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Frlday, March 1, 1985; Vol. 7, No. 30; The Student Newspaper; Univer81tY of Waterloo, Waterloo, ~ntario.'

Brzustowski bars Student by Mathew lngnm Imprint staff As a result of allegedly being "drunk and disorderly" a t a n lntegrated Studies Operations Council meeting on February 7th, an lntegrated Studies affiliate member, Drew McGillivray, has been banned from University of Waterloo property for a year by UW vice-president, academic, T o m Brzustowski. In a letter sent by registered mail, Dr. Brzustowski told Mr. McGillivray the fohlowing: "as a result of your actions at a meeting of I S . Operations Council on February 3rd., your presence on U of W property is no longer welcome. Please be advised that if you are found on UW property, - security will be notified a n d will take appropriate action. This prohibition shall be in effect for one year from February 15th., 1985." The letter was signed "Yours very truly, Tom Brzustowski", and it was noted that copies of the prohibition had been sent both to head of Security A1 R-omenco, and acting lntegrated Studies 'Co-Ordinator Joe Sheridan. When contacted for comment, Dr. Brzustowski stated that he had a visit from one 1.S. student with a complaint about Mr. McGill~vwy,and received written complaints from six othu~%,%ad had been informed that two persons h&l gone directly to Security with their grievences. In light of this, Dr. Brzustowski said, and the fact that Mr. McGillivray was not a registered student, he was forced to "protect the interests of students" by banning him from the premises. However, Dr. Brzustowski's office refused to release 'the names of the comolainants. a ~ that In response, Mr. ~ c ~ i l l i v kstated nothing could possibly have taken place on February 3rd because it was a Sunday. When he was informed that the incorrect date was a

typing mistake, and the date should have read the 7th, Mr. McGillivray said that he was indeed at an Operations Council meeting on that day, but that he was not intoxicated. He went on to say that his actions could be described as "disorderly" for he was out of order at the meeting, but also said that there were a number of other individuals equally out of order, and that "the entire meeting was chaos". This disorderliness was completely justified, Mr. McGillivray said, in light of the sweeping changes and budget cuts going on in the program. Regarding the complaints from the anonymous I.S. students, Mr. McGillivray said that he wondered about the two persons who allegedly complained to Security, due t o the fact that he was at the I.S. offices for several hours after the incident supposedly took place, and no Security members made an appearance. When contacted at his home by Imprint, Mr.Romenco said that he "made kt a policy' not to comment on anything being done by Dr. Briustowski or anyoneelse". Asked about the two students who the vice-president said complained directly to Security, Mr. Romenco said that "if (Dr. Brzustowski) said so, then it must be true". I n a further comment, Mr. McGillivray said that, in his opinion, Dr. Brzustowski had overstepped the power of his office by not allowing complaints to be handled through the proper channels at I.S., and that he thought the complaints were a means for those on one side of thedebate at 1.S. to get rid of those with opposing viewpoints. He went on to say that he would take his protest through the appropriate channels, and that several I.S. students concerned about the way the s~tuationhas been handled have sent a letter of complaint to Dr. Brzustowski,aswell as to the Ethics Committee, charging that the prohibition against Mr. McGillivray is a n act 'of "censorship".

The best revenge is living well: t rock‘ student prez a big spender ST. CATHERINES, Ont. (CUP)Brock University students are going to the polls March 14 to impeach their c u r r e n t s t u d e n t council president, though they have already elected his replacement. The 'decision to hold a referendum t o impeach president Scott Patterson was made after over 200 students signed a petition demanding his removal. The students

questioned Patterson's abinty to make business decisions. Patterson allegedly m i s m a n a g e d f u n d s by advancing himself $5,000 to finance his new car and apartment. He also invested $8,500 in a repertory theatre without consulting council. The venture failed, and the council could lose the money. Investigations into the council's books have revealed

loans to other executive members which total $9,650, of which $,1,100 has not been k e r Savich makes a s~ec~acular skrwalker lav-UDa m i n the hronked and morionles~hfm . --. collected. Only one person Marauders who have never seen ofl;ing man befok. >ee page 21 for more details. Imprint photo by Jim Ravitz has included interest on the repayments. Patterson has less than two months left in his term. If impeached, current vicepresident Tim Housser would take over. The newly elected president can only take over Ion May 1.

Four,cdidotesseek ASU leadershe by Sean Dixon

Imprint staff The Arts Student Union (ASU) elections are approaching. Thdugh the position of Treasurer and secretary have been acclaimed, respectively to Liza Lafave and Lisa Skinner, there will be a contest for the positions of president and vice-president. The incumbent, president Jeff Tiffen is running for reelection against Peter Geary, who is running on a ticket with Chris Gleis vicepresident. The other contender for the v.p. post is Corey Williams. The holding of an election a f t e r many years of @amations is attributed by ASU Chief Returning Officer ~ p Morrissey s to the fact &at "a couple of people want

to be %resident. In the past, less than a couple have wanted 'o be President." Mr. Tiffen regards the contest as a sign t h a t his present administri ion has "created an interest in the ASU"aftera few years of apathy. Mr. Geary says that the union is "just a club now." Both contenders have expressed interest in looking to the more estabhshed societies of Math, Science and Engineering for 'guidance. Both wish to put a student photocopier in their office. Mr. Tiffin wants a "strong orientation program" with a full frosh package and "wet and dry events". He also wants to establish arts events which would benefit all departments under the J U r isd iC t i o n of A r t s . Mr. Geary's first proposal

is to "organize the ASU office" which he calls a "floundering mess". The society is presently broke, a condition which Mr. Tiffin admits has been caused by 'administrative mistakes" in his present government. Mr. Geary's other major desire is to form a n "affordable" Arts Student paper, whose pui-pose, he says, would be to provide information rather than "compete with Imprint." The present society provided the students last term with The Arts Lion, which Mr. Geary does not consider to have been worth the 26.5% of the society's proposed budget, which it required. Elections will be held Tuesday , March 5th in the ' ~ o d e r n Languages foyer, and Wednesday, March 6th in the Bagey Hall coffee shop.







$5~Bede’s,Chapel,Renison College.

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by Richard pj&& I -. - - L Imprint staff I _. ’ Beer and alcohoj abuse is being highly debated on _ several university campuses in Qntario. Universities such as ‘. Carleton, Wilfred Laurier and ~ Waterloo have all taken steps toward downplaying the social role of alcohol. ’ Carleton University has taken measures against overd&king by ban&g b&i promotions on campus and -especially from sporting events. The- University administrators felt that these promotions were falsly presenting their alcohol products as being beneficial to the consumer. \



akuse on campuses in Canada is much higher compared to society at large. Students ‘interviewed by gmpri& -did. -not feel that banningalcoho.1 from campuses would b;he! reasonable solution. pointed out that drinkiiig would likely increase since People .would just go elsewhere for a drink, and have to gohome by car or bus anYwaY. . These students interviewed also felt that reducing the amount of+advertisingon campus would not benefit anyone since most people don’t pay attention to ads anyway. . l

bf Watkrl-,


to ’ Health

Services representatives, 00’s approach is welcoming drinking and driving is rarely the anti-alcohol group BACCUS. . (Boost Alcohol a Problem for students who at the University’s Consciousness concerning the drink health of university studend) ’ clubs. They also say that, on campus. The gfoup was compared to most univerities Waterloo has no real. orig’inally established at Wilfred Laurier, and their Problems of students basic theme is informingthe SUfferin&frOm alcoholism- or alcohol related accidents. The students about alcohol. issue is mainly’ brought into According to- Health focus every time astudent dies Services, students on campus from ah alcohol-related are not exceptional abusersof accident, but these incidents alcohol compared to other rarely happen. universities. - But alcohol



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the increase ’ in manpower ‘. McKay, is life, he replied that =“politics !%!rmation. affects people’ no matter ‘becau.se the pro tieral public J what”. He cites’ four out of govern.ment ’ now p - five people get cancer, which : hospitals,. \ roads, $;;,is 70% environmentally; 1-u.niversities, police,


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* a first year “University of FREDRjCTON(CUP)-Guelph. student killed I by an Alcohol related = incidents impaired driver being pursued on campuses this year \ across campus by police. include: students arrested. * an 1%year-old stuffed into a * sixty-foui - garbage shute during a rowdy bY KingS!On. Police on. the -environment. H alcohol-related charges: residence party at the during homecoming weekend. University of Saskatchewan; streets the_, man plumm-eted, seven at Queen’s University; weie-’ littered “with smashed storeys to. his death. beer and?iquor bottles after -7 a 20:year-old Laurentian University student who died two wi1d street parties. ’ when the car in which he was a ’ * thirteen students arrested by passenger spunout of control London*-OntarioPolice, who and hit a telephone pole; he were pelted with bottles and were debris and resorted to tear gas ates like Ontario and a companion to returning to campus after, a and the use of truncheons Friday afternoon drinking break uP a homecoming Party s-- _, at the University of Western in Ontario, spree. CI , > Conservatives Ontario. I, .

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@@that-all agencies table annual ‘-‘reports in the Legislature. * He cites statistics that show that the Ontario government budget has increased from the 190dy figure- Of $$mi>llion to the 1984 figure of $24&l!ion. ays this is mainly due to



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by Linda‘ Tranter Imprint ,staff


’ Are we not just pacifying’ _our consciences when we send a few dollars to feed a starving person while we continue to contribute to the structures which propagate suchpoverty? _ Do we as members of a privileged class understand the plight,$f_the hungry and oppresse’d’ of *the w&i!d such’ * that we are qualified to instruct them’in what political or social action they might , take to better their condition? Can Christians take up



ar s -with .a clear conscience 20 % ring liberation to ,those who are being destro.yed daily by structurally violent institutions within their society? . ‘These a&just a few of the ’



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lifestyle. - He stressed that by< Chris Wodsbou . less that $1000.00 was hmited Christians must no longer be Imprint staff A . ’ ’ to two per month with a$l.25, content with a sinful society service charge taken off the Students who rely.‘on the but must work and,struggle to instant teller machines at the account with each subsequent bring about .the kingdom Centre branch of the withdrawal. - of - Campus heaven on earth. Bank manager, CR. Spencer, explained that the Commerce was one of the last banks‘ to implement such charges. Other major Canadian banks started charging for extra withdrawals earlier and charged


\ ,-



means a smafler. ’ ‘efficient bureaurcracv. He. -feels that the real sol&on is a :‘small but tougher government Iwith no special - interest _ connections. , I ?_ ’ me &lens Guide i. the Ontaiio. Legislature -is” available in the WFiRG office;




‘. ’


‘T :-: r the change, notices were posted in‘thebankfrom May 1 to Augustand when the new’ \ school year began, when most’ : students were ‘on campus, leaflets advrsmg customers of. i the changes were available in : the banks. As well, flysheets, - i were given to anyone comingin with a passbook and- a; j notification of the charge was; ( _ L printed at the bottom- of i chequing account statements. , . \

hpri& is t@ Sqdent x&s&&~ * ‘thee @~vex%ilq , of Waterloo. It is an% , edit@&lly indepe@ent -gwspag~, published by Imprints: ~lic+t&y, .~at&oo, a coqjoPati6fi wf$out share c+pitaJ. Im@int is a member of the O++rio Zcxfihw J!iTmvBpa~ AssMahim (OCNA), and a nem* ,.~f Cagqdian Univemitg Press (CUP). hp+Qxiblishes every sec+d J?ri@%y durigg $he 3pHng@rm and every-@id+* du@.ng the-regular ;er$ns, .@I* should be addressed to “I&print, Zampti Centre Room 140, Uqiversity of Wa6e&q , < lVateilb0. Onkio.” % [m&$&e&es the right D so&n, edit, and refuse ’ sdverW3Ug. Imprid: ISSN 6706-7380

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I Imprint .\- _

Events .,,

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F&by A ~-.‘;


iririth becauSe all the good little girl& :alw@ys been. und& the f ihpr&si& @ai ‘a , h&e’ be&&‘ tam&ed P ’ 1’:i &vS are asleep in th~e&%i& warm beds-when th&daniage iS .. &#&ersity is an ir&ution of”‘highei’ ‘leaihieg. 2.4 place ,,<&h& &gjj,‘)r-“e‘ use ‘&jr .‘braijls’. and &eii ir&l[igen$~. to : dotie. ,i)h, T,h.asf un~~~~:na~2y,oneS.thiIrk,, @$$I{ bew)leq tke: ! &r&&r th&r &&gs.~‘~$&t,‘as fir,,aq% kan&&, is‘@h&:@W 5. girls co4n&&&# t& +F!@$ hdf$Sleep! $@get Spfqye$by T a-jet of nicgcotd water. *And not a light- jet-either.: Oh Tr;o, ’ &p&nts. ’ A q@t&. a @t&%@i%d sprih’k)ing‘ of water5 Isn’t it-fun?- sm _ &side&e. @hose infFamous buirdings constructM,.,to i 1; j holiv the fir&victim ‘stumblbs groggily down t%b hall to the hafbotii the .&ove-&nti&ed ititell&$) ‘is %uppos@to.ee Oh ‘what anticipati$%s in the heart’s of those ai’ @lace *here the student can relax, be a @le crazy at ‘ w&hroom? nastyivtindalsl And $here cokes. the -flush I \ I 3 times, &udy, socialize ‘an&party - in safety.,1 was-abare, - -And oh,, the squallsof i&ughterl :B.~twait;~.t,he shock.,.it upofi--receivi@ my aecepiance.$l the Village-Two tast I / has in&led fear! See the victim? StagtIed, she runs, she’s. stimmer, of the haztidsof living with apprtiximatelyg66 I \soaking-wet! Qh,she does look hi!a&us.* ’ fiosh. I was w.arned of bad food,>tiob-e,-drunks;drugs, I $0 @ipp&, .. But wait . ..’ the floor, it’s soa.king w&too! I “fresh-I’m&n and of cgtirse being raided-and trashed by the I She’s fallen_flat on her pretty littl+facel P&tyftimy isn’t it, guys. I was warned about fro$h yeek, and the antics that boys? See the white tiles and puddle’s on the floor? See the’ @@o&d be ‘soins .on. ’ II . n Hb&&, therh,is a lfmit to how much a groupof people. puddles of blood? Oh what a rio? this k! Roll on=Your sides I little boys. Laugh until it hgrts, really hurts! / can take.’ And, symmetrically, there.shoul’d be a limit to See her now? 90 yo&see her around campus? Nice job, / which- how much agtiqp of individ@als .can subject ottieys. Nine$i,ttihea tg $h-&$%n. M;old -yo~r.sides,‘lit~e~~~ys, I .&? “ A’cedairi.ftbordn,lilla~e’T@ti &j&t @$e,.?f tfiose groups I-/ .keep laUghin& the joke isn’t over yet!. See-her smil&,^it’S’ which‘ hasexce&d their limit of inbonsiderdte behaviour. ‘kind of hard right -now, the pain from the,- chin, you, Th.rough-out the-year, itsmembers. haye victimized another understand; btit’she e&s such a pretty s‘mife. ‘Thank-god the &titii&fioor&@ they have generally remained-som@what’ coiild @ok aftbi th? three chipped teeth /for*72. .: d ?intiocent!’ and, to ari extent, ignored: Th& ,most redent act -dentist 1 dq!lars now and $200, tibre later onl. F, hasn’t it been a. 1 . has, however; $aught the attention-sf those -who really \ . _I5 matter, zindat least caused some disciplir)lary action (+.g. no ’ fun we&end afte’r all? /I , .Si, much for the; -intelligent people:furtherin& the/r *o<b eqsy warr$ngs or wl;ist,slappings). beings! So ‘mtich for$he ‘safety and--privacy of. residen$e. ‘1 These people, the nasty-ones,have this really ubiqtie I receiqed my acceptan’ce into.vIla.ge Qn‘ie for next,@ar in * why. of: playing with wrenches fo loosen the vatves ori ihe/ Sqgid the.victiy. .Sohehoby3p”v@g. back- of *toilets. Then they, run away, : chortling to. the &if the.&h&r*@ay: themselves, and ru@ing their .fat, greasy, little hands $:I 50%) tti qaf&.Hold ,OUpf @act% will se@m.a li@ twlst+d. *. *h;(- : :’ _iaftqr this iirdidknt. : , _. ( I , together-in .anticipation of .t’he fir+, invocent’victim. ,i- The,y do a wonderful job tad. Qobody knows the pipes &@Fne Lowlpy L 'I : I:-~. ; 3 -,.;I; ( ;:-- T , '1. /. ,I. _ .,I^.I _


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8, 1985

‘Staff Meeting ‘__ .

