American males were watching the Superbowl, American armed forces were spending their recruiting money wisely. Given the Pentagon’s reputation for reckless spending, such an effective uae,of American taxpayer’s money deserves praise - not condei&ation.Surely Ms. Fletcher abhors waste by the “evil Pent&on Military 2 Industrial (sic) Complex”? Altho.ugh I cannot accept Ms. Fletcher’s opinions, she has just as much right to express them as I do. All I can hope foris that she will take a more unjaundiced view of,America in any future * 5 submissions that she makesto Imprint’s Forum page. When MS. Fletcher -can, rise above her visceral dislike of America, its leaders and its culture, she will g&n far greater credibility withme, As it stands now, Ms. Fletcher’s vile Soapbox column of last week is Fnothlng more than an excellent example of anti. h American hate literature: ’ Randy Arthrir 3A 6% _ * . / -

T,o the editor!’ I - Ever since I arrived back on campus,‘I’ve mad;!; a point tc ) read ‘Stand Up. .*. Be a Woman”. it is refreshing to see someone _-standing up and speaking out for, something thai they believe in. I must commend Hilkka McCallum for her outspoken devotion to- ,w.omer& rights.’ Surely dry humour and blind attacks -. towards males will help her accomplish her goals. Speaking out ; about one,‘s beliefs is. honourable but, let’s face it, we must first “-1&art’out with.an honourable belief.‘1 don’t want anyone to think .: Fm a male chauvinist pig, because I’m noti “‘So’me :of my best - : ‘friends are’fem&le’?I just feel thatI,,fiiiVe t6”‘McCallum’~ as I see “- , -\ . &:,&em, ‘h -‘: ‘;.D. .“:.Z’ ,i ‘II.I be:l.iev~f~tIw;bm,eu are dur ehua&.. ‘l&t I’disagree with the ‘-‘+-:‘methods’ *,& x _ \ ,‘iu$&d in:~tr’ying, to *gain eq.t$lity,. If’s woman believes ’ ,. @at she ins.a ,,ma’$&e&ial (or bett&),+he,sh.ould prove it- - not just stand up end bitch.aboua.~o~.rrou’~TShe has’ it in’ a<m$$s I 1. _-’ world. This haslea.d (sic) to backward steps for Women’s Lib.If., s -,~~~~,..&~.(-.‘r‘, -9;...‘T, *you rem.e’m~er”* @’ $ears- ago, women were the undisputed ,, ‘1 ’ champions in cooking und having-babies. Today, with the help of Cl&boy-ar-dee, - Colonel. Sanders. .-and Ronald McDonald, ‘ 1t As far as c 1 F women are ,now second when it-comes to cooking. having’ babies go, (sic) modern-sciehce is making great strides. .’ 1L . Look out girls, here come the test tube kids. So you see Hilkka,. .-you had better get-working or those make chauvenists (sic) out - there-will end up winding. A wad to the wise, and Hilkka, the ’ 1, ~only result t hat !‘Stand Up, . Be a Women”‘(sic) column is having - is turning ,we believers in equal rights -away. c. 1. : I have y,et to see a woman be insulted~ when a man opens a door for her, Qr when the man stands to the-si&&llowing her to enter 1 _ first. Chivalry isnot dead, and in m.y experQ&ce I’ve cometo the _ 1 1 , conclusion-thatmost women are glad. So-I must appologize (sic) !-fornot being a blind follower-of Hilkka-McCallum, @ut until we 1 men are convinced that women truly want equality, ‘and:don’t ;“.;vKant.to.j.us~pay lip service-to it, I’m afraid equality will never be ’ -, &,jp,.F:~ . 1 -tNo‘men :are not. equal to-men. Bythis I don% mean that men ar.e r .: better, all- I, mean is (that differences do -exist and should be l-t ‘recognized, The two sexes should not strive to be “equal” but 1 : . should strive ‘totexcel at whatever they choose. If they were Ia L meant to be equal, then God would have created Adam and -_ of Adrian and Eve. .,Emie, . !‘ ,Womenss 1’ Liberation organizations.. have achi%ve.d 1 tremendous victories over the past few vears. Insurance-rates : for women have gone up due ‘to*& increise in women involved in accidents, the number of worn& tak&gdrugs and;drinking , 1t excessively is rapidly increasing while- their life expectancy is I decreasing. Keep it up ladies; maybe someday you’ll surpass I . us I 1 3,” tiwYS* iFred Saghbini , ‘3.4- Ch. 1 , 1



The shows could be loosely grouped into four categories ’ as follows, rated by the reactions they brought out in me.-. Hearty Applause - The first group consists of real life services-in actual churches,‘ones that don’t try to sell you anything. For the most par&these were local shows, on low budget and poorly taped; but they were impressive. They had great gobs of heart and were full of religious 1’ meaning. There’s no reason why these -shows can’t take ‘, the place of going tochurch for those who can’t make it physically. . Turn up thi Sound - This section contains all the . programs that are made up entirely of singing. Anywhere from one to three dozen well dressed, attractive-people standing fin pastoral scenes mouth the words to your _, favourite vhymns. I can’t believe it is them that _are actually singing; they’re all too good looking.. But all in all, this format isn’t bad - meaningless and ,harmless. 4 Turn back to Bugs Bunny*-?hese are what I call the desktop shows. For 25 minutes, some smooth talking minister sits behind,a desk, quotes scripture, explains the meaning of life and tries to save you. And then, inevitably, for the last five minutes he lasks you for .contrfbutions to his church. You know the type, for a gift ,’ of $1430 we’ll send you this autographed copy of the. new testament. Blow up the TV -This is the group you’ve all been waiting for; the Bible-thumping,:miracle making, moneybegging hucksters. I don’t want you to think I approve of these guys because I really don’t. Theirs is the fare best, suited for buttered popcorn and watered down sodapop. They hide behind the mantle of thechurch and prey on the .’ desparate and lonely. They don’t sell products: they sell salvation. I saw one woman sayshe‘gave whole bunches of money to one evangelist and God came and helped her. with herfinanc-ial.career. Wow, a whole new meaning.for _j “Give ;and yau shall receive’:. Put, your hand&, on :the television set-and feel the power of the Lord, Send,your. :-. .-donations to the address on the screen., Mastercard and ,’ Visa accepted. Overall, it was a worthwhile experience for me. I found out that there is such a thing as quality religious j. programming and my opinion that religion shoul,dxbe I: tyken out of the livingroom and put ba@caonto the streets was strengthened.. ,; ..

Canadian Association for Adult Education ecognizes the importance of educational opportunities for adult learners. Established m 1935, and now in it’s 56th commemmorative year, the Association’s main goal is the promotion of learning opportumtres for Canadian adults in the fields of employment, citizenship and cultural development Our volunteer organization is working hard to voice the concerns of adult learnersacross Canada. Working together, we are supportrng existing programs of adult education and speaking out on matters of joint concern, Whether you’re pickrng up or enrolling in a night tour mg are a part of your life, a

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in. one ” will be -available at each site,. and live entertainment, : . Impossible? ranging -from steel. bands to . Yes, but Uw’s Cuftural fashion shows to martial arts ;Caravan will be bringing the demonstrations, ,will, -be world to you nex$ ,Ffiday, . provided. ’ + ,February 8th. j ’ I r ii @‘review. of the .one-dayt The caravan ’ is modelled only caravan j is planned. to after Toronto’s annual event, offer a sampling of what to and will have nine licenced ‘expect. ’ The preview will be pavilions representing Africa, L held in the Campus centre _-the Cari bbian, China, France, just before the event. -’ -; Greece, India, .I$orea; gouth; -.,,,The sponsor:; of the event, East Aisa, and the Ukraine; 3hkGraduate Student set up- at various sites around :“.A:ssociation and the -: Federation of Students, hope campus. One passport, available for _ that this pre’view ._ _ will competitioti *s$wnscwed @y Craven “A “, a cigarette comban., two dollars in the Fed Office, demonstrate that the cultural exhibits are well worth the $2 during’ ,Nationo,,-Nort-;Srnb~~~g tWeek. ~ allows entry to all pavilions. - J.. , I b ~. %npfint photo .b$ Brian ‘Oliver Traditional food.:ahd drink price tag. -.__ . .’ 1 . _’ ’ -day?

3rd yr. E.S. ‘It’s c&d and windy, and walk@? between - .Jurgen Vandervelden glasses is a chore. . I 2BR.in.’ ( ’ >I ’ If I had a good answer ._ c . I -\ s ” to ,this stupid quest. -xl I ’ w&ld& be

available j . The following Winter ‘85 To , code a sociological $&dent -As@&nt, Archit- white photographic process. , part-time positions are still questionnaire. Rate of p.ay: ecture: Senior Architecture Must be congenial and $4.00 to 6.00/ hr, depending, - student capable available and - full-time of good- , reliable. Rate of pay: $4.00. on experience. ~ students interested .in these architectural draftmanship. Student Planner and ,positions should apply for Morning Staff Worker - To make ink drawings in Programmer, Chemistry: * them in the Student Awards Cambridge and .District connection with research on Third of fourth honours Office, second floor; Needles Assoc. for the Mentally Japanese towns and villages. chemistry-, student. Planning -1 Hall: Retarded: Interested in the )- &udent Assistant, Chemisand ~rograr$$#r& computer L St. Paul’s _ field of mental retardation; try; Third or ‘.fourth year packages ‘:for Chemistry .Bookkeeper, I College: Good bookkeeping ability to deveQ$,.a friendly ,Chemistry-. mst-udent, Testing -‘“students, ’ to use in their skills and legible handwriting, ‘and caring attitude1an.d abtlity ,and developing detailed undergraduate courses.-kate familiar with a one-i;v?rite writeups, of 4nstructions for ; ,of .pay:‘, $6.00/ hr. to operate emerg’ency . system an asset. Rate of bay: ’ equipment. Primary reipons; new undergraduate .lab : Unless ‘<otherwise stated Lall ibilityto assist each resident in . experiments. Rate of pay: ,SS.SO/ hr.% . positions are paid at the rate . gt~y$) &a:‘--, &:t-r,y . :P e r s 0 q , :c: their personal . . care ‘:and _ -$6.00/ hr. .. ,-of $5.00 per hour. Won&n’s CoImmissioner, morning routine. T& hours St@!nt Darkrodm Super@anne Wade FinancialAid ’ ,.. psychdogy: Experience- with per _we&. Rate ‘-. of - pay: ! ‘viscir~Eirvitonhental$tudieS:,-’ &‘ficer-..:* .. IL statistical packages is an asset. $5.7Whr, j . ‘:- ‘... Firm., know!edge of -black &I$ j Student..~A~ardsonlee ~.I _: L _. v” ” .L - /

Tim Gkier 4th yr E.S. The ratio of professThe street system is SO ors to students is too, screwed uP 1 never -, know my ‘north end small. from iny south end.

:-Bob Fisher ‘lB Engineering


Andrew Adamski . Dean Sherman ’ Bohdan Washchuck Brian Kaban- . .

2B Kin.. I If .K-int&logy - w&&:+ difficult; ,* we wouldn’t: Tcome: here.


