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mpri Frlday, Februuy 15,1985; Vol. 7, No. 28; The Student Newspaper; Unlvenlty of WatM100,Waterloo, Ontarlo.

They could have danced all night: Fed president-elect Sonny Flanagan and running-mate Mark McKay (left) embrace in moment of victory. Imprint photo by Richard Clinton

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by I& Lipton, T.A. Grier & Todd Schneider I m ~ r i n Staff t It was a battle. In one of the closest elections in Federation history, the team of Sonny Flanagan and Mark McKay prevailed 'by the slim margin of 56 votes. The new president of the Federation of Students was ecstatic and surprised Wednesday night, February 13, in the Bombshelter where he heard the results. Each of the three teams was on the edge of their chairs a s they sat and joked together waiting for the count, which was delayed three hours as the numbers were rechecked. Mr. Flanagan received 34.5% of the vote, out of 3,319 votes cast, a little over twenty percent of the electorate. The team of Jeff Wilson and Kathryn Seymour ran a close second with 32.8% of the vote. Scott Forest and Willie Grove were a mere one percent behind the Wilson team. All three candidates were within ninety votes of each other. Mark McKay, the new vice-president, operations and finance, commented that "the closeness of the results was understandable. All three campaigns were likeable. It was a matter of which looks practical; that was what won it for us." Mr. Flanagan and Mr. McKay picked up most of their support from the Math and Science faculties. Their lead in these polls was significant and gave them enough votes t o edge past Mr. Wilson. Mr. Flanagan and Mr. McKay centred their populist campaign around improving Fed - student relations. "The first thing we're going t o d o is make the Fed office more accessible t o students", Mr. McKay said shortly after the results were

By Todd Schneider campus which was signed by Mr. Byers, among others. It was Imprint staff a n endorsement of Mr. O'Reilly for the post of president, saying A tempest has cooled a t W~lfridLaurier University where the that he was "not a politician but a n administrator." WLUSU pres~dentand the Cord Weekly battled over the hearts At this point, the O M B asked for Mr. Byers' resignation, and mmds of the students concerning the recent p r e s ~ d e n t ~ a l saying the handout appeared t o the students t o be a n official elect~on. recommendation of a particular candidate. He was also The fight began when the Cord staff broke from ~ t sown criticized for pulling ads from the Cord without consulting any tradit~on t o ed~torially endorse one of the p r e s ~ d e n t ~ a l O M B members. T o set the students straight on the legality of the situation, the cand~dates In ~ t sJanuary 31st edtt~on, Tony C e r t o s m o According to Cord e d ~ t o rChuck Kirkham, the reasons w h ~ c h Chief Returning Officer sent a letter to the Cord disclaiming Mr. Byers' actions. The Cord printed the letter in a special early compelled 15 of 17 ed~torialboard members to take s ~ d e were s two planks in the platform of Larry O'Reilly. edition late that Wednesday. The first was his contention that the student unlon should But students had little chance t o figure the score. Of 5000 have more input into running the Cord (the Cord is partially copies printed of the special edition, some 4000 were funded by WLUSU's Board of Publications). As well, Mr. appropriated by some party that evening. O'Reilly was opposed to Laurierjoining the Ontario Federation On Thursday morning, February 7, students were further of Students. even as a prospective member. treated to 2 four-page flyers from WLUSU that contained a of the editorial, then-WLUSU president Kevin letter from Mr. Byers. comments on the recent events by - As a result . . . . . . . . . . . Byers unilaterally pulled all ot the student un~on'sadvertsing Director of WLUSU Promotions Dave Bradshaw, and articles from the Cord for the next week. The Operations and reprinted from American university papers. Offsetting the costs Management Board (OMB), WLUSU's executive body, of the flyer were the disputed WLUSU advertisements. reinserted the ads with some alterations. By late Monday, At a n emergency meeting of WLUSU's Board of Directors February 4, a handout had been distributed across the Laurier called that morning. thev learned that the contract that M r

by Len Mokos, T.A. Grier, & Todd Schneider Imprint Staff Cultural Caravan, a small, UW version of Toronto's annual multicultural festival, was a sell-outlast Friday, February 8th. About 1000 people bought $2 passports permitting entrance to any o r all of nine pavilions run by various campus ethnic clubs. Any profits from the clubs' provision of food and entertainment was returned t o their kitties. The Federation put up the money for printing passports. advertising, and eating utensils. The event, sponsored by the Federation of Students and the Graduate Students Assocation, ran at a deficit of about $1500, but was never expected t o make money, says organizer and Federation vice-president, university affairs, Mitch Retterath. Two other food outlets lost money because of the event. Bombshelter manager, Harry Warr estimated that the bar lost about $800 due to turning regular patrons away because of the Chinese pavilion activity. And the Food Services concession there took a loss because it had to close at 2 p.m. Mr. Retterath said he hopes that the Federation continues to funds events like'this one until they become a tradition because "there's obviously a n interest there for it." He added that he

thought the tlmlng of Caravan was readmg week and d u r ~ n ga usually slack p e r ~ o dof s o c ~ a l events. Coordinating the event was no smooth matter, however, Mr. Retterath admitted, though, that some complaints of disorganization were justified. "It was the first time we'd ever done something like this and we encoutered problems which we hadn't expected. The whole event needed a longer lead time. than 1 gave it." He also said that he was "doing too many things at once; I should have delegated more. Basically, it was toocentralized on one person and I didn't have time to d o everything 1wanted." A full report will be written, he said, so that next year's Caravan "will be much better". Two organizations which were asked t o participate did not. Palestinian Heritage members declined because they felt that they were not given enough information as to what was expected. They were also opposed t o participating in a n event where students were forced to pay for food. The Jewish Students Association also did not take part. The group was asked t o withhold participation by the local Jewish community, for Friday is the Jewish Sabbath.

announced. He said that the "simple honesty" of their campaign helped them win. Mr. McKay repeated his pledge t o obtain student input before organizing the new government. The atmosphere in the defeated camps was sombre. Mr. Wilson was visibly shaken and, after congratulating Mr. Flanagan, left to be with his workers. Scott Forrest, looking tired and dejected, said that he was surprised by the closeness of the race. Commending Mr. Flanagan on his victory, he said that "Sonny worked hard a t his campaign and now it's paid off. I wish him well." He said that he "definitely" plans t o apply for a position with the Federation. Defeated vice-presidential candidate Willie Grove maintained a cheery attitude and said that he too would get involved with the Feds. Mr. Wilson's running mate, Kathryn Seymour, stayed for a short time after the count came in and said that she planned t o remain active with the Feds. President-elect Flanagan, who said during the campaign that he would welcome his opponent's applications, maintained this stance: but said that "nofavours will be given." Mr. Flanagan takes over the position of president from current president T o m Allison at the Annual General Meeting in March. The Federation executive's partisan support of Mr. Wilson was exemplified by two members' reactions t o reporters' queries shortly after the results were announced. Fed president T o m Allison refused t o comment directly, but said offhandedly, "it's pathetic when (you) people have t o beg for abuse." Peter Klungel,chairperson of the Board of External Relations said "All I have t o say a t this time is journalists are leeches."

Byers had negotiated over the weekend could not be broken. Mr. Byers was asked t o resign but the request had no official muscle because quorum had been broken by the time the matter was put t o a vote. It was a moot point by that time. The election held a week later--the whole reason for the war of words--ended in victory for Certosimo last Friday, February 8, by the slim margin of 227 votes. Under WLUSU bylaws, the moment a new president is declared by a final tally of votes, the old president's regime is history. With a change in personalities, union-paper relations at Laurier promise to be smoother in the future.

he at- with her as she bags another basket-seepage 17. Imprint photo by Jim Pravitz

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T& Birth ~&&ml Ce&ei &r trained ,yolunteers provide nonjGdgqmer&& ~eor&denti~i c&n@@ and infoimatiq or$ a&’ &hods of- bi&’ tint&, planned and unplanned pre@ancy, subfertility and V.D. \hie also have an e&x&e lendin&lib~qand do referrals to community pgqcies. Our h&r% are 10;304:30 Man-Fri, Eyenings--;Mbn@ed. 7m lQ.$O p.m. in CC 206,%&23@. .Wea&,ocate responsible


St Paul’s 12 noon; Holy Communion: Sunday Evening Fellowship welcome.

Fok Dance Classes from ’ Recreation Centre, 185 Kipg.3 welcome. Partners are not tiec


Hike to the bird feeders at the 11 am. AT 2 pm, Bruce- Dun--,.



Salatul .&mua (Friday ,prayer-)p organized Students! A&ciation Clriiver!$ity of W&e&o. . - . ‘pm

Fr&Pubsr The ,A!!% $&ent Ftyday pubs every Friday from &‘nooi until G-pm, iKHH 230., Weekly specials and softdr~nksau@able.‘~C~rn&outand’join~thefun..’ ., II,-., .-‘_ /:,i Art E&bit; :’ Wat&eolours by Australia& &ti$t E&en& Z Pei-ftili: &+$hi!$ed dqing regula~~~iversity~h~~~~: L A&@&f&n si ~&-& &d ‘&&&e w&ofie.~* ‘&fi&~e : Gallery

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!3ede’s Chapel. -

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L+m hi~p~&&itiq~~~I prtmqsph~re. Admission Hqmanities building.

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.&ott& lively gameof *iheatresporfs;.Come outand-enjc&, m :ev&iiig-.qf @r$ovititional &xn+y:-‘Admissiti 0r)e, dell&; f@ceetsmo& if,$ou’renot a-Fed tiembei. 3rdflmr ’ , .loun$e of Humanities building. .* 1 Fed. Flicks~ ’ See.Frid&. - .. I








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2, East -: .


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%$-A& Ministry. .“ii.’

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Gays or wm acorreenouse~ 1s up in Koom 4-301, Central Teaching Building,WLU, 8 to lo:30 pm. Come up and visit during. Laurier’s,Reading Week Mile the campus is quiet! ,

Beaver”, contruct “Victorian” figures out of snow with prizes awarded for best sculpture, and to warm your spirits, guides in period costumes invite you to sqmple hot homen+ade soup in historic kitchen. Admission Free. For more ’ information call: 742.5273.


’ - Thurs., Feb. 21 - _

Watqloo 7:00 pm

Christian in Eng.1


fellowship rqom 2536. ~






- Worship










S&e Friday. -II_

-’ . ; . _ ._ ,? Hon., -7 :‘I -i . . -s.~.i zg. Monung Prayer: Campus Ministry.

F& -7 >-A 9:OO a.m.

’ ,18 ,. l i .: !, St. -&de’s

/ Chipel.

I 1 Anglican

Bkth control. or self control - it’s your _ choice. , For confidential telephone counselling & bir@ control and -Ii@, call 8884096 or 888-4068. Sponsored by Health Se&& ahd . the Biti .Contil Ce&e; Federation of r t _. Students. and C& Grant &leration . of ’

At ‘&’ l-i&per,

kmbshtilter - recording artist and cult figure kw Gad vocalist for pink Floyd’s “W$I you Were Here”. $4.00 Feds,&.00 others. ’ ? ‘- :e - ~tiuse’&Q&&q: Come\ouiand ekjoy a debat@ filled with great argument& New members will be I :.‘- wild.. ~~aqr~&d showered with love qnd admiration. We will meet in St. ~ > Jeromes rodp 229 at 530 pm. ’ ; . r UW Chess Club general meeting. C.F.C. rated totimarnent startina Feb. 25: New chess-&s welcome. For more inforr&tion contact Robbie 884-7819 or Tim 884-7956.

5 . ’ -,Tues., Feb. 19 -

a.m. ,_ .arid -


, 3”‘


. Mcxnhg Prayer: 9&O am: $3. @de’s @apeI, A&icari * . i Campti Ministr$ J J The C&d&n Federation of &&en&y Women - Meeting will be held at the Cycle Gallery of the K-W Art Gallery, 101 $ Beie’s’Chapel. Queen St. North, Kitchener at 8100 p.m. A panel of three 1, ..‘ / ekeis, Grace Schmidt, -Dr. Ed Cowan and.Loma,B$rgey 1 German, Pennsylvania Dutch and Scottish discussion, Conrad \ awill discussour : -c “--ah&age. T I. .+ c :. _ -:.

’ &%hlp’ on @mpbs. _ 1 Q:36, a.m.: by Huron’ Chtipu,s~~?G&y. Everyone Graham E Morley: JI’ .

yii l$c,har@tz ,_ +#can Campus , ~ ,_ ‘:?.. -6 ‘ ‘I

Day Winter


_, ,. _ ‘Ho& ~aJchalistr 930’ a.m. Village 102. Anglican

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“- SuQ., Feb 1-i *- ‘-. <.







His Gkl.Fmy starring R?sali& Russell Sponsored by the Women’s Co&miss@, Students. Feds $1, others $2.


relaxed w&&shop3rd floor. Ibunge,

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by .&he Muslim. Cc-;135. 1 z3q

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A P‘I/,.’