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Editor - Ge0ig.e Elliott Clarke . Assistant Editor - ,Nimet Matiji Production’ Manager ‘- Doug Tait X Adveytising Manager - Christopher Ricardo Advertising Assistant. L Shayla Gunter I News Editor ,Hilkka McCalltim \ Assistant News Editor - tiord Durhin ‘-Arts Editors -r Paul..Hawkins, ’ Debbi Pigeon ,Assistant Ans Edit& + .SaJIy Wiebe ii - : photo’,E&to~,d M.i&e)F Edga$ -. Assistant Photo Editor-Richard Clintop X Sports .‘Editor -- Rb;b Stevenson +4ssistant>%Sp&Js Editqr c Jo-Anne Langley Graphics Editor - Jan& Green Bus&e+ Manager - Jariet Lawrence Off ice.%Manager 7 Cameron -Anderson’ - Doug’Fompson , Head Typesetter . Typesetters - Sandy M., Dan Kealey

Scipio t

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To the editoi? -_) J would like to respond to several articles that appeared iti the ftiprint &ently, namely a) War of%the Rings, and b’) Crest .policy :7 -. 3Detrimental. First-let me respond to “War of t&e Rings;‘. I :fkel that with the change in leadership of the various societies on campus, they may not be’aware of some pertinen’t facts. First; ,.the Uniirersity Act, which outlines its “retail policiee’y is as follows: “By indenture dated,ApriJ 28,1967 betweek t‘he University and the Federation, it was3agreed.that the Uriivefsity would permit,.on L occasion, gtuden’ts and student bodies reights or privileges to


mandfacture, buy, sell or deal u‘ &the



~~ Intimidat/on






campus of th&

Unj\ter$ity I’

in .any goods, wares or merch i!il dise of any or every kind ‘&nd

description whgtsoey.er, s&ving;and-exce tin the sale of-new , textbook6 atid t&at ,the University woul ii of fer such ri ht‘s .or i privileges to.the Federation to the bxclusion of all other stu J iznts or - ‘*‘student bpdies, but if the Federation should reftise s&h rights or “privileges then~ th’e,:University ‘q,hall be at liberty to. buffer stitih ‘. ’ rights-or pr’svi4egelsto any other.students or student-ho&es..”

Jn other ’ w,$ds, The Book Store’ is’ thi! dfficial retailer on aampus of ~w t-extbooks, Trade boo,ks,‘Station,ery and Crested (University Crest oiily): The Univ’ersity also has ’ @rchandiSe. an ‘agree&u? with -ihe Federation ‘WKereby ‘they sell s‘pecific me,rchandise and we &.currelitly workingwith tHe.Engineerin8 , Society to eitablish a similar a&&menf whereby they will bffer . , ‘. for s’ale theik’$ocietv’s imprinted merchandise. Y . On the subject of ihe Official Grad Ring,, the Book Store, many years ago, was asked by the Federation to-provide this service, : and has continued to do so ever since. ’ ( The article on “War of the Rings’! makes reference to a price differential of $170.00. .There are several factors that might-have a bearing on t-he differential sych as: : . ~ ’ 3 / i _ ‘9) Th$=‘weight and gold-content in the ring , ,: k1’ b) -The size of the ring c) The design of the ring ‘d) w.efe die charges included? .’ . e) Service and reliability ’ A very vital point to remember is that the Book Store offers a discount on all CourSe bpoks and Mandatfo&suppliqs. We are one of two Universities in all of Canada that make such an offer. The other is McM&ter, and their discoynt is lower thap ours. Discoun& to ;students will amouti to over $500,000 in 84X8& However, if other, The, Book Store’s p’alicy. i’s $0 break-even. ^ groups wish to-sell rings, etc. this could very .well reduce our . income, from the pro$it area, (namely, Gifts,-,, crested merchandise, Trade- books and ,stationery) and I mgke ;.Iit .eecesscary .to : increase: prices ’ on Course --bo@ks -iq:, orde’r--.tp’ maintain .a break-even &it&ion. My response to the article on Lice@ng is that this matter is currently being reviewed by the Book Store and the Univerdity. ,It aertainly is’s valid suggestion. The Univerf;ity would earn : j royalties and retailers would be able--to offqr similar type merchandise. Bear in mind, however, that their mark-ups wotild be approeimately 80 to 100% while ours are - 35. .to. 45% on mos& ; ; ’ _ .u’. r ’ crested merchandise. I would be happy to review any of the foregoing ‘with the Society Leaders .at their conv+‘nierice. Please fell free to call me at extens’ion 2901, I$ Dodds ._Book Store Dire&r ’ I ‘1

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I Soapbox is a feature intended as a ,foriim- for individual Imp& member8 to qxpress their opinhjns. ’ I . _- -4.



:+ by George &iott Clarke I Ah, thbu sister of .me&y,,.cpnsider this: &at/the heart, the cqre, the womb, 5f matf& is-tiot evil but‘gqod. I’ve figured this out, after these several. mont,hs., of sippitig whiskey, cut with a little yater, but never coke (that’s”a practice for. philistines and,_pharisees, my love) in the-::,, shadow of the Rockies and listening to the teal thing, that : _ is, raw, open wounds of blues, the Billie Holliday variet$ , you know, like ‘-‘Gqd Ble& the Child”. I can’t forget. you; I wake:. and I .&call the kild, -tempestuous way your golden% hair- fell” dow6 like a waterfall during those wilderness, walks th.rough the redwoods and the mo+s”quitoes.clustered iDbuzzing bla’ck- .. clouds and the’trails winding up Tunnel Mountain where w4 went to gulp scotch- whiskey in the mad heat of Banff. . Once, overcome hy the mbhent, I s&t and wrote a poem -,-in the Chinese style, “To LiuXhan, at Cl&g-ken Pass”, drinking all of my whiskey alid thinking of you, tramping .by a mountain stream.’ And then,:th&e-was the dawn’tiehad:breakfastl.“graciei $atei,ati$*wild stratiberries and ‘, verses from the :Song ,of -Sol,o@~.ati a mountain ridge _ where the crows cawe,@ “‘wa’rtt:atid,?he deer leapt across the fields of purple flower -that fell below us like a bridal_ ( bed. Do-you -member .the tao of the sulphur’ pools\and the zen of saki? The Maditou of wildflow6rs and the ’ butterflies,’ and *old jazz, ‘even-Holliflay’s-?A@ of Me”? 4 ’ the &cadent swoon of saxophones, the jmoose mating ,<roon sf trombone, the de,Folate shriek of coronet like- i ’ @ass or hearts breaking,!the dooms~y~ap’4ftth~nder’oli~~ Tuhnel M&intairi :or k&tie (drums, tlie,iium- of B &dtied i. harps Dr the bees in the valley, taking’theirtwo-four time? All that. time, Eli&a, I wept into my-gold scottih, the m&-i@ of she’ who Gaited foi’ t& in ‘Halif‘ax bf ih;e’ wharveg. and gulls, bedtilined by: ?r$ a‘b&c&&, fldhfihg ’ F lo&some in lfei, bed. But -I fiirgbt her and the. $higs’; .“, r&bing togethercin the htirbotir $b? FarmthY . ’ * ‘-TI


I ‘niends a uniform 18- ear-013 .Emmet -Raffery. ’ and Steve age of consent :for al r Sexual \ King are- entitled to their act& riiate opinions about 1 - Z<ke uses a psdudonym‘ to omosexuality. Expressing a avoid being. knocked unconpublic opinion is much more scicms or otherwise discrimdan erous. Making-,libellotis inated against stat f ments and spreading - frigh+ned people; . false information are seriouip, Gay qr bisexualmen unfunn%.’ offences. A wellcornpride 68 per cent of the 147 lknotin,case.oVt;e’r the existence reported Canadian AIDS Iof the Holocaust is currently victims. Why doii’t., ,you in court, diseriminate against the other ‘. Ichal.l&ge-both Raffer,; and . non-gay 32 p&r cent, as &l?:


by -Jack Kobayashi s “I read the-news today, oh boy!“$Lennon/McCa&ney) “1 just finished reading Tim Grie.$s’r,esigria.tion. Itls a , shanie w.hen- Qn_e finds themself (,aic) in - an unc,ompromising. position and is .for&d into this type of . seftleinent. , In my editorial carfoons I try to show the actions of our student governmbnt and ‘university administration in a ’ humourous light. In tie way have any of my cartoonsbeen .‘malitiiq,us, %Ths people in them are paid, ublic officials within our univer@ty cotimunity who Rave chosen to



to providb-



Mr.’ Raffery,

reliable evidence suppor&g say AIDS will “kill mope than their public opinions about 30 milliqp people over the next ‘homosextiality, or to apoloten ,years ‘? If j thi& : is an ise. and shut up, - ho efully example of your Itbrilliant, it aving gained insig Rt into satirical wit’, go back to t hqir int oleratice; 1 reading En$news. And fake‘ Some poiht‘s‘ to.’ cor+ider, L t-he lousy advice you offer Mr. Raffery: Carol Fletcher&top-going out ’ - Lhave. never met a man who L of yqur tia to-be offended by. is gay because he.can’t “meet a/-reading Ze E e. , -- girls’ .. He>.,qs.ually can’t keep Mr. King,, .the American theni-ayvay. And ifhe is weakPsychiatric Associat,ion ‘does mitided: co’nfused, o’r . .not consider homosexuality a’ ‘rustrated ‘it is b&au&! sd:* :mental illness; “bBc$use tiati+ nany people -say his inbprn homosexuals & not conside:: emotion and natural sexual

. accept tJ& .Q e of f&,edbti& f:om those’ the’y represen\ti.~ Tom Allison fqse‘lf’. has Eomplimerited me oh various cartoons -whWi-@vti m-acked him: : b Tim Grjer is rLght, Iniprin#-is guilty of “Fed bashin “.. It


is guilty when it‘ .mpst scrQunge. .for; a&y .kin 9 of “ammunition” or “dirt’: agaisrit tbe~Feds. ’ I caq -only‘ ‘hope -that this type of :“Fe‘a bashing” . disapp<ars.with Imprint’s ‘arch enemy,- Tom Allison. The Im@nt must -watch its step. . I also just finished reading “My-Larry wasXol&ohsi se; up”. Putting aside the fact YKat the article ‘seem8 to E ave . been writtep by I a five ear olg,‘.it cpptained many fallatiieti, exaggerations an.B conJracl@.idns, as journalism it &as trash. The 6nly r&a’son’Im’pritit v$ould, rint such an article would be’-td :ill$it (sic). (badly nee f?ed?) tiol;e articles tot, / Gount(ii it*- 1 : *t+ ,.j’l.,. <-’ ,.-,,,<-’ Are the articles that will~~ndo~btedly r’&ult from ihis ‘.

.*- 1 - ;. . . ‘, .’ \, i by Peter L&vson~ - .%: : ,The FASS production-did &t deceive enought prin8ii Federation Hall pub (boWell, excuse me ! @t&i&the i huin) .revi_ew w&s granted 20 mbtie *lines of Imprint‘s gospel text. An even greatei &ocity was that Shayla Gunter’s FASS r&view *did not: ful-lyracknowledge dvery jbke’ nor fully disclose .the cbinpletb- FASS plot; fur-th&more; the revi’ew failed\0 credit every participant in t’his year’s -FASS shpti. For vindication, next yeaa ‘ -print -will.. be- redeem?d by highlighting David BainIs name in print, bothital@ized’&d with’quotation marks. Now that. I have. your attention; Mr. Bain, may I offer’ -some re@ -destructive criticism. What sh6uld h&e been said about -the;FASS&oductipn? An Imprint reviewed; is: at best .an outsider who ‘can :only c&nment on the hurface ,._’ &p ‘s&a&k. . P‘f [you believe! more should have been- said,~ *&rite an .I ‘article ful-ly ‘di$Eloslng the behixid-the-makeup action., Exolari&tions ,6f &here. the material originated, who, _F&tributed, and how it is finally -paGka&ed qay info&. Y &rious-mindi axid initiat;e inteiested nq-w-comers.‘


._ (I _ ’