The Science ‘- Foundation .^‘(design) contest. All students . intends to encourage more one or both : may enter involvement from the alumni contests. The contests ind’o)n. of the Faculty’ of Science. Feb, IS, 1985. Hand in entri’es~~ The present day Science at, the. science offices ong.thei 1 Eoundafion _jis. I’running both a 2nd I?@& of the ES? bu@d+c e-5

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by- Stl Paul’s , College.


, .JJ


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-1-. ..i. _. ?_

-. A-new committee has been ,. ,research and special projects armed at $UW,+: the Science -- for the Fac,ulty of Science.. . :oundation. ,.’ . .A$ we& the foundation The” co$mnitiee ,plans - ‘to aim$ tlo create more awareness aise funds which will be used of ‘fhe ‘Faculty of Science Iwards &ho&hips ’






Scott For& bonny Flanagan, a candidate ‘for Federation president, is in 3B Philosphy and has had previous experience in Fed politics 88 last year’s Deputy ~~turming Officer for the Federation elections. He hasbeen a BEnt Entertainment Committee member as well as serving on the Creative Arts Board as chairperson from April to October of 1984 when he resigned because he felt Tom Allison’s &mini&ration wasn’t serving the best interests of students. His main interests axe music, hockeyandtheatre. He describes himself as a hard worker, honest, skeptical, and very ‘personable”. Mark McKsy is Sonny’s iunning mate for vice-president Operations and Finance. He is in 3B honours Environmental Studies and has been a Village II Floor Social representative, and executive member on the Village II Orientation Committee, and the Clubs Commissioner for the Federation for 1985. He is also Chairman of the BEnt 1985 Winter CUtiVS?l. Mr. Flanagan feels that Mr. McKay is his “complement” because he is conservative, practical, and has the interests of the Federation in mind, Mr. McKay is “interested in raising the school spirit.” Flanagan says that the biggest issue in the campaignis to “decide on a president by his merit instead of electing the “heir apparent” of an old &mini&ration.” I Mr. FlaTlagan feels that Allison and Wilson have only delivered two of the seven campaign items that they promised in their 1984 Fed presidential campaign Flanagan ss@ that Tom Allison and Jeff Wilson haven’t acted on forming a student Bill of Bights, have not reduced monthly bus passes as promised, and only bought the promisedcomputer for the bookstore two weeks before the campaign started Some of Mr. Flanagan’s complaints about the old administration include Mr. Allison’s support of Jeff Wilson for the next Federation president, while all other candidates, such as Barb Johnson and Mitch ERtterath were “politically manipulated into not running.” He ssys that he agrees with executive solidarity to a point, but under Allison, he says that the executive and the Students’ Council were turned into “team puppets” instead of “team players”. Turni.& to the finances issue, especially FederationHall, Mr. Flanagan feels that a business manager is necesssry because Federation Hall is already in debt and the Federation b.ss doubled its cash flow. Mr. _ Flanagan claims that Tom Allison decided that a business manager wss not needed after the old business mansger, Pete Yates, retired in the summer. Mr. Flanagan called Mr. Wilson’s claim of “experience in fh-mnces” a “ampaign p;.ay” because ifbusiness experience is necessary to run the Federation, the business manager should have been replaced McKay aho responds to the allegations that he mismanaged the Village II Orientation budget by ssying that his budget was found to be acceptable by the university auditors and it w&8 “the most successful orientation ever done at the villages.” Willy Grove had made the charges in his interview. Although Mr. Flanagan supports Council’s decision to allow underagers into Fed Hall, he tbinks that Bill Deeks (university liquor license holder) and Jeremy Hunt, (Fed Hall manager) should have been at the council meeting to give their professional advice. Mr. Flanagan’s other suggestions are: to sit in society offices at lunchtime and be accessible to students; to hand over the running of Orientation to the societies, with the Federation supplementing their needs; to have more input from the Committee of Presidents (the periodic meeting of all Society presidents with the Fed president) which he says


~aspreviouslycontr~~~by~.Allleon;togotothevillegesandtalktc the fresh, to clean up the Federation poster bosrds and ask the societies help in this matter; to have “closer relations”withthe Grsduats Students Association because they understand the concerns of the undergrads; tc have a dry pub once a week at Fed Hall; and to improve the Bombsheltei by putting in booths and furniture in the video rooms (although he sqyr that these fkdn,$$-shaven’t been costed out, and therefore the expenset aren’t part of m campaign platform.) On the matter of a student Bill of Bights, Mr. Flsnsgan feels that il should be composed as a result of surveys and should contain somethiq about racism and the’rights of students, withregards to housing and tht villages. Mr. Flanagan would promote a review of Security’s “attitude problem’ about keeping the students under control. he said he would also considei Ombudsman Dean Nadon’s investigation into the village searchef strongly. Mr. Flanagan ssys that he would get more respect than Mr. Allis01 could from the administration because “I haven’t called Doug Wright t sneak I haven’t accused Al Bomenco when he wasn’t even there (at tht time of the searches) and I haven’t vowed to occupy the PAC and the1 reversed my commitment.” Mr. Fla,nagan opts for a restructuring of the Village’s Tenan Agreement because “in an emergency, the administration needs the righl to go in” He suggests that a don should be present at any searches. Hesaidthathehasheardfromstudentswhosqythatthereisadefin~ problem with racism among professors towards some students; he wan to see if there is any altering of marks due to racism, although he has no1 lmaJkedto the ethnic societies yet. Whereas the Bombshelter can be closed with six months notice fron the administration, Mr. Flanagansays that the Federationwouldopposc any move in this direction by a student referendum. Mr. Fla,nagan says that the Bovqy Commission Report is “solid” ant that the need for accessibility should be addressed The report, he feels endangers accessibiliiy unless, alongside the fee increase, there ti an inCrt3a.W in OSAP loans to ensure the lower middle class students &IY able to use the universities. Asked about relations with Imprint, Mr. Flanagan notes w historically there have been poor relations between the Federation am mprinf on both sides and that Federation information should bt available to any student, including Staff Of He feels that Students’ Council meetings should be held in the Camps Centre which will open them up and give respect to the opinions o students. Concerning the mix-up on the number of mailouts to coop students o the campaign literature, Mr. Flanag~ seys that Mr. Allison origins told him that he should have 3,300 sheets, but later came back am reduced the number to 2,700. The Chief Returning Officer gave them a~ extra day to print up the missing literature, but Mr. Flanagan ws~ suspicious of Mr. Wilson who was orignally prepared with 4,OC( mailouts. Asked how his campaign is going, Mr. Flanagan replies that it was slov progress but he has had good response talking one-t&one with nc prepared speeches, and acting on gut feeling. He says that he is definat& talking to people about issues and getting most ‘tr of his ideas from wha people want done. He says he doesn’t “have the place plastered with posters.” -


Scott Forrest, a candidate for Federation president, is in 2nd year recreation He is the President andProctor of St.Paul’s College as well as a member of the Federation Besidence Council. He was also Orientation Chajl?nan for St. Paul’sCollege. His main interests are sports, theatre and especially ‘working with people”. He describes himself as being “aocepting’!, full of common sense and a person who cares about everything. + His future plans are to enter therapeutic ret, but he is still uncertain He wants to be elected Fed president to “give the students a change.” Willie prove, Mr. Forrest’s running mate for vice-president, operation and finance is a 3rd year Accounting student who was avillage Don any has been treasurer of the Village Benefit Semi-Formal. He was also 6 proctor of St. Paul’s College. His main interests are sports, teaching tennis, refereeing basketbal andvolleyball, and campingandfi&ing. Mr.Grove’isveryinterestedti money and enjoys accounting. Mr. Forrest and Mr. Grove state that the biggest issues in the camp&r are f%nances end a “responsible, representative, government.” Mr. Grow stressed “there is a need for change”, but they both decline to attack the old Federation. Mr. Grove said that he is the only vice-presidental candidate with ~IQ accounting experience. Mr. Grove charges that the Bombshelter, and thf Record Store are running at a deficit and that when he checked the Federation aocountmg records, he found that Scoops wss ,$lO,OOO ix debt( see story, page 5). He charges that this deficit is due to Jeff Wilson? mismanagement of Scoops. and “internal mismanagement” of the Federation. He feels that Jeff Wilson and Kathryn Seymour have nc experience in fmances. Mr. Grove claims that Jeff Wilson does have experience I in tht Federation but he is not responsible to students. For instance, Mr. Grove cites the issue of DW’s refusal to allow its crest to go on aqthing bu relatively expensive TJWjackets. He feels that the Federationtriedto set i standsrd and eliminate all discrepencies like competition. He feels tha Mr. Wilson displayed a closed mind when the students complained abou the low quality jackets. Mr. Forrest feels that there was an issue of patronage in the laS1 admin%rat,ion because all the people on coun@l were “friends” and E council seat was vacated to allow -Mitch Betterath, a presidentia cand&late who lost, to run and join the executive. Because they art running “on a platform of change”, Mr. Forrest and Mr. Grove want rnon one-to-one contact with the students both in the Campus Centre and on t weekly basis. Mr. Forrest feels it is up to the Executive to motivate counci members and educate the students about the Federation. Some changes that Mr. Forrest and Mr. Grove want to make inch& promoting societies, faculties, and villages, and a better “atmosphere” ir the Bombshelter (to be provided by “plants” and “other things that don” cost much”). Discussing UW%administration snatching of PAC space for classes, MI Forrest and Mr. Grove indicated that the PAC shouldbe expandedbecaus the building was originally built for a capacity of 5,000 and now is use1 over the limit. The candidates feel that the administration has done little for student concerning space, for students have built Fed Hall and Columbia Ic Fields and now it is time for the administration .$ocontribute. They assur -