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Your favourite dancin’ tunes 1 -p&formed by Coloured Ed@& , . . > -feds. ,-, &atdoorI 1. - -r others \ $4‘- ‘. 1J ’ ‘I I Saturday, February 16 . Fed Hall open ” “. 5:OO~ p.m. A I:00 a,m. s I : I, . ;:.. ,’ : i’ 2 Monday, February ,I 8 through ’ Fridgy;‘Februari/ 221 ’ : - :‘ i 1 ’ Fed Hall dpen . ’ ) 1q3() gfy), /j ;,@a, m, . +-’ Dancing a.nd Video i Wednesday through \ Friday ’ ,’ Saturday’, February 23 8:OO p.m. ’ I‘ -.A .’ ,:‘ Math Sot Gresents . .-” .I/ -British Pub. atid Comsdy Night*. ’ . featuring 3 c.oniedians arid ‘, ,- Ire& I and C&la 2.’ - L. from the i3runsAckAHouse .’ ” others $450. , feds S.3.50 -L.d \







Hockey _.,_ -


coach resigns’ over budget w -

By Sandy T~wq&er$ part-time graduate student. concernswere for the stability Imprint Staff. -.Mr. Birch also found the and benefits of a full-time / The UW hockey program time to become\ president of position. received a major setback this The Unive’rsity has built a the OUAA Hockey Coaches week when head-coach Jack_ --Association as well as first-class arena and supplies Birch resigned. -His Chairman -of the Allthe players with the very .best resignation was effective Canadian Selection Commitin equipment but Mr. Birch Monday morning, February tee. The decision to resign was feels, that the .administration 11, but he will continue with a difficult one for Mr. Birch, has made a “poor decision” in all his respnsibilities-until the. ‘but he felt-that it was the best not going one step further and end of the season; ’ for his. career. hiring% full-time coach. -\ Mr. Birch leaves behind a He says that there is no good organization and a solid He “feels bad that players “excuse for this program not base from which to build, but. might think he has: jumped to be in the Top T&“and that he “doesn’t forsee U W being a shi.p” but by announcing his .-hiring a full-time coach would hockey contender in the -decision now he feels ~he is be the missing ingredient. He future”. +: feels that “part-time coaching giving them time t.o make For the -past three years, alternative plans for their is not a committmentto _ U W has had a full-time coach and that,if the futures. His biggest regret he excellence” in a part-time position. says is-that people will feel he - University is nof ready to join Besides being the -hockey ;left for monetary reasons. In the. race, then it should get coach, Mr. Birch is also a fact, .‘* r . , he says’ that..his biggest T out.

Carl Totzke; the head of the Athletic Department, would like to see a major sport covered by a full-time position but he has not been able to add full-time people to his staff. In fact, the Athletic : Department has not had any additions -to its staff in fourteen years. A;\ Mr. Tatike would not find . fault with’.Mr; Birch’s decision but he is disappointed all the same. Without an increase in the Athletic budget, there can, :be no new openings. Mr. T~otzke is hoping, that “new initiatives” and “new money will create new opphtunities.” He did not elaborate on IRetired hockey coach Jack Birch: “Part-time commitment to excellence. ” where the new money was going to come from. -_, ,.

coaching i

is not a x”




by ‘Hiikka M&a&m Imprint Staff In -starving countries, hunger is /being treated on the “stopgap? or emergency*$evel. This leadsto mass shortage of brain power:_ due to lack of protein in- emergency food sent from western countries according to Dr. Murray .Moo:Young, of theDepartment of ChemicalEngineering. He further states that the only way to stop’this process of nutritional disorders that often leads to permanent-brain damage isto‘dexelo.p-foodstuffs from the resoyrces.avaiIable in those countrie’$ ._ ’ For instance, he says ::counf&s;with oil but little agricultural potential could use a system developed at Waterloo that would convert oil into protein by a process of growing microbes on the . oil: Dr. Moo Young was one of three speakers on Africa Week’s Food Aid panel. The other speakers .were Dr. John Hotson, from- Economics; Dr. Herbert Fernando, from ‘Biology and a PhD student 2. Gebr&Mariam, -from the- University -of -Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. , I , . -They all addressed’ the need for more long-term:actions in areas-such as farming, fisheries, land-maintenance and food. research, I Mr. Young further stated that only seven percent of-the world .QQ .s~ppiy W?F needed to produce, enough p&&to,-feed the. entire world population.+He thinks that-part of theproblem in rmark+ig. the ollconverstion-to-protein system is that. most - Americans and Europeans are used to igetting their.. protein third;: world :- requirement. from :meat, but he adds thatmany countries. and -eastern ones eat protein in otherforms; such .as organisms on fermented foods. Dr. Young feels ,that the reason the process hi not -‘been . implemented inmany cou.ntries with starvation problems is that ../ .‘i ’

~\ often those countries are under dictatorships and any long-term investme‘nt of that kind is not in\ the interestof the regimes. He says that the process has been sold to Yugoslavia, France, and Canada where these conversion units are demonstratedto other interested buyers. Right now, the Philippines is interested I in the process. * , Dr. John’ Hotson, from the Dept. of Economics of UW blames the politicians for not?cting on their promises. He says ’ that the’ 1980 -policy the UN adopted “to end world hunger by the year 2000” has not been sulficiently acted on. *He feels that the mandate “said all the right things” but has been mostly been ignored, by politicians who are more attentive to their 4 constituent’s immediate concerns. He urges people to write to ; . their political leaders and demand that foreign aid not be- cut i i i back4 John Hotson is the founder of the K-W Hunger Project, a . plan to rid the world of starvati&‘%?He cites that one-fifth of the world is -“chronically undernourished”, . Dr. &rnando, ‘of the Biology Department, is involved in I reasearching eheaper -animal protein, such as fish. He says&at , _ famine conditions are rare ,-outside of Africa nowadays&but within Africa all the resources are availab1.e for adequate.“food ’ He feels that the long-term solution is to, - protein production. .. -. -;develr)g fisheries.. 92 :* ’. .>’ -., . Dr. Hatson also states that one .of the, mafir problemf in .-Ethiopia *is .the lliteracy -rate. ‘Peo,p.le aren’t educated i and orga-nized ’ ti _ _ enough : s to be able to “‘assimilate .-,information$‘. He says that Africa has suffered from. isolation for so lo>g that progress has been delayed in technology and agriculture. He,‘cites Canadals contributions in this area as :;a g&$ start” but he feels much more development is needed. ’

Sheridan: Tuitig to’-pajf!EB of I.S. budget, , 1.&g~n&k _’


From Hider.

to Lampoon ?


by Hilkka McCaHum (traditionally a sum unique to by Cord DUB&n and racism- out, they should work best. Sex se&+.” _ according. to I Linda Imprint Staff M-r. Fulton feeis that there Tranter, an IS student, theconot publish. IS since most students don’t Imprkrt Staff The discussion regarding .is a Vocal mhOrity Of~Onka Because of a , predicted ordinator says that the reason ’ have full-course loads), Enginews is trying to make to be trying to enforce their opmion budget slash of almost 50%, for the slash is that people on meaning less money for. a com,eback. from the Engine ws seems consistent. B ot h M r. on the majority. “caiol conferences and nomoney for the Integrated Studies campus were complaining to publication that was 8banned -McGowan andMr. Fulton . Fletcher came down reading travel expenses; Paper, pencils students will mostly pay for the viceipresident academic, on campus two terms ago. non-existent, demonic _ said Enginews has gone from. 8 the total budgeted costs of IS that the budget was-too large and other supplies will be This is being supervised by “Hustler to National messages into the poster. We through tuition alone. IS for the program. reduced by 50% and there will Eng. Sot B President Al were more interested in the of the cuts be no more allotment of funds ,- McGowen and y editor TomLampoonj’. I students would be paying - .-A run-down “Cha@ie the Tuna” take-off i ; two-thirds more of their follows: I . for seminars and colloquiai Fulton among others. W&en asked about the picture *i than the sexuality’” 4; he said. et than -other students, -.- Resource persons (alias s I Women’s Commissioner-Julie of the women in a bikini, used !z& % \ who pay on average, one‘l’he budget for the * George is advising Etiginews on a poster- and as the front academic advisors) for the / third of their faculties’ supervisors who opt to train cover .of the first edition, Despite her criticism of the summer will be cut back from on any potential sexism in the degree candidates will , be paper. , McGowan and newspaper,~Ms. George ’ budgets. seven to two; Information _ Messrs. lowered from $700 to $100. The co:ordinator of IS, Joe , Resource budget figure will be Fulton agreed that it-was not commended “the current staff The. idea behind -Enginews Sheridan, is aiming at cutting $5QO instead ‘of $2300 (this Formerly, each supervisor is satire, explained Mr. in bad taste. . * 'of Eng’inews and Al the budget from $237,000 to \ includes books and Periodicreceived a $50 honorarium on Ms. George said that, “Any McGowan fortheir professed McGowan. He feels that they $150,00. Total tuition paid by als); the Student Projects the candidate’s successful . are now getting enough -picture that suggests that one desire. to rid Enginews of J -IS students is $140,000. fil:ure will be be cut in half graduation. take a bi telut of a women is sexism.- I’m going to work submissions that they can sexist.” “That’s sex, not with them in that direction; I afford to differentiate sexism.” said MF. McGowan. don’t accept the argument between what is offensive, “We looked into other media that making improvements . ’ especially to women, and promotions to see what would allows sexism.” she said. what is not. “Before ; publication we’re inviting the Women’s Commission to ’ _ Student Council race results advise us on peices we feel / by Todd Schneider _ may be offensive,” says Mr. put Mr. Chindley - in the I Imprint Staff .winner’s chair. Tacked o,nto , McGowan In the. three Students’ the Arts ballot. was a 1 Women’s Commissioner Council ‘races’ (all other referendum for an increase in Julie George said that it was her idea to look at the paper postions were acclaimed), the Arts Student Union fee. It i four Arts Regular, an Arts was defeatedby a margin of / before it went to press, but she ’ Co-op and two Engineering five votes, 242 to 23.7. / 1 is not too hopeful. “We clearly reps were elected. disagree on what was Many Engineering candid’ 1 The four Regular seats in disagreeable.” she said, “For Arts now belong to Lisa ates were called but only two j , example 1 didn’t like the Skinner,’ Peter Geary, Ross were chosen. Ted Carlton and 1 Photo Funnies in the current Mr. Nguyen will serve their \i issue. They did.” She also M orrisse y and Jeff Tiffin. With a ballot-spoilage rate of faculty in the 1985-86 ; 1 stated that if they-were not yet 2OoJ,, the Arts Co-op election assembly. , in a nosition to keen sexism \‘



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Uoi.~ should n.ot neglect agitation; each of you s,hould - Ferdinand Lasqlte (1’825- 1864) I


it his task.





Imljrint Universilq


the .%ude~t of Waterloo. a-p@

newspap& at the It. is an editorially published by Imprint Rib~ications, 1wa a ccgp&ation without share capital, IMpPint 38 a Member of the Ontario &nunN@vspagjer Association (OCNA), and a inem’bsr 6f- ‘Ckjn&ckn univem~ ,Fress ~CUP). Imprint -publishes evBljr secbnd Friday during the s‘pring -t&m andyevery Friday d&ing the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to “Imprint, j Campus Centre -Room 14&‘University of W&3rlso, Waterloo, Ontar;o.” _ Imprint resers+es the rigfit to screerqedit, and refuse advertisifig. Imprint: ISSN - 0706-7380

Imprint Friday,



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dogs IT.,‘





2:00 pm: 5:00 pm: 5r30,p.m.

as “reactionary feminists”. . ’ The Enginee/ing ‘Sociat shoul&be commended. It has 8. Enginews should act as a model of humorous, albeit riontgpped ,the energies &I dt 6lligent men and women who sexist material, within it’s pages forengineering tabloids at - have organized charitable event6 and promoted a vibrant other universities (Guelph, Queen’s, U of T, etc.) to spirit amoi;lg the majority of the engineers at UW. have the finest Engineers .in ?yWhy, then, does Eng Sot fund Enginews? The latest emulate. Since we do Canada, wtiy can’t we have the finest humoyous i&sue of Engin’ews, preceded, by a tasteless poster, engineering paper?: gbcceeded in causing vehement’reactions among women’s Enginews staff - membefs and’ Eng Soi= should not t 9. gtoups throughout the campus. complain that FASS was sexist (accepted without question Various members of Znginews sand the /run ‘Warrior from the audience), simply to clear Enginews as (many of whom work on- both papers),have been grumbling about the lack of sol’utions within t‘he comment section of “representing the ‘same kind of humour”. This, quite \ - Imprint. ob,viously is passing the proverbia’l buck. This writer is. prepared to provide,th& editors of 10. Ttie editors of Enginews are urged to be as conciliatory Enginews with the following feasible recommendat,i&s: as possible when taking .these recom-mmendations into 1’. Stop prihting sexist matter in Enginewd account. 2. Stop advertising this sexism in the /r-on Warrior. 3. Advertize thro-ughout the cariipus for students to submit Men-and women at UW are anxiously awaiting the new satirical and witty humour to Enginews that doesn’t entail and much improved Enginews and are encouraged ,. by the fact that the administration of the University degrading men or women. certainly does not want further discredit brought to the I-- 4. Elicit the cooperation of women 0; campus to educate .a entire Campus. engineers concerning the definition of sexism. _ /I 5. Make speedy ilie transition of~hginews from a sexist One is awareaf the difficulty that the staff of Enginews is tabloid tica satirical paper enjoyed by the entire campuS. (It encountering-in attempting to forge consciousnessrraising is ridiculous ta assume -that it will be a &tock -to the but it is. important to note among their peers; engineer’s system to produce and read a non-sexist the “moral” support of many men and women at UW. l3.umorous paper). to the. Engineering Formal ace, now being 6. Enginews should cease to promote barriers between . Invitations inen and ,women. accepted on behalf of this writer, C/O the Imprint office. s \b 7. Staff members of Enghews should start to take seriously Carol Fletcher the val’id complaint of women of UW and not pass them off