Sexism *makes. Engineering / J’ / IYQrak‘k &I of @$$ii i? pam$teiof time and rjlace. Did you not m&t and consequenuy oernena me oec; ause I was in a respect&le pjace, at I ’ lo tie editor: The latest issue of Enginews, the edito&.said,,,was to bB like the same- time as you, talking to the host *about- filr&, your ~rs~na!. National LamDbon. a change they said, from its previous Hustler _obsession? And what if4 had%een in some d&k comer of a rotten Image. A shirt lo&k at it ?el’ls &e* that.‘they missed the boat. I . ‘unkyard, talking tq a wino WtBer rnan,$r Fritz Lang? Woulg you. understand the heed”for a humour. magazine 8for Engineering . fl 4kavetakenmyca!lingcard?+Nomatter owbriilia&yI+!xpoundecJonthe religbis bature of post-war Europeanfilnis, you woul$have cocked your gtudepts. -However, I ati <dismayed that I have paid,,through my Eng Sot fees, for a newspaper which is so degrading to women’ head, glanced sideways, given me a wry stiile and w$llked Fway,, happy ie anti minority groups.. .* the! ~owfed@ Of Your “P”max over mY non-@@nt lntellf+ . The guilldine of rig+usness.c o@ ,fcy reason tram ‘t$ brpm, and The paper presents ‘women as sexual playthings and apparently. advocates acts of violence. against tthem. I am ~e~~;d$~s;~ my comry ,is w?thless,,l Fm Ilke=. ? You tal of. fleeting .emoUoq?” ,.Your self- referrihg to two particularly offensive items. A photo skquence 1 r , grati CatiOh is a11so in ain@, but the essence is tJot@?~Z#f3ent. It faides shows that a female Drofessor can only get the attention’of her when li find ydui li T6 iS not perfect.8 Yoti lqiiti by w&rying:that the class by str&pp.ing, alid a cartoonidepicts the gang banging of a carefti Ply con&u&d ipa#er &f your life.and outiooks are on d &op.I$an “blonde chick”‘as childrens’ enter’tainment. This sexism maikes ocean .of human depth, and insignificant compared 30 ii e irhmense Ea&nee&g at‘waterloo niuch more difficult for women and sufferings On fb:Is planet* $m pinfullY ~seless?in, *e -world flu’= tindaubtedly. @scourages female, high scho+ students from ’ .- -,’ ’ ‘* eydened and $vd so Wen* chpotiing this, chall&ging field. e Ilvc a much ddferent moral&y. I see ~pl~-&~o to you qe*intellig& The edit&s also have the misguided impression ‘ihat racism is eqcentriq and itiightful, 6s rherely,outcasts amoiig other Wanderers. humdtirous,‘for they’sl$ow a’blhck mati in a criminal light, and in’ ’ To me th6se people are the different colours that emerge *en Mite the photo. sequence, mentioned. above, it &ems that the only r light is shonb through a prism. .Red; green, blue, tiolet, the colours professor worse than a woman is one with an accent. Sbo’uld . sewate,, They no Idnger remaiir in the tiite straight-and-narrow of this be left ‘uncriticized by ethnic groups in Engineering and human@ Your friends aren!$ bett&; they just aQapted diierentiy to-the . ~ ,j across camp&. + . .Fe-. “t; ef ci~mstahce$, and now, t&y itipress others- Miith their .At the ‘januarjr Cqnferepce of the, (=ongress of Canadian,, mr IucK. ’ You atid your frierids ati sn&$% ‘Y6u -$jipin ‘frri@cSutdf hags 6ecaiis;e &Q#neeriiibStudents (CCES), a regoitition Was passed to stop* you ada t so well. You mould mlity so that anything you-do can be this nonsense. Michael Hagley wrote about this in the February sets of rules: You fit the times. It’s not &&hy *justified b wer&angi issue of the Iron: Warrior. ‘,‘In an effort to convey a better image to mbibe. the ac&l hosti 9 iw and,miseryofJh~Owhoi-to yOui don’t lead. of Engineedng %students ‘as upcoming professionals, the. CCES true pctiieving Ilvw . -, s -‘ 1 ’ ‘Be it resolved that~ the CCES passed the fqllbwing. motion: Cannau~ht: It’s the classic double edged dagger. a l &&&&elf to &tingly advises that each engineeCing society censor their peelin off th+! mental wounds of desperation, I would c$y expose official .puhlications to prevent discrimination, racism and aerms and end UD with~the same disease I was sexism.’ ‘mvs et to thos&sati This motion was‘ felt to refle,ct‘ the conc&ns of the - t&g to heal. I would & the heater turn@ tetiihal @pple.8 Iwquld help overwhklmihg n;aigrity of conference delegates by popular, nobody- in ,trying to hel ev@body, or even a feti;-+I c@n ortly herp one v&e:” . person first, myself. By Relpin q&f, I may sw ot@en a tour @eforce, Vivian E..zpeal Engineering ,a light ori which the moths d9 the world till coll6&‘ The moths will be born to make their way to this light. When they reach the?, they will die, butwill have @ent enough time reachingthat lantern of knowledge that *w will-die with &al- content in their souls, hgppy ti have run -through+ life,-to have ,overtumed stone& in the mind, to have splashed in the w&e= To, thk editor: .’ ’ and felt the waves b&king ,against the pokier of the@ bodies,, their inn& “The fundamental concept of the unh/appy worker-underdo&is bodies, ‘their ni!nds. 7 - bking shattered.” My goodness, Ms. McCalltim, you must think 1 &lolph X anrd highly of your rhetorical skills to blithely.dismiss the agony of ’ :& t@e worker with a fg-w flippant lines+and-a bad argument to boot. _ p>:; Not only am I offended by your cavalier refkction of the E Hitler :{::::t M[alcolm unhappiness and degredation ,+any -workers tace, (having :::::::labaured in a meat. factory I /am familiar wilh the sickening To the editor: To the editbr: t I Mr. Paul D&e’s article, Gord Durnin: re.ality) but I am also surprized that you could attack a theory which you obviously know liitle about nor understand in any Malcolm, -“Xl’ ‘Remembered, Sir:. ’ ~ .seemed rather narrow in its essential way. dekcrintion of the man. For your readers: informaFirst, it is not “thei.men with the ideas -and the marketing j Grant&d~~&Ialcolm “X” was a tion; “cruise” . tiissiles, 01 skills” who are exploiting the workers. -When Marx spoke of magnificent orator and which a number of prototypes exploitation he distinguished two classes of people: property rnnyeator,‘but so was Adolph are being fli ht-tested in owners (capitalists) and the propertyless (proletariat), - where Northern A ‘i berta, are property designates the means of production. The former , ’ Updn reading his autobita:geted at neit>4erJ,-, my exploit the latter in-that the value of wages is less than the value ography (written with ,Alex wgshroom - nor ypur ; typeof l~~.~~$-~y~, W+pxp&ip$ivt@ -,_a ..d@w@~ w&w. franf the i :Hailey (sic)) I. got the vivid w’biter. greater; -tragdy.-,of ..$Qrk :gh+t .~s+;&~t#@ ~~~..~n.~.$@&&@~. i impresiion that- Malcolm “X”: This is not be&u& the valuele@& ‘- ,. ,_ strove for a true “return to world might not be a better The e,xampl;! &i give, Ms. McC&m i~~hard&.alj&b&ia~e : grass-roots” policy, which lace without either of these for the workers in..&at case are property ;dwners,3a&l’ ‘if. tl& ’ f ’ includes ,the separation’ of the rl ut because Soviet ICBM situation were universalized, Marx .nb doubt. wo$d fe>l .that i ‘races. ‘He seemed, at least to ,launch sites’ pose a gre&el had be-en greatly eradiaated. I suggest Ms. me, to see all whites as racist; threat to the security of the exploitation McCalluti, that if iou wish to speak for Marx and give “facts” Perhaps in his position, and in‘ United States and Canada that you lay down his’time, this view would be than either bathtub mould ox from his theory, as’ yoh did in your’colu&, your Marvel Comic Book, version of Capit@ and read 8tb.e r&lmore unders_tandable. sophmoric (sic) journalism. thing. Ingrid Mattson Philosophy - Fine Arts Antony Saxcn 2B Sociobgy Paul Meyer

\. ’ byJlilkka McCallqm ’ (hnaught hates m&t gkopl~, not for their ideas and kktiments, but for their la&of a’sly; Hebefriends those who are for Whim the %how more energy opiqionated.but be 1 etit .qnd.perception than% cf avfi ‘e @&at ecf “academic”. . ConnqughttWhy do you n@e “;BriengS, Norable? ~ To be able to entertain them, are you a ‘down? IOr,do you quake them to ?A fascine, yourself? Are you a .watcher in .a small tower? Looking at _ipeople, 40youi find in them what you strive for your&f? DO th lead you ‘on your wayto perfecting a mannerism? Isimpersonati6n an7 imitation wi: w *@fden+w? . ... _,,_ ; : ., rspectives, ). Norabl& I dbn’t:watch my companions, I share their r&tic@~ *at ir@.meflu,.. We’re all-on the time boat - JiF,e don’t rock ? t 1,.it ti that the friendship remains smooth and relaxing, a sort of languid -. 6 * $&challenge. I_ ,’ .Qonriaught$ Ah; &I a~ all watcliem, but r& from the qali tower, from i . the grass. . Sna E s, all .of ypu. You< coil and recoil in unison. Your mendship is slip ry,. enjoyable, r because you real& each, (other’s ,: ’ .-‘:1 shotic@ngs an r bask in the ‘light &f deceit. ’ 1:1.tior@ler weit is a fundsrirent&t’ait iii eVery sp&ie& .j%y is the basest close, pupils of all ~eC&s: When You pl .&F $-se, do nqt y~ur’&hdf -;:,<,*#&ir, head, tilt;md b %I ‘+$tr&@3%ught? I ‘< of re&y; don’t ‘ihey s&w Ydur b&s, thdse slight a&&on!3 * -. p@fulness, cunning,.a peIi&iatit fo&&ce#? That is the substance of our’ @4tionStiip, yldli’re playingiviti.t+~ow a$ always You wanca ieaction, ‘, &. dest tout What do you _know’about Mends? Because you have a chosen ” ‘I few, andhave shunned moqt, dwn’t me+ you und&stand ev&ynat& ’ c#-eve~/ friendship. ’ ’ . ‘Conn~tightz J1I ‘Understand the nature 6f -yoqr qc ain&&& and it.5 countl6sS &hers-like- tirs~ ‘ ‘You liv& -iri’a 1~6i;ld df- ti’?li : 40u’s~ew the . sub&i& at y&i dedgnated &e&s, but when you’are with’ftierids, -, you store the bile in our so& 7hat way it only leaks out, but is much , more insidious. Qn & e @ac;e you &e polished and personable, evefi profound but. much too laquer& so ti any drop of honesty slides off ; ‘the surface. Yoti-hate, and hate, and hate for hating. You warit to love but Jbve is a w&d iised on birthpay car+ent to your s&ailed friends who gou +alty don’t know. Love, spelled out in embossedv&et go@@ letters 4! on a virgiir-white cover. BLit that’s not the kind of- love- you’ve seen. ,; You’ve on&felt the passion and darkness of physiqi se&&ion. ” :YOU.Can spot fell?* Gpses anywhere yOu g& They ati at&&d.not by h~ bright inkfligent eyek you had when YOU thought that Ii&e was sRowe . but b~ your now-bleak whitened, face, sagging with years of

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ha;mre& r& on rax& thousandf3 upon thousands; the silent tanks and -0-d ~4338 and trucks and jeeps waited; Spring had come. The governance of Empire cannot be stopped For three days it Cnok8d on its OW-XIq,mum of military hardware. More troops were mobUz8dfor ths dsfence ofWashingt,onagainstAmeri~ thanhsdeverb8@n@mtto Na;m. The govermment was stopped for three days while it told its People who runs the show. 12,000 were jailed -v uam[f3s @II@ fl%m @@gl Do e~@b@llll wilvh Vhsriiil 0 0 0 laIdI vlklsm iv’0 lIi%lvOler

Sping is a codeword for despair. And despair is a burden ts only on the shoulders ofthose who have no hope, and burrr that thqy have no hope. It doesn’t fit. We don’t lik.8 it. It riles us, annoys us, disturbs us, andwe turn away from such talk with intense discomfort. Our culture is a conspiracy of deceptive silence offering up one false hope afUr another, ever evading the language of despairwiththe enrasive tactics of advertising’s illusions. Silently. Yes, the tanks sit silently today. Bank upon rank, thousands upon thousands upon thousands th8y wait; they wait for Spring. It is August%66 Alexander Dubcek has led the intelligentsia\ of Prague to a n8w awakeof the human spirit. The fetters are loosed, The Orwellian and human hopes soar to the sky in celebration automations ofvast darkKr8mlinbureaucracyreelhomtheblow. Thirty years of insipid repression have not killed the propensity of men to hope in Czechoslovakia. The minions of central bureaus cringe and 1881from the light of life that is anathema to them ljl~@liaL7 “0s @cil!l~ffollv klI$ vblom wlilo Kiil@W@ ml hope0 0 0 mldl

[)3r&J vklvvlbl~blawo-00 h&

The long deep freeze is over. In an explosion of optimistic Colour, Prague awakens. Its ancient life and culture is not yet d8aA; in the warm light of unfamiliar &wdom., it blossom8 forth. A bureaucrat’s nightmare; life, I Encpression, freedom. The vibrant, vital power cannot be contained, controlled, or centralized; nor can it be endur8d. What cannot be controlled must be destroyed Such is the simple, ancient, irresistable ’ c logic of empire. The tax& are gone from the drab streets of Prague today, but their, shadow is indellibly etched in the consciousn8ss of Their shadow every Czech over 20. demarcates the limits beyond which we dare not hope, we dare not live. An Imperial vassal stat8 must remember its plac8. But we can take comfort that it cannot happen here, not in North America. It is May 1971. In Washington D.C.,that great bastion ’ of democracy, 250,000 citizens of newworld have gathered in the with ’ a message for their . capital government, of the people, by the people, for IJe people: “If the government will not stop the war, we’ll stop the government!” It was tiple, nai8ve, and non-violent. Yes, . . . it was all of those. We empathized with the napalmed children in Nam, pawn victims of anImp8rialpower struggleatthe u 8dge of Empire. The 8vening before the demonstration began, I saw th8 tanks. Driving on the Washington beltway looking for a place to pu.llmycaroffther&andgrababitof sleep I saw a,well-worn dirt trail leading up a rise off thdmww. “Afarmer’s field” my tin columns l&e rural background told me. My VW topped persepol&, t&e capital the rise and my headlights revealed the





hospitality was rich in human warmth ifpoor in substance. I struckup a converstion with a kindly older lady in a soup kitchen one ghetto church had set up for us. Her eyes were filled with wisdom and compassion as she said: “If only folks could just be folks.” Mayday 1971 had begun in Potomac park*with a riot of colour and celebration Bock bands entertained an ocean of people; bodies pressed together from horizon to horizon The access ro&ls to Wash.ingtonwere clogged with caravans of old VW vans, school buses, panel trucks, and beat-up sedans packed with America’s youth on a pilgimage of democracy. The only strategy was to sit down in the streets throughout the city and 8top the Washington civil service in order to have a chat about the war. In the end the streets of the city were littered with overturned cars,

I wiLl not revoke its pluriahment, Ikmmae they sell the righteoue Andtheneedyforapalrofshoe~....