Jeff Wilson, a Federation p+denf&al cand3date,@a 4thyear Honours that~~~~~isnottheeemef~rallfanulties.AeforaninneeSeinthe. _ ~~~on~esdadt~~~~~flndes~o~d~usl ’ 1r the cglf3t~ons. W~IJ and Economics &udent. He is the vice-president, for Operations coop fee9, he aaid it “doe&~ have to be arbitrary, we need a.formula to .- . ” and We, of the Federation’ of Students. ,His interests are the stock make it more equ@ble.” Mr. Forrest and Mr. Grove will bring the&d&s position to tJ dm.mistrationt;hFinldh constanf: reminders axld p&ition8.Fmd$iheyho] market, piano, and- readmg. .He describes ‘himself as “oom$&ed”, - Mscussihg a favcsurlte topic, Btudent housing, Mr. Wilson--& that ’ humorou& *pen-minded, and approachable. there is a shortage of off’pus housing. In Waterloo, there is avacaucy hat t&q won’t have.:to go far .aaaboycott(proposed‘as $ Nov6mb . .His future plans are tc attend-law School and pursue a career; in rate of 0.6% which means tbat_+@ents oftenendup,“~whattbeg 984 bluff by Tom AUison,‘c&rent F@dpre&lent).-.yWe would serious ” iscuwitwith addrmjx~od! said It@. Fo5p3stibusiness. He is not ‘sure if he likes public politics, yet. can get” and f3pmetimhs it’s a very “poor situation’!. He feel&&hat-the -. Kathryn Seymour, adi?, Wilson’s run@ng-mate for vicepresident, preaenttrw rwidexibes are yesy empensivej inappropriat,efor~pery& Referring to the Vfflagegate searches-and-&&es, Mr. Forrest sq _ -operations and finance, is cha;irderson of the Federation’s Eoard of students. and hrtve no privacy. Thus, ~&aims ~this~~v~willbep~pareiiinca8;j“ofctnotherra;idontme~g~ that theu,~aren’t- for.tbe ~-- -_ Cb.munications. Her interests a& the outdoors, sports and reading. “mode&’ student. He fwti th&IJ of T’s Erindale camp&hou&g model wUl represent the 8tiudent’s .side.” 3he describes herself as friendly; apersonwho enjoys other people, and could mterest Dr. Wright but on@ if it is !reasible.” As a don, Mr. Grove said he was involved with Ombudsman Dez is con$nitted-to everything. Her future plans axe to apply for a Rhodes &don’s inquiry into the village searches and he would “pursue On ymth.er matter that&oused Some Eittilb~t friction jcommendation6 made (by Nadon).” Scholarship, travel, and have a career in something “independent, and the PMcmg of-c@sQroOti m the PACTMr. ‘W&n sa~rs that the IJW Mr. Forrest w-U1continue to push for student housmg through the l3 wlf-motiTtvating, such as jo.lgaim”. -. &mini&ration -is willing to re@ve the PAC.situation. He will probably The pair feel that the big issues of the campa@ are housing and approach the Athletic Advisory Board tc try to reschedule classes oti of Lousing ,cOmmittee, and he is not afraid to build on the Federation’s got orientation, Fed communication, unde&md@g, accessibility, and’the. PAC. He claims that the situat&on will improve m the-next few wee&. rork in pu&ing to set up a good housing ‘model comparable t6 tl declme of education. “Because we’ve bothworkedvery f to getasolid rindale college one. On-the question ‘of communications Ms. Seymour 8ayt3 that knowledge of everything the Federation does, we’re the only candidates On the issue of communicating with students and, particular1 comm+ation is “an all-time frustration’ and “a twoway thfng.wluch who have any experience.” soya Mr. Wilson needs’invoivement fromthe- student&‘. As&a&person of\the Board of nough Imprint, Mr. Grope said that “the press ha8 a right to cover az - , appening in the Federation”. He promised that there wouldbe no hidin With regards tobeing thought of as current Fed president Tom All&on’& ~~unications,~ She S.eys‘she started a phone line_.but received poor heirs, Mr. Wilson seys Ms. Seymour and he [*ant to keep professionaUm ndbro~~esstofiles.Theyfeeltheybaveno~tohide~,thattht response, _ and competency, and tradition, but there will be changes because re “not afraid to admit mistakes.” ,s R&q td I&rlat she reahzes that the newspaper& the “direct Kathryn and I have different persona&tie8 than All&on.” Mr. Wilson Mr. Grove and Mr. Forrest statethat students w& education channel to the squasrits)‘. With.regard to pa& s@&ns bet&en Imp&t ’ tl ie and the Federation, &he c.Mms “We’re new, we want to.clean the slates.‘1 sue of OFS when they voted for the Federation to 8ey thi Bt. furtherstatesthatMr.Alhsonwon’tbearoundnextyearmanexecutive capacity. “Hi8 time m the Federation is at an end.” WVrnrprirrt and it’s Silly to think of competing or starting * Mr. Allison in particular wanted out of OFS. . The -team plans tc work w&h OFS against the 60% fee- increw Ms. ~eymouradds that ifthe candidates don’t know the Issuesthwwill somethmg new (a Fed paper).” me&d by the Eotrey commission. “The emphasis is, .is if we help the1n, Ms. Seymour feels that “students don’t know enough about student be backtracking. “A lot of issues need to be picked up on right awey.” She government.” She wants to “promote openness” and one wajT*U greater ley will help us.” said Mr. Forrest. .- . further states that “Both Tom and Wti have made mi&akes, but I’m not The men are sure that they can make “informed decisions” with , communication with the societiesto “dis@-pate antagoni8m”. Although , ashamed of that connection; the’ Federation h& grown positively. I’m :ommon-semje attitude” if there are instances that they have ;to a W is too young for an “alma mater spirit”, she feels that the Fbderation oroud to-sav that I’m hart of that tradition.~ 3fore they can get student feedback Their interpretation of the should propagate that spirit by reviving the Homecoming. Asked-al&t the #260,000 bank loan for Fed H-all, ti. Wilson replies ommission report is that the suggestion of.upgradmg the equipmel Onexternalrelations,Mr. WilsonandMs. Seymourseytheymusthelp that altho@h &ly $116,000 we8 ndthe loans can o&be t&en out pplies tc SpQrts aa well 88 aaademiC OFS to address fbding and accessibUity. They feel there should be materials. in units of $l~,OOO. XI! sa~rs that for the unused $636,000‘$conservative Mr. Forrest&d Mr. Gave say that their campaign is goingwell,but it leadership from the Federation and they promise to read a great deal of, stance will be taken,“‘but providedno specifics. , . : eeds “pacing”. They wjllcon&$rate on a one-to-one baais becauw, EIO OFS material and “keep up on the issue” as well a&forming liaisons and Mr. Wilson ha8 no concrete plans for the money but- sa;ys that the P, they feel they have received very good response. becombg a “strong voice” for the W students. priority Is getting “back in the black so there are no more interest However, they feel that should the other candidates win, they cou ld Onamorepoliticelnote,Ms.Seymourseystbattheircampaignisgoing .’ peyments.” ’ .ork with either Jeff or Sonny and would i.&udethem on the Forres rtr ‘- Mr. Wilson feels that hlririg a business manager -is necessary but he “-‘.-She claims that other candidates campaigns &arted off roveteamshouldtheybetheleaders. r .’ y’:‘. seys’we had abu@ness manager for.19 years then replaced -with a very quickly but ‘we’re taking the snowbalhng approachbyelectionday, They empha&ze that they don’t want Tom All&on on the execut& bookkeeper. . . It is becoming obvious that a corporat3on tUs atie needs a well climax”. Thereasonthat Mr. Wilson’s andMa. Seymour?3 camp“it’s a clique, tid there $$ no doubt that Tom Allisondill .sit cm, full timebusiness~~erto.compute~eFeder~onELnances,dedwith literature sheets were met+ size (Aad thils lasgbuitl-laLa* other two ‘_. . _ executive’!, said Forrest.Fed Hall and put the bookstore on an on-line computer.‘l ,M.r.Allison and candiciates sheets ccntravenlng elect$on rules) isbecause ~onmetricsixe. . it looked more9nterestiag,,I$s’the Canad@n waij?. ‘Mr Wilson didn’t feel it was necessarv to find a new busme& mane&er They give no.explanationwhytheybrow the rule about uniform rriheet ( L ” &er longtime Fed business de; Peter Yates left in the summer. size but -bqy .t& Ohi@: Returming Officer’ (in ‘charge of. election : Ms. Seymour feels that “change and effort is not always dramatic, proceedin#$s,) $&md the size to be “appmptite.” Ms. Sqymour S&TS that I pomething with balloon& and bangs. and bells, t&i@ cleshing.” Their Mr. Wilsori’s nape a&her we stat@ above l@e other&uxUdat& wh& , plans for the Eombshelter are to fma out how students w&nt to see it..Thqy the shsets s3-8 ti0iq,‘by-a.eM. MS. Seymo~r.h~p~tbje feel it is an alternative, not competition to Fed Hall. “trust- experience” because she &ys”there is .no, “shn~ or ’ y Discussing student vs. IJW administration issues, reference was made students_ --L scheming way . to Villagegate. they feel that “a complete review of Security’s mandate, _ about me.” ‘should happen now.” ’ Ms. Mot& says that she refused to Consider ruk&g b&ore becau& * They are appalled by Security’s warches of the villages, especially since “I didn’t want to run again& the organfz&ion I w- working for. To st,& the head of securim Eomenco, was unaware of the searches. Mr. clean, I said I wa&‘t going to run.. I won.3 run against friends.” ’ Wilson asks the question “How can administration expect respect?” Mr. WUon compare’s Ns experience -as vice-pr&ident to that of:ti ”’._ - Mr. Wilson has voiced.. disapproval for the 198&86- W budget’s Chief Executive Officer of a corporation who is cho& becau@ o _--proposed 660 per term computer-intensive course fee because he seys experience. -, , \ , -* , I ^ .



Presented By:

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am am. am am am am pm

i l

i : I : i l ,

by Tim Imprint

Perlidr staff


A. scratchy 1p.a, blasted some Led Zeppelin or LIZ song as Mark and I cut a path through the Saturday evening haze to the heart of Larry’s .Hideaway. “Hey can I get ya somethin?“, pushed the wasted blonde with her rehearsed beat drawl as she carefully mussed a clump of hair on the back of her head. With little hesitation, the thirty or so dc$lars I’d just left behind me in Wheels brought an i nvoluptary “Nah”. ~f-h~+~llts that I’ve seen in _ ,, one place since the Record’s teen fashion I.spread ,last wee-k. they were all squirming impatientlyfor a big-nosed young man too poor to afford a “real” guitar, let alone a backing band. The kind of guy who might foolishly spend more money- than he should on a record buying whim - just like you or me, and feel that sudden, sinking remorse - just like me. Out from the darkness charged Billy Bragg to join the lonely .. microphone in the blue spotlight. “Good evenin’ all, I’m Billy I Bragg“ he gleamed as he thrust himself into- a clenched-fis t version of “&ar is a Man’s BestFriend”. The words he snarled between his gritted teeth echoed through the now silent crowd, momentarily transfixed by the desperado confronting them . Pacing stiff-legged, back and forth, he continued to flail at hi: i screaming guitar strings until the beast within gave% its final gasp. After a dutiful bow, he once again grabbed up a fist fullof strings and sprang into action with the clever insight of f‘The Busy Girl Buys Beauty”. It was-now clear to everyone that there was indeed a fire burning brightly behind the thick clouds of smoke. . , Brewing Up With Billy Bragg A deeply emphatic reading pf “Richard” displayed his Billy Bragg observation as well as communicative skills in his ability to-stab Chrysalis/Polygram the emotional subtleties of “Richard’s” pathos straight through Billy Bragg screams for causes of the wqrking class. to your soul. Imprint photo by Mark Connolly -_. by Chris Wodskou Comic relief soon followed, releasing some of the built-up \ .’ / Imprint staff tension. Turning his back to the audience, Billy swung his working class showed in his songs becoming more focuSed\ guitar behind him to begin an anecdote of a chance meeting Billy Bragg was perhaps the British musical phenomenon of than ever. Between. songs, his charming :socialist polemic with Bruce Spring@een “shaking hands with the unempIoyed’, 1984 and one of the most refreshing newcomers to revitalizd described his sympathy for the coal miner’s plight but it was the in a New Jersey, washroom. ..&e mostly stagnant music scene in years. With his debut, telling of “Which side Are You On?“’ <and He next’mng “From a Vauxhaul Veiox” on Bruce’s advice to impassioned ,Ue’& k *t With Spy Vs. w and the new domestic “do some songs about- girls and cark From this point ‘on, “Between‘ the Wars” that reified his stone-solid conviction. release, Brewing Up With Billy Brwg, Mr. Bragg has Nearly two- hours and two encores later, the lights slowly &lighted critics with his incisively witty lyrics and has Brag& songs became incre&ingly political which he brightened and the recorded music began to squea! as it had announced by singing the first two lines.-of “The Times They confounded those who can’t understand how a guy armed with Are A Changing”, in his best nasal whine. before. Some of -us walked out on a ~higher plane of nothing but an electric guitar and cockney accent can create\F-o much pleasing racket. His immene pleasure in backing the righteous causes of the consciousness, one of greeti fieIds and;,- factc+~ f&r&~. : 4, Mr. Bragg is sort of a latter-day troubador who sings with; boyish sincerity a la Roddy Frame and a conviction that is sqdly missing from most of today’s crop of smarmy posturers.* Whether he ‘is performing an angry protest or a heartfelt ballad, Billy Brag& sings with a charismatic, unassuming approves or disapproves of its structure. In the first 15@pages, Cockney accent which is immediately endearing. The eobots bf Dawn this confirmation or denial rule6 the story and. can tondto The most outstanding feature of Brewing Up. With Billy _. .I~.J&+k!mV* ’ ./ , 1. Brags, however, iS Mr. Bragg’s, brilliant lyrics. Billy Bragg is, 1’ . become tedious; but many avid’ readers of riyste.qj no?lejs e&qenjoy this bandying about of ideas and A&nov is very good at one moment angrily attacking .governments and institutions, presenting it, even if he does get carried away at $mes.. and‘ the next, ,dreamily reminiscing on the follies and idyllic by Ihrren Redkra As far as the science fiction part isconcerned, TheRqbots & moments of youthful romances. is the- connection that should The album starts ona decidely bitter note with ‘“It Says “Science Fiction” Dawn and the entire Lije Baley seriestakes place in the-not too automatically come to mind when you hear the name Isaac . distance future. Chronologically, the period treated follow& Mr. Here”, an underhanded assault on the media. Like the more political “Island of No Return”, the guitar lashes out Asimsv. Althoughit is for his s.f. that he is generally known, Mr. ‘Asimov’s I Robot book of short stories and precedes his . famous Founcfa.tion- series. accusations while Mr. Bragg almost shouts rather than sings Asimov has written on many other topics as well. Mr. Asimov has created a universe- all his own and- has his grievances. ’ In The Robots of _Dawn,. Asimov successfully merges . placed most of his-work in it. &Jnfortunately, in this novel, he ’ “Love Gets Dangerous” and “The Myth of Trust” handle mystery with science fiction. has made several -unveiled references to both hiti past and another-common Mr. Bragg theme, the danger and uncertain Detective Elijah Baley, the protagonist, is an unappreciated The .allusions are not subtle.% If .you have implications of relationships. Mr. Bragg displays his uncanny hero, unrecognized by the-general public and scorned by his future civilizations: read his. other material,. these refere rices seem tasteless, and: if ability to develop pathos for the characters in his mini-dramas ‘fellows in the police department who envy his earlier in ‘-‘The Myth of Trust” as he undercuts romantic notions with achievements. Unexpectedly he is summoned from Earth to you are unfamiliar with his work, they. are confusing and misleading. Still, %d?obotsbf Dawiiis’ttilell worth reading. If brutal reality: “When you’re’ in as deep as we are, honey/It’s the planet Aurora to prove that the man who holds the keyto easy to get pushed out to sea./Thefacts of life are not man and Earth’s future is innocent of rob&&de - thedestruction of his youare an ,Asmov devotee, it is a.must; .- , wife,/they’re. man: and woman, sadly,/The apple that doesn’t own creation, a highly advanced, humanoid robot. want to get eaten will still fall off the tree”. Of course, there, are problem?. The man he has to clear is Later in “St. Within’s Day” and the Squeeze-like, organthe only person capable, of having committed-‘the crime.-- The accompanied “A Lover Sings”’ Mr. -Bragg becomes a romantic people of Aurora consider Earthlings to be disease-ridden and himself and makes no apologies for it. But in the unabashedly pestilent, even .though they themselves are decendents of romantic “The Saturday Boy”, Mr. Bragg never lets himself get Earth. Also, an old love of BaIey’s from a prior case is deeply too serious as he sings in a completely deadpan voice. “I’ll never embroiled in the roboticide. To add td Baily’s problems, he forget the day I met h&,/That September morning was so clear realizes that the authorities on Earth don’t expect him to and fresh;/The wayshe spoke and-laughed at my jokes/ And - succeed and are willing to use him as a scapegoat once he fails. the way she rubbed herself against: the edge of my desk.” Like most great detectives, Baley uses a keen sense of,logic The only real improvement which could be _made on to wade thorugh the facts, Frequently he uses his robot friend Brewing Up With Billy Braggwould be the inclusion 0f.a lyric and partner, R. Daneel Olivaw;& a sounding board for his sheet. ilogic. Bale y builds +a&quence of statements and Daneel either . , iana










_ ’- -

.I _ \~, I


cousin which was beautifully tone * of the- film which, is ment. Ripper. one is so glaring that it ruins .The prime credibility rendered from memory by 2 essentially a characteristic of The plot of the film revolves. what is essentially a fine Mr. Hoffman. the era. Pandora’s Box,. G. W. around Lulu, a less than problem from which the film ‘movie. . I suffers is its portrayal of the Pabst’s 1929 silent classic; puritanical girl, played Pandora’s Box is, a . decay as being complete and - -On the plus side, there are . I feel that it is the domain of was shown at the Humanities marvellously by Louise worthwhile experience 1for ’ This just doesn’t some fine acting performancthe ignorant to criticise .Theatre on Monday, January Brooks. Lulu’s beauty and , irrevocable. anyone, ‘willing to put forth , happen to real pepple (except _ es an-d -a. plot which: is both without adequate 28th. Accompanied by’ vanity lead to the downfall of a undersome effort to understand the wealthy father and son. Lulu Y for Morrisey and Ian Curtis).. complex and engrossing. .Gf standing of cultural factors. Charles Hoffman on Piano; it faults and complexities of this eventually meets her demise Any _other inconsistencies special note- is the score; Thus Icannot be too harsh in provided a sparse crowd with classic motion picture. can be swallowed, but this composed by Mr. Hoffman’s my criticism an unusual night’s entertain- - at the hands of Jack the I- . of the escapist ../ I . ij-. .: -, _ .;z - S.‘. by’Pa& Imprint

Done staff





_’ .










Stav Informed! He has boosted the treble range of the drum tracks, giving them a crisp sound which is easily recognizable in each cut on the album, providing a good skeleton on which the rest of the band’s sound may rest. As well, the bass and rhythm guitar by Thomas White tracks are well-handled, and they fill out the foundation wh& Imprint Staff not becoming muddy or overbearing, as is often the case The Big Express, the latest offering from the Scottish rock “All YouPretty Girls” is the first single from the album. It is trio XTC, is an album well worth having. Throughout, the band . demonstrates mastery of a wide variety of styles - they are an ode, written from the standpoint of a sailor, and given.the equally at home with the white reggae sound of The Police as traditional Scottish bagpipe sound. The sailor asks that, in the event that he dies at sea, his buddies tell the pretty girls of the they are with any of the multitude of styles in their repertoire. world that he has loved them all. On this album, the band emphasizes a strong rhythm The story is rather cliche, but Colin Moulding’s crying vocals foundation, keeping session drummer Peter Phipps busy with overtop the synthesized bagpipe accompaniment in an exciting complex percussion lines, while making band guitarists Andy which gives the song real appeal. Partridge and David Gregory, as well as bass man Colin combination “‘This World Over” opens with a musing, a capella solo. Moulding, work to keep up their end-of the rhythm section. leading into a heavily percussive tune with lyr&, arrangement; and vocal style whichcould easily be mistaken for that of The Police. The lyrics concern the imminent destruction of the world, and Mr. Moulding’s vocals convey this lament _beautifully. Other cuts on the album include “Wake Up”, “Shake You Donkey Up”, “Seagulls Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her”, “The Everyday Story of Smalltown”, “I Bought Myself a Liarbird”, ~ “Reign of Blows”, “You’re the- Wish I Had”, and “IRemember TOP TEN ALBUMS the Sun”. The titles are a representative of the variety For the week ending January 26,1985 ~j contained therein. Centrefield 1. John Fogerty . The last track on the album, “Train Running Low on Soul The Age of Consent 2. Bronski Beat . Coal”, deserves special mention, if only for the fact that it is the 5 Reckless 3. Bryan Adams first time that I have ever heard serialized music (that is, music Stealing Fire 4. Bruce Cockburn which, in its arrangement and instrumentation; conveys a Fdns 5. Malcolm McLaren visual story to the listener) on a modern album. Although it was The Dreams sf Children 6. Shadowfax popular among many composers earlier in the century, XTC’s Shout version of a train - right from the gradual buildup of steam to 7. Tears For Fears Hatful of Hollow ’ slowing down to a halt - took-me completely by surprise. 8. Smiths Forever Young And, although it is not a particularly great example of‘serial 9. Alphaville V music, it serves as a nice backing to the lyrics of the song. Its This Island 10. Eurogliders mere inclusion is evidence of the group’s versatility. Just Arrived - New Release; X’TC‘


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Students can enjoy quality This month, it’s baroque Music on noon-hour entertainment at Instrumental _ _ Conrad Grebel. College, 4 February 13, andanewmusic feature of works by UW Wednesdays. All concerts composers Peter Hatch and are held in the chapel at 1~30; .David Huron, February 27. admission is free.

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Lunch Classics

At the.‘Palace Will the Wolf - Surivive . . Sapphire 3. John Martyn Based on last week’s sales at the Record StoreLower 1. Gang




ES. i I




-0 King








Righttime Mighfy


Virgin by Christopher Imprint staff

Ricardo ’


Nine years ago, Haile Selassie,Emperor of Ethiopia, The RoaringLion of Judah, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, died amidst a bloody revolution, left to rot in the Gondar dust. Nine years ago Bob Marley released Rustuman Vibration, and Reggae became an international phenomenon. Nine years ago tension prevailed upon the Island of Jamaica, the lush greens splattered with salty hues of brown and red. Set against a backdrop of riots, police brutality; and hard times, eleven men came together to produce a Reggae classic. Tracks laced with the message of. Love; Unity and Pride called for reconciliation in a time of madness. The time was right, and a poignant, haunting call-to-arms was sounded. The music, sweet and hollow, underscored a timeless message: beat the system not your brother, screw the “mothers” not your sistas.

Master of Public Administration meen University at Kingston I

If one were to string the titles of song5 together they would read: “The right time ha: come, why me Black brother why shame and pride on the land has caused E gnashing of teeth, them never loved pool Marcus I need a roof, SO I’ll seek a rightful place. -Have mercy, I’m a natural Natty, so 1’1 forward on to Africa.” . There could be no better expression of the Diamonds’ message. On the front cover, three naked Niggers look out to the New World - a world of cruelty and bondage I- with fear, woe, and anger etched on their sweat-covered faces. On the back cover, the same three, now clad in militant greens, Tams on, heads held high, surrounded by ruins, confront the viewer with the bitterness and hostility saved over the centuries of white oppression. The rocks on which they lean, are matched measure for measure by the strength of their hearts. L The Mighty Diamonds have not prospered through Downpression but neither have their souls withered with adversity.