Friday,’ .- Noon:








1985._ _

\ I _


Editorial Editohal Board Staff Meeting

Fe bru&y 2%, 1985* .. . .. -Stiff wekting / .‘. 2


‘, \

Editor- - George Elliott Clarke \ ’ Assistant Editor T Nirpet Mawji . * + . i . 1 I c Production Manager - Doug Tait * Advertising Manager T- Ch&topher Ricardo Scipio Advertising. Assistant - Shayla. G.unter Hilkka McCallum News Editors - ,T.A. Grier, Assistant News Editor - GC@ Durnin Arts Editois - Paiul Hawkins, De.bt$ Pigeon _ ‘Assistant Arti; Editor -, Sally Wiebe ,^ Photo Edito<,MiNhe1.l Edgar Sports Editor - Rob Stevenson . Assistant Sports Editor - Jo-Anne Langley _ ’ Graph& Editor - Janet Green Busin&s Manager - Jan& Lawrence Office--Manager - Cameron Anderson . Head Typesetter - Doug Thompson - Angela Evans,. Jennifer Channer Typesetters




For those unaquainted with sophomoric witticisms, I do not wish to reduce the accomplishments of the few there is one of the question and answer type which poses whose work has had beneficial results, but I will maintain the query: “Why do dogs lick their genitals?“-the answer, that the/driving force beind the majority of technological of course, is “because they can.” and scientific advances is simbly that it is possible; no1 What does this have to do with current affairs, you are no necessary, or good, or desirable even - sirhply possible. doubt thinking to yourselves; why is this person posing What in the name of the thousand and one incarnation; questions of such an aggressively unsavoury nature; has of Bali is wrong with that, you turn and ask the man sitting he no shame? These last two should be asked of my ‘next to you rhetorically. In the short-term analysis, <hert analyst, but the first. one is relatively simple. may be nothing wrong withit, a”nd I certainly don’t intend tc It is. my opinion, and one which is not shared by a wide propose that science and technology be scrapped, and tha: constituency I might add, that the above question and we begin again. I /simply feel that to have no built-ir answer formula provides us with an interesting metaphor” guidelines regarding beneficial or non-beneficial progress for a large proportion of human behaviour. -- is a big mistake, and sooner or later something is going tc Let us move on then, from the- literal and vaguely go terribly wrong. / disturbing, to the general and metaphoric, yet no less There are those who YouId argue, and have done so thar disturbing. What do you suppose would be theresponse to the domain/of science is to pursue knowledge 3- to push a question such as “Whydid man go to the moon?” -there the outside of the envelope, sp to speak. If&‘9 possible, are those who would reply that the effort was made to these people maintain, then it’should take place. Quibbler benefit mankind, in the interests of progress, or some such abowt such fripperies a$ morality and ethics should be lefl nonsense. To that, I must respectfully reply, in keeping 7 to the clerics and philosophers, to debate in their @or) I with my metaphor: doggy doo-doo. towers over pate and brie. This, I think, -is a dangerous trend to get involved in; whj I . ’ The only reason mankind went to the moon, and the only shoul_d science, technology, and ethics be mutualli i reason he put a’baboon’s heart into a human baby, and the exclusive? Why should Progress be the nebulous Firs1 t only reason he’s Tucking about with Genetics and will Mover? ’ continue-t6 muck about with anything he can get his grubby Unless -this cult .qf progress for its own sake isi little hands on, is the same reason our canine friends do as ’ dismantled, or/ at least modified, we can only end up they do - rbecause he can. Because-the capability exists to reinventing - the gas-chaniber. .

George Elliott Clarke, Doug Ta& JFFt Lawrence, Christopher Ricwdo Scipio, Nimet Mawji, Tim Grier, HXlkka McCaJlum, Gord Ilurnh, Paul Hawkins, Debbi Pgedn, &&lly Wiebe, Rob Stevenson, Joanne LanRlev. Mitchell Edgar, BAchard Clinton, Janet Green, j Shsyla Gun%$ ‘Cameron Anderson, Doug Thompson, Jenni Charmer, mela Evans, Todd Schneider, K.L. Wong, Mathew Ingram, Stephan Moth& Deborah, Maenpaa, Preet Khalsa, Carol Fle%tcher, Alan Yoshioka, Dave Sider, Claudio Caociotti, GilliAn Yin& Darren Redfren, TimPerlich, Chris Wodskou, MikeUpmalis, San-& Toumsend, Lindsqy Lennox, Dan Keal&y, Ian Lipton, Jail SuRRet.John PasteJack kobqyashi, Brian Sm%h, Corinna Bo6%a&, Jim K.afieh, JerryKafieh, LenMokos, Chris Haslett, Joe <’ - Win& Mark Chun& /





wishes you & yours ,a happy, (belated); Valentine’s Day. Let every day be filled ,with occasi&$ to love. -



To the editor: It’s not surprising. In this society, we are taught almost from It is a difficult admission whichI am about to make, one which birth : that “normal” . p.eople are not assholes.. Television and will no doubt surprise many, and may well offend some, So I will movies are full. of-“nice” people and “evil”people, but they rarely and those that are shown at all are distorted into ask you to read on, despite any shock or revulsion YOU pai feel. L depict assholes, I’m an asshole. ‘sick, vicious stereotypes, like Herb Tarlek and Pierre Trudeau. I ‘don’t think I remember a time when I didn’t know that I wasIt took a long time for me,to realize that my desires to butt into an asshale. Other children used to play “house” and “doctor”. I lineups and to laugh-at other people’s haircuts were as human as would be playing “insurance salesman” or “lounge lizard!‘. I w& those of my “pleasant”’ friends, and that the disgust many of at best, always sure that I was different, but I though for a long time that _ them felt at my being different. was unjustified it was just a temporary ‘stage, something I wouid eventually h.ypocritical at worst. ’ Today, in the “liberated” eighties, a&holes are able to reach “grow out of.” Many of my asshole friends tell of similar f&lines. ’ positions of responsibilitjr (in the Federation of Students, for example, not to mention I&p&t); asshole musicians like Prince and Twisted Sister are able to present themseles honestly without fear of.rep,risal from the pleasant mainstream, and more and more asssholes are publicly asserting their right to live their ‘lifestyles as they choose, joining clubs like Students of. Objectivism, and proudly displaying the ugly clothes and body odor which act as introductions in the complex social symbology .of the asshole community. Nevertheless, signs of reactionary hostility have appeard, especially a.mong society’s more repressive elements. Recently a wave of publicity resembling a hate campaign foiiowed stories in local newspapers about assholes who frequent public washrooms for personal purposes, and don’t flush afterwards. It is still routine for people to refer to those they don’t like as “assholes”, despite the implicit insult to many upstanding ’ citizens who also happen to be assholes; Why must personality . > orientation be used as a put-down? More public-awareness is essential if we as a society are tocome to terms with a minority that might well include your best friend, and almost certainly includes some of your professors. I _hope that my speaking ouf will’encourage others to do the same. Daniel Simon, 3B Applied Mat’h/ . .

Take’ the ,btig-$ff ydu-r -heads . .-__ -_ To the editor: Here then is another in a seemingly unending series of letters on, about, to, and from the Integrated Studies pro-gram. While the opinions expressed are personal, they are shared by a gro.wing number of students. Right now, every member of the IS. program is walking around with a plasticshopping bag over his or her head. While this tends to make it difficult tosee where‘ we ,are :heading,,at least some of ushaven’t -tied?h&ag closed. .. around our necks... . Frankly, I hate “office politics”, I can hardly afford. the‘time, and the frustrations are bad for .my ulcer. But to sit ‘back and ignore the current situation is the height of folly, analogous to suspecting a spreading cancer and refusing ‘to see a doctor, because the bad news might “ruin your t&i& ‘day’!; As in any declaration of war, a call-to-arms is issued; a small population has influenced our program’s direction for far too’ long. If you re concerneti about the future of Integrated Studies, “,get involved! Complacency is a luxury we can,no longer-afford. I’ll open myself to att-ack here, and call for opinions from the campus at large. You can reach me through on-campus mail, *Edward Blanchard, Integrated Studies, room 1Q55, PAS. .Edward Blanchard Integrated +tudies , I \> .-



Soapbox is’ a feature intended as a forum for individual Imprint staff members to express their opinions. I

1Ritdrioal Chrktianity DorrgThempsaa b$



-Evil ceases to <be something to be punished or condemned, but is something to be forgiven! “How many times must I forgive my brother?” Peter asked of Jesus, “seven times?” Jesus replied, “No, seventy times seven.” And if I must love my neighbour as myself; as Jesus indicated, I must forgive myself too, and receive the forgiveness of my brother and my G.od. Found in myself, evil is to call forth sorrow and &hange of mind; I must let go of it and let God’s love come in to replace it and restore _ or redeem me. Evil in another is, simply and straightforwardly, there’to be forgiven. That’s what Jesus said, and if the church does not always make that clear and it does not always make that clear - it too is to be forgiven! ’ ’ It runs against the grain of the natural man to “turn the I IJther cheek”,and to “1oGe your enemies”, but that is the outrageously radical call of-Christ. And if you do it, you know what? You’ll-meet the Risen Lord. That’s Right. ,Every act of such real love and forgiveness ‘triggers a supernatural event, the outpouring”df the love of God on ,you. Forgiving your neighbour, or genuine sorrow for , your own sin, if your motivation is sincerely one of love, . triggers this joyous. m\eeting with the Risen Lord, and you’ll never be qu,ite the same again. For 2,000 years fnany millions of lives. have born ~ witness to the radical life cha gjpg and transforming experience of the confrontatioT3, 4 !tween self and God, a - meeting that leavesus crying with Jesus, “Ab.ba, Father’!., (Abba is best translated,as “daddy”, a term of intimate .endearment‘for the parent). . . _’ ’ Two warnings should- be issued: ‘Don’t do this if you _’ don’t want a massive change for the better in your life,‘an&‘, don’tdo it if you think you’ll be~abletacontrol or employ that change for your own selfish interests:. ‘; .=.*-* God loves all humanity, and hislove becomesagony for you if itlis not freely given to others once he gives it to you. Another outrageous principle of God’s love is -this: When you have a little, and give it away, you wake up the next -morning / with even ” A I - more.

CRMk FM “the only _. alternatitie- -7 ” .’ , ‘To the editor: .

. It is indeedlamentable that Mssr’s Bohnsact and Chan would take all that time to compose and type their well-intentioned, but highly inaccurate letter without first thinking about what makes CKMS.,FM “The Only. Alternative”. , -TliZ-regulating body of radio, the CRTC, recognizes the following condition. “The programming of specific musical \ To ihe editor: selections is the responsibility of each volunteer programm,er . . Fed Hall, then the Fed Hall is This letter is in response to .We discourage the programming of hits . . . and theplaying of obligated to be the type of pub ~ David Downer’s letter last any given musical selection more than three times per day. . .‘We that the majority of students _ . week in which he told us to go want. encourage programming that is-imaginative in its selection . . . to the Turret to .hear TurretAn emphasis- is placed on local bands and artists on small We are however, fully in like tunes. In the. past Mr. independent labels”. Further to this our mandate is to program . ’ support of Mr. Downer’s idea Downer, this is: exactly-what music not available elsewhere in our.listening area. that the ‘Fed Hall invest in a Within these sh&ulat-ed parameters ,Messr’s Bohnsacht and we ended UP doing. We are not ,.greater-variety*of records and additional D. J.‘s Chan claim that we-play 95% trash music. Considerqust a few ’ 5 paying $7.50 a term to get hire (especially ones that are more music facts. In 1984 CKMS programmers chose as their best’LP . “initiated” to obscure music Bruce Cockburn’s Stealing Fire. Last year’s selection was and ‘we don’t believe that the receptive to their ‘patrons.!] Simple Minds’ New Gold Dream. Recently the new LP from the of students on .Bqb Gei . majority Parachute Club wasnumber 1 for six weeks straight. (this , campus should be subjected to 4B Science represents the LP with the highest number of total plays in%a it constantly just because ‘a Andrew Hubberstey given week.) e I small number of students like- 4B biolojjy I wonder if the writers have ever picked up one of our program 5 .*-it. of the majority of,students Murthy Suryam guides? H‘ave they noticed our special music programming? , ‘are obligated to support the - 4B Math. ’ jazz..8 hrs weekly; Reggae 5 hrs. Electronic 2% hrs, Blues 1% hrs. -. Add to this ,6 hrs of Classical music, 16 hrs of ethnic ‘programming, and 12 hours of news and features and you’have quite’s package of alternative radio. I Apparently this alone isn’t worth $7 a year, less than $1 per To the editor: music is undanceable,. In a month of school attendance per calendar year. Well, how about To Bob Gei and company place the size-of Fed Hall, it (Robot Music Haters),: from the last year, Juluka, Billy Bragg, can be a little intimidating to * some of the interviews Kinetic Ideals, Blurt, Simple Minds, and Jane Siberry, to name To you, ’ -the music is be the first one out on. an just a few. What about concert broadcasts including Jane nameless because you haven’t empty dance- floor. Unless ’ Siberry, Good Food, Blurt, and Juluka? What about our recent bothered to find out the someone takestheinitiative, it names. Besides, everybody will quite often remain so. broadcasts of two awa,y Warrior Basketball games? How about has to start somewhere. Just This is not any DJ’s fault, in the fact that you can always call up CKMS andgetthe right time and weather? -Not getting $7 worth? Surely you jest! because a band happens to be ’ fact, it frustrates the hell out Finally the music programming of CKMS is provided by 30 “no name” doesn’t mean of most DJ’s. * With 40 volunteers who are trained and available not only for their;3 they%* no good. Whoever regards to your - 4 hrs of on-air time but also care enough to-come to bi-weeklg’ heard of M,att Johnson until comment about the,Bombshel_ “The The”? meetings and take timeto participate in various fund-raising ter, have you been there ’ , We don’t understand how activities. All of this in order to help us keep getting better and l-ately? The DJ’s play you can say the music is everything bringing you even more for your $7 per year. Please Mr. Bonsact , from Huey Lewis and 1Mr. Chan, don’t withdraw your support; increase it by, undanceable. &f. a song has a to the Sex Gang Children. coming and being a volunteer and contributing in a positive way beat, be it quick, slow, or They do take requests. somewhere in between, it can Kate-Hishon - Monica Ru$& to “The Only Alternative”. ’ be danced to. Dave “Dot” Hight, Music Director, CKMS-F&l ’ Tino Clarke Ian Piolemy Also! just because no One is qick Baltazar Dave Heard -- P.S. Yori won’t get the above offer fromCFNY, not to mention ‘-.: : -d-g doesn’t mean the Sara. Campbell- Chiis Hudson .T the- wide variety of programming. , _ I‘, \ , .: :.