of -pi-m

F-orprophec:;l is i,f:c ‘JC:‘:P’,.~t,.~.r~~of’t~~erei/~~UI,lO~lh~~ iTlir)Uk, 22 WlSUUKi IS the mcSxi~dzlrg o: L ,a_,tivti,ATIC:IS getired to ~k,e filtur>c-:as wistio!n 1sU, the past. - Korti,hp Fryi=. Awake, awake, oh ye citizens, contest, and debate! L8t a hundred flowers blossom, let a hundred schools of thought content1 Let us have questions, for prophecy goes hand-in-bend with consciousness. The first question is not “Is the Church relevant to this age?“; it is, rather, “Is this age relevant to the Church?” The answer is prophetic: A new Luther, Elijah, is nigh; a believer who will nail or crucify the true theology on the door of the Church, so it dies and is entombed in newspapers, but then rises from rich craniums, the wombs of visions, to reign in the heaven of Christendom. The second question is: “where are the mar@rs?” The snswer to tb&


money Amos

“Have you seen the Imprint this wee: It’s ridicKiIous. There’s all this stuff a;b! PerSepolis and Prague Spring. And : really getting anti-American I really do understand what those people are doir They’r8allabunchofwild8yedradicalsa idealists. Don’t they know this is suppot to be a student newspaper and report what’s going on on campus? If the be more r8ali8tic. Students ar8 the Hall of Xerxes at only interested in that garbage, they 330 B.C. interested in practical things like jobs, a money and 88x and booze and jobs and money and jobsand money a jobs and mon8y and jobs and mon8y. . . . ”


these, togetkikr with the foundation, am all that Pe maim of of ancient Persia destroyed by Alexander the Great, about

for the Martyr8

, Again Christianity and corporat8’capitalism cannot coexist. The prophet in sackcloth can n8ver sit at the board of directors table and watch the flowcharts come and go. For, at bottom, all money is ransom Buy a banana and prop up a Latin American dictatorship, eat breakfast t dies. Every act haa its consequence. One truly is not slone, for warmo ybindsandchainsallhumaniiylik8b8nzene mol8culesdancing in a ring. In fact, we are not made one by our cnaritybut by our collective dabt (the fetes of enterprise). MOl’8OV8r,Christ’s Church prOtests wag8 slavery, the I.G. Farben gas Chambers of the job market. The satanic command to ‘Sell your&f’ & a h3SSOdiOUSVersion Of th8 Auschwitzian assertion, “Arbeit Mmht Frei” (Work Liberat8s). To approach a conclusion, not8 that the Chmh also resists Zen hood00 1CapUd.i.Sm (that is, the making of money whU8 at home, s8lIing Avon or Tupperware or pyramid schemes to f8lIow human beings) and Godless communism (that is, the reduction of individuals with soul do bland ma~sw). Confess, too, that all trade is barter, that usury is evil, that temptation is sin that militarism is simple penis envy, that-all oppression comes down to an unwibingness to share, that “property is theft” b8CauSe God Owns 8V8PythhIg. -

upset litter cans, spent tear-gas canisters, and military cordons. T people had gone home or to jail. Like the C&chs,wehadbeeninnoc8ntandnaiv8enoughtohop8.~T~ ‘IW rather hard In think about until you’re eyeball to 8yeball w thkn. In Washington and in Prague, life goes on, and the tanks are out sight, but never quite out of mind. The empires wrestle with star wars and cruise missles. It’s go against evil, us agWt them It’s foreign threats and hostile sggressio Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon; Persia, Greece, and Rome; Paris, Berlin a~ London. Moscow and Washington Has it ever been thus? Must it ever so? It’s ailmost Spring, it’s 1965. The wind blows hot and dry through t ruins of Persepolis. This monument to your pride, Darius, still crumb1 aft8r 2,500 years. The broken columns, strew-n askew give the wind : chance to whistle mocking laught8r. This wa8 not your plan, tlconclusion not your hope. Dry, dead Persepolis! Speak to us! What have you learned? Darius, Alexander, dust blowi inthewind,Speaktous! Telluswhatyouknow. Ancientwisdom,hum~ sQivi.x-43,ancestor of our culture, tell us, t8lI us, reveal your secret. In the wind’s derisive laught8r I hear an old black woman, smilir sneak to me: “If onlv folk8 could iust be folks.” -c---m What folk raised t?iese giant pillars with muscle, sweat, blood, ai hope? What folk tore them down e&in with muscle, sweat, blood., ai hEbt8? Darius, Alexander, what legaqy is yours to us? I cry. Prague Spring. Mayday Washington. A thousand tanks growl& snarling, grumbling, churning green muck., civilians screaming, fleeing, garbl burning, dark acrid smoke, tear 1 popping, no breath, no breath, run run, F run.... PerSepolis, go away! Memory, flee, pla flee from me. One human breast can contain this dark, horrid, burning, flami freezing, choking REALITY. “Eggs are on special at Zehr’s . . . Tl parking lot is always so full . . . oh there’ place. I really do need a nav pair of she for the spring.” Cash registers ring mere the song of profit. ‘Two regular and c double-double.” Agreat sea ofvoices fills 1 coffee shop, washing up on the shores of: ems the flotsam of the consciousness of: culture. “I’ll have a chocolate eclair plea Oh, those new shoes . . . . ” uFor three tranegre6ieioneof Iarael, andfor f

of Pragae

YHeavlenandsarthwillpaaaa~y,brrtmyworde~natpassapray. ~tofthatdayaa4haarnooneLnows,natennrtheaaeelsofheaven,Por the son, but the Father alone. For the Coming of the Son justUkethedaysoflCoah...theywereeatiaganddrbking,marrybg andgivinginmarriage... aadtheydidnotuaderstanduntiltheflood cameandtookthemalla~~M)shallthecomineOftheSOnOfManbe."

qu8stion is also prophetic: DO not deny that this @8 is, aa yet, an @8 of mas4yrs: Mahatma Ga@dhi gunned down on the eve of peace, Reverend mng gunnea wwn on the thresnold of the milI8nium; the Saigonese BUdhist priest immolated on the brink of love. History has sent us these saints to remindusthatthisisah8roicageifOnlyW8drertmOfUtopia: th8 stat8 without amny or banks, th8 aJxlrchy of aIlgelS, dadaism with a human face, the Eden& dispensation renewed! The third question is logically, “What time is it?” The answer is, once again prophetic: This is the time Of prophets Versus profits, the gospel of love versus the politics of terror. This is the time to proclaim that Earth wss fashioned by God for the pleasure of humanity, despite the laboratories of despair, the assembly lines of torture, the markets of poverty! Aye, citizens, do not be fooled! Just because your small “c”-christian church is inb8dwithgov8rnment andbusiness, do not assume that God is 8.SW8lh

It’s a new day, so let a man come in and do the popcorn. - James Brown. Prague Spring is a code word for the Second Coming, th8 Bapture, the Trojan Horse of faith amidst the Colossus of t8cbnocracy. Once, Soviet tanks crushed out the tulips of innocence in Czechoslovakia, but they wiu one Spring day become tractors and COmbineS. In Prague Spring, the prophet will remove his sackcloth and put on wings, with Spring’s sap and map of desire in his veins and the news of liberation on his lips, and sing in the ears of corn, farmers, fishers, workers, ministers, the sunny, warm gospel of love. In that time, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, the Church of Jesus ChristandtheLatter-D8ySaints,andtheWorldwid8ChurchofGodwillall vanish from their streetcorners, and their pamphlets will turn into a myriad of butterflies, and their temples will ascent, like lollipops, into th8 clouds. (This is not crypto-theology or comic book communism; this is Poetry.) In the time of Prague Spring, Mary Poppins will distribute Bolshevik bubblecards, with h8r distinctive umbrella-and-carpet-bag insignia, 4I->(F------





“Oh, I know, it’s ridiculous. And what’s worse, they’re alwws print all this religious stuff and quoting from the bible. Don’t they know E W8’I’ejust not inter8sted! Nobody war&d to think about tanks in Prague in 1968. Nobody want8d to think about tanks in Washington in 1971. Nobody wanted to think about Alexander in Persepolis in 330 B.C When people choose not to think, r8aliiy has a wsy of unpleasan charging their minds. Think about yourself. Think about Darius. Thi about pride. Think about Washington. Think about war. Think abc Prsgue. Think about government. Think about Tanks. Think about gr8 Think about history. Think about your own mortality. Think aboutyc future. Think about your death. Think about your God Think abom now, because if you wait until you’re forced to, it will be too late. Think about yOUI’S8lf. “If folks could,only just be folks.” b In Prague Spring, fear will be banished to the liquor stores and firemen will abandon their stations to dance in the streets! MOI%OV8r,books will no longer be burned, but will grow wings and sleep beside every child’s head. Teddy bears will fly from flagpoles and armies’ rifles will turn into licorice, and bullets into gum drops. O! let angels come and prepare a place for love! Let doves land upon barbedwir8 become green branches! I&t workers sit around tables and drink, not in defeat or desire, but delight, resisting arrest and taxes. O! Give us the Christianity of the sick and oppressed, the poor and oulmu3t, not that of th8 rich and powerful! Let words be reconciled to deeds, ending their estrangement! bet the pulpit become the workbench, the wharf, the farm, the kitchen table. Oh, God!


Day 2

bycarO1Imprinf staff wh8tsir,wouldthepeopleoftht3earthbewithout wtiinenv )

“You should have bought W.C.R.I. Meal Plan”

On International Women’s Day, March 8, women in Japan take the entire m off work and celebrate. Here at WV, the Women’s Centre is putting on a celebration for all women on or about campus. On Thursday, March 7, eventsduring the -will be held in the Campus Centre Beginning at IO am., and &nUnuing throughout the day, there will be displays .by the Women’s Centre, Womens Studies, The Birth Control Centre, and female ,Fine Arts Students.

Spring ‘85 Term Rates

7 Lunch 81Suppef/wk 5 Lunch & Supper/wk 7 Supper/wk 5 S&pper/wk 5 Lunch/wk

A Self-defence demonstration (Wen-do) will take,place, at 12 noon “Women and the Law”; a presentation by Katherin Hawke and Mazyanne Scoot, two local laxqyers will take place at 1 pm. The law seminax will involve a discussion on women in the legal profession and the legal status of women Evening events include “a “‘Wine and Cheese Celebration” at 8 pm in the Psych Lounge (PAS 3005). This will include live entertainment m a variem of female musiciarns in an informal atmosphere. ,mere is no cover chaxge for these events. .. -Everyoneiaencauragedasldwelcometoe~oythe~s festivities on behalf of the Women’s Centre. For more information., contact the Women’s Centre in CC 15CB or at Ext. 3457.,

History of InternartionaJ. / Women’s by International Women’s Day occupies a special place in the history of women’s and workers’ struggles on this continent. It grew out of the actions of militant working women struggling for better working wages, working conditions, and the vote. In 1857, women inthe needle trade staged a demonstration in the Lower East Side of New York City to protest poor working conditions and to demand equality for working women. They were angry about indecent wages and a twelve hour working .day. When their procession left the poor district in which they lived and worked, and moved into the wealthier areas of town, they were dispersed by the police; women were arrested, and some were trampled when confusion resulted. Three years later, in March 1860, these women formed their own union. March 8, 1908 Thousands of women, this time in the garment-textile industry, marched once again from the Lower. East side of New York City. Fifty-one years had passed since the earlier demonstration but their demands remained the same: shorter working hours and better working conditions. In addition, they wanted laws against child labour and they wanted the vote. March 8.1910 Clara Zetkin. the German socialist chamnion of women’s and workers’ rights, proposed that March 8th be set aside each year as International Women’s Day, in memory of those first struggles. Our slogan, “Bread and Roses”, also comes out of the struggles .of working women. On January 11, 1912, 14,000 textile workers in Lawrence, Massachusetts went out on strike for better wages and working conditions. With the cry of “Better to starve fighting than starve working”, these women stayed out for nearly three months. Their courage inspired the song that has become the anthem of the women’s movement, “Bread and Roses”. Since the rebirth of the women’s movement in the 1960’s we have reclaimed March 8th as a day of protest, solidarity and celebration. In memory of the plea of those earlier working women for economic sdcurity and a better quality of life, we celebrate our on-going struggle for bread and roses.


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-l#iimen I

plan march

The In&rnational Women’s Day(IWD) Committee will x be having a parade on Saturda& March 9th. Although Barbara Saunders, march coordinator, has had her share of organlzing problems, the IWD march will proceed as scheduled at two o’clock pm. outside of Kitchener Collegiate Institue on Kmg Street. Ms. Saunders’ problems began when she tried to acquire a parade permit from city Hall. She was toldby Dql Gardner, a representative of the TrmcDepartment, that unless proof that a million dollar publicliab& insurance premium (which costs 8200) could be shown, a permit would not be issued Ms. Saunders then approached Regional Council with a request to we&e the prerequisite for the premium (the policy is currently under review), but that was also denied Kitchener Mayor Dom Cardillo remarked that the women should hold a ‘bake sale” in order to pay for the premium. This StatexTient received much criticism from various women’s groups and marq~ men who have maintained that the policy should be waived for IWD. Alderman Mark Yantzi and several other men will be holding a “Bake Sale” outside of the court house on Thursday, February 28, to raise funds for the IWD committee. Utters of support for Ms. Saunders andthe Committee ‘were numerous, including letters from the UW Women’s Commissioner and the Federation of Students. Ms. Saunders purchased the premium for the permit, but she will continue to fight the regional policy on the basis that it is unconstitutional. She said “It was degrading to buy the policy, but one can be moreinfluential outside of ja;U than in jail.” Nellie McClung, the strong pioneer of women’s rights in the early 1900’s will be. delivering the speakers when the parade reaches Speakers Corners. M&lung a&..& Barbara Saunders.








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Imprint, Friday, March 1, 1985


Maura Walker 1B Man Env I just went to the States and sucked up.

Unive&iity Truck Driver GO to the Brick Brewery, they’re nonunion

Bob Spears 1 4B M&h I’ve got about 36 at home and I guess I’ll just have to smoke more, but I’ll probably end up combining catsup and raisins and let it ferment.

Winterfest ‘85, a weekend of winter fun begins today. Sci Sot will kick off the weekend with a Road trip to the Late Show, that’s in the USA, dontcha know. Buses leave at 5:30 p.m. and will roll back into Waterloo around 490 a.m., at which time the real partiers can join in on the <all night Dance-a-thon in the CC Great Hall. Gamblers can risk their rent money at the Village I Casino between 8 p.m. and 1 a.m. There will be a dances and a bar in the adjoining dining hall for the winners to kick up their heels.

dom roster ana nrs ad-ted sister Mariaa Elliott The turnkeys plan on attending Richard Hatfield’s drug parties, carrying briefcases of course,

‘85 Saturday, March 2, wi feature numerous competitiv events including Log-sawing tug-of-war, moonball, ic sculpting, broomball, cross country skiing, and dog-slew races. Throw together a tean and join the fun; there will b numerous prizes availabl and, even more importantly Participaction will love yoi for it. That afternoon, th Scavenger Hunt will b officially launched from th CC; the scavengers have unti 8 a.m. on Sunday to return with the specified plunder. The Bonibshelter will open up their patio at noon for on of their great barbeques. A 10 p.m. the draw will be madI for the Ski-trip to Mt. St1 Anne. The trip for two whicl runs from Thursday tc Sunday includes transport tc and from, as well as dail: transportation to and fron the slopes: The winners wil be accommodated at Aubergl Des Governeurs, and will bi given $200 spending money. Tickets and sign up sheets an available in the Winterfes booth in the CC, the Fee office, and Society offices. Winterfest Cotimittee THE

ANNUAL GENERA1 MEETING of the GRADUATI STUDENT ASSOCIATIOI\ University of Waterloo will be held Tuesday, March 5, 1985 at 8:00 p.m. in EL 101 ALLTRADUATE STUDENTS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND. (I.D. CARDS MAY BE REQUIRED.) Officers of the Corporatior will present reports foi information and approval 0’ the membership. Proxy forms are available a. the GSA Office (Graduate H Ouse).