A one year (3-term) multi-disciplinary program; with an emphasis on public policy studies, at the federal, provincial and municipal levels of

government-’ Admission Requirements B.A. (Honours), or its equivalent, with upper second class standing, all fields of study. Informz$ion/Applications available from / School of Public Administration Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6. Telephone (6131-547-303 1.


Rubber ch ,&en’s ,y Steve





. Kloset Komics presented an evening df fun lnd entertainment .-with- a few unexpected urprises on January 23rd at the Humanities rheatre. The quality of the acts was toplatch with few disappointments. One of the surprises ‘was the <filming .of closet Komics by CKCO-TV. Unexpected 00, was the presence of judges. The adjudicators were introduced and !ach had a chance to warm up the,audience before1 the comedy acts. Adjudicators ncluded Roger Abbott, Dave Broadfoot, %ed Merritt, Briane Nasimok and the host of ZKCO’s “Trivia Company”, Johnri y Walters. ,The twelve acts covered a wide vari&y of :omedy types, including lengthier .a,necdotes lnd even anecdotes with sound effects. mprovs and skits were performed by two groups and a musical .monologue was also /r hart of the show. Some of the adjudicators gave. a- seminal before the show and, from what I saw, .the cts benefited well from it. They were very brofessional, original and funny. As the judges went, back-Stage to choose ** , I

the best rbutines, all 12 acts came on-stage fbr ,a curtain qall. If you think they just stood around \ waiting patiently, you’re wrond. Improv and clowning around delighted the audience, preventing a tedious wait. . Vivial Hoff and Theatre Sports were tied for third. James Waechter did an impressionist ’ act that brought him second place honours along with Men, Without Taste who performed skits. Top honours went to Rob McLean, with, his musical monologue which included a behind the scenes look at Mr. Dress-up through the character of Casey. The top thre.e acts were awarded, appropriately enough, a tubber chicken on a ribbon. . The night .‘wak a great chance for local comedic talent to “get out of the closet” and be exposed to the public. It was indicated by MC. -Bill Inkol that’. there may be another Kloset Komics show in the future. ’ The ever-iing was zi great z+ccess’and 4he participants had about as much, fun as the audience. We have the local talerit and itis about time they came out into the publid to i strut their stuff. \ .. ‘. .

hmo-folkie politic&y-cdnscious “conte:, mporarb. folk”. -It’s hard not to appreciate a If techno-folkie Glenn performer who so enthusias:hatte’n has an act, it is the tically shar& _ one’s own ppearance of not. having reverence for B r uce n& Well received by a Cdckbu’rn. Mr. Chatten’s honest, accessible approach ucleus of local fans, Mr. to entertainirig disarms Ihatten recently played sets I the Bombshelter that obvious ’ criticisms of lternated compet?nt _ ‘limitatiotis in vocal range and ersions of tunes by Bruce song variety. Zockburn, James Tayldr, A former UW student, Mr. nd Murray McLaughlin with Chatten seems to 6e gaining is; @tin style of self-penned%, in performing’ confidence _^$f

by Dave Lawson, ridrint Staff


i. ,

original mat&al. Here, indeed, ,lies his strength. Catchy tunes like“Lebanon”, ‘7Wait for the Moon”, and, I “Wait for the Moon”, and “I Guess It’s All Right” ’ tunings and driving acoustic rhythms fed through a generous (perhaps overgenerous) dbse of electronic--* chorus. What comes thro&& loud and clear is a man who’ passionately loves the music he plays. ,..F




. , / _ . forms such as The Kitchenei-Wate&o owners of her work are, the nomadic Art Gallerywill@&‘~preview Albright-Knox Art Gallery, portable libraries, primitive of recent..w.&’ by local artist- _ the Corning Museum of shelters’, bundles and %lass, and the Universitv of suspended Basia Itia’nd-, Jahuary 3&t, boats, m&t of 8:00 pm., at the gallery. Alberta. , which are constructedfrom Basia Irland,Associate The conceptual format for natural materials. Pyofessor of Fine Arts. at the majority of Ms. Irland’s Her work has been.-described UW, is a mplti-media artist sculpture; gperformance drt as mysterious, exotic, and whose work has been shown pieces, and poems derives . magical. As one New York throughout Canada, the froni%er , life as an academic art critic wrote, “Irland is a United States (including the (enjoyment of books) and her sorceress who is able , to M&&@litan~,Museum”of.Art) love. of nature. Many of the betwitch’ and fascinate US ,,2md Gertiany. Among the works refer to atavistic, through her art.” ’ ’

: * good aid evil sttidies, is in dar&er of losing ’ funding to a research project. i ’ A research effort, led by the very genial Next week, when comets zoom in to level Professor Rogers .and his efftcient assistant VaterlQD+ whed secret agents of evil empires onspire to conquer Canada, and rarge, Marianne Hammerstein, that is looking for reen, squishy monsters decide- earth would the perfect cup of &fee. The script writing for all the FASS shows is lake a nice; between-meal snack, who is a large collective effort in team writing. This oing to save us? Well, nobody actually. All of year’s head sclript writer, Tom Hocaliuk, in an Vaterloo’s superheroes, and occasional effort that started from last April until fh?s upervillian, will be busy on stage in the December has managed to deliver a solid verity third annual FASS production: script that pay: more attention to the plot, FASSer than a Speeding Bullet.” and subplots, along with a rich array of The writers, actors, dancers, and singers humo.ur in both word and song. ave decide,d to target the comic book I %dition .of those larger th+n life‘ goqd guys For the first time ever, a pit band of twenty nd low lifes in the “sexy tights.” In five shows members will play to the action on stage. Steve Hayman previously %.theleader of the ver fbur nights, they -will also be paying a Wqrrior’ Band, is the musical director and imilar, show of respect ,.to campus life; ngineers, Cindy %Lauper, village .fo-od; a 1 conductor-of FASS this year. : 1 b&al arts education, and’the list goes on, ’ = Using. a mixture of puns, and pdrody, .and . A word of warning, Fridays and Saturday’&-. lith song and dance, 1they tell of the three shows are always the quickest to. sell $fortunes 6f a ..nythical: UniverFity. of out, and people are always left disappointed, Waterloo. A$ Faculty~ of Applied, Syperlative so buy early, .-or plan, on seeing the shoti tt;ldies, ‘.1.fe&uring two schools <devoted ~to earlier in, the week. , 3 _I/_ I’ I * ’




. _



by Mike Up&al& r&&t Staff

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don’t miss it!

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Thursday, February.7 8:00 p.m. ESSand A.S.V. present ’ THE EXTRAS

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by ,$-Iarry Van Drunan . ._ special to Imprint . The Basketball Warriors -eached the halfway mark in :heir season’ with a 93-8 1 irubbing of the Brock

string to six games in regular ,presg time, but he will be out season play, and. was achieved for at ieast t,wo weeks. Veterans Dave ,Moser and without the services of 6’6” Harry Van Drunen have been forward, Paul Boyce. Boyc\ ‘suffered. a seriaus given the task of filling the ankle injury in the game forward spot in his absence. 1rY Iry. .i ,, Rob-. Froese ’ and Peter I : Savich~were once again magic I in’the%ackcourt, collecting 30 and; 22 points respectively : ‘3 against the Badgers. Much of the“ rebounding was left to Randy Norris, Waterloos allstar centre. .. ;Despite -th@ hcgh:powered t ‘play of’ Waterloo% veterans, s. MVP %onours went to guard Tom Schneider, who once again put in a quality performance. s P’ Then Wariiors also regained the number one--ranking in this;. -wq~~‘s, ..CIAU poll. ~Commentmgon the rankings, ‘_., Co$ch:‘Don McCrae stated, “it is nice tobe iecognized as being the best, but our goals , .have not .changed. Wewant to play well, and ,have fun while we’re doing it.‘” Although. the possible loss of Boyce is -devastating, it appears the team is not ready to raise the flag yet. Teams like Western and Acadia have ,) .-al+&-ajt s faund . that. .-t’f$ Warriors -have considerable heart, and, will not be.easy to overcomee.’ ’

Apparently, street shoes were acceptable in the PA C on fan appreciation day. -, \ Impritk photo-%by Gary Shum



Tomorrow night, February ‘2, the Warriors take on their crosstown rivals, the WLU Golden Hawks. Game time is 8:OO p.m. in the PAC.

Athetias.headedfoiplayoff~-:I , y Rdb Stevenson mprint staff

etc.) so a second place finish is essential to the Athenas to avoid a first round mat&up against the strong Laurent&i,: and U of T teams.

chipped in 11. Lueg also grabbed five rebounds; \ Lisa Zinkiewich, four. The Waterloo Athenas The Athenas’ playoff hopes asketball team climbed look solid , although their rrther upthe OWIAA West three remaining games bivision standings with a 60against Guelph, Windsor, and In assessing the upcoming Laurier are on the road. In 5 overtime defeat of Western playoffs, Coach Sally Kempn Wednesday, January 23. earlier games against these said, “We have been playing, he win, coupled with opponents, the Athenas came good, intense basketbali since nother Western loss to away with three victories. the Winds.or tournament . . Guelph stands to be the the girls have worked hard IcMaster lastweekend, gives’ le. Athenas a slim hold on _toughest opponent, ,having . and refused to quit when they :cond place heading into the surrendered previously by got down.” The playoff nal three regular season only five points and expected format will pit Waterloo smes. to be stronger at home, The against teams they have not Waterloo squad can lock up’ Yet seek but Kemp Although Western has an lentical6~ win,- 3 loss record, second place by sweeping commented, “Although we laterloo gets the- edge b.y these games, so motivation have little knowledge of teams .rtue (of a onk” point’ should not ‘be a problem. in the other division, they The OWIAA playoffs’take can’t have much of us either. . .fference in total points in place at McMaster, February leir two head-to-head . They can’t-play more than 15th through 17th, with the’ five girls ‘at a time, and our tmes. r_. top four teams from each of best five can compete with ’ ‘. ., The team also played first the East and West divisions anybody’s? participating. Laurentian and lace Brock last week, on the University of Toronto will aturday, .January 26, and That means that players battle for the top two spots in ith a~ win, would have been such as Kim Rua, Corrina the East with the other two rongly in contention for first Lueg, and Lisa Zinkiewich lace, but unfortuantely came positions up for grabs. will continue to carry cthe p on the short end of a 62-55 same heavy load they have Waterloo trailed by In the West, Brock and :ore. carried up until now. nly three at the half, Waterloo now seem safe-bets With hard work and a bit lthough effective at breaking for the top two placings, while more patient playing, -the ut of the press, committed Western and Guelph have the Athenas will be a strong inside track on third and contender in the playoffs. 10 many turnovers to win the ame. : fourth. The playoffs are,held-% Hopefully, a comment on “the Brenda Bowering ’ led the ’ _ in a crossover format (first basketball team”‘ -will soon thenas -in scoring with 13 place West vs. second East,. ’ elicit .the respo-nse, “which oints, while Corinna Lueg - -second ‘West vs, third East,. ’ onf%%!”” , ‘ ” , ‘~ ” ’ ‘,. ,: l