Mcire yariety need&-at hall-


robot ,rntisiti haters



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Bill &ford, \

say your’ a nymph. (if follows logically) - p.s. D.S. Sony the Panzerotti ‘and Souvlaki got burned. J.B: Jamie (of the house of Stewart) My eyes have been open, but I haven’t seen you. Contactmeat 7461114 so we can catch up with the last year. Dawn. Attention Stu & Phil: After exactly one year: of abuse from the guy who lives in the grey rabbi< I am willing . to listen to your -propositions. Just remember the roses, otherwise I may be stuck for rhore years to come. (How Horrible!) B_uckBorchuk-When Al v.& be able to share the wonderfulness of a heated nuclear fusion, in a deep .marital cavern again. P.S. don’t forget to strap on Mr. Happy’s hard hat so that it doesn’t fall off and destroy another planet Your Galactic Godess, Princess Layme.


Louise You Cadette.


BUGS presents the Grad/-Undergrad party of the term on Monday, February 25 at 8 pm. at the Grad House.. Come out of the woodwork and join all the crazy people in Biology for free pizza and cheap beer. What do you call a guy who throws a girl in the shower the second time he meets her? friends! I still don’t understand why you went to Toronto. “Memory clips” from North D’s hallowed Hall of Fame include; the North C Toilet Seat, Raid. Century Club, Xmas Ganga, Herpes/ Chicken Women (see Shulman Files; elastic bands). ‘&man ~Decadence, tying up the Greek can be dangerous!, Bulling the Bajan (it was good for him, but did the British Airways pilots enjoy it?), Subrovian SEX!!! - Recall the past in March. Call Cheeser 8869624 for reunion details. Gumby, scumby & kinky Sagitarius: 1’11always care about all of you (though I don’t know the latter very well!!) I’m glail you’re my friend(s). Love Hard Habit to Break Welcome Waterloo to Paul, Neysa, Pauline, and Kerry. ,Hope you have , a areat time and a safe trip back to &wa. Todd.










I w



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Birds: Indian Ring Neck Parakeets for sale. One male, one female. Call Mike 886-0160.






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Tom Beware,when

the broom falls Bang! I’ never thought you’d make it -to 20. Now that you tiave what are you going to do? Heather. Two first year art&e students, Amanda and Martina, will ,be in the CCat 113Otodaytogiveoutfree Valentine kisses to ali you lonely guys! Happy Valentine’s day girls from two beneficiaries, of your special talents. AH E uu\Don+ worry about ‘Old slay: English. Spring is nigh. fuzz From November Alpha. Whenever P.D. needs to get his fill, he calls on Old Faithful because she can .. always gush him up. N To the guy at level 21 on Saturday night, who likes Michael Jackson. Be sure and keep your back to the wall. The spaghetti eaters. s the aun foes


Hap”~ Birthday Nancy.


BUGS says “you don’t crazy to be a Biolo#st helps!” ’ Happy Bklhday

20%~>Digscount.on Custom Framing.


aloud,- salt caught in our throat. . We could, fish the iesser folk, in compassion’s boat Glittering sand as hand in hand we braved a.world’ socool, oursalvationwas that low shall be tomorrow’s jewel. Stew.

family home in very nice residential area; 10 minute walk to UW, 1 minute, walk to WM. Ideal forowner-student, or student accomodation. Large lot, attached garage, new driveway, 2 storage sheds, fruit trees, plus much more. New paint throughout, all bedrooms furnished, 3 appliances included. Asking $65,000. Call Dave 88443029. Camper for sale International Kanyvan 350 Auto sleep 4+. Fully


are my favourite Love Shaboom.

ieona: How to scream the word

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theirs?r. Sale

Gilmour, John Paul -Jones, Tony Levin, Jimmy Page and Chris ,S~edding have all played on Roy Harper albums. Find out why on Monday in the Bombshelter.

For the ultimate ’ in night club entertainment visit the Plantation Club and the one-of-a-kind ,600 North ‘ Video Rock Club over reading week in Daytona Beach Florida. Call 8860864. West D Hefter: Majority says ILU. I


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Rate’ Bush,-’ David

visitor window,.


to the knocked

have to be . . .but it

late night on my

Bugs (Biology UnderGraduate Society) is back this term for you! Get involved! Help us sell coffee and mufflns in the mornings or just come and buy one (in the Bl foyer). To ,“Roberted- in Chem. Eng. 4B - Like to get to knowyou better why don’t you come over again? The “star” from 192. Happy Valentine’s Dav!! . Hapb Birthday Peter.’‘It’s work NO regrets. Your best friend, SK.

Scott: Thanks for being everything I ever wanted. You’re a sweetie! Have fun in Banff, 1’11miss youlove: Piips. Happy 23rd to my favourite older Love you woman in the sty. mucMy. Wish I was there. Oinkiwa it’s cold and dreary without you. Love manly (Hebrew) Oink!! For those of you with Temagami spirit (You know who you are) Happy Valentines Day from guess

who? Hey MI’

RB. Well I ‘still haven’t mastered the art yet Butmaybe one of your 4 o’clock sessions would help. HapPy Valentine’s Day. Love, your little nympho. Ph@the Third, be my Valentine? k’s .ok 1’1 settle for Bermuda. Thanks. TO a special 3rd yr. Mathie: Thanks for returing q underwear, even hugh I know you needed it to keep yourself warm on those coid days without any time to do your laundry. How about dinner tonight or you own pair of, silk lace undies for Valentine’s Day.


MSA - one bedroom apartment

Bfair, S.J.C. Sexual dynamo: We ,are lonely, . alone, and sexually frustrated! When, Where, and how much ?! Women of NDC Need ideas for a special weekend? Try the “Jell0 room”, in Durham. Great times., Contact DM or SL. Coooo.;..Coooo . . . . Happy V-Day from your little French B-day! : Help! CiW women in need, she hasn’t had food for weeks. Please send donations of $100. or more ToThe save TIZ from anorexia fund. P.S.’ this ad is backed 100% by the Mafia. (Kitchener Division). ToTDr. J. (alias HB) Are you surprised? Thought you might be. I couldn’t resist this time. Hope your day is filled with surprises! Lot’s of Love. Your Sweet C Sexy Woman (no not Joanne or April or _ \ Rod). To Schnookums (Yes, you Mr: ’ Story) Surpris(e, surprise!! Happy Valentine’s Day! F m your $ favourite Ferkhel,

To the ‘pig Lady”

(A.K.A. “Big C!!) Happy 23rd from all of us at “Apthy House”. You’re not getting older you just look that way. Lots of&e from Gramps. Ms. Cuisinait, “Big” Steve’ (and we?-e not talking height), SPARR, and the boy in the plastic bubble. -L PERSONALS To the men of N4,2nd floor; We’ll be thinking of you while we’re lounging “on ,‘the beaches of Florida,’ or in the bars of Lid&ille, 1 Oakville, ‘and Sudbury. Home cooking, no work no setting the alarm right ..! Aren’t you going to wish us happy Reading Week? You should buy us a beer at least, to . help us celebrate. Have fun, (We I sure will!) JJ., P.B. we Oh be

April: Nothing is required yet something is done. Nothing issaid yet*all is understood. Love, always, Rod. CongratulationsDon; you are as old as I am now. Angie; I Don’t get physical. love him!!

miss’ Temple Boy too! jealous Lisa, ifs purely Not like T.G. from T.O. I - GK. ’ -

B.M. aka Dynamo Abstainers cannot judge like connoisseurs Connection your service is geared to the sexually inexperi-,&. enced. llluminati Member.


S.J.C ’ Dynamo, our demands seem to exceed your potential supply! Try another field. Real women. Are you crazy? Or is it just the rest of the world? Maybe MENSA (the club fr the top 2%) can help you find out. _ Call 742.9916’for info. REMAN in Canada! You sawthe pope in ‘84, now see Ronnie on St. Patrick’s Day. Bus leaving from here for Quebec city on March 17th. Contact Todd at the Imprint if interested.

To Ted in Geog’.204,1~0fin-i0ting girls desire get togethers on ,’ Tuesday evenings. Answer imprint. Your comrades. Freddy; !-:was wrong. Can you forgive? I love you. Tomato. _ Cheryl Smith: Tell meLhow to thaw your cold, cold heart so you’ll walk\ all over me! Paul. ’

Happy 23rd birthday! All for a great year! .. ..D.

3 bedroom furnished apartment (residential area) to sublet May-Aug. 20 ,min. to campus, 3 min. to Zehrs. On bus route. Waterbed, washer/dryer, Parking, use of backyard, all utilities paid. \7453435. j

Cathy 0: Well, now you hve your name in the Imprint. Thanks-for the super time last Saturday and I can hardly wait until next year for my turn as your partner again. Happy Valentines.’ Grant C. Hey all you 48 Potential Math Grads out there. Got any plans for ’ Convocation weekend? Need a A blace to say and a good party? ~~n~ct one of these people for details ASAP.: Grant Cooper, Dianna Walker, Kathy Pittnes, John Gibson, Scott .Bruce, Leslie Heffeman.

MK I love you more than when met and my love keeps growing. I hope you’ll always there. All my love, Mike.



Fully available April-Au . 85. furnished. Rent 8 328 including cable’and utilities. Contact: Allan or Nancy 888-7316. 3 bedroom apartment: large bedrooms; May-Aug. ‘85; option to renew in Sept.; 15 min. walk to Engineering: backyard; parking; close to shopping, laundry and uptown. Call 8865723. Large 4 bedroom house to sublet May-Aug. Washer, dryer, hardwood floors, fireplace, porch, shaded lawn, cable TV, spacious living room. Rent $795 negotiable. .20 min. walk from UW. 1 block from Waterloo Square. -Phone 5762753. Parkside Dr. 2 bedroom apt. to sublet Optimal for 3. May-Aug. Carpeted, large bath, fridge, stove, partially furnished. Ground level patjo for easy access. $475/mo., utilities incl.;negotiable. Call Terry 884-9198 or Cam 884-7116. *Quiet house, comfortable walk from UofW campus. Great for a group of friend who’d like room together in the summer. Avondale. Call 8868986 01 8864304. To sublet: 3 bedroom townhouse, May 1 to Aug 31/85. 15 min. walk to U.W., 5 min. by bike. On Churchill, west of W&mount & University. %47/morith + utilities, major appliances included. Call Stella/Cheryl 746-3083 or Karen 884-7019; s 100 per month: Two room available in Townhouse summer 1985, utilities included, this cannot be pdssed over. Call Chris 885. 0139. _

2 Bedroom furnished apartment available for summer. term or option to take lease. 20 min. walk to UofW. 3 mins. east of King on Bridgeport Convenient location to shopping malls, beer stores, liquor store. Laundry facilities in building and all utilities included. Phone 8865558 or 886-7524. Male Roommate wanted to share two bedroom apartment in Parkdale area. 20 minute walk from the University. Next to Zehrs, - laundry facilities, beer G liquor store. Needed for summer term or longer. Call 7464836. Rooms in large student house Summer term - Fully furnished 30 Regina North. Exceptionally good accommodation. Phone 8844298 or ext 2288 House to Sublet: May-Aug. 3 people needed for 4 person house. 10 min. walk from campus. Call 8844959. Summer in Sunnydale place. Three roommates wanted , $107.08 per month + utili$i& One of cleaner townhouses. ‘Call She@ at 8844928. Bachelor apartment available May to August. Five minute-walk to Mainline bus route and downtown shopping. Laundry facilities in building, final months rent FREE!! Phone 7457509. 2 bedroom flat available May 1st. $350 for two, $300 for one. Close to UW, Seagram’s, Waterloo Town Square, Westmount Place. Call G.E. Clarke at 7466424 or ext. 2332. Apartment to subiet (1 bedroom-2 beds), May I-Aug.’ 31 ‘85, rent: $328/month, utilities included. Location: Married Student Apartments. ’ Furnished, study room, laundry facilities. Phone: ,8844890. / Two Rooms available in townhouse. 649 - 8 Albert $15O/month + utilities. 8852996. Townhouse for 3 in Sunnydale from May to August May or may not be furnished. Call Pat 884. 9628 or Nancy 7463382 Housing Unfurnished apartment Apartments. rest of the 888-7246.