T DINNER* Macaroni

Hosts Needed The Student Travel Educational Program, “First STEP”, is sponsoring g group of French students, ages 14 to 19, who are. coming to this area for the month of August. Host families are needed for the students. Families can give these’ students an opportunity to visit Waterloo region, and to learn about this country. In return, the student can offer four weeks of exposure to French language, customs, traditions and lifestyles. By sharing and exchanging ideas, both the host family and the student can grow toward a better understanding and respect that transcends language and borders. For more information about becoming a host family, call Chantal or Jacques Dion at 578-3938.

students in Canada to win a $1,000 scholarship from KRAFT. Three proofs-of-purchase of KRAFT DINNER* Macaroni & Cheese will get you entered in the KRAFT DINNER* Scholarship Sweepstakes. To start you off right, here’s 29 off three boxes of KRAFT DINNER*. Rules& Regulations

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telephone. KRAFTLIMITED reserves therighttopublish winners’ photographs, voices,statements, namesandaddresses 2There will bea totalofthree(3)prizesof$l,DOD.OD. Allprizeswill beawarded ona randombasis. if sodesired.Allprizesmustbeacceptedasawarded andthedecision of theindependent judgmg organization isfinal. A randomdrawwillbemade anindependent judgingorganization fromalleli ibleentriesreceivedonor before Onlyoneprizeperfamily,or perhousehold, orperaddresswillbeawarded. 3 the contestclosingdateMay2 1, 1985.ThedrawingwillbeheldonJune17,1!J85 at8% a.m. Thiscontestis subjectto all federal,provincialandlocallaws.Anyliti ationrespectintheconductandthe Inordertowin THE SCHOLARSHIP SWEEPSTAKES, theselectedentrantsmustfirst correctly 7awardingof a prizein thispublicitycontestin Quebecmaybesubmitte1 to Ihe RbgieBes loterieset courses 4 answer a time-limited mathematical skill-testing questiontobeadministered bymail.Allselectedentrantswillbe duOu&ec. KRAFT DINNER





TO ENTER: Fill out this coupon and mail it with three (3) UPC symbols from KRAFT DINNER* Macaroni 8 Cheese (or a hand-drawn facsimile of any such labels, not mechanically reproduced) to: KRAFT DINNER SCHOLARSHIP SWEEPSTAKES / PO. Box 9410, Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 4W8

KRAFT DINNERk Macaroni 8 Cheese. Grocer:Forredeeming thiscouponfromyourcustomer who purchases fromyouthethreeKRAFTstatedproducts,KRAFTLIMITED, 8600Devonshire Road,MountRoyal,QuebecH4P2K9,will payyou 25Cplus9.9Cforhandling. Redemption onanyotherbasisconstitutes fraud.Uponrequest,youmustprovepurchaseof sufficientstocksof statedKRAFTproductsto coverredeemed couponswhichwill be honouredonlv throuahoarticioatino retailersof KRAFTProducts. Customerto bayanv-s&s or ‘simi6rtax.Couponvoidif prohibited, restricted ortaxed.Forredemption, mailtoKRAFT LIMlTED, PO.Box3DDD, SaintJohn,NewBrunswickE2L4L3.Cashredemotion value1/2Dt. Qear Consumer: Redeem couponpromptly at Par&ipating Grocer.One “156 Off” redemption per threeitemspurchased. Offeronlyvalidin Canada onstatedKRAFTproducts. PartkipatlnM



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I . Bamboo


, >

+&row ‘L ., ‘Hot-Hot-Hot






- - -

’ minute e’nc’ore~of Hoi=&&-Hof

‘. = ; . 1 drags


to i sea’of

“Who&e you?’ queries a man -in a black fedora with a card in the band that says = ‘.A . , :, !‘RRESS” while he flips through his notepad) . :. ,”‘~ / for a fresh page. The 18piece bandcontinues ,. S-trike .” I. - -*, t&s. &jld of the‘ ,<:-“.e‘ ’ . ’ ’ .-. -‘.scaff&ling and’swoops cfown .tg the Q~OU@ ‘. - ’ : _. ’ The En’pmy l&thin : ” ,.. below. Sw@ging’,back- and forth. he ,ga&s .“I “., _ - Rough TradeRecords .’ -:, _ 1 .* I . . 1 am’ Arrow;:king of island rnusidr.. .-I?ausi,ng -., .. ^ c . briefly for:the obligatory burst of thunder; he by Pai Doy, , .I-. “’ i ‘;;:i. ,,., ’ / ~, continues: “Montserrat is where I make my . home and own the only men’sclothing shop.” St&& byT&lEn&& ~$&,&. &&tit “Whaddya call that music you ‘were a doubt, @n&-of the ,most controversial and:. playin’?” prompts a ,freckle-faced lad with’a . important records : rel&&l && P&&r _ large flash camera around his neck. Mixi t h e' &ilk&is, the ,Sgzx I?istols’ debut.. “They call it Soca. It’s a sensgous mixture L album,. , @is much more. than asongi’it isa ‘. - of African, North’American, West Indianand of:hatred andoppression, a< South American.:musical ideas all zih;ped ‘out , historical-record at a frantic pace,;- As for myself, w’?rat I do is-. declaration of. intent and, +a,..-scathing ._I,I blend -what I’ve learned from Sal@;. Soul and , condemnation of England’s :neoJascist =8’ ‘ ly.‘:..-“. Rock ‘n’ Roll and back it all with -an*African I government. rhythm and, enormous brass section.” . The song itself consists of? the .words-of _l’ “Er, what about the new- album?“- the. .Arthur Scargill, the, leader of -theBritish reporter jabs with a pointed pencil. Miners’ Union,and other, more,anonymous --- ot-Hot is my first Canadian voices layered over a sparse ,backing?rack.. bough it is my 11th album and has’- , , The genius of the song lies inthe editing of year-everywhere else the voices and the harshness of the backing. in the world. It hasalsd sold more than half a . track.The music- (-an. i,nappropriate : million copies 1 The jumping horns; funky description), composed ’ by Keith Leblanc basslines and rumbly congas make for some, from the “Tommy Boy” record label of New. of the most uplifting, high-spirited songs York, skids and crunches, with a constantly you’re ever likely to.hear.” “How do’. y~u feel about p&h& Club‘ changing, Coupler,’ rhythmic Pattern, Leblanc -’ has taken the conventional ’ ,~.:~;+;*~$ covering Hot-Hot-Hot?” shouts a instruments ’ of electronic music an ’ balding,, midd&ged man wearingispnglasses, and: ~ fierpl~ ~~tin’iaclii~t. _ ~ v f * .1” strippe&-f#&m*fany* binding ‘melo&... : --


mumbles ntihb Lorraine to her blaring AlfaRomeo-sized. blaster’ as ‘she totters down

:.., *

closed for the night, Lorraine

- _ - -



- _ -

- ‘ - - = -

At that Lorraine is suddenlv consiousness, wholly perplexed

startled to as to, why

and juxtaposed

against the “soft” sounds ofThe effect produced _ i

L::“: j:‘,,‘._” ! :’ I:“’ .. .I

- part -of, the work’ force. R&loads of. “The hEnemy” . . for :no apparent reason.- “T restricted.fromtravelling within itscountry. ’ ’ “The Enemy”’ is beaten up for *protecting - women and children. during police, baton charges, ’ “The Enemy’: is poor; hungry,, I unarmed and, often, outnumbered. “The Bnemy’? went out on, strike because promises made-by the Government in 1983’ were flagrantly broken in 1984, in. order to destroy 7QOOO jobs. These jobs were to be ’ g 1 terminated’in areas where there was already I L. 20%unemployment. ’ _. .,_ I.. I “The Enemy Within”*is.not merely, the ., r :

I ‘: . _ :. Miners.TheMinersar<‘a.&&lp&t o,f,the, I+::I<larger .group of which is the real jenemy of .:. . , . “~,Q ‘?&+&r’s -rabid,-idi@ troupeof‘f&&, -,.I ’ ._ ..:::... :,i ‘,P

The real-enemy ‘of the Government l is a. & ‘ -. .:* . , anyone, who is not white,. j&iviledged; and _ , .‘. .$‘, ,,’ ;- . -conservative. . I . / _ The situation hasTow reached the point ’ ’ ” :..,:.F)’ . -3 A, where Britain’s police force is complaining 1 *~ that they are being used as -a political tool, : .‘!Tz.: ., . :._s ,.i.-... _ I alo.r& the lines ,of the Gestapo., ;.*,: : *.:..,. , _ I

. I







a SK&king


testament of oppressionas George Orwell’s 1984. Buy it now and support a. group in’s , fight for rights. which could have profound effects.: ' and farreaching

‘,“~~ .,,

::4 ..I%$~

1 . 11: . .:‘r’““‘~~ -. /.



I . ‘.,i:.,,2 ..; . .I_,.‘.‘,‘,.,..-:

;. .


I, ',

.’ . \.

iJnlvers@yOf Waterloo ; 1”. \

’ 69 Mathew’Ingram Imprint staff ’ . Convinced that, ’ as‘ a_n American travelling abroad, he was protected ,by American laws and officials, Billy .Hayes attempted in ‘October 1970 to smuggle two kilos of hashish out of Turkey. Arrested .by Turkish officials at Istanbul airport, he was sentenced to four years and ’ two months in prison by the Turkish government. Just over a month before his release date, he. yas rcsentenced to thirty years. In the next two years, he made several unsuccessful escape attempts, and, finally, in-June 1975,*darranged a transfer to an island facility, ,from which he managed to escape ‘after four months. Upon his retur/n to’ the _ United States, -Mr.. Hayes. decided to cut his experiences down in the form of a book eventually transformedinto a movie; Midnight Express. He

t ta


._ ’ acting, Mr. -Hayes has also began a series of lectures at high schools, prisons, continued his spsaking universities, and on radio and engagements Bat various - television, intending.. to a& institutions, and will be at on the .I *benefits 1of t f:ese ..‘c.Federation Hall on March 4th experiences. to lecture and answer -. questions for, a University of Combined with forays into Waterloo audience. _




blMlAY(E %, YOUR HOtlDAY 1 Name:


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* .i .

_ .:,;-

for in@rmiltioil caN(~J6) 665-3377 to callfree d&l im-3742

-Joan.6 Baezi ‘+ducking , Centre in the1) Square tonight b r>lairid Jo:- km& (Fri.March



lot of them have, yeah”, she - the studerit-as-appretitice-toadmits, saying that, her yu$pie+hood, ?/You’re “I’m a -walking history audiences are made up &‘a11 % ;A legend returns. She has’ dangerously - close to the been absent from the North. .book;” jc5kes the 44 year 014 sorts of strange ddd bits and States. YOU knowlthat. I have ‘singer,, &ho has been branded pieces” but that she enjoys to duck-my own cruise missile American music scene for several years, but Joan Baez ..,.“political” since the early 60’s, playing for anyone. s going down your highway!” ,,. _/ ,. is batik to prove her televance - wh’en dmong other things,. Tonight’s concert should she did her 1962 tour of ailrn#‘the .80’s, and to sing songs prove to be ak; intipte affair, She cautidns against the black -colleges to protest “new patriotism” in the Df peace and justice for those showcasing Ms. Baez%, m.ost of us who still care enough* to racism, witheld 60% of her States;describing it as ‘recent artisitic and, political - ’ : ‘incgtie’ - tax for defence’ dang&ro&j bhev the world is inclitiaiion& While she hasn’t listen. spendirig, ,and I organized ’ a 5 in a state of “mdral- an& While it, .may se’ern abandoned such classics as paradoxic’al, Joan Baeq has‘ , draft:card turn-iri day’ in the -. spiritual deterioration”, “Diamonds and Rust”,’ the *quick * *; : to add that f’this doesn’t.mean the distinction of being both a + States; j ..legendary songstress .willmusical legend and a sodially: ’ In, a,,brief phone interview we shouldn’t have fun!” concentrate on songs ‘fmost respon@ble human being;.: In;_ with z -Impfint, Ms: &ez L MS: Baez seems ‘to have a (North Americans) haveri’t addition to what %one -writ&r ‘. addrti9se.d que$tisns &oui working her keen ‘interest ‘in Canada, ‘and. rheard -before”, has called her “achingly pure” ’ +-her audience, her politics, and’ ,Students. “I’m really looking vocal magic with the support voice, she has . an’ enticing .‘1 her feleva&e Iin the ‘80:s. if . j forward _to talking :to you of simplb her guitar and a history of political/-social guys. I’d really like, to see if it’s pianist _ who has beenher audiences are all made up activism, all of whjch She of ,former hippies and folkies, true, what theG say’!, keferring, . tiqompanyinq MS Ba+ on promises to bring to 11feat the have they all gone yuypie? “A the Canadian t@r. , to the -current stereotype of‘ _

by Brian Delaney Imprint Staff, ’

’ mouth.

’ ,



j , _ ec~$c~e~~c-;~~~b~;;$


GateLou& Brown’s style s :Definitely not rock and r&f has been described by, POP. Downbeat as “country Gaternouth. (GMZ deftly pit kin’, cajun stomps,: big- ::handled :.hecklers who kept Dand horn chart&southwestinsisting that he .play, a rock arn jump styles on’ electric ’ song by saying “If you want to guitar .&. fiddle, harmonica hear rock, wait ‘till-?he rock snd (in his past), druins.” But band comes on.” He also the&e are hollow words’ to demonstrated his sense of jescribe a type of music that humour bystarting a song in only Gatemotith can wring the wrong key, then making a ‘Tom his instruments and’his choking pavement at his

~ownds< , :


I .




ItsAexcellefice was plays and h-9 answefed; ;’ ’ ’ I good. marred‘ not by the quality of * “.Wherever there are people”. -” the equipment or the mixerg, I Simple answers. to simple I: but by the acoustics of the questions.-.Xthe man is very : . ‘Legion which’ .resembl&l a dir&t and he doesn’t waste , I his time with bullshit. .high school auditorium. ’ For those of you who 1 .‘)’ .j * +acksta&, I ask& GM when he decided tBbecome a missed this performance, . tiusicititi -@SC) (MUSIC . I -there’ still may be hope. . ._AM), :sHis reply was -(‘Since Source% have-,,iriformed me e . the-L day f wai bar?, His that; SAM’s in -Kitchener will gmti&c was. influenced mainly : be. ‘ordering some I of his :,bi his fater and D&e a’lbuti& *which may be .’ . Ellin#oh; available’ %next week: let’s , 1.also .asked hi& where, he keep our fingers crossed. I. .

\fav;ourite art.ists; ’ -“Future Pop”, also aired wee&, featuring Peter Noble intervie@ng rnanx- of the -more egciting musical artists from around the globe; -live concert broadcasts from the area, many of which are digitallg recorded; .