~Kandy. Norris was awarded OUAA athelete .of the week honours$or h,‘;F?q po%ts and 38 ;‘. I * rebounds in two games last, week. ’ . *_ .. ’ _ ,- Impriat’photo & Garv Shu&



y 200 m events. ‘by Jo-Anne Longley Pam Van Loon, swimming Imprint staff ' Thispast\h;eekend,January the b?ststroke Pulled two firsts in the 50 and 300 m 26 and 27. saw lots of action in events. And doing the While the ‘the PXC, basketball teams both I butterfly as only she can, Anita Martosh flew to her diplayed their fine talents on usual first place finish in the the court, the Athenas 100 m division., %wimming and Diving team The 290 -rn medley relay team, ‘featuring Kate, Pam, A+-pd., +a MeMurray cameup;.~)wrth a strong first. snot to let the victory stand’ from Toronto competition alone, the 200 m freestyle and Hamilton: in the end, team of Van Loon, Moore, they settled for a third place Sue Turner and Allison over-all spot behind U of T Loucas also took a first place and ‘McMaster, respectively. finish. _ -In, the swimming area, fine Off the boards in the diving -performances were given all Heather Boston and Cathy round. Former All-Canadian Kate Moore took first place Schmidt placed sixth off the for her specialty, the’ one metre and fifth off the three metre boards respectivebackstroke, in the 50,100, and

-1y. While the Athenas remained at home for the weekend, the Warriors team travelled to New York for a dual meet against Niagara University. The men left early to avoid any foul-ups with weather or customs and arrived one hour early only to find one lonely janitor. Apparently, the university has a fantastic gym but no pool. As a result, the actual swimming meet was held at the prestigious Niagara Wheatfield High School.. Needless to say, the Warrior swimmers splashed to a rather-easy victory. The divers were also victorious witho:lt even hitting the water. Niagara doesn’t have a diving team.\

.: :, The U ‘of W Varsi‘y and a half the team displayed ’ Hockey Team- -travelled to hustle and agressiveness at d Windsor this past weekend to level. that can keep- them play the ‘Windsor. Lancers. competitive with many teams. .U.nfortunately, a victory was -Taking nothing away from :not in the cards as they lost the Windsor, because they are ,a contest -by a margin of 7-5. ‘-much improved team, a little For the first half of the game, more effort by Waterloo in the Waterloo performance I the early goingv could have .‘was a lacklustre one. changed the outcome. Scorers .However, in the last period for Waterloo included Jeff

Brazeau (2), Dave Hulbert (2) and Steve ‘Chappel. This has brought the team’s record to 5-10. On Jan: 30th the Warriors will host the University of Western Ontario Mustangs and then they are off to Kingston to play ~&ants a‘gainst Queen’s ‘Golden Gaels and R.M.C. Redmen..





- Basketball

Randy is honoured as the Athlete of the Week for’ Jhe second time this season as he continues to play tremendous basketball. performances




Warriors to regain the number one spot in the CIAU tap ten list. .




‘oronto. Ontario M5S 2E4 416-979-2406


I read it. I read it again. Then I read it one more time.but I still have no idea what Hillka McCallum was trying to say; about Toronto’s new ~domed stadium. Last week in her column, the lady attacked the new building ‘calling it frivolous, extravagant, and hinting that it was a waste of playpen for “lowlife” baseball and football. .It has been obvious for some time that Toronto needs a new sports stadium. Exhibition Stadium, at the CNE, has been called the worst stadium in the worl;d. When it was refurbished in 1976 for the Blue Jays, the official plan was for the Ex’to serve as a tembrary home for bWh the Argos and the Jays. j The latest cost estimate for the dome is somewhere between $130 and $150 million. The province is expected to contribute $30 million which they ,till raise through a special lottery. I Metro is expected to put up another $30 million and private companies are putting up the remaining money.. 1 The residents ofMetro will be getting a $150 million stadium for the price of $30 millior+ Even Honest Ed doesn’t give deals ( like that. During the construction phase the stadium is expected to generate 7,500 jobs, and after it is completed, there are going to be 6,400 full-time jobs related directly to the stadium. The dome is a!so going to be the focal point for the development of the railway lands. It will be the pebble that gets *: the whole ball- rolling. The railway lands have been described as Toronto’s final frontier. The dome gives Toronto a chance to turn their waterfront into a truly world-class attraction-- that will bring in , tourists from all overthe world. These people Gill spnd all kinds of money in the Metro region and they will go home believing that Toronto is one of theworld’s best cities for pleasure or for business.. Remember, sports fans, the dome is a wonderful new home for the Argos and Blue Jays,and _ ._- a great gift for Metro. Don’t let any quiche-eating, women’s libber tell you otherwise.

Squash team ’ -Iwins 6. -‘O by no byline Imprint staff

As a warm up for the: OUAA team championships




at ,RMC next weekend,: the Warriors Squash team journeyed to McMaster on Saturday, January 26, to ,-compete with seven other intercollegiate teams. Playing the best squash of the ‘8.4-85 season, the.y shut out Queen’s University in the finals, 6-O. In the final round, team captain Mike Costigan, playing in the #l position, out-hit and out-played Queen’s #l player, Charlie Cleghorn 9-1, 9-2, 9-2 in a match that lasted only a scant 15 minutes. A determined Rob Bowder had only slightly more difficulty in dispatching the Queen’s #2 player, tenacious Ian Cunliffe 9-2, 9- . 2, 9-7, while in the third spot, Hamiltonian Ron Hurst came back after losing the first game to Queen’s John Howe, to emerge victor 3-l.

Can i Am meet a success Watch out! Sightings are coming in daily, new Big Blue hasarrived in the area! Observers claim neverto haveseen anything like it before. A big new bottle with almost 50% more than your regular bottle; 500ml of great-tasting Blue, a// for you! To trap your own Big B!ue, look for the

bottle described as a perfect size for the good times, with a handy twist-off cap . too. Sightings are particularly likely _ addition to the Labatt’s Blue family, new Big Blue. Available in cases of 10 or 20; ask for it wherever you normally enjoy your beer.

‘ -





by Cathy Somers The Varsity Indoor Track Team was quite busy on the weekend as it travelled to Windsor to take part in the Can-Am i%@bor track meet. The Athenas were led by Kelly Boulding who ran a strong 1500 m in 4:46:3 and Kilmeny Beimler who covered the distance in 5:27:4 sec. . Cathy Somers ran a respectable 1,000 m in 3: l9:O. Dominique Tranche place’d first in her heat of the 300 m in 45:0 set and Linda Windle ran the 60 m in 9:35 sec. The Warriors also displayed some strong individual performances. In the College men’s 1500 m, Tim Collins ran 4: 17:2. Jonh Gonos 4:24:3, Dale Lapham 4:25:3 and Woa, Tran 4:32:6. In the men’s 1000 rn,? Chris Lane ran a quick 1:28:0., . \ ,.,



h-d% league @&fen&e &s&&s of the~w&&re~p&&ed by the j Magic Ratts 11-O win Over, Psycho Express, with Joh’;l Boniferro notching four of 21he RaUs goals, and SJC Bailers 8-6 shoot out win ovepRe@son a& -\... three tar a the . winning _. _ Blair,etissel, .’ cQunted side. .L ‘iJ’ ~ _a ,n,,oth .- --. - - er tl action, Flat Earth Society made p few converfs with its ~-1 vktofy f Dver +-IF Chiefs, wtile Dr. Boom the Sonic mm sped pa@ .. . warrior Skoal Bandits, .51, with AnGl Lupta scoring the winning goal for AL- uoom he- - crew. -7 .me Furth<r highlights: ‘nclude Team Rkai being reamed by &em Waste 7:3onthestrengtho - --c twogoalgamc 5 m by the Waste, Djtiir Jenning ana _.” Craig slowing Ameobas in Action toacra’,Gonzalves, SW the.-.-Screaming Stemmers ---wl-as Doug Nevison provided the Stemmers with the tinning . . goal In their triumph;’ and last but not ieast, i2ivicious showed no compas sion for anything “big G hairy”; for t@$ dgwned the.Mutatit e m ..,m.0nan uoxtators A . . .- two goals making the _ difference _A_ c Kill&s 4-d, for Civicious. , . I

Wit&the f&t week of competititin behind us, a few fam h&e become apparent, some predictable, others not. I In A league.play, “the Bombers” coritinued to rate as the favorites to win the A. title by defeating Civil Doom 7bO on the strength of Ralph Borck@‘s three g6al performance and Brent Crooseys shut-out performgrlee in, net. In other games, Who Cares defeated thecivilians 1 l-3 and the Winter Hawks oveipowGred the Carpet Crawlers 84. Other A league play involved a close fought 4-3 up&et win for Club Mech over the Northerners, with H. Godwin providing.Mech with their winning g&l. The biggest surprise this week, however, was Team Cannibas 15-O triumph over the Tinamou Tribe, paced by the fQur gOal play of both Sean Ferdinand and Jim FoIlwell, Cannibas could turn out to be this term’s surprise contender, although it waits to be seen if this level of goal production can be &aintained against the more established 8,j , .’ A league teams.

Recreational-Teams I$ P&t! Shapton . .-. /


I-Iouis: ‘TUGS. - Fri. 8~30 am ,- 6:00 pm Saturday &PO am - 3:30 pm , posting a very strong time of49:31. , Doug Guderian was the,) next Warrior fini’shing 16th, in a time of 49:40. @eve Th’otipgon was- 21 SC in 5l:p2. and Jack ‘Simpson finished 27th in 53:34. The Warriors combined

by Jacquie Gibson 1 I This past weekend, January 26-27, The- U W Nordic .Ski team travelled to OttawaHull for two days of Facing in. the Gia’tin^eati Bill&. c j In the men’s 15 km race, the Warriors top finisher was Marcus Boyle. in 14th place‘

capturing first place in the .team total put them in 4th place behind the very Se&or Wornen’s-event. ’ competitive --Queen’s, Team-mate Jacquie Gibson: also skied stiongly to a OnLSunday, January27;th,& &then& and.Wa+riois moved second ‘pi&? fiikh’. ^ . The4team : i’nclii&ed+ ts;- ?Wakefiel@, Quebec, : tb:- - Warripr’s complete .in the’ - 25 km.’ Steve Thoinpson, firjisbjng. vakkerloppet. ; Pat Wardlawvery stongly i5 the Senior Men’s event. was, again, the top Athena,

Alpine - teams -com@etitiVe by Gordon Wiseman ! Waterloo’s results at the giant Slalom ski race held last Friday, January 25, has proven that this year’s men’s and women’s Alpine- Ski Teams are. solid candidates for high placings in the OUAA/OWIAA Pepsi Ski Series. . , _ On Friday,. t ht= rurrmeti’c team, led by at tremenddusi second place inc lividuql finish by Andrea BaErer, earned’ a -_I -I- In * -fourth phCe team--- -r’I Imisn. thq men’s cotipetition, Dave .Roth again showed great form, winning’ his second consecutive raceE and leading the men to a third place team finif&

: i ,‘, :’


: ,_*

The Pepsi Alpine Universi‘ty Ski Series continues with a’ hslalom race at TLe Peaks

today, February slalom race on Febbuary 7th.