NOW. ’

room in furnished Married Students $300 in total for the term, negotiable. Cai ,

-. by Hllkka McCabm


To the editor: ” There are a couple of things that I .would like to comment ’ about in last weeks Imprint.. First. OK. Mathew Ingram; So youlike the Winters. That is fine by me and probably everyone off campus. I just don’t like the. way you catagorize(sic) the Coronet’s patrons, “the usual collection dance music.-Why don’t you go of flotsam that swirls its $way to the Coronet and hearsome there down Kitchener’s social rock. Maybe you will even $ee drains.” a real “rocker”? I .am not an- “it”,. nor am I * The only. constructive “flotsam”. I find that the criticism I could offer without Coronet is the only place being too critical or sarcastic around K-W that caters to is that Fed Hall belongs to .a11 rocker’s needs. the students and should cater This brings about my to all tastes in music. This second point, Why can the includes mainstream,- “robot Coronet get bands like‘; music”, ska, regg-ae,-- and Honeymoon Suite, Nazareth, rock/heavy metal each month and Coney Hatch; and all we or two by getting various get is “robot music” at our Fed bands of some calibre-Fair is Hall? fair and everone should be . As for David /Downer’s entertained. article to the editor last week, Andrew S&vos the Turret plays mainstream First Year Scieqce L-

of state-planned farms. In this way, the peasants will have betterliving conditions and the.incentive to make money, which is to spend it. Deng’s target is to quadruple the industrial and agricultural outputby the year 2000. This is quite ambitious considering that.Ch@has four times the population of the USSR and only half the land. - -Still, the prospect is op#m#tic as 89% of all.”Chinese still work on-the -@nd and can now enjoy a new ‘responsibility’ system (tentatively begun in 1978) that rejects the unproductive model’of regimented communes and puts in place the ability to make free-enterprise decisions on What, how, and when to sell. _ . \





Mr. Deng Xiaoping, president of ~Chi~~~~~~lbtnatic~~r-~~~ies any counter-Marxist-Leninist ‘movement by citing. th@&&ns -._a&~buil&ing socialism with capitalist m&h&@?. - The bureaucracy which haUup$&ed‘a& oppressed since /&o’s time, is now being dismantled to encourage p&ate &e&h. One Chinese official summed up ,the old ideology as paying too much attention to the history of who owned whahand too li+e to the reality of what the people needed. Obviously, pa& uf what the C&&e need&&as private incentive. The new farming reforms, will centre on_,building up.,$‘mall rural areas instead

Legally, the farming land in China is still collectively owned, ‘but the new policies now allow peasants to sign contracts for up to fifteen years on land and equipment and further along the road to financial freedom, the Communist Party is now allowing the sale of any surplus crop after :- the state quotas have been attained. -_ * The trend toward free-market production and-sales will make it harder to dump undesirable goods in State warehouses because many _ subsidies are being lifted. Can the hypocrisy of,Marxist-Leninist ideals survive in a party whose goals are enterprising and ambitious, but whose .’ roots still ‘swim in the sludge of Socialism? ‘(Factual information ’ gathered from voi’s 293 and 294 of The Econori$t). ^ ., N’ ,-


I, To the editor:

As an African, I should be greatful(sie) for whatever assistances(sic] have been (and are continually) pouring in for “good cause” in Ethiopia. Actually I am greatful(sic), and . I must add, too, that it is a very good cause. Wh t, however, I do not understand is the fact that no one rbother f to ask themselves what has caused, and continues to plague Ethiopia? They are content with the reasons given - fam_ ine- caused by drought - but is this the first time that drought has ever hit an African Fountry? Definatelyjsic) not! What, then, is so uniiue about the Ethiopian-case? Ethiopia,‘as an informed person should know, lies on the “Hornrof Africa” name formerly referred to Somalia, but canbe used to referto all areas of Africa bordering the gulf of Red Sea. On the Red Sea lies the Suez Canal,,a sea route for Asia. I am sure some of you are aware of the fact that the U.S. has a base in Somalia, a neighbouring country to Ethiopia, but also a strategic point with regard to the Red Sea outlet to the Indian Ocean. By the same token, we know t,hat the Soviets have a tremendous influence in Ethiopia, evidently leading to their interest in the area, just like the U.S. in Somalia. I must confess that I am not an expert on the U.S.Soviet. ’ .,relations,.yet it.is clear to me t.hat, historically speaking, the two , c6u~~~~s;~~~~e~~l~ i~~~‘~~~ ‘be~‘t of, ,n~~~ ddar’~~~~hh~rtr~“~is:’ was evident when the Soviets “poked their nose” in the U.S. backyard - Cuba, - ever since there have been continuous flock(sic) of refugees from Cuba to the U.S. It is not clear whether these superpowers, in attempting to ‘display their superiority, instigate internal ?ermoils(sic) in the countries they “possess” or what? But we are,aware of the proverb: “When two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers.” Thus, what has been happeni-ng in Ethiopia is-such that, there -has been constant internal unrest ever since the Soviet(sic) got emperor). Ethiopians (in Ethiopia) have since never ceased to stop “running” from ,one part of the country to’ another. Compounded with the georrranhical evidence of the southward

’j ‘I% the editor: .With regards 10 the centre \ is in Israel, con&ary \ to spread of Impriht (January 18, Jerusalem being in Palestine 19851. one should not take it _ as’ stated in the source of information in- the aforemenword for word, as the views presented are only part of the tioned article. Palestine does compete story. If the subject’ n.ot exist as a country. This can easily be validated ._. in any of 1 Israeli politics and the atias. Palestinian situation interests I would also be.interested to you, I would be glad t-o know’ whether the issue of forward you Ia complete in Israel dossier and contact sheet. The.. Palestinians warrants the attention which dossier will contain information and source documents -- it has been receiving ,in nt, last term with a whichwillenable the reader to , spread and many come .to-y,his/her own’ articles .-in the!. soapbox conclusions. The final point1 column; and”this term with a would like to .make is do”not believe all that is written. If a centre* ‘spread$‘yin the third. issue. I subiect interests vou. then For _,more information on research the validity ‘of the information to its source - Israel, “ifs ’ people- a%d*. itis, :.I ~ _. 1. 7 fx&4q~,’ please- contact z;‘aocG.&nts* me ‘thorugh Waterloo Jewish I feel as a p&t of journalism ’ Students Association/&llel, the editor has a responsibility Campus Ce.ntre, Rm. 235, UWl to validate all information Michael Sirota ’ which is printed in his paper. President Waterloo JSA ,t To cite an example: Jerusalem . ! z.



determine whether or not a To the adi&:’ c mistake is made intentionalfy.-., -I would likeXt,o express a few thoughts on the use of the ” This. is something for the writer to .decide himself,, ’ :-word “sic” in Imprint?% Forum Obviously,; rmprint 5 Gses p$jtS; For readers. -not-. to emphasize -the~fact-.“sic” familiar with its use (I suggest that a specific error..wa:smade,’ p= there are many) .the Hough: by the contribut,oq$nd not;i;‘$q*~“:~. &m-Mifflin English dictionary the newspaper:staff: -There is:*-. **, -defines’?sic” as follows: “Latin no need for ‘this, ~~~$wq~ver~~,.&~?’ word meaning thus, so; used , the introduction3qthe Porti ii ‘tn. written texts to indicate section, already .- states.::th 3. ‘; that a surprising or paradoxiletters and submissions ~wil$~* calword, phrase, or&ct is not not be edited for’gran@a<a&$ a mistake and is to be:read.asit spelling. r : ‘. ‘_ J ; ‘4 _ 1stands.” . \ 11. Secondly,, _\the --:;co&ir&o I -- use of “,ic” m~k~~~~~~~i~~~~f Several th@gs come to the Forum page;;., extrem*$y + t mind. Firstofall, Imprint uses annoying, J Ii ,does: .&thing this ,word constantly topointy_ more than to disturb,. . the i-.*2 f... .. .;’ ‘:z$)?;:; ‘ :.:.:.:.:.:. To the editgr: ‘. . . / out’ spelling’ L‘and ;gia@mar ” reader. Asfar .~.&~~‘-~~~ a+ :::::y:::: .*.a.. .....1. In response to Susan ‘Eluchok’s letter&&&~ p&b. in submissions to its,- - concerned, ,,~~mp&t&,&id .:.:.:.:.:.! _ _ 1, ‘8!$.I, errois would like to touch upon a few points that-she failed to cover:;’ Forum; -section. _ The .,woyd hire a fullGme -,sic &litor. ( ‘Being a fresh in V II, I have s good a view&the events going on (according to the definition). (sic). ‘I j ‘_+. as Sue “the party\animal” Ii!luchok. , -:. ‘ .. I. -was obviously not $ntended Flank vanBies& / “- ’ . ” ,; Ms. Eluchok referred to the fresh. as -“kid’s”- who are :(‘so .forr; th$s,-: pur:p,ose,. A . concerned with marks’:“’ that they aren’t doing enough Dear Mr. van Biesek bur usi ““surprising or - paradoxical us “ki,ds” are now all legal and,: *wdrdy refe_rs _ t-o -one whose, of ‘$i? is mednt to emphnsize _socializing. XWell, “grandma” regponsible adults with enough sense and foresight to realize .-& $:afii n g . (-0.r .s p e 1li n g ) PJ&it’~ -.misrt‘akes in letter3 are’ that after spending $5 - $6 thousand on residence and tuition’ ~ititentionofly appears i&%r- * *‘@qse of the authors ar$ not ‘r&t; --ln no w&:-can tl@e,&ior%- those of Impiint, “Sic” 1, h/ that we aren’t here to fail. I don’t disgree thatstudents should , .i *. socialize but with 24-36 hrs of classes&per week many students have to work, weekends to keep -up with school work. The workload is the same .at Waterloo -as it is at most other universities. ’ -I Ms. Eluchok also stated that the:main reason s.tudents move a.w,ay to university is “to pra&ic%their indeperjdence and become an adult” and therefore they -should- party. I ‘didn’t -4 realize that becoming an adult meant y,otr had-to-drink more than everyone else, get drunk and fall down. Why.doe&t Suejust say . “Try this little boy/girl and you can be our friend!‘?: so-m&h for independence. Practicing independence and being an~‘&lult is 2 learning how to budget your time and knowing what your priorities are then partying when you have the time. If Sue gets - the courage to come to EE, ask for me, I’ll help Sue pull her foot. out of her mouth. . .? ’ i< Mark Elliott I / Fresh V II I

m&s but not f==saaythe~nt?


TaxReceipts and Education Deduction Certificates WHEN: March 1, 1984


WHERErFULL-TIME, ON CAMPUS STUDENTS can pick up their Tax. Receipts and / or Education Deduction’ Certificates at the former Cashiering bicket located at the head of the stairs on the second floor of Needles Hall. ST. JEROME & RENISON COLLEGE STUDENTS can pick up their documents at their college office.

EVERYBODY ELSE (part-timers, including part-time grads, co-op students on work term, etc.) will receive their documerts by maJ. . PLEASE, NOTE: If you received a’ taxreceipt last year, it included jan. ~984]iApr. 1984lfeepayments, if any,-so these akmnllnts -***ma


would -






be included -


in this

year’s receipt. ’

\ , .

& kderatlon

of Stude lnts

g feel the+ have..~ th6tp;ibstA W&II available ‘on- .3x* mark& Bidt#l?b# th6J t&l&i&ttiM Odth& 8 - --A 0mmuige lraques. Erich’Fromm, on the pat&o@& of l&e - -_


’ ’ _

0reatwlowha;fh~no. -downhijrrlifeforaJbe Jesus:. John

@i 13


Lowisnotaformofeutheqm&a,L ~low-~anactofwilL

-* - ., ’ Donald


Hewhoiinows~,lovesnothing. . .the mqrg &%owledge~ia inhereMAna thing, tlfe.*eater / the love. ’ Paracelsus

Loveisthenameforwbat@ci&iloesto man $n overcoming ‘Which he lives. Dietsich i ‘&owe i&he Oflo-..


‘I Bonhoeffer


medicike wecan .