Neit week, Radio waterDO will be in the unfortunate, but necessary, position of ,aising furids for t operating :o&ts. Yes it’s the CKMS nini-funding drive, - running ram Monday, March 4 tq iundav March 10. 1KMS is giving eberybqdy inother chance Lto support llternative radii;..Throughbut he week; there will be ag lbundance Of give-aways Jcluding: a great selection of $lbums and cassettes, &cert tickets, movi’e iasses, and tinny other T , urpt’ises. Why support “the only lternatiire” in Waterloo? A SW good reasons are: -“Artist’s Retrospective”, ired’,, weekly,; i,n . -which rr.ogrammers .run .down *the &tory and \ ‘music of their i


to Forever and pat times of Steely Dan, and not entirely unique, but the obvious til+tF&r tbq*mu@cians3ends the mus@“a tiertain stgle. It ;olls steadily along, lapsing into alternati& saxand.guitar leads, pausing for the balladic , “Blues and ‘More”, . and convulsing as per old King Crimson on “Africa”. Like most instrumental b3nds, G-d Food comes perilously close to . . monotony .. on occa,ssloq, Qut provides the local music scene with an ’ interlude niiles ahead of much else being p&dqced. Above’. all, Good-Food has its sights set on producing music rather than.‘at trying to insult one’s heaiing. - : -! Gcgod plays the -l&-L -’ -FoodIL-- -1 T-----l--. Bomusnelrer uesaay, March& and will be the focus of. an upcoming “Stree-ts of Ontario” program on CFNY. There’s no doubt that their live pkrformance will excite: it’. comes ~highly *recommenq&d.‘-

, Picture yourself sitting in a ‘ow-key patio bar, cigarette smoke slowly curling in the rtill night air, and the occasional .,mosquito remind: hg you that you’& tawake. ‘icture ’ yourself list$ning & he textured strains of Good food. Their fusion cum jazi cuv mprovisation , 3, . WhEh * has . * allows .a. quality lna, .intellect you. o sit back and listen, once in Lwhile perking your ears. This Kitchener-based band las ‘just released a four-cut Taste Test” cassette, which rints at good things to come .rom- their-- show next week in he &im@helter. Good Food is five session nusicians bored with yoronto’s studios, combining 3 produce some material of 3eir own. Their entirely istrumental repertoire is ‘at mes retiini~cent of Return .


which he won + Grammy joti&where way batik when L and an old tavotirite:. ‘ Jambalya”. ~ In the last -set before the’ encore (yes, -there was an encore),, rGM .had t-he audience on their feet stompin’ *and dancin’, showing that he cari apply the, -basic blues \beat .to many moods. *His .backup band can? only be -desckibed. as part. ot the.whole. _ / The sound quality was very

i i .


._ ‘.’

by T.-A. -Grier /mprint Staff


thro&, coughing ’ ’ otit th’e Wor’ds, “Wrong key”. “That’s okay, GM, we forgive yo$, the audience reacted. GM plays his guitar arid fiddle like . a sfradiuarius. Among his techniques -are ‘. slides-, chops, [fid,dlin’, . ’ ‘violinin’, atid whistlin’. Dare I compare him to the lhte great . Jimtni Hendrix? (Do I dare to eat a peach?) I Among my -personal ’ favourites were ‘1 may slip but I-never fall” - a tune for’




1. Various Artists The London Sampler 2. Phil Collins No Jacket Rewired 1 Make it Big 3. Wham 4. Alison Moyet ’ shout 12 I@:I’ 5. Tears for Fears - . . r Centrefield )II 6. John Fogerty 1 1 Micrq-Phoni&s‘ * 7, Cabaret Voltaire’ Building the Perfect Beast -I I 8. Don Henley The Qilectibn 9. Ultravox , Maveri& 1 .. lo.- George Thorogood : , :. I’ Just Arrked - New ReiiiaSes I /L. I, ’ . /, ,. 1t i ~ ~. , I I,, The Firn-i I1. Firm 9 The 12” Aiibum .2: Howard Jane? Y’ -. , :POQ 1 3.Utopia-L - ‘. ‘II_

“FM Magazine”, -evefy Friday, reviewing-. r&ent conc&ts, album releases, cl& listings, and many other items of interest. CKMS bffers ‘just about -every shade #.eb you can think of; --.frdm electronic to Indradha nush.

IL I ), I’

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: , ; ‘.

Courses offered at all levefs t&&&&t ttie year. For a free brochurecompleteand mail this application form to your TRAVEL CUTS office./Name: &,dmss:



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Qhner 4%Dance %,:-.” ,I~_ Tiansylvania Club + .

StoreLower. Base&& last, week% &es at ‘the.Recod %Il, Cam&Centre, Univer$ty’ of ‘Waterioo.






\ _



’ _ .

I Ideal






leases; subleases,-problems witt ur landlord? Come to the‘ w reesources Office CC 15OA to fin&out more information or call 6654840 and rtira message on our massage I . Dobhavealeaseforyourplace? Fleasebringittothe~lesource Office at CC 15opc We = c6rreina tfylng to accumulate information on *tsintheK-WareaatXIwewouMliketo taked&xlkatyourlease.ourt~ba!lk ” can onlygrow wlth your help. I. cu&n El+ kiwi& will ‘. help ’ you rt3semh, write and $it all your.liirary Cdliqst, Toronto, Qntario


~HoIisti~~.~ The&y treatments ,-. combines Jefte%ology,-shiatsu, tolkh for. health, irkiol & rwtdtion. Please call P. Henderson 7 or ah appo@nent q 6253. 1 .’ , .,-_ Word Processing! Close, fa t. c1 dependable. Near SeagratiStadium. Xw double sp+ed page. Draft--.-. copy ‘p&ed. Maybookahead. Ph.665 . CS Tut& Avallabk for Pascal, Ba& and Fortran. Whether you need to pass or j&eat extra edge. V 2, Steve, 664.

lil&gmm $l$uch. .

Goodcondition. Make an offer: 1

achairs ph. 746-

‘Tjwo turntables, Mk 10 Technics, c]w electronic G shock mounted cabinets. _ 12-14 hrs, of use. Ideal for broadcast stdio, DJ., disco, etc. Fantastic price. Don, 6538569 after 430.~

speakem One p& Canton HC 100, suitableascarspeakersas’wellasforthe home. 3 mos. old. Small chip in one cabinet.’ R ular$?8o;wiUseUf~~l$O. Jack604-t#57. 1. I

Rooma&swimted2roomsforientin townhouse at 71 Blucher. Unit J. &IO each for summer semester. Utilities paid. Call Dave 743.4699. Can you say townhouse? That’s good! Cair you say summer? That’s even batter!! put that together and what do you get? A suminer townnouse in Sunnydale for m $426/mo. (neg.) + utilities. 4 bdlm.,dryer, patlo stone!3, indopr plumbing. Call for ah -~p&Jpnenttpdsyat884-5056oraa4.

oerWs&n&)freetoagoodhome. $JI: supply youi owng cage. -. .

Call 888

,EnglneerlrigL Feb. 18. Call 664-53.36. mnt

Hunter. ’

3 0~ 4 bedrpom h_ous_efqr-4 r-e-sponsible 20 minutes pt ‘85. Call

alea. ‘\ . +enced typ&bf&accumte w&k IBM Selectric. _ -R\&sonable rates. Lakeshore Village, near %nnydale. Call665-1663. Math. Sdeice, Engineering pa~y Fast, accurate typing (4 Reasonable mtes; volume -discT un&. Sunnydale a&a. Call Jqn 664-3937.

’ Large 4 bdrm house to sublet -Aug. Washer, dryer, hardwood “y loors, fireplace, porch, shaded lawn, cable IV, spacious iiving room, rent $795, negotiable. 20 min. walk from campus. 1 brock from Wloo Square. Phone 576 2753. , One room in 6 bdrm. house, laundry, ( furnished, -fire-place, May-Au $330/~0.; females only, 15 min wz& from campus, tin bus route, beau&l back yard. Call Karen, 664-7991. .

Takea&,@keacar,tske~train,but don’t miss this. townhouse. Fully . .fumlshed,exceuentpadnearParkdale Plaza. rkaht on bus route. 10 min. bike ride tirn campus authentic Peter . Trueman couch. Featured this month’s “Better Homes and Gardens”, (in the garden section!) Just $395/mo. + utilities. No money ‘down, no canying charges, no payments ‘till May 1 St, 1965. Phone Mark $7463310.

-fyph& elmys, work repolts, mur;;es’,l . bus@ss letters, etc. Neat, accurate, will correct spelling, grammar, punctuation. . Reasonable rates, Electronic typ+ter, 7 years expefience%ypjjg for students. Phone Lee, 8863444, .aftemoon or evening.

\ TLpqetolng’byprps!You’veseentherekt, now. try the be&! Iwt does Job wng usrhf~ the same’ equIpmenf~ am people uy paper. is typeset WI@. ,Massii discounts. “Word processi .26 _ typestyles. Diskette storage. r* proofs. Give your dissetion or thesis the treatment it desenres. Call 6664046 for more details.

To sljblet May-Sept. Partially furnished one bedroom- apartnient ahconvenient location in Wlti Towers, (2 min. from campus). Rent and extent of furnishings negotiable.

Room in Sunnydab townhouses for summer. Share all facilities with 2 irls and one guy. Call 89473. $107/&o.


like and Mary Kae, Co rat&tions on ur engagement. Best “&r &es for the Lre. Jeny & Laurie. Wanted woman male( 7130. vi

-- sunny, spacious apartmentd sublet MajFAug.2


. Our reading week in Toronto: To the other seven million cob at dub dom, dom, domino. Keep’ smili . Deleted, what do ou me&n deleted the (deleted) is ii ‘I Ocean - (dele& Meet me at Youn k Dundas. Ha! Ha! @ading week II - % lue Zoo weekend. l ix

Typing ‘Se&es In&city Word Pmcessing $l/pg. Floppy disk storage, illctatjon from your cassettes, free courier pickup/delivery to your door. Minimum deadline: 5 days. 5149, 9922. Evening service.

Mm., balcony, cl& to t campus (Erb G University), Rent negotiable. 746-l 962. Miriam.



T ’ ?gor@ 7X$age (*le. ?p.) Typist t~~)EngLsh %s degree, loves on campus yling corrected. Call v, 746312 .

Bummer term, mom available in double roomapt. YazelSt.nearParkdalePla2.a.~ Rent negotiable. 6669167.

. Room for summar rent in 3 student townhouse at B&ringer and Albert


Toronto: Iuxuly condo at Victoria park and Danforth. 2 bdrms, sauria, pool; whirlpool, billiards, ^ washer dryer, dishwasher in apt, Fully car$exi& for3-4people. AllutUitiesindud&.lZI (416) 699-6920 after 6.90

Wantedt’ Femdenon-smokerto&

‘~Washer, s-#n ‘d&r, hoover, e&eller* condition, 160, solid ma e server, vilas, I new, only .$320..- ,W-20 r 7.


M@ufj options to take over lease & spacious 2 bdrm. apt., 15 min walk to cdmpus. ~475,OO/mo. For moredetails, contact Johnny, 7464250. \ Townhouse to sublet: Luxury accommodation in Phillip St. townhouse. 5 rnln. from school. 2 bdrms + finlshed basement Sublet for M&fu-fug~~ option to l”f” __

-\ \

- . experience, 75C per- double Westmount area. Cfi”


3 bdrm *house to sublet from Mayto A ’ 15 min. from campus. UXmi*ed. &47.mo. + utilities. Call SteUa/Cheryl at 7463063 or Karen at ’ 884-7019.

Mov@g Se&es - student @th 314 t&~ ,endosed van available for light moving. Al:Ph. 5746314. A three hour introduction ti cros!+ country skiing on beau@ulS km. trail’. $15, for, more inforination &. 6483093, .a-L

AVi‘&&r radio station. if m ew?r J want to hear CKMS~FM &in, call 664. ’ 3530, between March 4th and 10th.



an kailable, miXherly, working (30 - 40) for a si le atractive e23)withring. &&&erat6&& o reasonable proposal refused,

Is E.K. stillRSpho~forT.K.7 Izthewhde fll&till Fanung for HlM, is AS. thinkin g R. for HIM, will S.H. stan % behincll evaluatioirs, will any of them try to find out for -sure? Who else was involved In this scandal? Will we ever . know? . STILL LOSE My mdmmny. She was last seen worki at the Breslau Hotel in the summer of32’ Descfiption; Short, brown hair, green ‘eyes, 5 -a”, 345 Ibs, and answers tb Big Bertha. lfyousee her dease call Sammvat 6666467 immediately. I miss tier very n)uch! r There &s still time to sign up for the shuffleboard tournament at the Bombshelter. Sign’up at Turnkey desk wayi ‘Glenn: Just think - tomorrow’ it will have been one beautiful lifetime-in-a-year. My love is forever with you 7 for together we ;f: fby the world, reapmg the wealth of Despite the hardships and struggles it will be well wo$vhile foil will , beeouaand you, mine. Forever, my 1 The’ “St& man - - How ‘bout those Leafs! I can handle the heat and the - steam but are you sure gou won’t wait? put gn old what’shis-name-you know the “boff+‘? And bring! the a$bestos suib Lustful she-demon.


_ I

&an new townhouse _ available in Sunnydale forsummer term. -4 bdrms, 1 M baths, patio, cheap fun. Call 664. 6947/884-6078. One Mm apt to sublet May-Aug ‘65. Waterloo Towers, 3 min. from Campus. Reti negotiable. phone 746-3602.


Reauire& Ambitious student with an entiepreneurial flair. Campus position I for month of, Sept ‘85. Earn $1200 to $2000. Send wume’ to-Apt. 111, ‘B&e Residence, M&aster University, X/O Gordon Stirret.

For sublet: shcious 2 bdrm. apt, laund sauna, weight room, 24 hr. food mart, r us route, etc. May 1 - Aug. 31, option to renew. 7459518,

Entertainers &$$fx&..leqt

needed for Thurs.. showcases m the. Amateur Performers, here’s a’s& way ta get some expostiie playing to real alidiences! For more info, call Dave at 7456946 (leave a r&ssage) or call CAB ext. 6329.



: fast, a&rate ~~nd&~~~ble rates; $l/pagd (db. sp). Spelling checked., Draft copi? available. CaU Anne 666-9746.


Mini&us drivers wanted for Campus - Day, Tues. March; 12,1985. Must h-ave dgss ,‘IF’ license. and attend. an o1%tafio15 &ssioti‘befbk M&h a, 1965. )salary $5@. Call.Gail Ruetz in the V&to;& Rcccpbg 4Centre, Optometry, . . . . Distributors -wanted throughout Canada. Operate f&n your home. Leads supplied, training provided. Projected profit $40,000 in first year. Write Galaxy Qystal. E China Inc., 11 Latonia Drive, Rexdale, Ont. M9W 211. Call (416) 741-1956.

Profesqkmal , Qplng. for Students, T&hnicaf$pia welcomed. Will con&t ’ L spelling‘& grammar. $1: page dbl. sp., $1.50 tecl+nical. Call 6664347.

‘.l .,.

Resumes, Tg setqup, excellent quality printing, fas&accurate, efficient service. , Pi&u and deliveries arranged. Call ACTl a N resumes, 744.2636.

. ..

Seagram Stadium. Dr May book ahead. ph. 665-l ’ Quality guaranteed. Multiple originals of resumes, theses, and work rep&s, D@a Storage. Delive accuqte service. Tvoina. $l/pg. IBM Selectric: Carbon Ribbon; grammar/spelling corrections; ood quality bond paper provided. br ootreading included; symbol/italics tivailable; work term reports, theses, essays. Personalized service. 579-5513 kvenings. Downtown Kitchener. Com$uscribe Word pibcessing. Why , Word Processing;! Advantages of a word processor include perfect final cod, document storage options, computer

‘We’d just like to congrat&e ‘Jeff Meisner (Don of E2) on his.tap dancing debut at hthe., Humanities Theatre Satuiday, March 9th. We’re sure you’ll be great! Love, his pals XOXOX. ’ \ OSSM4 tonight‘ El&c Jello, limbo dancing, t-shirts. ’ What more could you ask for. Beach attire a must. Essape to the bush. RSTSW. ArleneThe smile means that I still like you as much as I always have. S.A.


papers, et& ’ Laser printing; A.Double spaced page -? $1; Resumes (per e) - q5, copies 2OC. ph. 746-l 119 T Or ef@ient ieliable,setic&~-

SlkIyz sky r,: being so preoccup&d this w&k, Movie tonight? Fuzz.