1, and a Thursday,


_ _-


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/ - -. Are you looking for excitement. and g challenge? Corn; out and Sammy predictep 20 out of.24 games correctly. This feat is absolutely participate in Women’s ‘Hockey. Beginners welcome ev&r$ Monday and amazing. Last Sunday, January 27, the men’s basketball league &ted its first frill weekend of play. Sammy was dumbfouild+ when all of his Thursday from 730-83.Opm. There are two &cellent instructors, Brian . Ward and Doug Gore, who a&here to assist the&am through &+&es favbured teams started winning their games. Much better than last term! to help improve each members level of sl@~+t&iiqn gamesagainst Hefe is the weekly roundup: : p. There were three games’in‘A league‘actiori. The frst games saw the local teams a[e,beiQg :@rr*i&. .on Sunday-&ening&6#-113Opm. The Buts sqgeeze.d by the Killer TQmat&s 69.65. Sinclair scored; 22 .for the* are back agairi to chillenge new teams E$ucs while Kent chipped in 22 for the. Tomatoes. On Probation Smelts. , ’ destroued the DisciDLes of Dunk 67-27. and Mattin Osso scored 15 to *-.I -lead &omech Pow& over Ron’s ‘Dons 36-32. : The debit df the Nympets, the first women’s team to enter the men’s basketball league, was very successful for them. Even in the ioss to Domino’s Dunk 37~21, they sho&ed that they can play. Watch out gu$s! . , In other B action, th~ti Puckiescnmched the We$ C-Men-45-22, the Aliens defeated the Debauchers 53-39,( Dave Burne scored 33), the I I# Kjn CrGshers crushed R&s forJocks 41-16, the F&in’ Eyes Few bj$he ‘i ’ R+tionaries 691,8, ,me Civil Serpents nipped Scoliosis 31.26; W6’ - LOO% .SHIARP- A;T Wizards defeated CGC 2!&26,‘,thePh&asants hustled their way to ,a.42-39 iwin over the Civihans, Off Campus Wizards won over W3 Morticians 35: I TWERAZORFi?~E 20, the Basketcases bumped Wreckin Crew 4329, Spartans edgedthe Celtics 4140, the 85ets defeated the Siiers 22-18, N6 Fiends stepped the Sho&ing Seamen 24-20, and Gulliver’s Lakers, led by the inspiring play of Pz$ti Tutille, edged St. Pauls 37.34. ; ’ In C leagtie, the quick %-pound Sandy To&e&. led the Skoal Men and Wdmeds Hairstyhg 1Bandits to a 32-3 win (football?) over the Hops, C.S.AI- @set SIC Boggies 25-17 (one of Sammy’s errors), Ha&i West 50 ran-&the Men $7.0.0 W orrien $73 . Thunder Chickens 2912, Buckylarid whipped SCI Sot 46-l 1, Complete with Bloti Dry

2, Sammy Singlets% Repor--

men’s Competitive B&l Hockey

an easilv acconiodated 38‘teams. We k&modated a wh&na 48 teams, Gith only two teams as alte~ates~ With this greater &GE & only had one drawback and that was time for switching gambs, for only one hour would be left MO% team captainS,w&e cooperat.iGe and-not . di&ppointed; (Thanks-for your patience.) We ended UP with one A league division, with teams like Flvin’ Eves. who have woi their first two aames. In the five B ieaaue-di&ionL wi have the Molson Exoorts. Bucrkvland and Tinamou‘TriYbe have- wdn .______--- __-_,’ -- -- _---- - who their first two game:. Al&, 3D,keactionari& Atlintic w Mops, Z&Rp R-ookies, Commandoes, lceomers, SVC Funcken Puckers .--- and ---- Manh . -r-3 Rockies have won their first‘games for the season.



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Custom Essay se&e will help you research, write and edit .all your literary needs. 4 Collier. St, Toronto Ontario, 9609042. Leather jscket black, size 38, lots of zippers. $85. Call 746-1219 _ Income property for sale. Single family _ home in very nice residential neighbourhood. 10 min. walk to UW. 1 min walk to WLU. Ideal for ownerstudent. or student accommodation. ,. large lot, attached garage, new driveway, two storage sheds, fruit trees, plus much more. New paint: thorughout; all:;. bedrooms fu’mished, three appliances. Asklng $65,500. Call Dave at 8848029. T3ownhlU Ski boofs~ Nordica Venus”, s&e 7. Excellent condiion. Dorthea, 8846524 i i pair Canton HC 100 (suitable speakers). 1 month old. Small -one cabinet Regular $280.. will ’ $180. Jack, 8846057 Guitar for ‘:Woodstock

“Lady $45. as car chip in sell for

George ’ Washbum 12 string. Built-in balance S volume, solid mahogany hardcase. lined C locks. si monthi old, s7OO’or best offer. Call s-y: 746.4489 or Julie l-944-3613. \ Colagno bicycle for sale. 22” frame, campagnolo gearing, suitable for racing or touring; Tralning rollers and other access. also. ‘Chris, 7455999


Trex l&htwelght Headphones with spare earpads, two adapter plugs. .Brand new. %20,QOO hz response.. Asking $15. Call 884.6197’ Graduated and want to get rid of TI 58C program~mablecakulator. Includes s/w module, manuals, adapter, cnstant memory feature. ‘$75 or best offer. Pat, 000766fj~ . _ Quality t-shirts, bags for your Bargain prices.



sweaters, and sports class, club or team. 5766253, evenings.

PC-l 211 Pocket computer. Programmable I in BASIC, Includes ( cassetee interface, carrying case, all manuals and batteries. $100 or best of, 884.61’97. SR-52 programmable calculator with magnetic card reader. Includes all manuals, case, adapter, and 25 programs. $100 or best offer. 86+6i 97.


Word Pfocessing!‘ Close, fast, ‘dependable. Near Seagram Stadium. $1 per double spaced page. Draft copy provided. May book ahead. Phone 885 1353. ,Penpals in Canada wanted urgently. All ages. Write: Pen society, (D66) Chorley, ’ La~cs, England.

Holistic “Therapy treatments r combines i&kxology, shiatiu; touch for health, irkiology, G nuthtion. Please call p. Henderson for an appointment. 888. 6253. *

.Wantedr‘ Audiences for Fasser than a speeding bullet. Feb69,1985. Tickets available at the Humanities Theatre box office.

Pbtimum Tuxedo clad messages for all occassions. We will deliver flowers, chocograms for you in style for your seetheart on Valentine’s Day. Prices from $19;95. . Call 5767948 @I M&te+tnce and repair .-- Downhill skis, edge sharpening, base repair and waxing: will pickup your skis. Peter, 885 3813. _ _ .W! Alter and repair all~types of clothing @t reasonable rates, : Call Kelly at 6655774. , Mlnl Leases; subleases, problems with your landlord? Come to the Legal Resources Office CC. 15OA, to find out more information or call 8850840 and leave a message on our message minder. Do you have a lease for your place? Please bring it to the Legal Resdurce Office at CC 15OA. We are currently trying to accumulate information on rents in the Kitchener-Waterloo area and we would like to take a look at your lease. Our lease bank can only grow with your help. .

-, large 4-bedroom hou‘se to sublet MayAug. Washer, dryer; hardwood floors, fireplace, porch; shaded lawn, cable TV, spacious living room. Rent $795 negotiable. 20 minute walk from UW. -1 block-from Waterloo Square. Ph. 576 2753. _ s _. _

One or Two bdrm apt needed starting May 1.’ Would like to takeover lease. MSA, Wloo Towers, if possible. Scott, 884-1384 Wanted: 3 or 4 bdr. house/apt or twnhs within 25 minute walk to UW, for Sept. -‘85. Call Andrew,,?463064.

Lost Wednesday evening, Jan 23rd in or around B2 155, one giey pencil case,Various contents including a gold pen. If found, please ‘contact Lise at 884-6386.

Room to share - furnished. Jan-April ‘85. 82 Seagram Dr. Parking Available. $16O/mo. incl. utilities. negotiable. call 8849016.

Lost: Set of 10 keys on ring. Name ‘“Anusia” on tag. Please call 744-7039 Hewlett Packard 15c. Calculator University Parking Lotearly January. 5760055, nights.


day . fug.’ 3beclroomtownhouse, , R&n&xi Tsfates, ppol, sfme fWeI dryer, 20 minute walk on-major ‘bus routes. Dave: 884-7445.

Parkside Dr. 2 bdrm apt., optimal for 3. MayAug. Carpeted, large bath, ti-idge, stove, utilities incl. Ground level Patio door for easy access. $475/mo. negotiable. 20 minute walk to UW. Call Terry 884-9198 or Cam 884-7116.

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resumes, all kinds. electronic page. Call for Robin.

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Roblnwood Townhose for 3 to sublet in summer. Has pool, close to shopping, laundry. Main floor fully furnished ’ (including dishes, etc. for kitchen),-and some bedroom furniture included. Option to take over lease in September. , Call Patti, 8864029.

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25 years experience: 75C double-spaced page.. Westmount area. Call 7433342.

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Resumes, type set-up, exc,ellent quality printing _ fast&curate-efficient se&ice.r Pick up G deliveries arranged. Call ACTION Resumes. 744-2638 _ -, Typing - quality typing on IBM Selectrk. Secretarial experience. Will do resumes, essays, these& etc. Reasonable rates. Call Hanna * 886.5748 Word Processing1 Close, fast, dependable.- $1 per double-spaced page. near Seagrqm Stadium: Draft copy provided. May book ahead. Phone 885 _ 1353. Quality guaranteed. multiple originals of resumes, theses, and work reports. Data Storage. Delivery arranged. Fast, accurate service. Call Diane, 576-1284. .