I Coyinthians

13: 4-7

it, a,,nd+un;it w&ing;y&&of&n h $o, Other. &OV8 &ii iSt& US from the withjn on& self. But this sp&&$&$fe . -’ ’ do, we find tilyat love has gone, . . . OP has it ntibgess of Me andsooth~ 9 Ftching of cannot be Upped and savo@&@%.n Sit$Mg 4.n a c-01 in the library, I . otir $-woi&ds. Only love oan find the -- cannot. help but notice the familiar *’ _QM%@Ut@ @Ce? , s@.itude. Th&love is not a sub&angx#jut YL *-‘child that cries Out +im us Bind btid . an act; Tl’$e rivep that does not flO%&f@@& scratchU@i3inthewood. ThesuQjecC@ c ,:f j ^ -’ _1 ...- _, : a. * __ noti p@i$ic?s, not philosophy, nor ‘the together the piece6 &a’bx0ke*n we. It is is not a river at all. So ,it is w%tiE lq. . . ., Ln\ . lL@V~ &I fhilm~iic; dkl&l iillhh @iii; love alone that beckons @6t6 J@ep, on caltiatio~ of a math-&udent, but Love. ’ * , living. D~lar&ions of love have been’ etched into ‘ties; painted on concrete, and Where then is love to be found? wfiere , 1 L!im is fhl @ia@ (iN.iE?s osuff oo.aw@~~~ ^ .<.j ,__; _.,Teii ..,*,;T scsayled on washroom stalls. + ’ &ydosomeseemsohungryan~dryl is its source? How &an #we tap. it and be .,s --_I L _ .-l L_ They will seek out love above all else, a&l assured of its continual presence? c r ,,.,,-.. %’ philosopher have dissected it, &i&s upon find&g it wi&l lap itxup like dogs Love gann~e~~@as&d It cannever Love is “found” as it flOw$ out& ptJigrs; L. ’ . have brocUim6d it, psychologists have To love is to give one’s self tq:&oth@, to presc&ed it. P&ts have forever extolled who.nGver are filled+ They $unge into be hOarded &cann~e~,@ owned There know mother. Love is in$&e P&@&g .its power;‘its richness and its mysteries: bed, or mmriage,.i o’-; wtiteve~ their is no on6 to-be f&m.d~wh~ like-a spring, pleasure, _hoping td fUL ‘that emptiness will.c~M~~~ to @w-oti love to quench - out to touch and give, bvk & i&%+ 1iciaz1.~ conUnue to sin$ of the joy and that3ove alone can fill. r ’ tQe thirst. TheTeds no one so abounding ,@asping to one’s self. _ pain of love. , < But the proximity does :not wantee Ins $&e joy af se&&xOi~0+$ in love that 6~ h-F ‘hot devow, the love,andthel+ckofloveinbedseems them. ,*r. G *“,I found j / _ 1 ‘. z. ,.-. :wiao 88 tlMcEil80~ ~~Ull~~ Ooao? ’ to,~eone’she~f~laillthemore . , ,::... .’ .. 2 ‘j InlistAing with interest a&+&&nCe .-. hollow. , .,’ tc, &he’ struggles or joys 0~. .@ess Is love a &xgical substance that* some LOW@ i$ &I ??Gadili~i;ie h!lil ai QGO ponde+ngs of another, love i&fou$d , . &ude over the world wound them, over In the giving away of &@&h&g Whatds%his 9’ c&lled love that needed to someone who seems t,~, nwd it’ cotMnp3 to be. the fa+ouri& thgme:of eveqmne they touch? Why are they so i _ .‘I , The search fo? a ftitAful lovexis alww more, love is found! classifiids long after Vtientine’s Day? rich in l&e, never coveting but -never h+ai~~ The space withinus is too deep. Some say that love is an emotion that lacking, 45lw~~ bginging fox%+ ‘mo1)8 In the forgiving of an ,Qjw however Where then is one to turA? catch& you up lik+.e wind and wh$rls from a bottomless sourceF great or small, Jove is found YThere is a sp@.ng of living water pIvNch r In the giv$gof ~one’s lif~go ttit M&s you a-to unforseen ,de@inMions, We are right to value love. it i&he l&ue flows up without exhaustion. This alone may live m&e fUly, therein is fog&& the transformingeverythinginiwpa~ But source of fUfUlment. Love is that w;hich issureand~; Itistobefounddeep secret of love.- Therein $ found li@. . like the wind, we can never seemtocatch melts the walls that keep us from each _ _’ \ byLinda!rranter



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Although these words are not my own. thev exDress evervthinz that I feel and -shall always feel towards


.~; ..












Sectron‘ 96‘ of’ the Landlord and Tenant Act&als with .the * -. . re$&sibiliti& of--both]‘&andlotd and ‘tenant with respect to . _,r$ajrsand ma~nten&ice: Section 96 (1) states: ‘:‘A Landlord is

. to reimburse




P .J


.TT -yAAysrA, ;; . . , ., ,.:.’

* b -..._... i ~- ,-


-x I -a-.- .. >_“ / ,A,; ,

. ,,

, ‘ -I -



I--4zuthor~~e _: _.’ .<.,

. _, ‘I

-re&$$ *


Wanted for fall 185, 4‘ or



. .

Again; seek legal amice before

f ---try to r&air the problem yourself unless you are positive that you are capable and qualified, Negligence or inexperience may make the condition worse than before and mike you liable for all or part of, the repairs. After the in$ial contact has failed,’ your next step would be to write a,Jetter to the landlord directly. This’ letter should be signed, dated and contain a list of the required rep’airs (it may also be a good. idea to have it ‘witnessed as well). All corresp-gndence- shouid be recorded or photocopied, or both, \ ensuring, an. accurate account of procedures, which may be required ‘as ‘evidence at a later date. c Ifthe letter still does not bring any-action (after a reasonable amount of time) maybe you should visit the Legal Resource Office’. _ .The. Le.gal Resources Office has sample letiers as weh as pamphlets concerning repairs and maintenance. 2 1 -. If any problems ‘or questions should -arise with regards to your tenancy, please’ feel-.free to drop by the >offici in the Campus-Centre room 150A. The volunteers will be available -between lo:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. daily to assist yo.u with your concerns. ( _ ’

The la%ndlord may be reluctant

house twnhs. Philip Reward, for lease. 6467 or 886-2932.

you for the repairs.

5 b&m St. or vicinity. Call Ian, 888-. -, :.



Set of six keys in Black and Yellow chain. Reward. 579-69i 6; nights.


Lost b&e


identificationif found.. 3359.


leather wallet with-all . cards. Please return Reward-offered. 744_

.wANTEI” 2 bedroom,


for 3





,looking for musicians for jams. mainstream rock, new wave, i%ke, 884-2248. . -

other Into R&B, \-

Night Drivers with smalk cais, want;ePA -for _a.;l,y-ogiessivq @xl.

13 or,4 b&m for Sept. ‘85. Within 45 min. walk to UW. Call Brian, B$b, Nick or CiLenn, 7464797.


‘lQk&kent &x@om



’ f




_ -.>-pr






Bachelor for May-Sept. Call

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II %u-etc tern dress which was quite a novelty. The Indian student’s fashion show featured exotically embroidered, saris. Unfortunately the 8 p.m. closing prevented our sampling Indian style night life. Cramped for space in the grad house, the Greek Contributers . students still managed crowd Jo-Anne Lhn9ley Chris Haslet pleasing native food and Dou9 Thompson N&zt Ma&i drink. With more space qeibekika (Greek) dancing , Todd SchneiQer _ might have been 1 more fellow student’s exotic popular. Caribbean jamming & homelands. The African students had jumping, French Cuisine, -The French student’s few displays but great’ music South .East Asian exhibits, cuisine was the most palate drew large numbers out onto Indian sculpture., and pleasing, but a long line up the;dance floor. Ukranians dancing in native was a problem. The Caribbean pavillion, dress were but a few of the” The Ukrainian entertainbeing the last paviliion to international delights served mentj dancing and music close down, seemed to draw up by UW’s ethnic clubs in successfully conveyed an all one thousand holders of co-operation with the informal sense of “being the $2 passports by closing Federation of Students last there”.! time. For the most part, the Friday evening, February 8. The Chinese student’s crowds packed the dance entertaitnment was staged in Nine separate groups floor, moving to the rhythms paraded samples of their the CC Great Hall and pounded out by the steel native cultures. The groups included native dances, a-, band. from Africa, the Caribbean, slide show -and information This was the first effort at a China, France, Greece, India., . booths. -. cultural caravan project for Korea, South East Asia, and ’ The Korean, martial. arts UW students, and while a , display held in South Campus lack of experience showed;-it the Ukraine .began organizing Hail’s Laurel room captivated certainly didn’t stop the more the event in late December. than one thousand participa- . Although Caravan revealed a large audience: nts from having a good time some shortcomings reflecting The South East. -Asian its -hurried organization, and > students had -an inform$& despite the blizzard outside. lack of previous experience, a display of native. dress; arf Undoubtedly the ’ organizcurrent geo-political good time was had by all-and and ers gained experience which UW students were treated to concerns in HageyHall anda should prove valuable for a an entertaining and informat-fashion show in’ the Arts repeat performance, which ive sample of some of. . their’ Lecture Hall of Eastern/V@we hope will take place. i







/ by Peter Lawson Imprint, staff

& Chris



_ Anyone who thinks that 80’s dance music is’exemplified by synthesized schlock should have attended last Wednesday night’s bedlam at Fed Hall. Scotland’s Shakin’ Pyramids and Handsome Ned and the Handsome Neds (catchy name!) exhausted a wide assortment of cats with their lightning fast brand of immortal, rpck’n rpll. Toronto. based Handsome Ned and the Handsome. Ned-s opened the February 6 show with an-eFrgetic set of self: described “hillbilly rock’n roll”., the Neds have primarily an acoustic. sound with a strong foundation in 50’s style coutry music, covering songs by Hank Snow and Johnny Cash which r ’ left the dance. floor marginally active. ’ . Surprisingiy,?he floor was barren when they whipped out their -most vibrant number,_Bill Monroe’s “Blue:-M2on of Kentucky”, Although the reception to the Neds was moderate, by this reviewer.their return would be we come The Scottish mist (a 1 the Shakin’ Pyramids described it) covered the stage, and the singer-drummer, Davie Duncan-of the Shakin’ Pyramids, took to the stage to chant out a traditional Scottish war song “The Battle of Harlan”. With his bodrhan (a hand-held drum) accompaniment, Mr. Duncan sang out the droning Scottish melody which is a battle cry for the audience to assemble for a battle of a different kind. Celtic tunes balanced with swing or the big-band era, glitter rock (ie. Alice Cooper), and the vocal harmonies and stylings of the Everly Brothers are a few’of their musical influences. Their musical performances began in France as “buskers” (street musicians), where they played traditional rockabilly music with acoustic, guitars and wailing voices. The Pyramids deny the “rockabilly” label given them-by the North _American audience, and- ‘James Creighton (guitar) -heartily referred to-their sound as “Galley Music”: “something to row to or get whipped by”. They wish to stand before a varied audience and avoid the rockabilly stereotype, because across the Atlantic; rockabilly implies “Teds” and a clique of unchanging rockabilly sound. , -. 1 ‘~

sound is undelniably.5C \ of the 80’s.. After Davie Duncan’s introduction, the’ entire ,band went to work ranting and raving standard rock’nroll’at-sublightsped and only slowed down at mid-set for the blue “Just Rockin”& old Lil Green song). The Pyramids staged the usual. arrau of songs and introduced new nun Get Yours, and On an1 On”. The dance floor was busy th weary dancers only relinquisl major criticism is the sound wi on acoustic guitar was drowns . _ and Dave Rivett on electric bass. A sad note for Shakin’ Pyramids fans is their-plant0 disband .after this Canadian tour. The band’s breakup is attributed toa divergence in music and a longing for change from the standard songs performed in the past five years. ’ Because no other job prospects await them in Scotland (no 016 Co?op jobs to return to), they wish to remain active in a “whatever comes” musical fc scene across the Atlantic as dyl diversity, yet they wish to gair economic benefits and to esci British scene. I ’ ’ -On the island, youths often grow up within a gang who followa set format of music (Teds, Mods, Punks, Skins...) and will not Vventure outside that musical format. Musical formats exist in Canada, but the youths here do not gang together and the Pyramids notice the cross section in their followers, even ._ I at \ Federation Hail. When asked what new bands from across the way Canadian ears should- be opened to, they replied, “OneClock Gang, James King and The Lone Wolves, and Sophisticated -Boom Boom”. The Pyramids themselves may release a double life album. If :you must see-them.again, they are performing in Toronto at . .month’s end and will probably play there again in March; ‘. -- Oddly; when wished well and goodbye, Davie D~uncan:.. replied,’ “it -may not be-goodbye, we may see you again.” What 2 Davie did- that mean? Keep your -ears open. i _ \ .-i



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I have seen people who It is unnatural to freeze I$ John Pigkolj . h&e what seems to be a time, and, time is an ._,Impri$:staff psychopathological block unforgiving _ father: ’ (What ,. Due , to-. space limitations,. some key elements of last preventing the striking of an folly it is to dislike the live. orginal note. There are some, week’s essay, “Music performance -of _ a band who are lucky product or action” had to be however, because of its deviations from enough to come up with the album.) delayed until now. The_. _main ._ something technically new thrust of all these scribblings We _ give credence or which permits them back into can be simply stated: DOIVT homage to the mb‘ient of our fumble _with your record the fight, for example J. Cage, birth by continuing to play player when you want to hear K. Penderecki, A. Webern. _ throughout ‘our lives. Webern. music - MAKE IT1 1 am not on a crusade A deprivation experiment I often see people working. against technology but am relative to these interests to make money which is spent simply against calling it awaits the arrival of another generously on - records and something else. See it for Skinner’s daughter. What what it is - fascinating. player devices in an absurd, sort of ,music would be misdirected effort to satisfy There is a new aesthetic produced by someone who their urge to hear music: created by the technology. It has never heard any before? Couldn’t these energies be has its merit- but we contrast it I believe we all have what it with the aesthetic derived spent m0r.e - effectively;takes to make music within us from playing. more affectively?, (This can be and perhaps a music more I wish to propose that paralleled in the visual arts by meaningful, music should be defined as personally UW’s recent showing of “Is it relevant, and communicative “the act of creatively Art??’ on campus.) would result, generating sound as an of emotion I am ‘a technocrat in my contrary to the “music” immediate and obvious own small way, but since the churned out by most system for expressive technology is the product of a technical -efforts today. , communication.” rational process, I can devote Anyone in a ’ “basement Written “music” then, is a only a portion of my life to it. band” has likely remarked, “it questionable entity. After all, To give less time to my other sounded a lot better faculties (intuition, sensation) /why attempt to relegate before!?“, upon listening to -would upset the dynamic music to the same notational their performance on tape. limitations our language has balance of happiness. Of course3 did - why try to been structured around? (So I am working from a represent the same thing on a principle widely employed in many grammars‘.) I must -add our society. Perfection is the rhat albums .are effeqtively a different medium? Answer d “We want to preserve the target at school;’ the: method-of musical notation. moment, or the feeling, the workplace, church, sport,, People will remind me that Music!” My .counterthe movie “Amadeus” science. demonstrated that Mozart argument - “Our birth is a With, this emphasis, we wonderfulmoment. We ‘ian’t help but approach 100%. heard the symphony in his ,-cannot relive our birth and I mind’s recital hall as he wrote. I have taken the extreme think there is a good reason I have already said the position represented in these for this. Perhaps the same . articles in the hope that the imagination is ; a, musical mechanism is at work when instrument but my problem is reader will find himself/herself we become tired of an album with this urge to write it down. more likely to ‘play than to after so rnany~$ listenings. pure base: In so doing we restrict other musics by setting a standard., Witness Salieri’s eventual ruindue- fs~fhi~.lterideri~y--to _compare:, To me, music should not be subjected to -comparative evaluation but only to the corrective flow of the communicative musical moment. 6 In life, it seems, there are two sorts of good musicians. Those that have never played any&ring before and those that: havetotal mastery over their instrument. These two groups of people are more likely to approach music as an internal event, .- not one dictated by past conventions. By contrast, thpse caught in the* middle-of these ,tw*o stages can be-found on the ropes, struggling against technical jargons. Still .others are face down on the mat so entrenched in rules their only’ recourse3 to read and deify:, - - .,( other efforts.