To all the girli in Waterloo: A& you getting better looking or have I just been here too long? Siwled AKS. Civil‘85 scukrs d&are themselves to be thg! yorld Champipn Havenger Stunt Team based’on gn unprecedented three VidOrieS. Let it be known to all pretenders of the crown that their childish 3A level ploys were of r&avail and ind&d inspire us to our glorious ) ViCtOly. Civil Disobedience we e&h ou -were coming forth to ~~2 6, We were wrong. consolation in the fact that we graduate in 2 months but beware, the spirit of the scunter lives on! Spe&l thanks to the amazing Gambles, the Brunetti Collection, Katie and her mom, the LeDain tidket agency and the unknown liquid paper “artsie \nouveau”. , \ :: ., L Frank: hapfry 19th; it’s the best ever! Jennifer, Paul, Rick, .Rod. Gw, Barbara.

etspcoo. . ‘Gedxr: everybodyknods thattheearth‘ .isflat,socutthecrap.



whing High and Low for wild women from any country. No. of teeth unimoottant, but *bodacious f&a’s a I defini’te ass& Call yke, 666-2607. Are you crazy or is it just the rest of the world? Maybe the apath ‘uggling club (the ciub for the bottom 2 tj can help you find out. Call 664.1@4 for info. \Bert - still in search of B.L! (Although a marble chipper would do. . Consumer’s Distributing forever! x $6 _ just won’t do 2 have to work on those zeroes! Anyways, take it easy tomorrow and you’ll be doing root canals before ou know it. Good luck on the DAT! !I -here were these young pups from 2A who tried to scare other scunters away when the points were all tallied it was us who had rallied but I bet your stereo was ’ happy all day.

Franklin: We have vour brother Theo. lf you want to see hi& again, send word to usbywayofanadnextweek. Alistofour demands will follow next week Pedro G

Ptannitigx’ri visit to Israel this year? budget travel options to get yWtQtf?,‘e!

‘We have several













-34 Tororito. ~


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8 ’

Log Sawing$haUenge: hlison QWilson , versus Flanagan 0 McKa , lzlz2t~. Columbia Lake. Saturdav Aa ., Champs will &ke on afl challengers. C’tion out!!!

Anyone inteF&l in forming a ooalition to have Gmcery Store Produ@ turned’ so that th$ French hbel fa&&fonyard, please wri&$. 23 Austin lI&,‘ Waterloo, /Ont., N2L 3x9. Mon nom%& Franklin. i.” It’s March.midnite madness at Big Todd Teaser’& make appoiritment for a tuck‘in at midnight- ‘and receive a mystery bonus! This * $y! \ ,’ ‘-IV@ S; We& -He&s to you on your 22nd birthday! Hope this year brin slots of wild and crazy thi\ngs into your IIQe. Be I lapp , be m&y and for god sake go to Ban fy this summer., I’m praying for ya., ,LoFe Big Bamboo Inc. _ . ,pkiilee, Ymi persistence finally pays off. ~IQ&! you h&$-a great birthday (are you - ‘reallv 22T) and relax for a while. Lo&



office, 12:‘ob ;loon - 4:00 pm. .. tit the dr&hxite House. Cdl X3634 fo; information. \-


‘that well, we battled l&;&d .hutig in. As foi our slO*


- plugging away, We-nevey.f& &. that we are unable to make a comeback, and with the talent, experience and pride _that this te+m has; I think chat


/ . ._ by “~iriy, win ‘Bma+ iind . Paui van Oo~sdwt’. Special to t4e. Iutpiz~@ , \ -’ “>. , , ‘I .Ic cc,’ , The 2Wat&loc& BW&%ors basketb&; &aM -, <won the OUAA West division-.title ina fiiggf t,e~~~,u~tint&&J,.at Waterloo; .Feb.-z2 ?&23:-A 7772 victiqy over 2:Westeti fo&wed by a 66~6(1 defeat of M.cM#ast&r advanced ;./:she Warriors to the.‘OUAA ‘f&al . against York. ’ The tqnq-ntiment feaiured two games l%iday, McMaster vs. Windsor, followed by Waterloo vs.. Western, with playingFriday’s winners Saturday afternoon for the chaqpionship. Waterloo was host” as a result of ,the Warriors finishingin first place over the regular season, with a 10-2 W-L record. The-crowd of 3500 saw the M&tangs && 6-0 and $-2 leads before Waterloo acknnwldoed --*ma--






that 11-w.


the CII”

mame ps”‘”

ran iato


first half, the Warriors were doTwn 34-33,&d happy to be so close. Waterlob went up at . the start of the secorid half getting the‘firstchoop, bh thd .gatie remained eve% un$l the Warriors ,SpUITe~ with 5:33 reniaining. With &@erloq up. L’%%~ ,No:$s, ~!+~l@! ~$ot and long outlet to k?roqe, who hit the laytip, followed by” Savich% 3 point play, put Waterloo up 60-R In the- last qinute of ‘the game,. Mat missed four free throws and failed to score on fiire possessions. The Qnly re.maining points scored $ere SaVich’s free throws that sealed the 66-60 victory. Waterloo seenied to l&k the defensive intensity they -Will ‘need to advance in the CIAW$ They failed t%~get good shots out ‘of their tiffens? when they needed them, and the number of ‘team turnovers, es’pecially in the l&e five minutes, -when the “outcome oi F the gi ame v vas tin the line, has to be of coticern.

early foul trouble, with Jam.&! 2$egal picking up his third before the game was. three minutes “old. . I Despite these setbaeks, a combination of , Warcior turnovers, aggressive defence i by,.: We#ere,,,?h.c. d’ 3ppg$rante of the Warriors 45 fenslve @ills, and the inability ;of the yarriors to stop Western on the <defence,, led to a 40-30 Western lead with three minutes remaining in the first h@f. Neither team scored fqr the next two and a half qinute!, until the Warriors rgally, g’ot a hoop, and e‘scaged to the locker room dbwn 8; 40-32. L:Once again, coai=h McCrae must have said the right things. at half,time’ (not that the Warriors need+Fd to be toid what to do), for the first bucket ofthesecond-halfwent tb WaterlOO. _ But the gutsy Western crew due in again. and it was-no It u&l 12:30 iemained is the

$2 fo’if students adults. _


$3 for

. ,. -,

\ 1 .*

q 1 ., Imprintphoto:


hixtsd Ba.dn The PAC uvas host :tothe s&& Badminton To&nameni onSaturday, Ii February 9th ik 1985. In A <%vision,the&am of Vo,Clark were victorio& over Coma{ $a and IDavie lscHl in;“a dose &- . t--L -1 -L --L m


, qnd Drader (15-13, 13-15, 19-8). The. C-d&on tinners we&’ tiatcarato and Parent&r Ciarc&nd &is (15-3,15-6). Griffin and ~ Band&. $1~ their, B ___-- _irst game of. the tee ,to, E#u&&ar&34X9. ; Mamela rem brded theeii@in over K&y ahd Benoit in the D diision( 157 Buckeyland is now the first Place team in.%e C league. l-low&~, Samrrj ) 5, 15-9). (heFall. the d avers eniovid themsehres ------ and -_-- shti&d -----_-- the --kmQkn~ppFoact@ mat3y4imes by a cgtain play@ ordhg:Hawqii West athletic a&ties. C&gra&la”tions ~~&&e%$&rs a@da wami thanks td z; Iv mrindain ~-1 .ryu. @QUt-the la&of Imp#$covew i In ;Onsuch a t&en&J,. * I ~astheysay.th*are? W@llseeintheplayoff$. ’ ’ There yere sixteq games ‘last Sunday in B lea&e. Some*te& a*, 1’ In A league,. St. Jerome’s A, Post &sters+ Atomech Power, Ad Flyin’ driviM foi q ~!ayoff qot; while others are faltering miserably, losing any- 1 of makin’ I& RI flight. The 85e& used tq be ur&feated, losing ‘Eyes are tied for: six points each:; however\%. Jetome’s Ameetsae Post ‘tic+ Busters at 1230 am. It promises to$e ?Lir&c$ing game because the to Kin Krushers 4 l-20 in a tough def&sive battle. The Sirs edged . * Post Buster team seev to&e. the only teqm th& can stop the St the Kinx@s 29-26* Mavam nipped the NyMPHETS M-29. N6 Fiends-demolished St Pauls lO+O;Dominos Dunks thrashed : I ’ Jerome’?. A from,cleqnlng up the leaguti The pressure’s on. c. / .I,J. Shqotins Seamen 42-32, f-lo* Puckies munched Rocks for Jocks-: Iri Bl ieague, the leading po&ion is, split between 3D, React&a&s, t+ ,%Flyin’ Eyes coritinued their’ undefeated season by I :- zi&‘Mdlgon &ports. Bpt again 3D has-o@ play@i threegames, the 61-29, - others have Dlaved two. Followinu’ are the Atlantic out&ssing,*e Civil Serpents 51-23, the Citilians beat W3 Morticians-T - --- Close -----hehind - _______ 34-33; ,Debauche& debauched W ret la‘n’ C rew 40-32, Basketcases~.. d he- (Zitillial 1s. . Pulling ub rear a= he +a,-r the - ----\ . _ crunched the Swrtans 50-26. the hers are the onlv team that is DIUS d Photo;ns. lir the 82 league, the competition is elided, fdr first place issplit 124$h a 3 z&d 2 re(cord that &nmihas ever seen, defeating G&Ii&& i ’ iakers 667-23, W&t C-men outhustled Trucks Chuckers 33-30, the%: between five tea-m. m I. L. . 1ltCElI I g&my wq y;’ Civicious; the Wailers. SURP Pheasants perfpr&d spinal surgery on Scoliosis 30-21, m Campu$i ixxxaes; mennonlce - and Ohmen all have, the chance for f%st-place. The deciding game will be Thursday, March 7th when Ohmen meets Wizards clipped the Reactionaries 35-31, Celtic defeated CGC 3922!, ; yld’the @ens came down to earth yet agz#n to overpower the magic of -.__ram me le .In B3 league, the lceomers with ei& -~intsi~ i&i& &&&,sx3 in ti6 Wh~ci’s 33-21. both their league and the whole, B division; they’re the team %o beat Bump! Set! SpikG! Come” tjut and get a t&am together. by F&q/, Lqhere . ---A-vushould . be .a an qciting matchup ‘this %nd&, March 3rd, ~erwee~ un yrowrion zind the l&s, ?zt$ && twqund&atqd&ams ir& ,; Warpigs and Eurythmechs were tied with six II oints each -in three fl &ch isl:; all entries must be in by430 to room 2040 PAC. The Mixed gam& in the @ ka&e. They me on Tuesday, Fil m&y 19th to battle , the A lwgue. On Probation received a &are from Attdmdch!Poweriast?’ lley’ball -Tounibmentwill be held for twb niahts. Thursdav, March 7th Sun&y, winning 46-42’in a fun-filledcontest KillerTomatoeswerei * out forfirst jz blace! 1 qthmechs won.9 and now have’to face 1 Thw, March 14th from 7:45 to-i1 1:4y5p& in the m&in gym. All byRob Kent with 26 points in their win-ov@r Ron’s Dons47-38, and the _ . Buckyland b win- the;. TheyL still to catch the leading plains must be txe&nt atthe Rules m&tins Tuesd&+March 5th from ” have-chance Buts edged the Misfits in a very well-fougt@gh5OA4$, . tis on. , am _ . a vill make.-_ playoff predi&ons >and’vr;itlI&&W the-$ . -<-.. -I ._

















the powder.

\I 60- U.niversity Ave; j , at Philtip Street 1 Waterido .’ c- *. .’






, ,..or or Ron Kliqka Klicka at 746-3373. @&$ gg#&<-

Feb 22, at home to$yers . tia&lled tiau’elled to Hamilton:.to take ~Watierlo”o:-_- dominated b 0th : . on the- M+>liqand were upset d$$tis&e&‘dndoffensil rely . The UW~ vafsity- hockey up a--iFetgifi of 491. q$~q$big by a scor&of team ended their regular , 12: ‘The Warrio& ‘Roukd llike to season. play this past w.eekend 5. Toi; &okers foi CWtiter loo thank all iheir “di‘e hafd”Ians, with games against the- were Rick Hart (4) Bud Tfcodd - and especia@thGr retiring Codlter_:(2)... 1xX _ . Ryers& Rams and McMastco&h, Jaqk- Birch for his &%at@rday, thiz W.arri io:i’s - dedication &d loyal$y. er->Marlins, On Friday night,r-d ’ by-Cathy McGoran