Rachel W Happy /birthday! Will you be my Calgary Valentine? Spencer _,


Ed B. from I.S. We heard you were feeling down. Don’t worry, a ScienCe \ fiction fan and a regular patron of Callahans Crosstown saloon can triumph over anything. To one 4th ‘year y in Vlllage~ 1, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, three days early. From your favourite Artsle Frosh. xoxox Cuddly Kermit: Happy Birthday, Happy first anniversary. Thanks for the best year of my life! Je t’aime - Huggy Bear. P.S. iz.p,)re b~irthtiyot;v~J;m~7~;ar&9 * me the Spike: Only two females await you in Gcha Rios (Jamaica). Don’t forget your birthday suit Lisa and Roomie. A Dance alternative? - The Christian twisters are at it again with another TWISTable, evening at St John’s Anglican. Chu,rch (Duke & Water Sts) on Feb.2 (Saturday from 8 12 pm.) If you enjoy dancing in a relaxed atmosphere td the latest Christian sounds plus everything from the Virginia reel to the limbo, then show up with s3# All proceeds will be going to aid famine I relief in Ethiopia. We’ll be there,will you? Reagan in Canada! YQU saw thePope In ‘84, now see Ronnie’on St Patrick’s Day. Bus leaving from here for Quebec City on March 17th. Contact Todd at the Imprint if interested. I want to meet other gay young males into fun and goodtimes. No fats, Ferns, dopers or bar-types please. Sincere only. I Doug 74298 17 Arc you crazy? Or is it just the rest of the world? Maybe MENSA (tie club for the top 2%) can help you’ find out. Call 742. info. ._

Brian C. G Michael M. - Where are you? easier for you to contact me than me Let’s get together for ‘koffee” like, * true YMers (ex). Shayla. Help! I need a tutor for math230 A. (Calculus) Immediately. Please call sue at 7463372 Mike the Spike: Jamaica in April or bust .-,* The girls of East 1.; Anyone wllllng,.to be interveiwed for a study on sexual harassment, &all Monica or Julie at ex 63005 to. arrange an appointment, Wed. 9:30-123, Thurs. 1030 al:30 G Fri. 1130 2!30. Study-conducted by Women’s Commission, Federation of Students. All interviews confidential. luUgvelina’s friends: please contact me. I’d like her writing address. 8849858. -Paul; . i G ’ Found -@II! ( 1) slightlyused virginity. If pive lost one recently, apply to 2p Cll* (Civil disobedlencej for a full refund. A&far to relevant question “2. i YESi It’s bald as an egg. But shame on you forkissing and telling. . . Ken and Judy: Just because it’s your wedding night f . . don’t be pokin’ no h&sin the waterbed! Gongrats! Karen and Sid. Does Tom’s bald spot really glow in the dark, when he’s embarassed? Corn&o FASS and find out. Gwen rm calling you. . . Please come to ‘FASS with me, opening night -* Wednesday February 6. B. Trudy Yourschool 16 Are you crazy or is it just the rest of the world? Maybe FASS can help you find’ It’s


Typing: Essays, theses, work reports, resumes, bdness letters,. etc. Neat, accurate. Will correctspelling~grammar, punctuation.. Reasonable rates, electronic typewrlter.~ Seven year’s rgriwng for studnes. phone

Tokhou6e and lease available in Sunnydale beginning in May ‘85. Four bedrooms, 1% baths. and close - to everything you’ll ever. need! _ -I$$ or ’ ’ Stephen, 886-7082. x


l&ge.Twobedroom apartment for f&yAug. 2.minutes from campus,fumished, call ‘746.1219.


PhIlip. Street tumhs. available f&ry-Aug. Mostly furnished, washer/dryer. Call 8886934.

Male Subjects needed for 1 ‘h hours. Study involves measures of physiological responses to -a complex task For more info call :&x 3577 or 2839 or drop by BMH Rm 1 OOE~ any day, 830-l 1 zO0 am.

Night Drivers with small cars wanted foi a progressive food delivery company.’ Full or part time. Same nightcash. Work for a company that cares about you. 745 12100r 6530354. -

3 or 4 bedroom. Sept. 198545 min. walk to UW. Call Brian, Bob, Nick or Glenn, 7464797.’ .-A

YBOT. ENAJ C ABRDNA Thainot eht ’ nuf s&s htiw Nref - hctaw r&y pets! ALYAHS. P.S. Its your turn! ’ slidy: why not wander dans les rues de Paris?, Paris in the the spring. - fuzzI

Compuscribe Wor&Processing ’ Why word processing?‘ Advantages of a word processor include perfect. final copy, document storage options, computer spelling check, second draft options, right justified margins, multiple originals. Why Compuscribe word processing? Our laser printer, will five the best quality available for your work reports, resumes, papers, etc. Laser printing: Double spaced page - $1; Resumes (per page) - $5, copies 20C. Call 746-l 119 for efficient reliable service.

. Typist living on campus (MSA). &correcting ribbon. 75C/page or $3 min. for resumes. Fast Servlce;‘Call Ann 884. ;‘ 0421 . Typing ‘d only page’(d.s.) Typist holds English degree, lives on (MSA), spelling corrected. Call Karen ~746.3127.

2 bdrm apt. flat available May 1st. $350 for twcr, $300 for one. Close to UW. ~watis, Waterloo Town Sotram: Westmount PL Call G.EClarke at 746- : 6424 or -ext. 2332.

Models (female) wanted ~for studio photography. Should be able to do own makeup. Remuneration in the form of B/W prints. 8856877.

. Learn B&W fashion photography and darkroom techniques in a* professional, studio. Two day course - $100. Models, equipment E materials supplied; 884. : 1652 or 8886672

2 bdrm, suitable for.3 May-Aug.‘Fully furnished, carpeted, l,‘h .baths, dllhwasher; air conditioning; close. to Conestoga Mall. $415, negotiable. 884. 7564. 2 rooms available in twnhs.6498 Albert St. sl5O.mo.ci utilities. 8852996. .

Models (female) for layout of fashion jewelry. Prior &+ence preferred. please. phone Michael; 8842341 or Leave name and number at the I+int office. ,

I wkl do typing in my home. _Phone. NO. 57a7306. Resumes! Wordprocessed! Fast, ’ dependable service. Near Seagram. Stadium. $3 per page. 25C per page for original copies. Phone 8851353

Summer in Sunnydale Place. ‘3 roommates wanted. s17O/mo. + utilities brie of, Gleaner townhouses. CallSheryl 884-4928.


Apartment wanted. bedroom for May-S+&. 4809.


.2 bdrm furnished apt. avail. for summer term or option to take lease.‘20 min. walk to UW. 3 min east of King on Bridgeport. ,-Convenient location to shopping malls, beerstores, liquor store, laundry facilities , in bldg. Utiliies incl. -8865558 oi8867524: : 3 bdrm furnished basement (residential area) to sublet May - Aug. 20 min to campus, 3 min to,Zehrs, on bus route. Furnished, washer, dryer, parking, use of backyard, all utilities paid. ’ $495/m& 746-3435. . ’

Essays, Reports etc. edlled and revised by a third year honours English student. Reasonable rates. Located on campus. Call Joan 884-9235 or Paul 7464809.

sale: i2”,

pi&up, 2 controls,

Wanted, One‘rookmate for MaySept in - Sunnydale. Rent - $100.5O.mo.+ utilities. Townhouse has I ‘hbaths - clothes dn+er. Close to Kwkkle and laundr0~~~~1


Birthday, guy! You’ve finally ‘hit the big 22nd. Enjcjl - but don’t get carried away like you did the last time wearing your birthday suit in this weather could be dangerous to the extremities. . Sincerely, Let sa go! To the Gomen of Vl, W2: . please call 8845456 and wish our buddy, Tony (W6) a happy birthday today. GTF Karen - remember the stairway at St. Jerome’s and the Moose Room? Still have your number. Do you get messages? Let’s do it again. Hi Barb. Are you a fresh new talent just waiting to . _ be discovered? The Creative Arts Board is looking for studehts who are interested in performing at the Bombshelter on , Thurs. afternoons. Performers of all kinds are welcomed. Call ext 6329 or stop by the Creative Arts Board in Fed Office - CC 235 for more details. . Thll week only! Big Tod Teaser offers free hot chocolate and a story with every tuck in. Call now. and beat the rush. Todd C. at St. Pa&. Attention all Art&s: You are cordially invited to Hagey Hall Rm 373 on Wed. Feb. 6, for another amazing ASU wine G cheese. Simply pay a dollar at the door and come join the fun. JT. Campus Marketing trip to Daytona Beach, Florida ‘still running. For confirmation of this call 8860864 and ask for Darick or Cam. , BUMYSony but I can’t resist Justtry and stop me! Bear. For- the ultimate in night club entertainment visit the Plantation Club and the one-of-a-kind 600 North Video Rock Club over reading week in Daytona Beach, Florida. Wall Breakers of Waterloo Unite!! Under the Bold leadership of. lima the Destroyer, no townhose is safe. any longer. Harm hnhrenq Sweetie! with LOW from me. P.S. (Ai Caribou Ewe) -NW YW know that this personal is for deer. _ you, I

Alice, Congratuhtions on your nev p&itlon as programme director however, please be advised that your requests for R G D finds are way out ol line. The R G D funds have been re allocated to the purchase of sterec equipment for the advertising manager and-the director. The director and ad manager, HBR 8 ME Inc. Lost. Motivation: If found please call D ~1 . Anyone Interested in joining the Associated Society to Desocialize the Antisocial Redundancy of Saying the Same Thing Twice (or thrice), please write 23 Austin Dr., Waterloo, Ont. N2L 3X9. My name is Franklin. Frankllm , fm not dead. I’ve been kidnapped by The People Against Theodore Terrorist group. Anybody who wants to join a club to find people who are presumed dead but aren’t, write 22600 Moza Dr. Argentina. My name is ’ Theodore. ( he& I gbt your message from’ your roommmate Frederick, call meas soon as YOU get back from Bolivia. Tanya. Bruce P: Your-days aie numbered.’ Only 37 shopping days ‘til MGB. Who’s your date? Luv H.T.Wendy piver(EB): To the prettiest girl on campus, I like to say I love you. Signed Mr. A-Gentle-man. Get Your Summer job out of the way now! Earn $5-$7 with .College pm painters. See us on Feb. 5 In Lauder’s Concwrse, 10 am. to 2 pm.. and attend our’ Seminar from 2:3b &OO in the Central Teaching Building, Rm A205. For more information, call Scott at 884 1384. Hey Wncenzo! Happy Birthday from all yourbuddlesin West 6. How about hitting the ‘shelter tonight to celebratel? T.F. Thanks to Todd, Tony, Hana, P&i, Anthony, Dave, John, Mitch, Alison, and Tina for a great birthday. Lot’s of Love. T, . Kathy C of St P: The them is right for Sat night The Massaging Musician. Mike the Spike; West 2 girls are wondering how low can you limbo? The deadllne for nominating your terrific teacher is.fast approaching! Please call ex. 3132 or drop in to the ‘teaching resource office NH 3005 soon for details. OSSM4 is coming. Reserve March 1 for the bash; Ask someone’ who knows.. RSJSW Wanted 1, *available female for ocean r cruise to helg cure my roommate of “love boat syndrome”. Aka- :IMerill Stubbing Complex”. Call, 7463435 ask for Dot. tiannel The last 15 have been great! But who’s counting? Right? Luv, Burgundy .and the white racing stripes. Party at the University Club. We’ve got it all . . booze, music, giant dance flwr and video pluslot’s more. We’ve planned this to be the social event of the season and we Want you to be there. The 3A electrical engineers are inviting you to The University Club, Feb. 2 at 8m pm. No jeans, no booze brought in, guys $1, .girls no charge. To Tom and his lone ranger - Now I know how the West was won! Was that a gun in your pocket, or were you glad to meet me? Happy Birthday, Luvyourljttle Hockey Player. Another ultimate question: Paul are you available for Spagettl E red wine? Bald men are extremely sexy. You know who. Sam, Happy Birthday to the girl who has the room where men have been, and will be, many more times. Love yr from . the male population. 52 men want 104 women for Gooc times and mutual satisfaction. You’ll lx “totally freaked out.” Phone D.S. 884 6417 Tlld of being a minority? Students frorr Manitoba interested in an informa gathering at the Bombshelter call Linde at 884-8029

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