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The audience seemed to approve most of the jokes thrown at I’ them. If they didn’t, they showed their disapproval. There were the inevitable boos and hisses that came mostly with the I sexually linked jokes. Everyone likes making fun of Fed Hall ’ once in a while, but when one resorts to saying, “now that we’ve got it up, we have’to keep it erect, we won’t let those villains give it a blow job,“-well, it’s just ‘too much.. Speaking of the Feds, I have to commendTom Allison (alias ’ Superchicken) for taking all the jokes about the Feds. (“My%>’ love for Bo is bigger t an the Fed Hall budget), and about why Fed Hall was built an 2 for whom (“Allison’s Palace and Grilloh my!“, which was sung to the Wizard of 07 tune - lions and tigers and bears, oh my!) My only complaint with the show was- with -the ,,musical numbers. From what I could hear, the songs were clever and energetic, but they didn’t quite reach up over the sound barrier’




by Shayla Gunter imprint staff

providedby the band. This year’s FASS production, FASSe3 thun a Speeding Bullet, proved to be an imaginative collaboration of song, Considering the fact that this is the first year that the show. dance, and Waterloo jokes which *was performed by an has been accompanied by a live band,it worked out okay, but either the band had to tone down during some numbers or the energetic cast in sexy tights. cast had to sing louder. I did find ,myself straining to hear spme Sexy tights seemed to be on the writers’ minds throughout of the words once in a while. , the play and although <their constant mention became Some of the songs,calthough energetic, lackedlustre at some somewhat boring towards the end, they did receive many laughs and provid&d the audience with a certain “familiarity” . points. I found that I didn’t miss much if I paid attentionto my notepad during some ~of the musical numbers. They did early in the evening. .’ L provide nice background music though. Familiarity was a definite “plus” of this production. Waterloo The FASS produc-tion captured.the spirit of Waterloo. Two vs. Gueiph jokes, Bette Stephenson (alias BesseSeventons) people in enemy .faculties falling in love, co-op interviews jokes and Federation Hell (whoops); hall, jokes hit home with (compared to purgatory), I_co-o>. jobs, computer science:,~ the predominantly UW &udent audience.. I towers; you name it 1 they parodied it. , Everybody and everything was parodied. Even Mr. Rogers ~ majors, cockroach The ideas of superheroes and villains provided some great received little respect ‘as we watched the “Secret Woman” material and the writers deserve credit for ,their numerous , come in and save the day by spraying Professor Rogers’ ‘plays on words. If you missed this year’s production,^catch -underarms with deodorant. next year’s. As was said by the “weird group of people with One must congratulate the clever young writers who tickled strange ideas” (the FASS cast) - same FASS time, same our funnybones with their explanations of how the superheroes FASS station. became superheroes and with their unending puns. I? ’ &’


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’ BOX:OFFiCE - ‘- TiCkets: ’

-By Tim Perlich Imprint Staff

.-. For. the’ last. few weeks;! CKMS-Radio Waterloo (94.5) has been presenting a new series: The we\ekly is called The programme , Future Pop.Radio Show, and features an’interview with *a contemporary English music conducted b.y .group

INCOMik tAiES /’

* Ti,:





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photographer (and author of the book Future .Pop) Peter ..’ I, Noble. .’ : ’ Aired. each Friday-. at 6:00 p..m:., the show’s goal is to introduce’ lesser’ known bands and help explain their particular reasons for being. Past shows have already featured Siouxie’, SPK, and Test Dept.


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-; By N&y..Beumgart

’ ‘ z tournament play; ,as well ’ as I ’ The, yat?rloo basketball . ‘individuals ranked in the ‘?op ’ <Athenas j conc4ude’d. their + ten” categories for theleaguk.* -. regular league seast@fi fine Captain Kir@$au, fi@s&d &xa:seas& , :+&*ed-*~ - f@&g*‘- tm..;rr;::y& style. with ai easy defe&@he ’ female Lauriei troul&j. 5’1 F s&+qg&f~$.; ,r~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~

Our A-thenas , !*.

b2 stuffed. _ . imp&t

weekend o’f February “i5, 16, ,“. and 17. The eleven-memberxoster 20 ,aSsi-sts~I,,$‘. the 12 g&ne~ ,sea&&-y.Fx~~ ‘; 1 : . .- ‘_ % ; i,s comprised of nine rookies m~f&j;-$ffs are. s&f -to. be’ -a ,:- . and three veterans. This yeati could have’ easily ,been ‘whole riew ball game, and the labelled a year to rebuild;but Athenas; even jn their\ losses;< strong coaching from Sal& were never -blown off the’ Kemp and. Warren Sutton court. With their current level comb’ined with determinaof intensity, . t&e Athe’nas tion led to the Athenas should prove t@ be’ ai sliious’ success. threat: ifi ‘this weekend’s allThe Athenas had:two first ’ Ontario @~ket~ball .-champphoto by .-Oscar Buset‘~‘ and tine se.coild.-place finish in- ’ ionships. *

A thenas ,splQsg -~~~~~$~~ur~~ in omta&o-. ,.. . -1-r _ . _ -_ “S. . : _-’ ‘_. -_ _ 1/,>. , i I-‘ “, ~_.I.\ --, ~ kr .;.;; .4 .‘P .;-._. ,L ip-‘\‘ ,y; _I 1_- ~: : i‘-c1,

I-. ~ _-.:i,.?-.),. + \ ++i;#>+..+ -:?~$~oc’?$-$!!>~ ‘.-:-‘;I, ~,~~ / ,-

.‘ -.:. .> _I-'--. ,',, . ..L. .1 >. , ‘-, =A &ly placing fourth in the -’ bJt Sandy -Townsend ’ @e &her -Iend ,of the- c “&b&* #t&k& f~@$Q~c@u~g ’ lm+&qt Staff _ . L,’ - ~~‘L’~s-&mi~&& Athena s&mmers in the 50 ‘and -I&-&e&4yle r ‘-OntarYios, co-ach Dave . *<am a hockey fan. 1 play ii 1 watch it. &&&. :: 7;16the true fan it doesn’t matter if his team is winn@g or losing, came 2nd and 6tb%e.$%&&~~~ IJ&inb&ch ex$&%ed aqthi@g i The weekend of-February 9--:. c+%e,-up with tl%$r usual fine I. t o b r i n g _ 4y, $vhile t?kjng,a &#+iij: th&5@ but op@isti’at.the &d @the /:: ‘ail ti@ w$@UerS iS.the’wme and h@aJWS. ; .. ~ an4 IO,+aw the swimmipg’&d - pe$&rmance \?;rafe&+9s point colle&on:-d~l $ butteifly.,: ’ ”,_7.’ ‘; -com@tio~. - .‘.,:+; -i,-.=: While:$jrowing up’+i&ntatio .I Was a haf fan. I eventually diving Athenas hik& d&vn t&.. W&j/ *.the ’ (+J~o:o~s , fait ‘i set&d in .Edmonton where I quickly became a b%eVer,in Oiler -, ne read to, LaurieP for the. ’ Up‘ -t;b ’ a .respec@ble f&rtF; ‘- ” ye &d-y?: Goo&“;$barl d&&jh j&i& S:,f&&&y. My -loy&@, tp..t& ‘J,.&s en&d .$he first 6m;e 1 ~6 : ’ Baxt$r;~Kathy OwIAbi’s. . i . , . ‘.place finiih behind 0. ‘bf -T.,~ .~G~a’b&%irn Approaching, ., I ’ ‘-%\ .’ MeMaster, and ’ Westerb’- ’ .M c D’b ;Is.s&LQ~:.:-A no& ‘;.D$na b&h has-high-“holies for his.. Wayr?e Gretzky in an Oiler u&foFm. r ‘ McMurray : also ,&$;‘is fi@e team. - He bklieves: t$ti{‘K& ” . 4t: is easy cheering for theOilers nqMhat t&y+@- winning. The- diving team of Kathj respectively. I performanc&. -., l$$; relay nere was time wheti it was more dlffic@t. SupporGng a losing Schr@dt and Heater Boston and Al!i.son should fi$sh jn t&&s much more eff~@. That iSTy few people follow \or \ ~ gave their .best attempts; but ,I ,- , ‘Anita :Martosh ‘catie t.hird :. ‘%ams faile& ..m qt@&fy v -c,:‘; for. b tlie top t&ti with’ a good chance . team the-“Us.“bf T., McMaster and in the 50, iO0 and 200 meter ‘CIAUU action, ‘c.iV: : of Kate tiedtilling iti the 50 supp+ a losing team.., Western-teams dominated the butterfly. Kate Moore came Kate . Moore, c:$@lison. ; meter freestyle: . There is one losing team that I support though. Our Warrior fourth,+ tfie 100 back stroke. Whiie’ the Athena’s have hockey team. It, has been very frustiating for me to watch their i top\rafikings. Heather Bo&on Loucas, Wendy ~~&I, and done their provincial work, _ lack of sucqssthis seascq. YOU bet that if it has been frustrating missed- qualifying for the ’ a@ first-in the 200. -- ‘h=r.Anita . Martosh ‘he+ Already CIAUU:s by four spots when ‘Sue’ Maskon placed first in I. ~bqua4ified for .the $A-UU’s the Warriors are prepating for I * for ‘me, @ev-.,it has beq ti miflionXim~s more frustrating and th& 1-00 ‘back.stroke final ‘Bnd’.=’ a# the ~tou’rname@‘$aw~ no their CiUAAIs this weekend in.: disappointins fo@he players. - ’ shedplacqd eigth in the seven-. first in the 50 m ‘@nsol&i&n +&v qualifi@ions,: ‘;, While Sudbury. ._ __ This s&&n’s editior$of ttje.Waiors has 12 rookies and seven y me&i- t$ard division. , . I :I’. , L second year players. They are a young teani, maybe too young: . ByiJo-&&


f I Not b\ Rob/Ste&nson Imp&t Staff

-5 e;;+&,

:. -

;y<- kg:;;



‘I,.. _, :.-’

, .

eGmple of the curling @&h has won three championships. U&rtunately, three of t he - te. a q’s members, including Howard,, will graduate this _year, making I next season on&of rebuilding. The Aiherias notched a ’ second place: finish for the s?cond year in a row. Entering fhe double knockout tournament ranked nuinber one, the rink defeated Qu&I% .i-(9-6j a@ -Western ^ (5-2). to- r mqve iiito the final against ’ ’ WeCfirn; neldifig -0r;ly one : ini& w~~;~’ They t$$f$~l $0 .-, Western (6;7)’ on.tb&last rock -r %f -F-h**last end, and forced a. .