Somers, and Annie ’ _

AEiguh-&k@ing. _SJ ’ .- By L&i

-Theadministratik, Ek&ds&Go\remo& f&klty and staff *be appliedequallyto the developmentprogram&.- of Water? ./( members-and-studentsof the University6f.Waterko and Willoo’s’outstanding universities. .: . G/ . 1 ‘&idLautier Universitywishto &~pr&sthdr sinceregratitude * ’ [ to the folloking mkmberkof the ~Kittihen&WaterloobusiOn btihilf of UWand WLU, we would-liketo sayan enthusik - ‘,. : _ 1. &tic “Thank You” to all’bf thes&o&panies for their .19&I.-. _. It _ jies+ conifiunity, ,. gifts, and to encourageour faculty and staff members,&-‘ ’ Thesecotikanieshait kach>made Ia,pe&ial pledgetoward dints and visitorsA expressth,eirap~preciation when sup- I 1g+@ain@g the.&&$en& &$@&U-an$JJ$,T--~~& dona- -_ porting our businessfriendsin the K-k area. -. \ .-1 fro@, ’q. p& f &&&$ng $&p~ f@ @&&p@gn, will _- ^ 1 . I>, . .\i’ -__ -. .: ..slr -;; _ - 7. .<- .,_ - ,_ .--_..__“__ _ _. -


r / , ’_ , , r _ . .I’ -_ . i ,, _ 7’ . __ ,-_ _ (-r- _~ ~s-q _1 i. . . . .’ + .PHARMAClES x -9 _ MOM& IM’RO.VEAikNTIRUILbINd ‘Acorr! F:tre Safeti Lta. ’ ‘’ : .: ’ AUTOMCj&LE .Mj#$--j&&+E&jjLTy ’ Guardiari Drugs$ampus _ A&iv&owing Service . e_.- *’ -’ --.- -g&.&jjp:~E~z” . I A&on Air Condiiiopipg, ((I ye&&, . ‘e~at~~~~~f&~~T,~,~ i .* . . AOtow&ks,_The _ --- 1 I “l‘Pharmacy Parkdale Pharmacy :Acadian Upholstery& Interior : Fulton Glass Sistems Ltd. B. & L. Motor6Ltd. University Pharmacy Dettmer Tire:& Auto Ceritre -& .&ap$co Pbols G. & A. Lo&Service Ltd. I + Westmqunt Place Pharmacy -Ga&gher riJlovj2fig’ +\ .’ * - K&W Mi@as Muff&r Shops . ’ L - Ave+..&Shaw .l+td. , H. Ctaats-Sales*-Manufa;cturi$j 1:. -I Llo)id’$Awto Service;. _, ( 1. -Be-aver LumbeF PHOTOGRAPHY ; ‘, Parkway Ford-Sales Ltd.:? - ; - ’ . Kitchdwj’r ‘TelxtiAs @lass PqQlSUpplie$ Ltd. T _Lehtiann Bbok~binding B.J. Ppoto Lab’s _ Schlichter’s Ltd; . . ‘Dbvries l-&; Pa@&ing & Decorating Bent’s Cameras & Framing McDougall Signs ICC. - . p.. _ Standard Atito Glass‘. ’ ” Guy’s Int$riors,Forde Studio -. _ -Hill’&‘@dsser~Ltd. , siTowers Department Stpres l&i. ’ I-, S!evens:Mercury Sales Ltd, / * Heer’s Camera Shop Inc. .\ Honsberger Lumber Inc. -‘-’ Wjendell Motor Sales-Ltd: 1, _.. - lh;terio.r woodcraft Ltd Photo Master Ltd. -I-. APPAREL ..i Len Ko&&Flo&ing Lid. ; Athlete’s Foot, The- ’ c . _ - -I‘- @JSI&i&HlkS/RESTitJRANTS ’ ’ Rich-Craft interiors Inc. -.Bohilie Tpgs.Children+‘s Wear . FUI?N/#/NGS .’ Ali Baba Steak House Ltd. Snider Plywood Specialties Ltd.Add-Type Business Equipment Ltd. . Brodey-Draimin Fprs >(Kitchener) Angie’s Kitchen Ltd, Snider Turf Equipment Inc. Ltd. -x Advance Bu&ness Equiphent Ltd. I ChanGes R , I Strassburger Ifibulation Ltd. Collinsjl&&pf F&mals - __, > I Charcoal Steak Hou.se Triangle Insulation Ltd. . j Dack’s Shoes COMP~.TEti~ISTEREOSI *’ Dairy Queen Brqzier Restaurant , Twin City TileiCo. -Ltd. Jacquelirre’s Fashion Boutique VlDEO 7 -. . Harvey’s Restaurant ’ Kabel’s Cotipufer junction ; *_ Houliga‘n’s Dining Lounge _Lashbrodk’s Footwear I 1 * Csmputerland’of ~HOTELSIMO&LS /’ ’ Watertoo’Ltd. -. Knotty Pine Restaurant, The ’ . Pants Plus ’ Holiday Inn i<itchener , ’ t Data,TermiPial Sales \ . McDo‘na&l‘s Restaurants t Paul Puncher Men’s Clothier -e- (bnada) Journey’s End Motdl Ltd. - . of Canada f--Y Ltd. Raggs for Men Valhalla Inn Home Computer Centre .McGinnisLanding . , Ray De1io.n.Mens Wear L&i. ’ Mr. Stereo r , Walper Terrace Hotel ’ ’ I Mother’s Restaurants Wolynetz H. Ltd. Gown House of .Moyie World O’To&$’ Roaflhouse Ristaurant . Kitcheher I Natur_al Sound Shops, The ( .- _ JEvE&IRS :_ ,’ ,/ ~ . Pepi’s Pizza Vi’deo Works Inc. Duqnette.Jewellers Ltd. Pizza Palace of Waterloo Inc. * APPLIANCESIFURNITUREI _ ‘ Hatashita Jewellers Sh@ Shin (Szechuan &-Peking I LIGHTING. ’ ::FLOR/S’TS’ . ‘. -Waite& Jewellers Ltd. d_. Cuisine) . . r I’ -Beam of- Canada Ltd. . Camerons Flower Shop Stanley’s Burgers - -. . Chapman Sewing Centre ’ Flowers N”Fancies Inc. : /LEIStJRklRECRiiTIQNWah Ming $ 013 x @’ .Z_ ,, - _ . ’ Laura Sharpe Flowers , Living Lighting *.’ ’ ’ Chicopee Ski Club X Wharf Restaurant, The (Waierlooj Electric . qchna‘rr FlorisYs ’ . \t ’ hilacfiohtild-Westburne iMcPhail’s Cycle & Sports Ltd. / a Ltd., ” Ltd. ’ Re,cordS ori Wheels _- _ iOOD OUTLE.TSISERV’lCES ’ -. _ Retitacolotir iV Rentals -_ . ’ ’ Riordoti Ski & Sport C&t& _ _ ; s Schreiter’s Fai$ttire Store Ltd. fl . , Bagel Bitin Ltd. , TA.VERNS/ENTERTAJNAiENf t- _ ’ Sam tl%Record tian -_; ,I Breslau Hotel Steye’s TV & Appliances Ltd. IBill’s Super,Variety Sportco ‘of Kitchener Ltd. \ \r. Heidel ber$ Tavern i Buns Master Bake‘ry ’ WBsherama & Appliance Centre Twir;! City Bowl Inc. , . -, Kent Hotel -- _ D-amino’s Pizza -. Webco-S@dits Ltd. . . . ‘Ltd.~ ‘* Lancaster Tavern --Waterbed I&$ Ltd., Ttie . Fung Wong Chin&e Food _St. Cjements Tavern I + Ice Cream PERS6NAL SERVQES ’ . ARTiCdAFTS Vi Ilage PlaceTavetn , Kgntucky Fried Chicken The . Capriilaic Styles Ltd. Artstore of Waterloo Ltd., The . . T-wins \L Crown Cleaners &LBund&mat /s Cloth &Clay T/iAVELITRiNSPORTATION Little Short Stbp Stores itd. *G : Cut & Dried’ HairCare’Framing .Experience ABC’s of Tl’avel Service Mr. Grocer > G.‘% T. Barber Shop GalleryAndigena Airways Transit , New Orleans Pizza - , Racca’s Art Supplies Canadian Travel Centre - . VC : - d* ‘Tim Horton Donuts Ltd. _ . 4 Holiday Rent-A-Cat. Sy@m Wooln6r’s Catering Ltd. , v Larry’s Beauty Salon , r Kuehne & NagellMotz Tiavel. : ’ I-, ’ ’ Newtex‘Ltd. _ Noel Sedman Travel Service .( Razor Edge of Waterloo, The United Trails Inc;. Terence Hair,Design Ltd. Waterloo Taxi-Ltd. WicksCar & Truck Rentals Ltd. Donors to-the ‘we’re f& You” -Camp&g! in :1984! -2- ,

F __ -

Utiivetiity of Waterloo: L._r


Wilfkkkaurier University’ -‘f.


-7 -%



, * 1


i .:


-. -


A, Biamley



‘The . Ontari& Univeriity F&ure Skating -fiqgls were held i;eb:, 168 and” :l-?, at the Cgl,uqbia Icefields. $&en ux+ersi$ies competed in the i\?ro- diy event: . The competition was the finale to 9 idng Season of hard w&k by the team; and coaches. ’ - Sevlral ’ Waterloo ’ skaters turned i6 fine p&ormances. Car@ -Rank<e s&red- second in : Junior .In&rpretive’-and* third (i* .Inierme-@iate Singles, while Helga Zeilke joined her ,to capture first in the Junior SimiIar Pairs event. i ,I, ’ Second place finishes were recorded b$ Pam> Hastingsin Senior Interpretive: ,qd.” @i Heather. Heulme and Stephainie Mueller in Senior Si’milar -Pair& Pat Locker was thtid in ‘Intermediate Solo Dance, while Pam- ~Hastings took thkd -iti Sqnior singles. i .-tic The -coaches were very pleased with the performahces, and M-ike - Richards ex’pects the experience will lead to even better re_sults next _ year. ’ Waterloo placed third in the competitiv? _ _ precisi?-n event. -Queen’s won the’ overall competition, - with Waterloo fifth’, just eight points behind U of T. The Women’s Atliletic Department is-to be commended for creating a successful Ontario champignship.

West -to CIA U by do-Anne


The Warrior Swimmers took to the cool waters of , Sudbury on the weekend of Feb. 15 to 17. Evervone had a great weekend wi& special mention going to tha Givers, Bill Ackfordd and Rob Germain, for ’ their tie11 top ten finish. . .I_ des_erved ;- Qu*alifying -for the CIAU’s P$. 28 to Mai. 2 .were Larigis -- Rep in the iZOOm and 400m -I’-fr3+tyle &iid .l&ke West, who took two awesome firsts in the 1OQm a@2(#m’baCkstroke at ‘. th$ Oy.AA’s. Mike ‘shone like a ,star as he set tournament / recoTd&-in both of his events. :--. I - As alway;, Coach Hkinbu‘ch is quite happy ‘%ith his teams efforts and is looking - optimistically ,toyards- next years sqson:. -__- -I -’ x Everybody interested in the second Winter Camping trip to the &aver Valley area should come o&t onxMar& 9/ 10, or contact Klaus at 8‘845937. If snbw conditions are good’ we will build snowshelters. The cost including food and transportation will ,be apprax. $15 per skier or hiker.

8:OO’p.m. ’ 1, / B,ent presents _, ri /The Blushing Brides tijgether again 7‘I Stones, Stones, Stoics, ,Ston&! ’ fads.Sbe ’ . \ others $7 .I M&h 2’ ’ 8:00 p,m, _Saturday, ASAL & Sci. ‘Sot. presents’ CFNY Tale‘nt Search Fi@ali$ts _ Sampie 8~Hold, .Direktice 17 _L . ’ feds $350 ’ ’ others 94.56’

‘*d kiL

Chris Lawrie




Paul Boyce




Chris is a 5’ 9”; third year Kih student from This past week the fortunes of the Warrior Basketball team turned for the ,better,with the ‘carborough, Ontario. _ return of Paul Boyce after.a four week absence Chris’s tremendous effbrt in the final stages \ If league pl_ay enabled the Athena? to capture I due to a leg injury. he third and last W&t Section Play-off osition. She continued in theQWIAA play- The 6’ 6” 205 lb. native of Sudbury returned ffs averaging between 40 and 50 per cent kills with a. vengence as ‘he led the Warriors 1 spiking and blocking on over 40 attempts in to two v&y hard’ fought play-off wins lree out of four #matches: In the Bronze last weekend. In fact it 3ooks as though nedal match Chris had a kill average of80, he had neverbeen away as he scored a total of 5, ,60, and 45 per cent in a losing cause. 34. p’oirits in the two games and gathered in 15 loupled with this, Chris did an j excellent rebounds while playing 64 minutes out of the :tting job throughout the tournament. \ possible 80.

Monday, March 4 7:OO’p.m. Bent presents The MidhightExpress Experience , * * / “’ S&h Billy Hqyes’ *Movie ta be>.Shownbefore lecture others S4,50





’ , ‘-

Tuesddy, March 5 through IsWednesday, March 6 o@$l I:30 a,m, - lrO0 a,m,fl\ 2 m c!?mmen~ ’ Jays, Ca&ill,: I&z&t$.~ ‘_ Ii J .x Thursday, March 7 ., ’ 8:Od p.m. y Sandy Townsend . ,Even though the owners Labatt’s ‘could 3 When the millionaires and near-millionaires afford to suffer a few losses, &ere is no way that ’ Bent presents >’ &herq f&S $6 IMAG-ES in VOG’UE -----.-. $7 T, lock to Florida at this time of the year it can they will continue to pour money down the l!l!g& only mean one thing. No, it is not the opening drain. The same can be said for all the other


bf the polo season at the West palm Beach s owners in. major league baseball, ‘$0 club, but the opening of baseball‘s spring @ know that, the players are making raining. , money, and weTan assume &at the owners While we in the frozen north wo about are. So, who is coming out on the short end of now storms, icy roads, and “r reezing . _ ?mperatures, the’ Blue Jays, and Expos are _ the stick? The fan. Judging by season ticket sales around the , &ing on their tans and stretching and league, there aren’t many who would agree noaning their -way into shape for openin day. with me., There is more interest thisyear, and The latest Jay, Bill Caudill, will pro %ably more peoplewilling to part with their hardpend most of his time explaining to the media earned cash than ever before; $ly he isd$ptjA& .ti:4-miilion’a year TV the Jays. The public is being whipped into an excited here are manv who will believe him. but I will state by the .media who~love to coverspring ever be ronvinced that ,anyone who dresses training because the reporters and lV crew& p in pyjamas and throws a little white ball can s nd their springtime in warm-and sunny mound% front of his friendcan be,,wortb that Flori r’ a, while the rest of us suffer through the nd of cash. final throes of winter. Labatt’s, who own the Jays, are in the After hearing six weeks ot BiueJay storie aseball business for two -reasons. One, to from Florida, thousands of people will rus ii. ,romote and sell their products and, second, into the snows of April to be in Exasperation 1 make a profit. They can achieve the latter byStadium for opening day. Then we can see if ccomplishing the former. I -. Mr. Caudill is worth his $1.4 m/yr. Personally, I For Pat Gillick and the Blue Jays, the remain unconvinced., nportant question is, just how many more However, one day when tne ‘rass is green eople, fans, and friends will come to ’ and the weather is warm I mig a t, just might, ‘xhaustion Stadium to-watch Mr. Caudill. They make the pilgramage to Toronto to check out ?ust feel that there will be enough new paying Mr. Caudill for m self. If the sun is shinin and ustomers wanting to see the new Jay saviour the hot dogs are ii ot, and if the beer is co Pd and 3 award him that kind of money ’ if Caudill shuts out the opposition in the final The Jays, after all, are a business, and in any .inning to preserve a Jay victory, I think theincome must be greater than r usiness, answer may just be, yes. -r xbenses. I i

Student Special No. 3 Taco Happy Houli! ’ 2pmMonday ‘. - Regular


Spttt to Friday

’ .


, I

are 49@ each.

We start with a crisp, corn tortilla. Then we add spkcially . seasoned ground beef, fresh lettuce. and shredded cz cheddar cheese.


\ i

.Please present Off& valid (Saks




Istudent through

card when drdering. March 14, 1985

tax not includedi-

. University

n. I I/ I I I I I I I, 1~

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. at Weber


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Free ‘“Let’s Go Europe”. “book with pwcha& of ‘Eurailpass ’ r x ‘Free International ‘. WSost&lling Card *with youth (25 I IL : yn’&r), air line -ticket purchase -T. I . -a ‘Book ,now for Britain i & Europe Man - Thurs l

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Thelohest pricefor a NorthAmeiican-builtcargets , - ~ yqu ti 1985ChevyChevett@.Scoote&oupe wifh ’ . _ ’ .’ ’ hatchbackconvenierice.Cui.pii-ecarpet.-ReClining full-foamybucketseats;Electronicignition.Radial i ’ tires.Peppy1.6litreoyerhe& &m 4-cylind& \ engine.Ispeed manual transmission.Rack-and- piniM&win‘g‘, Bodyside nioB!dings;All for-d bottom-linethat sendsit to the top of thfi class!, ‘-

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