“Duminant” is a word which accurately describes\& performance of the men’s curling. team, as they captured their third consecutiv&OUAA title last ‘weekend. In iddition, the Athena curlers failed to make -“it a double win by the slimmest of margins. Glen .Howarg ,&kipped the ,.W,arrior rink to .the -championship for the third+f his three ye& as skip.. ’ The’ team’s preliminary round+ss to Queen’s was the only one suffered by Howard in thos’e ye@-i. ‘. : . deciding game. WesteEn -_ -The te&m of Harry van ‘&pen& a large lead (8-2) with Yni’eren. [vice), Brad Watson four en& :left; and the Athenas could only close to @cotid),, Ken Lypka (lead), and Howard knocked off within three before the final Guelph. -(I l-4), Laurier (5-3), ‘I cod. . ydrk-(7-4) and McMaster-( LOAlthough they managid-to 6); e’n-rotit6 to-the f&&s:. LYI -’ --t&$T{bree in: the. te,tith -arid:: Th$,witi @@i’&Queen$i.n . -‘Lfq& ‘an .&I& &xii We&in





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%’.- :DaSid -&$th;i;~A;lpi~$ @,kiing J @iye’s two victoqi.eF , last wee,k give ‘him the ‘1st $4&e overall titie for Ihe cse&sons’ series 6s ‘be attained :thi b$st ” xombined’ *finishes. iti 99th 1 S’#l$i~ :afid’ ’ Giant 5Slalom -eventsovei : ‘fhe %’intire

_and-this season $hings were sirpposed%. hwe been ,-different. Under head coach Jack Birch the hock&y program.has made -great strid.& towards respectability. At the b@qning of the season, Birch had tprgetted his charges for_ a~ run at a play-off . sport. - Today, theybre languishing in 12th place in the. 13 team -0uAA loop. ’ , . The $layers on-the team have never stopped trying 01 hustling, even’when thifigs were looking extremely grim, they kept on skating. Now, with qnly four games left, the players have only the -gqdge *matches awinst Laurier and exams @ look forward to. - = . -Not a very nice prospect. Grouse, despite the; numbers, has had an outstanding season. 1Even though the warriors havethe second-\worsF goals-against average iri the league, Peter was named to the QUAA All-Star team for a mid-season game. In that game, he played shutout hockey against the best players in the league. He routinely faced 50 shots per game, yet his save perckntage is among the best in the league. He has kept the War&s _in several _games --_ Jocelyq Piercy - Nor@ ’ . 1 am sure that there are many athlete? on other Warrior and Atheria teatis who are worthy of being mentioned in this space, Skiing . She finished 5th in the but 1am a hockey fan and Blair and Peter are friends of mine. My individual i’O km &e on j Sympathi& go out to t$eti; their $&q@ate+, a@anyone else -Saturday and \?ra_sa’ &&ber J&O is ha$ng a terrible seasan. ., _.,;* -’ I lf it is tiny solace I\leave y&with‘ fhe ~ord&of th& great sports of the 3X5 km team tl&ition the relay in- Sunday. i This Lwriter, Grantland Rice. ‘%/hen @e.@qat ~orerh~e Sky comes : enabled the Nbrdic ,&i&s to ’ ,’ *



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Both, the’- ‘Men’s and Women’s Alpine Ski Teams< ended the, OUAA/OWlAA PEPSI SKI SERIES’ with great +showings,, at the finak hejd‘ in Collingwood on Thursday February 7 and Friday\ February 8. ‘The Women finished third in Thursday’s slalom 1,ed by Andrea Baker (n- second, Marnie Laser in sixth and Maureen Elliott in fjfteenth p1ac.e. ’ In Friday’s giant slalom, Baker again’ placed

-women% indiv.idt@’ -:&easor$ j In th-e ..season r standings, Anl$rea Bakertook ? standings, the men Tcame third ‘plaeeO:.in the ‘$$o.m,, ., second. +econd ‘piace : in the ,giant In the men’s @ividual slalom, and third--place in the season standings, Waterloo) “combined standings.; : , .. 0, men walked away’ with most . I bf the hardware.. Dave. Roth: :.’ The Men’s team”won’their , second consecutive slalom took first place in sla-lo’m,.first _ race on Thursday, $d, by in giant slalom and first; in the: , -Dave Roth,~who,woh’th~race,. combined, winning an four out of five ..’ and strong performances. by , incredible Jeff. Graham in thirteenth . races-in which he competed, ‘, place, Gordon, _Wiseman in Andy Stone. took- second’-. seventeenth place, and Fred. place in slalom, second.placein giant slalom, and second in Baur in twenty-first Flace. On

finished jn third place overall in the 0WlA.A standings. ,ln

first, with Andy Stone placing Canada _ I* a strong third. * University -

By+Ja_cquieS Gibson



place finish

in the 10

Piercy, arrived s&onds

at the World Games in Italy.

. .-



in ski jargon. 1 - :





.’ . .‘;

1\ ’

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Stone and- ,Gibso$ at the line. within 20. of each other:

~ decisively, k defeating j the Jacquie Gibsotin ninth,’ First sec’ond ‘place Queens University squad. 5 1’. y.ea r s ti e r Anne -Ma$ie Pat Wardfaw,led‘ the team . Charest finished in44thplace. to. victory with a powerful ‘In a “tightly packed. field/-


Bload,,~,,goajsb,~~~~~~~;more I * I ’ 1 J /3. ‘!.r:, . I.“;; ./ II Ii’

~’ -7r: ‘4 , ‘

attack by the Queens. women and continued to open -a@ %te;tie- -Thompson’ strode. . ground, gradually. attaining tp2?t$&id ]%th,place fmishes an. insurmountable twominute -lead by the end’ of the ’ ‘respe,&ively , only ten seconds - B o y 1e , .-


-Icefiel& :




and _ .



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I maybe even a victory.. Thatfaint .glin&r became even brighter whe$@@o<~t;y r~.Th~‘Waf~o.~~-catrie‘Oat’on the wro ng end of a IO-6shootiout .$ith’-Guelph last ‘Sun&y night, Feb ruary 1O;,at the I&!$ieh&?;~ _:bangedin arebound for his se&&i of the,nigh$on a power-.ph&. ’ + after o‘niy 31 seconds of the third period.- Unfortunately, the , -’TheGryphons simply had too much firepo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 ‘-“and, if it hadn’t .been for the Warr #ior power~pfay, ‘the Score. hopes of Waterloo fans were dimmed when Guelph scored $ree more times before Dave Cole fired the last Warrior goal.“:Z- -would have been even more lc,pside1s-4 --The highlights of the third period w&e-No &#perb~%%&&s%~$ .Z (The power-play was the only “posit ivething’about the&hole W8rrior defenceman Chris Sdhweitzerland. a late period brawl * ,-&erring for’ the. Warriors, Th ey SWIret four ,&es w&e &ey I-r . . , .I~ I \.I -Y’ .‘. -.;a. .; ~r c.,L s ,,‘:! ‘J &jgyqd >the man .ddva@ t.a&z ,:. , i;-. i,-- ‘ 5. .*=_ , .Y that saw$ve warrro9 Warriors and four Gryphons thrown out 11 -2, ..ofjhe game..~ Pn t&e -m&idle of the fracas,..- as-always, was Wa&%r - r%e;Tli$ res@lt may have been Closei; h&d &&lph’, &&a: -Ijl&; -ati& enad&. .- ; . cap&n Blair M&thur, .penalties but the’ref was not i The ‘fight started, when Guelph’s Ken Burto~n&arged Blair;! : . Leading the Gryphonattack . wa$3 lohaiik, a form&minor who was massaging his brother’sface.along the glass. Everyone league.professiona,l, ‘who .sc_ored five times‘ . His liner&es Ken if-:the quickly gai’red up and the. dance was.: on. - ‘__ ” i , \I % and Tim Burtofi,, ea?h’:added a, got ~1.apd five&&s,. In what must surely be the strangest penalty of,the year,. . z~Warriors had been able .to ban is !ine..,who”,k,nows~ ;: .. * ,‘ ’ things White got his misconduct without ever leaving the b&i&. ’ Itmight, have been different., * , .. ,. _ must have been the way he smiled’at the ref. The Gryphons scored their.: first goal before’ the five Iminute . After the game, Warrior coach Jack Birch said that his teammark of- the first period. The led three- more .before the ,cannot expect-to win hoekey games when they play well foronly Warriors woke up;- the first-W ‘9 goal wasscored, by Rick .’ Hart,. but at the end -of theperi &&-24&&rpi$ I&JQi’l~o;1d7’: )~~;I@iutes. The t’eam <#layed -very.well in-a;heart-breaking 41% ‘G; i -; , The Warriors played,withy ‘tl$&e&&y -in. the first 20 loss to Western .on~~)%$iay night; February 8. .; - ,- - <.I-3. ^That ‘game - m&?h’ave~~&ft the ‘Warriors. physical&, +&I _-’ , minutes and the result shov n. the:~.+oreb$ard. The Gryphons are a team- boundfa p;iay&&&devery point is- ( mentally drained for S.&cay’s game against Guelph,.. (., Z- ’ necessary in the latter- stages ( rz-~+j$$~p~.;.:&@ntras t :*t he e j cWa@or goalie- Peter Grouse admitted that he had $n. offlsBq.$ .L-$ $.;tj, ‘y&z; _.y ,Yd ,:n~ght,.‘but he should not shoulder ail the blame for the loss%, ; -Warriors are going~iowhere tl $&&j&j& ,&f&j &t$je& ‘Bar&said that. his teammay: rely on Orouse too~.mu~h,. and:. -‘I ,The Warriors-fought&& ,f -the 20&i&$& iN&&g Ld’when Peter does -have an-off night, the tea”m cannot make up for the Gryphons to a 3:3-standstil ‘_ it. , ,I 1 , _‘-. ’ .. 1 - . the.-;Warriors markers w.ere Jac Q@ley, Jay &&i&d 1 Jeff This weekend,-the ;qar$ors play a dot$~eheaderaga@st the.. .’ Brazeau. r&&&g‘ ifi’ ‘itj&-per&d , c_: ‘-nationally ranked:a$$.$&ays hated -Liuiier Golden Hawks, .go& with; twk se ., _ ;.. Bra&au’s :re was a faintgl&mer of :<The first game js @r@@%&t~ the lceE’e!ds,and rhe.lreturn:$$ch R,~.‘. t$$ :W-iuriors,~. big lif$ ;tj$ : g so& ~e~&&&j,,~.&n~ .-‘, wilt-be- at the B&#-,!o$$%+turday Fe __; ary $5; .- ; -. _’ ;:I” . 3 $ fiat thethird’period’woblc 1.. .-,; ” , L By



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This is Robin Patrick Campus Coordinator for winter term.




4\ - \v l


l\ Square


’ Sammy’s Mid-season Picks -

With half of the term gone by, it-is time for Sammy to review the Each term, 13 Students Assistant positions are available in the league’s progress and see who is making a iun at winning the league Camp,& Recreation program; students involved are responsible for day championships. Remember those teams at the beginning of the term to day organization and administration of most aspects of the program. that Sammy picked to take the honours?! Let’s see- how they are doing! Previous knowledge and skills are an asset; however, such As expected, On Probation and the Buts are heading for a last game qualifications are not mandatory. More so, an avid interest and desire to clash for first place. It is rumoured that the Buts are looking forward to be involved in your recreational program are necessary. playing, against On Pro’s man-to-man defence, but Samr$ thinks (with A Student Assistant position not only allows one to gain leadership s?me bias) that On Pto’s will win A league once aga@! (Sammy just skills, knowledge of the program and direct involvementQith others,but cannot wait Mark aiid Bruce!). one is also rewarded by a monthly salary as well. The Top 8 in B are faring quite well, with minor exc‘eptions. The Student Assistant Job Descliption -Business m&d with pleasure‘Cieoknobs, off to a fast start, ruined one of Sammy’s hopes when Jam. 1. Each student chooses 2-3 regular office hours per week; these hours Session defeated them last Sunday, February 10. Another pick, the Kin , allow specific time for interaction with the two department coordinators, Crushers, also lost! So far, not veiy good! These two teams must Mn the a time to be contacted and a time to fulfil1 responsibilities pertaining to rest of their games by lots of points in order to make the Bl flight. each job; Dr. Jeds, the Flyin’ Eyes, the Basketcases, the Aliens and Dominoes 2. Attend regular monthly Student Assistant meetings to report on your , Dunks all are undefeated. Good! The last pick, the Mixers, are becoming area. disastrous! They lost yet another game last week to N6 Fiends. Sammy * 3. Assist other Student Assistants when the need arises. is quite sure that this team will not make T@ 8. 4. Be responsibile for the administration and organization of specific The top two teams- in C league are>Buckyland and Skoal Bandits, areas or programs of Campus Recreation; sqme Positions may also Sammy’s two favorite teams. These two should meet in the final! require assisting in the selection, training and informing of staff. Sammy picks the quick, agile- and enthusiastic Bandits to defeat 5. Assist in the plsnning, and preparation for next term’s program, I Buckyland. .. 6. A student evaluation report must be written before the end df each Good luck in the r&t of the term!






11 l


$ Centre

Waterloo lntramurals hit the road last w&kend, February9 & 10, when I& one approaches Rm. 2042 of the PAC, one canno; help but notice an enthusiastic ladies’ basketball team entered the Brwkville Invitational the large cgngregation of students in g hubbub of activity; these students The team was made up completely of are busy scheduling-leagues, typing, writing, organizing, promoting, and Basketball Tournament. basketball *players from a single Village 2 girls’ floor. creating amidst‘a general air of discussion. ’ With thk Me&& of Peter Hopkins, Campus Ret Director, the W&t The attitude is positive; for the r&wards involved in any one Student .. 1 Behinders embarked on a journey whicti would bring thiin great glory A@stant position are endless. Overall, one’s awareness of the campus Recreation program is and lots of oppurtunity to drink; - The tdumament was a six-team contest played in a two-division, increased; as a Student Assistant such knowledge and insight can be - round-toblri scheme.’ Waterloo defeated the first challenger handily and conveyed to others as well as one&. althcSti@&?~ &ti gieatly o\rtsized, the Behinders took their second EaTh Student Assistant is exposed to a unique learni& experience same as well. Although there are specific responsibilities to adhere. to, there are very It was not until the championship that Waterloo tasted ,d&feat. Their few ropes attached; one is granted the freedom to add a personal flair to opponents had played together for month$‘&ili the @hinders had the job; X Being a Student Assis@t also allows for the student’to have input; one never plgyed under a coach until last weekend. Th_e lead switched hands, for most of the game until the final minutes can help the program grow and prosper by an individual project, when Cotiwall ‘put in several break-away bask&s to finish triumphant. innovative idea, research or evaluation. West B‘s first trophy will be on display on the floor for ail admiringfans \ Applications are nbw being accepted for Fall 1985. They can be obtained from, and must be returned to, the PAC receptionist; deadline is until the end of the year. Yes, Virginia, there is a place for intramurals outside of the PAC. March 1, 1985. I ,

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